Vnto which is added, The French Kings Declaration vpon the departure of the Queene Mother, and Monsieur his Brother out of the Kingdome.

The Confirmation of the Court Parliament of Paris vpon the same.

Faithfully translated out of the French.

LONDON. Printed for NATH: BVTTER, and NICH: BOVRNE. 1631.



I Cannot sufficiently testifie my griefe, for having understood by your Letters and by the report of my Cousin the Marshall of Schomberg, and of the Lord of Roijssy, the refusall which you have made of all the conditions I have offred you, for the change of your abode at Campeigne, into some more convenient place for your selfe, and lesse sus­pected for me. Were it not a thing altogether necessary for the welfare of my affaires, I would not have caused you so much to have beene pressed thereabout. And be­cause I have reserved to my selfe to give you shortly to understand the last resolution which I have taken upon so important a businesse, I will say no more thereof to you at this present, but will answere onely to that which you have written in your last concerning my said Cou­sin the Marshall of Schomberg, and the said Lord of Roijssy. It had beene very difficult for mee to have sent you per­sons of more approved honesty; and the report which they made me of your intention at their returne from [Page 2]you, is so agreeable to the sense of these Letters you writ unto me by my sayd Cousin the Marshall of Schomberg, and the Lord of Roijssy, as you have no occasion there­upon to complaine; but I rather, because my instant and reiterated prayers have had so little power to worke up­on you. God will inspire into me, if it be his pleasure, what I ought to doe for the good and quiet of my estate. After the which I shall alwayes have the same considera­tion of you, which you can expect Madame, from

Your most humble and obeisant Sonne, LOVIS.

Answer of the Queene Mother to the Kings Letter above-written.

Monsieur my Sonne:

I Had deferred to have written you an answere to your Letter the 28. of this Moneth, had not mine enemies spred a ru­mour to my preiudice, that I was escaped into Flanders. This shall assure you, that I am yet here, resolved not to depart hence, unlesse it bee by force, if this be not to vpbraid you with with the respect which a good Mother, such as I am to you, ought to be in with her Sonne; for I never had nor shall have the desire to retire my selfe into any place where you have not absolute-power, having (God be thanked) no crime vpon my Conscience which should give mee occasion to withdraw my selfe thence, nor which ought to hinder me from hoping; that your goodnesse weary of seeing me thus to suffer, will oblige you [Page 3]in the end to restore me to the calme which is due to mine inno­cency; most humbly beseeching you to vouchsafe, that for an­swere to your last vpon this occasion, I may tell you, that if I had no other consideration of remaining here, but mine owne, I would long since have rendred you that obedience which you require at my hands, of departing hence. But if you please to consider what those displeasures are of a Mother so afflicted as I am, without having committed any fault against You or your estate; you may easily Iudge, how unseemely it would be both to you and me, that me continuall teares and my extreame affliction should be exposed to the eyes of your Subiects in so long a Iourney, I should have to make vnto any one of those places which you have caus'd to be propounded vnto me, and that the triumph of mine enemies should be adorned with this spectacle, which would be most proper to illustrate their power all the world over, and the miserable estate whereto I am re­duced. If the counsels which are given you vpon this subiect, came not from the same persons which have perswaded you to confine me to this place, and who doth not thinke (knowing me so well as they doe, to be subiect to stoppings of breath, whenso­ever I am sicke) that I can live 3. dayes to an end; You might well know that it is farre more important for your state, that the ill vsage which I suffer without cause be concealed heere within foure walles, then made knowne to every one in my passage; nor would you be so earnest after it in your said Letter, nor so much complaine of my refusall of doing it. I know well what duty I owe vnto you as you are my King; but you also as my Sonne ought to compassionate mine afflicti­ons, and not to alledge vnto mee alwayes as you doe, the considerations of your estate, seeing there is no man that knowes not right well that mine abode here can bring no preiudice therunto, & that this is none other pretext or artifice; then that [Page 4]which was vsed by others heretofore, during our former sepa­ration, for which you were so sorie, so soone as you were come home to your selfe, after the death of the Constable LVYNES, and which is now put in practise to torment me; to the end that loosing (as I doe) my repose, my health may be so impaired, as I must sinke vnder the burthen, and loose my life, which they cannot any longer indure.

