CORDA ANGLIAE: OR, THE GENERALL EXPRESSIONS OF THE LAND: Moving XXV. Particulars to the Honourable Assembly in the High Court of Parliament.

THAT THE CHVRCH of England may become a glorious Church of GOD.

Printed in the yeare 1641.

To the High and Honourable Assembly in the upper and lower House of Parliament.

Most noble Senatours:

WHereas many petitions are daily presented before your Honours, some in the behalf of their friends, others also for themselves, and all for succour and re­leefe; their causes are heard in your ho­nourable Assembly, treated on, and accor­ding to the truth of the cause so is it re­leeved. Amongst the rest, may it please your high and honourable Court to deeme a favourable eye on my petition also, put up, not in the behalfe of my owne particu­lar, nor of one or two friends alone, but [Page] in the behalfe of the whole Church: and whatsoever in it your honourable Assem­bly conceives not fit to grant, let it be ab­ortive. Vouchsafe it, most noble Senators, but an eye in her behalfe, and as your Ho­nours finde that she hath beene abused, so releeve her. But because from the highest Cedars to the lowest Lilie in the Church of Christ, all are confident in your procee­dings, rejoycing in your high and honou­rable Assembly, before whom I tender my cause, and with the whole Church depend on God and you for a tryall: till when, we pray for heavenly wisedome to direct you; and now, and then, and ever, the grace, peace, love, and comfort of the Trinitie to abide with you.

Your poore petitioner in the behalfe of a distressed Church, Hen: Walker:

Corda Angliae: OR, The generall expressions of the Land, moving 25. particulars to the Honourable Assembly in the High Court of Parlia­ment, &c.


THat the glory of the LORD may shine forth, and be expres­sed in that fulnesse which he is pleased to discover among us, that the talent of the Lord in our Churches may everywhere be expres­sed according to that measure of abi­lity [Page 2] which the Lord vouchsafeth us.

Saint Austin against Permenias. li. 2. c. 8. Cy­ril of right faith. S. Au­stin of free will. lib. 3. S. Ambrose on Rom. 1. Erasmus. Preacher. Ier. 4.2. Mi­ca 2.9. Luke 17.18. Rom. 3.7. 2 Cor. 1.20. Eph. 1.6. Iam. 4.1.


That the Kings Majesty may have a cleare, quiet, peaceable, and happy government, over a glorious Church, and a flourishing Kingdome. And that such good order be taken herein, that all conspirators and treacherous persons whatsoever, whether open or secret, forraigne or domesticke, a­gainst his Royall Majesty, or against our noble Queene, Prince, or any the Progeny of that Royall stemme, or against the Church, or State, &c. that such evill persons so affected, be in no wise suffered and passed by, but be ut­terly rooted out and expelled. And that his Majesty may have all the ho­nour, [Page 3] and humble obedience from his Subjects, as is meet to so excellent and worthy a King.

Saint Am­brose of con. of Aquilies. Tertullian to Scab. S t. Austins Epistle to Donatus, 116. ep. Counc. of Trent, pag. 394. S. Au­stin de Civ. Dei, lib. 5. cap. 24. 2 Sam. 16.16. 1 King. 1. 2 King. 12. 1 Chro. 26.30. Ezra 10. Psal. 2.6 & 149.2. Matth. 5.35 1 Pet. 2.13. Rev. 6. 2 Tim. 2.2. thus as it is. Sozom. lib. 2. c. 2▪ as Salomon and as Constantine were settled in peace and glory, in Church and State, so did they enjoy happy governments in both.


That the government of the Church be no more wholly left to Bishops im­pious government, to bring such scandall as it hath done to Religion; but that there may be lay Elders, ac­cording to the Primitive Churches; or some other government under the Kings Majesty (as the Honourable Assembly shall thinke meet) to assist the Clergy in Ecclesiasticall matters, that so the Clergy bee not taken off from their Pulpits, as they have been, to the great misery of many Congre­gations under them. And that all Pa­stors may therefore hereafter perform their office of preaching, as they ought to doe, to the peoples edification, and comfort, feeding the flock of Christ.

