THE BLESSED'ST BIRTH THAT euer was: OR, The Blessed Birth of our Lord and Sauiour IESVS CHRIST. Preached at the Fleet, the 25. of Decem: A. Dom. 1627. By HENRY GREENVVOOD Preacher of the Word of GOD.

ESAY 9. 6.
To vs a Child is borne, to vs a Sonne is giuen.

LONDON, Printed by Elizabeth [...]urslow for H. Bell and M. Bell. 1634.

TO THE RIGHT Worshipfull, Sir Henry Lello Knight, and M r. Iames Ingram Esquire, Wardens of his Ma­iesties Prison of the Fleet, be this fleet and shallow Tractate commended.

RIGHT VVor­thy, and Wor­shipfull, I (ha­uing receiued from you in my present afflictions so great fa­uors, such tender compassions, and knowing how base an euill ingratitude is, that it is, inimi­ca animae, dispersio virtutum &c.) cannot but shew my gratefull heart, in presenting that to your worships eyes, that late­ly hath beene sounded in your [Page] eares: a subiect most comfor­table, and so necessary to bee knowne, delighted in, and re­sted on, as without it no salua­tion: for this is life eternall, to know God, and him whom God hath sent, the Lord Iesus.

The Lord (of his infinite mercy) giue you the sauing knowledge of Christ Iesus, to embrace him as your chiefest Lord and King: for to so many as receiue him, giues he power, priuiledge, prerogatiue, to be called and be the sons of God.

The Lord giue you to know him in his
  • Person.
  • Office.
  • Power.
  • Merit.
  • Spirit.

In his Person
  • God.
  • Man.

In his Office

In his Power
  • Mortifying corrupti­ons.
  • Sanctifying affections.

In his Merit
  • Redeeming to God by his bloud the e­lect of God.
  • Intitling by his righ­teousnesse the elect to blisse.

In his Spirit
  • Discouering er­rour.
  • Conducting into all truth.
  • Perswading by faith, confirming by holines saluati­on of your soules.

Blessed are you both, being [Page] so, ten thousand times happie are you, if you haue thus the Lord for your God.

All these (the very ground of all true comfort and happi­nes) are liuely set forth in this small present: therefore let me intreat you to peruse the same at your best leasures.

Now the Lord make this and all other holy helps profitable and comfortable to your owne soules: that sanctitie may bee your portions in this life, and saluation in the life to come, for Iesus Christs sake,


Your Worships for euer to be commanded in the LORD, HENRY GREENVVOOD.


LVKE 2. 10, 11. ‘Behold, I bring you good tydings of great ioy that shall be to all people: that is, that vnto you is borne this day in the City of Dauid, a Sa [...]iour, which is Christ the Lord.’

THe Lord our God hath only giuen vs a Christ for our re­demption and sal­uation, but (blessed be his Maiesty) he hath also discouered him to the world by many:

1 By himselfe, Mat. 3. 17. This is Mat. 3. 17. my beloued Son in whom I am well pleased.

By Iohn Baptist, Ioh. 1. 29. Behold Iohn 1▪ 2 [...]. [Page 328] the Lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the world.

By a Doue, Ioh. 1. 33. Vpon whom Iohn 1. 33. thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and tarrying still vpon him, that is he that baptizeth with the Holy Ghost.

By a Starre, Mat. 2. 9. And loe, Mat. 2. 9. the starre which they had seene in the East went before them, till it came and stood ouer the house where the Babe was.

And here by his Angell hee disco­uers him to the Iewish shepherds féeding their flockes by night, and that in full and ample maner by two notable circumstances; of the place where, of the time when, this blessed Babe was borne: Behold, I bring you good tydings of great ioy that shall be to all people: that is, that vn­to you is borne this day in the City of Dauid, a Sauiour, which is Christ the Lord.

Which words as they are couched in two verses, so will they afford two things obseruable:

  • 1 A merry message: Behold I bring, &c.
  • [Page 329]2 An admired cause: That vnto you is borne, &c.
This mirth is amplified by two
  • 1. By the mag­nitude.
  • 2. By the multi­tude.

1. By the magnitude of it: Great ioy.

2. By the multitude of the sharers in it: That shall be to all people.

In which heauenly message I ob­serue these thrée:

First, the messenger: and that is an Angell: Behold I bring you good tydings.

