[Page] A TRVE RELATION Of the proceedings of the SCOTTISH ARMIE NOW IN IRELAND, By three LETTERS. The First Sent from Generall Major MONROE to Generall LESLIE his Excellence. The Second Writ by the Major and Aldermen of London-Derry to Generall Major MONROE. The Third Sent by the Earle of ANTRUM to Generall Major Monroe. Which Letters were sent by Generall Major Monroe to Generall LESLIE his Excellence.

London Printed for Iohn Bartlet, 1642.

Generall Major MONROE his Letter to Generall LESLEY.

Right Honourable,

HAving received your Letter of the fourth of May from Cap­taine Fraser at my returne to Carrickfergus, on Thursday the twelfth at night; please your Excellence to be enformed true­ly of the passages of our first expedition towards the Newrie; ha­ving broken up from Carrickfergus the twenty seventh of Aprill at night, we marched to Millone, being nine miles from Car­rickfergus, and a mile beyond Belfast, where we remained the twenty eight, till after mid-day, that my Lord Connoway, Co­lonell Chitchester, with a thousand commanded foot, did joyne with us, and three troopes of horse, and two troopes Dragooners, with our small pieces, and one big piece of five pound bullet taken off the Castle of Carrickfergus: And being forced to leave a part of our provision for ten dayes behinde us, for want of car­ridge horses. We broke up Boden, as we might be served to quarter that night at Drumbo, having directed from Carrickfergus one of the Kings ships towards Carlingford with some provision of Meal, Chiese and Ammunition, for which we had no transport by land, giving him order to secure the water mouth at Carlingford, being the water passes to the Newrie. The other ship I directed towards Colraine and London-Derry, with some reliefe to them both, and to bring intelligence from thence against our returne. The twen­ty ninth we marched towards Lessnagarvie, where we joyned with eight hundred foot and two troopes of horse of my Lord Clanne­bowies, and my Lord Ards, commanded by Lievtenant Colonell Montgomrie, and Lievtenant Colonell Hamilton; and being in all about three thousand foure hundred foot, in two divisions, viz. Connoway Chitchester, Clannebowies and Ardis making one divisi­on, Sinklers commanded men, him and I being a thousand six hun­dred we made up the other division, and marched day about in the Vauntguard and gave out the orders night about my Lord Con­noway and I. We had also with us three troopes Dragooners at fifty [Page 2] a piece, and five troops of horse at forty a piece; and all being put in order, we marched towards the woods of Kilwarline, where the E­nemy lay in one Passe with 2500. men, and sixty horse, commanded by my Lord Ev [...]ck Mack [...]rtane Sir Con Macginnische and Sir Rorie Macginnische, they having cast off one bridge on the Passe, and reti­red from it to another Passe in the woods; I commanded our horse­men to goe about and to draw up on their flanke in the wood, having way to passe but one horse after another: in the meane time our com­manded Muskateers and foure of our fielding-peeces were brought o­ver the Passe, and made good one passe till our whole Army was set over, and then our Canons forced them to give ground, till we made open the second passe being strait, having mosse and bogs on every side; at length our commanded Muskateers charged the front, and the Cavilree on the flankes, till they were forced with losse to retreat in disorder athwart the woods and bogs on severall hands, in which time our whole Armie came over the passe, and then our commanded Muskateers skirmished with them for three miles in the woods on both flankes while the body of the Army was making passages free to carry through the Canon and horsemen: at night we encamped all horse and foot in one body, the whole night in armes in the midest of the wood. In this skirmish Sir Rorie Mackginnische and Mac­kartans, two active men, brothers were killed with one hun [...]red and fifty more; with the losse of two men on our side. and foure woun­ded. About Sir Rorie was found divers Letters, which furnished us with intelligence of all their designes in opposing us in that field, and of their intentions elsewhere.

