The Articles of the charge of the VVardmote Enquest.

Peace. YEe shall sweare, that ye shall truly enquire, if the peace of the King our Soueraigne Lord bee not kept as it ought to be, and in whose default, and by whom it is broken or disturbed.

Franke pledge. 2 Also if any man be receiued within this ward, but if he be vnder free pledge, that is to say, be sworne afore the Alderman at his Court, or else afore the said Alderman betweene this and the Munday next after the Feast of the Epiphany next comming.

Out-lawes, Traytors, Fe­lons, &c. 3 Also if there dwell any man within the ward, that is outlawed, or indited of treason or felony, or be any receiuer of Traytors or Felons.

Thames. 4 Also yee shall enquire and truly present all the offences and defaults done by any person or persons within the Riuer of Thames, according to the intent and purport of an Act made by our late Soueraigne Lord King Edward the sixth in his high Court of Parliament, and also of diuers other things ordained by Act of common Councell of this Citie, for the redresse and amendment of the said Riuer, which as now is in great decay and ruine, and will be in short time past all remedy, if high and substantiall prouision, and help be not had with all speed and diligence possible, as more plainly appeareth in the said Act of Parliament, and the said Act of common Councell of this Citie.

Congregati­ons. 5 Also if any manner person make congregation, or be receiuer or gatherer of euill companies.

Ryotor, Barator. 6 Also if any man be a common riotor, or a barator walking by nightertaile without light, against the rule and cu­stome of this Citie.

Peace, hue and crie. 7 Also if there be any man within this ward, that will not helpe, aide, ne succour the Constables, Bedle, and other ministers of this Citie in keeping of the peace, and arrest the euill doers with rearing of hue and crie.

Hucksters, re­ceiuers of Ap­prentices, Arti­ficers, &c. 8 Also if there be any Huckster of Ale or Beere, that commonly vseth to receiue and Apprentices, seruants artifi­cers or labourers, that commonly vse to play at the dice, cardes, or tables, contrary to the forme of the Statute in that case ordained and prouided.

Inholder, Ta­uerner, Victu­aller. 9 Also if there be any Inholder, Tauerner, Brewer, Huckster, or other Victualler, that hold open their houses af­ter the houre limited by the Mayor.

Curfue. 10 Also, if any parish Clerke ring the bell, called the Curfue bell, after Curfue rungen at the Churches of Bowe, Barking Church, S. Brides and S. Giles without Cripplegate.

Bawdes, main­tainers of quarrels, &c. 11 Also, ye shall inquire if any putour that is to say, man-bawd or woman-bawd, common hazerdours, contectour, maintainer of quarrels, champertours, or embracers of Enquests, or other common misdoers, be dwelling within this ward, and present their names.

Strumpet, A­dulterer, witch, Scold. 12 Also, if any bawd, common strumpet, common adulterer, witch, or common scold be dwelling within this ward.

Hot-house. 13 Also, if there be any house, wherein is kept and holden any hot-house, or sweating-house, for ease and health of men, to the which be resorting or conuersant any strumpets, or women of euill name or fame; or if there be any hot-house or sweating ordained for women, to the which is any common recourse of young men, or of other persons of e­uill fame and suspect conditions.

14 Also, if there be any such persons, that keepe or hold any such hot-houses, either for men or women, and haue found no surety to the Chamberlaine for their good and honest behauiour, according to the Lawes of this Citie, and lodge any manner person by night, contrary to the ordinance thereof made, by the which he or they shall forfeit twen­ty pounds to the Chamber, if they doe the contrary.

Thames, dit­ches, streets, &c. 15 Also, if any manner of person, cast or lay dung, ordure, rubbish, seacole dust, rushes, or any other thing noyant, in the Riuer of Thames, Walbrooke, Fleete, or other ditches of this Citie, or in the open streets, wayes, or lanes with­in this Citie.

Channell. 16 Also, if any person, after a great raine falleth, or at any other time sweepe any dung, ordure, rubbish, rushes, seacole dust, or any other thing noyant, downe into the channell of any street or lane, whereby the common course there is let, and the same things noyant driuen thereby downe into the said water of Thames.

Hogs, Oxen, Kine, Duckes, &c. 17 Also, if any manner person nourish Hogs, Oxen, Kine, Duckes, or any Beasts within this ward, to the grie­uance and disease of their neighbours.

Vsurer. 18 Also, if any Vsurers or false Cheuesancers be dwelling within this ward.

