MARGARITON. A RICH TREASVRE DIS­covered of Problemes and their Resolves▪

in 3 Parts
  • Amorovs.
  • Natvrall
  • Morall & Politiqve

Faithfvlly translated ovt of French.

LONDON Printed for D: Frere. 1640


MARGARITON. A RICH TREA­SVRE DISCO­vered of Problemes and their Resolves.

In three Parts.
  • Amorous.
  • Naturall
  • Morall and politique.

Faithfully translated out of French, for the profit and delight of the Ingenious English of both Sexes; to serve as a usefull helpe in their Discourse.

LONDON. Printed by B. Alsop. and T. F. for DANIEL FRERE, and are to be sold at his Shop, at the Red Bull in little Bri­taine. 1640.

TO THE IN­GENIOVS AND Courteous Rea­ders of both Sexes, in great Britaine Health and Happinesse.

THe Learnd Poet Horace intending to bestowe the true praise of Wisedome upon them which are most worthy, saith that they [Page] most of all diserve it, which knoweth best to joyne Profit and Pleasure together, for those two thins to the Jngenious are excellent and admirable: For as much as Hesiode reporteth, that the Hea­then Gods desire that profit might daily bee ac­companied with travell and labour, and that usu­ally the end of pleasure is bitter and unpleasant, therefore ought he to bee [Page] mended for a good Artist, which can with facility & dexterity incorporate and unite them, as the one may still interchangeably ensue and rise of the other, to which intent ( notwith­standing their diversity of opinions the ancient Philosophers endeavo­red to the uttermost, see­king every one accor­ding to their ingenuity to polish and beautifie that most excellent por­tion [Page] of us, the Mind as prepaired the beetter to receive the Print of ver­tues seale, we might in this race of Frailty clime to some degree ( at least of true happinesse & sound felicity) but because the name of vertue is of such Majesty, as at first view it would dismay the countenance of her ti­merous beholders, cer­taine Philosophers ca­sting aside their frosty [Page] beardes, and other such ceremonies of Philoso­phical shew: with loving care to maintaine and cherish those soft and sweet gentle minds, and tender natures that can­not presently combat with the tediousnesse of scholastique exercises have studied and presen­ted certaine pleasant con­fections (wherewith to ex­cite & sweeten the study of Philosophy handling each [Page] part thereof so familiarly and facilly, that the most wilde and stupid heads were oftentimes incited to hearken and follow their wholesome docu­ments. Like the Phrygian Fabler Aesope, giving fained speech to Creatures vnreasonable, under pre­tence thereof hath left to future posterity, most neces­sary Precepts of all Huma­nity & Moral duty the like hath beene done in all ages [Page] by many Noble Poets, who in their fabled Forgery ( if rightly marked) have uttered all manuer of most deepe and profound Lear­ning. I speake not of Comicke writers, who pretending but sport, by prety contriving of Parts and Persons, teach how to behave our selves towards all sort of Persons, and specially to shun the cousening Ginnes of those which [Page] are registred amongst the vilest kind of people; which fruit is also to be ga­thered of our common plays and interludes; which grounded (ordinarily) upon the rule of Philosophy, doe whet and sharpen the wits of the beholders; as those exercises of Tilting, Tor­ney, Wrestling, leaping, or running, doe by use streng­then the limbes, and frame the body better and more ablie to discharge, [Page] when need shall require their office of armes. But lest I should wade too farre in the praise of Phi­losophy, which may be termed as a labyrinth: Give me leave, Cour­teous Reader, to let you understand that this lit­tle booke in French, hap­pening to my hands of late, perusing of it, found it like a bed of various pearle, or a rich ship fraught with precious wares & [Page] Aromatique Drugges the VVork sure of som [...] learned and skilfull wri [...]ter, although he cōceale [...] his name, aiming prin­cipally to the like good purpose, though it could not bee labour in vaine to spend some Re­creative houres in tea­ching it to speake our mother English tongue.

Especially, for that ha­ving throughly perused the same, and found the Au­thor [Page] had so excellently by [...]ay of question couched to­ [...]ether the most necessary [...]oints of all Philosophy as to the ingenious Reader. VVho thoroughly and diligently observes, it will bring with it excee­ding rich encrease, both of profit and pleasure; more particularly; be­cause in order of his trea­tise, not intermedling with the particular duty [...]f any calling or estate, [Page] hee generally concludeth of matter not imperti­nent to all degrees, so that leaving the rawnesse of the Jnfant, and chil­dish yeares to the care and correction of their Nurses and Schoolema­sters, beginneth to shape his first Precepts to the best advantage of that age which (as it is most disposed to the vanity of Love, so most likely bee abused and [Page] miscaried by the same) may here in some part learne to know and eschew the tempting deceits, and subtile devises of that boy­ish God and his blind Disciples; From thence our Author leadeth us into the darke store-house of Natures se­crets, where with open Eye, perusing the weake condition of the World and Worldly things, and [Page] things, and of us our selves for whose sake they were principally ordained, may remaine therof, more mind­full and thankefull to our Creator. Lastly our Au­thor bringeth us to the Fountaine of good nur­ture, teaching not onely in private cases of our owne lives and houses; but in Common-wealths matters also, to give such verdict of things incident, as amongst the wise and [Page] sagest Governours, shall make us esteem not so­ly ignorant or empty of understanding: but like the Bee that sucks and tasts of every flower, gathers somewhat to lade her selfe with to her hive: so there is not a question or demand in this Booke, but you may reape some benefit by it.

All which things, although they be not unknown, may by the learned be collected out of the Works of sundry [Page] authentick Authors, yet al [...] men having not such op­portunity, wherby to searc [...] and runne over their nu­merous volumes, it may be expected, the most part of both sexes, especially those who have not such Libraries, but their in­genious disposition mo­veth them to spend their vacant houres in some vertuous exercises sometimes may imploy themselves in the peru­sing [Page] of this booke which may adde some curious structure to natures Ar­tist ( Discourse) which is an excellent Ornament to that person who is compleatly furnished & endowed with variety of it, wherfore my courte­ous Readers and buyers of this book, I hope you which reape and enjoy some benefit by it, will w th equity judge & cen­sure this my translation [Page] these briefe Collection as of a labour willingl [...] undertaken, and especi [...]ally those that canno [...] understand it in the O [...]riginall. For the delect [...]able Recreation of you [...] minde, and profitable helpe unto Discourse whereunto bee wishe [...] Vniversally most hap­py successe.

Farewell Yours,
T. S.

QVESTIONS of LOVE, and the Answers,

WHereof doth it come, that Ruffians, Iesters, and com­mon Dancers, be lesse sub­ject to Love then others?

Answer. That may come by the continuall familiari­ [...] that such men have with women: in whom they have no pleasure for respect of Love, or whose familiarity doth make love [...]oathsome, or out of tast.

Q. What is the cause, that hee that lo­veth fervently is soone angry?

A. Because the spirits, and humours of Lovers be very hote, and boyle continually.

[Page 2] Q. How commeth it to passe, that an [...] morous woman is so curious to be finely ap [...]parelled and decked?

A. She doth it to increase and set forth her beauty, thereby to subdue and draw [...] those unto her, that be most beautifull an [...] desirous to Love.

Q. But why be rough and hairy [...] more prone and disposed to the amorou [...] battell of Love, then others?

A. Because they abound and be mo [...] full of humours then others.

Q. What hath moved certaine Greek Poets, to say: that Love is the most exce [...]lent amongst all the heavenly Gods?

A. It is perchance because there is [...] Philosopher that doth teach the manners mans life so well as he, or maketh man mo [...] practise of quicke spirited.

Q. But why hath Love beene esteemed God?

A. Because he maketh an [...] Idiote to speak well, a coward to be bold and hardy, a m [...] lancholike man joyfull, a heavie and sloth [...]full man prompt and ready to all enterpri [...]ses, be they never so great. Or else he [...] made a God, for man to excuse himselfe [Page 3] and to cast vpon Love all that, which by the same he hath done and sustained.

Q. Why be Lovers so desirous of corpo­rall and bodily beauty?

A. Because beauty (as ancient Poets doe affirme) doth please the Gods, is agreeable to men, is not loathsome nor hea­ [...]y to him that is indued therewith, but de­sired above all things that may be wished.

Q. What is the reason and cause of Nosegayes, Garlands of flowers, and greene Boughes, wherewith Lovers bee went to [...]dorn the fronts of their Ladies Lodgings?

A. It is to honour them as their Gods [...]n earth, and to shew that such Nosegaies, Garlands, and May-boughes, doe serve for [...]he spoyles and triumphes of their Ladies, [...]nd for true signes of the service and devo­ [...]ion of their loving Servants.

Q. But whereof commeth it that wee [...]eame sildome of the thing that we love?

A. All Lovers being tossed and vexed with [...]vers thoughts, cannot stedfastly grave [...]nd settle any one thing in their fantasie: [...]r their thoughts be like the circles and [...]ubblings of the water, which are dissipated, [...]e one by the other.

[Page 4] Q. From whence commeth it, that cer­taine Lovers vpon the view, and sight of their Ladies doe blush?

A. It riseth of the blood and spirits which ascend upwards, whereof the face, fulles [...] of pores of any part of the body, doth charge it selfe with colour. It may be also that it proceedeth of a singular reverence that they beare to their Paramours.

Q. But why doe they afterwards waxe pale?

A. There is no true Lover but is trou­bled with some disquiet, or contrariety. I [...] the cause then of his paine doe present it selfe before his eyes, the same doth easily grow and increase. And so Nature retirin [...] unto the inward parts, as into her hold o [...] sort, carrieth with her both the blood and spirits, leaving the superiour parts withou [...] any colour.

Q. How chanceth it, that barreine and unfruitfull women be more hote and promp [...] to love, then they which are fruitfull and bear [...] Children?

A. Because that such doe more aboun [...] with-seed, and do purge themselves of thei [...] naturall disease lesse then other doe.

[Page 5] Q. Why doe Lovers delight to beare in their hands Nosegaies and Apples?

A. All Love [...]s have a desire to enjoy and possesse the flowre and the fruit of others age and beauty, wherein they rejoyce, when­soever they see the same. And so be amo­rous both of flowrs and fruit, and of all such beautifull things that they see.

Q. But why bee Lovers for the most part ready to weepe?

A. Poore Lovers continually be pricked with some Naile, and feele cause whereof to complaine, being of Nature, fearefull, suspi­cious, jealous, and troubled, so that it is no marvell, if such and the like passions doe provoake them to teares.

Q. What meaneth it that Lovers bee continually as it were in a fire?

A. The affection of Love doth move and trouble their spirits, which doth raise in them this heate.

Q. Why be women more proue to Love, then any other creatures at all times and seasons?

A. Nature hath indued them with more delicate touchings, and with more moderate complexion then other. Besides this, they be [Page 6] of complexion hote and moyst: a thin [...] very proper and requisite to Lov [...].

Q. How commeth it, that men take [...] pleasure in the play and Game of Love when they have lust to make water?

A. Because even then the Conduites a [...] full: and that which is full of moystnes [...] cannot receive other humour. It may b [...] also, that the heavinesse and weight of th [...]n Vrine doth restraine and stop the Condu [...] from whence the Seede doth issue an come.

Q. Wherefore is the pleasure of Lov [...] greater then all other pleasures that ma [...] be imagined?

A. That commeth of the Sperme whic [...] passeth through all the parts of the body yeelding unspeakeable pleasures to the [...] ther members.

Q. How chanceth it, that men of M [...]lancholicke complexion be more lively, th [...] other in combat of Love?

A. The windy passions, whereof th [...] be full, be causes of the same: which ma [...] them more wakefull & disposed thereunt [...]

Q. Why doe Physitians praise mediocr [...]ty or sildome vse of Loves desire.

[Page 7] A. Because the same doth lighten the body, rejoyce, the spirits, comfort the brain, recreate the senses, and expelleth from them all accidents proceeding of melancholike numours. Excesse also is to be blamed, be­cause it doth weaken the body, and is hurt­full to the sight.

Q. Why doth Nature give to Love so great pleasure?

A. For preservation of mankind, which through the same is continued.

Q. Why doe they soone grow to gray haires, which be much given to Love?

A. Because they expell from them their naturall heat, whereby life is conserved and maintained.

Q. Why doth the haire of the head and eyebrowes of those that be fornicators and lech [...]rous soonest fall?

A. The Game of Love doth marvel­lously coole the superiour parts, which being made bare and voyd of blood, and [...]pirit, cannot digest that which doth nou­ [...]ish the same. And so the vapours procee­ding of digestion, be not sufficient and able to engender haire of the head and eye­browes.

[Page 8] Q. Whereof commeth it tbat Lover care not to spend the whole Night i [...] Love?

A. Every vehement passion doth wholl [...] draw a man thereunto, and suffereth hi [...] not to give himselfe to any thing else, bu [...] to that whereof he thinketh, and whereup [...]on he bendeth his fantasie.

Q. Why bee Lovers so carefull of th [...] sight and amorous lookes of their Ladies?

A. All Lovers are wont to suffer them [...]selves to be fed with such allurements, and there is no part of the body that doth s [...] well manifest and declare the interiour pass­sions of the mind, as the eyes. Also we say that the eyes are the true harboroughes o [...] the heart. And thereof it commeth, that when one kisseth the eyes affect [...]ously, as [...] thing desired: It seemeth that hee kisseth the thought, and the soule it selfe. Whereof certaine Poets, with good reason have writ­ten that Love borroweth his arrowes from the eyes of Lovers, to serve himselfe agains [...] themselves.

Q. What doth move the Poets to fain [...] VENUS to bee of Massive Gold?

A▪ That may be by reason of her ra [...] [Page 9] and excellent beauty, or else because shee is so much desired as Gold, some assigne the cause vpon the great summes of Gold that Lovers doe consume and spend vpon Love.

Q. What is the cause that Lovers doe vse to forsweare themselves?

A. Love doth laugh at such perjuries; Lovers therefore desirous to serve their God, doe sweare continually. Or else it pre­ceedeth of a certaine lightnesse caused of divers thoughts which doe rise in their minds.

Q. How chanceth it, that men leave not to love a woman, although through age or some other accident or chance, shee waxeth ill favoured and foule?

A. That commeth of love, which is blind, and being blind, cannot know or judge the imperfections of other. But how should he take knowledge of that which he cannot blame. And how can he blame that which hee is constrained to embrace and wholly to pursue.

Q. From whence commeth it, that most commonly wee be given fervently to love not those onely of whom wee never received [Page 10] pleasure, but those also whom wee never saw?

A. Every one beareth the Image of hi [...] mind in his face, and thereof may be ga­thered some signe or token of the wit and nature of the person, by meanes whereo [...] we may conjecture whereunto she is mo [...] enclined, which is the very spring and beginning of Naturall amity or hatred.

Q. How chanceth it, that divers me [...] cannot obtaine the grace and favour o [...] their Ladies, although they doe serve them honour them, and adore them?

A. Because (as Aristotle saith) there i [...] nothing in them worthy to be beloved. Bu [...] what man is so voyd of Natures grace but hath somewhat in him worthy [...] Love.

Q. But what is the cause that some s [...]ters be better beloved of their Lndies th [...] other some?

A. The Lady enriched with beauty an [...] good manners, is like unto the Sunne th [...] doth every where equally extend hi [...] beames, which notwithstanding are rece [...]ved unequally, of some more, of some less [...] after their capacity. The starres also there [Page 11] in doe beare some rule, so that after the saying of Diogenes the Stoique, the signes common to two persons, that is to say, un­der which the one and the other shall be borne, and those signes agreeing, doe cause the wills of the same two persons to bee joyned and united.

Q. Why be these little and prety angers and fallings out which chance amongst Lo­vers, the refreshing and renuing of Love?

A. That shall ever be, because Love is the flame that will goe out and dry, if it be not blowne and oftentimes moved: Or else we may well say, that the more the thing which wee desire is denied, the more we desire it.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that we be ashamed to communicate to others our de­sire and lust to the combate of Love, and of other appetites and desires, as to drink, eate, sleepe, and such like, wee be not ashamed?

A. Because that the same carnall affec­tion is not so necessary nor profitable for this life as the other appetites be.

Q. Whereof commeth the diversity of weapons wherewith Love is wont to wound men and women, fishes, birds, and other foure [...]ooted beasts?

[Page 12] A. Of the divers nature of things that he assaileth.

Q. You will say, that beauty failing, love decreaseth?

A. J would say, yea, because Love is no other thing but a desire of beauty.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that a man heing touched with Love, cannot ridde him­selfe of that passion by any dexterity, policy or wit?

A. Love is a certaine estate and pligh [...] that doth wrap and fold the mind of man [...] and with a certaine sweet motion dot [...] transport him into the thing by him desi­red. This affection riseth by the contem­plation and judgement that hee hath o [...] beauty, which causeth him to conceive in his Spirit an [...] Mind such admiration and desire, that whether hee will, or no, he i [...] caught in the Ginnes and Nets of Love.

Q. What reason have certaine people o [...] the North parts, to seeth with water [...] certaine stone called Gagates, causing thei [...] spouses before they lye with them, to drink thereof?

A. That is to know whether they hav [...] made any fault or not before. For the pro [...]perty [Page 13] of that stone is suddainly to force them to make water that have endured, and suffered the act of man.

Q. What is the cause that women which be of very bote nature cannot conceive?

A. Great and vehement heat doth de­stroy and corrupt the seed; and therefore they which be very hote, are commonly fruitlesse and barren.

Q. Why doe some women love men that be blacke, and other, those that be faire and well coloured?

A. Women of feeble sight love them that be blacke, because blacknesse doth joyne and unite the sight too much disparkled, and by this meanes doth comfort the same: Or else we may well say, that every thing doth love and desire his like. They there­fore which be hote of nature love them that be blacke; because they be more prone to hea [...]e. Other which be of colder Nature doe love them that be white; because they be of cold Complexion, the Mother of white­nesse.

Q. Wherefore have the ancients compa­red love to drunkennesse?

A. For nothing else, but because it ma­keth [Page 14] men (which before were cold, heauy, and covetous) lusty and liberall.

Q. Wherefore doe not common harlots conceive: or if they doe, it is very sildome?

A. The diversity of the seeds doth le [...] conception, and causeth that the same can­not be retained.

Q. What meaneth it, that the purse of Cupido is tyed with a Leeke?

A. This proverbe doth declare that Love is liberall, and findeth no let to put his hand in his purse.

Q. Which is greatest, the hurt or profite that commeth of Love?

A. He that doth not love of himselfe, esteemeth the losse to be greater then the profite.

Q. Thinke yee that Love hath judge­ment or no?

A. How can he with judgement cause Lovers daily (as every man may see) to fall into such enormities.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that for the most part, the Children which married wo­men doe borrow, or which be not lawfully be gotten, commonly called Bastards, doe resemble more their husbands, then those [Page 15] that be legitimate or lawfully by them be­gotten?

A. The reason commeth of an imagi­nation that they have to be suddainly ta­ken or espyed of their husbands: And so their husbands be alwayes in their fantasie, for it seemeth to them that they be conti­nually before their eyes, and that they say to them: what doest thou, thou shamelesse whore? Is this thy assured promise made unto me at the marriage day.

Q. Wherefore be young women more prompt to laugh then others?

A. Young women are under the safe­gard and tuition of Venus, the Goddesse of laughter, and so they doe easily laugh. It may also be said, that they have tender and delicate bodies, and laughter is no other thing then a spice of Joy, wantonnesse or tickling.

Q. Doe you thinke that Love is so blind as he is painted, or that his sight bee good?

A. Wherefore should not I thinke him blind: sith amongst my neighbours I see the most ill favoured to be best beloved of the fairest.

[Page 16] Q. What people (after your mind and judgement) be most worthy to be beloved?

A. J thinke those that be learned: be [...]cause they may give pleasure to the body profit to the Spirit, and make their fa [...] immortall.

Q. Wherein is the subtilty of women mos [...] discovered?

A. In that they seeme to love one alone and neverthelesse doe give themselves [...] many.

Q. What woman thinketh her selfe mos [...] worthy to bee beloved, the faire or th [...] foule?

A. Before J shall answer you, shew [...] a woman, that thinketh her selfe to be foule.

Q. What meaneth it, that the lookes o [...] Ladies doe wholly turne vs from all othe [...] objects, and doe draw vs vnto them?

A. The lookes of Ladies be neere neighbour to the Image and imaginatio [...] of beauty then any other thing, whic [...] above all things doth ravish our senses, an [...] they doe pleasantly bind and captivate th [...] same of purpose, in the end to bring the [...] to subjection.

[Page 17] Q. What be the conditions that an amo­rous Lady ought to have?

A. That she be not covetous, that she be courteous and easie to be spoken unto, neate and secret in her doings.

Q. What properties be requisite in a Lady that right well may bee called faire?

A. That she have a faire and a comely personage, a faire neck, a small body, a little mouth, and white teeth and cleane.

Q. Is this a proverbe good? Love him that will love thee?

A. Yea very good: for he is a beast that will not love, being beloved.

Q. Whether is the man or the woman more subject to love.

A. That question is very evident, a man is sooner taken and wrapt in love then a woman. For we see that the man, which is borne to a thousand good and great enter­prises, doth for loves sake abandon all glory and honour that he may receive.

Q. Why have the ancient and they of these dayes, painted love with wings?

A. To declare that the desires of Lovers be high, and labour to attaine high and great enterprizes.

[Page 18] Q. Who deserveth more to bee favoured of love: the faire of simple and honest mea­ning, or the foule that is sage, crafty, and well advised?

A. Prudence is the beauty of the mind [...] which continueth longer then the beauty of the body.

Q. Can love be without Iealousie?

A. I thinke not. For testimony whereof [...]be Ovid, Virgill, Plutarch, and Boccace [...] who writeth in a Sonnet: If Love lived without Jealousie, &c.

Q. Why he Ladies sooner amorous of [...] Souldier, then of a learned man?

A. Souldiers be more liberall, and not so subtill as Schollers be, more easie to be allured with enticements of women. There is no Souldier so brave, if a woman say un­to him: that he hath a faire beard, that his leggs be well proportioned, that he is comely on horsebacke, strong to encounter and overthrow his enemy, but incontinent­ly doth give over and submit himselfe unto her will and pleasure.

Q. What is the cause, that many despi­sing their wives, be so fond vpon curtezan [...] and Harlots?

[Page 19] A. The Curtezans suffer not themselves to be seene, except they be first painted, but wives must often be seene of their Hus­bands, which causeth them to seeme not to be so faire. Or we may say that wives continually be at their husbands backes, misusing them with vile and unseemely words, which maketh them to tast of other meates, and causeth them to imagine a thousand other appetites and lusts.

Q. Wherefore have Lovers so feeble voyces?

A. Of the feare that they haue to dis­please their Ladies. And therewithall the unequall motions wherewith their Spirits are moved, which forceth this feeblenesse of voyce.

Q. VVhether doth Love shew her grea­test force, either in making the foole to be­come wise, or the most wise, or advised man, to become a beast?

A. If there be more paine to breake down, then to build: I beleeve there shall be more adoe' to restore wisedome to him that hath lost it, then newly to make him wise. For love and folly, be nothing else, but analie­nation o [...] the good sense and wit.

[Page 20] Q. May a man dye, through veheme [...] Love?

A. Of this the History of Seleucus a [...] Antiochus, may testifie and beare witness [...] which may be reade in the first Tome [...] the Pallace of pleasure, lately published.

Q. Which should bee the greatest heart breaking, the Lady dying in our sight an [...] presence, or in our absence?

A. J would thinke by her presence, fo [...] the eyes doe give greater feeling of dolo [...] and griefe then the eares.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that men hav [...] divers judgements of the beauty of w [...]men?

A. It is a proverbe derived from the an [...]cient Greekes, that all faire and beautiful things, be hard to be judged: even so of thi [...] difficulty commeth this diversity of judge [...]ments.

Q. How chanceth it, that many whic [...] be esteemed men of very good judgment, ar [...] surprised with the love of foule, and ill fa [...]voured women?

A. It may be that they have marked [...] certain beauty in them, which doth appear [...] outwardly. In like manner, Painters and [Page 21] Musitians have judgements of draughts and [...]cords, whereof none doe take heed, but [...]ch as have skill in the same.

Q. Doe you thinke the discovering of Love, to be the cause sometime that a man [...]btaineth not his desire?

A. That chanceth many times by reason [...]hat such women doe love their honesty [...]ery much.

Q. Is the travell greater in secret and [...]oncealed love; then in that which is disco­vered and open?

A. Without doubt there is greater paine in concealed love: because a man cannot vent the heate of love concealed, which by communicating and counselling with some other, may be made more com­fortable and easie.

Q. Whether is more constant in love, the man or the woman?

A. The man, being both of body and spirit more firme in all affaires. And natu­rally he is more constant and of better per­ [...]wasion in love.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that he which loveth is most commonly beloved?

A. That peradventure may come, be­cause [Page 22] our Spirits cannot resist the amor [...] shots which doe proceed of the sweet loo [...] that Lovers doe continually cast one upo [...] another. Or else we will say: that it is th [...] property of nature to couple and joyne lik [...] to like, and to scatter and divide the thing [...] which have no proportion together.

Q. VVherefore doe men say, that to snee [...] is a good signe in the deed of love?

A. Because it commeth of the braine which is as it were the little Canon, and withdrawing place of all the Senses. And it seemeth that all the Senses do agree and give their assent to the sentence and con­clusion of Lovers.

Q. VVhereof commeth it, that secret love is more burning and fervent, then tha [...] which is discovered and open?

A. That chanceth because the secret Lover hath no meane of ease and rest to le [...] out the fire that doth consume him, the vertue of love being of marvailous force and strength, and so not able to attaine the thing which he loveth best, is unto him greater travell and paine, then if he enjoyed it, or might discover it to his friend for his comfort.

[Page 23] Q. Whether were it better that there [...]ere love or no love?

A. I beleeve it to be better that there [...]ere love, for so much as it bringeth unto [...]s more good effects then evill, and to my mind and opinion Plato agreeth, who ma­ [...]ing a definition of Love, doth say, that it is [...]othing else but a desire to get and obtaine [...] faire and beautifull thing.

Q. Thinke you that one may be in love with another, onely vpon fame and report?

A. If Love be wont to place himselfe in [...]he chamber of our minds, by entry through [...]he gates of our eyes, who doubteth but likewise he may enter by the doores of our eares, to harbour himselfe in our under­standing. Boccacio in his Decameron, and Plutarch, be of the same opinion. Example hereof may be seene, by the History of the Duchesse of Savoy, and the Lord Iohn of Mendozza: which may be reade in the Pallace of Pleasure aforesaid.

Q. What doth incite a man more to vertue: either honour: or the desire that he hath to please the thing he loveth?

A. I do not judge or think, that Love doth serve for a spurre to prick men to vertue: [Page 24] supposing that a man desireth it for no [...] other purpose, but to enjoy it.

Q. Whereof commeth it that divers [...] men have remained long time without [...] ving any person, and afterwards have [...] ned with love?

A. J say that the vertue of the Plane hath wrought it: for in this University [...] things nothing doth move it selfe, that do [...] not take it's first motion of the Planets.

Q. Who loveth most fervently, the ha [...] dy or the Coward?

A. It is the bold and hardy; for t [...] Coward commonly dareth not advan [...] himselfe forth to prove his fortune.

Q. Are ye not of this opinion, that h [...] which is more lively and of spirit more excellent, is lesse content with one Lo [...] alone?

A. Yes truly, and that is accustomably seene among men and women: for why To content himselfe to love in one place is an act of pusillanimity, and of small hear [...] and courage, which is the cause that my mistresse doth not content her selfe with [...] thousand Servants.

Q. Which is greatest paine; to get an [...] [Page 25] [...]btaine the love of one, or to maintaine [...]he same being gotten?

A. To maintaine it after my judge­ment, because of the great inconstancy [...]f Women which doe soone fill and sa­ [...]isfie themselves, and are quickly an­gry and soone weary, lightly found and [...]one forgotten, very slippery Cattell.

Q. Who is more easie to be perswa­ [...]d that they are beloved, the Man or [...] woman?

A. The Man, and that may be clear­ [...] seene; for Ladies neither by long [...]rvice, great gifts or otherwise, can [...]erswade themselves to be beloved, but [...]vermore they be ready to reply, that [...] man doth dissemble and counterfeit [...] truth.

Q. What doth certifie the woman that she is loved?

A. The perseverance in [...]one.

Q. Is there no other signe then per­ [...]verance?

A. To be jealous of them, and to [...]ve liberally, if perchance they be co­ [...]etous, as indeed they bee for the most [...].

[Page 26] Q. Why is Love painted by some [...] form [...] of a Shepheard?

A. Because they which pursue a [...] follow love, be more liker beasts the [...] men.

Q. Which hath greatest force in ma [...] [...]atred or Love?

A. J would say, that the passion, [...] Love should be greatest. And why [...] Man through [...]atred never killed hi [...] selfe, which men do oftentimes throug [...] extremity of Love.

Q. Is Love blind as he is painted▪

A. The vulgar and common love blind, but the celestiall loue is not: [...] with great dexterity it openeth and d [...] covereth the greatest secrets.

Q. Whereof doth it come, that Lover have so little knowledge of the imperfections of their Ladies?

A. One great motion doth let an [...] ther. Every Lover then being trouble in spirit, the judgement of his sence impeached and letted in such wise as [...] remaineth blind in the thing which loveth.

Q. Why doe Lovers so often br [...] [Page 27] [...]h [...]ir faith and promise one to another?

A. Youth aboundeth in heate, and is [...]ubject to divers and many things, and cannot stay it selfe in one thought; whereby it proceedeth, that the ancients [...]ve made Venus the mother of Love, whom many Lovers doe follow.

Q. Doe ye thinke that by Magicke Art the heart of an obstinate woman may be mitigated to condiscend to the pleasure of a Lover?

A. All they that have written of Naturall things affirme the same. The Divines say contrary. And J in the di­versity of opinions in so great men dare not declare mine owne.

Q. Is it possible that a Covetous man may become amorous?

A. The forces of Love have alwayes beene more brave and fine, then those of Covetousnes. So J beleeve, that love cannot onely make the Covetous libe­ [...]all, but also prodigall; For as the cove­tous have had no measure to get goods, so they may have as little to spend them, if they thinke that by money [...]hey may enjoy the thing that they love.

[Page 28] Q. Wherefore have Men more [...] herty then women, to love in moe plac [...] then one?

A. Take modesty, shamefastness [...] and feare from Women, and yee take [...] way their lives, which chanceth not [...] man.

Q. Wherefore be Lovers continually ready to demand the hearty goo [...] will of them that they love?

A. The Heart is the seate of des [...] and of all knowledge, all which be re [...] dy to obey the thing that it loveth the Image whereof representing it self pleasant before the eyes of Lovers, do [...] ravish from them both the heart an [...] the principall parts. And thereof [...] commeth, that being as it were robbe [...] of themselves, and oppressed with [...] tollerable bondage, they require with all importunity to be restored and pl [...] ced in their intire and former estate.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that co [...] monly we suffer our selves to be all [...] to love things whereof there is no ho [...] to attaine vnto?

A. That is for lacke of knowled [...] [Page 29] of the beginnings of Love, the which are light and little. And although that all hope is cut off and taken from us to enjoy the sweet imbracements which Love doth promise: Neverthelesse the beauty of [...]he thing beloved, doth de­light us, and the remembrance thereof doth occupie the Braine. Such passions have beene called of our elders, Dumbe desires; because they doe still and stea­dingly possesse the heart unaware, and by little and little take increase. And our eason should not be hindered if it [...]