Saturdy the last of April, we marched in the former order through the woods, towards Lochbricklane, where being come on the plaine, our horsemen on the wings killed divers of them retiring, and some taken prisoners were hanged thereafter. And being come late to quar­tar we could not ingage that night with the intaking of the Iland, where there lay a wicked Garison in a fast place environed within a loch, being a refuge in safety, and their Boat d [...]awne. Sunday the first of May, being eight miles from the Newrie, I commanded the Ca­vilrie and Dragoneers to march, for blocking up the Newrie, till our coming: and they being gone, I persued the Iland from the land with Canon and Musket for a time, and finding the roagues despirate, I ad­ventured upon promise of reward six hieland-m [...]n with their armes, Pike and sword, to swin under me [...]cy of our owne Canon, to bring a­way their Boat, whereof three swimmers dyed, two retired, and the [Page 3] sixt alone brought away the Boat, being shot through with a fielding-peece; she was clamped up with salt hides, and being manned again, tooke in the Ile, the whole sixty therein put to the sword, and our p [...]isoners which they had released. And leaving a Serjeant and twelue Muskateers there, we marched towards the Newrie; and having summoned the Town and Castle to come in to our mercy or no mer­cy, the Towne gave over, the Castle held out, alledging He was able to keepe it seven yeers. In the meane time we granted a time to the next morning to Him to advise; during which time I fully recognish­ed the house and perceived that I could take it in by pittard or by fire. On Munday the second of May, prepared our fagots, and made ready our batteries, before tuesday at mid-day, resolving to take it in rather by terrour of our Canons then by fire or pittard, which would make the place unprofitable for us; next if it were taken so Sir Edward Tra­ver a man of good account, being there Prisoner, had died also by them or with them; so having all things in readinesse quainted them againe there was no quarter for them but he and his Garison to march forth without Armes with white sticks in their hands, and he should have a free Convoy, and their lives spared. These of the town should have no other quarter then to come forth in our reverence. And our prisoners to be safely delivered unto us, which they once accorded un­to: but getting intelligence Sir Philome was neere hand for their re­liefe, they resolved to delay till the next morning, which being refu­sed, we forced up their outer gate and were ready to pittard the se­cond were not for feare of the prisoners who cried for mercy; and that the gate should be made up instantly as was done, and the Castle that night guarded by us and the prisoners guarded in the Town.

On Wednesday the fourth of May, the Captaine was sent away with a Convoy, and the towns-men detained till triall should be had of their behaviours; as also the garison of Carlingford fled away for feare and the Captaine of the Kings ship made booty there and man­ [...]ed the Castle of Carlingford. This day I did write to Dundaak [...] to Sir Henry [...]gburne to come to the Newrie to learn of him the estate of the Country beyond him who came to us on thursday the fift of M [...]y of whom I could learn nothing, who being returned we entred in e [...]amination of the towns-men, if all were Papists; and the indifferent being severed from the bad whereof 60. with two Priests were shot and hanged the indifferent are banished: which being done, finding the place comodious for our Army, I resolved to place Lievtenant Co­lone [...]l Sinkler with his men to maintain the place, having joyned with [Page 4] them [...]00. of my Lord Ards and my Lord Clannebowies men till the rest of their owne regiment might be sent to them by woter from Carrickfergus. And in my simple judgement your Exce [...]lence shall finde that place a convenient part to draw the third of the Army there being neerest the strength of the Enemy, in the Counties of Ard­mach, Tyran, Monacan and Cavan otherwise it will be impossible [...]o transport your Army from Carrickfergus for lack of ca [...]iage and toyl­some wayes; for in this last march five of my cariages were broken, being but fielding peeces, which are the onely Cannon for use in this service: and our horses also in the most parts of the Country will not be usefull but rather a toyle to the foot to guard them; for it will be a War in my judgement very strange, for in the whole march I had never any alarme given us being quartered in the fields untrenched.

Friday the sixt of May having setled the Garison, I resolved to march towards the enemy to Ardmach: and having sent forth one strong par­ty of Horse and Dragoneers towards their Army, they thinking the whole Army was marching; retired back on Ardmach and burnt the town, puttingall the Brittish to the sword and retired to the straits of Tyron; whereupon we being scarce of victuals and our body weakned, our souldiers burthened with unnecessary trash of baggage. I resolved to returne with the Army home, marching through my Lord Evankes Countrey, Mackartan and Slawtneils, being onely the considerable Enemy in the Countrey of Doun. And in our March I resolved my selfe with 800. Musketeers to put them from their strengths in the Mountains of Monrue, and to rob them of their cattell, which we did. I marching through the Mountains, on the right hand, and the Army, Horse and foot and Artillary marching through the Valley on the left hand, where we joyned together. On Sunday the eight at night, foure miles from the Passe of Durdrum, bordering betwixt my Lord Evanks Lands & Mackartans. Munday the ninth, we divided our Army in three, Colonel Home with 500. commanded Musketeers two troops of Dra­goneers, and one troope of Horse; to Connoway the Artillary cattell and baggage safest way towards Mackartanes owne house; the rest of the Horse [...] Lievtenant Colonell Montgomrie and 200. commanded Muskateers were sent about the Mountaines to run through betwixt Kilwarning woods and Killernie woods to the randevous the next day at Mackartanes house; and hearing Mackartane with his forces and cattell were lying in one strait in the woods of Killernie, I marched, thither my selfe, with the body of the foot and Colours: and having quartered on Munday at night within three miles of the Enemy, came [Page 5] upon them the next morning unawares without sound of Drum, so they were scattered. And having commanded further three bodies of Musketeers to severall parts, appointing one randevow for all, we brought together to our quarters at night above foure thousand cattel, and joyned all together at night at Mack [...]r [...]anes house; and divers were killed of the Rebels, being scattered on all hands; and one strong body of them on one passe in the woods fore-gathered with the hors­men, and Lievtenant Colonel Montgomrie, where the foot behooved to guard the horse, they being unskilfull in their l [...]ding, having lost foure horses and five men.

