Severall Remarkable Passages CONCERNING THE HOLLANDERS Since the death of QUEENE ELIZABETH, Vntill the 25th of December, 1673.

SOME ANIMADVERSIONS THEREUPON, In answere to a scandulous Pamphlett called Englands Appeale to the Parliament, from the Private Caball at white hall.

With the Continuation of the Case betweene S R. WILLIAM COVRTEN His Heires and Assignes AND The East-India Company of the Netherlands, Faithfully recollected by E. W. Armig: and rendred into English, French, and Dutch, for satisfaction of his particular Friends, in England, France, and the Low Countriers.

Printed in the yeare 1673.


ANAGRAM Vpon the Private Caball as vvhite­hall as it vvas delivered to the States of Holland.

  • C lifford Lord high Treasurer of England,
  • A shley Lord great Chancellor of England,
  • B uckingham Master of the Horse,
  • A rlington Principall Secretary of State,
  • L autherdaile Cheife Minister of State and Commis­sioner in Scotland.



SOme parte of this litle Booke was Printed in Holland, and the other parte in the Spanish Netherlands, where the English Coppie was not understood by the Printers, who have committed many faults, which may be playnely discovered, and amended with a pen, The French, and Dutch, are bet­ter done, please to take notice, that this is not published, or sold in any place, or designed to any other purpose, then for particular Friends, who may find some thing in vacant Houres, either for their Information, Reprehension, or Diversion. And that I cannot appeare at this time, and distance, under any other Carracter.

Then your distressed and humble Servent G. C.

TO THE NOBILITY, GENTRY, AND COMONS, Inhabiting within the Counties of Suffolke, Norfolke, Lincolne, Yorke, and Northumberland.


I Intended to have given you some short remarques upon England, Germa­ny, France, Spaine, and the Low Countries, since the first Alliances were contracted betweene the Houses of Bourgundy, Austria, and Spaine; But fearing it might be vnseasonable at this time, to mention the troubles, that followed those Allian­ces, coming in with the inventions of printing and [...]; The two great Manufactures that have filled the world soe full of Combustible matter.

I have confined my selfe to the beginning of King James [Page] his most peaceable raigne, over Great Brittaigne, annexing only a Cattalogue of the respective Successions of Emperours, and Kings of England, France, and Spaine, with their seve­rall Mariages, since that Alliance, as also such other observa­tions from thence, which are sufficient to informe you, that now there is the same opertunity, to make [...] selves happy, that [...] Enemies, had to make you miserable, if the strattegems and designes, of some Evill minded men, doe not obstruct that Glorious enterprize, begun by His Majesty, to Chastize and humble the Hollanders, that have lived [...]oo many yeares upon the spoyles of all Nations, and raised their Cheifest support and [...]couragments, from your Coasts, and Countries. Please to peruse this [...] without Passion or prejudice, and I shall the next yeare supply you with a greater, wherein you may understand your owne errours, and [...] owne interest, and that I am in plaine English, a lover of my Country, and yo [...] most humble

And devoated Serv. t E. W.

TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE S. R VVILLIAM HOOKER Lord Major of the Citty of London, And THE RIGHT WOSHIPFULL Sr. HENERY TULSE, AND Sr. ROBERT JEFFERIES, Shreifs of the sayd Citty, And the rest of the Aldermen, and Comon Councell there.

Right Honourable, and Right Worp. ll

HAving lately pervsed a scandulous Pam­phlett, publikely sold in the Hague, both in English and Dutch, reflecting upon the Councills and Actions of Kings, and Prin­ces, Intituled Englands Appeale, from the private Caball at white hall, to the great Councill of the Nation, The Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled. I perceived the Hollanders under a disguise, and the Authours of it, to be as much mistaken in their ac­counts, concerning France, as they are of the con­sequences of this warr, and how the warr begun, from whence they would conclude that the Kings [Page] Ministers had dependences upon Forraigne Courts, hauing taken noe care of the Triple League, or the Protestant interest, wherefore I breifly recollected theise few Remarkable Passages, that may serve to vndeceive some English men, who peradventure might be deluded by the appeale, and annexed Sir William Courtens Cases, in severall languages, to satis­fie all Persons interessed, that Comon Justice is not to be found in the Low Countries. I presume that your Lord. •p and the rest of your Bretheren in the Honourable Goverment, of the Citty of London, upon pervsall of this small treatise, will apprehend that the Hollanders, are not soe high and mighty, as they are insolent, and ungratefull. There are seve­rall faire prospects now from the Netherlands (where nature is supported by art) towards London, that may make it the most glorious Citty in the world. Theise short remarques, and Animadversions, may helpe to refress your memory, in many things, and shew you in severall Paragraphes that the Hollanders have gotten ground upon the English, since the death of Queene Elizebeth, Notwithstanding all the advantages, that God and Nature have given to Great Brittaigne, aboue all other Kingdomes, and Nations, in the World. I leave the rest to your most grave, and serious con­siderations and remayne

Your very humble Serv. t E. W.

Severall Remarckable Passages con­cerning the Hollanders Since the death of Queene Elizebeth untill the 25. Decemb. 1673.
With some Animadversions thereupon.

IN the yeare 1603. The States Generall of the united Netherlands write to King James in a Kanting stile, lamenting the death of Queene Eliz [...]beth; Insinuated that her memory should remaine Eternized in them and their posterity. Con­gratulating his Majesty in the succession of her Kingdomes, hoped he would continnue the like gracious ayd and bountifull assistance to them and their state for his owne good and welfare of all Christendome, to the glory of God and propo­gation of his holy word; And to that end craved a supply of Souldiers to fill up the English and Scotch Regiments.

In the yeare 1604. King James considering how the affaires of State stood in Europe, found it could be noe advantage to the Crowne of England to enter into a league with the Hollanders that were at strife with all their neighbours; His Majesty made a peace with Spaine, and remained neutrall in a common Amity to both, yet at the same time demanded the money lent by Queene Elizebeth upon the coutionary townes Which the Hollanders were not ready to pay in many years after.

In the yeare 1605. The people in the Maritine Provinces of Hol­land, Zeland, and Frizland, were soe invective against King James pretending he favored popery by making a peace with Spaine, that notwithstanding the States Generall had in that yeare set forth an Edict and Proclamation under great penalties and punishments against all those that should speake [...]rreverently of Kings and Princes Especially of King James. Yet they could not bri [...]le their tongues. The vulgar crying out, that those who were not for them, were against them.

[Page 2]In the yeare 1608. Sir R [...] Winnwood, and Sir Richard Spencer ad­jus [...]ed the accounts with the States Generall, and toke further security of the States of Holland for payment of the money due to King Iames▪ upon the cautionary townes wich amounted unto the [...] of 8184 [...]8. Pound Sterling to be reimbursed to the crowne by severall [...] payments. The States [...] all finding that [...] [...] [...].

In the yeare [...]. King [...], and King [...] the IV of France being Me [...]urs for a peace betweene Spaine and the United Prownces of the Netherlands, they preva [...]led with both parties for a Coll [...]tion of Armes and a T [...]u [...]e for twelve yeares, which was agreed should commence from the yeare 160 [...]. whereby the States Generall were acknowledged to be free countries, and had licences g [...]anted to trade unto the East-Indies, where they had made some ad­ventures before without permission, and both the Mediatours became guarantees for the due performance of the Articles of that Truee; Yet the Hollanders being not contented with that [...]reaty imposed upon them as they sa [...]d by King Iames▪ they entred into a league often­sive and de [...]en [...]ive with France, Fearing that King Iames might obstruct their free fishing upon the Coast of England and Scotland W [...]h by the [...] of nature and comm [...]n P [...] b [...]ngs to the Subjects of [...] g [...]at B [...]gue.

A [...]ther the death of Henery the IV. the States Generall reneued their league with L [...]wis the XIII. who toke upon him the protection of the United Netherlands and gave the States Generall the first title of HAUI [...] ET PUISSANIS SEIGNEURS LES ESTATS GE­NERAUX DES PRO [...]INCIES UNIES, and the States of Holland the first St [...]le of GRAND ET PUISSAN [...]S SEIGNEURS LES ESTATS DE HOLLAND ET [...]EST-FRIZE, then those high and m [...]ghly Lords the States Generall and the great and mighly Lords the States of Holland and West- [...]zland, made severall resolutions and Acts in their re [...]pective assemblies to receive noe Letters from any Prince or State whatsoever, but whith the same style and address that the French King had done, and made it knowne unto all the pub [...]que M [...]n [...]sters then resident in the Hague to give their Masters [...] notice thereof accordingly [...] ver [...]s the o [...] English proverbe set beggers on [...] back and they [...] ride to the [...].

In the yeare 1612. King Iames demanded 300000. pound Sterling [Page 3] of the French King which was due to the Crowne of England for severall disbursments for Henery the IV. and others, then Lowis the XIII. assigned the like summes of money upon the States Gene­rall, unto King Iames who voluntarily acquitted the States their­of, whereupon the French King (seing King Iames soe generous) acquitted twice as much more that was due to him from the Sta­tes Generall. T [...] Kindne [...]s are not remembred by the Hollanders and Ani­mad.4. Zelanders, neither is their [...]gratitude, forgotten by the English and French.

In the yeare after that King Iames and the Franch King had re­lea [...]ed the States of those two great [...]ummes of money, the High and mighly Lords sent their Embassadours to the Grand Seigneur at Constantinople, and to the great Duke of Mos [...]ovia with whome they contracted Alliances of Commerce, settled their Consuls and Factories at Aleppo, Alexandria, grand Cairo, and Smirna, Al­though they noe sheepe, woods, nor Mynes, they would gett woole, timber, and other materials, and people from all partes of the Earth to worke, and not be content any longer with such a trade as they could naturally raise out of their owne Country by butter cheese and hempe, but would nigross all [...]ine Manafactures of silke woole and Mohaire besids their Navigation and Fisheries. Making Ani­mad.5. their Ch [...]e t [...]nes, C [...]ies of refuge fortend [...]r cons [...]i [...]n [...]s and bandit [...]s of a [...] Nations, who are protected there as [...]r [...]e burgers being once admitted as in­habitants.

In the yeare 1614. the States General made a Placcate to prohi­bite all English Cloath Kersies and dozens that were died in the Cloath to be brought into the united Provinces upon pa [...]ne of 25. gilders a Cloath besides the con [...]i [...]ation of the goods. Whereupon severall persons in England made their Complaynt to the Councell-Table but finding noe redress, the Marchant adventurers and Cloathiers sett upon making of Mixtures died in the woole rather then to lose all advantages of dying, dressing, and flocks, woolen Cloath before that time being worne in blacks, blewes, redds and other single colours dyed in the Cloath. This Nationall affront done Ani­mad.6. by the H [...]llonders in th [...]se dayes when King James had the Keys of their Provinces in his Cus [...]ly was a sufficient testimony of their insol [...]ncy and in­gratitude and a faire warning for England to [...]ind [...]r the growth of such Mon­sters that had soe sone forg [...]tten Queene Elizebeth and soe quickly sughted King James.

In the yeare 1616. the Hollanders upon a Composition made [Page 4] concerning the money lent by Queene Elizeb [...]th upon the Cautionary townes, prevayled with King Iames to deliver up the Briel, Flu­shing and Rammek [...]ns after they had been 31. years in the possession of the English, at which time the French would have given dou­ble the mon [...]y for their redemption being forfeited to the Crowne of England for breach of Covenants by keeping the money soe many years in their owne hands beyond their Contracts and Obli­gations. [...] not [...]ve [...] soe [...] to England either [...]. [...].

In the y [...]are 1 [...]19. the States Generall having fomented the ci­vell w [...]s in Germany, by assisting the cons [...]derate Princes of the union with their Councell and Armes against the house of Austria, upon preten [...]e that Hungary [...] Bohemia were usurped against the peoples consent (and [...] H [...]ditary to the Austr [...]an Family) that were [...] Kin [...] [...]mes as Poland, and the Empire, the S [...]s Generall incourag [...]d [...]redr [...]k Pr [...]nce Pallatine to accept the [...] of Boh [...], prom [...]ssing h [...]m the [...]r further assistance, be [...]ore he had the con [...]ent of Ki [...]g Iam [...]s his father in Law to in­treague [...] in that warr, yett the Hollanders suftered him not only to be [...] out of hi [...] new King [...]ome by the Spanish and Im­p [...]r [...]ll Tr [...]s, but also to be [...] from the Palla [...]inate his owne inher [...]tance, who [...]l [...]dd with his Queene and her children to t [...]e H [...]g [...]e for shelter, while the pore Prot [...]ants in Germany had [...]rty to b [...]gg in man [...] Churches, and Even all this time the States Genera [...] that promoted the wa [...]r lay [...] with their Armes. I [...] the [...] and [...] had n [...]t a [...]t [...]rwards [...] i [...]to the bew [...]s of [...] [...].

In t [...]e yeare 1620 the Holland [...]rs la [...]d their bloudy designes in t [...]e East-Indies where they comm [...]tted that h [...]rrid mas [...]a [...]re and sp [...]y [...]e at Am [...]yna under a pretence that the Eng [...]sh Factors com­bin [...]d to s [...]ze the dut [...]h Mag [...]nes and war [...] hous [...]s, whereupon they tor [...]ured the Marchants an [...] murther [...]d others of the Engli [...]h, con­si [...]a [...]ed their goods and houses, toke away their Is [...]an [...]s, and in­grossed the w [...]le spice trade at the Mulluc [...]o [...]s, contrary to their owne [...] and agreem [...]nt made with th [...] English Company, pr [...]end [...]ng they were [...] by [...]or [...]e [...]ure; This [...]g [...]dy was soe [Page 5] execrable that one of the dutch company who could not digest soe much bloud and inhumanity writt the true relation of the Strat­tagem and sent it over land to the English Factors at Aleppo, who transmitted it to some Friends at Amsterdam, where it was printed in English and dutch to the great Amazment of all man-kind, then severall of the Jewes sold their actions in the East-India Com­pany Esteeming their money not safe in the hands of such a cor­poration that had drawne soe much guilt upon themselves by their most barberous cruelty, Foundations layd in bloud cannot support a fabrick Ani­ [...]ad. 9. [...]rg, but the whole structure will sinck under its owne burthen.

In the yeare 1621. the truce with Spaine being expired the Sta­tes Generall proceeded with their armies into [...]landers and Brabant. And in the same yeare they Established the West-India Company by pattent, who watched for the Spanish plate fleets, finding it a very profitible warr, wherein they could both trade and fight by the benefitt of English and French Portes, and shelter themselves for ree [...]u [...]tes upon all accidents of wind and weather in English harbours, without Salvage or To [...]age, Notwithstanding the Hollanders could not Ani­mad. 10 retall [...] the [...] upon th [...]ir [...] or assist the English with a Caske of fresh wa [...] [...].

In the yeare 1622. the State [...] Generall p [...]eving that the massa­cre at Amboyna had [...]de a [...] in Holland, they putt forth a proclam [...]tion [...] suppress all [...] at subject promising rewards to any persons that could d [...]scover the Authour of the History, in the m [...]e time th [...]r Emba [...]adours [...]usie [...] themsel­ves at Whit [...]hall to take off the reproach and in [...]amy t [...]a [...] [...]y upon Ani. [...] mad. [...] them in England. Where the S [...]yn [...]s of that bloud will n [...]ver b [...] washed out.

The States Generall during the remaynder of King James his raigne held themselves secure against great Brittaigne (that could ob [...]ruct their Navigation and trade) by the d [...]versions given to His Majestie concern [...] his onely Daughter and her children in Bo­hemia, the Cont [...]nuall Complaynts of the Marchants trading to the East-Indies, and the divisions and controversies raised in England and Scotland by the seperat [...]ts and Brownists that the Hollanders had [...]rr [...]d up by their sed [...]tious practises and Pamphletts disper­sed in all his Majesties D [...]min [...]on [...] against the Goverment of Church and State. Whereupon great numbers of people were growne soe obstinate and uncharitable in England, that rather th [...]n [Page 6] to Communicate with their Parochiall Congregations they, chosed to live in America amongst the Pagans thinking to find a nearer way to heaven in new England then they were taught in great, Brittaigne, yett they followed the Hollanders stepps, allowing God Almighty noe share in the goverment, their Clergie being putt to pensions, with liberty to trade for their better subsistance or to adventure their stocks in private men of warr. Seperatists and Annabap [...] being fallen from th [...]ir first principalls, have craftily learned Ani­mad. 12. to defend thems [...]ves by armes, and like Hollanders and Zeelanders pretend they may take any thing from the enemies of Christ Jesus.

In the yeare 1625. King James died and likewise Prince Maurice, then the States Generall sent their Embassadours into England to treat with King Charl [...]s the first concerning a league offensive and defensive against Spaine, which they effected and agreed that it should continnue untill the Paltzgrave should be restored and the States Generall setled, however that for the space of fifteene years neither party should treat upon any peace or truce without the consent of both. This treaty being concluded at Southampton was signed the 25. of November 1625. whereunto the States Generall annexed their prote [...]ation in theise words following viz That if his Majesty should not be satisfied within a prefixed time concerning the Massacre and spoyle of his subjects at Ambo [...]na committed by the Hollanders that then his Majestie / might seeke satisfaction by reprisalls or other wise Which notwith­standing the protestation, there was noe satisfaction or reparation obtained during the raigne of King Charles the frst. As the Hollan­ders Ani­mad. 13. could never bring King James into any league, soe King Charles could never b [...]ng the States Generall to any performance.

The next yeare after the treaty the States Generall in stead of Equipping out Shpps against Spaine, they send twenty Shipps of warr to [...]list the French King at Rochell and the Isle of Ree, to the great oppression of the Protestants in that Kingdome, where notwithstanding the new Alliance made by the Marriage betweene the King of great Brittaigne and H [...]nri [...]tta Maria a Daughter of France, Yett Cardinall R [...]hel [...]u contrary to promises and agree­ments depressed the Hugonetts at Home, but assisted the Protestant Princes with men and money a broade, holding it to be the interest of France to keepe under any rising party there, but to incou­rage and strengthen them in all other places to oppose Spaine and the House of Austria their enemies.

[Page 7] The foure intire subsidies given to King Charles the first in Ani­mad. 14. the beginning of his raigne being expended with other monies towards reliefe of Nochell against the forces of France and Holland they both knew the depth of his Majesties p [...]se a [...]d the strenght of his armes during his time and toke their Mea­s [...]res accordingly / knowing that his revenue was not sufficient for any action to question France or the States Generall for any s [...]oyles or incro [...]thments upon his Majesty or his sub­jects whatsoever.

In the yeare 1630. the King of Spaine desirous of a peace with England offered satisfaction for wrongs and injuries done, then the King of great Brittaigne acquainted the States Generall thereof and would have included them in the treaty at Madrid according to the forementioned agreement, but the States Generall upon the first rumour of an overture for peace, entred into a further league with France, and agreed upon Articles with that Crowne to de­vide the Spanish Netherlands Equally betweene the French and the United States, and soe they left the King of England at liber­ty to doe what he pleased with the Spaniard, the States Generall refusing a peace with Spaine upon any conditions whatsoever; It was against the interest of Holland and their Religious concernments to end Ani­mad. 15 the warr soe longe as there were plate fleets and other spoyles to be had upon such easie termes.

During the subsequent tenn years when the King of great Brittaigne was at peace with France, Spaine, the States Generall, and all the world in a common Amity with the Crowne of En­gland excepting the East- and West-India Companyes of the Ne­therlands, a rebellion broake out in Ireland, the Scotts invaded England, and the whole Kingdome divided into Factions, every man driveing on his owne perticular interest, neglecting the pu­blick, during that longe vacation of Parliaments / while the Hol­landers ingrossed all manner of Navigations and traffi [...]que, sayling Ani­mad. 16. in light built bottomes to English plantations. The native seamen were then discouraged, port townes decayed, Cloathing townes depopulated, trade in­senceably declyned, and the comon people became miserable and pore in the midst of plenty.

In the Conclusion of those tenn years the Queene Mother and Cardinall Rich [...]l [...]u being at difference about the slate of affaires in France she left the Court and went to the Hague in Holland, [Page 8] and there proposed a match betweene the Prince of Orrange and the Eldest Daughter of the King of great Brittaigne, which mo­tion Prince Henry Fredrick, entertained with high Esteeme, then the Queene Mother transported her selfe for England and effected the Mariage accordingly. Upon hopes that Alliance might have ballanced the Ani­ [...]. 17. Cardinalls interest with the Bernevelt fa [...]tion which was Uppermost in all the States to the great prejudice of the Crowne of England.

In the peare 1640. the longe Parliament begun their usur­pacion at Westm [...]ster where the Commons prevayled with the King to pass a bill that their assembly should not be dissolved without their owne consent; Then so [...] after they sett up for themselves and gave advantages to their bretheren in the [...]nited Provinces to be inriched beyond Measure by the Civell dise [...] ­tions that followed and were fo [...]ented by those factious partyes that confederated themselves together.

In this yeare 1640. the Portugalls renounced the King of Spaine and declared John Duke of Braguance the Lawfull successoir of D [...]na Catharina, and Crowned him their King, being the 1 [...]. King of Portugall, and 4. of that name; Who was Father to the pre [...]ent Queene of England. [...] the II. King of Spaine, haveing invaded Portugall usurped the Crowne after the death of Sebastian that was slayne in Barbery fighting against the Mores in the yeare 15 [...]8. The Portugalls who [...] under the S [...]aniards for the [...]ace of 60. years were not [...]e much oppre [...]ed by them in the East- and West-Indies as they [...]. were by the H [...]anders who have mo [...] regard to [...] owne [...] and [...] [...]en they have to the orrig [...] rights or [...] of other men.

In the yeare 1643. The States Generall reneued their pla [...]ate against English Cloath, Kersies, and Dozens, under greater Penalties then before, with many additions concerning the [...]are, and at the same time spoyled M [...] C [...]u [...]t [...]n and his partners in the East-Indies [...] their Acts of violence [...], as they did of oppres­sion at home, while the Subjects of England were weltring in their owne b [...]oud in many partes of his Majesties Kingdomes. [...] [...] [...].

In the yeare 1648. the longe Parliament haveing run [...] into all Extreames by subverting the goverment of Church and state, they acted their bloudy tragedy, which I am unwilling to mention, [Page 9] but that I find the s [...]heane yearly represented in my dutch Alma­nacks, and the impressions in Folio at Amsterdam with the names of the R [...]gicides under the Sculptures, which they send unto all parts of the world, insinnuating to the Pagans, and in [...]idells, that English men are the worst of all Nations, not worthy of any tra­de or commerce, having murthered their King at noone day, in the face of the [...]onn, and soe for their owne Ends, would s [...]andalize and reproach a whole Kingdome for the inveterate malice of some par­ticular men, that toke away the life of their Lawfull soveraigne Lord and King. Who they knew by the Maximes of their owne Law could not erre. An 20.

In this yeare 1648. the States Generall fearing that France upon the conquest, and dividing of the Spanish Netherlands would be­too potent a neighbour for them, they make a peace with Spaine at the treaty in Munster against the consent of the French King who would not be included in the sayd treaty; And in the same yeare at that generall treaty, there was a peace concluded betwee­ne the Emperour of Germany, The French, The Sweeds, and The German Princes, after those intestine warrs had continued thirty years, and the people in the Pallatinate reduced to such Extrea­mity, that they were forced to eate their owne children to satisfie their hunger. The Hollanders after they had drayned the West-Indies. An 21. Spoyled the trade of Ant [...]erpe, Gante, and Brugis, by Magnifi [...]ing Amster­dam, Rotterdam, and Dort. They left the Spanish Netherlands to be a Bul­werke betweene the [...] and France, as the House of Austria remayned a Bul­werke to Spaine, and that Monarchie the cheife Fortress of Rome; But now all three are became Auxilliaries to the Hollanders, for Propogation of Gods word at Amsterdam amongst the Jews and in [...]idells there.

