His Grace John Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury.

SERMONS PREACH'D Upon several Occasions.

By His Grace JOHN Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury.

The First Volume.

The Eighth Edition Corrected.

LONDON, Printed for Brabazon Aylmer, at the Three Pigeons against the Royal Exchange in Cornhil; and William Rogers, at the Sun against St. Dunstans Church in Fleet-street. 1694.

To the Worshipfull the Ma­sters of the Bench, and the rest of the Members of the Honourable Society of Lincolns-Inn.


WHen I resolv'd to publish these Sermons, there could be no dispute to whom I should dedicate them. They do of right belong to you, being most of them first preach'd among you; besides my great obligation to you for your constant respects to me, both in the favourable ac­ceptance and in the generous en­couragement [Page]of my labours, ever since I had the honour and hap­piness to be related to you. In a thankfull acknowledgment where­of I humbly present this small part of them to you, hoping that by the blessing of God they may be of some use for the promot­ing of true piety and vertue, which is the sincere wish and aim of

Your most obliged and faithfull Servant, John Cant.

The Preface.

I Shall neither trouble the Reader, nor my self, with any apology for the publish­ing of these Sermons. For if they be in any measure truly serviceable to the end for which they are design'd, to establish men in the Principles of Religion and to recom­mend to them the practice of it with any con­siderable advantage, I do not see what Apo­logy is necessary, and if they be not so, I am sure none can be sufficient. However if there need any, the common heads of excuse in these cases are very well known; and I hope I have an equal right to them with other men.

I shall chuse rather in this Preface, to give a short account of the following Dis­courses; and as briefly as I can to vindicate a single passage in the first of them from the Exceptions of a Gentleman who hath been pleas'd to honour it so far as to write a whole Book against it.

The Design of these Discourses is four­fold.

First, To shew the unreasonableness of Atheism, and of scoffing at Religion; which I am sorry is so necessary to be done in this Age. This I have endeavour'd in the two first of these Discourses.

Secondly, To recommend Religion to men from the great and manifold advantages which it brings both to publick Society and to particular persons. And this is the argu­ment of the third and fourth.

Thirdly, To represent the excellency, more particularly, of the Christian Religion; and to vindicate the practise of it from the suspicion of those grievous troubles and dif­ficulties which many imagine it to be atten­ded withall. And this is the subject of the fifth and sixth.

Fourthly, To perswade men to the prac­tice of this holy Religion, from the great obligation which the profession of Christi­anity lays upon men to that purpose; and more particularly, from the glorious rewards of another life; which is the design of the two last Discourses.

Having given this short account of the following Discourses, I crave leave of the Reader to detain him a little longer, whilst I vindicate a passage in the first of these Sermons, from the assaults of a whole Book purposely writ against it. The Title of the [Page] Book is Faith vindicated from the possibili­ty of Falshood. The Author Mr. J. S. the famous Author of Sure footing. He hath indeed in this last Book of his, to my great amazement, quitted that glorious. Ti­tle. Not that I dare assume to my self to have put him out of conceit with it, by ha­ving convinc'd him of the phantasticalness of it. No, I despair to convince that man of any thing, who after so fair an admonition does still persist to maintain, Letter of Thanks p. 24, &c. that first and self-evident Principles not onely may, but are fit to be demonstrated; and Ibid. p. 11. that those ridiculous identical Propositions, that Faith is Faith, and a Rule is a Rule, are first Principle, in this Controversie [...] of the Rule of Faith, without which nothing can be so­lidly concluded either about Rule or Faith. But there was another reason for his quitting of that Title, and a prudent one indeed: He had forsaken the defence of Sure footing, and then it became convenient to lay aside that Title, for fear of put­ting people any more in mind of that Book.

I expected indeed after his Letter of Thanks, in which he P. 14. tells us, he intended to throw aside the rubbish of my Book, that in his Answer he might the better lay open the Fabrick of my Discourse, and have no­thing [Page]there to doe, but to speak to solid Points; I say, after this, I expected a full Answer to the solid Points (as he is pleased to call them) of my Book; and that, (ac­cording to his excellent method of removing the rubbish, in order to the pulling down of a building) the Fabrick of my Book would long since have been demolish'd and laid even with the ground. But especially, when in the conclusion of that most civil and obliging Letter, he threatn'd never to leave follow­ing on his blow, till he had either brought Dr. Still. and me to lay Principles that would bear the test, or it was made evi­dent to all the world that we had none: I began (as I had reason) to be in a terri­ble fear of him, and to look upon my self as a dead man. And indeed who can think himself so considerable as not to dread this mighty man of Demonstration, this Prince of Controvertists, this great Lord and Pos­sessour of First Principles? But I perceive that great minds are mercifull, and do some­times content themselves to threaten when they could destroy.

For instead of returning a full Answer to my Book, he (according to their new mode of confuting Books) manfully falls a nibbling at one single passage in it, pag. 118. where­in he makes me to say (for I say no such [Page]thing) that the Rule of Christian Faith, and consequently Faith it self, is possible to be false, Nay in his Letter of Thanks, P. 13. he says it is an avow'd Position, in that place, that Faith is possible to be false. And to give the more countenance to this calumny, he chargeth the same Position (in equivalent terms) of the possible falshood of Faith, and that as to the chiefest and most fundamental Point, the Tenet of a Deity, upon the forementioned Sermon. But because he knew in his conscience, that I had avow'd no such Position, he durst not cite the words either of my Book or Ser­mon lest the Reader should have discover'd the notorious falshood and groundlesness of this Calumny: Nay he durst not so much as refer to any particular place in my Sermon, where such a passage might be found. And yet this is the Man that has the face to charge others with false citations, to which charge, before I have done, I shall say something, which (what effect soever it may have upon him) would make any other man sufficiently asham'd.

But yet I must acknowledge, that in this Position which he fastens upon me, he ho­nours me with excellent company, my Lord Faulkland, Mr. Chillingworth, and Dr. Stillingfleet; Persons of that admirable [Page]strength and clearness in their Writings, that Mr. S. when he reflects upon his own style and way of reasoning, may blush to acknow­ledge that ever he has read them. And as to this Position which he charges them with­all, I do not know (nor have the least reason upon Mr. S's word to believe) any such thing is maintained by them.

As for my self, whom I am now onely concern'd to vindicate, I shall set down the two Passages to which I suppose he refers.

In my Sermon, I endeavour (among other things) to shew the unreasonableness of A­theism upon this account: Because it re­quires more evidence for things than they are capable of. To make this good, I dis­course thus: Aristotle hath long since ob­served, how unreasonable it is to expect the same kind of Proof for every thing, which we have for some things. Mathe­matical things being of an abstracted na­ture, are onely capable of clear Demon­stration. But Conclusions in Natural Philosophy, are to be prov'd by a suffici­ent Induction of experiments; things of a Moral nature, by Moral Arguments, and Matters of Fact by credible Testimony. And though none of these be strict De­monstration, yet have we an undoubted [Page]assurance of them, when they are prov'd by the best Arguments that the nature and quality of the thing will bear. None can demonstrate to me, that there is such an Island in America as Jamaica; yet upon the Testimony of credible persons, and Authours who have written of it, I am as free from all doubt concerning it, as from doubting of the clearest Mathema­tical Demonstration. So that this is to be entertained as a firm Principle, by all those who pretend to be certain of any thing at all, that when any thing is prov'd by as good Arguments as that thing is capable of, and we have as great assurance that it is, as we could possibly have supposing it were, we ought not in reason to make any doubt of the existence of that thing. Now to apply this to the present case. The being of God is not Mathematically demonstrable, nor can it be expected it should; because onely Mathematical mat­ters admit of this kind of evidence. Nor can it be prov'd immediately by sense, beause God being suppos'd to be a pure Spirit, cannot be the object of any corporeal sense. But yet we have as great assurance that there is a God, as the nature of the thing to be prov'd is capable of, and as we could in reason [Page]expect to have, supposing that he were.

Ʋpon this passage it must be (if any thing in the Sermon) that Mr. S. chargeth this Position (in equivalent terms) of the possible falshood of Faith, and that as to the chiefest and most fundamental Point, the Tenet of a Deity. And now I appeal to the Reader's Eyes and Judgment, whether the sum of what I have said, be not this, That though the existence of God be not capa­ble of that strict kind of Demonstration which Mathematical matters are, yet, that we have an undoubted assurance of it. One would think that no man could be so ridiculous as from hence to infer, that I believe it pos­sible, notwithstanding this assurance; that there should be no God. For however in many other cases an undoubted assurance that a thing is, may not exclude all suspicion of a possibility of its being otherwise; yet in this Tenet of a Deity it most certain­ly does. Because whoever is assur'd that there is a God, is assur'd there is a Being whose existence is and always was necessary, and consequently is assured that it is impossi­ble he should not be, and involves in it a con­tradiction. So that my Discourse is so far from being equivalent to the Position he mentions, that it is a perfect contradiction to it. And he might with as much truth [Page]have affirm'd, that I had expresly, and in so many words said that there is no God.

The other passage is in pag. 118. of my Book, concerning the Rule of Faith. I was discoursing that no man can shew by any necessary argument, that it is naturally impossible that all the Relations concerning America should be false. But yet (say I) I suppose that notwithstanding this, no man in his wits is now possest with so incredible a folly, as to doubt whether there be such a place. The case is the very same as to the certainty of an ancient Book, and of the sense of plain expressions: We have no demonstration for these things, and we expect none; because we know the things are not capable of it. We are not infallibly certain, that any Book is so ancient as it pretends to be; or that it was written by him whose Name it bears; or that this is the sense of such and such pas­sages in it; it is possible all this may be otherwise: But we are very well assur'd that it is not, nor hath any prudent man any just cause to make the least doubt of it; For a bare possibility that a thing may be, or not be, is no just cause of doubting whether a thing be or not. It is possible all the people in France may dye this night, but I hope the possiblity of this doth not [Page]incline any man in the least to think it will be so. It is possible that the Sun may not rise to morrow morning; yet for all this I suppose that no man hath the least doubt but that it will.

To avoid the cavils of this impertinent Man, I have transcrib'd the whole Page to which he refers. And now where is this a­vow'd Position of the possible falshood of Faith? All that I say is this, That we are not infallible either in judging of the anti­quity of a Book, or of the sense of it; by which I mean (as any man of sense and in­genuity would easily perceive I do) that we cannot demonstrate these things of, as to shew that the contrary necessarily involves a con­tradiction; but yet that we may have a firm assurance concerning these matters, so as not to make the least doubt of them.

And is this to avow the possible falshood of Faith? And yet this Position Mr. S. charges upon these words; how justly I shall now examine.

Either by Faith Mr. S. means the Doc­trine reveal'd by God, and then the meaning of the Position must be, that what God says, is possible to be false; which is so absurd a Position as can hardly enter into any man's mind; and yet Mr. S. hath the modesty all along in his Book to insinuate [Page]that in the forecited Passage I say as much as this comes to.

Or else Mr. S. means by Faith, the assent which we give to Doctrines as reveal'd by God; and then his sense of infallibility must be either that whoever assents to any thing as reveal'd by God, cannot be deceiv'd, upon supposition that it is so reveal'd; or else absolutely, that whoever assents to any thing as reveal'd by God, cannot be deceiv'd. Now although I do not, in the Passage fore­cited, speak one syllable concerning Doctrines reveal'd by God, yet I affirm (and so will any man else) that an assent to any Doctrine as revealed by God, if it be reveal'd by him, is impossible to be false. But this is onely an infallibility upon supposition, which a­mounts to no more than this, That if a thing be true, it is impossible to be false. And yet the principal design of Mr. S's Book is to prove this, which I believe no man in the world was ever so senseless as to deny. But if he mean absolutely, that whoever assents to any Doctrine as reveal'd by God, cannot be deceiv'd, that is, that no man can be mis­taken about matters of Faith (as he must mean, if he pretend to have any adversary, and do not fight onely with his own shadow,) this I confess is a very comfortable assertion, but I am much afraid it is not true.

Or else lastly, By Faith he understands the Means and Motives of Faith. And then the plain state of the controversie between us is this, Whether it be necessary to a Christian belief to be infallibly secur'd of the means whereby the Christian Doc­trine is convey'd to us, and of the firmness of the Motives upon which our belief of it is grounded. This indeed is something to the purpose; for though in the passage be­fore-cited, I say not one word concerning the Motives of our Belief of the Christian Doc­trine, yet my discourse there was intended to be apply'd to the means whereby the knowledge of this Doctrine is convey'd to us. However, I am contented to joyn issue with Mr. S. up­on both these Points.

1. That it is not necessary to the true na­ture of Faith, that the Motives upon which any man believes the Christian Doctrine should be absolutely conclusive, and impossible to be false. That it is necessary, Mr. S. several times affirms in his Book; but how unrea­sonably, appears from certain and daily ex­perience. Very many Christians (such as St. Austin speaks of, as sav'd not by the quickness of their understandings, but the simplicity of their belief) do believe the Christian Doctrine upon incompetent grounds, and their belief is true, though the argument [Page]upon which they ground it be not (as Mr. S. says) absolutely conclusive of the thing: And he that thus believes the Christian Doctrine, if he adhere to it, and live ac­cordingly, shall undoubtedly be sav'd; and yet I hope Mr. S. will not say that any man shall be saved without true Faith. I might add, that in this Assertion Mr. S. is plainly con­tradicted by those of his own Church.

For they generally grant, that General Councils, though they be infallible in their Definitions and Conclusions, yet are not al­ways so in their Arguments and reasonings about them. And the Guide of Controver­sies P. 35. expresly says, that it is not necessary that a Divine Faith should always have an external rationally infallible ground or mo­tive thereto (whether Church Authority, or any other) on his part, that so believes. Here is a man of their own Church avowing this Position, that Faith is possible to be false. I desire Mr. S. who is the very Rule of Controversie, to do justice upon this false Guide.

I must acknowledge that Mr. S. attempts to prove this Assertion, and that by a very pleasant and surprizing Argument, which is this. The profound Mysteries o [...] Faith (he tells us Faith▪ vind. p. 9 [...].) must needs seem to some, (viz. those who have no light but their [Page]pure natural Reason, P. 89. as he said before) impossible to be true; which therefore no­t [...]ing but a Motive of its own nature seemingly impossible to be false can con­quer so as to make them conceit them re­ally true. What Mr. S. here means by a Motive of its own nature seeming impos­sible to be false I cannot divine, unless he means a real seeming impossibility. But be that as it will; does Mr. S. in good ear­nest believe that a Motive of its own na­ture seeming impossible to be false, is suf­ficient to convince any man, that has and uses the light of natural Reason, of the truth of a thing which must needs seem to him im­possible to be true? In my opinion these two seeming impossibilities are so equally matched that it must needs be a drawn Bat­tle between them. Suppose the thing to be believed be Transubstantiation; this indeed is a very profound Mystery, and is (to speak in Mr. S's. phrase) of its own nature so see­mingly impossible, that I know no argument in the world strong enough to cope with it. And I challenge Mr. S. to instance in any Motive of Faith which is, both to our un­derstanding and our senses, more plainly im­possible to be false than their Doctrine of Transubstantiation is evidently impossible to be true. And if he cannot, how can he rea­sonably [Page]expect that any man in the World should believe it?

2. That it is not necessary to the true na­ture of Faith, that we should be infallibly secur'd of the means whereby the Christian Doctrine is convey'd to us; particularly of the Antiquity and Authority of the Books of Scripture, and that the expressions in it can­not possibly bear any other sense. And these are the very things I instance in, in the pas­sage so often mention'd. And to these Mr. S. ought to have spoken, if he intended to have confuted that passage. But he was resolv'd not to speak distinctly, knowing his best play to be in the dark, and that all his safety lay in the confusion and obscurity of his talk.

Now that to have an infallible security in these particulars is not necessary to the true nature of Faith is evident upon these two accounts; because Faith may be without this infallible security, and because in the particulars mention'd it is impossible to be had.

1. Because Faith may be without this infallible security. He that is so assur'd of the Antiquity and Authority of the Books of Scripture, and of the sense of those Texts wherein the Doctrines of Christianity are plainly delivered, as to see no just cause to doubt thereof, may really assent to those Doc­trines [Page]trines though he have no infallible security. And an assent so grounded I affirm to have the true nature of Faith. For what degree of assent, and what security of the Means, which convey to us the knowledge of Christi­anity are necessary to the true nature of Faith is to be estimated from the end of Faith, which is the salvation of mens souls. And whoever is so assur'd of the authority and sense of Scripture, as to believe the Doctrine of it, and to live accordingly, shall be saved. And surely such a belief as will save a man hath the true nature of Faith, though it be not infallible. And if God have sufficiently provided for the salvation of men of all capacities, it is no such reflection upon the goodness and wisedom of providence, as Mr. S. imagines, that he hath not taken care that every man's Faith should arrive to the degree of infallibility; nor does our blessed Saviour, for not having made this provision, deserve to be esteem'd by all the world not a wise Lawgiver, but a mere Ignoramus and Impostor, as Laby­vinthus Cantuari­ensis P. 77. one of his fellow Con­trovertists speaks with reverence.

Besides, this assertion that infallibility is necessary to the true nature of that assent which we call Faith, is plainly false upon another account also; because Faith admits of degrees. But Infallibility has none. The [Page]Scripture speaks of a weak and a strong Faith and of the increase of Faith; but I never heard of a weak and strong Infallibility. In­fallibility is the highest perfection of the knowing faculty, and consequently the firmest degree of assent upon the firmest grounds, and which are known to be so. But will Mr. S. say, that the highest degree of assent ad­mits of degrees, and is capable of increase? Infallibility is an absolute impossibility of being deceived; now I desire Mr. S. to shew me the degrees of absolute impossibility; and if he could doe that, and consequently there might be degrees of Infallibility, yet I can­not believe that Mr. S. would think fit to call any degree of Infallibility a weak Faith or assent.

2. Because an infallible security in the particulars mention'd is impossible to be had; I mean in an ordinary way, and without mi­racle and particular revelation; because the nature of the thing is incapable of it. The ut­most security we have of the antiquity of any Book is humane Testimony, and all humane Tes­timony is fallible for this plain reason because all men are fallible. And though Mr. S. in defence of his beloved Tradition is pleas'd to say that humane Testimony in some cases is infallible, yet I think no man before him was ever so hardy as to maintain that the Testi­mony [Page]of fallible men is infallible. I grant it to be in many cases certain; that is, such as a considerate man may prudently rely and pro­ceed upon, and hath no just cause to doubt of; and such as none but an obstinate man or a fool can deny. And that thus the learned men of his own Church desine certainty Mr. S. (if he would but vouchsafe to read such Books) might have learnt from De lo. Theol. lib. 11. c. 4. Certa a­pud ho­mines ea sunt, quae ne­gari sine pervica­cia, & stultitia non pos­sunt. Melchior Canus, who speaking of the firmness of humane Testimony in some cases (which yet he did not believe to be in­fallible) defines it thus, those things are cer­tain among men, which cannot be deny'd without obstinacy and folly. I know Mr. S. is pleas'd to say, that certainty and in­fallibility are all one. And he is the first man that I know of that ever said it. And yet per­haps some body may have been before him in it, for I remember Tully says, that there is no­thing so foolish but some Philosopher or o­ther has said it. I am sure Mr. S's own Philo­sopher Mr. Wh. contradicts him in this most clearly, in his Preface to Rushworth's Dia­logues; where explicating the term Moral certainty he tells us, that some understood by it such a certainty as makes the cause always work the same effect, though it take not away the absolute possibility of working other ways; and this presently after he tells us, ought absolutely to be [Page]reckon'd in the degree of true certainty, and the Authors consider'd as mistaken in un­dervaluing it. So that accordi [...]g to Mr. Wh. true certainty may consist with a possibility of the contrary, and consequently Mr. S. is mis­taken in thinking certainty and infallibility to be all one. Nay, I do not sind any two of them agreeing among themselves, about the notions of infallibility and certainty. Mr. Wh. says, that what some call moral certainty, is true certainty, though it do not take away a possibi­lity, of the contrary. Mr. S. asserts the direct contrary, that Moral certainty is only probabi­lity because it does not take away the possibili­ty of the contrary. The Guide in Controversies P. 135. differs from them both, and makes moral, certain and infallible all one. I desire that they would agree these matters among them­selves before they quarrel with us about them.

In brief then, though moral certainty be sometimes taken for a high degree of proba­bility which can onely produce a doubt full as­sent; yet it is also frequently us'd for a firm and undoubted assent to a thing upon such grounds as are fit fully to satisfie a pru­dent man; and in this sense I have always us'd this Term. But now insallibility is an absolute security of the understanding from all possibility of mistake in what it believes. And there are but two ways for the under­standing [Page]to be thus secur'd; either by the perfection of its own nature, or by superna­tural assistance. But no humane under­standing being absolutely secur'd from possibility of mistake by the perfection of its own nature (which I think all mankind ex­cept Mr. S. have hitherto granted) it fol­lows, that no man can be infallible in any thing, but by supernatural assistance. Nor did ever the Church of Rome pretend to in­fallibility upon any other account, as every one knows that hath been conversant in the Writings of their Learned men. And Mr. Cressy in his P. 88, 89. Answer to Dr. Pierce hath not the face to contend for any other infallibility but this, that the immu­table God can actually preserve a mu­table creature from actual mutation: But I can by no means agr [...]e with him in what immediately follows, concerning the Omniscience of a creature; that God, who is absolutely omniscient, can teach a rational Creature all truths ne­cessary or expedient to be known; so that though a man may have much igno­rance, yet he may be in a sort omnisci­ent within a determinate sphere. Omni­scient within a determinate sphere, is an infinite within a finite sphere; and is not that a very pretty sort of knowing all things, [Page]which may consist with a ignorance of ma­ny things? Of all the Controvertists I have met with (except Mr. S.) Mr. Cressy is the happiest at these smart and ingenious kind of reasonings.

As to the other Particular of the sense of Books, it is likewise plainly impossible, that any thing should be deliver'd in such clear and certain words as are absolutely incapa­ble of any other sense; and yet notwithstand­ing this, the meaning of them may be so plain as that any unprejudic'd and reasonable man may certainly understand them. How many Definitions and Axioms, &c. are there in Euclid, in the sense of which men are universally agreed, and think themselves undoubtedly certain of it? and yet the words in which they are express'd, may possibly bear another sense. The same may be said concerning the Doctrines and Precepts of the H. Scriptures; and one great reason why men do not so generally agree in the sense of these as of the other is because the interests, and lusts, and passions of men are more con­cern'd in the one than the other. But what­ever uncertainty there may be in the sense of any Texts of Scripture, Oral Tradition is so far from affording us any help in this case that it is a thousand times more uncertain and less to be trusted to; especially if we [Page]may take that to be the Traditionary sense of Texts of Scripture, which we meet with in the Decretals of their Popes, and the Acts of some of their Councils; than which ne­ver was any thing in the whole world more absurd and ridiculous: And whence may we expect to have the infallible Traditional sense of Scripture, if not from the Heads and Re­presentatives of their Church?

This may abundantly suffice for the vindi­cation of that Passage which Mr. S. makes such a rude clamor about, as if I had there­in deny'd the truth and certainty of all Re­ligion; but durst never trust the Reader with a view of those words of mine upon which he pretended to ground this Calumny. But the world understands well enough, that all this was but a shift of Mr. S' s for the satis­faction of his own Party, and a pitifull Art to avoid the vindication of Sure-footing, a Task he had no mind to undertake.

And yet the main design of this Book which he calls Faith vindicated, &c. is to prove that which I do not believe any man living ever denyed, viz. That what is true is not possible to be false: Which, though it be one of the plainest Truths in the world, yet he proves it so foolishly, as would make any man (if it were not evident of it self) to doubt of it. He proves it from [Page] Logick, and Nature, and Metaphysicks, and Ethicks, &c. I wonder he did not do it likewise from Arithmetick and Geometry, the Principles whereof, he Sure-footing, p. 93. tells us are concerned in demonstrating the certainty of Oral Tradition. He might also have proceeded to Astrology, and Palmistry, and Chymistry, and have shewn how each of these lend their assistance to the evidencing of this Truth. For that could not have been more ridiculous, than his Faith. vindic. p. 6.7, &c. Argument from the nature of Subject, and Praedicate, and Copula in Faith-Propositions; because forsooth whoever affirms any Proposition of Faith to be true, affirms it impossible to be false. Very true. But would any man ar­gue, that what is true is impossible to be false, from the nature of Subject, Praedicate and Copula? for be the Proposition true or false, these are of the same nature in both, that is, they are Subject, Praedicate and Copula.

But that the Reader may have a taste of his clear style and way of reasoning, I shall for his satisfaction transcribe Mr. S's whole Argument from the nature of the Praedicate. His words are these. Our Argument from the Copula is particularly strengthned from the nature of the Praedicate in the Propo­sitions we speak of; I mean in such speeches as affirm such and such points of [Page]Faith to be true. P. 9, 10, 11, 12. For True means Existent in Propositions which express onely the An est of a thing, as most points of Faith do; which speak abstractedly, and tell not wherein the nature of the subject it speaks of consists, or the Quid est. So that most of the Propositions Christians are bound to profess are fully exprest thus, A Trinity is existent, &c. and the like may be said of those Points which belong to a Thing or Action past; as, Creation was, &c. For, Existent is the Praedicate in these two, onely affixt to another dif­ference of time; and 'tis equally impossi­ble such Subjects should neither have been nor not have been, or have been and have not been at once, as it is that a thing should neither be nor not be at present, or both be and not be at present. Regarding then stedfastly the nature of our Praedicate [Existent] we shall find that it expresses the utmost Actuality of a Thing; and as taken in the posture it bears in those Propositions, that Actually exercis'd, that is, the utmost Actuality in its most actual state; that is, as absolutely excluding all manner or least degree of Potentiality, and consequently all possibility of being otherwise; which is radically destroyed when all Potentiality is taken away. [Page]This Discourse holding, which in right to truth I shall not fear to affirm (uncon­cern'd in the drollery of any Opposer) to be more than Mathematically demon­strative, it follows inevitably that whoso is bound to profess a Trinity, Incarnation, &c. is or was existent, is also bound to profess that 'tis impossible they should be not Exis­tent; or which is all one, that 'tis impos­sible these points of Faith should be false.

The same appears out of the nature of distinction or division applyed to our Prae­dicate Existent, as found in these Propo­sitions: For could that Praedicate bear a pertinent distinction expressing this and the other respect, or thus and thus, it might possibly be according to one of these respects, or thus considered, and not be ac­cording to another, that is another way considered: But this evasion is here im­possible; for either those distinguishing Notions must be more Potential or Ante­cedent to the Notion of Existent, and then they neither reach Existent, nor super­vene to it as its Determinations or Actua­tions, which differences ought to doe; nor can any Notion be more Actual or Deter­minative in the line of Substance or Being, than Existent is; and, so fit to distinguish it in that line; nor, lastly, can any de­termination [Page]in the line of Accidents serve the turn; for, those suppose Existence al­ready [...], and so the whole Truth of the Proposition entire and complete antece­dently to them: 'Tis impossible therefore that what is thus affirmed to be True, should in any regard be affirmed possible to be false: the impossibility of distin­guishing the Praedicate pertinently, ex­cluding here all possibility of divers re­spects.

The same is demonstrated from the im­possibility of distinguishing the Subjects of those Faith-propositions; for those Sub­jects being Propositions themselves; and accepted for Truths, as is supposed, they are incapable of Distinction, as shall be particularly shewn hereafter. Besides, those Subjects being points of Faith, and so standing in the Abstract, that is, not descending to subsuming respects, even in that regard too they are freed from all pertinent distinguishableness.

The same is demonstrated from the na­ture of Truth, which consists in an Indivi­sible; whence there is nothing of Truth had, how great soever the conceived ap­proaches towards it may be, till all may-not-bees, or Potentiality to be otherwise, be utterly excluded by the Actuality of [Page]Is or Existence; which put or discover'd, the light of Truth breaks forth, and the dim twilights of may-not-bees vanish and disappear.

I have here (Reader) presented thee with a Discourse which (if we may believe Mr. S.) is more than Mathematically de­monstrative. A rare Sight indeed! And is not this a pleasant Man, and of good assu­rance? I now find it true, which he Letter of Thanks P. 1. says elsewhere, that Principles are of an inflexi­ble genius, and self-confident too, and that they love naturally to express themselves with an assuredness. But certainly the sa­cred names of Principles and Demonstra­tion were never so profan'd by any Man be­fore. Might not any one write a Book of such Jargon, and call it Demonstration? And would it not equally serve to prove or confute? If he intended this stuff for the satisfaction of the People, he might as well have writ in the Coptick or Sclavonian Language: yet I cannot deny, but that it is very suitable to the Principles of the Ro­man Church; for why should not their Sci­ence as well as their Service be in an unknown Tongue? that the one may be as sit to im­prove their knowledge, as the other is to raise their devotion. But if he designed this for the Learned, nothing could be more [Page]improper; for they are far less apt to ad­mire non-sense than the common People: And I desire that no man (how learned soever he may think himself) would be over­confident, that this is sense. I do verily believe, that neither Harphius, nor Rus­brochius, nor the profound Mother Juliana, have any thing in their writings more sense­less and obscure than this Discourse of his, which he affirms to be more than Mathe­matically Demonstrative. So that if I were worthy to advise Mr. S. he should give over this pretence to Science; for whatever he may think, his Talent certainly does not lie that way; but he seems to be as well made for a Mystical Divine, as any man I know; and methinks his Superiours should be sensible of this, and employ him to write about the Deiform fund of the Soul, the super-essential life, the method of self-an­nihilation, and the passive unions of nothing with nothing: These are profound Subjects, and he hath a Style peculiarly fitted for them. For even in this parcel of stuff which I have now cited, there are five or six words, such as may-not-bees, potentiality, actu­ality, actuation, determinative, supervene and subsume, which if they were but well mingled and discreetly ordered, and brought in now and then with a that is, to explain [Page]one another) would half set up a man in that way, and enable him to write as Mysti­cal a Discourse as a man would wish. But e­nough of this. And I have trespass'd not a little upon mine own disposition in saying thus much, though out of a just indignation as confident Non-sense.

It is time now to draw toward a conclu­sion of this debate. I shall onely▪ leave with the Reader a few observations concerning this Book of Mr. S's and his Doctrine of Infalli­bility.

First, That the main drift of his Book be­ing to prove that what is true is impossible to be false, he opposes no body that I know of in this matter.

Secondly, That in asserting Infallibility to be necessary to the true nature of Faith he hath the generality of his own Church his professed Adversaries. The Church of Rome never arrogated to her self any o­ther Infallibility but what she pretends to be sounded upon Christ's promise to secure his Church always from Errour by a super­natural assistance, which is widely dif­ferent from M [...]. S's rational infallibility of Oral Tradition. Mr. S. surely cannot be ignorant, that the Divines of their Church (till Mr. Rushworth and Mr. White found out this new way) did generally resolve [Page]Faith into the infallible Testimony of the Church, and the infallibility of their Church, into our Saviour's Promise; and the evi­dence of the true Church into the Markes of the Church, or the Motives of credibility; which Motives are acknowledg'd to be only prudential, and not demonstrative. I. 4. de Eccles. Bel­larmine says, that the Marks of the Church do not make it evidently true, which is the true Church, but onely evidently credible; and that (says he) is said to be evidently credible which is neither seen in it self, nor in its principles; but yet hath so ma­ny and so weighty Testimonies, that e­very wise man hath reason to believe it. Becanus Sum. Tom. 2. partic. de tide c. 1. to the same purpose, that the Motives of credibility are onely the foun­dation of a prudent, but not of an infal­lible assent, I know very well that Mr. Knott and some others would fain perswade us, that an assent in some sort infallible may be built upon prudential Motives, which is as absurd as it's possible; but if it were true, yet Mr. S. would not accept of this sort of infallibility; nothing less will serve him than demonstrative Motives, and such as are absolutely conclusive of the thing. Stapleton (as Mr. Cressy tells us) ex­presly says, that such an infallible certitude of Means is not now necessary to the Pastors [Page]of the Church, as was necessary to the A­postles, who were the first founders of the Church. So that, according to these Au­thors, there may be true Faith where nei­ther the means nor the Motives of it are such as to raise our assent to the degree of in­fallibility. And this is as much to the full as any Protestant (that I know of) ever said. Nay, even his Friends of the Tra­dition, Mr. Rushworth, Mr. White and Mr. Cressy, are guilty of the same damna­ble and fundamental Errour, as Mr. S. calls it Letter to his An­swerer, p. 5.. For they grant less assurance than that which is infallible to be sufficient to Christian Faith, and that we are justly condemn'd if we refuse to believe upon such evidence as does ordinarily satisfie prudent men in humane affairs. And particularly, Mr. Wh. makes a question whether humane nature be capable of infallibility; as I have shewn at large by clear and full Testimonies out of each of these Authors, in the Answer to Sure-footing P [...]c, &c.. Of which Testimonies though Mr. S. hath not though fit to take the least notice throughout his Book; yet I cannot but think it a reasonable request, to desire him to vindicate the Divines of his own Church (especially those of his own way) from these things, before he charge us any far­ther with them.

Thirdly, That Mr. S. by this Princi­ple, that infallibility is necessary to the true nature of Faith, makes every true believer infallible in matters of Faith; which is such a Paradox, as I doubt whether ever it en­ter'd into any other man's mind. But if it be true, what need then of any infallibility in Pope or Council? And if this infallibility be grounded upon the nature of Oral Tradition, what need of supernatural assistance? I doubt Mr. S. would be loth to preach this Doctrine at Rome; I have often heard, that there is an old teasty Gentleman lives there, who would take it very ill that any one besides himself should pretend to be infalli­ble.

Fourthly, That Mr. S. by his Prin­ciples does plainly exclude from sal­vation the generality of his own Church, that is, all that do not believe upon his Grounds. And this is the necessary con­sequence of his reasoning in a late Trea­tise, intituled, The method to arrive at satisfaction in Religion: The prin­ciples whereof are these; That the Church is a Congregation of Faith­full; The Faithfull are those who have true Faith; That, till it be known which is the true Faith, it cannot be known which is the true Church; [Page]That which is the true Faith, can onely be known by the true Rule of Faith, which is Oral Tradition; And that the infallibility of this Rule is evident to common sense. And from these principles he concludes Sec. 21. that those who follow not this Rule, and so are out of this Church, can have no true Faith; And that though many of the Points to which they assent are true, yet their assent is not Faith; for Faith (speaking of Christian Faith) is an as­sent which cannot possibly be false. So that the Foundation of this Method is the self-evident infallibility of Oral Tra­dition, which hath been sufficiently consider'd in the Answer to Sure footing, which yet remains unanswer'd. That which I am now concern'd to take notice of, is the consequence of this Method, which does at one blow excommunicate and un-Christian the far greatest part of his own Church. For if all who do not follow Oral Tradition as their onely Rule of Faith are out of the Church, and can have no true Faith, then all who follow the Council of Trent are ipso facto no Christians. For nothing is plainer, than that that Council did not make Oral Tradition the sole Rule of their Faith, nor rely upon it as such; which hath been prov'd at large in the Answer to Sure footing,

But why is Mr. S. so zealous in this mat­ter of infallibility? There is a plain reason for it. He finds that confidence, how weak­ly soever it be grounde, hath some effect upon the common and ignorant People; who are apt to think there is something more than ordinary in a swaggering man, that talks of nothing but Principles and Demonstration. And so we see it in some other Professions. There are a sort of People very well known, who find that the most effectual way to cheat the People is always to pretend to infallible Cures.

I have now done with his Infallibility. But I must not forget this Letter of Thanks. I shall wholly pass by the passion and ill lan­guage of it, which a man may plainly see to have proceeded from a gall'd and uneasie mind. He would fain put on some pleasant­ness, but was not able to conceal his vexa­tion. Nor shall I insist upon his palpable shussling about the explication of the Terms, Rule and Faith. He was convinc'd that he had explain'd them very untowardly, and therefore would gladly come off by saying that he did not intend explication, p. 7. but onely to praedicate or affirm something of them. And yet the whole design of the first page of Sure-footing is to shew the necessity of beginning with the meaning of those [Page]words which express the thing under de­bate: And this method he tells us he will apply to his present purpose, and will ex­amine well what is meant by those words which express the thing he was to discuss, namely, The RƲLE of FAITH. Now if to examine well what is meant by words, be not to go about to explain them, I must con­fess my self to be in a great errour. Of the same kind in his Apology for his Testimo­nies, as if they were P. 105. not intended against the Protestants; whereas his Book was writ against the Protestants, and when he comes to his Testimonies, he Sure­footing. P. 126. declares the de­sign of them to be, to second by Authority what he had before establish'd by Reason. So that if the Rational part of his Book was intended against the Protestants, and the Te­stimonies were design'd to second it, I cannot understand why he should say one was less intended against them than the other. But it seems he is so conscious of the weakness of those Testimonies, that he does not think them sit to satisfie any but those who believe him al­ready.

As to his charge of false citations, it is but the common artifice of the Roman Contro­vertists when they have nothing else to say. However that the world may see how little he is to be trusted, I shall instance in two or [Page]three about which he makes the loudest cla­mour, and leave it to the Reader to judge by these of his sincerity in the rest.

He says, P. 62. I notoriously abuse the Preface to Rushworths Dialogues in citing the Au­thor of it to say that such certainty as makes the cause always to work the same effect though it take not away the abso­lute possibility of working otherwise, ought absolutely to be reckon'd in the degree of true certainty; whereas (says Mr. S.) he onely tells us there, p. 7. that by moral certainty [some understood] such a certainty as makes the cause, &c. To vindicate my self in this, I shall onely set the Author's words before the Reader's eyes. They are these. This term Moral certainty, every one explicated not like; but some understood by it such a certainty as makes the cause always work the same effect, though it take not away the absolute possi­bility of working other ways. Others call'd that a moral certainty which proceeds from, &c. A third explication of this word is, &c. Of these three the first ought absolutely to be reckon'd in the degree of true cer­tainty, and the Authors consider'd as mis­taken in undervaluing it. Is this onely to tell us that by moral certainty some under­stood, &c. Does not the Prefacer also ex­presly [Page]affirm, that what these some under­stood by moral certainty, ought absolute­ly to be reckon'd in the degree of true cer­tainty? which is the very thing I cited him for.

Another heavy charge is, P. 65. that according to my usual sincerity, I quote Rushworth's Nephew to say, that a few good words are to be cast in concerning Scripture, [for the satisfaction of indifferent men who have been brought up in this verbal and appa­rent respect of the Scripture,] whereas (says Mr. S.) in the place you cite, he onely expresses, it would be a satisfaction to indifferent men to see the positions one would induce them to embrace main­tainable by Scripture. Does he onely say so? let the Reader judge. The words in Mr. Rushworth are these: Yet this I must tell ye, that it were a great satisfaction for indifferent men, that have been brought up in this verbal and apparent respect of the Scripture, to see that the Positions you would induce them unto, can be and are maintain'd by Scripture, and that they are grounded therein. Certainly one would think that either this man has no eyes or no fore­head.

But the greatest out-cry of all, is, p. 57, 77. that I abuse his first Demonstration by vertue of a [Page]direct falsification both of his words and sense, by cogging in the word. [all,] ma­king his principle run thus, that the grea­test hopes and fears are applied to the minds of [all] Christians. This indeed I make to be his Principle grounded upon his words which I had cited a little before; and they are these, First; That Christian Doctrine was at first unanimously settled by the Apostles in the hearts of the faithfull dis­pers'd in great multitudes over several parts of the world. 2ly, That this Doc­trine was firmly believed by [all] those faithfull to be the way to Heaven, and the contradicting or deserting of it to be the way to damnation; so that the greatest hopes and fears imaginable were, by en­gaging the divine Authority, strongly ap­ply'd to the minds of the first Believers, &c. Now if these first believers, to whom he says, these hopes and fears were strongly apply'd, be all those faithfull he spoke of be­fore which were dispers'd over several parts of the world, (as the tenor of his words plainly shews) what are these less than all the Christians of that Age? and he himself a little after tells us, there is the same reason of the following Ages. So that I made his Principle run no otherwise than he himself had laid it. And if it contra­dict [Page]what he says elsewhere, it is no new or strange thing. I wonder more at his confi­dence in charging such falsifications upon me as every man's eyes will presently confute him in. Methinks though a man had all Science, and all Principles, yet it might not be amiss to have some Conscience.