Q. [...] a [...]l the joyes of Lovers uncertaine?

A. Because in Love there doe daily chance divers casualties; as Suspition, jealousie, anger, peace, refuse, disdaine.

Q. Why is Love compared to a dark Laberinth or Maze?

A. Because the entry and comming in is easie, and the going out impossi­ble.

Q. Wherefore doe men compare Love to a Crocadile?

A. The nature of a Crocadile, after [Page 30] the mind of those, that have writt [...] of Naturall things, is to follow th [...] that flye from him, and to flye from them that doe follow him: and so it i [...] with Love. Therefore I give counsell that whosoever will enjoy the effect [...]f his desires, that hee be not too sharp [...] and eager to pursue & follow his Lady

Q. Beleeve yee that Love and goo [...] judgement may be together?

A. I beleeve no; for then the foul [...] and deformed should never be beloved But we see not onely the contrary to happen, but which is worst, those tha [...] be the vilest, indued with most treason▪ and least loyaltie and faith, how foul [...] soever they be, are most commonly bes [...] beloved.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that diver [...] which loved fervently to have som [...] comfort, did sodainly lose that grea [...] heate of Love?

A. All vehement love doth no [...] long continue; for within a while th [...] spirit hath leysure to examine it selfe and to returne to due understanding thinking upon all things that migh [...] [Page 31] violate and corrupt the same, whereby the sensuall appetites be by this meanes restrained.

Q. Why doe men call Love both flame and fire?

A. It is not possible better to ex­presse how insupportable a thing it is, considering the heate of the desires which it engendreth in the hearts of his fervants, and the tyrannie that he useth towards those which are under his po­wer, whom hee bringeth to ruine, and consumeth like fire without any pitie.

Q. Why are men rather amorous then women?

A. For that they are of hotter Com­plexion, and their spirits more quicke and prompt.

Q. Why be women more firme and stedfast in Love then men?

A. Because things w ch of themselves be cold, be lesse subject to mobility and inconstancy, then those that be hot.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that wo­men be more easily perswaded to be lo­ved then men?

A. Because they esteeme themselves [Page 32] much more then there is cause.

Q. But why be they angry, or wh [...] doe they frowne and lowre, when men sa [...] they be foule or olde?

A. Foulenesse most commonly com [...]meth of age: and age is the high-way t [...] death, which naturally doth annoy and displease all persons.

Q. Wherefore is it said; that th [...] Cough and the passion of Love cannot [...]

A. They be [...] force, for the cough troubling the body can scantly be concealed or hidden. Loue is a passion proceeding of a certaine fi [...] which by the eyes is discovered (and manifesteth it selfe by the colour of the face,) and by all the actes of a Lover it may be comprehended and knowne; so that without great paine and difficulty▪ it cannot be hidden.

Q. From whence doe the amorous send forth so many sighes?

A. Their continuall thoughts send all the heate to the heart, whereof it commeth, that necessarily it is conveni­ent for them to respire and breathe, [Page 33] of which respiration, sighings be for­ced: whereby the coldnesse of the ayre is drawne to temper the inward heate. That may also rise of the consideration of the time lost, of the detestation that commeth of lecherie, of the diminution of honour and reputation; and finally, that the successe of dishonest loue, is tra­gicall, noysome, furious, and miserable.

Q. Wherefore have the ancient pain­ted Love holding Flowers in one hand, and Fish in the other?

A. To shew that Loue is a Lord both of sea and land.

Q. Thinke you that Love doth yeeld greater force, courage and strength, to him that doth combat and fight in the presence of his Ladie?

A. There is nothing more certaine. And for this cause was brought in and ordained the brave and lusty company of the errant and wandering Knights, to give pleasure to Ladies by Justs and Tournies.

Q. Who receiueth most contentation, the victorious and loving Knight, or the gentlewoman for whom he hath fought?

[Page 34] A. The Knight as I suppose ought to be best contented, as having cause to content himselfe with his owne act and deed of Chiualry. For he that doth best, is worthy of greater praise: And he that runneth best for his Ladies sake, is best worthy to enjoy her.

Q. Wherefore doe amorous Ladies impute that to fortune which chanceth contrary to their hearts desire?

A. Because they like rash creature [...] without due consideration, esteeme all things to be ruled and governed by Fortune.

Q. Is it love, to love the Image of [...] woman?

A. Jt is not loue, but rather mad­nesse.

Q. What be they that loue by a cer­taine destiny and influence?

A. They that can give no reason o [...] any cause of their love.

Q. Doe ye thinke it to be true, that the Goddes were Lovers?

A. You must know, that the old and antient Poets were great Divines, and speaking of one thing, they signifi [...] [Page 35] another. True it is, that there be divers well learned that cannot abide Poeticall Allegories, which after my judgement have no great reason on their side.

Q. Wherefore was Paris desirous to see the three Goddesses naked, when he was appointed arbitrator of their Beau­ties?

A. To giue better judgement by viewing the proportion of their bodies. O how many faire and beautifull be there in outward appearance, which vnder their sumptuous garments and crimson Robes be full foule and ill fa­voured: that if Peter Grubbe of Bel­chelianger, or Ioane Stubbes of Norton Follie, viewed them naked as Paris did the Goddesses, they should runne home for the next Gemman or Iustitian of peace to entertaine them, for they would scarce vouchsafe.

Q. Thinke you that the beauties of Ladies is a commendable argument to dispute of?

A. Wherefore not? seeing that the wisest haue written beauty to be a gift of God.

[Page 36] Q. What mooved the ancient to say; that Love is Lord ouer gods and men?

A. Because all that which is made either in heaven or in earth, is made for Love. Remember what the Philosopher saith: All things doe move that men doe love and desire.

Q. Which is most to be feared? The bowe of Love? The mace of Hercules? Or the sword of Mars?

A. The bowe of Love, and special­ly when hee shooteth his Arrowes of Lead. But not so much when he shoo­teth his arrowes of Gold and Silver.

Q. How is it possible, that Women should have faces of Angels, and heads of Divels?

A. Be not Divels called Angels in holy writ? Read the Scriptures and yee shall be resolved.

Q. Doe you thinke that a Lover may bee enchanted by the sight of his Lady?

A. If Sheepe after the mind of Vir­gil, by a looke may be charmed? How much more may delicate Love be sub­ject to enchantments.

[Page 37] Q. Can women by any celestiall in­fluence be made better or more rigorous toward their loving servants?

A. The Mathematiques, Astrologi­ans, and Magitians, by divers and many experiences and peremptory reasons af­firme the contrary.

Q. How can the fire of Love (not participant with any other element) inflame our hearts?

A. It is onely a manner of speaking very common to Latinists, called Me­taphora.

Q. Whereof commeth the love of two which doe equally loue each other?

A. Some thinke that it commeth o [...] their conversation & mutuall familiari­ty: other of Angels and spirits assigned to each man. And other of the concur­rants and conformity of the Planets.

Q. Whereof proceedeth the rare beau­ty of women?

A. Some doe say that it commeth of the temperature of the elements: other doe tell reasons more excellent.

Q. Why did Euripides say; that Love was like a Tragedy?

[Page 38] A. Because that love is evermor [...] accompanied with heavinesse, with complaints, and with a hard and bitt [...] end.

Q. Is there any difference betweene the grace of a woman and her beauty, or whether be they all one?

A. I beleeue that there is a difference; for the one hath a greater force then the other to cause a man to be content and satisfied.

Q. Whether is it a greater adventure to get the grace of a faire woman, or else to recover it, if it were lost?

A. Jt is a greater act to recover it as J beleeue, women being of their owne nature disdainfull and stout in their o­pinion.

Q. How may a man doe to obtaine and get the favour of another?

A. Some do say by merit, some other by fortune, other doe impute it to the conformity of nature, and some do attri­bute the same to influence or destiny.

Q. Whether of these three qualities be best to obtaine the grace of women, Beauty, Riches, or Learning?

[Page 39] A. They which be faire desire to have faire servants. Rich, those that have wherewithall, and the learned love them that be learned: But most-commonly riches is best liked of women for their maintenance, although with wise wo­men learning is of greatest price.

Q. Is it possible that a Lover see continually the things that he loveth?

A. That chanceth to those specially that be not touched with Love, that is to wit; which can represent to them­selves those which be absent by cogita­tions.

Q. How may the heart of a Lover liue that is not beloved?

A. He may live very well, considering that it is more pleasure to love (as I have at other times affirmed) then to be be­loved.

Q. May a man establish lawes to Lovers?

A. I thinke not, but yet I will not deny that they which love by a certaine gift of nature or chance fatall, lawes may be established, whereunto they may sub­due themselves.

[Page 40] Q. Is there any thing in the wor [...] that may retire, and draw an amoro [...] man from the thing that he loveth?

A. Onely disdaine may withdraw him more then any other thing.

Q. Why doe the ancient paint Cu [...]pido, to force, himselfe to plucke [...] branch of Palme out of the hand of an [...] other Cupido?

A. In ancient Bookes there is re [...]membrance made of two Cupidoes, th [...] one chaste, the other lascivious and dishonest. The chaste is he that doth strongly bind and bring him that is las­civious and dishonest into subjection.

Q. How can a Lover dye in himselfe and live in another?

A. This is cleare, that the heart i [...] more where he loveth, then where hee giveth life.

Q. Wherefore be the angers of Lo­vers of so little continuance?

A. Because they are angry for trifles and things of nothing.

Q. How many sorts of Lovers be there?

A. Two sorts: the one after Plato [Page 41] celestiall, and the other vulgar and ter­restiall.

Q. How commeth love in us, by judgement or by destiny?

A. Most often by judgement, for divers times men judge before they loue.

Q. Is there any pleasure in the world that surpasseth the contentation of Lo­vers?

A. No, for why, the seede commeth [...] the which causeth [...] through­out all the body.

Q. Wherefore doe men esteeme wo­men to be an evill, like to the fire and to the sea?

A. Because there is no day, but that by womens evils doe come an infinite of misfortunes.

Q. Which proceedeth most from wo­men, sweetnesse or bitternesse?

A. For one sweetnesse, comes a Sea of sharpe sowre bitternesse.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that men compare the state of Lovers to a ship up­on the sea?

[Page 42] A. For the great dangers wherei [...] they daily be.

Q. What would a true Lover do being a farre off, when he seeth the shi [...] (wherein his Lady is) to be in dange [...] of drowning?

A. He would make vowes to Love and with joyned hands beseech him t [...] save her, though it cost him a Tape [...] so big as the mast of the Ship, to offe [...] to his Godhead.

Q. Why doe wee love the body so much being but earth and corruptible i [...]

A. We love it, because we canno [...] alwayes have it.

Q. Can the love of the body and [...] the spirit agree together, or whether b [...] they contrary?

A. They be contrary, and one a [...]gainst the other.

Q. I would know whether the body alone might content the Lover?

A. Not if he be vertuous, gentl [...] and of a good nature.

Q. When a woman answereth no­thing to the request made vnto her, is i [...] a signe that she agreeth thereunto?

[Page 43] A. Sometimes yea, sometimes no: whereof a man can ground no certaine judgement if he pursue no further.

Q. Wherefore doe young women love perfumes so much?

A. They be all Venus children. And the Greeke Poets affirme, that Venus never departed from any place without leaving an exquisite perfume behinde her, for witnesse of her presence. Besides this, all perfumes and good odours doe either open the appetite or else prouoke Venus.

Q. Wherefore doe men compare the beauty of a woman to a flower?

A. Because it is soone come and soone gone.

Q. Why doe men feigne that Love liveth among flowers?

A. Because that flowers give continu­all hope of fruit: and even so doth Love, for hee nourisheth and entertaineth his servants continually with hope, trusting to enjoy at the last the fruit longed for.

Q. Of two Lovers, which shall wee esteeme more to be favoured, him from whom his Lady shall take away a Nose­gay [Page 44] and put it in her bosome, or him [...] whom she shall giue a nosegay that she [...] selfe did weare?

A. The properties of women is [...] take and not to give. J say then that [...] shall be best beloved, to whom she sha [...] give the nosegay.

Q. Of what colour should women [...] most desired?

A. I would desire them to be of th [...] colour wherewith men paint vertu [...] which i [...] Red: but men doe desire th [...] [...].

Q. Of whom have [...] to close their eares, against the suppli [...]cations of poore Lovers?

A. Of the Serpent Aspis which [...] deafe and venemous.

Q. Wherefore doe men say, that [...] woman hath the looke of a Serpent, an [...] the eye of a Basiliske?

A. By reason of the great subtilty and craft, wherewith they use to entra [...] and draw men to their love.

Q. Be Hearbes medicinable for love?

A. Yea J have seene the experience [Page 45] thereof at Mantua a City in Italy, al­ [...]eit Ovid cryeth out, that loue can find [...]o remedy in hearbes.

Q. Wherefore is the life of a lover [...]ot beloved, compared to hell?

A. He that made such comparison did it by good judgement.

Q. Thinke ye that women be the greatest goodnesse that is in all the world?

A. They that judge and esteeme so be blind, and have placed their sences on earthly things, but they whose minds be directly bent on high would say the contrary.

Q. Is there greater sweetnesse then bitternesse in amorous death?

A. Bitternesse in all things doth sur­mount and passe all sweetnesse, and spe­cially in love.

Q. Why doe women generally hate warre?

A. Because it retaineth men, and thereby are deprived of their service and entertainment.

Q. Doe lovers live in more peace and quietnesse being neare or farre off?

[Page 46] A. They live better in peace a fa [...] off, that J can speake by good experi [...]ence; for it is not long agoe that I b [...] ing servant to a Lady of Placentia, [...] City in Italy, shee assured me to ha [...] proved in herselfe, my saying; and it [...] not yet three weekes, that a Lady who [...] I serve, with all devotion said the li [...] to my great griefe and sorrow.

Q. Must we be ceremonious in love [...]

A. All true Lovers live in love wit [...] fidelity and integrity of heart, withou [...] any ceremonies.

Q. Is it more pleasure to Love [...] to be beloved?

A. J beleeve to love, considering [...] that it commeth and proceedeth of [...] free and franke action and deed.

Q. Who is better content, the Bride [...] groome or the Bride when they embra [...] each other?

A. The Bride, and that it is so, ye [...] shall see them continually rise up merry [...] and joyfull in the morning.

Q. What signified the antient Poet [...] by causing the Girdle of virginity to [...] unknit at Marriages?

[Page 47] A. What else, but that the Bride just change her estate, and signifieth, [...]hat she was untied (that is to say) made [...]oe, to this end; that like a good hus­ [...]ife shee should not be slothfull, but [...]oe about her house, and looke to all [...]arts of the same.

Q. Which is best married, the Maid [...]ken perforce, or the man whom shee [...]oveth?

A. In the act of marriage will ru­ [...]eth, and not force.

Q. Is Love a thiefe? What is hee [...]ccustomed to steale?

A. He is a thiefe, and a great robber of hearts.

Q. Doe you thinke it theft, to rob [...]y meane of Beauty?

A. Is there any greater theft? Is [...]ot Beauty the cruellest tyrant that is?

Q. Wherein doth the Beauty of wo­ [...]en resemble the Spring-times?

A. For it doth soone passe away [...]nd perish.

Q. Wherefore be all things more dis­ [...]sed to love in the Spring time, then [...] any other season?

[Page 48] A. Because that then the hum [...] doe move themselves, and the bl [...] doth waxe hot.

Q. What is the greatest happin [...] that man can have in love?

A. To possesse and play with [...] Lover, without jealousie or suspition [...].

Q. The eyes of the Lady haue [...] such force upon the heart of the Lov [...] as the beames of the Sunne have vp [...] things on earth?

A. Yes doubtlesse, if the lookes be [...] morous, otherwise it is cleane contrar [...]

Q. The time imployed about love [...] it well bestowed, or is it lost?

A. If a man bestow his love well [...] loseth nothing, but doth rather gaine [...]

Q. Is loue subject to time, as all [...]ther creatures be?

A. Love is free▪ and is in prope [...] above time.

Q. What is the greatest pleasure th [...] a true Lover can feele?

A. To thinke that he is borne [...] serve and please his Lady.

Q. Be our hearts drawne by a [...]morous woman, as the Cloudes by [...] [Page 49] Caecias, Iron by the Adamant, and stra [...]y Awmbre?

A. There is farre greater force in th [...] [...]rawings and inticements of women.

Q. May Love be well called and [...]earmed an Enchanter and Magi­ [...]ian?

A. His effects be supernaturall: and [...]herefore to be esteemed a Magitian, and more then a Magitian.

Q VVherefore have certaine wise [...]en painted Love with his eyes vn­ [...]ound?

A. To shew that nothing is hid from him, and there is no craft unknowne unto him, whereof hee hath not the [...]ounterpoiz.

Q. Doe ye beleeve, that a true Lover [...]oth thinke, that he may merit the grace [...]f his Lady by his service?

A. All true Lovers doe judge and [...]steeme their Ladies to be of inestimable [...]rice and valour, otherwise they could [...]ot be induced to love them. And if it [...]e so, how can a Lover be so arrogant [...]o thinke that for a little dured travell [...]e can get such favour.

[Page 50] Q. Whereof was Love made?

A. He was composed of pleasure a [...] displeasure.

Q. Wherefore be women compared [...] Proteus?

A. Because of their great inconsta [...] ­cie.

Q. Whereof proceede so m [...] Bawdes?

A. Because many desire to dep [...] of other, rather then of themselues.

Q. How is it possible for poore Love [...] to end their travels?

A. By despaire, never to be fortuna [...] in Love, or never to enjoy the effe [...] thereof.

Q. Why be young Whores comm [...] old Bawdes?

A. To cause other to feele the ple [...] ­sure which they whilom did feele the [...] ­selves. Or else because they would th [...] all other were like themselves, that th [...] might have no cause whereof to be [...] ­shamed.

Q. Falling into the hands of a pitt [...] ­lesse woman, what were best to doe? [...] absent himselfe from her, and to pay [Page 51] over into some other Countrey? Or else [...]o have her daily before his eyes, and t [...] [...]ake occasion of travell?

A. The surest thing is to absent him­selfe farre off.

Q. I desire to know if the ordinan­ces of Love be reasonable or not?

A. The principall ordinances of Lo­vers are, that they love equally: and that betweene the Lover and his Lady there be nothing hidden. And thus J esteeme the ordinances of Love to bee very rea­sonable, seeing that he useth such equa­ [...]ity in things unequall.

Q. Doth Love use his lawes with [...]quity or with rigor?

A. He that understandeth them well, shall find that Love continually hath [...]sed and doth use his ordinances with great equity.

Q. Be not the lawes of Love sub­ [...]ect to other lawes?

A. The lawes of Love be soveraigne above all other.

Q. Are they contrary to the lawes of Nature?

A. No, they be rather conformable [Page 52] unto them, and bee as it were [...] thing.

Q. May love be called an exce [...] Physitian?

A. Nay rather a hurter of men, [...] how can he take upon him the title [...] Physitian, that cannot heale any [...] wounds but those that he himselfe [...]| keth.

Q. Of what power is the Scepter [...] Love?

A. Able to make them liber [...] hardy, and patient, that will follow [...] trace.

Q. If Love proceed of Idlene [...] how can the same make men ingeni [...] and witty?

A. Love hath alwayes done and [...] doth great miracles, and therefore [...] him to doe that is no great marvell.

Q. How may Lovers be most tr [...] tearmed: fooles or wise men?

A. J will call them wise, if they [...] well set and placed their love, and [...] loving doe not lose themselves. Foo [...] I will also esteeme them, if they love [...] [...] thing without reason and measure, [...] [Page 53] not worthy to be beloved.

Q. Whereof riseth Iealousie?

A. It commeth to some of the feare [...]at they have to lose the thing that [...]ey most love. To others, to see that [...]hich they love, to love another.

Q. Who is most jealous, the man or [...] woman, and which of them hath [...]eatest occasion?

A. The woman is most jealous, but [...]e man hath the greater occasion: the [...]eason thereof and the cause I will keep [...]lent for this time.

Q. Is the Iealous person blind, or [...]ath hee a good judgement to force [...]

A. If Jealousie be moderate, it shar­ [...]eneth both the judgement and sight in [...]ch wise, as it seeth and knoweth all: [...]ut if it exceed, it is more confuse and [...]lind then a Moule.

Q. Whom doth Iealousie become: or [...]hom doth it not become?

A. Iealousie is not comely in him that [...]ath experience of the faithfulnesse of [...] is Lady, but Jealousie is not uncomely [...] him that is a new Lover.

[Page 54] Q. Think you that where love is grea [...] there Iealousie may be great also?

A. Many doe thinke the contrar [...] because that the vehemency of lo [...] doth so transport the person, that he [...] never separated from the thing that [...] loveth.

Q. Were it good for them that [...] Iealous to dye without cause in th [...] rage: what should they feare more?

A. It should be well imployed.

Q. Whereof commeth Iealousie?

A. Of envie and love.

Q. Is the Iealous man without judg [...] ­ment?

A. Not alwayes, considering th [...] most commonly the scapes of Ladie [...] are discovered: and hee is very blin [...] that cannot perceive them.

Q. What is the property of Iealousie▪

A. It is to serve a thousand deaths▪ [...] prepare embushments for the honour [...] Ladies, and to mingle in the middest [...] other pleasures, poysons, mischiefes, a [...] hatreds.

Q. Doe ye thinke that Love doth one [...]ly intrap the light and tender hearts?

[Page 55] A. I doe thinke that it intrappeth all, [...]nd there is none that is able to shut the [...]gate against him.

Q. Is it possible that a noble spirit for [...] small matter may be entrapped?

A. I beleeve that it may, for every gentle spirit for each little trifle is en­flamed, whose noble and gentle mind is subject to Love.

Q. Is it sufferable to falsifie [...]faith in [...]ove?

A. Why not: sith it is nourished onely with deceit, treason, and falshood.

Q. Is the service of Love more trouble some then others?

A. In effect it is more weighty and troublesome: but in will much more easie to be disgested.

Q. What is it that pacifieth Lovers in their greatest travell?

A. It is hope.

Q. Wherefore doe they faine Love to be tyed to a pillar of Iaspper, with a chaine of a Diamond and To pace, dip­ped in the floud Lethe?

A. To provoke women to be pudike and chast, and to turne their eyes from [Page 56] the wanton allurements which the [...] Lovers doe use towards them.

Q. Should the ingrate or vnkind w [...]man be beloved?

A. No, because there cannot be foun [...] a worse vice then ingratitude. Where [...]fore we ought to deeme her wholly transformed into the nature of brut [...] Beasts.

Q. Which is the truest service i [...] Love?

A. A stedfast and a constant faith.

Q. The Lover that is loved, is he [...] Servant or a Master?

A. He is rather a Servant then a Ma­ster, for so much as he is clogged with a double chaine. To love and to be loved by two chaines, although that the one be voluntary and the other by ne­cessity.

Q. Doe you thinke that a woman without the prejudice and hurt of honor, may satisfie one that hath served her a long time and season?

A. J dare not say without prejudice. But yet I will affirme that she is to be excused, if she give him some [...]ase that [Page 57] hath long and faithfully served her.

Q. Which is the greatest ingratitude that may chance in love?

A. Not to reward at all his Servi­ces.

Q. Why is the service of Love worthy of greater rewards then other?

A. Because the longer one continueth therein, the greater bitternesse he endu­reth and suffereth.

Q. Thinke ye that Love hath placed his principall treasure in women?

A. J beleeve so, because it hath given them the Soveraignty above all men.

Q. Who is the most fortunate in love: the Attendant, or the posses­sor?

A. The possessor hath one conten­tation, but the attendant hath more then a thousand.

Q. Is Love the cause of good or evill?

A. Of good, seeing he maketh fooles wise.

Q. Why doe men say that Love is a perfect Musitian?

[Page 58] A. Because hee tuneth the spirit [...] and affections which before had no [...] agreement.

Q. Why doe men say, that a faire woman is a monster in beauty?

A. Because it is as rare thing as Mon­sters be.

Q. Doe Courtizans love, or doe they faine to love?

A. There be many reasons to say that they love not, but experience tea­cheth the contrary, for J knew them that be madde for love, and others that dye for the same.

Q. Wherefore doe Lovers many tim [...] take vpon them long Iournies to ridde themselves from love?

A. Because daily travell in Iournies doe cause new and strange things to ap­peare, able to cause a man to forget lov [...] ▪ I speake nothing of the paines m [...] have, nor yet of the new loves that may chance, which as one naile doth drive out another, so they make and cause them to forget their first.

Q. Whereof commeth it that many Lovers, the more they be ill intreated [Page 59] of their Ladies, the more they be infla­med in their Love?

A. That commeth of a certaine con­stancy of Nature. Or we may well say, that all Lovers be not masters over themselves.

Q. Whereof doth it come, that the woman is more, Iealous then the man?

A. Because she is more fearefull, and suspicious: or else because she loveth with lesse discretion then the man.

Q. Whether is it more difficult to flye love, or to dissemble it, when one i [...] entangled with the same?

A. He that loveth not at all, nor is overcome with any affections, can with­out great paine dissemble love: but where love ruleth and mastereth, it hath such force, that in despite of us he doth manifest and shew himselfe.

Q. How chanceth it, that divers great amities and friendships are upon small occasion turned into great hatred and malice?

A. That commeth through the light­nesse and inconstancy of Lovers.

[Page 60] Q. How commeth it, that he which [...] soone taken with Love, doth soone forg [...] it?

A. Hee is like to them that ride [...] great gallop, and by and by wax [...] weary.

Q. Why be some more given to their [...]kin, and of them take more pleasure, the [...] of other?

A. For the conformity of blood.

Q. What meaneth it, that although [...] divers women being of Nature cove­tous and hold-fast, yet cannot giv [...] themselves to love those that be rich?

A. They doe that, to shew that they will not sell their good grace, but [...] willing to give it liberally, as being [...] a noble and gentle Spirit: but how ma­ny shall ye find of that mind.

Q Why doe they esteeme it danger o [...] to love a man that is faire?

A. Because that such be most desired, or they be of nature more proud the [...] other. For Beauty is the Mother o [...] pride.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that wome [...] doe greatly hate those that have fors [...]ken [Page 61] them: and with greater malice if they carry away any thing of theirs?

A. The double losse which they receive is the cause.

Q. Why should we not ground our love upon those that be too young?

A. Because they be inconstant, very bold, and ever more curious of new Ser­vants and lovers.

Q. How chanceth it, that most com­monly the beautifull desire to have ser­vants and Lovers that be faire? And the vertuous, those that be vertuous?

A. Similitude and likenesse doth en­gender and breed love.

Q. How is it that they which have a short or dimme sight, are more given to love then other?

A. It may be because they see not the foulnesse and imperfections so well as others.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that [...]he Country people doe love peasants better then Citizens?

A. Because they be more affectioned to their like.

Q. VVhy doe women appeare fairer [Page 62] by candle light then in the cleare day [...]

A. Because their painting or beauty doth glister more by candle light the [...] otherwise: even as our body and flesh doth shine more being in the Sunne, then in the shadow.

Q. Which of these were it best to serve: a Mayde: a married woman : or a widow?

A. The love of the maide is most con­stant, of the widow much more pleasant, and of the wedded woman more slande­rous and hurtfull,

Q. Whereof commeth it, that many be so amorous of Nunnes?

A. Because the hidden beauty is most desired, and because they be attired and coloured with ten thousand toyes: and it seemeth that all their words be so sweet as Sugar and Rose-water.

Q. Whereof of commeth it, that those wh [...]h be young are more amorous then other?

A. Because they trust to receive greater pleasure.

Q. Wherefore is love painted to be placed betweene slothfulnesse & hatred: [Page 63] and that Idlenesse goeth before, and ha­tred followeth with wings?

A. Because Idlenesse doth engender [...]ove, and of love many times riseth ha­ [...]red.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that women which of nature be timorous, be never­thelesse strong and hardy in amorous en­terprises?

A. Because Love doth darken their understanding, and in things wherein they should be most fearefull, doth har­den and encourage them.

Q. Wherof doth it come that old wo­men for the most part are imbraced of [...]oung men, and that sometimes old men doe sooner enjoy young women?

A. Old women through experience be very bold and hardy, and without any regard imploy themselves upon young men. Old men (because they be not to be feared, and that without suspition they may speake familiarly by good authority by reason of their age) doe come for the most part where yong men for nothing that they be able to doe can come.

Q. What meaneth it, that women [Page 64] given to Love, [...]ee more disposed▪ charmes and enchantments then men▪

A. Of their folly and fond belief [...] which is the thing principally requir [...] in charmes and Enchantments. An [...] thereof it commeth that the number [...] women witches be greater then men.

Q. What is it that causeth most t [...] union and conjunction of Lovers?

A. The diversity of complexion cau [...] seth the effects of Love to be divers. A [...] most commonly the celestiall influences bee the causes of their union an [...] conjunction.

Q. VVhat doth it meane, that simp [...] shepheards have beene taken with [...] love of some great Lady and Pri [...] cesse?

A. We evermore desire the thing [...] which we cannot have. But there is y [...] a thing more strange, to see two pe [...] sons of divers fortune, the one to dy [...] for the other. Reade the History of T [...]credi, in the Pallace of Pleasure.

Q. VVhereof commeth it, that you [...] women which be in love, are never s [...] tisfied in dancing, and in all other things [Page 65] they be of feeble complexion?

A. Immoderate desire of Dancing is [...]veneriall, young women and Maidens be subject to Ʋenus. So that in such acts they never find themselves molested or wearied.

Q. From whence commeth it, that Love maketh vs solitary and pensive?

A. Love as Ovid doth write, is full of feare and care. And it partaineth to the fearefull to bee solitary and pen­sive.

Q. What is the cause that many doe esteeme themselves not to bee well loved, if Iealousie be not mixed with Love?

A. The feare which they have to lose [...]he thing that they love, doth cause the Lover to be more cherished.

Q. What causeth many men although they be faire [...] young, rich, and fresh, [...] be Jealous of the least wretch they [...]ee?

A. It may come of their owne con­ [...]it. Or for that they know the light­ [...]esse of their Mistresse behaviour.

Q. Wherefore doe women require a­bove [Page 66] all things, their Servants aud [...] vers to be secret?

A. Love being discovered, there [...] not so great pleasure: besides that, Lo [...] disclosed can bring nought else b [...] damage and travell, and sometimes danger of death: as may be reade in the [...] cond Tome of the Pallace of Pleasure almost ready to the Print. Of a Lady [...] Burgundy.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that Love [...] delight so much in Musicke?

A. Musicke is a very vaine thin [...] And Lovers alwayes follow after vanity Yet I will not blame all sorts of Musick but that onely which is lascivious an [...] doth effeminate the spirits.

Q. What meaneth it, that many d [...] love fervently, and yet cannot be bel [...] ved?

A. That proceedeth by reason th [...] complexions cannot agree.

Q. How chanceth it that love dot [...] make men lea [...]e?

A. Lovers be in continuall travell which dryeth up the bones, by reaso [...] whereof, they diminish and consum [...] themselves.

[Page 67] Q. What is the cause that the talke Love or fight of the effects thereof in [...]inted Tables, make men desirous to [...]ter into his snares?

