
THE Accomplisht Ladys Delight.

In Preserving, Physick, Beau­tifying and Cookery.

THE ACCOMPLISH'D LADY'S DELIGHT In Preserving, Physick, Beautifying, and Cookery.


I. The ART of PRESERVING and CANDYING Fruits & Flow­ers, and the making of all sorts of Con­serves, Syrups, and Jellies.

II. The PHYSICAL CABINET, Or, Excellent Receipts in Physick and Chirurgery; Together with some Rare Beautifying Waters, to adorn and add Loveliness to the Face and Body: And also some New and Excellent Secrets and Experiments in the ART of ANGLING.

III. The COMPLEAT COOKS GUIDE, Or, Directions for Dressing all sorts of Flesh, Fowl, and Fish, both in the English and French Mode, with all Sauces and Sallets; and the making Pyes, Pasties, Tarts, and Custards, with the Forms and Shapes of many of them.

LONDON, Printed for B. Harris, and are to be Sold at his Shop, at the Stationers Arms in Swithins Rents by the Royall Exchange 1675

To the Ladies & Gentlewomen.


THough there have been many Books Extant of this kind, yet I think something hath been deficient in them all, I have therefore adventured to make another, which I suppose comprehends all the Accom­plishments necessary for Ladies, in things of this Nature. For you have here

1. The Art of Preserving and Candy­ing all Fruits and Flowers, as also of making Conserves, both wet and dry, and also the preparing of all sorts of Syrups, Iellies, and Pickles.

2. Here are some Ex [...]ellent Receipts in Physick and Chirurgery, for Curing most Diseases incident to the Body. To­gether with some Rare Beautifying Waters, Oyls, Oyntments, and Powders, for Adornment of the Face and Body, and to cleanse it from all Deformities [Page] that may render Persons Vnlovely; There are also added some Choise Se­crets and Experiments in the Art of Angling; a Recreation which many Ladies delight in, and is not therefore thought altogether improper in a Book of this Nature.

Lastly, You have here a Guide to all manner of Cookery, both in the Eng­lish and French Mode, with the prepa­ring all kind of Sallets and Sauces pro­per thereunto. Together with Directi­ons for making all sorts of Pyes, Pasties Tarts, and Custards, with the Forms and Shapes of many of them to help your Practice, with Bills of Fare upon all Occasions. So that in the whole, I hope it may deserve the Title of the Accomplish'd Ladies Delight, and may acquire Acceptance at your fair Hands, whereby you will very much encourage and Oblige,

Your very Humble Servant, and Admirer, T. P.

THE Art of Preserving, Con­serving, and Candying, Fruits and Flowers, as al­so of making all sorts of Conserves, Syrups and Iellies.

1. To make Quince Cakes.

BAke your Quinces in an Oven with some of their own juyce, their own Coars being cut and bruised, and put to them, then weigh some of this juyce with some of the Quince, being cut into small pieces, taking their weight in Sugar, and with the Quince some quantity of the juyce of Barberies. [Page 2] then take the clearest Syrup and let it stand on the Coals two or three hours, and let them boyl a little on the fire, then Candy the rest of the Sugar very hard, and so put them together, stirring it while it is al­most cold, and so put it into Glasses.

2. To make Conserve of Barberries.

When the stalks are pickt off, boyl th [...]m in fair water till they swell, and be very soft, then bruise them in a morter, then strain them, and boyl them again by them­selves, then take for every pound of them two pound of Sugar, and boyl them together but not too long, for then it will r [...]pe.

3. To make Conserve of Roses.

Take of the buds of red Roses and slip away the white ends, and then slip the rest of the Rose as small as you can, and beat them fine in a marble morter; and put to every pound of Roses, three pound and a half of Sugar, then put it up in a Gally-pot and set it in the Sun for a fortnight.

4. To make Cinnamon Water.

Take a quart of White-wine, a quart of Rose-water, a pint of Muscadine [...] half a [Page 3] pound of Cinamon bruised, lay the Cina­mon to steep in the wine twelve hours stir­ring them now and then afterward put them into an Alerubick and still them with a gentle fire, and you may draw off from it three pints. But if you will not have it strong, instead of Muscadine put in so much Rose-water or White-wine.

5. To preserve Quinces white.

Take to every pound of Quince, a pound and a quarter of Sugar, Clarifie this Sugar with the white of an Egg, coar your Quinces, but not too much, then put this Sugar, and Water, and Quince being ra [...] together, and so make them boyl so fast that you can see no Quince, but forget not to turn them, and take off what scum you can keep them boiling thus fast till you think they are enough.

6. To preserve Raspices.

Take of the faire [...] and well coloured Ras­pices, and pick off their stalks very clean, then wash them, but be sure not to bruise them; then weigh them, and to every pound of Raspices, put six ounces of hard Sugar, and six ounces of Sugar-Candy, and clarifie it with half a pint of fair water, and [Page 4] four ounces of juice of Raspices being clari­fied: boyl it to a weak Syrup, and then put in your Raspices stiring them up and down, and so let them boyl till they are enough, and you may keep them all the year.

7. To make Mackroons

Take Almonds, blanch them, and beat them in a Morter, with serced Sugar ming­led therewith, with the white of an Egg, and Rose-water, then beat them altogether till they are thick as Fritters, then drop it upon your Wa [...]ers, and take it.

8. To Preserve Cherries.

Take some of the worst Cherries and boil them in fair water, and when the liquor is well coloured strain it, then take some of the best Cherries you can get, with their weight in beaten Sugar, then lay one lay­ing of Sugar, and another of Cherries, till all are la [...]d in the Preserving pan; then pour a little of the liquor of the worst Cherries into it, boil your Cherries till they be well coloured, then take them up, and boil the Syrup till it will button on the side of the dish and when they are cold put them up [Page 5] in a Glass covered close with paper, untill [...] you use them.

9. To make Conserve of Oranges and Le­mons, or Pippins.

Boil any of these fruits, as you would do to make past thereof and when it is ready to fashion upon the Pye plate, then put it into your Gally-pots, and never dry it; and this is all the difference betwixt Con­ser [...]e and Past, and this serves for all [...]ar [...] fruits, as Pippins, Oranges and Lemmons.

10. To make Symbals.

Take fine flower dry'd, and as much Su­gar as flower, then take as much whites of Eggs as will make it Past; put in a little Rose-water, with a quantity of Coriander­seed and Anniseed, then mould it up in the fashion you will bake it in.

11. To make Syrup of Clove-gilli-flowers.

Take a pound of Clove-gilli-flowers, the whites being cut off, infuse them a whole night in a quart of fair water, then with four pound of Sugar dissolved in it, make it into a Syrup wishout boiling.

12. To make Syrup of Violets.

Take of Violet flowers fresh and pickt, a pound, clear water boiling one quart, shut them up close together in a new glazed pot a whole day, then press them hard out, and in two pound of the Liquor, dissolve four pound and three ounces of white Sugar, take away the scum, and so make it into a Syrup without boiling.

13. To make Murmelade of Quinces.

Take a pottle of water, and four pound of Sugar, and let them boyl together, and when they boyl, scum them as clean as you can, then take the whites of two or three eggs and beat them to froath, put the froath into the pan to make the scum [...]se, then scum it as clean as you can; take off the Kettle and put in the Quinces, and let them boil a good while and stir them, and when they are boiled enough put them into boxes.

14. To make Hippocras.

Take a gallon of White-wine, two pound of Sugar; and of Cinamon, Ginger, long Pepper, Mace n [...]t bruised, Grains, Galin­gal Cloves not bruised, of each two penny­worth, bruise every kind of spice a little, [Page 7] and put them all together into an earther pot for a day, then cast them through your bags two or three times, as you see cause and so drink it.

15. To make Almond Butter.

Take your Almonds and blaunch them, and beat them in a morter very small, and in beating put in a little water, and when they are beaten pour in water into two pots and put half into one and half into a­nother, put Sugar to them and stir them, and let them boil a good while; then strain it through a strainer with Rose-water, and so dish it up.

16. To preserve Quinces red.

Pare your Quinces, and coar them; then take as much Sugar as they weigh, putting to every pound of Sugar one quart of wa­ter, boil your Quinces therein very lea­surely being close covered, turn them to keep them from spotting [...] and when they are so tender that you may prick a hole through them with a rush and that they are well coloured, then boil the Syrup till it will button on a dish and so put your Syrup and them up together.

17 To pickle Cucumbers.

Wash your Cucumbers clean and dry them in a cloath, then take some Water. Vinegar, Salt, Fennel tops, and some Dill tops, and a little Mace, make it fast enough and sharp enough to the tast, then boil it a while, and then take it off, and let it stand till it is cold; then put in the Cucumbers, and lay a board on the top to keep them down, and tye them up close, and within a week they will be fit to eat.

18. To Candy Pears [...] Plumbs and Apricocks to look as clear as Amber.

Take your Apricocks or Plumbs, and give every one a cut to the stone in the notch, then cast Sugar on them and bake them in an Oven as hot as for Maunchet close stopt, bake them in an earthen Platter and let them stand half an hour, then take them out of the dish, and lay them one by one upon glass plates, and so dry them; if you can get glasses made like Marmalet boxes to lay over them, they will be the sooner Candyed. In this manner you may candy any other fruit.

19. To preserve Oranges.

Take a pound of Oranges, and a pound of Sugar, pill the outward rind, and inward white skin off then take juice of Oranges and put them into the juice, boil them half an hour and take them off.

20. To make Oyl of Violets.

Set the Violets in Sallad Oyl, and Strain them, then put in other fresh Violets and let them lye twenty days, then strain them again and put in other fresh Violets, and let them stand all the year.

21. To mak cream of Quinces.

Take a roasted Quince, pare it and cut it into thin slices to the coar, boyl it in a pint of cream with a little whole Ginger, till it tast of the Quinces to your liking, then put in a little Sugar and strain it, and always serve it cold to the Table.

22. To make a March-pan,

Steep two pound of picked Almonds one day and two nights in fair water, and blaunch them out of it, then [Page 10] beat them well in a morter, and bedew them with Rose-water, put to your Almonds so many pound of Sugar, and beat your Sugar with your Almonds; then make very fine [...]rust either of past or wafer, and sprinkle it with Rose-water and Sugar; then spread the stuff on it, and bake it at a very soft fire, always bedewing it with Damask-water, Civet, and Sugar; and lastly with a gut of Dates guilt or long Comfits guilt, or with Cinamon-sticks guilt, or the kernels of the Pine-apple and [...]o [...]et it forth.

23. To make Almond Milk.

Boyl French Barley, and as you boyl it cast away the water wherein it was boil [...]d, till you see the water leave to change co­lour; as you put in more fresh water, then put in a bundle of Straw-berry leaves: and as much Cullumbine leaves, and boyl it a good while; then put in beaten Al­monds and strain them, and then season it with Sugar and Rosemary, then strew some Sugar about the dish, and send it to the Table.

24. To preserve Apricocks, or Pear­plumbs when they are green.

You may take any of these fruits and [Page 11] scald them in water and peel them, and s [...]rape the spungy substance of the Apri­cocks or Quinces, so boyl them very ten­der, taking their weight in Sugar, and as much water as to cover them, and boyl them very leasurely; then take them up and boil the Syrup till it be thick, and when they are cold put them up with you [...] Syrup into your preserving Glasses.

25. To pickle French Beans.

You must take your Beans and string them boyl them tender [...] then take them off [...] and let them stand till they are cold, put them into the pickle of Beer Vinegar, Pepper and Salt Cloves and Mace with a little Ginge.

26 [...] To make an excellent Jelly.

Take three gallons of fair water, and boil in it a knuckle of Veal, and two Calves feet slit in two, with all the fat clean taken from between the claws, so let them boil to a very tender Jelly keeping it clean scum [...]d, and the edges of the pot always wiped with a clean [...]ath, that none of the scum may boil in, strain it from the meat, and let it stand all night, and the next morning take away the top and the bot­tom, [Page 12] and take to a Quart of this Jelly, half a pint of Sherry sack, half an ounce of Cinamon, and as much Sugar as will season it, six whites of Eggs very well beaten, mingle all these together, then boil it half an hour, and let it run through your Jelly bag.

27. To make Aqua-Mirabil is.

Take of Cloves, Galanga, Cubebs, Mace, Cardamums, Nutmegs, Ginger, of each one dram; juice of Celandine half a pound, Spirit of Wine one pint, White-wine three pints, infuse them twenty four hours, and draw off a Quart with an Alembick.

28. Dr. Stevens Water.

Take of Cinamon, Ginger, Galanga, Cloves, Nutmegs, Grains of Paradise, seeds of Annis, Fennel, [...]arraways, of each one dram [...] herbs of Time, Mother of Time, Mints, Sage, Penny-royal Pellitory of the Wall, Rosemary, Flowers of Red Roses, Camomile, Origanum, Lavender, of each one handful, infuse them twelve hours in [...]welve pints of Gascoign wine, then with [...] Alembick draw three pints of strong­water from it.

29. To make good cherry Wine.

Take the Syrup of Cherries, and when it hath stood a while bottle it up, and tye down the Cork, and in a short time it will be very good pleasant Wine.

30. To make Wa [...]ers.

Take a pint of flower, a little cream the yolks of two Eggs, a little Rose-water, with some searced Cinamon and Sugar work them together, and bake them upon hot Irons.

31. To Preserve Grapes.

Stamp and strain them, let it settle a while before you wet a pound of Sugar or Grapes with the juice, stone the Grapes, save the liquor, in the stoning take off the stalks give them a boiling, take them off, and put them up.

32. To Pickle Purslain.

Take the Purslain and pick it into little pieces, and put it into a Pot or Barrel, then take a little water, Vinegar and Salt to your tast, it must be pretty strong of the Vinegar and Salt, and a little [Page 14] Mace, and boil all these together, and pour this liquor boiling hot into the Parslain, and when it is cold tye it close, but lay a little board on the top to keep it down, and within a week or two it is fit to eat.

33. To preserve green Walnuts.

Boil your Walnuts till the water tast bitter, then take them off, and put them in cold water, and pill off the bark, and weigh as much Sugar as they weigh and a little more water then will wet the Sugar, set them on the fire, and when they boil up take them off, and let them stand two days, and then boil them again once more.

34. To prese [...]ve Currants.

Part them in the tops, and lay a lane of Currants, and a lane of Sugar, and so boyl them as fast as you do Ras-berries, do not put them in the spoon but scum them, boil till the Syrup be pretty thick; then take them off, and let them stand till they be cold and put them into a glass.

35. To make Goose berry Cakes.

Pick as many Goose-berries as you please and put them into an earthen Pitcher [Page 15] and set it in a kettle of water till they be soft, and then put them into a five, and let them stand till all the juice be out, and weigh the juice, and as much Sugar as Syrup, first boyl the Sugar to a Candy, and take it off, and put in the juice and set it on a­gain till it be hot and take it off, and set them in the Press till they be dry, then they are ready.

36. An excellent broath.

Take a Chicken and set it on the fire, and when it boils scum it, then put in a Mace, and a very little Oatmeal, and such herbs as the party requires; and boil it well down, and bruise the Chicken and put it in again and it is good broath: and to alter it you may put in six Prunes, and leave out the herbs or put them in as you please, and when it is well boyled, strain it and season it.

37. To make Angellets.

Take a quart of new milk, and a pint of cream and put them together in a little Runnel, when it is come well take it up with a spoon, and put it into the Vate softly, and let it stand two days till it be pretty stiff; then slip it out and salt it a little at both [Page 16] ends, and when you think it is salt enough set it a drying, and wipe them, and within a quarter of a year they will be ready to eat.

38. To make Ielly of Harts-horn.

Take four ounces of the shavings of Harts-horn of the inside, and two Ale [...] quarts of water, put this in a Pipkin, and boil it very gently till it come to a quart, the Harts-horn must be steeped 3 or 4 hours first afterwards put a little into a Saucer till it be cold, and if it be cold and Jellieth it is boil'd enough [...] Then being warm take it off the fire, and strain it hard through a cloath, and set it a cooling till it be hard Jelly, then take two whites of eggs, and beat them very well, er with a sprigg of Rosemary or birch, (but not with a spoon) till a water come in the bottom, then put these beaten eggs and the water thereof into a skillet and all the Jelly upon it, with three spoonfuls of damask Rose-water, and a quar­ter of a pound of Sugar, and when it boils, sti [...] and lay it pretty well, then strain it through a cloath and let it cool, and of this take four spoonfuls in the morning fasting, and four a clock in the afternoon and this is excellent good for the weakness of the ba [...]k.

40. To preserve Damsons red, or black Plumbs.

Take their weight in Sugar, and water enough to make a Syrup to cover them, so boil them a little therein being close cove­red turning them for spotting, let them stand all night in their own Syrup, then set them upon a pot of seething water, and suffer your Plumbs to boyl no faster then the water under them; and when they are both sweet and tender take them up, and boil the Syrup again till it be thick, then put up your Plumbs and it together in your pre­serving glasses.

41. To make Rosemary water.

Take the Rosemary and the flowers in the midst of May before Sun-rise, strip the leaves and flowers from the stalks, then take 4 or 5 Elecampana roots, and a handful or two of sage, then beat the Rosemary, sage and roots together, till they be very small, then take three ounces of Cloves & as much Mace, and half a pound of Anniseeds, and [...]eat these spices every one by themselves then take the herbs and the spices, and put thereto 4 or 5 gallons of good White-wine, then put in all these herbs, spices and wine [Page 18] into an earthen Pot, and put the Pot into the ground about sixteen days, then take it up and distil it with a very soft fire.

43. To make Pomatum.

Take fresh Hogs suet clean sed from the films and washt in White-wine one pound and as much sheeps suet washt in White-wine, then take about sixteen Pomwater Apples cleansed and boyl d in Rose-water; add to these Rose-wood, Sassafras, Roots of Orrice Florentine of each six drams, of Ben­zoin, Storax Calamita half an ounce of each and so make it into an Oyntment.

44. To maks Oyl of sweet Almonds.

Take dryed sweet Almonds as many as you please, beat them very small and put them into a rough hemp [...]n [...] loath, and with­out fire by degrees press out the Oyl.

45. An excellent Water against fit [...] of the Mother.

Take Briony-roots, Elder-berries ripe, and d [...]estat a gentle heat in a furnace and cleans'd from their stalks, of each two oun­ces; leaves of Mugwort, Dittany, Fea­therfew, Nep, Basil, Penny-royal, Rue, Sabine, all dryed in the Sun [...] of each half [Page 19] an ounce, peels of Oranges the out-side dry'd an ounce and a half, Myrrh, Casto­reum, of each three drams, Saffron one dram; powder them and steep them eight days in two quarts of the spirit of Wine; then strain through a very quick hair strainer, keep the strained liquor in a glass very well stopt.

46. To make syrup of Wormwood.

Take Roman Wormwood, or Po [...]tick VVormwood half a pound, of red Roses two ounces, Indian spike three drams; old rich White-wine and juice of Quinces of each two pints and a half, bruise them in an earthen Vessel twenty four hours, then boil them till half be wasted, strain it, and put to the straining two pounds of Sugar, and boil it to a Syrup.

47. To make conserve of Quinces.

Take three quarts of the juyce of Quin­ces clarified, boil it until two parts be wasted then put to it two pounds of white Sugar, then boil them to the thickness of Honey.

48. To make Syrup of Poppies.

Take the heads and seeds of white Poppy and black, of each fifty drams, Venus hair [Page 20] fifteen, Licorice five drams, Jujubes thirty Drams; Lettic [...] seeds forty drams, and of the seeds of Mallows; and Quinces tied up in a fine rag, of each one dram and half; boil them in eight pints of water, untill half be wasted, strain it, and to every three pound of liquor put thereto Perrides, & Su­gar of each 1 pound, boil them to a Syrup.

49. To make honey of Roses.

Take of pure white honey dispumed, fresh juice of red Roses one pound, put them into a Skillet, and when they begin to boil, throw into them of fresh red Rose leaves picked, four pounds, and boil them untill the juice be wasted; alway [...] stirring it, then strain it, and put it up in an Earthen pot.

50. To make Syrup of Lemmons.

Take of the juice of Lemmons purified by going through a Woolen strainer with crushing, three quarts and an half, and of white Sugar five pound; boil them with a soft fire to a Syrup.

51. To make Spirit of Wine.

Take of good Claret, or White-wine, or Sack, enough to fill the Vessel, wherein you make your distillation to a third part, then put on the head furnished with the [Page 21] Nose or Pipe, and so make your distillation first in ashes, drawing about a third part from the whole; as for example, six or eight pints out of four and twenty, then still it again in B. M. drawing another third part, which is two pints, so that the oftner you distil it, the less liquor you have b [...]t the more strong, some use to rectifie it se­ven times.

52. To make Syrup of Maiden-hair.

Take of the herb [...]aiden-hair, fresh ga­thered and cut a little, five ounces, of roots of Licorish Scraped two ounces, steep them twenty four hours in a sufficient quantity of hot water then boil them according to art; Add four pounds of Sugar to five pints of the clarified liquor, and then boil them to a Syrup.

53. To make Syrup of licorish

Take of the Roots of licorish scraped two ounces of colts-foot four handfuls; of Mai­den-hair one ounce of Hysop half an ounce, infu [...]e them twenty four hours in a sufficient quantity of water, then boil them till one half be wasted, add to the strained liquor, a pound of the best clarified honey, and as much white Sugar, boil them to a Syrup

54. To make the Kings perfume.

Take six spoonfuls of Rose-water, and as much Amber-greece as weigheth two Bar­ley-corns, and as much Cive [...], with as much Sugar as weigheth two pence beaten in fine powder; all these boiled together in a perfuming pan is an excellent per­fume.

55. The Queens perfume.

Take four spoonfuls of spike water, and four spoonfuls of Damask water, thirty cloves, and eight bay leaves shred as much Sugar as weigheth two pence; all these boiled make a good perfume.

56. King Edwards perfume to make your house smell like Rosemary.

Take three spoonfuls of perfect Rose­mary, and as much Sugar as half a Wal­nut beaten in small powder; all these boil­ed together in a perfuming Pan upon hot Embers with a few coals is a very sweet perfume.

57. To make conserve of Rosemary.

Take your Flowers of Rosemary, which you may gather either in March or Sep­tember, [Page 23] when you have beaten them to pap, take three times their weight in Sugar, pound them all together and set them in the Sun and so use them.

58. To make syrup of Cowslips.

Take the distilled water of Cow-slips, and put thereto your flowers of Cow-slips clean pickt, and the green knobs in the bottom cut off, and boil them up into a Syrup, take it in Almond Milk, or some other warm thing; it is good against the Palsi [...] and [...]renzy, and to procure sleep to the si [...]k.

59. To make Marmelade of Lem­mons and Oranges.

You may boil eight or nine Lemmons or Oranges, with four or five Pippins, and draw them through a strainer; then take the weight of the pulp all together in Sugar and boil is as you do Marmelade of Quinces and so box it up.

60. To make Angelica wat [...]r.

Take a handful of Carduus benedictus and dry it, then take three ounces of An­gelica roots one dram of Myrrh, half an ounce of Nutmegs, Cinamon and Ginger [Page 24] four ounces of each, one dram and half of Saffron; of Cardonius, Cubels, Galingal, and Pepper, of each a quarter of an ounce; two drams of Mace, one dram of grains, of Lignum Aloes, Spikenard, Iunius Odo­ratus; of each a dram; sage, Borage, Bug­los, Violets, and Rosemary flowers of each half a handful, bruise them and steep them in a pottle of Sack twelve hours, and distill it as the rest.

61. To make Quiddany of Cherries.

When your Cherries are fully ripe, and red to the stone, take them and pull out the stones, and boil your Cherries till they be all broken then strain them and take the liquor strained out, and boil it over again, and put as much Sugar to it as you think convenient, and when it is boil [...]d that you think it is thick enough put it into your boxes.

62. To dry Cherries.

Take six pound of Cherries and stone them [...] then take a pound of Sugar and wet it with the juice of the Cherries, and boil it a little, then put in your Cherries and boil them till they are clear, let them lye in the Syrup a week then drein them from [Page 25] the Syrup, and lay them on thin boards, or sheets of glass to dry in a stove, turn them twice a day, and when they are dry, wash off the clamminess with warm water [...] and dry them a little longer.

63. To make brown Metheglin.

Take strong Ale-wort, and put as much Honey to it as will make it strong enough to bear an Egg; boil them very well toge­ther, then set it a cooling, and when it is al­most cold put in some Ale-yeast, then put it into a strong Vessel, and when it hath done working, put a bag of spices into the Vessel and some Lemon Peel and stop it up close, and in a few days it will be fit to drink, but the longer you keep it the better.

64. To candy Oranges or Lemons, af­ter they are preserved.

Take them out of the Syrup, and drain them well, then boil some Sugar to a candy height, and lay your Peels in the bottom of a [...]ive, and pour your hot Sugar over them, and then dry them in a stove or warm oven.

65. To preserve Oranges after the Portugal fashion.

Open your Oranges at the end, and take [Page 26] out all the meat, then boil them in several waters, till a straw nay go through them, then take their weight ann half in fine Su­gar, and to every pound of Sugar, a pint of water, boil it and scum it, then put in your Oranges and boil them a little more, then take them up, and fill them with preserved Pippins, and boil them again till you think they are enough, but if you will have them jelly, make a new Syrup with the water wherein some sliced Pippins have been boil­ed, and some sine Sugar, and that will be a stiff Jelly.

66. To make good Vsquebath.

Take two Gallons of good Aquavitae four ounces of the best liquorice bruised, four ounces of Anniseed brui [...]ed, put them into a Wooden, Glass, or Stone Vessel, and cover them close, and so let them stand a week, then draw off the cleerest and Sweet­est with Molosso's, and keep it in another Vessel, and put in some Dates, and Raisens stoned, keep it very close from the Air.

67. To make Italian Bisket.

Take serced Sugar; and a little of the white of an Egg, with some Ambergreece and Musk, beat them all to a past in an Ala­blaster [Page 27] Morter, and mould it in a little An­niseed finely dusted, then make it up in Loaves, and cut them about like Maunchet, then bake them in an Oven, as hot as for Maunchet, and when they are risen some­what high upon the Plates take them forth and remove them not of the Plates till they be cold, for they will be very apt to break.

68. To make French Bisket.

Take half a peek of flower, with four Eggs half a pint of Ale-yeast, one ounce and half of Anniseed, a litle sweet cream, and a little cold water, make all into a Loaf, and fashion it something long, then cut it into thick slices like Tosts, after it hath stood two days, and rub them over with powdred Sugar, and lay them in a warm Sun, and so dry them and Sugar them as you dry them three, or four times, then put them into Boxes for use.

69. To make Sugar Plate.

Take serced Sugar, and make it up in past with Gum-dragon steeped in Rose-water, and when you have brought it to a perfect past, rowl it as thin as [...]e you can, and then print it in moulds of what fashion you please, and so let them dry as they ly.

70. To make Pomander.

Take half an ounce of Benjamin, and as much Storax, and as much Lapdanum, with six grains of Musk, and as much Civet, and two grains of Amber-grease, and one dram of sweet balsom, beat all these together in a hot Morter, then roul it up in beads as big, or as little as you please, and whilst they are hot make holes in them to serve for your use.

71. To make conserve of Damsons.

Take ripe Damsons and put them into scalding water, and half an hour after set them over the fire till they break; then strain them through a Cullender, and let them cool therein, then strain them (through a peice of Canvas) from their stones and skins, and then set them over the fire again, then put to them a good quantity of red Wine, and so boil it often stirring it till it be thick, and when it is almost boil d [...]e­nough, put in a convenient proportion of Sugar, and stir it very well together, and then put it into your gally-pots.

72. To bake Oranges.

Peel all the bark off, and boil them in Rose-water, and Sugar till they are [...]nder, then [Page 29] make your Pye, and set them whole in it, and put in the liquor they are boil [...]d in into the Pye, and season it with Sugar, Cina­mon and Ginger.

73. To preserve Peaches.

Take a pound of your fairest and best co­lour'd Peaches and with a wer linnen clo [...]t [...] wipe o [...] the white hoar of them, th [...]n par­boil them in half a pint of White-wine and a pint and a half of running water, and be­ing parboil'd peel off the white skin of them and then weigh them; take to your pound of Peaches three quarters of a pound of refined Sugar, and di [...]olve it in a quarter of a pint of White-wine, and boyl it almost to the height of a Syrup, then put in your Peaches, and let them boil in the Syrup a quarter of an hour or more if need require, then put them up & keep them all the year.

74. To preserve Goose-berries.

Take Goose-berries, or Grape, or Barber­ries, and take somewhat more then their weight in Sugar beaten very fine and so lay one laying of fruits, and another of Sugar, till all are laid in your preserving pan, then take six spoonfuls of fair water, and boil your fruits therein as fast as you can, until they be very clear, then take [Page 30] them up, and boil the Syrup by it self, till it be thick, when they are cold put them into gally-pots.

75. To preserve Pippins white.

Pare your Pippins and cut them the cross way, and weigh them, add to a pound of Sugar a pint of water; then put the Sugar to the water and let it boil a while, and then put in your Pippins, and let them boil till they be clear at the core, then take them off and put them up.

76. To preserve Grapes.

[...] it settle a while, then wet a pound of Sugar or Grapes with the juice, stone the Grapes, save the liquor in the stoning, take off the stalks, give them a boiling, t [...]ke them off, and put them up.

77. To preserve Angellica Roots.

Wash the Roots and slice them very thin, and lay them in water three or four days, change the water every day, then put the Roots into a pot of water, and set them in the embers all night, in the morning put away the water, then take a pound of Roots four pints of water, and two pound of Su­gar, [Page 31] let it boil and scum it clean, then put in the Roots, which will be bo [...]l [...]d before the Syrup then take them up and boil the Sy­rup after, they will ask a whole days work very softly, at St. Andrews time is the best time to do them in all the year.

78. To make Syrup of Quinces.

Take of the juice of Quinces clarified three quarts, boil it over a gentle fire til [...] half of it be consumed, scum it and add to it three pints of red wine, with four pound of white Sugar, boyl it into a Syrup, and perfume it with a dram and half of C [...] namon, and of Cloves and Ginger, of [...] two scruples.

79. To make Walnut-water.

Take of green Walnuts a pound and half, Garden Radish-ro [...]rs one pound, green Afarabacca six ounces, Radish seeds four ounces; Let all of them being bruised be steeped in three pints of White-wine-Vinegar for three days, and then distil them in a leaden Still till they be dry.

80. To make Treakle Water.

Take of the juice of green Walnuts four pound, juice of Rue three pound, juice of [Page 32] Carduus, Marigolds and Balm, of each two pound, green Peta [...] is Roots one pound and half, the roots of Burs one pound, Angelica and Masterwort of each half a pound; the leaves of Scordium four handfuls, old Ve­nice Treacle and Mithridate of each eight ounces, Canary wine six quarts, Vinegar three quarts, juice of Lemons one quart, digest them two days either in Horse-dung or in a Bath, the Vessel being close shut, then distil them in Sand, in the distillation you may make a Theri [...]cal extraction.

81. To make Syrup of Cinamon,

Take of Cinamon grosly bruised 4 ounces [...]eep it in White-wine, and small Cinamon water of each half a pound [...] three days in a glass by a gentle fire; strain it, and with a po [...]nd and half of Sugar boil it gently to a Syrup. This Syrup refiesheth the Vital Spirits and cherisheth the Heart and Sto­mach, helps Digestion, and cherisheth the whole body exceedingly.

82. To make Syrup of Citron peels.

Take of freth yellow Citron peels, five ounces, the berries of Cherms, or the juice of the [...] brought over to us two drams, [Page 33] spring-water two quarts; steep them all night, boyl them till half be consumed, take off the scum, strain it, and with two pound and half of the whitest Sugar, boyl it into a Syrup: let half of it be without Musk, but perfume the other half with three grains of Musk tyed up in a rag.

83. To make Syrup of Harts-horn.

Take of Harts [...] tongue thee [...] handfuls, Polipodium of the Oak, the roots of both sorts of Buglos, barks of the roots of Ca­pers and Tamaris, of each two ounces, Hops, Dodder, Maiden-hair, balm, of each two handfulls; boil them in four quarts of spring-water till it comes to five, strain it, and with four pound of Sugar, make it into Syrup according to Art.

84. An Oyl perfume for Gloves that shall never out.

Take Benjamin two ounces, Storax and Calamint each an ounce [...]ut the two first must be finely bearen by themselves; then take a pound of sweet Almonds, and mingle it with the Storax and Benjamin upon a marble stone, and then put it into an ear­then pot with more Oyl, then put in your Gloves powdered, and so let it stand [Page 34] very close covered; and when you will per­fume a pair of Gloves, take a little fair water in a spoon, and wipe your Gloves very fine with; take another spoon, and dip it in your Oyl, and rub it on your Gloves, and let them dry this is excellent.

85. An excellent Water for one that is in a Consumption.

Take three pints of Milk, and one pint of red Wine, twenty four yolks of new laid Eggs, beat them very well together, then add so much white bread as will drink up the Wine, and put to it some Cow-slip flowers, and distil them: Take a spoonful of this, Morning and Evening, in Chicken, or Mu­ton broth, and in one month it will cure any Consumption.

86. To make Barley Water,

Take a penny-worth of Barley, a penny-worth of Raisins of the Sun, a penny-worth of Anniseeds, a half penny-worth of Liquorish, about two quarts of water, boil all together till half be consumed, then strain it, and when it is cold drink it, your Liquorish must be sliced into small pieces.

87. Dr. Deodates drink for the Scurvy.

Take Roman Wormwood, Carduus be­nedictus, Scurvy-grass, Brook-lime, Wa­ter-creases, Water-trifoil, of each one handful, Dodder, Cetrach, Soolopendria. Burrage, Buglos, Sorrel, Vervain, or Speedwel, of each half a handful, Elicam­pane root one ounce, Raisins of the Sun three ounces, slices of Oranges and Lem­mons, of each fifteen, boil, or rather infuse these in a double glass, with so much White-wine as will make a pint and a half of the liquor when it is done.

88. A conserve to strengthen the Back.

Take Eringo roots, and conserve them as you do damask, white and red Roses in eve­ry respect the pith being taken out; one pound and a half of Sugar is enough for e­very pound of Roots, with three pints of water stew them closely at first as you do your Roses; if you add to them five or six grains of Amber grease beaten to fine pow­der, it will be much more cordial.

89. To make excellent Aqua Composita for a Surfeit or cold stomach.

Take a handful of Rosemary, a root of [Page 36] [...]nula [...] campane, a handful of Hysop, half a handful of Thyme, six handfuls of Sage, as much Mint and as much Penny-royal, half a handful of Hore-hound, two ounces of Liquorish well bruised and as much Anni­seeds: Then take two gallons of the best strong Ale, and take all the herbs afore [...]aid, and wring them asunder, and put them into an earthen pot well covered, and let them stand a day and a night, from thence put all into a brass pot, and set it on the fire, and let it stand till it boil, then take it from the fire and set your Limbeck on the pot, and stop it close with past that there come no air out of it, and still it out with a soft fire, you may add to it 1 handful of red Fennel.

90. To make Balm water.

Take four gallons of strong stale Ale, half a pound of Liquorish, two pound of Balm two ounces of Figgs, half a pound of Anni­seeds, one ounce of Nutmegs, shred the Balm and Figgs very small, and let them stand steeping four and twenty hours, and then put it in a Still as you use Aqua-vitae.

91. To pickle Broom-buds.

Take as many Broom-buds as you please, [Page 37] make linnen bags and put them in, and tye them close, then make some brine with water and salt, and boil it a little, let it be cold, then put some brine in a deep earthen pot, and put the bags in it, and lay some weight on them, let it lye there till it look black, then shift it a­gain still as long as it looks black, boil them in a little Cauldron, and put them in Vinegar a week or two, and they will be fit to eat.

92. To make good Raspberry Wine.

Take a gallan of Sack, in which let two gallons of Raspberries stand steeping the space of twenty four hours, then strain them and put to the liquor three pound of Raisins of the Sun stoned; let them stand together four or five days, being sometime stirred to­gether, then pair off the clearest and put it up in Bottles and set it in a cold place if it be not sweet enough you may put Sugar to it.

93. To make excellent Hippocras in an instant.

Take of Cinamon two ounces, Nutmegs, Ginger, of each half an ounce, Cloves two [Page 38] drams, bruise these small, then mix them with as much spirit of Wine, as will make them into a Past, let them stand close co­vered in a glass the space of six days in a cold place, then press out the liquor and keep it in a glass. A few drops of this liquor put into any Wine giveth it a gallant relish and odour, and maketh it as good as any Hippocras whatsoever in an instant.

94. To make artificial Malmsey.

Take two gallons of English honey, put into it eight gallons of the best spring­water, set these in a Vessel over a gentle fire, when they have boil'd gently an hour take them off, and when they be cold put them into a small Barrel or Runlet hanging in the Vessel a bag of spices, and set it in the Cellar, and in half a year you may drink thereof.

95. To make artificial Claret-wine.

Take six gallons of water, two gallons of the best Syder, put thereto eight pound of the best Malaga raisins bruised in a Morter, let them stand close covered in a warm place the space of a fortnight, every two days stirring them well toge­ther; [Page 39] then press out the Raisins [...] and put the liquor into the s [...]id Vessel again, to which add a quart of the juice of Ras-ber­ries, and a pint of the juice of black Cher­ries; cover this liquor with bread spread thick with strong Mustard, the Mustard­seed being down [...]ward, and so let it work by the fire side three or four days, then turn it up and let it stand a week, and then bottle it up, and it will tast as quick as bottle Beer and become a very p [...]easant drink, and in­deed far better and wholsomer then our common Claret.

96. To make spirit of Amber-grease.

Take of Amber-grease two drams, of Musk a dram cut them small, and put them into a pint of the best spirit of Wine, close up the glass Hermetically, and digest them in a very gentle heat till you perceive they are dissolved, then you may use it; Two or three drops or more if you please of this spirit put into a pint of Wine, gives it a rich odour, or if you put two or three drops round the brims of the glass it will do as well, half a spoonful of it taken either of it self, or mixt with some specifical liquor is a most rich cordial.

97. An excell [...]nt sweet Water.

Take a quart of Orange-flower water, as much Rose water, with four ounces of Musk-willow-seeds grosly bruised, of Benjamin two ounces, of Storax an ounce, of Latdanum six drams, of Lavender flowers two pugils, of sweet Marjoram as much, of Calanius Aro­maticus a dram, distil all these in a glass still in Balneo, the Vessel being very well closed that no vapour breath forth; note that you may make a sweet water in an instant, by putting in a few drops of some distilled Oyls together into some Rose-water, and brew them well together.

98. Dr. Burges Plague Water.

Take three pints of Muscadine, and boyl in it Sage and Rue, of each a handful till a pint be wasted, then strain it, and set it over the fire again, put thereto a dram of long Pepper, Ginger and Nutmeg, of each half an ounce being all bruised together; then boil them a little, and put thereto half an ounce of Andramachus Treacle, three drams of Methridate, and a quarter of a pint of Angellica Water. Take a spoonful or two of this morning and evening.

99. To dry Cherries or Plumbs in the Sun.

If it be small fruit you must dry them whole by laying them abroad in the hot Sun in Stone or Pewter dishes, or tin Pans turning them as you see cause; but if your Plumbs be large slit them in the middle and lay them abroad in the Sun; an if they be very large then give each Plumb a slit on each side, and if the Sun do not shine suffi­ciently, then dry them in an Oven that is temperately warm.

100. To preserve Pippins green.

Take Pippins when they be small & green off the Tree, and pare three or four of the worst, and cut them all to peices; then boil them in a quart of fair water till they be pap; then let the liquor come from them as they do from your Quiddany into a bason; then put into them one pound of Sugar cla­rified, and put into it as many green Pippins unp [...]rd, as that liquor will cover, and so let them boyl softly, and when you see they be boil [...]d as tender as a Cod [...]ing, then take them up and peel off the outermost white skin, and then they will be green, then boil them again in the Syrup till it be thick and you may keep them all the year.

101. To maks syrup of Hysop.

Take of Hysop one handful, of Figgs, Raisins, Dates, of each an ounce, boil these in three pints of water to a quart, then strain and clarifie it with the whites of two eggs, and two pound of Sugar, and so boil them to a Syrup, and being boil [...]d enough keep them all the year.

102. To make Rosa Solis.

Take Liquorish eight ounces. Anniseeds and Carr [...]way of each an ounce; Raisins ston'd and Dates of each three ounces, Nut­megs, Ginger, Mace, of each half an ounce, Galingal a quarter of an ounce, Cubebs one dram, Figgs two ounces, Sugar four ounces; bruise these and distil them with a gallon of Aqua-vitae as the rest, but when it is distilled, you must colour it with the herb Rosa Solis or Alkanet root.

