Some more SAYINGS of Richard Stafford, a Prisoner in Bethlehem Hospital in Moor-fields.

Part II.

THe last Paper was dispatched in Haste ( which must be my constant Excuse for all my lesser Neglects or Faults in those my Words which shall come forth out of this House of Bondage and Oppression, by reason whereof this immediately following was omitted; which is now published with more Sayings to be annexed thereunto.

11 IN Page 2. Number 4. Where it is said, They must do so for the Necessity of Govern­ment: Read farther, as their own Phrase is, but in greater Propriety of Speech, They must do so (and much ado they have to uphold a Wrong Ʋsurpation) for that is always, yea and infinitely more Cruel and Oppressive than a Rightful Government. This last doth not stand in need of Evil Means to Support it; but however, in no case is there a Necessity to Sin.

Ibidem, Where it is said, They will not comply with him in any Sin or Error. Read far­ther, Though they would perform and yield unto him the utmost Faithfulness and Subjection in all Lawful and Honest Things.

In Page 3. Number 7. Because I have not sufficiently explained my self what I mean when I say, According as I have gathered from the thirty seventh and fifty second Chapters of Jeremiah, therefore these following Words are to be there understood and annexed, viz. There is a real Danger that the French and Irish (now with them) will yet Invade and make a Conquest over this Nation; for though ye had Smitten the whole Army of Chaldeans which fought against you, and there remained but Wounded Men among them, yet should they rise up every Man in his Tent and burn this City with Fire, Jer. 37.10. And so may they here spoken of, lay this Country Desolate; for the Judgments of God are alike against all Persons, Times and Places, which commit the like Offence. Now the Sin which brought this upon Judea, was Despising and Falsification of the Oath of God; the same hath England been guilty of at this day: So that the same or like Consequent is to be feared. And though four hundred times an hundred of the Bishops and Clergy, with the Men pleasing Pastors and Teachers (who partake or consent with the Deed of them) do Prophesie contrary or other­wise with one consent. They say Peace and Safety; they preach up Deliverance, and as if all the Danger was over; yet more is to be understood from that and from the following Scriptures of Truth, there recited at length, than from the Conjecture or Observation of all Men living, if they were never so Holy or Knowing; and yet much less is to be allowed to the Blind Conceits and Dark Imaginations of Sinners and Transgressors of other corrupt Men.

12. It may be observed, that our present Rulers and Politicians, Magistrates and Officers, do very carefully and cautiously avoid to mention the Name of King James, either in their Publick Consultations and Constitutions, Palaces, Courts of Judicatory, the Gazette pu­blished by Authority, and such like, where we might expect to hear somewhat of him. But he is almost forgotten, as a dead Man out of mind, and he is like a broken Vessel. The rea­son hereof I conceive to be, least it should bring their Sin to remembrance, which would be troublesome and disquieting; and also least they should put the People in mind (by naming of him too much) to return to their due Allegi [...]e; In some of our Law Books the King is called Sponsus Populi. for then peradventure they might say, We will go and return to our first King and Husband, for then was it better with us than now, Hos. 2-7. Least (which they most of all fear) his Lords and Counsellors should seek unto him that he may be again established in his Kingdom.

13. It is necessary for them who would make a Righteous Accommodation, or an Honor­able Peace, to keep the Sword still in their Hand, and to make Preparations for War, even whilst Overtures and Treaties of Peace may be proposed and agreed unto. Which is the best Reason for Raising such Taxes (see Dan. 11.20.) and giving such large Supplies at this [Page 2]time, for the Wisdom of an English Parliament doth not amount much higher than a matter of Money, and some general confused Notions of the State of the Nation is the utmost which they are employed in; some have either a Place, or a Dependence, or Expectation from the Court; and so they can bestow more Liberally for themselves and others, in that they have more coming in than they give out of their own Bags and Treasures, these are byass'd, and there be who have a Command and Influence over particular men, so that few are wholly uninteressed, But the Generality do now think it necessary to give yearly a third, fourth, fifth or sixth part of their Income to preserve the whole Estate and Inheritance to them and their Poste­rity for evermore: And with this specious Reason they do content the Minds of the Multi­tude. But what if this should prove False, and it should so come to pass, that they who used evil and wrong Means to save their Lives and Estates, should at length lose both their Lives and Estates; by first of all provoking, and by now drawing in upon them a Forreign and Powerful Enemy. The first Occasion and Original Cause should be looked and searched into; and if they are of this Mind (which indeed is not to be blamed) for every one to en­deavor to preserve his own, then they should have throughly considered (what perhaps they did not so much as slightly think of) How in the late Revolution, about three Years ago, they did at once strike at all the Statute and Common Laws of this Kingdom, which are said to be vested in Scinio Regis. And farther, They did unhinge those very Laws which do give and adjust to themselves their own respective Honors and Estates, and establish Property. And therefore Better late than never, they would do well even yet to lift the right Door again upon the Hinges. But if ye are resolved still to stand by the King whom ye have chosen and set over your selves, ye may find it written, And the Bramble said unto the Trees, If in truth ye make me King over you, then come and put your trust in my shadow, Judges 9.15. Now what kind of Trust is to be had to the Shadow of a Bramble? For besides, That it pricks and fetches off the Wool, yea and it will tear the Flesh if it comes so far: It gives no continued diffused spreading Shadow, but only scattered here and there; notwithstanding which the scorching Heat of the Sun will pierce through and Melt or Burn. Nay, consider it in its other Particulars and Circumstances, and the Protection of this new Constituted Governor and Government (notwithstanding he ob­tained the Kingdom with this kind of Flattery, and now Boasts and Ingratiates with this Word) is as much inferior to the real assured Protection under a Rightful Governor and Government, See Dan. 11.21. as every Bramble comes short of, and is less than the tall Cedars of Lebanon, or the best Oaks of England.

