¶ Iniuncciōs geuen by the moste excellent Prince, Edward the .VI. by the grace of GOD, kyng of England, Fraunce, and Ireland: defendor of the fayth, and in earth vnder Christ, of the Churche of Englande and of Irelande, the supreme hedde: to all and synguler hys louyng Subiectes, aswell of the Clergie, as of the Laitye.
THE Kynges mooste royal Maiestie, by the aduise of his most dere vncle, the duke of Somerset, Lorde Protector of all his Realmes, Dominions, and subiectes, and Gouernor of his most Roial persone, and the residewe of hys moste honorable counsail, intendyng thaduauncemēt of the true honor of almighty God the suppression of Idolatrie, and Supersticiō, throughout all hys Realmes & Dominions, and to plant true Religion, to the extirpaciō of al Hipocrisy, enormities, and abuses, as to hys duety apperteineth: Doth minister vnto his louing subiectes, these Godly Iniuncciōs, hereafter folowīg: Whereof, parte were geuē vnto theim heretofore, by aucthoritie of hys most derely beloued father, Kyng Hēry the eighte, of moste famous memorie, & parte are nowe ministered and geuen by hys Maiestye. Al which Iniunccions, his highnes willeth and cōmaūdeth his saied louing subiectes, by his supreme aucthoritie, obediently to receyue, and truely to obserue and kepe, euery mā in their offices, degrees, [Page]and states, as they will auoyde hys displeasure, and the paynes in thesame Iniunccions hereafter expressed.
1 THE first is, that al Deanes, Archedeacōs, Persones, Vicars, & other Ecclesiasticall persones, shal faythfully kepe and obserue, and as far as in thē may lye, shall cause to be obserued & kept of other, al and singuler lawes & statutes, made aswel for the abolishyng and extirpaciō of the bishop of Rome, his pretensed and vsurped power and iurisdiccion, as for ye establishemēt and confirmacion of the kyngs aucthoritie, iurisdiccion, & supremacie of the church of England & Ireland. And furthermore, al ecclesiasticall persones, hauyng cure of soule, shal to the vttermoste of theyr wit, knowledge, & learnyng, purely, syncerely, & without any coloure or dissimulacion, declare, manifest, and opē .iiij. tymes euery yere at the least, in their Sermōs, and other collaciōs, that the Bishop of Romes vsurped power & iurisdiccion, hauyng no establishement nor groūd by the lawe of God, was of moste iust causes, taken awaye & abolished, and that therfore, no maner of obediēce or subieccion, within his Realmes and dominions, is dewe vnto hym. And that the Kynges power, within hys realmes and Dominions, is the highest power vnder GOD, to whom al men, within thesame Realmes and Dominions, by Godes lawes owe moste loyaltie & obedience, afore and aboue al other powers and potentates [Page]in earth.
BESIDES this, to the intent that all Supersticion & Hypocrisy, crept into diuerse mennes hartes, may vanysh away: thei shal not setfurthe or extolle any Images, Reliques, or miracles, for any supersticion or lucre, nor allure the people by any inticementes, to the Pylgrimage of any sainct or ymage: but reprouyng ye same, they shal teache, that al goodnesse, health and grace, ought to be both asked & loked for only of God, as of the verye aucthor and geuer of thesame, and of none other.
2 ITEM, that they, the persons aboue rehersed, shal make or cause to bee made in theyr Churches, and euery other Cure thei haue, one Sermō, euery quarter of the yere at the least, wherin they shall purely and syncerely, declare the woorde of GOD: and in thesame, exhorte theyr hearers to the workes of faythe, Mercye, and Charitie, specially prescribed and commaūded in scripture, and that woorkes deuised by mannes phantasies, besides scripture: as wādering to pilgrimages, offeryng of money, cādelles or tapers, to Reliques, or Images, or kissyng and lickyng of thesame, praiyng vpon Beades, or such lyke supersticiō, haue not only no promyse of reward in scripture, for doyng of thē: but cōtrariwise, great threates & maledicciōs of god, for that they bee thinges, tendyng to Idolatry and supersticiō, which, of al other offences, god almighty doth most detest and abhorre, for that [Page]thesame diminishe moste his honor and glory.
