THE BELIDES OR Eulogie and Elegie, Of that truly Honourable JOHN LORD Harrington, Baron of Exton, who was elevated hence the 27th of FEBR. 1613. wanting then two Moneths of 22. yeares old.

By G. T.

Mal fait, qui ne parfait.

London Printed 1647.

Since an untutor'd Belial, does invade
Our maners, rights, positions; has soe made
A barbarous Medly, blending right w th wronge,
Nick-naming Vice for Virtue, Poysons stronge
For precious Amulets; and each one now
Playes the deafe Adder, stiffer is to bow
Then any iron sinew; since in Vaine
Are all instructions, leaking out againe
As fast as fil'd: 'tis apposite, that these
Ensewing, should be call'd the Belides.

TO The Right Honourable My very good LORD, WILLIAM EARLE of SALISBƲRIE, One of the LORDS of His Majesties most Honourable Privie Councell, and Knight of the most Noble order of the GARTER.

NEither (Right Honourable) are these borne out of time; for (as Solo­monsaies,) The me­mory of the just is blessed, but the name of the wicked shall rot: and here is this Scripture verified in your [Page] eyes. Here are good men celebra­ted, their vertnes powred out to participation; or, if this indeed has been no first, let it have accep­tance yet as the latter raine: for so to pious remonstrances, there ap­pertaines inculcation; and the Penpateuch of Moses, has, after an Exodus, a Deuteronomium, a Lex repetita. These, I say, issue not un­seasonably; for thus have I found a way to correct and redeem some scattered imperfect Copies, and cleare my debt towards him, with whom I was long conversant, at the same hearth, the same boord, and in the same bedde. Thus a meanes of acknowledging my de­pendency, with your Lordships manifold extraordinary favours: and [Page] thus by reprehending some others, have I (for the time to come) layd a forcible tie upon my owne behaviour. After which account given for the publishing, and Dedication, I rest,

Your Lordships most humble Servant, George Tooke.

THE BELIDES, OR EVLOGIE And ELEGIE, Of that truly Honourable JOHN LORD Harrington, Baron of EXTON, who was clated hence the 27. of Feb. 1613. wanting then two moneths of 22. yeares old.

THe Noble Father had but lately run
His happy race, when set was eke the Son:
The son, a Sun of beauty, light and heat,
Without ecclipse; a Sun that shines though set.
The liberall Arts that for his Daphne held,
And Laureat Valued was; a Son so seld,
[Page 2]That in his beames nor wanton flye, nor moa [...]
Might dally; such a Sun as could not doat
Vpon a ruffling Phaeton: or leave
His kindly warm'th, combustion to receive
With any furious Dog-star. If to vary
The Metaphor, more efficacy carry;
I'le else compare him to the Plane of old,
That Xerxes hung with Rings, and chains of Gold.
Call him a tree that never did betray
His Armes, to night-Raven, Kite, or bird of prey.
I'le say he was a fruitfull faire and good,
As any other plant within the Wood:
And this inscription to his Tombe advise,
He happy grew, fell happy, happy lyes.

THE BELIDES, Or second Eulogie, and Elegie of the same.

LO Reader, as thou somtime doest behold,
Sol like a
An ancient gold Goine, stamped first at Bizantium: the Kings of England offer these of fifteen pounds value at great Festi­valls Camd. Rem. 168.
Besant of the brightest gold,
Vpon an Easter-morne himselfe advancing:
And with a sacred joy affected, dancing
O're Forrest tops, and on the browes of hills;
So rose this LORD. And as the Sun fulfills
Like a girt Gyant his appointed race;
So with an able undiverted pace,
Perform'd his Pilgrimage: No fond delayes
Could slacke his sayle, and bring him on the stays;
No rubs of either envie, hate, or feare,
Could check his speed; but with a full carriere
He still bore up, and now enjoyes the prize,
That wipes away all sorrowes from all eyes.
He did not after the familiar fashion,
Present his GOD some withered leane oblation
Of sixty Winters; offer'd him no lame,
No sick, no motly sacrifice: But came
With his first born his youth; and then with Arts,
Wealth, honour, all his powers, all his parts,
[Page 4]Devoting them; and hallow'd every day,
Made it a pious Altar. O but say
Thou faire exemplar, tell me happy soule;
How couldst thou so like oyle, unblended roule
Among our terrene puddles? How converse
With manners so corrupt, and dayly worse,
Yet unpolluted? (thus they say the cleere
The light-foot Tigris also runnes entire
Through Aretissa, like a silver wand
A lake in Ar­menia.
Dimidiats it, without or being found
To mingle fish, or water,) Speak, O speak,
Did not the world resist? The flesh turn weake?
Did it not buffet thee with youthfull heat?
What met'st thou with at Court? no leprous teat▪
In City likewise many a rotten flye,
Can even the richest oyntment putrifie.
Or wert thou ne're convey'd thou happy spirit,
Vp to the Pinacle of thine owne merit,
And tempted there? But hell is still confin'd
Where heaven approves, and smoak it rain, blow wind,
Let flouds conspire, yet the regenerate dwells
Vpon a Rock, that all their spleen repells.
As an embowde a learned arch, when prest
With greatest waight unites his curious crest,
Rendring a firmer strength: so gives temptation.
An edge to zeale; not other operation
Had in this cautious Lord then sacred rage,
And zeale no doubt redoubled.—
Haplesse age,
How hast thou here thy noblest jewells lost,
And such a confluence of Arts, as cost
Innumerous oyle? they joyntly met of old,
[Page 5]In that
Quasi omni­um [...]erum ge­nere dotata.
Pandora, which the Poets hold
So Paragon a peece, were congregate
After in
The 9. Mu­ses were ex­prest in the stone of i [...]
Pyrrhus ring; and now of late
By Harringtons pursuit, as resident
Also with him, but nothing could prevent
The peremptory blow. Disastrous time,
and of a ruthlesse hand, how is our prime
Exemplar taken from us? Turne, ô turne
Thy fatall sithe upon the cumbrous ferne,
The barren heath, let
The Wife of Z [...]thus, turned into a Linnet, or Thistle-Finch.
Aedons thistle thus
Be rather mowen, or else to Caucasus
Among the veneficious herbes, remove
Thy furious brand—
He was our dearest love
The generall darling, such a wight as shone
I say, not with exterior pretious stone,
With Diamonds, and Saphirs; these alas
Of the most caracts, are but curious glasse,
Nor doe their braging sparkles serve to read
The darksome night away, or in it thred
Vigiliaes thirsty Needle; no, be gone
Ye casuall Doe-littles, our Harrington
Was grandly gifted with a serious sort
Of radiant principles; the Crowne, the part,
Could not be taken from him: and as far
Out-did, and darkend each competitor,
As Titan does the poore Arctophilax.
One so sinceere, and of so little Wax
Among his hony, we may roundly gather,
If but his precious thred of life, had rather
Extensively bin lenghthen'd, loe the Court
How snugly sleeping in a various sort
Of trespasses and sins, being awak'd,
[Page 6]By his example, nay divinely deck't
With light and luster; even the City hence
Accended also, had in reference
To her conspicuous properties, bin writ
With London
A City of Bythynia, so named à splen­dore.
Lampsacus; but nothing might
Defer his heavie knell.—
Forsaken age,
What circumstance of griefe, or surplusage,
Importunate enough for such an urne,
So duly deprecated? dost thou mourne
When foolish Tulips dye, and such as strive
Like Beeches, but of skin and leafe to thrive?
Such as examin'd, yeeld but mast, for Swine
And Squirrels only fit? doest thou confine
Thy selfe to black, and oft, I say, for these?
How mayst thou then with flouds of tears, nay seas
Bewayle this losse? how justly mayst thou call
Thy severall creatures, and enjoyne them all
Immesur'd lamentation; bid the night
Extend her length, the day not come in sight
But water-loaden; Hang each Dorick Bell
With numerous tongues, and a continued knell
On every tongue; Command the beasts to roare,
And each sad noyse be multiply'd a score,
By the neare echo's? For his death, I say,
As it decryes, and does so much decay
The generall blisse; 'tis fitting to reviue
Old Hadadrimmons woe, or rather grieve,
Beyond a president. Why we may read
That ten of these, ten righteous might have freed
A very Sodome; when if taken hence,
Nor standing in the gap, what consequence
[Page 7]But sicknesse fretting out our strength, or dearth,
Epha's from Homers, but an Iron earth;
And God has also store of Palmer-wormes,
And clouds of locusts. Or else forraine armes
Shall ravage us, heaven r'ally with our foes,
Making their barbed horses at a lose
As swist as Eagles, Nay, (to passe by these,)
Th' elect are even those
Images of Women used for supporters in buildings.
And vigorous
The like Images of men.
Tellamons, that shoulder up
The frame of time, and their conspicuous troup,
Their generall list once ready for the barne,
Time is no longer: therefore mourne ô mourne,
Thou desolated age; and now behold,
Me thinkes the hollow clouds already roll'd
Like a bes [...]ubber'd Turbant round about
Thy passionate brow; and now they lavish out
Innumerous teares.—
Yet herewithall reflect
And lay thy griefe so right, that it detract
Not ought from Harrington, or seeme decreed
For what becomes of him. 'Tis true indeed,
That death is to the course the carnall man,
A dismall vision; irefull, cold, and wan;
A ghastly shape in chaines of darknesse ty'de,
And hung with poysonous damps: but was a bride,
A morning star to him; and came as drest
With precious sequells as the gladsome feast
Of conscience argue might. The worldling cryes,
O whither am I summon'd? why these eyes
And all the Ports about me rotting up,
Must now be loathsome jelley, stench, and roap
[Page 8]With pu [...]rid wormes; nay since the charnall-house
Cryes Give and still for more, some flindermouse,
Or base
The Wees [...]l.
Galanthis, or the ratts may reigne
At length within this scull. And then againe
My dearest soule what shall become of thee?
And whither must thou now distrac [...]ed be
To frivolous atoms, and so lost among
The wandring windes? or shuffled else ere long,
Into some beast of burthen, or of prey?
Some drugging Asse, or cruell Tyger? nay,
(Still frighting more) our Papalins will tell
Of sulphurous
Of old Hecta.
Heclefort, of
Heretofore Aetna.
And other such, where many a peccant soule
A flye bred and living in the fire.
Pirausta-like, does [...]lutter, flye, and crawle,
And frie in rigorous fire; or yeelding these
Even all exploded, hell it selfe will seize
And justly swallow thee; woe worth the day
In which I was conceiv'd. Loe thus I say,
The carnall man ends like a butcher'd swine,
And full of noyse; when faith is so divine,
So clungly anker-holds, and fastens hope,
As even Addoulces Death, with all his troope
His Regiment of terrors; sin alone
Gives him a Dart, a sting, else has he none;
By sinne is Death arm'd like a Iudge severe,
With rods and axes, else that welcome were,
As when the loaden sky with moysture fills
An upland meddow; Tis not death that kills,
But deadly sinne; A Saint may like a Swan
Sing out his last breath; the regenerate man,
Even in a Lions teeth departs in peace,
[Page 9]And shall we then bewayle this Lords decease,
As one we have not hope of? O when I
Must pay the [...] of nature eke and dye,
Be my last end his: let me close my race,
And fall like an impleat Rose-water-glasse,
That breaks with a perfume.—
His practice here
Was not (as is imply'd before) at deare,
And lamentable values, to possesse
A late experience; 'twas not up to dresse
Aethiop's in Pearle and Purple; to proclaime
Oppression justice, impudence to name
Assurance; or be tether'd in the looks
Of Dalilah or Dinah: these are books
Exteriorly how gilt, how neatly bound,
Yet loose and guilty. 'Twas not being gown'd,
And full of reverend Badges, to sell out
Yet by retayle, what office late he bought
By whole-sale; nor was it to put away
The Mistresse for the hand-maid; to betray
His calling to his sports; (and now what store
Of Gentry have we, not intending more
Here upon earrh, then the Leviathan
Affects at Sea, and lavishly therein
To take their pastime?) Last of all, 'twas not
With [...] wicked worlding casting in his lot,
To feed impertinent Apes, luxurious swine,
Or fawning Dotterels, that each designe
Of greatnesse sooth and second will; aye me!
How have I seen a sweet Rose-mary-tree,
Drop'd with his Wood-seer; water-Lillies known,
While flourishing in Rivers high and grown,
[Page 10]Hung with these Cod-worms, that if drought exhale
The moysture once will boggle off, and fall
From whatso-ere to curry with the streame.
But none of these, no such opprobious beame
Was in this Barons eye; and where indeed
A Dathan, or a Dives may be say'd
To dye, and dye the death; our Harrington
But onely fell asleep, but rests upon
His bed in safery; then, I say, direct
Thy blubber'd eyes so right, they but respect
Thine own distressednesse; complaining not,
Nay nor somuch as squinting once, at what
May become of him; to weep a rill,
Or through a river thus, why yet they mill
But lavishes his water, but mis-pends
It at the floud-gates; and then only grinds,
If teares bee seasonable, not slatter'd out
In a preposterous manner, and about
Irrequisites. Here widely to set ope
A doore of griefe, as if the door of hope
Were double lock'd and barr'd? Why but denote
When after raine some curious flower-pot
With Roses, Gelsomins, and sweete Brire,
Is animated, how it does inspire
The circling roofe; or as a rich perfume,
In curles and eddies, issuing from the wombe
Of some Illustrious Agat, does intrance
And ravish all the neare circumference
With fragrant Odors; so while here conversing,
His soule was nobly
A metaphor from the collet or beazel of a ring which is that part of it, wherein we set [...]estone.
colleted, dispersing
Such holy acts, that who but still reports,
With what successe he dayly troad the Courts▪
[Page 11]Of his Creator? Yet 'tis common now
To meet theere but as Doves, and Sparrowes do.
Who but how faithfully he could confine
Civill respects how plausive, to devine,
To realls, semblances; and hast thou found
An object, though like Ops with turrets crown'd,
Nay rendring Citadels; if it becalme
And slack the sayle of goodnesse, 'tis a balme
How seeming pretious, yet that breaks the head,
And bar it by and mayne; set nor thy bed,
Thy Mammons bushell, nor delicious board
Vpon thy candle, these like Iona's gourd
Are quickly worm-eaten: no let me sway
Thee to this pattern here, and who I say,
Who but while others spent their time, may cyte
Our Harrington redeeming it? what wight
(How partiall) to the most, and with the best,
But must preferre him? call him touch and test?
A web where Pallas left in warp in woofe,
Her rosie fingers; one that clove the hoofe,
That joyntly chew'd the cud; and since approv'd
So paragon a piece, that was remov'd
The sooner hence, promoted from his lease
Of life more expeditely, to possesse
The fee design'd him, though a while suspended
In Nubibus
'Tis true that some incended
With terrene Objects, (will forsooth) conclude
Of life by many years, by longitude
Nor ayme profundity; they Nestor praise,
And his three ages; emulate the dayes
Of old Methuselah; and this assise
[Page 12]So higly valued, tacitly replyes
Vpon our Harrington; but take thy will,
Contract still with the Creature, bandy still
For terrene complement; I worlding, line
Thy selfe with pulpe, with marrow, wash in wine,
And freely jove it; yet when all is done,
Or elevate this earth above the Sun,
Or all beneath is vanity. Nay keep
In mind my premonition, when thy sleep
Is broken at the smallest chirping bird;
When once the
Ecclesiast. the 12. 6. Paraphrased.
marrow, that same silver cord,
Distemper'd is, and slackn'd; when the thin
The golden piamater, shrinks within
Her ruinous scull, leaving it bare and voyd;
The kidneyes and the reynes (as wheeles imploy'd
From vena cava's Cisterne, to convey,
To distribute her nutrimentall whey)
When they lye crack'd and comfortless; when these,
And other symptoms threaten stranguries,
Stopping of passages in the bladder.
Ischuria's sad, and all our terrene blisse,
Like a faire Iordan to be swallow'd is
By mare martuum; then the tedious race
Of many years, congested also has
A sea of sin; then cautious Solomon
Petion'd not extent of time, his boon
Was wisdome only; then the sole dimension
Imparadising us, is that intention
And depth of life, religiousnesse; how long
We bustle here avayles not; Then his tongue
Who keeps from ill, his lips from any guile,
Does good, and followes peace; 'tis he the while
That loves to live, partaking happy dayes.
[Page 13]And since our Harrington exployted these
With such integrity, let me be bold,
Though giving a nefarious life (how old)
But spans and inches; his to measure yet
By miles, nay many leagues, for such was it
In depth and piety; to reckon his
A wedge of obrise gold, when Lamechs is
How tedeously continued, but a bar
Of garlick iron: then againe infer,
That since thus expeditely fully summ'd,
Nor won with such an age so sin-benum'd
Longer to peece, he hasted hence to heaven,
His everlasting mansion.—
And how given
To leasings over, are the men who there,
Will situate (forsooth) a Bull, a Beare,
A Goat, a Scorpion, or a sort of grosse
And dirty
The Hyades, or five stars in the head of Taurus, so na­med, because fore-tokening foule weather.
Suculae? when the morose
Orion, or Calisto hot has spent
A sensuall life, yet to the firmament
Who basely cry their little goodnesse up,
Rewarding it with stars? nay take the troop
Of all our Ethnick Sages, if we cite
Even Aristides, far is he too light
Vpou the weights, and but a sounding brasse,
A tinckling Cymball. Leave we then to passe
Such improprieties, reforming now
A Crown of Stars, given her by Bacchus, and Patroni­mically so na­med from Gnossos, the chiefe City of Creet.
Gnossian Crown, from Ariadnes brow,
To high and holy Hesters. Let us call
Medusa's head, Goliah's; and withall
The Perseus weilding it, a David. Grant
A configura­tion of fixed Stars.
Asterisme to Sampson. Plant
[Page 14]The Virgin-mother, in that glorious chaire
Of Cassiopeia.
Some will morall him for Wisedome and therefore in such grace with Iupiter.
Berenices haire,
Chang'e into that which wip'd our Saviurs feet,
To Mary Mawdlins. Nay that exquisite,
So gifted, worldly-wise Ganimdes,
Yet since an Ethnick as the rest of these,
And wanting the mayne principle; dissever
From his faire constellation, and for ever
Hereafter call it Harrington. Our sphear
Should rather only Cristian be, should weare
But sanctifi'd inscriptions; relish but
Such Harbingers, as write the names without,
Of such as lodge within it; and for one,
That likewise of Illustrious Harrington.
Nor does it hinder his beatitude,
Though now asunder taken, and unskrew'd
Some little time, since 'tis but to be drest,
Be polish'd more; and often thus in quest
Of trim, and properties appertient,
Do plighted lovers part, with smarter hint,
And rituall celebration, to bestead
Their after-nuptialls. I, we justly plead
His crosse, his crown; his terrene dissipation
His endlesse comfort, even the generation
Of glorious habitudes. For loe there is
A right-hand-path, (the beauteous feet of peace
Are dayly measuring it;) there is I say,
A path unparallel'd, a right-hand way,
(The sumptuous allyes
Pseudo Bassian made
Of gold and silver filings, were but lead
To this and meerely refuse;) such a blest
Ascent there is, (incomparably drest
[Page 15]With radiant spangs; with many a glorious Ouch
Engraven and figur'd sumptuously, by which
We climbe our endlesse comfort; to the wight
Incorrigibly vicious, tis as straight,
As much extenuated, as needles eyes
To Cables, nay to Camels; but who wise
As Serpents are. and Dove-like innocent,
Find it againe so vast, of such extent,
They travayle up in triumph: Thus, we read,
Both Enoch, and Elijah likewise did;
And the luciferous trayle, so held by some,
For a Mosaick work, of many dimme
Inferior Astericks; by some decreed
A Galaxia, dappled thus and dy'd,
When petrish Juno suckling Hercules,
Bespilt her milk; yet some againe professe
For Le Chemin Saint Jaques, for the track
Saint Jeames ascended by. and now to crack
This into kernell, when our Harrington
Was re-demanded; when his soule, that shone
Like a sweet Virgin-taper, gather'd was
From out the precious socket; thus, ô thus
By this same right-hand passage, in the spur
Of some spirituall Chariot, Aethon far
Transcending and Eous, nay the top
Of Jacobs Ladder, and inducted up
Above all heavens: it there with relaxation
From earthly toyle, injoyes an inchoation
Of immarcessible so glorious blisse,
As even the most elaborate Romances
Deciper not.—
His other reliques borne
[Page 16]When to the grave, fell also blest, like corne
Into good ground; nor such as when they dyed
Shall rise againe, but even a purified
Spirituall body, and withall for ever
Immutable. As when a precious River
From weaving montley to the meads, and wreaths
For the sweet Nayades, his body sheaths
Within some cave, some
A Cave in Somersetshire, out of which issues such a streame, as not far from it drives a Mill.
Ookey, groping thus
By subterranean, and caliginous
Meanders many a furlong; as the while
Since washing and transpiercing many a pile
A medicina­ble earth found in Lemnos, and also about Blois.
terra sigillata, Samian
A white and glewie kind of earth good a­gainst poyson.
Snail-like windings.
Lima [...]ons and Mazes, eating way
Through severall hidden Mineralls, and veines
Of rich and medicinable Oare; attaines
By this contraction greater value, thence
Evades againe of far more excellence.
Or looke how sweet Alpheüs, having bred
Innumerous Olives, hides his holy head
Beneath the ground, and as if heaven were won
Alone by
The military word for cut­open, or un­derminig from sapper franco. is
sapping, closely burroughs on,
In darksome uncouth hollowes wandring far,
And many a tedi [...]us mile; till lastly neere
Declaim'd Olympus, (and whose procerous top
Is sung the gate of heaven) he flourish up,
And cheerly rise againe; loe thus refin'd,
Thus happy shall his reliquies open rend
The grisly grave. O Death where is thy sting?
Where Hell thy victory?—
Nay still to wing
His exaltation, at the generall doom,
When these two moyts must againe become
[Page 17]Consolidate, be made a building pure,
Immortall, just, and as the Cynosure
Refulgent; then behold his blessednesse
Shall full and perfect be; his Crown possesse
Delices without crosses; joyes still green,
Still mellow; such as neither eye hath seen,
Nor heart conceives. The Iugler Mahomes
Does among other ravings, distribute
Indeed a kind of future Lubber-land
To his Heroës; if I must expound
It more at large, where all our terrene parts,
Demand their circular, their second Arts,
To flourish by; their winter to devoure,
Deglutiate Autumne, melt his furniture,
To kerne, to sow it, till from hence succeeds
Another spring; yet in this place there needs
No winters help, and trees are alwayes clad
With fruit both ripe, and green, and in the bud,
And likewise in the blooth. He dreames, I say,
But some voluptuous
A Country South-East from Merico, & so beautifull, that the Spani­ard calls it Ma­homets Para­dice.
Had after death; nay by that chip of old
Poëtick Virgil, the so high extoll'd
Hesperian Orchard, has he hewen him out
A carnall heaven; in which (forsooth) no doubt,
But vertuous men sit upon Carpets rich,
And under trees of massie gold, with much
Affection court their Paramours. Alas,
How Scarab like, and in a silly place,
Does this impostor flye? how seek to win
But sense, and titilion; things wherein
Ignobler creatures, even the Hawke, the Hound,
Nay very Vermin, oftentimes are found
[Page 18]To have precedency. Well miscreant,
Let Grill continue Grill, let him content
Himselfe with draffe and offall; yet for us,
We hope a glory consentaneous
To spirituall bodyes; such as we may rather
Possesse in future, then in present either
Relate, or in our narrow hearts conceive.
Yet with submissive modesty to drive
A blisse so heap'd, and shooke, and running o're
Still further home; when time shall be no more
The severall elements with fervent heat,
When once dissolv'd; with noise and terror great,
When heaven is past away, and he that here,
Was so malignly pierced, shall appeare
Among innumerous Augels; when the last
Impetuous braying trumpe, has open cast
All graves, and sepulchers; asunder wrung
Each sheet of Lead, supplanted every clung,
And Iron sleep; when loe the great assize,
The finall endlesse doome, that multiplyes
So many wonders, once is consummate;
And God has burnt the cockle, brought the wheat
Into his Grainer; then our Baron here,
Shall as the firmament be shinie cleere;
Nay like the stars: then locally remaining,
Among the many holy thousands reigning
In Paradise; he shall enjoye the great,
The reall, endlesse Sabbath. Then impleat
With sacred raptures, he shall cheerly bring
Immortall lauds, a free will offering
To his Creator: rellish that Elisian,
Incomprehensive, beatick vision,
[Page 91]Even of our God himselfe. But here the gaze
At such a glory, does so much amaze,
Oppresse, annihilate my feeble spright,
That I desist; or else againe what wight,
So poorely stupid, but with Peter here,
Would seeke to stay, and Tabernacles reare?


