FIrst cast your Eye upon a Rustick Seat,
Built strong and plain, yet well contriv'd, and neat;
And scituated on a healthy Soyl,
Yielding much Wealth with little cost or toyl.
Near by it stand the Barns, fram'd to contain
Enriching stores of Hay, Pulse, Corn and Grain;
With Bartons large, and places where to feed
Your Oxen, Cows, Swine, Poultry, with their breed.
On th'other side, hard by the House, you see
The Apiary for th' industrious Bee.
Walk on a little farther, and behold
A pleasant Garden from high Windes and Cold
Defended (by a spreading fruitful Wall,
With Rows of Lime and Fir-trees streight and tall,)
Full fraught with necessary Flow'rs and Fruits,
And Natures choicest sorts of Plants and Roots.
Beyond the same are Crops of Beans and Pease,
Saffron and Liquorice, or such as these;
Then Orchards so enrich'd with fruitful store,
Nature could give (nor they receive) no more:
Each Tree stands bending with the weight it bears,
Of Cherries some of Apples, Plums and Pears.
Not far from thence see other Walks and Rows
Of Cyder-fruits, near unto which there flows
A Gliding Stream: The next place you discover,
Is where St. Foyn, La Lucern, Hops and Clover
Are propagated: Near unto those Fields
Stands a large Wood, Mast, Fewel, Timber yields.
In yonder Vale, hard by the River, stands
A Water-Engine, which the Winde commands
To fertilize the Meads; on th' other side
A Persian Wheel is plac't, both large and wide,
To th' same intent: Then do the Fields appear
Cloathed with Corn and Grain for th' ensuing Year.
The Pastures stockt with Beasts, the Downs with Sheep;
The Cart, the Plough, and all good order keep:
Plenty unto the Husbandman, and Gains
Are his Rewards for's Industry and Pains.
Peruse the Book, for here you only see
The following Subject in Epitome.
Systema Agriculturae, Being The Mystery Of Husbandry Discovered and layd Open by J W

F H Van Houe scul

Printed for Tho. Dring at y e. Corner of Chancery lane in Fleetstreet. 1675.

Systema Agriculturae; The MYSTERY of HUSBANDRY DISCOVERED: Treating of the several New and most Advantagious Ways OF Tilling, Planting, Sowing, Manuring, Ordering, Improving Of all sorts of GARDENS, ORCHARDS, MEADOWS, PASTURES, CORN-LANDS, WOODS & COPPICES.


With an Account of the several INSTRƲMENTS and ENGINES used in this PROFESSION.

To which is added KALENDARIƲM RƲSTICƲM: OR, The HUSBANDMANS Monthly Directions.

ALSO The PROGNOSTICKS of Dearth, Scarcity, Plenty, Sickness, Heat, Cold, Frost, Snow, Winds, Rain, Hail, Thunder, &c.


The whole WORK being of great Use and Advantage to all that delight in that most NOBLE PRACTICE.

The Second Edition, carefully Corrected and Amended; with many large and useful Additions throughout the whole Work: By the Author.

Published for the Common Good: By J. W. Gent.

Virgil. O fortunatos nimium, sua si bona norint, Agricolas.—

LONDON: Printed by J. C. for T. Dring; and are to be sold by Charles Smith and Tho. Burrell, at the Angel neer the Inner-Temple-gate, and the Golden Ball under St. Dunstans Church in Fleet-street. 1675.



O you formerly was Dedicated the First Edition of this succeeding, though then imperfect Tract; and for your sakes principally did it then submit it self to the Censure of this Critick Age. It's now a bad time for so mean and Rustick a Subject to appear again, when every Shop and Library is re­pleat with the Fruits and Labours of the most A­cute Wits. Yet I hope it may obtain a better Wel­come than heretofore, being Revised and Corrected, in many places Enlarged, and many new and ne­cessary Experiments and Observations added: You also being every day more and more addicted to this Noble, though heretofore neglected Science; as is manifest from the Effects in most places discern­able: It being easie for a Passant Traveller to distinguish the Villa's of the Ingenious from the Slothful, by the Improvements made in them; some being well Manured, and Planted with many curi­ous Plantations of Fruit, and Avenues of Timber and other Trees, when others are bare and naked, [Page] to the shame and Ignominy of their Owners. I hope what I formerly wrote on this Subject, might be some inducement towards such improvement, amongst the many Elaborate and more Excellent Works: And I question not but this Second Edition, so much Enlarged, may more encourage and assist you in the Culture of your Farms to your best advan­vantage, in the propagating and encreasing of such things that may most retaliate your Cost and In­dustry, and most improve your Lands, not only for the benefit of your selves and Posterity, but the Kingdom in general; The several ways and means to accomplish the same, being here present­ed to your view, well Pruned and Advanced. For which end, and no other, these Experiments and Observations have formerly been not with a little care composed, and contracted into so conve­nient and brief a Method, and in such a fami­liar Stile, suitable to the apprehensions of those they most concern; and now also made more useful, that they may answer your Expectation; which is the desire of

J. W.
Virgil. —Laudato ingentia Rura, Exiguum colito.—


THIS is an Age, wherein to commend or extol an Ingenious Art or Science, might be esteemed a needless labour, especially in a Country so highly improved in every thing; but that we finde the more Noble, Advantagious, Useful or Necessary any Art, Science, or Profession is, the stronger Arguments are framed a­gainst it; and more particularly against this Rustick Art, and its infinite Preheminencies and Oblectations, by the vainer and more Pedantick sort of persons, de­spising the worth or value of what they are ignorant of; who judge it below their Honour or Reputation, to take any notice of so mean a Profession; that esteem the Country no other than a place for Beasts, as Cities for men. This makes us tread in the steps of more Worthy Rustick Authors, and give a short Preface, not to seek Credit of the Envious, but to satisfie or confirm the Ingenious of the Excellency and Inestimable value of this Art, not only for the exercise and health of our Bodies, the increase of our Fortunes, and our Universal benefit, use and advantage, but also for the tranquillity and peace of our Minds, and improving our [Page] Understandings; which they will assuredly finde doth proceed from such Noble, pleasant and necessary Enter­prises. If they diligently read and peruse the Ancient Writers, they may observe that many Wise and Learn­ed Men, worthy of praise, were exceedingly delighted, not only in a Rural Habitation, but did also exercise themselves in Tilling the Earth: That the Study of A­griculture was of so high an esteem, and so worthy of honour, that Poets, Philosophers, Princes, and Kings themselves, did not only acquire an Honourable and an Immortal Name, by their Writings and Precepts in this Art left to Posterity; but have also diligently per­formed the Office of a Countryman, and wrought with their own hands, and obtained thereby not a little Fame and Renown. For which cause, Xenophon in his Elegant Tract of Oeconomicks tells you, That no­thing can be of a more Regal (or Noble) Estimation and Splendour, than Judicious Agriculture. Socrates also gives you a Relation, how Cyrus, that most Re­nowned King of Persia, a Man of a Sublime VVit and most Illustrious Fame, when Lysander of Lacedemonia, a Man endowed with excellent Vertues, came and brought him Presents; At a certain time, for their Re­creations, he conducted Lysander into his Garden, on every side inclosed with a Noble Fence, and cultivated with most curious Art and fingular Industry. Then Lysander (admiring the compleat order of every thing, and the height of the Trees planted in such direct lines, and every way lineal, the Earth adorned with Plants, the fairness of the Fruits, the beauty and order of the pleasant and fragrant Flowers) said, That he did exceedingly admire, not so much at the Study and Dili­gence, as the Industry and Ingenuity of the Workman, by whom the same was so Artificially ordered and contri­ved. Then Cyrus being well pleased with the praise and commendation of his VVorkmanship, answered Lysander: All these things were preformed by my own Industry; these curious Orders were by me delineated; these Trees, Plants, Flowers, and all these things thou so admirest at, were all planted and performed by my [Page] own hands. Then Lysander beholding his Purple Ha­bit, the Excellency of his Person, and his Persian Or­naments glittering with Gold and Precious Stones, said: O Cyrus! how deservedly may you of all men be e­steemed happy, seeing so high an Honour and Fortune is conjoyned and united with so Excellent a Spirit!

Pliny writes, that the Romans had so high an esteem for Agriculture, that their Laws did extend to the Re­formation of the negligences and abuses in the exercise of that necessary and Honourable Art. The same Au­thor brings several Prefidents of many worthy and ho­nourable Persons that addicted themselves unto, and af­fected this Art; and highly sets forth the praise and commendation thereof; and shews how the Ancient Romans did execute their Rustick Laws, and incoura­ged the industrious and ingenious Husbandman: As by the example of C. Furius Cresinus, who out of a small piece of Ground gathered much more Fruits and Profits, than his Neighbours about him out of their great and ample Possessions; which highly contracted their envy and hatred against him, insomuch as they accused him, that by Sorcery, Charms, and VVitch­craft, he had transported his Neighbours Fruits, Ferti­lity and Increase, into his own Fields: For which he was ordered by Spurius Albinus peremptorily to an­swer the matter. He therefore fearing the worst, at such time as the Tribes were ready to give their Voices, brought into the common place his Plough, and other Rural Instruments belonging to Agriculture, and placed them in the open face of the Court. He set there also his own Daughter, a lusty strong Lass, and big of bone, well fed, and well clad; also his Oxen full and fair: Then turning to the Citizens of Rome, My Masters (quoth he) these are the Sorceries, Charms, and all the Inchantments that I use: I might also alledge my own Travel and Toil, my early rising, and late sitting up, and the painful sweat I daily endure; but I am not a­ble to present these to your view, nor to bring them with me into this Assembly. Which when the people had heard, they unanimously pronounced him Not [Page] Guilty, and he was highly commended of all persons for his Ingenuity and Industry.

It is most evident, that this Art of Agriculture doth not require so great charge and expence, as it doth judgment, labour and industry; which to possess men withal, and incourage them unto, is the intent and scope of our Learned, both Ancient and Modern Au­thors, that we may not spend the best of our times in the most vain, costly, unnecessary and trifling Studies and Affairs; for in former times (Cato testifies) he was highly commended and praised that was esteemed a good Husband. It cannot be thought that so Learned and Wise Men could set so high a value and esteem upon this Art of Agriculture, but upon very solid and weighty grounds and reasons. Not to speak of the va­rious Delights, Pleasures and Contents that these Ru­sticities plentifully heap upon us, they supply us for our necessities and advantages; for without this Art none in City or Country could subsist: as the Mother suckles the Infant with her Milk, so doth the Earth, the Mother of us all, universally feed and nourish us at an easie, liberal, and profitable rate; whereof we have daily experience, that our industry, labour and costs, are returned upon us, with a manifold increase and ad­vantage, unless the Celestial influences impede. Chry­sostom also shews how necessary the Art of Agriculture is (when enumerating the several advantages of Mecha­nick Arts) at length concludes, that this Art is by far more worthy, excellent and necessary, than all the o­ther. We all know how ill we can subsist without Garments, and other necessaries of that nature; but without the Fruits, and other increase of the Earth, we cannot live. The Scythians, Hamaxobians, and Gym­nosophists, esteemed all other Arts as vain and unpro­fitable; but this Art of Agriculture they accounted the only necessary for humane life; they exercised and applied all their industry, ingenuity, practises and stu­dies, principally to this only Art.

Romulus and Cyrus knowing the necessariness and usefulness of this Art above all other Exercises and [Page] Arts, did first Institute or introduce their Subjects in Military Affairs and Agriculture, judging these only sufficient to preserve and defend them from the inju­ries of others, and to sustain their lives. We also read, that the Helvetians or Switzers, a very Wise People in their management of Affairs, inhabit or possess a­bout one hundred Towns, out of which they yearly send a thousand chosen men into their Army, the rest remain behinde to Till the Ground. The next year some of them that staid go forth to the War, the other return; by which means they are as well exercised in War as in Husbandry. It is also noted of Romulus, that he used to prefer Husbandmen above Citizens, e­steeming those that lived in Towns with their wealthy Stocks and Trade, not equal nor worthy of compare with those that Tilled the Land, and wearied them­selves daily in Rustick Exercises. The Romans, when Pliny. they gave names to their Tribes, called the chiefest of the States the Rustick Tribes, and the meaner in degree the Ʋrbane.

Numa Pompilius, to incourage Agriculture, com­manded the Fields to be divided into a certain number of Villages, in each of which he constituted a Super­visor; whose principal Office it was to observe and enquire, who diligently and industriously did Till their Land, and who neglected it, whose Names were brought unto him. He oftentimes called for the Indu­strious Husbandman, and courteously received him, and sometimes dismissed him with Noble Gratuities: And contrariwise, the idle and slothful he rebuked; where­by some for fear of shame and disgrace, the rest in hope of favour and reward, were all continually intent on their Affairs, that they might render themselves and their Lands praise-worthy to their King: A Worthy and Noble President for the incouragement of our English Husbandmen that are Ingenious and Industri­ous, and for the Regulation and Reformation of the infinite abuses, injuries and neglects, so frequently com­mitted and suffered in every Village, by the slothful, ig­norant, and envious Rustick. The like examples we [Page] finde to be in several Countries, as Spain, Germany, Ve­nice, Holland, &c. of Compulsive Laws, and excellent Customs for the propagation of Trees for Timber, and for Fruits. In Burgundy, where Wallunt-Trees a­bound, whenever they fell a Tree, they always plant a young one near that place: And in several places be­twixt Hanaw and Francfort in Germany, no young Sylva. Farmer is permitted to Marry a Wife, till he bring proof that he hath Planted, and is a Father of such a stated number of Wallnut-Trees; which Law is in­violably observed to this day. It hath been a long time designed, and attempted by several VVorthy Per­sons, Affecters of Ingenuity, and the Publick Good of the Kingdom, that there might be some Constitutions or Orders for the advancing and propagating of this Noble Art, especially that part relating to the in­crease and preservation of Timber and Fruit-Trees; and that there might be Judicious and Experienced Su­pervisors in every place for that purpose. I must needs confess we have several good Laws relating to our Ru­ral Affairs, but none more slighted nor neglected than those. Our hopes and expectations are now great, that something will shortly be done therein, seeing that Royal and most Excellent Society at Gresham-Colledge, make it one of the most principal Objects of their Stu­dies and Care; it being so Universally necessary for our well-being and preservation, if not the most neces­sary, all things considered.

Maximus Tyrius, a most Grave Philosopher, compo­sed a Dialogue, wherein, with many sufficient and firm Reasons, be demonstrates, that this Art of Agriculture hath the Precedency of, and is more necessary than the Military; and Elegantly and Learnedly discusseth ma­ny things, and very much of the profits and advanta­ges of the Rustick Art, and Rural Affairs.

As to its Antiquity, no Art or Science can precede it; every one knows that a Country-life was the most An­cient, and that men did in the Infancy of time inhabit in Country-Habitations, and sustained themselves by the Fruits of the Earth, and dwelt in Tents, Woods, &c. instead of Houses.

As to the state, qualification, and condition of a Country-life, we may confidently maintain, that it far excels the City-life, and is much to be preferred before it. Plato affirms, that a Country-life is the Mistress, and as it were the pattern of Diligence, Justice, and Frugality; that he could finde nothing more profita­ble, pleasant or grateful, than to live in the Country remote and free from Envy, Malice, Calumny, Cove­tousness and Ambition: which occasioned this Grave Author to ordain several peculiar Laws relating to this Noble Art, which were brought unto and confirmed by the Emperour Justinian, &c. Cicero discoursing of the 1 De Offic. Utility of several Arts, at length concludes, that of all things necessary and useful, nothing is better, more ad­vantagious, stable, pleasant, nor more worthy a Noble and Ingenious Spirit, than Agriculture, &c. Virgil also had as high an esteem thereof, and did very much ex­tol and celebrate this Rustick Art; insomuch that when he was almost lost amongst the pleasant Groves, and ruminating on the Felicities the Country yielded, he brake forth into this expression.

O Fortunatos nimium, sua si bona norint,
Agricolas; quibus ipsa procul discordibus Armis
Fundit humi facilem victum justissima tell us.

And Horace in a certain Ode sings thus.

Beatus ille qui procul negotiis,
Ʋt prisca gens mortalium,
Paterna Rura, bobus exercit suis,
Solutus omnifoenore, &c.

Also hear the Divine Du Bartas in his Commenda­tion of Husbandry.

O thrice, thrice happy he who shuns the cares
Of City-troubles, and of State-affairs;
And serving Ceres, Tills with his own Teem,
His own Free-land left by his Friends to him.

The Pleasures and Oblectations are superabundant and infinite which we daily enjoy and receive from the Verdant Fields and Meadows, from the sweetness and beauty of the flowers, the springing Woods, the deli­cate fruits, and the variety of Domestick and Pleasant Animals educated even to the very hand, and from the various and harmonious Notes of the Nymphs of the Woods.

The winged Fancies of the Learned Quill,
Tell of strange Wonders, sweet Parnassus Hill,
Castalia 's Well, the Heliconian Spring,
Star-spangled Vallies where the Muses sing.
Admired things another story yields,
Of pleasant Tempe and th' Elysian Fields:
Yet these are nothing to the sweet that dwells
In low-built Cottages, and Country-Cells, &c.

We may well admire at such as are not highly de­lighted at the Prospect of the most of our Country-Villages, whose beauty and lustre daily encrease, (where their Inhabitants are Industrious) and appear more and more neat, adorned and enriched, and in every part yield innumerable of pleasant and fruitful Trees. Can there be a more ravishing and delightful object, than to behold the Towns planted with Trees in even lines be­fore their doors, which skreen their habitations from the Winde and Sun, where they may fit or walk under the dark shadows of the Woods and Groves, and where are always the gliding Streams, most clear and bright Rivolets, pleasant Hills, and shadowie Vallies, delightful Meadows, and many other the like Oblecta­tions?

Fair, firm, and fruitful; various, patient, sweet,
Du Bartas.
Sumptuously cloathed in a Mantle meet,
Of mingled colour, lac't about with Floods,
And all Imbroidered with fresh Blooming Buds.

That the highest and most absolute Content any [Page] man enjoys or finds in any Sublunary thing, is in this Science of Agriculture; and the several Branches and Streams of Pleasure and Delight proceeding or flow­ing therefrom, none but such as are ignorant thereof will deny. Of such that affirm it, we could produce infinite of Testimonies; also of many that so highly affected this Art and Life, that they deserted their Pow­ers, Dignities, Kingdoms, Victories and Triumphs, and wholly applied themselves to Agriculture, and a Rustick Habitation; some whereof we shall here instance, as Manlius Curius Dentatus, who after he had not only Conquered the Warlike King Pyrrhus, but had ex­pelled him out of all Italy, and had three several times Triumphed with Glory and Renown, and had very much inlarged the Roman Empire by his Honourable Atchievements, returned with infinite affectation, and very joyfully, to his former Exercises and Rusticities; and there concluded the residue of his days with much tranquillity of minde and rest. No less delight did L. Quintus Cincinnatus take in that Country-life, who when he was called by the Roman Senate to the Dicta­torship (an Office of very high Dignity) was found at Plough in a rude and dirty habit or condition in his little Farm; and after he had obtained his freedom from the Office, he immediately returns to his Rural Occupations.

Also Attalus, that rich Asian King, who left his Re­gal Dignity, and refigned his Empire, was then so in­tent on Agriculture, with such incessant care and dili­gence, that he formed, planted, and contrived several peculiar Gardens, by his own singular Ingenuity and Industry. We must not omit Dioclesian the Emperour, who left the troublesome Empire, and affecting a Pri­vate Life, betook himself to the Country; and there lived a long time, and enjoyed the Experience, and reaped the Fruits of most pleasing Tranquillity and happy rest. And although that he were oftentimes in­vited and sollicited by Letters and Embassadours from the Senate to return again to his Empire, yet could he never be tempted away from his Beloved Village.

We read also of that most excellent person Attilius Calatinus, who for his singular Vertue was called from the Plough and Harrow to be a Dictator; yet still so persisted in his pleasing Frugality and Parsimony, for the great love he bare to Agriculture, that he rather chose to live privately in the Country, and to weary himself with digging and ploughing his Land, than to be a Prince of the Romans, and possess the highest place amongst the Senators.

And likewise of Abdolonymus, who from a poor Gardiner (yet of Princely Race) was chosen to the Crown of Sidon.

Noah the Just, Meek Moses, Abraham,
Du Bartas.
(Who Father of the Faithful Race became)
Were Shepherds all, or Husbandmen at least,
And in the Fields passed their days the best.
Such were not yerst, Attalus, Philemetor,
Archelaus, Hiero, and many a Pretor:
Great Kings and Consuls, who oft for Blades
And glist'ring Scepters, handled Hooks and Spades?
Such were not yerst, Cincinnatus, Fabricious,
Serranus, Curius, who un-self-delicious,
With Crowned Coulters, with Imperial hands,
With Ploughs triumphant plough'd the Roman Lands?

How much honour were Piso, Fabius, Lentulus, and Cicero worthy of, who invented and brought in­to use the Commodious way of sowing of the several Pulses that from that time have born their names? We must not forget our Famous and most Ingenious Coun­tryman the Lord Verulam, a Person, who though much concerned in the Publick Affairs of the King­dom, yet spent much of his time and Studies in the diligent scrutiny of the Nature and Causes, and pro­posed means for the advancement and propagation of this part of Natural Philosophy; as his Sylva, and se­veral other of his Works testifie.

Many other Examples of this Nature might here be inserted: But these, together with the multitude of the [Page] like Presidents our present Age and Country affords us, as well of the Industrious and most Judicious O­perations of our Nobles and Gentry in these Rustici­ties, as of their Noble and pleasant Palaces, and Rural Habitations; and the Contentments and Delights they place in them, may be sufficient to convince all Ingeni­ous Spirits that are not prejudiced against this Art, not only of the Dignity, Pleasure, and Delight thereof, but of its Utility and Necessity.

Here they enjoy all things necessary for the susten­tation of life, and are freed from the perturbations, cares and troubles, that in other places disturb the mind; and live content with their Lot, in tranquillity and moderation of spirit. Here is

Secura quies, & nescia fallere Vita,
Dives opum variarum.—

This Country-life improves and exercises the most Noble and Excellent parts of our Intellects, and af­fords the best-opportunities to the infatiable humane spirit to contemplate and meditate on; and to pene­trate into, and discover the obscure and hitherto-oc­cult Mysteries and Secrets of Nature; the fixity or mobility of the Earth, the nature of the Air, its weight and divers Mutations; the Flux and Reflux of the Sea; the nature and matter of Comets, Meteors, &c. the Mystery of Vegetation; the nature of Animals, and their different Species; the discovery and improve­ments of Minerals, and to attain the highest perfections in Science and Art: yea, this condition capacitates a man to the study and practise of the most secret and mystical things Nature affords, if adapted thereunto.

That there is no place so fit for such study or con­templation of Natural Philosophy, or any of the Libe­ral Arts, Plato the Prince of Philosophers testifies by his deserting Athens, that Splendid City, and erecting his Academy in a remote and Rustick place. Also Pe­trarchus, for the quietude and solitariness of that kinde of life, was so much delighted therewith, that he most [Page] pleasingly spent those years he lived, alone in a secret Valley; which caused him so often to invite his Friends to come and enjoy with him the contentments of so happy and grateful a Country-life, as it appears by many of his Epistles. You will also finde that all stu­dious and learned men have exceedingly delighted in a solitary and Rural Habitation, and to have much pre­ferred it: for besides the serenity of the Air, and the pleasing Viridity, which much quickens the Genius, it is most certain that the Spirits also are thereby recrea­ted, and the Intellectual parts wonderfully acuated; as the same Petrarcha says:

Hic non Palatia, non Theatra, nec atria,
Sed ipsorum loco Abies, Fagus, & Pinus,
Inter herbas virescentes, & pulchrum montem vicinum,
Ʋnde & Carmina descendunt, & Pluviae,
Attolluntque de terra, ad sidera nostram mentem.

By which it is most apparent, that the Study of Arts and Sciences, and the exercise and fruition of a Coun­try-life, are of so near a Resemblance, that they may both be practised without impeding each the other.

This Rustick life also most certainly hath the Prehe­minence above the habitations in great Towns and Ci­ties; for that it yields a perpetual Rotation of its infi­nite variety of Oblectations and Contents, as the va­rious times and seasons of the year with a pleasing Face successively present themselves. Sometimes the Spring approaches, the most certain Fore-runner of the Sum­mer; all Trees then exercising, as it were, a mutual E­mulation, which should be arrayed with the most ver­dant leaves, and adorned with the most excellent and curious blossoms, that they afford (besides most fragrant Odours every way breathing from them) incredible de­light and pleasure to all. To these may you add the pleasant Notes of the Chanting Nymphs of the Woods singing their Amorous Ditties, ravishing our Ears with their sweet Harmony. Then follows the Summer, a­dorned [Page] with various Flowers, the Lilly, the Rose, the Gilliflower, and infinite other most curious and plea­sant; and also several delightful Fruits, Animals, and o­ther necessaries for humane use. Then also succeeds the Autumn, or Harvest, wherein we reap the fruits of our past labours: then doth the Earth discharge it self of its infinite variety of its Grain and Pulse, and the Trees of their delicacies: then also doth the Air be­gin to wax cool, to recollect and refresh our spirits, be­fore debilitated with too much heat. At length enters cold Hyems, which of all the rest conduces most to the health of our bodies: for then our superfluous hu­mours are with cold compressed, or else concocted; and the Natural heat being the more concentrated, renews its power, and more easily performs digestion; and expelling Obnoxious Humours, as Philosophers say, Powers united are of greater force than dispersed; so then are we more firm, active, and strong. The end of Winter gives a beginning to the subsequent Spring: An­nus in Angue latet; so are the Rural Pleasures and Oblectations renewed ad infinitum.

The Heathens of old had also a very high esteem of Agriculture, as appears by their several Gods and God­desses whom they judged had a Tutelar care over those Fruits of the Earth, and other things under their Tui­tion; as Bacchus, Ceres, Diana, Saturn, Flora, Pales, and several others. But leaving them, we finde many Learned men, of Profound parts, and most excellent In­genuity, to have taken delight, and to have been very studious of this Art; as Cicero, who so highly affected and esteemed these Rusticities, that (amongst several o­ther Rural Habitations, wherein he took much de­light) he was so well pleased with the pleasant Scituation of the Tusculan Fields or Country, as there to institute as it were another Academy, and compose those Philo­sophical Questions, which from the place he named Tusculan. Cato the Roman Censor, and Excellent Mo­ralist, was wont to say, that he placed his whole Recrea­tion and the Universal Tranquillity of his minde in the [Page] exercise of Rural Affairs: therefore with infinite of pleasure and affectation did he inhabit in the Village Sabine, positively affirming, that a better and more pleasant life was not to be found. Seneca also was of the same Opinion, that he could tarry in no place more willingly than in his own Village; into which, with a very great Art, he brought an Aquaduct to water his Gardens. What shall we say of Varro, Palladius, and Columella, who published so many useful and profitable Precepts of Agriculture, and so industriously exercised and delighted themselves in a Rustick life? We might produce many more instances of most Honourable, Learned, and Worthy Persons, who rather elected and preferred to spend their remaining days in the Coun­try, than in the most Pompous Palaces and Cities, but that we judge it needless. Such that desire to hear more, we refer them to Pliny, and other Authors more Copious in Historical Relations.

It is for no other reason that Gardens, Orchards, Partirres, Avenues, &c. are in such request in Cities and Towns, but that they represent unto us Epito­mized, the Form and Idea of the more ample and spa­cious pleasant Fields, Groves, and other Rustick ob­jects of pleasure. Formerly Gardens were not in Ci­ties and Towns, but in Villages without, as Pliny wit­nesseth, until Epicurus (the Doctor and Master of Pleasure and Voluptuousness) first planted them in A­thens; which was afterwards imitated and brought in­to use by such who loved their Pleasures. Gardens, where ever planted, were always in esteem; as the Fa­mous Gardens of Adonis and Alcinous, and those Horti Pensiles of Semiramis Queen of Babylon, or Cyrus King of Assyria, elevated so high from the Earth on Tarraces and other Edifices, that they were numerated amongst the most stupendious and wonderful works that were in the World. Also that Renowned and Fi­ctitious Garden of the Hesperides, Hieroglyphically and Philosophically representing unto us the Summary of Eternal Atchievements or Enjoyments. The Romans [Page] also made great store of Gardens, and placed great pleasure in them. We must not forget the singular care and industry of the Egyptians in Tilling their Gar­dens; wherein, by reason of the temperature of the Air, the goodness of the Earth, and their exquisite In­dustry, flourish and grow throughout the year, the green Herbs, and infinite variety of pleasant Flowers. How many rare and excellent Gardens, and places al­lotted and designed for Pleasure, are in every part of this Kingdom, and in our Neighbouring Countries; but more especially in Renowned Italy, the Garden it self of the World? The great study, care, ingenui­ty, cost and industry bestowed and imployed about them, are Arguments sufficient to convince the greatest Antagonist of the infinite contentment and delight they had and enjoyed in Agriculture, and those kinde of Rural exercises: the commendations whereof, the great advantages, oblectations, and its universal uses and pleasures are so many, and too tedious here to enu­merate, that it requires an eloquent Pen, and an ex­pert hand to discover its worth, and not to be crowd­ed into so narrow a confine as a Preface. More you may read in several Authors of its praise, practise and worth; as Horace in several of his Poems hath writ­ten in the praise of Agriculture, and a Country-life. In Tibullus also you have one of his Elegies full of prai­ses and delights of a Country life. So also Angelus Po­litianus his Sylva Rustica, and Pontanus his second Book De Amore Conjugali: Also Cicero in his Book De Senectute, writes in praise and commendation of the Country, and of Agriculture; where he says in one place, Venio nunc ad voluptates Agricolarum, quibus ego incredibiliter dilector, &c. Du Bartas also in his Divine Poems, omits not the praise of this, as most praise-worthy. But Virgil hath more fully and am­ply set forth its praises and commendations in his Geor­gicks, where he treats particularly of that Subject; and doth not only recount the pleasures and profits that proceed from it, but very Learnedly and Ingeni­ously also treats of the Art it self, and gives many [Page] Precepts which are necessary to be observed in the ex­ercise of Agriculture, which renders it more delight­some and beneficial. Hesiod also, one of the prime Poets amongst the Ancients, hath written an excellent exciting and necessary Poem treating of this Art. Se­veral others there are that have copiously and learned­ly treated on this Subject.

Also a most evident demonstration and sure Argu­ment of the Utility, Pleasure and Excellency of this Branch of Natural Philosophy, is the principal care the Royal and Most Illustrious Society take for the ad­vancement thereof, and for the discovery of its choicest and rarest Secrets, and the most facile and advantagious means to improve the several Experi­ments and Practises relating to that Subject; as the ever-honoured Mr. Evelin, a most Worthy Member of that Society, in particular hath done on one of the most principal parts of Agriculture; viz. the planting of Trees both for Timber, Fruits, and other necessary u­ses, and of making that Incomparable Liquor, Cider.

But nothing could more conduce to the propaga­ting, incouraging, and improving of this most necessary Art, and of all other Ingenious and Mechanick Arts, Inventions, and Experiments, than the Constitution of Subordinate Societies (after a Provincial manner) in se­veral places of the Kingdom, whose principal care and Office might be to collect all such Observations, Expe­riments, and Improvements they finde within their Province, relating to this or any other Art within their Inquiry; which particular Societies might annually impart such Collections, Observations, Experiments, and Improvements that they have obtained, to the Grand Society; and from them also might Copies or Duplicates of the whole Collection be Annually transmitted to each Subordinate Society, that any per­son may have a place near unto him for the discovery of his Observations, Experiments, Inventions, or Im­provements; and that diligent, industrious and inge­nious [Page] persons may have recourse thereunto, for the in­quiry and search into the several Inventions, Discove­ries, and Improvements of others: by which means e­very person may have an opportunity to publish or discover his Observations, Experiments, &c. which o­therwise have been, and will be, for the most part, with their Authors buried in Oblivion; and every one may also have the like opportunity or advantage to search into, or enquire after the several Ways, Me­thods, Inventions, &c. used or discovered in any o­ther place of England, of such things relating to this Society; which of necessity must abundantly improve Science and Art, and advance Agriculture and the Manufactures, two of the Principal Supports of this Nation, Wealth and Honour.

That the particular proceedings (already made known) of that most Illustrious Society, and the more Universal much desired and expected from them, (next unto the Publick Peace and Tranquillity of the Nation) are esteemed the only ways and means to promote Industry and Ingenuity, to imploy our nu­merous People, to cultivate our waste Lands, to con­vert our barren Fields into fruitful Gardens and Or­chards, to make the Poor Rich, and the Rich Honour­able, every man is willing to assist in so Universal a work (unless those who thrive by others ruines.) VVe finde many have acted their parts, and discovered to the World what they apprehended or had the experience of; which though much short of what may be done, yet have they not lost their Aim. Many by their Rules, Precepts, Observations and Experiments, have highly advanced this Noble Science of Agriculture. But see­ing some of those Treatises are relating to particular Countries or places, or to some branch only or part of this our Subject, and those also difficult to be obtain­ed, and many of them filled with old obsolete and im­pertinent directions and things, and too voluminous for our Laborious Husbandman, whom they principally concern, I thought it no time ill spent in such times [Page] and hours, as other necessary Affairs detain me not, to collect such useful Observations, Precepts, Experiments and Discoveries, which I finde dispers'd in the several Authors treating of this Subject, and to reduce them into the following Method; omitting such things as have been found to be useless, false, or meerly puta­tive or conjectural, or relating to other Climates; and adding also such Discoveries, Observations and Experi­ments as I have obtained from others, and my self dis­covered, and never before published by any. You have here Epitomized the Substance and Marrow of all or most of the known Authors treating of this Sub­ject, or any part thereof; and also such new and ne­cessary Observations and Experiments as are for the benefit and improvement of our Country-habitations: which I hope may gratifie such Readers as desire a work of this Nature, until our Philosophers and Heroes of Science and Art, handle the Plough and Spade, and un­dertake the more Plenary Discovery and Description of these Rustick Operations; which indeed require not only an experienced Hand, but a judicious and in­genious Pen: until when, I hope this indigested Piece may finde a place in our Rural Libraries; and then I shall willingly be the first that shall commit this to the Flames, to give way for a better; which that we may suddenly obtain, is my earnest desire.



  • I. OF Husbandry, and Improvements in general; plainly discovering the Nature, Reasons, and Causes of Improvements, and the growth of Ve­getables.
  • II. Of the great benefits and advantages of Inclosing Lands.
  • III. Of Meadow and Posture-lands, and the seve­ral ways of their Improvements, either by Wa­tering or Drowning, or by Sowing or Propaga­ting several sorts of extraordinary Grasses, Hays, &c.
  • IIII. Of Arable Land and Tillage, and of the several Grains, Pulses, &c. usually propagated by the Plough.
  • V. Of the Manuring, Dunging, and Soyling of Land.
  • VI. Of the benefit, raising, planting, and propagating of all sorts of Timber-trees, and other Trees useful either in Building, or other Mechanick uses, or for Fencing, Fewel, &c.
  • VII. Of Fruit-Trees.
  • VIII. Of such Tillage, Herbs, Roots and Fruits, that are usually planted and propagated in Gardens, Garden-grounds, either for necessary food, use, or advantage.
  • IX. Of several sorts of Beasts, Fowls and Insects, u­sually kept for the advantage and use of the Hus­bandman.
  • X. Of common and known External Injuries, Inconve­niencies, [Page] Enemies and Diseases incident to, and u­sually afflicting the Husbandman in most of the Ways or Methods of Agriculture before treated of; and the several Natural and Artificial Remedies proposed and made use of for the prevention and removal of them.
  • XI. Of the several sorts of Instruments, Tools and Engines incident to this Profession of Agriculture; and of some Amendments and profitable Experi­ments in Building, either by Timber, Stone, Brick, or any other way.
  • XII. Of Fishing and Fowling.
  • XIII. Kalendarium Rusticum: Or, Monethly Dire­ctions for the Husbandman.
  • XIV. Of the Prognosticks of Dearth or Scarcity, Plen­ty, Sickness, Heat, Cold, Frost, Snow, Winds, Rain, Hail, Thunder, &c.
  • XV. Dictionarium Rusticum: Or, The Interpretation of Rustick Terms, &c.

THE ANALYSIS, OR Summary of the Ensuing WORK.

THE Preface or Introduction, in the praise of Husbandry

  • CHAP. I. Of Husbandry, and Improvements in General, plainly discovering the Nature, Reasons, and Causes of Improvements, and the Growth of Vegetables, &c. Fol. 1
    • What Agriculture is id.
    • Of the subject whereon the Husbandman bestows his labor id.
    • Of the Universal Spirit, or Mercury 2
    • Of the Universal Sulphur id.
    • Of the Universal Salt 3
    • Of the true matter of Vegetables id.
    • Where Water or Spirit abounds 4
    • Where Fatness or Sulphur abounds 5
    • Where Salt abounds id.
    • Equal commixture of Principles 6
  • CHAP. II. Of the great Benefits and Advantages of En­closing Lands. 10
    • Enclosure an Improvement id.
    • Several Interests an Impediment 12
    • Highways an Impediment id.
    • Trees not thriving an Impediment id.
    • Dividing Land into small parcels an Im­provement. 13
    • Enclosure for watered Meadows, not an Improvement id.
    • Wheat in enclosures subject to mildew 14
  • CHAP. III. Of Meadow and Pasture-lands, and the several ways of their Improvements, either by wa­tring or drowning; or by sowing or propaga­ting several sorts of extraordinary Grasses, or Hays, &c. 15
    • Sect. 1. Of the watring of Meadows id.
      • Of Meadows watered by Floods 16
      • Of Meadows watered by diversion of Rivers id.
      • Hinderances to such diversion id.
      • Of Meadows watered by artificial En­gines 17
      • Of the Persian Wheel 18
      • Of Wind-Engines for the raising water 19
      • What Windmils are best for this work id.
    • Sect. 2. Principal Rules to be observed in drowning Lands 21
      • Cutting the main Carriage id.
      • Cutting the Lesser Carriages id.
      • Making the Drains id.
      • Times for watering 22
      • Manner of watering of Land by small Streams or Engines id.
      • Barren Springs not useful id.
    • Sect. 3. Of dry Meadow or Pasture impro­ved id.
      • By Enclosure 23
      • By burning the rushy & mossy ground id.
      • By stubbing up Shrubs, &c. id.
      • By Dunging or soyling 24
      • Time for soyling id.
      • Soyl for rushy and cold Land id.
      • For sandy or hot land id.
      • For other Meadows id.
    • Sect. 4. Of several new Species of Hay or Grass id.
      • Of the Clover-grass 25
      • Of the profit of Clover-grass id.
      • Best Land for Clover-grass id.
      • Quantity of Seed for an Acre 26
      • Time & manner of sowing Clover-grass id.
      • Of cutting it for Hay, and for Seed id.
      • Of pasturing or feeding Clover-grass 27
      • Of thrashing or ordering the Seed id.
      • Of St Foyn, and the profits thereof 28
      • On what Land to sow it id.
      • Quantity of Seed on an Acre, and man­ner of sowing of it id.
      • La Lucern 29
      • What ground it requires id.
      • Time and manner of sowing it id.
      • Its use id.
    • Sect. 5. Of some other Grasses or Hays id.
      • Esparcet id.
      • La Romain, or French Tares or Vetches id.
      • Spurry-seed id.
      • Trefoyl 30
      • Long Grass in Wiltshire id.
      • Saxifrage id.
  • CHAP. IV. Of Arrable Land and Tillage, and of the se­veral Grains, Pulses, &c. usually propaga­ted by the Plough. 31
    • Sect. 1. What Lands Improved by Tillage id.
      • Manner of Ploughing each sort 32
      • [Page]Clay stiff, cold, and moist id.
      • Rich and mellow Land 33
      • Poor and barren Land id.
    • Sect. 2. Of digging of Land for Corn 34
    • Sect. 3. Of the different Species of Grain, Corn, Pulse, &c. usually sown, or necessary to be propagated in our Country-farm 35
      • Wheat id.
      • Barley 36
      • Rye 37
      • Massin id.
      • Oats id.
      • Buck-wheat, or French-wheat id.
      • Other sorts of Grain id.
      • Pease id.
      • Beans 38
      • Fitches id.
      • Lentils id.
      • Lupines id.
      • Tares id.
      • Other Pulses id.
    • Sect. 4. Hemp and Flax 39
      • Impediments to the sowing of Hemp and Flax id.
      • Want of Trade an Impediment id.
      • Want of Experience id.
      • Tythes an Impediment id.
      • Hemp 40
      • Value of Hemp id.
      • Flax id.
      • Best Seed id.
      • Value of Flax 41
    • Sect. 5. Woad, &c. id.
      • To know when it is full ripe id.
      • Profit of Woad 42
      • Rape and Cole-seed id.
      • Profit thereof id.
      • Turneps id.
    • Sect. 6. Of the manner of setting Corn, and the howing it in, &c. 43
      • Description of Mr. Grabriel Plat's En­gine of setting Corn 44
      • The second Engine 45
      • Errors in this way 46
      • Howing of Corn commended id.
      • New Instrument for sowing of Corn 47
      • The more particular use and benefit of this Instrument 48
      • 1 As to time
      • 2 Equality of Seed
      • 3 Rectification of the Feeder
      • 4 No difference in driving fast or slow
      • 5 No loss of Seed
      • 6 Needs no harrowing
      • General advantages of this Instrument 49
      • Another excellent advantage of this In­strument 50
    • Sect. 7. Of the general Uses of Corn, Grain, Pulse, and other Seeds propagated by the Plough 51
      • Of Wheat id.
      • Of Barley id.
      • Of Rye id.
      • Of Oats id.
      • Of Pulses id.
      • Of the uses of Hemp-seed, Flax-seed, Rape and Cole-seed 52
      • Of the preservation of Corn id.
    • Sect. 8. Of the preparation of the Seed 53
      • Change of Seed an Improvement id.
      • Steeping of Corn in Dung-water, and o­ther preparations 54, 55, 56
  • CHAP. V. Of the Manuring, Dunging, and Soyling of Land 58
    • Sect 1. Of Burning of Land id.
      • On what Lands Burn-baiting is good 59
      • Manner of Burn-baiting id.
    • Sect. 2. Soyls and Manures taken from the Earth 61
      • Chalk id.
      • Lime id.
      • Marle 62
      • Fullers-Earth 63
      • Clay and Sand 64
      • Earth id.
    • Sect. 3. Soyls taken from the Sea, or Wa­ter 65
      • Water-sand id.
      • Sea-weeds, and Weeds in Rivers id.
      • Snayl, Cod, or Snag greet id.
      • Oyster-shells 66
      • Mud id.
      • Fish id.
    • Sect. 4. Of Dungs or excrementitious soils id.
      • Of Horse-dung id.
      • Of Cow or Ox-dung id.
      • Of Sheeps-dung 67
      • Of Swines-dung id.
      • Of the Dung of Fowl 68
      • Pigeons-dung id.
      • Poultry-dung id.
      • Goose-dung id.
      • Of Urines 69
    • Sect. 5. Of several other Soyls or Ma­nures id.
      • Ashes id.
      • Soot 70
      • Salt id.
      • Rags id.
      • Hair 71
      • Malt-dust▪ id.
      • Fern, Straw, Stubble, &c. id.
      • Bones, Horns, &c. id.
      • Bark of Trees, and old Earth in Trees id.
      • Urry id.
  • [Page] CHAP. VI. Of the Benefit, Raising, Planting, and Pro­pagating of all sorts of Timber-trees, and other Trees useful either in Building, or o­ther Mechanick uses, or for Feneing, Fewel, &c. 72
    • Sect. 1. Of the benefit of propagating Tim­ber-trees, and other Trees in general id.
      • Particular advantages 73
      • More unniversal advantages 74
    • Sect. 2. Of Timber-trees in general 75
      • The Oak, its propagation and use id.
      • The Elm 76
      • The Beech 78
      • The Ash 79
      • The Wallnut 80
      • The Chesnut id.
      • The Service 81
    • Sect. 3. Of several other Trees, not so ge­nerally made use of for Timber, as for Fewel; Coppice-woods, Hedge­rows, &c. 81
      • The Birch id.
      • The Maple 82
      • The Horn-beam id.
      • The Quick-beam id.
      • The Hasel id.
    • Sect. 4. Of Aquaticks, or Trees affecting moist and watry places 83
      • The Poplar id.
      • The Aspen id.
      • The Abele id.
      • The Alder id.
      • The Withy id.
      • The Salley id.
      • Ofiers id.
      • Willow 84
    • Sect. 5. Of other Trees planted for Orna­ment, or adorning Gardens, Avenues, Parks, and other places adjoyning to your Mansion-house; and convertible also to several uses 84
      • The Sycomore id.
      • The Lime-tree id.
      • The Horse Chesnut-tree 85
      • The Fir, Pine, Pinaster, and Pitch-tree id.
      • The Larch, Platanus, and Lotus id.
      • The Cyprus 86
      • The Cedar id.
      • The Alaternus id.
      • The Phillyrea id.
      • The Bay-tree id.
      • The Laurel id.
      • The Eugh-tree id.
      • Privet id.
    • Sect. 6. Of Shrubs and other Trees less use­ful, yet planted for Ornament and De­light 87
      • The Myrtle id.
      • The Box id.
      • Juniper id.
      • Tamarisk id.
      • Arbor Vitae id.
      • Some Flower-trees; and other Trees of delight id.
    • Sect. 7. Of such Trees that are necessary and proper for Fencing, and Enclosing of Lands, Orchards, Gardens, &c. And the best way of raising such Fences 88
      • The White-thorn id.
      • The Holly id.
      • Piracantha id.
      • The Black-thorn 89
      • The Elder id.
      • Furzes id.
      • The speediest way of planting a Quick­set-Hedge id.
      • Another way id.
      • Of planting the Holly-Hedge id.
      • Preserving Hedges from Cattle id.
      • Weeding of Hedges id.
      • Plashing of Hedges id.
    • Sect. 8. Of the Nursery for the more con­venient propagation of most of the fore-mentioned Trees. 90
      • Trees produced of Seed id.
      • Preserving and preparation of the seed id.
      • Election of the seed 91
      • Place for a Nursery id.
      • Manner of sowing id.
      • Ordering of the Nursery id.
      • Sowing of a Coppice id.
    • Sect. 9. Of the transplantation of Trees 92
      • The time id.
      • Of such Trees that come of Slips, Suck­ers, &c. id.
      • Time to slip or lay id.
      • The time for Aquaticks id.
      • Manner of transplanting id.
      • Watering of Trees 93
      • Staking of Trees id.
      • Planting of Aquaticks id.
      • Removing of Trees 94
      • Transplanting of great Trees id.
      • Helps to Trees id.
      • Planting of Coppices 95
      • Thickning of Coppices id.
    • Sect. 10. Of the pruning, shrouding, cutting, and felling of Trees and Coppices id.
      • Pruning of Trees id.
      • Times for Shrouding 96
      • Observations in Shrouding id.
      • Pruning of Winter-greens id.
      • Cutting of Aquaticks id.
      • Cutting of young Coppices id.
      • Felling of Coppices, time & manner id.
      • Felling Timber-trees, time & manner 97
  • [Page] CHAP. VII. Of Fruit-trees.
    • Sect. 1. Of the profits and pleasures of Fruit-trees. 98
      • Of Apples 99
      • Of Pears 100
      • Of Cherries 101
      • Of Walnuts id.
      • Of Filberts 102
      • Of Quinces id.
      • Of Mulberries id.
      • Of Plums 103
      • Of Medlars id.
      • Of Barberries id.
      • Of Almonds id.
      • Of Services 104
      • Of Gooseberries id.
      • Of Currans id.
      • Of Rasberries id.
    • Sect. 2. Of Wall-trees id.
      • Of the Vine 105
      • Of Aprecocks 107
      • Peaches, Nectorines, and Melacotones id.
      • Of Figs id.
      • Of Currans id.
      • Other Fruits id.
    • Sect. 3. Of the propagation of Fruit-trees id.
      • By Grafting 108
      • What Fruits are grafted, and on what Stocks id.
      • By Inoculation id.
      • What Fruits are Inoculated, and on what Stocks id.
    • Sect. 4. Of the Nursery for Stocks 109
    • Sect. 5. Of the time and manner of grast­ing 111
      • The time for Grafting id.
      • The choice of Grafts id.
      • The keeping of Grafts id.
      • Instruments for Grafting 112
      • Grafting in the Cleft id.
      • In the Bark id.
      • Shoulder, or Whip-grafting 113
      • Grafting by Approach 114
      • A new way of Grafting 115
    • Sect. 6. Of the time and manner of Ino­culation. 116
      • The time for Inoculation id.
      • Choice of Buds id.
      • Instruments for Inoculation id.
      • The three several ways of Inoculation id.
    • Sect. 7. Of raising Fruit-trees by the Seeds, Stones, Nuts, or Kernels 117
      • What Trees are so raised id.
    • Sect. 8. Of raising and propagating of Fruit-trees, by Layers, Slips, or Suckers 118
      • What Trees are to be so raised id.
      • To lay the branches of Trees 119
    • Sect. 9. Of the transplanting of Trees id.
      • Time to transplant Trees id.
      • The manner of transplanting Trees id.
      • The distance of Trees 120
    • Sect. 10. Of the pruning of Trees 122
      • Of young Trees id.
      • Of Wall-trees id.
      • Of old Trees id.
    • Sect. 11. Other necessary observations a­bout Fruit-trees 123
      • The raising of Land id.
      • The ordering of the Roots of old Trees id.
      • Alteration of the Ground. 124
      • Defending Trees from Winds id.
      • Raising Stocks id.
      • Soyl for Fruit-trees 125
      • Height of Trees id.
      • Diseases of Trees id.
    • Sect. 12. Of the use and benefit of Fruit-trees 126
      • By Cider id.
      • Cider-fruits id.
      • Making of Cider 127
      • By Perry 128
      • Making of Perry 129
      • Some observations concerning Cider id.
      • Botling of Cider id.
      • Of the Wines or Juices of other Fruits: As
      • Cherry-Wine 130, 131
      • Wine of Plums
      • Mulberry-Wine
      • Rasberry-Wine
      • Wine of Currans
  • CHAP. VIII. Of such Tillage, Herbs, Roots, and Fruits that are usually planted and propagated in Gar­dens, and Garden-grounds, either for ne­cessary food, use, or advantage 132
    • The advantage of Garden-tillage in ge­neral id.
    • Sect. 1. Of Hops 133
      • Best Land and Scituation of a Hop-gar­den 134
      • Defending the Hop-garden by Trees id.
      • Preparing the Ground id.
      • Distance of the Hills id.
      • Bigness of the Hills 135
      • Time of planting Hops id.
      • Choice of Sets, and manner of setting id.
      • Dressing of Hops 136
      • Poling Hops 137
      • Tying of Hops of the poles 138
      • Of the making up the Hills 139
      • [Page]Manner of watering Hops id.
      • When Hops blow, bell, and ripen 140
      • When to gather Hops, and the manner how id.
      • Of the drying of Hops 142
      • Description of an Oost or Kiln id.
      • Another way to dry Hops 143
      • The best way to dry Hops id.
      • To dry Hops suddenly without turning of them 144
      • Bagging of Hops id.
      • Laying up the poles 145
      • Dunging or soyling the Hop-garden id.
    • Sect. 2. Of Liquorice, Saffron, Madder, and Dyers Weed 146
      • Best Land for Liquorice, and ordering of it id.
      • Choice of Sets id.
      • Time and manner of planting id.
      • Taking up of Liquorice, and its profit 147
      • Of Saffron id.
      • What Land is best for Saffron id.
      • Time and manner of planting of it id.
      • Time of the flowering and gathering of Saffron id.
      • Drying of Saffron 148
      • Profits of Saffron id.
      • Of Madder id.
      • Land fit for Madder id.
      • Time and manner of planting it id.
      • The use and profit of Madder id.
      • Of Weld, or Dyars Weed id.
      • What Land it requires id.
      • Manner of sowing it id.
      • Gathering and ordering of it id.
    • Sect. 3. Of Beans, Pease, Melons, Cucum­bers, Asparagus, Cabbage, and several o­ther sorts of Garden-tillage 149
      • Garden-beans id.
      • Pease id.
      • French-beans 150
      • Melons and Cucumbers id.
      • Pompions id.
      • Artichoaks 151
      • Their preservation against Frost id.
      • Dressing of Artichoaks id.
      • Asparagus id.
      • Planting of them 152
      • Odering and cutting of them id.
      • Early Asparagus id.
      • Strawberries id.
      • The Coleflower 153
      • Cabbages and Coleworts id.
      • Lettuce 154
      • Savoys id.
      • Beets id.
      • Anise id.
    • Sect. 4. Of Carrots, Turneps, and other Roots useful in the Kitchen id.
      • Carrots id.
      • Turneps 155
      • Parships id.
      • Skirrets id.
      • Radishes id.
      • Potatoes id.
      • Jerusalem Artichoaks id.
      • Onions id.
      • Garlick 156
      • Leeks id.
      • Tobacco id.
    • Sect. 5. Of the manner of ordering and preparing of Garden-ground, making of Hot-beds, and watering of the Gardens, &c. 157
      • The several ways of tempering Mold id.
      • The best way of sowing Garden-seeds 158
      • To lay ground warm and dry id.
      • The making of Hot-beds id.
      • Of watering of plants id.
  • CHAP. IX. Of several sorts of Beasts, Fowls, and In­sects, usually kept for the advantage and use of the Husbandman 160
    • Sect. 1. Of Beasts id.
      • Of the Horse id.
      • Of the Ass id.
      • Of the Mule 161
      • Of Cows and Oxen id.
      • Of Sheep id.
      • Of Swine id.
      • Of Goats 162
      • Of Dogs id.
      • Of Coneys id.
    • Sect. 2. Of Fowl 163
      • Of Poultry id.
      • Profit of Poultry 164
      • Feeding and fatting of Poultry id.
      • Encreasing of Eggs id.
      • Hatching of Eggs Artificially id.
      • Of Geese id.
      • Of fatting of Geese 165
      • A principal observation of fatting of Geese id.
      • The Jews manner of fatting of Geese id.
      • Of Ducks id.
      • Of Decoy-Ducks id.
      • Of Turkeys id.
      • Of Pigeons 166
      • To encrease a Stock of Pigeons id.
      • Of Swans 167
      • Fatting of Cignets id.
      • Of Peacocks id.
      • Of tame Pheasants, and the ordering of them. id.
    • [Page] Sect. 3. Of Insects 168
      • 1 Of Bees id.
        • The praise and pleasure of Bees id.
        • Of the Apiary 170
        • Form and manner of the Apiary id.
        • Of the seats or stools for Bees 171
        • Of Benches 172
        • The best Seats id.
        • Of the Hives 173
        • The form and bigness of the Hives 174
        • Dressing the Hives id.
        • Of Wooden Hives id.
        • Of Glassen Hives id.
        • Of Spleeting the Hives 176
        • Of the swarming of Bees id.
        • Several Experiments to encrease Bees without swarming id.
        • The bigness of swarms or stocks of Bees 178
        • Signs of swarming 179
        • Signs of present swarming id.
        • Signs and causes of not swarming id.
        • To make them swarm id.
        • Signs of after-swarms 180
        • Ringing of Bees id.
        • Hiving of Bees id.
        • Uniting of Swarms 181
        • Defence against Bees 182
        • To cure the sting of a Bee id.
        • Of the Bees work id.
        • The numbers of Bees 183
        • Of the Bees Enemies id.
        • Removing of Bees 184
        • Feeding of Bees id.
        • An Experiment for improving of Bees 185
        • A singular observation concerning the food of Bees id.
        • Of the fruit and profit of Bees id.
        • Driving of Bees 186
        • Exsection, or gelding of Combs id.
        • Of the generation of Bees 188
        • The making of Metheglin id.
      • 2. Of Silk▪worms 190
        • Their Food id.
        • Time and manner of Hatching Silk-worms Eggs id.
        • Their sicknesses id.
        • Their time and manner of feeding 191
        • Their spinning id.
        • Their breeding id.
        • The winding of the Silk 192
  • CHAP. X. Of common and known external Injuries, In­conveniencies, Enemies, and Diseases inci­dent to, and usually afflicting the Husband­man in most of the Ways and Methods of Agriculture before treated of: And the several Natural and Artificial Remedies proposed, and made use of for the preventi­on and removal of them 193
    • Sect. 1. From the Heavens or Air id.
      • Great heat or drought id.
      • Remedies for want of water 195
      • To make Cisterns to hold water 196
      • Great Cold and Frost 197
      • Much Rain 200
      • High Winds id.
      • Thunder and Tempest, Hail, &c. 201
      • Mildews id.
    • Sect. 2. From the Water and Earth 203
      • Much water offending id.
      • Overflowing of the Sea id.
      • Land-floods id.
      • Standing-waters 204
      • Stones, Shrubs, &c. 205
      • Weeds 206
      • Blights and Smut 207
    • Sect. 3. From several Beasts 208
      • Foxes id.
      • Otters id.
      • Coneys, Hares 209
      • Poll-cats, Weasels, and Stotes id.
      • Moles or Wants id.
      • Mice or Rats 210
    • Sect. 4. From Fowls 211
      • Kites, Hawks, &c. id.
      • Crows, Ravens, &c. id.
      • Pigeons 212
      • Jays 213
      • Bullfinches id.
      • Goldfinches 214
      • Sparrows, &c. id.
    • Sect. 5. Of Insects, and creeping things of­fending id.
      • Frogs and Toads id.
      • Snails and Worms id.
      • Gnats and Flies 215
      • Wasps and Hornets id.
      • Caterpillars 216
      • Earwigs id.
      • Lice id.
      • Ants id.
      • To destroy Ant-hills id.
      • Snakes and Adders 217
      • To cure the stinging of Adders, or biting of Snakes id.
    • Sect. 6. Of some certain Diseases in Ani­mals and Vegetables 217
      • Of Beasts and Fowl id.
      • Of the Murrain 218
      • Of the Rot in Sheep id.
      • An approved Experiment for the cure of the Fashions in Horses, and Rot in Sheep 219
      • [Page]Another for the Measles in Swine, and also to make them fat id.
    • Sect. 7. Of Thieves and ill Neighbours 220
  • CHAP. XI. Of the several sorts of Instruments, Tools, and Engines incident to this Profession of Agri­culture; and of some Amendments and pro­fitable Experiments in Building, either by Timber, Stone, Brick, or any other way 223
    • Sect. 1. Of the several sorts of Ploughs id.
      • Double-wheeled-Plough 224
      • Turn-wrest Plough id.
      • Single-wheeled-plough id.
      • Plain Plough id.
      • Double Plough id.
      • Another sort of Double Plough id.
      • Other sorts of Ploughs 225
      • Good properties of the Plough id.
      • Errors of the Plough id.
      • A Turfing Plough id.
    • Sect. 2. Of Carts and Waggons 226
      • New sort of Cart id.
      • Waggon with sails 227
    • Sect. 3. Of several other Instruments used in digging id.
      • Of the Trenching-plough id.
      • Of Spades id▪
      • Turfing-spade id.
      • Trenching-spade id.
      • Common Spades id.
      • The How 228
      • Other Instruments used in digging, &c. id.
    • Sect. 4. Other various Instruments id.
    • Sect. 5. Of Amendments and profitable Ex­periments in Building 229
      • The scituation of a House 230
      • Securest and cheapest way of building a House 231
      • Best Covering for a House 232
      • Of Tiles, Bricks, &c. id.
      • Of building of Stone or Brick-walls 233
      • Of Mortar id.
      • Of Timber 234
      • Of Mills id.
  • CHAP. XII. Of Fowling and Fishing 236
    • Sect. 1. Of Fowling in general id.
      • Of Fowling the nature of water-fowl id.
      • The haunts of Water-fowl id.
    • Sect. 2. Of taking the greater sort of fowl with Nets 237
      • The form of a Draw-net id.
    • Sect. 3. Of the taking small Water-fowl with Nets 238
    • Sect. 4. Of taking great Fowl with Lime-twigs id.
      • Of the divers ways of making Birdlime id.
      • Of the several uses of it 139
      • Of the taking small Fowl with Lime-twigs 240
    • Sect. 5. Of taking Fowl with Springes id.
    • Sect. 6. Of killing Fowl with the Fowling-piece 241
      • Of the choice of Gunpowder id.
      • The way to make shot id.
      • Of the Stalking-horse 242
      • Of the artificial Stalking-horse 243
      • Artificial Trees id.
      • A digression concerning decoy-ponds id.
      • Of the taking Wilde-Ducks Eggs 244
    • Sect. 7. Of taking Land-fowl id.
      • The greater sorts of them id.
      • Of taking Fowl by day-nets id.
      • Of taking Larks by day-nets id.
      • Of Stales 245
      • Another way to take Larks by a Day-net, called daring of Larks id.
      • To take Birds with the Low-bell id.
      • To take Birds with the Trammel only 246
      • To take Birds by Batt-fowling id.
      • To take small Birds with Lime-twigs id.
      • To take Fieldfares or Bow-thrushes 247
    • Sect. 8. Of taking Fowl with Baits id.
      • To take Land-fowl with Baits id.
      • To take Water-fowl with Baits id.
    • Sect. 9. Of taking some sorts of Fowl id.
      • To take the Pheasant with Nets id.
      • To drive young Pheasants 248
      • To take Pheasants with Lime-twigs id.
      • To perch Pheasants id.
      • To take Partridge id.
      • To take them with a Trammel-net 249
      • To take them with a Setting-dog id.
      • To drive Partridges id.
      • To take them with Bird-lime id.
      • To take Woodcocks id.
      • To take them in a Cock-road id.
      • Of Fishing 250
        • Sect. 1. Of taking Fish by Nets, Pots, or Engines id.
          • To Fish with Nets id.
          • With the Trammel or Sieve id.
          • With the Casting-net 251
          • With the shore-net or pot-net id.
          • With Fish-pots id.
          • With Wears id.
          • With Hawks 252
          • The way of making a Piscary id.
          • A Hawk-net id.
        • Sect. 2. Of Angling 253
          • Observations in Angling id.
          • Seasons for Angling 254
          • Seasons not to Angle in id.
        • Sect. 3. Of Angling for Salmon & Trout 255
        • Sect. 4. Of Angling for Pike and Perch id.
        • Sect. 5. Of Angling for standing-Water or Pond-fish 256
          • [Page]For the Carp id.
          • For the Tench id.
          • For the Dace 257
          • For the Roach id.
          • For the Bream id.
          • Taking of Eels id.
          • By Angle id.
          • With Bank-hooks id.
          • By Sniggling id.
          • By Bobbing 258
        • Sect. 6. Of Angling for the Barbel, Grai­ling, Umber, Chevin, and Chub id.
        • Of Cormorant Fishing 259
  • CHAP. XIII. Kalendarium Rusticum, or Monthly Directions for the Husbandman 261
    • In January 265
    • February 267
    • March 269
    • April 271
    • May 273
    • June 275
    • July 277
    • August 279
    • September 281
    • October 283
    • November 285
    • December 287
  • CHAP. XIV. Of the Prognosticks of Dearth, or Scarcity, Plen­ty, Sickness, Heat, Cold, Frost, Snow, Winds, Rain, Hail, Thunder, &c. 289
    • Sect. 1. Of the different appearances of the Sun, Moon, Stars, Meteors, or any other thing in the Air, or above us 290
      • Of the motions, colours, and appearances of the seven Planets id.
      • Of the Sun id.
      • Of the Moon 292
      • Of the other Erraticks or Planets id.
      • Of Comets, or Blazing-stars 293
      • Of the shooting of Stars 294
      • Of the fixed Stars id.
      • Of Fire, or other casual appearances id.
      • Of the Clouds 295
      • Of Mists and Fogs id.
      • Of Winds 296
      • Of Whirlwinds 297
      • Of the Rainbow 298
      • Of Noise and stilness in the Air id.
      • Of Thunder and Lightening id.
      • Of the rarity and density of the Air id.
      • Of the Weatherglass, or Thermometry 299
      • Of the Baroscope 301
    • Sect. 2. Of Observations and Prognosticks taken from the Earth and Water 302
      • Of the Earth id.
      • Of the Water id.
      • Of the Sea id.
    • Sect. 3. Of Observations and Prognosticks taken from Beasts 303
      • Of Beeves, or Kine id.
      • Of Sheep id.
      • Of Kids id.
      • Of Asses id.
      • Of Dogs id.
      • Of Cats id.
      • Of Mice and Rats id.
      • Of Swine 304
    • Sect. 4. Of Observations and Prognosticks taken from Fowl id.
      • Of Water-fowl id.
      • Of Land-fowl id.
      • Of the Heron id.
      • Of the Kite 305
      • Of the Crow, &c. id.
      • Of Sparrows id.
      • Of the Jay id.
      • Of Bats id.
      • Of the Owl id.
      • Of the Woodlark id.
      • Of the Swallow id.
      • Of the Cock id.
    • Sect. 5. Of Observations and Prognosticks taken from Fishes and Insects id.
      • Of Sea-fish id.
      • Of Fresh-water Fish id.
      • Of Frogs id.
      • Of Snakes id.
      • Of Ants id.
      • Of Bees id.
      • Of Gnats, Flies, and Fleas id.
      • Of Spiders 306
      • Of Chaffers, &c. id.
    • Sect. 6. Promiscuous Observations Prognosticks id.
      • Of Trees and Vegetables id.
      • Of Fire id.
      • Signes of Rain 307
      • Signes of Snow id.
  • CHAP. XV. Dictionarium Rusticum. 312


Of Husbandry and Improvements in general; plainly discovering the Nature, Reasons, and Causes of Improvements; and the Growth of Vegetables, &c.

AGriculture hath been (not undeservedly) esteem­ed What Agri­culture is. a Science, that principally teacheth us the Nature, and divers Properties and Qualities, as well of the several Soils, Earths and Places, as of the several Productions or Creatures, whether Vegetable, Animal, or Mineral that either natu­rally proceed, or are artificially produced from, or else maintained by the Earth. Agricultura est Scientia docens quae sunt in unoquo (que) Agro serunda & faciunda, quae terra maxi­mos perpetuo proventus ferat, saith Varro.

The Judicious and Understanding Husbandman must first con­sider Of the Subject whereon the Husband man bestows his labor. the Subject whereon to spend his Time, Cost, and Labor, viz. the Earth, or Ground; which we usually term either Meadow, A­rable, Pasture, Woodland, Orchard, or Garden-ground: then, whe­ther it be more Commodious or Profitable for Meadow, for Pa­sture, or for Woods, which in most places are naturally produced, to the great advantage of the Husbandman; or with what particu­lar Species of Grain, Pulse, Trees, Fruits, or other Vegetables, it is best to Plant or Sowe the same, to his greatest benefit; And with what Beasts, Fowl, or other Animals, to Stock his Farm or other Lands. Also he is to consider the best and most commodious way of Tilling, Improving, Propagating, Planting, and Manuring all such Meadows, Arable and Pasture Pasture-Lands, Woods, Orchards, and Gardens; and the Reasons and Causes of such Improve­ments. All which we shall endeavor to discover, to the satisfa­ction and content of the diligent and laborious Husbandman.

But before we enter upon the particular Ways and Methods of Agriculture treated of in this ensuing Work, we shall endea­vor to unvail the secret Mysteries (as they are commonly esteem­ed) of the Productions and Increase of Vegetables, after a plain and familiar Method, not exceeding the Capacity of our Husband­men, whom this Treatise doth principally concern; by the true [Page 2] knowledge whereof, a gate is opened to Propagate, Maturate, or Advance the Growth or Worth of any Tree, Plant, Grain, Fruit or Herb, to the highest pitch Nature admits of.

This Globe of Earth that affords unto us the substance, not on­ly Of the Uni­versal Spirit or Mercury. of our selves, but of all other Creatures Sublunary, is impregna­ted with a Spirit most subtile and Ethereal, as it were, divinioris Aurae particula (as the Learned Willis terms it) which the Original De Fermen­tatione. or Father of Nature hath placed in this World, as the Instrument of Life and Motion of every thing. This Spirit is that which in­cessantly administers unto every Animal its Generation, Life, Growth, and Motion; to every Vegetable its Original and Vege­tation: It is the Vehicle that carrieth with it the Sulphureous and Saline parts, whereof the Matter, Substance, or Body of all Vege­tables and Animals are formed or composed. It is the Operator or Workman, that transmutes by its active heat the Sulphureous and Saline parts of the Earth or Water into those varieties of Objects we daily behold or enjoy, according to the different Seed or Ma­trix wherein it operates: It continually perspires through the pores of the Earth, carrying with it the Sulphureous and Saline parts, the only treasure the Husband-man seeks for, as hath been by some Ingenious Artists mechanically proved, by receiving the same between the Vernal and Autumnal Equinoxes in an Alem­bick head, where it hath condensed, and copiously distilled into the Receiver, at that season of the year; the Earth then more liberal­ly affording it, than in the Winter-season: which Spiritual Liquor so received, is not a Treasure to be sleighted or neglected, carry­ing with it the only Matter of Vegetables, as the same Artists af­firmed, that having placed the same under a Melon-Glass near some Vegetable, it was thereby wholly attracted externally, and con­verted into that Vegetable; they concluded also the same to be that Materia Prima quae abs (que) omni sumptu, labore & molestia reperta est, & quam in aëre capere te oportet antequam ad terram perveni­at, &c. This Liquor undoubtedly would be of singular Vertue and Effect in advancing and maturating the Growth of the more ex­cellent Flowers or Curiosities, being irrigated therewith. It is easily obtained, and that in great Quantities, by such that think not a lit­tle time and labor lost, to scrutine into the Mysteries of Nature. But whether we obtain it singly, or simply, or not, this we know, that it is to be received by placing the more natural Receptacles, the Seeds and Plants in the Earth, which gives it us transmuted into such Forms and Substances as are most desired and necessary.

Although the Spirit or Mercury be that active and moving Of the Univer­sal Sulphur. part, and that principally appears in the Generation or Con­ception of any Vegetable or Animal, and is also the first that flies in the separation or dissolution of Bodies, yet is it imbecile and defective without that most Excellent, Rich, and Sulphureous Prin­ciple, which (according to the description of the Learned Willis) is De Fermen­tatione. of a little thicker consistence than the Spirit, and next unto it the most active; for when any mixture or compound is separated, the Spirits first fly, then follow after the Sulphureous Particles. The tem­perature [Page 3] of every thing, so far as to the Heat, Consistence, and cu­rious Texture thereof, doth principally depend on Sulphur; from hence every Plant, Fruit and Flower receives those infinite va­rieties of Forms, Colours, Gusts, Odours, Signatures, and Vertues; it is that which is the proper Medium to unite the more Volatile Mercury or Spirit to the more fixed Salt. Spiritus Mediante Anima cum corpore conjungitur & ligatur, & fit unum cum eis, say the Phi­losophers. This Sulphur, or oyly part, is easily separated and distin­guish'd in Vegetables by the more curious: it ariseth out of the earth with the aforesaid Mercury or Aqueous Spirit, though not at the first discernable, yet in every Plant more and more maturated and aug­mented by the Suns influence, as the Seed or Matrix is more or less inclined to this Principle: This is also that which gives to our hot and stinking Dungs, Soils, or Manures, the Oleaginous pinguidity and Fertility, and which begets that fiery heat which is in Vege­tables, as Hay, Corn, &c. laid on heaps not throughly dry.

Not only the Duration of Individuals, but also the Propagati­on Of the Univer­sal Salt. Willis de fer­mentatione. of the Species dependeth much on the Principle of Salt: for the Growth of Minerals, the Fertility of Land, the Vegetation or Growth of Plants, and chiefly the fruitful Foetation and Progeny of Animals, have their Original from their Saline Seed. This Salt obscurely passeth with the Mercurial Spirit and the Sulphur, and is associated therewith; where ever that passes, and where it finds a convenient Receptable, Seed, or Matrix, it is more fixed than either the Sulphur or Spirit. The Salt is that which gives to every Crea­ture a Substance or Body, without which neither the Spirit nor Sulphur could be reduced or coagulated into any Form; It is in e­very thing: Sal autem reperitur in rebus omnibus. It is volatile, when carried in the wings of the Spirit and Sulphur, by the natu­ral Fire or Motion: But afterwards it is more fixed, when separa­ted from the Spirit, or Mercury, and Sulphur by artificial Fire, as appears in the ashes or Caput Mortuum of all Vegetables, Animals, or Minerals distilled or burnt; much also of the Sulphureous or Mer­curial parts are coagulated by, or transmuted into the Saline by natural or artificial Heat or Warmth, as is evident in the Sea, the nearer it is to the Equinoctial Line, and the more it receives of the Perpendicular or direct Beams of the Sun, the greater quantity of Salt it contains, not only by the exhalation of the Aqueous or Phlegmatick parts, but the Maturation, Transmutation, or Fixati­on of the more Volatile, Spiritual, and Sulphureous parts, into the more Saline or fixed: For in those hotter Climates the Land it self also is more Fertile through the abounding quantity of this Vegetating Salt, as appears by the great plenty of Nitre, or Sal terrae found in the hotter Climates, lying on the Surface of the Earth in the morning like a hoary Frost: when the Regions nea­rer the Poles, having not those natural advantages of the Sun-beams in so high a degree, are not so Fertile, nor abound so much with Salt, the most principal cause of Fertility.

But we will leave these Philosophical Principles as they are simply Of the true matter of Vege­tables. and apart very necessary to be known by those that Operate in the [Page 4] more-Secret, Mystical, and Mechanick Indagations of Nature, and discourse only of that Universal Spirit or Vapor, which daily and every moment perspires and proceeds out of every part of the Earth, and is in every thing, containing in it self the Spirit or Mer­cury, the Sulphur and the Salt in one body united: and without Art indivisible, yet some one Part or Principle abounding more or less in every thing; as the Water containeth more of the Spiri­tual or Aqueous part; several Fruits, Plants, Flowers, and Soils, more of the Sulphureous; and Barks of Trees, Blood of Animals, and several Minerals, more of the Saline. And wheresoever these Principles are most equally tempered or mixed, there is most of Fertility, as is evi­dent in the several Natures, Tempers and Qualities of Places, for the Production or Propagation of Vegetables; and wheresoever any or either of these Principles do over-much abound, Vegetables are not produced; as Waters, or any other Liquors, or Spirits, are not Where Water or Spirits abound. Fertile in themselves as to Vegetation, unless they are either con­joyned with some other Substance or Matter, or the more Phleg­matick parts evaporated, and the remaining part maturated by the Sun or Air into an augmentation of the other Principles, then is it capable of yielding naturally some sort of Vegetables: For although several Plants set in Water only, do emit fibrous roots, and flourish therein for a time; yet is it meerly an attraction of the most Saline and Sulphureous parts or Principles to its own relief, as is evident by its better thriving, if the Water be often changed: At best, this nourishment is but weak, having so little of the Sul­phur and Salt; as the Withy, Poplar, and other Aquatick Plants de­monstrate. Therefore out of any sort of Waters only, it is in vain to attempt any material or effectual increase of Vegetables, other than that are naturally Aquatick, because they contain a super­aboundant Spirit or Moisture. Therefore vain is the new received Opinion that Trees and other Vegetables, and also other Minerals, proceed from Water only. But our Spiritus Mundi, or Materia propinqua Vegetabilium, although it appear in a Liquid form, yet it contains actually an equal proportion of the three Principles: And the more any Substance or Matter is impregnated, or irriga­ted therewith, the more prone or apt it is to Vegetation; as Rain-water being animated with it by the continual Exhalations or Fumes ascending from the Earth, and by it coagulated and detain­ed, is more prone to Vegetation than any other Waters, as you may perceive by Plants watered therewith, and by its sudden Ge­neration of Animals and Vegetables in the Spring-time, then the Earth more copiously breathing forth that Spiritus Mundi, which returned again, doth by the vivifying heat of the Sun, easily tran­scend into another Species. How soon will Horse-hairs receive life, lying in Rain-water but a few days in the heat of the Sun in the Spring-time! whereof I have seen many in the High-ways af­ter Rain in the Month of May, very nimble and quick, that had not yet lost their shape of a Horse-hair. This is worthy our further enquiry, to what Period this may be advanced: it may also serve as an Index to point at several other Excellent Discoveries.

Neither is the more Sulphureous part or Principle of it self capable Where Fumes or Sulphur abounds. of yielding Vegetables, being of too hot and pinguid a Nature, as the Dung of Animals (and especially of Volatiles that eject no Urine, whereby the more fiery and Sulphureous part of the others is diluted) containing much of that pinguidity, produce no Vege­tables of it self, unless commixed or allayed with some other Mat­ter abounding with the other Principles, or that it loose its too fie­ry or destructive Nature, by being exposed to the Sun or Air, un­till it be evaporated, then will it emit several Vegetables: Of the like Nature also are the flesh and bones of Animals, yielding a very rich Compost, though of themselves (through over-much heat and pinguidity) sterile.

The Saline, or more fixed Principle, which is esteemed by most Where Salt a­bounds. Authors the only thing conducing to Fertility, yet is of its self, or in an over-bounding quantity, the most barren and unfruit­ful. It is prescribed as a sure way to destroy Weeds (Vegetables) by watering the place with Brine or Salt-water; yet what more fruitful, being moderately commixed with other Materials of ano­ther nature, than Salt? But observe, that Salts extracted out of the Earth, or from Vegetables or Animals, are much more Fer­tile than those of the Sea, containing in them more of the Vege­tative Power or Principles, and are therefore much to be preferred. Glauber makes it the highest improvement for the Land, and for Continuatio Miraculi Mundi. Trees also, affirming that by it you may enrich the most barren Sands, beyond what can be performed by any other Soils or Ma­nures, in case it be deprived of its Corrosive Qualities; for then will it naturally attract the other Principles, continually breathing out of the Earth, and in the Air, and immediately qualifie it self for Vegetation; as I observed in a parcel of Field-Land of about three Acres denshired or burn-beaten in a very hot and dry Spring, of it self naturally barren, and after the burning and spreading the ashes, wherein was the Fertile Salt deprived of its Corrosive sterile qua­lity, the Land was plowed very shallow, and Barly sown therein about the beginning of May, in the very ashes as it were (no Rain falling from the very beginning of cutting the Turf) yet in thirty and six hours was the Barley shot forth, and the Ground coloured green therewith; this Salt attracting and condensing the ever-breath­ing Spirit. The like you may observe in Walls and Buildings, where several sorts of Vegetables, yea, trees of a great bigness will thrive and prosper remote from the Earth, and without any other nourishment than what that Fertile Salt attracts and condenses, as before; which it could not have done, had it not been purged of its Corrosive and Sterile Nature by Fire when it was made into Lime: For all Chymists know, that no Salts more easily dissolve per deliquum, than those that are most calcined.

The Salt also of the Sea is not without its Fertile Nature, being ordered with Judgment and Discretion, as we see evidently, that the Salt Marshes (out of which the Sea is drain'd) excel in Ferti­lity: and many places being irrigated with the Sea-Water, yield a notable increase; Corn also therewith imbibed, hath been much [Page 6] advanced, as appeared in the President of the Country-man that casually let his Seed-Corn fall into the Salt-Water. And in the Isle of Wight it is observed, that Corn flourisheth on the very Rocks that are bedewed with the Salt-water by the Blasts of the Southern Winds. The shells of fish, being as it were only Salt coagulated, have proved an excellent Manure for barren Lands after they have lain a competent time to dissolve.

From what hath been before observed, we may conclude that Equal com­mixture of Principles. the highest Fertility and Improvements are to be advanced and made from the most equal Commixture of the aforesaid several Principles, or of such Waters, Soils, Dungs, Salts, Manures, or Com­posts that more or less abound with either of them, having regard unto the nature of such Vegetable, whose propagation or advance­ment you intend: Some delighting in a more Hot or Cold, Moist or Dry, Fat or Barren, than others. And next unto that, from due Preservation, Reception, and right disposing and ordering of that Spiritus Mundi, every where found, and to be attained with­out Cost, and as well by the poor as rich.

It continually breaths from the Earth, as we noted before, and is diffused in the Air, and lost unless we place convenient Recepta­cles to receive it, as by Planting of Trees, and sowing of Pulses, Grain, or Seed. Out of what think you should these things be formed or made? Out of Rain-water, is the common Answer or Opinion. But we experimentally finde, that this Ʋniversal Subject gives to every Plant its Essence or Substance, although assisted by Rain or Water both in its nourishment and condensation.

We see how great a Tree is raised out of a small Plat of Ground, by its sending forth of its Roots to receive its nourishment, penetra­ting into the smallest Crannies and Joynts between the Stones and Rocks, where it finds the greatest plenty of its proper food. We constantly perceive and finde, that Vegetables having once emitted their fibrous Roots, vegetate and increase only from the assistance of this our Ʋniversal Subject, when the Earth wherein it stands is of it self dry, and not capable to yield that constant supply of Moi­sture the Plant daily requires. Although we must confess that Rain or other Water accelerates its Growth, having in it a Portion of that Spiritus Mundi, & also better qualifies the Earth for its perspiration.

That this Subject is the very Essence of Vegetables, and that from it they receive their Substance, and not from water only, is evi­dent, in such places where Vegetables are not permitted to grow, and where it cannot vapor away, nor is exhaled by the Sun nor Air; as Underbuildings, Barns, Stables, Pigeon-houses, &c. where it condenses into Nitre, or Salt-Petre, the only fruitful Salt (though improperly so called) containing so equal and proportionable a quantity of the Principles of Nature, wholly Volatile, only con­densed in defect of a due recipient; not generated, as some fondly conceive from any casual Moisture, as Urine in Stables, &c. though augmented thereby, but meerly from the Spiritus Mundi. Lands resting from the Plough or Spade, are much enriched only by the encrease of this Subject, and ordinary way of Improvement.

Lands defended from the violent heat of the Sun, and from the sweeping, cleansing, and exsiccating Air or Winds, grow more Fertile, not so much from the warmth it receives, as from the pre­servation of that Fertile Subject from being wasted; as we evi­dently see it to be in all open Champion Lands, when part of the very same Species of Land being inclosed with tall and defensive Hedges, or Planted with Woods, are much more Fertile than the other: yea, we plainly perceive, that under the Covert of a Bush, Bough, or such like, any Vegetable will thrive and prosper better than on the naked Plain. Where is there more barren, dry, and hungry Land, than on the Plains and Waste Lands? and yet but on the other side of the hedges Fertile, either by Inclosure, or Planted with Woods: an evident and sufficient demonstration of the high Improvements that may be made by Inclosure only. Also Land hath been found to be extraordinary Fertile under Stones, Logs, of Wood, &c. only by the condensation and preservation of that Ʋniversal Subject, as appears by the flourishing Corn in the most stony Grounds, where it hath been observed that the Stones taken away, Corn hath not proved so well; and Trees having Stones laid on the Ground about the Roots of them, have prospered wonder­fully from the same cause: As the Learned Virgil hinted on the same occasion.

—Jamque reperti
Qui Saxo super, at (que) ingentis pondere testae

In the watering of Meadows, you may observe that the super­ficial gliding watering thereof doth infinitely advance its ferti­lity, and accelerates its growth or vegetation; not so much from the fruitfulness of the water, (although that be a very great help, and some waters abound very much with that Ʋniversal Subject) but by its condensation and preservation of that Subject; as ap­pears by the warmth and early springing of such Meadows, where the water thinly and superficially moves over it; where on the contrary, water standing and submerging such Meadows, and ly­ing and soaking long under the superficies of the Earth, impedes the motion of that Subject, and makes the ground more sterile, and backward in its growth or springing. That this Spiritus Mundi hath in it a sensible heat as well as fertility, we may perceive by Springs in great Frosts, when the Pores of the Earth are shut; the Body from whence the Springs flow is warm; on the contrary, when the Pores are open, and this Spirit wasted, and transformed into Vegetables, Animals, &c. and exhausted by the heat of the Sun, then is the Body internally cold, as we sensibly perceive by the waters in Wells in Summer-time.

This Spiritus Mundi whereof we treat, is that which in some places perspires more freely than in other, and causes that different verdant colour of the Grass in certain rings or circles, where the Country-people fancie the Fairies dance.

The more the Aqueous humour or part is concocted or exhaust­ed by the heat of the Sun in the Summer-time, the thicker and [Page 8] more viscous is this subject; as appears by its condensation in the Air into Mildews, which after a more glutinous manner than other Rains or Dews, is by the cool Air condensed into a fat and fruitful matter, part thereof resting on the close and glazie leaves of the Oak, and such-like Trees, is collected, and with very little Art transformed by the industrious Bee into that noble substance Honey; other part thereof falls on the young Ears of Wheat, and the Buds of springing Hops, where suffering a further degree of congelation, impedes their growth, unless a timely shower wash it off: It also by its heat tinges the straw of corn and the leaves of some Trees in spots. At that season of the year also it usually co­agulates in some places into Mushrooms, which are meerly formed and made up of this subject undigested, and perspire forth in such places in great plenty, so that I have seen a Mushroom near an Ell in compass of less than two days growth: the Owner in whose Gar­den it grew, affirmed it to be of one night only. You may also perceive it in a clear and cool morning condensed into small lines like unto Spiders-webs, near the surface of the earth, especially on the lower and richer Lands.

This is that Viscous Vapour that being concocted and digested long in the Air by the heat of the Sun, or otherwise, is condensed at length into that Sulpherous and Saline Matter; and which, by its combat in the Air, occasions those Igneal Flames, and Claps of Thunder, which more frequently happen at such seasons of the year, and in such Climates when and where this more concocted Vapour abounds; and less in the colder Climates and Seasons, where it is more aqueous.

This is that inexhaustible Treasure the Country-man is to pre­serve, much more than the Soils and Dungs, and such-like mat­ters washed away with waters into the Sea, which are inconside­rable in comparison of this: for although Land be never so much impoverished through over-tilling thereof, yet duly order'd and defended, by this only Subject may it be recruited and fertilized, as is evident in the poorest Land where Trees are grown, after the removal of them, the Land is much inriched by their shelter. Also the return of the Soil or Dung that is made of the Product of any Land either by Pasturing or Tilling the same, is a principal part of a good Husband; and not to feed Cattle, cut Hay, and sowe corn on some Lands, and spend their Soil and Manure on other; which is a grand neglect, and a main cause of so much barren and unfruitful Land in England.

Another thing worthy our consideration concerning this Ʋni­versal Subject, is the abating or removing the Impediments of its Fertility, which do as it were suffocate or conceal that fertile or vegetating quality that is in many things; As in Chalk, and several other Stones, Minerals, and Earths, the Acid or sterile Juice doth prevent that Fertility, which otherwise might be raised from it. Therefore do our Husband-men usually burn Stones into Lime, which gradually evaporateth the Acid quality, and coagulateth and fixeth the more Saline and Fertile, which causeth it to yield [Page 9] so plentiful a nourishment unto Vegetables more than before it was burnt into Lime.

For the same cause is the Superficies or Turf of the Earth burnt in many places, which Country-men usually call denshiring or burn-beating; only they suppose that the Ashes of the Vegetable contained in the Turf occasions the Fertility: But although that doth yield a part, yet it is the heat of the fire evaporating, and consuming the Acidity of the Earth, which makes the Earth it self so prepared, to be the more fertile; As you may observe by the very places where those hills of fire were made, that although you take the Ashes wholly away, yet the Earth under those hills being so calcined, yields a greater nourishment to such Vegetables grow­ing thereon, than on any other part of the ground where the Ashes themselves are spread.

For the same reason are the Summer-Fallowings advantageous to the Husbandman, not only for the destroying of the weeds, but for the evaporation of the Acid barren Juyce, and digesting and fixing the fertile; by which way of Calcination may several Stones, Minerals, and Earths be made fertile, which unprepared are not so: this may also prove of great use for the advancement of the growth of many excellent Plants and Flowers, as I have been credibly in­formed hath been secretly practised to that purpose.

The last and none of the least considerable means for the re-re­viving and improving this Subject, is not only the planting, sowing, and propagating of Vegetables in every place, but to plant, sowe, or propagate such that delight in the Soyl or Place under your im­provement: be the nature of the Soyl or Earth what it will, there is some Plant or other delights in it: from the highest, cold, hot, dry, or barren hill, to the lowest valley, although in the water it self, you will finde either Trees, Pulses, Grasses, Grains, or some other Vegetable may be found that will thrive in it. Hic segetes, illic ve­niunt faelicius uvae; Arborei foetus alibi; atque myrissa virescunt gramina, &c. Virgil. The want of the right understanding hereof hath been one of the greatest checks to our English Improve­ments; there being so great variety of Land in this Kingdom, yea almost in every Parish doth the Land vary, that when we have had any new way or Method of Improvement urged, by sowing or propagating any new sort of Grain, Pulse, or Hay, or otherwise, several have attempted it, few only perhaps have hit the mark, or applied it to the right Soil; the rest having lost their labour and cost meerly through their own ignorance of the true nature and way of ordering of what they undertake, have cast a scandal on the thing it self, to the great discouragement of others, who o­therwise might have reaped great advantage by it.

Having thus given you a short Description of the Growth of Vegetables, and of that Ʋniversal Subject, or Spiritus Mundi, out of which they are formed, and of the general Causes of Improve­ments, I will now descend to the more particular and practicable Application thereof; And first


Of the great Benefits and Advantages of Enclo­sing Lands.

ENclosing of Lands, and dividing the same into several Fields, Pastures, &c. is, and hath been ever esteemed a most principal way of Improvement, it ascertaineth every man his just and due Propriety and Interest, and preventeth such infinite of Trespas­ses and injuries, that Lands in common are subject unto; occasio­ning so much of Law, Strife, and Contention: It capacitates all sorts of Land whatsoever for some of the Improvements mention­ed in the subsequent Discourse, so that a good husband may plant Timber, Fruit, or other Trees in his Hedge-rows, or any other part of his Lands, or may convert the same to Meadows, Pasture, Arable, or Gardens, &c. And sowe or plant the same with any sorts or spe­cies, of Grain, Pulse, or other Tillage whatsoever, without the check or controul of his unthrifty or envious Neighbours.

It is also of its self a very considerable Improvement: And take Enclosure an Improvement. it, as it is the most general, so it is one of the highest Improve­ments in England, and it seems to have born an equal honor and preheminence, above Lands in Common in other Countreys; and to contend for its Antiquity with the Plough it self; else why should Virgil say?

Ante Jovem nulli subigebant arva Coloni,
Nec signare quidem, aut partire limite Campum,
Fas erat,—

Enclosure with a good tall Hedge-row, preserves the Land warm, and defends and shelters it from the violent and nipping Winds, that generally nip and destroy much of the Corn, Pulse, or whatsoever grows on the open Field or Champion Grounds, and preserves it also from those drying and scorching Winds more frequent in hot and dry Springs, much damaging the Champion Lands: It much preserves that fertility and richness the Land is either naturally subject unto, or that is by the diligent care and cost of the Husbandman added. It furnisheth the Owners thereof with a greater burthen of Corn, Pulse, or what ever is sown there­on: Also where it is laid down for Meadow or Pasture, it yields much more of Grass than the open Field-Land; and the Hedges being well planted with Trees, affords shelter and shadow for the Cattel both in Summer and Winter, which else would destroy more with their feet, than they eat with their mouths, and might lose more of their fat or flesh in one hot day, than they gain in three cool days; and affords the industrious Husbandman plen­ty [Page 11] of Provision for the maintenance of Fire-boot, Plough-boot, Cart-boot; and (if carefully planted and preserved) furnishes him with Timber, Mast for his Swine, and Fruits for Syder, as we have in several other parts of this Treatise casually hinted.

It is one of the greatest Encouragements to good Husbandry, and a good Remedy against Beggery; for it brings Employment to the poor, by the continual labour that is bestowed thereon, which is doubly repaid by the fruitful crop it annually yieldeth, and generally maintains treble the number of Inhabitants or more than the Champion, as you may easily perceive if you compare such Counties and Places in England, that are for the most part upon Enclosure, with the Champion and Chilterne Counties or Places: And compare also the difference of their manner and condition of Living, and their Food and Apparel, &c. it must needs convince you that Enclosure is much to be preferred above the Champion, as well for the publique as private advantage. Our Predecessors were very sensible of the difference, as appears by what ingenious old Tusser (who took upon him Husbandry in Edward the Sixth's days) saith in his Rythms in his Comparison between Champion Country, and Several.

T'one barefoot and ragged doth go,
And ready in Winter to sterve;
When t'other ye see do not so,
But hath that is needful to serve.
T'one pain in a Cottage doth take,
When t'other trim Bowers do make.
T'one layeth for Turf and for Sedge,
And hath it with wonderful suit,
When t'other in every Hedge
Hath plenty of Fuel and Fruit;
Evils twenty times worser than these,
Enclosure quickly would ease.
In Wood-land the poor men that have
Scarce fully two Acres of Land,
More merrily live, and do save,
Than t'other with twenty in hand,
Yet pay they as much for the two,
As t'other for twenty must do.

The Differences also, and the Profits thereof, are plainly to be discerned and proved by the Severals, or enclosed Parcels of Land that have been formerly taken out of the Field-land or Com­mons, and how much they excel the other in every respect, though of the same Soil, and only a Hedge between; and what a yearly value they bear above the other.

And also by the great quantities of Lands that have within our memories lain open, and in common, and of little value, yet when enclosed, tilled, and well ordered, have proved excellent good Land, and suddenly repayed the present and greatest expence in­cident to Enclosure.

Of all which, and many other infinite Pleasures, Contentments, and Advantages that Enclosure yields above the Champion and Field-Land, were they but sensible who so much affect and con­tend for the Champion, &c. they could never be so brutish as to persist in so injurious and unthrifty a method of Husbandry, both to themselves, to their neighbors, to the poor, and to the Com­monwealth in general.

This great Improvement meeteth with the greatest difficulties Several Inte­rests an Impe­ment. and impediments; amongst which none appears with a bigger face, than the several Interests and diversity of Titles and Claims to almost every Common-field or waste Land in England. And al­though (by many) the greater part of the Interested Persons are willing to divide and inclose it, yet if but one or more envious or ignorant person concerned oppose the Design, or that some or other of them be not by the Law under a capacity of assuring his Interest to his Neighbour, the whole must unavoidably cease; which hath proved a general Obstruction, and hath been frequent­ly complained of: For the remedy whereof, a Statute to compel the Minor party to submit to the Judgment and Vote of the Ma­jor, and equally to capacitate all persons concerned for such an Enterprise,, would be very welcome to the Country-man, where­in all particular Interests might be sufficiently provided for; as well the Lord of the Soil, as the Tenant, and the poor.

It is a common thing to have very many great and large High-ways High-ways an Impediment. ways over most of the Common Fields and Waste Grounds in En­gland, which prove a very great Check to the Designe of Enclo­sure, and may most easily be reduced, if a Statute may be obtain­ed for that purpose, which was not long since in agitation, though not compleated; than which, as well for the Compulsion and Enabling of opposite and uncapacitated persons, and providing for several Interests, as for the Regulating and right Disposition of common and necessary Ways, no Act or Statute can be of grea­ter or more publique Advantage to the Kingdom, in the more vul­gar way or method of Husbandry.

There are several Common-fields, Downs, Heaths, and Waste Trees not thri­ving, an Im­pediment. Lands, that should they be enclosed, it would be very difficult, and in some places seem impossible to advance or propagate any quick Fences, or considerable quantity of Trees, as before is hint­ed at, by reason of the great drought such Land is subject unto in the Summer, and destructive cold Winds in the Winter and Spring. To which we reply, That after, or according to the usual man­ner of Planting, such Trees or Hedge-rows come to little, because the young Cions they remove, are commonly brought from a fer­tile, warm, or moist Soil, into a cold, barren, or dry; which must needs produce such an inconvenience.

Also they oftentimes plant Trees not naturally agreeing with the Soil they remove them into, or else plant them deep into the barrenest part of the Earth; or at least take little or no care to defend them (when planted) from the external Injuries of Drought, Cold, &c.

But if any are willing, or intend to raise a Quick-fence, or pro­pagate Trees on such open Land subject to such Inconveniences, the only way is to raise a sufficient quantity before-hand in a Nur­sery for that purpose, of such Trees or Plants that naturally de­light in that Land where you intend to plant them, and then to place them in such order, (as you will finde hereafter described in the Chapter of Woods) that the Roots be not below the best Soil; and that they have a sufficient Bank to shelter them on the one side, and an artificial dry Hedge on the other, which may be con­tinued till the quick Plants are advanced above common Inju­ries: Or you may sowe the Seeds of such Trees you intend to propagate in Furrows, made and filled with a good Earth, and se­cured from Cattle, either by a double Hedge, or by ploughing the Land for several years; and not feeding the same with Cattle, till such time as the Trees are grown up, which will soon repay the imaginary loss of the Herbage, or Grasing, especially if the young Cions be (the first and second years of their growth) a little shel­tered from the sharp Winds, by shattering a little Straw, Brake, or Hawm lightly over them, which will also rot, and prove a good Manure, and qualifie the heat and drought of the Summer.

And when once you have advanced an indifferent Bank, Hedge, &c. about your new Enclosures, you may much more easily plant and multiply Rows and Walks of Timber, Fruit, and other ne­cessary Trees, the destructive edge of the cold Winds being aba­ted by the Hedges, &c. We frequently have observed on several high and supposed barren Hills and Plains, Woods and Trees flou­rish; and in open Fields or Gardens within the shelter of those Woods, Trees and other Plants prove as well as in the lower Val­leys; that it is enough to convince any rational person, that by Enclosure only, may most, if not all the Open, Champion, Plam, Waste, and supposed barren Lands in England, be highly impro­ved and advanced to an equal degree of Fertility to the Enclo­sures next adjacent, using the same good Husbandry to the one as to the other; which can never be whilest it is in Common.

It is observed that of most sorts of Land, by how much the Dividing Land into small par­cels an Im­provement. smaller the Enclosure or Crofts are, the greater yearly value they bear, and the better burthen of Corn or Grass, and more flouri­shing Trees they yield; and the larger the Fields or Enclosures are, the more they resemble the Common Fields or Plains, and are most subject to the like inconveniencies. We generally finde that a Farm divided into many Severals, or Enclosures, yields a greater Rent, than if the same were in but few.

Too many Hedges and Banks in rich or watered Meadows waste Enclosing of watred Mea­dows not an Improvement. much Land, and injure the Grass by their shadow, & by dripping, for that needs no shelter: Grass abides any weather; and in case the cold Spring keeps it back, it fears not drought, but hath wa­ter and heart sufficient to bring it forwards, unless you plant such proving Aquatick Trees, whose shrowds shall exceed in value the Grass they injure; which may well be done in Rows, and on the [Page 14] edges of the Banks, &c. and will amount unto a considerable Im­provement, if you select the right kinds.