As touching the Conditions which have beene offred me, I doubt not, but they have told you, and would make it pub­likely to be beleeved, that they are very advantageous vnto me: But if they would describe them as they ought, there would be no such Iudgement made; seeing that MOVLINS and ANGERS which have beene propounded vnto me for mine a­bode, are so infected with the Plague, as without doubt they have bin chosen by them of purpose to thrust me into the iawes of death, which they see, doth not seize vpon me heere so soone as they could wish. Your disposition is too good to consent to their wicked designes, in case you know them: but vnder pre­text of the duty which you owe to your estate is hidden the poy­son which they would have me swallow, to ridde their hands of me, contrary to your intention: God will deliver you from that, and your Mother also, if he please, and will touch your heart, to make you know, that next your owne selfe I am the person most interested in your preservation, and that for this purpose, my life imports you more than my selfe. There is no honest man in your Kingdome that doth not thinke so. For the honesty of my Consin the Marshall de Schomberg mentio­ned in your Letters, I leave the iudgement thereof to God, and doe beseech his divine Maiesty, to grant both him and me the grace, that his counsels may be such as hee is bound in Consci­ence to give you, and that hee will inspire also into you that which you ought to doe, for the good and repose of your estate, [Page 5]assuring my selfe, if you follow those divine inspirations in stead of the passionate counsels against me which you have ta­ken ere-while; your estate shall therein finde quiet and safety, and I the comfort which is so necessary for mee, and those ef­fects of love which I ought to expect from you

Monsieur my Sonne,
Your most humble, and most affectionate Mother and subject, MARIE.

The Copie of a Letter written from PARIS the 7. of August, 1631.

VPon Monday last, the Queene Mother sent hither the Lord De Beno'ville with letters to the Parliament, and to the Sheriffes of this City. And hee delivered both the one and the other in open and full Assembly, and afterward departed againe without contradiction. These letters were presently sent to the Kings Majesty without being opened. It is confidently reported, that the said Letters are manifestly replenished with very un­seemely and strange threatnings. Thereupon, and upon the arrivall of an Ambassador from Bruxels, the Kings Majesty having changed his purpose concerning his de­votion of our Lady of Liesse, is now expected heere in very few dayes to enter into the said Parliament: there [Page 6]to open his Declarations against the said Queene and Monsieur. It is confidently held that hee will restore the Paulette, to the Officers of the Court according to the ancient forme and custome.

The farther wee doe proceed, the more the divisions of this Court doe increase and waxe worse. The jealou­sies which have heere beene conceived concerning the same, have cause order to be given for the augmentati­on and reinforming of the old Regiments, and Commis­sions to be granted for 10000. Foot forces more, and 20. Cornet of Horse.

The Kings Majesty hath given Charge and Command­ment to Monsieur de Guyse, De Gramont, to the Earle of Rochefoucault, and to Monsieur de Valencay, with all speed and diligence to be present with his Majesty. The last of these (as wee are informed) hath given a flat denyall, that hee will not depart out of Calais. And if Monsieur bee sure enough without, as wee are certified that he shall be, it is very credible that the rest will bee no lesse refracto­ry, but draw backe as well as he.

Monsieur the Kings brother hath put away and dis­charged one of his Secretaries, and three of his other Of­ficers, who were by the Lord — Coigneux suspected of Treason. He is yet at Beyancon.

Wee have received Letters from Bruxels, that Forsten­bergh and Altringer, are about to joyne their Forces vn­to those Troupes of the Administrator of Wirtenbergh, who so miserably is fallen away from the Conclusion made at the Dyet at Leypsich. Since wee have beene in­formed of this Designe, concerning the forenamed Con­junction, word was sent to Monsieur de la Force, to put the Army of Champeigne into the Field, but hee answe­reth, [Page 7]that as yet it is not expedient.

Monsieur de Loraine, hath sent hither the Lord de Ville, to make knowne to his Majesty, that Loraine is at his Devotion, and that if the Gates of Nancy are not large and great enough, the very walles shall bee broken downe, to give entrance to, and to receive his Majesty. But all their kind of submissions will not purge and cleere his Highnesse. Who is like enough to receive the first stroake of the forces of this estate; If so bee that the said Lord doe but enterprize any thing, and especially, if hee doe give entertaine­ment into his company to the Prince of Phalsbourgh, who (as it is reported) for a certaine, is one of his parties.

The forenamed Ambassador of Bruxels, comes to make excuse to his Majesty in that the Infanta be­ing taken on a suddaine could not afford that due ho­nour and respect to the Queene Mother, which otherwise she would have done.