103. To make Muscadine Com [...]ts.

Take half a pound of Musk Sugar beaten and searced, then take Gumdragagant steep­ed in Rose-water, and two grains of Musk [Page 43] and so beat them in an Alablaster Morter till it come to perfect past, then roul it very thin, and cut it in small diamond pieces and then bake them, and so keep them all the year.

104. To make conserve of Burrage-flowers.

Let your flowers be well coloured, and pick the blacks from them, then weigh them and to every ounce of flowers you must take three ounces of Sugar, and beat them toge­ther in a stone Morter with a wooden pestle till they be very fine; then take them out and put the conserve into a pipki [...], and [...]ea [...] it thorow hot, put them up and keep them all the year.

105. To candy Ginger.

Take very fair and large Ginger and pare it, and lay it in water a day and a night; then take double refined Sugar and boil it to the height of Sugar again, and when your Sugar begins to be cold, take your Ginger and stir it well about while your Sugar is hard to the Pan; then take it out piece by peice and lay it by the fire four hours, then take a pot and warm it and put the Ginger [Page 44] in it tye it up close and every other morn­ing stir it about throughly, and it will be rock-candyed in a little time.

106. To make Manus Christi.

Take half a pound of refined Sugar, and some Rose-water, boil them together till it come to Sugar again, then stir it about till it be somewhat cold, then take leaf gold and mingle with it, then cast it according to Art into r [...]und gobbets, and so keep them.

107. To make conserve of Strawberries.

First boil them in water, and then cast away the water and strain them; then boil them in White-wine, and works as in Prunes; or else strain them being ripe then boil them in White-wine and Sugar till they be stiff.

108. To make conserve of Prunes.

Take the best Prunes put them into scald­ing water, let them stand a while, then boil themover the fire till they break; then strain out the water through a Cullender, [Page 45] and let them stand therein to cool, then strain the Prunes through the Cullender, taking away the stones and skins, then set the pulp over the fire again and put there­to a good quantity of red Wine, and boil them to a thickness still stirring them up and down, when they are almost enough put in a sufficient quantity of Sugar, stir all well together and then put it up in your gally­pots.

109. To make fine christal Ielly.

Take a knuckle of Veal, and four Calves feet, put them on the fire with a gallon of fair water, and when the flesh is boil'd ten­der take it out, then let the liquor stand still till it be cold, then take away the top and the bottom of the liquor, and put the rest into a clean pipkin, and put into it one pound of refined Sugar, with four or five drops of Oyl of Cinamon and Nutmegs, and a grain of Musk, and so let it boil a quarter of an hour leasurely on the fire; then let it run through a Jelly-bag into a Bason, with the whites of two Eggs beaten; and when it is cold you may cut it into lumps with a spoon, and so serve three or four lumps upon a plate.

110. To make Ielly of Strawberries, Mul­berries, Raspisberries or any other such tender fruit.

Take your berries and grind them in a stone morter with four ounces of Sugar, and a quarter of a pint of fair water, and as much Rose-water; and boyl it in a skillet with a little Ising-glass, and so let it run through a fine cloath into your Boxes and you may keep it all the year.

111. To candy Rosemary flowers.

Pick your flowers very clean, and put to every ounce of flowers two oun­ces of hard Sugar, and one ounce of Sugar-candy, and dissolve them in Rose­mary flower water, and boil them till they come to a Sugar again, when your Sugar is almost cold put in your Rosemary flowers and stir them together till they be enough; then take them out and put them in your boxes, and keep them in a store for use.

112. To candy Brrrage flowers.

Pick the flowers clean and weigh them, and do in every respect as you did your Rosemary flowers, only when they be candyed you must set them in a Still, and so­keep them in a sheet of white paper, putting eve [...]y day a chafing-dish of coals into your Still, and it will be excellently candyed in a small time.

113. To make Bisket Cakes.

Take a peck of flower [...] four ounces of Coriander-seed, one ounce of Anniseed; then take three Eggs, three spoonfuls of Ale-yeast, and as much warm water as will make it as thick as past for Maunchet [...], make it into a long roul and bake it in an Oven an hour, and when it is a day old, pare it and slice it, Sugar it with searced Sugar and put it again into the Oven, and when it is dry take it out, and new Sugar it again, and so box it and keep it.

114. To make Past Royal.

Take a pound of refined Sugar, beaten [Page 48] and searced, and put into a stone Morter, with an ounce of Gumdragagant steeped in Rose-water, and if you see your past be too weak put in more Sugar [...] if too dry more gum, with a drop or two of Oyl of Ci [...]amon, beat it into a perfect past, and then you may print it in your moulds, and when it is dry guild it and so keep them.

115. To make Apricock Cakes.

Procure the fairest Apricocks you can get, and let them be parboil [...]d very ten­der; take of the same quantity of Sugar whereof the pulp is, and boil them to­gether very well always keeping them stir­ring for fear of burning too; when the bottom of the skillet is dry they are e­nough, then put them into little cards sewed round about, and dust them with fine Sugar, and when they are cold stone them and turn them, and fill them up with some more of the same stuff, but let them stand three or four days before you remove them from the first place, when you find them begin to candy take out the cards and dust them with Sugar.

115. To make Conserve for Tarts all the Year.

Take Damsons, or other good ripe Plums, and peel off their Skins, and so put them into a Pot, but to Pippins pared, and cut in pieces, and so bake them; then strain them through a piece of Canvas, and reason them with Cinamon, Sugar, Ginger, and a little Rose-water: Boyl it upon a Chafing-dish of Coals, till it be as thick as a Conserve; and then put it into your Gally-pots, and you may keep it good all the Year.

116. To dry Pippins.

Take the fairest yellow Pippins, and pare them, and make a hole through every one, then par-boyl them a little in fair water, then take them up, and put them into as much Clarified Sugar as will cover them, and let them boyl very gent­ly a little while, in that Syrup; then take them out, and put them into an earthen Platter, then cast fine Sugar upon them, and set them into the Oven half an hour, then take them out, and cast some more Sugar on them, (being turned) and do so three times, and they will be well d [...]yed.

117. To make Paste of Genua.

Take two pound of the pulp of Quin­ces, and as much of Peaches; strain it, and dry it in a Pewter Platter upon a Chasing-dish of Coals; then weigh it, and boyl it to the height of Manus Christi, and then put them together, and so fashion it upon a Pye-plate, and dry it in an Oven with a Chafing-dish of Coals till it be through dry, and then if you please you may spot them with Gold.

118. To make Leach.

Make your Jelly for your Leach with Calves Feet, as you do your Ordinary Jelly, but a little stiffer; and when it is cold, take off the top, and the bottom, and set it over the Fire with some Cina­mon and Sugar; then take your Turn­sole being well steept in Sack, and crush it, and so strain it in your Leach, and let it boyl to such a thickness, that when it is cold you may slice it.

119. To dry any kind of Fruits after they are preserved.

Take Pippins, Pears, or Plums after they are Preserved out of the Syrup, and [Page 51] wash them in warm water, and then strew them over with Sugar finely sierced, as you do Flower upon Fish to fry, and set them into a broad earthen Pan, and lay them one by another; then set them into a warm Stove or Oven, until they be dry, and turn them every day till they are quite dry; and if you please, you may Candy them therewithal; cast Sugar upon them three or four times as you dry them.

120. To make Quiddany of Quinces.

Take the Kernels out of seven or eight great Quinces, and boyl the Quinces in a quart of Spring-water, till it come to a pint; then put into it a quarter of a Pint of Rose-water, and one pound of fine Su­gar, and so let it boyl till it come to be of a deep colour, then take a drop and drop it into the bottom of a Saucer, and if it stand, take it off; then let it run through a Jelly-bag into a Bason, then set it over a Chafing-dish of Coals to keep it warm, then take a Spoon and fill your Boxes as full as you please; when they be cold co­ver them, and if you please to print it in moulds, wetting your moulds with [Page 52] Rose-water, and so let it run in, and when it is cold, turn it into Boxes.

121. To make Sweet Cakes without either Spice or Sugar.

Take Parsneps, and scrape or wash them clean, slice them thin, and dry them well, beat them to powder, mixing one third part thereof with two thirds of fine Wheat-Flower; make up your Paste into Cakes, and you will find them very sweet and de­licate.

122. To make Wormwood-VVine.

Take small Rochel or Comahe Wine, put a few drops of the Extracted Oyl of Worm-wood therein; brew it together out of one pot into another, and you shall have a more neat and wholsom wine for your Body, than that which is Sold for right Wormwood-Wine.

123. To make Sweet Bags to lye among Linning.

Fill your Bags only with Lignum and Rhodium finely beaten, and it will give an Excellent Scent to your Linnen.

124. To make Spirit of Honey.

Put one part of Honey to five parts of Water, when the water boyleth dissolve your Honey therein, scum it; and ha­ving boyled an hour or two, put it into a wooden Vessel, and when it is Blood­warm set it on fire with Yeast, after the usual manner of Beer and Ale; turn it, and when it hath lain some time, it will yield Spirit by Distillation, as Wine, Beer, and Ale will do.

125. To Preserve Artichoaks.

Cut off the stalks of your Artichoaks within two Inches of the Choak, and make a strong Decoction of the rest of the stalks, slicing them into thin small pieces, and let the Artichoaks lye in this Decoction; and when you use them, you must put them first in warm water, and then in cold, and so take away the bitter­ness of them.

126. To make Syrup for a Cough of the Lungs.

Take a Pottle of fair Running water in a new Pipkin, and put into it half an Ounce of Sydrack, half an Ounce of [Page 54] Maiden-hair, and a good handful of Ele­campane Roots sliced; boyl all together, untill half be boyled away, even to a Sy­rup; then put into it the whites of Eggs, and let it boyl two or three walms; and give the Patient a Spoonful Morning and Evening.

127. To make Banbury Cakes.

Take four pound of Currants, wash, and pick them very clean, and dry them in a Cloath; then take three Eggs, and put away one Yolk, and beat them, and strain them with Yeast, putting thereto Cloves, Mace, Cinamon, and Nutmegs; then take a pint of Cream, and as much Mornings Milk, and let it warm; then take Flower, and put in good store of cold Butter and Sugar, then put in your Eggs, Yeast, and Meal, and work them all together an hour or more; then save a piece of the Paste, and break the rest in pieces, and work in your Currants; then make your Cake what quantity you please, and cover it very thin with the Paste wherein were no Currants, and so bake it according to the bigness.

128. To make Ginger-bread.

Take a quart of Honey, and set it on the coals and refine it, then take Ginger, Pepper, and Licorise, of each a penny-worth, a quarter of a pound of Anniseeds, and a penny-worth of Saunders; beat all these, and sierse them, and put them in­to the Honey, add a quarter of a pint of Claret Wine, or Old Ale; then take three penny Manchets finely grated, and strew it amongst the rest, and stir it till it come to a stiff Past; make them into Cakes, and dry them gently.

129. To make VVormwood-VVater.

Take two Gallons of good Ale, a pound of Anniseeds, half a pound of Licorise, and beat them very fine; then take two good handfuls of the Crops of Worm­wood, and put them into Ale, and let them stand all Night, and let them stand in a Limbeck with a moderate Fire.

130. To make Paste of Quinces.

First boyl your Quinces whole, and when they are soft, pare them, and cut the Quince from the Core; then take the finest Sugar you can get finely beaten or [Page 56] sierced, and put in a little Rose-water, and boyl it together till it be stiff enough to mould, and when it is cold, roul it and print: A pound of Quinces will require a pound of Sugar, or thereabout.

131. To make thin Quince Cakes.

Take your Quince when it is boyled soft, as before, and dry it upon a Pewter Plate with a soft heat, and stir it with a slice till it be hard, then take sierced Sugar to the same weight, and strew it upon the Quince as you beat it in a Wooden or Stone Mortar, and so roul them thin, and print them.

132. To make fine Cakes.

Take a Pottle of fine Flower, and a pound of Sugar, a little Meale, and good store of Water to mingle the Flower into a stiff Plate, with a little Salt, and so knead it, and roul out the Cakes thin, and bake them on Papers.

133. To make Suckets.

Take Curds, and the paring of Limons, [Page 57] Oranges, or Pome-Citrons, or indeed any half-ripe green Fruit, and boyl them till they be tender, in sweet wort; then take three pound of Sugar, the whites of four Eggs, and a Gallon of water; beat the water and Eggs together, and then put in your Sugar, and set it on the Fire, and let it have a gentle fire, and let it boyl six or seven walms, then strain it through a Cloath, and set it on again, till it fall from the Spoon, and then put it into the Rindes, or Fruits.

134. To make Leach Lombard.

Take half a pound of blanched Almonds, two Ounces of Cinamon beaten and sier­ced, half a pound of Sugar; beat your Almonds, and strew on your Cinamon and Sugar, till it come to a Paste, then roul it, and print it, as afore-said.

135. To make a rare Damask Water.

Take a quart of Malmsey Lees, or Malmsey, one handful of Marjoram, as much Basil, four handfuls of Lavender, one handful of Bay-leaves, four hand­fuls of Damask-Rose-Leaves, as many [Page 58] Red-Rose, the Peels of six Oranges, or else one handful of the tender Leaves of Walnut-Trees, half an Ounce of Ben­jamin, Calamus Aromaticus as much, of Camphire four Drams, of Cloves an Ounce, of Bildamum half an Ounce; then take a Pottle of Running Water, and put in all these Spices bruised into your Water and Malmsey together in a Pot close stopped, with a good handful of Rosemary, and let them stand for the space of six days, then Distill it with a soft Fire, and set it in the Sun sixteen days, with four Grains of Musk bruised. This Quantity will make three quarts of Wa­ter.

136. To make Washing Balls.

Take Storax of both kinds, Benjamin, Calamus Aromaticus, Labdanum, of each alike, and bray them to Powder with Cloves and Orris, then beat them all with a sufficient Quantity of Soap, till it be stiff, then with your hand work it like Paste, and make round Balls thereof.

137. To make a Musk-Ball.

Take Nutmegs, Mace, Cloves, Saf­fron, and Cinamon, of each the weight of two pence, and beat it to fine Powder, add as much Mastick, of Storax the weight of Six pence, of Labdanum the weight of Ten pence, of Amber-grease the weight of Six pence, and of Musk sour Grains; dissolve and work all these in hard sweet Soap, till it come to a stiff Paste, and then make Balls thereof.

138. To make Imperial VVater.

Take a Gallon of Gascoin Wine, Gin­ger, Galingal, Nutmegs, Grains, Cloves, Anniseeds, Fennel-seeds, Caraway-seeds, of each one dram; then take Sage, Mint, Red Roses, Tine, Pellitory, Rosemary, Wild Thyme, Camomile, and Lavender, of each a handful, then beat the Spices small and the Herbs also, and put all together into the Wine, and let it stand so twelve hours, stirring it divers times, then Di­still it with a Limbeck, and keep the first water, for it is best; of a Gallon of Wine you must not take above a quart [Page 60] of Water. This Water Comforteth the Vital Spirits, and helpeth the inward Di­seases that come of Cold, as the Palsie, and Contraction of Sinews; it also killeth Worms, and comforteth the Stomack, it Cureth the cold Dropsie, helpeth the Stone, and Stinking Breath, and maketh one seem Young.

139. To make Verjuice.

Gather your Crabs as soon as the Ker­nels turn black, and lay them a while in a heap to Sweat, then pick them from the Stalks, blacks, and rotteness, then crush and beat them all to pieces in a Tub, then make a bag of course Hair-cloath as big as your Press, and fill it with the crusht Crabs, then put it into the Press and Press it as long as any moisture will drop out, having a clean Vessel underneath to re­ceive the Liquor; then Tun it up in sweet Hogsheads, and to every Hogshead put half a dozen handfuls of Damask Rose Leaves, then bring it up, and spend it as you have Occasion.

140. To make dry Sugar Leach.

Blanch your Almonds, and beat them with a little Rose water, and the white of one Egg, and then beat it with a good quantity of Sugar, and work it as you would work a piece of Paste; then roul it, and Print it, only be sure to strew Sugar in the Print, for fear of cleaving to.

141. To make fine Iumbals.

Beat a pound of Sugar fine, then take the same quantity of fine Wheat Flower, and mix them together, then take two whites and one Yolk of an Egg, half a quarter of a pound of Blanched Almonds, then beat them very fine altogether, with half a pound of sweet Butter, and a spoon­ful of Rose-water, and so work it with a little Cream till it come to a stiff Paste, then roul them forth as you please; you may add a few fine dryed Anniseeds finely rub [...]d, and strewed into the Paste, with Coriander seeds.

142. To make dry Vinegar.

To make dry Vinegar, which you may carry in your pocket, you must take the blacks of green Co [...], either Wheat or Rye, and beat it in a Mortar with the strongest Vinegar you can get, till it come to Paste, then roul it into little Balls and dry it in the Sun till it be very hard, and when you have Occasion to use it, cut a little piece thereof, and dissolve it in wine, and it will make a strong Vinegar.

143. To make Excellent Date Leach.

Take Dates, and take out the stones, and the white Rinde, and beat them with Sugar, Cinamon, and Ginger very finely, then work it as you would work a piece of Paste, and then print them as you please.

144. To make white Ielly of Almonds.

Take Rose-water, Gum-dragant, or Isinglass dissolved, and some Cinamon grosly beaten, boyl them all together, [Page 63] then take a pound of Almonds, blanch them, and beat them fine with a little fair water, dry them in a fine Cloath, and put your Rose-water and the rest into the Al­monds, boyl them together and stir them continually, then take them from the fire, and when it is boyled enough take it off.

145. To Candy Orange Peels.

Take your Orange Peels after they are Preserved, then take fine Sugar, and Rose water, and boyl it to the height of Ma­nus Christi, that is, till it is Sugar again, then draw through your Sugar; lay them on the bottom of a Siev, and dry them in an Oven after you have drawn Bread, and they will be Candied.

146. To make Paste of Violets.

You must take Violets ready pickt, and brui [...]e them in a Marble Mortar, and wring the Juice from them into a Porrin­ger, and put as much hard Sugar in fine Powder, as the Juice will cover, dry it, and then pouder it again; then take as much Gum-dragant steeped in Rose wa­ter as will bring this Sugar into a perfect [Page 64] Paste, then take it up & print it with your Moulds, and so dry it in your Stove.

147. To Preserve Pippins Red.

Take your best coloured Pippins and pare them, then take a piercer and bore a hole through them, then make Syrup for them as much as will cover them, and so let them boyl in a broad preserving pan, put to them a piece of Cinamon, and let them boyl leisurely, close covered, turning them very often, or else they will spot, and one side will not be like t'other, and let them boyl till they begin to Jelly, then take them up, and you may keep them all the Year.

148. To make Spirit of Roses.

Bruise the Rose in his own Juice, ad­ding thereto, being temperately warm, a convenient proportion either of Yeast, or Ferment; leave them a few days to fer­ment, till they get a strong and heady smell, near like to Vinegar; then Distill them, and draw so long as you find any scent of the Rose to come, then distill a­gain so often till you have purchased a [Page 65] perfect Spirit of the Rose. You may also Ferment the Juice of Roses only, and af­ter Distill the same.

149. To make Syrup of Elder.

Take Elder Berries when they are red, bruise them in a Stone Mortar, strain the Juice, and boyl it away to almost half, scum it very clean, take it off the fire whilst it is hot; put in Sugar to the thick­ness of a Syrup, put it no more on the fire, when it is cold, put it into Glasses, not filling them to the top, for it will work like Beer.

150. To make Orange-Water.

Take two quarts of the best Malaga Sack, and put in as many of the peels of Oranges as will go in, cut the white clean off, steep them twenty four hours, then Still them in a Glass Still, and let the wa­ter run into the Receiver upon fine Sugar­candy; you may still it in an Ordinary Still.

151. To make a Caudle of great Virtue.

Take a Pint and a half of the strongest Ale may be gotten, twenty Jordan Al­monds clean wiped, but neither wash'd nor blanch'd, with two Dates minced very small and stamped; then take the pith of Young Beef, the length of twelve Inches, lay it in water till the blood be out of it, then strip the skin off it, and stamp it with the Almonds and Dates, then strain them altogether into the Ale, boyl it till it be a little thick, give the party in the Morning Fasting six Spoonfuls, and as much when he goeth to Bed.

152. An Excellent Surfeit VVater.

Take Cellandine, Rosemary, Rue, Pellitory of Spain, Scabious, Angelica, Pimpernel, Wormwood, Mugwort, Be­tony, Agrimony, Balm, Dragon and Tor­mentile, of each half a pound, shred them somewhat small, and put them into a narrow mouthed Pot, and put to them five quarts of VVhite VVine, stop it close, and let it stand three days and Nights, [Page 67] stirring it Morning and Evening, then take the Herbs from the Wine, and Di­still them in an Ordinary Still, and when you have Distill'd the Herbs, Distill the Wine also, wherein is Virtue for a weak Stomack. Take three or four Spoonfuls at any time.

153. To make a Syrup for one short-winded.

Take a good handful of Hyssop, and a handful of Horehound, and boyl them in a quart of Spring-water to a pint, then strain it through a clean Cloath, and put in Sugar to make it Pleasant. Stir it Mor­ning and Evening with a Licorise-stick, and take about three spoonfuls at a time.

154. To make Syrup of Sugar Candyed.

Take Sugar Candyed, and put it into a clear Bladder, and tye it, but so that it may have some vent, then put it into a Bason of Water, so that the water come not over the top of the Bladder, and co­ver it with a Pewter Dish, and let it stand all Night, and in the Morning take of it [Page 68] with a Licorise-stick.

155. To make an Excellent Sy­rup against the Scurvy.

Take of the juice of Garden Scurvy­Grass, Brook [...]ime, and Water-cresses, of each six Ounces, and after it hath stood till it is clear, take sixteen Ounces of the clearest, and put to it four Ounces of the juice of Oranges and Lemmons, make it a clear Syrup with so much fine Sugar as will serve the turn.

156. To make Syrup of Roses.

VVhen your Liquor is ready to boyl, put as many Roses as will be well steept into it, cover it close, and when the Ro­ses are throughly white, then strain it, and set it one the Fire again, and so use it thir­teen times, and to every pint of your wa­ter or Liquor, you must put a pound of Sugar, and let it stand together steeping for the Space of one Night, then scum it clean, and seeth it over a quick Fire a quarter of an hour, then take some whites of Eggs and beat them well together, take off your Pot, and put in the whites, and [Page 69] then set it on the fire again, and let it boyl a good space, then let it run through a Jelly-bag, till it will stand still upon your Nail.

157. To make a Comfortable Syrup.

Take a handful of Agrimony, and boyl it in a Pint of water till half be consumed, then take out the Agrimony, and put in a good handful of Currans, and boyl them till they are ready to break, then strain them, and make a Syrup of them, then set it on a Chafing-dish of Coals, and put thereto a little white Saunders, and drink it either hot or cold.

158. To make an Almond Caudle.

Take three pints of Ale, boyl it with Cloves and Mace, and slice Bread in it, then have ready beaten a pound of Al­monds blanched, and strain them out with a Pint of white wine, and thicken the Ale with it, sweeten it if you please, but be sure to scum the Ale when it boyls.

159. To Candy Cherries.

Take your Cherries before they be full Ripe, take out the Stones, put Clarified Sugar boyled to a height, and then pour it on them.

160. To make Syrup of Saffron.

Take a Pint of Endive water, two Oun­ces of Saffron finely beaten, and steep it therein all Night, the next day boyl it, and strain out the Saffron, then with Su­gar boyl it up to a Syrup.

161. To make Rose Water.

Stamp the Leaves, and first Distill the juice being squeezed out, and after Di­still the Leaves, and so you may dispatch more with one Still, than others will do with three or four; and this water is every way as Medicinable as the other, serving very well in all Decoctions, and Syrups, &c. though it be not altogether so pleasing to the smell.

162. To make Suckets of Green Walnuts

Take VValnuts when they are no big­ger than the largest Hasel Nut; pare away the uppermost green, but not too deep; then boyl them in a Pottle of water, till the water be boyled away, then take so much more fresh water, and when it is boyled to the half, put thereto a quart of Vinegar, and a Pottle of Clarified Ho­ney.

163. To make white Leach of Cream.

Take a Pint of sweet Cream, and six Spoonfuls of Rose-water, two Grains of Musk, two drops of Oyl of Mace, and so let it boyl with four Ounces of Isinglass; then let it run through a Jelly-bag, when it is cold slice it like brawn, and so serve it out. This is the best way to make Leach.

164. To Preserve Pome-Citrons.

You must take a pound and a half of Pome-Citrons, and cut them in halves and quarters, take the Meat out of them, and [Page 72] boyl them tender in fair water, then take two pound of Sugar Clarified, and make Syrup for them, and let them boyl there­in a quarter of an hour very gently; then take them up, and let your Syrup boyl till it be thick, then put in your Pome-Citrons, and you may keep them all the Year.

165. To Pick [...]e Clove-gilly Flowers for Sallets.

Take the fairest Clove-Gilly-Flowers, clip off the whites from them, put them into a wide-mouth'd Glass, and strew a good deal of Sugar finely beaten among them, then put as much wine Vinegar to them as will throughly wet them, tye them up close, and set them in the Sun, and in a little while they will be fit for use.

166. To make Leach of Almonds.

Take half a pound of sweet Almonds, and beat them in a Mortar, then strain them with a Pint of sweet Milk from the Cow, then put to it one grain of Musk, two spoonfuls of Rose-water, two Ounces of fine Sugar, the weight of three shillings [Page 73] in Isinglass that is very white, boyl them together, and let it all run through a strainer, then still it out, and serve it.

167. To Candy Marigolds in wedges, the Spanish Fashion.

Take of the fairest Marigold Flowers two Ounces, and shred them small, and dry them before the Fire, then take four Ounces of Sugar, and boyl it to a height, then pour it upon a wet Pye-plate, and between hot and cold cut it into wedges, then lay them on a sheet of white Paper, and put them in a Stove.

168. To Candy Eringo Roots.

Take your Eringos ready to be Preser­ved, and weigh them, and to every pound of your Roots take of the purest Sugar you can get two pound, and Clarifie it with the whites of Eggs exceeding well, that it may be as clear as Crystal, for that will be best; it being Clarified, boyl it to the height of Manus Christi, then dip in your Roots two or three at once, till all be Candyed, and so put them in a Stove, and so keep them all the Year.

169. To Candy Elecampane Roots.

Take of your fairest Elecampane Roots, and take them clean from the Syrup, and wash the Sugar off them, and dry them again with a Linnen Cloath; then weigh them, and to every pound of Roots take a pound and three quarters of Sugar, Cla­rifie it well, and boyl it to a height, and when it is boyled dip in your Roots, three or four at once, and they will Candy very well, and so stove them, and keep them all the Year.

170. To make Cinamon-Sugar.

Lay pieces of Sugar in close Boxes a­mong sticks of Cinamon, or Cloves, and in short time it will have the tast and scent of the Spice.

171. To make a Triste.

Take Cream, and boyl it with a cut Nutmeg, add Limon peel a little, then take it off, cool it a little, and season it with Rose-water and Sugar to your tast; let this be put in the thing you serve it in, then put it in a little Rundlet to make it [Page 75] come, and then it is sit to eat.

172. To make Quiddany of Plums.

Take one quart of the Liquor which you preserved your Plums in, and boyl six fair Pippins in it, pared, and cut into small pieces, then strain the thin from it, and put to every Pint of Liquor half a pound of Sugar, and so boyl it till it will stand on the back of a Spoon like a Jelly; then wet your Moulds, and pour it there­into, and when it is almost cold, turn it off upon a wet Trencher, and so slip it in­to wet Boxes.

173. To Candy Barberries.

First Preserve them, then dip them quickly into warm water, to wash off the Ropy Syrup, then strew them over with siersed Sugar, and set them into an Oven or Stove three or four hours, always tur­ning them, and casting more fine Sugar upon them, and never suffer them to be cold till they be dryed, and begin to look like Diamonds.

174. To make Cream of Apricots.

First boyl your Apricots with water and Sugar, till they be somewhat tender, and afterwards boyl them in Cream, then strain them, and season it with Sugar.

175. To make Quince-Cream.

Take a Roasted Quince, pare it, and cut it into thin slices to the Core, boyl it in a pint of Cream, with a little whole Ginger, till it tast of the Quinces to your liking, then put in a little Sugar, and strain it, and always serve it cold to the Table.

176. To Preserve Barberries.

Take one pound of Barberries pickt from the stalks, put them in a Pottle-pot, and set it in a brass Pot full of hot water, and when they be stewed, strain them, and put to them a pound and half of Sugar, and a Pint of Red Rose-water, and boyl them a little; then take half a pound of the fairest Clusters of Barberries you can get, and dip them in the Syrup while it boyleth, then take the Barberries out [Page 77] again, and boyl the Syrup while it is thick, and when it is cold, put them in the Glas­ses with the Syrup.

177. To make a Cullice.

Take a Cock, and dress him, and boyl him in White Wine, scum it clean, and Clarifie the Broath (being first strained) then take a Pint of sweet Cream, and strain it, and so mix them together; then take beaten Ginger, fine Sugar, and Rose-water, and put them all together, and boyl it a little more.

178. To make a Cordial strength­ning Broath.

Take a Red Cock, strip off the Fea­thers from the skin, then break his Bones to shivers with a rolling-pin; [...]t it over the Fire, and just cover it with water, put in some Salt, and watch the scumming, and boyling of it, put in a handful of Harts-horn, a quarter of a pound of blew Currans, and as many Raisins of the Sun stoned, and as many Pruans, four blades of large Mace, a bottom Crust of a white Loaf, half an Ounce of China Root [Page 78] sliced, being steeped three hours before in warm water, boyl three or four pieces of Gold, strain it, and put in a little fine Su­gar, and juice of Orange, and so use it.

179. To Candy Grapes.

After they are Preserved, then dip them into warm water to cleanse them from the Syrup, then strew them over with sierced Sugar, and set them into an Oven or Stove three or four hours, always turning them, and casting more fine Sugar upon them, and never suffer them to be cold till they be dry'd, and begin to sparkle.

180. To make Sugar-Cakes.

Take one pound of fine Flower, one pound of Sugar finely beaten, and mingle them well together, then take seven or eight Yolks of Eggs, then take two Cloves, and a pretty piece of Cinamon, and lay it in a spoonful of Rose-water all Night, and heat it almost Blood-warm, temper it with the rest of the stuff; when the Paste is made, make it up as fast as you can, and bake them in a soft Oven.

181. To take spots and stains out of Cloaths.

Take four Ounces of white hard Soap, beat it in a Mortar with a Limon sliced, and as much Roch-Allom as an Hasel-Nut, roul it up in a Ball, rub the stain there­with, and after fetch it out with warm wa­ter, if need be.

182. To keep Chesnuts all the Year.

After the Bread is [...]rawn, disperse your Nuts thinly over the bottom of the Oven, and by this means, the moisture being dry­ed up, the Nuts will last all the Year; but if you perceive them to mould, put them into the Oven again.

183. To preserve Cucumbers Green.

You must take two quarts of Verjuice, or Vinegar, and a Gallon of fair water, a pint of Bay-Salt, and a handful of green Fennel or Dill, boyl it a little, and when it is cold, put it into a Barrel, then put your Cucumbers into that Pickle, and you may keep them all the Year.

184. To preserve white Damsons Green.

Scald white Damsons in water, till they be hard, then take them off, and pick as many as you please, take as much Sugar as they weigh, put two or three spoonfuls of water, then put in the Dam­sons and the Sugar, and boyl them, take them off, then let them stand a day or two, then boyl them again, take them off, and let them stand till they be cold.

185. To make Cakes of Limons.

Take of the finest double refined Sugar, beaten very fine, and sierced through fine Tiffany, and to half a Porringer of Sugar put two spoonfuls of water, and boyl it till it be almost Sugar again, then grate of the hardest Rinded Limon, and stir it into your Sugar, put it into your Coffins, and a paper, and when they be cold, take them off.

186. To make Artificial Walnuts.

Take some Sugar-plate, and print it in a Mould made for a Walnut-kernel, and then yellow it all over with a little Saffron-water, with a Feather; then take Cina­mon sierced, and Sugar a like Quantity, working it to a Paste with Gum-dragon steeped in Rose-water, and print it in a Mould made like a Walnut-shell, and when the kernel and shell be dry, close them together with Gum-dragon.

187. To make Black-Cherry-VVine.

Take a Gallon of the juice of Black-Cherries, keep it in a Vessel close stopped, till it begin to work, then filter it, and an Ounce of Sugar being added to every Pint, and a Gallon of White-Wine, and so keep it close stopped for Use.

188. To make Rose-Vinegar.

Take of Red-Rose buds (gathered in a dry time, the whites cut off, then dry them in the shadow three or four days) one pound, of Vinegar eight Sextaries; set [Page 82] them in the Sun forty days, then strain out the Roses, and put in fresh; and so repeat it three or four times.

189. To make syrup of Vinegar.

Take of the Roots of smalledge, Fen­nel, Endive, each three Ounces; Anni­seeds, smalledge, Fennel, of each an Ounce, Endive half an Ounce, clear water three quarts; boyl it gently in an Earthen Vessel, till half the water be con­sumed, then strain, and Clarifie it, and with three pound of sugar, and a pint and half of White-wine-Vinegar, boyl it into a syrup.

This is a Gallant syrup for such whose Bodies are stuffed, either with Phlegm, or tough Humours, for it opens Obstructi­ons or stoppings, both of the stomack, Liver, spleen, and Reins; it cuts and brings away tough Phlegm, and Choler.

190, To make syrup of Apples.

Take two quarts of the juice of sweet­scented Apples, the juice of Bugloss, Gar­den, and Wild, of Violet-leaves, and Rose-water, of each a pound, boyl them [Page 83] together, and Clarifie them, and with six pound of very fine sugar, boyl them into a syrup, according to Art.

191. To make the Capon-water against a Consumption.

Take a Capon, the Guts being pull'd out, cut it in pieces, and take away the Fat, boyl it in a close Vessel in a sufficient quantity of spring-water: Take of this Broath three pints, of Barrage, and Violet-water a pint and a half, White-Wine one pint, Red-Rose leaves two drams and an half, Burrage-Flowers, Violets, and Bu­gloss, of each one Dram, pieces of bread out of the Oven half a pound, Cinamon bruised, half an Ounce; still it in a Glass still, according to Art.

This is a sovereign Remedy against Hectick-Fevers, and Consumptions; let such as are subject to those Diseases, hold it as a Jewel.

192. To make Elder-Vinegar.

Gather the Flowers of Elder, pick them very clean, dry them in the Sun, on a gentle heat, and to every quart of Vi­negar [Page 84] take a good handful of Flowers, and let it stand in the Sun a fortnight, then strain the Vinegar from the Flowers, and put it into the Barrel again, and when you draw a quart of Vinegar, draw a quart of Water, and put it into the Bar­rel luke-warm.

193. To make China Broath.

Take an Ounce of China-Root clipped thin, and steep it in three pints of Water all Night, on Embers covered; the next day take a Cock Chicken, clean pickt, and the Guts taken out, put in its Belly Agrimony and Maiden-hair, of each half a handful, Raisins of the Sun stoned, one good handful, and as much French Bar­ley; boyl all these in a Pipkin close cove­red, on a gentle Fire, for six or seven hours, let it stand till it be cold, strain it, and keep it for your Use: Take a good Draught in the Morning, and at four in the After-noon.

194. To make Paste of tender Plums.

Put your Plums into an Earthen Pot, and set it into a Pot of boyling water, and when the Plums are dissolved, then strain the thin Liquor from them through a C [...]oath, and reserve that Liquor to make Quiddany, then strain the pulp through a piece of Canvas, and take as much Su­gar as the pulp in weight, and as much water as will wet the same, and so boyl it to a Candy height, then dry the pulp upon a Chafing-dish of Coals, then put your Syrup and the pulp so hot together, and boyl it, always stirring it till it will lye upon a Pye-plate, as you lay it, and that it run not abroad, and when it is somewhat dry, then use it, but put to it the pulp of Apples.

196. To make Cream of Codlings.

First, scald your Codlings, and so peel off the skins, then scrape the pulp from the Cores, and strain them with a little Sugar, and Rose-water, then lay your pulp of Codlings in the middle of the Dish, and [Page 86] so much raw Cream round it as you please, and so serve it.

196. To make Sugar of Roses.

Take of Red-Rose-Leaves, the whites being cut off, an Ounce, dry them in the Sun speedily, put to it a pound of white Sugar, melt the Sugar in Rose-water, and Juice of Roses, of each two Ounces, which being consumed by degrees, put in the Rose-Leaves in powder, mix them, put it upon a Marble, and make it into Lozenges, according to Art.

197. To make a Cream Tart.

Cut the Crust of a Manchet, and grate it small, and mix it with thick Cream, and some sweet Butter; then take twenty-four Yolks of Eggs, and strain them with a little Cream, putting thereto a good quantity of Sugar; mix these very well, and set it upon a small fire, and so let it boyl till it be thick; then make two sheets of Paste as thin as you can, and raise the sides of one of them, the height of one of your fingers in breadth, and then fill it, and cover it with the other sheet, then [Page 87] bake it half a quarter of an hour, then put Sugar on it, and so serve it.

198. To make Artificial Oranges.

Take Alabaster Moulds made in three pieces, bind two of the pieces together, and water them an hour or two, then take as much Sugar as you think will fill your Moulds, and so boyl it to a height; then pour it into your Moulds one by one very quick: Then put on the Lid of the Mould, and so turn it round with your Hand as quick as you can, and when it is cold, take it out of the Mould, and they will be both whole, and hollow within, and so it will appear, and resemble the Mould wherein it is put, whether Oranges, Limons, Cu­cumbers, or the like.

199. To make Poppy-water.

Take of Red Poppies four pound, put to them a quart of White-Wine, then Distill them in a Common Still, then let the Distilled water be poured upon fresh Flowers, and repeated three times, to which add two Nutmegs sliced, Red Pop­py-Flowers a pugil, white Sugar two [Page 88] Ounces; set it to the Fire, to give it a pleasing sharpness, and Order it according to your taste.

200. To make Mathiolus Bezoar Water.

Take of Syrup of Citron-peels a quart, and as much of Dr. Mathiolus great An­tidote, with five pints of the Spirit of Wine, five times Distill'd over; put all these in a Glass that is much too big to hold them; stop it close, that the Spirit fly not out, then shake it together, that the Electuary may be well mingled with the Spirit, so let it stand a Moneth, sha­king it together twice a week (for the Electuary will settle at the bottom) Af­ter a Moneth pour off the clear water in­to another Glass, to be kept for your use, stopping it very close with Wax and Parchment, else the strength will easily fly away in Vapours.

201. To make Marmalade of Red Currans.

Take the juice of Red Currans, and put into a pretty quantity of White Cur­rans, [Page 89] clean pickt from the stalks and but­tons at the other end; let these boyl a little together, have also ready some fine Sugar boyl'd to a Candy height, put of this to the Currans, acording to your di­scretion, and boyl them together, till they be enough, and bruise them with the back of your spoon, that they may be thick as Marmalade, and when it is cool put it into Pots: You need not stone the whole Cur­rans, unless you please.

202. To make a Syllabub.

Take a Pint of Verjuice in a Bowl, Milk the Cow to the Verjuice; then take off the Curd, and take sweet Cream, and beat them together with a little Sack and Sugar, put it into your Syllabub-Pot, strew Sugar on it, and serve it.

203. To make pleasant Mead.

Put a quart of Honey to a Gallon of Water, with about ten sprigs of Sweet-Marjoram, and half so many Tops of Bays, boyl these very well together, and when it is cold, Bottle it up, and in ten days it will be ready to drink.

204. To make Steppony.

Take a Gallon of Conduit-water, a pound of blew Raisins of the Sun stoned, and half a pound of Sugar, squeeze the juice of two Limons upon the Raisins and Sugar, and slice the Rindes upon them: Boyl the water, and pour it boyling hot upon the Ingredients in an Earthen Pot, and stir them well together, so let it stand Twenty four hours; then put it into Bot­tles, having first let it run through a strain­er, and set them in a Cellar, or other cool place.

205. To make Syder.

Take a Peck of Apples and slice them, and boyl them in a Barrel of Water, till the third part be wasted; then cool your water as you do for Wort, and when it is cold, you must pour the water upon three Measures of grown Apples. Then draw sorth the Water at a Tap three or four times a day, for three days together. Then press out the Liquor, and Tun it up; when it hath done working, stop it up close.

