Preacht at Springfield Lecture, August 25 th. 1698. At the Execution of Sarah Smith.

By Mr. John Williams Pastor of the Church at Deerfield.

Boston, Printed by B. Green, and J. Allen, for Michael Perry, at his Shop over-against the Town-House. 1699.

[Page] [Page] Bibliography


HENRY STEVENS of Vermont, FSA, &c. 4 Trafalgar Square, London. 1882



ALthough in the Popish Sense we m [...]y allow no sin to be Venial; ( For the wages of every sin is death) yet there are doubtless degrees in sin, some are in their nature & circumstances more peculiarly aggravated, and expose to a much sorer Con­demnation: Among which may be reckoned those which are not only violations of positive Precepts, but of the very dictates and law of na­ture; in such sins there is both a contempt of the Divine Authority, and a great deal of vio­lence offered to Conscience, which would re­strain from the commission of them, and is a plain demonstration of prevailing Atheism of the heart, and mighty power and love of sin in it, to over-bear the light they have; but that such sins should be committed under the clear light of the Gospel, shews men to be wholly without excuse: It therefore is, and ought to [Page 4] be for a lamentation, that though we live in such an Age of the World, wherein the Light of the Gospel shines with greater clearness pro­bably then it ever did since the first revelation of it; yea, in days too, wherein the Wrath of God is revealed from heaven against the un­righteousness of men. That in such days there should be found so many sad instances of these horrid and unnatural sins of Murther and Un­cleanness; but especially of this latter, that there is ground to fear, that it hath been one of the things for which God hath so long had a con­troversie with the Land: As for what is obvious to men of this nature, we have reason to hope, that the Land is free from the guilt of it, by the vigilance and faithfulness of those to whom God hath committed the Sword of Justice; but there are many things of this nature secret, which the method of God in his Judgments seems directly to point at. It is noted among the procuring cau­ses of Israels miseries, 2 King. 17.9. That the Chil­dren of Israel did secretly those things that were not right in the sight of the Lord; probably this may re [...]err to what we read, in 1 King. 14.24. There were Sodomites in the land: However that be, it's certain the Prophets reckon up the sins of Whoredom and Adultery among the black Ca­talogue of their abominations, and the causes of their calamities, Jer. 5.7. They assembled themselves by troops in Harlots houses; and Hos. 4.11. Whor [...] ­dom [Page 5] and Wine take away the heart; these are such things as defile the Land, where-ever they are committed, and will certainly procure an in­crease of Judgments, unless repentance prevents; & whensoever God in his just Wrath leaves any to be monuments of shame & ignominy before the world, it is a loud call to all who lye under such guilt, to be speedy and thorough in repen­tance. God both requires and expects it should be so. Deut. 13.11. All Israel shall hear and fear, and do no more presumptuously, on which account it seems very sutable to accompany such sad in­stances with solemn warnings, that those who are under the like guilt, may be awakened, and others may be awed; and it is especially need­ful, that persons be put in remembrance of the dreadful consequence of these things in the world to come; in comparison of which, the greatest shame, and severe penalties here, are as nothing; and as the Judgment of God is more severe, so it is more certain, he hath positively declared, Heb. 13.4. Whoremongers and adulterers God will Judge; these works of darkness may escape the notice, so the Judgment of men, but there will be no escaping the Judgment of God; there is no darkness or shadow of death where the workers of Iniquity may hide themselves; the eye of God follows men into their darkest recesses, and he will surely have a day to bring to light the hidden things of darkness. To pro­mote [Page 6] these Ends, it is that many of the Hearers of the following sollid and seasonable Warn­ing delivered just before the Execution of a person convicted of these horrid sins of Mur­ther and Adultery, have desired the publication of it; to which the Author hath consented, being desirous to further the right Improvement of such a sad Example, to deter others from the like abominations. As for the person Exe­cuted for these sins, she is an awful instance of the infatuating, hardening and stupifying power of this bruitish Sin of Uncleanness, her love to, & frequent practice of it, having occasio­ned her stifling many convictions, & contracted a fearful stupidity and sottishness upon her, near the approaches of death. It is earnestly to be wished, that such Warnings and Examples might not be in vain; that all would so im­prove them, that we might see no more such Examples. To conclude therefore, let me perswade all to consider, the heinous nature, and dreadful effects of these sins; the Apo­stle gives a particular account hereof, 1 Cor. 6.9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. Its a sin against a mans own body, it is a defiling of that which should be the temple of God; it is a Sin loathsome in it self, and makes those who are guilty of it, loathsome to God, and to men too, when it is discovered; it is a sin that is ordinarily the punishment of other [Page 7] sins, Prov. 23.27. A Whore is a deep ditch, and a narrow pit, the abhorred of the Lord shall fall therein. It is a Sin that dreadfully hardens and besots those who are guilty of it. Prov. 21.9. 'tis said of the Harlot, n [...]ne that go in unto her return again, neither take they hold of the path of life. (2.) That persons would more carefully avoid the inducements to this Sin which are too common: Such are, over cos [...]ly, light ga­rish Attire, impudent and immodest carria­ges, filthy communications, idleness, intempe­rance, by which the body is inflamed, and modesty banished; the command that for­bids the acts of Uncleanness, forbids also the occasions and tendencies to it; and unless there be a tenderness and watchfulness to avoid these, there will be little hopes, that gross pollutions will be avoided. Thus com­mending the following Warnings to the Blessing of God, and to the serious consi­deration of the Rising Generation.

I am Your Souls well-wisher. W. Williams.

WARNINGS TO ALL Unclean Persons.

Rev XXI. 8. ‘But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abomina­ble, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorce­rers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire & brim­stone: which is the second death.’

SInners promise themselves a great deal of pleasure, satisfaction and delight in the ways of Disobedience, to the holy Com­mands of God; but the destinations and appointments of God to them are far otherwise. They say they shall sollace themselves with love, and take their fill of love. But in these words you see what God appoints them too, not to a bed deckt with coverings of tapistry, with carv­ed [Page 10] works, with fine Linnen of Egypt, perfumed with myrrh, aloes and cinnamon; but to a lake burning with fire and brimstone; a righteous allotment from God, to all them that burn in their filthy lusts here. In these words by an elegant Antithesis, we have represented to us the differing frame of the wicked from the god­ly; and the differing portion of these from the godly; the Godly in the foregoing verse are described from their constancy, and perseverance in opposing whatever was contrary to the holy nature, or holy Law of God: and happiness in its full complement, or perfection is promised them of God: The Ungodly spoken of in these words, are such as are for pre [...]ent ease, and endless sorrow, and pain are threatned to them. In which words, we have as it were a Catalogue of those that are appointed to Wrath, or a very severe Commination, or Threatning, &c. With the Subjects thereof.

1. The Commination or Threatning, shall have their part, &c. an absolute peremptory threatning, ( shall have) not that its probable, or who can tell but it may be so, they are in danger, its very much to be feared it will be [...]o; but they shall have their part.

Part] share or portion, so much as hath been demerited by their sins, and is appointed them of God: who will give to every man, according to the fruit of his doings.

Lake] figuratively put for the place of Tor­ [...]ent; [Page 11] Hell, wherein the reprobate shall be [...]ormented.

Burns with fire and brimstone] denoting the [...]xtream torments of Hell; when 'tis said they [...]hall have their part, &c. 'tis as much as though [...]t had been said, they shall be adjudged to a most grievous Damnation, by an irreversible Sentence.

Second Death] Eternal Death, &c. Damnati­on of Soul and Body in Hell, concludes under it the separation of the whole man, Soul and Body from the glorious presence of God; and the delivering of the Sinner to endless pain and torment in Hell.

2. The Subjects of this doleful Commination.

Fearful] Such as through fear of man, swerve from the holy profession, and practice of God­liness; comprehending all those who are afraid, from the encouragements of the Gospel, to commit their Souls to Christ; who dare not on Gospel Encouragements believe on Christ.

Unbelieving] all that remain in a Christless and Impenitent State, on whatever considerati­on, whether from sloth, love of sinful pleasures, or contempt of Christ, and his Glorious Grace.

Abominable.] Those that are left to sin against nature, and such as are guilty of Sodomy, and Bea [...]tiality.

Murderers.] Those that unjustly take away the life of others, or do that which hath a ten­dency [Page 12] thereto; those that offer violence to the blood and life of others.

Whoremongers.] Unclean persons, whether married, who are termed Adulterers; or un­married, who are called Fornicators.

Sorcerers] Witches, those that have familiar amity with Evil Spirits.

Idolaters] Idol worshippers, that use Idols in Religious Worship: Such also are all that put the Creature in the room and stead of God.