A. The pleasures that be past are by [...]ch meanes brought to our memory, [...]d so the pleasure is double.

Q. VVhy doth Love blind vs from [...]eing the imperfections of the thing [...]hich we love?

A. Love is blind and doth blind o­ [...]ers.

Q Why is a man many times amo­ [...]ous of a woman vpon her onely fame?

A. Renowne doth evermore make [...]ings greater then they be. And the [...]ind esteemeth things more great by [...]earing then by sight.

Q. Why doth the earnest view and be­holding of a person make a man amorous?

A. The eyes are the messengers of love, [...]ut especially when the beames which proceed from the heart doe unite and conforme themselves to the thing view­ed and looked upon.

Q. What is the occasion that Lovers doe st [...]dy to apply themselves to the [Page 68] imperfections of their Ladies?

A. It is the better to resemble them being well assured that conformity [...] manners doth engender love.

Q. How commeth it, that women ca [...] better perceive and discerne those that be amorous, then men?

A. It may be that they are more ex­pert in the practise of Love, as being more subject unto it then men be. [...] goodly History hereof may be seene in the second Tome of the Pallace of Plea­sure, of Queene Anne of Hunga­ria.

Q. From whence commeth it, that amorous Ladies are more liberall th [...] they which resist Love?

A. It is the property of Love to caus [...] them to be liberall and free hearted.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that whi [...] Lovers doe talke with their Ladies, spettle doth come and encrease in their mouthes?

A. The tongue oftentimes moved doth heate it selfe, and that heate doth resolv [...] into spettle.

Q. VVhereof commeth it, that whe [...] [Page 69] amorous Dames doe talke with their Lovers, their brests seeme as though they would depart, their besome doth leape and hop with such force?

A. That proceedeth of the great neigh­bourhood that the heart hath with the [...]p [...]ppes from whom all the vitall spirits [...] proceed, who retiring them to the [...]ests, be the cause of such motions.

Q. VVhereof commeth it, that di­vers amorous women doe oftentimes speake evill of their Servants or Lo­vers?

A. It is to put away the suspition that men may engender of their love, or else for feare that men should backe-bite them.

Q. Why doe men so willingly kisse the eyes of them whom they love?

A. The eye is the dearest part of the body: and in the eye a man may see and know what is hidden in the heart, or else they doe it because the eye is the be­ginning of Love.

Q. Whereo [...]re doe Lovers hide the [...] selves when they goe about to content each other?

[Page 70] A. Because of the filthinesse of the act or by a naturall shamefastnesse, for th [...] they seeme to doe a thing that is [...] very honest.

Q. Wherefore be Lovers so curious [...] know the name of their Ladies?

A. Because they suppose to find [...] the names some secret thing that ma [...] yeeld them hope to enjoy the thing th [...] they so greatly desire, or else we m [...] say, that Lovers will not onely posse [...] the bodies of their Ladies, but also hav [...] all that is joyned thereunto, and tha [...] which doth depend thereof.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that Love [...] be so importunate to demand of their Ladies how well they love them?

A. It is to certifie themselves th [...] more, of which assurance the spirit doth appease it selfe, and receiveth contenta­tion.

Q. VVherefore doe Lovers deligh [...] to carry about them any thing that hath beene their Ladies?

A. To be more agreeable unto them and the better to conforme themselve [...] to their desires and wills.

[Page 71] Q. Wherefore doe Lovers give their colours the one to the other?

A. The conformity of deeds and will, doth engender and augment ami­ [...] Besides this, the colours secretly doe give to understand the thing that [...]n vardly we doe suffer, as by signifying of [...]nconstancie, diminution of heate, mockeries, travels, humility, highnesse we doe shew it by the colours of a yea, [...]ow, pale, redde, blew, white, gray, and [...]ncarnate.

Q. VVhat causeth divers Ladies e­steemed wise and of good judgement, to give themselves over to vile men, infa­mous and wicked?

A. J have told you oftentimes that Love is blind, and doth captivate the senses, abandoning judgement and fore­sight in women, specially in those that [...] amorous, whose wits be very weake and unperfect.

Q. VVhereof commeth the custome that the Greekes doe eate a confection made of Quinces (commonly called Marmalade) the first night of their Marriage?

[Page 72] A. Because they feare to disease [...] weary their spouses at the first reco [...] [...]er and meeting.

Q. Whereof commeth it that ma [...] be in Love with Gardiners?

A. Their simplicity perchance is t [...] cause: Or else because Gardens be dedicated to Ʋenus, and those that be co [...] tinually within them doe savour [...] Rosemary, Margerome, or of some oth [...] sweet hearbe.

Q. How chanceth it, that the [...] married women the first night of th [...] marriage goe so vnwillingly to bed, a [...] doe rise the next day so lusty and joyfull?

A. That commeth of the perfectio [...] that they have received of the man, [...] then they know that they be wom [...] indeed.

Q. Wherefore doth agreement in lo [...] cause things to please vs, which otherwise should not so doe?

A. Love of necessity doth inflam [...] For we seeing many to pursue the thi [...] we love, the opinion which we have [...] her beauty doth encrease in us.

[Page 73] Q. VVhy doth a word many times more allure the heart, then long service?

A. Because service was not imployed [...]o he purpose, and the word was spoken [...]o effect.

A. How commeth it that women [...]ched vpon the Navell, be incontinent revoked with a desire to enter the [...]eld?

A. There be certaine veines in the [...]aw, whereof the Navell is made, and he maw is the very seate of voluptuous­ [...]esse: It is no marvell then if they bee [...]oved thereunto when they be touched [...]pon the same.

Q. What is the cause that some Lo­vers be better pleased with the Me­ancholike, then with the lively and lu­ [...]y?

A. Lovers be easily induced to be­ [...]eve that they be beloved, and percei­ [...]ing their Ladies to be Melancholike [...]d heavy, they esteeme that to come of [...] care that they doe take of them and [...] their affaires, but it may be that it [...]mmeth of the agreement and simili­ [...]de of complexion.

[Page 74] Q. Why be rich women more gi [...] to love then the poore?

A. Idlenesse is the cause, who is [...] mother of all superfluity. I leave to sp [...] of the delicate meates and the g [...] wines that the rich doth use, without [...]ving any griefe or vexation which [...] bleth their braine.

Q. VVhy is love most commo [...]painted with his eyes bound vp?

A. Because he blindeth poore Lov [...] and maketh them so like unto be [...] that they cannot at all discerne the [...] perfections of their Ladies.

Q. Why doe Lovers delight to h [...] amorous Histories written by Auth [...] of our time?

A. By the conformity of their passio [...] and likely hood of their affections.

Q. Why be women well content [...] they be told that other women be in [...] as well as they?

A. Because their fault seemeth [...] lesse, not being alone spotted with [...] vice.

Q. VVherefore doe stepmothers l [...] their Sonnes in law, and hate t [...] [Page 75] [...]ughters in law?

A. They hate their Daughters in law, because they draw all the substance from their Sonnes: and they love their Sons in law as the principall goodnesse and solace of their owne Daughters.

Q. Why is Love better liked in the Countrey then in the Towne?

A. Because in villages there is not so great respect, and for that all commo­dities and things are not to be found there, Lover, be constrained to apply themselves one to another. Moreover the pleasure of Gardens, of hunting, fishing, and other Countrey delights, doe most commonly cause men to keepe themselves at home, and to forget the [...]oves and follies of Townes and Cities.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that amo­ [...]ous women be more ticklish then o­thers?

A. Women prone to love, be delicate for the most part, whose skis [...] be loose and soft, more easie to be tickled.

Q. Why doe women love them most earnestly that had their maydenhead, and men cleane contrary hate those [Page 76] women whom first of all they imbr [...] ced?

A. Women by the conjunction of [...] man doe gaine perfection, and the [...] thereby maketh himselfe unperfect, [...] cause the woman is a creature unperfect and as the Philosophers say, a creatu [...] caused and not compleate.

Q. Why be some hard to be perswad [...] that they be beloved?

A. Because they perceive not themselves amiable: and because they kn [...] that in them there is nothing that ma [...] incite others to love them.

Q. Wherefore doe Lovers many ti [...] write to their Lovers, with the Ioy [...] Onions, or of Leamonds?

A. Because the thing which is writ [...] with such Juice, should not appeare [...] nifest, except it be neere the fire, [...] they doe so to keepe their love [...] cret.

Q. VVhy do not Lovers subscribe th [...] Letters which they write to their Lad [...] and Paramours?

A. The reason and cause is ab [...] mentioned, being assured that if th [...] [Page 77] Love were deciphred, they should have lesse pleasure. Besides this, a [...]ay should be opened for false tongues, [...]o impeach and let their minds and pur­poses.

Q. VVhy doe Lovers write one to [...]her amorous Sonnets in rhyme rather [...] in prose?

A. Poetry is the friend of Love. And all the praise belonging to love was al­wayes more sweetly sung and celebrated by Poets then by Orators.

Q. Wherefore doe women so willingly [...]old themselves in Glasses?

A. To contemplate and behold their beauty, to esteeme the same as it is wor­thy. Or else it proceedeth of a certaine [...]ghtnesse that is in them.

Q. But wherefore use they more wil­ [...]ngly Glasses of Steele, then of Christa [...]?

A. Steele is of a more sound substance comforting with his glimpse or rever­ [...]eration the sight more then Christall [...]oth.

Q. Wherefore doe we present women with Glasses, Gloves, Chaines, Iewels, [...]nd prety Fannes to coole their Fa­ces, [Page 78] or defend the same from the sire?

A. Glasses doe serve them to see the [...] beauty: Fannes refresh and coole them [...] Chaines doe signifie that they be fooles▪ and had need to be chained: Gloves doe let their hands from snatching, still rea­dy and proper to the spoyle: Rings that they may consider the end with the beginning, and to thinke upon the time present and to come.

Q. What is the occasion that many women have lived chastly in their youth▪ and approaching to age, have gi [...] themselves over to wantonnesse?

A. It may be that in their youth they laboured much, for travell is enemy to love. Or else they were so well looke [...] unto, that they had no leisure or time to attempt that enterprise.

Q. VVhereof doth it come, thas loving and amorous women be given to babble and prate more then others?

A. If love be not too excessive, it rendreth and maketh folkes joyfull, lusty, and well spoken. And commonly it seemeth that heavinesse stoppeth the Orgaines and conduites of the voyce: [Page 79] [...]on [...]rariwise, joy and gladnesse of [...]e heart doth open and unloose [...]hem.

Q. What is the cause that many wrapt with love, doe upon the suddaine lose his love?

A. All they which be of hote com­plexion be subject to suddaine mutati­ons and changes, and runne hither and [...]hither without any rest.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that Lovers [...]ose their eating or appetite?

The amorous passions doe disperse their hearts into sundry parts, and their [...]ively and vitall spirits be unproper to digestion through being too much di­stracted hither and thither▪ and plunged [...]n affections of Love▪

Q. Why did the ancients paint Love with a window or a gate in his stomack, wherein were written these two words: Farre off, and at hand.

A. To shew that he which is a Lover must love as well in absence as in pre­sence.

Q. But why was he painted bare hea­ded?

[Page 80] A. To shew that betweene Lovers there should be nothing covered or hidden.

Q. Wherefore doe some paint Love with the face of a man, and not of an In­fant?

A. To shew that a Lover ought to be constant as very men be, and not like the brutish.

Q. I desire to know wherefore the no­table Painter Zeuxis did paint him with a greene Robe?

A. Because Lovers live in continu [...]ll hope: and greene doth signifie no other thing then hope.

Q. But why doth he set upon the borders of his Robe these words: Death and Life?

A. Because that true Love dureth both in life, and also after death, and breaketh never for any accident that may happen.

Q. And wherefore did Appelles paint him with these words written in his forehead: Spring time and Summer?

A. To shew that in love there is both prosperity and adversity, which are re­presented by those two seasons.

[Page 81] Q. VVherefore doe they give him wings?

A. Because the desires of Lovers doe tend alwayes to high things.

Q. Wherefore doe they make him a Child?

A. Because that whosoever doth give himselfe to love, hath no understan­ding for most commonly he loseth for a thing of nought, matters weighty and of great importance.

Q. What mooved the inhabitants of Cypres, to paint Love, having a Turkie bow behind his backe, and his arrowes before?

A. It was because that Love hath a custome to wound all them that hee meeteth. And because that he secretly doth the same, they place the Turkie bow behind his backe.

Q. Wherefore be his arrowes never blunt, but sharpe?

A. Because they should wound the better and enter more deepely, for they make him sore, to feele that he is woun­ded with them.

Q. How commeth it that one looke is [Page 82] more hurtfull to Lovers, and woundeth them more then any touching or talke?

A. That is, because Love taketh his beginning of looking.

Q. Why doe Lovers waxe so soone pale and leane?

A. The passions of the mind doe bring the body to a poore estate.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that Postes, Ryders, Weavers, and generally they which be accustomed to great agitation of the body, be more veneriall then o­thers?

A. Moving doth heate the reynes and the vessels of generation. Travell also doth open the conduits where the seed doth passe & it is not to be doubted, but cold doth cause the humours to be in a manner unmoveable, letting the seed from comming to the generative parts:

Q. Whereof commeth it, that men of hote, strong, and good complexion, abstai­ning from copulation with women, doe commonly fall into the fluxe, or have the yealow Iaundose, or be troubled with immoderate choller?

[Page 83] A. Men with their seed doe avoid certaine corrupt humours, the which remaining in the body, be converted ei­ther into choller, or else into the yealow Jaundise.

Q. VVhat is the cause that Harlots and whores doe smell so rammish?

A. Because they sildome retaine their seed, which being out of the Matrix doth corrupt and stincke.

Q. Is it lawfull for a Lover to take his pleasure with any other besides his owne Lady?

A. I answer no. Neverthelesse his Lady being absent and he cannot enjoy her, he may have liberty to use another if she resemble his owne in such perfe­ction as she may be tearmed a second La­dy: but not in any wise to fixe his heart upon her. Hee then, I say, I that useth such a one in his Ladies ahsence is the rather to be excu­sed, but neither of them is to be admitted in my judgement, if he meane to deserve the title of a true Lover.

Q. Tell me then, what thing is Love?

A. It is a passion that doth blind [Page 84] the spirits, removeth the understanding, taketh all the memory away, causeth ruine and losse of goods, maketh a man weake, and is the enemy of youth, and the death of old age, the mother of all vices, the receptacle of pensive minds: a thing without reason, without order and stability, and the whirlepoole of mans liberty.

Q. What are divers women of them­selves?

A. Beasts unperfect, given to tenne thousand passions and pleasures, abho­minable to be thought well of. So that if men would doe as they ought to doe, they would not follow them nor pursue them, with other desire or app [...]ite, but as things inevitable, which necessity doth constraine them to use.

Q. VVherefore be there so few women that can content themselves to love one?

A. Because most of them are given to lust, insatiable. And for this cause they care neither for number, nor for any thing that is honest, so that he be able to cover her skin, he is welcome.

[Page 85] Q. What is the cause that love being discovered commeth s [...]ldome to perfecti­on?

A. For the lets that commeth there­by.

Q. Why have old men the repulse of young women?

A. Because they have not wherewithall to ease them of their griefe.

Q. Why doe women count them beasts that be over curious and diligent to serve them?

A. Because they know themselves unworthy of such service.

Q. Is it true that men say, when one kisseth two mouthes one of them must needs stinke?

A. I beleeve so, if he love perfectly.

Q. How commeth it that Lovers be more suspitious then others?

A. Because their minds be continu­ally troubled.

Q. VVhy is it so noysome for a rich woman to suffer trouble?

A. Riches engendreth pride and in­solency.

Q. VVhere doe noble minds commonly [Page 86] meete together?

A. Where the fairest Ladies be.

Q. What is required in a perfect Lover?

A. To feare and reverence above all things the mighty power of Love, and to referre or report to him of all his thoughts and desires.

Q. How doe men come to the fruit of Love?

A. By hope and perseverance.

Q. What things are contrary to the Kingdome of Love?

A. Shame and feare.

Q. Who be they that doe not let to serve Love, although they be otherwise pressed with affaires?

A. Lusty and couragious hearts, which in despite of businesse doe not passe to suffer themselves to enter the yoke of Love.

Q. What be the paines of Love?

A. Hurts and wounds more then deadly: that is, desires full of rage, ex­treame travell, exile and banishment, grievous martyrdome, and pride intole­rable.

[Page 87] Q. What is the meate of perfect Lovers?

A. Sighes and teares.

Q. Wherewithall doe they make sacri­ [...] to love?

A. With cleane hearts, which are not spotted with any covetousnesse.

Q. Who be the Messengers of Love?

A. Pleasure, Travell, sweete, bitter, warre, Peace, life and death.

Q. What are the cause of Lovers sicknesses?

A. Heart-breakings hurtfull fastings, the hunger of Love, trembling, quive­ring, and continuall travels, secret do­lours, the extremity of vexations, and great watchings.

Q. Which are the benefits of Love?

A. Playes, sleepe, beds, pleasures, rest, tranquillity, contentation, abundance, peace, refreshings, and other rejoy­sings.

Q. Who be most secret in love, men or women?

A. Women be most secret no doubt, because they speake lesse then men, a [Page 88] thing likely to be true, but sildom [...] seene.

Q. Is the benefite greater, by being secret in Love, or the hurt by too muc [...] speaking?

A. I thinke the hurt surmounteth.

Q. Thinke you that by the dexterity of the spirit, men may know the secrets of Lovers?

A. The holy Scripture doth witnesse that the heart of man cannot be known, and that GOD alone doth know the same.

Q. Why be the secrets of Love so easily kept?

A. For the great sweetnesse that men find in them.

Q. Is it better to love them that be faire, or them that be secret?

A. Without doubt the secret wise, are more worthy to be loved, for beauty is of little continuance.

Q. How should men keepe themselves secret in love?

A. They must take heed that they passe not oftentimes by their Lovers houses, or often follow their haunt, but [Page 89] waite untill Fortune present apt occasi­on.

Q. How should our pleasures be mea­sured?

A. They ought to agree with our age, with our estate, with the time and place where we be.

Q. What should be the faithfull ser­vice of a Lover?

A. It ought to be necessary and vo­luntary with the heart and the life.

Q. What meaneth it, that women for the most part doe love them that have [...]low and unsetled heads, and contemne others which have more amiable quali­ties?

A. They doe esteeme perhaps that they shall be better beloved and served of those meaner spirits, because they have not such knowledge as the other which are of more understanding then they.

Q. How many sorts of beauties b [...] [...]h [...]re?

A. Three, one in the body, the other doth consist in the accord and harmony of the voyce, the third in vertue.

[Page 90] Q. How may they be comprehen­ded?

A. The first by the eyes, the second by the eares, the third by the understan­ding. And men may also enjoy the per­fection of beauty, by sight, by hearing, and by thought.

Q. VVhat meane the Poets when they faine of Circes, that she with her sorce­ries did change and transforme all them that taried with her into beasts?

A. They would signifie by that me­tamorphose no other thing, but the wanton and lascivious allurements of Circe, wherewith deteining all those that fell into her hands, she so farre forth made them equall to brute beasts, that utterly they forgot their true estate of manhood.

Q. From whence come the paines that men suffer in this earthly and vul­gare love?

A. They proceed of that, that we de­sire things which we cannot alwayes have at our will and minds.

Q. Doe ye thinke that desire of beauty doth hinder the rest and quiet­ [...]sse [Page 91] of men?

A. No, for that desire is not of any [...]ing Corporall.

Q. Wherefore doe men attribute ar­ [...]es and fire vnto Love?

A. To shew how ardent and full of [...]olour his passions be.

Q. VVhy is Love painted naked?

A. Because that all the acts and deeds [...] Lovers be such, that they cannot be [...]idden or dissembled.

Q. What is the greatest blindnesse in Love?

A. To love her whom we think can­ [...] be contented with the love of one.

Q. Whether doe ye esteeme greatest, the beauty or the foulenesse of those that [...] not content themselves with the love of [...]ne?

A. The foulenesse is farre greater.

Q. What deserve they, to be loved, or [...]a [...]ed?

A. In my judgement they should be [...]a [...]ed and esch [...]ed as the plague.

Q. Which is the greatest spurre that provoketh a man to doe well and honou­rably?

[Page 92] A. The presence and favour of [...] Lady.

Q. To what thing is the servitude [...] Love like?

A. To the service of Princes.

Q. How should a man behave him­selfe amongst Ladies?

A. As in the Court amongst Princes and great estates, to wit, that he must be bold and hardy.

Q. Is it very true, that he must needs be bold and full of audacity?

A. After my opinion no: but accor­ding as a man may use himselfe, I say yea. Notwithstanding I suppose that in the Court and traine of Princes, and in the service of Ladies, men ought rather to march in the steps of humility and reverence, then in too much hardinesse and presumption.

Q. Which be the noblest hearts?

A. They whom Love disdaineth not to warme with his sacred heate.

Q. Wherefore doe some love many persons at once, and yet doe not use to dis­close the same?

A. Noble minds take great pleasure [Page 93] to doe so, but to tell and shew it, is but [...]sse and shame.

Q. Is it true which men say, that if [...] be in love with another, he then bea­reth affection to all those things, which resemble the thing he loveth?

A. That is too true, for they be in love even with things that be dumbe and without sense, with pictures and engraven things, and such like: if they shew any remembrance of the thing they love.

Q. What is the true pledge of Love?

A. A pure and cleane heart.

Q. Why doe women very often times blame or dispraise their Lovers?

A. To the intent that others should praise them, thereby to double their pleasure.

Q. Who hath the more lively spirit, and better memory, the man, or the wo­man?

A. The man, not after the saying onely of the Philosophers, but also of holy Scripture.

Q. Who hath the better judgement of the amiable parts, the man or the wo­man?

[Page 94] A. The man, as being indued [...] the nature of a more high under [...]ta [...] ding, and a spirit more subtill.

Q. May we love the thi [...]g that [...] turne vs to dishonour?

A. I thinke not.

Q. VVhat is the greatest recomp [...] that a woman can make vnto a man?

A. To reveale unto him her secr [...] and finally to make him Lord and Master of her body, and of all her though [...]

Here endeth the Questions and An­swers of Love.

NATVRALL QVESTIONS and the An­swers.

WHerefore is not Cheese made of beasts that be toothed on both sides?

A. Because their milke will not curd nor creame.

Q. VVherefore doe men cast Smal­lage into Pondes?

A. Because Smallage doth serve fish for a medicine, and also they delight to eate the same.

[Page 96] Q. VVhereof commeth it, that D [...] never love to eate of the tayle, or of [...] belly of a Hart?

A. Because the Gall of a H [...] sometimes in the tayle, and sometim [...] in the belly.

Q. What is the cause that fat people have little bloud?

A. Because the grease and fatn [...] doe consume it.

Q. Whereof commeth the saying [...] the Ancients: that he who is wont to [...] a kind of pulse called Lentiles, is [...] the most part pleasant and ami [...] ble?

A. It is because that Lentils doe ca [...] cold humours.

Q. How commeth it that we be [...] greedy to eate when the North or Northeast wind doth blow, then at oth [...] times?

A. That commeth of the cold of th [...] aforesaid winds, which doth unite an [...] hold the naturall heate together.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that to get [...] stomacke, men use eager and sharp things?

[Page 97] A. That is, because all egre things be dry and open the stomacke, which [...]auseth the appetite.

Q. What causeth, that they which [...]ve a feminine voice be not in any [...]eat estimation or of opinion among [...]e wise?

A. Whosoever hath vpon him either [...]ember, or marke, or manner of action which is proper to any other creature whatsoever it be, he is surely participant [...] the nature of the said creature. And because the woman is of small practise, whosoever hath the voice like a woman, esteemed of the wise to have little vn­derstanding or knowledge.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that they which be hasty of speech, are of small [...]stancy, ill conditioned, and extreame­ [...] cholericke?

A. All suddaine motions come of [...] extremity and excesse of heate, [...]hich engendreth in men this incon­ [...]ancy and lightnesse, to promise with­ [...] any performing, and through cho­ [...] most commonly consider not what [...] say.

[Page 98] Q. Whereof commeth it, that th [...] which have shrill voyces, are most co [...] monly envious and malicious?

A. The sharpenesse of the voyce p [...] ceedeth from the sharpnesse of the pi [...] and conduites of the lungs, which rise [...] through drynesse and coldnesse. Such [...] melancholike persons, who being nat [...] rally fearefull, dare never disclose th [...] which they thinke.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that all th [...] which be extreame thirsty doe love [...] sweet wines?

A. All things which may ingend [...] and enflame choler, are apt to make m [...] thirsty, and such is sweet wine.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that div [...] religious persons, which naturally [...] zealous of Chastity, doe abstaine fr [...] wine?

A. Wine is hot and full of vapo [...] and therefore provoketh lust, his he [...] dissolveth seed, and with his ventos [...] causeth the courage to rise.

Q. Wherefore did our forefather make difficulty to vse at their table [...] vers meates and sorts of dishes?

[Page 99] A. The diversity of meates cannot [...] digested with one proportion of heat. And so nature being troubled with in­ [...]estion of such diversity of meates, causeth noy somnesse to the stomacke, and specially when it is weake.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that the sea is so profitable & del [...]ctable for Lazermen and such as have the Dropsie?

A. The sea provoketh vomit, and through vomitting, fleame and all other superfluous humors, which cause such diseases doe avoyd. And so those that be infected, doe love the sea.

Q. Wherefore is the City of Avignion [...]ther subject to the Plague then any [...]ther place round about it?

A. The subtill aire is soone infected, and soone purged of the infection, con­ [...]rariwise, the grosse aire is not so lightly [...]ected, nor yet so soone purged.

Q. How may the fine and subtill [...] be knowne from the grosse and cor­ [...]upt ayre?

A. The [...]enuity and subtilty of the [...] is knowne, for at the rising of the [...] it is sodainly heated, and wax­eth [Page 100] colde at the going downe thereof▪ The contrary doth chance to the gro [...] and vitious aire.

Q. VVhy is Musicke more delectable in the morning, then at any other [...] times?

A. Because that all things be th [...] in silence, the sences be more lusty and waking, and the mind in great moder [...]tion and temperance.

Q. VVhy [...]e fruits commonly believed of all men?

A. For the naturall sweetnesse which is in them: or else because they be of th [...] temperature hot and moyst.

Q. Wherefore is the sight above [...] the other sences most esteemed?

A. Because by the sight we see th [...] difference of all things. Or else we m [...] say it commeth by the impression [...] Love, which taketh his first force [...] strength by the sight.

Q. VVhereof commeth it, that th [...] which have a feeble sight, write smaller letters then other?

A. Because they write their eyes being in a manner halfe closed and shut [...]

[Page 101] Q. What is the cause that all ill facts [...] discover themselves by the eyes and the heart?

A. Because the eye is the messenger of the heart. It may also be said, that the face being tender and open to all vapors the same may easily be judged and dis­covered by the alterations, that it shew­eth principally from the heart.

Q. VVhy be they that have little heads naturally more cholericke and disdain­full then others?

A. Because the heate comming from the heart, from whence anger riseth can­not well be cooled, and the choller pro­ [...]eding from the blood, moved & boy­ [...]ng about the heart causeth heavinesse.

VVhereof commeth it, that by thin­ [...]ng vpon strange and horrible things our flesh doth quake and tremble?

A. Because the heat doth retire to the inferior and inward parts.

Q. How commeth it, that in the heart of a Stagge there is a bone?

A. Nature hath there placed it to serve for a stay & foundation of the cōtinuall motion of his hart, both in rest & trauel.

[Page 102] Q. How commeth it, that in Horses, Mules, Asses, and Crowes, men fin [...] no gall?

A. All they haue galles, but it is no in one proper place, but dispierse [...] throughout all the veines.

Q. VVhy are they commonly lea [...] which have great Milts.

A. The Milt doth draw unto it much matter and substance, which would els [...] turne to nourishment and fatnesse.

Q. How come haires to be placed vpon the head?

A. The braine bringeth them forth, discharging it selfe of grosse vapoun▪ which comming foorth by the pores [...] the flesh doe waxe dry, and turne in [...] haires.

Q. Why doe divers feed vpon bones and not vpon haire?

A. Because of the overmuch dry­nesse thereof.

Q. By how many wayes may th [...] braine be purged?

A. The waterish humours be [...] purged by the eyes: the melanch [...] like by the eares, the cholericke by [...] [Page 103] nose: and the flegmaticke by the haire.

Q. Wherefore hath nature made the lungs of all creatures like a spunge?

A. To receive ayre the better, for the refreshing and cooling of the heart, and to drive away all hurtfull vapors.

Q. Wherefore hath nature placed the heart in the midst of the stomacke?

A. To give life equally to all the mem­bers, even as the sunne placed in the middle of the heaven doth equally giue light to all things.

Q. Wherefore doth it decline some­what more to the left side then to the right?

A. To temper the coldnesse of the Milt, which is the seate of melancholy, and placed on the left side.

Q. How commeth it, that all those creatures which have little hearts be more hardy then they which have grea­ter?

A. In lit [...]le hearts the heat is better compact and kept: & so by consequence the more vigorious and of greater force.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that some [Page 104] doe dye through Ioy, and some through Sorrow?

A. Great joy doth choake the inte­rior parts, and heavinesse doth coole them, so that life cannot endure where heate lacketh.

Q. VVhereof commeth it, that Marma­lade of quinces taken before the repast, doth bind and close vp the belly, and ta­ken after the repast, doth vnbinde it?

A. Through his great stiptisity or costivenesse it closeth the nether parts of the ventricle: and if it be taken after repast, it closeth the superiour parts of the stomack, which being shut, the meats be constrained to avoyd by the interior part.

Q. VVhereof commeth it, that the Radish roote doth greatly ayd and helpe digestion, and yet of it selfe almost can­not be digested.?

A. The Radish is compound and made of divers qualities. The more subtill parts thereof are very proper and meet to cause digestion. The other which are grosse be contrary to heat, and so let di­gestion.

[Page 105] Q. VVhereof commeth it, that the cholericke complexions doe soonest at­taine to beards?

A. For their great heate, and because they have the pores large and wide.

Q But how commeth it that haire doth grow in them that he hanged?

A. They be continually in the Sun, and all the humors of their body doe resolve into vapors, which causeth the haires to increase and grow.

Q Wherof commeth it, that some have harsh and hard haire, and other soft?

A. The soft haire doth come of the lit­tle pores, and the stiffe and hard doth proceed of the greatnesse of the pores, for this cause women have their haire more fine and soft, because their naturall cold doth restraine and make their p [...]res lesse.

Q. VVhat causeth yong men sooner to have an appetite then olde men?

A. It is because they be of a hotter complexion.

Q. VVherefore doe Physitians forbid [...] meates that be too hot?

A. Because they burne the blood, [Page 106] and dispose it to Leprosie.

Q. Whereof commeth it that women have no beards?

A. Because that substance which should convert into the beard doth turn into the haire of the head.

Q. What meaneth it, that Garlick and Onions (although they be not in the ground) doe sprowt and grow?

A. That is of the great abundance of the humours that they have.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that study is noysome aud hurtfull after repast?

A. Naturall heate cannot travell both in digestion and speculation at one instant.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that when the stomacke is grieved, all the body lan­guisheth?

A. The stomacke hath certaine ali­ances with the heart, the braine, and the liver, which are the principall parts of the body.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that some doe things best with the right hand, and other some with the left?

A. That proceedeth of the heare that [Page 107] commeth from the heart which maketh that side more apt and meet vnto la­bour, whereunto it hath his principall accesse.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that they which have the hicket, by retaining their breath doe ease themselves of it?

