THE CHARACTER OF A Weaned Christian. OR The Evangelical Art of pro­moting Self-denial. BEING An Essay, alluding to the Severities and Advantages of Infant-Weaning, both Pleasant and Profitable. Grounded On Psal. 131. V. 2, 3.

By S. S. M. A. Formerly Fellow of St. John Bapt. Coll. Oxon, now Minister of the Gospel in LONDON.

Matth. 18.3.

Verily I say unto you, Except ye be Converted and become as little Children, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

LONDON Printed for Dorman Newman, and are to be sold at his Shops, at the Kings-Arms in the Poultry, and at the Ship and Anchor, on the Bridg-Foot without the Gate. 1675.

To the Right Honourable Sir Robert Viner Knight and Baronet, Lord Major of the City of LONDON.

Right Hon ble.

DIvine Providence designing a Spe­cial Kindness to this Metropolis, (for the advancement of Its Welfare) demonstrated it, [Page]by the impatient longing of Her Sons for your Lord­ships Election to the Preto­rian Chair; in which, You were lately fixt by the most Unanimous Acclamations, and Solemn Joy of all Inge­nuous Spirits.

They well knew, how Eminently the God of all Grace had qualified your Person for Government o­ver this Renowned City.

The Obscure Author (therefore) of this weak [Page]Essay, humbly craves your Pardon for his Presumption in sheltring it under the wing of so Judicious a Pa­tron. But your Honor's Courteous reception, and Equal Encouragement of All the Lovers of Vertue, begets an hope, That this honest Design to win Souls over to Christ, by so despi­sed a Method, as a Perswa­sive to a Weaned Self-de­nying Frame; may receive Life and Acceptation from [Page]the favourable Cast of your eye upon an Argument so unpleasing to the World's Fondlings and Admirers.

Your Vertuous Dispo­sition hath set an Eminent Pattern, of that Weaned Frame herein jejunely dis­coursed of. For your Chri­stian Humility signalizes your Real Worth; upon which, your political Gran­dure only waits, as the Or­namental Shadowing of some rare Beauty, which [Page]needs not any Artificial Commendation.

Your Contempt of the glittering Imbellishments of the World, and resolute Aversation from Its sensual Blandishments & Delights, is sufficiently known and demonstrated.

But I desist from speak­ing Truth in this kind, be­cause You have an Humble opinion of your Self; and I would not put Your Mo­desty as much to the Blush, [Page]as (I fear) my Weaning dis­course will prove an Appale­ing Alarm to persons whol­ly Devoted to the pursuit of Sensual Enjoyments, and the sordid Humor of Affe­cting to be flattered.

The Author heartily wishes, that the Heavenly Discipline of Christ's Spi­rit may allure All Men to the love of Evangelical Self-denyal. This would Promote and Secure their Best Everlasting Interest, by [Page]a vigorous pursuit of the Real State of Blessedness; In which, that your Lord­ships Person may be pre­served and establisht, is the fervent Prayer of him, who Dutifully remains,

Your Honors humble, and Deeply obliged Servant, S. S.

TO THE Christian Reader.

SUch is Natures tender Care for the Universe, that those Births prove of the most Benign Influ­ence to the Babe, whose Parent expires in Travel. Thus, Di­vine Providence Delights to display his Power and Goodness where en­vious Death most Conflicts, as Contriving to exert It's deepest Sting. May the Conception and Edition of this Weak Es­say obtain the Blessing of the Spirit of the Holy Jesus: Then, That Paroxysm of pain which seized on the Author in Preaching on part of this Argument (and possibly be­gat a fainter reception of it) will be over­ruled to an Advantage, in the lively and [Page]deep Imprinting on the Heart, what at first with some Roughness beat upon the Ear. The Author cannot but apprehend, how unacceptable Weaning-Counsel is to persons addicted to Sensuality; especially, when conjoyned with Covetousness, which is a Testy Vice, as almost Universally grown in Fashion. Yet the Father of Spirits is able so to Disciplinate, and Change the Hearts of voluptuous Epicures, and the Worlds Votaries, that even Such shall be Re­conciled to a Good Opinion of, and Imbrace the Seemingly-bitter Severities of a Wean­ed State.

This was the chief Encouragement in exposing this Essay, (though of un­comely and unpolisht Features) unto Pub­lick view. Otherwise, as a wounded dispi­rited Deer bleeds to Death in some Shrub; so, this Discourse of Spiritual Wean­ing, had been stifled under the Shrowd of a faint-hearted Obscurity, rather than have adventured to Lisp out such unwelcome Ad­vice to the Worlds Fondlings and admiring Paramours.

May the Blessing of Heaven assist every Inspector of this Essay, in applying, and improving of the Rules herein contained, for the Acquiring and promoting of an E­vangelical Self-denying Frame. Thus, be­ing daily Conversant and skilful in this Mystery, your hearts will be Abstracted from listning to the Worlds alluring-Charms and Estranged from pursuing Its vexati­ous Vanities.

The Vanity and wantonness of our hearts, which sunk into a Sensual Life by Apostacy from the Cheifest Good, infused a Poisonous Tincture and bewitching Charm into the External Creation, which was Innocent and safe to Converse with, by its Primi­tive Institution: Yet by serious Reflection on the impatient Absurd longings of our humorsome Curiosity, we might rectify, and set boundaries to their Exorbitancies.

Thus David poured out the Waters of Bethlehem before the Lord, with as great an Abhorrency, as He had before exprest an Homicidial Rashness, in jeoparding the [Page]Lives of those three mighty Men, by break­ing thorow the Host of the Philistins to ob­tain it. If we would not buy our Pleasures with the danger or destruction of our Souls, let us argue it coolely, and in sober sadness with our hearts, when our Lusts grow Ram­pant. Let us say as David, Are not these the Price of Bloud? It is certain they will prove such: Either of Christ's Blood, to expi­ate our voluptuous Surfeits, or of our Own, to expose Us to destruction; if we Continue to gratifie our Flesh-pleasing Sensuality a­gainst all Rules of Sobriety, and the di­ctates of Right Reason, which should bri­dle and subdue them.

How do most Men impose a Cheat upon their Souls, while they Symbolically only seek and expect Heaven, being Custo­marily buried with their Faces upward; yet while they live, they are not ashamed to lye bruitishly grovelling with their Affecti­ons on the Earth! Mynes which are hid under ground, tempt their thoughts, and commit a Rape upon their Souls, when the [Page]everlasting Joys of Heaven, (because un­seen) are despised by them; Thus the un­righteous Mammon is Worshipt as a Dei­ty! Yet the very natural form of Minerals which grow (as Sennertus reports) in the shape of Serpents and of Hairs, might fore­warn them of those mischievous temptations, which Poison and Suffocate all Generous dispositions Godward.

But weaned Christians foresee, and dread a destructive snare even in those inticing Objects, which Worldlings inshrine in their hearts; so far are Saints from paying any Homage (but rather an Holy Scorn) toward whatever defiles and corrupts the Consci­ence, or dispirits and divides the Heart from the Fountain of pure Celestial Joy.

Let us therefore, as we would demon­strate our selves to be Divinely Born from Above, not lift up our hearts to Vanity, but to the Lords Statutes by a sworn Allegiance. Let us not suffer Earthly-mindedness to grow in Fashion, when the most durable Comforts in the World pass away as a Fa­shion.

Be weaned and estranged from the An­tick Customs, Corrupt Examples, and Sen­sual Enjoyments of the degenerate World.

So shall you Divinely Caress your Souls, by training them up under the Severities of an Holy Discipline.

You shall not by any Hurry-Cane of Temptation from without, or exorbitant Passions from within, be shaken from the Center of true Rest, by delusion in your Comforts, or Impatiency in your sufferings. You shall possess & secure your Souls, as to the Excellency of their Divine Constitution, in the quick, and clear Sentiment of Celestial Joys, by a regular Conception of the Real Worth of whatever is suggested to their Fancy. You shall become Impregnable in sincere resolutions, to maintain a Heavenly Conversation, and shall obtain an Heroick Fortitude under all your Tryals. You shall Exercise a Rational Dominion over all Bruitish Passions, which destroy all true Tranquillity of mind, and Joy in the Holy Ghost. Thus promoting a Weaned Frame, [Page]you shall be prepared and made meet to be re­ceived with a triumphant Festivity into the Serene and Glorious Bosome of the blessed Jesus, who is the perfect Archetype of Self-denial, and the Universal-Diffusive-Center of true Felicity. To which State, that you may arrive, is the unfeigned desire of Him, who counts it his Duty and Priviledg to be, and remain,

Your Christian Friend, and Monitor in the Lord S. S.


Pag. 9. l. 8. f. command r. commend. P. 116. l. 22. s. crum r. Crumbe. P. 131. l. 27. f. become Saints, r. Saints become. P. 132. l. 29. f. Eannot r. Cannot. P. 137. l. 18. f. Chocie r. Choise. P. 138. l. 11. f. Caudi­dates r. Candidates. P. 143. l. 7. f. not so, r. not so much. There are some other small Errata's, which the Author desires the Reader to mend with his Pen.

Psal. 131. V. 2, 3.

Surely I have behaved and quieted my self as a Child that is weaned of his Mother, my Soul is even as a weaned Child.

Let Israel hope in the Lord, from hence­forth and for ever.

THese words are Davids Apolo­getical Appeal to God, the Searcher of all Hearts, to con­fute and wipe off that malici­ous slander, that he was an underminer of Saul's Regal Authority; and an ambitious Projector to snatch the Crown from his Head.

Now said he, what Plots can a weaned Child contrive in its Head? I do not busie my self in Mysteries of State, nor deal in the profound Politicks of the World.

Lord I Appeal to thy alsearching Eye, who knowest all secrets whatsoever, that my Heart [Page 2]is not haughty, nor mine Eyes lofty. These, in the casting of them, speak out much of the frame of the Soul; They are the Heraldry of the Mind: By the eyes we express and dart forth Pride, Malice, and Lust.

Sobriety, a modest look, without Heart-Hu­mility, is Hypocrifie; and Lowliness of Heart without a modest Deportment, is but a rude Profession.

In the Words are two General Parts.

1. David's Protestation, under the Form of an Oath; thus some read the Words; If I have, or, as I have behaved my self as a weaned-Child, then or in so doing, let the Lord vindicate my Integrity from false Aspersions. So let the Lord deal by me, as I have in uprightness sup­prest all Proud Aspiring Imaginations and De­signs.

Obs. We should be on good and sure Grounds in all those Appeals and Protestations which we make of our Hearts in the Frame and Wor­king of them as in the sight of God, who is the Heart-searcher, and Avenger of all Hopocri­sie.

Obs. 2. David's Soul was first weaned by the Discipline of God's Spirit, before he could behave himself as a weaned Child in the seve­ral afflictive occurrences of his Life.

Grace must first be implanted in the Heart, to quiet and subdue its mutinous Passions, and [Page 3]inordinate affections, before the outward Con­versation can be rectifyed.

The Lord can take no delight in the proud Heart of a froward Sinner.

Yet a Saint may without Presumption plead thus: Lord, own me for thy Child, for I am one of thy Weanlings, therefore come and take delight in thine own Work.

David appeals to God, concerning his self-denying-frame, as an evident Sign and Seal of his Approbation and Promotion.

Obs. Before the Lord bestow great enjoy­ments of the Creature upon his Servants, he pre­pares them by a weaned Frame of Heart, (so as) to be indifferent about Worldly things.

My Soul.] David was a strong Man in Christ, not a Babe, who thus profest himself as a wean­ed Child.

Obs. It requires not only Truth of Grace, but much growth and proficiency in it, to re­sign up the Heart to the severities of Mortificati­on, and constant Discipline of Self-denyal.

Obs. David says not my Soul is only meek and humble as a Child, but submissive, as a weaned Child, to every Divine Dispensation, though never so harsh and bitter; yea he rises higher, Professing himself to be even as a wean­ed Child in all and every Respect.

The Rule of God's Word and Command is a stricter Pattern of self-denial than any Earthly [Page 4]Type of weaning. No weanling from the Brest should outstrip a Saint in point of Mortification toward sinful sensual Delights, or Creature-en­joyments.

Again, David compares himself to a Child which is Passively weaned, not which weans it self; Weaning is not any pleasant Act of the Childs own seeking or effecting.

Obs. Mortification of sinful unruly Passions and inordinate affections, is a Soul- renewed-state, bitter and declined by us at first, we are meerly Patients under this Holy violence, and Soul-sa­ving severity; we are unwilling and unable to effect in it our selves.

Again, David compares himself to a Child weaned of his Mother, not by some mercenary Nurse, who being servile in the task proves of­ten as froward and teasty as the Child.

Obs. Saints should submit to the difficulty of a weaned Frame with a quiet Heart, because the Lord designs it out of Wisdom, and carri­eth it on with great tenderness and Compassi­on.

The weaned Child is not forgotten, much less forsaken, or cast off. Weaning is an Act and State of necessity and deep affection, ratherthan of neglect or disesteem.

Hereby it grows up into a more solid know­ledg of, and more affectionate acquaintance with the Parent.

Should Children always lie soaking at the Breast, they would not grow so strong nor spritely to perform service to their Parents, they would not be apt to take down more solid Food.

Saints may be froward at present, because they understand not the advantages of this pitti­ful severity; yet afterwards they shall know and comply with the Lord's Design in weaning them.

Thus Christ informed Peter, that there was a Mystery in his condescention to wash the Dis­ciples Feet, the better to induce Peter's com­pliance with it. Thus David produces his ex­perience, and makes assurance thereof, to the whole Spiritual Seed of Israel; that the Lord means no harm but much Spiritual advantage to his Children, though he express much seve­rity in weaning them.

Obs. Saints ought to quicken one anothers Graces and Comforts, by holding forth their mutual examples and experiences.

As if David had said, upon the whole mat­ter thus: Lord, hereby I gathered or inferred an Evidence, that thou wouldest advance me to the Throne, and undertake the Protection, Care and Conduct of me, because I have beha­ved my self as a Weaned Child. I kept my Spi­rit low and humble; I did not affect nor hunt after great things for my self; I was very indif­ferent [Page 6]as to the outward enjoyments of the World. Thou hast heapt them on me without my seeking. Thou didst prepare me to injoy with an humble thankful Heart, those accom­modations which I could have been content to have been cut short of.

Lord, thou knowest how I have carried to­wards thee as a weaned Child. Thou also hast acted towards me as a tender indulgent Parent, giving me what I could have born the denial of. Therefore by my Example let Israel hope in the Lord, even when he is suatcht from the Breasts of worldly enjoyments. O! let Saints learn to live more dependently upon the Lords immediate Providence, who thus rewards the self-denial of his weaned Children.

This is the scope and intended meaning of the Words.

The main Doctrine which I shall prosecute is this.

Doct. Every Christian should labour to get and maintain the Frame and Carriage of a weaned Child.

In prosperity to sit loose from Worldly com­forts and enjoyments. In Adversity to quiet and compose their pirit under all the saddest, severest Dispensations which the Lord inflicts.

Or, 'tis the Duty, Character, and Disposition of every real Saint, by Faith and Self-denial, to quiet their spirits under the nearest and deepest Tryals.

By Faith we must live on Christ's Alsufficien­cy in greatest straits. By Self-denial we must live to Christ by maintaining an equal indiffe­rency of Spirit either to retain or resign our Comfortable enjoyments as the supream Lord shall dispose of them.

It becomes not that Masculine Heroical Grace of Faith, to produce every petty service as a Demonstration of its Ingenuity.

Abrahams Tryal, was no cheap Act of Reli­gion, when he was called to the foot of God, to leave his native Country, and become a Pilgrim in the Land of Promise.

Yet in weaning him from his Beloved Isaac, so as to require him to offer him up for a Sacri­fice; This toucht severely upon the very Bow­els of Natural Affection, yea, it seemed to offer violence to his Faith, and the very veracity of that Divine Promise, that in Isaac should all Nations be called and blessed.

O the height, length, depth, and breadth of this Tryal! None could lawfully impose such a Command but God, nor could any so quick­ly and fully have Answered it but an Abra­ham, whence he deserved the Title of the Fa­ther of the Faithful.

He stood not demurring, much less murmur­ed at the Command, but thus he exprest the In­nocency and weaned self-denyal of his Heart.

What is it, O Lord, that thou callest for? is it my only begotten Son Isaac, the Staff of my old Age? I love him dearly, but thee transcendent­ly; therefore he shall be no Corrival. I obtain­ed him by believing, and I shall not lose him by obeying,

Though I be a Father, thou art God; and what I owe to my Child, must alway be checkt and limited by what I owe to thee.