Sone after the peace with Spaine, the States of Holland (against the consent of the generality) would disband and Cashiere many English and French Regiments of horse and foote; Although the Officers were Gentlemens yonger sonns, that had spent their Youth and fortunes in the States service; The Prince of Orrange refusing to doe it without pentions granted them for their lives according to the Custome of Armes, They shutt up the Comptores of Amster­dam, Delf and Dort &c. assigned for their payments. This ingratitude ( Which Comprehends all other vices) Moved the Prince of Orrange to send severall of the cheife Agents in that designe to the Castle of Lovestine ( From whence their party are called the Lovestine Faction) and drew up his whole Armey in the yeare 1650. before Am­sterdam [Page 10] to apprehend the rest of their consorts, who were opposite to his interest and the Alliance with the King of great Brittaigne▪ But was prevented in his approach by the sluices that were opened to obstruct his March. Sone after that attempt the Prince of Orran­ge dyed, and the Lovestine Faction made this Epitaph upon him. De Prince is doodt, de gift is groot, gheen bli [...]der maa [...], in tachtentigh j [...]er. Which was sounge by their children about the Streets and mentioned in the pulpitts for joy. But within eight dayes after his death, there was another gift sent to the great comfort of man [...]y. The Princess Royall was delivered of this yonge Prince of Or­range on the 14. of November 1650. new stile, against whome John de Witt and his faction in the States of Holland framed an oath which every man was obliged to take before he could be ad­mitted into any office of the goverment, either as Burgermaster Belieu, Scout, Schepen, or Pentionaris, the substance whereof was that they should not directly or indirectly, advance the Prince of Orrange, or his interest, but oppose it by all means possible. And the malice of the faction was such that many of them sealed their reso­lutions with their owne bloud, making small incisions in their hands whereout issued some dropps of bloud into a glass of wine which they drunke, and were not ashamed to shew those markes of pyety to their brethren, as toakens of their devotion. And would not suffer their Ministers in the publique congregations to pray for the Prince of Orange even as Christians were obliged to doe for their enemies. Yett [...]e was not forg [...]tten by the meane people, but hath li­ved An 22. to see two of the faction rewarded according to the Laws of Candy, where ingratitude is punished with death.

In the yeare 1650. Custodies libertatis Angliae Authoritatae Parliamenti. (that had se [...]luded halfe their owne members, and voated downe the house of Lords) called themselves the supreame Authority of great Brittaigne, and were styled [...]oe by the King of Spaine, the French King, the States Generall, and many other Kings, Princes, and States. Those Keepers haveing stamped their Coyne with the inscription of God with us on the one syde, and the Comon wealth of England on the other. Which proved a true motto [...]f their dissolution. An. 23.

In the yeare 1651. The Keepers of the Comon wealth of England. As their [...]ist Essay abroade, sent M [...] Olvier St. Johns, and M [...] Strickland, their Embassadours extraordinary, with a great Equipage, and splen­dour, unto the States Generall of the United Netherlands, the sub­stance [Page 11] of their instructions being to contract an everlasting league offensive and defensive against all the enemies of both comon wealths, and to borrow a considerable summ of money upon the publique faith of their Masters, to supply their present occasions, and for incouragment thereunto, The Embassadours told them of an Act of Parliament that should Naturallize all the United Netherlanders▪ whereby they might have and injoy the same rights, and priviled­ges, equally with free borne subjects of England, But the old craf­ty States men in Holland, knowing that England would draw away their best Marchants, and fishermen, into better Ellements And that the publick faith was allready upon the taynters, they re­jected the first proposall and denied the second, presuming to con­tinnue their priviledges, they had in the English seas, and harbours, upon their owne termes. Then the English Embassadours told the Sta­tes Generall, that they must pay for their Herring fishing, and make sa­tisfaction, and reparations, for the spoyles and damages, committed at Amboyna, and upon Sir William Courten and his partners in the East-Indies. Unto all which they persisted in the negative. Then after some personal affronts, offered to the Embassadours and their retinnue, by the Kings party in the Hague, they returned re infecta to make their report to the Councell of State at Whitehall, who highly resented the indignity shewne to their supreame greatnes, and suddainly resolued to chastise the Hollanders for their contempt, without any formall declaration of warr, and to that purpose Equipped out a fleete of Shipps. The States Generall doeing the like, they were demanded by the English Admiralls to strick their flaggs and lower their topp-sayles, but the Hollanders refusing to give that acknowledgment unto their younger brothers, they went both to it, Catch, that Catch could, allmost three years together, wherein the States Generall lost soe many Shipps, and were soe often beaten in solemne fights, that they sent their Embassadours over into England (to treat with Oliver Cromwell who was stept into the Goverment under the title of Lord Protector) to give him satisfaction in the premises. It appeared then that although the Hollan­ders An▪ 24. were insolent they were not invincible.

In the yeare 1655. Oliver Cromwell made an unprofitable peace with the States Generall without disarming them, or taking caution against future spoyles and injuries, granting unto the Marritine Provinces (Holland, Zeland and Frizland) the same priveledges in [Page 12] the English Seas streams, and havens, that they had in former times. When they were under the Dukes of Bourgundy, and Arch-dukes of Austria, notwithstanding▪ The Kings of England gave them the liberty of Free fishing then upon the English Coast in consideration of the mutually assistance their Lords and Princes gave against France. Amsterdam being then a pore fishing towne and content with the rest of the Hollanders to live upon their honest labour and industry, with what they could gett by fish and the product of their owne Country, as they did before the East- and West-India Companies were Errected, and before they had built soe many Shipps of warr out of the spoyles of Spaine, Portugall and England, Cromwell only compelled them to make some repa­rations to the English East-India Company, for the spoyles at Am­boyna, and obliged them to referre all other differences concerning the English Damages to Commissioners, which nevertheless they reglected to doe, finding out expedients, even in those days to eva­de their Articles. A Po [...] that the Hollanders have beyond any other Nations in the universe. An [...].

In the yeare 1655▪ Cromwell appeared most dreadfull to all partes of the world, receiued noe addresses from Emperours, Kings, or Prin­ces, but under the style of deare Brother and most Screene highnes, he concluded an Alliance with France, made a warre with Spaine, assisted in the taking of Dunkirke as Auxilliary, and kept it a prin­cipall, layed out for the Spanish plate fleetes, Attempted Hispaniola, and by a mistake toke Jam [...]aca, then runn himselfe out of breath for want of money, and dyed. If usurp [...]rs in a divided Kingdome could An [...]. [...]ate the Hollanders, shake France, and make Spaine tremble, what may not the Lawfull Soveraigne doe with his Lords and Comons united in Parliament against the en [...]m [...]s of the King of great Brittaigne, France, and Yreland.

In the yeare 1660▪ when a peace was concluded betweene Fran­ce and Spaine upon the Match with the Infanta. The Lords and Comons in England invited King Charles the second, to come and take possession of his Crowne and Kingdomes. The Hollanders then fearing another storme, they stricke in with the new Ministers of State in France (finding Cardinall Mazarine under a cloude) but however the States of Holland treated the King of great Brittaigne at the Hag [...]e, in his returne, and all the Commissioners of English Lords, and Comons, in great glory, and least it should be forgotten they also register their treatment in their Almanacks, with the gifts [Page 13] presented by the States to His Majesty viz. Nine hunderd-thousand gilders in money▪ and to the value of eight thousand gilders in Harlems [...]amaske and [...]iaper for His Majesties Table lin­nen which altogether amounted unto 9200▪ pound Sterling. A small recompence for the affront in bannishing his Majesty, and his Brother the Duke of Yorke, and Duke of Gloucester out of their Provinces during Cromwells usurpation, and for all the Shipps and goods they had lately taken with Spanish Comissions. And gott con­demned to their owne use as free prize at Oastend and other Spa­nish An 27. Portes, Which ought to have bin puni [...]hed as Pyr [...]cy in the Hollanders and the Z [...]ders by the Laws of Comon Amity and Commerce.

About six months after the King was arrived in England the States Generall sent M. r Symon van H [...]rne a Burgermaster of Am­sterdam, and Director of the East-India Company, with M. r Michaell van G [...]gh their Embassadours Extraordinary, to his Majestie, to re­neue the cheife Articles of Cromwells treaty, which was made per­suant to the treaty betweene Philip Arch-duke of Austria, and Henery the VII. in the yeare 1495. And withall to gett a generall abolition and extinguishment of all Actions for spoyles, injuries and dammages whatsoever, sustained by his Majestie or his Subjects, at any time before his Majesties most happy restauration, and gave such Documents alonge with them, that if any objections, should be raised against the materiall poynts in Cromwells treaty, or that his Majestie was not obliged, to allow the same, that then they should insist upon the loss of all their Shipps and goods, that his Majesties rebellious subjects, had taken from the States Generall and their subjects during his Majesties Exile in the late warr.

In the yeare 1662. the States Generall concluded a treaty of Comon Alliance with the King of great Brittaigne, wherein the States were obliged to regulate the trade of India, restore Pollero­ne and Especially to give satisfaction for the two Shipps the Bona Esperanza and Henery Bonadventura) as also to referre other losses of his Majesties Subjects unto Comissioners, who were to receive a list of their dammages, under severall restrictions, and limitations of time and place. Then the States Generall entred into a new league with France (never intending to performe the treaty with England) insinnuating to the French King and his Ministers, that the King of great Brittaigne resented severall affronts, that were done to him by the French during his Exile, and that he might take occasion from [Page 14] thence to reclayme the two Provinces of Normandy and Brittai­gne the ancient inheritance of the Crowne of England, which would make him absolute Soveraigne of the seas, and give laws both to France and Holland. Soe they ingaged France by that new league to protect them in their Fisheries, and growing more confident in that Alliance, the States gave fresh occasions of dispute upon the Coast of Affrica, accompting Europe, Asia, and America, not sufficient to maintaine their pride and ambition, but they would also ingross the trade of the other parte of the world to affront the Royall Company of adventurers in England, holding themsel­ves secure by the French league against all the force of arguments and Armes, that could be brought against them by the King of great Brittaigne, which aludes to the dictates of Monsieur W [...]menem, and others of the great and mighly Lords the States of Holland. That the States Generall had sufficiently humbled the Spaniards, That the Princes bordering upon the Netherlands were rich enough to make a feast but not able to maintaine a warr; That even the French of themselves were noe more then a breakfast to the Sta­tes Generall, England only a Dinner; The Sweed and the Danes but a Colation, boasting that those Kingdomes were wasted by such warrs that had inriched the States Generall. A most wonderfull al­teration within the memory of man (in this age of wonders as the Appealants An: 28 Calls it) since the States of Holland and the States Generall sent their Depu­ties to the publick assemblies at the Hague with Roaken flesh and cheese in their Rye sacks, out of netessity to save Expences in harbours; That are now able to contend with soe many Kings and Princes.

Upon the last Alliance betweene France and the United Pro­vinces, the French King established an East-India Company, Ordan­ning that it should be noe indignity to any of the Princes of the bloud or others of the Nobility in France, to adventure and become parti­cipants in that trade. The Hollanders being statled thereat fea­ring it might deminish their traffique, they sent Monsieur John Tylliot, a Captaine of horse in their Militia to make some diversion and give Discouragments to that enterprise, who being wel acquainted at Paris, and in the French Court insinnuated in all Companies that they would loose their principall stocks, which adventured upon any such long Voyages, where the Hollanders would both undermine and overeach them in all their undertakings, but for his paynes the King committed him to prison, where he remayned two [Page 15] years and upwards untill some returne Shipps came from the East-Indies to manifest the contrary. It is an old dutch principall, where the An: 29 Hollanders cannot accomplish their designes by force, they will indeavor it by any sinister means, which makes the States Generall soe often pawne their sou­les their faith, and reparation, in publick treaties (to game time and optuni­ties of advantage) when at the same instant they intend shall never be performed.

In the yeare 1665. the Hollanders haveing refused to performe the last treaty with the King of great Brittaigne, and to make re­parations to his subjects for their losses and Damages according to the severall and respective Articles of the sayd treaty. Appeals were made by all men to the sword for Justice, and a warr was proclaymed by his Majesty against the States Generall, with an Unamions consent of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, who granted ma­ny Millions of Pounds Sterling to carry on that enterprise, which did neither humble the Hollanders nor procure any honour or satisfa­ction to the King or Kingdome ( Notwithstanding all the bloud and treasure spent.) In any of those poynts insisted and agreed upon in the yeare 1662. ether concerning the Bona Esperanza and Henery Bonadventure, list of damages, Polleron, or regulation of trade in the East-Indies, where the dutch have obstructed and spoyled the English, and the Subjects of all other Kingdomes in Europe, either by fraude, or force from the Freedome of Navigation, and Commerce, ever since they gott any footing there. More particulary Sir William Courten and his partners who layd the same foundations for trading Voyages in the East-Indies, China, and Japan, from Port to Port. Wherein the Hollanders absoluty have gotten more by their Navigations and force in those Countries, then they did by their goods and money exported from Holland and Zeland, which is contrary to the Laws of Nations and comon Alliance; As their owne Country-man Grotius tells them. Quod Batavi [...]ullum habent jus in Indos, Titulo Inventionis, belli, occupationis, praescriptionis, aut consuetudinis.

Ergo quibusvis ad quosvis liberam esse mercaturam.

Whose rules the Hollanders will not observe any further then concernes their lucre or advantage, as may be seene in the following relation. Notwithstanding the English, the Portugalls, and the Spaniards traded thither and were setled there many years before the Hollanders as is well knowne to all men that have read any thing of History.

A True Relation of the Dutch East-India Companies Affaires, and trade in India, and parts adja­cent in the year 1665. Reported by the commander in cheife sent home by the Generall at Batavia, with their sleete arrived in Holland Anno 1666.

THat Amboyna which yeilded cloves was in a verry good condition. Banda bad yeilded a verry good cropp of mace and Nutmegs.

Pouleron which yeilded the best Nutmegs of all the Is [...]and [...] was dilivered unto the English, but as soone as the news came to Batavia of the warr it was taken from them againe:

Ternate that the King thereof is obliged by treaty to distroy all the cloves to the end th [...] Spanish should have n [...]ne.

Maccassar was to be feared the most of any Indians, the staple of all forrai­gne Commodities was there by reason of the small toll or Custome which is paid n [...] Exceeding one per [...]nto, sandall wood and Tortell shell is that which the place y [...]d [...]th most:

B [...]a y [...]ldeth red wood fitt for dy [...]ing, as also sandall wood, and covrin a sort of white shells which in many places are used in stead of m [...]ny, there are very good horses.

Solor and [...]imor yeildeth sandell wood, tortell shell, and waxe which is carried to Ma [...]a [...]ar: Timer is for the most part Inhabited by portingalls their is Bezoar and black amber to be found.

Borneo is rich with d [...]monds, and pearl [...]s, whereunto the great Materan pretendeth, but he is not obayed; here is pepper, Benjamine, camphire, Aquil­wood, calam [...]ack, B [...]z [...]ar &c. The diam [...]nds, are b [...]tt [...] then on the coast, but the Natives are tr [...]a [...]b [...]rous and blood th [...]tye.

Mallacca (which belongs to the Company) is not the trade which is used to be in Callac [...]s, brought thither by the Moores, nor p [...]p [...]r, which is now found at Iam [...]y, on the west-coast of Sumatra, here is [...]d [...]o ponco (beleiued to be a good medicine again [...] ag [...]es) it is found in the heads of porcupines, and are s [...]d [...]r [...] hundred Rixdoll [...]rs and upwards.

Aichien reduced by the Company Anno 1664. [...]re is store of p [...]pper gould and camp [...] ▪ bett [...]r th [...]n that of Japan, the Company [...]ad three hundred pound [...]aight of gould here last year, there p [...]pper is to be sould to none, but the Company, and that at a certaine price.

Ci [...]o is pos [...]st by the Company who protect the Inhabitants against those of of [...], [...]re are gre [...]t quant [...]ties of Oliphants, Rhinoceros, Tigers and other beasts.

[Page 17]In Japan the Company have their trade on the Island Nang [...]sacky, where the Chineses trade very much, it yeilds gould, silver, Alcomy, copper, camphire, and lackworke, the Government of Japan is written and described in a treatise by Caron.

In China the Company have but one Factory at Hocksieuw where trade is not admitted without difficulty, Especially if the company send not an Ambassa­dor thither:

On the Island Formosa the Company have a place called Colang in hope to bring the trade thither, the Island is governed by the Son of Coxmia.

In the Kingdome of Torquin there was in the year 1664▪ Averie great Crop of silke.

The Kingdome of Cambodia from whence the company trades to Japan with small profit, the Chiefe commodities are muske, Benjamine, sappan wood, Buck, and Buff hides, their hornes, and some Tinn.

Siam yeilds Buckskins which are carried to Iapan, and good store of Tinn but the toll or custome is verie high.

Bengale is under the Command of the great Mogol, where the company hath a peaceable trade for silke, fine callicoes muske and sugar.

In Cormandel they have severall Factories, where they buy store of calli­coes and sell them through out whole India.

Massilipatnam yeilds diamonds from the Mine Golcanda, Gum Lack and Iron besides other Marchandises.

At Pegu under the Goverment of Cormandell, are the best Rubyes of all India.

In Persia the company have two Factories, one at Camron, the other at Spahan, where goods are sould at great profit, Especially sugars paying small t [...]lls, but their silke is verie deare. In regard of the contract made with the Persians Anno 1651.

At Suratt and Gusarat the company [...]ells great quantities of spices for [...]allicoes and diamonds.

At Ceilon that rich Island for Cinnamons all was in good condition.

At Batavia the Garrison was about 2000. strong, where the company for want of mony, take it at Interest and pay one and a halfe and two per cent for a month.

In Batavia was a good Cargo to be sent home, but by reason of the wa [...]r with England, six of the best Shipps were kept there, that they might not fall into the hands of the Enemie.

The English have little or no trade at Bantam, Maccassar, Iamby, B [...]ngale, Cormandell, Surat, and Persia, Through want of mony and como­dities, [Page 18] wherewith if the company were supplied, they would carry the whole trade of India.

The Cape bon Esperance was in good condition, the Garrison 500▪ strong, labouring to finish the Castle, There they want Slaves to manure the Land, and wood for fire and timber, the Vines and Olive trees grow there very well.

At Sumatra, from Jamby, Palamba [...]gh, Andrigoi, Achien, all Fa [...]or [...]s in the sayd Island, where no other Nation now is admitted to buy p [...]pper.

At Queda from Perah Ligor is a reasonable trade for tinn, from Arra­can they have rice and Slaves for there service, at Batavia, from the coast of Cormand [...]l 250. Thousand pounds yearly in Callioes.

THe yearly returnes from India Amounts unto twelve hundred Thousand Pound Sterling and upwards, one yeare with another in time of peace. Their Equipage and charge of goods last year sent amounted to -60000 pound Sterling.

The Over-plus is divided unto the participants or imployed in the payment of debts.

The originall stock of the Companie was 600000. pound ster­ling: Amsterdam hath an halfe parte of the stock, [...]eland a fourth parte, [...]elf and stotterdam an eight parte, Horne and Enchusen and eight parte.

They have 140. saile of Shipps effective in service and 250 [...]0. men: Mariners and Land Soldgiers: The Company being first setled in the year 1602. have improved themselves to a great [...]eight [...]p the deffects of the English.

All which was orriginally raised out of pickled Herrings, and Codd-fish, tak [...]n upon the English coa [...]t [...]nce Queene Elizebeth toke the Hollanders into [...]r protection. Whereby they supplyed not only themselves and France but s [...]rv [...]d th [...] vast armies of Austria and Spaine, Sweeden and Poland, who made a great consumption of those Fish; that increased the Hollanders wealth an [...] strenght; Which may be soner retrenched by an Honourable peac [...], and industrious Acts of invitation, then by a treadious & di­strutive warr.

IN the years 1666. and 1667. there happned Severall Remark-able things not to be forgotten. The King of great Brittaigne having the yeare before granted Speciall Letters of Reprisall against the Hollanders, unto Sir Edmond Tur [...]or Knight and George Car [...]w Esq: their Executors Administrators and assignes (in consideration of the great losses and damages that Sir William Courten and Sir Paul Pyndar had sustained by the United Netherlanders) to continnue Effectuall in the Law untill the summe of 151612. Pound Sterling should be reprized from the States Generall and their Sub­jects, or satisfied by the East-India Company of the Netherlands.

Whereupon severall comissions were granted to diverse Captai­nes (conformable to the Letters pattents from his Majestie) who in persuance thereof brought in many Shipps, sayling from the ene­mies Ports, built in the enemies Countries, laden with enimies goods, and bound to the enemies Citties and townes; Yett they were coloured, and claymed by English Marchants, or the Sub­jects of neutrall Princes and States, who by Extrajudiciall pro­ceedings, obtained such orders and reports that cleared the sayd Shipps and their ladings (excepting those that were fraighted with salt Viniger and Ches [...]nutts, not worth the duties and charge of contending) But during those prosecutions severall of the Captai­nes detained some Shipps according to the Customes of other Na­tions, to be tryed by judiciall hearings in the Admiralty Court, upon presumptions that the Shipps and goods belonged to the French, Dutch, or Danes, all then in confederacy and declared enemies to the King; Yett they were discharged even upon those very Circumstances that in other countries English Shipps and their ladings, had bin often confiscated.

The claymours However, pretending their voyages were spoyled by bringing in their Shipps under those Letters of reprisall, which discouraged their trade, they obtained a Proclamation to suspend the Execution of the letters pattents ( pro tempore) and likewise an order of the Councel-table dated at Mithtehall the 10. of August 1666. ( old stille) signed by severall Lords of the Councell to gratifie the Spanish Agents and their confedrates / Whereby M. r Car [...]w was committed to the prison called the fleet, notwithstanding he offe­red to give sufficient bayle in any Court of Judicature, to Answ [...]re any pretence whatsoever the claymours had against him which [Page 20] was denied, and M. r Carew forced to remayne a prisoner, untill the most dreadfull fyer in London, had consumed all the houses about him. But stopt at his owne dwelling house in the Parish of St. An­drews Holborne, where his severall tenements adjacent escaped those flames that perished his next neighbours houses. And it is very Re­mark-a [...], That the Pensionaris John de Witt [...], M. r Carews grand adversary concerning the Letters of Reprisall was Massacred at the Hague on the 10. of August 16-2. ( old still) where Mr. Carew was then a prisoner, and by treating those burgers with wine and brandy in his owne defence, contributed much towards John de Witt [...]s distruction, Nisew mens Hominum fats sortisque. An 30

Captaine Tyrence Byrne in persuance of the sayd Letters pattents for Reprisall being fitted out with a small frigat (by Mr. Ionathan Frest, the owner) seized a fly boate nere Portland bay about the month of Ju [...] 1666. laden with French Wine and salt, bound from France for Holland, which Shipp being brought into Poole and from thence to Chichester, the Capt: sent to Mr. Suckley his owne pro­ctor for a Comission out of the Admiralty Court (to examine the Master and the Marriners of the prize) which was directed to the Magistrates and a publique Notary in Chichester, who found upon the Examinations, that the Shipp was dutch built, the goods Cons­igned to Dutch men, and the Marriners to be Hollanders borne and inhabitans there: Yett upon returne of the sayd Comission, Mr. Peter G [...]rrard and afterwards Mr. Peter Victorine claymed the sayd Shipp and goods, pretending they belonged to Mr. Michaell vander Planeken, Andreas vande Bogard, and Mr. John Neitz of Brugis in Flan­ders, under the Notion of the Shipp Godelieve, belonging to that Citty.

Then Sir Lyonell Jenkins Judge of the Admiralty Court decreed that there was good cause of seizure, and ordered that the clay­mours might have the Shipp and goods forthwith restored upon bayle to abide the sentence of the Court upon hearing the cause, which the Captors consented unto, but the claymours refused it having brought their Action at Law against Captaine Byrne and ar­rested him by writt out of the Admiralty Court in 1000. pound damages, upon pretence of a false seizure, breaking bulke, and ma­king sale of some salt at Poole to buy provisions for the men; Whereupon the Captaine gave sufficient bayle to Answere the clay­mours, who reglected to give caution and take away the Shipp and [Page 21] goods which were left with the Vice-Admirall at Chichester for that purpose.

