INSTRVCTIONS which His Maiesties Commissio­ners for the loane of money to His Maiestie throughout the Kingdome, are exactly and effectually to obserue and follow.

LONDON, Printed by Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, Printers to the KINGS most Excellent Maiestie. 1626.

Instructions which Our Commissi­oners for the loane of money vn­to Ʋs in Our County of [...] are exactly and effectually to ob­serue and follow.

1 FIrst, with all speede after the receipt of this Our Commission, yee shall assemble your selues to­gether, and vpon conference and ad­uice betweene your selues, yee shall de­termine in what māner ye wil proceede to the execution of this Our Commissi­on in the seuerall parts and diuisions of this whole County. And before your parting from this first place and time of your meeting, you shall your selues, for a good example to others, lend vnto Vs these seuerall summes of money, which are heereby required of you to be lent, testified by the writing of your names with your owne hands, that when ye shall in Our name require o­thers to lend, they shall discerne your [Page]owne forwardnes, and that you do not mooue others to that which ye forbeare to doe your selues, the Lords and others of Our priuie Councell attending Our person hauing already done the same, by the subscription of euery of their names. And before your parting, you shall cause so many of those of that County to appeare before you, and pro­ceed with them according to these Our Commission and Instructions.

2 And because We would expedite this seruice, and ease you of importuni­tie, and leaue no way to the partiall in­formation of others, in the vnder or o­uer valuation of mens estates (which is often subiect to much errour) We haue thought this to be the most indifferent and equall way of coniecturing at euery mans ability to lend, by taking those rates for Our guide, at which they were assessed in the bookes of the last Subsi­die, and to require the loane of so much money only, as the entire rate and value comes vnto, at which they are there ra­ted and set; As namely, Hee that is set [Page]at one hundred pounds in Lands, to lend vs one hundred pounds in money, and so after that rate for a more or lesse summe; And hee that is set at one hun­dred pounds in goods, to lend Vs one hundred markes; And hee that is set at ten pounds in goods to lend vs twenty nobles, and so pro rata for a greater or lesser summe. And where there are bea­rers or contributors, they shall assist the Subsidie man.

3 When ye haue agreed betweene your selues of the seuerall daies and pla­ces of your sittings, and which of you shall attend it, at euery seuerall place of your meetings in the seuerall parts of this County (which Wee would haue you to appoint as speedily as may bee, and to attend without intermission) you shall send your warrants vnder your hands, or the hands of two of you at the least, to the high Constables, petty Constables, and other officers, of, and in those seuerall diuisions, personally to warne all such persons who were asses­sed for the last Subsidie, or to leaue such [Page]warning in writing at their dwelling houses, that they faile not to giue you meeting, at the times and places appoin­ted by you, and that those Officers to whom your warrants are directed, faile not to giue an account vnto you of their seruice therein. And such as haue beene warned and doe not appeare be­fore you at the day and place appointed, you shall send for by warrant, and bind them ouer to appeare before the Lords and others of Our Priuie Councell.

4 That at euery of those meetings when there is a conuenient number as­sembled, you vse all possible endeauors, to cause euery of them willingly and cheerefully to lend these Summes vnto vs, opening vnto them the necessitie, and vnauoidablenesse of this course, and setting before them, that Our Honour, the reputation of this Nation, the true Religion, and common safety of Vs and Our people, and of Our Friends and Allies, are all ingaged in this common Cause, That there is now no time of disputing, but of acting that which con­cernes [Page]Our common Defence, and assu­ring them that this course which is at this time enforced by necessitie, and to which no ordinarie rules of Law can be prescribed, shall not bee drawen into example or president.

5 That if ye shal meete with any ob­iections, or scruples raysed, which may bee impediments to this Our Seruice, That yee vse all diligence to remoue them, and satisfie them, And if any shall obiect or whisper, That if this way of raysing of money take place, then no Parliament shall hereafter bee called; That yee satisfie such, That the sudden­nes and importance of the occasions are such, as cannot possibly admit of that de­lay, which the Summoning, Assembling and Resolutions of a Parliament do ne­cessarily draw with it, And that it is farre from Our heart to make any such vse of the loue of Our people; But that We are fully purposed to call a Parliament, as soone as fitly Wee may, and as often as the Common-wealth and State-oc­casions shall require it; And that by [Page]their affections shewed vnto Vs in this way of necessitie, they shall the sooner inuite Vs to the frequent vse of Parlia­ments, being confident in the hearts of Our people.