A. The blowing and breath retained, doth heate the interior parts of the bo­dy, and the hicket proceedeth of nothing else but of colde.

Q. Why doe olde people neeze with great difficulty?

A. Because their conduites be very straight.

Q. Why doth wine mingled with water cause vomit?

A. Mingled wine is noysome to the stomacke, and doth weaken the vertue retentiue: contrariwise, pure wine doth comfort it.

Q. Why be they so subject to sicknesse that love to drinke strong and mighty wines?

A. Strong wine excessively drunke, doth extinguish naturall heate, and the liver being therewith weakened, [Page 108] cannot engender good blood, but doth rather ingender a certaine aquositie and waterishnesse, that converteth it selfe into a Dropsie.

Q. Why be not young children so thirsty and dry, as men of greater age?

A. The moistnesse of young chil­dren doth keepe them from being thir­stie. For thirst is nothing else but a de­sire of moistnesse, whereupon they that be of greater age be naturally more dry and therefore more thirsty.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that the bottome of a Caldron or kettle is cold, although scalding water remaine in it?

A. It is because of the hot vapours which mount on high, whereby the vpper parts being made hot, the bot­tome is cold, through the continuall water that is in it.

Q. How chanceth it, that the grain which the Ants doe lay vpon the ground is evermore bitten on the oue side?

A. Nature hath taught them to doe so, to take away the growing thereof for the better sustentation. For corne in [Page 109] the earth doth naturally grow, which if [...] should, the poore creature should be defrauded of his living.

Q. Wherefore doe the Physitians say, that it is dangerous to let one blood that is fat?

A. The veynes of grosse men be hidden and small, and besides that, they have little blood.

[...]. Why doth the Camelion change co­lours so often?

A. That commeth of overmuch feare, and for that he esteemeth his blood so deare.

Q. Why be rich men more subject to the gout then poore?

A. Because they stuffe themselves with many and divers meates, or that they be too much idle, or else because they use not convenient exercise. The [...]me may also come through too much company with women: for there is no­thing that corrupteth more the vertue digestiue, then such excesse.

Q. Wherefore is it not good to speake when one eateth?

A. Because speech doth much let [Page 110] and hinder the chawing of meate, or else it is for feare of entring or falling into some cough and strangling.

Q. VVhereof doth it come, that the birds and fowles which be fat (in this Countrey) if they take their flight into the South parts, or into Ethiopia, they returne leaner then when they depar­ted?

A. The South parts bee hot and dry, and doth dry that which dwelleth in them. Or we may say, that in all places that be hot and colde, both in Summer and in Autumne there be found fruits and seedes, and the dayes are more longer.

Q. VVhat is the cause that birdes doe breed in the spring, when they be lea [...], and in Autumne when they are fat and in good liking they doe not breed?

A. The spring time is a moderate season, and all living things at that time be most temperate, and by that meanes are more apt to generation. Contrariwise, Autumne is colde and dry, and by that meanes lesse fit to that matter.

[Page 111] Q. Wherefore doe we sooner vomit upon the Seas, then when we travell on foote or horsebacke?

A. Because to sayle vpon the Seas, is a motion the which is not after our nature, but to runne is. To sayle is a moving vnaccustomable, and all extra­ordinary things doe trouble man.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that the first fruits as well of Beasts as of Trees, if they come in their season, be fairer then those that come after?

A. At the first bearings Nature is fresh and lusty, in the other, she is some­what weake and impotent.

Q. VVhat is the cause that a dead co [...]pes is more heavy then a living body?

A. A living body is replenished with aire and fire, which doth keepe it right vp, for their nature is alwaies to mount on high.

Q. VVhy doth the excessive vse of women make vs weak?

A. Because it taketh away from vs our naturall heate

Q. VVhy doe the Physitians com­mand salt to be cast amongst the [Page 112] clouts of little Infants, when they be swadled?

A. To harden the skinne.

Q. Why did Democrites forbid his schollers (whom he desired to be chaste) to eate rapes?

A. Because rapes through the great ventosity wherewith they fill our bod [...] prouoke lechery.

Q. Wherefore doe women with child forbeare to eate Rue?

A. For that it causeth them to be de­livered before their time.

Q. Whereof doth it come, that all oyly things doe take away the appetite?

A. The things which are oylie, doe swimme at the mouth of the stomacke where the appetite is engendred, even as the digestion is made in the bottome of the stomacke.

Q. Whereof commeth it that by too much vse of egre and sowre things, men waxe olde before their time?

A. All things that consume naturall humidity, doth cause age.

Q. What is the cause that things which are salt, be noysome for the [...]ight?

[Page 113] A. Because they pierce too much.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that women if they chance to fall, doe fall most wil­lingly backward?

A. Because their hinder parts are more grosse and heavie then the rest, through coldnesse, which vnto them is naturall.

Q. VVhat is the cause that we be e­vermore fatter in the belly and in the guttes, then in any other part?

A. Because the belly is neare the sto­m [...]cke where digestion is made.

Q. Why have women smaller feete then men?

A. Heate being farre greater in men then in women, causeth them to grow in height, engrossing and enlarging the superior parts.

Q. VVhat causeth man to be more [...]clined to laugh then to weepe?

A. Because it is a pleasure to laugh, and a displeasure to weepe.

Q. Whereof commeth it that some men doe snort sleeping, other sleepe without making any noyse, some doe speake betweene their teeth and some [Page 114] aloude and cleare?

A. This diversity doth proceed of the let that is in the apprehensive sen­ces, accordingly as they be stopped or free.

Q. Wherefore is smoake so contrary to the sight?

A. For the grossenesse and sharpe­nesse thereof. The grossenesse is shewed in the fume that it engendreth: The sharpness is manifested in that it moun­teth aloft unequally, and as it were like clouds.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that brea [...] salted, is lighter then other, notwith­standing that Salt joyned to water should make it more weighty?

A. The heavinesse of the Bread commeth of the humidity, and the more it is dryed, the more lighter is the bread.

Q. VVherefore is not hot Bread wholesome?

[Page 115] A. Hot bread is very full of moist­nesse and vapours, which doe corrupt the blood.

Q. VVhat is the cause, that when a Dog beginneth to barke, all other dogs thereabout doe follow him and doe the like?

A. A Dogge because of choller wherewith hee naturally aboundeth, hath both his sences and his hearing very sharpe.

Q. Why is not Bread made of pure meale, nor that which is made of cleane Bran, esteemed good?

A. All extremities are vicious, the Bran because it naturally dryeth too much: The floore of meale contra­ [...]wise, causeth great nourishment, but [...] slimy and giving, and consequently of too hard digestion.

Q. VVhy doe grosse men and those that have the Dropsie, delight to eate pelt meale?

A. It looseth the naughty humors in [Page 116] grosse bodies, and dissolveth the water [...] humor which hurteth them, and is t [...] ­perate betweene hot and cold.

Q. Why hath man longer haire then any brute beast?

A. Because they receiue greater nu­triment, and also because brute beasts, doe often change their haire, which happeneth not to man, except through some great hurt.

Q. Wherefore doe the sweet savours delight vs, and the stinking offend vs?

A. Like as in tunes there be both consonants and dissonants, whereof th [...] one delighteth vs, and the other offen­deth vs: Even so in savours, sweet sm [...] are the concords, and agreeable to our nature, and stinking are the discord [...], and dislike vs.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that abou [...] all other meates, we love flesh best, and that it doth profit vs most?

A. Because flesh doth yeeld more strength, repl [...]nisheth better our bodies. Or else because it approacheth more nearer to our substance.

Q. How commeth it, that such [...] [Page 117] have the disease called Gonorrhea, avoid [...]eir seed without any pleasure?

A. Because their seed is thinner and lesse digested and their conduits made [...]ider.

Q. How commeth it that they which [...]e chollerick have loud voyces?

A. That proceedeth of the extremity of heate.

Q. What is the cause that Turpen­ [...] is commonly smelt in the vrine of those that vse it?

A. Turpentine is a substance very subtill, and therefore it doth easily pe­ [...]rate and passe to the bladder where [...] vrine is, and infecteth it with his [...]our.

Q. Whereof commeth it that faire [...]ather beginning towards night, most [...]monly doth not long continue?

A. Of the inconstancy of the Moone, which hath her principall domination and power in the night.

Q. What meaneth it, that Cranes [...] prognosticate faire weather?

A. Cranes doe naturally feele the [...] and change of the weather, and [Page 118] accordingly goe and depart into other Countries.

Q. VVhereof commeth it, that Old men remember so well that which they have seene and done in their youth: and forget that which they learne and doe in their age?

A. Things learned in youth, have already taken a certaine habitude in the person. But things which they learne in age; because their sences be weake­ned, are easily lost and forgotten.

Q. VVhy doe men say, that to grow fast is a figure of short life?

A. Because the humor that causeth the growing, as it is easily enlarged even so it soone consumeth.

Q. Why doe Cranes set themselves in array, when they prepare to flye?

A. To trouble themselves the lesse in flying.

Q. How commeth it, that unhorned Beasts have not teeth on both sides?

A. That commeth for lacke of the matter or substance which causeth the same.

Q. VVhy be sodden stones more [...] then other?

[Page 119] A. It may be, because the fire hath rendred them more solide and better compact.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that Bees are more fierce then other creatures?

A. Because they are of nature dry, and be voyd of excrements and other superfluities.

Q. Why doe not fat things soone corrupt?

A. Because they be replenished with ayre.

Q. Why doe Trees that grow in ma­rishes dye so soone?

A. Because they are of great moi­sture, and do receive little nourishment.

Q. VVherefore cannot fire indure, except it be continued and nourished?

A. Because of the great vehemency and impetuosity of his heate.

Q. VVhy did not nature create Birds to goe upright accordingly as she did man?

A. Because they be voyd of reason and have no care of heavenly things.

Q. How chanceth it, that Nature [...] no wings to Man?

[Page 120] A. Because man is not created to flye, nor to walke in the aire, but vpon earth.

Q. Why doe the pulses of young In­fants beate so swiftly?

A. Because their heate receiveth aire without any let, and are againe sodainly cooled.

Q. Why doe Dolphins when they ap­peare aboue water, signifie some storm [...] or tempest to come?

A. Because at the beginning of th [...] tempest there doe rise from the bottom [...] of the Sea, certaine hot exhalatio [...] and vapours, which doe warme an [...] heate the Dolphins, at what time the [...] mount to seeke for colde.

Q. Why be the pulses of young pe [...]ple more vehement, then the aged?

A. Because their complexion [...] hotter.

Q. Wherefore doe aged people dy [...] as it were without dolour and paine?

A. Because all their sences are d [...]litate and weakned.

Q. Wherefore hath Nature giv [...] the Mil [...] to the noblest creatures?

[Page 121] A. Because they have need of greater [...]iration and breath.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that beasts, which live partly on the land, and [...]tly in the water, doe alwayes bring [...]th their young ones vpon the [...]?

A. Because they are more participant [...] the earth, then of the water.

Q. What moved Democritus to say, [...] the soule was made and composed [...] Atomi, that is to say, of things indi­ [...]sible, as those things be, which we see [...] the beames of the Sunne?

A. Because the soule is the fountain [...] spring of all our actions: and those [...]tomi be above all other things most [...] to motion.

Q. How commeth it, that creatures [...] vpon the land be strangled in the [...], and those of the water be choaked [...] the ayre?

A. Because that land creatures cannot [...]ath in the water: and those of the [...]ter be stuffed vp with the heat of the [...].

Q. Whereof commeth it, that [Page 122] overmuch fasting causeth thirst?

A. Through default and lacke [...] nourishment, whereby naturall hea [...] doth extenuate and dry vp the body.

Q. Why doth not fire goe out, [...] covere [...] with Ashes?

A. Because the same being covered hath the nourishment that it requireth.

Q. What mooved some of the Sag [...] to say, that death is colde and witho [...] blood?

A. Because our life doth consist [...] heate and blood.

Q. Wherefore is there more vnder [...]standing in the head then in any oth [...] part of the body?

A. Because the head is as it [...] the bulwarke and chiefe part of [...] body.

Q. Whereof is it that among hea [...] and plants, some come vp and gro [...] the seede, and other of the roote?

A. That commeth of their perfecti [...] or imperfection.

Q. Wherefore doe hearbes and [...] continue longer then other creatures.

[Page 123] A. Because their nutriment vertue is [...]re lusty, and doe easilier find where­ [...]th to nourish them.

Q. Why is it, that the greater the creature is, the longer he endureth?

A. Because the greater they be, the [...]otter they be: and in heate the life and strength consisteth.

Q. Wherefore cannot Heaven be subject to corruption?

A. Because it is not composed of contrary Elements.

Q. Why doth feare make the heart to beate?

A. Because the blood when wee be [...]fraid, retyreth to the inward parts, and hath need to be refrigerated and cooled, [...]hich thing commeth by the b [...]ating of the heart.

Q. Why did nature make man high, [...] streight of stature?

A. That proceedeth of his heate, which following the quality of fire, cau­seth him continually to mount and grow in height: or to the end he might with his hands apply himselfe to han­ [...]y worke, and hardy exploits.

[Page 124] Q. Why can little Children neither goe nor stand vpright?

A. Through feeblenesse of the infe­rior and nether parts, and by reason of the greatnesse and heavinesse of the vp­per parts.

Q. Wherefore are the nights more qui [...] then the dayes, and lesse windy?

A. The motion of the ayre is let by the coldnesse of the night.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that men of Red complexion, have more revelati­ [...]ns by dreames then other?

A. Because they be of imagination more free and liuely.

Q. Wherefore did the ancients vse to drinke the blood of those that were called Glad [...]tories, which were hurt and w [...]unded in the Combats and fence­plaies?

A. Because they were perswaded by the Physitians, that it served against the falling sicknesse.

Q. Why is bread hard of digest [...]on?

A. Because it lyeth long in the stomac [...], besides that, if it be not well baked, [...] [Page 125] [...]useth the Liver to fill the veines, called by the Physitians Meseraiche.

Q Whereof commeth it, that they which are drowned, at the beginning doe sinke to the bottome, and afterwards then they begin to corrupt, doe rise a­bove the water?

A. The body being partly corrupted hath many open places called vents to receive the ayre: which breaking the powers, the body becommeth very light.

Q. What is the cause, that round egges doo bring forth males, and they which be long, females?

A. Because in the round Egges all the vertue is equally divided throughout all the extremities: and in the long egge the vertue is much extended, and lesse closed, and so of lesse heate then the o­ther.

Q. Why is not wine good fasting?

A. Because it engendreth the crampe, [...] maketh a man dull and hea­vie.

Q. Why doe Physitians vse to touch the pulse of the right arme?

[Page 126] A. Because it is the part that is most hot.

Q. But wherefore will they not, that the patient hold his hand hard closed, nor yet stretched forth?

A. Because the Sinewes and arteri [...] be strained, the hand being either stret­ched or closed.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that Hares have so feeble sight?

A. Because the Hare is a beast very sleepie, and too much sleepe hurteth the sight. Or else it is of too much swift­nesse; for overmuch swiftnesse is hurt­full to the eyes.

Q. How chanceth it, that the pawe [...] of a Beare are better venison, then [...] other part of his body?

A. That commeth of their contin [...] all agitation and stirring; for the Bear [...] doth continually walke and beate wi [...] his feet.

Q. Why doe Physitians call a disor [...]dinate appetite ( Fames Canina) [...] hunger of a Dog?

A. Because Dogs are without me [...]ure, in the appetite of eating.

[Page 127] Q. Why doe Dogs scommer with so great paine?

A. Because their bowell and recei­ving Gut is larger at that part where it joyneth with the belly, then it is at the place where it endeth.

Q. Why are they more sleepie that have great heads, then others?

A. The greater the head is, the more vapours it comprehendeth.

Q. Why doe Dwarfes love to sleepe much?

A. Because great plenty of humors get forthwith into their heads, which engender in them a desire to sleepe.

Q. Wherefore are they most hungry, that have large and grosse veynes?

A. Because they bee of nature dry and adust.

Q. VVhat causeth them that dwell towards the South, to bee lesse sub­ject to the falling sicknesse, then [...]ther people?

A. Because they be sound within, and full of heate.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that the oyle of Lentiles doth heale the inflama­mation [Page 128] of the Gummes?

A. Because it is good to take away all hot and burning humors.

Q. Why doth the edge of a knife turn, when one doth cut waxe?

A. Because that every Agent, in his action is also patient, that is, subject to contraries.

Q. How commeth the humor in the eye called Glauconia, which is like Chri­stall, and hurteth the sight?

A. Eyes infected with that humor, be like the eye of a Civet, and doth come of the aboundance of the Christ all in humour.

Q. Why doth Licorice take away thirst?

A. Because of his moystnesse.

Q. Why is the Liver of a Wolfe me­dicinable for them that be diseased in the Liver?

A. By reason of a certain secret ver­tue in the same.

Q. VVhy be they more hardy then an­other, that have hairy breasts?

A. Because they have a boyling heart.

[Page 129] Q. VVherefore is Milke evill for the teeth and gums?

A. Because of the immoderate cold­nesse.

Q. Why doth Lettise provoke s [...]eepe?

A. Because it engendreth grosse hu­mours.

Q. VVhereof commeth it, that Len­t [...]les and Colewortes be hurtfull to the sight?

A. That commeth of their crassitude and thicknesse.

Q. VVhere of commeth it, that by too much eating of Lentiles are engendred Cankers?

A. That commeth of the melancho­licke blood, which Lentiles doe e [...]gen­der.

Q. How chanceth it, that Lions have no marrow in their bones?

A. Through the extreame heate of the said beast.

Q. But why doth the shining and brightnesse of the Moone hurt the [...]?

A. Because it moveth the humours [Page 130] of the braine, and cannot afterwards re­solve them.

Q. VVhy doe some dye by too much Ioy?

A. Because the spirits doe abandon and forsake the heart.

Q. VVhy should men beware of too much fasting?

A. Because long fasting engendreth a heape of ill humours, and causeth feeble­nesse and loathsomenesse.

Q. Why is vineger very good for cholericke persons, and hurtfull to the [...] that be melancholike?

A. Because it refresheth choller, and dryeth melancholy.

Q. What causeth the eyes to shed forth teares?

A. Coldnesse is the occasion which naturally doth make thick and restrain whereby teares proceed.

Q. VVhy have things that be very sweet and odoriferious, a certaine spic [...] of bitternesse?

A. Sweet smells doe alwayes search hot places, which commonly are [...] what bitter.

[Page 131] Q. VVhereof commeth it, that things that nourish and encrease milke, doe warme moderately without drying?

A. Because such things doe engen­der blood, whereof milke commeth.

Q. Why be all nourishing things par­ticipant with sweetnesse?

A. Because all sweet things be very temperate.

Q. VVhereof commeth it, that wine in processe of time is of greater heate?

A. Because the waterish parts doe vanish and avoyd.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that some wines are sower so soone?

A. Because in the vintage time they were replenished with superfluous hu­mours.

Q. Why doe men rather vse Sorrell then Ʋineger, against the inflamations of the Intestines and Bowels?

A. Because that Sorrell is more mo­derate then Vineger. And whosoever is [...]iseased therewithall should not vse any medicine, that is sharpe or violent, but [...]ther pleasant.

Q. VVhereof commeth it, that [Page 132] yellow Choller is alwaies bitter, and the blacke egre and sharpe?

A. Heate causeth bitternesse, and cold causeth sharpenesse.

Q. VVhy is Catarre or Rewme, some­times sweet, sometimes sharpe, and som­times salt?

A. Of a certaine mixture of the hu­mours.

Q. Why doth the wilde Bore pisse be­fore he doth runne or flye away?

A. To dispatch himselfe of the hea­vinesse of his vrine, the more swiftly [...] runne.

Q. VVherefore doe Physitians giv [...] to Infants and young children a hear [...] called Abrobatum, in English Sother [...]wood?

A. Because it killeth wormes.

Q. How chanceth it, that Scorpion [...] doe smite and hurt side-waies?

A. Because their pricke and sting [...] crooked.

Q Why doe men waxe pale wh [...] they be afraid?

A. Because the blood flyeth away and retireth to the vitall parts.

[Page 133] Q Why doth the sea called Mare mortuum, bring forth neither Plant nor [...]ish?

A. Through the great bitternesse of the same.

Q. VVhat is the cause, that a salt thing being heated againe, waxeth bitter?

A. Bitternesse commeth of adu­stion.

Q. VVhy hath the Scorpion venome in her taile?

A. Because venome is the excrement of the Scorpion.

Q. VVherefore did nature make mens eares so eminent standing out, and of gristles?

A. To be more quicke of hearing, and to bee lesse grieved when they be hurt.

Q. VVhy cannot Milke, creame or curd, being incorporated with Honey?

A. Because hony with his vertue in­cisive and abstersive, doth let it.

Q. VVhy doth not artery or sinew be­ing cut, grow againe as flesh doth?

A. Because they be spermatick mem­bers.

[Page 134] Q. Wherefore doe the leaves of a Ser­vice Tree fall together at one instant?

A. Because he hath no viscous or slimy humour.

Q. Wherefore is a Bay tree alwaies greene?

A. Because the heate of that Tree is alwaies tempered with humidity and viscosity.

Q. Wherefore is the female more imperfect then the male?

A. Because she is more cold.

Q. What caused Hipocrates to suf­fer those that had hot and sharpe fe­vers to drinke wine?

A. To ayde and helpe digestion, and to strengthen the patient.

Q Whereof commeth the quotidian fever?

A. Of the great aboundance of the [...]eame.

Q. VVhy doe the hearbes called Peni­royall, Ditton and Nill, cause women to have their naturall disease?

A. Because their vertue and property is to open.

Q. VVherefore is the meale of beanes [Page 135] good for the spots in the face?

A. Because it is marvellous abster­sive and clensing.

Q. VVherefore doe we sleepe better when we have travelled, then other­wise?

A. Because the spirits have then more need to be refreshed.

Q. VVhereof commeth it, that some­times we be laxative, and sometimes too much costive?

A. It is because of the feeblenesse of the vertue retentive, or through sharpe humours that vexeth and troubleth vs, and the cause why we be bound, procee­deth of contrary occasions.

Q. Whereof commeth the Tertian agues?

A. Of yellow choller corrupted.

Q. Whereof proceedeth the Falling s [...]cknesse?

A. Of grosse fleame, or rather of a [...]ncholike humour which is retained [...] the ventricles of the braine.

Q. Wherefore did nature make the [...]cull of the head grosse, and thicke and [...]llow?

[Page 136] A. The scull is grosse and thicke to defend the braine the better, and hollow that the vapours of the brain might [...] out of the same more easily: for the head is a way through the which all the va­pours of the body doe passe.

Q. VVherefore is not wine good for them that be growing still in greatnesse?

A. Wine doth straight goe into the head, and children in their infancy haire the head grosser after the proportion of the rest of the body, than in any other age.

Q. Why doe Melons and Cucum­bers cause men to make water?

A. That commeth of their great hu­midity.

Q. VVherefore is it not good to sleepe with the face vpwards?

A. Because it heateth the reines, in­flameth the blood, and not onely the blood but the spirits also, which are in the hollow veyne and in the gr [...]t Arterie.

Q. How commeth it, that Trees are more hard and strong of the North-side, then they are of th [...] [...] [Page 137] and West side?

A. Because the North winde doth better harden.

Q. Whereof proceedeth the sweet­n [...]sse of F [...]uits?

A. Of moderate heate.

Q. Why doe olde men doate so much?

A. Through the great cold that is in them.

Q. Whereof proceedeth the Laske and Flux of the belly called Dissen­teria?

A. Of biting and sharpe humours.

Q. Why doe Herrings in so great multitudes leave the Northerne, and goe to the westerne Sea?

A. To enjoy the temperature of that climate.

Q. VVhat is the cause that the Pulse commonly called Chiche peason, doth provoke Venerie?

A. By reason of the saltnesse, where­of the hull is participant.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that men to see the better doe close one of their eyes?

A. Because the one eye being shut, [Page 138] hee seeth the more perfectly with the other.

Q. Wherefore doe Physitians thin [...] them to be of small capacity that have sharpe heads?

A. Because the spirits finde not the conduits so free and open.

Q. Why be there no Serpents in Ire­land?

A. Because that Region is nothing waterish.

Q. What causeth those that have the Iaundise, to thinke Honey to be bitter?

A. Because of the great choller▪ wherewith they have the tongue an [...] pallet infected.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that th [...] meats oftentimes wax sower in the van [...]tricle?

A. That proceedeth of the coldnes [...] of the stomacke.

Q. Why is not that ayre good, whic [...] is both hot and moyst?

A. Because it is subject to be cor [...]rupted.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that the Ethiopians [Page 139] have curld haire?

A. Of the great ficcity and drinesse of their humours.

Q. Why be Drunken persons com­monly cold?

A. Because wine immoderately drun­ken, doth cause cold effects.

Q. Wherefore is Ʋenison more estee­med and praised of the learned Physiti­ans, then other flesh?

A. Because it is of good nourishment and engendreth good blood.

Q. VVhy is the white of an Egge hard of digestion?

A. Through the coldnesse thereof.

Q. Wherefore doe men drinke wa­te [...], and yet it nourisheth not?

A. Water causeth the nutriment to spread throughout all the body.

Q. Why is not the hand hairy within?

A. Because the skinne is thicke and h [...]rd.

Q. VVhy is Autumne so unwhole­s [...]me and full of diseases?

A. Through the inequality of his temperature.

Q. VVhy be the eares vnmoveable?

[Page 140] A. Because they have no Muscle.

Q. VVhy be no remedies convenient to be received, in the greatest extrem [...] of sicknesse?

A. Because nature should not bee hindered.

Q. Wherefore are the bathes of sweet water esteemed?

A. Because they doe heate and moy­sten, and are good against Terci [...] agues.

Q. VVhy doth the Northren winde preserue things from putrifying?

A. Because it dryeth much.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that Bu­glosse tempered and dipt in wine, rejoy­ceth him that doth eate it?

A. Because it augmenteth the blood and restoreth the forces of the heart.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that Piony hanged about ones necke, doth heale the falling sicknesse?

A. That hearbe sendeth certain va­ [...]ours to the head, which doe dry the braine.

Q. VVhy be Stockdoves better then Pigeons of the dovehouse?

[Page 141] A. Because they have lesse dung [...] excrements.

Q. VVhereof commeth it, that Azure [...]our is pleasant to the eye?

A. Because in that colour is a mean all other colours.

Q. Wherefore doe we sweate more in [...] vpper parts of our body, then in the [...]er parts?

A. The property of heat, is, to ascend, [...] not to discend.

Q. Why doth not the dung of wilde [...] stink▪ so much as other?

A. Because they be dry of nature.

Q. VVhy be our eyes greater in our [...]fancie, then when we be of more [...]?

A. Through the great humidity and [...]ystnesse. Whereof in like manner it [...]mmeth, that we are more desirous of [...] in our Infancie, then in any other [...].

Q. How commeth it, that mens eyes [...] differ so much in colour one from [...]other?

A. Of the diversity of the humours, [...]reof they be composed.

[Page 142] Q. Wherefore is sodden water bet­ter then the cold?

A. Boyl'd and sodden water hath lesse ventosities, and is more light and subtill; because the earth and heavie substance is separated from it.

Q. VVherefore hath Nature or­dained neezing in man?

A. To purge the superfluity of the braine, even as by the Cough the milt is purged.

Q. VVhy doe we neeze sooner in the Sunne, then when we be neare the fire?

A. Because the heate of the Sunne, resolveth the humour, and consumeth it not, but the fire resolveth and consu­meth it.

Q. VVhereof commeth it, that the eares of all creatures doe move, excep [...] the eares of a man?

A. That proceedeth of a certain [...] muscle which is in the Jawes, and doth let and hinder the moving of the eares.

Q. VVhere of commeth it, that A [...]ses doe sooner lift vp their eares when [...] will raine, then at any other time?

A. Their melancholicke nature [...] [Page 143] it, the like hapneth to many other [...]ancholicke beasts to prognosticate [...]raine: as Frogs, Dolphins, Crowes, [...]nd Cuckoes.

Q. Why have Birds no eares?

A. Because they would hinder their [...]ing, for which cause they are created [...]nd made, as man is made to travell.

Q. Wherefore are the waters of Ma­rishes and Ponds so evill?

A. Because they are so Phlegmatick, [...]nd in Summer they doe corrupt. In­ [...]omuch as the finest of the water is con­verted into vapours, and the earthinesse doth remaine.

Q. VVhereof commeth it, that they which have hollow eyes, doe see better, then those whose eyes doe stand more [...]tward?

A. Hollow eyes have their vertue more fast and better compact, and so they see the better and further off.

Q. Why doe the eyes of Wolves and Cattes shine in the night and not in the day?

A. The greater clearnesse doth ob­ [...]cat [...] and darken the lesser.

[Page 144] Q. Whereof commeth it, that when wee looke and behold our selves in a Glasse, we doe immediatly after forget our favour?

A. The image seene in a Glasse doth represent it selfe to our visible sight very slenderly, and by a certain [...] reflection; and therefore cannot long be reteyned in memory, but quickly vanisheth away.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that ma [...] smelleth so little in comparison of oth [...] creatures?

A. That commeth of the great h [...] midity of the brain, whereas Ravens and other birdes having it dry, are not hi [...] dred by moysture, but doe receive the smell through the ayre a farre off.

Q. Wherefore doth that water keep [...] better which is open in the Sunne and the wind, then that which is covered and hidden?

A. That which is open to the Sun is better purged of all grosse vapours, and is made thereby more subtill and better digested,

Q. Whereof commeth it, that In­fants [Page 146] are sooner inchanted or bewitched then they which are greater?

A. Of the delicatenesse and ten­dernesse of their bodies, which are not [...]ong enough to resist such impressi­ [...].

Q. Whereof commeth it, that a bird [...]led in Latine Rupex, doth feare to [...]hold those that have their gall spread throughout their bodies?

A. Because the same Bird is sory [...] the remedy that shee giveth them, [...] she draweth that sicknesse to her [...]lfe.

Q. VVhat meaneth it, that the [...] made of ashes of a Figtree, is so [...]ood to cleanse things which are foule and spotty?

A. That commeth of his nature, which [...] very abstersive & cleansing, through [...]he sharpenesse whereof, it taketh away [...]he filth or sweate of our bodies better [...]hen any other thing.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that the Fig tree, the Lawrell tree, the Eagle and [...] Sea Calfe are never smitten with [...]htning?

[Page 147] A. It may be that commeth of the bitternesse and sharpenesse.

Q. VVhat causeth nature to give vs eares?

A. It was for no other thing, but that thereby man might heare and judge the difference of voyces and sounds. And that by the eares the head might be pur­ged of his cholericke superfluity, even as by the nose he is accustomed to bee purged of his flegmaticke.

Q. But what moved nature to make the lippes?

A. To the end that the teeth being of nature cold, should not bee harmed with externall hurt, or else because that in any talking they might somewhat helpe and temper the tongue, that it should not be too lavish.

Q. For what respect was the mouth made?

A. Because it should be the doore of the stomacke, and because the mea [...]e should be chawed and prepared for the first digestion.

Q. What causeth a man to yawne?

A. The grosse vapours that repl [...] ­nish [Page 148] the Jawes, which willing to come forth, constraine men to stretch their Jawes: or else yawning commeth of unlustinesse, or of being too full.