3 ITEM, that suche Images, as thei knowe in any of their Cures, to bee, or haue been so abused with pilgrimage or offringes, of any thyng made therunto, or shalbee hereafter censed vnto, they, (and none other priuate persones) shal for the aduoyding of that moste detestable offence of Idolatrye, furthewith take doune, or cause to be taken doune, and destroye thesame, and shall suffre from hensefurthe, no Torches, nor candelles, Tapers or Images of waxe, to be sette afore any Image or picture, but onely twoo lightes vpon the high aulter, before the Sacrament, whiche, for the significacion, that Christe is the very true light of the worlde, thei shall suffre to remain still: admonishyng theyr parishioners, that Images serue for no other purpose, but to bee a remembraunce, whereby, men maye be admonished, of the holy lifes and conuersacion of them, that thesaid Images doo represent: whiche Images, if thei doo abuse for any other intent, they commit Idolatrie in thesame, to the greate daunger of their soules.
4 ITEM, that euery holy daye throughout the yere, when thei haue no Sermon, thei shall immediatly after the Gospell, openly and plainly, recite to their parishioners in the Pulpit: The Pater noster, the Credo, and the tenne Commaūdementes in Englishe, to the intent the people maye learne thesame by harte: exhorting al parentes and housholders, to teache their childrē [Page]and seruaūtes thesame, as they are boūd by the lawe of God, and in conscience to do.
5 ITEM, that they shall charge fathers and Mothers, Masters and gouernors, to bestowe their children and Seruauntes, euen frō theyr childhode, either to learnyng, or to some honest exercise, occupacion or husbandrie: Exhortyng and counsailyng, & by all the wayes and meanes thei maye, aswell in theyr Sermons & collacions, as otherwaies, perswading their saied Fathers and Mothers, masters, and other Gouernors, diligentely to prouide and forsee, that the youth bee in no maner of wyse, brought vp in idlenes, least at any time afterward, forlacke of some craft, occupaciō, or other honest meane to lyue by, they be driuē to fal to beggyng, stealyng, or some other vnthriftinesse: For asmuch as we may daily se, through slothe and idlenes, diuerse valiaunt men fall, some to beggyng, & some to thefte & murdre, whiche after broughte to calamitie and miserie, doo blame their parētes, frendes and gouernors, whiche suffered them, to be brought vp so idlely in their youth, wher, if they had bene wel brought vp, in good learnyng, some occupaciō, or crafte, thei should (beeyng rulers of their awne housholde) haue proffited aswell thēselfes, as diuerse other persones, to the greate commoditie and ornament of the common wealthe.
6 ALSO, that the sayed persones, Vicars, and other Curates, shal diligently prouide, that the [Page]Sacramētes, be duely and reuerently ministered in their parishes. And if at any tyme it happen, theim in any of the cases expressed in the statutes of this Realme, or of special licēce geuen by the kynges Maiestie, to be absent from theyr benefices, they shall leaue their Cure, not to a rude & vnlearned person, but to an honeste well learned and experte Curate, that can by his habilitie, teache the rude and vnlearned, of their cure, holesome doctryne, & reduce theim, to the right way that do erre, whiche will also execute these Iniunccions, and doo their duety otherwyse, as they are bounde to doo in euerye behalfe, & accordingly maye and wyll proffite their cure, no lesse with good exāple of liuyng, then with the declaracion of the worde of God, or els their lacke and default, shalbee imputed vnto them, who shall straightly aunswere for thesame, if thei do otherwyse. And alwayes let theim see, that neither thei nor their Curates, doo seke more theyr awne proffite, promocion, or aduauntage, then ye proffit of the soules, that they haue vnder their Cure, or ye glory of God.
