THE Blessed Works OF THE Light of God's Holy and BLESSED SPIRIT Exalted above the Works of Darkness.

With some Informations how to escape out of Sin and Iniquity, and a clear Way discovered into the Truth.

With a short Testimony of the Cry of Babylons's Mer­chants by reason of the Day that is coming upon them.

Stephen Smith

2 Peter 3.12, 13. Looking for and hasting unto the Coming of the Day of God, wherein the Heavens being on Fire shall be dissolved and the Elements shall melt with fervent Heat; nevertheless ac­cording to his Promise, we look for new Heavens and new Earth wherein dwells Righteousness.

Printed in the Year 1673.

THE Blessed Works OF THE Light of God's Holy and BLESSED SPIRIT Exalted above the Works of Darkness

COme, sit down together in a deep Silence out of all Fleshly Wisdom, forgiving all Trespasses, that he that sits upon his Throne, who said, be­hold I make all things new, that he may forgive all your Trespasses; and then wait for Acception into God's Pure Holy Covenant, his Holy Law in the Mind that it may be writ in the Heart, and they shall not teach every man his Neighbour and every Man his Brother, saying, know the Lord; for all shall know me from the least to the greatest; for I will be merciful to their Unrighteousness, and their Sins and Iniquities will I remember no more; a blessed day, magnified be the Lord, whose Works praise him forever (and not good Words out of wicked Workers Mouthes) so these mighty Works of the mighty God, the which he is working and bringing to pass through his mighty Power, are appointed that Mankind should live in the Enjoyment of them, to the Praise and Honour of his Maker forever.

And that it may be distinguished between Evil Wor­kers who have got the good Words, and the good Works from whence all true, and good and gratious Words came, (observe).

In one of the Collects appointed in the Book of Com­mon Prayer it is thus written,

Almighty and Everlasting God, which of thy tender Love towards Man, hath sent our Saviour Jesus Christ to take upon him our Flesh, and to suffer Death upon the Cross, that all Man-kind should follow the Example of his great Humility, mercifully grant that we both follow the Example of his Patience and be made Partakers of his Resurrection, &c.

Now mind, To pray for this, that is common, and used in the old World of Transgression, where Iniqui­ty and Sin is, which separates from God, and are out of his Blessed Works: But to be in the Humility and Pa­tience, this is God's Work, where his Will is done on Earth as it is in Heaven: So that if People would but so far condiscend to the Will of God, as to sit down in Coolness in a true Silence of all the Works of the flesh­ly Wisdom, would they not agree with us, who are in Scorn called Quakers, in Judgment at least, though it may be not in Practice, viz. That Words without Effects are as Dreams and Chaff (to the Wheat, the Substance) So he that hath a Dream, let him tell his Dream; but he that hath God's Word let him speak it: What is the Chaff to the Wheat? Is not my Word like a Fire, saith the Lord, and like a Hammer, that breaketh the Rock in pieces, Jer. 23. I am against the Prophet, saith the Lord, that steals my Word from his Neighbour, who use their Tongues, & say, he saith, and prophesie false Dreams, and tell them, and cause people to Err by their Lyes and Lightness. And so now in Coolness, when the Works of the Enemy are down, [Page 5]viz. Prejudice, and Passion, &c. then by a little Work of God, in its least Appearance, by which Mankind is made sensible, they may see by this small Distinction what it is that we, who are in Scorn called Quakers, stand for (and against) And when the Eye of your Un­derstanding is opened, to behold his Glorious Works whom you have pierced, then will you love us, whom so many have hated, because of our Testimony of God's Works. Do but see how you first hated the Light of God in your selves, before that great Darkness came o­ver you to hate us, who are called Quakers, because we are bowed unto Christ's Spirit, the true Christians Spirit, and therein have in some measure partaken of his Cup, out of which some indeed have drunk very deep, even to the following of his great Humility and Patience, even to Death, as in New-England Sufferings may be seen (by those cruel imaginary Christians, whose wicked Hands have been deep in the shedding of Inno­cent Blood. And though through Ignorance the Suffe­rings of God's People hath been much in Old England, yet they have not been in that desperate kind as there; where out of doubt they are more drunk with the Whore's Cup of Sorceries & Witchcraft, then those of that kind are here in old England, whose spirit is felt; but that their Wings are cut, so cannot fly at that rate, which other­wise they would be at; for now their Hands are tied, how wonderfully do their Tongues go? by which its plain they have no Bridle, but are set on Fire of Hell, Wondering, Despising and Fretting against the Work of the Lord in this the Day of his Power, though Thousands are raised by it, to declare and publish the same in Words, in Life and Conversation, &c.

And now you Vain and Empty Professors and Notio­nists, [Page 6]who are saying in your Dark and Imaginary Con­ceivings of things, That if you had been in the Scribes and Pharisees dayes, those learned Rabbies, you would not have done so wickedly as to Crucifie the Just, and call for his Blood to be upon your Heads. But come, hearken in the Cool; Did not those Scribes and Pharisees say the like of their Fathers, who Stoned and Killed the Prophets whom God sent in Love to them? And were not they in a worse Practice (though they spoak other­wayes?) And was not the Cause of their Blindness from resisting God's Works in his Spirit, by which means they had no Revelation there of the things of God, notwithstanding they had the Scriptures without, which testified of him; yet they being so Wicked to put out the Candle that should have lighted them in it, they saw not the Substance spoken of in the Scriptures, were more darkned, judging by that Law that Christ was a Devil, and a Deceiver, and so ought to dye, with­out any regard to his Innocent Holy Life, and his great Humility and Patience: But though they crucified him, yet they could not so bury him but that he rise again, and appeared in divers manners; and after he was risen opened the Scriptures to his Followers, who loved Him.