Cyril to Theodosius Epist▪ 17. Tom. 5. So­crates lib. 1. cap. 9. of Constantine B. Iewels Epistle on the Coun­cel of Trent. Polid [...]. on Richard 2. Councell of London un­der Hen. 1. Exod. 24.1. Matt. 21.23 Acts 4.5. 1 Tim. 5.17 1 Pet. 5.1. 1 Tim. 6.1. 1 Tim. 4.14. Iohn 3. verse last.


That the Bishops bee henceforth preaching Ministers, and not any more lifted up to such lordly hierar­chy as they have beene heretofore: that they may bee wholly taken off from temporall matters, and reduced onely to the ministery of the Word, the Sacraments, and Prayer, and such like offices of the ministeriall functi­on, as are warrantable, and according to the word of God.

Authen ti­tul. 133. Counc. of Trent lib. 2. pag. 249. Hil on Mat. 25. Canon. Gregory lib. 4 Epist. 38. Eusebius of preparation lib. 7. Corn. Bittonto in the chap. of Trident. Councell of Trent, lib. 8. pag. 735. 2 Pet. 3.6. Matth. 10.24. Matth. 17.18. 1 Pet. 5.3. Matth. 11.1. Marke 3.8. & 14. Acts 10.42. Rom. 15.20. Gal. 1.16.


That every Congregation in the kingdome of England may bee fur­nished with an Orthodox preach­ing Minister, that may preach con­stantly and truly, the Doctrine of the Lord Iesus Christ: and that more­over [Page 5] no Minister have the charge of more then one Parish under him; and that no Congregation may bee compelled to enter­taine an unable or ungodly Minister against their wills; and that no Pastor being set o­ver any Congregation, bee suffered to live idlely, but may be compelled to expresse his paines in the ministery constantly, as a faith­full Pastor of Iesus Christ▪

Can. Apost. ch. 5. Sim on the Church pag. 264. Hist. Magd. cent. 3. ch. 10. Comen. Func. in Chron. lib. 6. Ierom catal scrip. eccl. Theod. lib. 4. c [...]. 22. Councell Trent. pag. 250. Psal. 5.16. Pro. 27.1. Pro. 24.18. Isay 42.10 Eze­kiel 13.18. Hosea 4.6. Mal. 2.7. Mach. 5.15. Luke 10.2. Acts 20.28. 1 Pet. 5.2. S. Hierom saith in his 84. Epistle to Eustochius, that there are some proud Priests, who are made Deacons and Ministers for no other end, but that they may have liberty to shew themselves pleasant before women: and such mens care is all upon their apparell, that it may be trim, and sweet, that their shooes sit spruce to their feet, that the haires of their head be finely wrinckled, and curled, and that their fingers may glister with gold rings. Such men (saith the Father) when you see them, you may rather judge them bridegroomes, or wooers, then Priests, or men of the Clergy.


That no Minister whatsoever, may bee suffered to teach or preach any doctrine grounded onely upon the bare opinions of men, except he can also prove it so to be ap­parently evident by the word of God. And that neither the Minister nor people may be [Page 6] oppressed with the observance of such tra­ditions of men, which are repugnant to the word of God.

Socrat. eccl. hist. lib. 2. cap. 38. Io­seph. ant. lib. 20. cap. 2. Euseb. lib. 5 cap. 11. Pla­tin. in vita Lucii. Eu­seb. lib. 2. cap. 11. Ire­naeus contra Val. lib. 5. Deut. 5.32. 1 Sam. 15.22. Levit. 10.1. Ier. 5.31. Hosea 9.15. Matth. 15.3. Marke 7.8. Col. 13.8. 1 Pet 4.11. 2 Iohn 16.