Persons indi­ted in one Ward, flying into another. 19 Also, where afore this time it is ordained and enacted, as hereafter followeth. Item, for to eschew the euills of misgouerned persons, that daily when they be indited in one ward, flie into another: It is ordained by the Mayor & Aldermen, that as soone as a man or woman suspect, first doe come to dwell within any house, in any ward within the Citie, the Constables, Bedles, or other officers of the same, shalbe charged by their oathes at the generall Court, to enquire and espie from whence they come. And if they finde by their owne confession, or by the record of any of the Bookes of any Alderman of the Citie, that they be indited or cast of euill and noyous life, and will not finde suretie for their good abearing and honest gouernance to the Alderman for the time being, that then they shall not dwell there from thenceforth but shall be warned to auoid within three or foure dayes or more or lesse after, as it shall be seeene to the Aldermen of the ward for the said time being; and that the Landlord that letteth the house, or his Attourney, shall be also warned to make them to auoyd out of his house aforesaid, within the time limited by the Alderman. And if they be found there after the time, that then not onely the said dishonest persons shall haue imprisonment of their bodies, after the discretion of the Mayor and Aldermen; but also the said Landlords, letters of the said houses, shall forfeit to the Guildhall, as much as they should haue had for ietting of the said house, or should be paid by the yeare, if the said persons or other had dwelled in the said house.

Colouring for­reigne goods. 20 Also, if any Freeman against his oath made, conceale, couer, or colour the goods of Forreiners, by the which the King may in any wise lose, or the Franchises of this Citie be imblemished.

Forreigne buy­ing and selling. 21 Also, if any Forreine buy or sell with any other Forreine within this Citie, or Suburbs thereof, any goods or merchandizes, the same goods or merchandizes be forthwith forfeit to the vse of the Comminaltie of this Citie.

Free-men not resident. 22 Also, if euery Freeman, which receiueth or taketh the benefite, and enioyeth the Franchises of this City, be con­tinually dwelling out of this Citie, and hath not, ne will not (after his oath made) be at scot and lot, nor partner to the charges of this Citie, for the worship of the same Citie, when he is duly required.

Orphanes, Wards, Marriages. 23 Also, if any man conceale the goods of Orphanes of this City, of whom the ward and marriage of right belon­geth to the Mayor and Aldermen of this Citie.

Officers. 24 And if any Officer by colour of his office, doe extortion to any man, or be maintainer of quarrels against right, or take carriage, or arrest victuall vnduely.

Boatmen. Ferriour. 25 Also, if any Boatman or Ferriour be dwelling in the ward, that taketh more for Boat-manage or Ferriage than is ordained.

Purprestures, Pent-house, Ietties, &c. 26 Also, it any man make Purprestures, that is to say, incroach or take of the common ground of this Citie, by land or by water, as in wals, pales, stales stoupes, grieces, or doores of cellars, or in any other like, within the ward, or if any porch, penthouse, or ietty be too low, in letting of men that ride beside, or carts that goe thereforth.

Pent-houses, stalles, &c. 27 Also, that pentises and ietties be at the least of the heighth of nine foot, and that the stales be not but of two foot & an halfe in breadth, and to be flexible or moueable, that is to say, to hang by Iemewes or Garnets, so that they may be taken vp and let downe.

Way, water­course. 28 Also, if any common way, or common course of water be foreclosed or letted, that it may not haue his course as it was wont, to the annoyance of the Ward and by whom it is done.

Pauements. 29 Also, if any pauement be defectiue, or too high in one place, and too low in another, to the disturbance of riders, and goers thereby, and carts that goe thereupon.

Regrators, Forestallers. 30 Also, if any Regrator or Forestaller of victuall, or of any other merchandizes which should come to this Citie to be sold, be dwelling within this ward. A Regrator is as much as to say, as he that buyeth vp all the victuall or mer­chandizes, or the most part thereof when it is come to the Citie, or the Suburbs of the same, of a low price, and then afterward selleth it at his owne pleasure, at a high and excessiue price. A Forestaller is he that goeth out of the Ci­tie, and meeteth with the victuall or merchandize by the way, comming to the Citie to be sold, and there buyeth it, both these be called in the Law, Inimici publici patriae, which is to say, Open enemies to a countrey.

Price of victuall. 31 Also, if any Butcher, Fishmonger, Poulter, Vintner, Hostler, Looke, or seller of victuall, doe sell victuall at vn­reasonable prices.

Hay. 32 Also, if any Hostler sell hay, oates, or prouender at excessiue prices, taking greater gaine thereby, than is reaso­nable and lawfull.

Victuals vn­wholesome. Price. 33 Also, if any victualler sell any victuals not couenable, or vnwholsome for mans body, or else dearer than is pro­claimed by the Mayor.