Those of Straesburgh, much sorrowing at the miserable and unfaithfull falling of the Duke of Wirtenbergh, doe now earnestly implore the succour and aid of our King by the Lord Clafer. His Maie­sty hath given him all assurance, that hee will in no wise forsake them. God grant that he may returne home better contented than the Ambassador of S [...]ye­den. Who much grieved, that he could not receive grant of 4000. men which he required: will within few dayes returne home very ill satisfied. Never­thelesse he hath received the gift of a Chaine of Dia­monds, worth the value of five thousand Crownes. The Lord Larson, Treasurer of the said King of [Page 8] Sweden received a Chaine of two thousand Florens, and the secretary of the said Embassador, had one given him of one thousand.

The Lord De Villars hath sould the Government of Honfleur to the Marquis De Sourdis, from whom it is like to be taken away. He was lately brought in question and accused before the King that his Company of the Guard was not compleat and that he pursed up the Monies of those that were more to pay. Whereupon, and by reason of some Inso­lent words which he gave in the presence of his Ma­iesty, his Maiesty plucked from his neck his Corslet and degraded him, and disarmed him most shamefully in open Company.

A Letter written by the Queene Mother to the Kings Maiesty with the Answere of his Maiesty to the same.

The Letter of the Queene Mother to the King.

Sir. My Sonne.

I Have thought it my duty diligently to acquaint you by my Lord De la Barre that I am departed from Cam­paigne, as also to declare unto you the reasons and Motives inciting me thereunto which your Maiesty shall find in this Letter.

If I should alledge no more, but the hardnesse and harsh­nesse of my imprisonment, the continuall disquiets and per­secutions which I suffered by the Cardinall Richelieu, I thinke they might easily be of power to give abundant sa­tisfaction to your good disposition, for I know that your in­clination is such that you would not have me obey him to the very preiudice of my life. And to the preiudice of your pious affection to your Mother, which can no longer be pre­served, nor consist with my obedience to him in this place, especially when all those evills and wrong inflicted vpon me, are pretended to be done in your name. I have hitherto (without expresse of my griefe, and relating of my teares) suffered that which were impossible for a womā of a far ba­ser ranck and degree, to suffer with any kind of patience. I [Page 10]have beene held from the first beginning as guilty, because I would not obey the Cardinals pleasure, for this the most veritable letter beares it, being the first declaration addres­sed from Champaigne to the Parliaments and Provinces. Since that I have beene used and dealt withall, as if I were the greatest Enemy of the whole Kingdome of France, not onely in the deniall of my honest and iust requests, but even in the misconstruing of my good meaning and intentions. And in shutting up in prison my officers and servants as well as my owne person. Insomuch that they might not budge out of the City without his warrant, that kept and guarded me with two Companies of foot Souldiers 500. Horsmen, and unanswerable to all my submissions, and the lenity and mildnesse which I manifested in all my treaties and proceedings with you, I have beene opposed and set upon with nothing but threatnings, violences, and insultings; Which undoubtedly and infallibly, (if you respect my natu­rall disposition) would have by this time enterred me in my Tomb, if the Lord of heaven himself had not strengthe­ned my courage with a magnanimous and generous re­solution, and in recompence of my candid and faire procee­ding I have beene repaid with tricks and dissimulations. The forces that were brought upon the borders of Cham­paigne were onely retired thither to abuse those good people that did sympathize with my Imprisonment, and under shew of the liberty which I had yeelded me to walk abroad, to surprise me as it were in Ambush. As I have bin well enformed by such as could easily know something concer­ning the evill intention of the Cardinall against me, to prolong my misery, and to keepe the people and strangers in suspence and expectation. There have beene sent unto me divers Embassadors, who noysed abroad, that they came [Page 11]to allay all difference and amend the matter. But, O God! What remedy and amendment did they speake of to me? When as some of them have bin so insolent that violating the honour and respect due unto me as did the Marshall of Schomb [...]rgh, greedily raging after me untill the very entrance of my bedchamber. The last voyage which my Cousin the Marshall Destree made, and the Lord Mesmin was no better than the former, for it was onely to threaten me with the returning againe of my guard and againe to make me feare the former violence, and the losse of my faithfull officers and servants, necessary for the preserva­tion of my life; And to yeeld my selfe to their proceedings, God knowes to what end and intention. As also to propound unto me the iourney of going to Chartres or to Mante where you might see me before I went into Champaigne. Which caused me to suspect their proposition, Champaign being the way, but not Chartres. But this was more pro­per and agreeable to their desire which they had, to leade me along in Triumph, and shew, and with me all Europe, where my Children command and raigne, more then our mutuall meeting, which I desire more than any thing, the privation whereof is the greatest and most sensible misery which I suffer, how ever the other are cruell enough. All these things I have suffered with resignation, to testifie to the whole Kingdome of France, that I did respect your Au­thority even in the hands of my Enemies, and that I neuer had nor shall have, any but wholesome and good intentions toward your State, for having matter and subiect enough to compaine of, I contained my selfe with all patience fiue monethes together, to give you leasure to find out and acknowledge my integrity and innocency. And to let it appeare unto you, that I never had intelli­gence, [Page 12]nor held Correspondency with any of my Children but your owne selfe. However the Cardinall maliciously hath possessed and perswaded you to the contrary, to the end that he might attaine to the accomplishment of his owne wicked desires and intentions. Which is, to chase and ex­pell both Mother and Children, out of the Kingdome, to at­taine to the end of his designes, and one day you will find it and acknowledge the same, perhaps when it will be to late.

