M r. EDWARD DERING, HIS Godly priuate Pray­ers for Christian Families.

Whereunto is annexed, his briefe and necessa­ry Catechisme for Housholders.

Marke 11.24. Whatsoeuer you desire when you pray, be­leeue th [...]t ye shall haue it, and it shall be giuen vnto you.
[...]om. 10.13. Whosoeu [...]r shall call vpon the Name of the Lord, shall be saued.

LONDON, Printed by Isaac Iaggard, 1624.

A PREFACE describing the Glori­ous estate of the Saints on earth and the true Nature, and Right vse of Prayer. To the excellent that are on earth, all things pertaining to life and glo­ry through the spirit of Grace and Supplication.

Beloued in the Lord Iesus,

AS the loue of God hath heerein exceedingly a­bounded vnto vs, that we are called the Sons of God; [Page] so there is not a more pregnant Embleme of our Adoption to be his Children, then that wee cry Abba, Father; nor a more liuely pledge of our loue vnto God, then that we doe cast our selues into the armes of his mercy, by faithfull prayer. Oh how much better is it to bee a doore-keeper in the House of God, then to sit on the Throne with Princes? How exceeding were the riches of Gods mercie towards vs, that spared not his onely Sonne vnto death, to restore vs from death, to life? That the Lord of Glory became a Seruant vnto all, that hee might redeeme vs from the bondage of sinne, into tbe glo­rious liberty of the Sonnes of God? That life it selfe became death, that hee might deliuer vs from death vnto life: That [Page] he that knew no sinne, but was perfect holinesse it selfe, yet be­came sinne for our sakes, that we might be made the righte­ousnesse of God in him. Surely, if Dauid thought it an high aduancement to bee the sonne in law to an earthly & wicked King, How much more glori­ous is our aduancement, that we are become the adopted sons of the Almighty, and Holyest God, who is the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords? And if the Queene of Saba counted the seruants of Salomon happie, because they enioyed his pre­sence and were partakers of the worldly and fading Comforts as abounded in his Court: Oh how much more happie is the condition of the Saints of God that do not only enioy the gra­cious presence of God with open [Page] face, in whose fauour is Eter­nall life, but are thereby tran­slated into the same image, frō glory to glory, as by the Spirit of GOD, that so they may bee made meete partakers of that glorious inheritance with the Saints in light; euen that light which is immortall and vnde­filed, which fadeth not? If to be rich in faith & good workes be the true and dureable trea­sure which fayleth not; If the ioy of the Spirit be that which none can take away from vs; If all earthly honor be as dung in comparison of that inward glory wherewith the Kinges daughter is adorned; If theyr safety be impregnable, which haue a wall of fire to beguirt them, & therein walking most secure that haue the Lord of Hosts to protect & guide them; [Page] then happy surely, and thrice happy is the condition of Gods Children, who haue God to bee their Portion, and may enioy durable riches, pure and euer­lasting Comfort, honor that ne­uer fadeth, and security with­out securitie. For as our secu­rity in God makes vs watchful ouer our owne waies, and iea­lous of our owne inability, so heereby are we daily cast vpon the riches of Christ, and from him encrease and grow in grace. And as we grow in grace so do we attaine to, and prosper more and more in peace of con­science, and thereby abound with ioy in the holy Ghost. And the more we are filled with ioy and peace in beleeuing, the more do we glorify our God in cheer­full obedience, and so as mem­bers are more intirely interes­sed [Page] in the glorie of our head, ap­proaching heereby neerer to the life of Glory, the more wee tri­umph ouer all our oppositions, and are more throughly abased and excluded of all glorying in our selues, that so dooing all things to the glory of our God, we may be aduanced by him in abasing our sel [...]es, and weaned from all carnall & fading glo­rie, that we may bee fitted for the glory of the life to come. And what can now hinder vs heerefrom, whereto all things shall further? No trouble can do it, seeing it prepares thereto: No, not sinne shall hinder, be­cause it is not imputed; but ra­ther auailes to the imputation of righteousnesse, that so the sting of sinne may be remoued. It is not life can doe it, because we are dead vnto sinne; neither [Page] shall death auaile hereunto, see­ing we are aliue vnto GOD. Much lesse may Angels hinder, because they are ministring spi­rits for our good, to keepe vs in all our waies: Nor Principali­ties can preuaile, because the Kingdomes are the Lords, and so ouerseers to the Saints: It is not powers shall hinder, seeing all power is giuen to our Head; and so in him we are able to doe all things: Neither things pre­sent should ought auaile hereto, because we liue by Faith, & not by sight, and so can lay vp a good Foundation by them ag [...]inst the life to come. Neither shall things to come hinder vs, which are alreadie ours by Faith, whereby wee apprehend them, though yet we enioy them not, and so in patience wait for them; and so by continuance in [Page] wel-doing, make ready for thē. And how shal height hinder vs who haue the Highest to bee our hope, whom lowlinesse aduan­ceth, and highnesse abaseth? Can depth preuent vs, vvhen our Head is aboue water, nay a­boue the highest Heauens, whe­ther he will draw vs vp all af­ter him, out of the deepest snares? No, no, it is not hell can hinder vs seeing it is destroyed, nor Satan shall preuaile, for see­ing we haue the shield of Faith to resist him, hee will flye from vs

Behold the wonderfull and glorious priuiledges of the sons of God! And by this wee know, that we haue this glorious vni­on and fellowship with God, e­uen by his Spirit that hee hath giuen vs. And hereby we know effectually, that the Spirit [Page] dwelleth in vs euen by this bles­sed libertie and boldnes in pres­sing to the throne of Grace, cry­ing Abba, Father, with all Son-like importunity; and challen­ging his promise in Christ Ie­sus. Thus by the Spirit, wee know our Adoption, and by the Spirit of Prayer, we pleade the same. And can we be deni­ed when the Spirite helpes our Infirmities, and knovves our Wants? Shall wee not preuaile aboue whatsoeuer wee can aske or thinke, seeing our Sauiour is our Aduocate to make interces­sion for vs, who knowes what is best for vs, who heares before we aske, and askes that we may be heard?

Behold here the ground and necessitie of Prayer. If the Spi­rit be in vs, we shall pray in the Spirit; and if we pray in the li­bertie [Page] of the Spirit, wee are set at liberty thereby, euen the li­bertie of the Sonnes of GOD. Onely be we wise to try the Spirit by the Spirit, that so vvee may not offer the sacrifice of Fooles.

1. It is the Spirit of know­ledge, and so wee must pray in knowledge.

2. It is the Spirit of Christ that is in vs, and so wee must pray in the Name of Christ by the Spirit.

3. It is the Spirit of Faith, and so wee must pray in Faith without doubting.

4. And it is the Spirit of Pa­tience, and so we must waite in Prayer.

5. It is the Spirit of Wise­dome, teaching vs what to pray for, & so we must pray in wise­dom for such things as be most [Page] soueraigne and necessary. For spirituall graces absolutely, for temporall with condition.

6 It is the Spirit of Humility, teaching vs to denie our owne wisedome, and not rest in our owne righteousnesse, and so to submit to the will of God, as not to faint in our labour, al­though we faile in our particu­lar desire.

7 It is the Spirit of Perseue­rance, and so we must pray con­tinually, and perseuere therein with all thankfulnesse.

8 It is a quickning & powr­full Spirit, working mightily in vs, and so wee must pray in all zeale and feruency of the Spi­rit, because if they bee feruent, they shall preuaile.

9. It is the holy and blessed Spirit, and therefore whosoeuer calleth on the name of the Lord [Page] must depart from Iniquity; if we regard iniquity in our harts the Lord will not heare our prayers.

Thus may we pray in the Spi­rit. Neither may such prescript forme of Prayer preiudice or stint the same. But we must be carefull of the sense of our par­ticular wants, and apprehension of Gods fauour in Iesus Christ, to powre out our hearts vnto our GOD, who is onely priuy hereunto, and loueth trueth in the inward parts: so shall the words of our mouths be accep­table vnto him, whether wee speake by the mediate direction of holy men, who are inspired by the holy Ghost, or immediately by the inspiration of the holie and blessed Spirit.

1 Being wise in either to a­uoyd formality, customaries, & [Page] superstition, as if the thing how soeuer done, would preuaile.

2 Labouring still to quicken vppe our hearts in the loue of Christ, that so we may continue with all patience and perseue­rance therein.

3 Vsing carefully to search and prepare our hearts, vvhen we come before the Lord.

4 Preparing our hearts by holy Meditation of the Maie­sty, power, and goodnes of God, to quicken our faith, and con­found carnall Wisedome.

5 Renewing our Vowes and Couenants with the Lord, when soeuer wee looke to speede well from him.

6 And yet not building any further in the issue vppon our God, then may stand vvith his good pleasure for our cheefest good in his Time and Manner, [Page] which shall be fittest for vs.

7 Comforting our selues ra­ther in the sense of that diuine assistance, quickening our re­quests, and continuing powrefully therein, then in any pre­sent sensible issue concerning our selues: that still wee may haue to reioyce in our God, and not in our selues.

8 And so quieting our harts that we haue done the vvill of our GOD, that the vvill of God may bee done in vs, to the satisfying of our best desires in that manner and measure, as best pleaseth him for our maine and principall good. Thus may we preuaile in Prayer.

And to this end mayest thou make vse of these helpes, rather as Directions to informe thee aright in the matter and order of Prayer; thē any strict bounds [Page] to confine thee to the letter ther­of Wishing thee in the feare of God, so to make vse thereof, as to make them rather meanes to stir vp the Spirit in thee, then to stint or prescribe the same. Which thou shalt do, if that thou dost seriously meditate on each particular Model before thou vse the same to informe thine vnderstanding, & kindle thine affections to the loue therof: & then so vse the Forme as not to rest heerein, but rather to pro­pound it as a patterne for thy better direction in the like, and so to sample it as neere as thou maist, or rather euen to put life vnto it, and better the same.

And so the Lord giue thee vn­derstanding in all things, in whom I rest.

Tho: Cooper.

¶ A Table of all the seuerall Prayers con­tained in this Booke.

  • A Briefe Prayer vpon the Lords prayer. 64
  • Another Prayer more at large vp­on the Lords prayer. 76
  • A Confession of sins with Faith and repentance. 101
  • A prayer for the prosperous estate of the whole Church. 110
  • Morning prayer for priuate houses and Families. 125
  • Euening prayer for the same. 135
  • A forme of prayer daily to bee vsed of all faithfull Christians in their houses, or elsewhere. 144
  • A speciall Morning Prayer for the Sabbath. 184
  • Euening prayer for the Sabath. 205
  • A Prayer to be said before the hea­ring [Page] or reading of the holy Scrip­tures. 222
  • A Thankesgiuing after the hearing or reading of the word of God. 230
  • A Prayer before the receiuing of the Sacrament. 236
  • A Prayer to be said after the recei­uing of the Sacrament. 238
  • A Prayer for constant perseuerance in praying, when wee are dull to prayer. 240
  • A Prayer for all times. 245
  • A prayer for all estates. 250
  • A Prayer to bee confirmed in the knowledge of God. 255
  • A Prayer for the obtaining of sa­uing Faith. 258
  • A Prayer to feele in heart spirituall comfort, and the liuely sence of our Adoption by Faith. 274
  • A Prayer against doubting, where­by to strengthen a weake Faith, and to perseuere therein. 278
  • [...] Prayer for obtaining of Triall, and cherishing of the holy Spi­rit of God. 302
  • [Page]A Prayer for obtaining of a liuely Hope. 322
  • A prayer for the obtaining and en­crease of Loue. 330
  • A prayer to obtaine and preseru [...] the feare of God, that we may b [...] kept constant thereby in holiness [...] to the end. 3 [...]
  • A prayer for the obtaining of grac [...] and wisedome. 34 [...]
  • A prayer to walke faithfully an [...] fruitfully in our Ciuill and personal Callings. 35 [...]
  • A prayer before the taking of Iourney. 36 [...]
  • A Thankesgiuing for good succe [...] therein. 3 [...]
  • A Prayer for a Woman in Tr [...] ­uaile. 3 [...]
  • A Thankesgiuing after safe De [...] ­uerance. 3 [...]
  • A prayer for those that assist a tr [...] ­uailing woman. 3 [...]
  • A Thankesgiuing for their g [...] successe. 3 [...]
  • A prayer for such as in this w [...] [Page] bee very rich. 391
  • A prayer for such as be poore and needy. 395
  • A prayer to obtaine grace of God, against the assaults of the world, the flesh, and the diuell. 397
  • A Thankesgiuing after blessings obtained, to acknowledge them as from God. 409
  • A prayer for patience in Tribulati­on, and that God may be glorifi­ed thereby. 412
  • A prayer for Mortification & ho­linesse. 417
  • A prayer for the feeling of the sinne of Hypocrisie, that we may di­rect our life according to the pre­script rule of the Word. 424
  • A prayer against the secret venim and great daunger of prospe­ritie. 431
  • A prayer against Whoredome and Vncleannesse. 439
  • A prayer against Couetousnesse and Ambition. 443
  • A prayer against vsuall and com­mon Swearing. 446
  • [Page]A Prayer against Pride. 449
  • A prayer against Gluttonie and Drunkennesse. 455
  • A prayer against Idlenesse and Sloth. 460
  • A prayer against Infidelity & dis­paire, necessarie for a troubled and wounded Conscience. 464
The END of the Table.

A briefe and neces­sarie Catechisme: Very meet to be knowne of eue­ry one, before they bee admitted vnto the Supper of the Lord.


WHat is the chee­fest thing which euery one ought to bee most care­full of, as long as they liue?

An. Euery one ought to be most careful of these two points. First and chiefely, [...]ow we can be saued in the [Page 2] day of iudgement, before Gods iudgement seate, and so come to life euerlasting. Secondly, how to liue ac­cording to Gods holie will during our life. In which two points wholly standeth the glory of God, so much as of man ought to bee sought for.

Que. How can we know this how wee are discharged before Gods iudgement seate?

An. We can neuer know how we bee discharged be­fore the iudgement seate of God, vntill such time as we know our owne miserable estate by reason of the greatnesse of our sinnes, and the horrible punishment, which we deserue for them.

Que. How doest thou know the greatnesse of thy sinne, and [Page 3] the horrible punishment due to the same.

An. The greatnes of my sinne, and the horrible pun­nishment thereof, I knowe [...]y the Law of God, rightly vnderstood, the sum where­of is contained in the tenne Commandements.

Quest. Rehearse the tenne Commandements.

An. God spake all these wordes, and saide, I am the Lord thy God, w c brought [...]hee out of the Land of E­gypt, out of the House of [...]ondage.

1 THou shalt haue none other but Gods me.

2 Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen Image, nor the likenesse of any thing that [...]s in Heauen aboue, nor in the [...]arth beneath, nor in the wa­ter [Page 4] vnder the earth: thou shalt not bowe downe to them, nor worship them: For I the Lord thy God, am a iealous God, and visit the sinnes of the Fathers vpon the children, to the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, and shew mercie vnto thousands, in them that loue mee, and keepe my Com­mandements.

3 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy GOD in vaine: for the Lord will not hold him guiltlesse, that taketh his name in vaine.

4 Remember thou keep holy the Sabbath day, six daies shalt thou labour, and doe all that thou hast to do. But the seuenth day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God. In it, thou shalt do no manner of worke, thou, & thy sonne, and thy daughter, thy [Page 5] manseruant, and thy maidser­uant, try cattle, and the stran­ger that is within thy gates. For in sixe dayes, the LORD made heauen and earth, the sea and all that in them is, and re­sted the seuenth day: wherfore the Lord blessed the seauenth day, and hallowed it.

5 Honor thy Father & thy Mother, that thy dayes may be long in the Land, which the Lord thy God giueth thee.

6 Thou shalt do no murder.

7 Thou shalt not committe Adultery.

8 Thou shalt not steale.

9 Thou shalt not beare false witnesse against thy neighbor.

10 Thou shalt not couet thy Neighbours house: thou shalt not couet thy Neighbours wife, nor his manseruant, nor his maide, nor his Oxe, nor his [Page 6] Asse, nor any thing that is his.

Qu. What is the first Com­mandement?

An. Thou shalt haue no other Gods but me.

Que. What is the meaning of this Commandement?

A. The Lord God strait­ly chargeth vs in this first commandement, that wee worship God alone, which worshippe standeth in three points. First, that wee loue God aboue all. Secōdly, that we make our praiers to none but to God. Thirdly, that we acknowledge God alone to be the guider and gouer­nour of all things, of whom wee receiue all the benefites we haue, and therefore that we trust and stay vpon him alone.

Que. What is the second [Page 7] Commandement?

An. Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen I­mage, or the likenesse of any thing that is in heauen a­boue, &c.

Qu. What is the meaning of this Commandement?

An. In this second Com­mandement bee contained three things. First, that wee should not think God to be like either man or woman, or any other thing, & there­fore, that we make no image of God in any case.

Secondly, that we make no image of any other thing, either to worship the image it selfe, either God, Saint, or Angell by the image, ney­ther yet to this end, to bee the better put in minde of God by the Image.

Thirdly, that we worship not God in any other out­ward worship, according to our owne fantasies, but as God commandeth vs in his word.

Que. What is the 3. Com­mandement?

An. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vaine.

Que. What is the meaning of this Commandement?

Ans. God chargeth vs in this third Commandement, these three things. First, that we vse with a most high re­uerence the name of GOD, whensoeuer we either speak or thinke vpon him.

Secondly, that wee neuer blaspheme the name of God in our common talke, al­though the matter bee neuer [Page 9] so true: but only where the glory of God is sought, or the saluation of our Brethe­ren, or else before a Magi­strate in witnessing the truth when we are thereunto law­fully called. In which cau­ses we must onely sweare by the name of God. But as for Saints, Angels, Rood, Book, Crosse, Masse, or any other thing, wee ought in no case by them to sweare.

Que. What is the 4 Com­mandement?

An. Remember that thou keepe holy the Sabbath day.

Que. What is the meaning of this Commandement?

An. The hallowing of the Sabbath day, is to rest from our labours in our Calling; and in one place to assemble our selues together, and with [Page 10] feare and reuerence, to hear, marke, and lay vppe in our hearts, the word of GOD preached vnto vs, to pray all together, that which we vn­derstand, with one consent. And at the times appointed, to vse the Sacraments in Faith and Repentance, and all our life long to rest from wickednesse, that the Lord by his holy Spirit, may work in vs his good worke, and so begin in this life the euerlasting rest.

Que. What is the fift Com­mandement?

An. Honor thy Father & thy Mother.

Que. What is the meaning of this Commandement?

An. The meaning of the fift Commandement is, that we should honour, that is to [Page 11] say, loue, feare, obey, and re­leeue our Parents, or any o­ther that are vnto vs in their stead. As our Princes, Ru­lers, and Magistrates, our Pastours and Teachers, our Masters, and all other which are aboue vs in any calling, placed by God: the Aged and [...]ray headed: and, that all Superiors do shew them­selues indeed Parents, in de­fending and guiding their Inferiours.

Qu. What is the sixt Com­mandement?

Ans. Thou shalt doe no murther.

Que. What is the meaning of this Commandement?

An. First, the Lord God forbiddeth vs in this Com­mandement, all killing, figh­ting, and quarrelling, all re­proaches, [Page 12] mocks, and taunts. Secondly, he forbiddeth all killing in heart, that is, al an­ger and malice, all desire of reuenge. Thirdly, on the o­ther side, he commandeth vs to preserue life, by exerci­sing the workes of mercie & compassion towardes our Brethren, yea, euen towards our Enemies. Fourthly, to loue one another inwardly in heart, as our selues, yea e­uen our enemies, and them that hate vs.

Que. What is the seauenth Commandement?

An. Thou shalt not com­mit Adultery.

Que. What is the meaning of this Commandement?

An. We are forbidden in this seauenth Commaunde­ment, first, all Adultery, For­nication, [Page 13] and all other vn­cleannesse in our bodies.

Secondly, all vnpure thoughts, and lustes of the heart.

Thirdly, all other things which might intice to such vncleannesse; as all vnchast behauiour, filthy talke, and songs, wanton apparrel, leud and idle pastimes, gluttony, drunkennesse, houses of o­pen whoredome, and what­soeuer else may allure vs to vncleannesse.

Fourthly, on the other side he commandeth vs to keepe our bodies and soules chaste and pure, as Temples of the holy Ghost. Or if the guift of Chastity be not giuen vs, then to vse the lawful reme­dy appointed by God, which is marriage.

Que. What is the 8. Com­mandement?

An Thou shalt not steal.

Que. What is the meaning of this Commandement?

An. In this eighth Com­mandement, the Lord God forbiddeth all stealing and robbing in ou [...]ward deeds. Secondly, he forbiddeth all stealing in heart; that is, all desire of any mans Goodes wrongfully. Thirdly, hee forbiddeth all false and wrongfull dealing. Fourth­ly, on the other side, he char­geth vs that we bee content with the portion of goodes which the Lord giueth vs, to apply our selues in our vocation and calling, to get our owne liuing, and liue of that which is our owne, and also to be helpfull to others.

Que. What is the 9. Com­mandement?

An. Thou shalt not beare false witnesse against thy Neighbour.

Qu. What is the meaning of this Commandement?

Ans. The Lord God in this ninth Commandement doth command vs: first, that we should neuer speak falsly in witnesse-bearing. Se­condly, that not onely in witnesse-bearing, but also in other matters, wee should neuer lye, flatter, or dissem­ble. Thirdly, that we should neuer tell any false tales be­hinde our neighbors backe, or heare them of others: that we shold neuer beleeue any euill spoken of them behind their backes, vntill we fully know the certainty. Fourth­ly, [Page 16] in priuate offences, to speake nothing, although it be true, to the hurting of our Brothers good name, if by priuate admonition hee may be wonne.

Que. What is the 10. Com­mandement?

Ans. Thou shalt not co­uet thy neighbors house.

Que. What is the meaning of this Commandement?

An. Hee [...]e the Lord God in plaine words, doth forbid all inward desire, whatsoe­uer is vnlawfull to be done, although we neuer consent vnto it, as the rebellion of the flesh, all corruption of the old man, all blot of ori­ginall sinne, so that by this Commaundement, most clearely we may see the I­mage of that man that plea­seth [Page 17] God, euen such an one in whom nothing is impure, neither in will, nor nature.

Que. Canst thou fulfill all these Commandements of God, without breaking any one of them?

An. These are the Com­mandements of Almightie God, the perfect fulfilling whereof, no flesh can attain vnto: No, although I do all that I can, yet I breake them daily, both in thoght, word, and deede.

Que. What punishment doth God appoint for breaking any one of these?

An. The punishment for the breaking of the least Commandement, euen in thought, yea, if it were but once broken in all my life, is the euerlasting curse of God, [Page 18] which containeth al the tor­ments that can bee deuised both of soule and body, and in the Scripture is called by diuers names to expresse the paine, as hel fire, the worme that neuer dyeth, vtter dark­nesse, burning Lake, second death, damnation, and such like.

Qu Is there nothing which a man can do in the World, to serue as a sufficient recompēce to God for one sinne?

An. No, althogh I should giue all my goodes vnto the poore, or suffer my bodie to be whipped all my life long, or suffer any other punnish­ment which might be deui­sed: it is not sufficient for one of my least sinnes.

Que. Yea, but God is merci­full, will he therefore punish sin [Page 19] so sharply thinkest thou?

An. Our God indeede is mercifull, but he is also iust and true, and therefore must needes of iustice and trueth, punish mans sinne, with the punishment which hee hath appointed.

Que. Seeing then this pu­nishment must needs bee suffe­red, are we in our selues able to suffer and ouercome it?

An. None is able to suf­fer and ouercome this great punishment of sinne, being onely man.

Quest. Is there then no meanes at all, whereby we may be saued from those pains euer­lasting?

An. The pains which our sinnes deserue, must needes bee suffered by man, bee­cause that God of his iustice [Page 20] must needes bee suffered by man, because God of his iustice must needes punnish sinne in man, which vvas committed by man: and therefore our Sauiour Christ being euerlasting God, be­came also man, and hath ful­ly suffered whatsoeuer was due for mans sinne.

Que. Are not then all peo­ple discharged, seeing the pun­nishment is paid?

An. None are discharged, sauing those that take holde vpon Christ, and his merites with a true Faith.

Que. What callest thou this true Faith?

An. This true and liuely Faith, is a full perswasion & assurance of my hart, groun­ded vpon the promise of God, and wrought in me by [Page 21] the holy Ghost, whereby I am fully assured, that what­soeuer Christ hath wrought for mans saluation, pertay­neth not onely to others, but euen to me, and is whollie mine, as surely as if I perfor­med the same in mine owne person.

Que. How can it be that thy sinnes are forgiuen thee, & yet according to Gods trueth fullie punished, with the punishment which God hath appointed for sinnes?

An. By this my true faith, I see my sinnes both to bee forgiuen, and yet fully puni­shed; for in Iesus Christ, to satisfie Gods iustice, they be fully punished, and yet to me they be forgiuē, because in me they be not punished, but in Christ for me, to set [Page 22] forth Gods mercy, and ther­fore shall neuer be laide to my charge. In this manner therefore, I see the Lord my God to be both mercifull & iust.

Que. Yea, but although the punishment of my sins be paide in Christ, yet seeing there can no vnrighteousnesse dwel with God, how canst thou stand be­fore Gods iudgement seate, as righteous and iust, s ing thou hast no righteousnesse; but such as is staind with so many sins?

An. I stand as iust & righ­teous before the Throne of God, not clothed with mine owne righteousnesse, which I haue wrought in mine owne person, but with the righteousnes of Iesus Christ. Which righteousnes being taken hold vppon by a true [Page 23] faith, is made mine: thus am I iust in the sight of God, not in respect of mine owne workes which I haue done, but taking hold vpon Christ his Workes, to be mine by Faith.

Quest. Doth not this make men to runne into all sinne & wickednesse?

An. No: for this true faith as soone as it hath wrought in vs through the holy ghost doth frame our hear [...]s anew, and causeth vs to detest, hate loathe, and abhorre sinne in all men, but especially in our selues, and maketh vs to haue our whole delight and ioy in those things which be agreeable vnto Gods Will, and causeth vs likewise, to shew and expresse the same in our life and conuersation, [Page 24] or else it is no true Faith, but a dead Faith.

Que. Rehearse the summe of this faith.

An. I beleeue in God the Father Almightie, maker of heauen and earth. And in Iesus Christ his only Sonne our Lord, which was conceyued by the holy Ghost, borne of the Virgin Marie. He suffered vnder Pentius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried, he descended in­to hell, and the third day he rose againe from death. He ascended into Heauen, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almightie. From thence shall he come, to iudge both the quick and the dead. I beleeue in the holy Ghost. The holie Ca­tholike Church. The Com­munion [Page 25] of Saints, the for­giuenesse of sinnes. The re­surrection of the bodie, and the life euerlasting. So be it.

Que. What is the effect of this Creed?

An. This Creed contay­neth foure especiall pointes. First, what we ought to be­leeue concerning God the Father. Secondly, concer­ning God the Son. Thirdly, concerning God the holie Ghost. Fourthly, concer­ning Gods people, called the Church.

Que. What beleeuest thou in the first part, concerning God the Father?

An. First I beleeue, that God the Father thorough Christ, into whose bodie I am grafted by faith, is not only a Father of other faith­full, [Page 26] but euen my Father, & therefore loueth mee. Se­condly, that hee is Almigh­ty, that is, that hee hath all power in his hand, guiding and ruling all things, so that nothing can be done in hea­uen, earth, or hell, without his prouidence.

Que. What beleeuest thou in the second part concerning God the Sonne.

An. I beleeue that Iesus Christ one God in substance with the Father and the ho­ly Ghost, tooke flesh of the Virgin, and is become per­fect man as I am in al things sinne onely excepted, and in my Nature hath wrought for mee, whatsoeuer was needfull for my saluation.

Que. What meanest thou, when thou sayest, Hee suffered [Page 27] vnder Pontius Pilate?

Ans. Because that manner of death which men do suf­fer by the sentence of the Iudge, and vnder the Title of Iustice, is more shameful, slanderous and terrible, then if a man should dye natural­ly in his bedde. Therefore Christ took on him our per­son, to shew himselfe before an earthly Iudge, and to bee condemned by the mouth of Pilate, hee being then Iudge, that therby we might be cleared before the iudge­ment seat of God.

Que. What meanest thou, when thou sayest, Christ was crucified, dead, and buried.

An. First I meane, in that he was crucified, that he suf­fered the death of the crosse, which was an abhominable [Page 28] and cursed death, to deliuer mee from the curse vvhich was due for my sinnes.

Secondly, forasmuch as death was a punishment due vnto man for sinne, therfore our Sauiour did suffer death and by suffering, ouercame death. For in his death doth lye the principall point of our saluation: for, if he had not beene truely dead, wee should be yet subiect to eter­nall death and damnation.

Thirdly, he was buried, for the more greater confir­mation of his death and Re­surrection. And in the intent to make it more certainely knowne vnto vs, it pleased him also to bee buried after the common maner of men, and that by two notable per­sons, Nicodemus, and Ioseph [Page 29] of Aramathia, which was done also by the wil & con­sent of Pilate, who caused the body to be deliuered to them.

Que. What meanest thou concerning this, that Christ descended into hell?

An. Where it is said, that Christ descended into Hell, therby I beleeue, that Christ did not onely suffer in his body the punishment due to my body; but also in his soul the punishment due to my soule, which was, the Tor­ments of hell, second death, sorrowes of death, and abie­ction from God, as it doeth appeare by the anguish of his soule in the garden, when drops of blood yssued out of his body, and also vppon the Crosse by his lamentable [Page 30] crie to his Father. For in mi­serable case had we beene, if he had suffered onely the pu­nishment due to our bodies, and not to our soules.

Que. What fruite hast thou by the death of Christ?

Ans. First I beleeue, that this death and punishment, which Christ suffered, is the appeasing of Gods wrath, & a full satisfaction to God for all my sinnes. Secondly, that as he is dead for sinne, so he will cause sinne to die in my mortall body.

Que. What profit hast thou by the rising againe of Christ?

An. First, I am assured by his rising from death, that he hath ouercome death, hel and sinne, and hath finished my iustification. Secondly, that as he is risen from death [Page 31] so he causeth mee as a mem­ber of him, to rise from sin, and delight in righteousnes. Thirdly, his rising againe, is a sure pledge to me, that my body shal in like manner rise againe.

Que. What is the meaning of this, that Christ ascended in­to heauen?

An. Christ as touching his manhead, is onely in Hea­uen, but in his Godhead and comfort of his holy Spirite, hee is with vs to the end of the world.

Que. What good gettest thou by the ascending of Christ into heauen.

An. First, Christ his as­cending into heauen, is a sure pledge vnto mee, that I shal in like maner as a mem­ber of him, by his power, be [Page 32] receyued into heauen, in that same nature wherein he is ascended.

Secondly, Christ hauing ascended into Heauen, ma­keth continuall intercession for me.

Que. What is the meaning of this, that Christ sitteth on the right hand of God the Fa­ther?

An. Christ sitteth on the right hand of the father, that is, hath all power giuen him of the Father ouer all things whatsoeuer.

Que. What fruite dost thou receiue by this, that Christ shal come to iudge the quicke, and the dead.

Ans. To mee that am a member of Christ, it is a singular comfort, vvhen I know assuredly, that none [Page 33] shal be my Iudge but he that is my Sauiour. But terrible it will be to those that flee from Christ, when they shall see him come to iudg them, whom they in their life time refused.

Que. What beleeuest thou in the third part, concerning God the holy Ghost.

An. I beleeue that GOD the holy Ghost, sealeth into my heart all Christes bene­fites to be mine, and maketh sinne to dye in me, and stir­reth me vp to righteousnes, and holinesse of life.

Que. Seeing there is but one onely God, why namest thou the Father, the Sonne, and the ho­ly Ghost?

An. Because God hath so opened himselfe in his Word, that these three sun­dry [Page 34] persons are in substance but one true and euerlasting God.

Que. Now let vs come to the fourth part: What callest thou the Catholicke Church?

Answer. The Catholicke Church, is the whole com­pany of faithful people, that euer were since the begin­ning of the world in all pla­ces, which also be now, and shall bee to the end of the world. Of the which num­ber, I beleeue that I am one: I beleeue that God knoweth them all, and hath a most tender care ouer them.

Que. What callest thou the Communion of Saints?

An. The Communion of Saints, is the society that all we which beleeue haue one with another, as members [Page 35] of one head Iesus Christ: whereby wee are ready to communicate all Gods be­nefites, both Spirituall and Temporall, to the mutuall health and comfort one of another, according vnto the measure which we haue re­ceyued of God in this life.

Que. What is it to beleeue the forgiuenesse of sinnes?

An. I beleeue, that Iesus Christ hath wholy appeased God for my sinnes, & paide the full punishment due to them, and therfore that they be freely forgiuen mee, and shall neuer be laide vnto my charge.

Que. What beleeuest thou of the rising againe of the body?

Ans. I beleeue, that after this life ēnded, my soule shal go to God that gaue it, and [Page 36] my body shall rest in the graue vntill the appoynted time: and then, I shall see God in my flesh, and mine eyes shall looke vpon him: and this my bodie, shall bee made like to the glorious bo­dy of Christ, without al cor­ruption.

Que. What is it that thou sayest of Life euerlasting?

An. I beleeue, that when God shall raise againe this my body, and ioyn it againe together with my soule, that then I shall liue with Christ for euer, in his euerlasting kingdome of glory.

Que. By what means do we attaine to this, which thou hast heere confessed?

An. The holy Ghost hath appointed the preaching of the word to be the ordinary [Page 37] meanes, whereby hee wor­keth in our hearts this true and liuely faith, and without this preaching of the Word we can neuer haue faith.

Que. After that GOD by the meanes of his word, hath wrought in our hearts faith, by what meanes afterward doeth he strengthen the same?

An. This faith doth God strengthen in vs by the selfe same preaching of the word and also, by the vse of the Sacraments.

