Short Writing, Begun by Nature Compliated by Art

Manifesting the Irregu­larity of placeing the Artificial be­fore the Natural or Symbolical Contractions: And Proposing a Method more suited to Sense and more fully answering y e Requisites of a Compleat Character in the shortning both of Words and Sentences.

Invented, Taught & Published with Plaine Directions Examples and a Specimen of the Writing By Laurence Steel

Sold in Bristoll by the Author: & also by Charles Allen. Bookseller in Broad-street of the same Citty: And in London by Benja­min Clark Stationer in George Court Lumbard Street And others

Printed in the Yeare 1678. Joseph: Browne: Sculpsit


The Explanation of the Title and Method viz. Shortwriting begun by Nature &c.

The Common Methods teach to write first by the Letters and Vowels Places. This is Irregular for the Reasons premised in the Four first Arches of the Book and is apparently prejudicial to the Learners progress by dissaffecting him at the first Entrance with the longest way of Writing, whereas he should haue that to begin with which might take with his sense, and encourage him with alacrity to proceed. The onely way I know of to effect this, is, First to instruct the Learner in the ready expressing of Words by their Natural and Proper Emblems, which ought to be ranked Alphabetically, and the Charac­ter for each letter prefixed. This is the Method that I haue taken to Initiate and fasten Beginners. Of these Emblems I haue set down the following Instances by which the Learner being put in the way, will more readily apprehend and get the rest.

  • For
    The Character for A: [...]
    a tittle above A [...]
    A. brought about [...] ‘Christ went about [...] ‘He went about [...]
  • For
    The Character for B: [...]
    B. is made long [...]
    a little below B [...]
    a little between [...]
    break the B [...]
    down B. is bowed down [...]
  • For
    The Character for D: [...]
    • Divide. D: is divided [...]
    • Christ divided [...]
    • Church divided [...]
    • Discover. D: is covered [...]
  • For
    The Character for E: [...]
    • Establish, E: is Establish't [...]
    • Church Establish't [...]
    • Enter: into a stroak Enters [...]
    • Even, heaven [...]
    • Enter: into heaven [...]
    • &c.

By this Method those y t. have learnt others Hands may greatly im­prove themselves. In short, The Book containes Three Parts, of which the Emblems are the First. The Second shews how Words not Expressible by Emblems may be Regularly and Concisely written. The Third teacheth a new Invention for the more effec­tual Contracting of Sentences like Words. In all which I have aimed at Brevity. Perspicuity, and relief to the memory by af­fecting the Sense and Reason. These Three Parts are inclu­ded in 36 Columns In the Arches and Heads of which are Observation for the Learner first to peruse and then get the Characters in the order they are placed till the whole be fin­ished, which may be dispatched in about a weeks time, but must afterwards be improved by daily and constant writing The Psalmes of the Bible are fit to begin with. And in the writing let the letters be kept fair and distinct, and no long hand mingled with it. If any desire to be instructed in this Art, or to haue further direction in it, they may hear of me at the Widdow Heli.'s upon the Wair in Bristol.

The First Part. Shewing how words and Sentences are exprest by significant Emblems, concerning which observe: If all words could be written by significant Emblems it were more pertinent and compendious then any other way of Writing. Alphabeti­call writing is only usefull to supply what cannot be written by a shorter method: Therefore that sort of Charactery is best reserved until y t w ch is more compendious & de­lightfull be past through This Table needs not much direction, where y e Learner is only to observe, how the sence of y e word is represent­ed by the Character. Note where any Em­blem depends upon a Letter of the Alphabet I have set it in the Front to Ill us­trate it. This Stroak [...] when it stands through a character, signifie [...] some hurt: a: in (a) it is afflict [...] in (b) burthen [...] (c) corrupt [...] & As for these Clauses (of) God of Christ of Man, of the World, see them more fully explained in Column 13. 14 The Marks for about, down, up, to, and fro. &c. do stand for Go a­bout, went about, go down or come down, &c. Where any single mark is put for two or more words, they are such as the sence will easily distinguish in the reading. For the Plural num­ber write a tittle underneath: Doctrine ( [...]) mercies ( [...]) masters ( [...]) Kingdoms ( [...]) The Learner must beware of adding any Emblems that will not square with the whole body of y e Characters.