That Wheat sown in Enclosures, or any Land under the Winds, Wheae in En­closures subject to Mildew. is subject to Mildew, is a general opinion amongst Husbandmen: And the only great Inconveniencie Enclosure is subject unto, Mr. Hartlib saith, is Mildew. But this is only an injury to one sort Legacie. of Grain; Neither is it yet certain that Enclosure is the cause, for we finde and observe that Wheat in the Fielden Country is sub­ject to Mildews, though not so frequent as in the Enclosure, by reason that the Land is not so rich generally, nor so moist as En­closures are, which in Summer-time emit a greater quantity of that Moist Spirit, or Ʋniversal Matter of Vegetables (whereof we discoursed before) than the dry, hungry, open Field-Land doth; which being coagulated in the Air, falls in form of a Dew, some­times on the Oak, and is then food for Bees; sometimes on Hops and on Wheat, whether high or low, enclosed or open: Nay, sometimes on the one half of a Hop-garden, or a Wheat-field, and not on the other.

But Blasting hath commonly been mistaken for Mildew, Wheat being subject also to it in the best and richest Lands in moist years, (whereof more in another place) so that we cannot finde Enclo­sure only to be the cause of either Blasting or Mildew, other than that it is the richest and best Land. Also we may observe, that in the Wood-lands, or Countries where most Enclosure is, there the Land yields the greatest burthen of Wheat, as well as other Grain, and more rarely fails than in the Champion Country; wet Sum­mers being not so frequent as dry; the Vales and Enclosures also being by far the greater Support of our English Granary, than the Open, Champion, and the Hills; which yields us, 'tis true, the greater part of our Drink-corn, delighting in the more hun­gry Soil, and proves a good Supply in a wet Summer for the other.


Of Meadow and Pasture Lands, and the several ways of their Improvements, either by watring or drowning; or by sowing or propagating seve­ral sorts of extraordinary Grasses or Hays, &c.

MEadow and Pasture Lands are of so considerable use and ad­vantage to the Husbandman, that they are by some prefer­red above Arable, in respect of the advantage they bring annually into his Coffers, with so little Toil, Expence and Hazard, far ex­ceeding in value the Corn Lands; and of principal use for the Encrease and Maintenance of his Gattle, his better food, and the chiefest strength he hath for the Tilling and Improving his other Lands: Meadow and Pasture Lands are generally of two sorts; Wet or Dry; the Wet Meadows are such, that the Water over­flows or drowns at some times of the year; under which term we shall comprehend all such Meadows, or other Lands that are ar­tificially watred or over-flown, or that are under that capacity of Improvement. The Dry Meadows or Pastures are such that are not over-flown or watered by any River or Stream, under which we shall comprehend all such Inclosures or Severals that lie warm and in a fertile Soil, yielding an annual burthen of Hay or Grass, or that are capable of Improvement, by sowing or propagating of new Grasses, Hays, &c. or other ways of Improvement.

SECT. I. Of the Watring of Meadows.

Of Wet Meadows or Land under that capacity of being over-flown or watred, there are several sorts.

First, Such Meadows that lie generally flat on the Banks of great Rivers, and are subject to the over-flowing of such Rivers in times of Land-floods only.

Secondly, Such Meadows that lie near to lesser River or Streams, and are capable of being drowned or watered by divert­ing such River, or some part thereof out of its natural Current over the same.

Thirdly, Such Meadows or Lands that lie above the level of the Water, and yet are capable of Improvement by raising the Water by some artificial ways or means over them.

All which sort of Meadows or Lands under those capacities are very much improved by the Water over-flowing them, as every Country and place can sufficiently evidence and testifie,

[Page 16] —Humida Majores herbas alit.—

Neither is there scarcely any Kingdom or Country in the World, where this is not esteemed an excellent Improvement. How could Egypt subsist, unless Nilus did annually Fertilize its Banks by its Inundation? Several other Potent and wealthy Countries there are in those African and Asian Territories, whose richest and most Fertile Lands are maintained in their Fertility by the Sediment of the over-flowing Waters.

—Huc summis liquuntur rupibus Amnes
Felicemque trahunt limum.

But these are Natural; yet are not some Countries without their Artificial ways of advancing this ponderous Element to a very considerable Improvement, as Persia, Italy, &c. abound with most ingenious ways for the raising of the water, as well for their Mea­dows as other necessary uses.

On the Banks and Borders of our great Rivers and Currents, are Of Meadows watred by Floods. the most and richest Meadows, consisting generally of a very good fat Soil, as it were composed of the very Sediment of the Water overflowing the same, after great and hasty Rains: such Mea­dows are capable of very little Improvement, especially those that border on the greater Rivers, as Thames, Severn, Trent, Ouse, &c. uncapable of obstruction at the pleasure of the Husband­man.

Yet where such Meadows lying on the borders of great Rivers are of a dry and hungry Soil, and not frequently overflowed by Land-floods, may Artificial Works be made use of for the raising the water over the same, to a very considerable advantage: where­of more hereafter in this Chapter.

Other Meadows there are, and those the most general in Eng­land, Of Meadows watered by di­version of Ri­vers, &c. that border on the lesser Rivers, Streams, &c. and in many places are overflown or drowned by diverting the Water out of its natural and usual Current over them: This is of late become one of the most universal and advantageous Improvements in Eng­land within these few years, and yet not comparable to what it might be advanced unto, in case these several Obstructions were removed that impede this most noble and profitable Improve­ment.

First, The several Interests that are in Lands bordering on Ri­vers, Hinderances to drowning. hinder very much this Improvement, because the Water can­not be brought over several quantities of Land under this capa­city, but through the Lands of ignorant and cross Neighbours, who will not consent thereunto (although for their own advan­tage also) under unreasonable terms; and some will not at all: others are not by the Law capacitated for such consent (as we noted before concerning Enclosures.)

Secondly, That great and pernicious impediment to this Im­provement, Mills standing on so many fruitful Streams, prohibi­ting the Laborious and Ingenious Husbandman to receive the [Page 17] benefit and advantage of such Streams and Rivers, carrying in their bowels so much Wealth into the Ocean, when the Mills them­selves yield not a tenth of the profit to the Owners that they hin­der to their Neighbours, and their work may as well be perform­ed by the Wind as by the Water; or at least the Water improved to a better advantage, by facilitating the Motion of the Mill; whereof more hereafter.

Thirdly, Another grand Impediment is the Ignorance of the Countrey-men, who in many places are not capable of apprehend­ing neither the Improvement, nor the cause thereof: But because some certain Neighbours of theirs had their Land overflown a long time, and was little the better, therefore will they not under­go that charge to so little purpose; or because they are common­ly possessed with a foolish opinion, that the Water leaves all its fat­ness on the Ground it flows over, and therefore will not advan­tage the next; which is most untrue; for I have seen Meadows successively drowned with the same Water, to almost an equal Improvement for many miles together. It is true, the Water leaves its fatness it hath washed from the Hills and High-ways in the time of great Rains; but we finde by daily experience, that Meadows are fertilized by overflowing as well in frosty, clear, and dry wea­ther, as in rainy, and that to a very considerable Improvement: And also by the most clear and transparent Streams are improved ordinary Lands, that they become most fertile Meadows.

Fourthly, From a greedy and covetous Principle, they suffer the Grass to stand so long on the watered Meadows, that it is much discoloured and grown so hawmy, and neither so toothsom nor wholesome, as that on unwatered Meadows; which brings an ill name on the Hay; which if cut in time would be much better, and in most watered Meadows as good as any other; And the Af­tir-grass, either to mow again, or to be fed on the place, will re­pay the former supposed Loss.

The former Impediments may with much facility be removed by a Law, which would be of very great Advantage to the King­dom in general. The later only by the good Examples and Presi­dents of such industrious and worthy Persons that understand bet­ter things; the generality of the world being rather introduced to any ingenious and profitable Enterprise by Example than by Pre­cept; although some are so sordid and self-willed, that neither apparent Demonstration, nor any convincing Argument whatso­ever, can divert them from their Byass of Ill-husbandry and igno­rance: whom we leave.

On the Borders or Banks of most Rivers or Streams, lie several Of Meadows watered by ar­tificial En­gines. Pieces of Land that are not capable of being overflown by the obstruction or diversion of the Water, without a greater injury than the expected advantage would recompence; which may notwithstanding be improved very considerably, by placing of some Artificial Engine in or near such River or Stream, for the o­verflowing thereof.

The Persian Wheel.

The most considerable and universal is the Persian Wheel, much Of the Persian Wheel. used in Persia, from whence it hath its name, where they say there are two or three hundred in a River, whereby their Grounds are improved extraordinarily: They are also much used in Spain, I­taly, and in France, and is esteemed the most facile and advanta­geous way of raising Water in great quantity to any Altitude within the Diameter of the Wheel, where there is any current of Water to continue its motion; which a small stream will do, con­sidering the quantity and height of the Water you intend to raise. [Page 19] This way, if ingeniously prosecuted, would prove a very consi­derable Improvement; for there is very much Land in many places lying near to Rivers that is of small worth, which if it were watred by so constant a stream as this Wheel will yield, would bear a good burthen of Hay, where now it will hardly bear Corn.

How many Acres of Land lie on the declining sides of hills by the Rivers sides, in many places where the Water cannot be brought unto it by any ordinary way? yet by this Wheel placed in the River or Current, and a Trough of Boards set on Tressles to convey the Water from it to the next place of near an equal al­titude to the Cistern, may the Land be continually watred so far as is under the level of the water.

Also there is very much Land lying on the borders of Rivers that is flat and level, yet neither doth the Land-floods overflow the same, or at most but seldom; nor can the water be made by any obstruction thereof, or such-like way to overflow it. But by this Persian Wheel placed in the River in the nearest place to the highest part of the Land you intend to overflow, therewith may a very great quantity of water be raised: For where the Land is but little above the level of the Water, a far greater quantity of Water, and with much more facility may be raised, than where a greater height is required; the Wheel easier made, and with less expence.

There are also many large and flat pieces of Land bordering Of Wind-En­gines for the raising of wa­ter. near unto several Rivers or Streams, that will not admit of any of the aforementioned ways of overflowing or watering, either because the Current cannot easily or conveniently be obstructed, or because such a Persian Wheel may not be placed in the water without trespassing on the opposite Neighbour, or hinderance to others, or the Water not of force sufficient, &c. which places may very well admit of a Wind-engine or Wind-mill erected in such part thereof, where the Winds may most commodiously command it, and where the Land swells above the ordinary level you intend to Water or overflow, though it be remote from the Current or Stream, the water being easily conducted thereto by an open or subterraneal passage from the Stream. Such Wind-mils raising a sufficient quantity of water for a reasonable height for many Acres of Land, must needs prove a very considerable ad­vantage to the owner, as well for the overflowing thereof, as it hath done to many for the draining large Fens of great quantities of water to a considerable height: Neither is it altogether ne­cessary that such Land be wholly plain, and open to all Winds; for in Vallies that are on each side defended with Hills, or in such Lands that are on some sides planted with Woods, may such Wind-mills well be placed, where the wind may at some certain seasons perform its work sufficiently, though not so continually as where the place is free to all winds.

Several have been the Inventions of Ingenious men to accom­plish What Wind-mills are best for this work. this designe, and much have they promised to perform; [Page 20] some by the Horizontal Windmil, and by a Wheel with Buckets or Scoops fixed unto chains; Also by a Wheel carrying the Wa­ter up in Buckets fixed thereto, and casting the same forceably from it by the swiftness of its motion: Others by the perpetual Screw, which you may finde mentioned or delineated in Mr. Bliths English Improver Improved. But there is none seems to me more feasable, less expensive, of longer continuance without re­pair or danger of Winds, nor more effectual to raise much Water with little Wind, than Vertical Sails like the ordinary Wind-mills,

[horizontal windmill]

only more in number, and not so long, placed on an Axis of a length proportionable to the length of the Vanes; the one end resting on an Iron fork upon the top of a single post, the other end moveable to several points on a Quadrant of a Circle, that be the Wind which way it will, by only moving the one end of the Axis on the Quadrant, it will be direct to the one or the other side of the Vanes or Sayls. Under the end of the Axis that rests on the single Post, let there be a Pump placed in the Water you in­tend to raise, the head of the Pump not rising much above the place or passage to convey it away; which Pump may be made of what Diameter you please, according to the strength of your Wind-mil, and height you raise the Water: you may make the [Page 21] trunk of the Pump round; or if you would have it large, then square may serve as well as round: let the Bucket always dip into the level of the Water, which prevents much trouble and injury to the work: let the handle of the Pump extend in length to the Axis of the Wind-mil, which must be made crooked to receive and move the same, like unto the Axis of a Cutlers Grinding-stone or Dutch Spinning-wheel turned with the foot, which Wind-mill or Engine by any reasonable Gale of Wind will raise a very great quantity of Water (proportionable to its strength and height) with ease; being made for a very small charge, con­sidering other costly Engines; is composed of very many parts, and therefore requires the less repair, and is the less subject to damage by violent Winds; and is easily managed, and therefore the more sutable to our Country-men, who usually reject any thing, though never so excellent, if it be difficult.

SECT. II. The Principal Rules necessary to be observed in Over­flowing or drowning of Lands.

When you have raised or brought the Water by any of the 1 In cutting the main Car­riage. aforesaid means to the height you expected, then cut your main Carriage, allowing it a convenient descent to give the Water a fair and plausible Current all along; let the mouth of the main Carriage be of breadth (rather than depth) sufficient to receive the whole Stream you desire, or intend; and when you come to use a part of your Water, let the main Carriage narrow by degrees, and so let it narrow till the end, that the Water may press into the lesser carriages, that issue all along from the main.

At every rising ground or other convenient distances you ought 2 In cutting the lesser Car­riages. to cut small tapering Carriages, proportionable to the distance and quantity of Land or Water you have, which are to be as shal­low as may be, and as many in number as you can: for although it seems to waste much Land by cutting so much turf, yet it proves not so in the end; for the more nimbly the Water runs over the Grass, by much the better the Improvement is, which is attained by making many and shallow Carriages.

Another principal observation in Drowning, or Watering of 3 In making the Drains. Lands, is to make Drains to carry off the Water the Carriage brings on, and therefore must bear some proportion to it, though not so large; and as the lesser Carriages conduct the Water to every part of your Land, so must the lesser Drains be made a­mongst the Carriages, in the lowest places, to lead the Water off, and must widen as they run, as the Carriages lessened; for if the Water be not well drained, it proves injurious to the Grass, by standing in pools thereon; in the Winter it kills the Grass, and in the Spring or Summer hinders its growth, and breeds Rushes, and bad Weeds; which if well drained off, works a contrary ef­fect.

Some graze their Lands till Christmass, some longer; but as soon 4 Times for watring or drowning of Land. as you have fed it bare, then is it best to overflow: from Alhal­lontide throughout the Winter may you use this Husbandry, until the Spring that the Grass begin to be large: during April and the beginning of May, in some places may you give the Grass a little water once a week, and it will prove wonderfully, especially in a dry Spring. In Drowning, observe that you let not the water rest too long on a place, but let it dry in the intervals of times, and it will prove the better; nor let Cattle tread it whil'st it is wet.

In the Summer if you desire to water your Land, let it be in mild or Cloudy weather, or in the night-time, that the water may be off in the heat of the day, lest in scorch the Grass, and you be frustrate of your expectation.

In many places you may have the opportunity to command a 5 Manner of watring of Land by small streams or En­gines. small Spring or Stream where you cannot a larger, or may ob­tain water by the Engines before-mentioned, which may not be sufficient to overflow your Land in that manner, nor so much to your content as the greater Currents may; therefore you must make your Carriages small according to your water, and let there be several stops in them, that you may water the one part at one time, and another part at another: also in such dry and shelving Lands where usually such small Springs are, and water by such ar­tificial ways advanced, a small drilling water, so that it be con­stant, worketh a wonderful Improvement.

In some places issue Springs whose waters are sterile, and inju­rious 6 Barren Springs not useful. to the Husbandman, as are usually such that flow from Coal­mines, or any Sulphureous or Vitrioline Minerals, being of so harsh and brackish a substance, that they become destructive to Vegeta­bles: Not but that those Minerals, and also those waters con­tain much of that matter which is the cause, and of the princi­ples of Vegetation, though not duly applied, nor equally pro­portionated, as much Urine, Salt, &c. kills Vegetables; yet duly fermented, and artificially applied, nothing more fertile. Such Springs that you suspect, prove them first before you go too far: those that are bad are usually reddish in colour, and leave a red sediment, and shine as it runs, and is not fertile until it hath run far, and encreased it self from other Springs, and gained more fertility in its passage; as we usually observe greater Rivers, though reddish in colour, yet make good Meadow.

SECT. III. Of dry Meadow or Pasture.

Every place is almost furnished with dry Meadows, which are convetible sometimes into Meadows, and sometimes into Pa­stures; and such places much more where Waters, Springs and Ri­volets are scarce, or the Rivers very great, or the Country hilly, that water cannot so well be commanded over such Lands as in o­ther places they may: which dry Meadows and Pastures are capa­ble of Improvement by several ways.

And principally by Enclosure; for where shall we finde better Improved by Enclosure. dry Meadows, and richer Pastures, than in several hilly places of Somersetshire, among the small Enclosures? which not only pre­serveth the young Grass from the exsiccating Spring-winds, but shadoweth it also in some measure from the Summer-scorching Sun-beams, as before we noted in the Chapter of Enclosure. Such Meadows or Pastures well planted with either Timber or Fruit-trees in the Hedge-rows, or other convenient places, and enclo­sed in small parcels, will furnish you with good Hay and good Pasture, when your Neighbour whose Lands are naked, goes with­out it; for dry Springs or Summers more usually happen than wet; besides the shadow for your Cattle, and many other advantages, as before we observed.

In several places where the ground is moist, cold, clay, spewy, Burning of Rushy and Mossie ground. rushy or mossie, or subject to such inconveniencies, that the Pasture or Hay is short, sower, and not proveable, it is very good Hus­bandry to pare off the turf about July or August, and burn the same (after the manner as is hereafter described when we come to treat of burning of Land) and then plough it up immediately, or in the Spring following, and sowe the same with Hay-dust, or with Corn and Hay-dust together; for by this means will that acid Juice that lay on the surface of the Earth, which was of a sterile nature, and hindred the growth of the Vegetables, be eva­porated away, and also the Grass which had a long time degene­rated by standing in so poor a Soil, be totally destroyed, and the Land made fertile, and capable to receive a better species brought in the Seed from other fertile Meadows.

It is too commonly observed that many excellent Meadows, or Stubbing up of shrubs, &c. Pasture-land, are so plentifully stored with Shrubs, small Hillocks, Ant-hills, or such like, that a good part thereof is wholly lost, and so much thereof as is mown is but in patches here and there, and that that remains not so beneficial as if it were either mown or sed together. Now the best way or Method of stubbing up such thorny Shrubs, or Broom, or Goss, or any such annoying Shrubs, which proves both laborious and costly any other way than this, is ingeniously delivered by Gabriel Platt: the Instrument Discovery of hidden Trea­sures. by him discovered is like a three-grained dung-fork only, but much greater and stronger, according to the bigness of the Shrubs, &c. the stale thereof like a large and strong Leaver; which Instrument being set half a foot or such reasonable distance from the Root of the Shrub, &c. then with a Hedging-beetle drive it in a good depth; then elevate the Stale, and lay some weight or fulciment under it, and with a Rope fastened to the upper end thereof, pull it down, which will wrench up the whole bush by the Roots. Also Ant-hills prove a very great annoyance to Pa­sture, and Meadow-lands, which may be destroyed by dividing the Turf on the top, and laying of it open several ways; then take out the core, and spread over the other Land, and lay the Turf down neatly in its place again, a little hollowing in, and lower than the surface of the Earth; and at the beginning of [Page 24] the Winter the Water standing therein will destroy the remain­der of the Ants, and prevent their return, and settle the Turf by the Spring, that by this means may a very great Improvement be made of much Meadow or Pasture-land, now a great part thereof Bushes and Ant-hills.

These Meadows and Pasture-lands where the water overflow­eth Dunging or Soyling of Meadows and Pastures. not at any time, are the only places where you may lay your dung, or other Manure to the best advantage, it being not capable of being improved by water, nor the Soil laid thereon subject to be carried away, or at least the better part thereof extracted by the water, either casually by Floods, or any other way overflow­ing the same.

The best time for the Soiling of Meadows and Pasture-lands Time for Soyl­ing. is in the Winter-season about January or February, that the rains may wash to the Roots of the Grass the fatness of the Soil, before the Sun drieth it away: and dissolve the clots, that may be spread with a Bush drawn over it like a Harrow, before the Grass be too high.

Ashes of Wood, Peat, Turf, Sea-coal, or any other Fewel, is Soyl for Rushy and cold Land. very proper to be laid on Cold, Spewey, Rushey, and Mossie Land (not sandy or hot) and suits best therewith, and agrees with the Husbandry of burning the Turf, as is before advised: the dung of Pigeons, or any other Fowl, works a better effect on that than other Lands; also all hot and sandy Soils are fittest for that sort of Lands.

Lime, Chalk, Marle, or any cold fossile Soils, are an extraor­dinary For sandy or hot Land. Improvement to dry, sandy, hot Lands of a contrary na­ture or temperature, as well for Meadow and Pasture, as for Corn-Land: I have seen much of the blew Clay, which they call Ʋrry, that's digged out of the Coal-mines, and lies near the Coal, laid on Meadow and Pasture-lands, to a very considerable advan­tage. Many instances of wonderful Improvements made by mix­ing of Soils of contrary natures, you may finde in several of our modern Rural Authors.

Between these two extremes, your ordinary dung or Soil is best For other Mea­dows. bestowed on your Meadows and Pastures, not so much inclining either way; for it is a very principal part of good Husbandry to apply the Soil or Compost properly, as the nature of the ground requireth; whereof you may finde more hereafter, in the Chap­ter of Soils, Dungs, &c.

SECT. IV. Of several new Species of Hay or Grass.

It is found by daily experience, not only in forein parts, but in our own Country, that a very great Improvement may be made on the greater part of our Lands, by altering the species of such Vegetables that are naturally produced, totally suppressing the one, and propagating another in its place, which may rejoyce [Page 25] and thrive better there than that before, as we evidently see by Corn sowen on Land where hardly Grass would have grown, what a Crop you reap; but these are but Annuals: that which raises the greatest advantage to the Husbandman, is what annu­ally yields its increase without a renovation of expence in Ploughing and sowing; as we finde in the Clover-grass or great Trefoyl, St. Foyn or Holy-Hay, La Lucern, Spurrey-seed, Trefoyl, None-such, &c. whereof apart.

This Grass hath born the name, and is esteemed the most prin­cipal Of the Clover-grass. of Grass, both for the great Improvement it brings by its prodigious Burthen, and by the excellencie of the Grass or Hay for Food for Cattle, and is much sowen and used in Flan­ders and in Holland, Presidents to the whole world for good Husbandry.

In Brabant they speak of keeping four Cows Winter and Sum­mer on an Acre, some cut and laid up for Fodder, others cut and eaten green: here in England they say an Acre hath kept four Coach-horses and more all Summer long; but if it kept but two Cows, it is advantage enough upon such Lands as never kept one. You may mow the first Crop in the midst or end of May, and lay that up for Hay; if it grow not too strong, it will be exceeding good and rich, and feed any thing: then reserve the next for Seed, which may yield four Bushels upon an Acre, each Bushel being worth three or four pound a Bushel, which will amount to the reputed value of ten or twelve pounds per Acre; and after that Crop also it may be fed. It hath also this Property, that after the growing of the Clover-grass three or four years, it will so frame the Earth, that it will be very fit for Corn again, which will prove a very great Advantage, and then again for Clover. Thus far Mr. English Im­prover. Blith. Others say it will last five years, and then also yield three or four years together rich Crops of Wheat, and after that a Crop of Oats.

In the Annotations upon Mr. Hartlibs Legacie, we finde several Computations of the great Advantage hath been made by sowing Clover-grass, as that a parcel of Ground, a little above two Acres, the second year, did yield in May two Load of Hay worth five pounds: the next Crop for Seed was ripe in August, and yielded three very great Loads worth nine pounds that year; the Seed was 300 l. which with the Hay was valued at thirty pounds, be­sides the after-Pasture. Another President is, that on four Acres there grew twelve Loads of Hay at twice mowing, and twenty Bushels of Seed; one Load of the Hay mown in May being worth two Load of the best of other Hay, and the After-pasture three times better than any other; the four Acres yielded in one year fourscore pound. Another, that six Acres of Clover did maintain for half a year thirteen Cows, ten Oxen, three Horses, and twen­ty six Hogs; which was valued at forty pound, besides the Win­ter-Herbage.

The aforesaid Presidents and Valuations seem prodigious, un­less The best Land for Clover-grass. a rich, light Land, warm and dry, be sown therewith, in which [Page 26] it principally delighteth; and then it may probably answer the said Valuations, and must needs be a very high Improvement, al­though the Ground were good and profitable before. It will also prosper and thrive on any Corn-land, well manured or soiled, and brought into perfect Tillage. Old Land, be it course or rich, long untilled is best for Corn, and best and most certain for Clo­ver-Grass; and when you have Corned your Land as much as you intend, then to sowe it with Clover is the properest season: Land too rich for Corn, cannot be too rich for Clover. Poor Lands are not fit for Clover, unless burnt or denshired, as we shall hereafter direct; or limed, marled, or otherwise manured, and then will it bring forth good Clover.

An Acre of Ground will take about ten pounds of your Clover-Grass Quantity of Seed for an Acre. Seed, which is in measure somewhat above half a peck, ac­cording to Sir Richard Weston. The quantity of Seed for an Acre Mr. Blith conceives will be a Gallon, or nine or ten pounds; which agrees with the other: But if it be husky (which saves labour in cleansing of it, and also sowes better by filling the hand, than mix­ed with any other thing) you must endeavor to finde out a true proportion according to the cleanness or foulness you make it: but be sure to sowe enough, rather too much than too little; for the more there is, the better it shadows the Ground: Some have sowen fifteen pound on an Acre with good success; ten pound some judge to be of the least, however let the Seed be new and of the best, which the English is esteemed to be.

The usual way is thus advised: when you have fitted your Land The time and manner of sowing Clover-grass. by Tillage and good Husbandry, then sowe your Barley and Oats, and harrow them; then sowe your Clover-grass upon the same Land, and cover it over with a small Harrow or Bush, but sowe not the Corn so thick as at other times the Land usually requires. The principal seasons for the sowing thereof are the end of March, and throughout April. Sir Richard Weston adviseth to sowe the Clover-seed when the Oats begin to come up; also that you may sowe it alone without any other Seed or Grain, and that it will be ready to cut by the first of June the first year. It is also observed that Polish Oats are the best Corn to be sowen with Clover about the middle of April: two Bushels and a half, or three Bushels to an Acre, which will yield a middle Crop of Oats at Harvest, and shadow the Clover from the heat of the Sun; which will be a no­table Pasture in September or October following.

About the midst or end of May, may you cut the first Crop for Of cutting it for Hay and for seed. Hay; which takes up more time and labour to dry it than ordi­nary Hay, and will go very near together: yet if it grow not too strong, it will be exceeding rich and good, and feed any thing. The exact time of cutting is when it begins to knot, and then will it yield good Hay, and ere the year be about it may yield you three such Crops; and afterwards feed it with Cattle all the Winter, or until January, as you do other Ground: But if you intend to pre­serve the Seed, then you must expect but two Crops that year; the first Crop as before, but the second must stand till the Seed be [Page 27] come to a full and dead ripeness, for it will not be very apt to shed. When first you can observe the Seed in the Husk, about a moneth after it may be ripe, and then the Seed begins to change its colour, and the Stalk begins to die and turn brown; and being turned to a yellowish colour, in a dry time mow it, and preserve it till it be perfectly dry. In some years it ripens sooner than in o­ther, therefore you need not be precise as to the time, but to the ripeness of it. The Stalks or Hawm after you have thrashed out your Seed, Cattle will eat; but if they be too old and hard they will not. Some direct to boyl them, and make a Mash of them, Sir Richard Weston. and it will be very nourishing, either for Hogs, or any thing that will eat thereof. Others reject the Stalks as useless, and esteem the Seed only to be a sufficient Advance of that Crop. If after two years standing of Clover-grass you suffer the later Crop to shed its Seed, you will have your Land new stored with Clover, that you need not convert it to other uses.

One Acre of this Grass will feed you as many Cows as six Acres Of pasturing or feeding of Clo­ver-grass. of other common Grass, and you will finde your Milk much rich­er, and exceeding in quantity, and fatterns very well: The best way of feeding of it, and as is reported is the usual way in Hol­land and Flanders, is to cut it daily as your Cattle spend it, and give it them in Racks under some Trees, or in some Shed or Out­house, for the Cattle will injure it much with their feet, it being a gross sort of Vegetable. Unless you mow it for the Seed, the best husbandry is to graze it, or feed it in Racks; because it is so ex­cellent a Food green, and shrinks so much in the drying. Swine will grow fat with what falls from the Racks. It is not good to let Cattle that are not used to this Food, eat too liberally of it at the first; for I knew a Yoke of Oxen put hungry into a field of Clo­ver-grass, where they fed so heartily on this sweet Food, that one immediately died through a meer Surfeit, the other with difficul­ty preserved; therefore some prescribe to give them a little Straw mixed therewith at the first, or to diet them as to the quantity, may do as well. Swine will pasture on it in the fields.

It being preserved throughly dry, about the middest of March Of threshing or ordering the Seed. thrash it, and cleanse it from the Straw as much as you can; then beat the Husk again, being exceeding well dried in the Sun after the first Thrashing, and then get out what Seed you can; or after you have thrashed it, and chaved it with a fine Rake, and sunned it in a hot and dry season, if you will then rub it, you may get very much out of it; some have this way got above two Bushels out of an Acre: Sir Richard Weston saith you may have five Bush­els from an Acre.

He is a good Thrasher that can thrash six Gallons in a day, and English Impro­ver. after the second Thrashing, drying, and winnowing or chaving, it is confidently averred that it may be purely separated from its Husk by a Mill, after the manner as Oatmeal is separated from the Chaff, and that at a very easie rate: But it is also experimented that our own Seed sown in the Husk hath proved the best, thick­er, and certainer than that sowed of the pure Seed it self, other­wise [Page 28] you must be forced to mix therewith ashes of Wood or Coals coursly sifted, or with Saw-dust, or good Sand, or fine Mould, or any thing else that will help to fill the hand, that you may sowe it evenly and with a full hand. Some have invented new ways of separating the Seed from the Husk.

Of St. Foyn.

This St. Foyn, or Holy-hay, hath in several places of England The profit there­of. obtained the preferrence above Clover-Grass, for that it thrives so well, and is so great an Improvement on our barren Lands, where the other will not; it being also natural to our timorous Rusticks not to hazard Land that will yield them any considerable advan­tage any other way, on any new method of Husbandry; but if they have a Corner of Land that is of little use to them, they will perhaps bestow a little Seed on it, and but few of that minde nei­ther. Then it continues longer in proof than Clover-Grass, which wears out in a few years; this continues many, which is a daily provocation to the sloathful to go so near and plain a way, when so long time trodden before his face. In Wiltshire in several pla­ces there are Presidents of St. Foyn, that hath been these twenty years growing on poor Land, and hath so far improved the same, that from a Noble per Acre, twenty acres together have been constantly worth thirty shillings per Acre, and yet continues in good proof.

If it be sowen on the poorest and barrennest Land we have, it On what Land to sowe it. will thrive, and raise a very considerable Improvement, for on rich Land the Weeds destroy it; besides, it meliorateth and fer­tilizeth the Land whereon it hath stood for many years, and not barrennizeth it, as it usual with Annual Seeds. You may break it up, and sowe it with Corn till it be out of heart, and then sowe it with St. Foyn as formerly: it will thrive on dry and bar­ren Grounds where hardly any thing else will; the roots being great and deep, are not so soon dried by the parching heat of the Sun, as of other Grasses they are.

It must be sowen in far greater quantity than the Clover-seed, Quantity of Seed on an A­cre, and man­ner of sowing of it. because the Seed is much larger and lighter. It may be sowen with Oats or Barley, as the Clover: about equal parts with the Grain you sowe it will serve; always remembring you sowe your Grain but thin. Be sure you make your Ground fine for this and other French Seeds, as you usually do for Barley. Fear not the sowing of the Seeds too thick; for being thick they sooner stock the Ground, and destroy all other Grasses and Weeds. Some advise to howe these Seeds in, like Pease in Ranges, though not so far distant, the better to destroy the Weeds between it: this will bear this way of husbandry better than the Clover, because that hath but a small Root, and requires to shadow the Ground more than this. Feed it not the first year, because the sweetness thereof will provoke the Cattle to bite too near the Ground, very much to the injury of your St. Foyn; but you may mow it with your Barley or Oats, or if sown by it self, the first year.

Of La Lucerne.

In the next place this Plant La Lucerne is commended for an excellent Fodder, and by some preferred before St. Foyn, as be­ing What Ground it requires. very advantageous to dry and barren Grounds. It is mana­ged like the former Seeds: Some write that it requires a moist Ground and rich, others a dry, so that we may conclude it hath proved well on all. The Land must be well dressed, and three times fallowed.

The time for sowing it, is after the cold weather be over, a­bout Time and man­ner of sowing of it. the middle of April; some Oats may be sowen therewith, but in a small proportion: the Seed is very small; therefore the sixth part of it is allotted to an Acre, as is required of any other Grain, one Bushel thereof going as far as six of Corn: It may be mowen twice a year, and fed all the Winter; the Hay must be well dried and housed, for it is otherwise bad to keep. It is good Its use. for all kinde of Cattle; but above all, it agreeth best with Horses: it feedeth much more than ordinary Hay, that lean Beasts are sud­denly fat with it; it causeth abundance of Milk in Milch-beasts. It must be given at the first with caution, as before we directed concerning the Clover, that is mixed with Straw or Hay. You may also feed all sorts of Cattel with it green all the Summer. It is best to mow it but once a year: it will last ten or twelve years. If you desire the Seed when it is ripe, cut off the tops in a dewy morning, and put into sheets for fear of losing the Seed; and when they are dry, thrash them thereon, the remaining Stalks may be mowen for Hay. By eating this Grass in the Spring, Hor­ses are purged and made fat in eight or ten days time. One Acre will keep three Horses all the year long. Hartlibs Legacie.

SECT. V. Of some other Grasses or Hays.

This is a kinde of St. Foyn, and by some judged to be the same. Esparcet.

This is a Grain annually sowen in France and other Countries, La Rome yn, or French Tares or Vetches. very quick of growth, and excellent food for Cattle, especially for Horses; and after the feeding of it the former part of the Sum­mer, it may be let grow for Hay. It is not so good as La Lucerne, because this is annual, the other of long continuance; only this will grow on drier and poorer Land than Lucerne, wherein it ex­ceeds it.

In the Low-Countries they usually sowe it twice in a Summer; the Spurrey-seed. first in May: in June and July it wil be in Flower, and in August the Seed is usually ripe.

The second time of sowing is after Rye-harvest, which Grounds they usually plough up, and sowe it with Spurrey-seed, that it may grow up and serve their Kine (after all late Grasses be eaten up) till New-years-day. This Pasture makes excellent Butter, prefer­red [Page 30] by many before May-butter. Hens will greedily eat the Herb, and it makes them lay the more Eggs. Hartlibs Legacie.

Hop Clover, Trefoyl, or Three-leaved Grass is both finer and sweet­er Trefoyl. than the great Clover-grass; it will grow in any Ground: it may be sown with Corn (as before) or without, or being sprinkled in Meadows will exceedingly mend the Hay, both in burthen and goodness.

At Maddington in Wiltshire about nine miles from Salisbury, Long Grass in Wiltshire. grows a Grass in a small Plat of Meadow-ground, which Grass in some years grows to a prodigious length, sometimes twenty four foot long; but not in height as is usually reported, but creeping on the ground, or at least touching the ground at several of the knots of the Grass. It is extraordinary sweet, and not so easily propagated as hath been imagined; the length thereof being oc­casioned by the washing of a declining Sheep-down, that the Rain in a hasty shower brings with it much of the fatness of the Sheep-dung over the Meadow; so that in such Springs that are not subject to such showers, or at least from some certain Coasts, this Grass thriveth not so well, the Ground being then no better than another.

This Herb so little esteemed (because not far fetched) is an Saxifrage. excellent and proper Herb to be nourished or sown in Meadows, for amongst all House-wives it is held for an infallible Rule, That where Saxifrage grows, there you shall never have ill Cheese or Butter, especially Cheese; whence it cometh that the Netherlands abound much in that Commodity, and only, as is supposed, through the plenty of that Herb.

These and many other most rare and excellent Plants there are, which if they were advanced or propagated that they might o­penly manifest their worth, might be of much more advantage to the Laborious Husbandmen, than the short, sowre, and naturally wilde and barren Grass, mixed with a super-aboundant propor­tion of pernicious Weeds: Therefore it would be very accep­table service to the whole Nation, if those that have Land enough would yearly prove some small proportion of these and other Ve­getables, not yet brought into common use: By which means they would not only advance their own Estates, but the whole Nation in general, and gain unto themselves an everlasting Fame and Honor, as did the Families of Piso, Fabius, Lentulus, and Cicero, by bringing into use the several Pulses, now called by their Names.


Of Arable Land and Tillage, and of the several Grains, Pulses, &c. usually propagated by the Plough.

IN greatest esteem, and most worthy of our Care, is the Ara­ble Land, yielding unto the Laborious Husbandman the most necessary Sustentation this Life requires, but not without indu­stry and toil: The Plough being the most happy Instrument that ever was discovered; the Inventor of the use whereof was by the Heathens celebrated as a Goddess.

Prima Ceres ferro mortales vertere terram

But the Plough it self Triptolemus is said to have invented. Pliny. This Art was always in esteem, as before in the Preface we have shewn; and from this part thereof, being the most principal, doth it take its Name of Agriculture, from the Tilling of the Land with the Plough, or with the Spade the more ancient Instrument, though not more necessary and beneficial: And since its first Inventi­on hath there been many several Improvements made of it, for the more facile and commodious use thereof; and every day al­most, and in every place doth the ingenious Husbandman endea­vour to excel the slothful in this most necessary Art; that from a burthensom and toilsom labour, it is in some places become but a pleasing and profitable Exercise: and it's hoped that by those Presidents and Examples, the more Vulgar will be provoked to a more universal use of that which is best and most advantageous to themselves, as well as the publike. More of this Instrument see hereafter in this Treatise.

SECT. I. What Lands are improved by Tillage.

Non omnis fert omnia tellus. Every sort of Land almost re­quires a different Husbandry; some Grounds producing plenty of that which on another will not grow. This is none of the mea­nest part of the Husbandmans skill, to understand what is most proper to be propagated on each sort of Land: the strong and stiff ground receiving the greatest Improvement from the Plough; and the mellow, warm, and light, from other Plantations of Fruits, &c.

Densa magis Cereri, rarissima quaeque Lyaeo.

Although the best, warmest, and lightest Land yields most ex­cellent Corn, yet the other sorts of Lands yield not so good Fruits, Plants, Grass, Hay, &c. also necessary for the Husbandman: there­fore our principal designe must be to appropriate each sort to that Method of Husbandry most natural unto it; that where the na­ture of the Land differs, which it usually doth in the same Parish, and many times in one and the same Farm, and sometimes in the same Field, that there may be used a different way. We have before discoursed of what Lands are fittest for Meadows and Pa­stures, and now shall give you those Directions I finde, to know what is most proper for the Plough.

The strong and stiff, as we said before, and also the cold and moist, and that which lies obvious to the extremities of cold or heat, as is most of the Champion or Field-land; for there may be sown such Seeds that naturally affect such places, until they are reduced and better qualified by Enclosure, the first and main prin­ciple of Improvement: Also mossie and rusty Grounds are much improved by ploughing; and Grounds subject to pernicious Weeds may be much advantaged by destroying the Weeds, and propagating good Corn or other Tillage in the room thereof.

All clay, stiff, cold, and moist Grounds are generally thrice The manner of ploughing or husbanding each sort. Clay, stiff, cold and moist. ploughed, in the Spring, Summer, and at Seed-time for Wheat; and four times for Barley, if it be the first Grain sown after long re­sting, which in most places is not usual. These several Plough­ings or Fallowings are very advantageous to Ground in several respects.

1. It layeth the Ground by degrees in Ridges in such order as the nature thereof requireth; for the more in number, and the higher the Ridges, the better they are for Wheat, which natural­ly delighteth in a moist Ground, so that it be laid dry, that is, not subject to be drowned or over-glutted with water in moists years. And this Method of laying the Ridges, much prevents the blast­ing of Wheat; for Wheat is easily overcharged with Water, ei­ther in Winter or Summer.

2. This often stirring the Land makes it light, and fitter for the Seed to take root therein; the Clods being apt to dissolve by be­ing exposed to the weather, and often broken by the Plough.

3. It kills the weeds which in strong Lands are apt to over­run the Corn.

4. It fertilizeth Land: The Sun and the Sull are some Husband­mens Soil. Virgil also seems to hint as much, where he saith,

Pingue solum primis exemplo à mensibus Anni
Fortes invertant Tauri; glebasque jacentes
Pulverulenta coquat maturis solibus aestas.

5. It defends the Corn much from the extremities of Weather, especially cold Winds: for the more uneven any Piece of Land is, the better it bears the extremities of the Winter; for which reason in the open Champion where the Land is dry, and they do [Page 33] not lay up their Ridges as in other places, yet they harrow it but little, and leave it as rough as they can, for no other cause but to break the fleeting Winds. The Gardiners near London now seem to imitate this practise, by laying their Gardens in Ridges, not only the better to shelter their Seeds from the cold Winds, but also to give it an advantage of the Sun, as I my self proved it ma­ny years since, that Pease sown on the South-side of small Beds, so raised that they seemed to respond the Elevation of the Pole, prospered well, and passed the Winter better, and were much ear­lier in the Spring, than those otherwise planted.

But in case you intend to sowe Barley first therein, after the third Fallowing, it must lie over the Winter, that the Frosts may the better temper it for the Seed-time, when it is to be ploughed again: If for Pease or Beans, once Fallowing before Winter serves the turn.

If it hath a good Sward or Turf on it, I rather advise you to denshire or burn it the Summer before you sowe it; this is the more expeditious and advantageous way, it spends the Acid moisture (an enemy to Vegetation) it kills the weeds, and brings the Land quickly to a fine light temper.

Other sorts of Land improveable by the Plough, are very good, Rich and mel­low Land. rich, mixed Land, and of a black mould,

Nigra fere & pinguis—
Optima frumentis—

Or of any other colour that hath lain long for Pasture, till it be over-grown with Moss, Weeds, or such-like, which will as soon grow on rich Lands as poor: To these Lands Ploughing is not only a Medicine or Cure, but raiseth an immediate Advantage, and much benefiteth the Land for the future; in case you take but a Crop or two at a time, and lay it down for Pasture again well soyled: or else sown with some of the New Grasses or Hays before named; but if not, yet only by soyling it the year before you lay it down, it may yield a very good Grass after the Corn is car­ried off, and soon come to a Sward. The Land is to be laid in height according as it is inclinable to Moisture or Drought. New broken Ground if it be sowen with Pease the first year, saves one ploughing, and a good part of the Herbage the Summer before; it also destroys the Weeds, and better prepares the Land for any other Grain.

In every part of England there is much Waste Land, and other Poor and bar­ren Land. old Pastures that bears the name of Barren Land, although for the most part by good Husbandry it may be reduced into Tillage, and become very fruitful and advantageous to the Husbandman in particular, and Commonwealth in general: As is evident in many particular parcels lately Enclosed, and taken out of the supposed barren Heaths and Commons, that are now fruitful Fields; there­fore before any thing considerable can be effected to the Improve­ment and right Ordering of these sorts of Land, the Designe of [Page 34] Enclosure ought to be seriously prosecuted; but for such that are already Enclosed, and yet remain barren and unfruitful, it is a manifest signe of the ill management of the Proprietors, or that the Tenant in possession hath but a short time, or that he is obli­ged not to alter the nature and order of the Ground; or (which is too common) that the present charge of good Husbandry, ex­ceeds an ill Husbands Store: His poor and beggarly Farm hath wasted what he hath, and he has no more to try new Conclusions withal: And in this condition is abundance of Land in this King­dom: barren Land, poor Cattle, and bad Corn, do insensibly as it were devour us; because once in five or seven years in a very wet Summer, or such-like, when the rich Vales suffer, these barren Lands yield a considerable Advantage, which as a Lottery, en­courages us to beggery.

The best and speediest way to reduce these Lands that have long lain untilled, and that have a Sward either of sowre Grass, or of Rushes, Weeds, or such-like, or of heathy Goss, Fern or Broom; by which means they have contracted an evil Juice, inju­rious to Vegetation, and withal a fertile Terrestrial Salt: the best way, I say, to improve and reduce these Lands into Tillage, is to burn▪boot, or denshire them, as is hereafter shewn; which way is used on the barrennest and poorest Lands in England or Wales, where before hardly any thing would grow, now will grow as good Wheat or other Grain, as on the best Land you have. Many Presidents hereof there are in several places of England, where in two or three years, by this only means the Husbandman gains as much above all expence, as the purchase of the Land was worth before. Observe only this Caution, That you be not too greedy to sowe it so often till you have drawn out the heart of the Land, which then it will easily yield, that it must lie rested many years, to gain a Sward again; Nor that you expend the Soil made of the Straw, on other Lands; which ill Husbandry is general­ly used, that it brings an ill name on this part of Improvement; which if well soyled and laid for Pasture, after two Crops will yield a very good Grass, as I have seen experienced, or else may be sowen with new Hays or Grasses.

SECT. II. Of Digging of Land for Corn.

The Spade seems to contend with the Plough for Antiquity; and it is the common Opinion, that it was in use before it; the Spade being the more plain and simple Instrument, and withal the laborious. The Plough seeming to be an Invention for expedition, ease and advantage, to which generally all New Inventions should tend; but that now at last the Spade should supplant the Plough, I see no reason; for as the one is necessary and useful for the better propa­gating of Plants that take deep root, so is the other as necessary and profitable for such that root more shallow, as Corn and Pulse [Page 35] usually do: Other differences seem to be in the loosening and tempering the ground for the Seeds, the better to extend and spread their Roots, and for the better burying and destroying the Weeds: These seem to be of greater Importance than the depth only; but all these by a Judicious and Industrious Husbandman are remedied and performed by the Plough as well as by the Spade: for if the depth of the mould will bear it, or the nature of the Seed you sowe requires it, a Double Plough, the one suc­ceeding Deep ploughing as good as digging. the other in depth, may be made; or the labour may be performed by two Ploughs, the one following the other in the same Furrow; but if a Plough be Artificially made, and set to work deep, although yon plough the less in a day, it will stir the Land deep enough for any of our usual Grain or Pulse: And as for breaking or tempering the Land, and destroying the Weeds, ploughing and cross ploughing at several seasons will do more, and at less expence, than once digging can do: And if you please you may draw over the same (before your last ploughing) a large kinde of Harrow very heavy, or with a sufficient weight on it, which in some places is usually called Dragging. This extremity is only necessary in some sorts of stiff Land, other lighter is much more easily managed. Mr. Platt in his Adams Tool Revived; or, His New Art of Setting Corn, where he so much contends for the Spade, gives this instance of the Plough, That a parcel of Land first cross ploughed with a deep-cutting Plough, and then ploughed over the third time with a shallow Plough, that made very close and nar­row Furrows, then was the Seed sown by a skilful Sower, and then harrowed over, yielded fifteen quarters on each Acre so Tilled and Sown. I presume if this Relation may upon experience prove true, that none will be so much conceited of a Novelty, as to de­sert this Method of Agriculture, for that tedious and costly way of the Spade: But in case it doth not Annually amount unto such a prodigious increase as this President, yet doth it plainly evidence that good Culture doth infinitely meliorate the Land, and advance the Crop, and manifoldly repay the expence and labour bestowed thereon; which is the most you can expect of the Spade.

SECT. III. Of the different Species of Grain, Corn, Pulse, &c. usually sown, or necessary to be propagated in our Country-Farm.

There is not any Grain more universally useful and necessary Wheat. than Wheat; whereof there are several sorts, some more agree­able and better thriving on some sort of Land than on other, that it conduceth much to the Husbandmans advantage rightly to under­stand the natural temper of his Land, and what Species of Grain, and particular sort of such Grain best agreeth with the nature of his Land: As some sorts of Land bear Pulses better than Corn, and some bear Barley better than Wheat, and some sorts of Wheat [Page 36] prove better on cold stiff Land, than on hot or dry, &c. We find many sorts of Wheat mentioned in our Rustick Authors, as Whole Straw-wheat, Rivet-wheat, white and red; Pollard-wheat, white and Kinds of Wheat. red, great and small; Turkey-wheat, Purkey-wheat, Gray-wheat, Flaxen-weat: I suppose the same in some places called Lammas-wheat, Chiltern, Ograve-wheat, Sarasins-wheat, with several o­ther Names, though it's probable may be the same sorts. The Great Pollard they say delights best on stiff Lands, and so doth the Ograve; Flaxen-wheat and Lammas on indifferent Land, and Sarasins-wheat on any. But what the different natures of these and other several sorts are, and in what Land they most principally delight, and the differences of their Culture, I leave to the more ingenious and expert Husbandman to finde out, and discover.

It is observed that the Bearded-wheat suffereth not by Mildew, because the Beard thereof is a kinde of defence to preserve it from Dew. Wheat is usually sown in the Autumn, and best in a wet sea­son; Triticum luto, hordeum pulvere conserite: and either earlier or later, as the nature of the Land, and scituation of the place re­quires.

This is another very necessary Grain, though usually converted Barley. to the worst use of any that grows in England: It is the principal Ingredient into our necessary Drink moderately used, but the use thereof in excess is become the most general raging Vice, and as it were the Primum Mobile to most other detestable Evils. It is also a Bane to Ingenuity, many of our best Mechanicks being too much addicted to the tincture of this Grain; nevertheless it so naturally delights in our meaner sort of Land, and in the Champion Coun­tries, that it's become a principal part of the Countrey-mans Til­lage, that the too great a quantity thereof doth impede the pro­pagation of several other Grains and Pulses much more necessary. Neither know I any way to remedy this Neglect on the one side, and Wilfulness on the other, unless the Designe of Enclosure might take effect; for then would the Lands be so much the more en­riched, that they would bear other Grain, to a greater advan­tage to the Husbandman than Barley; or that a double or treble Tax might be imposed on every Acre of Barley-land, for what it is on other Grain, which would provoke the Husbandman to that which would be most for his Advantage; then would there be a greater plenty of all other sorts of Grain and Pulse, and at a lower price, and only good Liquor a little the dearer, which may by House-keepers the easier be born withal.

The Seasons for sowing of Barley differ according to the nature of the Soil, and Scituation of the Place: Some sowe in March, some in April, others not until May, yet with good success; no certain Rule can be herein prescribed: it usually proves as the succeeding Weather happens, only a dry time is most kindly for the Seed.

There is little difference observed in Barley, only there is one Difference of Barley. sort called Rath-ripe Barley, which is usually ripe two or three weeks before the other, and delights best in some sorts of hot and dry Land.

This is a Grain generally known, and delighteth in a dry warm Rye. Land, and will grow in most sorts of Land, so that the Earth be well tempered and loose; it needeth not so rich a Ground, nor so much care nor cost bestowed thereon, as doth the Wheat; only it must be sowen in a dry time, for rain soon drowneth it: they usually say a shower of Rain will drown it in the hopper; Wet is so great an Enemy to it. It is quick of Growth, soon up after it is sowen, and sooner in the Ear, usually in April, and also sooner ripe than other Grain; yet in some places is it usual to sowe Wheat and Rye mixed, which grow together, and are reaped together; but the Rye must needs be ripe before the Wheat: Nei­ther can I discover where a greater advantage lies in sowing them together, than in sowing them apart. The principal season of sowing of Rye is in the Autumn about September, according as the season permits, and the nature of the Ground requires.

Oats are very profitable and necessary Grain, in most places of Oats. England: they are the most principal Grain Horses affect, and commended for that use above any other: On such Lands that by reason of the cold no other Grain will thrive, yet Oats grow there plentifully, as many places in Wales and Darby-shire can witness: there is no ground too rich nor too poor, too hot, nor too cold for them; they are esteemed a peeler of the Ground; the best season for sowing of them is in February or March. The white Oat is the best and heaviest Grain: The Meal makes good Bread, and much used for that purpose in many places, and also good Pottage, and several other Messes, and is in great request towards. Scotland and in Wales: Oaten Malt also makes good Beer.

It is a Grain exceeding advanteous on barren sandy Lands, Buck-wheat, or French-wheat. it is much sowen in Surrey; much less than any other Grain sowes an Acre: it is usually sowen as Barley, but later; it is also late ripe, and yields a very great increase, and is excellent food for Swine, Poultry, &c. after it is mowen it must lie several days till the stalks be withered before it be housed: Neither is there any danger of the seed falling from it.

Our Rustick Authors mention several other sorts of Corn or Other sorts of Grain. Grain, as Xea or Spelt-corn, Far, Millet, Sesame, Rice, &c. which I shall forbear to particularize on, until we are better satisfied of their natures and use, and experienced in the way or method of their propagation.

Of all Pulses that are sowen or propagated, Pease claim the Pease. preheminence, not only for their general use both by Sea and Land, both for man and beast, but also for the diversity of their kinds: Almost for every sort of Land and for every season a differ­ent sort of Pease; some are white Pease, some gray, green, &c. not necessary here to be enumerated, every understanding Hus­bandman knowing what sorts best accord with his Land. In a stiff fertile Ground they yield a very confiderable Crop, without such frequent Fallowings as other Grains requires, and destroy the Weeds, and fit and prepare the Land for After-crops, being [Page 38] an Improver, and not an Impoverisher of Land, as Husbandmen usually observe.

This also is of general use and benefit, and placed before any Beans. other Pulses by Pliny, for its commodiousness both for man and beast; yet we finde the Pease to be more universally propagated. Of Beans there are several sorts; the Great Garden-Beans, and mid­dle sort of Bean, and the small Bean, or Horse-bean: The later only is usually sowen in Ploughed Lands, and delights principally in stiff and strong ground, and thrives not in light, sandy, or bar­ren: They are proper to be sown in Land at the first breaking up, where you intend afterwards to sowe other Grain, because they destroy the Weeds, and improve the Land, as generally doth all other Cod-ware. Of the other sorts of Beans, and also of Pease, we shall say more hereafter in this Treatise.

The Citch or Fetch, whereof there are several sorts; but two of Fetches. most principal Note, the Winter and Summer-Fetch; the own sown before Winter, and abiding the extremity of the Weather; the other not so hardy, and sown in the Spring: they are much sown in some places, and to a very considerable Advantage: they are a good, strong and nourishing food to Cattle, either given in the Straw or without, and are propagated after the manner of Pease.

The least of all Pulses is the Lentil, in some places called Tills: Lentils. They are sown in ordinary ground, and require it not very rich. Of a very few sown on an Acre, you shall reap an incredible quan­tity; although they appear on the Ground but small, and lie in a little room in the Cart: they are a most excellent sweet Fodder, and to be preferred before any other Fodder or Pulse for Calves, or any other young Cattle.

This Pulse, though not used in this Country as ever I could un­derstand Lupines. (unless a few in a Garden) yet we finde them highly commended to be a Pulse requiring little trouble, and to help the Ground the most of any thing that is sown, and to be a good ma­nure for barren Land, where it thrives very well, as on sandy, gravelly, and the worst that may be, yea, amongst Bushes and Bryars. Sodden in water they are excellent Food for Oxen, and doubtless for Swine and other Cattle. If this be true, as proba­bly it seems to be, I admire this Plant should be so much negle­cted; but I may give you a more plenary and satisfactory Ac­compt of this and some other not usual Seeds and Pulses another time.

These are not usual in most places of England; but where they Tares. are sown they much benefit the Land as other Pulses, and are ra­ther to be preferred for Fodder than any other use they can be put unto.

There are several other Pulses or Seeds mentioned in our Au­thors, Other Pulses. as Fasels, Cich Peason, Wilde Tares, &c. which if carefully and ingeniously prosecuted might redound to the Husbandmans Advantage; and in the same manner might several other not yet brought into common use, although they might in all probabi­lity be as beneficial as those already in use.

SECT. IV. Of Hemp and Flax.

Within the compass of our Lands subject to the Culture of the Plough, may these two necessary and profitable Vegetables be propagated; requiring a competent proportion of Ground to raise a quantity sufficient to supply our ordinary occasions and ne­cessities; in defect whereof, and meerly through our own neglect and sloath, we purchase the greatest share of these Hempen and Flaxen Commodities we use from Strangers at a dear Rate, when we have room enough to raise wherewith of the same Commodi­ties to furnish them: But that (to our shame be it spoken) we prefer good Liquor, or at least the Corn that makes it, before any other Grain or Seed, although other may be propagated with greater facility, less hazard, and abundantly more advantageous, both to the Husbandman and Nation in general, than that.

I need not put Excuses into the Countrey-mens mouths, they Impediments to the sowing of Hemp and Flax. have enough for their grand Negligence in this principal part of Agriculture; but that I here propose them in hopes some Wor­thy Patriots will use their endeavours to remove these Impedi­ments.

1. The first and most grand Impediment to this Improvement, Want of Trade an Impediment. is want of Encouragement to Trade, or a right Constitution or Ordering of Employments for the Poor throughout the Coun­tries, which may be accomplished without charge (the common Remora to all Ingenuities) by granting some extraordinary Im­munities to certain Societies in several places convenient in every County to be established; which being the first and chiefest thing to be done, will almost of it self remove all other Impedi­ments.

2. The next is the defect of Experience; very few understand­ing Want of Expe­rience an Im­pediment. the way of Sowing, Gathering, Watering, Heckling, and other particular Modes in ordering these Commodities, nor yet the na­ture of the Ground either of them delights in: All which by the President and Example of some publique and ingenious Spirits, and by the constitution of a Trade to take off the said Commodi­ties to the Husbandmans Advantage, may easily be removed.

3. Another main Impediment to the Improvement and Propa­gation Tythes an Im­pediment. of these and several other Staple-Commodities, not yet brought into publike use and practice, is, that the Planter after he hath been at extraordinary Expence in Fertilizing, Tilling, and Planting his Land, and in preserving and advancing the Growth of such Commodities, not only the Profit of his Land, but also of all his Expence and Labour must be decimated; which in some years amounts to more than his own clear Profits; when before such Improvements made, little Tythe was paid, as for Pasture-Lands is usual; either a reservation to the Parson of what was for­merly paid out of such unimproved Lands, or a certain Modus de­cimandi, [Page 40] according to the nature of the Commodity planted, might prove a very great Encouragement to the Husbandman, an infinite Advantage to the Nation in general, and not the least in­jury or loss to the Clergy or Impropriator. Some other Impedi­ments there are, and also other Propositions might be made for the Advancement of this and several other Commodities, but they require more time to treat of, than in this place we may dispense withal.

Hemp delights in the best Land, warm and sandy, or a little Hemp. gravelly, so it be rich and of a deep Soil; cold Clay, wet and moorish is not good: It is good to destroy Weeds on any Land. The best Seed is the brightest, that will retain its colour and sub­stance in Rubbing: three Bushels will sowe an Acre; the richer the Land, the thicker it must be sown; the poorer, the thinner: from the beginning to the end of April is the time of sowing, according as the Spring falls out earlier or later; it must be carefully preser­ved from Birds, who will destroy many of the Seeds.

The Season of Gathering of it is first about Lammas, when a good part of it will be ripe, that is the lighter Summer-hemp that bears no Seed, and is called the Fimble-hemp, and the Stalk grows white; and when it is ripe it is most easily discernable, which is about that season to be pulled forth and dried, and laid up for use; you must be cautious of breaking what you leave, lest you spoil it: you must let the other grow till the Seed be ripe, which will be about Michaelmas, or before; and this is usually called the Karle-Hemp. When you have gathered and bound it up in bundles, in Bonds of a yard compass (the Statute-measure) you must stack it up, or house it till you thrash out the Seed. An Acre of Hemp may be worth unwrought from five to eight pound; Value of Hemp. if wrought up, to ten or twelve pound or more; and is a very great succour to the poor, the Hempen Harvest coming after o­ther Harvests: And then in the bad, wet, and Winter-seasons it affords continual employment to such also that are not capable of better.

But for the Method and right way of Watering, Pilling, Brea­king, Tewtawing, &c. I shall leave you to such that are experien­ced therein, finding no certain Rules left us by our Rustick Au­thors.

This is also a very excellent Commodity, and the Tilling and Flax. Ordering thereof a very good piece of Husbandry; it will thrive in any good sound Land be it in what Country soever, but that is best that hath layen long unploughed: the best Land yields the best Flax, and raises the greatest Improvement. The Land must be well ploughed, and laid flat and even, and the Seed sown in a warm season, about the middle or end of March, or at farthest in the beginning of April. If it should come a wet season, it would require weeding.

The best Seed is that which comes from the East Countrey, al­though Best Seed. it cost dear, yet it will easily repay the Charge, and will last indifferent well two or three Crops, then it's best to renew it [Page 41] again: Of the best Seed two Bushels may serve on an Acre, but more of our English Seed, because it groweth smaller. You must be sure to sowe it on good Land, because it robs the ground much and burneth it, as anciently it was observed by Virgil, Ʋrit enim lini Campum Seges, but it liberally repayeth it.

You must be careful that it grow not till it be over-ripe, nor to gather it before it be ripe; the ripeness is best known by the Seed; at the time let the Pluckers be nimble, and tie it up in hand­fulls, and set them up until they be perfectly dry, and then house it.

An Acre of good Flax on the Ground may be worth, if it be of Value of Flax: the best Seed, from seven to twelve pound, yea far more; but if it be wrought up fit to sell in the Market, it may come to fifteen or twenty pound.

As for the Watering, Drying, Breaking, and Tewtawing, as we said before of Hemp, we must refer to those that are better expe­rienced therein.

SECT. V. Of Woad, &c.

This is a very rich Commodity, and worthy to be taken notice of by the Husbandman; it requires a very rich Land, sound and warm, saith Mr. Blith: But I have seen it usually planted upon an ordinary Ground, but warm and light, and in good heart, having long rested, and but new broken up: it robs Land much, being long continued upon it; yet moderately used, it prepares Land for Corn, abating the overmuch Fertility thereof, and draws a dif­ferent Juyce for what the Corn requires: the Land must be finely ploughed and harrowed for this Seed, whereof about four Bushels will sowe an Acre; it must be finely harrowed, and all Clots, Stones, Turfs, &c. picked away and laid on heaps, as is usual in Woad-Lands, then it is to be continually weeded till the Leaves cover the Ground; and when the Leaves are grown fair and large, then set to cutting, and so throughout the Summer, that you may have five or six Crops, and sometimes but three in one year of Woad: what grows in Winter, Sheep will eat.

The time for sowing of Woad is in the middle and end of March.

When it is cut, it must be immediately carried to the Mill. The manner whereof, with the right ordering of Woad, and of all o­ther necessary circumstances relating thereto, is best learned of an experienced Workman, which is easily obtained.

To take it in the very season is a fundamental Piece, which is To know when it is full ripe. when the Leaf is come to its full growth, and retains its perfect colour and lively greenness; then speedily cut it, that it fade not, nor wax pale before you have cut your Crop.

The two first Crops are the best, which are usually mixed toge­ther in the seasoning; the later Crops are much worse, which if [Page 42] either are mixed with the former, they mar the whole.

It is a Staple Commodity for the Dyers Trade, and is very ad­vantageous Profit of Woad. to the Husbandman; it more than doubleth the Rent of his Land, sometimes it quadruples it: it hath been sold from 6 l. to 30 l. the Tun.

The planting and propagating whereof is esteemed another ex­cellent Rape and Cole-Seed. piece of Husbandry and Improvement for Land, and more especially on Marsh-Land, Fen-Land, or newly recover­ed Sea-lands, or any Land rank and fat, whether Arable or Pa­sture.

The Cole-Seed is esteemed the best, the biggest and fairest also that you can get: let it be dry and of a clear colour, like the best Onyon-Seed; it is usually brought from Holland.

It is to be sown at or about Mid-summer: you must have your Land ploughed very well, and laid even and fine, and then sowe it; about a Gallon will sowe an Acre: the Seed must be mixed with some other matter, as before we directed about Clover-Grass Seed, for the more even dispersing thereof.

When the one half of the Seed begins to look brown, it's time to reap it, which must be done as you usually do Wheat, and lay it two or three handfuls together till it be dry, and that through-dry too, which will be near a fortnight ere it be dry enough; it must not be turned nor touched, if it be possible, lest you shed the Seed: it must be gathered on Sheets, or large Sayl-clothes, and so carried into the Barn or Floor very large, to be immediately thrashed out.

The main Benefit is in the Seed: If it be good, it will bear five Profit thereof. quarters on an Acre, and is worth usually four shillings the Bu­shel, sometimes more and sometimes less; the greater your parcel is, the better price you will have. It is used to make Oyl thereof; it thrives best on moist Land, it cannot be too rank; it fits the Land for Corn, &c. Thus far hath Mr. Blith delivered; little else is written of this Seed, therefore we leave it to the more experien­ced persons.

Although this be a Plant usually nourisht in Gardens, and be Turneps. properly a Garden-Plant, yet it is to the very great Advantage of the Husbandman sown in his Fields in several forein places, and also in some parts of England, not only for Culinary uses, as about London and other great Towns and Cities, but also for Food for Cattle, as Cows, Swine, &c. They delight in a warm, mellow, and light Land, rather sandy than otherwise, not coveting a rich Mould. The Ground must be finely ploughed and harrowed, and then the Seed sown, and raked in with a Bush, or such-like. They are sown at two Seasons of the year; in the Spring with other the like Kitchin-Tillage, and also about Midsummer, or after, in the Harlib's Lega­cie. Fields for the use of Cattle, or any other use. In Holland they slice their Turneps with their tops, and Rape-seed Cakes, and Grains, &c. and therewith make Mashes for the Cows, and give it them warm, which the Cows will eat like Hogs.

Cows and Swine also will eat them raw, if they are introduced [Page 43] into the dyet, by giving the Turneps first boyled unto them, and then only scalded, and afterwards they will eat them raw.

It is also reported, that at Rouen they boyl Turneps with the Leaves on them till they be tender, and add thereto Wheaten-bran, and of the Cakes of Rape-seed or Lin-seed, all which hath a singular faculty of fatting Cattle (but for Milch-beasts they put less of the Seeds:) this they give twice a day, and is the most part of their Feeding for the Winter only.

It is a very great neglect and deficiencie in our English Husban­dry, that this particular Piece is no more prosecuted, seeing that the Land it requires need not be very rich, and that they may be sown as a second Crop also, especially after early-Pease; and that it supplies the great want of Fodder that is usual in the Winter, not only for fatting Beasts, Swine, &c. but also for our Milch-Kine.

SECT. VI. Of Setting of Corn.

Besides the usual manner of sowing of Corn, are there several other ways of dispersing it, as by setting, and howing of it in, &c. This Art of setting Corn seems to be very Ancient, as ap­pears by Virgil, Ʋnguibus infodiunt & ipsis fruges—and hath been a long time attempted to be brought into practice again, as appears by Mr. Platt's Adams Tool Revived, Printed in the year 1600. where he doth very ingeniously describe not only the way, but the great advantage that accrews by this then new Discovery: The first part thereof giving you the reason why Corn sown in the common way yields not so great an increase as it doth by being set; then he shews you the manner of digging the Land where you are to set your Corn (whereof we have spoken before) then he proceeds to the Description of his Instruments, whereof some are only many pins set at a convenient distance in a Board, which compressed on the Earth make so many holes wherein the Wheat-grains are to be dropt one by one: but be­cause these are very unnecessary and troublesome, and that there are newer and better ways found out, I shall decline any further discourse about them. Also he gives you the distance and depth; where he observes, that at three Inches distance and three Inches depth there hath grown thirty Quarters of Wheat on an Acre of Ground, and that four Inches in depth and di­stance hath yielded but twenty Quarters: he also speaks of five Inches in depth, and five in distance: It's probable the diversity of the Land, or of these years wherein the experiments were proved, might beget some differences. Afterwards he adviseth in barren Lands to fill up the holes with some good mixture or fat Com­post, or to imbibe the Grain you set therewith; whereof more hereafter.

Then Mr. Gabriel Platt succeeds with his newer and better Discovery of infinite Trea­sure. composed Method of setting Corn, whereby he pretends to re­medy all the Inconveniences of the former way, by his two new invented Engines, the one for the more expeditious setting of the Corn, the other for the laying up the Land on Ridges, just on the tops of the rows of Corn, that neither surplusage of moi­sture might annoy it, nor frost in Winter kill it; which way pre­vents the laying the Land in high Ridges before sowing: Nei­ther need the Land be digged, only ploughed, harrowed, and then set.

The description of which Engine for the setting of Corn he Description of Mr. Platts Engine for set­ting Corn. gives you in these words: ‘Let there be two boards of equal breadth boared with wide holes at four inches distance, and be set in a Frame of two Foot high, the one from the other; then let there be a Funnel for every hole made of thin boards, a­bout two Inches square: Then for the top let there be two thin boards of equal breadth boared likewise, whereof the upper­most is to be boared with an hot Iron, with holes longer the one way than the other, and is to be of such a thickness, that but one Corn only can lie in the hole: The other board is to be boared with wide holes, and to be loose, that while the En­gine is charged, the holey part may be under the holes of the up­permost board; and when the holes in the Earth are made by the Nether-works, then to be moved, so that all the Corns may drop down.’

‘And for charging, a little Corn being swept up and down by a Broom or a Brush, will fill the holes; and if any miss, the workman may put in here and there an odd Corn with his fin­gers, and then moving the second Board till the holes be an­swerable, all the Corns will drop down at an instant; then let a large ledge be set about the top of the Engine to keep the Corn from spilling; and so is the upper-part thereof made: And as for the Nether-work, it is somewhat more chargeable and intricate; for there must be for every hole a little socket of brass, cast with a Verge to nail unto the Nether-board about the hole, which must be turned; and boared all of one wideness to an hairs-breadth, and must be wide above, and streight be­low like a Faucet: Then there must be Iron pins of five inches long, of great thick Iron-wyer, drawn so fit, that no earth can come into the brass-sockets. Now to make these play up and down at pleasure, is the greatest skill in the whole work, and there is no other way but that which is here described. There must be for every wooden Funnel a piece of Iron forged flat with a hole in the middle, edge-wise, which through two slits in the nether-part, must play up and down, through which a brass-nail must be fastned, cast with an head, contrary to other nails, bowing downwards, to which the Iron-pins must be fast­ned with wyers, and so thrust down and plucked up at pleasure; And then every end of the flat pieces of Iron must be fastned into a piece of Wood, of such thickness, that two thereof may [Page 45] fill up the distance between the rows of the wooden Funnels. These may be made to play up and down like Virginal-Jacks; and when they are lifted up, then the brass Funnels being wi­der above than below, give leave for the Corn to fall into the holes all at an instant. These Jacks must be fastned together, the two first on either side of the wooden Funnels, then so ma­ny together as the weight of the workmen is able to thrust down to make the holes: And there must be a stay to hold up the Jacks at pleasure when they are lifted up again to such an al­titude, as that the Corns may descend by them into the holes: And the bottom of the Iron-pins must be flat, and by that means they will not be so apt to draw up the Earth into the Funnels; also the roots of the Corn will spread better, and bring a greater increase, if the ground be sadned a little in the bottom of every hole: And the tops of the Iron-pins must like­wise be flat, and hang a little loose in the wyers; else if any of the brass-sockets get a little wrench, they will not be drawn through, because the holes must be streight. Though the ma­king of this Engine be somewhat chargeable and troublesom, yet if skilful men first break the Ice, then it will be common, and the most profitable Invention that ever was found out: and the top of the Engine must be ledged about with large ledges to to keep the Corn from spilling; so will a quart or two of Corn serve a good while, and must be renewed upon occasion. Also if the slits in the Funnels be lined with Iron, the work will be more durable.’

‘But lest the charge of this Engine, together with the diffi­culty The second En­gine. of getting it, may be a hinderance to the work intended, our Author adds a description of a more easie way (as he suppo­seth) for the poorer sort, which is subject to the capacity of e­very ordinary workman, and is made of Wood only without either Brass or Iron. But he further tells you, these Engines will not endure like the other; besides, there must be four workmen, because the Engine must be made of two parts, the one to go before and make the holes, and the other to come af­ter and drop in the Corn. This last must not differ a whit from the upper-part of the former, only it must have four feet like tops, in the four corners, which must be set right in the holes, which are made by the other part which goeth before, which likewise must have four such feet to leave an impression when it is removed forward, whereby the second may be rightly pla­ced, so that the Corns or Grains may fall right into every hole. That part which must make the holes is to be made of two boards of equal breadth to the other, and must be boared full of holes, of equal distance likewise; the wooden pins must be greater than those of Iron, because the holes will need to be somewhat large and wide, and they must be fast in the upper-board, and loose in the nether-board.’

The reason whereof, is I suppose, that the lower board should be kept down whilest the pras be drawn out of the earth, that the earth fall not into the holes. And if the Engine be large, as this way it may be larger than the other, by reason that it is easilier lifted and removed, be­ing [Page 46] in two parts, then the upper-part must be slit, and divided into so many parts, that the weight of the workmen by tread­ing upon them, may press them down to make the holes: and though this way will require four workmen, yet the charge will not be double, nor much more than the former way, by reason that the workmen may go forward with more expedi­tion, and may set a broader compass of Ground at one time.’

Thus far hath Mr. Gabriel Platt proceeded in his description of his Instruments, which are the most accurate and ingenious that we find publish'd. I have given it you verbatim, lest any mistake might be imputed to the Relator. To ingenious men it is plain e­nough, but to others this and every thing else besides the plain Dunstable-road is intricate. Capiat qui capere potest. Let such make use of it that are willing to promote Ingenuity: it's probable it may succeed, according to his designe, and your expectation; if not, by the Errors of these and such-like, you may discover some bet­ter and more facile way to accomplish this Enterprise: Facile est addere Inventis. Let not a few Errors or mistakes, or bad success, discourage any man in a designe of so great and publike concern­ment, and experimented at so easie an expence.

But lest any should be over-confident in these Engines, and Errors in these Engines. spend much time and some cost on their preparation, and not im­mediately find them to respond to his expectation, which might beget a Prejudice not only against this, but all other ways e­steemed Novel (for such that are over-earnest to accomplish any designe, in case it succeed not, are sooner prejudiced against it than those that undertake it with more Caution) I shall discover such Inconveniences and Errors that you may probably meet with­al in this way Mr. Platt describes.

1. Men, not Children nor Women are capable of this Employ­ment, that it will be very difficult to procure Setters for any great quantity, the work being so tedious, and so many required to per­form it: Such Inventions being to be preferred, that are most uni­versal, most easie, and performed in less time and with less expence.

2. In hard, stiff, clay-ground, or any other after rain, holes will be very troublesome to make; the pins going down-right, and rising perpendicularly again, will bring up much of the Earth with them, that it will be an intolerable trouble to keep the pins clean, and the holes open.

3. In stony Land, or where roots of trees, &c. annoy the ground, this Engine will be useless; for if one straw hinder one pin, the rest cannot enter.

4. The pins must be very thick and near together, else if any of the Corn be injured by worms, frost, &c. your Crop will be de­fective.

All which Inconveniences and Errors are remedied and pre­vented Howing in of Corn commen­ded. by howing in of Corn by hand in rows, both for the saving of Corn, and conveniencie of weeding, and for the bet­ter encrease at the harvest, far beyond what can be expected the [Page 47] common way: Also it is of much less expence than the setting Hartlib 's Le­gacie. Engine.

These several ways are all that we find as yet discovered, and these also for what I can understand but little practised, at least for Corn; but for Pease it is usual, especially the better sort of Pease, to be howed in as Mr. Hartlib prescribes, and that to a ve­ry considerable advantage: Also I have caused the best sort of Pease to be set as Beans in double rows at a good distance, with admirable success. The same Method is used at this day about Godalming in Surrey.

But to remedy and remove all manner of Errors or Inconve­niences that can be found in setting or howing in of Corn, I shall here give you a plain and perfect description of an easie and fea­sible Instrument that shall disperse your Corn, Grain, or Pulse, of what kinde soever, at what distance and in what proportion you please to designe, and that with very great expedition, and very little extraordinary charge, expence, or hazard.

[instrument to disperse corn or grain]

First, Make a Frame of Timber of about two or three Inches square, the breadth of the Frame about two foot, the height a­bout eighteen inches, the length about four foot, more or less as you please; place this Frame on two pair of ordinary Wheels like Plough-wheels. The Axletree of the two foremost Wheels is to lock to either side as doth the fore Axletree of a Waggon, for reasons hereafter shewn; the hindermost Axeltree being of I­ron, and square in the middle, must be fixed to the Centre of the Wheels, that the Axes and Wheels may move together: Then a­bout the middle of the Frame in the bottom let there be fixed an Iron-Instrument, or of Wood pointed with Iron, like unto a Coulter, made a little spreading at the bottom in the nature of a Share, made to pass through two Mortoises on the top for its greater strength, and made also to be wedged higher or lower ac­cording [Page 48] as you will have your furrow in depth; the use whereof is only to make the furrow so that you must make the point thereof of breadth only to move the Earth, and cast it or force it on ei­ther side, that the Corn may fall to the bottom of the furrow; then over this Share or Coulter, a little behinde it may a Wooden-pipe be made to come from the top of the Frame to the lower end of the Share, tapering downwards, and as near as you can to the Share, to deliver the Corn immediately as the ground is opened, and before any Earth falls in, that what Earth doth afterwards fall in, it may fall on the Corn. This Pipe is to proceed out of a large Hopper fixed on the top of the Frame, that may contain about a Bushel more or less, as you think fit; but that the Corn may gra­dually descend, according to the quantity you intend to bestow on an Acre, at the very neck of the Hopper, underneath in the square hollows thereof, must be fitted in the edge of a Wheel of Wood, about half an Inch thick, and proportionable to the cavi­ty of the neck; the Wheel need not be above two or three Inches Diameter, and fixed on an Axis extending from one side of the Frame to the other; on which Axis is also to be another Wheel with an edge on the Circumference thereof like the wheel of a Spit or Jack, which must answer to another Wheel of the like nature & form fixed on the Axis of the hindermost Wheels; then fit a Line (of silk is best, because it will not be so apt to shrink and reach as Hemp) about these two Wheels, that when the Instrument moves on the hindermost Wheels by the means of the line, the small Wheel at the neck of the Hopper may also move; which lesser Wheel in the neck of the Hopper may have short pieces of thick Leather fixed in the Circumference thereof like unto the teeth of a Jack-wheel, that upon its motion it may deduce the Corn out of the Hopper, in what proportion you please; for in case it comes too fast, then may you by a wedge at the Tenon of the piece whereon the Hopper rests, or at the end of the Axis of the lesser Wheel, like as in a Querne, force the Wheel and Hopper together; and in case it feeds too slow, then may you remove them by the same wedges to a further distance: also in case your line be too slack or too hard, you may prevent either extreme by a wedge in the place where the Axis of the wheels moves, or by a third Wheel about the middle of the line made to move further or nearer as you see cause.

One Horse and one Man may work with this Instrument, and The more par­ticular use and benefit of this Instrument. sowe Land as fast or faster than six Horses can Plough, so that you may with ease compute the expence, in case your Instrument be single; but you may in the same Frame have two Shares at twelve inches distance more or less, as you will have the rows of Corn di­stant 1 As to time. the one from the other; and two Pipes out of the same Hop­per, and two small Wheels on the same Axis, with other Wheels answerable, every whit as easie to be performed as one, and then may you double your proportion of Land in a day.

This Instrument will always keep the same proportion you first set him to, which you must thus contrive: First know the length 2. Equality of Seed. [Page 49] of the Furrow you sowe, then cast up how many of these Furrows at such distance your Instrument is made for (whether a foot more or less) will amount unto an Acre; then conclude how much to sowe on an Acre; as suppose a Bushel, then divide that Bushel in­to so many parts as you have furrows or distances in that Acre: then take one or two of those parts, and put into your Hopper, and observe whether it will hold out or super-abound at the end of one or two Furrows, and accordingly proceed and rectifie the Feeder; or you may judge by your own reason, whether it feed too fast or too slow.

In case it feeds too fast, notwithstanding they be close placed 3 Rectification of the Feeder. together, then you may make that Wheel at the lower Axis, wherein the Line moves, to be less than the upper, then will the motion be slower: And thus may you make it move as slow as you will, by augmenting the upper, and diminishing the lower Wheels wherein the Line is, and make it move faster by the con­trary Rule.

In case you drive apace, it feeds apace; in case you drive but 4 No difference in driving fast or slow. slow, it feeds but slowly: here is no error.

When you come to any turning at the Lands-end, by lifting up 5 No loss of Seed. the hindermost part of the Instrument, that those Wheels touch not the ground, the feeding of the Corn immediately ceaseth un­til you set it down again.

Also all the Corn you sowe lies at one certain depth, none too deep [...], nor any too shallow.

You may place a small kinde of Harrow to follow, but the best 6 Needs no harrowing. way is to have on each side each Furrow a piece of wood a little broad at the end, set aslope to force the Earth rounding on the Corn; this may well be placed and fitted to the bottom of this Instrument just behinde the Share and Feeding-pipe.

By this Method of Sowing, any sort of Grain or Pulse may be General Ad­vantages of this Instrument. saved the one half, and in some places more, which by the other way is either buried so deep under Clots, that it cannot come up, or else is so shallow that the Cold in the Winter, or Drought in the Summer killeth it, or else lies on the Surface as a prey to the Fowls of the Air: Much also thereof falls in clusters, twenty or thirty Grains where one or two might suffice, which are common Inconveniences, and usually happening to the vulgar way of sow­ing Corn, the greater half by far is lost, which in all probability may be saved by the use of this very Instrument, which will dou­bly requite the extraordinary charge and trouble thereof; for here is no Corn sowed under Clots but in Rows, as the Earth is stirred and moved: it is all at one certain depth, and at one cer­tain distance, and equally covered, below the injury of Frost, and Heat, and Rapine of Birds. Also by this way the Corn may be sown in the very middle or convenient depth of the mould, that it may have the strength of the Land both below and above the Root, which in the other more usual way the Corn falls to the bottom of the Furrow on the Gravel, Clay, or such-like hard Ground, that it seldom thrives so well as what happens to be in [Page 50] the midst. This way also exceeds the way of Setting Corn, where the Pins thrust into the Ground hardens and fastens the mould, that unless the Land be very light, it confines the Roots to too narrow a place, which in this way is prevented, as I have lately observed in Garden-beans, that those howed in, prove better than those set with a stick.

By the use of this Instrument also may you cover your Grain or Pulse with any rich Compost you shall prepare for that purpose, either with Pigeon-dung dry or granulated, or any other Saline or Lixivial Substance, made disperseable, which may drop after the Corn, and prove an excellent Improvement; for we finde ex­perimentally that Pigeons-dung sown by the hand on Wheat or Barley mightily advantageth it by the common way of Husban­dry; much more then might we expect this way, where the dung or such-like substance is all in the same Furrow with the Corn, where the other vulgar way a great part thereof comes not near it.

It may either be done by having another Hopper on the same Frame behind that for the Corn, wherein the Compost may be put and made to drop successively after the Corn; or it may be sown by another Instrument to follow the former, which is the better way, and may both disperse the Soil, and cover both Soil and Seed.

The Corn also thus sown in Ranges you may with much more conveniencie go between, and either weed it or howe it, and earth it up as you think good, and at Harvest will easily repay the Charges.

Also the Fore-wheels being made to lock to and fro on either side; you may have an upright Iron-pin fixed to the middle of the Axis extended to the top of the Frame; and from thence a small Rod of Iron to come to your hand, with a crooked neck just a­gainst the neck of the Hopper; by means of which Iron-rod you may lock or turn the Wheels either way, and guide your Instru­ment, and rectifie it, if it deviate out of its right course.

The Hopper must be broad and shallow, that the Seed press not much harder when it is full, than when it is near empty, lest it sowe not proportionably.

This Instrument, although it may at the first seem mysterious and intricate to the ignorant, yet I am very confident it will an­swer to every particular of what I have written of it; and any in­genious Wheel-wright, Joyner or Carpenter may easily make the same with very little Instruction, and any ordinary Plough-man may use it.

If your Land be either near the Water, or Clay, or Sand, Rock, Another excel­lent Advan­tage of this In­strument. Gravel, &c. it is not then convenient to sowe the Corn within the Land, because it may not have depth for rooting: By this Instru­ment may you then by placing the Share near the top of the Land, only to remove as it were the Clots, &c. drop your Seed in rows, and by certain Phins or pieces of Wood or Iron, made flat at the end, and a little sloping, set on each side such Rows of Corn or [Page 51] Grain, the Earth may be cast over it and laid in Ridges, above the ordinary level of the Land; which way I have proved to be very advantageous to Beans laid on a shallow Ground, and covered over, &c.

SECT. VII. Of the General Ʋses of Corn, Grain, Pulse, and other Seeds propagated by the Plough.

This is the most general Grain used here in England for Bread, Use of Wheat. although it be not unfit for most of the uses the other Grains are fit for: As for Beer, the best Beer to keep hath usually a propor­tion of Wheat added to the Malt; and the Bran also of Wheat a little thereof boyled in our ordinary Beer, maketh it mantle or flower in the Cup when it is poured out; which sheweth with what a rich spirit Wheat is endowed withal, that so much re­mains in the very Bran. Also Starch is made of musty and un­wholesome Wheat, and of the Bran thereof, than which there are few things whiter.

Its principal Use is for the making of Beer, being the sweetest Of Barley. and most pleasant Grain for that purpose; it is also one of the best Grains for fatting of Swine, especially being either boyled till it be ready to break, with no more water than it drinks up; or ground in a Mill, and wet into a Paste, or made into a Mesh, ei­ther way it produces most excellent sweet Bacon.

Its general Use is for Bread, either of it self or mixed with Of Rye. Wheat; it makes Bread moist, and gives it a very pleasant taste to most Appetites. I know no other particular use thereof (it being not universally propagated) only it's reported that it yields great store of Spirit or Aqua vitae.

This is the only Grain for a Horse, and best agrees with that Of Oats. Beast of any other, and in which the Horse most delighteth; and is a constant food either for Bread, Cakes, or Oatmeal to the Scots, and several Northern places in England, and in some part of Wales. Oats also will make indifferent good Malt, and a little thereof in strong Beer to be kept, is usual. They are a Grain that Poultrey also love to feed on, and it makes them lay store of Eggs above what other Grain doth.

The common Use of Pulses are generally known, as well for Of Pulses. Men as Beasts; but there are several that pretend to extract from them excellent Liquors, and distil very good Spirits or Aqua Vi­tae, without maulting, as one (in a certain Tract published by Mr. Hartlib) pretends, that Rye, Oats, Pease, and the like inferior sort of Grains, handled as Barley until it sprout, needing not for this work to be dried, but beaten and moistened with its own Liquor, and soundly fermented, will yield a monstrous increase. He also affirms, that out of one Bushel of good Pease will come of Spirit at the least two Gallons or more, which will be as strong as the strongest Anniseed-Water usually sold in London: this he affirms to [Page 52] be of the least. He afterwards in the same Tract gives the parti­lar Process, which is thus:

Let Pease be taken and steeped in as much Water as will cover them, till they swell and Corn, and be so ordered as Barley is for Maulting; only with this difference, that for this work if they sprout twice as much as Barley doth in Maulting, 'tis the better. The Pease thus sprouted, if beaten small, which is easily done they being so tender, put into a Vessel and stopt with a Bung and Rag, as usually, these will ferment; and after two, or three, or four Months, if distilled, will really perform what before is pro­mised.

Thus (he also adds) may a Spirit or Aqua Vitae be made out of any green growing thing, Roots, Berries, Seeds, &c. which are not oyly.

Also that the Spirit which is made out of Grain not dried into Mault, is more pleasant than the other.

It is not unlikely that Grain may afford its tincture, and that excellent Beer or Ale may be made thereof without Maulting: but these things require in another place to be treated of; and also of the different ways of Fermenting Liquors, which we refer to another time and place.

Hemp-seed is much commended for the feeding of Poultrey The uses of Hemp-seed, Flax-seed, Rape and Cole-seed. and other Fowl, so that where plenty thereof may be had, and a good return for Fowl, the use thereof must needs be advanta­geous, ordered as you shall finde hereafter when we treat of Poultrey.

Flax-seed or Lin-seed, Rape and Cole-seed, are generally made use of for the making of Oyl.

Of the Preservation of Corn.

The Preservation of Corn when it is plenty and good, is of ve­ry great advantage to the Husbandman, and the Kingdom in ge­neral; for in scarce and dear years the Husbandman hath little to sell to advance his Stock, and the Buyers are usually furnished with musty and bad Corn, from Forein parts, or from such that were ignorant of the ways to preserve it.

Therefore in cheap years it will be very necessary to make use of some of these ways for the storing up your Plenty of Corn, a­gainst a time of Scarcity.

The way of making of it up in Reecks, on Reeck-stavals, set on On Reeck-sta­vals. stones that the Mice may not come at it, is usual and common.

But Corn thrashed and clean winnowed is apt to be musty, there­fore Corn laid up with Chaff. some advise that you lay up your Corn in the Chaff in large Granaries made for that purpose secure from the Mice; and when you use or sell it, then to winnow it.

Also it is advised to mix Beans with Corn, and that it will pre­serve Corn laid up with Beans. it from heating and mustiness. It is probable that if the Beans be well dried on a Kiln it may succeed, for then will they attract all superfluous moisture unto them, which is the only cause of [Page 53] the injury to the Corn: for in Egypt where it is so dry, Corn will keep in open Granaries many years, as in Pharaoh's time. The Beans are easily separated afterwards from the Corn.

It is also reported, that pieces of Iron, Flints, Pebles, &c. mix­ed Iron, stones, &c mixed with Corn. with Corn, preserves it from heating; which may be true, for it is usual to set a stick an end in Corn, only to give passage for the Air to prevent heating. A large Granary also full of square woo­den pipes, full of small holes, may keep long from heating, though not so well as the Chaff, Beans, &c.

Also some have had two Granaries, the one over the other, and A double Gra­nary, one over the other. filled the upper, which had a small hole in the bottom, that the Corn by degrees, like Sand in an Hour-glass, hath fallen into the lower; and when it was all in the lower, they removed it into the upper, and so kept it in continual motion: which is a good way also to preserve it.

SECT. VIII. Of the Preparation of the Seed.

The greatest part of Vegetables, and more especially those whereof we have before treated, are propagated of Seed, which included in a very small shell, skin, or husk, containeth the very Quintessence of the Plant that produced it, and is as it were the Life and Spirit of the Vegetable, coagulated into a small compass. Ete­nim [Natura] è tota Plantae mole nobiliores & maximè activas Dr. Willis de Fermentatione. particulas segregat, easque cum pauxillo terrae & aquae simul colle­ctas, in Semina velut Plantae cujusvis quintas essentias efformat; interim truncus, folia, caules, & reliqua Plantae membra, principiis activis, pene orbata, valdè depauperantur, ac minoris efficaciae ac virtutis existunt. This Seed or Spirit of the Plant being cast into its proper Matrix or Menstruum, in its proper time, doth attract unto its self its proper nourishment or moisture, which by its own strength or power it doth ferment, and transmute that which was before another thing, now into its own being, substance or nature, and thereby doth dispand its self, and encrease into the form and matter by Nature designed. A more Philosophick Definition and Dissection of the nature of the Seed and Vegetation, we will leave to the more Learned, and content our selves in our Rural Habita­tion with so much of the understanding thereof, as shall guide us unto the Discovery and Application of what may be this proper Menstruum wherein each Seed most rejoyceth in, and with most delight attracteth; for it is most evident, that every Seed as it differs in nature from another, so it requires a different nourish­ment. For we perceive that in the same Land one sort of Seed will thrive where another will not, according to the Proverb, Ones Meat is anothers Poyson; and that any sort of Grain or Seed will in time extract and diminish such Nutriment that it most de­lights in. Which is the cause that our Husbandmen do finde so Change of Seed an Improve­ment. great an Advantage and Improvement by changing their Seed, [Page 54] especially from that Land which is often tilled, which they call Hook-Land, into Land newly broken; and from dry, barren, and hungry Land, to rich and fat Land; also from Land inclining to the South, to Land inclining to the North, & è contra; all which produce a good Improvement. As Cattle that are taken out of short, sour, and bad Pasture, and put into good sweet Pasture, thrive better than such that are not so exchanged. After the same manner it is with Trees removed out of bad Ground into good; all which are manifest Signes that there is some particular thing wherein each Seed delights: which if we did but understand, we might properly apply it, and gain Riches and Honour to our selves; but because we are ignorant thereof, and are content so to remain, we will make use of such Soyls, Dungs, Composts, and other Preparations and Ways of Advancement of the Growth of Vegetables, as are already discovered and made use of, and shall here give unto the Reader the several Ways and Methods we finde dispersed in our Rustick Authors for the imbibition of the Seed, which hath been long attempted, and many ways tried; but most of them have fallen short of the expectation of the Experimenters, because they neither took the right Matter, nor observed the right manner of the Operation. As according to some Authors Steeping of Corn in Dung-water. you are prescribed to steep your Corn in Dung-water, or Water wherein Cow-dung hath lain some time, which its probable may be some, though little advantage to the Corn.

Then in one of the same Authors are ye commended to an Ex­periment better than the former, That whereas before you steep­ed your Corn in the Water which had sucked out the strength and salt of the Dung, you must now mingle your Dung, your Water and your Corn together, and stir them one whole hour at the least; also in the evening stir them again for half an hour or more, let them stand together all night, and the next day at some tap draw away the Water, then mingle the Corn and Dung throughly well together, and after sowe the Dung and Corn so mixed in a barren and hungry mould, and you shall have (saith mine Author) as rich a Crop, as if the Ground it self had been dunged before; he giveth also a Probatum est unto it.

The same Sir Hugh Platt gives you a process of steeping Corn Adam 's Tool Revived. out of Johannes Baptista Porta, which he pretends to cause a wonderful encrease, and at least five for one above the accustom­ed yield, which is, To take the Corn out of the middle of the Ear, and bathe it in sweet Oyntment made with the fat of old Goats, be­ing mixed with Bacchus and Vulcan [which our Author interprets to be Goats-dung, the older the better, moistened with Wine, or new Must, or I rather judge Lees of Wine] let their soft and e­ven laid bed be gently warmed: [which he also Interprets to be the Digging of the Land; and by warming, it's probable he means soyling or watering it with some prepared rich Liquor.]

Also our Author there advises for the steeping of Corn in new Ale or Wort, its own natural Bathe; but seems to prefer the steeping thereof in the Water wherein the Dung of Oxen, Kine, and Sheep, [Page 55] and Pigeons-dung hath been imbibed, which he prescribes to be about two parts of Water to one of Dung, and let them stand four or five days, often stirring them together; which water decauted or coursly filtred is fit for your use, wherein you are to steep your Corn till it be glutted therewith; which you may easily discover: but be sure not to overcharge the Corn with this Liquor.

Thus far we finde how the steeping of Corn in Dung-water hath been used and approved of, and that as may be presumed from the rationality of the thing, and credit of the Author, with some good success; But it is probable it might not always answer the expectation of the Experimenters, or at least not to produce so great an Increase as the Authors promise; neither can those ways be so excellent as these we shall advise you to, being grounded on more rational Principles, and have been proved to be more ef­fectual than the other.

That which containeth in it most of the Ʋniversal Subject or Matter of Vegetables (whereof we discoursed at the beginning of this Treatise) is the fittest for this purpose; of all which, Nitre or Sal terrae is esteemed the best, wherewith Virgil adviseth to infuse or besprinkle the Seed:

Semina vidi equidem multos medicare serentes
Et intro prius—profundere—

This also is that Subject Glauber so highly extols, where he says, Miraculum Mundi, p. 50. Si Agricolae semen hoc menstruo humectatum in agrum spargunt, ci­tius maturescit, granis pinguioribus, &c. If Husbandmen did sowe their Seed imbibed with this Menstruum, it would sooner be ripe, and bear better Grain, &c. This Subject or Menstruum he labours in several Tracts of his, to prefer above any other matter what­soever, for all sorts of Vegetables, either by application thereof unto the roots, or by way of irrigation, or by imbibition of the Seed therein, as very highly conducing to Fertility and accelera­tion of Maturation; but in another Tract of his, being the Expli­cation of the former, he very honestly undeceives all such that judge this Nitre or Subject to be common Nitre or Salt-petre. Ve­lim Explicatio Miraculi Mundl. 51. autem mentem intelligi meam non accipiendum esse nitrum commune, hisce minime proficium, Common Nitre being not fit for that purpose. The Nitre or Sal terrae intended by these and other Learned Authors as apt for this work, is the fixed Salt extracted out of any Vegetable, Animal, or Mineral throughly calcined, as after the burning of Land in the common way of burn-baiting, that which causeth so great Fertility is as well the fixed Salt or Alcali that's left in the Ashes, as the waste or expence of the sterile acid Spirit which before kept that vegetating Salt from acting. What is it that is fertile in Lime, Ashes, Soap-ashes, &c. but this Nitre, or Sal terrae, this Ʋniversal Subject left therein, and most easily separable after calcination?

Therefore let every Husbandman that expects so large a Product Idem 46. or Reward, take the right matter, such that Glauber cast on his [Page 56] Asparagus, which through its fiery nature destroyed the Worms or banished them wholly from their ancient habitations, are by its vegetating and fructifying nature it made the Asparagus thrive more fully and perfectly than before, &c. This Salt is as easie to be procured, as the Lee or Lixivium wherewith the women usu­ally scour their Clothes, being extracted out of any Ashes, either of Vegetables, Animals, or Minerals. All the difficulty is in the true proportion and strength of this Lixivium or Menstruum: for Glauber advises in another Tract of his, by no means to add too Continuatio Miraculi Mundi, 21. much thereof to the Vines, lest they grow too rank: but in our way of Imbibition of Grain, we need not fear that; only this we must be cautious of, that the great and fiery heat thereof destroy­eth not the Corn, for the highest Medicines taken in excess, prove the greatest Poysons: but let not this prove a Discouragement, for it cannot be difficult to prevent this Inconvenience, either by moderating the quality of the Menstruum, or the time of im­bibition.

