By Master Alexander Shields Preacher of the Gospel.

Psalm, [...] Samuel [...]. Cha [...] ▪ from the [...] Verse to the [...]

April 25, 1688. Some Notes or Heads of a PREFACE Preached at Distinckor [...] Hill, in the Parish of Gaastoun, by Mr. Alexander Shields, Preacher of the Gospel.
The 79 Psalm being Sung.

ALL our Songs this Day may be Sad Lamentation, for if we understood the Place where we are: It is, by the Rivers of Babylon, and we ought to hang our Harps on the Willows, and our Songs ought to be Songs of Mourning, and our Voice the Voice of Weeping. And this is a very perti­nent Song of Lamentation which we have bee [...]singing (Psalm 79.) and very appostle and proper for the Case of our Day, when the Heathens have entred into onr Sanctuary, and laid Jerusalem on Heaps; and the Gentiles are treading down our outer Courts And this will always hold true, so long as bloody Papists do so much prevail, and the Blood of the Lord's Servants (that aim at Faithful­ness and contends for GOD) is shed like water, and runs down like a River about our Jerusalem▪ We are become a Reproach to our Neighbours, and made a corn and a Derision to them that are round about us. And this may be mat­ter of Lamentation to us, but if it were only so with us, the matter were [...]. But not only we are made a Reproach and a Derision, but the Word of GOD, and the Cause of CHRIST, and the Covenanted Work of Refor­mation is Reproached, and made a Lud [...]brium and a Laughing stock to the Heathen round about us: To Papists, Atheists, Prelats and Malignants, and Enemies one all hands. And when we look on the cruelty of Papists and Ma­lignants, and upon our dastardly Yeildings, our foolish Yeildings: Turn which way we will, look before us, look behind us, look on every hand, we see matter of sad Lamentation, and lad Significations of the Lord's Displea­sure against us: And this we must make mention and take notice of when we come before His Presence, Who is this day, not only a Holy GOD, but an Angry GGD, who is sh [...]wing His Wra [...]h in Characters of Blood. Ye may Remember the last time I was in this Country, we did hear a very sad Sub­j [...]ct suitable to Reflect upon. Which was, our sears did then come upon us, and are come upon us since. I had News to tell you then, and if a right use hath not been made thereof, they will be sadder, and sadder still. We say▪ [...] [Page 3] [...] have not been affected rightly, and concerned with them, but have been [...]ghting and not taking it to heart, they will be sadder still: Then we were Alarmed with the sad and sudden surprising Report of the Apprehending and taking of two Faithful Servants of JESUS CHRIST who were contending for the Prerogatives of the Prince of the Kings of the Earth, and the Con­cerns of all the Churches, and the Depositum of the Church of Scotland, who were let fall into the Enemies hands, and given up into the Holy all-over­ruling Providence of GOD, to the Power of their murdering Enemies, One thereof his Blood has been shed like Water since, which make this Song that we have been singing very pertinent, and which may make all our Songs, Songs of Mourning. For his Blood hath a crying Language, and I fear that many hath forgotten it, that seemed to be affected with it then, and many is even despising it. But I say that the Blood of that Faithful Servant of JESUS CHRIST, Mr. James Renwick, hath a Cry to the H [...]avens against this Gene­ration. And we shall shew some things that is the Language of it: For we ought not to forge [...] it, for it is precious in the [...]ight of GOD, and it ought to to be so in our [...]ight also: For if we forget it, it will Cry against us as well as others; we o [...]ght to enquire into the Language of such a Dispensation, for it hath a very loud Cry to op [...]n Ears, and w [...]akened Consciences. And

First, It crys to us, That there is a dreadful day comingon this Generation, when the Godly man perisheth, and when the Righteous and Merciful Men are taken away; it is always an Insallible Symptom of Wra [...]h to come, Isa. 57. 1. We have all the Symp [...]oms of approaching Wrath, that ever a Genera­tion had, for there are many Righteous Men taken away by bloody Violent Men, who we [...]e Righteous in th [...]ir state, Righteous in their course, and Righteous in their Cause: Many also merciful Men are taken away merci­ful Men who would [...]ain have had the Generation brought off from the evils of the Generation, and did spend their time and strength for them that did not pity themselves, those were merciful Men; and it's so much the more a Symptom of Wrath, that those Tokens are not taken notice of, but are despised and made light of, and this does speak out a surp [...]ising stroak, and the near approach of it, when People are crying Peace, then behold sudden de­struction, according 1 Thess. 5. 3. And are not the generality crying peace and safety, and what may we expect, but sudden Destruction! For, O! it's an unhappy Peace, unhappy it's nature, and unhappy in it's effects; For it's peace with the Enemies of God; yea, we have all the procu [...]ing causes that ever brought down the Wrath of God on any Generation.

2dly. I'll tell you what the blood of that Martyr crys, and it is this, that [Page 4] there is not only Wrath and Anger, impendent and hanging over our heads, but it is also incumbent and lying on us already, and that his anger is not turned away but his hand is stretched out still, and it is even against us in particular, who are the persecuted party; and this calls us to search and try our ways, that we may know what it is that the Lord contends with us for: And indeed we may find in a very slight and overly search and enqui­ry, many procuring causes of it on our part, O it says, we have slighted many Warnings The Lord hath been sending his Servants, rising up [...]aily, and sending them, and many of them have spent their blood, and for the most part, it seems to have been in vain as to us, he hath sent one still af­ter another, but we d [...]d not receive th [...]ir Message as we should hav [...] d [...]ne, and we may fear, that he will cease to contend any more with us, but will say to us, they are joined to their Idols, let them alone. For many to this day have discove [...]ed a grea [...] deal of their incorrigibl [...]ness, as the Lord before the Flood gave Warning to the Old World by the Preaching of N [...]ah; He set a day to their Repentance (One Hundred and Twenty Years) and after that they should get no more time to repent: It c [...]m [...]s to this at leng [...]h, that he says, I will no more strive with them, I'll say no more to them let them not away in their iniquities; and it seems to say this, that the Lord hath set a Day to Scotland's R [...]pentance and I [...] it be [...] than many are looking for: The Lord is even saying, They shall have that time and no longe [...]! H [...] hath suffered long, but now he is w [...]a [...]ed with Repenting: The [...]fore the t [...]me is coming that he will say to Scotland as he said to these in the 15 of Jer. 1, and 2 Verses, such as are for Death to Death, and such as are for the Sword to the Sword; and such as are for the Famine to the Famine, and such as are for the Captivity to the Captivity, and these that are for Massacres to M [...]ssacres and these that are for Martyrdom to Martyrdom. But I fear there shall be but few that shall be honoured with Marty [...]dom, O! It says, We have un­dervalued his Message and M [...]ssenger, and the Lord would not always let him be contemned, but he hath been provoked to take away Message and Messenger, and altogether.

Thirdly, As it C [...]yes for Vengeance against all these that have had any Accession to the shedding of it di [...]ctly or indirectly: So i [...] hath another Cry and they are D [...] and D [...]ad that w [...]ll not take notice of it, and [...] it. And it's this, That those who are now speaking so fair to this Generation, they have Murder in their hearts: And it proclaims th [...] Cruel [...]y of Bloody Pap [...]sts who had [...]he chiefest hand in it. And that tho many be crying up the Clemency of the Tyrant on the Throne, yet it says, we have to do [Page 5] with Men that have Murder in their Hearts, altho they be now speaking fair, [...]leechingly and Flatteringly to this Generation; Yet when they speak fair, believe them not, for there are seven Abominations in their Hearts. Tho' many be crying up the Leuity of the Mutdering Enemies. The Lord was pleased to Alarm us with this Dispensation, though to us very cost­ly; Which sayes, that they have not changed their Nature, they have the same Nature still: they have the same end, and Design still, though they have changed their Methods and Measures a little, yet wherever they find any Asserting the Testimony of the day, their Rage and Fury is as great against them as ever: And it says, it is no time now to fall Asleep, and to cry peace, and Safety: For the Lord is calling us to awaken, and when, the Lyon Roars, who will not fear? and when the Lord God hath spoken, who can but P [...]ophesie? But we by this pa [...]ticular see, that we have to do with Bloody Papist [...], altho' they be now speaking fair, alter all the Blood they have shed both on Fie [...]ds, and on Scaffolds, and in the Seas; yet they have the same Nature still they [...] same Captain, and they are Prose­cuting the same Wa [...] still against the Prince of the Kings of the Earth. The Drag [...]n and his Angels is ma [...]ging and carrying on the same War still a­gainst Michael and his Ang [...]ls that he did forme [...]ly, though he had chauged his Method a little. O Scotland, who hath bewitched you? have you not had the Experi [...]nce of the Dreadfulness of the Tre [...]chery and Cruelty of Papists before? and will ye believe them at their fi [...]st Word, Especially with a Tolleration; when the most part of the P [...]otestant Churches of Europe have had a Tast of their Falshood, and have been Cheated by such a method. Was not the Protestants in France Cheated by such a Tolleration granted to them by the Tyrant there? which when he saw sit, he took away; and made them either to Renounce and Abjure their Religion, or then endure great Sufferings. Was not the Protestants in the Value of Pi [...]dmont Ruined by making Peace and Consederacy with the Duke of Savoy? And will no­thing awaken us? O poor Scotland, awaken ye and [...]eep not now in Peace and Ease, for you have to do with those that are intending nothing but Massa­cres, nothing but the Subversion of Religion, and the utter Ruine and Over­throw of the Cove [...]anted Reformation, and all that adhere to it. And they ar [...] beguiled that thought the Devil was grown better in his Old Age: For many thought (so to speak) that the Devil and Antichrist were grown better i [...] their Old Age by granting this Toleration. Therefore hath the Lord Al­larmed us by this Dispensation: He would take one of his Jewels and let him fall into their Hands, and suffer them to discover their Bloodiness upon him [Page 6] and thereby let us see whom we have to do with. It hath this Language with it; and wo to them that will not hear it.

