AND Interlocutions
BETWIXT Patricius and
Peregrin, Touching the
Distractions of the
Times, VVith the
Causes of them.
SUrely I shold know full well that face and phisnomy: O Heavens! 'tis
Peregrin. Gentle Sir, you are
well met, and
welcom to
England, I am heartily glad of your safe arrivall, hoping now to apprehend some happie opportunity whereby I may requite part of those worthy favours I received from you in divers places t'other side side of the Sea.
Sir, I am as joyfull to see you, as any friend
[Page 2] I have upon earth; but touching favours, they deserve not such an acknowledgment, I must confesse my self to be farr in the arrear, therfore you teach me what I shold speak to
you in that point: But amongst other offices of Friendship you have bin pleased to do me from time to time, I give you many thanks for the faithfull correspondence you have held withme, since the time of our separation, by intercours of Letters, the
best sort of fuell to warm affection, and to keep life in that noble vertue Friendship, which they say abroad, is in danger to perish under this cold
Insulary clime for want of practise.
Truely, Sir, you shold have had an account of matters hence more amply and frequently, but that of late it hath bin usuall, and allowed by authority, to intercept and break open any Letters; but private men need not complain so much, since the dispatches of Ambassadors, whose P
[...]ckets shold be held as sacred as their Persons, h
[...]ve bin commonly open'd, besides some outrages offered their houses and servants; nay, since
their Maj
[...]sties Letters under the Cabinet Signet have bin broke up, and other counterfeit ones printed and published in their names.
[Page 3]
Indeed I must confesse the report hereof hath kept a great noise abroad, and
England hath suffered much in point of
national repute in this particular; for even among
Barbarians, it is held a kind of sacriledge to open Letters; nay, it is held a baser kind of burglary, then to break into a House, Chamber, or Closet: for that is a plundering of outward things onely, but he who breaks open ones Letters which are the
Idea's of the mind, may be said to rip up his brest, to plunder and rifle his very brain, and rob him of his most pretious and secretest thoughts.
Well, let us leave this distastfull subject, when these fatall commotions cease, this custom, I hope, will be abhorred in
England: But now, that you are newly arrived, and so happily met, I pray be pleased t
[...] make me partaker of some forraign news, and how the squares go betwixt
France and
Spain, those two great wheels, that draw after their motion (some more, some lesse) all the rest of the Western world: and when you have done, I will give you account of the state of things in
[Page 4]
I thought you had so abounded with domestick news, that you had had no list or leisure to hear any forrain; but to obey your commands, you know that I have been any time these six years a Land-loper up and down the world, and truly I could not set foot on any Chr
[...]stian shore that was in a perfect condition of peace, but it was engag
[...]d either in a
[...] or
collaterall war, or standing upon it's guard in continuall apprensions and alarmes of fear: For, since that last flaming Usher of Gods vengeance, that direful
Comet of the yeer 1618. appear'd in the heavens, some malevolent and ang
[...]y ill-aspected star hath had the predominance ever since, and by it's maligne influxes, made strange unusuall impressions upon the humors of subjects, by inci
[...]ing them to such insurrections, revolts, and tumults; which caused a Jewish
Rabbi to say lately, that it seems the grand
Turk thrives extraordinarily in his devotions, it being one of his prime prayers to
Mahomet, that he shold prevaile with God Almighty to
continue disentions still among Christian Princes. And truly, as the case stands, one may say, that the Europaean world is all in pieces;
[Page 5] you know well with what fearfull fits of a high burning fever poor
Germany hath been long shaken, which hath wrought a Lethargie in some of her members, by wasting of the vital spirits which shold diffuse themselves equally through that great body; and how she st
[...]ostereth a cold
Northern Guest (the
Swed) within her bosom, and is in
[...] fear of a worse from the
Levant: In the
Netherlands one shall hear the half-starv'd souldier murmur in every corner, and railing against his King, and ready to mutiny for want of pay. In
France you shall see the poor
Asinin Peasan half weary of his life, his face being so
[...] grownd, ever and anon with new tallies. You know ther are som
Soverain Princes, who have a long time wandred up and down in exile, being outed of their own anti
[...]nt Patrimoniall Territories, and little hopes yet, God wot, of restoring them. The world knows how
Savoy is become of late a kind of Province to
France; Nay,
Spain, who hath been so dexterous to put her neighbours ogether by the eares, and to foment war a far off, to keep her own home secure, is now her self in the midst of two fearfull fires, kindled on both sides of her by quiterevolted
[Page 6] subjects,
viz. the
Portugues and
Cat alan, which so puzzles her,
that shee cannot tell what Saint to pray unto. The
Venetian also, with the
pope, and all the Princes of
Italy, are arming apace; the
Hollander onely,
Salamander like, thrives in these flames: and as I have heard of some that by a long habitu
[...]l custom could feed on poyson, and turn it to nourishment, so
Hans alone can turn War to a Trade and grow fat by it.
Now, Sir, being weary of eating my bread in such a distracted world abroad, and hoping to take some sweet repose in
England, I find that shee is in as bad a case, if not worse, then any other. So much news I give you in a lump, I will be more particular with you som other time, if you please to spare me now.
I hear, not without much resentment, these pithy expressions you have been pleased to make of the torn estate of
Europe abroad; and since you mention that
blazing Star, I remember what a Noble Knight told me some yeers ago, That the
Astronomers, who lay sentinel to watch the motion and aspect of that
Comet, observ'd that the tail of it having pointed at divers Climats, at last it
[Page 7] seem'd to look directly on these
North-west I lands, in which posture it spent it selfe, and so extinguish'd; as if thereby it meant to tell the world, that these
Islands should be the Stage whereupon the last act of the Tragedie should be play'd. And how many
Scenes have passed already, both here and in
Ireland, we know, God wot, by too too wofull and fresh experience.
There is a saying
When your neighbours house is on fire, by it's light you may see in what danger your own stands: And was
England so blind and blockish, as not to take warning by so many fearfull combustions abroad? When I took my leave last of her, I left her in such a compleat condition of happines, both in
Court, Country, City and
Sea, that shee was the envie of all
Europ, in so much, that that
Golden Verse might be fi
[...]ly applied to her
then Golden times,
‘Mollia securae perage
[...]ant otia Gentes.’
Court was never so glorious, being hanselld every yeer almost with a new Roya
[...] offspring; the
Gentry no where more gallan
[...] and sportfull; the
Citizen never more gorgeous and rich, and so abounding with treasure,
[Page 8] bullion and buildings, that no age can parallel;
Commerce, inward and outward was never at that height; the
customes increasing every yeer to admiration; the narrow
Seas were never guarded with braver Ships, nor the navie Royall for number of vessels and magazines of all sorts of materials was ever so well replenished; the
Universities had never such springing dayes: and lastly, the
Church did so flourish, that amongst the rest of the reformed Churches of Christendome, I have heard her call'd the
Church triumphant.
Ireland was arriv'd almost to the same degree of prosperity, for all the arrerages of the Crowne were paid, and not a peny sent hence for many yeeres to maintain the standing army there, or for any other publick charge, as formerly;
Trafique came to that mighty height of encrease, that in few years the Crown customes and imposts came to be five times higher. In fine,
Ireland was brought not only to subsist of her selfe, but inabled to contribut towards the filling of the
English Exchequer, and to make some retribution of those vast expences the Crown of
England hath been at any time these 400 yeeres to reduce her to civility; her boggs
[Page 9] were almost all dry'd up, and made good land▪ her mudde-walls turn'd apace to Brick in divers places, so that in one Sommer that I fortun'd to be there, above 50. new Brickhouses were built in one Towne. But it hath been the fate of that Island, to be
[...] neer a condition of a setled, happiness, and yet to have some odd accident still intervene to crosse it.
In conclusion, there wanted nothing to make
England and her united Crowns so exactly blessed, that she might have assumed the title of one of the
Fortunat Islands. Good Lord, how comes it to passe, that she is now fallen into such horrid distempers, and like a distracted body, laying han
[...]s upon her self, would thrust the sword of civil war into her own bowels? I beseech you, Sir, impart unto me the true cause of this change; for I know none so capable to do it as your self.
Peregrine, jubes renovare dolorem:’
First, Sir, in the generall you know, that it is with the Regions upon
Earth, as it is with those of the
Ayre, sometimes we have a clear azur'd skie with soft gentle ventilations, and a sweet serenitie the whole Hemesphere over; at other times we know the face of
[Page 10] the heavens is over-cast with frowns, with Frog vapors, and thick clouds of various shapes, which look like Monsters, hovering up and down, break at last into thunder and fulgurations, and so disquiet and raise a kind of war in the
Aereall Common-wealth. Just so in the Regions that are dispers'd up and down this earthly Glo
[...]e, peepled with men (which are but a composition of the
Elements) you have sometimes a gentle calm of peace and quietude, with a general tranquillitie all the Countrey over; at other times you have ugly mishapen clouds of jealousies, fears, and discontentments rise up, which break out at last into acts of disobedience, rebellion, and fury. And as those Aereall
Meteors and
Monsters above, are ingendered of those watery fogs and mists which are drawn up out of fennie and rotten low grounds here upon earth; so in the
Region of the mind, the ill vapors which ascend to the brain from rotten and impostumated hearts, from desperate and mal
humorists are the causes of all civil commotions and distempers in State. But they have much to answer for in the world to come (though they escape it in this) who for any private interest or respect
[Page 11] whatsoever, either of
Promotion, Vainglory, Revenge, Malice, or
Envie, will embroyl and plunge their own native Country in any publick ingagement or civil war, by putting a partition-wall betwixt their soverain Prince and their fellow-subjects. Truely, in my opinion, these may be called the worst kind of
Betrayers of their Countreys. But I am too far transported from satisfying your request in relating the true causes of these calamities, I will now fall to work, and bring you to the very source of them.