Secondly, the message; and that is, of great ioy: Of great ioy.

Thirdly, the extent; or the par­ties to whom this ioy appertaineth: and that is to all people: That shall be to all people.

Behold I bring you good tidings: behold I bring you good tydings of great ioy: behold I bring you good tydings of great ioy, that shall bee to all people.

But before I deale with this high and Heauenly Instrument, a [Page 330] word or two of the word Behold.

Behold: It is a note of attention, six hundred times vsed in holy writ: alwayes placed before matters of great weight and moment; some­times before inutterable iudgments, as Amos 8. 11. Behold I will send a famine among you &c.

Sometimes before inexpressible mercies: as Esay 7. 14. Behold a Virgine shall conceiue, and beare a Sonne, and his Name shall bee called Immanuel.

And here also in the words of my Text: Behold I bring you good ty­dings of great ioy, &c.

Hereupon Bernard calls it No­tam stelliferam, a starry note: a note that doth point out some rare matter to be reuealed, as the Starre stood ouer the house, and pointed to the Wife-men where the Babe was.

For the exposition of the word, doe but compare Mat. 6. 26. with Luke 12. 24. there the Lord hath gi­uen it.

Saint Matthew speaking of the prouidence of God ouer the fowles [Page 331] of the aire, vseth the word Behold: Behold the fowles of the Heauens, &c. Saint Luke speaking of the selfe­same subiect, vseth another word, the word, Consider; Consider the Rauens: So that Behold, is as much as Con­sider, and seriously perpend what God will haue now deliuered to your selues.

I; that is, an Angell, as it appea­reth in the beginning of the Verse: I. Then the Angell said vnto them, Be not afraid, for behold I bring you good tidings, &c.

Angell; it is as much as Messen­ger: it is Nomen officij, non naturae; a name of office, not of nature: as you may reade, Hebr. 1. 7. He maketh the Hebr. 1. [...]. Spirits his Angels, or Messengers: The Spirits, there is their name of nature: His Angels, or Messengers, there i [...] their name of office.

These high and heauenly Instru­ments were Messengers sometimes of Gods frowne, sometimes of Gods fauour.

First, of Gods frowne: as was that Angell that slew of Senacherios [Page 332] Host, in one night one hundred foure­score and fiue thousand.

And as were those Angels, that Gen. 19. 13 destroyed the Citie of Sodome.

Secondly, of Gods fauour: as were those Angels that ministred to Christ in the Wildernesse: For the Angels came and ministred to him. Mat. 9. 11.

And as was that Angel that com­forted Christ in the Garden: For an Angell came from Heauen, and com­forted Luk 22. 43 him.

And as was this Angell, that brings blessed newes of the Birth of the Lord Iesus: Behold, I bring you good tidings, &c.

The point of this part, office of Angels, is the last Verse of the first Chapter to the Hebrewes: Angels are ministring Spirits, sent forth to minister for their sakes, that are and shall be heires of saluation.

And this their office they haue Obser. most frequently performed, witnesse the fore-named places of Scrip­ture, and many other places also: As an Angell bade Eliah flye from Iezabei; and an Angell here brings [Page 333] excellent newes from Heauen of the Birth of a Sauiour: Behold I bring, &c.

That Angels are present with vs, it is plaine by that of Saint Paul to the Corinths: Let the women be co­uered, because of the Angels. The Angels behold the behauiour of man and woman in the Congregation, in the worship of God. If therefore women should be shorne as man (to whom God hath giuen the hotter and stronger braine) it would be a confusion of Sexes, and a great dis­pleasure to the Angels.

Againe, the office and presence of Angels is séene in this: A man ta­keth his Horse, and trauelleth him, his Horse falleth vpon him, no bone broken; how commeth this to passe? By the prouidence of God, in the watch of Angels.

This first sheweth the rare mercy of God to mortall & miserable sinners, that he will vouchsafe such high and heauenly instruments to attend vs in our out goings & in commings, that we dash not our foot against a stone. Psal. 91. 12

[Page 334]Lord, what is man that thus thou Psal. 8. 4. shouldest regard him, or what is the best of the sonnes of men, that thus in mercy thou shouldest visit him?