Fourthly, It hath another Cry, for as little as ye may think of it: Yet it hath this Language with it, that there is a very sad Defection this day, and that there are few Valiant for the Truth upon the Earth. We may say as Jeremiah says, Chap. 9 He Complains sadly in such a Case, and says, Oh! that my head were Waters, and mine Eyes a Fountain of Tears, that I might Weep day and Night for the Slain of the Daughter of my People. Oh! that I had in the Wilderness a lodging-place of way: faring-men, that I might leave my People, and go from them. For they be all Adulterers, an Assembly of Treacherous men: And they Bend their Tongues like their Bows for Lies: But they are not Va­liant for the Truth upon the Earth. What way does it sig [...]ifie this ye'll say? Then I'll tell You, none can be Valiant for the Truth upon the Earth, and Faithful for Christ, but he will be exposed to the Cruelty and Rage of His Bloodies Antichristian Enemies; it hath been so always, and will be so. For Michael and the Dragon are two Parties; and there must be a War kept up by all the Lord's Called, and Chosen, and Faithful, against the Dragon and Antichrist, without any Cessation, Truce or Transaction with them; And if any will discover any measure of Valiantness for the Cause, or will be Zealous for Christ; then he must exp [...]ct for the Fury of all the World. He may look for the Rage of the Devil and of Antichrist of Papists, Prelats and Malignants to be against him: For where Satan hath his Seat on the Throne of the Kingdom, the poor Antipas must s [...]ffer Martyrdom (Rev. 2, 14.) I say it speaks out much Desection, when those that pre­tend to be for the Truth on the Earth, and those that should contend for the Truth, gets leave to enjoy all their Liberties from Enemies.

For it cannot be, neither was it ever seen, but all that were Valiant for the Truth, and Zealous for the Cause of Christ, but they had all the Ene­mies of Truth upon their Top. And these that now have peace, it says they are not so now, for the Covenants are not only broken and burnt, but Declared Criminal to be owned; and the Covenanted Reformation like to be Ruined and razed: And when there is so much peace with Antichrist, it is a Wrath-prefaging thing, a Wrath procuring thing. And his Blood crys for Vengeance against all those who have been seeking to have peace with the Enemies of GOD, that have encroached on all His Prerogatives. For those who would be Zealous in Adhering to, and contending for those things, must expect to have all Truths Euemies against them. And now [Page 7] when an Absolute Power (which is the incommunicable Prerogative of JE­HOVAH) is arrogate by the Tyrant now upon the Throne, a Vassal of Antichrist: And this Power Recognosced, by the accepting and embrac­ing of the Toleration which flows from it, and when Popery is like to come in at this Gap, and be established, any who would be Faithful in Witnes­sing against those things, and would be Zealous in contending for the Prero­gatives of CHRIST, and the Privileges of His Church, may look and ex­pect to have the Fury and Rage of all Christ's Enemies bent against them. But now when there is so much silence as to those things, and so great en­joying of Peace and Quietness: it says, there is a great Delection, and that there is few Valiant for the Truth upon the Earth. Nay, many have bought Ease at the rate of Selling the Truth.

Fifthly, I'll tell you what it proclaims, and it is that, that Jeremiah com­plains of in his day, Chap. 9. 3. That many hath bent their Tongues like their Bows for Lies: But they were not valiant for the Truth. Yet there was a great deal of Zeal in the Witnesses of God in that day; So it cryes for Ven­geance against the Shedders; also it proclaims shame and ignominy on lying Tongues that reproaches Truths Sufferers. And it proclaims sad things to those who were guilty of reproaching him; and if this had been among Ene­mies, the matter had been less: For we would think it a Reproach not to be Reproached by the Enemies of God. But to be reproached by these who are not only Protestants, but Covenanted Presbyterians, it is very sad: Yet those who are now above the reach of reproaching Tongues have met with it first and last. For from the Death of Mr. James Guthrie, till Mr. James Renwick suffered, all the faithful and Zealous Ministers of Christ were re­proached: Was not Mr: James Guthrie called a Fool? Was not Mr. Kid and Mr. King called Jesuites? And was not Mr. Donald Cargil and Mr. Rich­ard Cameron called the same? And what Reproaches and Calumnies that could be broached out of Hell, was not cast on Mr. James Renwick? He was seen at Masses, and in League with the Enemies, and they would not stir not trouble him, I cannot rehearse the one hall of them, but the Lord hath Vin­dicated his Servant of them all, though dear to us. But his blood Cryes a­loud against those Reproaches, ye would take notice of it, and not think it a light matter to reproach the Servants of the Living God: For there is no part of the present Testimony that we have Witnessed for, and that we do own, but it is sounded upon the word of God, the Confession of Faith, and the Constitution of the Covenanted Church of Scotland, we are able to make this out. Wherefore in Reproaching us, ye Reproach the Living God, the [Page 8] Cause of Chri [...] and the Covenanted Reformation of the Church of Scotland. But, O it is sad, that those that are Presbyterians have such Arguments a­gainst us, for all their Arguments are such as Papists have; all have the same Arguments against us, and cast the same Reproaches upon us: For not only all the Papists, Prelats, and Malignants of the Land, but also our De­clining Brethren Ministers and Professors, use one and the same Arguments against us, and casts the same reproaches upon us: But we have this Advant­age by it, that all our Enemies are on the one hand, which makes it the easier to deal with them. What can any say against us? But all the Papists and Ma­lignants in the Lord will say so too: So we have them all upon the left hand, and none upon the Right, I say, there is very much to be learned by this bloody Dispensation. For the Papists are begun to their bloody Pract [...]c [...]s; from which it is to be Learned [...] they will not be restrained, untill they do strange bloody Works, for it is their nature; and they cannot be restrained from it, and it ought to have a dreadful cry in our Ears.

Sixthly, It hath another Cry, which is this, as it c [...]ys for Vengeance a­gainst all the Shedders, and all that have any acc [...]ssion to the she [...]ing of it: So it calls aloud to us, to enquire into the Heads for which he suffered; least we be found Trample [...]s on his Blood. The Testimony against this Antichristian Tolleration is now Sealed with Blood. The Testimony against this present Tyrrannical Government of this Duke of York is now Sealed with Blood. The Testimony of the Gospel Ordinances dispensed by Christ's Faithful Servants in the persecuted Field-Meetings, is now Sealed with Blood. The testimony for Defensive Arms is now Sealed with Blood He testified against that Land destroying fin, the paying of the Cess and the Locality, for bearing down the Free Preaching of the Gospel (which was never Settled before) And let me tell you, O ye Cess Payers, for I know that there are many of you here: I have sad News to tell you, and whether you will hear or forbear, I must tell you it: but I would counsel you to hear and forbear the Pr [...]ctice of paying it [...] I say, I must tell you from the Lord, that ye are Guilty of the Murder of the Lord's People, and of this Martyr's blood a­mongst the rest, which testified against it, and Sealed it with his Blood: Nay, Let me tell you more, ye are guilty of the sheding of the blood of Jesus Christ, and Crucifieing of Him afresh: For ye have given your concurrence and your helping hand to the Crucifyiug Christ afresh again in Scotland, for Christ has been as really Crucified in Scotland, as He was upon Mount [Page 9] Calvary without the Gates of Jerusalem, and ye are as gui [...]y of his Blood as the Souldiers who did it. Ye may think this strange, but it is true, for there is such a thing as the Crucifieing of Christ afresh, Heb. 6. 9. And Christ may be crucified again Mystically in his Truths, Cause, and Members, when his Truth and Cause are Opposed, Contradicted and Reproached, and his Members Murdered by wicked bloody Enemies, then is He Mystically crucified afresh, and put to open shame. And in Scotland, is not his Truths and Cause opposed, Contradicted and Reproached, and his Members Mur­dered? Did not the wicked Convention and Parliament who laid on the Cess tell you in the Narrative of their Acts, that it was for suppressing of Field Meetings, called by them the Randevouzes of Rebellion! So term they the Meetings of the Lords People for Gospel Ordinances: So that they have not lest you ignorant of that wherefore they required it; which was, to Banish Christ and his Gospel out of the Land, and to Murder all his Ser­vants and People who would avow and avouch their Adherance to the same: And they required your help and supply to get this wicked turn done. which I dare aver in the sight of Heaven, ye are Christs Murderers, and the Murderers of all the Saints that has been Murdered since: For you have bought the Swords that did it; and you have bought the Ropes that hanged them, and if you had not been the Hangmen your selves, you could have done no more, for it was told you, that it was for that end.