The Table of Emblems.

A [...]
  • Above [...]
  • about [...]
  • round about on every side [...]
  • aboundance as many as [...]
  • according [...]
  • advance ascend [...]
  • afflict [...]
  • anoint [...]
  • apostle [...]
  • asunder [...]
B [...]
  • Backward backslide [...]
  • baptise baptisim [...]
  • believe beloved [...]
  • believe in God [...]
  • babilon belong [...]
  • belong to Christ [...]
  • below beneath [...]
  • between [...]
  • break or breach [...]
  • [Page] break the first [...]
  • 2breake the Second [...]
  • bow down [...]
  • bow down to Christ [...]
  • bring [...]
  • burthen [...]
C [...]
  • Certain [...]
  • child [...]
  • child of God [...]
  • christ [...]
  • antichrist [...]
  • christ went about [...]
  • church [...]
  • church of Christ [...]
  • circum or convert [...]
  • commandment [...]
  • break the command­ment of God [...]
  • compas about [...]
  • condemn [...]
  • congregation [...]
  • continue [...]
  • contrary contradict [...]
  • corrupt [...]
  • cover [...]
  • covetous [...]
  • cros [...]
  • cros of Christ [...]
  • [Page] crucifie [...]
  • 3crucifie to the world [...]
  • Dark [...]
  • deliver [...]
  • des dis descend [...]
  • difference distinguish distinct [...]
  • divide, depart [...]
  • is Christ divided [...]
  • church of Christ divided [...]
  • discover [...]
  • disgrace [...]
  • docter doctrine [...]
  • down, come downe [...]
  • Christ ment down [...]
  • break down [...]
  • drunkard [...]
E [...]
  • Enter into come into [...]
  • establish [...]
  • believer established [...]
  • church established [...]
  • [Page] from one end to the other [...]
  • 4even heaven [...]
  • enter into heaven [...]
  • uneven, unequal [...]
  • unequally yok't [...]
  • eternal [...]
  • everlasting [...]
  • eye [...]
  • eye
    • of the Lord [...]
    • of Christ [...]
    • of man [...]
    • of the soul [...]
    • of the world [...]
  • shut the eye [...]
  • lift up the eye [...]
F [...]
  • Fal, false [...]
  • fal of Adam [...]
  • fal of antichrist [...]
  • fal of babilon [...]
  • down fal [...]
  • fals Church [...]
  • fals Doctrine [...]
  • family familiar [...]
  • fellowship follow [...]
  • foundation [...]
  • fulfil [...]
  • as far as [...]
G [...]
  • 5Give [...]
  • gospel [...]
  • gospel of Christ [...]
  • govern [...]
  • great [...]
  • great breach [...]
  • great command [...]
  • through great [...]
  • breake through great [...]
H [...]
  • Hand [...]
  • right hand [...]
  • left hand [...]
  • hand in hand [...]
  • hands that hang downe [...]
  • heart [...]
  • enter into the heart of men and women [...]
  • break y e heart broken heart [...]
  • bottom of y e heart [...]
  • Search y e heart [...]
  • hipocrite [...]
  • hipocrisy [...]
  • honour [...]
  • house [...]
  • [Page] houshold [...]
  • 6house and Land [...]
  • breake though the house [...]
  • compas the house about [...]
  • husband [...]
  • husband & wife [...]
  • husband wife and Children [...]
  • holy [...]
  • holy Ghost [...]
I [...]
  • Idol [...]
  • jerusalem [...]
  • jesus [...]
  • jesus Christ [...]
  • ignorance [...]
  • through ignorance [...]
  • illuminate, illustrate [...]
  • image [...]
  • image of God [...]
  • in, im, un, [...]
  • increase [...]
  • infinite as much as [...]
  • instrument [...]
  • joyn, together [...]
  • judg judgment [...]
  • bring down the judgment of God. [...]
K [...]
  • 7Keepe [...]
  • king [...]
  • kingdom [...]
  • enter into the kingdom of God [...]
