SOME PROPOSALS Offered to Publick Consideration, Before the Opening of PARLIAMENT: MAY 19. 1685.

Ex Deo Rex, ex Rege Lex, ex utroque Salus.

AS without doubt Kings and Princes are then most like them­selves when they most resemble him whose Vicegerents they are; so nothing can possibly be more worthy the Considera­tion, Care, and utmost Abilities of the Supreme VVisdom of a Na­tion, than those Grand Concerns of True Religion and the Honour of God, the Safety and Splendour of the Crown, together with the prosperity of the Subject. In tendency to which good ends, these few particulars following with all Humility are tendered to publick view.

I. That an Humble Address be made to his Majesty for a gracious and general Amnestia, to put us all into the condition of Good Subjects.

II. To promote the honour of God, in the advancement of a sound and Orthodox Religion, of true Piety, Vertue and Loyalty, the proper effects thereof. In settling Gods publick VVorship and Service, with Reverence and Respect towards his Ministers, the Reverend Clergy: As also, That the Act for Building the Churches in [Page 2] London may be continued, not only till all the Churches be built, but also such others as shall be found necessary to supply the wants of the large Out Parishes, that all people may conveniently attend the pub­lick worship of the Supreme Lord.

III. To suppress Atheism, Prophaneness and Debauchery, which abounds, and grows upon us every day, and therefore calls aloud for a vigorous and severe restraint. That therefore the good Laws in being for the suppression of Drunkenness, VVhoredom, and more especially prophane Swearing and Cursing be effectually revived, and put in execution; as also that there may be made provision against Blasphemy, and scoffing at Religion and the sacred Scriptures; for never yet was it known in the world, that any Nation (tho never so barbarous) would endure their Gods to be reproached or despised.

IV. To suppress Erroneous, Hetrodox and wicked Opinions; all Faction, Schism and Disloyalty, the great pest of the Nation, and the foundation of most of the calamities which have fallen upon us these many years past. And to this end to regulate Printing; To suppress all prophane and seditious Books and Pamphlets whatsoever, which corrupt and poyson the minds of men; And further, to take an effectual course to possess the people with sound, wholsome, Re­ligious, humble, and peaceable principles; especially by way of strict Catechizing of the Youth of the Nation.

V. That his Majesties occasions be freely and fully supplied, and the Kingdoms Debts paid, as far as the present state and condition of the Nation will well bear; that so our Gracious Soveraign may be like himself, most Honourable and Illustrious, That the Head may stand firm in its right place, and out of the reach of Envious and insolent attempts, and be enabled to support and defend it self, without which the Body cannot subsist.

VI. In the next place, That the Members of the Body Politick may in their several and respective places and stations be considered and provided for; It being (as one hath well observed) a true Maxime in the Academy of Honour, That it is more glorious for a Prince to be King of an opulent and free people, than of a slavish or Beggarly: In short, that the Crown may flourish and the People be happy; whose mutual interest and welfare can never be separated.

VII. That for the further suppression of Vice, common Plays may be Regulated and Reformed, That whatever is lascivious, wicked, or promoteth vice and sin, may be expunged out of them; That the bold violations of the Divine Laws may not be the subject of laughter and merriment; it being certainly the highest degree of [Page 3]madness and folly for poor Mortals to laugh at that which causeth the Divine Majesty of Heaven to frown. Besides, wicked and filthy Plays imprint strongly on the minds of men (especially young per­sons) more folly and sin, than all the good Preaching in the world is able to correct in a long time. If the Plays were therefore well Reformed, and made vertuous, they might possibly sooner incline some persons to vertue and goodness, than good Sermons. And in this respect our Nobility and Gentry are very much concerned, that the hopes and supports of their Families (their greatest treasure) be not corrupted and debauched, and thereby their Families emascula­ted, and subjected to Ruin. And if this Reformation be not, I hum­bly conceive, That our Gentry may more safely indulge their Chil­dren in hunting of whore-houses (a thing usual, as I have heard, in Italy and Spain) where they possibly may learn but one vice, than in giving them liberty to attend these Academies of not only one, but many vices.