Then again in the Paying of it▪ it hath this Aggravation, that it is against Light; Ye are convinced it is a Sin: For many of you, if we come to you and speak about it, ye will confess it is a Sin, and yet ye go on in the Paying of it without any Excuse: O that is dreadful! will Ye but con­sider the sinfulness of it? You dare not deny but it is a Breach of Covenant, and that it is against the Acts of our Ass [...]mblies; and the Word of GOD condemns it: And yet Ye pay it, that Ye might keep Your Houses and enjoy Your Land. O there shall be a Curse lying on Houses and that have preferred them to the Blessed and Glorious Gosp [...]l, the Cause of a Ma [...]llings, broken Covenant, the Blood of his Murdered Servants, and the Guilt of crucifieing of CHRIST afresh shall ly on You; and the Blood of this Martyr that Suffered last, who Testified against that sin; cryes for Vengeance against You, for it was never before Sealed with Blood, and that gives us to Mark it the more. And if You will not hear and forbear it, an Europe shall hear of the Terrible Judgements that shall come upon You, for the promoting, Maintaining and Helping for­ward this Heaven-daring-revolt against the SON of the Most HIGH. Now [Page 10] I would have You to consider what his Blood cries to You for; and say it to Hear [...]; for it call [...] You to Esteem, Love, and conteud for those Truth [...] which he Sealed with his Blood: For they are worthie of the Lives of Thousands. Yea, ev [...]n of all the Wo [...]ld: The least of Christ's Truths, is worth the Lives of all the World; much more such great Truths.

I thought I would tell You this in the Entrie. Now let us compose our selves, and [...] our selves in the Sig [...]t of this Great GOD, and beg His Pre­sence and Assistance to what we are about. Let us pray.

April 15. 1688. Some Notes or Heads of a LECTƲRE Preached at Distinckorn-Hill in the Parish of Gaastoun, by Mr. Alexander Shields, Preacher of the Gospel.
Ʋpon 1. Samuel 15. Chap, from the 13 verse to the 24▪

THe People of Ireal and the People of Scotland a [...]e very like other: they have been equal in [...]rivileges and they have been equal in Sin [...], They were a special privileged people, as war in all the World. They were a Covenant­ed people, a peculiar people, They were likewise a very treache [...]our people, and guilty of many breaches of Covenant. They were unsteadfast & change­able, they could not stay long at one thing; and they were a very Loyal people: Yea, and sometimes a wicked Loyal people. They would have a King like the rest of the Nations. Well, the Lord gave them a King in His Anger, and took him away in His Wrath. They might well have wanted a King; for they had a very good Government before, They had the Lord to be their King: And He raised them up Judges fi [...]ed for Governing and Ruling aright Therefore because they desired this Change, The Lord says unto Samuel, hearken unto them, for the [...] have not rejected thee, but they have rejected Me, that I should not Reign over them. Well, the Lord gave them one, but such an one that made the Child to weep that was unborn. Well, he began right well. And the Lord is here taking a Proof of him, whether he would perform Obedience to his Command or not; and he puts him on this piece of Service to go and Execute Vengeance on Amalek which was a Necessar Duty, a Moral Duty, for they were to have War with Amalek for ever. For the Lord had given a particular Charge to the Children of Is [...]ael, Deut, 25 and last verse. To blot ou [...] the Remembrance of Amalek from under the Heaven, and not to forget it: And the Lord pu [...]s this in the hands of Saul to discover his Hypo­crisie, I shall go no further on the Introduction, but to lead to [...]he Application to our Case.

We have Amalek to deal wi [...]h; for Amalek does Typifie all the Enemies of the Church in general, and hath a Reference to them in these Words that we have Read: There is these six or seven Things contai [...]ed,

[Page 11] There is First, the Meeting of Samuel and Saul together in that 13 [...] verse and that Me [...]ting was little for Saul's profit: Poor Samuel in the Night before (when he heard that he disobeyed the Command of the Lord) had been Weeping and Crying all Night to GOD for him; And he [...]e he comes to him, and he came with an Intention to be free with Saul.

We have Secondly Sauls accosting the Prophet; he took the first word and spoke, where­in are two things First Sauls Hypocritical Salutation of Samuel, and Saul said unto him, blessed be thou of the Lord. 2ly, his Vaun [...]ing of his Performances I have performed the Com­mandment of the Lord: He began to justifie himself. We have

Thirdly, The Prophets Challenging of him in the 14 verse, as if he said, have ye done so? have ye performed the Commandment of the Lord? What means then the bleating of the sheep, and the l [...]wing, of the Oxen in mine ears? For you get a Commission to go and Destroy these and cursed Am [...]lekites, and all that appertained to them. G [...]d's Command was to cut off all, and if ye have done it, what means all this Din then? Every Rout of the Oxen, and every Bleat of the sheep, declares you to be a Rebel against GOD.

Fourthly, We have [...] Excuse, and Extenuation of his sin: It was the people that did it, not I; and they d [...]d it for a good End, viz. That they might take of those sheep and oxen to Sacrifice unto the Lord in Gilgall.

Fifthly, We have the Prophets pressing home the Charge with many aggravating Circum­stances to the 16▪ 17. 18 19. verses: As if the Prophet had said, well, you Excuse your self, but I must be free with you; remember this, that y [...]u may see the Aggravation of your sin: Remember what you were when God advanced you? Ye were little in your own fight when you were An inted King over I [...]rael: And further you were then put in a Capacity to do the Will of God, and [...] Obey His Command. And then the Lord was very particular with you, To go and destroy, and root cut these Cursed Amal [...]kites; but ye have not obeyed His Voice, but have Rebelled against him.

Sixthly, We have Saul's persisting in his justifying of himself in the 20 verse. Yea, I have Obeyed the Voice of the Lord, and have gone the Way that the Lord sent me; and I have brought Agag the King of Amalek, and have utterly Destroyed the Amalekites; but the People to [...]k of the Spot [...], Sheep and Oxen to Sacrifice unto the Lord thy God in Gisgall. He would not give over the Plea, what they had done, they had done it for a good End.

And then in the Seventh place, We have the Prophets convincing him of his Rebellions in the 22, 23 Verses; as if he had said, a Sacrifice, what cares the Lord for your Sacri­fice, or you either? He loves Obedience better than S [...]crifice. Will ye serve God in your own way? No, he will be served in his own way: But now ye are not his Servant, seing ye have Disobeyed his Comm [...]nd; ye are but a Rebel.

Then in the last place, We have the Sentence that the Prophet pronounces against this Rebel: As if he had said, seing ye have Dis [...]beyed his Command, He hath taken away and invalidate your Authority; ye may have the Title and the Name for a while, but ye are no more King over Israel; He will have no more of your Service. So these are the parti­culars of the words which we have read, and we shall go over them again, and speak a little to each of them as time will allow, applying them to our times.

The First thing then is the Meeting of the Prophet and this Hypocritical King: The Lord had told Samuel in the Night bef [...]re, how He was Displeased with S [...]ul, and that he had Rej [...]cted him, and would not have him to be King any longer: And the Prophet Weeps all the N [...]ght over for poor Saul. This was his Exercise, for if he could have gotten the W [...]ath and Anger of the Lord turned away from Saul, he would [...] have had it done as we should all of us do, We should not desire the Evil day on any; but should [...] [Page 12] for the sins of Enemies, and for the Judgements of Enemies: So likeways we should them. And he went from one place to another till he gets Saul to witness against [...] 12 Verse. And when Samuel [...]rose early to meet Saul, in the morning it was told Samu [...] saying Saul came to Carmel and behold, he set him upon a place, and is gone about, at passed on, and gone down to Gi [...]gall.

Whence we Observe, when judges or any in Eminent Note Rebell against God, all the Servants of God should not only mourn over them in secret, but witness against them publickly, as Samuel did. Ministers should be free, and Faithful in preaching against the sins of every one who ever be offended, this is a clear Duty, it Ye will consider these two or three things, First Why this should be done. 2dly. Who is the Object against whom they should witness. 3dly. When is the time that this should be done.

First then, Why Rebellion should be witnessed against be in whom it will, which is a duty very much slighted in our D [...]y: We should not suffer sin upon our B [...]other, when we see him sin, we suffer sin upon him when we do not reprove him, and the not reproving of him, is a [...]ating of him. We hate our Brother when we do not tell him of his Sin, and they are guilty of their blood, 33 Ezek, They that do not d [...]clare the whole Coun [...]el of God, cannot say that they are free of the blood of all Men: They should tell what are their sins, and that they should repent of their sins.

Secondly, It is clear, If ye will consider the Names that Ministers get in Scripture, as Watchmen, and those must [...]et the Trumpet to their Mouth, and give Warning when the see dan­ger coming, otherways they are guilty of their Bl [...]od. And also it is clear from what they have in Commission, 58 of [...]a. They must cry aloud and n [...]t spare, and lift up their Voice like a Trumpet, and shew the Lords Peop [...]e their Transgressi [...]ns, and the House of Jac [...]b their Sins: Zek. 16 2. Cause Jerusalem know her abominati [...]ns, Zek. 20. 4 Cause them to know their Fa­thers Sins. And when Ministers does not this, they cannot say with Paul, That they are free from the blood of all Men. Acts 28. Seing if they do not tell the People of their Sins, they have shu [...]ned to declare unto them all the Counsel of God: F [...]r how can People Repent of and mourn for those sins that they do not know nor told of; There is many a Direction to the Servants of God to declare against the Sins of his People, and they sh [...]uld make their Wit­ness against publick sins, as publick as they can.