All Lyars] Such as are deceitful, and dis­sembling, who speak otherwise then they think; and do otherwise then they speak; such as ac­custom themselves to speak falsly; comprehend those that fall into Heresie, and all practical Ly­ars, as Hypocrites, who profess that they know God, yet in works deny him; any dying under the guilt of these sins, are the Subjects of this Commination: Any living under the single guilt of any one of these heads of sin; are at present under a Sentence of Death, and nothing but un [...]eigned repentance towards God, and faith in Jesus Christ, can prevent their being the Subjects, of this threatning eternally.


Murder and Uncleanness, are sins that God punisheth men, and women dying under the guilt of; with Eternal Damnation. Or thus, [Page 13] ‘That Impenitent Murderers, and Unclean persons, will [...]e made the Subjects of Hell Torments.’

Hell Torments will be the portion of all Im­penitent and Unclean Persons. I have singled out these two, rather then the rest; because God in his Providence, calls me to [...]ear testimony a­gainst these, and to warn one in a peculiar man­ner convicted of both these, and under a just Sentence of Death, speedily to repent, and get a pardon in the blood of Christ.

Uncleanness and Murder are Sins that God punisheth not only in this life, but in the world to come; when the natural life of these shall be expired, and that by Divine Appointment, worse sorrows then ever they endured here, shall seiz [...] upon, and apprehend them; the sufferings of wrath here, and loss of li [...]e, by divine vengeance, will not expiate, guil [...]iness; but divine wrath will pursue and abide on the guilty in the other world: One Death will lead to another; the First Death makes way for the Second. God don't punish the Guilty only with Damnation, but Everlasting Damnation: Sinners dying un­der the guilt of these sins, shall not only be Damned, but everlastingly Damned.

Quest. How doth it appear, that God will punish them that dye under the guilt of these sins, with E­verlasting Damnation?

1. From Scripture Threatnings and Commi­nations, [Page 14] God is not a man that he should lye, n [...]ither the Son of man that he should repent, hath he said, and shall he not do i [...]? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? God that said of old, that he would Chastize, as their Congregation had heard, God who is truth, and cannot l [...]e, who after he had threatned his imp [...]nitent people in ancient times for their A­pos [...]acy, warned them against flattering them­selves with hopes of impunity, by saying, the Lord have spoken it; this God hath in his Word threatned thus to deal with Unclean Sinners, & commanded them not to deceive themselves with hopes of a less punishment. 1 Cor. 6.9, 10. Gal. 5.6. these Exclusions from the King­dom of Heaven, comprehend in them positive punishments, even the punishment of Eternal Damnation. If Sinners hearing the curses and threatnings of Gods Word, embolden themselves with promising themselves happiness, they will find themselves in the issue, separated to all evil. Deut. 29.19, 20. For heaven and earth shall sooner pass away, than one jot or tittle of Gods word fail of its accomplishment.

2. Because these are Transgressers of the Ho­ly Law of God, and Damnation is due to them on this account. Rom. 6.23. Rom. 1.13. Every Sin is a transgression of the Holy Law of God; its therefore a meet and a reasonable thing that they should have their due: Hell and Damna­tion [Page 15] are as really due to them, and deserved by them in this their last end, as ever wages were to a man, at the end of his days work. God is neglected & slighted, his holy Law trampled upon, for a little present carnal satisfaction; so that the Justice of God is concerned thus to deal with them.

3. Because these their sins are of a scarlet and crimson dye, aggravated iniquities filling up the measure of other sins; not barely transgressions and violations of a holy Law of God, but brea­ches of his Law, with such aggravations, that ripen for Damnation.

1. Uncleanness is an aggravated iniquity, fil­ling up the measure of other sins. Prov. 2.18. this appears,

1 In that it is a sin that God leaves the ab­horred of his Soul, and reprobates to a wallow­ing and continuing in. Eccles. 7.26. Prov. 22.14. A Sin that he leaves them to, that he never in­tends good to; these are left of God, to go the way to Hell; and not escaping these sins, they may not think to escape damnation. Prov. 7.27. Prov. 5.5. these expressions that the abhorred of the Lord shall fall therein, plainly intimates, that many previous and foregoing sinful courses, have provoked God to jealousie and hot displea­sure; and that he will leave them to this sin, to prepare them for a day of Vengeance.

2. A Sin that takes away the heart from God, [Page 16] and that which is good. Hos. 4.11. It alienates and estrangeth the heart from God, and the ho­ly Commandment; it causeth sinners to disre­gard and slight promises and threatnings; it takes away the heart from thinking, and medi­tating of God, and his Word, from delighting in God and his Commandments, from contri­ving and studying how to please God, and obey his voice; so that they will not hearken to his voice, they will none of him; when the heart is thus taken off from God, and that which is good, the measure of sin will be filled up apace. Prov. 2.17.

3. In that they are addicted and accustomed to this Sin, are hardened persons, and seldome truly repent. Prov. 2.19. Prov 7.13.23. the Scrip­ture speaks of these, as the most impudent and shameless sinners; yea, as those that refuse to be ashamed; many of these past feeling. Eph. 4.18, 19. Now, when any are hardened from Gods fear, they will fall into mischief, and the heart of those will be set in them to do evil.

4. A Sin that hath ruined and made desolate Nations and Lands, guilty of it: It drowned the Old World; it brought down Fire and Brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah, Gen 19.13. Sodom had many other sins, as Pride, Idleness &c Glu [...]tony; but this sin of Uncleanness made it a desolation; and a sin that eternally ruins and undoes the Soul. Prov. 6.32.

[Page 17] 2. Murder is an aggravated Sin, filling up the mea [...]u [...]e of other sins; other sins treasure up wrath against the day of wrath: This sin ripens for cutting down, finisheth the transgression, and brings forth death: this appears, in

1. That the cry of this sin, pierceth the very heavens, and brings down the Curse of God. Gen. 4 10, 11. he sinned in his wrath against his Brother; he finished that sin, in the murder of him. God admonished and warned him, for his passionateness, and angryness, but when he had committed this s [...]n, saith God, Thou art cursed from the earth.

2. Inasmuch as usually they are hardened a­gainst Gods [...]ear, and contemners of God, that are thus guilty. Gen. 4.9. he doth not fall down and cry out against himself, for his own guilti­ness, but as though it were a light thing to break with God, he adds sin to sin; he lies, to hide his murder, and takes up God disdai [...]fully, Am I my Brothers Keeper? A Parent, a Master, a Prince, would account such language from a Child, Servant or Subject, unallowable sawci­ness and contemp [...]. He speaks as though it was an affront to put such a question to him: and therefore after God denounced a Curse on him, he doth not bewail the greatness of his sin, he doth not relent or manifest sorrow that he had sinned against God, as he had done; only faith, My punishment is greater than I can bear; and in­stead [Page 18] of busying his mind to get his sin pardon­ed, by building a City, he diverts his mind from contemplating on his guiltiness.

3. In that God will not permit Murderers to li [...]e here, but causeth them to dy before their time; Blood thirsty men shall not live out half their days Exod. 21.14. Flying to the horns of the Altar, shall be no sanctuary or security to them. Numb. 35.31. there can be no compensation m [...]de for the expla [...]ing of guilt as to this life. God will have no man plead that the natural life of such a [...] one, may be spared. Prov. 28.17.

4. In that a whole Land cannot be innocent, but polluted, that suffer innocent blood to cry against it, in neglecting the Execution of Just­ice, for such a transgression: In that a whole Land shall smart for sparing a convicted Mur­derers Life: When Murder is uncertain as to the author of it; see what is incumbent on a peo­ple, for the preventing the Wrath of God. Deut. 21.1. [...] ▪10. A people have no reason to expect that it will goe well with them, li [...] they neglect execution of Judgment, for this sin. Deut. 19.11, 12, 13. Numb. 35.33. the conniving at, and suffering of such sins, greatly moved God to wrath against Israel. Jer. 2.34.

5. In that the very light of nature, teacheth that God is not wont to suffer this Sin to go un­revenged. Acts 28.4. the Wrath of God is not only revealed from Scripture light, against this Sin; but the Barbarians by the light of nature, [Page 19] judge it too great an offence for the Judge of the World to permit, long unrevenged here.

USE I. Of Information.

1. What great reason they have to be humbly thankful to God, that are restrained and kept from these Sins. Every one by nature, hath the seeds of all Sin, and disobedience: Its God that witholds all as well as Ahimelech Gen. 20.6. Religious Education, our own wisdom and resolutions can't restrain even from such wickedness: Its God that makes us to differ one from another, that keeps from such pollu­tions; many of the Wise and Learned of the World, many that make a profession, have been guilty: We are not to be unthankful for re­straining grac [...]; we are humbly to acknowledg God, when he keeps back from presumptuous sins.