That there be no such disorderly and in­terrupted kinde of praying, as is used in the Church Liturgy, but that the Pastor or Mi­nister only pray aloud in a decent and order­ly manner to the peoples capacity, as the mouth of the Congregation, not being in­terrupted, the people silently joyning with him, that so they may pray in spirit and in truth together, and that thereby their affe­ctions may be the more elevated, assenting thereto with the word Amen, or the like ex­pression, without disturbance, as the custome is, when the Minister prayes one thing, the people they interrupt him, and pray for something else, who should rather give their assent to that which the Pastor or Minister prayeth for, with Amen, or the like expression.

Councell of Towers, ca­non 37. and 38. Basil on 38. Psalm▪ Cyprian on the Lords Prayer. Councell of Arles. Coū ­cel of Trent pag. 574. Ambrose on 1 Cor. 1.14. Aug. in Christian doctrine, lib. 4. ca. 10 1 King. 13.6. 2 Chron. 11.26. 1 Cor. 14.16 Acts 14.21 Neh. 1.6. Rom. 14.13. Num. 11.2. 2 King. 6.17. Ezr. 10.1. Act. 20.36. and 21.5. Iam. 5.18. 1 Chron. 16.36. Ne [...]. 5.13. Neh. 8.6. Psal. 41.13.


That the Ministers of Christ may not be compelled to supertitious bowings, or to wearing of the Surplesse, Tippet, &c. or to observe any other superstitious ceremony, which Iesus Christ never imposed upon them. And that there be no Courts allow­ed to have power to binde mens conscien­ces to the observance of such things as are not onely not manifest in Gods word, but contrary to the same, which hath beene a great burden to the Church of God.

Councell of Trent. Ori­gen 3. Hom. on Ieremia. Ioseph. antiq lib. 8 cap. 11 Ruff. lib. 2. ca. 9. Theod. lib. 5. cap. 8. Origen on Matth. 25. Hom. Cypr: treatise of the simpli­city of Pre­lates. Ambr. on 1 Cor. 7. Hosea 9.15. Psal. 31.6. Matth. 23.4. Acts 15.10. Col. 12.8. Tit. 1.13. 1 Pet. 4.11. Mach. 25. The Prelates which are so in love with Ceremo­nies, may thinke upon that story of the Devill, in Iosephus, who came amongst the Bishops with his fine sleeves, rochet, and every thing as compleat as any amongst them, to the wonder and astonishment of the beholders.


That the faithfull and painfull Ministers of the word of God may bee reverently re­spected, and that the people doe diligently heare and attend them, and bee not suffered in any wise to scandalize them, nor have po­wer to depose them, or put them out, whom [Page 8] before they made choice of by a free con­sent, except upon just cause, and such proofe as shall apparently manifest that they are such as ought to bee deprived by the word of God, but otherwise to respect them as such who have the charge, and are the overseers of their soules.

Councell of Trent, pag. 265. Coun­cel of Arles. Ignatius in his Epistle to Ierome, Calvin on Rom. 12. Beza on Rom. 12. Eph. 4.11. 1 Tim. 5.17 1 Pet. 5.1. Acts 46.47. Mal. 3.16. Heb. 13.4. Acts 4. Ephes. 4. Galat. 3.5.


That the oath ex officio be so overthrown that it may never rise againe to exact, as it hath done, in the Prelates Courts, extorting upon mens concealed thoughts, molesting innocent causes, by secret suggestions: and that all Courts shall henceforth proceed a­gainst onely such crimes as are evident to be sins by the word of God, and made mani­fest either by the confession of the party him­selfe without an oath, or the witnesse of ho­nest and sufficient testimony by an oath: And that every person accused, shall bee heard without partiality, or injustice, to speake freely what hee can for himselfe, [Page 9] in any matter or cause, whatsoever shall bee objected against him.

Councell of Calon, can. 13. Speed Chron. pag. 88. Euseb. cap. 6. lib. 9. Theod. lib. 1. cap. 29. Socrates lib. 1. cap. 24. Sim. on the Church, pa. 282. his Magd. cent▪ 4. chap. 10. Ambrose hom. de Ba­silic. tradent Simson on the Church, pag. 564. Councell of Arles, 26. Article. 2 Cor. 12.21. Psal. 89.32. Mat. 5.45▪ 1 Cor. 15.33. Iohn 6.16. 2 Cor. 10 8. Gal. 6.1. Titus 3.10. Matth. 13.29. Iohn 12.6. 1 Cor. 15.33. Isay 59.2. Rom 8.35. Matth. 16.18. Iohn 9.22. 2 Cor. 2.8. How necessary this reformation is, let all men judge, who know the pro­ceedings and censures of Master Burton, Master Prinne, and Doctor Bastwicke, &c.