Thirdly, It is clear, if ye will consider, that there is no way left to avert the Wrath of God from the whole Land, but a publick pl [...]ading against those sins: For we find that for Sauls Sin, there was Three Years Famine on the whole Land. For David's sin of Number­ing the People, there fell of the People Ten Thousand▪ And for Man [...] sin the Ears of all Judah was made to [...]in, let So as upon the one hand, the sins of [...]ulers b [...]ings on the Wrath of God on a Land▪ So upon the other hand the unfaithfulness of Ministers in not giv­ing faithful Warning, and telling the People their sin and Du [...]y, brings Wrath upon the whole Land, Lev 10. 6. And Moses said unto Aaron, and unto Eleazar, and unto [...]hamar his Son, uncover not your Heads, neither rent your Cloaths least you die, and least Wrath come upon all the People, Isa 44. 43. Jer. 14 13. Micha 3, [...]ad 5. Where it is clearly insinuated, that the sins and unfait [...]fulness of Ministers brings Wrath upon a [...]l the People. N [...]w I say, there is no other way lest to avert the Wrath of God from a Land but publick pleading for Truth and against Sin and Defection, which is clear, Isa. 59 15 16 Verses, Yea truth falleth, and he that departeth from Evil, maketh himself a prey, And the Lord saw it▪ and it displeas­sed Him, that there was no Judgment, and He saw that there was no Man, and wondered that there was no Intercessor. And Jer. 5 1. Run ye to and fro [...] through the Streets of Jerusalem, and see now and know, and seek in the broad places thereof, if ye can find a Man, if there be any [Page 13] that executeth Judgment and seeketh the Truth, and I will pardon it: As if the Lord would say. Now I am going to bring Judgment on the Land, and if ye can get any that executeth Judgment and seeketh the Truth, I will turn away my Wrath: And in the 9 of Jer. 3 verse They are not Val [...]ant for the Truth. And Ezek. 22. 30. And I fought for a Man among them that should make up the Hedge and stand in the Gap (before ME) for the Land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none: Theref [...]re have I poured cut my Indignati [...]n upon them; I have consumed them with the Fire of my Wrath. Where we may see, if there had been any to make up the Hedge and stand in the Gap (Before ME) the Land would not have been destroyed. We may see like­wise from this, that Ministers shou [...]d n [...]t only be free and Faithful in Witn [...]ssing for Tru [...]h, but they must wrestle with G [...]d as well as for God, and their Wi [...]n [...]ss must be as publick as can be, f [...]r the expressions of seeking the truth, and m [...]king up the Hed [...]e does import i [...], see­ing these cannot be done bu [...] in a publick manner: But alas! There is n [...]ne found this day to stand in the Gap, and to plead with their Mother, tha [...] she should put away her Whore­dome and Defections, yet it is the only way to turn away Wrath for all that, Ho [...]ea 2. 2. Ala! We have few in Scotland this day to Wres [...]le, Mourn and Plead: And yet every Rebellion that it done against G [...]d, when we do not declare against it, we declare our selves guilty of concealing Treason.

Secondly, Against whom should we Witness? against all, Great or Sin [...]ll, they must not Spare t [...]em when they Sin? ei [...]her [...] Fear or Fav [...]ur. So we find Samuel here did Wit­ness against Saul, and Nathan the Prophet did Witness against David, Hanani the Seir against Assa, and against J [...]h [...]shaphat. So we find [...]aiah did Witness ag [...]inst Hezekiah Elijah against Jerobeam, and Elijah against Achab. Yea many times these Examples has been [...] [...]uced to us to Witness against all Sins be [...] it will; Especially M [...]nisters sh [...]uld preach against the sins of Tyrants Our ancient Re [...]mers at the beginning or the Refor­mation, made use of the freedom and faithfulness of the Prophets in reproving the sins of the King of Judah and Israel, to prove the lawfuln [...]ss of what they did, in reproving, the sins of the Great Folk in their time. And some of t [...]en took the Free­d [...]m to say there is many Folk now a days, that wi [...]l h [...]ve no other Religion than the Queens, and the Queen wi [...]l have no o [...]her Religion than the Cardinals, and the Cardinal wi [...]l have no other Religion than the [...]; and the P [...]pe will have no other Reli­gion than what pleases the D [...]vi [...]: And so it may be said of many in our d [...]y; Many will have no other Minister but such as pleases the King, the King does n [...]thing but that pleases the Pope, the Pope d [...]es nothing but what pleases the Devil! And look Ye and see what sort of Preaching that must be then Have ye not a brave Tolleration of it then? For upon these Terms was it given; That Ministers should preach nothing that war Se [...]it [...]us [...]r Treasonable or might any way tend to al [...]enat the hearts of the People from the King and his Government: And what is that? But that they sh [...]uld preach nothing against the sins of the Time, nothing of the Tyrannie of the Time, n [...]thing against that Abs [...]lute Power he hath arrogated, nothing of the In­coming of P [...]pery at the Gate and Gap of this Tolleration, nor of the Snares of the Times, not what was the People's Duty in such a Case; for that would be Sedit [...]us by the King, the Pope, And christ, and the Devil! And alas! it is sad [...], that this Toleration is complyed with, and that the Freedom and Faithfulness that shou [...]d be used in these things, is forborn by the Ministers that Preaches in the Meeting Houses, for this pleases the King and the Pope, and the Devil well.

Thirdly, When is the time that Ministers should be thus Free, Faithful and Publick to Witness against publick sins, Samuel took a very fit time to reprove and convince Saul, just after the [Page 14] committing of the sin: And if ever there was a time to Witness against publick Sins, this is it: But in Answer to this. I shall shew you from Scripture: when is the time and Sea­son of giving a publick Witness and Testimony for Truth and against Sin. As first, when Enemies are relenting a little from th [...]ir Cru [...]lty, former Rage and Fury against the Lord's People, yields somewhat, and offers Liberty upon easier Terms than before; when they are very accommodating and yielding, then that is the ver [...] Season of a Testimony for Truth, without yeilding in the least to them Thus it was with Pharaoh, he was very stubborn at first, but after that he had keeped the Children of [...]rael long in [...]ond, he yields much, and grants to let them go upon condition that they would let him but keep some of the Sheep; but Moses thought this a fit time of giving a Testimony; he would not yeild to Pharaoh in this, not a Hoof says Moses shall be left behind us, and we should all be Slaves this Hundred Years, N [...]y though we should never be delivered. The Tyrant upon the Throte hath somewhat relented of his former Fury, he hath yeilded somewhat, and offers Accommodation with the Lord's People, but yet upon c [...]ndition [...] Destructive to the cause of Christ: Then now is a time of giving a Testimony, declaring, th [...] we will not quite one H [...]of of Truth, nor yeild to him in the feast: So when ever Enemies will be pleased with less than formerly, that is the time to testifie against Sin.

Secondly, When ever there is a Tolerati [...]n granted when Idolatry and I [...]laters is Tollerated, as in Jud [...]es, 20. The Children [...] to the Cananites, there came an Angel of the Lord, to wit a Pr [...]phet and testified against th [...]m. And Soul h [...]re had given a To­leration to Agag, by sparing of his Life, Sam [...] testified against him, and t [...]ld him, that he was but a Rebel to [...] for the doing if it [...] [...] when [...] gave a Tolerati [...]n to [...] he called him his Brother and [...] his Life there comes a Pr [...]phet [...] the Lord and reprove [...] him, 1 Kings [...]0, and says, Thy Life shall go [...] his Life, and [...] People [...] As al­so when Ah [...]z to [...]k a Toleration from the A [...]syrious, and entered into [...] Ass [...]ci [...]tion and Confe­deracy, with Tiglath Pelezar King [...]f [...], the Prophet [...] thought this the Season of giving a Testimony Chap 8, 12: Sa [...] ye, [...] a Con [...]ederacy to all them to whom this People shall say a C [...]n [...]ederacy And is not n [...]w Idolatry and Idolaters Tollerated, is not Papists and Quakers Tolerated? Then this is the time of giving a Testimony for Truth, and a­gainst every thing contrar [...] to it.

Then Thirdly, When People are halting between two Opinions; then is the time of giving a Testimony, as Elijah the Prophet did 1 Kings 18. When the Children of Israel were halting be­tween two Opinions, he shewed himself to Achab, who has s [...]ught his Life many a day before, And at this time many People are halting between tw [...] Opinions; for some will go to the Curats one day, and to the Tolerated Meetings another, and come to the Field Meetings the Third, then this is the time of giving a Testimony. For we must tell you, not to halt between two Opinions, and as Elijah said to them. if the Lord be God, follow Him, but if Beal▪ then follow Him: So we say unto you, if ye be for God then avouch it and of you be for Antichrist, then be for Anti­christ, it is no time now to keep Peace both with CHRIST and Antichrist, for it is a thing imp [...]ssible.

Fourthly, When the wicked are very high in Power, as H [...]man in the Days of Mordecal, then is the time of giving a Testimony: as we see Mordee [...] did he would not Reverence him, nor reveal his Cap to him, though his Life should have gone for it, and the Life of all the Jews. So now, is not now the Papists high in P [...]wer! Hosea 8 1 Set ye the Trumpet to thy mouth, and what shall he sound when he hath it there? Even this among these things, Verse 4. They have set up Kings but not by me: They have set up a Popish Tyrant upon the Throne of Britain, for which the Wrath of God shall come on this Land. When Enemies are come to a great height [Page 15] of Heaven daring Wickedness, is it not then a time for Ministers to preach freely against them: To set the Trumpet to their mouth and give a certain sound. O it was the Duty of all the Ministers in Scotland when ever this Popish Tyrant mounted the Throne, to have set the Trumpet to their Mouth and sounded an Alarm; and to have given the People Warning of the great danger they were in; thereby they should have told them, they have set up a Tyrant yonder upon the Throne of Britain and Ireland, who is seeking to Subvert and overturn Religion, and all the Li­berties of Mankind, and he hath now arrogate to himself an absolute Power, whereby he may do what he pleases. O therefore have a care of your selves, have nothing ado with him, make no Bar­gain or Transaction with them.