Que. What callest thou the Sacraments?

An. Sacraments bee out­ward signes ordaind of God, for the greater assurance and strengthening of our Faith; beeing vnto vs, sure pledges of these benefits of our Sal­uation, which we receiue in [Page 38] Christ to be ours, and are re­presented vnto vs by the outward signes of water in bap­tisme, and Bread and Wine in the Supper of the Lord. They serue also for a marke of our profession, whereby we differ from other people which be Heathen.

Qu. How many Sacraments be there?

An. There be two Sacra­ments, that is to say, Bap­tisme, and the Supper of the Lord.

Qu. What strength of faith hast thou through Baptisme?

Ans. I am taught and as­sured by Baptisme, that my sinnes are forgiuen mee: for as the water washeth away the filthinesse of my bodie, euen so should I through the holy Ghost, be thereby fully [Page 39] certified and perswaded that the bloud of Christ, beeing sprinkled vpon my soule by the hand of Faith, hath wa­shed away both the guiltinesse of my sinne, and the punishment due vnto the same: the fruite and effect whereof appeareth heerein, that through the power of Christ his death and resur­rection, I am dead as touch­ing sin, and raised vp againe in newnesse of life: vvhich two things, in whomsoeuer they appeare not, they may well haue the name & title of Baptisme, but indeed they are no Christians.

Qu. What strength of faith do wee finde in the vse of the Lords Supper?

Ans. The Supper of the Lord, thorough the holy-Ghost, [Page 40] doth strengthen my Faith, that I should not doubt, but as surely as I re­ceiue the Bread and Wine into my body, to become wholly mine, so my soule receiueth withall Christ, with his passion and righte­ousnesse to be wholy mine, as surely as if I had wrought them mine owne selfe.

Que. Are not then the bread and wine in the supper of the Lord, turned into the body and bloud of Christ?

An. The bread and wine as touching their nature and substance are not turned: but as touching the vse of them, they differ from common Bread and Wine, in that they are appointed of God, to serue vnto vs as Seales & [...]ledges of those benefits [Page 41] which Christ in his body hath wrought for vs.

Qu. In what maner oughtest thou to prepare thy selfe to the receiuing these misteries?

An. In preparing my selfe to receiue the supper of the Lord, I ought diligently to obserue these three things.

First, to examine my selfe whether I stand in faith or no, which I shall know, if I feele my hart assured by the Spirit of God, that the pu­nishment of my sins is fully discharged in Christ, and that whatsoeuer hee hath done, pertaineth not onely to others, but euen to me.

Secondly, to examine my selfe whether I find my hart inwardly sorry for my sins, with inward hatred and lothing of sin, and an earnest [Page 42] desire, and sure purpose wholy to conforme my selfe to the will of Gods word.

Thirdly, if any offence be betwixt others and me, that I reconcile my selfe vnto them. All these things, al­though they ought earnest­ly to be considered in the whole course of our life, yet then especially, when wee come to the supper of the Lord.

Que. Now seeing wee be sa­ued, by Christes Works, without our deseruings, wherto then now serueth our wel doings, or what auaileth it to do good workes?

An. We must do good workes, not to deserue our saluation by them, but by our works to glorifie God [Page 43] in walking as becommeth Gods Children, declaring thereby our thankfulnes to God for our redemption.

Secondly, by our works to make our election more certaine vnto our selues.

Thirdly, to winne others vnto Christ, by our holy life and conuersation.

Quest. What works callest thou good works.

An. Our works can neuer be accepable and good in the sight of God, vnlesse in doing them wee keepe these two things.

First, that they be framed according to the rule of Gods lawes & Commande­ments, & not after our owne deuice.

Secondly, that they pro­ceede from an heart purged [Page 44] by faith. If either of these two pointes be lacking, our workes are abhominable in the eyes of Almighty God, although they appeare neuer so glorious in the sight of men.

Que. Because prayer is one especiall meanes which Gad will haue vs vse to increase our faith, tell me what belongeth to true prayer?

An. It is requisite in true prayer, that we obserue these fiue things.

First, that we make our prayers onely to God, tho­rough Christ, and not to Saints. Secondly, that we be inwardly touched with neede of the thing we aske, hauing our minde wholly bent therupon, and not ca­ried away with by-thoghts. [Page 45] Thirdly, that our prayers be grounded vppon Gods pro­mise, with full assurance that they shall be granted, so farre as the Lord doth know them to be meete and needfull for vs. Fourthly, that we continue in prayer, al­though we haue not our re­quests at the first. Fiftly, that we aske not those things which we thinke good in our owne fantasie, but onely that which God command­eth vs to aske of him: All which things be contained in the Lords prayer.

Quest. Rehearse the Lords prayer.


OVr Father, which art in heauen hallowed be thy name: thy kingdome come: thy will be done in earth as [Page 46] it is in heauen. Giue vs this day our dayly bread. And forgiue vs our trespasses, as we forgiue them that tres­passe against vs. And lead vs not into temptation, but deliuer vs from euill. For thine is the kingdome, the power, and the glory, for euer and euer, Amen.

Qu. What dost thou desire of God in this prayer?

An. First, I desire of our heauenly Father, that his name may be hallowed: First, in his excellent works, which is, when we acknow­ledge his mercy, wisedom, iustice, and prouidence, that he alone worketh ell things, and that only the Lord God be had in honour, all other set aside. Secondly, that his name may bee glorifyed in [Page 47] our godly liuing, and con­uersation.

2 In the 2. petition, wee desire that God his King­dome may come, that is, that he will declare himself to be King ouer his Church, in guiding and defending it, in encreasing the number of the faithfull, in thrusting forth Laborers into the har­uest, and blessing their La­bours, and suppressing the rage of the wicked Tyrants. Secondly, that he will exer­cise his kingdome seuerally, in euery one of his, killing sinne in vs, and all worldlie care, and renewing of vs to righteousnesse of life.

3 In the third petition, wee desire that Gods will may bee done, that is, that wee may willingly in euerie [Page 48] thing resigne our selues vnto Gods will, without murmuring or grudging.

4 In the fourth petition, we pray that he wil giue vn­to vs, walking faithfully in our calling, our daily bread, that is, all things needful for our liuing in this present life.

5 In the fift petition, we pray that our sinnes may bee forgiuen vs, that he will not lay to our charge our sinnes, nor the punishment due vn­to them, but that he will ac­cept the death and passion of Christ, as the full satisfa­ction for our sins, and that we may hereof haue iust as­surance in our Conscience, that the punishment of our sinnes is fully discharged in Christ, and therefore freely [Page 49] forgiuen vnto vs, as surely as we do forgiue others: and that we may loue one ano­ther from the bottom of our hearts, all desire of reuenge set aside.

6. In the sixt and last peti­tion, we doe pray God that he wil not lead vs into temp­tation, but deliuer vs, that is that he will not bring vs fur­ther into that battell with our spirituall Enemies, then we by his holy spirit shall be able to preuaile and ouer­come.

Que. And why is this ad­ded. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for euer and euer. Amen.

An. Not onely to kindle in our hearts to desire the glory of God, but also to teach vs that this Prayer is [Page 50] grounded vpon none other, then God onely and that we should not thinke the kingdome of God to bee weake and voyd of force & might. Also that he is not onely to be honored, prai­sed, and gloryfied, and that his power is infinite, perpe­tuall and euerlasting. And in this word Amen, is ex­pressed the feruent desire to obtaine those things which wee aske of God, and our hope is confirmed, that those things which we aske bee granted vnto vs, by which our consciences are pacified, and so we end our prayers.

Qu. Tell mee now briefely the effect of all thou hast said.

An. By the tenne Com­dements, I see my miserable [Page 51] estate, that I deserue death, damnation, and the curse of God, which must needs bee paid, because God is iust: & whereas I my selfe am not able to pay it, the holy ghost through the preaching of the Gospell, worketh in me Faith, which assureth mee, that the Sonne of God be­ing made man for me, hath euen in my nature suffered whatsoeuer my sinnes deser­ued, and hath made me with him the childe of God, and heire of euerlasting Life. Whereof, least I should doubt or wauer, he hath ap­pointed two Sacraments, as outward signes and Tokens to be seene and felt of mee: that as surely as I see my self made partaker of them out­wardly: so the holie Ghost [Page 52] inwardly bee partaker of Christ himselfe, with all his benefits, his ransome, righte­ousnesse, and holinesse to be mine, that in him, & through him I shall haue life euerla­sting. And thus being borne anew into this liuely hope, by the holy ghost, my waies should be directed & guided by the same Spirit, to walke in holinesse and righte­ousnes all the daies of my life. So be it.

A prayer containing the effect of this Catechisme.

O Mercifull and hea­uenly Father, for so much as at euerie light occasion, I am with­drawn from thy holy lawes to the vanities of this life, vnto all sinne and wicked­nesse: I beseech thee in mercy set before mine eyes alwaies the remembrance of thy iudgement seate and my last end, whereby I may be daily stirred to consider in what great danger I stand, through the horrible punishment due for my sinnes, that daily groaning vnder the burthen of them, I may flye for succour to thy beloued Son Iesus Christ, who hath [Page 54] fully paid, suffred and ouer­come the punishment due to them, and through the wor­king of thy holy Spirite in me, I may be fully assured in my soule and Conscience, that the curse, condemnati­on, and death, which these my sinnes deserue, is fully paid, suffered, and ouercome in Christ, that his righteous­nesse, obedience, & holines is mine, and whatsoeuer he hath wrought for mans sal­uation, is wholly mine.

Strengthen this faith in mee dayly more and more, that I may inwardly feele comfort and consolation in this, that I feele thy holye Spirit beare record vnto my spirit, that I am thy Childe, grafted into the body of thy Sonne, and made with him [Page 55] fellow heire of thine euer­lasting kingdome. So worke in me by thy holy spirit, that daily more and more, I may feele sinne die in mee, that I do not delight therein, but daily may groane vnder the burthen therof, vtterly hate, detest, and loath sinne, set my selfe and all the powers of my soule and body against sinne, and haue full delight, ioy, comfort, and pleasure in those things which be agreeable to thy will, that I may walke as becommeth the child of light, looking still for that good time, when it shal please thee to call mee vnto thine euerlasting king­dome, for Iesus Christ his sake, Amen.


GODLY PRIVATE Prayers for House­holders to Meditate vpon, and to say in their particular Families.

Made by M r. Edw. Dering: sometime Reader of the Diuinitie Lecture in Paules.

Marke 11.24. Whatsoeuer ye desire when ye pray, be­leeue that yee shall haue it, and it shall be done vnto you.

LONDON Printed by Isaac Iaggard, 1624.

Godly priuat Pray­ers, to bee saide at all times, in Christian Fa­milies.

A prayer containing the effect of the Housholders Catechisme.

ALmighty God, and most mercifull Fa­ther, I see in thy blessed Lawes and Commandments, the great­nesse of my sinnes and wic­kednesse: yea, I see O Lord [Page 58] my God, the whole course of my life to be almost no­thing else, but a continuall breaking of thy holy Lawes and Commandements. The thoughts of my heart (ey­ther in vanitie, or else open wickednesse) are in number infinite, daily in the aboun­dance of them, causing my mouth to speake, and my bodie to execute, and doe contrarie to thy holie will. And againe, O Lord, I see thy heauie wrath, vengeance and iudgement against sin, to be intollerable, that euen the least wicked thoughtes, and most secret cogitations of my heart, procureth thy heauy wrath and euerlasting curse, the torments of hell, and euerlasting fire, euen al­though I had but once in all [Page 59] my life broken any of thy Commandements, so much as once in thought. And I know, O Lord GOD, that thou art true and iust, and canst not abide sinne and wickednesse, but will iustly punish euerie sinne, euen with the selfesame torments of hell, which thy iustice hath appointed.

This O Lord my God, throweth me downe, and e­uen amazeth me so that I know not what to doe. I looke into my selfe, viewing mine owne power, whether I am able to ouercome this punishment of my sinne or no: and I see that all, euen the most exquisite punish­ment which I can deuise of my selfe, in whipping of my body as long as I liue; wea­ring [Page 60] Hair-cloth, pining my selfe with fasting, or any o­ther paine. I see, I see, O Lord, that all this punish­ment is not sufficient for one of my least sinnes, be­cause it deserueth euen the euerlasting paines of hell. I looke to Heauen, I see there is no Saint, nor Angell, able to abide and ouercome this punishment of sinne; I looke to men in this wo [...]ld, euen to the Popes Treasure, that wicked man of sin, and I see that neyther his Masse, nor Purgatory, Pilgrimage, Par­dons, Pennance, Satisfacti­ons, nor any of such like wicked stuffe, alas, I see they are nothing for the satisfy­ing for one of my least wic­ked thoughts, seeing the pu­nishment is due by the iust [Page 61] decree and sentence of thy euerlasting cursse. Where­fore I am driuen out from my selfe, and all that I can doe, to seeke this punish­ment dischargd other wher, or els to quaile vnder the burden; I see there is no help for me in Angels, Saints, nor Mortall men, but onely in that perfecte man Christ Iesus thy deare Sonne, in whom I see the full punish­ment of my sinne wholy paide, satisfied, discharged, and ouercome: death van­quished, the paines of hell in victory swalowed vp, the cursse satisfied, and the eter­nity of the punishment (tho­rough his euerlasting po­wer) ouer-reached.

This I see (O Lord) by the eyes of faith, being through [Page 62] thy holy spirit, wholy assu­red, that all the whole pu­nishment of sinne payd by my Sauiour Christ, is not onely paide for other men, but euen also for mee and my sinne. This assurance of faith beeing thine onely, worke in me, I beseech thee in mercy to strengthen and increase, for I feele it often full of wauering and doubt­ing. Grant that I may dayly more and more in my soule and conscience, feele my selfe knit and ingrafted into the body of thy Sonne, whereby I may be assured that whatsoeuer hee hath done, pertaineth to me, and is fully and wholy mine: that I may through the po­wer of his death, feele sinne dayly dye in mee, and tho­rough [Page 63] the power of his re­surrection feele my selfe ri­sen from sinne, to haue my full ioy and comfort in those things which bee agreeable to thy holy will, onely de­testing, hating, and abhor­ring from my heart, all things which be contrary to thy will and pleasure: that e­uen in this life I may still looke for his endlesse ioy & felicity, vsing the things of this world, as though I vsed them not, till that good time that it shall please thee to call me to thine euerlasting kingdome of glory, there to raigne with my Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ for e­uer and euer. Amen.

A Prayer vpon the Lords prayer.

The first petition.
Our Father which art in heauen.

O Most mighty Lord and eternall God, who hast by thy deere sonne Chrtst Iesu our Lord and Sauiour, reconciled vnto thy selfe all things in Heauen and earth, and in him hast made an e­uerlasting bonde and Coue­nant with vs thy faithfull Children, that thou wilt not onely be our God, but also our most louing and mercy­full [Page 65] Father, whereof as a pledge uhou hast giuen vs thy holy spirit of adoption, wherby we may with bold­nesse and full trust and con­fidence come to thee by hearty prayer, as vnto our most louing and mercyfull Father, being assured that thou wilt not deny ought which thou knowest shall be expedient for vs: grant wee beseech thee deere Father, that being fully perswaded in our hearts of this thy Fa­therly loue and affection to­ward vs, we may be stird vp to make our petitions with such an affection, ardent de­sire, loue, and reuerence to thy Maiesty, that our minds be not carried away with by-thoughts creeping in, but without all wandring may [Page 66] be fully bent and attentiue to the things we aske, and fully staid vppon thy merci­full and iust protection.

Hallowed be thy name.

WE then beseech thee (deere Father) that thou wilt strenghen our hearts with thy holy spirit, that considering thou hast made al things for the glory of thy name, so we may in all our doings, enterprises, counsels, and purposes, cheifely aboue all things seeke thy glory: that wee may fully acknowledge thee not onely the Auther of all things, but the Ruler, Guider, and Gouernor of all things, both in heauen and earth: that we neuer [Page 67] diminish thy incomprehen­sible glory, by attributing vnto our selues any power, strength, or ability to doe, will, or thinke that which is good: but from our hearts we may acknowledge all our goodnes to come from thee, yeelding for the same continuall praise & thankes­giuing to thy glorious Name, that we neuer by distrusting thy mercyfu [...]l prouidence, dishonour thy Name; but that euen in our greatest desires we may put our full confidence in thee, not looking vpon our weak­nes, but staying vppon thy power & promises, by harty prayer, flying vnto thee our onely refuge: that our whole life may be framed, accor­ding to thy holy will in all [Page 68] pointes, that thy glorious name in vs may be sanctified, and that we be not an occa­sion that thy holy Name be any way blasphemed throgh our wicked life and conuer­sation.

The Second Petition.
Thy kingdome come.

LEt thy Kingdome most mercifull Father, appeare and manifestly be declared in all the world, but especi­ally amongst thy Church & faithfull Flocke: declare thy selfe Lord and King ouer them, ruling them by the scepter of thy holy word & [Page 69] force of thy holy spirit. En­crease the number of faith­full Pastors and Preachers among the people: blesse their labours, to the increase of this kingdome of thy deere sonne Iesus Christ, and to the destruction of the kingdome of Sathan and Antichrist. Suppresse the rage of the Enemies, that they m [...]y know that thou (O Lord) dost raigne in al ages, to the behoofe of thy Church, and terror of thin [...] enemies. Grant these mer­cies good Lord, not onely to a whole Church in gene­rall, but especially to euery one of vs thy Children par­ticularly, grant that we may affectually feele the force of this thy kingdome in our hearts. Beat downe in vs [Page 70] our old Adam. with all sin­full delights, thoughts, mo­tions, and desires: and re­new in vs day by day, our spirituall and inward Man, that we may be wholly bent to delight, thinke, desire, & doe those things which bee acceptable in thy sight.

The third petition.
Thy will be done in earth, as it is in Heauen.

FRame our hearts good Lord with such humble obedience to thy holy will, that we may be hartily well content with whatsoeuer it pleaseth thy goodnes to lay vpon vs: that we neuer cease [Page 71] in our miseries, but conti­nually call on thee by harty prayres athough wee feele no release at all; yet that still patiently we may abide and quietly wait for thy good leysure, and appointed time of deliuerance, when thou knowest it shall be most ex­pedient for vs.

The fourth petition.
Giue vs this day our dayly bread.

GRant vs deare Father, that all our Counsels, studies, labours and endea­uors, being by thy holy spirit guided and framed, we may euery one in that vocation [Page 72] in which thou hast placed him, so fairhfully trauaile to the discharging of our Con­sciences, and edyfying of thy Church: that our ac­count may be found accep­table before thy Throne & Iudgement seate. So blesse our labours and trauailes, that we may haue sufficient for the preseruing of this present life and be content with those benefits which thou shalt bestow vppon vs, whether they be many or few, acknowledging them to be receiued of thee: not greedily to care for them, or vainely to delight in them, and thankefully esteeme of them as thy benifits bestow­ed vpon vs, and as faithfull Stewards moderately to vse them to the releefe of our [Page 73] bretheren and discharge of our consciences.

The fift petition.
Forgiue vs our trespasses, as we forgiue them that tres­passe aginst vs.

ENcrease in vs O Lord, the gifte of Faith, that we may daily more & more in our Soules and conscien­ces be assured; that our sins be defaced, cleane blotted out, and couered with the full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice of thy deare sonne Christ Iesu our Lord and Sauiour once made for vs: that we are vnited, knit, and made one body with him [Page 74] partakers of his righteous­ncs, iustification, and holy­nesse, and euen fellow-heirs with him of euerlasting life: that wee may vnfainedly from the bottome of our hearts loue thee for this thine vnspeakeable goodnes and mercy, forgetting from our hearts our Bretheren that do offend vs, pray for them, loue, cherish and com­fort them as fellow mem­bers all of one body, with perfect naturall loue and compassion linked together vnto our head Christ Iesus.

The sixt petition.
Lead vs not into temptation

STrengthen vs good Lord with thy holy Spirit, that [Page 75] we be not ouercom with the subtle suggestions and sinfull motions of Sathan the diuel, hold vs vp with thy merciful hand, that we sleepe not in sinne, that we be not drawne away with the wicked world nor the entic [...]ments of the flesh, to delight in Wicked­nesse: but so arme vs vvith thy mightie power, that wee may strongly abide all the as­saults and subtile sli [...]hte [...] of our ghostly enemy, and sin­cerely to walke befo [...] [...]ces both in prosperity and ad­uersity, to thy honour and glory, the health of our souls and profite of thy Church, through Iesus Christ our on­ly Lord and Sauiour, Amen.

The Lords Prayer more at large.

The first Petition.
Our Father, which art in Heauen.

MOst mighty and e­ternall Lord God, who of thine infinit loue to mankinde, hast giuen vs thine owne eternal Sonne Christ Iesus our Lord, to be made man for vs, in the si­militude of sinnefull flesh, to become flesh of our flesh, & bone of our bones, in all things like vnto vs, sin onely excepted: who beeing thy [Page 77] true and naturall Sonne, hath made vs with him sons, chil­dren, and heyres, to thee our most merciful Father, giuing vs by thy grace, that which is his by Nature: And by his due alone, once suffered suf­ficient Sacrifice, hath payde the ransome of our sins, be­fore thy diuine Maiestie, to satisfie thy iustice vppon sin­full flesh. Which debt being paide for vs, he hath brought vs in fauor with thee, so that we may now with boldnesse and trust come to thee, as vn­to our most mercifull and lo­uing Father, with full assu­rance, that as thy soule is so much greater, and more ex­cellent towards vs, then all loue of eatthly Parents to­ward their Children, as thou passest all men in goodnesse [Page 78] and mercie; so thou wilt de­ny vs nothing which shall be expedient for vs. So that, although all the Fathers that are in earth, hauing shaken off all seeing of Fatherly na­turalnesse, would forsake their children, yet wouldest thou neuer forsake vs, bee­cause thou canst not deny thy selfe. Who promisest, that if earthly Fathers being euill can giue good giftes to their Children: how much more wilt thou our heauenly Fa­ther, being altogether good­nes it selfe, giue good things to them that aske in thy Sons name? And that although a Mother should forsake her Children, yet wilt thou not forsake vs thy children, whō thou hast before the begin­ning of the World, in thy [Page 79] deere Sonne Iesus Christ, chosen to be thy children & heires with him of thine im­mortall Kingdome. Whereof that we our selues might bee sure and certaine, and out of al doubt that we are the chil­dren [...]nd heyrs of euerlasting life, thou hast giuen into our hearts thy holy Spirite, as a true pledge and earnest of our inheritance, which Spirit doth assure our spirites, that we are thy children, and thou therefore crieth in our hearts Abba, Father. Graunt this for thy deere Sonne Iesus Christ our Sauior, Amen.

The Second Petition.
Hallowed bee thy Name.

WEe therefore as thy deere Children, ran­sommed and bought by thy deere Sonne, flye to thee our most louing [...]nd merciful Fa­ther, who in goodnes art in­finite; in mercie, abundant; in substance, incomprehen­sible; in immortality, euerla­sting: who by thy mightie power, and singulare proui­dence rulest all things accor­ding to thy heauenly Wise­dome, beseeching thee, for thy deere Sonne Christ Iesus his sake, that as thou hast suf­ficiently set forth thy glori­ous [Page 81] name in making and fra­ming the whole world, hea­uen, earth, and all the things therin contained: so we may in beholding & viewing thy Creatures, the works of thine hands may be lifted vppe to thee our Lord God the Cre­ator and maker, and in them glorifie thy holy name, ac­knowledging in them thy singular goodnesse and loue towards man, for whose vse thou hast created all thinges both in heauen and earth: & that we may for the same, e­uen from the bottome of our harts, yeeld due honor, praise and thankesgiuing vnto thee deere Father, all the daies of our life.

Grant most mercifull Fa­ther, that wee may in heart and minde bee fully assured, [Page 82] thou by thy heauenly proui­dence, rulest and guidest all things in heauen and earth; so that nothing in the vvhole world commeth to passe, but according to thine appoint­ment: that thou guidest and framest the aff [...]ires & doings of men; that thou hast euen their hearts, and all their po­wers in thy mercifull hand, to turn them which way so­euer it seemeth best vnto thy godly wisedome: so that, whether we be in prosperity or aduersity, we may ackno­ledge both of them to be thy worke in vs: and therefore, be no lesse thankfull for sick­nesse, then for health; for sorrow, then for comfort; for a troubled minde, then for a quiet; for imprisonment and banishment, then for liberty; [Page 83] especially seeing wee know, that thou turnest them all, seeme they neuer so sharp, to the comfort and commodity of thy children, which feare thee: and that in all thinges which shall befall vnto vs; whether they be grieuous or ioyous, prosperity or aduer­sity, life or death, thy holy name may be sanctified in vs by yeilding due and continu­all praise and thankesgiuing, to thy eternall Mai [...]sty: that we neuer cease to put our ful trust and confidence in thy mercie, who hast promised to be our defender, buckler, and shield; to keepe vs as the apple of thine eye, to deliuer vs when we cal vpon thee, to open when wee knocke, to giue when we aske: that we knowing our owne weaknes, [Page 84] that of our selues wee haue no power or strength to do, no not so much as to will that which is good, we may acknowledge al our strength comfort, ioy, faith, loue, hope, and confidence to be thine onely guift and worke in vs. And for the same, and the increase of the same, and for all thy benefites in vs, whereof we feele our selues destitute, we may constant­ly flee vnto thee by heartie prayer, requiring the same at thy mercifull hand. And hauing felt thy mercifull dealing towards vs, we may alway to the end of our life continue thankfull vnto thy blessed name: that wee ne­uer speake or thinke of thee (O LORD GOD) with­out high reuerence, and an [Page 85] obedient fear vnto thy glorious Name.

The third Petition.
Thy will bee done in earth as it is in heauen.

ANd forasmuch (O Lord God) as of our selues wee bee nothing but stubbornesse and rebellion, a­gainst thy holy Maiesty, we beseech thee (deere Father) that as thine Angels in hea­uen doe willingly obey thy holy and most blessed will without any resistance, so wee thy most vild and vn­worthy Seruants and Chil­dren in earth (all stubobr­nesse rebellion & peruesnes, [Page 86] by thy holy Spirit in vs be­ing vtterly extinguished and quenched) we may willing­ly submit our selues, resigne and yeeld our whole affecti­ons to thee, O Lord, to bee gouerned after thy blessed and heauenly will. That wee may feele in our selues no other motion or desire, then a meete consent to thy holy will: that whatsoeuer affections in vs fight against thy holy will, thou wilt vt­terly make them voide. That wee neuer will any thing of our selues, but that thy holy Spirite in vs may gouerne our hearts, by whom in­wardly being taught, wee may learne to loue, em­brace, and take comfort in those things that please thee, and to hate those thinges [Page 87] that displease thee; That our hearrs, minds, and wills, being wholy subdued to thy blessed will, we may willingly bee content with that estate of life which it pleaseth thy goodnesse to excercise vs withall in this world, whether it be in ad­uersity or prosperity, in sick­nes or health, in ignominy or glory, in quietnesse or trouble, in sorrow or glad­nesse. Grant vs deare Fa­ther, this willing and pati­ent minde, that euen in our greatest distresse, wee may bee content with thy good will, and not to murmure or grudge against thy Maiesty, knowing that thou wilt lay nothing vppon vs, but that which shall turne to our goodn [...]sse and profit. And [Page 88] that wee may patiently a­bide whatsoeuer it shall please thee to lay vppon vs: that we be assured in our hearts, that thou wilt lay no more vnto vs, then thou wilt giue vs strength to beare, & euen in our greatest afflicti­ons wilt find a way for our deliuerance, and that thy power and strength is more fully declared, when wee feele our selues vtterly voyd of strength, and see no way of deliuerance, that we may in our most greeuous as­saults, conflicts, and anguish or mind submit our selues wholy to thy blessed will, and looke for our deliue­rance at thy hand, when thou knowest it most ex­pedient for vs, and most for thy glory, leauing the time [Page 89] and meanes of our deliue­rance to thy good will and pleasure, and that in the meane time, we neuer cease but call vpon thee by hearty prayers continually as thou hast commaunded, vntill such time as thou shalt heare our petitions. And although after many and sundry cal­lings vpon thee thou seeme not to regard vs, but rather deale more extreamly with vs, yet notwithstanding strengthen vs so with perse­uerance in prayer, that wee faint not, but still continue in prayer, being assured that although we feele our selues nothing released, yet we may quiet our selues herein, that we as thy Children haue laide our complaints, griefes, and sorrows in the [Page 90] bosome of thee our heauen­ly Father, who will as a lo­uing Father, when he seeth it most conuenient helpe vs. And although thou seeme nothing to grant our re­quests, yet wee honor thee in calling vppon t [...]y name, seeing thou dost accept it as a most cheefe honor to bee called vppon in the day of truble.

The fourth petition.
Giue vs this day our dayly Bread.

ANd forasmuch deare Father, as thou dost by thy mighty power, nourish, feede, sustaine, preserue, and [Page 91] maintaine all liuing Crea­tures, yea euen the very young flocks and Beasts, we beseech thee to send vnto vs thy Children, (ouer whom thou hast a more speciall care) all things necessary for this our present life: that we hauing sufficient may walke euery one in our calling, in sincerity and pure holynes before thy face acknow­ledging all our benifits of ri­ches, health, wealth, meate, drinke, apparell, and all our substance to be thy meere gifts bestowed vpon vs, and deliuered vnto vs from thine hands: that we be not drawne from thee, through setting our mindes too much vppon them, but so mo­derately vse them, as thy benefits for a time bestowed [Page 92] vppon vs, knowing that thou wilt at our hands require an account how we haue vsed them.

That wee doe not care­fully gape or seeke after them, but discreetly to thy glory vse them, acknow­ledging in them thy good­nesse and liberality towards vs. And seeing most merci­full Father, that it is not our trauell, labour, paines, study, or endeauour, which is able to get vs our liuing, but one­ly in so much as it pleaseth thy goodnesse to blesse and prosper them: we beseech thee that yet through our great Trauaily and paines, wee be yet still poore, and in meane estate, that thou wilt giue vs a contented heart, knowing that thereby [Page 93] thou lettest vs vnderstand, that it is thy good will and pleasure, so to keepe vs vn­der, that wee more effectu­ally may giue our selues to serue thee. Or if it bee thy will and pleasure more a­bundantly to blesse vs, and our trauaile, to send vs abun­dance of all things, wee be­seech thee deare Father giue vs a thankfull heart to ac­knowledge them to bee thy good giftes, and frame our hearts with such liberality, that wee may be contented to distribute them according to the necesity of thy chil­dren, being assured, that thou hast to this ende made vs Stewards ouer them, that maist at his hands require much, on whome thou hast bestowed much: so that we [Page 94] hauing the due estimation of thy benefits which we ought to haue, may both reuerence thy goodnesse in thy bene­fits, and supply the want of our bretheren, to the releefe of their necessity, and fur­therance of thy glory.

The fift petition.
Forgiue vs our trespasses, as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs.

AND whereas most mercifull Father, thy Sonne our Lord and Saui­our Iesus Christ hath in our nature paide the ransome and debt of all our sinnes, which wee haue from the [Page 95] beginning of our life com­mitted and do dayly com­mit, wee beseech thy graci­ous gooodesse, that thou wilt by thy holy spirit in our hearts, assure our soules and consciences with a liue­ly faith, that by that same one onely sufficient sacri­fice, the punishment of our sinnes is paide, thy wrath appeased, and thy Iustice satisfied: whereby our con­sciences may be quieted & set at peace with thee our mercifull Father and God.

Let vs deare Father feele in our soules and conscien­ces, that wee are vnited to thy deare Sonne Iesus Christ and made one body with him, and heires with him of euerlasting glory: so coupled and ioyned with [Page 96] him, that wee are members of his body, so that whatso­euer hee hath done in his body, wee may bee assured that it is ours: that his righ­teousnesse is our righteous­nesse, his sanctification and holinesse is ours: the curse condemnation, and death, which hee suffered, is the same curse, condemnation, and death due for our sinns: that wee know that our sins bee done away, and cleane forgotten and forgiuen by thy mercifull loue & good­nesse declared in offe [...]ing vp thy Sonne to death for vs, wee may be driuen to loue thee vnfainedly from the bottome of our hearts, for this thine vnspeakable loue. And considering that thou hast in mercy pardoned so [Page 97] many our haynous offences, we may gladly bee moued to forgiue one another their offences, and put out of our heart all rancour, malice, & hatred, toward ou [...] Brethe­ren, knowing that we are all members of one body, Christ our Sauiour that so surely as we haue forgiuen them that offend vs we may be so certainely assured that our mercifull Father hath forgiuen vs, like as we haue forgiuen our Bretheren.

The sixt petition.
Lead vs not into temptation, but deliuer vs from euill.

ANd for as much most heauenly Father, as we [Page 98] of our selues bee feeble, and fraile and weak, and haue a strong and subtile Aduersa­rie, Sathan the Diuell, who goeth about continually like a roaring Lyon, seeking whome hee may deuoure: we beseech thee strengthen vs by thy holy Spirit, that wee may withstand his sub­tle suggestions and motions: hold thou vs by thy mercifull hand, and keepe vs alwaies in thy safegard and protection, that wee be not ouercome in the mighty as­saults of our aduersary. And forasmuch as he often vseth euer our owne flesh, armed against vs to conquer vs, we beseech thee deare Father, mortifie, subdue, and kill in our flesh all subtle suggesti­ons, and sinfull motions of [Page 99] Sathan, that we yeeld not our selues as slaues thereun­to, but continually fight a­gainst them, and bring them into subiection of the Spirit. Grant vnto vs deare Father, that we may not be drawne through the subtile and slie­ly torments of Sathan to haue our delight & pleasure in the vanities of this world, but by thy grace, might, and power, may so in the pros­perity of this life bee vphol­den, that our minds with full ioy and comfort may be lif­ted vp to our perfect conso­lation in our Lord and Saui­our Christ: and in him, take our full and perfect ioy and consolation, so that no vaine delight of this world put vs from the same, neyther any sharpe aduersaty, as pouerty, [Page 100] misery, or calamity, through the malice of the diuell, driue vs to dispaire of thy merci­full goodnesse towards vs: but alwaies being through thy grace and assistance de­fended, we may be fully & perfectly armed against all the subtile intrappings of Sathan, and rest wholy in thy mercifull defence and aide. For thou hast (O Lord and eternall God) in thy go­uernment, all things in hea­uen and earth, all power & dominion ouer all creatures, Angels and diuels, to rule them according to thy good pleasure and will, to the pro­fit and commoditie of thy Church, and euery faithfull member thereof, and to thine incomprehensible glo­rie: that in all things, in all [Page 101] ages, for euer and euer, thy glorious Name may be ex­alted, and thy faithful flocke edified th [...]ough Christ our Lord, Amen.