7 ALSO, that they shal prouide, within three monethes, nexte after this visitacion, one boke of the whole Bible, of ye largest volume in English: And within one twelfemonethes, next afte [...] the saied visitacion, the Paraphrasis of Erasmus also in englishe vpon the Gospelles, & thesame sette vp in some cōuenient place, within the sayed Churche, that they haue cure of, [Page]whereas their Parishioners maie moste commodiously, resorte vnto thesame, and reade thesame. The charges of whiche bokes shalbe ratably borne, betwene the persone or approprietary, and the parishioners aforesaied, that is to saie, the one halfe by the persone or proprietary and the other halfe by the Parishioners. And thei shall discourage no man (aucthorised and licensed thereto) from the readyng of any parte of the Bible, either in Latyne or in Englishe: But shall rather conforme and exhorte euery persone to reade thesame, as the very liuely woorde of God, and the speciall foode of mannes soule, that all christian persones are bound to embrace, beleue and folowe, if thei loke to be saued: Whereby thei maie the better knowe their dueties to God, to their souereigne lorde the kyng, and their neighbor: euer gentilly and charitably exhortyng theim, and in his Maiesties name, straightly chargyng and commaūdynd them, that in the readyng thereof, no man to reason or contende, but quietly to heare the reader.
8 ALSO, thesaied Ecclesiasticall persones, shall in no wise, at any vnlawfull tyme, nor for any other cause, then for their honest necessitie, haunte or resorte to any Tauernes, or Alehouses. And after their Dynner and Supper, thei shall not geue themselfes to drinckyng or riot, spendyng their tyme idlely, by daie or by night at Dise, Cardes, or Tables plaiyng, or any other [Page]vnlawfull game: but at all tymes, (as thei shall haue leasure) thei shall heare and reade somewhat of holy Scripture, or shall occupie them selfes with some other honest exercise, and that thei alwaies doo the thynges, whiche appertein to honestie, with endeuor to profite the common weale, hauyng alwaies in mynd, that thei ought to excell all other, in puritie of life, and should bee example to the people, to liue well and Christianly.
9 ITEM, that thei shall in confessions euery Lente, examyne euery persone, that commeth to confession to theim, whether thei can recite the Articles of their faithe, the Pater noster, and the Tenne Commaundementes in Englishe, and heare theim saie thesame particularly, wherein, if thei bee not perfite, thei shall declare then, that euery Christian persone, ought to knowe thesaied thynges, before thei should receiue the blessed Sacrament of the Aulter, and monishe theim to learne thesaid necessary thynges more perfectely, or els thei oughte not to presume to come to Gods bourde, without perfecte knowledge and will to obserue thesame: And if thei doo, it is to the greate peril of their soules, and also to the worldely rebuke, that thei might incurre hereafter by thesame.
10 ALSO, that thei shall admit no manne to preache, within any their Cures, but suche as shall appere vnto them, to be sufficiently licenced thereunto, by the Kynges Maiestie, the [Page]Lorde Protectors grace, the Archebishoppe of Canterbury, the Archebishoppe of Yorke in his Prouince, or the bishoppe of the Diocesse: and suche as shalbe so licenced, thei shall gladly receiue, to declare the woorde of God, without any resistence, or contradiccion.
11 ALSO, if thei haue heretofore declared to their parishioners any thyng, to the extollyng, or settyng furthe of Pilgrimages, Reliques, or Images, or lightyng of Candelles, kissyng, knelyng, deckyng of thesame Images, or any suche Supersticion, thei shall now openly, before thesame, recante, and reproue thesame: shewyng theim (as the truthe is) that thei did thesame vpon no ground of scripture, but wer led and seduced by a commō error and abuse, crept into the Churche, through the sufferaunce and auarice of suche, as felt profite by thesame.
12 ALSO, if thei doo, or shall knowe, any man within their parishe, or els where, that is a letter of the woorde of GOD, to be redde in Englishe, or syncerely preached, or of the execuciō of these the Kynges Maiesties Iniunccions, or a fautor of the bishoppe of Romes pretensed power, now by the lawes of this Realme, iustly reiected, extirped, and taken awaie vtterly, thei shall detecte and presente thesame, to the Kyng or his counsaill, or to the Iustice of peace next adioynyng.
