THe Triple crowned Vicar, horn'd Lamb-like,
Pretends Christs soveraine pow'r ov'r Kings and States.
These hornes, but borrow'd, proue Rammes hornes to strik [...]
Even Christ himselfe ruling in Potentates.
Strong spells, that come in Iesus name, and finde
Blind credulous zeale, to captivate the minde.
Who might this Monster bee? his speech bewrayes:
Tis like the Dragon's, who to Christ durst say,
All worldly power is myne, I rule, I rayse
Whom pleaseth mee, and my behests obey.
Such the Popes voyce, such is his practise too,
Kings he vnkings that will not kisse his shooe.
How comes it then, that sith the Papall power
Is from the Dragon, all men doe not see
The Pope is Antichrist, to over [...]ower
All that is called God? By reason, hee
Makes showes, by Lambes hornes seeming innocence,
His power is from divine Omnipotence.
His Triple-crowne three Kingdomes notes; what three?
Pope reckons fower; three are controversorie:
Heaven hee despaires, for surety Earth must be
His heaven the while, vsurpt tho; Purgatorie
He holds by blind beleife; but never any
Question'd the fowrth due to him and his Meiny.
Loe vnderneath a Romish Prelate placed
With teh Popes Bull Romes Catholicks absolving
From th'Oath of their Allegiance; but not imbraced
By th'wiser, truer English; most, resolving
Clossely to cleaue vnto their soveraine head,
Least forraine tyranny might on them tread.
The noble Charles, with sword and scepter armed,
Ready to'ffend his foes, defend his friends,
Victorious proues, and Papall charmes vncharmed,
While royall throne justice and truth defends.
How can that state but, vndivided, stand,
In spite of foes, where loue and lawes command?

THE BAITING OF THE POPES BVLL. Or An vnmasking of the Mystery of iniquity, folded vp in a most pernitious Breeue or Bull, sent from the Pope lately into England, to cawse a Rent therein, for his Reentry. With an advertisement to the Kings seduced subiects.


By H. B.

My Son, feare the Lord, & the King, & meddle not with them that are giuen to chang.

Pro. 24. 21.
Bernard ser. 3. in dedicatione Ecclesiae.

[...]avendum, ne quis pusillanimitate deiectus, fugias a munitione, vbi trepidaus timore, vbi non est [...]imor: vbi vero summum periculum, insana temeritate securus.

Imprinted at LONDON by W. I. for MICHAELL SPARKE. 1627.

TO THE HIGH AND MIGHTY PRINCE, CHARLES, BY THE GRACE of God, King of Great Britaine, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c.

Dread Soveraigne.

I ACCOVNT it my greatest misery, that being to present Your Maiestie with a busines of such con­sequence, so neerelie concer­ning the safety of Your sa­cred Person and Crowne: I am inforced to adventure so rich a fraight in so brittle a barke, so ticklish to be over­turned with the least disgust, or blast of displeasure; wherein yet I should bee happy▪ if miscarying herein, I might but perish alone. Mine owne experience might be [Page] sufficient to teach me to feare. For if the noble Queene Hester, so gracious in the Kings eyes, yet feared to hazard her person into the Pre­sence vncalled: how much more a poore Out­cast? yet betweene feare of the yron law, and hope of the golden scepter shee pressed in with this resolution, And if I perish, I perish; chusing death rather, then not to discharge the duty she owed to Gods people, now destinated, and doomed to destruction. Only this is my com­fort, looke what advantage that excellent Queene had of my despicable person, as a Peti­tioner: no lesse haue I of her, in regard of the royall Person petitioned. Shee had to deale with a heathen King, the Captiuer of Gods people, and who had already consigned their Massacre, and that by a Decree irrevocable, ac­cording to the Law of the Medes and Persians, (though, a it appeared, without his speciall knowledge, Haman hauing abused the Kings hand and seale, to his owne wicked purposes, as chap. 5. 7.) besides (which might be, not the least discouragement) she was to passe the Pikes of a most tyranni all and vnkingly law, forbid­ding any, vpon paine of death, to enter into the Kings presence, vncalled, as Hester now [Page] had beene for 30. dayes, Haman in the meane time hauing the onely Monopoly of the Kings care, who like the vast lunary body, eclipsed the beames of his favour, especially from Gods owne people, whose cause the while lay a blee­ding, and became the more desperate, through the inaccessiblenesse of intercessors to moue Kingly compassion vpon their iust complaints; such were the difficulties, which the noble He­ster was to incounter with: yet poore I, liue vnder a more benigne Climate, vnder a Chris­tian Prince, a Protector of Gods people, Defen­der of the faith, one, whose royall presence is not by any seuere law locked vp from the free ac­cesse of the poorest sutors, whose naturall dis­position also, like the Sunne vneclipsed, is free­ly to impart light and heate to the inferiour Creatures; yea whose owne deare Person and crowne is imbarked in the same adventure of Gods people and His, to reioyce or suffer toge­ther: all these giuing mee incouragement, and as it were reaching forth the goldē scepter, while I humbly present to Your sacred Maiesty, the dangerous condition, wherin the royal scepter it selfe (by all the prognosticating signes of a Pa­pall Bull or Breeue, lately come into England) is [Page] like, without speedy preuētiues, to be involved. Dauid, now desolate and disconsolate about Ziglag, was willing to harken to a poore starueling Amalekite lad, giuing him intelli­gence where his enemies were. I acknowledge my selfe vnworthy to doe Your Maiesty the least seruise, and I could haue wished this Task rather to any other: yet the indeleble charact­er of my fidelity, so often reimprinted in my heart by sacred Oath in Your Highnesse ser­vice (besides the habituall affection of a loy­all subiect) deeply ingaged me (rather then it should be vndone) in this addressement. And God forbid, that by ouercautelous, or rather cowardly silence, I should contract the guilt of Misprison, of no lesse then high treason against Your Maiesties Crowne and Scepter. Yea o­therwise, I should be also vngratefull to God, who of late hath mercifully if not miraculous­lie preserued my life from a Iesuited Assassin. The causes, with the Circumstances, I here o­mit to trouble Your Maiestie withall Onely I take occasion to mention it, as not altogether vnworthy of Your Maiesties knowledge. For what assured confidence may not Your Maie­stie haue in the protection of that God, whose [Page] eyes runne to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himselfe strong in the behalfe of them, Chron. 16. 9. whose heart is perfect toward him? If his diuine vigi­lant eye watcheth ouer the life of the poorest, yet faithfull Ministers, to deliuer them euen in the midst of danger: how much more ouer the more precious persons of Kings and Prin­ces, while, as Gods Vicegerents, they faithfully and diligently execute his will by iustice and iudgement? It is for the Infidell Virginians, for feare of the Devil, to adore and please him with their gifts, neglecting God, because he is good: but faithfull Christians, doe by the true feare and worship of God, secure themselues from all Devills, and Devills incarnate, as the bloudy Iesuites. His Promise is, which is specially made to Christian Princes, Hee hath giuen his Angells charge ouer thee, and they shall keepe thee in all thy wayes; which (In all thy wayes) tea­cheth vs, how necessary it is, to haue the wis­dome of the Serpent combined with the Doues simplicity, in the vse of due meanes to prevent dangers. For if Iesuiticall malice will not spare the lowly shrubb: how much lesse the lofty Cedar? If a poore subiect may bee the obiect of Popish revenge, for standing for the truth: [Page] much more a noble King, the Defender of the Faith. Which hath possessed me with the grea­ter iealousie, and feare for your Maiesties safe­ty. Nor is it a Panicke, or causelesse feare. If I did but dreame of any danger towards Your Maiesty, how should I feare it waking? But here is neither Dreame, nor Diuination, but plaine demonstration of imminent, if not ra­ther present danger; such as is worthy to pos­sesse Your Naiestie with a most prudent, and vigilant feare; such as the learned Bishop in his Tortura, wished to abound in your royall Father of famous memory, and wee no lesse in Your Maiestie. The cause (I say) of all is, the Popes Bull or Breeue, even now perswading and straightly charging his Catholique Sonnes in En­land, (as hee calls them) vpon no termes to take the Oath of Allegiance to Your Maiestie, as being not their King, but their enemie. Such Breeues never come, but they betoken some notable mischiefe not farre off. Like the Coote, which flying to the shore crying, prognosti­cates a sharpe storme at hand: or as the Owle, which being seene in the City, portends de­struction to it: or as a prodigious Comete; pre­saging the fatall periods of Princes or States, [Page] specially where they exercise theyr maliguant influence. Yet howsoeuer these may proue vn­certaine, as being Signes only, but no causes of future euents: yet the Popes Bull, being not only a Signe, but a cawse conducing to, and producing mischiefe, and that even exprofesso; ought not slightly to be regarded. Omne malum à Breuibus, Breuia a Pontifice sayde the foresayd Bishop vpon the same occasion. A Breeue was sent from the Pope, to prepare the way for the Spanish Inuasion in 88. Another, for the Gun­powder Treason. Remarkable instances, suffice­ent, if any, to admonish England euer to looke for a terrible thunderclap, vpon such a flash of Lightning Nor euer came Bull from Rome, more cunningly couched, and fuller of subtill insinuations, then this, as being the expresse I­mage and Modell of the Mistery of iniquity. For­merly in the darker night of ignorāce, the Owle of Rome durst fly and flutter about, seasing plūme vpon the prey: but here, where the Gos­pell shineth, she is faine to winke with her eyes and to retire her selfe in the reserued corners of her ambiguous and twi-light Equiuocations. Such is the curious frame of this Breeue being such, as Paul 5 said of his, written post l [...]ngam et [Page]grauem deliberasionem de omnibus, quae in illis con­tinentur, adhibitam. No doubt but this Beere was a long time a licking into this forme it hath. But the summe is, the Breeue containeth nothing, but matter of high Treason against Your Maiesty, inciting Your Subiectes to de­fection from You, and erecting their hopes for Trophees and triumphs, which the Pope plen­tifully promiseth to them. I haue adventured (the weakest of ten thousand) to vnty this Gordian knot, vnmasking the mystery there­of in a convenient brevety: but all is of no force, without Your Maiesties sword, like that of Alexanders, to hew it in sunder. The lesuits at this present, like Sampsons foxes with their firebrands, are busy kindling combustion e­very where in your Kingdom, vsing this Breeue as Bellowes to blow to the fier. A man would thinke, that seeing the foxes & woules are so rife, the dogges should be muzzled and tied vp. Or when theeues are so briefe and bold, the sword of Iustice shouldly rusting in the sheath. But howsoeuer, wee are sure Your Maiesty hath not beene wanting in publishing Proclamation vpon Proclamation, to banish them the Land. Only they learne thereby, to walke [Page] the more invisible, hoping by Gyges his Ring, to obtaine their desire. And when they are ta­ken, no ligatures of lawes can long hold them, but Proteus like they haue their evasions. Some­thing is the reason, that our Lawes haue lost their sting, and become Drones: and the Iesu­ites proue the waspes to robb vs of our honey. It was wittily sayd of Polydor Virgil, Regnum Angliae Regnum Dei: his meaning was, because none seemed to take care of England, but God. And true it is, his diuine Prouidence hath from time to time, beene a miraculous preseruer of it. Yet some meanes must be vsed. In 88 that Masculine Queene slept not. At the Powder­plot, Your royall Father, by commanding dili­ligent search, prevented the blow. God gaue a happy successe to both. And no doubt, but he will be the same God to defend Your Maje­sty, blessing Your pious zeale, in the rooting out of his and Your enemies, whose prime Ar­ticle of their faith is, treason to Kingdomes and States. Prov. 6. Salomon sayth, How shall a man carry fire in his bosome, and not bee burned? What should I need to propouud to Your Majesty, the exam­ples of those noble and religious Kings of Iuda, who, setting themselues resolutely to reforme [Page] the decayed and disordered state of Gods wor­shippe, proued through Gods speciall blessing, miraculously victorious ouer all their enemies. Your Majestie knowes them of a childe; which imitating now being a Man, and a King, God shall bee with You, as hee was with them, and You with him. King Ahashuerus, setting apart but one night to more sad contemplations, and rea­ding ouer the Chronicles (a worthy Precedent, for a prince sometimes so to breake his sleepe) how was it a meanes to cawse the light of Gods people, to breake forth from obscure darknesse? Wee poore swaines espying the storme com­ming, to whom should we runne, but to our Pilot? Or being sicke, but to the Phisitian? Vnder God, Your Maiesty is the great Pilot of this Iland, which like a goodly shipperides at Anchor in the midst of the Sea, now in danger to be tossed with terrible stormes; which the leakes will hardly brooke, yf they bee not the sooner stopt. You, are vnder God, the great Phisitian, who onely can cure (as the Kings e­uill, so) the inveterate Gangrene of this body, whereof Your Maiesty is the head. Giue vs leaue, dread Soveraigne, in our extremity of danger, to cry out to Your Maiesty for helpe. [Page] We know, as God hath dignified You with a Diademe: so he hath qualified Your Maiesty with most excellent Princely indowments. For instance, vouschsafe leaue to Your poore old servant, to remember a most Princely speach vsed often by Your Highnesse, HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. A Motto for a King, and worthy to be ingraven in the lasting Monuments of Your Kingly Actes, e­ven with Your owne royall hands. I may not presume, least I should offer both violence and wrong, with my vnskilfull pensil to limme out more largely this most beautifull, and well proportioned Image of a Princes vertuous mynd. But I dare say (which I referre to the best judgement of Your Majestie, ablest to judge of Your owne noble sayings) it is an ex­quisite Aphorisme, or Abstract of that divine Rule prescribed to Kings by the Lord and Iudge of Kings: It shall be, when the King sitteth vpon the throne of his Kingdome, that he shall write him h copy of this Law in a Booke, out of that which is before the Priests and Leuites: and it shall bee with him, and he shall read therein all the dayes of his life, that hee may learne to serue the Lord his God, to keepe all the words of this Law, and these [Page] Statutes to doe them; that his heart be not lift vp a­boue his brethren, and that hee turne not aside, from the Commandement, to the right hand, or to the left: to the end that he may prolong his dayes in his King­dome, hee and his children in the midst of Israell. Now what is the summe of all this, but, Ho­nesty is the best Pollicy? From this Root, to wit, Honesty, the heathen deriued all the bran­ches of vertue. As, those foure Cardinall ver­tues, Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and Tempe­rance, the subiect of those three bookes of Offi­ces, Tully draweth from the force and nature of Honestie, as himselfe expresseth. And those foure also, Iethro, Moses father in law, in his di­rection to his Sonne, requireth to bee in all Magistrates, saying, Thou shalt prouide out of all the people, men of Courage, such as feare God, men of truth, and hating Couetousnesse. Still the summe totall is, Honestie is the best Policy. Thus neede wee goe no further, then Your Maie­sty, to learne the rule of all good policy, where­of Honestie is the ground, as containing all duties both to God and man, in Prince, or people.

Thus haue I, though slenderly (for the which I most humbly craue Your Maiesties [Page] generall pardon) discharged my faithfull du­tie, in discovering so great a danger towards Your Maiestie. It pertaines to the wisdome of Your Maiestie, to provide speedy meanes for the prevention; that Your Kingdomes may not become a prey to the enemie, nor Your sacred Person exposed to the perill of beeing forsaken by Your owne Subiects, whom the Pope instigateth, by the autho­rity of his Bull, and by the incessant indu­strie of his Iesuites, to stand closse to his Holinesse, against Your Maiestie, when oc­casion serveth. His Breeue also mentioneth what As a little before the Pow­der-plott, the Iesuites publi­shed a booke intituled, The seuen spark [...], and it inciting the Romish Catholicks to pray for the good succes of the Catholicke enterprise. anxious prayers the Church of Rome now maketh for hir Catholicke Sonnes in En­gland. There is some waighty cause in hand sure. Wee poore Ministers hope, that Your Maiestie will bee pleased to call a generall Fast, to frustrate all Romes prayers. Wee haue all fared the better for the last pub­licke Fast, which Your Maiestie proclaimed for the averting of vnseasonable weather, a­gainst the last harvest. And it is memora­ble, that on the same day wherein the Fast was kept generally over all England, began the heavens to cleare vp their clowdy [Page] countenance, and so continued, till they had brought vs in a plentifull harvest, in stead of a feared famine: Not that wee place any ver­tue in a Fast: but because a Fast with humble prayer preuaileth much with God, Iames 5. not onely as being commanded by him, and hauing a pro­mise annexed: but for the necessity of it to bee joyned with true repentance, and reformation, not onely of mens manners, and all raigning sinnes, publicke and private, but also of the worship of God, being purged from all the pol­lutions of Idolatry and superstition, which are an abomination in Gods sight, and especially a clearing the Coast of all Romish Iesuites and Idolatrous Priests, whose religion is treason a­gainst Your Majesty, and God himselfe. When the good King Hezechiah had received the blasphemous letter of Senacherib King of Assyria, 2 Kings 19. he went into the Temple of the Lord, humbled himselfe, and prayed, spreading the Letter for the Lord to read and revenge all the blasphe­mies contained in it, both against God, and the King, perswading his subjects to defection from him. But loe here a letter sent into England from the King of the spirituall Babylon, full of most impious blasphemies against Your Maie­sty, [Page] most Antichristianly vsurping a power o­ver Your subiects, charging them to disavowe their fidelity vnto Your Maiesty: shall not this iustly provoke Your Maiesty with Hezechiah, to go into the Lords Temple, and there publick­ly intreat the Lord to take revenge on such bla­sphemies, and to turne the mischiefe, which Rome and her confederates now intend and machinate against Your Person and Crowne, vpon their owne head, as Ezechias obtained of the Lord? yea, Your Maiestie thus doing, all Gods faithfull Ministers, 2 Chron. 15. as so many Esayes to King Ezechiah, as so many Azariahs to King Asa, dare promise Your Maiestie, both certaine victory ouer Your enemies, and a constant peace with prosperity, while You constantly follow the worthy examples of those religious Kings of Juda: which grace the Lord giue vn­to Your Maiestie in abundance. Amen.

Your Maiesties most loyall sub­iect, though vnworthy servant: HENRY BVRTON.


Right Honorable

THE Dutifull zeale I beare to the safety of my dread Soueraigne, and deare Country, inforceth mee, (other­wise loth to put my finger into the fire) in the second place to sollicite Your Grace, to bee the more carefull to preuent the danger. When King Saul and Abner, with the whole guard were in a dead sleepe, so that Dauid had the opportunity to take away the Kings speare, and Pot of water by him, onely to testifie his fidelity to the King, hee called alowd to Abner, and awake­ning him said, Art not thou a valiant man? and who is like to thee in Israell? wherefore hast thou not kept thy Lord the King? surely yee are worthy to dye, &c. But neither can I say so altogether, nor neede I cry so loud to your Grace, vnlesse these many businesses, which will scarce suffer you to sleepe so soundly as did Ab­ner, will neither suffer such a dwarfe as my selfe [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] easily to bee heard. But speaking for the King, I hope I shall not be denied Audience. Nor are they good subiects, persecuted as Dauid, of whom the King is in danger: but such, as though they haue small cause to complaine of persecution, yet are instigated to deny vnto their Soueraigne that loyalty and Allegi­ance, which all true subiects owe vnto their lawfull Prince. Doth not your Grace erect your most ear­nest attention to this? But who dare thus instigate the Kings subiects against him? No lesse then the Pope, and that by a Breeue or Bull lately sent ouer into England, wherein he straitly chargeth his Ca­tholique Sonnes (as hee termes them) vpon no termes to take the Oath of fidelity to the King, in­citing and animating them, as against their Enemy, as the Breeue can testify. Nor had I, I confesse, beene thus bold to meddle in such a matter, if I had seene but some publique Edict for the burning of the Breeue, as also for the effectuall banishing of all Ie­suites, the onely Factors for the Pope in such Ad­ventures, for Treason and Rebellion. But be like notice hath, not as yet beene giuen thereof to your Grace. And that you may bee not the lesse sensible of the danger of a Papall Breeue, You may be pleased to know, that such neuer appeareth, but as some pro­digious Comet, not signifying only, but designing and [Page] producing some sad fatality. Thus did the Pope in 88; thus at the Gunpowder plott: Thus, now. This Romish Lightning may warne vs of a Crack not farre off: God keepe vs from the Thunderbolt. If it were only a bare prognosticating signe, it were the lesse; Sapiens dominabitur Astris: but being an operatiue Instrument, wherein the Iesuites are A­gents, to improue it to the vtmost of their Masters ad­uantage, it is not so to be slited. Iesuits? why are not all Iesuits packed away long since by Proclamati­on? Alas Sir, you may be pleased to know, they are like cunning Iugglars, that can passe and repasse at plea­sure. They say, England is fuller of them at this day then euer. And now while the Popes yron is in the fire, how doe they sweat, in beating it to perfection? But if they be catcht, they are put in prison. Alas, they are there, but as a bird tyed to the nett, to call in other birds, which seeming to come to releiue the prisoner, they are more intangled themselues. But thence they are quickly dismist to bee gone, and voyd the Land. Alas; they doe but play the cunning Duck, which sent out, doth by her wily insinuation, tolle and traine hundreds, and thousands into her Masters Nett. Thus cunningly can they play at fast and loose. How then shall these Proteus-like Foxes be taken? Certainly there is no other way, but to hunt [Page] them out with the Kings owne doggs. Your Grace is the great Iusticiarius Forestae. And anciently Iu­stices in Eyre were sent with Commission into sundry Counties, to heare such causes especially, as were termed Plees of the Crowne. Lo here a great plee of the Crowne, yea such, as wher in the title of the Kings Crowne is not onely questio­ned, but strongly vsurped by the Claime of a for­raigne Power. What English eares can with pati­ence heare such an insolencie? When King Aha­shuerus did but vnderstand of the desperate estate of the Iewes, wherein that wicked Haman (as Hester told the King) had brought them: the good King by and by sent forth his Edicts by Post into e­uery Prouince, to incourage and arme the poore people of God, to stand vpon their guard, and so they preuented and ouercame the perill. Now who stand more deeply charged with the care, of the Kings Crowne, then your Grace? So that I neede not (I trow) in such a case, vse spurres to your agility and readines, for the putting of all dull courses in speedy execution, for not onely the ap­prehension, but the condigne punishment of such kinde of Malefactors. Why, what Malefact­ors? such, as Iesuits are: not onely of factious, treacherous, traiterous spirits, as they are men, [Page] possessed with the spirit of Iesuitisme: but euen by vertue and force of their Order and Profession, Traitors ex professo. They must be so, they are bound to bee so, else they are no Iesuits, else must they renounce their Holy Order of the society of Iesu. And is it possible that such should roust in England? Nay reuell and riot? Nay, not onely bee profest traitors themselues; but drawing Parties to their side continually, euen to the diuiding of the limmes, the armes, and shoulders, legges and feete from the Head of this goodly Politicke body? It is the fashion indeed, in other neighbour Popish States publickely to allow and auow such kinde of Creatures in the State. But none haue more rea­son to vphold them then, the Spaniard, their good Master. For certainly in time, if they be suffered to goe on, they will bring all Christendome vnder the Spanish yoake, God forbid. Yet if they should so do, I make a question, whether the Spaniard would suffer such pragmatical spirits any longer in Christendome, lest, as the restles sea, hauing wrought as far as it can one way, it worke as far as fast the contrary way. It is likly then; that he would send them into the Turks Dominions; into Persia, & all those Easterne Empires to make compleat the Monarchy of Spaine, that ioyning the two Indies together, and circling in [Page] whole globe of the earth, his Motto may then be, Ne plus vltra. But why doe I roue so farre, when our home is in such danger? What is to bee done? shall I shoot a fooles bolt. Shall I bee bold with your Grace? Why not? I haue heard men say, you are of a noble disposition, which will easily pardon a fooles bluntnesse. In briefe then: Your Grace knowes, the King wants money extreamely. You know a­gaine, that Treason is vnsufferable; to wink at it, to conceale it, brings a man within Misprision of treason. You may be pleased all to know, that all Iesuites, as by their profession, so in their practise, are high Traitors to Kings and States. You know againe, that all Iudges and Iustices of peace in this land, are sworne to the King, to see the lawes duly executed, but especially vpon fellons and trai­tors. You know, that all such, as shall bee found guilty of such Periury, or Misprision of treason. are punishable, not onely in their persons, but in their purses and estates. Can the King then lacke money, so long as there are (as they say) so many Iesuits in the land, which passe euery where vn­punished? O that your Grace would finde out the Delinquents in this kinde? Nay let your Grace be assured, if you will but take a round course with the Iesuites, in rooting them out, according to their de­merits, [Page] as it would bring safety & security to the Kings Person and State, so being the faithfull dis­charge of that trust reposed in you, what a comfort will it be to your conscience, what a blessing from God might you expect, yea, what loue also from all the Kings louing subiects? Then would all things pro­ceed, succeed happily: whereas on the contrary, so long as Iesuits with their factions and treasons are suffered in this land, what can wee expect, but that euery thing we take in hand, should proue very vn­prosperous & crosse? For God is highly displeased with vs, for suffering such miscreants to practise their impieties on this his Church, to the great disho­nour of his Name, and Religion. And how shall we be worthy to inioy such a King, such a Country, such a Church, so many blessings of God, if we be so prodi­gall of them? All the world admires the wonderfull trust, that the King hath reposed in you: I pray God your Grace may answer it, in your faithfull, prudent, and vigilant care. I remember a speech, which his Highnesse, when he was Prince, vttered among vs, that were his seruants: that when he had once com­mitted any businesse of trust, though of the highest nature, to a seruant, he would neuer conceiue the least suspicion of his fidelity: adding, hee had rather run the hazard of his loyalty, then imbitter his generous [Page] trust with mixture of feare. A strong obligation sure to a seruant so intrusted. But some of his ser­uants trembling replyed: what if he proue treache­rous? hath hee not the more free and secure opportu­nity to worke his wicked ends? But (quoth his High­nesse) my care shall be such in the Choyce, as my trust shall bee built vpon a sure ground. Pray God it bee, so, said his seruants. Now this wee see verefied on the Kings part towards your Grace. What a liberall trust hath he reposed in you? such, as not all the gold of Iudai should euer ouer ballance. But we all beseech the Lord, that his Maiesty may not bee decei­ued. And haue we not cawse? Doth not the safty of the Kings Person & Crowne, of this Church & State, of three goodly Kingdoms, yea of the Gospell of Christ, and of true religion at home and abroad, euen ouer Christendome, & throughout the world, depend in a maner vpon this trust, committed to your Grace? King Achish would haue made Dauid keper of his Head for euer. But his Nobles thought it not safe least all their own heads should haue payd for it. But the trust committed to your Grace, is not on­ly of the Kings head but of all our heads, & of ma­ny millions more, that neuer, saw your face. Haue you not neede then not only of Davids true heart toward his King but of Argus his 100 eyes, in watching o­ver [Page] Io, committed to his trust? Yet Argus for all his eyes, was so inchaunted with Mercuries pipe, whom Iupiter had sent to steale her away: that falling all a sleep, Io was taken away, and Argus had all his eyes puld out, and put into the peacocks traine. But where are any such Mercuries to inchaunt your Grace? Where? Alas, where are they not, specially where reatnes dwelleth, at ourt? Haue we any need of madd men, said the King of Gath? And may not the Court say, haue we any need of flat­terers? These be the inchanting Mercuries. And of all other, none more to be feared, then the Iesuites, whom the Iupiter of Rome sends into England, to inchaunt and impose vpon our most prudent, and vi­gilant Arguses, as the learned Bishop hath well ob­serued in his Tortura Torti. Iesuites, a generation, who as they are the most exquisite Artists in the sci­ence of flattery, so none hath more cause to beware & abhor them, then your Grace. But you know no Ie­suites. The greater is your danger, and ours. For they cōe in sheeps clothing, in disguised habits, so bold, as they can no more blush then their visards, lowly low­ting, charming thechiefest with a counterfet adorati­on, & admiration of their I wot not what excellency. And were it not miraculous, if the Court it selfe, espe­cially your Graces house, should be free even from [Page] many of such flyes, which fliblowe the purest flesh with their flatteries? The croaking Froggs of Ae­gypt crawled up into the very Kings chambers: and are not these cōpared by the Holy Ghost to Froggs, which goe vnto the Kings of the earth, and by their crouching and croaking, and their Sardonian smiles, would allure them to warre against Christ and his gospell? It is good therefore your Grace should make a speedy & diligent search in the Court, in your owne howse, and in all the skirts of it round about, and so also throught the whole land, what Iesuites are lurking any where, and to giue them the reward of Traitors. Shall wee dally with such shall wee thinke to winne them with complements? Wee know the fable of the snake fostered in the mans bosome: it is but the Morall of a Iesuite, intertained with a Court-like Curtesy. Jesuites are nettles, if gen­tly handled, they sting: but if hard grasped, they hurt not. Contrary to the Basil (the Embleme of the Throne established by mercy) which being gently stroked on the hand, yeelds a pleasant smell, but crush­ed hard vpon it, vnsauory. Your Grace takeing this course, Parcere subjectis, et debellare superbos, therein you truly discharge the trust committed vnto you. Whereas if the execution of good lawes should bee suspended, if treason & traitors suffered, & [Page] Yf in this perillous season, our potent & profest ene­mies should thus be armed against vs, what can wee expect, but confusion of all? And how shall your Grace, in the ruine of this goodly state, escape scot­free? shall your house stand notwithstanding? Nay, assure your selfe, if at this time you doe not bestirre your selfe, to reforme things amisse, but that they bee suffered to runne on headlong to destruction, I may apply that speech of Mordecai to Hester, vpon the like occasion: Thinke not with thy selfe, that thou shalt escape in the Kings howse: for yf thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall inlargement and deliuerance arise to Gods people from another place: but thou and thy fathers howse shall be destroyed. Nor let this my boldnesse seeme strange to your Grace, though perhaps you bee not much acquainted with such, as will speake the downe right truth. Of all Iobs friends, hee found but one Elihu, who sayd, Let me not, I pray you, accept any mans person: neyther let me giue flattering titles vnto men: For I know not to giue flattering titles; in so do­ing, my Maker would soone take me away. If Iob in his Misery found but one such: no maruaile if your Grace find scarce one. As for mee, I am an En­glish-man, a free borne subiect, a true louer of my [Page] King & Countrey; yea I am also an vnworthy Mi­nister of Christ, a poore watch-man of Israell: and when I see my soueraine King, my Mother Country, the Glory of God, the Gospell of Christ, the Church of England, yea the Church of Christ ouer the world, in danger to bee destroyed, and all brought vnder the tyranny of Antichrist, and the Spanish yoake: shall I bee silent? shall I not speake? shall I not lift vp my voice like a trumpet? shall I not thus free my soule, whatsoever shall become of my body? Yea, for Sions sake I will not hold my tongue, and for Ierusalems sake I cannot rest, vntill the righ­teousnesse thereof goe forth as brightnesse, and the salvation thereof as a Burning Lampe. I feare neither prison, nor death it selfe, that I may discharge a good conscience both towards my God, & my King, & Countrey. Nor feare I to be censured as a Polypragmaticke. What haue Ministers to doe to meddle in State-mysteries? Sir, let mee speake boldly, it were happy, if, as in the apostatized King­domes of Christendome, the Priests of Baals coun­sels, I mene, Iesuites, & Priests (which must needs bring ruine to them) are followed: So in this King­dome of Iuda, onely the truth-telling Micaia's were heard. Good King Dauid could say, I am wiser then my teachers, then the aged, then mine E­nemies; [Page] for thy testimonies are my delight, and my Counsellors? Hee that will bee a wise states-man, & politician indeed, let him take Gods word for his card & compasse. For euen the foolishnesse of God (as sayth the Apostle, as the world accounteth foolishnesse) is wiser then men. But you want not those, that are able to performe the office of good Chapleins. Yet if any, instead thereof, shall not onely bee silent, & negligent, but on the o­ther side, bee too officious to sow pillowes vnder your Elbowes, to applaud and approue you in all your do­ings, yea to perswade and counsell you, wherein per­haps theyr conscience tells them, it ought not to bee so: woe be vnto them. Only wee hope better things. But if any shall goe about to find a knot in a Bullrush, by picking some quarrell with this booke, where hee hath noiust cawse (bee his pretence neuer so faire guilded ouer, or seeme his reasons neuer so farre fetcht, yea from his abstruse speculations in state-pollicy) & shall by hooke or crooke labour the suppressing of it, or hinder your Grace from reading of it, though so ne­cessarie to imploy your saddest thoughts in, it so neere­ly concerning the safety of your gratious Master our dread Soueraine, & of our sweet Countrey, & euen of your selfe and whole family: no doubt but your Grace will take that man for no other, but a pestilent [Page] Traitour, & if hee be not a Iesuite, yet certainly pos­sessed with a Iesuiticall spirit, as seeking to smoother such an important Ouerture, as this. Now the Lord Iesus Christ, who sitts in his throne of Maie­sty, the great Protector of his Church, the most potent and terrible auenger of all his aduersaries, especially of Antichrist, with all his Adherents & confederates to crush them with a rod of yron, and to breake them in pieces like a Potters vessell; who in hea­uen sitts, & sees, & laughes all his Enemies to scorne; who therefore admonisheth Princes and Potentates, saying, Be wise now therefore ô yee Kings, bee instructed yee Iudges of the earth; serue the Lord with feare, and rejoyce with trembling; kisse the Sonne, least hee be angry, and yee perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little: Blessed are all they that put their trust in him: the same Lord make your Grace so wise, so well instructed, as setting your selfe to bee a noble instrument of his glory, of the Kings safety, of your Countries welfare, in seeing Gods truth maintained, the lawes duely executed, heresies sup­pressed, and their authors censured, Idolatries cashe­red, treasons and treacheries discouered, and discum­fited, Jesuites and Priests abandoned, the Kings Liege subiects countenanced: your Grace may not on­ly [Page] show your selfe to all the world to be worthy of that high opinion, which so gratious a Master hath concei­ued of you, but may also procure to your selfe and your numerous family the fauour and blessing of the great King of heauen and earth, and may merit also the hearty loue and good will of this whole state, when in these times of danger threatned to this land, and has­tened by the Popes Breeue, they shall behold your faithfull vigilancy, most honorably & generously to acquit it selfe, in so faire an occasion offered once for all.

