The Anti-Protestant: OR, Miles against Prance.
Being a Solemn Protestation of Miles Prance, concerning the Murder of Sir Edmordbury Godfrey, in direct Opposition to a late Prote­station made by him on the same subject.

WHereas by the suggestion of the Devil, worldly Inte­rest, and my own Malice, I Miles Prance most wick­edly devised an horrid Story of the Murder of Sir Edmondbury Godfrey, wherein (being before-hand secured both of His Majesty's Pardon for the pretended Crime, and of re­ward for the Discovery,) I feigned my self a Party, the better to gain Credit to my damnable Forgery. Now I the said Miles Prance, do with unspeakable grief (though yet not without a firm belief of forgiveness from Almighty God upon sincere re­pentance) hereby in the Presence of the All-seeing and Heart-sear­ching God, and of all Holy Angels and good Men, solemnly and unfeigned avow and declare on my Salvation, That what­ever I deposed upon Oath, relating either to my own Know­ledge and Concurrence in the said Murder, or to any other Per­son or circumstance touching the same; was wholly false, and the meer groundless product of my own Devilish invention.

For all which my detestable wickedness I crave with a Repen­tant Heart, (the Mercy of God) Pardon of the King, and forgive­ness of those whom by my Hellish Malice I have so hainously and unjustly accused.

The Substance of this Solemn Protestation as it is here set down, was made, first before Captain Richardson Keeper of New­gate; And the next day, before His Sacred Majesty at the Council-Board, by

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