I shall only speak a few words to the two solid Points, (as I may call them) of his Letter, and I have done.

I had charg'd him that he makes Tradi­tions certainty a first and self-evident Prin­ciple, and yet that he goes about to demon­strate it; which I said was impossible to be done, and if it could be done was needless. To avoid this inconvenience which he found himself sorely press'd with all, he distin­guishes between Speculative and Practical self-evidence, and says that things which are practically self-evident may be demonstrated, but those that are speculatively so, cannot. But he must not think to shelter himself from so palpable an absurdity by this imper­tinent distinction. For let things be evident how they will, speculatively or practically, 'tis plain that if they be Principles evident of themselves they need nothing to evidence them; and if they be first Principles there can be nothing to make them more evident, because there is nothing before them to de­monstrate [Page]them by. Now if Mr. S. had in truth believed that the certainty of Tradi­tion was a first and self-evident Principle, he should by all means have let it alone, for it was in a very good condition to shift for it self; but his blind way of Demonstration is enough to cast a mist about the clearest Truth in the world. But perhaps by the self-evident certainty of Tradition, Mr. S. onely means that it is evident to himself, for I dare say it is so to no body else. And if that be his meaning he did well enough to endeavour to demonstrate it; it was no more than needed.

The other Point is about his First Princi­ples, such as these, a Rule is a Rule, Faith is Faith, &c. which he says P. 11. must princi­ple all that can be solidly concluded ei­ther about Rule or Faith. Of these he hath mighty store, and blesseth himself in it, as the Rich man in the Gospel did in his full Barns, Soul take thine ease, thou hast Prin­ciples laid up for many years; and out of an excess of good nature pities my case, who did undertake to write a Discourse about the Ground of Faith, P. 74. without so much as one Principle to bless my self with. But the mischief is, that after all this stir about them they are good for nothing, and of the very same stamp with that frivolous one [Page] Aristotle speaks of [ if a thing be, it is, Analyt. Poster. l. 1] which he rejects as a vain and ridiculous Pro­position. Such are Mr. S's first Principles, surfeited of too much truth (as an inge­nious Writer of his own Church says of them) and ready to burst with self-evidence, and yet by ten thousand of them a man shall not be able to advance one step in knowledge, because they produce no conclusion but them­selves; whereas it is of the nature of Prin­ciples to yeild a Conclusion different from themselves. And to convince Mr. S. fully of the foolery of these Principles, I will try what can be done with them, either in a Categorical or Hypothetical Syllogism, e. g. A Rule is a Rule, Tradition is a Rule, Ergo Tradition is a Rule. Again, If a Rule be a Rule, then a Rule is a Rule; But a Rule is a Rule, Ergo. How is any man the wiser for all this? But it may be Mr. S. can make better work with them, and manage them more dex­trously, so as to principle any thing that can be solidly concluded in any Controversie.

And now I hope at last to have given Mr. S. full satisfaction; since he has brought me to the very point he desir'd, to acknowledge that I have no Principles. And indeed if there be no other to be had but such as these, I do declare to all the world, that I neither have any Principles, nor will have any.

The Texts of each Sermon.

JOB 28.28. And unto man he said; Be­hold! the fear of the Lord that is wise­dom; and to depart from evil is under­standing. page 1
2 Pet. 3.3. Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days Scoffers walking after their own lusts. p. 101
Prov. 14.34. Righteousness exalteth a Na­tion; but sin is the reproach of any people. p. 129
Psalm 19.11. And in keeping of them there is great reward. p. 151
Phil. 3.8. Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord. p. 179
1 Joh. 5.3. And his Commandments are not grievous. p. 213
2 Tim. 2.19. Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. p. 243
Phil. 3.20. For our conversation is in Hea­ven. p. 273

And unto man he said; Behold! the fear of the Lord that is wisdom; and to de­part from evil is understanding.

IN this Chapter Job discourseth of the secrets of nature, and the unsearcha­ble perfections of the works of God. And the result of his discourse is this. That a perfect knowledge of Nature is no where to be found but in the Author of it; no less wisdom and understanding than that which made the world and contrived this vast and regular frame of Nature can throughly un­derstand the Philosophy of it and compre­hend so vast a design: But yet there is a knowledge which is very proper to man and lies level to humane understanding; and that is the knowledge of our Creator and of the duty we owe to him; the wisdom of pleasing God, by doing what he commands and avoiding what he for­bids: This Knowledge and Wisdom may be attained by man, and is sufficient to make him happy. And unto man he said: [Page 2]Behold! the fear of the Lord that is Wisdom, and to depart from evil is understanding.

These words consist of two Propositions, which are not distinct in sense, but one and the same thing variously express'd; For wisedom and understanding are synonymous words here; and though sometimes they have different notions, yet in the Poetical Books of Scripture they are most frequently used as words equivalent, and do both of them indifferently signifie either a specu­lative knowledge of things, or a practical skill about them, according to the exigen­cy of the matter or thing spoken of. And so likewise the fear of the Lord, and departure from evil, are phrases of a very near sense, and like importance; and therefore we find them several times put together in Scripture: Pro. 3.7. Pr. 16.6. Fear the Lord, and depart from evil: By the fear of the Lord men depart from evil. So that they differ onely as cause and effect, which by a Metonymie usual in all sorts of Authors, are frequently put one for another.

Now, to fear the Lord, and to depart from evil, are phrases which the Scripture useth in a very great latitude, to express to us the sum of Religion, and the whole of our duty. And because the large usage of these phrases is to be the foundation of my fol­lowing [Page 3]discourse, I shall for the farther clearing of this matter endeavour to shew these two things:

  • 1. That 'tis very usual in the Language of Scripture to express the whole of Religion by these and such like phrases.
  • 2. The particular fitness of these two phrases to describe Religion.

I. It is very usual in the Language of Scripture to express the whole of Religion by some eminent principle or part of Re­ligion.

The great Principles of Religion are knowledge, faith, remembrance, love, and fear; by all which the Scripture useth to express the whole duty of man.

In the Old Testament, by the knowledge, remembrance and fear of God. Religion is called The knowledge of the holy. Prov. 30.3. Jer. 10.25. And wic­ked men are described to be such as know not God. So likewise, by the fear of the Lord, frequently in this Book of Job, and in the Psalms and Proverbs. And Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another. And the fear of God is expresly said to be the sum of Religion, Eccl. 12.13. Fear God and keep his Commandments, for this is the whole of man: And on the contrary, the wicked are described to be such as have not the fear of God before their eyes. Ps. 36.1. And [Page 4]so likewise by the remembrance of God Re­member thy Creator in the days of thy youth; Eccl. 12.1. that is, enter upon a religious course be­times: And on the contrary, the character of the wicked is, that they forget God; The wicked shall be turned into Hell; Ps. 9.17. and all the Nations that forget God. In the New Testament, Religion is usually expressed by faith in God and Christ, and the love of them. Hence it is, that true Christians are so frequently called believers, and wicked and ungodly men unbelievers, And that good men are described to be such as love God, all things shall work toge­ther for good to them that love God; Ro. 8.28. Eph. 6.24. and such as love the Lord Iesus Christ. Now the reason why these are put for the whole of Religion, is, because the belief, and knowledge, and remembrance, and love, and fear of God, are such powerfull principles, and have so great an influence upon men to make them Religious, that where any one of these really is, all the rest, together with the true and genuine effects of them, are supposed to be.

And so likewise the sum of all Religion is often expressed by some eminent part of it; which will explain the second phrase here in the Text, departing from evil. The worship of God is an eminent part of [Page 5] Religion; and Prayer, which is often in Scripture expressed by seeking God, and calling upon his Name, is a chief part of Religious worship. Hence Religion is de­scribed by seeking God, Heb. 11.6 He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek, him: and by cal­ling upon his name, Acts 2.21 Whosoever calleth upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved. And so by coming to God, and by departing from evil. In this fallen state of man Religion begins with repentance and conversion, the two opposite terms of which, are God and Sin: Hence it is that Religion is described sometimes by coming to God, Heb. 11.6 He that com­eth to God, must believe that he is, that is, no man can be religious, unless he believe there is a God; Is. 59.15. sometimes by departing from sin, And he that departeth from evil, maketh himself a prey: that is, such was the bad state of those times of which the Prophet there complains that no man could be religious but he was in danger of being persecuted.

II. For the fitness of these two phrases to describe Religion.

1. For the first, [the fear of the Lord] The fitness of this phrase will appear, if we consider how great an influence the fear of God hath upon men to make them [Page 6]religious. Fear is a passion that is most deeply rooted in our natures, and flows immediately from that Principle of self-preservation which God hath planted in every man. Every one desires his own preservation and happiness, and therefore hath a natural dread and horrour of every thing that can destroy his Being, or en­danger his happiness. And the greatest danger is from the greatest power, and that is omnipotency. So that the fear of God is an inward acknowledgment of a holy and just Being, which is armed with an al­mighty and irresistible power; God ha­ving hid in every Man's Conscience a se­cret awe and dread of his infinite power, and eternal justice. Now fear being so intimate to our natures, it is the strongest bond of Laws, and the great security of our duty.

There are two bridles or restraints which God hath put upon humane na­ture, shame and fear. Shame is the wea­ker, and hath place onely in those in whom there are some remainders of ver­tue. Fear is the stronger, and works up­on all who love themselves and desire their own preservation. Therefore in this de­generate state of mankind, fear is that passion which hath the greatest power [Page 7]over us, and by which God and his Laws take the surest hold of us: Our desire and love, and hope, are not so apt to be wrought upon by the representation of vertue, and the promises of reward and happiness, as our fear is from the appre­hensions of Divine displeasure. For though we have lost in a great measure the gust and relish of true happiness, yet we still retain a quick sense of pain and misery. So that fear relies upon a natural love of our selves, and is complicated with a necessa­ry desire of our own preservation. And therefore Religion usually makes its first entrance into us by this passion; hence perhaps it is that Solomon more than once calls the fear of the Lord the beginning of wisdom.

2. As for the Second phrase [departing from evil] the fitness of it to express the whole duty of man, will appear, if we con­sider the necessary connexion that is be­tween the negative and positive part of our duty. He that is carefull to avoid all sin will sincerely endeavour to perform his duty. For the soul of man is an active principle, and will be employed one way or other, it will be doing something; if a man abstain from evil, he will do good. Now there being such a strait connexion [Page 8]between these, the whole of our duty may be expressed by either of them; but most fitly by departing from evil, because that is the first part of our duty. Religion be­gins in the forsaking of sin:

Virtus est vitium fugere, & sapientia prima
Stultitia caruisse —
Vertue begins in the forsaking of vice; and the first part of wisedom is not to be a fool.

And therefore the Scripture, which men­tions these parts of our duty, doth con­stantly put departing from evil first; De­part from evil and do good. Ps. 34.14 & 37.27. Is. 1.16, 17. & 55.7. Eph. 4.23, 24. Cease to do evil, learn to do well. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return unto the Lord. We are first to put off the old man which is corrupt accor­ding to deceitful lusts, and then to be renewed in the spirit of our minds, and to put on the new man, 1 Pet. 3.11. &c. Let him eschew evil and do good. To all which I may add this farther consi­deration, that the Law of God contained in the ten Commandments, consisting mostly of prohibitions, ( Thou shalt not doe such or such a'thing) our observance of it is most fitly expressed by departing from evil, which yet includes obedience like­wise to the positive Precepts implied in those Prohibitions.

Having thus explain'd the Words, I come [Page 9]now to consider the Proposition contain'd in them, which is this:

That Religion is the best knowledge and wisedom.

This I shall endeavour to make good these three ways.

  • 1. By a direct proof of it.
  • 2. By shewing on the contrary the folly and ignorance of irreligion and wickedness.
  • 2. By vindicating Religion from those com­mon imputations which seem to charge it with ignorance or imprudence.

I begin with the direct proof of this: And because Religion comprehends two things, the knowledge of the Principles of it, and a suitable life and practice; (the first of which being speculative, may more properly be called knowledge; and the lat­ter, because 'tis practical, may be called wisedom or prudence) therefore I shall endea­vour distinctly to prove these two things.

  • 1. That Religion is the best knowledge.
  • 2. That 'tis the truest wisdom.

1. First, That it is the best knowledge.

The knowledge of Religion commends its self to us upon these two accounts.

1. 'Tis the knowledge of those things which are in themselves most excellent.

Of those things which are most usefull and necessary for us to know.

First, It is the best knowledge, because it is the knowledge of those things which are in themselves most excellent and desi­rable to be known; and those are God, and our duty. God is the sum and comprehen­sion of all perfection. It is delightfull to know the Creatures, because there are par­ticular excellencies scatter'd and dispers'd among them which are some shadows of the Divine perfections: But in God all perfections in their highest degree and ex­altation meet together and are united. How much more delightfull then must it needs be to fix our minds upon such an object in which there is nothing but beauty and brightness, what is amiable, and what is excellent; what will ravish our affecti­ons and raise our wonder, please us and asto­nish us at once; And that the finite mea­sure and capacity of our understandings is not able to take in and comprehend the infinite perfections of God, this indeed shews the excellency of the object, but doth not altogether take away the de­lightfulness of the knowledge. For as it is pleasant to the Eye to have an endless pros­pect, so is it some pleasure to a finite un­derstanding to view unlimited excellencies which have no shore or bounds, though it cannot comprehend them. There is a plea­sure [Page 11]in admiration; and this is that which properly causeth admiration, when we discover a great deal in an object which we understand to be excellent, and yet we see we know not how much more beyond that, which our understandings cannot fully reach and comprehend.

And as the knowledge of God in his nature and perfections is excellent and desirable, so likewise to know him in those glorious manifestations of himself in the works of Creation and Providence; and above all, in that stupendious work of the Redemption of the world by Jesus Christ, which was such a mistery, and so excellent a piece of knowledge that the Angels are said to desire to pry into it. 1 Pet. 1.12.

And as the knowledge of God is excellent, so likewise of our Duty which is nothing else but vertue and goodness and holiness, which are the image of God, a conformity to the nature and will of God, and an imita­tion of the Divine Excellencies and Per­fections, so far as we are capable: For to know our duty is to know what it is to be like God in goodness, and pity, and pa­tience, and clemency, in pardoning injuries, and passing by provocations; in justice and righteousness, in truth and faithfulness, and in a hatred and detestation of the con­trary [Page 12]of these: In a word, it is to know what is the good and acceptable will of God, what it is that he loves and delights in and is pleased withall, and would have us to do in order to our perfection and our happiness. It is deservedly accounted a piece of excellent knowledge to know the laws of the Land, and the customs of the Countrey we live in, and the will of the Prince we live under: How much more, to know the Statutes of Heaven, and the Laws of eternity, those immutable and e­ternal rules of justice and righteousness; to know the will and pleasure of the great Monarch and universal King of the World, and the Customs of that Countrey where we must live for ever? This made David to admire the Law of God at that strange rate, and to advance the knowledge of it above all other knowledge, I have seen an end of all perfection, Psal. 119.96. but thy commandment is exceeding broad.

Secondly, 'Tis the knowledge of those things which are most usefull and necessary for us to know. The goodness of every thing is measured by its end and use, and that's the best thing which serves the best end and purpose; and the more necessary any thing is to such an end, the better it is: So that the best knowledge is that [Page 13]which is of greatest use and necessity to us in order to our great end, which is eternal happiness, and the salvation of our Souls. Curious speculations, and the contempla­tion of things that are impertinent to us, and do not concern us, nor serve to pro­mote our happiness, are but a more speci­ous and ingenious sort of idleness, a more pardonable and creditable kind of Igno­rance. That Man that doth not know those things which are of use and necessity for him to know is but an ignorant man, whatever he may know besides. Now the knowledge of God, and of Christ, and of our duty, is of the greatest usefulness and necessity to us in order to our happiness. It's of absolute necessity that we should know God and Christ, in order to our be­ing happy; This is life eternal (that is, Joh. 17.3 the onely way to it) to know thee the onely true God, and him whom thou hast sent, Jesus Christ. It is necessary also in order to our happiness to know our duty: be­cause 'tis necessary for us to do it, and it is impossible to do it except we know it.

So that whatsoever other knowledge a man may be endued withall, he is but an ignorant person who doth not know God, the Author of his being, the preserver and protector of his life, his Soveraign, [Page 14]and his Judge, the giver of every good and perfect gift, his surest refuge in trou­ble, his best friend or worst enemy, the present support of his life, his hopes in death, his future happiness, and his por­tion for ever: who does not know his re­lation to God, the duty that he owes him, and the way to please him who can make him happy or miserable for ever: who doth not know the Lord Jesus Christ who is the way, the truth, and the life.

If a man by a vast and imperious mind, and a heart large as the sand upon the Sea-shore, (as it is said of Solomon) could command all the knowledge of Nature and Art, of words and things; could attain to a maste­ry in all Languages, and sound the depths of all Arts and Sciences, measure the earth and the heavens, and tell the stars, and declare their order and motions; could discourse of the interests of all States, the intrigues of all Courts, the reason of all Civil laws and constitutions, and give an account of the History of all ages; could speak of trees, from the Cedar-tree that is in Lebanon, even unto the Hysop that springs out of the wall; and of beasts also and of fowls, and of creeping things, and of fishes: and yet should in the mean time, be de­stitute of the knowledge of God and Christ, [Page 15]and his duty; all this would be but an im­pertinent vanity, and a more glittering kind of Ignorance; and such a man (like the Philosopher, who whilst he was ga­zing upon the stars, fell into the ditch) would but sapienter descendere in infernum be undone with all this knowledge, and with a great deal of wisdom go down to Hell.

2. Secondly, That to be religious is the truest wisdom, and that likewise upon two accounts.

  • 1. Because it is to be wise for our selves.
  • 2. It is to be wise as to our main interest and concernment.

1. 'Tis to be wise for our selves. There's an expression, Job 22.21. He that is wise is profitable to himself; and Prov. 9.12. If thou be wise, thou shalt be wise for thy self: intimating that wisdom regards a man's own interest and advantage, and that he is not a wise man that doth not take care of himself and his own concernments, according to that of Old Ennius, nequicquam sapere sapientem, qui sibi ipsi prodesse non quiret, That man hath but an empty title of Wisdom and is not really vvise vvho is not wise for himself. As self-pre­servation is the first principle of Nature, so care of our selves and our ovvn interest is [Page 16]the first part of wisdom. He that is wise in the affairs and concernments of other men, but careless and negligent of his own, that man may be said to be busie, but he is not wise: he is employed indeed, but not so as a wise man should be: Now this is the Wisdom of Religion, that it directs a man to a care of his own proper interest and concernment.

2. It is to be wise as to our main interest. Our chief end and highest interest is hap­piness: And this is happiness to be freed from all (if it may) however from the greatest evils; and to enjoy (if it may be) all good, however the chiefest. To be happy is not onely to be freed from the pains and diseases of the body, but from anxiety and vexation of spirit: not onely to enjoy the pleasures of sense, but peace of Conscience and tranquillity of mind. To be happy, is not onely to be so for a little while, but as long as may be; and if it be possible, for ever. Now Religion designs our greatest and longest happiness; it aims at a freedom from the greatest evils, and to bring us to the possession and enjoy­ment of the greatest good. For Religion wisely considers that men have immortal spirits, which as they are spirits are ca­pable of a pleasure and happiness distinct [Page 17]from that of our bodies and our senses; and because they are immortal, are capable of an everlasting happiness. Now our souls being the best part of our selves, and eternity being infinitely the most conside­rable duration, the greatest wisdom is to secure the interest of our souls and of e­ternity though it be with loss and to the prejudice of our temporal and inferior In­terests. Therefore Religion directs us ra­ther to secure inward peace than outward ease, to be more carefull to avoid ever­lasting and intolerable torment than short and light afflictions which are but for a mo­ment; to court the favour of God more than the friendship of the world, and not so much to fear them that can kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do, as him who after he hath kill'd, can destroy both body and soul in hell: In a word, our main interest is to be as happy as we can, and as long as is possible; and if we be cast into such circumstances, that we must be ei­ther in part and for a time or else wholly and always miserable, the best wisdom is to chuse the greatest and most lasting hap­piness, but the least and shortest misery. Upon this account Religion prefers those pleasures which flow from the presence of God for evermore, infinitely before the tran­sitory [Page 18]pleasures of this world, and is much more carefull to avoid eternal misery than present sufferings. This is the wisdom of Religion, that upon consideration of the whole and casting up all things together it does advise and lead us to our best inte­rest.

II. The Second way of confirmation shall be by endeavouring to shew the ignorance and folly of irreligion. Now all that are irreligious are so upon one of these two accounts: Either, First, because they do not believe the foundations and principles of Religion, as the existence of God, the immortality of the soul, and future rewards: or else, Secondly, because though they do in some sort believe these things, yet they live contrary to this their belief; and of this kind are the far greatest part of wick­ed men. The first sort are guilty of that which we call speculative, the other of practicall Atheism. I shall endeavour to shew the Ignorance and Folly of both these.

First, Speculative Atheism is unreasonable, and that upon these Five accounts. 1. Be­cause it gives no tolerable account of the existence of the world. 2. Nor does it give any reasonable account of the universal con­sent of mankind in this apprehension, That [Page 19]there is a God. 3. It requires more evi­dence for things than they are capable of. 4. The Atheist pretends to know that which no man can know. 5. Atheism contradicts it self.

I. Because it gives no tolerable account of the existence of the world. One of the greatest difficulties that lies in the Athe­ist's way is, upon his own supposition that there is no God, to give a likely ac­count of the existence of the world. We see this vast frame of the World, and an innumerable multitude of creatures in it, all which we who believe a God attribute to him as the Author of them. For a being suppos'd of infinite goodness and wisedom and power is a very likely cause of these things. What more likely to make this vast world, to stretch forth the heavens and lay the foundations of the earth, and to form these and all things in them of no­thing, than infinite power? What more likely to communicate Being and so many degrees of happiness to so many several sorts of creatures, than infinite goodness? What more likely to contrive this admira­ble frame of the Universe and all the creatures in it, each of them so perfect in their kind and all of them so fitted to each other and to the whole, than infinite [Page 20] counsel and wisedom? This seems to be no unreasonable account.

But let us see now what account the Atheist gives of these things. If there be no God there are but these two ways ima­ginable for the world to be. Either it must be said, That not onely the Matter but also the Frame of this world is eter­nal; and that as to the main things al­ways were as they are without any first cause of their being; which is the way of the Aristotelian Atheist; (those I mean, who proceed upon Aristotle's supposition of the eternity of the world, but yet de­ny it to be from God, which he expresly asserts:) Or else the matter of the world being supposed to be eternal and of it self, the original of this vast and beautifull frame must be ascribed morely to chance, and the casual concourse of the parts of matter; which is the way of the Epicure­an Atheist. But neither of these ways gives a tolerable account of the existence of the world.

1. I shall first consider the Hypothesis of those whom for distinction sake I call the Aristotelian Atheists, which is this; That not only the matter but also the frame of the world is eternal, and that as to the main it was always as it is, of it [Page 21]self; and that there hath been from all eternity a succession of men and other creatures without any first cause of their being.

It seems to be very hard, and if that would do any good might be just matter of complaint, that we are fallen into so prophane and sceptical an age which takes a pleasure and a pride in unravilling almost all the received principles both of Religi­on and Reason: So that we are put ma­ny times to prove those things which can hardly be made plainer than they are of themselves. And such almost are these Principles, That God is, and That all things were made by him; which by reason of the bold cavils of perverse and unreasonable men we are now a-days put to defend.

That something is of it self is evident, because we see things are. And the things that we see must either have had some first cause of their being, or have been al­ways and of themselves. One of these two is unavoidable.

So that the controversie between us and this sort of Atheist comes to this; Which is the more credible opinion, that the world was never made nor had a begin­ning but always was as it is, and that there hath been from all eternity a succession [Page 22]of men and other creatures without any first cause of their being: or, that there was from all eternity such a being as we conceive God to be, infinite in power, goodness and wisedom, which made us and all other things; The first of these opini­ons I shall shew to be altogether incredible, and the latter to have all the credibility and evidence of which a thing of that na­ture is capable, and such evidence as is sufficient to convince any impartial and considerate man.

Now in comparing the probabilities of things, that we may know on which side the advantage lies, these two considerati­ons are of great moment, What the argu­ments are on each side, and what the diffi­culties. For if there be fair proofs on the one side, and none at all on the other, and if the most pressing difficulties be on that side on which there are no proofs: this is sufficient to render one opinion very credible and the other altogether incredi­ble.

These two things therefore I shall endea­vour to make good, in the matter that is now under our consideration. First, That there are fair proofs on our side, and as convincing as the nature of the things is capable of; but that there is no pretence [Page 23]of proof on the other. And Secondly, That the side on which there is no proof is incumbred with the greatest difficulties.

First, That there are fair proofs on our side, and as convincing as the nature of the thing is capable of; but that there is no pretence of proof on the other.

This Question, Whether the world was created and had a beginning, or not? is a question concerning an ancient matter of fact, which can onely be decided these two ways; by testimony, and by probabi­lities of reason. Testimony, is the princi­pal argument in a matter of this nature, and if fair probabilities of reason concur with it this argument hath all the strength it can have: Now both these are clearly on the affirmative side of the question, viz. That the world was created, and had a beginning.

1. Testimony; of which there be two kinds, Divine and Humane.

Divine testimony, as such, is not proper to be us'd in this cause considering the occasion of the present debate: For that would be to beg the first and main que­stion now in controversie, which is, Whe­ther there be a God or not? which a testi­mony from God does suppose, and there­fore ought not to be brought for the proof [Page 24]of it. 'Tis true indeed that those effects of Divine Power, I mean miracles which will prove a divine testimony to an infi­del, will as well prove the being of a God to an Atheist; But when we dispute against those who deny a God no testimony ought to be presum'd to be from God, but must be prov'd to be so. And whatever argu­ment proves that will also prove that there is a God.

Humane testimonies are of two sorts; universal tradition, and written History. Both these are plainly and beyond dispute on our side.

First, There is an universal tradition concerning the beginning of the world, and that it was made by God. And for the evidence of this we have the concur­ring Tradition of the most ancient Nati­ons, the Egyptians and Phoenicians Vide G [...]t. de verit. Chr Relig. L. 1.; and of the most barbarous the Indians; who as Strabo Geo­graph. L. 15. tells us, did in many things a­gree with the Grecians, particularly in this, that the world did begin, and should have an end; and that God the maker and go­vernour of it, is present in all parts of it. And Acosta tells us, that at the first dis­covery of America, the inhabitants of Peru did worship one chief God, un­der the name or title of The Maker of the [Page 25] Ʋniverse: And yet these people had not had any commerce with the other known parts of the world, for God knows how many ages.

To which may be added, that the most ancient of the Philosophers, and those that were the heads of the chief Sects of Philosophy, as Thales, Anaxagoras and Py­thagoras did likewise consent to this Tra­dition. Particularly concerning Thales, Tul­ly De Nat. Deorum L. 1. tells us that he was the first of all the Philosophers that enquired into these things, and he said, that water was the be­ginning of all things, and that God was that mind (or intelligent Principle) which fa­shion'd all things out of water. So like­wise Strabo Georg. L. 15. informs us that the Brach­mans, the chief Sect of Philosophers a­mong the Indians, agreed with the Greci­ans in this, That the world was made of water. Which agrees exactly with Moses's account of the Creation, viz. That the Spi­rie of God moved upon the face of waters; which St. Peter 2 Pet. 3.5. expresses thus, That by the word of God the heavens and the earth (for so the Hebrews call the world) wert of old [...] constituted or made of water; not standing out of the wa­ter, as our Translation renders it.

Nay Aristotle Metaph. L. 1. c. 3. himself, who was the great asserter of the eternity of the world, gives this account why the Gods were anciently represented by the Heathens as swearing by the lake Styx, because water was supposed to be the principle of all things. And this, he tells us, was the most ancient opinion concerning the original of the world; and that the very oldest Writers of Theology, and those who liv'd at the greatest distance from his time, were of this mind. And in the Book de Mundo Cap. 6. it is freely acknowledg'd to have been an an­cient saying, and a general Tradition among all men, That all things are of God, and were made by him. I will conclude this with that full Testimony of Maximus Tyri­us Disser­tat. 1. to this purpose: However (says he) men may differ in other things, yet they all agree in this Law or Principle, that there is one God, King, and Father of all things, &c. This the Greeks say, this the Barbari­ans; this those that live upon the Continent, and those that dwell by the Sea; the wise and the unwise.

Secondly, We have likewise a most an­cient and credible History of the beginning of the world; I mean the History of Mo­ses, with which no Book in the world in point of antiquity can contend. I shall [Page 27]not now go about to strengthen my argu­ment, by pleading the Divine authority of this Book; for which yet I could offer good evidence, if that were proper to the matter hand. It is sufficient to my pre­sent purpose that Moses have the ordinary credit of an Historian given him, which none in reason can deny him, he being ci­ted by the most ancient of the Heathen Hi­storians, and the antiquity of his writings never questioned by any of them, as Jose­phus L. 1. contra Appion. assures us.

Now this History of Moses gives us a particular account of the beginning of the world, and of the creation of it by God. Which assertion of his is agreeable to the most ancient Writers among the Heathen, whether Poets or Historians. And several of the main parts of Moses's History, as concerning the Floud and the first Fathers of the several Nations of the World (of which he gives a particular account, Gen. 10.) do very well accord with the most ancient accounts of Prophane History. And I do not know, whether any thing ought more to recommend the Writings of Moses to a humane belief, than the easie and credible account which he gives of the original of the World, and of the first peo­pling of it.

As to the account of ancient times, both the Aegyptian and Chaldean accounts, which are pretended by some to be so vastly different from that of the Scrip­tures, may for all that be, near the mat­ter, easily reconcil'd with it Vide Dr. Stil­lingsleet's Orig. Sac. where this is fully made out.; if we do but admit what Diodorus Siculus and Plu­tarch, very credible persons and diligent searchers into ancient Books, do most ex­presly assure us, viz. that both those Na­tions did anciently reckon months for years. And the account of the Chineses is not hard to be reconcil'd with that of the Septuagint. Now in so nice and obscure a matter, as the account of ancient times is, it ought to satisfie any fair and reasonable enquirer if they can be brought any whit near one another.

So that universal Tradition and the most ancient History in the world are clearly on our side. And if they be, one can hard­ly wish a more convincing argument. For if the world and consequently mankind had a beginning, there is all the reason in the world to expect these two things: First, that there should be an universal Traditi­on, concerning this matter; because it was the most memorable thing that could be transmitted to posterity. And this was ea­sie to be done, if mankind sprang from one [Page 29]common root and original [...], from whence this Tradition would naturally be universal­ly diffus'd. Secondly, it may with the same reason be expected, that so remarka­ble a thing should be recorded in the most ancient History. Now both these have accordingly happened. But then on the other hand, if the world was eternal and had no beginning there could be no real ground for such a Tradition or History. And if such a Tradition were at any time endeavoured to be set on foot, it is not easie to imagine how it should at first gain entertainment, but much more difficult to conceive how ever it should come to be universally propagated. For upon the supposition of those who hold the eternity of the world, the world was always peo­pled; and if so, there could be no common head or spring from whence such a Traditi­on would naturally derive it self into all parts of the world. So that unless all the world was sometime of one language, and under one Government (which it never was that we know of since it was peopled) no endeavour and industry could make such a Tradition common.

If it be said, that this Tradition began after some universal deluge, out of which possibly but one family might escape, and [Page 30]that possibly too of barbarous people; from whom any fond and groundless con­ceit might spring and afterwards spread it self as mankind encreas'd. This I shall have occasion to consider in a more pro­per place. In the mean time I have shewn, even from the acknowledgment of Aristo­tle himself, that there was anciently such a Tradition concerning the beginning of the world. Nay, if we may believe him, he himself was the very first asserter of the eternity of the world. For he De Coe­lo. l. 1. c. 10. says ex­presly, That all the Philosophers that were before him, did hold that the world was made. Thus much for the first kind of proof this matter is capable of, namely, testimony.

2dly. The probabilities of reason do all likewise favour the beginning of the world: As,

1. The want of any History or Tra­dition ancienter than what is consistent with the received opinion of the time of the worlds beginning; nay, the most ancient Histories were written long af­ter that time. This Lucretius, the fa­mous Epicurean, urgeth as a strong pre­sumption that the world had a beginning

— Si nulla fuit genitalis origo
Terrarum & Coeli, semperque aeterna fuere:
[Page 31]
Cur supra bellum Thebanum, & funera Trojae,
Non alias alii quoque res cecinere Poetae?

i. e. If the world had no beginning, how is it that the Greek Poets (the most ancient of their Writers) mention nothing higher than the Theban war, and the destruction of Troy? Were there from all eternity no memorable actions done till about that time? Or had mankind no way till of late to record them and propagate the memory of them to posterity? It is much if men were from eternity, that they should not find out the way of writing all that long duration, which had past before that Time. Sure he was a fortunate man indeed, who after men had been eternally so dull as not to find it out, had the luck at last to hit upon it.

But it may be, the famous actions of former times were always recorded, but that the memorials of them have been seve­ral times lost by universal deluges, which have now and then happen'd and swept all away, except (it may be) two or three per­sons, that have escap'd and begun the world again upon a new score. This is the onely refuge that the Atheist hath to fly to, when he is prest with this and the like arguments. But he cannot possibly escape this way. For these universal inundations [Page 32]must either be natural or supernatural. If they be supernatural, (as any man that considers well the frame of the world, and how hard it is to give a natural reason of them, would be enclin'd to think) then in­deed it is easie to conceive how a few of mankind, and no more, should escape: Because this will depend upon the pleasure of that superiour Being which is supposed supernaturally to order these things. But this is to yield what we have all this while contended for, viz. That there is a God. But if they be natural, which the Atheist must say, then there is nothing to restrain them from a total destruction, not onely of mankind, but of all the beasts of the earth. This the Atheist cannot deny, not onely to be very possible, but exceeding proba­ble; because he grants it to have come so near the matter, that but very few es­cap'd, and no doubt with great difficulty. Now it is the greatest wonder in the world, that a thing (according to their own sup­position) so likely to happen, should never have fallen out in an infinite dura­tion. Will any man have the face to say that a thing is likely which did never yet happen from all eternity? One would think that not onely whatever is pro­bable, but whatever can possibly hap­pen [Page 33]should be brought about in that space: So that if mankind had been from eternity it had in all probability, I had almost said, been destroyed from all eternity, but I may confidently say, long since ruin'd.

2. Another probability of the worlds be­ginning is, the account which we have of the original of Learning and the most useful Arts in several parts of the world. Now if the world had been eternal, these in all likelihood would have been found out, and generally spread long ago and beyond the memory of all ages. There are some Arts indeed that are peculiarly convenient to some particular Nations; and others that are onely serviceable to the humour and fashion of one or more ages. These are not likely to spread, and they may come in, and go out, and return again as often as there is occasion. But those which are ge­nerally usefull to mankind in all times and places, if they were once found out (and who would not think they should in an e­ternal duration?) it is not imaginable but that they should have been spread innume­rable ages since: Nor can any man give a good reason how they should ever be lost, but by some such accident as an universal deluge, which has been spoken to already. But now on the contrary, the beginnings [Page 34]of Learning and of the most useful Arts in several Nations, is very well known. And I add farther, that where-ever Lear­ning and Civil Arts have come this Tra­dition concerning the beginning of the world hath been most vigorous, and asser­ted with the greatnes [...] clearness and confi­dence.

3. The several parts of which the world consists, being (so far as by those parts of it which we know, we can possibly judge of the rest) in their nature corruptible; it is more than probable, that in an infinite duration this frame of things would long since have been dissolv'd; especially, if (as the Atheist affirms) there be no superi­or being, no wise and intelligent principle to repair and regulate it, and to prevent those innumerable disorders and calamitous accidents, which must in so long a space in all probability have happen'd to it. This Lucretius L. 5. also urges as a con­vincing proof that the world was not eter­nal,

Quare etiam nativa necesse est confiteare
Haec eadem; ne (que) enim mortali corpore quae sunt
Ex infinito jam tempore adhuc potuissent
Immensi validas aevi contemnere vires.

It must necessarily (says he) be acknow­ledg'd that the world had a beginning; other­wise [Page 35]wise those things which are in their own na­ture corruptible had never been able, from all eternity to have held out against those forcible and violent assaults which in an in­finite duration must have happen'd. Nay, thus much Aristotle himself every where grants, that if the frame of the world be liable to dissolution, it must of necessity be acknowledg'd to have had a begin­ning.

These are some of the chief Probabili­ties on our side; which being taken to­gether, and in their united force, have a great deal of conviction in them. Espe­cially if this be added, that there is no kind of positive proof so much as preten­ded on the other side. The utmost that Aristotle pretends to prove, is, That the world proceeded from God by the way of a natural and necessary effect, as light does from the Sun. Which if it be true (as there is no tolerable ground for it) the World indeed would be without be­ginning, but not of it self. And thus I have done with the first consideration I propounded to speak to, viz. That there are fair proofs on our side, and as convincing as the nature of the thing is capable of; but that there is no pretence or proof on the other. I proceed therefore to the

Second Consideration, That the most pres­sing difficulties are on that side on which there is no proof.

Those who deny a God, and hold the world to have been eternal and of it self, have onely two things to object against us: The difficulties that there are in the notion of a God, and in making the world of nothing. To the first I answer: That we attribute nothing to God that hath any repugnancy or contradiction in it. Power, wisedom, goodness, justice and truth, have no repugnancy in them to our reason; because we own these Perfections to be in some degree in our selves; and therefore they may be in the highest degree that is possible in another. The eternity of God and his immensity, and his being of himself, how difficult soever they may be to be con­ceived, yet these perfections must be gran­ted to be somewhere; and therefore they may as well, nay much better, be ascrib'd to God, in whom we suppose all other perfections to meet, than to any thing else. And as for God's being a spirit, whatever difficulty there may be in con­ceiving the notion of a spirit, yet the Atheist must grant the thing, that there is a being or principle really distinct from matter; or else shew how meer [Page 37]matter, which is confessed by themselves to be void of sense and understanding, and to move necessarily, can produce any thing that has sense, understanding and liberty. As to the other difficulty, of making the world of nothing, I shall onely say this: that though it signifie an inconceivable excess of power, yet there can no contra­diction be shewn in it. And it is every whit as easie to conceive that something should be caus'd to be that was not be­fore, as that any thing should be of it self; which yet must be granted on both sides; and therefore this difficulty ought not to be objected by either.

But then on the other side there are these two great and real difficulties. First, That men generally have always believed the contrary, viz. That the World had a beginning, and was made by God. Which is a strong evidence that this ac­count of the existence of the world is more natural, and of a more easie concep­tion to humane understanding. And in­deed it is very natural to conceive that every thing which is imperfect (as the world and all the creatures in it must be acknowledged in many respects to be) had some cause which produc'd it, such as it is, and determin'd the bounds and [Page 38]limitss of its perfection: but that which is of it self and without a cause, may be any thing, and have any perfection which does not imply a contradiction. Secondly, To assert mankind to have been of it self, and without a cause, hath this invincible objection against it; that we plainly see every man to be from another. So that mankind is asserted to have no cause of its being, and yet every particular man must be acknowledged to have a father; which is every whit as absurd in an infinite suc­cession of men, as in any finite number of generations. It is more easie indeed to conceive how a constant and permanent being, suppose matter, should always have been of it self; and then that that should be the foundation of infinite suc­cessive changes and alterations: But an infinite succession of the generations of men without any permanent foundation, is utterly unimaginable. If it be said that the earth was always, and in time did pro­duce men, and that they ever since have produc'd one another; this is to run into one great absurdity of the Epicurean way, which shall be consider'd in its proper place.