Next in place to this Ʋniversal Subject may be used such mate­rials that contain most of the same, as the Dung of Sheep, Pigeons, and other Fowl, who because they make no Ʋrine, have their Dung enriched with a greater quantity of that Subject than other Crea­tures, whence it is usually extracted by the Ʋrine: Sheep also drink but little, and feed dry, which makes their Dung exceeding rich and fertile. I casually met with the following Process highly ap­plauded by the Owners thereof, promising wonderful Productions from it, which is thus:

Take half a Bushel of Sheeps-dung, and put upon it twenty quarts of Spring-water, set it on the fire till it be luke-warm, but not boyling, and so rub with your hand all the Sheeps-dung by little and little (till it be dissolved in the water) then let it stand twelve hours, after which strain the water through a course Cloth, with a hard Compression; this water keep for use: Then take of Bay-salt and dissolve it in luke-warm water, which water filter and evaporate in an earthen Vessel over the Fire; of this congealed Salt after the waters Evaporation, take two good handfuls, likewise do the same with Salt-petre, dissolve it in wa­ter, filter the water, and evaporate it; then take of the remain­ing congealed Salt-petre one good handful, and let both those Salts dissolve in the fore-mentioned Liquor of Sheeps-dung, ma­king it again milk-warm: when all the Salts are therein well dis­solved, put into that prepared Liquor eight Gallons of Corn, or other Seed, and let it steep therein thirty or thirty six hours; then take it and put it into a Sieve, and drain the water into another Vessel, which water may be used again in like man­ner: when the water is all drained away, take the Corn or other Seed and dry it in some Upper-loft exposed to the Air, not to the Sun, and being almost dry, scatter or sowe it in half propor­tion: N. B. that the Sheeps-dung dregs being dried must be cal­cined, and the Salt thereof drawn in luke-warm water, which being filtred and evaporated, the remaining Salt thereof is [Page 57] to be dissolved with the other Salts in the Sheeps-dung wa­ter.

I have here given you this Process gratis, which hath been va­lued and contracted for at a high rate, the Owners promising a ve­ry great Increase to succeed. The Process appears to be made not by such that are experienced in Rural Affairs, for you will finde it difficult to strain your Sheeps-dung water, dissolved in those pro­portions; for the Sheeps-dung wholly dissolves, which doth so thicken the water, and convert it into a mucilage, that all goes where the water goes, if rightly done; and that which is more strange, the Grain will not only imbibe the water so animated, but the very substance of the Dung also, if rightly ordered; which is an Argument sufficient of the melioration of the Grain, insomuch that no dregs or remainder of the Sheeps-dung was lost, save only a few undissolved treddles. As for the Salts, I think little good is to be expected from them, and therefore hold those troublesom preparations of them needless; only the Salt of the Dung must needs be good, because it is that Vegetative Salt, or Ʋniversal Sub­ject whereof we discoursed before, only it is far fetched and dear bought: as good may be had at a far easier rate for this purpose.

Nevertheless common Sea-salt hath been much cried up by some for an Improver of the Seed, and an Example produced of a silly Jewel-house of Art and Na­ture. Swain, who passing over an Arm of the Sea with his Seed-corn in a Sack, which by mischance at his landing fell into the water, and so his Corn being left there till the next low water, became some­what brackish, yet (out of necessity) did the man bestow the same Wheat upon his ploughed Grounds, and at the Harvest he reaped a Crop of good Wheat, such as in that year not any of his Neigh­bors had the like.

Doubtless infusion of the Corn or Seed in any of the aforesaid materials, is some advantage to it; or in the Lees of Wine, Ale, Beer, Perry, Syder, or else in Beef-broth and the Brine of Pouder­ing-tubs, as is by some advised.

Also some affirm that Corn spritted a little, as they use to do for Mault, and then sown, came up speedily, and got the predomina­tion of the Weeds at first, and so kept the same, that there was pro­duced a far greater increase than ordinary; which is a sufficient convincing Argument, that if common water produce so manifest an Improvement, that then a better Liquor may much more.

Because the Corn also will seem troublesom to sowe being wet, it is prescribed either to let it dry a day or two on a Floor, or else to sift slackened Lime thereon, which is to be preferred, because it preserves the Corn from Vermine, Smutt, &c.

I find also another compounded Liquor to have been commen­ded Hartlib 's Le­gacie. and experimented for the steeping of Grain therein, which is thus: Pour into quick and unslaked Lime, as much Water as suffi­ceth to make it swim four inches above the Water, and unto ten pound of the said water poured off, mix one pound of Aqua Vitae, and in that Liquor steep or soak wheat or Corn twenty four hours; which being dried in the Sun, or in the Air, steep again in the said [Page 58] Liquor twenty four hours more; and do it likewise the third time: afterward sowe them at great distances the one from the other, a­bout the distance of a foot between each Grain, so one Grain will produce thirty, thirty six, thirty eight, forty two, fifty two Ears, and those very fruitful, with a tall Stalk equalling the stature of a man in height.

This seems to be a most rational Process for this purpose, and on this and the like ways of maceration or fermentation of the Seed depends those several Experiments, where the Corn or Seed hath yielded so prodigious an Increase, as that one grain of Wheat should yield a hundred and fourteen Ears, and in them six thou­sand Grains: but in case it generally hold to be but a quarter of the number, it is beyond what any other way of Husbandry can per­form.


Of the Manuring, Dunging, and Soyling of Lands.

HAving discoursed of Meadows, Pastures, and Arable Lands, and of the great Advantages and Benefits that are raised out of them, and of the several ways of Improving Meadows by drowning or watering, and of Pastures and Arable Lands by In­closure, by sowing and propagating New Hays, Grasses, and the best sorts of Corn, Pulse, and other Seeds, and by the best way of Tilling and Ordering the same: Now it will be necessary to say a little concerning this most general way of Improvement by Manuring, Dunging, and Soyling of Land; under which terms we comprehend all the several ways of tempering, altering, re­newing, or adding unto the Land, or applying any subject what­soever thereunto for its Improvement and Advantage.

SECT. I. Of the Burning of Land.

The Burning of Land, or any other operation on it by Fire, seems to be the greatest, though not most universal advance to most of our barren, poor and hungry Lands, as well dry as wet: the Burn­ing of the Ground it self seems to be of very Ancient use, as ap­pears by Virgil:

Saepe etiam steriles incendere profuit agros.

And burning of Wood, and other Combustible Materials on Gages Survey of the West-Indies. Sylva. Land, is practised amongst the Americans for the Improvement of [Page 59] their Land; which is an Argument as well of their Natural Inge­nuity, as of the excellencie and advantage of the Improvement. For the burning of such Combustible things on Land, doth very much heat the Ground, and wastes that Acid sterile juice that hin­ders fertility, and sets free that fertile Principle the Sal terrae which before was for the most part bound up; also it leaves a good quan­tity of that Salt on the Land mixed with the ashes, which is gene­rally held to be the only advantage this way yields, though the contrary appears; for wheresoever the Fire is made, although you remove the ashes wholly, yet will the place bear a better Crop than where you bestow the ashes, as formerly we noted.

This Art of Burning of Land, usually called Denshiring (quasi On what lands burn-baiting good. Devonshiring or Denbighshiring, because it seems there to be most used or to have been invented) or burn-beating, is not applica­ble or necessary to all sorts of Land: for in a good, fertile, rich, loose Soyl, where a good sweet Grass, or good Corn flourisheth, it wastes as well the good as the bad juyce; wherefore in most pla­ces in Sommersetshire, and such other fertile places, they reject it.

But for barren, sour, heathy, and rushey Land, be it either hot or cold, wet or dry, it is a very great Improvement, insomuch that most sorts of such poor Lands will yield in two or three years after such Burning more above all charges, than the Inheritance was worth before.

The most usual Method is, with a Breast-plough to pare off the Manner of burn-baiting. Turf, turning it over as it's cut that it may dry the better: if it prove a very dry season and the weather hot, then it needs no more turning; but if the weather be casual, it must be turned, and the Turfs set a little hollow, that they may dry the better, and when they are through-dry, they may be laid on small heaps a­bout two Wheel-barrow loads on a heap: the lesser the heaps are the better, so there be enough to make a good Fire throughly to consume the whole to ashes. If the Turf be full of fibrous roots, or hath a good head on it, it will burn without any other addi­tionary fewel; if not, you must raise your heap on a small bundle of Ling, Goss, Fearn or such-like, which in some places they call Ollet, which will set the whole on Fire: you may afterwards let those little hills of Ashes lie till they are a little saddned with rain, before you spread them, or take a quiet time that the wind may not waste your ashes, nor hinder their equal scattering; also you must pare the ground under the hills somewhat lower than the surface of the Earth, to abate its over-great fertility, caused by the Fire made thereon. It is also to be observed that the Land is to be but shallow or half Ploughed, and not above half the usual quantity of seed sown on an Acre, and that also late in the year; if Wheat, towards the end of October, only to prevent the exces­sive rankness or greatness of the Corn, by which you may judge what advantage Burning is to the Land, and this also on the poor­est Plains or Heaths.

Others there are that when they stubb up their Goss, Broom, and such-like, lay the Roots on heaps when they are dry, and cover [Page 60] them with the parings of the Earth between where they raised the roots, and so Burn over the Land, which is also a very consi­derable Improvement.

In some places also it is usual to Burn the stubble and other trash they can rake together on their Lands, which must needs be very good so far as may be according to the quantity thereof, although it be not so much used for fertility-sake, as to rid themselves of the stuff, as they usually burn Heaths and Turf-Commons to give liberty to the Grass.

Sir Richard Weston gives this for a good way, that is, First pare off the Heath [or Turff] then make the paring into little Hills: you may put to one hill as much paring as comes off from a Rod or Pole of Ground.

The Hills being sufficiently made and prepared, are to be fired and burnt into ashes; and unto the Ashes of every Hill you must put a peck of unslaked Lime: the Lime is to be covered over with the Ashes, and so to stand till rain comes and slakes the Lime, af­ter that mingle your Ashes and Lime together, and so spread it o­ver your Land.

In such places where Fewel is not scarce, and the Land barren, it is very excellent Husbandry to get together into such Land you intend to fertilize, all the small Wood, Bushes, Furze, Broom, Heath, Fearn, Stubble, or what ever combustible matter you can procure, which in most places are easier obtained than Dung; and in a dry time lay it in heaps dispersedly about the ground, and cast over it the parings of the Land where it lies, and set fire to it, and whilest it burns (having several to help you) cast on Turf or Earth on the most flaming parts, to hinder that it flame not too much; the heat of which fires will so calcine the Earth under them, and the Earth cast on them, besides the ashes of the Vegeta­bles, that it will yield an increase far exceeding the charge and la­bor bestowed thereon: there can be no better use made of these combustible matters, and especially of the Hawme or strings of Hops, which burnt in the Hop-garden, and the parings of the Turfs on the side of the Garden, or elsewhere, or any other Earth cast over it as it burns, and then more Hawme over that, and more Earth on that, as they use to say, Stratum super stratum, till all be done, either in one or several places, will make so excellent a Compost to be applied to the Hop-hills, that none can exceed it, which I my self have done: And this answers to what Glauber de­livers as a great secret, and very profitable: Perticae, Longurii, aut Continuatio Miraculi Mundi, p. 34. pali, quibus Vites lupulorum Caules sustinenter, si igne, qua in ex­tremitatem suam inferiorem desunt, adurantur, & extremitate a­dusta, in lignorum oleum illud immittantur, ut pinguedinem illam imbibant, &c. duplex hoc pacto emolumentum afferentes; prius est quod perticae à putredine conservatae quotannis breviores non eva­dant, sed diutius durent: Alterum quod vitium & lupulorum radices pinguedinem & alimentum ex perticarum extremitatibus attrahen­tes luxuriante incremento excrescant. By which it appears, that the ends of the Hop-poles only being burnt and imbibed in his vege­table [Page 61] Oyl, or fixed Salt, will not only endure long from rotting, but also will yield extraordinary nourishment to the Roots of the Hops; of such wonderful efficacie is this subject, that the least Grain thereof carrieth with it much of fertility, as the same Author saith a little before of the same Subject; Non tantum in agris praestat, sed Page 21. etiam arboribus, & vit ibus, adeo ut una eodem plena tonna tantum ad agrorum stercorationem conferre valeat, quantum decem simo equino, aut vaccine replet a plaustra solent.

This kinde of Manure either by Burning as before, or with the fixed Salts of any thing whatsoever, doth also much more enrich your Crop than any other Dung or Soil, for this tendeth princi­pally unto fertility, ordinary Dung of Beasts more unto the gross substance of the Straw or Hawme, than unto Fruit or Seed, and also breeds more of Weeds than this our Ʋniversal Subject.

There are also several other sorts of Materials to be used, as Other Soyls and Manures. Soils and Manures for the fertilizing and enriching of Lands: Some whereof are taken from the Earth, as Chalk, Marle, Clay, &c. Others from the Waters, as Sands, Weeds, &c. Others also are the Dungs and Excrements of living Creatures, and others that are several sorts of Vegetables themselves, and other casual things, as Soot, Raggs, &c. Of all which we finde these whereof we shall now treat, to have been found out and commended to be useful and beneficial to the Husbandman for the purposes before men­tioned.

SECT. II. Soyls and Manures taken from the Earth.

Whereof there are several sorts; some of so hard and undissolu­ble Of Chalk. a nature, that it is not fit to lay on Lands simply as it is, but after it is burned into Lime, becomes a very excellent Improver of Lands: there are also other sorts of Chalk more unctuous and soluble, which being laid on Lands crude as they are, and let lie till the Frosts and Rain shatter and dissolve the same, prove a ve­ry considerable advantage to barren Lands; now where any of these Chalks are found, it is good to prove their natures, by laying them on some small portion of Land crude as they are, or by burning them into Lime, if Fewel be plenty, or to half burn them; by which you may experimentally know the true effects and be­nefits that Subject will yield.

And although Chalk simply of it self either burnt or unburnt, may not prove so advantageous as many have reported, yet is it of very great use to be mixed with Earth and the Dungs of Ani­mals, by which may be made an admirable, sure, and natural fruit­ful Composition for almost any sorts of Lands, and raiseth Corn in abaundance.

Liming of Land is of most excellent use, many barren parts of Of Lime. this Nation being thereby reduced into so fertile a condition for bearing most sorts of Grain, that upon Land not worth above [Page 62] one or two shillings an Acre well husbanded with Lime hath been raised as good Wheat, Barly, white and gray Pease as England yields. English Improver.

Also that by the same means from a Ling, Heath, or Common naturally barren and little worth, hath been raised most gallant Corn, worth five or six pound an Acre. By the same Author.

He also affirms that some men have had and received so much profit upon their Lands by once liming, as hath paid the purchase of their Lands, and that himself had great advance thereby, yet lived twenty miles from Lime, and fetched the same by Waggon so far to lay it on his Lands.

One Author saith twelve or fourteen quarters will Lime an Acre; another saith 160 Bushels: the difference of the Land may require a different proportion.

The most natural Land for Lime is the light and sandy, the next mixt and gravelly; wet and cold gravel not good, cold clay the worst of all.

Also a mixture of Lime, Earth, and Dung together, is a very excellent Compost for Land.

Marle is a very excellent thing, commended of all that either Of Marle. Differences of Marle. write or practise any thing in Husbandry. There are several kinds of it, some stony, some soft, white, gray, russet, yellow, blew, black, and some red: It is of a cold nature, and saddens Land exceed­ingly; and very heavy it is, and will go downwards, though not so much as Lime doth. The goodness or badness thereof is not Signes of good or bad Marle. known so much by the colour, as by the Purity and Uncompoun­dedness of it; for if it will break into bits like a Dye, or smooth like Lead-Oar, without any composition of Sand or Gravel; or if it will slake like Slate-stones, and slake or shatter after a shower of Rain, or being exposed to the Sun or Air, and shortly after turn to dust when it's throughly dry again, and not congeal like tough Clay, question not the fruitfulness of it, notwithstanding the difference of colours, which are no certain signes of the good­ness of the Marle. As for the Slipperiness, Viscousness, Fattiness, or Oyliness thereof, although it be commonly esteemed a signe of good Marle, yet the best Authors affirm the contrary, viz. That there is very good Marle which is not so, but lieth in the Mine pure, dry and short, yet nevertheless if you water it you shall finde it slippery. But the best and truest Rule to know the richness and Best way to know Marle. profit of your Marle, is to try a Load or two on your Lands in several places, and in different proportions.

They usually lay the same on small heaps, and disperse it over Use and Benefit of Marle. the whole Field, as they do their Dung; and this Marle will keep the Land whereon it is laid, in some places ten or fifteen, and in some places thirty years in heart: it is most profitable in dry, light, and barren Lands, such as is most kinde and natural for Rye, as is evident by Mr. Blithes Experiment in his Chapter of Marle. It also affordeth not its vertue or strength the first year, so much as in the subsequent years. It yields a very great In­crease and Advantage on high, sandy, gravelly, or mixed Lands, [Page 63] though never so barren, strong Clay-ground is unsutable to it: yet if it can be laid dry, Marle may be profitable on that also.

It is very necessary in marling Lands to finde out the true pro­portion, how much on every Acre, that you add not too much, nor too little (in medio virtus.) It's better to erre by laying on too little than too much, because you may add more at pleasure, but you cannot take away; the surest way is to try some small quan­tities first, and proceed as your Experiments encourage. It hath been also experimentally observed, that you are to lay your Marle in the beginning of Winter on hard and binding Grounds. And on the contrary, you are to lay it in the Spring on light, sandy, dry, and gravelly lands, but it's good to try both; it's held to be best to lay it abroad in the beginning of Winter, that the Frosts may first make the same moulder into small pieces, and so to become apt for Solution, which is done by the Rains that more plentifully fall in the Winter.

You shall observe (saith Markham) that if you cannot get any Of Fullers Earth. perfect and rich Marle, if then you can get of that Earth which is called Fullers-Earth, and where the one is not, commonly the o­ther is, then you may use it in the same manner as you should do Marle. and it is found to be very near as profitable.

Mr. Bernhard Palisly (that French Author cited so often by Sir Hugh Platt) commends the same; I have not known it at any time practised in England for the bettering of any ground (saith Sir Hugh Platt) but by all presumption the same must of necessity be very rich, because it is full of that vegetative Salt, which appears in these scouring effects, for the which it is divers ways had in use amongst us.

Clay is by many commended to be a considerable Improvement Of Clay. Jewel-house of Art and Na­ture. to some sorts of light and sandy Ground, as Sir Hugh Platt gives the relation of a certain person that assured it to be most true that the very Clay which he digged up in St. Georges Fields being laid upon his pasture-ground which he there held by Lease, did ex­ceedingly enrich the same, insomuch as he did never regard to seek after any other Soil.

Also Mr. Gabriel Platt relates that he knew light sandy ground which was good for little or nothing, cured by laying thereon a great quantity of stiff Clay-ground which converted it to good temperament, whereby it became fruitful, and not subject to fail upon every light occasion as it did before, but would abide varie­ty of weather according to the nature of Hasel-ground: And this Improvement (saith he) is of no little value, for there is a great difference betwixt Land that is subject to fail once in two or three years, and Land thus improved that will not fail once in two or three and twenty years through the distemperature of the weather.

Mr. Bernhard also affirms that all Marle is a kind of Clay-ground, and it should seem to differ only in digestion from Marle.

It is good to try it on several grounds both Arable and Pasture, and for several Grains at several times in the year, and in several [Page 64] proportions, by this means you may finde out the true value and effect of this, and by the same Method of all other Subterraneal Soyl or Manure, and thereby raise unto your self a considerable advantage.

By the same Rule, and for the same Reason that Clay advan­ceth Of Sand. the benefit of light and Sandy grounds, may Sand be an in­richment and Improvement to cold Clay-grounds, as Mr. Gabriel Platt testifieth that he hath known stiff Clay-grounds that would seldom be fruitful unless the season of the year proved very pro­sperous, to have been cured by laying thereupon a great quantity of light Sandy-ground, which afterwards was converted to a good temperament, like to the sort of ground commonly called Hasel­ground, which seldom or never faileth to be fruitful.

The best Sand for fertility is that which is washed from the hills or other Sandy places by the violence of Rain; other Sands that are digged, have little fertility in them, only by way of contra­cting to Clay-ground they may effect much, as Columela saith, that his Grandfather used to carry Sand on Clay, and on the con­trary to bring Clay on Sandy grounds, and with good success.

Sand also is of great use to be mixed with Soil, as Mr. Blith adviseth; for the speedy raising of great quantities of Soil in the Winter by the sheep when foulding is generally neglected; and that is by making a large Sheep-house for the housing of Sheep in Winter, which may be Sheep-cribbed round about and in the middle too, to fother them therein: you may bring herein once or twice a week several Loads of Sand either out of the Streets or ways, or from a Sand-pit, and lay it three or four inches thick, and so continue once or twice a week as long as you please; and what with the heat and warmth of their bodies, and the fatness of their Dung and Urine, the Sand will turn to excellent rich Soil, and go very far upon Land, and be more serviceable than you can conceive.

There are several sorts of Earth that are of singular use for the Of Earth. bettering of Land, as all Earth of a Saltish nature is fruitful; espe­cially all such Earth as lies dry covered with Hovels or Houses, of which you make Salt-petre, is rich for Land, and so are old floors under any Buildings.

Mr Platt affirms that he hath known many hundred loads of Earth sold for twelve pence a load being digged out of a Meadow near to Hampton-Court, which were carried three or four miles to the higher grounds, and fertilized those grounds wonderfully, and recompensed the labour and charges very well; which Earth be­ing laid upon Arable Land within a Furlong of the same Mea­dow did more hurt than good: which sheweth that the Earth must be of different nature from the Land whereon it is laid.

Also any sort of Earth may be made use of for the folding of Sheep thereon under a Covert, after the Flanders Manner, as be­fore is said of Sand.

All sorts of Earth are very useful to intermix with Lime, Dung of Beasts, Fowl, or any other fatty substance being laid, stratum [Page 65] super stratum, in pits or on heaps to putrifie together, as well to moderate the quality as to increase the quantity of your Soil.

Street-dirt in Towns and Villages is an excellent Improver of several sorts of Land, especially the light and sandy.

SECT. III. Soyls taken from the Sea or Water.

The richest of all Sands is what comes from the Sea-coasts and Of Water-Sand. the Creeks thereof, and all Lands bordering on the Sea may be im­proved by them; it is the usual practise in the Western parts of England for the people to their great charge in carriage to convey the Saltish Sands unto their barren grounds, whereof some of them do lie five miles distance from the Sea, and yet they find the same exceeding profitable, for that their inheritance is there­by enriched for many years together, the greatest vertue consist­ing in the Saltishness thereof.

Others say the Richness of the Sands is from the fat or filth the Sea doth gather in by Land-floods, and what the Tide fetches dai­ly from the shores, and from fish, and from other matters that pu­trifie in the Sea, all which the Water casts on shore, and purgeth forth of it self, and leaves in the Sands, while it self is clean and pure.

The Sands of fresh Rivers challenge also a place in our Im­provements being laid on Land proper for the same, but more e­specially if it be mixed with any other matter, as most usually it is, where it is cast on shelves at the falls of some Land-waters de­scending from Hills or High-ways.

In Devonshire and Cornwal, and many other parts, they make a Of Sea-weeds, and Weeds in Rivers. very great Improvement of the Sea-weeds for the Soiling and Manuring of their Land, and that to a very great advantage.

All manner of Sea-owse, Owsy-mud, or Sea-weeds, or any such-like, growing either in the Sea or fresh Rivers, whereof there is a very great quantity lost and destroyed, are very good for the bettering of Land.

In Cornwal there is also a Weed called Ore-weed, whereof some grows upon Rocks under high Water-marks, and some is broken from the bottom of the Sea by rough weather, and cast upon the next shore by the Wind and Flood, wherewith they Compost their Barly-Land.

Of Snayl-Cod, or Snag-greet.

It lieth frequently in deep Rivers, it is from a Mud or Sludge, it is very soft, full of Eyes and wrinkles, and little shells, is ve­ry rich; some they sell for one shilling two pence the Load, ano­ther sort they sell for two shillings four pence the Load at the Ri­vers-side, which men fetch twenty miles an end for the Inriching of their Land for Corn and Grass, one Load going as far as three [Page 66] Load of the best Horse or Cow-dung that can be had: It hath in it many Snails and Shells, which is conceived occasioneth the fat­ness of it.

I am very credibly informed that an Ingenious Gentleman li­ving Of Oyster-shells. near the Sea-side, laid on his Lands great quantities of Oyster-shells, which made his Neighbours laugh at him (as usually they do at any thing besides their own clownish road or custom of ig­norance) for the first and second years they signified little; but afterwards they being so long exposed to the weather and mixed with the moist Earth, they exceedingly enriched his Lands for many years after: which stands also with reason, the Shells of all such Fish being only Salt congealed into such a form, which when it is dissolved of necessity must prove fertile.

There is in most Rivers a very good rich Mud of great fruitful­ness, Of Mud. and unexpected advantage; it costs nothing but labour in getting, it hath in it great worth and vertue, being the Soil of the Pastures and Fields, Commons, Roads, Ways, Streets, and Backsides, all washed down by the flood, and setling in such places where it meets with rest.

There is likewise very great fertility in the residence of all Channels, Ponds, Pools, Lakes, and Ditches, where any store of Waters do repose themselves, but especially where any store of Rain-water hath a long time setled.

In Forein parts where Fish are plenty they prove an excellent Of Fish. Manure for Land; in some places here in England there are plen­ty of some sorts of Fish, and at some seasons not capable of being kept for a Market, it were better to make use of them for our advantage than not; I presume they are of the best of Soils or Manures, but herein I submit to experience.

Doubtless there is not any thing that proceeds from the Sea or other Waters, whether it be Fish or the Garbish of Fish, Vegeta­bles, Shells, Sands, or Mud, or any such-like dissolving matter, but must be of very great advantage to the Husbandman, if duly and judiciously applied.

SECT. IV. Of Dungs or Excrementitious Soyls.

This is the most common of any Dung whatsoever, by reason Of Horse dung. that Horses are most kept in Stables, and their Soil preserved, yielding a considerable price in most places; the higher the Horses are fed, the better is the Dung by far: it is the only Dung in use whilest it is new, for hot Beds, and other uses for the Gardiner.

Next unto the Horse-dung is Cow-dung, whereof by reason of Of Cow, or Ox-dung. its easie solution, hath been made the Water wherein Grain hath been steeped, and hath deceived many a plain-meaning Husband­man, for there is not that richness nor vertue therein as many judge, for that purpose.

But this, together with Horse-dung, or other Dung, is of ve­ry great advantage to Land if it be kept till it be old, and not laid abroad exposed to the Sun and Wind, as is the practise of the several ignorant Husbands, letting of it lie spread on their Field-Lands three or four of the Summer-months together, till the Sun and Air hath exhausted all the vertue thereof; which if it be laid on heaps with Earth mixed therewith, and so let lie till it be rot­ten, it will be the sooner brought to a convenient temper, and on Pasture-grounds brings a sweeter Grass, and goes much farther than the common way, and spread before the Plough produces ex­cellent Corn: It is also to be used with Judgment; for ordinary Dung used the common way in some years doth hurt, and some­times makes Weeds and trumpery to grow, which ordered as be­fore, is not so apt for such inconveniences. Of all Beasts, Sheep Of Sheeps-dung. yield the best Dung, and therefore is most to be esteemed; it is a very high Improvement to the common Field-lands, where there is a good Flock duly folded on them, especially where it is turned in with the Plough soon after the fold: the only way to Improve your Sheeps-dung to the highest advantage, is to fold them in a covered fold with intermixture of Earth, Sand, &c. as before, and by this means we may make our sheep enrich most of our barren Lands.

Sheeps-dung is very excellent being dissolved wholly (as it will be if well squeezed) to steep Grain therein, for the Grain doth very eagerly imbibe the whole quantity of the Dung into it self, except only here and there a treddle undissolved, and proves a great Improvement if rightly ordered.

Great quantities of this Dung might be obtained, if poor Wo­men and Children were imployed to pick up the same on the Rode-ways, and burning tops of hills, where it seldom doth any good, but would prove much more advantageous than the cost or trouble, by far.

This hath in former Ages been esteemed the worst of Dungs, Of Swines-dung. very hurtful to Corn, a breeder of Thistles, and other noisome Weeds.

But our late Husbands (whose experience I rather credit than English Im­prover. an old vain Tradition) say 'tis very rich for Corn or Grass, or any Land; yea, of such account to many ingenious Husbands, that they prefer it before any ordinary Manure whatsoever, therefore they make their Hog-yards most compleat, with an high Pale pa­ved well with Pibble or Gravel in the bottom, &c. they cast into this yard their Cornish Muskings, and all Garbidge, and all Leaves, Roots, Fruits, and Plants out of Gardens, Courts and Yards, and great store of Straw, Fearn, or Weeds for the Swine to make Dung withal; some Hog-yards will yield you forty, some sixty, some eighty Load of excellent Manure of ten or twelve Swine.

It's most likely that this Manure so made by these large additi­ons, is more natural and kindly to Land, than the bare Swines-dung it self; and must of necessity prove a very high advantage, considering the despicable vile state of this Beast.

Some good Daries will make the Soil of their Hog-yard pro­duce them twenty or thirty pounds worth of profit in a year.

Of the Dung of Fowls.

This challengeth the Priority not only of the Dung of Fowl, Of Pigeons-dung. but of all other Creatures whatsoever.

Pigeons or Hens-dung is incomparable, one Load is worth ten Load of other Dung, and therefore it's usually sown on Wheat (or Barly) that lieth afar off, and not easily to be helped; it's extraor­dinary likewise on a Hop-garden.

A Load of Pigeons-dung is more worth than twenty shillings in many parts; a very excellent Soil for a cold moist-natured Land.

I have caused it to be sown by hand after the Grain is sown, and in the same manner, and then harrowed in with the Grain, and received a very great increase on poor Land.

I have known (saith Platt) a Load of Pigeons-dung fetched six­teen miles, and a Load of Coals given for it, which in the Soil where it was fetched would have done more hurt than good for the Manuring of Land, yet where it was carried, it did as much good for the fertilizing of Land as double the charges: In the one Soil it cured the barrenness, and in the other it poysoned the fertility.

This Dung is of less esteem, because it is not obtained at so ea­sie Hen-dung. a rate; and where it is, it's generally little set by, because our Fore-fathers did not make any great matter of it, and because they understand not the strength and power of it; for when they take it out of the houses it's of a very hot nature, and must needs injure some things, if laid thereon; but if it be mixed well with common Earth, Sand, or such-like, and let lie till it rot well to­gether, you will finde it a very rich Manure, and of value to an­swer a great part of your Poultreys expence.

I have known a Quince-tree whereon Poultrey always pearch­ed, that by reason of the Rain washing to its Roots the salt and fatness of the Dung, did bear yearly an incredible number of very excellent Quinces.

This hath been held by the Antients to be most hurtful and un­profitable Of Goose-dung. Markham. to any Grounds. They say that to good Grass they are a great enemy, for their Dung and treading will putrifie it, and make it worse than barren.

I have it from a credible hand, that Goose-dung is very advan­tageous to Corn, it being discovered by a flock of Geese daily pas­sing over-thwart a Field of Wheat, making as it were a Lane o­ver the same in the Winter-time, and had nibbled the Wheat clean from the Ground, and dunged it where they went; in which passage the next year proved to be very gallant Wheat, far ex­ceeding any other part of the Field.

Like unto that I have heard, that a Flock of Wild-geese had pitched upon a parcel of green Wheat, and had eaten it up clean, [Page 69] and sat thereon, and dung'd it several nights, that the Owner despaired of having any Crop that year, but the contrary hap­pened; for he had a far richer Stock of Wheat there than any of his Neighbours had in the Land adjoyning, to the admiration of all.

Which demonstrateth that this Dung is of a very hot and fiery nature, which occasioneth that barrenness falsly suggested to be in it; and being laid abroad thin in the Winter-time, proves a very rich Manure, and therefore to be esteemed of; and being mixed with cooling Earths, and let putrifie some time, may prove very much for your benefit: therefore neglect it not, but make several trials, the Advantage will be your own. The same may be said of the Dung of any other Water-fowl.

Although that Urines are esteemed to be of a destructive and Of Urines. Explicatio Miraculi Mundi, p. 50. mortifying nature to Vegetables, as Glauber affirms, by reason of its Salarmoniacal and burning Spirit that is therein, as is evident to our Senses upon the casting of new Urine on Nettles or other Vegetables, it soon destroyeth them: But it is with this, as with many other moist things subject to putrefaction, time will digest it, and alter the nature and property thereof, as it doth Wine or Beer into Vineger, so it will of this fiery matter produce an ex­cellent Soil, as many have had the experience of.

Mr. Hartlib testifieth, that in Holland they as carefully preserve the Cows Urine as the Dung to enrich their Land. Columella in his Book of Husbandry saith, That old Ʋrine is excellent for the Roots of Trees.

I know a woman (saith Mr. Hartlib) who lived five miles South of Canterbury, who saved in a Pail all the Urine; and when the Pail was full, sprinkled it on her Meadow, which caused the Grass at first to look yellow, but after a little time it grew won­derfully.

Another also saith, That Mans Urine is of great worth, and will English Im­prover. fatten Land more than you are aware of, and it were not ill Hus­bandry to take all opportunities to preserve it for Land, and so of all other Urines, after the Dutch manner.

Humane Ordure ought not here to be omitted as a rich Soil, if the Husbandman would be so careful as to place his House of Of­fice, that he may once in two or three days add some mixture of Earth, Straw, Stubble, or such-like, to reduce it into a necessary Substance portable into his Lands or Grounds remote from his Dwelling, where after it hath lain some convenient time in a heap to putrifie together, and then thinly dispersed, proves an unexpe­cted Advantage.

SECT. V. Of several other Soyls or Manures.

Ashes contain in them very much of a rich and fertile Salt, as Ashes. before we noted, and therefore not so much to be slighted and neglected as they are, be they of what kinde or nature soever.

[Page 67]
Virgil. —Ne pudet,
Effoetos Cinerem immundum jactare per agros.

The Wood-ashes are the best, and very useful; yet after they have been used in the Bucking of Clothes, they are worth little, unless it be in cold and moist Land, where I have known them also to avail much.

Sea-coal ashes with Horse-dung make an excellent Compost for divers uses.

Turf and Peat-ashes must needs be very rich, being much after the same manner as the Burning of Land, which most know to be a very great Improvement, and whereof we have already treated.

Ashes are a great Curer of Moss and Rushes in most Grounds.

The Ashes of any sort of Vegetables are very profitable, as di­vers places in England can testifie by experience, who consume their Fearn, Stubble, Straw, Heath, Furs, Sedge, Bean-stalks, and the very Sward and Swarth of their Ground to ashes; and these according to the store of Salt which their Ashes do contain, do ei­ther for a longer or shorter time enrich their barren Grounds.

Mr. Platt highly commends Soap-ashes, after the Soap-boylers have made what use of them they please, to be a very great en­riching to Land; and gives you an instance of a Stalk and Ear of Barley of an Ell and three Inches in length, that grew on bar­ren Land, enriched with Soap-ashes; he also saith he found the like success in Pasture-ground.

In Lombardy they esteem them much above other Dung.

It's best to lay them either on Corn, or Pasture, or Meadow in the beginning of Winter, that the showers may the easier dis­solve them.

Soot also is affirmed by some to be very good, especially that Soot. which is made of Wood. It's most beneficial to Trees or Plants that either grow in the shade, or to cold and moist Grounds.

Common Salt may prove advantageous, if used with modera­tion Salt. and discretion, as well to saltish Sands, Muds, Earths, &c. Some commend very much the sweeping of a Ship of Salt, or dros­sie Salt and Brine.

It is of singular use, as daily experience testifies, being dissolved and Seed-corn steeped therein, to prevent the Smut, and add ferti­lity, as we noted before in the Preparation of the Seed.

There is also a relation of one that sowed a Bushel of Salt long before on a small patch of barren Ground at Clapham, which to that day remained more fresh and green, and full of Swarth, than all the rest of the Field about it: This, though not a beneficial Experiment, by reason of the price of Salt, yet a plain demon­stration of the Fertility that is in Salts, and gives us encourage­ment to make use of the Brines of Salt-pits, or such-like, now not in much esteem.

In Rags of all sorts there is good vertue; they are carried far Rogs. [Page 71] and laid upon Lands, and have them in a warming, improving temper: one good Load will go as far as a dozen or more of the best Cow-dung.

Divers also have found singular profit in the Hair that is got­ten Hair, &c. from the Hides of Beasts, being thinly laid upon the Ground, and suffered to putrifie.

Also course Wool-nippings and Tarry Pitch-marks, may be reckoned into the number, having great virtue in them.

Mault-dust is commended as an Inricher of barren Lands; but Mault-dust. because great quantities are not to be had thereof, it is best to be used in Gardens, where you will finde it to be of singular use: only it is apt to breed Weeds.

All sorts of Fearn, Straw, Brake, Stubble, Rushes, Thistles, Fearn, Straw, Stubble, &c. Leaves of Trees, or any manner of Vegetable Trash whatever, ei­ther cast into the yards amongst the Cattle or Swine, or cast into Pools or places to rot in, or mixed with other Soils, help very much, and make very good Compost.

All Marrow-bones, Fish-bones, Horn or shavings of Horn, or Bones, horns, stinking flesh, &c. Liquors wherein Flesh or Fish have lain, or any other thing what­soever that hath any oyliness or fatness in it, is useful in Husband­ing Lands.

It were not much labour to try whether the bones of Horses or other Beasts, whereof there are great quantities at some Dog­kennels, which if being burnt in heaps with some small addition of Fewel would be of good effect to be laid on Lands.

There is in all Bark a very rich Salt, but in the Oaken-bark the Bark of Trees. most, which is made use of principally by Tanners; but such Barks or Rinds of Trees not of so high a value, being broken into small pieces must of necessity enrich either Corn or Pasture-ground be­ing Earth in Wil­low-trees. laid thereon: It must needs be much richer than the Mould or Earth usually found in the bodies of old, large, and hollow Willow-trees, that are putrified within, which is esteemed to be so rich and effectual.

Amongst the Coal-Mines they usually dig a kind of blew or black Clay that lies near the Coal, and is as it were an unripe Coal, which the Country-men commonly call Ʋrry, which they Urry. lay on their Pastures with wonderful success, and is very proper for warm Lands.


Of the Benefit, Raising, Planting, and Propaga­ting of all sorts of Timber-trees, and other Trees useful either in Building or other Mechanick Ʋses, or for Fencing, Fewel, &c.

SECT. I. Of the Benefit of Propagating Timber-Trees, and other Trees in general.

THe Propagation of Woods or Trees is none of the least Im­provements that can be made on most of the Lands in Eng­land, for the particular advantage and pleasure of the Country­man, and in raising the yearly profits of his Farm, and very much advancing the price of the purchase thereof over and above the Annual gain: and nothing can render a Seat more delectable and pleasant than Wood and Water, but principally the curious Groves surrounding or bordering near it.

What can be more profitable than Woods or Trees? which will thrive and increase on the most barren and unfruitful Land, be it either wet or dry, cold, mountanous, uneven, remote, or never so inapt for any other manner of Culture, where neither Corn, Grass, or any other necessary or useful Vegetable will hardly grow, yet may we there perceive the lofty Woods flourish, far exceeding in value the purchase of the Land without them; and instead of injuring the Land whereon they stand, it is much bet­tered and capacitated to bear tillage at the removal of the Trees; also the other bordering grounds yield a greater encrease of Corn or Grass, by their defence from the extremity of the cold, and bitter blasts in the Winter, and the scorching drought of the Sum­mer.

And what can be more pleasant than to have the bounds and limits of your own Propriety preserved, and continued from age to age by the Testimony of such living and growing witnesses, in the Spring yielding a reviving Cordial to your Winter-chilled spirit, giving you an assurance of the approaching Summer by their pregnant Buds, and Musical Inhabitants? In the Summer what more delectable than the curious prospect of the variety of Greenness, dark shades, and retirement from the scorching Sun-beams? The Autumn and Winter also not without pleasure and content for the active Husbandman.

And what place can be more displeasing and ungrateful than a naked and dry Seat, lying open to all Winds and Weathers? of which it may be said as once of old Sarum:

Est ibi defectus Lymphae, sed copia Cretae;
Saevit ibi Ventus, sed Philomela silet.

As for the more particular advantages and benefits of planting Particular Advantages. Woods and Trees, you shall find that,

First, It improves and meliorates the Land it self; for those Lands where Woods have formerly stood, and are now grubbed up or taken away, the ground is very good and rich, and bears excel­lent Corn, or any other Tillage or Grass, although the ground was before the planting or growing of those Woods barren, lean, and thin, as may appear by the bordering Land on either side of such Woods that were never planted.

Secondly, The Annual profits of most Land planted with Cop­pice-woods are much greater than if the same Land were used for Corn, Grass, or such-like: For I have known on a hill, Land not worth for Corn or Grass above five shillings per Acre, that at twelve years growth the Coppice-wood thereon growing hath been sold at the rate of twenty pounds per Acre; and at the next felling at seven years growth it is like to be of the same value, it coming much thicker, and being better preserved than at the first, which is a very considerable advance of the value or profits; besides, it is not subject to those casualties and hazards that Corn, Cattle, &c. are subject unto: It will also bring in an Annual profit if you divide your Coppice into so many parts as you in­tend it shall stand years before it be felled, then may you every year fell a part: as if you have ten Acres, you may every year fell one Acre at ten years growth.

The better and lighter your Land is, the greater will your en­crease be, which may in some sort (if the Land be very good) make good the Improvement: Mr. Blyth instances in his Improver Improved, of a new Plantation that at eleven years growth a fall was made, and so much Wood cut upon the same as was worth or sold for sixty pounds per Acre or more; it was much Pole-wood, yea a good part of it made Spars, and some part of it small Buil­ding Timber, &c. the Land was worth about ten shillings per A­cre, digged and planted with Quicksets.

The same Author also gives very great encouragement for the planting of Poplar, Willow, and Alder, on wet, morish, or boggy Land, to the advancement of Land not worth two shillings an Acre, unto five pounds an Acre at seven years growth, which is the least I am confident, if it be carefully ordered.

Thirdly, The Benefit and Advantage is very great that is raised from Timber and other Trees standing singly, and in Hedge-rows, Avenues, or any other way disposed or ordered about your Hou­ses, Lands, Commons, &c. that a man may plant, and in a few years himself or his successors may reap the benefit.

Mr. Blith gives you an instance of one that planted one hun­dred Ashes, and at the end of fifty years sold them for five hun­dred pounds: And of another that planted so much Wood in his own life, that he would not take 50000 l. for.

For Ash, Elm, Poplar, Willow, and such Trees that are quick of growth, it is a very great profit that is made of them where Fewel is scarce, by planting them in Hedge-rows, and other spare places, and shrouding them at five, six, eight or ten years growth: they constantly bear a good head, and every time whilest the Tree is in proof, the shrowds encrease. They are out of the danger of the bite of Cattle, and require no Fence.

Fourthly, Another main Benefit accrews to the industrious Husbandman from the Propagation of Trees in Hedge-rows, and Out-bounds of his Lands, it gives a check to the fierce cold Win­ter-blasts which nip the Winter-Corn, and finely refrigerates the Air in the Summer-parching Heats, and qualifies the dry and in­jurious Winds both in Spring and Summer. Let the Champion-Farmers object what they please, there's no Field Champion-Land of that yearly value for either Corn or Pasture, as is the Wood­land: I know no other reason for it than the natural warmth and defence thereof by the Fences and Trees, else why should an En­closed and well-planted piece of Several yield so much more certain Rent than the Land of the like nature in Common and Open, lying but on the other side of the Hedge obvious to the injurious Airs, although both converted to the same use?

Fifthly, Trees planted sparsim here and there in the Hedge­rows, and other places of your Land, prove an excellent shelter for Cattle in the Winter, to preserve them from cold Storms and Winds, and also in the Summer from the scorching Sun-beams, else would the Cattle destroy more with their Feet than they eat with their mouths, and lose more fatness in one hot day than they gain in three cool days.

These universal Advantages also accrew to those Places or More univer­sal Advanta­tages. Countries well planted with Woods and Timber.

First, There is a constant supply of Timber for the Building of Ships, the Bulwarks and Defence of this Nation, and for the re­edifying of Towns or Houses destroyed by Fire, or other Casual­ties; and for the Building, Maintaining of, and Repairing of all Houses, Barns, and other Edifices. And also it yieldeth us a con­tinual Recruit of necessary Boots, Instruments and Materials for all our Rural and Mechanick uses; as for our Mills, Carts, Ploughs, &c. and for Turners, Joyners, and other Wooden Trades; also for the maintenance of the Grooves or Pits of Lead, Coal, and other Mines under the Earth, that where plenty of Woods and Trees are, they need not be enforced to fetch these Materials afar off, at a great expence and labor. In some places they fetch most of the Necessaries aforesaid near twenty miles on Horsback, when the Land at the same place where they need it, as is capable of bear­ing it as the place from whence they bring it.

Secondly, Where Woods are raised and maintained, there is a [Page 75] constant Supply of Fewel. The difference may be very easily dis­cerned between the Woodlands and the Champion; in the one you have Fewel in every house, as well poor as rich, of good Wood; in the other, the Rich have but little, and that at extraordinary Rates, and the poor none but what they filch and steal from the Rich; or if their honesty exceed their necessity, they either sit and starve with cold, or burn Stubble of Corn or Cow-dung dri­ed, or the Parings of the Earth, or such-like, that the other make use of for the Improvement and Manuring their Land.

Thirdly, The Tanners Trade depends upon the Oaken-Trees, therefore where they are scarce, there must of necessity be a defect of that Occupation, which must in fine prove prejudicial to the whole Nation.

Fourthly, Where Beech, Oak, Hasel, and such-like Mast-bearing Trees are in any considerable quantity standing, they yield a very good Food for Swine, of no small value to the Husbandman in such years they take.

I shall therefore give you a brief Catalogue of such Trees as usually flourish in our English Soil; the places they most delight in, the most natural and likely way of Propagation, and their uses, and what other Observations we have met withal concern-them. And first,

SECT. II. Of Timber-trees in particular.

There is no Timber natural to our English Soil exceeds the The Oak. Oak, for its Plenty, Strength, and Durableness; Where are better or stronger Ships for the War, than those built of Oak? And what Timber more lasting or stronger than Oak in our Rural Edifices? It is a Tree universally known, and will grow and prosper in any Land, good or bad, Clay, Gravel, Sand, or mixed; warm, cold, dry or moist, as experimentally appears by its growth in several Place: places of contrary natures or tempers; but they do most affect the sound, black, deep, and fast Mould, rather warm than over­wet and cold, and a little rising, for this produces the firmest Tim­ber; although I have known them thrive very well in extraor­dinary cold, moist, and clay-ground, that a Tun of Timber could not be thence haled unless in the dry and Summer-season, but that the Wheels would sink in the Clay to the Axle-tree. They will al­so grow, though but slowly, on the high, stony, and barren Hills.

The Acorns, or Oaken-Mast, being sown in your Nursery, after Propagation. they are full ripe, and before they are withered (which will quick­ly be if they lie open in the Air) will the next Spring yield you plenty of young Plants, which you may order and transplant, as hereafter in the Nursery you shall have Directions.

Or for expedition-sake, you may have young Sets drawn by those that seek the Woods for Quick-sets, in such places where Acorns have spontaneously grown, and been sheltered from Cattle till they [Page 76] are fit for a remove; but these prove generally crooked and ill-shaped, and so are to be cut near to the ground when you plant them, by which means they will emit another shoot more streight.

Oaks also prosper very well in Coppices, being felled as other Under-woods are. It is reported that a Lady in Northamptonshire sowed Acorns, and lived to cut the Trees produced from them twice in two and twenty years, and both as well grown as most are in sixteen or eighteen. Also that Acorns set in Hedge-rows, have in thirty years born a Stem of a Foot Diameter.

The several uses of Oaken Timber for Buildings, and other Me­chanick Use. uses is so universally known, that it is but needless to e­numerate them. To abide all seasons of the weather, there is no Wood comparable unto it, as for Pales, Shingles, Posts, Rails, Boards, &c.

For Water-works also it is second to none, especially where it lies obvious to the Air as well as the Water, there is no Wood like it: For Fewel either as it is, or made into Cha [...]coal, there is no Wood equals it.

The Bark also for the Tanner and Dyer, exceeds all other Barks: the very Saw-dust and ashes also of the Oak challenge a prefe­rence, the Mast exceeds any other Mast of the Forrest-trees, and is of great use to the Husbandman in fatting Swine; for in the For­rests and great Woods many herds of Swine are very well fatted in such years that the Oak yields plenty of Mast; and that Bacon so fed (especially if the Swine are kept up with Pease some time after) is the most delicious meat; for the Hams we have from Westphalia and other parts of Germany under that name, are of those Swine that feed on this Mast: for their exercise they of ne­cessity use in searching for these Acorns, as well as the natural sweetness of the Fruit it self, very much meliorateth the flesh of these Animals, as it doth of Deer, Hares, Conies, Pheasants, Ducks and many others, the flesh of them that are wild being by much to be preferred to the tame.

The young Boughs of the lopped Oak in the Spring-time are of equal use to the Tanner, as is the Bark of this Tree, as hath been found by the experience of many Tanners of this Nation within these few years.

The Elm is one of the most easie Trees to propagate, and de­lighting The Elm. in most sorts of ground, except only Land very dry, hot and parching, shallow Land near Chalk or Gravel; on the tops of Hills it thrives not well, yet it will grow almost in any place.

But the places it principally delights in, is the level, light, and loose Land, so that it be moist; on the Banks of such level and fertile grounds, whether they be of Gravel, Earth, or Chalk, the Elm prospers well.

About the beginning of March fall the seeds of the Elm, which Propagation. being sown in your Nursery, will yield you Plants. But the care and trouble thereof is superfluous, seeing there are newer and more expeditious and advantageous ways known, viz. by the Suckers.

Which are produced in great plenty from the roots of the Elm, and may be transplanted into any places: where the Elms grow, great plenty of these Suckers will yearly shoot out of the Earth if Cattle be kept from them; or if any Elm be felled, the old Roots will yield plenty of Suckers; or if the old Roots be chopped or slit, and slightly covered with light mould, they will send forth plenty of Suckers, all which may be slipped off, and transplanted even unto any bigness; there being no Tree more easily transplanted and with good success than the Elm, obser­ving these Cautions, that if you remove them very young, that you cut not off the top, because it is sappy, and the wet will be apt to get in and decay the Plant, being weakened by his removal; but the greater you must be sure to disbranch, leaving only the stem; some cover also the head of such Elm so cut off with a mixture of Clay and Horse-dung.

I have been very credibly informed, that a certain Gentleman in the North-Country having a desire to raise suddenly a Plump or Grove of Trees about his Mansion-house, there being a great scarcity of Wood in that place, obtained a parcel of Elm-trees, lops and tops, and made Trenches or Ditches in the Earth, and cut his Elm-branches, &c. into several lengths of six, eight, ten, or twenty feet in length, as with best conveniencie he could, and buried them singly in the Trenches so digged, and covered them wholly from the one end to the other, leaving only a hole open about the middle of the interred branch; or if it were a long piece, then two open places might be left, out of which places did spring forth several shoots the first year of a very great length; the Winter succeeding he took these branches or shoots, all, save only the fairest, and which was most probable and like­ly to thrive, and so filled up the hole about it, by which means they grew to a prodigious height in a few years, that his habita­tion was compleatly adorned with living aspiring products of his ingenious attempt. Note, that the true time of this Sepulture is when the sap is full in the Tree, when the Leaves are newly sprung, for then the great quantity of the sap that is in the whole branch forceth it self into those shoots or Cions that then have found a passage; also for the succeeding yeers the whole Tree in the Earth becomes a main principal nourishing Root to the nim­ble growing Tree. For it is evident, that if an Elm be felled in the Spring-time when the sap is up, that then the Tree lying on the ground will spend much of its sap in small shoots in every part of it. Much rather if such Tree were buried in a good moist Soil, with only one part thereof open to the Air, from which part you expect a flourishing shoot to proceed. Some have with good success buried such Elm-branches about the end of January or be­ginning of March; but if the Land be not over-dry, the later is better.

If the Elm be felled between November and February, it will Use. be all Spine or Heart, or very little sap, and is of most singular use in the Water where it lies always wet, and also where it may [Page 78] always dry; it is also a timber of great use for its toughness, and therefore used by Wheel-wrights, Mill-wrights, &c. It is also good to make Dressers, and Planks to chop on, because it will not break away in chips like other Timber.

The Elm is good Fewel, and makes very good Charcoal; the Branches and Leaves of this Tree are good food for Cattle; in the Winter where other fodder is dear, they will eat them be­fore Oats.

The Elm is also a most pleasant Tree to Plant in Avenues or Walks, it growing so streight and upright, and mounts to the greatest height of any other Tree in so short a space: It will grow the nearest of any other together, being very sociable, and affect­ing to grow in company, and spreads its Branches but little to the offence of Corn or Pasture-grounds; to both which and the Cattle it affords a benign Shade, Defence, and agreeable Orna­ment.

This Tree is also very flexible, and to be reduced into what form or shape you please for shade and delight; it also springs ear­lier than most other Forrest-trees.

This Tree commonly grows to a great stature, delights most in The Beech. warm Land, it grows plentifully in Gravelly, Stony, and sandy Land: great Beechen-woods I have seen on the driest barren sandy Lands; they delight on the sides and tops of high Hills, and chal­ky Mountains; they will strangely insinuate their Roots into the bowels of those seemingly impenetrable places.

This Tree is altogether a stranger to most Counties in England. And it is probable that there might be none here when the Great Caesar denied that he found any. For many of those great Woods of Beeches may have sprung up after the felling of Oak; as it hath been observed of late years, that where Oak hath been felled the Beech hath succeeded, and that not only here and there a Tree, but in many Acres, and also where no Beech hath been near unto the place. Sponte sua veniunt. Some places na­turally produce them.

If the Species of Trees may be wholly extinct, as is reported of the Chesnut, at least from a spontaneous growth; why may not aswel a new Species naturally succeed? As the Elm, which is re­ported to be no antient product of our English Soil.

This is raised from the Mast as the Oak, and from young Plants Propagation. drawn by the Quickset-gatherers, and planted as the Oak; it grows but slow whilest it is young, but when the Beech is gotten a little out of the way, no Tree thrives better, nor sooner attains to a large bulk than this Tree; and although it be crooked, knot­ty, and ill-shapen whilest it is young, yet will it overcome all those, and prove a streight and compleat Tree.

Its use is principally for the Turner, Joyner, Upholsterer, and Use. such-like Mechanick Occupations, the Wood being of a clean, white, and fine Grain, and not apt to rend or slit: it is sometimes used in building: It is also very good Fewel, burning clear and light, and makes good Charcoal, though not long-lasting: the [Page 79] Mast feeds Swine, Deer, Pheasants, &c. The Wood of this Tree will be cut by an Instrument made for that purpose, into thin and broad Leaves, wherewith they make Band-boxes, Hat-cases, &c. being covered with Paper; this they now do in London, though formerly sent into other Countries for that purpose.

That it is a Tree of great use in Mechanicks, witness the vast quantities that are in Hampshire and some adjacent places, con­verted into Turners-ware, and weekly sent to London. Many of the Instruments used aboard-ship are made of this Timber.

This Tree planted in Avenues or Walks yield a most delecta­ble and agreeable shadow all the Summer, few or none exceeding it for colour and shade.

The Leaves also gathered about the Fall, and somewhat before they are much frost-bitten, afford the best and easiest Mattresses in the world to lay under our Quilts instead of Straw, and conti­nue sweet for seven or eight years.

The Ash is a gallant quick-thriving Wood, it delights in the The Ash. best Land, and will prove well in almost any sort of Land what­soever, and will also grow in the hard, barren, mountanous Land, but not so well for Timber, as in Coppice-woods. Pollards shrowded or lopped, refuse no place. The best Ash grows in the best Land: yet is it not convenient to plant them near Plough­lands, for the Roots hinder the Coulter, and exhaust the fertility of the Soil; the dripping also is injurious to Corn.

There is no Tree delights more, nor is more beneficial in the Chalk or White Land than the Ash; for on those white Hills in Wiltshire, Hampshire, &c. that Tree thrives exceeding well, and being sown in the Keys there, would in time prove a very con­siderable advantage aswel to the private as publike.

It is propagated from the Seed or Keys, which being gathered Propagation. in October or after, when they begin to fall, and sown in your Nursery, the next Spring come twelvemonth they will appear, and will afterwards thrive and prosper very well: they are to be re­moved whilest they are small, because of their speedy deep root­ing. Take not off the tops of the small young Ash, because it is a sappy plant; but of the greater Sets it's best to cut them near the ground, and then will they send forth new shoots, which will soon supply the defect of the other; which may also be done in all young Ash after they are well settled, and it will cause to shoot large and thriving shoots: I have seen the experience of it in such plants that stood several years, and every year decayed till cut off at the roots, and then they did wonderfully thrive.

You may also have Plants drawn by those that draw Quick­sets, &c.

When you intend to raise this Tree on hills or in open grounds, the best way is to sowe the Seeds in the place before or after the Plough; if in Copses where the Plough cannot pass, then to prick them in amongst the Rides of Hasel or other stuff, which will de­fend this Plant from the bite of Cattle; so that amongst the in­finite numbers that thus you may cause to be interred, in a few [Page 80] years you may observe many fair Trees to steal up amongst the Underwood, which you may preserve.

The use of the Ash is almost universal, good for Building or Use. any other use where it may lie dry, serves the occasions of the Carpenter, Plow-right, Wheel-wright, Cart-wright, Cooper, Turner, &c. For Garden-uses also no Wood exceeds it, as for Ladders, Hop-poles, Palisade-hedges, and all manner of Utensils for the Gardiner or Husbandman. It serves also at Sea for Oars, Handspikes, &c. and is preferred before any other.

There is not any Wood so sweet for Cattle to brouse on as this: Rangers and Keepers of Parks in hard Winters have the experience of it, by brousing their Deer on it, and prefer it be­fore any other. Every Country-man also hath the experience of it, by feeding of Cattle on the fallen Hedges, where the Ashen­boughs are first chewed even to admiration before any other by the tender-mouth'd Heifer.

For Firing there's no Wood comparable to it, for a light sweet burning; it will also burn better newly cut than any other Wood.

The only season for setting the Ash for use, is from November till the end of January; for if the sap be never so little in the Tree, the Worm takes it, and spoils the Wood in a short time.

There is no Timber of so speedy a growth as the Ash, that it is related that an Ash at forty years growth from the Key, hath been sold for thirty pounds. Mr. Blith also inserts a President of a Nursery of young Ash that were casually sown by the Wind, that speedily returned to the owner a very great advantage.

Because this Tree is more generally planted for the sake of the Of the Walnut-tree. Fruit than the Timber, we shall refer it to the Chapter of Fruit-trees; only let you know, that the Timber of the Walnut-tree is of so great use and benefit, that it's encouragement sufficient for the propagation thereof; the fruit then added makes the encou­ragement the greater.

This Timber is of universal use (unless for outward Edifices) none better for the Joyner, Upholsterer, Gunsmith, Cabinet-maker, and other Occupations; of a more curious brown colour than the Beech or other Woods, and not so obnoxious to the Worm.

They delight in a light ground or moist gravel, and will grow Of the Chesnut-tree. in Clay, Sand, and all mixed Soils, upon exposed and bleak pla­ces, as more patient of cold than heat.

They are raised from the Nuts, thus: First, spread them to Propagation. sweat, then cover them in Sand; a month being past plunge them in Water, and reject those that swim; being dried, for thirty days more Sand them again, and plunge them as before; keep them in Sand till the beginning of the Spring, and set them in your Nursery, but they thrive best unremoved; you may also set them in Winter or Autumn in or without their husks, and sowe them with other Mast for the raising of Coppices.

The Chesnut-tree growing in Coppices yields incomparable Use. Poles for the Garden or Hop-yard: If it like the Ground it will in [Page 87] ten or twelve years time grow to a kinde of Timber, and bear plentiful Fruit. The Timber whereof is (next the Oak) one of the most-sought after by the Carpenter and Joyner, and is of very long lasting, as appears by many Antient Houses and Barns built thereof about Gravesend in Kent.

Being planted in Hedge-rows, or for Avenues to our Country-houses, they are a magnificent and royal Ornament; and although our Englishmen delight not so much in the Fruit of the Chesnut-tree as other Nations, yet will they yield no small advantage to supply our other occasions.

This Tree delights in reasonable good ground, rather inclining The Service-tree. to cold than over-hot, for in places that are too dry they never bear kindly.

They are raised from the Berries, which being ripe may be Propagation. sown as other Mast: these will come soon to be Trees, and being planted young thrive exceedingly; the best and speediest way is to encrease them from Suckers or Sets.

The Timber is useful for the Joyner, and being of a very de­licate Use. Grain, is fit for divers Curiosities: It also yieldeth beams of a considerable bigness for Building.

The shade is beautiful for Walks, and the Fruit not unplea­sant.

SECT. III. Of several other Trees not so generally made use of for Timber, as for Fewel, Coppice-woods, Hedge­rows, &c.

The Birch will grow on any Land, and cannot well be too bar­ren; The Birch. it will thrive on the hot burning Sand, in the cold wet Clay, Marshes, Bogs, and Stony places, no place comes amiss to it.

The Birch is altogether produced of Suckers, which being Propagation. planted at four or five feet interval, will suddenly rise to Trees; af­ter the first year you may cut them within an inch of the ground, and they will shoot out very strongly.

It is useful for the Turner, and for some Rustick Utensils: It Use. makes good Fewel, and Charcoal both great and small.

This tree yields the best Sap of any Tree in England, and the most in quantity, prepared either with Honey or Sugar into a Wine; which being now frequently made, hath obtained the name of Birch-wine, being a very pleasant and innocent Liquor, and retaineth a very fine flavour of the Tree it came from.

Where this Tree plentifully grows, great quantities of this Li­quor may be extracted, by cutting off some small branches, and hanging of Bottles, with the ends of the Branches in the mouths of the Bottles, into which the Chrystalline Liquor will distil: se­veral Bottles may thus hang on one Tree; or by boring or cut­ting any part of the stem of the Tree, and by a Chip or the like, [Page 82] to guide the Sap into the neck of the Bottle: By either of which ways great quantities of this Liquor may be extracted in the month of February or beginning of March when the Sap ascends, and before the Spring of the Leaf; it will run freely when the Wind is South or West, or the Sun shine warm, but not so if the weather be very cold, or in the night-time. Some have reported that a Birch-tree will yield in 12 or 14 days its own weight in this Liquor; I shall not perswade any man to believe it, although it be most evident that a few Trees will yield you a great quan­tity of it.

This Liquor thus extracted and duly prepared, makes a very delicate repast.

The Maple affects a sound and dry Mould, growing both in The Maple. Woods and Hedge-rows.

It is propagated of the Keys, as the Ash. Propagation.

The Timber is excellent for the Turner and Joyner, for its whiteness, its lightness, and fine diapred knots, &c.

This Tree chiefly desires to grow in cold hills, and in the bar­ren, The Horn-beam. and most exposed parts of Woods.

The most expeditious way of raising it, is by Sets of about an Propagation. inch Diameter, and cut within half a foot of the Earth; it may also be raised of the Seeds sown in October, which are ripe in Au­gust.

It is a very hard Wood for the Mill-wright, for Domestique, or Use. Rural Utensils where hardness is required.

Being planted at half a yard interval in a single row, it makes a stately Hedge or Walk in a Garden or Park, growing tall and speedy, leaved to the very foot of the stem.

It delights in Mountains and Woods, and to fix it self in good The Quick-beam. light ground.

The Sets may be planted as the Ash, or the Berries ripe in Octo­ber Propagation and use. may be sown; It is a quick-growing Coppice-wood, is good for some ordinary uses, and for Fewel.

This Tree above all affects cold, barren, dry and sandy grounds, The Hasel. also Mountains and Rocky Soils produce them; but more pros­perously in the fresher bottoms and sides of hills, and in Hedge-rows.

They are best raised from the Nut, preserved moist, not moul­dy, Propagation. by laying them in their own dry leaves or in sand, and sown about the latter end of February: They are also propagated of Sets and Suckers, the young wands by no means to be cut the first year, but the Spring following, within three or four inches of the ground; greater Sets may be cut within six inches of the Earth the first year.

The use of Hasel-Poles and Rods is generally known to the Use. Husbandman, besides for Fewel and Charcoal.

It is the only Plant for the Virgula Divina, for the Discovery of Mines.

It is a good Ornament for Walks, and yields a pleasant Fruit, [Page 83] but why should we bring this so near us, when we have a much more excellent Plant at as easie a rate? viz. the Filbert.

SECT. IV. Of Aquaticks, or Trees affecting Moist and Watry places.

The white Poplar delights in moist grounds, and near the Mar­gins The Poplar. of Rivers, but not in the Water as the Willow doth.

They are usually encreased by the streght branches or pitchers Propagation. set in the ground, but by no means cut off the top until they have stood two or three years, and then head them at eight, ten, or fifteen foot high or more, and they will yield in a few years a very considerable shrowd, which shrowds or branches may also be transplanted; you may also let them grow upright without topping them, they are then more Ornamental, but not so bene­ficial.

Its White Wood is of singular use for the Turner, and also for Use, several Rustick Utensils, and for the Gardiner: It makes also Few­el for the fire.

This Tree little differs from the Poplar, only it will grow not The Aspen. only in moist but in dry grounds, in Coppices, &c. is propagated by Suckers, but cut not off the tops of the young Cions the first year: its use the same with the Poplar.

The Abele-tree is a finer kinde of white Poplar, and is best The Abele. propagated of slips from the roots; they will likewise grow of layers and cuttings.

In three years they will come to an incredible altitude; in twelve years be as big as your middle; and in eighteen or twenty arrive to full perfection.

This Plant of all other is the most faithful lover of Watery and The Alder. boggy places.

They are propagated of Truncheons, and will come of Seeds; Propagation. but best of roots being set as big as the small of ones leg, and in length about two foot; if you plant smaller Sets, cut them not till they have stood several years. They are a very great Improvement to moist and boggy Land.

The greater Alders are good for uses under the Water, where Use. it will harden like a very stone, but rots immediately where it is sometimes wet and sometimes dry: the Wood is fit for the Tur­ner, and several Mechanick uses; the Poles, and also the Bark, are very useful.

The Withy is a large Tree, and fit to be planted on high banks, The Withy. because they extend their Roots deeper than either Sallies or Willows.

Sallies grow much faster if they are planted within the reach of The Sally. the Water, or in a very moorish ground, and are an extraordinary Improvement.

They are smaller than the Sallies, and shorter lived, and require Osiers. constant moisture.

The Common Willow delights in Meads, and Ditch-sides, not Willow. over-wet.

They may all be planted by Pitchers, as the Poplar: those Sets or Pitchers are to be preferred that grow nearest to the stock, they should be planted in the first fair weather in February, and so till they bud: the Osiers may also be planted of slips of two or three years growth, a foot deep, and half a yard in length, in Moor­ish ground, &c. The Willow may be planted of stakes as big as ones leg, and five or six foot long.

These Aquatick Trees yield a clean white Wood, fit for many Use and benefit. uses, like unto the Poplar; they also yield Poles, Binders, &c. for the Gardiners use: the Osier is of great use to the Basket-ma­ker, Gardiner, Fisherman, &c. They are all good Fewel, and make good Charcoal, they are a very great Improvement to Moo­rish and wet Lands; an Acre at eleven or twelve years growth may yield you near an hundred load of Wood: no Tree more profi­table than some of these Aquaticks (according to the nature of the place) to be planted upon the edges of Rivers, and on Banks, Bounds, or Borders of Meads or wet Lands; they yield a consi­derable head, and ready for shrowding in a few years. Mr. Evelin relates that a Gentleman lopped no less than two thousand yearly, all of his own planting.

SECT. V. Of other Trees usually planted for Ornament, or adorn­ing Gardens, Avenues, Parks, and other places adjoyning to your Mansion-house, and conver­tible also to several uses.

This Tree is a kind of Maple, and delights in a good light Gar­den-mould, The Sycamore. and will also thrive in any indifferent Land, but ra­ther in moist than dry. It's propagated of the Keys, which being Its propagation and use. sown when they are ripe, and falling from the Trees, come up plentifully the next Spring, and is a Tree of speedy growth. Sets also cut from the Tree will grow set in moist ground, or watered well in the Summer; they afford a curious dark and pleasant sha­dow, yield a good Fewel, and the Timber fit for several Mecha­nick uses.

The Lime-tree delights in a good rich Garden-Soil, and thrives The Lime-tree. Propagation. not in a dry hungry cold Land. It is raised from Suckers as the Elm, or from Seeds, or Berries, which in the Autumn drop from the Trees.

We have a sort of Tilia that grows wild here in England, which almost equals those brought out of Holland, where there are Nur­series to raise them streight and comely.

This Tree is of all other the most proper and beautiful for Use. Walks, as producing an upright Body, smooth and even Bark, ample Leaf, sweet Blossom, and a goodly shade at the distance of Sylva. [Page 85] eighteen or twenty foot, their heads topped at about six or eight foot high: but if they are suffered to mount without check, they become a very streight and tall Tree in a little time, espe­cially if they grow near together, they afford a very pleasant dark shade, and perfume the Air in the months of June and July with their fragrant blossom, and entertain a mellifluous Army of Bees, from the top of the morning, till the cool and dark evening compels their return. No Tree more uniform both in its height and spreading breadth.

I have known excellent Ladders made of Lime-tree-Poles of a very great length; the Wood may also serve for several Mecha­nick uses, like unto the other soft and Aquatick Woods.

This most excellent Tree delights in a rich Garden-mould, or The Horse Chesnut-tree. other light mould not too dry, and is easily propagated by Layers: It's a quick-growing Tree, most pleasant to the eye at the Spring, Its propagation and use. when its clammy Turpentine buds break forth into curious divi­ded hanging Leaves; it bears a cluster of beautiful Flowers, and prospers well in our cold Country, and therefore worthy to be ta­ken into our most pleasant Gardens, Avenues, Parks, and other places of delight and pleasure.

They delight in cold, high, and rocky Mountains, where they The Fir, Pine, Pinaster, and Pitch-tree. naturally grow in great abundance, yet will they grow in better and warmer, but not in over-rich and pinguid; if you plant them you must be careful at first to preserve them moist; therefore Land over-hot, Sandy, or Gravelly, is not so good.

They are all raised of the Kernels taken out of the Clogs, which Propagation. being laid in Water some days, and then exposed to some gen­tle warmth of the fire, will open, that you get the Seeds out with much facility, which may be sown in your Nursery, or rather where you intend they should grow, especially the Pine, which will hardly bear a remove unless very young; the Firs will very easily, and may also be propagared of slips, as I have been credibly in­formed.

The Fir grows tall, streight, and neatly tapering, therefore more Use. uniform for Walks, &c. but the Pinaster bears the proudest and stateliest branches, with a fairer and more beautiful Leaf: these two excel the rest for any Ornamental use, and are sooner moun­ted, growing in a few years to a very great height. Mr. Evelin gives you the relation of one that shot no less than sixty foot in height in little more than twenty years: I have seen Presidents of the like nature. For the first half dozen years they make no considerable advance, but afterwards they come away miracu­lously.

The use of this Timber is so well known to our Ship-wrights, Carpenters, and other Mechanicks inhabiting near the Maritime Coasts, that nothing here need be said.

Out of these Trees are made Turpentine, Rosin, Tar, and Pitch.

These Trees are not much in use, yet deserve to be propagated The Larch, Pla­tanus, and Lo­tus. for their rarity, excellent shade, and durable Timber.

This curious Tree delights in a warm and dry Land, not so The Cypress. much desiring a rich as a warm place.

It is propagated from the seed sown in March, and easily abides Propagation and use. transplantation.

It is one of the most Ornamental Plants nature affords, and may either stand single, Pyramid-like, or set in Hedges, and clipped to any form you please: we have so little of its Timber here, that we only refer you to the joyner and Cabinet-maker for its use.

This Tree grows in all extremes; in the moist Barbado's, the hot Cedar. Bermudas, the cold New-England, in the Bogs of America, in the Mountains of Asia.

It is propagated of the Seeds; is a beautiful Tree: its Timber incomparable, and almost perpetual.

The Alaternus thrives very well in England, as if it were na­tural; The Alaternus. is raised from Seeds, is swift of growth, and one of the most beautiful and useful of Hedges and Verdure in the world, and yields an early honey-breathing Blossom.

This Tree delights in a warm fertile Soil, and is propagated of The Phillyrea. the Berries or Seeds sown in the Spring, and also of the slips set like the slips of Box.

It is a most beautiful Plant, and one of the quickest growth of any, for the raising of Espalier Hedges, and covering of Arbors, being always of incomparable Verdure.

This Tree greatly loves the shade, yet thrives well in our hot­test The Bay-tree. Gravel.

They are raised of their Suckers, and their Seeds gathered when they are through ripe, in the midst of Winter, and sown in March.

The beauty and use of this Tree is commonly known.

This Tree preserves its Verdure best in the shade, but grows any The Laurel. where, is propagated like the Bay, and is one of the most proper and Ornamental Trees for Walks and Avenues, of any growing.

It grows generally in the barrennest grounds, and coldest of our The Eugh-tree. Mountains, is easily produced of the Seeds, washed and cleansed from their Mucilage, and buried in the ground like Haws: it will be the second year ere they peep, and then they rise with their caps on their heads; at three years old you may transplant them: they are also propagated by Plants or Suckers, but they are diffi­cult of growth.

The Timber is a very hard wood, and very useful to most Me­chanicks that work in Wood; they are also a beautiful Orna­ment, and a sure defence against impetuous Winds, and nipping Cold.

Privet is a Plant that hath been in great request for adorning Privet. Walks and Arbors, till of late other new and more acceptable Plants by degrees begin to extirpate it out of the most modish Plantations, nevertheless it may yet claim a corner in ours.

SECT. VI. Of Shrubs and other Trees less useful, yet planted for Ornament and Delight.

This Tree requires a Winter-shelter, is raised usually by slips Myrtle. and layers, but may be raised of Seeds; it is a very sweet and plea­sant Plant.

The Box is a Plant that hath been much more in use than now Box. it is in the Garden, from whence most banish it by reason of its injurious scent, it deserves to be planted in the more remote parts; it will grow in any indifferent Land, and is encreased by slips; the Tree is a very curious Ornament, and may be reduced to di­versity of shapes and forms, and yields a most excellent Wood, than which none is more desired by our Mechanicks.

This Tree is highly commended by Mr. Evelin in his Sylva, for Juniper. a Tree that may be formed into most beautiful and useful Hedg­es, and that one only Tree covered an Arbor capable for three to sit in, seven foot square, and eleven in height, yet continually kept shorn, having been planted there hardly ten years. They are raised of their Berries, which come up in two months.

This Tree groweth tall and great, is increased by Suckers and Tamarisk. Layers, and is usually planted by those who respect variety and pleasure: the Wood also is medicinal.

Is usually propagated for its pleasant green leaf, though the Arbor Vitae. cold Winter makes it dark and brown; it is usually planted by slips and layers.

There are several Trees that are planted on the edges of Walks, Some flower-trees and other trees of delight. and in spare places in Rural Gardens and Orchards, only for their Ornamental habits they usually wear in the Spring and Summer, as Arbor Judae, Laburnum, the Sena-tree, Spanish-broom, the Blad­der-nut, the Gelder-rose, the Pipe-tree, Paliurus, Jesamies, Wood-binds, Virgins-bower, the Stawberry-tree, Mezereon, Laurus-tinus, double-flowred Pomegranats, Apples, Pears, Cherries, Peaches, &c. Roses of all sorts, and several other Trees, yielding great variety, pleasure, and content to the Laborious Husbandman. For the na­ture, ordering, and propagating, and uses of them, and all other pleasant Plants, Flowers and Herbs, I must refer you to those Tracts that peculiarly handle that Subject, my intentions being only to promote the Propagation, and encourage the Industri­ous in their advancing of such Trees, Plants, Grains, &c. that are necessary and profitable to the Country-farmer, although I have a little in this place digressed from my former purpose: But return, and give you an account

SECT. VII. Of such Trees that are necessary and proper for Fencing and Enclosing of Lands, Orchards, Gardens, &c. And the best way of raising such Fences.

Seeing that Fencing and Enclosing of Land is most evident to be a piece of the highest Improvement of Lands, and that all our Plantations of Woods, Fruits, and other Tillage are thereby secu­red from external Injuries, which otherwise would lie open to the Cattle:

Texendae sepes etiam, & pecus omne tenendum est,
Praecipue dum frons tenera, &c. Virgil.

And also subject to the lusts of vile persons, as old Tusser obser­ved, where Fences and Enclosures were deficient.

What Orchard unrobbed escapes?
Or Pullet dare walk in their Iet?
But homeward or outward (like Apes)
They count it their own they can get.

For which reason we are obliged to maintain a good Fence, if we expect an answerable success to our Labours. I shall therefore enquire out the most proper Trees for that purpose: And first, the White-thorn is esteemed the best for fencing; it is raised either of Seeds or Plants; by Plants is the speediest way, but by Seeds where the place will admit of delay, is less charge, and as succes­ful, though it require longer time, they being till the Spring come twelvemonth ere they spring out of the Earth; but when they have past two or three years, they flourish to admiration.

Next unto the White-thorn, is the Holly, which claims a pre­ference Toe Holly. much before the White-thorn, were it not for its slow growth in its puberty; which may the better be born withal, if we consider the excellencie thereof, either for sight, ornament, or defence; for thickness and closeness it may compare to a Wall or Pale to defend your Inclosure from Winds, or the eyes of ill neighbours; and for its strength against man or beast is impregna­ble; for height or thickness it will answer your desires.

It is raised of the Berries of the Sets, as is the White-thorn, but the Sets are more difficult of growth, unless they are planted late in the Spring, and well watered.

This Plant deserves a principal place amongst our Trees for Pyracautha. Fences, it yielding a very strong and firm prickly branch, and ever-green leaves; is quick of growth, and easie of propagation; it is raised either of the bright Coralline berries, which hang most part of the Winter on the Trees, and lie as long in the ground [Page 89] ere they spring, as the Haw-thorn berries, or else it is raised of Suckers or slips.

The Black-thorn (and Crab also) yield a very good Fencing Black-thorn. branch, and are raised as the White-thorn.

A considerable Fence may be made of Elder, set of reasonable The Elder. lusty Truncheons like the Willow, and may be laid with great curiosity; this makes a speedy shelter for a Garden from Winds, Beasts, or such-like injuries, rather than from rude Michers.

Furzes, Brambles, &c. are very necessary for the planting of Furzes, &c. dry Banks, where it is difficult to raise a better Fence, and in those places they will maintain the Bank against any Cattle. Furzes are also sown on barren Land, and esteemed a considera­ble Improvement, the green tops are good food for Horses, the pricklines thereof being taken away by chopping.

Let your Plants be about the bigness of your thumb, if you can, The speediest and best way of planting a Quickset-Hedge. and set almost perpendicular, and cut within four or five inches of the ground, and planted in a double row at about half a foot distance; they will prosper infinitely, and much outstrip the closest ranges of our trifling Sets.

The other way most followed for the planting of a quick Another way more usual, and better for the Field. Hedge, is on the Bank of a Ditch thus: Place the first row of Sets on the brink of the Ditch in the upper-mould, and cover them with the better part of the mould taken out of the Ditch, and raise the bank about eight or ten inches above them; then place another row of Sets, each Set against the spaces of the first row; then lay more of the best mould to the roots of the Sets, and raise the bank as before, and place another row of Sets opposite to the first, applying the best mould to the Roots, and finish the Bank with the bottom of the Ditch.

You may plant it as the White-thorn; but if you think that too Of planting the Holly-bedge. tedious to wait its rise, you may plant it with the White-thorn, and let every fifth or sixth be an Holly-set, they will grow infallibly with the Quick, and as they begin to spread, make way for them by extirpating the White-thorn, till they quite domineer.

Also you may lay along well-rooted Sets a yard or more in length, and stripping of the leaves and branches, cover them with a competent depth of Earth, and they will send forth innumerable Suckers, which will advance into an Hedge. Holly is one of the slowest, though best Plant for a Fence.

All these Hedges being young should be carefully Fenced with Preserving of Hedges from Cattle. a dry Hedge from the biting of Cattle on both sides, if need re­quire, until the the tops are out of their reach; and where any fail, to supply them in time with new, or to plash the next to fill such vacant gaps.

Whilest they are yet young, they are to be constantly weeded, Weeding of Hedges. lest the Weeds prevent the thick-spreading of the Hedge at the bottom, as well as check the growth and prosperity of the Plant.

If your Hedge stand remote, or that you do not Annually keep Plashing of Hedges. it clipt whereby it should thicken, then at about six years age you may plash it about February or October. Some workmen are far more expert and judicious at this than others are, and can bet­ter [Page 90] do it than any pen can direct, therefore I shall not trouble you therewith, but leave you to the skill of the workman.

Whatsoever you plant or make your Fences withal, it is a piece of very good husbandry to plant at some convenient distance Set­ters either of Timber proper for the Soil, or of Crabs whereon to graff Apples, or Perry-stocks for Pears, as you shall be advised or judge convenient; which will very much improve your Land for the future, and commend the industry of the Planter.

SECT. VIII. Of the Nursery for the more convenient propagation of most of the fore-mentioned Trees.

Several of the said Trees are usually produced of the Seed, Trees produced of Seeds, &c. Mast, or Berries, and those are the Oak, Beech, Chesnut, Service, Maple, Sycomore, Horn-beam, Quick-beam, Hasel, Firs, Pines, Pi­naster, Pitch-tree, Cypress, Cedar, Bays, Laurel, Privet, and Juni­per, which being sown spring the first year; and the Ash, Phillyrea, Eugh-tree, White-thorn, Black-thorns, Holly, and Pyracantha, whose Seeds or Berries usually lie in the Earth another year after they are sown, ere they spring.

To produce Trees immediately of the Seed is the better way: First, because they take soonest: Secondly, because they make the Best raised of Seed. streightest and most uniform shoot, being very considerable in Timber-trees: Thirdly, because they will neither require staking, nor watering, which are two very considerable Articles: And lastly, for that all transplanting (though it much improve Fruit-trees) is a considerable impediment to the growth of Forrest-trees, but if they are removed out of the Nursery whilest they are young, and carefully preserved, this injury is not so great; also Plants raised of the Seed in the place where they are to stand, shall soon outstrip a removed Plant of a greater age, especially the Pine and Walnut, where the Nut set into the ground shall cer­tainly overtake a Tree of ten years growth which was planted at the same instant.

Because of the coldness of the Winter, and the damage the Preserving and preparation of the Seeds. Mast, Seeds, or Berries may receive from Mice, and other Vermine, it is not good to sowe them till the Spring, for the better preser­ving of them from drying, rotting, or decaying; you may put them into Pots, Barrels, or other Vessels, Cellars, Sheds, or such-like places, with a mixture of Earth or Sand, not too dry, inter­mixed stratum super stratum, with the Seeds, &c. At the Spring you will finde them sprouted, and being committed to the Earth, as apt to take as if they had been sown with the most early.

Some affirm that by this way of preparing the Seed, &c. those Seeds that otherwise would have lain over another Winter in the ground before they had sprung, being now committed to the ground before the Full in March, will that season be chitting, and speedily take root.

Chuse not your Mast or Seeds from the aged, decaying, or not Election of the Seed. thriving Trees, but from a thriving Tree, of a sound stock, and firm Wood, and let the Seed be the most weighty, clean and bright.

Make choice of some spare place of ground well Fenced and Place for a Nursery. secured from Cattle, Conies, &c. respecting the South-East rather than the full South, and well protected from the North and West; let the ground be rather dry than moist, for Trees will rarely thrive being removed out of a wet into a dry place, but exceed­ing well out of a dry into a moist; break up the ground, and prepare it the Winter before you sowe it; the cleaner it is from Weeds, and the lighter and mellower the ground is, the better will the Seeds thrive, for in much weeding the young Plants are indangered.

The Nursery for your Firs, Pines, Cypresses, and all such Win­ter-greens, and tender Plants, had need be sheltered from the Southern Aspects either artificially, or else made where it is natu­rally so defended.

You may make Furrows or Trenches of four or sive Inches Manner of sowing. deep, at about two foot breadth, with a convenient Interval for the more commodious Weeding and dressing the Plants: In­to these Furrows cast your Seed or Mast, such as usually spring the first year in beds by themselves; and such that stay the second, by themselves, or (as it is best for the better ordering them at their removal) sowe each Seed or Mast apart, then cover them with a Rake.

The Seeds of Firs, Pines, &c. need not be sown above an inch deep, and covered finely with a Sieve, and duly watered.

If the Seeds of Pines, or Firs be rolled in a fine Compost made of Sheeps-dung, and planted, they never fail.

But for the more convenient removal of the Pine (which least abides it of any Tree I know) take small earthen Pots without bottoms, or small Baskets, Boxes, or such-like, and set them to the brims in rows in the ground, and fill them with good mould, and plant in each of them two or three Seeds; when they grow, leave only one, and by this means at two or three years growth may you securely remove them, the Earth being kept fast about the Roots; and where-ever you plant them the Tree it self in time will rid its stem of the Pot or Box.

When the young Imps or Seedlings are sprung up, you must Ordering of the Nursery. be very careful in keeping them from Weeds, which else will soon over-run them; and after weeding the ground being unset­tled, give them a little water if it be a dry and hot season.

The Winter following you may lay a few Bushes, Furze, or such like over them, and scatter a little Straw onely to break the force of the Winds, which in the Winter season injure more than Snow or Frost.

But for the Cypress, Phillyrea, and such other tender Winter-greens, you must defend them with more care.

If you intend to raise a Coppice from Mast, or Seed, dig or plough Sowing of a Coppice. [Page 92] the parcel of ground you intend, as you would prepare it for Corn, and with the Corn either in the Autumn or Spring, sowe also good store of such Mast, Nuts, Seeds, Berries, &c. as you de­sire; then take off your Crop of Corn, and lay it up for Wood; although that several sorts of your Seeds come up the first, yet will they receive but little injury by treading at the Harvest, but injure it as little as you can: also the stubble be­ing left high, will be a shelter for the young Trees the first Winter.

SECT. IX. Of the Transplantation of Trees.

The best time for removing or transplanting of all Trees that The time. shed their leaf, is in October, or the beginning of November im­mediately after, or at the fall of their leaf; but that time being omitted, you may transplant them till the Spring in open weather, and before they bud.

All Trees that shed not their leaf Annually, but are ever green are to be removed in the Spring when the cold is over, for they spring not so soon in the year as the other: But some affirm the only time to be in August.

Such Trees that are pithy, as the Ash, Sycomore, Lime-tree, Aspen, Cut not the tops of some Trees. and such-like, cut not off their tops the first year of their remove, because the wet will be apt to perish the Plant; neither diminish the heads, nor many of the branches, nor Roots of the Firs, Pines, or other Rosinaceous Trees, for they are prone to spend their Gum, to the great injury, if not ruine of the Plant.

The same time and Method is to be observed in the transplan­tation, Of such Trees that come of Slips, Suckers, &c. removal, or propagation of the Suckers, Cions, Slips, or Layers of the Elm, Birch, Lime-tree, Horse-chesnut, and such other Trees that are usually produced of Suckers, Layers, Slips, &c. as you do in the removal of the young Seedlings of the other Trees.

Only that for the slipping or laying of such Branches of Trees Time to slip or lay. that had not before taken any Root, the most proper time is in the top of the Spring, about the time that the Sap is newly risen, and the Tree ready to bud.

All Trees that are raised of Pitchers, or Sets, as the Poplar, As­pen, The time for Aquaticks. Abel, Alder, Withy, Salley, Osier, Willow, Elder, and Privet, are to be planted in February or March, before they are too for­ward.

Let your young Plants be removed rather into a better mould Manner of transplanting. (though there is but a little about the Roots) than a worse: let as much Earth adhere to the Roots as you may, and leave as much of the Root on as you can, abating only the top-root or down­right Roots, and spread the other every way in the pits or holes made for that purpose, which ought to be made larger and deeper than the Plant at present requires, and filled up with loose mould, [Page 93] that young Roots may the better spread to seek nourishment for the Tree.

In Transplanting be sure to preserve the smallest Roots which gather the Sap; and in filling the Earth about the Tree, endeavour to keep them to a level with Earth between them, that they may not be irregularly placed; for the well settling these Roots will conduce very much to the prosperity of the Tree.

It is good to plant it as shallow as might be, and not below the Plant shallow. better part of the Earth into the Gravel, Clay, Sand, nor Wa­ter, &c. but rather advance the Earth about the Tree, than set the Tree too deep; be sure also not to set it deeper than it stood be­fore.

In the removal of such Trees that have arrived to any conside­rable Observe the coast. bigness, it is very expedient to observe the coast and side of the stock, which way it stood before its removal; and not to be esteemed such a trifle as Lawson, and many other trifling Authors pretend: For it is most evident that the Sap doth naturally flow most on that side of the Tree that's next the Sun, and on that side doth the Tree more encrease than on the other, as is evident in ob­serving the Pith to be nearer the North than South-side of the Tree: But in such Trees that stand thick in a Nursery, or have long stood in the shade, where the Sun hath wrought little or no­thing upon them, you may be less critical.

The Oak, Pine, and Walnut-trees bear spreading large branches, The distance. and require greater distances than any other; therefore the near­est should stand forty foot.

The Beech, Ash, Eugh, Fir, Chesnut, &c. may stand somewhat nearer than the other.

The Elm, and the Horn-beam will grow the nearest of any Trees: For the other, you may plant them at what distance the magnitude of the Tree, your occasions, or the nature of it re­quires.

The Watering of your Trees immediately upon their transplan­tation, Watering of Trees. very much conduceth to their prosperity, and settling the Earth about the Roots, unless in weather extreme cold, and where the Plant is of a tender kinde: Also the young Plants for the first year will require your aid in watering of them in a dry Spring.

Also if Trees have been carried far, the setting of the Roots in Water some certain time before you inter them, conduces much to their revival.

If the Trees be of any considerable height, they ought to be Staking of Trees. carefully defended, as well from the injurious Winds, as the fri­cations of Beasts, by staking them, and with a wisp of Hay or other soft Ligament to binde them to such stake, not omitting to interpose a little Moss, or Hay, &c. between the Tree and stake, to preserve it from galling: If your Trees be in danger of Cattles injuries, then you ought to bind or set bushes about them, to pre­vent rubbing.

Planters in most places do strictly observe to cut the foot or Planting of Aquaticks. [Page 94] ground-end of Poplar, Withy, or other Aquatick Pitchers or Sets, only one way, like a Hindes foot, pretending that to be a princi­pal observation.

If either your impatient fancie, or your urgent occasions oblige Removing Trees in Sum­mer. you to the removal or Transplantation of Trees in the Summer; you may tread in the steps of a certain Prince Elector that at Hi­delbergh in the midst of Summer removed very great Lime-trees out of one of his Forrests, to a steep hill exceedingly exposed to the heat of the Sun, the Heads being cut off, and the Pits into which they were transplanted, filled with a Composition of earth and Cow-dung, which was exceedingly beaten, and so diluted with Water, as it became almost a Liquid Pap, wherein he plunged the Roots, covering the Surface with the Turf: It is presumed that if the Trees were smaller, be they of what Wood soever, there needeth not so absolute a decapitation.

Several relations there are of Trees that have been planted or Transplanting of great Trees. removed of eighty years growth, and fifty foot high to the near­est bough, wafted upon Floats and Engines four long miles, with admirable success, and of Oaks planted as big as twelve Oxen could draw; to which effect, these are prescribed, as the ways to accomplish the like designes.

Chuse a Tree as big as your Thigh, remove the Earth from a­bout him, cut through all the Collateral Roots, till with a com­petent strength you can inforce him upon one side, so as to come with your Axe at the Tap-Root; cut that off, redress your Tree, and so let it stand covered about with the mould you loosened from it, till the next year or longer, if you think good; then take it up at a fit season.

Or a little before the hardest Frost surprise you, make a square Trench about your Tree, at such distance from the stem as you judge sufficient for the Root; dig this of competent depth so as almost quite to undermine it, by placing blocks and quarters of Wood to sustain the Earth; this done, cast on it as much Water as may sufficiently wet it, unless the ground were moist before; thus let it stand till some very hard Frost do bind it firmly to the Roots, and then convey it to the pit prepared for its new station.

But if it be over-ponderous, you may raise it with a Pully be­tween a Triangle, placing the Cords under the Roots of the Tree; set it on a Trundle or Sled to be conveyed and replanted where you please: by these means you may transplant Trees of a large stature, and many times without topping or diminution of the head; which is of great importance to supply a defect, or remove a Curiosity.

After you have transplanted your Trees, if you lay about the Helps to Trees. Roots or Stems, Fern, Straw, Stubble, Hawm, or any other Vege­table whatsoever, either green or half rotten is best, which will preserve the Roots moist in the Summer, and yield a good Ma­nure or Soil, which the Rain will carry to the Roots.

Also stones laid about the Roots of Trees preserves them moist [Page 95] in the Summer, and warm in the Winter, and keeps them fast against the shaking Winds.

Copses may also be planted about Autumn with the young Planting of Copses. Sets or Plants, the best way is in rows about ten or fifteen foot distance, for then may you reap the benefit of the Intervals, by Ploughing, or Digging and Sowing, till the Trees are well advan­ced; Carts also may the better pass between at the time of felling without injury to the Stems, or danger of the Cattle; There will also be many pleasant Walks, and yet an equal burthen of Wood at the full growth of the Copse, as though they were thick, and confusedly planted.

There is a compendious way for thickning of Copses that are Thickning of Copses. too thin, by laying of some of the Branches of the Trees (that stand nearest unto the bare places) on the ground, or a little in the ground, giving it a chop near the foot the better to make it yield; this detained with a hook or two, and covered with some fresh mould at a competent depth, will produce a world of Suck­ers, and thicken and furnish a Copse speedily.

SECT. X. Of the Pruning, Shrowding, Cutting, and Felling of Trees and Copses.

In the discreet performance of this work, the Improvement of Pruning of Trees. our Timber and Woods doth much consist; and renders our A­venues, Walks, Parks, &c. much more pleasant and commodious to have the Trees stand in order, their Branches at a convenient height, and kept clean from all superfluities.

Such Trees that are for Timber, it's best to prune whilest they are young, and the Branches not too big; of these and other Trees it's good to cut off the Branches that are superfluous, about Ja­nuary, with a very sharp Bill or other Tool, making the stroke up­ward by reason of the grain of the Wood, and to prevent the slitting of the Tree at the fall of the Branch, and cut it clean, smooth, and close; for by cutting of the Branches at a distance from the Tree, the stumps rot, and leave hollow holes which de­cay the Tree, and spoil the Timber.

Such Trees that are not fit for Timber, or that you desire should Shrowding or lopping of Trees. yield you a present advantage, or serve for Fewel, you may shrowd or lop them, which will return you a considerable advan­tage, and is much to be preferred before a Copse in these seve­ral respects: 1. These Pollard or Shrowded Trees need no Fence to be maintained about them, standing in no danger of the brow­sings or Frications of Cattle, Conies, &c. 2. You have the benefit of Grazing under these Trees, which is very considerable whilest the tops are young. 3. The stocks taken in time before they de­cay or grow hollow, yield a good Timber fit for many uses, or at least good cleft for the Fire. 4. And lastly, you may raise these [Page 96] Pollards in Hedge-rows and spare places, and borders of your grounds, where they prove a good shelter as before we noted, and little injure the ground.

Notwithstanding the Copse is quicker of growth, and raises a more considerable advantage for the present than this way, in some places, therefore where you have conveniences for a Copse, I leave you to your election.

Trees are not to be shrowded till they have taken fast rooting, Times for shrowding. and so stood for three or four years, at what height you think convenient, so it be out of the reach of Cattle, either at the be­ginning of the Spring, or the end of the Fall. For the harder sorts of Woods it is very indifferent, observing that they be not lop­ped above once in ten or twelve years, and at any time in the Winter. The Elm and the Ash, and such-like pithy and softer Woods are fittest to be shrowded at the Spring, lest the Winter injure the Tree.

Always observe to cut the remaining stumps aslope, and Observations in shrowding. smooth, that they cast the Water off, that the Tree perish not.

Take not off the head of the Poplar, nor of any of the soft Woods (before unshrowded) growing upright, and smooth, after they have attained the bigness of ones Leg, unless you leave some Collateral shoots to attract the Sap; for it will endanger the Tree.

All Perennial Greens, or Resinous Plants, are not to be pruned Pruning of Winter-Greens. or cut until the greater Frosts and bitter Winds are past, and then not in any wise decapitate the Fir, Pine, nor such pithy Plants, and be very sparing of their Collateral Branches.

You may cut Aquatick Trees every third or fourth year, and Cutting of Aquaticks. some more frequently according as the Tree is in proof, or the shrowds or tops fit for your occasions; cut them not too near the main stock, because of perishing the Tree; and besides, it gives leave for the new sprouts.

The best time for cutting Aquaticks, either to dress or plant The time. them, is about the beginning of March, or the first open weather at the Spring; but if for the Fire, in the Winter before the Sap be­gins to rise, or you may cut them at any time between Leaf and Leaf.

Such Copses or Copse-trees that you have lately planted at one, Cutting of young Copses. two, or rather three years growth, may be cut within two or three inches of the ground, in the Spring-time (the less prosperous espe­cially) which the new Cions will suddenly repair in clusters, and tufts of fair Poles.

Copses being of a competent growth, as of twelve or fifteen Felling of Cop­ses. years, are esteemed fit for the Axe: but those of twenty years standing are better, and far advance the price: seventeen years growth affords a tolerable Fell: you are to spare as many likely Trees for Timber, as with discretion you can.

The growth of Copses is so various according to the nature of the Ground, some being dry and barren, some moist and fruit­ful, that no time can be set but as the Copses are quick or slow in [Page 97] growth, and the bigness of the Wood suits with the Market, or your occasions, so may your discretion be guided.

Copses may be felled or cut from mid-September to mid-March, Time. and to be avoided by mid -May at the farthest, else much injury may be done by Teams in bruising the young Cions, and injuring them with their feet; also the removing of the Rough or Brush, breaks off many a tender Sprig.