Ther is a pack of perverse people (composed for the most part of the scummie and basest sort) multiplied in
England, who by a kind of natural inclination, are opposit so point blank to
Monarchy in State, and
Hierarchy in Church, that I doubt if they were in Heven (whither 'tis to be fear'd they run a great hazard ever to enter, it being a rule, that
he who is rotten-hearted to his King, can never be right-hearted to his Crea
[...]or) I say if these men were in Heven, they w
[...]uld go near to repine at the
Monarchical power of God Almighty himself, as also at the degrees of Angels, and the postures of holiness in the Church triumphant. They call every
Crotchet of the brain,
tenderness of conscience
[Page 12] forsooth: which being well examined, is nothing else but a meer
spirit of contradiction, of malice and disobedience to all higher powers which possesseth them. Ther are no constitutions either Ecclesiastical or Civil can please them, but they wold cast both into such and such a
mould, which their
crack'd brains wold fain devise, yet are never able to bring to any perfection; They are ever labouring to bring Religion to the dock, and to be new trimm'd, but they wold take down her fore-Castle, and scarce allow her the Kings Armes to adorn her: They are great listners after any Court-news, and prick up their ears when any thing is spoken of King, Queen, or Privie Councellour, and are always ready, though upon loose trust, to take up any report whereby they may whisper in conventicles and corners, and so traduce the Government. These great
[...]lots use to look upon themselves most commonly through multiplying glasses, which make them appear to be such huge
Santons, that it renders them not onely uncharitable in their opinions of others, but Luciferian-like proud in their own conceit, insomuch that they seem to scorn all the world besides, beleeving that they are
[Page 13]
[...]he only
Elect whose souls work according
[...]o the motion of the Spirit: that they are
[...]he true Children of promise,
whose faces alone look towards Heven; They are more pleased with some new reach or fancy, (that may puzzle the
pericranium) than a Frenchman is in some new faction in cloathing: They are nearest to the nature of the Jew of any people upon earth, and will converse with him sooner than with some sort of Christians; And as in their pharisaicall
Dispositions they symbolize with the
Iew, so in some of their
positions they jump pat with the
Iesuit: for though they are both in the extremes, and as contrary one to the other, as the points of a diameter, yet their opinions and practises are concentrique,
viz. to depresse
regall power; Both of them
wold bind their Kings in Chaines, and the Nobles in links of Iron; They both deny all
passive obedience, and as the one wold have the morter of the Temple tempred with blood, so the other wold beat Religion into the brain with the poleaxe. Their greatest master-piece of policy is to forge counter
[...]eit news, and to divulge and disperse it as far as they can to amuse the world, for the advancement of their designs, and strengthing their party:
[Page 14] But the
Iesuit doth it more cunningly and modestly, for he fetcheth his news from far, so that before the falshood of it can be contrould, his work is commonly done, and the news forgotten; But these later
polititians use to raise lies hard by home, so that the grosseness and palpablenesse of them is presently discovered. Besides, to avoid the extremes of the other, these
later seem to fall into flat prophanness, for they may be called a kind of enemies to the very
Name, Crosse, and
Church of Christ. Touching the first, They repine at any reverence to be done unto the name of Jesus, though spontaneous, not coercive. For the second, which was held from the beginning to be the
badg and
Banner of a Christian, they cry up the Crosse to be the
mark of the b
[...]ast; And for the last,
viz. the Church, they wold have it to be neither
beautifull, holy, nor
amiable, which are the three main properties that God requires in his house. To conclude, when any comes to be season'd with this sower leaven, he seems to degenerat presently from the nature and garb of a Gentleman, and fals to be of a sordid and low disposition, narrow hearted and close handed; to be timerous, cunning and jealous,
[Page 15] and far from the common freedom, and sweetness of morall society, and from all generous and loyal thoughts towards his King and Country.
These, these have bin the chiefest machinators, and engeneers Englands unhappy divisions, who Viper-like have torn the entrailes of their own mother their dear Country: But ther were other extern concurrent causes, and to find them out, I must look
Northward, for there the cloud began to condense first;
You know Sir, the
Scot's nation were ever used to have their King personally resident amongst them, and though King
Iames by reason of his
age, bounty, and
long breeding there, with other advantages, drew such extraordinary respect from them, that they continued in good conformity: yet since his death, they have been over-heard to mutter at the
remotenesse and absence of their King, and that they shold become now a kind of
province by reason of such a distance: some of their Nobles and Gentry found not at the English Court, nor at his Majesties Coronation in
Edenburgh that
Countenance, Familiarity, Benefit and
Honours which haply they expected, and 'tis well known who he
[Page 16] was, that having been denied to be
lorded (David Lesley) took a pet, and went discontented to his country, hoping that some title added to the wealth he had got abroad, should have purchased him more respect. These discontented parties tamperd with the mercenary preachers up and down Scotland, to obtrude to the p
[...]ple what doctrines they put into their mouthes, so that the pulpits every where rung of nothing but of invectives against certain obliquities and Solaecismes (and I cannot tell what) in government, and many glances they had upon the
English Church: yet all this while there was not matter enough for an insurrection, nor to dispose the peoples hearts to a mutiny▪ until by the policy (as some affi
[...]med) of the said
discontented party the English
Lyturgie was sent thither: this by the in
[...]itement of those fiery
pulpiteers, was cryed up to be the greatest I doll that possibly could be brought into their
Kerke, insomuch that when it was first offer'd to be read, the woman and ba
[...]er sort of mechaniks threw stooles and stones at the Bishops heads, and were ready to tear them in peeces▪ And here began the storm.
[...] Majesty having notice hereof, sent a most gracious proclamation, signifying, that whereas
[Page 17] he had recommended that
Book to be practis'd amongst them, wherein he himself served God Almighty twice a day, he did it out of a pious endeavour to breed an
uniformity of publick Divine service in all his dominions, specially in that his
native Kingdom. But since it had produced such dangerous effects, he was contented to revoke it absolutely; for it was never his purpose to
press the practise of the said book upon the consciences of any, he did onely
commend, not absolutely
command, the use of it; Therefore he exhorted and required that every one unto whom it had given any scandal, shold return to his pristine obedience, and serve God as formerly, offering herewith a gracious pardon, and to passe an Act of
Amnestia for an abolition of all faults passed.
And would not this suffice? In
naturall motions we find that the cause being taken away, the effect ceaseth, and will not this hold in
civil Actions?
No, this wold not serve the turn, but
[...] was a further reach in it, and for an inch to take an ell: you know the
Scots since
[Page 18]
single Lion came to quarter with our
three, are much elevated in their spirits, more respected, emploied and trusted abroad, they are heightned in their resolutions and aims, and will questionless be daily more and more. You have heard of a Mine that reach'd from our exchequer to
Edenburgh. And I beleeve you have not forgot
Boccolinies balance, that was shewed us in
Italie, wherein
Lorenzo de Medici weighed all the states of Christendom, and throwing in
England amongst the rest, you know how much he made
her to weigh less by this addition. The former
Proclamation I say, and
Pardon would not suffice, but they took opportunity to fish in those troubled waters, and vent their spleen further, by an utter extirpation of
Episcopacy, and by trampling the
mitre under their feet, hoping
to have som of the birds plumes, being pluck
[...], to feather their own nests; And they brought their work about; Good Lord, what a deal of dirt was presently thrown into the
Bishops faces by every Rurall pettie Clerk! what infamous ballads were sung, what a thick clowd of Epidemical hatred hung suddenly over them, so far, that a dog with black and white spots was called a
Bishop amongst them up and down the streets.
[Page 19]The chiefest contrivers of this up-roare,
[...]inding their design to go on so well, and perceiving the whole Country so eagerly bent against
Bishops, (and what artifices and suggestions were us'd to render them so odious is incredible) but finding withall his Majestie unwilling to alter the government his father (of so fresh and famous memory) had left him, and to which he had bin sworn at his Coronation, they put themselves in arms, and rais'd forces to beat down the
mitre with the
sword, if the
scepter would not do it. To the frontiers they came with a great Army, (not half so great as was bruted) pretending they came as Petitioners (though they brought their Petition upon the pikes▪ point,) Some of the great ones▪ about the King grew cold in the action: And what a pacification was then shuffled up, and how a Parliament was called thereupon in
Scotland, with other passages, is a fitter subject for a story then a discourse.
I could have wished two things, that either His Majesty had given them battail
then, having the flower of his Nobility and Gentry with him, who I understood came with all cheerfulnesse and pomptitude to attend
[Page 20] him, or else that after the said pacification, His Majestie had shaken off all jealousies, and with a royall freedom and a commanding confidence gone amongst them to hancell their new Parliament House at
Edenburgh; for it is probable, it had averted those showers and cataracts of
[...]miseries which have fallen
[...]pon us since; but I pray Sir, proceed.
As they say,
there is no wind but blows some-body good, so it was thought, this Northern clowd did
England some advantage, for a Parliament was summond hereupon: a Parliament do I call it? it was rather an
Embryo of a Parliament, an
Ephemeran of 20▪ days. In this sitting His Majesty declared unto both Houses the indignities he had received by His Scotch Subjects, and therefore propos'd a supply to be made of twelve subsidies to suppress that Rebellion; and in lieu thereof he was willing to forbear and utterly to abolish the Ship-money, which he had reason to think legall at first, being advised thereunto by
Noy his Attorney Generall, who had such a mighty repute in the Law; yet he would not rest ther, but he advised further with his
[Page 21]
Councell, who concurred in opinion with
Noy; Nor wold he rest ther also, but he had the approbation of all the
Iudges singly, and afterwards of nine of the twelve
jointly upon a demur. This was enough to induce his conscience to hold it legall all this while; It was clearly proved that the moneys levied this way, were employed to no other but the intended service,
the garding of the narrow Seas; and not onely for that, but to preserve his right of Dominion in them, being the fairest flower of his Crown, which was not onely discoursed of abroad, but began to be questioned by the French Cardinall: And touching danger, how could
England be but in apparant dangers? consideri
[...]g how all her next neighbours were in actuall hostility, which made huge fleets of men of war, both
French, Dunkerkers, Hamburgers and
Hollanders to sail and flaunt ever and anon in her
Channells, and hard before her royall
Chambers: nor came ther one penny of that publick contribution to his privat coffers, but he added much of his own demeans for the maintenance of a royal fleet every sommer: yet he was ready to passe any Bill for the utter abolishing of the said
Ship-money, and for redressing of a
[Page 22] other grievances, provided they wold enable him to suppress this
Scots Rebellion: some say the House was inclinable to comply with his Majesties demands, but (as the ill spirit wold have it) that Parliament was suddenly brok up, and I wold they who gave that Counsel had bin then in
Arabia, or beyond the Line, in their way to
Madagascar, who neverthelesse have got to be in high request with this present Parliament.