Your Grace's poore Oratour HENRY BVRTON.

To the Reader.

CHristian Readers, Lo here I invite you all to a so­lemn Bullbaiting. But me thinks some already be­gin to quarrell me (as is not vnusuall at such like exercises) for that they see no such Bull, as the Baiting importeth; the Title seeming improper for the Booke; as if I meant to feed the spectators with the vaine expectation of some New English ioy. Indeede I must in some sort acknowledge mine errour, which I hope will not be made the greater, if I shall ingenuously confesse it to be purposly committed. I imagined with my selfe (onely I craue pardon, if I thought amisse) that we lived in a dull age, which is hardly moved with the consideration of seri­ous matters, such as most concerne either our owne parti­cular, or much lesse the generall good; when not the Drummes orderly beaten, and Trumpetes, yealding a cer­taine sound, yet will easily awaken, or prepare vs for the warre; while not even the Siluer Trumpets sounding from Heauen in the mouthes of divine Heralds, prevaile any more with the most, then as a pleasant Song, affecting the eare for the present, but not the heart, for afterwards, each running after his covetousnes, or ambition, or voluptuous­nes, or some darling Idol-sinne; and for as much as matters of controversie (not in Law-suits at Westminster Hall, but) about the Title of our eternall Inheritance, are strongly cryed downe of many, as perturbers of States, most men, out of a naturall lasinesse, loathing to haue their witts ex­ercised with a radicall & sound knowledge, their stomacks being too queasie to digest such strong and wholesome meates, preferring the Aegyptian onYons before the hony of Canaan, and willing to fall a sleepe, are taken napping in a deepe apostacy from the truth: I thought therefore, that if I should haue published this little Booke (though great in Bulke, if weighed, rather then numbred) vnder some plaine [Page] and vulgar Title, as, An answere to the Popes Breeue; or the like: I might perhaps haue had as few Readers of it, as hea­rers of a Sermon, especially, when the Authors name should be found to be H. B. Herein therefore, I thought good to imitate a certaine Father (mentioned by Cassianus, Cassianus lib. 5. cap. 31. Dialog. lib. 2. cap. 1. and quoted by Sir Thomas More in his Dialogue of comfort against Tribulation) who speaking of heaven and heavenly things so celestially, that much of his audience with the sweete sound thereof, began to forget all the world, and fell fast a sleepes the good Father dissembling their sleeping, and suddenly telling them a lowd, I shall tell you a merrie tale: at this, they lifted up their heads, and harkensd after that; and so their sleep being broaken, he continued on his speech of the Ioyes of heauen; and thus were they reproved. Nor is this Papall Bull, or Breeue, altogether vnlike our English Bulls. For first, it is the Character of the Beast Renel. 13. Besides, it comes bellowing in, like a fierce and mad Bull, with a Board over the eyes and hornes, betokening his madnesse, but pretending no great harme; so full it is of Romish equi­vocations, and Papall dissimulations, meaning most mis­chiefe, when it is most dissembled.

Another snaps at me on the other side, that such a poore Curre should dare so much as to barke at such a Bull, as be­ing sent from so great a Potentate, as the Pope; much lesse so presumptuously to giue an affront vnto it: sith such high attempts are for the stoutest and strongest Molossus, is a Mastiue dogg. Molosss in this famous Isse. But I answere, that even the poore dogg of the flocke, espying the Woulfe approaching, may and ought to barke, yea and pinch him too, if he can, the while his Lord and Master is fast a sleepe in his Tent. And we know, that when but one small contemptuous Curre, smelling a thiefe, falls a barking, though he can doe little else, yet thus may he provoke all the Doggs and Mastiues in the towne with eagernesse even to breake their collart to run to the rescue. I am indeede but a poore dogg of the flocke, in comparison, but sacred, one among many, ap­pointed to keep watch over the Capit [...]l and Tower of Sion. [Page] Should I therefore be a dumbe dog, such as the Esai. 58. 10, 11. Prophet reproveth, not to barke it danger? Or a dastardly Curre, which snaped, dare not barke for feare of strokes? Or a lawning spanolizing Spaniell, silenced with a fatt morsell, or a little spettle? Or an Irish mongrell, or English, if ye will, that will not adventure his hide, but ever on the stronger, not with the Iuster side? Or a maddrageing Curre, that without difference barkes at all, as well the true man as the thief? Worthy, if not (as the old heathen Romaines served such foolish dogs) to haue his leggs broken, yet at least to be well basted for his paines, as whose dulnesse hath beene no better disciplined, to put more difference betweene England and Rome.

Another yet pincheth me. And why? Hee knoweth not well, except it be for making so many, so voluminous Epistles before such a poore Pamphlett, as this. And is it altogether without reason? At so famous a Bull-baiting, had wee not need to make large, and well mounted Scaf­folds, wherein all sorts of persons may both the more ea­sily, and safely behold it, having especially to deale with such a madd Bull, as a thousand to one, but he will breake loosse, and make havocke, if hee be not the more strongly tyed, or the more cautelously avoyded?

But why doe I thus seeke a knott in a Bulrush? Is there any doubt, but that launching out my Bark into such a turbu­lent sea, I should so much the more expose my selfe, and expect on all sides to bee incountred with violent stormes? And so much the rather, while I carry a Ionas with me, be­ing my selfe a man, whom God hath humbled into the ve­ry bottome of Temptations, the very belly of Hell? But bles­sed be his Name, though he hath chaftened mee sore, yet he hath not giuen me over vnto death. Though hee hath exposed me to contempt without, to my humiliation: yet he hath left me abundant cause of comfort within, to my contentation, He hath sent the messengers of Satan to buffet me: but he hath not denied me his sufficient Grace, to perfect his strength in my weaknes. He hath of very faithfulnesse caused [Page] to be tronbled. Hee is the wise husbandman, [...] to spread doung vpon the face of the naturally barren soyle, to make it the more fruitfull. He is the wise Phisici­an, that spareth not by sharpe Corrosiues to eat out the dead flesh or carnall sloth and security in his Patitrus. Hee is the wise Pilot, that can make vse of baser earth for [...] to pieze the vessell wherein the least pearle of grace is stowed, least it might bee in danger to bee over throwne with the gusts of popular applawse, filling the sayles of vaine glory. Hee is the wise Howse-keeper, that knowes to preserue his Prouision from putrifaction, by sowcing it in brinish pickle. Hee is both a just and mercifull wise Iudge, who can deliver vp his servants so to bee condemned of the world, [...] they may not come to bee Condemned with the world. And as for me, wherein the world can for the least cawse most se­uerely condemne me justly: my best apology shalbe, that I doe infinitely more condemne my selfe. And if through my exposing myselfe to malice, by taking vp such a [...] quarrell as this, I shall exasperate the tongue of detraction to sucke the pure bloud of my innocency: I know it shall in the end but lick whole the sacrified sore, which malig­nant teeth haue envenomed. And if it should stand be­tweene Gods glory, and mine ignominy, that the one must suffer: I choose much rather, by running on my Christian course, to provoke all the Froggs of Egypt to diue into the bottome of my whole liues rivulet, there to rayse what mud they find to the blundering of the streame of my good name in Christ: then by my silence (becomming as a stagne or pond, not stirring, for feare of discovering mine owne filth, which would be contracted in more abundance, through base and imbellious sloth) to betray Gods truth and glory to reproch. And God forbid, but if in any thing, (as in many things I am, and haue beene too prone) I haue offended my God or my brother, that therefore I should feare to stand vp (though most vnworthy) in Gods cawses yea rather am I not so much the more bound (his mercy and grace not fayling me) to striue to honour God, by how [Page] much I haue through supine negligence any way disho­noured him? But if the heretick haue ought to say, let him heare Tertullian: Eximat et de ocule suo trabem Haereticus, tunc in oculo Christiani, si quam putat stipulam, revincat.

But why doe I all this while hold you, in suspense? Con­vert your eyes to the danger before you, threatned by the Popes Bull or Breeue. Therein yee may behold the great Antichrist, arming his Catholicke sonnes (as hee calls them) against their Souerains Prince. My hope and prayer is, that none of them will bee so senselesse, as forgetting themselues to be not onely Rationall Creatures, but English-men, they will be led with the voyce of that mysticall Beast (the The Hiena, a most subtile Beast, like a Wolfe, with a Mane like a horse, which by nightcommeth to the simple Shepherds Tents, where counterfeiting mans voyce, & by listening learning the Shepherds name calls him forth, & so de­uoures him Pli­ny. A right Em­bleme of the Pope. See Reu. 9. 8. Hie­na of Rome, which by a counterfet speech, deceiueth and de­voureth those that belieue him) to betray theyr King and Countrey to the Romish and Spanish yoakes. Much more am I assured, that all true Protestant subiects, will now rowse vp themselues to double the Fil [...]s of their loyall affection and fidelity to theyr Prince and Countrey, testified, as in all due respects, so especially both by Ministers and Peo­ple in the publicke assemblies in servent prayer, as also by e­very private family apart in fasting and humiliation, for the life and welfare of our gratious King, this Church and state, and of the Churches of Christ in all Christendome, vntil it shall please God and the King to appoint a generall Fast o­ver the whole land. For great is the confidence of Antichrist, and his Adherents at this present, whatsoever the mischiefe is, clossely intimated in this Breeue. But we know, that all the confidence of Antichrist, is but an Egyptian Reed; onely our safety and security is to cleaue fast vnto our God by faith, to renue our Covenant with him by holy vowes of reformation & better obedience, & to make good the same by bringing forth the fruits therof: that so making our peace with God▪ Zeph. 2. 1. before the Decree bring forth, we may not only pre­vent the evils which our enemies intend vs, and which our crying sins threaten to pull vpon vs, but also procure & re­tain Gods incomparable mercies & blessings vpon vs, & our Posterity, vntil the comming of Iesus Christ, Euen so, Come Lord Iesus. Amen.

Thine in the same Lord Iesus: H. B.

✚ Vrbanus Papa 8.
Dilectis filijs Catholicis Angliae

DIlecti filij, salutem et Apostolicam benedictio­nem. Non semper terrena faelicitas est bene­ficium coeli, & Patrimonium pietatis; pacem enim peccatorum videns ecclesia, non rarò ex­perta est potentiam mortalium esse stipendi­um sceleris. Quare, catenas Martyrum anteferimus exuuijs triumphantium, & Rex sempiternus principatus coelestes pol­licetur, non ijs, qui superbo pede jure proterunt, sed qui perse­cutionem patiuntur propter justitiam. Veritatem hanc è the­sauris diuinitatis deductam in terras, contemplans Apostolus, non modo animum non despondebat, sed superabundabat gaudio in omni tribulatione fidelium. Qui enim digni haben­tur pro nomine Iesu contumelias pati, ij tefferam diuini amo­ris videntur possidere, & eo precio abundant, quo suntvae­nalia diademata aeternitatis. Mallerus equidem, humane [Page] imbecillitatis memores, gloriam & diuitias esse in Taberna­culis Iustorum. At cum vestras contemplemur miserias, di­lecti filii, tantum vestrae virtuti & Christo propugnanti fidi­mus, vt vobis audiamus gratulari segetem triumphorum. Spe­rauit quidem Ecclesia fore, vt potentissimi Regis animus, qui è catholica conjuge procreare optavit haeredes patrijs regnis imperaturos, delenitus suspirijs vxoriae ✚ pictatis, peteretur regalis connubij dotem esse libertatem fidei; nunc autem formidantur vota, & concilia inimicorum vestrorum; & cum religio orthodoxa regali diademate in optima regina corona­tur, istîc tamen non desunt, qui filis nostris audeant carce­rem & supplicia minitari. Credimus esse inter vos, qui morti­ficationem Iesu Christi proprio corpore circumfeire cupiunt, & blanditias voluptatis, & ambitionis titulos posthabeant lanienae carnificum, & vinculorum contumelijs: si qui tamen istîc sunt, quos praesentis Ecclesiae prosperitatis desiderium teneat, eos certiores fieri cupimus, de co salute mirisice sollicitam esse Pontificiam charitatem. Nullum a Nobis re­linqnitur officium, quod ingruentis tempestatis menacem ca­liginem possit in optatam consolationis aream conuertere: tamen si dilatet Infernus os suum, & Martyrum sanguinem s [...]tiat impacata crudelitas, armari debetis scuto inexpugnabili bonae voluntatis, & coelum in carcere, coronam in equuleo, immortalitatem in morte cogitate. Inter Britannicos naufra­gantis religionis scopulos Crux Christi fuit Tabula, quae vos perduxit in portum voluntatis vestrae. Hanc opus est amplex­ari, cujus virtute dulcescit amarities paenarum. Cogitate di­lecti filij, in qua statione commoremini, & quorum oculis facti sitis spectaculum; vos Angelicae Legiones circumvoli­tant, qui phialis aureis desideria fidelium excipiunt. & ad san­ctuarum ferunt Misericordiae Omnipotentis; patefactis coe­li foribus, spectator idem, & remunerator Christus vobis sa­cros ciuium vestrorum triumphos ostendit, quos Anglia pro­prio sanguine purpuratos intulit coelitum Concilijs. Anxiae preces suspirantis Ecclesiae vobis a Deo petunt spiritum cha­ritatis, & fortitudinis; vestram salutem currant Consilia Se­natus Apostolici, & vota Christianitatis, in tanto coeli terra­rumque [Page] theatro, quem vobis constantiae vestrae rigorem, quam animi triumphantis sublimitatem inesse decet? Fue­runt in consimili discrimine consilia Maiorum vestrorum, lu­mina spiritus sancti & arma lucis sint vobis vestra oracula sa­pientia, sint vestrae actiones exempla fortitudinis. Quod si cosque vis progrediatur, vt vos ad noxium illud, & illicitum Anglicanae fidelitatis Iuramentum adigat, mementote orati­one vestram ab vniverso Angelorum spectaritium confessu audiri, & adhaereat lingua vestra saucibus vestris, priusquā au­thoritatem B. Petri ea Iurisiurandi formula imminutam de­tis. Non enim ibi id solum agitur, vt sides Regi seruetur, sed vt sacrum vniuersae Ecclesiae sceptrum eripiatur Vicarijs Dei Omnipotentis; quod faelicis recordationis Paulus 5. Prede­cessor noster in tam graui deliberatione decreuit, id omnino tanquam Decretum veritatis servare debeatis; dilecti filij, Tributum hoc Principi Apostolorum debitum nullae homi­num minae, aut blanditiae a vobis vnquam extoequeant; qui secus suadent, ij visionem mendacem, & divinationem frau­dule tam prophetant vobis. Citius enim viro Christiano de­bet potentium gladius vitam eripere, quàm fidem. Quod si Angelus etiamè coelo descendens vos aliter, quam veritas A­postolica, doceat, Anathema sit. Nos interea Patrem luminum orabimus, ne excaecari patiatur cor Regis Anglicani, qui cer­tò discere debebit, quanta in ijs quae polliceri potestis, fides habenda sit Catholicis subditis, qui ne se perjurio alligent, ma­lunt spiritum emittere, quàm vocem. Vt autem virtus vestra inueniatur pretiosior auro, quod igne probatur, docete reg­num istud tantam non inesse vim hostium saeuitiae, vt in cor­dibus vestris possit aeternum charitatis ignem extinguere. Orate pro persequentibus vos; humilitas, patientia, concor­dia, jeiunium, oratio arma sunt, quae in saeua dimicatione de­betis distringere, vt palmae coelestium triumphorum floreant in manibus vectris. Cum enim ipsius etiam Christi carnifi­ces vetitus sit B. Petrus gladio vulnerare, hortamur vos, pre­sens ecclesiae bonum prae oculis habentes, vt cogitetis inte­rea cogitationes pacis, & Regietiam, dum mortalem vitam adimit, aeternam vitam expetatis. Ita belligerare fas est mi­lites [Page] Christi, sub vexillo Crucis confundetur os loquentium iniqua, cum odisse nesciatis qui vos excruciant. Caeterùm Dominus, qui potest tristitiam vestram in gaudium vertere, erit a dextris vestris, ne commoueamini, et illius Testamenti nunquam obliviscamini, quo haereditatem regni coelestis imi­tatoribus suis legauit. Complectamur vos Apostolicae chari­tatis brachijs dilecti filij, quibus paternum patrocinium polli­cemur, & benedictionem nostram peramanter imper­timur, Dat. Romae S. Petri, sub Annulo Piscatoris, die 30. Maij. 1626. Pontificatus nostri anno 3.

✚ Pope Ʋrban 8.
To his Beloued Sonnes, the Catholiques of England.

BELOVED Sonnes, greeting and Aposto­lique benediction. Terrene felicity is not alwayes the benefit of heauen, and the patrimony of piety. For the Church, seeing the Peace of sin­ners, hath often found by proofe, that the power of Mortals is the stipend of impiety. Wherefore we preferre the chaines of Martyrs, before the spoyles of the triumphant, and the King eternall promiseth heauenly Principalities, not to them, that trample the Lawes vnder their proud foote, but to those, that suffer persecution for righteousnesse sake. This truth de­riued out of the treasures of antiquity, into the earth, the Apo­stle considering, did not onely not cast away his hope, but was superabundantly ioyfull in all the tribulation of the faithfull; for they which are accounted worthy to suffer reproches for the name of Iesu, those seeme to possesse the Bill of Exchange of Gods loue, and abound with that price, wherewith they purchase the Diademe of Eternity. Indeed we had rather (being mindfull of humane frailty) that glory and riches were in the tabernacles of the righteous: but when we contemplate your miseries, Belo­ued Sonnes, wee put so much confidence in your vertue, and Christs defence, that we dare congratulate vnto you plenty of tri­umphs. The Church well hoped indeed, that the minde of the most potent King, who of a Catholique wife wished to beget heires, that might rule his Countrey Kingdomes, being mollified [Page] by the fighes of his Wiues ✚ piety, would permit the dowry of royall wedlocke to bee the liberty of faith: but now the vowes and counsels of your enemies are feared; and whereas the Or­thodox religion is crowned with a royall Diadome in that most excellent Queene: yet there are not wanting those, which dare threaten imprisonments and punishments to our sonnes. We be­lieue there are among you those, who desire to carry about in your owne body the mortification of Iesu Christ, and would con­temne the blandishments of pleasure, and titles of ambition, in comparison of the butcherie of hangmen, and ignominy of bonds: yet if any be there, who are possessed with a desire of the prosperi­ty of the present Church, we desire they should take notice, that the Pontifician charity is wonderously sollicitous of their safety, No one duty is of vs omitted, which may conuert the menacing cloud of the growing tempest, into a wished calme of consolation: yet if Hell inlarge her mouth, and mortall cruelty thirst after the blood of Martyrs, yee ought to bee armed with the inuincible buckler of a good resolution, and meditate of Heauen in the pri­son, of a Crowne in the Racke, of immortality in death. Among the British Rockes of their shipwracke religion, Christs Crosse hath beene a Planke, and hath brought you into the hauen of your desire. This Crosse you must imbrace, by the vertue whereof the bitternesse of punishments is sweetned. Consider beloued Sonnes in what station ye stand, and to whose eyes you are made a spectacle; the Angelicall Legions do flutter about you, which receiue in their golden violls the desires of the faithfull, and pre­sent them at the sanctnarie of the mercy of the Omnipotent; hea­uen gates being set open, Christ not only a beholder, but a Rewar­der, sheweth you the sacred triumphs of your Citizens, whom purpled in their owne blood, England hath brought into the hea­uenly assemblies. The anxious prayers of the mournefull Church desire of God for you the spirit of charity and fortitude. The Counsels of the Apostolique Senate, and the prayers of Christen­dome, take care of your safety in so large a theater of heauen and earth; what rigour of your constancy, what sublimity of a tri­umphant minde becomes it you to haue in you? The Counsels of your Predecessers haue beene in the like ieopardy, the lights of [Page] the holy Ghost, and the Armor of light be your wise Oracles, and your actions the examples of fortitude. And if violence pre­ceed so farre, as it compell you to that permitions and vnlawfull oath of Alleagiance of England; remember, that your prayer is heard of the whole assembly of the Angels beholding you, and let your tongue cleane to your gummes, before you cause the au­thority of blessed Peter to bee diminished with that forme of Oath. For that is not all, that fidelity be kept vnto the King: but that the sacred scepter of the Catholique Church be wrung from the Vicars of God Almighty; that which our Predecessor Paul 5. of blessed memory, in so graue a deliberation decreed, that ought ye altogether to obserue, as the Decree of truth. Be­loued sonnes, this Tribute, due to the Prince of the Apostles, no threates of men, or flatteries, ought at any time to extort from you; they that perswade you otherwise, those prophesie vnto you a lying vision, and a fraudulent Diuination. For sooner ought the sword of the mighty to take away from a Christian man his life, tken his faith. Yea if an Angell from heauen teach you o­therwise, then the Apostolique truth, let him be accursed. We in the meane time will intreate the Father of lights, that he suf­fer not the heart of the English King to bee blinded, who shall certainly learne, how great credit is to be giuen to the Catho­lique subiects, in those things, which you may promise; who least they should make themselues liable to periury, they had rather breath out their spirit, then their voice. But that your vertue may be found more precious then gold, which is tried in the fire: teach that kingdome, that there is not such force in the cruelty of enemies, that it is able to extinguish the eternall fire of chari­ty in your hearts. Pray for them that persecute you; humilitie, patience, concord, fasting, praier, are your weapons, which in the cruell conflict ye ought to draw forth, that the Palmes of eclesti­all triumphs may flourish in your hands. For seeing Blessed Pe­ter was forbidden to smite with the sword, the cruell assailants of Christ: we exhort you, hauing the prejent good of the Church before our eies, that in the meane time you thinke the thoughts of peace, and that yee praie for eternall life euen for the King, while he takes away your mortall life. So must the soldiers of [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] Christ make warre vnder the banner of the Crosse, the mouth of them, that speake wicked things, shall be confounded, seeing yee know not to hate those, who torment you. But the Lord, who is able to turne your sorrow into ioy, shall bee at your right hand, that ye be not moued, and may not forget his Testament, where­in he hath be queathed the inheritance of the Kingdome of hea­uen to his imitatours. Let vs imbrace you in the Armes of A­postolique Charitie. Beloued sonnes, to whom we promise the Fathers patrocinie, and most louingly bestow our benediction. Giuen at Gome: St. Peters. vnder the signes of the Fisher. May 30. 1626. the third yeare of our Popedome.


EVer blesse your selfe, when you see the Popes Crosse. This is the beasts Marke, Reuel. 13. 17. It vsually stands in the forefront of mischiefe, Reuel. 17. 5. like Mysterie in the Whores fore­head. Vnder this standard, the Beast warreth against the Lambe. With­out this Marke, Reuel. 13. 17. none may buy, or sell; as by the Bull of Pope Martine 5. prohibiting Wick­liffe and Husse, and others of the same faith, this liberty of common commerce, or trade. The like prohibition was in the Bull of Paul the third, against K. Henry 8. for shaking off the Popes yoake. And Innocent 3. in the Lateran Councill, grants a speciall Indulgence to all his Catho­liques thus signed, with the signe of the Crosse; as the spe­ciall badge of difference, betweene Romes Catholiques, [Page 2] and Heretiques; as if no Catholiques, that want and doe not avow this marke. Also Pope Clement the 6. in his Bull willed, that all, thus signed, should haue power to deliuer, two or three friends out of Purgatorie. Wonderous feates doth the Pope with this marke; no lesse then Conjurers do with the name of Iesus. And among others, this is not the least, that by the hanging out of this signe, he blinds the peoples eyes, that they cannot so easily espie, where the proud Antichrist dwelle [...]h. Like as when a Spanish Pyrat hangs out an English flag. In briefe, this Marke notes that religion, whose mother is Ignorance. Ignorants write their marke, in stead of their names. And to know whose Marke this is, loe, here the name subscribed.

Pope Vrban 8.

POpe is a title signifying father, and being appropria­ted to the Pontise or Bishop of Rome, who alone is so intituled, it notes the great Antichrist. The Pope, as much to say, Math. 3. v. 9. as the Antichrist. Christ saith, Call no man father vp­on earth. The meaning is, call no man on earth such a fa­ther, as the Pope challengeth to himselfe, namely, Papa, that father, who as supreme ouer all other fathers, will, and must be honoured, and obeyed. Yea he will be such a Papa, or Father, as vnto whose becke, is subordinated and limited that obedience, which all do owe to our hea­uenly Father. They must no further obey God, then the Pope alloweth: for euen the sacred Scriptures them­selues, the onely rule of our obedience to our heauenly Father, are so locked vp in the Cabinet of the Popes brest, that they may yeeld vs no other sense, but what his key openeth, as is intimated in the Bull of Pius the 4. affixed to the Trent Councill, super formâ Iuramenti professionis fidei, ad perpetuam rei memoriam. So that not our heauenly Fa­thers owne commands may be of force, where the Popes Counter-mand commeth with a Non obstante. This is that Pope forbidden by Christ, thus to be called our Father [Page 3] vpon earth. Yet euer since Boniface the 3. (who obtained of that Parricide Phocas to be the sole vniuersall Bishop, and was the See Platina Annot. in Bo­nif. 3. first that bore away the title of Pope from all other Patriarches, and Bishops, which euer since hath beene intailed to all his successors, as their proper style quarto modo) hath that Antichrist tyrannised vnder this name of Pope, by vertue of his vniuersall Father-hood. Hereof we cannot haue a more pregnant proofe, then this present Bull as will appeare in the further opening of it.