In meane while, now how as the time of my sufferings hath continued long, a new to give you an impression of my inno­cency, and that longer time would make me to be esteemed guilty, if I did not now have a care for the preservation of my life, and the reestablishment of my liberty seeing that my Children cannot dispence with the disgrace and Infamy which should be laid upon me. That shall notwithstanding, (by Gods grace) iustifie me in the mind and before the face of all the world, for as I have perceived that my body did decrease, and my strength was daily abated and I daily weakned, and that it was the intention of the Cardinall to have me die within foure walles; I was then resolved to save my life and reputation and to give some easement to my sorrowes and sufferings. Wherfore I will accept of that good offer made unto me by the Marquis de Verdes, who every day since my departure, hath wished me to goe to the Capelle of which he is Governour, which is a place where your Mai: hath absolute power, I was then resolved to be­take my selfe thither, & was not come within three leagues from that place, but the said Lord De Vardes sends me word by two Gentlemen, one of which was the Knight his brother, that I could not enter into the said Capelle, and that he had delivered up the said place into the hands of his Father. I beseech you to consider how I was grieved and [Page 13]anxious, when after that I found my selfe thus basely de­ceived, I found also my selfe earnestly pursued by the Caval­lerie whereupon I was advised to presse forward and to goe forth of your Kingdome. Insomuch that I was constrai­ned to iourney thirty leagues without either eating or drin­king. And it hath beene Gods pleasure in this occasion, as in others also that the cunning devices should be discovered even by the mouth of such as were agents. Who have in some manner confessed that the said Cardinall had plotted the businesse and onely intending to make me to stye and a­bandon your state, which was that which he onely desired & that which I only feared. Being th [...] reduced & brought to this miserable extreamity, I have betaken my selfe into this place of Avennes which belongs to the Archdutchesse, being constrained in a strange Countrey to seeke my liberty and safety and protection of my life, which I thought easi­ly to have found in some place under your obedience. But what was so faithfully profered me, was shamefully refused me, and as now I perceiue was meerely offered unto me by the stratagemes and devises of my Enemies, rather then in any good intention to receive me. Now I seeke nothing but onely the confident trust upon Iustice and equity, which you deny not to the most miserable and meanest of all your sub­iects. After the same shall have quitted and iustified me, although my Enemies should receive no other punish­ment but the shame of tormenting and persecuting me, with the declaraciō of their iniustice, yet this wil then hin­der all farther evils which might accrew, and it will cause the cōplaints of my other Children to cease, who have some interest in my sorrowes by reason of their owne reputation, and will give satisfaction to all Europe, & lay an obstacle to whatsoever hereafter may be plotted against me.

For mine owne part I should not much care but rest con­tented to sacrifice the remnant of my dayes, unto the ven­geance of the Cardinall, were it not that I desire to make up the breach, and to establish the union and concord betweene your selfe and my sonne. D'Orleans which he hath alrea­dy overthrowne, in your mind by his severall devises. You may if you please yeeld a remedy against this great evill, and hinder any worse proceeding by your good Iudgment and understanding. If I may be so happy, as to returne a­gaine to you, I promise faithfully, I will cause you to know, that in any thing I ought, I have never esteemed any dea­rer to me▪ then your good and Vtility.

Since I am MONS: my Sonne.
Your most humble, and most affe­ctioned Mother and subiect MARIE

Answer of the King to the Letter of the Queene his Mother.