I Must ingeniously profes that though our vulgar Poesie pretend so much to second causes, usually praying ayd of wine and oyle; yet are these insuing, meerely such night-peeces, as for the most part were drawn without either; their contexture succeding only to preoccupate, and forelay the mind from other prejudice; for, after a competence of rest and sweet repose, the Senses being then [Page 22] chained up in darknesse, the mind more intent; and through an aptitude, a brisk­nesse of fancy interposing, the muse then and thus, has often kept me welcome com­pany. On whose behalfe, if she sometime ruffe it higher, prove more airie; yet a Souldiers Tract may be buskin'd above or­dinary, may with some proprietie demand it, and these words of Art, those military dresses here and there inserted. A Poet also has the prerogative freely to follow the propensitude of his Genius; and our lan­guage as supplyed from abroad, is of richer variety for the cadence of either Prose or Verse. Verstegan will indeed upbraid Chau-with it as prejudiciall; and another Ne­therlander, has objected our English to me, for made up of severall shreds like a Beg­gars Cloake; yet will their own Killianus acknowledge the Teutonick also thus en­nobled; and our language is rather by this assistance, a beautifull Mosaick-worke, or the Venus of Apelles, since to render it such a Non-pareille, we have thus enrich'd it, with [Page 23] severall Foreine Jem's and winning features. Briefly, where these may seeme difficult and un-usuall; behold the Margent a present Oe­dipus for their decypher, and fitter is it that that the Page should suffer, than the Master.

G. T.

THE BELIDES, OR EVLOGIE Of that Noble Martialist MAJOR WILLIIAM FAIREFAX, Slain at Frankenthall in the Re­nish Palatinate, when it was be­sieged by CONSALES de COR­DOVA. In the Yeare 1621.

The Souldiers Character.

A Souldier must his enemy prevent
As well by stratagem, as open Mart:
Nestor and Ajax, have the selfe-same Tent;
The Foxes head, march with the Lions heart.
He must be
These had the disciplining of Nero, in his first five years. The one in Arts, the other in Armes.
Senaca with Burrhus, reading
As well as action: these united, fashion
The reall Caesar; when if single, breeding
But Marius, or some idle speculation.
He must be borne of such a happy starre,
That when both strength, and artifice may faile:
(As puzled oft, in the crosse-wayes of warre,)
Yet heaven relieve him, lead him to prevaile.
He must have such a sanctifi'd desire,
A soule so firmly to his Saviour plighted;
That he may meet with death, in bloud and fire,
And all his grimmest postures, unaffrighted.
And if in war to dye, yet so decease,
For justice; that his end, in war be peace.

THE BELIDES, OR EVLOGIE OF MAIOR WILLIAM FAIREFAX, Slaine in the Renish Palatinate, at Frankenthall, when it was be­sieged by Gonsales de Cordova. ANNO 1621.

