Whereby Babes may have milk, children Bread broken, the simple wisdome, and the dark a Candle.

The fourth impression with some Cor­rections and Additions.

By T. Wilson, Preacher at Maidstone in Kent, and one of the Assembly of Divines.

Teach a childe in the trade of his way, and when he is old hee shall not depart from it Prov. 22. 6.

From a childe thou hast knowne the holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation, through faith, which is in Christ Iesus, 2 Tim. 3. 15.

LONDON, Printed for I. Bartlet at the Gilt Cup un­der St. Augustines Gate. 1645.

The Childes Trade.

A. By his word, Psal. 33. 6.

Q. Wherefore made God all?

A. For himselfe, Prov. 16. 4.

Q. What is Gods providence?

A. Gods governing all things and actions. Psal. 113. 6.

Q. What was man made of?

A. Of dust, Gen. 2. 7.

Q. What was man?

A. A living soul, Gen. 2. 7.

Q. How was man made?

A. In Gods Image, Gen. 1. 26.

Q. What is Gods Image?

A. Knowledge, holines, righteousnesse Col. 3. 10. Eph. 4. 24.

Q. What was mans priviledge at first?

A. He had fellowship with God, and Lordship over the creatures, Gen. 1. 26.

Q. Did man abide so happy as he was made

A. No, the first man sinned, Gen. 3. 6.

Q. What is sinne?

A. The transgression of the law, 1. Joh. 3. 4.

Q. What was the Law then?

A. Not to eat of the forbidden frée, Gen. 2. 17.

Q. What was Adams sinne?

A. The eating of the forbidden tree. Gen. 3. 12.

[Page]Q. By what meanes did Adam sinne?

A. By Satans suggestions. Joh. 8. 44.

Q. What is his sinne to us?

A. All have sinned in him. Rom. 5. 12.

Q. How came all men to be guilty by Adams sin?

A. Adam was a publike person. Rom. 5. 12.

Q. What is our estate by nature?

A. We are dead in trespasses and sinne. Eph. 2. 1.

Q. What is originall sinne?

A. It is a want of righteousnesse at first, and presence of corruption in the whole nature. Rom. 3. 9. 10. 12. 28.

Q. When had sin its beginning in us?

A. At the conception. Psal. 51. 5.

Q. What is actuall sinne?

A. The fruit of it, in thought, word, and deede. Rom. 3. 12.

Q. What are mans thoughts now?

A. Onely evill continually. Gen. 6. 5.

Q. Can man then please God?

A. They that are in the flesh cannot: Rom. 8. 8.

Q. What hurt doth sinne?

A. The curse comes by it: Gal. 3. 10.

Q. What is the present curse?

A. All temporall miseries: Deu. 28. 20.

[Page]Q. What is the curse at the end?

A. It is death, Rom. 5, 12.

Q. What is the curse after death?

A. Eternall destruction: Rom. 6, 23.

Q. Do all perish then?

A. Nay, God will have mercy on whom he will: Rom. 9. 18.

Q. Can we amend this?

A. No no man can help: Act 4. 12.

Q. Who then can save us?

A. Jesus Christ: Mat. 1. 21.

Q. What is Christ?

A. The Eternall son of God: Luke 1, 35

Q. What is his person

A. God and man: 1. Tim. 2. 5.

Q. Why was he God?

A. To overcome death and the Devill: Heb. 2, 14.

Q. Why was he man?

A. That he might dye for man: heb. 9. 22.

Q. How became he man?

A. He was born of a Uirgin: Mat. 1. 20.

Q. How was he without sin?

A. Hee was conceived by the Holy Ghost. Luke. 1. 35.

Q. What is he to us?

A. A Mediator: 1. Tim. 25.

Q. What hath he done for us?

A. He hath given himself a sacrifice to [Page] God for us, Ephes. 5. 2.

Q. How came Christs sufferings to be of so much value?

A. Because the person that suffered was God. Act. 20. 28.

Q. How could Christ who was without sinne suffer for us sinners?

A. Christ was our surety. Heb. 7. 22.

Q. Why came Christ?

A. To give life to beleevers. Ioh. 3. 16.

Q. How did he give life?

A. By being king, priest & prophet. Act. 2. 36

Q. What did Christ as priest?

A. He bought us. 1. Cor. 6. 20.

Q. From what did he redeeme us?

A. From the curse of the law, Gal. 3. 13.

Q. How did he redeeme us from the curse of the Law?

A. By fulfilling the law & suffering, ro 8. 3. 4

Q. How fulfilled he the Law?

A. By his righteousnesse, Rom. 5. 19.

Q. What did he suffer?

A. He was humbled, and became obedi­ent to death, Phil. 2. 7. 8.

Q. What kinde of death?

A. The death of the Crosse, Phil. 2. 8.

Q. How often suffered he?

A. Once, Heb. 9. 28.

Q. What was the sacrifice?

[Page]A. Christ as man, Isa. 53. 10.