And thus I have endeavour'd as plain­ly and briefly as the nature of the Argu­ment [Page 39]would admit, to prove that the ac­count which the Scripture gives of the existence of the world, is most credible, and agreeable to the reason of mankind; and that this First account which the Atheist gives of it, is altogether incredi­ble. And now I expect after all this the Atheist will complain, that all that hath been said does not amount to a strict de­monstration of the thing. It may be so. And if the Atheist would undertake to demonstrate the contrary, there might be some reason for this complaint. In the mean time I desire to know whether when both sides are agreed that the world is, and that it must either have its original from God, or have been always of it self; and if it have been made evident, that on one side there are fair proofs both from testimony and reason and as convincing as the nature of the thing is capable of, and no pretence of proof on the other; and that the difficulties are most pressing on that side which is destitute of proof; I say, if this have been made evident, I desire to know whether this be not up­on the matter as satisfactory to a wise man as a demonstration? For in this case there can be no doubt on which side the clear advantage of evidence lies, and con­sequently [Page 40]which way a prudent man ought to determine assent.

I come now in the Second place, to con­sider the other account which another sort of Atheists, those whom I call the Epicu­rean, do give of the existence of the world. And 'tis this. They suppose the matter of which the world is constituted to be eternal and of it self, and then an infinite empty space for the infinite little parts of this matter (which they call Atomes) to move and play in; and that these being always in motion did after in­finite trials and encounters, without any counsel or design and without the disposal and contrivance of any wise and intelli­gent being, at last by a lucky casualty en­tangle and settle themselves in this beauti­full and regular frame of the world which we now see. And that the Earth, being at first in its full vigour and fruitfulness, did then bring forth men and all other sorts of living creatures as it does plants now.

This is in short the Epicurean account of the original of the world, which as absurd as it is Lucretius L. 5. hath very elegantly ex­pressed in these verses.

Sed quibus ille modis conjectus materiai,
Fundarit coelum ac terram, pontique profunda,
Solisque & lunae cursus, ex ordine ponam.
Nam certe neque consilio primordia rerum
Ordine se quaeque, atque sagaci mente locarunt,
Nec quos quae (que) darent motus pepigere profecto:
Sed quia multa modis multis primordia rerum
Ex insinito jam tempore percita plagis
Ponderibusque suis consuerunt concita ferri,
Omnimodisque coire, atque omnia pertentare,
Quaecunque inter se possent congressa creare:
Propterea fit, uti magnum vulgata per aevum
Omnigenos coetus, & motus experiundo,
Tandem ea conveniant, quae ut convenere, re­pente
Magnarum rerum fiunt exordia saepe,
Terrai, maris & caeli, generisque animantum.

Thus he like a good Poet, but a very bad maker and contriver of the world. For I appeal to any man of reason whether any thing can be more unreasonable, than obstinately to impute an effect to chance which carries in the very face of it all the arguments and characters of a wise design, and contrivance? Was ever any conside­rable work, in which there was required a great variety of parts and a regular and orderly disposition of those parts, done by chance? Will chance fit means to ends, and that in ten thousand instances, and [Page 42]not fail in any one? How often might a man after he had jumbled a set of letters in a bag, fling them out upon the ground before they would fall into an exact Poem, yea or so much as make a good discourse in Prose? And may not a little Book be as easily made by chance, as this great Vo­lume of the world? How long might a man be in sprinkling colours upon Canvas with a careless hand, before they would happen to make the exact Picture of a man? And is a man easier made by chance than his Picture? How long might twenty thousand blind men, which should be sent out from the several remote parts of England, wander up and down before they would all meet upon Salisbury plains and fall into rank and file in the exact order of an Army? And yet this is much more easie to be imagined, than how the innumerable blind parts of matter should rendezvous themselves into a world. A man that sees Henry the Seventh's Chappel at Westminster might with as good reason maintain (yea with much better, consi­dering the vast difference betwixt that little structure and the huge fabrick of the world) that it was never contrived or built by any man, but that the stones did by chance grow into those curious [Page 43]figures into which they seem to have been cut and graven; and that upon a time (as tales usually begin) the materials of that building, the stone, morter, timber, iron, lead, and glass, happily met toge­ther and very fortunately rang'd them­selves into that delicate order in which we see them now so close compacted that it must be a very great chance that parts them again. What would the world think of a man that should advance such an o­pinion as this, and write a Book for it? If they would do him right, they ought to look upon him as mad: but yet with a little more reason than any man can have to say that the world was made by chance: or that the first men grew up out of the earth as plants do now. For can any thing be more ridiculous and against all reason, than to ascribe the production of men to the first fruitfulness of the earth, without so much as one instance and experiment in any Age or History to countenance so monstrous a supposition? The thing is at first-sight so gross and palpable, that no discourse about it can make it more appa­rent. And yet these shameful beggars of Principles, who give this precarious ac­count of the original of things, assume to themselves to be the men of reason, the [Page 44] great wits of the world the onely cautious and wary persons that hate to be imposed upon, that must have convincing evi­dence for every thing, and can admit of nothing without a clear demonstration for it.

II. Speculative atheism is unreasonable, because it gives no reasonable account of the universal consent of mankind in this apprehension, that there is a God. That men do generally believe a God, and have done in all Ages, the present experience of the world and the records of former times do abundantly testify. Now how comes this perswasion to have gained so universal a possession of the mind of man, and to have found such general entertain­ment in all Nations, even those that are most barbarous? If there be no such thing as God in the world, how comes it to pass that this object doth continually encoun­ter our understandings? Whence is it that we are so perpetually haunted with the ap­parition of a Deity, and followed with it wherever we go? If it be not natural to the mind of man, but proceeds from some accidental distemper of our understandings, how comes it to be so universal that no differences of age, or temper, or education can wear it out, and set any considerable [Page 45]number of men free from it; Into what can we resolve this strong inclinati­on of mankind to this error and mistake? How come all Nations to be thus seduced? It is altogether unimaginable but that the reason of so universal a consent in all pla­ces and ages of the world, and among all differences of persons, should be one and constant. But no one and constant reason of this can be given, but from the nature of man's mind and understanding which hath this notion of a Deity born with it and stamped upon it; or which is all one, is of such a frame that in the free use and ex­ercise of it self it will find out God: And what more reasonable than to think, that if we be God's workmanship, he should set this mark of himself upon all reasonable creatures, that they may know to whom they belong, and may acknowledge the Author of their beings? This seems to be a credible and satisfactory account of so universal a consent in this matter. But now what doth the Atheist resolve this in­to? He is not at one with himself what account to give of it, nor can it be expec­ted he should. For he that will over-look the true reason of a thing which usually is but one, may easily find many false ones, error being infinite, But there are three [Page 46]which he principally relies upon, fear, tradition, and policy of State. I shall briefly consider these.

First, He would make us believe that this apprehension of a God doth spring from an infinite jealousie in the mind of man, and an endless fear of the worst that may happen; according to that divine saying of the Poet, which he can never sufficiently admire, ‘Primum in orle Deos fecit timor,—’ Fear first made Gods. So that it is gran­ted on both sides that the fear of a Deity doth universally possess the minds of men. Now the question is, whether it be more likely that the existence of a God should be the cause of this fear, or that this fear should be the cause why men imagine there is a God? if there be a God, who hath impres­sed this image of himself upon the mind of Man, there's great reason why all men should stand in awe of him: But if there be no God, it is not easie to conceive how fear should create an universal confidence and assurance in men that there is one. For, whence should this fear come? It must be either from without, from the sug­gestion of others who first tell us there is such a being and then our fear believes it, or else it must arise from within, from the nature of man which is apt to fansie [Page 47]dreadfull and terrible things. If from the suggestion of others who tell us so, the question returns, who told them so? and will never be satisfied till the first Author of this report be found out. So that this account of fear resolves it self into tradi­tion, which shall spoken to in its pro­per place. But if it be said that this fear ariseth from within, from the nature of man which is apt to imagine dreadfull things, this likewise is liable to inexplica­ble difficulties. For, First, The proper object of fear, is something that is dread­full, that is, something that threatens men with harm or danger; and that in God must either be power or justice; and such an object as this fear indeed may cre­ate: But Goodness and Mercy are essential to the notion of a God as well as power and justice: now how should fear put men upon fansying a being that is infinitely good and merciful? No man hath rea­son to be afraid of such a being, as such. So that the Atheist must joyn another cause to fear, viz. hope, to enable men to cre­ate this imagination of a God. And what would the product of these two contrary passions be? the imagination of a being which we should fear would do us as much harm as we could hope it would do us [Page 48]good; which would be quid pro quo, and which our reason would oblige us to lay aside so soon as we have fansied it, because it would signifie just nothing. But, Se­condly, suppose fear alone could do it; how comes the mind of man to be subject to such groundless and unreasonable fears? The Aristotelian Atheist will say, it al­ways was so; But this is to affirm, and not to give any account of a thing. The E­picurean Atheist, if he will speak consonant­ly to himself, must say that there happen­ed in the original constitution of the first men such a contexture of Atomes as doth naturally dispose men to these panick fears; unless he will say that the first men when they grew out of the earth and after­wards broke loose from their root, find­ing themselves weak and naked and unar­med and meeting with several fierce Crea­tures stronger than themselves, they were put into such a fright as did a little dis­temper their understandings and let loose their imaginations to endless suspicions and unbounded jealousies, which did at last settle in the conceit of an invisible being infinitely powerful, and able to do them harm; and being fully possest with this apprehension (nothing being more ordina­ry than for crazed persons to believe their [Page 49]own fancies) they became religious; and afterwards when mankind began to be propagated in the way of generation, then Religion obliged them to instill these Prin­ciples into their Children in their tender years that so they might make the greater impression upon them; and this course ha­ving been continued ever since the notion of a God hath been kept up in the world. This is very suitable to Epicurus his Hypo­thesis of the original of men; But if any man think fit to say thus I cannot think it fit to confute him. Thirdly, whether men were from all eternity such timorous and fancifull Creatures, or hapned to be made so in the first constitution of things, it seems however that this fear of a Deity hath a foundation in nature. And if it be natural, ought we not rather to conclude that there is some ground and reason for these fears, and that nature hath not plan­ted them in us to no purpose, than that they are vain and groundless? There is no principle that Aristotle (the great asser­tor of the eternity of the world) doth more frequently inculcate than this, That nature doeth nothing in vain; and the Atheist himself is forc'd to acknowledge (and so every man must who attentively con­siders the frame of the world) That al­though [Page 50]things were made by chance, yet they have happen'd as well as if the grea­test wisedom had the ordering and contri­ving of them. And surely wisedom would never have planted such a vain principle as the fear of a Deity in the nature of man, if there had not been a God in the world.

Secondly, If fear be not a sufficient ac­count of this universal consent, the Atheist thinks it may very probably be resol­ved into universal Tradition. But this likewise is liable to great exception. For, whence came this Tradition? It must be­gin some time, it must have its original from some body; and it were very well worth our knowing who that man was that first raised this spirit which all the reason of mankind could never conjure down since. Where did he live, and when? In what Countrey, and in what Age of the world? What was his name, or his sons name, that we may know him? This the Atheist can give no punctual account of: only he imagines it not improbable that some body long ago (no body knows when) beyond the memory of all Ages did start such a notion in the world and that it hath past for current ever since. But if this Tradition be granted so very an­cient as to have been before all Books [Page 51]and to be elder than any History, it may for any thing any body can tell have been from the beginning; and then it is much more likely to be a notion which was bred in the mind of man and born with him, than a Tradition transmitted from hand to hand through all Generations; especially if we consider how many rude and barbarous Nations there are in the world which consent in the opinion of a God, and yet have scarce any certain Tra­dition of any thing that was done among them but two or three Ages before.

Thirdly, But if neither of these be satis­factory, he hath one way more; which although it signifie little to men of sober and severe Reason, yet it very unhappily hits the jealous and suspicious humour of the generality of men, who from the ex­perience they have had of themselves and others are very apt to suspect that every body, but especially their Superiours and Governours, have a design to impose up­on them for their own ends. In short, it is this: that this noise about a God is a mere State-Engine and a Politick device, inven­ted at first by some great Prince or Mini­ster of State, to keep People in awe and order. And if so, from hence (saith the Atheist) we may easily apprehend how [Page 52]from such an original it might be general­ly propagated and become universally cur­rent, having the stamp of publick autho­rity upon it. Besides, that people have al­ways been found easie to comply with the inclinations of their Prince. And from hence likewise we may see the reason why this notion had continued so long. For being found by experience to be so excel­lent an instrument of government we may be sure it would always be cherished and kept up.

And now he triumphs, and thinks the business is very clear: Thus it was, some time or other, (most probably towards the beginning of the world, if it had a begin­ning, when all mankind was under one uni­versal Monarch) some great Nebuchadnez­zar set up this Image of a Deity, and com­manded all people and Nations to fall down and worship it: And this being found a suc­cessful device to awe people into obedience to government it hath been continued to this day, and is like to last to the end of the world. To this fine Conjecture I have these four things to say:

1. That all this is mere conjecture and supposition; he cannot bring the least sha­dow of proof or evidence for any one tittle of it.

2. This supposition grants the opinion of a God to conduce very much to the sup­port of government and order in the world; and consequently to be very beneficial to mankind. So that the Atheist cannot but acknowledge that it is great pity that it should not be true, and that it is the com­mon interest of mankind, if there were but probable Arguments for it, not to ad­mit of any slight reasons against it; and to punish all those who would seduce men to Atheism, as the great disturbers of the world and pests of humane Society.

3. This supposition can have nothing of certainty in it unless this be true, that whoever makes a politick advantage of other mens principles ought to be presumed to con­trive those principles into them, Whereas it is much more common (because more easie) for men to serve their own ends of those principles or opinions which they do not put into men but find there. So that if the question of a God were to be decided by the probability of this conjecture, (which the Atheist applauds himself most in) it would be concluded in the affirma­tive; It being much more likely, since Politicians reap the advantages of obedience and a more ready submission to govern­ment from mens believing that there [Page 54]is a God, that they found the minds of men prepossessed to their hands with the notion of a God, than that they planted it there.

4. We have as much evidence of the contrary to this supposition as such a thing is capable of, viz. that it was not an arcanum imperii, a secret of government to propagate the belief of a God among the people when the Governours themselves knew it to be a cheat. For we find in the Histories of all Ages of which we have any records, (and of other Ages we cannot possibly judge) that Princes have not been more secure from troubles of conscience and the fears of Religion and the terrors of another world, (nay many of them more subject to these) than other men, as I could give many instances, and those no mean ones: What made Caligula creep under the bed when it thunder'd? What made Tiberius, that great Master of the crafts of govern­ment complain so much of the grievous stings and lashes he felt in his Conscience? What made Cardinal Woolsey (that great Minister of State in our own Nation) to pour forth his soul in those sad words, Had I been as diligent to please my God as I have been to please my King, he would not have forsaken me now in my gray hairs? What reason for such actions and speeches, if [Page 55]these great men had known that Religion was but a cheat? But if they knew nothing of this secret, I think we may safely con­clude that the notion of a God did not come from the Court, that it was not the inven­tion of Politicians and a juggle of State to cozen the people into obedience.

And now from all this that hath been said it seems to be very evident, that the general consent of mankind in this appre­hension that there is a God must in all rea­son be ascribed to some more certain and universal cause than fear or tradition or State-policy, viz. to this that God himself hath wrought this image of himself upon the mind of man, and so woven it into the very frame of his being that (like Phi­dias his Picture in Minerva's Shield) it can never totally be defaced without the ruine of humane nature.

I know but one Objection that this dis­course is liable to, which is this; That the universal consent of mankind in the appre­hension of a God is no more an Argument that He really is, than the general agree­ment of so many Nations for so many Ages in the worship of many Gods is an Argu­ment that there are many.

To this I answer, i. That the gene­rality of the Philosophers and wise men of [Page 56]all Nations and Ages, did dissent from the multitude in these things. They believed but one Supreme Deity, which with re­spect to the various benefits men received from him had several titles bestowed up­on him. And although they did servilely comply with the people in worshipping God, by sensible images and representati­ons, yet it appears by their writings that they despised this way of worship as super­stitious and unsuitable to the nature of God. So that Polytheism and Idolatry are far from being able to pretend to universal consent from their having had the vote of the multitude in most Nations for several Ages together. Because the opinion of the vulgar separated from the consent and ap­probation of the wise, signifies no more than a great many Cyphers would do without figures.

2. The gross ignorance and mistakes of the Heathen about God and his worship are a good argument that there is a God; because they shew that men sunk into the most degenerate condition, into the grea­test blindness and darkness imaginable, do yet retain some sense and awe of a Deity; that Religion is a property of our natures and that the notion of a Deity is intimate to our understandings and sticks close to [Page 57]them, seeing men will rather have any God than none; and rather than want a Deity they will worship any thing.

3. That there have been so many false Gods devis'd, is rather an argument that there is a true one than that there is none. There would be no counterfeits but for the sake of something that is real. For though all pretenders seem to be what they really are not, yet they pretend to be something that really is. For to counterfeit is to put on the likeness and appearance of some re­al excellency. There would be no Brass­money if there were not good and lawful money. Bristol-Stones would not pretend to be Diamonds, if there never had been a­ny Diamonds. Those Idols in Henry the seventh's time (as Sir Francis Bacon calls them) Lambert Simnell and Perkin War­beck, had never been set up if there had not once been a real Plantagenet and Duke of York. So the Idols of the Heathen though they be set up in affront to the true God, yet they rather prove that there is one than the contrary.

III. Speculative Atheisme is absurd, be­cause it requires more evidence for things than they are capable of. Aristotle hath long since well observed, how unreasona­ble it is to expect the same kind of proof [Page 58]and evidence for every thing, which we have for some things. Mathematical things, being of an abstracted nature are capable of the clearest and strictest Demonstration: But Conclusions in Natural Philosophy are capable of proof by an Induction of experi­ments; things of a moral nature by moral arguments; and matters of fact by credi­ble testimony. And though none of these be capable of that strict kind of demonstra­tion, which Mathematical matters are; yet have we an undoubted assurance of them, when they are proved by the best arguments that things of that kind will bear. No man can demonstrate to me (un­less we will call every argument that is fit to convince a wise man a demonstration) that there is such an Island in America as Jamaica. Yet upon the testimony of cre­dible persons who have seen it, and Authors who have written of it, I am as free from all doubt concerning it, as I am from doubting of the clearest Mathematical de­monstration. So that this is to be enter­tained as a firm Principle by all those who pretend to be certain of any thing at all: That when any thing in any of these kinds, is proved by as good Arguments as a thing of that kind is capable of, and we have as great assurance that it is as we could possibly have [Page 59]supposing it were, we ought not in reason to make any doubt of the existence of that thing.

Now to apply this to the present case. The being of a God is not Mathematically demonstrable, nor can it be expected it should, because only Mathematical mat­ters admit of this kind of evidence. Nor can it be proved immediately by sense, be­cause God being supposed to be a pure spi­rit cannot be the object of any corporeal sense. But yet we have as great assurance that there is a God as the nature of the thing to be proved is capable of; and as we could in reason expect to have suppo­sing that he were. For let us suppose there were such a Being as an Infinite Spirit, clo­thed with all possible perfection, that is, as good and wise and powerfull, &c. as can be imagined: what conceivable ways are there whereby we should come to be assu­red that there is such a Being? but either by an internal impression of the notion of a God upon our minds; or else by such external and visible effects as our Reason tells us must be attributed to some cause, and which we cannot without great vio­lence to our understandings attribute to a­ny other cause but such a Being as we con­ceive God to be, that is, one that is infinite­ly good, and wise, and powerfull? Now we [Page 60]have this double assurance that there is a God; and greater, or other than this the thing is not capable of: If God should as­sume a body and present himself before our eyes, this might amaze us but could not give us any rational assurance that there is an Infinite Spirit. If he should work a Miracle; this could not in reason convince an Atheist more than the argu­ments he already hath for it. If the Atheist then were to ask a sign in the heaven a­bove, or in the earth beneath, what could he desire God to do for his conviction more than he hath already done? Could he desire him to work a greater Miracle than to make a world? Why, if God should carry this perverse man out of the limits of this world, and shew him a new heaven and a new earth, springing out of nothing, he might say that innumerable parts of matter chanc'd just then to rally together and to form themselves into this new world, and that God did not make it. Thus you see that we have all the rational assu­rance of a God that the thing is capable of, and that atheism is absurd and unreasonable in requiring more.

IV. The Atheist is unreasonable, because he pretends to know that which no man can know, and to be certain of that which [Page 61]no body can be certain of; that is, that there is no God, and which is consequent upon this (as I shall shew afterwards) that it is not possible there should be one. And the Atheist must pretend to know this cer­tainly. For it were the greatest folly in the world for a man to deny and despise God, if he be not certain that He is not. Now whoever pretends to be certain that there is no God hath this great disadvan­tage, he pretends to be certain of a pure Negative. But of negatives we have far the least certainty, and they are usually hardest, and many times impossible to be proved. Indeed such negatives as onely deny some particular mode or manner of a things existence, a man may have a cer­tainty of them; because when we see things to be, we may see what they are, and in what manner they do or do not exist. For instance, we may be certain that man is not a creature that hath wings, because this only concerns the manner of his ex­istence; and we seeing what he Is, may certainly know that he is not so, or so. But pure negatives, that is, such as abso­lutely deny the existence of things, or the possibility of their existence, can never be proved. For after all that can be said a­gainst a thing this will still be true, that [Page 62]many things possibly are which we know not of, and that many more things may be than are; and if so, after all our argu­ments against a thing it will be uncertain whether it be or not. And this is univer­sally true, unless the thing denied to be do plainly imply a contradiction; from which I have already shewn the notion of a God to be free. Now the Atheist pretends to be certain of a pure negative, that there is no such being as God, and that it is not possible there should be: But no man can reasonably pretend to know thus much, but he must pretend to know all things that are or can be; which if any man should be so vain as to pretend to, yet it is to be hoped that no body would be so weak as to believe him.

V. Speculative atheism is unreasonable, because it contradicts it self. There is this great contradiction in the denial of a God. He that denies a God, says that that is im­possible which yet he must grant to be possi­ble. He says it is impossible that there should be such a Being as God, in saying that de facto there is no such being. For eternity be­ing essential to the notion of a God, if there be not a God already it is impossible now that there should be one; because such a being as is supposed to be essentially eter­nal [Page 63]and without beginning cannot now be­gin to be. And yet he must grant it possible that there should be such a being, because it is possible there should be such a being as hath all possible perfection: and such a being as this is that which we call God, and is that very thing which the Atheist denies and others affirm to be. For he that denies a God, must deny such a being as all the world describe God to be; and this is the general notion which all men have of God, that he is a being as perfect as is possible; that is, endued with all such perfections as do not imply a contradiction, which none of those perfections which we attribute to God do, as I have already prov'd.

II. Speculative atheism as it is unreasona­ble, so is it a most imprudent and uncom­fortable opinion: And that upon these two accounts. First, because it is against the present interest and happiness of mankind. Secondly, because it is infinitely hazardous and unsafe in the issue.

I. It is against the present interest and happiness of mankind. If Atheism were the general Opinion of the World, it would be infinitely prejudicial to the peace and happiness of humane Society, and would o­pen a wide door to all manner of confusion and disorder. But this I shall not now in­sist [Page 64]upon, because I design a particular Dis­course of that by it self.

I shall at present content my self to shew, how uncomfortable an opinion this would be to particular persons. For nothing can be more evident than that man is not suf­ficient of himself to his own happiness. He is liable to many evils and miseries which he can neither prevent nor redress. He is full of wants which he cannot supply, and compass'd about with infirmities which he cannot remove, and obnoxious to dangers which he can never sufficiently provide a­gainst. Consider man without the prote­ction and conduct of a superior Being, and he is secure of nothing that he enjoys in this world, and uncertain of every thing that he hopes for. He is apt to grieve for what he cannot help, and eagerly to de­sire what he is never likely to obtain. Man walketh in a vain shew, and disquieteth him­self in vain. He courts happiness in a thou­sand shapes, and the faster he pursues it the faster it flies from him. His hopes and expectations are bigger than his enjoy­ments, and his fears and jealousies more troublesome than the evils themselves which he is so much afraid of. He is lia­ble to a great many inconveniences every moment of his life, and is continually in­secure [Page 65]not onely of the good things of this life, but even of life it self. And besides all this, after all his endeavours to the contra­ry, he finds himself naturally to dread a superior Being that can defeat all his de­signs, and disappoint all his hopes, and make him miserable beyond all his fears. He has oftentimes secret misgivings concer­ning another life after this, and fearful ap­prehensions of an invisible Judge; and there­upon he is full of anxiety concerning his condition in another world, and sometimes plung'd into that anguish and despair that he grows weary of himself. So that the Atheist deprives himself of all the comfort that the apprehensions of a God can give a man, and yet is liable to all the trouble and disquiet of those apprehensions.

I do not say that these Inconveniences do happen to all; but every one is in dan­ger of them. For man's nature is evident­ly so contriv'd as does plainly discover how unable he is to make himself happy. So that he must necessarily look abroad and seek for happiness somewhere else. And if there be no superiour Being, in whose care of him he may repose his considence and quiet his mind; If he have no comfortable expectations of another life to sustain him under the evils and calamities he is liable [Page 66]to in this world, he is certainly of all crea­tures the most miserable. There are none of us but may happen to fall into those circumstances of danger, or want, or pain, or some other sort of calamity, that we can have no hopes of relief or comfort but from God alone: none in all the world to flee to, but Him. And what would men do in such a case if it were not for God? Hu­mane nature is most certainly liable to desperate exigencies, and he is not happy that is not provided against the worst that may happen. It is bad to be reduc'd to such a condition as to be destitute of all comfort. And yet men are many times brought to that extremity that if it were not for God they would not know what to do with themselves, or how to enjoy themselves for one hour, or to entertain their thoughts with any comfortable con­siderations under their present anguish and sufferings. All men naturally flye to God in extremity, and the most atheistical per­son in the world when he is forsaken of all hopes of any other relief is forc'd to ac­knowledge him and would be glad to have such a friend.

Can it then be a wise and reasonable design to endeavour to banish the belief of a God out of the world? Not to say how [Page 67]impious it is in respect of God, nothing can be more malicious to men, and more effectually undermine the onely foundati­on of our happiness. For if there were no God in the world man would be in a much more wretched and disconsolate condition, than the creatures below him. For they are onely sensible of present pain, and when it is upon them they bear it as they can. But they are not at all apprehensive of evils at a distance, nor tormented with the fearfull prospect of what may befall them hereafter: nor are they plung'd into des­pair upon the consideration that the evils they lye under are like to continue, and are incapable of a remedy. And as they have no apprehension of these things, so they need no comfort against them. But Mankind is liable to all the same evils, and many others; which are so much the grea­ter, because they are aggravated and set on by the restless workings of our minds, and exasperated by the smart re­flexions and frettings of our own thoughts: And if there be no God we are wholly without comfort under all these, and with­out any other remedy than what time will give. For if the providence of God be taken away, what security have we against those innumerable dangers and mischiefs [Page 68]to which humane nature is continually expos'd? What consolation under them, when we are reduc'd to that condition that no creature can give us any hopes of re­lief? But if we believe that there is a God that takes care of us, and we be carefull to please him, this cannot but be a mighty comfort to us, both under the present sense of affliction, and the apprehension of evils at a distance. For in that case, we are secure of one of these three things. Ei­ther that God by his providence will pre­vent the evils we fear, if that be best for us: Or that he will support us under them when they are present, and add to our strength as he encreaseth our burthen: Or that he will make them the occasion of a greater good to us, by turning them either to our advantage in this world, or the in­crease of our happiness in the next. Now every one of these considerations has a great deal of comfort in it, for which if there were no God there could be no ground. Nay, on the contrary the most real foun­dation of our unhappiness would be laid in our Reason; and we should be so much more miserable than the beasts, by how much we have a quicker apprehension and a deeper consideration of things.

So that if a man had arguments suffici­ent [Page 69]to perswade him that there is no God (as there is infinite reason to the contrary) yet the belief of a God is so necessary to the comfort and happiness of our lives, that a wise man could not but be heartily trou­bled to quit so pleasant an error, and to part with a delusion which is apt to yield such unspeakable satisfaction to the mind of man. Did but men consider the true notion of God, he would appear to be so lovely a Being, and so full of goodness and of all desirable perfections, that even those very persons who are of such irregular un­derstandings as not to believe that there is a God, yet could not (if they understood themselves) refrain from wishing with all their hearts that there were one. For is it not really desirable to every man, that there should be such a Being in the world as takes care of the frame of it, that it do not run into confusion, and in that disor­der ruin mankind? That there should be such a Being, as takes particular care of every one of us, and loves us; and delights to do us good; as understands all our wants, and is able and willing to relieve us in our greatest straits, when nothing else can; to preserve u [...] in our greatest dangers, to assist us against our worst enemies, and to comfort us under our sharpest sufferings, [Page 70]when all other things set themselves a­gainst us? Is it not every man's interest, that there should be such a Governour of the world as really designs our happiness, and hath omitted nothing that is necessary to it; as would govern us for our advan­tage, and will require nothing of us but what is for our good, and yet will infinitely reward us for the doing of that which is best for our selves? that will punish any man that should go about to injure us, or to deal otherwise with us than himself in the like case would be dealt withal by us? In a word, such a one as is ready to be re­concil'd to us when we have offended him, and is so far from taking little advantages against us for every failing that he is wil­ling to pardon our most wilfull miscarria­ges upon our Repentance and amendment? And we have reason to believe God to be such a Being, if he be at all.

Why then should any man be troubl'd that there is such a Being as this, or think himself concern'd to shut him out of the world? How could such a Governour as this be wanting in the world, that is so great a comfort and security to mankind and the confidence of all the ends of the earth? If God be such a being as I have describ'd, woe to the world if it were with­out [Page 71]out him. This would be a thousand times greater loss to mankind and of more dis­mal consequence, and if it were true, ought to affect us with more grief and horrour than the extinguishing of the Sun.

Let but all things be well consider'd, and I am very confident that if a wise and consi­derate man were left to himself and his own choice, to wish the greatest good to him­self he could devise; after he had search'd heaven and earth, the sum of all his wishes would be this, that there were just such a being as God is; Nor would he chuse any other benefactor, or friend, or protector for himself, or governour for the whole world, than infinite power conducted and mana­ged by infinite wisedom and goodness and justice, which is the true notion of a God.

Nay, so necessary is God to the happi­ness of mankind, that though there were no God, yet the Atheist himself upon se­cond thoughts would judge it convenient that the generality of men should believe that there is one. For when the Atheist had attain'd his end, and (if it were a thing possible) had blotted the notion of a God out of the minds of men, mankind would in all probability grow so melancholly and so unruly a thing, that he himself would think it fit in policy to contribute [Page 72]his best endeavours to the restoring of men to their former belief. Thus hath God secur'd the belief of himself in the world, against all attempts to the contrary; not onely by rivetting the notion of him­self into our natures, but likewise by ma­king the belief of his being necessary to the peace and tranquillity of our minds, and to the quiet and happiness of Humane So­ciety.

So that if we consult our reason, we can­not but believe that there is; if our interest, we cannot but heartily wish that there were such a Being as God in the world. Every thing within us and without us gives notice of him. His name is written upon our hearts; and in every creature there are some prints and footsteps of him. Every moment we feel our dependance upon Him, and do by daily experience and that we can neither be happy without Him, nor think our selves so.

I confess, it is not a wicked man's in­terest, if he resolve to continue such, that there should be a God; but then it is not mens interest to be wicked. It is for the general good of humane Society, and con­sequently of particular persons, to be true and just; it is for mens health to be temperate; and so I could instance in all [Page 73]other vertues. But this is the mystery of Atheisme, men are wedded to their lusts and resolv'd upon a wicked course; and so it becomes their interest to wish there were no God, and to believe so if they can. Where­as if men were minded to live righteously and soberly and vertuously in the world, to believe a God would be no hindrance or prejudice to any such design; but very much for the advancement and furtherance of it. Men that are good and vertuous do easily believe a God; so that it is ve­hemently to be suspected, that nothing but the strength of mens lusts, and the power of vicious inclinations do sway their minds and set a byass upon their understandings toward Atheism.

2. Atheism is imprudent, because it is unsafe in the issue. The Atheist contends against the religious man that there is no God; but upon strange inequality and odds, for he ventures his eternal interest; whereas the Religious man ventures onely the loss of his Lusts, (which it is much better for him to be without) or at the utmost of some temporal convenience; and all this while is inwardly more conten­ted and happy, and usually more healthfull, and perhaps meets with more respect and faithfuller friends, and lives in a more se­cure [Page 74]and flourishing condition, and more free from the evils and punishments of this world, than the Atheistical person does; however, it is not much that he ventures: And after this life, if there be no God, is as well as he; but if there be a God, is Infinitely better, even as much as un­speakable and eternal happiness is better than extream and endless misery. So that if the arguments for and against a God were equal, and it were an even question whether there were one or not; yet the hazard and danger is so infinitely unequal, that in point of prudence and interest e­very man were obliged to incline to the affirmative: and whatever doubts he might have about it, to choose the safest side of the question, and to make that the prin­ciple to live by. For, he that acts wisely and is a throughly prudent man, will be pro­vided against all events, and will take care to secure the main chance whatever hap­pens; but the Atheist, in case things should fall out contrary to his belief and expecta­tion, he hath made no provision for this case. If contrary to his confidence it should prove in the issue that there is a God, the man is lost and undone for ever. If the Athe­ist when he dies should find that his soul re­mains [Page 75]after his body and has onely quitted its lodging, how will this man be amazed and blank'd when contrary to his expec­tation, he shall find himself in a new and strange place, amidst a world of spirits, entred upon an everlasting and unchange­able state? How sadly will the man be dis­appointed when he finds all things other­wise than he had stated and determined them in this World? When he comes to appear before that God whom he hath de­nied and against whom he hath spoken as despightful things as he could, who can imagine the pale and guilty looks of this man and how he will shiver and tremble for the fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his Majesty? How will he be surprised with terrors on every side, to find himself thus unexpectedly and irrecoverably plun­ged into a state of ruin and desperation? And thus things may happen for all this man's confidence now. For our belief or dis-belief of a thing does not alter the na­ture of the thing. We cannot fansie things into being or make them va­nish into nothing by the stubborn consi­dence of our imaginations. Things are as sullen as we are, and will be what they are whatever we think of them. And if [Page 76]there be a God a man cannot by an obsti­nate disbelief of him make him cease to be, any more than a man can put out the Sun by winking.

And thus I have as briefly and clearly as I could endeavoured to shew the igno­rance and folly of speculative Atheisme in de­nying the existence of God. And now it will be less needful to speak of the other two Principles of Religion, the immortality of the soul, and future rewards. For no man can have any reasonable scruple a­bout these, who believes that there is a God. Because no man that owns the ex­istence of an infinite spirit can doubt of the possibility of a finite spirit, that is, such a thing as is immaterial and does not con­tain any principle of corruption in it self. And there is no man that believes the goodness of God, but must be inclin'd to think that he hath made some things for as long a duration as they are capable of. Nor can any man, that acknowledgeth the holy and just providence of God, and that he loves righteousness and hates iniquity, and that he is a Magistrate and Governour of the World, and consequently concerned to countenance the obedience, and to punish the violation of his Laws; and that does withall consider the promiscuous dispensa­tions [Page 77]many times of God's Providence in this world? I say, no man that acknowled­ges all this, can think it unreasonable to conclude, that after this life good men shall be rewarded, and sinners punished. I have done with the first sort of irreligious per­sons, the speculative Atheist. I shall speak but briefly of the other.

Secondly, The practical Atheist, who is wicked and irreligious, notwithstanding he does in some sort believe that there is a God, and a future state; he is likewise guilty of prodigious folly. The principle of the spe­culative Atheist argues more ignorance, but the practice of the other argues greater fol­ly. Not to believe a God, and another life, for which there is so much evidence of reason is great ignorance and folly; but 'tis the highest madness when a man does believe these things to live as if he did not believe them: When a Man does not doubt but that there is a God, and that according as he demeans himself towards him he will make him happy or misera­ble for ever, yet to live so as if he were certain of the contrary, and as no man in reason can live but he that is well assured that there is no God. It was a shrewd saying of the old Monk that two kind of Prisons would serve for all offenders in the [Page 78]world, an Inquisition and a Bedlam: If any man should deny the being of a God and the immortality of the soul, such a one should be put into the first of these the In­quisition, as being a desperate Heretick; but if any man should profess to believe these things, and yet allow himself in any known wickedness, such a one should be put into Bedlam; because there cannot be a greater folly and madness than for a man in matters of greatest moment and concern­ment to act against his best reason and un­derstanding, and by his life to contradict his belief. Such a man does perish with his eyes open, and knowingly undoes himself; he runs upon the greatest dangers which he clearly sees to be before him, and precipitates himself into those evils which he professes to believe to be real and into­lerable; and wilfully neglects the obtain­ing of that unspeakable good and happi­ness which he is perswaded is certain and attainable. Thus much for the second way of Confirmation.

III. The third way of confirmation shall be, by endeavouring to vindicate Religion from those common imputations which seem to charge it with ignorance or impru­dence. And they are chiefly these three:

  • 1. Credulity.
  • [Page 79]2. Singularity.
  • 3. Making a Foolish Bargain.

First, Credulity: Say they, the founda­tion of Religion is the belief of those things for which we have no sufficient reason, and consequently of which we can have no good assurance; as the belief of a God, and of a future state after this life; things which we never saw, nor did experience, nor ever spoke with any body that did. Now it seems to argue too great a forwardness and easiness of belief to assent to any thing upon insufficient grounds.

To this I answer,

1. That if there be such a Being as a God, and such a thing as a future state after this life, it cannot (as I said before) in rea­son be expected that we should have the evidence of sense for such things: For he that believes a God, believes such a Being as hath all perfections, among which this is one, that he is a spirit; and consequent­ly that he is invisible, and cannot be seen. He likewise that believes another life after this, professeth to believe a state of which in this life we have no trial and experi­ence. Besides, if this were a good objecti­on, that no man ever saw these things, it strikes at the Atheist as well as us. For no man ever saw the World to be from eterni­ty; [Page 80]nor Epicurus his Atoms, of which not­withstanding he believes the World was made.

2. We have the best evidence for these things which they are capable of at pre­sent, supposing they were,

3. Those who deny these principles, must be much more credulous, that is, believe things upon incomparably less evidence of reason. The Atheist looks upon all that are religious as a company of credulous fools. But he, for his part, pretends to be wiser than to believe any thing for com­pany; he cannot entertain things upon those slight grounds which move other men; if you would win his assent to any thing, you must give him a clear demon­stration for it. Now there's no way to deal with this man of reason, this rigid exactor of strict demonstration for things which are not capable of it, but by shewing him that he is an hundred times more credulous, that he begs more principles, takes more things for granted without of­fering to prove them, and assents to more strange conclusions upon weaker grounds▪ than those whom he so much accuseth of credulity.

And to evidence this, I shall briefly give you an account of the Atheist's Creed, and [Page 81]present you with a Catalogue of the funda­mental Articles of his Faith. He believes that there is no God, nor possibly can be, and consequently that the wise as well as unwise of all ages have been mistaken, ex­cept himself and a few more. He believes that either all the world have been fright­ed with an apparition of their own fancy, or that they have most unnaturally conspi­red together to cozen themselves; or that this notion of a God is a trick of policy, though the greatest Princes and Politici­ans do not at this day know so much, nor have done time out of a mind. He believes, either that the Heavens and the Earth and all things in them had no Original cause of their being, or else that they were made by chance and happened he knows not how to be as they are; and that in this last shuffling of matter all things have by great good fortune fallen out as happily and as regularly as if the greatest wisedom had contriv'd them, but yet he is resolv'd to believe that there was no wisedom in the contrivance of them. He believes, that mat­ter of it sel [...] is utterly void of all sense, un­derstanding and liberty; but for all that he is of opinion that the parts of matter may know and then happen to be so con­veniently dispos'd, as to have all these qua­lities, [Page 82]and most dextrously to performe all those fine and free operations which the ig­norant attribute to Spirits.