THou that ignobly doest the muse depaint,
At livery keeping her; for every Saint
Thou hast a candle; every swad how vile,
A flattering couplet; moulting verse the while
As Geesse doe quils, upon each sordid plash
Where thou may'st wallow; for unrighteous cash▪
That canst (I say) relate each hungry erust
By spreading Oakes, and Cedars; when untruss'd▪
[Page 30]Who basely groveling lyes, and bramble-like
Grows at both ends; that doest with myrrh & spike,
Dresse every funerall pot; I charge thee flye
To such, whom blinds, false windows, and the by,
Can only set off; Fairefax disallow'd
These illegitim Arts, nor shall he shrowd
Himselfe among their smoak.—
And now draw neer,
With an impassionate arrected eare,
All you (if any such there be) who take
No truce with Souldiers; you that can embrake
Their value so, twitting with personall crimes
The generall calling; tell me, though sometimes
A Statist have his substituted gin,
Which like a Nunnery-turning-box, winds in
The gifts that come, himselfe the while unseen;
Must all the Classis therefore be with spleen
Prejudicated? since Divines (that be
The Church Snuffers) should be
This accor­ding to some Writers was typically im­plyed by the golden snuffers in Solomon: Temple.
gold, and free
From any base allay; yet when we heare,
Of some againe so leaden, that they feare
To meddle with the flame, permitting it
Vnsnuff'd to languish; shall we therefore twit,
The generall Tribe of Levi? Madly barke
At cleare and happy stars, because some darke,
And inauspicious are? To come to those
That must be pay'd in kind, let me disclose
My dearest Fairefax; who though set so soon,
That both his mid-day, and his after-noon,
With their expected influence were bereft us;
Has yet a blessed testimony left us,
Of martiall goodnesse. As a streame descending
From his faire heads to sea, becomes in trending
[Page 31]More puissant, and fed by many a rill,
By many a pretious brook, so widens still
His Channell, that at length it even surroun's
Whole Islands, drives the trade of populous towns,
Such was his progresse here; and though the blood
Of many an Ancestor both great, and good,
Ran high within his veines; yet thirsting more
Then a reflected value, or to shore
Himselfe with borrow'd crutches up; proceeding
A further course, of observation, reading,
And souldiership; he mounted the degree
Of reall honours. And where some there be
Who lozange-wise, are but of bulk and might
At middle-race; that having all their light,
From sulphurous matches had, stink out at length,
And die like candle-snuffs; from strength to strength,
Our Fairefax dayly grew up, till he crown'd
His actions with his exit. To propound
Him yet more Graphickly, the Cynick bold,
That with his tacite embleme, so contrould
Irregular Athens. meeting such a wight,
Had toyle and Taper sav'd; his ayme was right,
And honest courses; nor by wearing broad
And manifold phylacters, to defraud
Againe with carnall ends; but thus addicted,
He stood in nature: and for these afflicted,
Was resolute and bold, as Rome could vaunt
Fabricius under Pyrrhus Elephant.
'Tis true, that some can polish off their ill,
And vicious ware; nay, I have known such skill
In shadows, that a picture while pretending,
Some Temple faire, with Isles couvexly bending
[Page 32]And running inward, windowes jutting out,
Has still in Plano been: But Fairefax fought
A nobler fight, could not be thus accus'd
Of broken pits, nor other doubling us'd,
Than that of Ranks and Files. Now are we come
To his peculiar channell, and at home
Dimensions best are taken; Reader here
Double thy guards, I doe, arrect thine eare
Yet straighter up; and know though I must yeeld
A spade a spade, nor can Bellona shield
From her debauches; yet our Armies ring
Of some such daring zelots, as out-wing
Those of old Rome. When Bulleine erst led on
His valorous Croysade, as the souldiers shone
With holy fire, each practising to quit
Himselfe, like an abstemious
Daniels chronicle. fol. 84. also Serres in that expedi­tion.
So have we those, the shield of faith preferring
To that of Ajax; double souldiers, serring
The spirituall to the temporall corslet; these,
These are the gems of Crowns; the wondrous seas,
Imbroyling though with storms of blood, and fire,
Where Halcions sing; these are the souldiers, higher
Than Death or Hell, men dwelling in the Tents
Of holy Shem; with these the Regiments
Immortall, and the
The old Ro­mans had a Legion named Fulminatrix, & the Christians under Aurelius were also na­med Legio ful­minea.
thundring bands are fill'd;
These are the Souldiers that are Saints, and skill'd
Indifferently to go to heaven a-bed,
Or in a whirle-wind as Elijah did;
And one of these was Fairefax.
Not to proule
For which at forraine hands, ô say my soule,
With what propension hast thou known him pay
[Page 33]The first-fruits, primer-seisin of each day
And night to heaven? how damask his up-rise,
And then his set againe with sacrifice,
With holy retributes? and thus apply'd
In chiefe to Mary, giving thus the Bride
Her due praecedence; afterward contest
He or shee that attends the Bride, and disposes the nuptiall Feast.
Paranymph, seek Martha; live in quest
Of Arms and Arts. A practise judging those
That ayme but meat, and raiment; but disclose
Their age alone by Gowts, or want of haire;
Or as the light melodious Grashopper,
(So like an Ahimaaz, though she bring
Conspicuous tidings, cheerly dance and sing
The joy of Harvest in;) does yet become
To their year-strucken bodyes, burthensome.
Those also judging as impertinent,
That in
Curiosities in trifles.
Micrologies (forsooth) will slent,
And trifle time away; the webs they spin,
Are only Spider-like, and farre too thin
For either sheet, or garment; nay we flush,
That violate whole ages hence, and rush
As fiercely to their wicked wayes, as horse
To battell do; stigmatickly the course
Of time defacing, and his after-head
With often whips and wheeles. Embellished
When oppositely, Fairefax wisely knew
To husband him, to make him moult and mew,
His noblest feathers; 'tis no garish, broad,
No rich materiall plume, but these that boad
Triumphs and Crowns; and reading, observation,
(As with a joynt harmonious indagation
Assisting grace,) are those catholicons.
[Page 34]That purge our Adam; such Icarean pens,
As consequently poynt it to the spheare
Of endlesse glory, which our souldier here
Could witness well; whom that I more
From unfar­dle.
And since we use to set off chains of Pearle,
Precious stones and pearles of an ovall fashion.
Cylinders, by Negroes eares and necks;
So likewise with befitting foyles to mix
The prosecution; this was he, beyond
Exterior Aequipage, who wisely don'd
Compleat armour.
Panoplia; wore his sword, his shield,
Helme, breast, and
Arming pee­ces for the feet.
Supiters; even he that held
The sins at distance, modernly which raigne
Among our Martialists; and neither gaine,
The name of Bacchus, à stre­pitu & clamore.
Bromius, or Venus; nor the rambling heard
Of all their sinfull Sectaries, debar'd
His hope of happynesse.—
To narrow these,
Nay hit the mark; he strove not troubled seas
As some Knights Arrant, who still in the fire
Must Salamanders live; and serve for hire,
Or Bell, or even the Dragon; hunting men
Like Nimrods, and of heart far harder then
The nether Mill-stone is; well Marius, well,
On on, proceed, do, draw thy sword and fell
Vnder this the Kings of Eng­land & France used to parley, till it was cut down by Philip the fair.
Gisors blessed Elme; with
Clubs with long pikes in them.
Impetuous canonads, and fierce Petars,
Keep Janus Temple open; issuing thence
Out-ragious murther, [...]allow pestilence,
Cleannesse of teeth; and others: yet ere long,
Astonishment and trembling, shall be wrung
Out likewise, as the portion of thy cup:
Nay thou shalt rankly quaffe confusion up,
[Page 35]Even Dregs and all.—
Still that our Boute-feus
Dissected further be, for borrowed shewes
Of edge and valour, he consulted not
Intoxicating Bacchus, waters hot,
Or rotten Reliques; and the Magick
In French, Chemise de ne­cessite, and worne against wounds.
The like also is their Firma­illet.
Inchanted Coller,
Psiny gives it this efficacy.
foe-defeating worte
Acheminis, and other such; with zeale
Abominate he could, as but a deale
Of spirituall Paliardise; and who colleagues
Him with such trumperies will gather Figs
Where only barren Thistles grow, and Grapes
Where Thornes alone, and Briars; 'tis to lapse
From the great God of Israel, and enquire
At Baal of Ekron; with diviner fire
Our Fairefax nobly was enrag'd, disdaining
These wicked arts, as while the right maintaining,
Enfeebling it; as only arming but
Ichneumon-like with dirt, that fences not
The fate of war: Nay he could challenge base
A Giant, who still receiving new force from the earth, had his muddy soul shooke out by Hercules in the yare.
Antaus and his earthen ware, the race
Soon broke to shreads; and oft without a fit
Peece left, to fetch or water from the pit,
Or fire from the hearth.—
Next after these
That I may throughly seare, and cauterize,
The moderne pride, like adle wheaten eares,
And starving Hysop of the wall, that bears
The head so perk, so lofty; his milice
How mettl'd, yet was such a modest peece,
As woorded not it selfe upon the last
When loe that empty thundring-tub, the brac'd
[Page 36]Sir
From Passe­volant Franco­is, which is such a souldier as Captains upon muster dayes foyst into their Companies.
Pavolant, himselfe dilates, and tells,
And faces off, in swelling Ses'pedells;
Speakes only Buffe and Cannon; is so fill'd
With Easterne empty wind, that he can build
What ayrie Castles might if joyn'd in one,
Make a new
Vrbs Pensi­lis, a City of Egypt.
Theb's. Alas how have I known
Him march as like the compasse on a Map,
He lightly swallow Kingdomes could, and step
O're Cittadels, and Cities; and in war
As if (forsooth) at every pace, a star
Must be stroke out; How have I known the blade
hat never lodg'd sub
In nudo, non sub tecto.
dio, never made
His bed at Charlses waine, nor knowes to fare
With this root Caesars host lived long at Dyrrachium; some take it for the wild Cole­wort.
Lapsana-like; and yet this Morion'd Hare
Talkes like a Talbot. Thus, Saint
Vide Ceres fol. 356.
The titler swells, till running from within
A threatned Alexandria; when imploy'd
Fougasses. fol. [...]2 [...].
Severin the souldier, does or bide
Victorious on the spot, or else if hope
Perhaps turne Hagard, nobly furling up
Himselfe within his Ensigne, so derive
A glorious winding-sheet. And though we strive,
With rigid industry, loe
A great un­dertaker before danger, but un­experienc'd, Ta­cit. hist. fol. 5 [...].
A statue of wood, a Turk against which some will pra­ctise their wea­pons.
Jaquemard, no supercilious
A counterfeit skirmish, a May-dayes bickering.
Schiamachia, but the reall fact
Can ripen speculation, can in tract
Of time politely quadrate; yet to Gath,
The rendezvous, of those Giants that invaded heaven.
Phl [...]gra, to the sons of
In some translations, the sons of the Giant; in others as here. See 1 Chron. 20. 4.
To the Kings enemies befall, that here
[Page 37]They quit their inland discipltne; and beare
Thou witnesse London, how it magnifies
Thy bars, thy bolts, thy buttresses; how cries
Thy reputation up. 'Tis true indeed,
That where the military
The Dutch word for a soul­diers, stipend [...]s militare.
Sould and seed
Decorted is, our men we reckon trained,
Are only thus ironically fained;
And their abode may justly twitted be
The sluggards garden; but concerning thee
Conspicuous London, and thy martiall yard;
How art thou disciplin'd, I say? how barr'd
With living Palisads? and all successe
Betide thee still, nor drive the premises,
Then that there be degrees of merit; then
To regulate and justly tether men
Within their severall distances; to scourge
Our bragging Meteors, herry stars; and urge
The modest grave Militia, late exployted
By Fairefax.
Now since Candles how so lighted,
Obnoxious oft to bushells are; since hate,
And lip-ey'd envy, seeke to facinate
The noblest peices; since there be, that dare
Calumniate this behaviour, neither care
Disgracefully to challenge it, the cold
Of an inferiour spirit; still unfold
We more our beautious tap'stry, till the pleyt
So much demonstrating his martiall heat,
Be likewise open'd. Or if else we call
Him rich Arachne-work, and cite withall
His faire, his further purfles 'tis indeed
[Page 38]The
Vestis scutu [...]a­ta: the garment wrought with Cobweb-work, peculiar to France.
genuine web of France, and here apply'd
With all propriety, since like a root
Transplanted, and remov'd, to retribute
The doubler flower; our Fairefax also drew
This active ayre: till (having gotten new
Materials once) for Seyne and Rhodanus,
He shipt him to the Fl [...]e, the dreaded
It empties at the Brill, and is of very dange­rous accesse.
Tessel, and barking
The Hound is between Dort & Flush­ing, so named, à fremi [...]u & la­tratu.
Hound; now critick judge
Whether this motion, may decypher edge,
Activity and heat.—
Then to fore-warne
Such eke of wealth and parts, as yet will turne
In their domestick pleasure, like a doore
Vpon the hinges, saying Lyons roare
In forraine wayes; and grant it so, yet God
Is far from
The tutelar patrons of pe­culiar places, as St. Paul for London, Saint Mark for Ve­nice.
ascriptitious, nor abroad
Of any shortned arme; transport thee where
No Vultures eye could ever pierce, even there,
There shall his right hand lead thee: Israel thus,
How puzzl'd in a roaring wildernesse
Was yet in safety; thus adventrous Drake
Could such a fortunate plus ultra make
To Magellane, so beat up both the hot
And frozen Zones, oft with his glorious boat
Doubling the broad Aequator; so be found
The first in cheife, that put a girdle round
About our terrene Globe; the polar stars
Illuminate his
The Heralds at his returne gave him a Fesse-wave, be­tween two Pole-stars.
Coat. Our traffick, wars,
Are thus by noble Sindicks, souldiers tall
Accommodated; or if else they fall
In the pursuit, yet heaven is over-head,
[Page 39]And even in all degrees of latitude,
Impartially propitious. Thus againe,
As far hence as Apollo takes his waine,
And baits his winged horse with spices hot▪
To make their breath more influent; our remote
Sir Thomas Dale, who dyed at Messutapa­tan.
Dale ascended. And in fine,
So Fairefax propping while the Rhenish vine,
(By that sanguinolent Hercinian Boare,
Now given a prey to Foxes;) or before
Some Bafilisk, or
His thigh was broken by a Canonnad whereof he died.
Drake, or Colverin,
Or other such, was elevated in
At those eternall gates.—
As who with skill;
And knowingly his journey manage will,
Does often from the beaten road withdraw,
Or to behold a Stonage, taste a Spaw;
Or with some subtile Artist to confer,
Or famous Scholler; or else to demurre
A while within some Minster, and consider
The Monuments, and Armory: so Reader
Be pacified, if in my pondrous course,
I thus my selfe refresh, and re-inforce,
With change of objects. But descend we now
From running further Bias; from the bough,
Back to the bulke, the body; and so great,
So mettlesome his travaile, such his sweat,
For skill and parts; that (as was touch'd before,)
From the faire continent, so deck'd with store.
Of Vines and Flower-delices; it impell'd
Him to the grumbling Hound, the
Or Texel, a little barren Island nomina­ting the fairest▪ channell for▪ Amsterdam, a staple of▪ the East-Indies.
Tessel fill'd
With Indian rarities; the Maze, the
Belgice V [...]i, another chan­nell for Am­sterdam, and more dange­rous, as vvhere sea men take in guides.
[Page 40]That round imperative, so threatningly
Decyphering his channell.—
These the moats,
This the conspicuous place, where dayly floats
A forrest, thick as antique Lebanon;
The glorious mead, though yeelding neither stone,
Nor almost scruples, where a more compleat,
A paveder
Cr [...]ta, now Candy; by the Grecians thus called of her having 100. Cities.
He [...]atompolis, then Crete
Was ever Mistresse of; and with as high
Innumerous broches, as stupendiously
Charging the lower Region. Here the Burse,
The Common▪weale, ennobling by commerce,
Her Merchants, Princes. This the wily-brain'd
Prometheus, not improsperously detain'd
With after-gaming, not with umbrages,
Held in the hobler-hole; but measuring ease,
By such prevention; every gainest way,
Marching so Jeh [...] like, he can I say,
The most outragious Gennet barnacle.
And this the Magazine, for better tackle;
For his due trim, and manifoldly suited,
To steere a nobler course; that destituted
A France of such a Fairefax, listing him
Among her Brittish aydes.—
Nor of a dim
Inferiour maniple, for if we file
Our emulous Leaders, he that we may stile,
A svvord to sacrifice vvith as also for pu­nishment, and largely taken for any thing fit for severall uses.
Delphick, or the
A broad svvord vvith a double forked poynt.
Chelidonian sword;
A double cheife, and with Minerva stor'd,
As burganetted Pallas; he so crown'd
With proof in
That experi­ent comman­der Sir Iohn O [...]le; vvho formerly had lost one of his eyes in service.
frontispiece, and our renown'd
[Page 41]Our moderne Cocles; he the Leader, whose
His colours were lost at the Roore, after which he dis­played a wat­ched Colours, with this word inserted, Jus­ques Alors; im­plying Re­venge, and the recovery of some other a­gaine from the enemy.
Revengefull Ensigne noble Fairefax chose
To rank him under, distributing there
His day to severall studies; not a spare,
And vacant time, but fairly tricking up
With some contexture. Look as Hondius map,
Or Plantius, more to palliate their extent
Of empty sea, and wildernesse; present
Here with a labouring ship, there with a whale,
Or Hippotame, and Neptune a cheval
Waving his furious trident; here with b [...] Ruck,
That castell-volant, making such a mock
Of Behemoth; there with a Petagone,
Or Ptolomie, or Strabo, widely known
Cosmographers; all this, I say, to dresse,
And set of their vacuity; lo thus,
Our Fairefax could his voydest time array
With laudable endeavours; and thou gray
Yet desperate Libertine, that doest impose
No tye upon thy selfe; bring hither those
Thy threescore years, here to be disciplin'd
By this
A monstrous bird, attributed to the South­ern pole.
Julus. Let our youth, defin'd
c A prima bar­b [...] lanugine ita dici [...]r.
Familiarly by sensuall appetite,
And wicked wayes, (as being far too light
Vpon the weights,) also derive from hence
A different learning, which in consequence,
Is strength and marrow to the severall bones,
Health to the navell, nay demises thrones,
And glorious Scepters; for entirely thus
Pre-occupy'd, does ammunition us
Against the siege of sin. or must I cleare
[Page 42]It eke by president, our souldier here
Will fitly furnish me.—
Nor was he given
To that excessive Bacchus, branding even
Our Christian armies; tyrraniz'd by those
Debauches, on the soule that oft impose
Such raving inter-regnums. I, behold
As the night-walking dreamer, fancy-fool'd,
And full of sundry crochets, antickly
Here as a brand to light his candle by,
Blowes at a bedstaffe; or else for the doore
Opens the casement; there againe, before
Some casting-bottle, which his groping hand
Meetes in the variegated tap'stry, pin'd
At Hellens silken side, as in a glasse
Stroakes up his whiskers; and still odly thus
Whimsies about the roome; why so disguis'd,
(What if I rather say so bestializ'd?)
Is sence and reason, by that eb [...]ious pest
Now epidemiall; so does it contest,
And foyle and foole their light, to such a snuffe,
As in the socket, even with stench enough,
Lyes drowning out; and for those red-ey'd men,
That adde both drunkenesse to thirst, and then
Thirst eke to drunkenesse; that draw on sin
With shooing-hornes, and cart-ropes; these as in
The dangerous pathes of death, and set'ling oft
Vpon their lees he shun'd.—
Nor could the softe
Insidious Dalila, though she deprave
And cauterize, some to fed horses slave
[Page 43]His noble soule; this is the witch indeed,
That with her pretious balme, so breaks the head;
As Nauplius, when Ulysses fleet was tost
Vppon the barr'd, inhospitable coast,
Of his Euboea; brighted all the night
With fiery beacons, scatter'd crescet-light,
As joyntly woobegone, and hailing in,
To safe land-lock, and harbour; yet againe
But rocks, and scyrts, so paying, that the leake,
And weather-beaten bothoms, with their wrack
Spread all the Hellespon [...]; lo thus, and thus,
Does Sathan juggle, ruinating us
VVith his false fires; I, thus the Lady lust
Deales with her confidents, their carnall trust
Betraying so, that at her feet, a throng
Of broken Scepters, Swords, with many strong
And mighty men, like ribs of Argosies,
Lye split and scatrer'd; when by turning these
To B [...]yghes and Sea-marks, Fairefax wisely left
Her cleane to lee-ward, bore up with his swift
Snug bothome still a-head; and let our old
Com-rades, tell if [...]his draught, this modell, hold
Save the true lines, and shadowes.—
Not his speech
But season'd was, & where some mouths with beach
Old Iron, any riffe-raffe loaden are
Like Mortar-peeces; yet alas so farre
Insensible, that this uncloven tongue
Is vaunted farther gracing; draffe and dung
Their portion be, reserving Pearle alone,
To those whose breath is like Zephyrus, strowen
[Page 44]With Violets and Roses; nor descends
To bark out Oathes at heaven, nor rudely rends
The Fig-leaves from our shame.—
But O be tough,
And true my shield, for still incens'd enough
Comes envy hurtling on; and now she cryes,
Away with these your whitely, your precise,
Your inkhorne precepts; tush we must conclude
The souldiers mark, his height, his latitude,
By a brave peremptory rage, by skars,
And garments roll'd in blood: yet
A monstrous Indian beast, very ravenous after humane flesh.
And Tygers then are as imbrew'd, as even
The Crimmest Tartar; No, but thou hast driven
A brutish paradox, and in despite
Of all thy malice, worthier far the wight
That rules his spirit; with the former sins,
That nobly can dispute; then he that wins,
A populous City. Is it true indeed?
Must then a souldier, be the swelling seed
Of tyrannous Anak? be with pride as hung
As with a chaine? put violence and wrong,
On like a garment? must we seeke his worth
In precipitious boldnesse? how has earth
Then lost her noblest sons? why sing we not
Giants which the Poecs say fought against heaven.
Enceladus, and Alm [...]ps? with the knot
Of mighty Hunters, heretofore that durst
So combat heaven? nay, rather let him first
Be truly pious, change to
Of these see Jer. 35.
Check Madam
It imports an indifferent ri­fler either of friend or foe. See La N [...]v [...]. fol. 8 [...].
Picorcè; for base indite
Ea [...]h bloudy-minded Lamech, scambling not
The sword at large, so limited to cut,
[Page 45]At such a narrow threed: let him be wise
And pious first, and how shall one surprise
And chase a thousand? how shall two, convert
Ten thousand men to flight? a souldier girt
To battaile thus, so farre out-wings dismay,
And evill newes, that neither hills of prey,
Mountains of Leopards, nor depth, nor height,
Nor things to come, nor present, but his faith
Will bravely buckle with; when let the beast
That perkes his impious head, and makes a jest
Of martiall sanctity; that speakes so lowd
Of Ruffi [...]n boldnesse; let him cite the proud
(d) Porphirio, and his fierce Gigantine [...]out,
a The Gene­rall of those Gyants that heretofore in­vaded heaven.
That heretofore for missive weapons, fought
With burning Oaks, and Mountains; yet their grosse,
Even at the braying of (e) Silenus Asse,
b This befell it (say the Poets) when they sought to scale heaven: imply­ing th [...]t the bouldest wick­ed, are yet full of panick fears.
Is often baffled.—
Neither speake I this
To paliate ought in Fairefax, more remisse,
And over-flaxen; but alas the while,
False principles so fop us off, we stile
Night Sun-shine, darknesse light; and many a dish
Of Serpents, and of stones, for egs, and fish,
Deglutiate so; that seeing thus our horne
Layd in the dust, I needs must cry Returne,
Returne ô Shulamite.
It trenches not
Vpon our Fairefax, nay we find him hot,
Even in the highest places of the field;
Look as the Scythian Arar [...]s, with milde,
With silent woolen feet, goes creeping on;
[Page 46]And not the poorest whelk, or angry frown,
Vpon his gentle surface, till when pent,
When shackled in the boystero [...]s rocks, and rent
Among the hornes of fearefull precipices;
And then indeed he swells up, bellowes, hisses,
Turnes into fatall whitle pooles; yet againe,
As soone as once evaded, grows serene,
And in the Champian mildly trends along;
Such was his disposition. Nay how young,
How tractable, how calme, yet netled once,
And over-roughly handled, his responce
Like flint, when iron-chidden, ready fire;
A City of the Rhenish Pala­tinate, at the siege of which by Gonsales de C [...]rdua, captain Fairefax was first in unequal opposition wounded, and after slain by a Canonade.
Frankenthall, though long in poore attire
Peeping, and muttering low from out the ground,
Yet now beare up againe; nor is thy wound
So desperately deep, but he that brings
Reliefe, and healing, underneath his wings;
That never wants a Gilead full of balme,
For his elect; shall turne thy wofull shalme,
Into the merry pipe; ere long refine
Thy sackcloth into beauty; Courage then,
Beare up, I say; and even for justice sake,
Here like a Trumpet lift thy voice, or speak
Else in a louder key; thou witnesse wert
Of his high thoughts, of his audacious mart;
And fever-strook at the so dangerous quest,
Thou saw'st when hand to hand, he fiercely prest
His strong immur'd foe; Those honour'd wounds,
From hence translating him, (while by their hounds
So many like Acteon eaten be,)
Thou canst declaime; and lastly 'twas in thee,
[Page 47]That he so fell asleep, and hence was borne,
Like a well yeelding shock of finest corne,
Into the barne. Does every truth require
Two or three witnesses? then what if here,
I likewise reckon up th'encounter rough,
Captain Cos­mo Fernandes and Mr. Iohn B [...]dels, who were their se­conds, gave a very daring te­stimony of them both
combat he and Welby; but enough,
Enough of this, and he that will report
Such illegitimates, must do it tart,
And cuttedly; then could I further tell,
How this exasperate inter-shock, befell
In their first tyrociny, even his bud
But newly putting open, and conclude,
But yet enough I say; for even the touch,
The glance already given, imports so much;
That envy still thy clack, detraction lay
Thy hand upon thy mouth; and by the way,
Having first interceded, with the great
Redundance of a lofty youthfull heat,
For these delinquents, as a plea may slent
The trespasse somewhat off.—
What virulent
Above the gall of Aspes, and crying sin,
That Nero nevcr dreamt of, Catiline
Durst not have perpetrated, has bin found
By our late
Inventers of new and mon­strous lusts.
Spinters, that we must compound
For it, with such a sea of civill blood;
Who has so cast the stone, like
These com­fraters by the plot of Pallas were at the vio­lent casting of a stone a­mongst them▪ [...] imbroyled into such a mutuall ▪ slaughter as be­came their o­verthrow.
Cadmus brood,
That now we reek with mutuall slaughter; nay,
Interpret civill sharp, for but to play,
2 Sam. 2. 14.
Abner heretofore. How do we doat
Thus on the frenzy duell? but begot
[Page 48]With Efts, and hideous Shriech owles, in the ruble
Of heathenish amphitheaters; a stubble,
Now valued corne; a carnage foysted in
At first, but classick now, and thought to spin
The web of honour. Say ye martiall brood,
He flew To­umnus, Gene­rall ot the Tus­cans, in single opposition.
Cossus, what
He wonne se­verall military Crowns.
Dentatus e're allow'd
This fury? here alasse no Civick Crownes,
No murall Trophies gotten; this renownes
Nor with Ovatiou
These were for victories gotten vvithout any grrat dāger
Triumphs, nor with [...]ich
Of Ferin, to carry; and being carryed by the conquerour, as an offering to Iupiter.
Feretrian spoyls; let him that needs will pitch
His Tents with Kedar, and perversly shed
The bloud of war in peace; that being led
By savage custome, dare provoke the wrack
Of an upbraiding conscience, with her black
And broken slumbers, let him on; perhaps
Heaven may be weary, or want thunder-claps;
Tvvo hils of Thes [...]aly, vvhich the old Giants projected to pile upon each other, till they scaled heaven.
Pel [...]on else pyl'd upon
Tvvo hils of Thes [...]aly, vvhich the old Giants projected to pile upon each other, till they scaled heaven.
Ossa, may
Conceale him and his red sins at the day
Of judgement, let him on: but you that are
The true Heroes, bravely bidding war
As well to sin as Spaine: you that in list
Will be with Saints and Angels, under CHRIST
Our * Princely Michael; O so learn to
Dan. 12. 1. Braking of Artillery, is the planting or le­velling of it.
The divine Cannon, that at length it shake
This Moloch down, whose bloudy rites so cry
To heaven for vengeance; vent your courage high,
Vpon the generall foe; loe then are skars
The Trumps of fame, and stick a man with stars,
If thence brought off; by cartell aske repaire,
And in campe closse, of such as quarrell dare
Your harths, and consciences; when these shal threat,
[Page 49]When these give on, then let your noble heat
Disgusted be, then take the poynt; a veine
If emptyed thus upbraids not; to be slaine
With my dear Fairefax thus, is up to roule
The corps in Trophy-work, and gain the soule
A palme in heaven.—
In fine that I may do
As Painters in their curious Portraits, who
The face deliniated, are wont in close
To set the hand, charg'd with a booke, a rose
The ring of many hoopes, one of which we let hang as a remembran­cer of any thing.
Sovenance; his open was, a bearing
Of faire construction; a misterious wearing
The goods of fortune; and if such there be,
These were souldiers, hol­ding what ere they could seise on to be good prize. Whence the word was after taken for a theife.
Brigands, as will shave, nay basely flea,
The poore that fight for Sion; I, and this
Even to the teeth of death, as if their peace
Were made with him and hell; be Fairefax set
As opposite to these, to flint, and jet,
As snow and thistle-downa, whose open hand
could manage thus (I say) and so befriend
himselfe with our unrighteous Mammon here,
And Critick what remaines, but thus my reere
Being brought up, now likewise thy reply
Vpon the premises? tell if mine eye ▪
The Grae [...] were said to have but one eye, which at home they layd by, only using it abroad: A taxe layd upon such, as (neg­lecting their their own) are only busiein o­thers actions.
Graeaen-like incurious, doft at home,
Pragmaticall abroad; or there become
Like eyes in water, doubling the dimension,
Of weeds and pebbles; if my reprehension,
Straine Gnats, or swallow Camels; then againe
Doe thou the like, reporting not the maine,
By some peculiar ravings; let not hate
[Page 50]At randome taken up, extenuate
The worth of souldiers; passion so mis-leads,
Prestigiats the senses so, that reeds
Have been reported spears,
This at the Duke of Sa­voyes on­slaught upon Geneva, Sertes.
and trees for men;
Collect thy selfe (I say;)—
Nay rather then
To mis-repute our Mars, the belts restore,
The Medals, leases,
Daniels Chro. 40. & Heywards Ed. the 5. 114.
titles, heretofore,
And ( b) Feifs awarded him; and touching these,
How often are they got by fucusses,
By sin, and subtile artifice; the slye
Tertullus Parrot-like, will clamber by
His flattering beak; Seralio hopes to find
A fortune, in his new made
Sports and wagers inven­ted to winne kisses.
I, such as are devoyd of swinke, and sweat,
Whose Trophies but
Salmatida [...]olia: meta­phoricall bor­rowed of the [...] ̄ff [...]mīnat river Salmacis.
Salmatidan, why yet
Are shuffled often into price and place;
When if we shall annex the souldiers case,
How sustinently prostrate at the
Coucher a l'­enseigne de lesto [...]le, to lye without doors.
Does he chalk out his bed, nay make it there
Amid the fiercest winter; who so driven
With horrid industry, to combat, even
The rivers, mountains, precipices, rocks,
Meteors, and rigid aires; what inter-shocks
Has he with hunger, thirst, contagion? here
A messe of Spartan
Of this homely stuffe see Plutareh in Lycurgus.
broth, is all his cheere,
Or else a Dogs, or Asses head, and bought
Thus Treme­lins renders it; which if the common She­kell be valued at 5 groates, comes to 6l: 13 s. 8 d.
eighty silver shekels; there for drought
He like a
Being dispro­portionably hot by nature, it affects him to suck in the coole aire.
Dragon yawnes, and well the man
Who from a course, a dirty
A drinking cup, so colou­red that the eye could not distinguish of [...] and muddy [...] in it, and the gro [...]nds sticking fast upon the invvard belly ribs therof.
Cothon, can
[Page 51]Relieve himselfe; what shall I say? his plant
Or little yel­low milfoyle, in Latin Mili­taris her [...]a, be­cause good to cure vvounds.
Yarrow, sole for wounds; or we may grant
Him the
The vvhite Thistle, vvith vvhich Charles the great used to cure his souldiers of the Pestilence, and therefore named thus, Quasi Carolina.
Carlina Thistle, to correct
His rabious Fevers; nor must it deject
The souldier, though surrounded with a rout
Of cuttings, searings, pests; and when from out
The hurlement of a well foughten-day,
Some such as meritorious Fairesax, may
Come off all pargetted with bloud, and dust,
All over grisly gules; will it be just
To rank him with the former? must onr bloud
Decry'd be to Zacheus bags? abrood
Familiarly so spurious, so begot
By forged cavillation? nay denote
It with an omnious coale, the souldiers trade,
Is like his Pike, so plaine, and weltlesse made
That each profest Immarinell, may bolt
Himselfe out for a Tactick; and the Colt
Of very
Marvins Maro.
Mordant, and Bucephalus,
Thrasonickly be thunder'd, till he thus
Encroach upon our bread.—
That I propound
It neerer yet to heart; behold a sound
Of waters from the North; of many wrongs
So palpable, that Mattan there oppugns
In our late Translations Ioshua, Zach. 3. 1.
Jehoscua daily; then againe at home,
The united Provinces. [...] Ier. 46. 16.
Counter-skarp, our outer-works, have swom
Even annually with slaughter; yet we presse
A flattering divination; may distresse
Ship into Britaine? does she not reside
Like (f) Carmel in the sea? and then so [...]ry'd,
[Page 52]So dreadfull, are her many flaxen-wings,
That not the fiercest
The Whale­fish. Psal. 148.
Dragon, but she brings
At ease under her lee: thus heretofore,
The covering
Ezek. 28. 24.
Cherub Tyrus, also bore
Him high upon the like, yet emptied was
Soon after from his vessell, made a place
Of fishers and their nets; and thou that do'st
Secure thy Dortor so, if Neptune boast
Him of our British
So named of the river Gages inn Lycia, and only found there, and in Britaine.
Ieat; or use to wear
A Baldrick of our
Of this see Tacitus in A­grîcola. 189.
Pearle about his bare
And brawny loynes, yet say, will this amount
To side him alwayes ours? was he not wont
To waft the Dane, the Norman? and what are
Our wooden walls, we sole to these referre
The hope of Athens? how is man so skil'd?
Such an
Such a crea­ture as lives indifferently either at Sea or Land, as the Otter, &c.
Amphibium, so to make us build
Vpon a single string? I, this the case;
Our Ancestors were dayly biddeu base
Within the heart of England; driven to fight
Among their hearths, their temples, for the right
Of their fore-fathers monuments, and bones;
And Reader then resolve me, when the stones,
The carved work, the polish'd corners, even
Of our whole Church attempted are, and driven
With fatall Axes, and with hammers at;
Shall we so much (alas) disconsolate,
Deject the
Our Muster-Masters were now generally decry'd as ille­gall.
O that I might
Respecting my peculiar, here recite
Of a sad prentiship, a ten years toyle
In forreign Mars; the marrh of many a myle
Begirt with scalding Iron; sicknesse, want,
[Page 53]Expence of blood, as being conversant
Oft with the King of
Job 18. 14.
terrors; nay from out
His bitter grens, the very grave about
To close upon me, yet recover'd; so
The shepheard sometimes takes a leg, or two,
Or else perhaps some parcell of an eare,
Eve from the Lions mouth; I faine would here
Like an Harpocrates immune my tongue,
And such a note as this, were fitter sung
Far off [...] proxie; but alas my lot
Has been so full of noyse; that wonder not
If thus I therefore interpose, with deep
And many waters; furrows wide and steep,
For Orthodox Religion; and when now
The brawny keepers tremble, strong men bow,
And clouds
Tremelius and I [...]niu [...] expound this of Catarrhs and Catoracts.
return after the rain; when these,
With severall almost
Diseases which dis-in­able action.
Sontick grievances,
Are come upon me [...]-like an armed man;
And nor like
These at the intercession of Iason and Her­cules were re­stored from age to youth again.
Jolaus, or Aeson, can
I moult the
Vernatio the cast skin of ei­ther snake or
Heckle of disabling eld;
Alas the while, why should I be compell'd
Iudges 17. 8. adder.
Micha's Levite, to go sojonrne there,
Where I may find a place; but hollow feare,
And how art thou so woobegone my soule?
So troubled now within me? tush, let all
The promontories, hills, and mountains vast,
Be rudely from the center torn, and tost
Far off to sea, yer this is my defence,
It issues not by chance, but providence.
After which interpos'd Parenthesis,
I now again return to the milice,
And Mille-toyle the souldier; farther still
[Page 54]To presse the consequents, the peace, the weale,
At rough and bloody rates, by these inferr'd;
Or if it seem perhaps too high, too hard,
For my poore narrow faculties; implore
We rather such a Muse, as being more
Polite, and Classick, may with sayle enough
Beare up, and spoane it on, amid the zuffe
Of medling censure. Nay to further force
Our present casting Anchor, loe the course,
The ruggid churle Orion, gotten eke
High into Cancer, still denounces thick,
Indomitable weather; therefore here
From plying in the doubtfull maine, I steere
My weary bark to land.—
If any yet
Impose an Elegiack verse, be set
In close of all, as even my reere of reers;
Let him object, and say, what Panick fears,
What decimation, or phlegrean war,
So perpetrated, that we then demur
Vpon the blisse of Fairefax? is a weake
A timerous Commander under C [...]sar. See his Com­ment.
Causidius slain, or any such, as like
The sinfull Ephraimites, and carrying bowes,
Yet turne againe in battaile; Trent, and Owse,
Are little for a paire of eyes to shed;
But Fairefax in a storme of hissing lead,
And Iron Cannonads, was gathered hence;
His severall wounds, (a precious inference,)
Receiv'd in front, facing the foe; and thus,
When such a soule evades her prison-house
Of flesh and blood, the
An allusion to his Coat­armour, being Argent, a Lion rampant Sable, upon three bars geme [...]ur, gules.
Lion then indeed
[Page 55]Triumphs above his Gemeu-bars, is freed
From Trelisses, debrusings; sorrow here
Were a flat Soelecisme; ungently were,
To mingle Pinks, Carnations, Iuly-flowers,
Harvest with snow; or the prodigious showres
Our black-thorn hatching: therefore hence enforce
It far, and farther also; where some coorse
Is rigoriously pursu'd by Nemesis,
And even with all her snakes; Let us dimisse
It far, and far I say; assevering
Of holy Farefax, that where Angels sing,
He now enjoyes the kernell, omen, spirit,
Of his prophetick Embleme; does inherit
An endlesse requiem. And thus have I built
His monument and mine, though not of guilt,
Guterd or channel'd.
chamfer'd Marble, yet of what may last,
When Absoloms proud pillar lyes defac'd.
Fame mounted on her nimble winge, as high
As well shee might, without impeachment by
The Fierie heav'n; and harten'd on, w th change
Of woondrous Perspectivs,
Engins as asistant to y e hearing as ꝑspectives to the sight
Juvans-aur's strange;
And other puisant engins: heere imployes
Her Trumpetts, her innumerous cares & eyes,
Throughout our generall hemisphere, to tell
The strife of tongu's; the joye the woc befell,
When our supreamest Egle-trussing cheife,
The great GUSTAVUS, of his massie life,
Exanimated was▪ Shee nere has flow'n
Soe highe a pitch before, has never blow'n
Soe discrepant a medley, with soe cleare
A candor forthe; soe y t Benvolio, heere
But listninge well, thou hast y e distant, prime,
Lowde, severall, clashinge passions of y e tyme.