Therefore Professors of Works without, who are not Possessors of God's Blessed Holy Works within; What though you do say, If you had been in your Fathers the Scribes and Pharisees dayes, you would not have done as they did: But come, be patient a little; the Works of Truth have a good Tendency, though they be bitter to the Guilty for the Present; come, I say, look where you are; by the Light you may see; you must see by it at last; it were better for you if you would let your Eye be opened now, and see that offen­sive [Page 7]Eye pulled out which hath been offended at God's Works all this while: So do not harden your Hearts in this Day of God's Power being manifest, lest you be cut off from his Rest forever. Come therefore you that are judging others that did wickedly in their Ge­neration, by resisting God's holy Spirit, so had none of the Works of its Revelation; come see now what La­titude your Works are under; If you be in the same Li­berty in the Flesh as they were in, its no matter what you say: Come now to the Tryal; What Experience have you of the Operation of God's Spirit? How much of the Mind and Will of God hath it revealed to you? Can you say, Thus saith the Lord, by the cer­tain Knowledge of the Revelation of God's holy Spirit? Or have you only talkt of it, as the Jews did, who said, We have God for our Father, when they were doing the Devil's Works? Come do not stop your Ears; Have you heard the Voice of God or seen his Shape? or are you ignorant of it, as they were who accused Christ, as if he was bearing False Witness? Nay, come fur­ther; Have you not said, That Revelations are ceased, and thereby shut up the Way to the Kingdom of God, and from the Knowledge of his Righteousness by your wicked Works, in going about to establish your own Righteousness, and Works therein for term of life.

Come you that have set up the Law and Covenant without (above the Law and Covenant within; are not these your own Works? and have not they made you as blind as your Fathers, the Scribes and Pharisees, that you can neither see nor hear?) but in your blind Zeal are persecuting Christ's near Relations, who fol­low him in their Generation, even by the Drawings of [Page 8]his Father's Spirit unto his Humility and Patience, who is the Way, in whom God's Will was done: And did not Christ give Testimony of his Relations, his Mo­ther, his Brothers and Sisters, who did his Father's Will? And is not this to be done on Earth? And is it not the Will of God that we should speak the Truth at all times, and that we should be led and guided by the Spirit of Truth into all Truth? (is there any Sin in the Guide:) And is not this Christ of God the same Auointing or Teacher, as he was in the beginning of the World? Was not he before Abraham was? And is not he the same yesterday, to day and forever, as he was in the beginning, who was David's Lord, and the Holy Men's Lord in all Ages? And is not he the Covenant by which all must come unto God? Was he not given for a Covenant, and a Light to enlighten people, and to be their Salvation, to lead and command his People? And must not his Sheep hear his Voice? And is not he the same that he was in the beginning? And is not this the Precious and Tryed Stone, which the wise Builders, building without, are confounded and stumble at, even the highest Notionists in the fleshly Wisdom, in their highest Conceivings about the Holy Men's Words? Come, examine your selves, and see whether Christ be not in you, except you be Reprobates: You Un­believers, how hath the Godd of the World led you about, and blinded you, that you cannot see the Light of this Glorious Gospel? Come see the Cause; Have you not been making Provision for the Flesh in the first place, and answering the Lusts thereof after the Glory of the old World of Sin and Iniquity? Hath not Re­spect of Persons been in your Eye, and Filthy Lucre, [Page 9]and Praise of Men, and Greeting in Market-Places? Have you not preacht and prayed in your own Wills, and run for Gifts and Rewards in your own Wills? And is not all this Honour to be had below? And have you not sought it before the Honour of God's Work in your Hearts? And is not this the Cause of your Ignorance of God's Kingdom, and his Righteousness (Christ) and his Relations, his Mother, Sisters and Brethren, who are sanctified and blest by the Will of God, where it is done in Truth and Righteousness? and where that is done, do not such only confirm in Truth and Reallity all God's blessed and holy Works without in all Genera­tions? So do not envy and hate the People called Qua­kers, for maintaining the Works of God's holy Spirit within them; for there are many of them have been as high Talkers of the Works of God in holy Men with­out, as you are; but found not such Salvation, as to venture Souls, and Bodies and Estates, till we came to cease from our own Labours in our own Willings and Runnings; and so our Hearts were bowed unto God's holy Will in the deep Silence of all Fleshly Reasonings and Consultations: So by the Works of God's holy and blessed Spirit the Way of God came to be made manifest in us; the which is a Pure, Holy, Undefiled Way, Christ, the same yesterday, to day and forever, as he was in the beginning without Guile, without Sin; no Iniquity is in him; he that is the Hope of Glory, the great My­stery made manifest in us Gentiles, who in former times, when without the Knowledge of him in the World, had Lords many, and Masters many, and feigned Faiths and Beliefs concerning him many and divers: But when we were given up clearly to seek the Kingdom of God, without any reserve of making Provision for the Flesh, [Page 10]then the New Jerusalem, God's Building, came down from above, the Mother of all the Faithful, where­in no Evil can be conceived, whose Children in her are made free from the Law of Sin and Death; and this blessed City hath no need of the Sun, neither of the Moon to shine in it; for the Glory of God doth lighten it, and the Lamb is the Light thereof. This blessed Habitation is prepared for God's People, who love the Light of his Appearance, and delight to do his Will.

So away with all False Accusations from all you False Accusers of the People called Quakers, who say, We ex­pect to be Saved by a Righteousness of our own, and by Works of our own: If it were so, as you falsely and vainly do say, then might we not keep in the Broad Way, with you Hypocrites, who are gotten above the daily Cross, and so led about by the Thief above the Door, where you Foxes, who are cunning in Hunting about after o­thers Works, have Holes enough to creep and cring in­to to keep you in the Glory of the World of Sin and Iniquity, where you have had a long Trade in your I­maginations, conceiving God's Works in his blessed Instruments without you, whose Lines you have long made your boast of; so your Lyes are upon your own Heads. For, this I testifie, and the Testimony is the same in Thousands, who are Witnesses of the Works of God's holy Spirit, in some Degree or Mea­sure, viz. That it is in Christ, God's Covenant, in which we hope for Salvation, and in no Covenant nor Work of Man's; and in this Covenant we are made a good Savour unto God, and one unto another: And Acceptance with God is obtained no other way but by the one pure Offering, without Spot or Blemish, by [Page 11]the effectual Workings of the Eternal Spirit, where the Blood of Christ is witnessed to be sufficient to purge Consciences of dead Works, and so to serve God in the New and Living Way, which he hath consecrated for us through the Vail, his Flesh: And therefore all who are thus Partakers of God's Works, by the Revelation of God's Spirit, being true Witnesses of the Blessing of God in this one Unspotted Offering, we cannot but confess him before Men; denying all imaginary Offe­rings in mens wills, where their Garments are filled with Spots and Blemishes, and their Consciences are defiled with dead Works of their own Inventions and Works, the which having some outward Shew of Ho­liness may Recommend unto Man, who lives in the same, but not unto God; and therefore Experience in the Works of God's blessed Spirit hath taught us to de­ny them.