Fifthly, When the Servants of God are in hazard to be destroyed for the Testimony, and are to be massacred and murdered by Cruel bloody Enemies, then is the Season of a Testimony, and appearing publickly, to tell the People the hazard in orde [...] to the prevent­ing of the same, as we see in the case of Mord [...]cai and Esther, when the Jews were in hazard to be massacred and murdered. And now are we not all as really in hazard to be massacred and murdered as ever the Jews were? For it is well known, that the Papists have as great hatred at a [...]l Pre [...]byterians as they had at the Jews, and is not this the time of giving a Testim [...]ny against them? Alas! it is sad to see many at peace with Papists, and like to live in Neighbourh [...]od with them But I must tell you it, there is not a Man this day in Scotland at Peace with Papists, but he is a R [...]bel to Christ: For if he were faithful to Christ, then he mi [...]ht exp [...]ct to have Satan and all his Instruments on his top.

Sixthly, The time [...] Defecti [...]n, especially the time of Defections of Ministers is the season of giving a publick Testimony so Truth against them, as we see in the 13 of Ezek: 2 verse He it bidden Prophesie against the Prophets, and also he is bidden tell them they are but Daubers and that the Wall should [...]all which they had daubed with untempered Mortar▪ and we have also this to m [...]k [...] the S [...]s [...]n [...]f [...] a publick Testimony for truth, and we sh [...]uld look up [...]n the havin [...], of it as matter of Sorrow and Lamentation. But alas? hath not many M [...]sters this day g [...]ne on in sad st [...]ps of De [...]ection, are they not daubing with Ʋntempered Mortar? This sh [...]uld be told them that they are unfaithful to Christ in doing such things, and that by their so doing, that they bring not only the Wrath of GOD upon themselves but upon the wh [...]le Land.

Seventhly, When the Testimony is discharged, and Duty interdicted by Law, then is the very Season for a Testimony for it: As in Daniel's time, when Prayers were interdicted by Law, he would pr [...] then as well as ever; though he was a very wise man, and no Pharisee, yet he not only disobeyed the wicked Law, but he wou [...]d let his Enemies know it, that he did not [...]bey it by opening his windows. And have we not this also to make this the very season of a Testimony for tru [...]h and against enemies, when the Covenants are not only broken and burnt, but declared Criminal to be owned, and this makes it the very time of declaring pub­lickly the Obliga [...]ion thereof up [...]n us, and our Adherence thereunto. Likewise is not Field-Meetings (which the LORD many times signally countenanced) strictly interdicted by a wic­ked Law and discha [...]ged under pain of Death; and this makes it to be an inavoidable Testi­mony to keep them up, [...] bloud sh [...]uld be mingled with our Sacr [...]fice. Now by these things may we not see when [...]he Se [...]son is for giving a publick Testimony for Truth, and against the Enemies there [...]f. And [...] have all these concur [...]ing in our C [...]se, which makes the giving of a publick Testimonie for Truth, and against in Enemies an indispensible Duty: For in our Case the Object is [...]eat. Now [...]hen the Prerogatives of CHRIST, Who is the Prince of the Kings of the Earth is usu [...]ped by this Absolute Power which the Tyrant upon the Throne (this V [...]sse [...] [...] Antichrist) hath blasphemously arrogated to himself. When this Popish Tyrant claim [Page 16] this absolute Power to himself, and when the Privileges of the Church and Liberties of Mankind is encroached upon by this Monster, and when the Wrath of God is burning against the Genera­tion▪ [...] then to keep silence: O who ca [...] hold his Peace, The Lyon hath Roared who can but [...]. There is none can hold their Tongue that hath any Zeal for the G [...]d of Israel, No, he, they cannot.

Secondly, The second thing to be considered, is, Saul's acc [...]sting of Samuel when they were met; Saul took the first word, for he had an ill Conscience in this. There is these two things, First, [...] flattering Complement., just like the Flatterers in our day. Secondly, A flauoring Profession. First then, There is here a flattering Complement; and Saul said un­to him, Blessed be thou of the Lord; O Terrible! this was a taking of the Lords Name [...] vain

Hence we observe, That H [...]pocritical Enemies of God are sometimes very free of their Complements, and oftimes are very ready to ble [...]s as Saul was here; but their Blessing had better been wanting, for they are no [...]hing worth. We find this Expression very frequent, blessed be thou of the Lord: As First, When any body gives them any thing, then they will get their Blessing for it; as we see Micah [...]s Mother did, when he told her, that he had the eleven hundred Shekels of Silver, about which she had cursed; and she said, Bl [...]ssed be thou of the Lord my Son, Judges 17, 2. So if any Body will give the Enemies any thing they may expect their Blessing; but they will not be much the Richer of it when they have gotten it. Secondly, When any Body makes any Address to them, or help them to do an [...]ll Turn, then they will get their Blessing for i [...]: As when the Ziph [...]tes, these Intelligencers came and told Saul where David was and Saul said Bl [...]ssed be ye of the Lord [...] as if he had said, Blessed be ye of the Lord, for ye are [...]oyal Subjects, seing ye c [...]me to tell me where my Enemie David h [...]un [...]s, ble [...]ed be ye. Thirdlie, When such an Occasi [...]n is put it into the Hands of the Lords People, as that they ma [...] cut them off, and they spare them; as when David spared Sauls Life, 1 Samuel 24 16. Blessed be thou my Son David, thou shalt prevail, says Hypocritical Saul, And Fourthlie, When they have done an ill Turn, to stop the mouths of Reprovers, they will say, they have not sinned as the Papists have d [...]ne this d [...]y. Fifthlie, When they have a mind to do an ill Turn to anie, then they will speak fair, and fall to their Complements as we see Joab did when he killed Am [...]sa 2 Samuel 20. 9 It is said Proverbs 26, 25. When they speak fair, believe them not, for there are seven Abomina­tions in their heart..

Well, one word by way of Application: There are many in Scotland, hath win the Bless­ing of Enemies; well, hold them with it, but it is not much worth when they have got­ten it will do them little good. Many of you by Com [...]lying in hearing of Curats, taking of Oaths and Bonds, and paying the Cess, have win Antichris [...]s Blessing, and the Devil's Blessing; but when ye have gotten it, you will win nothing by it, not be the Richer b [...] it, And many of you by imbracing this Tolleration, have given your Helping hand, when they are going to set up Dagon, and when you ly by from giving a Testimony against it, and when there is such smooth preaching that will trouble Antichrist much, O but he will be well pleased with it. Oh! consider it, Ye who have had any hand in this? for Ye have given your Helping hand to set up Poper [...]e, and so you have got their Blessing.

The second thing to be considered an Saul's accosting of Samuel, [...], Saul's Flau [...]ing pro­fession, I have performed the Commandment of the LORD, I shall note this from it, That Hipocrites are very ready to make a shew of their Profession, and to [...]unt of their perform­ances, which is alwise the Mark of a Hipocrite. For if Ye would speak to some Folk, they will tell You that they have done as much and suffered as much for the Cause as any, and they will make a shew of their Profession, and boast of their Performances oft times for these ends. [Page 17] [...] To be in Favour with People, that they may esteem much of them [...] [...]erformances:) seeking to be advanced; they [...]ill tell you, they have done [...] Duty and the [...] Duty; and O out they have done much for the LORD. O this is [...] in His Sight [...] of what he had done, when he said, Come with me, and see [...] the LORD, 2 King [...] [...] So many Hypocrites in Scotland have made a great [...]in of their profession, and [...] of what they had done, that they might be much este [...]med, and in Favour with people: Many [...] their Talking of owning the Covenant, a [...] to moun [...] themselves into the [...] of Pre­ [...]ment, who have helped to But [...] i [...] since; it which the LORD's Sp [...] has been grieved. Secondly, [...] did boast of their pretended performances, and do make them a sc [...]gg to [...] their Knavery [...]; whereas their pre [...]enc [...] is, to [...]ke themselves Rich: I have done bravely, says he, This [...] been much in Scotland: Many have had a great shew of P [...]ssion, and [...]gged much of that they had done. So, many Fo [...]ks will [...]ke up a Profession of Re [...]igion, to [...] t [...]eir Knavery [...] bu [...] GOD will discover such to [...] shame. There will some Folks appear for the Lord with [...] Sworns; w [...]ereas their En [...] is to make themselves Rich: For there [...] many who came out [...] Bridge, th [...]t came out for no other End, [...] to get a Booty and a Spoil, to make them­selves Rich▪ Thirdly, H [...]pocrites [...] much o [...] their Performances, that they may perswade others to sin; and all that I can say for this End, is, as [...] to allu [...]e People to that which is sin­ful. Tu [...] W [...]rish Woman spoken of by [...] ▪ Prov 4 When she is allu [...]ing the Young Men to commit Fornication with her, she make [...] use of this is [...]n Argument to perswade him, 14 Ver. I have Peace-Off [...]rings with me this day; I have performed my Vows. So when they would have others to concur in a Conspiracy with them, they are brave Men then, and they will talk much o [...] their performances. They boast of their Performances, that they may make the some a Prop to le [...]n upon: They have nothing to bragg of but their own works, and they build upo [...] that, and go about to establish their own Righ [...]eousness; and some Folks lean upon their own principles, great profession, and much suff [...]ring. O [...]our [...] Foundation! poor Saul thought that what he had done would me [...]it Favour from GOD: so Hypo [...]i [...]es lean on many things (that are not CHRIST) as props. Lastly, Hypocrites may make their great p [...]ofession and performances, a ple [...] to extenuate and defend, and justifie their [...]; as Saul did here to just [...]fie and ex [...]enuate his sin of disobeying the Commandment o [...] the LORD, I have performed the Commendment of the Lord. So alas! fo [...] a [...] De [...]ections [...]hat have been in Scotland, for which the Heavens may stand astonished, and all N [...]io [...]s that have [...]: Yet this is the common plea, and pretext of many Complyers to ex [...]enuat their De [...]ction: Yet they will say, O they have performed the Commandment of the LORD, they have done much, and suffe [...]ed much. Ay, if ye will speak to some of the greatest Com­plyers in [...]ll the Land, that [...]ave gone on in all the Compliances in all the Land, bearing of Curates, taking of Oaths, [...], and the rest; and all this to covet their Defection, as Saul did here. O this is abominable in the LORD's sight.