Q. What was the Altar?

A. Christ as God, Heb. 13. 10.

Q. Who was sacrificer?

A. Christ as God man, Heb. 5. 5. 6.

Q. What is his intercession?

A. It is his appearing in the presence of God for us, Heb. 9. 24.

Q. What benefit comes by it to us?

A. He is the propitiation for our sinnes 1 Iohn 2. 1. 2.

Q. How long continues this?

A. Ever, Heb. 7. 25.

Q. What doth Christ as Prophet?

A. He reveals Gods will, Mat. 11. 27.

Q. What doth Christ as King?

A. He rules by his spirit & word, Is. 30. 21.

Q. How appears this kingdome of his?

A. In his rising again the third day, Acts. 10. 40.

Q. Whither is Christ gone?

A. He ascended into heaven, Mar. 16. 19.

Q. What doth Christ in heaven?

A. He sitteth at the right hand of God. Marke 16. 19.

Q. Shall he alwayes abide there?

A. No but till the time of restitution of all things, acts. 3. 21.

Q. What shall he doe then?

[Page]A. Come to iudge the quicke and dead, Acts 10. 4 [...].

Q. Where is this about Christ knowne?

A. Tis beard in the word of truth the Gospell, Col. 1. 5.

Q. To whom is this promised?

A. To all that beleeve: Iohn 3. 16.

Q. Is faith common?

A. No all have not faith: 2. Thess. 3. 2.

Q. Who have faith?

A. Onely the elect: Titus 1, 1.

Q. Who be the elect?

A. They whō God hath chosen before the foundation of the world: Ephes. 1, 4.

Q. How do they live?

A. In holines of the spirit: 2. thes. 2. 13.

Q. What is faith?

A. Tis a trusting in Christ for salvati­on: Acts 16, 31.

Q. Whence is faith?

A. Not from us but of God: Eph. 2, 8.

Q. What is the ground of faith?

A. Gods promise: Iohn 3, 16.

Q. What is the inward meanes of faith?

A. The spirit of God: Iohn 6. 44.

Q. What doth the spirit to work faith?

A. He doth open, draw and soften the heart: Ezech. 11. 19.

Q. What is the outward meanes of faith?

[Page]A. The preaching of the word, Ro. 10. 14.

Q. When is preaching most effectuall?

A. When it is received as the word of God: 1 Thess. 2, 13.

Q. VVhat is the least degree of Faith?

A. A hungring and thirsting after righ­teousnesse: Math. 5, 6.

Q. VVhat is the highest degree of faith?

A. To be fully perswaded of Gods love: Rom. 8, 38, 39.

Q. VVhat benefit by faith?

A. The remission of sinnes: Acts 10, 43.

Q. VVhat priviledge by faith?

A. To be the Sons of God: Iohn 1, 12.

Q. Who be the sons of God?

A. They be a penitent people.

Q. What is repentance?

A. An eschewing ill & doing good, psa. 34. 14.

Q. What is a note of repentance?

A. The hatred of ill, and the love of good: Psal 119, 128.

Q. VVhat is with repentance?

A. A spirituall conflict, Gal. 5, 17.

Q. VVhat follows if the children of God doe sin?

A. A mourning with tears of love: Zach. 12. 10.

Q. VVhat is a good deed?

A. That which God shewes: Mich. 6. 8.

Q. VVhen is our work good?

[Page]A. When its done with respect to all Gods Commandements. Psal. 119, 6.

Q. How many commandements be there

A. There be Ten.

Q. what is required in the first commande­ment?

A. To have the true God our God. Exodus. 20. 3.

Q. What is required in the second Com­mandement.

A. The true meanes of Gods worship. Exod. 20. 4, 5, 6.

Q. VVhat is required, in the third Com­mandement,

A. The true manner of Gods worship. Exod. 20. 7.

Q. VVhat is required in the fourth Co­mandement.

A. The hallowing of the time of his worship. Exod. 20. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Q. What is required in the fifth Com­mandement?