I Am so much the more moued at your resolution, which you haue taken, to absent your selfe from this State and King­dome, by how much you had lesse ground and cause. The ima­ginary imprisonment, the supposed persecutions which you complaine of, the apprehensions which you confesse your selfe to haue conceiued in Campagnie concerning your life; they haue no more foundation, than the pursuite which you say was made after you at your departure, and the intelligence which you write vntome, hath beene held with the onely Sonne of the Lord de Vardes. Their intentions are a deuice somewhat like vnto that feare, which you fained to haue three moneths agoe, that I would send you backe againe into Italic, which you know I neuer thought, much lesse euer intended. For those proffers which I haue made you, of diuers and seuerall dwel­lings and habitations, farre remote from those parts, can testifie the contrary. Such calumnies and accusations shall not (God be blessed) disgrace and dis-repute me in Christendome, where my actions do sufficiently make me knowne. Whatsoeuer you tell me of those that serue me and are neere vnto me, hath not so much as an appearance of truth. And I wonder and am euen astonished, that the Authors of your letters are not ashamed, to set before your eyes such things against those, vnto whom your conscience knowes, that such things cannot be imputed. I doe perceiue and know by manifold infallible proofes, the af­fection and sincerity of my Cousen the Cardinall of Richel [...]: His religious obedience which hee affords mee, his faithfull care concerning whatsoeuer doth concerne my person and estate, speakes for him. If you please, Madame, you shall permit and giue me leaue to tell you, that the action which you haue so lately done, and what hath passed not long since, causeth that I cannot be ignorant what hath beene your intention hereto­fore, and what I may expect in the time to come. The respect [Page 16]which I bare you makes me forbeare of saying any thing more vnto you. I pray the Lord in the meane while to giue you good counsell, And that you may alwayes preuaile, with his affecti­ons who shall alwayes be


The French Kings Declaration vpon the departure of the Queene his Mother, and Monsieur his Brother, out of the Kingdome.
Confirmed at the Parliament at Paris the 13. day of August 1631. faithfully translated out of the French Copy.

LEwis by the grace of God King of France and Nanarre,
to all those vnto whom these presents shall come, greeting.

