¶ The copie of the Queenes highnesse Commission.

ELizabeth by the grace of God, Queene of Englande, Fraunce, and Irelande, defendour of the fayth. &c.
To all and singuler our Iustices of peace, Maiors, Sheriffes, Bayliffes, Constables, and other our officers, of what estate, degree, or condition he or they be, and to euery of them, greetyng.

Whereas in the Parliament holden at West­minster, in the .xxxiii. yere of the raigne of our late father of worthy me­morie, kyng Henrie the eyght, one acte or statute was then and there made for the mayntenaunce of artillerie, and debarryng of vnlawfull games: By the which good statute, amongest many other thynges, it was prouided, that the fathers, gouernours, and maisters of the youth of this our Realme, shoulde in diuers and sundry sortes, trayne and bryng vp their youth in shootyng in the long bowe, and shoulde haue for that purpose seuerall bowes and arrowes, in number and quantitie accordyng to their ages and yeres, vpon such payne and penaltie as is expressed in the sayde statute: as by the same statute more at large it doth and may appeare. And beyng geuen to vnderstande, that for lacke of due searche whe­ther euery person or persons in fourme abouesayde haue bowe and arrowes accordyng to the tenor of the sayde acte, the sayde good statute is in that behalfe in the most partes of this our Realme vtterly forgotten, and not accomplisshed. We haue therefore thought it good for diuers good considerations vs specially mouyng, to nominate, assigne, and appoynt our welbeloued Subiectes A B. C D. and euery of them to geue diligent and good attendaunce to the execution aswell of that part & braunche of the sayde Statute, as also to all and euery other matter and thyng conteyned in the same: geuyng them and euery of them full power and aucthoritie by vertue of these presentes, in our name, not only from tyme to tyme as often as neede shal require, to make due and lawfull searche in euery place with­in our Countie of S. aswell within liberties as without, aswell for such as vse vnlawfull games, as also for such as kepe houses or alleys for vnlawfull games: and also whether euery seuerall person or persons for him selfe, his seruauntes, and other youth in his or their seuerall houses, haue sufficient furnitute and prouision of bowe and arrowes, and haue and do vse and occupie the same accordyng to the true meanyng of the sayde statute. The which bowe and arrowes shalbe brought to some conue­nient place or places, within the seuerall townes and parishes where such parties dwell, by the discre­tion of you our sayde Iustices or other officers aforesayde, there to be viewed and sene by our sayde sub­iectes aboue named: but also vpon cause necessary, and where neede shalbe, to require you and euery of you our sayde Iustices or other officers inhabityng or dwellyng within the sayde Countie, aswell within liberties as without, to ayde and assist them and euery of them in doyng and executyng the pre­misses. Vpon which search, viewe, and examination by our sayd subiectes aboue named, or any of them yf there shalbe founde any person or persons offendyng in any the premisses contrary to the fourme of the sayde statute: then our pleasure is, that such of our sayde subiectes aboue rehearsed as shall fynde the sayde offences, shall present the same, with the names and dwellyng places of all and euery person so offendyng, and the tyme and continuaunce of their sayde seuerall offences, in writyng, vnder their handes & seales before you our sayde Iustices, at the generall Sessions of the peace to be holden within the sayde Countie next after the fyndyng of the sayde defaultes: To the intent that you may thervpon certifie vs into our court of Chauncerie, wherby we may further proceede agaynst such offendours, as shalbe most agreeable to the order of our lawes prouided in that behalfe. Wherfore we wyll and com­maunde you our sayde Iustices and other officers, and euery of our subiectes appoynted to the seruice of these presentes, to geue faythfull and good attendaunce to the execution of this our Commission in all thynges as appertayneth accordyngly. In witnesse wherof, we haue caused these our letters to be made patentes.

Per ipsam Reginam.

God saue the Queene.

Printed at London in Powles Churchyarde, by Richard Jugge and Iohn Cawood, printers to the Queenes Maiestie.

Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.


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