This Pope, is Vrban the 8. a new name customarily as­sumed with the Popedome. And lightly they borrow such names, as are contrary to their natures. There haue not beene more wicked Popes, then the Bonifaces; nor more cruell, then the Clements; nor more impious, then the Pi­uses; nor more noxious, then the Innocents; nor more turbulent then the Vrbans. As French hi­story. Vrban the 6. for his im­placable furiousnesse, was called of the people Turban, a troubler. And such a Turban I feare we shall finde of this Vrban the 8. as we may easily discerne by the clouen foote of this Bull. The Popes Bull is a prodigious or disastrous blazing starre; it neuer appeareth, but it portendeth and bodeth some approching fatality, to Princes and States. Onely the Comet is but a signe, no cause of future euents: but the Popes Bull is not onely a signe, but a cause procu­ring, and producing sad Accidents to ensue: To goe no further then home for instances. To prepare away for the Spanish Inuasion in 88. as an harbinger to prouide them lodging vpon their arriuall on the English Coast, Pope Sixtus the 5 or if you will sice sinque, (as hauing already cast the Dice for England) sends out his Balis declatatory, wherein he excommunicateth the good Queen Elizabeth of euer gratefull memory, and absolueth her subiects of their allegiance, lauishing also, out of the bottomlesse bag of his Church treasure, plenarie Indulgence to all foraine States and Princes, that would joyne their helping hand against England. Enough to set the whole Pontifician world about our eares, but that our heauenly Father shew­ed [Page 4] himselfe more potent in blessing vs, then the Balaam of Rome in cursing vs. Also about the time of the Gunpow­der plot, the Pope sent out his Bulls, Clement the 8. by name, as here Vrban the 8. they agree both in name and number, God grant they agree not in the nature of their mischiefesment vs; See Tortura Torti. pag. 281▪ or God grant them al the like euents, that formerly. Clement the 8. (I say) his Bull or Breeue, being in safe keeping with Father Garnet, and by him shewed to Catesby, Conspectis illis semel, fundauit se statim Ca­tisbeus, atque super illis om­nes intentiones suas exedifica­uit ibid. by whom this businesse began to bee brewed; while as yet the powder was but a soaking in the salt-peter tubs, he was so animated with the sight thereof, that he built and founded all his (otherwise perplexed and tottering) inuentions vpon those Breeues, wherein Garnet also was not wanting to obfirme him more and more: whereupon the learned Bishop inferreth; Ita omne malam à Breuibus, Breeuia à Pontifice, so that all mischiefe is from Breeues, and Breeues from the Pope.

These two instances may induce vs to take better heed to this new Bull now in hand, and to consider, whether this Ʋrbanicall Breeue, may not bode at least the like im­minent mischiefes to this land, that those did: And so much the rather, if we weigh all the concurring circumstances of the time. The Pope knowes best, how to make his own benefit of others homebred hurts; his forces are the bet­ter vnited, and strengthened, by others diuisions, and he well hopes to licke himselfe whole againe, by others pu­trifying sores. And so much the more may the force of this Bull bee feared, as not hauing so long hornes, as strong sinewes clossely compacted, like those skales of Leuia­than. Or rather (lest the impression of feare might bee a preuention of their purpose) it comes in, like the aspe pre­sented to Cleopatra in a basket of figgs, lurking vnder the greene leaues, the biting whereof is not so sensible, as ex­ceeding mortall. The judicious Reader may therein dis­cerne notable artifice, in tempering strong poyson as it were in a paire of Italian or Spanish perfumed gloues. And were there nothing else, but that it comes from [Page 5] Rome: can any good thing come from Rome? from the Pope? Omne malum à Brenibus, Breuia à Pontifice. As when Iulian the Cardinall was much recommended to Si­gismund King of Romanes: he answered, Tamen Roma­nus est, yet he is a Roman. And a pestilent one too, witnesse that woefull ouerthrow at Varna, by Amurath, whereof Iulian was the chiefe cause, hauing perswaded Vladislaus vnjustly to breake the truce with the Turke. To say no­thing of a peace now offered (as they say) betweene the aduerse parties, but onely this, that such a Treaty will very well suite, and serue this Breeue with occasion, as a milde open season helpeth physicke, to worke the more effectu­ally. But we haue not forgotten their Treaty vpon 88. Nor are we so foolish, or weary of our liues (I trust) as with Cleopatra wittingly and willingly, to suffer our selues to be stung with the Popes Aspe, in greene leaues, whose womanish spirit, would otherwise haue fainted to see her owne death. Yea rather we know the nature of such Basi­liskes which a man espying first, before she him, the Basi­liske dyeth, the man is preserued. Thus such prodigious Comets, may spend their malignant matter, and bee fru­strate of their force, and influence, where wise men make right vse of them. Sapiens dominabitur astris: for as the learned Zanchy obserueth well; Comets cannot cause, but may occasion onely State-ruines, and changes; as when they inflame the ayre, Anima sequi­tur tempera­turam corto­ris, vt corpus aeris. the ayre mens bodies, the bodies distempered worke vpon the minde; and all this, taking impression in the most delicate and tender bodies of Prin­ces, working vpon their spirits, causeth oftentimes such combustions, as hasten some fatall periods; while in the meane time, sage, and moderate Princes can easily pre­uent such importent operations; such, and no other is the malignant influence of Papall Breeues, which cannot pos­sesse generous Princes with an imbellious feare of such bruta fulmina, which cannot scare nor scratch any, but Brutes. The sword of good Lawes drawne forth, well bur­nished, and brandished, to the cutting off but the maine [Page 6] pipes, by which these poysoned waters of Marah, of wor­king dissention betweene the head and the members, Prince and subiects, are deriued from the Papall spring to his Cotholique sons, will through Gods grace giue a spe­ciall defeate to whatsoeuer Papall designe this Breeue clossely intendeth. As followeth.

To his beloued Sonnes the Catholiques of England.

HAuing spoken of the father Papa, now to his sons: a father and sonne are of neerest relation, and this re­lation a strong combiner of affections, and ingager of mu­tuall offices. Sonnes are either by naturall generation, or by legall adoption, or by common appellation, or by spiritu­all generation; such here, in a spirituall meaning. As for the Popes naturall sonnes, those he calles his Nephewes, Euphoniae gratiâ as it were a degree once remoued. His spirituall sons we shall better discerne of their kinde, not onely by their father, but by their mother, of whom they are begotten; namely the Church of Rome, which if it bee that great Whore, described in the Reuelation (as what more euident? he that runnes may reade) hence it appea­reth how legitimate they be. So that in a spirituall and my­sticall sence, he may as well call these also his Nephewes, as his sons. But in naming them sons, it imposeth on them that filiall, or rather baby blinde obedience, which none but such a father as the Pope, can or will exact of his chil­dren. This father if they obey not, aboue, contrary to God, they are none of the Popes true bred sons. But to sweeten their rigid obedience, he styleth them his beloued sonnes; Yet rather louing, then beloued: for in naturall affection, loue rather descends then ascend: in this, contrary, there­fore vnnaturall: I dare sweare such babes more dote vp­on their father in their blind affection, then he vpon them; all the world seeth what be the grounds and ends of the Popes loue to his sonnes. But to passe by that, he calles [Page 7] them the Catholiques of England, all the rest then are He­retiques. Pag. 303. Vincentius Ly­rinensis. But Catholiques they are not simply, but in the compound, Romane-Catholiques; a right Babylonish word: And such are no true Catholiques, as the learned Bishop hath proued in his Tortura: for he is a true Catho­lique, that holds the Catholique faith, professed in all a­ges, according to the Scriptures: not hee that holds faith none otherwise, but with limitation to the priuate sense, and meaning of the Church of Rome; such is a Romane-Catholique, no true Catholike. But to proceed.

Beloued Sonnes, greeting, and Aposto­lique benediction.

A Forme of salutation, farre vnlike that of the Apostles, farre from Apostolique. The Apostles, as Peter, and Paul, in all their Epistles write to Gods elect, to his Saints, by calling, recommending vnto them grace, and peace in Iesus Christ; that is a right Apostolique salutation. But in the Popes salutation, nothing sounding to that of the A­postles, but the bare word Apostolique, which putteth the greater difference; for Paul and Peter came in Christs name, the Pope in his owne name; they salute the Saints with the the Grace, and Peace of Christ, he with his owne Apostolique benediction. An other note of Antichrist, that commeth in his owne name: Iohn 8. v. 43. As Christ said to the rebelli­ous Iewes, If another come in his owne name, him will ye re­ceiue. Now he comes in his owne name, that comes in his owne vsurped authority, as here the Pope doth, with his Apostolique benediction: Yea although the Pope pretend, and claime neuer so much to be Christ Vicar, and so may seeme to come, not in his owne, but Christs; name: yet vsurping that power, which Christ neuer vsed, as contrary to the dispensation of his ministery; (The Popes power being to erect, and support an earthly Monarchy, whereof he may say, Dan. 4. v. 30. as that proud King: Is not this great Babylon, which I haue built for the honour of the Kingdome, by the [Page 8] might of my power, and for the honour of my Maiestie?) he therefore commeth in his owne name. So here: His bene­diction is of himselfe, who in this Breeue cals himselfe, that Apostolique one; such is his Apostolique benedicti­on, to wit, Antichrists benediction. Thus in stead of Christs grace, he hath Apostolique greeting▪ in stead of Christs peace, Apostolique benediction: and to whom? not to the elect Saints in Christ Iesus, but to the Popes sonnes; not to the faithfull in Christ, but to the Popes Catho­liques in England; such as his father-hood goes about to strip of all the cognizances of Christs faithfull ones; who as they are truely faithfull towards God, so they expresse the same towards man; and as to Christ in the first place; so in the next to the Lords annoynted, their Leige Lord immediately vnder Christ. It followeth.

Terrene felicity is not alwaies the benefit of hea­uen, and the patrimony of piety; for the Church see­ing the peace of sinners, hath often found by proofe, that the power of mortals is the stipend of impiety: Wherefore we preferre the chaines of Martyrs, be­fore the spoyles of the triumphant; and the King eter­nall promiseth heauenly principalities, not to them that trample the lawes vnder their prood foote, but to those that suffer persecution for righteousnesse sake.


NOt to insist vpon euery particular, but noting by the way throughout, the Popes egregious hypocri­sie and prophanesse, in peruerting and abusing the Scrip­tures, and the sacred name of God: wee will touch one­ly vpon the principals. Onely by the way, how doth the Pope come to put a difference betweene terrene felicity, and the benefit of heauen? seeing that all the benefit hee either hath, or can hope for of heauen, is his terrene feli­city. [Page 9] This is the Popes heauen vpon earth; this is his Pe­ters patrimonie, which in his owne papall sense, is farre from the patrimonie of piety. Or what hath the Church of Rome to doe with peace? what peace, shee see [...]h the peace of sinners: A phrase borrowed from Ezechiel 13. 16. And it agrees well with the Pope; For as those false Prophets saw visions of peace, where there was none: so the Pope. Is he about to stirre vp rebillion, and speakes he of peace? Or what peace can all popish doctrine, put together, giue vnto a poore sinner? None at all. For ei­ther they puffe a man vp with pride, or possesse his heart and conscience with fearfull perplexities. Peace it gi­ueth none, neither in life nor death. But passe we by that too. The Pope here making mention of Martyrs chaines, cannot but put vs in minde of Father Garnet, & that dam­ned crew, Romes Martyrs: and so may giue vs, (not with­out iust cause) strongly to suspect, there is some exploit to­wards, which his Holinesse by subtile insinuation animates, and armes his sonnes vnto; whereby though they should at the worst miscary, yet they should merit no lesse then the honour of Martyrs, such as father Garnet, for abetting the Powder Treason, hath attained to, in Romes Catologue of holy Martyrs.

Againe; speaking of those, that trample the lawes vnder their proude foote: heere hee subtilly glanceth at Christian Magistrates, to aggrauate their subiects hatred against them, as proud violators of the Lawes. But what Lawes? Gods Lawes, or mans Lawes? God forbid. But it sufficeth if they trample vpon the Popes lawes, to expose them to the iust hatred of their people. But if the Kingdome of heauen, and the Principalities thereof bee promised, not to the violaters of all lawes: what part then hath the Pope therein, who is the arch contemner of all lawes, can breake them at his pleasure without checke, can dis­pence euen against the Apostle? In a word, 2 Thess. 2. who is [...], that exlex, or lawlesse one? Let him make much of his earthly principality, for part of those heauenly (accor­ding [Page 10] to his owne speech, according to his owne practice) he hath none. Which no doubt is the reason, that he so la­bours tooth and naile to haue his heauen here, vpon earth, turning his Church militant into Triumphant; as in that S [...]xti de electi­one cap. 17. lib. 1. vt vero circa regimen. &c. irrefragable decree of Pope Nicholis the 3. verifying to an haire that of the Reuel. 18. verse 17. I fit a Queene &c. onely militant against Christ and his word, against Kings and Princes. This is that which he addes, But to those that suffer persecution for righteousnesse sake. And who are they I pray you? namely such as suffer for treason and rebillion against their Prince, such as seduce the people of the land, Noble, and base, to acknowledge, and admit a forraine po­wer aboue their owne Prince, as wee shall see further a­none: To suffer for these nefarious impieties, is, with his Holinesse of Rome, to suffer Though Ga [...] ­net himselfe con­fessed vnder his hand to a priuate friend, lamen­ting his wret­ched estate that not now for re­ligion, but for treason, he must dye as a theife or malefactor. Tor­tura Torti. pag. 289. for righteousnesse sake. ô blas­phemous mouth! ô whores forehead! that dares so dia­bolically, and shamefully prophane Christs sacred words. Woe be to him, that thus calleth euill good, and good euill; that putteth bitter for sweet, and sweete for bitter; that tur­neth the truth of God into a lye, putting rebellion for righte­ousnesse; that dare thus make a mocke of sacred Scrip­tures. Call you this Christs Vicar? Nay, tell me, is not this that scarlet coloured Beast, full of the names of blasphe­my, Reuel. 17. 3. for to fill vp the measure of this shame­lesse blasphemy, he goeth on.

This truth deriued out of the treasures of antiqui­ty, into the earth, the Apostle considering, did not on­ly not cast away his hope, but was super abundantly ioyfull in all the tribulations of the faithfull; for they which are accompted worthy to suffer reproaches for the name of Iesu, those seeme to possesse the Tesseram, It signifieth also a token of Lead, (like that affix­ed to the Popes Bull) giuen to such poore as are to receiue the dole. But this suites not so wel with the Popes sense here, vnlesse she meane his Leaden Tessera tyed to his Bull; for else he should make heauens Diadems not a matter of Dole, to be receiued of fauour for a lea­den token, but of debt as pur­chased with gol­den merits. bill of exchange of Gods loue, and abound with that price, wherewith they purchase the diadem of eternity.


[Page 11] STill the Beast, full of names of blasphemie, all along; He addeth the example of the blessed Apostle, in reioy­cing in his sufferings. This truth. What truth? that to suffer for Treason, for rebellion, is to suffer for righteous­nesse sake? surely your Holinesse must either egregiously equivocate, meaning by, for righteousnesse sake, to suffer righteously, or iustly for Treason, and the like, as the pe­nitent Theife confessed on the Crosse: or else you goe on most shamelessely to blaspheme. But out of what Trea­sures of antiquitie (I pray you) it this truth of yours deri­ued into the earth? From your Church trea­sure no doubt, so well stored with workes of supererogation in this kind, such as Gods law neuer commanded, but contrarily hath expresly forbidden. Reu. 8. 10. 11. or when? when Terras Astraea reli­quit; in that age, when truth forsooke the earth (Rome) and went into heauen, then succeeded this truth of yours in stead thereof. Or when that greate Starre called Wormewoode (a true type of your Luciferian Apostacie) fell from heauen, which so imbittered the waters of the san­ctuary, that many thousands haue died thereof, after which followed a great ecclipse of the heauenly bodies, euen to a third part of their light; which by degrees at last (as in the next chapter; for so in that booke is described the gra­duall growth of the Mysterie of Iniquitie) through the smoake of hellish doctrine, ascending out of the bottome­lesse pit, were wholly darkned through your Egiptian Church, as we see this day, the Sun shining onely in Goshen by the beames of the Gospell: then, then (I say) began this Romane Catholique truth, to be deriued into the earth, from no other treasues of Antiquitie can you deriue it. We know what a treasure you haue of Antiquities: but wee haue vpon better search espied your Gibeonitish iuggling, pretending vnto vs, you come from farre, with your old shooes, torne bottles, and mouldie bread. Or tell vs out of what Antiquities or Monuments, euen among the hea­then Grecians, or Romans (with whose old superstitions notwithstanding, & idolatries you fully symbolize, onely you are more grosse, and mad vpon your Idoles, then e­uer were they) yea fetch vs (if you can) some Antiquities out of the Turkish Alcaron, that hold this Romane truth, [Page 12] that a subiect playing the Rebell, and Traytor against his Leige, and lawfull King, and suffering death for the same, did, as an holy Martyr, suffer for righteousnesse sake. No Heathen, but abhorreth this cursed truth of Rome. Or if ye will needs plead antiquitie for it, take it then: we yeelde you, this truth came from the old serpent, who was the first, that moued mankinde to rebell against his King, in disobeying Gods commandement: Here is antiquitie for you. But will you hereupon inferre, that the punishment of the serpent is for righteousnesse sake? yet this antiquity was but in fact: the old serpent durst neuer avouch it for a truth, but it lay antiquated, and buried in the ashes of hell, vntill the Pope, and his societie of Iesuites of latter times, raked it vp againe, and with the force of Aposto­lique power, armed with fiery arguments, haue perswa­ded their (first blind folded) vulgar, that this is a truth deriued from the treasures of antiquitie, that to suffer (as Romane Martyrs do) for treason, and rebellion, is (with the Apostles of Christ) to suffer persecution for righteousnesse sake.

But what is their reward for all this suffering? yes, saith the Pope; for they which are accounted worthy to suf­fer reproches for the name of Iesu. Stay; A man by this phrase (Accounted worthie) might take the Pope for a piece of a good Gospeller, in the point of Iustification vnto eter­nall life: for this is the holy Ghosts vsuall phrase, to say, They that shall be accompted worthie of that life; not, They that shall be worthie thereof. But this accompt, here mentio­ned, is not according to Gods account, but the Popes ac­compt: such as the Pope accompts worthie to suffer repro­ches for the name of Iesu, to wit, for his Iesutish doctrines, teaching the lawfulnesse of rebellion against Princes. For vnder this name of Iesu, doth that society of the Iesuites the more easily play the Iudasses, as hee did with Haile Master; no man easily suspecting, that there should bee the least affinity betweene that sweet sauing name of Ie­sus, and the massacring Abaddon, or Appollyon. But the re­ward [Page 13] of such is, They seeme to possesse onely. The Pope dares not say, They do possesse it, &c. for then he should seeme to grant the certainty of saluation, if men in this life were in possession of it. But he must not ouerthrow that Ca­non of Trent, which dischargeth a sulphurious Anathema, against the doctrine of the certaintie of remission of sinnes, as an Arch-enemy vndermining the golden mines of his Purgatorie. Well, what seeme they to haue? The bill of exchange of Gods loue, and abound with that price, where­with they purchase the Diadem of eternitie. Here the Pope fals downe right vpon his doctrine of selfe By this Tes­sera or Bill of exchange, is clossely invol­ued Romes merit ex con­digno: for as the Bill of ex­change is reck­oned of equall value with the summe, or debt to be re­ceiued, or by the proporti­on of condig­nitie, or equall worth on both sides: So Romes merit of condignitie is such, as whereby they claime heauen as due debt, their merits being con­digne, or of e­quall worth to it, as the price is to the purchase as the Pope here ex­presseth. merits, so de­rogatory from, yea, so destructory of that most precious, and pearlelesse ransome, payde for the purchase of those Diadems of glory: Although the Church of Rome makes little difference betweene Christs paying of our debts himselfe, and his inabling vs our selues to pay them; sa­uing that they choose rather to haue the fingering of the money themselues, then to trust to Christ for the pay­ment of it: As here the Pope, they pretend Gods loue, Christs merits; but all is to enable them by graces infu­sed (their Bill of exchange) to merit ex condigno the king­dome of heauen, or thereby to purchase the Diadems of eternitie. Well; But ô yee Pontificians, doe you not teach that those graces of yours infused, may bee altogether, and irreuocably lost? if then by the way as you are tra­uailing to make your purchase, and so to take possession of those heauenly diadems, yee chance to meete with theeues, that robbe you of your treasure, and take your purse from you: what will become of your purchase then? were it not therefore safer for you to follow Christs counsell: Lay not vp your treasures on earth, where the moth, and canker corrupt, and where theeues breake through and steale: but lay vp for your selues treasures in heauen, where it is out of all danger? what is this, to lay vp for your selues treasures in heauen? Is not Christ our treasure? Is not he in heauen? is not the laying vp of this treasure for our selues in heauen, our laying hold on Christ by faith? [Page 14] aske the ordinary Glosse In Goelo. 1. Omnem spem in calesti­bus ponite, Gloss, Ordin. lay vp all your hope in heauen; fide gradientes, charitatem amplectantes, walking by faith, imbracing chari­ty: or following the Apostles practise 2 Tim. 1. 12. I know whom I haue beleeued, and I am perswaded that he is able to keepe that, which I haue committed vnto him against that day. Aske Lyra the meaning. Depositum meum &c. my pledge, that is, my reward, which by faith I haue laid vp to be kept with him, against the day of my dissolution, when my soule shall be glorified, & against the day of iudgement, when my body shall be made immortall. So the ordinary glosse ex­cellently: quia potens est Dominus Depositum meum serua­re spe &c. the Apostle is secure in the hope and magnificence of his Sauiour, because what he committeth vnto him, is in safety, and that which he committeth vnto him, is his saluati­on. This was the ancient Catholique doctrin of the Church to trust in Christ wholly for their saluation. But now from this ancient faith the present Church of Rome is vtterly fal­len; trusting her selfe for saluation, which being in hir owne custody, she confesseth, not without iust cause, that she may come vtterly to loose it. No doubt of y t; yea they haue altogether shut themselues out of the kingdome of heauen already by this their doctrine of Iustification, by their grace infused. For betweene faith and justification, they make such a separation, as they decree in their Trent Councill, Council. Trid. sess. 6. cap. 15. & can. 28. that though by euery mortall sinne, the grace of iustification receiued, is lost, although faith be not lost: calling it a Doctrine of Gods Law, which excludeth not onely vnbeleeuers, but the faithfull also (such as they call their fideles fornicarios, adulteros, molles, masculorum concubitores, fures, &c.) out of the kingdome of God. This is that doctrine of Romes Apostacy from the faith, shutting hir selfe out of Gods kingdome, as hauing expressely re­nounced, and abandoned that faith in Christ, the onely purchase of our saluation, as might more abundantly bee shewed. But this may suffice for the present occasion, so punctually offered by the Pope in this place, and that [Page 15] in his owne expresse words, which no doubt were throughly scanned in his Conclaue, betweene himselfe and his Cardinalls, before they should come to see the light, as Triplici no­do pag. 34. Paul the fift confessed of the contents of his Breeue sent hither, Anno 1607. So that in nothing doth the Pope vary from himselfe, but in all points shewes him­selfe to be that great Apostate, that Antichrist, from toppe to toe.

But to conclude this clawse; if Treason, if rebellion, if disloyaltie of subjects against their Prince, whereat the Pope here aimeth, be so meritorious, as to purchase the Di­adems of Eternitie: then let no malefactor, neuer so noto­rious, feare hell or iudgement, so hee can but intile his villanies, as committed for the Catholique cause. The old heathen Rome had hir Culleus, a leather sacke, wherein the Parricide was sowed close vp and cast into the sea, as vn­worthy to touch any of the elements, that sought to destroy him, by whom he receiued his being: so he deserues not to breath in the ayre, that seeks to take away the breath of our nostrils, the Annointed of the Lord. Lam. 4. v. 20. Culleus for Parracides, but Catho­lique Rome his Diadems: would not this startle, and astond the very Indian, when he should be told, that the King­dome of heauen is full of such gracelesse vnnaturals, as for betraying their lawfull Soueraigne, their natiue sweete Countrey, for blowing vp the beautie and glory of their Nation, yea of the whole world, at a blast, doe now, raigne in heauen, wearing eternall Diadems? would not he make a solemne vow neuer to come there? Nay more: would Iesus Christ, trow you, trust such Parricides and Traytors to come neere his person now in heauen, lest with Iudas they should againe betray him, and with the Iewes and Romanes kill and crucifie him afresh? for how could he be perswaded, that such would spare his person in heauen, who accounted it the speciall point of their re­ligion, to Martyr and massacre him in his members heere on earth? or that they would yeeld obedience, and reue­rence to his Royail Majestie in heauen, that stucke not to deface, and defile his image, imprinted vpon his an­nointed Vicegerents here below? Certainly that heauen­ly Ierusalem is compassed with higher, and stronger wals, then to be scaled by such Gyant-like assaylants. Lucifer was cast out of heauen for his rebillious pride: and shall [Page 16] his sonnes thinke to gaine heauen by the merit of their proud rebellions? Suffice it Cain, when his very consci­ence gaue him to be a vagabond and exile from that city aboue, and justly for his bloody fratricide, he was the first, that founded and built a city on earth for his habitation. Cain was a figure of the Pope; and his city, of Rome, the Popes eternall habitation. And for the Popes diadems of eternitie, Reuel. 9. we reade of a certaine kind of Locusts arising out of the bottomlesse pit, hauing a scorpion-like power to sting, yet whose power was limitted, not to hurt, but onely those, which haue not the seale of God in their foreheades; which Locusts, like Like the Cardinals round red hatts, giuen them to ride abroad in pompe, to put them in mind to shed bloud for the defence of their Ro­mane Catho­lique faith. See Paeralcipomena to Vrspergen­sis, his Chroni­con. horses prepared to battell, had on their heads as it were Like the Cardinals round red hatts, giuen them to ride abroad in pompe, to put them in mind to shed bloud for the defence of their Ro­mane Catho­lique faith. See Paeralcipomena to Vrspergen­sis, his Chroni­con. crownes of gold. Such Diadem; may the Pontifician priests merit to weare, who not onely resem­ble these Locusts, but are those very froggs spoken of, Reu. 16▪ 13, 14. which are vncleane spirits, comming out of the mouth of the Dragon, and out of the mouth of the Beast, and out of the mouth of the false Prophet; being the spirits of Deuils working miracles, and go forth vnto the Kings of the earth, and of the whole world, to gather them to the bat­taile of that great daie of God Almightie. But passe we to the next.

Indeed we had rather (being mindfull of humane frailty) that glory and riches were in the Tabernacles of the righteous: but when we contemplate your mi­series, Beloued Sonnes, we put so much confidence in your vertue, and Christs defence, that we dare gratu­late vnto you plenty of triumphs.


INdeede wee cannot blame your father-hood, [...]o wish all prosperity to your Beloued Sonnes; and for your selfe, and your triumphall chaire, wee are not ignorant how prouident you haue beene in your Pontificall De­crees to estblish a triumphant state, in that your palace [Page 17] at Rome, to be free from all incursions and inuasions, and that by your Apostolicke irrefragable constitution. Onely wee cannot but admire to see how in the midst of all your Pontificiall pleasures, and pompe, you can reflect the bcames of your contemplation vpon the miseries of your af­flicted Sonnes in England. But herein yee show the bow­ells of a father: But you are sensible thereof onely in your contemplation. If you contemplate this out of some propheticall vision, foreseeing the calamities, which your sonnes impieties through your fatherly instigation, may further pull vpon them, if they shall attempt some speci­all service for your father-hood, wherein they shall faile of their purpose: herein wee desire, and hartily pray, you may bee as true a Prophet, as Balaam was, who though you would neuer so faine, to obtaine an housefull of gold, and siluer, which you haue formerly had out of England, yet the curse in the end shall fall vpon your own Moa­bites. But if you contemplate and such great present cala­mitie vpon your sonnes among vs, wee are giuen hereby to perceiue, that your holinesse may erre; vnlesse you will excuse it, that you speake it by the figure Iroma: you are able to contemplate more herein, then all wee can dis­cerne with open eyes. Yea on the contrary (whereof your holinesse cannot bee ignorant) your sonnes are so kindly intreated among vs, as, though wee might thinke thereby to winne them the more to loue vs, and our reli­gion: yet forasmuch as they are your holinesse owne sones (wee meane the Jesuites, and Preists especially) the truth is, we haue the more cause to feare them. We know of old what recompence to expect of the snake, if wee foster him in our bosomes. Thus doe your sonnes recollect their strength among vs, and such vertue, wherein to repose your confidence. Herevpon it is (in plaine truth) that your holinesse dare congratulate to your sonnes such plenty of tri­umphs: you may bee confident of it, so long as your frogs are suffered to friske and range vp, and downe among vs at pleasure, without controwle, in defiance of Lawes and [Page 18] Proclamations, to seduce the Kings Liege people, to in­crease their number daily, to strengthen their partie, to weaken vs by sowing their seeds of faction, that no lesse then a rich plenty of triumphs must needes insue. But here­in wee comfort our selues, that your Papall confidence in your sonnes vertue, is preferred before Christs defence you set that in the first place; and surely if you had not more confidence in your sonnes vertue, then in Christs defence, it were very small: for wee know, that in Christs defence you haue no confidence at all: your owne apostatized heart can tell you so much. Except yee trust at all in Christs de­fence, because our sinnes haue so much prouoked God against vs, and none more, then that your sonnes haue beene too indulgently intreated among vs, not onely to the damage, and murther of many soules, if the Lord bee not the more mercifull to giue them repentance, to re­turne to the truth; but to the endangering of this noble State, if the same our God no lesse mightily, then mer­cifully preuent it not. You know too well the Kings of Israeil are mercifull Kings: but wee know againe, that many times pitie, (though it is pitie) yet being shewed to Amileck and Aramites, may redound to the Authors hurt; witnesse these * Kings of Israell On the other side, wee know what Elias did, and afterward what Jehu did to the Prophets of Baal, and what a blessing came vpon them from the Lord, Iehues Sonnes sate vpon the throne to the fourth generation, and had done longer, if hee had not cleaued to the sinnes of Ieroboam. And Jezabell, for all her vengeable malice, and impotent fury, yet could not wreck it vpon Elias, though one single poore Prophet, no more then the Pope with all his pontificall, and imperiall power could preuent poore Luther of dying peaceablely in his bed; so miraculously mightie is the Lord in preseruing his poorest seruants, that are zealous for his cause. Yf we shew the like zeale now in this frozen age; wee may with comfort hope for the like blessing, and protection. Then put you neuer so much confidence in your sonnes [Page 19] vertue, our confidence shall bee in the defence of Christ, whose cause wee defend: and so wee doubt not, but (through Gods neuer failing goodnesse to his people) all you confidence, and daring promises of plentifull try­umphs will vanish into the ayre, whereof they were ingen­dred. It followeth.

