SOME OBSERVATIONS UPON The Tickling Querie, (Viz.) Whether the admitting of a Popish Successor, be the best way to preserve the Protestant Religion? WITH OTHER PASSAGES TOUCHING The History of the Succession and other Pamphlets.

By a Gentleman in the Countrey to his Friend in London.

In illa tempora perventum est quibus nec vitia nec remedia pati possumus. Liv.

LONDON: Printed for Joanna Brome, at the Gun at the West-End of St. Pauls, MDCLXXXI.

Some Observations, &c.


VVE Return you our humble thanks for your constant com­municating to us your City-Pamphlets, for though gene­rally there is neither much wit nor truth in most of them, yet they give us some divertisement to observe how in­dustrious they are to sow the Tares of Disloyalty and Sedition in the heads and hearts of the People: But, God be thanked, we do not find that it takes much effect, at least, about us, for we knowing their Design, and having, many of us, seen the Cheat acted once before, are not so easily prevail'd upon to renounce our Loyalty to the best of Kings, and our ve­neration and obedience to the best Religion in the World, only to rescue a company of furious Zealots from those punishments they know their ill actions have deserved, and which they think cannot be safe but by at­tempting greater.

As for your Intelligences and Mercuries, that call themselves Protestant, certainly they are the last Effort of the Pope and the Devil to make the Word odious in the World, and certainly are as great a Scandal to the true intention of the Word Protestant, as Popery is to Christianity. And though the Word it self doth not signifie Religion (no more than the late Protestation of the Lords at Oxford made them one jot the more Religious.) For the true and proper distinction between us and the Papists is the Re­formation, and at this day those whom we call Protestants of France, stile themselves Ceux de la Religion reformée, and their Church, l'Eglise reformée. However time and use those great Arbitrators of Words, have made the Word Protestant, familiar and significative amongst us, and is not so large as, No Papist, (as some would have it) so as to include Turks and Jews and what not: but hath its sober signification, and with us signifies, Those in the Communion of the Church of England Established by Law at the times of the Reformation in the Days of King Edward the Sixth, and Queen Elizabeth, and so continued down to this Day. But as for those Sham-Protestants, those Scribling-Bermicham, and as they call themselves Dis­senting-Protestants, are no more Protestants in the true Notion of the Word, than one that denies a thing can be said to affirm it, or one that dissents can be said to assent. And as the Word took its Origin from those gallant Protesting Princes of Germany against the Edict of Spire: so it were not much matter if it were laid aside, when it is usurped by such Seditious and Scandalous Persons, who shame the Word.

Your other Books of The History of the Succession, Character of a Popish Successor, and such like, What do they but Rake in the Kennels of History, and pick up all the black and unjustifiable Actions of several Ages to make good their own Seditious Principles, and think themselves good men, if they can find any upon Record as bad as themselves: It being as illogical from those many Rapes that have been made upon the Legitimate Succes­sion of the Crown, by those several Bold Usurpers and Ambitious Pre­tenders to Royalty through the Assistance of discontented Grandees and [Page 2] Clergy-Men, to prove this an Elective Monarchy, as to prove the Law­fulness of Robbing upon Shooters or Gads-Hill, because de Facto it hath often there been put in Execution.

But it is an easie thing to persuade men that are resolved upon the Point; and though we know they would stick at no villany to compass their Ends were it once in their power, yet they please themselves to see how many Gudgeons they catch, with these specious Baits of Precedents and History, which neither they themselves believe, nor hope they will pre­vail upon any thinking men, yet knowing how willingly the Zealous Party are led by the Nose, they venture to print any thing, rather than seem to starve their Cause, or let their Mad Admirers cool into Soberness and Loyalty. How much more ingenuous aud beneficial to Mankind were it for these Men to have observ'd to the World how Funest and Tragical both to Prince and People, most of those Usurpations have been, though otherwise confirmed, as they call it, by Parliaments; What Seas of Blood have been let out of the Veins of Noble and Simple, what Ruins and De­solations have attended the Defence of their ill-obtained Regalities, where as 'tis said in ill-gotten Goods, vix gaudet tertius haeres: so in these Parlia­mentary Titles they never were of long continuance; but the Restless Na­tion through an innate Loyalty and Secret Love and Acknowledgment of the Sacred Right of Succession, was alwaies rowling and never quiet, till the Crown was Fixed upon the True and Legitimate Heir. And how little Knowledge in Judicial Astrology would serve the turn to predict the same Effects from the same Causes? And how easie to imagine that they may at last be Cudgell'd into that Loyalty and Obedience, which now they willingly Forfeit, and after a vast Expence of Blood and Treasure be glad to return to that blessed Peace and Protection we now enjoy, but do not value.