Among others, old Sir
Harry Vane was one, who, when the House seem'd willing to give six subsidies, and the King inclinable to take them; The said
Vane being the Secretary of State stood up, and said, His Majesty expected no less then twelve, which words did so incense and discompose the House, that they drew after them that unhappy dissolution.
His Majesty being reduced to these straits, and resenting still the insolence of the
Scot, proposed the busines to His Privy Councell, who suddenly made up a considerable and most noble summe for his present supply, whereunto divers of his domestick servants and Officers did contribut. Amongst others who were active herein, the Earl of
Strafford bestir'd himself notably,
[Page 23] and having got a Parliament to be call'd in
Ireland he went over, and with incredible celeritie raised 8000. men, who procured money of that Parliament to maintain them, and got over those angry Seas again in the compasse of lesse then six weeks. You may infer hence to what an exact uncontrollable obedience he had reduced that Kingdom, as to bring about so great a work with such a suddennes and facilitie.
An armie was also raised▪ here, which marched to the North, and there fed upon the Kings pay a whole Summer. The
Scot was not idle all this while; but having punctuall intelligence of every thing that passed at Court, as farre as what was debated in the Cabinet Councel, and spoken in the bedchamber, (and herein amongst many others, the Scot had infinite advantage of us) He armed also, and preferring to make
England the stage of the warre, rather then his own countrey, and to invade rather then to be invaded, He got over the
Tweed, and found the passage open, and as it were made for him all the way till hee came to the
Tine, and though there was a considerable army of horse and foot at
Newcastle, yet they never
[Page 24] offered so much as to face him all the while, At
Newburgh indeed there was a small skirmish, but the
English foot would not fight, so
Newcastle gates flew open to the
Scot without any resistance at all, where it is thought he had more friends then foes, and who were their friends besides for this invasion, I hope
Time, and the
Tribunall of Justice will one day discover.
His Majesty being then at
York, summoned all his Nobles to appear, to advise with them in this exigence: Commissioners were appointed on both sides, who met at
Rippon, and how the hearts and courage of some of the
English Barons did boil within them, to be brought to so disadvantageous a Treatie with the
Scot, you may well imagin. So the Treatie began, which the
Scot wold not conform himself to do, unless he were first
unrebell▪d and made
Rectus in Curia, and the Proclamation, wherein he was declared
Traitour, revoked, alledging it wold be dishonorable for His Majesty to treat with
rebels. This treaty was adjourned to
London, where this present Parliament was summoned (which was one of the chiefest errands of the
[...], as some think.) And thus far by these sad and short degrees, have
[Page 25] I faithfully led you along to know the tru
Originals of our calamities.
Truly Sir, I must tell you, that to my knowledg these unhappy traverses with
Scotland, have made the
English suffer abroad very much in point of National honour; Therefore I wonder much that all this while ther is none set a work to make a solid Apologie for
England in some communicable language, (either in
French or
Latin) to rectifie the world in the truth of the thing, and to vindicat her, how she was bought and sold in this expedition, considering what a party the
Scot had here, and how his comming in, was rather an
Invitation, then an
Invasion, and I beleeve if it had bin in many parts of the world besides, some of the
Commanders had gone to the pot.
It is the practise of some
States I know, to make sacrifice of some eminent Minister, for
publick mistakes: but to follow the thred of my Discourse. The Parliament being sate, His Majesty told them, that he was resolved to cast himself wholly upon the affection and fidelity of his people, whereof
[Page 26] they were the Representative body: Therfore he wished them to go roundly on to close up the ruptures that were made by this infortunat war, and that the two armies, one domestick, the other forrain, which were gnawing the very bowels of the Kingdom, might be dismissed. Touching grievances of any kind (and what State was ther ever so pure, but some corruption might creep into it?) He was very ready to redresse them: concerning the
Ship-money, he was willing to pass a B
[...]ll for the utter abolition of it, and to establish the property of the subject; therefore he wished them not to spend too much time about that. And for
Monopolies, he desired to have a list of them, and he wold damn them all in one Proclamation: Touching ill
Counsellours, either in
Westminster-Hall, or
White-Hall, either in
Church or
State, he was resolved to protect none, Therefore he wished that all jealousies and misunderstandings might vanish: This, with sundry other strains of Princely grace he delivered unto them, but withall he told them, that they shold be very cautious how they shook the fram of an ancient Government too far, in regard it was like a
Watch, which being put asunder,
[Page 27]
can never be made up again, if the least pin be left out.
So ther were great hopes of a calm, after that cold Northern storm had so blustered, and that we shold be suddenly rid of the
Scot, but that was least intended, untill som designs were brought about. The Earl of
Strafford, the
Archbishop of
Canterbury, the
Iudges, and divers
Monopolists are clapt up, and you know who took a timely
flight (Lord
Finch) to the other side of the Sea. And in lieu of these, the
Bishop of Lincoln is enlarged,
Bastwick, Burton, and
Prynn are brought into
London with a kind of
Hosanna. His Majesty gave way to all this, and to comply further with them, he took as it were into his bosom, I mean, he admitted to his Privy Councell those Parliament Lords, who were held the greatest Zelots amongst them, that they might be witnesses of his secret'st actions, and to one of them (the Lord
Say) he gave one of the considerablest Offices of the Kingdom, by the resignation of another most deserving
Lord, upon whom they could never fasten the least misdemeanour; yet this great new
Officer wold come neither to the same Oratory, Chappell, or Church, to joyn in prayer
[Page 28] with his Royall Master, nor communicat with him in any publick exercise of devotion: and may not this be called a tru
Recusancie? To another he gave one of the prime and most
reposefull Offices about his own Person at Court (The Earl of
Essex) and thereby he might be said to have given a
Staff to beat himself. Moreover, partly to give his Subjects an Evidence how firmly he was rooted in his
Religion, and how much he desired the strenthning of it abroad, The treaty of marriage went on 'twixt his
eldest daughter, and the young Prince of
Orenge. Hereunto may be added as a speciall argument of compliance and grace, the passing of the Bill for a
Trienniall Parliament, and lastly (which is the greatest Evidence that possibly can be imagined, of that reall trust and confidence he reposed in them) he passed that prodigious Act of
Touching the
Trienniall Parliament, there may come some whole some fruit out of it, will keep all Officers in awe, and excite the Nobilitie, and young Gentrie of the Kingdome to studie, and understand the Government of the land, and be able to sit and serve their countrey in this great Senate: But for
[Page 29] this Act of
Continuance I understand it not;
Parliaments are good Physick, but ill meat; They say abroad that
England is turned hereby from a
Monarchy to a
Democracy, to a perpetual kind of
Quingentumvirat; and whereas in former times ther was a
Heptarchy of seven▪ Kings in her, they say now she hath seventy times seven. But in lieu of these unparallell'd Acts of
grace and
trust to the Parl. what did the Parliament for the King all this while?
They promised, specially upon the passing of the last Act,
That they would make him the most glorious, the best beloved, and richest King that ever reigned in England: and this they did with deep protestings and asseverations. But there intervened an ill-favoured accident which did much hurt,
viz. A
Discourse (for truely I think it was no more) but a discourse) which some green heads held to bring up the Northern armie, to check the Puritan partie, and the rabble of the citie: This kept a mightie noyse, and you know who fled upon it, and much use was made of it to make that cloud of jealousie which was but of the breadth of a hand before, to appear as big as a mountaine. Yet his Majestie continued still in passing Acts of
[Page 30] and complying with them in every thing▪ Hee put over unto them the Earle of
Strafford, who after a long costly triall (wherein he carried himself with as much acutenesse, dexteritie and eloquence, as humane braine could be capable of for his defence) hee was condemned to the Scaffold, and so made a sacrifice to the
Scot, who stayed chiefly for his head, which besides those vast summes of money, was given him to boot.
Touching the Earle of
Strafford, 'tis tru, he was full of ability, elocution and confidence, and understood the lawes of England as well as any, yet there were two things, I heard, wherein his wisdom was questioned; first that having a charge ready against his chiefest accusers, yet he suffered them to have the priority of sute, which if he had got he had thereby made them parties, and so incapable to be produced against him: Secondly, that during the time of his tryall, he applyed not himself with that compliance to his
Iury as well as to his
Iudges, for he was observed to comply only with the Lords, and not with the House of Commons.
[Page 31]
Howsoever, as some say, his death was
[...]esolved upon, (
si non per viam justitiae, saltem per viam expedientiae) which appears in regard the proceedings against him are by a clause in the Act
not to be produced for a leading case or example to future ages and inferiour Courts: I blush to tell you how much the rabble of the City thirsted after his blood, how they were suffered to strut up and down the streets before the royal Court, and the Parliament it self, with impunity; They cried out, that if the
Common Law fail'd,
club law should knock him down, and their insolency came to that height, that the names of those Lords that would not doome him to death, should be given them to fix upon posts up and downe; And this was the first tumult that happened this Parliament, whereof so many followed after their example, being not onely conniv'd at, but backed by authoritie, for there were prohibitions sent from the Parliament, to hinder all processe against some of them.
Myrmidons, as they termed themselves, were ready at a watchword, so that one might say there was a kind of discipline in disorder.
[Page 32]
Were ther any troubled for delivering their votes in the Houses? I thought that freedom of opinion and speech, were one of the prime priviledges of that great Nationall Senat.
Yes, Those that were the
Minions of the House before, became now the subjects of popular malice and detraction, (as the Lord
Digby now Earl of
Bristol for one) because against the dictamen of their consciences they would not vote the Earl of
Strafford to death, and renounce their own judgments, and captivate it to the sense of others, yet they stood firm to their first grounds, that he was a delinquent in a high nature, and incapable ever to beare office in any of His Majesties dominions.