Now the Third thing [...]o be spoken to, is, The Prophet's challenging Saul, and telling [...], that he was a Lying H [...]pocrite; as if the Prophet had said, ye talk much of performing of the Com­m [...]ndment of the LORD, but there are many Witnesses to the contrary: Ye say yet have performed and obeyed the LORD's Comm [...]n [...], have ye done so? What means then the ble [...]ting of the Sheep, and the [...]owing of the Oxen which I hear? Every Rout and every Ble [...] decla [...]es the [...], Whence we observe, that Defection shall be discovered by their Effects, as Math 9. 14, The Tree is known by us [...]: Though we may say, we have performed the Com [...]ndmen [...]s of the Lord, there are many things that evidence the [...]: For if we will [...] the sins of out time, we may see many evide [...]ces of our Defections, our Ble [...]ing of the Sheep, and Low­ing of the Oxen [...] Witness [...] Alas! Our De [...]ections are great and many, and very [...]ai [...]our and yet it is s [...]d to he [...]r such a justi [...]yin [...] of our selves, as there is, I shall only tell you some o [...] them that we may think upon and [...] for the same.

As for Example, we have swor [...] away our selves and all that we have to the Lord in a Solem [...] League and Covenant; and we are co [...]manded [...] which we have received. Let [...] run through shortly all the Ar [...]icles thereof, [...] shall see we have broken them all.

First, According to the first Article of the [...], we are sworn through Grace to endeavour in our Places and Stations, the [...]wor [...] of our Reforme [...] Religion in the Church of Scotland in Doctrine, Worship. Discipline and Government. Well, have no done this? Ay, ay, Minister and People will born say they have done it: But now I say, if we have done it What [...] Blea [...]ing of the Sheep and Lowing of the Oxen: If we have keepes this A [...]icle of our Covenant then how comes it, that the Overtu [...]ne [...] [...] to sit upon the Throne, and submitted unto [Page 18] And in Absolute Power claimed by the Granter of this Toler [...]tion, and the Accepters do re [...]cognos [...]e that Absolute power to be in him, for that Toleration flows from it: The Design whereof, is, to overturn Religion, and introduce Idolatry; yet how is the same not only embraced and accepted by the most part, but thanked for by all the Presbyterian Ministerses, their Address bears. O can this consist with Presbyterian Principles, and yet the obligation of the Covenant dare not be preached in no Tollerated Meeting this day in Scotland▪ And yet it was the Doctrine of the Reformers of the Church of Scotland, that Folk should Witness for these things. But now nothing may be preached that may tend to alienate the hearts of the people from Papists; and is not the Doctrine encroached upon by this Tolleration? when it is prescribed to Ministers how they should preach: And is not the Discipline enc [...]o [...]ched upon? For none are Tollerated, but those whom the Enemies please, and these have no power to exercise, Discipline: And the Goverument is also Enc [...]oached upon. So that it is the most shameful thing, and most destructive thing that ever was in the C [...]urch before. For there was never such a Bondage is this: What means the ble [...]ing of the sheep, and l [...]wing of the [...]xen? O! may we not see how we have broken this Article.

Secondly, We are commanded to keep the Lords Land cle [...]n, we are bou [...]d in the second Article to extirpate Popery and Prelacy, &c: Now have we done this? [...], Ministers and Professors will say that they have done it, but [...] we have done it, then what means the bleeting of the deep and lowing of the [...]xen? if we have extirpated Prelacy; then what meaneth the Ringing of the Bells to the Curates preaching, which some of you might have heard the day by the way? For if we had been Faithful in keeping this Article, there would none of them been in the Kirks this day. If we have endea­voured to extirpate Pop [...]ry: Then what means the Mumbling o [...] the Mass in many places of the Land? Do ye not hear tell of Masses? Do ye not he [...]r of a Popish Tyrant on the Throne, a V [...]ssel of Antichrist? And yet Acknowledged [...]s the Vicegere [...]t of JEHOVAH? Have you been ex [...]irpating those, when you have been Hyring them by paying them these things that they Requ [...]e of you: And what means the imbracing of and Accepting A Tolleration? The Design of the grauting of which, is, to introduce Popery: For was ever Popery introduced [...]here once it was Rooted out without A Tolleration? And is this the way to extirpate Popery? O! no, no, Are there not many of you br [...]ve Coven [...]nters indeed, when ye countenance A Tolleration which opens [...] Gap to let in Popery? But some of you will say, may not Papists do good? For Cyrus was a Heathen, and he gave Libertie to the Jews to go Home to their own Land and build the Temple of Jerusalem; there we see he did good? O ye who ple [...]d thus, have a care what you say, and do not Father your Ill gotten Get [...]s on the Holy scripture? Do not wrest the scriptures of Truth? for ye have no ground to plead the Lawfulness of your practice from this Example of Cyrus. This Antichristian Tolleration now so Universally Accepted, improved and App [...]uded of, is no way [...] like that Liberty granted by Cyrus to the Lords people; it is neither like it in the Gra [...]ter, nor in the Terms whereupon it is gran [...]ted, nor in the Design wherefore it was granted, nor in any other thing are they like other: For Cyrus was prophesied of, long before he was born, by [...] Prophet Isaiah that he should build the LORD's House, and let go his Captives: He was ex [...]traordinarlie [...] up by the Lord, and called of GOD to give Liberty to His people, and to Establish their Religion by a Decree: Now this cannot be said of him who grants this Tolleration. Again Cyrus in his Proclamation gives Libertie to the Lords people, the Jews only, and not to any of the Nations as Ammanites, Philistians or the Rest; and the thing he granted, is, the Free Exer­cise of their Religion in their own Land, Ezra 1, [...]. And he gives a Noble Testimonie to the Glorie of GOD: But he does not give any Libertie to the Idolatrous [...] to Exercise their Idolatries. Now this cannot be said of the Tyrant and his Proclamation for this Tolleration: For is gives Libertie to Idolaters and Hereticks, Papists and Quakers; And he grants Religion among [...]ther things to be Tollerated. But Cyrus does not Tollerate the Religion of the Je [...]s as a thing to [...] suffered: but by a real Decree, and he gives Testimonie to Truth and people of GOD: [...]ut this Tyrant gives no Testimonie to the Gorie of GOD, he does not Encourage and Establish [...]eligion as Dutie; but Toller [...]s it under the Notion of a Crime, And gives Libertie to it under [...]e Notion of a Fru [...]t to be pardoned. Now Religion cannot be Tollerated; but should be [...]wned, encouraged, and established as suc [...]: Likewise he gives Libertie to Idol [...]ters to Exercise [...]eir Idolatries; and to Hereticks to spread Abroad and vent their Heretics; he gives Papists libertie to say their Mass; and Quakers to vent their [...]sphemies: So that now, as it were, the [...] of the Lord is set up beside Dagon. Moreover Cy [...]us granted the Jews the [...] Exercise of their [...]eligion, without any Bonds, Restriction or Limitatio [...]s: But this cannot be said of this Toller [...] ­ [...]on; For it is clogged with Restrictions and Limitations: By it Ministers are Restricted in [Page 19] [...] Doctrine; For they must pre [...]ch nothing that any way may tend to Allenate the Hearts of the subjects from the Granter of it or his Government; and the place of their preaching is also Restricted, it must be in Houses, and not in the Fields. Likeways the Design of Cyrus granting Libertie to the Jews was good; For he gave them Libertie to go up to Jerusalem to Build the House of the LORD: But this is not the Design of this Granter, it is to Introduce Popery; And he intends not to Build the House of the LORD; but to Build Babylon: And he will make use of this Tolleration as a scaffolding to keep up that Tower of Babylon; And when ever he hath the building finished, then he will pull down the scaffold again. Then again, some plead for the Lawfulness of Accepting and making use of this Libertie from the Philistians sending Home the Ark. A [...], ay, say they, seing the Philistians sends us Home the Ark, why may we not Receive it? may not the Philistians Kin [...] [...] home the Ark of the LORD? But they have no ground for this neither: For the Ark and Dagon cannot stand together under one sconce: For no sooner was the Ark set up but Dagon went down, But now if ye will look upon the Libertie granted by this Tolleration, is the bringing back of the Ark, then the Ark and Dagon are standing very peace­ably and pleasan [...]y together under one sconce; this c [...]nnot be, for they cannot stand together, and now many, both Ministers and Professors are living peaceably. And in good Neighbourhood with Papists and Quakers. O abominable! what is this? O this is sad, that ever this should have been heard of in Scotland. Moreover when the Lords of the Philistians sent back the Ark, the Kine that carried it, went straight to Beths [...]mesh in the Land of Israel; but now they are going away to Ba­bylon: And if this Liberty granted by this Tolleration be the Ark, then they are carrying it the high-gate to Rome.