And by this Christ of God, the Mediator of the New Covenant, we have Acceptance with God, from whence the Knowledge of Salvation comes, by the Remission of Offences and Sins; and therefore we deny all false and vain Mediatorship of vain man in his vain VVorks of Conceivings & Imaginations concerning this Mediator; the which is really to be enjoyed and known by the effe­ctual VVorkings of God's Eternal Spirit, to the Consola­tion and Peace of Souls who partake thereof.

And through the blessed VVorks of this blessed Spi­rit of God the Deaf Ear comes to be opened, to hear the Voice of the one true powerful Shepherd, who a­lone doth feed the Sheep of his Pasture with that con­venient and wholsome Food, the which causeth Sound­ness of Heart and Mind, and therein doth he take Care to preserve and keep his Sheep in a living Sense of his [Page 12]Love & Fatherly Care, who calls to his Sheep when the Lion, the VVolf and the Bear appears, and strengtheneth them who take Pleasure in hearkening and obeying his Voice. So to the one Shepherd and one Fold Testimony is given, unto whom all that are erred and strayed must return, if ever they witness Deliverance from Evil and Preservation from Danger. So we deny all false Shep­herds whose VVorks of Darkness tend to the scattering people in their Minds and Understandings from the Sense of God's VVorks in Christ, in reconciling lost Man­kind, and bringing them home unto himself (the Sub­stance of all) of which the Law outward was but a Shadow of good things the which are injoyed in this one Shepherd and Bishop, who takes Care and Oversight of Souls; magnified and praised be his holy and glori­ous VVorks of Redemprion forever and ever.

And so to the Honour of this one blessed Physitian of Souls, whose Works are certain and effectual, the which has been tryed by many wounded Souls, who could find no Cure without by the foolish and vain Physitians without, who are meer Deceivers, and Daubers up of people through their Inchantments and Sorceries, by which they have made a long Prey of people through their fair Speeches, getting their Money through meer De­ceit and Flattery, intruding into things they have no Knowledge of, in which VVorks they are pufft up above the pure holy VVorks of God's blessed Spirit, the Re­velation of which they have denyed, they in lew there­of have set up their own Imaginations and Conceivings in the Revelation of their Singular exalted Spirit, the Flattery and Deceit of which having taken with peo­ple, how are Nations corrupted by it? and what Mise­ry have these wicked VVorks brought into this Nation? [Page 13]God having given signal Testimonies of Dislike unto them by Sword, Plague, Fire and Sword, and by ma­ny Messengers whom he hath drawn near unto himself by his VVorks, by the hands of them Messengers hath he sent VVarning upon VVarning, and Exhortation up­on Exhortation, with tenders of his Blessed VVorks of Reconciliation upon just and equal terms, of his Ene­mies repenting, and turning unto him by turning from their Wickedness: But what Entertainment these Ser­vants of the Living God have found by these foolish Physitians, who are meer Time-Servers for their own Ends, whose Refuge is an Arm of Flesh to defend their wicked corrupt Works, which have filled the Nations with their Defilements, who by their Flatteries have drawn a Compliance from Magistrates, to punish the Messengers and Servants of the Most High God for tel­ling the Truth from a certain Knowledge of the Works of God's Spirit of Truth, and therein testifying against the Works of Error and Darkness. But the Sufferings that have been for this Love of God in and through them who have been Instruments in his hands, may through search be known; so Testimony is given against them, who are in the Exaltation of Works without, and denying the immediate blessed Works of God's ho­ly Spirit in its Operations and Revelations of the Mind and Will of God unto wounded Souls within.

And further concerning these Blessed Works of God's Righteous Holy Spirit, the which are attended with Peace, unto which Way many have been turned; and because some loiter, and are sloathful, and yet remain unconverted of the Old Man's corrupt Words and Deeds, and therefore not fit to put on the New Man, Christ Je­sus; [Page 14]and some who were in the Way, do turn out of it again; and some fall head-long down to Perdition: Oh! what Occasion hath the Watchers for Evil ta­ken at this, and thereby set at nought God's Works in his Holy Righteous Spirit, and them that abide therein, making Conclusions in their dark imaginary Concei­vings of the Works of God, That he hath no such perfect Works now adayes; but that all are fallible and changeable: and so measure and weigh the things of God in their cor­rupt false Measure and Ballance, which things are A­bomination in the Sight of God. So Testimony is gi­ven to God's blessed Works, though many are so brittle that they will not abide them; yet notwithstanding God's Works in and through his holy Spirit of Truth are Righteous, Holy, Perfect in every Degree and Mea­sure, and remains firm in Goodness and unchangeable, there being no Spot nor Blemish in them, the which prai­ses him forever, out of which none shall ever find Ac­ceptance of him. Mutter, Peep, Whine and Scold as long as you will, your Works of Darkness must down, which have corrupted the Nations, which is the Cause of the great Judgments past in this Nation, and the greater yet to come: For the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, is gone out against wicked Workers and works, and thus saith the Lord, No Peace to the Wicked; their Prayers are Abomination in my Sight. So whatsoever your Professions and Coverings therein be, of your Talkings and Imaginations concerning the Gift of God, which is Life Eternal, you being really out of it, in your own imaginary Parts & Gifts, in comprehending the VVorks done without you, and so not sensible of any Real, Per­fect, Pure VVork of God's Holy Spirit in you, the [Page 15]which is the Cause you are so Dark, and wickedly Blind­ed to plead for Sin, the which is accompanied with the VVages of Death; the Cause of Death being Sin, the which remaining, the Effects cannot cease, even Death and Corruption from that venemous Sting over all Flesh that is corrupted with it. So for Shame leave your false Accusations against an Innocent People, cal­led by the Name of Quakers, for testifying of the VVorks of God's holy Spirit, the which are perfect in every Degree, and therefore there is not the least Sin nor Evil in them. So all you who say, You are not with­out Sin in your Best Duties; I say, They are all VVorks of your own (which blind and hide God's Works from you.) And as you may read of the Works of God's Spirit in Mordecai, how they could not bow to the Pride and Arrogance of Haman; and also, the Works of God's Spirit in Daniel, how they could not bow to them that would have restrained and limited them; and also the Works of God's Spirit in Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, how they could not bow to the Golden Image, set up by Nebuchadnezer, though Laws under Penalties of Death in a Cruel Manner was before them; and also, the Works of God's Holy Spirit in the primi­tive Christians, through the Strength of which they un­der-went hard and grievous things under the spirit of Antichrist, which got up in a Form of the good Words, in the Pleasures and Vanities of the Works of the fleshly Wisdom, the which have been kept up by the same Wisdom, by an Arm of Flesh, under which the Innocent People, who are true Witnesses of the Works of God's Spirit, have suffered very deeply in this Age, the which cannot be hid, though the Cause for which they have thus suffered is so far hid that it [Page 16]cannot be believed, though they have been wonderfully declared of. But it is Mordecai, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego's God which we, who are in Scorn called Quakers, do worship in and by the Effects and blessed O­peration of his own blessed Spirit, wherein stands our Confidence, and not in Flesh; and our Faith, Belief and Hope is in him, that he will turn the Hearts of many of our Enemies unto us, though many will perish in their Gain-saying. So over all the VVorks and Powers of Darkness is our Faith and Belief, that the Holy Righteous VVorks of God's blessed Spirit shall be exalted, and the God of Truth in and through his bles­sed VVorks, in preparing and fitting the Hearts of peo­ple, the Knowledge of him shall encrease, till it spread over all. And for this Purpose hath God rai­sed many, contrary to the VVisdom of the VVorld, in whom he hath made known his Righteous Works, who have Unity and Fellowship therein (who are true La­bourers therein) purely out of Love to God and his blessed VVorks, in Good-will and true Love to all men, that all may taste of the Goodness of God, the Experience of which will bring Mankind to be of one Mind and Heart, and therein to agree to Praise and Magnifie God, who shows Man his Thoughts, to whom belongs Honour and Glory forever.