2. What great reason Ministers, Parents and Heads of Families, have to warn all under their Charge against, and to restrain them from such sinful practices and courses. These Sins will not only expose theirs to such calamities in this life, that will make the ears of them that hear, to tingle, but render them obnoxious to Eternal Damnation.

3. How they are to blame, who suffer and permit such things under their eye, and roof, that are leading occasions to such Sins. They are to blame that suffer and allow their Chil­dren and Servants in the black and dark night, [Page 20] to be absent from the Religious Orders of their Families, to be going the way to such houses; they are to be reproved, who bring up their Children and Families in Idleness, which doth occasion the abounding of sin, even this sin of Uncleanness. Idleness occasioned Sod [...]ms being so vile. Heads of Families are to be reproved, that see Young Ones, Children or Servants wantonly toying & dallying one with another, foo [...]ishly sporting on beds before their eyes, un­reproved. I [...] Parents and Heads of Families countenance and wink at such things: I know no reason they have to exercise charity towards them, that they won't play the Who [...]e, and be grosly Unclean out of their sight; they are to blame that know their Children make themselves vile, and restrain them not.

4. That the case of some is exceeding hazzar­dous and full of danger, they have the astonish­ing guilt of these Sins of Uncleanness & Mur­der upon their Souls; they have not only com­mitted th [...] evils, but have not repented of them, have the guilt of these sins still lying up­on their Souls. If the Consciences of the [...]e are a [...]l [...]ep, and they under security, yet they are in hazzard and great danger. It may be they s [...]id, when they were tempted to these sins, they would yield to them, it would be only repen [...]ing of them afterwards. Oh they are but a few who addict themselves to such a way and course of Sin, that un [...]eignedly repent and turn [Page 21] to God. Prov. 2.19. These had need to flie for refuge, to escape for their lives.

5. Its a thing much to be lamented, that a­ny among us at this day should be left to such Sins. Its sorrowful to hear that Pagans and Papists should be guilty in these respects: much more lamentable, when any among our selves, especially at this day, are walking on in these ways. God hath been hedging up our wayes with thorns, to stop us in ways of sin; shall any in such a day when God is purging us, be thus Unclean? Shall any contemn the Justice of God, and flight his anger? Rivers of tears should run down our eyes. We should behold these Trans­gressors and be grieved.

USE II. Of Awakening to all that are guil­ty of these Sins: Know it, that for these things cometh the Wrath of God upon the children of Diso­bedience. There is reason that such Sinners should tremble at the Wrath of God; hear what the Text and Doctrine saith to such as you. I would fain have charity, that there is but one in this Assembly, that hath been guilty of Murder in the highest degree of it; yet I fear there are several that have Murdered in their hearts, and some who have been guilty of interpretative Murder, for hiding and conceal­ing the Uncleanness of which this poor Con­demned One was guilty, before she became [Page 22] guilty of Murder, for which she is to dye. I fear the guilt of Innocent Blood lies also upon some that through a greedy desire to get gain, have made drunk the heathen, to the occasion­ing quarrels to death among themselves, and ploddings of death to others. Oh consider of the words and truth of God to you this day, and labour to get a pardon for your Blood-guiltiness. Here also is certainly matter of A­wakening to all unclean Sinners, Adulterers or Fornicators: It may be there are not many before God, that have before man been convict­ed of Uncleanness, not many who have in the sight of man, had Bastards laid to their charge; yet to be feared, much Uncleanness to be char­ged on several, who are Whoremongers in the sight of God, and exposed to this Wrath, that you hear determined from the Lord God of Hosts a­gainst the Unclean. Hear & tremble all you Un­clean Ones, elder & younger who have not only been in heart, but actually unclean before the eye of your Judge: How can you escape the Wrath of God under the guilt of these? This Sin of Uncleanness is one great cause why the Land mourns this day, and is a sin for which many will despairngly mourn at last, unless they spee­dily repent. This evil is thought to be a pre­vailing, growing evil. I shall therefore more specially have a regard to the guilty of Uncleanness in what remains. Awakening,

[Page 23] 1. To all those who can commit this Sin with greediness, and without remorse; these have got the mastery of their consciences, who can commit this sin without terror, the wounds that this sin makes, are not felt; time was when the accusations of conscience made them trem­ble, fill'd them with inward horror; time was, when they could not yield to lesser acts of Un­cleanness without much difficulty, from the ar­guing of a conscience informed from the Word of God. But now they are greedy after the pleasures of sin, will and can argue for Un­cleanness, and promise themselves security. So the whorish Woman spoken of in Prov. 7.15. She becomes an Orator for it, useth all her E­loquence, to inveigle a companion, doth not barely hint a desire of the commission of that sin, but useth much fair speaking: Now they can watch for fit seasons, and for suitable com­panions. Eph. 4.17, 18. Fear of Hell, a Religi­ous Education, fear of shame and reproach will do nothing to prevent the commission o [...] this Sin.

2. To all those who are guilty of this Sin just after Sabbaths, & soon after they are com [...] from hearing the Word of God. Some ther [...] are, who before they sleep, or give themselve [...] rest in their beds, are Unclean: Its much to b [...] feared, there are those who on the evenings a [...] ­ter Sabbaths, are wanton and unclean; who [...] [Page 24] as though God had been giving them a Dispen­sation to be vile; rather than exhorting of them to Holiness of Life and conversation. How many who do in this way as it were bid defiance to God? and say, they don't value his word, or like them, the word that hath been spoken to us in the name of the Lord, we will not do it; but we will certainly do whatever goeth forth out of our own mouth; such are surely impudent. Prov. 7.14, 15.

3. To all those who descend from Godly and Religious Parents, who to the grief, and against the Godly Warnings, and admonitions of their pious Relations, are Unclean. 1 Sam. 27.25. Those may boast themselves of their priviledges; and say, they have Abraham to their Father; but they are to God, as Children of the Ethiopians: hath not God in his Word said of such as you? If they forsake me, I will cast them off for ever? Prov. 29.1.

4. To all those who break their Covenant with God and man, for the fruition of adulte­rous pleasure. Mal. 2.14. Prov. 2.17, 18. Forni­cation is not connived at by God; but he is a swift witness against these. Mal. 3.5. those who sin with so many aggravating and heightening circumstances as these, can't be very long in filling up the measure of their Sin for a judicial process; they have before witness on earth, in [Page 25] the presence of God, promised Chastity.

5. To all those who condemn it in others, and know that it hath brought down the Wrath of God upon them, and yet live in it; some that are guilty of this Sin, cry out against others, and speak as though the sorest punishment that could be thought of, could not be too severe: So did Judah, when his daughter-in-law, was guilty of Whoredom, yet himself as deeply guil­ty. Gen. 38.24. Surely these are inexcusably guilty, and in very great hazard and danger of being filled with the Wrath of God. Rom. 1.32. Rom. 3.1, 2, 3▪ these [...]o as it were Justifie those that have been guilty after God hath punished them, and slight the Justice of God; therefore you find God so sharply reproving these, and declaring these more abominable in his sight. Ezek. 16.47, 53. Jer. 3.7, 12. God is not wont to suffer such that harden their hearts against Examples of Wrath on others, to escape his Wrath. Dan. 5.22.

6. To them that live in Uncleanness▪ whilst they make a high profession of Godliness: they come, and sit at the Table of the Lord, and yet wallow in Uncleanness. God that sees what they do in Secret, sayes, Shall not my Soul be Avenged of such as these? Oh! in what great danger are Church Member Unclean persons. If God will answer them according to their Abominations, who set up their Idols in their hearts, [Page 26] and put the stumbling block of their Iniquity befor [...] their face, when they come to enquire of a Prophet Ezek. 14 4. What will the end of these [...]e [...] These have had impressions made by the Spiri [...] of God, from the word on their Consciences and have been like the Earth that drinketh i [...] the Rain, that cometh oft upon it; and i [...] they do after all this, continue to bring [...]ort [...] briars, and thorns, may they not look upo [...] themselves nigh to cursing? Heb. 6.8.

7 To all those whom God hath suffered to escape long Unpunished, in the pursuit of Unclean delights, an awful symptome, and groun [...] of fear, that God intends to punish them Eter­nally. Oh! many are glad at heart, that they can sin unpunished, and not be brought to shame, and smart for it here: truly such have awful ground to fear, that God intends to Damn them Eternally. The letting of Sinner [...] go unpunished is threatned, as one of the fores [...] Calamities, inflicted in this world, for the preparing of the Sinner for endless Torment. Hos [...] 4.14, 17. Let such read, Rom. 9.22, 23. And se [...] if they have any reason to account it any part of their happiness, that they are suffered of God, to escape long unpunished, in such a way of sinning.