This is the sum of his belief. And it is a wonder, that there should be found any person pretending to reason or wit that can assent to such a heap of absurdities, which are so gross and palpable that they may be felt. So that if every man had his due it will certainly fall to the Atheist's share to be the most credulous person, that is, to believe things upon the slightest rea­sons. For he does not pretend to prove any thing of all this, only he finds him­self, he knows not why, inclin'd to be­lieve so and to laugh at those that do not.

II. The second imputation is singularity; the affectation whereof is unbecoming a wise man. To this charge I answer,

I. If by Religion be meant the belief of the principles of Religion, that there is a God, and a providence, that our souls are immortal, and that there are rewa ds to be expected after this life; these are so far from being singular opinions, that they are and always have been the general opinion of mankind, even of the most barbarous Na­tions. Insomuch, that the Histories of an­cient times do hardly furnish us with the names of above five or six persons who de­nied [Page 83]a God. And Lucretius acknowledg­eth that Epicurus was the first who did oppose those great foundations of Religion, the providence of God, and the immortali­ty of the soul. Primum Grajus homo, &c. meaning Epicurus.

2. If by Religion be meant a living up to those principles, that is, to act confor­mably to our best reason and understan­ding, and to live as it does become those who do believe a God and a future state; this is acknowledged, even by those who live otherwise, to be the part of every wise man; and the contrary to be the very madness of folly, and height of distraction: Nothing being more ordinary than for men who live wickedly to acknowledge that they ought to do otherwise.

3. Though according to the common course and practice of the world it be somewhat singular for men truly and throughly to live up to the principles of their Religion, yet singularity in this matter is so far from being a reflexion upon any man's prudence that it is a singular com­mendation of it. In two cases singularity is very commendable.

1. When there is a necessity of it in or­der to a man's greatest interest and happi­ness. I think it to be a reasonable account [Page 84]for any man to give why he does not live as the greatest part of the World do, that he has no mind to die as they do and to perish with them; he is not disposed to be a fool and to be miserable for company, he has no inclination to have his last end like theirs who know not God, and obey not the Gospel of his Son, and shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power.

2. It is very commendable to be singular in any excellency, and I have shewn that Re­ligion is the greatest excellency: to be sin­gular in any thing that is wise, and worthy, and excellent, is not a disparagement, but a praise: every man would chuse to be thus singular.

III. The third imputation is, that Religi­on is a foolish bargain; because they who are religious hazard the parting with a pre­sent and certain happiness for that which is future and uncertain. To this I answer.

1. Let it be granted, that the assurance which we have of future rewards falls short of the evidence of sense. For I doubt not, but that saying of our Saviour, blessed is he who hath believed, and not seen; and those expressions of the Apostle, we walk by faith and not by sight, and faith is the evidence of [Page 85]things not seen, are intended by way of a­batement and diminution to the evidence of Faith, and do sign fie that the report and testimony of others is not so great evidence as that of our own senses: And though we have sufficient assurance of another state, yet not man can think we have so great e­vidence as if we our selves had been in the other world and seen how all things are there.

2. We have sufficient assurance of these things, and such as may beget in us a well grounded confidence and frees us from all doubts of the contrary and perswade a reasonable man to venture his greatest in­terests in this world upon the security that he hath of another: For,

1. We have as much assurance of these things as things future and at a distance are capable of, and he is a very unreasonable man that would desire more: Future and invisible things are not capable of the e­vidence of sense; but we have the greatest rational evidence for them, and in this e­very reasonable man ought to rest satisfi'd.

2. We have as much as is abundantly sufficient to justifie every man's discretion, who for the great and eternal things of a­nother world hazards or parts with the poor and transitory things of this life. And [Page 86]for the clearing of this it will be worth our considering, that the greatest affairs of this world, and the most important con­cernments of this life are all conducted onely by moral demonstrations. Men eve­ry day venture their lives and estates onely upon moral assurance. For instance, men who never were at the east or West-Indies, or in Turky or Spain, yet do venture their whole estate in traffick thither, though they have no Mathematical demonstration but onely moral assurance that there are such places. Nay which is more, men every day eat and drink, though I think no man can demonstrate out of Euclide or Apolloni­us, that his Baker or Brewer, or Cook have not conveyed poison into his meat or drink. And that man that would be so wise and cautious as not to eat or drink till he could demonstrate this to himself, I know no other remedy for him but that in great gravity and wifedom he must die for fear of death. And for any man to urge that though men in temporal affairs proceed upon moral assurance, yet there is greater assurance required to make men seek Hea­ven and avoid Hell, seems to me to be high­ly unreasonable. For such an assurance of things as will make men circumspect and carefull to avoid a lesser dangér ought in [Page 87]all reason to awaken men much more to the avoiding of a greater, such an assu­rance as will sharpen mens desires and quicken their endeavours for the obtaining of a lesser good ought in all reason to ani­mate men more powerfully and to inspire them with a greater vigour and industry in the pursuit of that which is infinitely greater. For why the same assurance should not operate as well in a great dan­ger as in a less, in a great good as in a small and inconsiderable one, I can see no reason; unless men will say, that the greatness of an evil danger is an incouragement to men to run upon it, and that the greatness of any good and happiness ought in reason to dishearten men from the pursuit of it.

And now I think I may with reason en­treat such as are atheistically inclined to consider these things seriously and impar­tially; and if there be weight in these con­siderations which I have offered to them to sway with reasonable men, I would beg of such that they would not suffer them­selves to be byassed by prejudice or passion, or the interest of any lust or worldly ad­vantage, to a contrary perswasion.

First, I would entreat them seriously and diligently to consider these things, be­cause they are of so great moment and con­cernment [Page 88]to every man. If any thing in the world deserve our serious study and consideration, these principles of Religi­on do. For what can import us more to be satisfied in than whether there be a God, or not? whether our Souls shall pe­rish with our bodies, or be immortal and shall continue for ever? And if so, whe­ther in that eternal state which remains for men after this life, they shall not be hap­py or miserable for ever according as they have demeaned themselves in this world? If these things be so, they are of infinite consequence to us; and therefore it high­ly concerns us to enquire diligently about them, and to satisfie our minds concer­ning them one way or other. For these are not matters to be slightly and superfi­cially thought upon, much less (as the way of atheistical men is) to be played and jested withall. There is no greater argu­ment of a light and inconsiderate person, than prophanely to scoff at Religion. It is a sign that that man hath no regard to him­self, and that he is not touched with a sense of his own interest, who loves to be jesting with edg'd tools and to play with life and death. This is the very mad-man that So­lomon speaks of, Prov. 26.18. who casteth fire-brands, ar­rows and death, and saith, am I not in sport? [Page 89]To examine severely and debate seriously the principles of Religion, is a thing wor­thy of a wise man; but if any man shall turn Religion into raillery, and think to confute it by two or three bold jests, this man doth not render Religion, but himself ridiculous, in the opinion of all considerate men; be­cause he sports with his own life. If the principles of Religion were doubtfull and uncertain, yet they concern us so nearly that we ought to be serious in the exami­nation of them. And though they were never so clear and evident, yet they may be made ridiculous by vain and frothy men; as the gravest and wisest person in the world may be abused by being put in­to a fools coat, and the most noble and ex­cellent Poem may be debased and made vile by being turned into burlesque. But of this I shall have occasion to speak more largely in my next discourse.

So that it concerns every man, that would not trifle away his soul and fool himself into irrecoverable misery, with the greatest seriousness to enquire into these matters whether they be so or not, and pa­tiently to consider the arguments which are brought for them. For many have mis­carried about these things, not because there is not reason and evidence enough for [Page 90]them, but because they have not had pa­tience enough to consider them.

Secondly, Consider these things imparti­ally. All wicked men are of a party against Religion. Some lust or interest ingageth them against it. Hence it comes to pass that they are apt to slight the strongest argu­ments that can be brought for it, and to cry up very weak ones against it. Men do ge­nerally and without difficulty assent to Mathematical truths, because it is no bodies interest to deny them; but men are slow to believe moral and divine Truths, because by their lusts and interest they are preju­diced against them. And therefore you may observe that the more vertuously any man lives, and the less he is enslaved to any lust, the more ready he is to enter­tain the principles of Religion.

Therefore when you are examining these matters, do not take into considera­tion any sensual or worldly interest, but deal clearly and impartially with your selves. Let not temporal and little advan­tages sway you against a greater and more durable interest. Think thus with your selves, that you have not the making of things true or false, but that the truth and existence of things is already fix'd and set­led, and that the principles of Religion [Page 91]are already either determinately true or false before you think of them, either there is a God, or there is not; either your Souls are Immortal, or they are not; one of these is certain and necessary, and is not now to be altered; the truth of things will not comply with our conceits, and bend it self to our interests. Therefore do not think what you would have to be, but consider impartially what is, and (if it be) will be whether you will or no. Do not reason thus; I would fain be wic­ked and therefore it is my interest that there should be no God, nor no life after this; and therefore I will endeavour to prove that there is no such thing, and will shew all the favour I can to that side of the question; I will bend my understanding and wit to strengthen the negative, and will study to make it as true as I can. This is fond, be­cause it is the way to cheat thy self; and that we may do as often as we please, but the nature of things will not be imposed upon. If then thou be as wise as thou ought­est to be, thou wilt reason thus with thy self; my highest interest is not to be decei­ved about these matters, therefore setting a­side all other considerations I will endea­vour to know the truth and yield to that.

And now it is time to draw towards a [Page 92]conclusion of this long discourse. And that which I have all this while been endeavou­ring to convince men of and to perswade them to, is no other but what God him­self doth particularly recommend to us as proper for humane consideration, unto Man he said, behold the fear of the Lord that is wisedom, and to depart from evil is under­standing. Whoever pretends to reason, and calls himself a man, is oblig'd to ac­knowledge God and to demean himself re­ligiously towards him. For God is to the understanding of man as the light of the Sun is to our eyes, the first and the plain­est and the most glorious object of it. He fills Heaven and earth, and every thing in them does represent him to us. Which way soever we turn our selves, we are en­countred with clear evidences and sensible demonstrations of a Deity. For (as the Apostle reasons) The invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, Rom. 1. being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and godhead: [...], so that they are without excuse; that is, those men that know not God have no apology to make for themselves. Or if men do know and believe that there is such a being as God, not to consider the proper consequences of [Page 93]such a Principle, not to demean our selves towards him as becomes our relation to him and dependance upon him and the duty which we naturally owe him, this is great stupidity and inconsiderateness.

And yet he that considers the lives and actions of the greatest part of men would verily think that they understood nothing of all this. Therefore the Scripture re­presents wicked men as without under­standing. It is a Nation void of counsel, Deut. 32.28. Psal. 14.4 neither is there any understanding in them: and elsewhere, have all the workers of ini­quity no knowledge; Not that they are destitute of the natural faculty of under­standing, but they do not use it as they ought; they are not blind but they wink, they detain the truth of God in unrighteous­ness, and though they know God, yet they do not glorifie him as God, nor suffer the ap­prehensions of him to have a due influ­ence upon their hearts and lives.

Men generally stand very much upon the credit and reputation of their under­standings, and of all things in the world hate to be accounted fools, because it is so great a reproach. The best way to a­void this imputation and to bring off the credit of our understandings is to be truly religious, to fear the Lord, and to depart [Page 94]from evil. For certainly there is no such imprudent person as he that neglects God and his soul, and is careless and slothful about his everlasting concernments; be­cause this man acts contrary to his truest reason and best interest; he neglects his own safety, and is active to procure his own ruine; he flies from happiness and runs away from it as fast as he can, but pursues misery, and makes haste to be un­done. Hence it is that Solomon does all a­long in the Proverbs give the title of fool to a wicked man, as if it were his proper name and the fittest character of him, be­cause he is so eminently such: There is no fool to the sinner, who every moment ventures his Soul, and lays his everlasting interest at the stake. Every time a man provokes God he does the greatest mischief to himself that can be imagined. A mad man that cuts himself and tears his own flesh and dashes his head against the stones does not act so unreasonably as he, be­cause he is not so sensible of what he does. Wickedness is a kind of voluntary frenzy and a chosen distraction, and every sinner does wilder and more extravagant things than any man can do that is craz'd and out of his wits, onely with this sad difference that he knows better what he does. For [Page 95]to them who believe another life after this, an eternal state of happiness or misery in another world, (which is but a reasona­ble postulatum or demand among Christi­ans) there is nothing in Mathematicks more demonstrable than the folly of wic­ked men; for it is not a clearer and more evident principle that the whole is great­er than a part, than that eternity and the concernments of it are to be preferred be­fore time.

I will therefore put the matter into a temporal Case, that wicked men who un­derstand any thing of the rules and prin­ciples of worldly wisedom may see the imprudence of an irreligious and sinfull course, and be convinced that this their way is their folly, even themselves being judges.

Is that man wise, as to his body and his health, who onely cloaths his hands but leaves his whole body naked? who pro­vides onely against the tooth-ach, and neg­lects whole troops of mortal diseases that are ready to rush in upon him? Just thus does he who takes care only for this vile body, but neglects his precious and im­mortal soul; who is very solicitous to pre­vent small and temporal inconveniences, but takes no care to escape the damnation of hell.

Is he a prudent man, as to his temporal estate, that lays designs only for a day, with­out any prospect to, or provision for the Re­maining part of his life? even so does he that provides for the short time of this life, but takes no care for all Eternity, which is to be wise for a moment, but a fool for ever, and to act as untowardly and as crosly to the reason of things as can be imagined, to re­gard time as if it were eternity, and to neg­lect eternity as if it were but a short time.

Do we count him a wise man, who is wise in any thing but in his own proper profession and employment, wise for every body but himself; who is ingenious to con­trive his own misery and to do himself a mischief, but is dull and stupid as to the de­signing of any real benefit and advantage to himself? Such a one is he, who is ingeni­ous in his Calling but a bad Christian; for Christianity is more our proper calling and profession than the very trades we live up­on: and such is every sinner, who is wise to do evil, but to do good hath no understanding.

Is it wisedom in any man to neglect and disoblige him who is his best friend, and can be his sorest enemy? or with one weak troop to go out to meet him that comes against him with thousands of thousands, to flie a small danger and run upon a greater? Thus [Page 97]does every wicked man that neglects and contemns God, who can save or destroy him; who strives with his Maker and pro­voketh the Lord to jealousie, and with the small and inconsiderable forces of a man takes the field against the mighty God, the Lord of Hosts; who fears them that can kill the body, but after that have no more that they can do; but fears not him, who after he hath kill'd, can destroy both body and soul in hell; and thus does he who for fear of any thing in this world ventures to displease God, for in so doing he runs away from men, and falls into the hands of the living God, he flies from a temporal danger and leaps into Hell.

Is not he an imprudent man, who in mat­ters of greatest moment and concernment neglects opportunities never to be retriev'd, who standing upon the shore, and seeing the tide making haste towards him apace, and that he hath but a few minutes to save himself, yet will lay himself to sleep there till the cruel sea rush in upon him and o­verwhelm him? And is he any better who trifles away this day of God's grace and pa­tience, and foolishly adjourns the necessa­ry work of repentance and the weighty business of Religion to a dying hour.

And to put an end to these questions, [Page 96] [...] [Page 97] [...] [Page 98]Is he wise who hopes to attain the End without the means, nay, by means that are quite contrary to it? such is every wicked man who hopes to be blessed hereafter without being holy here, and to be hap­py, that is, to find a pleasure in the en­joyment of God and in the company of ho­ly spirits by rendring himself as unsuitable and unlike to them as he can.

Wouldst thou then be truly wise? Be wise for thy self, wise for thy soul, wise for eternity. Resolve upon a religious course of life. Fear God and depart from evil. Look beyond things present and sensible unto things which are not seen and are eternal, labour to secure the great interests of another world, and refer all the actions of this short and dying life to that state which will shortly begin but ne­ver have an end: and this will approve it self to be wisedom at the last, whatever the world judge of it now. For not that which is approved of men now, but what shall finally be approved by God is true wisedom; that which is esteemed so by him who is the fountain and original of all wisedom, the first rule and measure, the best and most competent judge of it.

I deny not but that those that are wick­ed and neglect Religion may think them­selves wise, and may enjoy this their delu­sion for a while: But there is a time a com­ing when the most prophane and atheisti­cal, who now account it a peice of Gallan­try and an argument of a great spirit and of a more than common wit and under­standing to slight God and to baffle Re­ligion and to level all the discourses of another world with the Poetical descrip­tions of the Fairy-land; I say, there is a day a coming when all these witty fools shall be unhappily undeceived, and not be­ing able to enjoy their delusion any longer shall call themselves fools for ever.

But why should I use so much importu­nity to perswade men to that which is so excellent, so usefull, and so necessary? The thing it self hath allurements in it beyond all arguments: For if Religion be the best knowledge and wisdom I cannot offer any thing beyond this to your understand­ings to raise your esteem of it, I can pre­sent nothing beyond this to your affecti­ons to excite your love and desire. All that can be done is to set the thing be­fore men, and to offer it to their choice; and if mens natural desire of wisdom and knowledge and happiness will not per­swade [Page 100]them to be religious, 'tis in vain to use arguments if the sight of these beauties will not charm mens affections, 'tis to no purpose to go about to compell a liking, and to urge and push forward a match to the making whereof consent is necessary. Religion is matter of our freest choice, and if men will obstinately and wilfully set themselves against it there is no remedy. Pertinacioe nullum remedium posuit Deus, God has provided no remedy for the obstinacy of men; but if they will chuse to be fools and to be miserable, he will leave them to inherit their own choice and to enjoy the portion of sinners.

2 PET. iii. 3.

Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts.

KNowing this first. In the verse be­fore, the Apostle was speaking of a famous prophecy before the accomplishment of which this sort of men whom he calls scoffers should come. That ye may be mindfull of the words which were spoken before by the holy Prophets, and of the commandment of in the Apostles of our Lord and Saviour; Know­ing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, &c.

The prophecy here spoken of is proba­bly that famous prediction of the destructi­on of Jerusalem which is in the Prophet Daniel, and before the fulfilling whereof [Page 102]our Saviour expresly tells us false prophets should arise and deceive many. Mat. 24.11.

Now the scoffers here spoken of are the false teachers whom the Apostle had been describing all along in the foregoing Chapter, there were false prophets also a­mong the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you. These, he tells us, should proceed to that height of impiety as to scoff at the principles of Religion and to deride the expectations of a future judg­ment, In the last days shall come scoffers walking after their own lusts, and saying where is the promise of his coming?

In speaking to these words, I shall do these three things.

  • 1. Consider the nature of the sin here mentioned, which is scoffing at Religi­on.
  • 2. The character of the persons that are charg'd with the guilt of this sin, they are said to walk after their own lusts.
  • 3. I shall represent to you the heinous­ness and the aggravations of this vice.

I. First, we will consider the nature of the sin here mentioned, which is scoffing at Religion, There shall come scoffers: These it seems were a sort of people that deri­ded [Page 103]our Saviour's prediction of his coming to judge the world. So the Apostle tells us in the next words, that they said where is the promise of his coming?

In those times there was a com­mon perswasion among Christians that the day of the Lord was at hand, 2 Thes. 3.2. as the Apostle elsewhere tells us. Now this 'tis probable, these scoffers twitted the Christians withall; and because Christ did not come when some looked for him they concluded he would not come at all. Upon this they derided the Christians as enduring persecution in a vain expecta­tion of that which was never likely to hap­pen. They saw all things continue as they were from the beginning of the world, not­withstanding the apprehensions of Christi­ans concerning the approaching end of it; For since the Fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were, from the beginning of the world. Since the fathers fell asleep, [...], which may either be rendred from the time, or else (which seems more agreeable to the atheistical discourse of these men) saving or except that the fathers are fallen asleep, all things continue as they were; Sa­ving that men die and one generation suc­ceeds another, they saw no change or al­alteration. They looked upon all things as [Page 104]going on in a constant course; One ge­neration of men passed away and ano­ther came in the room of it, but the world remain'd still as it was. And thus for ought they knew things might hold on for ever. So that the principles of these men seem to be much the same with those of the Epicureans, who denied the provi­dence of God and the immortality of mens souls; and consequently a future judgment which should sentence men to rewards and punishments in another world. These great and fundamental principles of all Religion they derided as the fancies and dreams of a company of melancholy men, who were weary of the world and pleased themselves with vain conceits of happiness and ease in ano­ther life. But as for them, they believed none of those things; and therefore gave all manner of licence and indulgence to their lusts.

But this belongs to the second thing I propounded to speak to, namely,

II. The character which is here given of these scoffers; They are said to walk after their own lusts. And no wonder if when they denied a future judgment they gave up themselves to all manner of sensu­ality.

St. Jude in his Epistle gives much the same character of them that St. Peter here does, ver. 18, 19. There shall come in the last days mockers, walking after their own ungodly lusts, sensual, not having the spirit. So that we see what kind of persons they are who prophanely scoff at Religion, men of sensual spirits and of licentious lives. For this character which the Apostle here gives of the scoffers of that age was not an accidental thing which happened to those persons, but is the constant character of them who deride Religion, and flows from the very temper and disposition of those who are guilty of this impiety; it is both the usual preparation to it, and the natural consequent of it.

To deride God and Religion is the highest kind of impiety. And men do not usually arrive to this degree of wicked­ness at first, but they come to it by seve­ral steps. The Psalmist very elegantly ex­presseth to us the several gradations by which men at last come to this horrid de­gree of impiety; Blessed is the man, that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, Psal. 1.1 [...] nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornfull. Men are usu­ally first corrupted by bad counsel and company, which is called walking in the [Page 106]counsel of the ungodly! next they habitu­ate themselves to their vicious practices, which is standing in the way of sinners; and then at last they take up and settle in a contempt of all Religion, which is called sitting in the seat of the scornfull.

For when men once indulge themselves in wicked courses, the vicious inclinations of their minds sway their understandings, and make them apt to disbelieve those truths which contradict their lusts. Every inordinate lust and passion is a false byass upon mens understandings which natu­rally draws toward Atheism. And when mens judgments are once byassed they do not believe according to the evidence of things, but according to their humour and their interest. For when men live as if there were no God it becomes expe­dient for them that there should be none: And then they endeavour to perswade themselves so, and will be glad to find ar­guments to fortifie themselves in this per­swasion. Men of dissolute lives cry down Religion, because they would not be un­der the restraints of it; they are loth to be tied up by the strict laws and rules of it: 'Tis their interest more than any reason they have against it which makes them despise it, they hate it because they [Page 107]are reproved by it. So our Saviour tells us, that men love darkness rather than light, John 3.19, 20. because their deeds are evil; for eve­ry one that doth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light lest his deeds should be re­proved.

I remember it is the saying of one, who hath done more by his Writings to de­bauch the Age with Atheistical principles than any man that lives in it, That when reason is against a man, then a man will be against reason. I am sure this is the true account of such mens enmity to Religion, Religion is against them and therefore they set themselves against Religion. The principles of Religion and the doctrines of the holy Scriptures are terrible ene­mies to wicked men, they are contin­nually flying in their faces and galling their consciences: And this is that which makes them kick against Religion and spurn at the doctrines of that holy Book. And this may probably be one reason why many men, who are observed to be sufficiently dull in other matters, yet can talk prophanely and speak against Reli­gion with some kind of salt and smartness, because Religion is the thing that frets them; and as in other things so in this vexatio dat intellectum, the inward trou­ble [Page 108]and vexation of their minds gives them some kind of wit and sharpness in rallying upon Religion. Their conscien­ces are galled by it, and this makes them winch and fling as if they had some metal. For, let men pretend what they will, there is no ease and comfort of mind to be had from atheistical principles. 'Tis found by experience, that none are more apprehensive of danger or more fearfull of death than this sort of men: Even when they are in prosperity they ever and anon feel many inward stings and lashes, but when any great affliction or ca­lamity overtakes them they are the most poor spirited creatures in the whole world.

The sum is, the true reason why any man is an Atheist is because he is a wicked man. Religion would curb him in his lusts, and therefore he casts it off and puts all the scorn upon it he can. Besides, that men think it some kind of apology for their vices that they do not act contrary to any principle they profess: Their practice is agreeable to what they pretend to believe, and so they think to vindicate themselves and their own practices by laughing at those for fools who believe any thing to the contrary

III. The third thing I propounded was, to represent to you the heinousness and the aggravations of this vice. And to make this out we will make these three suppositions, which are as many as the thing will bear.

1. Suppose there were no God, and that the principles of Religion were false.

2. Suppose the matter were doubtfull, and the arguments equal on both sides.

3. Suppose it certain that there is a God, and that the principles of Religion are true. Put the case how we will, I shall shew that the humour is intolera­ble.

I. Suppose there were no God, and that the principles of Religion were false. Not that there is any reason for such a supposition, but onely to shew the unrea­sonableness of this humour; Put the case that these men were in the right, in deny­ing the principles of Religion, and that all that they pretend were true; yet so long as the generality of mankind believes the contrary, it is certainly a great rudeness, or incivility at least, to deride and scoff at these things. Indeed upon this supposi­tion there could be no such thing as sin, but yet it would be a great offence against [Page 110]the laws of civil conversation. Suppose then, the Atheist were wiser than all the world, and that he did upon good grounds know that all mankind, besides himself and two or three more, were mis­taken about the matters of Religion; yet if he were either so wise, or so civil as he should be, he would keep all this to him­self, and not affront other men about these things.

I remember that that Law which God gave to the people of Israel, Thou shalt not speak evil of the Rulers of thy people; is rendred by Josephus in a very different sense: What other nations account Gods, let no man blaspheme. And this is not so dif­ferent from the Hebrew, as at first sight one would imagine, for the same Hebrew word signifies both Gods and Rulers. But whe­ther this be the meaning of that Law or not there is a great deal of reason in the thing. For though every man have a right in dispute against a false Religion, and to urge it with all its absurd and ridiculous consequences, as the Ancient Fathers did in their disputes with the Heathen; yet it is a barbarous incivility for any man scur­rilously to make sport with that which o­thers account Religion, not with any design to convince their reason but onely to pro­voke their rage.

But now the Atheist can pretend no ob­ligation of conscience why he should so much as dispute against the principles of Religion, much less deride them. He that pretends to any Religion may pretend con­science for opposing a contrary Religion: But he that denies all Religion, can pre­tend no conscience for any thing. A man may be obliged indeed in reason and com­mon humanity to free his neighbour from a hurtfull error; but supposing there were no God this notion of a Deity and the Prin­ciples of Religion have taken such deep root in the mind of man that either they are not to be extinguished, or if they be it would be no kindness to any man to endeavour it for him, because it is not to be done but with so much trouble and violence that the remedy would be worse than the disease.

For if this notion of a Deity be founded in a natural fear, it is in vain to attempt to expell it; for whatever violence may be offer'd to nature by endeavouring to reason men into a contrary perswasion, nature will still recoil and at last return to it self, and then the fear will be augmented from the apprehension of the dangerous conse­quences of such an impiety. So that no­thing can create more trouble to a man than to endeavour to dispossess him of this [Page 112]conceit, because nature is but irritated by the contest and the man's fears will be doubled upon him.

But if we suppose this apprehension of a Deity to have no foundation in nature, but to have had its rise from tradition which hath been confirmed in the world by the prejudice of education, the difficulty of removing it will almost be as great as if it were natural, that which men take in by education being next to that which is na­tural. And if it could be extinguish't, yet the advantage of it will not recompence the trouble of the cure. For, except the avoiding of persecution for Religion, there is no advantage that the principles of Athe­ism if they could be quietly setled in a man's mind can give him. The advan­tage indeed that men make of them is to give themselves the liberty to do what they please, to be more sensual and more unjust than other men; that is, they have the priviledge to surfeit themselves and to be sick oftner than other men, and to malte mankind their enemy by their unjust and dishonest actions, and consequently to live more uneasily in the world than other men.

So that the principles of Religion, the belief of a God, and another life, by obli­ging men to be vertuous do really pro­mote [Page 113]their temporal happiness. And all the priviledge that Atheism pretends to is to let men loose to vice, which is natural­ly attended with temporal inconveniences. And if this be true, then the Atheist cannot pretend this Reason of charity to mankind (which is the onely one I can think of) to dispute against Religion, much less to ral­ly upon it. For it is plain, that it would be no kindness to any man to be undecei­ved in these principles of Religion, supposing they were false. Because the principles of Religion are so far from hindering that they promote a man's happiness even in this world, and as to the other world there can be no inconvenience in the mistake, for when a man is not it will be no trouble to him that he was once deceived about these matters.

And where no obligation of conscience nor of reason can be pretended, there cer­tally the laws of civility ought to take place. Now men do profess to believe that there is a God, and that the common prin­ciples of Religion are true, and to have a great veneration for these things. Can there then be a greater insolence, than for a man when he comes into company to rally and fall soul upon those things for which he knows the company have a reverence? [Page 114]Can one man offer a greater affront to ano­ther, than to expose to scorn him whom he owns and declares to be his best friend, the patron of his life, and the greatest bene­factor he hath in the world? And doth not every man that owns a God say this of him?

But when the generality of Mankind are of the same opinion the rudeness is still the greater. So that whoever doth openly contemn God and Religion does delinque­re in majestatem populi & humani generis', he does offend against the majesty of the People and that reverence which is due to the common apprehensions of Mankind, whether they be true or not; which is the greatest incivility that can be imagin'd.

This is the first consideration, and it is the least that I have to urge in this matter. But yet I have insisted the longer upon it, because it is such a one as ought especially to prevail upon those whom I am afraid are too often guilty of this vice, I mean those who are of better breeding, because they pretend to understand the laws of behavi­our and the decencies of conversation bet­ter than other men.

2. Supposing it were doubtful whether there be a God or not, and whether the Principles of Religion were true or not, and that the Arguments were equal on [Page 115]both Sides; yet it would be a great folly to deride these things. And here I suppose as much as the Atheist can with any colour of reason pretend to. For no man ever yet pretended to demonstrate that there is no God, nor no life after this. For these being pure negatives are capable of no proof, unless a man could shew them to be plainly impossible. The utmost that is pretended is that the arguments that are brought for these things are not sufficient to convince. But if they were onely proba­ble, so long as no arguments are produced to the contrary that cannot in reason be denied to be a great advantage.

But I will for the present suppose the probabilities equal on both sides. And upon this supposition I doubt not to make it appear to be a monstrous folly to deride these things. Because though the argu­ments on both sides were equal, yet the danger and hazard is infinitely un­equal.

If it prove true that there is no God the religious man may be as happy in this world as the atheist, nay the principles of Religion and Vertue do in their own na­ture tend to make him happier. Because they give satisfaction to his mind, and his conscience by this means is freed [Page 116]from many fearful girds and twinges which the Atheist feels. Besides, that the practice of Religion and vertue doth naturally pro­mote our temporal felicity. It is more for a man's health, and more for his reputati­on, and more for his advantage in all other worldly respects to lead a vertuous than a vitious course of life. And for the other world, if there be no God the case of the religious man and the Atheist will be alike, because they will both be extinguisht by death and insensible of any farther happi­ness or misery.

But then if the contrary opinion should prove true, that there is a God; and that the souls of men are transmitted out of this world into the other, there to receive the just reward of their actions: Then it is plain to every man at first sight, that the case of the religious man and the Atheist must be vastly different: Then, where shall the wicked, and the ungodly ap­pear? And what think we shall be the portion of those who have affronted God, and derided his word, and made a mock of every thing that is sacred and religious? What can they expect but to be reject­ed by him whom they have renounced, and to feel the terrible effects of that pow­er and Justice which they have despised? [Page 117]So that though the arguments on both sides were equal, yet the danger is not so. On the one side there is none at all, but 'tis infinite on the other. And conse­quently, it must be a monstrous folly for any man to make a mock of those things which he knows not whether they be or not; and if they be, of all things in the world they are no jesting matters.

3. Suppose there be a God and that the principles of Religion are true, then is it not onely a heinous impiety but a perfect madness to scoff at these things. And that there is a God, and that the Principles of Religion are true, I have already in my former discourse endeavoured to prove; both from the things which are made, and from the general consent of mankind in these principles; of which universal con­sent no sufficient Reason can be given un­less they were true. And supposing they are so, it is not onely the utmost pitch of impiety, but the highest flight of folly that can be imagined to deride these things. To be disobedient to the commands of God is a great contempt, but to deny his Being, and to make sport with his word, and to endeavour to render it ridiculous by turning the wise and weighty sayings of that: Holy Book into raillery, is a most [Page 118]direct affront to the God that is above. Thus the Psalmist describes these atheistical persons as levelling their blasphemies im­mediately against the majesty of heaven. They set their mouth against the heavens, and their tongue walketh through the earth; they do mischief among men, but the af­front is immediately to God.

Besides, that this prophane spirit is an argument of a most incorrigible temper. The Wise man every where speaks of the scorner as one of the worst sort of sin­ners and hardest to be reclaimed, because he despiseth instruction and mocks at all the means whereby he should be refor­med.

And then, is it not a most black and hor­rid ingratitude thus to use the Authour of our Beings and the Patron of our Lives; to make a scorn of him that made us, and to live in an open defiance of him in whom we live, move, and have our be­ings? But this is not all. As it is a most heinous so it is a most dangerous impiety, to despise him that can destroy us, and to oppose him who is infinitely more power­ful than we are. Will ye (says the Apo­stle) provoke the Lord to jealousie? are ye stronger than he? What Gamaliel said to the Jews, in another case, may with a [Page 119]little change be applied to this sort of men; If there be a God, and the principles of Re­ligion be true ye cannot overthrow them, therefore refrain from speaking against these things lest ye be found fighters against God.

I will but add one thing more to shew the folly of this prophane temper. And that is this, that as it is the greatest of all other sins so there is in truth the least temptation to it. When the Devil tempts men with riches or honour to ruin them­selves he offers them some kind of consi­deration, but the prophane person serves the Devil for nought, and sins only for sin's sake, suffers himself to be tempted to the greatest sins and into the greatest dan­gers for no other reward but the slen­der reputation of seeming to say that wit­tily which no wise man would say. And what a folly is this, for a man to offend his conscience to please his humour, and onely for his jest to lose two of the best Friends he hath in the world, God and his own soul?

I have done with the three things I pro­pounded to speak to upon this Argument, And now I beg your patience to apply what I have said to these three purposes.

1. To take men off from this impious and dangerous folly of prophaneness which by some is miscalled wit.

2. To caution men not to think the worse of Religion, because some are so bold as to despise and deride it.

3. To perswade men to employ that rea­son and wit which God hath given them, to better and nobler purposes in the service, and to the glory of that God who hath be­stowed these gifts on men.

1. To take men off from this impious and dangerous folly. I know not how it comes to pass that some men have the fortune to be esteemed Wits onely for jesting out of the common road, and for making bold to scoff at those things which the greatest part of mankind re­verence. As if a man should be account­ed a Wit for reviling those in Authori­ty, which is no more an argument of any man's wit than it is of his discreti­on. A wise man would not speak con­temptuously of a great Prince though he were out of his Dominions, because he remembers that Kings have long hands, and that their power and influence does many times reach a great way farther than [Page 121]their direct Authority. But God is a great King, and in his hand are all the corners of the earth; we can go no whither from his Spirit, nor can we flee from his presence; where-ever we are his eye sees us and his right hand can reach us. If men did truly consult the interest either of their safety or reputation, they would never exercise their wit in dangerous matters. Wit is a very commendable quality, but then a wise man should always have the keeping of it. It is a sharp weapon, as apt for mischief as for good purposes if it be not well ma­nag'd. The proper use of it is to season conversation, to represent what is praise­worthy to the greatest advantage, and to expose the vices and follies of men, such things as are in themselves truly ridi­culous: But if it be applied to the abuse of the gravest and most serious matters it then loses its commendation. If any man think he abounds in this quality and hath wit to spare there is scope enough for it within the bounds of Religion and de­cency, and when it transgresseth these it degenerates into insolence and impiety. All wit which borders upon prophaneness and makes bold with those things to which the greatest reverence is due deserves to be branded for folly.

And if we would preserve our selves from the infection of this vice we must take heed how we scoff at Religion, under any form, lest insensibly we derive some contempt upon Religion it self. And we must likewise take heed how we accustom our selves to a slight and irreverent use of the Name of God, and of the phrases and expressions of the Holy Bible, which ought not to be applied upon every light occasion. Men will easily slide into the highest degree of prophaneness who are not careful to pre­serve a due reverence of the great and glo­rious Name of God, and an awfull re­gard to the Holy Scriptures. None so near­ly disposed to scoffing at Religion as those who have accustomed themselves to swear upon trifling occasions. For it is just with God to permit those who allow them­selves in one degree of prophaneness to proceed to another, till at last they come to that height of impiety as to contemn all Religion.

2. Let no man think the worse of Reli­gion, because some are so bold as to de­spise and deride it. For 'tis no disparage­ment to any person or thing to be laught at, but to deserve to be so. The most grave and serious matters in the whole world are liable to be abus'd. It is a known saying of [Page 123] Epictetus, that every thing hath two han­dles; By which he means, that there is no­thing so bad but a man may lay hold of something or other about it that will af­ford matter of excuse and extenuation, nor nothing so excellent but a man may fasten upon something or other belonging to it whereby to reduce it. A sharp wit may find something in the wisest man whereby to expose him to the contempt of injudicious people. The gravest book that ever was written may be made ridicu­lous by applying the sayings of it to a foolish purpose. For a jest may be obtru­ded upon any thing. And therefore no man ought to have the less reverence for the principles of Religion, or for the ho­ly Scriptures, because idle and prophane Wits can break jests upon them. Nothing is so easie as to take particular phrases and expressions out of the best Book in the world and to abuse them by forcing an odd and ridiculous sense upon them. But no wise man will think a good Book foo­lish for this reason, but the man that abuses it; nor will he esteem that to which every thing is liable to be a just exception a­gainst any thing. At this rate we must de­spise all things, but surely the better and the shorter way is to contemn those who [Page 124]would bring any thing that is worthy into contempt.

3. And lastly, to perswade men to em­ploy that reason and wit which God hath given them to better and nobler pur­poses in the service and to the glory of that God who hath bestowed these gifts on men, as Aholiab and Bezaleel did their mechanical skill in the adorning and beau­tifying of God's Tabernacle. For this is the perfection of every thing, to attain its true and propor end; and the end of all those gifts and endowments which God hath given us is to glorifie the giver.

Here is subject enough to exercise the wit of men and angels: To praise that infinite goodness, and almighty power, and exquisite wisedom which made us and all things; and to admire what we can ne­ver sufficiently praise; To vindicate the wise and just providence of God, in the government of the world; and to en­deavour, as well as we can upon an im­perfect view of things, to make out the beauty and harmony of all the seeming discords and irregularities of the Divine administrations; To explain the oracles of the holy Scriptures, and to adore that great mystery of Divine love (which the Angels, better and nobler Creatures than [Page 125]we are, desire to pry into) God's sending his onely Son into the world to save sin­ners, and to give his life a ransom for them: These would be noble exercises in­ded for the tongues and pens of the greatest Wits. And subjects of this na­ture are the best trials of our ability in this kind. Satyr and invective are the ea­siest kind of wit. Almost any degree of it will serve to abuse and find fault. For wit is a keen instrument, and every one can cut and gash with it, but to carve a beautiful image and to polish it requires great art and dexterity. To praise any thing well is an argument of much more wit, than to abuse. A little wit, and a great deal of ill nature will furnish a man for Satyr, but the greatest instance of wit is to commend well. And perhaps the best things are the hardest to be duly commended. For though there be a great deal of matter to work upon yet there is great judgment required to make choice, and where the subject is great and excel­lent it is hard not to sink below the digni­ty of it.

This I say on purpose to recommend to men a nobler exercise for their wits, and if it be possible, to put them out of con­ceit with that scoffing humour which is so [Page 126]easie, and so ill natur'd, and is not onely an enemy to Religion but to every thing else that is wise and worthy. And I am very much mistaken, if the State as well as the Church, the civil government as well as Religion, do not in a short space find the intolerable inconvenience of this humour.