My Natural affection must and shall give place to my Spiritual special Duty.

Though I kill him, thou canst quicken him; Though I may part with my Son, yet I can never lose my Isaac. For thy Promise is sure for evermore, that in Isaac shall my Seed be cal­led.

Thus Abraham reconcil'd by a weaned Frame the seeming contradiction of the Com­mand to the immutability of the Promise, and chose rather to be held Guilty of Murther, by the verdict of sense and carnal reason, than to be taxt of mental Idolatry, in an over-fond Affection to his Isaac.

He let God alone to perform his Word, while himself kept an eye upon his Duty.

Do you go and imitate the Father of the Faithful. I mean not in the same specifical at­tempt, for it was only a Command by way of Tryal, imposed by the lawful stamp of Divine Authority. No such Revelation is now to be [Page 9]expected; yet the general and implicite equity of it binds all and every Christian, that we should alway retain a fixt weaned Frame, to mortifie all inordinate Creature-Love; and rea­dily to resign up our nearest and dearest injoy­ments, when the Supream Lord shall impose the Tryal.

So shall you justifie the Truth, and command the strength of your Faith, as Abraham did his by Self-denial, and obtain the Title of a real Friend of God.

Such are content that the Will of the Lord should be served upon them as well as done by them, or the promises fulfilled for them.

Now for fuller explication of the Nature of this weaned Frame, I shall shew,

  • 1. Wherein it doth consist.
  • 2. How Natural and Spiritual weaning a­gree and differ.
  • 3. The Reasons, why we should thus quiet our Spirits as weaned Children.
  • 4. I shall produce some discoveries of a coun­terfeit weaning, which passes for real and ge­nuine.
  • 5. I shall lay down the true Character or de­scription of a weaned Saint.
  • 6. Some Motives or Arguments to perswade to a weaned Frame.
  • 7. and Lastly, I shall lay in some Principles or Rules, whereby we may get and maintain such [Page 10]an Evangelical Self-denying disposition.

For the First.

1. It is the Judicious Elective Frame of eve­ry Regenerate person, whereby he doth with a supernatural Patience silence the mutinous mur­muring Passions of his Soul under the saddest methods which Divine Wisdom makes use of, to estrange and mortifie his fond inordinate Love to every Lawful, much more sinful enjoy­ment.

Or, it is such a State in Grace, not in Nature, whereby the Heart is wrought not only to a pa­tient submission, but a chearful complacential rejoycing in whatever the Lord requires or dis­penses for the Tryal of its Love and sincere O­bedience, both Active and Passive.

Or, it is a choice Christian Frame, received from our Union and Communion with Christ, and the anointing of his Spirit, whereby we renounce our Carnal Wisdom, our froward per­verse Will, and all inordinacy of fond overva­luing, and affecting of Creature-enjoyments.

Thus we resign all we are and have, to the Sovereign, Wise, and Holy disposal of the Lord.

Hereby we testifie the sincerity, strength, and perseverance of our Love, as preferring the Lord alone to our delight before any Competi­tor whatsoever.

Natural and Spiritual weaning, agree in these Respects.

1. A weaned Child is very humble. It hath no proud Heart, attested by any scornful look or peevish Carriage. They express no boasting Language to the disdain of others.

So a Saint is weaned from an overfond con­ceit of his own Worth and Excellency. Vain Man would be wise, he would pass for such in the Opinion of himself and others.

But the power of Renewing Grace lays him level with the Dust. Before he walkt in a vain show, strutting and applauding himself in the tinkling of his own imaginary excellencies, yet by Converting Grace, the, Top-Gallant of his self-deifying Pride is laid prostrate at the foot of Christ, in admiring only the Riches of free Grace, and the imputed Righteousness of a Savi­our.

2. Weanlings express more of Contentation than of Contention or discontent.

All frowardness of Spirit flows from Pride. But you may deal with a weaned Child as you please. Turn it upside down, strip it of its Ornaments, it submits, it doth not revile nor spurn.

So a weaned Saint complies with, yea reve­rences, welcomes and imbraces every change and turn of Providence. He expostulates not with the Supream Lord and absolute Potter, who [Page 12]hath an uncontrouled Dominion over his Per­son, State, and Condition in the World.

Thus Aaron repined not to strip himself of his Priestly Robes, and invest Eleazar with them, though it were solemnized with his own immediate dissolution. His ambition was sub­dued, and his affections mortified to the Pride of Life.

Thus Moses dyed at the Mouth of the Lord, at the Word of his Command, being satisfyed only with a Prospect of Canaan, as the reward of his Faithful tedious conduct of that muti­nous People even to the Borders of the pleasant Land.

Therefore the Lord kist his soul out of his Body, (as the Rabbins speak:) He put more signal honour on him, in translating him to the superlative effusions of his choicest Love; because he so readily went up to the Mount and dyed.

How was David weaned to a wonderment, as if he were at a point whether he died in per­suit of his Rebellious Absolom, or returned in Triumph as a Conquerer, 2 Sam. 15.25, 26. If I shall find favour, &c.

Thus Hezekiah said, Good is the Word and Work of the Lord, though Isaiah threatned that his Kingly dignity should be ecclipst in the future Captivity of his Nation, and that the [Page 13] Babylonians should possess all his Treasures, which had been the occasion of his Pride.

3. A weaned Child may bemoan its loss of its wonted delight, in applying to the Brest, those pleasant Conduits of Nature, yet at last it yields to the Mothers Act with silence and a quiet Frame.

So Saints do not expect to be alway indulged in their Childish will and Appetite; only here is the difference: A Saint out of a judicious con­sideration, chearfully submits, in preferring a weaned State before the highest injoyments of the Creature. He chooses for his happiness to behold the Face of God in Righteousness, and is satisfied with the Image of Christ upon his Soul.

Even in his first Conversion, he hath a high estimation of Christ and the things of Eterni­ty, yet because the Scale is but a little turned by a few grains of Faith and Love, he doth not so readily draw off his Affections from the in­chanting Objects of this present Life.

But having attained to a more Masculine State in Christianity, he espyes at last, a Soul-satisfy­ing fulness-even in a weaned Frame it self.

Thus Paul being filled with the Spirit, had the comprehension of all happiness furnisht out unto him, from the Treasury of Christ's alsuf­ficiency; this weaned him to contentment with any thing or nothing of the Creature, so that [Page 14]he could glory in all Distresses, and truly aver, that he needed not any Gift from the World; for said he, I am full, I abound, I have all. His Bonds were as Bridal Ornaments, and his very nakedness and stock of sufferings were preferred before the Wardrobe and Treasuries of all the Kings of Judah.

4. A weaned Child repines not, though it ex­change Brest-Milk, which is pleasant, easie of di­gestion, for harsher and meaner Food; Because it is not wise enough to provide for it self, therefore of necessity it lives at the finding and disposal of the Parent.

So a Saint submits his Will to the Wisdom of Divine Providence, to order and guide his af­fections and affairs, to over-rule and controul his inordinate Appetite. He knows that among the variety of Estates in the World, he might mistake Henbane for wholsome Food, a Stone for Bread-Corn, &c.

He is afraid when his Desires grow Feaverish and voracious, lest he should suck Vanity and vexation of Spirit from Worldly Peace, Plenty, and Prosperity.

Therefore he counts it safest to refer himself to Divine Wisdom, who only knows what nourishment he can best digest, what State of Life he can best manage and improve.

By self-Abasement he puts no confidence in his own Wit or Strength. He wholly depends [Page 15]on the Lord's care and Favour. He lives by Faith upon the Promise, and is content with his allotted Portion in the World. He counts him­self unworthy of the least of mercies; yea, to be quickned up to his Duty by the Rod of God. His Will and desires are circumscribed & limit­ed by the Wisdom and Sovereignty of the Lord. He can rejoyce when reduced to a state of empti­ness and abasement.

He doth not prescribe to the Lord, how he shall dispose of him in his Person and Relations, Comforts or Tryals. But is sutably moulded by a ready and chearful compliance, to be cast into any form or Condition of Life Divine Providence shall see fit. This doth prove our humble and weaned Frame to be sincere: for the change of our Condition, and the external Garb of our Profession doth not promote the re­al Work of Mortification.

The setled Disease of Pride and inordinacy of Affection to the Creature, must be carried off by sound Repentance, Faith in the Purgati­on of Christ's Blood; by a Sympathetical Con­formity to his Death and Resurrection, in a Con­quest over our selves, and the irregularities of our hearts, as well as by a profest contemptuous re­nouncing of all alluring lying Vanities.

5. The weaned Child is not in so great dan­ger to be overlaid.

Thus the World in its distrusting Cares and distracting Fears, is a strange ponderous Incu­bus or Night-Hag, which over-rides and presses its Paramors unto death.

Sensual Lusts, a Load of Worldly Contrivan­ces to be Rich and Great, yea, pleasing hopes, and Sensual Joys, those very Comforts and Delights which promise as Foster-Parents, to batten us by their flatteries, these, even these betray us, by stifling the Seed-Royal of Gracious Dispositions and Affections in the Soul.

But a weaned mortified Christian, can vigo­rously cast off those pressures of Temptation, the suffocating foul humors of Lusting, which like an Incubus shorten and obstruct the free breathings of the Spirit of Grace and supplica­tion: He can strongly cry out, Abba, Father, suc­cor me by thy preventing assisting-Grace, that I may not be overlaid, nor prest to Death by secular Cares, Comforts, or Delights.

6. It's a very difficult task to wean off a Child from hankring after the Brest.

So 'tis very tedious and painful to corrupt Flesh and Blood, which remains in part unsub­dued in the best of Saints, to have so great a change made in their unruly Appetite, that what before they loved, now they hate, & contra.

This is demonstrated,

1. Because our sensual Hearts make great re­sistance to this Renovation in the Spirit. It's as [Page 17]Death to a Carnal heart, because 'tis no other than the dissolution of the Carnal-State of a Sinner.

Some are sooner weaned off with the very Nod and Beck of God. But others, must be fiercely dealt withal, as Paul.

As the Voice of a Thunder-clap makes the Hinds to Calve and cast forth their young, because they have very narrow passages in Nature:

So Sinners are averse from Spiritual weaning, therefore usually, the Spirit of Bondage Ʋshers it in, by some Black Rod, or Apparitor which makes the very shadow of Death to sit on our Eye-lids, before our proud Spirits will be tamed and brought to hand, by the shaking of an ordi­nary Rod over us.

Some the Lord weans by the soft gentle whis­pers of his Spirit, convincing them of the va­nity and emptiness of the whole Creation.

Thus the Lords Word stood for a Law with Levi, who knew neither Father nor Mother, so as to dispense the Divine Law with Carnal­fondness, and partiality of affection.

The powerful Charms of Divine Love, and the Spiritual appearances of the Lord in the Lustre and Glory of his Alsufficiency and in­finite Perfections, prevail with some to fall off not only from the lank and Crude Breast of the Creature, but from the fairest and plumpest of their Enjoyments.

Yet neither frowns nor smiles, neither Blows nor Charms of Love, can prevail with some soaking sensualists to quit the allurements of Lust and the World.

Jeshurun, who carried the Title of Up­rightness in their very Name, could not be weaned from the Garlick and Flesh-pots of E­gypt, but keckt at Manna, at Angels Food; yea, snarled at God himself, because their Dog-like Appetite was not indulged with Quails.

They could not be made fond of their great Redeemer, nor, did they cleave to him, though he broacht the Rock to satisfie them as with Streams of Honey; rather they waxed Fat and kickt, by how much the more they were pam­pered and indulged.

2. The difficulty of Spiritual weaning far­ther appears, from the frequent pains and strange methods, which the Lord himself takes to imbitter the Creature, using very sharp affli­ctions to draw off our fond affections from an Idolatrous doting on the World.

A strange dulness or rather perverseness pos­sesses us, that we must be lasht into our own Happiness, and beaten into an ingenuous Liber­ty from the vassalage of our Lusts.

Lots Wife, though she were fired out of So­dom, yet left her heart behind, for she lookt back, she lookt and lookt again, till she became sliff and stupid as a stone.

Thus Agrippina said of Nero, Occidat modo Imperet. Sinners care not if they be damned, so they may not be damnified in their Worldly In­terest.

They will adventure an Eternal Excisi­on or cutting off from the priviledges of Eter­nal Life, which is worse, than a bare Circumci­on in the sorest loss of their Temporalities, be­fore they will cleave to God himself rather than the Dinah of this inchanting World. They will part with their Religion, rather than not enjoy their Wealth and Honour without hazard or disturbance.

Thus we Adore the Creature, and thereby force the Lord to put on the disguize of an E­nemy, to fright us into a weaned Frame.

The Candle of Prosperity must be put out, yea, the whole Heaven over us must mourn in Sack­cloth; the Lord must desert us, and leave us to the amazement of a wounded Conscience, before we will desist from nestling in the Bosome of that Creature which we Idolize.

Again, Satan and the World, when we seem to be weaned, renew their acquaintance, and in­sinuate their allurements afresh, to reduce us to their imbraces. Thus the Child hardly cleaves to the Parent, when the Nurse studies and strives to regain the Childs fondness by pre­senting and tempting it with Toyes and Rat­tles.

But every Soul which would thorowly be weaned, must resolve in the Lord's Strength, not to listen to Satan's or the World's inticing Charms.

Reply, Go Satan, offer these petty Vanities to Children and Fools, who know not what the worth of Christ, or of an immortal Soul a­mount unto. I am better disciplined in the severities of a Holy and Heavenly profession, I am not so fondly in love with Vanity, as to purchase it with the torment of a wounded Conscience, by betraying of my Loyalty and the Chastity of my Soul to Christ.

It is just matter of wonder, with what sin­ful Reverence, sordid and absurd Zeal, Popish Novices swear subjection to the perverting Rules of some superstitious Founder.

One, devoted to the Commands of his Super­intendent, went barefoot three Miles thrice in the same day, to fetch Water to pour out on a dry stick.

Yet let the Spirit of Jesus attempt to bring us out of Love with Worldly Vanities, and the customs of phantastick sinners, how do we cry out of this Compassionate Discipline, as of an intolerable severity.

What pinching Fetters are Christ's Righte­ous Laws, to the tender delicate Lusts of sensu­al Worldlings.

Let such consider, how dangerous it is, not to comply with the Lord's weaning Methods.

For as an angry Nuise throws the froward weanling out of her Aims to the Beds feet: so the Lord will in tossing, toss such is a Ball, in­to a large and far Country, where the severity of an Enemy shall insult over them, to break their proud Spirits, Isa. 22.15. to 20.

7. Though weaning be a work of difficulty, yet it must be carried thorow, because 'tis a State very necessary and not indifferent.

Those Children who suck long, are not so witty nor so vigorous and active, but more dull comparatively, and effeminate, because they have been made such fondlings.

The Apostle possibly alludes to the inconveni­ences of remaining too long in the State of Babeship in Christianity, Heb. 5.12, 13, 14.

As if he had said, so great is your Spiritual sloth and dulness, in not understanding the My­steries of the Gospel, that you have need be set to learn the very Principles of the Christian In­stitution.

But the weaned Christian can discover the Mystery of Iniquity; the grand cheats of Satan and the World. His faculties and affections have a Divine Gust, or experimental apprehen­sion of what is suitable to the State of a New Creature.

Such can cry out, Poyson in the Cup, when a temptation to sin, though never so sweetly spiced, is amicably presented to them.

2. You cannot, unless you have a weaned Spirit, be in the least capacity of closing with Christ by Faith.

Till we be estranged from Creature-Depen­dencies, we will not stoop to Glean after Christ in the Field of his Righteousness, nor lie at his Feet as Ruth at Boaz's, by an humble Self­denyal. Such need not fear, that their Love to Christ shall be despised, for he will do all that they shall require, when he observes that they have quitted all Corrivals and are heart-sick in affection toward himself, by the solid prefe­rence of his Favour, before all the delights and Courtship of the whole Creation.

Thus the Lord's Marab's, his Children, whom he, weans in the bitterness of their Spi­rit, shall become his Naomies, his fair Ones, or Spouses of Delight: yet first they must be de­solate in themselves, that they may learn to cleave to the Lord as the Center of their trust and satisfaction. This is the very Law of their Espousals unto Christ.

3. There is an absolute necessity of this wean­ed State, otherwise the Spirit of the World, Sa­tan, and Lust, will rule in your hearts and hold you under their Vassalage. How will every petty temptation worry out your formal & faint [Page 23]resistance? Nay, you will never strike stroke out of the base treachery of your sensual-hearts. Your Mouths will rather water after forbidden Fruit, you will tempt the Tempter to tempt you; and cast your selves as a Prey into the Jaws of this devouring Lyon.