And now all you Leaders of the People, in all Forms and Fashions, who are denying the Works of the Divine Power of God in its blessed Operation and powerful Working, in setting free them who are hea­vy laden and weary through the Enemies works of Sin and Iniquity, the which you say cannot be Overcome; therefore you are Denyers of the Sufficiency of God's [Page 17]Works and his Kingdom, wherein dwells Righteous­ness, Peace and Joy in and through the Effectual Wor­kings of God's Holy Spirit, the which, though you say in words, Thy Kingdom come, thy Will be done, &c. But being Sayers, and not Doers, you are so darkened that with all your own Wills and Mights you are streng­thening the Old Kingdom of Transgression, where Sin and Iniquity aboundeth, the Devil's works: Was it not by reason of Transgression that the first Law, the first Covenant, was added, which was written in Tables of Stone? And was not this in Force till the Manifestation of the Seed of Life and Power, the Coming of the Messiah, to finish Transgression, and to put an End to Sin, and so bring in everlasting Righteousness, God's Kingdom?

Now all you blind Leaders of the Blind, is not here God's Second Covenant, writ in the Heart, into which all must come that come unto God, where his Light is to shine, who is the True Light that enlightens every Man that comes into the World? And if this Righteous Law be taken heed unto, will it not judge Lust when it rises in the Heart? And will it not judge Anger when it ri­ses in the heart? and will it not judge every Desire of Breaking Promise, when it arises in the Heart? And will it not judge every Hasty and Froward Action and Lightness, when they appear in the Heart? And is not all that proceeds from this Righteous Law and Co­venant of God in the Heart Pure Truth, Yea and Nay? And what is more then Plain Truth, Yea and Nay, is it not judged by this pure Law in the Heart? And are not all forbidden to Swear by this one Law-giver, who is a­ble to Save or to Destroy? And must not his Righteous Law and Decree take place, though many Laws through Darkness and Ignorance may be made against it? And [Page 18]must not all that come to Sion, the City of the Living God, be Redeemed through these Righteous Judg­ments? And are not the great Mercies of God witnes­sed in and through these Righteous Judgments? And all that will not come under this Righteous Law and Government, where Mercy and Peace kisses, and Truth and Righteousness is set over all; is it not just that they be left to Judgment without Mercy? So is not Destruction from Self-willing and Running of people out of the Counsel and Knowledge of the Will and Mind of the Living God? And is not the Salvation of every Soul in and through the Righteous Decrees and Just and Holy Laws of God, which is Light in every Conscience? And must not all that come to Salvation come first to the Way and Means that God hath ordain­ed? And is not the Second Coming of Christ, in the Light of his Holy Spirit, the Way by which all must come unto God, the which is without Sin, without Spot, without Guile? And must not all that come unto God come unto him in this one Blessed Savoury Offering? And is not this Christ of God the same yesterday, to day and forever as he was before Abraham was, and so the same in the beginning of all things? And must not all that come to God come out of Transgression, the Cause why Mankind was drove from the Presence of God? And is not this Christ of God the Way out of Transgression, who was obedient and subject to the Will of his Father in all things? And must not they, all that are saved, be brought into this blessed Cove­nant of Life, the End of God's great Love in his Son manifested to the World, that through him they might not abide and perish in Darkness; but through belie­ving and obeying that Second Coming and Appearance [Page 19]of the Light of him, they might have the Light and Understanding of the Life of him, the one blessed Of­fering, that perfects forever them that are sanctified?

And now all you blind Leaders of the Blind, under all your Imaginary Lifeless Confessions and Professions of God and Christ, what strength of Arguments do you use in your perverse Wills and Affections to streng­then the Old World of Transgression in Sin and Iniqui­ty, whereby you go about with all your Might to make void the Second Covenant, which is without Fault, and so you shut up the Way to God's Kingdom and the Knowledge of his Righteousness, by labouring and moiling in your vain Service and Works to establish your own Righteousness and dark Works therein? And by this Fruitless Labour and Travel, what Darkness and Blindness have you brought over the Nations, through your ignorant Conceivings of those gratious Words, which were spoken by the effectual working and moving of God's Holy Spirit in and through Holy Men, the which was for a blessed End spoken, even to turn peo­ple from the Darkness, which was over them by reason of Transgression, unto the true Witness in them, the Light that makes manifest all that is reprovable and wicked in Mankind, the which being turned from, and the Light obeyed, that they may be led to the Know­ledge of God, that they may not be without God in the World, whom to know is Life Eternal? And so Light is sown for the Righteous, that through this blessed Seed the Serpent's Head may be bruised, and kept under in all; and so is way made to put on the Heavenly Image again, by being led and guided out of Darkness by the Light of the Emanuel, in and through every blessed [Page 20]and glorious Degree of his Works to the Mark of that Price, the Measure and Stature of the Fulness of Christ Jesus, the Heavenly Man, the Heavenly Image; as many as are baptized into Christ put on Christ.