206. To make Cock-Ale.

Take eight Gallons of Ale, then take a Cock, and boyl him well, with four pound of Raisins of the Sun well stoned, two or three Nutmegs, three or four flakes of Mace, half a pound of Dates; beat these all in a Mortar, and put to them two quarts of the best Sack; and when the Ale hath done working, put these in, and stop it close six or seven days, and then Bottle it, and a Moneth after you may drink it,

207. To make a Caraway-Cake.

Take three pound and a half of the fine­est Flower, and dry it in an Oven, one pound and a half of Sweet Butter, and mix it with the Flower, till it be crumbled very small, that none of it be seen; then take three quarters of a pint of New Ale-Yeast, and half a pint of Sack, and half a pint of New Milk, with six spoonfuls of Rose-water, and four Yolks, and two Whites of Eggs; then let it lye before the Fire half an hour, or more; and when you go to make it up, put in three quarters [Page 92] of Carraway-Comfits, and a pound and half of Biskets. Put it into the Oven, and let it stand an hour and an half.

208. To make Strawberry-wine.

Bruise the Strawberries, and put them into a Linnen bag, which hath been a lit­tle used, that so the Liquor may run through more easily; then hang in the Bag at the bung into the Vessel. Before you put in your Strawberries, put in what quantity of Fruit you think good, to make the Wine of a high Colour; du­ring the working, leave the bung open, and when it hath work'd enough, stop your Vessel: Cherry-wine is made after the same Fashion, but then you must break the Stones.

209, To make a Cordial Water of Clove-gilly flowers.

Put Spirit of Wine, or Sack upon Clove-gilly-flowers, digest it two or three days; put all in a Glass-body, lay­ing other Clove-gilly-flowers at the mouth of it upon a Cambrick, or Boulter-cloath, (that the Spirit rising, and passing through [Page 93] the Flowers, may ting it self of a beau­tiful Colour) add a Head with a Lim­beck and Receiver: Then Distill the Spi­rit as strong as you like it, which sweet­en with Syrup of Gilly-flowers, or fine Sugar.

210 To make an Excellent Surfeit-Water.

Take Mint and Carduus four parts, An­gelica one part, Wormwood two parts; chop and bruise them a little, put a suffici­ent quantity of them into an Ordinary Still, and put upon them enough New Milk to soak them, but not to have the Milk swim much over them. Distill this as you do Rose-water, stirring it sometime with a stick, to keep the Milk from growing to a Cake.

211. To make Mint-water.

Take two parts of Mint, and one part of Wormwood, and two parts of Cardu­us; put these into as much New Milk as will soak them: Let them infuse five or six hours, then Distill as you Distill Rose-water, but you must often take off [Page 94] the Head, and stir the Matter well with a stick: Drink of this Water a Wine-glass full at a time, sweetned with fine Sugar to your taste.

212. To pickle Artichoaks.

Take your Artichoaks before they are over-grown, or too full of strings, and when they are pared round, then nothing is left but the bottom, boyl them till they be indifferent tender, but not full boyled, take them up, and let them be cold, then take good stale Beer, and White Wine, with a great quantity of whole Pepper, so put them up into a Barrel, with a small quantity of Salt, keep them close, and they will not be sour, it will serve for ba­ked Meats, and boyled Meats all the Win­ter.

213. To make Rasberry-Cream.

When you have boyled your Cream, take two Ladle-fuls of it, being almost cold, bruise the Rasberries together, and season it with Sugar, and Rose-water, and put it into your Cream, stirring it al­together, and so dish it up.

214. To make Snow-Cream.

Break the whites of six Eggs, put there­to a little Rose-water, beat them well together with a bunch of Feathers, till they come perfectly to resemble Snow; then lay on the said Snow in heaps upon other Cream that is cold, which is made fit for the Table; you may put under your Cream in the bottom of the Dish, part of a penny Loaf, and stick therein a branch of Rosemary or Bays, and fill your Tree with the said Snow to serve it up.

215. To make Hydromel.

Take eighteen quarts of Spring-water, and one quart of Honey; when the water is warm, put the Honey into it, when it boyls up scum it very well, even as long as any scum will rise; then put in one Race of Ginger, sliced in thin slices, four Cloves, and a little sprig of green Rose­mary; boyl all together an hour, then set it to cool till it be Blood-warm, and then put to it a spoonful of Ale-yeast, when it is work'd up, put it into a Vessel of a fit size, and after two or three days [Page 96] Bottle it up; you may drink it in six weeks, or two Moneths.

216. To make a whipt Syllabub.

Take the whites of two Eggs, and a pint of Cream, with six spoonfuls of Sack, and as much Sugar as will sweeten it, then take a Birchen Rod and whip it, as it ri­seth in froth scum it, and put it into the Syllabub-pot, so continue it with whip­ping and scumming, till your Syllabub-Pot be full.

217. To make Marmalade of Cherries.

Take four pound of the best Kentish Cherries before they be stoned, to one pound of pure Loaf-Sugar, which beat into small powder, stone the Cherries, and put them into a Preserving-Pan over a gentle Fire, that they may not boyl, but dissolve much into Liquor. Take away with the spoon much of the thin Liquor, leaving the Cherries moist enough, but not swimming, in clean Liquor; then put to them half your Sugar, and boyl it up quick, and scum away the Froth that [Page 97] riseth; when it is well incorporated and clear, strew in a little more of the Sugar, and continue so by little and little, till you have put in all your Sugar, which will make the Colour the fairer; when they are boyled enough, take them off, and bruise them with the back of a spoon, and when they are cold, put them up in Pots.

218. To make a Flomery-Caudle.

When Flomery is made, and cold, you may make a pleasant, and wholesome Caudle of it, by taking some lumps and spoonfuls of it, and boyl it with Ale and White-Wine, then sweeten it to your taste with Sugar. There will remain in the Caudle some lumps of the Congealed Flomery, which are not ingrateful.

219. To Preserve Fruit all the Year.

Put the Fruit into a fit Case of Tin, and soder it together, so that no Air can get in; then lay it in the bottom of a cold Well in Running water.

220. To make a most Rich Cordial.

Take Conserve of Red Roses, Conserve of Orange-Flowers, of each one Ounce; Confect. Hyacinthi, Bezoardick, Theri­acal Powder, of each two Drams, Con­fection of Alkermes one Dram, of pow­der of Gold one Scruple; mix all these well together in the form of an Opiate, and if the Composition be too dry, add to it some Syrup of Red Currans, as much as is needful; take of this Composition every Morning, the quantity of a Nut.

221. To Pickle Red and White Currans.

Take Vinegar and White-Wine, with so much Sugar as will make it pretty sweet, then take your Red and White Currans, being not fully Ripe, and give them one walm, so cover them over with the said Pickle, keeping them always un­der Liquor.

222. To make Red Currans-Cream.

Bruise your Currans with some boyled Cream, then strain them through your strainer, or Siev, and put the liquid sub­stance thereof to the said Cream, being almost cold, and it will be a pure Red; so serve it up.

223. To Preserve Medlars.

Take the weight of them in Sugar, ad­ding to every pound thereof, a pint and a half of fair water, let them be scalded therein, till their skin will come off; then take them out of the water, and stone them at the Head, then add your Sugar to the water, and boyl them together, then strain it, and put your Medlars therein; let them boyl apace till it be thick; take them from the Fire, and keep them for Use.

224. To Preserve Mulberries.

Take the like weight of Sugar, as of Mulberries, wet the Sugar with some of the juice thereof, stir it together, put in [Page 100] your Mulberries, and let them boyl till they are enough, then take out your Mul­berries, but let your Syrup boyl a while after; then take it off, and put it into your Mulberries, and let them stand till they be cold, for your Use.

225. To make white Mead.

Take six Gallons of Water, and put in six quarts of Honey, stirring it till the Honey be throughly melted; then set it over the Fire, and when it is ready to boyl, scum it very clean; then put in a quarter of an Ounce of Mace, and as much Ginger, half an Ounce of Nutmegs, Sweet Marjoram, broad Thyme, and Sweet Bryar, of all together a handful, and boyl them well therein, then set it by till it be throughly cold, and then Barrel it up, and keep it till it be Ripe.

226. To make Naples-Bisket.

Take of the same stuff the Mackroons are made of, and put to it an Ounce of Pine-Apple-seeds, in a quarter of a pound of stuff, for that is all the difference be­tween the Mackroons and the Naples Bis­kets.

227. To make Chips of Quinces.

Scald them very well, and then slice them into a Dish, and pour a Candy Syrup to them scalding hot, and let them stand all Night, then lay them on Plates, and sierse Sugar on them, and turn them every day, and scrape more Sugar on them till they be dry. If you would have them look clear, heat them in Syrup, but not to boyl.

228. To make Lozenges of Roses.

Boyl Sugar to a height, till it is Sugar again, then beat your Roses fine, and moisten them with the juice of Limons, and put them into it, let it not boyl after the Roses are in, but pour it upon a Pye-Plate, and cut it into what form you please.

229. To make Conserve of Bugloss-Flowers.

Pick them as you do Burrage-Flowers, weigh them, and to every Ounce add two Ounces of Loaf-Sugar, and one of Sugar-Candy; beat them together, till they be­come very fine, then set it on the Fire to [Page 102] dissolve the Sugar, and when it is so done, and the Conserve hot, put it into your Glasses, or Gally-Pots, for your Use all the Year.

230. To Pickle Limon and Orange-Piel.

Boyl them with Vinegar and Sugar, and put them up into the same Pickle; you must Observe to cut them into small Thongs, the length of half the Piel of your Limon, being pared; it's a handsom savoury Winter Sallet: Boyl them first in Water, before you boyl them in Sugar.

231. To make Goosberry-Paste.

Take Gooseberries, and cut them one by one, and wring away the juice, till you have got enough for your turn, boyl your juice alone, to make it somewhat thicker; then take as much fine Sugar as your juice will sharpen, dry it, and then beat it a­gain; then take as much Gum-dragon steeped in Rose-water as will serve; then beat it into a Paste in a Marble Mortar, then take it up, & print it in your Moulds, and dry it in your Stove, when it is dry Box it up for your Use all the Year.

232. To make Suckets of Lettuce­stalks.

Take Lettuce-stalks, and peel away the out-side, then par-boyl them in fair wa­ter, and let them stand all Night dry, then take half a pint of the same Liquor, and a quart of Rose-water, and so boyl it to a Syrup, and when the Syrup is almost cold put in your Roots, and let them stand all Night to take Sugar; then boyl your Syrup again, because it will be weak, and then take out your Roots.

233. To make Musk-Sugar.

Bruise four or five Grains of Musk, put it in a piece of Cambrick or Lawn; lay it at the bottom of a Gally-Pot, and strew Sugar thereon, stop your Pot close, and all your Sugar in a few days will both smell and taste of Musk; and when you have spent that Sugar, lay more Sugar thereon, which will also have the same scent.

234. To make Prince-Bisket.

Take one pound of very fine Flower, and one pound of fine sugar, and eight Eggs, and to spoonfuls of Rose-water, and one Ounce of Carraway-seeds, and beat it all to Batter one whole hour, for the more you beat it, the better your Bread is; then Bake it in Coffins of white Plate, be­ing basted with a little Butter, before you put in your Batter, and so keep it.

235. To Candy Rose-Leaves.

Boyl Sugar and Rose-water a little up­on a Chafing-dish of Coals, then put the Leaves (being throughly dryed, either by the Sun, or on the Fire) into the Su­gar, and boyl them a little; then strew the powder of double-refined Sugar upon them, and turn them, and boyl them a little longer, taking the Dish from the Fire, then strew more powdered Sugar on the contrary side of the Flowers.

236. To Preserve Roses, or Gilly-flowers whole.

Dip a Rose that is neither in the Bud, nor over-blown, in a Syrup, consisting of Sugar double-refined, and Rose-water boyled to it's full height, then open the leaves one by one with a fine smooth Bod­kin, either of Bone or Wood, then lay them on Papers in the heat, or else dry with a gentle heat in a close Room, heating the Room before you set them in, or in an Oven, then put them up in Glasses, and keep them in dry Cup-boards near the Fire.

237. To make Ielly of Quinces.

Take of the juice of Quinces Clarified six quarts, boyl it half away, and add to the remainder five pints of Old White-Wine, consume the third part over a gen­tle fire, taking away the scum, as you ought; let the rest settle, and strain it, and with three pound of Sugar boyl it, ac­cording to Art.

238. To make Ielly of Currans.

Take four pound of good Sugar, and cla­rifie it with whites of Eggs, then boyl it to a Candy height, that is, till it go into flashes; then put to it five pints, (or as much as you please) of the pure juice of Red Currans, first boyled, to Clarifie it, by scumming it; boyl them together a while, till they be scum'd well, and e­nough to become a Jelly, then put a good handful or two of the Berries of Currans whole, and cleansed from the stalks and black End, and boyl them till they are enough. You need not boyl the juice before you put to the Sugar, neither scum it before the Sugar and it boyl to­gether, but then scum it clean, and take care that the juice be very clear, and well strained.

239. To make Syrup of Mint.

Take of the juice of sweet Quinces, and between sweet and sour, the juice of Pomegranats, sweet, between sweet and sour, of each a pint and half; dryed Mint half a pound, Red Roses two Oun­ces; [Page 107] let them lye in steep one day, then boyl it half away, and with four pound of Sugar boyl it into Syrup, according to Art.

240. To make Honey of Mul­berries.

Take of the juice of Mulberries and Black-berries, before they be Ripe, ga­thered before the Sun be up, of each a pound and half, Honey two pound; boyl them to their due thickness.

241. To make Syrup of Purslain.

Take of the seed of Purslain grosly bruised half a pound, of the juice of En­dive boyled and Clarified two pints, Su­gar two pound, Vinegar nine Ounces; infuse the seeds in the juice of Endive Twenty four hours, afterwards boyl it half away with a gentle Fire, then strain it, and boyl it with the Sugar to the con­sistence of a Syrup, adding the Vinegar toward the latter end of the Decoction.

242. To make Honey of Raisins.

Take of Raisins of the Sun cleansed from the stones two pound, steep them in six pints of warm water, the next day boyl it half away, and press it strongly; then put two pints of Honey to the Li­quor that is pressed out, and boyl it to a thickness: It is good for a Consumption, and to loosen the Body.

243. To make Syrup of Comfrey.

Take of the Roots and Tops of Com­frey, the greater and the less, of each three handfuls, Red Roses, Betony, Plan­tain, Burnet, Knot-grass, Scabious, Colts-foot, of each two handfuls, press the juice out of them, all being green and bruised, boyl it, scum it, and strain it, add to it it's weight of Sugar, and make it into Syrup, according to Art.

244. To Pickle Quinces.

Boyl your Quinces whole in water till they be soft, but not too violently, for fear of breaking them; when they are [Page 109] soft take them out, and boyl some Quin­ces pared, quartered, and Cored, and the parings of the Quinces with them in the same Liquor, to make it strong, and when they are boyled, that the Liquor is of a sufficient strength, take out the quartered Quinces and parings, and put the Liquor into a Pot big enough to re­ceive all the Quinces, both whole and quartered, and put them into it when the Liquor is through cold, and keep them for Use close covered.

245. To make Plague-water.

Take a pound of Rue, of Rosemary, Sage, Sorrel, Celandine, Mugwort, of the tops of red Brambles, Pimpernel, Wild Dragons, Agrimony, Balm, Angelica, of each a pound; put these Compounds in a Pot, fill it with White-Wine above the Herbs, so let it stand four days, then Distill for your Use in an Alembeck.

245. To make Quince-Cakes white.

First Clarifie the Sugar with the white of an Egg, but put not so much water to [Page 110] it as you do for Marmalade, before you Clarifie it keep out almost a quarter of the Sugar; let your Quinces be scalded, and chopt in small pieces, before you put it into the Syrup, then make it boyl as fast as you can, and when you have scum­med it, and think it to be half boyled, then jamire it, and let the other part of your Sugar be ready Candyed to a hard Candy, and so put them together, letting it boyl but a very little after the Candy is put to it, then put in a little Musk, and so lay it out before it be cold.

246. To make Red Quince-Cakes.

Bake them in an Oven, with some of their own juice, their own Cores being cut and bruised, and put to them; then weigh some of the Quince, being cut into small pieces, taking their weight in Sugar, and with the Quince some pretty quantity of the juice of Barberries, being baked, or stewed in a Pot; when you have taken the weight in Sugar, you must put the weighed Quince, and above three Quarters of the Sugar toge­ther, and put to it some little quantity of water, as you shall see Cause, but make [Page 111] not the Syrup too thin; and when you have put all this together, cover it, and set it to the Fire, keep it covered, and scum it as much as you can, when it is half boyled, then symmer it; let the other part of the Sugar have no more water put to it, then wet the Sugar well, and so let it boyl to a very hard Candy, and when you think they be boyled enough, then lay them out before they be cold.

247. To make clear Cakes of Quinces.

Prepare your Quinces and Barberries, as before, and then take the clearest Sy­rup, and let it stand on the Coals two or three hours, then take the weight of it in Sugar, and put near half the Sugar to the juice, and so let them boyl a little on the fire, and then Candy the rest of the Sugar very hard, and so put them toge­ther, stirring it till it be almost cold, and so put it into Glasses.

248. To make Ielly of Raspices.

First strain your Raspices, and to every quart of juice, add a pound and half of [Page 112] Sugar, pick out some of the fairest, and having strewed Sugar in the bottom of the Skillet, lay them in one by one, then put the juice upon them with some Sugar, reserving some to put in when they boyl, let them boyl apace, and add Sugar con­tinually, till they are enough.

249. To make all sorts of Comfits, and to cover Seeds, or Fruits with Sugar.

You must provide a Bason very deep, either of Brass or Tin, with two Ears of Iron to hang it with a Rope over an Ear­then Pan, with hot Coals, then provide a broad Pan for Ashes, and put hot Coals upon them, and another clean Bason to melt your Sugar in, or a Skillet, as also a Ladle of Brass to run the Sugar upon the Seeds, together with a Slice of Brass, to scrape away the Sugar from the Bason that hangs, if there be Occasion. Then take some of the best and fairest Sugar you can get, and beat it into powder; cleanse your seeds well, and dry them in the hanging Bason; put a quarter of a pound of seeds, whether Anniseed, or Coriander-seeds, to every two pound of [Page 113] Sugar, and that will make them big enough, but if you would have them bigger, add the more Sugar, which you must melt thus; put three pound of Su­gar into your Bason, adding to it one pint of clean Running-water, stir it well with a brazen slice, till it be well moistened; then set it over a clear fire, and melt it well, and let it boyl mildly till it ropes from the Ladle, then keep it upon hot Embers, but let it not boyl, and so let it run upon the Seeds from the Ladle: If you would have them done quickly, let your water be boyling hot, and putting a Fire under the Bason, cast on your Sugar boyling hot; put but as much water to the Sugar as will dissolve the same, nei­ther boyl your Sugar too long, which will make it black; stir the seeds in the Bason as fast as you can as you cast on the Sugar, at the first put in but half a spoon­ful of the Sugar, moving the Bason very fast, rubbing the seeds very well with your hand, which will make them take Sugar the better, and let them be very well dryed between every Coat; repeat this rubbing and drying of them between every Coat, which will make them the sooner; for this way, in every three hours [Page 114] hours you may make three pound of Comfits. A quarter of a pound Corian­der-seeds, and three pound of Sugar will make very large Comfits; keep your Su­gar always in good temper, that it run not into lumps. When your Comfits are made, lay them to dry upon Papers, ei­ther before the Fire, or in the hot Sun, or in an Oven, which will make them very white.

250. To Candy Nutmegs, or Ginger.

Take a pound of fine Sugar, and six or seven spoonfuls of Rose-water, Gum-Arabick, the weight of six pence, but let it be clear; boyl all these together, till they rope, put it then out into an Earthen Dish, put to it your Nutmegs or Ginger, then cover it close, and lute it with Clay, that no Air enter in; keep it in a warm place about twenty days, and they will Candy into a hard Rock-Candy; then break your Pot, and take them out: In the same manner you may Candy Oran­ges and Limons.

251. To make Currans-Wine.

Pick a pound of the best Currans, and put them in a deep streight-mouth'd ear­then Pot, and pour upon them about three quarts of hot water, having first dissol­ved therein three spoonfuls of the purest and newest Ale-yeast; stop it very close, till it begins to work, then give it vent as is necessary, and keep it warm, for about three days it will work and ferment, taste it after two days to see if it be grown to your liking, then let it run through a strainer, to leave behind all the Currans, and the Yeast, and so Bottle it up; it will be very quick and pleasant, and is admirable good to cool the Liver, and cleanse the Blood; it will be ready to drink in five or six days after it is Bottled, and you may drink it safely.

252. To make a Sweet-meat of Apples.

Make your Jelly with slices of Iohn-Apples, but first fill your Glass with sli­ces cut round-ways, and pour in the Jel­ly to fill up the vacuities; let the Jelly be [Page 116] boyled to a good stiffness, and when it is ready to take from the Fire, put in some juice of Limon and Orange, if you like it, but let them not boyl, but let it stand upon the fire a while upon a pretty good heat, that the juices may incorpo­rate well; a little Amber-grease added doth very well.

253. To make Conserve of Sage.

Take about a pound of Flowers of Sage, fresh blown, and beat them in a Mor­tar, afterward put them in a Glass, and stop them close, and then set them by a warm Fire, or in the Sun, and be sure to [...] them once a day at the least, and it will keep good a twelve-moneth at the least.

254. To make Paste of Cherries.

Boyl some fair Cherries in water, till they come to a pap, and then strain them through a Siev; then boyl some good Pippins unto pap also, put a quarter of a pound of the Apple-pap to a pound of the pap of Cherries, and mingle them together, then dry it, and so make it up into Paste.

255. To make Marmalade of Oranges.

After you have pared your Oranges very thin, let them be boyled in three or four waters, even till they grow very ten­der; then take a quarter of a hundred of good Kentish Pippins, divide them, and take out the Cores, boyl them very well to pap, or more, but let them not lose their Colour; then pass your Apples through a strainer, and put a pound of Sugar to every pint of Juice, then boyl it till it will Candy; then take out the pulp of the Orange, and cut the Peel in­to long slices very thin, put in your Peel again, adding to it the juice of two or three Limons, and boyl up to a Candy.

256. To make Paste of Apricots.

Let your Apricots be very Ripe, and then pare them, then put them into a skil­let, and set them over the fire without water, stir them very well with a skim­mer, and let them be over the fire till they be very dry, then [...]ake some Sugar and boyl it into a Conserve, and mix an equal [Page 118] quantity of each together, and so make it into Paste.

257. To Pickle Artichoak-Bottoms.

Take the best bottoms of Artichoaks, and par-boyl them, and when they are cold, and well drain'd from the water, and dryed in a Cloath, to take away all the moisture, then put them into Pots, and pour your brine upon them, which must be as strong as you can make it, which is done by putting in so much sait to it as it will receive no more, so that the salt sinks whole to the bottom; cover over your Artichoaks with this water, and pour upon it some sweet Butter melted, to the thickness of two fingers, that no Air may come in; when the Butter is cold, set up your Pot in some warm place, covered close from Vermine. Before you put the bottoms in the Pot, you should pull off all the leaves and choak, as they are served at Table: The best time to do this is in Autumn, when your Plants produce those which are Young and tender, for these you should Pickle, before they come to open and Flower, but not before their [Page 119] Heads are round; when you would eat them, you must lay them in water, shif­ting the water several times, then boyl them once again, and so serve them.

258. To make Marmalade of Grapes.

Take of the fairest, and ripest blew Grapes, gathered in the heat of the day, that their moisture be dryed up throughly, spread them upon a Table, or Hindle in some Room, where the Air and sun may come in, let them lye so for fifteen or six­teen days, that they may both sweat and shrink; if it be Cloudy or cold weather, you may put them into an Oven, when it is only warm; after which, press them well with your hands, cleansing them from all the seeds, and stalks, putting the husks and juice to boyl in the Kettle, carefully scumming and clearing it from the seeds; reduce this Liquor also to a third part, di­minishing the Fire as the Confection thickens, stirring often about with your spoon, to prevent it's cleaving to the Ves­sel, and to make it boyl equally; then strain it through a siev, or course Cloath. bruising the husks with your wooden [Page 120] Ladle to squeeze out the Substance, and then serving it out in a press, then set it again on the Fire, and let it boyl once more, keeping it continually stirring till you think it be sufficienty boyled, then take it off, and pour it into Earthen Pans, that it may not taste of the kettle, and be­ing half cold, put it into Gally-pots to keep: Let your Pots stand open five or six days, and then cover them with Paper that the Paper may lye upon the Con­serve, and when the Paper grows mouldy put on another, till all the superfluous moisture is gone out, which will be in a little time if your Confection was well boyled, but if it were not, you must boyl it again.

259. To Pickle Cornelians.

Gather the fairest and biggest Corneli­ans when they first begin to grow red, and after they have lain a while, put them up into a Pot or Barrel, filling them up with Brine, as for Artichoaks, and put to them a little green Fennel, and a few Bay-leaves, to make them smell well, then stop them up very close, and let them stand for a Moneth: If you find them too [Page 121] Salt, make the Pickle weaker before you serve them to Table.

260. To make Ielly of Apples.

Take either Pippins or Iohn-Apples, and cut them into quarters, either pared, or un-pared, boyl them in a good quanti­ty of water, till it be very strong of the Apples; take out the clear Liquor, and put to it a sufficient quantity of Sugar to make Jelly with the slices of Apples; boyl all together till the Apples be enough, and the Liquor like a Jelly; or else you may boyl the slices in Apple-Liquor without Sugar, and make Jelly of other Liquor, and put the slices into it, when they be Jel­ly, and it is sufficiently boyled; put to it some juice of Limon, and Amber, and Musk, if you will.

261. To make Ielly of Goose­berries.

Let your Gooseberries be full Ripe, then strain them through a strainer, and to every two pound of Juice put three quarterns of Sugar, boyl it before you mix it, and then boyl it again together; [Page 122] when they are mixed try, it upon a Plate, when it is enough, it riseth off.

262. To make Bragget.

Put two Bushels and a half of Malt to one Hogshead of Water, the first running makes half a Hogshead very good, but not very strong; the second is very weak: Boyl but half a quartern of Hops, put your water to the Malt the Ordinary way, boyl it very well, and work it with very good Beer-yeast: Now, to make Brag­get, take the first running of this Ale, but put less Honey in it than you do for your Ordinary Mead, but twice or thrice as much Spice and Herbs; then put it in a Vessel, after it's working with the Yeast, hang within it a Bag of bruised Spices, ra­ther more than you boyled it with, and let it hang in the Barrel all the while you draw it.

263. To make Italian Marmalade.

Take fifteen pound of Quinces, three pound of Sugar, and two pound of water, and boyl them all together; when it is well boyled strain it by little and little through [Page 123] a Cloath, as much as you can, then take the juice and put to it four pound of Su­gar, and then boyl it; try it on a Plate, to know when it is enough, and if it come off, take it presently off the Fire, and put it in Boxes for your Use.


THE PHYSICAL Cabinet: CONTAINING Excellent Receits in Phy­sick and Chirurgery, for Curing most Diseases Incident to the BODY.

TOGETHER With some Rare Beau­tifying Waters, Oyls, Oyntments, and Powders, to Adorn and add Loveliness to the FACE and BODY.

AS ALSO Some New and Excellent Secrets and Experiments in the Art of ANGLING.

London, Printed in the Year 1675.


1. An Approved Remedy for the Stone and Gravel.

TAke the hard Roe of a Red Her­ring, and dry it upon a Tile in an Oven, then beat it to powder, and take as much as will lye up­on a Six-pence every Morning Fasting, in a Glass of Rhenish-Wine.

2. An Excellent Drink for the Scurvey.

Take a pound of Garden-Seurvy [...] Grass, six handfuls of Wormwood and Elder-tops, one Ounce of Carraway-seeds, and one Ounce of Nutmegs; put them all [Page 128] together into six Gallons of New Ale, and let them work together, and after a con­venient time of working, Drink of it every Morning Fasting.

3. A Receipt for the Cout, known to be very helpful.

Take five or six black Snails, and cut off their Heads, then put to them one penny-worth of Saffron, and beat them together, and spread it on the woolly side of a piece of Sheeps Leather, and apply it to the soles of the Feet, anointing the sore place with the Marrow of a Stone-Horse.

4. For Griping of the Guts.

Take Anniseeds, Fennel, Bay-berries, Juniper-berries, Tormentil, Bistort, Ba­laustius, Pomegranate-pills, each one Ounce, Rose-leaves a handful, boyl them in Milk, strain it, and add the Yolk of an Egg, six Grains of Laudanum dissolved in the Spirit of Mint; prepare it for a Glyster, and give it warm.

5. A Sovereign Medicine for any ach or pain.

Take Barrows-grease, a Lap full of Arch-Angel-leaves, Flowers, Stalks and all, and put it into an Earthen Pot, and stop it close, and paste it; then put in an Horse Dung-hill nine days in the latter End of May, and nine days in the begin­ning of Iune; then take it forth, and strain it, and so use it.

6. For the Sciatica, and pains in the Ioynts.

Take Balm and Cinquefoil, but most of all Betony, Nep, and Featherfew, stamp them, and drink the Juice with Ale o [...] Wine. Probatum.

7. For an Ague.

Take the Root of a blew Lilly, scrape it clean, and stice it, and lay it in soak all Night in Ale, and in the Morning stamp it, and strain it, and give it the Patient Luke-warm to Drink an hour before the Fit cometh.

8. For all Fevers and Agues in Sucking Children.

Take Powder of Crystal, and steep it in Wine, and give it the Nurse to drink, also take the Root of Devils-bit, with the Herb, and hang it about the Childs Neck.

9. A good Medicine to strengthen the Back.

Take Comsrey, Knot-grass, and the Flowers of Arch-Angel; boyl them in a little Milk, and Drink it off every Morn­ing.

10. For the Head-ach.

Take Rose-Cakes, and stamp them very small in a Mortar with a little Ale, and let them be dryed by the Fire on a Tile-sheard, and lay it to the Nape of the Neck, to Bed-ward. Proved.

11. For the Yellow Iaundise.

Take a great white Onion, and make a hole where the Blade goeth out, to the bigness of a Chesnut, then fill the hole with Treacle, being beaten with half an Ounce of English Honey, and a little Saf­fron, and set the Onion against the Fire, and Roast it well that it do not burn, and when it is Roasted, strain it through a Cloath, and give the juice thereof to the Sick three days together, and it shall help them.

12. For the Black Iaundise.

Take Fennel, Sage, Parsley, Grom­well, of each alike much, and make Pot­tage thereof with a piece of good Pork, and eat no other Meat that day.

13. For Infection of the Plague.

Take a spoonful of Running-water, a spoonful of Vinegar, a good quantity of Treacle, to the bigness of a Hasel Nut; temper all these together, and heat it luke-warm, and drink it every four and twenty hours.

14. For the Cramp.

Take Oyl of Camomile, and Fenu­greek, and anoint the place where the Cramp is, and it helpeth.

15. For the Ach of the Ioynts.

Take Marshmallows and sweet Milk, Linseeds, powder of Cummin, the whites of Eggs, Saffron, and white grease, and Fry all these together, and lay it to the aking Joynt.

16. For an Ague.

Take a Pottle of thin Ale, and put there­to a handful of Parsley, as much Red Fennel, as much Centory, as much Pim­pernel; and let the Ale be half Consumed away, and then take, and drink there­of.

17. To make the Countess of Kents Powder.

Take of the Magistery of Pearls, of Crabs-Eyes prepared, of white Amber [Page 133] prepared, Harts-Horn, Magistery of white Coral, of Lapis contra Yarvam, of each a like quantity; to these Pow­ders infused, put of the black tops of the great Claws of Crabs, the full weight of the rest: Beat these all into a fine powder, and sierse them through a fine Lawn sierce: To every ounce of this Powder add a Dram of Oriental Bezoar, make all these up into a lump, or Mass with Jelly of Harts-Horn, and colour it with Saffron, putting thereto a scruple of Amber-grease, and a little Musk also finely powdered, and dry it in the Air, after they are made up into small quantities, you may give to a Man twenty grains, and to a Child twelve Grains. It is Excellent against all Ma­lignant, and Pestilent Diseases, French Pox, Small-Pox, Measles, Plague, Pe­stilence, Malignant or Scarlet Fevers, and Melancholy; twenty or thirty Grains thereof being exhibited (in a little warm Sack, or Harts-Horn-Jelly) to a Man, and half as much, or twelve Grains to a Child.

18. For the Falling Sickness, or Convulsions.

Take the Dung of a Peacock, make it into Powder, and give so much of it to the Patient as will lye upon a Shilling, in a little Succory-water, Fasting.

19. For the Pleurisie.

Take three round Balls of Horse-Dung, and boyl them in a pint of White-wine till half be consumed, then strain it out, and sweeten it with a little Sugar; let the Patient drink of this, and then lye warm.

20. To prevent Miscarrying.

Take Venice-Turpentine, spread it on black brown Paper, the breadth and length of a hand, and lay it to the small of her Back, then let her drink a Caudle made of Muskadine, putting into it the husks of about twenty sweet Almonds, dryed, and finely powdered.

21. For the Worms in Children.

Take Worm-seed boyled in Beer and Ale, and sweetned with Clarified Honey, and then let them drink it.

22. For the Whites.

Take white washed Turpentine, and make up in Balls like Pills, then take Ci­namon, and Ginger, and roul the Balls in it, and take them as you would do Pills, Morning and Evening. Proved.

23. For a dry Cough.

Take Anniseeds, Ash-seeds, and Vio­lets, and beat them to powder, and stamp them, of each a like quantity, then boyl them together in fair water, till it grows thick, then put it up, and let the Patient take of it Morning and Evening.

24. To make Unguentum Album.

Take a pint of Oyl-Olive, and half a pound of Diaculum, Anniseeds a pretty quantity, and put them together, and put [Page 136] thereto a pound of Ceruse small grounded, boyl them together a little, and stir them alway till it be cold, and it is done.

25. To destroy the Piles.

Take Oyl of Roses, Frankincense, and Honey, and make an Oyntment of them, and put it into the Fundament, and put Myrrh unto the same, and use often to annoint the Fundament therewith, and let the Fume thereof go into the Funda­ment.

26. For the Canker.

Take a handful of unset Leeks, with the Roots, and a small quantity of Yar­row, and boyl them in White-Wine, till they be all very soft, then strain and Cla­rifie them, and let the Patient drink there­of Morning and Evening Blood-warm.

27. For the Itch.

Take the Juice of Pennyroyal, the juice of Savin, the juice of Scabious, the juice of Sage, the juice of Pellitory, with some Barrows grease and black soap; temper [Page 137] all these together, and make a Salve for the Itch.

28. For the Kings Evil.

Take two Ounces of the Water of Broom-flowers Distilled, and give it in the Morning to the Patient Fasting, and it will Purge the evil Humour downward, and wasteth, and healeth the Kernels with­out breaking them outwardly.

29. To break an Imposthume.

Take a Lilly-root and an Onion, and boyl them in water till they be soft, then stamp them, and fry them with Swines grease, and lay it to the Imposthume as hot as the Patient may suffer it.

30. For biting of a Mad Dog.

Stamp large Plantain, and lay it to the grieved place, and it will Cure the Sore.

31. For the Green-Sickness.

Take the Keys of an Ashen-Tree, dry­ed and beaten to powder; and take of red Fennel, red Sage, Marjoram, and Betony, and seeth them in Running-water, from a Pottle to a Quart, then strain them, and drink thereof a good draught with Sugar, Morning and Evening luke-warm.

32. For Deafness.

Take of Wild Mint, mortifie it, and squeeze it in the hand till it rendreth juice, then take it with it's juice, and put it in­to the Ear, change it often; this will help the Deafness, if the Person hath heard be­fore.

33. For the Dropsie.

Take a Gallon of White-Wine, and put into it a handful of Roman Worm­wood, and a good piece of Horse-Radish, and a good quantity of Broom-ashes ty­ed in a Cloath; then take a good bunch of dwarf-Elder, beat it in a Mortar, and strain out the juice, and put it into the [Page 139] Wine when you will drink it; but if the dwarf-Elder be dry, you must steep a good quantity in the Wine. Take of this half a pint Morning and Evening.

34. For a Sprain in the Back, or any other weakness.

Take a quarter of a pint of good Mus­kadine, a spoonful of Madder, Incorpo­rate them well together, then give it the Patlent to drink for three Mornings toge­ther, and if need requireth, you may use it often in a day. This will strengthen the Back exceedingly.

35. An Excellent Water for Sore Eyes.

Take a Gallon of pure Running-water, and eight Drams of white Coperas, and as much of fine white Salt, mix them to­gether, and let it simper half an hour over a slow Fire, and then strain it for Use.

36. A most Excellent Cordial.

Take half a peck of Ripe Elder-Ber­ries, pick them clean, and let them stand two or three days in an Earthen Pan, till they begin to hoar or mould, then bruise and strain them, and boyl the Liquor ti [...] half be consumed, then putting a pound of Sugar to every pint of Liquor; boyl them to Syrup.

37. A Medicine for an Ague.

Take a quart of the best Ale, and boyl it to a pint, and let the Party drink it as hot as he is able, and then let the Patientlye down upon a Bed, and be covered warm when the first Fit grudges, and let a Bason be ready to Vomit in.

38. Another for an Ague.

Take a large Nutmeg, and slice it, and so much Roch-Allom beaten to powder, and put them both into one pint of the best White-Wine, and incorporate them, [Page 141] well together, and let the Patient take one half thereof about half an hour before the the Fit, and then walk apace, or use some other Laborious Exercise, and when the Fit begins to come, take the other half, and continue Exercise. Both these I have known to Cure, to Admirati­on.

39. For a great Lax, or Loose­ness.

Take one quart of New Milk, and have ready one half pint of Distilled Plan­tain-water, and set your Milk over the Fire, and when your Milk by boyling ri­ses up, take two or three spoonfuls, as Occasion shall be, to allay the rising, and and when it rises again, do the like; and so in like manner till the Plantain-water be all in, and then boyling up as before, let the Patient drink thereof warmed hot, or how else he likes it; I never yet have sound it fail of Curing.

40. For Curing of Deafness.

Take Herb-of-Grace, and pound it, then strain it, and take two spoonfuls of the Juice, & put thereto one spoonful of Bran­dy-Wine, and when it is well evapora­ted, dip therein a little black wool, or fine Lint, being first bound with a silk thread, and put it into your Ear.

41. For the Scurvey.

Take half a peck of Sea-Seurvey-grass, and as much Water-cresses, of Dwarf-Elder, Roman Wormwood, Red Sage, Fumitory, Harts-Horn, and Liverwort, of each one handful; wash the Water­cresses, and dry them well; the other Herbs must be rubb'd clean, and not wash­ed, then add one Ounce of Horse-Rad­dish, and a good handful of Madder-Roots; beat these with the Herbs, and strain the juice well out, for the last is best, then set it on a quick Fire, and scum it clean, then let it stand till it be settled, and when it is quite cold bottle it up, and keep it in a cold place: You must take four or five spoonfuls with one, spoonful of Syrup [Page 143] of Limons put into it, each Morning Fa­sting, and Fast one hour after it.

42. An Excellent Remedy to procure Conception.

Take of Syrup of Mother-wort, Sy­rup of Mugwort half an Ounce, of Spi­rit of Clary two Drams, of the Root of English Snake-weed in fine powder one Dram, Purslain-seed, Nettle-seed, Roch­et-seed, all in subtle powder, of each two drams: Candied Nutmegs, Eringo-Roots, Satyrion-Roots Preserved, Dates, Pistachoes, Conserve of Suceory, of each three Drams; Cinamon, Saffron in fine powder, of each a seruple, Conserve of Vervain, Pine-Apple-Kernels picked and pilled, of each two drams; stamp and work all these Ingredients in a Mortar to an Electuary, then put it up into Gally-Pots, and keep it for Use. Take of this Electuary the quantity of a good Nutmeg, in a little Glass full of White-Wine, in the Morning Fasting, and at four a Clock After-noon, and as much at Night going to Bed, but be sure do no violent Exer­cise.

43. For a sore Breast not Broken.

Take Oyl of Roses, Bean-flower, the Yolk of an Egg, a little Vinegar; tem­per all these together, then set it before the Fire, that it may be a little warm, then with a Feather strike it upon the Breast Morning and Evening, or any time of the day she finds it pricking.

44. To heal a sore Breast, when broken.

Boyl Lillies in New Milk, and lay it on to break it; and when it is broken Tent it with a Mallow-stalk, & lay on it a Plaister of Mallows boyled in Sheeps Tallow; these are to be used if you cannot keep it from breaking.

45. For a Consumption.

Take a pound and half of Pork, Fat and Lean, and boyl it in water, and put in some Oat-meal, and boyl it till the heart of the Meat be out, then put to it two quarts of Milk, and boyl it a quarter of an hour, and give the Patient a draught in the Morning, After-noon, and Evening, [Page 145] and now and then some Barley-water.

46. For the Falling Sickness.

Take Powder of Harts-Horn, and drink it with Wine, and it helpeth the Falling-Evil.