Ay, But the Protestant Religion will be destroyed under a Popish Suc­cessor? And we are under more strong Obligations of Conscience to defend our Religion, than we are to defend the Title of any Prince whatsoever: And it is a greater Offence to God Almighty to introduce Idolatry than to destroy Monarchy: And several other pretty Arguments to prepare the People to Rebel for Conscience sake. To these and a great many more I shall not trouble my self nor you to make any Remarks upon, as arising rather from mistaken Zeal, than from Solid Reasoning: But I shall only touch upon their beloved, darling Querie, over which they hug and tickle themselves, and make such an Oration, as if they had gotten some signal Victory; Viz.

Whether the admitting of a Popish Successor, be the best way of pre­serving the Protestant Religion?

Now if there can be any Rational Account given of this Paradox, or that any one can make the Question it self consistent with Religion or Po­licy, erit mihi magnus Apollo. But though I shall not undertake so seem­ingly difficult a Province, as to Answer the Querie, as they term it, Cate­gorically, yet you will pardon me if I give you my slight thoughts of it.

And First I must dissect it into parts, As whether the Admission of a Po­pish Successor be in our Choice or no? Or, Whether God Almighty hath left it to the Liberty of every People to Chuse their Prince? And if so, Which of the People is to do it? And if Religion hath any influence upon his being admitted, Then another Querie may be, Whether the admitting a Pres­byterian Successor be the best way of preserving the Protestant Religion? And so an Independent, Anabaptist, or Quaking Successor. Then I am to Ask, [Page 3] What you mean by Protestant Religion, whether that Established by Law, or some other, or all other but that? For if we may judge by the Querents, we know there is nothing less in their thoughts than being over solicitous to preserve that Religion, which they brand with these ridiculous Terms of Torism, Tantivism, Masqueradism, and such like ingenious Titles: For which Reasons the Querie might be, Whether Popery or Presbytery is the readier way to destroy the Protestant Religion? And indeed this is a Querie too hard for me to determine, I know the Papists have Will enough, but the Presbyter hath constantly had the better of them, as having better ad­vantage, being a seeming Friend and so less suspected; And indeed the Papists despair of doing any great mischief but through their sides, and by their assistance. And I do extremely wonder, that Men of Parts, as some of the Faction certainly are, should be so gull'd with malicious Zeal against the Religion Established by Law, that they are content once more to be the Papists Journey-Men and Tools, as they in their Prints confess they were, when they would Divert the Odium of the Late Rebellion, and Murdering the Late King, of Ever-blessed Memory, from themselves upon the Papists, who they acknowledge insinuated themselves into their Coun­cils, to their Armies, their Pulpits, and what not, (I was going to say their very Beds.) So that whilst the innocent Presbyter had no other Ends but advancing the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, and making the King a Glorious King, according to the Covenant, The Jesuitical Independents snatched the King out of their hands (who was their King, by one Title more than any other Party could pretend, as having bought him of the Scots, and that at a great Rate, and some of them knew for what End too) and, God knows much against their will, Cut off his Head; while on the other side, the more ingenious Villains of the two, the Independents, own the Fact, but tell them they could never have done it, had not they held him by the Hair.