How should the Apostacy of such who have surfeited on their Lusts, to a loathing of all Re­ligion, season our hearts with a Holy-Fear, not to disdain or oppose this Self-denying Frame!

O do not trust to the Eminency of your pre­sent profession, but make God the Guide and Guardian of your hearts. Get them thorow­ly weaned from the Love of Lusts and the World; otherwise you will be exposed to an open renouncing of the Faith of Christ.

Voetius in his Disputes of Atheism, relates of one Vaninus, who was a sad instance in this re­spect. He wrote a Book entituled the Amphi­theater of Divine Providence, to prove that there is a God; yet afterwards he Apostatiz'd in­to a meer speculative dogmatizing Atheist, and was burned at Paris for it. Thus the fairest for­malists, make the subtlest Seducers, the fiercest Persecutors, and most desperate Atheists. This appeared in the said Vaninus, who being advi­zed at his Execution, to ask God, the King, and his Judges Pardon; thus replyed, I need not ask Pardon of God, for I do not believe there is any, nor of the King, for I have broken none of his [Page 24]Laws; nor of my Judges, for were there a Hell, I would send them all thither.

Thus the unclean Spirit re-entred, to take up a surer Station, without any fear of distur­bance, or a future dispossession.

Such will be the End of all Masquarading Pro­fessors, who only make a Mock-show of Religi­on.

To such the impartial Judg will (one day) say as Isaac, not out of any dimness of sight but exactness of search, Come near thou Proud Pha­risee, thou peevish Hypocritical Worldling, who didst question or quarrel at my Providence, but never distrustedst thine own heart or ways; Let me feel the Pulse of thy Soul, how it beats and works toward me in Love and self-deny­al.

What sayst thou! Art thou a Weanling of Christ's, or a Nursling and Fondling of Sa­tans?

How sad will it then be, to be estranged from the Bosom of the Lord for ever, because such would not be divorced from the Breasts of Lusts and the World!

Even Children retain in their fancy the bitter severities used for their alienation from the Brest.

Let soaking Worldlings look on their tracta­ble example, and be ashamed of their own greedy snatching at Worldly prosperity, though it poy­son the Vital briskness of the Soul in not af­fecting [Page 25]an heavenly Conversation.

The second General Head. How Natural and Spiritual Weaning differ.

1. Some Children never live to be weaned: but every New-Born Babe in Christ, is actually weaned so as to deny it self, in the Renunciati­on of Worldly Lusts and its confidence in its own Righteousness.

A general slight Conviction of the Creatures Vanity, will not prove sufficient to wean us from all Priding in our own conceited Worth and the Opinion of self-sufficiency.

Nothing can supply the necessity and Divine Ʋsefulness of Faith or Regenerating Grace, in working us to a weaned Frame.

For a meer form of Godliness spends it self in airy speculations, and in boasting of a conceited Conquest over Lusts and the World.

But a Holy Frame of Heart, is the Life of Christ himself, dwelling and acting in every New-Born Christian, in whom it hath a secret Vertue, to accomplish a wonderful Conquest in weaning of the heart.

The power of Godliness begets Divine Fear, this Contracts the heart toward the Creature, and unites or inlarges it to God in Christ.

Now a Holy Oneness of Spirit fortifies the affections, as the Rays of the Sun contracted [Page 26]into one point of the Burning-Glass, inflames the nearest Object. So a longing desire after Communion with the Lord, consumes the Com­bustible matter of all temptations, which damp our Spiritual Joy, and oppress the Activity of our Obedience. Godliness draws In, and binds fast the heart to delight in the Lord, abstractly, for his own Divine and infinite perfections.

It brings with it, an ingenuous freedom of spirit, to serve the Lord with chearfulness, as his Redeemed and peculiar Ones.

Godliness, sets glorious priviledges and high hopes before a Saint; these animate to do and suffer much for God. Evangelical Promises ap­plyed by Faith, have a purifying vertue in them, whereby they estrange us from inordinacy of affection toward the Grandure of the World.

Yea, Godliness gathers strength, by Con­flicting with difficulties, thereby approving the Souls Integrity and Chastity unto the Lord.

2. Difference.] Weaning is a State, Proper and Peculiar unto Infancy and Childhood.

But every Aged Father in Christ, stands more and more in need of Spiritual weaning; because being arrived to any pitch in Grace, they let fall their Watch and Christian-Circumspection: they grow more self-Confident, and the World more incroaches on them.

Their Love is usually more ardent, and fear­ful to offend at first: yea, they are more Cauti­ous and Curious, of what they take into their Bo­some, lest they should transgress the Divine Law of Gratitude in their Espousals un­to Christ.

Even David, the Man after God's Heart, prays in the sense of his imperfect weanedness; Incline my heart unto thy Testimonies, and not to the wanderings of Concupiscence. Turn away mine Eyes from beholding Vanity, Ps. 119.36, 37.

Nature it self aims at perfection in Gene­ration, and the Growth of all Creatures. Why should not the New-Creature much more, by a Divine Instinct, pursue the highest attainments in the Mysteries of a weaned State?

Paul was so advanced and improved this way, that he profest, that he acted the Man's part in his Christian high-Calling, and had put away all Childish Dispositions, Opinions, and Practices. 1 Cor. 13.11.

His [...], or City-Life and Trade was dayly in Heaven; thither he was rapt up in his Spiritual Thoughts, Aims, Affections, and Designs. Yea, he strove to attain to the very Resurrection of the Dead.

Consider, that Eminent Saints have been of­ten foyled at the Exercise of that very Grace wherein they have been most expert, for want [Page 28]of a watchful and progressive weaned Frame of Heart.

Even Abraham the Father and Pattern of the Faithful, how Childishly is he afraid of losing his Life in Abimelech's Country! He advised his Wife to Guard her Beauty and Chastity with the Artifice of a notorious Lye, for which a Hea­then King reproved her.

David, out of Unbelief, feigned himself Mad before Achish: He staggered in his Pro­fession, when he beheld the Prosperity of the wicked. This shewed, that though he prefer­red the Divine Law before thousands of Gold and Silver, yet, he was not so thorowly wean­ed from admiring and doting on Worldly grandure.

Hezekiah, who mourned as a Dove under the Sentence of Death, yet, as soon as recover­ed, had his Heart lifted up with Pride.

Jehosaphat, who made a Reformation to the terror of his Enemies, yet joyns in Affinity with Ahab: for which, being reproved and pu­nisht, yet he afterwards complies with Ahaziah, who did very wickedly.

Job, who was Poor and Patient to a Proverb, had his repining Complaints, and Curses the day of his Birth.

Nor was Jonah tamed in the Belly of the Whale: how doth he rage upon the withering of his Gourd, as if he did well to be angry to the very death.

Elijah, who undauntedly encountred with four hundred of Baals Prophets, yet shrinks in his Courage at the Blast of Jezebels threatning, to take off his head, and prays for death, as the re­fuge of his Cowardize.

By these strange sudden Ague-fits, we may learn, not to confide in the best Constitution of habitual Grace, but to exercise a holy jealousie of the variation of a weaned Frame, when the Souls Pulse is in the best and most eaven temper of a heavenly disposition.

3. Difference.] Some Children in a Fright or sullen fit of the Frets forsake the Brest.

But spiritual weaning, is a voluntary Aliena­tion of the heart, from the Love of sin and the World, to place it upon God, in a universal Conformity to his Will.

When the World proves Coy, Curst and un­kind, then we can Curse its Treachery. As froward Children, we bite the Nipple, when it doth not so freely spin out to us a Stream of prosperity suitable to our greedy expectation.

We keck and sputter at Earthly delights, when we are griped with wind in our Bowels, that is to say, when tormented with the Convictions of our own folly, and disappointment in Lust­ing after Vanity.

Thus, while Divine Providence besmears the World's Paps with Soot, and cries out, do not touch them as you love your Life, we shrink [Page 30]back: but let the World smile again upon us, and put Hony on its Brests; then the very Image of Death, and the Devil sitting on the blackest Temptation, or the most imbittered affliction, cannot deter us, but we more fondly rein­gratiate with the Occasions of our Ruine.

Worldlings by fits, are strangely estranged from their own inclinations: Pleasures become insipid to their bruitish sensuality, yet the Fe­ver of Concupiscence is no-whit abated, but only intermitted by some check of Provi­dence.

For let a pleasing Temptation start up, im­mediately like Asahel, they become as swift as a Wild Roe in the pursuit of Vanity.

Whatsoever sensual Object comes next in their way, they hug and imbrace it, although the Lord threaten to strike them dead upon the Place, and they be blasted with the Teats of this Inchantress in their very Mouth. Pharaoh seemed as weaned from oppression, as those in­nocent Children cast into the River Nilus. How self-abasing was he in appearance, for the abuse of his power; The Lord is Righteous, but I and my people are wicked! Yet this exclamation, was only in a fit of transient Passion, for he soon sti­fled the Convictions of his parboyld Conscience, and returned to a more violent persecution of Is­rael than before.

Those Hypocritical Reformadoes in the 10th of Judges, pawned all the hopes of their par­don and deliverance upon the constant abjurati­on of their Idols: without Demur, they put away the strange Gods; yet at Chap. 13. v. 1. they added, to commit iniquity in the sight of the Lord, because in a fright only they had pro­mised future Loyalty.

Saul lift up his Voice and wept, he condemn­ed himself, and justified David; yea, engaged his honour, not to hurt him, yet this smooth Lan­guage, was only to decoy David unawares into his Net of Cruelty. It was a Crocodile whining, rather than a real weaning, and estrangement from his malice.

Felix was sick of the Staggers, he trembled, his Drusilla grew fulsome, and Temperance was this Epicures best Physick, while Paul thun­dred out Judgment to come. Yet, this true Alarm begat a false weaning. For Pauls denun­ciation of the universal Assizes, to be holden in the Conflagration of the World, proved only, as the dying flash of a few loose Corns of Pow­der, in a false presentment, so far were Pauls threats from doing any Execution on Felix's Lusts.

You perceive by these Instances, that there is no trusting to a short weaning pang of Consci­ence, which leaves the gastred, but not repenting sinner to pine away, and dye in his Iniquity.

Many escape the pollutions of the World, by the restraint of Consternation, or a slight touch of Conviction on their Spirits, who yet do not abhor them from their own free choice.

Apostates, who like filthy Dogs, take down their Vomit again, have the Stomacks heat more fortifyed thereby, to digest it as pleasant Food.

Sick Birds, after they have cast their Feathers become more hearty. Scum not clearly taken off boyls in the deeper.

The fanning Blasts of Divine Truths, where they are dispirited in their authority which doth not thorowly subdue the heart, more inrage than allay the Calenture of Lusts.

After Professors have despised Divine Principles, sinning against Conviction, they soon of meer Scepticks, become Nullifidians; fixing them­selves in the Scorners Chair, which is to com­mence to the height of wickedness.

It's very dangerous (you see) not to be tho­rowly weaned, and mortified to Lust and the World.

For a Slight disgust of sensual Charms, alarms the whole Conclave of Hell, to intan­gle Formalists, and falshearted Reformadoes in deeper Bondage.

Now, Satan, like the Father-in-Law of that Levit who in a faint Complement took his farewel, courts the sinner to stay longer in Ca­ressing his Soul on sensual delights; till all [Page 33]good Resolutions of returning home to God, vanish and die away.

Thus he flatters sinners in their slight Con­victions.

What mean you my Fondlings, to change your minds? Will you break up good-Fellow­ship, with your Lusts, after you have found the sweetness of them, flowing out to the heighth of your desires? Eat and be merry; Drink away sorrow for your sinful Surfeits, Banish all Care about your Eternal Welfare. The assurance of Eternal Life, is but a Lusty strong Fancy; this you may exercise at the last Gasp, and the best of Saints can pretend no higher.

The very effeminate purpose of Repentance gives a Stab to all the Mirth of sinners.

How bitter is the very mention of it, as Death it self. And know, that I am fond of no sort of sinners, but only of such whose presumption and prodigious wickedness drives away the fear of a wounded Conscience.

Tush! 'Tis but the faint Eccho of a Scriptu­ral threatning, which will die away of it self, (to be sure it will) if you stupify your Souls, and Caress them with sensual pleasures, in the gratification of your Lusts.

What sinners! will ye break away from the Worlds soft imbraces, and prove Changelings in the profest Mystery of Iniquity, to take up the severities of a mortified Conversation? If there [Page 34]be any day of accompt for all your Vani­ties and Excesses; yet you have time enough be­fore you to be Pensive; the Judg of Mankind is not yet upon his Circuit, nor stands he yet before the door of your hearts, as ready to de­part; that thereupon a Psalm of Mercy should be denied you, as shut up under final impeni­tency and unbelief. Thus Satan, the World, and sinners own sensual Hearts, betray them to their Eternal Ruine.

But the Baits of Riches, Honours, and Plea­sures, become Fewel to Lusts, rather than sa­tisfie a humorsome Curiosity.

They become an Itch to the Pride of Life, which we please oun selves to spread by rub­bing. They are not Restringent to our dropsi­cal Intemperance of Covetousness, nor any allay to the Tympany of an ambitious Pride.

Covetous Wretches, who undermine others, are like the blind Mole, which spends its strength and Life in casting up Hillocks of purer Dust; yet, neither are made to discern their own Misery, till the stroke of Death Irrecoverably seize upon them.

4. Difference.] The Parent estranges the Child from the Brest, out of self-ends; To avoid the toyl of suckling, or to take more li­berty and Pleasure.

But the Lord weans every New-Born Christi­an, for his proper advantage only, to make him [Page 35]a farther partaker of his Holiness. Heb. 12.9, 10.

The Child is froward, because it knows not the Intention of the Mother: But a Saint chear­fully submits, ( as Peter at last, to have his Feet washt by Christ) because he is assured, that in Faithfulness the Lord corrects him, for his in­struction in the Mysteries of the Christian In­stitution.

O how Justly, yet, with a pitiful severity, doth the Lord wean us, to win us over to him­self! Would any one, think of his Creator, or make any serious provision for the Life to Come, if the Breasts of the World were not imbittered, by the disappointment of Carnal self-seeking designs? To suffer a sinner, to draw hard and long from a Lust, is no real indulgence, but an oc­casion of the sinners surfeiting and Induration. Ephraim is joyned to Idols, let him alone. His sin shall become his punishment. As that Pope said in sprinkling his supposed holy-water; He who will be deceived, let him be deceived; So, Sen­sualists suck Poyson, and their own Eternal Ruine, out of those harmless Creatures, which to weaned Saints are sanctified, sublimated, and made truly comfortable.

Our folly will be inexcusable, if after all Ex­periments of the Worlds Grand Cheats, we shall contribute any Longer, to our own vexation, and self-wounding.

Why should we clog our affections, these Dove-like Wings of the Soul, with Mire and Dirt; which should by Meditation, lodg in the Bosom of God; there to Caress us with pure Soul-satisfying Pleasures to all Eternity? Why do we pant after the dust of the Earth, which is the Serpents Curse? Why do we in a restless Agony, thirst after such empty Joys which end with a dulness, and damp upon our Spirits?

2. Difference.] The weaned Child pines and grows weak, when taken from the Breast too soon, but the earlier we forsake Sin and the World, the better we thrive in our Spiritual Stock and Stature.

We obtain greater Vigor of Love and Zeal for God; we become more Spiritual in our whole Conversation; we experiment an in­crease of sweet Communion with the Father of our Spirits.

Enoch, being weaned early from the corrupt examples of His Generation, walked with God hand in hand as a great Favourite.

He soon grew a great Proficient in Grace, therefore he commenced in Glory, by a skip o­ver the heads of the rest of the Patriarchs.

He lived only three hundred sixty five years, as many as there are days in a year; as if the perfection of Time, as well as of Holiness were accomplisht in Him. Therefore, he was snatcht [Page 37]up to Heaven, as being early ripe for it; and lest the World should offer Violence to so flouri­shing a Plant of Paradise.

Weaned hearts, whose Love keeps pace with Self-denial, are less projecting for the World, and most Officious to advance Christs Inte­rest.

Satans Fondlings, must lie at Ease, and are rockt fast asleep in the Cradle of sinful sloth and security, lest they should cry out of his Cruel Bondage.

A prosperous Estate proves very uneasie; it pinnions all the Faculties of the Soul, and makes them unwieldy, that they cannot act vi­gorously, nor chearfully in a Course of Righte­ousness. Yet a weaned Saint mounts his head and heart above the Skies, while his Feet stand upon the Earth; as a Sea of Glass mixed with Fire.