13 ALSO, that the persone, Vicar, or Curate, and Parishioners of euery Parishe, withn [Page]this Realme, shall in their Churches and Chapelles, kepe one boke or Register, wherein thei shall write the daie and yere, of euery weddyng Christenyng, and Buriall, made within their Parishe for their tyme, and so euery man succedyng theim likewise: and also therein shall write euery persones name, that shalbe so wedded, Christened, or Buried. And for the safe kepyng of thesame boke, the parishe shalbe boūd to prouide of their common charges, one sure Cofer, with twoo lockes and keyes, whereof, the one to remayne with the Persone, Vicar, or Curate, and the other with the Wardeynes of euery parishe Churche or Chapell, wherein the saied boke shalbe laied vp: Whiche booke thei shall euery Sonday take furth, and in the presence of thesaied Wardeynes, or one of theim, write & record in thesame, all the Weddynges, Christenynges and burialles, made the whole weke before, and that doen, to laie vp the boke in thesaied Cofer, as afore. And for euery tyme, that thesame shalbee omitted, the partie that shalbe in the faulte thereof, shall forfaict to thesaid Churche, iii.s̄.iiii.d̔. to be employed to the poore mennes boxe, of that parishe.
14 FVRTHERMORE, because the goodes of the church, are called the goodes of the pore, and at these daies, nothyng is lesse seen, then the poore to be susteined with thesame: all persones, vicars, pencionaries, prebendaries, and other beneficed men, within this Deanery, not [Page]beyng resident vpō their benefices, which maie dispēde yerely .xx.lʾ. or aboue, either within this Deanery, or els where, shall distribute hereafter, emong their poore parishioners, or other inhabitauntes there, in the presence of the Churche wardeynes, or some other honest men of the parishe, the fourtie parte of the fruites and reuenues of their saied benefices, leaste thei bee worthely noted of ingratitude, whiche reseruyng so many partes to theim selfes, cannot vouchesafe, to impart the fourtie porcion therof, emong the poore people of that parishe, that is so fruitfull, and profitable vnto them.
AND to the intent, that learned men maie hereafter spryng the more, for the execucion of the premisses, euery Person, Vicar, Clearke, or beneficed man, within this Deanery, hauyng yerely to dispende in benefices, and other promocions of the churche, an .C. poundes, shall geue competente exhibicion to one scholar: and for asmany hundred poundes more, as he maie dispende, to so many scholars more, shall geue like exhibicion, in the vniuersitie of Oxforde, or Cambridge, or some Grammer schoole, whiche after thei haue profited in good learnyng, maie bee parteners of their patrones cure and charge, aswel in preachyng, as otherwise in the execucion of their offices, or maie (when neede shalbee) otherwise profite the common weale, with their counsaill and wisedome.
16 ALSO, that all proprietaries, Persones, [Page]Vicars, and Clearkes, hauyng Churches, chapelles or Mansions within this Deanery, shal bestowe yerely hereafter, vpon thesame Mansions or Chauncelles of their Churches, beyng in decaye, the fifth parte of that their benefices till thei bee fully repaired: and thesame so repaired, shall alwaies kepe and mayneteyne in good estate.
17 ALSO, that thesaied persones, vicars, and Clearkes, shall once euery quarter of the yere, reade these Iniunccions geuen vnto theim, openly and deliberately, before all their Parishioners, to the intent, that bothe thei maie bee the better admonished of their duetie, and their saied Parishioners the more moued, to folowe thesame for their parte.
18 ALSO, for asmuche, as by a lawe established, euery man is bounde to paie his Tithes, no man shall by coloure of duetie omitted by their Curates, deteigne their Tithes, and so redubbe and requite, one wrong with another, or bee his awne Iudge, but shall truely paie thesame, as he hath been accustomed to their persons, vicars and curates, without any restraint or diminucion. And suche lacke and defaulte, as thei can iustly finde in their Persones and curates, to call for reformacion thereof, at their Ordinaries and other superiors handes, who, vpon complainte, and dewe profe thereof, shall refourme thesame accordyngly.