6 That ye appoint the dayes of pai­ment of the Summes of Money to bee lent vnto Vs, to bee within fourteene dayes, and perswade such as shall bee able, to pay it at one entire payment, the better to accommodate Our great oc­casions, which are present and pressing: But to such as in your good discretions yee shall thinke it more conuenient, yee may accept of the one halfe at fourteene dayes, and the other halfe to bee payd within three moneths next after the said fourteene dayes.

7 That you treate apart with euery one of those who are to lend vnto Vs, and not in the presence or hearing of any others, vnlesse you see cause to the con­trary in your good discretions: And as euery one giueth consent, That you cause him or her to set his or her name or marke to a Booke, Roll, or Liste to [Page]bee made by you, testifying their assent, with a marke or distinction for the times of payment accorded vnto; And if ye shall finde any, who either shall de­nie to lend vnto Vs, or shall make de­layes or excuses, let them know they doe thereby incurre Our high displeasure: And if they persist in their obstinacie, notwithstanding that, Then yee shall examine such person vpon oath, whe­ther he hath been dealt withall, perswa­ded or practised with to denie or refuse to lend, or to make excuse for his not lending, who hath so dealt with him, and what speeches or perswasions he or they haue vsed tending to that purpose? And ye shall also charge euery such per­son in Our Name vpon his Allegiance not to disclose to any other, what his an­swere was; And if any shall refuse to lend, or refuse to take this oath, you shall binde him ouer to appeare before Vs, or our Priuy Counsell, to answere his contempt.

8 You shall shew your owne affe­ctions and zeale to this businesse, and [Page]to Our seruice, in your effectuall dea­ling with all men freely and cheereful­ly to runne this course, and in vsing your powers, fauours, & credits which euery of you haue in the Countie, a­mongst the Gentlemen, Freeholders, and others, to aduance this businesse, that it may come off cheerefully and roundly. And that you your selues by any meanes discouer not any coldnesse, or vnwillingnesse to the seruice, where­by any others to their discouragement, may gather that you haue no heart to the Worke, although for formes sake you must take it vpon you, being em­ployed therein: but that in your owne persons ye heartily and really intend it as a worke of infinite importance to Our seruice, and the seruice and [...]afety of the Common-wealth.

9 That in your treating with your neighbours, about this businesse, you shew your owne discretions and affe­ctions, by making choice of such to be­gin with, who are likely to giue the best examples: and when you haue a com­petent [Page]number of hands to the Roll or List of the Lenders, that yee shew the same to others as they come before you, to lead them to lend in the like manner.

10 Ye shall obserue and discouer by all good wayes and meanes, whether any publiquely or vnder-hand be wor­kers, or perswaders of others dissent or dislike from this course, or to hinder the good dispositions of any others to lend vnto Vs: and as much as you may, ye shall hinder all discourses about it. And ye shall certifie Our Priuie Coun­cell in writing of the names, qualities, and dwelling places of all such refra­ctary persons with all speed, and especi­ally if ye shall discouer any Combinati­on or confederacie, against these Our proceedings.

11 Ye shal let all men know whom it shall concerne, that we are well pleased, vpon lending of these summes required, to remit all that which by Letters in Our Name was desired, vpon the late beneuolence, as a free gift: And if any haue already payd to Our vse any such [Page]summe, that the same be accepted for so much, as in part of this loane, And if it exceed the summe desired to bee lent, that the ouerplus shall be repayed vnto them without fee or charge, and in like sort, where it shall be equall, no further summe shall then bee required. And this being made to appeare vnto the Collector or Collectors of this Loane, either by certificate of such person who collected the said Bencuolence, or priuy Seales, or otherwise, it shall be sufficient warrant to the parties that are to lend, to defalke accordingly, as also to the Colle­ctor for not requiring or collecting any more.