47. For the Tooth-ach.

Take Feathersew, and stamp it, and strain it, and drop a drop or two into the contrary Ear to the pain, and lye still half an hour after.

48. For a Wen.

Take black Soap, and mix it with un­slaked Lime, made into powder, and lay it upon the Wen, or Kernel.

49. For the Wind.

Take the juice of Red Fennel, and make a Posset of Ale therewith, and drink there­of.

50. An Excellent Medicine for the Dropsie.

Take two Gallons of New Ale, then take setwel, Calamus Aromaticus, and Galingale, of each two penny-worth, of Spikenard four penny-worth; stamp all together, and put them into a bag, and hang it in the Vessel, and when it is four days old drink it Morning and Evening.

51. For a Scald Head.

Wash thy Head with Vinegar and Ca­momil stampt and mingled together; there is no better help for the Scald: Or grind white Hellebore with Swines grease, and apply it to the Head.

52. To make the Plague-water.

Take a handful of Sage, and a handful of Rue, and boyl them in three pints of Malmsey, or Muskadine, till one pint be wasted, then take it off the Fire, and strain the Wine from the Herbs, then put into the Wine two penny-worth of long­pepper, half an Ounce of Ginger, and [Page 147] a quarter of an Ounce of Nutmegs, all grosly bruised, and let it boyl a little again. Then take it off the Fire, and dissolve in it half an Ounce of good Venice-Treacle, and a quarter of an Ounce of Mithridate, and put to it a quarter of a pint of strong Angelica-water, so keep it in a Glass close stopped, for your Use. This Wa­ter Cureth Small-Pox, Measles, Surfeits, and Pestilential Fevers.

53. A precious Eye-water for any Diseases of the Eye, often proved.

Take of the best White-Wine half a pint, of white Rose-water as much, of the Water of Celendine, Fennel, Eye­bright, and Rue, of each two Ounces, of prepared Tutia six Ounces, of Cloves as much, Sugar rosate a dram, of Cam­phire and Aloes, each half a dram; wash the Eyes therewith.

54. A Cordial Iulep.

Take Waters of Endive, Purslain, and Roses, of each two Ounces, Sorrel-wa­ter half a pint, Juice of Pomegranats, and [Page 148] for lack thereof, Vinegar, four Ounces, Camphire three Drams, Sugar one pound. Boyl all these together in the form of a Julep, and give three or four Ounces thereof at a time.

55. To make the Green Oint­ment.

Take a pound of Swines grease, one Ounce of Verdigrease, half a Scruple of Sal Gemm [...]e, this Oyntment may be kept forty Years; it is good against Cancers, and Running Sores, it fretteth away dead Flesh, and bringeth New, and healeth Old Wounds, put it within the Wound, that it fester not.

56. For Fits of the Mother.

Take a brown Toast of soure Bread of the neither Crust, and wash it with Vine­gar, and put thereto black Soap, like as you would butter a Toast, and lay it un­der the Navil.

57. For the Rickets in Children.

Take of Fennel-Seeds, and Dill-Seeds, but most of the last; [...]boyl them in Beer, and strain it, and sweeten it with Sugar, and let the Child drink often. Probatum.

58. For the Shingles.

Take the green leaves of Colts-foot stamped, and mingled with Honey, and apply it, and it will help.

59. To heal a Fistula, or Ulcer.

Take Figgs, and stamp them with Shoo­makers-wax, and spread it upon Leather, and lay it on the Sore, and it will heal.

60. For a Woman in Travel.

Take seven or eight leaves of Betony, a pretty quantity of Germander, a branch or two of Penny-royal, three Marygolds, a branch or two of Hyssop, boyl them all in a pint of White-Wine, or Ale, then put into it Sugar and Saffron, and boyl it a quarter of an hour more, and give it to drink warm.

61. To make a VVoman be soon deli­vered, the Child being dead or alive.

Take a good quantity of the best Am­ber, and beat it exceeding small to pow­der, then sierse it through a fine piece of Lawn, and so drink it in some Broath or Caudle, and it will will by God's help cause the Patient to be presently Delive­red.

62. For Infants troubled with wind and Phlegm.

Give them a little pure Sugar-candy finely bruised, in Saxsifrage-water, or Sca­bious-water in a spoon well mingled toge­ther.

63. A most excellent Medicine to cause Children to breed their Teeth easily.

Take of pure Capons grease, very well Clarified, the quantity of a Nutmeg, and twice as much of pure Honey, mingle and incorporate them well together, and [Page 151] annoint the Childs Gums therewith three or four times a day, when it is Teething, and they will easily break the Flesh, and prevent Torments and Agues, and other Griefs, which usually Accompany their coming forth.

64. For Agues in Children.

Take a spoonful of good Oyl of Popu­leon, and put thereto two spoonfuls of good Oyl of Roses, mingle them well together, and then warm it before the Fire, annoint the Childs Joynts and Back, also his Fore-head and Temples twice a day, chasing the Oyntment well in.

65. To cause a Young Child to go to Stool.

Chafe the Childs Navil with May But­ter before the Fire, then take some Black wool, and dip it in the Butter, and lay it to the Navil, and it will procure a Stool: This is also good for one in Years, that can take no other Medicine.

66. For VVorms in Children.

Take of Myrrh and Aloes, very finely powdered, of each a penny-worth, and put thereto a few drops of Chymical Oyl of Wormwood, or Savine, and a little Turpentine; make these up into a Plai­ster, and lay it to the Childs Navil.

67. To help one that is Blasted.

Take the white of an Egg, and beat it in a Mortar, put to it a quarter of an Ounce of Coperas, and grind them well together, till it come to an Oyntment, and therewith annoint the sore Face, and it will ease the pain, and take away the Swelling; and when it is well nigh whole annoint the place with a little P [...]puleon, and that will make the skin fair and well again.

68. An excellent Salve.

Take half a pound of Bees-wax, a pint of Sallet-Oyl, three ounces of Red Lead, boyl all together in a New Earthen Pipkin, keeping it stirring all the while till it grows of a darkish colour; then keep it [Page 153] for Use, or make Sear-cloaths of it while it is hot.

It is most approved against any Pain, Sore, Scald, Cut, Burn; to strengthen the Back, or remove any old Ach what­soever.

69. A Iu'ep of Dr. Trench, for the Fits of the Mother.

In the time of the Year Distill Black-Cherry-water, Piony flower-water, Cow­slip-water, Rue, or Herb-grace-water; then take of the waters of Cowslip, Black-Cherries, Piony, Rue, of each an ounce, and add to them water of Ca­stor half an ounce, Cinamon-water one dram, Syrup of Clove-gilly-flowers three drams; mix all these together, and take two spoonfuls at a time of it, as often as you please.

70. For a Tympany.

Take a handful of the Blossoms of Ma­rigolds, stamp them, and strain them, and give the Juice thereof to the Patient in a draught of Ale Fasting.

71. To provoke Terms, a good Medicine

Take Wormwood and Rue, of each one handful, with five or six Pepper-corns, boyl them all together in a quart of white-wine or Malmsey, strain it, and drink thereof.

72. For the Bloody-flux, or Scouring.

Take a great Apple, and cut out the Core, and put therein pure Virgins-wax, then wet a paper and lap it therein, then rake it up in the Embers, and let it roast till it be soft, then eat of it as your sto­mack will give leave.

73. For a Rheumatick Cough, or Cold.

Take a pint of Hyssop-water, Syrup of Gilly-flowers, Syrup of Vinegar, Syrup of Maiden-hair, Syrup of Colts-foot, of each one ounce; mingle them all together, and drink of it when you please.

74. To kill a Fellon.

Take an Egg, and Roast it hard, and take out the Yolk thereof, then Roast an Onion sost, and beat the Yolk and the Onion together, and lay it to the sore, and it will kill the Fellon.

75. For the white Flux.

Take the powder of the Flowers of Pomegranats, and drink it in Red Wine.

76. For the Red Flux.

Take Sperma Caeti, and drink it, and tru [...]s up your self with a piece of black [...] Cotton.

77. For the Cancer in a VVomans Breast.

Take The Dung of a Goose, and the Juice of Celandine, and bray them well in a Mortar together, and lay it to the Sore, and this will stay the Cancer, and heal it.

78. For an Ague in the Breast.

Take Grounsel, Daisie-leaves and roots, and course W [...] eat sisted; make a Poul­tess thereof with the Parties own water, and lay it warm to the Breast.

79. For Bleeding at the Nose.

Take Betony, and stamp it with as much Salt as you can hold betwixt your two fingers, and put it into your Nose.

80. For spitting of Blood.

Take Smalledge, Rue, Mints, and Beto­ny, and boyl them well in good Milk, and drink it warm.

81. To stanch the bleeding of a wound, or at the Nose.

There is not a better thing than the powder of Bole Armoniack, to stanch the bleeding of a Wound, the powder being laid upon it; or for the Nose, to be blown in with a Quill. Or take the sha­ [...]ings of Parchment, and lay it to the [Page 157] Wound, and it stancheth and healeth.

82. To make the G [...]scoign Powder.

Take of Pearls, white Amber, Harts-Horn, Eyes of Crabs, and white Coral, of each half an Ounce, of black thighs of Crabs Calcined, two Ounces; to every Ounce of this Powder put in a dram of Oriental Bezoar, reduce them all into a very fine powder, and sierse them; then with Harts-Horn-Jelly and a little Saffron put therein, make it up into Paste, and make therewith Lozenges, or Trochices for your Use.

Get your Crabs for this powder about May, or in September before they be boyl­ed; dry your Lozenges in the Air, not by Fire, nor Sun.

83. For the Megrim, or Impost­hume in the Head.

Take four penny-weight of the Root of Pellitory of Spain, a Farthing weight of Spikenard, and boyl them in good Vine­gar, and when it is cold, put thereto a spoonful of Honey, and a Saucer full of Mustard, and mingle them well together, [Page 158] and hold thereof in your Mouth a spoon­ful at once, and use this eight or nine times, spitting it out continually.

84. For pain in the ears.

Take the juice of Wild Cucumbers, and put it into the Ears, and it asswageth the pain. Also put the wood of green Ash in the Fire, and save the Liquor that cometh out at the End, and put it into the Ears, it causeth the pain to cease, and amendeth the Hearing: Also beat the Juice of Wormwood, and drop it into the Ears.

85. A precious water for the Eye-sight, made by K. Edward the Sixth.

Take Smalledge, Red Fennel, Rue, Vervain, Betony, Agrimony, Pimper­nel, Eufrane, Sage, Celandine, of each a like quantity; first wash them clean, then stamp them, and put them in a fair Brazen Pan, with the powder of four­teen or fifteen Pepper-Corns, fair [...]iersed into a pint of good White-Wine; put them into the Herbs, with three spoon­fuls of Honey, and five spoonfuls of the [Page 159] water of a Man-Child, that is sound; mingle all together, and boyl them over the Fire, and when it is boyled, strain it through a fine Linnen Cloath, and put it into a Glass, and stop it well and close, till you use it; and when you need, put a little thereof into the Sore Eyes with a Feather, but if it be dry, temper it with White-Wine, and it profiteth much all manner of Sore Eyes: This Water was used by K. Edward the Sixth.

86. My Lord Dennies Medicine for the Gout.

Take Burdock-Leaves and stalks, cut them small, and stamp them very small, then strain them, and cleanse them, and when you have so done, put them into Glasses, and put pure Oyl of Olives on the top of them, and stop it close from the Air, and when you would use it for the Gout, pour it into a Porringer, and warm it, and wet Linnen Cloaths in it, and apply it warm to the grieved place, warming your Cloaths one after another, as they grow cold that are on.

87. Dr. Stephen's Sovereign water.

Take a G [...]llon of good Gascoign Wine, then take Ginger, Galingale, Cancel, Nutmeg, Grains, Cloves, Anniseeds, Carraway-seeds, of each a dram; then take Sage, Mints, Red Roses, Thyme, Pellitory, Rosemary, Wild Thyme, C [...] ­momile, Lavender, of each a handful; then bray both Spices and Herbs, and put them all into the Wine, and let them stand for twelve hours, divers times stirring them; then Distill in an Alembeck, but keep that which you Distill first by it self, for that is the best, but the other is good al­so, but not so good as the first. This wa­ter comforteth the Vital Spirits, and help­eth inward Diseases which come from Cold; it helpeth Conception in Women that are Barren, and Killeth Worms in the Body; it Cureth the cold Cough, and helpeth the Tooth-ach, it comforteth the Stomack, and Cureth stinking breath; it preserveth the Body in good liking, and makes them look Young.

88. The VVater called Aqua Mirabilis & Pretiosa, made by Dr. Wil­loughby.

Take of Galingale, Cloves, Mace, Cucubes, Ginger, Cardamum, Nut­megs, Mellilot, Saffron four Ounces, and beat all these into powder, Agrimony-wa­ter the quantity of a dram, and somewhat more; then take of the juice of Selandine half a pint, and mingle all these together, with a pint of good Aqua-Vitae, and three pints of good White-Wine; put all these together in a Still of Glass, and let it stand so all Night, and on the Morrow Distill it with an easie Fire as may be: This water dissoveth the swelling of the Lungs with­out any Grievance, and helpeth, and com­forteth them being wounded, and suffer­eth not the Blood to putrifie; he shall ne­ver need be let Blood, that useth this wa­ter, it suffers not the Heart to burn, nor Melancholy, nor Rheum to have Domi­nion above Nature; it also expelleth Rheum, and purifieth the Stomach.

89. To make Allom-water.

Take a pound of Allom, and beat it to Powder, then take a Gallon of clean wa­ter, and set it on the Fire, letting it boyl till all the Allom be melted, then take it off the Fire, and when it is cold put it in­to a Glass, and keep it for your Use.

90. To make an excellent Electuary, called the Electuary of Life.

Take Scorlegio, Morre, Gentiana, Gran­doret, and Ialaom, of each a like quanti­ty; stamp them, and strain them, and mingle them with Honey, that hath been well boyled on the Fire, and scummed clean: This is Excellent for Sickness in the Stomach, or pain in the Belly, Heart, or Head; or for those that are bitten with any venemous Beast, or Poysoned; it must be taken in water, three or four spoonfuls at a time, in the Morning Fast­ing; if the Disease be of any long time standing, he must drink it fifte [...]n days to­gether, and he will be whole. Probatum.

91. Against heat of the Liver.

Take Fennel, Endive, Succory, Plan­tain, of each alike; Distill them with Red Wine and Milk, and use it every Morning, nine spoonfuls at a time, with a draught of Wine and Sugar, or else five spoonfuls thereof alone.

92. For Swooning Fits.

For Swooning, and weakness of the Heart in Fever and Sicknesses, or if it come of other cause, stamp Mints with Vinegar, and a little Wine, if the Pati­ent have no Fever, then toast a bit of Bread, till it be almost burnt, and put it therein till it be well soaked, then put it in the Nose of the Patient, and rub his Lips, Tongue, Gums, Teeth, and Tem­ples; and let him chew and such the moistness thereof, and swallow it.

93. A Water for the Eyes, to make a Man see in forty days, who hath been Blind seven Years before, if he be under fifty years of Age.

Take Smalledge, Fennel, Rue, Beto­ny, Vervain, Agrimony, Cinquef oil, Pimpernel, Eye-bright, Celandine, Sage, of each a quartern; wash them clean, and stamp them, do them in a fair mashing­pan, put thereto a quart of good White-Wine, and the powder of thirty Pepper-corns, six spoonfuls of Live Honey, and ten spoonfuls of the Urine of a Man-Child that is wholsom; mingle them well together, and boyl them till half be wa­sted, then take it down, and strain it, and afterwards Clarifie it, and put it into a Glass Vessel well stopt, and put thereof with a Feather into the Eyes of the Blind; and let the Patient use this Medicine at Night when he goeth to B [...]d, and within forty days he shall see: It is good for all manner of sore Eyes. Wild Tansie-water is good for the Eye-sight, and eat­ing of Fennel-seed is good for the same.

94. For a Web in the eye.

The Leaves of white Honey-Suckles, and Ground-Ivy, of each a like quantity ground together, and put every day into the Eye, Cureth the Web. Or else Salt burnt in a Flaxen Cloath, and tempered with Honey, and with a Feather annoint­ed on the Eye-lids, killeth worms that annoynt the Eye-lids.

95. For moist Scabs after the Small-Pox.

Take Lapis Calaminaris, Letharge of Gold and Silver, of each two drams, Brim­stone and Ceruse two Ounces; bring all these into a fine powder, and then beat them in a Mortar with so much Barrows-grease as is sufficient to make it up in an Oyntment, and annoint the places there­with Evening and Morning.

96. To bring down the Flowers.

Take of Alligant, Muskadine, or Cla­ret a pint, burn it, and sweeten it well with Sugar, put thereto two spoonfuls [Page 166] of Sallet-Oyl; then take a good Bead of Amber in powder in a spoon, with some of the VVine after it: Take this Evening and Morning.

97. To stay the Flowers.

Take Amber, Coral, Pearl, Jeat, of each alike; grind them to a fine powder, and sierse them, take thereof as much as will lye upon a Six-pence with Conserve of Quinces, and drink a draught of New milk after it: Use this every morning.

98. To Cure Corns.

Take Beans, and chew them in your mouth, and tye fast to your Corn, and it will help: Do this at Night.

99. To make Oyl of Roses.

Take Red Rose-leaves a good quantity, and stamp in a Mortar, and put thereto Oyl-Olive, and let it stand in the Sun twelve days, and then put it in a Glass; and bind the Glass fast about with Ropes of Hay, and set it in a Pan full of water, and let it boyl softly two hours, and then [Page 167] [...]et it cool, then put it in small Glasses, and put thereto the Leaves of Red Roses, all whole, and stop it fast, and set it in the Sun for sixteen days, and so use it at your need.

100. For any Itch, or Breaking out.

Take Frankincense, and beat it small in a Mortar, and mingle it with Oyl of Bays, and therewith annoint all over, and it will destroy the Itch.

101. For the Piles after Child-Birth.

Make a Bath of VVormwood, South­ern-wood, Cinamon-Rinde, and the bark of Cassia Fistula boyled well in VVine; when the VVoman delivered goeth forth of the Bath, put bombace, or Cotton with powder of Alloes, mixed with Oyl of Penny-royal, unto her lower parts.

102. For a Stich in the Side.

Take three handfuls of mallows, boyl them in a little raw Milk, and put thereto [Page 168] a handful of VVheat-Bran, and let the [...] boyl together, and then wring out the Milk, and lay it hot to the Stitch, apply it often. Or take a few Leaves of Rue and Yarrow, stamp them together, and wring out the Juice, and drink it with a little Ale.

103. For a Tertian, or double-Tertian Ague.

Take a good quantity of Celandine, a spoonful of Salt, and the bigness of an Egg in Leven, and as much Alligant and Spanish Soap; stamp them well in a Mor­tar, and make a Plaister of them, and apply them to the Patients Feet one hour before the coming of the Fit; add thereto four or five Yolk of Eggs. Or take of Anniseed-water, the best you can get, half a pound of Oyl of Vitriol, shake them well together, and drink one or two spoonfuls thereof, an hour before the Fit comes.

104. For the Spleen.

Boyl the Rindes and Keys of an Ash-Tree very tender in white-wine, and drink a good draught thereof for six or [Page 169] seven Mornings together, and it will much ease the Patient; when you drink this annoint the Spleen with Unguentum Di­althea every Morning and Evening, ap­plying also a Plaister of Melilot to the place.

105. An Excellent Powder for the Green-Sickness.

Take four scruples of Gentian made into fine powder, of raspt Ivory, and Harts-Horn, of each two scruples; make these into fine powder, and give a spoonful thereof with White-Wine, or the like at once.

106. A Drink that healeth all Wounds without any Plaister, or Oyntment, or without any taint, most perfectly.

Take Sanicle, Milfoil, and Bugle, of each a like quantity, stamp them in a Mortar, and temper them with Wine, and give the Sick that is Wounded to drink twice or thrice a day till he be whole: Bugle holdeth open the Wound, Milfoil cleanseth the Wound, Sanicle healeth it; [Page 170] but Sanicle may not be given to him that is hurt in the Head, or in the Brain-pan, for it is dangerous. This is a good and try­ed Medicine.

107. For pricking of a Thorn.

Take of Violet-leaves one handful, stamp them together, and take a quantity of Boars-grease, ond of Wheat-bran one handful, set it on the Fire in clean water, and make a Plaister thereof, and lay it to the Grief.

108. To make Oyl of St. Johns wort, good for any Ach, or pain.

Take a quart of Sallet-Oyl, and put thereto a quart of Flowers of St. Iohns wort well picked, let them lye therein all the Summer, till the Seeds of that Herb be ripe, the Glass must be kept warm, either in the Sun, or in the water all the Summer, till the Seeds be ripe, then put in a quart of St. Iohns wort-seeds whole, and so let it stand twelve hours, the Glass being kept open, then you must boyl the Oyl eight hours, the water in the Pot [Page 171] full as high as the Oyl in the Glass; when it is cold, strain it, that the Seed remain not in it, and so keep it for your Use.

109. For the Tissick.

Take two Ounces of Licorise, scraped and bruised, of Figgs three Ounces, of Agrimony, Horehound, Enula Campana, of each a handful, boyl them all together in a Gallon of water, till the half be wa­sted, then strain the Herbs from the juice, and use it early and late. Also for the dry Tissick, stamp Fennel-Roots, and drink the juice thereof with White-Wine.

110. To make Oyl of Fennel.

Put a quantity of Fennel between two Tile-stones, or Plates of Iron, make them very hot, and press out the Liquor; and this Oyl will keep a great while, for it is good for the Tissick, dry Scab, burning and scalding.

III. To make the black Plaister for all manner of Griefs.

Take a quantity of Oyl-Olive, a quan­tity of Red Lead, boyl these together, and stirr them with a Slice of wood continual­ly, till it be black, and some what thick; then take it off the Fire, and put in it a penny-worth of Red wax, and a pound of Rosin, and set it to the Fire again, but do not blaze it, and stir it, then take it off, and let it stand till it be cold, and make it in a lump: It is good for a New Wound, [...]or to stanch Blood, pour a lit­tle of it in a dish, and if it stick fast to the Dishes side, then it is enough; keep it for your Use as need requireth.


Beautifying Waters, Oyls, Ointments, and Powders, to Adorn, and add Love­liness to the Face and Bo­dy.

1. To make the Hair very Fair.

WAsh your Hair very clean, and then take some Allom-water, warm, and with a Sponge moisten your Hair therewith, and it will make it fair. Or you may make a De­coction of Turmerick, Rubarb, or the Bark of the Barberry-Tree, and so it will receive a most fair and Beautiful Colour.

2. Another.

Take the last water that is drawn from Honey, and wash your Head therewith, and it will make the Hair of an Excellent fair Colour; but because it is of a strong smell, you must perfume it with some sweet Spirit.

3. To make the Hair grow thick.

Make a strong Lye, then take a good quantity of Hyssop-Roots, and burn them to Ashes, and mingle the Ashes and the Lye together, and therewith wash your Head, and it will make the Hair grow; also the Ashes of Froggs burnt doth increase Hair, as also the Ashes of Goats-dung mingled with Oyl.

4. To make the Hair Grow.

Take Marsh-Mallows, and boyl them, Roots and all, and wash the Head there­with, and it will grow in a short time: Also take a good quantity of Bees, and dry them in a Siev by the Fire, and make powder of them, and temper it witth Oyl-Olive, [Page 175] and anoint the place where the Hair should grow: Also take the Oyl of Tar­tar, and warm it, and annoint any bald Head therewith, and it will restore the Hair again in a short time.

5. To make the Hair Fair.

Take the Ashes of a Vine burnt, of the Knots of Barley straw, and Licorise, and Sow-bread, and Distill them together in fair water, and wash the Head with it; also sprinkle the Hair while it is Combing, with the powder of Cloves, Roses, Nut­megs, Cardamum, and Galingale, with Rose-water; also the Head being often washed with the Decoction of Beech-Nut-Trees, the Hair will become fair.

6. To make the Hair grow.

Taste Hasle-Nuts with Husks and all, and burn them to powder, then take Beech-mast, and the leaves of Enula Campana, and stamp the Herb and the Mast together, then seeth them together with Honey, and annoint the place therewith, and strew the powder thereon, and this will make the Hair grow.

7. To take away Hair.

Take the Juice of Fumitory, mix it with Gum-Arabick, then lay it on the place, the Hairs first plucked out by the Roots, and it will never permit any more Hair to grow on the place: Also annoint your Head with the juice of a Glo-worm stamped, and it hath the same Virtue.

8. For the Falling of Hair.

Take the Ashes of Pigeons-dung in Lye, and wash the Head therewith; also Wal­nut-leaves beaten with Bears-suet, resto­reth the Hair that is plucked away. Also the Leaves and middle Rinde of an Oak, sodden in Water, and the Head washed therewith, is very good for this pur­pose.

9. To make the Face Fair.

Take the Flower of Beans, and Distill them, and wash the Face with the water; some say, that the Urine of the Party is very good to wash the Face withal, to make it Fair.

10. For cleansing the Face and Skin.

If the Face be washed with the Water that Rice is sodden in, it cleanseth the Face, and taketh away Pimples.

11. A VVater to Adorn the Face.

Take Eggs cut in pieces, Orange-peels, the Roots of Melons, each as much as is sufficient, in a large Vessel with a long Neck, Distill by an Alembeck, with a strong and careful Fire.

12. To Beautifie the Face.

Take of Cuckow-pintle a pretty quan­tity, bruise the thick parts with Rose-water, dry them by the Sun three or four days, then pouring more Rose-water on it, use it.

13. To make the Face look Youth­ful.

Take two Ounces of Aqua-vitae, Bean-flower-water, and Rose-water, each four [Page 178] Ounces, Water of Water-Lillies six ounces, mix them all, and add to them one Dram of the whitest Tragacinth, set it in the Sun six days, then strain it through a fine Linnen Cloath; wash your Face with it in the Morning, and do not wipe it off.

14. A VVater to take away wrinkles in the Face.

Take of the Decoction of Briony and Figgs, each alike quantities, and wash the Face with it.

15. An Excellent water, called Lac Virginis, or Virgins Milk, to make the Face, Neck, or any part of the Body fair and white.

Take of Alumen Plumost half an ounce, of Camphire one ounce, of Roch-Allom one ounce and a dram, Sal Gemmi half an ounce, of white Frankincense two ounces, oyl of Tartar one ounce and half; make all these into most fine powder, and mix it with one quart of Rose-water, then set it in the Sun, and let it stand nine days, [Page 179] often stirring it; then take Littarge of Silver half a pound, beat it fine, and sierce it, then boyl it with one pint of White-Wine-Vinegar, till one third part be consumed, ever stirring it with a stick while it boyleth, then Distill it by a Phil­ter, or let it run through a Jelly-Bag, then keep it in a Glass Vial, and when you will use those Waters, take a drop of the one, and a drop of the other in your hand, and it will be like Milk, which is called Lac Virginis; wash your Face, or any part of your Body therewith, it is mo [...] precious for the same.

16. To take away Sun-burn.

Take the juice of a Limon, and a little Bay-Salt, and wash your Face or Hands with it, and let them dry of themselves, and wash them again, and you shall find all the Sun-burn gone.

17. To make the Face very Fair.

Boyl the Flowers of Rosemary in white-wine, with the which wash your Face; also if you drink thereof, it will make you have a sweet Breath. Also to make the [Page 180] Face white, make powder of the Root of Serpentine, and of powder of Sepia, and mingle them with Rose-water, and let it dry, and then let it be put to the same water again, and dry again, do this four or five times, and then use to annoint the face therewith.

18. To clear the Skin, and make it white.

Take fresh Boars grease, and the white of an Egg, and stamp them together with a little powder of Bays, and therewith an­noint the skin, and it will clear the Visage, and make it white.

19. To take away Freckles in the Face.

Annoint your face with oyl of Almonds, and drink Plantain-water, or annoint your Visage well and often with Hares blood.

20. To smooth the Skin.

Mix Capons-grease with a quantity of Sugar, and let it stand for a few days close covered, and it will turn to a clear oyl, [Page 181] with which annoynt your face.

21. To Blanch the Face.

Take the pulp of Limons, and take out the Kernels, and put to them a quantity of fine Sugar; Distill these, and keep the water to wash your face every Night.

22. For Morphew, or scurf of Face or Skin.

Take of Brimstone beaten into powder two ounces, mix it with as much black Soap that stinketh, and tye the same in a Linnen Cloath, and let it hang in a pint of strong Wine-Vinegar, or Red-Rose-Vi­negar, for the space of eight or nine days; and therewith wash any kind of Scurf, or Morphew, either in Face or Body, dip­ping a Cloath in the Vinegar, and rub­bing it therewith, and let it dry of it self. Also drink the water of Strawberries. Di­stilled, or Tincture of Strawberries, it certainly killeth Morphew or Scurf.

23. For taking away spots in the Face, after the Small-pox.

Mix the juice of Limons with a little Bay-Salt, and touch the spots therewith often [...]times in a day, for it is excellent good.

24. A good Oyntment for the same.

Take Oyl of Sweet Almonds, Oyl of white Lillies, of either one Ounce; Ca­pons-grease, Goats-Tallow, of each four Drams, Litharge of Gold one Dram and half; Roots of Briony, and of Ireos, of either one Scruple, Sugar-Candy white one Dram; make powder of all those that may be brought into powder, and sierce them, then put them all in a Mortar together, beat them together, and in the working put thereto Rose, Bean-flower, and white Lilly-water, of each a good spoonful, put in by little and little, and so work them together till they become an Oyntment; annoint your Face and Hands with it every Evening, and in the Morn­ing wash it away in water boyled with [Page 183] Barley, Wheaten-Bran, and the Seed of Mallows.

25. To take away the holes or pits in the Face, by reason of the Small Pox.

For helping of this Accident, I have tryed many things, and the best means I have found, is to wash the Face one day with the Distilled water of strong Vine­gar, and the next day with the water wherein Bran and Mallows have been boyled; and continue this twenty days, or a Moneth together.

26. For Redness of the Hands or Face after the Small-pox.

Take Barley, Beans, Lupines, of each one handful; bruise them all in a Mortar grosly, and boyl them in three pints of water, till it grow thick like a Jelly, then strain it, and annoint the Face and Hands therewith three or four times a day, for three or four days together, and then wet the Face and Hands as often with this water following.

27. Another.

Take Vine-leaves two handfuls, Bean-flower, Dragon, Wild Tansie, of either one handful, Camphire three Drams, two Calves Feet, the pulp of three Limons, a pint of raw Cream; shred the Herbs small, as also the Limons, and break, and cut the Calves Feet small, then mix them together, and Distill it in a Glass Still, and use it. Also the water of May-dew is Excellent good for any high colour, or Redness of the Face.

28. For Pimples in the Face.

Wash your Face with warm water when you go to Bed, and let it dry in; then take the white of an Egg, and put it into a Saucer, and set it upon a Chafing-dish of Coals, and put into it a piece of Allom; beat it together with a spoon, till it become thick, then make a round Ball, and therewith annoint the Face where the Pimples are.

29. For Heat and Swelling in the Face.

Boyl the Leaves of the Blossoms of Rosemary, either in White-Wine or fair Water, and use to wash thy Hands and Face therewith, and it will preserve thee from all such inconveniencies, and also make both thy Face and Hands very smooth.

30. For a Red Face.

Take Brimstone that is whole, and Ci­namon, of either of them an even pro­portion by weight, beat them into small powder, and sierse it through a fine cloath upon a sheet of white Paper to the quan­tity of an Ounce, or more; and so by even proportions in weight mingle them together in clean Clarified Capons [...]grease, and temper them well together till they be well Mollified, then put to it a little Cam­phire, to the quantity of a Bean, and so put the whole Confection in a Glass, and use it.

31. To take away Pimples.

Take Wheat-flower mingled with Ho­ney and Vinegar, and lay it upon them.

32. An Excellent Oyntment for an Inflamed Face.

Take an Ounce of the Oyl of Bays, and an Ounce of Quick-Silver, and put them in a Bladder together, with a spoon­ful of Fasting-spittle, and then rub them well together, that nothing of the Quick-Silver be seen; take of this Oyntment, when it it made, and annoint the Face therewith, and it will heal it well and fair; Proved true.

33. For a Rich Face.

Take three Yolks of Eggs raw, as much in quantity of fresh Butter, or Capons-grease without Salt, Camphire two penny­worth, Red-Rose-water half a pint, two Grains of Sivet, and boyl all these toge­ther in a Dish, then strain them through a clean Cloath, and set it to cool, and take the uppermost, and use it.

34. To make the Skin white and clear.

Boyl two Ounces of French Barley in three pints of Conduit-water, change the water, and put in the Barley again; do this till your Barley do not dis-colour the water, then boyl the last three pints to a quart, then mix half a pint of white-wine therein, and when it is cold, wring the juice of two or three good Limons therein, and use it for the Morthew, heat of the Face, and to clear the Skin.

35. An Excellent Pomatum, to clear the Skin.

Wash Barrows-grease, or Lard often-times in May-dew that hath been Clari­fied in the Sun, till it be exceeding white; then take Marsh-mallow-Roots, scraping off the out-sides, make thin slices of them, and mix them, set them to macerate in a Balneo, and scum it [...] well till it be Clarified, and will come to rope; then strain it, and put now and then a spoon­ful of May-dew therein, beating it till it be through cold in often change of May-dew; [Page 188] then throw away that Dew, and put it in a Glass, covering it with May-dew, and so keep it for your Use.

36. To take away Spots and Freckles from the Face and Hands.

The Sap that issueth out of a Birch-Tree in great abundance, being opened in March or April, and a Glass Receiver set under it to Receive it: This cleanseth the Skin Excellently, and maketh it very clear, being washed therewith. This Sap will dissolve Pearl, a Secret not known to many.

37. To take away Freckles and Morphew.

Wash your Face in the wane of the Moon with a Sponge, Morning and Eve­ning with the Distilled water of Elder-leaves, letting it dry into the Skin; you must Distill your Water in May: This I had from a Traveller, who hath Cured himself thereby.

38. To make the Teeth white and sound.

Take a quart of Honey, and as much Vinegar, and half so much White-Wine, boyl them together, and wash your Teeth therewith now and then.

39. A Dentrifice to whiten the Teeth.

Take of Harts-horn and Horses Teeth, of each two Ounces, Sea-shells, Com­mon Salt, Cypress-Nuts, each one Ounce; burn them together in an Oven, and make a powder, and work it up with the Mu­cilage of Gum Tragacinth, and rub the Teeth therewith.

40. To make the Teeth white as Ivory.

Take Rosemary, Sage, and a little Al­lom and Honey, and boyl them together in fair Running-water, and when it is well boyled, strain out the fair water, and keep it in a Glass, and use it sometime to wash your Mouth and Teeth therewith, and [Page 190] it will make them clean: Also wash your Teeth with the Decoction of Lady Thi­stle-Root, and it will cleanse and fasten the Teeth, and the sore gums made whole [...] also the Root of Hore-hound drunk, or chewed Fasting, doth quickly heal the gums, and maketh the Teeth clean: Straw­berry-leaves also cleanseth the Teeth and Gums, a sure and tryed Experiment.

41. To make the Teeth white.

Take one drop of the Oyl of Vitriol, and wet the Teeth with it, and rub them afterwards with a course Cloath; although this Medicine be strong, fear it not.

42. For a Stinking Breath.

Take two handfuls of Cummin, and stamp it to powder, and boyl it in wine, and drink the Syrup thereof Morning and Evening for fifteen days, and it will help. Proved.

43. To make the Breath Sweet.

VVash you Mouth with the water that the shells of Citrons have been boyled in, and you will have a sweet Breath.

44. To Sweeten the Breath.

Take Butter and the juice of Feather-few, and temper them with Honey, and take every day a spoonful. Also these things sweeten the Breath, the Electuary of Aromaticks, and the peels of Citrons.

45. To cleanse the Mouth.

It is good to cleanse the Mouth every Morning by rubbing the Teeth with a Sage-leaf, Citron-peels, or with pow­der made with Cloves and Nutmegs; for­bear all Meats of ill Digestion, and raw Fruits.

46. For Running in the Ears.

Take the juice of Elder, and drop i [...] into the Ear of the Party grieved, and it cleanseth the Matter and the filth thereof [...] Also the juice of Violets used, is very good for the Running of the Ears.

47. For Eyes that are Blood-shot.

Take the Roots of Red Fennel, stamp them, and wring out the juice, then tem­per it with Clarified Honey, and make an Oyntment thereof, and annoint the Eyes therewith, and it will take away th [...] Redness.

48. To make the Hands white.

Take the Flower of Beans, of Lupines of Starch-Corn, Rice, Orice, of each six Ounces; mix them, and make a pow­der, with which wash your Hands it water.

49. A Delicate washing Ball.

Take three Ounces of Orace, half an Ounce of Cypress, two Ounces of Ca­lamus Aromaticus, one Ounce of Rose-leaves, two Ounces of Lavender-Flow­ers; beat all these together in a Mortar, siersing them through a fine sierce, then scrape some Castile-soap, and dissolve it in Rose-water, mix your powders there­with, and beat them in a Mortar, then make them up in Balls.

50. For the Lips chopt.

Rub them with the Sweat behind your Ears, and this will make them smooth, and well coloured.

51. To prevent marks of the Small-Pox.

Boyl Cream to an Oyl, and with that annoint the wheals with a Feather as soon as they begin to dry, and keep the Scabs always moist therewith; let your Face be annointed almost every half hour.

52. To take away Child-blains in the Hands or Feet.

Boyl half a peck of Oats in a quart of water till it grow dry; then annoint your Hands with Pomatum, and after they are well Chased, hold them within the Oats as hot as you can endure them, covering the Bowl wherein you do your Hands with a double Cloath to keep in the steam of the Oats; do this three or four times, and it will do: You may boyl the same Oats with fresh water three or four times.

53. To take away Pock-holes, or any spot in the Face.

Wet a Cloath in White-Rose-water, and set it all Night to freeze in the Win­ter, and then lay it upon your Face till it be dry; also take two or three Poppies, the reddest you can get, and quarter them, taking out the Kernels, then Distill them in a quart of red Cows-Milk, and with the water thereof wash your Face.

54. An Excellent Beauty-water, used by the D. of C.

Take of white Tartar two drams, Cam­phire one dram, Coperas half a dram, the whites of three or four Eggs, juice of a couple of Limons, Oyl of Tartar four Ounces, and as much Plantain-wa­ter, white Mercury a penny-worth, two Ounces of bitter Almonds; beat all these to powder, and mix them with the Oyl, and some water, and then boyl it upon a gentle Fire, strain it, and so keep it; when you use it, you must first rub your Face with a scarlet Cloath, and at Night wash your Face with it, and in the Morn­ing wash it off with Bran and White-Wine.

55. Against a Stinking Breath.

Take a handful of Wood-bine, and as much Plantain, bruise them very well, then take a pint of Eye-selt, and as much water, with a little Honey and Allom; keep all these waters together in a Glass, and wash your Mouth well therewith, and hold it in your Mouth, and it will destroy [Page 196] all Cankers, and Cure a stinking Breath, and preserve the Teeth from rottenness.

56. To procure an excellent Colour and Complexion in the Face, used by the C. of S.

Take the juice of Hyssop, and drink it in a Morning Fasting, half a dozen spoon­fuls in Ale, warm; it will procure an ex­cellent Colour, is good for the Eye-sight, destroyeth Worms, and is good for the Stomack, Liver, and Lungs.

57. To keep the Teeth white, and kill worms.

Take a little Salt in a Morning Fasting, and hold it under your Tongue till it be melted, and then rub your Teeth with it.

58. To procure Beauty, an excellent wash.

Take four Ounces of Sublimate, and one Ounce of crude Mercury, and beat them together exceeding well in a wooden Mortar, and wooden Pestle; you must [Page 197] do it at least six, or eight hours, then with often change of cold water, take away the salts from the Sublimate, change your water twice every day at least, and in seven or eight days it will be dulcified, and then it is prepared; lay it on with Oyl of white Poppy.

59. A Beauty-water for the Face, by Madam G.

Take Lye that is not too strong, and put two peels of Oranges, and as much C [...] ­tron-peel, Blossoms of C [...]momile, Bay-leaves, and Maiden-hair, of each a hand­ful, of Agrimony two or three Ounces, of Barley-straw chopt in pieces, a hand­ful, as much Fenugreek, a pint of Vine-leaves, two or three handfuls of Broom-blossoms; put all these into the Lye, and mingle them together, and so wash the Head therewith, put to it a little Cinamon and Myrrh, let it stand, and wash your Face therewith every Evening: It is good to wash the Head, and to comfort the Brain and Memory.

