Some of the By-Laws made by the Governour and Company of the City of London, for the Plantation of the Summer-Islands. Humbly offered to the Consideration of Parliament.

THat for and towards the maintenance of Ministers in the Summer-Islands, the providing of Ammunition for the defence of the Place, the payment of Officers, both here and there, and other publick Charges; the Duty of a Penny be Imposed on every pound-weight of Tobacco that shall be Imported from the Summer-Islands of the growth of the Place; unless the Company shall think fit to alter and change the same.

At a General-Court 18th of August 1658.

FOr the better securing the Companies Duties, it is thought fit and ordered, That the Go­vernour and Council in the Summer-Islands shall have power given them, and they are hereby Authorized by this Company to seize and make sale of the Goods of any person there that is endebted for, and shall neglect or refuse to pay the Companies Duties. And in case there be not sufficient Goods to satisfie and pay his Duties, That the said Governour and Coun­cil do cause the Lands of every such person to be extended until the said Duties be fully paid.

The long Law of Seizure of Ships.
At a great and General Quarter Court held for the Summer Islands Com­pany, on Wednesday the 22d of November, 1676, at Sadlers-Hall.

A Law to Revive and make perpetual a Law made at a Quarter Court, held for this Company on Wednesday the 12th of July 1671; Entituled, A Law making Forfeit all such Goods and Commodities as are usually Imported into the Somer-Islands, in the Companies Magazeen Ships, in case the same be imported thither in any other Ships: Also for the seizure of Tobacco and Cedar, sent aboard Ships to be transported without Licence: And also making forfeit all such Ships or Vessels, as shall Import or Export any such Goods, Commodities, Tobacco's or Ce­dar without Licence. And also appointing the Factor to produce his Invoice, make Oath thereof, and to sell according to the same.

WHereas a Right Good and Profitable Law was made at a Quarter Court held for this Company, on Wednesday the 12th of July, 1671; Entituled, A Law making forfeit all such Goods and Commodities, as are usually Imported into the Somer-Islands, in the Companies Ma­gazeen Ships, in case the same be Imported thither in any other Ships: Also for the Seizure of To­bacco and Cedar sent aboard Ships, to be Transported without License. Which Law was made to continue and be in force for Two years next ensuing Proclamation made thereof in the said Islands: And for that the Reviving and Continuance of the said Law, will be of great use and benefit to the Company and Plantation; and the Trading-Merchants of the said Company.

Be it therefore Ordained and Enacted; And it is by the Authority of this Great and General Quarter Court, Ordained and Enacted, That the said Law, with the Additions hereafter expressed, shall be, and is hereby Revived, Recontinued, and made Perpetual, and to have continuance for ever.

And be it further Ordained and Enacted; And it is hereby Ordained and Enacted, That from henceforth, no such dry Goods or Commodities whatsoever, as have been and are usually sent in the Companies Magazeen-Ships, for the supply of the Inhabitants of the said Islands, shall be sent, [Page 2]Shipped, Carried or Imported into the said Islands, by any Member or Members of this Com­pany, or any Forreigner, or other Person or Persons whatsoever, from the Port of London, or any other Port or Place within this Realm of England, Dominion of Wales, or Town of Bar­wick upon Tweed, in any Ship or Ships, Vessel or Vessels whatsoever, save only in the Companies Magazeen Ships, or in such Ship or Vessel as shall first have Licence from this Company, under the Seal of this Company, for Shipping or Exporting of such Goods and Commodities for the said Islands, under the penalty of the forfeiture and loss of every such Ship or Vessel, with all its Guns, Furniture, Tackle, Ammunition and Apparel, as shall without Licence as aforesaid, Carry and Import into the said Island, any such Goods and Commodities.

