[Page] THE COPIE OF TVVO LETTERS; VVritten by two friends, one to another, Concerning a pretended Dispute had betwixt Doctor Taylor with a young Batchelour of Divini­tie attending him, and Master Alexander Henderson, Commissioner for the Kirk of Scotland at Oxford.

London, Printed Aprill the 11. 1643.

[Page 1]

A Few dayes ago there came to my hands a Pamphlet intituled, Mercurius Aulicus, the weeke thereof; wherein I found men­tion made of a certaine dispute made betwixt one Doctor Taylor with a Batchelor of Divinitie, and our good friend Mr. Alexander Henderson. In reading over of which part of the pa­per, I find the expression and discourse of the businesse a little to Mr. Hender­son his disadvantage, nor lacketh there divers who really think so, and make great brags therof: the man his worth I well know, and shall ever honour; being of the mind that he may bee [Page 2] wronged in that Printed relation. And because you are daily conversant with him, and cannot be ignorant of what have passed in that kind, I shall esteem it as none of the least of the oblige­ments I owe to you, if by the first sure bearer you send me a true account how that businesse went for satisfying the iudgement of divers, and the curi­ositie of

Your very loving friend.

The Answer to the said Letter.

SIr, the 15. of March, there lately came to my hands, and I shall be glad to resolve your doubts, by shew­ing the true progresse so farre as I can remember unpartially.


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