That no Ecclesiasticall officer may pro­ceed to penance, or excommunicate any of­fender for his crime, after he shall freely ac­knowledge the same, by professing hearty repentance if the crime be private, or a pub­like acknowledgement and confession, with protestation of penitency, if the offence bee notorious, it being the office of the civill Magistrate to doe the rest. Yet if such of­fenders be obstinate, and will not be per­swaded to penitency, he who shall so con­tinue an heretick, may be excommunicated, yet not without the consent of the whole Congregation, in the publike assembly, and then to leave them to God, and the further punishment of the civill Magistrate: yet to [Page 10] labour in the tender bowels of mercy, to bring them into the Church againe by re­pentance, and not to suffer (if it be possible) the weake brethren to perish.

Imp. hist. 99. Iustin▪ Apol. 2. Theodoret. lib. 2. cap. 4. Bernard. de cons. lib. 25. Cyprian. E­pist. 1 [...]. & 9. lib. 2. Pe­ter Martyr com. places, part. 4. cap. 5. Counsell of Trent, pag. 813. Peter Mar. com. plac. p. 57. Deut. 13.5. Gen. 3.23. Eph. 5.11. 2 Ioh. verse 10. Rom. 9.3. Matth. 18.17. Ier. 51.16. Eph. 5.11. Rom. 16.17. Gal. 1.8. Acts 20 28. Acts 1.15. Gal. 6.1. Titus 3.10. Rom. 16, 17. Acts 20.28. Iohn 12.6.


That all Ecclesiasticall officers, of what order or degree soever they be in the Church, may be liable to the punishment of tempo­rall Magistrates, as well as the lay people, and that not only for whoredome, drunken­nesse, swearing, and the like crimes, but that it may be lawfull also for the temporall Ma­gistrate to punish them for abuses in their Ecclesiasticall offices.

Socrates lib. 2. cap. 7. Sozom. lib. 3. cap. 7. Ambros. hom. de Ba­zilic. traden. Councell of Trent, lib. 2. pag. 161. & 167. Coun­cell of Arles Artic. 22. Rom. 13.1. & 3. 1 Pet. 2.14. Gen. 9.16. Iohn 19.10, 11. The 39. Ca­non of the Councell of Towers, doth exhibit all Consistories and Iudge­ment seats, and secular matters, not onely out of the Church, but so far commits them to the civill Magistrate, that they suffered them not in the very porch of the Church.


That no part of the Apocrypha bee ap­pointed to be read in the Church Liturgy, as it useth to be, notwithstanding many chap­ters [Page 11] in the canonicall Scriptures which are never read: that therefore onely the Cano­nicall Scriptures may be reade in Churches. And moreover that it be so ordered, that the whole Canonical Scriptures may be appoin­ted to bee read through once every yeare, if not expounded also.

In the third Councell of Carthag. canon. 47. In the coun­cell of Chā ­lons, canon 47. Saint Chrysostome on 2 Cor. hom. 3. S. Austin of the Trinity lib. 3. cap. 11. Am­brose on the Incarnation of our Lord, chap. 3. Psal. 119.105. Hosea 6.7. Luke 16.20. Marke 10 Acts 10.4. Rom. 9.12.