Now I say unto you blind Leaders of the Blind, who have got some few of the Gratious Words and Works of the Righteous Men of God; therefore I say but few of them, because there is but little upon record of those mighty Works, which did then shew forth the Won­derful Power of God in and by the effectual Workings of his holy blessed Spirit; the which, if all had been written, the World could not have contained the Books; and of that which was written, you have but a part, with which you blind Leaders of the Blind have made a long Trade, in Wresting, Perverting and Cor­rupting to your own Destruction, making them look every way but the right in your Imaginary Conceivings thereof. So wrong you are in your Judgments, who have denyed the effectual Workings of God's Holy Spi­rit, that what in you lies by your Works of Darkness you are making void God's Holy Law and Covenant, as to any true Understanding or Knowledge of it in the Mind and Heart: And so building your selves up in Imagi­nations and Conceivings, what Strangers are you to God's Holy Works in and by the effectual Working of his holy Spirit within Man? How brutish are you in your Understandings, to stand and wonder, and some to despise, till they perish at the News of these Works, though God hath raised many faithful Witnesses, who have declared and given Testimony to them, even to the laying down their Lives, and many their Liberties, and in great measure their Estates, whereby it hath [Page 21]plainly shewed, That this is the Time and Season where­in God is making known his Mighty Power, for the sub­duing and bringing under the Power of Darkness, that the Kingdoms of this World may become the King­doms of God; and that the Kingdom of his Son, which is in Righteousness, Peace and Joy of his blessed holy Spirit may be set over all? And is not this according to that Prayer, Thy Kingdom come, thy Will be done on Earth, &c? Now consider, Are not all those Wayes destructive to Mankind that are made up in the dark Conceivings of Man, without the Light of understanding the Will of God herein? And by your Works of Darkness, in op­posing the Blessed and Effectual Works of God's holy Spirit, what Misery and Confusion have you brought your selves and the Nations into, where you lie in Heaps in Controversies about the Works and Words without, till the Enemy's works of Darkness be over-grown in you, by which you are so droven from the Presence of God, and the Light of his Countenance, that you are greatly confounded, kicking and stumbling at the pre­tious Stone, the which in your Fleshly Worldly Wis­dom you think too mean to be in your Buildings? by reason of which, how many Fashions are your Buildings of? reeling and staggering from one Fashion to ano­ther, soaring aloft in your airy Imaginations of the things of God, in using your Wits and Arts to bend the Holy Men's Testimonies to your corrupt Wills and Affections: And so much more as you strive in these Works, so much more you are and must be confounded: What a sad Work have you herein taken in hand? and what vast Sums of Money have you exacted out of Nati­ons to maintain the Pride and Arrogancy of your hearts herein?


Oh! that there were such a Heart in people to sit down before the Lord, that they may partake so much of his blessed Works as to open the Eye of their Under­standings, that they may see over these Works of Dark­ness, where nothing is good nor pleasant to the truly Hungering and Thirsting Souls after God's Righteous­ness: How miserably have these Nations been cheat­ed by these blind Guides, who have exacted abundance of Wages under Pretence of being Healers and Curers of the Nations; but are now found by the Effectual Workings of the Light of God's holy Spirit to be the chief Instruments of the letting in of Darkness, Corruption and Abominations that raign on the Earth; Through that Adulterated Spirit, the Mother of all Harlots, who are departed from the true Spouse, and so running and hunting after others Blessed Works and Experiences, have set up Trades in their Arts of telling and boasting of others Lines and Works, where that Adulterated Spirit hath covered them, who are corrupted with her Sorceries and VVitchcraft under various Fashions of Confessions and Professions of God and his Christ? But underneath these Coverings are the same wicked hands by which the Just hath suffered, and been rejected and set at nought in all Ages.

And through the blessed VVorks of the Light of God's holy Spirit these Corrupt Workers and Works of Darkness being discovered, and a Righteous Testi­mony in Thousands that stand against them; what a sad work do these blind Leaders make to hide themselves from the VVrath of the Lamb that is coming upon them, looking back to the several Traditions, Customs and Commands of Men, from whence they derive se­veral Establishments upon many Fleshly rotten Founda­tions, [Page 23]as Covenant and Directory, of Man's, none of God's Foundation: Christ, God's Foundation, is a Pure, Ho­ly, Unspotted Foundation, where God's Wisdom and Counsel directs in and through the Works of his Holy Spirit, the which are perfect and good in every degree thereof, by which people are built up a Spiritual House to the Honour and Praise in and through God's blessed Works forever.

So to God's Covenant and Works must all Mankind be brought under (that are redeemed and made alive to God) therefore we deny the Presbyterian's Covenant and Directory, as being but a meer Parcel of Conceivings and I­maginations, which tends to hide the Holy Covenant, and Foundation of the Righteous People in Generations past, and now present in being (who were and are built upon the sure Foundation, which God hath laid, and thereon in Covenant with his Righteous Holy Works.)

And concerning your Foundation, who are built upon a Church-Faith, made up by an Assembly of Diviners out of their own Brain, in their fleshly Comprehensions; its man's Works, full of Blemishes and Spots (and not God's) God's Foundation and Works thereon are Pure and Holy, without Spot, Wrinkles or Blemish. And forasmuch as your made up Faith and Works tend to the making void the pretious Faith of God's Elect, which is the Gift of God, the which purifies the Heart, and works by Love, and giveth Victory over the Old World of Trans­gression and Sin, without which Faith there is no pleasing God: And so to this One Faith, One Baptism and One Lord Testimony is given, and against all feigned Faiths, the [Page 24]Works of Men's Hands, the which are in Wickedness, by which the Just was slain.