I perceive Sir by your speeches, that one of the chiefest causes of these combustions may be imputed to the Citie of
London, which may be called the
Metropolis of all these evils, and I little wonder at it, for it hath been alwaies incident to all great Townes, when they grow rich and populous, to fall into acts of insolence, and to spurne at government; where so many pots,
[Page 33] (so many braines I meane) are a boyling, ther must needs be a great deal of froth, but let her look to her self, for Majesty hath long arms, and may reach her at last. But the truth is, that
London bears no proportion with the size of this Island, for either the one shold be larger, or the other lesser:
London may be well compared to the liver of a cramm'd Italian
goose, whose fatning emacerates the rest of the whole body, and makes it grow lean and languish, and she may be well term'd a
goose now more then ever, for her feathers are pluck'd apace; but now that you have done with the Earl of
Strafford, what is become of all the rest who were committed?
They are still in durance, and have continued so these two years and upward, yet are not proceeded against, nor brought to their answer to this very day, though all the Courts of Justice have bin open ever since. Many hundreds more of the best sort of Subjects have bin suddenly clapt up, and no cause at all mentioned in many of their commitments, and new Prisons made of purpose for them, where they may be said to be buried alive, and so forgotten as if
[Page 34] ther were no such men in the world (wherof the
Author was one:) And how this can stand with
Magna Charta, with the
Petition of Right (to vindicat which, ther was so much pains taken the last Parliament) let any man of a sane judgment determin. Yet one of the Judges, who hath an Impeachment o
[...] High Treason still lying Dormant against him, though he be not
Rectus in Curia himself, is suffered to sit as Judge upon the highest tribunall of
England, whereas
another for a pretended misdemeanour only is barr'd from sitting ther. Others who were at first cryed up and branded to be the most infamous
Projectors and
Monopolizers of the land, (as
Hamilton, Holland, &c.) are not only at liberty, but crept into favour, and made use of.
Hath the house of Commons power to commit any but their own Members without conference with the Lords? Or hath any Order or Ordinance of one of the Houses singly, or of both conjunctly, power to enjoin a virtual, binding, generall obedience without the
Royal consent?
The power of Parliament, when King,
[Page 35] Peers, and Commons, which is the whole Kingdom digested as it were into one volum, is indefinit, but what either of both Houses can do of themselves singly or joyntly without the King who is the life of the Law, especially when a visible faction reigns amongst them, I will not determin.
‘—tantas componere lites non opis est nostrae—’
But for my own opinion, I think it is as impossible for them to make a Law without the King, as it was for
Paracelsus to make a human creture without
coition of both sexes. The results of Parliament without the Royall consent, are as matches without fire; And it is an incontroulable principle, that the
old Law must be our guide, till
new be made, nor is any Act of the Subject justifiable, but what is warranted by the
old. But to proceed in the tru discovery of these Domestick scissures, my Lord of
Stafford being gone, we hop'd fair weather wold follow. (He who was the cause of the tempest (as they pretended) being thrown over-board) but unluckie mists of jealousie grew thicker and thicker; Yet the
Scots were dismist, having
[Page 36] had Fidlers fare, meat, drink, and money, for eleven long moneths together. So His Majesty went to
Scotland, where the Parliament ther, did but
ask and have any thing, though it be the unquestionable Prerogative of Majesty to grant or deny Petitions, and to satisfie his
conscience before any
Councell whatsoever.
But during his sojourn ther, this formidable hideous Rebellion brok out in
Ireland, which though it may be said to be but an old play newly reviv'd▪ yet the Scene was never so Tragicall and bloody as now: for the Barbarismes that have bin committed ther have bin so sanguinary, and monstrously savage, that I think posterity will hold them hyperbolicall
[...]when History relates them. The
Irish themselves affirm ther concurr'd divers causes to kindle this fire: One, was the taking off of
[...]s head, (who awd them more then any Deputy ever did) and that one of his Accusations shold be to have used the Papists ther too favourably: Secondly, the rigorous proceedings and intended courses against the
Roman Catholiques here in
England. Lastly, the stopping of that
Regiment of
Irish, who was promised by His Majesties Royall Word and
[Page 37] Letter to the King of
Spain, who relying upon that employment, rather then to beg, steal, or starve, turned Rebels: And that, which hath agravated the Rebellion all this while, and heightned much the spirit of the
Irish, was the introduction of the
Scot, whom they hate in perfection above all people els; And intended lastly the design spoken of in our
Parliament, to make an absolute Conquest, and Nationall Eradication of them, which hath made them to make vertue of necessity, and to be valiant against their wills.
Indeed I heard that Act of staying the
Irish Regiment, considering how the Marquesses
de Velada, and
Malvezzi, and
Don Alonso de Cardenas, who were all three Ambassadours here for the King of
Spain at that time, having by reliance upon the sacred Word and Letter of a King, imprested money, and provided shipping for their transport, and bin at above 10000. Crowns charges, I say this Act was very much censured abroad, to the dishonour of His Majesty and our reproach.
I am very sorry to hear it. Well Sir. His
[Page 38] Majesty by His presence having setled
Scotland, was at his return to
London received with much joy and exultation, but though he was brought in with a
Hosanna at one end of the Town, he found a
Crucifige at the other: For at
Westminster ther was a Remonstrance fram'd, a work of many weeks, and voted in the dead of night, when most of the moderat and well-thoughted Members were retired to their rest, wherein with as much aggravation and artifice as could be, the least moat in Government was exposed to publick view, from the first day of His Majesties Inaugurat
[...]on to that very hour: Which Remonstrance as it did no good to the Publick but fill peoples heads with doubts, their hearts with gall, and retard the procedure of all businesse besides, so you may well think it could expect but cold entertainment with His Majesty, who hoped his great Councel, according to their often deep protestations, had done something for his welcom home, that might have made him the best beloved King that ever
[...] amongst his people.
[...], ther is no Government upon
[...] up of
[...]n, but is subject to
[Page 39] corruption; there is no Court of judicature so cleane, but some cobwebs may gather in it, unlesse an Act of Parliament could be made to free and exempt men from all infirmities and errour; It cannot be denied, but
Scotland might have something to complaine of (though I think least of any) and so leapt first into the
pooll to be cur'd, and what she
fish'd besides in those troubled
waters 'tis too well known:
England also no doubt might have some grievances, which his Majestie freely offered not onely to redresse for the present, but to free her of all feares for the future, from falling into relapses of that kinde; but to redresse grievances by
Armes, by plunging the whole countrey into an intestine warre, this makes the remedy worse then the malady, it is as if one would go about to cure a sick body by breaking his head, or let him blood by giving him a dash on the nose, it is as mad a tricke as his was who set the whole House a fire to roast his egs. But truly Sir, in my opinion, his Majesty at his return from Scotland, might have justly expected some acts of compliance and gratitude from his Parliament, considering what unparallel'd acts of grace he had pass'd before.
[Page 40]
His Majesty did not rest there, but complied further with them by condescending to an act for putting down the
star-chamber Court the
high Commission, the Court of
honour, nay, he was contented his own
Privy Councell should be regulated, and his forests bounded not according to ancient
Prerogative but late custome; nay further, he pass'd a Bill for the unvoting, and utter exclusion of the
Spirituall Lords from the Parliament for ever, whereby it cannot be denied, but by the casheering of 25 votes at a clap, and by excluding the
Recusant Lords besides (who subsist most by his grace) he did not a little enervat his own prerogative. Adde hereunto that having placed two worthy Gentlemen
Biron and
Lunsford Lieutenants of the Tower, he remov'd them both one after the other, and was content to put in one of their
Election: And lastly, he trusted them with his greatest strength of all, with his
Navie Royall, and call'd home
Pennington who had the guard of the narrow Seas so many yeares.
Truly Sir, I never remember to have heard or read of such notable acts of grace
[Page 41] and confidence from any King: but would not all this suffice?
No, But they demanded all the Land Souldiery and military strength of the Kingdome to be disposed of by them, and to be put into what posture, and in what Equipage, and under what Commanders they pleas'd; And this was the first thing his Majesty ever denyed them, yet he would have granted them this also for a
limited time, but that would not serve the turn; Hereupon his Majesty grew a little sensible how they inch'd every day more and more upon his Royall Prerogatives; And intending to go to his Town of
Hull to see his Magazin (which he had bought with his own money) with his ordinary train, he was in a hostile manner kept out, Canons mounted, Pistols cockt, and leveld at him. But whether that unlucky
Knight (
Hotham) did this out of his
fidelity to the Parl. or out of an apprehension of
feare that some about the King, being mov'd with the barbarousnesse of the action would have pistold him, I will not determine.
I have read of divers affronts of this kinde
[Page 42] that were offerd to the
French Kings,
Rochell shut her gates more than once against
Henry the Great, and for the King now regnant, they did not only shut him out of many of his Towns, but upon the gates of some of them they writ in legible Characters,
Roy san Foy, ville sans peur, a faithlesse King, a fearlesse Towne. Yet in the greatest heat of those warres, there was never any Towne refus'd to let in her King, provided he came attended onely with his
own traine; and besides other people abroad, I heard the
Scot's nation did abhor that Act at
Hull. But I pray Sir go on.