Cut not above half a foot from the ground, and that slope­wise, Manner. trimming up such as you spare for Standards, as you go from their extravagant Branches, Water-boughs, &c. that hinder the growth of others.

After the Felling and removing of the Wood, shut up all the Gaps about the Copse, having received a sufficient Hedge about the same before the Spring, and so keep it fenced and defended from Cattle, till it be above their reach; then about July may you put in your Beasts to spend the Herbage in such well-grown Copses.

If your Copses have been neglected, so that they have been browsed by Cattle, and kept under that they are not apt to thrive, the best way is at felling-time to new cut them, and preserve them better from Cattle, and they will soon be reduced to a bet­ter state than before, and thrive beyond expectation.

When your Timber-Trees are arrived to their perfect age, full Felling of Timber-trees. growth, or best state, (for at such a time it cannot be esteemed ill­husbandry to take them away, so that you be careful to preserve others in their stead, though not in their places) or that you are necessitated to fell them, then consider which way, and what time is best for your advantage.

The time of the year is to be considered of according to the Time. occasions or uses you have for your Timber; if it be for sale, and that your present advantage only you seek, then the best time to fell Oak is from mid-April to Mid-summer, the Sap being then proud, and the Bark easie to be taken off, which will yield you a considerable price. But all other Timber whilest the Sap is down in the Winter-season.

If you desire your Oaken Timber for your own proper occa­sions, fell it in December or January, when the Tree is clearest of Sap, by which means the Timber will not be so much subject to the Worm, neither will it cast, rift, or twine, as it will if cut in the Summer: It will also last longer in any Buildings, and not be so apt to yield under a Burden: for the great plenty of Sap mol­lifies the Timber, and makes it rot and decay; therefore the cut­ting of Trees at Barking-time, doth very much injure our Tim­ber, debilitates our Edifices, and expedites their approaching de­cay.

Fell not in the increase nor full of the Moon, nor in Windy­weather, at least in great Winds, lest it throw the Tree before you are willing. I have seen a good Tree much injured by falling too soon.

For the Felling of the greater sort of Timber-trees, one of the Manner of fel­ling great Trees. [Page 98] first and most principal things is, the skilful disbranching of the Boal of all such Arms and Limbs as may endanger it in the fall; for many excellent Trees have been utterly spoiled for want only of this consideration: In the greater Arms chop a nick under it close to the Boal, and meet it with the down-right stroke, it will be cut without splitting.

If you reserve the Roots in the Earth in expectation of a new encrease of Suckers; then fell the Tree as near the Earth as you can, for that is the best Timber: But if you intend a total extir­pation, then grub the Tree, which is more for your advantage: some advise to Bark the Trees as they stand, and the next season to fell them; which I take to be worthy of your practise.


Of Fruit-trees.

SECT. I. Of the Profits and Pleasures of Fruit-trees.

THe planting of Fruit-trees is undoubtedly one of the great­est Improvements that can be made of the most part of our English Land, as all who have written of Improvents do agree; and Worcester-shire, Hereford-shire, Gloucester-shire, Kent, and ma­ny other particular places in this Land can sufficiently evidence the truth thereof.

1. Because it is more universal than many other sorts of Im­provements, there being but little ground in England, but one sort of Fruit or another will prosper upon it, if judicially prose­cuted.

The Charge of planting or raising most sort of Fruit-trees be­ing so small, and the pains so easie, that the most slothful hath not any rational objection against it; but the most common is, that the poorer sort of people will rob and spoil the Plantations, &c. If you plant but a few, this objection may have place; but if you plant any considerable number, it will be worth while to attend them at that season, which is but short, when they are pallatable; or to plant such that are not very inviting, and yet as profitable to the Planter as the most pleasant.

And when they become more common, they will be little re­garded by these Filchers; or if they do borrow a few sometimes in their Pockets, or to make a few Apple-pies withal, yet that is a poor discouragement to an ingenuous Spirit; and much like that Rusick Humor of one that would not improve a very good piece of ground for that purpose with Fruit-trees, because the Parson would have the decimation of it; and so denied himself the nine [Page 99] parts, because the Parson should not have the Tenth; which in­deed is a grand Impediment to Improvement: and it is to be wished that there were some more certain Modus in lieu of that troublesome way of Tything.

This way of Improving by planting of Fruit-trees is more pra­ctised within these few years than hath been in Ages before; a suffi­cient Argument of the benefit the Country-man receives by it. The Computation may be taken from the expence of the young Trees, especially of Syder-fruit that our Nurseries have annually yielded throughout the greatest part of this Kingdom.

2. The use of Fruits is also universal both for meat and drink: That there cannot be an over-stocking of the Country with them, especially of Syder-fruits. This drink being more universally ce­lebrated than any other, as the most pleasant (being of good Fruits, and rightly prepared) the most healthy and the most dura­ble of any other, and must necessarily bring a very considerable advantage to the whole Kingdom in general, because a far greater quantity of Syder is usually produced out of an Acre of Land in one year, than can be made of the Barly growing on an Acre, and much less cost and trouble in the preparation; so that if but a small part of every Farm were planted for Syder, much of the Barley-land might be converted to other uses, which in the end would be a National Improvement and advantage.

It will also lessen that vast consumption we make of French-Wines, which we drink to the enriching of a Foreiner, the im­poverishing of our selves, and the great prejudice of our healths, especially by the corroding Claret, and stummed White-Wines, when we have a thousand Testimonies that English Syder is to be preferred before any French-Wines, and known to be more Ho­mogeneal to our Natures.

Mr. Hartlib in his Legacie tells you of the benefits of Orchard-fruits, that they afford curious Walks for pleasure, food for Cat­tle in the Spring, Summer, and Winter (meaning under their sha­dow) Fewel for the fire, shade from the heat, Physick for the sick, refreshment for the sound, plenty of food for man, and that not of the worst, and drink also of the best; and all this without much labour, care, or cost.

The high Applauses, Dignities, Advantages, and variety of Pleasures and Contents in the planting and enjoyment of Fruit-trees, Mr. Ralph Austen hath very copiously and particularly set forth in his Treatise of Fruit-trees, to which for brevity-sake I refer you, and shall only in this place give you a Catalogue of such Fruit-trees as are for our advantage, with the several ways of propagating and ordering of them. And first of Standard-trees.

Amongst which the Apple worthily deserves the prehemi­nence, 1 Of Apples. both for its universality of place, scarce a Country-parish in England but in some part or other it will thrive; and also for its use, being both Meat and Drink, and generally esteemed by the most curious, as a pleasant Dish. It also exceeds all other English-Fruits [Page 100] for the time we enjoy them; not a day in the year but they may be had, and not of the worst. There is a very great diver­sity of the Species of them; Mr. Hartlib speaks of one who had about two hundred sorts, or Species, and does verily believe there are near five hundred in this Island: The French Gardiner reck­ons up eighty seven several sorts of choice kinds of them in that Country; I presume he computes not the common.

They are of different Natures; some are early ripe, some later; Apples. some are but for a time, others are long preserved: I have heard of Pippins that have been kept two or three years sound, only by care in gathering of them, and at the right season, kept in a Room free from the common Annoyances of Heat and Cold, and hung by the Tails: some are preserved for the Table, others for Cider; the best for the Table are the Jennitings, the Harvey Ap­ple, the Golden Pippin, Summer and Winter Pearmains and Pip­pins, the John Apple, with many others. There is a sort of Rus­seting, with a fine rough Gold-coloured skin, with some Warts on it, which I can give no other name than the Aromatick Rus­seting, knowing no other for it; which Fruit excels any other Apple I have seen or tasted, and is worthy to be placed, not only the Tree in the best of your Plantations, but the Fruit at the best of your Brumal Repasts. The Tree may be had at Mr. George Ricket's, near Hodsden; and at Mr. Ball's at Brainford, two of the best Planters in England. The best for Cider are the Red-Streak, the Jennet-Moyl, Eleot, Stocking Apple, and some others.

Apples planted dispersedly about your Ground, either in the Profits of Ap­ples. Hedges, or in Rows by the Hedges, raise a very considerable ad­vantage, at a very easie Rate or Charge, and that only in Nursing them up till they are freed from common injuries; the great ad­vantages accrewing thereby, are evident to the Inhabitants of Herefordshire, Glocestershire, and several other places in England. I heard it certainly related in Herefordshire of a Tenant that bought the Living he then Rented, only with the benefit he made of the Fruit growing thereon in one year; with this advantage, that he utter'd his Cider by Retail, as they usually do Beer. Or­chards planted with Apples arise to a very considerable improve­ment: I know (saith Mr. Hartlib) that ten, or fifteen pound an Legacy. Acre, hath been given for Cherries, more for Pears and Apples; the Land it self, whilest these Trees are small, and yield you not your desired gain, is capable of bearing any sort of Tillage, till the Trees yield too much shadow; and then, if they are not too thick, the Land is better than before it was planted, sometimes to a three-fold improvement, and hath the Preheminency above o­ther Pastures in being Earlier, not subject to scorching heats; and in the Winter there is plenty of Food for Sheep, Calves, &c.

Next unto Apples, the Pear challengeth his place: They will 2 Of Pears. prosper in some sorts of Land where Apples will not, as in Stony, Hungry, Gravelly Land; yea, in a tough binding hungry Clay, the Root of a Pear-tree being, it seems, more able to pierce asto­ny and stiff Ground.

The Pear-tree bears almost its weight of Sprightful Winy Li­quor; sometimes one Tree bears two, three, or four Hogsheads per Annum. In Herefordshire I was credibly informed, that near Ross groweth a Pear-tree of that Magnitude, that the Circumfe­rence of the Body, or Stem of the Tree; was as much as three men, from hand to hand, could beclip or fathom; and that there was made in one year of the Fruit thereof 7 Hogsheads of Perry.

There are supposed to be four or five hundred several kinds of Pears; the French Gardiner reckons about three hundred of choice sorts of Pears.

Several are for the Table; as the Windsor-Pear, Burgamets, Boon-Christiens, Greenfield-Pear, &c. For Perry, the Horse-Pear, both White and Red, the Bosbury-Pear, Choak-Pear, &c. It is worthy to be taken notice of, that the best Pears for Perry, and so of Apples for Cider, are not very pleasant, Crude as they are from the Trees, and may be planted in the Fields or Pastures with less danger of loss than the Table-fruit.

Some of these also are for the Summer only, and will not last; others will keep over the Winter.

The advantage of the Pear are equal to those of Apples; for though they are deficient in some cases, yet they recompence it in other. It is the goodlier Tree in a Grove, to shelter a House and Walk from Summers heat, and Winters cold Winds, and far more lasting; and for the quantity of ground it covers, bears much more than the Apple, because of their height.

Of Cherries there are several sorts; some of one colour, some 3 Of Cherries. of another; some early, and some late: but for the Orchard or Field, the Flanders Cherry excels. The Great-bearing Cherry also is a very good kind, for that he seldom fails; though in a cold and sharp Spring they are late ripe, and hang near a fort­night after they are Red, before they be through ripe: they are the fittest sort for the coldest places; they are not so pleasant as the other, by reason of the Tartness of the Juyce, yet sharp Cherries are more wholesome than the sweet.

The advantages of a Cherry-Orchard are very great: Mr. Hart­lib Legacy. gives the Relation of a Cherry-Orchard about Sittenburn in Kent, of thirty Acres, that produced in one Year above a thou­sand pound: That President might be but once; one Swallow makes not a Summer; yet they are usually worth ten or fifteen pound per Acre.

They are a Fruit that keep not long; therefore if your store exceed your Market, a most excellent Wine is made of them, by those that delight in such Liquors, which indeed are to be pre­ferred before Forreign.

Wall-nuts, not without desert, challenge a principal place in our 4 Of Wall-nuts. Sylva. Rural Plantation; the Tree groweth tall, is a great defence against Winds, a most Excellent Ornament, delights in a dry, sound, and rich Land, if it incline to a feeding Chalk or Marl; also in stony grounds, and on hills, especially Chalky; likewise in Corn-fields: In several places in Germany no young Farmer is permitted to [Page 102] Marry a wife, till he bring proof that he hath planted, and is a fa­ther of such a stated number of Walnut-trees. The Fruit will yearly sufficiently recompense the loss of the ground it drops with a good advantage; the Timber bears a good price, and is of excellent use in every place, strong, and not subject to the Worm: but is not to be entertained in Hedge-rows, no Tree thriving un­der its drip.

Stately Avenues and large Plantations are of them in Surry, to the very great advantage and recompence of the industry of the owners.

That which is produced of the thick shell of the Nut, becomes the best Timber; that of the thinner, the better Fruit.

If the Market should happen to be overstocked of this Fruit for the Table by over-great Plantations, yet may a considera­ble advantage be raised by extracting an Oyl of the Kernel, as at this time they do in Normandy, which is their principal use they convert them to. The Oyl is excellent for the Limner for laying his white Colours; it's good for Lamps and many other uses.

These are a Fruit growing so low, that we generally look over 5 Of Filberts. them; they delight in a fine mellow light ground, but will grow in almost any ground, especially if they are defended from the violent and cold Winds: the Tree is easily propagated, generally bears well, and yields a most excellent Fruit, not much inferior to the best and sweetest Almond. There are the White and Red, but the White is the best.

Being planted in rows near the greater Trees, they will bear under the shadow of them, and give you a good reward for your Industry. They delight in shady places, where few other fruits will prosper.

They are a Fruit that may be kept long in the husk, or in Sand.

Quinces are a very good Fruit; the Trees delight in moist 6 Of Quinces. ground, and near the Waters-side; and where they like their ground, they yield a very great increase; it is good to apply hot and rich Soils to the Roots of them, which will be fully repaid in the Fruit. There are several kinds of them, some are a small Crab-quince; others a fair, large kinde of quince: 'tis good to plant of the best sort, and the best bearers; the Portugal-Quince is judged to be the best both for bearing and use.

Mr. Hartlib tells you of a Gentleman at Prichnel in Essex, who Legacie. had a Tree from beyond Sea, and had the best in England, and had made above thirty pound of a small piece of ground planted with them.

They are difficult to propagate; they will grow in any reaso­nable 7 Of Mulber­ries. good Land: the Fruit is made use of several ways, some make a Drink or Wine of them, it's very good to colour Wine or Syder; but the greatest and most principal benefit and use of the Mulberry-tree is the leaf, being the only known food for the Silk-worm; if the Trees were more encreased, it would be en­couragement [Page 103] sufficient to keep these curious Creatures: although many have kept them, and made great quantities of the Silk, yet the difficulty of obtaining the leaves, and where they are, they Hartlib's Le­gacie. grow in Gardens generally, few in quantity, and valued accor­ding to the ground they grow on, that it's a great discourage­ment to that noble Improvement.

If King James's Letter for the planting of Mulberry-trees were Legacie. again revived, or some compulsive Statute to that purpose, and diligently prosecuted, it would produce in time a very considera­ble advantage to this Kingdom.

Or rather, if his Majesty, or some Honourable Person, would al­lot some large parcel of Land, out of some Forest or Chace, to be wholly Cultivated for the raising of a Mulberry-wood, it would become a most noble President for others to imitate: For the principal Advantage must be raised on such Land not yet im­proved to the highest value by other Plantations, as usually Gar­dens are.

There are many kindes of Plums, and very much differing 8 Of Plums. from each other. The better sorts, as the Mustle-plum, the Da­mazine, Violet, and Premorden-Plums, with many others, are ve­ry pleasant to be eaten, and require a very good rich warm Soil and place: the common ordinary Plums will grow almost any where; they are not worth the planting to be eaten, unless you can finde a way to make a good Wine out of them; doubtless they yield store of Spirits or Aqua Vitae.

They are the more to be regarded, for that they thrive very well in shady places, where, except the Filberd and the Currant, scarce any other Fruit will prosper.

The Damzin is one of the best, wholsomest, and most profita­ble of Plums, and deserves a place in your Plantation: Mr. Hart­lib Legacie. gives it as a deficiencie, that the great Damzin or Pruin-plum is neglected, which groweth well, and beareth full in England.

Plum-trees and Damzins may also be planted in Hedges, being ordinarily thorny Plants; they will thrive there better than Ap­ples or Pears.

The Medlar is a Fruit of very little use, the reason I suppose 9 Of Med­lars. they are no more multiplyed, yet have they been of long stand­ing; they are pleasing to the Palate: This Tree may serve to fill up a spare Corner in your Orchard.

If we could obtain the Medlars without stones, mentioned in the French Gardiner, they would be better worth the planting. The great Dutch Medlar is the best.

The Barberry is a common Plant in Orchards, and bears a Fruit 10 Of Bar­berries. very useful in Housewifry: There are several sorts of them, al­though but one only common, above which is to be preferred that which beareth its Fruit without stones: There is also ano­ther sort, and chiefly differs from the common kinde, in that the Berries are twice as big, and more excellent to preserve.

Mr. Hartlib condemns us much for neglecting the propagation 11 Of Al­monds. Legacie. of this Tree, which (saith he) groweth well, and beareth good [Page 104] Fruit, as he hath seen divers bushels on one Tree in his Brothers Orchard; they grew large and upright, and need not the help of a Wall; the Almond is in some sweet, in others a little bitter. The Tree is chiefly received for the beauty of its Flowers, which being many, early, and of a fair, pale, reddish colour, make a fine shew in a Garden.

The common Service-tree grows wilde in many places: but 12 Of the Service-Tree. there is a kinde thereof more rare, which by long standing grows to a fair Tree with many branches set with winged leaves, like those of the Ash; but smaller, and indented about the edges: The Flowers grow in Clusters, succeeded by Fruits; in some round, in others Pear-fashion, much bigger and better tasted than those of the common kinde.

There are many sorts and colours of Goosberries; the White-Holland, 13 Of Goose­berries. or Dutch-Goosberry, is the fairest, and best Bearer of all others: The Berries are large, round, smooth, white, transparent, and well tasted. There is a sort of Green Goosberry that is also a very pleasant Fruit.

It's not a small advantage that's yearly reaped by this Fruit, the Tree propagated with so much facility, and yields a wonderful en­crease; and from the beginning of May, to the middle of July, contains a useful Berry.

This Tree bearing so great plenty of Berries, and is so easily propagated, that it may be supposed the Market, especially re­mote from London, may be over-stockt: but this Fruit, taken in its right time, yields so delicate a Wine, that you cannot convert them to a better use, nor solace your self with a finer Summer-Repast.

There are also several sorts and colours of this Fruit; the 14 Of Cur­rans. White is very pleasant, but the Great Red exceeds all the rest, is a plentiful Bearer, and yields the largest Fruit.

The same may be said of the Currant, as before was of the Goosberry, it being also easily propagated, and a great Bearer, and yields a very pleasant Liquor; to be compared, being right­ly ordered, with French-Wines.

Rasberries are not to be omitted out of the number of the most 15 Rasberries. pleasant and useful Fruits, which yield one of the most pleasant Juyces of any Fruit; and being extracted and preserved, will serve to tinge any other Liquor with its delicate Aromatick Gust.

SECT. II. Of Wall-Trees.

Having given you a taste of the most usual Fruits growing in the Fields, Orchards, or Gardens, on Standards that necessarily depend not on any other Prop or Stay, I will now give you a List of such that are usually planted against Houses, Walls, Pales, or other Supports; not only to preserve them from the violent Per­cussions of the Weather, but to augment the heat of the Sun, for [Page 105] the sooner and better Maturating their Fruit; amongst which the Vine claims the Precedency, being esteemed by Ancient 1 Of the Vine. Philosophers the King of this Vegetable Kingdom, as Man is of the Animal, and Gold of the Mineral; most Countries of the World enjoying the delicious fruits of this most excellent Plant: Hartlib 's Le­gacy. It is esteemed a great deficiency, that they are no more propaga­ted in this Island than they are; many are of Opinion they will prove well, being planted in Vineyards, as they do in France, and give many instances of Vineyards that have formerly been in Treatise of Fruit-trees. England, divers places yet retaining the name of Vineyards; as in Bromwel-Abbey in Norfolk, and at Ely in Cambridgeshire, which afforded Wine, as these Rimes seem to testifie.

Quatuor sunt Eliae, Lauterna Capella Mariae,
Et Molendinum, necnon dans Vinea Vinum.

There are many places in Kent called by the names of Vine­yards: Hartlib 's Le­gacy. The same likewise in Glocestershire, between Glocester and Ross, is a place containing the name of a Vineyard, as I was cre­dibly informed travelling that way.

There are at this day several Presidents of making Wine in England; Mr. Hartlib gives an instance of one at Great Chart in the Wilde of Kent, that Yearly made six or eight Hogsheads, which was much commended by divers that tasted of it, and had kept of it two Years; and also of a Gentlewoman that pressed her Grapes, and expecting Verjuice, drew Wine.

Without question our Grapes will afford good Wine, if we can finde places enough to bring them to such Maturity, as some years they do on the House sides, and Walls, which hath been often at­tempted: but I cannot undersand that they Annually succeed, according to expectation; neither indeed do they on the Hou­ses, or Walls. The like inconveniences, though it's probable not in so great a measure, are the Vineyards in other the Northern parts of France and Germany subject unto; which methinks should not prove so great a discouragement, seeing that Hops, Apples, Cherries, &c. are also subject unto the same disappoint­ments. But if they can be Cultivated, and raised to that state, as to bear well, and ripen well in seasonable Summers, we may the better dispence with such casualties, as well in this, as other meaner Productions.

The places most commodious for this use and purpose, and most free from those Annual casualties or inconveniences, must be so scituated and defended, either Naturally or Artificially, as to be free from the continual Assaults of the Winds; for any Vine. Wind in the Summer Refrigerates, and impedes the Maturity of the Grape, and ought also to decline towards the South; if it doth not Naturally decline enough, it ought to be so laid by Art, that it's Elevation may be as near as you can equal to the Elevation of the Pole, or somewhat less; that it may lye square to the Sun-beams, for the most part of the time the Sun passeth through the six Northernly Signs. The Banks or Borders so laid, ought also to be made circular (not streight) as though they [Page 106] contained about the eighth part of a Circle, the Center being in the South, like the Concave of the Burning-Glass which burns by Reflection; for by this means it doth as it were imbrace and detain the heat received from the Sun-beams, and breaks the Winds: for I have known the fairest, best, and most early ripe Grape, to grow on the side of a House after the aforesaid manner cited, when on the same Tree, and on another part of the House, although it received as much of the Sun, they were not so good, nor early, by reason they lay more in the Wind, and the Sun-beams less direct.

There are several other things also to be considered of, to acce­lerate the Maturity of this most excellent Fruit, as the warmth, richness, and lightness of the Soyl, which may be much advanced by Art, in applying of several Ingredients suitable to that pur­pose; also by covering the Surface of the Ground with Tiles, Sand, or such like, that may keep down the Weeds, and afford some assistant heat. The Land that is most apt to produce the largest Brambles, is said to be the most Natural to the Vine, and the fittest to plant a Vineyard on.

It hath also been the usual practise to deprive the Vine of its leaves in the Summer, under pretence of laying the Grape more open to the Sun; but that hath proved, rather than a help, an impediment to the Maturity of them, by depriving them of their shelter from the cool Airs, which in most Summers are more than the scorching heats; as I have often observed the best Grapes, and earliest ripe, to be under the shadow and protection of some Leaf. For what I have here said, and for what else is ne­cessary towards the propagating of this Noble Plant, I must submit to the judgment and experience of such Persons worthy of Honour, that have made far deeper Essays than I have done, and are better capacitated by Reason, Judgment and Experience, to further and advance their Designe.

The Choice of Grapes also is very necessary: Mr. Hartlib commends the Parsley-Grape, the Rhenish-Grape, the Paris-Grape, and the small Muskadel, as most suitable to our Climate.

But if our Country-man be not minded, or have not conveni­encies for the raising of a Vineyard, yet may it prove a very considerable advantage to plant Vines on the South-East and West-sides of his Houses, Barns, and Walls; and by good Cul­ture, and Pruning, they will yield a very considerable increase. I have known several Bushels of Grapes grow on one Vine, being well Pruned, when the same Vine neglected hath yielded very few, and those not so good as when there were many.

Although the Wine that is produced of our English Grapes be not so Excellent as that which is produced of other Fruits, yet to be converted to Vinegar, may prove a very great advantage; that yielding no mean price, the right way of making of it being not difficult, the same Method being ordinarily used for convert­ing Cider into Vinegar, which may to better advantage be done with sharp Wines.

They are very well known, almost every where; there are se­veral 2 Of Aprecocks kinds of them, some earlier, and some larger than the o­ther: although the Tree will grow very well as a Standard, yet it seldom brings its Fruit to Maturity, unless it hath the benefit of some Wall or Pale.

This Tree flourishes much in a light, free, and rich Soyl, but spends it self too much in Branch, and but little in Fruit; be­sides, is subject to the Canker: Wherefore to correct that Vice in the Mould, the best way will be to dig a large Pit where you intend to plant your Tree, and fill it above a Foot thick, and within a Foot or eighteen Inches of the Surface, with Chalk, Marl, or other White Earth, if you can obtain it; by which means the Tree is prevented from rooting too deep, or drawing too much of that luscious Sap; and so thereby may the Tree be more fertile, the Roots also lying warmer, and nearer the Sun and Air: For it is observed, that in White Lands this Tree is sound, spends but little in Branch, and bears plentifully; and in the rich black Mould it runs out in Branch, is subject to the Canker, and bears but little.

There is lately a new Mode of planting these, and other sorts of Fruit, as Apples, Pears, Peaches, Grapes, &c. in Dwarf-trees; that is, they are kept under-hand, that they attain not to full three Foot in height; by which means, being under the Wind, and having the benefit of the reflecting heat of the Earth, they produce their Fruit Mature, and early.

Peaches, Nectorines, and Melacotones, are also to be planted 3 Of Peaches, &c. against Walls, Houses, &c. and are of several sorts, very much differing the one from the other; the best are best cheap.

These are also to be planted against Walls; but being of so 4 Of Figs. little use in our Rural Habitation, I shall leave them.

Although they are generally planted as Standards, and in the 5 Of Currans. Sun, yet there is no Tree admits of a greater improvement a­gainst a Wall, and in the Shade, than this very Tree; it grow­ing much larger, and spreading against a Wall to twelve or four­teen foot high and broad, on the North-side of a House or Wall, and bearing most plentifully, and large and delicate Fruit.

There are some other Fruit-trees, as the Lote-tree, the Vir­ginia Other Fruits. Plum, the Cornel-tree, and such like, that are of small use, advantage, or pleasure; which I leave to the freedom of every man to plant, or use as he pleaseth.

SECT. III. Of the Propagation of Fruit-Trees.

There are several ways of increasing or multiplying the fore­mentioned Fruit-Trees; some by Grafting, some by Inoculati­on or Budding; some from the Seed, Nut, or Kernel, others by Layers, Slips, and Suckers, whereof more particularly; and first of Grafting.

This Art hath been, for many Ages, the most proper, speedy, and beneficial way to propagate several sorts of Fruits; although the same Fruits may be raised by Kernels, yet do they most usual­ly prove wilde, and in taste austere and sharp, tending rather to the wildness of the Stock on which the Tree (whereon the Fruit grew) was Grafted; and although they seem fair, yet they want that vivacity of spirit, and are more woody than the Grafted Fruit: they are also of a much longer continuance e're they bear, and are not then so fruitful. Sometimes Apples have pro­ved well from the Kernel, and have proved much larger Trees, and have born great burthens, (when they have been many years old) but rather by accident, and at best not worth ones labour. Of other Fruits, as Plums, Cherries, Aprecocks, Pea­ches, &c. unless Grafted, or Inoculated, are not of any value: Therefore this Art and Custom of Grafting, or Inoculation, doth preserve the Species of our most dainty Fruits, and melio­rate their Gusts, and affords us the most expeditious, pleasant, and advantagious way of gratifying our Senses, and fulfilling our desires in this most Innocent of Natural Practises.

The Fruits that are to be Grafted are the Apple, Pear, Cherry, 1 By Graft­ing. Plum, and the Medlar; Filberds, Services, and Quinces, may also be Grafted.

The first thing to be considered in Grafting, is the Stock; ac­cording Stock to Graft on. to the nature of the Tree you intend to raise, must your Stock be; for Apples, the sowrer the Stock is, the better is the For Apples. Fruit: therefore the Crab-Stock is usually preferred; they will be more free from the Canker, will become large Trees, and last longer: the Fruits also will be better and harder on Crab, or sowre Apple-stocks, than on sweet.

The best Stocks to Graft Pears on, are those raised from the For Pears. Kernel, or the wilde Pear-Tree; the White-thorn is not good.

Cherries prove best Grafted on the Black-Cherry-Stock, or For Cherries. the Merry-Stock, which may be raised in great quantities from the Stone.

Plums are to be Grafted on Plum-Stocks, and no other. For Plums.

Medlars may be Grafted on the White-thorn, but prove best For Medlars. on Pear-Stocks.

Filberds may be Grafted on the common Nut, and Services on For Filberds, and Services. their own kinde.

Quinces also may be Grafted on their own kinde. For Quinces.

The Fruits that best succeed by Inoculation, are Aprecocks, 2 By Inocu­lation. Peaches, and Nectorines; Goosberries and Currans, Plums, Ap­ples, Pears and Cherries, may also be Inoculated with good success; and several other sorts of Fruits and Trees.

Aprecocks, Peaches, and Nectorines, are usually Inoculated Aprecocks, &c. in Plum-Stocks, raised either from Suckers, or from Stones; those of the white Pear-Plum are esteemed the best; and those of any other great white, or red Plum, that hath large leaves and shoots, are very good either to Graft or Inoculate other choice Plums upon, or for the budding of Aprecocks and Peaches; [Page 109] but for a Nectorine, a Peach-Stock is most proper.

The Stones of Aprecocks and Peaches are not worth the set­ting, for Stocks to Inoculate with other good kinds, in respect their Roots are Spongy, and will neither last nor endure to be transplanted; therefore the Stones of Plums and Cherries are chiefly for that purpose to be regarded, except the Peach-stock for the Nectorine.

Goosberries and Currans are Inoculated on their own kinde; Goosberries, &c. and so are Plums, Apples, Pears, and Cherries.

SECT. IV. Of the Nursery for Stocks.

For the obtaining of a sufficient number of Stocks to Graft and Inoculate the several sorts of Fruits you intend to propa­gate and advance, and also to pleasure your self with such that may be suitable for your intended purpose, and not to be enfor­ced to rely on such that the Country spontaneously affords, ei­ther for quantity or quality, prepare a Bed of Earth well dressed from Weeds, proportionable to the Seeds or Stones you intend to sow, and therein sow your Kernels of Crabs, or such like Ap­ples as you intend to raise your Stocks from, and cover them with Earth sifted or raked over them, two or three fingers thick. This may be done about October, and so let lye till the Winter: For the Stones of Fruits, you may prick them down in Rows, two or three fingers deep, with the sharp end downwards. You may also cover them with long Dung, or Straw, to keep them from the violence of Frosts, which in April you may take off, and in May they will come up; and being kept from Weeds, in two years will be ready to remove into other Beds prepared for that purpose; whereof they are to be planted at a more conve­nient distance, and better order, for the benefit of the Plant, and conveniency of the Grafter.

In Autumn is the most convenient time for this purpose, though it may be done at any time in the Winter, or Spring, before they bud: Let them be set in Rows, about two foot di­stance, or as best pleases your self, and the Plants in each Row about six or eight inches apart, for the better conveniency of transplanting them; make the holes with an ordinary Setting-stick, and cut off the down-right Roots, and the Tops and Side-branches of the Plants, and fasten the Earth about them: Let not the Roots be too long, nor set deep, because they are after­wards removed with more difficulty.

It is necessary to remove Seed-plants, for by that means they get good Roots, which otherwise they generally thrust down one single Root only.

The Nursery thus set, may be ready after one year to Inocu­late, and after two or three years to Graft.

Crab-stocks or Apple-stocks thus raised, are better than those that come from the Woods, or any other ways.

Let the Kernels you raise your Nursery from, consist most, or altogether, of Crabs or Wildings for the Apple-Grafts.

Trees Grafted on a Gennet-Moyl or Cider-stock, preserve best the Gust of any delicate Apple; but on a Crab-stock the Tree lasts longer, and imparts a more Juicy and Tart relish, and so are to be preferred before most sorts of Apples: The wilde Stock does enliven the dull and Phlegmatick Apple, and the Stock of a Gennet-Moyl sweetens and improves the Pepin, &c. or may ra­ther seem to abate some Apple over-tart and severe. The same Rules may be observed in the choice of Stocks for Pears, Plums, Cherries, Aprecocks, &c. the more Acid the Stock, the more life it gives to the Fruit of the Graft; as the black Cherry, or the Cherry-Tree, is the only Stock for the Cherry, &c.

Although the Fruit doth generally take after the Graft, yet is it somewhat altered by the Stock, either for the better or the worse: as Apples or other Fruit Grafted on Stocks select, as be­fore, advance or meliorate them; so if they are Grafted on Stocks of another contrary Nature, much debaseth the Gust of the Fruit.

The Pear Grafted on a Quince-stock, produceth its Fruit bet­ter than the same kinde upon a wilde Pear-stock, and fairer; much better coloured, and the Trees to bear sooner, and more store of Fruits; for the Fruit not only receives something of the Nature of the Stock, as well as the Graff, but also of the Soyl wherein they are planted, and of the Compost applyed unto them.

Therefore chuse a plat of ground for your Seminary and Nur­sery, that may be of an indifferent nature, not too much enriched with dung, nor too sterile, lying warm, the Mould light, that the Stocks may the better thrive: Also let your Stocks be of Fruit select, as before, for that purpose.

If you desire to raise Dwarf-trees, let the Stocks whereon you Graff them, be of the Paradise-Apple for Apples, of the Quince for Pears, of the Morello, or common English Cherry, for Cherries; and so will they be the more fit for the Wall, or for Standards, being kept low according to the new Mode, though I see but little pleasure or profit in that way.

The best way, and most expeditious to raise a great quantity of Quince-stocks for your Nursery, is to cut down an old Quince-tree in March, within two inches of the ground, which will cause a multitude of Suckers to rise from the Root: When they are grown half a yard high, cover them at the bottom a foot thick with good Earth, which in dry times must be watered; and as soon as they have put forth Roots, in Winter remove them into your Nursery, where in a year or two they will be ready to Graft with Pears.

Plum-stocks and Cherry-stocks may be raised from Suckers, as well as from Stones, having regard to the kinds whence they proceed.

SECT. V. Of the Time and Manner of Grafting.

Having thus prepared your Nursery, and raised a sufficient quantity of Stocks to Graff or Inoculate on, you must consider the several ways the several kinds of Fruits are to be propaga­ted, and which are most suitable; and also the several times and seasons wherein to Graff, and wherein to Inoculate.

The times to Graff in, are most usually in February and March; 1 The time for Graffing. but I have grafted even unto mid-April some backward Fruits, and that with good success. You may begin also in January, e­specially with the more forward Fruits, as Plums, Cherries, &c. such that have many to do, or much imployment other way, may begin more early, lest they want time.

You may either Graff or Inoculate at any time of the year, except October and November, saith Stephens, the Author of the Country Farmer; but whether that may be practised with success in these colder Countries, I much question. But doubtless the temperature of the Season doth very much conduce to the growth or proof of the Graff, as milde Weather in December or Janua­ry, may be better for this work, than Frosty Weather in Februa­ry. Frost Weather at no time is fit to Graff in.

When the Zephyres of the Spring are stirring, chuse that season Evelin 's Po­mona. before all others for this work.

Make choice of your Graffs from a constant and well-bearing 2 Choice of Graffs. Branch, if conveniently you can; others may do very well.

The Graffs of such Trees as are ill bearers, or not come to bear Fruit, are to be rejected, the Graffs always partaking of the quality of the Tree from whence they are taken.

Chuse not those that are very small and slender, they common­ly Austin of Fruit-trees. fail; but take the fairest upon the Tree, and especially those that are fullest of Buds.

In Herefordshire they do frequently chuse a Graff of several years growth, and for the Graffing of such large Stocks as are ta­ken out of the Woods or Nurseries, and fitted into Rows: for Orchards they chuse not the Graffs so small as in other Countries they require them.

Once for all, The stumpy Graff will be found much Superi­our to the slender one, and make a much Nobler and larger shoot. This upon experience.

Graffs of any kinde being cut before they begin to spring, may 3 The keeping of Graffs. be kept many days or weeks, and carried many Miles, being bound up in Moss, the ends stuck in Clay or Earth; or being wrapped in oiled or waxen leather, or the ends stuck in a Turnep.

Many Excellent Graffers assure us, that the Graff which seemed withered, and fit to be cast away, hath proved the best when tryed: That the Graff a little withered and thirsty, is better re­ceived of the Stock.

Having your Stocks and Graffs ready at the time convenient, 4 Instruments for Grafting. together with your Tools, and other materials, as the Pruning-knife, Pen-knife, or other small sharp Knife to fit the Grafts withal, fine Saw, Mallet and Wedge, and also Rushes, or strong soft Flags, or woollen Yarn to binde the Graft and Stock toge­ther, and Clay well tempered with Horse-dung to keep the same from chopping in dry weather, or soft Wax for the smaller Trees, and a small Basket to carry the Graffs in, with such other Instru­ments and Materials as you shall judge necessary for your work, and suitable to the Method you intend to proceed in, or as your own Ingenuity shall direct, then may you proceed in some or one of these several ways or manners of Grafting: Viz.

Either first by Grafting in the Cleft, which is the most known Grafting in the Cleft. and Ancient way, and most usual for the middle-siz'd Stocks; the manner thus: First Saw off the head of the Stock in a smooth place; for Wall-trees or Dwarf-trees, within four fingers of the ground; for tall Standards higher, as you shall think convenient, or your Stock will give way: then pare away the roughness the Saw hath left on the head of the Stock; then cleave the head, (some advise a little besides the pith) and put therein the Wedge to keep the Cleft open; which cut smooth with the point of your small sharp knife, that the sides may be even: then cut the Graff on both sides, from some Knot or Bud, in form of a Wedge, suitable to the cleft with shouldrings; which Graft so cut, place exactly in the Cleft, that the inward Bark of the Cion may joyn to the inward part of the Bark or Rind of the Stock closely, wherein lies the most principal skill and care of the Grafter, if he expects the success answerable to his labours or expectation; then draw out the wedge: but if the Stock pinch hard, lest it should endanger the dividing of the Rinde of the Graff from the wood, to the utter spoiling of the Graff, let the inner side of the Graff that is within the wood of the Stock be left the thicker, that so the woody part of the Graff may bear the stress; or rather you might leave a small wedge in the Stock to keep it from pinch­ing the Graff too hard, and then may you leave the out-side of the Graff a little the thicker; which I have usually done, as in smaller Stocks which pinch but weakly. Herein also is required care and judgment: then cover the head of the Stock with the tempered Clay, or with soft wax, to preserve it, not only from the extremity of cold and drying winds, but most principally from wet.

The second way of Grafting, and much like unto the former, Grafting in the Bark. is Grafting in the Bark or Rinde of the greater Stocks, and dif­fers only in this, that where you cleave the Stocks, and fasten the Graffs within the Cleft in the other way, here you with a small wedge cut tapering downwards, to a point thin, like unto a half round File, and made of Ivory or Box, or other hard wood; only force in the same wedge between the Rinde and Stock, after the head thereof is Sawn off, and the roughness pa­red away: then you are to take the Graff, and at the shoulder [Page 113] or grossest part of it, cut it round with your small Grafting-knife, and take off the Rinde wholly downwards, preserving as much of the inner Rinde as you can; then cut the wood of the Graff about an inch in length, and take away half thereof to the pith, and the other half Taper it away, and set in the place you made with your wedge, between the Bark of the Stock and the wood, that the shouldring of the Graff may joyn closely to the Bark or Rinde of the Stock; and then with Clay and Horse-dung cover it as you do the other.

This way is with most conveniency to be used when the Stock is too big to be cleft, and where the Bark is thick. Here you may also set in many Graffs in the same Stock, and with good success.

Also especial care is to be taken to keep the Tops of your Stocks covered from time to time, till the Bark it self hath co­vered it, to prevent the Rains from rotting the Stock; yet (as Mr. Evelin saith in his Pomona) it has been noted, that many old Trees quite decayed with an inward hollowness, have born as full burdens, and constantly, as the very soundest, and the Fruit found to be more delicate than usually the same kind from a perfect and more entire Stock.

Leave not your Graff above four, five, or at most six inches above the Stock; for being too long, they draw more feebly, and are more exposed to the injuries of weather, and hurt by Birds, and prosper not so well: but herein regard is to be had to the greatness of the Stock, and its long continuance in the same place, and its ability to furnish the Graff with Sap sufficient.

Graff your Cions on that side of the Stock where it may re­ceive the least hurt from the South-west wind, it being the most common, and most violent that blows in Summer, so as the wind may blow it to the Stock, and not from it. Regard is here also to be had to the scituation of the Nursery or place you Graff in.

The third way of Grafting that is made use of, and to be per­formed Shoulder, or Whip-graffing. somewhat later than the other, and seems to be of later invention, because it is not so generally taught and used as the former, is Shoulder or Whip-graffing, and may be done two ways. First, by cutting off the head of the Stock, and smooth First way. it as in Cleft-graffing; then cut the Graff from a Knot or Bud on one side, sloping about an inch and a half long, with a shoul­dring, but not deep, that it may rest on the top of the Stock. The Graff must be cut from the shouldring smooth and even, slo­ping by degrees, that the lower end be thin: place the shoulder on the head of the Stock, and mark the length of the cut part of the Graff, and with your knife cut away so much of the Stock as the Graff did cover, (but not any of the wood of the Stock) place both together, that the cut parts of both may joyn, and the Saps unite the one in the other, and binde them close to­gether, and defend them from the Rain with tempered Clay or Wax, as before.

The other way of this Whip-graffing is where the Graffs and The second way. [Page 114] Stocks are of an equal size, the Stock must be cut sloping up­wards from the one side to the other, and the Graff after the same manner from the shoulder downwards, that the Graff may exactly joyn with the Stock in every part; and so binde, and clay, or wax them, as before.

These (especially the first way) of Whip-graffing are account­ed the best. 1. Because you need not wait the growing of your Stocks; for Cleft-graffing requires greater Stocks than those ways. 2. This way injureth less the Stock and Graff than the o­ther. 3. The wound is sooner healed, and thereby better defend­ed from the injury of the Weather, which the Cleft-stock is in­cident unto. 4. This way is more facile, both to be learned and performed.

The fourth way of Graffing is by Approach or Ablactation; Graffing by Approach. and this is performed later than the former ways, to wit, about the Moneth of April, according to the state of the Spring. It is to be done where the Stock you intend to Graff on, and the Tree from which you take your Graff stand so near together, that they may be conjoyned; then take the Sprig or Branch you in­tend to Graff, and pare away about three inches in length of the Rinde and Wood near unto the very Pith; cut also the Stock or Branch on which you intend to Graff the same after the same manner, that they may evenly joyn each to other, and that the Saps may meet; and so bind them, and cover them with Clay or Wax, as before.

As soon as you perceive the Graff and Stock to unite, and be incorporated together, cut off the head of the Stocks (hitherto left on) four inches above the binding, and in March following the remaining stub also, and the Cion or Graff underneath, and close to the grafted place, that it may subsist by the Stock only.

Some use to cut off the head of the Stock at first, and then joyn the Cion thereunto, after the manner of Shoulder-grafting, dif­fering only in not severing the Cion from its own Stock: Both ways are good, but the first more successful.

This manner of Grafting is principally used in such Plants that are not apt to take any other way; as Oranges, Lemons, Pomgra­nats, Vines, Gessamins, Althea-frutex, and such like. By this way also may attempts be made to Graff Trees of different kinds, one on the other, as Fruit-bearing Trees on those that bear not, and Flower-trees on Fruit-trees, and such like. I have also by this inverted the top of a Cion downwards into the Stock, which hath taken; and afterwards cut off the Graff three or four buds above the Stock, which grew, although but slowly, by means of the Sap being forced against its usual Current.

These are the most usual ways of Grafting: some other there are, but they differ so little from the former, and where they dif­fer its rather for the worse; and therefore not worthy the men­tioning.

Those Graffs that are bound, you must observe to unbinde them towards Mid-summer, lest the Band injures them.

Where their heads are so great that they are subject to the vio­lence of the Winds, it's good to preserve them, by tying a stick to the Stock, which may extend to the top of the Graff, to which you may binde the Graff. The first year the best thriving Graffs are most in danger; afterwards they rarely suffer by the Winds.

Graffs are also subject to be injured by Birds; which may be prevented, by binding some small Bushes about the tops of the Stocks.

There is another way of Graffing lately invented, which is by A new way of Graffing. taking a Graft or Sprig of the Tree you designe to propagate, and a small piece of the Root of another Tree of the same kinde, or very near it, and Whip-graft them together, and binde them well, and plant this Tree where you intend it shall stand, or in a Nursery; which piece of root will draw sap, and feed the Graft, as doth the Stock after the other ways.

You must observe to unite the two Butt-ends of the Graff and Root, and that the rinde of the Root joyn to the rinde of the Graft.

By this means the Roots of one Crab-stock or Apple-stock will serve you for 20 or 30 Apple-grafts: And in like manner of a Cherry or Merry-stock for as many Cherry-grafts; and so of Pears, Plums, &c.

Thus may you also raise a Nursery of Fruit-trees instead of Stocks, by planting them there, when they are too small to be planted abroad, where they are subject to prejudice.

This way, more than any other, is best for the raising of ten­der Trees that will hardly endure the Grafting in the Stock; for here they are not exposed to the injuries of Sun, Wind or Rain.

It is also probable, that Fruits may be meliorated by Grafting them on Roots of a different kinde, because they are more apt to take this way than any other.

The Trees thus Grafted will bear sooner, and be more easily Dwarfed than any other, because part of the very Graft is with­in the ground; which being taken off from a bearing sprig or branch, will blossom, and bear suddenly, in case the Root be able to maintain it.

The only Objection against this way is this, that the young Tree grows slowly at the first, which is occasioned by the smal­ness of the Root that feeds the Graff; for in all Trees the Head must attend the encrease of the Root, from whence it hath its nourishment.

Nevertheless this work is easily performed, Roots being more plentiful than Stocks, and may be done in great quantities in a little time within doors, and then planted very easily, with a slender Dibble in your Nursery, and will in time infinitely re­compence your pains.

SECT. VI. Of the Time and Manner of Inoculation.

Next unto Graffing, Inoculation takes place; by some pre­ferred before any of the ways of Graffing before treated of: It differs from the other ways in this, that it's performed when the Sap is at the fullest in the Summer; and the other sorts of Graft­ing are before the Sap ascends, or at least in any great quantity. Also by this way of Inoculation may several sorts of delicate Fruits and Trees be propagated and meliorated, which by Graft­ing cannot be done, unless in the last way before-mentioned. As the Aprecock, Peach, or Nectorine, rarely thrives any other way than this, because few Stocks can feed the Graff with Sap so early in the Spring as the Graff requires it, which makes it frustrate your expectation; but being rightly Inoculated in the fulness of the Sap, rarely fails.

The Stocks on which you are to Inoculate, are to be of the same kinde, as before was directed to Graff on.

The Peach takes best on its own kinde; but the Nectorine thrives not well, unless upon a Peach-stock.

The time for this work is usually from Midsummer to the 1 The time for Inoculation. middle of July, when the sap is most in the stock. Some Trees, and in some places, and in some years, you may Inoculate from mid -May to mid-August. As to the time of the day, it is best in the Evening of a fair day, in a dry season; for Rain falling on the Buds before they have taken, will destroy most of them.

The Buds you intend to Inoculate must not be too young nor 2 The choice of Buds. tender, but sufficiently grown: The Aprecock Buds are ready soonest; they must be taken from strong and well-grown shoots of the same Year, and from the strongest and biggest end of the same shoots.

If Buds be not at hand, the stalks containing them may be car­ried many miles, and kept two or three days, being wrapt in fresh and moist Leaves and Grass, to keep them cool. If you think they are a little withered, lay the stalks in cold water two or three hours; and that, if any thing, will revive them, and make them come clean off the stocks.

Having your Buds and Instruments ready for your work, viz. 3 Instruments for Inoculation. a sharp-pointed Knife or Pen-knife, a Quill cut half away, and made sharp and smooth at the end to divide the Bud and Rinde from the Stalk; and Woollen Yarn, or dry Rushes, Flags, or such like, to binde them withal: Then,

On some smooth part of the stock, either near or farther from 4 The manner of Inoculation. the ground, according as you intend it, either for a Dwarf-tree, or for the Wall, or a tall Standard, cut the Rinde of the stock overthwart; and from the middle thereof, gently slit the Bark or Rinde, about an inch long, in form of a T, not wounding the stock; then himbly prepare the Bud, by cutting of the leaf, and [Page 117] leave only the Tail about half an inch from the Bud; then slit the Bark on each side the Bud, a little distance from the Bud, and take away the Bark above and below, leaving the Bark half an inch above and below the Bud, and sharpen that end of the Bark below the Bud, like a Shield or Escutcheon, that it may the more easily go down, and unite between the bark and the stock: Then with your Quill take off the bark and bud dexte­rously, that you leave not the root behinde; for if you see a hole under the bud on the inside, the root is gone, cast it away, and prepare another. When your bud is ready, raise the bark of the stock on each side in the slit, (preserving as carefully as you can the inner thin rinde of the stock) put in with care the shield or bud between the bark and stock, thrusting it down until the top joyn to the cross cut; then binde it close with your Yarn, &c. but not on the Bud it self.

There is another way of Inoculation more ready than this, Another way to Inoculate. and more successful, and differs from the former only that the bark is slit upwards from the cross cut, and the shield or bud put upwards, leaving the lower end longer than may serve; and when it is in its place, cut off that which is superfluous, and joyn the bark of the bud to the bark of the stock, and binde it as before; which sooner and more successfully takes than the other, as I my self have experienced.

I have also cut the edges of the bark about the bud square, Another way. and have cut the bark of the stock fit to receive the same, and bound it fast; which succeeded well, and is the readier way, and more facile.

About three weeks or a moneths time after your Inoculation, you may unbinde the buds, lest the binding injure the bud and stock.

When you unbinde them, you may discern which are good, and have taken, and which not; the good appear Verdant, and well coloured, the other appear dead and withered.

In March following cut off the stock three fingers above the bud; and the next year cut it close, that the bud may cover the stock, as Graffs usually do.

SECT. VII. Of raising Fruit-trees by the Seeds, Stones, Nuts, or Kernels.

We have given you a short Survey of such Fruits as are propa­gated by Grafting and Inoculation, and the way or method of promoting the same. Now we are to touch upon some few Trees or Fruits that are raised from their own Seed or Kernel, as Al­monds, Services, Wall-nuts, and Filberds. Some others there are, as Oranges, Lemons, and such like, not necessary for our Rural Theatre; therefore I shall say little to them.

But the only known and beneficial way to propagate the Wall-nut-tree, Wall-nuts. [Page 118] is from the Nut; which from the time of gathering of them you may keep, and preserve in Beds of Sand or Earth till March; and then plant them, if you can, in the places where they are to abide; for so will they prosper exceedingly, and much more than any removed: but if you remove any, be cautious of cutting the branches or roots, lest you endanger the Tree.

Be careful to preserve the Nuts from Mice; for if they can come at them, you will have but few left. Although I planted some hundreds in their Husks, and a great number of them wrap­ped in Clay, yet were all to a very few transplanted by the Mice.

Filberds also may be raised from the Nut, and are easier ob­tained, Filberds. and carried farther, than the Suckers or Plants of the same Tree, and are raised and ordered as Wall-nuts are.

It's the best and most usual way also to raise Almond-trees from Almonds. the stone, which must be set in the place they are to abide, not easily growing after a remove.

Chesnuts and Services are also raised from the Fruit of them, Chesnuts, and Services. by being sown in your Seminary, and thence removed.

SECT. VIII. Of raising and propagating Fruit-trees, by Layers, Slips, and Suckers.

There are also several sorts of Fruits that are to be raised with more advantage and facility from Layers, Slips or Suckers, than from Graffing, Inoculation, or from the Seed; and such are Cod­lings, Gennet-Moyls, Quinces, Filberds, Vines, Figs, Mulberries, Goosberries, Currans and Barberries.

The Kentish Codling is very easily propagated by slips or Codlings. suckers, and is of so good a nature as to thrive being set very near, that they make a very ornamental hedge, which will bear plentifully, and make a most pleasant prospect; the fruit whereof, besides the ordinary way of stewing, baking, &c. being very early, makes a delicate Cider for the first drinking.

These Trees ought not to be topt or plashed, as is usual, they growing tall and handsom, which if topt decay, and grow stub­by and unpleasant; neither do they bear so well.

The Gennet-Moyl-Tree will be propagated by Slips or Cions, Gennet-Moyls. as is the Codling, but is not so apt to grow in a hedge as the o­ther: Both of them bear sooner, if grafted, as other Apples are.

The manner of raising the Quince we have already discour­sed, Quinces. where we treated of raising Stocks to Graff on.

Filberds are generally drawn as Suckers from the old Trees, Filberds. and will prosper very well, and sooner come to be Trees, than from the Nut.

Any shoot of the last year, more especially if a short piece of The Vine. the former years growth be cut with it, will grow, being laid a­bout a foot or eighteen inches within the ground long-ways, and not above two or three Buds at most out of the ground, about [Page 119] the moneth of February, and watred well in the drought of Sum­mer.

The Fig-tree yieldeth Suckers, which is the usual way to mul­tiply Figs. them.

The Mulberry is a very difficult Tree to raise, and is best done Mulberries. thus: Cut a Bough off as big as a mans Arm, and cut it in pieces a yard long, or less: lay all these in the ground a foot deep, on­ly one end out of the ground about a hands breadth; let it be in fat and moist ground, or usually watred; and after a year or two divers young Springs may be drawn with Roots, and plant­ed at a distance, and the old Roots will yet send out more.

These three kinds of Fruits yield such plenty of Suckers, that Gooseberries, Currans, and Barberries. To lay the Branches of Trees. you never need doubt of a supply.

But if you desire Plants from the same, or any other sorts of precious Fruits or Plants, and where you cannot obtain Suckers from the Roots, and where the branches will not easily take root, being separated from the Tree, you may obtain your desire by bending down some branch of the Tree to the ground; and with a hooked stick thrust into the ground, stay the same in its place, and cover the same branch with good Earth, as thick as you shall think fit, and keep the same well watred; or if you can­not bring the branch to the Earth, you may have some Earthen pot, Basket, or such like, with a hole in the bottom, and fasten the same to the wall (if against a wall) or on some Post or Stake: Put the Sprig or Branch you intend to plant through at the hole, and fill the same with good Earth, and water it often as before: Some prick the Rinde that is in the Earth full of holes, that it may the better issue thereout small Roots; others advise to cut away the Bark. This may be done in the Spring, from March to May, and the Plant will be fit to cut off below the Earth the Winter following. By this means you may obtain the Plants of Vines, Mulberries, or any manner of choice Fruits or Plants.

SECT. IX. Of the Transplanting of Trees.

The best and most successful time for the transplanting or re­moving 1 The time to transplant. of Trees (such that shed their leaves in the Winter) whe­ther they are the young Stocks, or new Graffed Trees, or of longer standing, is in the Autumnal Quarter, when the Trees have done growing: about the end of September you may be­gin; the prime time is about the middle of October. You may continue till the Tree begins to bud, if the weather be open.

Be careful in taking up the Plants, that requiring great care of 2 The manner of transplant­ing. the Remover. See the Roots be left on as much as may, especi­ally the spreading Roots, and let the Roots be larger than the head, the more ways they spread the better; but you may take away such Roots as run downwards: Also take off the leaves, if any, lest they weaken the Branches by extracting the Sap.

The younger and lesser the Tree is, the more likely he is to thrive and prosper, because he suffers less injury by the removal than an older or greater Tree: And an Orchard of young Trees will soon overtake another planted with larger Trees at the same time.

Plant not too deep, for the Over-turf is always richer than the next Mould: And in such places where the Land is Clayish, o­ver-moist, or Spewy, plant as near the Surface as you can, or a­bove it, and raise the Earth about the Tree, rather than set the Tree in the wet or Clay. The same Rule observe in Gravelly or Chalky Land, for the Roots will seek their way downwards, but rarely upwards: That I have known Trees planted too deep pine away, and come to nothing. This Rule observed, many places may be made fruitful Orchards that now are judged impossible, or not worth ones while.

In the transplanting of your young Trees, you may Prune as well the branches as the roots, taking away the tops of the bran­ches of Apples and Pears, but not of Plums, Cherries, nor of Wall-nuts.

The Coast also is necessary to be observed, especially if the Tree be of any considerable bigness, that the same side may stand South that was South before, the Tree will thrive the better: Although in small Trees it be not much observed, yet it might prove none of the least helps to its growth and thriving. The most facile way to preserve the memory of its scituation, is to mark the South or North side of the Plant with Oker, Chalk, or such like, before you remove it.

It is not a small check to a Plant, to be removed out of a warm Nursery into the open Field, where the Northern and Eastern Winds predominate; or its shelter to be removed, as by the cut­ting down of Hedges, and other Trees that formerly defended them.

It is also very necessary to be observed, that the ground into which you plant your Tree be of a higher and richer Mould than from whence you removed it, if you expect your Tree to thrive; the change of Soyls or Pastures, from the worser to the better, being of very high concernment for the improvement and ad­vance of all Vegetables and Animals.

These, and several other the like Observations, if they can be observed, will much advantage the growth of your Tree for the first year or two; but if place and time, and other accidents will not admit thereof, in a short time the Plant may by the care and diligence of the Planter, overcome those inconveniencies or obstructions.

Let not the Ground wherein you plant Apples be too much enriched with Dung, they requiring rather a vulgar and ordi­nary light Mould.

According to the nature or quantity of your ground or Trees 3 The distance of Trees. may the distance be; but the usual distance, and most convenient for Apple-trees or Pear-trees for an Orchard, may be from twen­ty [Page 121] to thirty foot, if you expect the benefit of the Land, under and between them, either for Grass or Tillage, or that you plant them in your Fields or Pastures; then from thirty to sixty foot may your distance be: The farther distance they are, the more bene­fit and refreshment do they receive from the Sun and Air; the Fruit are much the better, and the Trees prosper the better al­so: And if they are too near together, the ground is for the most part of no advantage under them, neither do the Trees thrive so well, nor are so fertil.

Cherry-trees, Plum-trees, Quince-trees, and such like, may be planted about fifteen or twenty foot distance, which is sufficient.

Wall-trees may be planted at such a distance, as the height or bredth of the Wall, the nature of the Tree, and the nature of the ground requires: the higher the Wall, the nearer together the Trees; and the lower the Wall, the farther distance, that they may have the room to spread in bredth which they want in height. Vines require a more spacious and ample Wall or place to spread against than any other Fruit; next to that the Pear, then the Aprecock, the Peach, the Nectorine, and then the Cherry, the May-cherry, &c.

For the distance of other small Trees, as Filberds, Goosber­ries, Currans, &c. you may plant them at such convenient di­stance, that the branches may not intangle the one in the other, according to your own discretion.

Codlings, Cherries, Plums, &c. may be planted to make hedges withal, and then are to be planted near together: the nearer, the sooner it will be a hedge; the farther distance, the more Fruit will they bear, but not so soon a hedge.

If you designe to fill your Plat of Ground with all sorts of Fruits for your greatest advantage, then plant several Rows of Apples and Pear-trees at a convenient distance in each Row, but the Rows of a farther distance each from the other; and then about ten or fifteen foot on each side the Rows of the greater Trees, plant a Row of Cherries, Plums, or such like Trees, of a lesser stature or growth, and nearer together than the Apple or Pear-trees: Next unto them also, at a convenient distance, a Row of Filberds; and next unto them Goosberries, Currans, Rasber­ries, or such like small Fruit, leaving only a Walk between the lesser Trees: For by this means will the whole ground be sup­plied; and by that time that the greater Trees are grown to any competent stature, the lesser will be decayed, that the greater Trees may have the sole Predominancy.

But the most compleat order in the planting of an Orchard of the larger Fruit-trees, is that which they term the Quincunx, by planting them at an equal distance every way, only with this ob­servation, that every Tree of the second Row may stand against the middle of the space of the first, in the third against the space of the second, and so throughout; which makes it appear plea­sing to the eye, in what part of the Orchard soever you stand.

In planting of Trees observe this Rule, that if the crooked­ness [Page 122] of the Tree will inforce you to plant it leaning, or tending any way, let it be to the West, from whence the strongest winds blow, or to such Coast your Orchard is most obvious.

SECT. X. Of the Pruning of Trees.

It conduceth very much to the proof and growth of a Tree to be Pruned, or the unnecessary and injurious branches to be taken off by the skilful hand of the Husbandman.

When your Graffs are grown half a Yard high, those you finde 1 The pruning of young Trees. to shoot up in one Lance, pinch off their tender tops; which will prevent their mounting, and cause them to put forth side-branches. It's found to be the best way to guide a Tree either to grow, or extend it self in height, or to cause it to spread in bredth: It gives not that wound to Trees that Incisions or Lan­ces usually do; and besides, this may be done at that season, when the taking away of a Bud prevents the expence of Sap in waste, and diverts its course to others necessary to remain.

In March is the best time to take away the small and super­fluous branches, giving the Lance close behinde a Bud, a thing to be specially observed in Pruning.

Wall-trees are to be pruned in the Summer, and in the Winter. 2 Of Wall-trees. In the Summer about June or July, you may take of such super­fluous sprigs or shoots of the same years growth off from Vines, Aprecocks, or other Trees that put forth many large shoots, that impede the Fruit from its due Maturation, and contract much of the sap of the Tree to themselves, and thereby rob the other.

In the Winter, as soon as the leaves are off the Trees, you may Prune and cut away the residue of the branches, and place those that are fit to be left in order. This work may be continu­ed throughout the Winter to the rising of the Sap, except in great Frosts, when it is not good to wound the Vine, or any o­ther tender plant. Some hold February to be the best time to plash, prune, and nail Trees, after the great Frosts are past, except Peaches and Nectorines; which being cut before the rising of the Sap, are apt to die after the Knife, and so stump and deform the Tree: Therefore such must be left till they begin to put forth Buds and Blossoms.

The greater Trees in your Gardens, Orchards, Fields, &c. 3 The pruning of old Trees. may be pruned in October, November, or thenceforward, to the rising of the Sap. Observe to cut away superfluous branches, such as cross one the other, as grow too thick, or that offend any other Tree or place, or that are broken, bruised, or decaying; the Tree will be the better preserved, and the remaining branches will yield the greater increase.

In Pruning of Trees, especially the Wall-tree, be sure to leave Other observa­tions in pruning Trees. the small Twigs that are short and knitted to blossom the suc­ceeding year; for you may observe, that most Aprecocks, Peaches, [Page 123] Plums, Cherries, &c. hang on those Sprigs, being usually of two years growth: These are therefore to be carefully nourished, and not cut off, as is usual, to beautifie the Tree. By this very Obser­vation your Walls shall be full of Fruit, when your Neighbours have but few.

In Wall-fruit cut off all gross shoots, however fair they seem to the eye, that will not without much bending be well placed to the Wall; for if any branch happen to be wreathed or brui­sed in the bending or turning (which you may not easily per­ceive) although it doth grow and prosper for the present, yet it will decay in time; the Sap or Gum will also spew out in that place. By neglect of this Observation, many seeming fair Trees decay in several parts, when the Husbandman is ignorant of the cause.

In Pruning the Vine, leave some new branches every year, and take away (if too many) some of the old; which much advan­tageth the Tree, and encreaseth its fruit.

When you cut your Vine, leave two knots, and cut at the next interval; for usually the two Buds yields a bunch of Grapes. I have observed Vines thus pruned to bear many fair bunches, when cut close, as usually is done for Beauty sake (which by the Husbandman is not in this case to be regarded) the Tree hath been almost barren of Fruit.

When you cut any Pithy Tree, the Vine especially, make your Lance, if the Sprig be upright, on the North-side; if slo­ping, then make your Lance under, or on one side, that the wet or Rain lodge not on it, nor decay the Pith, which usually dam­nifies the next Bud, and sometimes more.

SECT. XI. Other necessary Observations about Fruit-trees.

Where the ground is shallow, or lieth near Gravel, Clay, Stone 1 Of the raising of Land. or Chalk, or near the Water, take the top of one half of the same Land, and lay it on the other in Ridges, abating the inter­vals like unto Walks, and plant the Trees on the midst of the Ridges; by which means they will have double the quantity of Earth to root in that they had before, and the Walks or Inter­vals preserve the Ridges from superfluous moisture. It hath been found an approved Remedy in dry shallow Land, as well as in low wet Land.

It hath been observed, that Pear-trees will thrive and prosper Pear-trees. in cold, moist, hungry, stony, and gravelly Land, where Apples will not bear so well.

The Roots of such Trees that thrive not, nor bear well, may 2 Of the order­ing the Roots of old Trees. be laid open about November; and if the ground be poor and hungry, then towards the Spring apply good fat Mould there­to; but if the ground be over-fat and rich, that the Tree spends it self in Branches and Leaves with little Fruit, then apply to the [Page 124] Roots, Ashes or Lime, or any of the Composts that are salt, hot and dry, mixed with the Earth, which contain more of fertility than the ordinary Dung.

Also laying store of any manner of Vegetables all the Summer about the roots of Fruit-trees, to kill the Grass and Weeds grow­ing about the Tree, it keeps the ground moist and cool, and adds much to the flourishing and fertility of the Tree, and is the best Natural Remedy against the Moss; so that it lye not too near the Tree, to decay the Bark thereof.

Digging or Ploughing about the Roots of Fruit-trees, adds much to their fertility, and prevents the Moss in most Trees.

Stones laid in heaps about the Roots, preserves them cool and moist in the Summer, and warm in Winter; and is of great use and concernment to the fertility and advance of the growth of Fruit-trees.

The ground wherein you plant your Fruit-trees, if you finde it 3 Alteration of ground. not suitable to the Nature of the Tree, may be several ways al­tered as before: and by the applying of Earth, Clay, or Sand, of a divers Nature from the ground where the Tree grows.

If your Orchard or Garden be not naturally well scituate, and 4 Defending Trees from Winds. defended from the injurious winds by Hills or Woods; or that Buildings, Barns, Walls, or such like, are not conveniently scitu­ate near to preserve it, it is of great advantage to raise a perpe­tual, lasting, and pleasant shelter, by planting a compleat Thorn-hedge about the same at the time, or in that Year you White-thorn. first plant your Orchard or Garden, which will grow in a few years to a considerable height, and very much break the cold winds, and preserve the smaller and lower part of the greater Trees, in their blossoming and kerning time, from the nipping winds: But for that, that the principallest parts of the greater Trees exceed the Summity of the White-thorn, the Wallnut-tree Wallnut-tree. raised in time on the borders or naked sides of the Orchard or Garden, and if you can on the out-sides of the Fences, will prove a Noble and profitable defence from the furious winds.

If you regard not the Fruit or profit, so much as the pleasure and sudden rise of such a defence, that which is most facile and expeditious to be raised is the Poplar, which may be planted poplar. near together, and ten or fifteen foot in height the first year, which will prove and thrive wonderfully, especially if the ground be any whit inclineable to moisture.

Or the Lime-tree, if you can conveniently obtain them, make Lime-tree. a close and secure defence from the winds, and of all other is the most odoriferous, regular, and delicious verdant pale to a Gar­den or Orchard. The Sycamore, and the Elm also are not to be rejected; only the Elm hath an ill name, as being subject to raise or attract Blights.

At the removal of Trees, the trimmings of the roots planted, 5 Raising Stocks. or rather buried in the ground within a quarter of an inch, or lit­tle more of the level of the Bed, will sprout and grow to be very good Stocks.

Pigeons dung, or the dung of Poultry, or any Fowl, being of 6 Soyl for Fruit-trees. a hot, dry, and salt Nature, hath been experimentally found to be the Soyl most conducing to fertility for Fruit-trees, especially in cold grounds.

It is usual to select aspiring Trees, and to expect the fairer 7 Height of Trees. Trees (because taller) and better and more Fruit, than those that are low. Tis true, the more remote the branches are from the Earth, the less are they subject to the injuries of Cattel, or the Fruit to light fingers.

But the lower the Tree brancheth it self and spreads, the fairer and sooner will it attain to be a Tree, and the greater burthen will it bear of Fruit, and those better and larger. The Tree and Fruit will also be less obvious to the furious winds, which make havock most years of a great part of our stock; and in the Spring the new-kerned Fruit will be more within the shelter of the Natural or Artificial Securities from the nipping cold morning Breese; and the Fruit, when ripe and apt to fall, will not receive so great injury from the humble, as from the aspiring Tree. Sed medio Virtus. As the tall Tree is not for your ad­vantage; so the Tree that's too low is not for your conveniency. I aim not at Extremes.

In many places Fruit-trees are much injured by Moss; it rarely 8 Diseases of Trees. Moss. grows on Trees where the ground is yearly digged, ploughed, or otherwise preserved from Grass or Weeds, as we noted before. If the cold, moist, or barren nature of the ground be the cause, then rectifie the same, as before. After Rain you may scrape off the Moss with a knife, or rub it off with a Hair-cloth.

If the Tree be Bark-bound, and thrive not well, with a knife Bark-bound. you may slit the Bark down the body of the Tree in April or May, and it will cure it.

If the Cleft where the Tree was grafted, or any other wound­ed Canker. place be neglected, the Rain is apt to ingender the Canker: the cure is difficult, if too far gone. There are many prescripti­ons for the cure of it; but if the cutting off of the Canker or cankered-branches will not cure it, and the Tree be much in­fected with it, the best way is to place a better in the room.

Some Trees are hurt with small Worms that breed between Worms in the Bark. the bark and wood, which makes the bark swell: cut away part of the bark, and wash with Urine and Cow-dung.

Strong or hot dung is not good for Fruit-trees; but after it is Soyl for Trees. throughly rotten and cold, it may be mixed in cold grounds with success, but in rich or warm Land. Any dirt or soyl that lies in streets or high-ways, where it may be had, is best, especially for the Apple-tree.

Commonly Husbandmen apply Soyl, Fern, &c. to the stems of How to apply Soyl to Trees. their Trees; and if they dig to apply it, it is usually near the body of the Tree, which will not answer the trouble; for the Roots that feed the Tree, spread far from the Trunk or Stem: therefore the soyl that is to be applied should be laid at a con­venient distance proportionable to the spreading of the Roots; [Page 126] wherein the long standing of the Tree is to be considered; dig­ging about, the roots of Trees should also be used accordingly.

In planting of Trees, it's usual to apply good Mould, or other additional soyl, to fill up the Foss after the placing the Tree; which conduceth not so much to the prosperity of the Plant, as to place the better Mould or soyl in the bottom of the Foss, and then plant your Tree on it, spreading its roots over the good soyl; for all roots of Plants as naturally tend downwards and side-ways, as the branches spread and advance upwards: So that the soyl that lies above the roots, only yields some fatness which the Rain washeth down unto them; but the soyl that is under, the roots flourish in it. The difference, in this case, may at any time be sensibly perceived by the experienced.

SECT. XII. Of the use and benefit of Fruits.

Not any of the afore-mentioned Fruits, but are very plea­sant, necessary, and profitable to many of our English Palats and Purses; the most of them being a familiar food to the Noble and Ignoble. These extend their vertue also to the cure of many infirmities or diseases, being judiciously applied.

But over and above their use for food, for pleasure, and for Physick, to be converted into so many several sorts of curious, pleasant, palatable, and lasting Liquors, is not the least of the be­nefits accrewing unto the Husbandman from the diversity of Fruits by him propagated. Next unto Wine (whereof we treat not in this place) Cider is esteemed the most pleasant natural Li­quor our English Fruits afford.

Several are the ways used in making this excellent Liquor, and 1 By Cider. that according to the skill of the Operator, and divers kinds of the Fruit whereof it is made.

Cider-fruits may be reduced into two sorts or kinds; either the wilde, harsh, and common Apple, growing in great plenty in Hereford, Worcester, and Gloucestershire, and in several other ad­jacent places in the fields and hedg-rows, and planted in several other places of England for Cider only, not at all tempting the Palate of the Thief, nor requiring the charge and trouble of the more reserved inclosures.

Or the more curious Table-fruits, as the Pippin, Pearmain, &c. which are by many preferred to make the best Cider, as having in them a more Cordial and pleasant Juice than other Apples.

For the former, the best sorts for Cider are found to be the Cider-fruits. Red-streak, the White-Must, and the Green-Must, the Gennet-Moyl, Eliots, Stocken-Apple, Summer-Fillet, Winter-Fillet, &c.

The greater part of them being meerly savage, and so harsh, that hardly Swine will eat them, yet yielding a most plentiful, smart and winy Liquor, comparable, or rather exceeding the best French-Wines: And for the advantage of planting them, [Page 127] they claim a preference before Pippins, or any other of our pleasant Garden-fruits, especially the Red-streak, which Mr. Eve­lin so highly commends, as at three years grafting to give you fair hopes, and last almost an hundred years; and will bear as much Fruit at ten years, as Pippins or Pearmains at thirty.

The best sorts of Cider-fruit are far more succulent, and the Liquor more easily divides from the Pulp of the Apple, than in the best Table-fruit.

Some observe, the more of red any Apple hath in his rinde, the better for Cider; the paler, the worse. No sweet Apple that hath a tough rinde, is bad for Cider.

Cider-Apples require full maturity, e're they be taken from Making of Cider. the Trees: And after they are gathered (which is to be done with as much caution as may be, to preserve them from bruises) it very much conduces to the goodness and lasting of the Cider, to let them lye a week or two on heaps out of the Rain and Dew: the harsher and more solid the Fruit is, the longer may they lye; the more mellow and pulpy, the less time. This makes them sweat forth their Aqueous Humidity, injurious to the Cider, and matureth the Juice remaining, and digesteth it more than if on the Tree, or in the Vessel: But it's probable they will yield more from the Tree than so kept, but not so good.

Such that are Wind-falls, bruised, or any ways injured, or un­ripe fruit, divide from the sound and mature. It's better to make two sorts of Cider, the one good, the other bad, than only bad. Take away all stalks, leaves, and rotten Apples; the stalks and leaves give an ill taste to the Cider, the rotten Apples makes it deadish.

Let such that are through casualty, or otherwise fallen from the Trees before their full time of maturity, be kept to the full time, else will not the Cider be worth the drinking.

About twenty, or twenty two bushels of good Cider-Apples from the Tree, will make a Hogshead of Cider; after they have lain a while in heaps to mellow, about twenty five bushels will make a Hogshead.

Then either grinde them in a Horse-mill, like as Tanners grinde their Bark, or beat them with Beaters in a Trough of Wood, rather than of Stone; the more they are ground or bea­ten, the better.

After the grinding it should be prest, either being Artificial­ly made up with Straw, in form of a Cheese, as the experienced Country-man may direct you; or in a Hair-bag (the more ordi­nary way for small quantities) and so committed to the Press; of which there are several sorts, but the Screw-press is to be pre­ferred.

After it's prest, strain it, and put it into the Vessel, and place it wherein it may stand to ferment, allowing but a small Vent-hole, lest the spirits waste: Fill not the Vessel quite till it hath done working; then fill the Vessel of the same kept for that purpose, and stop it well, only with caution at the first, lest it break the Vessel.

The best Vessels for the Tunning up of Cider, and to preserve it, are those whereof the Barrel-boards are streight, the Vessel broader at the one end than the other, and standing on the lesser end, the Bung-hole on the top; the conveniency is, that in the drawing the Cider, though but slowly, the Skin or Cream con­tracted by its Fermentation descends, and wholly covers the Li­quor by the tapering of the Vessel, and thereby preserves the Spirits of the Cider to the last, which otherwise would waste and expend themselves.

If you intend a mixture of water with your Cider, let it be done in the grinding, and it will better incorporate with the Cider in the grinding and pressing, than afterwards.

Some Cider will bear a mixture with water, without injury to its preservation, others will not; therefore be not over-hasty with too much at once, till you understand the nature of your Fruit.

Some advise, that before it be prest, the Liquor and Must should for four and twenty hours ferment together in a Vat for that pur­pose close covered, which is said to enrich the Liquor.

The other sorts of Fruits for the making of Cider, are the Pip­pin, Other Cider-Fruits. Pearmain, Gilliflower, &c. by many preferred; with whom we may rank all sorts of Summer-Apples, as the Kentish Codling, Marigolds, all other sorts of Pippins and Pearmains, &c.

Which after they are through ripe, and laid on heaps to sweat (as before is directed) and grownd or beaten, and prest as the o­ther, then is not this Cider or Must to be tunned up immediately, but suffered to stand in the Vat four and twenty hours, or more; according as the Apples were more or less pulpy, and close cover­ed with Hair-cloaths or Sacks, that too much of the Spirits may not exaporate, nor be kept so closely in as to cause Fermentati­on; in which time the more gross part of the Feces will preci­pitate or fall to the bottom, which otherwise would have preju­diced the Cider by an over-fermentation, and have made it flat and sowre.

Then at a Tap, three or four inches from the bottom of the Vat, draw forth the Cider, and Tun it up, wherein is yet a suffici­ent quantity of that gross Lee or Feces to cause Fermentation; the want of the right understanding whereof, is one of the main causes of so much bad Cider throughout England.

2. Of the making of Perry.

Non omnis fert omnia tell us. In some places Pears will thrive Sorts of Pears. where Apples will not; the Trees are larger, and bear greater quantities than Apple-trees. In Worcestershire they have great plenty of Pears for Perry; and also in the adjacent Countries: The best for Perry are such that are not fit to be eaten; so harsh, that Swine will not eat, nay hardly smell to them; the fitter to be planted in Hedg-rows, &c. The Bosbury-Pear, the Horse-Pear, the Bareland-Pear, and the Choak-Pear, are such that bear [Page 129] the name of the best Pears for Perry; the redder they are, the more to be preferred.

Pears are to be fully mature e're they be grownd, and let lye Making of Perry. on heaps as the Apples.

Crabs and Pears grownd together, make an excellent Liquor; the Crabs helping to preserve the Perry.

The method of making Perry differeth not from that of Cider.

3. Some Observations concerning Cider.

Thick Cider may by a second Fermentation be made good and clear; but Acid Cider is rarely recovered.

Wheat unground, about a Gallon to a Hogshead, or Leven or Mustard ground with Cider, or much better with Sack, a pint to a Hogshead, is used either to preserve or recover Cider that's in danger of spoiling.

Ginger accelerateth the Maturation of the Cider; giveth it a more brisky Spirit, helpeth Fermentation, and promoteth its du­ration.

New Vessels affect the Cider with an ill savour, and deep co­lour; therefore if you cannot obtain Wine-Cask, which are the best, nor yet can season your own with Beer, or other Drinks, then scald it with water, wherein a good quantity of Apple-Pounce hath been boiled.

If the Vessel be tainted, then boil an ounce of Pepper in water, enough to fill the Vessel; and let it stand therein two or three days.

Or take some quick Lime and put in the Vessel, which slacken with water: close stop it, and tumble it up and down, till the Commotion cease.

Two or three Eggs put into a Hogshead of Cider that is sharp, sometimes lenifies it: Two or three rotten Apples will clarifie thick Cider.

The mildness and temperature of the weather is of much con­cernment in the Fermentation of Cider.

Boil Cider immediately after the Press, before Fermentation.

Wheaten-Bran cast in after Fermentation, thickens the Coat or Cream, and much conduceth to its preservation.

The Cider that runs from the ground, or beaten Apples, before they are in the Press, is much to be preferred.

Let the Vessel not be quite full, that there may be room for the Cider to gather a head or Cream.

Pearmains make but small Cider of themselves.

Botling is the only way to preserve Cider long: It may be Botling of Cider. botled two or three days after it is well setled, and before it hath throughly fermented; or you may bottle it in March following, which is the best time.

Bottles may be kept all the Summer in cold Fountains, or in Cellars in Sand: If they are well Corked and bound, they may be kept many years in cold places; the longer the better, if the Cider be good.

After Cider hath been botled a week, (if New Cider, else at the time of botling) you may put into each bottle a piece of white Sugar as big as a Nutmeg; this will make it brisk.

If your bottles be in danger of the Frost, cover them with straw: about April set them in Sand, or in a Fountain.

It is not the best way to grinde or beat Apples in Stone-troughs, because it bruises the kernels and tails of the Fruit too much, which gives an ill savour to the Cider; but beaten or ground in wooden-troughs, frees it from that quality.

After your Apples are beaten or ground, it's the best way to let them stand a day or two before you press them; for the Ci­der doth a little ferment and maturate in the Pulp, and obtains a better colour, than if immediately pressed.

After they are pressed, it's good to let the Cider stand in a Vat covered, to ferment a day and night, before you Tun it up; and then draw it from the Vat by a Tap, about two inches from the bottom, or more, according to discretion, leaving the Feces behinde; which will not be lost, if you put it up on the Chaff; for then it meliorates your Pur, or Water-Cider, if you make any.

When your Cider is Tunn'd into the Barrel where you in­tend to keep it, leave some small vent open for several days, un­til its wilde spirit be spent; which will otherwise break the Bar­rel, or finde some vent that will always abide open (though but small) to the ruine of your Cider. Many have spoiled their Ci­der by this only neglect, and never apprehended the cause there­of; which when stopt close, after this wilde spirit is spent (al­though seemingly flattish at first) will improve, and become brisk and pleasant Cider in a little time.

If Cider prove thick or sowrish, bruise a few Apples, and put in at the Bung of your Barrel, and it will beget a new Fermen­tation, and very much mend your Cider, so that in a few days after you draw it off into another Vessel.

If Cider be only a little sowrish, or drawn off in another Ves­sel, the way to correct or preserve it, is to put about a Gallon of Wheat (blaunch'd is best) to a Hogshead of Cider; and so, according to that proportion, to a greater or lesser quantity, which will as well amend as preserve it.

If Cider hath any ill savour or taste from the Vessel, or any other cause, a little Mustard-seed ground with some of the Ci­der, and put to it, will help it.

Mixture of Fruit is of great advantage to your Cider: the meanest Apples mixt make as good Cider, as the best alone; al­ways observing, that they be of equal ripeness, except the Red-streak, and some few celebrated Cider-Apples.

4. Of the Wines or Juices of other Fruits.

If Cherries were in so great plenty that the Markets would not take them off at a good rate, they would become very benefi­cial [Page 131] to be converted into Wine, which they would yield in great quantity, very pleasant and refreshing; and a finer, cooler, and more natural Summer-drink than Wine. It may also be made to keep long: Some hath been kept a whole year, and very good.

Although it may not prove so brisk, clear, and curious a drink Wine of Plums. as Cherry-wine, yet where Plums are in great plenty, (they being Trees easily propagated) a very good Wine may be made of them; according to the great diversity of this sort of Fruit, you must expect divers Liquors to proceed from them. The black tawny Plum is esteemed the best.

This Fruit yields a good Wine, being prepared by a skilful Mulberry-Wine hand; the natural Juice serves, and is of excellent use to add a tincture to other paler Wines or Liquors.

England yields not a Fruit whereof can be made a more plea­sant Rasberry-Wine. drink, or rather Wine, than of this humble Fruit; if com­pounded with other Wines or drinks, it animates them with so high a fragrant savour and gust, that it tempts the most curious Palats.

The juice of this Fruit, boiled with a proportionable additi­on Wine of Cur­rans. of water and Sugar, makes a very pleasant Wine to the eye and taste, it being duly fermented and botled. A great quanti­ty of this Fruit may also be raised in a little ground, and in a few years.

Of the Juice of Goosberries extracted in it's due time, and Gooseberry-Wine. mixed with water and Sugar, is prepared a very pleasant cooling Repast. This Fruit is easily propagated, and yields much Li­quor: It's usually made unboiled, because it contracts a brown colour in the boiling.

As for any other Liquors, Preservations, or Conservations of these or any other Fruits, I leave you to the many Tracts pub­lished already on that Subject.


Of such Tillage, Herbs, Roots and Fruits, that are usually planted and propagated in Gar­dens and Garden-grounds, either for necessary Food, Ʋse, or Advantage.

MOst of these several sorts of Tillage, whereof we are now The advantage of Garden-Til­lage in general. to treat in this Chapter, will raise unto the Industrious Husbandman an extraordinary advantage, and are not to be esteemed amongst the least of Improvements; for each sort be­ing properly planted in such ground they most naturally delight in, and being well Husbandried, and judiciously ordered, pro­duce an incredible advantage.

But think not this strange, that common and well-known Plants, that are so natural to our English Soyl, should prove so beneficial; it is for no other cause, than that some men are more Industrious and Ingenious than others: For these Garden-plants prosper not without great labour, care and skill; and besides, are subject more than others to the injuries of unseasonable weather. Neither of which the slothful or ignorant Husbandman can away with; affecting only such things that will grow with least toyl, hazard, or expence, though they feed on bread and water, when the diligent and industrious Adventurer lives like a petty Prince on the fruit of his labours and expectation, which sufficiently repays his expence and hazard. It is hard to finde any Trade, Occupation, or Imployment, that a man may presume on a large and Noble Requital of his time, cost or industry, but it is hazard­ous, especially to such that attempt the same without a special af­fectation thereunto, or skill therein.

Nil tam difficile est quod non Solertia vincet.

So this Art and Imployment of Planting, Propagating and En­creasing of Hops, Saffron, Liquorice, Cabbage, Onions, and other Garden-Commodities, being casual, and more subject to the in­juries of the weather than commonly Corn or Grass is, makes it so much neglected; for one bad Crop, or bad year for any of them, shall more discourage a Countryman from a Plantation thereof, than five good Crops, though never so profitable and advantagious shall incourage: Ignorant and self-willed men are naturally so prone to raise Objections, on purpose to deter them­selves and others from any thing whatsoever that's either plea­sant or profitable.

But we hope better of the Ingenious, that they will set to [Page 133] their helping hand to promote this useful and necessary Art, and thereby become a provoking President to their ignorant Neigh­bours, that our Land may be a Land of Plenty, that it may super­abound with necessaries, and rather afford a supply to their Neighbours, than expect it from them, as we are inforced to do in several sorts of those things we treat of in this Book: Those of our own growth also far exceeding that we have abroad; which inconveniencies and disadvantages nothing can better pre­vent, than our own Industry and Ingenuity.

Besides, most of this Garden-Tillage is of late years become a more general Food than formerly it was: Scarce a Table well furnisht, without some dishes of choice Roots or Herbs; and it is not only pleasant to the rich, but good for the poor labouring man; many, where plenty is, feeding for the most part on Til­lage, which hath occasioned that great encrease of Gardens and Plantations in most of the Southern parts of England. Several sorts also of Tillage being profitable in the feeding of Cattle and Fowl.

SECT. I. Of Hops.

We mention this Plant in the first place, not for his worth or Dignity above the rest, it being esteemed an unwholesome Herb or Flower for the use it is usually put unto, which may also be supplied with several other wholesomer and better Herbs; but for that of all other Plants, it advanceth Land to the highest im­provement, usually to forty pound, or fifty pound; sometimes to an hundred pound per Acre.

And yet have we not enough planted to serve the Kingdom, but yearly make use of Flemish Hops, nothing near so good as our own. The principal cause I presume is, that few bestow that labour and industry about them they require, and sufficiently re­taliate: for being managed carelesly, they scarce yield a quarter part of the increase that those yield that are dexterously handled, though with very little more cost. Another cause is why they are no more propagated here, that they are the most of any Plant that grows subjected to the various Mutations of the Air, from the time of their first springing, till they are ready to be gathered. Over-much drought, or wet, spoils them: Mill-dews also sometimes totally destroys them; which casualties happening unto them, makes their price and valuation so uncertain, and proves so great a discouragement to the Countryman; else why may not we have as great a plenty of them, as in Flanders, Hol­land, &c. Our Land is as cheap, and affords as great a Crop (if as well Husbandried) and we pay not for carriage so far, but that they are more Industrious than us: Therefore seeing that is so gainful a Commodity to the Husbandman, and that there is a sufficient vent for them at home, we shall be the more Prolix in the subsequent discourse.

The Hop delights in the richest Land; a deep Mould, and Best Land and scituation for a Hop-garden. light; if mixed with Sand it's the better: a black Garden-mould is excellent for the Hop.

If it lye near the water, and may be laid dry, it is by much the better.

Most sorts of Land will serve, unless stony, rocky, or stiff Clay-ground, which are not to be commended for the Hop.

If you can obtain it, a piece of Land a little inclining to the South, and that lies low, the ground mellow and deep, and where water may be at command in the Summer time, is to be preferred for a Hop-garden.

Also it ought to lye warm and free from impetuous winds, e­specially from the North and East, either defended by Hills or Trees, but by Hills the best.

Every one cannot have what Land he pleaseth, but must make Defending the Hop-garden by Trees. use of what he hath; therefore if your ground lye obvious to the winds, it is good to raise a natural defence therefrom, by planting on the edges of the Hop-garden a border or row of Trees that may grow tall, and break the force of the winds at such time the Poles are laden with Hops. The Elm is esteemed not fit to be planted near the Hop, because it contracteth Mill-dews, say our Country Hop-planters; the Ash on a dry ground, and the Poplar or Aspen on a moist, are to be preferred for their Aspen. speedy growth. Also a tall and thick hedge of White-thorn keeps the ground warm, and secures it in the Spring from the sharp nipping winds that spoil the young Shoots.

If your Land be cold, stiff, sowre or barren, you designe for a Preparing the ground and di­stance of the Hills. Hop-garden, the best way is about the latter end of the Sum­mer to burn it, (as before we directed) which will be very avail­able to the amendment of the Land. Some also prescribe to sow Turnips, Hemp, or Beans therein, to make the ground light and mellow, and destroy the Weeds.

But in whatsoever state or condition your ground be, Till it in the beginning of the Winter, with either Plough or Spade.

And when you have set out the bounds of your ground you intend to plant, and laid the same even, then must you mark out the several places where each Hill is to be: The best way is by a Line streightned over-thwart the ground, with knots or threds tyed at such distance you intend your Hills. Some plant them in squares, Checquer-wise; which is the best way, if you intend to plough with Horses between the Hills: Others plant them in form of a Quincunx, which is the more beautiful to the eye, and better for the Hop, and will do very well where your ground is but small, that you may overcome it with either the Breast-plough or Spade: which way soe're it be, pitch a small stick at every place where there is to be a Hill; and when it is all so done, in case your ground be poor or stiff, bring into it of the best Mould you can get, or a parcel of Dung and Earth mixed; and at eve­ry stick dig a hole of about a foot square, and fill it with this Mould or Compost wherein your Plants are to be set, they will [Page 135] thrive the better, and the sooner come to bear, and sufficiently repay your charge and trouble.

Great Rarity there is both in the judgment and the practise of Distance of the Hills. most men about the distance of the Hills, by reason of the dif­ferent Seasons: Sometimes it falls out to be a moist year, and then the Hop grows large; and the wider the Hills are, the better they prove. Some years also prove hot and dry, the Hops then grow thin; and the nearer they are, the more Hops they have: But let me advise to keep a convenient distance, that you may have room sufficient to come between, and ground sufficient to raise the Hills with the Parings or Surface of it; and that the Sun may come between; and that the Poles may not be driven the one against the other with the winds, when they are laden.

If your ground be dry and burning, about six foot may be a convenient distance; but if it be a moist, deep, and rich Mould, subject to bear large Hops, then eight or nine foot distance is most convenient: and so, according to the goodness of the ground, place the distance of the Hills.

But if your Hills are too far asunder, the best way to remedy Bigness of the Hills. that inconvenience, is by encreasing the number of Hops in the Root in each Hill; by which means you may apply more Poles, and supply the former defect. Hills may be made of that big­ness, that they may require six, ten, or twenty Poles. The com­mon Objection is, they cannot so conveniently be dressed; but I only propose it as amendment, to make them somewhat bigger than ordinary: Or if your Hills be too near together, you may also abate the Hops, and apply the fewer Poles; for over-po­ling of a ground, as well in number as height, injures it more than under-poling.

Authors, and most Practisers, usually advise to plant Hops in Time of plant­ing Hops. the end of March, or in April; but some of our best experienced Planters affirm it to be best in October, before the cold Winter; and that then the Hops will settle against the Spring.

Chuse the largest Sets that you can get; which are to be had Choice of Sets, and manner of Setting. best out of a Garden well kept, and where the Hills have been raised very high the precedent year, which increaseth the Plants both in number and bigness: Let them be as long as you can get them; about eight or ten inches may be of a very good length, and in each plant three or four joynts or Buds.

Before you have your Sets out of the ground, make the holes ready to put them in, if you can, else you must be forced to lay them in cold and moist Earth, and take them out as you have occasion to use them: dig your holes according to the depth of your Plant, eight, ten, or twelve inches deep, and about a foot over.

Some take two or three of the Plants, and joyn the tops toge­ther, and set them bolt-upright, directly in the middle of the hole, holding them hard together with the one hand, while you fill the hole with the other, with fine Mould prepared and made ready before-hand for that purpose; observing, that you set the [Page 136] tops even with the Surface of the ground, and the same end up­permost that grew so before; then fasten well the Earth about the Roots.

Others place at each corner of the hole a Plant; which way is to be preferred before the other.

It is convenient to raise the Earth two or three inches above the Set, unless you plant so late, that the Green Sprigs are shot forth; then you are not to cover them wholly, lest you destroy them.

Beware of wilde Hops, which are only discerned by the Stalk and Fruit.

If your Hops be old and ill husbandried, or worn out of heart, Dressing Hops. then about the beginning of Winter dig them, and take away as much of the old barren Earth as you can, and apply good fat Mould or Compost to their Roots; or if you cannot conveni­ently, or think it not fit to do it before Mid-winter, yet neglect not to do it in January or February at the furthest, the weather being open; for such Winter-dressing, and renewing their Mould, is a principal Renovation to a decaying Hop: or if your Hop-ground be full of Weeds or Couch-grass, such Winter dig­ging of it destroys them.

But if your Hops be in good heart, and strong, then late dres­sing is most proper, which restrains them from too early spring­ing, which is the cause of many injuries to the Hop: The only time for such strong Hops to be dressed in is March; some dress in the beginning of April.

In the dressing of Hops, these Rules are necessary to be obser­ved: First, to pull down your hills, and undermine them round about, till you come near to the principal Roots; and then take the upper or younger Roots in your hand, and shake off the Earth: which Earth being removed away, with your said Tool you shall discern where the new Roots grow out of the old Sets; in the doing whereof, be careful that you spoil not the old Sets: As for the other Roots that are to be cut away, you shall not need to spare them to the delay of your work, except such as you mean to set.

Take heed that you uncover not any more than the tops of the old Sets in the first year of cutting: at what time soever you pull down your hills, cut not your Roots before March.

At the first dressing of young Hops, cut away all such Roots or Sprigs as grew the year before out of your Sets, within one inch of the same: Every year after you must cut them as close as you can to the old Roots, even as you see an Osters head cut, say our Authors; but it is found experimentally to be advanta­gious to a weak Hop, to leave some principal new shoots at the dressing; and that the clean cutting off of them, hath very much decayed a Hop-garden.

The Roots that grow downward are not to be cut, but such that grow outward at the sides of the Plants may, else they will incumber the ground.

The old Roots are red, these of the last year white; if there be any wilde Hops, you must take up the whole hill, and new plant it, marking the hill with a stick at the Hop-harvest, to prevent mistakes.

When you have dressed the Roots, then apply of your rich Mould or Compost prepared for that purpose, and make the hill not too high at first, lest you hinder the young Shoots; although the Hops be sprung out of the hills, yet fear not the cutting of them off when you dress them.

Be sure to keep Poultry, and especially Geese, out of the Hop-garden, especially during the Spring.

According to the distance of your hills, and nature of the Of Poling the Hops. ground, provide the number of your Poles; and according to the strength of the Hop, the length or bigness.

If the hills be wide, the more Poles, sometimes four or five to a hill; if the hills are near, then two or three may suffice: In hot, and dry, and hungry ground, the Poles may stand nearer than in rich mellow Land, where they are more subject to grow gross and hawmy.

Also if your Hops be strong, and ground rich, provide large Poles, either in bigness or in length, or else you loose the best of your profit for want of Poles; but if they are poor, provide but small Poles, lest you impoverish the Root, for the Hop will soon run it self out of heart, if over-poled: More especially, be sure not to over-pole Hops the first Year of their Plantation, al­though they require as many Poles (or rather Rods) the first, as any other Year.

You must be content with such Poles the Country you live in affords; Alder-poles are esteemed the best, because the Hop most willingly climbeth them, by reason of their streight and tapering form, and also their rough rinde, which suffers not the Hop so easily to slip down.

But the Ash is esteemed the best for lasting, especially such that grow on dry and barren Lands of many years growth, which are known by the many Circles in the bottom: I have known such to have lasted ten or twelve Years, the Wood being much harder, and more durable, than the speedy grown Poles.

Some altogether reject forked Poles, and usually cut off the forked branches, if any, because they cannot (as they pretend) so easily strip off the Hops at gathering time: But I have known the greatest burthen of Hops on a forked Pole, and to have suf­fered less injury by the Winds when they have been fully blown; and that inconveniency of not stripping them, is easily remedied by our directions, as you will hereafter finde.

Disperse the Poles among the hills before you begin to Pole, laying of them between the hills.

Begin not to Pole until your Hops appear above the ground, that you discern where the biggest Poles are required, and so may you continue Poling till they are a Yard in height, or more; but stay not too long, lest you hinder the growth of the Hop, [Page 138] which will grow large, unless it hath a Pole, or such like, to climb unto.

Set the Pole near to the hill, and in depth according to the height of the Pole, nature of the ground, and obviousness to winds, that the Pole may rather break than rise out of the ground by any fierce winds.

Let the Poles lean outward the one from the other, that they may seem to stand equi-distant at the top, to prevent Housling, as they term it, which they are subject unto if they grow too near the one from the other; that is, they will grow one amongst another, and cause so great a shade, that you will have more Hawm than Hops. Also it is esteemed an excellent piece of Husbandry to set all the Poles inclining towards the South, that the Sun may the better compass them. This is most evident, that a leaning or bending Pole bears more Hops than an upright.

Be sure to reserve a parcel of the worst Poles, that you may have for your need, in case when the Poles are laden, a Pole may break, or be over-burthened, to support it; for if they lie on the ground, they soon perish.

With a Rammer you may ram the Earth at the out-side of the Pole, for its further security against winds.