Measures vn­sealed. 34 Ye shall diligently make search and inquirie, whether there be any Vintner, Inholder, Alehouse-keeper, or any other person or persons whatsoeuer within your ward, that doe vse or keepe in his or their house or houses, any Cans, stone-pots, or other measures which be vnsealed, and by law not allowed to sell beere or ale thereby, and whether they doe sell any of their best beere or ale, aboue a penny a quart: or any small ale or beere, aboue a halfe penny a quart: and whether any of them doe sell by any measure not sealed. If there be any such, you shall seize them, and send them to the Guildhall, to the Chamberlaines office, and present their names and faults by Indenture, so oft as there shall be any occasion so to doe.

Weights and Measures. 35 Ye shall also make search in the shops and houses of all the Chandlers and of all others, which sell by weight or measure dwelling within your ward, and see that their scales be not one heauier than the other, & that their weights and measures, as well bushels as lesser measures, as well those that they sell seacoles by (which ought to be heaped) that they be in breadth according to the new standard, sealed as all others: and that all yards and elles, that they bee their iust lengths and sealed, that the poore and other his Maiesties subiects be not deceiued. And further if any doe buy by one weight or measure, and sell by others. And if in your search, you finde any false Weights, Measures, or Scales, yee shall seize them, and send them to the Guildhall to the Chamberlaine. And you shall also doe the like if you shall find any that doe sell any thing by Venice weights, contrary to the law and his Maiesties proclamations, pre­sent their names and faults.

Inholder, Browne-Baker. 36 Also, if any Inholder bake any bread to sell within his house, and if any Baker of sowre bread, bake white bread to sell, or marke not his bread or else take more for the baking than three pence for a bushell.

House, Tyle. 37 Also, ye shall inquire, if any house be couered otherwise than with tyle, stone, lead, for perill of fire.

Leper, Begger. 38 Also, if any Leper, Faitour, or mighty begger be dwelling within this ward.

Bakers, Brew­ers, Fire. 39 Also, if any Baker or Brewer bake or brew with straw, or any other thing which is perillous for fire.

Painted visage. 40 Also, if any man goe with painted visage.

Candle-light. 41 Also, if there be any man that hangeth not out a Lanterne with a candle therein burning, after the vsage, ac­cording to the commandement thereupon giuen.

42 Also, if any person bring, or cause to be brought to this Citie, or the Liberties thereof, to be sold, or sell, offer or put to sale, any Tallwood, Billets, Faggots, or other firewood, not being of the full assize which the same ought to hold.

Wood, Countrey. 43 Also, if any Freeman of this Citie, vse to resort into the countries neere to this Citie, and there to engrosse and buy vp much Billet, Tallwood, Faggot, Tosard, or other firewood, and conuey the same by water vnto this Citie, and there lay it vpon their wharfes and other places, and so keepe it till they may sell it at high and excessiue prices, at their owne wils.

44 Also, if any Woodmonger, or any other, sell any Billets or other firewood, aboue the price set by the Lord Mayor.

Cheese, Butter. 45 Also, if any Citizen of this Citie by himselfe, or any other person for him, or to his vse, vse to resort into the coun­trey, and there buy and engrosse great quantity of cheese and butter, as well barrelled as otherwise, and after con­uey it by water or otherwise to this Citie to be sold at deere and excessiue prices.

Free-men to [...]ew their [...]opics. 46 Also, for as much as it is thought, that diuers and many persons dwelling within the Liberties of this Citie, daily occupy as Freemen, whereas indeed they be none, nor neuer were admitted into the Liberties of this Citie, [Page]Ye shall therefore require euery such person dwelling within this ward, whom ye shall suspect of the same, to shew you the Copie of his Freedome, vnder the seale of Office of the Chamberlaine of the said Citie, and such as yee shall find without their Copies, or deny to shew their Copies, ye shall write and present their names in your Indentures.

Melting tallow. 47 Also, you shall inquire and truly present all such persons as vse melting of tallow, contrary to an Act of com­mon Councell, in that case made and prouided.

Fire-presses. 48 Also, you shall truly present all persons which haue or vse any Fire-presses within the said City, or Liberties of the same, for pressing or dressing of nether stockes, woollen clothes, or other things.

49 Also, you shall inquire of all Armorers and other Artificers, vsing to worke in Mettall, which haue, or vse any Reardorses, or any other places, dangerous or perillous for fire.

Appraisers. 50 Also, if any haue appraised any goods of any Freeman deceased, leauing behind him any Orphan or Orphans, and the Appraisers not sworne before the Lord Mayor, or the Aldermen of the ward.

Beame. 51 Also, if any Freeman buy any wares or merchandizes vnweighed, which ought to bee weighed at the Kings Beame, of any stranger or foreine free of the Liberties of this Citie, contrary to the Act of common Councell in that case made and prouided.