Secondly, here note the preroga­tiue of the children of God; though they be in base estéem of y e reprobate worldlings, yet they are great in the fauour of the most high: yea the hea­uenly Angels are appointed of God their waiting men: as for the wic­ked, it is not so with them, but the black guard of Hell dogs them, here to sinne, hereafter to sinke them to perdition.

Thirdly, here is matter of conso­lation to the people of God: though man and deuill bee against vs, wée néed not bee afraid: the Angels of God shall fight our battels for vs: as in Eighty Eight, and as Elisha told his seruant, vpon the host of Angels perceiued, Feare not, for there are 2 Kings. more with vs, than are or can bee a­gainst vs.

The second thing obserueable in 2 this merry message, is the message it selfe:

wherein I note
  • [Page 335]1. The matter: Ioy.
  • 2. The measure: Great.

Behold I bring you good tydings of great ioy.

First Ioy.

This Angel brings not a brandisht sword, as once against Adam: Gen. 3. 14.

This Angel brings not burning Gen. 19. 24 fire, as once against Sodome:

This Angel brings not consuming 2 Sam. 14. 16. pestilence, as once against Dauid:

This Angell brings not sudden death, as once against Herod: Act. 12. 23.

But this Angel brings tidings of ioy, and of great ioy that shall bee to all people.

Oh blessed day is Christs Birth­day; the blessedst day that euer came, a day of glad tidings, a day of great ioy that shall be to all people: O blessed bee the wombe that bare this Babe, and the Paps that gaue this Babe sucke: for this blessed Birth day of Christ Iesus, brings Ioy and nothing but Ioy to all people.

[Page 337] Pharaohs banquetting birth-day Gen. 40. yéelded much sorrow, for then hee hanged vp his chiefe Baker.

Herods banquetting birth-day yéel­ded Mat. 14. 6. 10. much sorrow: for then he cut off Iohn Baptists head.

Ieremy (though an holy man) cri­ed Ier. 20. 14. out of his birth-day: Maledictus dies, &c. Cursed be the day wherein I was borne, and let not the day of my birth be blessed.

Iob (though a iust man) cried out Iob 3. 3. 6. of his birth-day: Pereat dies in quo natus sum, &c. Let the day perish wherein I was borne, and let it not be ioyned to the dayes of the yeere.

But Christs Birth▪ day brings ioy, great ioy, and nothing but ioy to all people.

And as ioy in Christs Birth is here by an Angell proclaimed, so let vs know, that we can haue no peace with God, no ioy in soule, no hope of Obser. blisse, but in, through, and from this Lord Iesus.

Had not CHRIST come and assumed our nature, what should haue become of vs▪ oh we [Page 338] had béene all euerlastingly condem­ned.

Let vs therefore reioyce in the Ʋse 1. Lord alway, againe let vs reioyce: let our soules magnifie the Lord, let our spirits reioyce in Christ our Sauiour: Let vs kéepe this Feast with ioy and thanksgiuing, lauding the Lord for his swéet Christ, not with reuell rout, gaming and pro­phanenesse, knowing that Christ came not to make vs prophane or li­bertines, but to sanctifie our natures and saue our soules, that wee should serue him in holinesse and righteous­nesse all the dayes of our life.

Againe, if it be such ioy to sée Christ Ʋse 2. poore, néedy, and lying in a cratch oh what ioy shall it be to sée him in glo­rie, triumphant in Heauen at the right hand of the Father? This ioy who can comprehend, this ioy the Lord vouchsafe vs all? when wee shall bid these our mortall corps farewell

Secondly, as ioy, so great ioy doth Christs Birth afford: [...] you tydings of great ioy. H [...] [...] [Page 338] nato properanit gaudia tellus, coelestis risit sedes, & gestijt orbis: Great ioy: Ioy in Heauen, ioy on earth: ioy to Angels, ioy to men: ioy to Iew, ioy to Gentile: ioy to rich, ioy to poore: Behold I bring you tydings of great ioy.

Great ioy
  • Quia caeteris praefu­turum:
  • Quia multos consola­turum.
  • Quia perpetuô dura­turum:

Great for the excellency: great for the vniuersality: great for the sem­piternity: Behold I bring you tidings of great ioy.