Sone after the Captaine and his suerties that were bayle for him, moved for a prohibition, but Sir John Keeling then Lord Cheife Justice of England, refused an allowance thereof, notwithstanding by the knowne and established Laws of the realme, such matters of fact alleadged to be committed within his Majesties Ports, were to be tryed in his Majesties Courts of record by Juries, and not to be brought into any Arbitrary way before incompetent Judges. Af­terwards the claymors upon new attestations from the same Mar­riners, and some pretended certificates sent out of Flanders, men­tioning that the Shipp and goods belonged to the Subjects of the King of Spaine, which ought to have been certified by Commissioners appointed out of the same Court, whereby the persons might have bin interogated, yett a restitution was thereupon decreed by the Judge of the Admiralty, and likewise confirmed by the Lords Comis­sioners for prizes, soe that the Shipp and goods were actually deli­vered by the Vice-Admirall to the claymors accordingly, and 150. Pound Sterling was left to be payd in Chichester that the Master and the Marriners of the prize had expended, for which Captaine Byrne, and Frost were ingaged and afterwards sued.

Nevertheless Sir Walter Walker, and Mr. Franklinn, then advised the Claymors without any discontinuance of their former Action against Capt: Byrne to exhibite Articles in the Admiralty Court joynt­ly against Sir Edmond Turnor, Mr. Carew, Captaine Byrne, and Mr. Frost, wherein they were charged with trespasses and spoyles for goods imbeazilled and plundered (by their owne men.) And from thence a sentence was drawne against them for 1800. pound damages, which was pronounced by Sir Lyonell Jenkins in favour of the claymors, who insisted that the sayd damages cheifely arrised by leakage and avarage, and soe would make double the profitt of their voyage by the seizure, more then if they had escaped Captaine Byrne. From which sentence the Captaine and Mr. Frost appealed to the ordinary deli­gates, but Sir Edmond Turnor, and Mr. Carew appealed specially unto Sir Orlando Bridgman, then Lord Keeper of the great Seale of En­gland and prayed that some judges of the Common Law might be appointed as adjuncts to consider of the Nullity of the sayd sen­tence, which Sir Walter Walker, and Mr. Franklinn most vexatiously opposed by a Request, and insisted that Sir Edmond Turner and [Page 22] Mr. Carew might be ordered to give bayle to abide the sentence of the Judges deligates, or that their Appeale might be rejected which Sir Orlando Bridgman, irregulary appointed. Although noe cau­tion was given by them Prima instantia, neither were S [...] Edmond Turnor, or Mr. Carew at any time summoned or arrested in the sayd cause, or ever made any defence, or were concerned therein. Yett the sayd Sir Walter Walker and Mr. Franklinn, forced the sayd Sir Edmond Turnor & Mr. Car [...]w, to give extraordinary caution to avoyde that impertinent sentence, which they threatned should be executed upon their per­sons. And which still depends before the Judges deligates & adjuncts. And ought to be declared null and voyde to all intents and purpo­poses against Sir Edmond Turner and Mr. Carew (admitting Captaine Byrne, and Mr. Frest, were guilty of any thing layd to their charge) And if the Subjects of England should not be admitted to ap­peales A [...]. 33. and revisions in such cases, they would be rendred in a worse Condition, then any slaues in Spaine or Turkey.

As it is against the Law both divine and Civill, that one person should be punished for the offence of another, soe it is as unreason­ble that the claymors should take any advantage (against Captaine Byrne and Mr. Frest of their owne willfull reglect, or to seeke after treble the value of all the goods, that they cost in France, when there was good cause of seizure, which made them lyable to the charge and expences of bringing up the Shipp, and making inquiry after the confi [...]ation. And it was Lawfull for the Captaine to prosecute for the Shipp & goods, in the names of Sir Edmond Turnor and Mr. Carew persuant unto the Letters pattents, without subjecting of them to any offence, they being Turstees for a Corporation of Creditours and altogether passive in matter of fact.

Captaine Byrne and all other Captaines had only power to Execute their Commission according to the rules and Directions contained in the Letters pattents, if they transgressed those Limitations it was their owne Act, and not Sir Edmond Turnors and Mr. Carews, The Maxime, Qui facit per alterum facit per se, is relative to Civell Actions where all things are done persuant to a Lawfull Authority. Per­sonall injuries, cannot be comprehended within any deputation or Comission whatsoever, and it would be of evill consequence, if such provisionall sentences should be confirmed and brought into Presidents. Being contrary to Law, and the very express words of His Majesties grant declared in the sayd Letters Pattens [Page 23] wherein its mencioned in the last clause of the Pattent, that this Royall Comission should be fauorably interpreted and construed in all respects to the benefitt and advantage of Sir Edmond Turnor and George Carew, their Executours Administratours and assignes.

Captaine Edward Lucy, and Capt: Iohn Holines, in prosecution of their Comissions under the sayd Letters Pattents, did within the space of three months, take, sink, & burne Nine Shipps of the French, Dutch, and Danes, yet they mett with such discouragements at home, that rendred their enterprizes rather burthens to themselves and their Friends, then any advantage or profitt to the Heires Exe­cutous or Creditors of Sir William Courten, Sir Paul Pridar, and Sir Ed­ward Littleten, who were also blamed for spoyling the Kings enemies. And Mr. Franklinn to shew an absolute prejudice against Mr. Carew advised Mr. Ioas Ever [...]yen (a dutch claymor) his brother in Law to arrest him in a vexatious action of 1000. pound, by writt out of the Admiralty Court upon pretence of a spoyle done by Captaine Heyden to a Hamburger in the month of August 1666. and although sufficient bayle was given into the Court to answere the Action, Yett noe prosecution was ever made against him thereupon, nor any Costs payd him for his vexatious trouble.

It is not difficult to register the names of severall Hollanders, French-men, and Danes, that traded all the time of the late warr in the names of Flemings, and Hamburgers, and that had also their correspondence in England, to colour and protect their Shipps and goods by collusive testimonialls, and Commissions out of Flanders and the Hantz townes. Even as severall Hookers and Dogger boates of Zirrickzee, and Herring-buysies of Mazeland­sluice, Scheydam, and Anchusen, Fished freely as Oastenders and the Subjects of other neutrall Princes, which incouraged the Kings enemies in those times of extreamity; Whilst His Majesty of great Brittaigne, laboured under all the difficulties imaginable that were brought upon the Kingdome, through the corruptions and selfe in­terests of perticular men.

In the yeare 1667. After the rage and fury of the sword, fyer, and pestilence, had abated, and the King was treating (in the ter­ritories of the Hollanders) at Breda concerning a peace with the States Generall, France, and Danemarcke, the States adventured upon a signall exployt to burne His Majesties Shipps at Chattam, [Page 24] Supposing that English men could digest fyer both by land and water, then they tr [...]mph [...]ntly insisted, that the Act concerning Navigation was dis [...]ive to their Commerce, and therefore pro­posed to have a [...] Articl [...] to make it voyde, presuming that such treaties might dissanull Acts of Parliament, as well as Letters Pat­tents under the great Seale of England, but being advised to the contrary, they prevayled onely for a dispensation, that all goods coming downe the Rhyne out of Germany to the staple at Dort, should be admitted as of their owne growth, and transported to England in dutch bottomes; Then they insisted upon a further provision to be made for tender Conscienci [...]s concerning all English men, that should transport themselves, into the united Nether­lands for protection which was refused. Only in favour of Doctor Richardson, Minister of the English Church at Leyden, it was con­sented unto ( Notwithstanding the Yorkeshire Plott) that all Preachers who were come out of His Majesties Kingdomes, should be free from any impeachment for treason, &c.

The Hollanders those conquerours (as they termed themselves) re­sted not satisfied here, but projected severall Articles in generall termes to acquitt and discharge ( de bene esse) all Actions and pre­tentions whatsoever, that his Majestie and his Subjects had against the States Generall and their Subjects from the beginning of the world to the conclusion of that treaty, wherein Pouleron was also to be suddainly relinquished that had been 40. years in delivering up persuant to severall former treaties, and the Soveraignity of Surri­nam to be surrendred, which had been only possessed some wee­kes by the Zeland Capers, and retaken from them by the English.

Here was a strange providence and very remark-able concer­ning Surrinam and Pouleron. This Surrinam was a Colony set­led by the Lord Willoughby, wherein he had expended all his pat­ternall Estate; And this Lord Willoughby was the person that had kept the lands & possessions of Sir William Courten and his Heires in the Island of Barbados, from the right proprietors under the pre­tence of a lease from the Earle of Carlilse, as Lord Proprietor of the Carebee Islands, who had by force supplanted Sir William Courten his tenants, officers and Servants, after Sir William had setled a Colony there & had expended thirty thousand Pounds Sterling & upwards in fortifications, buildings, and planting, having first discovered, the sayd Island, and been three years in quiet possession thereof.

[Page 25] Pouleron is an Island, that belongs to the Heires and Successors of the English East-India Company, that first acquired the same by their joynt stock; and such an Island that was taken from them orriginally by vyolence ( which creates noeright) & annexed to the Hol­landers possessions; This Island was wasted by the East-India Com­pany of the Netherlands, after Cromw [...]lls treaty, and all the nuttmegg trees, were there distroyed by Capt: Kirkhove and his Soldgiers in obedience to the Hollanders Commands, & the Generall of Batavia, which trees were to have bin restored to the English againe in the same condition they were growing. This Island was after many long delays, delivered to the English, but retaken the same yeare againe by the Dutch East-India Company, without any satisfaction or price, for the spoyle or the soyle, whereof the Hollanders, esteeme themselves to be for ever acquitted and really discharged, without any Act or deed from the orriginall proprietors, who could not formerly agree, how to draw up a discharge for the 80000. pound Sterling that Crom­well borrowed of them against their will, which the Hollanders had payed, by Mr. [...]illiam Garraways Sollicitation, for other dama­ges, An:32: Nor consent to give him a reward, answerable to his paynes for getting that which they lost by their ingratitude.

Yet the States Generall by the treaty at Breda became obliged to regulate the trade in the East Indies and to observe the former Capitulations concerning Surrinam. Which nevertheless the East-and West-India Companies of the Netherlands afterwards refused to performe. Knowing that they themselves doe governe the States of Holland, as the States of Holland doe governe the States Generall. The Deputies of the 18. respective Citties, which are sent to the Assem­blies of the great and mighty Lords the States of Holland, being Directors or participants of the East- and West-India Companies. The Diputies of the respective Provinces, sent to the Assemblies of the high and mighty Lords the States Generall, being also Di­rectours or participants of the East- and West-India Companies. The respective Persons or Lords of the Councells of the States Gene­rall, and the States of Holland; As also The respective Lords in the severall Collegies or Chambers of their Admiralties in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Midleburgh, North-Holland, and F [...]zland, are like­wise Directors or participants of the East- and West-India Compa­nies of the Netherlands, and mostof them Either Br [...]wars, Soap [...]boy [...]rs, Sugerbakers, & their sonns, or Advocates, who are also the Magi­strates [Page 26] of the respective Citties, and [...]chivens in the severall Courts of Judicature, where the Subjects of Forraigne Princes, cannot expect Justice in any matters upon Civell Actions brought before them, wherein their owne interests are any wayes concer­ned, being both parties and Judges themselves, which is a most abomi­nable and intollerable practise. [...]specially when Appeales are made from those Competent Judges (soe termed) in the respective Cit­ties, unto the Provinciall Court, and Superior Court at the [...]ague, where there cannot be any other Creatures found a mo [...]gst them then of the same mould, before whome the suites and Complaynts of many orphants and widdowes have been delayed some 20. and some 30. years, and left still undetermined; who have appealed to Heaven for bengance, which at last is fallen upon the Hollanders for their fr [...]ude and oppression.

If Justice cannot be obtained in their Ordinary Courts of Judicature upon civell Contracts and obligations between En­glish-men and Hollanders, for matters arising within their owne Country, or for debts contracted in England, It cannot be expected that any strangers should find releife against any Di­rector or participant of the East- or West-India Company upon any cause of action reall or personall, for goods, lands, or money, got­ten into their hands and possession in forraigne partes, for any spo [...]le or trespass whatsoever Committed in the East- or West-Indies. Where they make warr and peace, at pleasure.

Tantum Imperium Principis quam Patrimonium majus est. Ad Reges potestas omnium pertinet, ad singulos proprietas.

And the Casuists affirme that a debitor although Judicially absolved, remaynes a debitor, untill he hath given satisfaction.

Jus permaneat semper, nec unquam mutetur lex vero scripta saepius.

[Page 27] In the yeare 1668. The French King, in right of Maria his wi [...]e, Daughter of Ph [...]lip the IV. pretending a tytle to the Spanish Ne­therlands, after the King of Spaines de [...]th, entred into Brabant and Flanders with an Arm [...]y, and toke possession, of Ch [...]rleroy, Binch, A [...], Dou [...]y, S [...]rpe, Tournay, Oul [...]ard, Li [...]le, Armentiers, Cortrick, [...]wxbargh, with the b [...]ylewicks Casteleines and jurisdictions to them belon­ging, notwithstanding the Queene had renounced her right and the French King barred himselfe (as the Hollanders say) by the Py­reenean treaty. Which the Lawyers and divines of France, affirme to the contrary, first in regard the 400000 Spanish Ducates were not payd by the King of Spaine, promised in marriage with the Infanta, which was the ground of the Pyreenean treaty; And Espe­cially for that the Soveraignity of those Provinces could not be alienated, seperated, or divided from the Crowne by any Colaterall Acts or agreements contrary to the Law of the Country. However a triple Alliance was made betweene the King of great Brittaigne, the King of Sweeden, and the States Generall, tending to reconcile France and Spaine, and to oppose the French King in his further progresse into the Spanish Netherlands, which triple league pro­cured the treaty at Aken, and produced an accord that France should for ever injoy those places taken by his Armes, and an everlasting peace was concluded (in terminis) confirming the Pyre­nean treaty whereby France, was to forsake Portugall, and leaue that Crowne to the Mercy of the Spaniards, and Hollanders. Which An:33: was more unjust, then the French Kings entrance into Flanders was unrea­sonable. From whence it appears that publick treatys are not like the Laws of the M [...]ads and Pers [...]ns. The strongest partyes makes the best construction and interpretation of all doubtfull cases.

In the years 16-0. and 16-1. the French Forces being Exercized in the new conquested Places of Flanders, and Brabant, the Hol­landers were as jealous of such neighbours, as the French were troubled at such attendance. The States Generall haveing levied 50000. Soldgiers to watch their motions, by land and water. Then Admirall van Ghent nere the Flemish-coast refused to strick sayle to the Royall Standard of great Brittaigne, that was carried in His Majesties owne Brigadine, but Answered the demand most con­temptuously with powder and ball. Afterwards the States General being as unwilling to give satisfaction for such indignites and affronts to his Majestic, as they were for spoyles, and injuries to his Sub­jects▪ [Page 28] this present warr insued wherein the King of great Brittai­gne, and the French King, have made an Alliance of mutuall assi­stance against the Hollanders, finding that those Crownes, had for­merly taken wronge measures to suffer the United Netherlanders, which they saved from extirpation▪ to grow [...]oe powerfull and great, to contend with them and their Allies. Which also confirme [...] the An. 34. English proverb, save a theife from the Gall-house, and he will be the first that shall [...]utt your throate, wher [...]fore the l [...]ague with France proceeds not from such dang [...]rous councells. As the Appealants to the Parliament would suggest.

In the yeare 1671. John de [...], Pensionaris of Holland, & his faction being drunke with success in the former warrs. Over - ruled that party in the States of Holland, who advised to raise a great Army to oppose France by land, and suddainly to invade the Bishopp of Munsters Country. And to make only a defensive warr against En­gland by guarding their owne Coast. But [...]n de [...] Argueing that the three Maritine Provinces (by reason of their sluices) being impregnable by land, there was a necessity to keepe the sea open for their trade and Navigation, otherwise they would sone become beggers, wherefore his Councell was followed, and a great fleete out of hand provided to fight both the English and the French, which the Hollanders (taking their advantage) did ingage on the first of June 1672. ( old sti [...]) Wherein the Earle of Sandwich, and Admi­rall van Ghent, with severall others of both sydes perished, when it appeared that the French notwithstanding their naturall courage, were better at land then at sea, and the English alone, if they had persued the victory, might have distroyed the dutch [...]leete upon their owne Coast, in that time of consternation, The French English and Munster forces, having entred Gilderland, Over­ [...]sell, and Utrecht, Yett the Hollanders out of an ambitious hu­mour to keepe up their sinking reputation, exposed their prints to all partes of the world, signifieing that they had beaten two glo­rious Kings at sea, and many English - men ( to their shame be it spoaken) rejoyed at their owne folly and infirmities, Complying with the appeallants fancies. That from Cromwells joyning with the French, the distruction of Europe might take its date. The Kingdomes of C [...]cillea and Naples, made Arragon, and Caste [...]le much lighter An. 35 then before. The West-Indies, and the Netherlands putt into the s [...]ale made all Spaine of less waight. Princes that graspe at more then they can governe and protect, make themselves unfortunate and their Subjects miserable.

[Page 29]In that yeare 1671. if the divell had not owed the Hollanders a shame for their pride and insolency, they might have complyed with England or France, but notwithstanding they saw the dan­gers approaching, and had faire warnings given them after the breaches of their faith, treatyes, and Alliances, yett in stead of ma­king any reconciliation with either, they persisted in the desiance of great Brittaigne, concerning his Majesties Prerogative in the seas, exposing to sale their medalls and Prints of Chattam, their Pam­phletts and pasquills of the King and his Councell, and likewise in­raged the French, with their impositions, menaces, and contempts painting the King between Madamoiselle de la Valiere, and Madamoiselle de Montspan, with both his hands under their Petticoates, and this in scription over his head, Louys le grand Conquerour, and at the same time painted the Bishop of Munster riding upon a hogg, and his Coach drawne with six wild Bores. Then by order of the King and Councell at Whitehall, the warr was proclaymed, the Dutch Smirna fleete attacqued, and the Exchequer stopt from payment of the Banckers assignments. Necessity hath noe Law, and people that An. 36▪ cannot [...] be conquered with Kindnes, must be taken upon all advantages to make them mannerly and honest against their wills.

In the yeare 1672. after that sea fight, when the United Nether­lands were invaded by the French, English, and Munster forces (the Women in the Hague having before proclaymed the Prince of Orange, Captaine Generall, the Burgers and Boares in all the Cit­ties and Dorpes voated him their Statholder, and the States Gene­rall in the first weeke of Julij 1672. were forced for their owne defence, to establish him in all the Offices and honours that his An­cestors had injoyed. Which the Prince of Orange willingly accepted for An. 37▪ their safty in time of trouble, that would not pray for his welfare in time of their prosperity.

In this juncture of confusion the King of great Brittaigne ha­ving a difficult game in hand, wherein the Hollanders and Zelanders, were to be sufficiently humbled, and the French not exalted, His Ma­jesty sent the Duke of Buckingham, and the Earle of Arlington his Embassadours Extraordinary and Plenipotenciaries to the French King, and the States Generall, who held some conferrences at Utrecht, untill the Burgers of Amsterdam had Cutt the bancks of the Tye, and opened the sluices to drowne the land about that Cittie, then the Magistrates and inhabitants there protested against [Page 30] any further treaty declaring that they would not doe any thing upon a surprise. Conclu [...]ing▪ [...]h [...]r [...] they [...]ul [...] not make an honourable peace [...] 38▪ they would runn the [...] of a distru [...]ve [...]rr.

The French King in his proposalls to the States Generall at Utrecht, in [...]isted that a Cathedrall Church in every Citty of Hol­land should be allowed to the Roman Catholicks for Divine wor­shipp. The Romanists giveing theise reasons for it unto the Dome-Heeres there 1. That the Churches were all built by the Roman Ca­tholicks 2. That the Major parte of the people in those United Provinces remayned still Roman Catholicks, 3. That the States had kept the possession of those Churches eighty yeares from the Roman Catholicks. 4. That the Protestants in France, who denied the Popes supream [...]y were allowed Churches wherein many of the Netherlanders had free access. 5. And lastly that it was very scandalous that the Roman Catholicks should be confined to such pore consecrated meeting places for the service of God in the chei­fest C [...]tties and townes of the United Netherlands, Yett all those Arguments would not preva [...]le with the Amsterdamers, who pre­tended that it would be a badge of conquest over them, to alter any thing of their goverment in poynt of Religion. And having gotten those Churches by their victorious Armes with such congre­gations into them they would not soe tamely parte with either. [...] [...]. The like congregations are not to be found in any other parte of the world (ga­ [...]hered together by the sword) regulated by the Civ [...]ll Magistrates as they are in the United N [...]therlands.

During this confusion, the Maritine Plenipotenciary Cornelius de [...]tt who had bin newly gratified with 36000. gilders by the States Generall for his good service at sea in that Expedition, (where the Earle of Sandwich was fyred) was contriving how to poyson or pistoll the Prince of Orange at land, and to that purpose treated with one William Titchelaer a Chyrurgion at Peirshill (a tenant under that Plenipotentary) to accomplish the designe, Corn [...]ius de Witt insinnua­ting to him that the Prince being now made Statholder by the meane people, they would not rest untill they had made him Soveraigne and consequently subverted the Goverment of the Country, and that if he would undertake the busines to dispatch him, there were aboue thirty Lords in the Goverment of Holland that would very well requite him besides he should have 3000. Pound Sterling for his premium, and for the better effecting the designe, some of the [Page 31] Lords in the States of Holland, should helpe him to an imploy­ment in the leaguer to be nere the Prince. But the Chyru [...]gion notwithstanding he had sworne secrecy to C [...]rn [...]us de Witt yett he could not be quiet in his mind untill he had revealed the conspi­racy to the Prince. Whereupon Corn [...]us de Witt being apprehen­ded; The Court of Justice heard the evidence, and wa [...]ghing all circumstances did on the 10. of August 1672. ( old s [...]) give senten­ce only for his banishment and the [...]orfeiture of his Offices and Dign [...]ties, But the Common people in the Hague Banished him and his Bro­t [...]r An▪ 4 [...] John de Witt on the same day into another world as m [...]mbers not fitt to [...]ve any longer in this.

The Prince of Orange sone after made some alteration amongst the Magistrates of Amsterdam and other places; Then he gave his first as [...]ault upon the French at Worden where he come off with loss and a d [...]honorable retreat. In December following he made an attempt upon Charleroy without success, when the Duke of Lutz [...]burgh with his forces from Utrecht burnt Bodegrave and Swammerdam, two of the best Dorpes in Holland, and if the Frost had continnued 24▪ houers longer they had burnt the Hague, where the people upon the first Alarum removed all their plate Jewells and fine L [...]nnen to Delf, Layden, and Rotterdam. This being done in the absence of the Prince, the Burgers begun to C [...]amour against him for ill conduct, [...]aying that they were all be­tra [...]ed, and that the Prince knew of this warr, when he was with his Uncle in England in the yeare 1670▪ (making merry with venizon pasties) Although the Prince moved altogether by the States order in M [...]llitary affaires, and had not soe much command of the Treasury or Militia, as to preferre a Soldgier or reward a servant. Princes walke An 4 [...] upon narrow bancks, where their fortunes dipends upon such gidd [...]y peoples [...]u [...]ours.

In the beginning of this yeare 1673. The King of Sweeden in­terposing as Mediatour betweene all parties, Proposed a Generall Treaty for a peace, and in the interim a Cessation of Armes, the former was seemingly accepted by the States, but the later absolut­ly refused, yett underhand they desired a cessation with England at sea, for which they would have given 130000. pound Sterling. The States Generall, finding themselves not able to digest the forces of soe many Kings and Princes, at one meale by land, without a free vent backward by water for trade, Especially for bringing home An [...]2. [Page 32] their East-India Shipps, they lost this yeare which were of greater value then the price offered for a Cessation.