60. Against stink of the Nostrils.

Take Cloves, Ginger, and Calamint, of each a like quantity, boyl them in White-Wine, and therewith wash the Nose within; then put in the powder of Piritrum to provoke one to sneeze: If there be Phlegm in the Head, you must first purge the Head with Pills of Col­chie, or of Hieva picra: Or if the stink of the Nose come from the Stomack, purge first.

61. To make the Hands white.

To make the Hands white and soft, take Daffodil in clean water till it grow thick, and put thereto powder of Cantarium, and stir them together; then put thereto raw Eggs, and stir them well together, and with this Oyntment annoint your Hands, and within three or four days using thereof they will be white and clear.

62. A Sweet water for the Hands.

Take of the Oyl of Cloves, Mace, or Nutmegs, three or four drops only, and mingle it with a pint of fair water, stirring them a pretty while together in a Glass, having a narrow Mouth, till they are well mingled together, and wash your Hands therewith, and it will be a very sweet wa­ter, and will cleanse and whiten the Hands very much.

63. For heat and worms in the Hands.

Bruise a little Chick-weed, and boyl it in Running-water, till the half be wasted away, and wash your Hands in it as hot as you can suffer it, for the space of six days, and it will drive away the heat, or worms in the Hands.

64. To make the Nails grow.

Take Wheat-flower, and mingle it with Honey, and lay it to the Nails, and it will help them.

65. For Nails that fall off.

Take powder of Agrimony, and lay it on the place where the Nail was, and it will take away the aking, and make the [...] Nails to grow.

66. For cloven Nails.

Mingle Turpentine and Wax together, and lay it on the Nail, and as it groweth cut it away, and it will heal.

67. For Nails that are rent from the flesh.

Take some Violets, and stamp them, and fry them with Virgins-wax, and Frankincense, and make a Plaister, and lay it to the Nail, and it will be whole.

68. Another.

Annoint your Fingers with the powder of Brimstone, Arsenick, and Vinegar, and in short time you shall find great ease.

69. For stench under the Arm­holes.

First pluck away the Hairs of the Arm­holes, and wash them with white-wine and Rose-water, wherein you have first boyled Cassia Lignum, and use it three or four times.

70. For the Yellow Iaundies.

Take the juice of Wormwood and Sor­rel, or else make them in Syrup, and use to drink it in the Morning.

71. To take away VVarts from the face or Hands.

Take Purslain, and rub it on the warts, and it maketh them fall away: Also the juice of the Roots of Rushes applyed, heal­eth them.

72. To smooth the Skin, and take away Morphew and Freckles.

Annoint the Face with the Blood of a Hare, or Bull, and this will take away Morphew and Freckles, and smooth the Skin.


New and Excellent EXPERIMENTS AND SECRETS In the ART of Angling.

BEING Directions for the whole ART.

LONDON, Printed in the Year 1675.

New and Excellent EXPERIMENTS AND SECRETS In the ART of Angling.

To make the Lines.

TAke Care that your Hair be round, and free from Galls, Scabs, or frets, for a well Chosen, even, clear, round Hair, of a kind of a Glass-colour, will prove as strong as three un-even scabby Hairs, that are ill chose.

[Page 206]Let your Hair be clean washed before you go about to twist it, and then not on­ly chuse the clearest Hair, but Hairs that are all of an equal bigness, for such do usu­ally stretch altogether, and not break singly one by one, but altogether.

When you have twisted your Links, lay them in water for a quarter of an hour at the least, and then twist them over again before you tye them into a Line, for those that do not so shall usually find their Links to have a Hair or two shrunk, and be shorter than all the rest, at the first Fishing with it, which is so much of the strength of the Line lost, for want of wetting it at first, and then re-twisting it; and this is most visible in a seven hair Line, which hath always a black hair in the middle, called by Anglers, the Herring-bone: Those Hairs that are taken from an Iron-gray, or a Sorrel Stone-Horse, and the middle of the Tayl, are best.

A Cement for Floats to Fish withal.

Take black Rozin beaten, Chalk scra­ped, Bees-wax bruised, of each a like quantity; melt all these over a gentle small-coal Fire in an Earthen Vessel well leaded, and so warming the two Quills, fix them with a little of it; it cools im­mediately, and being cold, is so hard, strong, and tite, that you can hardly pull the two Quills asunder with both your Hands, without breaking them in pieces.

To sight your Caps for the Float aright.

Let the uppermost be at the distance from the top of the Quill, and the lower Cap near to the end of the Quill, as in the Description of it.

To dye Bone or Quills red for ever.

Take some Urine, and put into it as much powder of Brazile as will make it very red, which you shall know by drop­ping some with a Feather upon a piece of [Page 208] white Paper, and put therein Bone or Quills, being first well scraped, and laid a while in a water made of Argol, and let them lye in it ten or twelve days, then take them out, and hang them up till they are dry, and rub them with a dry Linnen Cloath, and they will be of a transparent colour.


A Pike is called,

The first Year a Shotterel.

The Second, a Pickerel.

The Third Year, a Pike.

The Fourth Year, a Luce.

Fish are Fattest about August.

All Fish are in Season a Moneth or six weeks after they have spawn'd.

To cleanse Worms.

Take a piece of a Hop-Sack (because that is not so close struck in the Weaving as other Cloath is) and wash it clean, and let it dry, then take some of the Liquor wherein a piece of fresh Beef hath been boyled, but be sure you take not the [Page 209] Liquor of Salt Beef, for that will kill all the Worms; dip the piece of Hop-Sack in the Liquor, and wring it out, but not hard, so that some of the Liquor abide in the Cloath; put the Worms into this Cloath, and lay them in an Earthen Pot, the Worms will run in and out through the Cloath, and scour themselves; let them stand from Morning to Night, then take out the Worms from the Cloath, and wash the Cloath as before, but not dry it, and wet it again in some of the Liquor; thus do once a day, and thus you will not only preserve your Worms alive for three weeks, or a Moneth, but also make them red and tough. Probatum.

The Secrets of. J. D.

Would'st thou catch Fish?
Then here's thy wish:
Take this Receipt
T [...] annoint thy Bait.
Thou that desirest to Fish with Line and Hook,
Be it in Pool, in River, or in Brook;
[Page 210]To bliss thy Bait, and make the Fish to bite,
Loe here's a means, if thou ca [...]st hit it right.
Take Gum of Life fine beat, and laid to soak
In Oyl, well drawn from that
That which kills the Oak, I conjecture to be Ivy.
which kills the Oak.
Fish where thou wilt, thou shalt have sport thy fill;
When twenty fail, thou shalt be sure to kill. Probatum.
It's perfect and good, if well under­stood;
Else not to be told, for Silver nor Gold.

To unloose the Line in the Water.

Of these there are several sorts, accor­ding to several Mens Fancies; that which I approve of, as being the surest, is a forked stick, about two Yards long, if it be not long enough to reach the bottom, you may lash it to any other stick.

These Fish rise best at a Flye.

  • Salmon.
  • Trout.
  • Vinber.
  • Groyling.
  • Bleak.
  • Cherin, or Chub.
  • Roch.
  • Dace.

Ad Capiendum Pisces.

Recipe musilago vel Scholaris Fortes (Anglicè white Mullen) collectae circa medium Maii, quando Luna, sit plena, di­stemperata cum nigro sale & serva in olla terrea, & quando vis occupare ungue ma­nus & lava eas in loco ubi sunt Pisces.

A good Bait for Fish all Seasons of the year.

Take Wheat-flower, and Tallow of a new slain Sheep, and the white of an Egg, beat them all together, and make a paste therewith, and Bait with it.

Roch and Dace.

From the tenth of March to the tenth of May is the spawning time for Roch and Dace.

A Paste for Roch, Dace, Chub.

Fine Manchet, Old Fat Cheese of the strongest, Rusty Bacon; beat these in a Mortar, and moisten it with a little Bran­dy, and colour it with Turmerick or Cam­bogia, or Red Vermilion.


1. Take the Flesh of a Rabbit, or a Cat cut small, and Bean-flower, and for want of that, other Flower; mix these together, and put to them either Sugar or Honey (but I judge Honey the best) beat these together in a Mortar, or some­times work them in your hands (being very clean) then make it into a Ball, but you must beat it so long, till it be so tuff, that it will hang upon the hook, yet not too hard neither, that you may the bet­ter dough-knead with your Paste a little [Page 213] white, or yellow wool; if you would have this Paste keep all the Year, then mix with it Virgins-wax and Clarified Honey, and work it together with your Hands before the Fire, then make it into Balls, and it will keep all the Year.

2. Another.

Take a handful or two of the best and biggest Wheat you can get, boyl it in a little Milk (as Furmity is boyled till it be soft) and then fry it very leisurely, with Honey and a little beaten Saffron dissolved in Milk; you will find it a choyce Bait, and good I think for any Fish, espe­cially for Roch, Dace, Chub, and Che­ven.

3. Another.

The tenderest part of the Leg of a Young Rabbit, Whelp, or Catlin, as much Virgins-wax, and Sheeps Suet; beat them in a Mortar, till they are well Incorporated, then with a little Clarified Honey, temper them before the Fire into a Paste.

4. Another.

Sheeps-Kidney-Suet, as much Old strong Cheese, fine Flower, or Manchet; beat it into a Paste, and soften it with Cla­rified Honey.

5. Another.

Sheeps-blood, Old Cheese, fine Man­chet, Clarified Honey; make all into a Paste, as before.

6. Another.

Cherries, Sheeps-blood, Saffron, fine Manchet; make all into a Paste, as be­fore: You may add to any of these, or other Pastes, Cocalus Indi [...]e, Assa faetida, Oyl of Polypody of the Oak, the Gum of Ivy dissolved; I judge there is Virtue in these Oyls, but especially in the Gum.

7. Another.

Pull off the Scale from a boyled Prawn, or Shrimp, Bait the Hook with it, and it is an Excellent Bait for Roch, Dace, Bleak.

8. Another.

Bean-flower, Honey, and the white of a Egg made up into a Paste, is an Ex­cellent, an d long Experienced Bait for small Fish, which if they once taste of, they will never for sake till Death.

9. Another.

Gentles, of which kind the best are those that are bred upon a Cat, because they are the quickest, and liveliest.

If you put some Gentles into a Box, where Vermilion hath been, they will live in it two or three days, and will become of a very Transparent Colour, and keep so in the water when you Fish with them.

When you Fish in a quick Stream, a long Quill or Float is best.

But in an Eddy, or still, Stream, the shorter the Quill or Float is, the better.

When you Fish at the Well-boats, or at the Bank-side, be there at half Ebbing water, and Fish upon those Well-boats that lye nearest to the shoar, till the water falls away from them, then go to the outer­most Boats.

[Page 216]Some of the Well-boats do sheer to and again from the place where your Ground-bait lyeth, to prevent which, and that you may always Fish in that place where you have cast your Ground-bait, you must have a Buoy to lye out, and then you are sure to Fi [...]h right.

10. Another Bait.

Dry Sheeps-blood in the Air upon a dry board, till it become a pretty hard dry lump, then cut it into small pieces for your Use.

11. Another.

You shall find in the Moneths of Iune, Iuly, and August, great quantities of Ant­flyes, go to the Ant-hills, and take a great handful of Earth, with as much of the Roots of the Grass as you can; put all into a large Glass Bottle, then gather a Pottle of the blackest Ant-flyes, but take heed you bruise them not; Roch and Dace will bite at these Flyes under water, near the Ground.

Directions how to make your Paste.

First, wash your Hands very clean, then get some of the finest Manchet, of two or three days old, and cut away all the Crust, then lay it in water, or Milk, which is better; let it lye no longer than till it is soaked just through, then squeeze out all the water very well, then knead it in your hands very well, with a little bit of sweet butter, to make it stiff, co­lour it with Vermilion; if you make it over-night, keep it in a wet Linnen rag, all the water being wrung out of it; in the kneading scrape a little old Cheese among it.

How to Bait with Gentles.

Put your Hook through the middle­part of the Gentle, and no more, then he will live longest; I mean through the skin and no more: But if you could get some Oyl of Ivy, that is rightly taken from the Tree in the Moneth of May, and cast but two drops of it among the Gentles before you use them, you would have sport beyond expectation.

When to drag upon the Ground, and when not.

When you Fish in a quick Stream drag a Quills length, or more.

Also when the water is not clear, but of a white or Clay Colour, and if you put a little piece of Scarlet a little above the Hook, the Fish will see the Bait the better.

Sometimes when you are at the Sport the Wind ariseth, and makes your Float dance upon the Waves, then always ob­serve, and watch well the motion of your Float under water, and not the top of your Float.

I saw an Angler whipping for Bleaks and Dace with a May-flye, but he put on a Gentle upon the Hook besides, and he had excellent sport.

Carp and Tench.


1. A Carp will take a red Worm dipt in Tarr, at the bottom.

2. Malt-flower, Old Cheshire Cheese, English Honey, Eggs; temper these to­gether with a little water (but I should think Milk is far better) colour it with Saffron, and put as much upon the Hook, as the bigness of a large Hasle-Nut.

Bait the place where you intend to Fish, very well over Night, with Grains and Blood; the next Morning very early Fish for him, with a well scoured Lob-worm, or the Past above-mentioned.

You may dip your Worm in Tarr, and try what that will do.

A Carp choseth the deepest, and stillest places in Ponds and Rivers, and so doth the Tench, and also green weeds, which he loves exceedingly.

[Page 220]Late in the Evening the Ale, Grains, and Blood,
Well mixed together, is Bait very good
For Carp, Tench, Roch, and Dace to prepare,
If early in the Morn at the River you are.
Strong Tackle for Carp, for Roch and D [...]ce fine,
Will help thee with Fish sufficient to Dine.
For the Carp, let thy Bait the knotted Worm be,
The rest love the Cadis, the Paste or the Flye.

Chub, Pike, and Bream.

The Pike chuses Sandy, or Clay ground, in still Pools full of Fry; the Bream loves a gentle Stream, and the broadest part of the River; the Chub loves the same ground, and spawns in May.

One, who was the best trouler of Pikes in England. used always to troul with a Hazle-Rod twelve Foot long, with a Ring of wyre in the top of his Rod for his Line to run through, within two Foot of the [Page 221] Rod there was a hole to put in a winder, to turn with a Barril, to gather up his Line, and loose it at his pleasure; this was his manner of trouling with a small Fish.

There are several other ways to take Pikes; there is a way to take a Pike, which is called the Snap, for with Angling you must have a pretty strong Rod, for you must Angle with a Line no longer than your Rod, which must be very strong, that you may hold the Fish to it; your Hook must be a double Hook, made of a large wyre, and Armed with wyre one or two Links long; you must Bait the Fish with the Head upwards, and the point must come forth of his Side, a little above his vent.

In all your Baitings for a Pike, you must enter the Needle where the point cometh forth, so draw your Arming through, until the Hook lyeth as you think fit, then make it fast with a thread to the wyre, but first tye the thread about the wyre, otherwise the Fish will skip up and down, so fall to work: The Bait must be a Gudgeon, a small Trout, Roch, or Dace.

Now, I will pawn my Credit, that I [Page 222] will shew a way, either in Ware, Pond, or River, that shall take more Pikes, than any Trouler shall do by Trouling; and it is this.

First, take a forked stick, a Line of twelve Yards long wound upon it, at the lower end leave a Yard to tye; either a bunch of Flaggs, or a Bladder, to Buoy up the Fish, to carry the Bait from the Ground, that the Fish may swim clear; the Bait must be alive, either a small Trout, Gudgeon, Roch, or Dace; the forked stick must have a slit on the one side of the fork to put the Line in, that the live Fish may swim at the gauge you set the Fish to swim at, that when the Pike takes the Bait, the Pike may have the full Liberty of the Line for his feed; you may turn as [...]ou please of these loose in the Pond or River all day long, the more the better, and do it in a Pond-wind; the Hooks must be double Hooks.

To Bait the Hook.

Take one of the Baits alive, and with your Needle enter the Fish within a straws breadth of the Gill, so put the Needle in betwixt the Skin and the Fish, then draw [Page 223] the Needle out at the hindermost fin, draw­ing the Arming through the Fish, untill the Hook come to lye close to the Body; but I hold it better, if it be Armed with wyre, to take off the Hook, and put the Needle in at the hindermost fin, and so come forth at the Gill, then put on the Hook, and it will hurt the live Fish the less, so knit the Arming with the live Fish to the Line.

But I judge the Baiting with a live Fish is done far better, as it is done, Baiting with a Minew, to Fish for a Trout.

A Rod twelve Foot long, and a Ring of wyre,
A winder and Barril will help thy desire,
In killing a Pike; but the forked stick,
With a slit and a Bladder, and the other fine trick,
Which our Artists call Snap, with a Goose or a Duck,
Will kill two for one, if thou have any luck.

Chub takes a black Snail about August; and for a Bait, take the fourth Receipt prescribed for Roch and Dace, but colour it with Saffron, or Gambogia.

[Page 224]The Pike in the Moneth of March, be­fore which time it is good Fishing for him, but after March it is not good till the mid­dle of May: A Smelt is a Rare Bait, a Pole for trouling should be eleven Foot long, for the Snap twelve Foot.

When you troul, the head of the Fish must be downward at the bent of the hook; but when you snap, the head must be up­ward at the shank of the hook.

If you Fish at Snap for a Pike, give him leave to run a little before you strike, and then strike the contrary way he runs.

If you Fish with a dead Bait for him, take this as a most Excellent one.

Take a Minew, or yellow Frogg, a Dace, or a Roch, and having dissolved some Gum of Ivy in Oyl of Spike, an­noint your Bait therewith, and cast it where the Pikes frequent, and when it hath lain a little while at the bottom, draw it up to the top, and so up the Stream, and if Pikes are in the place where you Fish, you will quickly perceive them to follow it with much eagerness.


The Perch loveth a gentle Stream, of a reasonable depth, seldom shallow.


1. His Bait is most commonly a red knotted Worm, or a Minew.

2. Another.

Make a Bait with the Liver of a Goat, and Bait your Hook therewith.

3. Another.

Take yellow Butter-flyes and Cheese made of Goats-Milk, of each half an O [...]nce, of Opoponax the weight of two French Crowns, of Hoggs-blood half an O [...]nce, Galbanum as much; pound them all well, and mix them together, pouring upon them red Wine, and make thereof little balls, such as you use to make per­fumes into, and dry them in the shade.

4. Another.
To bait your Hook with a live Minew, when you Fish for a Trout, or Perch, with a Running Line.

First put your Hook in at his Mouth, and out at his Gill, then having drawn your Hook two or three Inches beyond, or through his Gill, put it again into his Mouth, and the point and beard out at his Tayl, and then tye the Hook and his Tayl with a white thread, which will make it apter to turn quick in the water; then pull back that part of your Line which was slack, when you put your Hook into the Mouth the second time; I say, pull that part of it back, so that it shall fasten the Head, that so the body of the Minew shall be almost [...] streight on the Hook; then try how it will turn by drawing it cross the water, or against the Stream, and if it do not turn nimbly, then turn the Tayl a little to the right or left hand, and try again till it turn quick, for if not, you are in danger to catch nothing; for know, that 'tis impossible it should turn too quick: But if you want a Minew, then a [Page 227] small Roch, or stickle-back, or any other small Fish will serve as well; If you Salt your Minews, you may keep them three or four days fit for Use, or longer; Bay-Salt is best.

5. Another.
To Bait with a Lob-worm, to Fish for a Trout or Perch with a Running Line, with a Swivel.

Suppose it be a big Lob-worm, put your hook into him above the middle, then draw your worm above the Arming of your hook, enter your worm at the tayl-end of the worm, the point may come out toward the Head, and having drawn him above the Arming of your hook, put the point of your Hook again into the very Head of the worm, till it come to the place where the point of the hook first came out, and then draw back that part of the worm that was above the Shanker Arming of the Hook. And so Fish with it, you cannot lose above two or three worms before you at­tain to what I Direct you, and having at­tained it, you will find it very useful, for [Page 228] you will run upon the Ground without tangling, but you must have a Swivel.


The Trout loves small purling Brooks, or Rivers that are very swift, and run upon Stones, or Gravel; he feeds while he is in strength in the swi [...]test Streams, behind a Stone, Log, or some small bank that shooteth into the River, and there lyes watching for what comes down the Stream. He spawns about October.


1. You shall find in the Root of a great Dock, a white Worm with a red Head, with this Worm Fish for a Trout at the bottom, he lyes in the deep, but feeds in the Stream.

2. Another.

He also takes very freely a Worm, cal­led a Brandling, of which sort the best are sound at the Bear-Garden, amongst the Bears Dung.

An Universal Bait to take all manner of Fish, but especially Trouts, which hath been Experienced by an Ancient Angler, and made by a Chy [...]ist, in 1668.

Take of the Juice of Ca [...]omile two spoonfuls, Oyl of Spike four drams, Spi­rit of Vitriol one Ounce, Oyl of Com­frey by Infusion, six drams, Goose-grease one Ounce; Dissolve these over the Fire, being well melted, let it stand till it is cold, then put it into a strong Glass, and let it stand three or four days before you stop it up, with a good Cover made of Parch­ment and Leather, and it will keep good for seven Years.


A Gudgeon spawns in May, and some­times in April.


A Gudgeon takes nothing but a red knotted Worm, in a Horse Dung-hill.


The Barbel (as Gesner saith) is one of those Leather-mouth'd Fishes, having his Teeth in his Throat.

There are divers ways of Fishing for him, as with a Casting-Line of small Whip-cord, a Plummet, and a pair of small drablers of Hair.

Others Fish for him with a standing-Line, either of Silk, or small Brass wyre well nealed, with a Plummet of one, two, three, or four Ounces, according to the swiftness of the Stream, and a pair of drab­bers, as before.

Some Fish for Barbel with Casting-Lines, as at London-bridge, a Plummet of one pound and half, and a pair of drab­bers.

There is yet another way (though a­gainst the Statute, and sorbidden by the Court of Aldermen,) and that is, by scratching with Hooks without Beards. [Page]

[Page 230]


His Baits are green Gentles, strong Cheese, sometimes a Lob-worm, and sometimes a piece of Pickled Herring.


To reckon up the several ways of ta­king Eels, were almost, if not altogether, impossible; and therefore I shall only tell you how the Anglers here in London take them.

Take a shooting-Line, of 10, 12, 14, 16, or 20 Hooks, as many, and as few as you please; and this cannot but be an Excellent way, either in Pond, [...]River, or Moat.

The manner of making it is very well known to all those that Sell Hooks and Fishing-Tackle in Crooked-Lane, where you may buy them ready made.


His Bait is green Gentles, strong Cheese, Lob-worms, Pickled-Herring, Powdered Beef, or Periwinkles.

[Page 232]Your Plummet must be three pound, or three pound and an half of Lead.


The Bream loveth a red Worm, taken at the Root of a great Dock, it lyeth wrapt up in a knot, or round Clue. He chuseth the same waters as the Pike.


The Salmon [...] [...]arge swist Rivers, where it Ebbs and Flowes; he spawns at the latter end of the Year.

To Fish for Salmon.

The first thing you must gain, must be a Rod of some ten Foot in the Stock, that will carry a top of six Foot; stiff and strong; the Reason is, because there must be a wyre Ring at the upper end of the top, for the Line to run through, that you may take up, and loose the Line at your pleasure, you must have the winder with­in two Foot of the bottom of your Rod, made in the manner exprest, with a spring, that you may put it on as low as you please.

[Page 233]The Salmon swimmeth most commonly in the midst of the River, in all his Tra­vels he desires to see the uppermost part of the River, Travelling on his Journey in the heat of [...]he Day, he must take a B [...]sh, if the Fisher-Man espye him, he goeth at him with his Spear, and so short­neth his Journey.

The Angler that goeth to Fish for him with a Hook and Line, must Angle for him as nigh the middle of the water as he can with one of these


Take two Lob-worms, and put the hook so near through the middle of them, that the four ends may hang of an equal length, and so Angle as near the bottom as you can, feeling your Plummet run on the ground, some twelve Inches from the hook.

If you Angle for him with a Flve (which he will rise at like a Trout) the Flye must be made of a large hook, which hook must carry six wings, or sour at the least; there is Judgment in making these Flyes.

The Salmon will come at a Gudgeon in the manner of a Trouling Line, and com­eth [Page 234] at it bravely, which is fine Angling for him; you must be sure your Line be of twenty six, or thirty Yards long, that you may have your convenient time to turn him, or else you are in danger to lose him, but if you turn him, you are likely to have him, all the danger is in the running out, both of Salmon and Trout.

You must fore-cast to turn the Fish as you do a wild Horse, either upon the Right or Left hand, and wind up your Line as you find occasion in the guiding the Fish to the shoar, having a large Land­ing-hook to take him up,

Close to the bottom, in the midst of the water,
I Fish [...]d for a Salmon, and there I caught her.
My Plummet twelve Inches from the large hook,
Two Lob-worms hung equal, which she ne [...]r [...]orsook:
Nor yet the great hook, with the six win­ged Flye,
And she makes at a Gudgeon most furi­ously.
[Page 235]My strong Line was just twenty six yards long:
I gave him a turn, though I found him strong.
I wound up my Line, to guide him from shoar;
The Landing-hook helpt much, but the Cookery more.

The Names of the Flyes that are used in Angling, with the Times when they are in Season, and what the Bodies and Wings are made of.

1. AStone Fly, which is in Season in April, the Body of it is made with black-wool, made yellow under the Wings, and under the Tayl; the Wings are made of a Mallards Feather.

2. A Ruddy Fly, is in Season in the beginning of May; the Body is made of red wooll wrapt about with blue Silk, the Wings are made of the Wing of a Drake, and a red Hackle.

3. The yellow, or greenish Fly, in Sea­son in May, made of yellow wool, his Wings made of red Hackles, and the Wing of a Drake.

[Page 236]4. The Dun Fly is sometimes of Dun­wool, and sometimes black, in Season in March; his Wings made of Partridge. Feathers, black Drakes Feathers, and the Feathers under his Tayl.

5. The Black Fly, in Season in May, made of black-wool, and wrapt about with Peacocks Tayl, the Feathers of the wings of a brown Capon, with the blue Feathers in his head.

6. The sad yellow Fly, in Season in Iune, made of black-wool, with a yellow List on either side; the wings of a Buz­zard, bound with black braked hemp.

7. The Moorish Fly, in Season in Iune, made of duskish wool, the wings the black Male of a Drake.

8. The tawny Flye, good till the mid­dle of Iune, made of Bears-wool, the wings made contrary one against the other, of the whitish Male of a wild Drake.

9. The Wasp-Fly, in Season in Iuly, made of black-wool, wrapt about with yellow Silk; the wings of a Drakes Fea­thers, or Buzzards.

10. The Shell-fly, good in the middle of Iune, made of greenish wool, lapt about with Pearl of a Peacocks Tayl; the wings of a Buzzards Feathers.

[Page 237]11. The dark Drake-Fly, made of black-wool wrapt about with black Silk; in Season in August, the wings, the Male of the Black Drake with a black Head.

12. The May-Fly, made of greenish coloured Cruel, or Willow colour, and darken it in most places with waxed Silk, or Ribb'd with a black hair, or some of them Ribb'd with Silver thread, and such wings for the colour, as you see the Fly to have at that Season.

13. The Oak-Fly, the Body made of Orange-tawny, and black Cruel; the wings the brown of a Mallards Feather.

The best way of Dressing these, and all other sorts of Fish, you may find in the next Part following.

THE Compleat Cook's …

THE Compleat Cook's GUIDE. OR, Directions for the Dres­sing of all Sorts of Flesh, Fowl, and Fish, both in the English and French Mode; with the prepa­ring of all manner of Sawces and Sallets proper thereunto.

TOGETHER With the making of all Sorts of Pyes, Pasties, Tarts, and Custards; with the Forms and Shapes of many of them.

WITH Bills of Fare, both for Ordinary, and Extraordinary.

London, Printed in the Year 1675.

THE Compleat Cook's GUIDE.

1. To make a Lamb Pye.

FIrst, Cut your Lamb into pieces, and then Season it with Nutmegs, Cloves, and Mace, and some Salt with Currans, Raisins of the Sun, and Sweet Butter; and if you will eat it hot, when it is baked put in some Yolks of Eggs, with Wine-Vinegar and Sugar beaten together; but if you will eat it cold, put in no Eggs, but only Vinegar and Sugar.

2. To make a Rice-Pudding.

Take thin Cream, or good Milk, of what quantity you please, boyl it with a little Cinamon in it, and when it hath boyled a while, take out the Cinamon, and put in Rose-water, and Sugar enough to make it sweet and good; then having your Rice ready beaten, as fine as Flower, and siersed as some do it, strew it in, till it be of the thickness of a Hasty-pudding, then pour it into a Dish, and Serve it.

3. To make Cheese-Cakes, the best way.

Take two Gallons of New Milk, put into them two spoonfuls and a half of Run­net, heat the Milk little less than Blood-warm, cover it close with a Cloath, till you see the Cheese be gathered, then with a scumming-dish gently take out the whey, when you have dreyn'd the Curd as clean as you can, put it into a Siev, and let it drain very well there; then to two quarts of Curds, take a quart of thick Cream, a pound of Sweet Butter, twelve Eggs, a pound and half of Currans, a penny. [Page 243] worth of Cloves, Nutmeg and Mace beat­en, half a pound of good Sugar, a quar­ter of a pint of Rose-water; mingle it well together, and put it into Puff-paste.

4. To make an Egg-Pye, or Mince-Pye of Eggs.

Take the Yolks of two dozen of Eggs hard boyled, shred them, take the same quantity of Beef-Suet, half a pound of Pippins, a pound of Currans well washt, and dry'd, half a pound of Sugar, a penny-worth of beaten Spice, a few Car­raway-Seeds, a little Candyed Orange-peel shred, a little Verjuice and Rose-water; fill the Coffin, and bake it with gentle heat.

5. To Carbonado Mutton.

Broyl a Shoulder, or Breast of Mutton, then Scotch them with your Knife, and strew on minc'd Thyme and Salt, and a little Mutmeg; when they are broyled, Dish them up: The Sauce is Claret-wine boyled up with two Onions, a little Cam­phire and Capers, with a little Gravy, [Page 244] Garnish'd with Limons.

6. To stew a Pheasant, French Fashion.

Roast your Pheasant, till he be half Roasted, then boyl it in Mutton-Broath, and put into the Broath whole Pepper, whole Mace, and sliced Onions, and Vi­negar, and make it sharp, and put in Pr [...] ­ans and Currans, and colour your Broath with bruised Pruans.

7. To make Bisket-bread.

Take half a peek of Flower fine, two Ounces of Anniseeds, two Ounces of Coriander-seed, the whites of six Eggs, a pint of Ale-Yeast, with as much warm-water, as will make it up into a Paste, so bake it in a long Roul; when it is two days Old, pare it, and slice it, then Sugar it, and dry it in an Oven, and so keep it all the Year,

8. To make a Dish of Marrow.

Take a piece of fine Paste, and roul it very thin; then take the Marrow all as whole out of the Bones as you can, and [Page 245] cleave it into four quarters; then take it and season it with a little Pepper, Salt, Sugar, and Dates small minced, then lay one piece in your Paste, and make it up like a Pescod; so make half a dozen of them, and fry them in Clarified Butter, scrape Sugar on, and serve them.

9. To make a Herring-pye.

Put great store of sliced Onions, with Cur­rans and Raisins of the Sun, both above and under the Herrings, and store of But­ter; put them into your Pye, and bake them.

10. To make Black-puddings.

Take a quart of Sheeps-blood, and a quart of Cream, ten Eggs, the yolks and the whites beaten together; stir all this Liquor very well, then thicken it with grated bread, and Oat-meal finely beaten, of each a like quantity, Beef-suet finely shred, and Marrow in little lumps, [...] ­son it with a little Nutmeg, Cloves, and Mace mingled with Salt, a little sweet Marjoram, Thyme, and Penny-royal shred very well together, and mingle them [Page 246] with the other things, some put in a few Currans: Then fill them in cleansed Guts, and boyl them very carefully.

11. To make a good Spanish Olio.

Take a Rump of Beef, or some of a Bris­ket or Buttock, cut it to pieces; a Loyn of Mutton with the Fat taken off, and a fleshy piece of a Leg of Veal, or a Knuc­kle, a piece of inter-laided Bacon, three or four Onions, or some Garlick, and if you will, a Capon or two, or else three great Tame-Pigeons. First, put into the water the Beef and Bacon, after a while the Mutton, Veal, and Onions, but not the Capon or Pigeons, only so long till they are boyled enough; if you have Garavanza's, put them in at the first, after they have been soaked with Ashes all night in heat, wash them well in warm water; or if you have Cabbage, Roots, Leeks, or whole Onions, put them in time enough to be sufficiently boyled. You may at first put in some Crusts of Bread, or Ve­nison Pye-Crust; it must boyl in all five or six hours gently, like stewing; after it is well boyled, a quarter, or half an hour before you intend to take it, take out [Page 247] a porringer full of Broath, and put to it some Pepper, and five or six Cloves, and a Nutmeg, and some Saffron, and mingle them well in it, then put that into the Pot, and let it boyl, or stew with the rest a while, put in a bundle of sweet Herbs, salt must be put in when it is scumm'd.

12. To Stew Venison.

If you have much Venison, and do make many cold baked Meats, you may stew a Dish in hast thus: When it is sliced out of your Pye, Pot, or Pasty, put it in your stewing-Dish, and set it on a heap of coals, with a little Claret Wine, a sprigg or two of Rosemary, half a dozen Cloves, a little grated bread, Sugar, and Vinegar, so let it stew together a while, then grate on Nutmeg, and Dish it up.

13. To boyl a Leg of Veal and Bacon.

Lard your Leg of Veal with Bacon all over, with a little Limon-peel amongst it, then boyl it with a piece of Middle-Bacon; when your Bacon is boyled, cut it in slices, season it with Pepper and dryed Sage mixt [Page 248] together; Dish up your Veal with the Bacon round about it, send up with it sau­cers of green Sauce; strew over it Parsley and Barberries.

14. To make Furmety.

Take French-barley, and pick it, and wash it, lay it in steep one Night, then boyl it in two or three several waters, and so cover it as as you would do Wheat to make it swell; then take a quart of good Cream, and boyl it with a Race of Gin­ger cut in two pieces, one blade of Mace, and half a Nutmeg all in one piece; then put thereto so much of the Barley as will thicken it, and when it is almost boyled, stir in two or three Yolks of Eggs well beaten, and fo strained with a few beaten Almonds and Flower, or five spoonfuls of Rose-water; then take out the whole Spi­ces, and season your Furmety with Salt, and sweeten it with Sugar, and serve it.

15. To make a Pig-pye.

Flea your Pigg, and cut it into pieces, and season it with Pepper, Salt, Nutmeg, and large Mace, lay into your Coffin good [Page 249] store of Raisins of the Sun, and Currans, and fill it up with sweet Butter, so close it, and serve it hot.

16. To make a Neats-Foot-Pye.

First boyl your Neats-Foot, and take out the Bones, then put in as much Beef-suet as in quantity thereto, and so mince them, then Season it with Cloves, Mace, Nutmeg, Sugar, and Salt, and put it in­to your Coffin with some Barberries, Cur­rans, and Raisins of the Sun, then bake it, and always serve it hot.

17. To make an Orang ado-pye.

Make a handsom thin Coffin, with hot butter'd Paste, slice your Orangado, and put over the bottom of it; then take some Pippins, and cut every one into eight parts, and lay them in also upon the Orangado, then pour some Syrup of Orangado, and Sugar on the top, and so make it up, and bake it, and serve it up with Sugar scraped on it.

18. To make a Pork-pye.

Boyl your Leg of Pork, season it with Nutmeg, Pepper, and Salt; and bake it five hours in a Round Pye.

19. To make a Fricasie of Veal.

Cut your Veal in thin slices, beat it well with a Rowling-pin; season it with Nutmegs, Limon, and Thyme, fry it slightly in the Pan, then beat two Eggs, and one spoonful of Verjuice; put it in­to the Pan, stir it together, fry it, and Dish it.

20. To make a Quince-Pye.

Take a Gallon of Flower, a pound and half of Butter, six Eggs, thirty Quinces, three pound of Sugar, half an Ounce of Cinamon, half an Ounce of Ginger, half an Ounce of Cloves, and Rose-water; make them into a Tart, and being baked, strew on double-refined Sugar.

21. To make a Gooseberry-Fool.

Pick your Gooseberries, and put them into clean water, and boyl them till they be all as thick that you cannot discern what it is; to the quantity of a quart, take six Yolks of Eggs well beaten with Rose-water, before you put in your Eggs, sea­son it well with Sugar, then strain your Eggs, and let them boyl a while; put it in a broad Dish, and let it stand till it is cold, and serve it,

22. To make a Tart of Green-Pease.

Boyl your Pease tender: and pour them out into a Cullender, season them with Saffron, Salt, sweet butter, and Sugar; then close it, and let it bake almost an hour, then draw it forth and Ice it, put in a little Verjuice, and shake it well, then scrape on Sugar, and serve it.

23. To souce an Eel.

Souce an Eel with a handful of Salt, split it down the back, take out the Chine-bone, season the Eel with Nutmeg, Pep­per, Salt, and sweet Herbs minc'd; then lay a pack thread at each end, and the middle roul up like a Collar of Brawn, then boyl it in water, Salt, and Vinegar, a blade or two of Mace, and half a slice of Lim­on, boyl it half an hour, keep it in the same Liquor two or three days, then cut it out in round pieces, and lay six or seven in a Dish with Parsley and Barberries; and serve it with Vinegar in Saucers.

24. To make a Bacon-Tart.

Take a quarter of a pound of the best Jordan-Almonds, and put them in a little warm water to blanch them, then beat them together in a Mortar with three or four spoonfuls of Rose-water, then sweeten them with fine Sugar; then take Bacon that is clear and white, and hold it upon the point of a Knife against the Fire, till it hath dropt a sufficient quantity, then stir it well together, and put it into the Paste, and bake it.

25. To make an Umble-Pye.

Lay Beef-suet minc'd in the bottom of the Pye, or slices of Inter-larded Bacon, and cut the Umbles as big as small Dice, cut your Bacon in the same Form, and season it with Nutmeg, Pepper, and Salt, fill your Pyes with it, with slices of Ba­con and Butter, close it up, and bake it; Liquor it with Claret, Butter, and strip­ped Thyme, and so serve it.

26. To keep Asparagus all the Year.

Par-boyl your Asparagus very little, and put them into Clarified Butter, cover them with it, and when the Butter is cold, cover them with Leather, and about a Moneth after refresh the Butter, melt it, and put it on them again; then set them under Ground, being covered with lea­ther.

27. To Roast a Hanch of Venison.

If your Venison be seasoned, your must water it, and stick it with short sprigs of Rosemary: Let your Sauce be Claret-Wine, a handful of grated Bread, Cina­mon, Ginger, Sugar, a little Vinegar; boyl these up so thick, as it may only run like batter; it ought to be sharp and sweet: Dish up your Meat on your Sauce.

28. To Carbonado Hens.

Let your sauce be a little White-Wine and Gravy, half a dozen of the Yolks of hard Eggs minced, boyled up with an Onion, add to it a grated Nutmeg; thick­en it up with the Yolk of an Egg or two, with a Ladle-full of drawn butter; Dish up your Hens, and pour over your sauce, strew on Yolks of Eggs minced, and gar­nish it with Limon.

29. To fry Artichoaks.

When they are boyled, and sliced fit­ting for that purpose, you must have your Yolks of Eggs beaten with a grated Nut­meg or two; when your Pan is hot, you must dip them into the Yolks of Eggs, and charge your Pan; when they are fryed on both sides, pour on drawn butter: And if you will fry Spanish Potato's, then the Sauce is, Butter, Vinegar, Sugar, and Rose-water; these for a need may serve for Second-Course Dishes.

30. To make a Hedge-hog-Pudding.

Put some Raisins of the Sun into a deep wooden Dish, and then take some grated Bread, and one pint of sweet Cream, three Yolks of Eggs, with two of the whites, and some Beef-suet, grated Nut­meg, and Salt; then sweeten it with Su­gar, and temper all well together, and so lay it into the Dish upon the Raisins, then tye a Cloath about the Dish, and boyl it in Beef-broath, and when you take it up lay it in a pewter Dish, with the Raisins [Page 256] uppermost, and then stick blanched Al­monds very thick into the Pudding, then melt some butter, and pour it upon the Pudding, then strew some Sugar about the Dish, and serve it.

31. To stew a Leg of Lamb.

Cut it into pieces, and put it into your stewing-pan, being first seasoned with Salt and Nutmeg, and as much butter as will stew it, with Raisins of the Sun, Cur­rans, and Gooseberries; when it is stew­ed, make a Caudle with the Yolks of two or three Eggs, and some Wine-Vinegar and Sugar beaten together, and put it in­to your Meat, and stew all a little longer together; then Dish it, strew Sugar on the brims, and serve it hot.