A. To regard our neighbours dignity, Exod. 20. 12.

Q. What is required in the sixth Com­mandement?

A. To regard our neighbors life: Ex. 20. 13

Q. What is required in the seventh Commandement?

A. To regard our neighbours chastity [Page] Exod. 20.14.

Q. VVhat is required in the eight Com­mandement?

A. To regard our neighbours goods: Exod 20. 15.

Q. VVhat is required in the ninth Com­mandement?

A. To regard our neighbours good name. Exod. 20. 16.

Q. VVhat is required in the tenth Com­mandement?

A. Inward content, no coveting. Exod. 20. 17.

Q. VVhat duty to our selves owe we?

A. To regard our selves as our neigh­bour, Iam. 2. 8.

Q. VVhat is the sum of the first table?

A. Thou shalt love the Lord with all thy heart. Mat. 22. 37.

Q. What is the sum of the second Table?

A. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy selfe, Mat. 22. 39.

Q. Can we do of our selves any good?

A. No, we are not sufficient, 2 Cor 3. 5

Q. Will workes save us?

A. No, we are saved by grace. Eph.2. 8

Q. What are good works?

A. The way to walk in, Eph.2. 10.

Q. Why are good works to be done?

[Page]A. To glorifie God in heavē. Mat. 5. 16.

Q. What may the godly looke for in their way?

A. Many afflictions, Acts 14. 22.

Q. What is the comfort in afflictions?

A. All shall work for good, Rom 8. 28.

Q. What is the help against Sathan?

A. God will tread him downe, Rom. 16. 20.

Q. What is the helpe gainst sin?

A. Gods grace will be sufficient, 2. Cor. 12. 9.

Q. What supports in reproches?

A. The great reward in heaven, Mat. 5. 12.

Q. What is the supply in infirmities?

A. God will be sparing, Mal. 3. 17.

Q. Where true grace is what should be done?

A. Increase more and more, 1 thes. 4 1.

Q. What is the first meanes of growth in grace?

A. The word of God, 1 Peter 2. 2.

Q. How must the word be used?

A. Heare it with an honest heart: Luke 8, 15.

Q. What is to be after the hearing of the word?

A. A searching if it be so: Act. 17. 11.

Q. How is the word to be used alone?

[Page]A. Meditate on it day & night Psa. 1. 1. 2.

Q. How is the word to be used in com­pany?

A. Confer and talk together of it: Deu. 6. 7.

Q. What is another means of growth in grace?

A. Prayer in the holy Ghost: Jud. 20

Q. What is prayer?

A. A powring out of the heart to God. Psal. 62. 8.

Q. What be the parts of prayer?

A. Petition & thanksgiving: Phil. 4. 6.

Q. What is petition?

A. A desiring of something which wee want: Math. 7. 7.

Q. What is thanksgiving?

A. Tis the praising God for his good­nesse to us. Psal. 50. 15.

Q. VUhen must we pray?

A. Continually: 1 Thess. 5. 17.

Q. How must we pray?

A. With watching: Col. 4. 2.

Q Where must we pray?

