Some Passages that happened the 9 th. of March, between the Kings Majestie, and the Commttee of both Houses, when the Declaration was delivered.

WHen His Majestie heard that part of the Declaration which mentioned Master Iermyns Trans­portation, His Majestie interrupted the Earle of Holland in reading, and said, That's false. Which being afterwards toucht upon againe, His Majestie then said, Tis a lye. And when he was informed, it related not to the Date, but the execution of the Warrant. His Majestie said, it might have beene better expressed then; and that it was a high thing to taxe a King with breach of Promise. As for this Declaration, His Majestie said, I could not have be­leeved the Parliament would have sent me such a one, if I had not seene it brought by such persons of honour. I am sorry for the Parliament, but glad I have it: For by that, I doubt not to satisfie my People; though I am confident, the greater part is so already.

Yee speake of ill Councels, but I am confident, the Parliament, hath had worse informations then I have had Coun­cels: His Majestie asking what he had denied the Parliament, The Earle of Holland instanced that of the Militia; His Majestie replyed, that was no Bill: the Earle of Holland then said, it was a necessary request at this time; and His Ma­jestie also then said, he had not denied it.

What passed the next day, when his Majestie delivered his Answer.

WHich was read by the Earle of Holland to the rest of the Committee; And that being done, his Lord­ship endeavoured to perswade His Majestie to come neare the Parliament: Whereunto His Majestie answered, I would you had given me cause; but I am sure this Declaration is not the way to it. And in all Aristotles Rhetoricks there is no such Argument of perswasion. The Earle of Pembroke there­upon telling Him that the Parliament had humbly besought His Majestie to come neare them afore­said; His Majestie replyed, He had learnt by our Declaration, that words were not sufficient. His Majestie being then againe moved by the said Earle of Pembroke to expresse what He would have said: He would whip a Boy in Westminster School, that could not tell that by his answer: And further said, They were much mistaken, if they thought His answer of that, a denyall. And being also asked by the said Earle of Pembroke, Whe­ther the Militia might not be granted, as was desired by the Parliament, for a time. His Majestie swore, by God, not for an houre; you have askt that of me in this, was never askt of a King, and wich which I will not trust my Wife and Children.

His Majestie said, ‘The businesse of Ireland will never be done in the way that you are in, Foure hundred will never doe that Worke: It must be put into the hands of One. If I were trusted with it, I would pawne my head, to end that Worke. And though I am a begger my selfe, yet (speaking with a strong asseveration) I can finde Money for that.’

London, printed for Robert Fowler. 1641

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