He who fears the Lord, shall dwell at ease, as the Psalmist speaks, or lodge in the Bosom of Di­vine Goodness, where he may stretch out his affections in meditation upon the Immensity of Gods perfections, to a full and Infinite Satisfa­ction.

Thus, we save the Lord the Labour of acting terrible Tragedies upon us.

Yet commonly, we are Active in increasing our own miseries, when we become one Spirit, with the defiling Vanities of the World.

As Rangeing-Deer, if we prove Outlawries to Christ's Discipline, and will not be weaned from such Temptations which dispirit us in his service; we expose our selves to become the Mark of every Judgment, and to be made a Prey to Satan.

Nor doth this weaned Frame fit us only to expedite all Christian Duties, but it Steels us with Resolution, and Fortitude in suffering for the Name and Testimony of Jesus.

Worldlings dread the very mention of the Cross, much less are they Conformed unto it.

But every weaned Saint, is a Cross-Bearer, the greatest Tryals, Difficulties, and Severities of Mortification, are Food to strengthen the Faith of such, yea, they are Trophies of their Self-denial.

Paul, being weaned, knew what it was to be emptied, even while he abounded. To be abased in Honour, to be as sorrowing, yet alway rejoycing; in distress, yet not in despair; as Poor, yet making many Rich; as having no­thing, yet possessing all things: Yea, he pro­tested that he delighted to die dayly, to the Vi­gor of his Lusts, and the Allurements of the World.

Herein, Christ's Weanlings differ from Sa­tans Sucklings or Hypocrites, who pretend only to be weaned; that the former have better [Page 39]tempered Eyes, to behold inticing Objects un­to sin, and yet their Mouths not water.

Abraham might look on the Flames of Sodom which Indulgence was forbade to Lot, lest that Prospect should make an Impression of Lusting on his heart toward his pleasant accommodati­ons lest behind. This was actually verified in his Wife. Though she were fired thence, yet she left her Heart behind, therefore she lookt back with some regret, she lookt and lookt again so long, till she became as stiff and stupid as a Stone.

The Nazarites might drink Wine, after they had in strictness fulfilled their Vow; which was not so much as to chew the husk of a dry Grape.

So, Weaned Christians may more safely be permitted, as Gideons hardy Souldiers, to lap at the accommodations of the World, because they will not indulge themselves in an effeminate sen­suality.

They will not bow down on their Faces, to inebriate themselves with Carnal Pleasures.

They will not neglect their expeditious March toward their heavenly Citadel and Country; nor damp their Zeal and Courage against their Spi­ritual Enemies. Though they be hardly confi­ned, and straitned in their Provisions, yet they will not mutiny against their Generals allow­ance, to snatch at better injoyments in the World.

If they be straitly beleagur'd with long afflictions; yet will they not tamely and trea­cherously deliver up the Garrison of their Inte­grity. They rather will sally out upon Satan and the World; yea, they will maintain an in­ward Conflict with the Lusts of their own Hearts, till they have subdued proud Ambition, sordid Covetousness and voluptuous Sensuali­ty.

A weaned Frame of Spirit, will inure Chri­stians, to digest strong and heavy afflictions, without repining.

Though they will yield with a tender, melting Disposition, to the rebukes of Christ's Disci­pline; yet they are unmalleable and undaunted in Grapling with most cruel Sufferings for the honour of Christ and Interest of Religion.

Suckling Children are very fearful, and will start aside at every noise. Worldlings, whose Hearts are not weaned, will prove like Reuben unstable as Water, in a Religious course; they cannot excel in heroical strains of Faith.

Even a Flint may be broken on a soft Cushi­on. So, the most Masculine Zeal and Courage may faint and be blunted in its Edge, by the tenderness and delicacy of the Flesh.

They say, the Loadstone loses its attractive Vertue, if it be rubb'd with Garlick: So, the excellencies of Christ cannot win our Love and constancy, if our hearts be infected and be­sotted [Page 41]with a tincture of Earthly-mindedness. Nay, the Love of Riches, and a Life of Carnal ease or pleasure, will tempt a Covetous Judas to betray Christ, and an effeminate Demas to for­sake him.

Where the Nest is well-Feathered, Men usu­ally become Night-bird Professors. In this re­spect, Nicodemus morally verified the report of Aelian, that those Fishes which have bright Golden Scales, are most timorous to be ta­ken.

But weaned Nazarites, are resolved to fulfil their Vow of separation from the World, and Dedication to the Lord, whatsoever sufferings it expose them to.

Yet will they not boast, when they keep clo­sest to their Communion with God thorow Christ.

To prevent Pride in a Self-Righteousness, and the strictest Discipline of it; the Nazarites were enjoined to cut off their Hair, when they had fulfilled their Vow, though it were the Or­nament and Badg of their Profession.

They were commanded to burn it under the Peace-Offering; to signifie, that there can be no true quiet to the Conscience, but only in ap­plying Christ's compleat Righteousness and O­bedience, which is imputed to expiate the filth of our imperfect Services and Sufferings.

Weaned Saints are estranged from themselves, so as not to Pride it in their Spiritual attain­ments, nor in their Conquests over Sin, Satan, and the World.

If Self-Arrogance be not mortified, this alone will undermine our Integrity, and defeat us of the Glory of the greatest Conquest.

Thus one Eleazar is storied, by unwariness to be prest to death, under the Weight of that very Elephant, which he slew with his own hand.

Christ will not give away the honour of his assisting Grace, to the most Victorious Cham­pion among the noble Army of Martyrs.

These must be weaned from self-applause and wash their Robes in the Bloud of the Lamb; otherwise, Pride will stain the innocency of their Sufferings. Self-denial is required, even in the midst of their Triumphant Solemnities; when they display their Banners on the Walls of the Celestial Jerusalem, and are installed with Christ upon their Thrones of Glory.

Thus the Magnetick force of the Lords infinite Excellencies, become the attractive Center of all the powers and affections of their Souls.

But Satans Magick, Inchants the hearts of Worldlings, by causing them to cleave to a proud Self-Arrogance, under their dissembled Mortification, as if it were a truly thorow wean­ed Frame.

The first sort of such deluded Hypocrites are, Hermits, Anchorets and Monks, who please and Pride themselves in admiring their own Excel­lencies and Paracelsian speculations.

These fly as high as Seraphims, in their Crazy Fancies; while they Perch on their own Moral Righteousness, which at best, when Ido­lized as a meritorious claim for Heaven, is only refined Iniquity.

These rail at the honours and pleasures of a Court, and yet are not weaned by humility, nor a genuine contempt of the World.

Thus Diogenes scornfully trampled on Pla­toe's perfumed Bed, with a greater Pride than Plato himself injoyed it.

This is to declaim against the World's Vani­ty with a greater Vanity, yea, the duplicated deep-dyed Iniquity of Hypocrisie.

This is the only true generosity of Mind, as an effect of Weanedness, to despise the vain pomp of humane Greatness, while we enjoy it, in a Float, and not upon the ebbing Stream of Poverty, Disgrace, or Discontent at the Cross disappointment of our high-projecting Hopes.

Therefore, Charles the fift, being tired with the Weight of Government, the Cares of a Roy­al Court, and the various fickle humors of the Vulgar, was not truly devout, nor weaned from the splendor of the Empire, though he re­nounc't it, and withdrew into a solitary Cell.

Let not Hermits boast of their Mortification, because they retire into places desolate, and full of Solitude.

This is to be innocent by Necessity, rather than by a genuine resolute choice.

To be secured from the World, as a Com­mon Pest-House, by a faint-hearted Recess, ra­ther than to be fortifyed against the contagious Seeds of wickedness, by the sound, vigorous Constitution, and watchful Disposition of a ver­tuous mind.

Therefore to make a Man capable of the be­nefit of a solitary Life, he must eradicate every Lust, in the predominant Love of it; other­wise he will not only lose the advantage of his hoped-for Innocency, but will soon become a Tempter, and Tormentor also unto himself.

Such, out of a sullen humor, while they pre­tend to Weanedness and Devotion, rob humane Society of the benefit of a Communicative Life, because they cannot (as a Blazing Comet) draw a long Tayl of Ostentation after them, to the wonderment and amusing of all Specta­tors.

They seldom suspect, that the Monster of proud Self-Love, is bred and maintained by such pretended Self-denial.

They conceit, they are Self-Sole, and All­sufficient to supply and furnish themselves with all helps of Vertue in a Wilderness; and there­upon [Page 45]are envious of being examples of it unto others.

2. Another sort of persons pretendedly wean­ed from the Love of the World are such, who are Popish mendicants, who vow Poverty where Divine Providence neither requires nor inflicts it. These proudly afflict themselves.

They involve themselves in want, by a sordid kind of humility, or Self-abasement, and then boast of their Counterfeit self-denial. They sinck themselves into voluntary Distresses, and then censure and reproach All, who do not by their Mad examples quit and abjure their Lawful Comforts and Possessions.

Yet, this is but an Hypocritical device, to palliate their Covetoushess. It is but a topical and false Cure of their Concupiscence.

It is so slender a Remedy to resist and expel the Contagious Seeds of Lusting, that a black patch applied to the Face, may as probably recover a Consumptive person out of his Hectick, when 'tis commenced into a burning-Fever.

It is alike irrational, to fancy that the lank­ness of their Estates is an Indication, that their hearts are as humble as their Purse is emp­ty. For they remain as Covetous and Rave­nous, after those Accommodations which they want, as the Rich are swoln with Pride in their Excesses.

For, Covetousness is to be measured by the Inordinacy of Mens desires, discontent at their present Station and Condition; and envy at o­thers Worldly Grandure, rather than by a bare valuation of ones self, by a perverted fancy, ac­cording to the outward vastness of the E­state.

Such, are not truly weaned from the pursuit of the Worlds gilded Vanities, who, though extreamly poor, yet are as deeply proud of their Cynical contempt of Riches, yea, are secretly discontented with their low station and short allowance in sensual and terrene injoy­ments.

Thus their superstitiously-contracted Poverty, allays not the burning Fever of Concupiscence while it bespots the Soul, and blisters the tongue, in a secret murmuring at God's Dispensations, as if they were too severe, unequal, or un­just.

Is not this for the Clay to make a proud in­surrection against the Universal Potter, and Go­vernour of the World?

Another sort of persons pretendedly weaned from the World, are such, who in discontent at disappointments in their affairs, cast aside their Trades, and then, like the Hedg-hog, wrap up themselves in the soft Down of a sensu­al voluptuous Life, and please themselves, that they are mortified, because of their voluntary [Page 47] Lazy retirement, from the Tumult (as they call it) of Worldly business. These turn out the Bristles of a venomous reproachful Tongue, to censure all, who do not cast off their Lawful Calling and Imployment, that they may more freely converse with God and their own Hearts.

What a Vain and Hypocritical pretence is this, to nurse up Idleness, and fill the World with a swarm of Beggars!

These seeming Zealots, make the Tables of the Divine Law to Clash; while they make their Heavenly and Civil Calling to be Inconsistent; whereas, the Heavenly supports the Earthly, and this, sets a whet upon the other; so far is it from being any impediment, if subordinated and rightly managed. Serious, sincere Souls, are weaned In, and not from their Civil Stations and Imployments, be they never so mean, and full of Cares or Difficulties.

To leave off any Civil Calling because low and mean, is to rebel against the Sovereign and wise disposal of God, the only Governour of the Universe. It is to renounce His Charge, and that Station in which He hath set a Man, to his own dishonour, as well as discomfort in the blast­ing of his new Projects and Designs.

Such should not disdain the lowest Sphere of Imployment, in Imitation of the blessed Angels.

These Heavenly Courtiers are not sullen, be­cause their Creator hath Assigned them to come down upon the Earth, and become Ministring Spirits, for the relief of the Saints necessi­ties.

They are content to be weaned for a season from an immediate beholding the Face of the King of Glory, and condescend to wait upon poor frail Mortals.

Their Rare example should Tutor us in self­denial, to resign up our Wills to the Sovereign Disposal of the Lord and not to quarrel his Providential Assignation of our Lot and Porti­on or Station in the World.

We must not grow sullen because our Creator sets Laws; and boundaries to our exorbitant De­sires, in a wise though unequal distribution of his Favours.

Whosoever therefore, shall out of discontent, or under a pretence of Zeal in Religion, cast a­way his Civil Calling, is a Hypocrite, rather than a genuine weanling unto Christ.

The Lord never Condemned publickness of Spirit, which seeks the good of human Society, but only the pragmaticalness of a private Spirit, which seeks its own Advantage, out of a sweat of Covetousness, rather than of Lawful In­dustry.

This is to be truly weaned to the World, to discharge our Earthly Calling faithfully, and [Page 49]chearfully, yet not to overcharge our selves with excessive Cares, like a Gun, Rammed and Loa­den so full, that it must needs recoil and fly in pieces.

The Lord will one day produce Abraham, Lot, and David; persons very active in their Generation, and full of weighty business; yet these were weaned Saints, who set Him a-part for their Portion and time apart for Communion with Him.

Christianity doth not uncloath us of Humani­ty, it doth not eradicate natural desires, but on­ly transplant, purge, defecate and Sanctify them, by setting them on their right Objects, in a due manner and measure, to a right end. Grace doth not cancel, but order, and guide the true lawful use of the Creature, and of a civil Calling.

This is the Character of a Saint truly wean­ed from the Love of the World, who lawfully pursues his Trade, and Commerce in it.

He will be no wiser than the Rule of the Word allows him to be; no happier, nor Richer than the Lord will make him.

He can cross the Corruptions and politick dis­guises of the places and times he lives in.

He is not inthralled to common Hopes and Fears, to such sensual injoyments and delights which Worldly Men are carried down the Stream withal. He exercises Sincerity in all the [Page 50]Common ordinary Actions of his Life, and therefore is alike acceptable to the Lord in these, as in works properly Religious, in which God himself is the more immediate Ob­ject.

He Eyes in his Civil Calling, the Institution of God, the Conduct of his Word, and pleads the Promises in Prayer for his incouragement in difficult Attempts; yea, for discretion to order his Civil Affairs, as becomes a Man and a Chri­stian.

Yet he is diligent, not slothful in business, but fervent in Spirit, serving not his Worldly Interest, but the Lord; that is, he waits on the Providence of God, in the use of Lawful Means, committing the success to Divine Be­nediction.

He will not lean to his own natural Sagacity, or prudential management of his Affairs. He quiets his Passions under all disappointments. He seeks a sanctified improvement of all Losses and Crosses. If he prosper he ascribes his suc­cess to Gods Fatherly Care, Wisdom and Love; he improves it to his Glory, in the promoting of his Christian Religious Course. Thus the Lord is the Alpha and Omega of a weaned Saints Being, and Acting in the World.

4. Another sort of persons, pretendedly weaned from the World, are such, who stint their de­sires in the pursuit of an Estate; who propound [Page 51]to themselves, that they will keep the World upon the Chase, and turmoil hard in it, till they have Feathered their Nest, arrived to such a degree of Honour or Wealth, and then they will surcease and commendably give way to youngsters, who may grow up in their Lot of Trade.

Are such weaned in good earnest, and not ra­ther surprized with the spice of secret Atheism? would they otherwise be such doting Proje­ctors for their Worldly Interest?

Is it in their own power, to be the Carvers of their own Prosperity, while they thus strenu­ously lay and contrive the Scheme of it?

Cannot the Lords Countermining Providence change the scene and scotch the Wheels of all humane industry, in defeating and blasting of such antedated hopes, purposes, and projects?

What ridiculous folly is this to walk in a vain show, to strut our selves in a false scene of imaginary Happiness, while we resolve to heap up Riches, and know not who shall gather them!

Is not this like some silly Bird, with great toyl (every day) to bring now a stick and then a straw, now a little Moss and then a few Fea­thers, to build our Nest (as we conceit among the Stars) and then to promise our selves that we shall snug therein, wa [...]m and secure from any hand of violence; yet on a sudden, either [Page 52]by death, we and our Nest come tumbling down together?

Or, how soon may we and our young ones be driven out of the possession of what we have laboured for, with toil and anxiety of Spirit; and yet neither we nor they shall dare to peep or move the Wing, to make any sign of the least resistance, or discontent? Isa. 10.14. Some think themselves weaned, because they Grasp not the whole World in their aspiring thoughts; though (as Gehazi) they anxiously project and design how to purchase by their stinted Talents Olive-yards and Vine-yards, that they may pro­mote a sensual and voluptuous Life.