If after some time of growing you finde a Hop under or over-poled, you may unwinde the Hop, and place another Pole in its place, having a Companion with you to hold the Hop, whilest you pitch in the Pole; or else you may place another Pole near it, and bring the Hop from one Pole to the other.

The next work is after the Hops are gotten two or three foot Of tying of Hops to the Poles. out of the ground, to conduct them to such Poles as you think fit, that are either nearest, or have fewest Hops, and winde them or place them to the Pole, that they may winde with the course of the Sun, and binde them gently thereto with some withered Rush, or woollen Yarn; two or three strings are enough to a Pole. I have known more Hops on a Pole from one string, than from four or five, though there hath been more of Hawm.

Be cautious of breaking the tender Shoots, which in the morn­ing is most dangerous; but when the warmth of the day hath toughned them, may it much better be done.

You must be daily amongst the Hops, during April and May, especially guiding and directing them, else will they be apt to break their own Necks by going amiss: It will sufficiently requite your labour and care at Harvest.

It is convenient with a forked Wand to direct the Hops to the Poles that are otherwise out of reach, or to have a stool to stand on, or a small Ladder made with a stay on the back of it, that you may reach them with your hands.

About Midsummer, or a little after the Hop begins to leave running at length, and then begins to branch, that such Hops that are not yet at the tops of the Poles, 'twere not amiss to nip off the top, or divert it from the Pole, that it may branch the bet­ter; which is much more for the encrease of the Hop, than to extend it self only in length.

Sometimes in May, after a Rain, pare off the Surface of the Of the making up the Hills. ground with a Spade, How it off with a How, or run it over with a Plough with one horse, if you have room enough, or with a Breast-plough; and with these parings raise your hills in height and breadth, burying and suppressing all superfluous Shoots of Hops and weeds.

By this means you will destroy the weeds that otherwise would beggar your Land, and you suppress such Suckers and weeds that would impoverish your Hops; and you also preserve the hills moist by covering them, that the drought of the Summer injureth them not: Also the Hop, so far as it is covered with Earth, issues forth its roots to the very surface of the Earth, which proves a very great succour to the Hop. This work may be con­tinued throughout the Summer, but more especially after a Rain, to apply the moist Earth about the roots of the Hop.

Therefore it behoveth you to keep the ground in good heart, for this purpose, that your Hops may be the better; and in case it should prove a very dry Spring, it would not be amiss to water the Hops before you raise your hills.

A dry Spring, such that happened in the Years 1672. and Manner of wa­tering Hops. 1674. proves a great check to the hop in its first springing, espe­cially in hot and dry grounds. In such Years it is very advanta­gious to water them, if it can with conveniency be obtained, either from some Rivulet or Stream running through, or near your Hop-garden, or from some Well digged there, or out of some Pond made with Clay in the lower part of your ground, to receive hasty showres by small Aqueducts leading unto it, which is the best water of all for this purpose.

In the midst of every hill make a hollow place, and thrust some pointed Stick or Iron down in the middle thereof, and pour in your water by degrees, till you think the hill is well soaked; then cover the hill with the parings of your Garden, as before we directed, which will set the Hop mainly forward, as I have known, which otherwise would be small and weak, and hardly ever recover to attain its usual height. Also a very hot and dry Summer, will make the Hop blow but small and thin; therefore would it not be labour lost to bestow a pail of water on every hill, prepared before-hand to receive it.

For in such dry Springs or Summers, such Hops that either stand moist, or have been watred, do very much out-strip their Neighbours, and in such years they will far better requite your labour and industry, yielding a greater price, by reason of their scarcity, than in other seasonable years, when every ground al­most produceth Hops; Industry and Ingenuity, in these Affairs, being most incouraged, and best rewarded, at such times when Ignorance and Sloth come off with loss and shame.

After every watering (which need not be above twice or thrice in the driest Summers, so that they be throughly wet) be sure to make up the hills with the parings, and with the weeds, and coolest and moistest materials you can get; for the more the Hop [Page 140] is shaded at the root from the Sun, the better it thrives, as is evi­dent by such that grow under shelter that are never drest, yet may compare with those you bestow most pains and skill on.

The dressing of your Hops, and poling them, the directing and binding them to the Poles, the watering and making up the hills throughout the Summer, seems to be a tedious task, requi­ring daily attendance: But without these Labours little is to be gotten, which makes this Plantation so little made use of in some places; yet he that is diligent, and understands his business, is so highly requited for his care, cost and industry, that an Acre or two of ground so managed by one or two persons, shall redound one year with another to more advantage, than fifty Acres of A­rable-Land, where there is much more time, cost and expence bestowed on it.

Towards the end of July hops blow, and about the beginning When Hops blow, bell, and ripen. of August they bell, and are sometimes ripe, in forward years, at the end of August, but commonly at the beginning of September.

At such time as the hop begins to change his colour, and look a When to gather Hops, and the [...]anner how. little brownish, or that they are easily pulled to pieces, or that the Seeds begin to change their colour towards a brown, and they smell fragrantly, you may conclude them to be ripe, and procure what help is necessary for a quick dispatch, to gather them before they shatter, one windy day or night may other­wise do you much injury.

The manner usually prescribed for the gathering of hops, is to take down four hills standing together in the midst of your Gar­den; cut the roots even with the ground, lay it level, and throw water on it, tread it, and sweep it; so shall it be a fair Floor, whereon the hops must lie to be picked.

On the out­side of this Floor are the Pickers to sit and pick them into Baskets, the hops being stript off the Poles, and brought into the Floor.

Some there are that sit dispersedly, and pick them into Baskets, after they are stript off the Poles.

Remember always to clear your Floor twice or thrice every day, and sweep it clean every such time, before you go to work again.

In these ways of picking, it is necessary that the Poles be streight, without forks, scrags or knobs.

But the best and most expeditious way, is to make a Frame with four short Poles or Sticks, laid on four Forks driven into the ground, of that breadth to contain either the hair of your Oost or Kiln, or a Blanket tacked round the same about the edges; on which Frame you may lay your Poles with the hops on them, ei­ther supported with Forks, or with the edges of the Frame; the Pickers may stand on each side, and pick into it. When the Blan­ket or hair is full, untack it, carry it away, and place another, or the same emptied, in the same Frame again: every day you may remove your Frame with little trouble to some new place of your Garden near your work.

This way is found to be most convenient, expeditious, and ad­vantagious; for it saves the labour of stripping the Hops off the Poles. Also any forked or scraggy Poles which are best for the Hop, prove no impediment to this way of Picking: It preserves the hops from briting or shedding, which by stripping off the Poles, and wrapping them up in bundles to carry up and down, they are apt to do. Also this way they may pick them clean off the Poles as they hang, without tumbling and tearing, which causes much filth to mix with the Hops, besides the spoiling and loss of many Hops: and being thus picked over your Frame, if the Hops be never so ripe, and subject to shatter, all is preserved. The Pickers may this way also make more expedition than the other, the Hops hanging in view as they grew on the Poles.

Before you draw your Poles, with a sharp hook fixed at the end of a long stale or pole, divide the Hops above where they grow together with other Poles; then ought you to cut the Hops, not as is usually prescribed and practised close at the hills, but about two or three foot above the hills, else will the Hop bleed much of his strength away. This hath been found to be a great strengthner of weak Hops, the other a weakner to all.

Then draw your Poles, which in case they are so far or fast in the ground, that you cannot raise them without breaking of them, you must get a pair of Tongs made like unto a Blacksmiths Tongs, only stronger, and toothed at the end, with which Tongs you may beclip the Pole at the bottom, and resting the joynt thereof on a block of wood, you may weigh up the Pole without trouble or danger of breaking the Pole: or for cheap­ness sake, you may have a wooden Leaver forked at the end, in which Fork fix two sides of sharp and toothed iron; which put to the Pole, and on a block of wood, as before, you may heave up the Pole by the strength of your right hand, whilest you pull the pole to you with your left.

Cut no more stalks, nor draw no more than you can conveni­ently dispatch in an hour or two, in case the weather be very hot, or it be likely to rain.

If your Hop-garden be large, it were worth your cost and pains to raise in the midst thereof a Shed, or suchlike house, on four or six main forks or posts, and Thatched over, under which shelter you may pick your Hops; which will both defend your pickers from the Sun, and your Hops from the Sun and storms. Herein also may you lay a parcel of Hops unpicked over-night, that your pickers may to work in the next morning, before the Dew be off the other that are abroad: or in case a storm comes, you may lay in here enough to serve till the other are dry again. Under this shelter also may your Poles lie dry all the Winter.

Let not your hops be wet when you gather them; but if the Dew be on them, or a Showre hath taken them, shake the Pole, and they will be dry the sooner.

If your hops be over-ripe, they will be apt to shed their seed, wherein consisteth the chiefest strength of the hop: Also they [Page 142] will not look so green, but somewhat brown, which much dimi­nisheth the value of them; yet some let them stand as long as they can, because they waste less in the drying: four pounds of undried Hops, through ripe, will make one of dry; and five pounds of Hops scarcely ripe, yet in their prime, makes but one: So they judge they get more in the through-ripe Hop by the weight, than they loose in the colour.

There are also two sorts of Hops, the green and the brown; the one yielding a better colour by much when they are dry, the other bears larger and a greater quantity of Hops, which is rather to be preferred.

In the picking, keep them as clean as you can from leaves and stalks, which will damage you more in the sale, than they will advantage you in the weight.

As fast as you pick them dry them, for their lying undried Of the drying of Hops. heats them, and changes their colour, very much to the damage of the Hop: but if your Kiln be full, and that you must keep your Hops a while, then spread them on some Floor, that they may not lie too thick; and thus will they keep a day or two without much damage.

Well drying of a Hop, is the most necessary thing to be taken care of; for if that be not rightly done, they are not fit for the Market, nor for use; for a handful of slack dried Hops will mar and spoil many pounds, taking away their pleasant scent and co­lour: Therefore let your Hops be throughly and evenly dried; which to accomplish, there are several ways made use of, some whereof that are most useful and necessary, I shall here dis­cover.

This following Description we finde to be used by the Flem­mings, Description of an Oost or Kiln. or Hollanders; and also at Poppering.

First make the square Room or Kiln above eight or ten foot wide, according as you desire it to be in bigness, built up with Brick or Stone, with a Door-place at one side thereof.

In the midst of this Room, on the Floor, must the Fire-place be made, about thirteen inches wide within, and about thirty inches high in length from the mouth thereof, almost to the back-part of the Kiln or Oost, leaving only a way for a man to go round the end of it; it is usually called a Horse, and is com­monly made in Malt-kilns, the fire passing out at holes on each side, and at the end thereof; and needs no farther description, every Mason or Bricklayer almost is acquainted with it.

About five foot high is placed the Bed or Floor whereon the Hops lie to be dried, which must have a Wall about it four foot high, to keep the Hops up from falling. At the one side of the upper Bed must be made a Window, to shove off the dried Hops down into the Room prepared for them.

The Bed must be made of Laths or Rails sawn very even, an inch square, and laid a quarter of an inch asunder, with a cross Beam to support them in the middle; into which Beam the Laths are to be let in even with the top of it, which keeps the Laths even in their places.

On this Bed, without any Oost-cloth, lay your Hops by Bas­ket-fulls, beginning at the one end, and so proceeding till all be cover'd about half a Yard thick, without treading on them; then lay them even with a Rake or Stick, that they may not lie thicker in one place than in another.

Then make your fire below of broken Poles, or other wood, say our Authors: But Charcoal is the only fewel for Hops, not in any wise diminishing the colour, which smoaky wood or brands will do.

You must keep your fire at a constant heat, only at the mouth of the Furnace the Air will disperse it sufficiently.

The Hops this way are not to be stirred until they are through­ly dried, which is not until the top are dry as well as the bottom; but if any place be not so dry as the rest, (which you may per­ceive by reaching over them with a Stick or Wand, and touching them in several places, observing where they rattle, and where not) then abate them there, and dispose of them where the places were first dry.

When they are all through dry, which is known by the brit­tleness of the inner stalk, if rubbed, and it break short, then are they enough; then take out the fire, and shove out the Hops at the window for that purpose, with a Coal-rake made of a board at the end of a Pole, into the Room made to receive them; then go in at the door below, and sweep together the Seeds and Hops that fell through, and lay them with the other.

Then proceed to lay another Bed of green Hops, as before, and renew the fire.

In several places they dry their Hops on the ordinary Malt-kilns Another way to dry Hops. on a Hair-cloth, laying them about six inches thick; and when they are almost dry, with a Scoop made for that purpose, they turn them up-side down, and let them lie again till every hop as near as they can, be throughly dried; and then with the Hair-cloth remove them to the heap where they are to lie till they are picked.

Both these ways are subject to several inconveniencies: In the first way the hops lying so thick, and never turned, the under­part of them must needs be dry long before the upper; and the fire passing through the whole Bed to dry the uppermost hop, must needs over-dry, and much injure and waste the greater part of the Hops, both in strength and in weight, besides the waste of firing, which must be long continued to through dry so many together.

In the second way, the turning of the hops breaks them very much, by forcing the Scoop against the rough Hair-cloth, frets and spoils many hops, and shatters their seeds, else this way is rather to be preferred above the other.

Which several inconveniencies may be removed and prevent­ed, The best way to dry Hops. by making the lower part of the Kiln as before is described, and the Bed thereof made after the following manner: First, make a Bed of flat ledges about an inch thick, and two or three [Page 144] inches broad, sawn, and laid across on the other, Checquer­wise, the flat way, the distances between about three or four inches, the ledges so entred the one into the other, that the Floor may be even and smooth: This Bed may rest on two or three Joyces set edge-wise to support it from sinking.

Then cover this Bed with large double Tin soudred together at each joynt; and so order the ledges before you lay them, that the joynts of the Tin may always lie over the middle of a ledge; and when the Bed is wholly covered with Tin, fit boards about the edges of the Kiln to keep up the hops, only let the one side be to remove, that the hops may be shoved off (as before.)

On this Tin-Floor or Bed may the hops be turned without such hazard or loss, as before on the hair, and with less expence of fewel: Also any manner of fewel will serve for this purpose as well as Charcoal, the smoak not passing through the hops as in either of the other ways: but you must remember to make Conveyances for it at the several corners and sides of your Kiln or Oost.

Only the saving of fewel, besides the advantage your hops receive, will of it self in a little time recompence the charge ex­traordinary in making the Tin-Floor.

The turning of hops after the most facile and secure way, is To dry Hops suddenly with­out turning them. yet found to be not only a waste and injury of the hop, but al­so an expence of fewel and time, because they require as much fewel, and as long time to dry a small part when they are turned, as if they were almost all to be dried; which may be prevented, in case the upper-bed whereon the hops lie, have a Cover made that may be let down and raised at pleasure; which Cover may be Tinned over, only by nailing single Tin over the face of it, that when the hops begin to dry, and ready to turn, that is, that the greatest part of the moisture be evaporated away, then may you let down this Cover within a foot or less of the hops, which (Reverberatory-like) will reflect the heat upon them, that the up­permost hop will soon be as dry as the lower, and every hop e­qually dried.

This is the most expeditious, most sure, and least expensive way that can be imagined to dry hops, which is one of the costliest, troublesome, and most hazardous piece of work that belongs to the hop, as it is vulgarly used.

As soon as your hops are off the Kiln, bag them not immedi­ately, Bagging of Hops. but lay them in some room or place, that they may lie three or four weeks or more, that they may cool, agive, and toughen; for if they are immediately bagged, they will break to a Powder, but if they lie a while (the longer the better, so they be close covered from the Air with Blankets) you may pack or bag them with more security.

The manner whereof is usually thus; make a hole round or square in an upper Floor big enough, that a man may with ease go up and down, and turn and winde in it; then tack on a hop [Page 145] about the mouth of the Bag fast with Packthread, that it may bear the weight of the Hops when full, and of the Man that treads them; then let the Bag down through the hole, and the Hop will rest above, and keep the Bag from sliding wholly through: Into which Bag cast in a few Hops; and before you go into [...]ead, tye at each lower corner a handful of Hops, with a piece of Packthread, to make as it were a Tassel, by which you may conveniently lift or remove the Bag when he is full; then go in to the Bag and tread the Hops on every side, another casting still in as fast as you require them, till it be full: When it is well trodden and filled, let down the Bag by unripping the hoop, and close the mouth of the Bag, filling the two upper corners as you did the two lower.

Which Bag, if well dried and well packed, may be preserved in a dry place several Years; but beware lest the Mice destroy and spoil them.

After you have dried and laid by your Hops, you may return Laying up the Poles. again to the Hop-garden, and take care to preserve the Poles for another Year.

Strip off the Hawm clean from them, and set up three Poles (like unto a Triangle, wherewith they usually weigh heavy ware) spreading at the bottom, and bound together near the top, about which you may set your Poles as many as you please; binde them about with a little Hawm twisted, to keep them together: By this means the outward Poles are only subject to the injuries of the weather, which keep all the inner Poles dry, except only the tops, which for the most part are exposed to the Air and wet.

Therefore the most part Pile them up at length in Piles in se­veral places of the Hop-garden, by pitching in several Poles on each side the Pile, and laying two or three old Poles athwart at the bottom to keep them from the moist ground, and so lay the Poles that the smaller ends may be inwards, and the bigger ends outwards; for which purpose the Pile must be made somewhat longer than the Poles; and when you have raised them high e­nough, with Ropes of Hawm binde the Poles that stand on the one side overthwart to the Poles on the other, to preserve them upright, and cover them with Hawm, to defend them against the Rain.

But the better way is to lay them in such Shed or house erected in your Hop-garden, which may serve for picking of Hops there in the Summer, and preservation of the Poles in the Winter; it will soon require your cost.

In the Winter, when sittle else can be done to the hop-garden, Dunging or Soyling of the Hop-garden. then may you provide Soyl and Manure against the Spring; if the Dung you carry in be rotten, then mix it with two or three parts of the common earth, and so let it lie well mixed till the Spring, which will serve to make up the hills withal.

But if the Dung or Soyl be new, then let it lie mixed till ano­ther Year, for new Dung is very injurious to hops.

Horse-dung, Cow-dung, or Oxe-dung are very good, but no Dung is to compare with Pigeons-dung, a little thereof only to a hill, and mixed, that it may not be too hot in a place: Sheeps-dung also is very good.

In the Spring or Summer-time, if you steep Sheeps-dung, Pige­ons-dung, or Hen-dung in water, till it be quite dissolved; and when you water your hops on the top of every hill in the hollow place made to contain the water, you may put a dishful of this dissolved dung, and the water wherewith you water your hops will carry with it the vertue thereof to the roots of the hop, which may prove the most expeditious, advantagious, and least expensive way of inriching the hop-hills of any other.

Also by this means you may convey to the Roots of hops, or any other Plant, the fixed Salt or vertue of Lime, Ashes, or any other Fertilizing or inriching Subject whatsoever, whereof we have already discoursed.

SECT. II. Of Liquorice, Saffron, Madder, and Dyers Weed.

The Land this Plant principally delights in, being not every Of Liquorice. where to be had, is one of the causes it is so much neglected, and the method of Planting and ordering of it so little under­stood: although our English Liquorice exceeds any Forreign whatsoever, yet have not we enough Planted, but Yearly buy of other Nations.

It much delights in a dry and warm Land, light and mellow, Best Land for Liquorice, and the ordering of it. and very deep: for in the length of the Root consists the great­est advantage; for if it be not light, dry and deep, the Roots cannot inlarge freely; such Land that Carriots, Parsnips, &c. delight in, Liquorice will prosper in it: If the ground be not ve­ry rich of it self, you must mix good store of the best and light­est Soil in the digging; it must be trenched very deep, at the least three Spades deep, in case the Mould will bear it, and lay it as light as possibly you can. The best way is to dig it with the Dung at the beginning of the Winter, and then dig it again at Planting-time, which will lay it much the lighter, and mix the Dung the better.

Procure your Sets from the best and largest Liquorice; the best Choice of Sets. Sets are the Crown-sets, or heads got from the very top of the Root. Next, and near as good are the Runners, which spread from the Master-roots, and have little Sprouts and Roots which will make excellent Sets, being cut about four or five inches long. The branches also may be slipped and planted; if it prove moist weather, they will many of them grow; these may serve to thicken where they are too thin.

The usual and best time for the planting of Liquorice, is in Time and manner of Setting. February and March; about a foot distance is usual to plant your Sets in Rows by a Line, in holes made with a Setting-stick, deep [Page 147] enough to contain the Plant, which as soon as it is in the hole, Earth it up; and if they prove dry, water them as soon as they are set; and so for several days, until they have recovered their witheredness. The first Year you may sow the ground with Oni­ons, Lettice, or suchlike herbs.

Then afterwards they must be kept Howed every Year, till they are taken up.

The Sets are impatient of being planted, after they are once out of the ground; therefore use what expedition you can, and Earth them up if you carry them far, and be sure to have the ground ready before the Sets.

After it hath stood three Summers in the ground you may dig Taking up of Liquorice, and its profit. it up, about the Moneth of November or December; for then it weighs most, and will keep best without loss for some time. It is best to dispose of it whilest it is new and green, because it will much decay in its weight.

Some that have very good Liquorish have gained much by it, the better the Land is, the more is the advantage: There hath been made from fifty pound to an hundred pound of an Acre, as some affirm.

Pontefract in York-shire is the most noted place for this Plant Improver im­proved. that I have heard of: Next unto that, Godalming in Surry de­serves to be remembred also, for the industry of the Inhabitants in propagating this necessary Plant: The long continuance of the Planting whereof in those places, to the so great advantage of the Inhabitants, is an Argument sufficient of the improve­ment it makes, there being in many other places as good Land for this purpose, as either of those places afford.

English Saffron is esteemed the best in the world, it's a Plant Of Saffron. What Land is best for Saffron. very suitable to our Climate and Soyl; therefore it is our negli­gence that it is no more propagated: It delights in a good, dry, sound Land, brought into perfect Tillage by Manure and good Husbandry; the better your Land is, the better may you expect your Crop. About Midsummer it is to be planted, some say Time and man­ner of planting of it. about March; it is encreased by the Roots which yearly multi­ply in the ground, like unto other Bulbous Roots, or rather more. They are to be taken up, and new planted usually once in three Years, and then may many of the Roots be obtained: They are set in Ranges two or three inches deep, and about two or three inches asunder, but the Ranges about four or five inches apart, for the more convenient weeding or howing of them.

About September the Flower appears like a blew Crocus, and Time of the flowring and gathering of Saffron. in the middle of it comes up two or three Chives which grow upright together, and the rest of the Flower spreads abroad; which Chives being the very Saffron, and no more, you may gather betwixt your Fingers, and reserve it. This must be done early in the morning, else it returns into the body of the Flower again; and so for about a Moneths space may you gather Saf­fron. You must procure many hands, according to the quantity of your ground; you may gather two or three Crops, and then [Page 148] remove it. After it hath done Flowring, it remains green all the Winter.

Care must be also taken in the drying of it, which may be done Drying of Saffron. in a small Kiln made of Clay, and with a very little fire, and that with careful attendance; three pound thereof moist usually making one of dry.

One Acre may bear from seven to fifteen pound, and hath been Profits of Saf­fron. sold from twenty shillings a pound to five pound a pound, and may cost about four pound per Acre the management thereof; which gives a very considerable Improvement and Advantage.

This is esteemed by some to be a very rich Commodity, and Of Madder. worthy our care and cost to propagate it, being so much used by Dyers in the Dying of their red colours, and in so great request of the Apothecaries for Medicinal uses; and a Plant also that delights in our Climate.

It is to be planted in a very rich, deep, warm, and well-manu­red Land fit for Madder. Land, digged at least two or three Spade graft deep.

Then about March or April, as soon as it springs out of the Time and man­ner of plant­ing it. ground, is it to be planted: The Sets are to be gathered two or three inches long, with Roots to them, and immediately planted or put into Mould, if carried far; and then set about a foot apart the one from the other, and kept watred till they Spring, and continually Weeded, till they have got the Mastery of the Weeds.

At three Years end you may take it up; reserve the Plants for The nse and profit of Mad­der. your own use, and sell the roots to the Apothecaries, or dry them for the Dyers use: But the description and manner of dry­ing and Milling thereof for that purpose, I leave to those that are better experienced therein, or until I have obtained some light thereinto. The great advantage that it brings to the Plan­ter, according as it is by some related, is encouragement sufficient to any Ingenious man to make a farther enquiry and progress into its Nature and Method of ordering it.

This is a rich Dyers Commodity; it groweth in many places Of Weld, or Dyers Weed, what Land it requires. wilde, and is sown also in many places in Kent to a very great advantage: it will grow on any ordinary or barren Land, so that it be dry and warm.

It may be sown on Barley or Oats after they are sown and Manner of sowing it. harrowed, this requiring only a Bush to be drawn over it: A Gallon of Seed will sow an Acre, it being very small, and is best to be mixed with some other material, as before we advised con­cerning Clover-grass Seed: it groweth not much the first Sum­mer; but after the Corn is gathered it is to be preserved, and the next Summer you shall receive your Crop.

You must be very cautious in the gathering of it, that the Gathering and ordering of it. Seed be not over-ripe, for then it will fall out; if not enough, neither Seed nor Stalk will be good: It is to be pulled as they do Flax, by the Roots, and bound up in little handfuls, and set to dry, and then housed: Then may you beat or lash out the Seed, which is of good value, and dispose of the Stalk and Root to [Page 149] the Dyer, which is of singular use for the Dying of the bright Yellow and Lemon-Colour.

SECT. III. Of Beans, Pease, Melons, Cucumbers, Asparagus, Cab­bage, and several other sorts of Garden-Tillage.

Of Beans in general we have already discoursed in this Trea­tise; Garden-beans. only here, as it falls in our way, we shall say a little con­cerning the greater sort of Garden-beans, which you plant on­ly for the Table: They delight in a rich stiff Land, or any Land new broken up; they are usually set between S. Andrew's day and Christmas, at the Wane of the Moon: But if it happen to freeze hard after your Beans are spired, it will go near to kill them all; therefore it is the surest way to stay till the greatest Frosts are over, until after Candlemas. It is a general errour, to set them promiscuously, and too near together, when it is most evident, that being set, or otherwise planted in Rows by a Line, they bear much more, the Sun and Air having a more free passage between them: Also you may the better go be­tween them to Weed, top, or gather them: Also you may sow Carrots in the Intervals, which after the Stalks are drawn up, will prove a good second Crop. Let the Ranges run from South to North, for the greater advantage of the Sun.

If you sow or plant them in the Spring, steep them two or three days in fat water, as before is prescribed for the steeping of Corn; it is better to How them in, than to set them with Sticks the usual way. In the gathering of green Beans for the Table, the best way is to cut them off with a knife, and not, as is usual, to strip them down; for that Wound prevents the pro­sperity of the younger Cods not yet ripe: When you have ga­thered your early Beans, then cut off the stalks near the ground, and you may probably have a second Crop e're the Winter ap­proach. These larger sort of Beans yield a far greater encrease than the ordinary sort; therefore it is great pity they are no more propagated in the Fields than they are, especially where the ground is rich.

There are several sorts of Garden-Pease sown or planted in this Of Pease. Kingdom, some approved of for their being early ripe, and some for their pleasant taste; others for their being late ripe suc­ceeding the other: The Hot-spurs are ripe the soonest, from their time of sowing, of any other; then succeeds the large white Pease, and several other sorts of green, grey, and white Pease; then the large white Hasting, and great grey Rouncival Pease. There is also another sort of Pease in some places, usually called the Sugar-pease for their sweetness; they are to be eaten in their Cods, which grow crooked and uneven; their extraor­dinary sweetness makes them liable to be devoured by the Birds, unless you take great care to prevent them. These are sown later than the other, by reason of their tenderness.

A fat rich Garden-Mould yields the largest Pease; but a light, warm, and ordinary Soyl, yields the tenderest and sweetest.

If you would have the earliest Pease, sow them in September or October, that they may get some Head before the Frosts take them; and then with due care may they be preserved over the Winter, and will bear very early. Also to have them very late, sow them a little before Midsummer, and so may you have Pease in September.

As for the manner of sowing, it is divers; some sow at ran­dom, as they sow Corn; which is altogether to be disapproved of, because they cannot be so evenly dispersed, nor at so equal a depth, as in the other ways: Others set them in Ranges with a Dibble or Setting-stick; which is a very excellent way both to save Pease, and to give liberty to pass between for the Howing, gathering, &c. But that which is most used, and best approved of, is the Howing of them in, which makes a quick riddance of the work, and covers all at a certain depth, and doth not sadden or harden the ground as setting doth.

It is good to make the Ranges at some reasonable distance, that you may the more conveniently pass between them to How the Weeds, and Earth up the Roots in the Spring: for the na­kedness and barrenness of the ground, adds much to the Matura­tion of the Pease, by the Reflection of the Sun; and the lay­ing up the Earth at the Roots, preserves them much from Drought.

Where your ground is small, or that you can easily furnish your self with sticks, they will yield a greater encrease if they have sticks to climb on. But this, and several other ways of ordering them, we leave to the pleasure and skill of every one, whose curiosity and delight is exercised in such Affairs.

Of all the sorts of Codware, there is none so fruitful, nor multi­plies Of French-beans. so much, as doth the French or Kidney-bean; being also a very pleasant, curious and wholesom food, and deserves a greater place and proportion of Land in our Farm, than is usually given it: It is a Plant lately brought into use among us, and not yet sufficiently known; the greatest impediment to its farther Pro­pagation, is the tenderness of it at its first springing, and the sweetness of it, which makes it more liable to be devoured by Snails, Worms, &c. But a little care and industry bestowed a­bout them, will be plentifully recompenced in the fruitful Crop; the several uses whereof, as well for the Kitchin, as for the feeding of Beasts and Fowl, are not yet commonly known or practised.

These being meerly Fruits raised for our pleasure in the Sum­mer-time, Of Melons and Cucumbers. and not of any general use nor advantage to the Husbandman, we shall therefore pass them by, only as to the ordering of the ground. For the setting and raising them early, see more at the end of this Chapter.

The best way for the raising of Pompions, is to plant the seeds Of Pompions. first in a good Mould, in a warm place, and then to transplant [Page 151] them into a rich dungy Bed made for that purpose, watring them now and then with water wherein Pigeons-dung hath been infu­sed; then take away, about blossoming time, all the by-shoots, leaving only one or two main Runners at the most, and so shall you have them grow to an huge bigness. Take heed you hurt not the heads of the main Runners.

The Artichoak is one of the most excellent Fruits of the Kit­chin-garden, Of Artichoaks. and recommended not only for its goodness, and the divers manners of Cooking of it, but also for that the Fruit continues in season a long time.

The ground is to be very well prepared, and mixed several times with good dung, and that very deep: The Slips that grow by the sides of the old Stubs serve for Plants, which are to be ta­ken and planted about April, when the great Frosts are over, and kept watred till they are firmly rooted; and if they be strong, they will bear heads the Autumn following. They are to be planted four or five foot distance the one from the other, if the Soyl be rich; but if it be not, then nearer. After the Planting, they need no other Culture before Winter, save only Weeding, and dressing sometimes, and a little water if the Spring be dry.

Against the Winter, before the great Frosts, they are to be pre­served Preservation against Frosts. against them: Some cut the leaves within a foot of the ground, and raise the Earth about them, in manner of a Mole-hill, within two or three inches of the top; and then cover it with Long-dung; which both preserves them from Frosts, and keeps the Rain from rotting them.

Others put Long-dung about the Plants, leaving the Plant a little Breath-room in the middle, which will also do very well.

Others prescribe them to be covered with an Earthen-pot, with a hole at the top; but a Bee-hive is to be preferred before it.

It is not good to Earth them too soon, left it rot them.

The Winter spent, you shall uncover your Artichoaks by little Dressing Arti­choaks. and little, at three several times, with about four days inter­val each time, lest the cold Ayr spoil them, being yet tender; you shall then dress, dig about, and trim them very well, discharging them from most of their small slips, not leaving above three of the strongest to each foot for Bearers, and give a supply to the Roots as deep as conveniently you can, of good fat Mould.

It will be good to renew your whole Plantation of Artichoaks every fifth year, because the Plant impoverishes the Earth, and produces but small Fruit.

If you desire to have Fruit in Autumn, you need only cut the Stem of such as have born Fruit in the Spring, to hinder them from a second Shoot, and in Autumn these lusty Stocks will not fail of bearing very fair Heads, provided that you dress and dig about them well, and water them in their necessity, taking a­way the Slips which grow to their Sides, and which draw all the substance from the Plants.

This Plant seems to contend for Preheminence with any of Of Asparagus. the Garden-plants for the Kitchin, being so delicate and whole­some [Page 152] a food, coming so early, and continuing so long, as to usher in many other of the best Rarities.

They are raised of seeds in a good fat Soyl, and at two years Planting of them. growth may be transplanted into Beds.

Which must be well prepared with Dung, first digged about two foot deep, and four foot wide, made level at the bottom; and so mix very good rotten Dung with some of the Mould, and fill them up, considering that it will sink: Then plant your Aspa­ragus Plants at about two foot distance; you may plant three or four Rows in this Bed of four foot wide, they will in time extend themselves throughout all the Bed.

Some curious persons put Rams-horns at the bottom of the Trench, and hold for certain, that they have a kinde of Sympa­thy with Asparagus, which makes them prosper the better; but it's referred to the Experienced.

Three years you must forbear to cut, that the Plant may be Ordering and cutting of them strong, not stubbed, for otherwise they will prove but small; but if you spare them four or five years, you will have them as big as Leeks.

The small ones you may leave, that the Roots may grow bigger, permitting those that spring up about the end of the Season, in every Bed, to run to Seed; and this will exceedingly repair the hurt which you may have done to your Plants in reaping their Fruit.

At the beginning of the Winter, after you have cut away the Stalks, cover the Bed four or five fingers thick with new Horse-dung: Some prescribe with Earth four fingers thick, and over that two fingers of old dung, which will preserve them from the Frost.

At the Spring, about the middle of March, uncover the Beds, and take of good fat Mould and spread over them, about two or three fingers thick, and lay your Dung in the Alleys, or else­where, which will rot, and be fit to renew the Mould the next Spring.

If you take up the old Roots of Asparagus about the begin­ning Early Aspa­ragus. of January, and plant them on a hot Bed, and well defend them from Frosts, you may have Asparagus at Candlemas, which is yearly experimented by some.

When you cut Asparagus, remove a little of the Earth from about them, lest you wound the others which are ready to peep; cut them as low as you can conveniently, but take heed of hurt­ing those that lie hid.

There are divers sorts of this most pleasant and delicious Fruit, Strawberries. and not any of them but are worthy of our care, and that little pains they require in Nursing them up.

The greater sort delight in a new-broken Bed, or at least in such places where they have not grown before: They must be kept stringed, and removed every two or three years, and then will yield a very great encrease: They delight most in warm san­dy Soyl: the best Plants are said to be such as come of the Strings; they bear best in the shade.

The white Strawberry, and the ordinary red, may be either planted in Beds, or on the sides of the Banks, at your pleasure.

The ordinary red grows plentifully in the new-fallen Copses, from whence if you take your Plants about August, you will have a very fair encrease.

There is a sort of green Strawberry (though not usual) that lies on the ground under the tall and slender leaves, exceeding sweet in taste, and of a very green colour.

Also there is another sort of Strawberry of a very excellent Scarlet-colour, and most pleasant taste, that grows plentifully in New-England, and will prosper very well with us, as is experi­enced by a Merchant at Clapham near London, who hath many of them growing in his Garden.

To preserve them over the Winter (though they seldom die) you strow a little Straw, Litter, Fern, or suchlike over them.

To have Strawberries in Autumn, you may only cut away the Late Straw­berries. first blossoms which they put forth, and hinder their bearing in the Spring, and they will afterwards blow anew, and bear in their latter season: I have gathered many on Michaelmas-day.

As soon as your Strawberries have done bearing, cut them Large Straw­berries. down to the ground; and as often as they spire, crop them, till towards the Spring: When you would have them proceed to­wards bearing, now and then as you cut them, strew the fine Powder of dried Cow-dung (or Pigeons-dung, or Sheeps-dung, &c.) upon them, and water them when there is cause.

The Cole-flower is an excellent Plant, and deserves a place in the Kitchin-garden; their seeds are brought out of Italy, and the Italians receive it from Candia, and other of the Levantine parts, which is the best, and produces the largest Heads.

You may either sow the seeds in August, and carefully pre­serve them over the Winter, or you may raise them in your hot Beds at the Spring, and remove them when they have indifferent large leaves into good Land prepared for that purpose; but the best way is to dig small Pits, and fill them with good, rich, light Mould, and therein plant your Cole-flower, which must be care­fully watered.

There are divers sorts of Cabbages, and of several colours and Cabbages and Coleworts. forms; but we shall here take notice of no more than the ordinary Cabbage and Colewort, being sufficient for our Country-Kitchin.

The Seed is to be sown between Midsummer and Michaelmas, that it may gain strength to defend it self against the violence of the Winter; which nevertheless it can hardly do in some years: or you may raise them on a hot Bed in the Spring.

In April, or about that time, they are to be transplanted into a very rich and well-stirred Mould; if you expect the largest Cab­bages, they delight most in a warm and light Soyl, and require daily watering till they have taken Root.

In any ordinary ground, being well digged and wrought, may you raise great quantities of ordinary Cabbages and Coleworts.

If you intend to reserve the seed, let it be of your best Cabba­ges, placed low in the ground during the Winter, to preserve them from the great Frosts and cold Winds; cover them with Ear­then-pots, and warm soyl over the Pots, and at Spring plant them forth.

There is another sort of Cabbage, commonly called the Savoy, Savoys. being somewhat sweeter and earlier than the common Cabbage; and therefore to be preferred: It is raised and planted as the o­ther, as also is the small Dutch Cabbage.

This is so common a Sallet-herb either raw or boiled, and the Lettuce. way of propagating thereof so easie, that I may the better pass it by.

Only if you have a desire to have them white, or blanch them, (as the French term it) then when they are headed or loaved, in a fair day, when the Dew is vanished, binde them about with long Straw, or raw Hemp; or more speedily, you may cover eve­ry Plant with a small Earthen-pot, and lay some hot Soyl upon them, and thus they will quickly become white.

This ordinary Plant is by several made use of; it loves a fat Of Beets. and rich Soyl; it's usually sown in the Spring, and will come up several years in the same ground, and may be planted forth as Cabbages are.

Aniseeds may also be propagated in England, as some have Of Anise. already experienced, by sowing them in February between the Full and Change of the Moon; then strow new Horse-dung upon them to defend them from the Frosts. These will ripen about Bartholomew-tide; then also may you sow again for the next year.

Let your ground be well stirred about Michaelmas, for that which you sow in February; the black rich mellow-ground is the best.

SECT. IV. Of Carrots, Turneps, and other Roots useful in the Kitchin.

This is one of the most Universal and necessary Roots this Of Carrots. Country affords, only they will not prosper in every ground; they principally delighting in a warm, light, or sandy Soyl; or if others, it must be well stirred and manured: but if the ground be naturally warm and light, though but indifferently fertil, yet will they thrive therein: It is usual to sow them in the Intervals between the Beans, in digged, not in ploughed Land, because of extending their Roots downwards: After the Beans are gone, they become a second Crop; the best are for the Table, the other for the feeding or fatting of Swine, Geese, &c. some of the fairest laid up in reasonable dry Sand, will keep throughout the Winter. The fairest of them may you reserve till the Spring, and plant them for Seed.

As to the general way of propagating them, we have already Turneps. given you a hint; therefore have we little more to say, but that for your Kitchin-use you may sow them at several times; and if the Weather, the Birds, or the Worm destroy them, you may re­new your labour and cost for a small matter. After they are in their prime, you must house them from the Frost, by laying them in your Celler, or suchlike place, on heaps.

This is an excellent sweet Root, and very pleasing to some Parsneps. people; it is to be sown in the Spring, in a rich, mellow, and well-stirred Soyl. When they are grown to any bigness, tread down the tops, which will make the Roots grow the larger: The like may be done to Carrots, Turneps, or any other Roots. To­wards the Winter, when you raise them, they may be disposed of in Sand, to be preserved as Carrots, Turneps, &c. The fair­est may be kept for Seed, as before of Carrots; and then take the fairest and tallest tops of those seeds in the Summer and sow them, and by this means may you attain the fairest Roots.

The Skirret is sweeter than any of the former Roots; they de­light Of Skirrets. in a very fat and light Mould, and are raised of the Slips, being planted in the Spring-time in Ranges, about five or six inches asunder: At the Winter, when you raise the Roots, you may lay the tops in Earth till the Spring, for your farther en­crease.

They are so cummonly known, and their propagation so easie, Of Radishes. that here needs no more to be said of them.

These are very usual in Forreign parts, and are planted in se­veral Of Potatoes. places of this Country to a very good advantage; they are easily encreased, by cutting the Roots in several pieces, each piece growing as well as the whole Root; they require a good fat Garden-mould, but will grow indifferently well in any: they are commonly eaten either Buttered, or in Milk. I do not hear that it hath been as yet essayed, whether they may not be propagated in great quantities for food for Swine, or other Cattle.

These are near of the Nature of the Potatoes, but not so good Of Jerusalem-Artichoaks. nor so wholesome; but may probably be propagated in great quantities, and prove good food for Swine: They are either planted of the Roots, or of Seeds.

Onions are Roots very much in request for their several and Of Onions. divers uses they are put unto in the Kitchin; they delight in a fine, fat, and warm Mould, and are to be sown in March, or soon after; but if you sow them sooner, you must cover them at the first: where they come up too thick, they may be drawn and planted where they are thinner; when they are grown to some reasonable bigness, you ought to bend down, or tread the Spin­dle or Stalk, which will make the head the larger: being sown with Bay-salt, they have prospered exceeding well. In August they are usually ripe; then are they to be taken up and dried in the Sun, and reserved for use, in places rather dry than moist.

This is so Universally known and propagated, that I need say Of Garlick. little of it: If set in rich ground, it encreases to admiration; and may be Annually multiplied, without hazard of Weather: keeping down the Leaves makes the Root large.

They are sown as the Onions, and afterwards it is best to Of Leeks. transplant them deep, that they may have a great deal of White-stalk, one such Leek being worth two others.

The fairest and biggest of Leeks and Onions are to be reserved and planted for Seed; the stalks whereof are to be propped up with sticks, by reason of their weight: When the Seed is ripe, reserve the Heads on some Cloth, and let them be through dry e're you rub them out.

There are several sorts of Kitchin-herbs and Plants very neces­sary and useful, and also profitable to be propagated and ad­vanced in our Country-gardens; as Thime, Hyssop, Sage, Rose­mary, Marjerom, Violets, and several others: Their ways and manner of Planting being so Universally known, and not alto­gether pertinent to our discourse, I shall pass them by, and refer you to others that treat of them.

I thought to have omitted this Plant, by reason the Statute-Laws Tobacco. are so severe against the Planters of it, but that it is a Plant so much improving Land, and imploying so many hands, that in time it may gain footing in the good Opinion of the Landlord, as well as of the Tenant, which may prove a means to obtain some liberty for its growth here, and not to be totally excluded out of the Husbandmans Farm. The great Objection is the prejudice it would bring to Navigation, the fewer Ships being imployed; and the lessening his Majesties Revenue. To which may be answered, that there are but few Ships imployed to Virginia; and if many, yet there would be but few the less; for it's not to be imagined, that we should Plant enough to furnish our whole Nation, and maintain a Trade abroad also: And in case it should lessen the number of Ships for the present, they would soon encrease again, as the Trade of Virginia would al­ter into other Commodities, as Silk, Wine and Oyl, which would be a much better Trade for them and us.

And as to the lessening his Majesties Revenue, the like Im­position may be laid on the same Commodity growing at home, as if imported from abroad, or some other of like value in lieu of it.

Certain it is, that the Planting of it would imploy abundance of people in Tilling, Planting, Weeding, Dressing and Curing of it. And the improvement of Land is very great, from ten shillings per Acre, to thirty or forty pound per Acre, all Charges paid: before the last severe Laws, many Plantations were in Gloucestershire, Devonshire, Somersetshire, and Oxfordshire, to the quantity of many hundreds of Acres.

Some object, that our English-Tobacco is not so good as the Forreign; but if it be as well respected by the Vulgar, let the more Curious take the other that's dearer. Although many are [Page 157] of Opinion that it's better than Forreign, having a more Haut­gust, which pleaseth some; if others like it not, they may in the curing of it make it milder, and by that means alter or change it as they please: It hath been often sold in London for Spanish Tobacco.

The best way and manner of Planting and Curing it, would be easily obtained by experience: many attempting it, some would be sure to discover the right way of ordering of it, and what ground or places it best affects.

But that which hath been observed is, that it affects a rich, deep and warm soil well dressed in the Spring before Planting time: The Young Plants raised from seed in February or March, on a hot Bed, and then planted abroad in your prepared ground, from whence you may expect a very good Crop, and sometimes two Crops in a year. The leaves, when gathered, are first laid together on heaps for some time, and then hang'd up (by Threads run through them) in the shade, until they are through dry, and then put up and kept, the longer the better. In this, Experience is the best Master.

SECT. V. Of the manner of ordering and preparing of Garden-Ground, making of hot Beds, and Watering of the Gardens, &c.

There are many Garden-plats in England, which either for their cold scituation, or the cold or unnatural temper of the soil, or suchlike impediments; and by reason of the ignorance of the Gardiner, or Owner thereof, produce little or no Fruit or Tillage answerable to the costs, trouble, or expectation of the Owners thereof: Wherefore we shall give you here the best Rules, Dire­ctions, and Instructions we either know, or have read of in any of our Rustick Authors.

If the Land be of a light and warm Nature of its self whereof The several ways of tem­pering mould. your Garden is made, there needs only common Horse-dung or Cow-dung to be mixed therewith in the digging or trenching, to inrich it: but if the Ground or Mould incline to a cold Clay, or stiff ground, then procure some good, light and fertil Sand, or Mould of that nature, and mix with your Dung in some corner of your ground equally together, and suffer it so to lie and rot over the Winter, which in the Spring will prove an excellent warm Manure to lay to the roots of your Plants, or to make whole Beds thereof, by mixing it in good quantities with the natural soil; and if you can procure it with conveniency, the more of Pigeons-dung, Poultry-dung, or Sheeps-dung you mix with it, the lighter and warmer it will be. Also an equal composition or mixture of Dung and Earth is necessary to be laid by, that it may be throughly rotten and turned to Earth by the Spring, that it may then be fit to renew the Earth about your Hops, Arti­choaks, [Page 158] and suchlike; and also for the planting and sowing therein Coleflowers, Cabbages, Onions, &c.

The best and surest way of sowing seeds to have the most ad­vantage The best way of sowing Garden-seeds. of such Dung or soil, and that they may come up most even, and be all buried at one certain depth, is thus: First rake your Bed even, then throw on a part of your mixture of Earth and Dung, which also rake very even and level, on which sow your seeds, whether Onions, Leeks, Lettice, or suchlike; then with a wide Sieve sift on the Earth mixed with Dung, that it may cover the Seeds about a quarter of an inch deep, or little more, and you shall not fail of a fruitful Crop.

If your Garden be obvious to the cold winds, which are very To lay ground warm and dry. injurious to most sorts of Plants, next unto Trees, Pales, Walls, Hedges, &c. lay your ground after this following manner; that is, let it be laid up in Ridges a foot or two in height, somewhat upright on the back or North-side thereof, and more shelving or sloping to the Southward, for about three or four foot broad, on which side you may sow any of your Garden-Tillage; and these Banks lying one behinde the other, will much break the Winds, and these shelving sides will much expedite the ripening of Pease or other Fruits, by receiving more directly the Beams of the Sun: and in case the ground be over-moist, you may plant the higher; and if over-dry, then the lower: so that it seems to remedy all Extreams, except Heat, which rarely injures.

To make a hot Bed in February, or earlier, if you please, for The making of hot Beds. the raising of Melons, Cucumbers, Radishes, Coleflowers, or any other tender Plants or Flowers, you must provide a warm place defended from all Winds, by being inclosed with a Pale or Hedge made of Reed or Straw, about six or seven foot high, of such distance or capacity your occasions require; within which you must raise a Bed of about two or three foot high, and three foot over, of new Horse-dung of about six, eight, or ten days old, treading it very hard down on the top, being made level; and if you will, edged round with boards; lay of fine rich Mould about three or four inches thick; and when the extream heat of the Bed is over, which you may perceive by thrusting in your finger, then plant your seeds as you think fit; then erect some Forks four or five inches above the Bed, to support a Frame made of sticks, and covered with Straw, to defend the Seed and Plants from cold and wet; only you may open your Covering in a warm day for an hour before Noon, and an hour after. Re­member to Earth them up as they shoot in height; when they are able to bear the cold, you may transplant them.

Many curious and necessary Plants would suffer, were they Of Watering of Plants. not carefully watered at their first removal, or in extream dry seasons; therefore this is not to be neglected. Early in the Spring, whilest the Weather is cold, be cautious of watering the leaves of the young and tender Plant, only wet the Earth about it.

When your Plants or Seeds are more hardy, and the Nights yet cold, water in the Fore-noons; but when the Nights are [Page 159] warm, or the days very hot, then the Evening is the best time.

If you draw your water out of Wells, or deep Pits, it ought to stand a day in the Sun in some Tub, or suchlike, for your ten­der Plants in the Spring.

But Pond, or River, or Rain-water needs it not, and is to be preferred before Well-water, or Spring-water.

If you infuse Pigeons-dung, Sheeps-dung, Hen-dung, Ashes, Lime, or any fat soil or matter in your water, either in Pits, Ci­sterns, or other Vessels for that purpose, and therewith cauti­ously water your Plants; it will much add to their encrease and multiplication.

For Cole-flowers, Artichoaks, and such like, let the ground sink a little round the Plant, in form of a shallow Dish, the wa­ter will the better and more evenly go to the Roots.

Water not any Plant over-much, lest the water carry with it away the Vegetative or fertil Salt; and so impoverish the ground, and also chill the Plant.

It is also better to water a Plant seldom and throughly, than often and slenderly; for a shallow watering is but a delusion to the Plant, and provokes it to root shallower than otherwise it would, and so makes it more obvious to the extremity of the Weather.

If you are willing to have the ground always moist about any Plant, place near it a Vessel of water, putting therein a piece of Woollen Cloth or List, and let the one end thereof hang out of the Vessel to the ground, the other end in the water, in manner of a Crane: Let the List or Cloth be first wet, and by this means will the water continually drop till all be dropped out of the Vessel, which may then be renewed. The end that hangs with­out the Vessel must be always lower than the water within the Vessel, else it will not succeed: If it drop not fast enough, en­crease your List or Cloth; if too fast, diminish it.

If the Weather be never so dry when you sow any sort of Seeds, water them not till they have been in the ground several days, and the ground a little setled about them.


Of several sorts of Beasts, Fowls and Insects, u­sually kept for the Advantage and Ʋse of the Husbandman.

OUR Country-Farm is of little use and benefit to us, not­withstanding all our care, pains and cost in Fencing, Plant­ing, or otherwise ordering the same, unless it be well stocked and provided with Beasts, and other Animals; as well for labour and strength in Tilling and Manuring the Ground, and facilitating other Labours and Exercises, as for the furnishing the Market and Kitchin.

SECT. I. Of Beasts.

The Horse hath the Preheminence above all others, being the Of the Horse. Noblest, Strongest, Swiftest, and most necessary of all the Beasts used in this Country for the Saddle, for the Plough and Cart, and for the Pack.

Where you have good store of Pasture, either in Several, or in Common, or in Woods or Groves, it is no small advantage to keep a Team of Mares for the Breed; but where there is most of Arable, and little of Pasture-Land, Horses or Geldings are more necessary: which difference we may observe between the great Breeding-places for Horses in the Pastures and Wood-lands, and the naked Corn-Countries; the one full of gallant lusty Mares, the other of Horses and Geldings.

As to the Shape and Proportion, Colours, Age, Ordering, Breeding, Feeding, and Curing the several Diseases of Horses, I shall here be silent, and refer you to the several Authors who have copiously treated of that Subject, it being too large for this place.

Asses are commonly kept, yet not to be little set by, because of Of the Ass. their sundry Commodities, and the hardness of their Feeding: for this poor Beast contents himself with whatsoever you give him; Thistles, Bryars, Stalks, Chaff, (whereof every Country hath store) is good Meat with him: Besides, he may best abide the ill looking to of a negligent Keeper, and be able to sustain blows, labour, hunger and thirst, being seldom or never sick; and therefore of all other Cattle longest endureth: for being a Beast nothing chargeable, he serveth for a number of necessary uses: in carrying of Burdens he is comparable to the Horse; he [Page 161] draweth the Cart (so the Load be not great) for grinding in the Mill he passeth all others. Thus far Haresbatch.

The Milk also of the Ass is esteemed an excellent Restorative (by most Learned Physitians) in a Consumption.

But I presume one main impediment of their not being so fre­quently kept, is their destructive Nature to Trees, which they will bark with their mouths where they can come at them: This is no ways pleasing to a good Husband.

The Mule, or Moil, is bred of a Mare covered with an Ass: Of the Male. It's a hardy Beast, much better than an Ass, and very tractable and capable of much service.

These worthy sort of Beasts are in great request with the Hus­bandman, Of Cows and Oxin. the Oxe being useful at his Cart and Plough, the Cow yielding great store of Provision both for the Family and the Market, and both a very great advantage to the support of the Trade of the Kingdom.

Concerning their form, nature and choice, I need say little, every Countryman almost understanding how to deal for them.

The best sort is the large Dutch Cow that brings two Calves at one Birth, and gives ordinarily two Gallons of Milk at one Meal.

As for their breeding, rearing, breaking, curing of their Dis­eases, and other ordering of them; and of Milk, Butter and Cheese, &c. I refer you to such Authors that do more largely handle that Subject than this place will admit of.

Next unto these, the Sheep deserves the chiefest place, and is Of Sheep. by some preferred before any other, for the great profit and ad­vantage they bring to Mankinde, both for Food and Apparel.

Whereof there are divers sorts, some bearing much finer Wooll than others; as the Herefordshire-Sheep about Leicester bear the fairest Fleeces of any in England. Also they are of several kinds, as to their proportion; some are very small, others larger: But the Dutch-sheep are the largest of all, being much bigger than any I have seen in England, and Yearly bear two or three Lambs at a time. It is also reported, that they sometimes bear Lambs twice in the Year. It may doubtless be of very good advantage to obtain of those kindes; and also of Spanish-sheep that bear such fine Fleeces.

As for their breeding, curing and ordering, I refer you (as before) to such Authors that have largely treated of them.

This Beast is also of a very considerable advantage to the Of Swine. Husbandman, the Flesh being a principal support to his Fami­ly, yielding more dainty Dishes and variety of Meat, than any other Beast whatsoever; considering them as Pig, Pork, Bacon, Brawn, with the different sorts of Offal belonging to them: Al­so they are of the coursest Feed of any Creature whatsoever; being content with any thing that's Edible, so they have their fill, for they are impatient of hunger.

It is a great neglect that they are no more bred and kept than they are, their Food being obtained at so easie a rate: Besides, [Page 162] the Offal of Corn, Whey, and other Culinary Provision, it cannot but prove a very considerable advantage to sow or plant Land on purpose with Coleworts, Kidney-beans, and several other gross thriving Pulses, Plants and Roots; whereby you may not only raise a considerable stock of them, to your great gain and profit, if old Tusser said true:

And yet by the Yeat have I proved e'te now,
As good to the Purse is a Sow as a Cow.

but also by their Treading and Batling, in case they be kept in a Court made several for that purpose, they will convert all such Vegetables they eat not into excellent Soil.

If they are suffered to run abroad, they waste their flesh much: therefore it is esteemed the most frugal and beneficial-way, to keep them always penned into some Court, both for their flesh and soil.

These are kept in some places for advantage, being a very Of Goats. course Feeder. The Kids are esteemed good Meat: their Hair also is of use to make Ropes, and other things; it never rots in the water. The best sort of them breeds twice in the Year: they are usually kept in Stables where many Horses are, to pre­serve them from several Epidemical Diseases.

The Milk of Goats is esteemed the greatest Nourisher of all liquid things whereon we feed, (except Womans Milk) and the most comfortable to the stomack; from whence the Poets feign, that their God Jupiter himself was nourished with Goats-milk.

They crop, and are injurious to young Trees; therefore are to be kept with much caution.

Although they are not esteemed amongst the number of pro­fitable Of Dogs. Cattle, yet are they very necessary servants, and the most observant and affectionate of all Beasts whatever to Mankinde: Their love, even to the loss of their lives, in defence of their Master, his Cattle, Goods, &c. their officiousness in Hunting, and seeking after all sorts of Prey or Game, are so commonly known, and so frequently made use of, that it's needless to tell you so.

Only that they are of different sorts and natures; some as a Guard to defend your House and Goods, others as Shepherds to defend your Sheep and Cattle, others as Jaccals or Watchmen, always wakeful to rouze up the heavy Mastiffs; whereof some are for the Bear, others for the Bull.

Some Dogs also are for the Game; as for the Stag, Buck, Fox, Hare, Coney, Pollcat, Otter, Weesel, Mole, &c. Also for the Duck, Pheasant, Partridge, Quayl, Moor-hens, and several other sorts of Land and Water-fowl.

Others also are kept for their Beauty, Shape and Proportion, and for their docible Nature, being apt to Dance and perform several other Acts of Activity, &c.

Besides the wilde, which are very profitable in Warrens, tame Coneys. Coneys may be kept to a very great advantage, either in Hut­ches [Page 163] or in Pits, which is much to be preferred. These Pits are sunk about six or seven foot deep, in a good light Mould; or in Chalk or Sand they delight most. These are to be made round or square, and walled with Stone or Brick, to preserve the Earth from foundring, in leaving places on the sides for the Co­neys to draw and make their Stops or Buries.

At the one end or side make a hollow place for the Buck to rest in, chaining him to a small stump, that he may have liberty to go to the Rack to feed, and to his Den to rest: On the o­ther side or end, let the places be left for the Does to make their stops in.

About the middle of the Pit may you place the Rack to feed them in; the Buck on the one side, and the Does on the other.

In a Pit of about ten foot square may be kept two or three Does, (besides the Buck) which will bring each of them about fifty or more Young ones in a year, sometimes seventy or eighty. When they are about a Moneth old, you may take them out of the Pit, and either spend them, or feed them in another Pit or place made for that purpose.

Their Food is for the most part Greens growing in and a­bout your Gardens; as Carrots and their Greens, Coleworts, Sowthistles, Malloes, Dandilion, Saxifrage, Parsley, Grass, and many other. Also Hay, Bran, Grains, Oats, &c.

They ought to be constantly fed and cleansed, and great care taken to keep them from Cats, Pollcats, &c.

If you have much Garden-ground, and a good soil free from Water, Clay or Stone for them to breed in, they will thrive exceedingly, and doubly repay your care and trouble.

By feeding them with dry Meat between whiles in the Win­ter-season, it preserves them from the Rot, which in moist wea­ther they are subject unto; but if you feed them much with dry Meat, you must set them water, otherwise not.

The black or silver-haired are most usually kept tame, their Their kindes. skins being of great value.

The great Dutch-Rabbit is the best for their food, being much larger than the other.

But the white Shock-Rabbit of Turkie is the most pleasant, ha­ving long and fine hair, and is now become the most in Mode.

SECT. II. Of Fowl.

The Countrymans Farm or Habitation cannot be said to be compleatly stored or stocked without Fowl, as well as Beasts, yielding a considerable advantage by their Eggs, Brood, Bodies, and Feathers, amongst which the Poultry seems to have the Of Poultry. Preheminence, being more universally kept than any other sort whatsoever; insomuch that any poor Cottager that lives by the High-way-side may keep of them, being able to shift for them­selves [Page 164] the most part of the Year, feeding on Insects, and on any thing almost that's Edible by any other sort of Animal.

They are also kept to a very great advantage in the Back­sides, Profit of Poul­try. and at the Barns-doors of great Farms; and as I have been certainly informed, a good Farm hath been wholly stockt with Poultry, spending the whole Crop upon them, and keeping se­veral to attend them; and that it hath redounded to a very considerable Improvement. It seems also consonant to Reason, especially if within a days Journey of London, that they might have a quick Return, and a good Market, being in a capacity to furnish the Market, throughout the Year, either with Eggs, Chick­ens, Pullets, Capons, or Cocks and Hens. Also the Feathers must needs yield a considerable advantage; and the Dung of Poultry being of great use on the Land, much exceeding the Dung of any Cattle whatsoever.

Therefore if convenient places or houses were made for them, Feeding and fatting of Poultry. as dark as may be, which doth much expedite their fatning; and the Poultry there fed, and their Dung reserved, and before it hath taken wet, let it be mixed with Earth, it will undoubt­edly answer the expence of a great part of the Corn you feed them withal.

If they are fed with Buck, or French-wheat, or with Hemp-seed, Encreasing of Eggs. they will lay more Eggs than with any other sort of Grain.

Buck-wheat either grownd and made in Paste, or whole, (the former way is the better) is the best single fatner of Fowl; Hemp-seed, as they say, giving an ill favour to the flesh of the Bird that feeds on it: but this only upon report; if it prove other­wise, it would be one great encouragement to the planting or sowing of Hemp, that the Seed should be of so great use.

In Egypt they hatch their Eggs in great quantities, in Ovens Hatching of Eggs artifici­ally. made for that purpose. In several places in this Country also, one Hen will lead the Brood of two or three Hens, so that they be hatched near about a time: therefore may you with much fa­cility hatch three or four dozen of Eggs in a Lamp-Furnace made of a few Boards, only by the heat of a Candle or Lamp; so that you order them that they may hatch about the same time that the Hen hatches her Eggs that you intend shall lead them: By which means in a warm Room may one Hen lead many Chickens, and raise them up with little charge, and without the loss of time of the other Hens.

This way may be of singular use, where you keep Poultry of divers kindes; that is, of the largest kindes to Lay, and a few of the Lesser to Sit and Nurse up the Chickens.

They are a Fowl very profitable in many places where there Of Geese. are Commons to feed them on, being a Creature that requires lit­tle care and attendance, and little charge in feeding them.

They multiply extraordinary in some places, breeding twice a Year; and in all places yielding a considerable price.

Also their Feathers are no small advantage, especially if you sheer them as they do Sheep, as in some places is usual.

You may set them on any number of Eggs under fifteen, and above seven, giving to each Goose her own Eggs; for (it's said) they will not hatch a strangers.

The Young or Green-Geese are best fatted if kept dark, and Of fatting of Geese. fed with ground Malt and Milk mixed together.

The Old and Stubble-Geese will be fat the same way, or fed with new Malt.

But in fatting of Geese you may observe, that they usually sit, A principal Observation in fatting of Geese. especially in the night-time, with their Beaks or Bills on their Rumps, where they suck out most of their moisture and fatness at a small bunch of Feathers, which you shall finde standing up­right on their Rumps, always moist; which if cut away close before you put them up to fatting, they will be fat in much less time, and with much less Meat than otherwise.

They will feed on, and fatten also with Carrots cut small, and given them.

The Jews, who are esteem'd the skilfullest Feeders that be, do The Jews man­ner of fatting Geese. wrap the Goose in a Linnen Apron: they hang her up in a dark place, stopping her Ears with Pease, or some other thing, that by neither hearing nor seeing of any thing, she be not forced to struggle nor cry. After they give her Pellets of Ground-malt or Barley, steeped in water thrice a day, setting by them water and gravel; by which manner of feeding they make them so fat, that it is almost incredible.

I have heard it also confidently affirmed and related by one, that in France he saw Carps fatted, by being bound with their Noses upright, and daily fed with white-bread and Wine: whe­ther their bodies were in the water or no, I remember not. This, as he affirmed, made the Carps exceeding fat and pleasant.

Most certain it is, that darkness doth much conduce to the fatning of any Creature; and also rest and sleep, as appears by the Bears and Foxes in the Northern Climates.

Gravel also not a little availeth, it being usual that when Poul­try are penned up, and have lost their appetite, being set where Gravel is, will greedily eat it.

Tame Ducks being much of the nature of Geese, we shall Of Ducks. say the less of them, only that they require more water to dab­ble in than do the Geese, and that they are not so good Meat. There are some sorts of them that lay great store of Eggs, which are more to be preferred, and are distinguished from the other by the turning up of their Bills, more than the other sorts.

There are also a certain sort of Ducks kept only to draw un­to Of Decoy-Ducks. them, and, as it were, Trapan whole Flights of Wilde-Ducks, and bring, or conduct them to the places of their retirement, which are Pools made on purpose: The manner and form where­of, and also of the breeding of these sorts of Ducks, and the ta­king of the wilde-Fowl they bring with them, we leave to the more skilful in that Exercise to treat of.

Turkeys, or Ginney-hens, or Cocks, are a melancholy Fowl, as Of Turkeys. appears by their doleful cry, and the anger that they seem to [Page 166] have against red colours, being possest with a strong conceit that they are mocked, by reason their own Combs or Wattels are red. They are a great Feeder, devouring more than they are worth by far, if they are fed with Corn; but if let at liberty, and have Ranging room enough, they feed on Herbs, or the Seeds of Herbs, without any great charge or trouble, except in the breeding; at which time they require careful attendance, be­ing an extream chill Bird.

Some having the conveniency of a Wood or Grove near their house, have let the Hen-Turkeys take their liberty and seek their own Nests, and take care of their Young; which they will do, concealing their Nests from the Cock, and bring up their Brood with much better success than the more tame.

They are seldom very fat till the Winter be well spent, that they forget their Lust: the cold weather gets them a stomack, and the long nights afford them much rest.

Several sorts of Pigeons or Doves there are, both wilde and Of Pigeons. tame; as Wood-Pigeons, or Wood-Quests, Rock-Pigeons, Stock-Doves, Turtle-Doves: Then there are House-Pigeons, such as are usually kept in Dove-cots, or Pigeon-houses; and divers sorts of Tame-Pigeons fed by hand, kept for their largeness of body, for their beauty and diversity of colours, breeding almost every Moneth in the Year. But we shall only here treat of Pigeons kept in Dove-houses, that bring in unto such that are privi­ledged to keep them, a considerable Yearly advantage, with ve­ry little cost or trouble, only feeding of them in the Snowy or Frosty weather, when nothing is to be had abroad, and about Midsummer before Pease be ripe; which time they usually call Benting-time, because then necessity inforceth them to feed on the Bents, or seed of Bennet-grass, no other food being then to be had: And usually, about that time, have they store of Eggs and Young Ones, which will otherwise be starved, unless you help them; but the Dung of their Houses will in a manner sa­tisfie you for their Meat, if carefully made use of.

There is nothing that Pigeons more affect than Salt; for they To encrease a Stock of Pi­geons. will pick out the Mortar out of the Joynts of Stone or Brick-walls, meerly for the saltness thereof: therefore do they usually give them, as oft as occasion requires, a Lump of Salt, which they usually call a Salt-Cat, made for that purpose at the Sal­terns, which makes the Pigeons much affect the place; and such The Salt-Cat. that casually come there, usually remain where they finde such good entertainment.

If Assa-fetida be boiled in water, and the holes washed there­with, Assa-fetida. their Feathers will bear the scent thereof about them; that whatsoever company they light into will be so well pleased therewith, that they will bear them company home, to the great encrease of your Stock.

This hath been always esteemed an excellent Drawer of Pi­geons, Cummin-seed. either by washing the holes with water wherein it hath been boiled, or feeding them with Meat steeped in such water.

But that which hath been experienced to have had the great­est A baked Bitch. power to draw these Birds from their former homes to the place you desire, is, that you take a Bitch (in her heat of Lust, or hot or salt, as they usually term it) and after she is Fleyed and Bowelled, bake her in an Oven; (some prescribe to roast her with Cummin-seed in her Belly) then lay her in the Pigeon-house; and if you have but few Pigeons there, you shall soon finde a wonderful encrease. This hath been an experienced way to stock a decayed House in a very short time.

These Birds are kept for their Beauty and magnificent deport­ment, Of Swans. being the proudest, most chaste and jealous, and least sustainer of injuries of any other: their flesh not so much re­garded as the flesh of other Water-fowl.

Yet is the Cignet a Noble Dish at great Entertainments, which Fatting of Cignets. may be fatted and made the more acceptable, by keeping them apart in a close Pond, out of which they cannot get, having on­ly a little dry Grass-plat to sit and prune themselves in. Near to the water you shall place Tubs or shallow Vessels, with Oats, Wheat, Barley, dried Mault, or such like, some dry, and some in water, for them to feed on at pleasure; and sometimes cast them some hot sweet Grains on the water: By this means, in one moneth, may they be fat.

These Birds are usually kept for their Excellent Beauty and Of Peacocks. Deportment; yet they are beneficial also to the places where they are kept, by cleansing them of Snakes, Adders, and such-like: Their Chickens also are good meat.

It is a Bird of Understanding and Glory; for being praised, he elevates and spreads his lofty Tail; and of Pride, for no sooner doth he behold his feet, not thinking them compleat e­nough for so painted a Pageant, he lets his Tail fall for meer conceit; which appears by his melancholy posture at the loss or shedding of his Tail, till Nature hath renewed it.

In any place these may be kept for pleasure and variety; but Of tame Phea­sants, and the ordering of them. in places near London, or some great City, for advantage.

Mr. Hartlib hath the Relation of a Lady that kept so many near Chelsey, that she hatched two hundred in one Spring; whereof that though many died, yet by far the greater part would come to perfection: Also, that there are many near Lon­don who keep them to make profit of them; that they are very easie to bring up, and to keep, when they are once past the first moneth; for till then they must be kept only with Ants Eggs, and fed with nothing else, which are easily obtained. The first moneth being past, they are fed with Oats only, requiring nothing else: But as they love to be kept in Grassie Fields, so one must change them oft to fresh grounds, because they taint the Grass. Also the Courts may be inclosed with Laths; the Fence must be made high, and places of Refuge covered with Nets to keep the Hawk from them and their Chickens, which they more greedily desire than any other Game whatsoever.

SECT. III. Of Insects.

Over and above the stock of Cattle, Fowl, &c. wherewith the Country-Farm is generally replenished, there are several sorts of Insects, that being judiciously and carefully managed and ordered, may bring into the Husbandmans-Purse no small advantage. Amongst many of them that are useful in several Countries, and to several ends and purposes, we have only two, which are Bees and Silk-worms, that are familiarly known and preserved amongst us, whereof we shall treat apart. And first of Bees.

Being so commonly known and kept in this Kingdom, that Of Bees. there is scarcely a Village (excepting near great Cities and Towns) where they are not kept; whereof there are many se­veral Tracts written and published full of Rules, Precepts and Directions for the ordering, preserving, and managing these pro­fitable Creatures, both after the old and commonly known Me­thod, and according to such new ways and inventions that have been lately discovered and experienced, for the improvement and advancement of the Income or profit of this most admirable Creature: Which several ways of ordering them being so mul­tifarious, and the several Tracts written on them so difficult to obtain, so intricate to be understood, and their Rules and Di­rections so different and uncertain, and subject to so many gross errours and mistakes, I hope it will be an acceptable work to the Countryman for me, in this place, to give you the most se­lect and approved Rules and Directions that are dispersed in such several Authors, and to discover unto you the many Fallacies and Deceits that some would lead you unto, by pretending newer and more advantagious ways of ordering them than be­fore were known, who themselves had never made a through Experiment of what they published; ever reserving unto the Ingenious and Worthy BƲTLER, the praise and respects just­ly due unto him, for his most Accurate and Excellent Piece on this Noble Subject; who hath as Methodically and compleatly handled this Part, as ever any Author in our Language did any other belonging to the whole Mystery of Agriculture, or in any wise relating to it; yet are there many Rules, Precepts, and ways of ordering these curious Creatures, not mentioned in his Book, else had it been needless here to have said any thing concerning them.

There is no Creature to be kept about our Rural Seat, that The praise and pleasure of Bees. affords unto us so much variety of pleasure as the Bee.

In tenui labor, at tenuis non gloria:

Although they are small, yet they are numerous; and although [Page 169] they are busied up and down on poor and mean things, yet the matter they collect is Rich and Noble: They never rest, nor are idle, but in the extreamest cold and wet seasons. In the Spring the first warm Sun invites them abroad to seek after im­ployment, which they daily follow, till the bitter Frosts, cold and stiff Winds,

—Nam pabula venti
Ferre domum prohibent—

and great Rains hinder them. They are out early in the morn­ing; you shall hear them like Swarms humming on the Line-trees by the Sun-rising, when they send forth the fragrant scents from their blossoms. Also in the Evening late shall you have them return from their hard, yet pleasant labours.

At fessae multa referunt se nocte minores,
Crura thymo plenae.—

Idleness is so detestable a Vice amongst them, that they will not admit of it, nor tolerate it in any (save their Soveraign) but every one is continually busied either abroad in collecting their Food, or at home in building Combs, feeding their Young, or some other imployment.

Namque aliae victu invigilant, & foedere pacto,
Exercentur agris; pars intra Septa domorum, &c.

There are no Creatures persist in that Ʋnity and Amity one towards another in the same house or habitation, they having no single propriety in any thing they do or get; for whatever they gather, all have a part; if any be injured, the other will re­venge his wrongs, although to the loss of their lives.

Their labour is not compulsive, every one acting his part vo­luntarily, and seemingly contend and endeavour to out-vie each other in their nimble and expeditious Voyages, where they so mightily lade themselves, that many times their decayed Wings are not able to support them home.

Saepe etiam duris errando in cotibus alas
Attrivere, ultroque animam sub fasce dedere
Tantus amor florum, & generandi gloria mellis.

What Living Creature can you keep about you, that can yield you more pleasure, delight and profit, than these that pos­sess so little Room as a small Partition of your Garden; that re­quire no other houses than what's made of Straw, unless you will afford them a better; that seek their own food throughout the Year, if judiciously ordered; that require so little trouble and atten­dance, as only a careful Inspection some few hours in the day into [Page 170] your Apiary, in the Moneths of May and June, and the lending unto them your assistance sometimes in their defence against their Enemies, and to help them in their necessities, in the Win­ter-time and bad Weather, when they cannot help themselves; and that yield so considerable an Yearly Reward unto you for all your care, pains and industry about them.

There can be nothing kept more advantagious than an Apiary, according to the stock or sum you lay out. Many a Country­man hath raised a sufficient livelihood only from these labori­ous Creatures: We need produce no President for it; it is so u­sual, Virgil also seems to hint as much, where he saith:

Corycium vidisse senem; cui pauca relicti
Jugera ruris erant. Nec fertilis illa juvencis,
Nec pecori opportuna seges, nec comoda Baccho,
Regum aequabat opes animis; seraque revertens
Nocte domum, dapibus mensas, onerabat inemptis.
—Apibus faetis idem, atque examine multo,
Primus abundare.

But many are ready to object, that they will not thrive in this or that place, or with this or that person; and that some­times they thrive a Year or two, and no more, with many other suchlike conceits; which if rightly considered, it is only the ig­norance, slothfulness, or wilful neglect of the Keeper or Master of them that occasions these mishaps: And I question not, but if the due and orderly Rules hereafter mentioned be observed, but that they will equally thrive at all seasonable times, and with all persons, the places and other accidents considered.

Principio sedes Apibus, statioquae petenda.

A convenient and necessary place is to be made choice of for Of the Apiary. your Apiary: It is usual for those that have but few, to place them in any corner of their Garden, or in their Courts or Back­sides, and some in the Closes adjoyning to their houses, others for want of convenient room without doors, have set them in the Lofts or upper Rooms of their houses, and in all or any of these places will this laborious Creature live; but not with that content, nor to that advantage of the Bee-Master, as if more propitiously disposed of; for either they have not sufficient of the Sun wherein they principally delight, and which inables them for their imployment, or they are too much open to the Windes, which is a great hinderance to them in their return when laden, or they are subject to Annoyances, incident to such close corners and inconvenient places; which is a principal cause of their not thriving so well as otherwise they might do, if better placed.

Therefore where it is in your Election what place to have, and Form and manner of the Apiary. intend to possess your self of a considerable stock of Bees, make a square Plat, and sever and divide it by its self, of capacity an­swerable [Page 171] to the stock you intend to raise; but rather bigger than less, and rather long (extending from East to West) than square, facing to the South; rather inclining to the West than East, be­cause of the Bees late returning home, that they may not then want light: But some are of another Opinion, that it's best to let them have the first Sun in the morning, that they may go early abroad, that being the most apt time for the gathering of ho­ney: Also I have known Bees thrive very well having the first rise of the Sun at their doors; and others not to thrive, being detained some hours from it by shadowy Trees, and in another place by a Wall; but the surest way is to let them have as much of both Morning and Evening Sun, as the places and fences will give way to.

You may be sure that the Morning-Sun makes them swarm early in the day, else they will swarm late.

Let it be securely defended from high windes on every side, either Naturally by Hills, Trees, &c. or Artificially by Houses, Barns, Walls, Pales, Hedges, &c. and let the highest Fences be on the North; the other should be but low, or far distant, left it hinder the Sun, and also their flight: Also let there be no ill smells or savours near it, nor that Poultry frequent the place.

Let the ground of your Apiary be kept Mown, not digged nor pared, because it is too hot in the Summer, and too cold in the Winter.

It is also very convenient to plant several Trees at some rea­sonable distance from your Bees, as Plum-trees, Cherry-trees, Ap­ple-trees, Filberts, Hazels, Thorns, &c. that they may pitch at Swarming-time near at home, and not be in danger of being lost for want of a lighting place; for want whereof you may stick up green Boughs, and the Bees will pitch upon them.

Also let not your Apiary be very far from your home, that you may be often with them at Swarming-time, and on several other occasions.

The common and usual way is either Stools or Benches; Stools Of the Seats or Stools for Bees. are used by most, and esteemed the better of the two, some whereof are of Wood, and some of Stone; the Wood are e­steemed the better, the Stone being so hot in the Summer, and cold in the Winter. These Stools also are placed at different heights, some on the ground, others mounted aloft two foot high; but in medio virtus, about twelve inches is an indifferent height, and set a little shelving, that the Rain may run off. These Stools also ought to be two or three inches wider than the Hives you place upon them, with a place before a little broader for the Bees to light on.

These Stools ought to stand at least five foot the one from the other, measuring from the middle of each other Stool, in streight Ranks from East to West; which Ranks, if you place them one behinde another, had need be six or eight foot asunder, and the Stools of the one Rank placed against the open places or inter­vals [Page 172] of the other: Place them not near the Fences on neither side, nor before, for hindering their flight.

Benches are also used by many; some I have seen placed the Of Benches. one above the other, and on each a Row of Stocks of Bees; which although they may possibly thrive, yet is not in any wise convenient; for Benches cannot be thought necessary, unless you place the Hives near together, which produces many in­conveniencies. Also one cannot so easily come at them, to trim, dress, or order them, where they stand so near, or on Benches, as where they stand singly, or apart.

But if you intend to go through-stitch with the work, and The best Seats. make a compleat Apiary worthy of your care and pains, and wherein you intend to place a part of your delight, you may make for every Stock of Bees you intend to keep, a square Cot or House of about two foot square, and two foot and a half in height, set on four Legs about ten inches above ground, and five or six inches within the ground, and covered over with Boards or Tiles to cast off the Rain, the back or North-side be­ing closed up, and the Sides respecting the East and West to have doors to open and shut at pleasure, with Latches or Hasps to them, the face or South-side to have a Falling-door to cover the one half thereof, which is to be elevated at pleasure, and serves in the Summer-time for a Pent-house, not only to keep off the beating Rain from the Hives, but to defend them from the extream heat of the Sun, which about the Mid-day is apt to melt their Honey. The other lower half should have two small doors to open to either hand, which will serve to defend the doors or the holes of the Hives from injurious Windes. When the Winter approacheth, and the cold Windes are like to injure your Bees, then may you fasten all your doors; which will as well defend your Bees from the extremity of Cold in the Winter, as extremity of Heat in the Summer; both injurious to this In­nocent and industrious Creature.

—Nam frigore mella
Cogit hyems, eademque Calor liquefacta remittit
Ʋtraque vis Apibus pariter metuenda.—

You may remember at the bottom of your little doors, to make an open square place just against the Tee-hole, that the Bees may have some liberty (after you have shut the doors) to fly abroad.

Here needs no Hackle to defend the Hive from Rain, nor is there any fear of wet or winde to annoy them. Here may you place any sort of Hives, whether of Straw, Boards, Glass, or any other thing whatsoever, without any sudden decay or loss by the injuries of Weather, which by placing them abroad they are subject unto: By the means of the Side-doors, especially if you make the West-door to open to the right hand, may you sit secure, and observe the several workings of the Bees in your [Page 173] Glass-Hives, if you are pleased to make use of them; but if not, you may at these places order, view, and observe them, better than when they stand on naked Stools, and with less offence to the Bees, and more security to your self.

In the Winter-time if your Apiary stand cold, and you fear the extremity of Frost may injure your Bees, you may within these doors stuff good sweet Straw about your Hive, to keep the Bees the warmer.

But extremity of cold injureth not the Bees so much in the Winter, as wet, which these Cases best preserves them from; or as Light, and the warm Beams of the Sun, at such time when there is no provision abroad for them, against which this House or Cot is a most certain Preservative; for when the doors are shut in such Moneths you are not willing they should fly abroad, al­though the Sun shine, yet they are dark, and unsensible of so small a heat, the Hive standing six or eight inches within the doors; when after the common way of Stools or Benches, the Sun casts his Rays to their very doors; which warmth and light together excite them forth, to the expence of their provision, and the loss of many of their Hives, as is evident by frequent experience, the mildest and clearest Winters starving and destroying the most Bees; and on the contrary, the coldest and most frozen Winters best preserves them. It is also more plainly manifest, that in the Northern Regions, as Russia, Muscovia, &c. Bees do much more abound in the Woods than in these parts, their Winters be­ing so dark and so cold, which by this way may in some mea­sure be imitated.

In the Spring-time also there are several days that are not fit for the Bees to be abroad in; at such times may you keep the doors shut, leaving only the under-passage open, where such that list may take the Air, though by far the greater part lye still unsensible that the Spring is so near. But when you see the Weather is good, and that the Willow or Withy yields them im­ployment, you may set open your two under-doors, that the warmth and light of the Sun and Air may encourage them to work, otherwise you will hinder their early breeding, and make them slothful; for I have had the experience, that by set­ting an empty Hive before a full, expecting that by the continual passing of the Bees to and fro through that empty Hive, they might stock it, that so I might have had two Stocks for one without Swarming; but it framed not according to expectati­on, the Bees in the inner Hive being so far removed from the light and Air became lazy, and did not encrease nor labour so well as those that were otherwise ordered; therefore open your doors in time, but not too early, for fear of the other extream: we can give you no certain time for it, because the Springs vary sometimes two or three Weeks.

Several sorts of Hives are used in several Countries, but here Of the Hives. in England they generally make use of two sorts, either Wic­ker-Hives made with Spleets of Wood, and daubed with Cow-cloom [Page 174] tempered for that purpose, or Strawn-Hives made of good Wheaten-straw bound with Bramble, which are the best and most usual that are yet common.

The Wicker-Hives are still at fault, the Loom mouldering a­way upon every occasion; which is not in any wise good for the Bees, who love not to have any Vents open but their doors.

There is great diversity of Opinion amongst Authors, con­cerning The form and bigness of the Hives. the bigness and form of the Hive; some preferring the high and narrow Hive, of three foot in height, and one in breadth, or of two foot broad, and two foot high, neither of which can be convenient: but that form which is most round, and in quantity about half a Bushel and upwards, is most in use, and is esteemed the best way, and fittest size for your purpose: some you may have under half a Bushel for small Swarms.

Before you put any Swarm into a new Hive, you must make Dressing the Hives. the in-side as smooth as may be, from the ends of Sticks and Straws, which much trouble the Bees, who spend much of their time in gnawing them off; as in the night-time you may ob­serve in a few days after the Hiving. After that you have pick­ed out the greatest Sticks and Straws, then rub the in-side over with a Sand-stone, and then singe it with a little flame of Straw, and wipe it clean.

Hives may be made of Boards, either of an eight-square form Of Wooden-Hives. joyned together, or round with Hoops, like a Milking-pail, flat on the top. In these Hives, if they are made of Wood that hath no unsavoury scent or taste, as Deal, Beech, or suchlike, the Bees will delight and breed as well as in either of the other, and they will last many years, and are freer from the injuries of the Wea­ther, and several other casualties the other are subject unto, provided they are made with dry seasoned Wood that is not apt to shrink.

In these Hives of Wood may be made several Glass-windows, Of Glassen-Hives. at what height or distance you please, not only for your observa­tion of their work, which you may with much facility and de­light perceive how far they proceed, and in what time, but that the Bees also may have the more light; a principal help and in­couragement in their labours.

To every of these Windows of Glass you ought to have a small and light Shutter of Wood to hapse on the out-side of the Glass in cold weather, and at such times as the Sun shines on that part of the Hive, it being subject to both extreams of heat and cold; yet so as you may take them down at your pleasure for your inspection, and leave such always down during the Summer that are from the Sun-wards.

We have also an Experiment of Glassen-Hives, published by Mr. Hartlib in his Commonwealth of Bees; as invented by one Mr. William Mew, Minister at Easlington in Glocestershire, and thus written:

The Invention is a fancy that suits with the Nature of that Creature; they are much taken with their Grandeur, and double [Page 175] their Tasks with delight: I took (saith he) fourteen Quarts out of one of the Transparent Hives, double their quantity of others, they quickly paid me the Charges with their Profit, and doubled it with pleasure. And in another place thus:

They serve only to give me an account of the daily Income, and a Diary of their Negotiations; whereby if I spend (saith he) half an hour after Dinner or Supper, I know what hath been done that day; can shew my Friends the Queens Cells, and sometimes her Person, with her Retinue. She afforded me fourteen Quarts, or near upon, in one year; and if the rest afford ten a piece, I think it a fair gain. There is not a Hive to be seen about my House, nor a Childe stung in a year: My Apiary consists of a Row of little Houses two Stories high, two foot apart, which I finde as cheap at seven years end as Straw-Hackles, and far more hand­some. Thus far Mr. Mew.

We also in the same Book finde the description of a Bee-hive made of boards of an Octogonal form, with a Glass-window on the back-side of it, for the observation of their work; the rest of the in-side of the Hive lined with Mat made of Rushes: Three of these were set one on the other, with open passages between each of them, which produced these effects: Viz.

In May (saith the Relater) we put in two Swarms together, leaving the places to go in open only in the lowermost, but all the Passage-holes open from Box to Box: In the middlemost they first began their Combs, then in the lowermost, before they had filled the middlemost, and so continued till they had filled both; which before they had quite finished, they began to make two little Combs in the upper-Box, &c.

The Combs in the lower stories were well replenished with Honey, and suddenly; but these little Combs in the upper, they quite desert. Thus far that Relation.

These are the several Descriptions and Forms of Bee-hives we have met withal published; but it is reported, that there are several other Forms and Fashions made, and that with very good success, as well for the advantage of the Bees, as pleasure of the Bee-Master, by several worthy and ingenious persons. It would be very much for their Credit and Reputation, and ex­ceeding satisfactory to others, if such their Inventions and Ob­servations were made publick.

As for my own particular, I have made many and difficult Experiments and Essays towards the advancement of the profit and pleasure of this Industrious Animal, and have made use of most of the former sorts of Bee-hives, and framed several others, with Remedies and Provisions for such inconveniences and omis­sions I found in the other; and have with as much Caution ob­served the Operations and Nature of Bees throughout the whole year, as my Occasions would give way to, and my shallow Capa­city could apprehend; as you may finde by the sequel of the Tract: Yet have I not finished to attain the right Method, or way of ordering them, as I principally aim at. The two unsea­sonable [Page 176] years for Bees, 1665, and 1667; and my present Removal preventing the greatest part of my designe: It also being the work of a year, or at least that part of time that comes but once a year, to make one Experiment or Observation. And the Ob­servations already published, which ought to be a Guide, prove rather an Ignis Fatuus, to lead one out of the way, than an In­dex to point out the truth; as we shall hereafter in this Book make appear.

Nevertheless, this Observation I have found to be true; viz. that Bees delight not in an high habitation; the broader and flat­ter it is, the better they prosper; for they cannot with ease pass up through the intervals of their Combs to the Summit of their Hives: Therefore if you mean to make a Hive wherein they should delight, let it not be very high, but allow it as much in breadth as you please, they will be sure to fill it.

But before we have done with the Hives, we must not forget Of Spleeting of the Hives. the Spleeting of them. The way they usually Spleet the ordi­nary strawn and daubed Hives, every Country Coridon under­stands. As for our Wooden or Glass-Hives, some prescribe that there be three down-right Sticks from the top to the bottom, and about two small Hoops fastened unto them at convenient di­stances, which will very well serve for the fastening and sup­porting of the Combs, which way I have used: it's best to let the perpendicular sticks extend to the bottom, for the Bees the better to crawl up by them to the Combs; but you may have only down-right sticks, or any other ways placed, as best agrees with the form of your Hive, so that there be not too wide inter­vals between.

Having prepared such Hives you designe to make use of, the Of the swarm­ing of Bees. only way to stock them is by putting Swarms into them; not­withstanding I have many times attempted to intice, and inforce them without Swarming (confiding too much on the Writings and Reports of other men) out of their own old habitations, in­to my new Hives.

The one way I used was this; I set an empty Hive before a Several Expe­riments to en­crease Bees without swar­ming. full, that the Bees passing from their old through the new and empty Hive, might chuse rather to live therein, than go forth in Swarms to seek another: but the long and darksom passage, being of Strawn-Hives, made the Bees lazy (as before we noted) together with the unseasonableness of that year, that the Bees did not breed any more than to maintain their old stock; so that my designe became fruitless.

Then presuming on that Principle, that the Bees always begin their work above, and so work downwards, I took an old Stall of Bees, and long before Breeding-time inverted the same, with the skirts upwards, and the tops downwards, in an hollow stool made for that purpose, and placed thereon one of my new wooden Hives, with Glass-windows thereto, having a bottom which covered the whole under-Hive, save only a wide hole in the middle, through which the whole Stock of Bees had their [Page 177] passage in my new Hive; and so out at the door of my new Hive they continually passed to and fro. In the Summer-time, when the under-Hive was over-full, they took to the top of the new Hive, and built there some few Combs; which before Winter, when their number lessened, and the under-Hive was able to contain them all, they deserted; and did not, according to my expectation, forsake their old Stock, and take altogether to the new, although the same were above them, and the old one under them: But in all probability I had had a greater number of Combs, and a greater stock of Bees, and they also would have continued longer; which would much have elucidated this Experiment, had it not fallen out to be in such a year that few Stocks yielded any Swarms.

Another way I made use of was this: thinking the Bees would leave no place above them uninhabited, I cut off the top of a Strawn-hive, until I had made a passage through the top of the Combs, and thereon I placed one of my Glassen-hives, with a bottom, and a hole in the midst thereof, through which I used all the means I could to provoke the Bees to pass, but in no wise would they; for as soon as they were in the upper, though light by means of the Glass, yet they immediately re­turned.

Also I placed several Stocks in Strawn-hives on Wooden-hives with Glass-windows, and left convenient passage out of the one into the other, with a Cover also to the hole that passed between the two Hives, which I might move at pleasure. I also stopped the doors of the Strawn-hive, that they had no other passage than through the Wooden-hive, wherein at Swarming-time they built many large Combs, and stored them well with Honey (it being a good Year for breeding of Bees wherein I made this Ex­periment) but when the cold Weather came, and the number of Bees began to lessen, which they always do against the Win­ter, they crowded all up into the upper Hives, carried up or spent the Honey in the new Combs, and deserted them, leaving them as an empty Spectacle through the Glass-windows.

The one of these Stocks about Swarming-time having a good quantity of Bees in the under Glass-hive, I shut the passage be­tween the upper and lower Hive with the Shutter made for that purpose, and took away the upper Stock, and set in another place, thinking thereby to have two Stocks for one (the Bees be­ing as equally divided as might be) yet the Bees in the under-hive having lost their old passage, or not having their King or Queen, or for some cause or other, did not like their habitation very well, but in two or three days were most of them gone in­to their old Hive, or lost; which compelled me (for further try­al-sake) to place the one over the other, as before; then they fell again to their business: So that by any way hitherto Essayed, I cannot discover how to encrease my Stocks, as to number, with­out giving them leave to Swarm, or go forth in Companies from their own homes (as it were) with their Prince or Leader to seek a new habitation.

But having thus far spent much time and labour to under­stand the Nature of these wonderful and industrious Creatures, and finding these Attempts not to answer my expectation, I was unwilling to desist; the Errours of one, usually leading to the discovery of another and better Experiment: but began a new way, and more probable than the other; which is, in eve­ry Bee-hive of Wood with Glass-windows I had a large Pipe of about two inches square in the clear, that came from the top of my Hive to the bottom, open at both ends: at the bottom it was cut on the four sides Arch-wise, that the Bees might on every side ascend freely up the Pipe. I fitted a piece of Wood into this Pipe, to prevent the Bees from making any Combs therein, until such time as the Swarm put in it should fill the Hive: then would I place another of the same sort and fashioned Hives on the top thereof, with his door open also, (having first taken out the Stoppel fitted to the Pipe) that the Bees from the bottom of their own work might ascend through that Pipe into the newly placed Hive; which way when they had once discovered, doubtless they would rather take to, than swarm: by which means it is most probable you may multiply your Stocks, by pla­cing Hive upon Hive ad infinitum, and drive your Bees, &c. which I had throughly proved, had not my Removal prevented me; that I can promise you no assurance of the effect, but hope to give a better account thereof in a few years; discovering thus far of what I have seen and made experience of, that you might avoid those difficulties and errours I met withal, and proceed on such ways that succeeded well, and are in probability to answer what your desire is.

Where your designe is for multiplication of your Stocks, there The bigness of Swarms or Stocks of Bees. it's best to make your Hives the smaller; and where you aim at great quantities of Honey, there make them the greater: So that in case you cannot prevail in the one, it may nevertheless be a considerable and sure advantage in the other; as is evident in Mr. Mew's Experiment of his Transparent Hive, out of one of which he took fourteen quarts of Honey; then it's very proba­ble the Hive held twice as much, for the Wax, Bees, and vacant places: so that his Hive was of an extraordinary bigness, and yielded an extraordinary advantage.

Also in the other before-mentioned Experiment, the Octogo­nal Boxes or Hives are of a very great bigness, at least two foot wide, and of about fifteen inches deep, into which they put two Swarms together, which filled two of them in the first Summer.

Also in the History (Butler mentions in his Feminine Monar­chy) of the Bees that setled over Vives his Study, having so much room, what an incredible Mass of Honey was there pro­duced?

Therefore we cannot but urge this as a part of good Husban­dry, to have a Set of well-made Hives transparent, or with lights of a good capacity, or to be added the one above the other, [Page 179] as we said before; although it be only for the encrease of Ho­ney, and another Set of smaller Hives only for the encrease of Swarms; for a few Hives in a thriving condition, and well or­dered, will yield you Bees enough to stock many of your larger Hives.

If the Spring be milde, calm and showring, then is it good Signes of Swarming. for Swarms, and they will be the earlier; but if it prove a cold, dry and windy Spring, such as were 1665 and 1667, then will there be but few Swarms that year, and those also ve­ry backward.

About the middle of May, in an early Spring, you must begin to look after them, and observe what you can of the usual signs that precede their swarming, that you may be the more watchful over those that require it when the Hives are full (be­fore which they will never swarm) they will cast out their Drones, yea, although they be not quite grown. Secondly, the Bees will hover about the doors in cold Evenings and Mornings. Thirdly, there will be moistness and sweating upon the Stool. Fourthly, they run hastily up and down. Fifthly, they lie out in sultry Evenings and Mornings, and go in again when the Air is clear.

If the Weather be warm and calm, the Bees delight to rise, but Signes of pre­sent Swar­ming. especially in a hot Gleam, after a showre or gloomy Cloud hath sent them home together; then sometimes they gather together without at the door, not only upon the Hive, but upon the Stool also; where when you see them begin to hang in Swarm­ing-time, and not before, then be sure they will presently rise if the Weather hold.

To lie forth continually under the Stool, or behinde the Hive, Signes and causes of not Swarming. &c. especially towards the middle of June, is a signe or cause of not swarming: for when they have once taken to lie forth, the Hive will always seem empty, as though they wanted company; then will they have no minde to swarm.

Also much stormy and windy Weather will not suffer them to Swarm when they are ready, and that makes them lie out; and the longer they lie out, the more unwilling they are to Swarm.

Another cause of their lying forth, is continual hot and dry Weather, especially after the Solstice; which causing plenty of honey both in Plants and Dews, their minds are so set upon that their chief delight, that they have no leisure to swarm, although they might most safely come abroad in such Weather.

First keep the Hive as cool as may be, by watering and sha­dowing To make them Swarm. both it and the place where it standeth; and then in­larging the door to give them Air, move the Cluster gently with your Brush, and drive them in.

If yet they lie forth and swarm not, then the next calm and warm day about Noon, whilest the Sun shineth, put in the bet­ter part with your Brush, and the rest gently sweep away from the Stool, not suffering them to Cluster again: These rising in [Page 180] the calm heat of the Sun, by their noise, as though they were Swarming, will make the other to come forth perhaps unto them, and so they may swarm.

If this serve not, but they lie forth still, then rear the Hive enough to let them in, and cloom up the skirts all but the door: If this succeed not, there is no remedy.

The signs of After-swarms are more certain: when the Prime-swarm Signes of after-Swarms. is gone, about the eighth or tenth Evening after, when another Brood is ready, and again hath over-filled the Hive, the next Prince beginneth to Tune in her Treble Voice, a mournful and begging note; then in a day or two shall you hear the old Queen in her base Note reply, and as it were consent. In the Morning before they swarm, they come down near the Stool, and there they call somewhat longer. At the very time of Swarming they descend to the Stool, where answering one ano­ther in more earnest manner, with thicker and shriller Notes, the multitude come forth in great haste, &c.

If the prime Swarm be broken, the second will both call and swarm the sooner, it may be the next day, and after that a third, and sometimes a fourth; but all usually within a fortnight: sometimes also a Swarm will cast another that year.

When the swarm is risen, it is the usual custom to play them Ringing of Bees. a Fit of Mirth upon a Pan, Kettle, Bason, or suchlike Instru­ment, upon pretence to gather them together, and make them settle; which Custom seems to be very Ancient, as Virgil witnesseth.

Tinnitusque cie, & matris quate Cymbala circum, &c.