And concerning that Head of the Beast, which is branched out into several Horns in Feigned Humility and Will-Worship, intruding into things which they are not led into by the Light of God's holy Spirit, and there­fore their Foundation being not from a certain Know­ledge of the immediate Works of God's holy blessed Spirit in them; But are in their own Willings and Run­nings into Imaginations and Conceivings about the Pra­ctices of the holy Men of God; but being out of their Spirit and Works therein, what dark Works of Plung­ings and Dippings in outward Water, and imaginary Fellowships in outward Elements; but being out of a true Sense of the Works of God's Spirit, and its In­spiration to enlighten them, and give them an Under­standing of the Times and Seasons of the Dispensati­ons and Works of the Mighty God; what Strangers are they to the New Birth, and the One Baptism of Christ with Fire and the Holy Spirit, to burn and consume Lusts, and so to bring down every high Thought and vain Imaginations under his Feet, who is the Lamb of God that takes away the Sins of the World? And so by that One Pure Holy Spirit of God are many bapti­zed into one Body, where God's Will is done on Earth by him that abides forever. So not by the Works of Man's Righteousness is any saved, but by the Merciful Works of God in his Son, by the VVashing of Rege­neration, and Renewing of the holy Spirit. So into this pure holy Name must all be Baptized, Dipped, Plunged, the which tends to the bringing out of all False Fellowships, into that One and Only Pure Fellow­ship, to walk in the Light of the Lord, where the Blood of [Page 25]Christ cleanses from all Sin: A pure Baptism indeed, a pure Washing in a pure Fountain, where Filthiness that is within man comes to be washed away, and thereby way is made for the Comfortable Fresh Springs that rise from the Fountain of Love and Mercies (the Sub­stance) of which many outward things are Shadows; but the Good Thing it self is come, Glory to God on high ( Hebr. 9.9, 10.) So to his blessed Works, who must increase, is Testimony given; and against all the Works of Men's Hands, the which tend to the making void thereof. So the Fountain of God stands sure, and must do forever; and all False Foundations, whereon People have built must be swept away for evermore.

THE blessed and unspotted Foundation the Mighty God of Heaven and Earth hath laid, which is Christ, or Ʋnction from the holy God; by the Light and Teaching of which Mankind comes to be inspired with a right Understanding concerning things that differ; even that which is pretious and wholsome, so good for Food for every Soul; and that which is vile and filthy, which tends to the defiling and bringing Souls into Bondage. And so John in his 1 Epist. 2.20. saith unto the then Believers, who had recei­ved this heavenly Gift, But ye have an Ʋnction from the Holy One, and ye know all things: Herein was and is God's Love in his Son manifested to the World, to destroy his Works, who hath led Mankind into Darkness; and so through Man's Obedience in fol­lowing and believing in these blessed and unspotted Works of God in his Son, the Enmity comes to be slain, that separates Mankind from God; and so the blessed Works of God in his Son, recon­ciling and bringing back them who have been lost by wandering and roving in their own Willings and Runnings in this cloudy and dark Night, they come to be seen, felt and enjoyed by them who were and are Partakers thereof, even of God's Works in his [Page 26]Son, by which the Eye of the Understanding comes to be opened, and so the Offensive Eye, that is offended at God's Works, comes to be put out: And thus the Light and Understanding of that pure Life comes to be known, the which hath been as a Lamb slain from the Foundation of the World of Wickedness by the Subtilty of the Serpent in Man's Heart.

And now to the Praise and Honour of God Almighty, who hath drawn Thousands by the Strivings of the Grace of his Holy Spirit to the Knowledge of his Way, Christ, the Truth, Way and Life, the which is without Spot and Blemish; the same Pure, Holy and Unchangeable Way and Foundation on which the holy Men of God were built in Ages and Generations past, Ephes. 2.20. and are built upon the Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief Corner-Stone. So here was the Primitive Christians Foundation, from whence proceeded and proceeds Heavenly, Blessed and Gratious Words, from the true Sense and Feeling of the Operation and powerful Works of God's holy and blessed Spirit: And from this Holy, Uncorruptible, Pure Foundation and Way of God were all True Ministers and Tea­chers of others raised, from the Blessed Operation of the Spirit of Truth in themselves, whereby they had and have the Will and Mind of God unto People, though not all in the same Measure or Degree: But every one being faithful to his own Measure of Knowledge, is therein a Minister of the Universal Love of God in his Eternal Spirit unto the VVorld.

So here lies the Difference between True Teaching and Teach­ers, (and False.) The True Teaching being the Anointing of God's Holy Spirit and Power, wherewith Mankind being anoin­ted, and taught of God, and according to God's Blessed VVill therein, in a Cross to his own Carnal VVill and Affections, speaking forth and delivering the Truth unto people, as it is in Jesus, Lord of all, in whom the Peace is, and from whom Peace is proclaim­ed under those Conditions and Quallifications as it pleases him to make and tender, who is Lord of all. The False Teaching is that Spirit of Iniquity, the Old Deceiver of the VVorld, the Serpent that worked and wrought under a Mystery, subjecting Mankind unto his VVill under a Vain Hope, through which he beguiled [Page 27]him at first, drawing out a Compliance of his VVill unto his De­lusions, and so to transgress the blessed Commands of his Maker; through which yielding of Mankind unto the Serpent's Counsel, they became Transgressors of God's Holy Law and Covenant; and for that Cause was drove from God's Presence, and then Fear entered; and Trouble and Sorrow entered by Man's yielding to the Traytor, by which means he partook of the Nature of his Cursed VVorks; and being thus drove out of the Garden of E­den, the Lord placed a Flaming Sword, which turned every way to keep the VVay of the Tree of Life.