First, Great for the excellencie.

So excellent is this ioy, as it pas­seth Phil. 4. 7. all vnde [...]standing.

So excellent is this ioy, as it ra­uisht Mat. 17. Peter on the mount:

So excellent is this ioy, as it euen 2 Cor. [...]. filled Paul with consolation.

So excellent is this ioy, as if it be perfected in vs, I know not what it should bee but life euerlasting: great therefore is this ioy.

[Page 339]Secondly, Great for the vniuer­sality.

It reacheth to all times, past, pre­sent, and to come: to all people, Iewes, Grecians, Romans, French, English: to Moses in flags, to Ioseph in Egypt, to Daniel in Babylon, to Iob in Huz, to Simeon in Ierusalem, to the Canaanite in Sidon, to some in Rome vnder the Popes nose: for the Church of God dwelleth where Reu. 2▪ 13. the throne of Satan is: great therefore is this ioy.

Thirdly, Great for the sempi­ternitie.

The ioy of hypocrites and world­lings is short and momentanie: it droops in aduersitie: and droops in death: as Iob speaketh: They reioyce Iob▪ in the sound of Organs and suddenly goe downe to Hell: But this ioy is permanent and lasting; it stands in aduersity, and mounts to perfe­ction in death: This your ioy no man Iohn 16. nor deuill shall take from you: for as the world cannot giue it, so the world cannot take it away: great therefore is this ioy; so great, as [Page 341] it cannot bee numbred, so precious, as it cannot be valued; so lasting, as it is euerlasting.

Thus much for the Message.

The third thing obseruable is the Extent: That shall be to all people.

The Angel sayes not, That shalbe 3 to many: as once an Angell said of Iohn Baptist, Many shall reioyce at Luk. 1. 14. his birth: But▪ Omni populo, To all people: Iewes, Gentiles of what condition soeuer they be.

This happie report agrées with that swéete old Couenant: Bene­dicentur Gen. 22. 18 in [...]emine tuo omnes gen­tes terra: id est, All nations shall be blessed in thy seed: that is the Elect of all nations, both Iewes and Gentiles.

For this particle (All) must not bee taken for euery Indiuidium, e­uery person of mankinde: Non pro singulis generum, sed pro generibus singulorum: Not euery man, but for some of euery kinde, whether Iew or Gentile: for Christ was the fall of many in Israel; and a teare Luke. 2. 34 Mat. 2. 3. to many in Ierusalem: and to many of [Page 342] the Gentiles he became foolishnesse▪ 1 Cor. 1, 23 For though Christ be borne, and dead for all, yet all receiue him not: Iohn 1. But as many as receiue him, to them hee giues power to be the sonnes of God.

That Saint-like Song of Hea­uen makes good this present point: Thou hast redeemed vs to God by thy Reuel. 5. 9 bloud; Ex omni Tribu, Populo, Lin­gua, Natione; that is, Out of euery Tribe, People, Language, Nation. They doe not say, Redemisti omnem Tribum, sed ex omni aliquos; that is, Thou hast redeemed euery Tribe, but out of euery Tribe and Kindred some: For though Christs death to saue all be sufficient; yet is it onely to the faithfull efficient.

This Nouerint vniuersi should Ʋse▪ comfort vs Gentiles at the very heart, because wee are not excluded the common saluation by Iesus: For he is a Light to enlighten the Gentiles Luke 1. of England, as well as once he was a glory to Israel.

Thus much concerning the extent of this Message.

[Page 342]Now followeth the admired cause 2 of this proclaimed Ioy; and that is, the blessed Birth of the Lord Iesus: Vnto you is borne this day in the City of Dauid, a Sauiour, which is Christ the Lord.

Wherein I obserue these fiue par­ticulars:

  • 1. The Person: a Sauiour, Christ the Lord.
  • 2. His Birth: is borne.
  • 3. The parties for whom: vnto you.
  • 4. The time: this day.
  • 5. The place: in the Citie of Da­uid.

Vnto you: Vnto you is borne: Vnto you is borne this day: Vnto you is borne this day in the Citie of Dauid: Vnto you is borne this day, in the Citie of Dauid, a Sauiour; which is Christ the Lord.