That the people may not bee constrained in the Sacrament to any particular gesture, That the people may not bee constrained in the Sacrament to any particular gesture, or outward Ceremony, nor meet with such disturbance as some have done at that very time, about outward superstition, and vaine trifles. That all such who being in the Church, come to the Sacrament prepared, may be admitted without disturbance. And that the Ministers may bee restrained from that vaine adoration of the Sacrament, by bowing, which many use, to the great dis­honour of Almighty God, making an idoll of the bread and wine, given to us for a sa­crament ordained by Christ, not to be ado­red [Page 12] as a God, or idoll, but used as a sacra­ment. And that the Communion Table may never any more be altered, or called an altar, or set up otherwise, but stand as a Table in the Church, according to Christs institution. And that the Crosse in Baptisme be no more tyed to the Church, nor any such like Popish Ceremonies or circumstances, as the childe promising and answering in the godfathers and godmothers, in it selfe as it were, as if the Ghost of the childe had at that time being in them. That all such po­pish rites and superstitions may be reformed▪

Councell of Trent lib. 7 pag. 669. Tertull. a­gainst Mar­cion lib. 4. Basil of the holy Ghost. Saint Cy­prian of Christs bap­tisme. Ruf­fin lib. 1. ca. 14. Am­brose of sa­cram. lib. 1. Austin on Iohn, trea­tise 80. Hag. 2.12, Matth. 3.11 Iohn 3.5. Rom. 4 9. 1 Cor. 10. 1 Eph. 5.25. 2 Pet. 3.21. Rom. 4.11 1 Cor. 10.16. Tit. 3.5. Saint Au­stin in his epistle to Bonifacius, 23. Ep. We say, saith he, on Easter day, this day Christ rose from death, death, whereas we know that it was many hundred yeares since that he arose from death, yet wee doe not herein speake lyes when wee so speake, because every one knowes that we call the day so, by a simili­tude to the day wherein the thing was done, which by the course of the yeare is a like day: so wee say such things were done this day, or that day, for the celebration of the Sacraments, when as we know both the day and the thing it selfe was long since. Was Christ offered any more but once, and he offered himselfe, so that the outward things in the Sa­crament are not very Christ, but the sacrament or similitude of his death, &c.


That all Crucifixes, Candles, Tapers, and Images bee removed out of our Churches, and all Idolatry, and such like vaine worship, [Page 13] that so the Church of England may become so glorious a Church, when she shall be void of all Popish shadowes and ceremonies, using no other expressions or jestures of the body, save onely such whereby the body ex­presseth that which is in the minde.

Sozom. lib. 7 cap. 23. Ruf­fin. lib. 1. ca. 8. Socrates lib. 1. cap. 17. Theod. lib. 1. cap. 18 Ambr. de obit. Theo­dor. Magd. hist. cent. 8. cap. 9. Exo. 20.4. Psal. 115.4. Isay▪ 42.8. 1 Cor. 5.11. 2 Cor. 6.6. It is lamentable to consider the lying fables and tales which the Iesuites make the simple people be­leeve of Crucifixes, and Candles, &c. amongst the rest, how abomina­ble is that fable which they declare and tell the people, of a wicked fellow who never did any good deeed in all his life, save onely once he offered a Candle to the Virgin Mary, for which, as their lying fable saith, when he was in hell afterwards, hee cryed to the Virgin Mary to helpe him, and she hearing of him, returned him his Candle againe, with the which he fought with the Devils, and drove them all away, and rid himselfe of them. &c.


That such who are studious in Divinity, and have not received (as yet) the orders of the Ministery, (holding no heresie, nor schismaticall doctrine, but such as is sound and orthodox, and have a good report) may be suffered to preach before a Congregation, for the tryall and exercise of their abilities, to the great satisfaction and proofe on either part: albeit they exercise or meddle not with [Page 14] any other part of action of the ministeriall function, save onely praying and preach­ing, untill such time they shall bee received into orders.

Councell of Toledo, ca­non 52. Iren. Saint Augustine on the Pro­phet Hagg. Luke 10.2. Matth. 25. 1 Tim. 3.1. Isay 58.4. Isay 56.10. Hosea 4.6. Rom. 10.15. This would be a meanes to keepe many unable Schollers (who are very unfit for the Ministery) out, that such as bee received into orders, may be knowne to bee able to divide the Word aright.