Q. How commeth it that the teeth have the sense of feeling, and the same to other bo [...]es is denyed?

A. Because the teeth might discerne hot and cold.

Q. What meaneth it that the teeth doe grow daily?

A. If Nature had not ordained the teeth to grow daily, they would con­sume themselves, and should be redu­ced to nothing by continuall chaw­ing.

Q. What causeth the teeth to grow againe, and the other bones grow not?

A. Other bones be engendered and made of the naturall humour in the mo­thers wombe, but the teeth are engende­red of the nutritive humour, which daily groweth, and so encreaseth them.

Q. Why have birds no teeth?

A. The substance of teeth is converted [...]to the bill.

[Page 149] Q. Why doe divers stut and stam­me [...]?

A. Through the great moystnesse of the tongue or of the braine.

Q. Why doe divers hold opinion that the tongue of a Dogge is medicinable, and the tongue of a Horse cleane con­trary?

A. The tongue of a Dog is full of pores, and by that meanes it draweth from the wound all viscosity and slimi­nesse: Or else there is in it some humor meet to heale wounds by licking, which is not in a Horses tongue.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that spettl [...] being taken and applyed fasting, is go [...] and meete for Impostumes?

A. Because then it is more subtil [...] and better digested, then at oth [...] times?

Q. Whereof commeth it, that [...] br [...]ath of divers doth stinke although they be but young?

A. Of the evill vapours of the sto­macke: or else of the corruption of the members and instruments of the s [...] ­rits.

[Page 150] Q. What is the cause that Lazermen speake so hoarse?

A. Because the organes and pipes of their voyces are corrupted.

Q. Whereof commeth hoarsenesse?

A. Of a rhewme descending from the braine, which filleth the passage of the lunges.

Q. Why doe little birds sing and [...]hirpe, better then great ones?

A. The spirit of little birds is more delicate and light, then of the great, and soule, and therefore at every motion they are disposed to sing.

Q. Why doth the male sing more then the female?

A. Because he is more hote.

Q. What moved nature to make the [...]ke of bones?

A. Because it might the better su­ [...]aine the head.

Q. Wherefore is well water the bet­ter, when the well is often draw [...]?

A. Because by the oftentimes draw­ing the water hath no leisure to be cor­rupted.

Q. Why have Cranes and Storkes so [Page 151] long neckes?

A. Because such beasts take their food and nourishment in deepe pla­ces.

Q. Why doe Pullets and Hennes, their throates being cut, move and sturre very long after, which to man doth not chance at all?

A. Hennes and Pullets have small and little sinnes, whereby the spirits tarry the longer.

Q. What is the cause, that Barley bread maketh them to be ill coloured that use to eate it?

A. That commeth because Barley bread tarrieth no while in the stomack and hath an abstersive and a cleansing vertue, and so doth suddenly alter and change the digestion, which thing cau­seth that Nature cannot with any small nourishment give good colour to any person.

Q. Why should wheaten bread be both salted and leavened?

A. Because that wheate of it selfe doth stop and is slimy, but salt doth dry, and the leaven rendreth it much lighter.

[Page 152] Q. VVhy doe they serve fruit after meate and not before?

A. Because that a full belly deman­deth sweet things: or else the heavinesse of the fruit driveth downe all other meates.

Q. What causeth the haires of sicke men to fall?

A. Because the nutriment wherewith haire is nourished and entertained, is consumed of the adust and burnt va­pours.

Q. How chanceth it, that divers have never any beards?

A. Because they have the pores so great, that the nutriment which causeth the haire, is vanished before the haire h [...]th taken roote, and therefore can bring nothing forth.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that in old folke the haire of the browes groweth more, then in other members?

A. Because in the age the bones of the browes be enlarged, and doe open the way to vapours.

Q. Why is the water better, that runneth upon the gravell of Sand, or [Page 153] upon the earth (so that it be not stin­king) then that which runneth upon the rocke, or upon stones?

A. Because that earth and gravell doth cleanse it better, then either stone or rocke.

Q. Wherefore commeth it, that the haire waxeth hard and sharpe when one is dead?

A. Because the haire is no more nourished with the vapours of the bo­dy, and because the pores be closed up.

Q. But whereof commeth bald­nesse?

A. Of corrupt fleame.

Q. Why be men sooner bald upon the Head, then in other parts of the bo­dy?

A. Coldnesse of the braine is the cause.

Q. VVhy is it that studious and lear­ned men be so soone bald?

A. Of the great diminution and weaknesse of their spirits, or else of great indigestion that causeth fleame to a­bound.

[Page 154] Q. Why doe we sweate more sleeping then walking?

A. Because heare in sleeping is u­nited and joyned, which hath more ver­tue to drive away all superfluous hu­mours.

Q. VVhy doe we count raine water to be the best?

A. Because it is better fined and so­den in the ayre, and so more proper and meete to nourish.

Q. VVhereof commeth it, that many are healed of a Quartaine, by a sudden feare?

A. Like as the Quartaine is engende­red by sudden mutation, even so sud­den mutation doth drive it away: for by such sudden: accidents our spirits be moved, and all their forces awa­ked.

Q. VVherefore are those waters better that have their course towards the East, then they that runne towards the West?

A. Because that by running against the Sun they doe fine, and waxe warme, and doe lose their natu [...]all [...]

[Page 155] Q. VVherefore doe Musitians when they entend to sing, and Advocates be­fore they pleade, eate Leekes rosted in the embers?

A. Because that Leekes have a certaine slimish moistnesse, that cleanseth the pipe of the Lungs.

Q. Why doe Physitians give order that meates in winter ought to be of a grosse nourishment, and in Summer fine and light?

A. Because in Winter the naturall heate flying the cold, and retiring into the inward parts, doth cause better dige­stion. But in Summer, heate seeking for heate is dispersed, and is not of force to digest.

Q. Why doth too long watching make braine feeble?

A. Too long watching doth engender and multiply Choller, the which by that meanes doth dry and extenuate us.

Q. But why cannot the child borne in the eigth moneth live, and the child of the seventh moneth customably doth live?

[Page 156] A. Because the number of seven is a perfect number. If the opinions of the Pythagorians be true.

Q. Wherefore be steele glasses better for the sight then other glasses?

A. Because steele is harder, and doth represent unto us more substantially the tyre, that receiveth the light.

Q. VVhereof commeth it, that vine­ger doth stoppe bloud?

A. Because the nature thereof is bin­ [...]ing.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that women and little Children doe so quickly weepe?

A. Of the great humidity and moist­nesse that is in them.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that among bird [...] the Sparrow liveth least while?

A. Because he is too leacherous.

Q. Wherefore be women with child in more danger to miscary in the first, second, and third Moneth, then in the rest of the moneths that fol­low?

A. Because the Infant is most tender, much like to an apple that beginneth [Page 157] to be fashioned, not yet having the stalke strong enough to sustaine it.

Q. VVhy be children borne more safely in the seventh, eigth, and ninth moneth then before?

A. The riper that the fruite is, the sooner and easier it falleth.

Q. Why is the travell of some women greater and more painfull, then of other some?

A. There be divers reasons, for some­times it commeth of the strength of the woman, sometimes according to the pro­portion of the substance received, sometimes for that the child is dead, which causeth that they cannot bow nor turne.

Q. But why are women being with child of a man child, lesse molested and in better health, then they that be with child of a woman child?

A. The male is alwayes more lusty and beareth himselfe better, troubling his Mother lesse then doth the female which is cold and heavie of moo­ving.

[Page 158] Q. Why is not wine good for Chil­dren?

A. Because it heateth and moisteneth too much, and filleth the head inconti­ [...]ently full of vapours.

Q. Why doe not women commonly ex­ercise both their hands as well as men?

A. To exercise both hands procee­ [...]eth of the force and strength of the si­newes and muscles, the which is not in women.

Q. Whereof commeth the sterility and barrennesse of women?

A. It proceedeth of mans causes, either of the coldnesse of the man, which cau­seth the seed to be of none effect in ge­neration, or because the seed is waterish and of small force.

Q. VVhy is a drunken person cold, the wine being hote?

A. Because naturall heate is extinct, by the heate of the wine.

Q. Wherefore have women most com­monly the headach, more then men?

A. The vapors of the menstruall blood [...]end to the head, which causeth the [...].

[Page 159] Q. Why have men more teeth then women?

A. Because they are more abundant both in blood and in heate.

Q. Wherefore doe maydens voyces change, when their breasts begin to waxe great?

A. Because the Organes of the voyce are then more loose, and lesse clo­sed.

Q. Why have women their brests a­bove their stomakes, and other creatures underneath?

A. If womens breasts had beene pla­ced under their belly (they having but two feete) it would have hindered their going: which troubleth not other crea­tures that have foure feete.

Q. Wherefore is wine forbidden them that have paine in their sides?

A. Because it burneth and sendeth to the sides divers burnt▪ and adust hu­mours, which encrease the disease.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that Twinnes are not so strong as other Chil­dren?

A. Because the seed which should [...] [Page 160] to the genaration of one, is parted into two.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that our priuy parts are more subject to catch hurt, then the other parts of our body?

A. That commeth of the heate and moistnesse united together, which are the cause of all corruption.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that fasting spittle is good to take away the spottes of the body: and not spittle after meate?

A. Because the spittle after meat is full of moystnesse, and is partly grosse, by reason of the meate which is mingled with it, in such sort, that it cannot so well [...]eanse as the other.

Q. Why doth the smoake of Brim­stone make the haire white?

A. Because it dryeth up and purifieth the grosse matter which is dispearsed among the haire.

Q. How happeneth it that man onely doth become bald?

A. Because he is of a more rare compo­sition and matter, lesse fleshy, and conse­quently more meete and apt to be dryed.

[Page 161] Q. VVhy doth a man waxe bald [...] vpon the head?

A. The head is a member more mo [...] then all the rest, wherein are united great number of flegmaticke superfl [...]ties, and therefore the same sooner wax [...]eth bald.

Q. VVhereof commeth it, that [...] which sleepeth soundly, dreameth very little?

A. Because that then all the senses [...] accord to doe their duty, and doe [...] wander hither and thither for to provoke dreames.

Q. VVhy is the Southwest wind [...] sweet and pleasant?

A. Because it is temperate, neith [...] too hote, nor too cold.

Q. Wherefore hath the wind ( [...] Ceci) East and by North, the power t [...] draw the Cloudes unto him?

A. Because that his motion [...] round.

Q. How commeth it, that wine [...] after a rotten or perished apple, [...] bitter?

A. Because that all rottennesse is [...]

[Page 162] Q. Wherefore doe men bleed so often at the nose?

A. Because the nose hath more par­ticipation with the braine, then any other member.

Q. But why is that water which is [...]onest hote and soonest cold, better then other water?

A. Because it is more subtill and more [...]ight.

Q. Wherefore is over great exercise [...] labour evill for the sight?

A. Because it dryeth the blood too [...]uch.

Q. How commeth it that men sleepe [...]tter and sooner on the right side, then [...] the left?

A. Because being awake, he doth leane [...] rest more upon the left side then [...] the right.

Q. How chanceth it that Figs which [...] sweet and tender, doe neverthelesse [...]use tooth-ache?

A. Because they cleave to the gummes, [...]ough their viscosity and slimi­ [...]e.

Q. Why doe we esteeme Goates milke [Page 163] to be better for our stomacke, then any other?

A. Because the Goat taking his nou­rishment rather of wood and boughes then of grasse, causeth his milke to bee the more thicke, and lesse slimy.

Q. How commeth it, that Cow milke is more medicinable then other milke?

A. Because a Cowe being a great eating beast, doth feed not onely upon grasse, but also upon all sorts of gree [...] hearbes.

Q. VVhy is the bloud of a Bull hur [...] full to them that drinke it?

A. Because it is very fatte and full of threds, and soone waxeth hard, engen­dring thereby hurtfulnesse.

Q. Why doe all beasts refuse to [...] of any thing that a Beare hath blow [...] vpon, or smelt unto?

A. Because the blowing or smelling of a Beare is pestiferous.

Q. For what respect be they feareful [...] that dwell in hot Countries, [...] they strong which dwell in cold Coun­tries?

[Page 164] A. Cold doth restraine and thicken the flesh, which causeth the heate to [...] better gathered and compact with­ [...].

Q. Wherefore be they that have their [...] rolling and turning, and their sight [...], deceivers, theeves, and of hot [...]ture?

A. Deceite and theft proceed of the [...]htilty of the mind, and the subtilty [...] the mind commeth of the subtilty of [...]ours caused of heate, that causeth [...] eyes to wander, and the sight to bee [...].

Q. Whereof commeth it, that the eyes Drunkards doe still water?

A. That proceedeth of the humours [...] the wine hath engendered in the [...]ine, whereof feeling it selfe laden, it [...]deth the same againe to the eyes, [...]ich of their nature are full of pores.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that too much [...]tation and griefe bringeth age?

A. Because it dryeth: and age is no­ [...]ng else but a very drought.

Q. What meaneth it, that they which [...] of age feele no griefe?

[Page 165] A. It is through lacke of heate, whi [...] causeth the life to vanish away witho [...] paine.

Q. Why are our eyes so mov [...]able?

A. Because they should not so easi [...] be hurt, with that which happeneth [...] come before them.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that Oy [...] swimmeth above any other Liquour?

A. Because it is fatter: And all fa [...] things doe participiate very much wi [...] the ayre.

Q. How chanceth it, that the Oestrich onely above all other Birds hath be clawes cloven?

A. The Oestrich is rather a beast [...] the earth, then a bird: and his win [...] were given him rather to helpe him [...] runne, then to flye.

Q. Why be not fatte things [...] corrupted?

A. Because they hold very much [...] the ayre, and the fire.

Q. Whereof proceedeth it, that m [...] birds doe soonest assaile the eyes?

A. Because they see them cleare, [...] [Page 166] with great brightnesse.

Q. Why cannot the Diamont be burns [...] well as other stones?

A. The fire cannot hurt it, by reason this great hardnesse.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that the fea­ [...]rs of an Eagle mingled amongst the [...]thers of other birds, doe consume [...]?

A. It is by a secret vertue that is given [...]he Eagles feathers, to have the [...]wer to consume all other fea­ [...]rs.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that he that [...]th the thickest bloud, is alwayes most [...]errie and frollicke?

A. The blood that is grosse and fatte, [...]keth the spirits firme and constant, herein consisteth the force of all Crea­tes.

Q. But what is the occasion that wo­ [...] be not bald as well as men?

A. It is their great moystnesse: for [...]dnesse commeth of drinesse.

Q. Why doe divers use to lay chalke [...] the rootes of Chery trees?

A. To make them ripe before their time.

[Page 167] Q. How chanceth it, that the Vine and the Rape or Radish, doe not love to grow one nigh another?

A. Because they are of divers natures. For the Rape loveth cold places: where­of it commeth, that in Almaigne they are as bigge as little children: But the Vine loveth those places that bee warme.

Q. Why doe not the Elephants and Cammels drinke, but in puddles or trou­bled waters?

A. Because they are afraid to see them­selves in the water.

Q. Why doth a man sneese against the Sunne?

A. The Sunne through his hea [...] doth provoke the humours that remai­ne in the conduit of the Nose to bee open to the ayre, which causeth snee­sing.

Q. Why doe Melancholicke people sleepe so little?

A. Because they have little moistness whereby few vapours ascend up to the braine.

Q. Why doth mettall melt better [Page 168] when it is very cold weather then at any other time?

A. Because then the heat is wholly retired inwardly.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that they which have greene or gray eyes, doe see well, neither in the day time, nor yet in the night: and the contrary chanceth to them that have blacke eyes?

A. Because the greene eyes doe abonnd is fire: and the blacke abound with water.

Q. Why be those Creatures of short life, that engender very often?

A. Because with the spermaticke su­perfluities they lose much moysture, which is the true retainer of naturall [...]ate.

Q. How chanceth it, that the Lyon [...]oth so much feare the flame of [...]ire?

A. Naturally the fire is hurtfull to the sight: and especially to those that are hot and dry, as chiefly the Ly­ [...] is.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that man­ [...]ind hath the head more hairy, then [Page 169] any other creature?

A. By reason of the great coldnesse of the braine, and heate of the heart, which panteth continually, and bringeth forth many vapours, which doe engender haire.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that the Serpent doth so much flye the hearbe called Rue, and especially the wilde Rue?

A. Because the Serpent is cold, drye, and full of Sinewes, and the hearbe Rue of a contrary nature.

Q. How chanceth it, that all gelded Creatures are weaker then tbe ungel­ded?

A. Because the strength commeth from the Coddes.

Q. Whereof proceedeth it, that wh [...] one is hungry the spittle is more bitter and salter then at other times?

A. Because hunger augmenteth chol­ler: the which easily turneth into bit­ternesse, by reason of his sharpenesse.

Q. VVhereof commeth it, that mil [...] sometimes doth loosen the belly, an [...] sometimes bindeth it?

[Page 170] A. That proceedeth of the divers qualities which are in Milke.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that most commonly women are fatter then men?

A. Because they are colder, and doe lesse labour.

Q. Why have not men so great breast: as women?

A. Because they have no menstruall blood: and further, they have no vessell to retaine it.

Q. Whereof commeth it that great nipples or teates are not the best?

A. The heat is better inclosed in a little and round Nipple, then in great Teates, where the warmnesse of the milk [...]neth out.

Q. Whereof proceedeth it, that be­tweene thirteene and foureteene yeares, the Nipple of young maydens doe begin to pricke?

A. Because at that age the men­struall blood beginneth to encrease in them.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that the milke in a womans breast suddenly decayeth [Page 171] if she give herselfe to [...]e immoderate in lust?

A. Because the menstruall blood doth not ascend to the breasts to nourish the child.

Q. VVhereof commeth it, that those women that are with child of a Sonne, have their right breast harder then the left?

A. It is because the male breedeth in the right side: and so the menstruall blood comming to that side, to nourish the child, maketh it more hard and stiffe.

Q. Wherefore hath Nature given unto woman but two Teates onely, and other Creatures more?

A. Because other Creatures doe bring forth many young ones at once: and women most commonly have but one or two children at the most.

Q. But why is the thicke and plenti­full milke a token of a man child, and the milke that is cleare and thinne beto­keneth a daughter?

A. The woman being with child with a Sonne, is of greater heate, which [Page 172] thickeneth and maketh the milke to di­gest: contrariwise, the milke of a wo­man being with child of a Daughter, is lesse digested, by having of l [...]sse heat.

Q. VVhereof commeth it that the milke of faire women is not so good, as of blacke women?

A. Browne women are of hotter com­plexion, and therefore have their milke better digested.

Q. Whereof commeth the disordinate desire that women with child have to eat things that are loathsome, most com­monly in the first or third moneth after they have conceived?

A. Such is the appetite as the humours be which are within. And because the humours of women with child are cor­rupted, it is no marvell although their appetite be without reason.

Q. VVhy doe Physitians appoint the bread for those that be sicke to be first tempered before it be given them?

A. The Leave [...] hath a certaine cor­rupt heat in it, which augmente [...] f [...] ­ [...]ers▪ in such sort, that it corrupteth the [...]read if there be too much.

[Page 173] Q. Whereof commeth it, that [...] pasty, the more it is kneded, the better is?

A. It is because the liquour, [...] meale, and the leaven, being well inc [...] ­porated, and the moystnesse resolv [...] the bread is more wholesome and b [...] ­ter.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that [...] outward parts of the body are more su [...] ­ject to cold, then any other part of [...] same?

A. Because they are thinner, a [...] further from the hart.

Q. Whereof commeth it that [...] hearbes Purslin and Lettice, doe [...] coole and then warme the bodies of th [...] that doe eate them?

A. Untill the digestion be made, th [...] coole the body: but the digestion mad [...] they change into good bloud, and [...] encrease heate.

Q. Why is the Capon better [...] eaten then the Cocke?

A. The Capon o [...]eth not his moi [...] ­nesse, because he treadeth not the [...] Cocke doth: and therefore is [...]

[Page 174] Q. What is the cause, that after sleepe [...] our selves?

A. To drive away evill: vapours.

Q. Why doe they that have travelled [...]eepe better then others?

A. Because the spirits desire to bee at [...]est.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that they which are drunke, in beholding one thing, doe thinke that they see two, or ma­ [...]y?

A. That commeth of the continuall and sudden motion of the e [...]es, procee­ding of the vapours and exhalations of the wine.

Q. Why is a Drunkard of better [...]udgement in [...] that are bitter, [...], salt, and of evill east, then any o­ther:

A. A Drunkard hath his tongue better seasoned with the liquour and sweetnesse of the wine, and hath more moistnesse in his tongue, then he that liveth soberly: whereby hee may the better judge.

Q. What difference is there be­tweene heavinesse [...] head, and [Page 175] Drunkennesse?

A. Heavinesse in the head causeth oppilations and stopping: Drunkennesse commeth of subtile vapours, which trouble and mingle themselves with the braine and the vitall spirits.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that they which have grosse cheekes, are of dull and hard understanding?

A. Grosse flesh commeth of grosse humours, which also causeth grosse spi­rits, and so consequently dull understan­ding.

Q. VVhy, doe they rubbe their eyes that would sneese?

A. Sneesing commeth of heare: and the rubbing provoketh heate.

Q. VVhy doe the Eagles drive away their young ones, before they be feathe­red or fledge?

A. Because that without feathers they be very ill favoured: or else be­cause they be very ravenous.

Q. Whereof proceedeth it, that most commonly a man doth sneese twise toge­ther?

A. Because there bee two holes or [Page 176] breathing places in the nose.

Q. Whereof commeth it that cold water being cast in the face doth stanch bleeding of the Nose?

A. It is because that by that meanes heate is driven in.

Q. Why is smoke painfull to the eyes?

A. Because the eyes be of a weake complexion.

Q. Why doe they live longest that dwell in hot Countries?

A. Because they are dryer: and their naturall moystnesse and heate doth pre­serve them the better.

Q. Why doe we smell a thing lesse in Winter, then in Summer?

A. Because the ayre is thicker, and lesse moveable.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that the urine, the longer it is retained within the body, the worse it smelleth: and the excre­ment, the longer it is kept, the lesse it stinketh?

A. The excrement the longer it tarri­eth in the body, the more it dryeth, and is of lesse corruption. The urine [Page 177] contrariwise, the longer it is retained in the bladder, the thicker it waxeth and more filthy.

Q. Why doth the haire burne so quickly?

A. Because it is cold and dry.

Q. Why doe we cover our heads close in cold weather?

A. The head doth waxe warme when it is kept close: for by that meanes the heate is kept in. And the kercheffe or hood serveth for the head, as the gowne doth for the body.

Q. Whereof commeth it that bitter Almonds doe keepe one from Drunken­nesse?

A. Because they drye the body: and will not suffer the veines to bee filled, resisting the strength of the wine.

Q. Whereof commeth it that women bee not suddenly drunke, and old folkes are incontinently overcome with wine?

A. The wine remaineth longer in the stomackes of old people, being dry by nature: even as water doth in a Tronke of Wood, dry and halfe pu­trified. [Page 178] But women are too cold and [...]moyst, by meanes whereof they [...] doe better resist the force of the Wine.

The end of Naturall Ques­tions.


WHy did the Ancient [...] paint Fortune with a double forehead, the one side bald, and the other hairy?

A. The shaven side sig­nifieth adversity: the hairy part prospe­rit [...], which we enjoy when it pleaseth her.

Q. What hath moved many to think the seat of the spirit to be placed in the eyes?

[Page 180] A. Because the opinion of the spirit doe appeare in the eyes.

Q. Why did the Romanes deeme him hurtfull to the Common-wealth, that would not content himselfe with seven yokes of Land?

A. After the Kings were chased from Rome, the Romanes desirous to content themselves with a little, to avoid all oc­casion of Tyranny, assigned every Ro­mane Citizen seven yokes of Land, and no more.

Q. Why was it so long before the Romanes did plant any Ʋines?

A. Because they foresaw, that wine made them dull, debilitated their sinues, weakned their forces, troubled their braines, and made them have a stinking breath.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that the Persians breath commonly stinketh?

A. Because of the diversity of meates, and excesse of wines.

Q Why did the Romans esteeme the men of the Country to be more meet for the warres, then the Citizens?

A. Because the Peasant and Country [Page 181] man is more accustomed to sleepe upon hard places, to endure cold and heate, hunger and thirst.

Q. Wherefore is he esteemnd more vilanous and infamous that deni­eth the thing which is delivered him to keepe, then he that rendereth not the thing he borroweth?

A. Because there is nothing more villanous, then a man to doe wrong to his friend, for no man delivereth any thing in keeping to any man, but to him in whom he hath reposed his grea­test trust.

Q. What meant the Romanes to have no Bakers in their City, before the wars of the Persians, which was five hundred and fourescore yeares after the building of Rome?

A. The Romanes esteemed the Science of Baking to be but the worke of wo­men.

Q. But tell me I pray you, why had they no Cookes as we have?

A. Because they are strong and lusty men, not given to delicates, which ma­keth men faint and effeminate.

[Page 182] Q. How chanceth it, that the drowned bodies of men doe swimme vpwards, and those of women downewards?

A. Nature her selfe hath a speciall re­gard to the honesty of women, desirous to cover their secret places. Whereof I would (it might please God) that wo­men themselves had better consideration and regard.

Q. VVherefore were the Cirthagini­ans counted deceivers and mockers?

A. The Scituation of Carthage did cause the same. For by reason of the marchandise and traffique which they had with all the Nations of the world, they were very much used and frequen­ted to to trompery and deceit.

Q. But why were the Carthaginians so desirous, that all their Magistrates should be rich?

A. Because they thought that the poore man could not faithfully minister Justice.

Q. What meant many brave and lu­sty Nations continually rather to love warre then peace?

A. Because warre stirreth men to [Page 183] vertue and valour, and peace draweth them to idlenesse and all kind of wan­tonnesse.

Q. Why have divers men in times past allowed and commended Flattery?

A. Because Flattery setteth forth be­fore our eyes what wee ought to be.

Q. Why doth the vice of anger daily displease the wise?

A. Because it is a spice of Folly and Rage.

Q. Wherefore ought the vertue of Iustice to be in Princes commendable above all other things?

A. Because it is the mother of all ver­tue. But what shall be deemed of that Realme that is without Justice, if not a very sanctuary of theeves and Pi­rates.

Q. Wherefore were they of the Country Campagnia, esteemed proud and brave?

A. Because of the fertilty of the Country, and beauty of their Cities.

Q. Why be the people of Beotia more then any other counted blockheads [Page 184] and asses?

A. Because they eate too much.

Q. What moved them of Locris to make a Law, that whosoever would goe about by any law or ordinance to esta­blish some new device or innovation in their City, ought without remedy (the Rope about his necke) to recite openly before the people the law which he would establish, and the reason wherefore?

A. That was to chastise and correct those that love novelties and new devi­ses: for if the law proposed pleased not the people, or was found to be wrongfull and unjust, the proposer of the law had no more hurt; but suddenly was strang­led. Which ordinance and decree kept the good City of Locris more then two hundreth yeares in good estate of com­mon-wealth without any alteration and change.

Q. Why did the ancients in the old time arme their Souldiers onely with the plackard, without any other ar­mour?

A. To cut from them all hope of run­ning away.

[Page 185] Q. VVherefore did the ancients above all things desire to dye honourably?

A. Because honourable death cove­reth the faults of the life past.

Q. What meant the wise continually to joyne wisedome with puissance?

A. That puissance might not be con­verted into tyranny.

Q. Wherefore did the ancients say, that their minds and soules were like unto Lampes?

A. Because through good instructions they might give light each to other.

Q. What meant many singularly to comm [...]nd poverty?

A. Because it made men industrious and vigilant.

Q. Why be those that be expert in the Art of warre alwayes blamed, if they enter rashly into combat?

A. Because that the issue of the bat­tels are uncertaine.

Q. Why did the ancients paint the Image of vertue girded?

A. To declare that the vertuous man ought to be diligent in his affaires, and not slothfull.

[Page 186] Q. What meaneth it, that women are desirous of revenge above all other creatures?

A. Their weaknesse is the cause.

Q. Why were the Persians so curious to accustome their children to avoid lying and to tell the truth?

A. Because they deemed verity to dwell amongst the Gods. And that they ought not to premeditate what to say.

Q. Wherefore ought Intemperance to be avoyded?

A. Because it bringeth with it all disorder, negligence, and inordinate life.

Q. Why doe some praise poverty?

A. Because she teacheth all good manners, nourisheth and maintaineth the good spirit, and causeth assurance in man.

Q. Why is a rich wife to be eschew­ [...]d?

A. Because she doth not content her selfe with the estate of a wife: but would be Mistresse and more then a Mi­stresse.

[Page 187] Q. Why is it better for a Prince to be Ioved, then feared?

A. Because feare cannot alwayes last nor endure.

Q. Why is it said, that in giving of benefits we ought to imitate the fertile f [...]elds?

A. Because they yeeld more then they receive.

Q. Why is delicate fare to be es­chewed?

A. Because it corrupteth good wits.

Q. Why ought no credit to be given to Fortune?

A. Because she is inconstant.

Q. VVhy is it not good to follow the opinion of the common people?

A. Because they judge all things by their opinion, and not according to the truth.

Q. What moved some to give coun­sell indifferently to avoid the conversa­tion of women?

A. Because they bee all equally in­structed in the schoole of malice, as the Comicall Poet Terence affirmeth.

[Page 188] Q. Why ought a man to beware of extreame Poverty?

A. Because it destroyeth good wits.

Q. Why ought unlawfull gaine to be eschewed?

A. Because the end thereof is not good, neither doth such gaine long con­tinue.

Q. Why doe they compare a co­vetous man to him that hath the drop­ [...]

A. Because he is sildome satisfied, and cannot quench the covetous thirst wherewith he is alwayes infected.

Q. What was the cause of the com­ [...]andement that we have to ho [...]our Princes?

A. Because they are on earth a repre­sentation and lively Image of God, who governeth all things.

Q. Why did the Persians make their children behold the orders and fashions of Drunkards?

A. To teach them to abhorre Drun­kennesse, by seeing the disordinance fa­s [...]ions of those that were drunke.

[Page 189] Q. Why did the Ancients say, that it were much better to fall into the hands of Ravens then of Flaiterer [...]?

A. Because Ravens and Crowes doe eate us when we be dead, but Flatterers doe devoure us alive.

Q. Why is it not seemely for a man to praise or dispraise himselfe?

A. Because the one is a signe of folly, the other of inconstancy.

Q. Wherein resteth true Amity?

A. In the unity and equality [...] minds, by following and refusing, lo­ving and hating one thing. Amity is like to the Sun of the world: without which all things are darke and out of order.

Q. How may a true friend be knowne?

A. By things uncertaine.

Q. Who be they that doe least feare death?

A. They that least trouble them­selves with worldly things.

Q. What thing getteth friends?

A. Good fortune getteth them, and ill fortune loseth them▪

Q. What difference is there between [Page 190] friendship and hatred?

A. The one ought to be immortall, and the other is mortall.

Q. Which is the best patrimony that man can have in this world?

A. To be spare and continent in living: and if our goods be not sufficient for us, let us be sufficient for our goods.

Q. What kind of avarice or cove­tousnesse is counted most honest?

A. The covetousnesse of time, when it is imployed as it ought to be.

Q. What is the state of the rich co­vetous man?

A A continuall torment, and an ex­treame d [...]sire to get goods together, with feare of losse of the same.

