[flower surmounted by a crown]

[thistle surmounted by a crown]

[fleur-de-lys surmounted by a crown]

[harp surmounted by a crown]

The Character of a True Subiect, OR The Loyall Fidelity of the thrice honourable Lord, the Lord Marquesse Huntley, expres­sed in this his speech in the time of his imprisonment, by the Covenanters of Scotland, Anno 1640. Together with the fruitlesse hopes of rebellious insurrections, and warres taken in hand, against God his Lawes, and their Princes Prudent Government.

I Stand before you a prisoner, accused of Loyalty; For who can charge me of any other crime? you seeme to doe me some great favour, when you leave it to my free election, whether I will be so or not: is any so in love with fetters, but that he would change them for freedome, (were the conditions equall)? true it is, Liberty is offered: but like Merchants you value it at such a rate, that my fidelity, honour, and all that is deare to a noble mind, must be the price to purchase it. If I refuse what you propound, rack, torture, losse of goods, lands, and perhaps life it selfe: (a hard choyce) it is in my power to bee a free man: but how? if I will be a slave, enter into covenant, and take an oath which in it selfe is plaine periurie: as if treason were nothing, unlesse I made it Sacramentall. I have already given my Faith unto my Prince, upon whose head this Crowne is by law of Nature and Nations justly fallen. Shall I falsifie that Faith, and joyne my wicked hands with yours to put it off againe? (Heaven forbid): what but Religion, Liberty and Glorious Shewes are pretended? dare not all Rebels cloake their purposes with such goodly titles? They are much deceived who thinke that religion, and rebellion can be companions; or that God will favour their attempts, that strike at himselfe through the princes sides. In that very word King, there is such a Deity enclosed, that who wounds them, wounds the divine Na­ture. Why doe you then so rashly draw the sword under so holie a vaile? was religion ever built on bloud? did the primi­tive Christians ever propagate the Gospell with other then their owne blood? which they at all times shed, not onely to God; but to their owne princes although pagans, but never against them. As the Devill was the first Rebell, so Iudas was the onely traitor among the Apostles: and shall wee ranke our selves with those hated examples of disloyaltie and trea­cherie? But were our case good, and we able to contend with the forces of England: when have we fought with them, but we have beene beaten? even then, when their dominions and strength were lesse, by all that Ireland and Wales have added to their power: and then, when they did labour, both with forraigne, and their owne civill distractions, their title no better then the sword: yet we found it a hard taske to keepe our Kings in their seates, whose royall off-spring wee doe endeavour to tumble out. We have no France to flee unto for succour, our ancient league is worne out, theirs wholly Simented, by strong tie of marriage. To depend upon any other forraigne assistances, were to build Castles in the ayre. And besides that, Traitors are distastefull to all Kings: our persons cause, is not more odious then our religion. It is easie to begin, but let us see what will be the event of such ill grounded warre. I foressee with horror the miseries that attend it: as firing of houses, wasting of goods, famine, ruine of townes and citties, and the unjust libertie usurped, lost in an instant and for ever; Wife, Children and Bloud, man by nature holds most deare; if we pittie not our selves, yet let us not forget them wee hold most deare: Kings have strong hands to put a bit in the most stubborne; if you cannot relish gentle subjection, how will you digest slavery? Put not backe therefore this blessed arme that stretcheth out to receive us; when all is wildernesse, we shall then begge what now we refuse.

For my part, I am in your powers, and know not how this free speech of a prisoner will be taken. Howsoever you dispose of me, I will never distaine my Ancestors, nor leave that foule title of Traitor, as an inheritance to my posterity: you may when you please take my head from my shoulders; but not my heart from my Soveraigne.

London Printed by E. G. and are to be sold at the Horse-shooe in Smithfield, 1640.

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