19 ALSO, that no Persone shall from hensefurth, [Page]altre or chaunge the ordre and maner of any Fastyng daie that is commaunded, nor of commō praier or diuine seruice, otherwise then is specified in these Iniunccions, vntill suche tyme, as thesame shalbe otherwise ordered, and transposed by the Kynges aucthoritie.
20 ALSO, that euery Persone, Vicar, Curate, Chauntery priest, and stipendary, beyng vnder the degre of bachilar of diuinitie, shall prouide and haue of his awne, within three monethes after this visitacion, the new Testament, bothe in Latyne and in Englishe, with Paraphrasis vpō thesame of Erasmus, and diligently study thesame, conferring the one with the other. And the bishoppes, and other Ordinaries by theim selfes, or their officers, in their sinodes and visitacions, shall examyne thesaied Ecclesiastical persones, howe thei haue profited in the studye of holy scripture.
21 ALSO, in the tyme of high Masse, within euery Churche, he that saieth or syngeth thesame, shall reade, or cause to be redde, the Epistle and Gospell of that Masse, in Englishe, and not in Latine, in the pulpit, or in suche cōueniēt place, as the people maie heare thesame. And also euery Sundaie and Holy daye, thei shall plainely and distinctely, reade, or cause to be redde, one Chapiter of the new Testamente in Englishe, in thesaied place, at Matyns, immediatly after the Lessons: and at Euensong, after Magnificat, one Capiter of the Olde Testament. [Page]And to the intent the premisses may be more conueniently dooen: the Kynges Maiesties pleasure is, that when. ix. Lessons should bee redde in the Churche, three of theim shalbe omitted, and lefte out with their Respondes: And at Euensong tyme, the Respondes with al the memories, shalbe left of, for that purpose.
22 ALSO, because those persones, whiche bee sicke, and in perill of death, bee oftentymes put in dispaire, by the craft and subtilitie of the deuill, who is then moste busy, and specially with theim, that lacke the knoweledge, sure perswasion, and stedfast belief, that thei maie be made partakers of the greate and infinite mercie, whiche almightie GOD, of his moste bountifull goodnesse, and meere liberalitie, withoute oure deseruyng, hath offered frely to all persones, that put their full truste and confidence in hym: Therefore, that this dampnable vice of dispaire, maie bee clerely taken awaie, and firme beleif, and stedfast hope, surely conceiued of all their parishioners, beeyng in any daunger, thei shall learne, and haue alwaies in a redinesse, suche comfortable places and sentences of Scripture, as do set furthe the mercie, benefites and goodnesse of almightie God, towardes all penitent, and beleuyng persones, that thei maie at all tymes, (when necessitie shall require) promptly comforte their flocke, with the liuely worde of God, whiche is the onely staye of mannes conscience.
23 ALSO, to auoyde all contencion and strief, which heretofore hath rysen emōg the kynges Maiesties subiectes, in sondrye places of hys Realmes and dominions, by reason of fonde curtesye, and chalenginge of places in procession, and also that they maye the more quietely, heare that whiche is saied or song, to their edefiynge: they shall not from hensefurthe, in any parish churche, at any tyme vse any procession, about the Churche or Churche yarde, or other place, but immediatly before highe Masse, the priestes with other of the queire, shal kneele in the middes of the Churche, and synge or saye, plainly and distinctly, the Letany, which is setfurthe in Englishe, with all the Suffrages folowyng, and none other Procession, or Letany to be had or vsed, but the saied Letanie in English, addyng nothyng therto, but as the Kynges grace, shall hereafter appoynt: and in Cathedrall or Collegiate churches, thesame shalbe doen in suche places, as oure Commissaries in oure visitacion shall appoynte. And in the tyme of the Letanye, of the highe Masse, of the Sermon, and when the priest readeth the scripture to the parishyoners, no maner of persones, without a iuste and vrgent cause, shall departe out of the Churche: and all ringyng and knowlynge of Belles, shalbe vtterly forborne for that tyme, excepte one Belle, in conueniente tyme, to be rōg or knowled before the Sermō.