Wee haue by our Letters of Declaration, the 30. of March last past, published throughout our whole Kingdome, for the causes contained therein, declared all those guiltie of Crimen lasa Maiestatis, who abusing the facility of our wel belo­ued and onely Brother the Duke of Orleans, did by their euill deuices and pernicious counsels, intice and perswade him to withdraw himselfe from vs, and to depart out of our King­dome without our knowledge and permission, as also all those that should be found to be his followers, if in a certaine pre­fixed time they did not take recourse to our Grace and Mercie, hauing hoped by this meanes to giue them leisure to find out and acknowledge their fault, and so to reduce them vnto their duties, and thereby cause them to depart and abstaine from all euill wayes and practises, which they had begun, as well with­in as without the Kingdome, to trouble the rest and peace of the same. But in stead of vsing this meanes to repent them of their fault, and to take their refuge to our clemencie and fauour, they haue persisted in their euill counsels, and carried away [Page 17]our Brother (against the duty of his birth, and the respect which hee oweth vs) and instigated him to write vnto vs let­ters full of bitternesse, calumnies, impostures and accusations against the Administration and Gouernment of our State; stri­uing and aiming by those said letters, full of injuries and false­nesse (with other writings of the like nature, which they haue caused to be printed euery where) to perswade our people to bee ill conceited of vs, and by them and other Princes our neighbours, to haue sinister opinions of our affaires and gouern­ment, accusing (against all truth and reason) our welbeloued Cousin the Cardinal Richelieu of infidelitie, and of enterprizing against our person, and the person of our much honoured Mo­ther, his owne, and our Estate; as also some others which wee do employ in our Gouernment (euen about the most weightiest matters of our Estate) of adhering to his euill counsels, not­withstanding that from them wee doe receiue the greatest contentment that wee can desire. Yea they haue beene so bold and audacious, as that they did dare to present a request to our Court of Parliament, vnder the name of our said Brother, a­gainst our foresaid Cousin the Cardinall Richelieu, in like man­ner as the former, full of falsenes & forged calumnies, contrary to all humanity, reason and truth. Which caused vs to answer our said Brother, and by our letters the 5. of Iune last published in our Chancery, to declare our good intention and meaning, and the exceeding satisfaction which we haue receiued by the seruice, faithfulnesse, and good carriage of our aforesaid Cousin the Cardinall, in so many, great, and weighty occasions, in the which wee haue very profitably employed him for the good and greatnesse of our State, as also from the rest our chiefe Counsellers. All these meanes notwithhanding haue hitherto serued onely to make them the more impudent and insolent, and to continue their enterprizes, and pernicious designes, which they had begun and vndertaken, not onely to diuert our said Brother from the obedience which he oweth vs, but also he much honored Lady our Mother, who since a short space of ime hath suffered her selfe also to be led away and seduced by [Page 28]their mischieuous counsels, and to side with our brother in his designes, more than did well become her. It may be per­haps by reason of the false and euill rumour which some per­sons haue spred, who make profession of curious and euill sciences, giues them hopes of some ready change in this King­dome. Wee perceiuing all these their proceedings, and seeing that it was a difficult matter to prouide for the safetie of this Kingdome, and our owne person, if any longer we should suffer them to goe on in these deuices, wayes and practices, which they did publiquely attempt euen in our Court, by those which did approach neere vnto them, We thought good at the same instant when our Brother withdrew himselfe from vs, to ac­quaint the Lady our Mother with the intelligence we had of all their practices and deuices, which they vsed to our great preju­dice, and with our resolution which we had taken for the stop­ping of that course; As namely to take into hold and du­rance some persons which we knew to participate in their de­signes, and to banish the rest from our Court. Also we desired & entreated her, to this end, to assist vs with her best counsell, as formerly shee had done within these few yeares, and to leaue & separate her selfe from all the secret intelligences, which she had or might haue with our foresaid Brother, who was then departed from vs. We persisted in this our supplication euen to Campaguis, where we made knowne vnto her diuers other in­stances by our trusty and welbeloued, the Lord Chastean-newf, Keeper of the Scale, and our trusty and welbeloued Cousen, the Marshal de Schomb [...]rgh, vnto both which shee answered, that shee was weary any longer to intermeddle with our af­faires, & that she would no more haue any share, nor be parta­ker with our Counsels; which caused vs too too confidently to vnderstand and beleeue, the firme resolution which she had ta­ken, to remaine linked and joyned to the designes of our said Brother, and to follow and be led by the pernicious counsels which were giuen him. Whereupon we resolued and determi­ned to separate our selues for a while from her, and to entreate her to withdraw herselfe and retire to Moulins, a place which properly belongs vnto her, and which place during the time of [Page 29]our minoritie, shee voluntarily chose for her owne abode. Vnto this she gaue answer, that then she would willingly goe thither; but a few dayes afterward, shee requested vs to thinke it expdi­ent and fitting, that shee might betake her selfe to Neuers: Which she was so much inclining vnto, and did affect, because she had a desire to approach and draw neerer to our said Bro­ther, who was then as yet at Orleans. A while after this, lear­ning and perceiuing that our said Brother in his proceedings, vsed many deuices and cunning practices, striuing and endea­uouring to assemble together many warlike troupes, wee inui­ted him by our welbeloued Cousin the Cardinall de Valette, to absent and separate himselfe from all those wicked counsels, and to returne againe to vs, where we promised him that he should receiue all good and fauourable contentment; which he refusing to doe, and to haue correspondencie, and to joyne with our good meaning and intention, we journyed as farre as Eltampes, where presently we were informed that