In Truth I do not give much Heed to the uncertain Guesses of Men or Women, as to future things; and whither the Spirit of the Lord is now straitned, or was only limited to such a Time, Place or Generation, I shall not now deliver my Faith and Knowledge herein. There are some now adays, who handle the Law and know not God, Jer. 2.8. and these do call it Enthusiastick to speak of those things which God hath revealed unto us by his Spirit; for the Spirit [...]th all things, yea the deep things of God, 1 Cor. 2.10. and though only their Sin and Ignorance, and want of the Holy Spirit, which makes them Reproach after this manner: I have heard of a kind of Prophesie, that about this latter Time, the Parliament-men should be so earnestly and deeply involved in War, that they should Fight till their Bowels gushed out (which is recorded of Judas upon another occasion) and yet they should be still so desperate and resolved, that they will yet hold their Bowels in one Hand and a Weapon in the other, to fight it out even to the very last Breath and utmost Power of Action. But here if we do give heed to what may be gathered from the sure Word of Prophesie, as from Jer. 37. & 52. aforecited, & Ezek [...]. And [...] we do narrowly observe the Result and Tendency of things, it may be so: But then it will be surmised and said, No matter if it should be so; for hereby will be seen the Braveness of the English Magnanimity and Courage, and they will Perish Honorably. Whereas they are all along engaged in a Wrong and Unrighteous Cause, which is Rebellion against God; and then it is to dye in their Sins, the consequent whereof is to be Miserable for all Eternity. And [Page 3]though the worst Temporal Evil or Pain can be borne or endured, because it will have an End: Yet can thine hands be strong in the day that I shall deal with thee, I the Lord have spoken it, I will do it, Ezek. 22.14. And this comes upon them because of their dishonest Gain (which at this day is called their Interest) and the Blood which hath been in the midst of them, vers. 13. which is now blasphemously called God's Giving them Victory over their Enemies, for they speak evil of God, and think him to be altogether such as themselves when they imputed that to him, which his Spirit doth here say expresly, that he smites his Hands, (a Token of Displeasure at it: And though as yet they have the Love and Multitude of the People) on their side (whose Blood and Money they shed and give away) yet at the End of Time these very People will hate and loath them for giving that to a vain account and sinful Purpose of destroying Mens Lives and Hazarding their Estates; in which there will be certain Loss, but no Benefit. Whereas the same might have been given to the Poor, or laid out in the Publishing of God's Eternal Truth, (which would have saved their Bodies and Souls) and then they might have had a Treasure and Recompence in the Heavens.

14. As on the one hand it is a sign of a weak and tottering Government, in that so ma­ny Lords, Bishops, Judges, and Five hundred of the chief Men of this Nation, withal their Strength, Wisdom and Riches, are not able to defend it against a single Creature who is Poor, Weak and Decrepit, and who hath rather the outward Characters (then he is in­wardly and really thought) of a Fool or Madman: So it is hereby evident that God is on his Side, and that he comes with the Word of his Truth. Which if it is not always back, and still Persecuted, but if it may once have entrance into their Minds it is strong and will prevail, for the Weakness of God is stronger than Men, and the Foolishness of God is Wiser than Men. And truly themselves are sensible of as much, in that my Body is imprisoned by the deceitful and unjust Man; and the Ʋngodly Nation, Psalm 43.1. doth so very cau­tiously and carefully avoid my Pleading my Cause before them; or to suffer me to Read my Books and Papers in their Assembly. As the Thief is ashamed when he is found, so is the House of England ashamed: They, their Kings, their Princes, their Priests, and their People are ashamed to have their Sin and Transgression (of Unrighteousness and Perjury) reproved and set in Order before them in the very same Place where it was committed.