Thus the King was once Murdered, and the Religion Destroy'd by the Zeal of the Presbyter, under the Conduct of the subtle Jesuit. And now we see, Since the great Plot against the King and the Church of England hath failed, having been so happily and fully Discovered, by that never­to-be-forgotten Doctor Oats, and the rest of the concurring Evidence, the sly Jesuit hath betaken himself to his old slights of Plowing with the zealous Dissenters, as the said Doctor Oats so Prophetically Swore and Foretold in his first Discovery, assigning the very places and stages on which they were to Act, as he said such and such going for Scotland, and mingling themselves with the discontented party there, who no doubt play'd their parts so well, as to stir up some Zealots to Murther the Late Bishop of St. Andrews; others to the Late Rebellion there, which was so happily Suppressed by the Courage and Conduct of his Grace the Duke of Monmouth. But that which is most strange is, that it seems that the very Blood which was there drawn from the Rebels, hath by some energetick influence infected some of those that drew it; who have ever since been suspected, at least, very much to favour the Party and abett the Principles of those they chastised. Mysterious Victory! where on one side their Bodies, on the other their Minds were interchangeably led Captive. Nay more, That Victory of the Dukes was so ill resented by that Party here that have a secret compassion for all insuccessful Rebels, (and probably the Jesuits the Doctor mentioned and these were all of a complexion) that some had like to have lost their Interest, for pushing that Service farther than was intended they should have done, and destroying so many of those [Page 4] daring and precious Souls they might hereafter have occasion to make use of.

But to return to our Tickling Querie, and the little ones in the belly of it; though indeed it is the most disingenuous thing in the World to make Queries and lay some stress upon them, which they themselves know have no foundation in reason or practice. For if it be as clear as the Sun that in such a Kingdom as we are in, viz. an Hereditary Kingdom, where the Succession hath been continued down for so many Ages (saving some in­terruptions by Usurpers, which never lasted long, and cost the Nation so dear as was before hinted) we are no more concerned in the Qualifications of a Legitimate Successor, than we are in the Frosty weather in May, or the no Rain in April: But if God in his Wisdom shall think fit by sending us a Popish Successor (as they call him) for to revenge and punish a sinful and peevish Nation, or for the Tryal of the Faith and Courage of those that call themselves Protestants, what have we to do but receive him, as we should do all other Chastisements, with all Veneration and Submission, and beg of him to give us Grace to make the right use of those Afflictions, that is to amend our Lives, and be so much the better, by how much the Times are the worse.

As for the Writer of the Character he hath taken indeed a great deal of pains to represent his Popish Successor in all the dismal and frightful ap­pearances that wit or malice could handsomely invent, on purpose to scare unwary people out of their wits first, and then out of their Loyalty and Allegiance as well towards the Possessor as the Successor; for to speak the plain Truth, the Arguments as well as the Design is clearly against both, at least they know there is no plausible way to prevent the Suc­cessor, but by using the Possessor so ill, that he may be forc'd at last to yield to their importunities, and pass such Laws as may either totally Ex­clude, or so modifie and shackle the Successor, that it shall not be in his power to do half the harm the Character threatens us with. And here naturally falls in a Question, Whether a King in possession with the Advice and Consent of his three Estates Assembled in Parliament (the Mint and Fountain of all our Laws) can Legally do the one or the other, that is, either Exclude or Modifie? And though it be a dangerous thing to question what a King so fortified may or may not do, yet we see every day, se­veral undertaking and determining the Question on either side, and that positively; So that we are left, in aequilibrio, which side to take, as our Affections and Interest most incline us. And though I will not be posi­tive on either side, I shall only put this Querie:

Whether if it were clear, or granted, That they could not Exclude, whether then they could not Modifie?

I know that the Current of Opinions is, That all Modifications are ineffectual and delusory, nothing but a total Exclusion will serve the Turn. Now if they would be ingenuous and would Confess that they are of Opinion, That nothing but an Exclusion will serve their Turns, I should be a little of their minds, for being conscious to themselves how far they have provok'd him, they judging by their own Charity, con­clude themselves unpardonable, and therefore for their own Security must endeavour to wheedle the whole Nation into the same degree of Guilt to save them harmless. But we hope the Nation is not so mad yet, to involve themselves in so great Sin and Danger only to gratifie or secure a few discontented Republican Desperado's.

