THE Babylonish Baptist. OR H.G. Contradicting H.G.
In his Book stiled, LIGHT from the Son of Righteousness; which is proved, meer Confusion and Darkness.

Unprejudiced Reader,

WE have a Witness in Heaven, That we have Love to the Souls of all Men; and bear no Ill-Will to these Baptists: Howbeit, the Im­placable Enmity of divers of them is such; that in Times of Quietness, it hath been the manner of some of their Chieftains, to be Quarrelling, and spreading their Confused Pamphlets against us, and the Light Within confessed by us; as being Offended and Fretted at our present Liberty, which we have Publickly to Confess the True Light; though obtain'd through Deep Sufferings: Howbeit, the Fruitlesness of Coertion hath not been ma­nifested by these Men's Valour, or Pretended Faithful­ness in Suffering Times. We see, the more they Strive, the more they involve themselves in Babylonish Con­fusions and Self-Contradiction, to the Overthrow of their Cause, and their own Discredit therein.

Some of the Baptists Doctrines and Contra­dictions, Collected out of their H. G's Book in their own words, and briefly Observ'd as follows.

H. G. saith, viz. I utterly deny, that this Light, which all men have from the Glorious Creator, is a Sa­ving Light, page 8.

H. G. in Contradiction saith, I really believe, That the Lord Jesus, as the Eternal Word, hath given Light, or Enligh­tened all Men and Women that come into the World, p. 8.

Animadversion, The Light or Life of the Eternal Word, which is the Light of Men, John 1. 4. is Spiri­tual and Divine, as is that Word; and therefore Saving to all that truly Obey it.

H. G. The great Darkness of these Men, who cry up Light and Power Within, this Wile of Satan, and Cheat of Anti­christ, p. 31.

H. G. Contra. The Lord Jesus, as the Eternal Word, En­lighteneth all men. This Light is the Substance of the Law—The Candle of the Lord: It doth Convince of Sin, p. 9. If Heathens follow it, they would shine in Just Living. The Work of Faith with Power—I do maintain, that Faith is re­quired and must be wrought with Power in the Hearts, p. 15, 16.

[Page 3] Anim. What Horrible Blasphemy is it then, to term our crying up the Light and Power of Christ Within, the Wile of Satan, and Cheat of Antichrist? And how plainly hereby Confuted? We have Cause to look upon those Heathens, that follow the Light or Gift of God Within, to be More Godly and Better Christians, then many of these Baptists.

H. G. observes from John 16. 7. That the Spirit or Blessed Comforter cannot be the Saviour, p. 46.

H. G. Contrad. Till the coming of his Spirit and Grace with Power in my Heart, for the Binding of the Strong Man Sa­tan, and Killing of my Corruptions, my Soul was not brought out of the Horrible Pit, p. 16. Having wrought this Glorious Work of Regeneration, p. 17.

Anim. Then its the Spirit and Power of Christ, that effects and works Salvation through the Work of Rege­neration, see Tit. 3. 5. which is not done meerly by Christ's outward Sufferings; though we cannot believe, that Satan is bound in this man, while he is in Satans work, Blaspheming Christ's Light Within, and Belying us.

H. G. The Ordinance of the Lord's-Supper you call Bread and Wine, p. 19.

H. G. Contrad. The Sign—The Shaddow ( speaking of their Ordinances) the Substance being Christ, p. 53, 54.

Anim. Your pretended Lord's-Supper then, is no more [Page 4] then Bread and Wine, the Sign, the Shaddow; and there­fore their Continuation of no Necessity in the true Church, which hath received Christ the Substance, the Living Bread, who Spiritually communicates his Flesh and Blood, or Fruit of the Heavenly Vine, without your Shaddows; And this is our Lord's Supper, that we partake of; and our Baptism is Spiritual, 1. Cor. 12. 13. Eph. 4. 5. and as in 1 Pet. 3. 21. its said; to the which also the [...], An­titype, that now saveth us, even Baptism, agreeth.

H. G. The End of this Ordinance doth remain, notwith­standing the Pourings forth of the Spirit; and therefore the Ordi­nance must needs remain; which is to Confirm our Faith in the true Saviour, and to keep up our Love to him, p. 21.