THE EAGLE-TRVSSERS ELEGIE, Or briefe presented EVLOGIE, Of that Incomparable Generalissimo GƲSTAVƲS ADOLPHƲS, The great King of SVVEDEN, who in consequence to manyfold and glorious Victories left his life also triumphantly and laureated, at the famous Battaile of Lutzen, the sixth of November. Anno 1632.

By G. T.

London, Printed 1647.

TO The Right Honourable, and my very good LORD, FERDIN ANDO LORD FAIREFAX Baron of CAMERONE.

Right Honourable;

THe Presse being now to rectefie some peices of mine, formerly mis-recorded, I have likewise added this old Elegie, and long rack'd up in darknesse; dedicating it thus with all propriety, since as relating to that imcomparable HELD, GUSTAVUS [Page 62] ADOLPHUS, what name among all our moderne Worthyes, has so neerely followed, into the spur of his triumphant Chariot, as that my good Lord, which both your selfe, and yours, have so brightn'd with many glorious successes. If either the stile be quarrel'd, for high, and difficult; or perhaps the method, as over-fancied, and unusuall; yet when to handle such a conquering, such a covering Cherub, what if invention straine some­what beyond it selfe; nay though expres­sions also be strange, and even sometimes preposterous, yet was that labor impro­bus of the Latins, a very pathetical peice of rhetorick; and thus also was Godfrey of Bulleines mettle upon mettle, such an elegant soelicisme, as said him able to refine the most stain and, to the most ho­nourable bearing. Let it not therefore [Page 63] intercept your favourable allowance, if I have taken an untroden path, where the common roade was disproportionable; and yet againe, you may please to receive the tender graciously, as being free from all unworthy respects; and with much candor, intending only a discharg of that duty, which all good men owe your reall noblenesse; amongst whom, and such as shall ever ayme at your commands, no one more affectionately desires to be list­ed, then

Your Lordships most humble Servant, GEORGE TOOKE.

THE Eagle-trussers ELEGIE.