But of the words, as they lye in order.

Vnto you: Vobis.

This Vobis, by way of expositi­on, will afford a foure-fold obser­uation.

[Page 343]1. Vobis, To you: that is, Ve­strum singulis, To your particular persons.

Words of comfort indéed: For had the Angell reported the Birth of a Sauiour, and not applyed him to their particular consolations, it would haue pleasured them little: For, what if in generall I know Christ is borne, if in particular I find him not borne to me, alas what comfort haue I?

Whence I note, that it is not a Obser. generall report of a Sauiour that makes vs happy; but a particular applyance, that makes vs happy and blessed.

For as Luther saith; Swéet is the name of Iesus, but the life of all lyeth in those little prettie Pro­nounces, Meus, tuus, suus: when wee can say, hee is my Iesus, thy Iesus, his Iesus, her Iesus. Wor­thily therefore doth the Confession of our Faith runne in the singu­lar number; with an, I beleeue in God; and, I beleeue in Iesus Christ, &c.

[Page 345]The Lord then make the Birth Ʋse. of the Lord Iesus salutiferous to euery particular soule of vs; to me, to thée, to euery soule here present: Oh, that wee could all say with Thomas; Thou art my Lord, and Ioh. 20. 8. my God.

2. Vobis, To you: that is, Vobis hominibus, To you men, not to the Angels fallen.

We sée then, that the Lord loued Obser. man more than Angels fallen: He sent a Sauiour, in our nature, to helpe vs; but not in an Angelicall, to helpe them: They are therefore dam­ned, without recouerie.

Yea, wee are more beholding to Christ, than the Angels that stand: for he gaue them but Confirmation, but to vs both Redemption and Con­firmation.

Nay, we are néerer to Christ than the Angels themselues; euen as an arme of flesh is néerer to man, than an arme of Gold: wee are Christs armes of flesh, the Angels (though they be of a more excellent nature) are but as armes of Gold.

[Page 346]To you therefore especially Christ is borne.

3. Ʋobis, To you: that is, ad vestrum commodum, to your benefit and good: Nobis natus, nobis passus Christus; Christ was borne to vs, for vs he suffered, for vs he fulfilled the Law; all that he did, he did for vs: his teares are ours, his cryes and groanes, ours; his stripes ours; his perfection, ours; all, ours; hee was not borne for himselfe, but for vs: nay more, he had neuer béene borne, but for vs; as in the Epistle to the Corinths: Hee is made of 1. Cor. [...]. 30. God to vs wisdome, to vs righteous­nesse, to vs sanctification, to vs re­demption.

This should teach vs all this no­table Obser. Lesson; to be for the good of others, and not all for our selues: He can be no good Christian, that is no good Common-wealths man.

The Sunne in the Heauens shines not to himselfe, but to the whole World: the Candle on the Earth wastes it selfe for the good of others: So (if wee be right [Page 346] Professors) with the members of the body, let vs be for the good of our brethren.

Infaelix ille qui sibi soli natus: he is a base cullion that is borne for him­selfe alone: some are such miserable miscreants, as they onely aime at their owne good: he that liueth thus, is no better than if he were vnborn; nay such are rather a burden to the earth than a blisse: such make the creatures groane, such make the poore man groane, yea Hell it selfe groanes for such muck-wormes.

Imitate Christ Iesus then this good time, doe good to the poore now and euer to your powers; succour them, reléeue them, helpe them: bee you thus perfect, as your Heauenly Father is perfect.

4. Vobis, to you: that is, vobis hu­milibus, pauperibus à mundo despectis pastoribus: to you poore and despised shepherds, to you a Sauior is borne.

Christ is not borne to the proud, Obser. to the couetous, to the adulterous, to the prophane: Christ is no Saui­our to such kinde of persons; but to [Page 347] those that are faithfull, and feare the Mal. 4. Lord.

Witnesse else that Scripture in Iob: Where is wisedome to be found? Iob 28. the sea saith not in me: the depth saith not in mee: the land of the luxurious saith not in mee: Christ quaints not with proud Peacockes, couetous carles and luxurious liuers, but re­sides in the hearts of the humble. E­uen as water forsakes the hill, and rests in the valley; so God giueth grace to the humble, and watereth their soules with the dew of saluati­on: To you therefore a Sauiour is borne.