That every allowed Pastor and Minister of Gods word may have sufficient mainte­nance setled upon them, in such a forme as none can deprive them of it, neither in part, nor in whole, or at any time force them to sue for it, and so bee interrupted from their studies and Pulpits to follow the Law, but that they may have it so setled upon them, that they may receive it without trouble; and that all such of them who dying shall leave behinde them wife or children of honest and good report, may (in case they should want) be provided for.

Councell of Arles 4. Councell of Toledo 37. canon. Au­stin in 42. sermons to the bre­thren in the wildernesse Hierom on Levit. di­stinct. 36. 1 Cor. 9.14 Luke 10.7. 1 Tim. 5.18 Iames 5.4. Pro. 16.26. Col. 4.12. Amos 8.13. In the Councell of Rheme the Ministers quiet pay was or­dered to be precisely done, can. 38.


That none be admitted into the order of [Page 15] the Ministery, but onely such who are able to preach & expound the Scriptures, where­by they may discharge the office of a Mini­ster, to the carefull overseeing and feeding of the flocke.

Councell of Arles 10. Article. E­vag. lib. 3. cap. 9. Ruff. lib. 2. cap. 21 Chrys. hom. on Matth. Hosea 4.6. Ezek. 34.2. Luke 12.42. One observes well: he that will be a Minister (saith Haymo on Timoth▪ 5. chapter) must have three things in him: First, that he be of a good Religion: Secondly, that he be of a good life and conversa­tion: Thirdly, that he be able to exhort with wholesome doctrine, and to reprove the gainsayers thereof.


That some course be taken for the poore, other then that hath been, whereby in many places and parishes the Churchwardens have by sacriledge spent that upon them­selves, which did belong to the poore of the Church, and converted it to great benefit for themselves, whilest the poore have had ve­ry little of it, or benefit by it; they have made themselves richer, by making the Church-treasury poorer. That therefore order may be taken, that they may often render an ac­count what they have received, and how [Page 16] such treasure is disposed on in every particu­lar.

Councell of Toledo the. 6. and 5: canon. Councell of Arles, 14. Article. Councell of Toledo 9. and can. 1▪ Rom. 2.22. Acts 2▪4. 2 Cor. 8.3. The 37. ca­non of the Councell of Rhemes is utterly against those deceitfull withdrawing and converting of the Church treasury to their owne benefit.


That no water-man may row on the Sab­bath day, as many doe make a practice of it, no Carrier travell on that day, no Taverne or Alehouse may entertaine any company on that day, to drinke or revell, but onely such strangers and travellers as they have entertained, and to them onely as diet and lodging, not to drinke and carouse, nor re­ceive any company who come of purpose for jollity, drinking-matches, merriment, and the like, whereby the holy Sabbath hath beene much polluted: That no Applemon­ger, Chandler, Barber, Semster, Shoomaker, Tailor, or any other trade or occupation whatsoever, may be admitted to trade, or to have any imployment in or about their vo­cation on the Sabbath day, save onely such offices who belong to the Church, to the poore, to the sicke, or the like, which for piety ought not, or for charity could not bee done before, or after the Sabbath, to prevent [Page 17] the doing of it then: but that no sports or pastimes, no common trading for uncon­strained uses, nor Courts of judicature, nor any unnecessitated temporall employments and practices, be permitted, or suffered on that day to be done, nor in any part or houre thereof, neither before, in, or after the time of the generall duties in the assembly of the Church.

Councell of Chalons 50 canon. Au­stin epist. 162. & 166 Councell of Arles 16▪ article. Au­stin Concil. epist. 86. Councell of Ments ca­non 37. 2 Chro. 2.4. Lam. 1.7. Ezekiel 20. Isa 56.4. Ezek. 22 8. Hosea 2.11. The Coun­cell of Arles permits nei­ther mar­kets, justice Courts, nor trading, nor labouring on the Sab­bath day, as it is in the 16. article of the said Councell. Infinite are those exam­ples which might bee alledged of Gods judg­ments which have fallen upon families, Townes, Cities, and whole Kingdomes, for neglect herein, as is mani­fest in the Theatre of Gods judgements, the Practice of Piety, Eusebius, with divers Chronicles, and Bookes besides.