[Page 5] Therefore to leave that Question to them of those Principles, give me leave to put you a Case that on this subject was urged by one of our Com­pany (and he a very honest man too, as we take him at least.) I would willingly be satisfied, saith he, why the King in Possession with the Advice and Consent aforesaid, foreseeing that by a Popish Successor at any time, it is more than probable, not only the Religion Established, but the very Laws and Government will be in danger of suffering such convulsions as may hazard the Ruin and Downfall of Monarchy and Religion both, whether ( saith he) they may not make such Laws and Provisions, as may in humane probability prevent or alleviate such dismal consequences. As for instance, without reflecting upon the D. Y. whether he be a Papist or not, nor if he were so, whether he be the worse (as the Character asserts) for being one of the most Accomplished Persons in Europe: We are only to enquire, says he, whether if the Religion Established by Law in England, be a Religion worth our care, and that cer­tainly by all lawful means we may endeavour its Preservation and continuance among us, and its consignation to our Costerity; And that the Religion in England is so implicated and involved with the Laws and Government, that one cannot be invaded but the other must be in danger, and if it be necessary to preserve either or both, and that it is not consistent with Reason to expect this from a Popish Successor at any time; Then whether it be not in the Law­ful Power (I will not add, saith he, the Duty and Obligation) of the King in Possession with the Advice and Consent aforesaid, to make and pass a General Law by Act of Parliament, That no Papist whatsoever shall at any time here­after be capable of Inheriting the Crown, with such other circumstances as shall be thought necessary for such an Act. And first, saith he, here is no wrong done to any man (for the D. Y. is not yet convict of being so) for if the Modes and Qualifications be lawfully laid, then 'tis not the Law but you that exclude your self, and the Subjects are excused by a Law (as great as that which re­quires them to take the Oath of Allegiance) from submitting to such an un­qualified Person. Now though it is urged by some ( continues he) That in He­reditary Successions, no Limitations can be laid by any Power upon Earth to bar the Inheritance, being founded by a Law paramount to all humane and positive Laws, viz. The Law of God and Nature: Yet give me leave, says he, to ask these Gentlemen, whether the Laws of God and Nature have more force here in England, than in any other part of the World? We know very well that by the Laws they speak of, Proximity of Blood is only to be regarded, without any other consideration, either of Religion, Manners, Sex or Age, even to Ideots and Madmen. How then comes it to pass, that in France an Hereditary Monarchy of the first Magnitude, the Crown is Limited to the Heirs Males, for whether the Salique Law be as old as Pharamond, as they pretend it is, or whether it were only made to serve a Turn to exclude our Edward from his Natural Right to that Crown, in Right of his Mother, it will not be worth the while to enquire at this time a-day, de Facto, it is so, and hath been, to the Exclusion of all Females and their Issue to this very time. And though some would seem to justifie the practice with a Dispensa­tion from Heaven, because there is such a passage in the Scripture, Lilia nec nent nec laborant, yet that will scarce pass with any but such as interpret Scripture A la mode de France. So in Portugal, where they admit of Fe­males to Inherit the Crown, yet they are Limited to such as Marry within that Kingdom, and this upon pretence of the Law of Lamego; a fresh instance of which is now upon the Stage in the Infanta of Portugal, who being to Marry with the Duke of Savoy, in order to make their Issue capable of Inheriting the Crown of Portugal, The States of the Nation were Convened, and their [Page 6] Consent required, for dispensing with that Law for this time, and in that Case. And by vertue of that Law the late Duke of Braganza (Father to the pre­sent King and Prince Regent of Portugal) was declared King, having Marryed Catherine, a younger Daughter, yet Marryed within the Kingdom; whilst the Issue of Mary though elder Daughter Marryed to the Duke of Parma, were Excluded, according to that Law of Lamego. In Poland (though it be yet an Elective Kingdom) yet their very Elections are Confin'd and Limited to one that is a Roman Catholick. And so in several Parts of Germany their Chief Magistrate must be alternatively a Romanist and a Lutheran. Now if all this be well done in these Countries notwithstanding the Divine, Natural Right of Succession by proximity of Blood; And if every Nation is bound by the highest Law to take care, Ne quid detrimenti Respublica capiat; And we see other Countries do and have made Laws which they judge most conve­nient for the good of those respective Countries even to the Limiting the Succession; How comes it to pass that we in England are deprived of this Li­berty that other Countries take in preserving themselves and their Government entire and unshaken.