His Majesty being thus
shut out of one Towne, he might justly suspect that an attempt might be made to
shut him in, in some other; Therefore he made a motion to the
Yorke-shire Gentlemen, to have a gard for the preservation of his Person, which was done accordingly. But I am come to forward, I must go backe and tell you how the King was driven from
Westminster. When His Majesty was return'd from
Scotland he retir'd to
Hampton Court, whence upon the Lord Majors and the Cities humble sollici
[...]ation, he came back to
White-hal to keep
[Page 43] his Christmas. But when the Bill against Bishops was in agitation, which businesse
[...]asted neer upon ten weekes, a crue of bold
[...]turdie mechanicks, and mariners, came
[...]rom the
Citie and ruffled before
White-hall and
Westminster-hall, and would have violated the Abby of
Westminster, so that for many
[...]ights a Court of gard was forced to be kept
[...]n the body of that Church, (the chiefest
Sanctuary of the Kingdom.) Moreover, His Majesty having impeached some of the Members of both Houses, of High Treason, and being denied to have them delivered up, he went himself to the
Lower House to demand them, assuring the
House they should have as faire and legall a triall as ever men had. But as it pleas'd God, they were not there, but retir'd to
London for refuge; The
Londoners grew starke wilde thereupon, and notice being sent to all the adjacent Counties, this act of the Kings (though it wanted no precedents of former times) was aggravated in the highest degree that possibly could be. Hence you may easily inferre, what small securitie his Majesty had at
White-hall, and what indignities he might have exposed himself unto, by that which had pass'd already from the Rabble, who had vilified and
[Page 44] cried
tush at his proclamations, and disgorg'd other rebellious speeches with impunity: therefore he retird to
Hampton Court (as we read,
our Saviour withdrew himselfe once from the multitude) thence to
Windsor Castle, whence accompanying her Majesty, with his eldest daughter to the sea side for
Holland, and having commanded the Prince to attend him against his return at
Greenwich, the Prince had been surpriz'd, and brought to
London, had not the King come a little before. Thence he removed to
Yorke, where he kept his Court all the Sommer.
But to returne to
London, the very next day after their Majesties departure, the Countrey about, especially
Buckinghamshire being incited by the C
[...]tie and Parliament, came in great swarmes, and joyning with the London mechanicks, they ruffled up and down the streets, and kept such a racket, making the fearfull'st riot that ever I beleeve was heard of in Parliament time: so those Members which formerly were fled into the Citie, were brought to the
House in a kind of triumph, being garded by land and water in warlike manner by these Champions: After this, sundry troops of horse came from all the shires near adjoyning to
[Page 45]
[...]he Parliament, and
Buckingham men were
[...]he first, who while they express'd their
[...]ve to (
Hamden) their
Knight, forgot their
[...]worn oath to their
King, and in stead of feathers they carried a printed
Protestation in
[...]heir hats, as the Londoners had done a lit
[...]le before upon the Pikes point.
This kept a foul noise beyond Sea I re
[...]ember, so that upon the
Rialto in Venice,
[...]t was sung up and down, that a
Midsummer Moon (though it was then
midst of
Winter) did raign amongst the English, and you must
[...]hink that it hath made the
Venetian to
[...]hrink in his shoulders, and to look but illfavouredly upon us, since wee'l have none of his
currans. But Sir, I heard much of that
Protestation, I pray what was the substance of it?
It was penn'd, and enjoyn'd by the Par
[...]iament for every one to take, and it consisted of many parts; the first was, to maintain the tru Potestant Religion against all
Popish innovations, which word
Popish (as som think) was scrued in of purpose for a loop hole to let in any other
innovation: the second was to
maintain the Prerogative an
[Page 46]
Honour of the King; then the
power and priviledge of Parliament; and lastly, the
Propriety and Liberty of the subject; for thre
[...] parts of this
Protestation, the people up an
[...] down seem'd to have utterly forgotte
[...] them, and continue so still, as if their consciences had bin tied only to the
third, viz the
priviledge of Parliament, and never was ther a poor people so besotted, never wa
[...] reason and common sence so baffled in an
[...] part of the world.
And now will I go to attend His Majesty at
York, where, as I told you before, being loth to part with his
Sword, (though he had half parted with his
Scepter before) by denying the Parliament an indefinite time to dispose of the
Militia, (alleadging that as the
Word, so the
thing was new.) He sends forth his Commissions of
Array, according to the old Law of
England, which declares i
[...] to be the
undoubted Right, and Royall Signorie of the King, to arm or disarm any subject: The
Parliament sends out clean countermands for executing the said
Militia, so by this clashing 'twixt the Commission of
Array and the
Militia, the first flash of this odious unnaturall war may be said to break out. The pulse of the
Parliament beats
[Page 47] yet higher, they send an
Admirall to the Sea (the Earl of
Warwick) not only
without, but expresly against the Kings special command. They had taken unto them a Military gard from the City for their protection, without His Majesties consent, who by the advice of the Lord
Keeper and others, had offered them a very strong gard of
Constables and other Officers to attend them, which the Law usually allows; yet the raising of that gard in
York-shire for the safegard of His Majesties person, was interpreted to be
leavying of war against the Parliament, and so made a sufficient ground for them to raise an
Army, to appoint a
Generall (the Earl of
Essex) with whom they made publick Declarations to live and die. And they assumed power to confer a new
Appellation of honour upon him, (Excellency) as if any could confer
Honour but the King! And this Army was to be maintain'd out of the mixt con
[...]ribution of all sorts of people; so a great masse of money and plate was brought into the
Guild hall, the Semstresse brought in her silver
Thimble, the Chambermaid her
Bodkin, the Cook his
Spoons, and the Vintner his
Bowles, and every one somthing, to the advancement of so good a
[Page 48] work, as to wage war directly against the Sacred person of their
Soverain, and put the whole Countrey into a combustion.
Surely it is impossible that a rationall Christian people shold grow so simple and sottish, as to be so far transported, without some colourable cause, therfore I pray tell me what that might be?
The cause is made specious enough, and varnished over wonderfull cunningly;
The people are made to believe they are in danger, and a prevention of that danger is promised, and by these plausible ways the understanding is wrought upon, and an affection to the cause is usher'd in, by aggravation of this danger, as one wold draw a thred through a needles eye: This huge Bugbear
Danger, was like a monster of many heads, the two chiefest were these▪
That ther was a plot to let in the Pope; And to
[...] the civil Government into a French frame; It is incredible to think how the Pulpits up and down
London did ring of this by brainsick Lecturers, of whom som were come from
New-England, others were pick'd out of purpose, and sent for from their own flock in the Countrey, to possesse, or
[Page 49] rather to
poison the hearts of the Londoners, to puzzle their intellectualls, and to intoxicat their brains by their
powerfull gifts; It was punishable to preach of
Peace, or of
Caesars Right, but the common subject of the pulpit was either blasphemy against God, disobedience against the King, or incitements to sedition; Good Lord, what windy frothy stuff came from these fanatick brains; These
Phrenetici Nebulones (for King
Iames gives them no better Character in his (
[...],) who may be said to be mad out of too much ignorance, not knowledg; who neverthelesse are come to that height of prophaness and pride, that they presume to father all their doctrines, all their nonsense, raptures and ravings upon the
holy Spirit. Nor did the
Pulpit only help to kindle this fire, but the
Presse also did contribute much stubble; What base scurrilous Pamphlets were cryed up and down the streets, and dispersed in the
[...]? What palpable and horrid
lies were daily printed? How they multiplied in every corner in such plenty, that one might say t
[...]er was a
superfaetation of lies, which continue unto this day? One while the King of
Denmark was comming over from the
[Page 50]
Sound: Another while the King of
France had a huge Army about
Calais design'd for
England: Another while ther was an Army of
Irish Rebels comming over with the privity of the King: Another while a plot was cryed up and down to burn
London: Another while ther were subterranean invisible troups (at
Ragland Castle) mustered under ground in
Wales, and thousands of Papists armed in
Lancashire, and divers reports of this nature were daily blown up, and though the Authors of them were worthlesse and mean futilous persons, yet the reports themselves had that credit as to be entertain'd and canvas'd in the High Court of Parliament. But these false rumors produc'd one politick effect (and it was the end indeed for which they were dispers'd) they did intimidat and fill the peoples hearts with
fears, and dispose of them to up roars and so to part with money.
I know ther be sundry sorts of
Fears; ther are
Conscientious Fears, and ther are
[...]annick Fears, ther are
Pusillanimous Fears, and ther are
Politick Fears. The first sort of
Fear proceeds from guilt of Conscience, which turns often to
[...]cy. The second
[Page 51] sort of
Fear may be call'd a kind of
Chymera, 'tis som sudden surprizall or
Consternation arising from an unknown cause.
Pusillanimous Fear makes a mountain of a molehill, and proceeds from poverty of spirit, and want of courage, and is a passion of abject and degenerous minds, and may be call'd
Cowardise, and this Fear is always accompanied with jealousie.
Politick fear, is a created forg'd Fear wrought in another, to bring som design about; And as we find the
Astronomers (the comparison is too good) do imagin such and such shapes and circles in the Heavens, as the
Zodiak, Equinoctiall, Colures, Zones and
Topiques with others, though ther be no such things really in nature, to make their conclusions good. So the
Polititian doth often devise and invent false imaginary Fears, to make his proceedings more plausible amongst the silly vulgar, and therby to compasse his ends: And as the Sun useth to appear far bigger to us in the morning then at noon, when he is exalted to his Meridian, and the reason the
Philosophers use to give, is the interposition of the vapours which are commonly in the lower Region, through which we look upon him (as we find a piece of silver
[Page 52] look bigger in a bucket of water then elsewhere) so the
Polititian uses to cast strange mists of Fear, and fogs of jealousie before the simple peoples eyes, to make the danger seem bigger: But truly Sir, this is one of the basest kinds of policy, nor can I believe ther be any such
Polititians amongst the
Cabalists of your Parliament, who pretend to be so busie about Gods work, a
Glorious Reformation, for you know ther is a good Text for it, that
God needeth not the wicked man▪ he abominats to be beholding to
liers to bring about his purposes: But I pray Sir deal freely with me, do you imamagin ther was a design to bring in the
[...] again?