8. To all those who cover their Unclean­nesses with Lies, to the doubling of their guilti­ness: These take a course to carry the guilt of [Page 27] their doings into another world with them. Those that commit Adultery, and walk in Lies, will be as Sodom to God. Jer. 23.14. Prov. 19.5. They are doubly an Abomination to God: the Text doth once and again threaten those persons. Here's nothing but matter of awaken­ing and terrour to all Unclean persons, older or younger. God saith that he will punish such as you are: He will take you into his own hands. Heb. 13.4. Oh! what reason have you to tremble and be afraid! your Sin is Damning. The damage it doth you, is not only in this life, and on your bodies, but it destroyes your Souls, and that Eternally. Consider, that E­ternal Separation from God, and every act of disobedience receiving a meet reward, will make you perfectly miserable. Here consider, for your awakening.

1. That the pleasures of sin will be dear bought. You are now resolved to live a life of pleasure. You are doubly guilty of folly, as well as wickedness; you make choice of pleasures: that lye in common with bruits, and refuse the joys of holiness, and communion with God. You chuse also those that you can enjoy but for a season: they will be but as the crackling of thorns under a pot; and they will cost you the loss of all happiness, and the sustaining all misery: You live a jolly, jocund life now, but what will you do in the end thereof? [Page 28] Madness in your hearts whilst you live, and after that you go to the dead.

2. That God wont punish you for one sin only, or but for a few, but for all. He will remember all your Iniquities, and visit all your sins. Eccles. 11.9. Amos 3.2. All your Unclean­ness, all your Sabbath Pollutions, all your Sin­ful thoughts, words, and actions. Oh! you will find it a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God, under the guilt of Innumerable sins: Can your hands and hearts indure under this? Can you bear the wrath of God, for numberless transgressions?

3 God wont only bring you into misery, but the Cup shall be full of wrath, without any mixture of mercy; that he will make you take and drink down. Wrath wont fall heavily only on one member of the body, but all; not only on the body, but Soul and Body too: No friends to pitty you, pray for you; no comforts of this life, to comfort you. Rev. 14.10. Oh! how hard do afflictions sometimes come upon you now; you say, you can't live long under them, if they are continued; and yet you have many mercies mixt with your bitterest afflictions, ma­ny comforts: But then forsaken of all, nothing but wrath, not one single mercy.

4. God will have no regard to any thing you can devise, to alleviate your pain. He will take no notice of any of the prayers you [Page 29] made, or profession you made of Religion. If you took lamps, and went forth to meet the Bridgroom; if you eat and drunk at his Table: if in his Name you cast out Devils; if you gave of your Estate to charitable uses; if your E­state were laid out for the maintaining and up­holding the Ordinances of God Worship▪ and your natural or acquired parts and abilities, were improved for the good of Gods Church; your wisdom and your courage improved many years, for the preservation and defence of Gods people; it would not be Esteemed by God, to prevent your Torment. Matt. 7.21, 22, 23. and Matt. 25.12. God wont regard the Prayers of the most holy Ministers and Relations that pray­ed for you, to ease you of your pains. Jer. 15.1. Ezek. 14.14. God wont regard your earnest pleadings. Matt. 25.11, 12. Dives can't get one drop of water, with all his pleadings. Your de­scending from Godly Parents, and that you were the Children of the Covenant, won't pro­cure any abatement of pain: The rich man cry­ing out in torment, though he crys, Father Abra­ham, and is called Son, yet hath no ease. Luk. 16.25.

5. God won't only rank your sins before your eyes, but he will make them manifest to your contempt, before the world. God will reprove you, and set your sins in order before your eyes, when he comes to execute Vengeance, as Matt. 25 41. [Page 30] Psal. 50.21, 22. He will also make known to the world, what manner of persons you were to your disgrace and reproach. Psal. 52.6, 7. Luk. 12.2, 3. All your Secret sins, wicked thoughts, your Hypocrisy, and Apostacy, will all be pro­claimed before all the world. You would be a­shamed to be seen in any company, if the wick­edness of your hearts, and thoughts; if the wickedness committed by you in Secret, were known to all; Oh! how do those that seemed to be without shame, hang down their heads? How shy are they of any company, or society, when but a little of their sin is made known? or but a few of their ungodly pranks brought to light: but now all shall be made manifest, to their everlasting disgrace.

6. God won't design any good to you in any, in all those sorrows, and torments that you shall indure. Here when God chastens he aims at profit; he puts into the Furnace to puri [...]y: but then his wrath will be a confirming fire: Re­probate silver shall they be called. God who was so long abused, slighted, and disregarded, will not have one thought, or intention to do you any good, or to prepare you by these miseries for his favour: He sentenceth to everlasting fire, prepared for Devils. You will be separa­ted from all those that God designs good to: the Judgments of God will be to make you mi­serable. Oh! Consider of these things, you that [Page 31] forget God, least he tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver you. Its an ease to the Spirits of many a man and woman under afflictions, to have comfortable hopes and perswasions, that God is carrying on a design of Love & Grace to their Souls, by such Dispensations; that by these he is preventing worse Judgments. 1 Cor. 11.32. but no ease can come to the Damned from any such consideration. God never de­signs to bring them out of torment, but the Smoke of their torment will ascend for ever and ever.

USE III. Of Warning. To Warn all to take heed of those sin; and to warn them that are guilty of them, speedily to repent, and fly to Christ for pardon and forgiveness.

1. To warn every one of you to take heed of these sins.

1. Or God may justly suffer you to be pu­nished in the same way that you abuse others, Job 30.10. God permits this many times by way of retaliation? 2 Sam. 12.11. Hos. 4.12.15. they themselves had been unclean. You would be far from taking pleasure in having these sins paid back into your own botomes; to have Husbands or Wives, to have Children, Sons or Daughters left of God to Uncleanness; but it would be a righteous thing with God to per­mit you to be exercised after such a sort.

[Page 32] 2. Or you will take a course to bring an un­removeable reproach, blemish and spot on your selves. Prov. 6.33. If you get a pardon as to e­verlasting punishment, yet a spot will remain. 1 King. 15.5. Solomon tells you, a Good Name is better than precious Oyntment. I am sure, they justly forfeit the reputation of wisdom that will part with a good name, for the pleasures that are to be enjoyed in this way.

3. Or the best that can be expected, is sor­row unspeakably greater than any pleasure you can reap in this way of sinning. Sorrow from the Judgments of God, and that will be sure to overtake you in this life, and rottenness of bones; being brought to a morsel of bread. How many heart distressing troubles was David followed with, after he fell into these sins? how was he punished in and from his own Children, and how by his Subjects revolting? Sorrows from the Influences of Gods Spirit, in bringing to a sound repentance. He tells of broken bones, his moisture turned into the drought of Summer, he lost the joy of Gods salvation. Oh how will Con­science accuse and perplex; who would under­go the horrors of Conscience, that will fill the Soul of such, to the causing of them to have a dreadful sound in their ears for all the delight that is this way to be enjoyed? the Psalmist, Psal 51. acquaints us how such pleasures bite at the last. Cain says, his punishment is greater [Page 33] then he can bear; his guilty conscience makes him fear, that every one that meets him, is Gods Executioner.

4. Or, it's to be feared, that if once you yield, that you will hold on in such wayes till Death overtake you: Sinners are stupified, that are left to these wayes of Sin: You have heard that few are recovered by unfeigned repen­tance. Stollen waters are so sweet and pleasant to ignorant carnal men, who know not that the dead are there, and that her guests are in the depths of hell; that they oftimes go on, till a dart strike thro' their liver, Prov. 7.23. the young man had so much conscience left him, that he would not yield, till with much fair speaking he was solli­cited, and then he goes on till death; these are oftimes so far besotted by their lusts, that re­proofs will be slighted by them, Hos. 4.4.

5. They are Sins that bring great wrath up­on a Land. Hos. 4.23. when the Sons of Eli had given themselves to these sins, God was wrath, and Thirty four thousand men fell in the Battle, and the Ark of God was taken. The wrath of God distresseth a Land where such Iniquities abound; Wars, Impoverishing Dispensations, to many Families and Towns, are the effects of Gods Anger, stirred up [...] kindled by such pro­vocations. Why should you rebel thus against the Lord, and so provoke God to be wroth with the whole Congregation.

[Page 34] 6. Or you may fear that God will destroy you for defiling his Temple. 1 Cor. 13.17.

Direction 1. Don't disobey Gods Counsels and walk contrary to them, in refusing Christ Psal. 81.11, 12. they take a direct course to fall into these abominations, to their everlasting contempt, that cast contempt upon the Word of God, and on his Son. A Christless Soul can have no assurance, that he shall not be left fi­nally to the worst abominations. Prov. 2.10.16 [...] Prov. 5.12, 13.