32. To bake a Pickerel.

Boyl your Pickerel, and pull out the Ribs and Bones, then put it into your Paste, and season it with Pepper and salt, and put in some Butter, and Raisins of the Sun, and so bake it.

33. To make a Haggess-Pudding.

Take a fat Haggess, par-boyl it well, take out the Kernels, shred it small, and temper it with a handful or two of grated Manchet; then take three or four Eggs well beaten, Rose-water, Sugar, Cloves, Nutmeg, Cinamon, and Mace finely beaten, Currans and Marrow good store; temper them all together with a quantity of Cream, being first moderately seaso­ned with salt.

34. To make a Dish of Meat with Herbs.

Take Sives, Parsley, Thyme, Marjoram, & Roast three or four Eggs hard, and a quan­tity of Mutton-suet, Beef, or Lamb, chop them fine all together, and season it with Cloves, Mace, Ginger, Sugar, and Ci­namon, and a little Salt; then Fry them with a little sweet butter.

35. To make Cream of Eggs.

Take one quart of Cream, and boyl it, then beat four whites of Eggs very well with two spoonfuls of Rose-water; when the Cream is boyled enough, take it off the Fire, and when it is cool, stir in the Eggs with a little salt; then garnish your Dish with fine Sugar scraped thereon, and serve it always cold, for a closing dish.

36. To make a fine pudding in a Dish.

Take a penny white loaf, and pare off all the Crust, and slice ir thin into a Dish, with a quart of Cream, and let it boyl over a Chasing-dish of Coals, till the bread be [...]lmost dry; then put in a piece of sweet butter, and take it off, and let it stand in the Dish till it be cold, then take the yolks of three Eggs, and the quantity of one with some Rose-water, and Sugar, and stirring them all together, put it into ano­ther Dish well butter'd, and bake it.

37. To broyl Scollops.

First boyl the Scollops, then take them out of the shells, and wash them, then slice them, and season them with Nutmeg, Ginger, and Cinamon, and put them into the bottom of your shells again with a lit­le Butter, White-wine, Vinegar, and grated bread, let them be broyled on both sides; if they are sharp, they must have Sugar added to them, for the Fish is lus­cious, and sweet Naturally; therefore you may broyl them with Oyster-Liquor and Gravy, with dissolved Anchovies, min­ced Onions, and Thyme, with the juice of Limon in it.

38. To boyl Wild-Ducks.

First, half Roast them, then take them off, and put them in a shallow broad pan that will contain them, with a pint of Cla­ret-Wine, and a pint of strong Broath, a dozen of Onions cut in halves, a Faggot or two of sweet Herbs, with a little whole Pepper, and some slices of Bacon; cover your Pan, and let them stove up, add gra­vy to part of the Liquor at least so much as [Page 260] will serve to Dish them: Garnish them with Bacon and Onions if you please.

39. To make a Venison-Pasty.

When you have powdered your Haunch of Venison, or the sides of it, by taking away all the bones and Sinews, and the skin, or fat, season it with Pepper and Salt only, beat it with your Rolling­pin, and proportion it for the Pasty, by taking away from one part, and adding to another, your Paste being made with a peck of fine flower, and about three pound of butter, and twelve Eggs; work it up with cold water into as stiff a Paste as you can, drive it forth for your Pasty, let it be as thick as a Mans Thumb, roul it up upon a Rolling-pin, and put under it a couple of sheets of Cap-paper well flowered, then your white being already minced and bea­ten with water; proportion it upon the Pa [...]ty to the breadth and length of the Ve­nison; then lay your Venison in the said white, wash it round with your Feather, and put on a border, season your Venison on the top, and turn over your other Leaf of Paste, so close up your Pasty; then drive out another border for Garnishing [Page 261] the sides up to the top of the Pasty, so close it together by the Rolling-pin, by Rolling it up and down by the sides and ends; and when you have flourish'd your Garnishing, and edg'd your Pasty, vent it at the top, set it in the Oven, and let it have four or five hours baking at the least, and then draw it.

40. To make a Damson-Tart.

Take Damsons, and seeth them in Wine, and strain them with a little Cream, then boyl your stuff over the fire, till it be thick, and put thereto Sugar, Cina­mon, and Ginger, but set it not in the Oven after, but let your Paste be baked before.

41. To Roast a Rabbet with Oysters.

Wash your Rabbet, and dry it well, then take half a pint of Oysters, wash them, and wipe them clean one by one, and put them into the Rabbets belly, a couple of Onions shred, whole Pepper, large Mace, two or three sprigs of Thyme, sew up the belly; and for the sauce, as [Page 262] usual; the Liver and Parsley, and a hard Egg, shred them together, and beat some butter thick, put into the Dish, and serve it.

42. To stew Collops of Beef.

Take of the buttock of Beef thin slices, cross the grain of the Meat; then hack them, and fry them in sweet butter; and being fryed fine and brown, put them in a Pipkin with some strong broath, a lit­tle Claret-Wine, and some Nutmeg; stew it very tender, and half an hour before you Dish it, put to it some good Gravy, Elder-Vinegar, and a Clove or two; when you serve it, put some juice of Orange, and three or four slices on it, stew down the Gravy somewhat thick, and put unto it when you Dish it, some beaten but­ter.

43. To make a Beef-pasty like Red-Deer.

Take fresh Beef of the finest, without Sinews or Suet, and mince it as small as you can, and season it with Salt and Pep­per, and put in two spoonfuls of Malm­sey; [Page 263] then take Lard, and cut it into small pieces. and lay a layer of Lard, and a layer of Beef, and lay a shin of beef upon it like Venison, and so close it up.

44. To bake a Hare.

Take the best of the Hare, minced and seasoned with Pepper, Salt, and Mace; then make a proportion of the Head, or shoulders, as you make for an Hare-pafty, and lay in a layer of Flesh, and a layer of Lard, and butter aloft, and beneath, and make a Gallentine for it in a saucer.

45. To boyl a Salmon.

Take as much water as will cover it, then take Rosemary, Thyme, and Win­ter-Savoury, and Salt; boyl all these ve­ry well, and then put in some Wine-Vi­negar, and when your Salmon is boyled, let him remain in the same water always, untill you have occasion to eat of it.

46. To make an Oyster-pye.

First, dry your Oysters, and then put them into your Coffin with some Butter, and whole large Mace, and so bake it; then take off the Lid, and fill it up with more Butter, putting some of the Liquor of the Oysters also thereunto; then sea­son it well with Sugar, and serve it hot to the Table at the First Course.

47. To Butter Eggs upon Toasts.

Take twenty Eggs, beat them in a Dish with some Salt, and put Butter to them, then have two large Rolls, or fine Manchets, cut them in Toasts, and Toast them against the Fire, with a pound of fine sweet Butter, being finely butter'd in a fair clean Dish; put the Eggs on the Toasts, and Garnish your Dish with Pep­per and Salt, otherwise half-boyl them in the shells, then Butter them, and serve them on Toasts, or Toasts about them.

48. To make a Fricacie of Chickens.

Scald three or four Chickens, and flea off the skin and Feathers together, put them in a little water; take half a pint of White-wine, and two or three whole Onions, some large Mace and Nutmeg tyed up in a Cloath, a bundle of sweet-Herbs, and a little Salt; and put them all in a Pipkin close covered; let them sim­per a quarter of an hour, then take six Yolks of Eggs, half a pound of sweet Butter, four Anchovies dissolved in a lit­tle Broath; shred your boyled Spice small, take a quarter of a pound of Ca­pers, and shred them very small, put the Anchovies dissolved into the Eggs and Butter, and Capers, and so stir it all to­gether over a Chafing-dish of Coals, till it begin to thicken, then take the Chic­ken out of the Broath, and put lear upon them; Serve them with Sippets, and Lim­on sliced.

49. To make an Eel-pye, with Oysters.

Wash your Eels, and Gut them, and dry them well in a Cloath; to four good Eels allow a pint of Oysters well washed, season them with Pepper, Salt, and Nut­meg, and large Mace; put half a pound of Butter into the Pye, and half a Limon sliced, so bake it; when it is drawn, take the Yolks of two Eggs, a couple of An­chovies dissolved in a little White-Wine, with a quarter of a pound of fresh But­ter, melt it, and mix all together, and make a lear of it, and put into the Pye.

50. To make Puff-Paste.

Break two Eggs in three pints of Flow­er, make it with cold water, then roul it out pretty thick, and square; then take so much Butter as Paste, and divide your Butter in five pieces, that you may lay it on at five several times; roul your Paste very broad, and break one part of the same Butter in little pieces all over your Paste, then throw a handful of Flower slightly on, then fold up your Paste, and beat it [Page 267] with a Rolling-pin, so roul it out again; thus do several times, and then make it up.

51. To make Barley-Broath.

Put your Barley into fair water, give it three qualms over the Fire, separate the Waters, and put it into a Cullender, boyl it in a [...]ourth water with a b [...]ade of Mace, and a Clove; and when it is boyled away, put in some Raisins and Currans, and when the Fruit is boyled enough, take it off, and season it with White-wine, Rose-water, Butter, and Sugar, and a couple of Yolks of Eggs beaten with it.

52. To bake a Pig.

Take a good quantity of Clay, and ha­ving moulded it, stick your Pig, and Blood him well, and when he is warm, put him in your prepared Coffin of Clay, thick every where, with his Hair, Skin and all (his Entrails drawn, and Belly sewed up again) then throw him into the Oven, or below the stock-hole under the Furnace, and there let him soak, turn him now and then when the Clay is hardened, [Page 268] for twelve hours, and he is then sufficient­ly baked; then take him, and break off the Clay, which easily parts, and he will have a fine crispy Coat, and all the juice of the Pigg in your Dish; remember but to put a few leaves of Sage, and a little salt in his Belly, and you need no other sauce.

53. A Grand Sallet.

Take a quarter of a pound of Raisins of the Sun, as many blanched Almonds, as many Capers, as many Olives, as much Samphire, as many pickled Cucumbers, a Limon shred, some pickled French ­Beans, a wax Tree set in the middle of the Dish, pasted to the Dish; lay all their Quarters round the Dish, (you may also mince the Flesh of a Roasted Hen, with Sturgeon, and Shrimps) and Garnish the Dish with cut Beans, and Turneps, in se­veral Figures.

54. To make a Sallet of a Cold Hen, or Pullet.

Take a Hen, and Roast it, let it be cold, Carve up the Leggs, take the Flesh and [Page 269] mince it small, shred a Limon, a little Parsley and Onions, an Apple, a little Pepper and Salt, with Oyl and Vinegar; Garnish the Dish with the Bones and Lim­on-peel, and so serve it.

55. To boyl a Capon, Pullet, or Chicken.

Boyl them in good Mutton-Broath, with Mace, a Faggot of sweet Herbs, Sage, Spinage, Marygold-leaves and Flowers, white or green Endive, Bur­rage, Bugloss, Parsley, and Sorrel; and serve it on Sippets.

56. To Stew Ducks, the French Fashion.

Take the Duck, and half-Roast it, put half a score Onions in the belly whole, some whole Pepper, a bundle of Thyme, and a little salt; when it is half-Roasted, take it up, and slash it into pieces, put it between two Dishes, and pierce the Gra­vy, mix some Claret-Wine with that Gravy, and a little sliced Nutmeg, a couple of Anchovies, wash them, and slit them, slice the Onions in the Ducks belly, cover [Page 270] the Dishes close, so let them stew while enough; take some butter, beat it thick, and shred a Limon in it, and serve it: Garnish your Dish with the Limon-peel, and your Onions.

57. To make a Florentine.

Take the Kidney of a Loyn of Veal, or the Wing of a Capon, or the Legg of a Rabbit; mince any of these small with the Kidney of a Loyn of Mutton, if it be not fat enough; then season it with Cloves, Mace, Nutmegs, and Sugar, Cream, Currans, Eggs, and Rose-wa­ter: mingle these four together, and put them into a Dish between two sheets of Paste, then close it, and cut the Paste round by the brim of the Dish; then cut it round about like Virginal-Keys, turn up one, and let the other lye; prick it, bake it, scrape on Sugar, and serve it.

58. To make Curd-Cakes.

Take a pint of Curd, four Eggs, take out two of the whites, put in some Sugar, [...] Nutmeg, and a little Flower; stir [...] together, and drop them in, [...] fry them with a little Butter.

59. To Roast a Leg of Mutton, the French way.

Take half a pound of Mutton, and a quarter of a pound of suet, season it with sweet Herbs, and a little Nutmeg, and two or three shallots; slice these very small, and stuff the Mutton round; then take some of the best Hackney Turneps, and boyl them in Beef-broath very tender, then squeeze the water from them a little, set them in a Dish under the Leg of Mutton, when it is half roasted, and so let the gra­vy drop into them; and when the Meat is Roasted, serve them in the Dish with it, with a little fresh butter and Vinegar: Garnish your Dish with sliced Onions and Parsley, and some of the Turneps slic'd.

60. To Stew a Carp.

Take a Living Carp, and knock him on the Head, open him in the Belly, take heed you break not the Gall, pour in a little Vinegar, and wash out all the blood, stir it about with your hand, and keep the blood safe; then put as much White-Wine into a pan or skillet, as will almost [Page 272] cover, and set it on the Fire; put to it an Onion cut in the middle, a Clove, or less of Garlick, a Race of Ginger shred, a Nutmeg quartered, a Faggot, or bundle of sweet Herbs, and three or four Ancho­vies; your Carp being cut out, and rub­bed all over with salt, when the Wine (into which you may put in a little water) doth boyl, put the Carp in, and cover him close, and let him stew up about a quarter of an hour, then put in the Blood and Vinegar, with a little butter; so Dish up the Carp, and let the spawn, Milt, and Revet be laid upon it; the Liquor that boyled him, with the butter is the best sauce, and is to be eaten as broath: Gar­nish the Dish with Limons and grated bread.

61. To make Marrow-puddings.

Take a pound of the best Jordan-Al­monds, blanch them, beat them fine in a stone, or wooden Mortar (not in brass) with a little Rose-water, take a pound of fine powder-sugar, a penny-loaf grated, Nutmeg grated, a pint of Cream, the Marrow of two Marrow-bones, two grains of Amber-griece; mingle them all toge­ther [Page 273] with a little salt, fill the skins, and boyl them gently, as before.

62. To make a Sack-posset.

Set a Gallon of Milk on the Fire, with whole Cinamon and large Mace; when it boyls, stir in a half, or whole pound of Naples-bisket grated very small, keep­ing it stirring till it boyls; then beat eight Eggs together, casting of the whites away; beat them well with a Ladle-full of Milk, then take the Milk off the Fire, and stir in the Eggs; then put it on again, but keep it stirring, for fear of Curdling; then make ready a pint of Sack, warm­ing it upon the Coals, with a little Rose-water: season your Milk with Sugar, and pour it into the Sack in a large bason, and stir it apace; then throw on a good deal of beaten Cinamon, and so serve it up.

63. To Hash a Rabbit.

When your Rabbit is wash'd, you must take the Flesh from the bones, and mince it small; then put to it a little strong broath and Vinegar, an Onion or two, with a grated Nutmeg, and let it stew up [Page 274] together; then mince a handful of boyled Parsley green, with a Limon cut like Dice, and a few Barberries; put it into the Hash, and toast it all together; and when it is enough, put a Ladle [...] ful of sweet butter to it, and Dish it upon the Chines, and Garnish it with Limons.

64. To make a Fresh Cheese.

Take some New Milk. or Cream, and a Race of Cinamon, scald it; then take it off the Fire, sweeten it with fine Sugar, then take a spoonful of Runnet to two quarts of Milk, set it by, and keep it close covered, and so let it stand; when the Cheese comes, strew a little fine Su­gar and grated Nutmeg, and serve it in with Sippets, Sops in Sack, or Muskadine.

65. To make an Artichoak-pye.

Take the bottoms of six Artichoaks, boyled very tender, put them in a Dish, and some Vinegar over them, season them with Ginger and Sugar, a little Mace whole, and put them in a Coffin of Paste; when you lay them in, lay some Marrow and Dates sliced, and a few Raisins of the [Page 275] Sun in the bottom, with good store of but­ter; when it is half baked, take a Gill of Sack, being boyled first with Sugar, and a peel of Orange: Put it into the Pye, and set it in the Oven again, till you Use it.

66. To make Marrow-pasties.

Shred the Marrow and Apples together, and put a little sugar to them; put them into puff-paste, and fry them in a pan with fresh butter, and serve them up to the Ta­ble, with a little white sugar strewed on it.

67. To make Green Sauce.

Take a good handful of Sorrel, beat it in a Mortar with Pippins pared, and quar­tered, with a little Vinegar and Sugar; put it into Saucers.

Or take Sorrel, beat it, and stamp it well in a Mortar, squeeze out the juice of it, and put thereto a little Vinegar, sugar, and two hard Eggs minced small, a little Nutmeg grated, and butter; set this upon the Coals, till it is hot, and pour it into the Dish on the sippets: This is sauce for Hen, and Veal, and Bacon.

68. To pickle Oysters.

Take a quart of the largest great Oy­sters with the Liquor, wash them clean, and wipe them, add to them a pint of fair water, with half a pint of White-Wine-Vinegar, half an Ounce of whole Pepper, an handful of Salt, a quarter of an Ounce of large Mace, with the Li­quor of the Oysters strained; put all to­gether in a pipkin over a soft Fire, let them simper together a quarter of an hour; when the Oysters are enough, take them up, and put them into a little fair water and Vinegar, till they be cold, the pickle boyling a quarter of an hour after the Oy­sters are taken up; both being cold, put them up together: When you Use them, Garnish the Dish with Barberries, and Limons, and a little Mace and Pepper, and pour in some of the Pickle.

69. To make S [...] Cellops, of Ve [...]

Cut out your Fillet [...] very broad slices, fat and lean, not to thick: Take eight Eggs, beat them very well with a [Page 277] little Salt, grate a whole Nutmeg, take a handful of Thyme, and strip it; then take a pound of Sausages, half a pint of stewing Oysters of the largest, wash and cleanse them from the gravel, then half-fry your Veal with sweet Butter, then put in your Sausages and Oysters; then take a quarter of a pound of Capers, shred them very small, with three Anchovies dissolved in White-wine and fair water, so put in your Eggs, shred Capers and Anchovies, Butter and Spice, and mingle them, and strew them in the pan upon the Veal and Oysters, serve it with Sip­pets, with a little fresh Butter and Vine­gar, with Limons sliced, and Barberries, with a little Salt. You must have a care to keep the Meat stirring, lest the Eggs curdle with the heat of the Fire.

70. To make a rare White-Pot.

Take three pints of Cream, whole Cinamon, a little sliced Nutmeg; set on the Cream and Spice, and scald it, take a penny-loaf, and slice it very thin, take a couple of Marrow-bones, lay the Mar­row sliced on the bottom of the Dish, upon the Marrow lay the Bread, then lay Rai­sins [Page 278] of the Sun over the Bread, and lay Marrow again, as before: To the three pints of scalded Cream add nine Yolks of Eggs well beaten with Rose-water; sweeten the Cream with white Sugar, and take out the whole Cinamon, and beat the Cream and Eggs well, fill up a broad shal­low Bason, and bake it, when it is enough, scrape fine Sugar on it, and stick it with red and white Muscadoes, and so serve it.

71. To make a very fine Custard.

Take a quart of Cream, and boyl it with whole Spice; then beat the Yolks of ten Eggs, and five whites, mingle them with a little Cream, and when your Cream is almost cold, put your Eggs into it, and stir them very well, then sweeten it, and put out your Custard into a deep Dish, and bake it; then serve it in with French Comfits strewed on it.

72. To make minc'd Pyes of an Eel.

Take a fresh Eel, flea it, and cut off the Fish from the Bones, mince it small; [Page 279] then pare two or three Wardens, or Pears, mince of them as much as of the Eel, tem­per them together, and season them with Ginger, Pepper, Cloves, Mace, Salt, a little Sanders, some C [...]rrans, Raisins, Pruans, Dates, Verjuice, Butter, and Rose-water.

73. To bake Rabbits, to be eaten cold.

When your Rabbits are par-boyled, take out all the Bones you can well take out, and Lard them, then season them with Pepper, Salt, Cloves, Mace, and Nutmegs, with a good quantity of Savou­ry, and forc'd Meat; then put them into your prepared Coffin, put in Butter, and close your Pye, bake it, and when it is cold, fill it with Clarified Butter.

74. To bake a Ioll of Ling in a Pye.

Let your Ling be almost boyled, and then season it with Pepper only, (the skin being first taken off, strew the bottom of your prepared Coffin with an Onion or two minced small; close your Pye, and [Page 280] bake it; then take the Yolks and Whites of about a dozen Eggs, not boyled alto­gether hard; mince them small with your Knife, and put them into drawn Butter, toss them together; then draw your Pye, and pour in this Lear of Eggs all over, and shake it together, so put on your Lid, and Dish your Pye.

75. To Bake a Turkey.

Boyl and Lard your Turkey, when it is par-boyled, season it with Pepper, salt, and a little Cloves and Mace; then put him into your prepared Coffin, lay on Butter, and close it; put the Head on the top with your Garnish, then bake it, and fill it with Clarified Butter when it is cold.

76. To Roast Calves-Feet.

First, boyl them tender, and blanch them, and being cold, Lard them thick with small Lard, then spit them on a small spit, and Roast them; serve them with sauce made of Vinegar, Cinamon, Sugar, and Butter.

77. To bake a Goose.

Break the bones of your Goose, and par-boyl him, then season him with Pep­per and Salt, and a little Cloves and Mace; if pou please, you may bake a Rabbit or two with it, because your stubble-Geese are very Fat, and your Rabbits dry, you need not Lard either; bake it in good hot butter-paste.

78. To make Apple-pyes, to Fry.

Take about twelve Pippins, pare them, cut them, and almost cover them with water, and almost a pound of Sugar, let them boyl on a gentle Fire close covered, with a stick of Cinamon, minced Orange-peel, a little Dill seed beaten, and Rose-water, when this is cold and stiff, make them into little Pasties, with rich Paste, and so fry them.

79. To make a Rare Dutch Pudding.

Take a pound and a half of Fresh Beef, all Lean, with a pound and a quarter of Beef-suet, both sliced very small; then take a stale half-penny loaf, and grate it, a handful of Sage, a little Winter-savou­ry, and a little Thyme; shred these very small, take four Eggs, half a pint of Cream, a few Cloves, Nutmegs, Mace, and Pepper finely beaten; mingle them all together very well with a little Salt, roul it all up together in a green Colwort-Leaf, and then tye it up hard in a Linnen Cloath: Garnish your Dish with grated bread, and serve it up with Mustard in Saucers.

80. To make Sausages.

Take Pork, more Lean than Fat, mince it exceeding small together; then take part of the Fleak of Pork, which is the Suet, in pieces, about the bigness of the top of your Finger, season each apart, with Sage minced, good store of Pepper and Salt, with some Cloves and Mace [Page 283] mixt in the seasoning each of them; then take small Sheeps-guts, and cleanse them, (some use Capons-guts) and fill them with your Funnel; always putting some of the fleak between the minced; if you have it ready, you may sprinkle a little Sack on the top of the Sausage-meat, and it will make it fill the better.

81. To stew Beef in Gobbets, the French Fashion.

Take a Flank of Beef, or any part but the Leg, cut it into slices, or Gobbets as big as Pullets-Eggs, with some Gobbets of Fat, and boyl it in a Pot or Pipkin with some fair Spring-water, scum it clean, and after it hath boyled an hour, put to it Carrots, Parsnips, Turnips, great O­nions, some Salt, Cloves, Mace, and whole Pepper; cover it close, and stew it, till be very tender; and half an hour before its ready put into it some pick'd Thyme, Parsley, Winter-savoury, Sweet Mar­joram, Sorrel, and Spinage (being a little bruised with the back of a Ladle) with some Claret-Wine: Then Dish it on fine Sippets, and serve it to the Table hot; Garnish it with Grapes, Barberries, [Page 284] or Gooseberries: Or else use Spices, the bottoms of boyled Artichoaks put into beaten Butter, and grated Nutmeg, gar­nished with Barberries.

82. To boyl a Capon, or Chicken with Sugar-pease.

When the Cods be but young, string them, and pick off the Husks; then take two or three handfuls, and put them into a Pipkin, with half a pound of sweet Butter, a quarter of a pint of fair water, gross Pepper, Salt, Mace, and some Sal­let-Oyl; stew them till they be very ten­der, and strain to them three or four yolks of Eggs, with six spoonfuls of Sack.

83. To boyl Perches.

Let your Liquor boyl, and your pan be seasoned with a little White-wine, a couple of Onions cut in halves, a bunch of sweet Herbs, and a little white Pep­per; boyl them up very quick, and flea them on both sides, and Dish them upon Sippets: Then take a little White-wine, Gravy, and Vinegar, with a grated Nut­meg, and almost boyl it over a Chafing-dish, [Page 285] then pour sweet Butter over it; Garnish it with Barberries, and sliced Lim­ons.

84. To boyl Eels.

Cut the Eels, and stew them; when they are half done, beat a little Ale with Vinegar, and put into the Liquor, with some Parsley and sweet Herbs; Dish them, and serve them up in their broath with a little salt.

85. A Turkish Dish of Meat.

Take an inter-larded piece of Beef, cut into thin slices, and put it into a pot with a close cover, or stewing-pan; then put into it a good quantity of clean pick'd Rice, skin it very well, and put into it a quantity of whole Pepper, two or three whole Onions, and let it boyl very well, and take out the Onions, and Dish it on Sippets; the thicker it is, the better.

86. To boyl a Chine of Beef powdered.

Take either a Chine, Rump, Surloin, Brisket, Rib, Flank, Buttock, or Fillet of Beef, and give them in Summer, a weeks powdering, in Winter a Fortnight, you may stuff them, or let them be plain; if you stuff them, do it with all manner of sweet Herbs, with Fat Beef minced, and some Nutmeg; serve them on Brewis, with Roots, or Cabbage boyled in Milk, with beaten Butter.

87. To make a Hash of a Capon or Pullet.

Take a Capon, or Partridge, or Hen, and Roast them, and being cold, mince the Brains and Wings very fine, and tear the Legs and Rumps whole, to be Car­bonado [...]d; then put some strong Mutton-broath, or good Gravy, grated Nutmeg, a great Onion and salt; then stew them in a large Earthen Pipkin, or sauce-pan, stew the Rumps and Legs in the same strong Broath in another pipkin; then take some light French Bread chipt, and [Page 287] cover the bottom of the Dish, steep the bread in the same broath, or good Mut­ton Gravy, then pour the Hash on the steeped bread, lay the Legs, and the Rump on the Hash with some fryed Oysters, sli­ced Limon, and Limon-peel, the juice of an Orange, and Yolks of Eggs strained, and beaten butter; Garnish the Dish with carved Oranges, Limons, &c. Thus you may Hash any kind of Fowl.

88. To Dress a Cods-Head.

Cut off the Cods-Head beyond the Gills, that you may have part of the bo­dy with it, boyl it in water and salt, to which you may add half a pint of Vine­gar, the Head must be little more than covered: Before you put it into the Caul­dron, take a quart of the biggest, clean­est Oysters, and a bunch of sweet Herbs and Onions, and put them into the mouth of the Head, and with a pack-thread bind the Jaws fast, you must be sure to pick it, and wash it very clean: When it is boyled enough, take it up, and set it a drying over a Chafing-dish of Coals; then take the Oyster-Liquor, four Anchovies, and a sliced Onion; put to them a quar­ter [Page 288] of a pint of White-wine, and sweet butter, and melt them together, and pour it on the Cods-Head; stick all, or most of the Oysters upon the Head, or where they will enter, and Garnish it over with them; grate on a little Nutmeg, and send it smoaking up; garnish the brims of the Dish with Limon, and sliced Bay-leaves.

89. To boyl Widgeons, or Teal.

Par-boyl your Widgeons, or Teal, and then stick whole Cloves in their breasts, put into their bellies a little Winter-savo­ry, or Parsley; boyl them in a Pipkin by themselves, thicken it with Toasts, sea­son it with Verjuice, sugar, and a little Pepper; Garnish your Dish with Barber­ries, and Pruans, and so serve them.

90. To make a Veal-pye.

When your Paste is raised, then cut your Leg of Veal into pieces, and season it with Pepper, Nutmeg, and salt, with some whole large Mace, and so lay it into your prepared Coffin, with good store of Raisins of the sun, and Currans, and fill [Page 289] it up with sweet Butter; then close it, and set it in the Oven, and when bak'd, serve it hot.

91. To make fry'd Puddings.

Take grated bread, Currans, Cloves, and Mace, with Beef-suet, and Sugar, and one Yolk of an Egg beaten; mix all well together, and make them into flat bowls, then fry them in Beef-suet, and garnish your Dish with Sugar; serve them always at the First Course.

92. To bake a Breast of Veal.

First, par-boyl it, and take out the long bones, and so lay it in a Dish in Vinegar two or three hours; then take it out, and season it with Pepper and Salt, and so lay it into a thin fine Paste, with good store of fine sweet Herbs, finely chopt, and good store of Butter, or Marrow; then bake it, then put in some juice of Oran­ges, and Sugar, and serve it hot.

93. To make a Paste for all man­ner of Tarts.

Take very sweet butter, and put into fair water, and make it boyl on the Fire; then take the finest Flower you can get, and mix them well together, till it come to a Paste, and so raise it; but if you doubt that it will not be stiff enough, then you may mix some Yolks of Eggs with it, as you temper all your stuff together.

94. To make a baked Pudding.

Grate a penny-loaf, and put thereto more suet than bread minc'd small, with some Nutmeg and Sugar, and two Yolks of Eggs, tempering it only with Rose-water: Then butter a little Pewter Dish in the bottom, and put your stuff after it is well tempered, thereinto, then bake it; when 'tis bak'd, stir it up from the bottom of the Dish, and so turn the un­der-side uppermost, then strew some Su­gar upon it, and upon the brims of the Dish, and serve it first to the Table.

95. To boyl Sparrows, Larks, or other small Birds.

Take a Ladle-ful of strong Mutton-broath, a little whole Mace, and a hand­ful of Parsley; put in a little Winter-Sa­voury, season it with Verjuice, Sugar, and a little Pepper; thicken it with a spoonful of Cream, and the Yolk of an Egg.

96. To boyl a Capon with Aspa­ragus.

Boyl your Capon, or Chicken in fair water, and some salt, then put in their bel­lies a little Mace, chopped Parsley, and sweet Butter; being boyled, serve them on Sippets, and put a little of the Broath on them: Then have a bundle or two of Asparagus boyled, put in beaten butter, and serve it on your Capon, or Chicken.

97. To boyl a Chicken, or Capon in white broath.

First, boyl the Capon in water and salt, then three pints of strong Broath, and a quart of White-wine, and stew it in a Pipkin with a quarter of a pound of Dates, half a pound of fine Sugar, four or five blades of large Mace, the Marrow of three Marrow-bones, a handful of white En­dive; stew these in a Pipkin very leisurely, that it may but only simper, then being finely stewed, and the broath well tasted, strain the Yolks of ten Eggs with some of the broath, before you Dish up the Ca­pons, or Chickens, put the Eggs into the broath, and keep it stirring, that it may not Curdle, give it a walm, and set it from the Fire; the Fowls being Dish'd up, put on the Broath, and Garnish the Meat with Dates, Marrow, large Mace, En­dive, Preserved Barberries, Oranges, boyled Skirrets, Pomgranats, and Ker­nels. Make a Lear of Almond-Paste, and Grape-Verjuice.

98. To boyl a Capon with Sage and Parsley.

First, boyl it in water and salt, then boyl some Parsley, Sage, two or three Eggs hard, and chop them; then have a few thin slices of fine Manchet, and stew all together, but break not the slices of bread; stew them with some of the broath wherein the Capon boyls, some large Mace, Butter, a little White-wine, or Vinegar, with a few Barberries, or Grapes; Dish up the Chickens on the sauce, and run them over with sweet Butter and Li­mon cut like Dice, the peel being cut like small Lard, and boyl a little peel with the Chickens.

99. To Fry Rabbets with sweet Sauce.

Cut your Rabbet in pieces, wash it, and dry it well in a Cloath, take some fresh Butter, and fry the Rabbet in it; when your Rabbet is little more than half Fryed, take some slices shred very small, a quar­ter of a pint of Cream, the Yolks of a couple of Eggs, some grated Nutmeg and [Page 294] salt; when the Rabbet is enough, put them into the Pan, and stir them all toge­ther; take a little Vinegar, fresh Butter, and Sugar, melt it together, and so serve it with Sippets, the Dish Garnished with Flowers, &c.

100. To make a French pottage, called Skink.

Take a leg of Beef, and chop it into three pieces, then boyl it in a Pot with three Pottles of Spring-water, a few Cloves, Mace, and whole Pepper; after the Pot is scumm'd put in a bundle of sweet Marjoram, Rosemary, Thyme, Winter-savoury, Sage, and Parsley, bound up hard, some salt, and two or three great Onions whole, then about an hour before Dinner put in three Marrow-bones, and thicken it with some strained Oatmeal, or Manchet sliced and steeped with some Gravy, strong Broath, or some of the [...]tage, then a little before you Dish up the [...]nk, put into it a little fine powder of saffron, and give it a walm or two; Dish it on large slices of French Bread, and Dish the Marrow-bones on them in a fine clean large Dish; then have two or three [Page 295] Manchets cut into Toasts, and being fine­ly Toasted; lay on the Knuckle of Beef in the middle of the Dish, the Marrow-bones round about it, and the Toasts round about the Dish brim: serve it hot.

101. To make Gooseberry-Cream.

First boyl, or you may preserve your Gooseberries; then having a clear Cream boyled up, and seasoned with Old Cina­mon, Nutmeg, Mace, Sugar, Rose-wa­ter, and Eggs; Dish it up, and when it is cold, take up the Gooseberries with a pin, and stick them on in rounds as thick as they can lye upon the said Cream, Gar­nishing your Dish with them, and strew them over with the finest sugar, and serve them up.

102. To make a Quaking-pudding.

Take a Quart of sweet Cream, and near half a pound of Almonds blanched, and finely beaten; then strain them; and boyl it with large Mace, and season it with Rose-water and Sugar; then take ten Eggs, and five of their whites well beaten with small Cinamon, and two or three spoon­fuls [Page 296] of Flower; mix all well together, and make it of the thickness of Batter, then wet a Cloath, and rub it with Flower, ty­ing your Pudding round therein, and boyl it in Beef-broath two hours; take it up, and put a little White-wine, Sugar, and sliced Nutmeg into a Pewter Dish, and put your pudding into it; then scrape some sugar on the brims, and serve it.

103. To make clouted Cream.

Take New Milk, and set it on the Fire from Morning till Evening, but let it not boyl: And this is called, my Lady Youngs Clouted Cream.

104. To Souce a young pig.

Scald a Young Pig, boyl it in fair wa­ter, and White-wine, put thereto some Bay-leaves, whole Ginger, and Nutmegs quartered, and a few whole Cloves, boyl it throughly, and let it lye in the same Broath in an Earthen pot.

105. To make Polonian Sau­sages.

Take the Fillets of a Hog, chop them very small with a handful of Red Sage, season it hot with Ginger and Pepper; then put it into a great Sheeps-gut, let it lye three Nights in Brine, then boyl it, and hang it up in a Chimney where Fire is usually kept: These Sausages will keep a whole Year, and are good for Sallets, or to garnish boyled Meats, or to relish a Glass of Wine.

106. To keep Salmon fresh a whole Moneth.

First, boyl your Salmon as usually, then put it into an Earthen Pot, and cover it in good white Vinegar, putting there­to a branch of Rosemary, and keep it very close covered; and so you may keep it, that it will retain its perfect taste and delicacy for a Moneth, or more.

107. To make tender and delicate Brawn.

Put a Collar of Brawn in a Kettle of water, and set it into an Oven, as for Houshold-bread, cover it close, and let it stand as long as you would do bread, and it will be very excellent Brawn.

108. To keep powdered Beef, after it is boyled, sweet five or six weeks.

When your Beef hath been powdered about a fortnight, then boyl it well, and dry it with a Cloath, and wrap it in dry Cloaths, and put it into some Pot or Ves­sel, and keep it close from the Air, and it will keep sound two or three Moneths.

109. To Dress Neats-Tongues and Vdders.

When they are boyled enough in Beef-broath, and scumm'd, you must have your Turneps ready boyled, cut in pieces, and soak'd in butter, or else Colliflowers and Carrots, or all of them; then put the [Page 299] Turneps all over the bottom of a large Dish, then slice out the Tongues, and lay the sides one against another, slice the Ud­ders, and lay them between, opposite to one another; Garnish the Colliflowers all over them, and the Carrots up and down between the Colliflowers, with Barber­ries and Parsley on the brim of the Dish.

110. To make Pannado.

Take a quart of Running-water, and put it on the Fire in a Skillet, then cut a light Roul of bread in slices, about the bigness of a groat, and as thin as Wafers, lay it on a Dish on a few Coals, then put it into the water, with two handful of Cur­rans pick'd, and wash'd, a little large Mace, when it is enough, season it with Sugar and Rose-water.

111. To make Liver-Puddings.

Take the Guts of a Young Hog, wash them very clean, and lay them two or three days in water, take the Liver of the same Hog, and boyl it, till it will grate, then grate it very small and fine, take to the weight of the Liver almost the weight [Page 300] of Beef-suet, season it with salt, Cloves, Mace, and Nutmeg finely beaten, a pen­ny-loaf grated, a pound of the best white Sugar, two pound of good Currans, a pint of good Cream, a quarter of a pint of Rose-water, three Eggs; mix all to­gether to such a thickness, that you may fill the Guts, then prick them, and put them into boyling water, and keep an even Fire for half a quarter of an hour; then take them up, and lay them upon straw; you must have a care not to tye them too hard, nor too slack, lest they break in boyling.

112. To make a rare Citron-Pudding.

Take a penny-loaf, and grate it, a pint and half of Cream, half a dozen of Eggs, one Nutmeg sliced, a little salt, an Ounce of Candyed Citron sliced small, a little Candyed Orange-peel sliced, three Oun­ces of Sugar; put these into a wooden Dish well Flowred, and covered with a Cloath, and when the water boyleth put it in, boyl it well, and serve it up with Rose-water and Sugar, and stick it with Wafers, or blanched Almonds.

113. To bake a Gammon of Bacon.

Water it fresh enough, and seeth it as tender as you may to handle it, then pull off the skin, and stuff it with Parsley, Penny-royal, Thyme, Marjoram, Ma­rigolds, Camomile, and Sage, chop them small, and season them with Salt and Pep­per, Cloves, small Ra [...]sins, Yolks of Eggs hard Roasted; then stuff your Ba­con, and cut off the Lean of the Bacon, and mince it small, and take a handful of your stuffing, and mingle it with three or four Yolks of raw Eggs, and then put it upon the Gammon, then close on the skin again, and close it in Paste.

114. To boyl Woodcocks, or Snites.

Boyl them either in strong Broath, or in water and Salt, and being boyled, take out the Guts, and chop them small with the Liver, put to it some Crumbs of gra­ted White-bread, a little Cock-broath, and some large Mace; stew them toge­ther with some Gravy, then dissolve the Yolks of two Eggs in some Wine-Vine­gar, and a little grated Nutmeg; and [Page 302] when you are ready to Dish it, put in the Eggs, and stir it among the Sauce with a little Butter; Dish them on Sippets, and run the Sauce over them with some beaten Butter and Capers, a Limon minced small, Barberries, or whole pickled Grapes.

115. To make a made Dish of Apples.

Put on your Skillet of water with some Currans a boyling, then pare about a dozen of Pippins, and cut them from the Core into the said water; when they are boyled tender pour them into a Cul­lender, when the water is drained from them, put them into a Dish, and season them, (but stay till they are cold, lest it melt your Sugar) with Sugar, Rose-water, Cinamon, and Carraway-seeds, then roul out two sheets of Paste, put one into the Dish bottom, and all over the brims, then lay the Apples in the bottom round and high, wet it round, and cover it with the other sheet, close it, and carve it about the brims of the Dish as you please, prick it, and bake it, scrape Su­gar upon it, and serve it up.

116. To make a Fool.

Set two quarts of Cream over the Fire, let it boyl, then take the Yolks of twelve Eggs, and beat them very well, with three or four spoonfuls of cold Cream, and then strain the Eggs in the Skillet of hot Cream, stirring it all the time to keep it from burning, then set it on the Fire, and let it boyl a little while, but keep it still stirring, for fear of burning, then take it off, and let it stand and cool, then take two or three spoonfuls of Sack, and put it in the Dish, with four or five Sippets, set the Dish and Sippets a drying, and when they be dry that they hang to the Dish, sweeten the Cream, and pour it in­to the Dish softly, because the Sippets shall not rise up; this will make three Dishes: When it is cold it is fit to be eaten.