Masse? You may say ther was a plot to bring in
Mahomet as soon, to bring in the
Alchoran, or
Talmud as soon; For I dare pawn my soul, the King is as Cordiall a
Protestant as any that breathes under his three Crowns, which besides his publick deep Protestations, and his constant quotidian exemplary open practise, many other convincing private reasons induce me to believe, and it is in vain to think the
Pope can take footing here to any purpose without
[Page 53] the Kings leave. You know as well as I Sir, that of all the Reformed Churches in Christendom, the
Lutheran retains most of the
Roman, both in his positions and practise, and comes much nearer to him then we do, yet I have observed, that from the first day of his Reformation, to this, He is as averse, and as far off from
Rome, as the rigidest
Calvinist that is; And shall I think, because ther are som humble and hansom postures, and decent vestures
revived in our Church (for they were never
abolished;) because the Communion table stands in the East end where it ever stood since Christianity came in all our
Cathedralls, which shold be a rule to all inferiour Churches, though the
Seperatist cries it up most falsly to be an
Innovation: because the
Queen hath a few simple
Capuchins (fewer then was allowed by the Matrimoniall Capitulations) whither to retire sometimes: Because Schismaticks were proceeded against with more care, and the Government of the Church born up
[...]ately with more countenance, shall I be
[...]ieve out of all this that the
Pope must pre
[...]ently come in? shall I believe the weakness
[...]f our Religion to be such, as to be so easily
[...]aken and overturn'd? Yet I believe ther
[Page 54] was a pernicious plot to introduce a
new Religion, but what I pray? not
Popery, but
Presbitry, and with it to bring in the doctrine of
Buchanan and
Knox for civill government, and so to cast our Church and State into a
Scots mould.
Indeed I heard the
English much derided abroad for resigning their intellectualls in point of
Religion to the
Scots, whom from Infidels they made Christians, and
Reformed Christians first, and now for the
English to run to them for a Religion, and that the
Uniformity & reformation shold proceed from
them, having disdain'd us formerly, what a disparagement is it thinke you to the
Anglican Church? This with other odd traverses, as the eclipsing the glory of the King, and bringing him back to a kind of minoritie, the tampering with his conscience, I will not say the
straining it so farre, the depriving him of all kind of propertie, the depressing of his Regall power, wherein the honour of a nation consists, and which the
English were us'd to uphold more then any other, for no King hath more awful attributs from his subjects,
as Sacred Sovereigne, gracious and most Excellent Majestie, nor any
[Page 55] King so often prayed for, for in your morning Liturgie he is
five times prayed for, whereas other Princes are mentioned but once or twice at most in their's: I say that this, with interception of letters, some incivilities offered Ambassadors, and the bold lavish speeches that were spoken of the greatest Queenes in Christendome, and his Majesties late withdrawing his Royall protection from some of his Merchant-Subjects in other countreys, hath made the
English lose much ground in point of esteeme abroad, and to be the
discourse, I will not say the
scorne of other people. They stick not to say, that there is now a worse maladie fallen upon their
minds, then fell upon their
bodies about an age since by the
Sweating sicknesse, which was peculiar onely unto them and found them out under all Climes. Others say, there is a pure
[...] amongst them, that they are turn'd to Wolves (as you know it is a common thing in
[...]pland) & that the old Adage is verified in them,
Homo homini lupus; Nay our next neighbours give out, that the saying was never truer then now,
Rex Anglorum, Rex Diabolorum. Nor is it a small disrepute to the
English, that the word
Cavalier, which is an attribute
[Page 56] that no Prince in Christendome will disdain, and is the common Appellation of the Nobilitie and Gentrie in most parts of the world, is now us'd, not onely in Libels and frivolous Pamphlets, but in publicke Parliamentarie Declarations, for a
terme of reproach. But truely Sir, what you have related touching the
Pulpit and the
Presse, transformes me into wonder, and I should want faith to beleeve it, did you not speak it upon your knowledge; but the
English when they fall to worke upon a new humour, use to overdoe all people.
You have not yet the tithe of what I could give you, you would little think that Coachmen, and Feltmakers, and Weavers were permitted to preach up and down without controulment, and to vent their froth and venome against Church and State, to cry downe our
Hierarchy and
Liturgie, by most base and reviling speeches.
Touching your
Lyturgie, I have heard it censur'd abroad by the regidest
Calvinists of
Generva and
Dort, yet I never heard any other Character given of it, but that it is a most
Pious, Pathetick, and perfect peece of
[Page 57] devotion, both for the matter and forme of it, which I have been a little curious to observe. It begins with some choise passages of holy Scripture, and a previous Declaration or Monitory to excite us to the worke in hand; The first addresse wee make to God is by an humble and joynt Confession which is appliable to any conscience, and comprehends in it all kind of sins. Then followeth a pronuntiation of Gods promises and pronesse to pardon and absolve us; We goe on to the Lords Prayer, which having bin dictated by our Saviour himself we often use, and is as
Amber throwne in amongst our
Frankincense, to make the Sacrifice more precious and pleasing unto God; Then we proceed to som choice Psalms, and other portions of holy scripture taken out of the old and new testament; Then we fall to the
Symbole of faith, whereof we make a solemn joynt confession in such a posture as shews a readinesse and resolution in us to defend it: and so to the
Letany, wherein the poor penitent peccant soul may be said to breath out herself into the bosome of her Saviour by tender ejaculations, by panting groans, & eviscerated ingeminations, and there is no sin, no temptation
[Page 58] whatsoever that humane frailty is subject unto, but you shall find a deliverance from it there, it is so full of Christian charity, that there is no condition of people, but are remembred and prayed for there. Then wee proceed by holy alternatif interlocutions (whereby wee heare our selves speak as well as the Minister) to some effectuall short prayers; because in long prayers the minde is subject to wander, as some Zelots now a dayes use to bring their Hearers into a
Wildernesse by their
Prayers, and into a
Labyrinth by their
Sermons. Then goe we on to the
Decalogue, and if it be in a
Cathedrall, there is time enough for the Hearer to examine himselfe, while the Musick playes, where and when he broke any of Gods holy Commandements, and ask particular forgivenesse accordingly in the intervall; Then after other choice portions of Scripture, and passages relating to our Redemption, and endearing, unto us the merits of it, with a more particular Confession of our
Faith, we are dismissed with a
Benediction: So that this
Liturgy may be call'd an Instrument of many strings, whereon the sighing soul sends up varions notes unto heaven: It is a posie made up of divers flowers, to make
[Page 59] it the more fragrant in the nostrills of God. Now touching your
Bishops, I never knew yet any Protestant Church but could be content to have them, had they meanes to maintaine the
Dignitie, which the Churches of
France with others have not, in regerd the Reformation beg an first among the
people, not at
Court, as here it did in
Engl. For unlesse ther be som Supervisers of Gods house, endowed with eminent authority to check the fond fancies, and quench the false fatuous fires of every private spirit, and unlesse it be such an authority that may draw unto it a holy kind of awe and obedience what can be expected but confusion and
Atheisme? You know what became of the Israelites when the wonted reverence to the
Ark, and the
Ephod, and the
Priest, began to languish amongst them: For the braine of man is like a garden, which unlesse it be fenced about with a wall or hedge, is subject you know to be annoyed by all kinde of beasts which will be ready to runne into it; so the braine unlesse it be restrain'd and bounded in holy things by rules of Canonicall authoritie, a thousand wild opinions, and extravagant fancies will hourely rush into it: nor was there ever any field so subject to produce
[Page 60] Cockle and Darnell, as the human brain is rank and ready to bring forth tares of Schism and Heresie of a thousand sorts, unlesse after the first culture the sickle of Authority be applyed to grub up all such noisom weeds.
Yet this most antient dignity of
Bishops is traduced and vilified by every shallow-pated petty Clerk, and not so much out of a tru zeal, as out of envy that they are not the like. And touching our
Liturgy, wherof you have bin pleas'd to give so exact a Character, people are come to that height of impiety, that in som places it hath bin
drown'd, in other places
burnt, in som places
torn in pieces to serve for the basest uses, nay it hath bin preached publickly in Pulpits,
That it is a piece forg'd in the devils shop, and yet the impious foul mouth'd
Babbler never was so much as questioned for it. Nor did the Church only eccho with these blasphemies; but the
Presse was as pregnant to produce every day som Monster either against Ecclesiasticall, or Secular Government. I am asham'd to tell you how som bold Pamphleters in a discourse of a sheet or two, wold presume to question, to dispute of, and determin
[Page 61] the extent of Monarchik jurisdiction, what sturdy doubts, what sawcy
Quaeries they put, what odd frivolous distinctions they f
[...]am'd, That the King though he was Gods
Anointed, yet he was mans
appointed: That he had the
commanding, not the
disposing power: That he was set to
rule over, not to
over-rule the people; That he was King by human
choice, not by divine
Charter; That he was not King by the
Grace of God, so much as by the suffrage of the people; That he was a
[...] and production of the Parliament: That he had no implicit trust, nor peculiar property in any thing; That
populus est potior Rege; That
Grex lege, lex est Rege potentior; That the King was
singulis major, universis minor, (wheras a successive Monarch—
Uno minor est Iove.—Sometimes they wold bring instances from the States of
Holland, sometimes from the Republick of
Venice, and apply them so impertinently to absolute and independant Royalty; But I find that the discourse and inferences of these grand
Statists were bottom'd upon four false foundations,
viz. That the King of whom they speak must be either a
Minor, and
Idiot, an insufferable
Tyrant, or that the
[Page 62] Kingdom they mean, is
Elective; None of all which is appliable, either to our most gracious and excellently qualified King, or to his renowned Kingdom, which hath bin always reputed an ancient successive Monarchy, govern'd by one Suprem undeposeable and independent head, having the Dignity, the Royall State, and power of an Imperiall Crown, and being responsible to none
[...]ut to God Almighty and his own
[...]or his actions, and unto whom a Body
[...]olitick compacted of Prelates,
[...], and all degrees of people is naturally subject; but this is a theam of that transcenden
[...]y, that it requires a serious and solid
Tractat, rather then such a slender Discourse as this is to handle.