And notwithstanding this hath been accounted and found to be needless, yet by Levet in his Treatise of Bees it is esteemed as a ridiculous Toy, and most absurd Invention, and rather hurtful than profitable, because all great noise doth disquiet and hurt them; he saith he had above forty Swarms in a Year, without the loss of one; when his Neighbours having a far less number, and using this kinde of Jugling, lost divers. Also Butler makes no other use of it, than where there be many Apiaries near, publickly to notifie the time and place of their rising, that so a just and open Claim may be laid unto the Swarm; esteeming the pretended reason of staying the Swarm to be a meer fancy.

But if they fly aloft, or are like to be gone, cast dust amongst them to make them come down.

When your Swarm hath made choice of a lighting place, you Hiving of Bees. shall quickly see them knit together, in form of a Cone, Pine-apple, or Cluster of Grapes: when they are fully setled, and the Cone hath been a while at the biggest, then Hive them.

First (having in store several Hives of several bignesses) make choice of a Hive proportionable in bigness to your Swarm, that the Bees may go near to fill it that year; but rather under-Hive a Swarm than over-Hive them.

Then rub the Hive with sweet Herbs, as Thyme, Savory, Mar­jerom, Baulm, Fennel, Hysop, Mallows, or Bean-tops, &c. and with a branch of Hasel, Oak, Willow, or any other of the a­foresaid Herbs, but rather of the same Tree whereon the Swarm lighted, wipe the Hive clean, and dip such Sprig or Branch into Meath, or fair water mixed with a little Honey, or with Milk and Salt, or Salt only, and therewith besprinkle the Hive.

Then having first drank a Cup of good Beer, and washed your hands and face therewith, or being otherwise defended, if the Bees hang upon a bough, shake them into the Hive, and set the same upon a Mantle or Cloth on the ground, as is usual; or you may cut off the bough if it be small, and lay it on the Mantle or Cloth, and set the Hive over it, which is the better way.

If they light near the ground, lay your Cloth under them, and shake them down, and place the Hive over them; and such Bees that gather together without the Hive, wipe them gently with your Brush towards the Hive; and if they take to any other place than the Hive, wipe them off gently with your Brush, and rub the place with Mugwort, Morgan, Wormwood, Archangel, or other bitter or noysome Weeds or Herbs.

Then set the Swarm, as near as you can, to the lighting place, till all be quiet, and every one knows his own home.

If the Swarm part and light in sight one of another, let alone the greater, and disturb the lesser part, and they will fly to their Fellows; but if not in sight, then Hive them both in two seve­ral Hives, and bring them together, and shake the Bees out of the one Hive, on the Mantle whereon the other Hive stands, and place the other full Hive on them, and they will all take to it.

If it happen that your Swarms come late, after the middle of Uniting of Swarms. June, and that they are small, under the quantity of a Peck, then put two or three of them together, whether they rise the same day, or in divers: for by this uniting they will labour care­fully, gather store of wealth, and stoutly defend themselves a­gainst all Enemies. The manner of uniting is thus.

In the Evening when it waxeth dark, having spread a Mantle on the ground near unto the Stool where this united Swarm shall stand, and set a pair of Rests, or two Supporters for the Hives: knock down the Hive out of which you intend to remove your Bees upon the Rests; then lifting up the Hive a little, and clap­ping it between your hands to get out the Bees that stick in it, lay it down side-ways by the Bees, and set the Stock or Swarm to which you would add them upon the Rests or Supporters over them, and they will forthwith ascend into the Hive; those that remain in the empty Hive, by clapping it, will hasten after their company: then when you have gotten them all in, either that night, or early in the next Morning, place the Hive on the Stool, &c.

Place the Hive wherein you have newly put your Swarm you A better intend to drive into another, in a place that the skirts may be [Page 182] uppermost, and set the other upon him, binding them about the skirts with a long Towel; and so let them stand till the Morn­ing, and the Bees will all ascend, that you may the next Morn­ing set the Receiver on a Stool: And thus may you put three or four Swarms together; but observe to unite them the same E­vening, or the next at farthest, that they swarm; lest having made Combs, they are the more unwilling to part from them.

In these several ways of dealing with Bees, it is good to de­fend Defence against Bees. ones self as well as may be against their stinging, which to some persons proves very troublesome, especially if they are uncleanly, or have any ill scent about them; therefore with caution must they be tampered withal. Some only drink a Cup of good Beer, and finde that sufficient; others wash their hands and face therewith, which proves a good defence: I have gone amongst them in their greatest anger and madness, only with a handful of sweet herbs in my hand, fanning about my face, as it were, to obscure and defend it. Also if a Bee do by accident buz about you, being unprovided, thrust your face amongst a parcel of boughs or herbs, and he will desert you. But the most secure way of all, and beyond the compleatest Harness yet pub­lished, is to have a Net knit with so small Meshes, that a Bee cannot pass through, and of fine Thred or Silk, large enough to come over your Hat, and to lie down to the Coller of your Doublet, through which you may perfectly see what you do without any danger, having also on a good pair of Gloves, whereof Woollen are the best.

But if the Bee happen to catch you unawares, pull out the To cure the sting of a Bee. sting as soon as you can. Some prescribe to wash the same with your Spittle, and say that that will prevent swelling: Others commend the rubbing thereon the Leaves of Marigolds, House-leek, Rue, Mallows, Ivy, Holyhock and Vinegar, Salt and Vine­gar, and divers other things: But the most sure and Natural Remedy, is to heat a piece of Iron in the fire, or for want of that to take a live Coal, and hold it as near and as long to the place as you can possibly endure it, which will Sympathetically attract the fiery venom that by the sting was left in the wound, or force it out of the place affected, and give you an immediate ease and cure. The same it will effect on the bitings or stingings of Snakes, or other venomous Creatures; and it's probable, on the bitings of mad Dogs: But of this in another place.

As soon as a Swarm hath entered his Hive, they immediately Of the Bees work. (if the Weather permit) gather Wax and build Combs, that in a few days time there will be several large and compleat Combs; they lie so thick about them, that it's impossible one quarter of them can be imployed at once, until the Combs are brought to a considerable length; and then a great part of them may be im­ployed in filling them, the rest in finishing their Cells or Combs.

It's a difficult matter in our transparent Hives, to discern how these Admirable Creatures frame their curious Workman­ship, [Page 183] by reason they are so numerous, that they generally cover their whole Work, that unless the Bees also were transparent (as Butler terms it) it cannot be discerned: But through the Glass you may observe how they carry up their far-fetcht goods, and what a mighty stir they make, and how perpetually busie they are, and in a clear day when most are abroad, especially towards the end of the Summer: Also when their Young Bees are fit for service, and are abroad, which are those chiefly that hide so much of the Combs; then may you plainly discern their Combs and Cells filled with bright and clear Honey.

Their numbers also, towards the end of the Summer, begin The numbers of Bees. to lessen, which gives you a great advantage of beholding them and their work: For in their prosperity at Swarming-time, and shortly after, they are far more in number than in the Autumn or Winter; as you may easily discern between the quantity and number of a Swarm, and those you kill when you take them; for the Bees of the last years breed do now by degrees waste and perish; by their extraordinary labour, their Wings decay and fail them: so that a Year, with some advantage, is the usual Age of a Bee, and the young only of the last Spring survive and pre­serve the kinde till the next.

There are several things that are injurious to Bees, and much Of the Bees Enemies. hinder their prosperity, if not prevented.

1. Noise, which may in part be remedied by the scituation of the Apiary, free from the Noises of Carts and Coaches, the sound of Bells, from Ecchoes, &c.

2. Smoak; I have known that when Land hath been burn-beaten, near unto an Apiary, and the Winde brought the Smoak towards it, that a great part of the Bees intercepted by the Smoak in their flight, have been destroyed; which is a principal cause that Bees thrive not in or near a great Town.

3. Ill Smells also are very offensive to them, as before we noted.

4. Ill Weather; as Windes, Rain, Cold, Heat, &c. prevented by the scituation and fencing the Apiary, and ordering the Stocks as before.

5. The Mouse, Birds, and other devouring Creatures; which are to be destroyed, as hereafter we shall shew you.

6. Noysome Creatures; as Toads, Frogs, Snails, Spiders, Moths, &c. which you must endeavour to keep out of your A­piary; and also cleanse your Hives ever and anon from these Vermine.

7. Hornets and Wasps, in such years wherein they abound, prove great Enemies to the Bees, by robbing them of their wealth; which are destroyed by placing near the door of the Hive a Glass-Vial half full of Cider, Verjuice, sowre drink, or suchlike, wherein they go and never return.

8. Bees themselves prove the greatest Enemies, both by fight­ing and robbing. Several occasions provoke the Bees to fight; which if the Battle be but newly begun, may be hindred by [Page 184] stopping up the Hive close where they begin to fight; or if it be so far gone that most of the Bees are out, and that the Con­flict is very great, the casting up of dust amongst them was the ancient way to pacifie them, as Virgil witnesseth:

Hi motus animorum, atque haec certamina tanta
Pulveris exigui jactu compressa quiescent.

But Butler condemns this Custom; and also of casting drink amongst them.

To keep and preserve your Bees from Robbers, which are very usual both in the Spring and Autumn, you must be sure to cloom up the Hives very close, leaving the doors very small; and, ac­cording to the season of the year, to widen and streighten them, as you may observe in the Kalendar towards the end of this Book inserted.

The best time to remove an old Stock, is a little before, or a Removing of Bees. little after Michaelmas; or if you have over-slipt that time, then about the end of February, or beginning of March, before they go much abroad, lest it prevent their Swarming: or you may re­move any time of the Winter, though not so well as in the afore­said seasons.

For the removing of a Swarm, it's best to do it the Evening next after the Hiving.

Let the Weather be fair, as near as you can, when you re­move; and let it be done in the Evening, when all the Bees are quiet.

The best way is thus: Take a board, about the breadth of the bottom of the Hive you intend to remove, and in the Evening, or two or three Evenings before you remove your Stock, lift it up, and brush the Bees that are on the Stool forwards; or let the board be a little supported by two ledges, to prevent the death of the Bees on the Stool; on this board set your Stock, and so let them stand till you remove them: when you come to remove them, stop up the door of the Hive, and set the board whereon the Hive standeth on a Hand-barrow, and carry them to the place you intend, and there place them: by which means they are not at all disturbed, nor a Bee injured, nor the Hive nor Combs crushed by the squeezing of the Cloth, nor yet a Cloth used about them.

This of all other things belonging to an Apiary is of least Of the feeding of Bees. use: First, because Bees that have not a probable stock of Honey to serve them over the Winter, are not fit to be kept: And then because they that are Bee-Masters, and have not care enough of them to keep them from spending that Stock they have in the Winter-time, must not expect to reap any considerable advan­tage by this profitable Creature, nor I presume will ever take so much pains and care as is required in feeding them.

Yet are there some Stocks of Bees in the Spring-time, that may seem worthy our care to preserve them; viz. such that ha­ving [Page 185] but a thin stock of Honey, and a good quantity of Bees, by means of a cold, dry and unseasonable Spring, cannot make such timely provision, as in other years they might have done; yet in all probability may prove an excellent stock. It would prove a piece of gross neglect of our own advantage, and a piece of cruelty to these distressed Animals, if we should not lend our assistance.

Which may be several ways applied, but best by small Canes Manner of feeding. or Troughs conveyed into their Hives, into which you may put your Food you give them; which must be daily continued, till the Spring-season affords them easie and sufficient provision a­broad, Because at that time their Combs are full of young Bees.

Of all Food, Honey is the best and most natural; which will Food for Bees. go the farther, if it be mixed well with a moderate proportion of good sweet Wort. Some prescribe Toasts of bread sopped in strong Ale, and put into the Bee-hive, whereof they will not leave one Crum remaining. Some also advise to put into the Hive dry Meal or Flour of Beans: others Bay-salt, roasted Ap­ples, &c. which are all very good.

Take a handful of Baum, one dram of Camphire, half a dram An experiment for improving of Bees. of Musk dissolved in Rose-water, as much yellow Bees-wax as is sufficient, Oyl of Roses as much; stamp the Baum and Camphire very well, and put them into the Wax melted with the Oyl of Roses, and so make it up into a Mass: let it cool before you put in the Musk, for otherwise the heat will fume away most of the scent of it.

Take of this Mass as much as an Hazel-nut, and leave it with­in the Bee-hive, it will much encrease the number of your Bees. You shall also finde both in Honey and Wax three times more profit than otherwise you should have had. Commonwealth of Bees.

In Kempen-land in Germany (saith mine Author) I have seen A singular ob­servation con­cerning the food of Bees. about forty great Bee-hives; which contain, when they are full, about seventy pound weight in Honey, placed near a great Field sown with Buck-wheat: And it was related to me of a truth by the Inhabitants, that the Bees did suck such plenty of honey out of it, that in a fortnights time the said Hives were all filled therewith.

Also Anniseed sown near the Apiary is esteemed an extraordi­nary delightsome food for Bees.

The principal aim of most Bee-masters is advantage; and it Of the fruit and profit of Bees. hath been the general designe of Experimenters to discover which way this most industrious and profitable Creature may be multiplied and maintained with the least expence, care and trou­ble, and also to the greatest advantage; for they require no more than a house of Straw, unless you can afford them a bet­ter: their food they seek where it will never advantage you, nor any else, if they have it not: Your circumspection and care on­ly is required to order and preserve them; which also is but lit­tle, [Page 186] if you understand their natures and temper, and will seem much less, if you make it one of your Exercises of delight and pleasure.

Yet do they return you an extraordinary recompence and re­ward for whatever you bestow on them, as before we have ob­served.

But that which hath been principally designed, is to finde out some ways or means how, or after what manner the fruit and profit of Bees may be taken without the loss of their Hives; it being a seeming act of cruelty to destroy the lives of these most industrious Creatures, to rob them of their goods.

The one way that hath been used to this purpose, is the driving Driving of Bees. of Bees after this manner: In September, or any time after they have done breeding, else will the honey be corrupted by the Skaddons in the Combs, place the Hive you intend to take with the bottom upwards, between three or four stakes, and set the Hive you intend to drive the Bees into over the same, as before we directed in the uniting of Swarms; then often clap the un­der-hive between your hands in the Evening, and so let them stand till the Morning, and then clap it again; and set the full Hive on the Stool, a little bolstered up, that the Bees may have free Egress and Ingress: then clap the empty Hive again, and get as many Bees out as you can, which will repair to the other Hive. This way is something troublesome to the unexperien­ced, yet beneficial in such cases where you have a great stock of Honey, and few Bees in one Hive, and a small stock of Honey in another; by which means you save the lives of most of your Bees, which will gladly exchange their hungry habitation for a more plentiful.

This is a way hath been practised by the Ancients, and hath Exsection, or gelding of Combs. been much endeavoured after to be revived again, though not with any good success; for if you take away any part of their Combs in the Spring, they are then full of Skaddons, which spoil the Honey, and also destroy the breed of your Bees: If you take away the Combs in the Autumn, then will they want them in the Spring following to lay their Young in, which they usually do before any new matter is to be found to build withal.

So that the new Inventions of making Bee-hives to open with doors to take out Combs at pleasure, are fruitless and ridiculous Toys, published by such that know not the nature of Bees, nor their work; who fix their Combs on every side, that you can­not easily open your door; and if you could, the Bees would prove too busie for you to meddle with their Combs; whom if you should overcome, yet the former inconveniencies would follow.

Others have advised to make Bee-hives to place the one over the other, and some to be placed the one at the end of the o­ther successively; that when the Bees have filled the one, ano­ther being added they would fall to work, and fill the next, and [Page 187] leave the former, and so fill several one after another; and that you may take the Hive that was first filled away for your use: and have also described unto us the particular ways of order­ing these new-invented Hives, and how every particular thing is to be done, as though the Authors thereof had had long ex­perience in it; which hath incouraged many to the prosecution of the designe.

Which I finde to deceive us in several particulars: for the Bees build Combs only at the former part of the Summer; and after they have prepared sufficient Receptacles wherein to di­spose their Honey, and answerable to their number, their matter also being much wasted which they gather abroad for the ma­king of their Combs, they then fall to work for the storing of their Cells with food for the approaching Winter: so that what­ever room you give them more, seems superfluous, and rather proves a burthen than an advantage unto them. The next year also it's in vain to give them more room, unless it be to a Young Stock that could not, or had not time enough to build sufficient the precedent Year, or to an Old Stock that was streightned in room before, as usually our Swarming Stocks are.

Also when you expect to take the top or fullest Combs, you will finde the Bees most there: for they will not (as some fondly imagine) desert the more remote, and lie in the nearer Combs; but on the contrary, as I have often found.

But that which seems to me the most probable way (for I have not yet fully experienced it) is to make your Hives very small, either the one over the other, or the one behinde the o­ther; and if you finde they have a sufficient stock of Honey to preserve them in the remainder, you may take the most remote Box or Hive and place it the nethermost, and so drive the Bees into the other: but this also must be submitted to farther Tryals.

To conclude from what we have before treated, I judge it the most prudential way to have in your Apiary a sufficient stock of Bees kept for breeding and swarming, and another stock kept in large Glass-hives, whereof we have before discoursed, for the raising of great quantities of Honey, which they will much better do in those Hives; and I see no reason why we should judge it a greater piece of cruelty or inhumanity, to take away the lives of these Creatures (who have so short and insen­sible a life, and die so easily) for their Honey, than to take a­way the lives of any other Animals to feed on their Carkasses; which is daily done, and that with very high degrees of tor­ture: Neither can it be any loss to the Bee-master, who may have an Annual supply by his swarming-stocks kept for that pur­pose; as the great Flocks of Weathers are yearly supplied from the Flocks of Ewes, and the large and vast fatning Ponds of Carps from the lesser breeding Ponds.

[Page 188]
Sed si jam proles subito defecerit omnis,
Nec genus unde novae stirpis revocetur, habebit:

Which rarely happens to a careful Bee-master: but if it should, ‘Tempus & Arcadii memoranda inventa Magistri, Idem. Pandere.’ then may you experiment the Invention of the Athenian Bee-Master Generation of Bees. in Virgil, wherewith in effect agrees the Experiment of our Modern and great Husbandman old Mr. Carew of Cornwal, which is thus: Take a Calf or Steer of a year old, about the latter end of April; bury it eight or ten days, till it begin to putrifie and corrupt; then take it forth of the Earth, and open­ing it, lay it under some hedge or wall, where it may be most subject to the Sun, by the heat whereof it will a great part of it turn into Maggots, which without any other care will live upon the remainder of the corruption: After a while, when they begin to have wings, the whole putrified Carkass would be carried to a place prepared where the Hives stand ready, to which, being perfumed with Honey and sweet Herbs, the Mag­gots after they have received their wings will resort.

Quis Deus hanc, Musae, quis nobis excudit Artem?
Ʋnde nova ingressus hominum experientia caepit?

Or if you are unwilling either to credit or make tryal of this Experiment, you may purchase a new stock of your Neigh­bours; if not with Money, which is connted unfortunate, yet with the exchange of other Commodities. But what need we make provision against so improbable and unlikely accidents?

For the trying of Honey and Wax, we will leave to the Expe­rienced.

There are several ways of making curious Drinks or Liquors Making of Metheglin. out of Honey; some make it white and clear, not only by the pureness, and fineness, and whiteness of the Honey, but also by some particular Process or Art they have: Others make it very good; yet partly by reason of the nature and colour of the Ho­ney, and partly for want of judgment, it carries with it a more gross and red tincture: but if the Honey be good, the tincture cannot be much injurious to the Drink.

Concerning the making whereof, we have met with some few Directions, which we shall here insert.

A Receipt to make a pure Mead that shall taste like Wine.

Take one part of Clarified Honey, and eight parts of pure Water, and boil them well together in a Copper Vessel, till half the Liquor is boiled away: but while it boils, you must [Page 189] take off the Scum very clean; and when it hath done boiling, and begins to cool, Tun it up, and it will work of it self: As soon as it hath done working, you must stop the Vessel very close, and bury it under ground for three Moneths, which will make it loose both the smell and taste of the Honey and Wax, and will make it taste very like Wine.

Another Proportion.

Take of Honey Clarified twenty pound, and of clear Water thirty two Gallons; mingle them well together, and boil that Liquor half away, and take off the Scum very clean, &c. and if you will have it of an Aromatick taste, you may add this proportion of Ingredients: Viz.

Flowers of Elder, Rosemary and Marjerom, of each an hand­ful; of Cinamon two ounces, of Cloves six ounces, of Gin­ger, Pepper and Cardamom, each two scruples: These will give it a pleasant taste.

Another Proportion thus.

To a dozen Gallons of the scummed Must, take Ginger one ounce, Cinamon half an ounce, Cloves and Pepper of each a­like, two drams, all gross beaten, the one half of each being sowed in a bag, the other loose; and so let it boil a quarter of an hour more.

Some mix their Honey and Water till it will bear an Egg; by which Rule you may make it stronger or smaller at pleasure.

Another Proportion of Ingredients.

To sixteen Gallons of Must take Thime one ounce, Eglantine, Marjerom, Rosemary, of each half an ounce, Ginger two oun­ces, Cinamon one ounce, Cloves and Pepper of each half an ounce, all gross beaten; the one half boiled in a bag, the other loose, &c.

Note, That all green Herbs are apt to make your Metheglin flat or dead, and that Cloves are apt to make it high colour­ed; and that scumming of it in the boiling, is not advantagi­ous, but injurious, the Scum being of the nature of Yest, help­ing to ferment and purifie.

Of Silk-worms.

THis, though but a Worm, yet Glorious Creature, seems by the Relation of Credible Historians, to be but a Modern Operator in these Northern Countries, of that Excellent Commo­ditie Silk; and these Worms also are not so much encreased nor improved (especially here in England) as they might be: every one almost is willing to undergo the trouble, and enjoy the pleasure and benefit of feeding and preserving them, were there but Food enough here for them; the deficiency whereof is the only Remora that impedes this most Noble Enterprise.

The Mulberry-leaves are the principal, and I believe the only Their Food. Food that will cherish and feed these Worms to advantage, at least in these Countries, whatever some write to the contrary; as that at Dublin in Ireland the Worms have fed on Lettuce ve­ry readily, and that they grew as big as those that were fed with Mulberry-leaves, and did spin as much Silk, eating also no other Food; and that they will eat the Herb called Dandelion. Others have tryed that way of feeding them with Lettuce, and not found the success answerable. Some also affirm, that they will thrive on Poplar-trees, Plum-trees, and Apple-trees; the certainty whereof we leave to be decided by experience: But I see little reason for it, the Silk-worm being only an Insect, and that it is generally the nature of Insects to feed on some certain specifical matter; therefore the only and principal way that is to be attempted for the propagating of this designe, is for some publick-spirited persons to lay out some certain places of their Lands for the raising of Mulberry-trees, as before in our discourse of Fruit-trees we observed.

About the beginning of May, when the Mulberry-tree be­gins Time and man­ner of hatching Silk-worms Eggs. to spread its Leaf, is the time the Silk-worms Eggs are as it were by nature adapted for a release from their long confine­ment; that if you lay them in some window in the warm Sun, or carry them in a little Box between some pieces of Say, in some warm place about you, keeping them also warm in the night, they will soon appear in a new form: then cut some Paper full, of small holes, and lay over them, and over that some of your young Mulberry-leaves, and these small Worms will easily finde their way to their natural Food; and so fast as they are hatch­ed, they immediately apply themselves to the Leaves. After they are thus betaken to the Leaves, you may place on them Tables or Shelves at convenient distances, according to the number of your Worms, and proportion of place you have for them.

They are sick four times in their feeding; the first common­ly Their sicknesses. about twelve days after they are hatched, and from that time at the end of every eight days, according to the weather, and their good or ill usage: during which time of every sickness, which lasteth two or three days, you must feed them but very [Page 191] little, only to relieve such of them as have past their sickness before the rest, and those that shall not fall into their sickness so soon.

The whole time of their feeding is about nine weeks, during The time and manner of feeding. which time you may feed them twice a day, by laying the Leaves over them, as it were to cover them, and they will soon finde a way through them; and as they grow in strength and bigness, so may you feed them more plentifully and often. It is good to let the Leaves be clear of Dew or Rain, before you give them unto the Worms: You may keep them spread on a Table, in case they be wet; you may gather and keep them two or three days without any great inconvenience, in case you live remote from Mulberry-trees, or the weather prove casual.

You must observe to rid often their Shelves of their dung, and the remainders of the Leaves, by removing the Worms when they are fast on the new Leaves laid on them; for then may you remove easily the Worms with the Leaves, the keeping clean of the Shelves, and the Room, being a principal means to preserve them. Also remember to keep their Room warm in cold and wet weather, and to give them a little cool Air in hot weather.

Let not the Room you keep them in be too near the Tiles on the top of your House, nor in any cold or moist Room below; but be sure to avoid all extreams.

When they have fed as long as they are able, they look of Their spinning. clear and Amber-colour, and are then ready to go to work; therefore it is then advised, that you make Arches between their Shelves with Heath made very clean, or with branches of Rose­mary, stalks of Lavender, or suchlike: whereupon the Worms will fasten themselves, and make their bottoms, which in about fourteen days are finished.

But the only way that I have seen practised, and the best way, is to make small Cones of Paper, and place them with their sharp ends downwards in rows; in each of which put a Worm, as they appear to you to be ready to go to work, and there will they finish their bottom more compleat, and with les waste than on any branches whatever.

When they have finished their bottoms, which will be in a­bout Their breeding. fourteen days, then take so many as you intend to reserve for Breeders, and lay them by themselves, and the Worms with­in will eat their way out in four or five days time; and when they come forth, it is advised that you put them together on some piece of old Say, Grogeram, the back-side of old Velvet, or the like, made fast against some Wall, or Hangings in your house; but I have known them succeed very well on Tables, &c.

Then will these Flies ingender, and the Male having spent himself dies, and so doth the Female after she hath lain her Eggs: then take the Eggs up with the point of a knife, or suchlike, and put them into a piece of Say, or suchlike, and keep [Page 192] them in a Box amongst Woollen Cloths, or such other dry, and not warm place, till the next Spring. One of these Females will produce some hundreds of Eggs; therefore a few kept for Seed or Increase will be sufficient, the residue put into an Oven after the baking of bread, &c. that it may be only hot enough to kill the Worms; for their gnawing their way out is some pre­judice to the bottom.

When you have obtained your bottoms, take off the Bags; The winding of the Silk. and having found their ends, put six, ten, or more, in a Bason of water together, where a little Gum-Tragacanth is mixed, and so you may easily winde them: The small hairs of Silk sel­dom break; but if they do, they are easily found again. If the Worms are not well fed, the Silk is small, and easily breaks.

Another way to make these Gummy Bottoms winde easie, is this: Take Soap-boilers Liquor, or Lee which is very sharp and strong, and put therein your Bottoms, and set them over the fire till the Liquor be scalding hot, and so let the Bottoms re­main therein about half a quarter of an hour, till the Gummi­ness be dissolved; then put the Bottoms into clean scalding water, and let them lie a while therein, then will they unwinde with much facility. A Lixivium made of Wood-ashes very strong, will do as well as the aforesaid Soap-boilers Liquor.

There is a kinde of Tow, or rough sort of Silk, that will not winde up with the other; which may be prepared, and good Silk made thereof, and indifferent also of the Bags themselves.

The fine Skeins, after they have past through the Scowrers, Throsters, and Dyers hands, may compare with the finest.


Of the common and known External Injuries, In­conveniences, Enemies, and Diseases incident to, and usually afflicting the Husbandman in most of the Ways or Methods of Agriculture before treated of; and the several Natural and Artificial Remedies proposed and made use of for the Prevention and Removal of them.

SInce the Exclusion of our First Parents out of the state of Bliss or Paradise, all our Actions, Endeavours and Enter­prises have been subject to the various and uncertain dispositi­ons of an Over-ruling Providence; and also of Fortune, and unexpected chances and accidents; and more especially the se­veral Actions and Imployments that are incident and belonging to this Noble Art of Agriculture, and its several branches be­fore treated of, that no one exercised in Husbandry can promise himself a peculiar Indemnity from the usual misfortunes that ge­nerally attend it; which is the cause that at some time that ve­ry Commodity is dear and scarce, which at another time is cheap and plentiful; and that some Husbandmen have excel­lent Crops, and good success at the same time, when others have the contrary.

These very considerations have not only stirred up the Inge­nious to consider of the Diseases and Injuries themselves, but also to seek after the means to avoid those that of necessity at­tend them, and to prevent such that may be prevented: which we finde dispersed in several Authors; and also finde to have been made use of by many of our Modern Ingenious Rusticks, and not yet made publick: And first we will discourse of such injuries and inconveniences that proceed

SECT. I. From the Heavens, or the Air.

This Island is generally subject to great heat or drought in Great heat or drought. the Summer-time, which so much exsiccateth and wasteth the moisture and Vegetative Nature of the Earth, that much of our common Field or open Land yields but a reasonable Crop of In Corn-Lands. Corn, nor our open and wide Pastures, or dry Lands, much Grass or feeding for Cattle; yet are these driest Summers most [Page 194] propitious unto us, and in them do we reap the most copious Crops; but it is because we have so much low grounds under the Shelter, and so many Inclosures defended from the destru­ctive and sweeping Summer-Airs, where in those dry years we have our richest Harvests; so that Nature it self, and common Experience, hath chalked out unto us a remedy for our dry, bar­ren, and hungry Lands and Pastures, whether Common or Ap­propriate, against heat and drought, the two principal inconve­niencies attending those Lands, if we had but the hearts of men to make use of it. It is said that in Cornwal they begin to pra­ctise this Husbandry, and plant Mounds and Fences with Timber-Trees, which growing tall, do much preserve the Land from ma­lignant Airs, and yield a great profit besides. See more of this Remedy before in the Chapter of Inclosures.

Heat or Drought also produces more particular inconvenien­cies In planting Trees. or injuries, as to Trees sown or planted abroad in the open Fields, or in Inclosures, Gardens, &c. which is a very great check or impediment to the Husbandman in propagating them; the preventions or remedies whereof are several.

1. In the driest and most barren Lands in England, if you sow the same with the Fruit or Seed of Oak, Ash, Beech, or any o­ther wood whatsoever, you may also sow the same Land at the same time with Broom, Furze, or suchlike; which will wonder­fully thrive on the worst of Land, and become a shelter to the other Trees; which when once they have taken sufficient Root, will soon out-strip the Furze or Broom: or you may raise Banks, and sow them with Furze, which will soon make a Fence, under the shelter whereof you may Nurse up other Trees; for it is most evident, that the greatest Trees that grow on the barrenest Lands, had their Original in the same places where they grow, and is most probable that they were thus defended by some small Bush or Brake from Cattle, Heat, Cold, &c. till they arrived to such height that they could defend themselves.

2. For such Trees that are usually planted in Hedg-rows, or other places of Inclosures, &c. which the heat and drought doth either impede their growth, or totally kill them, to the great discouragement of the Planter; adde to the Roots of them, on the Surface of the Earth, a heap of stones, which is the best Additament, and will keep the roots and ground about it cool and moist in the Summer, and warm in the Winter, and fortifie the Tree against Windes, &c. but where stones are not easily attained, heaps of Fern, or any other Vegetable, Straw or Stubble, &c. will preserve the ground moist, and inrich it with­al: but where neither stones nor Vegetables can be had conve­niently, after the Tree is planted, and good Mould or Earth ad­ded to the Roots, raise a Hillock about it of any manner of Turf, Earth, &c. for it is not the height of the Earth above the ground about the Tree that injures it so much, as the depth of the Tree below the Surface or best Earth.

3. In Gardens, and such near places where you may be at [Page 195] hand, and where you have choice Plants that suffer by heat, Shadow is a principal remedy, as before we noted, or water in such places where it may be commanded.

In several places Water is the principal thing deficient to make Remedies for want of Water. them pleasant and profitable, and the means whereby to pro­cure it very tedious, costly, and difficult: It is several ways at­tainable.

1. By sinking of Wells, which where they are very deep, some use a large Wheel for Man or Beast to walk in to raise it; others use a double Wheel with Cogs, which makes it draw ea­sier than the ordinary single Wheel; but this is not so good a way as the double Wheel with Lines, the Line of the Wheel at your hand being small and very long: this raiseth a large Bucket of water with very much ease and security to the Winder; the Method being usual, needs no description here.

But if you have a desire to raise a great quantity of water out of a Well in a little time, there cannot be a more expeditious way, than to make at the end of the Winlace a larger Wheel, that may be two or three times the Diameter of the Winlace, on which a smaller and longer Rope may be wound than that which raiseth the Bucket, after this manner: So that when the Bucket

[method to pull water from well]

is in the Well, the small Rope is all of it wound on the greater Wheel, the end whereof your Servant may take on his shoul­der, and walk or run forward until the Bucket be drawn up: In which Operation, 1. Your Bucket may hold twenty or thirty Gallons, as you please, and yet drawn up with more ease than one of seven or eight the ordinary way. 2. The Bucket may have a round hole in the middle of the bottom, with a Cover fitted to it like the Sucker of a Pump, that when the Bucket rests on the water, the hole may open, and the Bucket fill; and as soon as you raise it, the Cover stops it immediately, which prevents the diving of the Bucket. 3. On the outer Wheel may be made teeth, with a ledge of Wood so falling on it, that as you move forward it may not stop; but when the Bucket is as high as you intend it, then the ledge bearing against the teeth, stops the Bucket until you come to it, after the manner of the wheel of a Watch, Clock or Jack. 4. When the Bucket is up, [Page 196] you may have a Receiver by, and a moveable Trough to slip under the Bucket, that when the Cover is raised by a small cord fastened to it in the inside, the water may by it be con­veyed into the Receiver. By this means many Tuns of water may be drawn up in a little time: If your Bucket be large, or your Well deep, or the way but short you have to go, you may use a Horse.

2. By bringing water in Pipes or Gutters, which is easily done, the Spring or Stream from whence you bring it being somewhat higher than the place where you desire it.

3. By raising water by Forcers, Pumps or Water-wheels, many and several are the Inventions whereby to effect it; but none more easie, plain and durable, than the Persian-wheel before-mentioned in the Chapter concerning the watering of Meadows.

4. By making of Cisterns or Receptacles for water, either for the Rain or some Winter-springs to fill them, whereby the wa­ter may be kept throughout the Summer. In this are we very deficient; for on the Mountainous, dry, and upland parts of Spain, they have no other water than what they so preserve from the Rain.

It being the Custom in France, where in many places water is scarce, to preserve their waters in Cisterns, as the French Ru­ral Poet advises.

That if the place you live in be so dry,
That neither Springs nor Rivers they are nigh;
Then at some distance from your Garden make,
Within the Gaping Earth, a spacious Lake,
That like a Magazine may comprehend
Th' assembled Flouds that from the Hills descend;
And all the bottom pave with Chalkie Lome, &c.

Also in Amsterdam and Venice, they keep their Rain-water in Cellars made on purpose for Cisterns, capacious enough to con­tain water for the whole year, it being renewed as oft as the Rain falls. Why therefore may we not here in England, on our driest hills, make places, Pools, or Cisterns sufficient to contain water enough for our Cattle for our Domestick uses, and also for our Garden-occasions, if we were but diligent? few years there are but yield us plenty of showres to supply them, though not enough to supply the defect of them; much more Rain fall­ing here than on the Continent where those Pools and Cisterns are more used; for which cause this Island is by them termed Matula Coeli; and yet have we so many thousands of Acres of dry Lands uninhabited, untilled, and almost useless unto us from this only cause, and have so easie means to remedy it.

If you designe to make your Cisterns under your house as a How to make Cisterns to hold Water. Cellar, which is the best way to preserve it for your Culinary uses; then may you lay your Brick or Stone with Tarris, and it will keep water very well; or you may make a Cement to joynt [Page 197] your Stone or Brick withal, with a Composition made of slacked and sifted Lime and Linseed-Oyl, tempered together with Tow or Cotten-Wooll.

Or you may lay a Bed of good Clay, and on that lay your Bricks for the Floor; then raise the wall round about, leaving a convenient space behinde the wall to ram in Clay, which may be done as fast as you raise the wall: So that when it is finished, it will be a Cistern of Clay walled within with Brick; and being in a Cellar, the Brick will keep the Clay moist (although empty of water) that it will never crack. This I have known to hold water perfectly well in a shadowy place, though not in a Cel­lar. Thus in any Gardens, or other places, may such Cisterns be made in the Earth, and covered over, the Rain-water being conveyed thereto by declining Channels running unto it, into which also the Alleys and Walks may be made to cast their wa­ter in hasty showres. Also in or near houses, may the water that falls from them be conducted thereunto.

But the usual way to make Pools of water on Hills and Downs for Cattle, is to lay a good Bed of Clay, near half a foot thick, and after a long and laborious ramming thereof, then lay another course of Clay about the same thickness, and ram that also very well: then pave it very well with Flints, or other Stones, which not only preserves the Clay from the tread of Cattle, &c. but from chapping of the Winde or Sun at such times as the Pool is empty. Note also, that if there be the least hole or chap in the bottom, it will never hold water, unless you renew the whole labour.

Some have prescribed ways for the making of Artificial Springs, others for the making of Salt-water fresh; but those things being not yet fully experienced, we leave, being not wil­ling to trouble our Husbandman with so great Philosophical in­tricacies, tending rather to lead him from the more plain and ad­vantagious Method, to imaginary and fruitless attempts.

Heat and Drought do not always attend us, nor do they so Great Cold and Frost. frequently afflict us, especially in the greatest part or proportion of this Country, but that we have also a share of a superabun­dant Cold and Moisture: but seeing that they do not so frequent­ly happen together as Heat and Drought usually do, we will di­vide them. The cold that most afflicts the Husbandman, is the bitter Frosts that sometimes happen in the Winter or Spring, and are beyond our power either to foresee or prevent; yet that they may not injure us so far as otherwise they might, we pro­pose these remedies or preventions.

Some Lands are more inclinable and capacitated by their na­ture or scituation to suffer by bitter Frosts, than others are; as those that lie on a cold Clay or Chalk, more than those that lie on a warm Sand or Gravel; those that lie moist, than those that lie dry; those that lie on the North or East-sides of Hills, than those that lie on the South or West: therefore it is good to plant or sow such Trees, Grains or Plants, that can least a­bide [Page 198] the cold in such grounds that are most warmly seated.

And although that it is not an easie thing to alter the nature of the ground, yet is it feasible to take away the offensive moi­sture that doth so much cool the Land, whereof more hereafter in this Chapter; and also to place such Artificial defensives a­gainst the cold, that may very much remedy this inconvenience; as we see it is most evident, that the Frosts have a greater influ­ence where the Air hath its free passage, than where it is ob­structed: To which end we cannot but propose Inclosures, and planting of Trees as a remedy also for this Disease; for any manner of shelter preserves the Corn, young Trees, &c. from the injury that otherwise would happen to them; as we see in Snows, and drowning of Meadows, that the Snow and water prove defensive against the cold.

In Gardens, and other nearer Plantations, the Spring-frosts prove most pernicious; the general remedies whereof, where the site and position of the place is not naturally warm, are Walls, Pales, or other Edifices, or tall hedges or rows of Trees, whereof the Whitethorn, but chiefly Holly have the prehemi­nence: but these seem remote, and rather preventions against the winde; the more nearer are the application of new Horse-dung, or Litter that hath lain under Horses, which applied to the roots of any tender Trees or Plants, preserves them from the destructive Frosts; and also by covering whole Beds therewith, preserves the Plants or Roots therein: Also Straw, Hawm, Fern, or suchlike dry Vagetable, will defend any thing from the Frosts, although the Litter be to be preferred.

But such things that are not to be touched or suppressed, as Coleflower-plants, Gilliflower-slips, &c. the placing of Sticks like some Booth, or suchlike over them, and covering them with a Mat, or Canvas, or suchlike, doth very much defend them; giving them Sun and Air in temperate days, makes them the more hardy, and preserves their colour.

Furze, where it may conveniently be had, is a very excellent shelter and defence against Cold, being laid about Trees, or over Plants of what kinde soever: It breaks the violence of Winde and Frost beyond any thing else; lying hollow of it self, doth not that injury to Plants that other things do without support; and proves many times better than a supported shelter.

Preserving them also from Rain, unless as much as is suffici­ent to nourish them, is a good prevention of Frosts; for the Frost injureth no Plant so much as that which stands wet, as I have often observed, that Cyprus-trees and Rosemary standing on very dry ground, have endured the greatest Frosts, when o­thers have perished by the same Frosts, standing in moist ground, although more in the shelter. Also the most pernicious Frosts to Fruits succeed Rainy days; a dry Frost rarely hurts Fruit.

Gilliflowers, and several other Flowers and Plants, receive their greatest injury from wet; which if kept dry, endure severe colds the better.

Hot-Beds are much in use for the propagating of Seeds in the Spring, &c. which when they are covered, prove secure re­medies.

Conservatories wherein to remove your tender Plants in the Winter, are a usual prevention of cold; some whereof are made by some degrees warmer than others are, suitable to the several natures of the Plants to be preserved.

But the compleatest Conservatories, are large leaves of boards to open and shut at pleasure over your Orange or other Fruit-trees, closely pruned against a Wall or Pale, and planted either against your Chimney where you always keep a good fire, or against some Stove made on purpose. Aprecocks so planted a­gainst an ordinary wall with such doors, must needs avail much in the Spring-time, to defend the young and tender Fruit from the sharp Frosts; and is a much more practicable and surer way, than the bowing the branches into Tubs, as some advise: Others hang Cloaths or Mats over the Trees in frosty nights; but these are troublesome.

It is evident, that part of the same Tree being under some shelter from the Rain will bear plenty of Fruit, when other part of the same Tree, being open to the Rain, bears but little in cold and destructive Springs, though alike obvious to the cold and winde: Therefore endeavour to preserve your tender Wall-fruits from the wet, and you may the less fear the winde and cold.

To lay open the roots of Trees in the Spring to keep them backwards from springing, is a very proper prevention against the Frosts in Apples, Pears, &c. for we finde a forward Spring that excites the early Fruit too soon, proves very injurious to it, in case any Frosts succeed.

The freezing of water also proves sometime an injury to the Husbandman, either by hindering his Cattle from drink, or by destroying Fish that are confined in a small Pond so frozen: To prevent the latter, if you can, let there be some constant fall of water into it, though never so small, which will always keep a vent open sufficient to preserve the Fish, who can as ill live without Air, as Terrestrial Creatures can without water. Any constant motion prevents a total Congelation.

If you lay a good quantity of Pease-hawm in the water, that part may lie above, and part under the water, it is observed that the water freezes not within the Hawm, by reason of its close and warm lying together; which will prevent the death of Fish, as well as breaking of the Ice.

Fruit when it is gathered into the house, is subject to be spoiled by Frosts; therefore be careful to lay it in dry Rooms, either seeled, thatched, or boarded; for in frosty weather the condensed Air, which is most in such Rooms, adhering to the Fruit, freezeth and destroyeth it; which is usually prevented, covering them with Straw, &c. but best of all by placing a Ves­sel of water near them, which being of a colder nature than the [Page 200] Fruit, attracts the moist Air to its self, to the preservation of the Fruit, even to admiration.

Great Rains prove injurious to such Lands that are of them­selves Much Rain. moist enough: for the remedy whereof, and to prevent such injuries, see more in the next Section.

In such Lands that lie at the bottoms or foot of Hills, where the great falls of Rain do annoy the Corn or Grass, care is to be taken for the conveying away of the water by Channels or Passages made for that purpose.

In the time of Harvest the greatest Enemy the Husbandman usually finds is Rain, against which the best remedy is Expediti­on; To make Hay whilest the Sun shines.

It is a grand neglect, that there are not some kinde of Artificial shelters made in Lands remote from our dwellings, for the speedy conveyance of Corn into shelter in dripping Harvests; and there to remain, till fair Weather and leisure will admit of a more safe carriage.

Worthy of commendation is the practise used in Sommerset­shire, &c. where they lay their Wheat-sheaves in very large shocks or heaps in the Fields, and so place them, that they will abide any wet for a long time; when on the contrary in Wilt­shire, and other more Southernly Counties, they leave all to the good or bad weather, though far remote from Barns, sometimes to their very great detriment; so naturally slothful and igno­rant are some people, and naturally ingenious and industrious are other.

Where their Lands lie two or three miles from their Barns, as in some places in Champion Countries they do, the covered Reek­staval (much in use Westward) must needs prove of great ad­vantage in wet or dry Harvests, to save long draughts at so busie a time.

Where Lands lie at a far distance the one from the other, se­veral Barns built as the Land requireth, are very convenient for the more speedy housing of the Corn, for the better preserving of it, the more easie thrashing it out, the more convenient fo­thering of the Cattle with the Straw, and for the cheaper dispo­sing of the soil for the improvement of the Land; where on the contrary, one great Barn cannot lie near to every part of a large Farm, nor can Corn be so well preserved in it, nor with so much advantage disposed into Mows nor thrashed, nor the fother nor soil so easily dispersed.

High-winds prove very pernicious and injurious to the Hus­bandman High Winds. in several respects, to his Buildings, Fruits, Trees, Hops, Corn, &c. as many in the plain, open, or high Countries, by wo­ful experience do finde: To prevent which as to Buildings, by common experience and observation we finde, that Trees are the only and most proper safeguard; for which the Eugh is the best, although it be long a growing. Next unto that the Elm, which soon aspires to a good height and full proportionable body, and is thickest in the branches, and will thrive in most Lands; but [Page 201] any Trees are better than none. As to Fruits, Walls, Pales, or a­ny other Buildings, are a good prevention and security for Gar­den-fruits; but for want of that, Hedges and Rows of Trees may be raised at an easie rate, and in little time.

As to Timber, or other Trees, which are also subject to be subverted or broken by high windes, to abate the largeness of their Heads, proves a good prevention, especially the Elm, which ought to have its Boughs often abated, else will it be much more subject to be injured by high windes than any other Tree.

Hops, of any Plant the Husbandman propagateth, receiveth the most damage from high windes, which may in some mea­sure be prevented. Against the Spring-windes, which nips the young Buds, and afterwards bloweth them from the Poles, a good Pale or Thorn-hedge much advantageth; but against the boysterous windes, when they are at the tops of the Poles, a tall Row of Trees incompassing the whole Hop-Garden is the best security in our power to give them. Also be sure to let their Poles be firm and deep in the ground.

As to Corn, windes sometimes prove an injury to it in the Ear, when they are accompanied with great Rains, by lodging of it: but the greatest injury to it is in the Grass, when it is young, (I mean Winter-corn) the fierce bitter blasts in the Spring destroying whole Fields: The only and sure remedy or prevention against this Disease is Inclosure, as before we noted of Cold.

In Spain, &c. where the Mist of Superstition hath dimmed Thunder and Tempest, Hail, &c. the Spiritual and Natural sight, the Ringing of Sacred Bells, the use of Holy Water, &c. are made use of to Charm the Evil Spirit of the Air, which very frequently in those hotter Cli­mates terrifies the Inhabitants, that he may be a little more fa­vourable unto them than others: But it cannot enter into my thoughts or belief, that any thing we can do here, either by Noises, Charms, &c. or by the use of Bays, Lawrel, &c. can prevail with so great a Natural Power, and so much beyond our Command; Prayers unto God excepted, which are the on­ly Securities and Defensives against so Potent and Forcible E­nemies.

Blighting and Mildews have been generally taken to be the Mildews. same thing, which hath begotten much errour; and the ways and means used for the prevention and cure, have miscarried through the ignorance of the Disease: For

Mildew is quite another thing, and different from blasting Mildews, being caused from the Condensation of a fat and moist Exhalation in a hot and dry Summer, from the Blossoms and Vegetables of the Earth, and also from the Earth its self; which by the coolness and serenity of the Air in the night, or in the upper serene Region of the Air, is condensed into a fat gluti­nous matter, and falls to the Earth again; part whereof rests on the leaves of the Oak, and some other Trees whose leaves are [Page 202] smooth, and do not easily admit the moisture into them, as the Elm or other rougher leaves do; which Mildew becomes the principal Food for the industrious Bees, being of its self sweet, and easily convertible into Honey.

Other part thereof rests on the Ears and Stalks of Wheat, be­spotting the Stalks with a different (from the natural) colour; and being of a glutinous substance by the heat of the Sun, doth so binde up the young, tender, and close Ears of the Wheat, that it prevents the growth and compleating of the imperfect Grain therein; which occasioneth it to be very light in the Harvest, and yield a poor and lean Grain in the Heap.

But if after this Mildew falls, a showre succeeds, or the winde blow stifly, it washeth or shaketh it off, and are the only natural Remedies against this sometimes heavy Curse.

Some advise in the Morning after the Mildew is fallen, and before the rising of the Sun, that two men go at some conveni­ent distance in the Furrows, holding a Cord stretched streight betwixt them; carrying it so, that it may shake off the Dew from the tops of the Corn, before the heat of the Sun hath thick­ned it.

It is also advised to sow Wheat in open grounds, where the winde may the better shake off this Dew; this being looked upon to be the only inconvenience Inclosures are subject un­to: but it is evident, that the Field-lands are not exempt from Mildews, nor yet from Smut where it is, more than in Inclosed Lands.

The sowing of Wheat early hath been esteemed, and doubt­less is the best Remedy against Mildews; by which means the Wheat will be well filled in the Ear before they fall, and your increase will be much more: As for curiosity sake, Wheat was sown in all Moneths of the Year; that sown in July produ­ced such an increase that is almost incredible. In France they usually sow before Michaelmas.

Bearded-Wheat is not so subject to Mildews as the other, the Fibres keeping the Dew from the Ear.

Hops suffer very much by Mildews; which if they fall on them when small, totally destroy them. The Remedies that may be used against it, is when you perceive the Mildews on them, to shake the Poles in the Morning.

Or you may have an Engine to cast water like unto Rain on them, which will wash the Mildew from them: And if you have water plenty in your Hop-garden, it will quit the cost, in such years Hops being usually sold at a very high rate.

SECT. II. From the Water and Earth.

Next unto those Aërial or Coelestial injuries which descend upon us, we shall discourse of such that proceed from the Wa­ter and Earth, that do also in a very great measure at some times and in some places afflict us, proving great impediments to those Improvements that might otherwise be easily accomplished, and also great detriments unto the Countryman upon that which he hath already performed.

As the want of water in some places proves a great impedi­ment Much water offending. and injury to the improvement and management of Rustick Affairs, so doth the superabundant quantity; either from the flowings of the Sea over the low Marsh-Lands at Spring-tides and High-waters, or from great Land-flouds, but principally from the low and level scituation of the Land, where it is sub­ject to Springs, Over-flowings, &c.

It is evident that much good Land hath for many Ages yield­ed Over-flowing of the Sea. little benefit, by reason of the high waters that sometimes have covered it over, and destroyed that which in the intervals hath grown; and hath also over-flown much good Land so fre­quently, that it hath become useless: but by the extraordinary charge, labour, art and industry of some publick-spirited per­sons, very great quantities thereof have been gained from the power of that Grand Enemy to Husbandry, as may be obser­ved in those vast Levels of rich Land in Lincolnshire, and York­shire, Cambridgeshire, &c. in our Age recovered. Many other vast Flats and Levels there are on the Borders of this Kingdom, that are beyond the power, strength, or interest of a private Purse to attempt, yet to the publick at a publick charge would redound to an infinite advantage, and not only maintain thou­sands at work, (imployment being the greatest check to factious spirits) but bring in an yearly increase of wealth, one of the prin­cipal Supports of this Kingdom against its Enemies, and that without the hazards of an Indian Voyage.

Land-flouds in some places, especially on the great Flats and Land-flouds. Levels, prove a great annoyance to the Husbandman, that it is of equal concernment to divert the Land-flouds from some Lands, as to drain the water that resides upon it, and otherwise annoys it.

As we see in the Draining the Great Level between York­shire and Lincolnshire by the Isle of Axholm, where the great Ri­ver Idle, Navigable of its self, that formerly passed with its great Land-flouds through the vast Level on the Yorkshire side of Ax­holm, by the Art and industry of the Drainers, through a new Cut, is carried into Trent on the other side of the Isle, that the Draining of that Great Level, which otherwise might seem im­possible to be done, by that very means became most feasible: So [Page 204] that here we need say no more, but that as the conveniency of the place will permit, you divert the Land-flouds and Streams before you attempt a through Draining, if it be feasible and re­quisite, lest you multiply your cost, and be at last frustrate of your purpose.

The greatest of our In-land annoyances to Husbandry, occasi­oned Standing Wa­ters. by water, is from the standing or residing of water on our flat and level Marishes, Meadows, or other Lands, whether occa­sioned from Rains, Springs, or otherwise.

Where there is any descent or declining of Land, by cutting Drains to the lowest part, it is most easily performed.

But where it is absolutely flat and level, it is much more diffi­cult; yet are there few such Levels, but there are places or Cur­rents for the water to pass out of them, which you must sink deep and wide enough to drain the whole, and then make seve­ral drains from each part of the Marsh or Level, beginning large and wide at the mouth of the Drain, and lessening by degrees, as it extends to the extreams of the Land you drain. Be sure to make the Drains deep enough to draw the water from under the Marsh or Bog, and make enough of them that may lay it throughly dry.

If you cannot make a passage deep enough to take the water away from the bottom of your Drain, which in many places is a great impediment of this improvement, either by reason that you cannot cut through anothers Land, or that the passage be long, or that some River is near, which will be apt to revert upon you, or suchlike, then may an Engine commanded by the winde be of great use and effect, that which by any other way could not be done; the description whereof see before in the third Chapter. According to the height you raise the water, may you proportion the greatness or smalness of your Engine. You need not fear winde sufficient at one time or other to keep your Drains emyty: for during the greatest Calms, are usually the greatest Droughts; and in the wettest seasons windes are seldom wanting, especially on Flats and Levels.

Over-much moisture proves also very injurious to Corn, and other Plantations; the usual remedy whereof is to lay the Land high in Ridges, and cut Drains at the ends of the Furrows to carry away the superfluous water.

In Orchards and Gardens it usually hinders the growth and prosperity of Trees and other Plants, against which, the best remedy is to double the Land; that is, by abating the one half thereof about a foot more or less, according to the nature and goodness of the Soil, in long Walks or Rows about seven or ten foot broad, as to you seems best and most convenient, and cast it on the other in banks or borders; so that you will then have those banks lie dry to the bottom of your Walks, and all of the best of the Mould, on which you may plant your Trees, &c. where they will thrive as well as on any other drier Land, be­ing planted shallow.

Take this as a general Observation in Agriculture, that most of the barren and unimproved Lands in England are so, either because of Drought, or the want of Water or Moisture, or that they are poysoned or glutted with too much: therefore let every Husbandman make the best use of that water that runs through his Lands, and by preserving what falls upon his Lands, as we have at large before directed in this Treatise, and drain or con­vey away that which superabounds and offends; then would there be a far greater plenty of all manner of Tillage and Cat­tle, to the great inriching of this Kingdom.

Water is also very offensive in our Dwelling-houses, that we cannot make Cellars for Beer, &c. which may be several ways cured or prevented.

Either by laying the bottom and sides of the Cellar with Sheet-Lead, and a Floor of boards thereon to preserve it from injury. Several such Cellars there are in some Cities and Towns that lie low in the water; but this is too costly a way for our Husbandman.

Another way is to joynt your Bricks or Stone with Tarris, or the Cement before described in this Chapter for the keeping in of water in Cisterns.

Also you may Bed your Cellar with Clay, and then Brick or Stone it over, after the same manner as we directed before in this Chapter for the keeping of water, &c.

Or you may sink a Well or Pit near your Cellar, and some­what lower than it, into which you place a Pump, that at such times as water annoys you, it may by that means be removed.

Sometimes it happens that the Floor of the House you live in, or the Barn you lay your Corn in, are damp or moistened by certain Springs, that some times or other do annoy them, to your great detriment, as well to your health, as injury to your Goods or Corn; which if the scituation of the place will bear it, as most usually it will, the cutting of a Trench or Ditch round a­bout the same, of such depth as you may drain it dry by the fall that is naturally from it, will cure this disease. This Ditch or Trench may be paved, walled on the sides, and covered as you please; so that the Brick or Stone of the Wall on the side next the House or Barn be not laid with Mortar, to prevent the issue of the Water from the Earth into it.

Much Land there is in England that is capable of a very great Stones, Shrubs, &c. improvement, by removing those common and stubborn Obsta­cles, as Stones, Shrubs, Goss, Broom, &c. which are naturally produced in many places; and the faint-hearted, lazy, and some­times beggerly Husbandman, had rather let them grow and suck out the Marrow and Fat of his Land, than bestow any cost or pains to remove them, and is contented with now and then a bundle of Bushes, &c. when the removal of them would not only be an improvement of his Land by their absence, but the materials themselves, by a right and judicious way of ordering them, might become also an additional improvement.

As first of Stones, which being picked up, and laid on heaps about the roots of either Fruit or Timber-trees planted on the Bounds, and in Rows on the Land, is a very great help and ad­vantage to the growth of such Trees, and saves the labour of carrying them off the ground; which charge usually exceeds the charge of picking them up: This only where Stones offend, or are injurious.

Shrubs, Goss, Broom, &c. prove a very great annoyance to Husbandry; and the difficulty and charge in plucking them up, is the principal impediment to their removal, to such that are ignorant of the most dextrous ways used to that purpose; the best whereof I finde to be this, described by Mr. Plat; Viz. A very strong Instrument of Iron, like unto a Dung-fork, with three Grains or Tines, only much bigger, according to the big­ness of the Shrubs you use it about; the upper part thereof is a very strong and long Stail, or handle, like a Leaver: Now set this Instrument at a convenient distance from the Root slope­wise, and with a Hedging-beetle drive it in a good depth; then lift up the Stail, and place under it across an Iron-bar, or such-like Fulciment, to keep it streight, and that it sink not into the ground.

Then take hold of the Cord that before ought to have been fastened to the top of the Stail, and by this means may you Era­dicate any Shrubs, &c. If it will not do at once, place it on the other side, &c.

These Bushes, Brakes, and suchlike, though they are of little worth or use for any other thing, yet are they very necessary and beneficial to improve the Land by burning them, being dry, ei­ther by themselves, or under heaps of Turf, Earth, &c. as be­fore Chap. 5. was observed.

Some Lands are more prone and subject to Weeds, and that in Weeds. some years than other, which is often occasioned by water standing on it, destroying the Corn and such Seeds that are u­sually sown in it, and nourishing such Weeds that most delight in moisture; the only remedy whereof is to lay it dry, and add some convenient drying and lightning materials or composts thereon, as Sand, Ashes, &c.

Also some sorts of Dungs or Manures cause Weeds, as Dung made of Straw, Hawm, Fern, or suchlike, laid on Lands in any great quantity, without any other mixture of Horse-dung, Sheeps-dung, Lime, Ashes, or suchlike hot Compost, which do in some measure correct the cold and sluggish quality of it; but in some years, and on some Lands, any ordinary cold Dung begets Weeds, which injure the Corn more than the fatness of the Dung advantages; therefore Lime, Marle, Chalk, Ashes, &c. are to be preferred in most Lands.

Weeds in Pasture-lands are best destroyed by burning of it in Turfs, (as before we discovered) or by Plowing of it without Chap. 5. burning.

Rushes, Flages, and suchlike Aquaticks, are best destroyed by Rushes, Flags, &c. [Page 207] draining; so that you cut your Drains below the roots thereof, that it may take away the matter that feeds them.

The Sowthistle proves a great annoyance to some Lands, by Sowthistle. killing the Grass, Corn, &c. although it be a sure Token of the strength of the Land: The way to destroy them, is to cut them up by the roots before feeding-time; the advantage you will re­ceive, will answer your expence, and more.

The way to destroy this so common and known an annoyance, Fern. is to Mow it off in the Spring, whether with an Iron or Wooden Sythe, it matters not, for it will easily break; which work reite­rate the same year as fast as it grows, and it is confidently affirm­ed, that it will kill and destroy the Fern for ever after.

Improvement and bettering the Land by Soyling, Marling or Liming, &c. is also a principal remedy against all manner of Broom, Furze, Heath, and other suchlike trumpery, that delight only in barren Lands.

Very much differing from Mildews is the blighting of Corn; Blights and Smut. the Mildews proceeding from a different cause, and happening only in dry Summers, when on the contrary Blighting happens in wet, and is also occasioned through the too much fatness and rankness in Land; as is observed that strong Lands are usually sown with Barley, Pease, or suchlike, to abate the fertility there­of before it be sown with Wheat, which would otherwise be subject to Blights or Blasting.

Also Wheat sown on level or low Land, in moist years is sub­ject to the same inconveniencies; for you may observe, that the Wheat that grows on the tops of the ridges in moist years, to be better and freer than what grows in the Furrows, which is usu­ally blighted by means of water and fatness lying more about it than the other; for Wheat naturally affects to be kept dry on moist and strong ground: Therefore as moisture, and the richness of the ground together, occasions this disease, by knowing there­of you may easily remedy it, by laying your Land on high Ridges; which if it be never so rich, the Wheat growing there­on will hardly be blighted, if not overcome with moisture.

Smut seems to proceed from the same cause; therefore need we Smut. to say the less.

Only that sometimes smuttiness proceeds from other causes, as by sowing of Smutty-corn, by soiling the Land with rotten Ve­getables, as Straw, Hawm, Fern, &c.

It is confidently affirmed, that the smutty Grains of Wheat be­ing sown, will grow and produce Ears of Smut: but I confess I have not yet tryed, and shall therefore suspend the belief thereof till I have.

The sowing [...] Wheat that is mixed with Smut, doth general­ly produce a Smutty Crop (whether the Smut it self grow or not) unless it be first prepared by liming of it; which is thus done: first slake your Lime, and then moisten your Corn, and stir them well together, &c. and sow it.

Or by steeping of it in Brine, either of which are good pre­ventions against the Smut.

You may also prepare the ground by Liming, or other ways of inriching it, with sharp or saline Dungs or Soils, and it will pro­duce Corn free from Smut; for it is most evident, that Land often sown with the same Grain, or much out of heart, produces a smutty Crop, as may be easily perceived where the same Seed hath been sown on two sorts of Land of different goodness, the one Crop hath been smutty, the other free; so that Smuttiness seems to be a kinde of sickness incident to Corn, which may by the aforesaid means be cured; which if the Smuts themselves would really grow, and produce Smut again, all Remedies pro­posed, and attempts to that purpose, were needless.

SECT. III. From several Beasts.

Against the Trespasses of Domestick Cattle breaking out of your Neighbours grounds into yours, it's needless to say any thing, every one knowing that a good and secure Fence is the best prevention, and a Pound the best remedy or cure, if the o­ther will not serve. But other Beasts there are that no ordi­nary Fences will keep out, and will hardly be brought to the Pound.

As Foxes, which usually torment the laborious Husbandman, Foxes. by taking away and destroying his Lambs, Poultry, Geese, &c. that in some places near great Forrests and Woods, they can hardly keep any thing but under lock and key: against which Gins are usually made use of; which being baited, and a Train made by dragging raw flesh across his usual paths or haunts unto the Gin, it proves an inducement and a snare to excite him to the place of his destruction.

A Fox will prey on any thing he can overcome, and feeds on all sorts of Carrion; but the food he most delights in is Poultry. He proves injurious and destructive to Coney-warrens, and de­stroys Hares also, whom he taketh by his subtilty and deceit.

They may be taken with Greyhounds, Hounds, Terriers and Nets, as well as Gins.

It is also a very commendable and Noble Exercise in our No­bility and Gentry, to Hunt these destructive Beasts; and did they prosecute it at their breeding times, and at other times also, with an intent to destroy the whole Breed or Kinde, there would soon be an end of them.

The Otter is a pernicious destroyer of Fish, either in Pond or Otters. Brook, and her abode is commonly under the root or stem of some Tree near the water, whence she expects h [...] food: By her diving and hunting under water, few Fish are able to escape her.

They are taken either by insnaring them under the water by the Rivers side, as you may do a Hare on the Land with Hare-pipes; or by hunting them with Dogs, where you also make use of the Spear.

In several places the Husbandman suffers much by Coneys and Coneys, Hares, &c. Hares that feed down his Corn, &c. when it is young, especi­ally in hard Winters; and in many places they have not liberty to secure their own from them.

The Hare is no great destroyer of Corn; yet where there are many of them, the Countryman may lessen their number as he sees cause; either by Hunting or Coursing them at seasonable times, or by setting of Hare-pipes where he finds their haunts, or by tracing them in the Snow.

Coneys are destroyed or taken either by Ferrets and Purse­nets in their Buries, or by Hayes, or by Curs, Spaniels, or Tum­blers bred up for that sport, or by Gins, Pitfalls or Snares, which some Ingenious Countrymen will prepare; the goodness of the Game, rather than the prevention of the damage, prompting them thereto.

It is not a little injury these Animals do to Warrens, Dove-houses, Poll-cats, Wea­sels and Stotes. Hen-roosts, &c. but the ways by taking them in Hutches, and in small Iron-gins like Fox-gins, are so well known, that I need say nothing of it.

Only that to prevent Poll-cats, or suchlike, from destroying your Pigeon-house, be sure, if you can, to erect it where you may have a Ditch or Chanel of Water to run round it, and it will keep those Vermine from making their Burroughs under the ground.

Moles are a most pernicious Enemy to Husbandry, by loose­ning Moles, or Wonts. the Earth, and destroying the Roots of Corn, Grass, Herbs, Flowers, &c. and also by casting up Hills, to the great hinde­rance of Corn, Pastures, &c.

The common and usual way of destroying them is by Traps that fall on them, and strike the sharp Tines or Teeth through them; and is so common, that it needs no description.

But the best and compleatest sort of Instrument to destroy them that I have yet seen, is made thus: Take a small board of about three inches and a half broad, and five inches long: on the one side thereof raise two small round Hoops or Arches, at each, one end like unto the two end-Hoops of a Carriers Wag­gon, or a Tilt-boat, capacious enough that a Mole may easily pass through them: in the middle of the board make a hole a­bout the bigness that a Goose-quill may pass through; so is that part finished: then have in readiness a short stick, about two inches and a half long, about the bigness that the end thereof may just enter the hole in the middle of the board. Also you must cut a Hasel, or other stick, about a yard, or yard and half long, that being stuck into the ground, may spring up like un­to the Springs they usually set for Fowl, &c. then make a link of Horse-hair very strong that will easily slip, and fasten it to the end of your stick that springs: Also have in readiness four small hooked sticks; then go to the Furrow or passage of the Mole, and after you have opened it, fit in the little board with the bended Hoops downwards, that the Mole when she passes that [Page 210] way, may go directly through the two semicircular Hoops: Before you fix the board down, put the Hair-spring through the hole in the middle of the board, and place it round, that it may answer to the two-end Hoops, and with the small stick (gently put into the hole to stop the knot of the Hair-spring) place it in the Earth in the passage, and by thrusting in the four hooked sticks, fasten it, and cover it with Earth; and then when the Mole passeth that way, either the one way or the other, by displacing or removing the small stick that hangs perpendicularly down­wards, the knot passeth through the hole, and the Spring takes the Mole about the neck. Though this description seem tedious, yet the thing is very plain, and easily performed, and much chea­per, surer and feasible than the ordinary way.

Others destroy them very expeditiously by a Spaddle, waiting in the Mornings when they usually stir, and immediately cast them up; especially about March when they breed, by turning up the Hills whereunder they lay their Young, they usually making their Nests in the greater Hills, and are most easily discerned: then also will the Old Ones come to seek their Young, which you may presently take.

The Pot-trap is by some much commended, which is a deep Earthen-vessel set in the ground to the brim in a Bank or Hedg­row; which wisely set and planted at all times, but especially in the natural season of Bucking-time, about March, will destroy them insensibly.

Also where Moles annoy your Gardens, Meadows, or such places where you are not willing to dig or much break the ground, fuming the holes with Brimstone, Garlick, and other unsavoury things, will drive them out of the ground that was before infested with them.

But the putting a dead Mole in a Common Haunt, will make them absolutely forsake it.

Every Countryman almost is sensible of the great injuries and Mice or Rats. annoyances they receive from these Vermine, both in the Fields where they raise Nurseries of Trees, in their Gardens where they sow and plant Beans, Please, &c. and in their Houses, Barns, and Corn-reeks.

In the Fields, Orchards, Gardens, &c. I know no readier way to destroy them, than by placing an Earthen-pot in the ground, and covering it with a board, with a hole in the middle thereof, and over the board to lay Hawm or suchlike rubbish, under which the Mice seek for shelter, and soon finde their Trap to re­ceive them.

The usual way of building Reeks of Corn on Stavals set on stones, is the only prevention against Mice, and has proved so successful, that in some places large Edifices are built on such stones, that they supply the defect of Barns, being covered like them.

Granaries also I have seen built after the same manner: Binnes or Hutches for Corn may be placed on Pins like the other, and [Page 211] prove secure places for Corn against these pernicious Vermine; but great caution must be used, that no Stick, Ladder, or other thing lean against these places, lest the Mice finde the way to come where you would not have them.

In your Flower-gardens, Apiary, or in the several Rooms of your House, Traps may be placed to destroy them, unless where you can conveniently keep a Cat, the only Enemy and De­stroyer of Mice and Rats.

Arsenick, or the Root of White-hellebor will destroy them, being given with Sugar, or suchlike mixture: The last is the best, because it destroys only Rats and Mice.

SECT. IV. From Fowls.

As the best of Contents this World affords hath its part or share of trouble and vexation, so this pleasant and excellent Rustick Life and Imployment, is not free from care and trouble how to preserve it self from those Enemies and Plagues that dai­ly attend it: Sometimes the Heavens frown, the Waters swell, the Bryers snarl, the Wilde Beasts are envious at our Innocent and most delectable enjoyments; and if these withdraw their evil influence, yet have we the Fowls of the Air, Insects, and several other Evils to encounter withal; which without our diligent care and industry, are ready to bereave us of the best part of the Fruits of our labours.

As we frequently observe that Kites, Hawks, and other Birds of Kites, Hawks, &c. Prey, wait for Pigeons, Chickens, tame Pheasants, &c. there­fore is it very necessary, that the Countryman keeps a Fowling-piece ready fitted and charged, which is the best means to de­stroy and scare them away.

Also you may place small Iron-gins, about the breadth of ones hand, made like a Fox-gin, and baited with Raw Flesh, whereby I have caught very large Hawks.

Also by the streining of Lines, or pieces of Nets, over the pla­ces where you keep tame Pheasants, Chickens, or suchlike, will fray them away.

The cutting down of Trees about your Pigeon-house will keep them from haunting it so much as otherwise they would do.

Crows, Ravens, Rooks and Magpies, are great annoyances to Crows and Ravens, &c. Corn, both at Seed-time, pulling it up by the Roots whilest it is young, and feeding on it also at the Harvest; a good Fowling-piece is the best Instrument for the present: But the only way to destroy the kinde of them, and make their Flocks a little thinner, were by some Publick Law to incourage the destructi­on of their Nests and Young, which are so obvious at the build­ing-time, that it seems to be a very feasible work, and much to be preferr'd before Crow-nets, &c.

Several pretty Inventions of Scare-crows there are to keep the [Page 212] Corn free from them, amongst which this is esteemed the most effectual; viz. To dig a hole in some obvious place where the Crows, &c. annoy your Corn; let it be about a foot deep, or more, and near two foot over, and stick long black Feathers of a Crow, or other Fowl, round the edges thereof, and some also in the bottom. Several of these holes may be made, if your ground be large; and where these holes are thus dressed, the Crows will not dare to feed. I presume the reason is, because whilest they are feeding on the ground, the terrifying Object is out of their sight; which is not usual in other Scare-crows, wherewith in a little time they grow familiar, by being always in view.

Dead Crows, &c. hang'd up, do much terrifie them; but a­mongst Cherry-trees, and other Fruits which are much prejudi­ced by the Crows, &c. draw a Pack-thred or small Line from Tree to Tree, and fasten here and there a black Feather, and it is sufficient.

These Fowl that bring so great an advantage to one, prove Pigeons. a far greater annoyance and devourer of Grain to all the rest of the Neighbourhood. It is an unknown quantity of Wheat, Bar­ley, Pease, &c. that these devour; not to mention the Prodigi­ous computation that some have made of the damage commit­ted by them on the Corn, Grain, &c. yet is it most evident, that they destroy a great part of the Seed and Crop, notwithstanding several stand for their vindication, alledging that they never scrape, and therefore take only the Grain that lies on the surface of the Earth, that would otherwise be destroyed, and not grow. To which I answer, That that very Corn that lies on the Surface may prove the best Corn, unless (in Winter-corn) the extream Frosts destroy it, or (in the Spring) the extream Drought: It having been of late found to be a piece of very good Husban­dry in some light and shallow Lands, first to Plough it about Au­gust, and then to run the Fold over it, and well settle it, and af­terwards to sow and harrow it; which must needs make well for the Pigeons, and ill for the Husbandman, where they cannot be kept from it.

Also it is to be observed, that where the flight of Pigeons fall, there they fill themselves and away, and return again where they first rose; and so proceed over a whole piece of ground, if they like it. Although you cannot observe any Grain above the ground, they know how to finde it: As I have seen the ex­perience of it, that a Piece of about two or three Acres being sown with Pease, the Pigeons lay so much upon it, that they de­voured at least three parts in four of it; which I am sure could not be all above the Surface of the ground. That their Smelling is their principal Director, I have also observed, having sown a small Plat of Pease in my Garden, (near a Pigeon-house) and ve­ry well covered them, that not a Pease appeared above ground. In a few days a parcel of Pigeons were hard at work in discove­ring this hidden Treasure; and in a few days, of about two quarts, I had not above two or three Pease left; for what they [Page 213] could not finde before, they found when the Buds appeared, not­withstanding they were howed in, and well covered; their Smelling only directed them, as I supposed, because they follow­ed the Ranges exactly.

The injury they do at Harvest on the Pease, Fetches, &c. I hope none can excuse: therefore may we esteem these amongst the greatest Enemies the poor Husbandman meets withal; and the greater, because he may not erect a Pigeon-house also to have a share of his own spoils, none but the Rich being permitted so great a priviledge; and also so severe a Law being made to protect these Winged Thieves, that a man cannot suum defenden­do encounter with them.

You have therefore no remedy against them, but to affright them away by noises, or suchlike. Also you may shoot at them, so that you kill them not; or you may (if you can) take them in a Net, cut off their Tails, and let them go, by which means you will impound them; for when they are in their houses, they cannot bolt or flie out of the tops of their houses, but by the strength of their Tails; which when they are weakned, they remain Prisoners at home.

The Jay proves a great devourer of Beans, Cherries, and o­ther Jays. Garden-fruits, and is also a subtil Bird; but is easily met withal, if you are watchful in a morning early, and have a good Ambush, which you must change sometimes, lest they discover you: They make but short flights, as it were from Tree to Tree, that you may easily pursue them.

A very good way to take them, is to drive a Stake into the ground, about four foot high above the Surface of the Earth: let the Stake be made picked at the top, that a Jay may not set­tle on it; then within a foot or thereabouts of the top, let there be a hole bored through, about three quarters of an inch Dia­meter; fit a Pin or Stick to the hole, about six or eight inches long; then make a Loop or Spring of Horse-hair fastened to a Stick or Wand of Hasel, that may be entered into the Stake at a hole near the ground, and by the bending of the Stick put the Loop of Horse-hair through the upper hole, and put the short Stick a little way into the hole, and lay the Loop round on the short Stick, that the Jay, when he comes, finding this resting place to stand conveniently amongst his food, perches on the short Stick; which immediately by his weight falls, and gives the Spring the advantage of holding the Jay by the Legs. This is an undoubted way of taking them, if they are placed amongst the Beans, or suchlike where the Jays haunt, it being their usual custom to hop from Tree to Tree, or any thing they can meet withal.

These are most pernicious Birds to young Fruit-trees, by Bull sinc [...]es. feeding on the young pregnant Buds in the Spring-time, which contain the Blossoms, and are the only hope of the succeeding Year.

They are easily taken off with a small Fowling-piece, only [Page 214] you must be cautious that your shot spoil not the Young Cions or branches of your Trees.

This Bird is so bold, or rather confident, that no Scare-crow, or other thing, will frighten him from the Trees he delights to feed on: But on the Morocco-Plum, or the Damson, notwith­standing all you can do, he will settle and feed: So that your best way to preserve those Buds, is to Bird-lime the Twigs.

These Birds are also very injurious to the Goosberry-buds, Gold-finches. coming in Flights, and cleansing a whole Garden of them im­mediately; as the Bull-finch will the Buds of the Curran-tree. The remedies against them are the same with the other.

The Chaffinch, Green-finch, Titmouse, and other small Birds, are injurious to some Fruits; but not like unto the other before-mentioned, who will prey on the Buds of all sorts of Fruit-trees, under the very Nets that cover the Trees, and near unto the dead bodies that hang on the Trees, and kill'd but a little be­fore.

These, although they are but small, yet are they a numerous Sparrows. Generation of Corn-eaters: It is unknown how much they de­vour in this Kingdom, and what a great damage it proves to the Husbandman, especially in scarce and dear Years.

Many ways are made use of to destroy them, but none more effectual than the large Folding Sparrow-net, which will take many dozen at a Draught, they being so easily induced to come to a Shrape or place baited for them; especially in the hard Weather in the Winter, and in the Summer before the Corn is ready for them: at both which times Meat is scarce abroad; and then they flock to Barns.

More, as to the destroying of Fowl, you shall finde hereafter in the Chapter of Fowling and Fishing.

SECT. V. Of Insects, and Creeping Things offending.

Moist and warm Lands, which are usually the most fertile, Frogs and Toads. are most subject to these Vermine. Frogs are best destroyed and prevented in February, in the Ditches where they Spawn, by de­stroying both Frogs and Spawn. Toads are easily discovered in the Summer-evenings (by a Candle) creeping up and down the Walks and Passages about your House, Garden, &c.

To Wall-fruit, and several sorts of Garden-plants, there can­not Snails and Worms. be a more pernicious Enemy than Snails, which you may in a Dewy Morning easily finde where they most delight to feed; but the surest way is in the hard Winter to seek out their haunts, and make a clean riddance of them: They lie much in the holes of Walls, behinde old Trees, under Thorn, or other old and close Hedges. In one Year I caused near two Bushels to be gathered in a Winter in a Noble-mans Garden, which had in precedent years destroyed the most of their Wall-fruit, and ever after they had great plenty of Fruit.

Ever observe, not to pluck off such Fruit the Snails have be­gun to feed on, but let it remain; for they will make an end of that before they begin on more.

The best way to take Snails, is to set Tile, Brick or Board, hollow against a Wall, Pale, or otherwise; so that the Snails may seek shelter under them: Then about Michaelmas the Snails se­cure themselves in such places for the whole Winter, unless you prevent them, by taking them in December and destroying them; which is an easie and sure way to rid your Garden of them.

Worms may be picked up clean by a Candle in a moist Even­ing: if any escape you, another Evening may serve to finde them.

Your Beds watred with any strong Lixivium made of the Ashes or fixed Salts of any Vegetable, will not only destroy Worms, but prove an extraordinary improvement and inriching of the ground.

Lay Ashes or Lime about any Plant you desire to preserve from Snails or Worms, and they will not come near it, because the hot and biting nature thereof hurt their naked and tender bodies: therefore as the Rain or other Moisture weakens, the Ashes or Lime renew it, lest it prove useless.

Rarely do these offend in the Fields, Orchards or Gardens, yet Gnats and Flies. are they very troublesome Guests in the House, where it stands near any Fens, Waters, or suchlike places, tending much to the Generation of Insects.

To keep the Windows of your Chambers close in the Summer-time, especially towards the Evening, is a good prevention.

To burn Straw, and suchlike, up and down in the Chamber, in the Evening before you go to Bed, will destroy them; for either they will fly to the Flame, and be consumed, or else the Smoak will choak them.

Ashen-leaves hanged up in the Room, will attract them unto it, that you will be the less troubled with them.

The Balls of Horse-dung laid in the Room will do the same, if they are new.

These usually prove very injurious to some sorts of Fruits; Wasps and Hornets. to Bees, &c. and are several ways destroyed. First,

By way of prevention; that is, in the Spring or Summer, be­fore they have encreased, to destroy the old ones; for from a few do they encrease to a multitude.

Or you may smoak or stifle them, if they are in any hollow Tree; or scald them if in Thatch of an House or Barn, &c. or in the ground you may either scald or burn them, or stamp in the Earth on them, and bury them.

To destroy such as come to your Fruit, Bees, &c. set by them Sider, Verjuice, sowre Drink or Grounds, in a short-necked Vial open, wherein you may catch many.

Also you may lay for them Sweet Apples, Pears, Beasts Liver, or other Flesh, or any thing that they love, in several places; [Page 216] upon which you shall have sometimes as many as will cover the Bait, which you may kill at once.

We term those Caterpillars that destroy the leaves of our Caterpillars. Trees in the Summer, devour Cabbages, and other Garden-til­lage, and are generally the effects of great Droughts.

To prevent their numerous encrease on Trees, gather them off in the Winter, taking away the Puckets which cleave about the branches, and burning them.

In the Summer, whilest they are yet young, when either through the coldness of the night, or some humidity, they are assembled together on heaps, you may take them and destroy them.

These in some years prove injurious to Fruits, by the great­ness Earwigs. of their numbers feeding on and devouring them.

And are destroyed by placing Hoofs or Horns of Beasts a­mongst your Trees and Wall-fruit, into which they will resort. Early in the morning you must take them gently, but speedily off, and shake them into a Vessel of scalding water.

By reason of great Drought, many sorts of Trees and Plants Lice. are subject to Lice: and seeing that they are caused by Heat and Drought, as is evident in the Sweet-bryar and Gooseberry, that are only Lowsie in dry times, or in very hot and dry pla­ces; therefore frequent washing them, by dashing water on them, may prove the best remedy.

Ants or Pismires are injurious to a Garden, and also to Pa­sture-lands, Ants. as well by feeding on Fruits, as by casting up Hills, &c.

To keep them from your Trees, incompass the Stem four fin­gers breadth, with a Circle or Rowl of Wooll newly plucked from a Sheeps Belly.

Or anoynt the Stem with Tar.

Also you may make Boxes of Cards or Pastboard pierced full of holes with a Bodkin, into which Boxes put the Powder of Arsenick mingled with a little Honey; hang these Boxes on the Tree, and they will certainly destroy them: Make not the holes so large that a Bee may not enter, lest it destroy them.

Also you may hang a Glass-bottle in the Tree with a little. Honey in it, or moistned with any sweet Liquor, and it will at­tract the Ants, which you may stop and wash out with hot wa­ter; then prepare it as before.

Watering often of Allies or green Walks, will drive away or destroy the Ants that annoy them.

Ant-hills prove a very great injury to Meadows and Pa­sture-lands, To destroy Ant-hills. not only by the wasting of so much Land as they cover, but by hindering the Sythe, and yielding a poor hungry food, and pernicious to Cattle.

And may be thus easily destroyed: Pare the Turf off, beginning at the top, and cutting it down into four or five parts, and lay it open: then cut out the Core below the surface, so deep, that when you lay down the Turfs in their places as they were ta­ken [Page 217] up, the place may be lower than the other ground, to the end that water may stand in it to prevent the Ant from return­ing, which otherwise she will assuredly do; then spread the Earth you take out thinly abroad. Also the proper season for this is in the Winter; and if the places be left open for a cer­tain time, the Rain and Frost upon it will help to destroy the remaining Ants: but be sure to cover them up time enough, that the Rains may settle the Turfs before the Spring.

The greatest injury these Vermine do us, is in biting Chil­dren, Snakes and Adders. Cattle, &c.

They affect Milk above any thing; and, as old Authors say, abominate the Ash: there may you use the one by placing of it hot in any place where they frequent, to attract them, where you may destroy them and the other, by laying Ashen-sticks in places where you would not have them come. But this of the Ash is not to be credited.

But the most proper remedy against these Vermine, is to keep Peacocks, which prey upon them.

Their Sting or Bite is most easily cured, if you timely apply To cure the Stinging of Ad­ders, or Biting of Snakes. a hot Iron to it, hodling it so near as you are able to abide it: And it is by some Ingenious Persons confidently affirmed, that it will attract the Venom totally from the Wound.

Travellers relate, that in the Canaries the Natives cure the biting of a very Venomous Creature (that Iurks amongst the Grapes, and usually bites them by the Fingers) by a streight Li­gature below the Wound; and holding the Finger bitten up­right, for some time, out of which the Venom ascends, it being of a Fiery Nature, naturally tending upwards, and may there­fore be attracted by Fire, it's like.

SECT. VI. Of some certain Diseases in Animals and Vegetables.

There are several Epidemical and destructive Diseases to Of Beasts and Fowl. Cattle, Fowl, &c. which sweep away a great part of the Hus­bandmans Stock before it ceaseth, or he know how to prevent it; which is esteemed a great deficiency, that those ways that some have discovered, and found effectual to prevent, and also to cure such Diseases, are not made publick: the general Stock of the Kingdom may as well be preserved, as some few Cattle, in such general Distempers; it being not our intent in this Book to say any thing of common Diseases of Beasts or Fowl, be­cause that Subject is so compleatly handled by several others, and is not absolutely necessary for our Husbandman to know, there being almost in every place Professors and Practisers of that Art, and that have Materials and Instruments for that purpose: yet for that I meet with some general and easily-practicable Instru­ctions, perhaps not familiar with Country Farriers, or Horse-Doctors, I shall a little digress.

This Disease is principally caused from a hot and dry season Of the Mur­rain. of the Year, or rather from some general putrefaction of the Air, and begetteth an inflammation of the blood, and causeth a swelling in the throat, which in little time suffocateth the Cat­tle. Also the letting dead Cattle lie unburied; which Putrify­ing may cause a general Infection to that sort of Cattle, as the Learned Van-Helmont observes, that these Infectious Distempers go no farther than their own kinde.

Therefore to prevent this Disease, let them stand cool in Sum­mer, and to have abundance of good water, and speedily to bury all Carrion.

And if any of your Cattle be already infected, speedily let them blood, and give them a good Drench, &c. By which means divers have preserved their Cattle, when their Neigh­bours have perished.

In moist Years Sheep are subject to the Rot in the same Of the Rot in Sheep. grounds, where in drier Years they are not, and that not only from the moisture, for then would Sheep Rot in all moist grounds, in dry Years as well as in wet; but from a certain Putrefaction both in the Air, and in the Grass or Herbs that u­sually attends them in such moist years; which together with their moist Food, doth corrupt their Livers, and bring this Disease.

The cure whereof is difficult, unless it be done betime before the Liver be too much wasted: The removal of them to the Salt Marshes, where they may be had, is a good remedy.

If May and June prove wet Moneths, it causes a Frimmand frothy Grass; which together with the bad Air that must ne­cessarily follow, causes the Rot in Sheep: therefore in such Summers keep your Sheep on the dry and barren Lands, and fodder them in Winter with the hardest Hay, or most Astringent Fodder.

Some grounds yield a soft Grass, more than other subject to breed the Rot in the Sheep: therefore feed other Cattle there, and your Sheep in the driest, hardest, and healthiest Pastures.

If your Sheep be infected with the Rot, which you may discern by the colour of their Eyes; some prescribe to Pen them up in a Barn, or large Sheep-coat, set about with wooden Troughs, and therein feed them with Oats a day or two: then put amongst them some Bay-salt well stamped, and after that a greater quantity, till such time as they begin to distaste it; then give them clean Oats another day or two, and after­ward serve them with Salt as before. This course being fol­lowed until their Eyes have recovered their Natural colour, they will then be perfectly cured. Where you have not a House convenient, it may be done open: the saving of their Dung (as before we directed) will answer the greatest part of your ex­pences. Chap. 5.

Folding of Sheep in May or June, if they prove wet, makes them Rot the sooner, because they more greedily devour the [Page 219] hurtful Grass in the Morning, than those not folded; therefore liberty from the Fold at that time is a good prevention.

An Approved Experiment for the Cure of the Fashions in Horses, and the Rot in Sheep.

Steep the Regulus of Antimony in Ale, with a little of the Spice called Grains, and a little Sugar; which give to a Horse about half a Pint at a time, two or three times, with a day or two's intermission between each time; to a Sheep about two or three ounces after the same manner. The same, or the following Receipt, may be also given to Swine for the Measles, &c. and to make them fat.

Give him half a dram of crude Antimony in his Meat, it will For Swine. make him have a good stomack; and it will likewise cure him of all foulness of his Liver, and of the Measles. The same is al­so Soveraign for any other Beasts.

Trees and Plants, and other Inanimate things, are subject unto Of Trees and Plants. Diseases that deprive them of, and abate their excellency, worth and duration, as well as living Creatures; and it doth as well require the care, and industry, and skill of the Husbandman to inspect into their Nature, and make use of such means as are re­quisite, as well to prevent, as cure such Diseases.

The Canker, Moss, Bark-bound, and Worms in Trees, prove ve­ry pernicious: Their Cures we have already discoursed of. Chap. 7.

The Jaundies, or Langor of Trees, makes them seem to re­pine, and their Leaves to fall off or wither, and proceeds from some hurt done to their Roots, either by Moles or Mice, or by the stroak of some Spade, or by the Tree standing too moist or low: according as you finde the Disease, so must you make use of a remedy, either by searching the Root; and if you finde any wound or gall, to cut it off a little above such wound, and lay some Soot there to keep Vermine off, if the injury came from them; or if water offends, either divert the water, or re­move the Tree: If it be planted too deep, it is better to raise it, than let it stand where you may be confident it will never thrive.

The general Diseases of Trees, and impediments to their thri­ving, are, either they stand too deep, too dry, too cold, too moist, too much in the winde, &c. according to the divers Na­ture and disposition of the Tree.

Therefore if you expect that a Tree should thrive, observe his Nature, and in what place it most delights; which the sixth and seventh Chapters of this Book, treating of Woods and Fruit-trees, will sufficiently direct.

SECT. VII. Of Thieves and Ill Neighbours.

There is no more constant, certain, and pernicious Enemy to the Husbandmans Thrift, than Man himself; Homo homini Dae­mon: they rob and steal from, oppress, maligne, injure, perse­cute, and devour one another, to the decay of Arts and Scien­ces, and even to the ruine of whole Families of Ingenious and Industrious men; every one striving to build up his house, and raise his Family by the ruines and decay of his Neighbours. But our only Complaint is against the common and ordinary sort of vile persons, that live after a most sordid manner, and seek not Wealth nor Greatness, but only to maintain themselves in a most despicable lazy kinde of life, by filching and stealing from their honest and laborious. Neighbours; and against such, that though they steal not, yet oppress, oppugne, and injure those that are more Industrious than themselves.

The severe penalty of death being the punishment for Theft, Against Thieves. is the principal cause of the infinite encrease of Thieves: First, because many there are, who (if they know or have taken a Thief) will not Indict nor Prosecute him, because their Consci­ence will not admit of inflicting so severe a punishment for so small an offence, but will rather bear the loss of their Goods, than seek another mans life for it.

Secondly, Some, if they take a Thief, will rather accept of their Goods again, and Satisfaction, than prosecute him; because in some cases they loose their Goods, and are also at the charge of Prosecution.

Thirdly, Some also will not Prosecute common ordinary Thieves that live by stealing Sheep, Corn, Wood, Poultry, Swine, &c. and have Families to maintain by this very Trade, lest they (being part of the Parish) be bound afterwards to main­tain their Families. And thus are the conditions of many pla­ces in England.

Fourthly, When Thieves are taken and prosecuted, and come to their Tryal; they being for their Lives, no Evidence will, nor ought to be taken, but what is very clear: And where it is so against one, either through mistakes, or wilful omissions, it is deficient against five; by which means most of those few that come to Tryal are found Not Guilty.

Fifthly, When they are upon Tryal, and the Evidence clear against them, either the Jury are tender of their Neighbours life, or else some good Friend or other appears, that it is found but Petit Larceny; or else the Thief has his Clergy, or by some such Shift, or Means, or Evasion, he gets off: So that it may be, as it often happens, a Thief comes five or six times to his Tryal, or at least to Goal, before he is hanged: During which time he grows more subtil, and Educates many other in the same Profes­sion, [Page 221] and teacheth them all manner of Tricks and Devices, not only to effect their intentions, but to avoid the Punishment.

To remedy which, were to make the Penalty more mode­rate, and without respect or favour to be assuredly execu­ted; it would much lessen their number.

As suppose the Penalty of all manner of Theft were, to be Transported to the West-Indies, or to be confined to some cer­tain Mines, or suchlike, at the pleasure of the Judge; and to have an apparent Brand or Mark in the Face; and that it should be free and lawful for any man to kill any such person returning or straying from such imployment; and that every one that lost their Goods, and did prosecute the Thief, should have their Da­mages and Costs restored: I suppose none would make any scruple of Prosecution, nor would any endeavour to preserve these Vipers from so moderate, yet sufficient punishment.

This way, if severely prosecuted, without favour or respect, would in a little time rid the Country of the Old Thieves, and their very Breed also, that there would scarce be any of their Blood remaining: But if any should by chance appear, he would hardly have any time to learn his Trade perfectly.

But until some such Law be established, which we humbly leave unto our Grand Patriots to consider of, on whom we Ru­flicks depend for good and wholesome Laws to preserve our Interests; which will the better capacitate us to serve his Maje­sty, and answer his Occasions with our Fortunes, as well as with our Lives: and will also the better enable us to pay our Rents unto them, and improve their and the whole Kingdoms Re­venues.

In the mean time (I say) let us endeavour the preservation of our Goods from these Vermine and Children of Darkness, by such means, and by what Industry we are capable of, as by dili­gent and careful watching; Quae enim res quotidie videntur, mi­nus Varro. metuunt furem; by making good and secure Fences, and by having our Doors, Walls and Windows of our Houses, Barns, Stables, Gardens, &c. well fortified against them.

We shall not here contend with any, whether the Rules of Astrology to discover Theft, the making or laying of Charms, Spells, or Sigils to prevent Theft, or the Art of inforcing the Thieves to bring back Goods stoln, be lawful or not: Quae supra nos, nihil ad nos.

But if I know the certain or probable haunt or way the Thief useth, I may safely make use of some Gin or Snare to keep him by the Legs, or otherwise, till I come and release him; or I may place certain sharp Spikes of Iron in the ground, and strain some pieces of small Brass-Wire athwart the way near the ground, on either side of the sharp Spikes, (which Wire and Spikes are not visible by night) that when Mr. Thief walks and thinks not of it, by stumbling at the Wire, he falls on the Spikes; which give him such marks, that you may perhaps know him against another day.

Or you may run Wires across your Back-side, the ends where­of may be fastened to some Lock of a Pistol, or suchlike, that by the touch only of the Wire the Pistol may be discharged, which will give you notice, and also terrifie the Thief; and may be so placed, that it may shoot directly towards him.

Or you may have a Bell to Ring, only by the touch of such a Wire, which may terrifie the Thief, and give you notice.

A good Mastiff is a singular Preservative to a Back-side a­gainst such that are not of his Acquaintance, or that know not how to Charm him; which few Country-Thieves understand: but if he be kept within doors, he is a sure defence against Bur­glary, and out of the Charmers power. The small bawling Curs are the surest Watchers, and are good to rouze up the Mastiffs.

An Ill Neighbour is a very great Evil, and a Good Neighbour Ill Neighbours. as great a Happiness, said Old Hesiod.

What a grief, loss, and inconvenience it is to be confined to dwell by Ill Neighbours? how it multiplies our cares, and in­creases our labours, and lessens our Stocks and Profits? How are we disquieted at the sight of them? And how are our Fruits de­stroyed, and our Corn spoiled by them and their Cattle, who are continual Trespassers? especially if they think we are so peaceably given, as to put up small injuries, or that we are un­willing to seek Remedies worse than the Disease against these E­nemies to our good Husbandry, and to our otherwise most hap­py life. We have no Remedy but Patience, the best of Vertues.

Yet some policy may be used to Charm these Crocodils, to make these Furies Friends: please a little their Natures, and feed their Humours in what they delight; by being their seeming-Friends you may commend them, and they will be as ready to serve you, as to prosecute another Neighbour that less deserves, only because he uses not the same Method of policy. If they love their Bellies, invite them often; Eum potissimum vocato, quicunque te prope habitat; be sure to please them that are most capable of doing you hurt: whatever they delight in, please them in it, and you have done enough, for you know not what need you may have of a Neighbours help; sometimes may Thieves assault you, sometimes you may want some particular In­strument that your Neighbour hath, without which, or whilest you go farther, you suffer great loss: And what a sad thing it would be to be denied, as Hesiod in his time observed.

Streighten not your self so, as to ask to borrow of another, lest he refuse, and you want.


Of the several sorts of Instruments, Tools and Engines incident to this Profession of Agricul­ture; and of some Amendments and Profitable Experiments in Building, either by Timber, Stone, Brick, or any other way.

Dicendum, & quae sint duris Agrestibus Arma;
Queis sine nec potuere seri, nec surgere Messes.

IT is impossible to go through the many difficulties in this Art, without many and several sorts of Tools and Instruments, as Ploughs, Carts, &c. It is also difficult and unprofitable to make use of such Ploughs, Tools and Instruments that are troublesome, heavy and chargeable, when the same labour may be as well performed, if not better, with such that are easie, light, and not so costly: Therefore I shall in this Chapter discover unto you all the several sorts of Instruments necessary for the Husband­man, and what inconveniencies have been found in some of them; and the Remedies, and what new ways or Methods have been of late discovered to facilitate his labours, as I finde them dispersed in several Authors, and have observed the same in se­veral parts of this Kingdom; this Instrumental part of Agricul­ture being not of the least concernment: And shall also discover unto you several profitable Experiments and Directions in Build­ing, necessary to be known.

SECT. I. Of the several sorts of Ploughs.

And first I shall begin with the Plough, the most necessary Instrument, the chiefest of all Engines (as Gabriel Plat terms it) and happily found out.

There is a very great difference in Ploughs, that there is scarce any sure Rule for the making of them; and every Country, yea almost every County differs, not only in the Ploughs, but even in every part of them.

Ploughs also do not only differ according to the several Cu­stoms of several places, but also as the Lands do differ in strength or weakness, or the different Nature of the Soil.

To describe them all, is not a work for this place; but I will give some brief Descriptions of the more principal sorts of [Page 224] Ploughs of the greatest esteem: And first of the Double-wheeled Double-wheeled Plough. Plough, which is of most constant use in Hartfordshire, and ma­ny other Countries, and is very useful upon all Flinty, Stony, or hard Gravel, or any other hard Land whatsoever: It's esteemed a useful and necessary Plough. These require a greater strength than other Ploughs, and to be used in such places where other English Im­prover. Ploughs will not to any purpose. It is usually drawn with Hor­ses or Oxen two abreast: the Wheels are usually eighteen or twenty inches high; in some places the Furrow-wheel is of a larger circumference than the other that goes on the solid Land.