  • a kingdom divi­ded against it selfe cannot stand [...]
  • anointed King [...]
L [...]
  • Land Labour [...]
  • through labour [...]
  • large [...]
  • like [...]
  • lip, lips [...]
  • long [...]
  • as long as [...]
M [...]
  • Magistrate majestie [...]
  • majestie of God [...]
  • magnifie [...]
  • magnifie y e Lord [...]
  • make made [...]
  • malefactor [...]
  • maintain [...]
  • master [...]
  • man, min, mon, [...]
  • sal of man [...]
  • [Page] mankind [...]
  • 8manifest [...]
  • mark [...]
  • memorandum memory. remem­ber [...]
  • mercy [...]
  • great mercy of God to man [...]
  • through y e mercy of Jesus Christ [...]
  • minister [...]
  • mistake [...]
  • through mistake [...]
  • mouth; mother [...]
  • multiply, multitud [...]
  • in the midst [...]
N [...]
  • Neglect negligence [...]
  • through neglect [...]
O [...]
  • Open, opinion [...]
  • open
    • the doctrin [...]
    • the eye [...]
    • the hand [...]
    • the heart [...]
    • the lips [...]
    • the mouth [...]
  • in the opening [...]
  • oppose, opposite [...]
  • [Page] oppress [...]
  • 9over upon [...]
  • break over [...]
  • original [...]
P [...]
  • Part, port [...]
  • particular peculiar [...]
  • patience prolong [...]
  • perceive [...]
  • persecute [...]
  • persevere perpetual [...]
  • pestilence [...]
  • point appoint [...]
  • perogative priviledge [...]
Q [...]
  • Quantity [...]
  • quarrel [...]
  • quarrel about [...]
R [...]
  • Reconcile [...]
  • recover [...]
  • returne [...]
  • religion, reveal [...]
  • reverence [...]
  • righteous [...]
  • unrighteous [...]
S [...]
  • 10Sacrifice [...]
  • sathan [...]
  • separate [...]
  • separate man [...]
  • sin [...]
  • son, sun [...]
  • beloved son of God [...]
  • sons & daughters [...]
  • serpent [...]
  • break y e serpents head [...]
  • speak or say unto [...]
T [...]
  • Take [...]
  • take up [...]
  • take up y e Cross [...]
  • overtake [...]
  • undertake [...]
  • through [...]
  • break through [...]
  • break through y e [...]
  • heart of man [...]
  • break through the dark [...]
  • to or come to [...]
  • Christ went to [...]
  • together [...]
  • ioyn or gather together [...]
  • to and fro or went to and fro [...]
  • [Page] the Eye of y e Lord runs to and fro [...]
  • 11turn [...]
  • turn about [...]
  • overturn [...]
  • from top to bottom [...]
  • trouble [...]
  • through trouble [...]
V [...]
  • Vers vert [...]
  • uncover [...]
  • under or understand undersanding [...]
  • under value [...]
  • unite [...]
  • unite the heart of man to God [...]
  • up upright [...]
  • Christ went up [...]
  • break up [...]
  • lift up, exalt [...]
  • lift up the Eye to the Lord [...]
  • lift up y e hand [...]
  • lift up holy [...]
  • up and down [...]
  • Christ ment up and down [...]
W [...]
  • Wander wonder [...]
  • wander about [...]
  • wicked [...]
  • [Page] wilderness [...]
  • 12world [...]
  • through y e world [...]
  • christ came into the world [...]
  • foundation of the world [...]
  • the whole world lies in wickedness [...]
  • the world is set in the heart [...]
  • the heart is set on the world [...]
  • he is bent upon the world [...]
  • worship [...]
  • false worship [...]
X [...]
  • Execute [...]
  • exercise [...]
  • experience [...]
  • extraordinary [...]
  • extream, express [...]
Y [...]
  • Yeild [...]
  • yeild up [...]
Z [...]
  • Zeale [...]

The Improve­ment of the former Table by usefull end­ings for the contracting of Sentences.