But I pray excuse me Sir, that I have stept aside thus from the road of my main narration; I told you before, how the clashing 'twixt the
Commission of Array, and the
Militia, put all things in
disarray throughout the whole Kingdom; The Parliament as they had taken the first Military gard, so they began to arm first, and was it not high time then for His Majesty to do some thing think you? yet he essayed by all ways imaginable to prevent a war, and to conquer by a
[Page 63] passive fortitude, by
cunctation, and
longanimity. How many overtures for an accommodation did he make? How many Proclamations of pardon? How many elaborat Declarations breathing nothing but clemency, sweetness and truth did drop from his
own imperious invincible pen, which will remain upon Record to all ages, as so many Monuments to his eternall glory? Yet som ill spirit stept still in, between his Grace, and the abused Subject, for by the peremptory Order of Parliament (O monstrous thing) the said Proclamations of Grace, and other His Majesties Declarations were prohibited to be read; fearing that the strength and truth of them wold have had a vertue to unblind, or rather unbewitcht (
for Rebellion is as the sin of Witchcraft) the poor besotted people: What deep Protestations and holy Vowes did he reiterate that the main of his designs, was to preserve the tru Protestant Religion, the known Lawes of the Land, and the just priviledges of Parliament? How often did he dehort and woo the City of
London (his
imperiall Chamber) from such violent courses, so that she may be justly upbraided with the same words, as the
Prince of peace upbraided
Ierusalem withall:
London, London,
[Page 64]
How often wold I have gathered thee, as a
[...]en doth her chickens under her wings, yet thou wouldst not?
How often did he descend to acknowledg the manner of demanding the
one and five Members in his publick Remonstrances? and if ther was an errour in the proceedings, how oft did he desire his Great Councell to direct him in a course how to go on in the Empeachment? which they never did, but wold reserve the priviledge to themselves to be judge and party.
Can your Parliament protect high Treason? I am sure the character of an Ambassadour cannot, which the late French Ambassadour (who for his time play'd his Cards more cunning than ever Count
Gondomar did) knew well; and therefore, as I heard som French men say, he got Letters of Revocation before his designed time: but it seems strange to me, that the King who is the
Protectour of the Law, and Fountain of Justice, cannot have the benefit of the Law himself, which the meanest of his vassals can claim by right of inheritance: 'Tis strange, I say, that the Law shold be a
dead letter
to him who is the
Life of the
[Page 65] Law, but that for omission of some punctillio in the form of the Processe, the charge of high Treason shold be so slightly wav'd, specially Treason of so universall a concernment, that it may be call'd a complication of many Treasons; for if in every petty State it be High Treason to
treat only with any Forrein Power without the privity of the
Prince, it must needs be Treason of a higher nature
actually to bring them in; And hereof I could alleadge you many pregnant instances, ancient and modern, but that I do not desire to interrupt you in your relation.
The Parliament, as I told you before, armed apace, it was not fitting then His Majesty shold sit idle; therfore he summons those Nobles and others, who had an immediate relation unto him by Office or Service, to attend him at
York, according to their particular obligation and oath: But it seems the Parliament assumed power to dispence with those oaths, and excuse their attendance, which dispensation prevail'd with som (
tender) consciences; yet the
Great Seal posted to Court, and after it most of the Nobles of the Land, with the flower
[Page 66] of the Gentry, and many of the prime Members of the Commons House; so that were it not for the
locall priviledge, the Parliament for number of Members, might be said to be ever since about the King: These Nobles and Gentlemen resenting His Majesties case, and what practices ther were on foot to alter the Government both of Church and State, not only advised His Majesty to a royall war for defence of his Crown and Dignity, but contributed very chearfully, and have stood constant to the work ever since.
They have good reason for it, for the security of the Nobility and Gentry depends upon the strength of the Crown, otherwise
popular Government wold rush in like a torrent upon them. But surely those Nobles, and those Parliament Gentlemen and others, som of whom I understand, were reputed the wisest and best weigh'd men for experience and parts thorowout the whole Kingdom, and were cryed up in other Parliaments to be the most zealous Patriots for the propriety and freedom of the Subject, wold never have stuck so firmly to His Majesty, had they not known the
[Page 67] bottom of his designs, that it was far from his thoughts to bring in the
Pope or
French Government; for therby they shold have betrayed their own posterity, and made their children slaves.
To my knowledge, these Nobles and Gentlemen are still the very same as they were in former Parliaments, wherin they were so cryed up for the truest lovers of their Country, and best Common-wealthsmen; yet now they are branded, and voted to be
Seducers, and Traytors, because according to their oaths and consciences, they adhere to the King their Master and Liege-Lord, for maintenance of that Religion they were baptized and bred in. Those most Orthodox and painfull Divines, which till this Parliament began were accounted the precisest sort of Protestants, are now cryed down for Papists, though they continue still the very same men, both for opinions and preaching, and are no more
Papists than I am a
Pythagorean. In fine, a tru English Protestant is put now in the same scale with a Papist, and made Synonyma's. And truly these unhappy Schismaticks could not devise how to cast a greater infamy upon the
[Page 68] English Protestant than they have done of late by these monstrous imputations; they wold fasten upon him such opinions which never entred into his thoughts, they wold know ones heart better than himself, and so would be greater
Kardiognosticks than God Almighty.
But to draw to a conclusion; The Parliaments Army multiplyed apace in
London, the Kings but slowly in the North, so that when he displayed his Royal Standard at
Nottingham, his Forces were not any thing considerable, so that if the Parliaments
Generall (Essex) had then advanced towards him from
Northampton, he had put him to a very great strait; they encreased somthing at
Derby, and
Stafford, but when he was come to
Shrewsbury, the Welch-men came running down the mountains in such multitudes, that their example did much animate the English; so that his army in lesse than a month that the Court continued in
Shrewsbury, came to near upon twenty thousand Horse and Foot; not long before, the
Nephew Princes came over, and the first encounter Prince
Rupert had with the Parliaments Forces was at
Worcester, where he defeated the flower of their Cavalry, and gave
[Page 69] them a smart blow. At
Shrewsbury His Majesty took a resolution to march with His whole Army towards
London, but after seven days march he understood the Parliaments Forces were within six miles side-long of him, and so many miles he went out of His road to find them out, and face them: Upon Sunday morning he was himself betimes upon Edge-Hill, wher the Enemies Colours plainly appear'd in vale before
Keinton; it was past two in the after-noon before all his Infantery could get to the bottom, who upon sight of the Enemies Colours ran as merrily down the Hill, as if they had gone to a Morris dance. So His Majesty himself being
Generalissimo, gave command the great Ordnance shold flye for a defiance, so the battell began, which lasted above three hours, and as some French and Dutch Commanders (who were engag'd in the Fight) told me, they never remembred to have seen a more furious battail for the time in all the German wars. Prince
Rupert pursued the Enemies Horse like a whirl-wind near upon three miles, and had ther bin day enough, when he came back to the Infanterie, in all probability a totall defeat had bin given them: So that the same accident
[Page 70] may be said to fall out here, as happened in that famous battell at
Lewis, in
Henry the thirds time, where the Prince of Wales (afterwards
Edward the first) was so eager, and went so far (by excesse of courage) from the body of the Army in pursuance of the
Londoners, that it was the fatall cause of the losse of that mighty battail. His Majesty (to his deserved and never-dying glory) comported himself like another
Caesar all the while, by riding about and encouraging the Souldiers, by exposing his person often to the reach of a Musket-bullet, and lying in the field all that bleak night in his Coach. Notwithstanding that many lying Pamphlets were purposely printed here, to make the world believe that he had retir'd himself all the time of the fight; what partiall reports were made in the Guild-Hall to the Londoners, and by what persons, (
W. and
Strode) I am ashamed to tell you: But that His Majesty was victorious that day (a day which I never thought to have seen in England) ther be many convincing arguments to prove it; for besides the great odds of men which fell on their side, and Cannons they lost, som of their Ordnance were nayl'd by the Kings Troops the next morning after
[Page 71] in the very face of their Army. Moreover, the King advanc'd forward the next day to his former road, and took
Banbury presently after; but the
Parliamenteers went backwards, and so from that day to this, His Majesty continueth Master of the field. 'Tis tru, that in som places, as at
Farnham, Winchester, and
Chichester, they have prevail'd since, but no considerable part of the Royall Army was ther to make opposition; and I blush to tell you, how unworthily the Law of Armes was violated in all those places.
Good Lord, how can the souls of those men that were in the Parliaments Army at
Keinton Battell, dispense with the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegeance, besides the
Protestation you speak of, they had taken to preserve the
Person, Honour, and Prerogative of the King, when they thus actually bandy against his
Person, and appear in battel with all the engines of hostility against him?
I wold be loth to exchange consciences with them, and prevaricate so palpably with God Almighty; Touching the
[Page 72] they may be said to comply with their duties both towards
God and their
King according to the Oaths you mention; Moreover, ther was a strong
Act of Parliament (for their security) which was never as much as questioned or controverted, much lesse suspended or repeal'd: But always stood, and yet stands in as full validity and force, as it was the first day it was Enacted, and as much binding to an universall obedience, which Act runs thus:
13. Octobris Anno undecimo
Henrici Septimi, Anno Dom. 1496
IT is Ordained, Enacted, and Established by the King Our Soverain Lord, by the Advice and Assent of the Lords Spirituall and Temporall, and the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled, and by Authority of the same, That from henceforth no manner of person or persons whatsoever he or they be, that attend upon the King and Soverain Lord of this Land for the time being in his person, and do him tru and faithfull service of Allegiance in the same, or be he in other places by his Commandment,
[Page 74] in his wars within this Land or without: That for the said Deed, and tru duty of Allegiance, he or they be in no wise Convict or attaint of High Treason, nor of other offences for that cause, by Act of Parliament or otherwise by any processe of Law, whereby he or any of them, shall lose or forfeit Life, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Possessions, Hereditaments, Goods, Chattels, or any other things: But to be for that Deed and Service utterly discharged of any Vexation, Trouble or loss. And if any Act or Acts, or other processe of the Law hereafter, therupon for the same happen to be made contrary to this Ordinance, That then that Act or Acts, or other processe of the Law, whatsoever they shall be, stand and utterly void. Provided alwayes that no person or persons shall take any benefit
[Page 75] or advantage by this Act, which shall hereafter decline their said Allegiance.
