THE ARCH-BISHOP of CANTERBURY HIS LETTER TO The King concerning the Plot, &c. and written with his own hand.

May it please your Majesty,

AS great as the Secret is which comes herewith, yet I choose rather to send it in this Silent Covert way, and I hope safe, then to come thither, and bring it my self. First, because I am no way able to make hast enough with it. Secondly, because should I come at this time, and antedate the meeting; There would be more Jealousie, of the Business, and more Enquiry after it, especially If I being once there, should return again before that day, as I must if this be followed, as is most fit.

The Danger it seems is imminent, and laid by God knows whom; but to be Executed by them, which are very near about your (for the great honour which I have to be in danger with you, or for you; I pass not, so your Sacred Person, and the State may be safe.) Now may it please Your Majesty, this Information is either true, or there is some mistake in it: If it be true, the Persons which make the discovery will deserve thanks and reward; if there should be any mistake in it, your Majesty can lose nothing but a little silence.

The Business (if it be) is extream foul, the Discovery thus by God's provi­dence offered seems fair. I do hereby humbly Beg it upon my knees of Your Majesty, that you will conceal this Business from every Creature and his name that sends this to me. And I sent his Letters to me to Your Majesty, that You may see his sence both of the business and of the Secresy. And such Instructions as You think fit to give him, I beseech you let them be in your own hand for his Warrant without imparting them to any. And if Your Majesty leave it to his discrection to sollow it therein in the best way he can, that in your own hand will be instruction and warrant enough for him; and if You please to return it herewith presently to me, I will send an Express away with it presently. In the mean time I have by this Express return'd him this Answer, that I think he shall do well to hold on the Treaty with these Men, with all Care and Secresy, and drive on to the discovery so soon as the Business is ripe for it, that he may assure himself and them, they shall not want reward, if they do the Service; That for my part he shall bee sure of secresy, and that I am most confident Your Majesty will not impart it to any. That he have a special Eye to the 8 and 9 Proposition. SIR, for God's sake and your own safety, secresy in this Business, and I beseech you send me back this Letter, and all that comes with it speedily and secretly, and trust not your own Pockets with them. I shall not eat nor sleep in quiet, till I receive them, and so soon as I have them again and Your Majesty's Warrant to proceed, no diligence shall be wanting in me to help on the discovery.

This is the greatest Business that ever was put to me, and if I have herein pro­pos'd or don any thing amiss, I most humbly crave your Majesty's pardon, and I am willing to hope I have not he [...]in err'd in judgment, and infidelity I never will.

These Letters came to me September 10 at night, and I sent these away accord­ing to the date hereof, being extreamly weary'd with writting this Letter, copy­ing out these other which come with this, and dispaching my Letters back to him that sent these, all in my own hand; once again Secresy for God's sake, and your own: To his most blessed protection, I commend your Majesty and all your Af­fairs, and I am.

Your Majesty's most humble and faithful Servant, William Cant.

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