CAn Hamath then the great, and populous
Or Ale [...]an­dria.
Turn into rubble thus? must Eurus so
With scatter'd nets of Caterpillets, sup
The flower of Lebanon, and Bashan up?
Is all our pompe, but straw and stuble, blown
Before the wind; ye sons of men take down
Your swelling sayles, call laughter made, reply
To joy what doest thou; howle, ô howle ye high
And mighty Cedars, knowing that your breath,
Is transient also in your nostrills; Death,
Implacably the fairest Eden turns
[Page 66]A desolate wildernesse, to powder churnes
The most
See Ezek. 28. 14.
anointed Cherub; even our great
Gustavus, how invictly whilome set
On his high places, now againe goes lesse,
Acknowledging the worme his brother; this
Victorious Machabeus, (had he been
But a
I [...]a quasi l [...]agavus.
Macrobius, even a Constantine,
It might have trophe'd him,) this chosen shaft,
In his illustrious range, surmounting oft
The highest Eagle; he that measur'd hath
The bridle of our bondage, tyrrannous Gath,
And all her sisters, with a line of woe,
To plunder and demolish; payning so
The bitter rage, the famine, fire, slaught,
In Heydleburge, and others; this devout
In eight mo­neths he took in 80 Cities, Castles, and Sconces in Po­merland, and Mechlenbourg.
Poliorcetes, this high extoll'd,
And eldest son of thunder, now is roll'd
Vp in his leaden sheet; and here so loud,
Oppugning, and tempestuous noyses, crowd
And clash together; such a storme of passions,
Such worlds of
Pleadings, or orations.
Harangs, broken ejulations,
Ignatian shoutings,
A kind of threatning cla­mour used by the Romans, when joyning [...]attell.
Barrits, burning vowes;
Even such a violent combustion ploughes
The Welking, I can hardly keep my wing.
To paraphrase the which, running this string
A little descant.—
Chorus. Hark how Futio cryes
Victoria, Horne is broken, Arnheim flyes,
The Saxonies comply not; Nay this fond
Obstreperous blurt, will boast not having don'd
His armour, yet as loud, as if about
To put it off; And then with many a shout
[Page 67]At our disaster, irreligious Gotz,
His nest of
Of this see fol. 40.
Brigands, his
A Brigade is a body more numerous than a Regiment, sometime as big as two:
Brigado, whets
Againe to blood and rapine; at whose din,
Two towns in Pomerland, which after the Citizens had first been tor­tered & ravish­ed, were plun­dered and burnt by the Imperia­lists.
Vckermound, and Paswalck, peicing in,
Sollicit vengeance; this the Butcher, this
The rigid Arab, sleepst thou Nemesis?
These are the leaches daughters; then they shed
Innumerous teares, without alas our dread,
Alas our dead Adolphus; yet the while
Are these againe so shuffl'd, with a shrill,
And crackling laughter, as some wildernesse
Of thorns were burning;
Monachum, or Combodunum, one of the neatest Cities of Germany, and appertaining to the Bavari­an.
Munchum crying, thus,
Thus would we have it; I, quoth
Angelostadi­um, or Auriapo­lis, one of the strongest pieces of Germany, where the Ie­suits have an Academy.
Now for your copper King; And hear'st thou not,
How furious a
The boyste­rous noise of Armies when in battaile.
Vacarm is joyntly made,
By the fierce Saxon, the victorious Sweed,
The Frank, the Finlander? even how they drown
The world with clamor, make the champion groan
Beneath their prauncings? hear'st thou not, I say,
What thundring Canonads, promiscuous bray
Of ratling drums? or how the
A word of art used by the French for the sound of Trum­pets.
Fanfars rage?
Or how the Fifes? and then what store of fledge
And whistling Lead, with on again, and charge,
And justice, and Adolphus? or how large
A throat, pragmaticall Ignatius sets
Wide open at it? or
The cheife Commander of the Boares opposing the Evange­licalls.
Shwendy beats
The livid aire, with hubbubs?—
Fame. I might stile
The lumber almost deaffing, like to Nyle
[Page 68]Among his Catadups, still adding that
Of Scelestadt or Schlestadt,
Perhaps the correption of civitas-scelest [...], and according­ly situat upon a river named Ill.
With such a bitter brand, of Sainté-Vill',
Eusebia, Urijburge, now so dreading ill
To her municip lawes; of
Colonell Ge­nerall of the Crabbats, or Croats, men of Croatia, the b being added for the fuller sound.
With his Crabats, (or call them else uncleane
Devouring Harpies,) and a passionate rabble
Of clamorous others, disproportionable
To my discourse; besides, if weighing well
The dreadfull medley, what nefarious toyle,
May find a perfect, a continued Passion,
Among these broken ends, with fit relation
Claiming the Muses? so that I should here
Be silencing abruptly, yet my deare
Panaretus, must then thy bitter moane,
Passe as a serpent over-glides a stone,
And with no track behind? why maugre all
This strife of tongues, some lucid intervall,
May now and then perhaps, advantage us,
With thee upon his estimate; and thus,
(The noise even now relenting,) now thou cryest,
Come Death advance thee boldly, wherfore fleest
Thou such a pretious wretch? I, now thy plaints
Are luculent enough, imposing rents,
Sackcloth, and dust, for beauty, dernings up,
Scarlet, and balme Nay with a tedious troop
Of severall prodigies, thou bid'st the rocks
Dissolve like winters Ice; with inter-shocks,
The marine hills, and cliffs be tumbled o're,
Removing Sea-marks, puzling all the shore
With creeks, and Chersonesses; dost enjoyne
A Hill in Over-patz. out of which, th [...] Egar, the Me­nus, the Sala, and the Nabus, run foure different wayes.
Feichtelbourge, augment his weeping eyne
[Page 69]To Poes, and Danubies; the Pyramid
So valuing
This Tower is said to be 578 paces high.
Straesburgh, his aethereall head
Be now shrunk in wi [...]h anguish;
A Lake in Gothi [...], recei­ving into it 24 Rivers, and emptying them all at one mouth, with such a noyse, that 'tis named the Devills head.
Weret rore,
As disimboging even an hundred more
Then twenty rivers; Bid'st unrip the tyles
Of sumptuous
An Hill in the City of Prague, built with many Noble mens houses.
Rachine, thatch now with quils
Of wrathfull Propentines, or pinions rather
By Dragons moulted, and with many a feather
Of rigorous
Alienum to­lens, one of the Harpies.
Aéllo; doest condemne
Her golden-fretted rooms to Ohim, Jim,
Iackals and Satyrs; Blendest all the stars
With flaming
Properly such swords as have endented edg­es.
Vir [...]lets, with fiery sphears,
Ziphii, bla­zing and bear­ded stars.
Xiphius, that his burning brand
Anew he raging, further still protend
To Diadems, and Scepters; and that Sol
Or doffe his golden haire, or in a caule
Of sad and rusty vapours, wind it up,
As relatives apperti [...]ent to the cup
Of trembling given us; and with such a grosse
Of rigo [...]rous prodigies our Swedens losse
To sute and simboll. Then with hideous passion
At the disaster; and in contemplation
Of what may thence ensue, he bellowes out,
Alas, alas the while, what resolute
Bonarges left us now, to counterpoise
The fierce Gran-torto? he that so destroyes
Our Lambs, and Turtles, nay the very Kid
While in his mothers milk; nay children hid
Even in their tender
The skin in▪ which the child at his birth is wrapped.
Seconds; (O my soule,
Oppose, abhorre his secret.) Look when all
A tedious Barnaby, the Wolfe has lyen
In holts, and hollowes, as the shades begin
[Page 70]To lengthen out, to russet every light
Dis-colour'd object, throughly hunger-bit,
He waxes gant and grim; and Sol once gone
To the sea-shingle hence for pearle, upon
His morrow-grasse to melt, rages, and raves,
Barking at Cynthia, tearing open graves,
And sheep coats; and with many a horrid prank,
Frighting the Champion; such, and far more rank
His rage has been; and among mountains rude,
Of ashes, rubble, shatter'd spars, imbrew'd
With Rivolets of gore; loe where the broyl'd,
And crumpled geniusses, of poor dispoyl'd
Cities burnt be the Impe­rials.
New-Brandenburge, of Tyrschin, Budin, Gartz,
Infer as much. And thou regreet of hearts,
Al [...] Mag­de [...]urge, the City of Mai­dens
Parthenoplis, imbroder'd late
With high and bossie work, of Temples great,
Of aquaducts, of guilds, of bulwarks drad,
Burses, and
Places ap­pointed for tryall of Ma­steries, especi­ally shooting the word it self signifying ag­g [...]a▪ But.
Doels, and even as turreted
As Berecynthia; how art thou become
An empty peece in plano, but a roome
For moles, and wormes to cast in? where alas
Thy ruddy virgins now? where all the grosse
Of thy couragious youth, and those thy heads,
So hatch'd with reverend silver? nay which breeds
Excessive horror, even the sepulchers
Of very
The Mar­quesse of On­spach and his Ancestors Tombes rifled by the Imperia­lists; who had done the like also to the Duke of Saxo­nies Ancestors, if not diverte [...] by a ransome of 80000 Dol­lars.
Princes, girt with Iron bars,
And Palezzado's; built of massie, tough,
And boysterous marble, yet are petty proofe,
Against his hungry clutches; O let all
Such impious pillage, rankle into gall;
Be like the gold of Tholouse, or the theft
Of the
Such a Bird, as snatching meat from the Altar, carries a Coale with it to her nest.
Spinternix; but alas who left
[Page 71]To serve this execution? our elate,
Vnparalel'd Adolphus, knew to meat
Him with the bread of tears; to hamper him,
Sometime by force, anon by stratagem,
In some disert unextricable net;
Where like a savage Bull, he full of sweat,
Of swarthy foame, of dirt, and ordure base,
Lay stomackfully plunging; when alas
Who now I say?—
Fame. But here the generall rout
Complyes againe, and in so vast a shout,
With so much horror, rages even to heaven,
Like twenty Babels; that I must be driven
To spar mine eare up, least her silver drums,
Be crackt, or rudely beaten out: Nor comes
Now in my randome, save a jangling farse
Of mutes, and visibles; save to discourse,
The miscellaneous, thwart imagery,
That still Armado-like, within mine eye,
Floats up and downe; and with innumerous sorts
Of postures, mines, patheticall deports,
And ocular relations, up to dresse
This empty cha [...]me; yet as if all excesse
Imply'd inconstancy, the lumber here
Declines already, seising not mine eare
With pristine horror; nay, as climbing up
Ascents, and hills, abruptly often chop
Into low vallies, now it sinkes so much,
That I returne me to the further speech
Of our Panaretus, Or wherefore dreame
I such an ayrie Castle, since for him,
Loe where distended, at the rotren root
[Page 72]Of an old doting Polland, breathing out
His last he lyes; nor flexible to speak,
Save now and then Adolphus; or with weak,
And fumbling voice, perhaps I know not what,
Of death and Sweden; therefore here, my plot
Must be to change the sceane; I, I, so failes
The wind in point, that we must veere our sayles,
And now make ready for another bourd;
Hayle the maine boling there, I so, port hard;
And sweetest Zephire, with propitious store
Of fragrant breath, spur up our boate so hore,
So bright a pace, as Neptune also boast
His Galaxia; for some other coast
Beare up I say, and while we snugly run
Thus on this second tack, behold how soone
The virtuous
The word signifies one that has a shril voice.
Calasaster, fully fraught
With wofull thren's, and now already brought
Vnder our lee, Pathetickly supplyes
Mine eare againe; I hark how still he cryes,
Calas. Comes al our hope to this? and beating then
His wofull breast, why lo the man of men,
Even he whose goodnesse, in his greatnesse sate,
Like Diamonds in gold; and where of late,
So many mighty can alledge but words;
But Abraham was our father, or the birds,
And empty beasts of Heraulds; far beyond
This shell of poor formality, was crown'd
With reall noblenesse; he that could do,
VVhat others but discourse; and oft as two
Or three left Berries, may be found upon
A gather'd Olives upmost boughes, was one
Of our best patterns, nay the most apmir'd
[Page 73]Exemplar left us, is alas expir'd.
O that some chambering Jezebel that toyles
In search of Philters, Cullices, and Oyles,
To polish off the skin, and cock the bloud,
Between him, and the dart of death had stood;
Or some ignoble soothing Polype, who
Can fit his foot still to the present shooe,
How grossely patch'd; or death for him had met
Some purple churle, or hideous monster, set
Within the scorners chaire; these are the thorns,
The Bulls of Bashan, that with tyrannous horns,
So dayly charg us; if decorting these,
We would have sung his dart, hung it with Bays,
And Garlands; but alas the wicked, still
Enlarge their lines; encrease their housholds, till
They be like flocks of sheep; are fully fed
With milk and marrow; Jubal, and his seed,
Ingrosse the Lute, the Harp, they shine as stars
Of the first magnitude: O what deferres
Vnevitable justice? where alas,
In what untrodden rigid wildernesse,
What rough * Cerauniau hills, or sea unknown,
Certain hills of Epirus much torne with thunder.
Is all the thunder spent, there should be none,
For such a base, licentious, execrable?
But softly swift, how with this wicked rabble
Art thou perverted thus? I, hollow hoe;
And wherefore wretched Adam, runn'st thou so
Stiffe-necked a rebellion? darest thou cope
With him, to whom the Nations but a drop
Are of a Bucket? shall what grasse but grows
Vpon the house top, and with which who mowes
[Page 74]Fills not his hand, yet quarrell the decree,
Of him that spans the heavens, and shuts the Sea
Within his fist? shall weak inferiour clay,
Prescribe the freedome of the Potter? nay
Of the Creator? Likewise what if here,
The wicked often thrive, and houses reare
Among their desolate places, till the measure
Of sin be crying full, that they may treasure
Wrath for the day of wrath? why but a while
Attend the sequell, and behold they toyle
In dark, and slippery wayes; thou shalt report
Their blisse a hearth of thorns, whose shine is short,
Whose crackling empty; or but in compare
Like to some upland Torrent; and thus are
The suddaine brooks of desert Arabie,
As soon again exhal'd, fainting the dry
Approaching Caravans. Retract I say;
For though perhaps they bravely bustle may,
And branch it here a while; yet when the morn,
The resurrection comes, to pretious corn,
They shall be chaffe and tares; then shall our high
Gustavus▪ and such other zelots, flye
See the Wis­dome of Solo­mon, chapter 3. verse 7.
To and againe, and passe as smartly thorow,
As sparks among the stubble; then to marrow
With burning Seraphins, to be decor'd
With glorious palms, and crowns, ô hast the Lord,
O blisse without a bothome!—
Fame. Here againe
Our Calasaster swallow'd in the sheene,
Eternall glories, then to be reveal'd;
Is so become extatically seal'd
[Page 75]In silence up, so passionately lyes
Oppress'd and ravish'd; that it shall suffice,
If leaving him, I rather now declaime
The wofull
The word imports an up­right and sin­cere person.
Degen heart; for though at
This was Wallensteins Castle in Mo­ravia.
Imprison'd rigorously, his grief has yet
Such a Cathedrall voice, as at the grate
I heare him cry,—
Degen▪heart. How are we now forlorne
Beyond a comforter? how must I mourne
Like a sad Harp, or loudly howling shalme,
For his interment? he that tore the palme
From all their glorious chiefs, our strength, our stay,
Our royall Sweden gone? be this a day
Of dread, of breaking downe, of crying out
To hills, and mountains; VVho shall prosecute
For any temper now? the rigid ( shall,)
The tyrrannous ( must,) will now demolish all
Our Aequilibrium. Now let
The Bran­denbourgs chief city.
Berlin roare,
And crudle all her faces milk, with store,
Of brackish water-flouds; and thou so toyl'd
Or Segodu­num, a famous Mart towne of Germany, wa­tered with the Peg [...]itz.
Norinberge, annoint the shield,
Enrage thy Counter-scarp with Demi-Lun's,
With sulphrous horn-works; then even he that runs
May read thy perill
The Sa [...]o [...] chief City.
Dresden, therefore call
For Cement, Engineers, new make thy wall
Of toughest Mill-stones; then invenome it
With fiery
The cocks of pieces, so na­med of their serpentine crookedness [...]
Serpentins, with infinite
Both Drakes, and Colverins; see how he layes
For novell Levies, traversing the wayes
Like a swift Dromedary; How recreuts
His schattered traine againe, with bloudy suites
[Page 76]Of
Bohemians & Moravians.
Quad's, and Crabbats; now the rendez-vous
Is made at
Two passes between Pra­gue and Saxo­ny.
Luitmaritz; now Gallas shewes
Vs all his angry teeth, marching the van,
As far as
The second passe.
Ausig; while that counterpaine
Of Caesars fury, that immense, renoun'd.
Walstein, so named of his Dukall City, situate between Bohemia and L [...]satia.
Frid lander, begirt aroun'd
With Rodo-monds,
Such gentle­men of compa­nies, as receive extraordinary pay.
Apointees, Reformad's,
The Spanish doe extol their Cyds, as we our King Arthur or Guy of Wao­wick.
Such as are prefer'd to double pays.
Such as are both born and bred up in the wars.
Epigons, and other blades,
Boasting their chain's, their leases, double payes;
Their Belts, their medalls, and the tortious wayes
Of levying them, while this superlative
Dictator seconds him; and then so drive
A Holsteiner, Field▪ Marshall to Walstein.
Hulke up with the reere, as must infer
A crimson deluge; beat thy breast and roare,
A City in the Palatinate.
Creutz-nach, now the noble blood
Of valarous Craven and others, whilome shed
Among thy breaches, issued was in vaine;
Will like the morning dew, be soon againe
Evaporated, leaving thee forlornn
To thy late Iron furnace; mourne, ô mourne
Thou hopefull Miser
The chiefe Castle in Lyp­si [...].
Pleysenbourge, be don'd
With ashes still, and many a weltring wound
In stead of beauty; tush, his Cuyrassiers
Will quaffe up
Two rivers in Saxony.
Elve and Elster.
Fame. Here with teares
While eke our Degen-heart is suffocate;
Nor his huge Iron voice articulate,
But thickly rivited with many a yell,
A sigh, a sob, that hacks and mangles all
He sayes to Non-sense; I must lightly fleck
From hence againe, declining him, to speak
[Page 77]The mighty thoughts of
The flower­deluce.
Iris; loe her head
As tough and masculinely helmeted,
As e're Minerva's; and like her she hands
A threatning speare; nor cravenly descends
By Swedens expiration to goe lesse,
And leave her wing; but roundly does professe
The side of Iustice; Ganimedes bird
Must render an aecount, for having stirr'd
The coales so furiously; restore a throng
Of glorious pennage, practically wrong
From the pacifick
The Halci­on.
The Red­breast.
Silvia sweet,
The Dove, the
Alias Bird of Paradise; or as the word Ma­nucodiat. sig­nifies in the Moluccos lan­guage, the bird of God.
Manucodiat, with a flight
Of others as deplum'd.—
Iris. Doe doe, recall
Quoth this Virago, (gnashing therewithall
Her angry teeth,) I, doe but reckon up
The times of yore, and many a dismall stoup
Has this indomitable aëry made,
By many a Titian Vulture, many a glead,
My breast dilacerating; on reuenge,
Hang out the bloudy sur-coat; help us change
Our Pikes, to stings implacable; I come,
Anoynt their heads, with fell
An herbe used to poyson ar­row heads and darts.
And then make ready there, advance the shot;
So so, now charge him home; poure all your hot
And hissing lead into his bosome; were
But Swedens Obit to be reckoned for;
Why yet the dearest soules, and essences,
Of manyfold Re-publiques, Cities, Princes,
And mighty Monarchs, in his bosome met
Concentrically; made it their retreat,
[Page 78]Their generall subter-fuge; come then, arise
Thou drad Adastria, draw thy blood shot eyes
Vpon this rigorous brood.—
Fame. But here the late
Impetuous lumber, does importunate
Me deafe againe; so like a multitude
Of many raging waters, every loud,
Each shriller accent drowning; that my verse,
Must now become the second time, a faile
Of mines, of postures, of dilacerate haire,
Hangs wringing, plaudits; many a passionate paire
Of dissentaneous hands, promiscuously
Clapping and wringing. Now must the supply
Be meerely visibles; convitious mowes,
Breasts beaten, gaudy capers;—
Chorus. At our woes,
Lo there a sort of Drablers, of
Of a Bidet, a small Nag op­on which such horse-mens boyes use to follow their Masters.
Cast up their caps, and leap, as if the breese,
The twinging breese, here likewise had imploy'd
Their little Launcets; then within the wide,
The roomthy tarrasse opposite, behold
A pravity of monstrous, manyfold,
Crabats and Courtesans, so likewise set
Vpon the merry pin, and over-heat
With heady draughts, with brimmers overflow'd,
That wildly vapouring into scuffles, bloud,
c Bishop of Wortsbourg, and Duke of Fran­conia, driven out of his Country by the King of Sweden.
And mutuall slaughter; they reflect againe
The drunken Lapithes, and Centaur's, slain
At Hypodamiaes wedding; Yonder looke
How passionate (b) Hasfelt bustles, up to stoke
Whole forrests into Bone-fire; which as fast
[Page 79]The
A countrey bordering up­on the River Mayne, devided into severall Earldoms.
Weteraws sad severall Princes, hast
To quench out with their tears. Nor these alone
Dissolve so much, but see where
Bogislaus, then Duke of Ste­tin and Pome­ [...]e [...].
And eke the
Iohn Albert▪ then Duke of Mechlinbourges.
Mechlinbourger, and even swarmes
Of Lords, and Roytelets, are paying stormes
To Swedens Obit; there behold againe,
A rablement of shavelings tridentine,
(Or we may call it Legion else as well,
For they are many,) there ( I say,) withall
The gods of their Pantheon, high and low;
Even all their Mametry, their Trinkets; how
In a triumphant superstitious file,
(As pleyted as a hedge of thorns the while,
And as extending,) how they roame about,
(May we but ghesse by posture,) shrilling out
to mighty Walstein, who good man,
While our Adolphus dyed a Laureat, ran
Indeed most resolutely. Here aloft
A most stupendious pile, whose aery shaft,
May play with
One of the Canary Islands, in height unpa­paralel'd.
Tenerif, for pike, and place;
The Empe­rors chiefe Counsellor, Duke of Cru­man.
Eggenbourg, in a Prospective-glasse,
Tooting at
Lord chan­cellor of Swe­den.
Oxenstern: then have I found
To lee-ward somewhat,
A Lieu-te­nant colonell under the Swe­de, who run­ning to the e­nemy, was im­ployed by Tilly and the Iesuits to murther him.
Quint and Atè wound
The Iesuites personated by Laines.
Lainez arms; and now they part, and run
Gesticulating wildly up and down,
Like Deere before a tempest; now embrace,
And newly hug each other; now they dresse
Their heads with Laurel, now they posting are
Their many mandats up, for curious fare,
For Pageants, Bone-fires, Counduits running wine,
Garment of Trophe-work, and every signe,
[Page 80]Of an immeasur'd joye; to ballance which,
(And haile thou happy season ushering such
A temper in,) mine eye has likewise spy'd
Where in Campania
One of the just pretenders to the Duke­dome of Saxo­ny, extorted from his An­cestors by Charles the 5.
Weymer does divide
His conquering grosse, now being in the van,
Now in the reere; and on a
A kind of extraordinary Iennet, bred upon the Pire­nean moun­tain.
As Volteger as ever (c( Balius was,
As ever
The horses of Ac [...]illes.
Zanthus; how from place to place
He nimbly flyes, demonstrating right hands
Sent him from
Feild-Mar­shall under the Duke of Saxo­ny.
Anheim; which so countermands
The deaff'ning hurley, with a pang of hope
Becalming some; so roughly swallowing up
Some other in distrust, and suddaine feare;
That farewell Mutes and Visions, now mine eare
Distinguishes againe; and of the low
Dejected residue, condoling so,
So miser-made at Swedens expiration,
Nor to be comforted; does with the passion
Quasi Ware, or Waer-mond verum os. Tom Tell-troth.
Pharamond present us, such an odd,
A Mister wight, so blunt an Antipode
To ruffling mischiefe; that behold his face
All rigge, and furrow; and his limbs alas
So tenter'd out, and torne, with rods, with racks,
Strapadoes, and the like, my bosome akes,
And trembles at it; nay, though Pasher late
Has rent him Sparrow-mouth'd with gagging, yet
He still so lashes out, so renders truth
In all her [...]akednes, that full of ruth;
Phar. Is then, quoth he, our mightiest Sweden dead?
