THE Christian Doctrine: OR, A Short CATECHISM.

BRIEFLY Shewing how to become a Chri­stian: How to continue a Christian.

Divided into ten Heads, for the ease of Memory.

Approved by sundry Elders of the Baptized Churches.

1 Pet. 3.15.

Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.

LONDON, Printed for Francis Smith, at the Elephant and Castle in Cornhil, near the Royal-Exchange, 1678.

To those that desire Instruction.


Out of pity to Mankind, considering how many die in their Youth, and without Knowledge, I have with much brevity gathered this small Work, for the Instruction of Youth, that they might learn to remember their Creator. Mind it: If thou get Know­ledge, praise God, and pray to him that I may always obey him.

Thine in the Lord, J. S.

What the ten Heads treat of.

  • 1. OF Man's state by Nature.
  • 2. Of Man's state by Grace.
  • 3. Of the Principles of the Christian Do­ctrine.
  • 4. Of the Eternal Godhead.
  • 5. Of every ones Duty.
  • 6. Of the Holy Ordinances.
  • 7. Of the Christian Warfare.
  • 8. Of the Church, and Church-Ministers.
  • 9. Of Church-Power.
  • 10. Of the general Love of God to Man­kind.

THE Christian Doctrine.

WHat art thou by Religion?

Answ. A Christian, (a)

Q. What is a Christian?

A. One that truly believes in the Lord Jesus Christ, and (b) continues stedfastly in his Doctrine,

Q. How camest thou to be a Christian?

A. I did repent me of my sins past, (c) believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and was baptized with Water,

Q. What didst thou become thereby?

A. A Member of Christ and his Church, (d) a Child of God, (e) and an Heir of the Kingdom of Heaven,

Of Man's state by Nature.

Q. In what state are all unconverted Men?

A. Strangers to God, without Christ, ha­ving no Hope, dead (f) in Sins and Trespasses, [Page 6]by Nature Children of Wrath, (f)

Q. What are the Wages of Sin?

A. Death, (g)

Q. How doth God manifest his Wrath in this Life?

A. By sickness in the (h) Body, losses in the (i) Substance, and (k) terror in the Conscience.

Q. How in the World to come?

A. By everlasting destruction (l) in Hell fire causing weeping, walling, and gnashing of Teeth,

Of Man's state by Grace.

Q. How may Men be delivered from Wrath to come, and obtain Salvation?

A. Only (m) by Jesus Christ,

Q. What hath Christ done for Mankind?

A. Died for every Man, (n)

Q How may one be a Partaker of Christ and his Benefits?

A. By a true Faith in him, and Obedience to him, 15

Q. How cometh Faith?

A. By hearing (p) the Word of God,

Q. What Faith most avails?

A. That which (q) works by Love,

[Page 7] Q. How is our Love to God made manifest?

A. By keeping his (r) Commandments,

Of the Principles of the Christian Doctrine.

Q. What are the Foundation-Principles of the Christian Doctrine?

A. These six. 1. Repentance from dead Works. 2. Faith towards God. 3. The Do­ctrine of Baptisms. 4. Laying on of Hands. 5. Resurrection of the Dead. 6. The Eternal (s) Judgment,

Q. What are dead Works?

A. Sins and Trespasses.

Q. What is Faith in God the Father?

A. A stedfast belief that he is my merciful and (t) loving Father,

Q. What is Faith in the Son?

A. A sure belief that he died for my sins, (u) makes intercession (w) for me, will save me, and his promises of Love and Mercy are made to me, if I continue (x) in his Word,