117. To boyl Flounders, or Iacks, the best way.

Take a pint of White-wine, the Tops of Young Thyme and Rosemary, a little whole Mace, a little whole Pepper, sea­soned [Page 304] with Verjuice, salt, and a piece of sweet Butter, and so serve it; you may do Fish in the same Liquor three or four times.

118. To boyl a Haunch of Ve­nison.

First, stuff your Venison with a hand­ful of sweet Herbs, and Parsley minced, with a little Beef-suet, and Yolks of Eggs boyled hard; season your stuffing with Pepper, Nutmeg, Ginger, and Salt; put your Haunch of Venison a boyling, being powdered before; then boyl up three or four Colliflowers in strong Broath, and a little Milk: When they are boyled, put them forth into a Pipkin, add to them drawn Butter, and keep them warm by the Fire; then boyl up two or three hand­fuls of Spinage in the same Liquor, when it is boyled up, pour out part of the broath, and put in a little Vinegar, and a Ladle­ful of sweet butter, and a grated Nutmeg; your Dish being ready with Sippets in the bottom, put on the Spinage round toward your Dish side; then take up the Venison, being boyled, and put it into the middle of your Dish, and put in your Colliflowers [Page 305] all over it, pour on your sweet butter over your Colliflowers, and Garnish it with Barberries, and the brims of the Dish with green Parsley minced; Cabbage is as good, done in the same manner as Col­liflowers.

119. To make an Eel-Pye.

Wash, flea, and cut your Eeels in pieces, put to them a handful of sweet Herbs, Parsley minced with an Onion, season them with Pepper, Salt, Cloves, Mace, and Nutmeg, and having your Coffin made of good Paste, put them in, and strew over them two handfuls of Currans, and a Lim­on cut in slices, then put on butter and close the Pye; when it is baked, put in at the Funnel a little sweet butter, White-wine, and Vinegar, beaten up with a couple of Yolks of Eggs.

120. To bake steaks, the French way.

Season the Steaks with Pepper, Nutmeg, and Salt lightly, and set them by; then take a piece of the leanest of the Leg of Mut­ton, and mince it small with some Beef-Suet, [Page 306] and a few sweet Herbs, as Tops of Thyme, and Penny-royal, grated bread, Yolks of Eggs, sweet Cream, Raisins of the Sun, &c. work all these together, and work it into little Balls, or Puddings, put them into a deep round Pye on the steaks; then put to them some Butter, and sprinkle it with Verjuice, close it up, and bake it, when it is enough cut it up, and Liquor it with a juice of two or three Oranges or Limons.

121. To make a Warden, or Pear-Pye.

Bake your Wardens, or Pears in an Oven, with a little water, and good quan­tity of Sugar, let your Pot be covered with a piece of dough; let them not be fully baked by a quarter of an hour; when they are cold, make a high Coffin, and put them in whole, adding to them some Cloves, whole Cinamon, Sugar, with some of the Liquor in the Pot, so bake it.

122. To stew a Trout.

Take a large Trout fair trim'd, and wash it, put it into a deep pewter Dish; then take half a pint of sweet Wine, with a lump of butter; and a little whole Mace, Parsley, Savoury, and Thyme; mince them all small, and put them into the bel­ly of the Trout, and so let it stew a quar­ter of an hour; then mince the Yolk of an hard Egg, and strew it on the Trout, lay the Herbs about it, scrape on Sugar, and serve it up.

123. To make sauce for Pigeons.

Melt some Vinegar and Butter together, and Roast some Parsley in the Belly of the Fowl; or else Vine-leaves, and mix it well together, and pour it on.

124. A General sauce for Wild-Fowl.

The most General sauce for Wild Fowl Roasted; as Ducks, Mallard, Wid­geon, Teal, Snipe, Shel-drake, Plovers, Puets, and the like, is only Mustard and Vinegar, or Mustard and Verjuice mixed [Page 308] together; or else an Onion, Water, and Pepper.

125. To Roast a Cows Vdder.

Boyl your Udder very well, then stick it thick all over with Cloves, and when it is cold spit it, and lay it on the Fire, and baste it very well with sweet butter, and when it is sufficiently Roasted and brown, draw it from the Fire, and put some Vinegar and Butter on a Chafing-dish of Coals, and crumb in some white-bread, and boyl it till it be thick, then put to it good store of Sugar and Cinamon, and putting it into a clean Dish, lay the Cows Udder therein, and trim the sides of the Dish with sugar, and so serve it.

126. To make a Spinage-Tart.

Take of good Spinage, and boyl it in White-wine, till it be very soft as Pap; then take it, and strain it well into a Pew­ter Dish, not leaving any unstrain'd: Put to it Rose-water, good store of Sugar, Cina­mon, & Rose-water, and boyl it till it be as thick as Marmalade, then let it cool, and afterward fill your Coffin, and adorn it, and serve it; it will be of a green colour.

127. To make a Tart of Rice.

Pick your Rice very clean, and boyl it in sweet Cream till it be very soft, then let it stand and cool; put to it good store of Cinamon and Sugar, and the Yolks of a couple of Eggs, and some Currans; stir and beat all well together: then having made a Coffin as for other Tarts, put your Rice therein, and spread it all over the Coffin, and break many small bits of sweet butter upon it all over, and scrape some Sugar over it, then cover the Tart and bake it, and serve it as other Tarts.

128. To make a Codling-Tart.

Take Green Apples from the Tree, and coddle them in scalding-water without breaking, then peel the thin skin from them, and so divide them into halves, and cut out the cores, and so lay them into the Coffin, and do as in a Pippin-Tart, and be­fore you cover it when the Sugar is cast in, sprinkle good store of Rose-water on it, then close it, and do as in the Pippin-Tart.

129. To make a Pippin-Tart.

Take of the fairest Pippins, and pare them, and then divide them just in halves, and take out the cores clean; then roul the Coffin flat, and raise off a small verge, of an Inch or more high; lay the Pippins with the hollow side down-ward, close one to another, then put in a few Cloves, a stick of Cinamon broken, and a little piece of Butter; cover all clean over with Sugar, and so cover the Coffin, and bake it as other Tarts; when it is bak'd boyl some Butter and Rose-water together, and annoint the Lid all over with it, then scrape, or strew on it good store of Su­gar, and so set it in the Oven again, and then serve it up.

130. To make a Cherry-Tart.

Take the fairest Cherries you can get, and pick them clean from Leaves and stalks, then spread out your Coffin, as for your Pippin-Tart, and cover the bot­tom with Sugar, then cover the Sugar all over with Cherries, then cover these Cher­ries with Sugar, some sticks of Cinamon, [Page 311] and a few Cloves; then lay in more Cher­ries, Sugar, Cinamon, and Cloves, till the Coffin be filled up, then cover it, and bake it in all points as the Codling, and Pippin Tarts, and so serve it. In the same manner you may make Tarts of Gooseberries, Strawberries, Rasberries, Bilberries, or any other Berry whatsoever.

131. To make a Minc'd-Pye.

Take a Leg of Mutton, or a Neats-Tongue, and par-boyl it well, the Mut­ton being cut from the Bone, then put to it three pound of the best Mutton-suet shred very small; then spread it abroad, and season it with salt, Cloves, and Mace; then put in good store of Currans, great Raisins, and Pruans, clean washed, and pick'd, a few Dates sliced, and some Orange-peels sliced; then being all well mixt together, put it into a Coffin, or many Coffins, and so bake them, and when they are served up open the Lids, and strew store of Sugar on the Top of the Meat, and upon the Lid.

132. To make a Calves-Foot-Pye.

Boyl your Calves-Feet very well, and then pick all the Meat from the Bones, when it is cold, shred it as small as you can, and season it with Cloves and Mace, and put in good store of Currans, Raisins, and Pruans; then put it into the Coffin with good store of sweet Butter, then break in whole sticks of Cinamon, and a Nutmeg sliced, and season it with Salt then close up the Coffin, and only leave a vent-hole, put in some Liquor made of Verjuice, Sugar, Cinamon, and Butter boyled together, and so serve it.

133. To make a Tansey.

Take a Certain Number of Eggs, ac­cording to the bigness of your Frying-pan, and break them into a Dish, taking away the white of every third Egg, then with a spoon take away the little white Chicken-knots, that stick upon the Yolks, then with a little Cream beat them very well together; then take of green Wheat-blades, Violet-leaves, Strawberry-leaves, [Page 313] Spinage, and Succory, of each a like quan­tity, and a few Walnut-Tree-buds; chop and beat all these very well, and then strain out the juice; mix it then with a little more Cream, put to it the Eggs, and stir all well together; then put in a few crumbs of fine grated bread, Cinamon, Nutmeg, and Salt; then put some sweet butter in­to a Frying-pan, and as soon as it is mel­ted, put in the Tansey, and Fry it brown without burning, and with a Dish turn it in the Pan as Occasion shall serve, strew good store of Sugar on it, and serve it up.

134. To Stew a Pike.

After your Pike is Drest and opened in the Back, and laid flat, as if it were to Fry, then lay it in a large Dish, put to it White-wine to cover it; set it on the Coals, and let it boyl gently, if scum arise, take it off, then put to it Currans, Sugar, Cinamon, Barberries, as many Pruans as will Garnish the Dish, then co­ver it close with another Dish, and let it stew till the Fruit be soft, and the Pike enough, then put to it a good piece of sweet Butter; with your Scummer take [Page 314] up the Fish, and lay it in a Dish with Sip­pets; then take a couple of Yolks only, of Eggs, and beat them together well with a spoonful of Cream, and as soon as the Pike is taken out, put it into the broath, and stir it exceedingly to keep it from curdling, then pour the broath upon the Pike, and trim the sides of the Dish with Sugar, Pruans, and Barberries, with sli­ces of Oranges and Limons, and so serve it up.

135. To Roast Venison.

If you will Roast any Venison, after you have wash'd it, and cleansed all the Blood from it, you must stick it with Cloves all over on the out-side, and if it be lean, lard it either with Mutton, or Pork-lard, but Mutton is best; then Spit it, and Roast it by a soaking Fire, then take Vinegar, Crumbs of Bread, and some of the Gravy that comes from the Venison, and boyl them well in a Dish, then season it with Sugar, Cinamon, Gin­ger, and Salt, and serve the Venison upon the Sauce when it is Roasted enough.

136. To Roast a piece of Fresh Sturgeon.

Stop your Sturgeon with Cloves, then Spit it, and let it Roast very leisurely, ba­sting it continually, which will take away the hardness; when it is enough, serve it upon Venison-sauce, with Salt only thrown upon it.

137. To boyl a Gurnet, or Roch.

First, draw your Fish, and then either split it, or Joynt it open in the Back, and Truss it round; then wash it clean, and boyl it in water and Salt, with a bunch of sweet Herbs; then take it up into a large Dish, and pour into it Verjuice, Nut­meg, Butter, and Pepper; after it hath stewed a little, thicken it with the Yolks of Eggs; then remove it hot into another Dish, and Garnish it with slices of Oran­ges and Limons, Barberries, Pruans, and Sugar, and so serve it up,

138. To make a Carp-Pye.

After you have drawn, wash'd and scalded a fair large Carp, season it with Pepper, Salt, and Nutmeg, and then put it into a Coffin, with good store of sweet Butter, and then cast on Raisins of the Sun, the juice of Limons, and some slices of Orange-peels, and then sprinkling on a little Vinegar, close it up, and bake it.

139. To make a Chicken-Pye.

After you have Trust your Chickens, then break their Legs and Breast-bones, and raise your Crust of the best Paste, lay them in a Coffin close together, with their Bodies full of Butter, then lay upon them, and underneath them, Currans, great Reasons, Pruans, Cinamon, Sugar, whole Mace and Sugar, whole Mace and Salt; then cover all with good store of Butter, and so bake it; then pour into it White-wine, Rose-water, Sugar, Cinamon, and Vinegar mixt together, with the Yolks of two or three Eggs beaten amongst it, and so serve it.

140. To make Almond-Cream.

Take blanched Almonds beaten in a Mortar very small, putting in now and then one spoonful of Cream to keep them from Oyling; then boyl as much Cream as you please with your beaten Almonds, together with a blade of Mace, and sea­son it with Sugar; then strain it, and stir it, till it be almost cold, and then let it stand till you serve it, and then Garnish your Dish with fine Sugar scraped there­on.

141. To make an Almond-pudding.

Take two pound of blanched Almonds, and beat them small, put thereto some Rose-water and Amber-greece often there­into as you beat them; then season them with Nutmeg and Sugar, and mix them with grated bread, Beef-suet, and two Eggs, and so put it into a Dish, tying a Cloath round about, and so boyl it.

142. To make Water-gruel.

Take a Pottle of Water, a handful of great Oatmeal, pickt and beat in a Mor­tar, put it in boyling; when it is half enough, put to it two handfuls of Cur­rans washed, a Faggot or two of sweet Herbs, four or five blades of large Mace, and a little sliced Nutmeg, let a Grain of Musk be infused a while in it; when it is enough, season it with Sugar and Rose-water, and put to it a little drawn But­ter.

143. To Stew Sausages.

Boyl them a little in fair water and Salt, and for sa [...]c [...], boyl some Currans alone; when they be almost tender, pour out the water from them, and put to them a little White-wine, Butter, and Sugar, and so serve it.

144. To make a Rare Fricacie.

Take Young Rabbits, Young Chick­ens, or a Rack of Lamb, being cut one Rib from another, and par-boyl either of [Page 319] these well in a Frying-pan with a little water and salt, then pour the water and salt from it, and Fry it with sweet But­ter, and make sauce with three Yolks of Eggs beaten well, with six spoonfuls of Verjuice, and a little shred Parsley, with some sliced Nutmeg, and scalded Goose­berries; when it is fryed, pour in the sauce all over the Meat, and so let it thick­en a little in the pan; then lay it in a Dish with the sauce, and serve it.

145. To make an Oatmeal-pudding.

Take a pint of Milk, and put to it a pint of large, or midling Oatmeal, let it stand on the Fire till it be scalding hot, then let it stand by, and soak about half an hour, then pick a few sweet Herbs, and shred them, and put in half a pound of Currans, and half a pound of Suet, and about two spoonfuls of Sugar, and three or four Eggs; these put into a bag, and boyled, do make a very good Pudding.

146. To make an Almond-Tart.

Raise an Excellent good Paste with six Corners, an Inch deep; then take some blanched Almonds very finely beaten with Rose-water, take a pound of Sugar to a pound of Almonds, some grated Nutmeg, a little Cream, with strain'd Spinage, as much as will colour the Almonds green, so bake it with a gentle heat in an Oven, not shutting the Door; draw it, and stick it with Candyed Orange, Citron, and put in red and white Muskadine.

147. To boyl Pigeons with Rice.

Boyl your Pigeons in Mutton-broath, putting sweet-Herbs in their bellies; then take a little Rice, and boyl it in Cream with a little whole Mace, season it with Sugar, lay it thick on their breasts, wring­ing also the juice of a Limon upon them, and so serve them.

148. To Barrel up Oysters.

Open your Oysters, take the Liquor from them, and mix it with a reasonable quantity of the best White-wine-Vinegar, with a little Salt and Pepper; then put the Oysters into a small Barrel, and fill them up with this Pickle, and this will keep them six Moneths sweet and good, and with their Natural taste.

149. To make a Cowslip-Tart.

Take the blossoms of a Gallon of Cow­slips, mince them exceeding small, and beat them in a Mortar, put to them a handful or two of grated Naple-Bisket, and about a pint and a half of Cream; boyl them a little on the Fire, then take them off, and beat in eight Eggs with a little Cream; if it do not thicken, put it on the Fire till it doth, gently, but take heed it Curdles not; season it with Sugar, Rose-water, and a little Salt: Bake it in a Dish, or little open Tarts; it is best to let your Cream be cold before you stir in the Eggs.

150. To bake a Calves-Head, to be eaten cold.

You must half-boyl a fair Calves-head, then take out all the Bones on both sides, and season it with the afore-said seasoning, and lard it with Bacon, and a little Limon­peel; then having a Coffin large enough, not very high, nor very thick, but make it four-square, lay on some sheets of Lard on the top, and butter; when it is bak'd, and cold, fill it with Clarified Butter.

151. To make Pear-Puddings.

Take a cold Capon, or half roasted, which is much better; then take suet shred very small, the Meat and Suet together, with half as much grated bread, two spoonfuls of Flower, Nutmegs, Cloves, and Mace; Sugar as much as you please, half a pound of Currans, the Yolks of two Eggs, and the white of one, and as much Cream as will make it up into a stiff Paste: Then make it up in Fashion of a Pear, a stick of Cinamon for the stalk, and the Head of a Clove.

152. To make a Hotch-pot.

Take a piece of Brisket Beef, a piece of Mutton, a Knuck [...]e of Veal, a good Cullender of Pot-herbs, half minced Car­rots, Onions, and Cabbage a little bro­ken; boyl all these together untill they be very thick.

153. To make a Tart of Medlars.

Take Medlars that are rotten, then scrape them, and set them upon a Cha­fing-dish of Coals, season them with the Yolks of Eggs, Sugar, Cinamon, and Ginger; let it boyl well, and lay it on Paste, scrape on Sugar, and serve it.

154. To make a Limon [...]Caudle.

Take a pint of White-wine, and a pint of Water, and let it boyl, put to it half a Manchet, cut as thin and small as you can, put it in with some large Mace; then beat the Yolks of two Eggs to thicken it, then squeeze in the juice of half a dozen Limons, and season it with Sugar and Rose-water.

155. To make an Italian Pudding.

Take a fine Manchet, and cut it in small pieces like Dice, then put to it half a pound of Beef-suet minced small, Rai­sins of the Sun, Cloves, Mace, Dates minced, Sugar, Marrow, Rose-water, Eggs, and Cream; mingle all these to­gether, put them in a butter'd Dish; in less than an hour it will be well baked, when its enough, scrape on Sugar, and serve it up.

156. To make a rare Pudding, to be bak'd or Boyled.

Beat a pound of Almonds as small as possible, put to them some Rose-water and Cream as oft as you beat them; then take one pound of Beef-suet finely min­ced, with five Yolks of Eggs, and but two of their whites; make it as thin as B [...]tter for Fritters, mixing it with sweet thick Cream, seasoning it with beaten Mace, Sugar, and Salt; then set it into the Oven in a Pewter Dish, and when you draw it forth, strew some Sugar on the top of your Pudding, and Garnish [Page]

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[Page] [Page 325] your Dish with Sugar, and serve it al­ways first to the Table.

157. To make a Gooseberry-Custard.

When you have cut off the sticks and Eyes of your Gooseberries, and wash'd them, then boyl them in water till they will break in a spoon, then strain them, and beat half a dozen Eggs, and stir them together upon a Chafing-dish of Coals with some Rose water, then sweeten it very well with Sugar, and always serve it cold.

158. To make a Fricacie of Rabbits.

Cut your Rabbits in small pieces, and mince a handful of Thyme and Parsley to­gether, and season your Rabbits with a Nutmeg, Pepper, and Salt; then take two Eggs and Verjuice beaten together, then throw it in the Pan, stick it, and dish it up in Sippets.

159. To make Cracknels.

Take five or six pints of the finest wheat-flower you can get, to which put in a spoonful, and not more, of good Yeast; then mingle it well with Butter, Cream, and Rose-water, and Sugar finely beaten, and working it well into Paste, make it into what form you please, and bake it.

160. To make Pancakes.

Put eight Eggs to two quarts of Flower, casting by four whites, season it with Ci­namon, Nutmeg, Ginger, Cloves, Mace, and Salt; then make it up into a strong B [...]tter with Milk, beat it well together, and put in half a pint of Sack, make it so th [...]n, that it may run in your pan how you please, put your Pan on the Fire with a little Butter, or suet, when it is very hot, take a Cloath and wipe it out, so make your Pan very clean, then put in your Batter, and run it very thin, supply it with little bits of Butter, so toss it often, and bake it crisp and brown.

161. To make a Iunket.

Take Ewes, or Goats-Milk, or for want of these, Cows-Milk, and put it over the Fire to warm, then put in a little Run­net, then pour it out into a Dish, and let it cool, then strew on some Cinamon and Sugar, and take some of your Cream and lay on it, scrape on sugar, and serve it.

162. To make Excellent Marrow-Spinage-pasties.

Take Spinage, and chop it a little, then boyl it till it be tender; then make the best Rich light Crust you can, and roul it out, and put a little of your Spinage into it, and Currans, and Sugar, and store of lump of Marrow; clap the Paste over this to make little Pasties deep within, and Fry them with Clarified Butter.

163. To make a Pine-Apple-Tart.

Beat two handfuls of Pine-Apples with a prick'd Quince, and the pulp of two or three Pippins; when they are well beaten, put to them half a pint of Cream, a little [Page 328] Rose-water, the Yolks of six Eggs, with a handful of sugar, if it be thick, add a litte more Cream to it, so having your thin low Coffins for it dryed, fill them up, and bake them; you may Garnish them with Orangado, or Lozenges of Sugar-Plate, or what else you please.

164. To dry Neats-Tongues.

Take Bay-salt beaten very fine, and Salt-petre, of each alike, and rub over your Tongues very well with that, and cover all over with it, and as it wastes put on more, and when they are very hard and stiff they are enough; then roul them in Bran, and dry them before a soft Fire, and before you boyl them, let them lye one Night in Pump-water, and boyl them in the same water.

165. To stew Birds, the Lady Butlers way.

Take small Birds, pick them, and cut off their Legs, Fry them in sweet Butter, lay them in a Cloath to dry up the But­ter; then take Oysters, and mince them, and put them in a Dish, put to them white-wine [Page 329] and Cinamon, put in the Birds wi [...]h Cloves, Mace, and Pepper; let all these stew together covered till they be enough, then put into it some Sugar, and some toasted Manchet, and put it in the Dish, and so serve it up to the Table.

166. To make a sweet-Pye, with Lamb-stones, and Sweetbreads, and Sugar.

Slit the Lamb-stones in the middle, and skin them, wash the Sweetbreads, both of Veal and Lamb, and wipe them very dry; take the Lambs Liver, and shred it very small, take the Udder of a Leg of Veal, and slice it; season all with a little Salt, Nutmeg, Mace, and Cloves beaten, and some whole Pepper; then shred two or three Pippins and Candyed Limon and Orange-peel, half a dozen Dates sliced, with Currans, white Sugar, a few Car­raway-seeds, a quarter of a pint of Ver­juice, and as much Rose-water, a couple of Eggs; roul up all these together in little Puddings, or Balls made green with the juice of Spinage, and lay a Pud­ding, then a sweetbread, then a Lamb­stone, till you have filled up the Pye, and [Page 330] cover them with Dates, and sliced Citron, and Limon. When it is drawn, take two or three Yolks of Eggs, beat them, and put to them a little fresh Butter, white-wine and Sugar, and pour it into the Tun­nel, scrape some Loaf-sugar upon the Lid, and so serve it.

167. To Roast Eels.

When they are flea'd, cut them to pieces, about three or four Inches long, dry them, and put them into a Dish, mince a little Thyme, two Onions, a piece of Limon-peel, a little Pepper beaten small, Nutmeg, Mace, and Salt; when it is cut exceeding small, strew it on the Eels, with the Yolks of two or three Eggs; then ha­ving a small Spit (or else a couple of square sticks made for that purpose) spit through the Eels cross-ways, and put a Bay-leaf between every piece of Eel, and tying the sticks on a spit, let them Roast; you need not turn them constantly, but let them stand till they hiss, or are brown, and so do them on the other side, and put the Dish (in which the Eel was with the seasoning) underneath, to save the Gra­vy; baste it over with sweet butter. The [Page 331] sauce must be a little Claret-wine, some minced Oysters, with their Liquor, a grated Nutmeg, and an Onion, with sweet Butter, and so serve it.

168. To boyl Cocks, or Larks.

Boyl them with the Guts in them in strong Broath, or fair water, and three or four whole Onions, large Mace, and Salt; the Cocks being boyled, make sauce with some thin slices of Manchet, or gra­ted bread in another Pipkin, and some of the broath where the Fowl, or the Co [...]ks boyl; then put to it some butter, and the Guts and Liver minced; then take some Yolks of Eggs dissolved with Vinegar, and some grated Nutmeg; put it to the other Ingredients, stir them together, and dish the Fowl in fine Sippets, pour on the sauce with some sliced Limon, Grapes, or Bar­berries, and run it over with beaten but­ter.

169. To broyl Oysters.

Lake the biggest Oysters you can get, then take a little minced Thyme, grated Nutmeg, grated bread, and a little salt, [Page 332] put this to the Oysters; then get some of the largest bottom-shells, and place them on the Grid-Iron, and put two or three Oysters in each shell, then put some but­ter to them, and let them simper on the Fire till the Liquor bubbles low, supply­ing it still with butter; when they are crisp, feed them with White-wine and a little of their own Liquor, with a little grated bread, Nutmeg, and minced Thyme, but as much only as to relish it, so let it boyl up again; then add some drawn but­ter to thicken them, and Dish them.

170. To pickle Oysters.

Take a quart of the largest great Oy­sters with the Liquor, wash them clean, and wipe them, add to them a pint of fair water, and half a pint of White-wine-Vinegar, half an Ounce of whole Pep­per, an handful of salt, a quarter of an Ounce of large Mace, with the Liquor of the Oysters strained; put all together in a Pipkin over a soft Fire, let them simper together a quarter of an hour; when the Oysters are enough, take them up, and put them into a little fair water and Vine­gar till they be cold; let the Pickle boyl [Page 333] a quarter of an hour after the Oysters are taken up; both being cold, put them up together: When you use them, Garnish the Dish with Barberries and Limon, and a little of the Mace and Pepper, and pour in some of the Pickle.

171. To make English Pottage.

Make it with Beef, Mutton, and Veal, putting in some Oatmeal, and good Pot-Herbs, as Parsley, Sorrel, Violet-leaves, and a very little Thyme, and sweet Mar­joram, scarce to be tasted, and some Ma­rigold-leaves at last; you may begin to boyl it over-Night, and let it stand warm all Night, and make an end of boyling it next Morning; it is good to put into the Pot at first twenty or thirty Corns of whole Pepper.

172. To stew Beef.

Take very good Beef, and slice it very thin, and beat it with the back of a knife, put to it the Gravy of some Meat, and some Wine, and strong broath, sweet Herbs a quantity; let it stew till be very tender, season it to your liking; and var­nish [Page 334] your Dish with Marygold-flowers, or Barberries.

173. To make Excellent Minced-Pyes.

Par-boyl Neats-To [...]gues, then peel and hash them with as much as they weigh of Beef-suet and stoned Raisins, and pickt Currans; chop all exceeding small, that it be like Pap; employ therein at least an hour more than Ordinarily is used, then mingle a very little sugar with them, and a little Wine, and thrust in up and down some thin slices of green Candyed Citron-peel; and put this into Coffins of fine, light, well reared Crust; half an hours baking will be enough: If you strew a few Carraway Comfits on the top, it will not be amiss.

174. To Pickle Roast-beef, Chine, or Surloin.

Stuff any of the afore-said Beef with Penny-royal, or other sweet Herbs, or Parsley minced small, and some salt; prick in here and there a few whole Cloves, and Roast it; then take Claret-wine, wine-Vinegar, [Page 335] whole Pepper, Rosemary, Bays, and Thyme bound up close in a bundle, and boyled in some Claret-wine, and wine-Vinegar; make the pickle, and put some Salt to it, and pack it up in a Barrel that will but just hold it, put the pickle to it, close it on the Head, and keep it for your Use.

175. To make a double-Tart.

Peel Codlings tenderly boyled, cut them in halves, and fill your Tart; put into it a quarter of a hundred of Codlings, a pound and half of Sugar, a few Cloves, and a little Cinamon; close up the Coffin and bake it. When it comes out, cut off the lid, and having a Lid cut in flowers ready, lay it on, and Garnish it with Preserves of Damsons, Rasberries, Apri­cots, and Cherries, and place a Preserved Quince in the middle, and strew it with Sugar-biskets.

176. To make a Warden, or Pear-Pye.

Bake your Wardens, or Pears in an Oven, with a little water, and good [Page 336] quantity of Sugar; let your pot be cove­red with a piece of Dough, let them not be fully baked by a quarter of an hour; when they are cold, make a high Coffin, and put them in whole, adding to them some Cloves, whole Cinamon, Sugar, with some of the Liquor they were baked in, so bake it.

177. To bake a Pig, Court-Fashion.

Flea a small Young Pig, cut it in quar­ters, or in smaller pieces, season it with Pepper, Ginger, and Salt, lay it into a fit Coffin, strip, and mince small a hand­ful of Parsley, six springs of Winter-sa­voury, strew it on the Meat in the Pye, and strew upon that the Yolks of three or four hard Eggs minced, and lay upon them five or six blades of Mace, a handful of Clusters of Barberries, a handful of Cur­rans well washt and pickt, a little Su­gar, half a pound of sweet Butter, or more; close your Pye, and set it in an Oven as hot as for Manchet, and in three hours it will be well baked; draw it forth, and put in half a pound of Sugar, being warmed upon the Fire, pour it all over [Page 337] the Meat, and put on the Pye-lid again, scrape on Sugar, and serve it hot to the Table.

178. To make a Pudding of Hogs-Liver.

Boyl your Liver, and grate it, put to it more grated bread than Liver, with as much fine Flower, as of either, put twelve Eggs, to the value of a Gallon of this mixture, with about two pound of Beef-suet minced small, and a pound and half of Currans, half a quarter of a pint of Rose-water, a good quantity of Cloves and Mace, Nutmeg, Cinamon, and Gin­ger, all minced very small; mix all these with sweet Milk and Cream, and let it be no thicker than Fritter-Batter; To fill your Hogs-guts, you make it with the Maw, fit to be eaten hot at Table; in your knit­ting, or tying the Guts, you must re­member to give them three or four Inches scope: In your putting them into boyl­ing-water, you must handle them round, to bring the Meat equal to all parts of the Gut; they will ask about half an hours boyling, the boyling must be sober, if the wind ri [...]e in them, you must be ready to [Page 338] prick them, or else they will flye, and burst in pieces.

179. Olives of Beef stewed and Roasted.

Take a Buttock of Beef, and cut some of it into thin slices as broad as your hand, then hack them with the back of a knife, Lard them with small Lard, and season them with Pepper, Salt, and Nutmeg; then make a farsing with some sweet herbs, Thyme, Onions, the Yolks of hard Eggs, Beef-suet, or Lard, all minced, some Salt, Barberries, Grapes, or Gooseber­ries; season it with the former Spices lightly, and work it up together; then lay it on the slices, and roul them up round with some Caul of Veal, Beef, or Mut­ton, bake them in a Dish in the Oven, or Roast them; then put them in a Pipkin with some butter and Saffron, or none; blow off the Fat from the Gravy, and put it to them, with some Artichoaks, Pota­to, or Skir [...]ets blanched, being first boyl­ed, a little Claret-wine, and serve them on Sippets, with some slic'd Orange, Lim­on, Barberries, Grapes, or Gooseberries.

180. To make a French-Barley-Posset.

Put two quarts of Milk to half a pound of French-Barley, boyl it small till it is enough; when the Milk is almost boyled away, put to it three pints of good Cream, let it boyl together a quarter of an hour; then sweeten it, and put in Mace and Ci­namon in the beginning when you first put in your Cream; when you have done so, take White-wine a pint, or Sack and White-wine together, of each half a pint, sweeten it as you love it, with Sugar, pour in all the Cream, but leave your Barley behind in the skillet; this will make an Excellent Posset, nothing else but a tender Curd to the bottom; let it stand on the Coals half a quarter of an hour.

181. To bake chucks of Veal.

Par-boyl two pound of the lean Flesh of a Leg of Veal, mince it as small as grated Bread, with four pound of Beef-suet; then season it with Biskay, Dates, and Carraways, and some Rose-water, Su­gar, Raisins of the Sun, and Currans, [Page 340] Cloves, Mace, Nutmegs, and Cinamon, mingle them altogether, fill your Pyes, and bake them.

182. How to Stew a Mallard.

Roast your Mallard half enough, then take it up, and cut it in little pieces; then put it into a Dish with the Gravy, and a piece of fresh Butter, and a handful of Parsley chopt small, with two or three Oni­ons, and a Cabbage-Lettuce; let them stew one hour, then season it with Pep­per and Salt, and a little Verjuice, and so serve it.

183. To Stew a Rabbit.

Half-Roast it, then take it off the Spit, and cut it into little pieces, and put it into a Dish with the Gravy, and as much Li­quor as will cover it; then put in a piece of fresh Butter, and some powder and Ginger, Pepper and salt, two or three Pippins minced small; let these stew an hour, and Dish them upon Sippets, and serve it.

184. To make a Pigeon-Pye.

Truss your Pigeons to bake, and set them, and Lard the one half of them with Bacon, mince a few sweet herbs and Par­sley with a little Beef-suet, the Yolks of hard Eggs, and an Onion or two, season it with Salt, beaten Pepper, Cloves, Mace, and Nutmeg; work it up with a piece of butter, and stuff the bellies of the Pigeons, season them with Salt and Pep­per, as before: Take also as many Lamb-stones seasoned as before, with six Col­lops of Bacon, the salt drawn out; then make a round Coffin and put in your Pi­geons, and if you will, put in Lamb-stones and sweetbreads, and some Arti­choak-bottoms, or other dry Meat to soak up the Juice, because the Pye will be ve­ry sweet, and full of it; then put a little White-wine beaten up with the Yolk of an Egg, when it comes out of the Oven, and so serve it.

185. To Stew a Fillet of Beef, the Italian Fashion.

Take a Young tender Fillet of Beef, and take away all the skins and Sinews clean from it, put to it some good White-wine in a Boul, wash it, and crush it well in the Wine; then strew upon it a little Pep­per, and as much salt as will season it; mingle them very well, and put to it as much Wine as will cover it, lay a Tren­cher upon it to keep it down in a close pan, with a weight on it, and let it steep two Nights and a Day; then take it out, and put it into a Pipkin with some good Beef-broath, but none of the pickle to it, but only Beef-broath, and that sweet, and not salt; cover it close, and set it on the Embers, then put to it a few whole Cloves and Mace, and let it stew till it be enough; it will be very tender, and of an Excel­lent Taste: Serve it with the same broath as much as will cover it.

186. To boyl a Capon, or Chicken with several Compositions.

You must take off the skin whole, but leave on the Legs, Wings, and Head; mince the Body with some Beef-suet, or Lard, put to it some sweet Herbs minced, and season it with Cloves, Mace, Pep­per, Salt, two or three Eggs, Grapes, Gooseberries or Barberries, bits of Po­tato or Mushromes; in the Winter, with Sugar, Currans, and Pruans: Fill the skin, prick it up, and stew it between two Dishes, with large Mace, and strong broath, pieces of Artichoaks, Cardones, or Asparagus and Marrow; being finely stewed, serve it on Carved Sippets, and run it over with beaten butter, Limon sliced, and scrape on Sugar.

187. To broyl a Leg of Pork.

Cut your Pork into slices very thin, ha­ving first taken off the skinny part of the Fillet, then hack it with the back of your Knife, then mince some Thyme and Sage exceeding small, and mingle it with Pep­per and Salt, and therewith season your [Page 344] Collops, and then lay them on the Grid-Iron; when they are enough, make sauce for them with Butter, Vinegar, Mustard, and Sugar, and so serve them.

188. To make a Fricacie of Patridges.

After you have Trussed your Patridges, Roast them till they are almost enough, and then cut them to pieces; then having chopped an Onion very small, fry them therewith; then put to them half a pint of Gravy, two or three Anchovies, a lit­tle bread grated, some drawn butter, and the Yolks of two or three Eggs beaten up with a little White-wine; let them boyl till they come to be pretty thick, and so Dish them up.

189. To bake Calves-Feet.

You must season them with Pepper, Salt, and Currans, and then bake them in a Pye; when they are baked; take the Yolks of three or four Eggs, and beat them with Verjuice, or Vinegar, Sugar, and grated Nutmeg; put it into your Pye, then scrape on Sugar, and so serve it.

190. To Fry Neats-Tongues.

First, boyl them, and after blanch them, and then cut them into thin slices; season them with Nutmeg, Sugar, Cinamon, put to them the Yolks of raw Eggs, and a Limon cut into little square pieces, then Fry them in spoonfuls with sweet butter; make your sauce with White-wine, Sugar, and Butter, heat it hot, and pour it on your Tongues, scrape Sugar on it, and serve it.

191. To Roast a Hare.

When you Case your Hare, do not cut off his hinder Legs, or Ears, but hack one Leg through another, and so also cut a hole through one Ear, and put it through the other, and so Roast him; make your Sauce with the Liver of the Hare boyled, and minced small with a little Marjoram, Thyme, and Winter-Savoury, and the Yolks of thre or four hard Eggs, with a little Bacon and Beef-suet; boyl this all up with Water and Vinegar, and then grate a little Nutmeg, and put to it some sweet butter, and a little Sugar; Dish your [Page 346] Hare, and serve it. This may also serve for Rabbits.

192. To Roast a Shoulder of Mut­ton with Oysters.

Par-boyl your Oysters, then mince Winter-savoury, Thyme, Parsley, and the Yolks of five or six hard Eggs, hard boyled; add to these a half-penny loaf of grated bread, and three or four Yolks of Eggs; mingle all these together with your Hands, when you have Spitted your Mut­ton, make holes in it as big as you think convenient; put in your Oysters, with the other Ingredients, about twenty five, or thirty Oysters will be enough, let it Roast indifferent long, then take the remainder of a quart of Oysters, for you must have so many in all, and put them into a deep Dish with Claret-wine, two or three Onions cut in halves, and two or three Anchovies; put all this in the Drip­ping-pan under your Mutton, and save your Gravy, and when the Meat is enough, put your sauce upon the Coals, and put to it the Yolk of an Egg beaten, grated Nutmeg, and sweet butter; Dish your Mutton, and pour in your Oysters, Sauce and all upon it, Garnishing your [Page 347] Dish with Limons and Barberries.

193. A Rare Broath.

Take a couple of Cocks, and cut off their Wings and Legs, and wash them clean, and par-boyl them very well, till there rise no scum, then wash them again in fair water; then put them in a Pitcher with a pint of Rhenish Wine, and some strong Broath, as much as will cover them, together with a little China-Root, an Ounce or two of Harts-horn, with a few Cloves, Nutmeg, large Mace, Ginger shred, and whole Pepper, and a little Salt; stop up your Pitcher close, that no steam may come out; boyl the Pitcher in a great pot of water about six hours, then pour out the broath, and strain it into a Bason, and squeeze into it the juice of two or three Limons, and so eat it.

194. To bake Sweetbreads.

Boyl your Sweetbreads, and put to them the Yolks of two Eggs, new laid, grated bread, with some par-boyled Cur­rans, and three or four Dates minced; and when you have seasoned it lightly with Pepper, Sugar, Nutmeg, and Salt, [Page 348] put to it the juice of a Limon; put up all these together into Puff-paste, and so bake it.

195. To make Pottage of French-Barley.

Pick your Barley very clean from dirt, and dust, then boyl some Milk, and put it in while it boyls; when it is well boyled, put in a little salt, sugar, large Mace, and a little Cream; and when you have boyl'd it pretty thick, Dish it, and serve it up with Sugar scraped thereon.

196. To boyl a Hanch of Venison.

First, stuff your Venison with a hand­ful of sweet Herbs and Parsley minced with a little Beef-suet, and some Yolks of Eggs boyled hard; season your stuf­fing with Nutmeg, salt, and Ginger; ha­ving powdered your Hanch, boyl it, af­terwards boyl up two or three Colliflow­ers in strong broath, adding to it a little Milk; when they are boyled, put them into a Pipkin, and put to them drawn but­ter, keeping them warm; then boyl up two or three handfuls of Spinage in the [Page 349] same Liquor; when it is boyled up, pour out part of your Broath, and put to it a little Vinegar, a Ladle-ful of sweet but­ter, and a grated Nutmeg; your Dish being ready with Sippets on the bottom, put the Spinage round the sides of your Dish; when the Venison is boyled, take it up, and put it in the middle of the dish, lay your Colliflowers over it, pour on sweet Butter over that, Garnish it with Barberries, and some Parsley minced round the brims of the Dish.

197. To make a Florentine of Sweet-breads, or Kidneys.

Take three or four Kidneys, or Sweet-breads, and when they are par-boyled, mince them small; season it with a little Cinamon and Nutmeg, sweeten it with sugar and a little grated bread, with the Marrow of two or three Marrow-bones in good big pieces, add to these about a quarter of a pound of Almond-paste, and about half a pint of Malaga Sack, two spoonfuls of Rose-water, and Musk and Amber-greece, of each a grain, with a quarter of a pint of Cream, and three or four Eggs; mix all together, and make [Page 350] it up in puss-paste, then bake it; in three quarters of an hour it will be enough.