The Hollanders perceiving their money was not soe courrant in England as formerly. They Appeared under this strange Car­racter of Englands appeale to the Parliament, which yett did not doe their turne, The Commons gave the King 70000. pound per month, for eighteene months, towards the further expence of the warr, then the Hollanders made a suddaine resolution in the assem­bly of the States to raise new levies by Capitall lending, to sett out a great fleete, which money was to be payd in before the first of April 1673. ( new stile) and was done accordingly. The people beng moved by a preamble in the Placcate, and act for raising the money grounded upon the Lord Chancelors speech in Parliament, Especially upon that expression ( Dilenda Cartago) which did surprise the States of Holland, & Zeland, when they were at a straight for ready Cash, their Cantores being empty, & their obligations of little value. The Duke of Brandinburgh having lately Caldeized them out of 200000. pound upon a contract for mutuall assistance, whereby he was to send the States 12000. foote and 8000. horse to be maintained at a joynt charge, but nevertheless he kept both the men and the money for his owne defence upon a better bargaine with the French concerning Clefe, and Marke. Where severall of his best Townes had been long detained from him by the States. Here the Hollanders were payd in their owne coyne, who never performed any parte of a publicke treaty, fur­ther An. 43. then attended their owne profitt or advantage.

Now while the States were chaffering about the place of treating, they were using all meanes, possible to evade it, by contracting leagues and Alliances with Spaine, and Austria, to maintaine the Pro­testant interest which the Appealants to the Parliament say the Kings Ministers neglected, and rather then they would submitt to England or parte with any thing they had gott by fraude and vio­lence, they send their Agents to Pomerania, Courland, Prusia, and other neutrall Places, to raise both horse and foote to appeare with an Army in the feild, as well as a fleete at sea to treat like, Soveraigne Princes, with their swords in their hands, Yet inten­ding noe agreement but upon their owne termes, depending upon their bretheren in England, and Scotland to accomplish their de­signes, presuming that the Commons there would not have Hol­lands patience to indure an exspensive warr much longer. The Sta­tes An. 44. [Page 33] keeping to their old Principalls, that there was noe means soe approved An. 44. under heaven to weaken great Brittaigne, as by sowing sedition amongst the people, with notions of introducing popery, or setting up an Arbitrary Gover­ment by the French Alliance. Although they were not ignorant that it is as impossible for a Roman Catholick to be King of England, as a reformed Protestant to be King of France.

This last Summer the States Generall ingaged the English and French fleets in three sea sights wherein there was noe considera­ble loss of either syde (Excepting Sir Edward Sprague) being all fought nere the bancks upon the Coast of Holland, Zeland, and Flanders, where the French were less usefull at sea this yeare, then they were the last, which incouraged the Hollanders still to boast, and publish in all forraigne parts, that they had beaten the two mighty Kings againe at sea in three most glorious Victories. This report made some persons rashly to say, that the English were either traytours or Cowards, Notwithstanding Admirall de Ruytter in the last sea fight writt to the States that it was Gods great mercy, he could keepe the sea to guard their Coast. Although he could not guard the East-India Shipps upon the Coast of Norway, not daring to adventure for their prote­ction at sea, any further then the States Armies and their Allies did by land for the releife of Mastricht, which was surrendred within 14. dayes after the first stormes made by the English and French forces, that much surprised the Hollanders, to loose such a conside­rable An. 45. place in soe short a time. Which plainly demonstrates to all the world, that those who are Masters of the feild, are Masters of the best gar­risons, even as they that were Masters at sea in the yeare 1667. were Masters of the Royall Charles, and the London.

In the month of October last, the Hollanders with their Hackney Appealants, degenerated English men, charged their Pa­per gunns againe with new expedients against the meeting of the Parliament, and Framed a Letter in a Dutch dresse, directed to the King of great Brittaigne dated the 25. of October 1673. ( stilo novo) which they sent by a Trumpeter, after they had first distributed many thousand copies in English and Dutch amongst their Friends & confederates in England, and Holland, insinnuating how ready the States Generall had alwayes been to give His Majesty all reasona­ble satisfaction for avoyding the miseries and Callamities insepe­rably attending the warr, alleadging that they thought the triple Alliance had bound them eternally from any further rupture, adding [Page 34] that now the Prince of Orange his interest and theirs being united together with his personall m [...]r [...]it, those considerat [...]ns might in­clyne His Majestie to peace, making a deduction of all that had proceeded at Cologne, whereby they waued the Lords Plenipo­tentiares, and appealed from the King unto his Subjects. And at the same time industriously sett on foote a clamour against the Marriage betweene the Duke of Yorke and the Dutchess of Modena, Then the King prorogued the Parliament untill the 7. of Januarij next, and in the meane time answered the States Letter from poynt to poynt with was sent back by the same Trumpeter. Whereby it appeared that the States Generall had found instruments purposely to deceive his Majesties Subject, sand delude their owne. An. 45.

Then the Appealants consulted with their consorts the Cheife Ministers of State in the Hague, how they should satisfie the Com­mon people in England and Holland concerning the Kings Letter, whereupon they made severall remarques reducing them under Nine heads, which they also published in printe, impudently de­nying all that was asserted by the King in his Answere, and con­cluded with a dispute concerning his Soveraignity in the English seas, absolutly denying his Majesties right to the Herring fishing. And affirmed that the Plempotentiaries at Cologne having not shewne any ground or cause of their warr, it was reasonable for the States Generall to declyne any longer treating there, Especially upon conditions that were unlawfull, and not sufferable for their Subjects, much less to refunde the charge of the warr, or to con­sent unto a free trade in the East-Indies, or to demolish any forts there.

In this Juncture, the Prince of Orange returned to the Hague with great joy from the Frontiers of Germany, his fortune smiling upon him in the end of this yeare, that frowned in the close of the last, Then the States of Holland, Zeland, and Frizland, to stopp the peoples mouths proclaymed a day of publike thanksgiveing to be solemnized on the 6. of December instant reciting the perti­culars in all their Courants viz, First for the glorious Victories at sea against the English and French. 2. For taking of Worden by surrender. 3. For their good success against Bone and Rynebeck. 4. And lastly for the vigorous procedings of the Spaniards upon the frontiers of France since their declaration of warr, on which day of thanksgiveing the Cannons in every Citty roared, and the Predicants in very pulpitt, by order of [Page 35] their Superiours handled the remarques upon the Kings Answere more then their texts, giving the people some crombes of Com­fort, that their Friends were working for them in England, Scot­land and Yreland, and their Enemies voluntairly leaving Utrecht, Over-Issel, and Gilderland, upon termes of brandscatting, which brings to my remembrance a very remarkable Passage, that I late­ly mett with, on the Monthly day of Humiliation in a Church at Amsterdam. I shall only make a short repetition in a paragrafe or two of some raptures and ejaculations used in the Ministers Prayers as nere as possible can be rendred in English out of the Dutch talke, which I have here also incerted. The first Predicant after he had made a breife confession of the great and manifold sinns and trans­gressions of the congregation, he Expostulated in a familiar peticio­nary way with God Almighty as fallows.

O Heere in ghenade aensiēt uwe dienaeren de Staten van Hollandt; een volck verhoren uyt alse Natien om u te dienen ende uwen Heylighen Naem groot te ma­ken / wy bidden u o Heere aensiet den wijn-stock die uwe handt gheplant heeft in dese Dereenighde Nederlanden / ende en laet niet toe dat den wilden Beer ofte Beesten van het veldt het uyt-wortelt. O Heere omme dat ghy ous gheesten van verstant hebt ghegheven te kennen de voor­deelen die wy hebben / ende de swackheden van onse vpan­den / moeten wy daerom vergaen.

O Lord in mercy looke upon thy servants the States of Holland, a people chosen out of all Nations to serve the, and magnifie thy Holy Name, looke downe wee beseehe the o Lord upon the vineyard, that thyne owne right hand hath planted in theise United Netherlands, suf­fer not the wild Bore or Beasts of the feild to pluck it up. Oh Lord because those hast given us spirits of under­standing to deserne our owne advantages, and our ene­mies infirmities must wee therefore perish.

[Page 36]His Text was in the 16. Cap. of Exod. from the 12. Verse to the 21. After his Sermon he desired the Congregation to singe the 80. Psalme, then the other Minister stept into the Pulpitt, and when the Psalme was ended, he uttered himselfe as follows.

O Heere stort uwen zeghen op de Staten van Hollandt ouse wettighe Souveraynen / ende de Staten vande Dereenighde Provincien haer gheconfedereerdens de Hoven van Justitie / de Camer van [...]eke [...]inghe / ende de Acht­bare Magistraten van dese Plaetse / behoudt ende beschermt den Pri [...]s van Oraignien ousen Capiteyn Generael / ende gheeft hem victoric over alle sijue vya [...]den; O Heere om dat ghy ons in weynighe jaeren hebt ghegheven macht en̄ middelen om ons selven soo te water als te lande te be­schermen teghen de macht ende boosheyt van ouse vyan­den / moeten wy daerom vernietight worden / doet met ons Heere naer uwen wille / doch verlost ons dit mael uyt de hauden der Moabiten ende Philistijnen / ma [...]kt ons on­derdaenen van uwe ghenade / op dat wy instrumenten moghen zijn van uwe heerlijckheydt / O Heere oft het u gheliefde de herte vanden Coninck van groot Brittaignien te openen / ende de gheesten van sijnen grooten [...]aedt in't Parlement te verstercken dat Sijne Majesteyt bewoghen mocht werden tot soodanigen vrede't welek bestaen mochte met het welvaeren ende reputatie vande Staten van defe Dere [...]nighde Nederlanden.

POure downe thy blessings O Lord upon the States of Holland our lawfull Soveraignes, and the States of the United Provinces their consederates, the Courts of Justice, the Chamber of Accounts; and the Worp. ll Magistrates of this Place, Preserve and defend the Prince of Orange our Captaine Generall, and give him victory over all his enemies; O Lord because thou hast afforded us means and [Page 37] strenght in few years to defend our selves by sea and land, from the malice, and power of our adversaries, must wee therefore be destroyed, doe with us Lord what pleaseth the, only this time deliver us from the hands of the Mo­hebites and Philistines, make us the Subjects of thy mercy, that wee may be the further instruments of thy glory: Oh Lord that it would please the to open the heart of the King of great Brittaigne, and to stirr up the spirits of the great Councell in Parliament, that His Majestie may be inclyned unto such a peace that may consist with the well­fare and reputation of the United States, in theise Nether­lands.

His Text was taken out of the 10. Chapter of Judges from the 6. Verse to the 17. and after a teadious and impertinent discourse upon that Subject, he concluded the day with an exhortation to Charity for releife of the distressed brethren, whereof one bagg is usally taken by the Predicant to dispose amongst the pore Isarellites, and the other two are distributed by the deacons amongst the aflicted in An: 474 the tribe of Judah: Many such pretious men, Slipps of the same vine were lately planted in England, which brought forth sower grapes, that sett the peo­ples teeth on Edge.

Its possible theise notions may not affect all English-men, or in­clyne them to believe, that there was any necessity of a warr, to reduce or humble theise godly Hollanders; Which induceth me to tell you in playne English, I knew the time when it was as diffi­cult to gett a good farme, or a house for a tenant in England, as it is now to gett a good tenant for either, since the Hollanders by their seditious practises are growen soe populous and soe great. I knew also the time when Ipswich, Hadley and Buildstone flourished as much as Harlem, Leyden, and Delf. And when Ratcliffe and Lim­house flourished as much as Surdam and Dordr [...]ht. And doe believe there was a time when Orford, Dunwich, and Alborough, and other ancient Sea-port townes upon that Coast, had not their Priviledges granted, only to Catch Oysters, Macharell, and Sprats, where the bancks are washed away with the waues, and their Havens stopt up with sands, while the Fishermen from Anchuysen, Schiedam, Zirrickzee &c. in Holland, Zeland and Frizland, take the Herrings, [Page 38] Haberdine and linge with their Busses, Hookers and Dogger boates to increase their strenght and means to dispute the right and Pri­viledges of free fishing upon the English Coast. Which brings me also to tell you what the Hollanders say in some of their remarques upon the Kings Answere to the States Letter, but in another style then formerly they writt to King James in the beginning of his raigne. An. 4 [...].

In their first Remarque they say that Titus Livius and all the Roman Emperours gave medalls in gold upon their conquests and Victories. And cite a Text of Scripture in Exod. 17. and 15. That Moses erected an alter when Ameleck was beaten calling its name the Lord is my Banner, where the verse fol­lowing says the Lord hath sworne that he will have warr with Ameleck from one generation to another. In the fourth remarque they say it is not true that the States were obliged to send Comissioners into England to regulate a trade in the East-Indies, only the King of great Brittaigne proposed a re­glement, which was soe absurd, that the English nation would have a trade equall to the Hollanders, which was fomented by the French, and for feare something might be undertaken by the French against their State, they sent Monsieur van Bew­ninghen for England to remove all sinister impressions, that the French proposalls might have made upon his Majestie against the Triple Alliance, and offered for the preservation of the peace of all Christendome, to make a defensive, and offensive warr against France for the further confirmation of the Triple Alliance, which was rejected and a league made since with France con­trary to the Triple League (which the French Ministers pre­sumptiously called The Beggers agreement.) And in their Ninth, Remarque which concernes only the Herring fishing, they say can any body lay clayme or make pretence to wha the never yett possessed, was it not indeavored in the yeare 1635. by King Charles the first, His Majesties Father to introduce a tribute by forcing the same with some Shipps of warr, which is re­pugnant to the longe and free custome of Fishery, that for [Page 39] theise last 140. years (Persuant to the treaty made in the yeare 1495. betweene England and their State) hath bin continually and quietly practised and injoyed untill the yeare 1635. as aforesiad.

Now I appeale to the greatest Champions for the Hollanders in any parte of His Majesties Dominions, Whether they can heare without greife, and Astonishment such impudent Arrogant expressions belehed out vp the States and their Predicants, and Audatiously applied to themselves, with reflections upon the King and his Kingdomes, or whether they can with patience heare the States and their mercinaries to give the King of great Brit­taigne the ley concerning the East-India trade, or be perswaded that the only way to priserve the peace of Christendome was to joyne with the Hollanders in an offensive and defensive warr against the French King, that hath lately consumed for much treasure, and wasted soe many families of the Nobility, and gen­try towards the Chastizing of those high and mighty Lords, and great and mighty Lords, that toke their titles from a French Complement, and were protected by the French Kings against all their Adversaries for the space of sixty eight years together, or whether they can containe themselves any longer when they heare those States affront the King of great Brittaigne in that peremptory manner to tell him, that the Crowne of England was never possessed of the herring fishing, or that the late King his Father had not force of Armes in the yeare 1635. to obstruct their right to the herrings upon his owne Coast, where they clayme the priviledge of free Fishing by prescription of the trea­ty Anno 1495. which was 77. yeares before they were acknowled­ged to be free Countries, and had the liberty of the English Coast in Compensation of the leagues offensive and defensive against France, who were then the Hereditary Enemies of the Crowne of England.

But it is objected by their Friends that if the Kings Subjects should eate any quantities of herrings, barrell codd, or stoc [...] ­fish, there would not be such a consumption of beife, mutton and veale in his Majesties Kingdomes, which brings up the rents of Land. And it is pretended that the King is at noe loss by the Hollanders, Zelanders, and Frizlanders fishing for herring [Page 40] and [...]odd, upon his owne Coast which otherwise would be lost for want of taking, and all the Cloysters, Monasteries and Re­ligious houses in the Spanish Netherlands, Germany, Poland, France, Westphalia etc. would be left distitude of provisions which vp the strick [...] rules of their Religion doe abstaine from flesh severall weeks in a yeare, and severall days in every weeke which in England, Scotland and Ireland, since the Reformation the Protestants are not obliged to doe.

As to the Kings Right to the Herring fishing. It admitts noe dispute, being upon his owne Coast. But if any man gives nou­rishment to a vulture, or huggs a serpent in his bosome, he may be distroyed for his kindnes and eredulity, As for the Herrings and Codd, that would be lost for want of Catching, and the Mon­asteries and Cloysters left destitude for want of provisions, it is a great fallacy. There would be noe less fish taken if all stran­gers were obliged to pay the King a yearely tribute for an ac­knowledgment of that right, which the Laws of God, the laws of nature, and the laws of nations, appropriates to the King of great Brittaigne upon his owne Coast: And it would not under­value the price of Lands, or lessen the value of mutton beife or veale, if more Herrings, Codd, and ling, were Eaten in En­gland, but rather increase the publick Treasury, the rents of Lands, and the particular Estates of all trades men. And for incourage­ment to the Fishing trade at home, if Every Inkeeper Ale­house keeper, and vintener in England, should be obliged to buy a barrel of pickled Herrings once a yeare. The Hollanders doe esteeme every stranger, that comes to inhabite in their united Provinces to render unto the publick yearly (viis et modis) 5. pound ster­ling at least, although he be of a meane Capacity, there being soe many Excises / Verpounding: Poll money, Chymdy money etc. That from every Burger who expends 150. pound per annum in his Family a third parte of it goes to the States for publick uses. And if the Fishing trade were ushered in againe to the ancient sea porte Townes of Suffolke, Norfolke, Lincolne, Yorke and Northumherland, from whence the first Herring fishers carried it unto Anchusen in North-Holland, upon certaine priviledges granted them there (as may be seene both by the records in the Statehouse and Three Herrings given in an Eschutchen for the Armes of that Citty) It would multiply His Majesties Subjects [Page 41] by drayning other places to come where they might take the Fish freely nere their owne dores, and finde as good, and as quick marketts from thence, as they doe in Holland, Zeland, and Friz­land, where they yeild ready money into all partes, after the Fishermen returne home from their trading voyages of the first herring season.

Midsomer Herrings taken by the Hollanders upon the English and Scotch Coast, are soe fatt and delicate, that they are sold in all the 1 [...]. Provinces and partes adjacent for 1. and 2. stivers a Herring. And in the later [...]nd of the yeare towards L [...]nt, when the fat [...]nes is almost cousumed with the salt and pickle, those English Herrings are s [...]alded in fresh water, and [...]aten for great da [...] ­ties with vinger, oyle, and p [...]pper, in Harbours, Cloysters and other places. There are H [...]rrings in great aboundance upon the Coast of Holland, Dane­marke, and Norrway, but very leane, and in the Zuyder-sea from Amsterdam, to the Texell, they are taken in such quantities, that the pore people buy 40. and 50. for a stiver by the name of Pan-herrings, which are not fitt for pickle, therefore the Hollanders runn to the Coast of England, and Scotland, wh [...]re the Fishing, is more advantageous to the States, then the silver Mines in the West-Indies is to the King of Spaine, or the spice trade to the East-India Com­pany of the Netherlands. And the reasons are very playn, and obvious unto all intelligible men viz: First in regard of the great num­bers of Handicrafts, and trades men that are imployed and main­tained by the Fisheries, which increaseth the publick revenue with their infinite payments they make to the Pactors of wine, beare, &c. where 28. severall excises are payd at the eating of an egg.

Secondly from the great multitudes of sea-men that are bredd up by that imployment, and made [...]itt both for the service of Mar­chant-men, and men of warr for the defence of their Country.

Thirdly by the great tra [...]ique that is raised from the product of Herring and Codd-fish, which drawes yearly 250000. pound Sterling in ready money from other partes into the United Pro­vinces, besides the staple Commodities of those other ajacent Coun­tries, soe that the United Netherlands doe multiply the [...]ock of their owne Country yearly by those Fish, which they have for Catching from the English Coast, and runns into all their Cantores and Treasuries, and from thence out againe to build their store houses, whar [...]es, Castles, [...]luices, Shipps, Dikes, dambes, bridges &c. Wherefore it was high time as well to looke into their strenght, as into their wayes of acquiring it. And to question them for [Page 42] their breach of league [...], and treatyes, for feare of further assaults, and surprises.

The only Argument that Cato the Elder used in the Senate of Rome for distroying the Citty of Carthage, was from a simillitude [...]e used concerning [...]n [...] greene Figgs, that were growing in Carthage whit [...]in foure days before, which he brought into the S [...]nate, when the ma [...]er was in debat [...], from whence he [...] ­p [...]l [...]d▪ that it was not [...]afe, to [...]av [...] [...] great, and [...] dangerous a neighbour [...] n [...]r [...], t [...]at mig [...]t surprise them, before th [...]y could [...] rea [...]h to defend them­selves. Then reflecting upon the contracts and Covenants▪ [...] often vyolated by Car­thage. The old stomans burnt and razed that Citty to the ground.

But out of the Ashes of Carthage, there [...]prunge up tho [...]e Pirates of Tunis [...]n [...] and A [...]g [...]rs, that have proved more troublesome unto all Europe then the Carthagiman [...] wer [...] greuious▪ to the old Romans. The Zelanders have followed their exemples, since the trade went from Midleburgh to Amsterdam, upon the loss of Sluice in [...]landers, when the generall Marchants that removed, could be noe longer secure there, and the Marchant adventurers ret [...]red to Delf, then to Rotterdam, then to Dort, now noe where, since their Charter is broken, and the English staple of Cloath, exposed to contempt that was once accounted the glory of England.

As to the spice trade which the Hollanders have ingros­s [...]d by secr [...]t fraud, and open vyolence. The States Generall cannot be soe va [...]ne to believe, they shall injoy it any longer then there may be an opertunity to take it from them againe, notwithstanding they have strenghtned themselves in the East-Indies, not only to trade, but to fight there, which is a new way of Mar▪ handizing, that the English were not accustomed unto.

POl [...]ron, Amboyna, and Jaccatra (now called Batavia) were all the p [...]ss [...]ssions of the English, and the spice trade, was by Covenants and contracts divided betweene the English and the Dutch Companies. The Shipps Bona Esperanza, and Henery Bonadventura, belonged to English-men, and were taken from t [...]em in time of peace, by the East-India Company of the Nettherland? who have not yett given any satisfaction or repa­ration [...]or the [...]ame, or for the damages sustained by the loss of their voyages, but are left to the proper [...]emedies.

[Page 43]The product of Fish and spice, have brought the Hollanders all things of the growth of other Countries. And by consequence thereof, they have not only brought downe the price of English Tinn, and the staple goods of English Plantations, but have also lessned the value of all English Woolen Manufactures, by their li [...]y Woolesy, and Fastaine [...]uffes, wherewith they now doe furnish the Boares, and Boarines, which formerly used to weare good English Cloath, and the better sort of [...]opell Apar­rell themselves with [...]ilks, Mohaires, [...]amletts, and velvetts, purposely to discourage all English woolen Manufactures, and incourage their owne, where they are cheaper wrought with pickle herrings and buttermilk, then they can be made in England with good beife and stronge beare. The Hollanders now are resolved to give noe more for a pound of English woole in the Cloath, stuffe, or stockings, then they think it worth the working, or for English lead or oare, then they esteeme the labour of digging, and smelting, and [...]oe imploy their Factors in England to buy it accordingly, Although they [...]ell their nuttmegs cloves and mace, at their owne prices, more then treble advantages, and their [...]ine threads for 30. per cent profitt and vpwards.

And because the Weavers▪ Spinners▪ [...]nitters and other people in the Netherlands (whose necessity makes them sparing and laborious) should not stand still for want o [...] worke▪ they are not only furnished from Scotland with woole upon sheepe s [...]ins (cu [...] Privilegi [...]) but indirectly with En­glish woole / welsh and Irish woo [...]es in great quantities. And directly with Spanish wooles in English bottomes ▪ and Cotton woole which is fallen from a noble to Ni [...]e pence as su [...]ars etc. are si [...]c [...] Sur [...]m was surren­dred to the Zelanders And since the new England Shipps with divers others d [...]tchified English men▪ are yearly fraighted from [...]ir [...]inea and Bar­bados that never arrives in old England / but carried with syde windes into [...]olla [...]d and the East Countries whereby His Majesty is not onely defra [...]ded of his Custumes, [...]nd his [...]eam [...]n di [...]couraged▪ but the goods undervalued which ought to he menaged to greater advantages of the King and his Kingdomes.