To such (I affirm) that this Imagination is but a reserved, and more modest Cheat of Cove­rousness, which falsly promises to sit down con­tented, and at Ease; when the Estate shall a­mount to a Mans present wish or desire.

For no Man hath hitherto been contented with that Estate and Condition, in which his own choice planted him, meerly upon this mistake that it should fully satisfie him.

For the most prosperous Estate, is like the fullest Sea, Stormy, Raging, Unquiet and Un­safe.

Yea, we admire what is out of our Reach and Possession; yet loath the same fancied gilded felicities, when they come under our Tryal and Enjoyment.

For Worldly-minded persons, being sick with false Opinions of the worth of sublunary Objects, with foolish hopes to derive happiness from them with impotent, impatient, restless desires after the grasping them, and fond designs to heap up Vanity upon Vanity, confirm rather, than shake off their disease of mind.

This makes them complain of their present State, when-as that they would exchange it for, would not mend the matter, but possibly may prove more uneasie and uncomfortable; because such carry their disease rooted in themselves.

What a Cheat do such put on themselves, who fancy, that being Rich or Potent to such a de­gree, they shall take up in a Station of Content­ment.

For our luxuriant desires will not be bound­ed, they will still fly out and get the Start of our injoyments.

So that, if we arrive at a higher State, we do not lose, but only change our Cares, and try all variety of Conditions, rather than rest plea­sed with any.

Thus, we may as well sit down content where we are, as where we hope to be.

For that which is our Happiness, and can on­ly terminate our desires, must be more Divine than our selves. Otherwise, it cannot perfect, satisfie, nor make us happy.

Indeed we cannot be made miserable, but only by the consent of our own deluding Hopes, or wild, wanton, foolish Fancies.

These they are, which over-rate Worldly Conveniences, while we prophanely degrade our Heaven-born Souls for very Vanity: For this, we part with our Freedom, true Tranquil­lity, and Generosity of Spirit; yet finding our selves to be gulled by these erratick Fires, we too late complain, that they have exhausted the Di­vine Vigour of our Souls, and misled us into the miry Bogs of sensual and destructive Pleasures.

Nay, did we injoy the Creature purely and perfectly, to our own desires; yet, the longer we injoy any thing, the more insipid or distast­ful doth it prove: we sooner suck Wind, than Satisfaction from the Worlds delusive Breasts.

Nay, we are not able to bear the constant sallies, and extension of our affections, on the most delightful Object in our own Possession. Our Familiar Converse with it, and reiterated injoyment of it, tires out our Appetite, and deceives our Hopes of Satisfaction. The very quintessence of Pleasure without any Intermis­sion, proves an Oppression to our Spirits.

Nay, suppose we were sure to obtain and grasp what we eagerly desire, and much more; yet, consider, that some Children with a flush of Milk on a sudden, have been quackled and strangled.

So, the flowing in of the Worlds prosperity, hath proved the Death of the Soul Godward, and stifled all real desires, after the Life and Pow­er of Religion. However, we are prone to be Rockt fast asleep, in the Devils Cradle of securi­ty, where we lie batt'ning and playing with the Paps of sensual abundance, till Afflictions or Death awaken us. Then the deluded, neglect­ed Soul finds it self hungerstarved, nothing ha­ving been caress't, but it's fancy.

As a Dream when one awakes, so O Lord, thou wilt despise their Image, Ps. 73.20.

The Representation which a Dream makes, seems very brisk, lively, and pleasant; yet when we reflect upon it, with our waking thoughts we find it confused, and impertinent to our eter­nal Happiness, because nothing remains, but the fiction of a Dream, the shadow of a sha­dow.

Thus, that most stately Representation of their Prosperity; by which, they conceit an Hope to be had in everlasting remembrance, proves at most, but as a fond, foolish Puppet-Play.

5. Another sort of persons pretendedly wean­ed from the World, and the sensual pleasures of it, are such who impose superstitious and unrea­sonable Severities upon themselves, to palliate the secret Abominations of their Souls.

This cannot be lasting and effectual to Cure the Paroxysms of inward Lusting, because 'tis [Page 56]a Severity not of Divine prescription, and therefore not under any Promise of suc­cess.

For, as the Weapons of a Christians Warfare, so the methods of his weaning should not be Car­nals Such may as well hope to run at Tilt, and defeat Satan with a Spear of Bulrushes.

If you run a young skittish Horse up a steep Hill to break his Mettal, you may sooner make him broken-winded and unserviceable, than expect thus to tame him.

The Body is the Souls Ass, which will no longer be able to carry it, than you allow it fit­ting Fodder.

There is an honour, a due and just Debt to Nature, in the harmless Constitution of it.

Though we are not Debtors to the Flesh to Pamper it, lest it should Cast its Rider; yet we must supply it with necessary Recruits.

This is far from making Provision for the Flesh, to fulfil the Lusts thereof.

The Apostle Paul, who beat down his Body, who gave it Club-Law, the Black and Blew Eye, that it might not cast an Amorous wanton Glance, to court sensual Vanities; yet, knew how to observe a fit moderation in it.

He Censures all monastick, self-imposed Se­verities, which spare not the Body, as a Device of Satan, to destroy it rather than to bring it in subjection to the Spirit.

Christ himself would not have New Wine put into Old Bottles; To signifie that immoderate Fastings, Humicubations, Pilgrimages and all extraordinary Sufferings, or Tamings of the Flesh, are not suitable to young Converts, newly weaned; lest they deter them from a chearful imbracing the Christian Institution, and a con­stant Progress in Religion.

Pride usually springs up from the Root of such bitterness against the harmless support of Nature: Popish Severities fatten Lusts, while they starve the Body; and while Men thus threaten to stub up their inordinate desires, they water their Root the more, by a secret comply­ance with them.

This Irregular Zeal, blazes like Moses Bush, in a threatning of Mens Lusts; yet there is no heat of a just Revenge which may quite consume them.

Sinners deceive and more pollute their Souls by false Counterfeit, un-Scriptural Arts, and Rules of weaning.

6. Another sort of Sinners not really wean­ed are such, who being twitcht and bitten with the Worm of Conscience, have a false Appe­tite raised towards the Bread of Life.

Thus the Capernaits cryed out in a transi­ent Passion, Lord! evermore give us of this Bread.

And Marcella in the Croud of Christ's Audi­tors, brake out into this exstatical Applause, Blest is the Womb which bare thee!

Such are not weaned from the Love of their Lusts, who commend the Preacher, that they may be excused from being commanded by that Do­ctrine, which he presses upon them for Obedi­dience unto Christ.

Others have too gross and carnal a conceit of Spiritual Ordinances, who think these appoint­ed to allay the sharp bitings of an inflamed ex­ulcerated Conscience, while they sin presump­tuously.

By immoderate Belchings and stretching of their Appetite after Worldly, flatulent, crude Joys, they eject and Vomit up the good juice of the Word, and other Ordinances, which should nourish their Souls to Eternal Life.

But if they do not puke and keck at the wholsom Food of Divine Truth; yet there re­mains a Lipothymia or general faintness and fai­lure of true affection, which chills all endea­vours after a Heavenly Conversation, by too great Evacuations of that Spiritual nourish­ment, which before was taken down.

Hence the solid parts of Christianity are dissi­pated and melt away; so that the means of Grace which should allay their hunger toward the World, become unprofitable. This proves fatal, because sinners easily deceive themselves [Page 59]with this Distemper, as if it were a genuine hun­ger toward the Ordinances.

The Word Preacht may raise strains of great Joy in the hearing; yet, the heart not be re­newed, nor subdued to Christ's weaning Dis­cipline. Sucking Children, have their smiles at their own pretty Fancies; yet are not able to act their Reason, in any reflection upon the Va­nity and Deception of those Imaginations. Phrentick sinners may Cant it in Religious Notions, which is but a false conception of Spiritual Joy; because it is only a transient passion raised from the briskness of the animal Spirits, which fly up into the head, yet infeeble afterwards the Executive faculties of the Soul, because they have no tendency to produce a siricter course of Life.

Culinary fire may scorch more than Elemen­tary; yet this, by a more Vital kindly heat, best conserves health, and ripens Fruits.

So, violent sudden passions in sinners, may transport them beyond the ordinary rank of Christians, in some extraordinary services, and sufferrings; yet such seeming Zealots are so far from being weaned by self-denial, that they were never sensible of the proper and real dispositi­ons, which introduce the form of a New-Cea­ture in Christ.

7. Another sort in the contrary extreme, are the Devils weanlings. I mean such, who pre­tend [Page 60]to be Comprehensors in the Christian State, and to have arrived at perfection in Holi­ness.

These are really possest with a Dumb and Deaf Spirit; they neither pray for Pardon of sin, nor attend on any Gospel-Ministry, because out of Pride, Curiosity, Fancy, and Self-Con­ceit, they presume they have Graspt the perfe­ction of Divine Wisdom as a Monopoly to themselves.

How are such deluded, being sensual, and not having the Spirit of Christ, whom they pretend to only. Let such know, that a State of Spiritual weaning, doth not infer a Con­tempt of Gospel-Ordinances; it rather increa­ses a genuine, strong Affection in hungring and thirsting after them.

The weaned Saint forsakes not his proper Spiritual Food for Wind and Trash; but rather renews more earnest desires after the sincere Milk of the Word of Righteousness.

He lives not a separated Life from the Com­munion of Saints; only, he exchanges his for­mer Diet, which was the Dust of the Serpent, for more solid and refined nourishment.

He forsakes not the first Principles in Christi­anity, as contemptible Milk for Babes, but pro­ceeds to grow in Grace, and in the Knowledg of God in Christ.

This more humbles and meekens him toward his Fellow-Saints, by Self-denial. It makes him more Holy, and Heavenly, more estranged from the World, and the Vanities of it.

Like David, he is driven into the Wilderness, he doth not chuse to want publick Ordinances. When he doth; his Soul even then pants after the Living-God, he thirsts with a more restless, strong and impatient appetite, to see the Lords Power and Glory, so as he had injoyed him in the Sanctuary.

8. Sort of sinners not weaned, are broken­winded, and impatient Suiters for Relief in their distress. Such are not prevailed with, to give Christ the quiet and full possession of their hearts in an universal Dominion over them, because they are not content that he should speed or de­lay, grant or deny their desires.

The Israelites were counted estranged from God, because they waited not for his Counsels, neither were stedfast in his Covenant. While the Lords dispensations pleased them, they sang his praises. What a strong Rock, what a pit­tiful Redeemer had they to befriend them!

Yet, let him try their Patience in suspending his help, how soon do they forget the wonders of his hand, grow weary of his conduct, suspect his care and faithfulness, reproach him, and fall to their old hank of mur­muring.

But a Saint truly weaned, doth not Antedate Divine Promises, nor slack his own purposes of Obedience. He doth not anticipate delive­rance, nor with a short-winded impatient pee­vishness, snatch a Mercy out of the hand of the Lord, before he be willing to bestow it.

Our mouths must not water after the forbid­den Fruit of Sin, nor after the overhasty fulfil­ling of any Promise.

Raw Fruit breeds Worms in Children.

Not to wait silently for the Ripening of deli­verance, is the ready way to blast it, or to anti­cipate it with a Curse.

Even Manna over-eagerly hoorded up stank; and suddenly became as much loathed as it was impatiently longed for. Had Jacob (as plain a Man as he was) been thorowly weaned from Self-seeking and Unbelief, he had never attempt­ed to have snatcht at the Promise, while the Fruit hung unripe upon it, nor to have forestal­led the Blessing of his Father, by the disguize of an Artificial Lye.

A weaned Saint, (so far as such) will not turn aside to crooked ways and unlawful shifts, to accomplish his design.

Faith doth not set a Man upon preposterous Courses.

Therefore let none pretend to trust in God's Promises, while they make void his Laws.

That is an Orthodox Regular Faith, which so bears Witness to the Truth of the Promise, that it will not betray the Trust of Duty.

There is Power and Wisdom enough in the Womb of every Divine Promise, to bring it self to the Birth, without the Midwifery of any sinful expedients, or excentrical practices to uphold the Lords fidelity by our dissimulati­on.

Therefore a weaned Frame doth not only produce a Working, Suffering and Abstaining Pati­ence from the forbidden Fruit of Sin; but also an Expecting, Waiting Patience, in order to reap, when Ripe, the Blessing of every delayed Mer­cy.

A weaned Saint, had rather have the Boon which he asks denied, than cross the Rule in asking. He is more troubled if his desires prove Inordinate, than that the Lord takes no Order to speed and gratifie them.

He is very full and pregnant with holy desires, yet his Importunity doth not justle out his Modesty. He is a self-denying Supplicant, his desires are neither peremptory nor impati­ent.

He will lie at Heaven-Gate, though Relief do not hasten to him.

He esteems an heart made willing and able to wait, as a Mercy equal to that he waits for. And indeed, it is part of an Answer as well [Page 64]as a Pledg of gratifying his Request.

9. The ninth sort of Sinners not truly wean­ed, are such who are Dumb under the Lord's weaning strokes; which is more sad and dan­gerous than any sting of Affliction whatsoe­ver.

There is a false quietness, or silence of Spirit under Cross disappointments and sufferrings, which differs very much from the generous Di­vine Submission, and Acquiescency of a wean­ed Saint.

1. It arises from want of inward Convicti­on of sin. A spurious Patience is the sullenness and stoutness of a rebellious, proud, impenitent, hard heart. Foulness of Guilt produces Felness of Spirit.

2. It flows from utter despair, because such who are constrainedly patient, and repine though they do not Rage, conceit that the stroke of their wound is unparallel'd and incurable, Amos 6.10. Hold thy peace; be silent even from praying, for we have plaid the part of Hypo­crites so long, that Now, we may not make mention of, much less Glory in the Name of the Lord.

3. Reason or Common sense, may Argue sin­ners into a meer Moral Patience, making a Ver­tue of Necessity. Because when the Lord of Hosts takes hold on Judgment, no Created power can strike his Sword out of his hand. [Page 65]And what is without all Remedy, must by si­lence be endured.

But a truly weaned Saint, doth not only sub­mit out of Duty and Conscience, rather than Constraint, but can also Cleave to God; he will Clear and Justifie, yea Bless him with a thank­full heart, and a Fruitful Life; when he lays his Ax to the Root of his dearest enjoyments.

Faith welcoms Afflictions as good Angels sent for its Instruction, because they Cure our sinful Surfeits, and Bleed us in the Master-Vein.

A weaned Saint, counts himself less than the least of Divine Mercies, even below the Lords condescention to Correct him.

He will joyn, and take part with God against his own Interest and Enjoyments.

Yea, he rejoyceth in the Lord abstractedly for himself, when he is stript naked of all Earth­ly Comforts.

A supernatural Patience can rejoyce in Bonds, sing in Prison, Glory in Tribulation, Triumph in Sufferings, and count it self exalted in the deepest abasement for Righteousness sake.

A Real Christian maintains a Consistency in the tranquillity of his Mind, while he Ploughs the Waves of every amazing Providence, with the steedy Helm of an Heroick Faith, guided by the Pole-Star of the Word of God.

He is anointed with the Spirit of Holiness as a Son of Peace, therefore he murmurs not. Thus, Oyle asswages the Tempestuous Raging of the Sea.

His Faith works by Love, and this puts a good Construction on every Divine Chastise­ment.

But now the Hypocrite who seems weaned by submissiveness in suffering, sets a demure Countenance on a froward Heart.

His Patience is (most-what) selfish and thea­trical, to gain the Reputation of a Generous and Heroick Mind.

Yet, out of desperate presumption he courts Death, as the only Refuge of his Cowar­dise:

The Hypocrite studies his Hearts-ease in his seeming Patience. He well knows that a Bird by fluttering draws the snare the straiter upon it self, that a Fellon who attempts to break Pri­son is loaded with a heavier Chain, that the stubborn Child by fretting and kicking, gets no­thing but more stinging Lashes.

Thus, a Malefactor lays down his neck upon the Block as eaven & cleaverly as he can, lest if he should startle or resist, he should increase his Torture.

But now a weaned Saint is patient, because he espies Love in the Correction, and hopes to experiment spiritual Advantage from his suf­ferings. [Page 67]He can espy a bright Lamp of Salva­tion, in the midst of the smoaking Furnace; Ho­ney in the Carcase of a Lion; Halcyon-days in a Storm, and is assured that of Thorns he shall gather Grapes, and fetch Meat, the hid Manna of Divine Consolation, out of the Eater of some wasting devouring providence.