The Church well hoped indeed, that the minde of the most potent King, who of a Catholique wife wished to beget heires, that might rule his Countrey kingdomes; being mollified by the sighes of his wiues ✚ pietie, would permit the dowry of royall wedlocke to bee the libertie of faith; but now the vowes, and counsels of your enemies are feared, and whereas the oxthodox Religion is crow­ned with a royall diadem in that most Excellent Queene; yet there are not wanting those, which dare threaten im­prisonment, and punishments to our sonnes.


YOu meane the Church of Rome; & what may it not hope? yet against your hope, the prayers of Christs Church are neuer wanting, for the frustrating of your fairest hopes. Our Church in particular publiquely prayeth. That it may please God to bring into the way of truth, all such as haue erred, and are deceiued. And in another prayer, for the whole estate of Christs Church, in the end of our Communion booke: Wee beseech thee ô Lord to reduce all such, as bee yet ignorant, from the miserable captiuitie of blindnesse, and errours, to the pure vnderstanding, and knowledge of thy truth: that wee all with one consent, and vnity of mind, may worship thee our onely God, and Sauiour. And for our King, blessed bee God, his heart is established vpon firmer grounds, then to be remoued from that true faith, where­in hee was bred, and brought vp, so easily as you hoped: yea that pietie, which with your solemne Crosse you haue [Page 20] so crowned, our hope is, that his Maiesty may in time by Gods grace so purifie, and persit, as that royall Queene shall account it the most rich dowry of her wedlocke, to be made partaker of the liberty of that faith, which her Roy­all husband professeth, See for his Monuments in Rich. 2. that so they may long enioy a sweet sociall conjunction, as in their affections, so in their Religion. If that noble Lady Anne, Sister sometime to Wenceslaus King of Behemia, being married heere to Rich­ard the 2. King of England, and that in a deplored time, when the Kinges of England were ouer-awed by the Popes vsurped power, being tyrannized ouer also with that spi­rituall Egyptian seruitude; if shee (I say) by the meanes of this marriage, comming, and liuing in England be­came so happy, as to be made acquainted with the Gospell of Christ, which shee had, written in the English tongue, namely, the foure Euangelists, with the Doctours vpon them, in the reading thereof shee was dayly exercised; and so by this meanes also many Bohemians comming hi­ther into England, comming to the sight and knowledge of Wickliffes workes, conveyed the same into Bohemia, whereby a good foundation was laid of planting, and so establishing the true religion there: what hopes then may wee perceiue of this our noble Queene, who beeing married to such a royall husband, who is not onely in title, but in realty, Defender of the faith, yea a Prince, who is excellently able to worke vpon such a noble dispositi­on, by infusing into her the seedes of the true Christian faith? that so not onely her selfe may become a sound Protestant, but by the blessing of God, this religion may from so noble a roote, multiply and branch it selfe into those her fathers Countries also; so that when they shall taste of the clusters of Chanaan, growing by the meanes of this blessed vine, hir fathers house may then blesse the time, that euer she was transplauted into so happy asoyle. The Lord bring these faire blossomes of our hope to a timely maturity: as your Pontifician hope is heerein alrea­dy (blessed be God) blasted in the bud.

[Page 21] And the same God, See for his Mo­numents in K. Edw. 4. p. 366. that preuented that intended mas­sacre of Religion in Bohemia, by the death of the King Ladislaus, at whose intended marriage with Magdalene the French Kings Daughter of Prague, where, and when the confluence of so many Pontifician States should haue beene, the massacre should the more easily haue beene effected: that God hath, and will (wee trust) euer pre­serue this his true religion professed in England, and that by preseruing the life of our gracious Soueraigne long a­mongst vs to his glory, and his Churches good, maugre all Pontifician hopes of the contrary.

But it should seeme the Popes hopes are turned into feares: but now (saith he) the vowes and councells of your enemies are feared. Whom doth he meane here by enemies? Surely, by coherence with the premisses, he must needes meane the most Potent King, of whom he spake in the for­mer part of the sentence. And certainely in nothing shall our noble King show himselfe more Posent, then by roo­ting out of his Dominions all Popish Priests, and Iesuites, and by establishing in vnity of doctrine, that Religion, which for these many yeares hath beene so happily mayn­tained therein. Herein, herein stands the potency and se­curitie of our Most Potent King: The establishing of true religion, is the establishing of the Kinges Throne. It were happy if other Kinges in Christendome had their eyes o­pened to see their miserable thraldome vnder the Popes yoake, and vpon what a tottering foundation their Kin­domesstand: where Papall authoritie, and Iesuiticall do­ctrines take place.

But here we may not passe ouer, that he faith, Your E­nemies. Who? or whose enemies? what? the King an e­nemy? to whom? to the Popes Sonnes here in England: what? to the Priests, and Iesuites in England? There were some reason why the King should showe him­selfe an enemy to these: for who are more mortall ene­mies to the King and his Crowne: then they? But it is playne by the sequell, that hee meaneth chiefely heere [Page 22] such Catholique sonnes of his, as are, or at least ought to bee true subiects to the King. Loe here then Pontifician malice. The Pope doth here most subtilly insinuate, that the King is an enemy to all those his subiects, who are Roman Catholikes. Enough with such a brand, to kindle the flames of hatred, and rebellion in such subiects against their King, while the Pope thus blowes the bellowes. But wherein is the King an enemy? to their persons? no: but to their religion, which is enmity against God, and the King. But the Pope feareth the Kings Councells. Now the good Lord so direct the King, and blesse him in all his Councells, that they may more, and more be matter as of feare to the Pope, so of ioy, and comfort to himself, and all his People.

But hee feares also his enemies vowes. What vowes? For tolleration (forsooth) of the Popes Orthodox religion, Yf Orthodox, then ought it not onely to bee tollerated, but publikely imbraced, professed, avowed. But if it bee (as it is) the Antichristian, Babylonian, Apostaticall, ido­latrous religion of Rome, that Where of Babylon: then no vowes, ought either to bee made, or much lesse kept, for the tollerating of such a religion. It is against our vowe in baptisme, wherein we disavow the Deuill and all his works. and therefore all doctrines of Devills. A precontract with our spouse Christ, disanulleth all after contracts with An­tichrist, with a harlot: Yea vowes made against God and his word, are ipso facto voyd, and become a meere nullity. And if the Pope at his pleasure can dissolue all lawfull vowes, which being duely made obliege men inviolably to keepe them: hath not God himselfe power to disanull all impious vowes, which are made to maintaine the reli­gion of Antichrist? Therefore, the Pope must giue vs leaue herein not to giue credit to his Holinesse complaint; which, howsoeuer, wee knowe to bee most vniust. And whereas the Pope calls his Religion orthodox: let the con­tents of this Bull witnesse. Wee need goe no further for proofe. Ipse dixit. Yet you complaine, that notwithstan­ding [Page 23] your orthodox Religion (a forcible argument, if it were rightly applyed) your sonnes are threatned. You are sore hurt: you know full well that threatned folkes liue long. But here wee cannot but put your father-hood in minde of your forgetfulnesse. A little before, you contemplate your sonnes miseries; and now is all come but to a bare threat­ning? wee looked for a storme, and behold but a cloud; for fire, and loe, but a little smoake: onely wee may hence obserue, what punctuall intelligence your vigilant sonnes giue your father-hood out of England. There stirres not a Mouse, but you heare of it: vnlesse you haue it by some speciall reuelation, reflected in the glasse of your contem­plation, as your Saints know all is done here below, by the perspectiue Glasse of beatificall vision. Or else happely you haue it by the spirit of Prophecie, as conjecturing what afterclaps, or prognosticating what stormes this Meteor of your Papall Breeue might ingender in this our Nor­therne Clymate against your Sonnes, when once they should bee so possessed with the malignant influence there­of, as refusing to take the oath of Allegiance, they should not onely incurre a threatning, but of congruitie, yea condig­nitie merit both imprisonment and punishments. But our hope is, that Non obstante your peremptory Bull, they will shew themselues such true hearted English-men, that they will not deserue in that case, so much as a threatning. But you adde.

Wee belieue there are among you those, who desire to carry about in your owne body the mortification of Iesu Christ, and would contemne the blandishments of plea­sures, and titles of ambition, in comparison of the but­cherie of hang-men, and ignominie of bonds. Yet if any bee there, who are possessed with a desire of the prosperitie of the present Church, wee desire they would take notice, that the Pontifician charitie is wondrously sollicitous of their safetie.

[Page 24]Answer.

PAuse a while. Here is some deepe matter sure: here is some deepenesse of Sathan, for some Lyncean eyes to discouer. No doubt his Holinesse is great with child, ready to be deliuered of some Monstrous birth; onely hee wan­teth some masculine Mid-wife to helpe at a pinch. To which purpose, behold here a most pernicious clause, closly, inciting such as are of a more Iesuited spirit, to the attempting, of some facinorous, and audacious fact, wor­thy the butcherie of the Hangman, or the ignominy of bonds. As the Poet spake, but in a farre better sense, then the Pope: Aude aliquid breuibus Gyaris, & carcere dignum; he ment it by daring to write of the touchy vices of the lawlesse times, wherein hee liued. Would to God Pontifi­cian attempts were no worse then so. But whatsoeuer shame or sorrow their attempts shall make them worthy to suffer; they are to haue a speciall respect vnto the reward, to wit, the Pontifician charitie, which will make a full a­mends for all; his father-hood being so wonderously sollici­tous of their safetie. What is the matter? some difficult en­terprise, full of danger (it seemeth) to the Actour. In re­gard whereof the Pope, is no lesse sollicitious (I wis) then a naturall father, whose sonne being about to encounter some hideous monster, or to attempt some Herculian la­bour, is very sollicitous, and anxious of the euent, so full of danger to his beloued sonne: Onely here is the diffe­rence: a naturall father in that case would vse all his po­wer to disswade his sonne, yea vpon his blessing to enioyne him not to hazzard his life in such a desperate aduenture: but the Pope on the contrary, animateth, and inciteth his sonnes, by all perswasiue arguments, not onely of pro­found insinuation, but of professed approbation, to vn­dertake some desperate enterprise. And enterprises of that nature (bee they at all aduenture what they will bee) we may boldly abide by it, that howsoeuer they may en­danger the life of the attempter, certainly they doe actu­ally [Page 25] destroy the soule of the atchieuer. But the Pope is so wondrously sollicitous of their safety, that perhaps in case of extremity, if they should chance to dye in hotte blood vnconfessed, hee will, as Pope Clement in his Bull at his Iubilee, command the Angells to take their soules out of their bodies absolued, and carry them straight into the glory of Paradice, and not so much as one touch at Purgatorie by the way. Onely here is one item more (by the way) what they doe, it must be as that of Iudas, speedily done, intimated here by desire of the prosperi­ty of the present Church. Present it must bee; and rather then the Pope will want matter to animate some despe­rate sonne or sonnes hereunto, besides earnest desire that they should take speciall notice of the pontifician charity, so wondrously sollicitous of their safety: he prefixeth a most hor­rible Pontifician blasphemy, comparing such his Mar­tyrs to the blessed Apostle, whose 1 Cor. 4. v. 10 saying the Pope heere vsurpeth, and shamelesly peruerteth; and their just sufferings (whether for treason, murder, or rebellion) to the mortification of Iesus Christ. Now the Lord Iesus destroy thy blasphemous mouth, ô Antichrist. But hee procee­deth.

No one dutie is of vs omitted, which may conuert the menacing cloud of the growing tempest, into a wished calme of consolation: yet if hell enlarge her mouth, and mortall cruelty thirst after the blood of Martyrs, ye ought to be armed with the inuincible buckler of a good resolu­tion, and meditate of heauen in the prison, of a crowne in the Racke, of immortalitiain death.


NO one dutie is of vs ommitted. The Pope here giues vs to vnderstand, for an vndoubted truth, but implicity, that his sonnes heere in England at this present (his Iesu­ites, [Page 26] and Priests) are wondrous busie and industrious, la­bouring tooth and naile, with heaue, and shooue, to aduance forward their mischeifeous plot in hand. For [By Vs] implyeth the Pope the Arch-Agent, and with him all his actiue Instruments both at Rome and in England, which haue their motion from his hand, and are actuated by that their Head. So that this testimony from Rome seemes to confirme the common rumor heere, that his most white Sonnes sit in Counsell euery day; that, what they conclude, is forthwith put in execution; that, all the exorbitant motions wee see in the world, proceed from the wheele, which these Engineers secretly, and im­sensibly turne about. So that what Archimedes did by the cleane strength of his ingenious Art, no lesse admirable, then commendable for the defence of his Citty, and Coun­trey against the Romanes: that doe this viperous brood by their Arte infernall, no lesse detestable then damnable (infused into them by that Romaine Architect or cheife machinator of all mischiefe) to betray their owne deare Mother Countrey into the hands of Rome, into the pawes of the Beast, and into the clawes of the Eagle; euen into the mercilesse crueltie, and tyranny of the Pope, and his most Catholique Sonne: so that in very truth, themselues are the men, that worke themselues daily into the fruiti­on of the calme of their wished consolation: and poore wee on the other side abide expecting, till the menacing clowd breake forth into a tempest vpon our heades. Wee as silly birds, like the Done without heart, sit, and looke on, till the fowler spread his net ouer vs; or like the foolish The Trout. fish, which beaking her selfe neere the banke, suffereth the fisher to tickle, and handle her lightly, till at length hee gripes her fast, and flings her on the Land: shall wee thus suffer Romes Fishers to play, and dally with vs, till by their smooth flatteries, they haue with a suddaine vnex­pected jerke cast vs out of our fresh pleasant riuers, that they may presently vnbowell vs, and put vs into their hotte boyling panne, and so deuour vs? shall thus the [Page 27] theife bee so vigilant, Vt iugulent ho­mines surgunt denocte l [...]tro­nes: Vt teipsum seruos, non ex­pergisceris? See Morrisons Trauels in the suruay of Rome. rising by night to kill men: and shall not honest men awake, to preserue themselues?

Hell no doubt enlargeth her mouth, as waiting for the e­uent of her Sonnes deepe designes, and machinations, that shee may deuoure such a precious morsell, as England is. This Hell is Rome, or rather the Popes Pallace there, from whence, through the Gate-Portusa, a faire way lea­deth downe to a place called The valley of Hell, to which place a direct way leadeth frō the Popes Pallace, neere vnto it. the valley of Hell. It is a preg­nant embleme of the Papall state. But the Pope here, by his very mentioning of Hells mouth enlarging it selfe, doth from hence fetch fire, to enflame his sonnes with a more violent ardour of hostilitye, telling them that they ought therefore to bee armed with the inuincible Buckler of a good resolution. But that he should withall impute vnto vs mor­tall crueltie, thirsting after the blood of Martyrs,: we cannot choose but take it for a fine frumpe, or rather for the Sar­denian laughter, a most bitter taunt. Wee cruell? vnlesse by shewing mercy to the Popes white sonnes, wee are therein most cruell to our owne selues, and so may prooue our selues to bee the Martyrs, whose blood that purple whore so thirsteth after. Or doe we thirst after the blood of Martyrs? doth the Pope imagine so, because England neuer since Queene Maries dayes so much as tasted any such like drinke, that now after so long abstinence, it should bee so thirsty? but what Martyrs? if he meane Romish rebels, traitors, murtherers, factious seducers, and the like: can­not our just lawes (which at first by such villanies were forced to bee made, and now by the like your Romish at­tempts are a fresh justly enough prouoked to bee executed) punish such miscreants, but you must charge vs with mortall cruelty, as thirsting after the blood of Martyrs? such Martyrs of yours, as justly suffered death, for their many treacheries, and treasons in that good Queene ELIZA­BETHS raigne, against her Royall person, Crowne, and Realme: farre vnlike those Martyrs of Christ, which suffer­ed fire and faggot in Queene MARIES dayes, for the Gospells sake. Or your late Martyrs, Garnet, Catesby, [Page 28] Piercy, Se Dr. Carieton Bp of Chiche­ster his thank­full remem­brance of Gods mercie worthy to be put in better practise. Digby, Tressam the two Winters, the two Wrigh [...] Rookwoad, Grant, Koyes, and Faux, those hellish Con­spiratours in the Gunpowder-treason. These be your Mar­tyrs: yet call yee vs cruell for executing but justice vpon such malefactors? Wee know you pretend, you exclaime, you suffer for religion, and therefore Martyrs. So did the Donatists in Saint augustines time, who beeing justly punished by Imperiall Lawes, for maintaining their schis­maticall factions, and se ducements, complayned they suf­fered Martyrdome: whom Saint Augustine reproueth. Hoc putant esse signum, &c. The Donatists account this to be the marke of a true Christian, if hee doe not practise, but suffer per­secution: But let them (saith hee) aske of the Apostle, what Church Sara figured, Aug. Bonifacio viro militari E­pist. 50. when she persecuted her bondmaid. Sure­ly in Sara, the Apostle saith, that the heauenly Ierusalem, to witt, the true Church of God, was figured, which afflicted the handmaid. Si autem melius discutiamus &c. And if wee better discusse the matter, the handmaid did more persecute Sara, by her insulting, then Sarab her, by hampering: for Hagar did iniurie her Mistresse, Sara disciplined her for her pride. A pregnant parallell to this purpose. Hee that is a Seruant, that ought to bee a dutifull, and peaceable sub­ject, playeth the insolent rebell, denyeth obedience, and subjection to his rightfull Soueraigne: the Soueraigne by just Lawes chastiseth such a rebell: whether of these is the Persecutor? whether of these is the Martyr? for nor paena, sed causa facit Martyrem, Aug. not the punishment, but the cause ma­keth the Martyr. But Pontificians suffer for Religion: for what Religion? not that of Christ, but for that, which is flat rebellion against Christ, and his Word, which streightly commandeth loyalty, and subjection to Princes, and Ma­gistrates. In that sense Popish Traytors may be said to suffer for Religion, such a Religion, which is so combined with re­bellion, that they can neither bee diuided, nor yet distin­guished: so that not vnfitly in this place (so much doth the Pope recommend and mention his Martyrs in this Breeus) may wee rancke them with those Heretiques cal­led [Page 29] Martyriam, whom Saint Augustine joyneth with the Satamani, in his 57. cap. de Haeres: These Martyriani were so called, for honouring one of their sect put to death by Luppieianus a Generall, as a Martyr of God, and Christian faith: with these consented the Satanici, or Satiniant, who worshipped Satan, as the Moderator of all their acti­ons, whose manners Saint Iude describeth. These also were consociated with the Euchitae, who despising labour, were all for praying, from whom the whole rabble of Monkes deriue their Order, But how farre the Pontificians symbolize with these, let their owne doctrines, and prac­tises witnesse.

But howsoeuer the great Ʋulcan of Rome heere plyeth his Forge, hee beates, while the Iron is hotte, to frame a compleate Armour for his Sonnes, and an inuincible buckler of a good resolution, concluding this clause with a rhetori­call gradation, that neither the prison, the racke, nor death it selfe should daunt them. But when you Pontificians be­ginne to call to arme against vs, your pretended enemies: is it not high time for vs to leaue our dallying, and in good earnest to buckle on our armour against your in­tended mischeifes? It followeth.

Among the brittish rockes of their shipwracke religion, Christs crosse hath beene a planke, which hath brought you into the Hauen of your desire. This Crosse you must embrace, by the vertue whereof, the bitternesse of punnish­ments is sweetned.


IF the Pope heere did rightly apply Christs Crosse in that sense, whereof the Scriptures spake, namely as it is taken for the conformable sufferings of Christs members: then might wee of the Church of England take vp this speach, and say, that by the Crosse of persecution in Queene [Page 30] MARIES dayes, wee did swimme from the shipwrake to the shoare in Queene ELIZABETHS time; the blood of Martyrs in that time being the seede, whereof this our Church, by the gracious dew of heauen, and plentifull showers of preaching, is sprung vp and increased to a most fruitfull harvest: and other shipwrake religion wee knowe none, but your Pontifician Religion, which is a totall apo­stacie from the faith of Christ, wherein you haue too ma­ny confederates euery where. Your owne Apostate Mar­cus Antonius de Dominis, Arch-Bishop of Spalatum, whose Italian spirit being mixed with your Romane, would not suffer him long to abide in the truth, which for a time he embraced among vs: he can tell you of Romish Rockes, of Christian shipwrake, from which in the name of the true Church of Christ, hee admonished all good Christians to keepe aloofe: hee nameth 12. in number, as the most pe­rillous, wherein to make shipwrake of faith; as 1. the Papacy, which is that great Idol-rocke: 2. Temporall power: 3. infolded faith: 4. Excommunication: 5. the Commande­ments of the Church: 6. false vnion: 7. the Masse: 8. Auri­cular confession: 9. Purgatory, together with satisfactions, & Indulgences: 10. Inuocation of Saints: 11. Images and Re­liques: 12. Merits. Against all these hee hath so learned­ly written, that you haue no other confutation of his booke, but your vsuall argument, the fire. But we will not herein too much presse his authority, as hauing mad­ly made shipwrake on those very rockes againe, after he had once swumme from them vpon the plancke of such a repentance, as issued from the light of his conscience, though not of a sound, and sauing faith. Hee came vnto vs, and hee went out from vs, because hee was not of vs: for had hee beene of vs, hee would no doubt haue continued with vs.

But wee haue better testimonie, then that of Marcus Antonius de Dominis, to proue yours to be the shipwracke Religion; the most cleare, and authentique Scriptures of the Lord himselfe. Vpon these Scriptures, as vpon a most [Page 31] impregnable Rocke, our Church, and the doctrine thereof are built: our religion, and faith is a sound ship in Gods harbour, which might there ride safe, and secure enough, but that your pyraticall sonnes seeke to rend it a sunder, tearing out the planckes, that hauing made shipwrake of the faith of Christ, they might swimme to Antichrist.

But it seemeth you hope for some shipwracke to bee made in this our Church, by some rent in the shippe through factious schismes, that so the brackish water of your Romish Sea, may enter in the leake, and so cause our wracke. But as long as we keepe our shippe tite in the vnitie of faith, safe and sound, wee feare not the force of all your Croyzadoes. And if our English Crosses of Iustice, were a little better put in vre against your ouerdaring sonnes, according to their demerits: your Crosse, you speake of, would proue but a poore planke to bring them to the hauen of her desires. Neither is this your Crosses, Christs Crosse, but Antichrists Crosse, an Idol of your owne making: your owne words proue it. Ye say, by the vertue thereof the bitternesse of punishment is sweetened: so that you ascribe a diuine vertue to your Crosse. Nor are wee igno­rant of your familiar blasphemies in this kind, in your frequent Orizons, and prayers made to this Idol: your Idol I call it, for you giue the same worship of Latria to it, which you say is proper to God alone. It is your God therefore. And saith your Sum p. 3. q. 25. 4. e. Thomas Aquinas, what­soeuer matter the Crosse is made off, wood, stone, Likely Cros­ses for poore Christ cruci­fied. siluer, Likely Cros­ses for poore Christ cruci­fied. gold, wee so worshippe the Crosse (saith he) as the Image of Christ, which wee worshippe with the adoration of Latria. And this he will proue by force of argument, saying; wee giue to that the worshippe of Latria, wherein wee put our hope of saluation but in the Crosse of Christ we put our hope of saluation: for the Church singeth, Dominica in Passione Domi­ni in hymno Aquin. ibid. Sed contra est. ô Crux, aue spes vnica, &c. O Crosse, haile thou our onely hope, therefore Christs Crosse is to be ado­red with the adoration of Latria: And as it is in the Romane Breuiary, Per fignum Crucis de inimicis no stris libera nos De­ius noster, by the signe of the Crosse deliuer vs O Lord from all [Page 32] our enemies. And againe, Lignum Crucis defendat me ab omnibus malis: let the wood of the Crosse defend mee from all euill: yea and in the Part. 2 tit. de benedictione no­uae crucis. Romane Pontificall, the Bishop in the benediction of the new Crosse, saith, Quasumus &c. wee pray thee (ô Csrist) to receiue this crosse, as thou didst that, which thou embracedst with thy hands; and as by that, the world was redeemed from guilt: so the most deuout soules of thy seruants here offering, may by the merrit of this Crosse, bee freed from all the sinnes they have committed. This is that standard, vnder which, as the God of your hosts, ye march, you sing, ecce signum Crucis, fugite partes aduersa: behold the ensigne of the Crosse, fly ye adn erse parties. To the vertue of this Crosse, you ascribe all your bloody Massacres, as when Henry Spencer Bishop of Norwich, at the becke of Pope Vrban 6. carrying hence an Armie into France, where winning a Towne, and putting all to the sword, man, woman, and child, it was sayd, sicque Crucis beneficio fact­um, vt Crucis hostes it a deberentur, quod vnus ex eis non reman­sit; such courage did the Popes absolution of all these his so signed Souldiers put into them. Yet (not to make you too proud of this your God) you may remember how often it hath failed you. To giue you but one in­stance: how sped your Holinesse, when against the Popes Leige Lord the Emperour Fredericke the 2. hee sent his crossed Armie, which the Emperour, for all their Crosses, dis­comfited, and as many as hee tooke aliue, ript off their crosses, as taking first away their charme, and then hang­ed them vp. Yea as Abbas Vrspergensis, recordeth (or ra­ther in his Paraleipomera) Fredericke marked them with crossed wounds, cutting some of their heads acrosse, and the like: see Albert Crantzius lib. 8. cap. 9. which exam­ple, with many more of the same nature considered, might somewhat dampe, and disharten your Catholique sonnes, thus to embrace your crosse, and take it vp in such a dis­loyall quarrell against their rightfull Soueraigne, whose just cause, the Omnipotent God aboue, will euer defend, maugre all such your superstitious Idols, wherein you [Page 33] trust, yea, though attended with all your falsehoods and forces. And no lesse vaine is the necessary you impose vpon your sonnes to imbrace this Crosse, as if by the ver­tue thereof the bitternesse of their just punishments should be sweetned. Alas poore soules what blame of Gilead can heale those gasping wounds; or asswage those griping torments of a guilty conscience, wounded with the rue­full remorse of disloyaltie, rebellion, treason? euen Ieza­bell may teach you, Had Zimri peace, that slew his Master? yea, what Traitour euer found peace of conscience by a­ny such meanes? But wee hope your sons, at least those of the Laity (whom your more sprightfull sonnes haue notwithstanding too much abused, in their ouer-credu­lous simplicity) as by avowing their fidelity to their Prince, and not intermedling with. but rather seeking by all meanes to frustrate, and put by all such wicked de­signes against their King, and Countrey, not onely them­selues may preuent those fatall punishments, which trea­sonable practises necessarily pull vpon the actors there­of; but may with their Prince, and common brethren, enioy those blessings, and comforts, which are the inse­perable rewards of vnity and peace. It followeth.

Consider Beloued sonnes, in what station yee stand, and to whose eyes you are made a spectacle: the Angeli­call Legiens doe flutter about you, which receiue in their golden viols the desires of the faithfull, and present them at the sanctuary of the mercy of the Omnipotent; heaven gates being set open, Christ not onely a beholder, but a rewarder, sheweth you the sacred tryumphs of your Citizens, whom purpled in their owne blood, England hath brought into the heavenly assemblies.


THe Pope goes on in his martiall style, and his Anti­christian [Page 34] blasphemies, that so throughout this whole Bull, hee might shew himselfe that blasphemous Beast in the Reuelation from horne to hoofe. Loe here his sent are in their seuerall stations, marshelled by their Generalls, and Captaines, ready for the fight, to which they are pro­voked by the consideration of those eyes, that behold them. Who are they? the Angelicall Legions, what are those? good or bad Angells? if any, they should be ra­ther the good Angells: for he attributeth vnto them the office of presenting the prayers of the faithfull in their golden violls at the mercy seat. As if that were the office of the heauenly Angells, which the Pope here seemeth absurd­ly to gather from that scripture Reu. 8. which is plainely spoken of the Angells Gods Ministers, being the mouth of Gods people, to offer the incense of prayer, and praise, and thankesgiuing vnto Christ (in that place) for open­ing the Booke of the Gospell to his Church, which had bin closed vp by the Church of Rome. Though here his Holi­nes would insinuate vnto his sons his Roman-Catholique practise, and doctrine of praying to Angells, that which the Holy Ghost sets downe expressely as a brand of Apo­stacy from Christ. Col. 2. 18. 19. So that this Angel worship is an other marke of the Beast, onely hee is a little shy of speaking broadly in a matter so grosse, especially to his sonnes in England, where the light of the Gospell doth easily detect and vnmaske such Popish trumperie; and as the Father here dealeth tenderly in such tickle points: so his Priestly sons obserue the same rule here in England, a­mong their disciples, with whom they must deale very cau­telously, smoothing over their rougher doctrines, and qua­lifying them with sugar, lest they should proue too tart to those palates, which might happily haue had some tast of sundry doctrines in this Church. But after that their Roman-Catholique disciples are once hardened, and their stomackes strong enough to digest, then they dare loade them with stronger meates, and reueale vnto them the more hydden mysteries of their Romish religion. This is ob­serued [Page 35] vnto vs by one, Dr. Sheldon in his suruey of the miracles of Antichrist. who once had beene too well ac­quainted with such proceedings, when he was a Popish Priest, till it pleased God by the light of his truth to bring him home vnto vs, and make him a worthy member of our Church, and a pregnant instrument to detect Antichrist, with his delusions.