It is Convenient now to shew you, when the house of Bourgundy became allied with the house of Austria. And Austria with Spaine, [...]s also their re­spec [...]ive successions, & likwise the severall successions in the Crownes of En­gland, and France. And consequently when the Hollanders, and their confe­derated Provinces of the Union, revolted from Spaine and Austria, and made themselves Soveraigne States; And after some observations thereupon, give you a more perticular answere to Englands appeale. And soe for this present yeare conclude.

A briefe description of the first Allian­ces betvveen the Houses of Bourgundy, Au­stria, and Spaine, vvith the severall successions of Emperours, Kings of Spaine, Kings of En­gland, and France, since that Alliance.

Philip Duke of Bourgundy the 30. Earle of Holland, Zeland &c. That first [...]s [...]tuted the Order of the Golden F [...]ce, dyed in the yeare 146 [...] ▪ leaving Charles his only Sonn and heire, his Successour▪ who was s [...]aine at the battaile of Nancy, and left Maria Dutchess of Bourgundy his only Daugh­ter & heire, that Married Maximillian Arch-duke of Austria, Sonn and heire, of Fredrick Emperour of Germany, by whom she had Philip her only Sonn, that Married Jane the Daughter of Ferdinand and Jsabella, King and Queene of Arragon and Castile.

Emperours of Germany.
Maximillian the first that Married Maria de Vallois, Duchess of Bourgundy, begun his raigne Anno—
Charles the fift Married Jsabella Daughter of Don Emanuel King of Portugal, and begun his raigne Anno—
Ferdinand the first Married Anna Ulad [...]slai Daughter of the King of Hungary, and Bohem [...]a, begun his raigne Anno ▪
Marua [...]llian the second Succeeded his Father, he Married Maria the Daughter of Charles the fifth his neece, and be­gun to raigne Anno—
Rodolphus Succeeded his Father Maximillian, he dyed wit­hout Issue, and begun to raigne Anno—
Mathias Succeeded his Brother Rodolphus, he Married Ann the Daughter of Ferdinando Arch-duke of Austria, and dyed without Issue, begun his raigne Anno—
[Page 45] Ferdinando the second Succeeded his nephew Mathias, and Married Ellenor Sister to the Duke of Mantoua, he begun his raigne Anno—
Ferdinando the third Succeeded his Father, he Married first the Infanta of Spaine, and secondly the Daughter of the Duke of Tuscany, begun his ra [...]gne Anno—
Leopoldus the Sonn of Ferdinando King of Hungary, was Married first to Margaret the Daughter of Philip the IV. King of Spaine, and Secondly to the Duchess of Insprugh, ▪ after she had unkindly treated the Duke of Yorke,▪ begun his raigne Anno—
Kings of Spaine.
Philip the first in the Right of Jane his wife, Daughter of Ferdinando and Jsabella King and Queene of Arragon and Caste [...]le, begun to raigne Anno—
Charles the first Succeeded his Father Philip, and was also Elected Emperour of Germany by name of Charles the fifth, begun to raigne Anno—
Philip the second Succeeded his Father Charles, and Mar­ried first Queene Marie of England, and afterward Elize­beth the Daughter of Henery the second, King of France, and begun his raigne Anno—
Philip the third Succeeded his Father, and Married Anna the Daughter of Maximilian the II. Emperour of Germany, he begun his raigne Anno—
Philip the fourth Succeeded his Father, he Married Isabella the Daughter of Henery the IV. King of France, and after her decease Marie Anna the Daughter of Ferdinando the third, Emperour of Germany, begun his raigne Anno—
Charles the second Succeeded his Father Philip, who was be­got of Marie Anna, began to raigne Anno—
Kings of France.
Lewis the XII. descended in a directt line from Charles the V. surnamed the Wise, Married Anna the Widdow of [Page 46] Charles the VIII. and Daughter of the Duke of Brittaigne, begun to raigne Anno—
Francis the firste Succeeded, and began to raigne—
Henery the second Succeeded his Father, he Married Catherin de Medecis Daughter of the Duke of Tuscany, begun to raigne Anno—
Francis the second Succeeded his Father, he died without Issue, begun his raigne Anno—
Charles the nyneth Succeeded his Brother and died also without Issue, he begun to raigne Anno—
Henery the third Succeeded his Brother, quitting the Kingdom of Poland, he Married Louysa de Vaudamont and died wit­hout Issue, and with him Ended the race of the Vallois, he begun to raigne Anno—
Henery de Bourbone Surnamed the IV. Succeeded. His first wife was Margaret de Vallois, for want of Issue by her he Married Maria de Medecis, Daughter of the Duke of Tuscany, he begun to raigne Anno—
Lewis the XIII. Succeeded his Father, he Married Anna the Daughter of Philip the III. King of Spaine, begun to raigne Anno
Lewis the XIV. Succeeded his Father, he Married Marie the Daughter of Philip the IV. King of Spaine, by his first wife, that was the Daughter of Henery the IV. and Grand Father to the French King that now is, who begun to raigne Anno—
Kings and Queens of England.
Henery the seaventh followed Richard the third, whom he slew at the batle of Bosworth, being of the house of Lancastar, he Married Elizebeth, Eldest Daughter of King Edward the IV▪ descended from R. Plantagenet Duke of Yorke, the first and next heire to the Crowne, and thereby ended the Civil warr betweene Yorke and Lancaster, he begun his raigne Anno
Henery the eight, Succeeded his Father, he had six wives, first, Katherin, Infanta of Spaine, Widdow of his brother [Page 47] Arthur, Mother of Queene Marie, second, Ann of Bullaine Mother of Queene Elizebeth, third, Jane Se [...]mour Mother of King Edward the VI fourth, Ann of Cleef, fifth, Ka­tharin Howard, sir, Katherin Parr, he begun to raigne Anno—
Coward the sixth Succeeded his Father, who died without Issue, he begun his raigne Anno—
Marie Succeeded her Brother, she Married Philip the se­cond, King of Spaine, and died without Issue, she begun to raigne Anno—
Elizebeth Succeeded her Sister, and Married not, she began to raigne Anno—
King James of Scotland ▪descended from a Daughter of Henery the VII.▪ Succeeded her. He Married Ann the Daughter of Fredrick the II. King of Denmarke, he begun to raigne over great Brittaigne Anno—
Charles the first Succeeded his Father King James, he Mar­ried the Daughter of Henery the fourth, King of France, and begun to raigne Anno—
Charles the second Succeeded his Father, and Married Ka­therin the Daughter of John the fourth, King of Portugall, begun his raigne Anno—

WHEN the Hollanders in the yeare 15 [...]2. first tooke up Armes under the Conduct of William of Nassaw Prince of Orange, for defence of them­selves and their liberties against Philip the second, King of Spaine, who sent the Inquisition into the Netherlands. The States of the seaven United Provinces, continued Nine years in open warr, before they absolutly renounced the King and his Government. The Prince of Orange being murthered at Delfe in the yeare 1584. Prince Maurice his sonn succeeded him at 18. year old, then the States of Holland, with the United Provinces, offered the Soveraignity of their Countrys unto Henery the third, King of France, upon any condi­tions he pleased to accept them, who refused to be troubled with those people or their Country. Then the States of the Union, made their humble addresses and applications to Queene Elizebeth (who had used her mediation to the King of Spaine for a reconciliation without effect) offering the Soveraignity of their Countrys likewise unto her Majestie, who also refused the same, but in the yeare 1585. toke upon her the protection of them and their Provinces. The Ze­landers in that Juncture gave their medalls in Gold and silver with theise [Page 48] in [...]criptions, Luctor, et Emergo. On the one side, and Deo favente Regina, on the other. Whose protection. The Queen▪ continued for 17. years in open d [...]fiance of Spaine, and the House of Austria; And then dyed.

IT is observed, when the Hollanders were upon Framing their Go­verment, they continued many months in Consultation, whither to setle the Roman Catholick Religion, or the Reformed Religion would be most for their profitt and advantage, at last they conclu­ded that the Reformed Religion, would most consist with their Religious concerment [...], in procuring ayde and assistance from other Princes and States against Spaine. And that a tolleration of all other Religions would most increase their Common wealth: Soe it was indifferent to the Hollanders, which Religion to Chose, they tooke their measure of Religion by their interest. Then the Jews that were banished out of Portugall, Itally and Spaine, (for denying Christ and his Doctrine) the ancient Marchants of the world, were joyful­ly received at Amsterdam. The Roman Catholicks, the Lutherans, the Arminians, and people of all other perswasions, had the like free en­tertaiment in Amsterdam, and the other Citties, and Townes in the United Provinces, but the Reformed Hollanders (whose Godlines is their greatest gaine) overeached them all.

Its also observed that the Hollanders never atempted any thing of forraigne Comerce considerable, untill the Jews and other Nations amongst them, first projected their East- and West-India trade, they were content before their Reformation with the traf­fique they could raise upon saltfish, butter, cheese, and linnen weaving. King James had nickt them in the beginning of his raigne, if their party in England had not strongly opposed it. And to the shame of the English Congregation [...] in the Netherlands be it spo­ken, The King of great Brittaigne hath not greater enemies in the world then are planted in those assemblies, Notwithstanding the affront and indignity that the Magistrates of Midleburgh have showne to English men in appointing them such a convenient place for their Church (in that Citty) being parte of the house were the Ideotts fooles and made men are kept, however the States doe pay the Minister in regard those preachers, are obliged to uphold the Do­ctrine of the Netherlands▪ and the members of the Congregations doe all contribute much more to the publick charge by excises &c. then the Dutch-men doe in England where they pay their owne [Page 49] Ministers themselves. I shall amongst the number of the selected members, that were admitted into the English Congregations, in Holland and Zeland, mention only two Families. Mr. Iacob Pergens of Amsterdam, and his Family being one, and Mr. Peter Boudaen of Midleburgh in Zeland and his Family the other. Mr. Pergens was borne at Cologne in Germany, afterwards he inhabited in the Citty of London, and was made a free Denizon of England, in the begin­ning of the late King Charles his raigne, then he transported him­selfe to Amsterdam, where he was made a Director of the West-India Company, and soe remaynes to this time. Mr. Boudaen was borne at Antwerpe, who lived also in London, as a Factor, and was likewise made a free Denizon of England, then he transported him­selfe unto Midleburgh aforesayd, where he was made an Elder of the English Church, and a Director of the East-India Company, unto which office, his sonn Peter Boudaen after his Fathers decease, was chosen, and Iohn Bo [...]daen his Brother a Scheepen, who follows the Capers imployment, and the stepps of Mr. Pergens and their Ance­stors, whose practises and unjust dealings, are brei [...]ely sett forth in the severall Cases hereunto annexed. Willfull fraude, and forgery in private Persons, is punished with death, both in France and the Spanish Ne­therlands. An 51. But where it his found in Ministers of Civill Justice, the very Pagans exposed th [...]m to the most Exquisite tortures, and ignominious deaths. How farr the Civell Magistrates of Holland and Zeland are guilty of fraude, and oppression, time will shew.

Wherefore I have made a perfect Cattalogue of the severall, and respective Lords, and Magistrates in the Government of Amster­dam, and Midleburgh, with a discription of their respective Offices, and places in the severall Judicatures for this present yeare (16 [...]3.) being a true patterne of all the rest of the Soveraigne Citties, and Townes, in Holland, and Zeland, which have their severall and re­spective Priviledges, whereby may be seene, the Frame and modell of their independant structures, and goodly Common weath, and how Geometrically every thing hangs together, yett those Sove­raignities, doe not agree well amongst themselves. Amsterdam is ag [...]nst Leyden, and Leyden against Harlem, Rotterdam against Del [...]e, and Del [...]e against Dort, &c. Yea likwise the Emperiall Provinces, doe not well accord one with another, Holland is ag [...]inst Zeland, and Frizland, against Holland, and all the rest against those three Marritine Provinces.

Magistrates of Amsterdam Anno 1673. Governing.

JOhannes H [...]dde. These are Ele­cted every yeare
Dr. Gillis Valckenier.
Cornelis Geelvinck, Heere van Castricum. on Candlemas day 2. of Febr.
Johan Huydekooper, Heere van Ma [...]seveen.
Cornelis Backer. Johan Appelman.
Mr. Johan Corver. Nicolas Witsen.
Hendrick Roeters.  
Leonard Ranst. Aegidi [...]s Santin.
Jacob [...]ad Neck. Jocobsz. Hendrick Becker.
Drotescape s [...]aden or Common Councell these are relected for life.
Dr. Nicolas Tulp. Mr. Johan Corver.
Barnard Schellinger. Cornelis Graeflandt.
Mr. Johan Rendorp. Johannes Hudde.
Nicolas Pancras. Mr. Vincent van Bronckhorst
Jacob van Neck. Dr. Johan ten Grotenhuys.
Cornelis Geelvinck. Mr. Jacob Borreel.
Dr. Gillis Valckenier. Leonard Ranst.
Cornelis van Vlooswyck. Mr. Nicolas Witsen.
Nicolas van Loon. Mr. Nicolas Roch.
Dr. Roelent Ernst. Louys Trip.
Gerraert Hasselaer. Nicolas Opmeer.
Mr. Hendrick Hoo [...]t. Coenraet Klinck.
Cornelis de Vlaminck, van Outs-H [...]orn. Johan Appelman.
  Isaac Commelyn.
Jacob Jacobsz Hinloopen. Michiel Tielens.
Cornelis Backer. Hendrick Becker.
Mr. Coenraet van Beuningen. Dierick Blom.
Mr. Johan Huydekoper. Aegidius Blom.
Jacob van Neck Jacobsz▪  

[Page 51]

Bewinthebbers or Directors of the East-India Company elected for life.
Johan Munter, Burgermaster. Cornelis Gravelandt, S [...]hepen.
Daniel Bernards. Mr. Johan Huydekoper, Burger­master.
Johan Hulst, Schepen.  
Nicolas vande Cappelle, Schepen. Mr. Lambert Reynst, Idem.
Jeronymus de Haes. Cornelis van Vlooswijck, Idem.
Dierick Tulp, Schepen. Hendrick Brauwer of Leyden.
Pieter van Loon. Nicolas Pancras, Burgermaster.
Dr. Gillis Valckenier, Burger­master. Hendrick Scholten.
  Isaac Hochepiet, Iunior.
Cornelis Backer, Schepen. Cornelis Silvius.
Pieter de Graef. Hendrick Becker.
Mr. Pieter van Dam, their Advocate.
Bewinthebbers or Directors of the West-India Company elected for life.
Jacob Pergens. Johan van Erpecum.
Johan Rijckaerts. Nicolas van Beeck.
Dierick Spiegel, Schepen. Mr. Arnout Hoo [...]t, Schepen.
Hans Bontemantel, Schepen. Isaac van Heuvel.
Mr. Cornelis Kloeck, Schepen. Mr. Pieter Schaep, Schepen.
Mr. Michiel ten Hove, their Advocate.

Burgemasters, Schepenen and Raden elected in Mid­leburgh the last of Iuly 1673. to serve for the following yeare.

  • Mr. Willem Brauwer.
  • Mr. Christiaen Thibault.
[Page 52]Schepenen or Judges. [...]aden or Common Councell.
Mr. Gillis Munninex. Iohan Schorer.
Iohan le Sage. Iohan Lampsen.
Mr. Iacobus Pec [...]ius. Mr. Fredrick Huyssen.
Mr. Ioris Brest. Iohan Boudaen.
Benjamin Rawle. Mr. Pieter Duvelaer.
Mr. Gualterus vander Poort. Isaac Vervaecq.
Mr. Sampson de Keyser. Iohan Blondel.
Mr. Iohan Honinck. Mr. Iohan Becker.
Steven Voet. Dr. Gelenus Tresel.
Laurens Willemsz Verpoorten. Mr. Iohan vande Poele.
Mr. Iohan Petri vanden Brande. Dr. Anthom Everaer [...]s.
  Mr. Aegidius Malliaert.
Mr. Arnout vanden Helm, Pensionaris.
Lords of the Admirallity in Zeland.
  • Reynier vander Beke, of Midleburgh.
  • Cornelis Pous, of Sirickzee.
  • N. Eversdijck, of Tergoes.
  • Bonifacius Vryberghen, of Terto [...]n.
  • G. Inghels, of Flushing.
  • Pieter Munninex, of Terveer.
  • Van Beveren, of Dort.
  • Borst van Waveren, of Amsterdam.
  • Panhuysen, of Uytrecht.
  • Daniel Fannius, Fisead.
  • Iohan Steengracht, Secretary.
  • Memorandum.
    • That in all Admiralties there are 3. Lords of other Provinces joyned.
Directors of the East-India Company for Zealand, are 12. elected, to serve for their lives, and have stipends with other perquisites, worth respectively to every man, 300. pound Sterling par annum.
  • Iohan le Sage, Burgermaster.
  • Gillis Mun [...]nex, Burgermaster.
  • Alexander de Munck.
  • Pieter Boudaen.
  • Arnout vanden Helm, Pensionaris or Recorder of Midleburgh.
  • David van Reyghensberghe.
  • Willem de Nastauw, H [...]r [...] van [Page 53] Odij [...]k, Premier Noble.
  • Willem Brauwer, Burgermaster.
  • Daniel Fannius, Fis [...] of the Ad­mirallity.
  • Iacob van Hooren, Burgermasters. of Flishing.
  • Apollinius Ingels, Burgermasters. of Flishing.
  • Cornelis Kien, of Terveer.
Directors of the West-India Company for Zeland.
  • van Midleburgh.
    • Johan vande Poele.
    • Johan Lampsen.
    • Johan Rodemaecker.
    • Johan Ronberghe.
  • van Vlissiaghen.
    • De Heer van Hecke.
    • De Heer van Peeren.
  • van Tervere.
    • De Heer Lendert Tyssen.
  • van ter-Tolen.
    • De Heer Johan Gripskercke.
  • Den Advocaet vande Compagnie.
    • De Heer vander Heyde.
  • Memorandum.
    • That the Magistrates of Mid­leburgh and Flushing, will not trust any of their moneys, upon the securities of lands, houses, or Comptores in Zeland, for feare of the Comon people, who they have betrayed into the warr, but remitt the greatest parts of their Estates, to London, Am­sterdam, and Antwerpe, where they find trusteefor the same, to imploy their monies, at interst Mr. Daniel Fannius, & G. Engels, have gotten 15,000. pound sterling by this warr, & the last, Mr. Engels upon the his late mariage before the warr gave the account of his Estate to be 4000. pound sterling, now its valued at 80000. pound as by his rates in Assesments & taxes appears. They, & the Bouda [...]ns are the Cheife parchasours, in surrinam, and have many con­siderable plantations there.

THe Burgermasters of the Citties, in their severall Juris­dictions, account themselves Soveraignes. The Pen­sionaris, is the Recorder. The Schepen, are the Judges, [Page 54] who with the Burgermasters doe heare, and determine all causes both Civell, and Criminall; The Raden are the Common Councell. Out of whom, and the Colledge of the Riders [...]hape, which is their gentry, or Nobility, that have one voice in the 19. The Deputies are chosen, which they send to their Assemblies of the States of Holland, who levys money, upon extraordinary Cases, from their respecti­ve Provinces. The Deputies sent to the States Generall, are chosen out of the same people, who are only stipen­daries of the Provinces, and doe noe Acts of state, but by the directions and consent of their respective Soveraignes, which they serve. The Lords of the Admiralty, who are the Judges of all Sea affaires, and from whome there is noe appeale, but to the States Generall, are likewise selected out of those Magistrates and people. The Gecomitteerde [...]aden or Councell of the States of Holland▪ who continue at the Hague all the yeare, and act according to their instru­ctions, as a Court of Judicature in all Cases concerning the publike revenues, and deale in matters concerning the Militia, and payments of money, as also for bringing in the severall repartitions, allotted upon the respective Citties, and divisions, towards the publike charge of the Country, are also chosen out of theise and such like worthy mem­bers.

The Provinciall Court of Judicature of Holland and West-Frizland, which consist of a certaine number, are al­so elected out of the Common Councells &c. And sent from the respective Citties, and continues all the yeare at the Hague (excepting the times of their vacations) vnto whome appeales are made from the Scheepen, or Compe­tent Judges of the Citties. Then after a teadious time of trouble, and Expence, if Sentences be Irregulary given by the Provinciall Court (as very often times they are) Ap­peales are made from them vnto the Hoghen [...]aedt, [Page 55] or Supreame Court of Judicature at the Hague, who are likewise chosen, out of the Persons aforesayd, and sent from the respective Citties to the Hague, who also remaynes constantly there, and have an influence one upon the other, being of the same principalls against all Forraigners. Then after their Sentences definitive, if the Plantifes, or defendents, have not expended all their patience, money, and creditt. They may have revisions of their lamentable Cases (upon security for Costs) to some parte of the Supreame Court of Judicature, and 3. or 4. of the Deputies of the States Generall, who are, fae similes, and Governed by the people. And after all this time spent, and oppressions layd upon strangers, if they should complayne to their respective Princes, or their Embassadours abroade, or Ministers of State at home; The Hollanders impudently reply, that they are Soveraigne States, and who shall be Competent judges, in Civell Actions, betweene them and other Soveraignes, or the Subjects of both, in such Cases, but some neutrall Prin­ce, which cannot be found, that will intermedle with such a perverse, and wicked generation, as the Holland Sove­raignes are, being soe teadious in their resolutions, soe tu­multuous in their practises, and soe vncertaine in all their treaties, and contracts, that noe Prince can have any due ` Performance of agreements, from soe many Soveraignes & Soveraignities, without a reall caution given by the Gene­rality, that might be a cheque upon them, both by sea, and land, which may be obtained in this Juncture by the King of great Brittaigne to all intents and purposes. Where the Soveraignity, is in the Common people, there is noe sence of An▪ 52▪ Honour or honesty. And where Roberies, and spoyles, have been often committed, at noone day, there cannot be any security, wit­hout greater Caution.

The Personall Security, of those Soveraigne Provinces, and of the Soveraigne Citties, are of litle value, since the [Page 56] Lords of Midleburgh (who have gott soe much by priva­tering) that were all obliged to make good their Banck of Lending, or Lumbard, cannott be made lyable to answere, the pore orphants, Widdows, and others, whose moneys are drawne by those Magistrates out to the value of many hundred thousand pounds Sterling, and now the Lumbard is become Banckrupt, the pore people, and Creditors, are ready to perish for want. And the Banck of Amsterdam is not infallable, where soe many bills of exchange are payd, with paper ticketts, there being not halfe soe much money in specie, as the Banck, hath taken in upon Creditt.

There is noe reason that the King of great Brittaigne should take the word of those States, who cannott ( as they are Sove­raigues) prevaile with any of their owne Subjects, to trust them with 100. pound in money or goods, to be payd by the publicke, although they would give their obligations for it, unless they would oblige themselves as private persons, whose Estates are visible in actions, as Directors, or Parti­cipants, of the East- and West-India Companies; That are soe unwilling to part with any thing to Strangers, upon any termes whatsoever, which they have gotten into their hands, and possessions, by unrightuousnes, as appeares by the three severall Cases following. Yett neverthclcss, the Appealants to the Parliament say. It is the interest of great Brittaigne, to support the Hollanders and their Government.

The Continuation of the Case between Sir William Courten, his Heirs and Assignes, AND The East-India Company of the Netherlands, concerning the Ships Bona Esperanza and Henery Bonaventura▪ to the 23. of Decemb. 1673.
With some Considerations annexed, and Octjections answered.

SIR William Courten late of London Marehant, Endimion Porter, Esquire, John Weddal, Nathaniel Mountney, George Townesend, Thomas Kynaston, Marchants, and divers others Participants with them, set forth severall great Shipps, laden with money and Marchandizes, for the Coast of India, China and Japan, in the yeare 1636. 1637. and following years, for trading voyages, persuant to their Letters Patents under the great Seal of England.

After the death of Sir William Courten, William Courten his Son and Heir, and the surviving Partners, set forth the said Ships Bona Es­peranza and Henery Bonadventura ( inter alia) in the year 1641. forsupply of their Factories, and to bring home their Effects from India and Parts adjacent.