A Confession of sinnes with Faith and Repentance.

O Mercifull and heauenly Father, we thy Seruants doe humbly p [...]ostrate our selues before thy Maiesty, acknowledging here in thy sight, our haynous offences committed against thy Ma­iesty, seeing and beholding thy heauie wrath against them: wee feele our selues laden, O Lord our God, with a huge company of horrible sins, whereof the very least, beeing but conceiued in thought, is sufficient in iudg­ment [Page 102] to throw vs downe to the euerlasting burning lake.

Our owne consciences (O Lord) do beare witnesse a­gainst vs of our manifold transgressions of thy blessed Law, of our security, sence­lesse blindnesse, running headlong to destruction, committing sinne after sin, although not notorious to the world, yet horrible be­fore thine eyes.

The thoughts of our harts rise vp in iudgement against vs: the vanity of our talke before thy Maiesty condē ­neth vs, the wickednesse of our deeds from thy sight re­iecteth vs: all our wicked thoughts, words, and deeds; with the inward corruption of our nature, doe altogether as it were a whole lumpe & [Page 103] loade of sinne, lye heauy vp­on vs, and with their intol­lerable waight, doe euen presse vs downe to Hell. Wee doe daily groane vn­der the burthen of them, in­wardly lamenting our owne folly, too greedily running into them. In heauen, earth, or hell, wee see none able to sustaine the waight of them, but euen thy dearely belo­ed Sonne Iesus Christ, who in mercy infinite, and compassion endlesse, hath sustained and ouercome that endlesse punishment due vnto them in him therfore, in him most mercifull Fa­ther, and through him, we come to thee, being fully as­sured according to thy pro­mise, that thou wilt accept & take that full recompence [Page 104] which hee thy deare Sonne hath made for vs, as a iust ransome for the sinne of all those, who with a true Faith take hold on him. In him therfore we see thine anger towardes vs appeased, thy wrath satisfied, and our debts paide.

Increase in vs good Lord wee beseech thee, this liuely and feeling; faith for we feel it oftentimes in vs very weake, and troubled with many doubtes: Increase it in vs O Lord, that wee may through thy holy spirit bee assured; that the punishment of our sinne is fully in thy Sonne discharged. Make vs, O Lord our God, to feele the same in our soules and consciences, that I [...]sus Christ is ours, and all that hee hath [Page 105] done. that we are ingrafted into his body, and made one with him, and therefore fel­low-heires with him of e­uerlasting life. Let vs not onely haue these words in our mouths, good Lord, but through thy holy Spirit, let vs feele the comfort of them in our hearts, fully sealed & setled in vs, that we feeling our selues inwardly before thy Iudgement seate dis­charged, and our conscien­ces towards thee appeased, may bee swallowed vp with an vnfained loue towards thy heauenly Maiesty, and towards our Bretheren for thy sake. Make sinne to die in vs daily more and more, that wee may hate, detest, and vtterly abhorre all sinne and wickednesse in [Page 106] all men, but especially in our selues, that wee m [...]y strongly, through thy holy Spirit sette our selues in o­pen defiance against all sin and wickednesse: that wee please not our selues in our sins, but straightly exami­ning sin by the iust rule of thy holy Lawes, wee may vtterly from the bottome of our hearts condemne euen the least sinne in our selues, hauing our whole ioy, com­fort, and consolation, vpon those things which bee a­greeable to thy blessed will, alwaies being afraide to doe any thing contrary to the same: that wee may euen from the bottome of our hearts, examine and try our thoughts before thy pre­sence, that they bee vpright [Page 107] & vnfained, not hypocritical in outward shew only & ap­pearance, but that euen all the corners of our hearts be­ing opned and disclosed be­fore thee, we may euen as though it were openly before the face of the whole world, bring them in shew, know­ing that a double heart is de­stitute in thine eyes: and that wee may walke alwayes as before thine eyes, not onely before the eyes of man, be­ing more carefull to walk cir­cumspectly in this respect, that we haue thee to be a vie­wer of our doings a thousand fold more then the eyes of man. That thus wee may walke as becommeth thy Children, not onely in out­ward shew, but also in since­rity of hart, abhorring euen [Page 108] the least sinne in our selues, striuing, resisting, and figh­ting against sinne, not nouri­shing the same in our breast, but earnestly embracing, and studiously seeking after those things which bee pleasant in thine eyes: that neyther the feare of man, nor losse of goods, life, landes, possessi­ons, or friends, draw vs a­way from thee to doe anie least thing contrary vnto thy will and pleasure: neither the fauour and friendship of man, nor yet the flattering enticements of this World, nor the vaine promotions of the same, do mooue vs [...]ny whit from the true and end­lesse ioy, delight, & pleasure which we ought to haue in those things which be agree­able to thy will, and the con­stant [Page 109] performance of the same: but that alwayes to the end of our life wee may continue in thy pathes, gro­wing and increasing from faith to faith, from strength to strength, till at length, we shall come to thine euerlast­ing rest, Amen.

¶ A Prayer for the prosperous estate of the whole Church.

O Lord our God and hea­uenly Father, forasmuch as by thy holy word, we are commanded in our Prayers, not onely to be mindefull of our selues, but also of all o­ther thy children: yea, euen of our enemies, wee com­mend vnto thy diuine Maie­stie, all thy whole true and Catholicke Church, and eue­ry member thereof, that as it hath pleased thy goodnesse by the bright beames of thy holy word to shine ouer the whole world, whereby thou hast expelled, driuen away, & caused to vanish the darke and misty cloudes of igno­rance [Page 111] and superstition: so thou wouldest vouchsafe by thy holy Spirit, to touch the hearts of men, that they may ioyfully imbrace that thine so high a Treasure sent a­mongst vs, that through our vnthankefulnesse, wee pro­uoke not thy Maiesty in an­ger to take it from vs.

Crush, bruise, and destroy with the breth of thy mouth the mightie power of that man of sin, which so proud­ly exalteth himselfe aboue al that is called God. Let not thy simple flocke (deere Fa­ther) in whose consciences he so long time hath, & yet doth sit as God, bee any lon­ger poisoned with his sweet inticing poisons: but so ligh­ten their harts, that they may perceiue his iuglings, & em­brace [Page 112] the sweet and comfor­table doctrine of life euerla­sting reuealed in thy glori­ous Gospell.

And forasmuch as it hath pleased thee in mercy aboue all Nations of the earth, to pow [...]e down the sweet sho­wers of thy heauenly graces vpon this our English Nati­on aboundantly; in more plentifull wise, watering the same with the giftes of thy holy Spirite, in promoting thy Gospell, and ouerthro­wing Idolatrie, we beseech thee continue thy fauour to­wards the same, and vttery roote out all Remnants, Re­liques, and Mon [...]ments of Idolatrie, that thy glorious name may be throughly ex­alted in sincere, pure, and ho­ly worship.

And as thou hast in mer­cie from amongst vs in this thy Church, vtterly banish­ed all false, venomous, and poisonfull doctrine, where­with the soules of thy Chil­dren heretofore haue beene wounded [...]o death, and in place thereof, hast placed the true and comfortable doctrine of life euerlasting; wherewith the soules of thy children may be fedde and norished to euerlasting ioy: so in like mercie and fauour we beseech thee, deare Fa­ther, establish in the same thy Church, a true, perfect, and sincere regiment therof, according to the prescript rule of thy blessed Word, all fantasies of mans brains, and dreames of humane policie vtterly abolished, that thy [Page 114] glorious Maiesty onely may be exalted in the light of thy glorious Gospel: and that thy Church may flourish & increase, being through thy protection aided, supported, maintained, and defended: we beseech thee [...]thy holy Spirit, guide and rule euery part and member thereof, especially thy seruant Iames, our King, whome thy gra­cious fauor and mercifull prouidence hath appointed a cheefe member of the same: vnder whose winges (next vnto thy protection) it hath a cheefe succour and support. Grant vnto him, O Lord, a pure and perfect zeale, aboue all things to promote thy glorie: first & cheeflie in labouring and en­deuoring of himselfe ear­nestlie [Page 115] in wiping away and purging out of the Church all blots and deformities, to reduce the same to a pure & sincere forme of worshippe, agreeing to thy blessed word, vtterly to remooue all stumbling blockes, which stay and hinder the course of thy Gospell. Giue in like manner, O Lord GOD, the spitit of wisedome, discreti­on, & gouerment, that with equitie and iustice he may see this whole Realme, which thou hast committed to his charge, peaceably & quietly gouerned: that hee may studiouslie labour, that as well through the whole Realme vertue be exalted, & vice abandoned, as especial­ly in his owne house and Court, that all wicked vani­ties [Page 116] of this world, all licen­tious and inordinate life, all flattering and dissimulation being vtterly banish [...]d, the f [...]are of thy glorious Maie­sty may so reigne in the harts of all within his Highnesse Pallace and Court, that their liues and conuersation may bee agreeable to thy blessed will, in sinceritie and true holinesse, and integritie of life, that from them, as from the head, may shine purity of life and conuersa­tion as an example and pat­terne of true godlinesse to the whole Realme.

Preserue him wee beseech thee, good Lord, from all conspiracies and Treasons, that if it bee thy good will he may haue a long & quiet raigne ouer vs, to the bene­fite [Page 117] of thy Church, and ad­uancement of thy glory. In­due the whole Counsell good Lord, with true and perfect wisedom, that in all their consultations & Coun­sels, hauing thee present be­fore their eies, they may consult of those things which principally & cheef­ly may bee for the aduance­ment of thy glory, and the commodity of thy Church, and next for the quiet peace and gracious gouernment of this his Realme. So ligh­ten all inferior Magistrates of this Realme, good Lord, with brightnesse of thy holy Spirit, that vnderstanding thy will, they may zealously defend, maintaine, and fur­ther the course of the Gos­pell, with the sword of iu­stice [Page 118] cut off the wicked and cherish the godly.

Defend and gouerne by thy holy Spirit, the Pastours of thy Church, and labou­r [...]rs in thy vineyard, that [...]hey may zealously, earnest­ly, and diligently feed thy flocke committed vnto them, with the food of life, thy bl ssed word, where­with their soules may bee nourished to life euerlasting. Increase the number of them deare Father, place ouer euery flocke, a godly, learned, and painfull Pa­stor, who may painfully & carefully trauell euery one in his charge, to bring thy people (which now alasse in many parts doe wander and goe astray like lost sheepe) to the true knowledge of [Page 119] their Lord and God, and of thy deare Son Iesus Christ their Sauiour. And for thy mercy, wee beseech thee to take pitty vppon thy poore and simple flocke, roote out all rauening woolues, which haue craftily crept into thy sheepfold, and doe make hauocke of the soules of thy simple Flocke. C [...]st out all hirelings, time-seruers & dumbe Dogges, which to fill their bellies onely, haue thrust themselues among thy sheepe, and doe pitti­fully suffer the Flocke of Christ thy Sonne, to be de­uoured and scattered of the Woolfe. Stirre vp good Lord, and place in their roomes faithfull Sheepe­heards, which diligently, painefully, carefully, and [Page 120] earnestly may labour in thy Vine-yard, seeke to winne the soules of thy people, out of the tyranny and power of Sathan, to the freedome of thy deare Sonne Christ Ie­sus our Lord.

And that thy Church may better be furnished with godly learned Pastors, wee beseech thee good Lord, to prosper and increase in all Godly knowledge all schooles of lea [...]ning: especi­ally the two Vniuersities Cambridge and Oxford. Grant deare Father vnto all the students of the same, that the chiefe end of all their studies, may bee to the fur­therance of thy Church, and maintenance of the com­mon-wealth. Blesse their studies (deare Father) that [Page 121] al vaine studies set aside, they may so fructifie in all profi­table and godly Sciences, that hereafter they may be­come profitable members of thy Church & godly Vp­holders of the Common-wealth.

Grant (good Lord) to all the whole Commons of this Realme, that their hearts being touched with a sincere feare and reuerence of thy Heauenly Maiesty, acknowledging thy mercy in placing ouer them a god­ly & Religious Prince, they may euery one in their cal­lings walke in all true and humble obedience vnto him, in thee, and for thee without resistance, tumults, Insurrections, conspiracies, or rebellions know [...] gr [...]at [Page 122] to resist the higher Powers, is to rebel against thy Ma­iesty. Finally wee beseech thy goodnesse, so to giude & gouerne the hearts of all the whole Realme of euery de­gree, that euery one in his calling, being by thy holy wisedome supported, may so occupy his Talent, that thy glory in all things may be aduanced, thy church in­larged, & this whole Realme into sincere godlines vertu­ously reduced.

Moreouer, wee beseech thee (O Lord our God) in Mercy to behold all those which suffer persecution for thy glorious words sake, whether it bee imprison­ment, death, or banishment, or whatsoeuer else, streng­then them good Lord, that [Page 123] they hauing thee alwaies before their eyes, and the glory laide vp for them in the life to come, may con­tinue constant in defending thy truth without feare of man, or vaine allurements of the world, that whether it come by life or death, they may glorifie thy holy Name in continuing in the truth to the end.

Preserue in like manner wee beseech thee, all others thy Children, whome it hath pleased thee with any kind of Crosse to chasten for their amendment, whether by pestilence, famine, warre, pouerty, Imprisonment, sicknesse, or banishment, trouble of conscience, vexa­tion of spirit, vnquietnesse of minde, want of spirituall [Page 124] comfort, or whatsoeuer kinde of affliction of body or minde thou dost try them with: that by thy holy spirit being fully assured that thou by this thy correction min­dest to call them backe to a feeling of their sinne, & due consideration of their life & conuersation, they may pati­ently abide thy Fatherly try­all, looking for aide, helpe, and comfort from thee, when it seemeth most con­uenient to thy holy wise­dome: and being by thy mercifull hand once deliue­red, may acknowledge thy singular power and worke, giuing all laud and praise to thy glorious name: and af­terwards all the daies of their life, study and liue be­fore it hee in sincerity and [Page 125] perfect holinesse, euen to their liues end. This O Lord, we beseech thee in Mercy to grant, for thy be­loued Sonnes sake, Iesus Christ our Lord, and onely Sauiour, Amen.

Morning prayer for priuate Houses and Families.

O Gracious God, and louing Father, accor­ding to thy commande­ment, wee doe here present our selues before the throne of thy mercy, acknowledg­ing and confessing from the bottome of our hearts, that we be miserable sinners, daily breaking thy comman­dements, both in thought, word, and deed, wherein wee iustly deserue euerlast­ing [Page 126] damnation, and to bee vtterly throwne from thy presence: yet O Lord, wee see thy goodnesse againe to­ward vs, who not suffering vs thus to perish in our sins, hast sent thine owne deare Sonne Iesus Christ, to take vppon him whatsoeuer is due, to reconcile and make vs at one with thee againe. In him therfore good Lord, and through him, doe wee come vnto thee, beseeching thee for his sake, that wee feeling the grieuousnesse of our sinnes, and groaning vnder the burthen of them, may feele the release & ease of them, in that we bee tho­rough thy holy Spirit as­sured, and stedfastly beleeue, that Christ hath borne the burthen of them euen for vs. [Page 127] Grant likewise, O most mercifull Lord & heauenly Father, that wee being assu­red hereof in our conscien­ces, may through thy holy Spirit be renued in the inner man, to hate, detest, and abhorre sinne, and to study to liue according to thy blessed will during our whole life.

Wee doe not onely pray for our selues, but also for all thy whole Church, espe­cially such as bee persecuted for thy word: grant vnto them, that whether it be by death or life, they may glo­rifie thy Name to their liues end. Be mercifull to this Church of England, Scot­land, & Ireland, we beseech thee good Lord, & preserue euery part and menber of [Page 128] the same, especially thy ser­uant Iames our King: grant him all such giftes as bee needfull for so high a cal­ling, to the aduancement of thy glorie, and benefit of this Common wealth, to the establishing of a perfect gouerment of thy Church, according to the prescript rule of thy blessed word, to the rooting out of all super­stition and reliques of Anti­christ, to the gouerning of his subiects in all peace and tranquilitie. Defend him, O Lord, from all conspira­cies, treasons, & rebellions, and so worke in the hearts of all his subiects, that knowing his authoritie doth come from thy heauenly Maiesty, they may with o­bedient hearts humbly obey [Page 129] them in thee, and for thee. Preserue the whole Coun­cell and the Magistrates of the Realme, that being lightened through thy holy Spirit, they may defend the truth, suppresse wickednesse, and maintaine equitie. Be­hold all the Pastours and Preachers of thy word, blesse their labours, increase the number of them, place ouer euery Church a paine­full watchman, remoue all idle lubbers, and confound the power of Antichrist, and turne the hearts of the peo­ple that they may be obedi­ent to thy truth. Blesse the two famous Vniuersities, Cambridge and Oxford, & all the students of the same, with all Schooles of Leare­ning. Behold all those that [Page 130] bee afflicted with any kind of crosse, that they may profit by thy correction in newnesse of life.

Lastly, for our selues here gathered, wee humbly (O Lord) craue at thy handes, that it would please thee to make vs thankefull vnto thy Maiestie for all thy louing kindnesse shewed vnto vs euen from our infancie: especially, that thou hast this present night deliuered vs from all dangers both of body and soule, whereinto many haue fallen, as wee in the like manner should haue done, if we had not beene staied with thy mercifull hand: that thou hast a [...]so granted vnto vs so sweete & comfortable rest, and hast now presently brought vs to [Page 131] the beginning of this day. For these things, good Lord, wee yeeld thee most hearty thankes, beseeching thee to make vs more & more daily thankfull vnto thy Maiestie for them, and pardon our vnthankfulnesse. And as thou hast safely preserued vs vnto this present houre from all the dangers of this life: so we beseech thee continue thy fauour towardes vs this day, and the whole course of our life. Defend vs, O Lord, that we now entring into the affaires of this day, bee not drawne away with the vaine allurements of this world, to sinne and wicked­nesse: that wee walke not in the shadow of death, that wee be not intangled in the snares of sinne, that wee [Page 132] stumble not at the blockes of iniquitie, that we finally fall not into the pit of death and destruction: but beeing shadowed vnder thy wings, we may cheerefully & con­stantlie goe on forward to the end of our course. Grant vnto vs, O Lord our God, that this good time which thou grantest vnto vs in this life, be not idlely, or vainly of vs consumed, but that e­uery one of vs may be dili­gently exercised in his cal­ling this day, and all our life long, being assured that thou wilt once call vs to yeeld an account of our Steward­ship. Indue vs, we beseech thee, with those gifts and graces which bee needfull for vs in our calling, & that with a pure heart & sincere [Page 133] conscience, wee may vse them to the benefit of our bretheren, and discharge of our owne conscience before thy Maiestie. We beseech thee, O Lord, that in all our consultations words and workes this day, and the whole course of our life, we may alwayes haue thee pre­snet before our eyes, know­ing that thou seest euen the very deepe thoughts of our hearts, which alwaies may bee as a bridle to pull vs backe, that wee neither do, nor yet consent to any sinne or wickednesse, but that al­waies wee may bee so exer­cised in the affaires of this life, that wee looke still to the end of our course, when it shall please thee to bring vs through the pilgrimage [Page 134] of this life to our euerlasting rest with thy deere Sonne Iesus Christ our Sauiour. In whose Name for these mer­cies and whatsoeuer thou knowest to bee needfull for vs, & for thy whole Church wee pray vnto thee, as hee himselfe hath taught vs in his holy word, saying. Our Father, &c. The Lord blesse vs & saue vs, the Lord make his face shine vppon vs, and bee mercifull vnto vs, the Lord turne his fauorable countenance towards vs, & grant vs his peace. The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ, the loue of God the Father, and the most com­fortable f [...]llowshippe of the holy Ghost, bee with vs, pre­serue vs this day and euer­more, Amen.

Euening Prayer for priuate Houses and Fami­lies.

O Gracious God and lo­uing Father, according to thy Commandement we do heere present our selues againe before thy Maiestie, humbly prostrating our sin­full selues before the Throne of thy mercy, acknowledging and confessing from the bot­tome of our hearts, that wee are miserable sinners, daylie breaking thy Commaunde­ments, both in thoght, word, and deede; wherein we iust­ly deserue euerlasting dam­nation, and to bee vtterly throwne from thy presence. Yet (O Lord) wee see thy goodnesse againe towardes [Page 136] vs, who not s [...]ffering vs thus to perish in our sinnes, hast set thine owne deere Sonne Iesus Christ, to take vppon him whatsoeuer is due, [...]o re­concile and make vs at one with thee againe. In him the [...]efore (good Lord) and through him, doe wee come vnto thee, beseeching thee for his sake, that wee feeling the greeuousnesse of our sins, and groaning vnder the bur­then of them, may feele the release and ease of them, in that we be through thy holie Spirit assured, and stedfastly beleeue, that Christ Iesus our Lord, hath borne the burden of them, euen for vs. Graunt O Lord, that wee being assu­red heereof in our Conscien­ces, may thorough thy most holy and blessed Spirit, be [Page 137] renewed in the inner man, to hate, detest, and vtterly ab­horre all sinne, and that wee may studie to liue according to thy blessed will, during our whole life.

And now (O Lord God) we pray not onely for our selues, but likewise for all thy whole Church, especiallie for such as be persecuted for the testimony of a good con­science: Grant vnto them, O Lord, that whether it be by death or life, they may glori­fie thy Name to their liues end. Blesse these Churches (good Father) wherein wee liue, and therein our graci­ous Soueraigne, and thy ser­uant Iames, King of Great-Britaine, France and Ireland. Keepe him, O Lord, from all Conspiracies, Treasons, and [Page 138] Rebellions. Preserue the Noble and hopefull Prince Charles; the illustrious Prince Palatine, the Lady Elizabeth with their Princely Issue. Blesse the Lords of his Maie­sties most honourable Priuie Counsell, the Magistrates & Ministers of this Land. Sho­wer downe thy blessings (O Lord) vpon both the Vniuer­sities) and all Schooles of Learning Comfort all those that bee afflicted with any kind of crosse, that they may profit by thy correction, to newnesse of life.

And lastly (gracious Lord God) we come vnto thee for our selues heere gathered to­gether, rendering vnto thy glorious Maiesty, most hear­ty Thankes, which hast hi­therto from our infancy pre­setued [Page 139] vs by thy mercy from all perils and daungers both of soule and body, whereun­to fraile man is subiect, that thou hast sent vnto vs euerie thing necessarie for this pre­sent life, as health, foode, ap­parrell, and such like, which many of thy deere Children do want, being notwithstan­ding, as preciouslie bought with the precious bloud of thy deere Sonne, as we be, & yet be in misery and calami­ty, oppressed with pouertie, nakednesse, imprisonment, and banishment; in vvhose case also (deare Father) thou mightest haue brought vs; saue onely that thou dealest herein more fauourably with vs, then with them. For the which thy louing kindnesse, we giue thee hearty thankes: [Page 140] desiring thee, that as thou hast hitherto thus fauorably in mercie preserued vs by thy protection, and euen present­ly this day hast brought vs past all dangers therof, so we beseech thee (good Lord) in like fauour to behold vs this night, that we taking our na­turall rest and quietnes, may through thy protection, bee defended; that our Bodies resting, our soules may bee occupied in beholding thy fauour and mercie towardes thy Children, still looking for the comming of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ for our full Redemption.

Graunt that our sleepe bee not immoderate, according to the lust of our flesh, but as much as is sufficient to re­fresh our weake nature: that [Page 141] being thus refreshed, both the body and the mind, may be more able to doe their se­uerall office and Function, in that Vocation wherein thou hast placed vs.

Grant, that we laying our bodies downe to rest, m [...]y be thereby put in minde o [...] our long rest of death, that as we do now lay down our bodies in bed, so we may be therby admonished, that heereafter they shall be layde downe in the Graue, to bee consumed to dust, earth, & ashes; from whence they were taken: That we hauing this before our eyes, may be stirred vp in minde, warily to walke in this our Pilgrimage, not kno­wing when the time shall be of our departure, but alwaies to be found readie with ou [...] [Page 142] Lampes of pure faith clearly burning, that we may be ac­cepted to meete the Bride­groome, when our mortall, earthly, and corruptible Bo­dies shall be made like to the glorious body of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ, there to reigne with him, in perpetuall ioy and consolati­on, together with all the E­lect children of God; conti­nually lauding with thy Hea­uenly multitude, the glori­ous Maiesty of thee our Lord God and heauenly Father, in our God and Sauiour, Iesus Christ.

For these, and whatsoeuer else thou knowst to be need­full for vs, and thy whole Church, we pray vnto thee, as he himselfe hath taught vs saying, Our Father, &c.

The Lord blesse vs, & saue vs, the Lord make his face to shine vpon vs, and be merci­full vnto vs: The Lord turne his fauourable countenance vnto vs, and graunt vs his peace. The grace of our Lord Iesu Christ, the loue of God the Father, and the most comfortable Fellowship of God the holy Ghost, be with vs, preserue, and keepe vs, this night forth, and for euermore, Amen.

A forme of Prayer dayly to bee vsed of all faithfull Christi­ans, in their houses, or elswhere.

ALmighty God, and mercifull Father, in and thorough Iesus Christ our Lord; in whom, and by whom, we trust that thou art our God and Father; we most humbly heere pro­strate our selues before the Throne of thy Maiestie, be­seeching thee first (good Fa­ther, and God) to pardon all our sinnes, which wee con­fesse and acknowledge a­gainst our selues, b [...]seeching thy gracious Spirit, to worke in vs the knowledge of them daily more and more, that thereby we may co [...]e vnt [...] [Page 145] true Repentance for them; & together therewith, vnto the knowledge of the heighth, bredth, depth, and fulnesse, in all sorts of thy grace and mercie, whereby through Ie­sus Christ thou hast forgot­ten them, and remoued them as farre from vs, as the East is from the West. And, al­thogh we know by them too well (good Lord) that wee haue, as much as in vs lay & lyeth, laboured to prouoke thine anger against vs: hea­ping sinne vpon sinne, and multiplying offences and transgressions against thy high grace and Maiesty, brea­king thy holy word & Com­mandements: yet thou (O Lord) hast not beene as Man, nor thy affections as the affe­ctions of the Sonnes of men, [Page 146] but hast continued gracious and mercifull, and bountiful vnto vs, in pardoning our sinnes, and daily renewing in vs with the morning, thy gra­ces diuers and manifold.

Therefore we beseech thee most mercifull Father, so to giue vs thy holy Spirit, that wee prouoke thee no more, that thou rise not against vs to destroy vs as we haue de­serued: for we haue bene, & are dry as stubble, and yet thou hast not dispersed and consumed vs, we haue beene vnfruitfull, and thou hast not cut vs downe: yea Lord, we haue brought forth wild and sower Fruite, corrupt, and detestable, and yet thou let­test thy raine to fall, and Sun to shine vpon vs.

Make vs therefore wee beseech [Page 147] thee sorry as be­cometh thy Children, for that wee haue disobeyed thee, so mercifull and lo­uing a Father, and frame vs daily, and fashion vs to the likenesse of thy wel beloued Sonne, Iesus Christ our Lord: that in knowledge and true holinesse, wee may glorifie thee before the world, and by the fruits of godlinesse and righteous­nesse, be assured and made certaine of thy holy Spirit, and of the loue wherewith thou louest vs. Make vs thankfull deere Father, for the infinite & vnspeakeable benefites of our election to life and euerlasting glory before all time and for our creation, redemption, and sanctification, in time to [Page 148] bring thy glorious counsell to passe.

Worke in vs certaine faith, and assured hope in thy promises, the true feare of thy Maiesty, perfect hate and detestation of all disor­dered and sinfull affections. Worke in vs eternal loue of thy trueth and Gospell, sin­cere affection and loue to­wards thy Children, and a­mongst our selues patience, knowledge, vertue, loue, compassion, with all graces of thy kingdome, that in all on behauiour, thou O God mayest be glorified in vs. Also wee beseech thee most mercifull Father, for the benefites of this life. That as thou art not onely the God of our spirites and soules, but also of our [Page 149] bodies: so it would please thee, notwithstanding our sinnes, to grant vs thy bles­sings of health, peace, and maintenance, of which (by thy gracious prouidence) some of vs doe feele the want, and some of vs haue for long time enioyed and vsed the same; that together with them, wee may haue thy Spirit to instruct vs, as well in the wants, as in the true & lawfull vse of them: that wee may more earnest­ly and seriously study and labour in these vocations wherein thou hast set vs, through thy great mercy, to the promoting and increa­sing of thy Kingdome, to the benefite and comfort of thy Children. And wee pray not onely for our selues, but [Page 150] beseech thee make vs ear­nest and feruent in prayer vnto thy Maiesty, euen for others also, yea, for all men: that as thou art the Creator of all, so thou wouldest mercifully regard them, and continue thy gracious goodnesse & mer­cy, in adminstring & orde­ring the world, so that by no Tyrants nor wicked men, that order which thou hast established be ouerthrown: but the spring and haruest, the raine & fruitefull times, and the ioy which thou shewest and giuest by them, may prouoke all men con­tinually to feare and loue thee; yea, to seeke thee and finde thee. That not in those outward blessings a­lone, but much more in thy [Page 151] Spirit, they wh [...]me thou hast there-unto ordayned, may reioyce in thy Father­ly goodnesse by Iesus Christ. And that to this end, it may please thee to poure out thy graces vppon men, that they may bee in­structed and framed meete instrtments, for the calling of all such as thou hast ap­pointed to bee of thy Church.

That these builders may be cunning and expert. That these Gardiners, may bee wise to plant & water, with iudgement and discretion; that these Stewards of thy mysteries, may so behaue themselues in thy Church, that they knowing how and wherewith to feede thy house, the glory & beauty [Page 152] thereof may appeare in the eies of all the world, which thou hast before so long time promised, and which to see the eyes dazell & faint with looking for. And although wee know well, O Lord, that the cause of all mise­rable disorders, deformities, and breaches nowe adaies, is in our selues, which shutte vp thine hand, & (as it were) bind thine armes from rea­ching them out vnto vs, for our saluation and comfort, yet let the Lord arise and be mercifull vnto Sion, & haue pitty on the ruines thereof. For the time is come, our owne Country and people are before our eies continu­ally, whose sinne and disor­der, whose Ignorance and stubbrnoesse, whose negli­gence [Page 153] and contempt of thy word, thou hast now long time punished, withdrawing thy hand from doing them good. For by thy iust iudg­ment now many yeares, thou hast plagued them, and vs, with idle, prophane, vn­learned, and vnskilfull Pa­stors: Guiders thou hast giuen them, but to their ruine: Feeders, but of them­selues, not of thy flocke: Teachers and Doctors, who haue mouthes but speake not, eyes but see not, neither haue they Iudgement to in­struct thy people, nor wise­dome, how to goe out and in before them; and that which is most fearefull, thy good hand is not wi [...]h those Prophets which are amon­gest them, who do sowe in­deed, [Page 156] but the earth giueth not her encrease. They water, but thy plants rise not in any number. They feede, but thy flocke is poore, not fat nor beautifull. O let the Lord forget the sinnes of his people. Why hath hee bound them vppon his hand to looke vppon them for e­uer? Why hath he set them day and night in the sight of his countenance? Wee confesse and acknowledge against our selues, O Lord, all our sinnes, we iudge and condemne our selues, yea wee testifie against our selues, that we haue deserued that euen those sparkes of thy fire and heauenly light which are amongst vs, shold bee quenched and put out, that the smoake of thy glory [Page 157] which is still in thy Church amongst vs, should rise vp and vanish away from a­mongst vs as the dew of the morning; that the same building which as yet stan­deth, were to bee throwne downe, that the Lord shold mount vppon his Chariot, and flee from vs. But shall the Lord deale with his people by waight and mea­sure? shall hee vse iudge­ment, and not mercy? shall our Father forget his Chil­dren, although we prouoke him? shall not the sighes & grones of them that be­wayle Syon, come before him & enter into his eares? O Lord, let the iudgement [...]nd seuerity which we haue deserued, bee stayed: let Chariots and Horses bee [Page 156] loosed, let the Armies of the Lord bee discharged, and let the Lord vngird him­selfe, and forgette his coun­sell, and turne and bee mer­cifull & gracious vnto them acknowledge and confesse their sinnes. Let the An­gels that bee the destroy­ers, goe from before thy face, to ouerthrow and cast downe all that standeth to hinder thy glory, and to maintaine sinne and Igno­rance, Pride, and Vanity. That thy good Angels may follow, to mete out and de­scribe all thinges that per­tayne to the building of thy Temple. Let them lay to it the square and plummet, and let all thy people stand and showte and sing glory, at the laying of this founda­tion. [Page 157] Let thy Spirit guide all those good Lord, that in feare and reuerence before thee, walke in their vocati­on. In the Vniuersities and in all parts of the Realme, yea, of the earth, looking & labouring for this worke, & encrease the little mumber, as the thousands of E­phraim, & the tenne thou­sands of Manasses, and those that laugh at, and hinder, & drawe backe this worke, let them bee ashamed and con­founded, and all thy marue­lous blessiings be shewed in the successe thereof. But let them haue no force nor strength to hinder it: so shall Iacob reioyce in thy mercy, and Israel in thy euerlasting truth. So shall our eies see thy glory, O Lord, and wee [Page 180] sing perpetually to thy prayse. So shall Iesus Christ delight in the beauty of his Church, and his people bee a people meete to serue him, decked and adorned with his guifts, labouring and studying to please him, that in them his loue may rest. To this end, good Lord, shew thy mercy vppon all Princes and Magistrates of the earth, that belong to thy election: turning the hearts of all those that hitherto haue not knowne thy truth, but lent their power and might to Sathan and Anti­christ, to persecute thy peo­ple, to the great dishonor of thy name. That yet now at the last, they may b [...]e brought home into thy sheepfold, and in stead of [Page 181] persecutors, become Nurse-fathers, and Nurse-mothers to thy Church. But espe­cially, wee most humbly be­seech thee for all such Prin­ces and Magistrates, as haue receiued thy truth. And namely, for our deare Soue­raigne Lord, the Kings Ma­iesty, whome thou hast pla­ced ouer vs in this Realme, & for his most honorable Counsel, and all Magistrates therein, that thou wouldst augment the graces of thy holy Spirite in him, and in them: especially, the spirit of wisedome, counsel, and power: that hee and they may goe forwarde in the worke of the building vp of thy Church, in all obedience to thy will, speedily, and constantly, and perseuerant­ly, [Page 182] that thy people the Sheepe of thy pastours, whome thou hast commit­ted to him and their gouern­ment, may godly and peace­ably liue and dye to thee, & with them and for them, glorifie thy most holy name for euer and euer. We be­seech thee also good Lord our God, for all our Bre­theren wheresoeuer, that those which are in thy Church in peace and safety, may prosper and goe for, ward, and stand in thy truth for euer, that thy goodnesse may bee assured vnto them-and that thou wouldst keepe their place, and maintaine their cause, against all that labour to trouble them. And for such as doe yet la­bour vnder tyranny and af­fliction, [Page 183] whose sufferings thou knowest, O Lord, bet­ter then we can declare: It may please thee to breake the rodde of their oppres­sours, to quench the fire of their aduersaries, & to ligh­ten, or rather cleane take a­way that burthen, that they so presse them withall; that they together with vs, may ioyne in thy Congregation, and feede safely. So that there may bee none to scar vs. Let thy Spirit of com­fort possesse our hearts, that all trouble may seeme lesse then thy trueth and glory, & so lighten our eies, that in our darknesse we may haue such sight of thy glory, and of Iesus Christ, who is in that high Mountaine where hee is now so glorious, that [Page 184] our griefes may bee swal­lowed vp.