Wednesday the 11. hearing the Enemy was resolved to fight with us in the wood, we marched with our Artillery and commanded men in the Van-guard; our two divisions marching after with comman­ded men in the flanks, we were forced to make severall stopt to cleere the passages they had stopped with wood to keepe us up; our cattell marched next to the Army, being guarded with Pike-men and Mus­kateers on all quarters; our baggage next to them, our horsemen and Dragonee [...]s in the Rere of all. The Rebels being drawne up on the hils perceiving our order of march, durst not ingage with us so cum­ming free off, we quartered at night in Drumbo: and the next mor­ning divided our cattell, such as remained unstolen by the horsemen and plunderers, being an infinite number of poor contemptible coun­try-men, which could not be reduced to order. And on thursday the twelfth, we returned to our severall quarters, all our victuals being spent, except our cowes. At my returne I received one letter f [...]om my Lord Marquesse of Argile, craving advice where he should land his men in the County of Antrum; likewise one other letter from the Earle of Antrum, rather to intrap me then to approve himselfe a loyall Subject; the third I received from the town of London-Derry shewing their necessities, which letters I have answered severally as I could best for the time.

And for answer to your Excellence of this fourth of May▪ I finde Companies cumming over and no provision with them, which questi­onlesse, except it be prevented will breed disorders amongsts us: for there is not provision here for the Forces already come to give them bread, and if I had not had meale that came from Scotland, and some Bisket borrowed from the Kings Ships, I had not intended the Expe­dition for the Newrie, and I did thinke in sixteen dayes time, the most part being out of the Garison; that the Major should have had store of bread for a new Expedition in readinesse to goe into the County of [Page 6] Antrum, to assist the Marques of Argiles forces at their landing against the Rebels, being dangerous for them, except we be able to divert the Enemy toward the band-water, in regard my Lord Antrum is joyned strong with the Rebels, making a pretext of laying downe of Armes, in the meane time doth what he can to cut our throats; and except the men come suddenly I cannot draw to the fields to assist Argile; neither can I get Sinclers regiment well provided, who are at the Newrie; for in ten dayes time all the provision thereabouts will be eaten up, till more forces joyne with them to enlarge his freedome.

And my Lord Linsies men I have quartered in Broad Iland and Ylmagie, where they have houses but no victuals; and if all should be trusted to the Major of Carrickf [...]rgus his furnishing one thousand must li [...]e on one hundred mens allowance of bread a day: so that meale must be the provision which will fit us best to goe to the fields.

In all our journey we could not rammasse ten serviceable horse for Cannon or baggage, but above eight hundred colts and fillies were rammassed together out of the Mountaines and Woods by the poore contemptible robbed people and plunderers, which I followed the Ar­my, which I could not in pity take from them. The most of our car­riage that was weighty at this time was drawne by Oxen, our baggage horse were scarce and weake. But I hope when grasse growes up wee may get some horses from them, if wee could be served meanly, for the present which no man can supply so wel as my Lord Clunnebowies and my Lord Arddis, Master Arthur Hill, and James Edmistoun of Broad Iland and Ylemagies; and this▪ is all the helpe your Excellence may expect for transporting of Baggage or Amunition, except it be brought from Scotland for the time.

I must intreat your Excellence to cause send one Copie of this In­formation to our Commissioners, and another to my Lord Chancel­lour, since I cannot have time to write to them; please your Excel­lence to receive the letter that came from London-Derry the 27. of Aprill; as also the Earle of Antrums letter from Dunluce the last of Aprill, directed to my selfe. So having no further to acquaint your Excellence with for the time; wishing your Excellence an happy arrivall here: I remaine

Your Excellence humble and obedient servant, ROBERT MONROE.

The Major and Aldermens Letter of London-Derry to Generall Major MONROE.

Right honourable and noble Sir,

WEE of this Citie of London-Derry and other parts, have ei­ther bin forgotten, or given over for losse, as we conceive; for al other parts of the Kingdome are plentifully supplied, and yet thogh we have made our wants and miseries knowne divers times to Dublin and to England and Scotland, yet no reliefe ever came to us, but onely thir­ty barrels of powder brought by Captaine Bolline from Dublin, long before Christmas, which was partly upon the arrival thereof disposed to all needfull parts; and want of powder and arms here hath bin our ruine. It is the great providence and goodnesse of God that we are hitherto preserved, having bin so ill armed and provided for; all the arms within his Majesties store here were shipt to Dublin the last summer, and no­thing left here but old decaid Calivers, which we have hitherto made a shift with, and trimmed them up to our great charges.