2. Don't rely on your own wisdom to be secu­rity to you from these abominations; but endea­vour to have your ways such as may please God. Eccl. 7.22. Some are ready to say, as Hazael, are we Doggs, that we should do such things, and yet both do them, and have pleasure in them that do them: Yea though they know the Judg­ments of God against them who do such things. Solomons Wisdom was no preventive; grace it self is no preservative from foul acts of sin; where persons are carnally confident of their own strength. Peter after his boasts, is so sca­red by a sorry dams [...]l, that he denies Christ, and Curses and Swears. See that your wayes are well pleasing to God, that you may be kept by the mighty power of God, through faith to Salva­tion.

3. Abstain from all appearance and leading [Page 35] causes to such sins; don't come [...]igh the door of her house, don't be out in evenings, & among foolish vain jolly company, when you should be in your Closets, and on your knees before God. Prov. 5.8, 9. Prov. 4.14, 1 [...]. the young man spoken of, Prov. 7.1. was going the way to her house in the black and dark night; he is insnared. Prov. 17.18, 19, 21. beware and take heed of Idleness, as that which will occasion your sin­ning after this sort. Usually Unclean persons, are idle persons; there was abundance of Un­cleanness in Sodom, and that because there was abundance of Idleness. Ezek. 16.49, be­ware of drinking away your precious time: Drunkenness ushers in Murder and Adultery: Drunkards are often Unclean.

4. Beware of giving way to other sins against the motions and strivings of Gods Spirit. So did this poor Condemned Woman, before she was left of God to this Sin of Murder! for which She must Dye: So did Herod, and he imprisoned and murdered John the Baptist. Se­ven worse and more wicked Spirits often enter into such, and so their last end is worse than their beginning, Mat. 12.44, 45.

5. Consider that all your ways are before God, and the darkness hideth not from him. Prov. 5.21.

6. Beware of indulging your selves in secret sins; you must endeavour to be cleansed from secret [Page 36] faults, if you would not have presumptuous sins have dominion over you.

2. To warn them that have fallen into these sins, not to delay repentance; to beware of do­ing any thing to the continuing of the guilt of these sins upon your Souls, and Consciences. Oh hasten, escape for your lives; fly for refuge to Christ. Look not back, with a desire after them.

1 You have been antecedently guilty of ma­ny other sins, ripening you for these; besides the guilt of these sins, you have the guilt of ma­ny other.

2. God will else tear you in pieces, and none shall deliver you. Psal. 50.22.

3. All your former righteousness, and religi­giousness will be disowned, if you live impeni­tent under these sins. Ezek. 18.24. & 32 12, 13.

1. Remember them against your selves so as to be heartily judging and condemning of your selves for them. If you would not have God to loath you, loath and abhor your selves for your Violations of his holy Law: If you would not have God remember against you former iniquities, you must remember them against your selves. Your iniquities must be before you; and you must be judging your selves, be­fore God for them: So did Ezra, Chap. 9.15. So did David, Psal. 51.3, 4. This we are coun­selled to. 1 Cor. 11.31. Thus did repenting Ephraim. Jer. 31.18.

[Page 37] 2, Follow and trace the footsteeps of these your sins, till you find out your Original Sin, & your impure Nature. Psa. 51.5. Unless men come to see and know the plague of their own hearts, they will be partial and feigned in their repentance: They that dont turn with their whole hearts, will fall back again, when a sui­table Temptation and Occasion is offered and presented.

3. Beware that you dont flatter your selves as though you had repented before you have; repentance is not a saying before God with tears, that you are sorry for your transgressions: many turn, but not to the most High.

4. See that Christ as a Sanctifier and Justifier be sought after by you, in respect of the guilt you lie under: you had need improve Christ as a Justifier, and as an Advocate. Oh! then go to Christ as to him who only can Justify, acquit, and absolve you from the guilt of Sin. 1 Joh. 2.1, 2. Joh. 1.29. From the consideration of the Power and Dominion of Sin: you have need of Christ as your only Sanctifier. Your Pray­ers, Reformations, Tears, won't Justifie you: Christ must be a Satisfyer for you, or Gods Justice can't be Satisfyed. And you have no way to get power against corruption, but by going to Christ as your Sanctification: Your Vows, Promises, Resolutions, Fastings, won't mortifie and kill any one sin in you; 'tis Christ [Page 38] must subdue your Sin in you, and for you.

5. Improve present influences from the Spirit of God to draw you to Christ. Unless God by his Spirit draw you, you will never come to the Son: the Number of your Sins won't make you go to Christ; the Greatness of your Sins won't make you go to Christ: natural desires of hap­piness, and escaping Wrath & Hell, won't bring you to Christ; these may cause you to play the Hypocrite, but they won't bring you to Christ: times of common Calamity & Judgment won't drive you to Christ: thoughts and apprehensi­ons of Deaths drawing near and just at hand, ready to arrest you, won't prevail with you to go to Christ. You that delay and put off your repentance when God is striving with you, take heed, you can't convert your selves when you will, without Gods Spirit. Look upon this poor object before your eyes, and then consi­der whether any, or all the forementioned things, will make you fly to Christ. Improve the Spirit while it is at work on your Souls.

6. Beware that you don't hearken to vain words and reasonings, tending to the lessening of your guiltiness, and your danger of Gods wrath and Judgment. Eph. 5.6. Oh! know that for these things cometh the wrath of God upon the Children of disobedience. And since the Apostle hath cautioned thus, as to this sin; I would par­ticularly warn you, to take heed that you don't [Page 39] by vain reasonings prevent your speedy repen­ting, and turning to God: And shall in a few particulars shew you the Vanity of such reason­ings, as have a tendency to extenuate, and lessen your sin and danger, that you may not hearken to them, and deceive your own Souls.

1. Some are ready to reason away apprehen­sions of Divine anger, because 'tis so long since they were guilty of them; if they had com­mitted these sins to day, yesterday, or but a few weeks ago; they should be afraid, and concern­ed to get them pardoned: but its so long since, that they have almost forgotten them; and if God had been much provoked he would not have born with them thus long.

1. Consider. God remembers them all, as though committed but yesterday: they are seal­ed up among his hid treasures. God said, Psal. 50. That he can set them in order before the sinners eyes. God won't only punish for a few of your latter sins only, but for all: If they were com­mitted when you were Young, he hau't for­got them, for he sayes, He will bring you into Judgment, for all your Youthful sins. Eccle. 11.9. They that have gone to God aright, have gone for the pardon of former sins; sins of Youth, as well as latter transgressions.

2. God punisheth some men a long time after they have committed their sins. 'Tis true be­cause Sentence against an evil work is not speedily [Page 40] executed, that the hearts of the Sons of men are set in them to do evil; its no argument that you shall escape punishment, because God hath not yet punished you. Though God did not destroy the people in the Wilderness presently, but bore with their evil manners for forty years, yet he wasted that Generation. Hear what God sayes, Exod. 32.32. God waited on, and warned his people for twenty three years by his Prophet, and yet after all he destroyed them in his anger. Jer. 25.3, 7. Jude verse 5. 2 Pet. 2.9.

3. It may be you have been under a Judicial process ever since. Sinners are sometimes stu­pid and don't observe the Strokes of God upon them; hear how unobservant they were that had been for so long a time under a course of Judgment. Jer. 44.19. compared with 20 [...]24. The Judgments of God are sometimes more Spi­ritual, and so more undiscorned; God layes his plagues on some mens Souls, when he layes them on other mens bodies; He sends leanness into some mens Souls, when he sends leanness on others Estates. Ha [...]'t God let you alone and poured upon you a Spirit of deep sleep? given you eyes, that you should not see, nor perceive, nor be converted to this day? To be left of God to go on stupidly in impenitency, is a very great testimony of Divine Wrath. Soul plagues are the forest plagues.

4. The longer ago your sins were committed, [Page 41] the more hazardous your unconcernedness about [...]epenting of them, & getting a Pardon of them: God wont be patient alwayes, though he is [...]ometimes long suffering: if he waites on Sin­ners till they bring forth briers and thornes, he would have them know, they are nigh to Cursing. Yea, such as are impenitent after much long suffering, may fear that they are Vessels fitted to destruction, Rom. 9.22. God sayes, I come three years looking for fruit, and find none, cut it down why cumbereth it the ground. Luk. 13.7. ult.

2. Some are ready to argue that their sins are but little; if they had been left to gross acts of Fornication or Adultery, they acknowledge they should have had need to have haltened to Chrst for a pardon; but they were only guilty of some wanton dalliances, therefore they don't think God is very angry with them.