12 Likewise if sithence the last Par­liament, any haue receiued priuie Seales, Our pleasure is, that if they haue not yet payd in any moneys therevpon, that they agreeing to the loane of the summe required, be excused of the payment of the Priuy Seales. And if they haue alrea­dy payd into Our Exchequer, or to any Collector to Our vse any such summes of money vpon those Priuie Seales, if [Page]the same bee lesse then the money now desired to be lent, it shall be accepted in part of payment thereof, if it be more, then the surplussage thereof, vpon demaund shall be repayd without fee or other charge: and in like sort, where the Priuie Seale shall bee equall with the summe hereby desired to bee lent, there the Priuie Seale to bee accepted for the loane. And these Our Instructions, to­gether with your Certificate thereof, shall bee a sufficient Warrant for the same.

13 If ye either know or finde any able person not set in the last Subsidie, That yee deale with euery such inhabi­tant in the same manner and according to the same proportion as is held with other Subsidie men, according to your iudgements and best discretions: and insert their names and summes in the said booke, roll, or list amongst the o­thers of them. But ye are not to admit of any suit to be made, or any reasons to bee giuen for the abating of any summes, the time and the instant occa­sions [Page]not now admitting any such di­spute, which would but disturbe and protract the seruice. But where you shall finde pouerty and disabilitie, there to vse a discretion when it comes to be collected.

14 That ye appoint such and so ma­ny fit and able persons to bee collectors of the summes of money within this County, as you shall thinke fit, of whom you shall take good bonds for true pai­ment of the summes they shall receiue. The Collectors are to pay in the mo­neyes into the receipt of Our Exche­quer, without fee or reward to be paid by them, within foureteene dayes after the receipt hereof. And as soone as yee haue finished this seruice (which Wee require you to performe with all possi­ble diligence and speed) ye are to certifie vnto Our Priuie Councell the names of the Collectors (who shall haue such al­lowance made vnto them by the Lord Treasurer as shall be fit) and the names and summes of the seuerall persons, who thus shall lend vnto Vs, together [Page]with the said booke, roll, or list thereof.

15 Yee shall deliuer to euery Colle­ctor nominated by you, a perfect tran­script vnder your hands, or vnder the hands of two of you, of the names and summes of euery person promising and vndertaking to lend vnto Vs, and the Collector who receiueth the moneyes, shall vpon receipt thereof deliuer an ac­quittance for the same, or so much as hee receiueth, which shall bee a suffi­cient warrant for the repayment there­of vnto the Lender, and a sufficient te­stimony that hee hath payd the same. And euery such Collectour within the foureteene dayes before [...]mited, is to pay in the moneyes within his Colle­ction as aforesaid, or returne in vnder his hand in writing, the names of all such as refused or neglected to pay vn­to him the summes expressed.

16 And if any of the Commissio­ners shall be absent from the execution of this seruice, (which wee hope will not be) That the rest of you the Com­missioners certifie their Names, who [Page]shall make such default; as also the Names of all such, who vpon these Sum­mons doe not come and attend you.

17 And Wee doe hereby explane and declare, That the charge giuen by the said Commission, or by these Our Instructions vpon faith and allegiance to attend this seruice, bee not meant or extended to any of Our Priuy Counsell, for that they are daylie imployed other­wise in Our seruice: Nor to any Peere of this Realme not Resident in the County where he is named a Commis­sioner, nor to any other that by Our special direction is otherwise employed in Our seruic [...].

And these Our Instructions Wee re­quire and command you vpon your faith and Alleagiance vnto Vs, to keepe secret to yourselues, and not impart or disclose the same to any others.

These instructions for the ease of transcribing, and the speedier dispatch of the seruice, are ordered to be Printed, but no more Copies to be made or ta­ken, then shall bee deliuered to the Commissioners vpon their diuiding themselues into seuerall parts of the County, for execution of the Commission.


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