But I confine my self to the considera­tion of Religion. And it is sad indeed, that in a Nation professing Christianity so horrid an impiety should dare to ap­pear. But the Scripture hath foretold us that this sort of men should arise in the Gospel-age, and they did appear even in the Apostles days. That which is more sad and strange is, that we should persist in this prophaneness notwithstanding the terrible judgments of God which have been abroad in this Nation. God hath of late years manifested himself in a very dreadful manner, as if it were on purpose to give a check to this insolent impiety. And now that those judgments have done no good upon us we may justly fear that he will appear once for all. And 'tis time for him to shew himself when his very Being is call'd in question, and to come and judge the world when men begin to doubt whether he made it.

The Scripture mentions two things as the fore-runners and reasons of his coming to judgment, infidelity, and prophane scof­fing at Religion. Luke 18.8. When the Son of man comes, shall he find faith on the earth? And St. Jude out of an ancient prophecy of Enoch expresly mentions this as one reason of the coming of the Lord, to con­vince ungodly sinners of all their hard spee­ches which they had spoken against him. Jude 15. ver.

And if these things be a sign and reason of his coming, I wish that we in this Age had not too much cause to apprehend the Judge to be at the door. This impiety did fore-run the destruction of Jerusalem, and the utter ruine of the Jewish Nation, and if it hold on amongst us may not we have reason to fear that either the end of all things is at hand, or that some very dis­mal calamity greater than any our eyes have yet seen does hang over us? But I would fain hope that God hath mercy still for us, and that men will pity themselves, and repent, and give glory to God, and know in this their day the things that belong to their peace. Which God of his infinite mercy grant for the sake of Christ, To whom with the Father, &c.

PROV. xiv. 34.

Righteousness exalteth a Nation; but sin is the reproach of any people.

ONE of the first principles that is planted in the nature of man, and which lies at the very root and foundation of his be­ing is the desire of his own preservation and happiness. Hence it is that every man is led by interest, and does love or hate, chuse or refuse things, according as he apprehends them to conduce to this end, or to contradict it. And because the hap­piness of this life is most present and sen­sible, therefore humane nature (which in this degenerate state is extremely sunk down into sense) is most powerfully af­fected [Page 130]with sensible and temporal things. And consequently, there cannot be a great­er prejudice raised against any thing than to have it represented as inconvenient and hurtfull to our temporal interests.

Upon this account it is that Religion hath extremely suffer'd in the opinion of many as if it were opposite to our pre­sent welfare, and did rob men of the great­est advantages and conveniences of life. So that he that would do right to Reli­gion and make a ready way for the en­tertainment of it among men, cannot take a more effectual course than by recon­ciling it with the happiness of mankind and by giving satisfaction to our reason, that it is so far from being an enemy that it is the greatest friend to our tem­poral interests; and that it doth not onely tend to make every man happy consider'd singly and in a private capacity, but is ex­cellently fitted for the benefit of humane society.

How much Religion tends even to the temporal advantage of private persons I shall not now consider, because my Text leads me to discourse of the other, name­ly, to shew how advantageous Religion and Vertue are to the publick prosperity of a Nation, which I take to be the meaning [Page 131]of this Aphorism of Solomon, Righteousness exalteth a Nation, &c.

And here I shall not restrain righteous­ness to the particular vertue of justice, (though in this sense also this saying is most true) but enlarge it according to the genius and strain of the Book of the Pro­verbs, in which the words wisdom and righteousness are commonly used very com­prehensively so as to signifie all Religion and Vertue. And that this word is so to be taken in the Text may appear farther from the opposition of it to sin or vice in general; Righteousness exalteth a Na­tion, but Sin is the reproach of any People.

You see then what will be the subject of my present discourse; namely, that Reli­gion and Vertue are the great causes of pub­lick happiness and prosperity.

And though the truth of this hath been universally acknowledged and long enough experienced in the world, yet because the fashion of the age is to call every thing into question it will be requisite to satisfie mens reason about it. To which end I shall do these two things.

1. Endeavour to give an account of this Truth.

2. To vindicate it from the preten­ces and insinuations of atheistical per­sons.

I. shall give you this two-fold account of it.

1. From the justice of the Divine pro­vidence.

2. From the natural tendency of the thing.

1. From the justice of the Divine pro­vidence. Indeed, as to particular persons, the providences of God are many times promiscuously administred in this world; so that no man can certainly conclude God's love or hatred to any person by any thing that befalls him in this life. But God do's not deal thus with Nations. Because publick bodies and communities of men, as such, can onely be rewarded and pu­nished in this world. For in the next, all those publick societies and combinations wherein men are now link'd together un­der several Governments, shall be dissol­ved. God will not then reward or punish Nations, as Nations; But every man shall then give an account of himself to God, and receive his own reward, and bear his own burthen. For although God account it no disparagement to his ju­stice [Page 133]to let particular good men suffer in this world and pass through many tribula­tions into the kingdom of God, because there is another day a coming which will be a more proper season of reward; yet in the usual course of his providence he recompenseth religious and vertuous Nati­ons with temporal blessings and prosperi­ty. For which reason St. Austin tells us that the mighty success and long prospe­rity of the Romans was a reward given them by God for their eminent justice and temperance, and other vertues. And on the other hand, God many times suffers the most grievous sins of particular per­sons to go unpunished in this world, be­cause he knows that his justice will have another and better opportunity to meet and reckon with them. But the general and crying sins of a Nation cannot hope to e­scape publick judgments, unless they be prevented by a general repentance. God may defer his judgments for a time and give a People a longer space of repentance, he may stay till the iniquities of a Nation be full, but sooner or later they have rea­son to expect his vengeance. And usually the longer punishment is delay'd it is the heavier when it comes.

Now all this is very reasonable, becauses [Page 134]this world is the onely season for Natio­nal punishments. And indeed they are in a great degree necessary for the present vin­dication of the honour and majesty of the Divine Laws, and to give some check to the overflowing of wickedness. Publick judgments are the banks and shores upon which God breaks the insolency of sin­ners and stays their proud waves. And though among men the multitude of of­fenders be many times a cause of impuni­ty, because of the weakness of humane Go­vernments which are glad to spare where they are not strong enough to punish, yet in the government of God, things are quite otherwise. No combination of sin­ners is too hard for him, and the greater and more numerous the offenders are, the more his justice is concern'd to vindicate the affront. However God may pass by single sinners in this world, yet when a Nation combines against him, when hand joyns in hand the wicked shall not go un­punished.

This the Scripture declares to be the settled course of God's providence; That a righteous Nation shall be happy; The work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effects of righteousness, quietness and as­surance for ever. And on the other hand, [Page 135]that he useth to shower down his judgments upon a wicked people, he turneth a fruit­full land into barrenness for the wickedness of them that dwell therein.

And the experience of all ages hath made this good. All along the History of the Old Testament, we find the interchange­able providences of God towards the Peo­ple of Israel always suited to their man­ners. They were constantly prosperous or afflicted according as piety and ver­tue flourished or declined amongst them. And God did not onely exercise this pro­vidence towards his own People, but he dealt thus also with other Nations. The Roman Empire whilst the vertue of that people remained firm was strong as iron, as 'tis represented in the Prophesie of Da­niel: But upon the dissolution of their manners the iron began to be mixt with miry clay, and the feet upon which that Empire stood, to be broken. And though God in the administration of his justice be not tied to precedents, and we cannot argue from Scripture examples that the providences of God towards other Nati­ons shall in all circumstances be confor­mable to his dealings with the People of Israel; yet thus much may with great probability be collected from them, that [Page 136]as God always blessed that People while they were obedient to him, and followed them with his judgments when they rebel­led against him, so he will also deal with other Nations. Because the reason of those dispensations as to the main and substance of them seems to be perpetual; and founded in that which can never change, the justice of the Divine provi­dence.

2dly. The truth of this farther appears, from the natural tendency of the thing. For Religion in general, and every parti­cular vertue, doth in its own nature con­duce to the publick Interest.

Religion, where-ever it is truly plan­ted is certainly the greatest obligation upon conscience to all civil offices and mo­ral duties. Chastity and temperance and industry do in their own nature tend to health and plenty. Truth and fidelity in all our dealings do create mutual love and good-will and confidence among men, which are the great bands of peace. And on the contrary, wickedness doth in its own nature produce many publick mischiefs. For as sins are link'd together and draw on one another, so almost eve­ry vice hath some temporal inconveni­ence annexed to it and naturally follow­ing [Page 137]it. Intemperance and lust breed infir­mities and diseases, which being propaga­ted spoil the strain of a Nation. Idleness and luxury bring forth poverty and want; and this tempts men to injustice, and that causeth enmity and animosities, and these bring on strife and confusion and eve­ry evil work. This Philosophical account of publick troubles and confusions St. James gives us, Jam. 4.1. whence come wars and fightings among you? are they not hence, even from your lusts that war in your mem­bers?

But I shall shew more particularly, that Religion and vertue do naturally tend to the good order and more easie govern­ment of humane Society, because they have a good influence both upon Magis­trates and Subjects.

1. Upon Magistrates. Religion teach­eth them to rule over men in the fear of God, because though they be Gods on earth yet they are subjects of Heaven, and accountable to Him who is higher than the highest in this world. Religion in a Magistrate strengthens his authority, be­cause it procures veneration and gains a reputation to it. And in all the affairs of this world so much reputation is really so much power. We see that piety and Ver­tue, [Page 138]where they are found among men of lower degree, will command some reve­rence and respect: But in persons of emi­nent place and dignity they are seated to a great advantage, so as to cast a lustre upon their very Place and by a strong re­flexion to double the beams of Majesty. Whereas impiety and vice do strangely lessen greatness, and do secretly and un­avoidably derive some weakness upon authority it self. Of this the Scripture gives us a remarkable instance in David. For among other things which made the Sons of Zurviah too hard for him this pro­bably was none of the least, that they were particularly conscious to his crimes.

2. Religion hath a good influence upon the People; to make them obedient to Go­vernment, and peaceable one towards ano­ther.

1. To make them obedient to Govern­ment, and conformable to Laws; and that not onely for wrath and out of fear of the Magistrates power, which is but a weak and loofe principle of obedience, and will cease when ever men can rebel with safe­ty, and to advantage; but out of Consci­ence, which is a firm, and constant and last­ing principle, and will hold a man fast when all other obligations will break. He [Page 139]that hath entertain'd the true principles of Christianity is not to be tempted from his obedience and subjection by any worldly considerations, because he be­lieves that whatsoever resisteth authority resisteth the ordinance of God, and that they who resist shall receive to themselves damna­tion.

2. Religion tends to make men peace­able one towards another. For it endea­vours to plant all those qualities and dis­positions in men which tend to peace and unity, and to fill men with a spirit of u­niversal love and good will. It endea­vours likewise to secure every man's in­terest by commanding the observation of that great rule of equity, Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even so to them; by enjoyning that truth and fidelity be inviolably observed in all our words, promises and contracts. And in order hereunto it requires the ex­tirpation of all those passions and vices which render men unsociable and trouble­some to one another, as pride, covetous­ness and injustice, hatred and revenge and cruelty; and those likewise which are not so commonly reputed vices, as self-conceit and peremptoriness in a man's own opinion, and all peevishness, and [Page 140]incompliance of humour in things lawful and indifferent.

And that these are the proper effects of true piety the doctrine of our Saviour and his Apostles every where teacheth us. Now if this be the design of Reli­gion to bring us to this temper, thus to heal the natures of men and to sweeten their spirits, to correct their passions and to mortifie all those lusts which are the causes of enmity and division, then it is evident that in its own nature it tends to the peace and happiness of humane so­ciety; and that if men would but live as Religion requires they should do the world would be a quiet habitation, a most love­ly and desirable place in comparison of what now it is. And indeed the true rea­son why the societies of men are so full of tumult and disorder, so troublesome and tempestuous, is because there is so lit­tle of true Religion among men; so that were it not for some small remainders of piety and vertue which are yet left scat­ter'd among mankind, humane society would in a short space disband and run into confusion, the earth would grow wild and become a great forest, and man­kind would become beasts of prey one towards another. And if this discourse [Page 141]hold true surely then one would think that vertue should find it self a seat where­ever humane societies are, and that Re­ligion should be owned and encouraged in the world until men cease to be governed by reason.

II. I come to vindicate this truth from the insinuations and pretences of atheisti­cal persons. I shall mention two.

1. That Government may subsist well enough without the belief of a God and a state of rewards and punishments after this life.

2. That as for vertue and vice they are arbitrary things.

1. That Government may subsist well enough without the belief of a God or a state of rewards and punishments after this life. And this the Atheist does and must assert, otherwise he is by his own confes­sion a declared enemy to Government and unfit to live in humane society.

For answer to this, I will not deny but that though the generality of men did not believe any superior Being nor any rewards and punishments after this life, yet notwithstanding this there might be some kind of Government kept up in the [Page 142]world. For supposing men to have rea­son, the necessities of humane nature and the mischiefs of confusion would probably compel them into some kind of order. But then I say withall, that if these principles were banished out of the world Government would be far more difficult than now it is, because it would want its firmest Basis and foundation; there would be infinitely more disorders in the world if men were restrained from in­justice and violence onely by humane laws, and not by principles of conscience and the dread of another world. Therefore Magistrates have always thought them­selves concerned to cherish Religion, and to maintain in the minds of men the be­lief of a God and another life. Nay that common suggestion of atheistical persons, that Religion was at first a politick device and is still kept up in the world as a State­engine to awe men into obedience, is a clear acknowledgment of the usefulness of it to the ends of Government, and does as fully contradict that pretence of theirs which I am now confuting as any thing that can be said.

2. That vertue and vice are arbitrary things founded onely in the imaginations of men and in the constitutions and [Page 143]customs of the world, but not in the na­ture of the things themselves; and that that is vertue or vice, good or evil, which the Supream Authority of a Nation declares to be so. And this is frequently and confidently asserted by the ingenious Author of a very bad Book, I mean the Leviathan.

Now the proper way of answering any thing that is confidently asserted is to shew the contrary, namely, That there are some things that have a natural evil and deformity in them, as perjury, per­fidiousness, unrighteousness and ingrati­tude, which are things not onely condem­ned by the positive laws and constituti­ons of particular Nations and Govern­ments but by the general verdict of hu­mane nature: And that the vertues con­trary to these have a natural goodness and comeliness in them, and are suitable to the common priciples and sentiments of hu­manity.

And this will most evidently appear by putting this supposition. Suppose the reverse of all that which we now call vertue were solemnly enacted, and the practice of fraud, and rapine, and per­jury, and falseness to a man's word, and all manner of vice and wickedness were [Page 144]established by a Law. I ask now, if the case between vertue and vice were thus alter'd, would that which we now call vice in process of time gain the reputation of vertue, and that which we now call ver­tue grow odious and contemptible to hu­mane nature? If it would not, then is there something in the nature of good and evil, of vertue and vice, which does not depend upon the pleasure of Autho­rity, nor is subject to any arbitrary Con­stitution. But that it would not be thus I am very certain, because no Govern­ment could subsist upon these terms. For the very enjoyning of fraud and rapine and perjury and breach of trust doth ap­parently destroy the greatest end of Go­vernment, which is to preserve men in their rights against the encroachments of fraud and violence. And this end be­ing destroyed humane societies would presently fly in pieces and men would necessarily fall into a state of war. Which plainly shews that vertue and vice are not arbitrary things, but that there is a natu­ral and immutable and eternal reason for that which we call goodness and vertue, and against that which we call vice and wickedness.

Thus I have endeavoured to evidence [Page 145]and vindicate this truth. I shall onely draw an Inference or two from this discourse, and so conclude.

1. If this discourse be true, then those who are in place of power and authority are peculiarly concerned to maintain the honour of Religion.

2. It concerns every one to live in the practice of it.

1. Magistrates are concerned to main­tain the honour of Religion, which doth not onely tend to every man's future hap­piness, but is the best instrument of Ci­vil Government and of the temporal prosperity of a Nation. For the whole design of it is to procure the private and publick happiness of mankind, and to restrain men from all those things which would make them miserable and guilty to themselves, unpeaceable and troublesome to the world. Religion hath so great an influence upon the felicity of men that it ought to be upheld, and the veneration of it maintained, not onely out of a just dread of the Divine vengeance in another world, but out of regard to the temporal peace and prosperity of men. It will requite all the kindness and [Page 146]honour we can do it by the advantages it will bring to Civil Government, and by the blessings it will draw down upon it. God hath promised that those that ho­nour him, he will honour, and in the com­mon course of his providence he usually makes this good, so that the civil Autho­rity ought to be very tender of the honour of God and Religion, if for no other rea­son yet out of reason of State.

It were to be wisht that all men were so piously disposed, that Religion by its own authority and the reasonable force of it might be sufficient to establish its Empire in the minds of men. But the corruptions of men will always make a strong opposition against it. And there­fore at the first planting of the Christian Religion in the world God was pleased to accompany it with a miraculous pow­er: But after it was planted this extra­ordinary power ceased, and God hath now left it to be maintained and support­ed by more ordinary and humane ways, by the countenance of Authority, and the assistance of Laws; which were never more necessary than in this degenerate age, which is prodigiously sunk into Atheism and pro­phaneness, and is running head-long into an humour of scoffing at God and Reli­gion [Page 147]and every thing that is sacred. For some ages before the Reformation Atheism was consined to Italy, and had its chief re­sidence at Rome. All the mention that is of it in the History of those times that Pa­pists themselves give us in the lives of their own Popes and Cardinals, except­ing two or three small Philosophers that were retainers to that Court. So that this Atheistical humour among Christians was the spawn of the gross superstitious and corrupt manners of the Romish Church and Court. And indeed nothing is more natural than for extreames in Religion to beget one another, like the vibrations of a pendulum which the more violent­ly you swing it one way the farther it will return the other. But in the last age, Atheism travel'd over the Alpes and infec­ted France, and now of late it hath cros­sed the Seas and invaded our Nation and hath prevailed to amazement: For I do not think that there are any people in the World that are generally more indisposed to it and can worse brook it, seriousness and zeal in Religion bing almost the natural temper of the English. So that nothing is to me matter of greater wonder, than that in a grave and sober Nation prophaneness should ever come [Page 148]to gain so much ground, and the best and the wisest Religion in the world to be made the scorn of fools. For besides the pro­phane and atheistical discourses about God and Religion, and the bold and sensless abuses of this sacred Book the great instru­ments of our salvation, which are so fre­quent in the publick places of resort; I say, besides these (I speak it knowingly) a man can hardly pass the streets without having his ears grated and pierced with such horrid and blasphemous oaths and curses as are enough, if we were guilty of no other sin, to sink a Nation. And this not onely from the Tribe that wear Li­veries, but from those that go before them and should give better example. Is it not then high time that the Laws should provide by the most prudent and effectual means to curb these bold and insolent defiers of Heaven, who take a pride in being monsters, and boast themselves in the follies and deformities of humane nature? The Heathens would never suffer their Gods to be reviled, which yet were no Gods. And shall it among the professors of the true Religion be allowed to any man to make a mock of Him that made Heaven and Earth, and to breath out blasphemies against [Page 149]Him who gives us life and breath and all things? I doubt not but hypocrisie is a great wickedness and very odious to God, but by no means of so pernicious example as open prophaneness. Hypocrisie is a more modest way of sinning, it shews some reverence to Religion, and does so far own the worth and excellency of it as to acknowledge that it deserves to be counterfeited: Whereas prophaneness de­clares openly against it, and endeavours to make a party to drive it out of the world.

2. It concerns every one to live in the practice of Religion and Vertue; Because the publick happiness and prosperity de­pends upon it. It is most apparent that of late years Religion is very sensibly de­clin'd among us. The manners of men have almost been universally corrupted by a Civil War. We should therefore all joint­ly endeavour to retrieve the ancient ver­tue of the Nation, and to bring into fashi­on again that solid and substantial, that plain and unaffected piety, (free from the extreams both of superstition and enthu­siasm) which flourished in the age of our immediate Forefathers. Which did not con­sist in idle talk but in real effects, in a sincere love of God and of our neighbour, [Page 150]in a pious devotion and reverence towards the Divine Majesty, and in the vertuous actions of a good life; in the denial of un­godliness and worldly lusts, and in living soberly and righteously and godly in this pre­sent world. This were the true way to re­concile God to us, to stop the course of his judgments, and to bring down the blessings of Heaven upon us.

God hath now been pleased to settle us again in peace both at home and abroad, and he hath put us once more into the hands of our own counsel. Life and Death, blessing and cursing, prosperity and destru­ction are before us. We may chuse our own fortune, and if we be not wanting to our selves we may under the influences of God's grace and assistance, which is ne­ver wanting to our sincere endeavours, be­come a happy and a prosperous People.

The good God make us all wise to know and to do the things that belong to the temporal peace and prosperity of the Nation, and to the eternal happiness and salvation of every one of our souls; which we humbly beg for the sake of Jesus Christ, to whom, &c.

PSALM xix. II.

And in keeping of them there is great reward.

IN this Psalm David celebrates the glory of God from the consideration of the greatness of his Works, and the perfection of his Laws. From the greatness of his Works, verse 1. The hea­vens declare the glory of God, and the fir­mament sheweth his handy-work, &c. From the perfection of his Laws, verse 7. The Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul, &c. And among many other excel­lencies of the Divine Laws, he mentions in the last place the benefits and advantages which come from the observance of them, verse 11. and in keeping of them there is great reward.

I have already shown how much Reli­gion [Page 152]tends to the publick welfare of man­kind; to the support of Government, and to the peace and happiness of humane So­cieties. My work at this time shall be to shew that Religion and obedience to the Laws of God do likewise conduce to the happiness of particular persons, both in re­spect of this world and the other. For though there be but little express menti­on made in the Old Testament of the im­mortality of the Soul and the rewards of another life, yet all Religion does sup­pose these principles, and is built upon them.

I. And First, I shall endeavour to shew how Religion conduceth to the happiness of this life; and that both in respect of the inward and outward man.

First, As to the mind; to be pious and religious brings a double advantage to the mind of man. 1. It tends to the im­provement of our understandings. 2. It brings peace and pleasure to our minds.

1. It tends to the improvement of our understandings. I do not mean onely that it instructs us in the knowledge of divine and spiritual things, and makes us to under­stand the great interest of our souls and the concernments of eternity better, but that in general it does raise and enlarge the [Page 153]minds of men and make them more capa­ble of true knowledge. And in this sense I understand the following Texts; Psal. 19.8. The com­mandment of the Lord is pure, enlightning the eyes; The fear of the Lord is the begin­ning of wisdom, Psal. 111.10. a good understanding have all they that keep his commandments; Thou through thy commandments hast made me wiser than mine enemies, Psal. 119.98. which plainly refers to political prudence; I have more understanding than all my teachers, ver. 99. for thy Testimonies are my meditation, I understand more than the ancients, because I keep thy precepts; ver. 104. ver. 130. Through thy precepts I get understanding; The enterance of thy word giveth light, it giveth understanding to the simple.

Now Religion doth improve the under­standings of men by subduing their lusts, and moderating their passions. The lusts and passions of men do sully and darken their minds, even by a natural influence. Intemperance and sensuality and fleshly lusts do debase mens minds, and clog their spirits, make them gross and foul, listless and unactive; they sink us down into sense, and glew us to these low and inferiour things like birdlime they hamper and en­tangle our souls, and hinder their flight upwards; they indispose and unfit our [Page 154]minds for the most noble and intellectual considerations. So likewise the exorbitant passions of wrath and malice, envy and revenge, do darken and distort the under­standings of men, do tincture the mind with false colours and fill it with prejudice and undue apprehensions of things.

There is no man that is intemperate or lustful, or passionate but besides the guilt he contracts which is continually fretting and disquieting his mind, besides the in­conveniences he brings upon himself as to his health, he does likewise stain and ob­scure the brightness of his Soul and the clearness of his discerning faculty. Such persons have not that free use of their rea­son that they might have; their under­standings are not bright enough, nor their spirits pure and fine enough for the exer­cise of the highest and noblest acts of rea­son. What clearness is to the eye that pu­rity is to our mind and understanding, and as the clearness of the bodily eye doth dis­pose it for a quicker sight of material ob­jects, so doth the purity of our minds, that is, freedom from lust and passion, dispose us for the clearest and most perfect acts of reason and understanding.

Now Religion doth purifie our minds and refine our spirits by quenching the [Page 155]fire of lust and suppressing the fumes and vapours of it, and by scattering the clouds and mists of passion. And the more any man's soul is cleansed from the filth and dregs of sensual lusts the more nimble and expedite it will be in its operations. The more any man conquers his passions, the more calm and sedate his spirit is, and the greater equality he maintains in his tem­per, his apprehensions of things will be the more clear and unprejudic'd, and his judg­ment more firm and steddy. And this is the meaning of that saying of Solomon, He that is slow to wrath is of great understand­ing, but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly, Ira furor brevis est—Anger is a short fit of madness, and he that is passio­nate and furious deprives himself of his rea­son, spoils his understanding, and helps to make himself a fool: whereas he that conquers his passions and keeps them un­der, doth thereby preserve and improve his understanding. Freedom from irregu­lar passions doth not onely signifie that a man is wise, but really contributes to the making of him such.

2. Religion tends to the ease and plea­sure, the peace and tranquillity of our minds; wherein happiness chiefly consists and which all the wisdom and Philosophy [Page 156]of the world did always aim at, as the ut­most felicity of this life. And that this is the natural fruit of a religious and vertuous course of life, the Scripture declares to us in these Texts; Psal. 97.11. Light is sown for the righ­teous, and gladness for the upright in heart; Great peace have all they that love thy Law, Psal. 119.165. and nothing shall offend them; Her ways are ways of pleasantness, Pro. 3.17. and all her paths are peace; Isa. 32.17. The fruit of righteousness is peace and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever; The plain sense of which Texts is that pleasure and peace do naturally result from a holy and good life. When a man hath once engag'd him­self in a Religious course, and is habitua­ted to piety and holiness, all the exercises of Religion and devotion, all acts of good­ness and vertue are delightfull to him. To honour and worship God, to pray to him and to praise him, to study his will, to me­ditate upon him and to love him, all these bring great pleasure and peace along with them. What greater contentment and sa­tisfaction can there be to the mind of man, when it is once purifi'd and refin'd from the dregs of sensual pleasures and delights, and rais'd to its true height and pitch, than to contemplate and admire the infinite excellencies and perfections of [Page 157]God, to adore his greatness and to love his goodness? How can the thoughts of God be troublesome to any one who lives so­berly and righteously and godly in the world? No man that loves goodness and righteous;ness hath any reason to be afraid of God, or to be disquieted with the thoughts of him. There is nothing in God that is terrible to a good man, but all the apprehensions which we naturally have of him speak comfort and promise happi­ness to such a one. The consideration of his attributes is so far from being a trouble to him that it is his recreation and de­light. It is for wicked men to dread God, and to endeavour to banish the thoughts of him out of their minds; but a holy and vertuous man may have quiet and un­disturb'd thoughts even of the justice of God, because the terrour of it doth not con­cern him.

Now Religion doth contribute to the peace and quiet of our minds these two ways. First, By allaying those passions which are apt to ruffle and discompose our spirits. Malice and hatred, wrath and revenge are very fretting and vexatious and apt to make our minds sore and un­easie, but he that can moderate these affe­ctions will find a strange ease and pleasure [Page 158]in his own spirit. Secondly, by freeing us from the anxieties of guilt, and the fears of divine wrath and displeasure; than which nothing is more stinging and tor­menting and renders the life of man more miserable and unquiet. And wha [...] a spring of peace and joy must it needs be to ap­prehend upon good grounds that God is reconcil'd to us and become our friend; that all our sins are perfectly forgiven and shall never more be remembred against us! What unexpressible comfort does over­flow the pious and devout soul from the remembrance of a holy and well-spent life and a conscience of its own innocen­cy and integrity! And nothing but the practice of Religion and Vertue can give this ease and satisfaction to the mind of man. For there is a certain kind of temper and disposition which is necessary to the pleasure and quiet of our minds, and con­sequently to our happiness: and that is holi­ness and goodness, which as it is the per­fection so is it likewise the happiness of the Divine nature: And on the contrary, the chief part of the misery of wicked men, and of those accursed spirits the Devils is this, that they are of a disposition con­trary to God; they are envious and ma­licious and cruel, and of such a temper as [Page 159]is naturally a torment and disquiet to it self. And here the foundation of Hell is laid, in the evil disposition of mens minds; and till this be cur'd, which can onely be done by Religion, it is as impossible for a man to be happy, that is, pleas'd and con­tented within himself, as it is for a sick man to be at ease. Because such a man hath that within him which torments him, and he cannot be at ease till that be remov'd. The man's spirit is out of order and off the hinges, and till that be put into its right frame he will be perpetually dis­quieted and can find no rest within him­self. The Prophet very fitly describes to us the unquiet condition of wicked men, Isa. 57.10.21. The wicked is like the troubled sea when it can­not rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt; there is no peace (saith my God) to the wicked. So long as sin and corruption a­bound in our hearts they will be restlesly working, like wine which will be in a perpetual motion and agitation till it have purg'd it self of its dregs and foulness.

Secondly, Religion does likewise tend to the happiness of the outward man. Now the blessings of this kind are such as either respect our health, or estate, or re­putation, or relations; and in respect of all these Religion is highly advantageous to us.

1. As to our health, a Religious and vertuous life doth eminently conduce to that, and to long life as a consequent of it. And in this sense I understand these fol­lowing Texts; Prov. 3.1, 2. My Son forget not my Law, but let thy heart keep my Commandments; for length of days, and long life, shall they add to thee; and v. 7, and 8. Fear the Lord and depart from evil, it shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones; and v. 16. among the temporal advantages of wisdom or Religion this is mention'd as the first and principal, length of days is in her right hand; and v. 18. she is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her; and again, Whoso findeth me, findeth life, but he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul; Prov. 8.35, 36. (that is injurious to his own life) all they that hate me love death; all which is un­doubtedly true in a spiritual sense, but is certainly meant by Solomon in the natural sense. And these promises, of the blessings of health and long life to good men are not only declaratory of the good pleasure and intention of God towards them, but likewise of the natural tendency of the thing. For Religion doth oblige men to the practice of those vertues which do in their own nature conduce to the preserva­tion of our health, and the lengthning of [Page 161]our days; such as temperance and cha­stity and moderation of our passions. And the contrary vices to these do apparently tend to the impairing of mens health and the shortning of their days. How many have wasted and consum'd their bodies by lust, and brought grievous pains and mor­tal diseases upon themselves. See how the wise man describes the sad consequences of this sin, He goes as an Oxe to the slaugh­ter, till a dart strike through his Liver; Prov. 7.22, 23. as a Bird hasteneth to the snare, and knoweth not that it is for his life; and v. 25, 26, 27. Let not thy heart decline to her ways, go not astray in her paths; for she hath cast down many wounded; yea many young men hath been slain by her; her house is the way to Hell (that is to the grave) going down to the chambers of death. How many have been ruin'd by intemperance and excess, and most unnaturally have perverted those blessings which God hath given for the support of nature to the overthrow and destruction of it? How often hath mens malice and envy and discontent against o­thers terminated in a cruel revenge upon themselves? How many by the wild fury and extravagancy of their own passions have put their bodies into a combustion, and fir'd their spirits; and by stirring up their [Page 162]rage and choler against others have arm'd that fierce humour against themselves?

2. As to our estates, Religion is like­wise a mighty advantage to men in that respect. Not only in regard of God's more especial providence and peculiar blessing which usually attends good men in their undertakings and crowns them with good success, but also from the nature of the thing. And this, I doubt not, is the mean­ing of those expressions of the Wise man concerning the temporal benefits and ad­vantages of wisedom or Religion; Pro. 3.16 In her left hand are riches and honour; Pro. 8.21 They that love me shall inherit substance, and I will fill their treasures; and this Religion prin­cipally does, by charging men with truth and fidelity and justice in their dealings, which are a sure way of thriving and will hold out when all fraudulent arts and de­vices will fail. And this also Solomon ob­serves to us; He that walketh uprightly walketh surely, Pro. 10.9 but he that perverteth his way shall be known; his indirect dealing will be discover'd one time or other, and then loses his reputation, and his interest sinks. Falshood and deceit onely serve a present turn, and the consequence of them is pernicious; but truth and fidelity are of lasting advantage; Pro. 10.5. The righteous hath an [Page 163]everlasting foundation; Prov. 12.19. The lip of truth is established for ever, but a lying tongue is but for a moment. And Religion does likewise engage men to diligence and industry in their Callings, and how much this condu­ces to the advancement of mens fortunes daily experience teaches, and the Wise-man hath told us, The diligent hand makes rich; Prov. 10.4. and again, Seest thou a man diligent in bu­siness, he shall stand before Princes, Prov. 22.19. he shall not stand before mean persons.

And where men by reason of the diffi­cult circumstances of their condition can­not arrive to any eminency of estate, yet Religion makes a compensation for this by teaching men to be contented with that moderate and competent fortune which God hath given them. For the shortest way to be rich is not by enlarging our estates, but by contracting our desires. What Seneca says of Philosophy, is much more true of Religion, praestat opes sapi­entia, quas cuicunque fecit supervacuas de­dit, it makes all those rich to whom it makes riches superfluous, and they are so to those who are taught by Religion to be contented with such a portion of them as God's Providence hath thought fit to allot to them

3. As to our reputation. There is no­thing [Page 164]gives a man a more firm and esta­blish'd reputation among wise and serious persons (whose judgment is onely valuable) than a prudent and substantial Piety. This doth many times command reverence and esteem from the worser sort of men, and such as are no great friends to Religion; and sometimes the force of truth will ex­tort an acknowledgment of its excellency, even from its greatest enemies. I know very well that good men may, and often do, blemish the reputation of their piety by over-acting some things in Religion; by an indiscreet zeal about things wherein Religion is not concerned, by an ungrate­full austerity and sowerness which Religion doth not require; by little affectations, and an imprudent oftentation of devoti­on; but a substantial and solid, a discreet and unaffected piety, which makes no great noise and show, but expresses it self in a constant and serious devotion, and is ac­companied with the fruits of goodness and kindness and righteousness towards men, will not onely give a man a credit and value among the sober and the vertuous, but even among the vicious and more degenerate sort of men. Upon this account it is that the Apostle adviseth Christians, if they would recommend [Page 165]themselves to the esteem of God and men, earnestly to mind the weighty and substan­tial parts of Religion; Let not then your good be evil spoken of; for the Kingdom of God is not meats and drinks, but righ­teousness and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost; for he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men.

It is true indeed, there are some persons of so profligate a temper, and of such an inveterate enmity to all goodness, as to scorn and reproach even Religion and Ver­tue it self. But the reproach of such per­sons does not really wound a man's reputa­tion. For why should any man be trou­bled at the contumelies of those whose judgment deserves not to be valued, who despise goodness and good men out of ma­lice and ignorance? If these reproaches which they cast upon them were the cen­sures of wise and sober men, a man's repu­tation might be concern'd in them; but they are the rash words of inconsiderate and injudicious men, the extravagant speeches of those who are unexperienc'd in the things they speak against; and there­fore no wise man will be troubl'd at them, or think either Religion or himself dispara­ged by them.

4. As to our Relations. Religion also conduceth to the happiness of these, as it derives a large and extensive blessing upon all that belongs to us; the goodness of God being so diffusive as to scatter his blessings round about the habitations of the just, and to shew mercy unto thousands of them that love him and keep his Commandments. So Da­vid tells us, Psal. 112.1, 2, 3. Blessed is the man that fear­eth the Lord, and delighteth greatly in his Commandments; His seed shall be mighty upon earth, The generation of the upright shall be blessed? Wealth and riches are in his house, and his righteousness endureth for ever. Prov. 13.22. And so Solomon; A good man leaveth an inheritance to his Childrens Children; Prov. 14.26. and again, In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence, and his Children shall have a place of refuge. But the wicked de­rives a curse upon all that is related to him, he is said to trouble his own house; and again, Prov. 11.29. The wicked are overthrown and are not, Prov. 12.7. but the house of the righteous shall stand.

But setting aside the consideration of God's Providence, Religion doth likewise in its own nature tend to the welfare of those who are related to us; because it lays the strictest obligations upon men to take care of their Families and Relations, [Page 167]and to make the best provision both for their comfortable subsistance here in this world and their salvation in the next. And those who neglect those duties the Scripture is so far from esteeming them Christians that it accounts them worse than Heathens and Infidels, 1 Tim. 5.8. He that provi­deth not for his own, especially those of his own house, is worse than an Infidel, and hath deny'd the faith. This I know is spoken in respect of temporal provision, but it holds à fortiori as to the care of their souls.

Besides, it is many times seen that the posterity of holy and good men, especially of such as have evidenc'd their piety to­wards God by bounty and charity to men, have met with unusual kindness and re­spect from others, and have by a strange and secret disposition of Divine provi­dence been unexpectedly car'd and provi­ded for; and that, as they have all the rea­son in the world to believe, upon the ac­count and for the sake of the piety and cha­rity of their Parents. This David tells us from his own particular observation; Ps. 37.2 [...]. I have been young, and now am old, yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. And that by the righteous is here meant the good and mercifull man ap­pears [Page 168]from the description of him in the next words, Ver. 26. He is ever merciful and len­deth, and his seed is blessed. And on the contrary, the posterity of the wicked do many times inherit the fruit of their fathers sins and vices; and that not onely by a just judgment of God, but from the natu­ral course and consequence of things. And in this sense that expression in Job is often verifi'd, that God lays up the iniquity of wicked men for their Children. Job 21.19. And doth not experience testifie that the intemperate and unjust do many times transmit their bodily infirmities and diseases to their Chil­dren, and entail a secret curse upon their estates, which does either insensibly waste and consume it, or eat out the heart and comfort of it? Thus you see how Religion in all respects conduces to the happiness of this life.

II. Religion and Vertue do likewise most certainly and directly tend to the eternal happiness and salvation of men in the other world. And this is incomparably the greatest advantage that redounds to men by being Religious, in comparison of which all temporal considerations are less than nothing and vanity. The worldly advantages that Religion brings to men [Page 169]in this present life are a sensible recom­mendation of Religion even to the low­est and meanest spirits: But to those who are rais'd above sense and aspire after immortality, who believe the perpetual duration of their souls and the resurrecti­on of their bodies; to those who are throughly convinc'd of the inconsidera­bleness of this short dying life and of all the concernments of it, in comparison of that eternal state which remains for us in another life; to these, I say, the con­sideration of a future happiness and of those unspeakable and everlasting rewards which shall then be given to holiness and vertue, is certainly the most powerfull motive and the most likely to prevail upon them. For those who are perswaded that they shall continue for ever cannot chuse but aspire after a happiness commensurate to their duration, nor can any thing that is conscious to its self of its own immorta­lity be satisfyed and contented with any thing less than the hopes of an endless feli­city. And this hope Religion alone gives men, and the Christian Religion onely can settle men in a firm and unshaken assurance of it. But because all men who have en­tertain'd any Religion have consented to these principles, of the immortality of the [Page 170]soul and the recompences of another world, and have always promis'd to themselves some rewards of piety and vertue after this life; and because I did more particularly design from this Text to speak of the tem­poral benefits and adavantages which re­dound to men from Religion, therefore I shall content my self to shew very briefly how a religious and vertuous life doth con­duce to our future happiness. And that upon these two accounts; from the pro­mise of God, and from the nature of the thing.