Afterwards William Courten, being indebted to divers Persons, in severall great summes of Money, amounting unto 100000. Pounds and upwards, for which Sir Edward Littleton, his Brother in Law, stood obliged; The said William Courten did by his indenture and Bill of sale, dated the 26. day of April 1642. grant, and assigne, all his Interest, and share of stock, in the said Ships and Factories in India, to Sir Edward Littleton, for his indempnity from the said debts, provided the surplus should be returned to the said Courten.

Afterwards William Courten, and Sir Edward Littleton, reciting the first Bill of sale, and a great debt of 24800. Pounds due to Sir Paul Pindar, they grant and assigne unto Sir Paul, all their Interest & share of stock, in the Ships Bona Esperanza and Henery Bonadventura, with all Freights, [Page 58] proceeds by a tripartite Indenture, and Bill of Sale, dated the 19. of December 1642. Provided that the surplus, should be applyed to­wards the discharge of Sir Echrard Luttuten's ingagements.

On the 25. of June in the year 1643. the said Ship Bona Esperanza with her lading, was taken in an hestile manner, in the Streights of Mallacca, in her passage from Goa towards Maccao in China, by two Ships of warr called the Vendilo and Portugallo, commanded by Captain Vermerren and Captain Gecland (and the Lieutenant of the Fort at Mallacca belonging to the East-India Company of the Netherlands, under a pretence that Mr. Courten and his Partners, traded with the Portugalls their Enemies, not withstanding there was a Truce made between the King of Portugall, and the States Generall, for ten years in all parts of the Indies and Europe, which was concluded at the Hague on the 12. of June 1641. by Don T [...] de Mendoca Furtado, Embassadour from Don John King of Portugall.

In the same year 1642. the Officers of the said East-India Com­pany toke the Ship Henry Benadventura with her lading into their possession, near the Island Mauritius, and converted both the Ships and Goods to their own use, to the loss and damage of Mr. Courten aud his Assignes, and the rest of the Partners, the summe of 85000. Pounds Sterling, as by the proofs taken in the High Court of Ad­mirallity in England appears.

On the 5. of September 1644, the Proprietors having addressed themselves to the High Court of Admirallity, and procured an Admonition to be given unto Monsr. Albertus Joachimy, the States Embassadour then resident in England, Intimating that they inten­ded to examine Witnesses, [...] perpetuam rei meinortam, concerning the spoyls and damages of the said Ships and lading; Which Ad­monition was also affixed upon one of the Pillars of the Royall Exchange, where it remayned eight dayes publickly, to the end that the East-In­dia Company of the Netherlands, or any Person for them, might retaine a Proctor to cross examine any of the said Witnesses, if they pleased.

In the year 1647. Sir Paul Pinder makes a Procuration or Letter of attorney to Jonas Abeels of Amsterdam Marchant, dated the 11. of Feb. 1647. old [...]le, and also sent him an authentick Copie of the said tripar­tite indenture, attested by Iosua Mamet of London Publicq Notary.

In the year following William Courten being insolvent by reason of other losses, absented himself and went privately to the Hague to [Page 59] Mr. Iacob Pergens, who was not ignorant of the Premises in every circumstance, having received the perticulars of the damages amounting unto 85000. Pound, yet nevertheless to imbroil the Sub­jects of both Nations, he perswaded Mr. Courten to make another Bill of sale dated the 22. of February 1648. reciting therein that Mr. Courten being indebted to Mr. Pergens in severall summes of monie, he granted and assigned all his right and interest in the said Ships and lading to him the said Pergens, Provided that Pergens should pay the surplus over and above his pretended debt to such person and persons lawfull clayming under Courten, which bill of sale was signed by William Courten and Iacob Pergens, and attested by Domini [...]ue Coulyn, David Goubard, and Salomon vander Heyde publicq Notary in the Hague.

In the month of May following, Gerrit Coren, Publicq Notary at Amsterdam by order of Ionas Abeels, insinuated his Procuration from Sir Paul Pindar, and the Originall bill of sale from William Courten and Sir Echrard Littleton, to the Directors of the East-India Company, interdicting their payment of any monie for Courtens share, and stock in the Shipps and lading aforesaid, to any person or persons what­soever, but unto the said Ionas Abeels, in right of Sir Paul Pyndar, protesting that if they did other wise, it should be no discharge unto them; which insinuation and Protest was done by the said Notary Publicq, on the 25. of May 1648. in the Assembly of the said Di­rectors at their Chamber in Amsterdam, in the presence of Ian Iansen and Adrian Nys witnesses thereunto.

In the Month of October following, Ionas Abeels caused to be ar­rested in the hands of the said East-India Company, all such sumes of mony, as should be found due from the said Company concer­ning the said two Shipps and their lading, that out of the said mo­nies, Sir Paul Pindar share, and proportion should be paid in the first place, to him the said Ionas Abeels in his quallity; which Arrest was made the first of October 1648. by Goosen Daniels, Bode or Mes­senger; And a second Arrest was made by Willem Iansen, Bode or Messenger, in November following both which the Court declared to be valid.

Notwithstanding all these Admonitions and proceedings, the Di­rectors of the East-India Company at their Chamber in Midleburgh on the 18. of September 1649. made an underhand agreement with the said Iacob Pergens for [...]5000. gilders, upon Caution given by the [Page 60] said Iacob Pergens and Peter Boudaen of Midleburgh Marchant, to save the said Company harmeles and indempnified from Sir Paul Pindar, and others concerning the said monie, or any after claymes.

Ionas Abeels on the 1 [...]. of May 1650. understanding of the under­hand agreement at Midleburgh, summons the Directors of th'East-India Company before the Magistrates of Amsterdam, and declares against them that they should be condemned to pay the 85000. gilders to him in right of Sir Paul Pindar with damages for the same untill, effectuall payment.

Then the Directors of th'East-India Company, summoned Iacob Pergens, and Peter Boudaen, on the 13. of September 1650. to indempnify them from Sir Paul Pindar, for the said mony, and free them of all Costs accordingly, as by the Acts of the Court appears. In the same year 1650. Sir Paul Pindar dyed, and soon after Ionas Abeels dyed also So the right of Action remained in statuquo.

In the year 1654. William Tonnes, Executor of Sir Paul Pindar, and severall of the Proprietors and Adventurers, exhibited their clayme for the Originall loss and damages of 85000. Pound Sterling, be­fore the English and Dutch Commissioners at London, appointed by the Treaty made between Oliver Cromwel and the States Generall, which by provisoe in the said Treaty was referred to the Protestant Cantons of Switserland, if the said Commissioners did not compose the same with in three months.

Afterwards the Proprietors, and Adventurers, applyed themselves to Mr. Secretary Thunder, for a Commission to be directed to the Pro­testant Cantons, who answered that most of the Proprietors, being Delinquents, by Act of Parlement, for adhering to the late King, whereby they had forfeited their Estates, they could not expect any protection from his Highness Oliver Cromwel, therefore perswa­ded them to desist from any further Prosecution ( protempore.)

In the year 1660. upon His Majesty's most happy restauration, seve­rall of the Proprietors and adventurers, on the behalf of themselves, & the rest of the Interested, made their address to Sir Edward Nicholas, Principall Secretary of State, to move His Majesty to recommend their case, concerning the Ships Bona Esperanza, and Henery Bonad­ventura, to the States Generall for satisfaction and reparation.

Whereupon Sir Edward Nicholas having informed the King, the [Page 61] true state of the case, and also intimated to His Majesty what great services and sufferings Sir William Courton and Sir Paul Pindar, had undergone for the Crown of England, both in the time of King Iames, and the late King, as also of the particular sufferings of Sir Edward Littleton, and severall of the other Proprietors, His Majesty was gratiously pleased to direct his Letter under his signe Manuall, to the States Generall, signifying that the said spoils and damages being committed against the Laws of comon Amity, upon his Sub­jects, who had merited so much from the Crown, he Earnestly required the States Generall to make satisfaction to the Persons in­teressed and injured, according to the proofs made in his high Court of Admirallity, signifying also that he was obliged in Justice and Honour to see it effected accordingly.

In persuance of which Letter, and severall Orders of the Coun­cell-Table for Instructions to Sir George Downing, who was then Envove Extraordinary for His Majesty at the Hague, divers Me­morialls, Answers and Replyes, passed between him and the States Generall, in the year 1662. concerning the said spoils and dammages of those Ships Bona Esperanza and Henery Bonadventura, wherein the States Generall denyed not the matter of fact, but would have Eva­vaded any other satisfaction to the Proprietors and Participants, then what the East-India Company by Combination, had given to Iacob Pergens upon his fraudulent practise as aforesaid.

In the year 1662. the States Generall having instructed Mr. Simon van Hoorn, and Mr. Michiel van Gogh their Ambassadours in England, to gett the said spoiles and depredations concerning the said Shipps to be mortified, and Extinguished in the Treaty then depending at Whitchall, his Majestie declared he would breake of the said trea­tie, unlesse satisfaction and reparation should be made for the said Shipps, according to the said Letter of recommendation, to the States Generall at the Hague as aforesaid.

Whereupon there was a particular Erception in the 15. Article of the said Treaty concluded at Whitchall the 4. of September 1662. that the damages concerning those two Shipps, Bena Esperanza and Henery Bonadventura should not be comprehended in the Extinguish­ment and mortification of former losses and injuries in the East-Indies, but reserved for reparation according to his Majesties Let­ters of Recommendation as aforesaid, and Expressed in these words [Page 62] poterint litem inceptam prosiqui &c. which agreement was also attested under the Hands and Seales of the late Duke of Albermarle, the Earle of Manchester, the Lord Hollis, the Lord Bartlet, Sir George Carteret, Sir Edward Nicholas, and Sir William Morice, Commissioners that Treated with the States Embassadours.

In the year following Sir George Downing in persuance of the said Treaty, held a Conference with the Pentionaris Iohn de Wit and the Deputies of the States Generall, in the presence of Mr. Peter van Dam, and two of the Directors of the East-India Company, in the Cham­ber of the States Generall, to adjust the said damages, But in stead thereof the Company made severall impertinent constructions, upon the Law of England, in the Case of Sir Paul Pindar and Sir Edward Littleton; Nothwithstanding the said Company had the Opinions by them, under the hands of Sir John Glynn, Sir John Maynard, Sir Edward Turner and Master Serjeant Baldwyn, affirming that William Courten had nothing in him to grant to Iacob Pergens, after the Bills of Sale to Littleton and Pindar, which made them absolute Proprietors by the Law of England; Only there was a possibility left in Courten, call them to Accompt, after their debt should be paid, which opinions were also confirmed by Sir G [...]s S [...]t, Sir William Turner, Sir Walter Walker, and Sir Timothy Baldwyn, Doctors of the Civill Laws, and, delivered to Mr. Peter van Dam the Advocate of the East-India Company.

Then John de Wit offered 30000. Pound sterling upon Accompt of all the Proprietors and persons interessed, reserving the Civill right of Action against Iacob Pergens and Peter Boudaen, for the 85000. gilders paid upon their caution as aforesaid, which offer was not sa­tisfactory, so the Generall dispute remayned also in stato quo.

Afterwards Sir George Downing, did by his last Memoriall upon that Subject, dated the 14. of October 1664. give the States Gene­rall a peremptory day to cleare that business, intimating therein how ill the King resented it to be so slighted, and that His Majestie would not prostitute his Honour any further, but Governe himselfe accordingly, yet all proved ineffectuall.

Then the Proprietors with others, addressed themselves with a list of damages to the House of Commons in Parliament. The Bona E [...]peranza and Hen [...]ry Bonadventura being placed in the front of all demands, whereupon the Comons voted to assist his Majestie, [Page 63] with their lives and fortunes in acquiring satisfaction and reparation, ( And soone after a declaration for Generall Reprisalls, was ordered by the King and Councill against the States Generall and their Subjects) And severall mil­lions of Pounds Sterling, were granted to his Majestie in Parliament for the prosecution thereof.

In the year following; The Earle of Shrewsbur [...], Sir Iohan Wolstenholme, Sir Iohn Ayton, George Carew, and William L [...]yd Esquires, and others Interessed, made application to his Majestie by petition for Especiall Letters of Reprisall to remaine in force against the States Generall and their Subjects, untill the Orig [...]nall losse and damages, concer­ning the Bona Esperanza and Henery Bonadventura, should be reprised, which was referred to the Judge of the Admirallity and his Maje­sties Advocates Generall, and severall other Doctors of the Civill Law, to Examine the whole matter, and to report their opinion, what was fitt for His Majestie to doe further for his Subjects releife in that Case.

After severall Consulations, and debates, had betweene the said referees concerning the premises, Doctor Exton then Judge of the Admirallity Court, Sir Robert Wiseman, Sir William Turner, and Sir Timothy Baldwyn, made their report to his Majestie, that in this case of spoyles, there was no remedie, left but Especiall Reprisalls to con­tinue in force against the States Generall, and their Subjects untill the debt and damages (which they sound upon the proo [...]es to arrise unto the summ of 151 [...] 12. pound sterling should be recovered with Costs, or a Composition made for the same, betweene the East-India Company of the Netherlands, and the parties interessed, whe­reof the said Company, were obliged by the Law of Nations to take notice thereof.

In persuance thereof, Letters Patents under the Great Seale of En­gland dated the 19. of May 1665. were granted unto Sir Edmond Turnor, and Mr. George Carew (Administrator of Sir Paul Pindar their Executors Administrators and Assignes, on behalfe of themselves and all the Interessed, to continue in force accordingly, With this Espe­ciall clause and Provisoe therein contained, that notwithstanding it should hap­pen that a p [...]ace and agreement should be made betweene His Majestie, and the States Generall▪ for the Generall Reprisalls, Yet is should be lawfull for the said Turnor and Carew, and their Executors and A [...]gn [...]s, to putt the said Letters Patents in Execution for Especiall Reprisalls, from time to time, untill they had recovered the said debt of 151612. pounds with all [...] [Page 64] Charges, or that the East-India Company of the Netherlands, should Com­pound with the Proprietors, and other persons Interessed in the same.

In the year 1666. Mr. Iames Boevé delivered a Copie of the said Letters Pattents to Mr. Peter van Dam, at the East-India Chamber at Amsterdam, and requested him, to move the said Company, to compose the said debt and damages, in an Amicable way, rather then to leave it in dispute from Generation to Generation, to the prejudice of the States Generall and their Subjects.

In the year 1667. during the Treaty at Breda, the States Gene­rall having surprized the Kings Shipps at Chattam, severall of the Proprietors friends in the Hague, moved the Pentionaris Iohn de Wit, to incite the States of Holland, and the East-India Company, to give some Honourable satisfaction, for the Shipps Bona Esperanza, and Henery Bonadventura (which had bin so solemnely debated in for­mer Treaties) being more for the Interest of their Country, then to insist upon such scandulous Articles, as they had framed, and sent to Breda, concerning the said dammages, which could not extinguish the debt, or make void the Letters Patents, to Turnor and Carew, any more then to disannull the 35. Article of the States Pa­tent to the East-India Company of the Netherlands, whereby they make peace and warr, with all Princes and States whatsoever at their pleasure from the Cape Bona Esperanza, to the Streights of Magelanus, Yet Iohn de Wit and his Complices, persisted in their projects, and would not hearken to any other advice.

In the year 16-1. the States Generall having made severall Breaches of the Treaty at Breda, and denyed Common Justice to his Majesties Subjects in their ordinary Courts of Judicature, in Holland and Zeland, severall of the Proprietors, and Interessed Persons in the sa [...]d debt and damages, made fresh applications to his Majest [...]e by petition, and prayed that his Majestie would please to insist upon reparation and satisfaction, in an Extraordinary way according to the merits of their causes, and Especially for the debt of 151612 pound ascertained under the Great Seale of England as afore [...]d, wh [...]ch said petition was by order of Councell, referred to the Lords C [...]mmissioners of the Treasury and the two principall Secretaries of State, who made a report to His Majestie. That the States Generall [...] bin refractory in severall Articles of the Treaty at Breda, his Maj [...]st [...] and his Subjects, were at libertie both in Justice and Equity, [Page 65] to require full satisfaction and reparation in Mr. Courtens Case, notwith­standing the said Treaty at Breda.

In persuance thereof his Majestie was gratiously pleased on the 7. of July 1672. to recommend the debt of 151612. pound with dammages, by his Letter under his signe Manuall, sent by the said George Carew, to his Grace George Duke of Buckingham, and the Right Honourable Henery Earle of Arlington, his Majesties Plenipotentiaries, and Embassadours Extraordinary to the French King, and the States Generall, then upon a Treaty at Uytrecht, requiring the said Ple­nipotentiaries, to insist upon satisfaction accordingly; declaring the­rein his care to protect his Subjects, in their Just rights, as well, as to assist them in the recovery thereof. But the said Treaty taking no effect, the said Plenipotentiaries removed from Uytrecht before Mr. Carew arrived at Amsterdam. Then Mr. Carew returning for England in Company with Mr. John Sherland, the Fiscall Generall, by order of the States of Holland, Committed them both to Prison, on the 6. of August 1672. as Criminalls upon pretence, they were Enemies to the Country, and Charged Mr. Carew, as a seditious person in seeking after Justice in the premises, and detayned them both close prisoners, in the gevangen port, where they are subject to many affronts and reproaches, upon every rencounter, and Ala­rum in the Country, and also obstructed in the Just prosecution of the debt and damages aforesaid, which is by an Especiall order of the Councell board dated at Whitehall the 2. of May 1673. re­commed to the Lords Embassadours Extraordinary, and Plenipo­tentiaries at Cologne, intimating therein, that the case of the Ad­venturers, and Creditors of Sir William Courten being already fully stated should be first insisted upon, in the list of all Complaints, wherefore the Letters Patents were exempli [...]ied, and sent to Co­logne accordingly, a true Copie hereafter followes.

A Copie of the Letters Patents for Especiall Reprisalls (from the King of Great Brit­tain, under the Great Seale of England) against the States Generall and their Subjects, Inroled in Chancery Anno 1665.

CHARLES the Second by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France Ireland King, Defendour of the Faith &c. To all Christian People to whom these presents shall come, Greeting: Whereas our loving Subject, William Courten Esquire deceased, and his Partners anno 1643. by the depredation and hostile act of one Geland, Commander in chief of two Ships belonging to the East-India Company of the Netherlands, was between Goa & Maccao, in the Streights of Mallacca, deprived and most injuriously spoiled of a cer­tain Ship named the Bona Esperanza, and of her Takle, Ap­parrell, and Furniture, and all Goods and Lading in her, upon a very hopefull trading Voyage to China, which were carryed to Batavia, and there all, de facto without due Processe of Law confiscated; And that also in the same year another laden Ship of Our said Subject, called the Henery Bonadventura, being come on ground, nere the Island Mauritius, was there both Ship and Goods seized upon, by some of the Officers, and Ministers, and others under the command of the said East-India Company, and utterly deteined from the right Owners. And whereas the said William Courten and his As­signes in his life time used all possible endeavours to recover the said Ships and Goods, and to procure further Justice against the Malefactours, and yet could obtain no restitution, or satisfaction, whereby they became to be much distressed, [Page 67] and utterley undone in their Estate and Credit: And that the­reupon, and upon the most humble supplication and Adresses of Francis Earle of Shrewsbury, and William Courten Esquire, Sonne and Heir of the said Sir William deceased, Sir John Ay­ton, Sir Edmond Turnor Knights, George Carew, and Charles Whittaker Esquires, on the behalf themselves and divers others interessed in the said two Shipps, Bona Esperanza and Henery Bonadventura, and in the Estates of the said Sir William Cour­ten deceased, Sir Edward Littleton Barronet, and Sir Paul Pindar Knight deceased, that We would take their Case into Our Princely consideracion. We out of a just sence We then had, and still have of their unjust sufferings in that busi­ness, both by Our own Letters under Our signe Manuall to the States Generall of the United Provinces, & by Sir George Downing Knight and Barronet, Our Envoy Extraordinary, to whom We gave Especially command so to do, required satisfaction to be made according to the Rules of Justice, and the Amity and good correspondence, which We then desi­red to conserve with them firme, and inviolable. And whe­reas after severall Addresses made to the said States Gene­rall by Our said Envoy, and nothing granted effectuall for relief of Our said Subjects, (whom We take Ourselves in Honour and Justice concerned to be satisfied and repaid) We lately commanded the said Sir George Downing to inti­mate and signify to the said States, that We expected their finall Answer, concerning satisfaction to be made for the Ships and Goods, by a time then prefixed and since elap­sed, that We might so govern ourselves thereupon, that Our aforesaid Subjects might be releived according to Right and Justice; And yet no satisfactory Answer hath been gi­ven, so that We cannot but apprehend it to be, not only a fruitles endeavour, but a prostituting of Our honour, and dignity, to make further Application, after so many denyals and slightings. And whereas Iohn Exton Doctor of [Page 68] Laws, Judge of Our High Admiralty Court of England, upon Our Command, to certify to Us the value, and los­ses, and damages, susteyned by the said William Courten, and Partners whose Interest is now vested in Our loving Subjects Sr. Edmond Turnor Knight, & George Carew Esquire, and Part­ners, hath upon full Examination and proofs thereof made by witnesses in Our High Court of Admiralty, reported & certi­fied under his hand that the same do amountt to the summe of one hundred fifty one thousand, six hundred & twelve pounds.