But whereas your father-hood tells your sonnes of the Legions of Angells fluttering about them, if you speake of the good Angells: herein we poore of the Church of Eng­land comfort our selues against these your vaine boast­ings, and lying confidence. For wee are sure those legi­ons are ministring spirits, Heb. 1. sent forth to minister for them, which shall be heires of saluation: those Angells haue a charge o­ver Gods seruants to keepe them in all their wayes: they pitch their tents round about them that feare God, and deli­uer them. They are as an army of fierie chariots, ready to de­fend one of Gods Prophets, against a whole band of ene­mies. Therefore in these heauenly Legions, your Sonnes can haue no confidence at all for protection. For how can your sonnes be the heires of saluation, to whom you vtterly deny the meanes of saluation, as is sauing faith in Christ? what charge can they haue to protect your sonnes, whom you cause to goe out of their waies, by re­belling against God, and their King? yea rather you, and your sonnes may justly feare, that those Angells shall stand with their swords drawne to stoppe your course, and to cut you off, as that Angell did to Balaam, because your waies are peruerse before God. And know, that if you per­sist in seeking the ruine of our Ierusalem, one of those An­gells is sufficient to smite, and slay a million of you in one night, when you dreame of no such thing. But if by those Legions, fluttering about your Sonnes, you meane the Legions of Diuells; these indeed no lesse delight in rebel­lions, treasons, and massacres, then your Holinesse doth, and when you haue done your worke, will be as ready to pay your wages.

But for Christ in heauen, although you most impious­ly [Page 36] blaspheme, in making him an approuer of your dam­nable practises, and plots: yet rightly vnderstood, true it is, hee sits in heauen, hee beholds all your machinations, and will most certainly bee a seuere rewarder of all Popish impieties against God, and his Lieutenants here on earth: hee sits, and sees, he will laugh, and deride you; he will speake vnto you in his wrath, Psal. 2. and vexe you in his sore dis­pleasure.

For the purpled Martyrs, whom England hath sent in­to the heauenly assemblies: true it is, being vnderstood of the true Martyrs of Christ, whom in the dayes of Queene MARY, the Antichristian crueltie of Rome, rather then England, sent be purpled in their owne innocent blood, in­to those heauenly assemblies, of their fellow Martyrs and Saints. But those you here call Martyrs, who in Eng­land haue suffered just punishments, for their fowle crimes, and abominable treasons, those without repen­tance dying embrued in their owne blood, were no doubt sent thither, where not all your purgatory flames, though neuer so hotte, can purge away the least slaine of such hellish guilt. So that betweene these Romish Martyrs, and those our English, there is so great a gulph set, that there is an impossibilitie of the least communion of socie­tie. But wee deny not, wee enuy not (but pitie rather) that all such your Romish Martyrs goe all to one place, who as they are confederates in the same crimes, so it is just, that they should bee associates in the same place, and state of condemnation. It followeth.

The anxious prayers of the mournefull Church desire of God for you the spirit of Charity, and Fortitude. The counsels of the Apostolique senate, and the prayers of Christendome, take care of your safety, in so large a theater of heaven and earth; what rigour of year con­stancy, what sublimitie of a tryumphant mind becomes it you to haue in you? The counsels of your predecessors [Page 37] haue beene in the like ieopardy, the lights of the holy Ghost, and the armour of light bee your wise oracles, and your actions the examples of fortitude.


IN the former clause the Pope animates his sonnes, as being a spectacle of Christ, and Angels: here he sets them in the large theater of Heauen and Earth. No doubt they are to play some notable prize: Or rather hee brings them forth into the open field, where the maine battle is to be fought. Hee is now growne to that confidence in his Pontifician forces, as hee scorneth any more to goe to worke by digging and delving, and close vndermining; hee will try it out by dint of sword. To this end hee calls mightily vpon his sonnes for fortitude, for rigid constancy, for sublimitie of a triumphant mind, for such bright armour, for such braue actions, as may be the examples of fortitude. This whole clause breathes nothing, but Arme, Arme. Now is Antichrist come to his full height; hee will now aduenture his Kingdome in one maine battle: now is the time in all appearance, for the fulfilling of that Pro­phecie Reu. 17. it would be set downe in Capitall letters. THE TEN HORNES, TEN KINGS, HAVE ONE MIND, GIVE THEIR POVVER AND STRENGTH VNTO THE BEAST: THESE SHALL MAKE WARRE WITH THE LAMBE, AND THE LAMB SHALL OVERCOME THEM: FOR HE IS LORD OF LORDS, AND KING OF KINGS; AND THEY THAT ARE WITH HIM, ARE CALLED, AND CHOSEN, AND FAITHFVLL. The preparation vnto this warre, (marke it, and marke it well, all yee on the Lambes side) is set downe in the former chap. vpon the powring out of the vyoll of the 6. Angell (which noteth this very last time, im­mediately foregoing the seuenth Angell, at the powring forth of whose vyoll, is the finall, and fatall consummati­on [Page 38] all these earthly states) three vncleane spirits like froggs came out of the mouth of the Dragon, and out of the mouth of the Beast, and of the mouth of the false Pro­phet: for they are the spirits of Diuells, working miracles, which go forth to the Kings of the earth, and of the whole world to gather them to the battail of that great day of God Almigh­ty. Loe here this fulfilled before our eyes this day: when were there more swarmes of Iesuites (those vncleane spi­rits, those frogs, those spirits of Diuells, that seduce with lyes that teach doctrines of Diuells) and that, as is to bee doubt­ed, in England, where this battaile is mainely intended to be fought, then at this day? how doth the Pope here ani­mate and incite them, and how vigilant and diligent are these froggs, to arme states, and kingdomes here, and else where, yea, like those froggs of Egipt, crawling into Kings Chambers, by their Croking and crowching, to gather them to this great battaile of the great day of God Almighty. Now, euen now (I say) is this a doing; and for their better successe, and good speede in this battaile, they haue the anxious prayers of the mournefull Church. But blessed be God our comfort is, they be but the anxious prayers of the malignant Church, not of the truly Militant. For the Pope speakes of his owne Roman Catholique Church, that Antichristian, Apostatized Church, that whore of Babilon, that enemy of Christ, and his word; That Church, whose prayers; are abomination to the Lord; for as much as they not onely proceede of infidelitie, and want of true faith in God, which they haue altogether abandoned, and accurssed, as in their councell of Trent: but because also they are powred out for obtaining of their most wicked ends, and purposes, as the dishonour of God, treasons, and rebellions, murthers, and massacres, and all mischiefes. God forbid, such prayers, for all their anxiety, should prevaile with God. Nay, God hath forbid it, as he hath forbid such abominable prayers. What successe had the Popes anxious prayers against poore Luther Hist. Concil. Tr [...]d Latin. editio. pag. 9. wher­in he solicited Christ, Peter, Paul, all the Gods, and God­desses, [Page 39] the whole Roman Catholique Church, militant, and triumphant. Or what successe had all his solemne processi­ons, his new letanies to the Blessed Virgin in Spaine, and else where, in behalfe of the invincible Armado? So little feare is there of any such prayers, though neuer so anxi­ous.

But alas! would to God our sinnes were not more pre­valent to pull vpon vs the plague of your spirit of Charitie, and fortitude, then your prayers: which your prayers if they proue to haue any force at all against vs, it is from the impotent strength of our iniquities, not of any your pietie. Wee feare not that awfull name of the Church, though neuer so mournefull, which you arrogate to your selues and appropriate to Rome; Although wee know that the prayers of the true Church, when shee is most mournefull, are most powerfull with God. Wee feare not the bead-rolles of your Babelling prayers, your Aue-Maries, your Masses, your solemne Processions, and infinit such trumperies. Wee know that your God, is not as our God, euen your owne consciences being witnesses, and so manifold externall euidences of his diuine dealing in mercy for vs, in judgement against you, in all those for­mer attempts of yours against vs. And know O Romish sinagogue, that in vaine doe yee machinate, and meditate the ruine of this faire Church, and state, if wee bee true but to this our God, who hath euer been so true to vs: your warre against vs shall not preuaile, if wee labour to bee at peace with him. Your prayers shall bee of no force, where our faithfull and mournefull prayers interpose them­selues. If God, as euer hitherto, bee on our side, how shall you bee against vs: Doe you not remember how many times, how mightily, how miraculously our God hath defended vs, and defeated you? how he frustrated your proud confidence in that your invinsible Nauy in 88. as he did the Aegiptians in the Red Sea? doe yee not remember, how in your Gunpowder plott, wherein you digged as deepe as hell, presuming no eye saw you, yet his all-seeing eye es­pied [Page 40] you, and descried all your councells, to cause the heads of those principall powers to bee mounted as high aboue the Parliament house, as they mined vnderneath it? Vpon what confidence then dare you now renew your old attempts? doe you take our God for a changeling? But yee presume we are become changelings, to make God our enemie. God forbid. Wee haue not yet forsaken our God, as yee haue done: Yet we must needes confesse to our owne shame, that we haue not walked worthy of, nor answerably vnto, all those precious mercies, and bles­sings of God, which from his good hand vpon vs, wee haue enjoyed for these many yeeres, euen to the astonishment, and swelling enuy of all our enemies. Wee haue too much declined from our first loue: wee haue not rendred to the Lord in thankefulnesse, according to all his goodnesse to­wards vs: wee haue not been so zealous of his glory, in maintaining his truth in the purity of it, and in suppres­sing ouer audacious heresie, and Idolatrie among vs, af­fronting vs to our face. The Lord be mercifull to vs here­in. And know, O yee Pontificians, that one publique fast, of our Church solemnly, and sincerely kept, in humiliati­on for our manifold and great sinnes shall quash, and quell all your Dirges, and Masses, all your solemne prayers, and Processions, all your hypocriticall fasts, and crossings, and whatsoeuer superstitious trumperies, yee can deuise a­gainst vs. Did yee not heare, did not the fame thereof eccho vpon Romes gates, what a wonderfull mercy the Lord shewed to this Land the last yeare, when vpon the very day of our publike fast throughout the Land, being the second of August, (a day worthy to be put in the Ru­brick of our perpetuall thankesgiuing) vpon that very day (I say) God began euen miraculously to stoppe that sad and vnseasonable influence of heauen, wherewith our fields, now waxing white to the haruest, were so pittifully drenched, that almost all hope of harvest, was drowned in our feare of a deluge in stead thereof: yet e­ven then began the heauens to cleare, and cheare vp their [Page 41] clowdy, and angry countenance; when wee began to weepe, they began to smile; and from that day forward continued so extraordinarily, and constantly faire, with­out one dayes intermission, vntill by Gods fauour, they brought vs in not onely an harvest in season, but in an extraordinary aboundance? hath the Lord done thus to vs for temporall things vpon such our humiliation, and will not be also for spirituall much more when wee tru­ly sett our selues to seeke his face and fauour in the pardon of our sinnes? Assuredly he will. And as you may remember our deliverance from your Gunpowder plott vpon the fifth of Nouember: so yee may bee pleased to re­cognize, how the same God sent a fearefull vengance, in bringing the same A house in the Black Fryers in London, where the Papists were assembled to heare a popish Sermon, by Gods iust iudgment wonderful in our eyes, fell downe sodain­ly vpon them, and slew many scores of them. House downe vpon your heads, when there yee being solemnely assembled, began to erect your Dagon cheeke by joule by Gods Arke, and to aduance the Throne of your Antichrist euen in the face of Christs Tribunall: and all this (remember, and marke it well) vpon your very fifth of Nouember. Remember I say, and forget it not, that it may teach you to tremble before that God of Ours: and euer may we also remember it, for thankefullnesse to our God, for vindicating his owne cause, and glory against such proud, and insolent affronts. Well, consult (I say) lay your heads, ioyne you forces together, arme your selues with as much might, as yee haue malice against vs, we feare you not, so long as we shall oppose our religious, to your anxious prayers. Wee praying and humbling our selues, as behoues vs, yee shall no more pre­vaile against vs, then Amaleck did against Israell, while Moses bands were held vp. The Lord giue all his people grace to put on the true Armour of Light, euen the whole Armour of God, whereby wee may stand fast in the euill day. Then shall wee be sure, that not all your spirit of charitie, (which is nothing else, but the spirit of malignitie, and confederacie against Christ) now your spirit of fortitude (which is the spirit of all lawlesse daring against God and his Gospell) shall any whit auaile you.

[Page 42] In the meane time, yee mightily triumph in your hopes, as if already yee had the victorie. So yee did in 88▪ so at the Gunpowder plot. Yee may now as well as then, reckon before your Host. Yet it is good for vs to take notice of this your confidence of triumph. It may teach vs, though not to feare your brags, yet not to bee secure, but to prouide betimes to preuent your triumphs, and to turne the exam­ples of your fortitude, into the examples, and spectacles of confusion, iustly falling vpon such Giant-like fighters, against God, and his Word.

But beside your anxious prayers, you haue your councels; yea councels of your onely Apostolicke inerrabilitie, of your Apostolicke Senate, Papa est lex a­nimata in terris Gloss. lib. 1. tit. 14. & iura om­nia in pectore censetur habere. your Conclaue of Cardinals drawing all their councells from your Holinesse breast. For that is the proper seate of all your Senatorian power and councells. Your predecessor Pope Nicholas the third, assumed to him­selfe the whole Senatorian power; he, by decree, shut out all other temporall regiment in Rome and about, and sub­iected it all to his Apostolick Soueraintie. This now is your Apostolicke Senate. Thus you proue your selfe that Beast, bearing the Image of the former; to wit, of the ancient secular Roman power: Reuel. 13. Thus you exercise the whole power thereof, being perpetuall Dictator, hauing Consular and Senatorian power, which ioyn'd with Aposto­licke, showeth you to bee both the seauenth and the eighth Head of that great Beast, and so insumme, that Antichrist. Your Apostolicke Senate is of no lesse power, then that an­cienter Roman Senate, to whom it belonged to admit into, or to reiect from the number of their Gods, whom they pleased. So that Tiberius the Emperour could not preuaile to haue Christ sainted for a God, because the Senate forsooth had not first allowed of it. And doth not your Apostolicke Senate the same? You saint and defie whom you please, And Christ himselfe is no farther God with you, but as you limit him, by diuiding his Prerogatiues among your other pettie Gods & Saints: yea his mother you set aboue him, & your own Apostolicke Senats aboue all, in Heauen & earth.

[Page 43] You told vs before, you feared our Counsels. What need you? You haue all counsell in your Apostolike Conclaue. You can say to vs, as once your predecessor See Fox his Mon. pag. 243. This was the Pope Innocent, that first ordai­ned, that his Cardinals should weare red hats, when they rode a­broad, not on­ly for conspi­cuousnes, but to put them in minde to bee ready, to shed blood for the safety of their Roman Ca­tholike faith and christians. Innocent the fourth, to Henry the third King of England, when hee went about to restraine Papall vsurpation in this Kingdome: Rex Anglorum (in quis) qui jam recalcitrat & Frederiz at, suum habet consilium: ego vero & meum habeo, quod & sequur. The English King (saith he) who now kicketh with the heele, and playeth the Fredericke, hath his Counsell: and I also haue my Counsell which I will follow. Of the two, we feare more your counsels, then your prayers. But forasmuch as you spare not here to blaspheme also the Holy Ghost: our trust is, he will befoole all your Counsels. Dare your father your im­pious Counsels, and confederacies vpon the Holy Ghost, that his Lights should be your Oracles? Dare you ascribe your Counsels of darknesse to the illuminations of the Holy Ghost? Surely your Holinesse is deceiued. Is it not that spirit, which (as some of the Cardinals with their Pope Iohn the twentie two, Synodus Lug­dunensis. sitting in a Counsell at Rome, praying for the presence of the Holy Ghost, said) appeared in the likenesse of an oughly Owle, Nic. Clemangis. out staring the Pope in his face? This indeed is a liuely embleme of that Spirit, by whose Oracle your Apostolicke counsels are directed. But neuer for shame goe about to perswade the world, that your counsels for treasons, and rebellions, for absoluing subiects from their fidelitie, and allegiance, are the illumi­nations of the Holy Ghost. So was Mahomets Doue his Holy Ghost. So his epilepsian or comitiall fit, but a trance, where­in he talked with his Angell Gabriell. So might Baronius. Eugenius the third, your predecessor, haue two holy Ghosts at once attending vpon him, while, as he was saying Masse, two Doues miraculously ascended and descended vpon him. So Zedechiah the false Prophet might perswade he had the Spirit intail'd to him, as you to Peters chaire, when he said to Michaiah, When went the spirit from me, to speake vnto thee? So did Numa Pompilius your Romane Law-giuer found and father his Lawes vpon his familiar conference [Page 44] with his fained goddesse Egeria. Such is your Holy Ghost. I quake to repeat the words of your blasphemies. And for your Armour of light, what is it but Pistols, Stellettoes, Poysons, your vsuall weapons, whereby you perpetrate those hellish workes of darknesse, which who so putteth not off, can neuer put on the Armour of Light.

Yet notwithstanding all these blasphemies, which shall certainly hasten confusion to Babels pride; notwithstan­ding their vaine confidence in many prayers, which for all their number, want weight: yet, forasmuch as at this pre­sent, they set all their Counsels a worke for the bringing to passe of some damnable plot against this Church and State, which by all apparant signes, so farre as wee may gather from the language of Babell in this Papall Bull (wherein his Holinesse is still vp with Constancy, and Forti­tude, animating his sonnes to a sublimitie of a triumphant mind, and to be ready to vndergoe imprisonment, the racke, death; whereof, for ought that wee can see, there is no such occasion giuen to speake, but rather the contrary, in re­gard of the great mildnesse vsed towards them; and the large libertie they enioy) cannot bee any other designe, but some strong and sudden Inuasion, whereby to subiugate this poore Church, and State to Papall thraldome, and to the Iberian (in plaine English) Spanish crueltie: this may bee a sufficient warning to awaken vs out of our sweet slumber, and to buckle on out Armour, to defend our Religion, Countrey, Liues, Libertie, the noble England, against this proud Antichrist, and all his Confederates. It followeth.

ANd if violence proceed so farre, as it compell you, to that pernicious, and vnlawfull Oath of Alleagi­ance of England, remember that your prayer is heard of the whole assemblies of the Angels beholding you; and let your tongues cleaue to your gummes, before you cause the authoritie of blessed Peter to bee diminished with that [Page 45] forme of Oath. For that is not all, that fidelitie be kept to the King, but that the sacred Scepter of the Catholique Church be wrung from the Vicars of God Almightie; that which our predecessor Paul the fifth of blessed memorie in so graue a deliberation decreed, that ought yee altogether to obserue, as the decree of truth. Beloved sonnes, this tribute due to the Prince of the Apostles, no threats of men, or flatteries, ought at any time to extort from you; they that perswade you otherwise, those prophecie to you a lying vision, and a fraudulent divination. For sooner ought the sword of the mightie, to take away from a Christian man his life, then his faith. Yea, if an Angell from Heaven teach you otherwise, then the Apostolique truth, let him bee accursed.


A [...]ter the skirmish all this while, at length his Holinesse comes to the maine battell, wherein the sinewes of Pontifician strength consists, and wherein Antichrist shewes himselfe in his Colours displayed. Here he valiantly cuts in sunder the Gordian knot of all ciuill societie; not as Peter, cutting off onely the eare, but the whole head from the body. For the summe of this clause is, to charge his sonnes by no meanes to suffer the Oath of Allegiance to bee imposed vpon them eyther by flatterie, or by force. But why should his Holinesse bee so streight laced for the taking of the Oath, seeing hee can with a wet finger, ab­solue or dissolue it at his pleasure? Henry the third, King of England knew this too well, when trusting still to the purchase of Papall absolutions, hee would not sticke to sweare, and seale to solemne couenants made with his Nobles in Parliament, which to breake at his pleasure, it was but sending to Rome. But the case (it seemeth) stan­deth now vpon more tickle termes. Something is to bee [Page 46] done out of hand, which eyther will not admit of the Oath, as being a clogge to resolution; or admitted; cannot tarie for an absolution from Rome, as being an impedi­ment to speedy execution. But come wee to the words as they lye.

If violence proceeded so farre, as to compell you to that per­nitious, and vnlawfull Oath of Allegiance of England, &c. Surely such oathes of fidelitie, as must bee extorted from subiects to their lawfull Prince, are scarce worthy to bee trusted; Slaues and not subiects require such violence. Yet indeed if an Oath be pernitious, and vnlawfull, not violence it selfe should extor it. But the Oath of Allegiance of Eng­land (saith his Holinesse of Rome) is pernitious, and vnlaw­full. Pernitious, to whom? To his Holines: vnlawfull? By what law, by none, But his Holinesse owne law. When (till the Pope broached it) was an Oath of fidelitie, be­tweene Subiects, and Prince, vnlawfull; let the Pope show this (I say not, in the sacred, but) in any pro­phane storie, yea or in the Turkes Alcoran. But it is e­nough, if the Pope saith it. But if violence, &c. Remem­ber that your prayer is heard of the whole assembly of the An­gels beholding you. Remember? Since when? Or whence know they this? The Pope tels them so. But why the Angels? Were it not more comfort to bee heard of God, then of the whole assembly of the Angels? But what if the Angels bee otherwise, other where imployed, as in remo­test parts, of heauen, or earth, farre from the sight of Eng­land? What if the Popes sonnes doe not pray lowd enough, as to be heard of the whole assembly of Angels? They had need cry a loud, as Elias told the Priests of Baal. But least, as Elias, wee prouoke their Zeale too much, to launch their flesh, we will passe ouer this; only noting againe (being oc­casioned a fresh) that this Angell seruice, so much estee­med; and commended by the Pope to his sonnes, is a most infallible marke of that Antichrist and great Apostate from Christ the Head, as Col. 2. 18. 19.

And let your tongue cleaue to your gummes, before, &c. It [Page 47] was a part of Israels song in Babilon: If I remember not thee. O Ierusalem, let my tongue cleaue to my gummes &c. And loe here the King of the spirituall Babilon, vsurpes this Scrip­ture, and would haue his sonnes, conversing in Iury, rather to suffer their tongues to cleaue to their gummes, then suffer the honour of Babylon, of Rome, to be impeached. Yea but the Pope saith not so; but Rather then you cause the autho­ritie of blessed Peter to bee diminished with that forme of Oath. What is this to Babylon? Yes. For Peter from Ba­bylon, writ his Epistles. What is this to Rome? Yes saith the Pope, Peter was now at Rome, which he calleth Baby­lon. A sound proofe that Peter was at Rome. Rather shall Rome be Babylon, then the Pope will want Proofe, that Pe­ter was at Rome. For else how shall the Pope be Peters suc­cessour? But admit Peter was at Rome: must therefore the Pope bee Peters Successour: But Peter was Byshop of Rome. To omitt invinsible arguments against it, sup­pose that too. Yet the Pope can neuer prooue that Peter was Pope of Rome. Great difference betweene the Byshops of Rome, and the Popes of Rome, yea the Pope of Rome, [...]. The Byshops of Rome, till Constantine the Great, were all, or most of them Martyrs: all of them were of equall jurisdiction with other Patriarches, onely preceding them in order of place, not of power, till Boni­face the 3. vsurped his Supremacie over all Byshops, with his Papall Motto, Volumus & Jubemus, we will and command; after this also, all were subiect to the Emperour, till Grego­ry the 7. None of them wore any such thing as a single Diadem, till Syluester, none the triple crowne, till Boniface the 8. Yet now forsooth all Papall power and Pompe must be deriued from blessed Peter, which (alas good man) he never had. But (to incist in the present purpose) where or when, or whence had blessed Peter any such Soueraine­ty, and authority over Kinges, and their Kingdomes? you haue pregnant proofes for it: as Christ said to Peter, Feede my sheepe: that is, saith your Bellarmine, Regi [...] more Impe­ra, Raigne as Kings. But Peter was of another minde: as [Page 48] where he teacheth: Byshops not to be as Lords ouer Gods he­ritage, but as examples to the flocks. And submit your selues to every ordinance of man, for the Lords sake, whether it be to the King, as Supreme. What saith your Holinesse to this; we know you want not shiftes, as here to accept, and exempt Peter himselfe. What can yee not say, while yee can abuse the Scriptures themselues, as you list? Peters feeding of Christs flocks, you can turne to Kingly raigne, and con­vert Peters sheepehooke, into a papall Scepter. Christ bid Pe­ter, launch out into the deepe: here (say you) the Pope hath power giuen him to fish all the world. Thus, yee neede never want Scripture to proue your Papall Paradoxes. But what say you to Peters paying of Tribute to the Emperor for Christ and himselfe, at Christs appointment? Is not Tribute a to­ken of subiection? But from this very place, your Bellar­mine can learnedly proue Peters Supremacie over all. But over Princes too? Yes by the bye, in directly, at least in ordine ad spirituali, yea, the Pope Ʋrban himselfe, no lesse learnedly, then Papally, interprets that place of the Tri­bute in the fishes mouth, saying, Causa. 23. q. 8. Tributum in Gratian. that by the piece of money in the fishes mouth, is meant onely the exteriour things of the Church, which she giueth to Kings, to defend Her in peace, but not the Pontificall Apex or Supremacie, which is supere­minent in the mouth of the head of the Church. So the Pope. Though Christ said, Pay that for Me and Thee, speaking expressely of their persons, implying the subiection of Ec­clesiasticall persons to Emperours, and Kings. And as the Glosse confesseth, Tributum est signum subiectionis: Tribute as a signe of subiection. And yet more, rather then faile, Car­dinall Baronius hath taken in hand to proue the Pop [...]s Su­premacie, as well Papall, as Sacerdocall, from the very sha­dow of Peter, Act. 5. 15. which shadow the Pope retaining in himselfe, makes him a complete Lord Paramount. Thus by hooke or by crooke you will haue it, though all proue to bee but a shadow. But will you, nill you, both Peters practise, and Peters doctrine are flatte contrary to yours, and crosseth all your Glosses; nor haue you so much as a shadow for it.

[Page 49] Yet if your plea from Peter, as his Successor, will not hold water: yee adde ad corroborandum titulum; your plea from Christs Ʋicarship. You say, that is not all, that fidelitie be kept vnto the King, but that the sacred Scepter of the Catholike Church bee wrung from the Ʋicars of God Almightie. That you here againe sleight our gracious King, not vouchsafing him the title of King of England, or your sonnes King, wee maruell not; we smell your secret reseruation, either that he is no King, that holds not his crowne of your holinesse; or that the Kingdome of England in speciall, is none other­wise to bee holden, but as in King Iohns time, in see of the Pope. But great reason you should haue regard to your Ca­tholike, or rather your Romane Catholike Church. For sure the Catholike Church of Christ neuer had any such sacred Sep­ter, as you speake of, to which the disposall of Kings, and Kingdomes is subiect. But your Romane hath, and there­fore not Catholike. Whence then haue you this sacred Sep­ter? by vertue of your Ʋicarship of God Almightie. Doe not now equiuocate with vs: or, goe not about to found a new Ʋicarship: yet this is not the first time, you and your Prede­cessours of late dayes haue entituled your selues Gods Ʋi­cars. As in that inscription or Dedication to Paul 5. Paulo V. vice Deo. (whom by and by yee name) Paulo V. 5. V. Vice Deo: to Paul V. vice God: whereof the numerall letters, 5. L. as well in the Latine as in the English, 5. V. make vp the number of the beast, 5. V. 666. you were wont formerly to content your selues with the title of Christs Ʋicar: 100. C. but now must yee be the Ʋicars of God, 500. D. of God Almightie: that from thence you may deriue an omnipo­tencie to your selues, as it was added to that former inscripti­on: Paulo V. vice Deo, totius orbis Christiani, Monarchae & Pon­tificiae omnipotentiae defensori acerrimo: To Paul 5. vice God, the Monarch of the whole Christian world, and the most stout defender of the Papall omnipotencie. No maruell then, if you entitle your selues, the Ʋicars of God Almightie, rather then of Christ.

But (you will say) all comes to one reckoning, sith Christ is God Almightie; and therefore it is all one to be the Vicar of [Page 50] Christ, & of God almightie. By your fauour, no: for although Christ be God almightie yet in this case of your pretended Vicarship it is one thing to say Christs Ʋicar: another, God Almighties Vicar. Christs Vicar here on earth wee acknow­ledge none, but his owne and the Fathers holy Spirit; him, Christ sent to supply his stead, at his ascension. This Spirit gouernes and directs his Church into all truth. This is that other Comforter, the spirit of truth By this spirit Christ is pre­sent with his Church to the end of the world. But for any one visible, and singular Vicar, Christ hath appointed none, the Church acknowledgeth none. As for any Vicar generall vi­sible of God almightie, simply considered as God, and gouer­nour, and iudge of all here on earth, wee acknowledge not any. Onely all lawfull Magistrates, as Kings and Princes, are as so many Vicegerents of God almightie, to gouerne and moderate their peculiar Dominions, in, for, and according to God, and his word; these be Gods Lieutenants here on earth, and therefore called Gods. Now giue me leaue to tell you, that the iurisdiction of God almighty here on earth is di­stinct from that of Christ. Gods iurisdiction is also in things temporall: Christs iurisdiction as Mediator is in things spi­rituall. These two iurisdictions are not compatible, not co­incident, or concurrent in their totall extent in any one man. Onely the outward politie of the Church, both as touching persons, and causes Ecclesiasticall, are subordina­ted to God almighties Lieutenants here on earth, as all su­preame Magistrates: so that in this regard, those that are Christs Vicegerents in common, as all faithfull Ministers of the Gospell, who are Christs Legats, or Ambassadors (2. Cor. 5. 28.) are for their persons, and outward estate subiect to God almighties Lieutenants, set ouer them.