1. From the promise of God. 1 Tim. 4.8. Godli­ness (saith the Apostle) hath the promise of the life that is to come. God hath all along in the Scripture suspended the pro­mise of eternal life upon this condition. He hath peremptorily declar'd that without obedience and holiness of life no man shall ever see the Lord. And this very thing, that it is the constitution and ap­pointment of God, might be argument enough to us (if there were no other) to convince us of the necessity of obey­ing the Laws of God in order to our happiness, and to perswade us thereunto. For eternal life is the gift of God, and he may do what he will with his own. He is master of his own favours and may [Page 171]dispense them upon what terms and condi­tions he pleases. But it is no hard condi­tion that he hath imposed upon us. If Religion brought no advantages to us in this world, yet the happiness of heaven is so great as will abundantly recompence all our pains and endeavours; there is temptation enough in the reward to en­gage any man in the work. Had God thought fit to have impos'd the most grie­vous and difficult things upon us, ought we not to have submitted to them and to have undertaken them with cheerfulness upon such great and glorious encourage­ments? As Naaman's servants said to him in another case, Had he bid thee doe some great thing wouldest thou not have done it? So if God had said that without poverty and actual martyrdom no man shall see the Lord, would not any man that believes heaven and hell and un­derstands what these words signifie and what it is to escape extream and e­ternal misery, and to enjoy unspeak­able and endless glory, have been willing to accept these conditions? How much more, when he hath onely said, wash and be clean; and Let every man that hath this hope in Him, purifie himself as he is pure? But God hath [Page 172]not dealt thus with us, nor is the imposing of this condition of eternal life a meer arbitrary constitution, therefore I shall en­deavour to shew,

2dly, That a Religious and Holy life doth from the very nature and reason of the thing conduce to our future happiness, by way of necessary disposition and preparation of us for it. We cannot be otherwise happy but by our con­formity to God, without this we can­not possibly love him nor find any plea­sure or happiness in communion with him. For we cannot love a nature con­trary to our own, nor delight to con­verse with it. Therefore Religion, in order to the fitting of us for the happi­ness of the next life, does design to mor­tifie our lusts and passions, and to restrain us from the inordinate love of the gross and sensual delights of this world; to call off our minds from these inferiour things, and to raise them to higher and more spiritual objects, that we may be disposed for the happiness of the o­ther world, and taught not to relish the delights of it; whereas should we set our hearts onely upon these things, and be able to taste no pleasure in any thing but what is sensual and earthly, we [Page 173]must needs be extremely miserable when we come into the other world, because we should meet with nothing to enter­tain our selves withall, no employment suitable to our disposition, no pleasure that would agree with our deprav'd ap­petites and vicious inclinations. All that Heaven and Happiness signifies is un­suitable to a wicked man, and therefore could be no felicity to him. But this I shall have occasion to speak more fully to in my last Discourse.

From all that hath been said, the rea­sonableness of Religion clearly appears which tends so directly to the happiness of men, and is upon all accounts calcu­lated for our benefit. Let but all things be truly considered and cast up and it will be found that there is no advan­tage to any man from an irreligious and vicious course of life. I challenge any one to instance in any real benefit that ever came to him this way. Let the sinner declare what he hath found by experience. Hath lewdness and intem­perance been more for his health than if he had liv'd chastly and soberly? Hath falsehood and injustice prov'd at the long run more for the advancement and [Page 174]security of his estate than truth and honesty would have done? Hath any vice that he hath lived in made him more true friends, and gain'd him a better reputation in the world than the practice of holiness and vertue would have done? Hath he found that peace and satisfaction of mind in an evil course, and that quiet enjoyment of himself, and comfortable assurance of God's favour, and good hopes of his future condition, which a religious and vertuous life would have not some of his vices weaken'd his body and broken his health, have not others dissipated his estate and reduc'd him to want? What notorious vice is there that doth not blemish a man's reputation, and make him either hated or despis'd, and that not only by the wise and the ver­tuous but even by the generality of men? But was ever any wicked man free from the stings of a guilty conscience and the torment of a restless and uneasie mind, from the secret dread of Divine dis­pleasure, and of the vengeance of a­nother world? Let the sinner freely speak the very inward sense of his soul in this matter, and spare not; and I doubt not, if he will deal clearly and impartially, but [Page 175]that he will acknowledge all this to be true, and is able to confirm it from his own sad experience. For this is the na­tural fruit of sin and the present revenge which it takes upon sinners, besides that fearful punishment which shall be inflicted on them in another life.

What reason then can any man pretend against Religion, when it is so apparently for the benefit not onely of humane so­ciety but of every particular person; when there is no real interest of this world but may ordinarily be as effectu­ally promoted and pursued no as great advantage, nay usually to far greater, by a man that lives soberly and righteously and godly in the world, than by any one that leads the contrary course of life? Let no man then say, with those prophane per­sons whom the Prophet speaks of, Mal. 3.14. It is in vain to serve the Lord, and what profit is it that we have kept his Commandments? God has not been so hard a master to us that we have reason thus to complain of him. He hath given us no Laws but what are for our good, nay so gracious hath he been to us as to link together our duty and our interest, and to make those very things the instances of our obedience which are the natural means and causes of our happi­ness. [Page 176]The Devil was so far in the right, when he charg'd Job that he did not serve God for nought. 'Tis he himself that is the hard master and makes men serve him for nought, who rewards his drudges and slaves with nothing but shame and sorrow and misery. But God requires no man's service upon hard and unreasonable terms. The greatest part of our work is a present reward to it self, and for what­ever else we do or suffer for him, he offers us abundant consideration. And if men did but truly and wisely love themselves they would upon this very ground if there were no other, become Religious. For when all is done there is no man can serve his own interest better than by serving God. Religion conduceth both to our present and future happiness, and when the Gospel chargeth us with piety to­wards God, and justice and charity to­wards men, and temperance and chastity in reference to our selves, the true inter­pretation of these Laws is this, God re­quires of men in order to their eternal happiness that they should do those things which tend to their temporal wel­fare, that is in plainer words, he promises to make us happy for ever upon conditi­on that we will but do that which is best [Page 177]for our selves in this world. To conclude, Religion is founded in the interest of men rightly apprehended. So that if the God of this world and the lusts of men did not blind their eyes, so as to render them unfit to discern their true interest, it would be impossible, so long as men love themse ves and desire their own happiness to keep them from being religious; for they could not but conclude that to be their interest, and being so convinc'd they would resolve to pursue it and stick to it.


Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord.

IN the beginning of this Chapter the Apostle makes a comparison between the Jewish and the Christian Religi­on, and shews the Christian to be in truth and substance what the Jewish was onely in type and shadow, v. 3. We are the Circumcision which worship God in the spi­rit. And then he enumerates the several priviledges he was partaker of by vir­tue of his being born in the Jewish Church, v. 4, 5, 6. Though I might also have confidence in the flesh, if any other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh, I more; circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, &c. And yet he tells us he was contented to forgoe all these advantages for Christ and the [Page 180]Christian Religion, v. 7. But what things were gain to me those I counted loss for Christ. And not onely these, but if there were any thing else that men value in this world he was willing to hazard that also upon the same account, v. 8. Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the ex­cellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord.

In which words the Apostle declares the high esteem he had for the Christian Religion which he calls the knowledge of Christ Jesus his Lord; the excellency whereof appear'd so great to him that he valued nothing in comparison of the ad­vantages which he had by the knowledge of it.

My design at this time from this Text is to represent the excellency of this know­ledge of the Christian Religion above that of any other Religion or Institution in the world. And here I shall not consider the external evidence which we have of the truth of Christianity and of the Divinity of its doctrine, in which respect it hath in­comparably the advantage of any other Religion: but onely the internal excellen­cies of the Doctrine it self, abstracting from the Divine authority of it: And that in these four respects:

First, As it does more clearly reveal to us the nature of God, which is the great foundation of all Religion.

Secondly, As it give us a more certain and perfect Law for the government of our lives.

Thirdly, As it propounds to us more powerfull Arguments to perswade men to the obedience of this Law.

Fourthly, As it furnishes us with better motives and considerations to patience and contentedness under the evils and afflicti­ons of this life. Now these are the great­est advantages that any Religion can have, To give men right apprehensions of God, a perfect rule of good [...]ife, and efficacious arguments to perswade men to be good, and patiently to bear the evils and suffer­ings of this life. And these shall be the heads of my following discourse.

I. The Christian Religion doth more clearly reveal to us the nature of God, than any Religion ever did. And to have right apprehensions of God is the great foundation of all Religion. For according as mens notions of God are such will their Religion be. If men have gross and false conceptions of God their Religion will [Page 182]be absurd and superstitious. If men fancy God to be an ill-natur'd Being arm'd with infinite power, one that delights in the mi­sery and ruine of his creatures and is rea­dy to take all advantages against them, they may fear him but they will bate him; and they will be apt to be such to­wards one another as they fancy God to be towards them, for all Religion doth naturally incline men to imitate him whom they worship.

Now the Christian Religion gives us a more perfect, and a more lovely character of God than any Religion ever did. It represents him to us as a pure spirit, (which the Heathens did not generally believe) and that he is to be worship'd in such a manner as is most suitable to his spiritual nature, (which not onely the Heathens but even the Jews themselves were extremely mistaken about) God is a spirit (says our Saviour) and they that worship him, must worship him in spirit and in truth. It is true indeed God himself did command sacrifices to the Jews, and all those external and troublesome obser­vances of which their Religion did consist: But then it is to be consider'd, that he did not institute this way of Worship because it was most suitable to his own nature, [Page 183]but because of the carnality of their hearts and the proneness of that people to Ido­latry. God did not prescribe these things because they were best, but because the temper of that People would then admit of nothing better. And this the Scripture gives us several intimations of, Psal. 51.16. Thou desi­rest not sacrifice, thou delightest not in burnt-offerings, saith David: And else­where more expresly to this purpose; I spake not unto your Fathers (says God by the prophet Jeremiah) nor commanded them, in the day that I brought them forth out of the Land of Egypt, concerning burnt­offerings and sacrifices; but this thing com­manded I them, saying, Obey my voice: A sufficient intimation that God did not pri­marily intend to appoint this way of wor­ship, and to impose it upon them as that which was most proper and agreeable to him, but that he condescended to it as most accommodate to their present state and inclination. And in this sense also some understand what God says to the same people by the Prophet Ezekiel, Ezek. 20.25. that he gave them statutes that were not good.

And as the Christian Religion gives a more perfect, so a more amiable and love­ly character of the Divine nature. No [Page 184]Religion that ever was in the world does so fully represent the goodness of God and his tender love to mankind, which is the best and most powerfull argument to the love of God. The Heathens did ge­nerally dread God, and looked upon him as fierce and cruel and revengefull; and therefore they endeavoured to appease him by the horrid and barbarous sacrifi­ces of men, and of their own children. And all along in the Old Testament God is generally represented as very strict and severe. But there are no where so plain and full declarations of his mercy and love to the sons of men as are made in the Gospel. In the Old Testament God is usu­ally styl'd the Lord of Hosts, the great and the terrible God: But in the New Testa­ment he is represented to us by milder ti­tles, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the father of mercies, and the God of all consolations; the God of all patience, the God of love and peace; nay he is said to be love it self and to dwell in love. And this difference between the style of the Old and New Testament is so remarkable, that one of the greatest Sects in the Primitive Church (I mean that of the Gnosticks) did upon this very ground found their heresie of two Gods; the one evil and fierce and [Page 185]cruel, whom they call'd the God of the Old Testament; the other good and kind and mercifull, whom they call'd the God of the New. So great a difference is there be­tween the representations which are made of God in the Books of the Jewish and the Christian Religion, as to give at least some colour and pretence for an imaginati­on of two Gods.

II. Christian Religion hath given us a more certain and perfect Law for the go­vernment of our lives. It hath made our duty more plain and certain in many in­stances, than either the Philosophy of the Heathen, or the precepts of Moses had done. It commands universal love and kindness and good will among men, a readiness to forgive our greatest enemies, to doe good to them that hate us, to bless them that curse us, and to pray for them that despitefully use us and persecute us. And does incul­cate these precepts more vehemently, and forbid malice and hatred and revenge and contention more strictly and peremptorily than any Religion ever did before: as will appear to any one that does but attentive­ly read our Saviour's Sermon upon the Mount.

And as Christianity hath given us a more certain so likewise a more perfect Law for the government of our lives. All the precepts of it are reasonable and wise, requiring such duties of us as are suitable to the light of nature and do approve them­selves to the best reason of mankind, such as have their foundation in the nature of God, and are an imitation of the Di­vine excellencies, such as tend to the per­section of humane nature and to raise the minds of men to the highest pitch of good­ness and vertue. The Laws of our Reli­gion are such as are generally usefull and beneficial to the world, as do tend to the outward peace and the health, to the inward comfort and contentment, and to the universal happiness of mankind. They command nothing that is unnecessary and burdensome, as were the numerous rites and ceremonies of the Jewish Re­ligion, but what is reasonable, and use­full, and substantial: And they omit no­thing that may tend to the glory of God or the welfare of men, nor do they re­strain us in any thing but what is contra­ry either to the regular inclinations of nature or to our reason and true inte­rest. They forbid us nothing but what is base and unworthy, to serve our humours [Page 187]and passions, to reproach our understand­ings and to make our selves fools and beasts; in a word, nothing but what tends either to our private harm and prejudice, or to publick disorder and confusion.

And that this is the tenour of the Laws of the Gospel will appear to any one from our Saviour's Sermons and Discour­ses: particularly that upon the Mount; wherein he charges his Disciples and fol­lowers to be humble, and meek, and righteous, and patient under sufferings and persecutions, and good and kind to all even to those that are evil and injuri­ous to us, and to endeavour to excell in all goodness and vertue. This will appear likewise from the Writings of the holy A­postles; I will instance but in some few passages in them. St. Paul represents to us the design of the Christian doctrine in a very few words, but of admirable sense and weight; Tit. 2.11, 12. The grace of God that bring­eth salvation hath appear'd to all men, teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts we should live soberly, and righteously, and godly in this present world. The same Apostle makes this the main and fundamental condition of the Covenant of the Gospel on our part, 2 Tim. 2.19., Let every one [Page 188]that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity. St. James describes the Christian doctrine (which he calls the wisdom that is from above) by these characters, It is first pure, then peaceable, gentle and easie to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisie. St. Peter calls the Gospel, 2 Pet. 1.3, 4. the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and vertue; whereby (saith he) are given unto us ex­ceeding great and precious promises, that by these you might be partakers of a divine nature having escap'd the corruption that is in the world through lust; and upon this consideration he exhorts them to give all diligence to add to their faith the several vertues of a good life, V. 5, 6, 7. without which he tells them they are barren and unfruitfull in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. I will conclude with that full and compre­hensive paslage of St. Paul to the Philip­pians, Whatsoever things are true, whatso­ever things are honest, ( [...], what­soever things are of venerable esteem) whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure (or chast) whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any vertue, if there be any praise, think on these things.

But the perfection and the reasonable­ness of the Laws of Christianity will most plainly appear by taking a brief survey of them. And they may all be referr'd to these two general heads. They are either such as tend to the perfection of humane nature and to make men singly and per­sonally good, or such as tend to the peace and happiness of humane So­ciety.

First, Such as tend to the perfection of humane nature and to make men good singly and personally consider'd. And the precepts of this kind may be distri­buted likewise into two sorts, such as en­joyn piety towards God, or such as require the good order and government of our selves in respect of the enjoyments and pleasures of this life.

1. Such as enjoyn Piety towards God. All the duties of Christian Religion which respect God are no other but what natural light prompts men to, ex­cepting the two Sacraments (which are of great use and significancy in the Chri­stian Religion) and praying to God in the name and by the mediation of Jesus Christ. For the sum of natural Religion as it refers more immediately to God is this, That we should inwardly reverence [Page 190]and love God, and that we should express our inward reverence and love of him by external worship and adoration, and by our readiness to receive and obey all the revelations of his will: And that we should testifie our dependence upon him, and our confidence of his goodness, by constant prayers and supplications to him for mercy and help for our selves and others; And that we should acknowledge our obligations to him for the many fa­vours and benefits which every day and every minute we receive from him, by continual praises and thanksgivings: And that on the contrary we should not en­tertain any unworthy thoughts of God, nor give that honour and reverence which is due to him, to any other; that we should not worship him in any manner that is either unsuitable to the excellency and perfection of his nature, or contrary to his revealed will; that we should care­fully avoid the prophane and irreverent use of his Name by cursing, or customary swearing, and take heed of the neglect or contempt of his Worship or any thing be­longing to it. This is the sum of the first part of natural Religion, and these are the general heads of those duties which every man's reason tells him he owes to [Page 191]God: And these are the very things which the Christian Religion does expresly re­quire of us, as might be evidenc'd from particular Texts in the New Testament. So that there is nothing in this part of Chri­stianity but what agrees very well with the reason of mankind.

2. Such precepts as require the good order and government of our selves in respect of the pleasures and enjoyments of this life. Christian Religion commands whatsoever things are pure and chast, all manner of sobriety and temperance and moderation in reference to our appetites and passion; and forbids whatever is un­natural, and unreasonable, and unhealthfull in the use of pleasures and of any of God's creatures. Hither belong all those Texts which require of us that we should not walk after the flesh but after the spirit, Rom. 8.1. that we should cleanse our selves from all filthiness of flesh and spirit, 2 Cor. 7.1. that we should be holy in all manner of conversation. 1 Pet. 1.15. St. John distributes the lusts and irregular appetites of men into three kinds, vo­luptuousness, covetousness, and ambition, answerably to the three sorts of tempting objects that are in the world, pleasures, riches and honours, All that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, 1 Joh. 2.16. the lust of the [Page 192]eyes, and the pride of life, &c. And Chri­stianity doth strictly forbid all these, Luke 12.15. Take heed and beware of Covetousness (says our Saviour, and he adds this excellent reason) for a man's life consisteth not in the abun­dance of the things which he possesseth. It forbids pride and ambition and vain glo­ry, and commands humility and modesty and condescension to others; Mat. 11.29. Learn of me (says our Saviour) for I am meek and low­ly in spirit; Rom. 12.16. Mind not high things, but con­descend to them that are of low degree; Let nothing be done through vain glory, Phil. 2.3. but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. And in reference to sensual pleasures it forbids all irregula­rity and excess, and strictly enjoyns pu­rity and temperance; Luke 21.36. cautioning us to take heed lest we be overcharged with surfeit­ing and drunkenness; Rom. 13.13. chargeing us to walk decently as in the day, not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wan­tonness; 1 Pet. 2.11. to abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul. Now all these precepts do not onely tend to beget in us such vertues and dispositions as are rea­sonable and suitable to our nature and every way for our temporal conveni­ence and advantage, but such as do likewise exceedingly dispose us to piety [Page 193]and religion by purifying our souls from the dross and filth of sensual de­lights. For covetousness debaseth a man's spirit, and sinks it into the earth; in­temperance and lust cloud a man's under­standing, and indispose it for the contem­plation of things spiritual and divine. Thus you see how the Precepts of Chri­stianity do tend to the perfection of hu­mane nature, considering men singly and personally.

Secondly, The other sort of Precepts are such as tend to the peace and happi­ness of humane Society. And the reason of mankind can devise nothing more pro­per to this end than the Laws of Christia­nity are. For they command all those vertues which are apt to sweeten the spi­rits and allay the passions and animosities of men one towards another. They re­quire us to love our neighbour (that is eve­ry man in the world, even our greatest enemies) as our. selves. And for this end among others was the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, the Feast of love instituted: that by commemorating the love of our dying Saviour, who laid down his life for his enemies, we might be put in mind how we ought to love one another.

And by this Law of loving all men [Page 194]even our enemies, Christian Religion dis­covers it self not onely to be the most in­nocent and harmless, but the most gene­rous and best natur'd Institution that ever was in the world. For in pursuance of this general precept it commands us, to do good to all men; if it be possible, and as much as in us lies to live peaceably with all men; to be kind one to another, ready to gratifie and oblige men; to be tender­hearted and compassionate towards those that are in want or misery, and ready to supply and relieve them; to sympathize with one another in our joys and sor­rows, to mourn with those that mourn, and to rejoyce with them that rejoyce; to bear one anothers burdens, and to forbear one another in love; to be easily reconcil'd to them that have offended us, and to be ready to forgive from our hearts the greatest injuries that can be done to us, and that without bounds and limits even to seventy seven times; as our Saviour ex­presseth it.

The Laws of Christianity do likewise secure both the private interests of men and the publick peace, by confirming and enforcing all the dictates of nature concerning Justice and Equity, and our doing to others as we would have them [Page 195]to do to us; and by commanding obedi­ence to humane Laws which decide mens rights and submission to government under pain of damnation: And by forbid­ing whatever is contrary to these, vio­lence and oppression defrauding and over­reaching one another, perfidiousness and treachery, breach of trusts, oaths or pro­mises, undutifulness to superiours, sedition and rebellion against Magistracy and Au­thority: And if there be any thing else that is apt to disturb the peace of the world and to alienate the affections of men from one another, as sowerness of dis­position, and rudeness of behaviour, cen­soriousness and sinister interpretation of things, all cross and distastfull humours, and what ever else may render the conver­sation of men grievous and uneasie to one another: All these are either expresly, or by clear consequence and deduction for­bidden in the new Testament.

And now what could any Religion do more towards the reforming of the dispo­sitions and manners of men? What Laws can be devis'd more proper and effectual to advance the nature of man to its high­est perfection, to procure the tranquillity of mens minds and the peace and happi­ness of the world, than these precepts of [Page 196]Christianity are? Several of which (as those of loving our enemies, of not re­venging injuries, of rendering good for evil, &c.) though they have been esteem'd reasonable by some of the wifest among the Heathen, yet by reason of the dege­neracy of the world, and of the obscu­rity and uncertainty of humane reason, they never obtain'd to have the estima­tion and force of natural Laws. So that we owe to Christianity the discovery of the most certain and perfect Rule of life that ever the world was acquainted with­all.

III. Christian Religion propounds the most powerfull arguments to perswade men to the obedience of these Laws. The Gospel offers such considerations to us, as are fit to work very forceably upon two of the most swaying and governing passi­ons in the mind of man, our hopes and our fears. To encourage our hopes it gives us the highest assurance of the grea­test and most lasting happiness, in case of obedience; and to awaken our fear it threatens sinners with the most dreadfull and durable torments, in case of disobedi­ence. Rom. 2.7, 8. To them who by patient continuance in well-doing seek for glory and honour and [Page 197]immortality, it promiseth eternal life: But unto them that obey not the truth, but obey unrighteousness, it threatens indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish. And this is that which makes the doctrine of the Gospel so powerfull an instrument for the reforming of the world, that it propo­ses to men such glorious rewards and such terrible punishments as no Religion ever did; and to make the consideration of them more effectual, it gives us far greater assurance of the reality, and certainty of these things than ever the world had be­fore. This account the Apostle gives us of the success and efficacy of the Gospel upon the minds of men, and for this reason he calls it the power of God unto salvation, Rom. r. 16.18. because therein the wrath of God is re­veal'd from Heaven against all ungodli­ness and unrighteousness of men. Before the revelation of the Gospel the wickedness and impenitency of the Heathen-world was a much more excusable thing, be­cause they were in a great measure igno­rant of the rewards of another life, and had generally but very uncertain and ob­scure apprehensions of those things which urge men most powerfully to forsake their sins, and are the most prevalent arguments to a good life. So St. Paul tells the Athe­nians [Page 198]the most knowing among the Hea­then, Act. 17.30, 31. The times of this ignorance God winked at, but now commandeth all men every where to repent; because he hath ap­pointed a day in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained, whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath rai­sed him from the dead. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead hath given the world that full assurance of another life after this and of a future Judgment which it never had before, for He whom God rais'd from the dead did declare and testifie that it was he who was ordain'd of God to be the Judge of quick and dead. Act. 10.42. And the firm belief of a future Judgment, which shall render to every man according to his deeds, if it be well consider'd, is to a reasonable nature the most forcible mo­tive of all other to a good life; because it is taken from the consideration of the greatest and most lasting happiness and misery that humane nature is capable of. So that the Laws of Christianity have the firmest sanction of any Laws in the world to secure the obedience and observance of them: For what can restrain men from sin if the terrours of the Lord and the evident danger of eternal destruction will [Page 199]not? What encouragement can be given to goodness beyond the hopes of Hea­ven and the assurance of an endless feli­city?

IV. The Christian Religion furnisheth us with the best motives and considerations to patience and contentedness under the evils and afflictions of this life. This was one great design of Philosophy, to sup­port men under the evils and calamities which this life is incident to, and to for­tifie their spirits against sufferings. And to this end the wisest among the Heathens rack'd their wits and cast about every way, they advanc'd all sorts of princi­ples and manag'd every little argument and consideration to the utmost advan­tage. And yet after all these attempts they have not been able to give any con­siderable comfort and ease to the mind of man under any of the great evils and pressures of this life. The bed is shorter than that a man can stretch himself upon it, and the covering narrower than that a man can wrap himself in it. All the wise sayings and advices which Philosophers could muster up to this purpose have prov'd ineffectual to the common people and the generality of mankind, and have help'd [Page 200]onely to support some few stout and ostbi­nate minds, which without the assistance of Philosophy would have held up pretty well of themselves.

Some of the Philosophers have run so far back for arguments of comfort against, pain as to call every thing into question, and to doubt whether there were any such thing as sense or pain. And yet for all that when any great evil has been upon them, they would certainly sigh and groan as pitifully and cry out as loud as other men.

Others have sought to ease themselves of all the evil of affliction by disputing subtilly against it, and pertinaciously maintaining that afflictions are no real evils but onely in opinion and imagina­tion, and therefore a wise man ought not to be troubl'd at them. But he must be a very wise man that can forbear being troubl'd at things that are very trouble­some. And yet thus Possidonius (as Tul­ly tells us) distinguish'd, he could not deny pain to be very troublesome but for all that he was resolv'd, never to acknow­ledge it to be an evil. But sure it is a ve­ry slender comfort that relies upon this nice distinction between things being trou­blesome and being evils, when all the evil [Page 201]of affliction lies in the trouble it creates to us. But when the best that can be is made of this argument, it is good for no­thing but to be thrown away as a stupid Paradox and against the common sense of mankind.

Others have endeavoured to delude their trouble by a graver way of reason­ing, that these things are fatal and ne­cessary and therefore no body ought to be troubled at them, it being in vain to be troubled at that which we cannot help. And yet perhaps it might as reasonably be said on the other side that this very con­sideration, that a thing cannot be help'd, is one of the justest causes of trouble to a wise man. For it were some kind of com­fort if these evils were to be avoided, be­cause then we might be carefull to prevent them another time; but if they be neces­sary then my trouble is as fatal as the ca­lamity that occasions it, and though I know it is in vain to be troubled for that which I cannot help yet I cannot chuse but be afflicted. It was a smart reply that Augustus made to one that ministred this comfort to him of the fatality of things, Hoc ipsum est (says he) quod me male ha­bet, this was so far from giving any ease to his mind that this was the very thing that troubled him.

Others have try'd to divert and enter­tain the troubles of other men by pretty and plausible sayings, such as this, That if evils are long they are but light, if sharp I but short, and a hundred such like. Now am apt to imagine that it is but a very small comfort that a plain and ordinary man, lying under a sharp fit of the Stone for a week together, receives from this fine Sentence. For what pleasure soever men that are at ease and leisure may take in being the Authours of witty sayings, I doubt it is but poor consolation that a man under great and stinging afflictions finds from them.

The best moral argument to patience, in my opinion, is the advantage of pati­ence it self. To bear evils as quietly as we can is the way to make them lighter and easier. But to toss and fling and to be rest­less is good for nothing but to fret and enrage our pain, to gall our sores and to make the burthen that is upon us sit more uneasie. But this is properly no conside­ration of comfort, but an art of managing our selves under afflictions so as not to make them more grievous than indeed the are.

But now the arguments which Christia­nity propounds to us are such as are a just and reasonable encouragement to men to [Page 203]bear sufferings patiently. Our Religion sets before us not the example of a stupid Stoick, who had by obstinate principles harden'd himself against all sense of pain beyond the common measures of humani­ty, but an example that lies level to all mankind, of a man like our selves, that had a tender sense of the least suffering and yet patiently endur'd the greatest; of Jesus the Authour and finisher of our faith, Heb. 1.22 who for the joy that was set before him en­dured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. God thought it expedient that the first Christians should by great hardships and persecutions be train'd up for glory, and to animate and encourage them hereto the Captain of our salvation was crown'd by suf­ferings. Heb. 2.10 Much more should the conside­ration of this pattern arm us with patience against the common and ordinary calami­ties of this life, especially if we consider his example with this advantage that though his sufferings were wholly undeserv'd, and not for himself but for us, yet he bore them patiently.

But the main consideration of all is, the glory which shall follow our sufferings as the reward of them, if they be for God and his cause; and if upon any other innocent ac­count, [Page 204]as reward of our patience. 2 Cor. 4.17. Our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. Christian Religion hath secur'd us that we shall be infinite gainers by our sufferings. And who would not be content to suffer upon terms of such advantage? to pass through many tribu­lations into the Kingdom of God, and to en­dure a short ffliction for an endless happi­ness? The assurance of a future blessedness is a cordial that will revive our spirits more in the day of adversity, than all the wise sayings and considerations of Philosophy.

These are the arguments which Christi­anity propounds to us, and they are firm and sound at the bottom; they have strength and substance in them, and are apt to work upon humane nature, and the most ordina­ry understanding is capable of the force of them. In the strength and vertue of this great example, and in contemplation of this glorious reward, with what resolution and chearfulness, with what courage and pati­ence did vast numbers of all sorts of people in the first Ages of Christianity, not only men but women, not only those of greater spirit and more generous education but those of the poorest and lowest condition, not onely the learned and the wise but the [Page 205]ignorant and illiterate, encounter all the rage and malice of the world and embrace torments and death? Had the precepts and counsels of Philosophy ever any such effect upon the minds of men? I will conclude this with a passage in the life of Lipsius, who was a great studier and admirer of the Stoical Philosophy. When he lay upon his death­bed, and one of his friends who came to vi­sit him told him that he needed not use ar­guments to perswade him to patience un­der his pains, the Philosophy which he had studied so much would furnish him with motives enough to that purpose, he an­swers him with this ejaculation, Domine Jesu, da mihi patientiam Christianam, Lord Jesus, give me Christian patience. No patience like to that which the considera­tions of Christianity are apt to work in us.

And now I have as briefly and plainly as I could endeavour'd to represent to you the excellency of the Christian Religion, both in respect of the clear discoveries which it makes to us of the nature of God which is the great foundation of all Religion, and likewise in respect of the perfection of its Laws and the power of its arguments to perswade men both to obey and suffer the will of God. By which you may see, [Page 206]what the proper tendency and design of this Religion is, and what the Laws and precepts of it would make men if they would truly observe them and live accor­ding to them, substantially Religious towards God, chast and temperate, pati­ent and contented in reference to them­selves and the dispensations of God's pro­vidence towards them, just and honest, kind and peaceable and good natur'd to­wards all men. In a word, the Gospel describes God to us in all respects such a one as we would wish him to be, gives us such Laws as every man that under­stands himself would chuse to live by, propounds such arguments to perswade to the obedience of these Laws as no man that wisely loves himself and hath any tenderness for his own interest and happi­ness either in this world or the other, can refuse to be mov'd withall.

And now methinks I may with some confidence challenge any Religion in the world to shew such a compleat body and collection of holy and reasonable Laws establish'd upon such promises and threat­nings as the Gospel contains. And if any man can produce a Religion that can rea­sonably pretend to an equal or a greater confirmation than the Gospel hath, a Re­ligion [Page 207]the precepts and promises and threatnings whereof are calculated to make men wiser and better, more tempe­rate and more chast, more meek and more patient, more kind and more just, than the laws and motives of Christianity are apt to make men; if any man can produce such a Religion, I am ready to be of it. Let but any man shew me any Book in the world, the doctrines whereof have the seal of such miracles as the doctrine of the Scriptures hath; a Book which contains the heads of our duty so perfectly, and without the mixture of any thing that is unreasonable, or vicious, or any ways unworthy of God; that commands us e­very thing in reason necessary to be done, and abridgeth us of no lawfull pleasure without offering us abundant recompence for our present self-denyal; a Book the rules whereof, if they were practic'd, would make men more pious and devout, more holy and sober, more just and fair in their dealings, better friends and bet­ter neighbours, better magistrates and better subjects and better in all relati­ons, and which does offer to the under­standing of men more powerfull argu­ments to perswade them to be all this; let any man, I say, shew me such a Book, and [Page 208]I will lay aside the Scripture and preach out of that.

And do we not all profess to be of this excellent Religion, and to study and be­lieve this holy Book of the Scriptures? But alas! who will believe that we do so, that shall look upon the actions and consi­der the lives of the greatest part of Chri­stians? How grosly and openly do many of us contradict the plain precepts of the Gospel, by our ungodliness and worldly lusts by living intemperately or unjustly; or prophanely in this present world? As if the grace of God which brings salvation, had never appear'd to us, as if we had ne­ver hear'd of Heaven or Hell, or believ'd not one word that the Scripture says con­cerning them, as if we were in no expe­ctation of the blessed hope and the glorious appearance of the great God and our Sa­viour Jesus Christ, whom God hath ap­pointed to judge the world in righteousness; and who will bestow mighty rewards upon those who faithfully serve him, but will come in flaming sire to take vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let us not then deceive our selves by pretending to this excellent knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord, if we do not frame [Page 209]our lives according to it. For though we know these things never so well, yet we are not happy unless we do them: Nay, we are but the more miserable for knowing them if we do them not; Therefore it concerns every one of us to consider se­riously what we believe; and whether our belief of the Christian Religion have its due effect upon our lives. If not, all the Precepts and Promises and Threat­nings of the Gospel will rise up in judg­ment against us, and the Articles of our Faith will be so many Articles of Ac­cusation, and the great weight of our charge will be this that we did not obey that Gospel which we profess'd to be­lieve, that we made confession of the Christian Faith but liv'd like Heathens. Not to believe the Christian Religion, af­ter so great evidence and confirmation as God hath given to it, is very unreasona­ble; but to believe it to be true, and yet to live as if it were false, is the greatest repugnancy and contradiction that can be. He that does not believe Christianity, either hath, or thinks he hath some reason for with-holding his assent from it. But he that believes it, and yet lives contrary to it, knows that he hath no reason for what▪ he does, and is convinc'd that he [Page 210]ought to do otherwise: And he is a mise­rable man indeed that does those things for the doing of which he continually stands condemn'd by his own mind, and accordingly God will deal more severely with such persons. He will pardon a thousand defects in our understandings, if they do not proceed from gross care­lesness and neglect of our selves; but the faults of our wills have no excuse, because we knew to do better and were convinc'd in our minds that we ought not to have done so.

Dost thou believe that the wrath of God is reveal'd from Heaven against all un­godliness and unrighteousness of men, and dost thou still allow thy self in ungodli­ness and worldly lusts? Art thou convinc'd that without holiness no man shall see the Lord, and dost thou still persist in a wick­ed course? Art thou fully perswaded that no whoremonger, nor adulterer, nor cove­tous, nor unrighteous person shall have any inheritance in the Kingdom of God and Christ, and dost thou for all that continue to practise these vices? What canst thou say (man) why it should not be to thee according to thy faith? If it so fall out that thou art miserable and undone for ever, thou hast no reason to be surpriz'd [Page 211]as if some unexpected thing had happen'd to thee. It is but with thee just as thou be­liev'dst it would be when thou didst these things. For how couldst thou expect that God should accept of thy good belief when thou didst so notoriously contradict it by a bad life? How couldst thou look for other but that God should condemn thee for the doing of those things for which thine own Conscience did condemn thee all the while thou wast doing of them; When we come into the other world there is no considerati­on that will sting our consciences more cru­elly than this, that we did wickedly when we knew to have done better, and chose to make our selves miserable when we understood the way to have been happy. To con­clude, we Christians have certainly the best and the holiest, the wisest and most rea­sonable Religion in the world; but then we are in the worst condition of all mankind, if the best Religion in the world do not make us good.

1 JOHN. 5.3.

—And his commandments are not grievous.

ONE of the great prejudices which men have entertain'd against the Christian Religion is this, that it lays upon men heavy burdens and grievous to be born, that the Laws of it are very strict and se­vere, difficult to be kept and yet dan­gerous to be broken; That it requires us to govern and keep under our passions, and to contradict many times our strongest inclinations and desires, to cut off our right hand and to pluck out our right eye, to love cur enemies, to bless them that curse us, to do good to them that hate us and to pray for them that despitefully use us and perse­cute us; to forgive the greatest injuries [Page 214]that are done to us, and to make reparati­on for the least that we do to others; to be contented with our condition patient un­der sufferings, and ready to sacrifice our dearest interests in this world, and even our very lives, in the cause of God and Religi­on: All these seem to be hard sayings and grievous commandments.

For the removal of this prejudice I have chosen these words of the Apostle, which expresly tells us the contrary, that the commandments of God are not grie­vous.

And though this be a great truth if it be impartially consider'd, yet it is also a great paradox to men of corrupt minds and vicious practices, who are prejudic'd against Religion and the holy Laws of God by their interest and their lusts. This seems a strange proposition to those who look upon Religion at a distance and ne­ver try'd the experiment of a holy life, who measure the Laws of God not by the intrinsecal goodness and equity of them, but by the reluctancy and opposition which they find in their own hearts against them.

Upon this account it will be requisite to take some pains to satisfie the reason of men concerning this truth and if it be pos­sible [Page 215]to make it so evident that those who are unwilling to own it may yet be asham'd to deny it. And methinks I have this peculiar advantage in the argument I have now undertaken that every reason­able man cannot chuse but wish me success in this attempt, because I undertake the proof of that which it is every man's inte­rest that it should be true: And if I can make it out, this pretence against Religion will not onely be baffled but we shall gain a new and forcible argument to perswade men over to it.

Now the easiness or difficulty of the ob­servation of any Laws or commands de­pends chiefly upon these three things.

First, Upon the Nature of the Laws themselves and their suitableness or un­suitableness to those to whom they are given.

Secondly, Upon the ability or weakness of those on whom these Laws are impos'd for the keeping of them. For easiness and difficulty are relative terms and refer to some power, and a thing may be difficult to a weak man which yet may be easie to the same person when assisted with a grea­ter strength.

Thirdly, Upon the encouragement that [Page 216]is given to the observation of them. For the proposal of great rewards does very much qualifie and allay the difficulty of any undertaking.

Now if I can make these three things evident: 1. That the Laws of God are rea­sonable, that is, suitable to our nature and advantageous to our interest. 2. That we are not destitute of sufficient power and ability for the performance of them. And, 3. That we have the greatest encourage­ments to this purpose: Then have we all imaginable reason to assent to the truth of this Proposition that the commandments of God are not grievous.

1. The Laws of God are reasonable, that is, suitable to our nature and advantage­ous to our interest. 'Tis true God hath a soveraign right over us as we are his creatures, and by virtue of this right he might without injustice have impos'd diffi­cult tasks upon us and have requir'd hard things at our hands. But in making Laws for us he hath not made use of this right. He hath commanded us nothing in the Gospel that is either unsuitable to our rea­son, or prejudicial to our interest; nay, no­thing that is severe and against the grain of our nature, but when either the appa­rent [Page 217]necessity of our interest does require it, or an extraordinary reward is promis'd to our obedience. He hath shew'd thee, O man what is good, and what doth the Lord thy God require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? This is the sum of the natu­ral Law, that we should behave our selves reverently and obediently towards the Di­vine Majesty, and justly and charitably towards men; and that in order to the sit­ting of us for the better discharge of these duties, we should govern our selves in the use of sensual delights with tempe­rance and moderation. And if we go over the Laws of Christianity, we shall find that, excepting a very few particu­lars, they enjoyn the very same things; onely they have made our duty more clear and certain. But this I have had occasion to make out largely in the foregoing dis­course, and therefore I shall say the less to it now.

As to the several parts of God's worship and service, prayer and thanksgiving, hear­ing and reading the word of God, and re­ceiving of the Sacrament; these are all no less for our own comfort and advan­tage than for the honour of God and Re­ligion. And there is nothing of difficulty [Page 218]or trouble in the external performance of them, but what hypocrisie can make tole­rable to it self: And certainly they must be not onely much more easie, but even de­lightfull, when they are directed by our understandings, and accompanied with our hearts and affections.