Q. What is Faith in the Holy Ghost?

A. A sure belief that he will (y) sanctifie me, comfort me, and guide me into all Truth,

Q. What have they that believe in God rightly?

[Page 8] A. They are justified, (z) and have peace with God,

Q. What is Justification?

A. A being freed from (a) sins past, and a be­ing accepted as righteous before God,

Q. What is Sanctification?

A. A being (b) purged from the corruption of Nature, and to be indued inwardly with Righteousness,

Q. What Graces do usually appear in a sancti­fied Man?

A. A hatred of Sin, and (c) a willing obedience to God,

Q. What Baptisms are there?

A. The Baptism of (d) Water, and the Bap­tism of the Spirit,

Q. Who can baptize with the Holy Ghost?

A. Only (e) Jesus Christ,

Q. What is Baptism with Water?

A. A being dipt in Water, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

Q. Why must Persons be so born of Water?

A. That they may enter into the Kingdom (f) of God, and obtain forgiveness of sins,

Q. What is laying on of Hands

A. A laying on of hands (g) by the Elders of the Church, with Prayer, that they may receive the Holy Ghost,

[Page 9] Q. What general example is there for the laying on of Hands on every Member?

A. The example of the Church (h) in Sama­ria, and the Brethen at (i) Ephesus,

Q Who must be raised again in the Resurrection?

A. All that are in the Graves, (k)

Q. Who must come to the last Judgment?

A. All Mankind, (l) both small and great,

Of the Eternal Godhead.

Q. What is God declared to be?

A. A Spirit (m) Almighty, and most glorious, 37

Q. What are his Attributes?

A. He is most (n) Wise, Holy, Eternal, and Incomprehensible, to the 13th verse.

Q. How is this one God distinguished?

A. Into the Father who begat the Son, into the Son who is begotten, into the Holy Ghost who proceedeth (o) from the Father and the Son,

Q. What is declared of the Father?

A. That he created (p) the Heaven, the Earth, and the Sea, and all things therein,

Q. What is declared of the Son?

[Page 10] A. That he redeemed us (q) by his Blood, makes intercession to the (r) Father, shall come to (s) judge the Quick and Dead,

Q. What is declared of the Holy Ghost?

A. That he convinces the (t) World of Sin, comforts and sanctifies God's People, and leads them into all Truth,

Q. What doth the Son declare himself to be?

A. The Light (u) of the World, the (w) Life, and the (x) Bread of Life,

Q. What are the Sons especial Offices?

A. A (y) Saviour, a (z) Prophet, a (a) Priest, an (b) Advocate, a (c) King, and a (d) Judge,

Of every ones Duty.

Q. What ought every one to do?

A. To become Christians?

Q. What all our Life after?

A. To keep God's Commandments, (e)

Q. What do the Commandments chiefly contain?

A. Our Duty to God, and our Duty to our Neighbour, or Men.

Q. What is our duty to God.

[Page 11] A. To believe (f) in him, to fear (g) him, and to love (h) him with all our heart, with all our Soul, Mind and Strength, to (i) wor­ship him, to give him thanks, to (k) honour him and truly to (l) serve him.

Q. What is our duty to Men?

A. To do (m) to all Men, as we would they should do to us, to love (n) our Neighbour as our selves, to honour (o) Parents, to honour (p) the King and Magistrates, and to live justly and (q) honestly.

Q. What doth the Grace of God teach us?

A. To live soberly (r), righteously, and godly.

Q. What are the Duties which abounding make a fruitful Christian?

A. These eight, (s) Faith, Vertue, Knowledg, Temperance, Patience, Godliness, Brotherly­kindness, Charity, 67

Q. What meanes are to be used for the further strengthing our Faith?

A. Hearing and reading (t) God's Word, Me­ditation, Prayer, and using the (u) Ordinances

Q In whose name ought we to pray?

A. In the name of (w) Jesus Christ.

Q. What form of Prayer hath the Lord left us?

[Page 12] A. The Lord's Prayer, and after that manner he direct (x) us to pray,

Q. What may sometimes be joyned with Prayer?

A Fasting, (y)

Q. Whom doth God give Grace unto?

A. The humble, (z)

Of the Holy Ordinances.