The Hypocrite may pretend to some degree of Softness of heart, while scorcht by Affliction; yet, he soon returns to the folly of sin, and discontent at his sufferings; As the Flesh of a Peacock Roasted, turns Raw again after a few hours Reservation.

(On the contrary) the magnanimous pati­ence of a weaned Saint, being insuperable is not stinted, nor ordinarily Ruffled or discompo­sed by the severest sequestration of his nearest and dearest Earthly Joys.

His Faith can divorce the heart from the Heart, the renewed part of a Christian from the Carnal, and make the Soul forget its wont­ed Acts of excess, in the Fond sallyings out of his Affections to the Creature.

All the use of mourning for the want or loss of Worldly accommodations, is only This, to revenge himself on his Lusts, which he made the Idols of his heart.

He knows, that sighs are too Spiritual a blast to be spent on any thing but his Sins.

Being fixt in the admiration of the Lords infinite excellencies, no Worldly loss or gain can divert his intire Communion with the Fountain of pure Joy.

Thus, he stains not his Christian profession with any sullen Tears in a Low afflicted state; nor is transported with fond delights, in an High-estate. For he well considers that it is from the same Love, that the Lord strikes and stroaks a Saint.

Thus, his Faith can turn an Hell of deep disquietment in Sense, into an Heaven of Joy and Triumph.

A weaned Saint highthens his contentment to a thankful Spirit for Afflictions, as happy op­portunities of Improving a Gracious Frame.

This thankfulness is conjoyned with a Reso­lution, to hold fast his Integrity, though the Lord smite him into the place of Dragons, and cover him with the shaddow of Death.

Yea, a weaned Saint is quickened to become more Active in Obedience, by how much the more he is deprest in grievous exigencies and distresses.

Thus the Ball struck with the Racket re­bounds the higher: The Vine being pruned, bleeds not to death, but weeps it self into great­er Fruitfulness.

Again, a Saint Censures not the Lords wean­ing Methods before the Result and winding up of the design.

When the Lord fires him out of all his Earth­ly injoyments, yet he knows that the good will of the Lord dwells in the Bush, to make it flourish in the midst of the consuming Flames.

Therefore says he, it is good to draw nigh to the Holy One, when his Dispensations are most dreadful and severe.

Thus his Faith informs and assures him, that he can as little want the Discipline of the Cross, as an Heavenly Inheritance.

That by deep and heavy Tryals, the Lord stamps a Badg of honour upon him, accounting him to be his Champion and a resolute defender of the Faith of Christ.

Thus weaned Saints quiet themselves under all their distresses, yea Triumph in the Cross of Christ as the top of their felicity and the Crest of their preferment.

10. The tenth sort of Sinners not thorowly weaned, are partial, but not Repenting Refor­madoes.

A Child withdrawn only from the Breast, yet brought up by hand with the Bottle and the Spoon, is not weaned in as proper strict Sence; but only equivocally, till it can acquiesce in a more Manly kind of Food.

So, though Sinners lie not soaking at the Brests of the World, by some accidental diver­sion from the more Usual and common ways of cherishing their Lusts; yet if they find plea­sures [Page 70]from some more Refined methods and se­cret contrivances in sinning; which more suta­bly promote their present design; they cannot be said to be weaned in any tolerable sence.

Lust is Lust, whether it be maintained by se­cret immediate Self-Love, in Acts of Self-seek­ing, self-confidence, and self-exalting, or from the Bottle and Spoon of some forreign collateral succours, which more visibly tend to the sensual gratification of our fleshly Appetite.

There is a strange kind of sinful metempsycho­sis, the strength of concupiscence may pass out of one extreem into another. Lesser Lusts may be intent upon feeding the main Spring, as paying a Homage to it; yet are they no Losers by this Officiousness; for, they are not starved hereby but strengthned.

Thus divers parts of the Body serve to con­vey nourishment to the Liver, as the Foun­tain of Blood, from whence they are moistned and supplied afterwards with an Addition of growth and strength.

So little are our hearts weaned from the Love and Reign of any sin, while its proper operati­ons are suspended to uphold the design, or gra­tifie the Interest of some Capital Lust.

Every Breast doth not agree with the Consti­tution of every Child. Nor doth every parti­cular kind of sin suit the desire of every sinner. Some, as Romulus and Remus, suck a Wolf, in [Page 71]the Exercise of Oppressive Power. Others though they live not on Rapine, and sucking of Blood as Eagles; yet as the Salamander, they take delight to frisk in the Flames of Conten­tion.

And as the Cameleon, they pant and gasp af­ter the pleasing, yet fickle Air of popular ap­plause. The Epicure, though he do not make the Wedg of Gold his Confidence, yet he makes his Belly and sensual Pleasures his God.

As Cleopatra, who at one draught exhausted as many dissolved Pearls as amounted to the value of a Kingdom. Such dig their Graves with their Teeth, and are buried Alive in their exces­sive Riots, as Sardanapalus that Monster of In­temperance.

11. The Eleventh sort of Sinners not really weaned are such, who though they may com­ply with easier and plain commands; yet re­main partial in their Obedience, and limp like a Badger with one Leg, when Commands are difficult, or lie cross to Carnal Reason, personal Credit or Worldly Interest.

For the Former, this is a deep tryal of self. denial, when an Injunction is put on a person, the dutiful observance of which seems to Con­tradict Duty. When the precept of tryal seems to thwart the setled Precept of ordinary Obedi­ence.

Nay, to justle and run counterwise against the Promise of God. When a Man can hardly obey God, but he must make him a Lyar. As in Abraham's Case, he could not offer up his Son but he must violate that Command, Thou shalt not kill; yea, if he had consulted Carnal Rea­son, he must have offered some Violence to his Faith and seemingly to the Veracity of God, that all Nations should be called and blest in Isa­ac. Now different Obligations begetting cross apprehensions in the Soul, do exceedingly puz­zle, oppress, and distract it, yea, increase its tryals and troubles to a perplexing height.

Yet, a Weaned Soul, who is not selfcon­ceited, nor strives for the supremacy of his own Will, can reconcile seeming contrariant Precepts in the Holy Ʋnity and simplicity of the Divine Nature. For the very Command of the Lord stamps Holiness on that very Action, which o­therwise were unlawful.

You must know, that other Actions which are only indifferent in their own nature, yet be­come absolutely necessary upon a Divine positive Law injoyning them.

Some are commanded because precedently good in their own Nature, as to love God for himself, to hate sin as an unnatural Act to a Mans self. Moral Duties are generally and uni­versally known by the very Light of Nature; and are grounded in their necessity and [Page 73]suitableness, on the very notion of the Deity and his unchangeable Holiness. But particular po­sitive Duties which bind by express Revelati­on are good and necessary to be fulfilled, because of the Wisdom and Authority of the Lawgiver, though Carnal Reason cannot guess at their E­quity, usefulness or necessity: Of this Nature, were the Jewish Ceremonies, which yet were punctually in every Circumstance observed by the Faithful Forefathers.

What Reason can be assigned, why the Jews should be prohibited, such and such sorts of Meats, which were pallatable and wholsome, yet they were tutored in their Bill of Fare, and trained up to Self-denial in these severe restri­ctions. Though (I suppose) some Moralities might lie couchant in them.

As they might not plough with an Ox and an Ass, nor sow divers Seeds promiscuously, in the same plat of Ground, nor wear a Garment of Linsi-Woolsie, to signifie how hatefull to God all impure mixtures are in his Service, or any disagreeing Principles in Religion. But if such Mysteries never were made known in these positive Laws, yet the bare Authority of God, is Reason sufficient and obliging, why the mi­nutest Circumstances of any Action otherwise in­different should be observed and punctually ful­filled.

Thus it is with weaned Saints, for true Obe­dience is uniform and universal.

As Saints will impose no Laws in Divine concernments upon themselves, as absolutely necessary: so they are very cautious in abstai­ning from all the occasions & appearances of evil. They are weaned from the Bottle and the Spoon, from all the accessory helps and incouragements of their Lusts, as well as from the Breasts of more visible pleasing and grosser Temptations to Sin. They are troubled for an impure Dream and will not speculate the least iniquity, so much as in their fancy.

Also, they are Curious about the least Cir­cumstance of every Action, that it be done for Manner, Measure, Time, and Place, to a right End, and in a due Order and Decorum. Moses and Noah in erecting the Tabernacle & Ark were in every Circumstance directed and limited by Divine appointment. Weaned Souls are faith­ful in every punctilio of their charge.

But Hypocrits make Laws and impose severi­ties on themselves, as pleasing Bonds, whereas Christ's Laws are Yokes and pinching Fetters, which they strive to dissolve, and break away from.

This shews, they are not weaned from an opinion of self-superintendency, and the admi­ration of their Carnal Wisdom.

The great Contest 'twixt God and Sinners is, whose Will shall stand for a Law & Rule in the Ordering out of their Affections and Actions.

Yet our Wills are too big and head-strong for our blinded corrupt understandings to Govern. Hence we are guided by no fixt strict Rule, but hurried by Pride and Passion, issuing from our darkned and mistaken apprehensions of the chief­est good.

Therefore, we had need be weaned from self-Supremarcy, that we may be directed safely, according to the Wisdom of God revealed in the written Word, and not led by Fancy, or the impulses of a private Spirit. For we easily are induced to believe that Lawful, necessary, and commendable, which we have a mind to in gratifying our Lusts, or advancing our World­ly Interest.

But, in a truly weaned Frame of Submission to all God's Laws, in every Circumstance, con­sists our true Liberty, Safety, Wisdom, and Magnanimity of Spirit. Otherwise we shall soon become Captives to Satan, and our Lusts.

Moralists and Hypocrits may proceed far in a course of Obedience; and yet not be truly weaned, because not thorowly brought off from the Dictates of Carnal Reason, to subscribe only to the Lords good Will and Pleasure, in order­ing out the minutest Circumstances of their Actions.

The strength of Wisdom and sincerity of Obe­dience is seen most, in a strict Observance of all due Circumstances. These many times a­mount to more considerable weight in the Lords account, than either the matter of Duty, or of Sin.

Therefore, David prays, Order my steps in thy Word, as cautiously and curiously, as they who climb Rocks, or dance upon a Rope.

How severely hath the Lord punisht an Er­ror, or failure in the very Circumstance of a Com­mand? When the Commission hath not been fulfilled to the least tittle and punctilio? Such, who are not thorowly weaned, conceit, they may make bold in the manner, or measure, or Order of managing a Duty, according to the module of their Carnal apprehension, and that this oversight, or rash Zeal, in underacting or over­acting, may plead an indulgence of Course. But, the Lord hath given Instances to the Contrary: viz. in Sauls sparing Agag, and in his not stay­ing for Samuel, when he was distrest by the Philistins.

In Lots Wife looking back. In Ʋzzah's touching the Ark, and the Bethshemites pry­ing into the Ark, when recovered from the Philistines. In the young Prophet going back with the Old, to eat and to drink, (1 Kings 13.18.) though he were over-reacht by the pre­tence of an Angelical Revelation.

A weaned Saint is Cautious about the least Sin, and very Curious about the least Circum­stance of a Duty. Therefore, Naaman was not thorowly weaned, when he excepted against washing his Leprosie seaven times in the Wa­ters of Jordan. Nor those who walkt to go down into Egypt, who surrounded the Borders to espy where they might find out the most convenient passages to slip into Egypt, without any suspicion of a Design in it, Isa. 30.1, 2.

Yet how did these Hypocrits profess a weaned Frame, in Jer. 42. Whether the Lords An­swer be good or evil; ( Politically they mean, and not morally) yet, we will obey, though to our in­convenience and disadvantage.

So that person (in 1 Kings 20.35, 36, 37.) was more nicely and superstitiously Conscien­tious, than truly respectful to the Prophet who refused to wound him by a Divine Com­mission: therefore he was slain by a Lion, not because he had a Cowards heart, but for his pre­tended Sanctity, and the scrupulosity of an Hy­pocrite.

So that weaned Saints do not Judg of the E­quity or necessity of Divine Commands, by outward appearance to their Carnal Reason, but readily obey their Commission when they espy the stamp and warrant of Divine Authority, though the matter, or Circumstance of the Command, seem unreasonable and ridiculous. [Page 78]Yea, lie Cross to their personal Reputation and Worldly Interest.

I may instance in Noahs building the Ark, for which he was flouted, as if he doated, and would set a ship to Sail on dry Land.

In Joshuah's compassing Jerico seaven times with the blast of Rams Horns; which seemed a foolish stratagem to any politick Engineer. Yet being weaned from self-guidance, he was assu­red of victory, made ready to his hand, and that he should dispossess the Canaanites as easily as he could put off his Shoos.

Gideon also slew the Midianites as one Man, because he was weaned from his own Carnal Wisdom, and did not dispute the unlikeliness of the means.

Some proud huffing Alexander would have laught at the blast of Trumpets, at Lamps in­closed in Earthen Pitchers, as a likely Stra­tagem, by the dashing of which in pieces, the destruction of so Potent an Enemy was to be obtained.

But Gideons Faith silenced all Carnal Reason, so that by a weaned Frame he got the Conquest.

A rare Example for us Christians, if we would defeat our Spiritual Enemies, not to dispute much less despise the Institutions of Christ in the Gospel, though they seem never so inconsi­derable, slight, idle, vain and foolish.

The Apostles as despicable as they seemed to be, yet being weaned by Christ's Call from their Carnal Wisdom, and the Worlds splendor, proved Men of Courage, because of Self-de­nial.

They endured hardship, as Gideon's reduced three hundered Soldiers, who did not bow down upon their knees in a sordid Compliance with sinners humors, or any excess in Worldly plea­sures, but were wholly intent upon their March and Message.

By these despicable Babes and Sucklings did the Lord ordain strength to still or stop the Mouths of the Enemy, the Atheist and Aven­ger, viz. the persecutors of the Gospel.

By these weanlings, the Lord confounded the Carnal Wisdom of the chiefest Philosophers and Politicians among the Gentile Nations.

They only carried forth the Light and Trea­sure of the Gospel in Earthen Vessels, in frail Bodies, the very breaking of which by persecuti­on, caused the sound and same of their Con­stancy to scatter the darkness of Satans King­dom and confound the rage of all their Ene­mies.

So strong and Victorious are Bulrushes in the hand of Omnipotency, to gain a Conquest o­ver the powers of Hell.

12. The Twelth sort of sinners, not truly weaned, are Civilized Moralists, who perch on [Page 80]their own Righteousness and Center there, as a meritorious Title to claim Heaven by. These despise the Infinite satisfaction of Christ, even the whole undertaking of his Mediatory Righ­teousness and Obedience; as also the conjunct inseparable Impressions of his Sanctifying Spi­rit.

Some Sinners think themselves thorowly weaned and estranged from their Lusts, because they have quitted their sensual Excesses; yet, the Spirit of Satan may still Reign in them though it do not Rage to that degree of Bruitish­ness as before.

Thus, some Bethelamites because they Rattle not their Chains as pleasing Musick, Fancy they are thorowly recovered of their Phrensie, yet the hidden distemper and Original cause Re­mains.

Because at present they Rave not, because their Keeper hath indulged them to walk into fresh Ayr, to put on better Cloaths, which they tore of before [and they are let out of their Denn, to Converse with such who are posses­sors of right Reason, as Masters over their pas­sions: These whimsical persons presently con­ceit that no spice of Phrensy lurks about them. They think they need no longer the Inspection, Care and Conduct of their Keeper. Hence, be­ing over-confident of their Cure, they relapse into the former Paronysms of Raving Madness.

I may apply this, to all such sinners, who are not convinc't of the absolute necessity of Christ's Imputed Righteousness, to cover the shame of their nakedness.

Yet, is not this sufficient, to declare these Lu­naticks fully setled in their right Minds; unless by Self-denial they be made willing to sit at Je­sus Feet, and learn from his Spirit the Mystery of a Sanctified State, which can only cure the craziness of their natural corrupted Faculties, and the Phrensie of their Souls.

Justified persons, united to God in Christ, need the Judicious Guidance, and Guard­ship of the Spirit of both, to Sanctify and head the imbred hereditary Corruption of their Na­ture.

For pardon of Sin, is but the half-State of Gospel-Salvation in restoring Sinners.

This alone cannot satisfy the mind of a Ge­nuine Heaven-born Christian.

There must also be the Infusion of a loyal disposition to seal and manifest the Pardon, even, a renewed Frame of heart in this weaned Self-denying disposition, to suit and and comply with all the serious, most difficult duties of the Christian-State.