24 ALSO, lyke as the people be commonly occupied [Page]on the worke day, with bodily labor, for their bodily sustenaunce: so was the holy day at the firste beginninge Godly instituted and ordeyned, that the people should that day, geue themselfes wholy to God. And whereas in our tyme, God is more offended then pleased, more dishonored, then honored, vpon the holy daye, because of idlenes, pryde, drunckennesse, querellynge and braulyng, whiche are moste vsed, in suche dayes, people neuerthelesse perswading themselfes, sufficiently to honor God on that daye, yf they heare masse & seruice, though they vnderstande nothyng, to their edefiynge: therfore all the Kynges faythfull and louynge subiectes, shall from hensefurth celebrate, and kepe their holy daye, accordynge to Gods holy will & pleasure, that is: in hearing the worde of God redde and taughte: in priuate and publique praiers: in knowledgyng their offences to God, and amendement of thesame: in reconcilynge their selfes charitably to their neighbors, where displeasure hath been: in often tymes receyuinge the communiō, of the very bodye and bloud of Christe: in visitynge of the poore & sicke: in vsyng all sobernes, and godly conuersacion: Yet notwithstandynge, all Persones, Vicars, and Curates, shall teache and declare vnto their parishioners, that they may with a saufe and quiete conscience, in the tyme of Harueste, labor vpon the holy and festiuall dayes, and saue that thyng, whiche God hathe [Page]sent. And if for any scrupulositie, or grudge of conscience, men should supersticiously absteyne from working vpon those dayes, that then thei shuld greuoulsy offende and displease God.
25 ALSO, forasmuche as variaunce and contencion, is a thynge whiche moste displeaseth God, and is moste contrary to the blessed communion of the body and bloude of oure sauior Christe: Curates shall in no wyse admit to the receyuinge therof, any of their cure and flocke, who hath maliciously and openly contended with his neighbor, onlesse thesame do first charitably and openly, reconcile hym selfe agayne, remittinge all rancor and malyce, whatsoeuer controuersie hath been betwene theim: and neuerthelesse, their iuste titles and rightes, they may charitably prosecute before such, as haue aucthoritie to heare the same.
26 ALSO, that euery Deane, Archedeacon, Master of Collegiate Churche, Master of hospitall, and Prebendary, beynge Prieste, shall preache by himself personally, twyse euery yere at the leaste, either in the place, where he is entituled, or in some Churche, where he hath iurisdiction, or els which is to the sayd place appropriate, or vnited.
27 ALSO, that they shall instructe and teache in their cures, that no man ought obstinately and maliciously, breake and violate, the laudable Ceremonies of the Churche, by the Kyng commaunded, to be obserued, and as yet not [Page]abrogated. And on the otherside, that whosoeuer doth supersticiously abuse them, doeth the same to the greate periel and daungier of hys soule healthe: as in castinge holy Water vpon hys bedde, vpon Images, and other deede thynges, or bearynge aboute him holy breade, or sainct Ihons Gospell, or makynge Crosses of woodde vpon Palme Sondaye, in tyme of readinge of the Passion, or kepinge of priuate holy dayes, as Bakers, Brewers, Smithes, Shoomakers, & suche other do, or ringynge of the holy Belles, or blessing with ye holy candel, to thintent, therby to be discharged of the burden of sinne, or to driue awaye Deuilles, or to put awaye dreames and phantasies, or in puttinge truste and confidence of healthe and saluacion, in thesame Ceremonies: when they be onely ordeyned, instituted and made, to put vs in remembraunce of the benefites, whiche wee haue receyued by Christe. And if he vse theim for any other purpose, he greuously offendeth GOD.