And now the same Mystery of VVickedness, by which Mankind was drawn into Transgression, the same spiritual VVickedness be­ing got in a High Place, above the pure holy Seed of God in Man, there keeps Mankind in Bondage to his Will under many fair & spe­cious Hopes, That though Sin and Transgression, the Cause of Death, be not finished in them, yet Deliverance shall be had by the Manife­station and Works of the Seed without them, So here Mankind be­ing Imbondaged by these Corruptible VVorks under the Dark Power of the Enemy, from whence arises all Corruptible VVays, Man being gone from the Uprightness in which he was created, goes now abroad hunting about in his Inventions and Conceivings, being led about by this Thievish Spirit, which first drew his Mind from the VVill of God, and so in this is climing up and down, e­very way but the right Door; and so being in this Earthly VVis­dom from below, by Arts and Trades set a teaching of their Ima­ginations and Conceivings concerning the Holy VVorks without, and so here lay down Foundations under Confessions and Professi­ons of Good VVorks and Gratious VVords without, and thereby keep the Serpent's works of Transgression and Sin alive within; and here the false Teachers under several Covers of Confessions and Professions in the spirit of Antichrist set up. And so here be­ing tossed up and down with Floods of Inventions, from thence their Shameful VVorks are cast up in the Old VVorld of Trans­gression and Sin, where these False Teachers are so rivited, the works of the Enemy being become so natural unto them by reason of the Continuance of Time in Transgression and Sin, that thereby they are now become impudent and bold, even to dare to plead for [Page 28]the Serpent's works, Sin, for term of Life; taking it for Delusion and high Presumption for any to speak to the contrary: And so here False Teachers being raised from the works of the Enemy, moving in the Earthly VVisdom for Earthly Things, being propt and bolstered up through Vain Glory, Praise of Men and weigh­ty Pounds, many Nobles and special Marks, with abundance of Crowns and frequent Appearances of Angels; in and by which they are so oyled, that their Tongues run at their own VVills and Lusts, by fair Speeches of other Men's Lines and VVorks; with which ignorant Simple People being taken, have so fed and oyled the VVheeles of these Trades-men, the which hath set them up so strong, that they make all the Defence they can to strengthen them­selves and their Clients in the old VVorld of Sin and Iniquity: And so these False Teachers having put Darkness for Light, and Light for Darkness, what strong Pillars and Props they are grown under the Devil's Kingdom and Power of Darkness, under seve­ral Heads more that might be mentioned, being derived from one Beastly Power, from whence is risen several Heads, and so bran­ched out into several Horns, the which are pushing every way against the Horn of God's Anointing (the Power and Strength of the Effectual and Blessed Teachings of his Holy and Blessed Spirit) the Door and VVay by which all must enter that come to be tru­ly satisfied with God's Righteousness (Christ) the same Seed pro­mised in the beginning to bruise the Serpent's Head; the effectual VVorks and Power of which, according to God's good Pleasure, was and is manifest in the VVorld. So to the Praise and Honour of God's Holy VVorks many can say, Peace from him that is, and was, and is to come, Jesus, Lord of all, who delivers his People from their Sins, the Lamb of God that takes away the Sins of the World; through which Powerful and Blessed VVorks Mercy and Peace is extended to all Mankind, without Respect of Persons, upon Earth.

So Blessed are they that Fear God, and are found out of their own VVillings and Runnings in their perverse and crooked Nature, in a true Submission and Obedience to the Righteous VVorks of God's Righteous Holy Spirit, the true Christian Spirit, that Chri­stianity [Page 29]may flourish again, and that Heathenism and Paganism under that Name Christian may be subdued, and vanish away; and Jesus, Lord of all, exalted in the Hearts and Minds of peo­ple over all his Enemies: Then shall the Nations flourish, and yield Fruit in Season, to the Praise and Honour of God forever.

ANd now all you Merchants of Babylon, Howl, and cry, Alas, alas! What! all these pretious Trades, whereby we have gotten so much Gain, must they all Down? Where be all our Mountains and Rocks, that have been so long a making up by all our Fellow-Trades-Men by Arts and Inventions, in Professions and Confessi­ons of Good Works and Works without through Ages and Gene­rations past? Will none of these Mountains and Rocks cover and hide us from the great Wrath of the Lamb? What must we now bow to his Righteous Works who takes away the Sins of the World? or else will he grant us No Peace? Alas, Alas! What Clothing in Scarlet, and Purple, and Fine Linnen of Egypt, with pretious Stones, will these no longer hide our Sins and Iniquities? Must all our Works herein, wherein we thought to have established our own Righteousness, must they now all be put off as Dung and Dross? Alas! Alas! Though we have lived so far from the Knowledge of the Operation and Works of God's Holy Spirit, as utterly to deny its Revelations now adayes, and so have been Dark, and void of the Knowledge of God's Righteous Chastisments, and Re­bukes therein; yet we have presumed, that by Custom of Confessi­ons and Professions of God's Good Works, done in and through Holy Men without us, would have given us a Right to his Holiness, though the Lust of the Eye, the Lust of the Flesh, the Pride of Life and Friendship of the World had never been whole­ly subdued in us, but in such a part as might he consistent with our Gain and Profit in the World. But Alas! Alas! Our Co­verings be too narrow, they will no longer hide us; God's Righ­teous Works are abroad in the Earth, who is inspiring his People with True Light of Ʋnderstanding; and Mordecai sits in the Gate, and will not bow to Wickedness (Haman) Alas! Alas! We have twined and twisted about through many Crafts and In­ventions, [Page 30]some of our best Arts-Men having called the Light a Devil, some others a Natural Light, and others a Bewildering Light; and likewise many False Accusations have we raised, with Evil Reports, Scornings and Reproachings of the People called Quakers, for Confessing to the Works of the Light of God's Holy Spirit; yet all our Shifts do not at all help us, but those Works pros­per, and they are generally a Faithful People to their Testimony. Alas! Alas! Who would have thought our Mother had been such a Harlot? What delicate Inchantments and Sorceries hath she used and trained us up in, that we have been thus deceived, and thereby have been Instruments of deceiving the whole Nations? Alas! Alas! We can flee into no Corner nor Hole but we are found out and pur­sued. Alas! Alas! can't all the Wisdom of the VVorld, and Arts therein help to hide our Sins and Iniquities from the Light of the Lamb? Is every Creature so clearly manifest in his Sight, that made all things good in the beginning? And is he now as work again? And must all yield to his VVorks, or be accounted his Enemies, and be cast out of his Presence, who is Lord of all, whose is the Earth and the Fulness thereof? Alas! Alas! VVords of Repentance of Sin will not serve now; there must be a true Repentance and Forsaking Sin and Evil, or else we perish forever.

Even so it must be done to you Workers of Iniquity, who have been and are as Props and Pillars, strengthening the Old World of Transgression in Sin and Iniquity, the Devil's works, and therein withstood the Sufficiency of God's Love manifested to the World in his Son to destroy the Devil's works, which works of Transgression the old subtil Serpent, the Deceiver of the Nations, in and through his Instruments is striving and labour­ing to maintain under several and very large and specious Preten­ces of crying out, Lord, Lord: But come Workers of Iniquity, these Good Words will not give you Admittance into the King­dom of God; its not they that say, Lord, Lord, shall enter therein; but they that do the Will of God: And was not his Will manifested to the World in his Son, that they that believed and followed him in doing his Father's Will might not Perish, but have everlasting Life? And do not many of you confess to this in words? who say in your set Prayers, That we may follow the Ex­ample [Page 31]of Christ's great Humiliation and Patience, that we may attain to his Resurrection, &c. VVhat brave VVords have you VVorkers of Iniquity got in your Old Bottle, that can hold none of the New VVine? And so in your corrupt VVills what will the using good VVords do you good, but thereby add to your Condemnation, who by Good VVords and corrupt and Bad Actions are with­standing and have withstood the Good-will, Pleasure and Love of God in his Son to the VVorld. So your works of Darkness and Falshood are clearly manifested, and you can't hide them from the Light: But the Light of the Effectual and Powerful VVorks of God's holy Spirit, wherein his VVill is manifest, is rising more and more, to a more perfect Day of his VVill being done upon Earth, to the Praise and Honour of his blessed and holy Name, whose VVorks are Pure, Holy, Just and Perfect in every degree thereof, and tend to the true Reformation, Peace, Prosperity and Establishment of all Mankind in God's Love and Mercy there­in forever.