Q. How may a man truly tearme temporall riches?

A. Heavinesse of mind, snares, and n [...]ttes to catch us: and thornes that pierce through the heart.

Q. What chanceth to sluggards, and to the flothfull?

A. To live barely, and to rest with­out profit.

Q. What is the property of [...]ortune?

[Page 191] A. To feare the mighty, and to [...]read under feet the simple.

Q. Why have the Ancients praised temperance above all things?

A. Because temperance encreaseth the pleasure that may be had in delect­able things.

Q. Why is the idle and delicate life to be blamed?

A. Because with pleasure it bring­eth a thousand sorrowes.

Q. Why did the Ancients so much commend the countrey life?

A. Because it is the mistresse of fru­gality, diligence and Iustice.

Q. VVhy is a Ieaster or Parasite so displeasant?

A. Because they have but one song oftentimes reciting their lyes and jeasts.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that the AE­ gyptians did cut off their skinne before their members?

A. To keepe them more cleane.

Q. Who be they that indeed are estee­med happy in thi [...] world?

A. They that can live and dispatch [Page 192] [...]heir affaires without danger: and in [...]st to live in honour.

Q. Which is the first point to attaine [...]sedome?

A. For a man to know himselfe: and the more difficult it is, the more profita­ble.

Q. In what sort should a man behav [...] [...]imselfe in other mens affaires?

A. In such sort as he forget not his [...]wne.

Q. Whilest we be young, what thing [...]ght we most to remember?

A. That one day we shall be old.

Q. What is he that liveth well?

A. He that boasteth not himselfe [...]ereof.

Q. After what sort ought the igno­ [...]nce of youth to be corrected?

A. By the wisedome of the old.

Q. What is he that is brave indeed?

A. He that can exalt himselfe.

Q. VVhat is the property of a glori­ [...] man?

A. R [...]ther to abhorre death, then to desire life.

[Page 193] Q. How doth vertue encrease?

A. Through perills and adver [...]ty.

Q. How may one avoid advers [...] ty?

A. By patience.

Q. How should we preserve [...] goods, and become subject to the inconstancy of Fortune?

A. In giving them to our friend [...] and in making participation thereof [...] mongst those that wish well to us.

Q. To whom is Poverty noy some [...]

A. To him that suffereth not th [...] same patiently.

Q. VVhat is the sauce that appert [...] neth to travell?

A. That is rest.

Q. Why is Fortune painted blind?

A. Because she blinderh her pur [...] ers.

Q. What thing is very easie to be gotten, and very hard to be kept?

A. Good Fortune.

Q. VVhat is he that is free indeed?

A. He that doth not beastly [...] himselfe to his affections.

[Page 144] Q. What is it tha [...] maketh an evill [...]an?

A. Too much Liberty.

Q. What ought he to learne above [...] things that desire [...] to raigne and go­ [...]erme?

A. To sustaine Envie, with great [...]urage.

Q. What is that which most of all [...]th overthrow Princes?

A. The poyson of flattery.

Q. How be true Friends got­ [...]?

A. With Fidelity and like du­ [...].

Q. VVhat is that which so sildome found together, and rests in one per­ [...]?

A. Beauty with chastity, wisedome and riches, youth and continence, Age [...]ithout Jealousie.

Q. What is that which men call [...]?

A. It is the death of the memory, [...]yson for man, corruption of beauty [...]dvertue, and the flower of age.

Q. What is he that cannot speake?

[Page 195] A. He that knoweth not how to ho [...] his peace.

Q. Where is it most s [...]cially req [...] [...]it for a man to hold his peace?

A. At the Table.

Q. What is the true Image of [...]

A. The speech.

Q. What kind of man is most [...] hated?

A. Those which use reproach.

Q. To whom ought a man to [...] good?

A. Neither to old men, nor [...] young children because young [...] dren doe forget good turnes done u [...] them, before they come to the age [...] knowledge: and old men doe forg [...] them by and by.

Q. What manner of life liveth a [...] without learning?

A. The life of a dead man, or of s [...] a one that liveth in darknesse.

Q. What things be those that sti [...] vs most to vertu?

A. The love of glory, and feare blame.

Q. How may true glory be nouris [...]

[Page 196] A. By doing much, and speaking [...]tle.

Q. How doe Common-wealths begin [...] encrease and flourish?

A. They encrease by unity, and are [...]verthrowen by dissension.

Q. VVherefore did Hieron demand [...]f [...]imonides what thing God was, and [...]every time he tooke a great pause to [...]ake him answere?

A. To declare that God was infinit [...]nd incomprehensible.

Q. Wherefore is it better, according [...] the opinion of Themistocles, to give [...]he Daughter in marriage to a poore [...]an being honest, then to a rich man fill conditions?

A. Because it is better to marry a man without money, then money without a man.

Q. What is it that maintaineth Common-wealths?

A. Penalty and reward.

Q. What is the most pestilent thing [...]hat can be in man?

A. Love of our selves, and delight our selves.

[Page 197] Q. VVhy ought anger to [...] voide and eschewed?

A. Because it is the enemie of goo [...] counsell.

Q. And why Ryot?

A. Because it is vile and unseemely [...] all ages and degrees.

Q. Why ought humane things [...] despised?

A. Because there is no constancy [...] stedfastnesse in them.

Q. VVherefore is courage of heart [...] much esteemed: that is to say, constant­ly to sustaine and beare all sorrowes a [...] calamities that may chance?

A. Because it is not inferiour to wa [...] like bravery and courage. Whereof ma­ny times the very Souldier himselfe ha [...] need.

Q. VVherefore is equity and justi [...] [...]nable and meet in a Prince about all things?

A. Because it establisheth Kingdomes, and maketh Kings to raigne.

Q VVhy ought pleasure to be con [...] [...]emned?

A. Because continually she is accom [...]nied [Page 198] with sorrowes.

Q. What meaneth the Swanne, when [...] is neare vnto his death, to fing better then at any other time?

A. By natures teaching, to declare that benefit wee receive by death, which openeth unto us the Gate of eter [...]all Life.

Q. Why have the wise men of old [...] compared our life to a stage Play Tragedy?

A. For that many times the worst [...] of men doe occupy the places of the [...], as oftentimes wee see in such ca­ [...]

Q. Why doe we hate poverty?

A. Because poverty ca [...]seth many to [...]er out of the right way, who rather [...] they would be constrained to beg [...] sterve for hunger, apply themselves [...] and murther.

Q. Wherefore was Gold first found [...]?

A. For the destruction of man. Where they be so covetous, that they care into adventure each danger for [...] of the same, according to the [...]rue [Page 199] verse of Ʋirgill the Father of [...]ts.

Quid non mortalia Pectora cogit Auri sacra sames?

Q. Wherefore is Gold so pale?

A. For feare of so many dangers [...] ambushments planted by man to rec [...] ver the same.

Q. Why were women forbidden w [...] in the old time?

A. Because wine provoketh leach [...] and is noysome unto the sense and [...] derstanding.

Q. Why were the Magistrates [...] forbidden the same?

A To the intent their braine sho [...] be good and strong, righteously to [...] termine and judge.

Q. But why were the Souldier [...] men of warr [...] forbidden from [...] same?

A. That by too much drinking the [...] should not sleepe, and by that meane [...] occasion of advantage might bee [...] from the enemy.

[Page 200] Q. What [...]eaneth th [...] saying, that [...]atune doth captivate and blind the [...]derstanding?

A. That is when one maketh no re­stance unto her, but suffere [...]h, her to [...] at her pleasure.

Q. VVhy [...] Bacchus tearmed to be foolish God?

A. Because he maketh them fooles that [...]ste too much of his liquour.

Q. Why be rich men most commonly [...]ked, and those that be good men not [...]?

A. Goodnesse seeketh them that bee [...], in them to fixe its sure and long [...]tation.

Q. Shamefastnesse either in man or [...]a [...], what is it properly?

A. The bridle and bit that restraineth [...] appeti [...]s.

Q. What vice blotted the great libe­ [...]lity and patience in adversity of Mar­ [...] Antonius?

A. Play, Drunkennesse, Surfetting, [...] too much familiarity with his [...]shold Servants.

Q. VVhat made Iulius Caesar the first [Page 201] Emperour of Rome so beloved of [...] Souldiers?

A. The not telling and counting [...] his Souldiers prey, causing every one of them to take what he list.

Q. What moved Polign [...]tus to cause at his owne costs and [...]harges the whole warres of Troy to be painted?

A. The ardent desire he had to immortalize his name.

Q. Wherefore was Aurelius that ex­cellent Painter in Rome, counted to [...] infamous?

A. Because he mingled Whores [...] Drabb [...]s among the heavenly Godd [...] ses, so farre was he enamoured with [...] mery tricks.

Q. Why is it so much requisit to ch [...] a good Nurse for a Child?

A. Because the body doth not one re [...]eive the substance of the milke, [...] the spirits also doe feele it.

Q. Whereof commeth it that [...] Romanes did not see their Children vntill th [...]y were of the age of [...] yeares?

A. Bec [...]use they would not that [...] [Page 202] [...]ould come home to them, before they [...]d learned to honour them. The French [...]n were more diverse, for they would not see their Children untill they were strong to handle weapons.

Q. Why did they forbid their children the company of Ruffians, Ieasters, Bab­lers, and all such Ribalds?

A. To the intent they should not [...]arne to give themselves to dishonest, pleasures, and to forget the good nature, wherewith they were endued, which in the end would be the destruction both of their body and soule.

Q. What ought the tales and com [...] [...]ications be that are had with Chil­dren?

A. They ought to have some sem­ [...]ance of truth: and above all things [...]ey must not be fearefull unto them, [...]or superstitious.

Q. Why were the Pensions received [...] Princes, abolished in many Ci­ [...]s?

A. Because there is nothing that [...]th sooner corrupt the perso [...] the [...] [...]ts: for they engender great suspi [...]ion [Page 203] in them, that doe receive them. Deme­sthenes for receiving of bribes of Ar­palus King of Persia, was chased out of Athens.

Q. Why were Coriolanus and Themi­stocles so much against their owne Country?

A. For the ingratitude of their Citi­zens, who denyed them both their due honors. Caesar also because his Country men denied him his well deserved tri­umph, became enemy to his Coun­try.

Q. Why was Cato of many men coun­ted a foole?

A. Because he rather chose voluntary death, then to yeeld himselfe into the hands of Caesar, who sought no other thing of him but friendship, and was minded to pardon him all his injuri [...] past.

Q. VVhy did Scipio take heed of going rashly to the Skirmish and Com| bat?

A. He knew well that by his nativity he was appointed to be Generall of Al­miea: and not a simple Souldiour▪ [Page 204] [...]herefore hee behaved himselfe acco [...] ­ [...]ing to the Majesty of that Office, and a like a private Souldiour.

Q. VVhy was Demetrius reprehended [...]en he desired to have the surname of [...] that had broken the first ranke of [...] enemies?

A. The true title of a Prince is rather [...]he just then mighty: and ought ra­ [...]er to resemble God by vertue, then the Lyonby force.

Q. VVhy did Plato refuse to reduce the Common [...]-wealth of the Cirenians, [...]to good order and discipline?

A. Because the aboundance of riches [...]d made it too licentious.

Q. Where of came it, that Marius, Vi­ [...]tus, and Ventidius Bassus, were so [...]cellent in armes, and did suffer [...] patiently the labours of the [...]res?

A. The one was a labourer, the other [...]epheard, and the third was a horse­ [...]per, whereby all three were used to [...] travell, to paine, to heate and cold, [...] to sparenesse of life.

Q. What is the [...]rue duty of a Prince?

[Page 205] A. To make his Subjects to live [...] q [...]et [...]y and godly, which thing he cau [...] doe, if he himselfe be not good, just, [...] vertuous.

Q. What difference is there betweene the equall and just Prince, and the Ty­rant?

A. The one useth the office of a man▪ the other of a beast. The Prince serveth as a Father to his Subjects: the Tyrant devoureth them.

Q. Why bee men naturally afraid to rebell or encounter with a Prince?

A. Because that (after the mind [...] Hesiodus) the Prince is established by God.

Q. Thinke you that God hath any regard of things to come?

A. There is nothing more certaine. Romulus testifieth the same, being re [...] cued from the water, and nourished with the milke of a Wolfe: Abidus nourished with the milke of a Hind: and Cyru [...] of a Goate.

Q. Is it any marvell then, [...] though the Persians did worship them [...] Gods?

[Page 206] A. No truly. Moreover Ho [...]er and [...]siodu [...] doe affirme [...] that principality [...] government is▪ a gift proceeding [...] given unto men, thereby to [...] the power of God.

Q. What is that which maketh a [...] wicked?

A. To thinke that it is lawfull for him to doe all things, and that all wic­kednesse is sufferable, having power [...] doe what he list. His great wealth and abundance may bee also the occasion, and flatterers, evill Ministers, and truell [...] of warre, such as attend about his person.

Q. Which is the hardest thing for him to doe?

A. Dioclesian the Emperour said: to know perfectly how to use himselfe [...] his Kingdome.

Q. Why are civill [...]arres so greatly [...] be commanded?

A. Because hee that hath the [...] and doth not onely what he listeth but [...] they that take his part doe the [...]me.

Q. Why bee Princes esteemed [Page 207] like vnto God?

A. As God considereth the affection of man, even so the liberall and [...]n [...]nimous Prince ought to consider [...] heart and power of him that doth him service?

Q. VVhy was the liberality of Zeuxis reprehended of the ancients?

A. Because he gave to receiue twist the value.

Q. Whereof proceeded the custome that the Kings of Persia had, to give gold and silver to all women that they [...], and [...] Darts and Ar­rowes?

A. Gold and silver is convenable to women: and weapons to men.

Q. Why did Plato in his lawes forbid that any God should be made, either of gold or silver?

A. Because hee deemed those mettals to be the very poyson of the world?

Q. Why did the Kings of Pers [...] [...] to reward women that brought forth many male children?

A. Because they filled the Country [Page 208] [...] Souldiers, which served for the [...]servation of the same.

Q. How was Caesar hea [...]ed of the [...] evill?

A. By sobriety and abstinence from [...]vine.

Q. Why have many wise men studied [...]be obscure in their writings?

A. To astonish dull wits at the first [...]ght, thereby to encourage the studious [...] search the mysteries and secrets of the [...]he.

Q. How long is it lawfull for a man [...] desire to live?

A. So long as a man is out of hatred and necessity.

Q. Where ought true pleasure to be [...]ught?

A. In our selves, and not in o­ther.

Q. Why is moderation so much com­manded?

A. Because it encreaseth plea­sure.

Q. Why did Epaminon [...]as make so [...]tle preparation in a feast that he made [...] certaine Embassadours?

[Page 209] A. To declare that they that can [...] be rich and suffer poverty, may [...] be corrupted, with money if it be [...] red.

Q. What is most to be feared [...] City?

A. Hunger.

Q. How may a man enrich himselfe?

A. By forsaking his appetites.

Q. How may we live joyfully?

A. By putting our trust in thing that never shall have end.

Q. How should a man be master [...] himselfe?

A. By amending that fault in himselfe, which hee espyeth in another.

Q. What ought they to eschew [...] are in prosperity?

A. Hatred.

Q. What is the property of a [...]?

A. To apply well his time.

Q. Where [...] the f [...]licity [...] man?

A. In the quiet state of the min [...]

[Page 210] Q. What manner of thing is Huma­ [...]?

A. It is a vertue joyned with good [...]ction: or rather, a benevolence [...]ed and tempered with dexteri­ [...].

Q. What manner of thing is Mer­ [...]?

A. It is an affection of the spirit joy­ [...] with Humanity.

Q. VVhat thing is facility?

A. It is a vertue, which easily ma­ [...]th a man to engender friendship with [...]ers, and doth long maintaine the [...].

Q. What be they that were [...] facility?

A. Philip, and Alexander his Son: [...] shewing the same to Dimocrates, [...] Architect.

Q. What is Faith?

A. It is such a godly vertue, that all [...]her vertues without the same, is no­thing. Without faith wisedome is folly. [...]perance is displeased, Force is an­cient, and Justice is turned into cru­ [...]

[Page 211] Q. Of all the Ancients, who w [...] most excellent in that vertue?

A. Sextus Pompeius, Sonne of Pom­peius the great, Alexander and Scipio.

Q. Why did Nature make man naked and unarmed?

A. Nature having made man wise, hath given him meanes enough, where­by to arme himselfe at his pleasure, and to use at one time sundry kinds of wea­pons.

Q. Where of commeth it, that all men commonly are not wise?

A. The length of the body com­meth of great moystnesse and heat [...] but drynesse engendereth wisedome in man.

Q. VVhereof proceedeth it, that Iul­ges, and Advocates are more reverenc [...] of their Clients, then Physitians [...]ee of their Patients?

A. The g [...]in [...] and hope of Clients dependeth upon the Judges and Advo­cates: but the [...]pe of the sicke depen­deth not onely of the Physitian, but ra­ther of God.

Q. Why did the Ancients call [...] [Page 212] falling evill, the disease of Hercu­les

A. Because Hercules was subject [...]eunto.

Q. What is the office of a thrifty [...]?

A. To remember that which [...]past, and to thinke upon that to [...]me.

Q. How may a man live godly?

A. To thinke every day to be the last [...]y of his life.

Q. Why should a man take more care [...]or his soule, then for his bo­ [...]

A. Because the perfection of the [...]le maketh the imperfection of the [...]dy: and the beauty or force of the [...]dy maketh the soule never the bet­ter.

Q. Where lyeth the seate of our life?

A. In Wisedome, Strength, and Magnanimity: for there is neither wind nor tempest that can shake them.

Q. What difference is betweene af­f [...]ction, and good will?

[Page 213] A. Affection is a generall inclination of the spirit, which induceth a man [...]loue: and maketh him sorry, if the [...] chance any thing evill unto him who [...] he loveth. But goodwill is shewed, wher [...] being moved with affection, we endea­vour our selves to shew pleasure unto them whom we love: in such sort that goodwill is the effect of the affection.

Q. How shall the vertue of man bee knowne?

A. By adversity: as Gold by the fire.

Q. Wherefore is a plurality of Princes evill, and not to be suffered.

A. All that which may be done by one, is better done, then when it is do [...] by many. Moreover, if a Kingdome be turned into Tyranny, the Tyranny [...] one is more sufferable, then of many, and to be short, the raigne of one is [...] best.

Q. From whence came the custom [...] not to name the new borne, before th [...] seventh day?

A. Because they esteemed the child [...] [Page 214] [...] dayes of age to have escaped the [...]ger.

Q. VVhy did the Aegyptians, desi­ [...] to live chast eate no sault?

A. Because through the heat thereof, provoketh Leachery.

Q. Why doth Homer call salt a di­ [...] thing?

A. Because it giveth taste to all meat, [...] preserveth the same from stinking, [...] hath a force and vertue genera­ [...]e.

Q. VVherefore be we afraid to passe [...]ough a Church-yard?

A. Because it representeth our [...].

Q. How was the Common-wealth [...] Sparta so long time maintai­ [...].

A. Some imputed the cause to the [...]gistrates, which knew well how to [...]mand, some to the people, because [...] knew how to obey.

Q. Who was the cause of the great story that the Lacedemonians obtai­ [...] against the Illyrians?

A. The presence of their King, which [Page 215] was but a child, perswaded thereunto [...] the counsell of their priests.

Q. What caused the Kingdome [...] Persia so much to flourish?

A. Xenophon saith, that it was the great love that they bare to th [...] King.

Q. What thing is hardest for a ma [...] to doe?

A. To be secret. Which Philippi [...] affirmed, when he besought Lysimach [...] his friend not to reveale his se [...]crets.

Q. VVherefore was it written before the Gates of the Temple of Apollo a Delphos: Know thy selfe?

A. To induce us to know that spark of Divinity which God hath placed i [...] us, whereby we know that God hath done all things.

Q. VVherefore is it said, that ther [...] is nothing that may better resemble th [...] Kingdome of Heaven, then the state [...] a Monarchy?

A. Because there is but one God which alone doth raigne and gove [...] all things.

[Page 216] Q. Of what sort of men ought a [...] to be chosen in a Common­ [...]th?

A. He ought to be noble of blood, ought to be vertuous, rich, and puis­ [...]in armes.

Q. Doe you thinke it to be requisit [...] a Lieutenant Generall of an Army, [...]ght to be, not onely valiant and wise, [...] also happy and fortunate?

A. I thinke doubtlesse that hee [...]ght to be fortunate. The ill fortune [...] Pompeius may very well avouch the [...].

Q. What is the principall duty of a [...]nd Prince?

A. To seeke meanes that his people [...] well instructed.

Q. What was the cause of the evill [...]ds of Sardanapalus and Nero?

A. The number of Flatterers in their [...]urts, Ieasters, Parasites, Bawdes, [...]hores, Ruffians, and all sortes of peo­ple disposed to vice, where the wise and [...]ve were expulsed and driuen a­ [...]

Q. Why would King Cyrus that Xeno­phon [Page 217] should bee alwayes in his comp [...] ny?

A. To give him counsell in thou [...] faires of his Realme. For Xenephon wa [...] not onely wise, but also valiant and well instructed in the deeds of warre.

Q. Wherefore would Alexander the great, that Onoficrates should alwayes accompany him in the warres?

A. To enroll and register his act [...] and deeds.

Q. Whereof ought a Prince princ [...]pally to take heed?

A. Not to change his bounty an [...] goodnesse for any occasion that [...] happen, nor yet to encline his eares [...] flatterers.

Q. VVhat is the chiefest cause of [...] Princes overthrow?

A. Flattery, more then force [...] armes.

Q. What is he indeed that may truly be called happy in this world?

A. The vertuous man of mean [...] wealth.

Q. VVhereunto serve riches?

A. To make the mind quiet and con [...]t, [Page 217] without which contentation, there [...]ho happinesse or felicity in this [...]ld. But how can hee be in rest and [...] that hath not wherewith to buy [...]bread.

Q. What caused Alcibiades to be so [...], contrary to the nature of the A­ [...]nians?

A. His Nurse Amilea, which was a [...]rtan woman.

Q. What mooved Diogenes comming [...] Sparta and going to Athens, to say: [...]at he came from men, and was going [...]wards women?

A. Thereby he reprehended the de­ [...]ts of Athens, which made them effe­ [...]ate and womanish.

Q. Which is most requisite, either [...] the souldiers should defend the wall the wall the souldiers?

A. It is better, that the souldiers should [...]end the wall.

Q. What is the poyson of friendship?

A. Flatterie.

Q. What manner of Nurses ought [...] to be which are chosen for Princes [...]dren?

[Page 218] A. Faire, well conditioned, sage [...] discreet, pleasant, curteous, amiable, chaste, healthy, and of good complexion, eloquent, their speech fine and neat, that the child may learne to pronounce well.

Q. What is the surest guard of a Prince?

A. The good will of his subjects: For that Prince is vnhappy which for the surety of his person had need of sor [...] and diversities of guard and watch.

Q. VVhat is justice?

A. The honour and glory of the [...] that doe the same, and a great benefit vnto them, vpon whom the same [...] executed.

Q. VVhereby shall a man know when a Prince beginneth to be a Ty­rant?

A. When forcible he draweth vnto him the service of his people.

Q. VVhat caused Theseus to be so v [...] ­liant?

A. The great fame and renowne [...] Hercules enflamed him, to make [...] name immortall.

[Page 219] Q. How may a man be like unto [...]?

A. In doing good to many indiffe­ [...]ntly, and not to one alone.

Q. What is the greatest shame that [...] can receive?

A. To be surpassed in honesty, cur­ [...]esie, and humanity, by those which be [...]ur inferiours.

Q. How did Philip King of Mace­ [...]n gaine and winne all Grecia?

A. By Gold and silver more then by [...]rce of armes, for he was wont to say; that there was no force or Castle, were [...] never so inexpugnable, but he would take upon him to subdue it, if so be an [...]sse laden with Gold were able to enter [...]he gates.

Q. What kind of Tragedies ought [...] not to reade?

A. Those which containe nothing [...]se but things that bee proud, cruell, and full of inhumanity. But those wee ought specially to reade which be ho­nest and full of grave Sentences, inter­ [...]ced with pleasant talke, as the Tragi­ [...]ies of Euripides, and Sophocles be.

[Page 220] Q. Why ought wee indifferently [...] reade all kind of Poets?

A. Because with marvellous sweet­nesse of language, they entermeddle the Graces with the Muses: whereof it came that Aelius Comodus the Emperor, was so farre in love with Martiall, that hee termed him to be his Virgil.

Q. Are men to be commended for their corporall beauty sake?

A. No: But for their vertue, wise­dome, counsell, and force, which de­clare what manner of minds they have within.

Q. What caused Driopas the Athe­nian to establish this Law: That who­soever had conceived any evill opinion of God, should have his head cut off?

A. Because there is no worse thing then to have an evill opinion of him, which hath made and mainteineth all things.

Q. What manner of thing is [...]li­gion?

A. It is the true knowledge of Gods owne service.

Q. Wherefore did Alcibiades reject [Page 221] all kind of Musicke, saving when he was at the Table at his meales?

A. Because Musicke provoked him to conceiue delight familiarly to talke at the Table.

Q. A strange Question, whereof I [...]ould faine be resolved. One Stesicho­rus lying in his Cradle, a Nightingale lighted on his mouth, and sung vpon the same?

A. It was a presage that Stesichorus should prove an excellent singer.

Q. What profit bringeth Musick to him that hath delight in the same?

A. It sharpeneth the spirit, not one­ly to know the harmonie of the voyce, but also it maketh the person to have a better judgement to indite either in [...] or prose.

Q. What is true Philosophy?

A. The knowledge of goodnesse, and how to live well.

Q. What caused the Poets to vse so [...]ny fictions and inventions?

A. To allure men to abandon their [...]barous conditions and brutish be­haviours, and to turne themselves to [Page 222] vertue and exercises.

Q. What was the cause of the death of Cinna?

A. Because hee was cruell towards his Souldiers, and constrained them to fight perforce and by compulsion.

Q. What is Patience?

A. A voluntary sufferance in things difficult, for love of honour and profit.

Q. VVhat is Constancy?

A. It is a vertue which conserveth good counsell, and maketh a man per­severe in honourable deeds.

Q. What is Opinion?

A. It is a stay fixed either in deed [...] word, which maketh vs obstinately [...] follow our fancy, although it be without reason: onely to be superior in all con­troversies.

Q. What is Iustice?

A. After the mind of the ancient Poets, it is a celestiall vertue powred down from God into our spirits, that [...] might the better honour, love and san [...]ctifie him as author of all things: an [...] therefore Princes were, for good respect called of Homer, Iupiters schollers.

[Page] Q. What is the property of Iustice?

A. To love and honour God above all things: and our neighbour as our selfe.

Q. How many kinds of Iustice bee there?

A. Foure, that is to say: Divine, Na­turall, Civill, and Judiciall.

Q. Of what things is the world go­uerned?

A. By reward and punishment.

Q. What is divine Iustice?

A. It is that which maketh vs to acknowledge God to be our Creator, the beginning and end of all things, and him of whom all creatures receive life, without participation of mortall things.

Q. What is naturall Iustice?

A. It is alwayes one in all men, and varieth nothing through the diversity of Regions and Nations: being alwaies convenable to Nature. And as divine Iustice sheweth the duty towards God: even so naturall Iustice is subject to the satisfaction of nature. The Disci­ples of Socrates affirmed, that na­turall [Page 224] Justice is a knowledging [...] and just things, and agreeable to naturall reason: which thing whosoever doth vse, shall become good of himselfe.

Q. What is civill Iustice?

A. Jt is appertaining to a Prince or Magistrate: whose office is to provide [...] that the people be well ruled and gover­ned, and that no harme be done vnto the place whereof he hath the rule.

Q. What is [...] civill Iustice?

A. That consisteth in being reasonable to all men, and to discerne the just from the vnjust.

Q. Why were Achilles and Sylla▪ [...] ­prehended for their victories?

A. Because they were cruell and in­solent towards their enemies, when they had overcome them. The contrary [...] Caesar, Alexander, Hannibu [...], [...] ­nius, and Aege [...], all which [...] greatly praised for their victories.

Q. Before whom is it lawfull [...] man to vaunt himselfe of well doing?

A. Before the valiant, or before [...] that know him not, or have small knowledge what vertue is.

[Page 225] Q. Why was Metellus despised?

A. For being too much desirous to have surpassed Sertorius: to whom not­withstanding he was not comparable in [...].

Q. How ought a man to vse the goods [...] Fortune?

A. That they may become subject to man, and not man to them: following the verse of Horace.

Et mihires non me rebus submittere [...] conor.

Q. Whereof proceeded the saying of Poets, that Mars was armed with Di [...]onds?

A. To declare that a Prince ought to be strong, not in body, but in heart [...] courage.

Q. What is the property of a good Captaine?

A. To be gentle, politique, wise, and witty: not be discouraged in hard fortune, nor inflamed in prosperity. Such was Hanniball. See a further description hereof in the 24. Novell of the Pallace [...] pleasure.

[Page 226] Q. From whence came the great r [...]now [...] that in olde time the Cimbri [...] [...]nd Celtiberians, atchieved in the warres?

A. Because they esteemed the [...] of honour to be in the warres: and had rather fley their owne children, then they should be thrall and taken of their enemies.

Q. Why doe some praise Anger?

A. Because it doth commonly ac­company courage.

Q. How many kinds of Amity bee there?

A. Three, that is to say: profitabl, honest, and delectable.

Q. Why was Dionisius expelled by the Locrences?

A. Because he being curteously re­ceived of them, in the time of his [...]ishment, vsed dishonest orders toward [...] their wives.

Q. Why did Amphitryon give [...] sonne Hercules to Euristeus?

A. To teach him to flye the volu [...]tuousnesse of the Thebanes, and [...] accustome him with honest labo [...] [Page 227] [...] following the vertues of Euristeus

Q. Whereof proceedeth the diffe­rence between one man and another?

A. By digressing from Philosophy. [...] that it riseth through the trayell [...] [...]he soule, when it passeth into our [...]cies, descending from God through the Lodiaque, and the white Circle. In which passage all soules take their affec­tions, and doe participate with all the natures and motions of each Sphere and Starre, according to their aspects.

Q. What is Choler?

A. Jt is an anger soone come, and soone gone, proceeding of a feeble [...]eate.

Q. What is taken of the Planet Sa­ [...]ne.

A. Reason, eloquence, and vnder­ [...]anding, as of Iupiter, force of doing, [...] Mars boldnesse, and of the heate [...] the Sunne, feeling and opinion, and [...] forth.

Q. What is hatred?

A. It is an anger that hath taken [...].

Q. What is discord?

[Page 228] [...] and Morall and politique Question [...],

A. It is a frowardnesse and anger comming of hatred, which maketh men rebellious to the Cōmon-wealth: which indeed, is the destruction of all human [...] things.

Q. What is Concord?

A. It is a vertue, which in short time, maketh small and weake things to grow, as Salust saith [...] cresc [...]?

Q. Why be Flatterers esteemed [...] then those that are fall [...]?

A. Because the false man doth [...] deceive onely, but the Flatterer corrup­teth men▪ and therefore the [...] punished Flatterers by death, as [...]goras was.

Q. VVhat was the cause that [...]igonus lost the most part of his King­dome, and was c [...]nstrained to [...] with th [...] Romanes?

A. Because he gave more [...] Flatterers then to Hunnihall, that [...] him profitable counsell.

Q. What is the office of a good [...]

A. To doe well, and not to caro [...] speake evill of him.

[Page 229] Q. Why had Epaminondas no regard [...] be revenged vpon them that▪ spake will of him?