So that if you will confine your selfe to the title of Christs Vicar: first, as no man is capable of that title, as you chal­lenge it: so neither can you by vertue thereof shew you haue any such power deriued vpon you from Christ; for Christ left, or bequeathed no other kinde of power to his Church, but such as himselfe, as he was the Minister of the [Page 51] Gospell exercised in his Ministers here on earth. Now Christ in that dispensation of his, exercised no such power or iuris­diction ouer Kings, and Princes; yea, he practised the con­trary; he submitted himselfe to pay tribute to Caesar; yea, to be iudged at Caesars barre, from which the Pope hath ex­empted himselfe, and Clergie, by his papall decrees. And was it, because Christ wanted power to vindicate and defend himselfe from Caesars power? No surely. With the breath of his mouth his apprehenders fell backward to the ground. Hee had twelue legions of Angels in readinesse to defend him.

Object. But had not Christ, as being God, soueraigne po­wer ouer Kings and Princes, to dispose of their kingdomes, and the like, if it had pleased him?

Answ. Christ the Mediatour (the office whereof he came to execute) is to be considered, not simply as God, but as hee was God-man. In that regard the power of his dispensation, was limited by his Father, that sent, and appointed him. So that Christ said, I came to doe, not mine owne will, but the will of him that sent me. Not that Christs will was contrary to his fathers, but subordinate onely, as Mediatour, to doe that which the father appointed him, and no more. Christ would not, must not goe beyond his Commission, receiued of the father. Now the Father gaue him no such commission of a temporall iurisdiction, no not so much as in small causes. When those two brethren came to him, intreating him to diuide their inheritance betweene them: hee refused, saying, Who made me a Iudge, Luke 12. v. 14. or a diuider ouer you? Hee had no com­mission in such things from the Father. And if not in smal­ler matters, as that was, how much lesse ouer Emperours and Kings.

Obiect. But although Christs power was limited, during his abode on earth in the state of his humiliation: yet after▪ his resurrection, hee receiued an absolute, and vnlimited po­wer: as he saith, All power is giuen mee in heauen and earth: from this power doth the Pope, as Christs Ʋicar challenge a Supremacie ouer Kings and States, to depose, dispose, &c.

[Page 52] Answ. When Saint Iohn in that vision saw the great where, that Beast full of the names of blasphemie, hee wondred with great admiration. But when wee see this blasphemous Beast not in a vision, but with open eyes, how can we choose but greatly wonder? for this very speech of Christ, the Pope assumes as spoken of himselfe, and that in as full, yea, more ample māner, then Christ applied it to himselfe. For although by this speech Christ declared himselfe to his Disciples, and so to his Church, to be the Sonne of God consecrated for euer Lord ouer all, to the great comfort of his drooping Disci­ples, now at his departure: yet herein doth not Christ show any alteration in the dispensation of his Ministery, deputed to his Disciples. Hee doth not hereby inuest his Ministers with a larger power and commission, then himselfe execu­ted in his owne person, while hee was with them; for what followeth? All power is giuen me in heauen, and earth: go ye therefore and teach all Nations, baptizing them, &c. Hee saith not, Goe yee therefore, and exercise this power of mine ouer the Kings of the earth, and if they will not obey your Ministerie, de­pose them, or absolue their people from their allegiance, and dis­pose you of their Kingdomes to whom you will. Much lesse said he any such thing to Peter alone: Goe Thou therefore, and haue thou all power in heauen and earth, for thee, and for thy successour in the See of Rome. No such thing. All the power that Christ delegates to his Disciples, and that in common men, is for their Ministeriall function, to preach the Word▪ and administer the Sacraments. Herein Peter had but his share with the rest of his fellowes. They were ioyned in e­quall Commission, none aboue another; much lesse aboue others in any Temporall Iurisdiction. To this their functi­on, Christ to animate and arme them, against all difficulties, and discouragements, either in regard of their owne infir­mities, and naturall disabilities, or of the worlds malice and might in opposing them: hee tels them, All power is giuen me in heauen, and earth: Goe yee therefore, &c. Feare nothing, for I, who haue all power giuen me in heauen and earth, am with you, and will be with you to the end of the world. And it is worth [Page 53] the noting, that this last charge, which Christ (now leauing the world, and so his Disciples, as concerning his bodily presence) gaue vnto them, hee gaue it in common to them all, without putting difference: which plainly sheweth, that Christ left no Supremacie to Peter ouer the rest of his fel­lowes, as the Pope vsurpeth, which otherwise no doubt hee would haue expressed, if it had bene such an Article of faith, whereupon depended the necessitie of saluation, as Pontificians teach.

Yet for all this, the Pope will needes (as Christs Ʋicar) challenge these words to himselfe, and be an equall sharet with him in them, All power is giuen mee in heauen and earth. For they say, De Concil. au­thor. l. 2. cap. 17. Christ and the Pope haue but one Consistorie; and, saith Bellarmine, Nomina omnia, quae in scripture is tribuun­tur Christo (vnde constat cum esse supra Ecclesiam) eadem omnia tribuuntur Pontifici. All names, which are giuen to Christ in the Scriptures) whereby he is declared to bee ouer the Church) all those same are attributed to the Pope. Thus in the Councell of Latera they called Pope Leo 10. the Lyon of the Tribe of Iu­dah; and many other names of Blasphemie, which are spoken personally of Christ: Extrauag. com. vnam sanctam. yea the Pope himselfe saith (Boniface 8) That Christ, Peter, and his Successour, are all one head of the same Church. Sexti de electio­ne ca. 17. funda­menta. And Pope Nicolas 3. goes a little higher; Christ (saith he) hath placed the mysterie of the Apostolike fun­ction principally in blessed Peter, the chiefe of all the Apostles, that from him, as from a certaine head, he might diffuse his gifts, as it were into all the body: for, taking him into the fellowship of the indiuiduall vnitie, the Lord would haue him named that, which he himselfe was, saying, Tues Petrus, & super hanc Petram &c. In a word, the Popes triple crowne, is to signifie his triple Dominion and iurisdiction in heauen, earth, and purgatorie, and those subterrestiall or infernall kingdomes, according to that Phil. 2. v. 10. & Psal. 8. 7. v. 8. which places they fa­miliarly apply to the Popes vnlimited power in these pla­ces; vnderstanding by the Beasts, men on earth, by the Fishes, soules in hell, and purgatorie; and by the Fowles, the winged Angels; ouer all which, the Pope saith, he hath [Page 54] dominion. Thus all power is giuen him in heauen and earth. Thus hee runnes away with Christs power, but leaues the charge of Christ to his Disciples, to preach the word, and administer the Sacraments.

But in the meane time, all this arrogant, and blasphemous vsurpation of the Pope, what doth it, but most clearely conclude him to be that Great Antichrist, described in the Scripture? This is hee, that exalis himselfe aboue all that is called God, or that is worshipped. This is hee, that sits in, or vpon the temple of God, shewing himselfe that he is God; to wit, inuested in all the power of God, and of Christ, in heauen, and earth, as the Ʋicar of God almightie. Herein, hee is not Christs Ʋicar, who would not meddle in matters of the world; Luke 4. v. 6. but indeede his Vicar, that said to Christ, All this power will I giue thee, and the glory of them; for that is deliue­red vnto me, and to whomsoeuer I will, I giue it. The Dragon spake this: and of Antichrist it is said, that he hath two hornes like a Lambe, but speakes like the Dragon. The Pope speakes iust like the Dragon here. Hadrian. Epist. apud Auentin. lib. 6. 506. See also Fox his Mon. pag. 184. See this verified in the Pope to an haire, to a very letter. Pope Hadrian saith, Ʋnde habet Im­perator Imperium, nisi à nobis, &c. From whence hath the Em­perour his Empire, but from vs? that which the Emperour hath, he hath it all of vs &c. Loe, it is in our power to giue it, to whom­soeuer we will. As Ier. 1. 10. Therefore wee are appointed of God ouer Nati­ons, and Kingdomes, that wee should destroy and plucke vp. See how like the Sonnes voice is to the Syres. Hee speakes iust like the Dragon, onely in a more loftie stile, wee, for I. Also Pius 5. in his Bull against Queene Elizabeth, of happy me­morie, vsed the like speech in Ier. 1. v. 10. So that the Pope, and his clients conclude, that all Emperours and Kings hold their Empires, and Kingdomes but in fee of the Pope. Thus Henry 1. King of England, was glad with much paying and praying to obtaine of Pope Alexander the 3. that he, and his successours should haue the title of the King of England. Platina. This held till King Iohns time, when the P [...]pe againe resumed the kingdome of England into his own power, but was con­tent at length to let King Iohn haue it to farme. So Pope Ce­lestine [Page 55] 3. crowned Henry 6. See Fox his Mon. p. 221. Emperour, and his Empresse with his holinesse feet, and when he had done so, strucke it off a­gaine with his foot; to signifie it was in the power of the fame foot to take away his crowne that had put it on. Thus we see Antichrist exalting himselfe aboue all that is called God, and that in the highest degree. So that it may be admired, that any man hauing but his eyes open to compare the Pope with his owne picture, 1. Thes. 2. can doubt, that he is that Antichrist; vnlesse such men be giuen vp to a strong delusion, because they receiued not the loue of the truth. But it is lamentable to see learned men so blind-folded, as not to see this Mysterie of iniquitie. But more pernicious, that not seeing it them­selues, they would perswade the world also, that the Pope is not Antichrist. Is it time now to make Apologies for the Pope not to be Antichrist, when he so egregiously plaies the Antichrist, euen vnder our noses? when hee goes about to seduce, and withdraw the hearts of subiects from the King, from our gracious Soueraigne? It was Tortus his speech, noted by the learned Bishop, in his Tortura, to be Romes Doctrine, Tortura Torti pag. 328. that at the hissing of a slye, which is in Babylon, namely at Rome, the subiects would reuolt from the obedience of their Prince, and so by the window treason immediately entreth. The Pope is the flye of Babylon, who can make of the Prince, no Prince, of the subiect, no subiect, and the no subiect, against the no Prince; what may he not attempt? But this is, in case the Prince bee an Hereticke, or Schismaticke. And what is it for the Prince to be an Herticke: forsooth, if hee doe not yeeld him­selfe the Popes Ʋassall; which (saith the Bishop) is else to deny one of the prime Articles of the Christian faith. It was the case of Philip le Bell. Thus the Bishop.

To proceede: the Pope mentioneth a graue Decree of his Predecessor Paul 5. no doubt he meaneth that Bull sent hither into England, inhibiting his sonnes the oath of alle­giance. The Pope calleth it a Decree of truth, which must be diligently obserued. For a taste, I will insert one sentence of it, Tortura Torti pag 106. cited by the learned Bishop: Vobis ex verbis ipsis (Iura­menti) perspicuum esse debet, quod huiusmodi iuramentum, sal­uâ [Page 56] fide Catholica, & salute animarum vestrarum, prestari non potest▪ From the very words of the oath, it ought to bee cleare vnto you▪ that saith an oath cannot be vndertaken with the safetie of the Catholike faith, and the saluation of your soules. If so, good reason their tongues should rather cleaue to their gums, then they take it; great reason, that neither threats, nor flatteries extort it from them: rather part with life, then faith: yea this they must bee so vndoubtedly resol­ued of, that If an Angell from heauen teach otherwise, then this Apostolike truth, let him be accursed. Here at last breakes forth the thunderbolt it selfe, which were enough to blast the very Angels of heauen; if, for subiects to denie due obe­dience to their lawfull Princes, were an Apostolike truth. But can a Christian eare heare such blasphemie without horror, with any patience? This an Apostolike doctrine, an Apostolike truth: Papall it is, Diabolicall it is, raked out of the pit of hell. Apostolike it is not, neither from Paul, nor Peter: from Paul 5. but not from Paul the Apostle. Paul teacheth the contrary, Rom. 13. Peter the contrary, 1. Pet. 2. 13. how durst you, you blessed Apostles, preach such a doctrine, as is con­trary to the Apostolike truth of Rome? either you must re­cant your doctrine, or loe a smoaking Anathema is breathed out against you.

But lest those holy Apostles, lest God himselfe, lest Ie­sus Christ, lest the holy Ghost, lest the whole sacred word of God should come within the danger of the Popes curse, and all for the mistaking of one word Apostolike, for Aposta­ticke. We are rather to thinke, that as Manicheus writing himselfe Apostle, hence hee would conclude his damnable doctrines to be Apostolike: so the Pope calling himselfe that Apostolike one, therefore all his lying Oracles must be taken for Apostolike truths. And see here also how impiously the Pope goes on to peruert, and prophane the sacred Scrip­ture. If an Angell from heauen teach you otherwise, let him be anathema. This was the Apostles speech to the Galathians, rightly applyed. The Pope vsurpes the same words, but to his most wicked purpose. Herein also hee shewes himselfe [Page 57] that great Antichrist, who was of old noted to be an egre­gious falsifier, and peruerter of the Scriptures. Take one example: Origen. in Mat. 24. Tract. 27. Origen saith, Omnis sermo qui profitetur, &c. Euery speech that professeth the expositions of the Scriptures, and the faith of them, and hath not the truth, is iustly to be vnderstood to be Antichrist, comming in Christs name, and saying, I am Christ, lying, and not able to shew the forme of truth in himselfe. How truly this is verified of the Pope, among infinite o­ther instances of his audacious peruerting of Scripture, this one here, taken from the Apostle, may sufficiently euince.

But the Oath is preiudiciall to the Catholike faith: to what Catholike faith? you must vnderstand there is a two­fold Catholike faith: the one, that of the Scriptures, of the Old Testament, and the New, of Christ, and the Apostles and Prophets, of the whole Church of God in all ages, in all places of the world, which is therefore called the Catholike faith, because it is vniuersall, and this is the onely true and proper Catholike faith. There is another faith, that hath the name of Catholike, but with an addition, either expressed or implied, to wit, the Romane Catholike faith; and because Romane Catholike, therefore indeede not Catholike, no true, but a bastard Catholike faith. The obiect of this Romane Catholike faith, is together with the History of the Scrip­tures (for the mysterie of the Gospell contained therein to e­uery true beleeuers saluation, they exclude from being so much, as a partiall obiect of this their faith, but in generall onely, as an History) the Apocryphall Bookes. Which Saint Ierome saith, are for instruction of manners, not for instruction of faith, all their Traditions which they call Apostolicall, all their Decretales and Extrauagants, and aboue all, that which is the summe of all the rest, the Oracle of the Popes owne breast inerrable; and so whatsoeuer his Holinesse either hath taught, or shall hereafter teach, as he seeth to be most com­modious, for the present state of the Church: all these are the adequate obiect of this Roman-Catholike faith. Among which Doctrines Apostolike this is one, to denie fidelitie to [Page 58] Kings and Princes, when the Pope commandeth. This is an Article of the Romane Catholike faith, not to be violated vp­on paine of damnation. So that to take the oath of Allegi­ance, and keepe it, as it cannot stand with the safetie of Ro­mane Catholike faith, so neither of their owne saluation. Why so? Vn. Sanct. By the irrefragible decree of Pope Boniface 8. Por­rò subesse Romano Pontifici, &c. Finally, to be subiect to the Pon­tifie or Pope of Rome, we declare, determine, define, and pronounce, that euery humane creature is bound vpon necessitie of salua­tion. But by what authoritie? The glosse giues the reason, from the very first word, Porrò. Porrò, id est, Certè, quia sic est: Decret. Greg. de Transla. Epist. ca. 3. gloss. Truely, because it is so. A most Papall reason: for as the Glosse saith sententiam, &c. that which is no sentence, he ma­keth a sentence: iniustice he can make to be iustice, yea of nothing something: quia in his qua vult, et est pro ratione voluntas: In those things which he will, his will is for a reason. Nor ought any to aske him a reason of his doings: sic volo, sic iubeo, is sufficient, quia plenitudinem obtinet potestatis; Distinct. 40. si Papa. In Gra­tian. because he possesseth pleni­tude of power: nor is he pure homo: and if hee shall carrie with himselfe millions of soules into hell, there to be punished cum pri­me Mancipio, with the great Diuell of bell; yet let none presume to blame, or iudge him for it. So that, though he should de­ceiue many here in England, perswading them, that disloy­altie to their Prince, that rebellion, and treason are Aposto­like doctrines, and so leade them with himselfe into hell, they haue their amends in their owne hands, as the Pope hath the Law in his. It followeth.

We in the meane time will entreat the father of lights, ‘that hee suffer not the heart of the English King to bee blinded, who shall certainly learne, how great credit is to be giuen to Catholike subiects in those things, which you may promise; who lest they should make themselues lyable to periurie, they had rather breath out their spirit, then their voice.’


How? after all these blasphemies against God, and his word, dare the Pope intreat the Father of lights? vpon what [Page 59] confidence? vpon what hope to be heard? Will the Father of lights heare the prayer of the man of Sinne, of the Sonne of Perdition, of the great Antichrist, the Beast full of blasphe­mies? yea rather, as Christ forbad the diuell to confesse him, to vsurpe his name, to preach of Iesus: so we intreat the Pope, not to intreat for our King the Lords Annointed: hee needeth none of such prayers. Hee hath daily thousands of good Christians, of his louing, and faithfull subiects, to en­treat the Father of lights for him, for his life, Crowne, King­dome happinesse; which prayers no doubt will preuaile with God to defeat all Romes prayers and plots, and practi­ses, against our noble King, Church, and State. We know the Popes prayers to be meerely pharisaicall, in stead of pray­ing, to prey vpon vs, vnder the colour of many Pater nosters, to deuoure our habitations. Against the Popes prayers here, our most humble, and harty prayers, and shall be to the Fa­ther of lights in the name of his Sonne Iesus Christ, that hee will not suffer the heart of our dread Soueraigne to be blin­ded with Popish bandishments, and faire promses, that so he may not too dearely buy the certaine knowledge; how great credit is to be giuen to Romane-Catholikes, in those things which they may promise. For note how his holinesse in the very next words bewrayeth how little confidence is to bee giuen to such promises, as his Catholike Sonnes may make; for saith he, least they should make themseles liable to periurie. But it is something, that the Pope had rather his Catholike Sonnes should by making faire promises, hazzard their fidelitie therein, then by taking the Oath, incurre the danger of per­iurie. Although a good Christian makes conscience as much of his solemne promise, as of an oath. But it seemeth, if his Catholike Sonnes should take the oath, the Pope puts them in minde, they should thereby expose themselues to periurie; so that if they doe but promise fidelitie, he teacheth them the very ready way to perfidiousnesse, and breach of promise: for if an oath cannot preserue them from periurie, how shall a promise from breach thereof? seeing both periurie and perfidiousnesse grow from the same root of Iesuiticall do­ctrine, [Page 60] Nulla fides seruanda cum hereticis: no faith to be kept with heretickes. Herein therefore the Pope is to be commen­ded, that seeing he tels vs plainly, he will keepe no faith with heretickes, neither will he make any faith with them. Onely herein he is most vniust, that not onely those, who are the onely true, and orthodox Catholikes, he cals heretickes, and those that are his sonnes, and consequently the limmes of Antichrist, Apostates from the faith of Christ, he calleth Ca­tholikes: but more especially that hee goeth about to per­swade subiects, not to enter into couenant of fidelitie by oath to their rightfull, and onely Soueraigne King ouer them vp­on earth, next vnder God; which couenant they ought not onely to make, being demanded, but betweene God and their owne heart religiously to vow, and before all the world faithfully auow. He that shall perswade men from this na­turall bond of dutie, is a traitour, and vsurper ouer God and man, euen the great Antichrist. Howsoeuer, I am perswa­ded the Pope hath no one Catholike Sonne in England, so im­pious, if he haue but a true English heart in him vn-Iesuited, that he will refuse, but rather most willingly take the oath, and be ready, whensoeuer there shall be occasion, to haz­zard his person, and all his power, against any Romish Spa­nish Inuasion. They cannot be so farre blinded, and besotted with Popish spels, and Iesuiticall charmes, but that they will euer put an infinite difference betweene their English, and a Spanish King. But if any be otherwise minded, hauing exchanged his English for a Spanish heart, if he may not trust himselfe to take the oath, for feare of periurie: neither (I trust) will his bare promise be taken, lest whensoeuer the great flye should hisse out of Babylon, he should forget his pro­mise, & turn hornet or waspe, to set against the Master Bee of this hony-flowing hiue of England. But I trust (for all the Popes charge here to the contrary) that no English Papist, will so far preferre his breath, before his life, that rather then spend the one in taking the oath, he will expire the other. It followeth.

But that your vertue may be found more precious then gold, which is tried in the fire: teach that Kingdome, that [Page 61] there is no such force in the crueltie of enemies, that it is able to extinguish the eternall fire of charitie in your hearts. Pray for them, that persecute you, humilitie pati­ence, concord, fasting, prayer, are your weapons, which in the cruell conflict, ye ought to draw forth, that the palmes of coelestiall triumph may flourish in your hands: for see­ing blessed Peter was forbidden to smite with the sword the cruell assailants of Christ: wee exhort you, hauing the present good of the Church before our eyes, that in the meane time you thinke the thoughts of peace, and that yee pray for eternall life euen for the King, while he takes away your mortall life. So must the souldiers of Christ make warre, vnder the banner of the Crosse; the mouth of them that speake wicked things, shall be confounded, seeing ye know not, to hate those who torment you. But the Lord, who is able to turne your sorrow into ioy, shall be at your right hand, that yee be not moued, and may not forget his testament, wherein he had bequeathed the in­heritance of the kingdome of heauen to his Imitatours.


Wee may say of this whole clause in generall, Tortura Torti, pag. 287. as the lear­ned Bishop in his Tortura, vpon the very like purpose; where bringing in Tort [...] his obiection, that the holy Fathers ( Or at Rome, the Pope, and his Cardinals. the Iesuites, as Father Garnet, &c.) sent a good exhortation from the Citie, to the Catholikes in the Countrie) (here in England; he speakes it about the powder treason) that they should con­taine themselues from all tumults: saith, Vetus ea techna est, saepe quidem detecta, & proin semper suspecta: vt non alio magis tempore scribant inde Pontifices in eum finem, quam cum male­ficium maximè meditantur. Mulcere hîs volunt Argos nostros, vt sibi ipsis dicant, Pax & tuta omnia, qua sic repentina clades ir­ruat in eos, nil tale suspicantes. Nan erat certè, cur monitionem illam nominares, que nobis nuncia est procellae, certò tum semper imminentis. Quin & alia tum erat monitionis huius ratio. Tam enim placuit, tam certe spes erat Negotium hoc de puluere, vt nol­lent illud interturbari tumult [...] vllo, iuberent verò quiescere alios omnes, vt huic vni locus esset, in quo reposita illis spes omnis. ‘That [Page 62] is an old peece of craft, often detected, and therefore al­wayes suspected: that at no time more the Popes doe write to such a purpose, then when most of all they intend mischiefe. Here they would sweetly impose vpon our sharpest wits, that they may say to themselues, Peace and all safe, that so sudden destruction may take them tardy, while they suspect no such thing. There was no cause why yee should mention that admonition, which to vs is the messenger of a storme, certainely then alwaies imminent. But there was also another reason of this admonition: for this businesse of the powder-plot was so pleasing, so cer­tainely hopefull, that they would not haue it interrupted with any tumult, but should command all others to bee quiet, that this one businesse might take place, wherein all their hope was lapped vp.’

Thus by the iudgement of our graue and experienced Fathers, wee may learne what interpretation to make, what to expect, when Romes holy Fathers in their Buls exhort their Sonnes to be quiet, and to containe themselues from tu­mult, as here the Pope doth. If thus they did vpon the Gun­powder-plot, all husht, till the sudden blast: doth not this ex­traordinary sun-gleame foretoken some such hideous storme, ready to fall vpon vs? Is not this a sprinkling of water vpon lime? or with oyle to suppresse the flame? The token which Iudas gaue to the apprehenders of Christ, was a trai­terous kisse, and Romes signall to her treacherous attempts, is Peace, peace. But as the French say in their Prouerbe, When the Spaniard comes to parle of peace, then double-bolt the doores: so I hope, England will be so wise, as when they ob­serue the Popes morning sun-shine of peace from vnder a cloud, they will prouide for a rainie day. But to the words, in more particular.

In the forefront of this clause, here is twice mention of fire. And how great matter a little fire kindleth? This ve­ry word in the Lord Mounteagles letter, of fire, was that, which through Gods prouidence kindled in King Iames his conceit a suspition of such a like plot, as indeede it proued. [Page 63] Vpon whose iudgements wee may the more boldly suspect by the Popes twice mention of fire, that without doubt some fiery triall is now in hand, euen fire and sword. Here againe the Pope puts his Sonnes in minde of their vertue, and pro­wesse; as also of their enemies, the King and State: enough to blow the coales of their hatred, and so to exercise the e­ternall fire of their vnquenchable charitie. A fiery charitie in­deede, of the nature of wilde-fire, or as the stone Asbestos, which once inflamed, cannot be quenched againe. But can­not Pontifician charitie be lost? be quenched? This is against your Trent-doctrine, which teacheth, that charitie, with other graces may be lost. But happily you meane, this your vn­quenchable fire of charitie towards vs your enemies, is not a gift of grace, but a Papall glosse, or such a charitie as is of the eternall fire of hell, such (if so good) as poore Diues his cha­ritie to his brethren in hell-flames; such, or the like charitie is this here. Whatsoeuer it is wee doe not greatly affect or desire this your charitie, but wee pray God, that wee neuer come to feele the fierie vnquenchablenesse of it.

For your weapons of humilitie, fasting, prayer, and the like, would to God we had no more cause to feare your poy­sons, and pistals, treasons, and treacheries, falsehoods and flatTHe­ries, more then these. But if the armour of your white sonnes patience were a little better scoured, and exercised among vs, we should as little feare these your pernicious weapons, as those your superstitious deuotions. But surely you must haue other gates weapons, then all these, to make good that cruell conflict you speak of, to win you those celestiall palmes of triumph. And your fasting, prayers, and humiliation, can­not but bode some notable enterprise now a preparing. What solemne Processions had you vpon 88? So that these your admonitions giue vs to prepare for some cruell conflict indeede. Else, what meaneth your exciting your sonnes to patience? as if they were in the fierie triall; as if they were to vndergoe a cruell conflict? you know it is ridiculous to meane it of the present state of things. But if your sonnes be in any hazard of a cruell conflict; we cannot conceiue how it [Page 64] should be, vnlesse vpon the discouery of your Armadoes ap­proaching towards vs, they should in the meane time (to make all fast in vnitie at home) be vrged to take the oath of fidelitie to our King, which refused, might bring condigne punishments vpon them. Although I am perswaded, no English Papist is such an vnnaturall miscreant, yea so foolish and brutish, as he would betray his own deere natiue Coun­trie to a sorraine Tyrant.

You exhort your sonnes to pray for the Kings eternall life. Why? alas! Is his temporall in such danger? God forbid. But wee pray also for his temporall life, that after a long, happy, religious gouernment, and raigne here, hee may at length come to enioy that eternall Crowne of glorie. But all your prayers, all your patience, and peaceablenesse, you per­swade your Sonnes to, is with speciall reference to the pre­sent good of the Church; vntill the opportunitie and season serue to shew your selues in open colours. For the Kings taking away your Sonnes mortall life, it is ridiculous. But if your sonnes must pray for the Kings eternall life, onely while he takes from them their mortall: we may make a question, whether euer they will pray for him; at leastwise, if they reepe them quiet, and liue like peaceable subiects, as you seeme to perswade them. For the rest of your words, as, of Christs Souldiers, and so to the end of the clause, we passe o­uer them; as being weary of your blasphemies, and false ap­plications. What part haue you, or yours in Christs Testa­ment? vnlesse your sonnes vtterly renounce communion with your papall fatherhood, See Platina in Coelestine 5. & Bonif. 8. and flye to Christ and his word: vn­lesse you will as one of your Predecessours did quite aban­don your Popedome, for the saluation of your soule; where­of there is small hope, while you goe on in this manner. Memorable is that speech of Pope Marcellus 2. who, Onuph. in Mar­cell. 2. smiting his hand on the board, said, I doe not see, how any, holding this high place, can be saued. Looke to it, O ye Popes and Pa­pists, that adhere to such an head. And if the inheritance there­of be promised to none, but Christs Imitators: what por­tion haue you therein? for wherein doe ye imitate Christ? [Page 65] yea, wherein doe yee not both teach and practise quite con­trary vnto him? But your shamelesse blasphemies, and bold misapplying of the Scriptures are so familiar with you, as we will giue ouer admiting of them. Onely we cannot choose whether we will or no, but admire one thing, that you pro­pound blessed Peter for an example of not smiting with the sword: hath any thing beene more familiar with Popes, then herein especially to shew themselues Peters Successours, in smitting with the sword? sauing onely, that Peter drew his sword against that rabble rout in defence of his Master: you draw your sword against Christ himselfe in his Members, in Gods Ʋicegerents here on earth, the Lords Annointed. All of you challenge the power of Peters sword: and some of you haue in your owne persons drawne in out in open field; as Pope Iulius 2. when marching against the Emperour, his Liege Lord, he in a rage threw Saint Peters Keyes into Ty­ber, as too impotent to vindicate his quarrell, and pontifi­cally drew forth Pauls sword, saying, If Peters Keyes could not, Pauls sword should. I could put you in minde of your Pre­decessiour Pope Ʋrban 6. how ciuilly hee carried himselfe, yea what a racket he kept with his sword among his owne Cardinals, See Fren. hist. in Charles 7. those especially, that of all the rest were the most learned and couragious: exercising vpon nine or ten of them the most barbarous examples of crueltie, and beasti­all immanitie, and Papall insolencie that euer I read or heard of.