This is as plain and fair as can be for securing both the
Person and
Conscience of the
Cavalier, but was ther ever any Act or Oath, or any thing like an Oath that oblig'd Englishmen to be tru unto, or fight for the
Never any, but these men by a new kind of
Metaphysicks have found out a way to abstract the
Person of the King from his
Office, to make his Soveraigntie a kind of
Platonick Idea hovering in the aire, while they visibly attempt to assaile and destroy his
Person and
Progeny, by small and great shot, and seek him out amongst his life-Gard with fire and sword; yet they give out, they fight not only not
against him, but for him, and that
their army is more loyall unto him than his owne; who, they say, fight only for the name
King, though they have his person
really amongst them, commanding and
[Page 76] directing: Thus they make
Him a strange kind of
Amphibium, they make in one instant a King and no King of the same
Individuum; a power which the
Casuists affirme God Almighty never assumed to himself,
to doe any thing that implies a contradiction.
Noble Sir, you make my heart to pant within me, by the Pathetick relation you have been pleas'd to make mee of these
[...]uthfull times; But one thing seems to me to be no lesse then a miracle, how his Majestie hath beene able to subsist all this while, considering the infinite advantages the averse partie hath had of him; for they have all the tenable places and townes of strength, both by land and sea; They have the
Navie royall, they have all the Amunition and Armes of the Crown, they have all the Imposts and Customs, Poundage and Tonnage (which they levie contrary to their former Protestation before the Bill be pass'd) They have the Exchequer at their devotion, and all the Revenue of the King, Queen, and Prince, and lastly, they have the citie of
London, which may be eall'd a Magazin of money and men, where there is a ready supplie and superfluitie of all things, that may seed, clothe, or
[Page 77] make men gay to put them in heart and resolution: Truely considering all these advantages, with divers others on their side, and the disadvantages on the Kings, it turnes me into a lump of astonishment, how his Majestie could beare up all this while, and keep together so many Armies, and be still master of the Field.
I confesse Sir, it is a just subject for wonderment, and we must ascribe it principally to God Almightie, who is the Protectour of his Anointed, for his hand hath manifestly appear'd in the conduct of his affaires; Hee hath been the Pilot, who hath sate at the helme ever s
[...]nce this storme began, and will we hope continue to steer his course till he waft him to safe harbour againe; Adde hereunto, that his Majesty for his own part, hath beene wonderfully stirring, and indefatigable both for his body and minde; And what notable things HER Majesty hath
done, and what she hath
suffered, is fitter for Chronicle, then such a simple
Hereunto may be added besides, that his Majestie hath three parts of foure of the Peeres, and Prime Gentrie of the Kingdom firme unto him, and they will venture hard
[Page 78] before they will come under a
popular government and
mechanicall corporations, or let in
Knox or
Calvin to undermine this Church, and bring in their bawdy stool of Repentance.
Truely Sir, amongst other Countreys, I extreamly long'd to see
England, and I am no sooner come, but I am surfeited of her already, I doubt the old Prophecie touching this Island is come now to be verified, That the
Churchman was, the
Lawyer is, and the
Souldier shall be. I am afraid the
English have seene their best dayes; for I find a generall kind of
infatuation, a totall Eclipse of reason amongst most of them; and commonly
a generall infatuation precedes the perdition of a people; like a fish, that putrifieth first in the head; Therefore I will trusse up my baggage and over again, after I have enjoyed you some dayes, and received your commands.
Dear Sir, If you seriously resolve to crosse the Seas againe so soon, I may chance beare you company, for as you have since the short time of your sojourn here judiciously observed a national defection of reason in the people
[Page 79] of this
Island, which makes her so active in drawing on her own ruine; so by longer experience, and by infallible Symptomes I find a strange kind of
Vertigo to have seized upon her, which I feare will turne to the falling sicknesse, or such a frenzie that will make her to dash out her own braines: Nor are her miseries, I feare, come yet to the full; It is the method of the Almightie, when he pleases to punish a people, to begin with
roddes, to goe on with
scourges, and if they will not do, he hath
Scorpions for them: Therefore, I will breath any where sooner then here, for what securitie or contentment can one receive in that Countrey, where
Religion and
Iustice, the two grand
Dorique Columnes which support every
State, are fallen down? which makes all conditions of men, all professions and trades to go here daylie to utter ruine. The
Churchman grows every day more despicable, as if he had no propertie in any thing, nor is there any way left him to recover his Tithe, but by costly troublesome sutes. The
Civilian, a brave learned profession, hath already made his last Will; And the
Common Lawyers case is little better; The
Courtier cannot get his Pension; The
Gentleman cannot recover his
[Page 78]
[Page 79]
[Page 80] rents, but either they are sequestred by a high hand of
unexampled power, or else the poor tenant is so heavily assess'd or plundred, that he is disabled to pay them in; All kind of
Comerce both domestick and forrein visibly decayes, and falls more and more, into the hands of strangers (to the no small dishonour of the wisedome of this Nation) nor can the
Tradesman recover his debts, Parliamentary Protections continue still in such numbers, so that it is a greater priviledge now to be a footman to the meanest of the Lower House, then to be of the Kings Bed chamber:
[...]es run away from their masters, and against their fathers intent turn souldiers, and for money, which is the soul of trade, I beleeve since the beginning of this Parliament, above one half of the treasure of the Kingdome is either conveyed to'ther side of the Sea, or buried under ground, whence it must be new digg'd up againe. Moreover, all things are here grown
Arbitrary (yet that
word took off the Earle of
Straffords head)
Religion, Law, and
Allegiance is growne
Arbitrary; nor dares the
Iudge upon the Tribunall (according to his oath) do justice, but he is over-awed by
Ordinance; or els the
[Page 81] least intimation of the sense of the lower House is sufficient to enjoyne him the contrary, so that now, more then ever, it may be said here,—
Terras Astraea reliquit.—
peace also hath rov'd up and downe this Island, and cannot get a place to lay her head on; she hoped to have had entertainment in
York-shire by the agreement of the best Gentlemen in the Countrey; but an Ordinance of Parliament beat her out of doores; Then she thought to rest in
Cheshire, and by a solemne Covenant she was promis'd to be preserv'd ther, the principal Agents of that Covenant having protested every one upon the word of a Gentleman, and as they did desire to prosper, both themselves, their tenants and friends,, shold strictly observe it; but the like
Ordinance of Parliament battered down that
Then she thought to take footing in the West, and first in
Dorcetshire, then in
Cornwall and
Devonshire, and by the holy tie of the blessed Sacrament she was promised to be preserved ther; but another Ordinance of Parliament is pursuing her, to dispense with the Commissioners of the said Agreement for their Oaths. Lastly, His Majesty is mainly endeavouring to bring her in again
[Page 80]
[Page 81]
[Page 82] thorowout the whole Land; but the furious, phrentique Schismaticks will have none of her; for as one of them (besides a thousand instances more) preach'd in one of the most populous Congregations about the City,
It were better that London streets ran with bloud, and that dead carkasses were piled up as high as the battlements of Pauls, than peace should be now brought in. And now that
Peace is shut out,
Learning is upon point of despair, her Colledges are become Courts of Gard, and
Mars lieth in
Mercuries bed.
Honour also, with
her Court, lieth in the dust; the
Cobler may confront the
Knight, the
Boor the
Baron, and ther is no judicial way of satisfaction; which makes
Monarchy fear she hath no long time of abode here.
Publick Faith also, though she had but newly set up for her self, is suddenly become Bankrupt, and how could she choose? for more of the Kingdoms treasure hath bin spent within these thirty moneths, than was spent in four-score yeares before; but she hopes to piece up her self again, by the ruines of the Church; but let her take heed of that, for those goods have bin fatall to many thousand families in this Kingdom: yet, she thinks much, that those publick summs
[Page 83] which were given to suppresse one rebellion (in
Ireland) shold be employed to maintain another rebellion (in
England.) And lastly, methinks, I see
Religion in torn ragged weeds, and with slubber'd eyes sitting upon
Weeping-Crosse, and wringing her hands, to see her chiefest Temple (
Pauls Church) where God Almighty was us'd to be serv'd constantly thrice a day, and was the Rendezvouz, and as it were the Mother Church, standing open to receive all commers and strangers, to be now shut up, and made only a thorow-fare for Porters; to see those scaffolds, the expence of so many thousand pounds, to lie rotting; to see her chiefest lights like to be extinguished; to see her famous learned Divines dragg'd to prison, and utterly depriv'd of the benefit of the Common Law, their inheritance: Methinks, I say, I see
Religion packing up, and preparing to leave this Island quite, crying out, that this is Countrey fitter for
Atheists than
Christians to live in; for God Almighty is here made the greatest
Malignant, in regard his House is plunder'd more than any: Ther is no Court left to reform heresie, no Court to punish any Church Officer, and to make him attend his Cure, not Court to punish
[Page 84] Fornication, Adultery, or Incest: Methinks I hear
Her cry out against these her Grand
Reformers (or
Refiners rather) that they have put division 'twixt all degrees of persons. They have put division 'twixt husband and wife, 'twixt mother and child: The son seeks his fathers bloud in open field, one brother seeks to cut the others throat; they have put division 'twixt master and servant, 'twixt
Land- Lord and
Tenant; nay, they have a long time put a sea of separation 'twixt King and Queen; and they labour more and more to put division 'twixt the Head and the Members, 'twixt His Majesty and his politicall
Spouse, his
Kingdom: And lastly, they have plung'd one of the flourishingst Kingdoms of
Europe in a war without end; for though a
Peace may be plaister'd over for the time, I fear it will be but like a fire cover'd with ashes, which will break out again, as long as these fiery Schismaticks have any strength in this Island; so that all the premisses considered, if
Turk or
Tartar, or all the infernal spirits and
Cacodaemons of hel had broken in amongst us, they could not have done poor
England more mischief. Sir, I pray you excuse this homely imperfect relation, I have a thousand things more to
[Page 85] impart unto you when we may breathe freer air; for here we are come to that slavery, that one is in danger to have his very thoughts plundered; Therfore if you please to accept of my company, I will over with you by Gods help, so soon as it may stand with your conveniency, but you must not discover me to be an
Englishman, abroad: for so I may be jeer'd at and kickt in the streets; I will go under another name, and am fix'd in this resolution, never to breathe
English aire again, untill the
King recovers his Crown, and the People the right use of their