The Learner may observe in the former Table how several Clauses of Sentences are contracted by marks set either on the top or under the Character where note the marks set on top are as follow

  • For of God or y e [...]
  • Lord a tittle [...]
  • for
    • of Christ this [...]
    • of man this [...]
    • of mankind the [...]
    • of men & women [...]
    • of the Soul [...]

of the world this mark ( [...]) placed underneath which are fully exemplified in the Table particularly in the Letter E

The same marks do stand for in God or with or to God or the Lord and with Christ as the foregoing word shal dictate

Proper Endings for the enlarging of any word of the Table as occasion is.


Marks for the compleating of words

For the Negatives im, m, ir, un, make a tittle in the beginning

  • Impatient [...]
  • indifferent [...]
  • irreverence [...]
  • ub-beliefe [...]
  • uncertain [...]
  • Thus write
  • Circumvert [...]
  • dislike [...]
  • impart [...]

Marks set on the top for y e ending of words for ation a tittle.

  • Conversation [...]
  • ministration [...]
  • tribulation [...]

Thus write these

  • Fashion [...]
  • Passion [...]
  • fashion of y e world [...]

The same for otion motion ( [...]) notion ( [...])

For able, ible, this ( [...])

  • Corruptible [...]
  • infattible [...]
  • imaginable [...]
  • remarkable [...]

How other words not insert­ed in the Table may be contracted by the same endings. How the marks for words and Sentences doe consist, when they meet in one Clause.


Thus write these

  • Able [...]
  • cable [...]
  • sable [...]
  • table [...]

the same for ible oble iple or ople

  • Bible [...]
  • noble [...]
  • couple [...]
  • double [...]
  • disciple [...]
  • people [...]
  • disciple of Christ [...]
  • people of God [...]

For ity this

  • Contraricty [...]
  • samiliarity [...]
  • individuality [...]

Thus write these City ( [...]) pitty ( [...])

The same for ighty uty, duly ( [...]) mighty ( [...])

For meant. this ( [...])

  • Aduancement [...]
  • government [...]
  • inlargment [...]

Thus write these

  • Paiment [...]
  • raiment [...]

The same for oment

  • moment [...]
  • indument [...]

For Son, sion, a tittle within as

  • Afflictions [...]
  • ascentions [...]

  • 16Corruption [...]
  • destruction [...]
  • distinction [...]
  • contradiction [...]

Thus write

  • Version [...]
  • Circumcision [...]
  • thousand [...]

When the Endings for words and Sen­tences meet write them thus

  • Advancement of Christ [...]
  • Manifestation of God to man [...]
  • Establishment of the Soul [...]
  • Government of the World [...]

Other endings of words which are written in a direct Line

  • For ance write ( [...])
  • for ed [...]
  • for est [...]
  • for eth [...]
  • for ing [...]
  • for ful [...]
  • for ness [...]
  • mercifullness [...]

What more Example do occur of this kind Words or Sentences let them be written in a Book.

The Second Part, shewing how words may be regularly written, containes the Alphabet, the Conson­ants and Vowels

The Alphabet with the words signe­fied by each Letter
  • A [...] Away
  • B [...] be but
  • D [...] did, didst
  • E [...] evil
  • F [...] for ful
  • G [...] god good
  • H [...] how
  • I [...] just
  • K [...] keen
  • L [...] lord
  • M [...] much
  • N [...] now nature
  • O [...] of
  • P [...] peace
  • Q [...] question
  • R [...] ra. re. are
  • S [...] as is his
  • T [...] il that
  • V [...] your
  • W [...] which word
  • X [...] excellent
  • Y [...] you
  • Z [...] zion

For the Letter C) write (K) or (S) according to the Sound of the word

S is often turned over with a head thus [...]

Places For the furtherance of speed, some Conso­nants are this shortned which are called Contacts.