On vengeance, on, or if thy feet be lead,
Yet hast thou Iron hands; ye bloody crew,
[Page 81]And of incestuous
A great flye of four wings, and among se­verall vices, be­ing an Em [...]lem of over hot marriages, such as the Austri [...] Princes use.
Hanit [...]ns; 'tis you,
'Tis you that did it; if we may prevent
Th'insidious brewing brothers,
Captain of a horse-troop. A joynt conspira­tor with Quint, for the murther of Gustavus.
Baptist, Quint;
Why yet fine force shall butcher him. O say,
How being
The sir-name of the Austrian Emperors. See Verstig [...].
Stock by sir-name, dost thou play
The Storke thus in thy practise? is it not
To hallow stocks and stones? thy thigh shall rot
For this adultery; even it whelks away,
And dwindles hence already, day by day
Growing more dry, and barren; only sin
So Wyer-drawes it out, our masculine,
Our antler sins, prolong thee thus a while,
As an expedient crucible, to boyle,
To calcinate us; and has now betray'd
Our dearest Sweden; Sin I say has play'd
This wofull Pageant, loe the flocks upon
Our many severall hills, are lately grown
So course and nauseous, that we must be fed
Or with exotick simples, or with kid
Drest in the mothers milk; nay many a meale
Imployes the grayest Amber; But ô tell
Thou soft Sir Lecker-beet, is then the Mars
Incompt and rugged, with his
A na [...] [...]s Catgrave has it, succeding from the strength and valour of the old Earle of Ang [...]l [...]s [...]
Be these so mainly [...]mbr'd? or may these
A Peleus shield from hot Hypolites,
And her obsequious grins? why then go seek
For Sol in Tenarus, or snow where thick
Two of the Cylops.
Pirackmon, tawny Brontes, forge their hot
Tempestuous Thunder-bolts: No no, complot
We temperance rather; let the cooke, declin'd
To such a Mors in Olla, who can find
[Page 82]Vnnaturall births, luxurious
A French dish compounded of severall ingre­dients minced together.
Haohes out,
As Anah did his Mules; let him be brought
At length upon the weights, and voyded hence,
Who watered his garden herbs with wine and hony.
Aristoxenus at such expence
His Lettice waters, or Popea bright,
And Cleopa [...]ra, quaffe their exquisite,
Their sumptuous Unions; I, wee howle and roare,
At Swedens death, but let us sin no more,
Our sin has slain him; and indeed is wrought
To such an awlesse Belial, every draught
Commits a severall health; we looke the wine
For Caprials, and for Babies; then decline
Our Virgin vowes, with let Lyaus swell
As Jordan does in harvest; when if well
Observing the successe, 'tis full of flawes;
Of babling, wrath, of wounds without a cause,
Of Paliardise; and to bring up the reere
The drought after drunken­nesse, the after­thirst.
Eluchus turning, with a brand of fire
Invades the
That part of the palate in which the tast remaines.
Cepheline; Full happy thou
Great Ah'suerus, and could wee but plough
Once with thy Heyfer; if our sanctions were
Like those of Medes, and Persians; to deterre,
To seare, to launce, to lop off, this would teach
Vs Hester also, where we now but reach
To sensuall
The word sig­nifies drinking.
Vasti; but our Lawes neglect,
As Struthions doe their egs, or to be suck'd
By Foxes, Wolves, or trodden day by day,
Among the feet of swine; I, let me say,
Thrice happy Sweden, maugre all the rage
Of our licentious Mars; who kept the sage
Temperate feasts, and voyd of excesse.
Nephalia so precisely, clenching such
[Page 83]Examples in us.—
Fame. Hitherto the speech
Of Pharamond distinct enough, and plaine,
Was now cut off, abruptly drown'd againe,
By loud and squeling Claudia; one who late
As stupidly benum'd, as muffled sate,
As merkest midnight, or the quondam sire
Of dying Ephigenia; but with ire,
Her vaile and precious tresses, (or be bold
To call them braydes, and bendelets of gold,)
Now passionately rending, she replyes,
Claud. 'Tis true indeed, he has of all our eyes
The comfort, the Collirium, even the breath
Of all our nostrils; so the sons of Heth
Oppugning, as might even applause infer
Super-superlative: but then, O where
The requisite returne, and what the fruit
Of his travell? all his resolute
Assaults, and
Suddaine inroads and in­cursions.
Alagarads? 'Buchadnezar
The Babylonian, had for conquering Tyre,
An Egypt given him, thou my dearest drad,
Not a
A donative of studed buskins given to soul­diers.
Clavarium, how exagited
For truth, and justice; with the daily tort
Of Sang-reall, Arbutus, Male-effort,
How sore afflicted; Nay with urges more,
When being trump, why yet cut off before
The game were consummate; impell'd away
From such a doore of hope, to be the prey
Of death and darknesse; so deserted is
The splendid, the mellisluous
A river of Seithia, conta­minated by the influx of a bit­ter riller.
To Vultures inqui [...]ations; tufted all
[Page 84]With Negromantick herbes; and by the gaule,
The perbreak of Exampus, putrified
From all his noblesse; thus I say decry'd,
And like a threed of silver, rippl'd our,
Among the puzzels, the portents, about
Inclement Caucasus, O flow my teares,
Deep calls to deep, and the most candid eares,
Are deafe with water-spouts; I such as at
The last grand Session, shall with heads elate,
Iudge Men, and Angels; jeer'd as refuse are,
Outed these terrene Chattels, to the bar
Of tyranny convented oft, and slaine
All the day long; alas the while, in vaine (wash
They cleanse their hands, their hearts they bootlesse
With innocence;—
Pharam, But how it is thou rash
Distemper'd woman, here quoth Pharamond,
(Raising his voice againe, how lately drown'd,
Above her cla [...]tering sharps;) thou wretch as lame,
In thy deport, thy patience, as thy name;
O how is it I say, thou doest so roare,
So wildly kick like a rebellious Core
Against the pricks? up up thou Libbard, up,
Reforme thy freckled hide; if Fullers sope,
(Some call it eke Cym [...]lian earth,) if this
Wash not eff [...]ually, take Herbe-a-gra [...]e,
In peni [...]tiall te [...]res infusing it,
And 'tis enough abstersive; makes as white
As garden-Lilli [...] Why the righteous here,
Must weather many a bitter storme, and beare
The parching heat, the burthen of the day;
[Page 85]Like Balsome-trees, and Larches, must display
Their worth among their wounds; Look as the brave
East-Indie-man, transpierces many a wave
That Bandog-like assayles him; nor declines
His great intendment, for the torrid lines
Malevolence, or doubling such extent
Of many a fore-land, many a prominent,
And tedious cape; till up at length he beare
With Taprobane, or Java, taking there
His pretious lading in; such must they be
Here under sayle: And in this worldly sea
If Serens tempt thee, these with upward faire,
Are downward fish, an interdicted paire,
A wicked miscelane; If perhaps withstood
By tyrannous Whales, who tumble up the flood,
And boyle it like a Cauldron; or else runs
Thy course, through
Burning sea­vers of Ca [...].
The stormy North-east wind, Acts 27. 24.
Eur [...]lidons,
Or barking Scylla's, yet if knowledge steere,
Zeale whistle in thy sayles, thou snugly beare
Shalt up despight of al; invictly stem
The strongest setting tydes; and leaving them,
With the so tedious cape of hope, behind
At length to lee-ward; for a terrene Ind,
A place of fading merchandise, be fraight
With matchlesse blisse, with an exceeding waight
Of endlesse glory: And our royal Swede
Exemplifies it, by the triple head
Of Geryon, with his infinitely more,
And as outragious hands, as heretofore
Briareus boasted of, though long beset;
Yet bearing up into the very gate,
[Page 86]Of al his foes; till lastly from a cloud
Of radiant victories, and trophees, strow'd
Along the world; his spirit curry'd up
To that divine.—
Fame. But here the catadup
Of noyse againe so passes all beliefe,
Chorus. That loe Cleoritus to blaze griese,
Stent [...]r his joy; loe how they swel, and stare,
And with their straining shoot as red, as are
The cheeks of Bacchanals; Nay further eke,
See Bulbus-head the Boare, how Heyfer-like
He wildly gambols, often howting out
His brutish jollity the while no doubt,
In that same savage note, by woodmen us'd
Among their Deere, but al in a confus'd
Obstreperous medley swallowed; Yonder then,
(For I must slent of this same cha'me again,
With mutes, and vision,) see where
Two Syco­phants in chief favour with the Emperor Fer­dinand.
And Trautmanstorfe, (in nature rigider,
More Giant then in name;) see how they buz,
And croak in Caesars eare, proscribing thus,
Innumerous innocents; And stil so thwart,
So crosly runne the Dice, I must impart
Vpon another coast, the Turtle true,
Faire Basilissa, weltering in a dew
Of briny teares; even all her beauteous face,
Besprent with water-gauls; and now alas,
Which irks me deeply, lo she groans and grieves
Herselfe into a swound; Now rede-viu's
In ghastly manner, newly sinkes away,
Is daw'd againe; woe worth the dismall day
[Page 87]That I must leave her thus, for now that old
Sexaginary (lately so befool'd,
To batter down his blood,) with many a band
Chops-in between us; now they make a stand,
At first an Engenier under Wallstein, after by degrees a colonell.
Farenbach, with other Leaders, joyne
In Phirrick rounds; now with the Mattachine
In armour jove it; now that fly of court,
First a follow­er of the count of Hanaw, after imployed to le­vy C [...]sa [...]s con­fiscations.
Ossa, tickling at the sport,
In a deep eglett, of Corinthian Brasse,
Health's it to Caesar
Fame. But to touch and passe,
To certifie by sips, and transiently,
Being my sole designe; here passing by
These lusty Lameches, and their gaudy sceane;
Chorus. See yonder also, neer the mantling Rhe [...]e,
How while Zelotes, goes about to stave
The Heydlebourgers tun, as but a wave
In our late shipwrack; see how Zuffenbeck
The trouper, charges him with many a steek;
While Grossendorst his brother, interimly
Lyes sucking at the spiget; next mine eye
(No longer trading with so coorse a payre;)
Among enumerous others, far and neere
Pressing for notice, singled has the bright
Illustrious Clari-dame; and while a cyte
Of abler pens, wil yet supinely sleep,
Fly silly Muse, canst thou not fly? then creep
To do her service; this the royall Queen,
Not broking up a momentany shine,
From Iewellers, and druggests, which at night
Must be put off againe; her red and white,
[Page 88]Her Iewels are so rich, so paragon,
So deeply set, that doubly they renown
Her to bee radiant, as without, within;
And like the robe, on both sides ful of fine
Discoulour'd needle-work; so quondam voted
To Jabins Sisera; yet to be noted
With a blacke cole, such is the partial world,
That while innumerous others, weare the purl'd
Sweet buds of Roses, out alas her head
With woful Willough, Yew, and Cypresse sad,
Is tyraniz'd; I such the sober state
Of flesh and bloud, that al disconsolate,
See how she folds her armes; now looks to heaven,
As crying Lord alas, how was he given
A prey into their teeth? now with a hand
Exactly chambleted, and porselain'd
With white and blew, her pen she does imploie,
To melt [...] drad, her dearest Angli-roy,
At the Ma [...]- [...]eu [...]; yet now againe forbeares,
Because the paper suggish is with tearrs,
And swallowes al impression; now she goes
To yonder Temple, with religious vowes
That she may deprecate our further harme,
And close behind her, many a woful swarme
One of the conclusions of Lipsich was that both Calvinists and Luther [...], to take away those distincti­ons kindling so much hatred should joyntly be thus named.
Evangelicals; Now makes a stand,
From several draughts, presented here to [...] hand,
Choosing his Ce [...]otaphiam.
Fame. I should still
Enlarg me thus, and royallize my q [...]il
With more of her; but as Celestial newes
Here interposes, may perhaps excuse
[Page 89]My selfe a while; for yonder massie cloud,
Giving such fire, (so doubtlesse) full of lowd,
And bellowing Meteors; loe how from between
The darksome pleyts thereof, a Cherubin
Now gently stoops, with healing on his wings,
To poor Panaretus, by severall pangs,
And rigid passions, hewn so lately down
Into the daze of death. The hideous swoon,
Now in a clammy deale of mist and gum,
Was setting both his eyes; an Icye creame,
Remissely floating over all his face,
Implacably protended; froze the pace
His pulse so long had run, and every wheele
Within him, now began to fur, and feel
An earthy dulnesse; when behold (I say,)
The starry leech, has with a fragrant May,
This sad December outed; new has wound
His pulse, and all his Organs up, as sound,
As strong, as high, as ever; So the snake,
His slough, his heckle moults, his ancient beak,
The royall Eagle. After whose recover,
Loe how the glorious post does backward hover,
In boughts, and wind-laces; nay with a poynt
Now made againe, into the fable tent,
From whence his stooping; has entirely dasht
All our clamitants; and all abash'd,
Loe how they trembling stand, and full of fire,
Shot (as it seems) from many a sulph'rous tire
Of the Celestiall Cannon; Which in fine
Or being cloy'd, or moulted else againe
To their first principles; about mine eare,
[Page 90]Insist (I say,) our Redevivus here,
One comming from the dead, may presuppose
The noblest demonstrations; On with those
Thy scatter'd Elegiacks, do, proceed;
No Dog now moves his tongue, the broken reed,
The poor Panaretus, in such a glade,
So whist a silence, doubtlesse may perswade
Incomparable Rights, and Exequies,
To Swedens herse. And heark, how loud he cryes;
How lamentably loud!—
Panar. Alas for him,
Who like a brave Alcydes, could esteem
It all his blisse, to roame about the world,
Confounding Monsters, buffeting the curld
Presumptuous browes of Tyrants; Why but search
His generall conduct, his victorious march;
And when at
Two Islands in the Baltrek Sea, neere to Stralesundt.
Usedoome, Rugen, (two of those
Prodigions quarrels, that Aegeon chose
Of yore to shoot at heaven,) when there hee drew
His active heat,
Generall of the Imperiall forces in Po­merland at the King of Swe­dens arrivall.
Torquato Conty flew
(Induring not the test,) to suddaine aire;
Nay, daring Papenheym, Hnlke, Altringer
So great a Master both of Pike and pen,
Nay tyrannous Tscherclaes, Gallas, Wallensteine
That great Dictator, shining all how bright,
Yet as inferiour Planets, lost their light
At Swedens Heliack rising. All their wayes
Were deep and furious, as the north-west Seas,
And full of grisly shapes; of Morses, Whales,
Grim Vnicorns with Adamantine scales;
Aud horrid Gram-pusses: yet our August
[Page 91] Adolphus, knew to baffle their so vast
Insidious heat, their knittest practises
To ravell out; Or wherefore name I these?
Since from our present ages height, survey
But that behind thee; search but far away,
Where all the hills, and steeple-tops, are clad
With blewish Land-schap; but where Elis stood,
(Even at the furthest t'other end of time,)
Or Troy, or Sparta; and behold their prime
High-writ Heroes, came no nearer to
His celsitude, then rough-hewen models doe
Their Archetip's; then does the Belgick card
A Lyon fierce, or Italy compar'd
With a neat timber'd leg. And this the Chiefe,
Whose late decease, (what have I said? come grief,
Come desolation, come,) even whose decease,
Has deeply drench'd us in the wretchednesse
Of many waters; now the bread of tears
Must be our dayly food; our sauce, the jeares
And taunts of them without. Alas alas,
What gloomy tropes, what lamentable dresse
Of severall figures, may declaime our low
Precipitate condition? Now, ô now,
Let squalid Pisces, and Aquarius raign;
And all the racks conjoyntly drive amaine,
From south, and south-south-east; making the clung;
The toughest season'd timber, the most strong,
And rankest Marble; or else further yet,
Even flint, and Iron-stone, dissolve and sweat,
Be full of drops and tears; a complement
Yet poore and flat, of far inferiour hint
[Page 92]To the diaster; out alas my head,
My heart, my heart, why even the soveraigne Swede,
The covering
See the Epist. Dedicatory.
HELD, the Lion of the North,
That quintessence of Kings, is batter'd forth
His wondrous conduct. Let the Trumpet rend
It selfe with ghastly groans; the Drum descend,
And languish from his mettel'd ruffe, and roule,
To a dead march;—
Fame. I, quoth the heavenly soule,
The deare
Puella Caele­stis.
Amalaswentha by him set,
Nor longer keeping silence.—
Amal, Let, ô let,
Our Volies so consolidately drest
With Muskitads, with many a boysterous brest
Of Colverin, and Cannon, at the stresse
That hils and regions tremble, throughly presse
How deare we held him; so condensly choak
The sky with pillars, curles, and clouds of smoak,
That by producing thunder, may with vast
Outragious cracks, and roarings, on the last
Stretch our obsequious fare-well, to the slain,
Vnparalel'd, undaunted,—
Fame. I and then
Quoth our P [...]naretus, as passionately
Here piecing with her.—
Panar. I, and then quoth he,
b Of this hill see fol. 54.
Yee (a) Phytelburgen ecchoes, neere distraught
With the prodigious noyse; so tenter-out
Your clamorous voices, bounding it in grosse
[Page 93]Vp to the Graian Alpes, that also those
Your susters there, may with their mighty throats,
Transport it over to the hollow grots,
And browes of
A hill in Thracia, six miles high.
Hemus; and so taking post
By shady
A hill in Thesaly.
Pelion, to the forked crest
Of widely sung Olympus; being still
Thus dictated, I say, from hill to hill;
Our wondrous vollies, at the length may seize
Extended Taurus, that Metropolis
Of resonancies; and in savage dens,
Deep foggy Cisterns, hollow woods, and glins;
Among unhaunted mossie Rifts, and Rocks,
And ragged precipices; even where flocks,
Nay worlds of shrill promiscuous eccho's, may
So farther thicken, reboat, and bray,
The hideous din; that like a torrent fierce,
Still rushing on, the spacious universe,
From Inde to frozen Thuly, with sonore,
And vast expressions, never known before,
Solemnize an interment so repleat,
With hideous consequents.—
Amal. Even a defeat
Replyes Amalaswenth', so grimly checking,
Nay Mating Millions; Looke as at the breaking
Of some extended broach, or beetle-brow,
From hoary Caucasus; observe but how
While headlong often grasing here and there,
It rends and furrowes up, both bush, and bryer;
Both branch and blade, imbarking multitudes
In the Mal-heur; thus omniously boades
Our Swedens expiration; thus, ô thus,
[Page 94]In gulphes of griefe, as broad as bottomelesse,
Implunging infinites. O that the wombe
Had smother'd me before my birth, in dumbe
And silent darknesse; now the glorious face
Of our designe, shall dwindle in disgrace,
And gather blacknesse. Come come, let us fly
My deare Panaretus; me thinks I see
The Reliques of our butcher'd Saints; as throwen
And exprobately scambl'd up and downe,
As chips at cutting wood.—
Fame, With fell affright,
The Roses in her face, now Lilly white
Beganne to languish, and she startled up
Distractedly; her anker-hold, her hope
Now drove amaine; when loe Panaretus
In sweet and pretious compellations, thus
Rejoynes with her anew:—
Panar. Bur tell me then,
Shall such a man as I, turne back againe
Leaving the Plough; shall wee that reckon'd are
For beams, and pillars, of the Militar,
And Orthodoxall Church, ignobly swerve,
Moulder, and leave it thus? why but observe,
And he that sowes in rivolets of teares,
Shall after reap in joy; who weeping bears
His precious seed, and thus in season out,
Shall doubtlesse come againe, and with the shout
Of those in harvest, bring with him his sheaves;
Retract, retract I say, ô how it grieves
Me for thy fear, thy fall; collect thy self▪
And let us bravely fink both sirt, and shelf,
[Page 95]Impatience pre-supposing; steeple-deep
In the spring-tide of zeale.—
Fame. Here 'gan she weep,
And chatter like a Crane, hiding her head
In a black Cypresse Wimple; while the sad
Panaretus, pitching his eyes a'spar
Vpon the ground, does intr'imly prefer
A Seane of silence; giving so much line
To recollection, and the discipline,
Of sundry second thoughts; that as the fruit,
The sequell, of this intermitted mute
Parenthesis, from her dejected stoup,
See now at retrive, how she heighthens up,
Gathers, and grows againe; her beamy brow
Late in a Cypresse Lanthorne muffled, now
Shines as of yore; and every principle
Of holinesse, e're-while within her soule,
Remissely drooping; rowses now againe,
And like a Giant wheu refresh'd with wine,
In her so strongly races, raignes so cleare;
That even become as brave and bold, as e're
The wife of
Or Deb [...]ra [...], see Iugd. 4. 4.
Lapydoth, her fiery zeale
Thus vents it selfe.—
One bound up in Seare-cloth, like the staffe of a torch, and in other such materials, stif­ned with wax, and fired at the bottome with brush and dry twigs: in Latin Sarmenta.
Amal. O how doe we reveale
Our sexes many weaknesses, and wounds;
Yet so the good Samaritan infunds
His soveraigne Wine, and Oyle; that now, goe to,
Bring forth the rods, the beasts, the wheeles, I do;
Now seare, and cut, and kill; let me be made
A lighted torch, a Sarmentarian sad,
At Rome night-revells; doe doe, string your whips
[Page 96]With Scorpions, Asps, or somewhat that out strips
Their venome far; I, bring the fury-full
Busirian horses, the Per [...]llan Bull,
Or exquisiter torments, yet my trust,
My treasure there is laid, where neither rust,
Nor moth, nor theife, nor tyrant,
Panar. Glorious dame,
Virago-royall: the diviner flame
That on thee so much fortitude confers,
Establish it relentlesse, as the bars
Of an imperiall Palace; never time
More pressing then the present, of so grim,
Precipitate condition; And awake
Thou right hand of the Lord, up up, and take
Thy former strength againe; why do'st not thou
Turne Moab to thy wash-pot? cast thy shooe
Out over Edom? Fast their Princes make
In links of Iron; and their Nobles break
Like to the Po [...]trs vessell▪ Vp I [...]ay,
And bare thine arme againe, as in the day
Of z [...] and Or [...], o [...] of those that had
Their punishment at En [...]or, and were made
Like dung upon the earth; Was it not thou?
Of yore by whom the H [...]sits, even a few
Derided silly
Hu [...] in the B [...] signi­fies a Goo [...].
Geese, (though in their head
But a blind ziska; baffled so the spread
Presumptuous Eagle, and her severall young,
How sharp their poun [...]s▪ and another strong
Assertion of thy valiance, was it not
Thy dexterous managing our pike, and shot,
That when the spanish Charles, was lately growne
[Page 97]So high and supercilious, melted down
His pertinacy, worsting him to flye
In raine, and darknesse, precipitiously
Among the ragged mountains? take ô take
Thy former strength againe, awake awake,
And buske thy selfe to battayle; thou alone
Maugre his furious brand, hast lately slaine
The gyant
Count of Tylle Lieut. Generall to the Duke of [...]va­ria.
Tscherclaes; and 'twas thou that did'st
That Rodomont the
The Ducall title of Wal­stein.
Fridlander, amidst
His iron men defeat; ô shew thy power,
Thou art our fort, our moat, our countermure,
Our totall confidence;—
Fame. But halloe, here
The deaff'ning tempest, does againe so reare
It selfe, in monstrous pillars interwound;
A thousand Drums ( d) pirading, might be drown'd
c A setting the watch, an uni­ting of many companies into an entire gross.
And swallowed in't; I, such the noyse, so fell,
As tozes all the Welkin, makes it boyle,
Like Oyntment in a pot; What shall I say,
Alas my wings so palpably decay,
So fiercely ruffled are, and ravel'd out,
In the combustion, that I much misdoubt
Some crosse Catastrophe; and by fine force
If beaten from my pitch, shall but disperse,
For a redundant, Elephantine book,
These petty fragments; ô, the furious shock,
The horrible disgust! Farewell, farewell;
My perspectives, my wings, are with so fell
Distraction tugg'd and wearied; all my dresse,
So puzzl'd is, and shatter'd, with the stresse
[Page 98]Of many furious Typhons; that unfit
To weather out the worke, I here submit:
Descending back, to prompt the bustling brothers,
Nat' Butter, Gallo-belgicus, and others.
Annae-Dicata, OR, A …