28, ALSO, that they shall take awaye, vtterly extincte, and destroye, all shrines, coueringe of shrines, all tables, candelstickes, tryndilles or rolles of waxe, pictures, payntynges, and all other monumentes of fayned miracles, pilgremages, Idolatry, and supersticiō: so that there remayn no memory of the same, in walles, glasses, windowes, or els where, within their churches or houses. And they shall exhorte all their [Page]parishioners, to doo the lyke within their seuerall houses. And that the Churche Wardeynes, at the common charge of the paryshioners in euery Churche, shall prouide a comely and honest pulpitte, to be set in a conueniente place within thesame, for the preachynge of Gods woorde.
29 ALSO, they shall prouide, and haue within three monethes after this visitacton, a stronge Cheste, with a hoole in the vpper parte therof, to bee prouided, at the coste and charge of the parishe, hauyng three keyes, whereof, one shall remayne in the custodie, of the Persone, Vycar, or Curate, and the other twoo, in the custodye of the Churche Wardeynes, or any other twoo honeste men, to be appoynted, by the paryshe, from yere to yere. Whiche Cheste, you shall sette and fasten, nere vnto the highe aulter, to the intente, the Parishioners, shoulde putte into it, their Oblacion and almose, for their poore neighbours. And the Persone, Vicar, and Curate, shall diligently, from tyme to tyme, and specially, when men make their Testamentes, call vpon, exhorte, and moue theyr neighboures, to conferre and geue, (as they maye well spare) to the sayde Cheste: declaring vnto theim, whereas heretofore they haue been diligente, to bestowe muche substaunce otherwyse then GOD commaunded, vpon Pardons, Pylgrymages, Trentalles, deckynge of Images, offerynge of Candelles [Page]geuyng to Friers, & vpon other lyke blynd deuocions, they oughte at this tyme, to be muche more ready to healpe the pore and nedy, knowyng that to releue the poore, is a true worshipping of God, required earnestly, vpon payn of euerlastyng dampnacion: and that also, whatsoeuer is geuen for theyr comforte, is geuen to Christ hym self, and so is accepted of hym, that he will mercifully, rewarde thesame with euerlastinge lyfe. The whiche almosse and deuociō of the people, the kepers of the keyes, shall at tymes conuenient, take out of the Cheste, and distribute thesame, in the presence of the whole parishe, or sixe of them, to be truly and faithefully deliuered, to their moste nedy neighbors: and if they be prouided for, then to the reparacion of high wayes, nexte adioynyng. And also the money whiche riseth of fraternities, guildes, and other stockes of the Church (except by the Kynges Maiesties auchtoritie, it be otherwyse appoynted) shalbe put into the sayd chest, and conuerted to the sayd vse, and also the rentes of landes, the profite of cattail, and money geuē or bequeathed, to the findyng of torches, lightes, tapers, and lampes, shalbe conuerted to the sayde vse, sauynge that it shalbe lawfull for them, to bestowe parte of the sayd profites, vpon the reparacion of the Churche, if greate neede requyre; and whereas the Paryshe is very poore, and not able otherwyse to repaire thesame.
30, AND forasmuche as Priestes be publique ministers of the Churche, and vpon the holy dayes, ought to applie them selfes, to the common administracion of the whole parishe, they shall not be bounde to go to women liynge in chyld bedde, except in tyme of daungerous sickenes, and not to fetche any corse, before it be brought to the Churche yarde: & if the woman be sicke, or the corse brought to the Church, the Priest shall do hys duetie accordingly, in visityng the woman, and buriyng the dead person.
31 ALSO, to auoide the detestable synne of Symony, because biyng and sellyng of benefices, is execrable before God: Therfore, al such persones as by any benefices, or come to them by fraude or deceipte, shalbe depriued of suche benefices, and be made vnhable at any time after to receiue any other spirituall promocion. And suche as do sell thē, or by any colour do bestow theim, for their awne gayne and profite, shall lose their right and title of patronage, and presentement for that tyme, and the gyfte thereof for that vacacion, shall apperteyn to the Kynges Maiestie.