A. Because he [...] such pati­ [...]nce proceeded of the [...].

Q. What was the cause of the death [...]?

A. His evill life, his lasciviousnesse [...]; and the little justice tha [...] [...] vsed.

Q. Why was Marcellus [...]reated Con­ [...]ull of Rome, with Cato that dyed at [...]

A. To the intent that by the gentle [...] good [...] of Marcellus, the [...] my and rigour of Cato might be moderated.

Q. What caused Nero, to cause the [...] or incontinently to be dispat­ched of life?

A. His naturall cruelty. The contrary rested in Caesar, for reward whereof, in the end hee received [...].

Q. Why is dominion or rule so weigh­ty a matter?

[Page 230] A. Because it is impossible to ple [...] all men.

Q. Why would not Caligula [...] Emperour, heare the accusation of [...] person?

A. Because he would that no [...] should hate him.

Q. What induced Dionisius to [...] over his good nature, wherewith he [...] indued at the first, and to become, [...]r [...]in the end▪

A. The mockes and cavillations his subjects, who mocked him for [...] looking a squint, and for the grosen [...] of his body, which is a notable exam [...] to beware of jesting and backbiting [...] Princes.

Q. Why did the Magnesians cr [...]sle Daffitas the Gramarian, vpon [...] Mount Thorax?

A. Because he did speake ill of man [...] specially of Lysimachus their Prince, [...] deare soveraigne Lord.

Q. What is vertue?

A. It is a perfect & entire reason, whi [...] followeth the minds of the wise, [...] procureth them to shun and avoid [...]

[Page 231] Q. What is Avarice?

A. A disordinate appetite, a cupidi­ [...]in atiable, a disease which infecteth [...] person, making man vile and effe­ [...]nate. But after the opinion of the [...]ikes, Plato declareth that he which [...]ireth to be rich must give over his [...]etites, & heape no treasure together. [...]her Philosophers affirme, that Co­ [...]ousnesse is a disease that poysoneth [...] body, and maketh the mind effemi­ [...], and can never be recovered.

Q. Why was Acchius the King of [...]dia slaine?

A. For his extreame Covetousnesse, [...]ich caused him to make Taxes and [...] Imposts vpon his people, to ga­ [...] together much treasure. Where­ [...] in the end his people did cast him [...] the River Pactolus, which is full of [...] gold, to the intent he might glut [...]elfe with Gold, after which he so [...]ch thirsted. The selfe same vice of co­ [...]ousnesse was the occasion of the [...]th of Crassus, who was slaine by the [...]sians.

Q. What is liberality?

[Page 232] A. To use Riches indifferently, [...] is to say, to spend neither too much, [...] too little; So that it is as it we [...] meane between Covetousnesse and p [...]digality.

Q. Why was Scopas of Thessaly▪ much contemned of the wise in his [...]?

A. Because hee counted hims [...] happie, for that his Counting h [...] was full of those things that [...] profited himselfe, nor yet any other [...].

Q. What is that m [...]k [...]th [...] happie?

A. The bridling of his disordi [...] appetite.

Q. VVhy did Piso reprehend th [...] heral [...]y of the Emperour O [...]ho?

A. Because he gave not his [...] but threw them away. Vertu [...] cas [...] nothing away, Vertue usurpeth noth [...] of any other mans, Vertue hath ne [...] nothing.

Q. Who were they that were [...] ted infamous in Rome?

A. They that spent their goods [...] on dishonest things; and they [...] did, take Fines to enrich thems [...] [Page 233] [...] lawfull meanes.

Q. What was the cause of the evill [...] of Sylla?

A. Because hee grew very rich in [...]ort time, which made him to be sus­ [...]cted of bribery

Q. Why did Plato say, that to live [...]ietly in a City, both riches and po­ [...]ty ought to be expelled?

A. Riches maketh a man proud, and [...]verty induceth him to evill.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that Caesar [...] once blamed for his Liberality?

A. Because being but a private man [...] used disordinate Expences, unmeet [...] his degree. And it is to be noted, [...] that which is prodigality in a pri­ [...]e person, is Magnanimitie in a [...]ince.

Q. How did Nicias obtaine the fa­vour [...] of the people?

A. By spending and giving his [...]ods liberally, although hee was not [...]ry much commended of the Wise. [...]exd [...]er was greatly praised for de­ [...]ing of worldly goods, esteeming his [...] riches to consist in his Friends.

[Page 234] A. Those which are well gotten: an [...] such as doe serve us, and not we the [...]

Q. What is Anger?

A. It is a certaine boyling blo [...] burning in desire to be revenged up [...] him with whom a man is offended, [...] is alwayes accompanied with wrath.

Q. What difference is there betwe [...] anger and wrath?

A. The one consisteth in the [...] the other in the deed; and the one [...] be without the other, even as a [...] may be drunke, and yet notwithsta [...]ding is no Drunkard; that is to say, [...] customed to be overcome with wine.

Q. Why did the Romans ordai [...] that when their armies did prepare [...] encounter, certaine bands should [...] hast to give the on-set, and there [...]all should utter vehement cryes?

A. To astonish the Enemy, and [...] courage their owne Souldiers to [...] more fiercely.

Q. Of what age ought he to be [...] is first trained in the warres, to [...] him perfect in the art of warfare?

[Page 235] A. The younger he is, the more per­ [...] he shal be in Warfare: as witnesseth [...]nniball, who at the age of ten yeares [...]owed his Father Amilcar in the [...]rres. Scipio tooke upon him to be a [...]ldier at 17 yeares of age.

Q. Amongst the ancients, who hath [...] deserved the name of a good and [...]ant Captaine?

A. J am of the opinion of Antigo­ [...], who judged Pirrhus to be the har­ [...]st Captaine that ever served in the [...]res, and most happiest, if fortune had [...]ered him to live out his time.

Q. Why was the Camp of Mars at Rome [...]inted hard by the River of Tyber?

A. To the intent, that after sweating [...] exercise of armes, the youth to wash [...] their sweat and dust, should enter [...] the River, not onely to bathe them­ [...]ves, but also to learne to swim, a thing [...] necessary in a Soldier, as Alexander [...]pented himselfe of nothing so much, [...] for that he never learned to swim.

Q. What causeth Idlenesse?

A. Cato said, that by doing nothing, [...] did learne to doe evill.

[Page 236] Q. From whence came the g [...] hardinesse wherewith Horatius Co [...] was endued, when hee sustained suc [...] fierce assault given by the Enemies [...] the woodden bridge of Tyber at Rom [...]

A. Because he could swimme. [...] by the same meanes Caesar escaped fr [...] his enemies in the warres at Alex [...] ­dria. Sertorius also used the same, [...]| sing the River of Rodanus?

Q. VVhy did the Romans erect [...] Image of Claelia on horsebacke, and [...] otherwise?

A. Because they flying from k [...] Porsenna, shee feared not to passe [...] row the River of Tyber on horseba [...] Or else as some say, because she be [...] sent back againe by the Senate of R [...] to Porsenna, she presented him a [...] Horse richly garnished.

Q. VVhy did Lycurgus make [...] Maydens of Sparta accustomably [...] runne and wrastle naked?

A. To make them the stronger [...] abide the travell of Child.

Q. What ought a man chiefly [...] aske of God, according to the min [...] [...] Philosophers?

[Page 237] A. Good fortune, after a man is en­ [...]d with understanding, how to use [...] same.

Q. What manner of thing is it to be [...]ry just?

A. To have the knowledge of Di­ [...] and humane things.

Q. VVhat is the most grievous dis­ [...] that may happen unto a Prince?

A. To love Flatterers.

Q. VVhy did Agamemnon the King [...]re rather to have in his company ten [...]tors, then tenne Ajaxes?

A. Because the man that is wise, is her to be desired then he that is har­ [...] For that occasion Antigonus desi­ [...] alwayes to have Zeno with him, to [...] him counsell concerning the af­ [...]ts of his Realme.

Q. VVhat bookes ought Princes to [...], that they might learne to bee [...]?

A. Those that give them admonish­ [...]t of their duty; for no man dareth [...]ke unto them that thing without [...] feare, which they may finde in [...]ng.

[Page 238] Q. What was the cause of the gr [...] friendship of Lysimachus towards [...]lippides the Comicall Poet?

A. Because he did not flatter, wh [...] is many times the property both [...] Poet and a Courtier.

Q. What is Pleasure?

A. A recreation of the spirit, pr [...]voking mans mind to thinke to enj [...] any thing, although not grounded [...] on reason; and therefore, it is alwa [...] an enemy to vertue.

Q. What is Ioy or Gladnesse?

A. It is a motion of the spirit, p [...]ceeding of a certaine opinion of a th [...] which we hope to enjoy; and there [...] is unseemely for a man of great est [...] because it troubleth the mind, and [...]seth it to passe the limits of reason.

Q. Is it requisite then to rej [...] with measure?

A. Yea: chiefly to have respect the inconvenience that might hap [...] by too much mirth, as it chanced to th [...] two Roman women, that thought th [...] Children to have beene dead in [...] journey of Cannas, which afterwa [...]enly [Page 239] returned safe, contrary to [...] Mothers expectations; and as it [...]pened to Chilo, who dyed through much Joy.

Q. To what thing ought a man to [...] most regard?

A. To Vertue, then to his Health, [...] that to honest pleasures, and finally [...]iches.

Q. What is Prodigality?

A. It is a perturbation of the mind, [...]inishing vertue: which consisteth spending extraordinarily, and with­ [...] order of reason.

Q. VVhat was the cause of the death Apisius, that wrote so diligently of [...]ery?

A. He killed himselfe with nothing [...]ut gluttony.

Q. What is Ambition?

A. It is a troubling of the mind, so [...]ent, that it consumeth the heart [...] spirit, with great desire to attain to [...] dignity, and honour.

Q. What is it, that a man ought to [...] in this world?

A. All things that are honest.

[Page 240] Q. What is assurance?

A. It is a vertue proper to high [...] lofty minds, which approacheth [...] vnto confidence▪ and the property that vertue, is to make a man alwa [...] looke with a bold and merry coun [...]nance, not studying or taking any [...] for ought that may chance, and prop [...]ly it is a tranquility of the mind, wh [...] unto Phocion greatly exhorted Alex [...]der the great, but in vaine.

Q. What is Magnificence?

A. Jt is a vertue proper onely [...] Princes: because it consisteth in gr [...] and hard things, and great expence [...]

Q. Who is he that worthily may called liberall?

A. Aristotle saith, that it is he wh [...] spendeth his revenue in good ord [...] and vpon things decent.

Q. Is there any difference betw [...] liberality and magnanimity?

A. Great difference: although [...] seeme to be but one. He that is libe [...] ought to have respect how much [...] doth spend, what that thing is [...] that he buyeth, and above all thi [...] [Page 241] [...]at he doe not exceed in expence of [...] revenue. The magnanimous and [...]onourable without any care for pub­ [...]ke expence, hath respect onely how [...] may doe some great and valiant en­ [...]prise.

Q. Who was the most excellent a­ [...]ongst the ancients, to acknowledge and [...]compence a good turne done unto [...]?

A. Pirrhus: of whom it is said, that was thought to have dyed for anger, at he had not time enough to succour [...] of his friends.

Q. What is the nature of an un­ [...]nk full man?

[...] To forget the taste of good turnes [...], if a man doe not persevere still in [...] him good.

Q. Who loveth more, either he that [...] the good tnrne, or he that receiveth [...] same?

A. He tha [...] receiveth a good turne, is [...] to him that doth it. The nature [...]he debter is to shunne the company [...] creditor, and to disdain him when [...]ath not wherewithall to pay him: [Page 244] w [...]nt to despise all other Captaines?

A. Because he was ready in fight, and knew how to defend himselfe.

Q. Why was Philip King of Ma­cedonia so negligent and slow in the warres?

A. Because hee thought it better to overcome his enemy by policy, then with effusion of blood.

Q. How chanced it, that the Lacede­monians, when they had obtained victo­ry by force of armes, did sacrifice a Cock: and when they came upon the enemy by policy, subtilty, or knowledge, they sacri­ficed an Oxe?

A. Because they esteemed policy better then strength.

Q. What vertues appertaine unto strength?

A. Magnanimity, confidence, assu­r [...]ce, valour, constancy, stedfastuesse▪ and patience.

Q. Why was Fabius Maximus crow­ned universally throughout all Italy with Grasse?

A. Because that crowne was ordained for Captaines and Generalls, that could [Page 245] conduct their Souldiers to the warres, and returne with them againe, without losse and effusion of blood. After that sort did Antigonus escape from the fu­ry of Pirrhus?

Q. What ought a man principally to expect in the warres?

A. Opportunity. Which Pelopidas, Pirrhus, and Marcellus, knowing not how to use, arrived very soone to the end of their lives.

Q Why did the Lacedemonians beat their children upon the [...] of Jupi­ter?

A. To use them to be constant, and to endure stripes without making com­plaint.

Q. What was the reason of a Law [...] which was [...]hat the [...]?

A. Because weeping and [...] doe [...]itnesse [...] a [...] faint [...] and effeminate [...]eart.

Q. What meane the Poets to bring in [...]rinces and Knights lamenting the [...] [...]isfortunes?

A. To mocke them secretly, for [Page 240] [...] [Page 241] [...] [Page 242] to pay him: But the credit or desireth none other thing but the health of his debter, whereby, he may find meanes sometime to be paid.

Q. What is Constancy?

A. It is a vertue which properly resisteth sorrow, and is contrary to In­constancy.

Q. What is the property of Continen­cy?

A. To vanquish and subdue the flesh­ly lusts. And although it be a harder matter to vanquish, then to fight and resist: yet the Ancients have better e­steemed the continent man then the constant.

Q. What is Trust?

A. It is a sure hope, and presage [...] a good turne that we hope for, as thoug [...] it, should without all doubt happen un [...]to us.

Q. Why was Chrysippus disdained o [...] all other Philosophers?

A. For his arrogancy▪ for he boaste [...] that he knew all things.

Q. Why was Hippocrates blamed [...] arrogancy?

[Page 243] A. Because hee wrote to Xerx [...]s King of Persia, that he would not utter his knowledge▪ unto barbarous peo­ple.

Q. And why was Zeuxes the Painter also blamed of arrogancy?

A. Because when he had painted Hele­na, hee said that Leda her mother for all that she was gotten with child by Iupi [...]r had not made Helena so faire as he [...] painted her.

Q. How ought a man to behave him­selfe towards his friends?

A. In such sort as a man must thinke that in time to come they might bee enemies: although that Cicero maketh a mocke at that opinion, and saith, that it is the poyson of friendship.

Q. How did Miltiades the Sonne of Cimon of Athens obtaine so great re­nowne?

A. Because there was no man how poore so ever he was, but he would give care to his requests.

Q. Why was Viriatus so much estee­med of the Portugals, who were [Page 244] [...] [Page 245] [...] [Page 246] without danger they durst not doe it openly.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that Alci­biades was in his time compared to the fish called in Italian Polpo?

A. Because he was of a nature so tra­ctable that he could man himselfe to all uses and fashions, like to the fish called Polpo, which taketh his colour of the Sand, where he gravelleth or groundeth himselfe.

Q. Ʋpon what reason did Homer ca [...] certaine people of Thracia halfe men▪ and why did he say, that the house of Protesilaus was imperfect?

A. Because the people of Thracia li­ved without women, and in the house [...] Protesilaus, there were none bnt men▪ The like affirmeth Menander of th [...] Geti or Gothes. But what good can a [...] housholder doe without a woman surely in mine opinion (J speake it no [...] to please women) no more then a ma [...] can live without meate, or continu [...] without cloathing.

Q. Who was the first that taught [...] man to live an active life?

[Page 247] A. [...]: and as Cicero saith, such a life is very agreeable to God.

Q. What is vertue?

A. It is an Harmony, or pleasant ac­cord of Nature, with other good things agreeing thereunto.

Q. VVhat is the chiefest goodnesse, according to the Philosophers opini­on?

A. To feele no kind of sorrow, as Hierom Rhodiotto saith: albeit that the S [...]orques and Epicurians affirme the contrary.

Q. Why is Lycurgus amongst all the Law-makers esteemed the best?

A. Because he did observe and keepe that which hee▪ himselfe commanded.

Q. Why did the Poets faine that Prudence was borne or [...] of the braine of Jupiter

A. To declare that wit and understan­dings (whereof Prudence doth spring) which causeth us to foresee all things undivine.

Q. VVherefore doe the Poets fain [...] Philocteres to bee banished from his [Page 248] Country, and to wander by Hills and Dales, daily weeping and sighing?

A. To declare that there is no sorrow nor accident, how weighty soever it be, which ought to induce man to violate nature, or to kill him­selfe.

Q. Wherein consisteth true force?

A. To abide and support all hard things, and not to imbase his heart in adversity.

Q. Wherefore did the Ancients [...] before they did sacrifice?

A. To declare that all disordinate thoughts proceeding of beastly affecti­ons, be displeasant to God.

Q. For what reason did the ancient Romanes tearme God to be Optimum Maximum, so much to say, right good and very great: And wherefore did they place Optimum before Maximu [...]?

A. The one Epitheton, signifieth ver­tue, and the other puissance or mig [...] yet vertue was alwayes preferred as he chiefest.

Q. What moved Anoxagoras to give all his goods to his friends?

[Page 249] A. The more franckly to play the part of a Philosopher, to yeeld unto heaven our true Country (whereof wee doe take our beginning and issue) the first fruites of our minds and spirits.

Q. What was the cause that Accius the Poet did make a Comedy intituled Il Cavallo Troiano: in English the Trojan horse?

A. A desire he had to reprehend those that are slow of understanding, that were ignorant to use time before neces­si [...]y, and not afterwards when ill for­tune did succeed. Whereof rose the proverbe. Sero sapiunt Phryger?

Q. Wherefore did the Romanes [...]earme Fabius Maximus to be the Tar­g [...]t of the Roman people, and Marcellus the Sword.

A. Because the one gave himselfe to maintaine the Common-wealth, but the other was eger and sharpe to revenge the enemies of the same. And yet both they were set together by the Senates order, that the gravity of the one might moderare the hardinesse of the other.

[Page 250] Q. VVherefore is Pompeius reproved by certaine Historiographers, not to have beene skilfull and wise enough?

A. Because at the journey of Pharsa­lia which he lost, hee left in an Island called Corsu, a puissant Army, where­with he might have stopped the passage of Caesar?

Q. What was the cause of the death of the Emperour Otho?

A. The hazarding of the battell [...] his enemies being as it were in de­spaire.

Q. What difference is there between [...] prudence and vivacity of wit, otherwis [...] called pregnancy of mind, or Sag [...]| city?

A. Prudence giveth good counsell and the pregnant wit comprehende [...] and judgeth the counsell which is mo [...] requisite, the one being necessary f [...] the other.

Q. Wherefore was Paulus Minuti [...] the companion of Fabius, esteemed [...] prudent and wise?

A. Because he tooke counsell of him­selfe in that which he knew, and follow­ed [Page 251] the counsell of others in that which he did not understand esteeming him to be a sot and a beast, that had not good advice in himselfe, and would not obey them that had experience.

Q. What is the duty and property of them which be accounted to be fine wit­ted?

A. To use their wits to each device and quality like unto the fish Balena, which is a great fish in the Sea, having a [...]hole in his head, wherewith hee taketh [...]yre, thrusting forth abundance of wa­ter, sometimes here, and sometimes there.

Q. Why was Lysander so flouted▪ and mocked of his owne people?

A. Because he [...]aunted and boasted himselfe to be the kinsman of Hercules, not doing any sign or token of verrue: [...] all that he did was by trumpery and deceit.

Q. Wherefore was Helanicus of [...]irots so greatly esteemed for his subtil­ [...]y?

A. Because all that he did was for [...]he publike wealth, [...] and not for his [Page 252] owne particular profit.

Q. What is Equanimity, a vertue so much praised?

A. It is a certaine purenesse and constancy of mind, wherewith we con­tinue alike in prosperity and adversity, not being pussed up with pride, or aba­sing our mind. Socrates the Philoso­pher, and Antoninus Pius, the Emperor, was excellent in that vertue.

Q. Where is the seate of the affecti­ons in our bodie?

A. Joy resteth in the splene, Anger [...] the gall, Feare in the heart, Lechery [...] the Liver.

Q. What manner of thing is mode­sty?

A. It is a moderation of our appetite which obeyeth reason.

Q. For what respect did Antioch [...] give so great thankes unto the Roman [...] for leaving him so little a Countrey which before was a King so mighty, [...] Prince puissant?

A. His modesty did him him to u [...] ­derstand, that he was discharged of great burthen, which hindred him [...] ­fore [Page 253] oftentimes from sleepe, from eating and drinking.

Q. Wherein did Tiberius most of all declare his modesty?

A. In that being desired to take his people, he said that it was the office of a good Shepheard to sheare his sheepe, and not to pull of their skinnes.

Q. Dionysius of Siracusa, wherein did hee shew himselfe praise wor­thy?

A. For being so modest, that although he were come to the estate of a King: yet he would not alter the manner of apparell, which he ware when he was a private man.

Q. What manner of thing doe ye call shamefastnesse?

A. It is a certaine passion which ma­keth the person blush, specially in any good and honest matter, and proceeding of a certaine honesty of mind. Many have tearmed it to be the mistresse of comeliuesse, and the mother of hone­sty.

Q. What was the cause of the victory that the Persians had against Astiages?

[Page 254] A. The shame that their wives [...] unto them when they fled from the bat­tell, who seeing them runne away like sheep, lifting up their garments, smoc [...] and all, said unto them, whether will [...] and dastardly men, you [...] dare not stand to the battell. Whither will ye flye: Is there no way left for you, but to pierce againe the wombes o [...] your mothers: Which man like word [...] although proceeding from women mouthes, made that dastardly Nation to returne and gaine the battell.

Q. VVherein appeared the honesty [...] Socrates, so much [...]?

A. Many and sun [...]y wayes: but specially in this point, for when he hea [...] any one talke dishonestly, hee hid hi [...] head with his cloake, untill the oth [...] had done his tale?

Q. What is Abstinence?

A. It is a vertue of the mind, bridl [...] by reason, drawing us from disordina [...] appetites, which we have after the good of this world.

Q. What is Continence?

[Page 255] A. It is a vertue of the mind, which maketh our sensuall appetites subject to reason: so that by Abstinence, cove­tousnesse is refrained: and through Continence, Leachery is chastised.

Q. Who amongst the ancients was esteemed most abstinent?

A. Paulus Emitius, chiefly in the vi­ctory that he atchieved of the Persians: and in the enterprises of Spaine and Macedonia: Lucius Acummius at the overthrow of Corinthe?

Q. And in Continency who hath ex­celled amongst the ancients?

A. Scipio the great, Alexander, and Ca [...]sar?

Q. What is it that made the Corin­thians infamous?

A. Because they sold their Daughters, to enrich themselves.

Q. What was the cause of the defa­ [...]mation of Messalina the wife of Claudi­ [...]s?

A. Her dishonest intemperance and filthy lust, who would not sticke to ad­venture combat with any adventurous Knight.

[Page 256] Q. How did Hieron of Siracusa [...] so great fame, being but the bastar [...] Sonne of a poore labouring man?

A. By great temperance, honest and valour: which did so shine in him that he was made Captaine Genera [...] of the Syracusiant, amongst the Ca [...]thaginians: and in the end he beha [...]ved himselfe so well, that he was ma [...] King.

Q. What things are very [...]?

A. Those, which without respec [...] either of profite or commodity, [...] deserve of themselves to bee commen [...]ded. And honesty is no other thing, [...] a provocation alwayes to doe vertuo [...] deeds.

Q. What was the cause of the glor [...] of Theseus?

A. The affection that he had to follo [...] the vertues of Hercules: which cause him continually to be troubled both [...] body and mind.

Q. In what vertue did Pompon [...] Atticus excell?

A. In modesty, the companion [...] [Page 257] honesty. Such also were Hanniball, Publius Surus, Anaxilaus, Epictetus, [...]nd King Philip of Macedonia.

Q. VVhat is the profit of Chasti­ty?

A. To rule and governe the affecti­ [...]ns of the mind, to chase away all disor­ [...]nate appetites, to counterpoise riot [...]ith reason, and in all things to bee [...]onstant.

Q. What difference is there betweene hastity and shamefastnesse?

A. Chastity is a generall chastisement four affections, be it either leachery, [...], or covetousnesse. But shame­ [...]nesse is tryed onely in containing [...] leachery. Those women then that [...] chaste, are such as have not commit­ [...]d offence, neither in body nor thought, at the shamefast are those which have [...] to doe with any man but with [...] owne husbands.

Q. How did Evagoras King of Cy­ [...]s obtaine so great renowne?

A. By not deceiving any man for [...]ping of his promise, gratifying his ends, for his valour, for being enemy [Page 258] to vice, and all evill thoughts.

Q. What is moderate sparing pro­perly?

A. It is a vertue neare unto modesty which is so necessary unto man, th [...] without it, he falleth into many vices, causeth man to spend nothing superflu [...]ously, and to spare nothing that is ne­cessary to be spent.

Q. How may we godlily encrease [...] goods?

A. By moderate sparing, and by tif [...] i [...] the earth.

Q. What is sobriety?

A. It is a vertue that ruleth drink [...] and eating: without which, other v [...]tues are obscure.

Q. How may that man become [...] that is insatiable in drinking and [...]?

A. By considering the follies which they doe that are drunke.

Q. Why did the Lacedemonians [...] in their Feasts alwayes to cause one [...] be made drunke, for example unto the [...] children?

A. To make their children to abhor [...] [Page 259] beastly vice.

Q. How ought a man to drinke?

A. With such moderation that hee [...]ay abate his thirst: avoyding drun­ [...]ennesse, the disease of the head and sto­ [...]acke, which continually doe follow [...]e same.

Q. What did obscure the great ver­ [...]es of King Philip and Alexander the [...]eat, his Sonne?

A. Drunkennesse: the like hapned [...]so to Cyrus the lesse, to Cato, Proma­ [...]us, and to the Sonne of Cicero.

Q. What signifieth wine so disordi­ [...]tely taken?

A. The blood of the earth, converted [...] to poyson.

Q. What made Masinissa of such [...]eat estimation?

A. Sobriety, and his being content [...]ith such victualls, as the meaner Soul­ [...]ers used to eate. And by that sobriety [...] behaved himselfe so well, that at [...]urescore and sixe yeares of age, he be­ [...]t a child, and at fourescore and [...]velve, he vanquished the Carthagini­ [...]s?

[Page 60] Q. Why did Solon ordaine that man should lye with his wife but th [...] times in a moneth onely?

A. To accustome his people by li [...] and little to shamefastnesse: a thi [...] that advanceth not onely women, [...] also men.

Q. How may a man avoid all hor [...]ble and fear efnll things?

A. By vertue: by which thing on [...]ly, most cruell Tyrants have beene [...] formed.

Q. VVherefore did Democritus [...] out his eyes?

A. To the intent he might not [...] the prosperity and insolency of [...] Country men, which lived without [...] stice, and all king of vertue.

Q. What priviledge have brave [...] valiant men?

A. To be none of fortunes sub [...]jects.

Q. Is it possible to find perfect val [...] in one man alone?

A. Homer thinketh not so, a [...] holdeth opinion, that force and val [...] in respect of other vertues in the sa [...] [Page 261] many times receive certaine furious [...]ults. Likewise hee supposeth that, [...]e be many kinds of valour: for he [...]seth Achilles for his anger, and [...]sses for his wisedome.

Q. Why is it requisite for a Souldier [...] Cholericke?

A. Because Choler stirreth up the [...]rt, and enflameth the spirit. That is [...]ce, saith Homer, which entreth in at [...] nose, and chafeth the bloud.

Q. Amongst morall vertues, which [...] he best?

A. I thinke it to be force, which by vertue maketh a man not to feare [...]th in an honourable enterprise, and [...]ueth his heart to justice and wife­ [...]me.

Q. Who was the first that rewarded [...]ur with precious gifts?

A. Bacchus was the first that gave [...]sents unto valiant Souldiers, [...] as [...]ownes, Speares, Chaines, Victories, [...]ures, and Helmets.

Q. How did the wise define that [...]tue?

[...]. Diversly. The Disciples of Socrates [Page 262] said, that it was a vertue, which will▪ man not to feare adverse fortune: [...] whom agreed Chrysippus. The Stoiq [...] said, that it was an affection of the pa [...]sionate mind, which made them obe [...]ent to the lawes without any feare. T [...] Schollers of Plato said, that it is a s [...] and stedfa meanes to chase aw [...] and receive (when time serveth) [...] things which seeme horrible. Aristo [...] faith, that it is a meane betweene hard [...]nesse and feare.

Q. What maketh a man to be [...] and valiant?

A. Desire of honour and g [...]ry.

Q. Itainus the Souldier of Antigon [...] did he despise death for glories sake?

A. No: but was content to dye, [...]cause being a very wicked person, [...] abhorred life.

Q. What meaneth it that Timothe [...] the Musitian, alwayes when he li [...] could cause Alexander the great to en [...] battell, and take upon him armes [...] weapons, and yet could never move [...] braine of Sardanapalus?

[Page 263] A. That proceeded of the nature of [...]her of them, which could not be alte­ [...] without great difficulty.

Q. Is there nothing besides Choler [...] doth make a man to bee vali­ [...]?

A. Sorrow maketh a man to lowre though the true valiant man is con­ [...]nt both in sorrow and harmes, and [...]weth alwayes a good face.

Q. They that chafe through Choler, sorrow, may they bee called vali­ [...]?

A. No: but rather hardy, cruell, and [...]ous.

Q. Doe you thinke it a good thing to revenged upon the enemies?

A. Yea: if the revengment be done by [...]ue and valour of heart, and not by a [...]mon.

Q. What is the property of a valiant­ [...]?

A. Not to feare that thing which [...]heth fearefull unto him: and that [...]ly for a zeale that he hath to honour [...] not by constraint.

Q. Thinke you that despaire doth [...]

[Page 264] Q. Thinke you that despaire do [...] not sometimes enflame the hearts of [...] to be couragious and valiant?

A. Virgil thinketh yea, by saying th [...] Ʋna salnò victis nullam sperare sal [...]tem. But I suppose that despaire in [...]flameth our hearts against our selv [...] and not against others.

Q. Thinke you also that necess [...] maketh a man valiant?

A. J would suppose so: for so [...] as necessity constraineth a man to [...] what he list. And so were the Ambro [...]ans constrained by their wives [...] fight.

Q. Why did the Santians kill the [...] selves?

A. Because they were in despaire th [...] they should never recover their libe [...]ty.

Q. May a man place hope among the number of Morall vertues?

A. Many have esteemed it to be [...] Queene of vertues.

Q. Who is the Master of [...] things?

A. Use. For which cause the Sould [...] [Page 265] that is not accustomed to battell, da­ [...]eth scarce shew his face to the Ene­my.

Q. Whereunto ought a good Cap­taine principally to have respect?

A. To common profit, rather then [...] his own particular commodity. Such was the advice that Pelopidas the Gene­rall of Thebes, received of his wife, as he was going to the warres.

Q. What is the chiefe end of Mag­nificence?

A. To get friends.

Q. VVhy were Caesars gifts best e­steemed, although they were lesse then others?

A. Because he gave them with a good will, and with his owne hand. Volun­tary gifts doe engender more favour to­wards him that giveth them, and bin­deth him more that receiveth them.