A Speciall Morning Prayer for the Sabbath.

MOst Mighty, and glo­rious Lord of Hosts, & God of Sabbaths. Who though thou didst rest from all thy workes of Creation, yet daily workest in all the world, disposing and pre­seruing all things therein, by thy generall proui­dence: and especially rulest in thy Church and Chil­dren; doing all their workes for them, and daily preser­uing them from the euils of the time: encouraging them daily by the renuing of thy mercies to seeke thy face, & refreshing thy Beloued (dai­ly) [Page 185] from Sabbath to Sab­bath with the fruits of thy house, that they may bee fit­ted to rest for euer with thee in thine eternall Sabbath. It is thy singular mercy, & great patience (O Lord our God) that thy vnworthy & vnprofitable seruants, hauing so often prouoked thee, to call vs to an account and take our Talents from vs; are yet respited to a fur­ther vse of thy blessings, and redeeming of the time in better husbanding thereof. But (O Lord our God) how wonderfully and (aboue all other) vnspeakeable is this thy goodnesse, that though wee haue no better then prophaned this thy holy day, generally heretofore by speaking our owne [Page 186] words, and thinking our owne thoughts therein; so far from being bettered by thine ordinances, that wee still remaine more hardened and inexcusable thereby, more leauened with hypo­crisie and worldlynes, more barren in vprightnesse and holynesse of conuersation, and so deserue for euer to be plucked vp by the rootes, and cast out of thy presence. Yet hast thou offered vs once againe this gracious opportunity of thy blessed Presence, and to drawe neere vnto thee, his thy day in the vse of thy holy ordi­nances. How iustly mightest thou long since, either fat­ted vp our hearts, and so giuen vs vp to our owne lust, and reprobate waies, that all [Page 187] good motions might bee vtterly quenched in vs, all desire of thy presence whol­ly extinguished. Or though wee had any desire, yet thou mightest iustly hide thy face from vs, and turne this day of our visitation into a per­petuall night. Hast thou not thus reckoned with our neighbours round about? And what mightest thou find in vs (O blessed Lord) that any way could stay this fearefull reckoning? Is it, because wee haue enioyed more fauours longer then they haue done? Lord, what may wee truly expect herefrom, then to be beaten with more stripes? And though thy patience bee more enlarged towards vs, yet shall not the reckoning [Page 188] bee the more intollerable? Or is it not thy singular wis­dome, to warne vs graciou­sly by our Bretherens harmes, and humble vs the more by the sence of our vn­profitablenes, as if our case were bootlesse, & desperate? Or is it because thou hast giuen vs some remorse of Iosephs affliction, and en­larged our hearts with some compassion towards them. Oh how doth this continue our cruelty towards them, that while wee seeke to ease them of their smart by our cold compassions, wee yet encorage them by our ex­ample in sinne? How doth this challenge our want of mercy to our selues, while wee more harden our hearts hereby in wickednesse, as [Page 189] if we were more righteous then they, because wee are spared, and they are punish­ed; and so heape vp more wrath against our selues by our impenitencie, while we labour to reclaime others from the fury thereof. Thus find wee nothing by our selues, why wee fare better then others; but that our best fare is like to proue our deadly bane. Onely in thee (O our God) there is ab­solute power to doe with thine owne what thou wilt, with thee there is free mer­cy, to spare whome thou pleasest; In thee, there is in­finite wisdome to draw thy Children vnto thee, by con­trary meanes; some by feare, plucking out of the fire; al­luring others by thy tender [Page 190] compassions, that thou one­ly mightest haue the glory of all thy workes; melting some by thy patience, which harden others, and hardning some by thy corrections, which soften others. Me­ditate (O my soule) on this Power, Wisdome, and mer­cy of thy glorious God. Ex­alt him and say; who is like our God, that spareth and punisheth whome hee plea­seth; that punisheth by sparing, and spares by pu­nishing? And solet thy heart beginne this day with such deuoute Meditation and rauishment therewith, that it may truely cast thee downe before his glorious presence, and vtterly cast thee out of all carnall con­fidence, and so wholy cast [Page 191] out of thee all vaine and earthly thoughts, that may interrupt thy sweete fellow­ship with thy glorious God, while thou labourest to power out thy soule before him in iudging thy selfe, & iustifying his free goodnes for thy former preseruation, and crying for acceptance in thy Sauiour for the par­don of thy sinnes, and to be cloathed with his righteous­nesse, that thou mayest ap­peare all faire in the pre­sence of thy God, and so be safely carried by his Spirit, into the Chamber of thy Mother, there to sucke and bee satisfied. O grant vs (gracious God) thus to be­ginne this day in thee, and with thee. And that wee may bee better quickened [Page 192] and enabled hereunto, and set to the spending thereof wholy in thy feare. Per­swade our hearts, wee pray thee (Blessed Lord) of the moralitie and equitie of this thine owne ordin [...]nce: that what thou hast for thine owne intire and solemme worship so vnchangeably ratified, wee may not e­steeme common and indif­ferent, as either to seeke my selfe any whit therein, or els not to seeke thee in all thy waies: as if either thou hadst imposed rest from our worldly imployments, be­cause idlenes pleaseth thee, and the ease of the flesh were part of the worship; or els might excuse vs from spirituall imployments: or else, that herein also wee [Page 193] might take our ease, and serue our selues, refreshing the labours of our soules, by satisfing the flesh. But cause vs (gracious God) to know, that therefore, in thine infinit wisdome thou hast now restrained vs from bodyly labours, that wee might bee there by freed from all encombrances of care and worldly minded­nesse, and so might wholy apply our selues both to the publicke and priuate meanes and practice of thy worship therein, euen all the day: and that wee may so doe, O grant vs wee humbly pray thee, to call thy Sabbath a delight, to consecrate it glo­rious vnto thee; eschewing our owne waies, and re­nouncing our owne will, [Page 194] forsaking all vaine and or­dinary words, giuing no way to any loose or worldly thoughts: but we may bind our selues to an entire and constant following thee, in all the wayes of thy wor­ship, as may any way seeme to the sāctifying of this day.

And because I am like to meete with many hinderan­ces herein, both within and without: mine owne heart within, repining hereat, as an heauy yoake, and plea­ding for vnseasonable and carnall liberty: The world without, alluring by cun­ning pretences and contrary example, and scorning my strictnes and scrupulousnesse herein. O arme mee strong­ly (gratious God) against all these enchantments, and [Page 195] foolish scarcrowes; That I may not leane to mine owne wisdome, but to thy sacred word, studying the more carefully to please thee in all things, that I may stop the mouthes of gainsayers, or glo [...]ie herein the more, that they are still opened against weldoing, & shall prouoake thee iustly to stoppe their mouthes in due time, with confusion. O perswade my heart (as thou hast taught mee) that thy yoake is easie, thine ordinances not gree­uous: and grant mee to try mine ease, by the diseasing of my flesh; and to prepare for cōfort therin, by greefe for my fayllings, which may still prouoake mee to con­tinue therein: and the sub­duing of my flesh may bet­ter [Page 196] fit mee to the cheerfull vndergoing thereof: and the more I feele mine owne wants and greeue therein, the more I may hunger after and value thy sweete ordi­nance, whereby my wants may bee supplyed, and sor­rowes r [...]freshed: that so in the deniall of my selfe, I may bee still found of thee in Christ, and by his power may bee still enabled to goe through the spirituall occa­sions of the day, and norish­ed with hope of the accep­tance of my weake endea­uours therein.

So grant mee (louing Fa­ther) when I speake vnto thee, to speake euen from thee. From the sence of thy Maiesty, to abase mee hum­bly before thee: from the [Page 197] light of thy Truth, to dis­cerne my speciall wants by the light of faith, to appre­hend thy speciall fauour in Christ, to cast me out of my selfe, and cast mee boldly vppon thee, and by remem­brance of thy former mer­cies and faithfull promises, to assure mee good successe in presence with thee, and so from the sence of thy loue, to offer a sacrifice of praise vnto thee, that I may still receiue from thee by emptying my soule in com­passion to others may bee more replenished by thee.

O grant mee (Blessed Lord) that when thou spea­kest to mee, I may heare thee onely, and alone by thee. Let thy key open my heart that it may receiue thee in­wardly: [Page 198] Let it shut my heart againe that by medi­tation, I may retaine thee constantly. Let it open my heart againe, by applying thine ordinance to my pre­sent and speciall wants; and so breake the stony rocke a­gaine, that the teares of hearty Repentance may gush out plentifully. O then let it shut my heart fast by confidence in thee, that I sincke not in dispaire; And then let it open and enlarge my heart againe, with ioy vnspeakeable and glorious, in the sence of thy rich mer­cies. And now let it shut vp my heart againe, against selfe loue & spirituall pride, that so it may be opened by speciall grace, to all gratious and constant duties to thee, [Page 199] my selfe, and my neighbour.

And when we are to meet thee together in that holie communion: O prepare the roome for thy selfe, that thou mayest delight to feast with me, and giue me an heauenly appetite, that I may desire to feed on thee. Humble my soule before thee, that thou mayest stoope vnto me; and ease my soule of its heauie burthen, that it may ascend vnto thee, and so knit my heart hereby vnto thee in an euerlasting fellowship.

When I obserue thy church enlarged by the admission of new members, the breach of mine owne Vow, to consi­der my decay and backe-sly­dings from thee; and in the sense thereof, to pray more earnestly for thy Blessings vpon [Page 200] thine owne Ordinance, reioycing for the encrease of thy Church heereby, and yet preparing vnto the bloodie Baptisme, and so hungering af [...]er the full consummation of thy Chosen.

When I ioyne with the Congregation, either in giu­ing thee praise, or in prayer [...]o receiue from thee (O grant) me to ioyne of con­science not custome, to the satisfying of the flesh, to humble each other, that we may haue mutuall comfort, to labour with one mind & end, that our paines may not be tedious or fruitlesse.

Giue mee so to praise thee, that I bee more humbled in my selfe, so to giue thee thankes, that I part not stakes with thee: so to sing vnto [Page 201] thee, that I may sorrow for my sinnes, so to reioyce be­fore thee, as that I may still hunger after thee, and long for thy euerlasting presence.

So enlarge mee from thy bounty, to all occasions for thy sake, to fill the emptie, to emptie the gorged stomacke, to raise the humbled, recall the wandring; con­firme the weak [...], informe the ignorant, conuince the ob­stinate, comfort the abiect, and reconcile the auerse: & in all these, giue mee, good Lord a cheerfull heart, ra­ther choosing to preuent, then bee preuented. herein rather striuing with the last, then giuing ouer with the first. And so what I haue found a broad, O grant me to communicate at home [Page 202] with my God in prayer, to blesse it vnto mee; with my selfe in priuate application to be bettered therby, with my family in conference and instruction, to increase the kingdome of Christ, still raising my soule higher from the world, by meditation of the wisedome and goodnes of my God, in his wonder­full workes, & so still more abasing my flesh, in the view and sence of mine owne vn­profitablenesse in the best I haue done: yet comforting my soule in the promise of my God, that hee will re­quire no more then hee giues, and shew his power in my weaknesse; that though I find no more in my rekconing, but a dearer and more deepe sence of my [Page 203] corruption, as this day to discerne & detest the same: so this deepe sense of cor­ruption, may enable me to prepare more conscionably against the more publike oc­casions, and prouoke mee more earnestly to hunger after the euerlasting Sab­bath.

And euen so grant mee (Gracious God) thus to end the day with thee, as I haue endeauoured to begin, and continue the same in thee. O pardon, I humbly pray thee, whaesoeuer hath bene mine, and accept gra­ciously, and crowne thine owne worke in mee, who am thy seruant and the Son of thy handmaide. And so do heartily commend my selfe, and all mine, into thy [Page 204] speciall tuition, beseeching thee to giue mee my full ac­quitance before I meete thee in publike, that I may approach thy presence with comfort, and pertake thine owne ordinances as my ap­pointed food, make such benefite by them as may sa­tisfie mee with thy fulnesse, to the reioycing of my soule in the light of thy Counte­nance, and to prouoke mee to long for thine euerlasting presence, and fit mee daily to meete my Sauiour in the Clouds, in whose worthy­nesse, I humbly pray thee to accept thine vnworthy ser­uant, and his weake prayers, to whome with thine owne Maiesty, and God the bles­sed Spirit, three glorious Persons, one God in vnitie, [Page 205] might, and Maiesty, be ascri­bed as most due, all glory and Power, and Maiesty, & Dominion, with all feare & hearty obedience, of vs and the whole Church of God now and for euer, Amen.

A Prayer for the Sabbath Euening.

ALmighty and euerli­uing Lord God, F [...]ther of our Lord Iesus Christ, & in him our most louing and gracious Father, whose faithfulnes is euerlasting, & louing kindnes past finding out: it is thy good proui­dence (holy Father) that wee thine vnworthy Seruants, haue had this opportunity to commerse with thy glorious Maiesty this day, in thy holy [Page 206] ordinances, and now are to make vp our reckoning for our imployment therein, in the shuting vp thereof, and it is thine infinite mercy & tender compassion towards vs, that thou hast yet respited vs to the end of this thine holy Sabbath, to make our peace with thee, that so wee may lye downe in thy fa­uour, and so bee sealed vp hereb [...] vnto thine eternall Sabbath. For wee vnfai­nedly here confesse before thee, O thou thee searcher of our hearts, that though thou hast offered thy selfe most graciously vnto vs this day in all thine ordinances, to the reclayming of vs from our vaine and peruerse waies, as also to allure vs to constant and cheerefull o­bedience, [Page 207] yet Lord, thou knowest what little power wee haue found to subdue the rebellions of our proud spirits, how little comfort wee haue reaped from thence, to arme vs against temptation, and stay vs from sinking therein: Nay, our wisedome hath the more opposed thy Spirit, by how much the more it hath bene conuinced there by, and our wounds haue more stunke and putrified, the more thou hast laboured to lance and cure them.

How slightly did wee prepare our selues to thy publike worship, being only formall and customarie in the priuate: rather standing vppon the adorning of our stinking carcasses to please [Page 208] men, then to humble our soules that wee may bee ac­cepted of thee. How care­lesse haue wee bene in ex­horting and prea [...]i [...]g thy Familie, that they toge­ther with vs, might go vp with confidence to the house of God, and so bee there refreshed with the fat­nes of thy house. And as we tooke not he [...]d to our feet when wee should come be­fore thee, so when we came, our footing deceiued vs; and though we saw our face in thy glasse, and were iust­ly abased at the foule spots therein, yet wee forgate pre­sently the true hue thereof, and so lose our selues at home, euen when wee sought to find thee abroad, departing alwaies without [Page 209] sound comfort from thy pre­sence, because we could not endure to be thorowly aba­sed in our selues before thee.

And thus hath it befalne vs (holy Lord) euen while we haue endeauoured to honor thee in thine Ordinances; that while, wee haue rather sought therein our own glo­rie, then thine; and desired rather the outward credite of Profession, then the power of Conuersion, and renuing of our inward spirits. Thogh thou gauest vs our desire to be seene of men, yet thou didst send leannesse into our soule; denying vs iustly, the true comfort which wee did not cheefely desire, or indeed were not fit for. For (alas) what leaue could we expect from thee, or at all in thee, [Page 210] who while we tendred with the Harlot offrings of peace and made glorious shewes of loyaltie vnto thee; yet did no better then vsurpe vpon thy honour by our hypocrisie & vaineglory, and (as much as lay in vs) challenge most blasphemously thine omni­scienced righteousnesse; as if either thou didst not discern our inward rottennesse, or didst approue of our outside and bodily worship. And did euer any fight against God, and prosper? Euen so (Lord) hath it fared with me this day: Mine owne proud heart hath fought against thee in the vse and sence of all thy Blessings, seeking to serue my selfe by them, and not thy glorie, and so to har­den my heart therewith, that [Page 211] though thou fillest the hun­grie with good things, yet diddest thou send mee away empty of true comfort, be­cause my proud and swolne heart vtterly excluded the same. And so it iustly befell me, according to thy word, that it carried mee from the presence of thy grace. While I stood in the presence of thy Ordinances, Lord how my minde wandered from thee, while my bodie was before thee. Nay, my disharted mind peruerted my body also, that euen with much deadnesse of the outward man, much drowsinesse and irreuerence, I behaued my selfe so before thee, as I durst not before my Friend; as I might giue iust aduantage to mine Enemie: rather thinking the time too [Page 212] long, because my mind was on my belly, yea sometimes wishing mine cares shorter, and more slow to heare, that so I might not conceiue what was contrarie vnto my corruption: that I might (as it were) blesse my soul in my shallow and counterfet holi­nesse? And what I yet con­ceiued, how quickely either did I lose it, that I might not finde my selfe: or how foo­lishly did I turn it, to the puf­fing vp of my flesh, with a conceit of knowledge, or to the adoring of the vessel that yeelded the Treasure, that so he also might cloake & mag­nifie me?

O Lord, how my deceit­full heart couzened it selfe heerein? Either in applying what I heard to others, as if [Page 213] my selfe were not aymed at, that so I might hereby com­mit two Euils, both to con­demne others, and iustify my selfe: Or else, in misapplying what I heard vnto my selfe, fastening on such Comforts as did not belong vnto mee, or slighting such Terrors, as specially aymed at my sore. What should I say vnto thee (O thou more inward with me, then mine inmost parts) Though mine eare was som­time tickled, yet mine heart was not moued at al, or more hardned by its contrarie mo­tion: Though mine heart was stricken for the present, and shaken by thy Terrours, yet it was calmed againe by the enchantments of Hypo­crisie and Securitie. And al­though I saw my true face in [Page 214] thy glasse, yet I stopt mine eares from the hearing of thy Law; and therefore thou diddest also hide thine eares from my Prayers, which I afterward made before thee in priuate, and deniedst thy gracious blessing to my en­deauours, in the informing of my Family, and confer­ring of what I had heard, for their further building vp in knowledge and obedience: and because I had beene so carelesse in attending thee; therefore thou diddest iustly leaue mee to the neglect of my duetie to my selfe, and mine; that so in our fayling each other, wherein happily we might be more confoun­ded, as making this the main of our Religion, rather to be honoured of each other, in [Page 215] mutuall helpe, then to honor thee our God, in seeking help from thee alone, wee might knowe the true cause, why thou didst fail vs in the pub­like, euen because we sought our selues, and not thy Glo­ry. Oh the infinite riches of the wisedome of God! How wisely didst thou abase thy Seruant at home, where hee sought to aduance himselfe in priuat by profiting others, who neither sought thine honour abroad, nor how to benefit himselfe by the pub­like Ordinances. And yet how mercifully diddest thou heerein deale with him, by calling him to account, and charging him as an vnprofi­table seruant, for his vnwor­thy walking before thee in the publike, while he was ca­sting [Page 216] vp his peniworthes at home, and expiated the ap­probation and recompence of a profitable seruant. Euen thus, O Lord my God, fared it with me at home, the best that I reaped was according­ly as I had sowne. As I sow­ed to the flesh abroad, so of the flesh I reaped corruption and confusion at home: and while I endeuoured to heale the wound, and mend my selfe, by imparting of my b [...]d peniworths to others, it was more encreased by their drowsinesse and deceitfull chaffering with me, yeelding me no better then the chaffe and refuse of bodily and for­mall attendance for all my Lip-labour and cold deuoti­ons bestowed vppon them. And this is all that I can tru­ly [Page 217] account with thee (O thou Searcher of my secret parts) for all the goodnesse I haue receiued from thee this day, euen to account my selfe vn­worthy of the least of thy mercies, not able to answere thee one for a thousand, if thou sholdst enter into iudg­ment with me. But herein yet haue I boldnesse before thee, & comfort from thee, that in this I do vnfeignedly iudge my selfe, that thou mayest not condemne mee, that in the iudging of my self I desire to giue thee the one­ly glorie of all thy mercies vouchsafed vnto me this day in acknowledging my selfe vnworthy of the least of them, that so still I may bee found of thee in Iesus Christ; not hauing mine owne righ­teousnes, [Page 218] and so in his Peace, may find peace and comfort with thee.

O pardon therfore (I hum­bly pray thee) the manifolde wanderings of thy poore ser­uant from thee this day, euen while he hath bin with thee, and discharge him of those fearefull reckonings which he hath had with his owne soule, because he hath recko­ned without thee, & not mea­sured himselfe by his accep­tance with thee, but rather by what he hath slightly per­formed vnto thee. Accept me therfore in the righteous­nesse of my Sauiour, and co­uer all mine imperfections, with the perfect holinesse of my Redeemer, that in him I may appeare all faire before thee: And speake vnto my [Page 219] poore soule, by the testimo­nie of thy good Spirit, sea­ling vp vnto me, the forgiue­nesse of my best endeauours; that so the conscience of my manifold wanderings, and backeslidings from thee, in my vain & worldly thoghts, carnall walking, and behaui­our farre vnbeseeming either this day, or thy presence, may not confound me in thy pre­sence, while I sue out my dis­charge from thee.

O giue me to mourne vn­fainedly for greeuing thy Spirit so often this day, and dishonoring thy great name, wherein I haue sought to honour thee: and make mee to abhorre my selfe before thee in a iust detestation of my best endeuou [...]s, as to bee iustified thereby; that so I [Page 220] may be acquitted by thy free mercy in Iesus Christ, and in him may finde peace & com­fort in thee: both that my faylings are not imputed vn­to me, and that my poore en­deuours being the worke of thine owne Spirit, may bee accepted of thee. Let this comfort me (O my God) that I haue desired to walk before thee this day in the trueth of my heart: and let this still humble me before thee, that I haue not answered my de­sires heerein, that so I may haue comfort in thy free ac­ceptance, aboue all that I could do, or desire. And so in this comfort, grant mee to repose my selfe whollie, in thy free Grace, both to re­fresh me in the night season, that I may not sleep in death; [Page 221] and so to raise me vp again to a wise redeeming of the time of my ciuill Calling, & there­in to lay vp a good foundati­on, for better preparation a­gainst the next Sabbath, and so to be prepared to my eter­nall Sabbath with thee for e­uer in thy glorious kingdom. Heare mee (O Lord) in these my supplications, pardon the weaknesse of my sinful pray­ers, accept my person in the Sonne of thy loue, and an­swere me aboue all that I can aske or thinke, euen for the onely merit of thy deere Son my onely Sauiour Iesus Christ, in whom thou art wel pleased, Amen.

A Prayer to be said before the hearing or reading of the holy Scrip­ture.

O Heauenly Father, whatsoeuer I am, whatsoeuer I haue, whatsoeuer I know, it is on­ly by thy grace: for by na­ture I am the child of wrath, and I am not borne anew of flesh and bloud, neither of the seed of man, or of the will of man. Flesh & bloud cannot reueale the mystries of thy heauenly kingdome vnto me: but by thy blessed will I am that I am, and by the same know I that I know. Therefore, O Fa­ther, doe I commit into thy hands onely, my saluation. [Page 223] If my knowledge be small, yet I doubt nothing but that I am the child of thy euer­lasting kingdome: and ther­fore by thy mighty power, I shall grow (when it shall bee thy good will and plea­sure) to a more full and ri­per knowledge, as of a more perfect age, wherein my faith shall bee fully able to comprehend and perceiue the breadth, depth, heighth, and largnesse of thy great mercies and gracious pro­mises. But seeing, O Fa­ther, this power of full knowledge and perfect re­uelation, passeth all power naturall, and remaineth one­ly in thy power, and light of thy Spirit: O Lord, doe thou whatsoeuer it shall please thee, to open vnto me [Page 224] and all the rest of thine elect seruants and children, de­pending vpon thee, so much of the light of thy counte­nance, as may bee most for thy glory, and our comfort: yea, and at such time as shall seeme good to thy wise­dome and fatherly mercy. In the meane while, thus resting wholy vppon thee, neithet can I despaire, nei­ther will I be too much care­full, although I cannot at­tayne to the knowledge of many of thy workes, neither to the vnderstanding of ma­ny places of thy Scriptures. But I will confesse vnto thee the weaknesse of my faith, waiting alwaies for the fur­ther reuealing of thy glori­ous light to bee vttered vnto me thy poore seruant, when [Page 225] thou shalt thinke (of thy Fa­therly beneuolence & good­nesse) meete and conueni­ent. I knowing most assu­redly, that thou wilt pittie my weake imbecilitie and childish infancie, and cause the same to serue for thy glory, and my great com­moditie: seeing that I erre as a child before such a Fa­ther, which canst not but off thy Fatherly pitty and com­passion, but rather as thou hast bought mee vnto thee, to bee an heire of thy king­dome by the bloud of thy naturall Sonne my Sauiour Iesus Christ: so am I sure that thou wilt lighten mee in the end, with full fruition of the bright light of thy coun­tenance, that I may see thee, and know, that as this thy [Page 226] Sonne knoweth thee: yea, see thee and know thee my Father face to face, to know th [...]e as I am knowne. Thus rest I onely in thy hands (O my God) crauing of thee to encrease my knowledge in thy holy word, whereby I may know thy good will & pleasure. And knowing the same, giue mee, O Lord, thy holy Spirit to conduct and lead mee in the same all the daies of my life; that in sin­ceritie of faith, and purenes of liuing and conuersation, thy glorious Maiesty bee magnified in mee for euer. Giue mee grace therefore (most mercifull Father) that for so high a treasure left a­mong vs, as is this thy most holy word, I may be thank­full, reuerently embrace, [Page 227] accept, and esteeme of the same, as the most precious iewell in earth, bee there [...]n confirmed more strongly, that all things therein con­tayned to be most certaine and vndoubtedly true, not by any mortall man, but by thy most holy Spirit in man, penned and written to the comfort and behoofe of man: that I may most hum­bly, lowly, and with most high reuerence, submit my selfe thereunto, as becometh thy Maiestie, and thy word proceeding out of thy most blessed mouth: that I may re­uerently with humblenesse and obedience, read, heare, and occupie my selfe in the same, to the comfort of my soule, and encrease of thy glory. Lighten mine vn­derstanding, [Page 228] most deere Fa­ther, with thy holy Spirit, that I may learne, cleerely to conceiue, and vnderstand the things therein contai­ned, which no mortall man can conceiue, saue those who haue learned of thee, & whom thou by thy holy Spirit dost lighten and in­struct. Guide mee (deer [...] Father) with thy holy Spi­rit, that hauing the true vn­derstanding of the mysteries therein contained, I may be fully established and confir­med in the true knowledge of thee my deere Father, & of thy beloued Sonne Iesus Christ, my Lord and Saui­our, throughly in conscience perswaded that I haue my full and perfect saluation & life euerlasting in him, and [Page 229] through his attonement, made through his death and passion, that I doe not vain­ly abuse the knowledge of thy sacred word, to satisfie vaine curiositie, or bragge of knowledge: but onely to the releeuing of my hun­gry and wounded consci­ence, to the loosing of my fettered soule, and the ap­peasing of my sorrowfull heart: that I may to the end of my life, walke in sincerity before thee, my heauenly Father, in the comforts of thy deere Sonne our Saui­our, vpholden still by the mercifull power of the holy Ghost, to thine euerlast­ing praise and glory, world without end. Amen.

A Thanks-giuing after the hearing or reading of the word of God.

O Eternall God, and most mercifull Fa­ther, I yeeld vnto thee most heartie thankes, for all thy benefits bestowed vppon mee, espe­cially that it hath pleased thy heauenly goodnesse to shine into my heart through the light of thine holy Spi­rit, in the Mysteries of thy holy word, and that thou hast framed my heart and mind to take such vnspeake­able ioy, and comfort in thy most blessed & holy word, and the embracing of my saluation therein offered vn­to [Page 231] mee. For these thine vn­speakable mercies, I beseech thee, O Lord, make mee thankfull, that I may ac­knowledge the great benefit thereof, and esteeme of so inestimable a treasure, aboue all earthly possessions or treasures. And, O Lord my God, for so much as I wan­der in this present life, a­mong many and infinite dangers, whereby I am euery moment in perill of sliding backe, and falling from this feruent zeale of thy euerlast­ing truth, which thou hast kindled in my brest, if o­therwise thou doe not stay mee by thy mercifull hand: and for so much as I learne out of thy most blessed and holy word, that it is not suf­ficient to haue begunne [Page 232] well vnlesse I continue to the end, not sufficient to hold my hand to the plough, and looke backe: I craue at thy hands, in the name of thy beloued Sonne, my Lord and Sauiour Christ, that this thy worke which thou hast begun in mee, thou wilt in mercy encrease in me, more and more, and continue it e­uen to the end of my life: that I doe not waxe cold, secure, dull, or faint, but continually encreasing in true zeale, I may still more and more be delighted with reading, hearing, and medi­tating of thy holy word: I may thereby also daily en­crease in true knowledge of thy blessed will, from faith to faith, that I may euen from the bottome of my [Page 233] heart, so sincerely professe thy true Religion, that all hypocrisie, vaine-glory, and fained holinesse, vtterly through thy holy Spirit rooted out of my heart: I may onely hold my selfe contented, that I may haue the eyes of thy Maiesty, be­holding my inward heart & minde, whereby I onely studying to be allowed be­fore thy Maiesty, may vtter­ly reiect all the vaine praise of men, which might puffe mee vp; or the scof­fing iests, taunts, or repro­ches of the vngodly, which might else driue me downe. To this end (O Lord my God) that I may encrease, and daily more and more be confirmed in thy mercies begun in mee. I beseech [Page 234] thee stirre vp true & sincere Preachers, and Messengers, who daily may stirre vp my minde and heart, otherwise by nature dull, to the ioyfull embracing of the glad ti­dings of peace. Leaue mee not destitute, O Lord my God, of the meanes which thou hast appointed for the encrease of a liuely faith, & true zeale; which meane, is onely the Ministery of thy blessed and holy word: but make mee alwaies carefull for the seeking of it: and so prouide, O Lord my God, that I may alwaies haue it, comfortably receiue it, and sweetly digest it. Keepe mee by thy holy Spirit, O Lord, that I neuer be sedu­ced by erronious doctrine, but that onely I may giue [Page 235] eare vnto thy voice, that cleauing onely vnto thee, I may in this present life which thou hast giuen mee, so occupy my selfe, and vse this good time which thou hast appointed, that I may still looke for the comming of thy deere Sonne, to re­ceiue mee into the euerlasting rest, prepared for all the elect and chosen, whereby I shall for euer remaine toge­ther with my Lord and Sa­uiour Iesus Christ, to whom with thee & the holy Ghost, be all honor and glory, world without end, Amen.

A Prayer before the re­ceiuing of the Sacra­ment.

O Lord Iesus Christ, which art the sweete comfort of all that call vpon thee, and the sure succour of all such as sue vnto thee; be­hold mee a most sinfull crea­ture, and foule offender, which bowing the knees of my heart with all humilitie before thee, confesse vn­fainedly, that I am not wor­thy to entertaine and re­ceiue thee into my sinfull & vncleane house. Neuerthe­lesse, most louing Lord, which hast said, that who so eateth thy flesh, & drinketh thy blood, shall dwell in thee, and thou in him, haue [Page 237] mercy vppon mee, O haue mercy vpon mee most mer­cifull Sauiour, and behold mee most miserable sinner, prepared at this present, not only to let thee in vnder the roofe of my mouth, but also to lodge thee in the house of my heart. O bountifull Iesu, be my gracious Redeemer, and grant that I receiue not the Sacrament of thy body and blood vnworthily, pur­chasing thereby vnto my selfe death and damnation, but rather be made through faith in thee, a worthy re­ceiuer, & a meete member of thy blessed body, and so by the strength of this hea­uenly foode, may not onely bee enabled to cast away all my former sinnes, and most beloued corruptions; but [Page 238] may also walke before thee, in all constant holines, to the making sure of mine electi­on. Grant this I beseech thee, for thine owne mercy sake, Amen.