The Contracts
  • ch [...] Christian
  • el [...] carnal, conelius
  • nd [...] and end
  • ndl [...] handle
  • ng [...] thing
  • ngl [...] angle
  • ne ns [...] ance, ence
  • sc [...] scarce
  • sl [...] stand stance
  • th [...] them
Examples of words written by the joyning of other Letters with the Contracts
  • Bth [...] Both
  • del [...] declare
  • fnd [...] find found
  • frth [...] fourth
  • fth [...] faith fathers
  • kth [...] catholick
  • nsr [...] answer
  • nth [...] nothing
  • rth [...] earth
  • ser [...] scribe scripture
  • sgn [...] signify
  • trth [...] truth
  • wth [...] with

Thus write Endeth ( [...]) Ending ( [...])

  • Heaven & earth [...]
  • Nothing in ye world [...]
  • kl or cl [...]
  • Kr or cr [...]

The rest of the Consonants are two or more Letters of the Alpha­bet regularly joyned together. First observe, what Letters are joyned in the Cha­racter, then learne the words signified by them. Some marks stand only for the parts of words: as car cor, mes, mis, per, rec, sah, sol, whose use see Column 23

The Table of Consonants where note this mark (r) stands for com or con
bl [...] bless
bld [...] bold behold
blf [...] blasphem
bn [...] beginn beginning
br [...] bread
bs [...] beside
conf [...] comfort
comsh [...] complish
conks [...] concupiescence
conl [...] counsel
conq [...] consequence
conr [...] consider
conrn [...] concern
conf [...] confess
const [...] consist
cont [...] covenant
df [...] def dif
dl [...] devil diligent
dgr [...] decree degree
dm [...] demonstrate
dmion [...] dominion
dn [...] din den don
dr [...] drink
dt [...] difficult
div [...] divell
fl [...] flesh
fr [...] from ference
frg [...] forgive
frst [...] first
frt [...] fruit
gl [...] glory
[Page] gn [...] gon
gr [...] grace
grt [...] grant
hm [...] him
jy [...] joy
kr [...] car, cor, cur
krt [...] create
krtr [...] creator
lf [...] life
lk [...] look
lt [...] let light
lo [...] love
mb [...] member
mr [...] mor mur
ms [...] mes mis mischiefe
nbr [...] neighbour
nk [...] thank think
nl [...] knowledge
nmbr [...] number
nr [...] nor
ns [...] necessary
nt [...] not
ntr [...] enter interpret
pl [...] please place
pr [...] par, per, pur.
prs [...] praise
ps [...] pas, pos
pt [...] pet, put
rb [...] reprobate
rd [...] read
rdm [...] redeem
rgr [...] regard
rp [...] repent
rq [...] require
rs [...] rias, res respect
[Page] rson [...] resurrection
ro [...] resolve
rw [...] reward
ry [...] rejoyce
sb u sub Sabbath
sd [...] similitude
sf [...] suf
sg [...] suggest
sl [...] sal, sol soul
sm [...] som, sum
sn [...] salvation
snt [...] Saint sent
sp [...] sup
spr [...] spirit
sr [...] serve, soever
str [...] strength
stsf [...] sattisfie
sy [...] say
tm [...] time tem
tmp [...] temp
tr [...] tans transgres
tr [...] ter ture trespas
tr [...] tribute
trm [...] triumph
trst [...] rust
tv [...] tive
us [...] us use
wh [...] who whom
wk [...] walk
wr [...] work
wsm [...] wisdom
yt [...] yet
xkt expect
xt [...] except accept

The Contracti­on of useful clause of Sentences belonging to the Table of Consonants.

Clauses of Sentences shortned
  • In y e beginning [...]
  • between both [...]
  • break bread [...]
  • broken Spirit [...]
  • bring forth fruit [...]
  • break Covenant with God [...]
  • the Devil goes about [...]
  • the Grace of God [...]
  • glory of y e world [...]
  • knowledg of Christ [...]
  • drink up [...]
  • enter into [...]
  • transgression [...]
  • look round about [...]
  • break y e Sabbath [...]
  • sundamental [...]
  • truth of God [...]
  • a long time [...]
  • times are turned [...]
  • through repentance [...]
  • himselfe or themselves [...]
  • them that or [...]
  • they that [...]
  • them that are [...]
  • from them thatare [...]
  • of them thatare [...]
  • to them that are [...]
  • some of them that are [...]
  • to them that haue [...]