Annae-Dicata, OR, A miscelaine of some different cansonets, dedi­cated to the memory of my deceased, very Deere Wife, ANNA TOOKE, of Beere

Loves labor lost.

ALas how often by some Rillets side,
With heavy bosome have I trod the Meads,
And finding them with grass and Christial beads
So trimly cluster'd, thus began to chide:
Yee want nor dew to fledge your verdant quills,
Nor western wind to fanne the Summers heate:
Shoots not the Soyle from yon superiour hills,
To make your clovers fragrant, and compleat?
With store of soveraigne blooms are ye not drest,
And studded thick? or does not many a Swan,
And many a Nayad, that even ravish can
With pretious modulations, speake you blest?
But then what makes such store of Willough here?
Why foster yee this badge of discontent?
Me thinks you should some nobler Pendant weare,
The Palme, fat Olive, or the Laurell Gent':
I say, since happy, and so highly blest,
Me thinks ye should converse with plants of grace;
And like a Lady tricking up her face,
With Pearles and Rubies be, not pebles drest.
Fie, fie, dismisse this Livery forlorne,
Confine it to some craggy mountaine top,
Or barren Desart, where it may be worne
With more propriety; or since my hope
In Seas of sad dispaire is toss'd and torne,
And dayly drencht with many a rigid billow,
Passe it to me; give me your wofull VVillough.

The Redundant Lover.

DEare, since we parted, never did I see
A beauteous Summer fly, or fancy pyed,
Or garden-bed, or Plume, or Picture, dyed
With daint [...]er coulours, but I thought on thee.
I never heard a more melodious note,
Attain'd a delicater touch, or ought
Of better worth; but 'twas a present quote
Of thy perfection, thou wert in my thought.
Nay since familiar to remember things
By contraryes, by black, white; Saints, by Devils:
To this end have I even made use of evils;
And to my mind each loathsome object brings
Thy purity; dearest my loves intention,
Makes every thing that is, to make thy mention.

Of the Common-Law.

THE Law, like Esop, in exteriour show
Of the Com­mon-Law.
Is harsh and homely; but each man inclin'd
Laboriously to sift it, till he know
With what delight, the inner side is lin'd;
Will vouch it pleasing is, was Esops mind:
'Tis sweet, but does in rugged phrases dwell,
'Tis like a Pearle, hid in an Oyster-shell.

The Pious Turtles.

DId Heaven but gently to my wish reply,
Lo thus would we converse my lovely deare;
I say thus would we live while being here;
And when to part from hence, thus would we dye.
Vpon some shady, sandy, higher ground,
Where the sweet birds should warbling musick give,
And at whose foot some pittering Rillet wound,
Like Baucis and Philemo [...] would we live.
Our clothing should be warm, and new, and neate,
Not costly, nor too curious; and our dyet,
Though plentifull and good, yet free from riot;
Nor adding thirst to drink, nor lust to meat.
No viperous envy, nor ambitious dreams,
No care to pay some griping Landlord rent,
No clamerous wealth, of many ploughes and team [...],
Should interrupt the calme of our content.
Our handy labour should be sole addrest
To the well husbanding of Hops, and Bees:
Or to some Orchard, where the fruitfull trees
Strove w ch should yield the most, and w ch the best.
Nay borne by faith upon her lofty wings,
We would beyond this under earth endeavour,
Conversing with divine invisible things;
Living and loving so, we might live ever;
And when death came at length, to play his prize;
Depart in peace, closing each others eyes.

Love and Counsell

THou youthfull art, and fair; well clad, and fed,
And flatter'd too no doubt: yet dear be sure,
That these inducements make thee not secure;
For with thy birth, thy death was also bred.
Thy birth infers thy bu [...]iall; all the space
A mortall does above the ground converse,
He does but climbe his execution place;
'Tis but a lingring passage to his herse.
Observe a skull, out at whose rotten ports
The wormes hang down, and in a hundred year,
Such as that is, shall thou and I appeare;
Cold, darknesse, silence, must our sole consorts,
And the raw wormes our richest earings be,
Which I entreat remember well, and me.

The Heavenly Climax.

MY lovely dearest, when I but survay
The curious building of thy house of clay,
The musick of it, and contend the while,
Who 'tis that dwells in such a precious pile;
I find a soule so nobly there discoursing;
Distributing so virtually her powers,
That straight it leads me to that Lord of ours;
Such strange invisible mysteries inforcing:
And I conclude, if on the center base,
Such goodnesse, such perfection he discloses,
How is the circle then adorn'd, the place
Where he upon his heavenly throne reposes?
Or how is he himselfe both good, and great,
That when they were not, gave all these a making;
That being, gives them order; nor forsaking
His Creatures, keeps both it and them compleate.
And then in contemplation of so vast
A world of wonders, here againe I rouze
My spirit neere confounded, and in haste,
Falling full lowly prostrate, pay my vowes.

Of Friends and Friendship.

AS Dice run most by paires, and shun excesse▪
So few friends love best, when more, love lesse.
Friendship like Gold, too thin when beaten forth,
Becomes lesse active, weakens in the worth.
As Dice though white, their foule spots cannot lack:
So friends, in friends, must wink at faults though black.
They must again nor slye Bar-cater-treyes,
Nor Fullomes be, to win thy wicked wayes;
But fairely run, be quadrat, and sincere,
And still the same; sway'd nor by hope, nor fear.
As Sice-ace throw'n are friends still as before,
So friends though rich, must still love friends though poor;
This world to no such certainty advances,
But there may come a cast may chang their chances;
They must conclude their state here like the Dice,
Where now the Sice is Ace, now Ace the Sice:
And thus the deadliest Drug, and justly hated,
May yet turne cordiall, if but calcinated,

Custome discarded.

VVE are at play, and Gamesters till our grave [...]
Our Saints, and Sabaths, are like Queens an
The rest with Martha, do but many things: ( Kings
Only our Wakes, and Markets, play the knaves.
Time is the pack, our dayes are severall cards,
And Custome a groome-porter voyd of shame,
A reverend hoary Rook (forsooth) awards,
That his Tradition must command our game.
Custome (I say) more gray by far than wise,
Thus cheats us in our play my lovely deare:
But let us cautive be at length, and beare
Room of this current, crossing common guise.
Let us at length our Sabaths so dispend,
That piercing farther then the formall skin
Of shifting suits, and Linnen; they contend
To be Religious, glorious eke within.
At length our mirth so manage, and employ,
That as each earthly fire with swift ascent,
Moves to his upper proper Element:
This also may relate to heavenly joy.
Let not our ballance, not our bargaines, know
[Page 110]Or knave, or false five-finger; to divine
Of wealth by these attain'd, it melts like snow:
Leaving the place all dirt, where it has lyen.
Let us each card, even every common day,
So cautively dispose, that all our weeks,
Abound with sacred Murnivalls and Gleeks;
So dearest wee shall purchase by our play
And though convicious custome, seeks to cheat,
And slily rook it, win both game and set.

Of Affliction.

THe Crosse is both a step dame, and a mother;
Some men it kills, and some againe it cures:
Like fire it some consumes, it purges other;
Full often ill, and well full oft enures.
A righteous man that does affliction meet,
Moulds into his foyle, gives fairer fire;
Makes it his rise, his wing to help him higher;
So Spices when most beaten, are most sweet.
Againe, the ruffling height of weaker soules,
It tempers sweetly; cuts the combe of pride,
That else would soon be perking; only fooles
Are still the same in many a Mortar bray'd:
And by such iron pestles, as will grind
Them small at length, as dust before the wind.

Funerall Teares.

I Had my tother halfe, and 'twas as white
As Miniver, or Snow, before it light
Vpon the ground; so neate in every part,
And then withall charessing so my heart,
That now I neither envy'd Crassus gold,
Nor Cossus garlands; with so wanyfold
Importancies enabling me, that now
I had a paire of hearts, my hands but two,
Were multiply'd to foure, likewise my feet,
Such Alter-Idems turning; of so knit
Commist a fellow-feeling, no disease,
Could either single toe, or fingar seise,
But all were sufferers. Then could I vant
Of likewise doubly five concomitant,
As brisk, and active sences; nay my soule
So doubled was, and in a word, even all
My trim at large, that now I could discourse,
Vrge pro and con, communicate, converse,
All with my double selfe; nor knew the fell
Extent of solitude. Even strange to tell,
I now so clung an Individium was,
So fix at home, and yet so bivious
At the same time, and far abroad; that now,
While ranging with my hounds, or with my plough,
[Page 112]In the circumference; yet was I still
At home upon my center; could be while
The [...]me of my Mansion house.
Popes, likewise at Paris. To proceed,
So beneficiall was my being ty'd
In Hymens rosie bands, that now my hope
Was propagation, and the rearing up
A Tree of such Descendents; so repleat
With commendable fruit, as should relate
My Name beyond mine Vrne. Lo this the trance,
The whilome portion, did so high advance,
Damask and dresse my cup; thus was I clad,
In gold and sca [...]let. but now sit full sad
Vpon the Dung-hill; death implacable,
Has with the sorrowes of unhappy sable
So roughly hamper'd me; that my recruits,
Conspicuous increments, and double sutes,
Being deducted; npw I dwindled am
To poore againe, and single; to become
Halfe under ground; where rest thy selfe in peace,
My dearest tother part; ô rest, and cease
From all thy terrene labours, with a guard
Of blessed Angels, keeping watch and ward,
About thee constantly; and when my pulse
(So wound up in the wombe, by that excelse
Celestiall Architect,) the tale has run
Of minutes here in charge; has fully spun
Of Clothoes Distaffe; be my reliques lay'd,
So neere to thine, that wither'd when, and dry'd,
From moyst and viscuous; even our crumbling dust,
May blend promiscuously: till when the just
Shine as the Firmament, and having turn'd
[Page 114]Many to righteousnesse, are as [...],
As glorious as the stars; we rise anew,
(By that omnipotence that can subdue
All things unto it selfe) as heretofore,
And ere our love dissever'd; rendring store
Of humble and eternall praise, to him
That sits upon the Throne, and to the Lambe.