Then Thirdly, In the third Article of our Solemn League and Covenant, we are bound to stand fast in the Defence, and to maintain the Liberties of the Church, and Privileges of the Kingdom, as We are Men and Christians. We have observed this, that some will plead on this Article of the Covenant for owning a Popish King: But O [...]! is there not an express Condition and Qualification there, that we shall own no Magistrats over us, but in subordination to the Law of GOD, and those who will give us security for our Religion and Liberty: And have we not the Laws of GOD a­gainst Tyranny, and also the Laws of the Land, which we are bound to maintain every Soul of us; and now we do subscribe our selves Breakers of it, when we own a Papist. Now have we performed this? Ay, ay, it may be some Ministers and Pro [...]essors will say they have; but if we have done it, then what meaneth the ble [...]ting of the sheep, and l [...]wing of t [...]e oxen? What meaneth the lowing of the Bulls of Bas [...]an? What meant the Wicked walking on every side? And what means the Bloo [...]shed? All these things do Witness against us, if We have keeped this Article in refusing to set up Ma­gistrats over us without security given for our Religion and Liberty: Neither was it Requi [...]ed of him, now when he is set up, and hath Arrogate to himself an absolute power; by vertue whereof he hath stoped and disabled all our Penal statutes made against Idolaters: and is intending to [...] us of all Privileges and Liberties, as we are Men and Christians. And if we have maintained and Defend­ed out Privileges as we are Men and Christians, then what meaneth the great Oppression both of Bodies and Consciences in the Land? What me [...]neth the Gro [...]ing of many poor people under heavy Bur­dens and great Bondage. Nay, we are obliged to cut off Idolat [...]rs: The Idolater should be put to Death, according to the Law of GOD; and those Penal statutes in the Old Testament are not abro­gated yet, for they are Moral.

Fourthly, In the Fourth Article of the solemn League and Covenant, we are bound to bring the Malignant Enemies of GOD to Condign punishment. By the Law of GOD Idolaters should die the Death; and M [...]rderers should Die the Death; that the Land should not be defiled with Blood [...] Well have we done this? ay, ay, Ministers and Professors will say they have done it: But if we have performed this, then what meaneth the bleeting of the sheep, [...] lowing of the Oxen? If we have Endeavoured to bring the Enemies of GOD to condign Punishment: Then what means the setting them up in places of Power and Trust, and instead of bringing Idolaters and Murderers to punishment; We have set them up Con [...]ederate with them, and taken Protection from them, and instead of bring­ing them to punishment, we have maintained them: For whats your C [...]ss but a Grassing of Anti­christs Bulls to push and destroy the LORDS people. The Devil has so many Oxen to Feed, and [...] Requires you to Feed them, that they may [...] down the Work of GOD: and where is there any that stands up and justifies themselves? O is that a keeping of the Covenant, to maintain its Destroy­ers? And is that a bringing of these Enemies, Idolaters and Murderers to punishment, to Feed them, and Confederate with them? O ye have made thereby an unhappy Conjunction.

Fifthly, By the fifth Article of our Solemn League and Covenant, we are obliged to seek and promote Peace and Union. Now can we say we have done this? Ay, ay, Ministers and Professo [...] [Page 20] will say they [...]ave done it; then what meaneth our Joining in this unhappy and unhallowed Union for our bitter Debates and Contentions have been the Fruit of our Defections: For our Defection hath brought on Division, and Division hath brought on Confusion; our yet we must not Unite in this Tolleration; We must not Unite in a course of Def [...]ction from the LORD, for that would bring on Wrath and Indignation, and the Judgement of the Lord upon us. But [...]; we have United with Antichrists▪ The Reek of our Chimneys, and the Bleeting of your sheep, ones Witness against you. I do not envy your Peice in the Way of Righteousness: But this I may say, if ye be Confessors of His Name, and appear for Him as ye ought to do, ye will no [...] get sitting long▪ and I fe [...]r there is not a Man that can [...] himself of the bre [...]ch of this Article.

Sixthly, By the sixth Article of the Covenant, we are bound to Defend our Brethren in their pursuing the Ends of the Covenant; and we are oblige [...] to take what is [...] to one [...]s done to all: Well, have we not done this? Have we defended but Brethren? Ay, ay, may be some Mi­nisters and Professors will say they have done it, if we have done it, What meaneth the Bl [...]ing of the sheep, and Lowing of the Oxen? What means your w [...]th [...]rawing your Help from your brethren when in Hazard? What means your not Relieving your brethren (when in your power to do it) when drawn to Death by Enemies? Oh! many of you instead of [...]elping your brethren, you have helped the Enemies, Alas! We are Guilty of the Breach of Covenant; We have not endea­voured to perform these things which we are bound to perform: For there is not one Article of the Solemn League and Covenant, but we have [...]oken: And we have not endeavoured as we should [...]ave done in our several places and Callings to preserve the Reformed Religion in the Church of Scotland, in Doctrine, Worship, Discipline and Government. We have not endeavoured as we should have done to ex [...]pate Popery and Prelacy, And the Accepting this Tolleration is a Breach of every Article of the Covenant. For how can the [...] extirpate Popery and Prelacy, seing they make use of this Tolleration that Tollerates then: And ye who go to these Tolleration Meetings ye are guilty of br [...]ach of Covenant, for ye strengthen the Hand [...] of Papists [...]; ye cannot en­deavour the Ex [...]irp [...]tion of Popery when ye are at peace with Papists. And then we are to Repeat and turn to the LORD, and Acknowledge our Sins, and engage to our Duty. Well, have we per­formed this, what means then our justifieing of our se [...]ves in main [...]aining of this presen [...] course For that is inconsistent with true Repentance and mourning for sin, which is clear from [...]7 Cor. 7. 10, 11. If we had mourned for the sin of forme [...] Indulgences, we could not [...] on this Tolleration but with Detestation; for it has lo [...]ded us with many Reproaches [...] may pre­tend to what they will, it is impossible that they shall be [...]ound among the [...] of Zion, while they continue in that Course, which is clear from that forecited place of [...]: For you give all that that is Required of you? and by so doing you make your [...] guilty of the bre [...]th of Covenant. O consider the sin thereof, and the Judgement that GOD will ass [...]redly pursue for such a [...] Indignity done unto Hi [...]. Remember Si [...]s, and take Warning: And I Charge you to take Warning: For if ever there was a Defection in Scotland, this is one: For this hundred and Twenty Years, there hath not a Testimony been wanting to the Truth; And this Tolleration Condemns them all. O will not the s [...]a of Hearing the Curats make us guilty of the sin of Prelacy?

And will not the hearing of these Tollerated Meetings, make us guilty of the sin of this Toller­ation? I am no [...] imposing upon you my own N [...]tions; I invite you to nothing; but the Scripture [...]: For if you will search them, and the Antient Records of our C [...]urch, the Acts and Con­stitutions of her General Assemblies, and the Writings of True and Faithfull Champions, you would [...] these things not to be my Whimsi [...]s, but to be the Truth which I tell you; I invite you the [...] to se [...]rch them, and I [...]

The Fourth Thing in the Words [...] be spoken unto is, Sou [...]s Excuse and Extenuation of his Sin [...] and there is a Fourfold Excuse in i [...], I shall Observe this from it in general; whatever Men as Hypo­crites pretend to in Excusing their Sin, it will not do the Turn, but it makes it th [...] mo [...] [...], N [...]w, the first Excuse [...] Saul makes, is [...]his, the [...] have brought them from the Amal [...]kites, and this doth discover his ignor [...]nce: For i [...] was [...] to spare them; they should all have been [...] ▪ For the Amalekites were Devoted Enemies among o [...]her N [...]ions. They might have [...] these things, [...] they had an express Charge, Deut. 25. 17, 18, 19 Verses, To blot out the Remembrance of A­mal [...]k from under Heaven: Fo [...] they were accursed Enemies of GOD, and they were Idolaters, and they ought not to have been sp [...]red by tampering with them: No, no, they were all to be cut off, M [...]n, Woman, and Child, and all that belon [...]ed to them; nothing was to be sp [...]red. The Children of Israel was to keep up and to have mantained a War against them without any Cess [...]on, Peace, or T [...]saction with them. And if it was S [...]ule sin to sp [...]re Agag, and the best of the Sheep, and [Page 21] of Oxen? and if it was Israels Interest to have ma [...]ntained a Wit aga [...]nst Amalek. It is as [...] our duty and the duty of all the People of CHRIST to keep up and maintain War without any Cess [...]tion, Peace, or Transaction against Antichrist, [...]nd ag [...]inst Papists, now under the New Testa­ment; as it was theirs under the Old, For they are great Enemies to Truth, and as great Idolaters as they were, it was Israels sin to spare Agag: But we have not only spared the Papis [...] but we have set up a Papist over us! And if it was Sauls sin, and th [...] peoples sin to sp [...]re Agag. So it it would have been greater sin and a shame to have set up Agag on the Throne of Israel, So it was cut sin to spare Papists; but more to set np a Papist over us; so [...] is our sin surpassing theirs. Well, remember Sir [...], you have many Oxen, and many Sheep bleeting; but will you Examine how you got them? there are many of you that h [...]s p [...]ace uo [...], you have Houses and L [...]nds; well, got you them and your Consciences keeped both? was you Wiser than other Folk; or was you Ho­nester nor others? or was you more False an others have been? some will say, I got mine keeped by hearing the Curats; others will say, I got mine keeped by countenancing this Tollera­tion: Well, you got it from the Amalekites the Enemies of GOD and you may have little Peace by reflecting on the Way that you have them, and them you have it from, O consider [...] sinfuln [...]ss of making Pe [...]ce with Papists, these Enemies of God, against whom we are to maintain a War wi [...]hout any Cess [...]tion: For CHRIST has proclaimed a War ag [...]inst all such. Look and ye will see the Declaration of War in the 14 of the Revelation 9 verse. And any of you that have got any thing that you have this way; O strive to get a better [...]ck of them.