A. In every place: 1 Tim 2. 8.

Q. What kind of prayer are we to make?

A. Publike in the Congregation: [...]a. 56. 7.

Q. What other kinde of prayer?

A. Private in the family together: [Page] Jer. 10. 25.

Q. What is the third kinde of prayer?

A. Personall in secret: Math. 6. 6.

Q. To whom must we pray?

A. To God alone: Psal. 65. 2.

Q. By whom must we pray?

A. In Christs name: Iohn 14. 13.

Q. What is the help to prayer?

A. Gods spirit: Rom. 8. 26.

Q. For whom must we pray?

A. For all sorts 1 Tim. 2. 1

Q. What is the pattern of prayer?

A. The Lords prayer: Math. 6. 9.

Q. What is the prop to prayer?

A. Gods goodnesse, and greatnesse, he is a Father in heaven. Luke 11. 2.

Q. Who can pray?

A. Onely the childe of God: Rom. 8, 15.

Q. What is the principall grace in prayer?

A. Faith to beleeve God will grant: Mar. 11. 24.

Q. What be the chiefest desires?

A. Those in the six petitions, Luke 11. 2. 3. 4.

Q. What desire we in the first petition?

A. God to be glorified: Math. 6. 9.

Q. What desire we in the second petition?

A. That God may rule, and not sinne [Page] raigne. Math. 16. 10.

Q. What desire we in the third petition?

A. Gods will to be done and not ours: Math. 6. 10.

Q. What desire we in the fourth petition?

A. All things needfull for this life. Math. 6. 11.

Q. What desire we in the fifth petition?

A. To be iustified. Math. 6. 12.

Q. What desire we in the sixth petition?

A. To be freed from the dominion of sinne. Math. 6. 13.

Q. What are we to doe after prayer?

A. Hearken what God saith. Psa. 85. 8.

Q. What if he heare not at first?

A. Wait on his name, Psal. 52. 9.

Q. What if it be long ere he heare?

A. Faint not, Luke 18. 1.

Q. What should we doe the while?

A. Knock, Math. 7. 7.

Q. What hopes upon knocking?

A. It shall be opened. Math. 7. 8.

Q. What is another means to grow in grace?

A. The Sacraments. 1 Cor. 12. 13.

Q. Do they worke grace?

A. No, they confirm it whore it is. Rom. 4. 11.

Q. What is a Sacrament?

[Page]A. Tis Gods feale of his Covenant. Gen. 17. 9. 11.

Q. What is the Covenant?

A. I will be your God, and you shall be my sons and daughters, 2 Cor. 6. 18.

Q. Why is it a Seale?

A. To help faith, Rom. 4. 11.

Q. Who gave this help?

A. The Lord gave the signe. 1. Cor 11. 23.

Q. Why gave God a signe?

A. Because we are dulll of conceiving heavenly things. 1 Cor. 10. 16.

Q. How many Sacraments be there?

A. Two, Baptisme and the Lords Supper. 1 Cor. 12. 13.

Q. Why be there two?

A. Two are sufficient for confirma­tion. 1 Iohn 5. 8.

Q. Who may administer the Sacraments?

A. He thats called and none els, heb. 5. 4

Q. What is Baptisme?

A. The Sacrament of our new birth, Titus 3. 5.

Q. What is outward in it?

A. The washing with water, Mat. 28. 19

Q. What is inward in it?

A. The cleansing by the blood of Christ, Revel. 1. 5.

Q. Will outward Baptisme save?

[Page]A. No, but Christs blood sprinkled: 1 Poter 3, 21.

Q. Why are we baptized in the name of the Trinity?

A. To assure our Communion with them: Math 28, 19.

Q. Why are Infants Baptized?

A. The promise is to them: Act. 2. 39.

Q. How often are we to be baptized?

A. Once: as once new borne is enough: 1 Cor.1. 16.

Q. May one bee saved dying before Baptisme?

A. Yes, by vertue of the Covenant: Acts 2. 39.

Q. May one be damned that is baptized?

A. Yes, if they beleeve not: Mar. 16. 16.

Q. What condition are we bound unto?

A. To repent and beleeve: Mar. 1. 15.

Q. What must we look to about baptism?

A. To die to sinne, and live to new­nesse: Rom. 6. 3. 4.

Q. When is all this assured unto us?

A. When we beleeve: Heb. 10. 22.

Q. What is the Lords Supper?

A. A Sacrament of our nourishment in Christ: 1 Cor. 10. 16.

Q.What more in this then in Bap­ptisme?

[Page]A. The covenant then made is renew­ed, Chron. 34. 32

Q. What is the outward signe?

A. The elements and actions: 1 Cor. 11. 23. 24. 25.

Q. What be the Elements?

A. Bread and wine: 1 Cor. 11. 28.

Q. What inward?

A. All Christs benefits and merits 1 Cor. 10. 16.

Q. What doth the bread note?

A. Christs body, Math. 26. 26.

Q. What doth the wine note?

A. Christs blood: Math. 26. 28.

Q. What actions are we to observe?

A. The ministers and the receivers. 1 Cor. 11. 24. 25.

H. What doth the Ministers consecrating the Elements shew?

A. God blessing, and setting Christ apart for a Mediatour: John 6 27.

Q. What the breaking of the bread and powring out the wine?

A. The bruising of Christs body, and shedding of his blood. 1 Cor. 11. 24. 25.

Q. What doth his giving of the Elements shew?

A. God offering Christ, and giving him truely to all beleevers, Iohn 6. 32.

[Page]Q. What sheweth the taking of bread and wine?

A. The receiving of Christ by faith Iohn 1. 12.

Q. What sheweth the eating & drinking?

A. The applying of Christ particularly. Gal. 2. 20.

Q. When should we receive the Lords Supper?

A. Not once, but often, 1 Cor. 11 26.

Q. Why should we come to this Supper?

A Christs command is, do this, 1 Cor. 11. 24. 25.