he was de­parted from Orleans, so to retire and leaue our Kingdome, where he was no sooner departed, but our said Mother sent vs word that shee would no longer goe, either to Moulins or Neuers, and that shee desired not to depart out of Champaguie; and at the very same time shee and our said Brother did deuise and effect to publish and divulge this rumour, that shee was detained in prison, notwithstanding shee had all liberty afforded her with her traine either to goe to Moulins or Neuers, although in those places there was no Garrison. But as this supposed impri­sonment serued for a pretence of discontentment vnto those that waited for such an occasion and opportunity, so she conti­nued this false complaint, notwithstanding that daily our Cou­sin the Marshall Destree, and also the Lord Marquesse of S t Sch [...]out did aduertise her in our behalfe (which two wee haue many seuerall times sent vnto her) that shee would bee pleased to depart out of Campagnie, and to chuse such a place within our Kingdome, as shee should thinke most fitting for her abiding: offering her (to the end shee might abide there with the more respect and authority) the gouernment of that Prouince, into the which shee [Page 20]would betake her selfe, forthwith declaring and making known vnto her, that her remaining still in Champagnie, gaue vnto vs great cause of jealousie & suspicion, forasmuch as we were cer­tainly enformed they did perswade her to depart out of our Kingdome, (vnto which shee would no way condescend, nor thereby be perswaded) faining many causes of complaint, as among others, that we would haue sent her vnto Italie, and that our Gallyes were ready prepared for the same purpose. Then wee sent vnto her our said Cousin, the Marshall of Shombergh, and the Lord de Roissye Counsellor in our Councell of State, to desire her to conforme her selfe to our will and pleasure, and to resolue with herselfe to depart out of Champagnie, and to choose such a place within our Kingdome which shee might like of for her dwelling, onely Champagnie excepted. To the end that those pretences might cease of those who had entised our said Bro­ther to forsake our Kingdome, and that they might not haue so much as any appearance to ground their reports vpon, of our Mothers imprisonment. Nay which is more, they two in our name, proffered vnto her the gouernment of Anion, which shee complained shee was bereaued of, and that the same was taken from her, although indeed shee had of her owne accord aban­doned the same, for some considerations best knowne to her selfe. They vrged also vnto her and shewed her, that it was very requisite for the good of our affaires, and that it would proue very aduantagious to her selfe if shee would be pleased to conforme her selfe to our will and intentions. But whatsoe­uer reasons they could lay before her, it was impossible to di­uert and draw her from her strong resolution, which shee had taken to abide in Champagnie, for to bring to passe the designe, which since that time shee hath executed. Notwithstanding all this her resistance, to testifie more and more our affection to­wards her, and the earnest desire wee haue to re-unite her vnto vs, we caused those troupes to be remoued which we had left in Champagnie, and since that did diuers times send to her our said Cousin the Marshall Destree, and the Marquis de S t Shan­mont, to reiterate the request which so often we had made vnto [Page 21]her, that shee would choose any other place than Champagnie for her abode. Yea we proffered her to come and visite her in her house at Monceana, or some other place in the way to Blois, Angers, or Moulins if shee went thither, to the end that wee might be reconciled together. This in appearance shee seemed to agree vnto, and willing to embrace, which gaue vs great contentment, and abundant satisfaction, supposing that this also was the way to reduce our said brother to his deuoir, and to remoue all those pretences which the foresaid euill Authors of bad counsell did make vse of. But when wee beleeued that our said Mother was well contented with vs, and was most rea­dy and willing to follow our good intention, which wee had for our common good, and the good and happinesse of the whole Kingdome of France, which hope we conceiued by the answer deliuered vnto vs by our said Cousin the Marshall De­stree, who brought vs word, that shee would neuer depart out of Campagnie, to goe into any other place without our know­ledge and consent. But all this proued but a shadow, for in lieu of performance, we vnderstood that shee was departed out of Campagnie the 19. of the last Moneth, in a Caroch of the Lady du Fresney, accompanied with the said Lady onely, and one of her Chamber-maidens, and so passed along to Chosy and Ble­ren Court, and there arriued at the Village of Rosny, where she found the Caroch of the Baron of Creuecoeur Gouernour of Auennes, a Towne in the obedience of the King of Spaine, which Gouernour had expected her himselfe 15. dayes in the Towne of Sein; where being arriued, a Gentleman of the Mar­quisse de Vardes told her, that the Lord Vardes the father was arriued at Capelle, and had banished thence his sonne and his wife; and hereupon shee went to Auennes, where shee was re­ceiued, and a while after visited in the behalfe of the Infant by the Prince d'Espinoy, Gouernour of Enhault, as since that time wee haue learned by the enquirie which wee haue caused to bee made, concerning her departure out of our Kingdome, by one of our Masters of Requests, at the very same time when shee departed from Champagnie. And since that to follow the [Page 22]same course which our said Brother had taken, shee sent a re­quest to our said Court of Parliament of Paris, full of forged and calumnious accusations against our said Cousin the Cardi­nall of Richelien, very like vnto the same which our Brother would haue laid vpon him. Shee was no sooner arriued at the said place of Auenues, but she did presently write letters vnto vs, full of inuented pretences to colour her departure, and the like complaints against our said Cousin the Cardinall, which haue no ground at all nor foundation, but onely slanders and in­uentions, which doubtlesse haue beene suggested vnto her by the Authors of those same which our Brother wrote vnto vs; which is euident enough, especially since both the one and o­ther doe tend to the subuersion of our Authority, and of our Kingdome and State; and wee know that her departure hath beene plotted by those Agents which they haue at Bruxels, to cause her to retire (as shee hath done) into a Countrey vnder the command of the King of Spaine.