The usefulness of the parts of words inserted in both Tables, Exemplified Explained
Words Contracted by the joyning together of Parts


As to write Substance joyn the mark for Sub & stance together thus ( [...])

  • Circumstance [...]
  • compare [...]
  • consume [...]
  • distribute [...]
  • contempt [...]
  • forwardness [...]
  • purpose [...]
  • reforme [...]
  • subvert [...]
  • transcribe [...]
  • perform [...]
  • remain [...]

Where the joyning of the Parts brings the words out of Square write them asunder

  • Deserve [...]
  • pasture [...]
  • misrepresent [...]
  • superscribe [...]

Long Words
  • Impardonable [...]
  • indissoluble [...]
  • incompatible [...]
  • condesecution [...]
  • transubstantiation [...]

Additional parts of words, both for the beginning & end, with Examples of words written by them

For pra, pre, in the beginning of a word write this ( [...]) for pro pru this ( [...])
  • Prepare [...]
  • present [...]
  • preserve [...]
  • preseribe [...]
  • promise [...]
  • propose [...]
  • procure [...]
  • improve [...]
  • reprove [...]

For ject in the end make this ( [...])
  • Project [...]
  • reject [...]
  • subject [...]
  • For fication [...]
  • Iustification [...]
  • Sanctification [...]
  • glorification [...]
  • For prehend [...]
  • apprehend [...]
  • corruprehend [...]
  • reprehension [...]
  • For Sence [...]
  • Insence [...]
  • insensible [...]
  • conscience [...]
  • conscientions [...]
  • presence of God [...]

The five Vowels are not to be exprest by their own Characters, unlesse when they begin a won but are understood by Places.


The Vowels places

a e i o u

a e i o u

When a word ends with a Vowel pur a tittle in the place of it

  • ba, be, [...] ra re [...]
  • bi, [...] ri [...]
  • bo, bu [...] ro, ru [...]

When a word ends with a Consonant set it in the Vowels place

  • bad, bed [...] ran ren [...]
  • bid [...] rin [...]
  • bod, bud [...] ron, run [...]

Note so many Conso­nants as come togetehr without a Vowel betweē them are to be written without taking of the Pen

  • Clinch [...] France [...]
  • strang [...] scrape [...]
  • dandl [...] chang [...]
  • crumbl [...] thu [...] [...]
  • blunt [...] seald [...]
  • sword [...] plung [...]
  • cramp [...] spurn [...]

  • Glattering [...]
  • supremacy [...]
  • stubborn [...]
  • plaiflered [...]
  • botstering [...]

Examples of long words written by the Alphabet alone, and also in conjunction with other parts of Words

Thus write
  • Alexander [...]
  • Jonathan [...]
  • Jeconiah [...]
  • Garnaliel\ [...]
  • Methusela [...]
  • Solomon [...]
  • Barnabas [...]

Sometimes a word is begun with a part and concluded by the Alphabet as

  • Compelling [...]
  • desired [...]
  • discipline [...]
  • disoblige [...]
  • discourage [...]
  • mercenry [...]
  • perplexing [...]
  • misapplie [...]
  • suboraed [...]
  • suffering [...]

Sometimes a word is begun with the Alpha­bet & concluded by some part

  • Defendeth [...]
  • defending [...]
  • fraternity [...]
  • derinative [...]
  • molestation [...]
  • raseallition [...]

Note, no more Letters, Vowels or Consonants are to be exprest in this Art, then what will suffice to sound the word.


When two like Con­sonants meet in a word, let the first only be exprest. Dinner ( [...]) Folly ( [...]) The same for Vowels meeting in one Syllable as Frail ( [...]) Suit ( [...])

Unlike vowels meeting in distinct Syllables are thus written Diet ( [...]) Viol ( [...]) Leave out as follows

  • b. after m Lamb [...]
  • c before k back [...]
  • d before g lodg [...]
  • g before n knock [...]
  • u after g guide [...]
  • u after q quick [...]
  • w. before r wrong [...]
  • w after a saw [...]
  • w after o lom [...]
  • y. after a day [...]