That what company or assembly soever are tolerated in the Kingdome, yet that all his Majesties subjects in the Kingdome, who are able, and may, doe come to the assembly and congregation in the Church on the Sab­bath day, both morning and evening, and there joyne with the assembly during all the time of the exercises of the Church, that so the whole congregation may all partake of those glorious ordinances which shall bee [Page 18] used in the Church, to the glory of God, and the comfort of their owne soules.

Sozom. lib. 2. cap. 2. So­crat. lib. 1. cap. 18. Eu­seb. de vita Constantin. lib. 4. Levit. 4 15. Num. 14.1. 1 Kin. 8.14. Ezra 2.14 Neh. 7.66. Iob 30.28. Neh. 5.13. Psal. 82.1. Acts 13.43. Mach. 2.5. Levit. 5.10. 1 Cor. 1.2. Revel. 2.3. Revel. 12.1. Phil. 2. Matth. 18.17. 1 Cor. 14.34.


That Popery, and all the reliques there­of may bee utterly rooted out of our Chur­ches, and pure Religion setled & established.

Saint Am­brose of vir­gins, lib. 4. Austin of Relig. tom. 1 chap. last. Deut. 5 9. 1 Cor. 10.5. Gal. 5.20. 1 Iohn 5.21. Deut. 4.15 Ezod. 32.8. Father Latimer saith in his second Sermon before King Edward, (speaking how the Romish Bishop stood out so stiffely to bring in Popery, and settle it [...]n the Church of England) the Bishop of Rome (saith he) sent him a Cardinalls hat for his labour, but (saith hee) he should have had a Tiburne tippet, a halfepeny halter, and all such proud Prelates. These Romish trumpery (saith he) never brought good into England.


That all Popish bookes, hereticall, and schismaticall bookes, all unjust and scanda­lous pamphlets, which by due examinati­on are found so to be; all vaine and ungodly bookes, ballads, love-songs, and lascivious bookes, and vaine pamphlets, may be cal­led in, and no more such may be ever tole­rated hereafter, or dispersed either in print, or in manuscript; which vaine bookes, bal­lads, and pamphlets, have taken deeper im­pression upon the hearts of many thousands, [Page 19] to draw them to love and delight in those actions of sin, into which they have beene seduced by reading of them.

Councell of Towers 11 canon, and 16. canon. 1 Tim. 3.5. 3 Iohn 6. Acts 19.37 2 Cor. 11.28. Menan­der was a man so de­lighted with wanton bookes, that he writ himselfe 80. bookes of love, and in the end grew out­ragious in the love of women.


That the revenues of Cathedralls be em­ployed to better purposes, and not wasted upon pipers, dancing-masters, drunken and deboist fellowes, and such as are no way be­neficiall or advantagious to the Church of Christ, to the State, nor to the bodies or souls of any members of the Church or State; but that it may bee employed on such, and in such a manner, whereby the Church of God may be bettered thereby.

Councell of Towers the 11. canon, and 16. ca­non. Coun­cel of Trent pag 574. 1 Tim. 3.5. 3 Iohn 6. Act. 14.37. 2 Cor. 11.28. Is it not a miserable thing that such men who are very ignorant in the Scriptures, and in the worship of God, whose whole life is spent in idle songs, in tavernes, and wanton com­pany, who understand very little or no divinity at all, who are neither able to preach nor to expound the Scriptures, shall be entertained into the Church, whilst honest and sound Ministers are in want.


That in all things all care possible may be taken, that the Church of England may become a glorious Church.

Theodor [...]tus lib. 5. ca. 20. Socrates lib. 1. cap. 1. & lib 3 cap. 18. Heliopolus Iudea. Ruff lib. 2. cap 30. Sozom. lib. 2. cap. 2. Ier. 9.24. 1 Cor. 1.31. 2 Cor. 10.17. Exod. 33.18. Ioh. 1.14, & 2.11. 2 Kin. 8.11.


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