1. Though some sins comparatively consider­ed are little, yet no sins absolutely considered are little and small, because against an Infinite God, and Violations and Transgressions of his holy Laws, and Commands.

2. Such little sins, if your Consciences were awakened and enlightned would fill you with great perplexity, and distress: As long as the commandment did not come, with Convictions of its exactness, and spirituality on Pauls Con­science, he was alive and could do well enough; but when such an exposition, as Christ put upon [Page 42] the Commandment came, sin revived, and [...]e dyed; he was slain, and could justifie himself no longer.

3. God finds stubbornness & rebellion which are as that Sin of Witchraft, where Sinners can see only humane frailty and sins of Infirmity, 1 Sam. 15.23. Saul saith, he had obeyed, the [...] he had a good end in varying from the com­mand, or the people are to blame, but God tell [...] him of rebellion and stubbornness which were to him as Witchcraft and Idolatry: God tell [...] him that he had in so doing rejected the Word of the Lord. Christ tells us, he that looks upon a Woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her in his heart. Hear what account God makes of that which you call a look, a cast o [...] the eye, a little thing. Isa. 3.16, 17.

4. The more madness to break with God, and expose your Souls to Hell Torment for these things, that had but a little of pleasure to entice. Ezek. 13.19.

5. Little Sins make way for greater. One Sin allowed, stupifies and makes way for great ones; the greatest Sinner began with that which you call little. Eve first saw that the tree was good: Cain was first wroth with Abel, and then slew him.

3. Some are arguing thus; God is long-suf­fering and patient; no hazzard of present dan­ger. Eccles. 11.8. If God strike Sinners dead [Page 43] presently, they should be afraid to put off Re­pentance; but God waits and forbears; he waited long on the Old World, on Sodom, on many wicked men of old; they don't doubt but God will yet wait on them, they see no appearance of wrath as yet: to this, Consider,

1. Is not this to despise the riches of Gods Grace and Patience, to the treasuring up wrath a­gainst the day of wrath, Rom. 2.4, 5. can't you be content without a treasure of wrath? that you can find in your heart thus to delay Re­pentance.

2. God did not exercise any patience towards the Fallen Angels, and he is under no obligati­on to exercise any towards you. Jude 6. 2 Pet. 2.5. What reason can you give why God should wait any longer on you? can you do him more Services? God is very arbitrary in his waiting, longer or shorter on Sinners.

3. God doth not ordinarily wait so long on Gospel Sinners. Rom. 9.28 no Sinners ripen sooner for cutting down in vengeance than Gospel Sinners. God makes very quick work with some. Acts 13.46. how quick and sudden was God with Ananias and Saphira?

4. God threatens to make quick work with them that harden themselves in Sins, in hopes of long-suffering. Ezek. 12.27, 28. So that you have no security in putting off repentance; its very hazzardous.

[Page 44] 4. Some will reason thus with themselves. God is very gracious and merciful, and pardons great Sins, and Sinners. God pardoned Manas­seh, and Mary Magdalen, and other great Sin­ners: If God had not proclaimed his Name to be gracious and merciful, slow to anger, & forgiving Iniquity, Transgression and Sin, they should be afraid of delaying repentance; but inasmuch as God is so very merciful, they hope it will be no ve­ry hard thing to perswade him to pardon after­wards. To this consider,

1. That he is a just and righteous God too, and pardons no Sinners but such as are penitent; it's true, God gives great Sinners encouragement to turn to him; and upon their repentance, he will forgive their iniquities, yea multiply to pardon; but remember he is a just God too; when he proclaims his Name with so much encourage­ment to repenting Sinners, he subjoyns that he will not at all acquit the guilty. Nahum. 1.3. as merciful as God is, he will not shew mercy and grace to the wronging and injuring of his Justice.

2. You take a course to be shut out of all mercy, and to have God appear shutting up all bowels, and pitty from you. Deut. 29.19. Such reasonings are to be abominated. Rom. 6.1. sure­ly you turn the grace of God to wantonness; when you improve it to encourage you on in ways of sin and rebellion.

[Page 45] 5. Some plead for themselves, that they are weak and ignorant; God hath not given them muck knowledge as others; wherefore their sin is not so provoking to God, as the sins of them that have more knowledge; they hope God will pity their weakness, and not be so very se­vere with them.

1. One sin won't excuse you for another; a gracious act presently after a sinful one, will not excuse you before God; surely the pleading of that which is a sin, will be no security for a sin. It's true, the more any sin against knowledge, the more aggravated is their sin; but ignorance is no defence against Gods anger; especially in such as you that have had your Education in New-England, under the plain convincing preaching of the Gospel. You must of necessity have re­fused to attend to the Word preached, that re­main ignorant, as to the plain principles of Re­ligion; you must have set at nought Gods Counsels, and closed and shut your own eyes. What excuse will it be for you? if you are willingly ignorant; you did not see, because you shut your eyes, and would not.

2. You know that such and such courses that you allow you selves in, are sins; and so your sins are not from weakness, but wilfulness. You know that Whoredom is a sin; that prophaning Gods Sabbaths is a sin, that Unbelief is a sin. You can't plead ignorance here.

[Page 46] 3. God hath declared that your ignorance & weakness shall be no expiation of his wrath: Isa. 27.11. Hos. 4.6.

6. You say, you don't make such a profession of Godliness as some others do; if you made a very great profession, and did such things, you are ready to think, God would be very angry; you do therefore condemn lesser evils in Church members, and admire how they can be so in­sensible.

1. Sin will damn them that don't make a profession, as well as others. God will damn Heathen for their Impenitency, as well as Pro­fessors.

2. You do so far make a profession, that your sin will be aggravated. You pray in your Families, come and joyn in prayer, and hearing the Word of God. You do many things, tho' not all commanded Duties; you profess so high, that your sin will cast you down as low as Hell, if you repent not.

3. By these things you incapacitate your selves from making a suitable profession. Will saying that you lived in sins and wickedness, that rendered you unfit for respecting all Gods Commandments, prevent your being beaten with many stripes? Luk. 12.47.

7. Some will say, that its not in their power to change their own hearts, and withstand temp­tation: If they had sinned after such a sort, & [Page 47] had a power to have resisted temptations; they think God would have been very severe, but they can't change their own hearts.

1. Because you can't do that which is not your work, and what you can't, won't you do what is your duty, and what you can? though you can't change your hearts, you can reform your life. Many that have no principle of grace, reform their lives.

2. 'Tis in your power not to run your selves into temptations, as you often do; you may as well on an evening, go into your Closet, and confess your sin, as go into bad company, and bad places.

3. 'Tis your sin and madness then to pro­voke God not to help you. Can't you repent of your selves? and will you run away from God, who only can? Will you sin away his help from you? He bids you turn, and he will pour out his Spirit: if you turn from him, and will not cherish the motions of his Spirit, you take a course to dye in your sins.

8. 'Tis your grief and sorrow that you do sin. If you were not affected and sinned with­out remorse, you conclude, God would say, shall not my Soul be avenged on such a Sinner? But you are sorry, you confess your sins with tears; you can say you are grieved at heart for your sins, you hope God will not be so exact with you.

[Page 48] 1. Some are grieved and sorrowful, but 'tis for the shame and punishment of their sins: they acted as though they had no shame in them, when their sins were hid from man, but when men know of them, they grieve and are sorrow­ful. Shame and fear of punishment, not the Violation of Gods law is the moving cause of some men and womens grief and sorrow.

2. Your grief and sorrow won't quench hell fire, nor wash away the stain of sin. If you cry night and day, and weep never so much; yea, you cover the Altar in this sense with tears, God won't regard: these are not the blood of Christ, which only cleanseth from iniquity.

3. Your sorrow and grief are but flattery & dissimulation, so long as you take no heed to reform. You read of the Pharisees, that they appeared to men to be sorrowful: yea of those whose Fasts God abhorred, though they made a very plausible show of sorrow, because they did not reform sayes God, Will you call this a fast? and an acceptable day to the Lord? Isa. 58.3▪ 8.

9. You say, you were sollicited, drawn in, and over perswaded by others to these sins; if you had enticed others, you had been very much to blame; but for your part you had no intention, not a thought in your heart to do such wickedness; but others would give you no quiet till you make one with them, and so you impute it to your being good natured [Page 49] and willing to gratifie others, rather than to the enmity of your heart against God.

1. Could they that enticed you, do as much for you, or against you, as God could? Surely if you use this reasoning to be looked upon to be good natured persons, you lay your selves o­pen to a just Censure for folly: Who that is wise will despise God, to please man?