But shee not resting contented with the first slanders and ca­lumnies which shee wrote vnto vs, abusing our goodnesse and lenity, and the mildnesse which hitherto we haue vsed towards them that haue beene the bringers of the same, shee hath begun to write others and new slanders to our said Court of Parlia­ment, and to the Prouost of the Merchants of our good Citie of Paris, striuing to incense them against vs, and to giue bad ex­amples to others.

Now therefore desiring to preuent all those euils which may ensue and accrew by the departure of the said Lady our Mo­ther, and our said Brother in this estate, and to hinder them that they continue and encrease not through the credit which some of our Subjects might afford vnto their complaints and inuentions, written and manifested to be full of impostures, which they publish against vs, our Gouernment and our prin­cipall Ministers of State; and to the end that none of our said Subjects be not so rash and ill aduised as to adhere vnto them, and participate of their euill counsels, to adjoyne vnto them or haue any priuate intelligence with them, or those that fol­low them.

Wee doe make knowne by this present, that with the ad­ [...] of the Princes, Dukes, Peeres, Officers of our Crowne, and [...] great and eminent personages of our Counsell, which are [...]re about vs, Wee confirming our precedent declarations of 30. of March, and 5. of Iune last, haue pronounced and de­clared, and doe pronounce and declare by this present, signed with our owne hand, guilty of Crimenlaesae Majestatis, and di­sturbers of our common peace and rest, all those that shall bee found to haue participated to such pernicious and damnable Counsels; or haue withdrawne our said Mother, and our onely Brother the Duke of Orleans from our obedience, and haue in­ticed or instigated them to depart out of our Kingdome: As also all those that shall haue followed them and departed with them, of whatsoeuer ranke or condition they be: with all those that shall assist them, or haue leuied or raised any souldiers a­gainst our seruice, and made any deuices or practices prejudi­ciall to our authority, as well without as within the Kingdome. Wee will therefore, that there be proceeded against them as against those that are guilty of Crimenlaesae Majestatis, and di­sturbers of our common peace, according to the rigour of our Lawes, with all the diligence that may bee, both of our Pro­ctors Generall, as also their Substitutes and Deputies.

And hereby wee prohibite and vtterly forbid all our Sub­jects of whatsoeuer quality or condition they be, from hauing any intelligence or correspondencie with our said Mother, and our said Brother, and with their domesticke seruants, and those that are partakers of their Counsels, vnder whatsoeuer pretences it may be.

And wee wish that all their Lordships, and whatsoeuer ho­nourable priuiledges they enjoy, mouing vnder our Crowne, be seised vpon, and afterward re-united to our owne reuenues, that they be depriued of all dignities, places or offices whatso­euer they enjoy, And that all their other goods as well moue­ables as immoueables be seised and praysed, afterward to be by vs taken from them and confiscated. And further we will that all those that leuie any souldiers, or maintaine any forces with­out [Page 24]our Commission be earnestly pursued, and dealt with all according to the rigour of our Lawes and Ordinances, [...]ed because it is a very difficult matter to hinder and preue [...] di [...] said Mother and Brother, and such as follow them and adhere [...] them, from sending and writing to those, to whom they thinke good; and because it were vnreasonable and ill-beseeming, that those to whom they send or write vnto, should incurre the pe­nalties here prescribed, Wee will and ordaine, that those to whom these Letters shall be addressed, shall be bound as soone as euer they shall haue receiued the same, or as soone as any one shall come vnto them in their behalfe, to declare it, and carrie those letters to the chiefe Iudge Royall in that Prouince in which they dwell, and cause these (if they can) to be staid and arrested, which shall bring these letters to them, or be trusted with any message to them, which Iudge shall be bound instant­ly to send the said letters to the Secretary of State, who hath the deportment of that Prouince. And if this happen in our Court, they shall addresse themselues to our beloued and trusty Keeper of the Seale. And if it happen in our Citie of Paris, they shall be bound to acquaint the Lieutenant of the Citie, and hee shall be bound to acquaint vs as soone as possible may be, and all this vnder the same penaltie.

To this end we will and command all our beloued and faith­full Counsellors, and those of our Court of Parliaments, to cause this to be read, published and registred, and the contents of the same to bee executed in euery particular, according to their forme and tenour. As also our Proctors Generall to make all diligent and earnest enquirie, and necessary pursuit for the punishment of the delinquents. And farther we charge and command all Gouernours, Lieutenants Generall of Pro­uinces, Gouernours and Captaines of our townes and places, to fall vpon all disobedient and rebels, and to suppresse them as farre as in them lyes, with their forces which they command for our seruice, as also in time of neede to assemble forces to that end and purpose, And all Iudges to execute iudgement a­gainst the offendor. And the Prouosts of our beloued Cousins [Page 25]the Marshals of France, to fall vpon their Camps, and assault [...]ose, that contrary to our prohibitions, shall leuy any for­ [...] without Commission expressely signed by Vs, and counter­signed by one of our Secretaries of State, and sealed with the Great Seale; To execute and fully proceede in iudgement a­gainst those they shall apprehend, and cut in pieces those who after they haue beene summoned, shall goe about to stand in their defence. For such is our Will and Pleasure.

Signed Lowys. and somewhat lower by the King.
De Lemene. and Sealed with the great Seale in Yellow waxe.

Reade, published, and registred, heard at the request of the Atturney Generall of the King, Copied according to the Originall, sent forth therewont.

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