Is borne. II.

An old prophesie here fulfilled: To Esay 9. 6. vs a Childe is borne, to vs a Sonne is giuen.

Is borne: words full of admirati­on: words full of consolation.

Words full of admiration: Christ to be borne of a Virgin, without an earthly father, a birth most admi­rable.

Thrée things especially reported

are miracu­lous,
  • [Page 349]Christs Incarnati­on.
  • Christs Resurrecti­on.
  • A Christians Rege­neration.

And as they are words full of ad­miration, Obser. so they are full of consola­tion: for (if we be wise and learned Christians) we must know, that the mercy of God could not saue vs vn­lesse in euery respect his iustice were satisfied. Now that his iustice might be satisfied, man offending, true man must satisfie: in the same nature that God was wronged, in the same na­ture must his Law be righted: And Christ satisfied in humane nature both the command of the Law by his life, and the curse of the Law by his death.

Christ therefore of necessity must bée borne of a woman, and must bee like to man in euery thing, sinne on­ly excepted.

Now the proprieties of our humane

nature are thrée,
  • [Page 350]Essention: as Dimen­sion, Circumscription, Termination▪
  • Accidentall: as Sancti­fication, Resurrection-Glorification.
  • Naturall: as Mortali­tie, infirmitie, Ini­quitie.

All these were in Christ Iesus, on­ly Vse 1. iniquitie set aside.

All such Heretikes are here refu­ted that deny the humane nature of Christ, affirming his body to bee a phantastike body: but for their paines, I will allow them a phan­tastike saluation.

O miranda bonit as, ô miranda hu­militas Ʋse 2. Christi: Oh the wonder­ful humility of the Lord IESUS, that being eternall and without be­ginning, would of a poore Virgin take flesh vnto him, bee borne and haue a beginning: Who being e­quall Phil. 2. 7. with GOD, would take vp­on him the forme of a seruant, and bee found in the shape of a man: bles­sed bee his goodnesse for this his [Page 350] loue to man, for euermore, Amen.

This day. III.

The Angel did not say, This night, though it was in the night, for the shepherds were féeding their flockes by night, but this day: and the reason was, quia laetam rem nunciabat, be­cause he deliuered ioyfull newes.

Hee saith this day,
  • Non pro qualitate temporis.
  • Sed pro qualitate rei.

Not for the qualitie of the time, but for the qualitie of the thing.

So wee finde in the holy Scrip­tures, when heauy reports are men­tioned, the night is named: but when ioyfull tidings are told, the day: as Ambrose well noteth vpon the 22. of Luke.

Peters deniall was in the night: Mark. 14. But his confession was in the day.

The friendly comming to Abra­ham Iohn 21. of the Angels was in the day at Gen. 18. noone: but their fearefull comming to Sodome was at night, in the eue­ning. Gen. 19.

The foure Lepers going in their [Page 351] famine to the tents Aramiticall (the Aramites being gone, fearing Isra­els pursuit) finding meat, drink, and gold, and goodly refreshing, called it a good day, though indéed it was night: This day (said they) is a day 2 King. 7. 9 of good tidings.

That foole in the Gospel threatned with death, had the night, not the day, accompanying his sorrowes: Thou foole, this night shall thy soule Luke 12. be taken from thee, &c.

So here, an Angel bringing swéet and ioyfull newes (the day natural­ly being cheerefull, and the night fearefull) vseth the word Day, not Night: To you is borne this day, &c. As it is in the Corinths also: Ecce 2 Cor. 6. [...] nunc dies salutis: Behold now the day of saluation.

Worthily called a day, because then the true light was come into the world, and turned the night of all feare into the day of all ioy and sal­uation.

In the Citie of Dauid: which was IV. Bethleem.

It is called the City of Dauid for

two respects,
  • [Page 353]1. for Distinction.
  • 2. for demonstration.

1. For Distinction: there were two Bethleems, one in the Tribe of Za­bulon, Ios. 19. 15. one in the Tribe of Iudah where Dauids father dwelt, and where Dauid himselfe was borne: So the Prophecie is fulfilled, Mich. 5. 2. And thou Bethleem Ephratah, that art little among the thousands of Iudah, out of thee shall hee come that shall rule in Israel.

