MASTER STROVVD HIS SPEECH in Parliament, On Tuesday the third of Ianuary, in reply to the Articles of High Treason against himselfe, the Lord Kimbolton, Master Pym, Sir Arthur Haselrigg, Master Hambden, and Master Hollis, Exhibited by his Majestie, wherein he clea­reth himselfe concerning the same. 1642.

LONDON, Printd for PC and, TB 1642.

Master Strowd his Speech in Parliament on Tuesday the third of Ianuary 1642.

Master Speaker.

IT is the saying of the Wise man even of a King, Solomon the wisest of all Kings that ever raigned in this earth, that in the countenance of the King is life and death, like to the sonne which by the sending forth of his glorious beames upon the fruits of the earth nourisheth, and causeth the same to fructifie and grow, gives vigor and strength to all the crea­tures that lives in and upon the same, and by withdrawing his light being over shad­dowed with clouds keepes back the grow­ing and flourishing of the creature, yea and by continuance in that his hidden motion procureth at last the utter withering and perishing thereof.

His gracious Majesty, who is our sonne and comforter at such time as his glorious beames of grace and favour reflect upon [Page 2] hi good Subjects, they increase & grow in­tire & tender affection towards his Majesty, that no distempers or troubles whatsoever can separate betweene him and them. But this our sonne being over-shadowed with clouds, and mists of discontent and disfa­vour towards his People, causeth them to wander in obscurity and darknesse, even ready to faint and dispaire of any designe they take in hand, for the safety and securi­ty of his Majesty and his Kingdomes, yea and strikes them as it were with death and utter distruction.

Master Speaker.

I perswade my selfe our gracious Sove­raigne in his owne naturall disposition, is altogether bright and comfortable, and that never causeth or retracts to himselfe any discontent towards his loving Sub­jects, but by suggestion information, and instigation, of malignant and disaffected spirrits, both to the tranquillity and peace of his Majesty and the whole state of this Kingdome.

It is Master Speaker the onely pollicy of desparate and evill minded persons, that have beene the onely troublers of our Is­raell finding themselves in danger (by cal­ling of them to an accompt for their mis­deeds and misdemeanours) to be brought to punishment for the same, to cast aspersions [Page 3] upon those faithfull councellours of the King and State, which strive to pre­vent their malicious and wicked designes, to overthrow and destroy the same.

It cannot Sir enter into my thoughts that ever his Maiest [...]e of him selfe could haue gone about to interrupt and hinder, the happie proseedings of th [...]s his greate and wise counsells whose endeaveours are altogether to maintaine the honour and, dignitie, the peace and saftie of his Royall Maiestie and his Kingdomes, by remove­ing such impediments and hinderances as have hitherto letted the same and the esta­blishing of true religion in this Church Congruent to the doctrine of Christ and his Apostles sett downe and manifested in sacred writt, by accuseing and impeach­ing the members thereof of high treason as if they whose hearts are united to their lawfull soveraigne, and by nature bound to the defence and securitie of their Con­trie by Covenant with God tyed to the maintenance of his true religion should be the betrayers and destroyers of all toge­ther.

These Articles Master Speaker exhibited against my selfe and the other gentelmen are I conceive not really intended against vs as if we were actually guiltie of the same but onely to procure our absence from this honourable house that wee may not [Page 4] haue our free votes in the triall of the 12. Bishops accused by whom I verily beleiue were these Artickles drawne and onely by their aduice and such as favour their cause were exhibited and I perswade my selfe, may we be apprehended and taken from this house upon the same our Tryall, will be by force immediatly, to cutt us of al­though his Majestie no other-wise con­ceives and is really minded we should leg­ally be proceeded against, of such power­fullnes, are those persons that were the Authors of them.

Master Speaker the Articles if actually guiltie of are many of them, I confesse [...]igh treason as to endeavour to subuert the fundamentall lawes to introduce an Arbitrary forme of government to the state actually to levi warr against the King to procure forraigne aide to inuade this Land and the like is Treason I need not speake much to cleare my selfe of these crimes I hope this honourable house will make such a favorable construction of all my actions since I have had the honour to sitt in the same, that it will be manifest to all the world that they have been far with out the compasse of treason either against my King or Country.

And Master Speaker if it shall be con­ceived by this honourable assembly, as learnedly it hath already been delivered by [Page 5] that w [...]thy Gentleman that last spake, that as members of a Parliament, to agree with the same in all their votes, for the pu­nishment of delinquents, setling of religi­on, securing of their owne persons by a guard desiring assistance of our brethren in Scotland, to suppresse the rebellion in Ire­land be Treason, then I thinke we are all guilty of these Articles, otherwise are wee cle [...]re and innocent of the same.

Master Speaker, I humbly desire of this ho­nourable House, that I may have a speedy tryall upon the same, that as I shall bee found guilty by the Iudgement of this high Court, I may know my sentence, which I shall willingly submit unto; be it to my condemnation, or preservation, wishing and praying with all my heart, that none of these evill and malicious designes in agitation against the Parliament, by any malignant persons whatsoever may take ef­fect to hinder the blessed proceedings thereof, but that you may goe one with courage and cheerfulnes, to settle all things aright, both in Church and State, for the government thereof in perpetuall peace & tranquillity.


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