Pharo ( [...]) Philip ( [...]) H may be left out in these & such like

  • Help [...] Hope [...]
  • the [...] thy [...]
  • humble [...] inhabit [...]

X contracts words as

  • Flocks [...] Action [...]
  • facts [...] Succes [...]

Examples of words contracted by y e moission of Vowels & parts of words in the beginning, without hurt to the Sound


The expert Learner may omit Single Vowels in the begin­ing of words: as

  • Abomination [...]
  • adversary [...]
  • endeavour [...]
  • enemy [...]
  • israel [...]
  • omnipotent [...]
  • ornament [...]
  • ultimate [...]
  • usurp [...]

Except when two Vowels come together then y e first is to be written as

  • Aim [...] Oil [...]
  • our [...] out [...]

Likewise when two like Consonants imme­diately follow a Vowel

  • Adder [...] Error [...]
  • arrow [...] utler [...]

Or when a word is drawn long as Ope. ( [...]) Ale. ( [...])

Ac, ad & ap, are to be omitted in these words.

  • Acquaint [...]
  • advantage [...]
  • appropriate [...]

And such like

The Third Part, teaching a New & more expedite may for the Contract­ing of Sentences by y e Prefixes, the Tenses & the Persons with their Places. Note, the Rarity of these Contractions is, that they doe not burthen y e Memory with any other Marks or Rides then what are used for words.

The Table of Prefixes, which are in Sen­tances like y e Consonants to begin words
  • After [...]
  • again [...]
  • all [...]
  • allwaies [...]
  • among [...]
  • and [...]
  • as [...]
  • al [...]
  • before [...]
  • because [...]
  • beside [...]
  • better [...]
  • beyond [...]
  • else [...]
  • especially [...]
  • either [...]
  • ever [...]
  • except [...]
  • first [...]
  • further [...]
  • future [...]
  • here [...]
  • and if [...]
  • but if [...]
  • if so be [...]
  • likewise [...]
  • neither another [...]
  • never [...]
  • nevertheless [...]
  • notwithstanding [...]
  • often [...]
  • otherwise [...]
  • soon [...]
  • such [...]
  • then thence [...]
  • one, one [...]
  • there [...]
  • therefore [...]
  • this [...]
  • though [...]
  • thus [...]
  • til, until [...]
  • what [...]
  • what if [...]
  • when whence [...]
  • where [...]
  • where­fore [...]
  • while [...]
  • except [...]
  • yet [...]
  • yet if [...]

How (as) is to be written then il is redoubled

  • As great as [...]
  • as much as [...]
  • as often as [...]
  • as soon [...]

The Tenses or Times, which do resemble y e Ending Consonants

  • do dost doth [...]
  • did didst [...]
  • have hast hath [...]
  • had hadst [...]
  • shal shalt [...]
  • wil [...]
  • wilt [...]
  • may maist [...]
  • can [...]
  • would wouldst [...]
  • could couldst [...]
  • should shouldst [...]
  • might mightst [...]
  • must [...]
  • ought [...]

  • am [...]
  • is [...]
  • art [...]
  • are [...]
  • was wert were [...]
  • have been hast b. hath b. [...]
  • had b. hadst b. [...]
  • shal b. shalt b [...]
  • wil b. wilt b. [...]
  • may b. [...]
  • maist b. [...]
  • can b. [...]
  • would b. wouldst b. [...]
  • could b. couldst b. [...]
  • should b. shouldst b. [...]
  • might b. mightst b. [...]
  • [...]st b. [...]
  • ought to b. [...]

The Six Persons which are in Sentences as Vowels were in words.

  • I [...] we [...]
  • thou [...] ye you [...]
  • he [...] they [...]

Contractions. made by the joyning of the persons & Tenses, together with the Nega­tive ( Not) and such Verbs as usually follow them

In the beginning of a Sentence y e Persons & Tenses may be united thus:
  • I do [...] we do [...]
  • thou dost [...] you do [...]
  • he doth [...] tha do [...]


For (not) place a tittle within or upon y e tense
  • I was not [...] we must [...] [...]
  • I can not [...] ye shal n t [...]
  • tha are not [...] thou d [...]st [...] [...]
  • you must not be [...]
  • he hath not been [...]