2. If you are so good natured, why don't you yield to God in his beseechings and entrea­ties? you are stubborn, wilful and stout enough here: How earnestly hath God invited you to come to him? he hath not failed in giving you suitable and proper encouragements; God hath stood long entreating, many years called with al [...]earnestness, & sent by many to perswade you.

3. Others could not make you yield, if Sin within did not entice you, to a giving a consent, Jam. 1.14. the Devil himself han't a power to make you yield; it may be you say, the Scrip­ture seems to carry it in the favour of the young man, spoken of, in Prov. 7.21, that she forced him. To that I say; you would do well to con­sider, that the Scripture relates it, as preparing him for such wickedness, and how fully he yielded; 'tis said, he was one void of understanding, one that had refused Christ as his Prophet, that would not come to him for Eye salve, and that he was out of his place, and idling away his time, seeking occasions of Sin; he was passing [Page 50] through the Street, near her corner, and he went the way to her house; and then that he goes after her straightway, or suddenly as it may be rendred; she did not pull and drag him along, not forcibly drive him; but he comes after, not make a stand, a stop, or turn back; but goes after her straightway, and perseveres in the Sin.

4. That God doth strike dead even such as these. Prov. 7.23. God don't only take Venge­ance on them that entice, but on them that are enticed. God gives you no reason by his deal­ings with such, to hope that you may escape unpunished.

10. You say the days are such days of A­postacy, and the times so degenerate, that you should be a meer laughing stock if you did not sin; you are ready to say, that you have found, that the end of such mirth is heaviness: Con­science hath galled, accused & condemned you for them; but if you did decline wanton ex­pressions and gestures, you should make your selves a prey; others would censure you as sil­ly creatures, not fit for Society; if others would reform, you would be glad to reform; but as things are circumstanced, you are afraid to re­form.

1. Better Sinners laugh at you here, than God laugh at you for ever. God will be ashamed of them that are ashamed of Him, before an Adulterous [Page 51] and Wicked Generation: God will have them in Derision: Yea, he will laugh at their Cala­mity, and mock when their fear cometh as deso­lation; that on such pretences set at nought his Counsel. Prov. 1.26. You are afraid sinners will laugh at you, and count you a silly Creature: you take a direct course to be a fool for ever.

2. Others have kept from Sin under greater Temptations. Moses, Joseph, Lot, Daniel, and the three Children.

3. It would be no damage but a benefit to get rid of such Company, whose favour you think to lose. The Psalmist says, Depart from me you wicked men, I will keep the commands of my God. Moses counted the reproach of Christ greater riches than all the pleasures and treasures of Egypt.

4. It may be your Conversion might be an occasion, not only of the Reformation, but found Conversion of many others. It may be your being so concerned for Christ, may cause them to say, O thou fairest among women! Whither is thy beloved gone, that we may go and seek him with you? Cant. 6.1. It may be you may make them ashamed, that falsly accuse your good Conver­sation: you are not sure you shall be reproach­ed by any.

5. Your Conversion to God will rejoyce ma­ny, God, Christ, your Godly Relations, and Ministers, will be glad and rejoyce. Luk. 15.32. 2 Joh. 4. & 3 Joh. 3.

[Page 52] 11. You say you are not convinced that such and such things are Sins, you see no great harm in them; God prospers you in such wayes, if you really thought them to be sins, you would reform: You have heard such Unclean words and gestures reproved in the Pulpit, but you are not of the Ministers mind: you have known others that have fled from such things, have been Afflicted, and you have been Pros­pered.

1. You don't bring your deeds to the light to know what they are, that it may be made manifest what they are; you might have been Convinced. Your refusing to try your actions, renders it suspicious that you have a Secret jea­lousy they are naught; you would not willing­ly know them to be sins Joh. 3.20.

2. You have often from the Ministry been warned of such courses, and have heard them condemned from Scripture arguments; your saying, you are not of the Ministers mind, who cites Scripture for what he layes down, whilst you refuse to search with the Bereans, whether the things be so or no, will be no plea for you.

3. Your own consciences have accused you for these things, when you have lookt upon Death to be near; when you are well, your love to your lusts, puts a new darkness upon your judgments, that were before corrupted by the fall.

[Page 53] 4. Outward Prosperity is no argument that your ways are good. You can say by experi­ence, that Soul prosperity don't go along with such ways and courses. Prov. 1. penult. others have been converted, and you blinded and har­dened; you have lost the things that have been wrought, and are gone backward.

12. You say your Sins are Secret from the eyes of the world, and you were never left a­bove once to be actually and grosly Unclean. If you had been an open sinner, one addicted to wayes of Filthiness, you think God would be very angry: but you sinned but once, you hope God will over look that, and pa [...]s it by.

1. God that is to be your Judge sees in Se­cret, and will Damn for Secret Sins: Secret Sins will Damn you as well as open. Christ denounced woes against Scribes and Pharisees, for Secret sins. God will bring every Secret thing into Judgment. Eccl. 12.14.

2. Adam by one act of disobedience was shut out of Paradise: the Angels thrust out of Hea­ven.

3. One act of these Sins may fill up the mea­sure of other sins. Ananias and Saphira they fill'd up the measure of sin in Lying: one of these sins don't go alone; many other sins pre­pare and make way for them.

13. You say you have many good things as well as evil; you hope your good may be set [Page 54] against your evil. You Pray, Hear, Read, and do many good things; you hope no present hazard, you should be afraid, were it not that you are Religious in many things.

1. Such have perish'd Eternally. The Pha­risies could say as much as you in this respect: Yea Herod did many things gladly; and the young man that came to Christ, could say, All these have I kept from my youth up.

2. Those things which you call good are an abomination to God, whilst you give your selves liberty to sin: See what God sayes to them Isa. 1.11. God threatens to make them as Shiloah. Jer. 7.14.

3. By your impenitency you take a course to be openly wicked, and to lose your Religious­ness. Though Herod had a respect to John the Baptist a while, by retaining his Herodias, he is left first to Imprison him who he had heard gladly, and then Beheads him.

14. You say you have known several do such things, and yet when they come to dye they have made a very good end, you hope you shall too.

1. Did you never know any that seemed to be as good and religious as they whilst Sick, that after recovery were worse? Oh! do you think that all that were prophane in Health and Hy­pocrites in Sickness recover? And that they all go to Heaven that are full of good Expressions [Page 55] on a Sick bed to Death?

2. It may be God may come upon you with a sudden destruction, that you may never come on a Sick bed. Who can tell what a morrow may produce! When you think Death farthest off, and promise your selves years, God may say, Fools, this night shall your Souls be required.

15. You say you saw religious and good men do such things, and therefore you appre­hend no great harm in them, surely they would never have done such things, if there had been so much provocation, and therefore so much hazzard in them.

1. It may be they were only Hypocrites that you saw act so: So was Judas, so was Demas, so the Scribes and Pharisees, that were had in such Ve­neration for their Sanctitie.

2. You are to follow none only wherein they follow Christ. Good men are not the rule you are to walk by. Consider how the Prophet was punished that was deluded, upon a Pro­phets suggesting to him, that an Angel had so spoken to him. 1 King. 13.13.