There is another sort of Double-wheeled Ploughs, called the Turnwrest-Plough. Turnwrest-Plough, which surpasseth for Weight and Clumliness, and is called the Kentish-Plough, being there much used.

The One-wheel Plough is an excellent good one, and you may Single Wheel-Plough. use it on almost any sort of Lands, and is of that shape and form that will admit of more lightness and nimbleness than the other Wheel-ploughs; being the same that Mr. Hartlib speaks of to be Legacy. made near Greenwich, by one who had excellent Corn on bar­ren Land, and yet Ploughed his Land with one Horse.

This Plough neatly made, and very small, hath been drawn English Im­prover. with one Horse, and held by one Man, and ploughed one Acre a day at Sowing-time, in a moist season: There hath been with six good Horses, six Men, and six Ploughs, ploughed six Acres a day at Sowing-time, in light and well-wrought Land. This seems to accord with the Plough used in Hesiod's time, where the Plough man did both guide and drive.

There is a sort of Plough made without either Wheel or Foot, Plain-Plough. described at large by Mr. Blith, to be the most easie going Plough, and of least Workmanship, Burden or Charge, called the Plain-plough, fit for any Lands, unless in irregular extream Land, either for Stones, Roots, or Hardness; and there adviseth to the Double-wheeled Plough, being of strength to supply ex­tremities and cases of necessity.

Mr. Blith describes a double Plough, the one affixed to the side Double Plough. English Im­prover. of the other, that by the help of four Horses and two Men you may Plough a double portion of Land, the one Furrow by the side of the other. This he esteemeth not to be of any great ad­vantage above the other plain Plough, yet may be of good use on some Lands.

There is another sort of Double-Plough much exceeding the Another sort of Double-Plough. other, as Mr. Hartlib in his Legacy testifies of an Ingenious Young Man of Kent, who had two Ploughs fastened together very finely, by the which he ploughed two Furrows at once, one under another; and so stirred up the Land twelve or four­teen inches deep.

This is one of the best additions to the Plough, if throughly prosecuted; for most Land requires a deeper stirring than is or­dinarily given it by the usual way of Ploughing, as is evident by those Experiments that have been made in digging and setting [Page 225] of Corn. This way also comes near that of Digging, and in some cases excels it, because it only looseneth and lightneth the Land to that depth, but doth not bury the upper-crust of the ground so deep as usually is done by Digging. It is also much easier to Plough deep with this Double-Plough, than with the single; because it beareth not so great a burden, but the one part thereof is discharged before the other is taken up.

Some have made a Plough with a Harrow affixed thereto; o­thers Other sorts of Ploughs. have designed a Plough, to Plough, Sow and Harrow all at the same time: But seeing they are of no great advantage to the Husbandman, only invented to satisfie the minds of some Scrutinists, I leave them.

Of all which several sorts of Ploughs, there is great variation in the several parts of them; some differ in length and shape of the Beam, some in the Share, others in the Coulter, and in the Handles. The differences are so many, that no one Ploughman knoweth them all.

The Abuses, Faults and Errours incident to the Plough, are Errours of the Plough. many; some in the Workmen and Drivers, who when they are wedded to an old Erronious Custom, though never so evidently discovered, will not recede from it; or in the Plough it self, as when it is made too big and cumbersome, and disproportioned, the one part too large or too little for the other; and when it is rough, and ill compassed in the Share; when the Handles are too short or too upright, the Irons dull: And many other faults there are which greatly hinder the Husbandmans ease and ad­vantage, and which ought to be remedied. And if you will have your Plough do you service, and gain you advantage, it ought to have these several good properties, or as many of them as you can obtain.

It ought to be well-proportionated for strength, according to Good properties of a Plough. the nature or strength of the ground you are to Plough; that the Irons be sharped, and wear bright. Also the shorter and lesser any Plough is made, having it's true Pitch, with it's true cast on the Shield-board, and short Wrest, and sharp Irons, the far easier.

What else is necessarily requisite in the Plough, you may better finde by your Manual and Ocular Experience, than by all the instructions that can be here given, (as in Plautus) Pluris est oculatus testis unus, quam auriti decem. Yet if you are desirous to read the large Descriptions of the several sorts of Ploughs now in use, with all their diversities of Coulters, Shares, Shield-boards, Wrests, &c. I refer you to the English Improver.

There may be other Ploughs made for several uses not usually known; as lightly to pare off the Turf of soarded Land, as A Turfing-Plough. they usually do that most laborious way with the Breast-plough, to be burnt on heaps after it is turned and dried: This would save the greatest part of the expence of Burn-beating, and be every whit as well, if not better.

I have heard of Ploughs drawn with Mastiff Dogs; others [Page 226] promise much of Ploughs driven by the Winde: but these I e­steem as fruitless to the Husbandman, and rather the Products of Superficial Ingenuity.

Concerning Ploughs or Instruments for the making the Fur­row, sowing the Corn, and covering of it with the same Plough; with the several other uses of that and other Ploughs, you will finde discovered in their proper places. Chap. 4.

SECT. II. Of Carts and Waggons.

There are several sorts of Waggons, Carts, &c. some with four, some with two Wheels; and also for several uses, either for the carrying of Timber, Corn, Dung, or suchlike; all differing the one from the other, according to the several places, whether hilly, level, stony or clayie, or to the several occasions for which they are intended. In some places they are much more curious in the forming of them, making them neater, lighter and slende­rer, as well in the Wheels, as in the other parts of the Cart or Waggon. The Wheels, the more upright or square the Spokes are from the Box or Center, the weaker they are when they come to bear on either side: to that end they make them con­cave or dishing, and also to secure the Wheel from breaking in a fall. The greater the circumference of the Wheel is, the easier Contrary to the opinion of some. is the motion, because the Ring or Bond of the Wheel is the more flat, and doth more easily over-pass any stones, or other ob­structions in the way, and sinks not so easily into the Concavities or defective places of the Earth: Its motion is also slower at the Center; for the greater Wheel of eighteen feet in the circumfe­rence, goeth but once round in the same measure of ground where the lesser Wheel of nine feet in the circumference goeth twice; and so according to the same Rule and proportion, where the difference is greater or lesser: Therefore the lesser the Wheels are of any Cart, Waggon or Plough, the heavier it goes, and more unevenly or jogging. The reason why the Fore-wheels are lesser in a Waggon, is only for its conveniency in turn­ing.

The higher a Cart or Waggon is set, the more apt it is for o­verturning: New sort of Carts. but because the setting of it low, and the height of the Wheels, after the usual way of placing them, cannot consist together; therefore it may prove very commodious to place the Bed of the Cart under the Axle-tree, at such distance as the depth or shallowness of the ways or waters you are to go through will bear; for by this means part of the weight will be under the Axle-tree, which will so far counterpoise what is above, that it will very much prevent the over-turning or over­setting the Cart or Waggon: For we evidently see, that the higher a Load lieth, whether it be Hay, Corn, Straw, &c. the easier it over-sets; and the lower it lies, as stones, metals, &c. [Page 227] the more rarely, if you make the Tail of the Cart or Waggon turning upwards, I cannot perceive any inconvenience can a­rise from this way.

They are much more curious in making of them in some pla­ces, than in other; as in Holland they make them very neat and light; one Horse shall effect as much with a slender, neat, and light Cart and Wheels, as two shall with a cumbersome heavy one.

In China, Waggons are made to pass frequently with Sails, like Waggon with Sails. Ships, (as Historiographers relate.) It's probable their Winds are more certain and constant, and their ways more level than they are here. In Holland a Waggon was lately framed, which with Hartlib 's Le­gacy. ordinary Sails carried thirty people sixty English miles in four hours: I have seen much done of this nature, and more might be done, as to make a Cart or Waggon move against the winde; and the more the winde blows, the faster it shall move against it, by the help of the Perpetual Skrew, &c. But these being not to our present purpose of advantage, I shall leave to others.

SECT. III. Of several other Instruments used in Digging, &c.

The Trenching-plough or Coulter is a certain Instrument u­sed Of the Trench­ing Plough. in Meadow or Pasture-ground, to cut out the sides of Tren­ches, Carriages or Drains; or it is used in cutting out the sides of Turf, for the taking of it up whole, to the intent to lay it down again in the same or some other place: It is only a long stale or handle, with a Button at the end for ones hand, and at the other end it turns upwards, like the foot of a Plough, to slide on the ground; in which bend must be placed a Coulter or Knife of that length you intend the Turf to be in depth.

Several fashions there are of them, some with one Wheel, some with two, some with none; you may make them as you please.

There are many sorts of Spades, according to the diversities Of Spades. of places, and the several occasions and humours of men.

One sort is made very thin, light and sharp, with a Socket to Turfing-spade. put the Stail in, like the Hedging-bill; the Bit very short, and not very broad; in shape much like a Spade in Cards; of very great use to some (though hardly known to others) to under-cut the Turf after it is marked out with the Trenching-plough, which it doth with much ease and expedition.

For the cutting Trenches in watery, clayie or Morish Lands, Trenching-spade. they usually use a Spade, with a Langet or Fin like a knife, turn­ed up by the side of the Spade; and sometimes on both sides, to divide the Clay or moist Earth, and cut the small Roots that it come clean away.

The ordinary Spade is made several ways; but the most com­mendable Common spades. are the lightest and thinnest wrought, not wanting their due strength: the cleaner they are kept, the better they work.

The How is an Instrument of very great use, and it is great pi­ty The How. it's no more used. If the spare-times of the year (except when the Earth is frozen) were but made use of to How the several creeks, corners, and patches of your Land, it would undoubtedly prove a very great Improvement. More hereof in their proper Chap. 4. places.

Besides the Spade and How, and their kinds, there are several Other Instru­ments used in Digging, &c. other Instruments used by the Husbandman for the grubbing and raising of Trees both great and small, and Bushes, Brakes, &c. and for the making holes and passages in hard and stony Lands for several occasions, and for the loading and spreading of Dung, Earth, &c.

As Mattocks, Pick-axes, or Grubbing-axes; and also the great Instrument described by Mr. Platt, for the quick riddance of Shrubs, Broom, and suchlike, mentioned before, Chap. 10. The Iron-crow, or Iron-bar, are not to be wanting: Also Shovels, the Dung-fork, Mole-spades, or Paddle-staffs, you will some­times have occasion for.

SECT. IV. Other various Instruments.

He that goes a borrowing, goes a sorrowing, is an old and true Proverb: Therefore it behoves our Husbandman that intends to thrive, to possess or furnish himself with all things necessary, and of present necessity for his Occupation, that he may not put himself to the trouble of borrowing, nor the damage he is like­ly to sustain for want of, nor the scorn or disgrace of being de­nied any thing he wants.

That you may not be forgetful of any, or at least of the most useful and necessary Instruments, besides the fore-mentioned, I will enumerate such as come into my minde, and advise you to add what you finde deficient, and let them be all placed in their proper places; according to Xenophon's advice: Supellex & In­strumenta varia Rustica, suo quaeque loco & ordine disposita, in promptu sint quoties vel promenda vel requisita seponenda sunt.

  • Belonging to the Arable and Field-land, are
    • Harrows.
    • Drags.
    • Forks.
    • Sickles.
    • Reap-hooks.
    • Weed-hooks.
    • Pitchforks.
    • Rakes.
    • Plough-staff and Beetle.
    • Sleds.
    • Roller.
    • Mold-spears and Traps.
    • Cradle-sythes.
    • Seed-lip.
  • To the Barn and Stable
    • Flails.
    • Ladders.
    • Winnowing-fan.
    • Measures for Corn.
    • [Page 229]Sieves and Rudders.
    • Brooms.
    • Sacks.
    • Skeps or Scuttles.
    • Bins.
    • Pails.
    • Curry-combs.
    • Main-combs.
    • Whips.
    • Goads.
    • Harneys for Horses, and
    • Yokes for Oxen.
    • Pannels.
    • Wanteys.
    • Pack-saddles.
    • Sussingles.
    • Cart-lines.
    • Skrein for Corn.
  • To Meadows and Pastures.
    • Sythes.
    • Rakes.
    • Pitchforks and Prongs.
    • Fetters, and Clogs, and Shac­kles.
    • Cutting-Spade for Hay-reeks.
    • Horse-locks.
  • Other necessary Instruments.
    • Hand-barrows.
    • Wheel-barrows.
    • Dibbles.
    • Hammer and Nails.
    • Pincers.
    • Sissers.
    • Bridle and Saddle.
    • Nail-piercers or Gimlets.
    • Hedging-hooks and Bills.
    • Garden-sheers.
    • A Grindstone.
    • Whetstones.
    • Hatchets and Axes.
    • Sawes.
    • Beetle and Wedges.
    • Leavers.
    • Shears for Sheep.
    • Trowels for House and Garden.
    • Hod and Tray.
    • Hog-yokes and Rings.
    • Marks for Beasts and Utensils.
    • Scales and Weights.
    • An Aul, and every other thing necessary.

SECT. V. Of Amendments and Profitable Experiments in Building.

As the Manners and Customs of Men are in every Age refi­ned, and tend more and more to Purity and Perfection in these Northern and formerly-rude and salvage Countries, or rather grow more exact, and imitate the other more Southerly and first civilized parts in Language, Manners, Arts and Sciences; so do they also endeavour to reform their most gross, undigested, and ill-contrived Structures and Edifices, not only in Cities and Towns, but in their Country-Villages also, that we now com­pare some of our Cities and Towns with most of theirs, and even excel them in several; and that not a few of our most suavious and delectable Rural Seats, as well for their Magnificent, Regu­lar, and Artificial Structures, and most Ingenious contrivances, as in their most salubrious, convenient, and pleasant Scituations.

And for the future, were but the Rules of Architecture duly observed, and those new and compleat Methods and Models contrived for Building, and the Scituations of places, according to the best judgments taken notice of in such Buildings that [Page 230] may hereafter be raised, either de Novo, or in the restoring or re­edifying of our ancient and decayed Seats in our Country-Vil­lages, our England in a few Ages would appear a Kingdom be­set and adorned in every part with curious and admirable Habi­tations, possessed with Noble and Ingenious Inhabitants; and would at large represent to the view of all, what Middlesex it's Epitome now doth; and would contract the envy of other Nati­ons, as the Land of Canaan formerly did.

Therefore let me advise all such that are willing or necessita­ted to Build, that they sit down and consider of the manner and Method of Building, as well as of the charge and expence; and that they will make choise of such Surveyors and Workmen that understand what they go about, and not be guided or perswa­ded by such that are wedded to an old deformed Custom, who will in no wise consent to a more compleat way, although it be much more Beautiful and Regular, and also with less materials, and cheaper, and more convenient than the other, for no other reason but that it is a Novel, and not as our Forefathers did be­fore us, yet perhaps are willing to bestow expence enough up­on it in inriching it, although but with little skill or Art. But I suppose it is better to erect that which will be pleasing to, and content both Wise-men and Fools, then that though done by the same cost and expence, which will only please Fools.

This is a digression from our intended design, and here insert­ed only to perswade such that intend any store of Building, to make use of such Authors and persons that understand that Art, which in this place we do not undertake to teach, only shall give the Husbandman a few general Rules and Directions that I have casually met withal, about the scituation and building of a plain Country-seat, and the building of Walls, Barns, Mills, &c.

Praedium Rusticum bonum Coelum habeat, &c.

Let your Country-house have a good Air, and not open to Tem­pests, The scituation of a House. seated in a good Soil; let it therein excel, if you can; let it stand under a hill, and behold the South, in a healthy place; let there be no want of Workmen or Labourers; let there be good water, and let it stand near some City or Market-Town, or the Sea, or some Navigable River, or have a good Road or way from it. Thus Cato advises.

Little more can be said, but that Woods also as well as water may be near it, they being the principal things that adorn a Country Habitation: But if you cannot conveniently seat your House amongst the Trees, yet are there few places but you may raise speedily Trees about your House, as before we directed; it Chap. 6. being far better to have your House defended by Trees than Hills; for these yield a cooling, refreshing, sweet and healthy Air and Shade, during the heat of Summer, and very much break the cold winds and Tempests from every Coast in the [Page 231] Winter. The other, according as they are scituated, defend only from some certain winds; and if they are on the North-side of your House, as they defend you from that Air in the Winter, so do they deprive you of it in the Summer; if they are on the South-side, it otherwise proves as inconvenient. Besides, they yield not the pleasures and contentments, nor the varieties of Oblectations to the Ingenious Rustick, as the tall plumps of Trees and pleasant Groves do; yet are Hills cloathed with Cop­pices, or otherwise improved, pleasant objects, so that they stand not too near your House.

Let not your House be too low seated, lest you loose the con­veniency of Cellars: but if you cannot but build on low grounds, set the lower Floor of your House the higher, to sup­ply the want in your Cellar of what you cannot sink in the ground; for in such low and moist grounds, it conduceth much to the driness and healthiness of the Air, to have Cellars under the House, so that the Floors be good and sieled underneath.

It is very inconvenient to build Barns, Stables, or suchlike places too near to your House, because Cattle, Poultry, and suchlike, require to be kept near them; which would then an­noy your House. Let your Garden joyn to one, if not more sides of your House; for what can be more pleasant for the most part of the year, than to look out at the Windows of your Parler and Chambers into a Garden? What sides of your House are not joyning to your Garden, let there be Courts or Yards kept from Cattle, Poultry, &c. and planted with Trees, to shade, defend, and refresh your House; and the Walls also planted with Vines, and other Fruits.

Not to speak of the building of Palaces or Seats for the Nobi­lity Securest and cheapest way of Building a House. or Gentry, but only of plain and ordinary Farm-houses, I have thus much observed, that Houses built too high in places obvious to the winds, and not well defended by Hills or Trees, require more materials to build them, and more also of repara­tions to maintain them; and are not so commodious to the In­habitants, as the lower-built Houses, which may be made at a much easier rate, and also as compleat and beautiful as the other. In building of a House long, you loose the use of some Rooms, and it takes up more for Entries and Passages, and requires more doors: and if it be four-square, there must needs be light want­ing in some part thereof, more than if it be built like an H, or some other suchlike Figure; which maketh it stand better and firmer against the winds, and Light and Air come every way to it; every Room is near the one to the other. The Offices, as the Kitchin, Dairy-rooms, Brewing and Baking-rooms, are near unto the Hall, which only divides between those and the Par­lers, &c. Several Descriptions and Draughts of Foundations could I give you here, were not the cutting of them too costly for so Rustick a work to bear. The Walls, where Brick may be had, are best and most securely raised with it, and with little cost, if you raise firm and strong Columns at the corners of your [Page 232] House, of strength sufficient to support the Roof or main Beams: you may build them square, and between them may you raise the Walls with the same materials, and work them up toge­ther with the Corners or Columns, leaving the one half of the extraordinary breadth of the Column without, and the other within the Wall; whereby you will save much cost and charges both in materials and workmanship, and yet your house be firm and strong.

The heavier any Covering is to a House, the greater is the Best covering for a House. expence in raising the whole Frame or Building to support it, and the sooner doth it require reparations; therefore healing with Lead or flat Stone is not to be approved of, by reason of its weight, where Earthen Tile, Slate, or Shingle may be had: Next unto Lead or Stone, Tiles made of Clay are the heaviest, and most in use.

Pantiles, such as come from Holland, are the best and lightest covering of any sort of Tiles; and it is to be admired at, that another Nation can transport so Earthy a Commodity, and pay all duties, &c. and sell them at our own doors at a cheaper rate than we can make them; and yet have we as good materials, and Fuel more plentiful than they.

A Composition of Clay, Sand, &c. is easily made for Tiles, Of Tiles, Bricks, &c. that shall make them not only thinner and lighter, but also stron­ger and more durable, if Ingenious men would undertake it; which are rare to be found in so dirty, yet necessary an Occupa­tion; which would save very much charge and materials in Building, if it were truly prosecuted.

The same may be said of Bricks, &c. and with such a Com­position may be made in Molds, all Window-frames for a House of different work and magnitudes, and Chimney-pieces, and Frames for doors, &c. in several pieces made in Molds, that when they are burnt, may be set together with a fine red Ce­ment, and seem to be as one entire piece; whereby may be imi­tated all Stone-work now used in Building, and it will very well supply its defect where Stones are scarce and dear; and al­so may save very much Timber which is now used in Brick-building, and appear much more compleat and beautiful, and be of more strength and of longer continuance than Timber or ordinary Brick, and is very feasible; as we may perceive by the Earthen-pipes made fine, thin and durable, to carry water under the ground at Portsmouth; and by the Earthen-backs and Grates for Chimneys, made by Sir John Winter formerly at Charing-Oross, of a great bigness and thickness; which are evident and sufficient demonstrations of the possibility of making work fine, thin and light, for Tiles either plain or crooked, and for the making of great work in Molds, and the through burning of them for Doors, Windows, and Chimney-frames, &c.

This is one of the most feasible and beneficial Operations that I know in England to be neglected.

Where either Tiles are scarce, or Timber not very plenty, [Page 233] that you would have your House but lightly covered, Shingles Of Shingles. are to be preferred before Thatch; and if they are made of good Oak, and slit or cleft out, and then well seasoned in the water and Sun, they become a sure, light, and durable covering.

Where it may be had, the thin blew Slate seems to be the best Slate. covering, being very light and lasting.

This is a common covering in most parts, yet is some to be Thatch. preferred before others; the best that I have seen is that which is called Helm, that is, long and stiff Wheat-straw (with the Ears cut off) bound up in bundles unbruised, which well laid lies thin, lasts long, and is much neater than the common way.

It is an usual thing to see thick and tall walls to fall, either by Of Building of Stone or Brick-walls. reason of the weakness of the foundation, the weight of the wall, or the decay of the Cement or Morter through Age; which hath provoked several to great and unnecessary expences in lay­ing deeper and stronger Foundations, and in making the walls much thicker than usual; when all that extraordinary cost might be saved, by taking notice of these few Observations.

First, that streight walls, though thick, and seemingly strong, yet either by the falseness of the ground, or being obvious to high winds, or the decay of the Morter, are apt to lean or fall.

Secondly, that walls built crooked, though thin and weak, are yet more lasting than a streight wall.

Thirdly, that a wall built over a River on Pillars or Arches, stands as firm as the rest of the wall, whose Foundation is en­tire; as I have in several places observed.

Which plainly demonstrates unto us, that a wall built up much thinner than usual, having at every twenty foot distance (or suchlike, as you think fit) an Angle set out about two foot or more, according as the wall is in height, or having at such di­stance a Column or Pillar erected with the wall six or eight inches or more on each side over and above the thickness of the rest of the wall, the Foundation of such jetting out or Column being firmly laid, that it must of necessity strengthen the wall much more, than if five times the materials used in these Jettings or Columns were used in the wall being streight; which most evidently saves you a great part of your expence, and your wall much more firm and compleat: for if it be a wall for Fruit-trees, these Nooks or Corners in the Jettings out, whether Angu­lar or Semicircular, are secure places for the more tender Trees; or if they are Columns or Pillars, they make the wall much the warmer, by breaking the motion of the Winde or Air that pas­seth by it: And these Foundations laid secure, although at that distance, support the wall in loose and false ground, as though it were entire; but if the ground be very loose, you may project an Arch from each Foundation, though obscurely.

It is a great injury to our Buildings, that our Cement is no Of Morter. better: in former Ages, when they built with small and unequal stones, their Cement or Morter far exceeded ours, as is most e­vident in the ruines of old Monasteries, Castles, &c. where [Page 234] their Morter is far harder than in any of our more Modern Buildings.

It is a great errour in Masons, Bricklayers, &c. to let the Lime slacken and cool before they make up their Morter, and also to let their Morter cool and die before they use it; also their stone they let be moist before they use them: Therefore if you expect your work to be well done, and long to continue, work up your Lime quick, and but little at a time, that the Morter may not lie long before it be used; and also with dry stone, for which the Summer is principally to be elected.

For Brick, if it be in the Winter-time, let them be laid dry; if in the Summer-time, wet: It will quit your cost to imploy a Boy to wet them in the Summer, for they will unite with the Morter the better.

The Lime it self also in some places is very weak, being made of soft Chalk-stones; the other that is made of harder, is much to be preferred.

In former Ages they cut their Timber in the Winter-time, Of Timber. when the Sap was most out of it: but now, by reason of the scarceness of Oak (the principal Timber) our Statutes oblige us to fell it in the Summer for the Bark, being necessary for Tan­ners, &c. by which means our Timber shrinks, chaps, and decays much more and sooner than otherwise it would do; which in­conveniences in square-Timber are not so apparent as in Plank, Board, or suchlike broad and thin work; therefore, in such ca­ses, it requires some kinde of seasoning or other to prevent them: if you lay them in the Sun or Winde, they chap, or shrink, or cast.

The best remedy in that case, is to lay them in a Pool or Run­ning Stream a few days, to extract the Sap that remains in them; and afterwards dry them in the Sun or Air, and they will nei­ther chap, cast, nor cleave. Against shrinking there is no re­medy.

When Timber or Boards are well seasoned or dried in the Sun or Air, and fixed in their places, and what labour you intend is bestowed on them, the use of Linseed-oyl, Tar, or suchlike Olea­ginous matter, tends much to their preservation and duration. Hesiod prescribes to hang your Instruments in the smoak, to make them strong and lasting; temonem in fumo poneres: sure­ly then the Oyl of Smoak, or the Vegetable Oyl, by some other means obtained, must needs be effectual in the preservation of Timber. Also Virgil adviseth the same.

Et suspensa focis exploret robora fumus.

In Ancient times they bruised their Corn in Morters; since Of Mills. which most tedious and incompleat way, Mills have been in­vented, some to be used by hands, as Querns, others to be moved by Horses, others by the Winde, and others by the Wa­ter; which last being maintained with least cost, more certainty, [Page 235] and most advantage, hath gained the Preheminence, and is made use of in every place, where there is water fit for that purpose, and where there is imployment, although a little for the ease and conveniency of the near Inhabitants, and for the particular advantage of the Owner, yet very much to the detriment and damage of the Kingdom in general, by injurious obstructions of water, to the spoiling of much Meadow-ground, and by the preventing the use of the water for that most advantagious im­provement of over-flowing or drowning of Land; which upon the removal of these Mills might be done, and the Corn as well ground to serve every ones occasions,

Either by Windmills, which may be erected on Hills in Hilly places, and in Plains on any open place, where the winde may as well grinde all your Corn in places where the Water-mills now stand, as in other places where are only Winde-mills for many miles together.

Or by the Rectification of Water-mills, that a less quantity of water may do that which now requires a greater; to which end many have made very Ingenious attempts, and without question may much be done in it, both in the framing and ordering the Water-works, (which we will pass by) and in the contrivance of the Mill it self, which doubtless goes much heavier by the Stone they call the Runner; its being so large, and its being incompas­sed with a Hoop or Case that keeps the Meal to the edge or cir­cumference of the Stone, and much deads its motion: The larger the Runner is, the heavier it moves; which may in some mea­sure be remedied, by making four or five vents or passages in se­veral places of the Hoop, to take off the Meal as fast as it is ground, that none may lie to clog the Runner.

Or a Mill may probably be so contrived, that the Grinding-stone or Runner may be Vertical, and of but a small circumfe­rence; the flat and square edge whereof may be fitted into ano­ther fixed stone cut hollow, about the half or third part of a Circle; which Runner, by its first motion, may dispatch as much Corn in the same time, as a larger the other way. Several also of these Vertical Stones may be on the same Axis; this may be used in all the said sorts of Mills.


Of Fowling and Fishing.

SECT. I. Of Fowling in General.

FOrasmuch as most Farms and Country-habitations lie near 1 Of Fowling. unto the Sea, great Rivers, large Fens, Marshes, &c. to which are great resorts of Water-fowl, or else are well furnished with Land-fowl, either of which are very profitable to the Husbandman: Wherefore it may not be amiss to add some ge­neral directions for the taking of them; which will redound to his advantage, not only for their Carkasses, but for that many sorts of the Land-fowl are somewhat injurious to his Husbandry.

It is generally observed, that Water-fowl are in their own na­ture the most subtil and wisest of Birds, and most careful of their own safety; to which end they do form themselves into an or­derly Body or Camp, and have their Scouts and Sentinels at a distance, to give notice of the approach of an Enemy; which they suddenly do by a certain Watch-word, which will oblige you to be more cautious and careful than ordinary in your en­deavouring to surprize them.

It is needless here to particularize the several Haunts of each The Haunts of Water-fowl. sort of Water-fowl, seeing there are few that have Lands haunt­ed with them, but they know anear in what parts they most u­sually frequent. The one sort that are not Web-footed, as the Heron, Bittern, &c. delight most in shallow waters, and boggy Fenny places. The other sort that swim, as the Wilde-goose, Duck, Widgeon, &c. delight most in Rivers, large and deep wa­ters, &c. where they may have plenty of water, and swim un­disturbed of Man or Beast; and especially where the water is least subject to Freeze.

The Wilde-goose delights very much in green Winter-corn: Therefore in such Lands that are near the water may you finde them.

Most of these Fowl have their Day-haunts and their Night-haunts; for in the Day-time they usually retire to some secure place where they may confidently rest themselves: In the Even­ing they take to their best feeding-places, and small green streams, where they dare not appear in the day.

SECT. II. Of taking the greater sort of Fowl with Nets.

Let your Nets be made of the best Packthread, with great and large Mashes; for the larger they are, the better, and the more surely do they intangle them; so that they be not too big to let the Fowl creep through them.

Let the Nets be about two fathom deep, and six in length: Verge your Net on each side with very strong cord, and extend it at each end on long Poles; so that the two lower ends of the Poles may be fastened with a piece of Line to two Stakes dri­ven into the ground, at such place where you have observed to be the Morning-haunts or feeding places of these Fowl: being there, place your Net two hours before they come; then at a­bout two or three fathom beyond the Net, in a right line from the two Stakes, fix one end of the cord that the upper part of the Net was extended upon, holding in your hand the other end, which must be at least ten or twelve fathom long; which on the appearance of Game within the Verge of the Net, you may suddenly pull, and cast the Net over them. Let the Net be spread smooth and flat on the ground, and strewed over with Grass, Sedge, or suchlike, to hide it from the Fowl; and place your self in some shelter of Grass, Fern, or suchlike: If you have a Stale, you may place it within the Verge of the Net, which will very much conduce to the encrease of your sport, which you may continue till the Sun be near an hour high; for after that time their feeding in those places is over, until about Sun­set again.

The Form of a Draw-Net.

If your Net be large, and set for great Fowl, one of them will be as much as you can conveniently throw over them; but if you set for small Birds, then two small Nets may be placed after this manner.

SECT. III. Of the taking small Water-fowl with Nets.

Let these Nets be made of small and strong Packthread, the Mashes proportionable according to the Fowl you designe to take: Let the Net be about two foot and a half deep, and of length according to the breadth of the River, or other waters you intend to place them in, and the Net lined on both sides with false Nets of Mashes eighteen inches square each way; that when the Fowl strike, they may pass through the first Net, and be intangled between them both.

Slake this Net athwart the River, the bottom being plumbed, that it may sink about six inches, and the upper part so strained, that it may lie slantwise against the current of the water, about two foot above the water; but let the strings which support the upper side of the Net, be fastened to small yielding sticks prickt in the bank, yielding a little as the Fowl strikes against the Net, the better to intangle them. Place several of these Nets at several distances on the River; and in the night, if any Fowl fall near them, you may be confident of your share.

The better to accomplish your designe, deter them from pla­ces that lie remote where the Fowl usually haunt, by shooting at them, which will make them take to the River you have thus prepared.

SECT. IV. Of taking great Fowl with Lime-twigs.

Besides the Art of taking Fowl with Nets, there is a very ingenious way of taking them with Bird-lime, which seems to be very Ancient; for Pliny, who lived above 1600 years since, not only mentions the use of it in liming of Twigs to catch Birds withal, but the manner how the Italians prepared the same, of the Berries of the Misseltoe, of Trees gathered in the Summer-time before they were ripe; and then macerating, pu­trifying, pounding and washing it, until fit for use; which also they mix with Nut-Oyl, as in his Natural History, lib. 16. you may read. But seeing that that way of making Bird-lime is not in use with us, I shall not trouble you with the whole Process, especially seeing that we have here in England a more easie and effectual way of preparing it with the Bark of that common and so well known Tree, the Holly; which Preparation is thus: Take the Bark of that Tree about the end of June, at which To make Bird-time. time it is full of Sap, and fitter for your purpose; fill your Ves­sel with it that you intend to boil it in, then add thereto of clear water as much as the Vessel will conveniently hold, and boil it so long, until the grey and white Bark rise from the [Page 239] green; which will be about twelve or sixteen hours: Then take it off the fire, and gently decant or pour the water from the Barks, and separate the grey and white Barks from the green, which lay on a Stone, or Stone-floor, in some Cellar or moist or cool place, and cover it over with Fern, or other green weeds, to a good thickness, the better to accelerate its putrifaction; which will be accomplished in twelve or fourteen days time, and sometimes less, and it reduced to a perfect Mucilage: then pound it well in a large Morter with an wooden Pestle, until it be so tempered, that no part of the Bark be discerned unbruised. After which wash it exceeding well in clear water, by renewing the water and your pains so often, that no foulness or Motes re­main in it; and put it into a deep Earthen Vessel, where it will purge it self for four or five days together: Then scum it clean as its filth arises; and when it hath done purging, put it into a clean Vessel, and keep it close for use.

The Bark of the Birch-tree is by some affirmed to make as good Lime, as that of the Holly, being the same way to be pre­pared; so that you may try or use which is most easie to come by. Also you need not boil either of the Barks, if you give it longer time to putrifie; for the boiling is only to accelerate pu­trifaction.

When you intend to use it, take as much of it as you think fit, and put it into an Earthen-pot, with a third part of Capons­grease or Goose-grease well clarified, and set it over the fire, and let them melt together: Stir them until they are throughly in­corporated; and so continue stirring off the Fire, till it be cold.

If you fear the freezing of your Bird-lime, add in your last mixture a quarter as much of the Oyl Petrolium, as you do of the Goose or Capons-grease, and no cold will congeal it.

When your Lime is cold, take your Rods and warm them; then a little besmear the Rods with your Line, and draw the Rods the one from the other, and close them again. Work them thus continually together, until they are all over equally besmeared.

If you lime Straws or Strings, you must do it when the Lime is hot, and at the thinnest, by folding and doubling them together before the fire; and fold and work them, till it be all over throughly limed: Put these in Cases of Leather until you use them.

When you intend to use your Bird-lime for great Fowl, take of Rods long, small and streight, being light, and yielding eve­ry way; Lime the upper parts of them before the Fire, that it may the better besmear them.

Then go where these Fowl usually haunt, whether it be their Morning or Evening haunt, an hour or two before they come, and plant your Twigs or Rods about a foot distance one from the other, that they cannot pass them without being intangled; and so plant over the place where their haunt is, leaving a place in the middle wide enough for your Stale to flutter in, [Page 240] without falling foul of the Twigs; which Stale you do well to provide and place there, the better to attract those of its own kinde to your snares: from which Stale you must have a small string to some convenient place at a distance where you may lie concealed, and by plucking the string, cause it to flutter; which will allure down the Fowl in view.

Prick the Rods sloap-wise against the winde, about a foot a­bove the ground or water; and if you see any taken, surprize them not suddenly if any more are in view, for by their flutter­ing others will be induced to fall in amongst them.

A Spaniel that is at command, will be necessary to re-take them that might otherwise escape out of your reach, these Fowl being very strong.

If you place your Twigs for the lesser Water-fowl, as Duck, For smaller Water-fowl. Mallard, Widgeon, Teal, &c. you must fit your Rods according to the depth of the water, and your Lime must be such as no wet nor Frost can prejudice; the limed part must be above the water. Here also it will be necessary to have a Stale of the same Fowl you intend to insnare.

SECT. V. Of taking Fowl with Springes.

Most of the Cloven-footed Water-fowl delight in Plashes, Wa­ter, Furrows, small Rivolets, and suchlike places, seeking for Worms, Flat-grass, Roots, and the like, in the Winter-time, e­specially in frosty weather, when many other places are frozen up, and these warm Springly Water-tracts are open; where you must place Springes made of Horse-hair, of bigness and length according to the greatness of the Fowl you designe to take; for the Heron or Bittern, it must be of near a hundred Horse-hairs, and above two foot in length; for the Woodcock, Snipe, Plo­ver, &c. not above eight or ten Horse-hairs, and one foot in length: the Main Plant, or Sweeper, must be also proportiona­ble to the strength of the Fowl. For the manner of the making and setting them, I question not but every place will furnish you with Directors, (if you know it not already) which is much easier and better than any written Instructions. Observe also, that you prick small sticks, in manner of a Hedge, cross­wise, athwart all the other by-passages, about half an inch apart, and somewhat above a handful above the water or ground, sloap­ing towards the place where your Springe is placed, the better to guide (which is easily done) the Fowl into the Snare: for such is their nature, that they will not press over, where they have li­berty to pass through any gap. If the places where these Fowl usually haunt be frozen, you must make Plashes; and the harder the Frost is in other places, the greater will the resort of Fowl be here.

SECT. VI. Killing of Fowl with the Fowling-piece.

There are many places where Fowl settle and feed at some­times, yet so uncertain, that the former ways are useless: and there are also many places wherein you may not have the con­veniency or liberty to make use of the said ways of taking Fowl; yet there may you at opportune times meet with a good shot with your Fowling-piece, the length and bore of which ought to be proportionable the one to the other, and both to your strength, and the place you use it in.

Let your Powder be of the best sort, as new as you can, for with bad keeping it looseth its strength exceedingly; therefore let it be kept as dry as may be: Let it be well dried when you use it, and clean from dust; it hath the more strength, and less fouleth your Piece. Let your Shot be well sized, not too great, for then it flies, but thin and scattering; nor too small, the Bird being apt to fly away within it, having not weight nor strength to enter far.

Shot being usually above the value of ordinary Lead, and in many places not to be had of the sizes you have most occasion for; I shall therefore here set down the true Process of making of it, of what size you please under Mould-shot.

Take Lead of what quantity you please, melt it down in an Iron To make Shot. Vessel, stir and clear it with an Iron Ladle, taking off all its impu­rities that swim at the top: When it is so hot as that the colour of the Lead begin to be greenish, and not before, strew upon it Auri­pigmentum powdered fine, as much as will lie on a Shilling, to twelve or fifteen pound of Lead; some will require more: then stir the Lead well, and the Auripigmentum will flame. Let your Iron Ladle have a Lip or Notch in the brim, for the more con­venient pouring out of the Lead; and let the Ladle remain in the melted Lead, for the most part, that it may be of a heat a­greeable to the Lead, to prevent inconveniencies that may o­therwise happen through its being over-hot, or too cold: Then take out a little of the Lead in your Ladle for an Essay, and cause it to drop out of it into a Glass of Water; which if the drops prove to be round, and without Tails, there is Auripigmentum enough in it, and the temper of the heat is as it ought to be; but if the congealed drops or shot prove not round, but with Tails, then add more of the Auripigmentum, and augment the heat, until you finde it right.

Then take a Copper-plate, about the size of an ordinary Trencher-plate, with a Concavity in the middle about three inches Diameter, perforated with about thirty or forty small holes, greater or lesser, according as you would have your shot to be: This Concave bottom should be thin, but the thicker the brim is, the better will it retain the heat. Place this Plate on [Page 242] two Bars, or other Iron-frame, over a Tub or Pail of water, about four inches from the water, and lay on the Plate burning Coals, to keep the Lead melted upon it.

Then with your Ladle take off your Lead, and pour it gently on the Coals on the middle of the Plate, and it will make its way through the holes in the bottom of the Plate into the water, and fall into round drops. Thus continue your Operation till all the Lead be passed through the Plate, blowing the Coals to keep them alive, that the Lead may not cool on the Plate, and stop the holes.

Whilest you are thus pouring on your Lead, another (Stan­der-by) may take another Ladle, and put it four or five inches in the water under the bottom of the Plate, and catch some of the Shot as it drops down, and see what faults are in it, that you may stop your hand until they are rectified.

The greatest care is to keep the Lead on the Plate, in so mo­derate a degree of heat, that it be not too cool to stop the holes, nor too hot, which will make the drops crack and fly: if it be too cool, blow the Coals a little; if too hot, stay your hand until it be a little cooler: the cooler it is, the larger will be your shot; the hotter, the smaller. As near as you can, observe the right temper of the heat, and you will have very round shot without any tails.

Then take your shot and dry them over the fire with a gentle heat, always stirring them that they melt not; and when they are dry, you may separate the small from the great in Sieves made for that purpose, according to the several sizes they are of: But if you would have them very large, you may with a stick make the Lead trickle out of the Ladle into the water with­out the Plate.

If the Lead stop on the Plate, and yet not too cool, give the Plate a little knock, and it will drop again. Be sure let there be none of your Instruments Greasie, Oyly, or the like. When you have separated your shot, if any of it proves too great, or too small, or not round, preserve them for the next Operation.

Thus having your Fowling-piece, your Powder and Shot rea­dy, with your Spaniel well instructed, and at command, not da­ring to stir till you bid him; then are you fit for a walk towards your Game. If you are directly between the Winde and the Fowl, they will be apt to scent you; therefore it's best to go a­gainst the winde, or aside it: it's better to shoot at one side of them, than before or behinde them; for if you break a Wing, you are sure of that Fowl.

It's best to get as much shelter as you can by Hedges, Banks or Trees: for the sight or smell of a man raises them, whatever danger of Hawks or any thing else be near.

But if they are so shie, and the place so free from shelter, that Stalking-horse. there be no way to come at them fairly, then you must lead forth your Stalking-horse, being some Old Jade trained up for that purpose, and that will be led in your hand as you please, and not [Page 243] startle much at the report of a Gun; behinde whose shoulders you must shelter your self, and take your aim before his shoul­ders, and under his neck, which is better than under his belly.

If you have not such a Beast ready, you may make an Artifi­cial Artificial Stalking horse. one of any old Canvas, in shape like a Horse feeding on the ground. You may make it double, and stuff it; or single, and painted of a brown colour like a Horse: Let it be made on a sharp stick, that you may fix it into the ground as you have oc­casion, when you take your Level.

It must be so light, that you may carry it in one hand, and high enough to conceal your body from the Fowl. You may also make an Artificial Oxe or Cow, which you may use for a change, that when your Horse is discovered through much use, you may change for the other, and so make your Sport dure the longer: Or you may make Artificial Stags or Bucks with their real horns on them, which will be best in such grounds where those Creatures frequent, and with whom the Fowl are more familiar.

You may either make the representation of a Tree in Canvas, Artificial Trees. and painted like one, and so spread with small sticks that it may somewhat resemble a Tree, or you may with many Boughs so form a Tree, that it may shelter you from the view of the Fowl, making it with a Spike at the bottom, that it may stick into the ground when you aim at your Game.

A short Digression concerning Decoy-Ponds.

Falling into this discourse concerning Water-fowl, I cannot omit to give you some incouragement to prosecute this most in­grossing way of taking them by Decoys; that, which unless seen or known, may seem incredible, how a few subtil Fowl should be able to draw, decoy, or trapan such multitudes of their own Kinde into a known Snare, and there leave them to their unfortunate ends; such unnaturalness being not to be pa­rallelled in any other Creature whatsoever. They are a peculiar Species of that kinde of Fowl, and are from the Egg trained up to come to hand. The manner of doing it, and the making of the Pond, and the several apartments belonging unto it, requires a skilful Artist, and not Book-directions.

That they are of considerable advantage, is not to be doubt­ed, there being many of them erected in the Maritime parts of this Kingdom, the gain whereof is from the vast numbers of them taken in the Winter-time, which are supplied from the more Northern Regions, whence the Frost, Ice and Snow, ba­nish them into the more Southern. The Decoys flying abroad light into their company, and soon become acquainted with them, and allure them, being strangers; and they willing to follow them in hopes of good quarters, are by these Decoys brought into the very place, where they become sufficient re­ward to the owner of the Decoy, and great supply to the ad­jacent Markets.

I may also subjoyn, that in those Countries where the Wilde-Duck To finde Duck-Eggs. breedeth, you may go into the Fens, Marshes, or places with a Spaniel, or other Beating-dog; and where the Dog puts up any Duck, or you otherwise finde a Nest with many Eggs in it, in the Moneth of March, before Sitting-time, you may take them away out of the Nest with an Iron Ladle (lest you handle or breathe on the Eggs, and the Duck by your scent forsake her Nest) leaving two or three in it, to incourage her to lay a­gain there; which she will do, it being their nature to lay till the Nest be full: So once a week you may fetch them away, ta­king the oldest away as near as you can. Let the handle of your Ladle be of wood, about two or three foot long, that you may not go too near. These Eggs may you set under your Hens or Ducks at home, the encrease whereof are much to be prefer­red to the Eggs of tame Ducks: only observe, that if they have opportunity, they will take their leave of you, unless you have places secure for them to feed in; for the Bird it is of the nature of the Egg, and will be wilde when old enough to take wing, or hath the opportunity of a Stream to carry it away. But if you have conveniency to make you a Duck-house and Duck-ponds, with convenient Receptacles for them to lay their Eggs in, and secure their Brood, they will never forsake you, but make that place where they were bred their place of refuge, and constant abode by day, although they prey abroad in the night. They will also, much after the manner of the Decoys, bring many to them in the Winter-time.

SECT. VII. Of taking Land-Fowl.

Those that are usually termed Land-Fowl, are such that live and make their haunts generally in the Woods, Fields, Heaths, &c. as the Pheasant, Partridge, Poults, Quails, Rails, Wood-pigeons, Black-birds, Throstles or Thrushes, Field-fares, Larks, Wheat-ears, &c. all which are diversly taken and insnared. The most part of them, by the cunning and skill of the Fowler, are shot with a Fowling-piece, either perched by a Dog, or other­wise, or flying, wherein many have a very excellent Faculty, more rarely missing that way than perched; which by practise may be easier attained unto, than by any Rules or Precepts.

Any Fowl that gather together many in a flight, may be ta­ken Of taking Fowl by Day-Nets. in Nets by day; as Pigeons, Larks, Sparrows, Crows, Rooks, &c. and that either by baiting some place for them in their usu­al haunts, or by laying the Net in such haunts, and wheedling them in by a Stale, or some other inticing way. The manner of setting and placing such Draw-net you have before described; only you must have the Mashes, and the length and depth of your Net, proportionable to the Game you designe to take.

If you place these Nets for Larks, the season is from August Of taking Larks by Day-Nets. [Page 245] to November: the earlier you set them in the morning, the bet­ter; and the brighter the Sun, and the milder the Air, the bet­ter will your sport be.

The open, plain and Champion-lands, are the places for this sport, especially on the Barley-edishes.

The only way to intice the Lark into your snare, is to place in the middle of the Verge of your Net an Instrument made to move nimbly, by plucking it with a small line or packthread to and fro; on which should be fixed some pieces of Looking-glass, that by the continual whirring motion of it, the glittering of the Looking-glass by the reflection of the Sun in the eye of the Lark, allureth her down to the Net, especially if there be a Stale.

When one or two are in the compass of your Net, let them alone until they attract more company to them: Preserve some of them alive that you take, for Stales.

But if you cannot conveniently get a live Stale, shoot a Lark, A dry Stale. and draw out his Intrails, and dry him in an Oven in his Fea­thers, with a stick thrust through him, to preserve him in a po­sture convenient: This Stale may serve near as well as a living one. Thus may you make Stales of any sorts of Birds, and keep them by you without any daily charge or trouble as living Stales put you to.

There is another way of taking the timerous Lark by a Day-net, Another way to take Larks by a Day-Net, called, Daring of Larks. made in form of a Scoop-net that they usually take up Fish withal out of Stews; which Net you must make of the finest thread; or you may make a small Trammel-net to draw over them: having either of these Nets ready, then with a Hobby, either dead or living, (or any other Hawk will serve indifferent­ly well) go into the Fields, where Larks usually are about Har­vest, and beat them up with a Spaniel, and observe where they pitch: Then hold up your Hawk as high as you can, the sight whereof will cause the Lark to crouch very close, that you may cover her with either Net; for she is so fearful of the Hobby, that about this season preys on that Bird, that she will suffer you almost to take her with your hand, rather than adventure her self in the Air. This sport lasts till about Michaelmas, at which time the Hobby leaves this Country, or that Exercise; and then the Lark is more confident.

If you cannot, through want of time or skill, accomplish To take Birds with the Low-Bell. your ends in this Pleasure or Recreation by day, you may more easily do it in the night several ways: If in Champion and le­vel Countries, then by a Low-bell, from the end of October, un­til the Birds begin to couple towards the Spring: And in the darkest nights, or at least the dark time of the night, your Bell must have a hollow, deep, and doleful sound. Your Net must be about twenty yards deep, and so broad as you can con­veniently manage it: Then go into the stubble-Fields, where the Birds usually take up their Night-quarters; the Wheat-Edish is the best. He that carries the Bell must go foremost, tolling the [Page 246] Bell very mournfully, and not too hard; then let the Net fol­low, being supported at each corner, and on the sides; and when you come where you think the Game lies, pitch your Net, no noise being hitherto heard but that of the Bell: then light your Straw, or Torches, at the Coals or Candle carried in a Dark-Lanthorn, by one to that purpose, and beat the ground, and make a noise; and the sight of the Fire or light will make them instantly rise, and be intangled in the Net: Then put out your lights, and keep your usual silence, and proceed as before. Thus may you take Partridge, Rails, Quails, Larks, &c.

You may also take the same sorts of Fowl by night with a To take Birds with the Tram­mel only. Trammel, being a Net longer than that you use with the Low­bell, the lower part of it plumbed with Lead loose on the ground, the upper part supported at each end about three foot high; and so trailed along those grounds you expect your Game on. At each side of the Net carry Wisps of Straw burning, or Links, and let some beat the ground with long Poles; which will cause the Birds to rise against the Net.

There is also a way to take Birds in the Night-time, that Bat-fowling. roost or perch in Trees and Hedg-rows, which is called Bat­fowling. The manner is thus: When you come to the place where you expect your Sport, light your Straw or Torches, and beat the Bushes or Hedg-rows, and the Birds will instantly fly towards the flames; where you may take them either with Nets at the end of Poles, or beat them down with Brushes made with Boughs at the end of Poles, or by carrying large boughs limed with Bird-lime to intangle them. This Sport is to be used when the weather is extreme dark, and with great silence till the lights are burning; for they are amazed at the light, being every way else very dark, and fly to the very flames; so that you may take them as you please.

The manner of using Bird-lime you have before in this Chap­ter; To take small Birds with Lime-twigs. but for the taking of small Birds, the best way is to take a large bough of Birch, Willow, or suchlike Tree; prick and trim it clean from all superfluity, that the Twigs may be smooth; lime the branches very well, but not too thick with the Lime: then place this Bough in such place where those Birds usually resort that you designe to take, standing like a Tree; and place your self at some convenient distance undiscovered, imitating either with your mouth, or some Bird-call, the Notes of the Birds you aim at, which you must by practise learn; which will invite the Birds to the Tree you have prepared for them. Thus from Sun-rising to ten of the Clock, and from one till near Sun-set, may you use this Sport.

Or you may lay small Twigs limed, and about three or four inches long, in places where the Birds haunt; or stick them on the tops of Hemp-cocks or Wheat-sheaves, or stick small Boughs among Pease, which the small Birds will suddenly pitch upon; which will be a means to lessen the number of those destroyers of Corn, Grain, Seed, &c. But if you use a Stale of one or two [Page 247] living Night-bats, placing them aloft, that the Birds may gaze at them; or an Owl, which is the better of the two, most sorts of Birds will draw towards her, and so fall into your Snare: A dried Owl will serve for want of a living one.

Also in the Winter-time the Field-fares and Bow-thrushes, To take Field-fares, or Bow-Thrushes. which usually fly in great Flocks, are easily taken, by liming two or three large boughs, and fixing them on the top of some tall Tree, and placing in them two or three dried Stales of that kinde, and beat the Fields adjacent where those Birds feed, and they will in great Flights take to that Tree where your Stales are, to your great pleasure and profit.

SECT. VIII. Of taking Fowl with Baits.

Land-fowl, as Doves, Pigeons, Rooks, Choughs, and suchlike, To take Land-Fowl with Baits. may be taken with Baits; as by boiling Wheat, Barley, Pease, or other Grain in water, with good store of Nux Vomica; and when they are boiled, almost ready to burst, take them out and let them cool, and scatter this Grain where these Birds haunt; and it is said, that by eating of it they will fall as dead, that you may take them with your hand: if you boil smaller Seeds, you may take smaller Birds by the same way.

They also say, that the said Grains or Seeds steeped in the Lees of Wine, will work the same effect; which if it doth, it is much the cleanlier way, and doth not infect the Bird with that poysonous quality, as doth the Nux Vomica.

It is also said, that Bellenge, Leaves, Roots and all, cleansed ve­ry To take Water-Fowl with Baits. well, and steeped in clear running water for twenty four hours, and boiled in the same water till the water be almost con­sumed: Then when it is cold, this Plant being taken and laid in the haunts where Wilde-geese, Duck, Mallard, Bustard, or any other Fowl affecting the water usually frequent, that these Fowl will feed on it, and be stupified or drunk therewith; and the more, in case you add a little Brimstone in the Concoction. But this is left to the experience of those that know the Plant it's Vertues, and the inticing quality it has to invite the Fowl to taste it.

SECT. IX. Of taking some sorts of Fowl.

Thus have I given you a hint of the divers ways of taking Fowl in general; but something more may be said as to the particular ways used in taking some sorts of Fowl, that are not proper for any other: As in taking the Pheasant, much skill is To take the Pheasant with Nets. used and imployed in taking him, being the best of all Land-fowl that are wilde. The one way is, after you have found their [Page 248] haunts, which are usually in young Copses, where you must care­fully view the several places, and by that means may finde them, Young and Old together. Provide your self with a Pheasant-call, and learn all their distinct Notes; and having a Net made of blew or green thred, about sixteen or eighteen foot long, and seven foot broad, verged with small Cord, go into the Woods where these Fowl are, and make use of your Call first softly; and so encrease your Note, until you hear them answer; then approach by degrees towards them, until you are in view: then spread your Net with as much secresie and silence as you can, at some distance from the ground, fixing the one end to the ground, and holding the Line in your hand, withdraw your self to some convenient distance, and use your Call again; and when you perceive the Pheasant's under your Net, then rise up and shew your self; and as the Pheasants rise, they are intangled in your Net.

When you have found an Eye of Pheasants, and their rode To drive young Pheasants. or tract in the Copses where they usually run, then place your Nets hollow, loose, and circular-wise, that when the Birds are in, the Nets may fall on them and intangle them: Then with a Driver, being a bundle of Wands or Rods, a little stir the Bushes or Trees, making some noise, the young Pouts will then run forward; and as they stand, you must still keep raking with your Driver gently, only to frighten them forward, until you have driven them under your Nets. You must be sure to con­ceal your self from the sight of them, and not drive them too hastily, lest they struggle abroad, and hide themselves where you cannot finde them.

In the Winter-season, when the leaves are off the Trees, then To take Phea­sants with Lime-twigs. may you take these Birds with Lime-twigs, either stuck fast in the ground, or laid loose in the Paths where they usually fre­quent; then with your Call, keeping your place where you first set your self, you may induce them to come towards you, and be intangled in the Twigs: when one is intangled by her flut­tering, she will go near to intangle all the rest by their coming to assist her. It will be necessary to have a Spaniel at hand, lest any of them escape with the Twigs.

The most usual Method of taking this Fowl, is by a Spaniel To perch Phea­sants. that is brought up to the Sport, which will hunt after them; and when he hath discovered a Pheasant, she will immediately take to a Tree, at which the Spaniel will bay; whereby you have notice (if within hearing) where the Pheasant is, whose na­ture is to eye the Dog, knowing her self to be out of his reach, and not to regard any other danger, though never so near, that you may command her at pleasure with your Fowling-piece.

Next unto the Pheasant the Partridge is preferred to any To take Par­tridges. Land-fowl, and is to be taken divers ways: Their haunts are easily known; scarce a Carter or Day-labourer that useth the Fields, but can tell you where these Birds usually resort; but [Page 249] to finde the Covey in such haunt, is the difficulty: some are so ingenious they can do it by the eye, only distinguishing their colour from the earth; others by a Call, imitating their Notes at their Juking-time, which is usually in the Morning, and in the Evening.

Having discovered them, draw forth your Trammel-Net, and With the Tram­mel-Net. take a large circumference, with a good round pace and careless eye, nearer and nearer towards the Birds, until your Nets are trimmed and fitted for your purpose, and you within the Nets length of them; then prick down the stick to which one end of the Net is fastened, and walk round till you cover them; then let down your Net, and rouze them up, that they may be intangled.

Having a good Setting-dog well taught and at command, he To take Par­tridges with the help of the Setting-dog. will soon discover to you where the Covey lies: then trim your Nets, as before is directed, and cover them. If there are two of you together, the one may hold one end of the Line, and the other the other end of it; and so draw the Net over them.

There is a very pleasant way of driving Partridges into a Tun­nel-net; To drive Par­tridges. which when you have discovered the Covey, you must place beyond them, having the winde with you, that you may drive them with the winde. The Net must have two long wings, extending each way wide and upwards towards the Birds, a lit­tle hovering over: then take your Artificial Stalking-horse, and covering your face with something dark blew, or green, you may easily drive them before the winde into the Net; the sides whereof will direct them into the Tunnel, where you are sure of them.

As you were directed for the Pheasant, so may you lay limed To take Par­tridges with Birdlime. straws, cut off between knot and knot, in the haunts of these Birds; and with your Call draw them towards you, that in their way they may fall foul of your limed straws: As soon as the one is intangled, all the rest will be quickly after; for they run together like a Brood of Chickens, and will so besmear one the other, that few of them will escape.

The usual way of insnaring any manner of wilde Creature, To take Wood-cocks. is to understand what they most delight in, either for food or exercise; and therein to place your designe in betraying or in­snaring them. As for the Wood-cock, he is a Bird that is some­what troublesome to discover, whereby to command him by a Fowling-piece; and in his place of feeding tedious to take, by reason there goes but few in a Company: Therefore where they usually haunt, it is observed, that they take a great deal of plea­sure in flying in the Night-time through open places in tall Woods, especially in a dim Moon-light-night: So that several persons where they have thick Woods standing on some brow To take them in a Cock-road. of a Hill, have cut a passage streight athwart the Hill, through which the Cocks in the Night-time fly to and fro for their plea­sure, and will, if any near, draw to that place on purpose for that [Page 250] Exercise: Between which Trees if you place a large and fine Net before Night, you will be sure in the Evening to have them intangled in your Net, as they endeavour to fly through their usual Road, where one ought to attend to take them as soon as in the Net.

There is scarce any Bird that flies, but there is some pecu­liar way of discovering or insnaring him, different from another: as the Quail, or Rail, by Pipes or Calls; the Moor-poot, or Health-poult, discovered by their eye, and several others. Which several ways we leave to the more Experienced, and to the seve­ral practises of the several places where they usually frequent.

Of Fishing.

AS the Art of taking Fowl is very necessary to be known of most Countrymen; so also is the Art of Fishing, espe­cially to such as live near to great Rivers, where they are bred and fed without any charge, labour or damage to the Country­men that inhabit by such Rivers; and so become very profita­ble to those parts through which such Rivers run, and to those that have the priviledge and skill to take them.

Fish are divers ways taken; either by Nets, Pots, or Engines, by Angling, or by stupifying Baits, inticing or alluring ob­jects; and these ways are used either by day or by night: Also at different seasons of the year, the Fish as well as Fowl having their seasons; of all which we shall give you some hint.

SECT. I. Of taking Fish by Nets, Pots, or Engines.

The usual way of Fishing by Nets is of the greatest advan­tage, To Fish with Nets. and so of greatest destruction to those watry Animals, which if not moderately used, destroys whole Rivers of them; to prevent which, there are several good Laws made, though sel­dom executed. And could all men that are concerned in this Exercise agree to neglect the use of Nets but for two or three years, the Fish would encrease innumerably, that in many years after they could not be destroyed; which being very unlikely, yet it were feasible to compel all Fishermen that they take no young Fish, nor Fish in their Spawning Moneths: for if they were permitted to Spawn but once before they are taken, they would sufficiently stock the Rivers where they are; for the de­struction of Fry and Spawns is the ruine of the Fishing in most Rivers.

The most useful Nets in great Waters are the Trammel and With the Tram­mel or Sieve. Sieve; which, according to their Mesh, may be used for most sorts of Fish: The making and manner of using them are known to most Fishermen.

The most pleasant and recreative way is with the Casting-net, With the Cast­ing-Net. spreading like a Cloak, and verged round with Plummets, that over whatsoever Fish it is thrown, it brings them to your hand. This Net is either thrown off from the Banks side, or from a Boat, according as the water will give you leave: If the re­markable places that you intend a fling at were baited before-hand, your Sport would be the better.

In smaller Rivers, where there are Roots or Stems of Trees, With the Shore-Net, or Poke-Net. under which the Fish usually seek for shelter in the day-time, the Net vulgarly called the Shore-net, which is a Net broad and o­pen before, about five foot, and ending backwards in a long and narrow Cod. The forepart of this Net is fixed to a semicircular Rod, and to the string that strains the two Extreams of that Rod, in form of a Bow-string: In the use of it, you pitch the straight side of the Net downwards against the place or shelter where you suppose the Fish are; which Net you hold strongly a­gainst the place, by the help of a Stail or handle that is fixed a­thwart the Bow, and extends down to the String. Whilest you thus hold the Net, your Companion with a Pole stirs in the place of refuge; and what Fish are there will suddenly bolt out into your Net. By this means, not only Fish in small Rivers, as Trouts, Humbers, &c. are caught, but Salmon also in great Ri­vers, where the water is thickned by the Tide; the Fisherman standing against the water with the Cod of the Net between his legs, and as soon as he perceiveth the Fish bolt into the Net, he forthwith lifts it up.

In several great Rivers where shelter is scarce, many have set With Fish-pots. large Pots made of Osier, with bars in them, that when the Fish are in them, driven either by the Current, or seeking therein for shelter, they could not get out again. They are also laid in swift Currents, and at Mill-tails, and suchlike places, for the taking of Eels, which in dark nights, warm weather, and thick waters, run down with the stream in great plenty.

In great Rivers, the greatest destruction of Salmon, and also With Wears. advantage, is made by Wears erected in the Main Stream, that when those Fish whose nature is to swim against the stream, and to spring or leap over any natural obstacle that shall oppose them, by their endeavour to raise themselves over these Wears, try to leap over, they fall short, and are taken in Grates set at the foot of them for that purpose. Many other Engines there are to intercept their passage up against the waters, none of which are very injurious to the encrease of that Fish, were they discon­tinued in the Autumnal season; at which time those Fish stem the swiftest Currents, that they may lay their Spawn in the small shallow streams, which Nature hath instructed them to do, it be­ing the sweetest meat other Fish can feed, and so consequentially the best bait for a nimble and greedy Angler: At which season those that do escape these destructive Wears, are too often met with by the ignorant Rustick, who with his Spear commonly assaults them int he Shallows; and after these Fish have Spawn­ed, [Page 252] and their Spawn converted into the young brood, the Spring following they naturally descend with the stream, and by gree­dy Millers and others are commonly the greatest part of them intercepted in their Pots; yea, sometimes in so great quantities, that for want of a present Market they have given them to their Swine. All which are the principal causes of the great scarcity of that Fish in these parts of England.

There is a sort of Engine, by some termed a Hawk, made al­most With Hawks. like unto a Fish-pot, being a square frame of Timber fit­ted to the place you intend to set it in, and wrought with wire to a point almost, so that what Fish soever go through the same, cannot go back again. These placed the one where the River enters into your Land, the other where it runs out, with the Points of each towards you, any Fish whatsoever that moves with or against the water, when they are once within the Hawks, cannot get back again. In case the River be broad, you may place two or three of these at an end in it; a frame of Timber being set in the water that it break not out on either side, nor under, lest your Fish escape. These Hawks ought to be made moveable, to take off or on, as you see occasion.

But in case you are in danger of Land-floods, or that you have The way of ma­king a Piscary. not the command of the Land on both sides, or of suchlike im­pediment; then may you cut a large Channel out of the sides of the River, and as deep as the bottom of the River, with some part of the Current through it, and place these Hawks at each end of it, the better to intice the Fish into it. At some conveni­ent distance from the River, and in the Piscary, on the top of a stake pitch'd in the midst of the water, and a little above the wa­ter, fix a Laton-case, in form of a Cylinder, about three or four inches Diameter, and twelve inches long, in which set a Candle burning in dark nights, the light whereof shines only upwards and downwards: it must be open at the top, because it preserves it burning: the downward light intices the Fish into your Pisca­ry; so that no Fish passes up nor down the River, but will seek their way through the Hawk into the light. By this very means I have known a Piscary well stored in a few nights.

There is a Net made round, and at each end a Hawk, that be­ing A Hawk-Net. set in the water and depressed by Plummets or Stones, and having in the in-side thereof shining shells, or red cloth, or such­like inticements, the Fish will seek their way in, but cannot get out.

As for Fishing in the night by fire, and stupifying of Fish with unwholesome Baits, or with Lime, or suchlike, being ways used by evil-minded persons, that rather destroy the properties of other men, than lawfully use them for their necessary subsistence; I shall decline any advice or directions in that kinde, and prose­cute that most lawful, just, and honest way of Angling, so much celebrated by the Ingenious of every degree.

SECT. II. Of Angling.

There is not any exercise more pleasing nor agreeable to a truly sober and ingenious man, than this of Angling; a moderate, in­nocent, salubrious, and delightful exercise: It wearieth not a man over-much, unless the waters lie remote from his home: it inju­reth no man, so that it be in an open large water; he being e­steemed a Beast rather than a man that will oppose this exer­cise: neither doth it any wise debauch him that useth it: The delight also of it, rouzes up the Ingenious early in the Spring-mornings, that they have the benefit of the sweet and pleasant Morning-air, which many through sluggishness enjoy not; so that health (the greatest Treasure Mortals enjoy) and pleasure go hand in hand in this exercise. What can more be said of it, than that the most Ingenious most use it?

When you have any leisure days or hours from your ordina­ry Observations in Angling. Profession or imployment, you cannot better spend them than in this Innocent Exercise; wherein observe that your Apparel be No bright Ap­parel. not of any bright or frightning colour, lest that drive the Fish out of your reach, or make them timorous.

That you bait the place you intend to Angle in, with such Bait the stream or place. things the Fish you aim at generally affect, for several days be­fore you Angle, if it be a standing or quiet water; but if a swift stream, there is no great need of any; but if you do, let it be but a few hours before, or just at your Angling-time, and that above your Hook.

The best time to provide Rods and Stocks is in December or Provide good Rods. January, before the rising of the Sap; when gathered, dry them by degrees, in a smoaky place is best; they are better to use at sixteen moneths old than sooner. To preserve them, rub them over with Linseed-oyl, or Sweet-butter never salted, twice or thrice a year: If your Stock be hollow, fill the bore with Oyl, and let it stand twenty four hours, and then pour it out again; this will preserve it from injury.

If the top of your Rod be brittle or decayed, you may whip on a piece of Whalebone made round and taper, which will be better than the natural top.

In making your Lines observe, that for most sorts of Fish the The Line. Hair-line is the best, because it is not so apt to snarl as other Lines, and will yield to the streining of the Fish very much before it will break; which is a very great advantage in the ta­king of a stubborn Fish. Let the hair be round you make your Line withal, and as near as you can of a size: Also you may co­lour your hair of a sorrel, grey, or green colour; but then they are a little weakned by the colouring.

It is good to provide your self with all sorts of Hooks; the The Hook. smallest to take the smaller Fish withal, and the greater the greater [Page 254] Fish. Also with hooks peculiar for the Jack or Pike, and hooks to lay for Eels.

Your Flotes may be made of Quills, or of Cork and Quills, The Flote and Plummet. which are the best, and least offensive. Let your Plummet where­with you sound the depth of the water be of Lead, about the weight of a Musket-bullet; which is very convenient to know the depth of the water by.

According to the nature of the Fish, so you must provide Baits. your self with baits. Herein observe, that if you open the first Fishes Maw that you take, you may see what that Fish most de­lights in for that season. If you use Pasts for baits, you must add Flax or Wooll, to keep the Paste from washing off the hook. The Eyes of the Fish you take are good baits for many sorts of Fish; for the Trout, flies and Palmer-worms made Artifici­ally, are the best baits in clear water, the season being observed wherein each of them is to be used: Any baits anointed with Gum of Ivy dissolved in Oyl of Spike, or with the Oyl of Ivy-berries, or the Oyl of Polypodie of the Oak mixed with Turpentine, will be great inticements to Fish to bite.

It is best fishing in a River a little disturbed with Rain, or in Seasons for Angling. Cloudy weather; the South-winde is the best, the West indiffe­rent, the East the worst: but if the weather be warm, and the Sky Cloudy, they will bite in any winde. Keep your self as far from the Water-side as you can, and fish down the stream. In a swift stream where the bottom is hard, and not too deep, if you go into the middle of it and cast your Fly up against the stream, the Trout that lies upon the Fin in such strong Currents, and discerns you not, being behinde him, presently takes your bait.

In March, April and September, and all the Winter-moneths, it is best fishing in a clear, serene, and warm day; but in the Summer-time, in the mornings, evenings, and coolest Cloudy weather.

After a clear Moon-shiny night, if the day succeeding prove Cloudy, is a very good time for Angling: for it is the nature of most Fish to be fearful to stir in bright nights; and so being hungry, if the weather in the morning prove Cloudy, they will bite eagerly.

To the intent that you may not labour in vain, I shall give Seasons not to Angle in. you a hint of such times that Fish delight not in biting; though some that have more than ordinary skill, may possibly take a few at any time.

In the extremity of heat, when the Earth is parch'd with Drought, there is little sport to be obtained; nor in frosty wea­ther, the Air being clear, unless in the Evening; nor in high winds; nor in sharp North or East-winds; nor immediately af­ter Spawning-time, their hunger being abated, and the Fish not worth taking: Nor yet after a dark night, for then the greater Fish have been abroad, and satiated themselves; but the little Fish will then bite best, having absconded themselves all night for fear of the greater.

The greatest Fish bite best in the night, being fearful to stir in the day: Therefore that is the best season to Angle for them.

SECT. III. Of Angling for Salmon and Trout.

The Salmon and Trout are Fish much of a Complexion and Nature, different in their seasons from other Fish: The way of Angling for them is much after the same manner.

The Salmon biteth best in the Summer-moneths, about three Salmon. of the Clock in the afternoon: He keeps not to one haunt, but swims generally in the deepest and broadest parts of the River, near the ground; and is caught with Worm, Fly, or Minnow. The Garden-worm is an excellent bait for a Salmon, if kept in Moss about twenty days; which will scoure them, and make them tough and clear.

You may also troul for a Salmon as you do for a Pike, with a Trouling-rod and line.

Your Artificial Flies for a Salmon must be larger than for a Trout, and the wings and tail long.

In Angling for a Salmon at ground, put two or three Worms at a time on the Hook, and give him time to gorge the bait.

The Trout is also taken with Worm, Minnow, or Fly. To Trout. fish for them in the night, which is the best time for the great Trouts, take two great Worms of equal length, and put them on your Hook; cast them at a good distance from you, and draw them to you again on the top of the water, not letting them sink, and give the Trout time to gorge his bait. Instead of these Worms, you may use a black Snail, or a piece of black Vel­vet, which is as well: They bite in the night best in the still Deeps, but then unusually in the Streams.

If you bait with a Minnow, you must place it so on the Hook, that the Minnow must run round as you draw it towards you; and to that end you must have a Swivel on your line, lest the running round of the Minnow over-twist your Line. The same may you do for a Salmon or Pike.

If you bait with Flies, or Palmers Natural or Artificial, be sure to observe the season what Palmer or Fly they most delight in at that time; that take, or imitate it as near as you can.

SECT. IV. Of Angling for the Pike and Pearch.

These are two sorts of white Fish that Spawn in the Spring early, and are greedy Fish of Prey, especially the Pike, which will prey on its own Kinde.

You may take the Pike by hanging your Line to a Tree on the Pike. side of the River, with a living bait on the Hook, as a Minnow, [Page 256] Dace, Roach, or yellow Frog; but let not the Line hang at the full length, but contracted into a cleft stick, that when the Pike bites he may easily draw it out, and have time and scope enough to pouch his bait.

Or you may Trowl for him; which must be with a very long Line wound up at the handle of your Rod on a small Winch or Windlace; and at the top of the Rod, which is stubbed, the Line must go through a Ring, that when the Fish hath taken the bait, he may, by your letting him have Line enough, gorge his bait, and hang himself. Your Line must be strong, and arm­ed with small Wire next the Hook, about seven or eight inches.

You may Fish at Snap with him as with other Fish, if you please; but your Tackling must be very strong.

A Pike bites at all baits except the Fly, and bites best at three in the Afternoon, in clear water, with a gentle Gale, from Midsummer to the end of Autumn. In Winter he bites all day long: In the Spring he bites in the Morning and Evening.

The best time to take the Perch, is when the Spring is far Perch. spent; for then you may take all near you at one standing.

His baits are the Minnow, little Frog, or a small Worm: He bites well all the day in cloudy weather, but chiefly from eight to ten, and from three to six. He also bites at almost any bait.

SECT. V. Of Angling for standing water, or Pond-fish.

The Fish that are most usual in standing waters or Fish-ponds, are the Carp and the Tench: Some there are that are common to both, as the Bream, Dace, Roach, Eel, and Perch. Angling for Pond-fish is the most easie of any way; and where there are a good stock, much sport there is.

The Carp is the best of all fresh-water Fish, and will live the Carp. longest, except the Eel, out of the water. This Fish is very sub­til, and biteth but seldom; and that in warm weather, cloudy; early in the morning, or late in the evening.

The baits for a Carp, are either Worms or Pasts. A Paste made up of Bean-flower, Honey, and a little Assafetida, hath proved very well. Others have prescribed Bean-flower, mingled with the flesh of a Cat cut small, and beaten very well in a Mor­tar with Honey, so long, till the whole is so tough to hang on a Hook without washing off. A little Wooll added in the making of it up, will make it hold the better.

Gentles anointed with Honey, and put on the Hook with a piece of Scarlet dipt in the same, is esteemed the best of all baits for the Carp.

The Tench, for his sliminess, accounted the Physitian of Tench. Fishes, delights only in standing waters, and especially amongst Weeds, Flags, &c. In the hottest weather, early and late, and all the night, this Fish delights most to bite.

He delights in the same baits as doth the Carp. The stronger the Pasts are of Assafetida, or other Gums or Oyls, the sooner he will bite.

The Dace is commonly a River-fish, yet doth very well in Dace. Fish-ponds, if any think it worth their costs and pains to keep them there: But in either place, the best baits for them are flies, whereof they affect the Ant-fly above the rest. For ground-baits, the Grub that is found in plowed grounds, Gentles, and the young brood of Wasps, or suchlike, are very good: Small Worms, Pasts, and suchlike, they will not refuse.

The Roach is much of the same nature as is the Dace, but Roach. more usual in standing waters than the other: Worms, and o­ther ground-baits, are most proper for them.

Though the Bream be found in some Rivers, yet is most usual Bream. and best in Ponds or standing waters. The best time for An­gling for them, is from the end of July until Autumn; for in June and beginning of July they Spawn, and are not in their season. The best bait for them is the Red Worm that usually lies at the root of the Dock: They also bite at Pasts, Wasps, Flies, Grashoppers, &c.

As for the Perch, you have directions before concerning the taking of him in Rivers, the same will serve in Ponds.

The Eel is a Fish that delights in obscure places, whilest any Eels. light either of the Sun or Moon appears, being a sweet Fish, and a prey to Fowl as well as Fish, but in the night time, and the darker the night the better. This Fish wanders abroad out of her lurking places, and preys on any bait that is fleshie, either Worms, Snails, raw Flesh, Frogs, young Birds, or the like.

You may Angle for them in the night in standing waters, as By Angle. you do for other Fish, and they will bite, so that you lie near, or on the ground.

Also you may bait many Hooks over-night with Worms, and With Bank-books. fasten them on the Bank-sides: Let the bait lie in the stream on the ground all night, and you will have almost on every Hook an Eel, so that you be there at day-break in the morning to take them; for as soon as day-light appears they will un­hook themselves, though it be to the tearing to pieces their own Intrails. You must be sure that your Hooks be strong, and your Lines may be of good, fine and strong handle-bound Pack-thread.

Eels commonly abscond themselves under stones in stony wa­ters, By Sniggling. and under Timber, Planks, or suchlike; about Mills, Wears, Flood-gates, Bridges, &c. in the day-time, where you may take them by this way of Sniggling; that is, by baiting a strong Hook on a short but strong Line with a large Garden-worm: Then with a stick cleft at the top, fasten therein the Line near the Hook, and guide the stick into the places where you think the Eels are, and thrust it up and down, and you shall be sure, if any Eel be there, as soon as she feels the stick, she will turn and bite; but be sure you pull not too hard, lest you tear out your [...]old.

There is a way of taking Eels by Bobbing; which is thus: By Bobbing. Take of the large Garden-worms well scoured, and with a Nee­dle run some strong twisted Silk through them from end to end, and wrap them oftentimes about a board; then tye them together with the ends of the Silk, that they may hang in Hanks, and fasten them at the end of a small cord, with a Plummet of Lead, about three quarters of a pound, a little a­bove the Bob: The other end of the cord fasten to a long Pole, and therewith may you fish in muddy water after a Rain. When you perceive by moving of your Bob that the Eels do tug at it, then gently raise them to the surface of the water, and so bring them to Land; for the Eels being greedy of the Worms, swallow them, and the Silk hangs in their teeth, that they are easily taken, five or six at a time. Some make up a bundle of new Hay and Worms together, and so let it down into the water; which the Eels readily come to, and thrust their heads into the Hay after the Worms, and by that means are taken. Others take a round Net made fast to a small Iron-hoop, and let down into the water with a bundle of Worms in the midst; which when the Eels come unto, by a sudden raising the Hoop, are taken in the Net: for in some gravelly Tide-waters, Eels, especially the small Grigs, will seek abroad in the day-time, and give you excellent sport.

SECT. VI. Of Angling for the Barbel, Grailing, Umber, Chevin and Chub.

These Fish are not so Universal as the other before discour­sed of; therefore the less shall be said of them. As for the Bar­bel, Barbel. it is a Fish very plentiful in the Trent, and comes in season about the end of May, and so holds it till near Michaelmas, and hath his haunts amongst weedy and hollow places, amongst Piles and Stakes; is a strong Fish, and must be taken with very strong tackling: His bait is a very well-scoured Worm, Gentles, or Cheese steeped in Honey.

The Grailing and Ʋmber are near alike; they are in season Grailing and Umber. all the Summer, and are then taken with a large Grashopper, (the wings being taken off.) After the Grashopper is on the Hook, at the point put on a small Cadworm, and keep your bait in continual motion: Let the Hook be shank't with Lead, and covered with the bait.

The Ʋmber is taken with a Fly, as is a Trout.

The Chevin and Chub are common in the Trent, but no very Chevin and Chub. pleasant Fish: They are in season all the Summer, and are taken with Worms, Flies, Snails, Cherries, Grashoppers, Grain, Cheese, &c.

There are many other sorts of small Fish, as the Bleak, Floun­der, Small Fish. Gudgeon, Ruff, Minnow, Loach, and Bullhead: The ways of taking them, for brevity sake I shall omit.

In the Isle of Wight, and other places Westward, in the Rocks Cormorant Fishing. on the Sea-shore, are great numbers of Cormorants bred, being a large Fowl, and live only by preying on Fish; and are so dex­trous at it, that in the open Seas they will dive, and swiftly pursue their game, and take and carry them to their Nests; that the Inhabitants near adjacent do often go to these Rocks, and furnish themselves with Fish brought thither by them at their breeding-times. These Birds may be so brought up tame, that they will in our ordinary clear Rivers dive, and take you as many Trouts, or other Fish, as you please, or the place affords, putting but a small Collar over the neck of the Fowl, that the Fish may not pass into her stomack. When you intend for your game, you must carry her out fasting: put on her Loop or Collar, and let her go into the water, she will dive, and streightly pursue the Fish she hath most mind to, forward and backward; and when she hath caught her game, she gives it a toss into the Air, and re­ceives it end-wise into her mouth; which will stretch like the head of a Snake, and admit of a large Fish into her throat, which will stop at the Collar. Then hold out an Eel to her (which you must carry alive or dead with you to that purpose) and she will come to your hand, and will by your assistance dis­gorge her prey immediately, and to her sport again; and will so continue, till she hath furnisht you with as much as you can desire. By this means may you take more than any other way whatsoever, and exceeds any of the Sports of Hawking or Hunting.

Kalendarium Ruſticum …



SHEWING The most Seasonable Times for the performing of his Rural Affairs Throughout the YEAR.

Operum memor esto tempestivorum
Omnium— Hesiod.

LONDON: Printed by J. C. for Tho. Dring, in the Year 1675.


RUri, sicuti in urbe, singula opera sua habent peculiaria tem­pora: There is a peculiar time for most Affairs in the World, but more especially for such Labours and Actions that de­pend upon the mutable seasons of the Year; which being duly ob­served, is no small advantage to the Husbandman: Ephemeri­dem habeat quid quoque tempore faciendum, is Florentines ad­vice; that every Countryman may have his Draught before him to direct him, and reinforce his memory, that his multitude of occasions may not so far obliterate those things to his loss and dis­advantage, but that he may here daily revive and renew his ne­cessary intentions, and take Time by the Fore-lock; as Pliny ob­served, Frontem Domini plus prodesse quam occipitum; for Time is a thing so precious, and Occasion so precipitous; and where many things are to be done, Time let pass, prevents the suc­cess of our endeavours, and loss and confusion succeeds; Semper autem dilator operum vir cum damnis luctatur: It is a very great neglect in Agriculture to be too late, it brings a considera­ble damage; like a backward year that produces a bad Crop, so doth a backward Husbandman meet with small gains. You very rarely finde a thriving Husband behinde with his Affairs, or a declining Husband so forward as his Neighbour.

Nudus serito, nudusque arato,
Nudus quoque metito, si quidem tempestiva omnia voles,
Opera ferre cereris: ut tibi singula
Tempestiva crescant, ne quando interim egens,
Mendices ad alienas domos, nihilque efficias.

It was Hesiod's advice, to Plough, Sow, and Reap in good time, if you expect a compleat reward of your Labours.

But if it be not in every ones power, though he knew the sea­sons for all things, to observe them, by reason of the multitude and variousness of business that flows upon the laborious Husband­man, at some certain times of the year more than at other, many casualties also intervening; to such it is advised, that they make use of the next opportunity convenient, to do what before they have omitted: Yet Cato tells you, Res Rustica sic est, si unum [Page 264] sero feceris, omnia opera sero facies; neglect one, neglect all.

There are two sorts of Times and Seasons prescribed by the Ancients to be observed in Agriculture, viz. of the Year, being only of the motion of the Sun through the Twelve Signs of the Zo­diaque, which begets the different Seasons and Temperatures of the Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter; and of the Aspects and state of the Moon and Stars: whereof, and also of several Prognosticks of the mutability, state and condition of the several Seasons, and their Natural Inclinations, I shall give you at the end of this Kalendar a Breviat, and of such Observations as I have found in several Ancient and Modern Authors treating of that Subject.

As for the Times and Seasons of the Year, from the beginning to the end thereof, every day something is to be done by the Husbandman; as was said of a Gardiner, that his work is ne­ver at an end, it begins with the Year, and continues to the next: Annus in opere Rustico absolutus est: yet is it not every year a­like, neither is every place alike; some years, or at least some seasons of the year, prove more forward by two or three weeks, or more, at one time than at another: Also the scituation of places, either better defended from, or more obvious to the intempera­ture of the Air, begets some alterations. In these, and suchlike cases, the subsequent Rules are to be seasonably applied by the Judicious Husbandman, according as the season happens to be earlier or later, or the different scituation of places requires.

This Method in general is the same that hath been used by the most Ancient that (I have understood to) have written of Agri­culture; and also our Moderns, as you may observe in Hesiod, Columella, Palladius de Serres, Augustino, Gallo, Tusser, Mark­ham, Stevenson, and others; and last of all Mr. Evelin his ex­cellent Kalendarium Hortense, at the end of his Sylva.

I shall endeavour herein to be as brief as I can; I shall add nothing more than what is necessary, and shall leave out such things that are but little to our purpose, and shall begin with the major part of our Presidents in the like case: although the year, in respect of the Suns entrance into Aries, and the Commencement of the date of the year, begins in March; yet Tusser declines both, and begins at Michaelmas, it being the usual time for the Farmer to enter on his Farm, the ground being then more easily cleared of its former stook, than at any other time. But seeing that it is no very material thing when we begin, our labour having no end, we will tread the most usual Path, decline both Extreams, and begin when our days do sensibly lengthen, our hopes revive of an approaching Summer, and our Almanacks give us a New-years-day.


Day Sun rise. h. m. Sun set. h. m.  
1 New-years day    
3     Castor and Pollux rise in the evening.
4 8 00 4 00  
6 Twelf-tide.    
8     Lucida Corona, or the Crown, is with the Sun.
10 Sun in Aqua.   The Dog-star riseth in the evening.
16 7 45 4 15  
22 Vincent.    
24 7 30 4 30  
25 Pauls day.    
30 K. Charles his Martyrdom.  
31 7 15 4 45  
Mensis difficillimus hic Hybernus; difficilis ovibus, difficilisque hominibus.

THis Moneth is the rich mans charge, and the poor mans mi­sery; the cold like the days increase, yet qualified with the hopes and expectations of the approaching Spring: The Trees, Meadows and Fields are now naked, unless cloathed in white, whilest the Countryman sits at home, and enjoys the fruit of his past labours, and contemplates on his intended Enterprises. Now is welcom a cup of good Cider, or other excellent Liquors, such that you prepared the Autumn before; moderately taken, it proves the best Physick.

A cold January is seasonable: Plough up or fallow the ground [Page 268] you intend for Pease: water Meadows and Pastures: drain Arable grounds where you intend to sow Pease, Oats or Barley: rear Calves, Pigs, &c. lay Dung on heaps, carry it on the Land in frosty weather; on Pasture-land hedge and ditch.

Plant Timber-trees, or any Coppice-wood, or Hedge-wood; and also Quick-sets: cut Coppices and Hedge-rows; lop and prune greater Trees.

Feed Doves, and repair Dove-houses; cut away Ant-hills, and fill up the holes in Meadow and Pasture-grounds; gather stones, &c. have special care to Ews and Lambs; house Calves; Geld young Cattle soon after they are fallen: sow Oats, if you will have of the best, says old Tusser.

In Janivere Husband that poucheth the Grotes,
Will break up his Lay, or be sowing of Otes.
Otes sown in Janivere, lay by the Wheat;
In May by the Hay, for Cattle to eat.

PLant Vines, and other Fruit-trees, if the weather be open Garden and Orchard. and milde; dig and trench Gardens, or other ground for Pease, Beans, &c. against the Spring: dig Borders, uncover roots of Trees where need is, and add such Manure to them as they require: you may also, if the weather prove milde, set Beans and Pease. As yet Roses may be cut and removed.

Prune Orchard-fruits and Vines, so that it be not frosty; nail and trim Wall-fruits cleanse Trees of Moss in moist weather.

Gather Cions for Graffs, and stick them in the ground; for they will take the better, being kept some time from the Tree; and at the latter end, if the weather be milde, you may begin to Graff.

Make your Hot-bed, and sow therein your choice Sallads; sow Colleflowers; secure your choice Plants and Flowers from the injury of the weather, by Covers, by Straw, or Dung: Earth up the roots of such Plants the Frosts have uncovered.

Set Traps to destroy Vermine, where you have or sow such Plants or Seeds that they injure.

Take Fowl, destroy Sparrows in Barns, and near them; kill the Opes or Bull-finches that feed on the buds of Fruit-trees.

Dig a Weedy Hop-garden. Hop-garden.

Turn up your Bee-hives, and sprinkle them with warm and Apiary. sweet Wort dexterously. Also you may remove Bees.


Day Sun rise. h. m. Sun set. h. m.  
2 Candlemas.   Cor Leonis riseth in the evening.
8 7 00 5 00 Sun in Pisces.
14 Valentine.    
16 6 45 5 15 Cor Hydrae riseth in the evening.
17     The Tail of the Lyon riseth in the e­vening.
19     Fomahant is with the Sun.
23 6 30 5 30  
24 Matthias.    
Ʋt sementem feceris, ita & metes.

THis is a principal Seed-moneth for such they usually call Lenten-Grain. This Moneth is usually subject to much Rain or Snow: if it prove either, it is not to be accounted un­seasonable; the Proverb being, February fill Dike, with either black or white.

Now sow all sorts of Grey-pease, Fitches, Beans and Oats: Carry out Dung, and spread it before the Plough, and also on Pasture-ground; this being the principal Moneth for that pur­pose.

Plant Quick-sets newly raised; the Spring being so near, they will not keep long.

Set Willow-plants, or Pitchers; and also Poplars, Osiers, and other Aquaticks.

Sow Mustard-seed and Hemp-seed, if the Spring prove milde; [Page 268] feed your Swans, and make their Nests where the Floods reach them not.

Soil Meadows that you cannot overflow or water; catch Moles, and level Mole-hills.

Also this is the only time for plashing of Quick-sets, and a very good season for the shrouding or lopping of Trees, or cut­ting Coppices.

YOu may yet prune and trim Fruit-trees, and cleanse them Garden and Orchard. from Moss and Cankers. Now is a very good time for grafting the more forward sort of Fruit-trees, if the weather be temperate.

Your tender Wall-fruit cut not till you think the hard Frosts are over.

Plant also Vines, or any sorts of Fruit-trees in open weather: trim up your Pallisade-hedges and Espaliers: set Kernels, Nuts, or stones of Fruit, and other hard seeds.

Lay branches to take root, or place Baskets, &c. of Earth for the branches to pass through.

Sow Annise, Beans, Pease, Raddish, Parsnips, Carrots, Onions, Parsley, Spinage, and other hardy Herbs or Seeds, and plant Cab­bage-plants: plant out Colleflowers into warm places: Also plant Liquorice. Yet you may destroy Sparrows. Now is the time the Bull-finch doth the greatest harm to the buds of Fruit-trees.

Make up your Hot-beds for Melons, Cucumbers, &c. Sow As­paragus. Continue Vermine-traps, and pick up all the Snails you can finde, and destroy Frogs and their Spawn.

A good time to few Fish-ponds, and take Fish; the most Fish being now in season.

Now you may, if the weather prove milde, plant Hops, and Hop-garden. dress them that are out of heart.

Half open your passages for Bees; and now may ye remove Apiary. them.


Day Sun rise. h. m. Sun set. h. m.  
1 David.    
2 6 15 5 45  
10 6 00 6 00 Sun in Aries, Equinoctial.
11     Arcturus riseth in the evening.
18 5 45 6 15 Calf of the right leg of Bootes riseth in the evening.
22     Spica Virginis riseth in the evening.
25 5 30 6 30 Lady-day.
30     Second Star in the left wing of [...] ri­seth in the evening.
Titan doth by his presence now revive
Things Sensible, as well as Vegetive.

THe beginning of March usually concludes the nipping Win­ter, the end initiates the subsequent welcom Spring; ac­cording to the Proverb, March comes in like a Lyon, and goes out like a Lamb. If it prove cold, it is seasonable to check the preg­nant Buds, and forbid them till a more safe and opportune sea­son near approaching. If this Month prove dry, the Country­man counts it Ominous of a happy Year for Corn.

March-Dust to be sold,
Worth Ransome of Gold.

Let Cattle no longer feed on Meadows nor Marshes you in­tend to Mow: have special regard to the Fences, both of Mea­dow and Corn.

About the end of this Month you may begin to sow Barley, earlier in Clay than in Sand. You may now rowl Wheat, if the weather prove dry: make an end of sowing all sorts of Pulse. You may now shroud or lop old Trees, and fell Coppice-wood better than at any other season in the year.

This is the only time for the raising the best brood of Poultry.

It is a good time to set Osiers, Willows, and other Aquaticks: sow the Rye called March-Rye.

In this Month, and the next, you may sow all sorts of French-Grasses, or new Hays; as Clover, St. Foyn, &c. Also now sow Hemp and Flax, if the weather be temperate.

The principal time of the year for the destruction of Moles.

Sow any sort of white Pease, or Hastings.

This is the principal Month in the year for grafting all sorts of Garden and Orchard. Fruit-trees. Now cover the roots of all such Trees you laid bare in the Winter preceding, and remove such young Trees you o­mitted to remove in the better season.

Carry Dung into your Gardens, Orchards, &c.

Turn your Fruit in the Room where it lies, but open not yet the Windows.

You may now transplant most sorts of Garden-herbs, Sweet-herbs, and Summer-flowers; make Hot-beds for Cucumbers, Me­lons, &c. Saffron also may now be planted, and Madder.

Now sow Endive, Succory, Leeks, Raddish, Beets, Parsnips, Skirrets, Parsley, Sorrel, Bugloss, Borrage, Chervil, Sellery, Smal­lage, Allisanders, &c. Also Lettice, Onions, Garlick, Orach, Pur­slain, Turneps, Pease, Carrots, Cabbage, Cresses, Fennel, Marje­rom, Basil, Tobacco, Leeks, Spinage, Marigolds, &c.

Dress up and string your Strawberry-beds; uncover Aspara­gus-beds, and transplant Asparagus; slip and plant Artichoaks and Liquorice.

Stake and binde up the weakest Plants against the winds: sow Pinks, Carnations, &c. In this Month sow Pine-kernels, and the Seeds of all Winter-greens.

Plant all Garden-herbs and Flowers that have fibrous roots.

Sow choice Flowers that are not natural for our Clime in Hot-beds this Month.

You may now plant Hops; it is a very seasonable time to dress Hop-garden. them.

Now the Bees sit, keep them close night and morning, if the Apiary. weather prove ill. You may yet remove Bees.


Day Sun rise. h. m. Sun set. h. m.  
2 5 15 6 45  
9 5 00 7 00  
10 Sun in Taur.    
13     Cauda Leonis sets in the morning.
17 4 45 7 15  
23 St. George.    
25 Mark Evang.    
26 4 30 7 30 Vergiliae, or Pleiades, rise with the Sun.
Diluculo surgere saluberrimum est.

THe Mornings now seem pleasant, the Days long. The Nymphs of the Woods in Consort welcome in Aurora.

Hail April, true Medea of the Year,
That makest all things young and fresh appear:
When we despair, thy seasonable Showers
Comfort the Corn, and chear the drooping Flowers.

A dry season to sow Barley in is best, to prevent Weeds. If April prove dry, Fallowing is good.

Fell the Timber you intend to barque; if the Spring be for­ward, cleanse and rid the Coppices, and preserve them from [Page 272] Cattle: keep Geese and Swine out of Commons or Pastures.

Pick up stones in the new-sown Land; sow Hemp and Flax.

Cleanse Ditches, and get in your Manure that lies in the Streets or Lanes, or lay it on heaps.

Set Ofiers, Willows, and other Aquaticks, before they are too forwards.

You may throughout this Month sow Clover-grass, St. Foyn, and all French or other Grasses or Hays.

YOu may yet Grass some sorts of Fruit in the Stock the be­ginning Garden and Orchard. of this Month.

Now sow all sorts of Garden-seeds in dry weather, and plant all sorts of Garden-herbs in wet weather.

Plant French-beans, Cucumbers, Melons, Artichoaks and Mad­der, and sow such tender Seeds that could not abide the harder Frosts: set French-beans.

Gather up Worms and Snails after evening showres, or early in the morning.

Sow your Annual Flowers that come of Seed, that you may have Flowers all the Summer; and transplant such Flowers with fibrous roots you left unremoved in March: sow also the seeds of Winter-greens.

Now bring forth your tender Plants you preserved in your Conservatory, except the Orange-tree, which may remain till May.

Transplant and remove your tender Shrubs; as Jasimines, Myrtles, Oleanders, &c. Towards the end of this Month also in milde weather, clip Phillyrea, and other tonsile Shrubs, and transplant any sort of Winter-greens.

Plant Hops, and pole them in the beginning of April, and Hop-garden. binde them to the Poles.

Open the doors of the Bee-hives, for now they hatch, that Apiary. they may reap the benefit of the Flowery Spring; and be careful of them.


Day Sun rise. h. m. Sun set. h. m.  
1 Phil. and Jac.    
2     Cor Scorpionis sets in the morning.
3     The Greater Dog-star sets in the even­ing.
6 4 15 7 45  
8     The Goat-star appears.
10     Aldebran sets in the evening.
11 Sun in Gem.   Fomahant riseth in the morning.
13     Middle-star of Andromeda's Girdle sets with the Sun.
16 4 00 8 00  
21     Cor Scorpionis riseth in the evening.
26 3 50 8 10  
28     The Bulls Eye riseth with the Sun.
29 K. Charles his Return.    
Cuculus canit, quercus in frondibus
Delectantque-mortales in immensa terra.

THis Month Ushers in the most welcome season of the Year. Now gentle Zephyrus Fans the sweet Buds; and the Coe­lestial Drops water fair Flora's Garden.

The Lofty Mountains standing on a row,
Which but of late were Perriwigg'd with Snow,
D'off their old Coats, and now are daily seen
To stand on Tip-toes all in swaggering green.
Meadows and Gardens are prankt up with Buds,
And Chirping Birds now Chant it in the Woods:
[Page 274]
The Warbling Swallow, and the Larks do sing,
To welcome in the glorious Verdant Spring.

The Countrymans heart is revived (if this Month prove sea­sonable) with the hopes of a happy Autumn; if it prove cold, it is an Omen of good for health, and promises fair for a full Barn: the pleasure of Angling is now in its splendour, especially for the Trout and Salmon.

Now wean those Lambs you intend to have the Milk of their Ewes; forbear cutting or cropping Trees you intend shall thrive till October; kill Ivy.

If your Corn be too rank, now you may Mow it, or feed it with Sheep before it be too forward: weed Corn. In some pla­ces Barley may be sown in this Month.

Now sow Buck-wheat or Brank; sow latter Pease. Also Hemp and Flax may yet be sown.

Weed Quick-sets; Drain Fens and wet Grounds; Twifallow your Land; carry out Soyl or Compost; gather stones from the Fallows; turn out the Calves to grass; overcharge not your Pa­stures, lest the Summer prove dry; get home your Fewel; begin to burn-beat your Land; stub or root out Goss, Furze, Broom or Fern; and grub up such Coppices, or other shrubby woody places you intend should not grow again.