So write all y e Persons and Tenses in order. Likewise the Tenses will unite with these Particles. It that such, there, this, those, thus, where, w ch, whether as,

  • it doth [...] there did [...]
  • such hath [...] that will [...]
  • He ought not [...]
  • there will not [...]
Contractions of Verbs
  • For (give) this ( [...])
  • I will not give [...]
  • for (make) this ( [...])
  • I cannot make [...]
  • for (say) this ( [...])
  • He did not say [...]
  • for (take) this ( [...])
  • I will not take [...]
  • that cannot be taken [...]
  • he could not be made [...]

The Places of the Persons and manner of expressing Interrogatives, and placeing of the Tenses in Order


The places of y e Persons are according to the sound of their Vowels.

tha he, we j thou, you.

tha he we j thou, you

Note the place for we & you is somwhat more distant from y e Letter then he, and thou

Thus write these Interogatives:
  • do tha [...] doth he [...]
  • do we [...] do I [...]
  • do thou [...] do you [...]

Note, as in words the Consonants were set in the Vowels places: So in Sentences the Tenses are to be put in the Persons places about y e Presixes thus:

  • After tha do [...]
  • After he do [...]
  • After we do [...]
  • After I do [...]
  • After thou do [...]
  • After you do [...]

In like manner may all y e other Tenses be placed, about this & other Prefixes

  • After Tha did [...]
  • After he did [...]
  • After we did [...]

The manner of placeing the Tenses after many compleat Verbs Like­wise a Rule for Verbs of Motion


In like manner may the Tenses be written after these Verbs.

Believe, condude, conside­er. declare, grant finde, expect, hope, acknowledge perceive, suppose, thin, understand. As for instance:

Belie [...]
  • tha do [...]
  • he doth [...]
  • we do [...]
  • I do [...]
  • thou dost [...]
  • you do [...]

The rest the Learner may write out in order: as, I believe tha did ( [...]) &c

All verbs of Motion are understood by their Particle, as in the ninth Arch:

  • After tha went away [...]
  • After he went away [...]
  • After we went away [...]
  • After I went away [...]
  • After thou went away [...]
  • After you went away [...]

  • If tha go not down [...]
  • If he go not down [...]
  • If we go not down [...]
  • If I go not down [...]
  • If thou go not down [...]
  • If go not down [...]
  • If you go not down [...]

The use of this Third Part may be seen in the underwritten Contrac­tions, by which y e Lear­ner may frame all others of y e like nature

  • If a man have not y e Spirit of Christ he is none of his ( [...])
  • Through much tribula­tion you must enter in­to y e kingdom of heaven [...]
  • I understand he hath not been with you a longtime [...]
  • [...] acknowoledgeth he could not come from the place where he was [...]
  • Better you had not been born, then that you should continue as you are [...]
  • this is a breach of y e commandment of God [...]

Marks for the Books of the Bible, in order as they stand

  • Old Test: [...]
  • New Test: [...]



[...] Ioseph. .Browne Sculp. .sit.

The Matter compri­sed in the foregoing Circle in words at Length.

Great is the goodness of the Lord, the Crea­tour of Heaven a [...] Earth, to the sone and d [...]ghters of men wha [...] [...] the beginning [...] fore man entred [...] transgression) made him in his Image holy and righteous, and not withstanding the fall of man, and his breaking his commandments, and neglecting of his dutie to him yet doth he wait to be gratious by his Light and spirit in man which through the mercy of Iesus Christ is sent, to convince the world of Sin, of Righ­teouses, and of judg­ment, that so they may come to take up the Cross of Christ, and to hear him who said, except a man be converted he can not enter in­to the kingdom of God, where there are those joyes, that it cannot enter into the heart of fallen man to conceive.

A summary Collection of the Characters of this Book into Coherent matter, which is to be the Learners first Exercise to read and write out.



HODGSON's Short Hand Contractions, WITH A COMPARATIVE TABLE OF Short Hand Alphabets. AND Two Copper Plates. [PRICE HALF A CROWN.]

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