Clothes. 52 Also, if any buy or sell any cloth or clothes in the house, shop, ware-house, or other place of any Clothworker, or other person, against any ordinance or custome of this City: or if any Cloth-worker or other doe receiue or harbour any clothes before the same be brought to Blackwell-hall, contrary to the ordinance made in that behalfe.

Carmen. 53 Also, if any Carman take any money for carriage of any goods, wares, or merchandizes, aboue the rates ordai­ned.

Building, di­uided houses. Inmates. 54 Also, if any make or cause to be made any new building or buildings, or diuide or cause to be diuided any house or houses, or receiue any Inmate or Inmates, contrary to the Kings Maiesties Proclamation, or contrary to Law, or any Statute of this Realme.

Hawkers. 55 Also, if any be dwelling within this ward, which do offer or put to sale any wares or merchandizes in the open streets or lanes of this City, or goe from house to house to sell the same, commonly called hawkers, contrary to the Act made in that behalfe.

Freedome. 56 Also, if any haue couenously, fraudulently, or vnduely obtained the freedome of this Citie.

Collectors. 57 Also, if any Collector of Fifteenths or other duties for the publique seruice of the King or of this City, doe re­taine in his hands any part of the money collected to his owne vse.

Women re­ceiuers of ser­uants. 58 Ye shall also inquire if there be dwelling within your ward any woman-broker, such as resort to mens houses, demanding of their maid-seruants, if they do like of their seruices: if not then they tell them they will helpe them them to a better seruice, and so allure them to come from their Masters to their houses, where they abide as boorders till they be prouided for. In which time it falleth out, that by lewd young men that resort to those houses, they be oftentimes made harlots to their vtter vndoing, and the great hurt of the Common-wealth: wherefore if any such be, you shall present them, that order may be taken for reformation.

Priuies. 59 Also, if any haue or vse any common Priuy, hauing issue into any common Sewer of the Citie.

Vagabonds. 60 And if any Constable, Beadle, or other Officer bee negligent or remisse in discharging his dutie, touching the execution of the Statute made for punishment of rogues, vagabonds, and sturdy beggers, or otherwise, and wherein the default is.

Poore. 61 Also, if any to whom the execution of the Statute made for reliefe of the poore doth appertaine, be remisse in discharging his dutie touching the execution of the same Statute, and wherein the default is.

Legacies. 62 Also, if any Executor or other person retaine in his hands any Legacie, summe of money, or other thing giuen to any charitable vse.

Drunkard, Whoremonger, Sabbath, Iesuite, Seminary Priest, Secular priest, Popish, Recu­sant, Conseners, &c. 63 Ye shall inquire whether there be within your ward, any common Drunkard, Whoremonger, Blasphemer of Gods holy name prophaner of the Sabbath, Iesuite, Seminary, or secular Priest, or any receiuer, relieuer, or main­tainer of any of them, or any Popish Recusant, Cozener, or swaggering idle companion, such as cannot giue account how they liue: if there be any such, you shall present them, and the names of those that lodge them, or aide them.

64 Ye shall also inquire whether any person or persons doe or shall say or sing Masse within your ward, or be pre­sent at any Masse.

Masse, Roman catho­lique Religion. 65 Also, if any person or persons within your ward being euill affected, doe or shall extoll the Roman Catholike Religion aboue the Religion professed and established by the Kings Maiesties authority in England, or doe, or shall depraue the Religion now professed in this Realme by authority as aboue, which may breed discord in the City, and dissention in the Common-wealth, ye shall carefully present the same persons, and their offences.

66 Also, if any person or persons that keepeth horses in their houses, do lay his or their stable dung, or such kind of stinking filth in any streets or lanes of this City to the great annoyance of the people passing that way, & do not leade his dung-cart at his Stable doore, as he ought to doe.

Assemble monethly. 67 You shall assemble your selues once euery moneth, or oftner if need require, so long as you shall continue of this Inquest, and present the defaults which you shall finde to be committed concerning any of the articles of your charge, to the end due remedy may be speedily supplied, and the offenders punished, as occasion shall require.

68 And in making your presentments, your Clerke is carefully to write the Christian name, surname, and Addi­tion or calling of euery offender, and the name of the parish wherein the offence was committed, and some certaine time how long the offence hath beene continued; and in presenting any persons for diuiding houses or Inmates, to write the names and addition of the present Landlord receiuing the rents, and the names of the Tenants in posses­sion; and of the Inmate in any house; and also to write in the Margent on the side of euery presentment the name or names vpon whose euidence you make such presentment.

God saue the King.

London printed by Robert Young, Printer to the Honourable Citie of London.

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