So worshipped be God that made Heaven and Earth, and the Fountains of VVaters, and all things therein, who fills the hearts of the Upright with Joy and Gladness, through the Shinings forth of the Light of his Countenance, who sits upon his Throne and saith, Behold I make all things New (Amen.)

AND now unto such who are in Doubt, Whether God's Holy Spirit doth so effectually work now adayes as in the Primi­tive Times. Unto you I say, What Flesh could ever have indured such grievous and continued Punishments in Tryals of divers sorts, by Imprisouments, and Banishments, and Hangings, and Killings, as in New-England (and Imprisonments to Death and Spoiling of Goods) in Old England, and Cruel Mockings, and Scoffings and Bloodshed by Unmerciful Men? Indeed some in a Voluntary Hu­mility have somewhat appeared in Sufferings, but being in their own Willillings and Runnings and VVorks therein, how have they been overcome, their Strength being an Arm of Flesh, as well as others, and so Fleshly VVorks have been overcome by Fleshly VVorks? But its not so with them who are in Scorn and Derision called Quakers, because they have bowed to God's VVay, the which is quite different to Man's wayes, was that Name given; but in God's VVay hath his Arm been revealed, and its Strength made manifest in our VVeakness: So that to the Praise of him that lives forever the Operation of his Blessed Spirit is felt, as in the Primitive Dayes; and the Glory and Comfort of it hath mi­nistred Strength and Refreshment in the time of Tryals; though this Way of God's Proceeding hath been hid from the vulterous evil Eye. So to the Praise and Glory of God is Confession made through the Operation of his holy Spirit, through which Thousands have been preserved and kept from bowing to the seed of Cain, Haman and the Beast, which hath made the World as a Wilderness, where wild Fruits and wild Actions spring. So we can truly say to the Praise of God, Let not the Wise Men in the Wisdom of this World glory in their Wisdom, nor the Strong Men in their Strength, nor the Mighty Men in their Might; but let all wait in that pure Measure of the Light of God's Spirit in their Consciences, that by it they may draw near unto God, that they may know his Blessed Works of Mercy, and Love, and Judg­ment in the Earth, wherein that true Glory and Honour of God is.

ANd further, Concerning Ministry, this I say; As the Blessed Works of the Light of God's holy Spirit has place in Hearts, and so opens Understandings, a Discovery will be made from thence of the False, Corrupt and Wicked Ministers, who open their Mouthes for Gifts and Rewards, from whose Works in fair and deceitful Speeches Prophaneness is gone out into the World, where the Revelations of God's holy Spirit is denyed and set at nought; they telling People, Revelations are ceased, they are not to be known now adayes, &c. So the Sight of all the Good and Blessed Works of God's Good and Holy Spirit are become as a Sealed Book, so that they who have exalted their Parts and Knowledge in He­brew, Greek and Latin above the pure Life of Jesus, they can't read in it, because it is sealed; and these Learned Men (Unlearned in the Things of God) can't read in it, because they draw near to God with their Mouthes, and seem to Honour him with their Lips, but their Hearts not being Right in his Sight, therefore are their VVisdoms confounded, and Understanding in the Things of God kept from them.

So its such who have nothing to minister from but a Divination of their own Brain, in Conceivings and Imaginations concer­ning the Works of God in others, but from no Knowledge of his Works in themselves; so they run and Divine for Mo­ney, and Gifts and Rewards in that adulterated whorish Spirit, which hath sate a long time, and reigned over People, who have been as unstable and unsettled as Waters, reeling and stag­gering to and fro through the Sorceries and Witchcraft of that whorish wicked spirit, into which Cup the Kings of the Earth have drunk, and been made drunk with Envy, Malice and Hatred one against another; and from Lusts, which have been conceived in that Wicked and untimely Womb, have proceeded VVars, and Fightings, and Hatred one against another, and also Hatred against the Appearance of God's good VVorks in others.

So its against that bad and wicked spirit, which is not to speak in the Church, that I am moved to give Testimony in and through the Operation of God's good and holy Spirit, the which is mighti­ly [Page 34]at work this Day, wherein his Power is made manifest to destroy the Devil's works, and so a VVay making for the Pouring forth of God's Holy and Blessed Spirit more and more upon all Flesh; from whence I believe there are at present Hundreds of Able and Gifted Ministers in this Nation, in some Degree or Measure or o­ther of God's Holy Spirit, who can speak experimentally of what they have felt, handled, tasted and seen of his VVorks therein, who is the Beginning and Ending of every Good and Perfect Work and Gift in and for them who wait to know his VVill and do it: And through these Blessed Works must the Wounded and Destracted Nations be healed and set to rights; and all that hinder these bles­sed Works of God's Holy and Unlimited Spirit, they are Enemies to God, and to their own Souls, and to the Nation and Country where they live.

So to that of God in every ones Conscience I appeal in these weighty and high Concerns, wherein I having done the Will of God, I rest

A Lover of the Truth, where­in I seek the Good of all Man­kind, Stephen Smith.

NOW unto you who will say, I writ out of Enmity: Therein you say true; for in the true Enmity, which God hath put between the two Seeds, viz. The Blessed Seed of the VVoman, and The Cursed Seed of the Serpent: So that in that which is truly good, that blessed Seed by which Evil is overcome, according to the Good-will of God, in that I give Testimony against that which is Corruptible and Bad, by which Mankind is led away into Darkness, and there captivated under the Enemy's Power.

But if any shall say, I wish herein any Ill to any one's Person: I do say in the Truth and Uprightness of my Heart, That such do falsly accuse me; For I know, in the Blessed Seed Intercession is made through me and many Thousands, that Light may rise in them who sit in Darkness, that the Cause of Enmity against the blessed Seed may be slain; and that Mankind, who are dead in Trespasses and Sins, may be quickened, and raised into the Glorious Free­dom and Liberty in the Son of God, where we may live together in Peace with God and one with another, to the Praise and Glory of his Holy Name forever.

Stephen Smith.

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