2. For Demonstration: To shew that hee should come of the séede of Ioh. 7. 4. [...] Dauid.

Hée was conceiued and liued in Nazareth, but was borne in Beth­leem Dauid.

Bethleem signifieth the house of Bread: the Bread of life is borne in the house of Bread: not in a Palace there, but his house was a thorow­fare, and his bed a cratch. Luke. 2. 7.

This makes not onely for the Iewes refutation, that would not receiue him, though the Prophets thus rightly had pointed him out: but sheweth also both the truth of all [Page 353] Prophecies concerning Christ, and the Lords faithfulnesse in their per­formance.

A Sauiour which is Christ theLord. V

A Sauiour: Oh heauenly word, whose worth and comfort passe all expression.

A Sauiour: not a temporary, but Hos. 13. 4▪ an euerlasting Redéemer, and there is no Sauiour besides this Sauiour, as the Prophet speaketh.

Here is another swéet Prophecie fulfilled: Behold your God will come and saue you. Esay. 35. [...].

He saues vs from sinnes, guilt, and punishment; and that by his imputa­tiue passions.

Hee saues vs from sins regiment, and that by grace deriued vpon vs: for out of his fulnesse we receiue grace Iohn 1 [...] for grace.

And by his imputatiue holinesse he presents vs spotlesse, to life and glo­rie euerlasting.

Christ: that is, Anointed:

For the worke of our Redempti­on, Iesus was anointed into a triple [Page 354] Office; to be a King, a type where­of was Solomon; to be a Prophet, a type whereof was Dauid; to bee a Priest, a type whereof was Melchi­sedech: Melchisedech, not Aaron: Aaron a Priest, but not a King; Da­uid a King, but not a Priest; Melchi­sedech both King and Priest, there­fore a notable type of Iesus.

Anointed to bee a King; to rule his Elect, and protect them.

Anointed to be a Prophet; to teach his Elect, and direct them.

Anointed to be a Priest; to ran­some his Elect, and redeeme them.

If Christ bee thy Christ as King: then the Deuill reignes not in thee, but Christ:

If Christ bee thy Christ as Pro­phet: then his Word, not thy will, is the rule and square of all thine actions:

If Christ be thy Christ as Priest: then thine affections are slaine con­cerning sinne, and thy whole man sacrificed to God.

Our Lord.

Lord, a name of power, giuing to [Page 355] God his essence and being, shewing that the Lord hath his being from none, but from himselfe alone, as all thinges else haue their beings from him: for in him wee liue, and moue, and haue our being. Acts:

Here is his Deity described: and here is another sweet prophecie ful­filled; Behold, a Virgin shall conceiue Esay 7. 14▪ and beare a Sonne, and his Name shall bee called Immanuel, that is, God with vs.

God with man conioyned. A ne­cessary and as happy a coniunction.

Our blessed Sauiour must not only be Man, but also God, and that for two causes.

1. To ouercome and deliuer his humanity from death and misery.

2. To dignitie and make merito­rious whatsoeuer act done in his hu­manitie for the saluation of his E­lect.

This title of dignity is giuen our Sauiour by Dauid: The Lord said to my Lord, sit thou at my right hand Psal. 110. 1 vntill I make thine enemies thy foot­stoole.

[Page 356]And by Thomas: Thou art my Lord Ioh 20. 28. and my God.

Christ is our Lord by
  • Power:
  • Purchase.

Hee hath bought vs with his owne bloud; and therefore called Dominus Deus, Dominus Electorum: The Lord of the Elect.

A comfort and honour to all true Vse 1. Christians, that we haue so able, so omnipotent a Sauior: Against those vile Heretikes, that mocke vs for making account of saluation by a crucified man.

If he be our Lord, where is then Vse 2. his feare? Mal. 1. 6.

Many would haue him their Ie­sus, but few will endure him their Lord.

The Lord giue vs to follow him in piety, in patience, in grace, in crosse: that so wee may bee admitted to fol­low him in ioy & glory euerlasting.