A Prayer to be said after the receiuing of the Sacra­ment.

O Sweete Sauiour, which with thy precious salue of compassion, curest the foule and filthy sores of our sinnes, and prouidest for vs all necessarie preseruatiues against the poyson of the soule-infecting malicious­nes, heare I beseech thee, the humble supplications of me thy poore seruant, which heere present my selfe be­fore thee at this present, and [Page 239] grant that this my receiuing of the Sacrament of thy blessed body and blood, may be a true testimony vn­to my conscience, that I haue through faith in thee, receiued full remission of all my sinnes and offences past: and am now become (as it were) a new Creature in thy sight: I beseech thee like­wise grant, that casting away all my former workes of wickednesse, I may hence­forth walke in newnesse of life, and godly conuersati­on, bringing forth such fruits of true conuersion, as may mooue others by my example, to honor & praise thy holy name. And that running the whole race of my life in dutifull obedi­ence toward thee, I may [Page 240] when it shall please thee to thinke meete, receiued a­mong the number of thine elect, into that euerlasting happinesse where wee shall bee perfect in holinesse, Amen.

A Prayer for Constant perse­uerance in praying, when wee are dull to pray­er.

O Lord God, most mer­cifull Father, according to thy commandement, in mine afflictions, and necessi­ties, I seeke to thee for suc­cor by continuall prayer & calling vppon thy Name. I call vppon thee in the day time, and in the night season doe I poure out my prayers vnto thee, and yet for all [Page 241] that I feele mee nothing re­leased, but oftentimes worse and worse, which maketh me many times deare Father almost to doubt of thy goodnesse, that thou dost re­iect my Prayers, and giuest no heed vnto them, where­by I doe almost thinke that it is no boot for me to pray, seeing I feele no release: but (O Lord) this is but weak­nesse in me, and the frailty of flesh, which will not wil­lingly bee subdued vnto thy Spirit: which my frailty, I beseech thee O Lord, for­giue me. For thou dost O Lord God see my conflicts, and lookest vppon my con­tinuall sighes and petitions, but thou dost deferre & pro­long thy helpe the longer: & dost not at first helpe me, to [Page 242] this end, that I may see fully mine owne weaknes, learne by little and little to subdue my rebellious will to thy good will, who knoweth better what is meet for mee then I my selfe. Therefore (O most deare Father) strengthen mee by thy holy Spirit, that I may still perse­uere and continue in prayer, and with longing desires pa­tiently waite for thee O Lord, being assured that al­though it appeare not, yet thou art alwaies present with mee, and hearest my sighes and complaints, and wilt when thou seest thy time declare thy selfe mani­festly in the renewing my heart with spirituall ioy: stirre vp O Lord my dull & sluggish nature, to call vpon [Page 243] thee continually, appointing thee neyther time, nor the meanes of my deliuerance, but leauing all to thy good will and pleasure: I may in the meane time, neuer cease my continuall prayer, to call for thy mercifull helpe, vn­till such time as it shall please thy goodnesse to send mee full deliuerance. I feele my selfe (O Lord) oftentimes very vnwilling to pray, for that I doe not fully perceiue my prayers to be heard, but doe go on still languishing in my sorrowes, as though thou hadst no care of mee. But this my dulnesse, I be­seech thee, O mercifull Fa­ther, pardon in me, and grant that I may be raised vppe to pray for aide and releefe of thee continually, although [Page 244] I should see no signe of fa­uour: yet that I may conti­nue still, with the faithfull Woman of Canaan, and neuer cease in heart, mind, and mouth, till thou grant my requests at thine ap­pointed time, when thou knowest it shall be most for my behoofe, and for thy glory. And that when thou shalt mercifully looke vpon mee to deliuer mee: I may then fully with my whole heart acknowledge thy goodnesse toward me, and let it neuer stirre out of my heart, but continue thank­full for the same all the daies of my life, whereby thy glo­rie in mee may be declared, and my soule releeued tho­rough Christ my Lord and Sauiour, Amen.

A Prayer for all times.

O Lord God, Father of mercy, and God of all consolation, without whom wee haue neither hope nor comfort, we poore wretch­ed sinners beseech thee of thy Fatherly goodnesse, to looke vpon vs, and to make vs partakers of thy gracious goodnesse, so that euermore wee may set foorth thy ho­nor and glory: let our con­uersation bee such, that a great many beholding our good workes, may glorifie thee our heauenly Father: and so direct our waies, that we may hold forth the pro­fession of thy Gospell, as a Lanterne to lighten the steps of a great many, that [Page 246] they may turne to the, and prayse thy name in their vi­sitation. Thus (O Lord) wee beseech thee to deale with vs, that in deed wee may be vessels of honor vn­to thee, now to set forth the glory of thy name, and after this transitorie life, to be­hold thy glory, who hast immortallitie alone, and dwellest in light, that no man hath approched vnto: remoue farre from vs our sinnes and iniquities, that they may not separate be­tweene vs and thee: blotte out of vs our offences, and make our prayers righteous, that thou mayest fauourably grant our requests: looke vppon vs with thy fauou­rable mercy, that thou may­est haue pittie vppon vs, and [Page 247] behold vs in the righteous­nesse of thy beloued Sonne Christ Iesus; and that wee may be presented faultlesse in thy sight: and thou ac­cepting vs as holy, we may haue the grace euermore to set forth thine honor and glory, and to speake of thy praises in the midst of all thy people.

Let vs loue (O Lord) the things that are good, and hate the things that are e­uil, let vs delight in all things that may please thee, and let vs be greiued with whatso­euer is displeasant in thy sight. And to the intent we may haue true vnderstan­ding, and be able to descerne betweene things, what is good or euill, wee beseech thee, let thy word dwell in [Page 248] vs plentifully, that it may guide our vnderstandings so that wee may abound in all knowledge, and doe accor­ding to that which is righte­ous. And in this estate of true Christianitie, being in­structed in mind, and readie in body in all holy obedi­ence, we beseech thee make vs to grow and encrease from grace to grace, from faith to faith, vntill we come vnto the fulnesse of age, to bee perfect members of the body of Christ, waiting for the blessed hope of thine e­lect, and sighing in spirit vn­till the time that thy Chil­dren be reuealed.

In the meane season, let vs sigh with all those that haue receiued the first fruits of thy spirit, that these daies [Page 249] of sinne may cease, that Sa­than bee troden downe vnder feet, that Antichrist may be reuealed▪ yet to many thousands that bee in igno­rance, that the number of thine elect may be full, the bodie of thy Saints made perfect, all teares wiped from their eies; euen then when thy Sonne shall ap­peare the second time, to iudge the quicke and the dead: which time (O Lord) send quickly, according to thy good will, and teach vs to pray with all thy Saints, Come Lord Iesus, come quickly. Grant this, O most mercifull Father, for thy Sonnes sake, in whose name wee pray vnto thee. And although wee bee but earth and ashes, yet wee are bold [Page 250] to say vnto thee, (the God of all glorie) euen as hee hath taught vs. Our Father which art in heauen, &c.

A Prayer for all estates.

O Lord God, Father of light, with whome is no change, neyther yet sha­dow of change, but hast esta­blished thine appointed counsels, which shall not be changed for euer: thou O God, hast made among vs this diuersitie of estates and degrees, according as euery Common-wealth needfully requiteth, keepe vs all, wee beseech thee, that wee may walke obediently in our cal­ling, and follow the steps that thou hast set before vs, euen from the highest to the [Page 251] lowest: let vs accomplish that dutie vnto which thou hast appointed vs, and with a faithfull remembrance of thy promise made of old to our Father Abraham, that thou art his exceeding great reward, wee may likewise depend on thy prouidence, and seeke not any shamefull waies to get our liuing, wan­dring from the righteousnes of our vocation, into the manifold errors of sinne and iniquitie. Looke vppon vs (O Lord) & inrich vs with thy grace; make vs obedient to our superiours, meeke to­wards our enemies, faithfull to our friends, true and iust towards all men, that wee may dwell stedfastly rooted in the hope of thine [...]lect: vntill thou shalt make an [Page 252] end of all our labour: looke vppon our most excellent King, and Prince, with his Highnes honorable Coun­sell; as thou hast called them to the highest roomes, so giue vnto them the great [...]st measure of grace, that they faithfully dispense the Ta­lents commited vnto them: Lead them with good King Dauid into the Sanctuarie, that they may see thy louing kindnes, which is better then life, and say with the Pro­phet, All flesh is grasse, and the glorie of man is as the flower of the field, & so conse­create themselues to do thy will, offer vp their bodies to be holy, liuing, and reason­able sacrifices vnto thee, that they may bee nurse-fathers vnto thy Church: looke al­so [Page 253] wee beseech thee, vppon the Ministers, whom thou hast appointed to the prea­ching of thy Gospell, make them (O God) faithfull dis­pencers of thy mysteries, without respect of persons, to do the worke vnto which thou hast appointed them, that they may conuert sin­ners, and haue their glorie perfect in the day of Christ: & knit vs together in peace and loue, that they may bee full of compassion one to­wards another, to reioyce with them that reioyce, and mourne with them that mourne, especially to in­struct one another in the way of righteousnesse, that by our mutuall helpe wee may the better withstand our enemie, and dwell safe [Page 254] in hope of thine elect, till our daies shall bee full, and we shall walke in the waies of all the world: which time we beseech thee bring vs happily vnto, euen for thy Sonnes sake, we beseech thee, to whom with thee, and the holy Ghost, three persons and one God, be all honor and glorie, now for euer, & euermore, Amen.

A Prayer to bee confirmed in the knowledge of God.

O Most mightie, and e­ternall God, thou that by the creatiō of the world, the Sunne, the Moone, and Starres, the Earth, the Sea, and all that therein is, hath sufficiently declared thy selfe to be the euerlasting & Almightie God, for that these things doe farre passe the reach of mans wise­dome. And not herein onely hast thou declared thy selfe to bee a God: but in that also, that thou dost continually guide and go­uerne all things of thee cre­ated: It is thou therfore that thunderest from heauen, [Page 256] that with lightnings and tempestes, and of waters & windes, shewest thy terrible vengeance vpon sinfull flesh. It is thou (O God) which lettest vs feele sensibly in our selues, thy mighty power and working, not on­ly in that, that thou hast made our bodies and soules: but especially, that thou makest vs euen of force to confesse thy eternall Spirit in vs, who so mightily figh­teth against the assaults of the enemie, that of force we are driuen to acknowledge that it is thy working in vs, and not we our selues. See­ing therefore, O most mer­cifull Father, that wee haue both in thy creatures, and also in our selues so manifest testimonie, that thou onely [Page 257] art the eternall and euer-li­uing God, which raigneth in all thy creatures, guiding them by thy heauenly pro­uidence: grant we beseech thee, that our hearts may be hereof fully assured, to ac­knowledge thee not onely to bee God eternall. who hath created all things: but also that we may in heart be fully perswaded, that thou O Lord God, dost gouerne all things according to thy most blessed will, so that no­thing can bee done in the world without thine ap­pointment, and that thou hast such a singuler care ouer thine elected people, so that not so much as an hayre of their head shall fall without thy prouidence: that thou so guidest all their doings, [Page 259] that all things shall turne to their commoditie, and thy glory. Grant O Lord God, that hereof we may be fully assured in our hearts and soules, that we may in all our doings set thee before our eyes: acknowledging thee to bee our onely Lord and Father, and by the wor­king of thy holy Spirit in vs, may bee confirmed in Faith, and comforted in soule, and lightened in vn­derstanding, that alwaies here vppon earth, wee may glorifie thy holy name, and after the dissolution of this body, wee may attaine to e­uerlasting ioy, through our Lord & Sauiour Iesu Christ, who liueth and raigneth world without end, Amen.

A Prayer for the obtaining of sauing Faith.

O Eternall God, and mer­cifull Father, who in the riches of thy mercy, hast ordained thine onely Sonne Iesus Christ, to bee the propitiation for the sinnes of thine elect: that whosoeuer beleeues in him shall not perish, but haue e­uerlasting life: that so many as receiue him, and beleeue in his Name, may haue power from him, to bee the Sonnes of God, and heires with him of eternall glory. And in thine infinite wise­dome, hast so disposed of me thy Creature, that being first estated by thee, in a condition of holinesse, and [Page 260] falling willingly from the same, by mine owne rebel­lion, into a most fearfull & desprate estate of sinne and damnation: I might bee re­stored againe to a better condition of life and im­mortalitie, by the death & passion of thy deere Sonne. Looke downe I humbly pray thee, with the [...]ies of thy mercy vppon mee thy most vnwo [...]thy seruant, who doth vnfainedly here confesse before thee: that, though I am by Nature most sinfull and miserable; yet such herein is my desperate case: that through the blindnes of my minde, and hardnes of heart, which can­not repent, I am so farre from knowing my misery, much lesse how to helpe [Page 261] my selfe out of this wofull estate, that the very wise­dome of my flesh, is emnity against thee. And my selfe, not onely rebelling against the meanes, which might discouer vnto mee my mise­rie, but most desperatly per­uerting those meanes, to the further hardning of my heart, and so to the more desperate enwrapping me in the bonds of damnation, by heaping vp wrath against the day of wrath.

And therefore, First I humbly pray thee Blessed Lord, who hast the key of Dauid; that openest and no man shuts, that shuts and no man openest; to open the blind eies of my mind, that I descerne the wonderous things of thy law; that so in [Page 262] the true glasse of thy holy law, I may clearly discerne mine owne miserable estate, and by the hammer of thy Law, my hard heart may be throughly broken, with the sence of my sinnes: that so feeling my sinne a burthen, which I am not able to beare; I may be wholy con­founded in my selfe, as dis­cerning my selfe to bee an vtter cast-a-way, and repro­bate branch, fit for nothing, but for the vnquenchable fire of thy Ielousie. O make me Lord, to see the inward vildnesse of mine heart, and that all the thoughts, and imaginations thereof, are onely euill continually: that though I may be happi­ly free from grosse euils, and seeme to shew forth some [Page 263] ciuill goodnesse, yet those may bee cōuinced to be most abhominable, because they proceed from the filthy sink of my heart: and the lesse I discerne the euill of my waies the more I may acknowledg the deceitfulnesse of mine heart, the more I may con­uince the obliquitie thereof; that howsoeuer I seemed to be aliue, as being ignorant of my misery: yet now discer­ning my selfe in thy righte­ous Law, I may not only ac­knowledge my selfe dead in sinnes and trespasses, and so vtterly senselesse and vnable to helpe my selfe; but also, may renounce vtterly mine owne wit and wisedome to any good, as being no better then desperate Rebellion a­gainst thee.

Thus beeing confounded, and wholly cast out of my selfe, and finding my case to be out of measure sinfull, and so altogether desperate in re­gard of any ability as of my selfe, to my recouery: O let mee not sinke vtterly vnder this insupportable burthen, but put thine holy hand vn­der me, to preuent vtter dis­paire: and sustaine mee se­cretly by thy mighty Power, that I bee not swallowed vp in death: Oh raise mee vp I humbly pray thee, with the hope of thy mercie, and leade me by the hand of thy grace, to seeke it where it may bee found. Bring me into the se­cret Chamber of thy graci­ous Presence, where I may behold thy face in my Saui­our, and grant me to admire [Page 265] thine infinite wisedome and mercie, in prouiding so soue­raigne a remedie, for my di­stresse.

O giue me, to be rauished with thy loue, in the exceed­ing riches of my Redeemer, and make me so to valew the worth of his Merit, as for the obtaining thereof, to resolue on vtter renouncing and par­ting with whatsoeuer I haue, to obtaine the same. And so finding now by thy Grace, what neede I haue thereof; oh worke in me a secret hope that thou maist be reconciled if I can fasten on the meanes thereto, and grant me aboue all, to hunger after his righte­ousnes, that so mine iniqui­ties being thereby couered, I may draw neere with confi­dence vnto the Throane of [Page 266] Grace, to begge vnfeigned­ly, euen with strong cries, the pardon of my sinnes. And though I receiue not a pre­sent answer to my desire, yet sustaine me I pray thee with thy gracious Spirit, that so I may with patience waite thy good leysure, and neuer giue ouer, till thou hast saide vnto my Soule, I am thy Saluati­on.

And though I do not pre­sently feele this testimony of thy Spirit, sealing me vp to the day of Redemption, yet grant me (I pray thee) to be strong in Faith, beleeuing what I feele not as I would, and hoping for what I do not yet enioy, that so thereby be­ing knit vnto Christ my Sa­uiour, and made one with him, I may therby draw ver­tue [Page 267] from his death, to the mortifying of my corrupt Nature, and killing of those speciall lustes that do hinde [...] this sense of thy loue in him towards me; that so feeling in me a dying to corruption, I may also therby apprehend more fully, the discharge of the guilt of my sinnes, in the merites of my Sauiour: and so therby renewing my peace with thee my gracious God, I may reioyce in the hope of that glory, which hee hath purchased for me.

And so in the hope of that Glory, grant mee (I humbly pray thee) to draw vertue from the Resurrection of my Sauiour, that so I may be rai­sed vp with him to newnesse of life: whereby I may ren­der thanks vnto thee for this [Page 268] vnspeakeable gift, and to bee made meete for the same, in the acceptable time.

And that I may not be dis­appointed of my Hope: Oh grant me still to liue by faith in the Sonne of God, dayly denying mine owne righte­ousnesse, that still I may bee found acceptable with thee in him, aboue all worthinesse in my selfe, of my imperfect endeauours, only in his righ­teousnesse, and so therby may be prepared to the hope of Glorie.

And seeing I am like to meete with many hinderan­ces in pursuite of this Glory, both from the World with­out, either detaining mee in the way, or drawing me from the marke; as also from mine owne deceitful heart within, [Page 269] as discouraging mee in my course, and laggering mee in my pace; and sometimes al­so blinding me either not to discerne, or mistake the gole. Oh grant me to walk by faith and not by sight, as to rest on the foundation which stands sure, the Lord knoweth who are his, though sometimes in the building I may misse of it: so to walke as a stranger & Pilgrime in the world, not clogging my selfe in my iour­ney with vnnecessary lug­gage, and fretting cares, nor setting vp my rest in any pre­sent Inne of outward happi­nesse, or inward means ther­to, but still casting away eue­ry thing that presseth down, and the sinne that hangeth so fast vpon me, I may run with ioy the race that is set before, [Page 270] looking vnto Christ Iesus the Authour and finisher of my Faith; and so by him seeing within the rule into the glory that is set before mee, I may despise the shame, and waite with patience, the great re­compence of Reward. That so neither riches may daunt my Faith by presuming too farre, nor depth may quayle it, by stooping too low: That Principalities may not shake it by force of tentation, nor Powers ouercome it by their violent impressions: that nei­ther things present may a­base it by groueling thereon, nor things to come may de­iect it by doubtings or false feares: That neither life may corrupt it by doting thereon, nor death may confound it by vnpreparednesse thereto: [Page 271] That nothing may separate me from the loue of God in Iesus Christ, in whom (by Faith) I am more then Con­queror ouer all things.

Thus grant mee (gracious God) to walke by Faith, and not by sight. And that I may receiue the end of my Faith, euen the saluation of my soule, Oh keepe me by thy mighty power through faith vnto saluation, and guide me by the word of Faith in all my wayes, that I may not leane to mine owne wisdom, bur to thy sure Word, as to a Light shining in a dark place, that so I may daily grow in knowledge, and in the grace of Iesus Christ from Faith to Faith; filled with all ioy and peace, in beleeuing & aboun­ding in all fruits of righte­ousnesse [Page 272] and perfect holines, that so I may be perfect and intyre, wanting nothing, wai­ting for the appearance of Ie­sus Christ; that so my Con­uersation being in heauen, an entrance may bee thereby made vnto me, into the euer­lasting kingdom of thy deare Sonne, euen to take possession by faith in this life therof, and to see a farre off by faith, into the fulnesse of that glo­ry, that so I may fight the good fight of Faith, and lay hold of eternall life, in full as­surance of what I haue alrea­die the earnest of by Faith; and so in that h [...]pe daily pur­ging my selfe of all wicked­nesse of the Spirit and of the Flesh, that I m [...]y grow vp to perfect holinesse in th [...] fauor of GOD, waiting daily by [Page 273] Faith the adoption of the sonnes of God, and laboring to attaine the resurrection of the dead; that so I may bee kept blamelesse, in Soule, Bo­dy, and Spirit, vnto the com­ming of my Sauiour Iesus Christ. Grant these things (gracious Father) euen for his sake in whome thou art well pleased, Iesus Christ the righteous. To whome with thine owne blessed Spirite, one glorious Vnitiue Trini­ty, be glory, and prayse, & Dominion, now and for euer, Amen.

A Prayer to feele in heart Spirituall comfort, and the liuely sence of our Adoption by Faith.

O Lord God, most mer­cifull Father, now I ful­ly perceiue & know, that the heart of man is not in his owne hand, for thou hast taught mee by diminishing thy Spirit of comfort in my heart, that it resteth wholie in thy power to make ioy­full the heart of man, and to diminish the same ioy accor­ding to thy good pleasure and will. For if (O God) it had beene in mine owne po­wer and will, to haue recei­ued comfort in thy holie word, or to haue beleeued thy promises from my hart, [Page 275] I would long since haue en­ioyed comfort, and beene confirmed in faith: but I cannot (most mercifull Fa­ther) it is thy meere worke, I looke therefore, O graci­ous God, for thy blessed comfort & strength of faith, which I beseech thee, O Lord, send into my heart to fill the same with spirituall ioy, that by the working of thy holy Spirit in mee, the comfortable promises of thy mercifull protection may be throughly sealed in mine heart, and sinke downe deep into my soule, that I may be fully assured that thou art my strong rocke and house of defence, that thou dost keepe mee as the apple of thine eye, as thou hast pro­mised in thy blessed word, [Page 276] that thou wilt not lay more vppon mee, then thou wilt giue mee strength to abide, and that thou wilt assuredly at thine appointed time re­new my heart, & the whole powers of my mind, that I may fully glorifie thy holy name. But in the meane time (O Lord) alas, my heart is cleane voyde of spirituall ioy, yea, euen as hard as a stone, so that the louing pro­mises of thy holy word (al­though I know them to bee true) yet they cannot sinke into my hard & stony heart, vntill such time as thou by encreasing of thy holy Spi­rit to me, shalt mollifie and make tender my hard heart, that it may bee meete to re­ceiue the sweet comfort of thy Spirit. Thy holy Spi­rit, [Page 277] O Lord, in mee, which is the assurance of my saluati­on, doth continually send forth vnspeakable sighs and longings, for thy full & ioy­full presence. I beseech thee therefore (deere Father) for thy Sonne Christ Iesus sake, harken vnto my prayers, and grant my requests, make tender my hard and stony heart, by thy holy Spirit, that I may from the bot­tome of my heart, acknow­ledge thee to bee my most mercifull God and Father, and all things in thy holy word contained, to be most certaine and true, reuerently embrace the same, and into my soule take comfort and ioy in the same: that I may, deere Father, euen vnto my liues end, walke before thy [Page 278] face in sinceritie of heart, being assured of my saluati­on, through that one alone sufficient sacrifice for my sinnes, made by thy deere Sonne Christ Iesu, to whom with thee, and the holy Ghost, bee all honor, and glory, world without end, Amen.

A Prayer against doubting to strengthen a weake Faith, and to perseuere ther­in.

GLorious and migh­tie Lord, who by [...]hy Soueraigne, & All-sufficient power, as thou madest al things of nothing, so thou callest those things which are not, as if they were, and dost command [Page 279] light to shine out of darke­nesse, that so wee might bee translated out of darknesse, into this maruelous light. Holy Father, it is thine vn­speakable mercy, that I thy most vnworthy seruant, be­ing once the child of hell, yea darknesse it selfe, am now through thy free grace, illightning mine heart by Faith, enabled to behold thy face in Iesus Christ, and so through this light, am be­come light in the Lord: be­ing enabled by faith, to dis­cerne the great Mystery of Christ, and so by faith to lay hold thereon, as to bee freely thereby discharged from the guilt of my sinne, and to be inuested with the perfect righteousnesse of my Sauiour; that so I might bee [Page 280] found acceptable vnto thee. Holy Father, how vnspeak­able herein haue beene thy mercies to me a vilde sinner; that passing by the wise and noble of the world, it hath pleased thee of thy free grace to visite mee, a very reprobate branch, with thy sauing health, and to send the Spirit of thy Sonne into my dead heart, whereby thou hast quickned mee by faith in the merits of my Sauiour, enabled mee with boldnesse to draw neere vnto thee: and to crie with confidence, Abba, Father. O how hast thou shed thy loue abroad in my heart by the holy Ghost, which thou hast giuen me, whereby, though I haue beene in great heaui­nes through many tempta­tions, [Page 281] especially with the sense and horror of my sins; yet hast thou wonderfully refreshed my fainting spirit, and caused mee to reioyce with ioy vnspeakable and glorious. O how haue these holy rauishments, taken me vp into the third heauens? How hath my soule now longed to put off this cor­ruption, and to be taken vp, for euer to enioy thy glorious presence? How gladly would I now haue obtained the marke, before I had run my race? How willingly would I haue the crowne, before I had finished my course? O the vnspeakable riches of the wisedome, and mercy of my God toward me! Didst thou not put this precious treasure of [Page 282] faith into an earthen vessel, that the glorie might bee of God, and not of man: didst thou not Redeeme mee out of the hands of our enemies, that so I might passe the time of my pilgrimage in feare, and magnifie thy po­wer daily in mine infirmi­ties, daily denying mine owne righteousnesse, that still I may be found of thee in Christ, that still I might liue by faith, in the Sonne of God, and grow vp in him to perfect holinesse. Surely blessed Lord, when I consider mine owne cor­ruption, daily more and more appearing in me, and rebelling against thy righ­teous will, and casting vp daily mists to dimme the eie of my Faith, that I cannot so [Page 283] clearly discerne the light of thy countenance: yea, som­times so leading me captiue into sinne, that I am many times to seeke of the sence of thy Loue: I am many times put to question the truth of my faith, and to di­strust my selfe whether I haue any faith, or no. For alas Lord, I must needs con­fesse, to thy glory, that al­though thou commandest mee to beleeue perfectly in thy Sonne, and to be strong in faith, yet I find on the o­ther side, such strength of corruption, preuailing ouer mee, and commanding mee forcibly to giue way there­unto, and so not onely in­terrupting the sense of thy loue vnto me, but also chal­lenging my loue vnto thee, [Page 284] that I am forced many times to feare, whether I am led by the Spirit truly of faith or no; whether euer thy loue were shed abroad in my heart: if euer I loued thee in truth, seeing it seemes vnto me, that my loue vnto sinne is not altogether quenched: nay, I feele the power of corruption, carrying mee so violently after the lusts of my heart, that as I find my selfe lesse cheerfull and con­stant in thy seruice, so on the other side, I sometimes find my selfe lesse able to re­sist temptations: more apt and inclinable to such lusts which heretofore I haue sub­dued, yea, often more fou­ly ouercome and foiled by them. What shall I say vn­to thee (O thou searcher of [Page 285] my heart, and preseruer of my soule) dost thou not see how cold somtimes I am in prayer? How dull in the hearing of the word? How carelesse of thy Sabbaths? How vnconscionable and negligent in my calling? How rebellious and inordi­nate in my affections? O how often haue I greeued thine holy Spirit, by neg­lecting the good motions thereof, yea many times willingly crossing the same, and entertaining contrary suggestions of my cruell e­nemie? How carelesse haue I beene to examaine my heart, and renew my coue­nant with thee? How de­ceitfull or carelesse, in break­ing often my vowes which I haue made vnto thee a­gainst [Page 286] speciall corruptions, for renuwing of decayed graces? O How often haue I beene ready to giue way to such curssed thoughts of blasphemie, and fearefull impietie, which might euen quench thy Spirit, & lead to the dispighting thereof? How haue I sometimes bin readie to violate my Con­science, by rushing on des­perate euils? yea, how fear­fully haue I wounded the same by committing grosse sinnes, and to make vp the measure of my misery? How haue I hardned my heart by sleeping in sinne, and negle­cting the sauing meanes of deepe humiliation, to awa­ken me to repentance? Alas (Lord) thou knowest ful wel that though thou hast follo­wed [Page 287] mee with many secret and open afflictions to rouse me out of this sleepe of Se­curity, yet either it hath pro­ued but a dreame, and so I haue falne asleepe againe; or if my heart hath bin awake, yet it hath not bin vnto thee to make my sound peace, but rather vnto my Enemie, to cease his violence; yea, som­times to the World, to pro­cure some temporary lenity rather to ease my present paine, then to heale me tho­roughly. And surely (righ­teous Lord) euen thus it hath befalne, that such as I haue sown, I haue often rea­ped euen more hardnesse of heart, lesse sense and remorse for sinne, more boldnesse thereto, and more ease ther­in; lesse delight in holy du­ties, [Page 288] lesse life in prayer, lesse cōscience in the word, more slights in my calling, more distraction in my recknings, and more confusion in my Spirit.

Yet still (O Lord) I heare a voice behinde me, saying; This is the way, walke in it. Yet still I finde thy hand o­uer me to stay me from sin­king; still my better adui­sed heart tels me, it was bet­ter with mee formerly then now, when I had comfort in thy presence, and consci­ence in thine Ordinances. Still thy Spirit is readie to reuiue me with hope, that I may recouer againe, and my hope is confirmed heereby, that the meanes are still offe­red me, and I am capeable of them. But (alas Lord) insted [Page 289] of comfort by them, I reape nothing but further confusi­on, because as I am vnable to apply them to my selfe, so indeed I am not now fit for that comfort which I seeke for in thee. For what peace can there be to mee, while my corruptions stink before thee? Or how can I look for comfort, b [...]fore I be sound­ly healed? O the vnspeake­able Riches of the wisedom and mercie of my God! how insearchable are thy Coun­cels, and thy waies past fin­ding out? As thou diddest bring light out of darkenesse in calling mee from darknes vnto light; so doest thou cause thy light to shine in darkenesse, that thy glorie may bee perfected in my in­firmities. And therefore, [Page 290] though I am now thy Crea­ture, renewed after thine owne image, yet seeing thou wilt haue the onely glory of thy worke, therefore as the light of the righteous must shine more and more vnto the perfect day; so the dark­nesse of corruptions must not bee dispelled vtterly at once; but daily be banished more and more vnto the co­ming of Christ.

Therefore is it (blessed Lord) that though thou hast cancelled the guilt of my sin at once by faith in Christ, yet hast thou wisely left the corruption of sinne to be a­bolished by degrees, that so I might still liue by Faith in the death of Christ for the mortifying thereof, that I might dayly; grow vp in [Page 291] Christ to perfect holines, & therfore though corruption remaine in mee, yet seeing it doth not raigne in mee, here is my comfort, that I am not vnder the Law, but vnder Grace, & though I am some­times as no better then lost in my selfe: yet, this is that I may still deny mine owne righteousnesse, that I may be found of thee in Christ: for the concerning of present corruption, & for the auest­ing of my person in him, to bee enabled thereby to per­fect holinesse. Onely graci­ous God, grant mee heere I pray thee, still to iustifie thy wisedome, in condemning mine owne folly, and to ad­uance thy free and constant grace, in the acknowledging of mine owne corruptions. [Page 292] True it is holie Father, that as thou madest man righte­ous at the first, but he sought many inuentions to his owne ouerthrow, so didst thou so restore me againe by thy power of Christ vnto a more durable state of holi­nesse, that neither shall I e­uer fall away from thee fi­nally, neither though thou hast left corruption in mee: yet, seeing thy end heerein was to make mee still deny my selfe, that I might stand fast in Christ, in whom thou hast ingrafted mee, therfore neither might I haue falne at al into such feareful distracti­on, if I had kept me close vn­to my hold, neither though I haue fallen by letting goe my hold, yet shall not my falling make thy truth with­out [Page 293] effect; nay, rather shall proue a meanes to make good the same. And therefore I doe heere vnfainedly acknow­ledge before thee (blessed Lord) mine owne folly in let­ting goe my hold; thou hast not beene wanting with all meanes to preserue me vp­right; but I haue beene wan­ting to the meanes, and so I haue beene wanting vnto thee and to my selfe. thou hast willed mee to liue by faith, euen when I haue fee­ling of thy loue; and my in­ward pride hath peruerted thy gracious feeling to make mee liue by sence, and behold the Sunne when it shineth: and so by peruer­ting the comfort of thy Spi­rit, as an occasion to the flesh, I haue iustly greiued [Page 294] thy Spirit, and so thou with drewest thy face from mee, and I haue beene troubled. Troubled in my soule for the losse of thy fauour, troubled of the world by seeking false remedies there from: troubled in my Spi [...]it, by the confusion of those remedies, as breeding some times hardnesse of heart, and so bringing forth troubles, by exposing to outward e­uils, and hindering in the vse of spirituall remedies: sometimes herevpon bree­ding further trouble and inward horror and anguish of spirit, many times laying the axe to the very roote, & challenging the maine. And yet in all this, farre lesse then I haue deserued, that so I might haue hope in [Page 295] thy free grace for my reco­uerie. And in all this, ad­uancing thy righteousnesse, in abasing my folly, that so I might still renounce mine owne righteousnesse, and labour to bee found in Christ for my recouery and perfection. Onely keepe me here (holy Father) from pre­sumptuous sinne, that it may not haue dominion ouer me to turne thy grace into wan­tonnesse, and then lead mee into thy priuy Chamber: & stay me with thy flaggons, that I may not onely not sleepe in death, but also a­wake and sing out of the dust, and out of the deepe; to admire thine infinite wis­dome, and to see thee who art inuisible, that I may bee raised vp againe. O giue [Page 296] me therefore (most mighty Lord) to condemme mine owne folly, for being wise in mine owne eies, in turn­ing thy fauour as an occa­sion to the flesh: grant mee to thanke my selfe, that of the flesh I haue reaped such confusion, and giue thee thankes, the more thou hast sustained mee in the graue. Grant me out of experience of mine owne foolishnesse, to giue thee the glory of thy free goodnesse, and out of the experience of thy po­wer, in my weaknesse, to comfort my selfe, that thou wilt returne againe. And that thou maist vndoubted­ly returne with speed: O strengthen my weake faith I humbly pray thee, with thy precious promises, that thy [Page 297] foundation stands sure, whatsoeuer my building may be: thou knowest who are thine. O let it comfort my fainting spirit, that all things shall worke together for the best, to those whome thou hast chosen, that so I may wisely compare one thing with another: things past, with things present, & by those things to come, that so I may liue by faith, in the iudging of my pre­sent estate, by looking be­hind and before, and not be cast off my hold, either by present temptations, or future feares. O establish me with thy precious pro­mise, that thou wilt keepe me to the end, that so I may liue by faith, in casting my selfe vppon thy mighty po­wer, [Page 298] and committing my selfe in weldoing into thine holy hands. Teach mee to deny mine owne wisedome, that I may trust perfectly in thy mercy, and grant me in things to rely vppon the wisedome of thy word, which is able to make mee wise and perfect to saluati­on. Let thy word keepe me in all my waies, that I may not decline to the right hand or to the left: and let my supplications be alwaies manifest at the throne of grace, that so I may be care­full for nothing. O let me not in any case, greiue thine holy Spirit any more, but grant mee to entertaine and cherrish the motions therof, by turning them into fer­uent prayers, and conscio­āble [Page 299] practices, seasonable to the occasion: weane mee from the loue of the world, that I may haue fellowship in thy loue: and purge my heart from secret wicked­nesse, that it bee not stolne away from thee. keepe mee alwaies close vnto thee, that I may not fall into open wickednesse; and giue mee grace alwaies to remember my end, that I may be still prepared, against the com­ming of my Maister & Saui­our Iesus Christ. And so still accept me (gracious Fa­ther) as I am in him and not in my selfe, as I would be in thee, and not what I am in corruption; as I shall be with thee, not what I am in this present world: enabling me still to desire aboue what [Page 300] I can do, and to beleeue aboue what I can thinke or desire, and so lead mee for­ward by thy power, through the vally of teares, that though I somtimes slippe, yet I may vp againe: though I stray a while, yet I may thereby mend my pace, & follow close after the marke, not looking on my selfe, & mine owne worth or inabi­lity, but still looking vnto Iesus the Authour and fini­sher of my faith: that so I may in him bee more then Conqueorr, and so fighting still the good fight of faith, I may finish my course with ioy, and lay hold of eternall life in due season. And so fil me (O God of grace) with all ioy in beleeuing, that so I may liue by faith, that I [Page 301] may bee readier to die in faith, and to giue vp my soule by faith into thy holy hands, apprehending by faith, the Resurrection from the dead, that so I may bee translated from death to life, and enioy for euer thy glorious presence. Grant these things (O Gracious Lord) according to thy goodnesse, in Iesus Christ my Sauiour, and bles­sed Redeemer, Amen.