198. To stew a Rump of Beef.

Season your Beef with some Nutmeg grated, together with some salt and pep­per, season it on the bony side, and lay it in the Pipkin with the Fat side downward; then take two or three great Onions, and a bunch of Rosemary tyed up together with three pints of Elder-Vinegar, and three pints of Water; stew all these three or four hours together in a pipkin, close covered over a soft Fire; Dish it upon Sippets, blowing off the Fat from the Gravy, put some of the Gravy to the Beef, and serve it up.

199. To make Pottage of a Capon.

Take Beef and Mutton, and cut it into pieces; then boyl a large Earthen pot ot Water, take out half the water, put in your Meat, and skim it, and when it boyls season it with Pepper and salt; when it hath boyled about two hours, add four or five Cloves, half an hour before you think [Page 351] it is enough, put in your Herbs, Sorrel, Purslain, Burrage, Lettuce, and Bugloss, or green Pease; and in the Winter, par­sley-Roots, and white Endive; pour the Broath upon light bread toasted, and stew it a while in the Dish covered. If your water consume in boyling, fill it up with water boyling hot. The less there is of the broath, the better it is, though it be but a porringer-full, for then it would be as stiff as Jelly when it is cold.

200. To make a Pye with pip­pins.

Pare your pippins, and cut out the Cores; then make your Coffin of Crust, take a good handful of Quinces sliced, and lay at the bottom, then lay your pippins a top, and fill the holes where the Core was taken out with syrup of Quinces, and put into every pippin a piece of Orangado, then pour on the top syrup of Quinces, then put in sugar, and so close it up; let it be very well baked, for it will ask much soaking [...] especially the Quinces.

201. To boyl Pigeons, the Dutch way.

Lard, and set your Pigeons, put them into a Pipkin, with some strong broath made of Knuckles of Veal, Mutton, and Beef, let them be close covered, and when they are scumm'd, put in a Faggot of sweet Herbs, a handful of Capers, and a little large Mace, with a few Raisins of the Sun minced very small, about six Dates quartered, a piece of butter, with two or three Yolks of hard Eggs minced, with a handful of Grapes, or Barberries; then beat two Yolks of Eggs with Verjuice and some white-bread, a Ladle-full of sweet Butter, and a grated Nutmeg; serve it upon Sippets.

202. To make Excellent Black-puddings.

Beat half a score Eggs, the Yolks and Whites together very well; then take about a quart of Sheeps-blood, and as much Cream; when you have stirred all this well together, thicken it with grated bread, Oatmeal finely beaten, of each a [Page 353] like quantity; add to these some Marrow in little lumps, and a little Beef-suet shred small, season it with Nutmeg, Cloves, Mace mingled with Salt, a little sweet Marjoram, Thyme, and Penny-royal shred very well together; mingle all together, put to them a few Currans, cleanse your Guts very well, fill them, and boyl them carefully.

203. To make a Pye of Neats-Tongues.

Par-boyl a couple of Neats-Tongues, then cut out the Meat at the Root-end as far as you can, not breaking it out at the sides; take the Meat you cut out, and mingle it with a little suet, a little Parsley, and a few sweet Herbs, cut all very small, and mingled together; season all this with Ginger, Cloves, Mace, Pepper, Salt, and a little grated bread, and as much Su­gar, together with the Yolks of three or four Eggs; make this up together, and season your Tongues, in-side, and out-side, with your seasoning afore-said, and wash them within with the Yolk of an Egg, and force them where you cut forth the Meat, and what remains make into a [Page 354] sorc'd; then make your Paste into the Fashion of a Neats-Tongue, and lay them in with Puddings, and little Balls, then put to them Limon and Dates shred, and butter on the top, and close it; when it is baked, put in a lear of the Venison-sauce, which is Claret-wine, Vinegar, grated bread, Cinamon, Ginger, Sugar, boyl it up thick, that it may run like butter, and let it be sharp and sweet, and so serve it.

204, To stew a Breast, or Loyn of Mutton.

Joynt either your Loyn or Breast of Mutton well, draw it, and stuff it with sweet Herbs, and Parsley minced; then put it in a deep stewing-dish with the right side downward, put to it so much White-wine and strong Broath as will stew it, set it on the Coals, put to it two or three Onions, a bundle of sweet Herbs, and a little large Mace; when it is almost stew­ed, take a handful of Spinage, Parsley, and Endive, and put into it, or else some Gooseberries and Grapes; in the Win­ter time, Samphire and Capers; add these at any time: Dish up your Mutton, and [Page 355] put by the Liquor you do not use, and thicken the other with Yolks of Eggs and sweet butter, put on the sauce and the Herbs over the Meat; Garnish your Dish with Limon and Barberries.

205. To make a Sallet of Green Pease.

Cut up as many green Pease as you think will make a Sallet, when they are newly come up about half a Foot high; then set your Liquor over the Fire, and let it boyl, and then put them in; when they are boyled tender put them out, and drain them very well; then mince them, and put in some good sweet butter, salt it, and stir it well together, and so serve it.

206. To make a Sallet of Fennel.

Cut your Fennel while it is Young, and about four Fingers high, tye it up in bun­ches like Asparagus; gather enough for your Sallet, and put it in when your wa­ter is boyling hot, boyl it soft, drain it, Dish it up with Butter, as the green Pease.

207. To make a Tansie of Spinage.

Take a quart of Cream, and about twenty Eggs, without the Whites, add to it Sugar and grated Nutmeg, and co­lour it green with the juice of Spinage; then put it in your Dish, and squeeze a Limon or two on it; Garnish it with sli­ces of Orange, then strew on Sugar, and so serve it.

208. To make a Hash of a Duck.

When your Ducks are Roasted, take all the Flesh from the Bones, and hash it very thin; then put it into your stewing-pan with a little Gravy, strong Broath, and Claret-wine, put to it an Onion or two minced very small, and a little small Pepper; let all this boyl together with a little Salt, then put to them about a pound of Sausages, when you think they are ready, stir them with a little Butter drawn: Garnish it with Limon, and serve it.

209. To make French Puffs with Green Herbs.

Take a quantity of Endive, Parsley, and Spinage, and a little Winter-Savoury, and when you have minc'd them exceed­ing small, season them with Sugar, Gin­ger, and Nutmeg; beat as many Eggs as you think will wet your Herbs, and so make it up; then pare a Limon and cut it in thin slices, and to every slice of Limon put a slice of your prepared stuff, then fry it in sweet butter, and serve them in Sip­pets, after you have put to them either a Glass of Canary, or White-wine.

210. To make Excellent stewed Broath.

Take a Leg of Beef, boyl it well, and scum it clean, then take your Bread and slice it, and lay it to soak in your Broath, then run it through a strainer, and put as much into your Broath as will thicken it; when it hath boyled a pretty while, put in your Pruans, Raisins, and Currans, with Cinamon, Cloves, and Mace beaten; when your Pruans are boyled, take them [Page 358] up, and run them also through a strainer, as you did the bread, then put in half a pint of Claret, then let it boyl very well, and when it is ready, put to it Rose-wa­ter and Sugar, and so serve it.

211. To Stew a Dish of Breams.

Take your Breams, and dress them, and dry them well, and salt them; then make a Charcoal Fire, and lay them on the Grid-Iron over the Fire being very hot; let them be indifferent brown on both sides, then put a Glass of Claret in­to a Pewter Dish, and set it over the Fire to boyl, put into it two or three Ancho­vies, as many Onions, and about half a pint of Gravy, a pint of Oysters, with a little Thyme minced small; when it hath boyled a while, put to it a little melted Butter and a Nutmeg. Then Dish your Bream, and pour all this upon it, and then set it again on the Fire, putting some Yolks of Eggs over it.

212. To boyl a Mullet.

Having scalled your Mullet, you must save their Livers and Roes, then put them in water boyling hot, put to them a Glass of Claret, a bundle of sweet Herbs, with a little Salt and Vinegar, two or three whole Onions, and a Limon sliced; then take some whole Nutmegs and quarter them, and some large Mace, and some Butter drawn with Claret, wherein dissolve two or three Anchovies; Dish up your Fish, and pour on your Sauce, being first seasoned with Salt: Garnish your Dishes with fryed Oysters and Bay-leaves; and thus you may season your Liquor for boyling most other Fish.

213. To Farce, or stuff a Fillet of Veal.

Take a large Leg of Veal, and cut off a couple of Fillets from it, then mince a handful of sweet Herbs, and Parsley, and the Yolks of two or three hard Eggs; let all these be minced very small, then sea­son it with a couple of grated Nutmegs, and a little Salt, and so Farce, or stuff your [Page 360] Veal with it, then Lard it with Bacon and Thyme very well, then let it be Roasted, and when it is almost enough, take some of your stuffing, about a handful, and as many Currans, and put these to a little strong broath, a Glass of Claret, and a little Vinegar, a little Sugar, and some Mace; when your Meat is almost ready, take it up, and put it into this, and let it stew, putting to it a little Butter melted, put your Meat in your Dish, and pour your Sauce upon it, and serve it.

214. To make a Pudding of Oat­meal.

Take a quart of Milk, and boyl it in a Skillet, put to it a good handful of Oat­meal beat very small, with a stick or two of Cinamon, and Mace; put in this Oat­meal as much as will thicken it, before the Milk be hot, then keep it stirring, and let it boyl for about half an hour, putting into it a handful of Beef-suet minced very small, then take it off, and pour it into a Dish, and let it stand to cool, if it be too thick, put to more Milk, then put in a Nutmeg grated, a handful of Sugar, with three or four Eggs beaten, and some Rose-water, [Page 361] then rub the Dish within with but­ter, and pour out your Pudding into it; let it be as thin as Batter, let it bake half an hour, scrape Sugar on it, serve it up.

215. To make a pudding of Rice.

Take a good handful of Rice beaten small, and put it into about three pints of Milk, adding a little Mace and Cinamon, then boyl it, keeping it always stirring, till it grow thick, then put a piece of Butter into it, and let it boyl a quarter of an hour, then pour it out to cool, then put to it half a dozen Dates minced, a little Sugar, a little beaten Cinamon, and a couple of handfuls of Currans, then beat about half a score Eggs, throwing away two or three of the whites, put in some salt, butter the bottom of your Dish, pour in your Pud­ding, bake it as before, put on a little Rose-water and sugar, and serve it.

216. To make a Florentine of Spinage.

Take a good quantity of Spinage, to the quantity of two Gallons, set your wa­ter over the Fire, and when it boyls very [Page 362] high, put in your Spinage, and let it re­main in a little while, then put it out into a strainer, and let it drain very well, and squeeze out all the water, then take it and mince it small with a Candyed Orange-peel or two, add to it about three quar­ters of Currans boyled also, season it with Salt, Ginger beaten, Cinamon, and Nutmeg; then lay your Paste thin in a Dish, and put it in, adding Butter and Sugar, close it up, prick it with holes, and bake it; when it is nigh baked, put into it a Glass of Sack, and a little melted Butter and Vinegar, stir it together with your Knife, scrape Sugar upon it, and serve it.

217. To make a Tansey of Cowslips.

Take your Cowslips or Violets, and pound them in a Wooden or Marble Mor­tar, put to them about twelve Eggs, with three or four of the whites taken out, about a pint of Cream, a quartern of white Sugar, Cinamon beaten small, Nut­meg, and about a handful of grated bread, with a little Rose-water; then take all these together, and put them in a skillet with a little Butter, and set them over the [Page 363] Fire, stirring it till it grow thick; then put your Frying-pan on the Fire, and when it is hot, put some Butter into it, and then put in your Tansey; when you think it enough of one side, butter a Pewter Plate, and turn it therewith; when it is Fryed, squeeze on a Limon, scrape on Sugar, Garnish it with Oranges quar­tered, and serve it.

218. To make Excellent white puddings.

Take the humbles of a Hog, and boyl them very tender, then take the Heart, the Lights, and all the Flesh about them, picking them clean from all the Sinewy skins, and then chop the Meat as small as you can, then take the Liver, and boyl it hard, and grate a little of it and mingle therewith, and also a little grated Nut­meg, Cinamon, Cloves, Mace, Sugar, and a few Carraway-seeds, with the yolks of four or five Eggs, and about a pint of the best Cream, a Glass of Canary, and a little Rose-water, with a good quantity of Hogs-suet, and salt; make all into Rouls, and let it lye about an hour and half before you put it in the Guts, laying [Page 364] the Guts asteep in Rose-water before, boyl them, and have a care of breaking them.

219. To stew Flounders.

Draw your Flounders, and wash them, and scorch them on the white side, being put in a Dish, put to them a little White-wine, a few minced Oysters, some whole Pepper, and sliced Ginger, a few sweet Herbs, two or three Onions quartered, and Salt; put all these into your stewing-pan, covered close, and let them stew as soon as you can, then Dish them on Sip­pets; then take some of the Liquor they were stewed in, put some butter to it, and the Yolk of an Egg beaten, and pour it on the Flounders; Garnish it with Lim­on, and Ginger beaten on the brims of the Dish.

220. To draw Butter for Sauce.

Cut your Butter into thin slices, put it into your Dish, let it melt leisurely up­on the Coals, being often stirred; and after it is melted, put to it a little Vine­gar, or fair water, which you will, bea [...] it up till it be thick, if it keep its colour [Page 365] white, it is good; but if yellow and turn'd, it is not to be used.

221. To Roast a Salmon whole.

Draw your Salmon at the Gills, and after it is scaled, washt, and dry'd, Lard it with pickled Herring, or a fat Eel salt­ed; then take about a pint of Oysters par­boyled, put to these a few sweet Herbs, some grated bread, about half a dozen hard Eggs, with a couple of Onions; shred all these very small, and put to it Ginger, Nutmeg, Salt, Pepper, Cloves, and Mace; mix these together, and put them all within the Salmon at the Gills: put them into the Oven in an Earthen pan, born up with pieces of Wood, in the bot­tom of the Dish, put Claret-wine, and baste your Salmon very well over with Butter before you put it in the Oven; when it is drawn, make your Sauce of the Liquor that is in the pan, and some of the spawn of the Salmon boyled with some melted Butter on the top; stick him about with Toasts and Bay-leaves fryed, take [...]ut the Oysters from within, and Garnish the Dish therewith.

222. To make Excellent Sauce for Mutton, either Chines, Legs, or Necks.

Take half a dozen Onions shred very small, a little strong Broath, and a glass of White-wine; boyl all these well toge­ther: Then take half a pint of Oysters, and mince them, with a little Parsley, and two or three small bunches of Grapes, if in season, with a Nutmeg sliced, and the Yolks of two or three Eggs; put in all these together with the former, and boyl it, and pour it all over your Meat, and then pour some melted Butter on the top, and strew on the Yolks of two or three hard Eggs minced small.

223. Another good Sauce for Mutton.

Take a handful of Pickled Cucumbers, as many Capers, and as much Samphire; put them into a little Verjuice, White-wine, and a little strong Broath, and a Limon cut in small pieces, and a little Nut­meg grated; let them boyl together, and then beat them up thick, with a Ladle­ful [Page 367] of Butter melted, and a couple of Yolks of Eggs, and a little sugar; Dish your Meat upon Sippets, pour on your sauce, and Garnish it with Samphire, Ca­pers, and Barberries.

224. To make Sauce for Turkies, or Capons.

Take a two-penny white loaf, and lay it a soaking in strong broath, with Onions sliced therein; then boyl it in Gravy, to­gether with a Limon cut in small pieces, a little Nutmeg sliced, and some melted, put this under your Turky, or Capon, and so serve it; you will find it Excellent Sauce.

Because many Books of this Nature have the Terms of Carving added to them, as being necessary for the more proper Nominating of things; I have thought good also to add them: As also some Bills of Fare, both upon Ordinary, and Extraor­dinary Occasions.

Terms of Carving, both Fish, Fowl, and Flesh.

  • ALlay a Phea­sant.
  • Barb a Lobster.
  • Border a Pasty.
  • Break a Deer, or Egript.
  • Break a Sarcel, or Teal.
  • Chine a Salmon.
  • Culpon a Trout.
  • Cut up a Turky, or Bustard.
  • Dis-member that Heron.
  • Display that Crane.
  • Dis-figure that Pea­cock.
  • Fin that Chevin.
  • Leach that Brawn.
  • Lift that Swan.
  • [Page 370]Mince that Plover.
  • Rear that Goose.
  • Sauce a Capon, or Tench.
  • Sauce a Plaice, or Flounder.
  • Side that Haddock.
  • Splay that Bream.
  • Splat that Pike.
  • Spoil that Hen.
  • String that Lam­prey.
  • Tame a Crab.
  • Thigh a Pigeon, and Woodcock, and all manner of small Birds.
  • Timber the Fire.
  • Tire an Egg.
  • Tranch that Sturge­on.
  • Transon that Eel.
  • Trush that Chicken.
  • Tusk a Barbel.
  • Unbrace a Mallard.
  • Under-tench a Por­puss.
  • Unjoynt a Bittern.
  • Unlace a Coney.
  • Untach that Curlew
  • Untach that Brew.

Particular Directions how to Carve, according to the former Terms of Carving.

Unlace that Coney.

LAY your Coney on the Back, and cut away the Vents, then raise the Wings, and the sides, and lay the Car­kass and sides together; then put to your sauce, with a little beaten Ginger and Vinegar.

Thigh a Woodcock.

Raise the Legs and Wings of the Woodcock, as you would do of a Hen, then take out the Brains, and no other sauce but salt.

Allay a Pheasant.

Raise the Leggs and Wings of the Phea­sant, as of a Woodcock, as also of a Snite and a Plover, and only salt.

Display a Crane.

Unfold the Legs of the Crane, and cut off his Wings by the Joynts; then take up his Wings and Legs, and make sauce of Mustard, salt, Vinegar, and a little beaten Ginger.

To cut up a Turkey.

Raise up the Leg very fair, and open the Joynt with the point of your Knife, but cut it not off; then lace down the Breast with the point of your Knife, and open the Breast Pinion, but take it not off, then raise up the merry-thought be­twixt the Breast-bone and the top, then lace down the Flesh on both sides the Breast-bone, and raise up the Flesh, called the Brawn, and turn it outward upon both sides, but break it not, nor cut it off, then cut off the Wing-Pinions at the Joynt [Page 373] next the Body, and stick in each side the Pinion in the place you turned out the Brawn, but cut off the sharp end of the Pinion, and take the middle piece, and that will fit just in the place; you may cut up a Capon, or Pheasant the same way.

Break a Sarcel, or Teal, or Egript.

Raise the Legs and Wings of the Teal, and no sauce but salt.

Wing a Partridge, or Quail.

Raise his Legs and Wings, as of a Hen, and if you mince him, make sauce with a little White-wine, and a little beaten Ginger, keeping him warm upon a Cha­fing-dish of Coals, till you serve him.

To untach a Curlew, or Brew.

Take either of them, and Raise their Legs, as before, and no sauce but salt.

To Unbrace a Mallard.

Raise up the Pinion and Legs, but take them not off, and raise the merry-thought from the Breast, and lace down each side with your Knife, waving it two and fro.

To Sauce a Capon.

Lift up the Right Leg of the Capon, and also the Right Wing, and so lay it in the Dish in the posture of Flying, and so serve them; but remember, that Capons and Chickens be only one sauce, and Chic­kens must have green sauce, or Verjuice.

Bills of Fare for all times of the Tear; and also for Extraordinary Occa­sions.

A Bill of Fare for the Spring Season.

  • 1. A Collar of Brawn and Mustard.
  • 2. A Neats-Tongue and Udder.
  • 3. Boyled Chickens.
  • 4. Green Geese.
  • 5. A Lumbard-Pye.
  • 6. A Dish of Young Rabbits.

Second Course.

  • 1. A Haunch of Venison.
  • 2. Veal Roasted.
  • 3. A Dish of Soles, or Smelts.
  • 4. A Dish of Asparagus.
  • 5. Tansie.
  • 6. Tarts and Custards.

A Bill of Fare for Midsomer.

  • 1. A Neats-Tongue and Colliflowers.
  • 2. A Fore-Quarter of Lamb.
  • 3. A Chicken-Pye.
  • 4. Boyled Pigeons.
  • 5. A couple of stewed Rabbits.
  • 6. A Breast of Veal Roasted.

Second Course.

  • 1. A Artichoak-Pye.
  • 2. A Venison-Pasty.
  • 3. Lobsters and Salmon.
  • 4. A Dish of Pease.
  • 5. A Gooseberry-Tart.
  • 6. A Dish of Strawberries.

A Bill of Fare for Autumn, or Harvest.

  • 1. A Capon and white Broath.
  • 2. A Westphalia Ham, with Pigeons.
  • 3. A Grand Sallet.
  • 4. A Neats-Tongue and Udder Roasted.
  • 5. A powdered Goose.
  • 6. A Turkey Roasted.

Second Course.

  • 1. A Potato, or Chicken Pye.
  • 2. Roasted Patridges.
  • 3. Larks and Chickens.
  • 4. A Made Dish.
  • 5. A Warden Pye, or Tart.
  • 6. Custards.

A Bill of Fare for Winter Season.

  • 1. A Collar of Brawn.
  • 2. A Lambs Head and white Broath.
  • 3. A Neats-Tongue and Udder Roasted.
  • 4. A Dish of Minc'd Pyes.
  • 5. A Venison, or Lamb-Pye.
  • 6. A Dish of Chickens.

Second Course.

  • 1. A Side of Lamb.
  • 2. A Dish of Wild-Ducks.
  • 3. A Quince-Tart.
  • 4. A Couple of Capons Roasted.
  • 5. A Turkey Roasted.
  • 6. A Dish of Custards.

A Bill of Fare upon an Extraor­dinary Occasion.

  • 1. A Collar of Brawn.
  • 2. A Couple of Pullets boyled.
  • 3. A bisk of Fish.
  • 4. A Dish of C [...]rps.
  • 5. A Grand boyled Meat.
  • 6. A Grand Sallet.
  • 7. A Venison Pasty.
  • 8. A Roasted Turkey.
  • 9. A Fat Pig.
  • 10. A powdered Goose.
  • 11. A Haunch of Venison Roasted.
  • 12. A Neats-Tongue and Udder Roasted.
  • 13. A Westphalia Ham boyled.
  • 14. A Joll of Salmon.
  • 15. Minced Pyes.
  • 16. A Sur-Loyn of Roast beef.
  • 17. Cold baked Meats.
  • 18. A Dish of Custards.

Second Course.

  • 1. Jellies of all sorts.
  • 2. A Dish of Pheasants.
  • 3. A Pike boyled.
  • 4. An Oyster-Pye.
  • [Page 379]5. A Dish of Plovers.
  • 6. A Dish of Larks.
  • 7. A Joll of Sturgeon.
  • 8. A couple of Lobsters.
  • 9. A Lumber-Pye.
  • 10. A Couple of Capons.
  • 11. A Dish of Patridges.
  • 12. A Fricacie of Fowls.
  • 13. A Dish of Wild-Ducks.
  • 14. A Dish of cram'd Chickens.
  • 15. A Dish of stewed Oysters.
  • 16. A Marchpane.
  • 17. A Dish of Fruits.
  • 18. A Dish of Tarts.

A Bill of Fare for Fish-days.

  • 1. A Dish of Butter and Eggs.
  • 2. A Barrel of Oysters.
  • 3. A Pike boyled.
  • 4. A stewed Carp.
  • 5. An Eel-Pye.
  • 6. A Pole of Ling.
  • 7. A Dish of green Fish buttered with Eggs.
  • 8. A Dish of stewed Oysters.
  • 9. A Spinage Sallet boyled.
  • 10. A Dish of Soles.
  • [Page 380]11. A Joll of Fresh Salmon.
  • 12. A Dish of Smelts Fry'd.

Second Course.

  • 1. A Couple of Lobsters.
  • 2. A Roasted Spitcheock.
  • 3. A Dish of Anchovies.
  • 4. Fresh Cod.
  • 5. A Bream Roasted.
  • 6. A Dish of Trouts.
  • 7. A Dish of Plaice boyled.
  • 8. A Dish of Perches.
  • 9. A Carp Farced.
  • 10. A Potato-Pye.
  • 11. A Dish of Prawns buttered.
  • 12. Tenches with short Broth.
  • 13. A Dish of Turbut.
  • 14. A Dish of Eel-pouts.
  • 15. A Sturgeon with short broth.
  • 16. A Dish of Tarts and Custards.

A Bill of Fare for a Gentlemans House about Candlemas.

  • 1. A Pottage with a Hen.
  • 2. A Chatham- pudding.
  • 3. A Fricacie of Chickens.
  • 4. Leg of Mutton with a Sallet. Garnish your Dishes with Barberries.

Second Course.

  • 1. A Chine of Mutton.
  • 2. A Chine of Veal.
  • 3. A Lark-pye.
  • 4. A Couple of Pullets, one Larded. Garnished with Orange-slices.

Third Course.

  • 1. A Dish of Woodcocks.
  • 2. A Couple of Rabbits.
  • 3. A Dish of Asparagus.
  • 4. A Westphalia Gammon.

Last Course.

  • 1. Two Orange-Tarts, one with Herbs.
  • 2. A Bacon-Tart.
  • [Page 382]3. An Apple-Tart.
  • 4. A Dish of Bon-Chriteen-pears.
  • 5. A Dish of Pippins.
  • 6. A Dish of Pear-mains.

A Banquet for the same Season.

  • 1. A Dish of Apricots.
  • 2. A Dish of Marmalade of pippins.
  • 3. A Dish of preserved Cherries.
  • 4. A whole red Quince.
  • 5. A Dish of dryed Sweet-meats.

A TABLE TO THE Art of Preserving, Con­serving, and Candying.

Pag. 7
Angellets to make.
Angelica-Roots preserved.
Angelica water.
Apricots preserved.
Aqua Composita.
Aqua Mirabilis.
Artichoak-bottoms pickled.
Artichoaks to pickle.
Artificial Claret-Wine.
Artificial Malmsey.
Artificial Oranges.
Artificial Walnuts.
Barberries Candyed.
Barberries preserved.
Bisket-Cakes to make.
Bragget to make.
Broom-buds to pickle.
Burrage-flowers to Candy
Dr. Burges Plague-water
Cakes of Limon.
Carraway Cake.
Candying Pears, Plums, and Apricots.
Caudle of great Virtue.
Cherries to Candy.
Cherries dryed in the Sun.
Cherries preserved.
Cherries to dry.
Chesiuts kept all the year.
Chips of Quinces.
10 [...]
Crystal Jelly to make.
Cinamon S [...]gar.
Clove-gilly flowers to pickle.
Comfortable Syrup.
Comfits of all sorts to make.
Conserve of Barberries.
Conserve of Burrage-flow­ers.
Conserve of Bugloss flowers.
Conserve of Damsons.
Conserve of Oranges.
Conserve of Prua s.
Conserve of Qunces.
Conserve of Roses.
Conserve of Rosemary.
Conserve of Sage.
Conserve to strengthen the Back.
Conserve of Strawberries.
Conserves for Tarts all the Year.
Cock-Ale to make.
Cordial strengthning broath.
Cream of Apricots.
Cream of Codlings.
Cream of Quinces.
Cornelians to pickle.
Cordial water of Clove gilly flowers.
Cucumbers to pickle.
Cucumbers preserved green.
Cullice to make.
Currans preserved.
Damsons preserved.
Dr. Deodates drink for the Scurvy.
Dry Vinegar to make.
Elecampane-Roots Candyed.
Eringo Roots Candyed.
Excellent Broth.
Excellent Hippocras pre­sently.
Excellent Jelly.
Excellent Sur [...]eit-water.
Excellent sweet water.
Fine Cakes.
French Beans to pickle.
French Bisket to make.
Fruits dryed.
Fruits preserved all the year.
Ginger to Candy.
Ginger-bread to make.
Gooseberry paste.
Gooseberries preserved.
Grapes to Candy.
Grapes preserved.
Hartichoaks preserved.
Hippocras to make.
Honey of Mulberries.
Honey of Raisins.
Honey of Roses.
Hydromel to make.
Jelly of Almonds white.
Jelly of Apples.
Jelly of Currans.
Jelly of Harts-horn.
Jelly of Quinces.
Jelly of Strawberries and Mulberries.
Jelly of Gooseberries.
Jelly of Raspices.
Imperial Water.
Italian Bisket.
Italian Marmalade.
Jumbals to make.
Kings persume.
K. Edwards persume.
Leach of Almonds.
Leach Lumbard.
Leach to make.
Limon and Orange-peel pickled.
Lozenges of Roses.
Manus Christi.
Marmalade of Cherries.
Marmalade of Currans.
Marmalade of Grapes.
Marmalade of Oranges.
11 [...]
Marmalade of Oranges and Limons.
Marmalade of Quinces.
Mackroons to make.
Marchpane to make.
Marygolds Candyed in wed­ges.
Mathiolus Bezoar water.
Mead, or Metheglin to make
Mead pleasant to make.
Medlars preserved.
Muscadine Comfits.
Musk-balls to make.
Mulberries preserved.
Naples-Bisket to make.
Nutmegs to Candy.
Oranges and Limons Can­dyed.
Oranges to bake.
Orange-peels Candyed.
Oranges preserved.
Oranges preserved Portugal Fashion.
Oyl of Sweet Almonds.
Oyl of Violets.
Paste of Apricots.
Paste of Cherries.
Paste of Genua.
Paste of Quinces.
Paste Royal.
Paste of tender Plums.
Paste of Violets.
Peaches preserved.
Pears or Plums to Candy.
Perfume for Gloves.
Pippins dryed.
Pippins preserved green.
Pippins preserved red.
Pippins preserved white.
Pome Citrons preserved.
Pomander to make.
Pomatum to make.
Purslain to pickle.
Quiddany of Cherries.
Quiddany of Quinces.
Quiddany of Plums.
Queens perfume.
Quince-Cakes to make.
Quince-Cakes clear.
Quince-Cakes red.
Quince-Cakes white.
Quince-Cakes thin.
Quinces preserved red.
Quinces preserved white.
Quinces to pickle.
Raspices preserved.
Red Currans-Cream.
Red and white Currans pick­led.
Rich Cordial.
Rose-leaves Candyed.
Rosemary-flowers Candyed.
Roses preserved whole.
Rosa Solis to make.
Spirit of Amber greece
Spirit of Honey.
Spirit of Roses.
Spirit of Wine.
Dr. Stephens Water.
Steppony to make.
Strawberry Wi [...]e.
Spots out of Cloaths.
Suckets to make.
Suckets of green Walnuts.
Suckets of Lettuce stalks.
Sugar-Cakes to make
Sugar of Roses.
Sugar-plate to make.
Sweet Cakes without Sugar.
Sweet meat of Apples.
Sweet bags for Linnen.
Syllabub to make.
Symbals to make.
Syrup of Apples.
Syrup of Citron-peels.
Syrup of Cinamon.
Syrup of Comfrey.
Syrup of Cowslips.
Syrup of Elder.
Syrup of Clove gilly flowers.
Syrup of Harts-Horn.
Syrup of Hyssop.
Syrup of Licorise.
2 [...]
Syrup of Limons.
Syrup for the Lungs.
Syrup of Maiden-hair.
Syrup of Mints.
Syrup of Poppies.
Syrup of Purslain.
Syrup of Quinces.
Syrup of Roses.
Syrup of Saffron.
Syrup for short-wind.
Syrup of Sugar-candy.
Syrup against Scurvy.
Syrup of Violets.
Syrup of Wormwood.
Syrup of Vinegar.
Syder to make.
Trifle to make.
Treacle-water to make.
Verjuice to make.
[...]s [...]ebah to make.
Walnuts preserved.
Washing-Balls to make.
Wasers to make.
Waters against Consumptions.
Water against Fits of Mother.
Wormwood water.
White Damsons preserved green.
White Leach of Cream.
White Mead.
Whipt Syllabub.

The Table to Physick, Beautifying Wa­ters, and Secrets in Angling.

Ach of the Joynts.
Ach or pain.
Ad Capiendum Pisces.
Ague in the Breast.
Agues in Children.
Ague to Cure.
Allom-water to make.
Back to strengthen.
Baits for Barbels.
Baits for Bream.
Baits for Carp or Tench.
Baits for Chub and Pike.
Baits for Eels.
Bait for Fish all the Year.
Baits for Gudgeons.
Bait with Gentles.
2 [...]7
Baits for Perch.
Baits for Roch and Dace.
Baits for Salmon.
Baits for Trout.
Beauty to procure.
Beauty water for the Fa [...]e.
Beauty-water, called, Lac Virginis.
Biting of a mad-Dog.
Blasting to Cure.
Bleeding at the Nose.
1 [...]6
Bleeding of a Wound.
Bloody-flux, or Scowring.
Black Plaister for all griefs.
Bone or Quills dyed red for Fishing.
Breath to make sweet.
Breath to sweeten, another.
Cancer to cure.
Cancer in a Womans Breast to cure.
Caps to sight for Fishing.
[Page]Cement for Floats to Fish.
Childblains in Hands or feet to cure.
Conception to procute.
Consumption to cure.
Cough dry to cure.
Cordial Julip.
Corns to cure.
Cramp to cure.
Deafness to cure.
Deafness, another.
Delicate washing-ball.
19 [...]
Dentrifice to whiten the Teeth
Drink to heal wounds.
Dropsie to cure.
Dropsie, another.
Ears running to help.
Ears pained to cure.
Electuary of Life.
Excellent Beauty-water.
Excellent complexion to procure.
Excellent Cordial.
Excellent Salve.
Excellent wash for Beauty
Eyes blood-shot.
Face and Skin to cleanse.
Face to Adorn.
Face to beautifie.
Face to look Youthful.
Face to make fair.
Face to make very fair.
Face pitted by the Small­pox.
Face to whiten.
Falling off of Hair to prevent
Falling-Sickness, or Convul­sions.
Falling-Sickness, another.
Fevers or Agues in Children.
Fellon to kill.
Fishing-Lines to make.
Fishing [...]Lines to unloose in water.
Fits of the Mother.
Fistula, or Ulcer.
Fits of the Mother, a Julip.
Flowers to bring down.
Flowers to stay.
Flyes used in Angling, to make.
Flux red to cure.
Flux white to cure.
Freckles in the Face.
Freckles and Morphew.
Gascoign Powder to make.
Gout to cure.
Gout, Lord Dennies Medi­cine.
Green-Sickness to cure.
Green-Sickness, a powder.
Griping of the Guts to cure.
Hands to make white.
Hands to whiten.
Hands, a sweet water.
Hair to make grow.
Hair to grow thick.
Hair to make fair.
Hair to take away.
Head-ach to cure.
Heat of the Liver.
Heat and swelling in the Face.
Heat or Worms in the hands.
Jaundies black to Cure.
Jaundies yellow to Cure.
Imposthume to break.
Inflamed Face to Cure.
Itch, or breaking out to cure.
Itch, another.
C. K [...]nts Powder to make
Kings-Evil to cure.
Lax, or Looseness.
Lips chopt to cure.
Marks of Small pox to pre­vent.
Megrim, or Imposthume in the Head.
1 [...]7
Mis-carrying to prevent.
Moist seabs after Small-pox.
Morphew or Scurff of Pace or Skin.
Mouth to cleanse.
Nails cloven to cure.
Nails that fall off.
Nails to make grow.
Nails rent from the Flesh.
Nostrils stinking to cure.
Oyl of Fennel.
Oyl of St. Iohns wort.
Oyl of Roses.
Oyntment green to make.
Oyntment for pimples in the face
Paste for Fishing.
2 [...]2
Piles to destroy.
Piles after Child-Birth.
Pimples in the Face to cure
Pimples in the Face, another
Plague to cure.
Pleurisie to cure.
1 [...]4
Pock holes in the Face.
Pomatum to clear the skin.
Powder for Green-Sickness.
Red Face to cure.
Redness, Hands and Face by Small pox.
Redness to take away, ano­ther,
Rich Face-to help.
Rheumatick Cough or Cold.
Rickets in Children.
Scald Head.
Sciatica, or pains in the joynts
Scurvy to cure.
Scurvy, another.
Secrets in Angling, by J. D.
Shingles to cure.
Skin to clear.
Skin to smooth, and take away Freckles.
Skin to make white and clear.
Skin to make smooth.
Sore breast to cure.
Spitting of Blood.
Spleen to cure.
Sprain in the Back.
Dr. Stephens Water.
Stinking breath to cure.
Stitch in the Side.
Stench under the Arm [...] holes
Stone and Gravel.
[Page]Sun-burn to take away
Termes to provoke
Teeth to make white and Sound
Teeth to keep white and kill worms
Teeth white as Jvory
Teeth in children to breed easily
Toothach to cure
Tertian or double Tertian Ague
Thorn to draw out
Timpany to cure
Tissick to cure
Unguentum album to make
Warts in the face or hands
Washing b [...]ll to make
Water for eyesight by King Edward the 6.
Water for the eyes excellent
Water for sore eyes
Web in the Eye
Wen to cure
Dr. Willoughbyes water
Wind to help
Wind & flegun in Children
1 [...]0
Woman in Travel
Woman soon delivered
Worms in Children
Worms in children another
Worms to clease for fishing
Wrinckles in the face
Whites to cure
Yellow Jaundies
Young children to go to stool

The Table to the Compleat Cooks Guid.

Almond Cream
Almond pudding
Almond Tart
Apple pyes to fry
Artichoakes fryed
A [...]ichoake Pye
Bacon Tart
25 [...]
B [...]rley broth
2 [...]7
Beef pasty like red Deer
Beef to keep Sweet
Beef to Stew
Beef to stew French fash [...]n
[Page]Black Puddings
Birds to stew L. Butlers way
Bisket bread
Brawn tender & delicate
Breams stewed
Breast or loyn mutton stew­ed
3 [...]4
Breast of veal baked
Butter to draw for Sauce
Calves foot Pye
Calves feet baked
Calves feet roasted
Calves head baked
Capon or pullet boyld
Capon boyld with sage and pa [...]fly
Capon boyld with Asparagus
Capon boyld with sugar pease
Capon boyld with white-broth
Capon or Chicken several Compositions
Carp Pye
Carp to stew
Cheescakes to make
Cheese fresh to make
Chine of beef poudered
Cherry Tart
Chicken Pye
Chucks of veal to bake
Citron pudding
Clowted Cream
Cods head to dress
Codling Tart
Cocks or barks to boyl
Collops of beef stewed
Cows udder roasted
Cows [...]ip Tart
Cream of Eggs
Cracknels to make
Custards to make
Damson Tart
Dish of marrow
Dish of meat with herbs
Dutch pudding
Eels to boyl
Eel Pye
Eel Pye with Oysters
Eels to roast
Eels to Soufe
Egg Pye
Excellent mincet Pyes
Feasant stewed French fashi­on
Fillet beef stewed Ital. fashion
Fine pudding in a dish
Flounders or Jacks to boyl
Flounders stewed
French barley posset
French pottage called Skink
Fricasy of Chickens
Fricasy of Rabbits
Fricasy of Veal
2 [...]0
Furmity to make
Goose to bake
Goosberry Cream
Grand sallet
Green sauce
Haggis Pudding
Haunch ofvenison boyled
Haunch of venison rosted
Hare to roast
Hash of a Capon or Pullet
28 [...]
[Page]Hen Carbonadoed
Herring Pye
Hotchpot to make
Italian pudding
Iunket to make
Lamb Pye
Leg of Pork broild
Limon Caudle
Made dish of Apples
Mallard to stew
Marrow Pasties
Marrow puddings
Medler Tart
Neats f [...]ot Pye
Neats Tongues to dry
Neats Tongues fryed
Neats Tongue-Pye
Neats Tongue & Udder
Oatmeal pudding
Oysters to Pickle
Pannado to make
Past for all Tarts
Pear or warden pye
Pe [...]ch [...] to boyl
Pig to bake Court fashion
Pig to souse
Pidgeon Pye to make
Pickarel to bake
Pippin Pye
Polonian Sausages
Pottage of a Capon
Pudding to bake
Pudding of Rice
Pudding of hogs liver
Puff-past to make
Quaking Pudding
Quince Pye
Rabbits to bake
Rabbits to hash
Rabbits to stew
Rare broth
Rare Pudding
Rice Pudding
Rice Tart
Rost beef pickled
Sallet of a cold hen
Sallet of green Pease
Salmon to boyl
Salmon to keep fresh
Sauce for mutton
Sack posset to make
Sauce for Pidgeons
Sauce for Turkys & Capons
Sauce for wildfowl
Sansages to make
Scotch Collops of Veal
Scollops to b [...]oil
Shoulder of mutton and Oy­sters
Spanish Oleo
Sparrows and Larks to boyl
Stewed broth to make
Sweet breads baked
Tansey to make
Tansey of Cowslips
Tart of Spinage
Trout to stew
Veal Pye to make
Venison Pasty
Venison to stew
Umble Pye
watergruel to make
widgeons or Teal to boyl

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