Another Question of this nature and probably as important as the for­mer was urg'd by another Friend, viz. In Case the Wisdom of a King in Possession by the Advice and Consent aforesaid: should make such a Law to Deprive all Papists from Inheriting the Crown, and should Declare, That such and such Overt Acts should be a sufficient conviction in Law to affect such Persons of being so, and then Entayling the Crown upon the next Protestant Heir in Succession: How then should good Subjects behave themselves in such a juncture?

And several other Queries incident hereunto we had, which I shall not trouble you with at this time, but intreat you to give us your thoughts of these I have mentioned, as freely as we have imparted ours. And though these sort of Questions seem a little to confirm or favour the Tick­ling Querie I mentioned at first; give me leave to say thus much to this and all other Queries of this nature?

First, That the Protestant Religion of the Church of England, Teaches us no other Doctrine than what was Taught by the Apostles themselves, that is, Obedience and Submission to Kings and Governours: and that not be­cause they are of this or that Religion or Persuasion (as they now term it) but purely and abstractedly for Conscience Sake, It is the Ordinance of God, and he that resisteth shall receive to himself Damnation.

Next, That we ought continually to bless God for, and earnestly pray for the long Life of our most Gracious Sovereign (never one more truly termed the Light of our Eyes and the Breath of our Nostrils) and then these captious Queries are needless of themselves.

But if it should please God to change the Scene, and send us a King of another Temper, I am sure that then the best way to preserve the Protestant Religion is, to be of the same mind still, that is to Fear God and Honour the King, and we need not fear but that the God whom we serve, who hath the hearts of Kings in his hands, will so order things, that by our peaceable Conversation in such a juncture, most of those dismal apprehensions we are terrified with, will blow over, or if it should prove a storm, it will be either not violent or not long. And this is so peculiarly the Doctrine of the Church of England, that I think I may Challenge all the Churches of the several persuasions in the World, to say and prove they hold this Doctrine; for certainly if it were so, Those desperate Tenents of Murder­ing of Princes, &c. would never have been heard of in the World; And [Page 7] whether the Jesuit or the Presbyter be most guilty in that particular, both in Doctrine and Practice, would be a subject too long and too odious for to be comprehended within the compass of a Letter. To conclude then this great Case and answer this curious Querie as positively as I can, I shall be bold to affirm, That if Almighty God in his Providence should please to send us a Popish Prince, The best way to preserve the Protestant Religion in the Purity of her Doctrine, is not only to admit him, but sub­mit to his just Authority in all his Lawful Commands. We know no Arms but those of the old Christian Martyrs, Prayers and Tears: We are alwaies ready to Fight for, never against our Prince. We fear Hell more than Smithfield; And assuredly if the Princes of the World would impar­tially weigh the Purity and Simplicity of the Doctrines of the Church of England, the Innocency and Decency of her Ceremonies, the Regularity and Decorum in her Offices and Administrations, the Integrity and Can­dour of her Principles and Manners, they would not only conclude her to be the best Transcript of the Original Copy of Primitive Christianity that is left in the World, but the best security to Establish the Thrones of Kings, and the best Rule for Subjects to learn and practise that due Obe­dience they owe to Governours. Oh! that I could add, That the Lives of her Professors were answerable to the Doctrines and Principles of their Profession. For 'tis such a Paradox, as well as Burthen of Spirit to all True, Sober Protestants, to observe that generally those that walk most strictly in their Lives, and pretend to have a degree of Sanctity and Holiness above other Men, they have no proportion of Submission and Deference to their Lawful Superiors both in Church and State, with other Men of less Sanctity or Parts. Whilst on the other side those that pretend to have the greatest Loyalty for their Prince, and Obedience to all in Authority under him, do commonly give themselves too great a Liberty in their out­ward Conversation, and Indulge themselves too much in their sensual en­joyments, to the reciprocal scandal one of another; for whilst one side takes advantage and says, Look what Lives these Loyalists lead: the other returns, Observe what Principles these Zealots hold, thereby encouraging and hard­ning each other in their half-Christianity. And without peradventure it will never be well, till one side adorns his Loyalty with a Holy-Life, and the other crowns his Zeal with Loyalty and Obedience. Then should we be the happiest People alive, under whatever Dispensations of Providence we may possibly fall. Thus begging your pardon for troubling you with our Country Conceptions, We kiss your hands and remain,

Your Faithful Servants, &c.

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