A Prayer for obtaining Tri­all, and cherishing, of the holy Spirit of God.

GLorious and euerlasting Lord God, Father of all Spirits and soules of the righteous, who hast reuealed thy selfe in thy sacred word to be a Spirit, holy, and in­comprehensible, eternall, infinite, immortall, & all-suf­ficient; and therefore wilt be worshipped in Spirit, and truth. And hast in the riches of thy mercy, promised to send thy holy Spirit the Comforter, into our hearts, to lead vs into all truth, and to comfort vs in all our tri­bulations, and so to seale vs vp to the day of Redempti­on. [Page 303] Looke downe graci­ously vppon mee thy poore and forlorne seruant, whose po [...]tion is in this valley of miserie, to wander in dark­nesse, and walke many times in the valley of the shadow of death, altogether igno­rant of my way, and so sub­iect to continuall error, and wholy destitute of all di­rection therein, and so ne­cessarily exposed to conti­nuall danger. For mine owne heart within me, is no better then a guide to betray me to error, and the glory of the world is nought else then a baite to deceiue me, either by clogging mee in the way, that I may faint in my iourney, or diuerting mee from my right home, that I may set vp my rest in [Page 304] mine Inne, or build my foundation vpon the sands. And mine old aduersarie still compasseth and watch­eth all opportunities from both: either to sinke mee with dispaire, that I may perish in the way, or to swell me with presumption that I may not enter into the straight gate. And euen so did it fare with me, (Bles­sed Lord) all the daies of my vanity, before I knew thee in Christ. As mine owne heart misled mee into all er­ror, through my wilfull ig­norance, so it betrayed mee hereby, to all occasions of sinne without, which I swal­lowed more greedily then my appointed food, and blessed my soule therein as my cheefest happines, and [Page 305] so was faster bound in the chaynes of Sathan, as being led captiue at his will, to e­uery lust, and reioycing ther­in as my greatest liberty. And so also hath it in part befalne mee since my liber­ty in Christ, by whome though I receiued the free Spirit to lead mee in the way of thy statutes, and so haue somtimes obeyed the motions thereof, to the eui­dencing of my glorious li­bertie; yet such hath beene the power of my corruption preuailing ouer mee, that I haue many times greeued thy good Spirit, by my ma­nifold back-slidings, and to my sense and apprehension, seemed vtterly to haue quenched the same: so strong haue I found my cor­ruption, [Page 306] to lead mee captiue into many desperate euils: so little life and comfort haue I found in prayer, hea­ring thy word, especially, in my endeauour to repen­tance; either to resist tempta­tions, or release my selfe out of the snares thereof. And yet thou hast promised, that thy Spirit shall abide with mee for euer; and still me­thought in my greatest wan­drings, on the right hand, and on the left, methought I heard the voyce of thy Spirit behind me, saying, This is the way walke in it. Me thouhgt I haue heard the voyce of my beloued, many times knocking at the doore of my heart, when I haue beene asleepe in the bed of my securitie, saying, Open [Page 307] vnto mee, my Loue, my Doue, my vndefiled; yea, I haue felt him puting in his finger at the hole of the doore, to open it for mee, that so I might arise and let him in? And haue I not ma­ny times arose to entertaine him, and loe he was gone? Did I not follow after him to seeke him, and yet found him not? Haue I not many times smarted soundly for my folly, because I would not open betimes? Haue not the watch-men that should haue cherished mee, wounded me iustly for my carelesnesse? Haue they not pluckt away my vaile to discouer my nakednesse the more, that so my face being couered with shame, I might seeke thy face more hum­bly? [Page 308] And yet (O my God) I am still to seeke of thee, though thou still callest on mee to seeke thy face, and my heart in some poore measure, answereth, Thy face Lord will I seeke. Yet what fellowship can there be betweene light and dark­nesse, what hope haue I to find thee, seeing I want my guide vnto thee: yet thou art not wanting vnto mee, to tender this holy guide: and my guide is not farre from me, though I know it not; yea, thou art euer with me, to keepe mee from vt­ter fainting, and thine holy Spirit is within mee, helping me to crie vnto thee. O har­ken therefore I humbly pray thee, vnto the groanes of thine owne Spirit, and haue [Page 309] mercy vppon thine owne seruant, for greeuing the same. Restore to mee the ioy of thy saluation, that I may discerne the seale of thy Spirit, and establish mee with thy free Spirit, that I may euer bee with thee. O make mee wise to trie the Spirits, whether they bee of God or no, that neither I may be deluded by a Spirit of error, and withall may be able to discerne the worke and euidence of thine holy Spirit, from the motions and testimonie of mine owne ignorant and d [...]ceit­full heart. Grant me there­fore (Gracious Father) to plead mine interest in thy Spirit, by such true meanes and endeauors, as may vn­doubtedly auouch it to pro­ceed [Page 310] from thee: and may apparantly conuince, that it dwelleth in me. Giue mee to discerne the means wher­by thy Spirit is conuayed vnto mee, that after I haue heard thy word, and be­leeued therein, then I haue beene sealed with the Spirit of promise: grant mee to discerne the maner how it tooke possession of mine heart: that, to make way for it fit habittation, it cast downe euery Imagination that enabled it selfe against thy wisedome, that it onely might rule and gouerne mee Spiritually (and that with­all) thereby my house was swept and cleansed from the Dominion of sinne, that Iesus Christ thereby might wholy gouerne mee. And [Page 311] grant mee to auouch the truth of thy Spirit dwelling in me, not somuch by my entertainment and appre­hension thereof, because it bloweth where it lifteth: and though I may heare the sound thereof; yet I know not whence it comes nor whether it goes: but rather by the nature and qualitie of thy Spirit; which will leaue it true stampe in my receiued Spirit, in euery qua­litie thereof, for the assuring my possession thereof, by resemblance therto, though yet surely and absolutely according to the Nature of the Spirit: neither working it at all times alike, nor at any time in full measure: but still working according to the capacitie of the vessell, [Page 312] and the maine end, the glo­rie of God, that still it power may bee seene in my weak­nesse, that the glorie may be of God, and not of Man. And therefore, as I may not challenge a right in thy Spi­rit, vnlesse I find some liuely resemblance and effects of it holy nature in mee, as to be Holy, Meeke, Peaceable, Sincere, and the like: so I may not challenge the truth thereof in me, though I find not at all times a like mea­sure of it working, nor at a­ny time in this life may ex­presse the full Image therof, seeing it worketh freely, and so cannot alwaies be appre­hended alike: and it wor­keth freely, that it onely may haue the glory of the worke, and therefore so still wor­keth, [Page 313] that it power may bee in weaknesse, and it glorie perfected by infirmitie. And therefore as I may at all times find the like working of thy holy Spirit, so if I feele, in regard of this dif­ferent working thereof, a different apprehension of the seale: as sometimes not to feele it at all, sometimes more or lesse to apprehend the same: yet grant me (holy Father) not to challenge the working of thy Spirit, be­cause it is free and wise, working according to what is best for my present state, which is not sometimes fit for comfort, and yet abso­lutely in it good pleasure, e­uen then suspending com­fort, when I haue long fit­ted my selfe thereto. But [Page 314] rather, specially to con­demme mine owne folly, in depriuing my selfe of such effect of it, working aboue all; to adore the infinit wise­dome and power of thy Spirit, working yet in these greatest desertions so with me, as to keepe mee from vt­ter fainting, and further my cheefe good, to raise mee vp againe by repentance, that I may bee fit for comfort: and yet when I haue done my best, to suspend what I most desire, that so in the best, I may acknowledge my selfe an vnprofitable seruant, and so still labour to bee found in Christ, to bee lead along to perfection.

Thus grant me (gracious Father) to make triall of Spirits, and when I haue [Page 315] found by some such liuely euidences, that thine holy Spirit dwelleth in mee: O make, mee I humbly pray thee, wise to cherish and re­taine this blessed guest, that I may neuer breake through by greeuing the same, that not departing from it gui­dance, it may neuer depart from me: and therfore giue me still, to harken to the call of thy Spirit, shewing mee the right way, and enable me to submit my selfe to the yoake of thy Spirit, howso­euer irksome and vnsauourie to my rebellious corrupti­ons. Let mee not consult at any hand, with flesh and blood, in the motions of thy Spirit; neither let mee turne the comforts of thy Spirit, as an occasion to the flesh: [Page 316] keepe mee I beseech thee from Spirituall wickednes, that I may not abuse thy blessed Spirit, and enable mee to avoyd grosse offen­ces, least I offer violence to thy Spirit, and driue it from mee. Aboue all keepe me I pray thee, f [...]om wisedome in sinne, either to commit it vppon carnall grounds or ends, which thy word al­loweth not; or to lye in it by presumption, or security least I waste my conscience, and so quench thy Spirit. O make mee still iealous of my selfe and best abilitie, that I may not challenge the po­wer of thy Spirit, and giue mee conscience euen of se­cret thoughis, that I may tremble at, and abhominate them, least I greeue thy Spi­rit, [Page 317] make mee to startle at the motion of such sinnes as the world makes a sport of, least I startle thy good Spi­rit. and grant me to be hum­bled in my best endeauors, that so the Spirit of Christ may helpe me for the accep­tance thereof. O giue me to make my requests mani­fest daily vnto the throne of grace, least I be distracted in all things, and so greeue thy holy Spirit: and in all things grant mee to resigne vp my selfe, to the guiding and tuition of thy blessed Spi­rit, that so in all occasions it may go well with me.

Thus grant me (gracious Father) to retaine th [...] com­fort of thy Spirit, by enter­taining all good occasions to cherish the same. And [Page 318] seeing I must needs acknow­ledge, that by my neglect of these duties, I haue much greeued thy Spirit, and haue done what lies in me, euen to quench the same. O grant me (blessed Lord) to recouer thy Spirit againe, and so to enioy the most powerfull presence thereof. And there­fore giue wisedome heerein seriously to enter into mine owne hart, and to iudge my selfe for greeuing thy Spirit. Enable me with strong cries to cause the returne of thy Spirit, and giue me patience to endure such afflictions, as my wantonnesse hath pro­cured mee: Make mee wise to remember the times of old, when thy face did shine vpon me, and giue me com­fort in the present, that it is [Page 319] farre better with mee then I haue deserued. It is thine in­finite mercies that I am not swallowed vp of despaire, that hence I may gather hope of the returne thereof againe.

Grant me to stirre vp thy Spirit in me, by communing with mine owne heart, and submitting the same wiselie to the search and censure thereof, and make mee more vile in my selfe, because I haue so abased thy Spirit, that thou mayest haue the glory in the deniall of my selfe. O let mee neuer giue ouer vntill thou hast spoken peace to my soule, and thy good Spirit hath answered me, That thou art my salua­tion; and grant me to esteem highly, and so make vse of [Page 320] the least glimpse of thy fa­uour, euen in the meanest & vnlikeliest occasions, as vn­doubted Emblems of a grea­ter supply in thy good time. And so teach me to wait thy good leysure, in healing my soule of that stinking rotten­nesse that hath greeued thy Spirit; yet to be led meekly by thy word, that so I may be fit for comfort, and then to waite thy good pleasure, when thou wilt refresh me: Yea, though I finde not hap­ly such returne all my life long, which formerly I haue had; yet grant me to wait all the daies of my mourning, vppon thy holy hand, who knowest what is best for me, and to liue still by Faith in the Sonne of God, that al­though thou kill mee, yet I [Page 321] I will trust in thee, that thou which art comming, wilte come, and the iust must liue by Faith. Euen so (O Fa­ther) keepe me by thy migh­ty power, when I seeme lost in my selfe, and that through Faith in thy Son Iesus, that I may still be found in him, not hauing mine owne righ­teousnesse, and that I may be kept vnto saluation by the power of his merit. Vnto whom with thine own glo­rious Maiesty, and God the blessed Spirit, be ascribed as is most due, all honour, and power, and praise, and obe­dience in all the Churches, Amen.

A Prayer for the obtaining of a liuely Hope.

O God of hope, who art the hope of all the ends of the earth, and in thy spe­ciall wisedome, as thou hast commanded vs to beleeue in thy Sonne, that so wee might haue euerlasting sal­uation; so hast thou enioy­ned vs to worke out our sal­uation with feare and trem­bling; and that we may not faint in our endeauours, nor be to seeke of what wee yet enioy not: hast promised an Anchor of hope, both to giue vs some securitie, a­midst the manifold troubles of this life, and to giue as­surance also vnto vs, that we shall at length attaine the [Page 323] hauen. Haue mercy vpon me thy poore seruant, and vouchsafe mee this grace of hope, to establish my wa­uering spirit: that neither things present may discou­rage me from the hope of a good issue, nor things to come may confound mee, in the pursuit thereof, as being so farre aboue my capacitie, so exceeding my desart. For I confesse (O Lord) vnfeig­nedly before thee, by reason of this body of sinne which I carrie about mee, I am a stranger from thee, as all my Fathers were: and in re­gard of my inward blind­nesse, cannot see afarre off, to the price of the high cal­ling that is set before mee, and therefore am subiect to many distractions, & slauish [Page 324] feares; both to diuert or stay mee in my iourney, and to disappoint me of the marke which I should hasten too, so that I manytimes misse of my way, and manytimes am ready to giue ouer in the midst of my race. O grant me the refore (holy Father) to liue by hope in what thou hast promised, that I neither may be confounded in any present distresse, nor yet may rest in any present comfort whatsoeuer, that I may not bee deceiued with the counterfeite thereof, nor yet may settle my selfe in any true measure of the same. O grant me a liuely hope, that I may not feare in death, and giue me to ap­prehend that blessed hope, of the appearance of Iesus [Page 325] Christ, that I may attaine to the resurrection of the dead. And that I may improue my vnfeigned hope in thee alone, O strengthen my weake Faith, to see more clearly within the vaile, that so I may be strong in hope, to enioy, what yet I see not: & make me more acquain­ted, with the secrets of thy speciall prouidence, that by mine owne experience of thy wonderfull dealing, in bringing contraries out of contraries, euen light out of darknesse, I may hope for the accomplishment of thy promises, though neuer so impossible to humaine capa­citie. Aboue all, make more expert the riches of the glo­rie of that great mystrie, e­uen Christ in mee, the hope [Page 326] of glory, that so I may not bee weary nor faint in my mind: let the ayme of my hope be, to see thee, who art inuisible; and in thee, those vnspeakable mercies which as yet I doe not see. And grant me (blessed Lord) an vndaunted and inuincible hope, euen to hope aboue hope, that no oppositions may confound me. Let my hope be patient, that I may waite for that I yet enioy not, and purifie my hope daily, in the expectation of what I shall be, that so I may be purged and fitted to the enioying therof: season my hope with ioy, that I may not quaile in any pre­sent troubles, and quicken my weake & fainting hope, with the strong cries and [Page 327] groanes of thy blessed Spi­rit, that I may fasten on the inestimable glory which is laid vpp for mee: let the hope of the life to come, sta­blish mee in thy blessed feare, and so make mee liuely and diligent in all pre­sent occasions, enableing me to hold fast the professi­on of my hope without wa­uering, and to sanctifie my God, in giuing a reason of my hope, with meeknesse and feare to those which may demaund it. And that I may not be disappoin­ted of my hope, comfort me (O Lord) with the sweet and glorious fruits thereof; that seeing it is the hope of saluation and eternall life, which is surely laid vp for me in the highest heauens: [Page 328] grant mee in all occasions to lay hold vpon eternall life, that I may not bee ashamed of my hope. O let me haue hope euen in death, because I haue hope in the resur­rection from the dead. And let the hope of what I en­ioy not, humble mee daily in the sense of my imper­fections, which are the cause thereof, that so I may daily feare, and depart from e­uill. And seeing I am a pri­soner of hope, O grant mee daily to groane vnder this body of sinne which I carry about me; that so I may long for my glorious deliuerance from this body of death; and in the hope of this deliuerance, cause mee in all my troubles, to commit my selfe in well doing, into the [Page 329] hands of thee my faithfull Creator, that so I may bee keept by thy mighty power through Faith. Grant mee these things (O God of my hope) euen for thy deare Sonne Iesus Christ his sake, the hope of mine endlesse glory, to whome with thee (O righteous Father) with God the blessed Spirit the Comforter, be ascribed all glory, power, dominion, and thankesgiuing for euer and euer, Amen.

A Prayer for the obtaining and encrease of Loue.

HOly Father, who out of the bound­lesse riches of thy free Grace, didst so loue me, that thou gauest thine onely Sonne to death for me, that being redeemed from the bondage of sinne, and snares of destruction, I might bee translated from death to life: and therefore didst loue me first, that I might serue thee in loue, and offer vp my self a Free-will Offering, graci­ous and acceptable before thee in all holy obedience; and hast hereby assured me, that I am beloued of thee, if all my workes bee done in [Page 331] loue; louing thee for thy selfe, and all other things for thy sake. Looke graci­ously vpon me thine vnwor­thy seruant, and shedde thy loue into my heart by thy blessed Spirit, that I may loue thee aboue all things, and all things in & for thee. And that I may so loue thee, that I may be more vnited vnto thee, and fully at the length enioy thee: O grant me first to know thee in Ie­sus Christ the Sonne of thy Loue, that so I may know, what loue in him thou hast shewed me; that when I was dead in sinne, thou diddest raise me vppe in him from dead workes, that I might serue thee the liuing God, in the newnesse of Spirit, that so discerning in this liuely [Page 332] Mirrour of thy Loue vnto me, mine owne vnworthi­nesse of thy loue, and inabi­lity to loue thee againe, I may wholly deny my selfe, that I may be found of thee in Christ, and by his power be enabled to loue thee a­gaine. Grant me therefore, (gracious God) to trust per­fectly in Iesus Christ, that I may feele my selfe to be be­loued of thee in him, and in­flame my hart with the loue of Christ, that so in him, I may loue thee againe.

And seeing nothing in me was able to hinder this thy loue in him to me, Oh grant me, that nothing within me, or without me, may hinder or separate my Loue from thee. And seeing, of thine owne free grace thou diddst loue [Page 333] me in him, oh grant me for his sake onely to loue thee: seeing hee thought nothing, no not his precious blood too deere to expres his loue vnto me; oh let mee thinke all things base in compari­son of my loue vnto him. Seing he loued me in deeds, not only in words, both do­ing for me what I could not do, and suffring for me what I could neuer haue endured; oh grant me to loue thee a­gaine, not in words, but in deeds, both dooing what thou commandest with all sincerity and diligence, and suffering what thou imposest with all ioy, chearfulnes, & patience: so to loue thee for thy mercies, as to feare to offend thee in regard of my corruption: so to feare in [Page 334] respect of mine owne aptnes to offend thee, as to loue thee for thy free grace in Christ, ac­cepting mee in him, aboue mine owne vnworthinesse, not imputing my sinnes vnto mee, and for his sake accep­ting my willing minde, to doe what I cannot, and en­abling mee daily in him to doe aboue what I am able in my selfe, yea, doing in him all my workes aboue the worth thereof; yea, doing wonderfully by him in mee aboue what I presently can discerne: yea, aboue what­soeuer I am able to aske or thinke: that thou in him maist haue the glorie of all thy goodnesse. O let thine vn­speakeable loue vnto mee, enlarge my heart from thee to the loue of the Brethren: [Page 335] that so I may know heereby that I am translated from life to death. Grant me so to loue thine owne Image, where­soeuer I finde it stamped on Man; that I may loue him best, that is most like vnto thee: and yet loath that in him which is vnlike vnto thee. Giue mee to loue him with a pure heart as thou lo­uest mee, and to affect him feruentlie, as thou affectest mee. Grant mee to doe the best good to him, as thou ga­uest the best for me: and yet not to neglect to do the least, as thou failest not mee in the least occasions. Giue me to loue him constantly, as thy loue to mee continues: and not to be weary of well-do­ing, that I may obtaine the reward. And as thou louedst [Page 336] mee, when I was thine ene­mie: so grant me to loue my enemies, & pray for them that persecute me, because they cary thine Image, & are thine Instruments to do me good; that so I may ouercome euill with good, & heape coales of loue vpon their heads. And seeing I am yet a stranger and soiourner in this world: O grant mee not to loue the world, nor the thinges there­in; but so to vse them as if I vsed them not: and yet there­by be stirred vp to loue thy most wise prouidence, who hast made all these thinges for me, that I therein serue & honor thee: and that I may so do, O knit my heart fast vnto thee by this hand of loue, that I may loue thee more, the more thou ope­nest [Page 337] thine hand to fill mee with them, and yet loue thee more constantly, the more thou sustainest mee without them, still returning thee the prayse both of giuing them to me, and taking them from me; that nothing may b [...]e able to seperate me from thy loue, that I may daily more and more hate my corrupti­on, and all occasions there­of; so to hate my sinne that still I may more loue thy mercie in pardoning there­of, more admire thy wise­dome in turning it to my good, more loue and long for the appearance of Ie­sus Christ, for the full abo­lishing of the same. That so liuing in thy loue, I may die in thy fauour, and dying in loue I may liue [Page 338] for euer with thee, to loue and glorifie thee my blessed God in Iesus Christ, with the blessed Spirite, one glo­rious God in three persons, blessed for euermore, to whom bee prayse and Do­minion, with all hearty loue and obedience, of all that loue the comming of Iesus Christ, Amen.

A Prayer to obtaine and pre­serue the Feare of God, that wee may be kept constant thereby in holinesse to the end.

GLorious and euer­lasting God, whose Loue is as thy selfe free & vnchangeable, and be­cause thou art not changed, therefore the Sonnes of Ia­cob are not consumed, and that they may not miscar [...]y thou hast promised to put thy Feare in their hearts, that they shall not depart from thee. And hauing accepted the blood of thy Sonne as a sufficient satisfaction for their sinnes, dost daylie accept al­so the crie of that blood to preserue them in thy feare, & [Page 340] to present them blamelesse at the glorious appearance of thy righteous Sonne Iesus. Haue mercy vpon mee thy poore seruant, and put thy Feare in my heart, that I may cleaue fast vnto thee and ne­uer depart from thine holy Couenant: for I confesse vn­feignedly (O Lord my God) that as mine owne vnbelee­uing heart doth daily misgiue mee, and is ready to be­tray mee to such occasions as may with-draw me from my stedfastnesse: So there is no occasion without; which without thy speciall Grace is not likely daily so to enueigle and estrange my heart from thee, as that it may stagger and vtterly deny thee. For if I looke on the right hand to faire shewes of the vvorld, [Page 341] what are they else but so ma­ny baites to ensnare my wa­uering spirite, and steale it from thee? If I looke on the left hand to the sorrowes and stormes thereof, are they not either as so many billowes to ouerthrow my weake Barke in the first setting out, or else to sinke or swallow vp in the midway? Aboue all (O Lord) my owne deceitfull heart is so subiect to presumption and secu [...]itie, that I am in danger, either to bee split vp­on the Rockes, euen at the shore, or else to bee swal­lowed of quick-sandes in the very hauen. Against all which seeing thy name (O Lord) is a strong tower, and as thy name, so is thy Feare. O grant me in all things to feare thy great and glorious name, [Page 342] to stand in awe of thy Maie­sty that I may daily feare my owne selfe, and so distrusting mine owne inability, I may both feare to offend thee, and in all thinges may study to please thee: and that I may so feare thee, as still to rely vpon thee, and draw neere with confidence to thee. O grant mee to feare thee for thy mercies, that I may loue thee in the entertainement of them, so to bee afraid of thy iudgements, as to take war­ning by thy threatnings that I may auoid them, as to an­swere thee by repentance that I may not bee swallow­ed vp of them. Giue mee so to feare thee, as not to bee daunted with thinges pre­sent, least my life bee vnpro­fitable and vncomfortable, [Page 343] neither to be distracted with things to come, least I bee vnprepared to mine end: And that I may bee continually prepared for thee, O grant mee daily to make euen rec­koning with thee by repen­tance, that I bee not taken tardie, and to renew my life daily in Christ, so liuing by Faith in him, that I may worke out my saluation in feare and trembling, both re­nouncing the worth of what­soeuer good I haue or can do, as to bee iustified thereby: yea, though I know euill by my selfe, yet not standing vp­on my cleering, because thou knowest all things, and also not resting in any present measure, as if I had attained or were already perfect, but forgetting what is behind & [Page 344] hastning that which is be­fore, I may presse towardes the marke, for the price of the high calling of God in Iesus Christ. That so being daily dead to sin, yea, to my selfe, and hauing my life hid with Christ in God, when Christ which is my life shal appeare, I may also appeare with him in glorie. Grant this graci­ous Father for Iesus Christ his sake my onely Aduo­cate and Redeemer, Amen.

A Prayer for grace and wise­dome.

O Most mighty God and mercifull Fa­ther, poure into my heart thy heauenly grace & wisedome. Comfort my sinnefull soule with thy hea­uenly Manna, molifie and make soft my hard heart with the sweete & pleasant oyle of thy most holy word. Suffer me not (O mercifull Lord) to swerue or slide from the waies of truth, but grant helpe of thy holy Spi­rit, that I may walke in the same vnto my liues end, and let not thy heauenly wise­dome depart from me at any time during this life.

According to the multi­tude [Page 346] of thy mercies doe a­way mine offences. Pre­serue me from this my youth and infancy, vnder thy fa­uourable protection. Giue mee grace (O Lord) that I may euen to the graue con­tinue a faithfull and manly Sould [...]er in defence of thy truth, and that I may in all my life, daily grow to the ripe perfection of godly wisedome, and truly and iustly, acknowledge thee mine onely God. Deut. 6. That I may onely feare thee and honor thee. That I may cleaue fast vnto thee. Deut. 10. That I doe not after the abhomination of any idola­trous people, worship stocks or stones. Deut. 8. Nor let me not (O Lord) harken to any false Prophets that [Page 347] teach their owne imaginations, and not the word of God. Deut. 13.

Now vouchsafe (O Lord God) to heare me, and let thy wisedome gouerne mee. I know (my God) that no creature can truly say, I haue done my dutie in the se [...] ­uice of the Lord: neither is it in the power of man (who is so deeply subiect to sinne) to escape all those stumbling blockes which haue made our waies dangerous and perillous through those in­numerable practises, where­with Sathan our great ene­mie through his malice and craft, hath deuised to intrap our sinfull soules to our vt­ter destruction.

Lord of thy great mercy roote and pull out of my [Page 348] heart all the workes of Sa­than, namely, fornication, adultery, vncleannes, wan­tonnesse, pride, enuie, vn­naturall desires, vnpure thoughts, lewd behauiour, idlenesse, and all other vici­ous and naughty actions, which being followed ac­cording to the pleasures and delights of the world in this life; bring with them e­uerlasting damnation of bo­dy and soule, in the world to come.

Encrease in me (O Lord) such aboundance of thy grace, wisedome, and hea­uenly blessing, that through the operation of the same in me, I may proue a true workman in thy haruest, such a seruant as occupieth his Maisters Talent vnto [Page 349] gaine, a witnesse that bear­eth testimony of Christ, to all people, at all times, and in euery place, continue constant in the truth, during the whole course of this my mortall life.

In thy truth (O God) do I delight, therefore make me perfect in the same. In thee alone doe I repose my whole trust and confidence, saue me (O God) of all mer­cy, and defend mee against my enemies.

Establish and confirme me (O Lord) in faith to­wards thee. Keepe thou my lips, and gouerne my tongue. Suffer not my heart to purpose any thing that may displease thee, nor my tongue or lips to speake ought whereby I should [Page 350] purchase thy wrath.

Whosoeuer doth trust in thee (O God) shall vnder­stand thy truth, and the faithfull shall haue rest in thy fauour: but the vngodly according to their owne wicked thoughts shall find corruptiō. The soules of the iust are in the hand of God, and the force of death shall not touch them.

All wisedome commeth from the Lord, and hath beene with him alwaies, and is with him from the beginning, Eccle. 1. The feare of the Lord doth expell sin. Lord of thy mercy grant me thy heauenly wisedome, whereby I may truly learne to know thee rightly, and be diligent to performe thy precepts effectually.

Lord leaue me not in my young daies, let thy wise­dome enter into my heart, and make her habitation in my soule; so shall I liue in thy fauour, and perseuer in thy lawes through thy grace.

Let not them that trust in thee (O Lord God of Hoastes) bee ashamed: let not those that seeke thee bee confounded, O God of Is­rael. Lord I make my prayers vnto thee in an ac­ceptable time: euen in the multitude of thy mercies. O God, heare mee in the truth of thy saluation.

In thee alone (O heauen­ly Father) are all things ge­nerally: and what is not of thee, is altogether naught. Replenish and blesse me (O Lord) with all good giftes: [Page 352] shew thy louing counte­nance towards me, gouerne me by thy grace, continue me in thy fauour, and pro­tect and defend me now and euermore, vnder the winges of thy manifold mercies, so shall no vile temptation haue power to preuaile a­gainst me.

Such is the force of thy heauenly wisdome (O God) that whosoeuer obtaineth the same, and directeth his life accordingly, shall pros­per and see good daies. Whosoeuer pleaseth thee (O Lord) from the beginning, are made whole through wisedome, Sapient. 9. Which of thy mercy (O my God) vouchsafe to grant vnto me, for thy deere Sonne Iesus Christ his sake. To whome [Page 353] with thee, & the holy Ghost be all glory, honor, and praise, now and for euer, Amen.

A Prayer to walke conscio­nably in our ciuil and per­sonall Calling.

O Most glorious and wise God, who in thine infinit wise­dome, hast orday­ned, that euery Sonne of A­dam should eate his bread in the sweat of his face, and so hast wisely fitted each man in his seuerall place, with se­uerall and particular gifts, of nature, experience, and grace, that so hee might glo­rifie thee in some speciall calling: not willing that any should liue idlely, like [Page 354] an vnprofitable burthen of the earth, mispending his precious time, and wasting away thy Creatures, neither doing good to humaine so­ciety. And herein hast gi­uen vs a patterne from thy selfe, who euen workest hi­therto: and albeit that thy great businesse of Creating all things, ended with those first six daies, in which e­uery particular was brought forth by thee in his proper kind, yet thy prouidence is neuer intermixed in it, nei­ther slumber nor sleepe o­uer taketh thee. And so also thy deere Sonne Iesus Christ, whilst in the daies of his flesh h [...]e humbled him­selfe to liue as man vpon the earth, both in his priuate life attended vppon a painefull [Page 355] trade, and when the time came of his manifesting himselfe to the world, went about doing of good; yea, & with that chearfulnes, that it was his meate and drinke to doe thy will, and to finish the worke of him that sent him. And all thine holy actions, also in continuall action, obeying the voyce of thy word and ministring for their sakes, that shall be heires of life; nay, doth not euery Creature in his place obey this thine ordinance, the Sunne, the Moone, & all those heauenly Orbes? Do they not execute their ope­rations faithfully, and finish their Reuolutions in their seasons? Do not these inferi­or things daily performe thy will herein? Who am I that [Page 356] (Blessed Lord) that I should not reioyce, that it hath see­med good vnto thee, to make mee among other of thy seruants, and to set mee as it were my proper taske vpon which to giue my faithfull attendance.

