THE ADDRESS OF THE LORD MAYOR, ALDERMEN, and COMMON-COUNCIL OF THE City of London, TO THE LORDS SPIRITUAL and TEMPORAL IN PARLIAMENT: With the ANSWER thereunto, Delivered by the Lord Marquis of HALIFAX, Lord Privy-Seal, and Speaker of the House of Lords.

To the Right Honourable, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, in PARLIAMENT Assembled.

WE the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of Lon­don, in Common-Council Assem­bled, presume to Address our selves to this Honourable House; with our most humble Thanks for your excellent Conduct of Af­fairs in this time of our great Exi­gency and Extremity, when our Lives, our Religion, and our Estates were so eminently threatned; And especially for your Address to His [Page]MAJESTY the 5th Instant; declaring your Resolu­tion to Assist, and stand by His MAJESTY, in Sup­porting His Allies Abroad, in Reducing Ireland, and in De­fence of the Protestant Religion and Laws of this King­dom.

By Order of Common-Council, Wagstaff.

Die Martis 12 o Martii. 1688.

Mr. Recorder,

THE Lords receive very kindly the Address you have made to them: And as they are glad to find that the City of London is well pleased with what they have done for the Publick Service; so you may be assured, That they will still pursue the same Ends, and use the best Methods for the Security of the Protestant Re­ligion, and for the Peace and Settlement of the Nation.

Die Martis, 12 o Martii. 1688.

ORdered by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament Assembled, That the Address of the Lord Mayor, Alder­men, and Commons of the City of London presented to the House this day, and the Answer of this House thereunto, be forth­with Printed and Published.

Jo. Brown, Cler. Parliamentorum.

LONDON: Printed by Iames Partridge, Matthew Gillyflower, and Samuel Heyrich, Printers to the House of Lords. 1688/9.

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