Q. What profit is by this Supper?

A Gods promise is this this is my body and blood (that is a signe and seal of it) gi­ven & shed for thee. Mar.14 .22. 23. 24.

Q. Who may come to the Lords Supper?

A. They that examine themselves, 1 Cor. 11. 28.

Q. What must we inquire after first?

A. Our knowledge and spirituall under­standing, 1 Cor. 11. 29.

Q. What the second thing to be enquired after?

A. Our faith, 2 Cor. 13. 5.

Q. What the third thing to be tried?

A. Our repentance, Mat. 3. 80.

Q. What the fourth thing to be examined?

[Page]A. Our love, 1 Cor. 10. 17.

Q. What if these Graces be wanting?

A. Then who comes is unworthy. 1 Cor. 11. 29.

Q. What is the danger by unworthy comming?

A. We become guilty of the body and blood of the Lord, 1 Cor. 11. 27.

Q. Is it enough to come?

A. No we eate and drinke damnation to our selves if we discerne not the Lords body 1 Cor. 11. 29.

Q. What is it to discerne the Lords body?

A. Tis to know and beleeue the spiritual presence of Christs body and bloud signi­fied, sealed and truly giuen of God in this Sacrament. 1 Cor. 11. 24. 25.

Q. What if faith and grace be weake in any?

A. Come then to get strength Mat. 11. 28.

Q. What should one doe in the time of the Sacrament?

A. Meditate of Christs death, 1 Cor. 11. 26.

Q. What should be done after the Lords Supper?

A. Live not in siune, but in sincerity and truth, 1 Cor. 5. 8.

Q. What is to bee done to offensive walkers?

[Page]A. Warne them: 1 Thess. 5. 14.

Q. What if they amend not?

A. Note them and have no company with them. 2 Thess 3 14.

Q. What is the case of one justly ex­communicate?

A. Hee is delivered up to Sathan 1 Cor. 5 5

Q. What if the excommunicate person repent?

A. Then confirme our love towards him: 2 Cor 2. 8.

Q. What is to be done in extraordinary necessity?

A. Fast to asslict the spirit before God in prayer: Joel 2, 12.

Q. What is to be done when we have marvellous mercies?

A. Then kéep feasting daies for solemne thanksgiving: Esther 9. 22.

Q. What is to be done if we finde our hearts inconstant?

A. Then vow obedience and by serious promise testifie our love to God. Psal. 119. 106.

Q. What is appointed for all men?

A. Once to dy: Heb. 9. 27.

Q. What is death?

A. A parting of soul & body. 2. pet. 1. 15.

[Page]Q. What is the comfort against death?

A. Christs death: Heb. 2, 15.

Q. What is after death?

A. The judgement: Heb. 9. 27.

Q. When is the day of judgement?

A. Tis not knowne: Mar. 13. 33.

Q. Who shall be Iudge?

A. Christ Jesus: Iohn 5, 22. 27.

Q. How will Christ come?

A. In glory & Majestie: 1 Thes. 4. 16.

Q. How will Christ judge?

A. He will separate sheepe and goates. Math. 25. 23.

Q. Who shall be iudged?

A. All iust and uniust quick and dead Acts 10. 42.

Q. What things shall come to iudgement?

A. All things secret & open: Ecles. 12, 14.

Q. What shall befall those alive at that day?

A. A change in the twinkling of an eye: 1 Cor. 15. 51. 52.

Q. How shall the dead come to iudge­ment?

A. They shall rise again: 1 Cor. 15. 52.

Q. Who shall be first?

A. The dead in Christ shall rise first, 1 Thes. 4. 15.

Q. Where unto rise the wicked?

[Page]A. Unto condemnation, Iohn 5. 28.

Q. What doe the godly rise unto?

A. Unto the resurrection of life, Iohn 5. 29.

Q.What is the sentence to the godly?

A. A eal to inherit heaven, Mat. 25 34.

Q. What is the sentence to the wicked?

A. Ye cursed go to hell fire. Mat. 25. 41.

Q. What follows upon the sentence to the wicked?

A. Ever lasting perdition from the pre­sence of God. 2. Thes. 1. 9.

Q. What to the godly?

A. To be with Christ, Iohn 14. 3.

Q. What is there where Christ is?

A. Fulnesse of Joy, and pleasures for evermore. Psal. 16. 11.


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