And be it further Ordained and Enacted; and it is hereby Ordained and Enacted, That from and after the end of Three Months next after Proclamation hereof made in the said Island; no dry Goods or Commodities as have been and are usually sent in the Companies Magazeen Ships for the supply of the Inhabitants of the said Islands, shall be sent, Shipped, Carried or Imported into the said Island, by any the Inhabitants of the said Islands, or any other Person or Persons whatsoever, from New England, Jamaca, Barbadoes, Mevis, or any other the Caribee Islands, or from Ireland or Scotland, in any Ship or Ships, Vessel or Vessels, belonging, or to belong to the said Island, or in any other Ship or Ships, Vessel or Vessels whatsoever; save only in the Com­panies Magazeen Ships, or in such Ship or Vessel as shall first have Licence from this Company, under the Seal of this Company, for sending and Importing of such Goods and Commodities, under thr penalty of the forfeiture and loss of every such Ship or Vessel, with all its Gunns, Eurniture, Tackle, Ammunition and Apparel, as shall without License as aforesaid, Carry and Im­port into the said Islands, any such Goods and Commodities.

And Be it further Ordained and Enacted; And it is hereby Ordained and Enacted, That if it shall appear by the Oath of one or more of the Searchers, or other due proof upon Oath, be­fore the Deputy-Governour of the said Island, That any such dry Goods or Commodities, have been, or are brought, or Imported into the said Islands by any Ship or Ships, Vessel or Vessels, except the Companies Magazeen Ships, for the time being, without Licence first had or obtained, as aforesaid: Then, and in such Case, The Sheriff of the said Islands for the time being, forth­with upon Notice thereof, shall Seize and Secure; and he is hereby Impowered and Injoyned to Seize and Secure, to, and for the Use of the said Company, all and every such Ships of Vessels, in, or by which, any such dry Goods or Commodities shall be brought or Imported into the said Island, with their Guns, Furniture, Tackle, Ammunition and Apparel; and shall likewise with all convenient speed dispose thereof by Sale or other­wise; which also he is hereby Impowered and Enjoyned to do. One fourth part of the Pro­ceed thereof, shall be allowed to the Informer; One other fourth part thereof to the Sheriff of the said Islands, for his Care and Encouragement in that Service; And the residue thereof shall be Employed and disposed of by the Sheriff, towards defraying the Publick Charge of the said Islands in such way and manner as the Deputy-Governour and Council there shall, from time to time, under Seal of the Office direct.

And be it further Ordained and Enacted, and it is hereby Ordained, and Enacted, That no Tobacco or Cedar of the Growth of the said Islands, shall be Shipped or Laden on board any Ship or Ships, Vessel or Vessels, with intent to Export the same from or out of the said Islands, other than the Companies Magazene Ships, without License first had and obtained from the Company here under their Common Seal, or from the Deputy Governour in the said Islands for the time being, under his Hand and Seal of Office for doing thereof, under the Penalty of the forfeiture and losses of every such Ship or Vessel, with all its Guns, Furniture, Tackle, Am­munition and Apparel, which shall receive on Board any such Tobacco or Cedar.

And be it further Ordained and Enacted, and it is hereby Ordained and Enacted, That if it shall at any time hereafter appear by the Oath of one or more of the Searchers, or other due proof upon Oath before the Deputy-Governour of the said Islands, That Tobacco or Cedar of the Growth of the said Islands are Laden or put aboard any Ship or Vessel with intent to Ex­port the same from or out of the said Islands, except upon the Companies Magazene-Ships for the time being without License first had or obtained as aforesaid; That then and in such case the Sheriff of the said Islands for the time being forthwith upon notice thereof shall seize and se­cure: And he is hereby empowred and enjoyned to seize and secure to and for the use of the said Company all and every such Ships or Vessels in or upon which any such Goods are so La­den to be Exported as aforesaid, with their Guns, Furniture, Tackle, Ammunition and Apparel. And shall likewise with all convenient speed Dispose thereof by Sale, or otherwise; which also he is hereby Empowered and Enjoyned to do: One fourth part of the proceed thereof shall be allowed to the Informer, one other fourth part thereof to the Sheriff of the said Islands for his [Page 3]Care and Encouragement in that Service; and the residue thereof shall be imployed and disposed of by the Sheriff towards defraying the publick Charge of the said Islands, in such way and manner as the Deputy-Governour and Council there shall from time to time under Seal of the Office direct.