Now this Iesus, this Christ, this Lord, knocketh at the doore of our hearts, let vs not shut him out with the Bethleemites, nor bid him packe [Page 357] out of our countrey with the Gada­rens: but be ye open ye euerlasting doores, that this King of glory may come in: that you hauing admitted his heauenly counsels into your con­sciences in this life, hee may one day intertaine you all into his Fathers mansions of glory hereafter: and that for the alone merits of the same our Lord Iesus: to whom with the Fa­ther and Holy Spirit be retur­ned all Glory and Power, Praise and Dominion, this day and for euermore


A PRAYER for a blessing vpon this Sermon.

MOST holy and heauenly LORD GOD, for as much as thou hast taught vs from thy holy and heauenly Word that Paul may plant, A­pollos water, yet all in vaine, vn­lesse thy grace bee annexed thereunto: good Lord there­fore we most humbly beseech thee in the Lord Iesus, to blesse this portion of thy holy Word to euery soule of vs, ma­king it the sauour of life to sal­uation [Page] to euery of vs, and to none of vs the sauour of death to damnation: now if wee re­verence thy Word, delight in thy Word, and make it the rule and square of all our acti­ons, then it is the sauour of life to heauen; but if we remaine in wilful ignorance▪ notwithstan­ding thy Word, if we preferre the corrupt counsels of our vaine hearts aboue the sacred commands of thy Word, then is it the witnesse of death to damnation: therefore wee be­seech thee giue vs thy grace▪ that wee may follow not our owne waies, or our owne wills, for the end of this way will be death; but grant that wee may follow the motions of thy blessed Spirit, and the doctrines of thy holy Word from this time forth for euermore into all truth.

[Page]O Lord God, we most hearti­ly blesse thy heauenly Name, for that thou hast appointed thine holy and heauenly An­gels to guard vs, safeguard vs, attend vs, defend vs, from the malice & mischief of men and deuils: especially (O God of all goodnes) we thank thee for the gift of the Lord Iesus, the only hope & help of our salua­tion; had not Christ Iesus as­sumed ou mature, and satisfied for vs thy Iustice, wee had all beene euerlastingly condem­ned: ten thousand times bles­sed be thy holy name, for that thou hast thus visited and re­deemed thy people.

Now (good Father) seeing none are saued by the Lord Iesus, but such as beleeue on his Name, and walke after his Spirit: we pray thee then, giue [Page] vs grace to embrace him with the armes of our soules, that we may receiue out of his ful­nesse grace for grace: for to so many as thus receiue him, giues hee power, priuiledge, prerogatiue to be called, and to be thy sonnes, O God.

And as we are thus hopefully and happily redeemed by the bloud of Christ Iesus, so grant, wee may consider the end of this our redemption, which is to serue him in holinesse and righteousnesse all the dayes of our liues.

As we are called and profes­sed Christians, so grant wee may euermore walke worthy of this glorious Name and ti­tle: Lord make vs carefull to imitate this immaculate Lamb, in whom was found no guile: that we may follow him [Page] in innocency, piety, humility, patience, obedience, tempe­rance, loue: that it may be our greatest glory, our neerest re­semblance of him, that we fol­lowing him in holines in this life, may bee admitted to fol­low him in euerlasting happi­nesse in the world to come.

The marke (most gratious Lord God) of the sheepe of Christ is to follow Christ, ma­king the holy life & doctrine of the Lord Iesus, the only pa­terne of all our actions: there­fore keepe vs (holy Father) from profanenes, pride, world­lines, drunkennes, fornicati­on, and all manner of vngodli­nesse: though wee be in the world, yet grant wee may not be of the world, but let our thoughts, words, actions, euer­more bee holy and heauenly.

[Page]Thus (good Lord) giue vs thy might of grace against sin, that Satan may not deceiue vs, nor corruption besmeere vs, but beautifie vs with the graces of thy holy Spirit, that thy name and Gospel may be honoured, many things among vs by our holy examples conuerted, the mouthes of the wicked stop­ped, and in the end the soules and bodies of vs all euerla­stingly saued, and that for the alone merits of thy deare Son, our blessed Sauiour and Re­deemer Iesus Christ, blessed for euer. To whom with thee (holy Father) and thine al-glo­rious Spirit, bee all glory and thanksgiuing ascribed and re­turned heartily and throughly now and for euer more. Amen.


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