Q. What holy Ordinances are there more?

A. The Lord's Supper, anointing with Oil.

Q. Wherefore was the Lord's Supper ordained?

A. For the continual remembrance of the Lord's Death, (a) and the benefits we receive thereby.

Q. What are the Creatures to be received in that Supper?

A. Bread and Wine.

Q. How do they cause us to remember his Death?

A. Thus, that as the Bread is broken, and the Wine poured out, so was the Lord's Body bro­ken for us, (b) and his Blood shed for our Sins,

Q. When did the Lord celebrate this Ordinance?

A. At or after (c) Supper.

Q. What Judgments have befallen unworthy Re­ceivers?

A. Weakness, (d) sickness, death, wherefore every Receiver is to examine himself.

[Page 13] Q. What did the Lord after that Supper?

A. Wash his (e) his Disciples Feet himself.

Q. Who may be anointed with Oil?

A. The sick.

Q. Who may anoint them?

A. The Elders (f) of the Church.

Q. Wherefore?

A. That the Lord may raise (g) them up, and forgive their sins,

Of the Christian Warfare.

Q. What enemies do Godly Christians find?

A. These three, the World, the Flesh, and the Devil.

Q. What may they find from each of them?

A. Temptation (h) and Tribulation.

Q. How doth the Devil appear in his Temptati­ons?

A. Sometimes with subtil wiles, (i) and some­tmes with fiery darts,

Q. What ought a Christian do to withstand?

A. Put on the whole (k) Armour of God.

Q. What if a Christian be in Temptation over­come, and through Weakness fall?

A. He must Repent afresh (l) with Godly [Page 14]Sorrow.

Q. What is Godly Sorrow?

A. A bitter (m) sorrow that we have offended a loving God.

Of the Church, and Church-Ministers.

Q. What are the Persons that walk according to the Word of God?

A. The Church.

Q. What doth the Scripture declare the Church to be?

A. Saints (n), the chosen generation (o), the houshold of God.

Q. What may the Church do to make known the Gospel to the World?

A. Send out faithful (p) Men to teach as their Messengers.

Q. What Ministers did the Lord set in the Church for taking care of them besides the Apostles?

A. Elders (q) and (r) Deacons.

Q. What is the duty of an Elder or Bishop?

A. To watch over the Flock (s), to Preach, exhort, rebuke with all long-suffering and Do­ctrine.

Q. How ought he to be qualified?

A. He must be blameless, given to Hospitality, apt to teach, Holy, Just, Temperate, ruling (t) [Page 15]his own house well, and of good report of them that are without.

Q. What is the Duty of a Deacon?

A. To serve at the Lords Table, (u) and ad­minister to the Poor.

Q. How ought he to be qualified?

A. He must be grave (w), holding the mystery of the Faith in a pure Conscience, one that rules his own House well.

Of Church-Power.

Q. What is to be used to carnal or careless Members?

A. Warning and (x) Exhortation.

Q. What is to be done to such Members as walk disorderly, idly, or as busibodies?

A. They ought to be withdrawn (y) from.

Q. How are they to be accounted, the time that they are withdrawn from?

A. Not as Enemies (z), but to be admonished as Brethren.

Q. What if they then neglect to hear the Churches admonition to repentance?

A. They may let them be unto them (a) as Heathen Men and Publicans.

Q. What was done to such as became heinous Sin­ners, Hereticks such as made shipwrack of Faith and a good Conscience?

[Page 16] A. They were delivered (b) to Satan.

Of the general love of God to mankind.

Q. Hath the Lord a desire that all men should know his Will, that they might be saved?

A. Yes. (c)

Q. What Arguments have you out of the Word for this?

A. These: 1. He declared his delight (d) is with the Sons of Men. 2. He swares he hath no pleasure (e) in the death of Sinners. 3. He made know [...] his Will both by word and writing (f) to instruct them. 4. He sent his Prophets, and his Son, and his Apostles (g) to perswade Men to obey it. 5. He so loved them, he gave his Son (h) to die for them. 6. He blames (i) Men for not coming unto him.

Q. VVhat other Arguments?

A. He promises those that come to him (k) he will not cast off. 8. He was grieved for (l) the destruction of Sinners. 9. He declares there is joy in. (m) Heaven at the conversion of Sinners. 10. He waits upon (n) Men with long-suffering for their Repentance.


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