The second Excuse which Saul makes, is this. That it was the People did it, and not he: (just like many in out day▪ but he lied like a Traitor; for it was by his Command. Whence we Observe, that Hypocrites will ay lay the Blame on others: For if he asked at the People, they would▪ haue laid the Blame on Saul. So in our day, spe [...]r at the Ministers who is to Blame for all [...]his Defecti­on, and they will say the Blame lyes upon the people; and if we spear at the people, they will the say Flame upon the Ministers, and say, they left them, and would not preach to them in the [...] of Temptations and Trials; and Ministers will say, that they would h [...]ve preached, if the people would have heard them: But where these Excu [...]es are, there is little Sense of sin, and Humiliation for si [...] and little fear of the Judgements of GOD that will pursue such sits, where every one is laying the Charge off themselves: For Ministers say, they would have keeped their Kirks and preache [...], but the people would not bide with us, and what could we do? For we wanted our Judg [...]g [...] and what could we do? It is not the Ministers; it is the people. Come to the people and they will say, the Ministers went to the Kirks and heard the Curats, and we went too; and the [...] counselled us to take the Bond, and what could we do? But God will lay the blame upon the whole Ware, both Ministers and people.

A Third excuse that Saul makes, is, that he spared the Sheep and Oxen for a Sacrifice to the Lord thy God. Whence we Observe, that it is the Mark and Psea of Hypocrites to justifie all their Detections from the good end that they have in going about them. We are ready to ju­stifie our Actions, tho they be bad, because of the good end we think we have in going about them; A good end will not justifie a bad Action. If we should spear at some Ministers, where­fore bowed ye to the Supremacy, wherefore accepted ye the Indulgence? It was [...]o get liberty to Pre [...]ch the Gospel say they. Wherefore did ye accept this Toleration? They will Answer, it was to Preach the Gospel that we did it, and it was the Salvation o [...] Souls that we intended th [...]re­by; and is not that a very good end? Poor Man has thy Preaching no other end but the Salva­tion of Souls? Ay, ay, ye think ye have a brave Ple [...] of it, but remember, though it be the indis­pensible Duty of Ministers to Preach the Gospel,; yet to accept of a Liberty to preach the Gospel no way which encroaches upon and wrongs the Prerogatives of the great King and head of the Church, is a sin, though their end be good in accepting the same: Where is thy Obedience Man▪ For Obedience is better than Sacrifice. Constancy and Faithfulness in the Matters of God, is called for at Ministers hands. The conversion and edification of Souls is indeed the great end of p [...]eac [...] ­ing the Gospel, but that is not all, it is but the one half of the end of it. There is also the Glory of Christ, He must and will be Glo [...]ified, whether Souls get good by i [...] or no: For the Preach­ing of the Gospel is not only the Testimony of Christ, but the Testimony for Christ. Ministers must obey all Christs Commands, For what cares the Lord for thy Sacrifice or thee either, that thou has gott [...] from the A [...]lekites ▪ For the pre [...]ching of the Gospel by accepting and improv­ing of the Liberty granted by this Toleration, is not a Testimony for Christ, seing it so wro [...]gs and [...] upon the Prerogatives of Christ. And it is no less than presumption for any to ex­pect the Lord's presence at any of the Tolerated Meetings: For they have not a promise for i [...] [...] [Page 22] [...] And now [...]ough we suffer under their H [...]nds for this, we have nothing to say, ou [...] [...]dore the Righteousness of the LORD therein.

Thirdly, Another Aggravation of Saul's Sin, was a disobeying a per [...]mptor Commission which he got to go and dest [...]oy the Amalekites, beside what the Children of [...] go [...] in commandment from the Lord, to blot out the remembrance of them from under He [...]n. Deut. 25, 17. [...]aul got a particular Commi [...]on to go and destroy them all, and to have nothing [...]o do with the [...]. The Lord hath told us, and we are comm [...]nded peremp [...]orly not to meddle with his Enemies, and to have a [...], not to [...] It is utterly unlawful in matters of Religion to tamper with the E [...]emies of God, and yet for all this, we cannot forbear to take and give with them, out Fathers [...] with them when they fell upon these Resolu [...]ons, and all alongst [...] our [...]ampering with them, [...] destroyed us, and we con [...]inue this day to run ou [...] Heads against the Bosses of [...]'s Back [...]ers; and on these Rocks on which the People of God have perished formerly.

Then in the l [...]t p [...]ce, the Prophe [...] convinc [...]ng him of his sin: Wherefore [...] thou not Obey, the Voice of the LOR [...]? And here the Pro [...]het [...] i [...] Rebellion. Hence we Note, that all Re­bellions in the World, Rebellion against GOD is the greatest; and of all Rebellions in the World, the Rebellion of a King against GOD is the greatest: For it is called here as the sin of Witchcraft The Brutishness of the Enemies appeared much in using this Argument: that Rebellion was is the sin of [...]) against some of the Prisoners taken at Pentland; but some of them [...]nswered very pertinently, (which was to this purpose) that the Rebellio [...] there spoken of, was not the Rebellion of a People against a King; But the Rebellion of a King against GOD; and this was Sauls sin. It i [...] [Page 23] true, to Rebell against Lawfull M [...]istrates that are Ordained of GOD, [...] sin: but it is no Rebellion to [...]; But now what is this Rebellion? There [...] several things in Scripture called Re­bellion against GOD.

I shall ment [...]on these five or six of them, First, Murmuring against the LORD, is called [...] Numb. 14, 9. O there hath been much sed Murmuring in ou [...] days, many of us hath murmured in the Wilderness. We have [...] against him: And it is to be feared that many of u [...] shall die in Ordinances appointed by Him [...] His word, Josh. 22, 19. But [...] not against the Lord, nor against us, in building you an Altar [...] the Altar of the Lord our God. Alas! [...] h [...]th been much of this Rebellion in Scotland▪ setting up Worship not according to his [...]. Inve [...]ting, preverting, and corrup [...]ng the Worship of GOD▪ Hence conformity with Prelacy, [...] Rebellion against God: For he never appoint [...] Lord his [...] Word: It is none of his Ordinances, Hence this Antichristian Toleration is [...] against GOD: There is no Warrant for it in his Word: The [...] of this Toleration (where­by the power which the [...] claims in [...], is Recog [...]os [...]: the Evils in it in [...]ffect justified, and not witnessed ag [...]inst; and the wicked Design of its g [...]nting strengthened) is Re­bellion against GOD; and this Toleration is a [...] against GOD: The Cl [...]iming an Ab­solute power which is the prerogative of God O such a dreadful day [...] coming upon him, and all that take part with him! Thirdly, [...] i [...] called Rebelli [...]n against GOD, Isa. 1, 2, O there hath been much [...] and Ways in Scotland: There is a great Back­sliding from Pr [...]ctice, Princ [...]ples [...] it was always the P [...]ciple of the Church o [...] Scot­land to oppose Tyranny and [...] the Doctrine of the Church of Scotland to be against a Toleration: It was their con [...]ant Principles neither [...]o give Toleration to Papists, no [...] take [...] from Papists. But O there is a great Backsliding from former F [...]ithfulness, and from former Love and Ze [...]l. Fourthly: Obstinary, and [...]e [...]using to hearken to the Co [...]andments of the Lord, and to turn again unto Him, is [...] Rebellion, Ezek. 20, [...]. Dan. 9. 5. O there hath been much Rebellion in Scotlands Fifthly, Confederacy and As [...]ociation with the Enemies of GOD, it called Religion ag [...]inst Him, Hosea 7. 14. And they Rebelled a­gainst ME. And one of the ways whereby they Rebelled against [...] calling to Eg [...]. and going to Assyria, [...] 11. they were going back to Egypt to ge [...] help from them; that was in Con [...]ede [...] and making [...] with them. O there is much of this Rebellion in Scot­land, many [...]re saying a Confeder [...]cy with enemies, and are at Peace with them, and this Rebellion is the sin and shame, and the Judgment of Backsliding Scotland, And w [...] to [...]ll them that have any [...]ccession to this dreadful Confederacy, I shall say no more at this time. The LORD Himself give you to consider what is said, Amen.

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