A MEDITATION UPON The Decease of those truly Noble LORDS under-named.

So so, let Babel, Edom, shoot like those
In Harvest at our losse▪ with mocks and mowes,
Tell it in Gath; thus adding deep, to deep,
Wormwood to bitternesse; yet God will keep
His darling from the Dog, can out of stones
Raise Abraham children. he that interpones
So for his Church, though Dorcet, Hamilton,
Southampton, Oxford, and Belfast, be gone
The way of flesh and blood, will sooner yet
His covenant with day and night forget,
[Page 118]Th [...] saile to Sion; not the squallidest
Sea-monsters, but they gently draw the breast [...],
Suckling their young; or if a mother can
Forget her child, yet God is love in graine;
Will vindicate his Turtle-Dov [...], nay cover
Her wings with silver, and her feathers over
With yellow Gold. Nor Babell be so perk,
At some thus of the Temples carved work,
For sinne deducted us; we but with rods,
Thou shalt be whipt with Scorpions; and in Gods
Right hand there is a cup, the dregs whereof
Shall be thy portion; Ahabs Ivory roofe,
And even the
Ezekiel 27. 11.
Tyrean Turrets, built so high,
That Eagles at a lower randome fly,
And the Goliah's there in Sentinell,
Are lessen'd even to (a) Gammadims; must feele
His line of vengeance, who could so divide
Our Succoth, meet our Schechem: and ô ride
On prosperously, thou fairer far then men;
Girding thy sword thus, for thy right hand, then
Shall teach thee terrible things; shal thresh the horns
Of our fierce Bullocks, rabbid Vnicornes,
Like Wheat of Madmanah. Ride on, ride on,
Strengthning the feeble knees, and every bone,
That thou hast broken; still they shake the head,
Cry so so would we have it, eat like bread
Thy people up; and then the late decease
Of these heroick Lords, diruted has
As many of our Barres, has made our breach
More desperate; ô be gracious then, and reach
Thy soveraigne flaggons; let no clouds returne
[Page 119]After the raine; and for the stakes out-worn
Thus in the service of thy Tabeenacle,
Distribute thousands; Blesse, ô blesse the tackle
Of thy poor labouring Ark, and crown her toyle,
With Arrarat, and her high places; while
Our mighty Hunters, despicably melt
Like fat of Lambs, or be like water spilt,
Nor to be gathered up againe; else will
Thine enemies blaspheme, upbrayding still
The promise of his coming; I, and say
To day shall jove it, as did yesterday,
And in far greater measure; bow thine eare,
Thou good and glorious Cherub-rider, heare,
And answer us; how long? how long ô Lord?
O bare thine arme again, and draw thy sword.

A RELATION Of the Tempest dispersing us in the Bay of BISCAY, at our unfortunate Voyage towards Cales Males, An. 1625.

THe generall hemisphere was thick, was all
In sullen ash-colour; when straight a shoale
Of ominous Pork-pisces, drove through the fleet:
And the fierce Ruffin Boreas, swore it meet,
Each saile should strike; owning th' Atlantick main
Likewife in soveraignty: then issued rain,
The wind grew [...]st'rous, sea began to roare
[Page 122]Like a lug'd monster, to disclose a sowre
Outragious surface; and where other nights,
The mantling billow shone but Chrysolites;
But sole with spangs and gliding lights, enchas'd
The gentler wave: now as an army vast,
About us quarter'd lay, our generall ken
Was full of horrid fire, the fretfull brine,
Vpon a thousand mountains, far and neare,
Like burning Becons hung; and every where
So much combustion, that benevolent
A Poeticall Sea-nymph, so named, a pla­candis fluctihus.
Cymodocé, for very angu [...]sh, rent
Her sea-green haire; nor any
Phocè wild,
[...] Vide fol.
No savadgest (b) Amphibium, but impell'd
With horror, fled a shore: no boysterous Whale,
A horrible fish, enemy to the Whale, so called, as Mi [...] ­sheu sayes, ab Orcadibus insu­lis ubi maxime vivunt.
Orke, or other fell
(a) Phiontides; but now they shot for dread
Into the bottome owse. O who may read
What various bedlamry, what worlds of woe,
A storme imposes; to the deep below
e Such creatures as nature hath made deadly euemies each to other.
Our ships were thrown, and then againe, so soon
So high, as if the same
Sea-men cal the place where a ship rides or sayles, her bitth.
Birth with the Moon
To have, or glorious
Jasons ship, after made a constellation.
Argo. But observe
In earth-quakes, how the strongest buildings swerve,
Totter, cast fire-brands, and all their loose
Vtensils, round promiseuously; loe thus
Did our poore Fleet so
The Sea-term for reeling and swaying up and down.
feele on, that throughout
The decks all stowage, with our selves to boot,
From side to side in medley flew: and even
So was the great Anne Royall likewise driven
Amid the frantick waves, to roule and reele,
[Page 321]And tosse, and tumble up her mighty keele,
That parcell of her
Two pieces of Ordinance broke loose in her▪ Gun-room, but by inter­shocking, and so poysing each other, remoun­ted without further danger.
brasen bandogs, broke
Through all their tyes; and but with mutual shock,
Poysing each other; like the Vipers young,
(Turn'd into paricids,) had split her strong
And massie ribs. Nor could the rest but mourne
Like infortunities; our long-boats, torne
From their big
The Rops where with they were towed; perhaps deriv'd from Hauri [...], or else rather named Halsers, and isluing from Halen in Dutch to draw.
Hawsers, rudely bandied were
By waves, and monsters; for the
Little vessels which attend as pages upon the greater [...]p [...] [...]nd perhap [...] so named, because better making use of any wind▪ and catching it to their ad­vantage
Catches there,
Some could Sea-mewes, make a shift to live
In this combustion: othersome, declive
And broken wayes not brooking, over-wrought,
And fiercely swalowd were. our
VVe borrow this from the Nether ands, where itim orts as much as Scapha, a ship-boat a Canowe; but use it improperly for a Horse-boat
Prams distraught,
Cuff'd up and down, and rack'd with severall seas
Both fore
The Sea-phrase for before and after the mast.
and aft'; were driven to lose, and leaze
Their lading, with the wilder Hypotams.
Nay yet more fatal, opening al her seams,
The poor long-Robert founder'd was, gaue o're,
Sunk in the weathers stresse: and now what more
These three Cadtains wreswal­low'd in her.
Fisher, Hacket, Gerling, but attend
While the sea yeelds her dead? that I transcend
Expence of
A ship is then in her trim, when furnished, with al other requisits proportionable to her burthen.
trim, and shipping, lo this storme
How grown, yet wrought a further; and the worme
[Page 124]Of conscience startled so, that who while-ere
With all his canvase out, could snugly beare
Vp an ill-boading course, now springs his
[...]n the star­boord láguage, fals from his course.
Cries guiliy Lord, and pardon; coats of buffe,
H [...]gh temper'd corslets, are too weake to ward
The worme of conscience; and how galliard
Luxurio lately was, yet now he lowes
His saile close to the board; ▪now humbly throwes
Off Liviaes haire, and his Corinna's ring,
To leeward over, wisely husbanding
Oyle to his lampe; now as the righteous dye,
Likewise will he. so horrid was and high,
This spiritual
The suddain & furions tem­pests about the West-Indies are thus na­med.
Fura-cane; that on his lees,
Though fell
I was infor­med of one a­mongst us, so perplexed wiih the storm, that he voluntarily acknowledged himself guilty of particide.
Basianus for a time may freeze,
And seeme to settle; here he turnes againe
Thick, and bemudder'd; like the clamorous maine,
Casting up stones and dirt: his faeces boyle
Vp now for vent, making him perbrake vile
Prodigious sins. This was the storme, thus great,
Thus ruthlesse, double thus, nor to be beat
Out, but in many an houre; thus went we down
To sea in ships, had businesse upon
Great waters, saw the wonders of the deep;
And thus againe, though Baal perhaps may sleep,
Or seriously be talking, nor discerne
His distant contumacious; yet we learne
That God is omni-present, has his way
Even in the while-wind, in the furious sea;
In even the toughest conscience: and how sure
A Jonas in the cradle of secure
[Page 125]Apostacy be lull'd, though even his bed
Of the most curious thistle-down be made,
Or that of silver Swans; yet if the faire
Tindaridè, shall with a civill war
Imbroyle the shrouds; and
This kind of blaze skipping by night amōg the tackling, is in French Furolè; com­ming single, i [...] was thought to be castor, and a dangerous Omen; when double, castor and Pollux, badge of Saint Pauls ship. Acts 28. 11. and very auspicious▪ if there sallied a third light, this was held to be Hellen, as fatall as ever, and prognosticating extremity of weather; the first two are now named S. Nicholas and S. Hermes.
Hellen chasing thence
Her brothers of beningner influence,
Vnkennels al the winter winds, and billowes;
Mauger the softest lullabies, and pillowes,
He wakes; and finds his cradle now at last,
Far worse then that, upon the topling mast.

THE Hedge-hog combatant, presented, and applyed.

WHen I survay (poore wretch) thy severall soes,
Though he be in his round posture, and with all his Pipes charged; yet (as Topsall relates it) The Fox finding some little ac­cesle about his face, licks him there, till with the flatterie he opens him­selfe, and then se [...]ses him.
Me thinkes it does pathetic'ly disclose
Mine owne Militia; for with open Mart,
As man pursues thee, as the Fox with Art,
Allayes thy martiall furie, falsly licks
Thy life away; and Serpent also seeks
It as implacably: Loe thus conspire
Both Ammon, Ameleck, and those of Tyre.
The world, the Flesh, and that prodigous great
Red Dragon, with his tayle that can defeat
The very Stars; so these I say concurre
To slay my silly soule: were it a warre,
Though with some such as hungry Lyons wage,
And evening Wolves, or all whose Quivers rage
Like open Sepulchers; there might be yet
Some hope perhaps, some little planke to set
[Page]Me safe even after shipwrack: But to grapple,
And intershock am I with him, whose apple
Defeated Eve her selfe; I daily cope
With many a horrid squadron, many a troope
Of fierce and fiery Darts, that charge me home,
And often through: Alas wretch that I am!
Where shall I seeke for succour? who can stave
This roaring rabble off? ô helpe, and save,
Thou God of Battailes; else am I but built
Upon the sillie sand, but water spilt.

Of Drunkennesse.

AS Willoughs noted so for tipling Trees,
Are barren, and but badges of disgrace;
As Fennes and Marshes, yeeld but nipping flyes,
But venemous fogges, and reptil's, bad and base:
Loe thus the boundlesse Independent shot,
Begets as sundry formes, and oft as vile;
As Phaebus does, when with embraces hot,
He beds the moist salacious mud of Nyle.
It changes some to Struthions, and as those
Forget their egges, their actions so doe these;
Demanding when they wake, how came the blowes,
What have we done, they should our weapons seise?
Some men it does to mimick anticks foole;
Change some to subtle Foxes, that imploy
Their cups as Crucibles, wherein to boyle,
To sublimate a skill, to cosen by.
Some for obstreperous Geese it does designe.
Fills some with such Salt-Peter, that disputing
Of but some haire, or Mathematicke line,
They take immediate fire, with bloud confuting.
[Page]Some to such honey-suckles sweet it turnes,
With often vowes, that about every wight
They twine themselves. And some with lust so burns,
They deeme each dirtie cloud, a I [...]uo bright.
Nay, yet againe, and further, some it fuddles,
To sencelesse Conduits, onely fit to pisse,
And to bee piss'd against: To Monsters, puddles,
And Statues many, quadrat but for this.
Loe, Pythagore; loe here the transmigration,
Thou might'st have dreamt of, for with brutish soules
It thus imbroyles us: Oakes of most elation,
With many blowes fall; Reason so with bowles.
Up then yee base Borachioes, call excesse,
But an insideous Circè, but presaging
A brutish transformation, even no lesse
Then in the soule it selfe, and thus engaging
Her everlasting blisse: Up keep a dyot;
Does ought kill soule and body both? yes, ryot.

The Widdowes Warning.

BE wise, and take no churlish Clowne,
Nor blend with flocks, thy Thistle-down
Chuse not for out-side, shun each lover
But golden Ludgate-like, in cover.
The Ruffin that can sweare and swell,
And covenant with death and hell,
Preferre not: nor the Fox that preyes
In covert, and in broken wayes.
Chuse not for wealth, where other things
But passant are; yet this has wings.
Nor any peece of Bombaste chuse,
That with his Place, and Title sues;
Taking herein the greater care,
Because they now are chapmans ware.
Take not a Husband by report;
Examine first his head, his heart,
His Conscience, pierce him to the Lees;
Marke how each joynt of his agrees,
And jumps with thine; for if they vary,
The Priest that does your bodies marry,
But glewes a Potsheard. In a word,
If thou canst marrow with a Bird
Of thine owne feather, one whose wars
Spirituall be, whose aime is stars;
[Page]Whose neatly timber'd limbes are lin'd,
With as polite, as rich a mind:
This is the wight, and haste thee Iane,
To yeeld him back his Rib againe.

An Epitaph of M ris Prudence Mere­dith, a good soule, in a defective body.

IN an uneasie roome her soule was pent,
And had (while heere) a hard imprisonment
Within the Body; nor could Prudens, but
Rejoyce to leave her little crumpled knot
Of flesh and bloud, that narrow jayle of hers;
For such a relaxation, as inferrs
Likewise at last, another kind of new
Spirituall Body, beautified with trew,
With precious Liniaments; and of privation,
Of hunger, sicknesse, death, and mutulation
Impassible; I say she could not choose
In faith and reason, but avouch her wooes
Now at an end; But chearely leave her breath;
And thus had Meredith, a merry death.

A farewell to the Wars.

DIsloyall flesh and bloud, how has the Sun
Both his direct, and oblique hitching course,
Full often through the heavenly girdle run,
Since our so plighted love, that nought could force,
Or puzzle it; and dost thou now deceive me?
Now at the Qu, the clinke of honour leave me?
Our Mars, in rust and darknesse lately shut,
Yet now upon the glorious wings of Fame,
Pitches his Tent; Our bravest spirits, put
Now for the Goale of honour; to be lame
And crasie now, while medalls, double payes,
Victorious Belts, and Crowns, shall others rayse,
Is this the troth of friends? but then againe,
What chimicall extraction, reach of Art,
May limit nature? and with such a traine
Of weaknings, does our age it selfe impart;
Such Pal [...]ies, Cramps, Ciaticks, and Catars,
It baffles action, wars even with the wars.
[Page]Submit we then, the Moon her empty lap
Againe enlightens, and our Winter trees
Have yet another rising of the sap;
But man when once declining, by degrees,
By peece-meale dru [...]ken, droop, and dwindle must,
Till he be crumbled to his fatall dust.
The first tooth that he drawes, denounces him
For past his best, and not a sinew strain'd,
Or ligament, or humour out of trim,
But so produces age; that lastly main'd
In all his structure, warping in his tyes,
And severall nailes, he druckens hence, and dyes.
Submit we then I say, the Corslet quitting,
For a retir'd Sedentary course:
Now not the Pike, the Pen is rather fitting;
This alludes to the French Proverbe, Quiter le plume pur dor­ [...]ir sur le dure.
The feathers, not the ground; you brood of Mars
On still & thrive, while thus the mouldering stayers
Of age, advise and lead me to my prayers.


THE most pathetick richest language, chosen
To hang in eares of Emperours, and Kings,
Is but a tinkling Cymball; does but cosen
The fancy for a while, and then has wings:
Prayer heaped up, and over does reply,
When other words, but drop, and droop, and dye:
All other words retayle but Saffron ware,
Are of an impotent, a clamorous sound;
But doe-littles, but petty Chapmen are,
And Petty-foggers: Whereas Prayer is found
The Staple-Merchant, prosecuting even
A Trade in grosse, by whole-sale, and for heaven.
'Tis of such efficac'e, and with such store
Of Sacred pertinacy wrastles so,
[Page 110]Like zealous Iacob, that it gives not o're,
But being blest; without it lets not goe:
Prayer faith, faith Christ, Christ heaven to us demises,
And thus the Climax of our joyes arises.
Prayer forces all the peremptory chaines
Of nature, all her gates, how Marble hard;
Can raise the dead, make Iron swimme, detaines
The Sun himselfe: and like a Gyant cheer'd
With Wine, though pressing on; has made him stay,
A never knowne before, a double day.
Who then will happy live, and blest expire,
Both soule, and body, Temple-like imployes;
His Altar is his Heart, his Zeale the Fire;
His Soule the Priest, and Prayer the Sacrifice:
Nor is it Bullocks having hornes and hooves;
But calvelings of the Lips, that God approves.
Up therefore Reader, let thy spirit feast
It selfe with often Prayer; submissely fall,
And like a Dauiel, thrice a day at least,
Thus sate thy soule; or rather like a Paul,
Be praying alwayes; 'tis celestiall meat:
Up therefore Reader, therefore up and eate.


LOoke as a Beggar by the high-wayes side,
Some little childe does in her bosome take,
Hoping though she her selfe may be deny'd,
Yet to get something for the Infants sake;
And as Themistocles, when having done
Admetus much displeasure, many harmes;
Sought not for grace, but having first his Son,
His onely Son, infolded in his armes:
So when thou prayest, bring but thy Jesus by thee,
This Babe, this Son; & God will nere deny thee.


AND now my little Book, my little Birth,
I know not how thou cam'st into my womb;
Some other agent surely brought thee forth,
Between thy knees; or else thy (
* Or the Se­cundine, wher­in the childe is wrapt while in the wombe.
Shilo) some
A kind of Se­pulchral stone, in short time consuming the body inclosed.
Sartophagus had turn'd, and to thy tombe.
If ought within thee, be reputed worth
The name of square; yet I am but a
This differs from a square by having the angles of it in­direct: when the side angles are lesse exten­ded than the rest, and still shorte [...], 'tis a fulfil, or splin­dle.
But a poore fusill; and must waive the Bayes:
Giving to Heaven; to God alone the praise.
G. T.

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