We have raised seven hundred men for the defence of this Citie and keepe them hitherto at our owne charges, in expectation of mony and other supplies, but there is not one hundred good swords amongst them and their armes but meane. Sir William Steward, Sir Robert Steward, and Sir Ralph Gore had Commissions from his Majesty out of Scotland in November for raising their Regiments, and two horse troops, they lye in the County of Tyrone and thereabout, and so have done all this winter, to oppose the enemy, but being unprovided for, and not one penny to pay them, they could never attempt any great service. It is much that they keepe the enemies from our wals to this houre, now our powder is gone, our victuals is beginning to faile, and these three Regiments had bin starved long since, if we of this Citie had not relie­ved them with Biefe, Butter, Heri [...]s, and other necesaries, to a great value, but this will hold out no longer, for we have not now victuals e­nough for our owne men in the Citie. And if a Ship of Bristow had not arived here with some Peas, Meale and Wheat, we could not have shifted longer, and all that will not last the Regiments fourteene dayes; [Page 8] for the provision of [...]he Cou [...]trey is destro [...]ed by the enemy, or de­ [...]oured by our owne men; and we a [...]e in [...]ed to feed multitudes of unserviceable people that are fled hither for reliefe; so if the enemies sword spare us, famine will dispatch us, except God in mercy pro­vide for us. But this is not all, for now at this very houre. Sir Phileme O. Neal having gathered from al parts what forces he can make, is with a very great Army of Horse and fo [...]t at Siraband and the foord of within ten or twelve miles of this Citie, intending (by all the intelli­gence we can get) to set up his rest, and despirately to breake in upon us, where all the forces we can make are ready to bid him welcome.

Sir Philome on the one side of the River, and ours on the other, in sight one of the other: so as we of this Citie were enforced not onely to send a great part of our men out of the Citie to joyne with the [...], but also unfurnished and parted with that little powder was left us, which with a little we gat out of the Bristow ship we have sent to en­counter this Irish Rebell. And now to revive our fainting spirits God hath provided for our reliefe, and sent this bearer Captaine Strange in­to Lochfoyle, who being in his Majesties service and sent for the com­fort of his Majesties distressed Subjects into these parts we have made a true relation to him of our despirate estate and the great danger, we are in, for want of powder and other provi [...]on, that we have not one­ly prevailed with him to lend us for the present six barrers of powder, but also to set sail for us to Carrik fergus, to present our wants and dan­gers we are in to your Honorable consideration, most earnestly praying that for the love of God; and honour of our King and the safety of this place and people, ye will dispatch him back againe to us with a good and large proportion of Powder, Match, and head Muskets, Swords Pikes, some Spades and Shovels, whereof we have not any; and of these or what else may be had as much as ye can possibly spare us; for we want all things fit to defend a distressed Countrey, and offend a despirate Enemy.

We also pray that you will restore the Captaine the six barrels of Powder we have borrowed of him; and if there be any Bisket, Cheese or any other victuals to be spared to send us some good proportion thereof. So being at present in great haste, and perplexity, with our service presented to your honour, we remaine

Your humble servants
  • Robert Thornton, Major
  • Henry Asburne, Ian. Pha [...].

The Earle of Antrims Letter to Ge­nerall Major MONROE.

Noble Colonell,

I Was glad when I heard you were to be employed in this Kingdom, but now more pleased to heare that you and others of your name are safely arrived. I hope you beleeve I have not beene ignorant of the relation that has bin betweene your Family and mine, and still continued by those of my name in Scotland, especially by Sir Donald, I shall be very ready to keepe the same correspondency, if I had the opportunity. And now having the occasion by your journey into Ireland, I shall be as willing to give you a beliefe of it as any other friend whatsoever. And I am very confident to receive a return from you accordingly.

I cannot so easily expresse any particulars, as I should be centent to doe by word of mouth; and if you please to doe me the favour to meet me at Glenarme, and to signifie to me the time, I shall take it as a great argument of your respects and friendship to me; and you may be there as much Master of the place as my selfe. I shall not go attended in the posture of a Souldier, but in my accustomed manner, that the lookers on may take notice of our familiar meeting and re­spect to each other. And I hope we shall agree in the maine point for his Majesties service and the quieting of my Countrey; and I shall strive to relieve Coleraine with victuals very shortly.

I am sorry that in my absence my people were so unfortunate as to doe any hostile act, though in their owne defence, being compelled to it for safety of their lives, which they say they can make appeare in a convenient time: and the relation of the manner of the one and the other, I must refer to our meeting, and then I shall be better able to tell your honour how much I am

Your affectionate friend and humble servant, ANTRIM.

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