Where Popery and Innovations doe begin,
There Treason will by degrees come in.
If they had ruld still, where had we been?
God keepe us from Prelates, Popish Prelates.

Only Canonicall prayers


So we desire it.


no afternoon sermons

Then no Bishops

The Pope.

Estote proditores
Betraye your Country

Jesuit, Fryer, and Papist.
COme downe Prelates, all arow,
Your Protestation brings you low,
Have not we alwayes told you so;
You are too sawcy Prelates,
Come downe Prelates.
Canterbury your Armes from the Steeple high,
The stormes have caused low to lie,
You know not how soone your selfe may die,
Prepare your selfe Canterbury;
Downe must Canterbury.
Yorke, when you were Lincolne of late,
You were in the Tower, yet still you will prate,
How dare you Protest against the whole State,
You are too bold Yorke,
Come downe proud Yorke.
Durham, how dare you be so bold,
To have the Parliament by you contrould,
T'were better you to the Scots had been sold,
You are deceived Durham,
Come downe old Durham.
Coventry, and Lichfeild, your Popery is knowne,
T'were better you had let the Parliament alone,
But now it's too late to make your moane,
You are fast Coventry,
Come downe Coventry.
Norwich, is your Remonstrance come to this,
We now see what your humilitie is;
Were you removed from Exeter for this,
You are led away Norwich,
Come downe Norwich.
Asaph, what a change is here,
You that even now was so great a Peere,
And now a Prisoner this new yeare;
You must lie by it Asaph,
In the Tower Asaph.
Bath and Wels, where is now thy hope,
Canst thou not get a pardon from the Pope,
To passe away without a Rope?
Where art thou Bath and Wels?
Down must Bath and Wels.
Hereford, was never so promoted,
Since out of the Convocation he was rooted,
To hasten this project it was well footed,
To bring thee down Hereford,
Down must Hereford.
Oxford, the Students will curse thy fact,
For doing of such an ungodly Act,
Thy credit now is utterly cract:
You are not for Oxford,
But the Tower Oxford.
Ely, thou hast alway to thy power,
Left the Church naked in a storme and showre,
And now (for't) thou must to thy old friend ith' Tower;
To the Tower must Ely,
Come away Ely.
Gloster, go tell old William now,
That thou art made perforce to bow,
Meerly drawn in, thou knowst though how,
You must away Gloster,
To prison poore Gloster.
Peterborough, England knows thee well,
Where is thy candle, book, and Bell?
Thy Pardons now will never fell,
There's no help Peterborough,
Go must Peterborough.
Landaff, provide for St. Davids day,
Lest the Leeke, and Red-herring run away,
Are you resolved to go or to stay?
You are called for Landaff,
Come in Landaff.
London Printed in the yeer that ended,
When the Prelates Protestation against the Parliament was vended,
And they were sent to the Tower, as the old yeer ended,
By a dozen together,
In frosty weather.
Anno Dom. 164 [...].

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