I would conclude with a Word of Warning to you, that are the occasion of our being here this day before the Lord, who are under a Righteous Sentence of Death: To turn to the Lord under the guilt of these sins, before the [Page 56] Decree bring forth. You have stood before an Earthly Tribunal, and are found guilty; How will you stand before the Tribunal of Christ? to answer for all your sins? your day of Grace is almost gone, and within a few hours, you will either be in Heaven or Hell. Oh! now turn to God, or you will never. I would offer some things to your consideration, for your convicti­on of guiltiness, and need you have to get your peace made with God. You are by nature, a Child of Wrath, and guilty of Adams Sin; you brought a guilty, defiled Soul into the world with you: You were shapen in Iniquity, and in Sin did your Mother conceive you. You have long re­fused and slighted Jesus Christ, and would none of him as your Prophet, your Priests, and your King, and so are under a Sentence of Death, from the Gospel, as well as the Law; by your unbelief you have sealed down, the Wrath of God upon your own Soul; you have fallen al­so into great Land-polluting moral evils, Lying, Stealing, Adultery, and Murder. You would not hearken to the voice of your eminently pi­ous Father-in law, warning of you. You have accustomed your self to these ways of sin, tho' you Lived under the convincing preaching of the Gospel. You closed your eyes, and would not see, tho' for many years you Lived under an eminently Soul-searching Ministry; & you have given up your self to these sins in the day [Page 57] that God was pleading his Controversie, and hedging up your ways with thorns; in the day of the Lords anger, you have sinned more and more: when God had driven you out of one Plantation, into another, by the Enemy; when God had taken away your first Husband by Death, and suffered your second to be carried into Captivity; when he was in bondage, you were wantonly doting on your Lovers; yea though you could not look out an your door, but the Garrison and Souldiers before your eyes proclaimed it to be a day of Gods anger; your sin is very great, in your violating your Marri­age Covenant. You have relapsed after God filled your Soul with horror for these abomina­tions, and turned again as a Sow that was wash­ed, to her wallowing in the mire. You refused to be prevented from Murder, by covering your Adultery with lying, though so solemnly admo­nished and cautioned. You have unnaturally murdered the fruit of your own body, & what in you lay its Soul; have abused patience and long suffering exercised towards you of God; multiplying lying, and hardening your heart, & have not feared God, being under a righteous Condemnation, and Sentence of Death; but to this day continued in lying. You have slighted the Word of God, quenched the Spirit of God, refused Christ; and have by these things filled up the measure of your sins; so that you must Dye, that the Land be not guilty: None may [Page 58] stay you from death, and suffer you to live; least the Land be greatly polluted. And you are now Enjoying your last Opportunity in Gods House; you that have idled, slept away, yea whored away part of so many Sabbaths and Lectures, shall have no more. You that have disregarded Gods Counsels, how righteously might God say? I will laugh at your calamity, and mock when your fear comes [...]. Yet he sayes after all these things, turn, Jer. 3.7. For the life of your body, your case is hopeless. Your sin is so heinous, that your life can't be saved with­out injustice. Well then, since you can't live guiltless, labour to die penitent; & since your Body can't be saved alive, endeavour that your Soul may be saved alive in death; there is yet a possibility that your Soul may be saved. See Prov. 1.20, 22, 23, 24. Jesus Christ the essential wisdom, calls after such an one as you, to come to him; though you have been long sinning, lov'd, and delighted in sinning; yea, tho' you have hated knowledge, you are called upon, & encouraged to come. God in Christ is shewing how ready he is to show you mercy upon your repentance, and to help you in your repentance, he offers you the best help, and help suitable. Oh then come away to Jesus Christ now; left upon your refusal, the after verses be made good against your Soul.

Direction. Come away to Christ now upon [Page 59] the call and encouragement of the Gospel. Stay away no longer: Don't think your Prayers, good promises, and others praying for you, will save you. But hasten away to Christ: There is no other Name given, whereby you can be saved. Act. 4.12. And no other way of being saved by Christ, than by coming to him, or believing on him. You are called this day in an Ordinance of Christ to come for Reconciliation. 1 Cor. 5.19. Christ came to save guilty sinners: Its a faithful saying and worthy of your acceptation, that Christ came into the World to save Sinners, chief of Sinners. The greatest sinners have been justified in this way. 1 Cor. 6.11. So Manasseh that shed much inno­cent blood.

Consider, for your encouragement, that Christ fully accepts of them that ran far from him, that refused to come as long as they could re­tain any hopes of being saved in any other way, upon their coming to him. Luke 15. God won't upbraid you upon your coming. Jam. 1.5. Yea, he that comes unto me I will in no wise cast out; though he have been a great and an old Sinner, though he have sinned away many Convictions, yet if he come he shall have mercy. Christ Jesus calls you to come; not to sell you pardon, but give you Grace. Matth. 11.29. I will give you rest. Christ aimes at your pre­sent gain, and not at his own: and therefore if you have no money, yet you may have the mercy you want. Isa. 55.1.

[Page 60] Consider. 1. That Christ don't call you to come to him to be Punished, but Pardoned. Christ in the Gospel comes to you to save you, calls you to come to him, to be pardoned. Its true, if you refuse the calls of Christ in this life, he will call you in the next life to be punished, and condemned. Oh! Christ calls you, and you need not be afraid to come to him now; for he doth not call you to come to be punished for sins al [...]eady committed; but that he may pardon and forgive them, blot o [...]t the hand-writing of Ordinances that was a­gainst you. May you have a free and full par­don of so many and great sins upon coming? then delay no longer.

2. Jesus Christ calls you to come, not to pass a Sentence of Death upon you; but to take it off from you: There will be no Condemnation against your Soul, when once you are gotten into Christ. Rom. 8.1. yea, Christ says, such shall not enter into Condemnation; for they are passed from death to life; there is a sentence of death gone out against you in the Law, & 'tis a holy and righteous sentence too; now the Gospel offers no mercy, to the repealing and taking off this Sentence of Condemnation with­out coming to Christ.

3. Christ calls you to come to him, not to shut you up in the Prison of Hell, but to set you at liberty. Oh! Christ would bring you [Page 61] out of the pit, wherein is no water; for Christ received a Commission from the Father, to pro­claim liberty, and the opening of the prison doors, to them that are shut up, Isa. 61.1, 2. the prison and dungeon of Hell is the place you will assu­redly be shut up in, if you stay away from Christ; but the Son will set you at liberty, if you come to him; who don't chuse liberty and en­largement before prisons and dungeons?

4. Christ calls you not to feed you with the bread and water of Affliction, but to feast you. Rev. 3.20. Luk. 15.23. Here's bread, which if you eat of you shall never hunger: Is not bread to the hungry Soul desireable? Why should you stay away, when you are ready to perish with hunger? Christ Jesus will feast you, if you come to him. Christ hath Spiritual delicacies to en­tertain you withal.

5. Jesus Christ don't call you to cloath you with Raggs, and bring you to shame and dis­grace, but to cloath you with his righteousness. Christ won't take away any thing that is good and desireable, and worth keeping, but to give you Grace and Glory: Nor to speak angrily, but to speak comfortably to you; not to put you to drudgery, and ignominious service for ever; but to stand before him to do him Ser­vice, in Praising and Glorifying his Name. See what you are counsel'd to come to Christ for. Rev. 3.18.

[Page 62] 1. Come to him for that which he came in­to the World for, to be your Sanctifier; to have Sin taken away; that he would give you repen­tance. Christ is Exalted at the right hand of the Father, to give repentance unto Israel, and remission of sins. God hath sent him to bless his people in turning them from their iniquities. His Name is JESUS, and he will Save them that come unto him from their sins. You want Christ for this, how can you else think of going into the holy Heavens? Nothing that defiles enters there: Without Holiness you can't see God. Oh! then let that be upon your Soul, to have Christ for Sanctification.

2. Come to him as a poor guilty, polluted Creature: come therefore self Condemned: They that come because they have made so many Prayers, and have gotten something good, are not like to be accepted. Remember the poor Publican, that went down to his house justify­ed; he was one that smites upon his breast, the Lord be merciful to me a Sinner; he don't say, be mer­ciful to me, who was once a great Sinner, but I have reformed my life, I have made many an affectionate prayer, I have taken a great deal of pains; but he comes as guilty, sayes not a word to justify himself. So the Prodigal, when he come home, he comes judging & condemn­ning himself for what he had done, that he was so guilty, that God might now justly put him by, he does not say, I did displease, but I [Page 63] have now done something to turn away thine anger, and to procure thy favour. See what he sayes. Luk. 15.18, 19, 21. And yet [...]e what wellcome he met with. Verse [...]2. And don't you think to go because you have sorrowed, mourn­ed, and kept from Sinful co [...]es. See how David went to God. Psal. 51.3, 4.

3. Come as a helpless, shi [...]tless, lost Crea­ture. Oh! Consider that in him the F [...]erless findeth Mercy: As one that must have all [...]om Christ. Oh! go to him as one that is lost, and knows not what to do of your self. Christ came to seek and save the lost.

4. Justifie God in all his comminations, threat­nings and curses against sin, and sinners. So did David, Psal. 51.4.

5. Come to him from the encouragements of the Gospel, from what encouragements Christ gives you in his Word; nor because you have gotten a heart to ha [...]e sin, love God; or because you are not quite so bad as you have been.

6 Come to him to be Saved from the wick­edness of your heart. Oh that you may be Sa­ved from the unbelief, hypocrisie, worldliness, hardness and carnality of your heart. So did David, Psal. 51.1. Create in me a c [...]ean heart

7. Come to him with a desire to be put into his Service, to do work for him; so did the Prodigal; make me as one of thy hired Servants. You will say, what work can I do? that am [Page 64] just going out of the world. Oh consider, that you may Serve Christ, in making confession of you sin, warning of others, justifying God; oh come away, consider that Christ will call to you from off the Mercy Seat no more after a few hours; if you refuse now, how will you dare to make your appearance before the Throne of Justice? If you are afraid to come to Christ so affectionately calling you to come to him, where he is Sitting on his Throne of Mercy, & holding forth the Scepter of Divine Grace? Oh! Come; behold now, even now, is yet an accepted time. Come, and give your self to Jesus Christ. Oh! Lift up your heart to God, to draw you, to turn you; and we will lift up our hearts and desires to God with you, and for you, that he would draw and turn you.


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