Now know yee. That for a full restitution to be made to them for their Ships, Goods and Marchandizes, of which the said William Courten, and the Assignes of the said William Courten and Partners, were so dispoiled as aforesaid, with all such Costs and Charges as they shall be at for the recovery of the same, We by the Advice of our Privy Councill, have thought fit, and by these presents, do grant Licence and Authority under Our great Seale of England, unto Our said Subjects Sir Edmund Turnor, and George Carew, their Execu­tors, Administrators and Assignes, for and on the behalf of themselves, and other Persons Interessed as aforesayd, to equippe, victuall, furnish, and to set to Sea from time to time such and so many Ships, and Pinaces, as they shall think fit. Provided alwayes that there be an entry made, and recorded in the Admiralty Court of the Names of all Ships, and Vessels and of their Burthen and Ammonition, and for how long time they are victualled; And also of the Name the Com­mander thereof, before the same or any of them be set forth to Sea; And with the said Ships, and Pinaces by force of Armes to set upon, take and apprehend any of the Ships, Goods, Monyes and Marchandizes of the said States Gene­rall, or any of their Subjects, inhabiting within any their Dominions or Territories wheresoever, the same shall be found, and not in any Port or Harbour in England or Ireland [...] be the Ships and the Goods of the Parties that did [Page 69] the wronge. And the said Ships, Goods, Monyes and Marchandizes, being so taken and brought into some Port of Our Realms and Dominions, an Inventory thereof shall be taken by Authority of Our Court of Admiralty, and Judge­ment shall be given in Our Court of Admiralty, by the Judge or Judges thereof, for the time being, upon proofs made be­fore him, or them, that the said Ships, Goods, Wares, Mar­chandizes, or Money, did belong to the States Generall, or any of their Subjects as aforesaid. That they shall be law­full prize to the said Sir Edmond Turnor, and George Carew, their Executors, Administrators and Assignes as aforesaid, to retain and keep in their or any of their Possessions, and to ma­ke sale, and dispose thereof in open Markett or howsoever els to their and every of their best Advantage and Benefitt, in as ample manner as at any time heretofore, hath been accusto­med by way of Reprisall, and to have and enjoy the same as lawfull prize, and as their own proper Goods, so that neither Captain Master nor any of the Company that shall serve in his owne Person, or shall promote and advance the said enterprise in manner an forme aforesaid, shall in any manner of wise be reputed or challenged for any Offendor against any of Our Laws. And that also it shall be law­full for all manner of Persons as well Our Subjects, as any other to buy the said Ships, Goods and Marchandizes so taken, and apprehended by the said Captains, Masters, and others, and adjudged as aforesaid, without any damage, loss, hinderance, trouble, molestation, or incombrance to befall the said Buyers, or any of them, in as ample and lawfull manner as if the Ships, Goods, Wares, and Mar­chandise had been come, and gotten by the lawfull Traffique of Marchants, or of just prises in the time of open Warr.’ Provided alwayes that all Ships, Goods, and Marchandise taken by virtue of this Our Commission, shall be kept in safety, and no part of them wasted, spoyled or diminished, [Page 70] or the Bulke thereof broken untill Judgement have first past as aforesaid. That they are the Ships and Marchandi­ses, of the States Generall, or some of their Subjects as afo­resaid. And if by colour of this Our Commission, there shall be taken any Ships, Goods, or Marchandises, of any of Our loving Subjects, or the Subjects of any Prince, or State in good League, or Amity with Us (except the States Generall) or their Subjects, as aforesaid, and the Goods therein laden, sold, and embezelled, or diminished, or the bulke thereof broken in any Place, before they shall be adjudged to belong to the States Generall, or some of their subjects as afore­said, That then this Commission shall be of no sufficient Authority, to take the said Ships, Goods, and Marchandises, or to warrant, or save harmles such as shall receive, buy or intermedle therein, but that both the prises so taken, and the said Ships of Warr, shall be confiscated to Our use. And further We do hereby declare that it is Our will and pleasure, that this Our Commission shall remain in full force and power to all intents and purposes, untill the said Sir Edmond Turnor, and George Carew their Executors, Ad­ministrators, and Assignes, as aforesaid, shall by vertue the­reof have by force of Armes apprehended, taken, saised, re­covored, and received from the said States Generall, or their subjects, one hundred fifty one thousand six hundred and twelve Pounds, according to the appraisement to be ma­de by sufficient Appraisers upon Oath nominated, and au­thorised, in Our said Court of Admiralty, of all such Ships, Goods, Wares, and Marchandises, as shall be taken from the said States Generall, or any of their subjects, by vertue of this Commission, or shall other wayes receive satisfaction of the Debt aforesaid, by Composition to be made between those of the East-India Company of the Netherlands, and the said Sir Edmond Turnor and George Carew their Execu­tors, Administrators and Assignes as aforesaid; Notwith­standing [Page 71] it so happen, the present difference between Us, and the States Generall, depending upon generall Repri­salls, may be agreed and composed, and that in the interim a Peace & good Correspondence may be renewed between Us and the said States Generall; In which case nevertheless it's Our will and pleasure, that in the execution of this Our Commission, no violence shall be done to the Persons of the said Subjects of the said States Generall, but only in case of resistance, and that after in cold bloud the subjects of the said States Generall, if hurt or wounded shall be used with all convenient office of humanity and kindess. And further Our will and pleasure is, that al­though it shall happen that all hostility between Us, and the States Generall and Our respective Subjects shall cease, yet this Our Commissions shall remain, and be in full force and power, to the said Sir Edmond Turnor and George Carew, their Executors, Administrators, and Assignes, as afore­said, by vertue thereof to apprehend, take, and seize by force and Armes, so many more of the said Ships and Coods of the States Generall, or any of their said subjects, as besides the said summ before mentioned, shall cunter­vaile, satisfy, and pay all such Costs and charges as the said Sir Edmond Turnor and George Carew, their Executors, Ad­ministrators, or Assignes, as aforesaid, shall from to time ma­ke proof to have disbursed and paid towards the equipping, manning, paying, furnishing, and victualing of the said Ships, so licenced, and Authorised as aforesaid, by this Our said Commission, to be equipped, manned, paid, furnished and victualled by the said Sir Edmond Turnor and Gegorge Carew their Exeecutors, Administrators, and Assignes as foresaid for the purpose aforesaid.’ And Our will and pleasure is, and We do hereby require, Our Judge or Judges of Our High Court of Admiralty for the time being, and all other Officers of the Admiralty, and all other Our Judge or Judges, [Page 72] Officers, Ministers and Subjects, whatsoever to be aiding and assisting to the said Sir Edmond Turnor and George Carew, their Executors, Administrators, and Assignes, as aforesaid in all points, in the due Execution of this Our Royall Commis­sion, and to proceed to adjudication and adjudge all Ships, Marchandises, Monyes, and Goods by vertue hereof to be taken according to Our Princely intention hereby signifyed and expressed, and to take care that this Our Royall Com­mission be duely executed, and favourably interpreted, and construed in all respects, to the benefit, and best advanta­ge of the said Sir Edmond Turnor and George Carew their Executors, Administrators and Assignes, as aforesaid. In Witnesse whereof We have caused these Our Letters, to be made Patents. Witness Ourself at Westminster the 19. day of May in the 17. year of Our Reign.


TO make a retrospect into all the former proceedings of this case, or to doubt the validity of the grant, after all matters, were brought into a solemne Act of Letters Pa­tents, under the great Seal of England; were not only to question his Majesties Soveraigne Power, and Prerogative Royall, in the protection of his Subjects, but to arraign the Jud­gements and opinions, of all the Kings Ministers of State, Jud­ges, and publike Persons, that debated this business in Coun­cells, in Creatyes, in Parliament, and inferior Courts of Iudi­cature, before this speciall Commission was granted.

As the King cannot be deceived in his grant, so he cannot do his Subjects any wrong, wherefore in most Patents the Clause (quantum in nobis) is incerted.

It's a maxime in Law that which belongs to another Man, can­not be taken from him without his own consent.

In the year 1639. Sir William Boswell gave a Memoriall to the States Generall in the Kings name, to have satisfaction and repa­ration for the spoils and damages done in the East-Indies to his [Page 73] Majesties Subjects. And another Memoriall was given at the same tune to that purpose in England, unto Mr. Albertus Joacnymy the States Ambassador then Resident in ordinary there, unto both which Answers were given, that they could not treate with the King for the Damageo done to the East India Company of Eng­land, who might question them for the same herafter, so the matter rested [...] sta [...] quo.

This Patent was not made underhand, as Mr Pergens (who had no right) made the agreement with the East-India Company of the Netherlands. Neither was the Company ignorant of the prece­dent grants to Sr. Edward Littleton, and Sr Paul Pindar before they treated with Mr Pergens, any more then they were of this Patent when they treated at Breda. Yet they had the considence by advice of Iohn de Witt to frame their Articles rencounter to the Lawes of God, and Nature, impertinently using the words of mortifying, obli­terating, extinguishing. and disannulling all offences, damages, losses and injuries whatsoever sustained by the subjects of either side, at any time whatsoever before that treaty: And that all actions, pre­teations, and grants whatsoever for the same should be voyde, and for ever renounced, and revoaked, giveing every man liberty to take advantages of his owne wronge, which treaty was soone cancelled by new breaches, and his Majestie left at libertie as if the treaty at Breda had never been made.

What is repugnant to reason and Justice is voyde in it selfe, as (felo de se) and distructive to all civill Society, and being Iohn de Witt and his Brother were the first that used the words, mortification and extinguishment in any Treaty of Dtate, which God himselfe abhors in such cases having decreed that the offendor shall restore three fould for what is wrongfully taken, which unplyes the damages sustained for want of that which was taken away from the Persons inured.

Those two de Wits were mortified and extinguished not only for using such Arrogant expressions, but as a just reward to such Per­sons that indeavored to add force to violence, and fraude to oppres­sion, and treachery to both.

Noe man will deay, but that the King of Great Brittain, in diverse cases, may suspend the Execution of Law, in his own Kingdoms, but in no case can give, or take away any mans right, without a com­pensation.

[Page 74]The Hollanders have a great power beyond the Cape Bona Espe­ranze, and have lately had the boldness to affront his Majesty in his own Seas but to strike at the Laws and Customs of England, threatnes not only his Majesties prerogative, but shakes the very foundation, and Common Intrest of every individuall Subject, which is nearer and dearer to them then their lives and fortunes.

IT is necessary now to shew what Presidents there are in former Treatyes, between the Belgick Provinces and the Crown of England, cencerning spoyls, damages and losses before the seaven Vnited Provinces were a Com­mon-wealth; and since they have been made a Republique.

In the xxix 'th Article of the Treaty made between King Henry the the seaventh and Philip Duke of Austria and Burgandy concluded at London the 24. of February, 1495. it was agreed that all and singu­lar Letters of Reprisall, marque, and countermarque, which were granted by the said Prmees or their Predecessors, either out of their high Courts of Chancery or other inferior Courts should be held in suspension, without further Execution to be done thereupon nisi super ea [...]um meritis habita cognitione indicta, ad ho [...] per [...]psos Principis specialiter deputandum, alitur fuerit ordinatum. So that there was no mortification or extinguishment of the right, only a suspension of the execution, but yet if there were speciall matter in the merits of the cause made knowne to the Princes respectively, they ordered it otherwise untill Satisfaction was given to the parties greeved:

ANd if either of those Princes had the like occasion given, as his Majesty (in this case) they would have entay [...]ed a Commission, to Eternity if reparation were not found, or the matter composed.

Charles the first (of that name) King of Great Brittain, granted a speciall Commission for Reprisall, under the Great Seal of Eng­land, unto Mr. Pawlet on the behalfe of himselfe and other Mar­chants of London, who had sustained losses by the Spaniards to the value of 30000. pounds Sterling in time of Peace, which Com­mission was to continue untill satisfaction of the debt and damages: And at the Treaty concluded betweene the King of Spaine and the King of England at Madrid in the Year 1630. Care was taken by the Spaniards to satisfie the remamder of the debt not recovered by reprise, as appeares by the accounts stated in the [Page 75] Admiralty and the recorde thereof inrolled in the Chancery.

In the xxx. 'th Article of Oliver Cromwels Treaty concluded with the States Generall in the Yeare 1654. which was made in confor­mity to the Treaty with the Archduke of Austria aforesaid. It was agreed that at the delivery of the satification of the said Treaty foure Commissioners should be nowinated on both sides to meete at Lon­don the 10. May 1654 to examine and determine all differences and injuries committed from the Year 1611. to the 18. 'th of May 1652. as well in the East Indies. as in Greenland, Muscovia, and Bra­zill, or in any other place All the sayd particulars of losses to be delive­red in writing to the sayd Commissioners before the 18. of May and none after And that what shall not be concluded within three moneths by the said Commessioners shall be referred to the Protestant Cantons of Switzerland, which were to be Arbitrators, and to conclude the business within six moneths following, the forme of an instru­ment being agreed upon for that purpose; Nevertheless there was only 80000. pound Sterling paid to the East India Company of En­gland, for the spoyles and Dammages at Amboyna and [...]650. Ponnds to the widdows and Orphans of the English Factors murthered there

And in the xxij. Article of the Pyrenean Treaty concluded be­tween France and Spain on the 7. of November 1659. it was agreed that all debts and Dammages contracted before the warre, which upon the said day of the Publication of this Treaty, shall be found not to have bin actually paid unto others by vertue of Judgments given upon Letters of confiscation or Reyrisall, shall be bona fide satisfied and paid. And upon the demand and persuites, that shall be about them, the said Lords and Rings shall give order unto their Officers, to render as good and speedy Justice unto the For­raigners, as unto their owne Subjects, without any distinctions of Persons.

By all which it appears there was no such words Mortification or extinguishment used, or others to barr any mans right of action for any things done or committed before the warre.

In the xv. Article concluded at Whitehal. between the King of Great Brittain and the States Generall on the 4 of September 1662. John de Witt and his Faction, insisted and indeavored to have all the Dammages, Spoyles, and depredations in th' East [Page 76] Indies mortified and extinguished to that day, Argueing that the Treaty with Oliver Cromwel: And the Creaty betweene Sir George downing and the East India Company at the Hague in the Year 1659. where by they paid the further summe of 50 [...]00. pounds ster­ling for the Shipps the Pellican, the Fiedrick, Francis & Ionn taken from English Marchants since Oliuers Treaty. should excuse them for the Dammages they had done to Courten and his Partners Anno 1643. yet nevertheless a particular exception and proviso was made in the said 15. Article, that satisfaction should be given for the ships Bona Esperanza and Henry Bona Adventura. according to his majesties speciall recommendation as aforesaid, being a distince matter, from all other spoyles and depredations, committed by the East India Company of the Netherlands.

In persuance wherof, the two following Yeares being spent in fresh applications and addresses to the States Generall, the States of Holland, the Directors of the East India Company, and to severall Participants without effect.

All Circumstances then considered there was one stepp further made in this speciall case, more then was in the Amboyna busines to intayle the clayme by Letters Patents for a perpetuall Reprisall untill satisfaction and reparation should be recovered for the debt and damages sustained, which if it had not been granted, his Majesty had lessened his owne honor and greatness, as well as his power and prerogative for the protection of his Subjects in their Just rights, as also in assisting them in recoveris of the same.

FRom whence this Conclusion, naturally follows the pre­mises, that there is no Appeale, Manifesto, Treaty, Guifte, or reward whatsoever, or any other way or meanes under Heaven, to mortifie, extinguish and discharge the debt and damages concerning the Bona Espranza and Henry Bona Adven­tura, but by satisfaction and reparation given to the persons interessed, and injured, whereby a sufficient discharge may be had.

The Case betweene George Carew Esquire, Admini­strator of Sir William Courten. And The Heirs of Sir Jacob Cats, late Pensionaris of Holland.

SIR Jacob Cats became bound in the Citty of Lon­don, unto Sir William Courten of London Knight, by a writing obligatory dated the 29. of July 1631. in the penalty of 3000. Pounds, conditioned for the payment of 2080. Pounds on the 12. of February following, according to the Custome of England.

The money was not payd but continued at in­terest during Sir William Courten's life, who dyed in the year 1636. indebted to severall Persons, for diverse great summs of money, and leaves William Courten Esquire, his Son and Heir his sole Executor.

William Courten the Executor having contracted many debts of his own, became insolvent, and absented himself in the year 1643. from his Creditors, and also from the further administration of his Fathers Estate; but before he left the Kingdom, Mr. Jacob Pergens, a free Denizon of England inhabiting at Amsterdam, addressed him­self to Mr. Courten for satisfaction of some money, due to him from Sir William Courten, and Mr. Courten himself, as Pergens pretended.

William Courten the Executor by a Letter of Attorney, and Assign­ment, dated the 31. of October 1643. grants and transfers the sayd Bond of 3000. Pounds unto Mr, Pergens, with power to sue Sir Jacob Cats, for the sayd debt, and dammages, to his own use.

In the year 1645. Iacob Pergens summons Sir Iacob Cats (then Pen­sionaris of Holland) into the Provinciall Court at the Hague, and declares against him for the sayd money; During the sayd contro­versie Sir Iacob Cats applyes himself to the Commissioners concer­ning Banckrupts in England, who had a Commission (grounded upon the Statutes in such cases made and provided) to inquire after [...] [Page 76] [...] [Page 77] [Page 78] Mr. Courtins particular Estate for satisfaction of his own debts, but being advised that the Commissioners had no legall Authority to intermedle with Sir William Courtins Estate, which was lyable in another right, for the payment of his own proper debts, Sir Iacob Cats d [...]ined from any further Treaty with them.

Nevertheless, the Commissioners by their writing Authentick, prohibited Sir Iacob Cats to pay any money to Iacob Pergens upon the said Bond. Then Pergens soon after obtained an Order out of the Provinciall Court, to cite and admonish, the Commissioners in England, if they had any right, or pretence to the said Bond, or money due thereupon, they should institute the same before the said Provinciall Court at a day certain, or be condemned in perpe­tuall silence, whereupon the Commissioners appeared by their Ad­vocate, and Procureur. Then Pergens by an insinuation prohibited Sir Iacob Cats from payment of any money to them, or to any other, or to make any agreement with them; Yet notwithstanding [...]de bene esse on the 18. of July 1653. Iacob Pergens procured an Assign­ment of the said Bond from the said Commissioners for 400. Pounds, to the end they might let their Process cease, whereby Pergens might proceed against Sir Iacob Cats, which he did accordingly.

But pendente William Courten the Executor dyed intestate in Italy, whereby the action abated against Sir Iacob Cats, according to the known rule in Law: Quod a [...]to personalis moritur cum persona.

Afterwards upon the Kings most happy restauration, Letters of Administration of the Goods, and Chattels, Rights, Debts, and Credits of Sir William Courten with his Will annexed, were granted on the 14. of July 1660. to the said George Carew; yet notwithstan­ding Iacob Pergens who had formerly by another fraudulent praclise, gotten into his hands 85000. gilders from the East-India Company, upon another pretended a [...] from the said William Courten; prevayled with the Provinciall Court on the 4. of November 1661. to give Sentence in the said cause against Sir Iacob Cats, and condemned him to pay the said money, due upon the said Bond, unto Iacob Pergens, and interest thereof at 8. per cent. Soon after Sir Iacob Cats dyed, and his Heirs appealed from the said Sentence to the supream Court af Judicature at the Hague.

Then George Carew, in his quality as Administrator, intervened in the said cause, before the Lords of the said supream Court, in the [Page 79] month of May 1662. where having by his Request in writing exhibited in Court, made known his right and property to the said money, and concluded in his Demand, that Pergens should be condem­ned to acquiess in the cause, and deliver up the Bond, as having no right to the Money, by the said Assignments from Mr. Courten, or the Commissioners, conformable to the Laws of England, where the debt was contracted and the Bond made, and also demanded that the Heirs of Sir Iacob Cats, should be ordered to pay the Mo­ney, due upon the said Bond, to the said George Carew, in his quali­ty as Administrator of Sir William Courten, the same being an unad­ministred effect of Sir William Courten's Estate.

Then the Advocates of both sides, desired time to consult con­cerning the Laws of England in that point, and to inform the Court therein accordingly.

The Case being drawn up, and agreed by the Advocats of both parties, severall of the Judges in England, gave their opinions upon the same, under their hands, before Major Wright and Mr. Dani [...]ll, publique Notaries, which was transmitted to the supream Court of Judicature of Holland: Wherein was assirmed that by the L [...]nv of England, the Bond of Sir Jacob Cats, could not be granted, or assigned to Mr. Pergens, either by the Executor, or Commissioners. That after the death of William Courten ▪ Executor in Aut [...]r dr [...]tt▪ the action against Sir Jacob Cats abated, but when the Administration was granted to Carew, the said action was properly to be revived by him, as having the only right in Law to the said debt, the property being not changed by any Act of Mr. Courten or the Commissioners, but remained as assets liable to the Testators debts▪ according to the nature and priority in Law, and the intervention of Carew in the said cause, was a continuance of the said action, Carew ha­ving the right of prosecution to revive the same, allowing the said Pergens in equity his costs of suit.

Then Pergens made a d [...]latory & impertinent exception, that he was a Burger of Amsterstam, although his dwelling-house was in the Hague, and pretended he ought to be first impleaded before his Competent Judges at Amsterdam, and not in the Hague before the supream Court of Judicature, where the suit depended: where­upon the Court rejected Mr. Carew [...] suit, and decreed that the Heer van Car [...]ss [...], and the rest of the Heirs of Sir Iacob Cats, should pay the said Money to Pergens, with mitigation of the Interest, and that Pergens should give them Caution to be saved harmless against [Page 80] Mr. Carew, which was respectively done to the apparent wrong of Mr. Carew, and severall of His Majesties good Subjects in England, that claim under Mr. Carews administration, diverse proportionable dividends of Sir William Courten's Estate unadministred.

Wherefore they appeal to the King of great Prittam, for protection, and means to recover their just rights, being of most dangerous consequence against the Law of property, to suffer Forreign Courts of Judicature to [...]tr [...]nch upon the Laws of England, or to wrong the Judicature thereof. And the rather for that the Lords of the supream Court at the Hague, were preadmonished by severall learned Advocates there, as follows:

  • 1. That Mr. Carew being a Stranger, was to be admitted at his [...]st [...]st [...]ce by the instructions of their owne Court.
  • 2. That the Lords of the Court, were p [...]s [...]vely obliged to give [...]udgement according to the Law of England, where the M [...] was lent, and the Bond given.
  • 3. That by the Laws of Nations, all Courts of Justice were to give Sentences, in Cases of Contracls, according to the Law of the Country, where sich Contracts were made.
  • 4. That the supream Court, was the proper place of Judica­ture in this Case of Intervention, and that if they did not ad­mit Mr. Carew prima instantia, they would do him most appa­rent [...]justice, and [...]rong both the Judicature of England, and of the United Netherlands; Yet the Pensionaris John de Witt bing a Kn [...]s [...]n to Mr. Pergens and his wife, prevailed with some of the Lords of the supream Court, to d [...]y Mr. Carew that ordinary Justice; which ought to be administred to all Strangers, whereby he hath suffered to his dammage 5000. Pounds Sterling and upwards.

The Case between the Executors and Administratois of Sir William Courten, late of London Knight, deceased; AND The Heirs and Executors of Sir Peter Courten, late of Midleburgh in Zealand Knight, deceased.

IN the Year 1606. Sir William Courten, Sir Peter Courten, and Mr. John Money of Londen Marchans ▪who m [...]d Margaret Courten the [...]d [...] of Mathias Boudaen entred into a [...]ad [...] of Partnershi [...]p, and dealt to severall parts in Europe, Africa, and America, with a a [...] stc [...]k; whereof the [...]s part b [...]nged unto Sir Wil­liam Courten, and a fourth part unto cach of the other two.

In the Year 1630. Sir Peter Courten, who kept the generall Books of Trade dyed at Midleburgh afer [...], having made Mr. Peter Boudaen his Nephew late of Midleburgh Marchant his H [...]tr, and Fxi [...]tor, who tcok [...] of [...] the said [...]ke, and of all Sir Peter Courten, F [...]ate, with the Shipping, Goods and D [...]ts, b [...]nging to the Company, amounting unto a hundred thousand pound sterling and upwards.

In the Year 1631. Mr. John Money, at the Request of Sir William Courten, went from London to M [...]burgh, to s [...]tle the accompts of Trade with the said Peter Boudaen, w [...]h had not been made even since the year 1622. but [...]e Mr. Money had p [...]ed the accompts, be [...]d on the 17. of October 1631. at the said Peter Boudaen [...] [...]se, where [...] made a [...]l (as it's pretended and thereof [...]pp [...]mted Sir William Courten, and Peter Boudaen Executors. Nevertchless the [...] of the said [...] upon suspi­tion of fra [...], and forgery, being afterward [...] in England where it was [...] in [...] s [...]m [...] Letters of [...] of Mr. Jehn Money's E [...], were granted by the [...] Court vnto Hester White, alias de Wyer, Kt [...]man and next H [...]r at Law to Mr. Money. The Pror [...]gative Court for diverse reasons adjudg [...]rg that Mr. Money died intestate, and left a considerable Estate behind him.

In the Year 1636. Sir William Courten [...] the ac [...]ts of Partnership were s [...]d, or the Monus [...] to [...]n from the said Peter Bou­daen [Page 82] w [...] [...], and [...] William Courten, his Son and H [...]ir, his [...] Ex [...]cut [...] [...] D [...]t [...] to many Orphants an [...] [...] ­d [...]w▪ [...] S [...] William Courten upon [...] Trade to the Ea [...]-In [...]: And upon his d [...]at [...]-b [...] [...] Mr. Jacob P [...]rg [...]n [...] [...] the presence o [...] Sir William Cur [...]u [...], to [...] Mr. Boudaen to [...] the said a [...]mpts of the Company, [...] much of Sir William Courtens [...] con [...]l [...]d.

In the Year 1643. William Courten the Executor, by reason of s [...]ve­ra [...] [...] [...] in the E [...]-In [...], & [...]ing charg [...] with great d [...]s at Inter [...], b [...]cam [...] [...], and [...] him [...]f from the administration of [...]s [...], and [...] into Italy, wh [...] [...] d [...]d int [...]state, l [...]a­ving [...], and the accompts of the Partnership uns [...] ­ [...]d.

In the [...]ear 1646. the Lady Katharine Courten directed Mr. John Moon, to send all [...]h Books and Papers, as r [...]ma [...]d in her Husbands [...], unto Mr. David Goubard at M [...]l [...]burgh who had been formerly [...] Servant and accomptant for Sir William Courten to compare them with the oth [...]r Books, that ac [...]ompts might b [...] stated accordingly. But Mr. Boudaen f [...]seeing it would d [...]minish his credit, ref [...]d to make any ballance of the said accom [...], taking a [...]vantage of the iniquity of th [...] [...], and Mr. Courtens [...], and a [...]terwards by [...] means, got into his hands severall of the Books and Papers bel [...]nging to Sir William Courten, and r [...]f [...]sed to d [...]i­ver [...]m again.