But the thing I admire in your example of blessed Peter, is this: that here you vse it to your sonnes, as a motiue to peace, sith Peter was forbid to smite; and yet from this very example you deriue the authoritie of your Papall suprema­cie, Extrauag. Com­ [...]n San. as founded vpon Peters sword. Memorable is that de­cree of Pope Boniface 8. (hee that in his great day of Iubile had two glittering swords borne before him, with Ecce duo gladij hîc) Certè qui in potestate Petri temporalem gladium esse negat, malè attendit verbum Domini proferentis, Conuerte gla­dium tuam invagînam. Surely hee that denieth the temporall sword to be in the power of Peter, doth ill attend Christs word, [Page 66] saying, put vp thy sword into thy sheath. And so also to proue both the swords to be in the power of Peter, to wit, the spi­rituall, and the temporall, Euangelicis dictis instruimur, Wee are instructed by the words of the Gospell; for the Apostles saying, behold two swords here, in Ecclesiâ scilicet, doubtlesse in the Church: Non nimis esse sed satis. the Lord did not answer it was too much, but enough; therefore both the swords are in the power of the Church. These be tall arguments for that Boniface, and your Papall brest to deuise for the maintaining of your Antichristian Tyrannie and vsurpation.

But alas by these your distorted speeches, neuer thinke to impose vpon our simplicitie so farre, as when yee talke of putting vp your sword, wee should be such fooles, as not to looke at least whether ours be rustie in the scabbert. You promise the Palmes of celestiall triumphs. What? as a reward of your sonnes peaceable patience here a while, for the pre­sent good of the Church? or rather for the conquest of your Martiall attempts you are now about? Is the field already yours? May not yee reckon before your hoast? Let not him that puts on his armour, boast as hee that puts it off. But you fight vnder the standard of the Crosse. And we vnder Christs standard. Euen now yee are about to verifie that prophesie, Reuel. 20. of Gog, and Magog, compassing the tents of the Saints (your Heretickes) round about. You thinke you haue vs in­closed in your net: but our comfort is, fire shall come downe from heauen to denoure you, with your huge hoasts; the vi­ctorie shall remaine on the Lambs side, against whom you doe giantlike make warre: for as you are that Lady, that say in your heart, Reuel. 18. 7. I sit a Queene, and am no widdow, and shall see no sorrow: therefore (as it there followeth) shall your plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine, and your Ba­bylon shall be vtterly burnt with fire; for strong is the Lord God, who iudgeth her. Doe yee beleeue this? surely your pa­pall Atheisme will not suffer you. But wee beleeue it, for strong is the Lord God that iudgeth you; and faithfull is hee that hath promised deliuerance to his Church. It fol­loweth.

[Page 67] Let vs embrace you in the armes of Apostolike chari­tie, beloued Sonnes, to whom we promise the Fathers pa­trocinie, and most louingly bestow our benediction.


Pape and Ape differ but a letter: but their charitie to their Sonnes lesse. This is that Father, whose charitie to his Sonnes is so Apostolike, as though he carrie millions of his sonnes with him into hell, to be tormented of the great Diuell; yet no man may presume to blame him for it, as we noted before. But all your impieties will passe for cha­ritie it selfe, so it goe but vaild vnder Apostolike. Aposto­like is a great word with you, and serueth at all tumes: one­ly still you mistake Apostolike for Apostaticke, which yee must be remembred of. But you promise the Fathers patro­cinie. What Fathers? the heauenly Fathers ye cannot, for all your power in heauen and earth: your owne you may. But vpon what securitie? what patrocinie can you promise to your selfe, and yours from that Lake that burneth with fire and brimstone, Reu. 19. 19, 20. marke the place well, read al­so Reu. 14. 8. if any man worship the Beast, and his Image, and receiue his marke in his forehead, or in his hand (namely who­soeuer shall auow himselfe a sworne sonne, or rather slaue to the Pope: nothing is more plaine, then that it is spoken of that Romane Beast) the same shall drinke of the wine of the wrath of God, which is powred out without mixture, into the cup of his indignation, and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone, in the presence of the holy Angels (behold what a spectacle Pon­tificians or Papists are made to the blessed Angels!) and in the presence of the Lambe; and the smoake of their torments as­cendeth vp for euer and euer, and they haue no rest day nor night, who worship the Beast, and his Image, and whosoeuer receiueth the marke of his name. This is the portion and patrimonie of that man of sinne, that sonne of Perdition, that exalts himselfe aboue all that is called God, as the Pope exprofesso doth: from which, what Papall patrocinie? what Apostolike benediction can giue protection or securitie?

Or else not vnlikely the promise of the paternall patrociny [Page 68] the Pope here maketh to his white sonnes, the Iesuites, that if they apply, and play their parts well, as no doubt but they will doe their best: and his Apostolike benediction to his lay sonnes: for he is in some good hope that Peters Patrimonie, or Pence, which now would be turned into so many pounds will be recouered againe to the Pope, out of England, if his enterprise now in hand succeede to his hope, and expectati­on. Which is the maine vpshot of all the Popes purpo­ses, most artificially shaddowed, and mystically inuolued in this Breeue.

Giuen at Rome, Saint Peters, vnder the signet of the Fisher. May 30, 1626. the third yeere of our Popedome.


At Rome. And can any good thing come from Rome? for what is Rome? Euen that mysticall spirituall Babylon, described Reuel. 17. Rome the present seat of that Antichrist, now raig­ning there in his full height. How so? the Pope himselfe is witnesse. For the Bull (wherein he professeth himselfe the supreame soueraigne ouer Kings, and Kingdomes, to vn­king them at his pleasure, while hee would depriue them of their subiects allegiance) was dated at Rome, the prime seat of the Pope. Saint Iohn was told expresly, that Babylon the great, the purpled whore, the seauen hils Citie, the seauen headed ten-horned Beast, was Rome: The Woman which thou sawest (saith the Angell to Iohn) is that great Citie, Reu. 17. 18. which reig­neth ouer the Kings of the earth. It reigned then Imperially: it reigneth now Papally: Papally in name, Imperially also in power: for the Pope is a twofold head of that Beast, my­stically typed in his two-topped Miter, in the front whereof, was anciently written, Mysterium, that a man might point with the finger, This is Antichrist. The Pope (I say) is a two-fold Head, the seauenth Head as Pope, and also the eight Head, Crantz. in Sax­on. l. 8. cap. 6. as Emperour, though not in name, Boniface the eight shewed it openly in his great Iubilee, when the first day thereof he came forth in his Pontificall robes, and the next day following in the Imperiall habit, and Diadem, with a naked sword carried before him, saying; Behold, here two [Page 69] swords. So that Bellarmines owne words of Antichrist fall pat vpon the Pope, where he saith, Erit enim Antichristus su­premum & vltimum caput impiorum; Bellar. de Pontif. Rom. l. 3. c. 15. & est vltimus Rex, qui Imperium Romanum tenebit, tamen sine nomine Romani Impe­ratoris: For Antichrist shall be the supreame, and last Head of the wicked; and he is the last King, which shall hold the Romane Empire, yet without the name of Romane Emperour. And is not this the Pope of Rome? Doth not hee wholly possesse the ancient Imperiall dominion, and territories, in and about Rome, farre, and neere? Doth not he challenge supremacie of Imperiall power of all Christendome, yea ouer the world? The Emperor that now is, hath not he his election, and con­firmation from the Pope? the seauen Electors were made by the Pope, they nominate, and elect the Emperor, but all this is of no force, but as it receiueth approbation, and confirma­tion from the Pope: Nor is hee called Emperour of Rome. Hands off. That is for his holinesse alone. So that, if, as some Pontificians would shift it off, that that Citie, reigning ouer the Kings of the earth, cannot be ment of Rome, as now it is, because Rome doth not, as formerly so reigne: Let the Pope answer it, whether he haue not, or at least vsurpe not a greater power, then euer the Romane Emperor had. The Papall Rome is called the Mistresse, Lady Queene of the world. She saies, I sit a Queene, Reu. 18. 7. and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. As Saint Ierome saith, luxta Apocalypsin Iohannis, in fronte purpuratae Meretricis scriptum est nomen blasphomiae, Hieron. ad Alga [...] in qu. 11. 1. Romae eternae. Ac­cording to the Reuelation of Saint Iohn, in the forehead of the purple whore, is written the name of blasphemie, to wit, of Rome eternall. Take Romes own words, prouing her to be that Ci­tie, reigning ouer all, and therefore the present seat of Anti­christ, now tyrannizing. When Henry the 7. was crowned at Rome, Romes words are recorded in Capitall letters, saying; Ego Coronarum Corona, confirmo Principi potestatem, sibiqúe su­bijcio Ciuitates Gentium nationes, tueantur Aquilae gloriam me­am. Haec Roma. I, the Crowne of Crownes, doe establish power to the Prince, and subiect vnto him Cities, Countries, Nations, let the [Page 70] Eagles defend my glory. These things saith Rome; or this is Rome. This is that Rome here.

Yea, this Rome is so the feat of Antichrist, as this title could neuer finde rest, til it nestled it selfe in Rome. As, nothing rest­eth out of the proper place. Iohn of Constantinople, for all his ambition, could not carrie it. How did Gregory cry it downe? Nor Constantinople, though then the Imperiall Citie, though she had borrowed the name of Rome, being called Noua Ro­ma, and Greece about, Romania, though it could show her sea­uen hil-tops, as Rome; yet it was no place for Antichrist to roost in. Antichrist there, was but tanquam piscis in arido; a fish out of his Element, on the dry land, where it is so putrifi­ed, that Romes Saint Gregory could not indure the smell of it. Pregnant to this purpose is the obseruation of the learned Bishop in his Tortura. His words are, In Constantinopolitano cum fuit, Grrgories own words cited. stultum, superbum, scelestum, peruersum, profanum, blasphemum fuit: idem autem intra bionnij vnius spatium, in Ro­mano, nihil horum est, &c. When the title of Antichrist was in the Bishop of Constantinople, it was foolish, proud, impious, peruerse, prophane, blasphemous: but within two yeares space the same being in the Bishop of Rome, it was none of all these. And strange was the iudgement of Phocas, who iudged (if wee beleeue Gregorie) that that impious & blasphemous name was not fit for the Bishop of Constantinople; for it was proper to the Bi­shops of Rome. Strange also was the minde of Boniface, who accepted it; Yea, saith Pla­tina, importu­ned Phocas for it, Magna con­ [...]entione. hee would not haue the Constantinopolitan to bee supreme ouer all; for this was due to him, and the Bishop of Rome. Although, he that should doe this (by Gregories te­stimonie) was therein the imitator of Lucifer, the forerunner of Antichrist. And Gregorie was a true Prophet, both waies. For he told the Emperour concerning that word, that hee who should carrie it away, did thereby aduance himselfe aboue the honour of the Empire; and came it not so to passe? He said to Anianus, that to consent in this wicked title, was no other, then to loose the faith. And hath faith suffered no losse, since Phocas consented to that wicked Ti­tle? [Page 71] so that Gregories Prophesie is true both wayes; Et Imperio, & Ecclesiae perniciosa, vox ista; & successor eius Bonifacius, quoad Imperium Lucifer, quoad Ecclesiam Au­tichristus: that word was pernicious both to the Empire, and to the Church; and his successour Boniface, as touch­ing the Empire was Lucifer, as touching the Church An­tichrist.’ Thus farre the Bishop in his Tortura.

Rome then, not Constantinople, is the proper seat of An­tichrist. Auentin. l. 6. As Pope Adrian 4. said: Romae nostra sedes est: At Rome is our seat. This Adrian, Breake-speare an Eng­lish man, was he that said, To couet the Popedome, is not to succeede Saint Peter in feeding the Sheepe, but Romulus, in committing Parricides, because a man cannot attaine thereun­to, without shedding the bloud of his brethren, that hee may reigne alone. Thus by the Popes owne voice, Rome and An­tichrist are well met.

But saith Onuphr. Annot. in vita Bonif. 3. Platina. Onuphrius, though the Bishop of Rome be the sole vniuersall head, yet hee doth not, as other Patriarkes, vse any proud titles, as to call himselfe Occumenicus, as hee of Constantinople doth, but stileth himselfe Seruus seruo­rum Dei, Seruant of the seruants of God; onely the people in their solemne acclamations, giue him high titles. Seruus seruorum. What is this, but the very title of Chams curse? Gen. 9. 25. yea, what is it, but the mysterie of Antichrist, concerning all this superarrogant pride vnder this vale of hypocrisie? For instance: The foresaid Adrian writing to that noble Fredericke the Emperour, in the forefront, Ser­uus seruorum, &c. yet how is the whole body of the letter stuft out with nothing, but Antichristian insolencie? And how did this lowly title suit with this his holinesse ex­treame indignation, Helmold. in hi­stor. Scla. c. 81. when this Emperour, comming to him to be crowned, did out of ignorance (as vnacquain­ted with such kinde of seruice before) hold the Popes left stirrop, instead of the right? For which one mortall error, this seruant of seruants could not be appeased, but there­upon refused to giue the Emperor the kisse of peace.

[Page 72] Thus at Rome onely Antichrist domineereth vnder the title of seruant of seruants; as here it followeth of Saint Peters, vnder the signe [...] of the fisher. Poore Peter the fish­er, what a successour hath he gotten, who vnder the name of Peter fisheth all the world? as See Bellar. de Pont. Rom. l. 1. c. 20. they expound that of Luke 5. 4. Launch out into the deepe: that is, Peter and the Pope fish all the world. So that not vnfitly is that spiritu­all Babylon or Rome said to sit vpon many waters, Reuel. 17. 1. very commodious for Romes Peter-man. No fishing to this See. And all is fish that cometh to Romes net. Onely all his fish must be of the same kinde with that, which Pe­ter tooke with his Angle, hauing in his mouth a peece of 20. d. at least, Peters tribute money, not for the Emperor, but for the Pope himselfe. This fishers Signet or Ring is that, where with the Pope marrieth to himselfe the Sea of the whole world, for himselfe and his Peter-men to fish, as the Duke of Venice on euery Ascension day marrieth the Adriaticke Sea to Venice, with casting in a Ring into it, which priuiledge Pope Alexander 3. first gaue to the Prince of that state.

This Breeue was dated May 30. 1626. And as the Prophet told the King of Israel: Strengthen thy selfe, and marke, and see what thou doest, for when the yeare is gone a­bout, the King of Syria will come vp against thee: so let mee say to our King of Israel, in the name of the Lord, Goe, strengthen thy selfe, and marke, and see what thou doest; for when the yeare is gone about, by that time the 30. of May 1627. commeth about, the King of Babylon will giue some strange attempt vpon England; as by all the prog­nosticating signes in this Breeue, wee are giuen more then to coniecture. The yeare wherein it was dated, 1626. hauing two sixes in it, are two figures of the Beasts number, very ominous. But Deus omen auertat. Also in the third yeare of his Popedome. Popes yeares are as pre­cious, Seneca in Me­dea. as that day, which Medea begged of King Creon before her banishment, wherein her womanish malice so [Page 73] bestirred her selfe, that by [...] shee consumed the Kings house with fire, and made a cruell massacre of sundry Noble personages, yea most vnnaturally euen of her owne Sonnes. And what massacres may not this pre­sent Pope, the head of that Antichristian Beast, yea of that Babylonish woman, drunke with the blood of the Saints atchieue in three yeeres and a halfe, the time which the Antichristian Church (though most absurdly) limi­teth for Antichrists Tyrannie; for whose blood-thirstie crueltie, neyther the Kings owne house, no nor yet the Popes owne, though most [...] [...] can secure them­selues. Let vs conclude then with that prayer, as it was once intire in our English Liturgie in King Edwards dayes of blessed memorie. [...] seditions and priuie Conspiracie, from the Tyrannie of the Bishop of Rome, and all his detesta­ble enormities, from false, and [...] opinions, from hardnessse of heart, [...] and Commandements: Good Lord deliuer vs. And let all England say Amen.

An Aduertisement to those my Countrymen whom the Pope calleth his Catholicke sonnes.

MY natiue brethren Countrymen, or (if you will) Ro­mane Catholickes ( [...] wherein you so much glory and and which not onely distinguisheth) but euen deuideth you from all true Catholickes, such as Rome accounts Here­tickes) although my desire to speake vnto you bee greater then my hope to be heard (such is the vaile of [...] obedience wherein they have shut vp your eares, and closed your eyes, that you should not heare or [...] more grieuous Babylonian or Egyptian Captivity spirituall than those temporall & typicall were to Gods people) yet [...] this present, necesssity inforced to assay at least what cōmon humaine prudence or English spirit is left in you, as not alto­gether eaten out with that spirit of lethargy and benumbed­nesse, wherewith the Mystery of iniquity hath so wholy pos­sessed many. And if at the worst, my purpose herein shall proue frustrate, yet it shall [...], that we would have cured Babylon but she would not be cured; and hereby I shall how­soeuer discharge the duty of one that hath obtained mercy to be faithfull, deliuering mine owne soule, whither ye will heare, or whether ye wil forbeare. Yet I will hope the best, praying God to giue a blessing. Yea, why should I not rather be most confi­dent herein, that all of you will be ready to harken to such a businesse as this, which I am to propound vnto you? Only (as I have premised in the Inscription) I except and exclude the Iesuites from my least hope of perswading them, because the Arguments and Motiues, which may and ought strongly to preuaile with you, are directly contrary to the very prin­ciples and Grounds of their Iesuiticall Order. They haue al­together cast off all hope of heauen, all faith in Christ, and in steed thereof haue made choice of that offer, which Christ refused, namely: the Kingdomes of the world, and the glory of them; men they are of pragmaticall, and worse then [...] [Page 75] spirits, plotting either to [...] all Kingdomes and States, (or which is as good) to subiugate them to the Ty­ranny of Rome and Spaine? Rome's fishers they are, who euer find it best fishing in troubled waters, by stirring vp cōmotions, factions, rebellions, treasons, arming and animating Subiects against their lawfull Prince; this is their doctrine, this their practise who so ignorant, as knowes it not? so that to goe about to perswade them to imbrace peace, loyaltie, fidelitie, to leave off all their treasonable practises in vndermyning [...], were as much, as to inferre a new Article of faith, to belieue a possibility, that a true Iesuite should euer be conuer­ted to become a true Christian; such and vnreconsileable [...] & [...] haue they put betweene the order of Iesus, and the [...] of Christ; and they that are once of the societie of Iesus, should neuer come to bee of the blessed Communion of Christ▪ so that such is the reno [...]e of their factious society, that no maruaile if they set the Sonne against the father, the subiect against the Prince, when they haue made Iesus to be at vtter defiance and enmitie with Christ. Iesuiticall doctrine is such a Dye as will not easily giue place to any other co­lour, otherwise, then as Sathan, who can change himselfe into an Angell of light, in appearance onely. The reason why so few, or rather neuer any, specially English Iesuites, renounce their diabolicall professions, to imbrace the Truth, is bee­cause they cannot enter into that Profession, but with a kind of reluctancy at the first, (before they be hardned, and their consciences seared,) not onely against the light of their con­science but euen against the light of reason, and nature it selfe, ceasing to be reasonable men, to enter into a new order of Incarnate Deuills, whose order is to put out of order the whole course of Nature, ouerturning the very foundations of all humaine societies, and all under the name of Iesus; as if Iesus were no more a name to signify the [...] of his people, but were as much as Reuel. 9. 11. Abaddon, or Apollion, in the Iesuites sense; so that a Iesuite being one, whose faith and profession is an habituall and vowed wilfull Rebellion against God and Christ, against the very light of Nature, and of his owne con­science, [Page 76] becomes thereby so inuincibly obiurate, that [...] [...] were to iudge whether Satan or he were likelier to renounce their religion, sauing onely, that the one is a Deuill, the other a Man, or in mans shape at least. For we know, Christ hath said, that t he sinne against the Holy Ghost shall neuer be pardoned. And the reason is giuen by Diuines, because it can neuer be repented of, no more then that of the Deuill, whose sinne was that against the Holy Ghost, when he first forsooke the truth, to betake himselfe to that order, wherein for his Antiquity, and pregnancie, hee merited, long before the [...] and last Saint Ignatius, to be the Grand-Father and Founder of this new society.

Leaue we these therefore, as Christ did the wilfull blind Pharises, to perish together, of whom he said, Let them alone they be blind leaders of the blind, and if the blind leade the blinde, they shall both fall into the Pit; and let me speake vnto men, to English men, to wise men, such as haue not so farre vowed themselues captiues for Babylon in their blind obedience, as to disauow their common sence and reason. Tell me if there be euer be among you all, so farre besotted and infatuated with Iesuiticall Illusions, that treason or rebellion against your So­ueraine Prince should be so meritorious, as to merit some bet­ter Kingdome then this of England? yet can your common sense & reason be so farre transported as to think you shall be in happier case vnder the Spanish yoake, then vnder the go­uernmnet of your owne natiue King? What nations or king­domes so miserable as those vnder the Spaniards insolent & intollerable tiranny? To say nothing of the West-Indies, whose wretched slauery hath been the subiect of large volumes, set­ting out the matchlesse examples of spanish cruelties; enough to cause euen those barbarous heathen to abhorre heauen it selfe, if it were (as the iugling Friers & Iesuits falsly informed them) the reward of Spaniards, with whom they would be loath to goe thither, vpon any tearmes: to speake as little of our neighbour Netherlands, once vnder the Spaniard, but whose saluage and treacherous crueltie grew so intollerable, that theu shooke him quite besides the saddle; enough to [Page 77] proue him vnexpert in the Art of good Horse-manship, which consists rather [...] and moderating of the [...], then in the rough and ouer imperious vsage of the Rod and Spurre: to passe by also those goodly Countries in Italy, as of Naples, Millain and the rest, how groane they vnder that Iberian yoake? how the people once conquerours of the world now made slaues, their Nobility debased, their ancient Gentrie defaced, and all trampled vnder the Spa­niards proud foote? Go no farther then Spaine it selfe: Aske that company, that came lately out of Spaine,and tooke a full view of the Spanish Regiment; they can tell you how vnworthy it is to become so much as a Paterne for the Noble State of England to follow. How base and wretched is the whole Commonaltie of that Nation, though Natiues! What slaues vnder a Tyrant, rather then Subiects vnder a King? There no lawes are in force, but such as establish an absolute tyranny. There, euery monyed man may not bee permitted to purchase lands, no, nor to buy himselfe good [...] but according to his stinted pittance, a pound of Beefe or so. There the common [...] (for all their great Masters [...] of so many mynes) are glad of copper coyne, instead of sil­uer ( for who goes worse shod then the shoomakers wife?) and if he chance to get any siluer, purchased with his double commodities, he must be sure to pay the King and the Priest in the purest coyne; for if he offer them the base, the King [...] [...], the Priest can finde no hands to recieue it, turning away his face, as though he cared not for money, and such an offence is not absolued, nor expiated, without [...]ere siluer. As for his base coyne, that he may lay out to haue as base commodities for it, not halfe so good penny-woorths, as our poore haue at the Chandeler for their farthings. For as neere as they can, the seller shapes his price according to the stuffe, or mettall, which the buyer bringeth: Their taxes are intollerable. Take but one instance: the common merito­rious Curtisans: that trade for three pence a turne, must pay one penny of it to the King, and another to the Pope, and haue but the third penny to herselfe; though it be too much, [Page 78]vnlesse she deserued it better. To say nothing of the miserable captiuity of the Spaniards, who sitting at dinner, or so, if the Priests bell doe but tinkle at the doore, his Dame, be she neuer so buxome or debonaire, louely or dainty, away she must to priuate shrifte, while the good-man must be glad to bite vpon the sower hearbes of cholericke jealousie, leauing his dainty (Kates perforce alas!) to the Priest, to feede upon. O poore Spaniards! yea some of them, informed by our English then their Guests, how free we were in England from such bondage, deepely sighed (as far as they durst) saying, En­gland was happy, and enjoyed Heauen, while themselues were tormented in Hell and Purgatory. And tell me now O yee English Romain Catholickes, do yee enuy the happi­nesse of the Spanish yoake? Is it so sweete, trow you, to ex­change for it your English liberty? Yet, though you affect it neuer so much, though Iesuiticall eloquence neuer so faire­ly guilt ouer with a brainsick ambition of becomming great Magnificoes: yet soft a while; you must not looke [...] to goe cheeke by iowle with senior Spaniole, to bee vsed [...] ­gether so favourably, as your Don is: For he is a Natiue of Spaine: you Aliens, he is, for all his Masters yoake, poore and true to his King, so poore, that he cannot chuse but bee true; for yee seldome or neuer heare of rebellion, or treason in Spaine by a Spaniard. Why? because the poore shakes are kept so cold, that they want courage & strength to sting: but in England it is otherwise. As king Henry 4, of England a wise Prince, who full well knew the humour of the English (they are a Remaines of wise speeches pag. 210. graue authors words) in his admonition to his Sonne, at his death, said, of English men, so long as the haue wealth and riches, so long shalt thou h [...]ue obeysance: but when they be poore, then are they ready to make insurrections at euery motion. Ibid. in Epigr. For as Alfred of Beuerly sang of England in his Poem.

Libera gens, cui libera mens, & libera lingua,
Sed lingua melior, libera [...] [...].
A Nation free, whose minde, whose tongue if free:
[Page 79]But hand then tongue will better, freer be.

And what liberty doe not euen you yourselues here inioy? wherein are you restrained, vnlesse a little in that wherein it were happy for you, that ye had not the least communion at all, I meane your Romish Religion? But of that Anon. But say, any should renounce the best natiue properties of English men, which is fidelitie and loyaltie to their Prince and Country; and retaine the worst, to wit, an itching affection after noueltie and change: Say, that the Iesuits with their Circean Cup, should so transforme our English, as Vlisses his men, into Hoggs, as when the hungry Wolfe or Fox should see me to present to their smell some gratefull cōmodity, they should inconsiderately with the snowt of sensuality cast open the doore of their owne sty, and so let in the rauenous Beasts to prey both vpon themselues, & the whole litter, turning their habitations into Dennes of such wild Beastes. In plaine tearmes, say, that if the subtile and cruell Spaniard were now with a great Nauy vpon our narrow Seas, seeking to arriue on our Coast, but could not [...] we kept our Sinque-Ports and Forts well guarded, yea specially, so long as we were all fast knit in vnity among our selues, like true English-men; but that the Popes Catholick sons should be perswaded, for the obtaining, [...] least of the liberty of their consciences if not to plunge themselues into a further thraldome) to rise vp for the Catholick King ▪ by which meanes he might haply [...] footing in England (what thinke you then should become of you? Grandees all of you would be.Yea Grand deuills, and such as your new master of Spaine would neuer account worthy to be trusted, so much as to digge in his siluer Mynes in the West-Indies, who so vnnaturally would not stick to betray your deare natiue Country. Nay would he not spare that labour and cost to carry you so farre to bee his slaues (though, as Mendoza answered Henry 3 of France, that if his Master had conquered England in 88. the English should haue had the fauour to be transported to digge in his Indian Mines) and by the way s [...]w you vp close in the old Romaine Culleus, a leather sack, (the ancient reward of [...]) [Page 80] casting you into the Sea, as vnworthy to touch any Element, that would vnnaturally betray that sweet Country, wherein you first receiued your Being, and breath? The Spaniard [...] his lesson ad vnguem, Amo proditionem, odi Proditorem; I loue the Treason, but hate the Traytor. Or say, that necessity may inforce him for the present to allow you to breath still in England, to be his Drudges and Vassals (as it was with [...] at the Captiuity in Babilon) to till the ground for him, to carry him in prouision for the warres in his conquest of the rest of Christendome, and to feed his hungry pround Spani­ards, sucking the sweet of your sw [...]t continually▪ yet [...] whither you will account this a condign recompense for such a foule treason; yea consider also, what yee haue now purchased in comparison of that, which yee were before, when yee liued like free English men, euery man vnder his owne Vine and vnder his owne Figtree.

But why do I so much as suppose or imagine the least probabilitie of the comming to passe of any such prodigious [...]? God forbid I assure my selfe, none of you will euer [...] such vnnatural Miscreants, to betray your natiue Coun­try to the Spaniard; neither if any would be so mad, will our good God ever forsake this his inheritance, wherein he hath so many thousands of his faithfull and vowed seruants, who haue not bowed the knee to B [...]l, or kissed [...] [...]. And you cannot but know so much (as little acquaintance as is allowed [...] to haue with the Scriptures) that so long as but one [...] was in wicked Sodome, euen the power of the Omni­potent himselfe was suspended from taking reuenge vpon it, till Lot was safely provided fir; and if but one righteous had beene found in the Citie, God had spared it for their sakes. Therefore neuer let any Romish or Spanish hopes feed them­selues with such a vaine conceit of Englands Conquest, vn­lesse the conniuence at your innumerable [...] Idols may indanger [...] place your chiefe confidence [...], more zealous then wise, and [...] alleadge the Catholicke cause, and the libertie of conscience, as preponderating all other mischiefes, [Page 81] the freedome of Religion, and of the soule being to be preferred before the thraldome of the body, yea and the betraying of your earthly Country not to be forborne, for the meriting of an heauenly: this indeed may seeme a waigh­ty point, and therefore not vnworthy altogether in this place of our deepest considerations, for the discussing of such a diffi­culty.