Sinners must not only be weaned from their Excesses in their Surfeits, but must also be win­nowed from the Chaffy Imperfections, and de­filement of their own best Righteousness.

Yea, they must submit themselves to the Cure and Conduct of the Spirit of Sanctifica­tion: In both which Respects he is stiled the Spirit of Judgment and of Burning; to Con­sume all Self-Arrogance, which trusts in, and boasts of a Self-Righteousness, as well as to purge out all the Reliques of sensual, fond, foo­lish Affections to defiling Lusts, and the inor­dinate overvaluing of Creature-Comforts and Enjoyments.

Otherwise, there is no true weaning by the Spirit of Holiness, but only the sweeping and Garnishing of a rotten Sepulchre, into which, standing empty, the unclean Spirit will re-enter, and more confirm his Title, without any Fear of a real dispossession. Lusts, by moral Con­victions may be disturbed, and not so often Rant and Rave as formerly, by the present re­straints of a civilized Temper and Dispositi­on.

Such sober Phrensie, as 'tis less suspected, so 'tis more hardly cured, because mistaken for the perfect Recovery of the Sinner, to a right Frame of Mind.

How hard is it to Convince Pharisaical Spi­rits, and Self-Justiciaries, of the necessity of ap­plying Christ's Righteousness, to lead a true va­lid Title to Eternal Life; Or to lay prostrate their Spiritual priding of themselves in the tinkling of their own Imaginary Excellencies!

It's usual for Frantick sinners, to please them­selves in their Crazy Fancy, and strongly to imagine, that they Reign as Kings over their impetuous Lusts; when-as they are deeper pos­sest by, and inslaved unto them.

That Hectick Fever, which lurks within, and preys upon the Vital Spirits is most dange­rous. So is formality the bane of sound Reli­gion. Slight Professors of Christianity sport themselves with their masquing Mock-showes in a pretended Reformation. Such are not true­ly weaned from Lusts, and the Love of the World, to Christ.

Therefore at last their Surfeit breaks out to a loathing of the very form of Godliness, because they despised and denied the power.

It is not a Cynical, sullen Raillery at the Worlds Treachery and adulterate Beauty which can alienate our Hearts from an Amorous pur­suit of it; unless True Grace subdue our in­clination to admire it.

Concupiscence cannot be extinguisht, or o­verpoized, but only by the Intenser flame of a Chast Love to God for himself, as the Essence and perfection of our Happiness.

This is Real Evangelical weaning, when the Pride of our Carnal Wisdom, the stubbornness of our perverse Wills, and the Exorbitancy of our wild humorsom Affections, are deaded by the power of Christs Death, and the Lovely Beau­ty of a Crucified Jesus.

Yea, the Life of Jesus must be made mani­fest in our mortified Body, to Eclipse all Crea­ture-Excellencies that we may be quickned to a Life of Sole-dependency upon the Lord's Alsuf­ficiency, to influence the Soul in the Vigorous pursuit of all Relative Duties toward God and Man.

A truly weaned Frame, is no other than the Judicious Elective State of every Regenerate Person.

This flows from Ʋnion with Christ by Faith.

This obliges to Heart-purity and Chastity; not to cast the least wanton Glance toward the de­filing Vanities of the World.

Besides, the Ʋnction of Christ's Spirit works in truely-weaned Persons, a Sanctified Judg­ment whereby they can make a right, and due estimation of Persons and Things.

Therefore, such cannot conform to the Di­ctates of Carnal Reason, nor inebriate them­selves with the Cares and Pleasures of a Sensual Life.

Such being Renewed by Gracious Principles, their hearts and Affections are set Right; the bent and poize of their desires is carried out to prove and delight only, where God himself doth.

Saints are weaned, because the Son of God hath made in their behalf, a compleat Conquest over the World, in all its dissembling Artifices, affrighting Menaces, bewitching Allurements [Page 85]and Temptations. As he hath won it, so he will Maintain it, in all such, who being Born of God, aspire to a Divine Generosity, and Inge­nuity of Spirit; to follow the steps and exam­ple of their great General and Redeemer.

For a truly-weaned Frame, though it arise from Faith in Christ, working Self-emptiness and Self-Abasement, yet it grows up to a Holy-stateliness of Spirit, whereby the renewed Soul grows coy to all Temptations which study to defile its Virgin-Chastity.

This is that Spouse-like Girdle, whereby the Christian is kept cleaving to the Lord's Alsuffici­ency for him, to constitute the Essence of true happiness.

The Lord alone is the Foundation of his weanlings future Hopes and present Comforts; For, being United to him by Faith, they cleave to him as the Center of their Love and Delight; deriving all their satisfaction from his infinite and most amiable perfections.

Thus Faith and Self-denial, are the two main Poles, on which, the whole weight of Christian Religion depends; and the Practi­cal improvement of it, turns it self.

Hereby, we are demonstrated, to be truly weaned or mortified, when all Self-arrogance or Confidence in our own Righteousness is reject­ed; and the Creature becomes Nullified, that Christ alone may be Magnified as all in all, to [Page 86]compleat our Eternal Happiness. To which must be added, an Universal, Free, and Chear­ful Resignation of our whole Man, to the Go­vernment of Christ's Word and Spirit.

Natural Carnal Men are only pretenders unto this Frame of heart; whatever specious sem­blances thereof, they may hold forth in the mo­ral strictness of their Conversation.

For is it possible that persons should Evange­lically be weaned by solid Conversion to the Lord; and yet despise, or oppose the genuine inseparable effects of it?

Without the power of Godliness, of which Self-denial is the Spring or Soul; there can be no thorow estrangement from the Love of Lusts, or the Allurements of Worldly Vanities.

Therefore, to beget, increase, and maintain a weaned Frame of heart; I shall lay down these following Rules.

Rules to become truely weaned.

1. Take heed of abusing Christian Liberty in the immoderate Use of things Lawful.

Thus Christ advised his very Apostles, though weaned to a very high Degree, in forsaking all things to testifie their sincerity, in imbracing the Christian Institution: Take heed lest your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting an the Cares of this Life.

Commonly, we fear not a Snare in those Ac­commodations which the Lord of the Creation allows us, for our refreshment in our Pilgrimage.

These must not prove as the Fruit of the Lote-Tree to some Travellers, to make us forget our Divine Original, our Heavenly Country, while we sing the Worlds Tune in a strange Land, viz. What shall we Eat, Drink, or where­with shall we be Cloathed? never caring to return to the Bosome of God, as our Rest and proper Center.

Remember Sisera's Fate, when the World Jael-like hath made us drunk with secular Cares and secured us in its Tent by gross stupidity; it discovers its Courtesie to be full of Craft and Treachery: For, after an officious Indulgence, which will exceed our desires in Kindness, it will drive home the Nail of self-perplexing Fears and Sorrows, not only to our Head, but very Heart it self.

Thus, the Gnosticks sported themselves with their own deceivings, while they pleaded Chri­stian Liberty, that the whole Creation was pur­chased by Christ, to maintain them, as the only Iluminated Ones, in all excess of riot­ing.

Thus, they crost the design of Gospel-Grace which appeared to teach us to deny all ungodly Lusts, and to live Soberly, Righteously, and Godly in this present world.

Thus, [...] pleases it self so long in dan­cing about the Candle, till it singes its Wings or consumes it self.

2. Take a true estimate of the Creature in its Natural Worth, rather than in that false Dress, which your Imagination tricks it up in; strip all Earthly Vanities out of their deceitful Varnish. For, Satan casts a strange Mist before our Eyes, and perverts our Fancy, to make us miserable by our own Consent.

Hence, we expect more from the Creature than it can yield in its most quintessential injoyment or sublimated improvement. How many who suppose themselves Rich in Grace, have World­ly Designs, as the Philosophers Stone, beggared and made miscrable! But weaned Saints are wary, and advertised of this Delusion. They will make use of the World, but not trust to it to make them happy. Therefore although they attain not that prosperity, which Worldlings seek; yet, in their way to true happiness, they meet with (in their experience of the Worlds Vanity) many rare and choice discoveries of di­vine Mysteries which they value before all en­joyments of the whole Creation.

3. Study the Dignity of your precious im­mortal Heaven-born Souls. Esteem of World­ [...]y injoyments at present, as you will view and value them at Death, as you will find them to bear a Rate in the dismal conflagration of [Page 89]the Universe. Then the World shall undergo the punishment of a Witch, for inchanting and deluding poor Mortals, who have loved Vanity, and trusted in the lying shadow of a tearing Bramble, to despise the true Vine and Olive, viz. the Sweetness of Christ, who can only yield us perfect satisfaction.

4. Maintain a mortifying Frame of Self-de­nial, while you lie sucking at the Breasts of pro­sperity. Put suppositions to your selves as Habakkuk, of the Creatures failing you; That the fulness of its injoyment, may possibly be imbittered with a mixture of Vexation.

So shall it not overlay your Hopes by disap­pointment; nor will your selves overcloy and sur­feit your affections with forbidden Fruit, in perverting of the true Use of Creature-Comforts and Enjoyments.

5. Do not count your Happiness and Peace of mind, to lie in the Change of your outward condition, but get your dropsical Distemper Cured. The sick Child may shift the Breast, and yet not be reduced to a quiet Frame, or vigo­rous State, till it acquiesce in a Manly kind of Diet.

Christians, would you recover any Consisten­cy in your Spiritual State, and Souls-health? Then resolve, not only to weep out your sinful surfeits, but be content that the Lord should bleed you in the Master-Vein.

A Revulsion of your Feverish and Voracious desires toward Creature-enjoyments, will puri­fie the Vital Affections of your Souls, by setling them on the Lord himself, in a due measure and Order. Yet afterward your selves must en­deavour to maintain a more strict Discipline or Regiment over the Corrupt humors and fond foolish extravagancies of your desires.

6. Esteem not of that to be real Mortificati­on, or a genuine weaning, which only deads Corruption yet flows not from a thorow Reno­vation of the heart. Sinners may abstain from their sinful Surfeits, yet never abandon nor a­bominate them.

A thorow-weaned Frame is not the appro­ving of Godliness in the General, where the power is despised or hated; Nor is it the con­demning of Sin in general, or the grosser Lusts of the Flesh; though Men live in the allowance of se­cret sins, and under the Dominion of specula­tive, more retired, refined Acts of sin. What is this, but to graft a new sin on the stock of an old Lust?

All sin grows deeper rooted and ingratiated by such a cleaverly conveying out of sight the chief favourite, faln into some disgrace at present, rather than any true Disgust which seeks the utter destruction of it.

A slight dislike of sin, trusted to, gives Satan a more quiet and deep possession.

The sinner may be weary of his Life, because of the bitter effects of sin, yet his heart is secretly espoused to it.

He may repent of his dissembled severity, and wish that himself may die, rather than that his corrupt inclination should be pinion'd or put in­to little ease.

Rather strive to break the heart of old Adam, to kill the very Root of an Hellish-Nature; seek the destruction of whatsoever is disgustive to the Constitution of the new Creature, that there may be no more hope of reconciliation unto sin, than of the meeting of Heaven and Hell together.

Lay not down your sins as Weapons at the Foot of God as a Conqueror, when you can no longer naintain the fight, but out of Loyalty execute them with your own hand.

Cast them not only away in a Fright, upon the Hue and Cry of your Conscience, but pur­sue them to the Horns of the Altar, drag them thence, where they expect Protection, and Sa­crifice them with chearfulness, otherwise they will mar and defeat all your Religious Services, and the hope of future Glory.

Formalists descend to Hell, more unsuspected­ly under the Garb of Religious Vows, and se­vere threats against their Lusts.

Thus, some Parents in a short Passion Rate their Children out of their sight, when they [Page 92]have done a shrewd turn, yet they can immedi­ately turn their Faces aside and smile at their un­lucky Wit, or after a short time, cocker them the more.

Satan as a cunning Spinster, leaves on the Distaff of a depraved Nature, such pretended good resolutions, as a Lock of Wool, as a Pledg or advantage of future returning, to draw out the Web of Iniquity to a greater extension than before.

Thus many Sinners purchase the Infamous Title of Sceptical Futurists in Repentance, as they prove themselves to be Platonick Lovers of Vertue, only in speculation. For their Vows of Reformation, must be interpreted as we read the Hebrew Dialect, altogether back­ward.

Thus, the more they tamper with, and strain the Rusty Wards of a dissembling heart, with some false Key of slight Reformati­on, the harder it will be to open to the Motions and convictions of Christs Spirit.

7. Improve weaning-Considerations, such as these.

That persons of strong and fond affections to Creature-enjoyments are usually persons of strange and deep afflictions. It's thought that Abraham was toying and sporting with Isaac a little before the Command came to Sacrifice him.

Usually we follow our Idolized Comforts to the Grave with Mourning; as Phaltiel did Mi­chal to Bahurim, when Ishbosheth snatcht her from him.

When the Lord observes that we grow fond of Strangers, and familiar with the Worlds Temptations, he puts out the Candle of pros­perity, and Seals up the Star-Light of all Crea­ture-Comforts, with which we have wantoniz'd in our fond admiration, that we may depend on Him Alone, as the God of our Light, Com­fort and Salvation.

When a dark Night of Affliction Steals on us then we run home to nestle in the Bosome of Divine-Alsufficiency, though we had our Va­garies before, in Courting every forreign Crea­ture-Comfort to support and gratify our fleshly sensuality. I will go and return unto my place, that is, confine, and shut up my self in Heaven; I will get me out of sight and Call, that their weaning being apprehended more grievous, they may under the depth of their distress, seek me more early, and earnestly Hos. 5.15.

David, the Man after God's heart, was cha­stened every Morning, because when the Lord came to feel his Pulse, how his Love and delight beat towards him, he found the Frame of his heart to vary and faulter. His very flesh and heart failed, that he might cling the closer in di­stress, Then, Whom have I in Heaven but Thee!

Thus Israel became Jezrael, the scattered Flock, and her weaning by Captivity, was in order to her betrothing.

Some there are, whom neither smiles nor frowns, neither Blows nor Charms of Love will wean.

Yet, it is more ingenuous to be estranged from our Lusts, by the Gracious and Spiritual ap­pearances of the Lord, than by imbittering the Breasts of the Creature, or forcing the Lord to put on the disguize of an Enemy, to affright us. Usually we will not be weaned, till we ob­serve the Image of Death to sit upon the Eye-lids of our dearest Comforts.

Make therefore a wise contemperament of Love and Fear in your own Souls; be won by the former, and awed by the latter. Fear may en­ter as a rivetting Wedg, the first contest with our darling Lusts, but Love can only compleat the Conquest.

A Child is weaned rather by singing to it, than by blows.

8. Be convinc'd of the Lords Love and Com­passion in weaning you, then you will more chearfully comply with the severest method of estranging you from a fond nestling in the bo­som of any Lust.

The Lord's End is, that you may arrive to a masculine State and Spirit in your Christian course, that you may be fitted for more eminent service.

Thus, Covenant-afflictions which are the Lord's Graving-Tools, whereby he polishes his Saints for Glory, are to be preferred before common Mercies; and Right-hand weaning strokes, before Left-hand Comforts and enjoy­ments.

It is for our Spiritual advantage, that the Lord thus instructs us with severity, by deserti­ons, persecution of Worldly Men, and the fre­quent Alarm of temptation; Therefore we should suit our selves to him, we should not be humorsome and discontented, at this necessary though bitter work.

In measure will the Lord debate it with his people in such a season.

How doth he bear long with their froward manners, as with Israel in the Wilderness!

Ephraim resisted the Lord's weaning-strokes, yet he did not give him over to the hardness of his heart. He rather pittyed, healed, and led him, restoring Comfort to him, when himself and others lookt upon his State as despe­rate.

The Lord applyed his Ear, and when E­phraim bemoaned his youthful Pranks and Ex­cesses, then the Lord's Bowels were troubled for him, and he had Mercy on him as a pleasant Child, when himself was ashamed in bearing the Reproach of his Youth.

How doth the Lord sing to his Childrens hearts, while he weans them in a dark night of Affliction, Isa. 66.13.14. As one whom his Mother Comforts, so will I Comfort you!

And when you shall see this, What? The happy Effect and Issue of your Captivity, that I weaned you from the enjoyments of your own Land for your Spiritual advantage, your heart shall rejoyce and your Bones shall flourish like a green Herb, though you despondingly said, they were dry, and scattered as Chips about a saw-pit.

