SOME QUERIES For the better understanding of a LIST OF King JAMES's Irish and Popish Forces IN FRANCE, Ready (when Called for:)

In Answer to an ARGUMENT against a LAND—FORCE, writ by A, B, C, D, E, F, G, or to whatever has been, or ever shall be, writ upon that Subject,

Printed by Edw. Jones in the Savoy, 1697.


Query. WHether 18000 Irishmen cannot conquer England, when 100000 could not defend Ireland?

Query. Whether 150000 English Militia do not want a Land-force to defend them against 18000 Bogtrotters, headed by that Mirror of Valour, and Epitome of all Courage, K. Jemmy?

Query. Whether we have not an Honourable Peace, when K. James, that had never a Soldier during the War, hath 18000 since the Conclusion of the Peace?

Query. Whether if the King of France keeps up 18000 Men at K. James his Devotion, he doth not punctually observe that Article, not to assist and abet any Enemy against K. William?

Query. Whether K. James ought not to be canonized for work­ing of Miracles, in maintaining an Army, when he lives upon Cha­rity himself?

Query. If five hundred Inniskilling men could beat ten thousand Dear-joys, whether 900 when sent for, will not beat these 18000 when called for?

Query. Whether 1100 Marine Soldiers, commanded by the re­doubted Col. Fits-Gerald, be not a proper Assistance for K. James, who is not Master of a Cock-boat?

Query. Whether it is more for our Interest to call for them, or the French King's to send them; and whether all things considered, they will come when called for?

Query. If the true Brentford King and his Forces, come here with a Whoop, they will not be gone with a Hollow?

Query. Whether this Force is to be headed by K. James or his Wife, and which of them is the Head?

Query. What Water-force will be necessary to bring over this Land-force?

Query. Whether this List of K. James's Forces, be not the best Answer that hath been published to the Argument? and whether they ever shall, or can, write better upon this Subject, and all that J. Gad?

Query. Whether the Author understands A, B, C, D, E, F, G, &c?

Query. Whether the Author of this Libel, against the King and the Government, will be ready, (when called for?)

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