Sell off your Winter-fed Cattle.

About the end of this Month Mow Clover-grass, St. Foyn, and other French-grasses. Now leave off watering your Mea­dows, lest you gravel or rot your Grass.

Look now after your Sheep, if this Month prove Rainy, lest the Rot surprize them.

Plant all sorts of Winter-greens. Garden and Orchard.

Sow the more tender Garden-seeds; as Sweet-Marjerom, Ba­sil, Thime, and hot Aromatick Herbs and Plants: set Sage and Rosemary.

Cover no longer your Cucumbers, Melons, &c. excepting with Glasses: sow Purslain, Lettice, &c.

At the end of this Month, take up such Tulips which are dried in the stalk.

Binde Hops to their Poles, and make up the Hills after Rain. Hop-garden.

Watch the Bees now ready to swarm. Apiary.


Day Sun rise. h. m. Sun set. h. m.  
4 3 45 8 15  
8     The Head of Castor riseth in the morn­ing before the Sun.
10 3 43 8 17  
11 Barnabas.   Sun in Cancer, Solstice.
13     Arcturus sets in the morning.
16     Hydra's Heart sets in the evening.
20 3 45 8 15  
24 John Baptist.    
26     The Right Foot of Gemini sets in the morning.
29 Peter Apostle.    
30 3 50 8 10  
Humida Solstitia atque Hyemes Orate Serenas Agricolae.

A Showre at this time of the year is generally welcome: now Phoebus ascends the utmost limits of the Zodiaque towards the Pole-arctick, and illuminates our most Northern Climes; and makes those Countries that within a few Months seemed to be wholly bereft of pleasure, now to resemble a Terrestrial Paradise; and gives unto them the full proportion of his Presence, which in the Winter-past was withdrawn, that they partake equally of his light with the more Southern Countries. The glorious Sun glads the Spirit of Nature, and the sweet showres now re­fresh the thirsty Earth: the Grain and Fruits now shew them­selves, to the joy of the Husbandman: the Trees are all in their rich array, and the Earth it self laden with the Countrymans [Page 276] wealth; if the weather be calm, it makes the Farmer smile on his hopeful Crop.

This Month is the prime season for the washing and shearing of Sheep; in forward Meadows Mow Grass for Hay.

Cast Mud out of Ditches, Pools or Rivers: this is the best time to raise Swine for Breeders.

Fallow your Wheat-land in hot weather; it kills the Weeds. Arrationes eo fructuosiores sunt, quo calidiore terra aratur itaque inter solstitium & caniculum absolvendae, saith Varro.

Carry Marl, Lime and Manure, of what kinde soever, to your Land; bring home your Coals, and other necessary Fewel fetcht far off, before the Teams are busied at the Hay-harvest.

Weed Corn, sow Rape and Cole-seed, and also Turnep-seed. Now Mildews or Honey-dews begin to fall.

Minde your Sheep, as we advised you in May.

NOw begin to Inoculate: beware of cutting Trees, other Garden and Orchard. than the young Shoots of this year: pluck off Buds where you are not willing they should branch forth.

Water the latter-planted Trees, and lay moist weeds, &c. at the roots of them.

It is a seasonable time to distil Aromatick and Medicinal Herbs, Flowers, &c. and to dry them in the shade for the Win­ter: Also to make Syrrups, &c.

Gather Snails, Worms, &c. and destroy Ants, and other Ver­mine.

Set Saffron, plant Rosemary and Gilliflowers; sow Lettice, and other Sallets, for latter Salleting.

Gather seeds that are ripe, and preserve them that are cool and dry: water the dry Beds; take up your bulbous roots of Tulips, Anemonies, &c.

Inoculate Jasumines, Roses, &c. Also transplant any sort of bulbous roots that keep not well out of the ground. Now plant slips of Myrtle, sow latter Pease.

Dig ground where you intend a Hop-garden, and binde such Hop-garden. Hops to the Poles the winde hath shaken off.

Bees now swarm plentifully; therefore be very vigilant over Apiary. them, they will requite your care.


Day Sun rise. h. m. Sun set. h. m.  
1     First Star of Orions Belt rises with the Sun.
2 Visit. of Mary.    
8 4 00 8 00  
12     Lucida Corona riseth in the evening.
13 Sun in Leo.    
15 Swithin.    
18 4 15 7 45  
19 Dog-days beg.   Lesser Dog-star riseth with the Sun.
20 Margaret.    
22 Mary Magd.    
25 James Apost.    
28 4 30 7 30  
30     Greater Dog-star riseth with the Sun.
31     Syrius riseth in the morning.
Tempore Messis, quando Sol corpus exsiccat
Tunc festina, & domum fruges Congrega
Diluculo surgens.

IN thirsty July would the parched Earth be glad of a moi­stening showre to refresh and revive the scorched Vegetable. Now is there an equal care taken to avoid Phoebus his bright and burning Beams, as in the Winter the furious blasts of cold Bore­as. Tempests now injure much the laden Fruit-trees and stand­ing Corn, to the great detriment of the Husbandman.

Now is the Universal time for Hay-making; loose not a good opportunity, especially if fair weather be scarce.

Mow your Head-lands; they fallow where the Land requires it: gather the Fimble, or earliest Hemp and Flax.

At the latter end of this Month, Corn-harvest begins in most places in a forward year.

Still carry forth Marl, Lime, and other Manure: bring home Timber and Fewel, and other heavy materials.

Wheat and Hops are now subject to much damage by Mil­dews.

Sow Turnep-seed in this Month.

IT is a principal time for the Inoculation of choice Fruits, Ro­ses, &c. Garden and Orchard.

And for the Summer-pruning of your Wall-trees for the ma­king of Cherry-wine, Rasberry-wine, &c.

Cut off the stocks of such Flowers that have done blossoming, and cover their roots with new fat Earth.

Sow Sallet-herbs for latter Salleting; and also Pease.

Take away the Snails from your Mural Trees.

Slip Stocks, and other lignous Plants and Flowers, and lay Gilliflowers and Carnations for encrease, watering them, and shadowing them from the fervent Sun-beams. Lay also Myr­tles, and other curious Greens: clip Box, and other Tonsile Plants.

Graff by approach, and Inoculate Jasimines, Oranges, &c.

Transplant or remove Tulips, and other bulbous roots: some may be kept out of the ground, others immediately planted.

If the Season prove very dry, the watering of the Hops will Hop-garden. very much advantage them, and make them the more fruitful: if it prove moist, renew and cover the Hills still with fresh Mould.

Now Bees cast their latter Swarms, which are of little advan­tage; Apiary. therefore it's best to prevent them.

Streighten the entrance of your Bees: Kill the Drones, Wasps, Flies, &c.


Day Sun rise. h. m. Sun set. h. m.  
1 Lammas.   Orion appears in the morning.
6 4 45 7 15  
8     Cor Leonis riseth in the morning with the Sun.
10 Laurence.    
13 5 00 7 00 Sun in Virgo.
21 5 15 6 45  
23     Cauda Leonis riseth in the morning with the Sun.
24 Bartholomew.    
27 Dog-days end.    
28 5 30 6 30  
Non semper aest as erit facite Nidos.

NOw bright Phoebus, after he hath warmed our Northern He­misphere, retires nimbly towards the Southern; and the fresh Gales of Zephyrus begin to refrigerate the scorching Sun-beams: The Earth now yields to the patient Husbandman the fruits of his labours. This Month returns the Countrymans ex­pences into his Coffers with increase, and encourages him to a­nother years adventure. If this Month prove dry, warm, and free from high winds, it rejoyceth the Countrymans heart, en­creaseth his gains, and abates a great part of his Disbursements.

You may yet Thryfallow: Also lay on your Compost or Soyl, as well on your Barley-land, as Wheat-land.

Carry Wood or other Fewel home before Winter.

Provide good Seed, and well picked against Seed-time.

Put your Ews and Cows, you like not, to fatting.

This is the most principal Harvest-month for most sorts of Grain; therefore make use of good weather whilest you have it.

About the end of this Month you may Mow your after-grass; and also Clover, St. Foyn, and other French Hays or Grasses. Geld Lambs.

THis is a very good time for Inoculation in the former part Garden and Orchard. of this Month.

You may now make Cider of Summer-Fruits; prune away su­perfluous branches from your Wall-fruit-Trees, but leave not the Fruit bare, except the red Nectorine, which is much melio­rated and beautified by lying open to the Sun.

Pull up Suckers from the roots of Trees; unbinde the Buds you Inoculated a Month before, if taken.

Plant Saffron, set slips of Gilliflowers, sow Anise. Now is be­ginning a second season for the encreasing and transplanting most Flowers, and other Garden-plants; as Herbs, Strawberries, &c.

The Seeds of Flowers and Herbs are now to be gathered: Also gather Onions, Garlick, &c.

Sow Cabbages, Colleflowers, Turnips, and other Plants, Roots and Herbs for the Winter, and against the Spring.

Now sow Larks-heels, Canditufts, Columbines, &c. and such Plants as will endure the Winter.

You may yet slip Gilliflowers, and transplant bulbous Roots about Bartholomew-tide: some esteem the only secure season for removing your Perennial or Winter-greens; as Phyllirea's, Myr­tles, &c. It's also the best time to plant Strawberries, and it's not amiss to dress Rose-trees, and plant them about this time.

Prop up the Poles the winde blows down: Also near the end Hop-garden. of the Month gather Hops.

Toward the end of this Month take Bees, unless the goodness Apiary. of the weather provoke you to stay till the middle of the next: destroy Wasps and other Insects, and streighten the passages to secure them from Robbers.


Day Sun rise. h. m. Sun set. h. m.  
1 Giles.    
6 5 45 6 15  
8 Nat. of Mary.    
11     Arcturus setteth after the Sun.
13 6 00 6 00 Sun in Libra, Equinoctial.
14 Holy Cross.    
20 6 15 5 45  
21 Matthew Ap.    
23     Spica Virginis is with the Sun.
27 6 30 5 30  
28     Pleiades rise in the evening.
29 Michael Ar.    

IT is now the Equinoctial, that bids adieu to the pleasant Sum­mer past, and summons us to prepare for the approaching Winter: the beauty and lustre of the Earth is generally decay­ing; our Countrymen and Ladies do now lament the loss of those beautiful Objects, Ceres, Flora, and Pomona, in their Fields, Gardens and Orchards, so lately presented them withal; but that their minds and hands are busied in preparing for another re­turn, in hopes of a better Crop. Gentle showres now glad the Ploughmans heart, make the Earth mellow, and better prepare it for the Wheat, which delights in a moist Receptacle: still weather, and dry, is most seasonable for the Fruits yet on the Trees. The Salmon and Trout, in most Rivers, go now out of season till Christmas.

This Month is the most Universal time for the Farmer to take [Page 282] possession of his new Farm: get good Seed, and sow Wheat in the dirt, and Rye in the dust.

Amend the Fences about the new-sown Corn; skare away Crows, Pigeons, &c.

Geld Rams, Bulls, &c. few Ponds: put Boars up in Sty.

Beat out Hemp-seed, and water Hemp; gather Mast, and put Swine into the Woods.

Carry home Brakes; saw Timber and Boards; manure your Wheat-lands before the Plough.

YOu may now make Cider and Perry of such Fruits as are Garden and Orchard. not lasting, and gather most sorts of Winter-Pears, and some sorts of Winter-apples; but gather not long-lasting Fruit till after Michaelmas.

Sow Cabbages, Colleflowers, Turnips, Onions, &c. Now transplant Artichoaks, and Asparagus-roots, and Strawberries, out of the Woods: plant forth your Cabbages and Colleflow­ers that were sown in August, and make thin the Turnips where they grow too thick.

Now plant your Tulips, and other bulbous roots you former­ly took up, or you may now remove them: you may also transplant all fibrous roots.

Now retire your choice Plants into the Conservatory, and shel­ter such Plants that are tender, and stand abroad.

Towards the end of this Month may you gather Saffron.

Now finish the gathering and drying of your Hops; cleanse Hop-garden. the Poles of the Hawm, and lay up the Poles for the next Spring.

Take Bees in time; streighten the entrance into the Hives; Apiary. destroy Wasps, &c. Also you may now remove Bees.


Day Sun rise. h. m. Sun set. h. m.  
3     Spica Virginis riseth in the morning with the Sun.
4 6 45 5 15  
12 7 00 5 00  
14 Sun in Scorp.    
16     Cauda Leonis sets in the evening.
18 Luke Evan.    
20 7 15 4 45  
25 Crispine.    
28 Sim. and Jude.    
29 7 30 4 30  
Phoebus withdraws his Lustre, and his Rays
He but obliquely on the Earth displays.

NOw enters October, which many times gives us earnest of what we are to expect the Winter succeeding: that I may say;

The Sun declines, and now no comfort yields
Ʋnto the fading Off-spring of the Fields.
The Tree is scarce adorn'd with one wan Leaf,
And Ceres dwells no longer at the Sheaf.

If it prove windy, as it usually doth, it finishes the Fall of the [Page 284] Leaf; and also shatters down the Mast and other Fruits, leaving neither Leaf nor Fruit.

Lay up Barley-land as dry as you can: Seed-time yet conti­nues, and especially for Wheat.

Well water, furrow, and drain the new-sown Corn-land: now is a good time for the sowing of Acorns or Nuts, or other sort of Mast or Berries for Timber, Coppice-wood, or Hedges.

Sow Pease in a fat and warm Land: you may plant Quick­sets, and also all sorts of Trees for Ornament, or for use; and also plash Quick-sets.

Wean the Foals that were foaled of your Draught-Mares at Spring: put off such Sheep as you have not wintering for.

Follow Malting; this being a good time for that work.

MAke Cider and Perry of Winter-fruits throughout this Garden and Orchard. Month.

Now is a very good time for the planting and removing of all sorts of Fruit-trees, or any other Trees that shed their Leaf.

Trench the stiffer grounds for Orcharding and Gardening, to lie for a Winter-mellowing. Now lay open the roots of old and unthriving Trees, or such that spend themselves too much, or too soon in blossoms.

Gather the residue of the Winter-fruits; also gather Saffron.

Sow all sorts of Fruit-stones, Nuts, Kernels and Seeds, either for Trees or Stocks.

Cut and prune Rose-trees. Many of September-works may yet be done, if the Winter be not too forward.

Now plant your bulbous Roots of all sorts, and continue planting and removing several Herbs and Flowers with fibrous roots, if the former and better season be omitted.

This Month is the best time to plant Hops: Also may you bag Hop-garden. or pack those you dried the last Month.

Now you may safely remove Bees. Apiary.


Day Sun rise. h. m. Sun set. h. m.  
1 Alhallontide.    
5 Powder-plot.    
6 7 45 4 15 Leonard.
9     Virgiliae, or the Seven Stars set in the morning.
11 Martin-mas.   The Bulls Eye sets in the morning.
12 Sun in Sagit.    
16 8 00 4 00 Edmund.
22     Cor Scorpii rise in the morning.
25     Last three bright Stars in the middle of Scorpio rise in the morning.
26 8 10 3 50  
27     The Bulls Eye riseth in the evening.
29     The Middle-stars of Andromeda's Gir­dle rise in the morning.
30 S. Andrew Ap.    
—Hyems Ignava Colono.

NOvember generally proves a dirty Month, the Earth and Trees wholly uncloathed. Sowing of Wheat and Rye on a conclusion: the Countryman generally forsakes the Fields, and spends his time at the Barn, and at the Market. A good fire begins to be welcome.

Wheat may yet be sown on very warm and rich Lands, espe­cially on burn-baited Land.

Fat Swine are now fit for slaughter: lessen your Stocks of Poultry and Swine.

Thrash not Wheat to keep until March, lest it prove foisty.

Lay Straw, or other waste Stuff in moist places, to rot for Dung: Also lay Dung on heaps.

Fell Coppice-woods, and plant all sorts of Timber, or other Trees: fell Trees for Mechanick uses; as Plough-boot, Cart-boot, &c.

Break Hemp and Flax.

Now may you begin to overflow or drown your Meadows that are fed low.

Destroy Ant-hills.

PEase and Beans may now be set; some say Garlick: also Garden and Orchard. trench or dig Gardens.

Remove and plant Fruit-trees; furnish your Nursery with Stocks against the Spring.

Yet may you make Cider of hard fruits that are not pulpy.

Prune Trees; mingle your rich Compost with the Earth in your Orchards against the Spring.

Some very hard Fruits may yet be gathered.

Lay up Carrots, Parsnips, Turnips, Cabbages, Colleflowers, &c. either for your use, or to transplant for Seed at the Spring: cover the Asparagus-beds, Artichoaks, Strawberries, and other tender Plants, with Long-dung, Horse-litter, Straw, or suchlike, to preserve them from the bitter Frosts. Also dig up Liquorice.

Now is the best season to plant the fairest Tulips, if the wea­ther prove not very bitter.

Cover with Mattresses, Boxes, Straw, &c. the tender Seed­lings.

Plant Roses, Lilac, and several other Plants and Flowers, the weather being open.

As yet you may sow Nuts, Stones, &c.

Now carry Dung into your Hop-garden, and mix it with Hop-garden. store of Earth, that it may rot against the Spring.

You may this Month stop up your Bees close, so that you leave Apiary. breathing vents; or you may house them till March.


Day Sun rise. h. m. Sun set. h. m.  
3 8 15 3 45  
4     Right foot of Gemini sets in the morn.
5     The Lesser Dog-star sets in the morn.
12 8 17 3 43 Sun in Capricorn, Solstice.
13     Arcturus sets in the evening.
16     Cor Hydrae sets in the morning.
20 8 15 3 45  
21 Thomas Ap.    
25 Christmas.   Right shoulder of Orion riseth in the evening.
26 St. Stephen.    
27 8 10 3 50 St. John Evangelist.
28 Innocents.    
30     The left foot of Gemini rises in the evening.

PHoebus now leaves us the shortest Days and longest nights, is newly entred Capricornus, the most Southern Celestial Sign, and begins his Annual Return; which very much rejoyceth the Countrymans heart, to see a lengthening of the day, although ac­companied with an increase of Cold. The Earth is generally fast locked up under its frozen Coat, that the Husbandman hath lei­sure to sit and spend what Store he hath before-hand provided.

Frigoribus parto agricolae plerumque fruuntur,
Mutuaque inter se laeti convivia curant.

Now is it time to house old Cattle: cut all sorts of Timber and other Trees for Building, or other Utensils: fell Coppices.

Plant all sorts of Trees that shed their Leaf, and are Natural to our English Clime, and not too tender.

Let Horses blood: fat Swine, and kill them.

Plough up the Land for Beans; drain Corn-fields where wa­ter offends, and water or overflow your Meadows.

Destroy Ant-hills.

YOu may now set such Fruit-trees as are not very tender, Garden and Orchard. and subject to the injury of the Frost.

Also transplant any sort of Fruit-trees in open weather: Plant Vines, and other Slips and Cions, and Stocks for Grafting.

Prune Vines if the weather be open.

Cover the Beds of Asparagus, Artichoaks and Strawberries, &c. with warm Horse-litter, Straw, &c. if not covered before.

Sow Beans and Pease if the Winter be moderate: trench ground, and dress it against the Spring.

Set Traps for Vermine, and pick out Snails out of the holes of walls, &c.

Sow or set Bay-berries, Laurel-berries, &c. dropping ripe.

This Month may you dig up Liquorice.

Dig a weedy Hop-garden, and carry Dung into it, and mix Hop-garden. it with Earth.

Feed weak Stocks. Apiary.

Annus in Angue latet.


Of the Prognosticks of Dearth or Scarcity, Plen­ty, Sickness, Heat, Cold, Frost, Snow, Winds, Rain, Hail, Thunder, &c.

WE have in the precedent Discourse discovered unto you the Reasons of, and the best, newest, and most Ra­tional Methods and ways, for the better improvement of any sort of Lands capable thereof; and have also given you a Ka­lendar of the most select Times and Seasons in the Year, for the performance of most of Rural Affairs abroad; and also an ac­count of the Rising, Setting, &c. of several of the Fixed Stars, formerly observed by the Ancients in ordering their Rustick Affairs. Yet remaineth there a more peculiar Art or Science, e­qually necessary with (if not more than) any of the former; and that is to foresee or understand what shall or may probably be, before it comes to pass; which is of so great concernment, that could men but attain to it, that alone were Art enough, not only to raise their own Fortunes, but advantage the whole Kingdom, by laying up stores in time of plenty, to supply the de­fects of scarcity.

That there is such fore-knowledge in some measure attaina­ble from the Natural Significations or Prognostications of Comets, unusual Meteors, &c. is most evident, because they are either Providentially placed as Signes, which must signifie somewhat to come; or they are natural or accidental causes of some extra­ordinary and unusual effects that always succeed such rare Ap­pearances. If we should deprive Man of this Spirit, or Art of fore-seeing or judging of future things from evident Signs and Tokens, we should instead of making him more excellent, set him a degree below the Beasts, and other Animals; who not on­ly foresee the different changes of the Times and Seasons, but al­so prepare for them, as in the subsequent discourse will be made appear.

Solers Natura, & rerum genitabilis Ordo,
Certa suis studiis affixit signa futuri.

So that we are not naturally uncapable of foreseeing what is to be, but we are prejudiced against the thing it self, because super­stitious people (and blinde as to things Divine) have in several Ages doated so much upon their own attainments in this Art, that instead of making a lawful use thereof, they have Religi­ously interposed it between themselves, and the true and living [Page 290] Spirit, which hath begotten so great a prejudice against the thing it self, because of the abuse thereof, that it is generally deserted and neglected; and those that have any the least judgment or insight therein, much scorned and slighted by the vulgar and ig­norant sort of people.

Which notwithstanding, (leaving the more Sublime Method of Predicting things to come in the greater Sphere, not at all con­ducing to our intentions, nor within our Rustick capacity to write of or apprehend) we will give a brief account of the com­mon and natural significations of usual signs and tokens of Heat, Drought, Cold, Rain, Tempests, &c. on which depend, and from which usually proceed Plenty, Scarcity, &c. of Corn, Hay, &c. or the sickness or welfare of Men, Beasts, &c. All which are very necessary for our Countryman to understand; and, I hope, free from any thing of Superstition or Irreligion.

—Qui haec omnia
Sciens operatus fuerit, inculpatur diis,
Auguria observans, & delicta evitans.

SECT. I. Of the different Appearances of the Sun, Moon, Stars, Meteors, or any other thing in the Air, or above us.

The most principal of natural causes of all changes and varia­tions Of the motions, colours, and appearances of the seven Pla­nets. of the seasons of the year, and of the different degrees of Heat, Cold, Driness, Moisture, &c. in those seasons, are first the Sun, then the Moon, and other of the moveable Stars or Planets; but more especially the Sun, whose distance or nearness unto us, or rather whose Obliquity or Perpendicularity, in respect of any part of this Globe, doth beget that most apparent variety in the different seasons, which indeed would be certain, were there not intervening causes that did divert the general influence of the Sun, and sometimes aggravate, and sometimes impede the ex­treams of weather, &c. occasioned by it: But let those alterati­ons in the Air, or above us, be what they will, there are some certain Prodromi that give us to understand thereof, and none more than the Sun, as principal in the Heavens: next unto it the Moon; as Virgil:

Si vero Solem ad rapidum, Lunasque sequentes
Ordine respicies; nunquam te crastina fallet

The Sun doth indicate unto us the true temperament of the Of the Sun. Air, through which we receive its beams; and according to its density or rarity thereof do we perceive that Luminous Globe; as if the Air be serene and clear, then do we most perfectly re­ceive the beams of the Sun: the weather is then most inclinable [Page 291] to driness, and according to the winde, so is it either hot or cool; which if it be either East or North-East in the fore-part of the Summer, the weather is like to continue dry; and if West­ward towards the end of the Summer, then will it continue also dry: but upon the approach of Rain, the Air is usually repleat with moist Vapours, which are not of themselves so evidently discernable to the eye, and yet are plainly demonstrated by the Sun.

Sol quoque & exoriens, & cum se condet in undas
Signa dabit: Solem certissima signa sequentur.

Before Rain, the Sun appears dim, faint and watrish; which presageth Rain to follow.

At the rising of the Sun, if it appear red or pale, and after­wards dark, or hid in a black watry Cloud, Rain follows; or if the Sun-beams appear before the Sun-rising, or a watry Circle a­bout the Sun in the morning; or if the Sun appear hollow, or have red or black Clouds about it at the rising; or if the Beams be faint, or short, or watrish; Suspecti tibi sint Imbres—Rain u­sually follows: For the Air being pregnant with moisture, which usually precedes Rains, &c. doth represent the Sun and Sun-beams, different in form and colour from what it appears to be at other times; as some sorts of Glass being interposed, doth represent Objects different from what they are.

At si cum referetque diem, condetque relatum,
Lucidus orbis erit; frustra terrebere nimbis.

The setting clear and red, and rising grey, and afterwards clear of the Sun, indicates a fair day to follow.

The appearance of the Sun being very red at any time, but especially in the evening, Winde succeeds.

Caeruleus pluviam denunciat, Igneus Euros.

Any redness in the Air precedes winds; which colour is cau­sed from the more coagulated or digested viscous moisture, than that which causeth Rain, from which coagulated or digested moisture winds are usually generated; but the cause of the red­ness above any other colour, is the same as it is in some Glasses and Transparent Stones, which although perfectly white, re­present Objects (also white) yet red unto our eyes, as well as o­ther colours: The reasons thereof I leave to the more Learned to discuss.

The same density or coagulation of the Air also represents the Matutine or Vespertine Sun or Moon larger unto our sight than at other times, and usually precedes winde; and the rea­son why these Orbs appear greater in the morning or evening than at other times is, because there is more of this dense Air [Page 292] interposed between the object and the sight then, than at any other time.

The most principal Significator of the varieties of weather, Of the Moon. the Countryman esteems the Moon to be, not only from its Configurations and Aspects with the Sun and other Planets, which old-fashioned Astrologers and ignorant Philosophers have put into their heads; as that the Change, Full, &c. being in such and such Signes, such weather shall follow; which if true, then should we have the weather every year alike, (the same Aspects falling out very near the same time every year) which every Country -Coridon can contradict.

But also from its Prognosticks of the several changes of wea­ther from its colour and appearance to our eyes, which are more certain and useful for us to follow: the same Rules concerning the different appearances of the Sun, may also serve for the Moon, being all from the same cause.

If one Circle appear about the Moon, it signifies Rain.

But if more Circles appear, they signifie Windes and Tem­pests to follow.

Also if the Horns of the Moon appear blunt or short, it signifies a moist Air, and inclinable to Rain.

But that Vulgar Errour of the hanging or tending of the Horns this or that way, to presage any alteration of weather, is wholly to be rejected, every year they tending the same way, at the same time of the year: and also that errour of judging the weather for that Moon, by what it is two or three days after the Change; which only demonstrates the Natural inclination of the Air at that time: the same Rule may be observed at any other time of the Moon.

The different Aspects of the Planets one with the other, and Of the other Erraticks or Planets. also Eclipses, do undoubtedly either occasion or predict various Mutations and changes in most of our Sublunary Affairs, and more especially in this of the weather: But the ignorance and sor­didness of men is such, that they only relie upon the Rules and Precepts of the Ancients, and conceive them to be perpetual, when the Aspects of these Planets vary ad infinitum, and so of necessity must the effects. Also, those Authors made those Ob­servations in such Countries where the seasons and variations of weather more exactly followed the Celestial Configurations, than in these more oblique Climates, where there are other con­comitant causes intermixed: so that men ought rather to study and observe the different effects in these parts and times from those in other Countries, and also the occasions of such diffe­rences, rather than to presume too much upon uncertain Rules and Methods; which begets scorn and derision in the Ignorant, who are the only Enemies to Art.

Scientia non habet Inimicum, praeter Ignorantem.

And frustrates the expectations, and discourages the Ingenious: [Page 293] For undoubtedly Eclipses, Conjunctions, Oppositions, &c. have some influence on this Globe, though we apprehend them not as we might.

These unusual and extraordinary appearances above us, are Of Comets, or Blazing-stars. undoubtedly ingendred or formed of some Vapours and viscous matter congealed or coagulated, and congregated together into a certain Mass or Lump; which being more remote from us than the Clouds, are represented to our sight through the per­spicuous Body of the Air, to be round. Their motion is always irregular and uncertain; and according to their substance, whe­ther more or less gross or subtil, so do they appear either clear­er or dimmer to the eye: they are never so dense or gross, but that the Beams of the Sun penetrate them; which are evidently conspicuous in the clear and dark nights, except the light of ei­ther Sun or Moon be near it; then the tail (as they usually term it) or Beams of the Sun penetrating it, are lost or much dimi­nished.

The matter whereof they are compounded or formed is vari­ous, according to the part or places of the world from whence they were extracted: also their digestion or Coagulation is more in some than in others, which manifestly appears by their diffe­rent colours and substances, and also from their effects, which only operate in those parts of the World where they resolve themselves again.

They neither flame nor burn, as is fabulously supposed, but move as other Meteors do, from a certain expence of their own substance the one way, which inforceth their motion another.

When they are spent, the matter whereof they are compound­ed doth tend to this Globe, as all other substances do within the Magnetick or Attractive power thereof: so that on what part or Country of this Globe the matter resides, there may they expect the effects thereof, which are various.

Sometimes great Rains succeed, as it was after the Comet in 584. that it was then believed a second Deluge or Universal Floud to have been prepared for the drowning of the whole World.

Sometimes also great heat and drought, as did the next Sum­mer after the Comet in 1472 in January; which was of such strength and vehemency, that in some places the fire burst out, &c. Also there followed mortal Maladies, loathsome Sicknesses, most noysom and infectious, &c. (in Germany:) of which nature that Comet seemed to be, that appeared to us in England, in De­cember 1664. after which succeeded great drought, heat, and want of Rain, and that great and terrible Plague in 1665. and great heat and drought, and Pestilential Diseases in 1666, and 1667. and that never-to-be-forgotten Fire or burning of London.

At si contigerit plures Ardere Cometas,
Invalidas segetes torrebit siccior Aer.

More might be said, both as to their Causes, Motions and Ef­fects; but as it belongs to higher Capacities than our Country-Reader to apprehend, so it requires the able Pens of more Sublime Philosophers to treat of.

There are certain lesser Meteors that never attain to the magni­tude Of the Shoot­ing of Stars. of Comets, yet seem to be composed of the same matter, and to produce like effects, though in a far less degree: they are visible only in their motion, and seem as though streams of fire issued from them: As the Poet saith;

Saepe etiam stellas, Vento impendente, Videbis
Praecipites Coelo labi, noctisque per umbras,
Flammarum longos à tergo albescere tractus.

Which are no otherwise fire than the dashing of Salt-water in a dark night, or the moist light of several Marine Creatures, or of shining wood, or of the scraping of Loaf-sugar in the dark.

The light proceeding from these Meteors, is meerly from the expence of their matter by the swiftness of their motion; which matter being dissipated, descends nearer unto this Globe, and af­terwards becomes the cause from whence Winds, Rain, Mists, or Fogs proceed; according as the matter is more or less in quanti­ty, or more or less gross or subtil in substance; as is evident from every Countrymans Observation and Experience.

The Ancients relied much on the rising, setting, and appearing Of the Fixed Stars. of the Fixed Stars: Virgil.

Praeterea tam sunt Arcturi sidera nobis,
Haedorumque dies servandi, & Lucidus anguis, &c.

On which days depended their most principal Rules of Agri­culture; but it was in those parts, or Climates, as we said before, where times and seasons were not subject to so great a variation, as in these.

We therefore need observe no more than their appearances, as they are visible unto us; that is, whether they be clear or dim, or whether they seem to be more or fewer in number than they usually do, &c.

If any of the greater Stars seem to have a Circle about them, or twinkle, or appear greater than usual, or appear dim, or their Rays blunt, or appear fewer in number, you may expect Rain, the Air being inclinable thereunto.

Also if they appear very thick, and more in number than u­sual, it indicates the Air to be rare and thin, and the more capa­ble of Rain; and also Prognosticates tempestuous weather to follow.

From the same cause as Comets or Shooting-stars, may also Of Fire, or o­ther casual ap­pearances. flashes of fire in several forms be produced; which may also pre­sage or signifie the same things to come.

But they are usually more terrible, and from more strong cau­ses, [Page 295] and do usually produce more violent effects; as fierce Tem­pests, &c.

Quod si diversis se passim partibus ignes
Excutiant: Verret pelagus sine fine modoque
Turba procellarum.—

If these flashes appear in the form of Lightning, without either Clouds or Thunder, Winds and Rain usually succeeds from that Coast the light is observed; if from several Coasts, great Tem­pests follow.

If the Air seem to be lighter than at other times, the Sun and Moon being remote, it denoteth Winds and Rain to follow.

Before Great Sicknesses, or Pestilential Diseases, lights in the Air, &c. have been observed.

Also the Clouds themselves, as they vary in form and colour, Of the Clouds. or motion, do indicate unto us the weather we are to expect.

In a clear evening, certain small black Clouds appearing, are undoubted signs of Rain to follow; or if black, blew, or greenish Clouds appear near the Sun at any time of the day, or Moon by night, Rain usually follows.

In a fair day, if the Sky seem to be dapled with white Clouds, (which they usually term a Mackarel-Sky) it usually predicts Rain.

If great black Clouds come out of the North, and appear whi­tish when nearer to you, and the season be cold and dry, it signi­fies Snow or Hail.

If Clouds be very high, and move another way than the winde blows, or than the other Clouds move that are lower, the winde either riseth or turneth.

If they appear like Flocks of Sheep, or of a red colour, winde also follows.

If small watrish Clouds appear on the tops of hills, Rain fol­lows, as they observe in Cornwal.

When Hengsten is wrapped with a Cloud, a showre follows soon after.

The like they observe of Roseberry-topping in Yorkshire, and many other places in England.

If Clouds move towards the Sun, it denotes Winde and Tem­pest.

If Clouds rest over the Sun at Sun-rising, and make as it were an Eclipse, it portendeth Windes; if from the South, Windes and Rain.

If in a clear day single Clouds fly apace, Windes are expected from that place whence they come.

If Clouds grow or appear suddenly, the Air otherwise free from Clouds, it signifies Tempests at hand, especially if they appear towards the South or West.

Mists and Fogs are of divers natures; some are the effects of Of Mists and Fogs. Shooting-stars, and other Meteors; and these are more general: [Page 296] sometimes they are very gross and stinking; they are then to be avoided as much as you can: their significations, as to the change of Air, are various; if they vanish or fall without a Winde, fair weather usually succeeds.

The white Mists that usually ascend in a morning from the low grounds in a clear Air, if they vanish, or settle again in the Valleys, fair weather succeeds: but if they take to the Hills, or Mount aloft, it demonstrates the watry inclination of the Air; therefore expect Rain.

In the more Southerly Regions, the Windes are much more Of Windes. certain than in these, and the effects of them also more certain: For notwithstanding the Rules and Observations of our English Philosophers, as to the strict place of the Winde, expecting thence a certain effect, you will finde such Fancies to deceive you: For although the Winde being exactly in the South South-East Point, it Rains to day, yet another day the Winde may be in the same place, and it be fair weather. Also that Winde that brings Rain to the one part of this Island, may not to another: for I observe the Propinquity of the Sea is to be considered, e­very place lying nearer to some one part of the Sea than ano­ther; and on which Coast the Sea is nearest, that Winde more frequently brings Rain to that place, than to another where the Sea is more remote: Therefore I desire all such that expect any success to their Observations, that they quadrate the Rules to the places where they live, and not trust to the Observations of other places.

Windes also are of different qualities, according to the several places they either proceed from, or pass over; as the East-winde is counted propitious neither to Man nor Beast, which I judge partly to be from the Fens or moist Countries; as Holland, the Fens in Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire, &c. from whence Windes usually proceed, and must of necessity prove unwhole­some both to Man and Beast, except to those that inhabit on the Western Coast; for the Winde hath sufficiently purged it self by passing over so much Land, as to leave its noxious quality be­hinde it.

Also the Northern Windes are more serene with us than the o­ther: one cause, I suppose, is from the quantity of Land in Scot­land and England it comes over unto us, as is observed in other Countries, that from the Continent the coldest and most serene Windes proceed.

If the Winde turn to the South from any other Coast, or re­move from the South having been long there, it usually brings alteration of weather.

Windes do produce several and various alterations and effects in the Air, in the Water, and in the Bodies of Men and Beasts; as the South and West-windes are usually more hot and moist, and not so clear as the other; the North and East are more clear, dry and cold.

When the South-winde blows, the Sea is blew and clear; but Bacon de­ventis. [Page 297] when the North-winde, it is then black and obscure.

The Eastern-windes usually make our fresh waters much clear­er than the West.

The North-winde is best for sowing of Seed, the South for Grafting or Inoculations.

The South-winde is the worst for the bodies of men; it de­jecteth the appetite, it bringeth Pestilential Diseases, increaseth Rheums; men are more dull and slow then, than at other times: Beasts also are not to be exempted from these influences.

The North-winde makes men more chearful, and begets a bet­ter appetite to meat; yet is injurious to the Cough, Ptisick, and Gout, and any acute Flux.

The Eastern-winde is drier, more biting, and deadly.

The West-winde is moist, milde and calm, and friendly to all Vegetables. The East-winde blowing much in the Spring, inju­reth Fruits by breeding Worms.

All Windes blowing much cleanse the Air; still and quiet Summers being the most unwholesome, and subject to Pestilen­tial and Epidemical Diseases.

If in great Rains the Windes rise or fall, it signifies that the Rain will forthwith cease.

If the Winde vary much in few hours, and then be constant to one place, it signifies the Winde to continue long in that place.

If at the beginning of the Winter the South-winde blow, and then the North, it is like to be a cold Winter; but if the North-winde first blow, and then the South, it will be a warm and milde Winter.

The blowing of the Windes from several Coasts (other conco­mitant causes concurring) are the truest Presignificators of Thun­der.

The blowing of the Windes aloft, with a murmuring or hollow noise more than below, commonly presageth Rain.

The blowing or compression of the Windes downwards cau­sing smoak to descend, &c. more than usual, signifies Rain to follow.

If the Windes blow directly downward, and cause a motion Of Whirl-windes. on the water several ways, or force the dust to arise with the Winde, which is repercussed by the Earth; if they also inforce the Hay, Corn, or other things in the Fields, up aloft into the Air, which denote unto us the crassitude of the Vapours in the Air, which by the heat of the Sun do emit such casual blasts; for they rarely happen but in the Summer, and the day-time, (yet sometimes when no Cloud is near) they signifie Winde, and sometimes Rain to succeed, other causes concurring, or other­wise extream heat.

But if these Whirl-windes are very great, they presage Tem­pests to be very nigh; as Virgil.

Omnia Ventorum concurrere praelia vidi;
Quae gravidam late segetem ab radicibus imis
[Page 298]
Sublime expulsam eruerunt;—
—Immensum Coelo venit agmen aquarum, &c.

This watry Meteor, and the greatest Miracle in Nature, (besides Of the Rain­bow. its Divine signification) being produced of natural causes, hath also its natural effects. In some Countries more Southward, it's an ordinary Presage of great Tempests at hand; but here vari­ous weather succeeds, according to it's various appearances and colours.

It is the lowest of Meteors (saith Bacon) and when it appears in parts, and not whole or conjoyned, it produceth Windes and Rain.

If it appear double or triple, it usually presageth Rain.

If the colours thereof tend more to red than any other co­lour, Winde follows; if green or blew predominate, then Rain.

The Audibility of Sounds are certain Prognosticks of the Of noise and stilness in the Air. temper of the Air in a still Evening: For if the Air be repleat with moisture over us, it depresseth Sounds, that they become Audible at a far greater distance than when the Air is free from such moisture or vapours; as you may observe in Building, the lower and more ponderous the Roof or Floor next you is, the farther and plainer may you hear any thing therein; which is the true cause of the quick hearing, at the whispering-place in Glou­cester-Catherdral; which is not only from the closeness of the passage, as is generally conceived, but from the weight and Mas­siness of the building over it. The like I have observed in Rooms covered with Lead, Stone, &c. and in places under large Ci­sterns of water.

From whence you may conclude, that in such nights or other times that you hear sounds of Bells, noises of Water, Beasts, Birds, or any other sounds or noises more plainly than at other times, the Air is inclinable to Rain, which commonly suc­ceeds.

The same may be said of Ecchoes, as of other noises and Of Ecchoes. sounds.

When it Thunders more than it Lightens, it signifies great Of Thunder and Lightning. Windes; but if it Lighten oftner than it Thunders, it signifies great and hasty showres.

Morning-Thunders signifie Winde, Noon-Thunders Rain, roaring or distant Thunders signifie Winde; but cracking or a­cute Thunders, Windes and Rain.

According to the Opinion and Rules of others, and our own Of the rarity and density of the Air. Observations, we have given you the best and most probable in­dications of the future changes of the Winde, Weather, &c. from the several and usual appearances above, either certain or uncertain, or accidental. Now it remains that we say somewhat in relation to the temper or qualification of the Air it self, de­ducted from its own being more rare or expanded, or more dense or contracted.

We shall not take any further notice of the nature of the Air in this place, than it serves to our present intention, which is only to demonstrate unto you, that the Air is an absolute Bo­dy fluid and transparent, and in several particulars like unto the water, both being penetrable alike by their several Inhabi­tants; the Fish with an equal facility piercing the waters, as Fowls do the Air: they are both Nutriments to their several A­nimals residing in them; they both obstruct the Visual Faculty alike, as they are more or less dense; they are both subject to Expansion or Contraction, but the Air more; they are both sub­ject to Undulation, as they are fluid.

The Air is also capable to support great burdens, as the vast quantities of water that flow over our heads in stormy or rainy weather, which, according to the rarity and density of the Air, do gradatim diffuse themselves upon the Earth; as is most evi­dent in the more hot and Southerly Countries, where the Air is more hot and thin, there Rain falls with that violence, as though it were water poured forth; when in the more Northerly, where the Air is more dense or gross, it distils in minute drops, as it were cribrated through the thick Air. We also may discern a ma­nifest difference; for in the warmer seasons of the year, the Air being then most thin, the Rain falls in greatest drops; and in the colder seasons, when the Air is more dense, the Rain distils in smaller.

So that when the waters are above us, or that Clouds or Floods of water are in being in the Air, we have only to judge whether they incline towards us, or that they are for some other place.

This rarity or density of the Air cannot be judged by the sight; for it is usual when the Air it self is most rare, then is it most repleat with vapours, &c. as water, the more it is heated, the less transparent it becomes.

Neither can it be judged by its weight, as many do imagine and affirm from Fallacious Experiments; for the Air is not pon­derous in its own proper place, no otherwise than water is in the Sea in its proper place; although it be asserted by High-flown Philosophers, and Learned Pens, with whom it is besides our Pri­mary intentions to contend in this place, it being enough here to discover to our Country-Reader these mysterious Intricacies of Nature (as they would have them esteemed) by familiar Exam­ples and Demonstrations.

For the true discovery of the nature and temper of the Air Of Thermometry or the Weather-glass. as to its density or rarity, we have not met with a more certain or compleat Invention than the Weather-glass; the various and intricate Descriptions whereof we will not insist upon, but take our Observations from the most plain and ordinary single Per­pendicular-Glass, being only as follows.

[weather glass]

Procure at the Glass-house, or elsewhere, a Glo­bular-glass, with a Tube or Pipe thereto proporti­onable, whereof there are many sizes; but be sure let not the Head be too big, nor the Pipe too long, lest there be not rise enough in the Winter, or fall enough in the Summer. You must also have a small Glass or Vessel at the bottom, that may contain wa­ter enough to fill the Tube, or more.

Then having fixed them in some Frame made for that purpose, heat the Globe of the Glass with a warm Cloth, to rarifie the Air within it; and then put the end of the Tube into the lower Ves­sel, and it will attract the water more or less, as you warmed the Head.

You may also add numbers on the Glass, to shew you the degrees.

The water you may make blew with Roman-Vitriol boiled, or red with Rose-leaves dry, and imbibed in fair water, where­in a little Oyl of Vitriol, or Spirit of Salt is dropt. With this water fill the under-Vessel; which being rightly placed on the North-side of your house, where the Sun rarely or never shineth against it, and in a Room where you seldom make fire, lest the sudden access of heat, or accidental alteration of the Air, might impede your Observations.

The Air included within the Globe or Ball of this Glass, doth admit of Dilatation and Contraction equally with the Ambient Air, that whensoever the Ambient Air is dilated or expanded, either through the heat of the season, or before the fall of Rain, &c. the Air in the Glass is the same; and as by its Expansion it requires more room, so doth it let the water in the Tube descend gradually; and as it is more dense or contracted, either through the coldness of the season, or the serenity or inclinability to drought of the Ambient Air, so also doth the Air within the Glass contract it self into a less compass, and sucketh up the wa­ter in the Tube gradually, as it condenseth or contracteth: whence you may at any time exactly know the very degree of Rarity or Density of the Air Ambient, by that which is inclu­ded in the Glass, and thereby inform your self what weather is most likely to succeed at any time.

Be sure to Quadrate or Contemporize your Observations or Numbers of Degrees with the season of the year; for that De­gree of Rarity that signifies Rain in the Winter, may be such a Degree of Density that may signifie fair weather in the Sum­mer.

The differences betwixt the highest rise and lowest fall in one day in the Summer, is much more than in the Winter; for you shall have a cold night, and very serene Air, which contracteth the Air in the Glass into a little Room; after which usually succeeds a very hot day, which dilateth it very much; when in the Winter no such great difference happens in one day.

Yet in the Winter, in several days, will the difference be as great as in several Summer-days.

Although the Air appear serene and cold to your Senses, yet trust not to that, if the Glass signifie otherwise.

We shall not give you any sure Rule by which you may judge of the weather, but leave it to your own observations; that is, draw on a paper a certain number of lines, as many as you think fit, as Musitians draw lines to prick their Tunes on; at the end whereof, as they place their Key, so number your lines according to those numbers that are next unto the top of the water in the Tube of the Glass, whether seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, &c. Over this Scale mark the day of the Month, and point of the winde: in the Scale make a dot or prick at what line or number the water in the Glass is at, and by it the hour of the day, and under it the inclination of the weather: At night draw a line downright like the Musitians full time or note; the next day mark as before, until you know and understand the nature of your Glass, and the place it stands in, and the season of the year: so that then you shall be able at any time to give a proba­ble conjecture of whatsoever is to be known or signified by that Instrument, which otherwise you shall hardly do.

This new-invented Instrument, which is termed the Baroscope, Of the Baro­scope. by which the Authors thereof pretend to discover the temper and inclination of the Air from its weight, (in brief) is thus de­scribed: Seal a Glass-tube Hermettically at the one end, fill it almost with Quick silver, and invert it, resting the open end in a Vessel of Quicksilver; then the Quicksilver in the Tube, by its weight, presseth downwards into the Vessel, and so distendeth or streineth the Air (which is but little) remaining in the Glass, that the summity of the Tube is for a small space void of Quick­silver, so far as that small portion or remainder of Air is capable of distention; which is much more by Quicksilver, the most ponderous of Fluid Bodies, than by water in the Weather-glass. But they pretend that this Column of Quicksilver in the Tube, is supported by the weight of the Air Ambient, pressing on the stagnant Quicksilver in the Vessel; and that as the Air becomes more or less ponderous, so doth the Quicksilver in the Tube rise or fall more or less accordingly: which if it were true, then in case the stagnant Quicksilver were broader in a broader Vessel, would the greater quantity of Air press harder upon it, and the Quicksilver in the Tube rise higher; but it doth not. Also if the Quicksilver in the Tube were supported by the pressure or weight of the Air on the stagnant Quicksilver in the Vessel, then would not the Quicksilver descend by the making of some small hole on the top of the Tube, which we evidently per­ceive to do.

Also when the Air is most rare, and by consequence less ponderous, (if any weight thereof should be supposed) then will the Column of Quicksilver in the Tube be higher; and when the Air is more dense or burdened with moisture, then [Page 302] will it be lower: The contrary whereof would happen, if their Hypothesis were true.

But most evident it is, that as the Ambient Air becomes more or less rare or dense, so doth the Air in the Tube contract or dilate it self; which is the sole cause of the rise or fall of the Quicksilver.

Much more might be said herein, and also of the Weather-glass or Thermoscope; but I hope this may suffice to induct inquisitive, and not exact or perfect Artists: The full discourse and discove­ry of the various effects, observations and conclusions of these Instruments, requiring rather a Tract peculiar and proper for them only.

There is also another Instrument that may be made more ex­act for any of the aforesaid observations or intentions, and fit for further discoveries; but my occasions will not at present give me leave to perfect it.

SECT. II. Of Observations and Prognosticks taken from the Earth and Water.

If the Earth appear more dry than ordinary, or if it greedily Of the Earth. drink in Rains lately fallen, or Floods suddenly abate, it signifies more Rain to follow.

If the Earth, or any moist or Fenny places yield any extraor­dinary scents or smells, it presageth Rain.

If the Water, being formerly very clear, change to be dim or Of the Water. thick, it signifies Rain.

If Dews lie long in a morning on the Grass, &c. it signifies fair weather, the Air then being more serene, and not of an at­tractive or spungy nature.

If Dews rise or vanish suddenly and early in the morning, it presages Rain.

If Marble-stones, Metals, &c. appear moist, it indicates the inclination of the Air to be moist, and subject to Rain.

But if in a morning a Dew be on the Glass in the window, and on the inside, it signifies a serene and cool Air, and inclina­ble to drought.

If the Sea appear very calm with a murmuring noise, it signi­fies Of the Sea. winde.

If on the surface of the Sea you discern white Froth like unto Crowns or Bracelets, it signifies winde; and the more plainly they appear, the greater will the Winde and Tempests be.

If the waves swell without winds, or the Tide rise higher, or come ashore more swift than usual, it presageth windes.

SECT. III. Of Observations and Prognosticks taken from Beasts.

It is a thing worthy of admiration and consideration, how the Beasts of the Field, Fowls of the Air, &c. should be capa­ble of so great a degree of knowledge and understanding, as to foresee the different changes and varieties of seasons; and not from common observations, as man doth, but from a certain in­stinct of Nature, as is most evident.

Several significations of the change of weather are taken Of Beeves or Kine, &c. from the different postures of these Beasts; as, if they lie on their right side, or look towards the South, or look upwards, as though they would snuff up the Air; according to the Poet:

Mollipedesque Boves spectantes lumina Coeli,
Naribus humiferum duxere ex Aere Succum.

Or if they eat more than ordinary, or lick their Hoofs all about,

Convenit instantes praenoscere protinus Imbres, Avien.

Rain follows forthwith.

If they run to and fro more than ordinary, flinging and kick­ing, and extending their Tails, Tempests usually follow.

If the Bull leadeth the Herd, and will not suffer any of them to go before him, it presageth Winde and Rain.

If Sheep feed more than ordinary, it signifies Rain; or if the Of Sheep. Rams skip up and down, and eat greedily.

If Kids leap or stand upright, or gather together in Flocks or Of Kids▪ Herds, and feed near together, it presageth Rain.

If the Ass bray more than ordinary, or without any other Of Asses. apparent cause, it presageth Rain or windes.

If Dogs howl, or dig holes in the earth, or scrape at the walls Of Dogs. of the house, &c. more than usual, they thereby presage death to some person in that house, if sick; or at least tempestuous weather to succeed.

If the hair of dogs smell stronger than usual, or their guts tumble and make a noise, it presageth Rain or Snow; or they tumble up and down.

The Cat by washing her face, and putting her foot over her Of Cats. Ear, foreshews Rain.

It hath been anciently observed, that before the fall of a house, Of Mice and Rats. the Mice and Rats have forsaken it.

The squeeking and skipping up and down of Mice and Rats, portend Rain.

—Parvi cum stridunt denique Mures,
Cum gestire solo, cum ludere forte videntur,
Portendunt crasso consurgere Nubila Coelo.

Of all Creatures, the Swine is most troubled against winde or Of Swine. Tempests, which makes Countrymen think that only they see the winde.

They usually shake Straw in their mouths against Rain: As Virgil:

—Ore solutus
Immundi meminere sues jactare Maniplos:

If they play much, it signifies the same.

SECT. IV. Of Observations and Prognosticks taken from Fowl.

As Beasts, so have Birds a certain fore-sight of the change of Of Water-fowl. weather, and alteration of the seasons, and especially Water-fowl; which if they fly or gather together in great flights, and from the Sea or great waters hasten to the banks or shore, and there sport themselves, it denotes windes; more especially if in the morning.

If the Breast-bone of a Duck be red, it signifies a long Win­ter; if white, the contrary.

Ducks and Geese, &c. picking their wings, washing them­selves much, or Cackling much, signifies Rain.

Also Sea-fowl seeking after fresh waters, signifie an open or wet season.

Jam varias Pelagi volucres, & quae—
Dulcibus in stagnis rimantur, &c.

If they betake themselves to great waters, it presageth cold; if Water-fowl forsake the water, it signifies that Winter is at hand.

If Land-fowl gather towards the water, and shake their wings, Of Land-fowl. making noises, and washing themselves, it portendeth Tempests at hand.

If small Birds gather together in Flocks, it signifies cold and hard weather at hand.

If Birds seek shelter in Barns or houses more than usual, it pre­sages cold and hard weather.

If Birds fly hastily to their Nests, and forsake their meat, it foresheweth Tempests.

If in frosty weather Birds seek obscure places, and seem dull and heavy, it signifieth a sudden Thaw.

The early appearance of Field-fares, or other forreign Winter-fowl, presageth a hard Winter.

Rooks, Owls, Jays, or suchlike wilde Fowl, frequenting a Town more than usual, presage Mortality or Sickness to that place.

If the Heron soar high, seemingly even to the Clouds, it sig­nifies Of the Heron. winde.

If the Heron stand melancholy on the Banks, it signifies Rain.

If the Heron cry in the night as she flies, it presageth Winde.

If the Kite soar high, it signifies fair weather. Of the Kite.

If they make more than ordinary noise or crying for Prey, it presageth Rain.

If the Crow hath any interruption in her Note, like the Hic­cough, Of the Crow. or Croak with a kinde of swallowing, it signifieth Winds and Rain.

Rooks or Crows gathering together in Flocks, and forsaking their Meat, signifie Rain.

The Raven or Crow Creeking clear, and reiterating her Note, signifies fair weather.

If Sparrows chirp earlier, or more than usual, it signifies Of Sparrows. Winde and Rain.

If Jays gather together in Flocks, it signifies Rain and tem­pestuous Of the Jay. weather.

If Bats fly abroad after Sun-set, it signifies fair weather. Of Bats.

If Owls whoop at night, it signifies fair weather. Of the Owl.

The early singing of the Wood-lark, signifies Rain. Of the Wood-lark. Of the Swal­low.

If the Swallow fly low, and near the waters, it presageth Rain. The coming of the Swallow is a true presage of the Spring.

If Cocks crow more than ordinary, especially in the Evening, Of the Cock. or if Poultry go early to Roost, it signifies Rain.

SECT. V. Of Observations and Prognosticks from Fishes and Insects.

If Porpises, or other Sea-fish leap in a calm, it signifies Winde Of Sea-Fish. and Rain.

If great numbers of the Fry of Fish are generated in Lakes Of Fresh-water Fish. or Ditches where Fish rarely come, it presageth great scarcity of Corn, or death of Cattle.

If Fish leap more than ordinary in Ponds or Rivers, it presa­geth Windes and Rain.

Great quantities of Frogs, small or great, appearing at unusual Of Frogs. times, and in unusual places, presage great Dearth of Corn, or great Sicknesses to follow in that place where they appear.

The Croaking of Frogs more than usual in the Evening, signi­fies Rain.

The early appearing of Snakes, signifies a dry Spring, and a Of Snakes. hot Summer.

If they play much in the water, it signifies Rain.

If the Ant brings forth her Eggs, it presageth Rain. Of Ants.

If Bees fly not far, but hover about home, it presageth Rain; Of Bees. or if they make more haste home than ordinary, a Storm is at hand.

If Gnats, Flies or Fleas bite more keenly than at other times, Of Gnats, Flies and Fleas. it signifies Rain.

If Gnats or Flies swarm or gather together in multitudes be­fore Sun-set, it presageth fair weather.

Swarms of Gnats or Flies in the morning, signifie Rain.

If greater numbers of them appear more than ordinary, it sig­nifieth Sickness or Mortality to Man or Beast, and also scarcity of Corn and Fruits.

The early appearance of these, or any other Insects in the Spring, presageth a hot and sickly Summer.

If the Spiders undo their Webs, Tempests follow. Of Spiders.

—Si solvit Aranea casses,
Mox tempestates & nubila tetra cientur.

If Spiders fall from their Webs, or from the walls, it signifies Rain.

If strings like Spiders Webs appear in the Air, it signifieth Winde.

If Spiders spin and weave their Nets much, it presageth Winde.

The great appearances of Chaffers, or other Insects, although Chaffers, &c. they denote a present time of Plenty, yet are they Omens of a future time of Scarcity; and if in very great numbers, of Mor­tality and Sickness to Man and Beast.

SECT. VI. Promiscuous Observations and Prognosticks.

Leaves of Trees and Chaff playing or moving without any Of Trees and Vegetables. sensible Gale or Breath of Winde, and the Down or Wooll of Thistles and other Plants flying in the Air, and Feathers dan­cing on the water, presage Winde, and sometimes Rain.

If the Herb Trefoyl close its leaves, it foreshews Rain.

If the Oak bear much Mast, it foreshews a long and hard Winter.

If Oak-apples ingender or breed Flies, it is said to presage Plenty; but if Spiders, Scarcity.

If Trees bear but little Fruit, it usually presageth Plenty; and if much, Scarcity. But this Rule is not always certain.

If the Broom be full of Flowers, it usually signifies Plenty.

The sudden growth of Mushrooms presageth Rain.

Et si nocturnis ardentibus undique testis
Concrescunt fungi—protinus Imbres.

If Coals of Fire shine very clear, it presageth Winde. Of Fire.

If the Fire in Chimneys burn whiter than usual, and with a murmuring noise, it denoteth Tempests.

If the Flame wave to and fro, it signifieth Winde. The same doth the Flame of a Candle.

[Page 307]
—Si flammis emicet ignis
Effluus, aut lucis substantia langueat ultro,
—Protinus Imbres.

If Bunches like Mushrooms grow on the wick of the Candle or Lamp, it presageth Rain.

If fire shine much, or scald, or burn more than ordinary, it presageth cold: the contrary denoteth the contrary.

If Wood crackle or breath more than usual in the fire, it sig­nifieth winde: If Flame cast forth many sparkles, it signifies the same.

If the Oyl in the Lamps sparkle, it signifies Rain.

If Ashes coagulate or grow in lumps, it signifies the same.

If the Fire in cold weather burn violently, and make a noise like the treading of Snow, it usually presageth Snow.

If Salt become moist, it signifies Rain: The same if the Rain Signs of Rain. raise bubbles as it falls, or if the heat of the Sun be more than or­dinary, or Worms come out of the Earth, or Moles dig more than usual.

If after Rain comes a cold winde, it signifies more Rain.

If in time of great cold the Air grow thick, and the cold a­bate, Signs of Snow. or if there be a dry cold without Frost, or if there appear signs of Cold in signs of Rain, it presageth Snow.

It is usual that a dry Autumn precedes a windy Winter; a windy Winter, a rainy Spring; a rainy Spring, a dry Summer; a dry Summer, a windy Autumn.

It is observed, that how far the Frost penetrates the Earth in the Winter, the heat shall in the Summer.

Many are of opinion that the Air and time of the Moon is to be considered in several Rural Affairs: As that the Increase is Increase of the Moon. the most fit and best time for the killing of Beasts; and that young Cattle fallen in the Increase are fittest to wean; and that it is the best time to plant Vines, and other Fruit-trees; to graft and to prune lean Trees, and cut Wood; to sow Herbs, and ga­ther Tillage, and cut Meadows.

That at the Full-Moon it is best to fly Hawks, take Marrow, Full. and take Shell-fish, &c.

That at the Decrease it is best to geld young Cattle, to fell Decrease. durable Timber, to gather Fruits, sow and cut Corn, and lay up Corn; to prune gross Trees, to gather Grafts and Seeds, and to sow Cucumbers, Melons, Onions, and Artichoaks.

Dictionarium Ruſticu …

Dictionarium Rusticum;


And other Intricate Expressions dispersed in our Rural Authors.

London: Printed in the Year 1675.


THis Dictionary, above any other part of this Book, may be thought superfluous, because it being intended only for the use of Husbandmen, they above all others best understand the Terms, and their several Significations; so that herein we seem to in­struct those that are best able to teach us; which might be true, if they all spake the same Language: But there is such a Babel of Confusion, as well in their Terms and Names of things, as there is in the Practice of the Art of Agriculture it self, that remove a Hus­bandman but sixty or an hundred Miles from the place where he hath constantly exercised his Husbandry to a­nother, and he shall not only admire their Method and Order in Tilling the Land, but also at their strange and uncouth Language and Terms, by which they name their several Utensils, Instruments, or Materials they use, so much differing from those used in the Country where he dwells.

Also our several Authors that have written of this Subject, very much differ in the Appellation of seve­ral things, they generally speaking in their Writings the Language of the Place and Age they lived in; that their Books read in another part of the Country, or in succeeding times, seem either Fabulous or Intricate. Wherefore, that our Authors and this present Tract may be the better understood, and also that one Coun­tryman may understand what another means in a re­mote place; I have here given you the Interpretation and Signification of such VVords and Terms that I re­member I have either read or heard; which I hope may satisfie and supply that defect of such a Dictionary [Page] that hath been so long complained of. If any Terms are wanting, or not rightly Interpreted, I desire you to consider the place you live in, where perhaps may be some Terms used, or so Interpreted, that are not so in any other place of England, which may I hope suffi­ciently excuse my ignorance of them; or else they may be Terms so Ʋniversally understood, that they need no Interpretation; as VVheat, Rye, Cart, VVag­gon, &c.



A Anes, or Awnes; the Spires or Beards of Barley, or other Bearded Grain.

Ablactation is one of the ways of Grafting; that is, weaning the Cion by degrees from its Mother; being not wholly to be cut therefrom, till it be firmly united to the Stock on which it is grafted.

Ablaqueation is the taking away the Earth, or uncovering the Roots of Trees.

An Acre is one hundred and sixty square Lug, or Perch of Land, at sixteen foot and a half to the Perch; but of Coppice-wood eighteen foot to the Perch is the usual allowance. But an Acre sometimes is estimated by the proportion of Seed used on it; and so varies, according to the richness or sterility of the Land.

An Acreme of Land is ten Acres.

A Welsh Acre is usually two English Acres.

An Adds is a sharp Tool made different from an Axe, and more convenient for the cutting of the hollow side of any Board or Timber; such as the Coopers generally make use of.

Agriculture, the Tilling or Improving of Land.

Alveary, a Hive of Bees.

Apiary, a place or Court where Bees are kept.

An Aquaduct, a Water-course, or Carriage for water.

Aquaticks, Plants delighting in the water.

To Are, to Plough.

Arders, Fallowings or Ploughings of Ground.

Aromaticks, Plants odoriferous, or having a Spicy smell.

Avenues, Ways or Passages, or Rows or Walks of Trees.

Aviary, a place where Birds are kept, or do resort unto.

Axletree, or Axis; that which the Wheel of a Cart, or such­like, moveth on.


BAg, the Udder of a Cow, in some places is called the Cows-Bag.

Balks, Ridges or Banks.

Barth, a warm place or Pasture for Calves or Lambs, &c.

Barrow, is of two sorts; either a Hand-barrow, or a Wheel-barrow.

Barton, a Back-side.

Baven, Brush-faggots made with the Brush at length.

Beestings, the first Milk from the Cow after Calving.

Beetle, or Boytle, a wooden Instrument wherewith they drive VVedges, Piles, Stakes, &c.

Beverage, Drink, or mingled Drink.

A Bill is an Edg-tool at the end of a stale or a handle; if short, then it is called a Hand-bill; if long, then a Hedging-bill.

A Binn, a place made of Boards to put Corn in.

Blast. Corn is said to be blasted when it is poor and thin in the Ear, with little Flour in it.

Blight. See Mildew.

Blith, Yielding Milk.

Bole, or Boale, the main body of a Tree.

Boot, necessary Timber or wood for necessary uses; as Plough-boot, House-boot, Fire-boot, &c.

Boreas, the North-east winde.

Bow, an Oxe-bow, or Yoak.

Bragget, a Drink made with Honey and Spice, much used in Wales.

Brake, Fern.

Brank, Buck, or French-wheat; a Summer-grain, delighting in warm Land.

A Breast-plough, a sort of Plough driven by main force with ones breast, commonly used in paring the Turf in Burn-baiting.

A Breck or Brack, a gap in a Hedge.

Brim. A Sow is said to go to Brim when she goes to the Boar.

To Brite or bright Barley, Wheat, and other Grain; and Hops are said to Brite when they are over-ripe, and shatter.

Browse or brouce, the tops of the branches of Trees that Cattle usually feed on.

To Burn-beat, or burn the Bait. Vide Denshire.

Bulchin, a Calf.

Bullimony, a mixture of several sorts of Grain.

Bushel; in some places it is taken for two Strike, or two Bushels, and sometimes for more.


ACartwright, one that makes Carts, Waggons, &c.

To Cave, or Chave, is with a large Rake, or suchlike In­strument, to divide the greater from the lesser; as the larger Chaff from the Corn or smaller Chaff. Also larger coals from the lesser.

Ceres, the Goddess of Corn, Seeds and Tillage: Also the Title of one of the Books of Mr. Rea, treating of Seeds.

Chaff, the Refuse or Dust in winnowing of Corn.

Champion, Lands not inclosed, or large Fields, Downs, or places without Woods or Hedges.

Cheese-lip, the Bag wherein Housewifes prepare and keep their Runnet or Rennet for their Cheese.

Chitting, the Seed is said to chit when it shoots first its small root in the Earth.

Cider or Cyder, a Drink made of the juyce of Apples.

A Ciderist, one that deals in Cider, or an Affector of Cider.

Clogs, pieces of wood, or suchlike, fastened about the Necks, or to the Legs of Beasts, that they run not away.

A Cock, is of Hay or Corn laid on heaps to preserve it against the extremities of the weather.

Codware, such Seed or Grain that is contained in Cods; as Pease, Beans, &c.

A Colefire, is a parcel of Fire-wood set up for sale or use, con­taining when it is burnt a Load of Coals.

Collers about the Cattles Necks, by the strength whereof they draw.

Come, The small Fibres, or Tails of Malt.

Compas, or Compost, Soyl for Land, Trees, &c.

Coniferous Trees, are such that bear Cones or Clogs, as the Fir, Pine, &c.

A Conservatory, a place to keep Plants, Fruits, &c. in.

A Coom, four Bushels.

Coppice, Copise, or Copse, The smaller sort of wood, or Ʋnder­wood.

A Cord of wood is set out as the Coalfire, and contains by mea­sure four foot in breadth, four foot in height, and eight foot in length.

Covert, a shady place for Beasts.

A Cradle, is a frame of wood fixed to a Sythe for the mowing of Corn, and causes it to be laid the better in swarth; and it is then called a Cradle-Sythe.

A Cratch, a Rack for Hay or Straw. Vide Rack.

A Croft, a small Inclosure.

Crones, old Eaws.

A Crotch, the forked part of a Tree, useful in many cases of Hus­bandry.

A Crow, or Crome of Iron; an Iron-bar with one end flat.

To Cultivate, to Till.

Culture, Tilling.

A Curry-comb, an Iron-comb wherewith they kemb Horses.

A Curtilage, a Gate-room or Back-side.

A Cyon, a young Tree or Slip springing from an old.


DAllops, a term used in some places for Patches or corners of Grass or Weeds among the Corn.

Darnel, Cockle-weed, injurious to Corn.

To Denshire, is to cut off the Turf of Land; and when it is dry, to lay it on heaps and burn it.

To Delve, to dig.

A Diqble, an Instrument wherewith they make holes for the setting of Beans, &c.

A Dike, a Ditch.

Dredge, Oats and Barley mixed.

Drought, a long time of dry weather.

Dug of a Cow; that is, the Cows Teat.

A Dung-fork is a Tool of three Tines or Pikes, for the better casting of Dung.


TO Ear or Are, to Plough or Fallow.

Earning, Runnet wherewith they convert Milk into Cheese.

Eddish, Eadish, Etch, or Eegrass, the latter Pasture, or Grass that comes after Mowing or Reaping.

To Edge, to Harrow.

Edifice, Building.

Egistments, Cattle taken in to graze, or be fed by the Week or Month.

Espaliers, Trees planted in a curious order against a Frame, for the bounding of Walks, Borders, &c.

Exoticks, Forreign Plants, not growing naturally in our English Soyl.


TO Fallow, To prepare Land by Ploughing, long before it be ploughed for Seed. Thus may you fallow, twifallow, and trifallow; that is, once, twice or thrice Plough it before the Seed-time.

A Fan is an Instrument that by its motion Artificially causeth Winde; useful in the winnowing of Corn.

A Farding Land, or Farundale of Land, is the fourth part of an Acre.

A Fathom of Wood, is a parcel of Wood set out, six whereof make a Coal-fire.

To Faulter. Thrashers are said to faulter, when they thrash or beat over the Corn again.

To Ferment; that is, to cause Beer, Cider, or other Drinks to work, that the dregs or impurities may be separated upwards or downwards.

Fermentation, such working.

Fertile, Fruitful.

Fertility, Fruitfulness.

Fetters are usually made of Iron, and hanged about the legs of Cattle, that they leap not, or run away.

Fewel, any combustible matter wherewith a fire is made.

Filly, a She-colt.

Fimble Hemp, that is the yellow early Hemp.

Flayl, a thrashing Instrument.

Floating, or drowning, or watering of Meadows: Also Floating of a Cheese, is the separating the Whey from the Curd.

Flora, the Goddess of Flowers. Also the Title of Mr. Rea his Excellent Treatise of Flowers.

Fodder, Hay, Straw, or suchlike food for Cattle.

Foison, plenty of Riches.

Foisty, Musty.

Fork. There are several sorts of them; some of Wood, some of Iron; some for Hay, others for Corn, &c.

To Foyl, That is, to fallow Land in the Summer, or Autumn.

Fragrant, Smelling pleasantly.

Frith, Underwood, or the shroud of Trees.

A Frower, An Edg-tool used in cleaving Lath.

Furrow, The low fall or drain in Land, either left by the Plough, or otherwise made.


A Gap, An open place in a Hedge, or suchlike.

A Garner, A Granary to put Corn in.

Georgicks, Belonging to Husbandry or Tillage; as Virgil's Geor­gicks, his Books of Husbandry.

Germins, Young shoots of Trees.

Germination, A budding forth.

Glandiferous, Bearing Mast.

To Glean, To pick up or gather the shattered Corn.

A Goad, A small staff or rod with a sharp Iron-pin at the end thereof, to quicken Horses or Oxen in their motion.

A Geoff, or Goffe, A Mow or Reek of Corn.

To Gore, To make up such Mows or Reeks.

Goss, or Gorse, Furzes.

Groats, Oats after the Hulls are off, or great Oatmeal.

Grubbage. See Mattock.


TO Hale, or Hawl, To draw.

Harneys, Ropes, Collers, and other Accoutrements fitted to Horses, or other Beasts, for their drawing.

Hatches, Flood-gates placed in the water to obstruct its cur­rent.

Haws, the Fruit of the White-thorn.

Hawm, The stalks of Pease, Beans, or suchlike.

Head-land, That which is ploughed overthwart at the ends of the other Lands.

Heckle, An Instrument used in the trimming and perfecting of Hemp and Flax for the Spinner, by dividing the Tow or Hurds from the Tare.

Helm, Is Wheat or Rye-straw unbruised by thrashing or other­wise, and bound in bundles for Thatching.

Heps, The Fruit of the Black-thorn.

Herbage, The Feeding, Grazing, or Mowing of Land.

Heyrs, Young Timber-trees that are usually left for Standils in the felling of Copses.

Hide-bound, A Disease whereunto Trees as well as Cattle are subject.

A Hinde, a Servant in Husbandry.

Hillock, A little Hill, as a Hop-hill, &c.

Hogs, In some places Swine are so called; in some places young Weathers.

Hook, Land Tilled and Sown every year.

Hopper, Wherein they carry their Seed-corn at the time of Sow­ing: Also the Vessel that contains the Corn at the top of the Mill.

How, An Instrument made like a Coopers Adds, for the cutting up of Weeds in Gardens, Fields, &c. and between Beans, Pease, &c.

Hovel, A mean Building or Hole for any ordinary use.

Hoven, Cheese that is raised or swelled up.

Hull, or Hulls, the Chaff of Corn.

Hurds of Flax or Hemp, are the worser parts separated from the Tare in the Heckling of it, whereby may be made Linnen-cloath.

Hutch, A Vessel or Place to lay Grain, or suchlike thing in: Also a Trap made hollow for the taking of Weasels, or suchlike Vermine alive.

Hut, A small Hovel, or Cottage.


A Jack, A term sometimes used for a Horse whereon they saw Wood.

Iles, or Oiles. Vide Aanes.

An Imp, a young Tree.

Infertile, Barren.

Inoculation, The grafting or placing of the Bud of one Tree, in­to the stock or branch of another.

Irrigation, Watering of a Meadow, Garden, &c.

Irroration, A bedewing or besprinkling of a Plant.

Junames, That is, Land sown with the same Grain it was sown with the precedent year.

Juter, A term by some used for the fertile coagulating saltish na­ture of the Earth.


KArle Hemp; That is, the latter green Hemp.

Kell, or Kiln, whereon they dry Malt or Hops.


LActary, A Dairy-house.

Laire, Layer, or Lieare, Places where Cattle usually repose themselves under some shelter, the ground being inriched by their Soyl.

A Lath, a Barn.

Laund, or Lawn in a Park, Plain and untilled ground.

To Lease, or Leaze. Vide to Glean.

Lentils, A sort of Grain less than Fitches.

Litter, Straw, or suchlike stuff for Cattle to lodge on.

To Lock, is a term used by Drivers in moving the Fore-wheels of a Waggon to and fro.

Log, A term used in some places for a cleft of Wood, in some places for a long Piece or Pole, by some for a small Wand or Switch.

To Lop, To cut off the head-branches of a Tree.

A Lug. Vide Perch.

Lynchet, A certain line of Green-sword or Bounds, dividing A­rable Land in Common Fields.


MAds, a Disease in Sheep.

Manger, The place wherein beasts eat Corn, or other short Meat.

A Mash, or Mesh; Ground-corn, or suchlike, boiled in water for Cattle to eat.

Mast, The fruits of wilde Trees, as of Oaks, Beech, &c.

Mattock, A Tool wherewith they grub Roots of Trees, Weeds, &c. by some called a Grub-axe, or Rooting-axe. Mature, Ripe.

A Mayn-Comb, wherewith they kemb Horses Mayns.

A Meak, wherewith they Mow or Hack Pease, or Brake, &c.

Mere, The same as Lynchet.

Mildew, A certain Dew falling in the Months of June and July; which being of a Viscous Nature, much impedes the growth or Maturation of Wheat, Hops, &c. unless a showre of Rain wash it off. It is also very sweet; as appears by the Bees so mightily inriching their stores thereby.

Mislen, or Maslen; Corn mixed, as Wheat with Rye, &c.

Mogshade, The shadows of Trees, or suchlike.

Mold, Earth.

Mounds, Banks or Bounds.

Muck, Dung or Soyl.

Murc, The Husks or Chaff of Fruits, out of which Wine or o­ther Liquors is pressed.

Must, The new Liquor or Pressure of Fruits, before Fermenta­tion.


NEat, A Heifer, or any of the kinde of Beeves.

A Neat-herd, A Keeper of Neat, Beeves or Cows.

A Nursery, A place set apart for the raising of young Trees or Stocks.


OLlet, Fewel.

Olitory, An Olitory-garden is a Kitchen-garden, or a Gar­den of Herbs, Roots, &c. for food.

Ost, Oost, or Eest; The same as Kell or Kiln.


A Paddle-staff; A long Staff with an Iron Bit at the end thereof, like a small Spade, much used by Mole-catchers.

A Pail, The same as a Bucket.

Pallisade; A sort of slight open Pale or Fence, set to beautifie a place or Walk.

Palms, The white Excrescencies of Buds of Sallies or Withy coming before the Leaf.

Pannage, The feeding of Swine or other Cattle on the Mast, or other Herbage, in Forrests, Woods, &c.

A Pannel, Pad, or Pack-saddle; Kindes of Saddles whereon they carry burthens on Horse-back.

Parterre, or Partir; A name proper to a Garden divided into Beds, Walks, and Borders for curious Flowers, Herbs, &c.

Pease-bolt, Pease-hawm, or Straw.

Pedware, Pulse.

Penstocks. See Hatches.

A Perch, or Lug, is sixteen foot and a half Land-measure, but is usually eighteen foot to measure Coppice-woods withal.

A Pike, A Fork or Prong of Iron.

A Pile, A parcel of Wood, two whereof make one Coal-fire.

A Piscary, A liberty of Fishing, or a place where Fishes are confined.

A Pitch-fork, or Pick-fork; the same with Pike.

A Plough, A term used in the Western parts for a Team of Horse or Oxen.

A Plough-wright, One that makes Ploughs.

Podds, The Cods or Shells of Cod-ware, or any other Seed.

Pollard, or Pollinger; An old Tree usually lopped.

To Polt, To beat or thrash.

Pomona, The Goddess of Fruits: Also the Title of several Treatises of Fruit-trees.

Pregnant, Full as a Bud, or Seed, or Kernel ready to sprout.

A Prong, The same as Pike.

To Propagate, To increase or multiply any thing.

A Propagator, A Planter.

To Prune, To trim Trees, by cutting off the superfluous Bran­ches or Roots.

Puckets, Nests of Cater-pillars, or suchlike Vermine.

A Puddock, or Purrock; A small Inclosure.


QƲincunx, Is an order of planting Trees or Plants, that may be in order every way.


A Rack, A place made to contain Hay, or other Fodder, for Beasts to feed on.

To Ree, or Ray; To handle Corn in a Sieve, so as the chaffy or lighter part gather to one place.

Reed, is either the long grass that grows in Fens, or watery pla­ces, or Straw bound up for thatching, by some called Helm. See Helm.

A Reek of Corn, a Mowe or Heap of Corn, so laid for its pre­servation out of any Barn.

A Reek-staval, A frame of Wood placed on stones, on which such Mowe is raised.

Resinaceous, Roseny, or yielding Rosin.

Rice, The shrouds or tops of Trees, or fellings of Cop­pices.

A Ride of Hazle, or suchlike Wood, is a whole plump of Sprigs or Frith growing out of the same Root.

The Ridge, The upper edge of a Bank, or other rising Land.

A Rock; an Instrument generally used in some parts for the Spinning of Flax or Hemp.

A Rod. See Perch.

A Roller wherewith they roll Barley, or other Grain.

A Rood, a fourth part of an Acre.

Rough, The rough Coppice-wood, or Brushy-wood.

Rowen, Rough Pasture full of Stubble or Weeds.

Rudder, or Ridder, The widest sort of Sieves for the separating the Corn from the Chaff.

Runnet; A certain sowre matter, made use of by Coun­try-Housewives for the Coming (or coagulation) of their Cheese.

Rural, Of, or belonging to the Country.

Rusticities, Country-affairs.

Rustick, Country-like.


A Seed-lop, or Seed-lip; The Hopper or Vessel wherein they carry their Seed at the time of Sowing.

A Seminary; a place where you sow seeds for the raising of Trees or Plants.

To Sew, To drain Ponds, Ditches, &c.

Shake-time; The season of the Year that Mast and such Fruits fall from Trees.

A Shard. Vide Gap.

A Shed, a place erected and covered over for shelter for Cat­tle, or any other use, against a wall, or other Edifice.

To Sheer, is used in the Northern parts for to Reap.

Shock, Several sheaves of Corn set together.

A Shrape, or Scrape; a place baited with Chaff, or Corn, to in­tice Birds.

To Shroud, To cut off the head-branches of a Tree.

A Sickle, a toothed Reap-hook.

A Site, or Scite; a principal Mannour, or Farm-house.

A Skepe, or Scuttle; a flat and broad Basket, made to carry Corn withal.

A Skreyn is an Instrument made of Wire on a Frame, for the di­viding of Corn from Dust, Cockle, Ray, &c. Also it is usually made of Lath for the skreining of Earth, Sand, Gra­vel, &c.

Slab, The out-side sappy Plank or Board sawn off from the sides of Timber.

A Sled; a thing without Wheels, whereon to lay a Plough, or other ponderous thing to be drawn.

A Sluce, a Vent or Drain for water.

Sneed, or Snead; The handle of a Sythe, or suchlike Tool.

Souse, The Offal of Swine.

Soutage, Course Cloth, or bagging for Hops, or suchlike.

A Spade, or Spitter, wherewith they dig or delve: Also a Cut­ting-Spade wherewith they cut Hay or Corn-Mowes.

Stack of Corn. See Reek.

Staddles, Standils, or Standards; Trees reserved at the felling of Woods for growth for Timber.

Stail, The handle of a Tool.

Stale, a living Fowl, put in any place to allure other Fowl, where they may be taken.

Stercoration, Dunging.

Sterile, Barren.

Stover, Straw.

A Strike of Flax, so much as is heckled at one handful. Also it signifies an Instrument wherewith they strike Corn in the mea­suring. Also it is used in the Northern parts for a Measure containing about a Bushel.

Structures, Buildings.

A Sturk, a young Beeve, or Heifer.

A Sty, a place for fatting or keeping Swine.

Succulation, a Pruning of Trees.

Succulent, Juicy.

A Sull, a term used for a Plough in the Western parts.

A Sull-paddle, a small Spade-staff or Instrument to cleanse the Plough from the clogging Earth.

To Summer-stir, To fallow Land in the Summer.

A Sussingle; a large Girt that Carriers use to binde or fasten their Packs withal.

Sward. Ground is said to have a Sward, or to be swarded, when it is well grown or Coated over with Grass, or other Vege­tables.

Swath, or Swarth; Grass, Corn, or suchlike, as it is laid by the Mower from the Sythe.

Swill, Used in the Northern parts for shade, or shadow.

To Swingle Flax, a term used by Flax-dressers.

A Swine-herd, a Keeper of Swine.

A Sythe, wherewith they Mow Grass or Corn.


TAre of Flax, the finest drest part thereof ready for the Spinner.

Tares, A sort of Grain.

To Ted, To turn or spread new-mown Grass.

A Teem, or Team; A certain number of Horses, or other Beasts, for the Draught.

Terrasse, a Walk on a Bank or Bulwark.

Tet; The Cows Dug by some is called the Tet.

A Thrave of Corn contains four Shocks, each Shock consisting of six Sheaves.

A Tike, a small Bullock or Heifer.

Tills, Lentils, a sort of Pulse.

Tylth, Soyl, or other improvement of Land.

The Tine, or Grain of a Fork.

Tits, Small Cattle.

A Trendle, a flat Vessel, by some called a Kiver.

A Trough, a Vessel to hold water, &c. to feed Cattle in, &c. or for the beating of Apples for Cider, or the like.

A Trundle, a thing made and set on low Wheels to draw heavy burdens on.

A Trunchion, a piece of Wood cut short like a Quarter-staff.

A Tumbrel, a Dung-cart.


AVat, a Vessel to contain Beer, Ale, Cider, or any other Li­quor in its preparation.

Vallor, or Vallow, or Vate; a Concave-Mold wherein a Cheese is pressed.

Vindemiation; The gathering of Grapes, or reaping the Fruit of any thing; as of Cherries, Apples, Bees, &c.

To Vindemiate, To gather the same Fruits.

Vinous, Winy.

Ʋnderwood; Coppice, or any other Wood that is not esteemed Timber.

Ʋrry; The blew Clay that is digged out of the Coal-mines, and lies next the Coal, being crude and immature, and used for soyling of Land.

Ʋtensils, Instruments used in any Art, especially Husbandry.


AWantey. Vide Sussingle.

Wattell, The naked fleshie matter that hangs about a Tur­keys head.

A Weanel, a young Beast newly weaned.

Whinnes, Furzes.

A Wind-row, Hay or Grass raked in Rows, in order to be set up in Cocks.

Winlace, or Winch; that by which any burden is wound up, or drawn out of a Well, or other deep place.

To Winnow, to separate by Winde the Corn from the Chaff.

To Winter-rig, to fallow Land in the Winter.

Wood-land, Places where much Woods are; or it's generally taken for Countries inclosed.


A Yate, or Yatt; A Gate.

A Yoak, is either an Instrument for Oxen to draw by, or to put on Swine, or other unruly Creatures, to keep them from running through Hedges.


ZEphyrus, The West-winde.

An ALPHABETICAL TABLE OF The Principal Matters before treated of.

  • OF the Abele Tree Page 83
  • Agriculture, what it is 1
  • The Air, it's divers signification 298
  • Of the Alaternus 86
  • Of the Alder-Tree 83
  • Almonds 103
  • Anise, the ordering thereof 154
  • Ants, and Ant-hills to destroy 216
  • Angling 253
  • The Apiary, its form and manner 170
  • Apples 99
  • The Apple-tree id.
  • April's Observations 269
  • Aprecocks 107
  • Aquatic-Trees 83. 92. 93
  • Arable Land, it's improvement 31
  • Arbor Vitae 87
  • Artichoaks 151
  • Artichoaks of Jerusalem 155
  • The Ass 160
  • Ashes, their use 66
  • The Ash, it's propagation and use 79
  • Asparagus 151
  • The Aspen 83
  • Augusts Observations 279
  • BAuk-hooks to lay 257
  • Barbel to take 258
  • Barley 36
  • Its Use 51
  • Barberries 103
  • Bark of Trees a good Soyl 71
  • The Bay-tree 86
  • Bat-fowling 246
  • Beasts 160
  • Beam. See Horn -Beam and Quick-Beam
  • Their signification in change of Wea­ther
  • Several Beasts injurious to Husbandry 208
  • Beans of divers sorts 38. 149
  • The Beech, it's propagation and use 78
  • Beans called French or Kidney-Beans 150
  • Bees, the several ways of ordering them, from page 168. to page 188
  • Beets 154
  • Small Birds to destroy 213
  • The Birch 81
  • Of making and using Bird-lime 238. 246
  • The Black-thorn 89
  • Blight to prevent 207
  • Bobbing 258
  • Box 87
  • Bream to take 257
  • Brick and Tiles to make 232
  • Buck-wheat 37
  • Building, profitable Experiments therein 229
  • Burning of Land, or Burn-baiting 58, 59, 60
  • Of Rushie and Mossie Ground 23
  • Of Stones, Chalk, &c. 61
  • CAbbages and Coleworts 153
  • Carp to take 256
  • Carriages in Watering Meadows 21
  • Carts and Waggons, the several sorts 226
  • Carrots 154
  • Cedar 86
  • Cherries 101
  • Chesnut, it's propagation and use 80
  • Chevin and Chub to take 258
  • Chalk, the use thereof 61
  • Cider, the making thereof 126, 127
  • Cignet, to fat 167
  • Cisterns, or Pits for Water to make 196
  • Clay and Cold Land, its use 32
  • Clay, its use 63
  • Clouds, their signification 295
  • Clover-grass, its improvement and use 25
  • Cold and Frost, remedies against it 197
  • Coleflower 153
  • Coleseed, its use 42. 52
  • Codlings to plant 118. 121
  • Coneys to destroy 162. 209
  • Cormorant-Fishing 259
  • Corn, its preservation 52
  • Cows and Oxen 161
  • Cow Dung 66
  • Copses, the planting of them 91. 95
  • Crows to kill 211
  • Cucumbers 150
  • Currans 104. 107
  • Cyprus-Tree 86
  • DAce to take 257
  • Decembers Observations 287
  • Decoy-Ponds 243
  • Digging of Land 34
  • Dictionarium Rusticum 313
  • Street-Dirt, its use 65
  • Diseases of Trees 125. 219
  • Of Beasts and Fowl 217
  • Dividing of Land an improvement 13
  • [Page] Dogs 162
  • Draining of Land 21
  • Drowning of Land. See watering of Land
  • Drought its prevention 193
  • Dueks, and Decoy-Ducks 165
  • Dunging of Land, and the time thereof 24. 58.
  • Dungs of Beasts, Fowl, &c. 66, 67, 68
  • Dyars Weed 148
  • EArth, its use in soyling of Land 64. 71
  • Fullers Earth 63
  • Its Prognostical signification 302
  • Ecchoes, their signification
  • Eels to take 257
  • Eggs, their increase and artificial hatching 164
  • Elder-Tree 89
  • Elm, its propagation and use 76
  • Enclosure, an improvement 10. 23
  • Impediments to Enclosure 12
  • Enemies to Bees 183
  • Enemies to Husbandry 193
  • Engine for stubbing up Shrubs, &c. 23
  • For setting of Corn 44, 45
  • For sowing of Corn 47
  • Advantages thereof 49
  • Esparcet 29
  • Eugh-Tree 86
  • FEbruary's Observations 267
  • Felling of Trees and Coppices 95, 96, 97
  • Fences, the making 88
  • Fern to destroy 207
  • Fertility Causes of 6
  • Fetches 38
  • Figs 107
  • Filberts 103
  • Fire, its signification
  • Fir-Tree 85
  • To take all sorts of Fish 250
  • Fish for soyl 66
  • Their significations
  • Flax, its manner of sowing and ordering 39, 40
  • The use of its Seed 52
  • Of Fowl 163
  • Of taking all sorts of Fowl 236
  • Several to destroy 211
  • Of the Fowling-piece 241
  • Several predict the change of Weather
  • S. Foyn, its improvement and use 28
  • Foxes to take 208
  • French Wheat 37
  • Fruit-Trees, their profit and pleasure 98
  • Fruits, their use and benefit 98, 99, &c. 126
  • Furzes 89
  • GArden-Tillage 132
  • Preparing the Ground 157
  • Garlick 156
  • Geese 164
  • Several ways of fatting 165
  • Goats 162
  • Gooseberries 104
  • Goose-Dung 68
  • Grafting-Trees 108, 109, 110, 111, &c.
  • Grafts choice and keeping 111
  • Grailing to take 258
  • Grain, the different Species thereof 35, 36, 37, 38
  • Of some Grasses 29
  • Grass long in Wiltshire 30
  • HAir, a good Soyl 71
  • Hay, or Grass, several new Species thereof 24
  • Hasel-Tree 82
  • Hedges the best 89
  • Hemp, its manner of sowing and ordering 39, 40
  • The use of its Seed 52
  • Impediments to its improvement 39
  • Highways impediments to Enclosure 12
  • Hives for Bees 173
  • Wooden 174
  • Of Glass id.
  • Holy-Tree 88
  • Hops, and the ways of ordering them, from page 133. to page 146
  • Horns, a good Soyl 71
  • Horn-Beam 82
  • Of the Horse 160
  • Dung 66
  • Chesnut-Tree 85
  • Hot-beds to make 158
  • House, its convenient scituation 230
  • The How, and its use 228
  • Howing of Corn 46
  • JAnuary's Observations 265
  • Inoculation of Trees 116
  • Insects 168
  • Their signification
  • Insects to destroy 214
  • Instruments of Agriculture 223, 227, 228, 229
  • Juniper-Tree 87
  • Juices of Fruits. See Wines 130
  • July's Observations 277
  • Junes Observations 275
  • KAlendarium Rusticum
  • Kilns for the drying of Hops, their several Descriptions 142
  • LA Lucern, its improvement, and the manner of sowing thereof 29
  • Larch and Lotus Trees 85
  • Larks to take 244
  • Laurel-Tree 86
  • Leeks 156
  • Lentils 38
  • Lettuce 154
  • Lime, and the use thereof 61
  • Lime-Tree 84
  • Liquorice, its Plantation and use 146
  • Low-Bell to use 245
  • Lupins 38
  • MAdder 148
  • Manuring of Land 58
  • Maple-Tree 82
  • Marl, the use and the different kindes there­of 62
  • Marches Observations 269
  • Mays Observations 273
  • Maslin 37
  • Medlars 103
  • Meadows, their profit 15
  • Several ways of watering them id. 16, 17
  • Impediments to Drowning 16
  • Meadows dry, their improvement 22
  • Melons 150
  • Mercury, one of the principles of Vegeta­bles [...]2
  • Metheglin, the different ways of making thereof 188, 189.
  • Mice to destroy 210
  • Mildews the cause 814
  • Remedies against them 201
  • Mills to amend 234
  • Mists, their signification 295
  • Moles to destroy 209
  • Moon, its various signification 292
  • Mortar the best 233
  • Mud 66
  • Mulberries 102
  • Mule 161
  • Myrtle-Tree 87
  • NEighbours ill, remedies against them 222
  • The form of a Draw-Net 237
  • Novembers Observations 285
  • Nursery for Trees 90, 91
  • OAk, its propagation and use 75
  • Oats 37
  • Their use 51
  • Observations about Fruit-Trees 123
  • About Cider 129
  • Octobers Observations 283
  • Onions 155
  • Osier 83
  • Otters to take 208
  • Oxen. Vide Cows
  • Oyster shells, a good Soyl 66
  • PArsnips 155
  • Pasture-lands, their improvement 22
  • Partridges to take 248
  • Peaches 107
  • Peacocks 167
  • Pears 100
  • Pease 37
  • Garden-Pease 149
  • Perry, the making thereof 128
  • Perch to take 255
  • Persian-Wheel 18
  • Pheasants 167
  • To take 247
  • Phillyrea 86
  • Pigeons, and the several ways to order and increase them 166
  • To keep them from Corn-fields 212
  • Their Dung 68
  • Pikes to take 255
  • Pine, Pinaster, and Pitch-tree 85
  • Piscary to make 252
  • Pyracantha 88
  • Platanus-Tree 8
  • Plough, the invention thereof, and its use 31
  • The several sorts of Ploughs 223
  • Plums 103
  • Poor and barren Land, its improvement 33
  • Poplar 83
  • Potatoes 155
  • Poultry, their profit and manner of order­ing 163, 164
  • Privet 86
  • Principles, or matter of Vegetables. 3. 6
  • Prognosticks 289
  • And Observations Promiscuous 289
  • Pruning of Trees 95. 122
  • Pulse 38
  • Their use 51
  • Pompians 150
  • QƲick-Beam 82
  • Quick-set Hedges 89
  • Quinces 102
  • Quincunx to plant 121
  • RAdishes 155
  • Rags, a good Soyl 70
  • Rain much; remedies against it 200
  • Rainbow, its signification
  • Rape and Cole-seed 42
  • Their use 52
  • Rasberries 104
  • [Page] Removing of Trees 92. 119
  • Rye 37
  • Its use 51
  • Roach to take 257
  • La Romein, or French-tares 29
  • Roots of Trees, the ordering 123
  • Rot in Sheep to prevent and cure 218
  • Rushes, Flags, &c. to destroy. 206
  • Rushie Land, its improvement 59
  • SAffron 147
  • Salley 83
  • Salmon to take 255
  • Salt, one of the principles of Vegetables 3
  • Salt, a good Soyl 70
  • Saltness of the Sea the causes thereof 5
  • Sand, its use 64
  • Water-Sand, its use 64, 65
  • Sandy-lands, its improvement 24
  • Savoys 154
  • Saxifrage 30
  • Sea, significations therefrom 302
  • Seeds; the preparations of all sorts before they are sown 53
  • Septembers Observations 281
  • Sowing of Garden-Seeds 158
  • Seeds of Trees, the manner of sowing and ordering 90, 91. 117
  • Service-Tree 81. 104
  • Setting of Corn 43
  • Sheep 161
  • Sheeps-Dung 67
  • Rotting to prevent and cure. See Rot
  • Shot to make 241
  • Silk-worms, their manner of ordering 190
  • Sycamore-Tree 84
  • Skirrets 155
  • Slips and Suckers of Trees 118
  • Smut to cure 207
  • Snail, Cod, or Snag-greet 65
  • Soyling of Land, and the several sorts of Soyls 24. 58. 69
  • Spades several sorts 227
  • Several new Species of Hay or Grass 24
  • Of Grain, Corn, or Pulse 35
  • Spirits out of Grain▪ 55
  • The Universal Spirit, or Mercury 2
  • Springes to make 240
  • Spurry-seed 29
  • Stales for Fowling 245
  • Stars, their various significations 292
  • Staking of Trees 93
  • Stalking for Fowl 242
  • Sting of a Bee to cure 182
  • Stocks, what to graft and Inoculate on 108
  • Strawberries 152
  • Stones and Shrubs enemies to Husbandry 205
  • Stubbing up of Shrubs 23
  • Sulphur, one of the Principles of Vegetables 2
  • Sun, its various significations 290
  • Swans 167
  • Swarming of Bees 176
  • Swine 161
  • Dung 67
  • TAmarisk 87
  • Tares 38
  • Tench to take 256
  • Thieves, remedies against 220
  • Thunder and Tempest, remedies against 201
  • Timber the best for building 234
  • Advantages of Timber 72, 73, 74
  • Tillage, improvement of Land 132
  • Tobacco 156
  • Trees, their propagation and advantage 72
  • To Transplant 92. 119
  • Trefoyl 30
  • Trenching-Plough 227
  • Trout to take 255
  • Turkeys 165
  • Turneps 42. 155
  • THe true matter of Vegetables 3
  • Vine 103
  • Ʋmber to take 258
  • Ʋrins, good for Land, &c. 69
  • Ʋrry, a good Soyl 71
  • Ʋses of Corn, Grain, Pulse, &c. 51
  • WAlls the best way to build 233
  • Wallnut-Tree 80. 101
  • Wall-Trees 104
  • Water, its signification 302
  • Water, to prevent over-much 203
  • Want of Water, its remedies 195
  • Watering of Land 15
  • The times for Watering 22
  • Bad Water for Lands 22
  • Watering of Trees 93
  • Watering of Gardens 158
  • Weather-Glass 299
  • Sea-Weeds, and Weeds in Rivers 65
  • Weeds to prevent 206
  • Wheat, the divers kinds thereof 35, 36
  • Its use 51
  • The White-Thorn 88
  • Winds, their signification 296
  • High Winds, remedies against them 200
  • Defending Trees from Winde 124
  • Wind mill for watering Meadows 20
  • Wines, or Juices of Fruits 130
  • The Withy and Willow 83, 84
  • Woad, its manner of ordering 41
  • Woodcocks to take 249

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