Grant mee therefore I pray thee, not to repine heereat, as at some vneasy burthen put vpon me, but that I may contentedly and comfortably vnder goe it, euen like that glorious crea­ture the Sunne, who hauing his Tabernacle set him in the heauens, reioyceth like a mighty man to runne his race. And seeing thou hast not placed me (O Lord) in this calling, for mine owne p [...]uate good alone, but also fo [...] a more publike and [Page 357] common benefit; giue mee such an honest, sincere, and charitable heart, that I may determine with my s [...]lfe ne­uer to seeke, no not yet wil­lingly to receiue that gaine which cometh by the wron­ging, or losse of others.

Let me euer haue in mind that golden rule, whatsoeuer I would that men should do vnto mee, of doing euen so vnto them. Let it neuer slippe out of my mind, that the wages of vnrighteous­nesse is put into a broken bagge. And that as the good man shall giue inheritance to his Childrens Children, so the riches of vanity shall diminish, and that thou wilt draw euen out of the belly of the oppressor the su [...] ­stance which hee hath de­uoured; [Page 358] or if it do continue with him, it shall bee for his great hurt, his owne ease shall slay him, and his pro­sperity shall be his destructi­on. Grant mee therefore I humbly pray thee, rather to choose a little with thy blessing, then great reuenues with thy curse & vengeance accompanying the same.

And if it shall be thy good pleasure to blesse my basket and my store, & to encrease my portion by my honest industry: O keepe mee I humbly pray th [...]e, that I may not set my heart vppon it, let not my riches bee my strong Citie, or as an high wall in my Imagination: so I may bee more and more a­fraid of my selfe, lest the cares of this world and the [Page 359] deceitfulnes of riches, should choake in mee the seeds of grace, and steale away my mind from better things: and therefore make it my care (good Father) to follow my calling with that holy wisedome, as that I may not so farre ensnare my selfe in­to the busines of it, that I should abridge and scant my selfe of conuenient oppor­tunities for heauenly and Spirituall employments. And as I shall feele thy hand to bee opened vnto mee, so open my heart and hand to­wards others, knowing that he that scattereth shall bee more encreased. so he that spareth more then is right shall surely come to pouerty: euer make mee to consider thy all-seeing presence, that all [Page 360] things are naked and open before thee, and that thou wilt surely bring forth to iudgment euery seceret thing. That so I knowing thee to bee a witnesse to all my courses, my care may be to walke as in thy presence, and to approue my selfe vn­to thee by an euen and vp­right behauiour, so walking still in my ciuill calling, as that I may beginne and san­ctifie the same by my spiri­tuall: so carrying my selfe therein, as still to looke high­er to the things aboue, still to looke low to what may befall mee, preparing for want in my greatest aboun­dance, and abounding with content in my greatest wants, humbling my selfe in my disappointment here­in [Page 361] for my negligence in better things, and comfor­ting my selfe in my spiritu­all thrift, that all shall worke for the best: vsing diligence in what is set before mee, and leauing the issue to thy wise prouidence, not inden­ting with thee for what measure thou shalt bestow, but still labouring to attaine to the greatest measure of grace, that it may be suffici­ent for me in all occasions, so grant mee to commit my selfe in well-doing into the hands of thee my faithfull Creator, and so trie my thri­uing in these outward things, by my thriuing in grace and holinesse in the feare of thee our God, and so hastening in all these things, which can giue mee [Page 362] no sound comfort nor true contentment, to the life of glorie, wherein I shall bee fully satisfied, with thy ful­nesse, who art all in all, God blessed for euer and euer, and with Iesus Christ thy Sonne our blessed Sauiour, to whome with thee, and God the holy Spirit, bee all praise, glorie, and ho­nor for euer, Amen.

A Prayer before the taking of a Iourney.

ALmighty and most holy Father, who hast promised to be with thy Seruant, whither soeuer I goe, and to atte [...]d mee with [...]o [...]o ministring Spirits thine holy Angels, to pitch their Tents round a­bout mee, and beare mee in their hands. Vnspe [...]keable as thy goodnesse heerein, O Lord vnto me, wh [...] by nature a childe of wrath, and a meer slaue of Satan should be assured of so [...]igh an hand of heauenly protecti­on. Make good (I pray thee) now at this time this thy mercy women, being my necess [...]ry businesse, to nauell [Page 364] from mine owne place. Ma­ny are the perils which both by nature and desert I am subiect; no man is able to number them, or [...]y his owne strength or policy, to auoid them. Compasse thou mee with thy fauour as with a shield: Goe before me as thou didst of old before thy people in the wildernesse: it is onely thou that canst make mee goe and come in safely. Some put their [...]rust in outward helpe, but cause thou mee to remember thy Name, and to make thy trueth to bee my shield and buckler. A horse is a vaine helpe, and shall not deliuer any by his great strength, neither is the mighty man saued by his power: it is bet­ter to trust in the Lord, then [Page 365] to haue confidence in Princes.

If thou (O Lord) bee my sight & my saluation, whom shall I feare? If thou bee the strength of my life, of whom shall I bee afraid? Let this I pray thee be the Anchor of my soule both sure and sted­fast: suffer no power of Sa­tan to remoue my faith from this foundation. Howbeit (gracious Father) if it shall be thy pleasure in this my iourney to bring some crosse vpon mee, either by making me a prey to spoy­lers, or by some other ha­zard, I beseech thee prepare mee to it, giue me patience and comfort in it, and an ho­ly assurance, that no outward inconuenience can separate mee from thy loue in Iesus [Page 366] Christ.

Make mee alwaies mind­full of this, that thy fauour must not be measured by these outward accidents, and cause mee euer to hold fast this Rule, that all things shall worke together for the best vnto thy seruants. And as in my trauailes I am desi­rous of thy fauour, so teach mee (good Father) I hum­bly pray thee to make con­science of thy Feare. That as I expect and craue pro­tection from thee, so I may apply my selfe to yeild o­bedience vnto thee. Wher­fore when I am iournying on earth; grant mee to mind my departure from the world, and my iourney to Heauen: when I am alone grant that I may possesse my [Page 367] heart with holy thoughts, and may diligently watch ouer my selfe, for the pre­uenting of all vncleane and worldly cogitations. Let me neuer presume vpon the aduantage of my secrecie, seeing thou art in my secret parts: nor that I am vn­knowne in the places where I come, as to doe ought vn­beseeming the profession of a Christian: seeing in all pla­ces I am knowne to thee, and would bee knowne and ap­proued of thee.

And if I light into the company of others, make me still carefull to seeke and en­tertaine all good opportuni­ties of doing or receiuing good; that I may neuer con­forme my selfe to the hu­mors of prophane persons, [Page 368] but in a godly discretion may so cary my selfe, as that I may neither wilfully make my selfe a scorne to the wic­ked, neither yet may any why bee offensiue to the godly, either by wounding them by my scandalous car­riage, or wounding mine soule by communicating with their euils, but either may winne or bridle, or at least make them inexcusa­ble, either bettering them, or being better by them; not returning to them, if they will not returne to mee.

This grant mee gracious God in an assured expectati­on of thy gracious guidance to betake my selfe to mine entended iourney. And so I commend both my selfe [Page 369] and it, together with these my suits vnto thee my lo­uing Father, in the name and worthinesse of Iesus Christ my onely Mediator and Re­deemer, Amen.

A Thanksgiuing after a Iourney.

IT is thy great mer­cy (O Lord my God) that as I cra­ued thy assistance in my iourney, so it hath pleased thee to giue mee good suc­cesse therein, and to bring mee safe againe vnto mine owne home: and it is my dutie as I haue obtayned fa­uour from thee heerein, so to returne thee the onely praise and glory thereof. For thou (O Lord) hast onely [Page 370] prospered my occasions, thou onely causest me to go forth and returne in safetie.

Gracious hast thou beene vnto mee euen from the wombe vnto this present, deliuering mee out of all my troubles, supplying all my wants, and doing all my workes for mee: aboue all crowning thine owne graces in mee, and accepting both me and all my seruice aboue the worth thereof, in the merit of my Sauiour, in whom thou hast pa [...]doned all my sinnes, and sanctified my afflictions: yea, my very sinnes vnto my good. There is no day, nor houre of the day, nor minute of the houre, no occasion that hath befallne mee in any moment of time, in which [Page 371] thy blessings are not renew­ed towards me. O that I could bee so liuely and ef­fectually thankefull vnto thee as becommeth mee. O that my heart within mee might euen melt with greefe, that I haue passed o­uer so many of thy fauours without due regard. And yet behold, how now also thou prouokest mee to this dutie. O quicken mee, I humbly pray thee heerevn­to. Make me diligently to looke backe into the course and order of the whole iourney, and to obserue by degrees, how thou hast bene good vnto mee: how thou hast blessed my going out, and my comming in, & hast brought me in peace to my resting place. Many dan­gers [Page 372] might haue swallowed me vp, which yet (through thy great goodnesse I haue happily escaped:) sundry times hath there bene (such is the brittlenes of this house of clay which I beare about mee) but euen a st [...]ppe be­tweene me and death, out of the iawes whereof thy right hand, and thine owne onely arme hath saued mee. I can ascribe nothing to my selfe or mine owne proui­dence, neither can I say that my safety is the reward of mine owne deseruing. Not vnto me (O Lord) not vn­to mee, but to thy Name doth belong the glory, for thou hast preserued mee (O God of truth.) And now grant (I beseech thee) that the sense of thy loue, may [Page 373] beget in mee such a loue of thee, and of that which thou commandest, that I may willingly & cheerfully and with full purpose of heart, dedicate my selfe to thy ser­uice: accounting as my life now renewed vnto mee, so euery new kindnes is as it were a new bond and a fresh encouragement hereunto, that I may walke before thee daily in newnesse of life, passing the time of my pil­grimage in feare, and going on from strength to strength till I appeare before thee my God in Sion, euen that new Ierusalem which is a­boue. Grant me these things gracious Father, euen for thy deere Sonne sake, Iesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

A Prayer for a woman in time of her trauaile.

RIghteous and holy Lord God, I doe now finde by expe­rience the fruite of my sin, that I must trauaile in sor­row, and bring forth in paines: and I vnfeignedly a­dore the truth of thy Sacred word, as certifying vnto me, that sorrow must bee in the Euening: so comforting me also against the Morning, that a Childe shall be borne. Willingly, do I desire to sub­mit my selfe in hope into this thy chasticement; and to learne the desert of my sinne, horrible in themselues, that these temporall paines, are fore-runners of eternall: and [Page 375] yet by thy mercie may bee so sanctified vnto mee, as not onely to preuent eternall vengance, but also prepare for eternall comforts, euen to bee Sacred by bearing of Children.

Grant me therefore (graci­ous Father) true repentance and pardon for my sinnes past, that they may not stand at this time in this my need betweene mee and thy mer­cie. Giue mee a comforta­ble feeling of thy Loue in Christ, which may sweeten all other pangs, though ne­uer so violent or extreame: make mee still to lift vp my soule vnto thee, in my grea­test agonies, knowing that thou alone must giue a bles­sing to the ordinary meanes for my safe deliuerance. Lay [Page 376] no more vpon mee then I am able to endure; and strengthen my weake body to the bearing of what sor­row soeuer, by which it shall seeme good vnto thee to make triall of me.

Grant me to consider that howsoeuer it be with mee, yet I am alwaies as thine hand, whose mercies faile not, who will bee found in the Mount and greatest ex­treamitie, and to whom be­long the issues of death: so prepare mee therefore to death, that I may bee fit for life, euen to yeild fruite aliue vnto the world, and to bee renewed and enabled to nourish the same. And when thou hast safely giuen mee the expected fruite of my wombe, make mee with a [Page 377] thankfull heart, to conse­crate both it and my selfe wholly to thy seruice all the daies of my life, through Ie­sus Christ mine onely Saui­our and Redeemer, Amen.

A Thanksgiuing after safe de­liuerance.

O Blessed for euer be thy great & glorious Name (most deere and louing Father) for thy great mercy to mee most weake and sinfull woman.

Wonderfull art thou in all thy workes (O Lord) the riches of thy mercies are past finding out: thou hast plun­ged mee with great afflicti­ons, and yet thou hast retur­ned & refreshed me againe: thou hast brought me to the [Page 378] feare of the graue, and yet thou hast raised mee vp a­gaine to life. O how hast thou shewed thy power in my weaknesse? How hath thy louing kindnesse preuai­led against my vnworthy­nesse? Thou mightest for my sinnes haue left me to perish in mine extremities, but thou hast compassed mee a­bout with ioyfull deliue­rance: thou mightest haue made my wombe a graue to burie the dead: or in affoor­ding life to another, thou mightest haue procured my death, but yet thou hast not onely made my wombe a wel-spring of life, but resto­red life vnto me also, for the cherishing thereof. Mar­ueilous (O Lord) are thy workes; infinite are thy mer­cies, [Page 379] my soule by present ex­perience knoweth it well. O my soule praise thou the Lord, and all that is within me praise his holy Name. My soule praise thou the Lord, and forget not all his benefits. Thou hast heard my prayers, and looked vp­pon my sorrow, thou hast redeemed my life from death, and healed mine in­firmities, and crowned mee with thine euerlasting com­passions.

O giue me, I humbly pray thee, a thankfull heart, not onely now while the me­morie and sense of thy fa­uour is fresh before mee, but continually euen so long as I haue any being.

Grant that I may learne by this liuely euidence of [Page 380] thy power and mercy, for euer heereafter to depend onely on thee. Quicken mee also to all holy duties, that my thankfulnesse may appeare in my pure and Christian carriage.

Make mee a kind and carefull mother, willing to vndergoe the paine and trouble of education. Let no nicenesse or curiositie hinder mee from those ser­uices, to which both nature and religion hath appoin­ted me: let me also be care­full when time requireth, to season the fruite thou hast giuen mee, with the sauing knowledge of thee, and thy deere Sonne, that my desire may manifestly appeare to be set for the encrease of thy Kingdome. Vouchsafe so [Page 381] to order my affections and to bring them in obedience vnder thee, that if it should be thy pleasure, either now or heerafter to take this In­fant from me, I may as wil­lingly part with it as thou freely gaue it me.

And now (O God) per­fect in mee that strength which thou hast begunne, make me to grow in care to serue thee faithfully, both in the duties of pietie, and in other businesse of my place and calling, that I may bee a comfort to my husband, and example to my neighbours, a grace to my profession, and a meanes of glorie to thy Name, through Iesus Christ my Lord and Sauiour, Amen.

A Prayer for those who are em­ployed in the assistance of a trauailing wo­man.

HOly Father, who hast commanded vs to serue one another in loue, and hast made this the triall of our true loue vn­to thee and our neighbour, that wee helpe them in the time of need. Be present we pray with vs, [...]y thy gracious Spirit, to seale vp the pardon of our sinnes, that they hinder vs not in this businesse; and to assist vs with such consci­ence and diligence, that our labour may not bee in vaine.

Wee confesse (O Lord) that wee are not worthy of [...]ny g [...]d for our selues, [Page 383] much lesse that wee should smother the good of others: neither that any labour of ours can further thy good without thy speciall Grace enabling vs therein, and ac­cepting the same. Accept vs therefore wee pray thee, in the blood of thy Son, & shed thy loue into our hearts by thine holy Spirit, that all our labour may be done in loue. In loue to thy Maiesty, who enablest vs to all good, and in loue to our Christian Sister, especially to her soule. And therefore keepe vs wee pray thee, from all idle sauours and superstitious conceits, as a­uaileable heereunto: from all rotten and vnsauoury speech which may interrupt the worke; and teach vs to seeke helpe onely from thy Grace, [Page 384] vsing al gracious communica­tion both among our selues, and to the comfort of the distressed, that shee may on­ly depend vpon thy mighty power, applying all diligence and wisedome, in affoording seasonable helpe for the ea­sing of the paine, or furthe­ring of the birth. Furnish vs with skill, and her with strength, patiently to awaite the appointed time of her de­liuerance: and knit all our hearts vnto thee, that wee may feare thy Name; obser­uing the passages of thy pro­uidence in this, and all other thy great workes; and study­ing to giue thee praise and glory for the same, in Iesus Christ our onely Lord and Sauiour, Amen.

A thankesgiuing vpon the bles­sing of their labour in the Deliuerance.

HOly Father, who hast reuealed thy selfe in thy word to bee a God that hearest prayer: and hast now made good this pro­mise vnto vs thine vnworthy seruants in hearing our pray­ers, in the behalfe of this distressed woman. Giue vs hearts we humbly pray thee, to conceiue wisely of this thy great kindnesse: and open our mouths, we beseech thee, that wee declare this thy goodnesse for the comfort of others, that by this liuely example, we may beleeue in thy great Name.

What hast thou not done [Page 386] heerein (O Lord) euen a­boundantly aboue what wee could thinke or aske? And what can we repay vnto thee worthy of so great saluati­on? Wee confesse our selues vnworthy to aske, much lesse to obtain for our selues, & yet behold, thou hast heard our cries, and releeued this thy desolate seruant. It is not e­nough, that thou hast giuen ease and deliuerance to the Mother, vnlesse also thou didst liue to her Babe, that so in it her life might bee a­gaine receiued: yea, thou hast made our cup to run o­uer with ioy and gladnesse; who were almost ouerwhel­med with sorrow and dis­paire. Thine (O Lord) bee the onely glorie and praise heereof: O fill our hearts [Page 387] with thankefulnesse, that our reioycing may bee in trueth, and humble vs vnfeignedly in the consciences of our owne vnworthinesse, that we may giue thee the onely glory of all thy mercies. Let our hu­mility appeare in seruing each other in loue, and let our loue bee manifest in prouo­king each other to trust in thee alone, for the time to come: let our confidence in this prepare vs to this or the like occasion, that so we may finde a gracious issue in our greatest extremities. And let our experience of thy good hand heerein weane vs from the loue of the world, wherin wee are like continually to meet with what will oppose or ensnare vs: and prouoke vs to long for our dissolution [Page 388] when all teares shall be wiped from our eyes. And let our desire to bee with thee, make vs alwaies ready for thee, in all sobriety, modesty, humi­lity, patience, and perseue­rance, that so wee may bee found faithfull when our Maister commeth. And that wee may bee found in peace at his glorious appearance, O grant vs daily to deny our selues, that still wee may bee found of thee in the righte­ousnes of our Sauiour, may by the power thereof be daily accepted of thee by the effi­cacie of the same, may bee more and more conformed to thine holy Image, and so may at length be fully satis­fied therewith.

And as thou hast now ad­ded one vnto the number of [Page 389] mankinde, shewing thy wise­dome and power in the fra­ming of him in the wombe, & in bringing him forth into thy light; so in thy time adde him also to thy Church, and beget him againe vnto a liuely hope, by the immortall seed of thine holy word, deli­uering him from the power of darkenes (in which by na­ture we are all) into the glo­rious liberty of the Sonnes of God.

And if it shall seeme good vnto thee, to lay any further triall, either of sickenesse, or death vpon this thy seruant, or the fruite of her wombe: prepare vs all to a quiet and patient bearing of thine holy hand, and to a comfortable and contented resting vpon thy prouidence: assuring our [Page 390] selues, that all things shall turne to the good and bene­fite of thy chosen. And so into thine holy hands wee commend our selues, with thy seruant and her issue, toge­ther with hers and our Fami­lies, and that great Familie of thy chosen, wheresoeuer distressed and dispersed, to be kept by thy mighty power through Faith vnto saluation. Grant vs these things (O God of our saluation) for the me­rite of thy beloued Sonne our Lord and Sauiour, Amen.

A Prayer for such as in this world be very rich and wealthy.

ETernall GOD, and most mercifull Fa­ther, from whom all good things doe come and proceede, who in thy wise­dome distributest thy bene­fits, and bestowest thy bles­sings manifoldwife, as see­meth good to thy heauenly will, to some more, to some lesse, as thou (who knowest all things) seest it to be best for euery one. I giue thee hearty thanks, in that it hath pleased thee to bestow vpon me, a most vnworthy sinner, such large blessings of earth­ly treasures and riches in this life, most humbly beseeching [Page 392] thee for thy great mercies sake, to giue mee grace to vse them to thy glory, and to the helpe and comfort of those that haue neede, knowing that thou hast giuen mee this aboundance, to the end that I should be ayding and help­full to others, vpon whom it hath pleased thee to lay the crosse of pouerty: and that I am but as a Steward from thee which must render ac­count how I haue bestowed them, I beseech thee also good Lord, that while I liue and possesse plenty of all things from thee, I may bee carefull to doe good vnto all men, but especially vnto them that be of the houshold of Faith, according as thy ho­ly word hath commanded me, laying vp therby a good [Page 393] store of my selfe, against the day of wrath, and to make me friends of vnrighteous Mam­mon, that when I de­part hence, they may receiue mee into euerlasting habita­tions.

And as these thy good gifts, O heauenly Father, so I be­seech thee, that I abuse them not, either by getting, retai­ning, or otherwise by mis­pending of them. Let not my heart at any time be affected towards them, nor my minde drowned in the delight of them, but that alwaies I may esteeme both them and all things else, as vile dung and filthy durt in respect of thee. And in the midst of mine a­boundance, keepe mee (O Lord) that I aduance not my selfe vaingloriously aboue my [Page 394] Brethren, that I be not puffed vp, nor high minded, & that I consume not thy treasure vp­on pride, whoredome, glutto­nie, drunkennesse, or any other wickednesse else whatso­euer, thereby purchasing thy heauy iudgement against me for the same. But grant good Lord, that as thou hast made me rich & wealthy in world­ly substance, so thou wilt make me much richer in all goodnesse, righteousnesse, holinesse, and innocencie of life, thorough Iesus Christ our only Mediatour and Ad­uocate: to whom with thee and the holy Ghost, be praise for euer, Amen.

A Prayer for such as bee poore and needy.

O Eternall and euer­liuing God, who appointed diuers & sundry states and conditions of men, some rich, some poore, some high, some low, and hast notwithstanding commanded euery one to be content with his estate and calling, without repining or grudging against thee for the same. I poore wretch and miserable caitiue, whom it hath pleased thee to place in the lowest and meanest degree, most entirely be­seech thy Fatherly good­nesse, to giue me grace to be well contented with the s [...]me, to submit my will to [Page 396] thy will, to depend wholly vppon thy prouidence, to cast all my care vppon thee (who hast promised to care for mee) to repose all my af­fiance, trust, and confidence in the [...], and none else, and to looke for all good things from thy mercifull hands. And though I be poore and needy (O Lord) yet I be­seech thee, let mee not dis­paire of thy helpe, nor yet attempt any vnlawfull or vniust meanes to maintaine my estate withall, contrary to thy will. But grant that I hauing all things necessa­ry in this life for body and soule, may neither bee swal­lowed vp, nor choaked with the cares of the world, nor yet remaine barren, and de­stitute of good workes, [Page 397] through Iesus Christ our Lord, who liueth and raig­neth with thee and the holy Ghost, world without end, Amen.

A Prayer to obtaine grace of God, against the assaults of the world, the Flesh, and the Diuell.

O Lord God of eter­nall glory, and Fa­ther of endlesse mercy, wee thy vnworthy Creatures, are bold in the name of thy be­loued Sonne, to represent our selues before thee, hum­bly beseeching thee for his sake, that thou wilt vouch­safe to send downe thy ho­ly Spirit into our hearts to guide and gouerne vs in all [Page 398] our godly waies, and to de­fend vs from all manner of temptations of this world, and the assaults thereof.

Lord God of thine vn­speakable goodnesse, grant that thy grace may continue with vs alwaies, and that at no time we swerue nor fall from thee. Let thy truth euermore bee with vs, and make vs constant in the same, that wee neuer bee a­fraid of any thing which li­eth in the power of man o­uer our bodies, but alwaies confessing, that whomsoe­uer thou pleasest to defend, no Tyrant shall bee able to destroy. Strengthen and in­crease Faith, Loue, and Cha­rity, in the hearts of all peo­ple. Make vs able to resist the vaine pleasures of the [Page 399] world, let not the perillous allurements haue any power to conquer & ouercome vs, nor the subtilties th [...]reof bee able to deceiue vs. Defend vs also (O Lord) from the many perils and temptati­ons, which the diuell our aduersarie practiseth against vs, least wee fall into his sna [...]es. Let neither his en­deuours, nor the wanton in­ticements of our owne flesh preuaile against vs. Wee know (O Lord) that with­out thy sufferance, hee of himselfe can take no hold on vs, nor bee able to dimi­nish the least haire of our head. Giue therefore vnto vs, such grace from thee, that we may be willing to striue against the world, the flesh, and the diuell, and such [Page 400] strength, as we may be able to breake and beate downe the forc [...] and vehemencie of their strong temptations. Grant vs thy heauenly light, whereby wee may perfectly see and perceiue, those ma­licious and cruell engines which they lay to entrap vs, least vnawares we fall in­to the fame. Euen now (O Lord) in these perillous daies, the diuell and his mi­nisters doe most busily seeke to sift vs by all meanes and waies possible, namely, by pride, enuie, malice, coue­tousnesse, gluttonie, drun­kennesse, fornication, and all other euill workes where­vnto hee doth moue vs, and by him thrust into our hearts, and whereby (with­out the assistance of thy [Page 401] grace) hee doth bring vs within his baits and snares laid for our soules. And con­trariwise wee of our selues haue no ability nor any meanes to preuaile against them, vnlesse thou of thy mercy vouchsafe to be graci­ous vnto vs, to strengthen vs by thy power, and to de­fend vs in all temptations which he worketh against vs, that he may not triumph o­uer vs, to ou [...] destruction.

We beseech thee from the bottome of our hearts, to vouchsafe to be our comfort in all our troubles, to defend vs against all temptations, and that it would please thee to lead and gouerne vs in all our thoughts, words, and deeds, so shall wee dwell in safety.

O Lord thou knowest that among all Creatures man is most rebellious against thee, and his offences and trans­gressions against thee most manifolde and contrariwise, euery one creature in his kind, doth most worthily shew thy pow [...]r, might, and praise: and by them is thine omni­potency declared: but we in our liues do shew our selues most vnkind and vnnaturall children towards thee, daily offending thy diuine Maie­sty, and euery minute trans­gressing against thy Lawes and Commandements, no­thing regarding thy iudge­ments, which might in a moment destroy vs. But thou (O Lord) in thy mercy dost vouchsafe notwithstan­ding to spare vs, admonishing [Page 403] vs to repentance and new­nesse of life, that through our faithfull conuersion wee may bee saued. Raise vs vp therefore good Lord, from our drowsie sluggishnesse and carelesse security. Suf­fer vs not any longer to wal­low and tumble our selues in our grieuous Iniquities. Let not sinne haue so much po­wer ouer vs, or increase in vs. Destroy and ouerthrow Satan and his wily poli­cies. Roote out of our hearts, all workes of the world, wicked motions of the flesh, and pernitious practises of the Diuell, that we may no longer offend thy goodnesse. And plant in vs such good thoughts, good motions, and good ende­uours, that we may diligent­ly [Page 404] serue thee in all things ac­cording to thy will, and em­brace with willingnesse thy holy word, to the comfort of our Soules, and setting forth of thy glory.

Open thy bountifull hands O Lord, and blesse vs with all good guifts, giue vs obe­dient hearts and willing mindes, to search and seeke out the trueth of thy holy word: strengthen vs with constancy in the same, that in all things wee may leade our liues accordingly, not as professors alone, but as faithfull performers of the same, to the vtter diligence of our power. Confirme and establish vs in all good works, thar wee may as true Christians, sowe such Seeds of thy knowne truth, that [Page 405] others from whom the brightnesse of thy Gospell hath beene concealed and kept vnknowne, may by our good example, take such hap­py fruites thereof, that they may know thee, and bee brought home to thy Fold as lost Sheepe. Be thou (O Lord) our Shepheard, and let vs be then sheepe of thy Fold, and remaine in thy protection, both now and alwaies to the end. Increase the number of the faithfull: diligent, and carefull Mini­sters, Preachers, and distribu­ters of thy holy word and Sacraments, and giue vnto them a single heart towards thee. Let them not be such as do onely preach and teach thy word with their lippes and tongues, and haue [Page 406] their hearts farre from thee, but that they inwardly with all their soule, in perfect faith cleaue vnto thee and thy truth, and accordingly shew the same in their life and conuersation. Driue also out of thy Church, all Buyers and Sellers, and such as like rauening Wolues seeke to liue by the spoyle of thy sheepe. Cast out (O Lord) wee pray thee, such idle Pa­stors as are crept into thy Church, who more re­specting gaine then grace, imploy their study for pro­motion, and leaue the flocke vnfed which is vnder their charge. Lord of thy vn­speakable Mercy, deliuer vs from such carelesse keepers, and blind guides, least we al­so being made blinde by [Page 407] their negligence, may bee kept blind in ignorance, and so with them fall into the dangerous pit of thy deepe and heauy displeasure.

Rehearse and pardon vs all our offences, teach vs to serue thee as we ought, make strong our faith and hope in thee, indue vs with thy hea­uenly light, that wee may perfectly see our foule and manifold enormities, and ex­amining our owne consci­ces, and discerning our im­perfections, wee may learne to amend our liues.

Make vs willing Follow­ers of thee, and diligent lo­uers of thy Law. Make vs pe­nitent for our sinnes past, and continue in vs thy feare. Let vs not fall inro any manner of temptations, but by thy [Page 408] mighty power deliuer vs from all euill. To thee alone (O Lord) belongeth mercy and forgiuenesse, and thou onely art our louing Saui­our. Purge vs and make vs cleane, that wee may bee found chosen vessels, fit to serue thee in this life, and af­ter to obtaine perfect saluati­on at thy mercifull hands, & enioy euerlasting rest in thy Celestiall habitation, prepa­red for thy faithfull and elect people, and with thy holy and blessed Angels may sing praise vnto thy holy name for euer. These blessings (O Father) wee beseech thee to bestow vpon vs for Iesus Christ his sake, in whose name we pray vnto thee as hee himselfe hath taught vs, Our Father, &c.

A Thanksgiuing after bles­sings obtained, to acknow­ledge them a [...] from God.

BLessed Lord, I feele in my selfe how mercifully thou hast dealt with me, greeuously I was troubled, and now by thy goodnesse partly relea­s [...]d how dangerouslie I was assaulted, and now by thy mercie partly deliuered: this releefe (although I must needs confesse by infallible arguments [...]o bee thy onely worke in me yet such is the pride of my rebellious flesh, that it will not suffer me to as [...]e fully) the same to proceede of thee, and thine onely goodnesse but seek­eth [Page 410] out other fained causes, according to the vaine de­uises of my mind, therefore I beseech thee most gracious Father, that thou wilt so frame my heart, that I may with my whole heart and mind, & with all the powers of my soule, acknowledge a [...] my comfort and ayde to be thy onely worke, wrought in me by thy holy Spirit, and that I may bee thankfull for the same all the daies of my life (O Lord) thou hast sworne by thy holinesse, that thou wilt not giue thine honor to any other. Seeing then deere Father, that thou hast sent mee this strength: let mee bee perswaded fully in my heart (deere Father) that it commeth from thee, that to thee I may render [Page 411] due honor, praise, & thanks­giuing for the same, and the rest of my life, that I may be assured in heart of thy mer­cifull defence, in mine ex­treame dangers, as thou hast many times wonderfully deliuered me, and thou wilt according to thy promise so continue thy mercifull ayde, whereby thy name in mee may be glorified, my soule in mercy preserued, and thy whole Church edified, now & for euer, Amen.

A Prayer for patience in tri­bulation, and that God may bee glorified there­by.

GRacious and merci­full Father, who hast from time to time, in all ages exercised e­uen thy most deere children with greeuous afflictions, and sharpe corrections, to draw their minds from too much loue of earthly plea­sures, to delight in hea­uenly ioyes, and spirituall comforts of the soule: graunt I beseech thee, that I euen from my heart, may acknowledge this affliction, which doth nowe greeuou­sly pierce my soule, to bee thy Fatherly correction, [Page 413] and scourge of thy meere mercy and loue, layd vppon mee, to put mee in minde of my dutie towards thee, least else, with too much quiet­nesse, I should haue beene drawne through the flatte­ring pleasures of this vaine world: from the remem­brance and delight of my spirituall ioy in heauenly things, to haue had my sin­full delight in this vaine world and so should haue runne headlong to euerla­sting damnation with the wicked world. But that thou (O Father) hast called me back by this thy Father­ly rod, whereby thou min­dest to let me see, that of my selfe I haue no strength vnto goodnesse, but that it was thou, who by thy aboun­dant [Page 414] mercy, hadst before time replenished my heart with ioy, that I tooke great pleasure and comfort in rea­ding and hearing thy holy word, and receiuing other benefits: which spirituall comfort and quietnesse of mind, because I did not ful­ly acknowledge to bee thy good gift in mee, thou hast now taken from mee (for a time) that I may effectually perceiue and learne by the lacke of it, that it was thy worke in me: and when thou restorest the same againe, I may more aboundantly glo­rifie thee in thy manifold mercies. But while it shall be thy good will & pleasure, (O Lord) to exercise mee with this thy louing cor­rection: giue me grace that [Page 415] I may patientiy abide, what­soeuer it shall please thee to lay vpon me for my amend­ment, strengthen mee (O Lord) that I doe not faint vnder the burthen of afflicti­on: but being vpholden by the strength of thy holy Spirit in mee, I may neuer cease calling vppon thy name, with full perswasion that thou wilt at thy time appointed, send mee full as­surance, to my singular com­fort, and thy eternall glory. And when it shall please thee (O Lord) fully to deli­uer mee: I beseech thee so worke in my heart, that I may acknowledge the same to come from thee, and to be thy onely worke, that I may be thankfull for thy so great mercies in all the daies [Page 416] of my life, and I neuer for­get thy louing and Fatherly dealings towards mee, but so to the end of my life I may liue in thy feare and loue, that thy holy name in my life may be glorified, and after death, I may bee recei­ued to that full ioy, which thou hast prepared for thine elect children, through our onely Lord and Saui­our Iesus Christ, Amen.