In the Year 1652. Hester White exhibited [...]r [...] to the Magistrates of M [...]burgh against Peter Boudaen, to hav [...] an ac [...]mpt of Iohn M [...]n [...]ys Estate, out of [...] generall B [...]ks of the Trade, that were kept by Sir Peter Courten▪ Whereupon Mr. Boudaen exc [...]pted against her quality as Admi­nistratrix, pretending that Administration was granted into her surrupticiously, although he was [...] cit [...]d, and admonished to prove the pretended [...]ill of Mr. Money, by wit [...]neses▪ That he had [...]nt unto Sir William Courten to be r [...]gi [...]r [...]d [...] [...] ▪ Which he refused to do by Commission, suffering admini­stration to [...] to Mr [...]. White▪ Yet the Magistrates of Mid [...]eburgh declared Mrs. White not receivable in her quality, as yet, which no Nation in the World, e [...]r [...] the [...]ik [...], in such Ca [...]es before.

Mrs. White being grieved th [...]r [...] ▪ t [...], appealed from the Sentence of the [...] at [...], to the Lords of the supr [...]am Court of Judicature at the [...], were a [...]r [...]o [...] y [...]r [...] [...] and expen [...]es, the s [...]pr [...]am Court gave S [...]nt [...] on the [...] ▪ of May 1657. That provided, the said Peter Bou­daen [...] oblige himself, to sati [...]fy all Pr [...]t [...]nders, whether Creditors, [...] [Page 83] or others, that might pretend to the Estate of John Money, that th [...]n the Administratrix was not greived by the Sentence of the Magistrats of Mid­l [...]burgh. But in case of refu [...]al, they condemned him to d [...]posite all the Books of ac [...]mpts, papers and writings [...]onging to the Partnership, that the ac­compts might be stated accordingly. However, reserving such right as any person or persons, might pretend to the validity, or invalidity of the last Will, and Testament of the said Iohn Money, which was a di [...]tory and imp [...]rtm [...]nt Sentence, and not to the matter in [...]ssue.

In the Year 1660. s [...]on after the King of great Brittains most happy restauration, Letters of Administration of Sir William Courtens Estate with [...]ill annexed, were granted to George Carew of Richmond in the County of Surrey [...], [...]by the consent of the grand child and Heire of the said Sir [...]illiam Courten▪ who addressed himself in the year f [...]llowing to Mr. Boudaen, Mr. Pergens, and Mr. Goubard, (they being all then in the Hagu [...] and [...] th [...]m, that the accompts of the Partnership might be [...]et­led, for satisfaction of all Parties concerned, especially the Orphants and [...]id­dows unto whom Sir William Courten died ind [...]bt [...]d: But Mr. Boudaen impertinently [...], that he would do it, provided Mr. Carew would give him [...]: [...] an [...]r [...] demands to the Estate of Mr. Iohn Money▪ whose Estate did not [...] Boudaen, but Mrs. White, who is appointed Administra­trix thereof as aforesaid, and [...]ath a suite depending in the high Court of Chan­c [...]ry for the same, by vertu [...] of her Letters of Administration.

In the Year 1662. George Carew, in his quality as Administrator to Sir William Courten, gave procuration unto Mr. Iames Bo [...]ve, to que­stion the said Peter Boudaen concerning the said accompts, and to recover all such [...] of money as should be found due unto Sir William Courtens Est [...] ­t [...]. [...]hereupon Mr. Boeve i [...]sinuated his power and Authority unto the said Boudaen, and in a friendly manner desired the [...]ight of Sir Peter Courtens Books, Papers and writings in his Custody relating to the said accompts, that from thence the ball [...]nce might be made at a joint charge. Yet Mr. Boudaen refused to com [...]ly therein, Then Mr. Iames Boeve instituted an action before the Magistrates of Midleburgh on the 6. Sept [...]mber 1662. and concluded in his demand, that Peter Boudaen should be ordered to give him free [...]gr [...]ss and regress to the said Books, Papers and writings, or in case of refusall, that he should be condemned to [...] the said Books, and writings into the S [...]cretary-office of the said Citty, there to be insp [...]cted, and the said accompts stated at a joint charge. Whereupon the Magistrates, of Midleburgh were pleased to i [...]st, that Mr. Boeve should give cau [...]n for Costs. Which [Page 84] was never demanded before in any Court of Judicature in such Cases of Partnership, especially from Executors, and Administrators, that seek to be releived for their Testator [...] good [...], who are not by Law chargeable with Costs: Nevertheless Mr. Bo [...]e being a Bur­ger there himselfe▪ gave caution. Then the Magistrates rejected it, and demanded other caution, presuming that he could find none of the Citty, that were Zelanders, who would be bayle, which pro [...]ed [...]o [...] accordingly, and the Court refusing all English men, the cause rested in [...] [...]u [...]. But Pendente [...] Mr. Boudaen died, an [...] le [...]t h [...] Son [...], and Daughter, liable to answer the said accompts out of the real and personall Estate, left unto them by Peter Boudaen, and S [...]r [...] Peter Courten.

[...] Mr. Carew addressed severall Letters to Mr. Peter Boudaen and Iohn Boudaen, [...] of the Sons of the said Peter Boudaen deceased, and [...] to move them to [...] the said accompts of the [...], [...] [...]r [...]nt all further trouble and [...], which still they re­fu [...] [...] [...] a [...] overture [...] in that kind, both from Mr. Carew and [...] [...]. Knowing that [...] being a st [...]ange [...] in Midleburgh, and they [...] Magistrates there, that Mr. Carew [...] not expect any [...] ▪ or [...], [...]r [...] [...] cause of action▪ s [...]i [...] remayn [...]s before the [...] and [...] of Midleburgh, who r [...]f [...]s [...] to proceed thereupon.

Wherefore the said George Carew, Appeal [...]s to the King of great Brittaigne [...] Common Justi [...]e therein, against that grand fraude and op­pression of the H [...]anders, and the Zelanders.

Against high way men, and Pyrates▪ Particular Persons may make some de [...]ence upon att [...]q [...]s▪ by [...] or f [...]ying▪ but to [...]all i [...]to the hands of un­rightous [...]en, under an Arb [...]trary power, is a m [...]st miserable greivance, if there w [...]re not a [...]y protection to be [...]ound fr [...]m those Pri [...]ces, who ought t [...] vindi [...]ate th [...]ir Sub [...]ects interests, in mainta [...]g the rights a [...]d preroga­tives of their Crow [...]es.

Where invasions are made upon the Laws and Customes of Kingdomes, noe man can be sa [...]e in his owne propert [...]. Yett the [...]se Hollanders and [...] ▪ those mi [...]crea [...]s (th [...]t have a [...]ied frau [...]e to vyole [...]ce, and one oppressio after another▪ u [...]on all strangers [...] [...] themselves now wit [...] the reach o [...] England, Scotland, France and Ireland▪ they have [...] degenerated m [...] to ap [...]eale v [...]to [...] Parliament▪ for them▪ at [...] ▪ I leave the c [...]es, and [...]a [...]es [...] the Widd [...], a [...]d the [...]a­therless, and the sadd [...] of many [...] ▪ wh [...] b [...]ead have bee [...] ▪ Laten, soe many years by the Hollanders and Zelanders.

[Page 85] NOw I have given you some accompt of the Hollanders, in their Empire, their Goverment, their practises, and administration of Justice; I shall breifly conclude, with an Answere to their rayling appeale ▪addressed in an English stile, by their mereinary confederates, under the Notion of Englands Appeale to the Parliament, which is a strange Contradiction in it­selfe. The Parliament being the body representative of England, whereof the King is the head; And although, that Dutch appeale from the sword, be Answered generally in the premises, yet I shall give some more p [...]rticular an­sweres to severall points, for your further satisfaction in the conclusion.

Cardinall Nichelieu, held it for a Maxime, that a Soveraigne Prince hath noe Kindred [...]oe neare unto him, in the world▪ as the Generallity of his owne Subjects, implying from thence, that the greatest happines of a King, consisted in the prosperity of his Kingdomes, And Cardinall Mazarine was of an opinion, that an honest man ought not to be a slave unto his word, implying from thence (aluding to Portugall and Spaine) that it was better to vyo­late a promise in diverse Cases, upon any emergent contingences, then to prejudice many millions of people, by keeping it; The Motto non nobis nati sumus, is more properly applicable to such pu­blique Ministers, then to private persons.

It was held for a great virtue amongst the Pagans, for any man to love his country, certainly then it must be a Damnable vice amongst Christians, for any man to hate the land, wherein he toke his first breath. And there cannot be a greater demonstration of that ini­quity, then to wound the Honour, and reputation of those Princes, who represents the glory, wisdome, courage, and conduct of their Subjects, and Servants. There is noe perfection in man, neither doe I beleive, that all the best Councellours of Princes, are either saints, or Angells. Yett I am confident that those, who sitt upon the topps of Mountaines, can see further then they, that stand upon Mole hill [...]. And that the Caball at white hall (as they are termed in the appeale▪ gave the King of great Brittaigne, the most whol­some Councill, for the honour, and interest of England, that ever was given within those walls, concerning a warr with the Hollanders.

Advised in such a Juncture of time, that the States Generall Hectored both England, and France, and boasted in the French Court, that the King of great Brittaigne, had neither money, nor creditt, to [...]e [...]t out a man of warr. And in that Juncture, when the Comedians, and publike Harbours in the United, and Spa­nish [Page 86] Netherlands, had their Screenes, and Sceans, painted with the Trophies of Chattam. And even in that Juncture, when the Councell of Spaine, had rejected any nearer Alliance with Great Brittaigne, or to give His Majestie any Assistance whatsoever against the Hollanders, that had soe lately, insulted ouer him, and his Kingdomes.

The Appealants make a great noise, with their Flourishing language, against Englands Alliance with France, and the prodigious growth of that Kingdo­me, (Since the Leagues and Alliances continued soe long be­tweene France and Holland, against Spaine, and England) and now they feare the dreadfull conquest of the United Provinces, and the Spa­nish Netherlands. And say in their 15. 18. and 19. Summary hints to the Parliament, that there will be an unavoydable breach with Spaine, in case the Alliance with France continues, and how fatall the consequences of a Spanish warr will be, and then impertinently propounds, how much greater the danger will prove, if France should conquer Spaine, Germany, and the United Provinces, and lastly says, there is noe care taken of the Triple Lea­gue, or of the interest of England, and the Protestant Religion.

Noe man will deney, but that Charles the fifth was the greatest Monarche that ever raigned upon the face of the Earth. Yett he did (some years before his death) surrender the Crowne of Spaine and the Seaventeene Provinces, to his Sonn Philip the second, and the Empire of Germany, to his Brother Ferdinando, that was cho­sen King of the Romans; Charles the fifth being wearied out with the divisions, and troubles, amongst the Netherlanders, and the German Princes, concerning the Priviledges of the Empire, and their respective Provinces. Philip the second, was also wea­ried out, with the dissentions in the Low Countries, and assigned the 17. Provinces unto Albertus and Isebella who continued in a state of warr, with the Hollanders, during their lives. And how a French Monarch should expect any greater conquests by all his Armes, I cannot apprehend, or understand.

The Dukes of Bavaria and Brandingburgh, who stands yett neutrall, and other Princes of the Empire, would unite their forces effectual­ly, if they did forsee the danger of what the Appealants, vainely suppose. The Northerne Kings, and their neighbour Princes in the continent would unite, and hinder such a prodigious groweth of France, if the King of great Brittaigne should suffer such a progress. Which is an Idle circumstance to Imagine.

[Page 87]The Interest of England is navall power, and it is certainly the advantage of His Majestie, and his Crownes, to continue (by all means possible) the warr against the Hollanders, untill their Fisher­men be forced to goe and inhabite againe upon the Coast of En­gland and Scotland. And the rest of the Marchants, and Mari­ners, be constrained to give better caution, for their good behaviour for the future, Or be compelled to burne their owne Shipps of warr for a peace, as the Carthagineans did 500. of their Shipps and Gallies, at the end of the second Punick warr.

How many times France, hath been almost subdued by England, many Cronicles, and records sufficiently testifies, even when En­gland, was not soe populous, nor soe prompt to Armes, and when they had greater diversions from the Scotts, that are since uni­ted to the Crowne, and to give English men their due, all the former conquests of the Hollanders, were gotten by the bloud and valour of the English, whose courage was not abated, when the Duke of Monmouth and his Regiment, made the first assaults and stormes, at the taking of Mastricht. It is granted that the French may be as subtill, false, and insolent, as the Hollanders, but they are universally more generous, and being soe different in their humors, and their habitts, from the Hollanders, there is noe great feare of any accord betweene them, Especially since the breach, is made soe wide. Yett there is an opertunity for the King of great Brittaigne, to putt a cheque upon the French, in the Spanish Netherlands, by possessing a place in the Hollanders power, which at present is a Curbe both unto Flanders and Brabant, and ought to be rendred to England (as a precaution) from the Hollanders upon this treatie at Cologne, to prevent any mischeife, that may happen from France, Spaine & Holland, Ioyntly, or severally, hereafter.

All men of understanding, or knowledge in History, will con­fess, that the French Kings, had the Soveraignity of Flanders, be­fore the batle of Pavye, and that appeales before that time, were made to the Parliament at Paris. Which after Francis the first renounced the Soveraignity to Charles the fifth (for his ransome being taken Prisoner in that batle) all appeales in Flanders are made to the Chamber at Mechelen. But whether a Soveraigne Prince, can by Law renounce any Soveraignity, or prerogative of his Crowne, without a generall consent of the Kingdome, or Prin­cipallity, that orriginally chose their Kings, to protect, and defend [Page 88] them, who granted the Soveraignities to their Princes and their Heirs, Is a question that I shall not undertake to resolve.

Or whether the Kingdome of Sicily, that was divided by the Mediteranean sea from the Continent of Jtally, could be transferred to the Crowne of France, by the Donation of the Queene. Which afterwards upon the perswasion of severall Her­m [...]ts, under the notion of Religion (implyed by the Spaniards) the people of Sicily, were animated to murther the French at their Vespers, to redeeme themselves from servitude, and become Sub­jects to the King of Spaine.

Princes have their passions, and are more sencible of their honour, and interests, then other men, who looks noe further, then their owne private, and present profitts, and advantage. It is most cer­taine. The Infanta of Spaine, the French Kings wife Daughter of P [...]i [...] IV. King of Spaine, and [...], Daughter of Henery the IV. King of France is the undoubted Heire of Flanders, as Charles her Brother by a second venter is the undoubted Heire of Arragon, and [...]. Admitting the portion had been payd, to the French King that was Promised in Marriage with the Jnfanta, which was the ground of the Pyreenean treaty, the consideration of soe much money, had [...]eem [...] a good [...]arr unto his clayme, and pro­gress into the Spanish Netherlands, But to have neither money nor [...], w [...] a Kings Daughter, that pr [...]t [...]nds to soe much of the world, as the King of Sp [...], w [...] a man of a [...]aner s [...]r [...]t, then a French King But whether it would be better or worse for England, if the French King, should gett possession of all the Spanish Ne­therlands, any man of a reasonable Capacity is able to Judge. Yett it is most certaine, that it would be better for the Gentry, Burgers and Bores, to be under one Master, that have lived miserably, soe many years, betweene the French, and the Spaniards, where the Spanish Governours and their insolent Officers, will keepe them [...] enough, although there were not soe many begging Religious Or [...] g [...]t them, who would gett most of the Lands, as well as their bread, if there were not strickt Laws in Flanders and Br [...]bant, aga [...]nst that sort of b [...]gg [...]ng, and that manner of gi­ving away their Lands; Where the Magistrates doe admitt seve­rall Cloy [...]t [...]r [...], and Convents of English Nunns, and fryas, profest in [...] begging Orders, conditionally they shall maintaine them­selves pay excises, and other duties, and not hinder the charity to their [Page 89] owne regulars, from both which, the Hollanders, like the box keepers at Spearings ordinary, getts the greatest profitt, that brings the provi­sions to the talbe, which consumes all at last.

The United Netherlands are unwilling to parte with the Co­verts, and advantages, they make of their Frontiers in Flanders, and Brabant those two Maritine Provinces of the Spanish Netherlands) both in times of peace, and warr, who speake the same language trade together, Cape together, confederate together, and can at pleasure, evade the 21. Article of their Honourable Treaty at Breda, without discovery; Newport, Ostende, and Flushing, being soe neare together. And there generall Port, at St. Donas standing open to them, over against Sluice, upon all occasions of ne­cessity. Who can also become free Burgers in the Citties of Bra­brant and Flanders, gra [...]s with exemptions from taxes, and other Charges, which are imposed upon English men, and their goods contrary to former treaties, betweene England, and Spaine, viz: Convoy money, Pound-gelt, Last-gelt, House-gelt, besides Cu­stome and Excizes. purposely to drive English Marchants, and all English Woolen Manufactures, out of the Spanish Netherlands, and to incourage the Hollanders, that striues to undermine, and undersell, the English, in all parts.

And now [...] [...]eme destning [...] men, should di [...]ver the s [...]ke in the grass, the Hollanders [...]ry out j [...]st of a Dragon, that is read, to d [...]v [...]ure them, and their Diana Trade, calling to the House of Austria, Spaine, Danemarcke, the German Princes, and about all to their con [...]iderates in England, Helpe, Helpe, for the Lords sake, our Religious concernments, are all at stake, our three principall foudations, F [...], and navigation, that supported us aganist [...], in the world are sincking The English, and French, will open the Sc [...], and Sass van G [...]nt, to spoyle our Navigations, and Traff [...]que into the Spanish Netherlands, and Germany, as they have done already by prohibiting our Shipps from their Forraigne plantations: 2. They will [...] our Herring and Co [...] fishing, upon the Coast of England and Scotland, and 3. lay open the East-India Trade, to the Freedome of the En­glish and French Companies. And because the Hollanders would have noe stone vnturned to effect their designes, they instruct the Spanish Embassadour, at London, to find out, some fitt instruments, to insinnuate at all Coffee houses, the danger of the Protestant Religion, by introducing Popery. 2. The setting up an arbitrary power, and 3. The unavoydable breach with Spaine, if the Alliance with France should continue. And while theise things are in­fusing [Page 90] into the Common peoples Braynes, in England, the Spanish Governour Monterey, & his officers were drinking to the Confusion of the Duke of Yorke, and his Majesties Navie Royall.

All English men, and others, of any experience, knows that the Protestant Religion in England is fortified, and barracadoed, with soe many Acts of Parliament, that it is impossible, for any Ingineers to undermine, or shake it with all the Canons, or Batteries in the world. The Common Lawes of England, have the same fortifica­tions, which protects every mans life, & estate. Those grand Charters are all Canon proofe. As to the English interest abroad, soe much threatned, upon the unavoydable breach with Spaine, The Argu­ments, are against the Hollanders, and their Allies. The King of Spaine is a child, and the Emperour of Germany none of the wisest Princes, that ever raigned, yett they may both understand, that a Spanish warr with England, in this conjuncture, would be more fatall unto Spaine, then Dangerous unto Great Brittaigne. England is able to subsist of it selfe, and if they would forbeare trade for a time, to persue their victories, all Nations would be suddainly reduced, to want and necessity.

The pore and proud Spaniards, would not have a Herring, or a pilchard for their slaves in their viniards, but feed their swine with their fruits, & wine, while English men drink good Ale and syder, and the Seigneurs want bayes for cloaks, to cover their raggs, and their Women long vayles to cover their Modesties. Then comes a crew from Amsterdam, Leyden, and Rotterdam, that were ra­ked out of the sinckes of all Nations, Echoing alloud, help, help, for heavens sake, an harmeless people, that knows not where to live, and serve God after their owne wayes. Att last comes another genera­tion (the best of all the pack) crying hold, hold for Jesus sake wee are old upright North-Hollanders, and Frizons, that getts our liveing, by Fishing, and Dayaries, who ought not to suffer for the cheats, forgeries, and dissimulations, or the insolencies, and rapines, of our East, and West India Soveraignes, that have introduced them­selves into the Goverment, since the death of Queene Elizebeth.

Noe man that is in his Witts, and knows Holland, will beleive that those people, should out of their turffe mines, muddy, and sandy ground (halfe the yeare under water,) honestly gett such means, to trouble, and molest all Europe. And then by the Triple League [Page 91] thinke to secure themselves from all their Robberies and Murthers. A three fold cord is not sone broken, but a Triple Alliance, that hanges in a silver Chaine, if one linck be broken, the whole league falls to the ground. The States Generall, and all their Soveraignes, cannot be soe impertinent, to thinke, that any Prince, should be obli­ged, to their treaties, after they have made as many breaches, as there are Articles contained in them.

King James found them beggers, and King Charles the II. does them noe wronge to leave them Beggers, or deale by them as Great Princes, doe by their unfaithfull stewards, take away their unjust gaines, and leave them a competency to live upon:

The Authours of Englands appeale, begins with a ridiculous fable of a Lyon, a Bull, and other beasts, and concludes presumptiously, with a seripture Phaise Calling heaven, and Earth to record, that they sett life and death before you, blessing, and cursing, &c.

O England, England, there is a divine providence, that go­vernes the world, and affaires of men. Many are the troubles, miseries, and Callamities, that were brought upon you, through your owne errours, jalousies, and mistakes. Blessings doe now at­tend you; And there are opertunities, putt into your hands, to perpetuate your owne Glory, by your owne Actions. As Nature hath made you renouned by her faire Ornements; Great Brit­taigne is incompassed about on every side, with the Mighty Ocean, wihich carryes her floating Towers out of the best Portes, and Harbours in the world. Replenished in the severall seasons with all kinds of Fish, that particularly visitts the English Coasts for supplyes, when at all times the flowing tydes runns into your rivers & streames, to fetch fresh water for the thirsty Mariners. Your Hills and Downes, are inamilled with flocks of sheepe and goates. Your barren soyles are stored with rich mines and quar­ries. All your Counties, and shyres, are like the Choycest land­shipps, Complicated with Stately Citties and Townes, sumptious Castles, and buildings, woods and groues, amongst riveletts, Mea­dowes, Arrable land, and pastures. Where nature hath outvied art, to make you beautifull and happy; Whilst other Nations want those conveniencies, and your staple Commodities. And as a further addition to your happines, you are blessed with a Prince that stu­dies to establish those felicities upon a most sure foundation, to [Page 92] you and your Heirs for ever. Whose bodies and minds are made suitable to the Drett, and elements, of your Country, from whence I may without vanity say of England.

Ne quisquam Ajacem possit superare nisi Ajax.

Now I appeale unto heaven and Earth, Whether it would not be an Act of Justice and honour for the Lords and Comons in Parliament, to move the King, effectually to insist upon such a summ of money from the Hollanders, that might make full sa­tisfaction, and reparation, for the debt and damages, concerning the two Shipps Bona Esperanza, and Henery Bonadventura.

Or whether there ought not in Pollicy and prudence, to be a Summary way agreed upon in this treaty, to end all suits at Law betweene His Majesties Subjects, and the Soveraignes of Holland and Zeland, depending before them, that are both parties and Judges themselves.

Or whether it would not be an Act of injustice and ingrati­tude in the whole Kingdome of England, to suffer the Heires of Sir William Courten, and Sir Paul Pyndar to live in exile, (under the Curse of the old Law) deprived of all their Fathers inheritances, whose Estates are kept from them, by violence and oppression. That had done soe much for their King, and Country in the improvement of trade, and Navigation. That had soe aften supplied Embassadours abroad, after Sir Paul Pyndar him­selfe, had continued eleaven years at Constantinople, in the ser­vice of King James, and the Turkey Company, wherein he much advanced the Levant Marchants. That have made such ad­ditions, to the Crowne, and Revenues of His Majestie [...]. That did leave other Nations, from whence they brought vast summs of money into His Majesties Kingdomes, to be made such presidents of misfortune. If their posterity should be still for saken, where they ought to be releived.


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