Q. VVhy did the Persians establish a law against those that were ingrate?

A. Because they knew ingratitude to be the spring of all vice, the enemy of nature, the poyson of amity, and the ruine of gentlenesse, and benignity.

[Page 266] Q. What was the cause of the death of Epaminondas?

A. Because he would have saved his Army besides Mantinea. The like did Paulus Aemilius, although Varro his companion did the contrary, through whose temerity and negligence, the Ro­mans received that great overthrow at Cannas.

Q. Whereof came it, that the ordi­nances which Lycurgus made for the state of the warres, were so greatly e­steemed?

A. Because they still tended to ho­nourable victory.

Q. How like you the saying of Caesar, which is that a man ought not to violate Iustice, but at such time, when he desi­reth to reigne and governe?

A. To enterprise and doe things di­sticill and great, without hope of recom­pence, and with modesty and sobriety to talke of the same.

Q. What is the principall vertue that a Prince can desire?

A. To aspire to be the best in doing well.

[Page 267] Q. What moved Caesar to send home Prolome King of Alexandria his prisoner, considering the ill-wills that the Alexandrines bare vnto him?

A. Because he thought to winne more honour to fight with a King, then with a multitude without a head.

Q. What was the overthrow of Galba.

A. Because he committed his go­vernment to another, and would not vnderstand the state of the same, but referred all to certaine naughty persons which were about him.

Q. Wherefore would not Alexan­der give eare to the counsell of Parme­ [...]nio, who advised him to assaile his ene­mies in the night?

A. Because he esteemed that, rather [...]o be the act of a thiefe then of a valiant Captaine, which ought to fight by ver­tue and not by policies.

Q. What manner of thing is Sloth?

A. Tully doth say, that it is a certain [...]eare which the slothfull man concei­veth in himselfe of the labour and pain [...]hat he ought to doe, and is contrary to [...]iligence. Demosthenes was not to bee [Page 268] reprehended herein, for he was angry that day that he saw an Artificer or crafts man rise before him, for which cause, Pithias the Orator was wont to say, that the workes of Demosthenes did smell of the oyle and Candle.

Q. What was the cause that Tibe­rius the Emperour lost the whole Coun­trey of Armenia, which was taken from him by the Persians, Missia by the Dane [...] and Samothracians, and France by the Almaines?

A. Sloth and feare of travell, giving himselfe day and night to the delights of Ladies in the Island of Cypres.

Q. Why did the people of Saba the next neighbours of the Nabathei, give themselves so much to Idlenesse, conside­ring the diligence and industry of the said Nabathei their next neighbours?

A. The fertility of Saba made them slothfull, and the barrennesse of the Countrey of the Nabathei, made them vigilant and industrious.

Q. Why did Euripides introduct Theseus to consider and talke of all the evils that can happen to man?

[Page 269] A. Because a stripe foreseene, doth hurt a man the lesse.

Q. VVhat is Mercy properly?

A. It is a certaine heavinesse arising of another mans griefe: which, as some say▪ ought not to move the minds of the good, but rather they ought to content themselves with their innocency, with­out taking paine or care what the wic­ked doe sustaine and abide.

Q. What is Felicity?

A. It is an abundance of spirituall, corporall, and earthly goods.

Q. Why was Archagathus the Sur­geon, made a Citizen of Rome?

A. Because hee was very merci­full and cunning in his cures: that the like of whom, the Romans never saw.

Q. Why was Antonius the Emperor surnamed Pius?

A. Because he raigned without effu­sion of blood, and was so mercifull as ever Caesar, Alexander, or Vespatian was.

Q. Why doe souldiers love hunting?

A. Because it is like vnto the warres: which is the place where every man [Page 270] may learne to live vertuously.

Q. Which is the godliest exercise that a man can learne?

A. Husbandry: in which there is not onely profit but pleasure.

Q. Where is the best walke that can be found?

A. That walking place which is fur­nished with wise men.

Q. Whereof proceeded the great e­stimation of Homer?

A. Because his workes are so full of learning, and very good to encourage mens hearts to vertue.

Q. Why were the Greeke Authou [...] counted great lyers?

A. Because they confounded Histo­ries with fables: such as Herodotus and Hellanicus be.

Q. What is the property of Iustice?

A. To deceive no man: even as the property of wisedome is not to be de­ceived.

Q. When is it lawfull to lye?

A. For safegard of the goods or the life of another: as Chilo did, when he forsware himselfe, to save the life of a certaine man.

[Page 271] Q. What is the property of a glori­ous man?

A. To beleeve rather that which is spoken of him, although it be false, then that which he perceiveth indeed to be in himselfe. For that cause was the fa­ble of Iuno and Ixion feigned.

Q. What is the property of a vile and naughty man?

A. To hide the truth for feare: which never chanceth to the valiant and ho­nest, who cannot abide that any man should lye.

Q. Why did the Poets say, that verity [...] memory and time?

A. Because she cannot be long hidden.

Q. From whence came the wheele that Ixion doth turne continually, as the Poets doe feigne?

A. It is the true token of a common liar, who, the neerer he thinketh he is to vertue, the further he is from it.

Q. Why did the Egyptians ordain that a vagabond and common Jester should not be taken for a witnesse?

A. Because such people are not worthy [Page 272] to be regarded; and for a little bribe, they are ready to all mischiefe.

Q. Wherefore did the Romans for­bid playing for money, except it were in warlike exercises: as to throw the Bar, to Dance, to wrastle, to vaute, to play at defence, and other such like pastimes?

A. Because in other pastimes, Fortune ruleth, and not vertue.

Q. Why did Apelles the Painter set his tables abroad for every man to view?

A. That he might vnderstand mens judgement of his faults. As appeared by a Cobler, who found fault in a pantofle or slipper which Apelles had made.

Q. What mischiefes doe Flatterers bring?

A. They corrupt all good manners, they tell lyes in stead of truth, they doe evill in stead of good, vice in stead of vertue, and are ordained to destroy the good, and those that doe righteously.

Q. Why would not Socrates suffer himselfe to be praised of a young man?

A. Because that praise in presence, is a kind of flattery.

Q. Why did the Romanes so much [Page 273] disdaine Prusias King of Bythinia?

A. Because he was the greatest flat­terer that ever was borne. Insomuch that his flatteries were the cause that it was ordained at Rome, that no King should come thither, without licence of the Senate obtained before.

Q. What is Flattery properly?

A. It is a vice proper and particular to vile minds, to women and cowards: for it proceedeth of nothing else but of feare.

Q. What is shamefastnesse?

A. It is a kind of feare to fall into any infamy, or to be blamed for any deed doing, or to be worthily reprehen­ded for some fault. Therefore Cicero did tearme it to bee the Tamer of evill thoughts; for she withdraweth man, and preserveth him from committing any offence.

Q. To whom ought a man to bee shamefast?

A. To children onely; for a man of age it is vnmeet to blush, and to say, I had not thought to doe it,

Q. Who is he that worthily may [Page 274] be counted valiant?

A. He that loveth life, and feareth not death.

Q. What is death?

A. Jt is an end: from which a man ought not to retire, but to goe to it joy­fully, and as some say, it is a gift given of God to men, by a singular grace.

Q. Why did Mallius say in the ora­tion that he made at Rome against Fu­rius and Aemilius, that envy was bleare-eyed, and had a very evill sight?

A. Because that the envious man con­sidereth those things which are next him, and not them a farre off, which should bee more to be envied, if envie were a vertue.

Q. Why is Envy compared vnto fire?

A. Because it alwaies mounteth: for there is no man so mighty, that Envie will sticke to assaile, and surmount him also, if it be possible.

Q. VVhat was the cause of the death of Socrates, being so innocent a man?

A. The envie of the Athenians: a vsuall thing in that City which caused also the death of Themistocles, and [Page 275] Aristides the just?

Q. Why doe the Poets feigne, that Marcias was beaten of Apollo, and Tha­miras had his eyes put out by the Muses?

A. To declare that how mighty so­ever a man be, he hath some body that goeth about to make himselfe equall with him: which is a passion almost like vnto Envie, but not so much different from vertue.

Q. What was the cause of the sudden death of Diodorus the Sophister?

A. The thought that he tooke, because he could not resolve a questiō that Stil­pho y e Philosopher put to him in pastime. And excessive thought ought not to fall into the heart of a vertuous man.

Q. What meane the Poets, by feig­ning an Eagle alwaies to gnaw the heart of Prometheus?

A. To declare the continuall study of Prometheus, who was very learned, and wise in Astrologie.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that in the time of Ptolome there were found so many Mathematicians: in the time of [...]erxes so many pleasures; & in the time [Page 276] of Nero so many Musitians?

A. Because subjects doe alwaies give their minds to that which pleaseth their Prince.

Q. Wherein did Vespasian most de­clare his wicked nature?

A. Because he surrendred the grea­test offices into the hands of the greatest Bribers, that afterwards he might have their goods confiscate.

Q. Why did the Persians ordaine, that he which procured to establish new lawes amongst them, should be put to death?

A. That they might alwaies continue in their old customes.

Q. How may the just and vnjust bee knowne?

A. By law and not by Nature.

Q. What is the foundation of Lawes?

A. Vertue.

Q. How did Chrysippus paint Justice?

A. In forme of a Virgin, having a severe, grave, and fearfull countenance, & yet neverthelesse honourable, shame fast; humble, and full of Majesty.

[Page 277] Q. What is Nobility without vertue?

A. It is a thing stuffed with pride and violence.

Q. Shew me I pray you, what things are contrary unto vertue, and which are like thereunto?

A. The contrary of wisedome is foo­lishnesse, and the like to it is subtilty. The contrary of Cōstancy is inconstan­cy, and his like obstinacy. Strength hath for his contrary feeblenesse of heart, and hardinesse for his like. Injustice is con­trary to Iustice: but Cruelty is kin to Iustice.

Q. Why would not Plato return home to his City, although he was greatly re­quired thereunto by the people?

A. Because they would not vnder­stand just and reasonable causes: and because he could not get them by any meanes to acknowledge the same.

Q. What is Innocency?

A. It is a certaine nature so well in­graven in the heart of a man, that it cau­seth him that he cannot, nor may not doe hurt to any man.

Q. What is he that worthily deser­serveth [Page 278] to be called happie?

A. He that goeth about most of all to resemble God.

Q. Which be the vertues that doe conduct or bring us to heaven?

A. Charity, faith, hope, piety, Reli­gion, and godlinesse.

Q. What things are contrary to them?

A. Hatred, meredulity, dispaire, im­piety, Hipocricy, and wickednesse.

Q. Which are the morall vertues?

A. Prudence, Iustice, strength, tem­perance, magnanimity, magnificence, li­berality, sloutnesse of courage, meeke­nesse, innocency, continence, gravity, fidelity, and shamefastnesse.

Q. Which be the vices that are con­trary to the said vertues?

A. Imprudence, Injustice, fury, intem­perance, pride, vain-glory, covetousness, fearefulnesse, choller, noysomenesse, in­continency, rashnesse, infidelity, and holdnesse.

Q. Is vertue the soveraigne goodnesse it selfe, or the way to attaine thereunto?

A. It is the Ladder to climbe there­unto.

[Page 279] Q. May vices be turned into vertues, and vertues into vices, by the variety [...]f the time, places and customes, or no?

A. Yea, considering the diversity that [...] amongst the people, in their manner of livings.

Q. May a young man be wise?

A. Wisedome commeth not, but by long space.

Q. Nobility, doth it proceed of vertue?

A. Yea: and of nothing else.

Q. What is requisite in an History?

A. That it declare first the Counsels, and after the deed, and thirdly the issue, called of the Latine Authors, Even­ [...]um.

Q. Why were Lawes established?

A. To bridle the wickednesse of our minds.

Q. Which is the most dangerous Ig­norance?

A. Not to know God: and after­wards not to know himselfe.

Q. May a Captaine overcome For­tune with prudence?

A. Very hardly, considering that fortune is by the Poets made a god­desse, [Page 280] and placed in heaven.

Q. Why is vertie so much to be be­loved or imbraced?

A. Because she is conformable to rea­son.

Q. VVhy ought not wise men to feare death, but rather to desire the same?

A. Because that our life is nothing else, but a prison.

Q. VVhat Poets are to be eschewed and chased?

A. Those that write onely to please and delight the eares, and to corrupt youth.

Q. VVhereof consisteth the force of an Army?

A. Some say that it resteth in coun­cell, others in the fortune of the Cap­taine; some say that it consisteth wholly in the hearts of the souldiers; other in strong holds; and some in that the soul­diers be well armed and appointed.

Q. VVhat warres be lawfull?

A. Those that be made to obtain peace.

Q. Why was Octavian the Emperor esteemed happy?

A. Because he raigned in peace 56. yeares.

[Page 281] Q. Is it a fable or History, that Gyges, by vertue of a Ring that he had, was made King of Lydia?

A. If it be true that Polycrates the Tyrant, by reason of a stone called a Sardone, did avoyd all dangers; and if it be credible, that Appollonius did live a hundreth and thirty yeares, alwaies as it were at the flowre of his age, by vertue of seven Rings that Iarcas gave him; and if a man may beleeue the two Rings forged by Moses, the one for love, the other for oblivion; and if the Ring of Bacchus be true, this History of Gyges may also be beleeved.

Q. Why did they prepare Arkes and [...]ageants of tryumph at Rome?

A. To stirre men to vertue.

Q. What was the true meaning of the three Syrenes?

A. They were three harlo [...]s, which with deceits, and with sweetnesse of their voyces, vsed to deceive those that were given to Banquets and pleasure.

Q. Why was the Temple of Diana of Ephesus erected?

A. Some thinke that it was built by [Page 282] the will of God: Some say that it was for Religion, and for the pride of men.

Q. Why is it said, that worldly plea­sure is like to a Laborinth or Maze?

A. Because the entry thereof is easie, but the comming out very hard.

Q. Why did Nature make Mercurie?

A. To make Alchimists fooles, and covetous men poore.

Q. Whereof proceedeth it, that the Philosophers of our time, are for the most part covetous, and of evill life and manners?

A. They turne vertue into vice, be­cause they see Princes to make [...] account of those that be vertuous.

Q. Whereof proceedeth the credite that Flatterers have of Princes?

A. Princes for the most part be great lovers of themselves: and therefore doe love those that doe praise them: in which point they doe resemble certaine beasts which can scarce see at noone dayes, and in the darke their eyes be very cleere.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that dogges doe alwaies barke at those that be ill ap­parelled, [Page 283] ragged and torne like beggers.

A. Those are the dogs of the Cities, accustomed onely to see people richly and well apparelled; and contrariwise the Countrey Dogs doe never barke at any peasant or begger.

Q. Why is wine forbidden women in some Countries?

A. Because it provoketh lechery: a thing very vncomely in women.

Q. What meaneth this Proverbe. Take away the light, and every woman [...]?

A. Perhaps because they would be all naught, if shame fastnesse did not let them.

Q. Wherof commeth it, that for y most part the learned have very evill sight?

A. J [...] commeth of the paper which they doe oftentimes handle: for there is nothing more hurtfull to the sight then whitenesse. Or else we might rather say, that much study doth coole the parts of the body, specially those, which are colde by nature, as the braine, the stomacke, and hindreth digestion: in such wise, that by evill digestion, [Page 284] [...] engendreth in the body, and stoppeth the conduit; then the eyes a [...] partakers of such passions, are debili­tated.

Q. Of what power is Negromanci [...] and Wit [...]craft?

A. If a man may beleeve the dreame of many writers, it can stay the course of the Element and of the Sunne, it can make the Moone to be as red as blood appease the windes, make the earth to tremble, enchant Beasts, and cause [...] Man or woman to be loved perforce.

Q. But how can the Negromance doe such strange things?

A. With perfumes, conjuration [...] ceremonies, charmes, and characters.

Q. VVhat is he that is like unto the Image of Sardanapalus?

A. A man well proportioned of bo­dy, but of brutish nature.

Q. VVhat doth Fortune represent with her apple of Gold?

A. That good spirits are accompa­nied with good Fortune.

Q. VVhat meaneth a Plow, in the hands of a Labourer?

[Page 285] A. That travell is the true treasure of man.

Q. VVhat signifieth a Wolfe carry­ing a Lambe in his mouth?

A. A man that careth not what hurt [...]e doth to another.

Q. VVhat betokeneth a man with his Purse open?

A. That a wise man spareth nothing for his health.

Q. What signifieth a Ship sunke in the bottome of the Sea?

A. That the perill of other ought to make us take better heed.

Q. What doth the Ants carrying of [...]orne represent unto us?

A. Those that live of the sweat of other mens browes. They teach us also in youth to provide for age, as they in Harvest doe provide to live withall in Winter.

Q. How may wee represent grati­tude and acknowledging of good turnes which we have received?

A. By a Storke that nourisheth the [...]mme.

Q. And great travell with little [Page 286] profit, how should we paint that?

A. By a child that swimmeth.

Q. What is to be vnderstood by a Serpent?

A. That an evill disposed person, can­not accustome himselfe to goodnesse,

Q. What signifieth a man that is painted with Gold in the right hand, and fire in the left?

A. That he is not worthy to be a partaker of the felicity, which hath done no friendship in time of adversity.

Q. What doth he betoken that brea­keth his head against the wall?

A. That he esteemeth his life but a little, which contendeth with great men.

Q. VVhat representeth a Quadrant vnto us?

A. That nothing ought to be done without counsell.

Q. VVhat is Envie?

A. An horrible monster.

Q. VVhere is her habitation?

A. At the Court.

Q. If she should happen to be banished from thence, whither would she goe?

[Page 287] A. To Monasteries and Conuents.

Q. VVhereof proceedeth it, that chil­dren doe not love the father so well as the father doth the children?

A. Love is alwaies advanced, and [...]oth never turne backe againe especial­ly for the desire that a man hath to make his posterity perpetuall. Or rather it proceedeth of this, that the father hath nothing of the son, but the soone hath and holdeth all of the father.

Q. Whereof commeth it, that although every man is desirous of knowledge, yet very few doe apply themselves to scien­ [...]es and Art [...]?

A. Because to attaine to sciences, great [...]aine is to be taken: and is subject to his pleasure, a thing contrary to con­templation; or else some doe want the [...]ight way and meane to study.

Q. Why is a Philosopher painted naked?

A. Because both in verity and Philo­ [...]ophy, there needeth not coverture, but is necessary that all things be handled [...]ainly and purely, and ought to bee [...]oyd of all sophisticall colours and car­ [...]all affections.


[Page 288] Q. Why did Euripides say in his Tragedy entituled Medea, that womens wit is unapt to goodnesse, but very well inclined to unhappinesse?

A. Because a Woman is a creature unperfect: and where Perfection is not, there can rest nothing that is good.

Q. VVhy is the counsell that a wo­man giveth upon the sodaine of much e­stimation, and that which she doth de­vise and study nothing worth?

A. Even as unreasonable creatures are induced and provoked to their acti­ons, without any resistance, by a certaine superiour occasion, which is Nature: even so the Woman, although of her selfe she be evill, yet the understanding and knowledge that Nature hath given her (which will not be deceived, no [...] yet abuse or deceive any person) doth provoke her at the first motion to give good advice. But if she have leysure by study to follow her own inclination, all that she will doe shall be little worth.

Q. Why be women more covetous the [...] men?

[Page 289] A. Because they [...] will set by them [...] riches.

Q. Why be reasonable creatures [...] short life?

A. The perfection of transitory thing [...] not measured by time: for the life of reasonable creatures, although it be [...]orter, yet is more desired then the life brute beasts.

Q. Why is death called the last of terrible thiugs?

A. Because she is terrible both to them [...]t thinke to be immortall, and also ill livers, and to those that dye of a [...]lent death: but not to others.

Q. Why is sneesing deemed a good [...]ne, and not belching?

A. Because sneesing commeth from [...]e head, which is as it were the Lord [...]d Ruler of the body.

Q. Why is it a thing so shamefull [...] ill a woman?

A. Because she is weake, and not able resist.

Q. Why did the Painter Phidias, [...] Venus setting her feete upon a [...]rtoise?

[Page 290] A. To declare that a woman of ho­nour is no runner out of the doores, but keepeth her selfe within her house.

Q. VVhereof commeth it, that many Ladies have so greatly esteemed the leaves and seed of Agnus Castus?

A. Because it is enemy to Leache­ [...]y.

Q. Why did nature ordaine, that when Bees doe engender; no man can see them?

A. To teach us shamefastnesse and modesty.

Q. Why are cloathes of silke bette [...] esteemed, then those of wooll?

A. Because silke is more fine and light, better coloured, more bright and orient then woollen.

Q. VVhat is it that breedeth envi [...] most in man?

A. To bee sad and Melancho­licke.

Q. VVhat manner of motion hath envie?

A. Slow and heavie.

Of what age is she?

A. Old, crooked, withered, having [Page 291] pale and leane face, her tongue infected with poyson.

Q. From whence commeth the beauty that is in the neckes of Pigeons, and in Peacockes feathers?

A. Of the variety and diversity of colours.

Q. What is the property of mans heart?

A. To faigne and dissemble.

Q. Why is the Camaeleon so marvai­lous?

A. Because he transformeth himselfe into all colours.

Q. Whereof commeth the bright­nesse that is in rotten wood?

A. Nature sheweth us thereby, that there is nothing so abject, but it hath some vertue.

Q. VVhat is the property of the Sirenes?

A. To bring death by singing.

Q. Wherein consist the effects of vertue?

A. In words and in deeds.

Q. How may a man seeme gentle in his behaviour?

[Page 292] A. By his gate or going, by counte­nance, by his manner of living, and a­bove all things by his civility.

Q. How are secret advertisements disclosed?

A. By letters, by weapons, in love and by courses of armes.

Q. How must a man doe reve­rence?

A. By putting off his cappe, and bowing downe his head.

Q. How ought a man to obey his su­periours?

A. With fidelity goodwill, devotion, feare and hope.

Q. How is a man modest in his beha­viours?

A. When his hand is on his stomacke, his eyes looking on the ground, and his mouth shut.

Q. In Chiromancy, what signifieth it when the mount of the Sunne is eleva­ted, or bowing downward?

A. It betokeneth much good, or much evill.

Q. And that of Mercury.

A. Goodnesse or dulnesse of spirit.

[Page 293] Q. And that of the Moone?

A. Happy or infortunate voya­ges.

Q. And Mars?

A. Good or evill fortune in bat­tell.

Q. And the Triangles?

A. Strength: even as Angels doe signifie riches.

Q. How is the life of man divi­ded?

A. Into a life contemplative, civill, solitary, and wild.

Q. What thing is most harde to be tamed?

A. Necessity: which the Gods them­selves cannot resist,

Q. VVhat is requisite to be considered of our birth?

A. The conception the forme, the birth, and nourishment.

Q. From whence commeth de­ceit?

A. Of Trust.

Q. What be the properties of a wise man?

A. To rule the Starres, to know and [Page 294] governe himselfe, not to quaile through the assaults of Fortune, with good dis­cretion to spend the time, not to bee a­fraid of death, and to live neither in feare nor hope.

Q. What is the state of a covetous man?

A. Never to have rest, and to be al­wayes gaping after riches.

Q. What is the estate of Courti­ers?

A. To be nourished with hope.

Q. What is the estate of him that lo­veth vertue?

A. To aspire alwayes to honourable things.

Q. Which are the goods of the soule?

A. Vertue and her traine: honour, glory, quicknesse of spirit, memory, counsell and discipline.

Q. Wherein consisteth true Philoso­phy?

A. To endeavour to live vertuous­ly.

Q. What is a chaste woman?

A. A miracle of miracles, the path [Page 295] way to immortality, a heavenly thing, and an inestimable fortresse.

Q. Choniclers, can they set forth [...] illustrate the fortunes of Noble men?

A. Yea.

Q. And Poets likewise?

A. They doe no lesse delight, then in­struct.

Q. Which be the goods of the bo­dy?

A. Nobility, riches, friends, dignity, an honest wife, many children.

Q. What is Felicity?

A. Fortunate vertue.

Q. Which be the true goods, and which the counterfeit of the body, of the soule, and of Fortune?

A. The counterfeit goods of the body are deformity and sicknesse: Of the soule, vice and ignorance: and of For­tune, base estate and poverty.

Q. What is Misery?

A. It is a vicious and infortunate life, full of sorrowes and perills.

Q. Wherein consisteth the Musicke of the soule?

[Page 296] A. In temperance, but, as some hold opinion in strength.

Q. What is the office of an excellent, Painter?

A. To know sundry kinds of beasts the differences of their sexe, their age, their properties, and other things.

Q. Why were the wise women called Sybillae, esteemed Divines?

A. Because they were the Secretaries and Trumpets of divine Myste­ries.

Q. Whether is it harder to vanquish a Monster, or to bridle the affecti­ons?

A. The affections are most harde to be subdued.

Q. What is the office of a Conque­rour?

A. To pardon the conquered.

[Page 297] Q. What be the properties of Harlots and Courtizans?

A. To be [...]ull of wily fetches, damna­ble devises, tyrannous, scornfull, subtill, [...]icorous, evill conditioned, with [...]lluring lookes, and shamelesse ge­stures.

Q. Why doe men love to wear [...]ings?

A. Because the same by circle re­sembling the Heaven, and the precious stone the Starre, besides that, for the most part they are endowed with marvellous vertue, they give also a [...]ertaine gladnesse to the eye, and to the hand an honour.

Q. How is the chastity of Lucretia knowne?

A. By her death: as the like of Pene­lope, by long abode, Virginia by the disdaine of her Father: the Almaig [...] Ladies by the halter, wherewith they were hanged, Cloelia by the sive: Sul­pitia [Page 298] by the Temple: Dido by he [...] a­shes: and Hippo by her leaping into the Sea.

Q. Which bee the instruments of Chastity?

A. The Target of Medusa, the Necklace of Iasper, and the Chaine of Diamonds and Topazes.

Q. VVhereof commeth it, that the Palme Tree representeth Constan­cie?

A. Because the more it is oppressed, and the greater waight it hath, the bet­ter it is.

Q. What is the property of age?

A. To make a man to be good of ex­perience, wise in his doings, of good counsell when time requireth, modest and temperate in word and deed, and grave in considerations.

Q. Why ought a man to avoid carnall love?

[Page 299] A. Because his pleasures doe incon­tinently decrease, but his sorrowes doe still remaine: and he is stuffed with va­nities, dreames, and vaine hopes.

Q. What is carnall love?

A. It is a furie full of care a strong sorrow, and a weake strength.

Q. What properties have the Foun­taines of Chius?

A. To make a man foolish and hard of understanding.

Q. And those of Paphlagonia?

A. To make them drunke that drinke thereof.

Q. And that of Suses?

A. To make the teeth fall.

Q. And that of Tharsa?

A. To make the voice pleasant and harmonious.

[Page 300] Q. And that of the Sunne?

A. To burne in the night, and to be cold in the day.

Q. What that of Garramanta?

A. To freese twise in the day, and burne twise in the night.

Q. What that of Examphus?

A. Bitter, filthy, and naught.

Q. What Fountaines of Arabia?

A. To make cattell change their haire.

Q. What that of Epirus?

A. It lighteth that which is put out, and putteth out that which is ligh­ted.

Q. What that of Carthage?

A. To cast forth oyle to heale beasts withall.

Q. What that of Neptune.

[Page 301] A. To make them to dye that doe drinke thereof.

Q. What the water of Dalmati­da.

A. To make him amorous that drin­keth thereof.

Q. The Rubie, wherefore is it good?

A. Against poyson.

Q. What is the Granat?

A. To exhilarate and content the person.

Q. The Balais, what is his proper­ty?

A. Never to bee hot with any fire.

Q. What the Saphire?

A. To make humble and chast.

Q. The lacint stone, the Amethyst, Sardony, and the Asbeste, wherefore be they good?

[Page 302] A. Against the plague, drunkennesse evill fortune, and fire.

Q. The Chrysolith, Girassoll, the [...] ­sper, the Turquis, and the Agat, where­fore serve they?

A. To reestablish the braine, to make invisible, to stanch blood, to escape a danger, and to give good breath to him that runneth.

Q. The Berall, the Cassidony, the Corneline, the Corall, the Chrystall, and the Adamant?

A. To make the person amorous to preserve the understanding, to miti­gate hatred and anger, to resist light­ning, to quench the thirst, to draw flesh and yron.

Q. Which is the most worthy per­son, the man or woman?

A. God hath alwayes given increase of excellency, unto the last creature, that he created. And because the woman [Page 303] was last created, and is as it were the chiefe of the worke of God, she is truly the worthiest of all, being made of the most excellent creature that God crea­ted, that is to say of man.

Q. Which is most subject to their appetites, either the man or the wo­man?

A. The woman was most purified in her creation: and so she is most sub­dued to her appetites best.

Q. Tell mee the properties of the Phenix, the Eagle, the Swan, the Fau­con, the Popinjay, the Crane, the Pelican, the Peacocke, the Nightingale, the Tur­tle, Dove, the Pie, and the Crow?

A. To be immortall, high minded, a good singer to have good wings, to bee beautifull, vigilant, amiable, glorious, delectable, sad, chast, royall, and to prognosticate the time to come.

Q. The Larke, the Cocke, the Quaile, the Swallow, and the Storke, what [Page 304] properties have they?

A. To be pleasant, magnanimous de­lectable, sadde, and mindfull of a good turne.

Q. And the Lyon, the Tygre, the Elephant, the Ʋnicorne, the Beare, the Hyaena, the Wolfe, the Panther, the Rhi­noceron, and the Leobert?

A. To be vigilant, swift, obedient, humble, furious, inhumaine, a devourer, to smell well, to be faire, and of great courage.

Q. The Bever, the Hart, the Squerill, the fallow Deare, the Ape, the Foxe, the Gray or Brocke, the Marteine, and the Wolfe engendred of the Hart?

A. To be providing, of long life, nimble, fearefull, a counterfeiter, crafty, sleepy, honourable, and spotted.

Q. What signifieth the colours of white, greene, yellow, golden, pale, Orenge colour, blew, pale, and cor­nation colour?

[Page 305] A. Truth, hope, gladnesse, diminut on of amity, inconstancy, heate, and re­vengement, friendship, treason, and sor­row.

Q. The changeable colour, the vio­let, the Skye colour, and the Taw­nie?

A. Inconstancy, government, high state and low.

Q. The mount of Venus being eleva­ted or declined, what signifieth the same?

A. Love or hatred.

Q. The Mount of Saturne, another token of Palmistry, what signifieth the same?

A. Riches or poverty.

Q. How ought every age of man to be governed?

A. Sucking babes with milke, the Infant with rods, the child with shame, the young man with good discipline, the man with armes, the old man with good [Page 306] counsell, and the latter age is deceit and twise childishnesse.

Q. What be the titles of the Sunne?

A. The Sunne is called the Father of the day, the governour of nature, the life of the body, the eye of the world, the heart of nature, the King of the Starres, and the visible Sonne of God.

Q. Which be the wings of Time?

A. The time past, the time present, and the time to come.

Q. What bee the teeth whereby Time doth consume all things?

A. The day, the night, life and death.

Q. What is the cause that in our time men be not so excellent as they have beene in times past?

A. It is Nature which daily grow­eth worse and worse, or else it is because [Page 307] vertue is not so much commended or [...]steemed at this present, as in times past it hath beene. Or else it may be said, that it is the custome of each age to make com­plaint of the pre­sent state.


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