A Prayer for mortification and holinesse.

BLessed Lord God, and most mercifull Father, I doe ac­knowledge vnto thee, that I am vnworthy to appeare before thy high Maiestie, to offer vp vnto thee a sacrifice of prayer; being full of sinne and corruption, naturally glad of euill, and vnprofi­table to good. Yea, being so miserable, yet I see not my miserie, I feele it not, I bewaile it not as I ought to doe, but multiply mine ini­quities, prouoking thy iust iudgement against me. My zeale is cold, my loue feeble, my exercises of Religion faint and few, and I take [Page 418] no way but that which lea­deth from euill to worse, and finally, would lead me from sinne, to the reward of sin. All this is true, deere Father, yet my heart is not moued with feare: all this is true, yet I doe not sorrow for it, but walke with ioy, where I must (if I continue) reape affliction: therefore be mer­cifull vnto mee, and blesse me: be mercifull vnto me, & in Christ Iesus, wash away all mine iniquities; be merci­full vnto me, and create in me a new heart, and prepare it to prayer, and to thy holy seruice; for thou alone (O Lord) art my hope, and the mighty God of my saluati­on. Thou hast giuen mee a desire to serue thee, O teach me that I may doe it: [Page 419] and the good worke which thou hast begun, make it perfect in me, that I may no more loue wickednes, & fol­low vanity, but that my good desires in thee may be increa­sed, and all of them accom­plished; so shall I praise thee and magnifie thee for euer. For ther is no honor but thy honor, no glory but thy glo­ry: O Lord, it is vaine to trust in Princes, but truely to trust in the Lord bringeth plentifull saluation. From age to age it hath appeared, that thou (O Lord God) art mercifull, and that in thy Courts there is nothing but truth and holinesse. This world is full of vanitie, full of pride, full of rebellion, and the flesh also. The world hath many baites of [Page 420] destruction, and the flesh doth delight in them▪ they are sworne together to be­tray vs to Sathan; yea, wee betray our selues, therefore (deere Father) by the crosse of Christ, mortifie in vs the deeds of the flesh and cruci­fie in vs the deeds of the fl [...]sh, and crucifie both vs to the world, and the world to vs, that our soules may liue. In our generall calling make vs obedient to serue th [...]e in holinesse and in righteousnesse all the daies of our life: in our particular callings, also make vs faith­full, that we may neither put away a good conscience, nor make ship-wracke of faith. I beleeue, O Lord, helpe my vnbeleefe: in the day of peace and prosperitie make [Page 421] vs sober, in the day of trou­ble and aduersitie, make vs looke vppe, and cheerefuly to waite and trust in thee for our deliuerance, that our e­nemies mouthes may bee stopped by our godly con­uersation, and their hearts pricked with zeale to turne vnto thee. Neither do I pray (O Lord) for my selfe alone, but for the whole body into the which I am grafted by Christ Iesus: that is, for thy Church (O God) for thine inheritance, that rhou woul­dest encrease it from one end of the world to another, that all Nations may worship be­fore thy foot-stoole. Espe­cially (O Lord) I pray for them that professe thy Gos­pell, as for this our Nation, that thou wouldest be merci­full [Page 422] vnto it, turning our hearts to thee: for our graci­ous Soueraign the King, and for all our Councell, that thou wouldest poure thy graces vpon them, to dis­charge of their dutie and our peace: for all the holy Tea­chers in the Church, that thou wouldest blesse them and their labours: for the peace and full beautie of this Church, for the peace and wealth of the Common-weale. Wee pray thee also for to blesse all the meanes to bring this to passe. Also we pray thee for our Parents, for all others to whom wee owe speciall loue or seruice: but principally wee beseech thee to shew thy compassion vpon all that are in persecuti­on for thy Gospel: O Lord, [Page 423] increase and renew their strength, giue them victorie, and turne their aduersaries hearts, if they pertaine to thy holy election, otherwise (O Lord) bring vpon them the confusion that they would bring vpon others, & into the pit that they haue digged, let them fall and ne­uer rise vp againe. O Lord, heare vs in these suites: par­don our dull spirits in praier, and giue vs these and all o­ther graces needfull for vs, and the Church, to thy glo­rie, for our Lord Iesus Christ, in whose name wee pray as hee hath taught vs, saying: Our Father, &c.

A Prayer for the feeling of the sinne of hyprocrisie, that wee may direct our life according to the perscript rule of the word.

RIghteous Lord God and heauenly Fa­ther, which art a iust [...]udge to punish all them that doe continue to offend thee: as thou art a Father most pittifull, to receiue to mercie all those which giue ouer themselues to please thee: shew mee thy grace and fauour, To that I may be truely touched with inward displeasure of my sinnes, and that in the place of flat­tering my selfe, to sleepe in sinne, I may be so cast downe in heart, that the rather I [Page 425] may truely with mouth con­fesse, most humbly to giue thee the honour, glorie, and prayse, due vnto thy holy name: and that as thou of thy great mercy, dost in­struct thereunto by thy ho­ly word, so (for thy mercies sake) make that the same may so lighten and cleere our conscience, that in due examination of our life, wee may truely learne to be angry and displeased with all our former and corrupti­ble liuing.

O that it may please thee to draw neere vnto vs, in ad­dressing and guiding our footsteps, in the true and perfect way of obedience to thy holy Lawes and Commandements. Send thy holy Angell to pitch his [Page 426] Tents round about vs, that Sathan, and his infernall army neuer preuaile against vs, but that alwaies with strong faith, we may through Iesus Christ withstand all his crafty engines and snares, knowing vndoubtedly, that thou neuer forsakest them that put their trust in thee. O let vs not bee led by the infirmity of our outward flesh, but strengthen vs by the vertue of thy holy Spi­rit. Suffer vs not to lie vn­der thy heauy wrath, and vengeance through hypo­crisie: but rather touch vs so inwardly, that we may with­out ceasing, sigh and grone vnto thee, by true and vn­feigned repentance. And al­though we be not alwaies so well disposed to aske and [Page 427] pray as we ought to doe, yet (good Lord, for thy glori­ous Names sake) stretch out thy mighty hand, that by the gracious working of thy ho­ly Spirit, our mindes and hearts, may be drawne from all earthly and corruptible things, so that our prayers vnto thee, may proceede of an inward, earnest, vehe­ment affection, so that wee neuer presume to come be­fore the throne of thy Ma­iesty with a double heart, knowing, that whosoeuer asketh and prayeth for any thing of thee, not asking in faith, cannot obtaine.

Increase therefore (sweet Lord) our faith that we pre­sently may liuely feele the benefite of remission, and pardon all our sins through [Page 428] the merits and death of Christ Iesus our Sauiour: and so worke in vs for euer heereafter to liue in thy feare, and to stand in awe of thy displeasure, that thou mayest continue our merci­full Father, world without end, Amen.

O Shepheard of sheepe, seeke out mee thy wandring sheepe. And being found, lay mee vpon thy blessed shoulders, and bring mee home to the very folde of thy flocke, heale my sicke soule: feede my hungry soule, yea, almost dying through hunger: watch o­uer the same (O sweete Lord) least the rauening Wolfe do inuade my soule, and so slay it to vtter de­struction. Wherefore, O [Page 429] most deere GOD) be mer­cifull to mee a wretched sin­ner, and grant pardon to him that repenteth; giue not foorth the voice of thy sen­tence according to my de­merits, but like as thy mercy before hath done in the be­ginning of my life, so let it conclude the end there­of, to remaine with thee, world without end: Amen, deere God, Amen.

Forasmuch as in this life, holy Scriptures doeth pro­mise trouble, penuries, op­pressions, increase of griefe, and aboundance of temp­tations, vouchsafe (O most louing Lord GOD) to pre­pare my heart to all possi­ble patience, least I doe faint in thy foote-path: compell (my sweete Lord) [Page 430] this stubborne and rebelli­ous flesh of mine, to bee sub­iect to thy holy Spirite, be­yond all expectation, so that I may possesse my soule in patience, and keepe the same continually in thy e­uerlasting seruice: to the which purpose thou of thine infinite goodnesse and mercie hast created the same. Wherefore, (O Lord GOD) shew thine almigh­ty power vnto mee most wretched sinner, that so long as I fight in this wret­ched life, I may obtaine victorie against mine ene­mies, (thou being my de­fence) for there is none o­ther that fighteth for mee, but onely thou O God. Now I say, represse the vio­lence of mine enemies, and [Page 431] vouchsafe with great effect to bring into bondage my miserable flesh, that tormen­teth my soule. So that ob­taining victory, I may giue praise to thee my onely de­liuerer, in perpetuall eterni­ty. Amen.

A prayer against tbe secret ve­nim, and great danger of prosperity.

O Lord, prepare my heart to wisedom, prepare it to pray­er, and teach my soule to feele all the dangers wherewith it is beset on e­uery side: and grant good Father, that I m [...]y not pray in wordes, or in sound of speech, but in Spirite and Faith. I acknowledge to thee [Page 432] O Lord, thy great mercies toward mee at this time; for beside the vnspeakable gra­ces of my redemption, and of my holy calling in the Gospell, (which are euer­more good) thou hast giuen me a large measure of earth­ly blessings, my table is rich­ly and daintily furnished, my Cup ouer-floweth, mine e­nemies are chased away, and I feele no want, no afflicti­on, no sorrow. My prospe­ritie leadeth mee, as by the hand, from one delight to another, and from one plea­sure to another. In the mor­ning, peace is at my right hand, and at night quietnesse at my left. O Lord are not these thy blessings? Hast not thou opened thy merci­full hand, and filled me with [Page 433] all these comforts? True it is, O Lord, that they came all from thee, and for them I am indebted vnto thee, and giue thee hearty thanks. But alas, O Lord, I finde by ex­perience that prosperitie (such is our infirmitie) carri­eth vs too too farre away, it feedeth vs from day to day, and from time to time, with new delights, it ingendereth also secretly such peace and confidence in these things, which are but as a reede to leane vpon, that we are car­ried away, wee forget not thee onely, but our selues al­so. But the day of aduersi­tie, the day of sicknesse, the day of trouble, that layeth o­pen our weakenesse, it cau­seth much care to bee relea­sed, it prouoketh many prai­ers [Page 434] for releefe. O it is a hap­py day, a day of returning to the Lord, a day of repen­tance, as in Sackcloath and Ashes. O how may my soule praise the day of affliction, wherein I called vpon the name of the Lord, and hee heard mee, and I found that his rod comforted me. Ne­uerthelesse, O good Lord, consider and helpe: two dayes of health, take away the fruite of many dayes of sicknesse: wee are as men Sea-sicke, that comming on the shore, presently returne to ioy and mirth, and forget both dangers on the Sea; and dangers on the Land. So came it to passe from age to age in thy people of Isra­el, being tied fast in miserie, and iron, they called vpon [Page 435] thee and receiued mercie; being deliuered, they soone turned backe like a bow, and became drunken with pro­speritie. Then thy face was against them, thy anger was kindled, and they cast into affliction againe: but in their miseries they renewed their prayers and thou diddest re­new thy grace: but new prosperitie brought new re­bellion, and new rebellion new punishments, and new punishments new conuersa­tion. The house of mirth was to them, and is to all, a baite to wantonnesse: but in the house of sorrow, a pro­uocation of humilitie and prayer. Prosperitie is as a Cup of wine mingled with poyson, as a bed of securitie, and a way to destruction. [Page 436] Therefore, O Lord with the fulnesse of earthly things, giue mee also the fulnesse of spi [...]ituall thinges, that I for­get thee not in vanity of life, or in the false delights of sin­full flesh. O keepe my heart that it bee not made drunken with prosperity: but grant mee in sobernesse to vse thy blessings to thy glory, and to the releefe of my Bre­thren: and when I reioyce, not to reioyce in these base things (for that reioycing is euill) but to reioyce in thee, turning my mirth from wanton Daunces, from vaine Songs, from other carnall delights, to exercises of Re­ligion, to helpes of know­ledge, & singing of Psalmes, with melodie to thee in my heart.

Finally, O Lord, seeing that in this earthly prosperi­ty there is so great abuse and so present danger for want of grace to abuse them: O Lord teach mee the true vse of them, that I may not set my heart thereon, but in thee, giuing thee thanks for them: and labouring with all diligence through thy grace in Iesus Christ, that they bee not through my wickednesse turned into curses. As Salomon teacheth wisedome, to take heede of an Harlot, so teach mee to take heed of vaine pleasures, in worldly matters, that I be not bewitched with pro­sperity, and forget thee, ba­thing my selfe in pleasures, and neuer setting thee be­fore mine eyes. O mercifull [Page 438] Father for thy deerely be­loued Sonne Iesus Christ, worke this in mee, that I may bee rich in good workes: that I may haue, as not hauing: that I may vse the world, as not abusing it, but vsing it to thy glory and praise, through Iesus Christ our Lord and onely Saui­our, to whom with thee and the holy Ghost, three per­sons, and one God, bee all praise, honor, and glory both now and for e­uer, Amen.

A Prayer against Whoredome and vncleannesse.

O God, which by thy holy word hast commanded, that for the auoyding of the fil­thy sinne of fornication, e­ue [...]y man should haue his lawfull wife, and euery wo­man enioy her lawfull hus­band, threatning death and damnation to all such as seek to liue contrary to thy com­mandement herein: I hum­bly beseech thee for Christs sake, that thou wilt mortifie and kill in me all carnall con­cupiscence, filthy motions, and fleshly desires, by the operation of thy holy Spirit in me, that I neuer defile ei­ther my body or soule in [Page 440] this loathsome and stinking sinne of whoredome, adul­tery, fornication, Incest, or other vncleannesse of body whatsoeuer, but liuing pure­ly & vnpolluted therewith all the dayes of my life, I may practise to please thee in all my proceedings. I know (O Lord) that flesh and blood, (the filthy vncleane workes of flesh and blood) cannot enter into thy habi­tation, nor yet possesse any portion in thine euerlasting kingdome of glory: & there­fore whensoeuer the diuell, his wicked members, the world, or the flesh, shall tempt and prouoke mee to preparation hereto, giue me power and strength to with­stand their assaults, and put into my minde to consider [Page 441] that thine eyes doe behold me, and thine holy Angels looke vpon me also: that the horrible company of diuels compasse me about, ready to register my filthy fact in a booke of memo [...]ials against the great day of the Lord. And so by thy gracious assi­stance, and th [...]se good con­siderations, I may be [...] partly terrified, and partly ashamed for euer to commit the same; knowing that thou who spa­redst not the former world, but destroyedst Sodom and Gomorrha with fire & brim­stone from heauen, the whole world with water; the Citty of the Sichemites with the edge of the sword, and the children of Israel at sun­dry times, slaying infinite Millions of them for this [Page 442] horrible vice, wilt not spare me a most wicked and abhomina­ble sinner, if I commit the like offence. Wherefore (blessed Father) suffer mee not thy deere Child in Iesus Christ, bought with thy most precious blood, to bee once spotted, stained, or ble­mished, either in body or mind, with this filthy stin­king sinne of whoredome & fornication, that I appea­ring cleane in thy sight, may after this life ended liue with thee, thy Sonne Iesus Christ, and the holy Ghost: one true and euer liuing God, world without end, Amen.

A Prayer against Couetousnes and ambition.

ALmighty God, and most mercifull Fa­ther, who hast com­manded euery man to labour and trauaile in his vocation and calling, thereby to re­leeue his necessities, and to maintaine his estate, and hast promised thereto thy bles­sing. Blesse I beseech thee, all my actions and laboures which I shall at any time take in hand in thy name, and thereby I receiuing sufficent sustentation & maintenance for mine estate and calling, may be free from the insati­able desires of couetousnes, ambition, auarice, and all de­sire of vnlawfull gaine; [Page 444] knowing that those that de­sire to bee rich, fall into di­uers tem [...]ptations and snares of the diuel. From which cō ­tagious infection, I beseech thee so much more warily to keepe mee, by how much more I finde the same for­bidden in thy holy word. The holy Apostle calleth it idolatry, worshipping of I­dols, and the roote of all e­uill, excluding them out of the kingdome of heauen that be infected therewith. And thy deere Son Iesus Christ telleth vs, that it shall be easi­er for the Camell to goe through the eye of a needle, then for a rich man (that is a couetous rich man, whose affiance is in his riches) to enter into the kingdome of heauen. Wherefore (good [Page 445] Father) keepe me farre from this filthy vice of couetous­nesse and ambition, & grant that I hauing food for my body, and cloathes for my backe, with all other necessa­ries incident to this life, may bee well contented there­with, not coueting or desi­ring any more: and all the daies of my life in true sim­plicity of heart, may giue thee praise for the same. Fi­nally, grant that I seeking the kingdome of heauen and the righteousnesse thereof, as thou hast commanded vs in thy holy word, may re­ceiue the reward of thy pro­mise, that is, all things neces­sary for this life, and in the life to come euerlasting glo­rie, through Iesus Christ our Lord and Sauiour, Amen.

A Prayer against vsuall and common swearing.

ETernall God and lo­u [...]ng Father, in thy holy word, the word of truth, thou sayest that the man who vseth to sweare much is accursed, and the plague shall neuer depart from his house: and in thy holy Gospell hast said, that we shall render account at the day of iudgement for e­uery idle word that we shall speake. O how much more shall we giue accounts of e­uery p [...]ophane, blasphemous and bloody oath, that wee sweare? And therefore to the end wee might auoyd thy vengeance against that day, thou hast commanded vs [Page 447] not to sweare at all, but that our communication be yea, yea; nay, nay; for whatsoe­uer is more then that, com­meth of euill. Wherefore I beseech thee (good Lord) in the bowels of mercy, so to dispose & order my tongue and mouth (the vse whereof thou hast giuen me aboue o­ther creatures to glorifie thee withall) that thereby I abuse nor blaspheme not thy holy name. For true it is (O Lord) that swearers & blas­phemers of thy holy name, as much as lyeth in them, do crucifie thy Sonne afresh, and are as guilty of his blood as Iudas was that betrayed him, or the cursed Iewes that slewe him.

And seeing that to sweare by thee, whose blessed name [Page 448] is neuer to bee thought of, nor yet once called into question, but with great re­uerence, feare, and dread, is most horrible blasphemy, and to sweare by any crea­ture else, is most detestable Idolatry, keepe me I beseech thee from all manner of vn­lawfull swearing, and from all wicked bloody Oaths, that both my heart, tongue, and mouth, and all parts else both of body and soule, may bee instruments of praise to set forth thy glory, all the daies of my life, through Iesus Christ our Lord and Sauiour, Amen.

A Prayer against pride.

HOly Lord, thou hast in thy blessed Gos­pell commanded vs by all meanes possible, to es­chew the filthy vice of pride (which is a certaine rebelli­on of the heart against thee) and aboue all things to em­brace and euer hold fast the anchor of humility. A per­fect patterne whereof wee may learne in thee (O blessed Sauiour) who was humble, lowly, curteous, gentle, mer­cifull, pittifull, full of com­passion, and all goodnesse, not disdaining the vilest per­son, or loathsomest Lazer that euer liued, if hee faith­fully beleeued in thee. Thou humbledst thy selfe, that we [Page 450] might bee exalted: thou be­camest poore, to make vs rich: thou camest downe to the earth to liue in humility, that we might be exalted to liue in felicity.

Thou wast poore in estate, meane in attire, and base in all things before the world, in respect of thy humanity: but before thy heauenly Fa­ther, in respect of thy Deity, most magnificall and glori­ous. And therefore not without cause, thou biddest vs learne of thee, saying, Learne of me, for I am hum­ble & lowly, & your Soules shall liue. Thou ouerthrow­est the proud in their owne imagination, and giuest grace to the humble, yea thou so much abhorrest pride, that thou iudgest them to eter­nall [Page 451] damnation that offend therein.

If wee would consider with our selues our owne misery, wee should haue no cause to rise vp into pride. For in respect of our bodies, are wee any thing else then vile dung and ashes? And in respect of our soules, til they be regenerate by the Spirit of God, are they not bond­slaues to Sathan, receptacles to fiendes, and subiect to e­uerlasting damnation? What haue wee now that we haue not receiued? Or whereof may we be proud? Where­fore (O my God) I beseech thee who art the true mir­rour of all humility, giue me the spirit of meeknes, hum­blenesse, and lowlinesse of heart, and keepe me from all [Page 452] filthy pride & arrogancy of body or mind, that I neuer lift vp my selfe into pride a­gainst thee, or thinke of my selfe aboue that which I am of my selfe, but that I casting downe my selfe, and distru­sting mine owne worthi­nesse, may be by thee aduan­ced to eternall glory. Grant that those things which thou gauest me for necessities sake onely (as thou diddst my ap­parell to hide my shame withall) may neuer bee abu­sed of mee as instruments of wickednesse. And those things which thou gauest me to praise and glorifie thee withall, as thou diddest my heart, my tongue, & mouth, I neuer abuse to thy disho­nour. And as it may please thee to indue mee with this [Page 453] true humility of mind to­wards thee, so I beseech thee to giue me the true humility of body and mind towards my brethren also, that I be not puft vp, nor aduance my selfe aboue them, disdaining or contemning them, though otherwise neuer so meane or contemptible before the world.

And whensoeuer the E­nemie assaulteth me to stirre mee vp to pride, I beseech thee, whose power is in­comprehensible, to streng­then mee to with-stand his temptations, and set before the eies of my minde, the examples of thy Iudgement inflicted vpon the children of pride in all ages, as name­ly, how thou threwest downe Lucifer a bright Angel [Page 454] in heauen into hell fire, how thou condemnest Adam and all his posterity. How thou destroyedst Nymrod that huge Giant, Goliah that fierce monster, Nabuchadnezar that ambitious & bloody tyrant, Herod that arrogant miscre­ant, and many others, who through the sinne of pride rebelled against thee, and may by these examples bee terrified from committing that great & heynous sinne against thee: that I humbling my selfe in this world, after the consummatiō of this life, may bee exalted in the king­dome of heauen, there to raigne with thee for euer and euer, Amen.

A Prayer against Gluttony and drunkennesse.

BLessed Lord, as thou hast created man af­ter thy owne simili­tude and likenesse, and hast giuen him a perfect body like vnto thy Sonne Iesus Christ; so thou hast ordained and prouided for him ordinary meanes, as meate, drinke, flesh, fish, hearbes, oyles, wines, & what not, to keepe and sustaine the same. And hast commanded these thy creatures to bee moderately taken, to the sustentation of the body, with praise and thanksgiuing to thee, accur­sing them to hell, who by a­busing, not lawfully vsing these thy bl [...]ssings, make [Page 436] them instruments of sinne, and so consequently of dam­nation to themselues. Giue me grace I beseech thee that I may neuer abuse thy giftes through gluttony, drunken­nesse, riot, or excesse, but that I liuing in all godly tem­perance and sobriety, may bee thankfull vnto thee for them, and also vse them for my necessity. Knowing that our meates without thy bles­sing, cannot nourish the bo­dy, but destroy it rather, as experience daily teacheth. Make me (O Lord) to loath and detest this horrible vice so much the more in respect of the filthynes of the same, for besides that, it transfor­meth man into the Image of a beast, or rather maketh him worse then a beast (for they [Page 457] neither eate nor drinke, without measure) it also blindeth his eies of reason, that he seeth not the wicked­nesse that hee committeth. And therefore Lot being drunke, perceiued not his in­cestuous fact committed with his two Daughters. The Israelites swelling in gluttony and drunkennesse, perceiued not their grieuous sinne of Idolatry which they fell into. The rich glutton, drunken with the aboun­dance of all things, percei­ued not his contempt of the poore, nor yet their great want: and therefore thou in thy great wrath tookest him away from the face of the earth. By these and the like exampes of thy Iudge­ments (grant O heauenly Fa­ther) [Page 458] that I being admonish­ed, may bee carefull and stu­dious, neuer to bee culpable in this filthy vice, least in thy wrath thou depriue mee of the vse of thy creatures in this life, and in the world to come, giue mee my portion with the wicked in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone, that neuer shall be quenched.

This is the reward thou threatnest in thy holy word, to all drunkards, gluttons, and ryotous persons, saying by the mouth of the Apo­stle; neither whoremongers, adulterers, gluttons, drun­kards, nor such like, shall e­uer enter into the kingdome of heauen. Wherefore most deere Father, I beseech thee to deliuer me in mercy, that [Page 459] I neuer bee stayned there­with, but may alwayes vse thy giftes to thy glory, the releefe of mine owne neces­sities, and the helpe & com­fort of others that doe want the same. And grant, that I seeking after not onely this corporal food which perish­eth, but also that sweet Am­brosia and heauenly Nectar, the word of life, which ne­uer decayeth, may after the end of this life, haue the full fruition thereof, to my eter­nall comfort: and for euer laude and praise thy blessed name, through Iesus Christ our Sauiour and Redeemer, Amen.

A Prayer against idlenesse and sloth.

MOst holy Fath [...]r, after thou haddest created man, thou placedst him in pa­radise, commanding him for the avoyding of idlenesse, to dresse and manure the same. And afterward being cast out of paradise for the sinne of transgression, and sent in­to the world, thou enioynest him in the sweat of his face to eate his bread, to the end he should not at any hand be idle, and so minister occasion to the enemie to inuade him: for man being idle and in­clined to sloath, the diuell he besiegeth vs with a thousand of temptations, our flesh [Page 461] lusteth to euill, & our minds are inflamed to all kinde of wickednesse. Wherefore most mercifull Father, I most heartily beseech thee, that duting the short course of my life in this world, I may be alwaies godly occupied, and vertuously exercised in the affayers of this life, and in all manner of good workes before thee, that my enemies the Diuell, the World, nor the Flesh, pre­uaile not against me. And considering that I must ren­der account of all my actions whatsoeuer, and of euery minute of an houre, or iotte of time lent mee in this life, I beseech thee giue me grace to spend my time in such godly actions, as may please thee, & not in idlenes, sloath, [Page 462] or in any wanton, lewd, las­ciuious, or wicked exercise, that being found faithfull and vigilant in my calling, when the day of Tribulation commeth, when euery man shall be rewarded according to his deeds, I may obtaine euerlasting life. And as it may please thee to keepe my body from idlenes & sloath, so vouchsafe I beseech thee, to exercise my soule in god­ly contemplations and ver­tuous Meditations of thee, and of thy holy and blessed word: together with the heauenly ioyes and beati­tudes prepared for all those that vnfeignedly long for thy comming. In the practi­sing whereof, make mee to loue nothing but thee, to honor and obey thee, to [Page 463] feare, dread, and reuerence thee, and to desire and couet nothing but thee, that I dwel­ling with thee in minde onely during this life, may after the dissolution of this earthly tabernacle, dwell with thee both in body and soule, world without end, through Iesus Christ our Lord and onely Sauiour, to whome with thee, and thy holy Spirit, bee all praise and glory, now and for euermore, Amen.

A Prayer against Infidelitie and dispaire, necessarie for a troubled and wounded spirit.

GLorious Lord God, and our most tender Father in Iesus Christ, in whom thou hast elected vs before all worlds to life and glorie, and in thy due time hast called vs to a liuely hope of eternall hap­pinesse, that we might walke before thee in holinesse and righteousnesse: and in thine infinite wisedome hast so disposed of vs in this estate of holinesse, that thou maiest haue the glory of thy free grace: and therefore as thou hast discharged vs freely of the guilt of our sinne by the [Page 465] blood of thy Sonne, and ac­cepted vs perfectly righteous in his obedience, so also thou hast left corruption in vs, to be daily maistered and subdued, that so being there­by daily conscious of our owne vnworthinesse and vn­sufficiency; and subiect in regard thereof to much di­straction and infidelity, wee might learne still to liue by faith in the Sonne of God, denying our owne righte­ousnesse, that still we may be found in him, to the glori­ous praise of his free grace, and so may bee keept by his mighty power through faith vnto saluation.

Looke graciously vpon me (thine vnworthy seruant) who doe here vnfeignedly acknowledge before thee, [Page 466] that thy Foundation stands sure, thou knowest who are thine: yet my faith is so weake, that I ofttimes am to seeke whither I am thine or no. For such is my ignorance of what I should know, that I sometimes grope at the light in the noone day: nei­ther knowing the worth of my holy calling, nor being able to vse the meanes which may truly informe me therein: but somtimes o­uer value mine estate, as if it were better with mee then it is: and sometimes abase my selfe to bee worse then in­deed I am, or should be. And my corruption sometimes breaking out into grosse re­bellion, doth so hinder and obscure my spirituall eye of faith, that I can neither tru­ly [Page 467] discerne whereto I am come, neither can see afarre to what I should attaine: yea many times it fareth so ill with me, that for want of speedie endeauour to reco­uer my selfe by repentance, I doe not onely plunge my selfe deeper into the snare of sinne, by not applying the true remedie aright, or stum­bling vpon vaine helpes: but hereby many times am cast into such straights, that I not onely question all for­mer truth of thy grace, as if I were no better then an hy­pocrite, and had builded on the sands, but also am ready to giue ouer all hope of at­taining the same: as if either it did not belong vnto me, or else it were too late to pur­sue and apprehend the same, [Page 468] as if thou hadst forgot to be mercifull, because I feele my selfe so miserable: as if thy compassion were cleane gone, because my rebellion seemes so desperate. Hence it is (O my God) that I turne all thy comforts to be corra­siues vnto me, and esteeme all thy threatnings no better then flashes of hell and ente­rances to eternall vengeance. Thus am I bceome (O Lord) as one forlorne and out of minde, free among the dead, no better in mine owne ac­count then a meere abiect and cast a-way, whose hope is not onely perished from the earth, but without hope or helpe from thee my God. And all this is iustly come vpon me by reason of mine owne foolishnes, who haue [Page 469] neglected my watch, and so haue fallen from thee, and haue bene carelesse of the means to restore me speedily againe, whereby my wounds haue festered, and seeme to be incureable, and so my an­guish is greater then I can expresse: my sinnes are be­come a burthen that I am not able to beare, my heart within wasteth with conti­nuall sorrow, and I daily re­ceiue a sentence of death. And yet though all this bee come vpon me, yet thy foun­dation standeth sure, thou knowest who are thine: though thou hast chasticed mee sore for my folly, yet thou hast not giuen mee ouer vnto death, and therefore yet there is hope; though I haue receiued a sentence of [Page 470] death: yet it is that I might dye to mine owne confi­dence, and trust in thee the liuing God, who raiseth vp from the dead: the more I feele my sinnes a burthen which I am not able to beare, the more dost thou inuite me to come vnto thee, that I may be raised: and there­fore I must finde my selfe, daily lost in my selfe, that I may bee found of thee in Christ, not hauing mine owne righteousnes. Though thy law doth thunder no­thing but vengeance against me, yet thou commandest mee still to beleeue in thy name, and therefore though thou kill mee, yet I will trust in thee. For thou (O my God) wilt be found in the is­sues of death: thou louedst me [Page 467] euen when I was thine ene­mie, and therefore canst not reiect mee now I se [...]ke thee in truth. Thou hast embra­ced mee with euerlasting compassions, and therefore canst not, neither wilt for­sake me in my great extremi­tie: and thou hast many times heretofore deliuered me from the Lyon and the Beare, from many desperate snares thou hast many times rescued mee, and wilt thou not deliuer me from euery e­uill worke, and preserue mee constantly vnto thy glorious appearance? yea certainely (blessed Lord) I beleeue, helpe my vnbeleefe. I be­leeue, that thou art able to do wonderfully aboue what I can thinke or desire, and therefore that thou wilt not [Page 472] deny mee what I aske in thy name. I beleeue that thou canst bring light out of darknesse, and therefore thou wilt turne my darknes into light. I beleeue that all things shall worke together to the best, to those which are called according to thy purpose, and therefore that thou wilt turne this my greatest abasement, to my greatest comfort.

Onely I humbly pray thee, giue mee patience to waite vpon thee vntill thou come and comfort me: sub­mit mee to thy wise physick, whereby thou maiest heale mee, that so being healed, I may bee fit for comfort. O heale me therefore I humbly pray thee, by the blood of thy sonne, wash me through­ly [Page 473] from all my sinnes, and clense mee from all mine ini­quities. Create in mee (O Lord) a cleane heart, that I may appeare all faire before thee, and renew a right spirit within mee, that I may wor­ship thee in spirit and truth: Restore to me the ioy of thy saluation, that I may be per­swaded of thy loue vnto me, and stablish me with thy free spirit, that I may vn­feignedly loue thee againe and neuer depart from thy holy couenant: grant me to renew my couenant daily with thee, that thou maiest be for euer with me, to keepe me in thy feare: and keepe mee daily lowly in mine owne eyes, that still I may bee accepted of thee in thy beloued. Giue mee trust in [Page 474] thee, by distrusting mine owne deceitfull heart, espe­cially in time of temptation: and teach mee to rely on thy mighty power by faith, euen when powers and principa­lities doe most oppose mee. O strengthen mee with the strong cries of thy blessed Spirit, that I may be feruent in prayer, to wrestle with thy Maiesty, that so thou maist hasten thy worke to com­fort me, And though I finde not that comfort I haue had, or desire: yet let this com­fort me that I haue done thy will, and let it humble mee still, that I am not fit for the comfort I doe desire, that so with patience I may waite for the same, comforting my selfe, that seeing this is the time of my warfare, and [Page 475] not of my crowning, there­fore if I waite for what I am not fit for, yet there is e­nough before mee to satisfie me aboundantly: and there­fore grant mee still to forget what is behind, and to hasten to what is before: to waite for the comming of my Lord and Sauiour, and so prepare my selfe daily to his glorious appearance. And euen so, come Lord Ie­sus come quickly, Amen.


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