To begin then at the head-spring of this our discourse, it is no newes vnto you, that the Pope of late hath sent his Bull or Brieue into England, recommended to all his Ca­tholicke sonnes of England, wherein he chargeth you by no meanes to take the Oath of Allegeance or fidelity to your King, but rather that you should account him for your Enemy; the summe is that you should bee armed with the spirit of rebellion against your King and Country, when oc­casion of the Catholicks cause should serue to show your va­lour in the open field, as ye may all more plainely see in this brief [...] vnfolding of the Brieue.

How? to charge subiects to disauow their fidelity to their Prince? by what authority? who hath such power ouer men, to dispense, to dissolue, to absolue from the bonds of duty and obedience, which naturall subiects owe to their King? By what lawe or example? God in his word hath taught the contrary. But Christ Vicar hath this power: but Christ pra­ctised the contrary. But the Apostolicke successour of Peter may doe it: but Peter & Paul both, preached, practised the contrary: so all the Patriarckes and Prophets: Yet Christs Vicar, Peters successor, are titles not lightly to be regarded; to which is added also, Head of the Church, Oracle of the world, to whom is committed all power in heauen and earth, who cannot erre, to whom all must be subiect vnder paine of damna­tion, and much more then I can tell: Huge titles, enough to intoxicate and infatuate silly and simple soules, yea and to dazzle the eyes euen of the acutest wits with their glo­rious luster, where they are attended or entertained but with credulity.

But if there be any truth at all in these things, concerning [Page 82] the Pope, whence (in the name of God) hath he these titles? From what ground of truth? He dare plead, from Scripture. From Scripture? Hold you there, we desire no better eui­dence, or vmpire in this cause: you will graunt then, that the Scripture is of authority in it selfe to challenge our faith to rest vpon it, as a most sure rule. Yes, but with condition (as you are taught) if it haue authority from the Church: From what Church? What Church? Of Rome: From whose mouth? who must pronounce the verdict? The Pope for­sooth: if so then the Popes power is not built primarily vpon the Scriptures but vpon himselfe, and so he is Iudge in his owne cause. The Pope belike lendeth authority to the Scrip­tures, and they againe repay him with his owne minted coyne, by confirming his supremacy. This is pretty. Iust as Boniface confirmed Phocas in his vsurped Empire, and Pho­cas reciprocally settled him in his Papall supremacy. Or as the See Cicarillas in vita Sixti 5. where this Pope hauing canonized the Anchorite Didacus for a Saint makes his solemne prayer to God to be so fauou­rable to his hu­mility as (saith he) by the pious prayers of thy Saint Dida­cus, wee may merit to be exal­ted to eternall glory in hea [...]en. Contra neg [...]n­tem Principia, non est dispu­tandum. Pope makes Saints, who by that meanes receiuing a power and merit, are by their Canonization qualified to be­come intercessors for their Canonizer, his Holinesse. What a coniuration-circle is here? but pitch we vpon the center. If the Pope giue the authority to the Scriptures, prescribing and limiting them their sence: whence then hath the Pope this authority? From Christ as his Ʋicar. How proues he that? From Scripture. But what authority hath the Scripture for this, till first it receiue it from the Popes brest? Come, come; let such popish jugglings impose vpon fooles; and such turn­sicke windings cause the braines of young children to runne round, and to conceit that the whole earth runnes round, when it standeth still vnmoued. But let men be guided by reason, vnderstanding iudgement. He that denyeth principles, is to be detested, not disputed with. It is a Principle in Divi­nity that the Scripture is, and euer hath beene the rule of Faith. Yes, say your Pontificians, a Partiall rule but not To­tall, the vnwritten word is to be added. What is that? Apo­stolicke traditions. Apostolicke? That sounds well. Well; let not Apostolicke Traditions crosse Apostolicke writings, and haue with you. But otherwise looke not that your penny of [Page 83] Traditions should passe for current siluer with vs, for waight and purenesse, as the Scriptures, in point of rule of Faith, for all the Pope stampeth them with the Image and Super­scription of Apostolicke. Abrahams wells are now digged so deepe, so large, as not all your Philistian rubbidge can stop them vp, not Apostolicke, not all Romes holy Reliques, or peeces of Christs Crosse & the rest. But neither is Apostlicke Tradition enough to make vp the other moity of the partiall rule parallell to Scripture, by Pontifician confession; for nei­ther will those serue the Popes turne. What then? How shall the rule of Faith bee eeked out to the intire perfe­ction to please the Pope, in case his Holinesse would come within the compasse of any rule? Yes: there is (forsooth) the liuely Oracle or voyce of the Church, which being of an vn­limited latitude, doth consummate the rule of Faith; and the Popes brest is the fountaine, whence these waters of Romes sanctuary flow. But the truth is (if there were any truth in it) this rule is such, as will not indure copartnership with Scriptures and Traditions, for all they be Apostolicke, but is the sole and supreme Rule whereby those must be squared & whereto they must be conformed. Nor is this Rule of the Popes brest certaine, but sometimes it giues one sence of Scrip­ture, & sometimes another, according as the changeable & va­rious condition of the Church requiteth. This is a Mystery which perhaps many of you the Popes Catholicke sonnes will hardly belieue, specially such as are indued with any iudge­ment & enjoy the priuiledge to haue the free vse of your rea­son without papall restraint; but if any doubt of it, we haue suf­ficient authentick records for it, the best that Rome can afford.

But come, doe but straine courtesie a little with your Ghostly Father, and let vs enter in a little priuate sad confe­rence, and let right reason be the Moderatour. Tell me (as Paul asked Agrippa) Belieuest thou the Scriptures of the Prophets and Apostles? I know you belieue. Surely if yee doe, you may answere with Agrippa, Almost thou perswadest mee to become an Orthodoxe Christian, and true Catholicke. And rest but vpon the Scriptures, and I will say, Thou art not [Page 84] farre from the Kingdome of God. But to rest vpon the voyce of the Pope, and not vpon the expresse words of Scripture, what is it, but to suffer him to plucke out both your eyes, that so he may the more easily lead you blindfold into hell? Or what were this, but to make the Pope your God, aboue God and Christ, and so to adore him, who thus aduanceth himselfe aboue all that is called God? Fye for shame, as God hath giuen you reason, vnderstanding and iudgement, so in the name of God vse it to his glory, that gaue it, and suffer no man to cheate you of it, least you proue more sottish then those heathen, who worshipped the creature in stead of the Creator, who is blessed for euer.

But you are perswaded of the Popes inerrability, as be­ing Christs Vicar, Peters successor, as hauing continued in the See of Rome euer since the Apostles times, so as not any Bishops See in the world hath done the like. What then? all Bishops and Ministers of the Word may be said to be Christs Vicars, and Successors of the Apostles, while they execute their Ministry, as Christ and the Apostles did. But neuer any man was Christs sole Vicar ouer his Church. This pre­rogatiue is peculiar to the Holy Ghost, that Other Comforter, who onely cannot erre, leading Gods people into all truth. As for Peters Vicarship, he had it but in common with his fellowe- Disciples, Wee passe by those places of Scripture, which Pontificians haue miserably peruerted to this purpose. Doe but looke in my answer to this Bull or Brieue. And for lineall vniterrupted succession of the Bp. of Rome from the Apostles times: what is this to the purpose, to proue the Popes Vicarship or his Successors-ship? Certainely it makes wondrous much to fulfill all those Prophecies in Scripture, concerning Antichrst, whose Seat is Rome. For may not the same Church of Rome (specially if we measure it by the place where it is fixed) in so long a tract of time, come exceeding­ly to differ from that it was once, in the more pure and pri­mitue age of it? Doth not experience teach you, that the soundest, and solidest Oake in time growes rotten, hollow, a nest for Owles, and such like night-birds, vnusefull for [Page 85] building, and at last, good for nothing but the fire? And yet the while, it is called by the name of such an Oake still. The Church of Rome at first was sound and Apostolicall, while it kept the Apostolicke Faith: but might not time make it rot­ten, and yet be called Apostolicke still? Bethel (as much as the house of God) so called at first by Iacob who erected there an Altar for Gods pure worship, yet retained that name still in Ieroboams time, euen when it was wholly polluted with the Idolatry of one of his golden Calues erected there. Ancient goodly Chanels haue beene in time so choaked vp with mud and grauell, that the maine streame hath beene di­uerted and driuen another way, and yet haue retained the name of the old chanell still. Yea that goodly Cittie Ierusa­lem, in Christs time, when it crucified Christ was called the Holy Cittie; and for all that God hath made that now a cur­sed heap, and the Country about it a desolation, neuer to be repaired: yet your Pontificians especially call it the Holy Land still; which notwithstanding is neuer a whit the holyer, though by the Popes subtile instigation, so many thousands of soules haue perished about the pretended quarrell, out of a blind zeale of recoucring it againe; which whither regai­ned, or no, the Pope was sure not to loose by the bargain; for if he had regained it, it might haue brought the greater income to his coffers by the trade of superstitious Pilgrims at least; althoug hee hath some footing there with the Turke: but he was sure during the quarrell, to inlarge his Papall Dominions at home in Christendome, which he did: but this by the way. You see then, that continuance of anti­quity in name and title, may notwithstanding stand with al­tering the propertie and true nature of the thing. Did not the Prophet say of Ierusalem, How is the faithfull Cittie become an harlot? It was full of iudgement, righteousnesse lodged in it; but now murtherers, &c. And may it not proue so with Rome, for all you still call it the Apostolicall See? And what will you say then? What if Apostolicall, in title bee turned into Apostaticall, in truth? What if Tues Petrus, &c. and tibi da­bo claues, &c. and Orani pro te Petre, &c. and, Omnis mihi po­testas [Page 86] data &c. & Ecce duo gladij hîc: satest: all proue, by the Popes peruertings, to make vp the Mystery of iniquity; and by fastening all to Rome, proue her the Mistres, and Mo­ther of whooredomes. For let me tell you, you cannot finde me out the exact and true naturall Mystery of iniquity indeed, but vnder the vaile of such titles, borrowed from Scripture. None can be Antichrist, but he must call himselfe the Vicar of Christ, the Successor of Peter, the onely one vpon earth, that cannot erre, and the like; translating the whole power of Christ vnto himselfe. To bring in the Turke for a Corriuall with the Pope for the title of Antichrist, is to dreame waking, and to bewray extreme ignorance in those two great Myste­ries the one of Godlinesse the other of iniquity. For all the Turks Alcoran cannot make one compound of the Mystery of ini­quity whereby to deceiue with strong illusion, if it were possible, the very elect, For take but a breefe suruey of the Mystery of iniquity.

This Mystery began to take roote in the Apostles time, as Saint Paul speaketh, 2 Thess. 2. but was letted to grow, by the Ro­maine Empire (as the learndest Fathers haue interpreted, and experience hath made it euident) and by manifold Perse­cutions for the space of aboue 300. yeares. Then Constantine the great, like Noahs Doue after the Deluge bringing an Oliue branch of peace; and after a sad winter a mild spring, and som­mer to the Church, setting a Coronet vpon the head of Sylue­ster the 1. Bp. of Rome, then the imperiall City, at what time there was a voice heard from Heauen, Hodie venenum effusum est in ecclesiam, This day is poyson powred into the Church: from this time forward began the Root of this My­sterie to sprowt and spring, bud forth and blossome aboue ground, howsoeuer nipt by sundry frosts, as an ouerforward shoot in the spring. For Rome, by vertue of being the prime Imperiall City, and the Bp. of Rome, by vertue of his new Crowne, began from henceforward to stickle for the supre­macy ouer all other Churches. Yet, at the first, his best Plea was, a counterfet and foisted Decree of the Nicen-Councel, by which hee would claime the Presidency of the African [Page 87] Councell, whereof Saint Augustine was. But the whole Councell cryed it downe, hauing openly conuinced the Bp. of Rome of forgery. For as yet, the Bp. of Rome had not learned, how he might deriue this streame of Supermacy to Rome from the fountaine of Scriptures. But still the Mystery fastened the roote euery day more & more, and got ground, vntill Boniface 3. about the yeare 606. by earnest suit and importunity, as their owne Platina recordeth, obtained of the Parricide, Phocas, that the City of Rome should be the head, and Mother city ouer all other. But what was this to the Pa­pall Supremacy? yes: for vpon the Headship of Rome, the Pope now founds his owne Headship ouer the Church, & all Church men; that he might proue himselfe to be that man of sinne, that Son of Perdition, who exalts himselfe (marke it well) aboue all that is called God, 2 Thess. 2. sitting in, vpon, or ouer the Temple of God. For Phocas his meaning was not; when hee granted the preheminence to Rome before other cities, whose emulous corriuall Constantinople her younger sister had bene, Phocas now stinting the strife; that therefore the Bp. of Rome should haue that absolute souerainty ouer all, as euen Boniface then began to arregate to himselfe, who of Bp. of Rome (a title which he had had with other Patriarches in common, only hauing precedency of place, in regard of the prime Imperiall city) now is turned Pope of Rome, challenging the soueraine authority of sole Father of the Church, with his See plantin [...]. Volumus & Iubemus, we will and commaund; which Motto this first Pope of Rome brought in with an innouation of the ancient custome of the Church, of assuming the power of election and inuesti­ture of Bishops into his owne hand; whereupon his Papall word was, Ʋolumus & Iubemus. So that thus this Boniface became the first stemme or eminent branch growing from the root of the Mystery of iniquity. Here began Antichrist to dis­play himselfe, whose immediate forerunner (as Gregory Bp. of Rome but a little before called him) was Iohn of Constanti­nople, who taking vpon him that blasphemous name of vniuer­sall Bp. (as Gregory termes it) was therefore the forerunner. A most true Prophecy; Now Boniface, Gregories next suc­cessor [Page 88] but one, is the Antichrist, whose forerunner was Iohn. All you that are versed in the storles of the Church, know all this to be true. This branch henceforward spreads further and further, and mounts higher and higher, till Hildebrand, Pope Gregory 7. who added another maine branch to the former, to wit, domination ouer Kings and Princes, which the Pope had striuen for before (the Mistery of iniquity still working, but Rome was not built in one day) but could not obtaine full possession of it, till this Hildebrand, who begins Iupiter­like to thunder out his excommunications against the Empe­rour. This Hildebrand sate about 1000. yeares from the de­struction of Ierusalem, fulfilling the prophecy, of letting loosse the Deuill after 1000. yeates; for Bead Benno Cardinalis, of his life. Also Abbas vrsper­gensis. he was a Coniurer, got the Popedome by Satans meanes, exercised the vsurped power of Satan ouer the Kingdomes of the world, & brought in that 1 Tim. 4. doctrine of Deuils, in forbidding marriage to Priests. He began to peruert the Scripture to his wicked purposes, as the Deuill did to Christ, which (saith Bruno in vrspergensis is a most grosse kind of Idolatry. From this time forward, this tree of the Mystery of iniquity did thriue and prosper notoriously, hauing the two numerous Orders of Saint Dominick, and Saint Francis to water it, instituted by Pope Innocent 3. at the Counsell of Lateran, vpon his Dreame, that the Lateran, was like to fall, but that in came Dominick, and supported it with his shoulders; wherevpon the next morning the Pope granted him his sute, which he was then in hot pursuit off, for the erect­tion and institution of his black Order. This Innocent 3. was the first that decreed the Breaden God in his Transubstantia­tion, to be belieued, and adored of all, about the yeare 1215. And in the yeare 1300. began Pope Boniface 8. to institute and celebrate Romes first Iubilee, marching forth the first day in his pontificalibus, wearing, no longer the single, but the trip­ple Crowne; and the next day in his Imperiall Robes, with two Swords carried before him, with Exe duo gladij hîc, Behold here are two Swords, the Spirituall and temporall. Thus grew on still step by step this Mystery of iniquity, hauing many helpes to forward it, as first, the Emperours Court remoued [Page 89] to Constantinople, and [...] that which [...] the Antichrist was taken out of the way, as 2 Thess. 2. the losse of the Emperours footing in Italy in Augustulus: the quarrell about Images, deuised at first by Gregory onely for Lay-mens bookes, yet wherein now all Romaine-Catholicks, Lay, and learned, are proved such profound Proficients, as by their of­ten and over-studious diligent pooring therein, they haue learned such Divinity in them, as to adore them for theyr Gods: the rising vp of Maomet in the East: the translation of the Empire into the West: the long pretended- holy warres for recovery (forsooth) of the holy Land, the Pope setting Christian Princes to goe fight for the Shadow, the while hee got the Substance: the rabble of Friers of all sorts: the Schoole Rabbies: and profound ignorance all along, all religion being confined to an vnknowne tongue, that men might know it (that knew nothing) to be the language and religion of Ba­bel, by the confused sound, and little sense hee could find in it. And yet all this while was not Antichrist come to his full pitch, stature and strength, vntill the Councell of Trent, in which the Church of Rome sheweth her selfe to bee quite apo­statized and fallen away from Christ, ceassing to bee any lon­ger a true Church, as having solemnly renounced and ac­cursed the sauing faith of Christ, without which is no salvati­on, no communion with him. During which Council, also was first founded that diabolicall Order of the Iesuites, the most actiue instruments of Antichrist▪ and in a manner the only and last supporters of the Babylonian tottering Tower. But this by the way. In the Councill of Trent (I say) is the whole Mystery of iniquity fully accomplished, and the Pope now declared that Man of sinne, that Antichrist, prophecyed of in the Scriptures. I can but name these things vnto you at this present: nor doe I say more, then I am able more a­bundantly to demonstrate, if occasion serued. For compa­ring the Pope exactly to the description of Antichrist in the Scripture, wee finde him in all points answerable, and that in a full measure, so that it is not possible for a man to ima­gine, wherein Antichrist can goe higher, then the Pope hath [Page 90] done. A scantling where of wee may▪ take in this Papall Breeue or Bull, wherein throughout, hee showes him­selfe that Antichrist. And if the Pope bee that Antichrist, as most demonstratiuely hee is, which I dare vndertake to maintaine against all the Iesuites in England: then consider, ô yee Romaine-Catholickes, in what a fearefull condition you all stand, that adhere to the Pope, as your Head. Certainely such are no other, then the limmes of Antichrist, the mem­bers of the Beast, the children of that Father, who is the sonne of perdition, who with all his, goe into perdition. This is a hard saying, you will say, but it is too true. Nor do I alone say, that in the Church of Rome is no saluation to bee found; Concil. Trent. Sess. 6. Can. 12. Aske the Councell of Trent (which is the onely rule of Romish faith) that will tell you. To giue you one instance for many; one of her Canons is: Si quis dixerit, fidem iustificantem ni­hil aliud esse, quàm fiduciam diuinae misericordiae, peccata remit­tentis propter Christum, ibid. Can. 28. vel eam fiduciam solam esse, qua iustifica­mur: anathema sit. That is: If any shall say, that iustifying faith is nothing else; Iames. 3. but a confidence in Gods mercy, remitting sinnes for Christs sake; or, that confidence to bee onely that, whereby wee are iustified: let him bee accursed. What is then Romes iustifying faith? Heare another Canon: which telleth you, that the faith of Rome may subsist, being seperate from grace, and yet bee a true faith, though it bee a dead faith. And this is no other faith, but that which is in the very Deuills, as Saint Iames sayth. For, as they confesse, they may with this their faith goe into hell, and there bee punished with the Devils. As for the iustifying and saving faith, they not onely accurse it, but him also, that shall say, Can. 14. that none is truly iustifyed, but hee that beleeueth that he is iustifyed. Thus they haue quite excluded and exiled out of their Church, with Anathema, the saving & instifying faith, without which there is no salvation, no communion with Christ. Whence I conclude with this Argument.

That Church which denieth, yea accurseth the sauing faith of Iesus Christ, vnto instification, allowing onely such a faith, which can neuer saue a man, but is a graceles faith, [Page 91] seperable from grace, and which a man may carry with him into hell; that is an Apostatized Church, vtterly fallen away from Christ, wherein no saluation is to bee found, or hoped for.

But the Church of Rome denyeth, yea accurseth the sauing faith of Iesus Christ, vnto iustification, allowing only such a faith, as can neuer saue a man, but is a gracelesse faith, seperate from grace, and which a man may carry with him into hell.

Therefore the Church of Rome is an apostatized Church, vt­terly fallen away from Christ, wherein no saluation is to be found, or hoped for.

Both the propositions are proved out of the Councell of Trents owne Canons already cited.

If any answer, that the Church of Rome denyeth not the true faith; forasmuch as the faith, which shee alloweth, she sayth is true, though dead; I rejoyne, and say, that this is a Paralogisme. Romes dead faith is indeed for the kind of it, a true dead faith, or a true faith of devils, as one may be said to be a true lyar. But I proue, that this faith of Rome is meerely different in kind from the true sauing faith of Christ, thus.

That faith, which Christ commendeth for the onely true sa­uing faith, doth so iustifie a man, that he shal neuer come into condemnation, but passe from death vnto life.

But the only faith which the Church of Rome alloweth, doth not so saue or iustifie a man, but that he way with it go into condemnation, and not passe from death vnto life.

Therefore the saith of the Church of Rome, is not that faith, which Christ commendeth for the only true sauing faith.

And consequently, the Church of Rome denying the true sauing faith of Christ, whereby to be justified, is vtterly voyd of all hope of saluation, and so hath quite abandoned Iesus Christ. Now for the Proposition, it is proved by Christ him­selfe Ioh. 5. 24. The Minor is confessed by the Councell of Trent itselfe, as hath beene proved.

Take one argument more.

That Church which cleaueth to Antichrist as her Head [Page 92] whome shee receiueth all her spirituall life, hath no salua­tion to be found or hoped for in it.

But the Church of Rome cleaueth to Antichrist, as her Head from whom shee draweth all her spirituall life.

Therefore the Church of Rome hath no saluation to be found, or hoped for in it.

The Proposition is granted of all. For Antichrist and all his members are damned, and goe into perditition, as the A­postle sheweth, 2 Thess. 2. Reuel. 14. 8, 9, 10, 11. [...]. But for the Assumption, that the Church of Rome eleuenth to An­tichrist, as her Head, from whom shee draweth all her spirituall life: This is plainly proued, yea professed and avowed e­ven by the Pope himselfe, and by his Papall Decrees. First, the Pope is the Head of the Church of Rome. Secondly, he is not simply a subordinate and Ministeriall Head, but the ab­solute, soveraine, supreme Head, whom (as Pope Nicolas 3. in his Euangelicall and irrefragable Decree, in Sexti, de Electione, cap. 17. tit. 6. lib. 1. doth peremptorily tell vs) the Lord would haue to bee intitled into the fellowship of the indiuiduall vnity, that the structure of the eternall Temple built by God, might by an ad­mirable gift of the grace of God, consist in the firmnesse of blessed Pe­ter, and his Successor; that from him, as from a certaine Head he might diffuse his gifts, as into all his body. The like Decree hath Pope Boniface in his Commune Extrauga [...] 1. de Maior. & obed. c. vnam sanctam, making Peter and the Pope, one and the same Head with Christ lest otherwise, sayth the Pope, the Church should bee at a Monster with two Heads. Thirdly, it cannot bee denied, but that Antichrist is that Man of Sinne, described by the Apostle, 2 Thess. 2. who exalteth himselfe aboue all that is called God, who sitteth in, vpon, for, or ouer the Temple of God, shewing himselfe that hee is God. Fourthly, the Pope himselfe preveth, that he is that man of [...]; for hee exalteth himselfe aboue all that is called God, namely aboue all Kings and Prin­ces, and Powers of the world, who [...] called Gods Psal. 82. 6. I haue sayd, Yee are Gods. That he that exalteth himselfe, wit­nesse this present Breeue or Bull. [...] though Pope Boniface 3. with importunate [...] [...] wicked Tyrant [Page 93] and Murtherer Phocas, that Rome should be the Head City o­ver all, so that this supremacy might claime its foundation from humaine Constitution Imperiall: yet the Popes Perso­nall supremacy over Emperours and Kings came in by the By, by his owne meete vsurpation, which though it might seeme to bee grounded vpon the same foundation of the Cities Supremacy, yet it was never the intent of Phocas the Founder, that the Bishop of Rome should haue a personall or reall Supremacy over the Emperour, as we haue shewed. This learne of the Beast grew out afterward in Hildebrand, Pope Gregorie. 7. who himselfe being a Conjurer, and getting the Popedome by the Deuils meanes, hee now began to exer­cise the Dragons vsurped power over Emperours, Kings, and Kingdomes of the world, as the Dragon sayd to Christ, All this power, and glory of the Kingdomes of the world, is deliuered to mee, and to whomsoeuer I will, I giue it; which very speech Pope Hadrian 4. vsed to the Emperour Fredericke. Thus doth the Pope exalt himselfe aboue all that is called God. To so little purpose is it to shift it off, by saying, hee hath this po­wer deliuered to him, and therefore, hee doth not exalt him­selfe. For so sayd the Devill, All this power is giuen mee; and yet was hee not a most shamelesse vsurper? But more of this in the Answere to the Breeue. Againe, doth not the Pope sitt in, or vpon, or for, or ouer the Temple of God? For all these the Greeke phrase, [...], signifieth. And what other Temple of God doth the Pope allow, but the Church of Rome, whereof himselfe is the Head, the summe, and only Oracle? Insomuch as hee sheweth himselfe to bee God, by assuming to himselfe the whole vnlimited power of God, as if hee were the same with God and Christ, as being assumpted into the individuall vnity with Christ; as Pope Nicolas decreed. O all yee learned Papists, that doe adhere to such a Head, even to that man of sinne, Antichrist, which while you doe, what remaineth for you, but according to the holy Ghost; owne doome, even damnation and perdition both of soule and bo­dy for evermore▪ In the name of Iesus Christ therefore open your eyes, put off that Egyptian vaile, which this Man of sinne [Page 94] hath cast over you, that you should not set the truth▪ shake off those Babylonian chaines, wherewith you are so miserably captived by Antichrist, and quit your selues like men. Hear­ken diligently to the voyce of Christ in his word, who from heaven cryeth vnto you, saying, Come out of Babylon, my peo­ple, that yee be not partakers of her sinnes, and that yee receiue not of her plagues, Reuel: 18. 4. This Babylon is the Church of Rome, so plainly described in the 17 chapter, that the most learned Iesuites themselues know not how to shift it off. This Ba­bylon (chap. 18. 2.) is fallen: An Angell cryeth mightily, Ba­bylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of Deuils, and the bold of euery foule spirit, and a cage of euery vn­cleane bird; &c. Is fallen, is fallen? What is the meaning of this fall, twice repeated? Some fearefull and strange fall sure; even an vrtet apostacy and falling a way from the faith of Christ. She shall one day fall externally, but in the meane time, shee is vtterly fallen internally, and become the habita­tion of Deuils, &c. where the Devil now domineereth in that Antichrist in his full pride, and rebellion against Christ. Let not these my words seeme tart to your more tender palate. I dare say, you abhorre Antichrist, whosoever, and where­soever he is. And doe but open your eyes, and you cannot but plainely discerne even the Pope to be the selfesame.

So that we need not further quarrell Rome about other points, as the rubbidge of her infinite idolatries, and doctrins of Devils, whereof that Tower of Babylon is built vp; when as the very foundation of it is rotten, and the whole body altogether Antichristian, from top to toe▪ when as from the Crowne of the Head to the sole of the foote, there is no whole part: yea, when as the Maine Head of that body is Antichrist, and the faith of that Church, apostacy. No more is to be said.

I will conclude therefore, not with a disswasiue from that damnable practise of disavowing loyaltie to your King; for I suppose, no true Englishman wilbe either so vnnaturally and degenerously impious, yea or so vnreasonably sottish, as to be ready to betray their sweete natiue country to Rome and Spayne: but in the name of Iesus Christ be exhorted, to aban­don [Page 95] and, abhorre such a Father as the Pope, being that Anti­christ, and so that lawlesse one, who leading with himselfe Mil­lions of soules into hell to be tormented with the great Deuil, yee none must presume to blame him for it; as it is in his owne De­cretalls; hee, who is the author and abettor of conspiracies and treasons, of treacheries and rebellions, as in this Breeue hee professeth; he, who is that sonne of perdition, and that head, whose members must necessarily perish, being dam­ned, for not receiving the loue of the truth, but belieuing lyes, as 2 Thess. 2. and fly with speed unto Iesus Christ, high you into the bosome of the Church of England your Mother, who reacheth vnto you the pure milke-flowing brests of salvation in the Word and Sacramens. As for those, that wittingly and wilfully adhere to the Pope as their Head, they shut themselues out of the Kingdome of God, and of Christ. Nor let any English-Roman-Catholicke plead ignorance, while they shut their eyes at the bright Sun before them. The poor people in Spaine, that are shut vp from the light, may, if any, finde some excuse: but not so in England. He that loueth not the Lord Iesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha. Now the Lord open all your hearts, eares, & eyes, that hearing you may see, & belieue in Iesus Christ to your eternall saluation. Amen.

Your truely loving Country-man, H. B.


Pag. 31. line 21. for describe, read ascribe. p. 40. l. 2. for Powers, r. Pioners. p. 46. l. 6. r. proceed. p. 48. l. 18. r. ordine ad spititualia. p. 49. in the margent cor­rect the numbers. pag. 52. l. 26. blot out men. pag. 53. l. 19. r. Lateran. p. 56. l. 3. for saith, r. such. pag. 61. l. 6. r. triumphs. l. 23. r. Tortus. l. 30. r. hic. l. 35. r. certae spei. p. 63. l. 1. r. iudgement. p. 70. l. 12. r. it so putrifyed. pag. 71. l. 25. for concerning. r. couering. pag. 72. l. 16. r. fish.


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