Answ, What Faith and Love are these of theirs, which are confirm'd and kept up by Bread and Wine? And what Idolatry and Diversion from the Spirit doth their Doctrine tend to herein? Surely the Holy Spirit can best supply the said End, see Gal. 5. 22.

H. G. again is very Fierce and Rash for their Water-Baptism (or Plunging Peoplee in Water) where he saith, Whosoever brings any other Gospel, let him be Accurst, p. 24.

Answ. Hereby he hath Curst all the People of God, and Sincere-Minded, both Protestants, and all others in the World, who Oppose, and come not under the Baptists Dip­ping or Plunging people in Water: Lord forgive him; he is very Uncharitable herein. For our Parts, we cannot believe their Baptism to be either the Baptism of Christ, or Go­spel, or of Necessity and Available to Salvation.

[Page 5] H. G. denies the True Saviour to be the Light and Power; I affirm ( saith he) that Jesus Christ is a Man, con­sisting of Flesh and Bone, p. 30, 31. Humane, p. 33. Fi­nite, Weak, subject to Passion, as we are, p. 94. The Inward Power is not the Christ distinct from the Humane Nature; the true Christ consisting of a Body of Flesh and Bone, p. 31, 34.

H. G. Contrad. John declared plainly, that Christ was before him, being from Everlasting—He was before Abraham was—The Son of God by Eternal Generation—Truly God— David's Lord, p. 35. The Lord Jesus; The Eternal Word, p. 8. The Emanuel, p. 32. Christ is the Son of the Living God, p. 33.

Anim. Therefore its both Unscriptural and Absurd to assert, That Jesus Christ consisteth of a Humane Body of Flesh and Bone, or is Finite (seeing he is before all things, and by him all things consist, Col. [...]. 17.) and inconsistent both with the Eternal Glory of the Son of God, which he had with the Father before the World began, wherein he is Glorified; and his Body is Glorious and Spiritual: They should have said, That he took upon him that Body prepa­red for him; and not, that he consists (or is made up) of a Humane Body of Flesh and Bone: but at length, they are made to grant the Deity of Christ, more then formerly; though to their own Confutation, as before.

H. G. The principle of the Quakers concerning the Light within; the Impurity and Vileness of which Principle I may fur­ther make appear, p. 48.

H. G. Contrad. The Word, considered as Creator, is the True Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the World, pag. 48.

[Page 6] Anim. Its no less then Blasphemy to charge this Prin­ciple (to wit the Light of the Eternal Word, the Creator) with Vileness and Impurity: For the Word, and its Light, is both Divine, Eternally Pure, and Unchangeably In­corruptible.

H. G. God forbid that I should ever own their Principle of the Light in all, that doth so clearly tend to the razing out the grand Fundamentals of the Gospel, p. 52.

H. G. Contrad. Praises and Halelujah to God forever, who hath given us that Witness in our selves, of which thou speakest, p. 54, 55. which Witness (his Sister spake of) was the Light which Reproves for Sin, to own and believe in the Light, that enlighteneth every man that cometh into the World, p. 8. & 29.

Anim. See what a Sad Pass these Men are grown to; and what kind of Prayers they offer to God, against his own Light, or Witness within; and how contrary to the Gospel-Spirit and Light they are.


IN their said Book, stiled, Light from the Son of Righteousness, there are also many more Absurdities, & Perversions of Scripture, with False Accusations against ut; viz. of Denying the Man Christ, the Resurrection, and many other things, which I have more fully answer'd elsewhere. But for Expedition, this Paper was abstracted, to be sent into Barbadoes, where H. G's said Book is like [Page 7] to be Concern'd; as on the Account of his own Natural Sister (as he calls her) whom Un-Natu­rally, and Un-Brotherly, he hath Printed his Book (in part) against, for her Wholsom Advice, in her Letter, to Own and Believe in the True Light, which Enlightens every Man, &c. I have writ a Full Answer unto their said Book, which as yet I forbear to divulge, being informed, that some of the particular Baptists are about to bring forth more against us; which if they do, I hope further to Examine them; not questioning but they'l be, both Inconsistent, and Contradictory, as they use to be, whilst they Contend in their Prejudice and Envy, which Blinds them; The Lord give them a Penitent Sence thereof.

From a Well-wisher of all men, who desires to be at Peace with all, so far as it may consist with Truth. G. W.

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