15. And though the Proud Men, who are risen against Me, and the Assemblies of vio­lent Men have sought after my Soul; and yet they do speciously give it out, that I was sent here, and am yet detained contrary to all Law and common Right. And therefore the Makers of the Laws, and the Asserters of the Rights and Liberties of the Nation should relieve me herein; But they do Judge that I am not worthy to partake of any Favour or Benefit of their Government in that (according to their Phrase) I do so very much Op­pose it. Whereas my Petition and Appeal is according to the ancient Laws of this King­dom, and I have done nothing against or contrary to them. But they now suffer Me to be kept here in Oppression, and in a Place as it were of perpetual Imprisonment (which the Law doth not adjudge unto before Inquiry, Tryal and Conviction) to preserve my Life as they say; Yet in all this they have not set God before them, Psalm 86.11. nor yet do they consider of the Superiority of his Law over their own mere Will and Constitutions, for I ha­ving written the Great things of his Law, and the Words of his Righteousness only, and which I do Confront to their Consultations and Doings, if it may be truly pronounced, Id quisque Potest quod de jure Potest; then I do boldly say, that they cannot take away my Life. And yet here it may be observed how their Tongue doth mutter Perversness, and their Lips doth speak forth Rebellion; for they are not only resolved to contemn God's Word and Commandment, and to go on to do otherwise than that requires: But they conceive Mis­chief, and would bring forth Iniquity. They would fain Act in that utmost Opposition and Persecution thereof: For their Hearts are defiled with Blood, yea they would make haste to shed the innocent Blood of him, who doth only Publish and set God's Word and Com­mandment before them. But, I hope, my God doth Rebuke them with a Glimpse and Open­ing, and some Knowledge of that Endless Life we are all just entring into. And throughout [Page 4]this God will come with Vengeance, even God with Recompence, and he will come and save Me. And if they should presume to take away my Life here or a Moment, He will for their thus doing, and for this Cause He will lay them in such a Conditition for evermore, that they shall seek for Death, and Death shall flee from them. Herein also their Lips may speak Lies; for there may be devices to take me off privily, as by administring some deadly Thing, or by the Methods of close Imprisonment. But whatever they may do to excuse themselves before Men, yet as to God against whom all Sin is, and who will bring every secret Thing into Judgment) There is no Darkness nor shadow of Death, where the workers of Iniquity may hide themselves. And if they are indeed restrained from putting Me to Death by the Sinfulness and Odiousness of downright Murther, and also by some sence of the Ap­proaching Eternity. They would do well as to let this last Thought have its perfect Work; as for themselves to be hereby perswaded and actually prevailed upon to be uncorrupt and to keep themselves from their own Iniquity. If ye would indeed look unto and secure your selves in the Future Endless Life, Wherefore the rather Brethren give all Diligence to make your Calling and Election sure, which cannot be done otherwise than by ceasing utterly from that Sin and Transgression, which ye have been so long concerned and employed in.

16. Upon the Reading of the Lord Preston's Tryal, amongst the Memorandums there is one short Abrupt Sentence — Protesting Lords against the Ʋsurper. At first sight hereof this following Word sprong up, or it was rather renewed in my Heart, (for some­what thought thereof before) viz. As it is written after Ammon had forced his Si­ster Thamar, then Ammon hated her exceedingly, so that the Hatred wherewith he hated her was greater than the Love wherewith he had loved her, 2 Sam. 13.15. And the Ten Horns which thou sawest upon the Beast they shall hate the Whore, Rev. 17.16. So in the latter Days and end of Time, it shall be exactly thus between the Ʋsurper and the Complying Lords and Council, or of whatever Friends he accounts them now, they shall reciprocally hate one another; and that for the very like Reason, which the Spirit of God gives us to understand when he records it after this manner. Because they have been occasional and instrumental to one another of committing so much Sin, which contracts a proportionable Guilt, and then it is to be rendred unto them in a sutable Punishment and Misery. And so again, whatever he thinks of them now, it will be otherwise between the Protesting Lords and Usurper, and so as to the hundred and fifty one Members of the Lower House, He will have the best Opinion and Love of them: And even himself will then desire exceedingly that it had been so as they would have hindred it, for then all this Sin and Evil had not been.

The Word of Instruction, which doth arise hence is this, even so to do in the midst of Health, Life and Vigour, as ye will [...] that ye had done when ye come to Die, and are let into Eternity. And this is to Repent and undo, and unravel the whole Mystery of Ini­quity. Hear the Word of the Lord ye Rulers of Sodom, give oar to the Law of your God ye People of Gomorrah, which afterwards speaks on this wise, Cease to do Evil, learn to do well, seek Judgment, Relieve (that is Righten) the Oppressed, Isa. 1.16.11. but if ye Refuse and Rebel, this shall come upon ye, O ye Inhabitants of England, ye may as yet know in this your Day the things that belong unto your Peace; which includes both Tem­poral and Eternal Safety and Salvation; but at length they will be hid from your Eyes.


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