As for those Laws of Religion which concern our duty to our selves, as tempe­rance and chastity; or to others, as the se­veral branches of justice and charity, com­prehended in those general rules, of loving our neighbour as our selves, and of doing to others as we would have them to do to us: There is nothing in all these Laws but what is most reasonable and fit to be done by us, nothing but what if we were to consult our own interest and happiness, and did rightly understand our selves, we would chuse for our selves; nothing but what is easie to be understood, and as easie to be practis'd by an honest and a willing mind.

Now the practice of all these is suitable to our nature, and agreeable to the frame of our understandings; proper to our con­dition and circumstances in this world, and preparatory to our happiness in the next. And no man's reason did ever dictate to him the contrary of any of these; that it is [Page 219]fit for a Creature not to love God, to be undutifull to his great Soveraign, and un­gratefull to his best benefactor; that it is reasonable for a man to debauch himself by intemperance and brutish sensuality; to hate, defraud and oppress other men. Our very natural reason, if we will but listen to the dictates of it, is an enemy to all these sins and a law against all these vices.

And as the practice of all piety and vertue is agreeable to our reason, so is it likewise for the interest of mankind; both of private persons, and of publick Socie­ties, as I have already shown. Some ver­tues plainly tend to the preservation of our health, others to the improvement and security of our estates, all to the peace and quiet of our minds; and which is some­what more strange, to the advancement of our esteem and reputation; for though the world be generally bad, and men are apt to approve nothing so much as what they do themselves; yet, I know not how it comes to pass, men are commonly so just to vertue and goodness, as to praise it in others even when they do not practise it themselves.

And as for those precepts of Christia­nity which seem to be most harsh and diffi­cult [Page 220]at first appearance, (as repentance and restitution, mortification of our lusts and passions, humility, patience and conten­tedness with our condition, and resigna­tion of our selves to the will of God; for­giving and loving our enemies, and self-denial for the cause of God and Religion) if we look well into them and consider throughly the nature and tendency of them, even these will appear to be both reasonable in themselves, and upon one account or other really for our advan­tage.

What more reasonable than repen­tance, than that a man when he hath done amiss and contrary to his duty should be heartily sorry for it, and resolve to do so no more? And how grievous soever it be, it is necessary, being the onely way to par­don and peace. And in case our offence against God hath been complicated with injury to men, it is but reasonable we should make restitution as far as we are able, according to the nature of the injury. For without this our repentance is not real, because we have not done what we can to undo our fault as much as we can, or at least to hinder the inju­rious consequences of it from proceeding any farther: Nor can any man be judg'd [Page 221]to be truly sorry for his sin that retains the profit and advantages of it to himself. Besides, that till reparation be made to the utmost of our power we can have no peace in our own consciences, nor any well-grounded hopes of forgiveness from God.

Mortification of our lusts and passions, though, like repentance, it have something in it that is troublesome, yet nothing that is unreasonable, or really to our preju­dice. If we give way to our Passions, we do but gratifie our selves for the present in or­der to our future disquiet; but if we resist and conquer them, we lay the foundation of perpetual peace and tranquillity in our minds. If we govern our selves in the use of sensual delights by the Laws of God and reason, we shall find our selves more at ease than if we should let loose the reins to our appetites and lusts. For the more we gratifie our lusts the more craving they will be, and the more impatient of denial. Crescit indulgens sibi dirus hydrops, every lust is a kind of hydropick distemper, and the more we drink the more we shall thirst. So that by retrenching our inordi­nate desires we do not rob our selves of any true pleasure, but onely prevent the pain and trouble of farther dissatisfaction.

Humility, though it may seem to expose a man to some contempt, yet it is truly the readiest way to honour: as on the con­trary, pride is a most improper and absurd means for the accomplishing of the end it aims at. All other vices do in some mea­sure attain their end; covetousness does usually raise an estate, and ambitious en­deavours do often advance men to high places; but pride and insolence and con­tempt of others do infallibly defeat their own design. They aim at respect and esteem but never attain it, for all mankind do na­turally hate and slight a proud man.

What more reasonable than patience and contentedness, and that we should in all things resign up our selves to the will of God, who loves us as well as we do our selves, and knows what is good for us bet­ter than we do our selves? this certainly is the best way to prevent anxiety and per­plexity of mind, and to make the worst con­dition as tolerable as it can be, and much more easie than it would be otherwise.

As for that peculiar Law of Christia­nity which forbids revenge, and com­mands us to forgive injuries and to love our enemies, no man can think it grievous who considers the pleasure and sweetness of love and the glorious victory of over­coming [Page 223]evil with good, and then com­pares these with the restless torment and perpetual tumults of a malicious and re­vengeful spirit.

And lastly, Self-denyal for the cause of God and Religion; this is neither unreason­able nor to our disadvantage. If we consi­der our infinite obligations to God, we have no reason to think much to sacrifice to him our dearest interests in this world; espe­cially if we consider withall, how dispro­portionably great the reward of our suffer­ings shall be in another world. Besides that the interest of Religion is of so great concernment to the happiness of mankind, that every man is bound for that reason to assert the truth of it with the hazard of any thing that is most valuable to him in this world.

II. We are not destitute of sufficient power and strength for the performing of God's commands. Had God given us Laws but no power to keep them, his commandments would then indeed have been grievous. 'Tis true we have con­tracted a great deal of weakness and im­potency by our wilfull degeneracy from goodness, but that grace which the Go­spel offers to us for our assistance is suffici­ent for us. And this seems to be the par­ticular [Page 224]reason why the Apostle says here in the Text that his commandments are not grievous, because he offers us an assistance proportionable to the difficulty of his commands, and the necessity of our con­dition: for it follows immediately after the Text, for whosoever is born of God, overcometh the world. Therefore the com­mandments of God are not grievous, be­cause every Child of God, that is, every Christian is endued with a power where­by he is enabled to resist and conquer the temptations of the world. The same A­postle elsewhere encourages Christians upon the same consideration, greater is he that is in you, 1 Joh. 4.4. than he that is in the world. Though we be encompass'd with many and potent enemies who make it their business to tempt and to deter us from our duty, yet our case is not hard so long as we have a greater strength on our side: And this the Apostle tells us is the case of every Christian, greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. Are there legions of Devils who are con­tinually designing and working our ruine? there are also myriads of good Angels who are more chearfull and officious to do us good. For I doubt not, but as those who are bent to do wickedly will never [Page 225]want tempters to urge them on and to push them forward in an evil course; so on the other hand, those who apply themselves seriously to the business of Religion, and yield themselves tractable to good moti­ons, will find the good spirit of God more ready and active to encourage them than the Devil can be to pull them back; un­less we think that God hath given a greater power and a larger commission to the Devil to do men mischief, than to his holy Spirits and his holy Angels for our assi­stance and encouragement. But then we are to understand that this assistance is onely offer'd to men, and not forc'd upon them whether they will or no. For if we beg God's grace but neglect to make use of it, if we implore his assistance for the mortifying of our lusts but will not con­tribute our own endeavours, God will withdraw his grace and take away his holy Spirit from us. Nay, if after we have begun well we do notoriously slacken our endeavours, we forfeit the Divine as­sistance: If when by God's grace we have in a good measure conquer'd the first dif­ficulties of Religion, and gain'd some ha­bitual strength against sin; if after this we grow careless and remiss, and neglect our guard, and lay our selves open to temp­tations, [Page 226]God's Spirit will not always strive with us: Notwithstanding all the promi­ses of the Gospel and the mighty as­sistances there offer'd to us, if we love any lust, and will with Sampson lay our head in Dalilah's lap, we shall be insensibly robb'd of our strength and become like other men.

III. We have the greatest encourage­ment to the observance of God's com­mands. Two things make any course of life easie; present pleasure, and the assu­rance of a future reward. Religion gives part of its reward in hand, the present comfort and satisfaction of having done our duty; and for the rest, it offers us the best security that Heaven can give. Now these two must needs make our duty very easie; a considerable reward in hand, and not onely the hopes but the assurance of a far greater recompence hereafter.

1. Present peace and satisfaction of mind, and unexpressible joy and pleasure flowing from the testimony of a good conscience. This is present payment, be­sides that it is the earnest of a future and greater happiness. And this does naturally spring up in the mind of a good man; great [Page 227]peace have they that love thy Law, and no­thing shall offend them. All Acts of piety and vertue are not onely delightful for the present, but they leave peace and content­ment behind them: a peace that no out­ward violence can interrupt or take from us. The pleasures of a holy life have moreover this peculiar advantage of all worldly joys, that we shall never be wea­ry of them; we cannot be cloy'd by the frequent repetition of these pleasures, nor by the long enjoyment of them. I know that some vices pretend to bring great pleasure along with them, and that the de­lights of a sensual and voluptuous life make a glorious show and are attended with much pomp and noise, like the sports of children and fools which are loud and clamorous; or, as Solomon elegantly com­pares them, like the crackling of thorns un­der a pot, which makes a little noise and a sudden blaze that is presently over. But the serious and the manly pleasures, the so­lid and substantial joys, are onely to be found in the ways of Religion and Vertue. The most sensual man that ever was in the world never felt his heart touch'd with so delicious and lasting a pleasure as that is which springs from a clear conscience, and a mind fully satisfied with its own acti­ons.

2. But the great encouragement of all is the assurance of a future reward. The firm perswasion whereof is enough to raise us above any thing in this world, and to animate us with courage and resolution against the greatest difficulties. So the Apostle reasons; His commandments are not grievous; for whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world, and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith. The belief of a future hap­piness and glory was that which made the primitive Christians so victorious over the world, and gave them the courage to resist all the pleasures and terrors of Sense. It can­not be deny'd, but that a religious course of life is liable to be incumbred with many difficulties which are naturally grievous to flesh and blood. But a Christian is able to comfort himself under all these with the thoughts of his end, which is everlasting life. He considers the goodness of God which he believes would not deny him the free enjoy­ment of the things of this world, were it not that he hath such joys and pleasures in store for him as will abundantly recom­pence his present self denial and sufferings.

Let us now put both these together, the pleasures of Religion and the rewards of it, and they cannot but appear to be a [Page 229]mighty encouragement. With what plea­sures does a man that lives a holy and a ver­tuous life despise the pleasures of sin, and notwithstanding all the allurements of sense persist resolutely in his course? And how is such a man confirm'd in his purpose and animated in his holy resolution, when he finds that God and his own conscience do applaud his choice; when all along in the course of Religion and a vertuous life, in his conflicts with sin and resistance of temptations, he hath for his present re­ward the two great pleasures of innocence and of victory, and for his future encou­ragement the joyful hopes of a Crown and a Kingdom? A recompence so great, as is sufficient to make a lame man walk, enough to make any one willing to offer violence to his strongest passions and incli­nations. A man would be content to strive with himself and to conflict with great dif­ficulties, in hopes of a mighty reward. What poor man would not cheerfully carry a great burthen of gold and silver, that were assur'd to have the greatest share of it for his pains, and thereby to be made a man for ever? Whatever difficulties Reli­gion is attended withall they are all swee­ten'd and made easie by the proposal of a great and eternal reward.

But are there no difficulties then in Reli­gion? Is every thing so plain and easie? Are all the ways of vertue so smooth and even as we have here represented them? Hath not our Saviour told us, Mat 7.14. that strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life, and few there be that find it? Act. 14.22. Does not the Apo­stle say, that through much tributation we must enter into the Kingdom of God? 2 Tim 3.12. And, that all that will live Godly in Christ Iesus shall suffer persecution? And does not the Scripture e­very where speak of striving and wrestling, and running, and fighting; of labouring, and watching, and giving all diligence? And is there nothing grievous in all this?

This is a very material objection, and therefore I shall be the more carefull to give a satisfactory answer to it. And that I may do it the more distinctly be pleas'd to consider these six things. 1. That the suffering of persecution for Religion is an extraordinary case, which did chiefly con­cern the first Ages of Christianity. 2. That this discourse concerning the easiness of God's commands does all along suppose and acknowledge the difficulties of the en­trance upon a Religious course. 3. Nor is there any reason it should exclude our af­ter care and diligence. 4. All the difficul­ties of Religion are very much mitigated [Page 231]and allayed by hope and by love. 5. There is incomparably more difficulty and trouble in the ways of sin and vice than in the ways of Religion and Vertue. 6. If we do but put vertue and vice, a religious and a wicked course of life in equal circumstances; if we will but suppose a man as much accustom'd and inur'd to the one as he has been to the other, then I shall not doubt to pronounce that the advantages of ease and pleasure will be found to be on the side of Religion.

I. The suffering of persecution for Reli­gion is an extraordinary case, and did chiefly concern the first Ages of Christia­nity. And therefore the general sayings of our Saviour and his Apostles concerning the persecuted state of Christians are to be limited, as doubtless they were intended, principally to those first times and by no means to be equally extended to all Ages of the Church. At first indeed whoever embrac'd the profession of Chri­stianity did thereby expose themselves to all the sufferings which the power and malice of the world could afflict them withall: But since the Kingdoms of the Earth became the Kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ, and the Governours of the world began to be Patrons of the Church, 'tis so far from being universally [Page 232]true that every Christian hath suffer'd the violence of persecution, that it hath been a rare case and happen'd onely in some few ages, and to some persons. So that this is accidental to a state of Religion, and there­fore ought not to be reckon'd among the or­dinary difficulties of it. And when it happens God gives extraordinary supports, and pro­mises mighty rewards to make it tolerable.

II. This discourse concerning the easiness of God's commands does all along suppose and acknowledge the difficulties of the first entrance upon a religious course, except onely in those persons who have had the happiness to be train'd up to Religion by the easie and insensible degrees of a pious and vertuous education. These indeed are freed from a great deal of pains and difficulty which others who are reclaim'd from a bad course of life must expect to undergo. They are in a great measure excused from the pangs of the new birth, from the pains of a sudden and vi­olent change, from the terrours of an af­frighted mind, and from the deep and piercing sorrows of a more solemn repen­tance. Whereas those who have lived wickedly before must look to meet with a great deal more trouble, because they are put upon changing the whole course [Page 233]of their life at once, and must contend with inveterate habits, and offer no small vio­lence to themselves in plucking up those vices which have been rooted in them by long custome and continuance. This indeed is grievous and must needs be sensibly pain­full, like the plucking out of a right eye, or the cutting off a right hand: For in this case a man must strive against the very bent and inclination of his strongest appetites, a­gainst the tyranny of custome and the mighty power of a second nature. But this is no just reflection upon religion, because this does not proceed from the nature of God's laws but from an accidental indispo­sition in our selves, which Religion is apt to remove: And if we will but allow some time of trouble and uneasiness for the cure, when that is once wrought the commands of God will be more easie and delightfull to us than ever our sins and lusts were.

III. Nor does this exclude our after care and diligence. For when the Apostle says that the commandments of God are not grie­vous, he does by no means intend to insi­nuate that they are calculated for slothfull and lazy persons, that they are so easy as to require no industry and endeavour on our part; he onely aims to prevent a tacit objection which lies at the bot­tom [Page 234]of many mens hearts, as if Religion were a most grievous and intolerable bur­then, and there were more trouble and less pleasure in it than in any other action of humane life. This he utterly denies, but does not hereby intend to exclude such di­ligence and industry as men use about other matters. And if I should tell you, that the business of Religion does not require a ve­ry vigorous prosecution and great earnest­ness of endeavour, I shall speak quite be­sides the holy Scriptures which so frequent­ly command seeking and striving and labour­ing, besides many other such phrases that import diligence and earnestness. And in­deed it were unfit that so excellent and glo­rious a reward as the Gospel promises should stoop down like fruit upon a full-laden bough to be pluck'd by every idle and wan­ton hand; that Heaven should be prosti­tuted to the lazy desires and faint wishes, to the cheap and ordinary endeavours of sloth­full men. God will not so much disparage eternal life and happiness, as to bestow it upon those who have conceived so low an opinion of it as not to think it worth the labouring for. And surely this is sufficient to recommend Religion to any considerate man, if the advantages of it be much greater than of any worldly design that we can pro­pound [Page 235]to our selves, and the difficulties of it not greater. If the same seriousness and industry of endeavour, which men com­monly use to raise a fortune and advance themselves in the world, will serve to make a man a good man and to bring him to Hea­ven, what reason hath any man to complain of the hard terms of Religion? And I think I may truly say that usually less than this does it. For God considers our condition in this world and the pressing necessities of this life, that we are flesh as well as spirit and that we have great need of these things, and therefore he allows us to be very sedulous and industrious about them. However this I am sure of, that if men would be as serious to save their immortal souls as they are to support these dying bodies; if they would but provide for eternity with the same sol­licitude and real care as they do for this life; if they would but seek Heaven with the same ardour of affection, and vigour of prosecution as they seek earthly things; if they would but love God as much as many men do the World, and mind godliness as much as men usually do gain; if they would but go to Church with as good a will as men ordinarily do to their Markets and Fairs, and be in as good earnest at their devotions as men commonly are in dri­ving [Page 236]a bargain; if they would but endure some troubles and inconveniences in the ways of Religion with the same patience and constancy as they can do storms, and foul ways and mischances, when they are travelling about their worldly occasions; If they would but avoid bad company as men use to do cheaters, and reject the temp­tations of the devil and the world as they would do the kind words and insinuations of a man whom they verily believe to have a design to over-reach them; I am confi­dent that such a one could not fail of Hea­ven, and would be much surer of it upon these terms, than any man that doth all the other things could be of getting an e­state, or of attaining any thing in this world.

And cannot every man do thus much? All that I have said signifies no more but that men should use their sincere endea­vours, and this surely every man can do. For to use our sincere endeavours is no­thing else but to do as much as we can, and it is non-sense for any man to deny that he can do as much as he can. And if we would do thus much we are sure of God's grace and assistance, which is never wanting to the sincere endeavours of men. But men expect that Religion should cost them no pains, that happiness should drop into their [Page 237]laps without any design and endeavour on their part, and that after they have done what they please while they live God should snatch them up to Heaven when they dye. But though the commandments of God be not grievous, yet it is sit to let men know that they are not thus easie.

IV. All the difficulties of Religion are very much allay'd and sweeten'd by hope and by love. By the hopes of a mighty re­ward; so great as is enough to raise us a­bove our selves, and to make us break through all difficulties and discouragements: And by the love of God, who hath taken all imaginable ways to endear himself to us. He gave us our beings, and when we were fallen from that happiness to which at first we were design'd, he was pleas'd to restore us to a new capacity of it by sending his onely Son into the world to die for us. So that if we have any sense of kindness we cannot but love him who hath done so much to oblige us, and if we love him en­tirely nothing that he commands will be grievous to us; nay, so far from that, that the greatest pleasure we are capable of will be to please him. For nothing is difficult to love. It will make a man deny himself and cross his own inclinations to pleasure them whom he loves. It is a passion of a [Page 238]strange power where it reigns, and will cause a man to submit to those things with de­light which in other circumstances would seem grievous to him. Jacob serv'd for Ra­chel seven years, and after that seven years more; and they seemed unto him but a few days, for the love he had to her. Did but the love of God rule in our hearts, and had we as real an affection for him as some men have for their friends, there are no such diffi­culties in Religion but what love would conquer, and the severest parts of it would become easie when they were once under­taken by a willing mind.

V. There is incomparably more trouble in the ways of sin and vice than in those of Religion and Vertue. Every notorious sin is naturally attended with some inconvenience of harm, or danger, or disgrace; which the sinner seldom considers till the sin be com­mitted, and then he is in a labyrinth, and in seeking the way out of a present incon­venience he intangles himself in more. He is glad to make use of indirect arts, and labo­rious crafts, to avoid the consequence of his faults; and many times is fain to cover one sin with another, and the more he strives to disentangle himself the more is he snar'd in the work of his own hands. Into what per­plexities did David's sin bring him? such as [Page 239]by all his power and arts he could not free himself from: He was glad to commit a greater crime to avoid the shame of a less, and could find no other way to conceal his adultery but by plunging himself into the guilt of murther. And thus it is proportiona­bly in all other vices. The ways of sin are crooked paths, full of windings and turnings; but the way of holiness and vertue is a high way, Isa. 35.8. and lies so plain before us that wayfa­ring men, though fools shall not err therein. There needs no skill to keep a mans self true and honest, if we will but resolve to deal justly and to speak the truth to our neighbour nothing in the whole world is easier: For there is nothing of artifice and reach required to enable a man to speak as he thinks, and to do to others as he would be dealt withal himself.

And as the ways of sin are full of intri­cacy and perplexities, so likewise of trou­ble and disquiet. There is no man that wil­fully commits any sin but his conscience smites him for it, and his guilty mind is fre­quently gall'd with the remembrance of it, but the reflection upon honest and vertu­ous actions hath nothing of regret and dis­quiet in it. No man's conscience ever trou­bled him for not being honest, no man's reason ever challeng'd him for not being [Page 240]drunk, no man ever broke his sleep or was haunted with fears of divine vengeance because he was conscious to himself that he had liv'd soberly, and righteously, and godly in the world. But with the ungodly it is not so. There is no man that is knowingly wicked but he is guilty to himself, and there is no man that carries guilt about him but he hath received a sting into his Soul which makes him restless, so that he can never have any perfect case and pleasure in his mind.

I might have descended to particular In­stances, and have shewn how much more troublesome the practice of every sin and vice is than the exercise of the contrary grace and vertue; but that would be too large a Subject to be brought within the limits of a single discourse.

VI. Let but vertue and vice, a religious and wicked course of life be put in equal cir­cumstances, do but suppose a man to be as much accustom'd and snur'd to the one as he has been to the other, and then I doubt not but the advantages of ease and pleasure, will be found to be on the side of Religion: and if we do not put the case thus we make an unequal comparison. For there is no man but when he first begins a wicked course feels a great deal of regret in his mind, the terrours of his conscience and the fears of [Page 241]damnation are very troublesom to him. It is possible that by degrees a man may harden his conscience, and by a long custome of his conscience, and by a long custome of sinning may in a great measure wear off that tender sense of good and evil which makes sin so uneasie: But then if in the practice of a holy life a man may by the same degrees arrive to far greater peace and tranquillity of mind than ever any wicked man found in a sinful course, if by custome vertue will come to be more pleasant than ever vice was, then the advantage is plain­ly on the side of Religion. And this is truly the case. It is troublesom at first for a man to begin any new course, and to do contrary to what he hath been accustom'd to; but let a man but habituate himself to a reli­gious and vertuous life, and the trouble will go off by degrees and unspeakable pleasure succeed in the room of it. It is an excellent rule which Pythagoras gave to his Scholars, optimum vitae genus eligito, nam consuetudo faciet j [...]cundissmum; pitch upon the best course of life, resolve always to do that which is most reasonable and vertuous, and custom will soon render it the most easie. There is no­thing of difficulty in a good life but what may be conquer'd by custome as well as the difficulties of any other course, and when a man is once us'd to it the pleasure of it will be greater than of any other course.

Let no man then decline or forsake Re­ligion for the pretended difficulties of it, and lay aside all cares of God's command­ments upon this suggestion that they are impossible to be kept. For you see they are not only possible but easie. And those who upon pretence of the trouble and difficul­ties of Religion abandon themselves to a wicked course of life may easily be con­vinc'd that they take more pains to make themselves miserable than would serve to bring them to happiness. There is no man that is a servant of sin, and a slave to any base lust, but might if he pleas'd get to Hea­ven with less trouble than he goes to Hell.

So that upon consideration of the whole matter, there is no reason why any man should be deterr'd from a holy and vertuous life for fear of the labour and pains of it. Because every one that is wicked takes more pains in another way, and is more in­dustrious onely to a worse purpose. Now he that can travel in deep and foul ways ought not to say that he cannot walk in fair. He that ventures to run upon a precipice when every step he takes is with danger of his life and his soul, ought not to pretend any thing against the plain and safe paths of Religion, which will entertain us with pleasure all a­long in the way, and crown us with hap­piness at the end.

2 TIM. 2.19.

Let every one that nameth the name of Christ, depart from iniquity.

THe whole verse runs thus: Never­theless the foundation of God stand­eth sure, having this seal, The Lord know­eth them that are his: And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

In which words the Apostle declares to us the terms of the covenant between God and man. For the word [...] which is here translated foundation, according to the usual signification of it, is likewise (as learned men have observ'd) some­times used for an instrument of contract whereby two parties do oblige themselves mutually to each other. And this notion of the word agrees very well with what follows concerning the seal assix'd to it, which is very fuitable to a Covenant but [Page 244]not at all to a foundation. 'Tis true in­deed, as the learned Grotius hath obser­ved, there used anciently to be inscrip­tions on foundation-stones, and the word [...] which we render seal may like­wise signifie an inscription; and then the sense will be very current thus, The foundation of God standeth sure, ha­ving this inscription. But it is to be con­sidered, that though [...] may signi­fie an inscription, yet it is onely an inscrip­tion upon a seal which hath no relation to a foundation, but is very proper to a covenant or mutual obligation. And ac­cordingly the seal affixt to this instrument, or covenant between God and man is in allusion to the custom of those countries said to have an inscription on both sides agreeable to the condition of the persons contracting. On God's part there is this impress or inscription, The Lord knoweth them that are his, that is, God will own and reward those that are faithfull to him: And on our part, Let every one that na­meth the name of Christ, depart from ini­quity.

Let every one that nameth the name of Christ, that is, that calls himself a Chri­stian. For to name the name of any one or to have his name call'd upon by us does [Page 245]according to the use of this Phrase a­mong the Hebrews, signifie nothing else but to be denominated from him. Thus 'tis frequently used in the Old Testament, and sometimes in the New, Jam. 2.7. Do they not blaspheme that worthy name by the which ye are called? that is, the name or title of Christians; and that expression, 1 Pet. [...] 14. if ye be reproached for the name of Christ, is at the sixteenth verse varied, if any man suf­fer as a Christian. So that to name the name of Christ is to call our selves Chri­stians.

Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. The word [...] is often taken strictly for injustice or unrighteousness, but sometimes used more largely for sin and wickedness in the general. And so it seems to be used here in the Text, because there is no rea­son from the context to restrain it to any particular kind of sin or vice, and be­cause Christianity lays an equal obligation upon men to abstain from all sin. Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity, that is, every Chri­stian obligeth himself by his prosessi­on to renounce all sin and to live a holy life.

In speaking to this argument I shall do these two things.

  • 1. Shew what obligation the profession of Christianity lays upon men to live holy lives.
  • 2. Endeavour to perswade those who call themselves Christians to answer this obligation.

I. What obligation the profession of Christianity lays upon men to live holy lives. He that calls himself a Christian professeth to entertain the Doctrine of Christ, to live in the imitation of his holy example, and to have solemnly engaged himself to all this. I shall speak briefly to these, and then come to that which I prin­cipally intend, to perswade men to live accordingly.

1. He that professeth himself a Christi­an professeth to entertain the doctrine of Christ, to believe the whole Gospel, to assent to all the articles of the Chri­stian faith, to all the precepts and pro­mises and theatnings of the Gospel. Now the great design, the proper inten­tion of this doctrine is to take men off from sin, and to direct and encourage them to a holy life. It teacheth us what we are to believe concerning God and Christ, not with any design to entertain our minds [Page 247]with the bare speculation of those truths but to better our lives. For every article of our faith is a proper argument against sin, and a powerfull motive to obedience. The whole history of Christ's appearance in the world, all the discourses and ac­tions of his life, and the sufferings of his death do all tend to this; the ultimate issue of all is the destroying of sin; So St. John tells us, 1 Joh. 3.8. for this purpose was the Son of God manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil. But this is most ex­presly and fully declar'd to us, Tit. 2.11, 12, 13, 14. The grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world; looking for that bles­sed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; who gave himself for us that he might re­deem us from all iniquity, and purifie unto himself a peculiar, people zealous of good works.

The precepts of the Gospel do strictly command holiness, and that universal; the purity of our souls, and the chastity of our bodies; 2 Cor. 7.1. to cleanse our selves from all filthiness of flesh and spirit; 1 Thes. 5.22. to abstain from all kind of evil; 1 Pet. 1.15. to be holy in all manner of conversa­tion. [Page 248]They require us to endeavour after the highest degrees of holiness that are at­tainable by us in this imperfect state, to be holy as he that hath called us is holy; Mat. 5.48. to be perfect as our father which is in heaven is perfect.

And all the promises of the Gospel are so many encouragements to obedience and a holy life; [...] Cor. 7. [...]. having therefore these promises, let us cleanse our selves from all filthiness of flesh and spirit and perfect holiness in the fear of God. We are told by St. Peter that these exceeding great and precious promi­ses are given to us that by these we might be partakers of a Divine nature, 2 Pet. 1.4 having escaped the pollution that is in the world through lust; and that we might give all diligence to add to our faith vertue, and to vertue knowledge, and to knowledge tempe­rance and patience and brotherly-kindness and charity.

And the threatnings of the Gospel are so many powerfull arguments against sin.

Therefore the Apostle calls the Gospel the power of God unto salvation, Rom. 1.16, 18. because therein the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrigh­teousness of men. So that if we call our selves Christians we profess to embrace the [Page 249]holy doctrine of the Christian Religion which is perfectly opposite to all impiety and wickedness of life. We profess to be governed by those laws which do strictly enjoyn holiness and vertue. We profess to be perswaded that all the promises and threatnings of the Gospel are true, which offer such great and glorious rewards to obedience and threaten transgression and disobedience with such dreadfull punish­ments. And if so, we are obliged both by our reason and our interest to live ac­cordingly.

2. He that professeth himself a Christi­an professeth to live in the imitation of Christ's example and to follow his steps who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth. The Son of God came into the world not onely by his Doctrine to in­struct us in the way to happiness and by his death to make expiation of sin, but by his life to be an example to us of holi­ness and vertue. Therefore in Scripture we find several Titles given him which im­port his exemplariness, as of a Prince and a Captain, a Master and a Guide. Now if he be our pattern we should endeavour to be like him, to have the same mind that was in Christ Jesus; to walk in love as he also hath loved us and given himself for us. [Page 250]We should aspire after the highest degree of holiness, make it our constant and sin­cere endeavour to please God and do his will and to fulfill all righteousness as he did. Does any man profess himself a Christian and yet abandons himself to intemperance and filthy lusts? is this like our Saviour? Are we cruel and unmercifull? is this like the High Priest of our profession? Are we proud and passionate, malicious and re­vengefull? is this to be like-minded with Christ who was meek and lowly in Spirit, who prayed for his enemies and offer'd up his blood to God on the behalf of them that shed it? If we call our selves Christi­ans we profess to have the life of Christ continually before us, and to be always correcting and reforming our lives by that pattern.

3. He that calls himself a Christian hath solemnly engaged himself to renounce all sin and to live a holy life. By Baptism we have solemnly taken upon us the pro­fession of Christianity, and engaged our selves to renounce the Devil and all his works, and obediently to keep God's com­mandments. Anciently those who were baptized put off their garments, which signified the putting off the body of sin; and were immers'd and buried in the wa­ter, [Page 251]to represent their death of sin; and then did rise up again out of the water, to sig­nifie their enterance upon a new life. And to these customs the Apostle alludes when he says, How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein; Rom. 6.2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? There­fore we are buried with him in baptism into death, that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life: For if we have been planted together in the like­ness of his death we shall be also in the like­ness of his resurrection, knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him that the body of sin might be destroyed, that hence­forth we might not serve sin. So that by Baptism we profess to be entered into a new state, and to be endued with a new nature; to have put off the old man with his deeds; to have quitted our former con­versation, which is corrupt according to the deceitfull lusts, and to be renewed in the spirit of our minds, and to have put on the new man which after God is created in righ­teousness and true holiness. And there­fore Baptism is called the putting on of Christ; Gal. 3.27. As many of you as have been bap­tized into Christ, have put on Christ. Now [Page 252]if we profess to have put on Christ we must quit and renounce our lusts, because these are inconsistent, as appears by the op­position which the Apostle makes between them; Put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof. Rom. 13.14.

And as we did solemnly covenant with God to this purpose in Baptism, so we do solemnly renew this obligation so often as we receive the blessed Sacrament of Christ's Body and Blood. Therefore the cup in the Sacrament is called the new Covenant in his Blood, that is, this repre­sents the shedding of Christ's blood by which rite the covenant between God and man is ratified. And as by this God doth confirm his promises to us, so we do oblige our selves to be faithfull and obedient to him, and if we sin wilfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, that is, after we are become Christians, we account the blood of the Covenant a common thing, that is, we make nothing of the solemnest rite that ever was u­sed in the world for confirmation of any covenant, the shedding of the blood of the son of God. And that this was al­ways understood to be the meaning of this holy Sacrament, to renew our Covenant [Page 253]with God, and solemnly to confirm our resolutions of a holy life is very plain from that account which Pliny Plin. Epist. L. 10. Epist. 97. gives us of the worship of the Christians in a Letter to Trajan the Emperour; in which he tells him that they assembled early in the morn­ing before day, to sing a Hymn to Christ as God; and then (saith he) they do sacra­mento se obstringere, bind themselves by a sa­crament or oath not to rob or steal or commit adultery, not to break their word or falsisie their trust, and after they have eaten toge­ther they depart home. Which is plain­ly an account of the Christians celebrating of the holy Sacrament, which it seems was then look'd upon as an oath whereby Chri­stians did solemnly covenant and engage themselves against all wickedness and vice.

Thus you see what obligation the pro­fession of Christianity lays upon us to ho­liness of life. From all which it is evi­dent that the Gospel requires something on our part. For the Covenant between God and us is a mutual engagement, and as there are blessings promised on his part so there are conditions to be performed on ours. And if we live wicked and un­holy lives, if we neglect our duty to­words God we have no title at all to [Page 254]the blessings of this Covenant. The con­trary doctrine to this hath been greedily entertained to the vast prejudice of Chri­stianity, as if in this new Covenant of the Gospel God took all upon him­self, and required nothing or as good as nothing, of us, that it would be a dispa­ragement to the freedom of God's grace to think he expects any thing from us. That the Gospel is all promises and our part is onely to believe and embrace them, that is to be confident that God will perform them if we can but think so, though we do nothing else; which is an easie condition to fools but the hard­est in the world to a wise man, who if his salvation depended upon it could never perswade himself to believe that the holy God without any respect at all to his re­pentance and amendment would bestow upon him forgiveness of sins and eternal life, onely because he was confident that God would do so. As if any man could think that it were a thing so highly accep­table to God that men should believe of him that he loves to dispense his grace and mercy upon the most unfit and un­reasonable terms. A Covenant does ne­cessarily imply a mutual obligation, and the Scripture plainly tells us what are [Page 255]the terms and conditions of this Cove­nant both on God's part and ours, name­ly, that he will be our God and we shall be his people. But he hath no-where said that though we be not his people yet he will be our God. The seal of this Cove­nant hath two inscriptions upon it; one on God's part, that he will know them that are his; and another on our part, that we shall depart from iniquity. But if we will not submit to this condition God will not know us, but will bid us depart from him. So our Saviour tells us, Mat. 7.23. I will say unto them depart from me ye workers of iniquity, I know you not. If we deal falsly in cove­nant with God and break loose from all our engagements to him, we release God from all the promises that he hath made to us. If we neglect to perform those conditions upon which he hath suspended the performance of his promises, we dis­charge the obligation on God's part, and he remains faithfull though he deny us that happiness which he promised under those conditions which we have neg­lected.

II. I come now to the second thing pro­prounded, and that is to perswade those who profess Christianity to answer those [Page 256]obligations to a holy life which their Re­ligion lays upon them. We all call our selves Christians, and would be very much offended at any man that should deny us this title. But let us not cheat our selves with an empty and insignificant name, but if we will call our selves Christians let us fill up this great title, and make good our profession by a sutitable life and practice. And to perswade us hereto, I will urge these three considerations.

  • 1. The indecency of the contrary.
  • 2. The great scandal of it to our bles­sed Saviour and his holy Religion, and
  • 3. The infinite danger of it to our own souls.

1. Consider how unbecoming it is for a man to live unsuitably to his profession. If we call our selves Christians we pro­fess to entertain the doctrine of the Go­spel, to be taught and instructed by the best master, to be the disciples of the highest and most perfect institution that ever was in the world, to have embraced a Religion which contains the most exact rules for the conduct and government of our lives, which lays down the plainest [Page 257]precepts, sets before us the best patterns and examples of a holy life, and offers us the greatest assistances and encourage­ments to this purpose. We profess to be furnished with the best arguments to excite us to holiness and vertue, to be awed with the greatest fears and anima­ted with the best hopes of any men in the world.

Now whoever makes such a profession as this obligeth himself to live answera­bly, to do nothing that shall grosly con­tradict it. Nothing is more absurd than for a man to act contrary to his profession, to pretend to great matters and perform no­thing of what he pretends to. Wise men will not be caught with pretences nor be imposed upon with an empty profession, but they will enquire into our lives and actions and by these they will make a judgment of us. They cannot see into our hearts nor pry into our understandings to discover what it is that we inwardly believe, they cannot discern those secret and supernatural principles that we pre­tend to be acted by: But this they can do, they can examine our actions and behold our good or bad works, and try whether our lives be indeed answerable to our profession and do really excell the lives [Page 258]of other men who do not pretend to such great things. There are a great many sa­gacious persons who will easily find us out, will look under our mask, and see through all our fine pretensions, and will quickly discern the absurdity of telling the world that we believe one thing when we do the contrary.

If we profess to believe the Christian Religion, we expose our selves to the scorn and contempt of every discerning man if we do not live up to it. With what face can any man continue in the practice of any known sin that professeth to believe the holy doctrine of the Gospel which forbids all sin under the highest and seve­rest penalties? If we did but believe the history of the Gospel as we do any ordi­nary credible story, and did we but re­gard the Laws of Christianity as we do the laws of the Land; were we but perswa­ded, that fraud and oppression, lying and perjury, intemperance and unclean­ness, covetousness and pride, malice and revenge, the neglect of God and Reli­gion will bring men to hell as certainly as treason and felony will bring a man un­der the sentence, of the Law: Had we but the same awe and regard for the threat­nings and promises of the Gospel that we [Page 259]have for the frowns and smiles of those who are in power and authority, even this would be effectual to keep us from sin. And if the Gospel have not this ef­fect upon us it is an argument that we do not believe it.

'Tis to no purpose to go about to per­swade men that we do heartily entertain the doctrine of Christ, that doctrine which hath all the characters of piety and justice, of holiness and vertue upon it; which obligeth men to whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are chast, whatsoever things are lovely, and of good report, if we have no regard to these things in our lives. He that would know what a man believes, let him attend rather to what he does than to what he talks. He that leads a wicked life makes a more credible and effectual profession of infidelity than he who in words onely denies the Gospel. It is the hardest thing in the world to ima­gine that that man believes Christianity who by ungodliness and worldly lusts does deny and renounce it. If we profess our selves Christians, it may justly be expect­ed from us that we should evidence this by our actions, that we should live at another rate than the Heathens did [Page 260]that we who worship a holy and just God should not allow our selves the liberty to sin as those did who worshipped such Gods as were examples of sin and pa­trons of their vices. Thou who professest thy self a Christian may'st not walk in the lusts of the flesh and of unclean­ness as those did who worshipped a last­full Jupiter and a wanton Venus. Thou may'st not be intemperate as those were who worshipped a drunken Bacchus. Thou may'st not be cruel and unmerciful as those were who worshipped a fierce Saturn: Nor may'st thou steal as those did who worshipped a thievish Mercury. Thou must remember that thou art a Christian, and when thou art ready to debase thy self to any vile lust consider what title thou bear­est, by what name thou art called, whose disciple thou art; and then say to thy self, shall I allow my self in any impiety or wickedness of life who pretend to be in­structed by that grace of God which teaches men to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts? Shall I cherish any sinful passion who pretend to have mortified all these and to have put off the old man with his deeds?