VIII. That the Great Sufferings of poor VVidows and Orphans, by the Chamber of London, may be speedily Considered and Re­lieved: It being a most horrid piece of Injustice and Oppression, which crys aloud to Heaven.

IX. To supply the defects in the Trade of the Nation; and that the people may be honestly employed, and our Trade both at home and abroad improved and flourish. To this end, to suppress Frauds and Cheats in Trading, and to revive (if possible) the Credit of the Nation, the life of Trade. And to prevent those frequent Frauds and Cheats that are among us, by breaking and turning Bankrupts out of design, and then taking Sanctuary and Compounding their Debts. And further, For the furtherance of Trade and Converse, as well as for the safety of all Travellers, That the late expired Act for Repairing the Highways be renewed for some time.

X. That the poor of the Nation may be honestly employed, And that lusty common vagrants, with such as through Idleness become useless and burdensome to the Commonwealth, be either forced to labour in some honest way, or else (as a punishment of their Idleness) be Transported to our Foreign Plantations, to be there employ­ed, and made useful.

And when wholsome Laws (after mature deliberation) come to be Enacted, That all possible care and diligence be used in the draw­ing up and penning the same. That subtil and wicked Offenders may not be able to pick any holes in them to creep out at, and thereby ren­der them useless to us: And to prevent which mischiefs I conceive [Page 4]it great wisdom to make much of our good Old Laws which are Confirmed by Time and Experience, and found useful to this day and never yet could be unravell'd and made useless and insignificant by all the subtilty of Hell. I am further induced to think also, that there may possibly be greater need of some few good Laws to add vigour to the good Old Laws and Statutes in being, than of mul­tiplying our Statute Laws, which are already swelled to a vast bulk, and without this caution may in time increase in infinitum, except the end of the VVorld put an end to them: And I humbly conceive that multiplicity of Laws, may possibly in time prove a burthen both to Magistrates and Subjects; for certainly that Nation or People, which is well governed by the fewest Laws, are the happiest: And to this purpose a late wise Statesman, Cardinal de Richelieu, in the great Assembly of the Notables in France, in the Reign of Lewis the Thirteenth, speaks thus: The sick sometimes dye by too many Remedies as well as none at all: I am bound to tell you by the by, That to establish this State in its first splendour, there's no need of many Ordinances, but real Executions; by this means, this Assembly may close more speedily, tho she may be perpetual for the fruit she shall produce. Few words and many deeds will testifie both the Good intentions and Judgments of them whereof she is composed. And he concludes thus, You (saith he) shall know by the event, That his Majesty will surpass himself to procure the good of his Kingdom. But how far this last Clause was made good to that Nation, I know not. Nevertheless we in this Nation may as­sure our selves, That God hath blessed us with such a Just, Generous, and Gracious Prince, who will make it Good to us. For whom (as in duty bound) Let us send up our Hearty and Affectionate Prayers to Heaven, that the best of Blessings may be showred down upon him, his Gracious Consort, and all the Royal Family; together with the High Court of Parliament when Assembled: Unto which let all the People in this Kingdom, yea, in the three Kingdoms, with loud Acclamation say, Amen, Amen.

LONDON, Printed by F. Leach, for Luke Meredith, at the Kings Head at the West End of St. Pauls Church-yard. MDCLXXXV.


THere is now in the Press, and will be speedily Published, a Book Entituled, Sober and Serious Considerations, occasioned by the Death of his late Majesty, King Charles the Second, of happy Memory; and the serious time of Lent presently following. Together with a Brief Historical Account of the first Rise, Progress, and Increase of Phanaticism in this Nation, with the dismal and fatal consequents thereof: And now humbly tendered to publick view, in tendency to the promoting of the Peace and Happiness of the Kingdom. By the same Author. And Sold by Luke Me­redith, at the Kings Head at the West End of St. Pauls Church-yard. Quarto. Price 6 d.

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