And be it further Ordained and Enacted; And it is hereby Ordained and Enacted, That all and every Merchant that hereafter shall send any Goods and Commodities to the Summer-Islands, shall together with the same send an Envoice signed by him, of the Rates and Prices at which the same are to be sold. And that the Factor or Agent of every such Merchant, before he shall sell or expose to sale any such Goods or Commodities, shall repair to the Deputy-Governour of the said Islands for the time being, and shall before him produce the Envoice and Envoices of such Goods and Merchandizes that are to him consigned and sent. And that every such Factor or Agent shall take his Oath on the holy Evangelist, before the Deputy-Governour in the said Islands, for the time being; which Oath the said Deputy-Governour is hereby impowered to Administer, That the said Envoice and Envoices are the same that he received from his Merchant or Correspondent. And that he will not sell the Goods or Merchandizes therein mentioned, or a­ny part thereof, at any higher or greater rate or prize than are expressed in such respective En­voice. And that every Agent or Factor that shall sell or dispose of any Goods or Merchandizes before Oath made, as aforesaid, or at greater rates or prices than are contained in such Envoice or Envoices, or shall refuse to produce and shew forth such Envoice and Envoices to any Buyer that shall demand sight thereof; shall for every such Offence forfeit and pay the sum of ten pounds of Money Sterling, to be levyed by the Sheriff of the said Islands, by Distress and Sale of the Offenders Goods (rendring the over-plus thereof (if any shall be) to the party Offen­ding) to be imployed for publick Uses.

RICHARD BANNER, Secretary of the said Company.

At a Quarters-Court 25 Novemb. 1663.

WHereas the building of Ships in the Summer-Islands, if not restrained by Law, may be of dangerous consequence to the welfare of the Company and the Plantation; as name­ly, That the Timber of the Islands by the building of Ships will be utterly destroyed; That when the Inhabitants have Shipping of their own, occasion will be given to steal and carry away the Tobacco, and so the Company deprived of their Duties; The Magazene-Ships sent from the Company will be disappointed of their Freight; at least entertained at great uncertainties; And lastly the Members of the Company, and Owners of Land here, will lose their Rents and Debts, and in short time their whole Estate; for prevention thereof,

Be it Enacted and Ordained, and this General Court do ordain and establish, That no Vessel exceeding five Tunns shall be by any person or persons upon any pretence whatsoever erected or built in the said Islands, without express Orders from the Company first had and obtained. And if any person or persons shall presume to erect any Vessel within the said Islands exceeding five Tunns or upwards, That upon discovery and legal proof of the same taken before the Go­vernour or any of the Council there, all and every such Vessel to be forfeited and seized upon, and sold for the use of the Company; and out of the Money to be raised thereupon, one fourth part to be paid to the party that shall give the Information, and the other three parts to be paid to the Sheriff of the said Islands; to be laid out for general and publick uses.

At a Quarter Court for the Summer-Islands Company, held at Armourers Hall in Coleman-street, London: Wednesday, the 10th of Febru­ary, 1669.

THE Company taking into Consideration, that the only ground of the present differences that are among them, hath been the entertaining of a Ship wherein one or more par­ticular Members have had Interest, and that the same hath been found by daily experience to be very prejudicial to the Company; and that no Articles have of late been observed, no En­voices given as they ought to have been; the Accounts such only as the Company could have no check upon; besides the general damage to the Plantation by Transporting of Cedar, and other­wise, and that the entertaining of strange Ships would much conduce to the benefit of the Compa­pany, as that the Company would then have due Account; None would be encouraged to wrong the Company and Plantation; the Members would agree to punish Offenders, and the whole would tend to Union in the Company.

Be it Enacted and Ordained, That no Ship shall be entertained by this Company as a Magazceen-Ship, in any Voyage to the Summer-Islands, for the future, wherein any Member or Members of this Company, have or shall have any particular share or Interest.

THOMAS MARTIN, Secretary to the said Company.

The 117th Law of the Company Printed.

ALL Grants from the Company of mens private Lands in the Summer-Islands, shall pass under the Common Seal of the Company; which shall be sufficient eviidence for the said Lands, &c.

At a Quarter-Court the 25 of May, 1636.

WHereas it is given out, That divers of the Planters that live in the Islands, do intend, and are about to buy divers shares of Land for their own use; which in time may be of ill consequence to this State, and Company, and their Governours: for the preventing there­of, This Court do Order and give Authority for the buying of all such Lands, and do also Con­firm their former Order, That no one shall be admitted of the Company, by Vertue of any Land he shall buy, unless the same Land were first offered to the Company; nor any such Deed to be ratified under the Companies Seal.

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