It is not being gilded over with the ex­ternal profession of Christianity that will [Page 261]avail us, our Religion must be a vital principle inwardly to change and trans­form us. What the Apostle says concern­ing Circumcision we may apply to them that are baptized and make an outward profession of Christianity; Baptism ve­rily profiteth if we obey the Gospel, but if we walk contrary to the precepts of it our Baptism is no Baptism, and our Christianity is Heathenism. If by our lives and actions we do contradict that Religi­on which we profess, we do by this ve­ry thing prove our selves to be counter­feits and hypocrites; and that we have onely taken up our Religion for a fashion, and received it according to custom; we were born in a Countrey where it is reverenced, and therefore we are of it. And the reason why we are Christians rather than Jews, or Turks, or Heathens, is because Christian Religion had the for­tune to come first in our way and to bespeak us at our entrance into the world.

Are we not ashamed to take up a pro­fession upon such slight grounds, and to wear about us such an empty title? It should make our blood to rise in our faces to consider what a distance there is be­tween our Religion and our lives. I re­member [Page 262] Tully upbraids the Philosophers very smartly for living unsuitably to their Doctrines. A Philosopher (saith he) is un­pardonable if he miscarry in his life, quod in officio cujus magister esse vult labitur; artemque vitae professus, delinquit in vita; because he is faulty in that wherein he pre­tends to be a master, and whilst he professeth an Art of living better than other men he miscarries in this life. With how much greater reason may we challenge Christi­ans for the miscarriages of their lives, which are so directly contrary to their profession? It may justly be suspected that so perfect an institution as the Gospel is, which the Son of God came from Heaven on purpose to propagate in the world, should make men more strictly ho­ly and vertuous, and set the professors of it at a greater distance from all impurity and vice than ever any institution in the world did. If a man profess any other Art or Calling it is expected that he should be skilled in it and excell those who do not pretend to it. 'Tis the greatest disparage­ment to a Physician that can be to say of him, that he is in other respects an excellent man onely he hath no great skill in dis­eases, and the methods of cure, because this is his Profession: He might be par­don'd [Page 263]for other defects, but the proper skill of his Art may justly be expected from him. So for a Christian; to say of him, the worst thing in him is his life; he is very orthodox in his opinions, but he's an ill-natur'd man, one of very vio­lent passions, he will be very frequently drunk, he makes no conscience of his deal­ings, he is very uncharitable to all that differ from him: This man is faulty in his profession, he is defective in that which should be his excellency; he may have orthodox opinions in Religion, but when all is done there is no such errour and heresie, nothing so fundamentally opposite to Religion as a wicked life. A Christian does not pretend to have a better wit or a more piercing understanding than a Turk or Heathen, but he professeth to live better than they, to be more chast and more temperate, more just and more charitable, more meek and gentle, more loving and peaceable than other men: If he fail in this, where is the Art the man boasts of? to what purpose is all this noise and stir about the Gospel and the holy doctrine of Christ? If any man profess himself a Christian and do not live better than others he is a mere pretender and Mountebank in Religion, [Page 264]he's a bungler in his own Art and unskill'd in his proper profession. This is the first, the indecency of the thing.

2. Consider how great a scandal this must needs be to our blessed Saviour and his holy Religion. The Christian Religi­on hath undergone many a hard censure for the miscarriages of the professors of it. The impieties and vices of those who call themselves Christians have caused many sharp reflexions upon Christianity, and made the Son of God and the Blessed Saviour of the world to wear the odious names of deceiver and impostor. If a man did design to do the greatest spight to Re­ligion he could not give it a deeper wound, he could not take a more effectual course to disparage it than by a lewd and debauched life. For this will still be an objection in the minds of those who are strangers and enemies to our Religion. If the Gospel were so excellent an institution as it is reported to be, surely we should see better effects of it in the lives of those who profess it. When we would perswade a Heathen to our Religion, and tell him how holy a God we serve, what excel­lent patterns we imitate, what spiritual and divine precepts of holiness and ver­tue our Religion does contain; may not [Page 265]he reply, would you have me to believe you when I see you do not believe your selves? If you believed your Religion you would live according to it. For if the Gospel were every word of it false, if there were neither a Heaven to be hoped for nor a Hell to be feared after this life, how could many Christians live worse than they do?

As we would not proclaim to the world that the Gospel is an unholy and vicious Institution, let us take heed that we bring no scandal upon it by our lives, lest the enemies of our Religion say as Salvian tells us they did in his time, Si Christus Sancta docuisset Christiani sancte vixissent, surely if Christ had taught so holy a doctrine Chri­stians would have lived holier lives. Tully tells us that one of the shrewdest argu­ments that ever was brought against Phi­losophy was this, quosdam perfectos Philoso­phos turpiter vivere, that some great Philoso­phers led very filthy lives. Celsus and Por­phyry, Hierocles and Julian, among all their witty invectives against Christian Religion have nothing against it that reflects so much upon it as do the wicked lives of so many Christians. The greatest enmity to Religion is to profess it and to live un­answerably to it.

This consideration ought greatly to af­fect us. I am sure the Apostle speaks of it with great passion and vehemency, For ma­ny walk of whom I have told you often, Phil. 3.18 and now tell you even weeping, that they are enemies of the Cross of Christ, whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things. A Jew or a Turk is not so great an enemy to Christianity as a lewd and viti­ous Christian. Therefore let me beseech Christians, as they tender the honour of their Saviour and the credit of their Reli­gion, that they would conform their lives to the holy precepts of Christianity. And if there be any who are resolved to continue in a vitious course to the injury and dispa­ragement of Christianity, I could almost entreat of them that they would quit their profession and renounce their Bap­tism, that they would lay aside their title of Christians and initiate themselves in Heathenish rites and superstitions, or be circumcised for Jews or Turks: For it were really better, upon some accounts, that such men should abandon their Profession, than keep on a vizard which serves to no other purpose but to scare others from Re­ligion.

3. And Lastly, let us consider the dan­ger [Page 267]we expose our selves to by not living answerably to our Religion. And this, I hope, may prevail upon such as are not moved by the former considerations. Hypocrites are instanc'd in Scripture, as a sort of sinners that shall have the sharpest torments and the fiercest dam­nation. When our Saviour would set forth the great severity of the Lord to­wards the evil servant he expresseth it thus, Mat. 24.51. he shall cut him in sudden and appoint him his portion with Hypocrites. So that the punishment of Hypocrites seems to be made in the measure and standard of the highest punishment. Thou professest to believe in Christ and to hope in him for salvation, but in the mean time thou livest a wicked and unholy life, thou dost not believe but presume on him, and wilt find at the great day that this thy confi­dence will be thy confusion, and he whom thou hopest will be thy Advocate and Sa­viour will prove thy Accuser and thy Judge. What our Saviour says to the Jews, There is one that accuseth you even Moses in whom ye trust may very well be applied to false Christians, Joh. 5.45 there is one that accuseth you and will condemn you, even Jesus in whom ye trust.

The profession of Christianity and mens having the name of Christ named upon them will be so far from securing them from Hell, that it will sink them the deeper into it. Many are apt to pity the poor Heathens who never heard of the name of Christ, and sadly to condole their case, but as our Saviour said upon another occasion, Weep not for them, weep for your selves. There's no such miserable person in the world as a degenerate Chri­stian, because he falls into the greatest mi­sery from the greatest advantages and op­portunities of being happy. Dost thou la­ment the condition of Socrates, and Cato, and Aristides, and doubt what shall be­come of them at the day of Judgment? and canst thou, who art an impious and prophane Christian, think that thou shalt escape the damnation of Hell?

Dost thou believe that the moral Hea­then shall be cast out? and canst thou who hast led a wicked life under the pro­fession of Christianity have the impu­dence to hope that thou shalt sit down with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of God? No, those sins which are committed by Christians under the enjoyment of the Gospel are of deeper dye and clothed with blacker aggrava­tions [Page 269]than the sins of Heathens are ca­pable of. A Pagan may live without God in the world, and be unjust towards men, at a cheaper rate and upon easier terms than thou who art a Christian. Better had it been thou hadst never known one syl­lable of the Gospel, never heard of the name of Christ than that having taken it upon thee thou shouldst not depart from iniquity. Happy had it been for thee, that thou hadst been born a Jew, or a Turk, or a poor Indian, rather than that being bred among Christians and professing thy self of that number thou shouldst lead a vitious and unholy life.

I have insisted the longer upon these arguments, that I might, if possible, a­waken men to a serious consideration of their lives, and perswade them to a real reformation of them; that I may oblige all those who call themselves Christians to live up to the essential and fundamental Laws of our Religion; to love God, and to love our neighbour; to do to every man as we would have him to do to us, to mortifie our lusts, and subdue our passions, and sincerely to endeavour to grow in every grace and vertue, and to abound in all the fruits of righteous­ness [Page 270]which are by Jesus Christ to the praise and glory of God.

This indeed would become our professi­on and be honourable to our Religion, and would remove one of the greatest ob­stacles to the progress of the Gospel. For how can we expect that the doctrine of God our Saviour should gain any conside­rable ground in the world, so long as by the unworthy lives of so many Christians 'tis represented to the world at so great disadvantage; If ever we would have Christian Religion effectually recommen­ded, it must be by the holy and unblame­able lives of those who make profession of it. Then indeed it would look with so a­miable a countenance as to invite many to it, and carry so much majesty and authori­ty in it as to command reverence from its greatest enemies, and make men to ac­knowledge that God is in us of a truth and to glorifie our Father which is in Hea­ven.

The good God grant that as we have taken upon us the profession of Chri­stianity, so we may be carefull so to live that we may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things; that the grace of God which bringeth [Page 271]salvation may teach us to deny un­godliness and worldly lusts, and to live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world; looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appear­ing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ, to whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost, &c.

PHIL. III. 20.

For our Conversation is in Heaven.

FOR the understanding of which words we need to look back no further than the 18th. verse of this Chapter, where the Apostle with great vehemency and passion speaks of some among the Philippians, who indeed profess'd Christianity but yet would do any thing to decline suffering for that profession; there are many that walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are enemies to the Cross of Christ; they cannot endure to suffer with him and for him, they are so sensual and wedded to this world that they will do any thing to avoid persecu­tion; so he describes them in the next verse, whose end is destruction, whose God [Page 274]is their belly, whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things. Now in oppositi­on to these sensual and earthly-minded men the Apostle gives us the character of the true Christians, they are such as mind Heaven and another world, and pre­fer the hopes of that to all the interests of this life, our conversation is in Hea­ven.

For the right understanding of which phrase be pleased to observe, that it is an allusion to a City or Corporation, and to the privileges and manners of those who are free of it. And Heaven is several times in Scripture represented to us under this notion of a City. Heb. 11.10. It is said of Abraham that he looked for a City which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. Heb. 12.22. It is called likewise the City of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem. And the same Apostle speaking of the un­certain condition of Christians in this world says of them, Heb. 14.14. that here they have no continuing City, but look for one that is to come.

Now to this City the Apostle alludes here in the Text, when he says our con­versation is in Heaven. For the word [...], which is rendred conversation, may either signifie the privilege of Ci­tizens, [Page 275]or their conversation and manners, or may take in both these.

In the first sense of the priviledge of Ci­tizens, we find [...] a word of near af­finity with this sometimes us'd; Act. 22▪ 28. with a great sum (says the Captain to Paul) ob­tained I [...], this freedom. According to this sense, [...] may very well be rendred, as Tertullian often does this Text, municipatus noster, our Citizenship is in Heaven; an allusion perhaps (as the learned Dr. Hammond ob­serves) to those who though they were not born at Rome, and it may be lived at a great distance from it, had yet jus civita­tis Romanae, the privilege of Roman Citi­zens. In like manner the Apostle here describes the condition of Christians. 'Tis true we are born here in this world and live in it, but we belong to another Cor­poration; we are denizens of another Countrey and free of that City which is a­bove.

In the other sense of the coversation of Citizens we find the verb [...] used towards the beginning of this Epistle, Let your conversation be as it becometh the Gos­pel of Christ. And why may not the word [...] in the Te [...]t, without any incon­venience include both these? Phil. 1.27. as if the [Page 276]Apostle had said, there are some that mind earthly things, and are so addicted to them that rather than part with them they will forsake their Religion; but as for us, we consider that we are Citizens of Heaven, and accordingly we converse and demean our selves in this world as those that are free of another City and do belong to it.

So that to have our conversation in heaven does imply these two things.

First, The serious thoughts and conside­rations of Heaven.

Secondly, The effect which those thoughts ought to have upon our lives.

These two things take up the meaning of my Text, and shall be the subject of the following discourse.

I. The serious thoughts and considera­tions of Heaven, that is, of the happy and glorious state of good men in another life. And concerning this, there are two things principally which offer themselves to our consideration. First, The happiness of this state. Secondly, The way and means where­by we may come to partake of this hap­piness.

First, We will consider the happiness of this state. But what, and how great this happiness is, I am not able to represent to you. These things are yet in a great mea­sure within the veil, and it does not now fully appear what we shall be. The Scrip­tures have reveal'd so much in general con­cerning the reality and unspeakable felici­ties of this state as may satisfie us for the present, and serve to inflame our desires af­ter it, and to quicken our endeavours for the obtaining of it; as namely, that it is incomparably beyond any happiness of this world; that it is very great; and that it is eternal; in a word, that it is far above any thing that we can now conceive or imagine.

1. It is incomparably beyond any hap­piness in this world. It is free from all those sharp and bitter ingredients which do abate and allay the felicities of this life. All the enjoyments of this world are mix'd, and uncertain, and unsatisfying; nay so far are they from giving us satisfaction, that the very sweetest of them are satiating and cloying.

None of the comforts of this life are pure and unmixt. There is something of vanity mingled with all our earthly enjoy­ments and that causeth vexation of spirit. [Page 278]There is no sensual pleasure but is either purchas'd by some pain, or attended with it, or ends in it. A great estate is neither to be got without care, nor kept without fear, nor lost without trouble. Dignity and greatness is troublesome almost to all man­kind, it is commonly uneasie to them that have it and it is usually hated and envy'd by those that have it not. Knowledge, that is one of the best and sweetest pleasures of humane life; and yet if we may believe the experience of one, who had as great a share of it as any of the Sons of men ever had, Eccles. 1.17, 18. he will tell us, that this also is vexa­tion of spirit; for in much wisdom there is much grief, and he that encreaseth konwledge, encreaseth sorrow.

Thus it is with all the things of this world; the best of them have a mixture of good and evil, of joy and sorrow in them: but the happiness of the next life is free from allay and mixture. In the descrip­tion of the new Jerusalem it is said, that there shall be no more curse, Rev. 22.3, 5. and there shall be no night there, nothing to imbitter our blessings, or obscure our glory. Heaven is the proper region of happiness, there onely are pure joys and an unmingled fe­licity.

But the enjoyments of this world as [Page 279]they are mix'd, so they are uncertain. So wavering and inconstant are they that we can have no security of them, when we think our selves to have the fastest hold of them they slip out of our hands we know not how. For this reason Solo­mon very elegantly calls them things that are not, Why wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not? for riches certainly make to themselves wings and flie like an Eagle towards heaven. So fugitive are they, that after all our endeavours to secure them they may break loose from us and in an instant vanish out of our sight, riches make to themselves wings, and flie like an Eagle, intimating to us that riches are of­ten accessary to their own ruin. Many times the greatness of a man's estate, and no­thing else, hath been the cause of the loss of it, and of taking away the life of the owner thereof. The fairness of some mens fortune hath been a temptation to those who have been more powerfull to ravish it from them, thus riches make to themselves wings. So that he that enjoys the greatest happiness of this world does still want one happiness more, to secure to him for the future what he possesses for the persent. But the happiness of Heaven is a steady and constant light, fixt and unchangeable [Page 280]as the fountain from whence it springs, the father of lights, with whom is no variable­ness nor shadow of turning.

And if the enjoyments of this life were certain, yet they are unsatisfying. This is the vanity of vanities, that every thing in this world can trouble us but nothing can give us satisfaction. I know not how it is, but either we, or the things of this world, or both, are so phantastical, that we can neither be well with these things, nor well without them. If we be hungry, we are in pain; and if we eat to the full, we are uneasie. If we be poor we think our selves miserable, and when we come to be rich we commonly really are so. If we are in a low condition we fret and murmur, and if we chance to get up and to be rais'd to greatness we are many times farther from contentment than we were before. So that we pursue the hap­piness of this world just as little children chase birds, when we think we are come very near it and have it almost in our hands it flies farther from us than it was at first.

Nay, so far are the enjoyments of this world from affording us satisfaction, that the sweetest of them are most apt to sa­tiate and cloy us. All the pleasures of this [Page 281]world are so contriv'd as to yeild us very little happiness. If they go off quickly they signifie nothing, and if they stay long we are sick of them. After a full draught of any sensual pleasure we pre­sently loath it, and hate it as much after the enjoyment as we courted it and long'd for it in the expectation. But the delights of the other world, as they will give us full satisfaction so we shall never be weary of them. Every repetition of them will be accompanied with a new pleasure and con­tentment. In the felicities of Heaven these two things shall be reconcil'd, which never met together in any sensual delight, long and full enjoyment and yet a fresh and per­petual pleasure. As in God's presence there is fulness of joy, so at his right hand there shall be pleasures for evermore.

2. The happiness of the other life is not onely incomparably beyond any happi­ness of this world (that, it may be, is no great commendation of it) but it is very great in it self. The happiness of Heaven is usually in Scripture descirb'd to us by such pleasures as are manly and excellent, chast and intellectual, infinitely more pure and refin'd than those of sense; and if the Scripture at any time descend to the metaphors of a feast, and a banquet, and a [Page 282] marriage, it is plainly by way of accom­modation to our weakness and condescen­tion to our capacities.

But the chief ingredients of this happi­ness, so far as the Scripture hath thought fit to reveal it to us, are the perfection of our knowledge, and the height of our love, and the perpetual society and friendship of all the blessed inhabitants of those glorious mansions; and the joyfull concurrence of all these in chearfull expressions of grati­tude, in the incessant praises and admira­tion of the fountain and author of all this happiness. And what can be more de­lightfull than to have our understand­ings entertain'd with a clear sight of the best and most perfect Being, with the knowledge of all his works and of the wise designs of his providence here in the world? than to live in the reviving pre­sence of God, and to be continually atten­ding upon him whose favour is life, and whose glory is much more above that of any of the Princes of this world than the greatest of them is above the poorest worm? The Queen of Sheba thought Solomon's Servants happy in having the opportunity by standing continually be­fore him to hear his wisdom; but in the other world it shall be a happiness to So­lomon [Page 283]himself, and to the wisest and great­est persons that ever were in this world, to stand before this great King to admire his wisdom and to behold his glory. Not that I imagine the happiness of Heaven to consist in a perpetual gazing upon God, and in an idle contemplation of the glories of that place. For as by that blessed sight we shall be infinitely transported, so the Scripture tells us we shall be also trans­form'd into the image of the divine per­fections; we shall see God and we shall be like him, and what greater happiness can there be than to be like the happiest and most perfect Being in the world? Besides, who can tell what employment God may have for us in the next life? We need not doubt but that he who is happiness it self, and hath promis'd to make us happy, can easily find out such employments and de­lights for us in the other world as will be proper and suitable to that state.

But then besides the improvement of our knowledge, there shall be the most delight­full exercise of love. When we come to heaven we shall enter into the society of the blessed Angels and of the spirits of just men made perfect, that is, freed from all those passions and infirmities which do now render the conversation, even of [Page 284]the best men, sometimes troublesome to one another. We shall then meet with all those excellent Persons, those brave Minds, those innocent and charitable Souls whom we have seen, and heard, and read of in this world. There we shall meet with many of our dear relations and intimate friends, and perhaps with many of our enemies, to whom we shall then be perfectly re­concil'd notwithstanding all the warm contests and peevish differences which we had with them in this world, even about matters of Religion. For Heaven is a state of perfect love and friendship, there will be nothing but kindness and good nature there, and all the prudent Arts of endearment and wise ways of ren­dring conversation mutually pleasant to one another. And what greater happiness can be imagin'd than to converse freely with so many excellent persons, without any thing of folly or disguise, of jealousie or design upon one another? For then there will be none of those vices and pas­sions, of covetousness and ambition, of envy and hatred, of wrath and peevish­ness, which do now so much spoil the pleasure and disturb the quiet of mankind. All quarrels and contentions, schisms and divisions will then be effectually hin­der'd [Page 285]not by force but by love, not by compulsion but by that charity which never fails; and all those controversies in Religion which are now so hotly agitated will then be finally determin'd, not as we endeavour to end them now by Canons and Decrees, but by a perfect knowledge and convincing light.

And when this blessed society is met to­gether and thus united by love, they shall all joyn in gratitude to their great Patrons and Benefactors, to him that sits upon the Throne and to the lamb that was slain, to God even our Father, and to our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath lov'd us and wash'd us from our sins in his own blood. And they shall sing everlasting songs of praise to God for all his works of won­der, for the effects of that infinite good­ness, and admirable wisdom, and almighty power, which are clearly seen in the crea­tion and government of the world and of all the Creatures in it; particularly for his favours to mankind, for the bene­fit of their beings, for the comfort of their lives, and for all his mercifull providences towards them in this world: But above all for the redemption of their souls by the death of his Son for the free forgiveness of their sins, for the gracious assistance of his [Page 286]holy Spirit, and for conducting them safely through all the snares and dangers, the troubles and temptations of this world to the secure possession of that glory and happiness which then they shall be parta­kers of, and are bound to praise God for to all eternity. This, this shall be the em­ployment of the blessed spirits above, and these are the chief ingredients of our hap­piness which the Scripture mentions. And if there were no other as there may be ten thousand more for any thing I can tell, yet generous and vertuous minds will easily understand how great a plea­sure there is in the improvement of our knowledge, and the exercise of love, and in a gratefull and perpetual acknowledge­ment of the greatest benefits that creatures are capable of receiving.

3. This happiness shall be eternal. And though this be but a circumstance and do not enter into the nature of our happi­ness, yet it is so material a one that all the felicities which heaven affords would be imperfect without it. It would strangely damp and allay all our joys to think that they should sometime have an end. And the greater our happiness were, the grea­ter trouble it would be to us to consider that it must have a period. It would make a [Page 287]man sorrowfull indeed to think of lea­ving such vast possessions. Indeed if the happiness of heaven were such as the joys of this world are, it were fit they should be as short; for after a little enjoyment it would cloy us, and we should soon grow weary of it: But being so excel­lent, it would scarce be a happiness if it were not eternal. It would imbitter the pleasures of heaven, as great as they are, to see to an end of them, though it were at never so great a distance; to consider that all this vast treasure of happiness would one day be exhausted, and that af­ter so many years were past we should be as poor and miserable again as we were once in this world. God hath so order'd things, that the vain and empty delights of this world should be temporary and tran­sient, but that the great and substantial pleasures of the other world should be as lasting as they are excellent. For Heaven as it is an exceeding, so it is an eternal weight of glory. And this is that which crowns the joys of heaven and banishes all fear and trouble from the minds of the blessed. And thus to be secur'd in the pos­session of our happiness is an unspeakable addition to it. For that which is eternal as it shall never determine, so it can never [Page 288]be diminish'd; for to be diminish'd and to decay is to draw nearer to an end, but that which shall never have an end can never come nearer to it.

O vast eternity! how dost thou swal­low up our thoughts and entertain us at once with delight and amazement? This is the very top and highest pitch of our happiness, upon which we may stand se­cure and look down with scorn upon all things here below; and how small and in­considerable do they appear to us, com­par'd with the vast and endless enjoyments of our future state? But oh vain and foo­lish souls! that are so little concern'd for eternity; that for the trifles of time, and the pleasures of sin which are but for a sea­son, can find in our hearts to forfeit an everlasting felicity. Blessed God! why hast thou prepar'd such a happiness for those who neither consider it, nor seek af­ter it? Why is such a price put into the hands of fools, who have no heart to make use of it; who fondly chuse to gratifie their lusts rather than to save their souls, and sottishly prefer the temporary enjoy­ments of sin before a blessed immorta­lity?

4. And lastly, This happiness is far above any thing that we can now conceive [Page 289]or imagine. It is so great that it cannot now enter into the heart of man. We cannot from the experience of any of those plea­sures and delights which we have been ac­quainted withall in this world frame an equal Idea and conception of it. So that when we come to Heaven we shall be ready to say of it as the Queen of Sheba did of Solomon's wisedom and prosperity, that half of it hath not been told us; that the felicities and glories of that state do far exceed all the fame which we heard of them in this world. For who can say how great a good God is? and how happy he who is the fountain of happiness can make those souls that love him, and those whom he loves?

In this imperfect state we are not ca­pable of a full representation of those glo­ries. We cannot now see God and live. A full description of Heaven and of the pleasures of that state would let in joys upon us too big for our narrow capacities, and too strong for weak mortality to bear. We are now but Children, and we speak as Children, and understand and think as Chil­dren concerning these things; but in the other state we shall grow up to be men, and then we shall put away these childish thoughts; now we know but in part, but [Page 290]when that which is perfect is come, 1 Cor. 13.9, 10, 11. that which is imperfect shall be done away; now we see through a glass darkly ( [...], in a riddle) but then we shall see face to face; now we know in part, but then we shall know even as also we are known, as the Apostle discourseth excellently concerning this very matter.

No sooner shall we enter upon the joys of the other world, but our minds shall be rais'd to a strength and activity as much above that of the most knowing persons in this world as the thoughts of the great­est Philosopher and wisest man upon earth are above the thoughts of a child or a fool. No man's mind is now so well fram'd to understand any thing in this world, as our understandings shall then be fitted for the knowledge of God and of the things that belong to that state. In the mean time let us bless God that he hath reveal'd so much of this happiness to us as is necessary to excite and encourage us to seek after it.

The Second thing to be consider'd con­cerning our future happiness, is the way and means whereby we may come to be made partakers of it. And that in short is by the constant and sincere endeavours of a holy life, in and through the mercies [Page 291]of God in our Lord Jesus Christ. Christ indeed is the author of our salvation, but obedience is the condition of it; so the Apostle tells us, Heb. 5.1. that Christ is the author of eternal salvation to them that obey him. It is the grace of God in the Gospel which brings or offers this salvation to us, but t [...]en it is by the denying of ungodliness and worldly lusts, Tit. 2.11.12. and by living soberly, and righteously, and godly in this present world that we are to wait for the blessed hope. Our Saviour promises this happi­ness to the pure in heart, Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God; and elsewhere the Scripture doth exclude all others from any share or portion in this blessedness, so the Apostle assures us that without holiness no man shall see the Lord. Heb. 18.14.

And holiness is not onely a condition but a necessary qualisication for the happi­ness of the next life. This is the force of St. John's reasoning, we shall be like him, for we shall see him. To see God is to be happy, but unless we be like him we can­not see him. The sight and presence of God himself would be no happiness to that man who is not like to God in the tem­per and disposition of his mind. And from hence the Apostle insers in the next verse, every man that hath this hope in him [Page 292]purifieth himself even as he is pure. So that if we live wicked live, if we allow our selves in the practice of any known sin, we interrupt our hopes of Heaven and render our selves unfit for eternal life. By this means we defeat all the designs of God's grace and mercy towards us, and salvation it self cannot save us if we make our selves incapable of that happi­ness which God offers. Heaven is in Scrip­ture call'd an inheritance among them that are sanctified, and the inheritance of the Saints in light; so that it is not enough that this inheritance is promis'd to us, but we must be qualifi'd and prepar'd for it, and be made meet to be made partakers of it.

And this life is the time of our prepa­ration for our future state. Our souls will continue for ever what we make them in this world. Such a temper and disposition of mind as a man carries with him out of this life he shall retain in the next. 'Tis true indeed, heaven perfects those holy and vertuous dispositions which are begun here; but the other world alters no man as to his main slate, he that is filthy will be filthy still, and he that is unrighteous will be unrighteous still. If we do not in a good degree mortifie our Iusts and passions here [Page 293]death will not kill them for us, but we shall carry them with us into the other world. And if God should admit us so qualifi'd in­to the place of happiness, yet we shall bring that along with us which would infallibly hinder us from being happy. Our sensual inclinations and desires would meet with nothing there that would be suitable to them, and we should be perpetually tor­mented with those appetites which we brought with us out of this world, because we should find nothing there to gratifie them withall. For as the Apostle says in another sense, The kingdom of God is not meats and drinks, but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. The hap­piness of heaven consists in such things as a wicked man hath no gust and relish for. So that if a covetous, or ambitious, or vo­luptuous man were in Heaven, he would be just like the rich man in Hell, tormented with a continual thirst, and burnt up in the flames of his own ardent desires; and would not be able, amidst all the plenty and trea­sures of that place, to find so much as one drop of suitable pleasure and delight to quench and allay that heat. So likewise our fierce and unruly passions; if we should carry them with us into the other world, how inconsistent would they be [Page 294]with happiness? They would not onely make us miserable our selves, but be a trouble to all those with whom we should converse. If a man of an envious and ma­licious, of a peevish and passionate tem­per, were admitted into the mansions of the blessed, he would not onely be unhap­py himself, but would disturb the quiet of others, and raise storms even in those calm regions. Vain man! that dream­est of being happy without any dispositi­on or preparation for it. To be happy, is to enjoy what we desire and to live with those whom we love. But there is nothing in heaven suitable to the desires and appe­tites of a wicked man. All the joys of that place, and the delights of that state are purely spiritual, and are onely to be relish'd by those who have purified them­selves as God is pure. But if thou be car­nal and sensual, what are these things to thee? What happiness would it be to thee to see God, and to have him always in thy view who was never in all thy thoughts; to be tied to live for ever in his company who is of a quite contrary temper and disposition to thy self, whose presence thou dreadest, and whom whilst thou wast in this world thou couldst never en­dure to think upon? So that the pleasures [Page 295]of Heaven it self could signifie no good or happiness to that man who is not so dispos'd as to take pleasure in them. Hea­ven is too pure an air for corrupt souls to live and breath in, and the whole em­ployment and conversation of that place, as it would be unsuitable, so would it also be unacceptable to a sensual and vicious person.

From all this it appears how necessary it is for us to prepare our selves for this blessed state, by the constant and sincere endeavours of a holy life, and by mortify­ing every lust and inordinate passion in our souls. For till this be done we are not meet to be made partakers of the felici­ties of the other world. And thus I have done with the first thing imply'd in this phrase of having our conversation in heaven, viz. the serious thoughts and conside­rations of heaven; or the happiness of that state, and of the way and means whereby that happiness is to be attained.

II. The having our conversation in hea­ven does imply likewise the effect which those considerations ought to have upon our hearts and lives: As

1. To convince us of the vanity of this world. God hath on purpose made this [Page 296]world troublesome and uneasie to us, that there might be no sufficient temptation to reasonable and considerate men to take them off from the care and thought of their future happiness; that God and hea­ven might have no rival here below; that there might be nothing in this world that might pretend to our affection or court us with any advantage in comparison of ever­lasting life and glory.

When we come to die and eternity shall present it self to our serious and wa­king thoughts, then things will put on another face, and those things which we valued so much in this life will then ap­pear to be nothing worth; but those things which we neglected, to be of in­finite concernment to us, and worthy to have been the care and endeavour of our whole lives. And if we would consider these things in time, while the opportuni­ties of life and health are before us, we might be convinc'd at a cheaper rate, and come to be satisfi'd of the vanity of this world before we despair'd of the happiness of the other.

2. To make us very active and industri­ous to be as good, and to do as much good as we can in this life, that so we may be qualifi'd and dispos'd for the happiness of [Page 297]the next. Men are usually very industri­ous for the things of this life, to be rich and great in the world; did we but value heaven half as much as it deserves we should take infinitely more pains for that. So often as we consider the glories that are above, how does it accuse our sloth and condemn our folly that we are less con­cerned for our souls than most men are for their bodies, that we will not labour half so much for an eternal inheritance as men ordinarily do for these corruptible things?

Let us remember that we are hasting apace to another world, and that our eter­nal happiness now lies at the stake. And how should it quicken our endeavours to have such a reward set before us, to have Crowns and Scepters in our eyes? would we but often represent to our minds the glo­rious things of another world, what fervours should we feel in our hearts? we should be all life, and spirit, and wing; and should do God's will, almost with the same rea­diness and delight, as the Angels do who continually behold the face of their Father. The consideration of heaven and the firm perswasion of our future happiness should actuate all the powers of our souls, and be continually inspiring us with new vigour [Page 298]in the ways of holiness and vertue. How should this thought swell our resolutions and confirm our purposes of obedience, that if we have our fruit unto holiness our end will be everlasting life.

3. To mitigate and lighten the evils and afflictions of this life. It is no great mat­ter how rough the way be provided we be sure that it leads to happiness. The in­comparably greater good of the next life will to a wise and considerate man weigh down all the evils of this. And the Scrip­ture tells us that there is no comparison be­tween them. The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Rom. 8.18. The evils of this life afflict men more or less according as the soul is fortified with con­siderations proper to support us under them. When we consider that we have but a little while to be here, that we are upon our journey travelling towards our heavenly Countrey where we shall meet with all the delights we can desire, it ought not to trouble us much to endure storms and foul ways, and to want many of those accommodations we might expect at home. This is the common fate of Tra­vellers, and we must take things as we find them and not look to have every thing just [Page 299]to our mind. These difficulties and in­conveniences will shortly be over, and af­ter a few days will be quite forgotten, and be to us as if they had never been. And when we are safely landed in our own Country, with what pleasure shall we look back upon those rough and boiste­rous Seas which we have escap'd? The more troubles we have past through the kinder usage we shall find when we come to our Father's house. So the Apostle tells us, that our light affliction which is but for a mo­ment worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. When we come to heaven our happiness shall then be as re­al as our miseries were here upon earth, and far greater and more lasting. And what great matter is it though we suffer a while in this world, provided we escape the end­less unsufferable torments of the next; though we have not our good things in this life, if infinitely greater be reserv'd for us and we shall receive them with interest in the other?

Several of the evils and calamities of this life would be unsufferable indeed, if there were nothing better to be hoped for hereafter. If this were true, Christians would not onely be of all men but of all creatures the most miserable. But out Re­ligion [Page 330]hath abundantly assur'd us to the contrary. And the assurance of this was that which made the primitive Christians to embrace sufferings with so much cheer­fulness, to glory in tribulation, and to take joyfully the spoiling of their goods, knowing that in heaven they had a better and more enduring substance. The seven brethren in the History of the Maccabees upon this perswasion would not accept deliverance that they might obtain a better resurrecti­on. That storm of stones which was pour'd upon St. Stephen was no more to him than a common shower when he saw the heavens open'd, and Jesus (in whose cause he suffer'd) standing on the right hand of God.

4. To make us sincere in all our profes­sions, words and actions, did men firmly believe the rewards of another world their Religion would not be onely in shew and pretence, but in life and reality, no man would put on a form of godliness that were destitute of the power of it; we should do nothing for the opinion of others, but all with regard to God and our own Consci­ences; and be as curious of our thoughts, and most retir'd actions, as if we were in an open theatre and in the presence of the greatest assembly. For in the next life [Page 301]men shall not be rewarded for what they seem'd to be, but for what they really were in this world. Therefore whatever we think, or speak, or do, we should always remember that the day of revelation is coming, when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclos'd, when all disguises shall be laid aside, and every ones mask shall be taken off, and all our actions and de­signs shall be brought upon the publick stage and expos'd to the view of men and Angels. There is nothing now hidden which shall not then be reveal'd, nor secret which shall not be made known.

5. To arm us against the fears of death. Death is terrible to nature, and the ter­rour of it is infinitely encreas'd by the fear­full apprehensions of what may follow it. But the comfortable hopes of a blessed immortality do strangely relieve the faint­ing spirits of dying men, and are able to reconcile us to death, and in a great mea­sure to take away the terrour of it. I know that the thoughts of death are dismal even to good men, and we have never more need of comfort and encourage­ment than when we are conflicting with this last Enemy, and there is no such com­fortable consideration to a dying man as the hopes of a happy eternity. He that [Page 302]looks upon death onely as a passage to glory, may welcome the messengers of it as bringing him the best and most joy­full news that ever came to him in his whole life. and no man can stay behind in this world with half the comfort that this man leaves it.

And now I have done with the two things implyed in this phrase, of having our conversation in heaven, viz. the serious thoughts and considerations of heaven, and the effect of these thoughts and con­siderations upon our hearts and lives.

I crave your patience but a little longer, till I make some reflection upon what hath been deliver'd concerning the happiness of good men after this life. I have told you that it is incomparably beyond any happi­ness of this world, that it is great in it self, and eternal in its duration, and far a­bove any thing that we can now conceive or imagine. And now after all this, I am very sensible how much all that I have said comes short of the greatness and dignity of the thing. So that I could almost begin again and make a new attempt upon this subject. And indeed who would not be loth to be taken off from so delightfull an argument? Methinks 'tis good for us to be here, and to let our minds dwell upon [Page 303]these considerations. We are unworthy of heaven and unfit to partake of so great a glory, if we cannot take pleasure in the contemplation of those things now, the possession whereof shall be our happiness for ever.

With what joy then should we think of those great and glorious things which God hath prepar'd for them that love him, of that inheritance incorruptible, undefil'd, which fadeth not away, reserv'd for us in the heavens? How should we welcome the thoughts of that happy hour when we shall make our escape out of these prisons, when we shall pass out of this howling wilderness into the promis'd Land, when we shall be remov'd from all the troubles and temptations of a wicked and ill-natured world; when we shall be past all storms, and secur'd from all further danger of shipwreck, and shall be safely landed in the regions of bliss and immor­tality?

O blessed time! When all tears shall be wip'd from our eyes, and death and sorrow shall be no more; When mortality shall be swallow'd up of life, and we shall enter up­on the possession of all that happiness and glory which God hath promis'd, and our faith hath believ'd, and our hopes have [Page 304]rais'd us to the expectation of; when we shall be eas'd of all our pains, and resolv'd of all our doubts, and be purg'd from all our sins and be free'd from all our fears, and be happy beyond all our hopes, and have all the happiness secur'd to us beyond the power of time and change: When we shall know God and other things without study, and love him and one another with­out measure, and serve and praise him without weariness, and obey his will with­out the least reluctancy; and shall still be more and more delighted in the knowing, and loving, and praising, and obeying of God to all eternity.

How should these thoughts affect our hearts, and what a mighty influence ought they to have upon our lives? The great disadvantage of the arguments fetch'd from another world is this, that those things are at a great distance from us, and not sensible to us; and therefore are not apt to affect us so strongly, and to work so powerfully upon us. Now to make a­mends for this disadvantage we should often revive these considerations upon our mind, and inculcate upon our selves the reality and certainty of these things to­gether with the infinite weight and im­portance of them. We should reason thus [Page 305]with our selves; If good men shall be so unspeakably happy, and consequently wicked men so extreamly miserable in a­nother world: If these things be true and will one day be found to be so, why should they not be to me as if they were alrea­dy present? why should not I be as much afraid to commit any sin as if hell were naked before me, and I saw the astonish­ing miseries of the damned? and why should I not be as carefull to serve God and keep his commandments, as if heaven were open to my view, and I saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God with crowns of glory in his hand ready to be set upon the heads of all those who continue faithfull to him?

The lively apprehensions of the near­ness of death and eternity are apt to make mens thoughts more quick and pier­cing, and according as we think our selves prepar'd for our future state to transport us with joy, or to amaze us with horrour. For the soul that is fully satisfi'd of his fu­ture bliss is already entred into heaven, has begun to take possession of glory, and has (as it were) his blessed Saviour in his arms, and may say with old Simeon, Lord now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation. But [Page 306]the thoughts of death must needs be very terrible to that man who is doubtfull or despairing of his future condition. It would daunt the stoutest man that ever breathed, to look upon death when he can see no­thing but hell beyond it. When the Ap­parition at Endor told Saul, to morrow thou and thy Sons shall be with me, these words struck him to the heart, so that he fell down to the ground, and there was no more strength left in him. It is as certain that we shall die as if an express messen­ger should come to every one of us from the other world and tell us so. Why should we not then always live as those that must die, and as those that hope to be happy after death? To have these apprehensions vigorous and lively upon our minds this is to have our conversation in heaven, from whence also we look for a Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto his glo­rious body, according to the working of that mighty power whereby he is able even to sub­due all things to himself.


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