32 ALSO, because through lacke of preachers in many places of the Kinges realmes and dominions, the people continue in ignoraunce and blyndenes: all Persones, Vicars, and Curates, shall reade in their Churches, euery Sondaye, one of the Homelies, whiche are and shalbe setfurthe, for thesame purpose, by [Page]the Kynges aucthoritie, in suche sorte, as they shalbe appoynted to doo, in the preface of the same.
33 ALSO, whereas many indiscrete persones, doo at thys daye, vncharitably contempne and abuse priestes and ministers of the Church, because some of them, (hauinge small learninge) haue of long time fauoured phantasyes, rather then Gods truthe: yet for asmuche, as their office and funccion, is appoynted of God: The Kynges Maiestie willeth and chargeth, al hys louynge subiectes, that from hensefurthe, they shall vse them charitably and reuerently, for their office and ministracion sake, and especially, all suche as labor in the settynge furthe of Gods holy woorde.
34 ALSO, that all maner of persones, whiche vnderstande not the Latin toungue, shall pray vpon none other Primer, but vpon that, whiche was lately setfurth in English, by aucthoritie of Kynge Henry the .VIII. of moste famous memorye. And that no teacher of youth, shall teache any other, then the sayde Prymer: And all those, whiche haue knowledge of the Latin toūgue, shall pray vpon none other Latin Primer, but vpon that, whiche is likewyse setfurthe by the sayde aucthoritie. And that all graces to be sayde at dyner and supper, shalbe alwayes sayde in the Englishe toungue. And that none other Grammer, shalbe taughte in any Schoole or other place, within the Kynges [Page]reames and dominions, but onely that whiche is set furthe by the saied aucthoritie.
35 ITEM, that all Chauntery priestes, shall exercise them selfes, in teachyng youth to reade and write, and bringyng them vp in good maners, and other verteous exercises.
ITEM, when any sermon or Homelie shalbe had, the prime and houres shalbe omitted.
❧ The fourme of biddyng the common Praiers.
YOV shall praie for the whole congregacion of Christes Churche, and specially, for this Churche of Englande and Irelande: wherein, first, I commende to your deuoute praiers, the Kynges moste excellent Maiestie, supreme hed immediatly vnder God, of the spiritualtie and temporaltie of thesame churche: and for quene Katharine dowagier, & also for my lady Mary and my lady Elizabeth, the Kynges susters.
SECONDLY, you shall pray for my lorde protectors grace, with all the reste of the Kynges Maiesties counsaill: For all the Lordes of this realme, and for the Cleargie, and the commons of thesame: besechyng almightie God to geue euery of theim, in his degree, grace to vse [Page]theim selfes in suche wise, as maie bee to Gods glory, the Kynges honor, and the weale of this Realme.
THIRDELY, you shall praie, for all them that be departed out of this world, in the faith of Christe, that thei with vs, and we with them at the daie of iudgement, maie rest bothe body and soule, with Abraham, Isaac, and Iacob, in the kyngdome of heauen.
ALL whiche and singuler Iniunccions, the kynges Maiestie, ministereth vnto his Cleargie, and their successors, and to all other his louyng subiectes: straightly chargyng and commaundyng them to obserue and kepe thesame, vpon pain of depriuacion, sequestracion of fruites of benefices suspension, excōmunicacion, and such other cohercion, as to ordinaries, or other hauyng Ecclesiasticall iurisdiccion, whom his Maiestie hath appointed for the due execuciō of thesame shalbe seen conuenient: chargyng & commaundyng theim, to see these Iniunccions, obserued and kept of all persones, beyng vnder their iurisdiccion, as thei will aunswere to his Maiestie for the contrary. And his Maiesties pleasure is, that euery Iustice of Peace (beeyng required) shall assiste the Ordinaries, and euery of theim, for the dewe execucion of thesaid Iniunccions.