Abraham made a Feast, when he weaned Isa­ac; so God and his Angels rejoyce, to see a Nursling of Satan, become a Weanling unto Christ. Such are now Feasted with the hidden Manna of Divine Consolation in their Wilder­ness-distresses; they are Beautified with the white-Stone of Absolution, as a peculiar re­mark of favour, and honoured with the new Name of the Lord's adopted Darlings; yea, themselves can now rejoyce, to tear the Body of sin, Limb from Limb, and can sing Tri­umphantly in the Funeral of the Old Man, because it is the Festival of their Spiritual Li­berty, in their Conformity to Christ's Death and Resurrection; therefore get a good Opi­nion of the Work, and it will succeed accor­dingly.

For, the Rod (as Aarons) often Blossoms and brings forth the precious Fruits of Righteousness Is not this more Eligible than for tasting only a little Hony in any unlawful delight, without the allowance of your Heavenly Father; (as Jonathan) to incur the Penalty of Death it self?

Therefore in the next place shut fast the Cinque-port of your Senses, and clear up the Eye of your Faith, to take a view of the Creatures Vanity, in order to admiring God in Christ.

Watch your hearts if you would get them weaned. Keep them with all Diligence.

Sobriety and Watchfulness, must be con­joyned in Christs Nursery, as well as in the Dis­cipline of his Camp.

Labour to be well read in the Anatomy of your deceitful hearts, to understand your Con­stitution, Inclination and Disposition. For Satan hath Snares of all sorts and sizes to suit and please the several humours of sensual Sin­ners.

He is a cunning Angler, do not you nibble at his Temptations, lest as those Fish which Frisk and Play in the fresh Waters of Jordan, you unawares stream down into the dead Sea of Worldly corrupt examples.

10. Take heed of the occasions of sin. The Rechabites would not chew the Husk of a dry Grape, lest they should be inticed to drink Wine.

Pray as St. Augustine, that when thou hast a heart to sin thou mayest want a Temptation, and when a Temptation is presented, thou mayest want a heart to comply with it.

This, is the very Dialect of the Devils Sophi­stry, you may come within the smell of sin, and yet not be infected: but you cannot play on the hole of the Asp, or Cockatrice and yet be safe or secure.

If Satan like Archimedes, can but have so much scope in thy heart, as to place there his En­gine of temptation, he will soon shake and dis­solve the whole Frame of thy Integrity, if it be meerly Moral.

Besides, to venture on the occasion, shews that there is a secret liking of that sin it leads to, though we conceit our selves to be weaned from it. Nor will the Lord ordinarily keep us from the sin if we keep not our selves from the temptation, and then we are sure to fall.

11. Let this weaning design be your daily work, upon which you are most intent. It's dissicult, and not rid off with lazy wishes. Au­gustine while he prayed to be weaned from his youthful incontinency, secretly wisht he might yet be spared in his vain excesses. We say of every darling Lust, let Reuben Live and not dye.

Indulge not therefore your flesh, though it cry out in a render delicacy, that you would pitty and indulge it.

You must not desist from the severity of this work for your hearts sullenness and froward­ness.

That Parent who spares to correct the Child for its crying, hardens and confirms it in its Rebellion.

Thus it proves the future grief and shame of the Parent, as well as the present disquietment of the Family.

Be not slight and remiss in weaning-attempts. If so, you must begin again as the Nazarite, who had transgrest against the strict Law of his sc­paration.

The work will prove more difficult, uncer­tain, and hazardous as to its happy Issue. Carry thorow this weaning design, begin not in the Spi­rit to end in the Flesh. If a Man omit a stroke in swimming, he is soon carried down the Stream.

12. Improve the Christian Sabbath especially, to promote this Design. As 'tis the fittest sea­son, so Satan most watches to render it unsuc­cesful. He then uses the same stratagem which the Benjamites did, Judg. 21.19, 20, 21. to snatch them up Wives from among the Daugh­ters of Israel, to inlarge their almost extinguish­ed Tribe.

When Christians come forth in Spiritual Dan­ces, to celebrate this holy Festival to the Lord; then Satan lies in Ambuscado behind the Vine­yards [Page 100]of Worldly profits and pleasures: Thence he sallies out with his Temptations, to commit a Rape upon the Virgin-purity of our Souls which should be espoused only to the Lord.

But do not drive on this Task of weaning on­ly during the Sabbath-space.

How should Lusts, which have been rooting all the Week, nay possibly our Life-long; be pluckt up in one hours formal attendance on the Ordinances?

13. Therefore begin this weaning task be­times, in Youth, before you and your Lusts be grown into a strict familiarity, hardly to be sha­ken off.

David complained, that the Sons of Zerviah were too hard for him, while he was newly en­tred on his regal power. But do you execute your Lusts, (as the Jews did Christ) early in the Morning? You will otherwise by indul­gence and connivence, give them greater advan­tage against you.

It's dissicult to pull up Weeds when the Gar­den is overgrown, and they have spread their Roots, by long neglect to clear the Ground.

So is it to break off a setled long confirmed habit in Vice. Do not accustom your selves to lie soaking at the Breasts of Lusts and the World, especially being prompted to it by a Na­tural Instinct. Our corrupt Nature is not as green Wood, which needs much help of Art to [Page 101]make it burn; but as Touch-wood, the least spark of Temptation, which lights on us, fires all that train of Corruption, yea, the Magazine of Hell, which is stored up in our degenerate and wick­ed hearts.

Therefore improve the soaking Showres of Divine Mercy and Goodness, to soften your hard hearts, that you may more easily root up your Lusts. Maintain also the Love of Christ shed abroad in your Souls.

This, as a more intense Divine flame, will overpower and extinguish the Fire-Balls of Lust and Temptations, which Satan darts into your Spirits.

14. Again, go not out in the strength of your own Resolutions and Covenantings to Re­form: these, without renewing Grace cannot work any estrangement from your Lusts.

Rather look up by Faith to a pierced crucifyed Jesus. Fetch Life from his Death.

Be so sixt to his Cross by Meditation, that if a Temptation pass by before you, bow the head, and Court you, you may not be at leisure to observe it, much less to descend and imbrace it.

Say as Nehemiah to Sanhallat, Why should this Work of the Lord slack, while I parle with Satan, to neglect the Building up of my Soul in Holiness.

More earnestly implore the confirming Aid of Christ's Mortifying Spirit, to superaded his anointing Grace, to thy Baptismal Vow, that thou mayest beincouraged to conflict more reso­lutely, against the Temptations of Sin, Statan, and the World.

While the Lock of your Faith is growing, and spreads in Prayer; your strength to resist and Conquer your Philistin-Lusts, will renew, and not suffer you to be defeated of your Hopes of Triumph.

15. Despise those Reproaches, which sensual Sinners cast upon a weaned Frame. It's no more than you were forewarned of, and fore-ar­med against, when you first entred upon the Christian state. They think it strange that you run not with them to all excess of Riot, there­fore speak they evil of you.

Ye may be counted, and pointed at as Mon­sters of singularity; but better be weaned with the best, than damned with the most. This is a very excellent and blessed Frame in Christ's E­steem. Consider, Christ will come to Judgment, and single out Scoffers at Religion, to punish them, as the first-born of the Devil.

Your Enemies are your Observers, and may truly inform you of the Complexion of your Souls; when friends will connive at your re­misness, in the exercise of Grace, or, immode­rate pursuit of Earthly Vanities.

If mortified Saints, shall not escape the Cen­sure of such, who surfeit on the World's Lus­cious delights; How much more would they revile thee, if thou should'st not live up to thy Profes­sion of a weaned Frame? If thou should'st al­way continue a Babe in Swadling Clothes? Or, pretend to be a strong Man in Christ, and yet not be alienated from secular cares, but be distract­ed 'twixt Hope and Fear continually? There­fore Watch, that you may answer the heighth of your Profession, and may not afford just matter of Defamation, in being strangers to a Self-de­nying Frame. If otherwise, wear it as your Crown.

16. Delight in the Company of weaned Saints, and in their advice. David, blest God for A­higail's moderating Counsel, who prevented him from avenging his own Quarrel upon a Churlish Nabal.

If one Child see another lye soaking at the Breast, it will emulate it, and repine. So, if a newly wean­ed Saint Converse with Worldlings, who suck in full delights from Creature Enjoyments, till they be even quackled with a flush of prosperi­ty; It may incline him to Envie, while himself is made to hancker after the same excess.

Rather set before you the eminent Patterns of weaned Saints; especially, that transcendent exemplar of Christs Self-denyal, and alienated heart-Frame from the Inordinate Love of the [Page 104]World, not only by virtue of that habitual Grace which was inseparable from his humane Nature, as united to the Deity, but by that Actual con­tempt of sublunary Enjoyments, which he ex­prest by choice rather than any providential or imposed Necessity.

Christ as the Creator of the Universe and supream Lord of all things, yea the infinitely wise disposer of them, best knew how to rate or value the Creature, not by Fancy, but its real Worth. Yet he chose to make himself poor and of no reputation, that we might not Ido­lize sublunary Vanities, nor make Worldly pro­sperity the Badg of God's Good-will and Fa­vor.

17. Hearken not to Satans Cavils against a a weaned State, nor to his sophistical Pleas & Al­lurements to continue thee in thy sensual surfeits and excesses, when Convictions prompt thee to quit his inchanting pleasures.

Believe not his perverted Quotation of Scrip­ture, to maintain a Carnal Worldly Frame and Course.

He will plead, hath not Solomon said, that the Lord hath set the World in Mans heart? Eccl. 3.9, 10, 11, 12.

But how? To study the Lord in it, not to satisfie us, in becoming of our Portion.

That Text, is only meant of the innocent Scene of the Visible Creation, and the Works of Di­vine [Page 105]Providence transacted upon the Stage of the World. We are to Eye God in the Crea­ture, but not to make a God of the Creature.

We must take a Prospect in our deep Contem­plation of the wonderful perfections of God Beaming forth in the works of his hand. There­fore he took up six days to make the World in, to signify that we should not slightly and cursorily meditate upon the harmless Scenes of Natures Workmanship. We ought to fetch from the Book of the Creature, Rational Arguments to drive home and clinch down the supernatural Truths of the Scripture, which were before entered by the Spi­rit of God, as the Wise Teacher of his wean­ed Saints. From the constant Tenor of the Co­venant of Nature, we may and ought to con­firm our Faith in the Covenant of God's Grace. This method himself prescribes, viz. we must study the Creature, to know the Creator by it, to make it a scaling Ladder to improve us in Heavenly Meditations. We may descant on the Lord's perfections shining in the admirable Works of Creation and Providence; yet must we not pervert the study and use of the Creature to place it next our hearts, as our desired Portion, to seek satisfaction in it as the Center of our de­sires and delights. Quaenam insania, frui uten­dis, uti fruendis! What folly and madness is it to enjoy the Creature which we should only make use of, and to seek unto God only in di­stress, [Page 106]whom we ought to enjoy by an Eternal complacential satisfaction!

Another Plea of Sinners is this, Why should we be weaned from the World, seeing the Lord when he took a survey of every Creature, gave this Judgment of it, that it was very Good?

I Answer, 1. But we are very Bad, in pervert­ing the Innocent Workmanship of God, made for an help and incouragement to promote Ver­tue, to become the Snare of a Vicious Life.

The Creature in it self is very good, but thy sin (O Man) hath put Vanity into it, and sub­jected it to the Bondage of Corruption, in for­cing it to serve the humor of thy ranting im­perious Lusts.

2. Thou hadst need be Watchful and shy how thou transactest with the Creature, because thou hast Corruption too too much in thy heart, to make the most Innocent Creature prove the most deadly Snare.

In this respect the Ass reproved the madness of the Prophet, when it bruised his Foot against the Wall, to stop him in his Design of Covetous­ness, and Execration of the Lord's Inheri­tance.

Was I ever wont to start aside, or to serve so shrewd a turn upon thee? But wonder not, for thou hast rebelled against thy Maker, therefore thou hast prompted me thus to put thee into little Ease, by the disappointment of thy Hopes.

Thou hast not resigned up thy self to God, but hast run a-madding after the Idols of thy heart; therefore no wonder if the Creature whence thou expectest service, fling thee out of the Sad­dle of thy prosperity, and prove vexation to thee.

Say not when thou art tempted or corrected by the Creature, that the Lord laid the Snare, or delights in punishing thee.

Hath he not writ Vanity in Capital Letters on the Forehead of the Creature, and thereby sorewarned thee not to trust in it?

Doth he not cry out O mortal Men, how long will ye love Vanity, will ye still pursue your Lusts, hang about and cleave to them, when they expose you to the greatest shame and mis­chief.

Chrysostome said, if the whole World were to be his Auditory, he would chuse that awakning Text to Preach on. Yet though we Arm the Creature against our selves, and infuse Poyson, yea, Treachery into it, by our Lusts, perverting the right use of it, we securely repose our confidence in it, till it betray us to our utter Ruine.

18. Have we not good Reason to use all the Arts of weaning from the Creature, which thus bewitches and insnares us?

1. Do not smile upon it, as being in deep friend­ship with it, but draw a Veil over its false Ar­tificial, inticing Beauty.

Put the Creature into the very same Dress, in­to which the Apostacy of the first Adam be­trayed it: This made it not to be valued; and shall we not stand at a distance from it in its Temptations?

2. Speak not kindly nor familiarly to your Lusts, to renew their old Fondness and ac­quaintance. The Nurse keeps a deep silence, when she would wean off a Child from cleaving to her.

Chide away a Temptation when it whispers in your Ear, as Satans Factor to decoy you.

Hanker not after your Lusts, as David after Absolom, but hew them in pieces as Samuel did Agag.

Have you betrayed the honour of Christ, and the integrity of your Souls, in cleaving to Va­nity, and will you yet countenance, cocker and plead in defence of your Lusts?

3. Sing to your hearts, be quieting them in the Lord's tender Faithfulness, Compassion, and Alsufficiency; when you are under the seve­rest Method and course of weaning, Psal. 101.1. David resolved that of Mercy and Judgment he would sing. For, all the ways of the Lord are Mercy and Truth, to such who keep his Cove­nant.

The 32. of Deuteronomy, which consists of Mercy and Judgment is called Moses weaning Song to reduce Israel from a pursuit of their [Page 109]Idols, as lying Vanities, and to reunite and knit them to the Lord.

4. Keep a Record of all you experiences, how the Lord sustained you, when your Spirits were sinking in your weaning distresses, Isa. 63.7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.

5. Let your weaning Design be carryed on by degrees, not with violence.

Judahs Reformation, was not Lasting, because it was set on foot by the rapid Motion and o­ver-bearing Authority of Josiah only, Jer. 3.3, 4, 10, 11, 19, 21, 22.

6. Use no severity, which is not of Divine prescription.

7. Withdraw out of sight the Fewel, Baits, and Provocatives of your Lusts.

19. Again would you be weaned, then Co­vet to be dissolved in Affection from World­ly Vanities, before you be dissolved in Person.

Weaned Saints covet to dye, but dissolute E­picures groan because they must dye, as having not answered the end of their Being, and placing their Portion and Felicity in sublunary Enjoy­ments.

They Carowse so long at the Devils Wassal-Bowl, till being intoxicated with a Reprobate mind, they meet their Eternal destruction with laughter in the Face.

Labour to be above the fond Love of Natural Life, and the slavish Fear of Deaths Artificial Cruelty.

Life were not worth the accepting, it is at­tended with so many miseries; were it not to make Provision for Eternal Happiness. Nei­ther is Death to be dreaded by such, who demonstrate the Temper and disposition of a Pilgrim.

Charles the fifth forbade Death to be named in his Court, under the penalty of Death.

But Moses dyed at the mouth of God, readily at his Command, because he had long before put off his Shoes, the servile fear of Death, in casting away all defiling terrene Affections which cling about a Worldling, and make Death unwelcome.

Saints may well bow the head in submission, and covet to dye, because then, and not till then, they are perfeclty weaned, when the Lord kisses their Souls out of their Bodies, as welcome Guests to Glory.

It was reported of Ottomans great Horse, that wheresoever he set his Foot, no Grass could grow in that place.

So soon as a Saint (by Death) sets his Foot within the Portal of Celestial Glory, the Weeds of his Lusts dye at the very Roots, the Pride of all Flesh is stain'd and vamshes.

Again, take beed of being hardened in Sin, by Antiquity of Custom, or by the outward successes and prosperity of Sinners, Jer. 44.15.16, 17. The Prophet refutes this Plea, at 20, 21, 22. Ps. 73.1 to 15.

Lastly, Wisely and Faithfully Improve all the Lords weaning-strokes on your selves or o­thers.

Let others who have been Thunder struck and blasted, even while they have lain soaking at the Breasts of the World, and have dyed la­menting their own Folly, and the Worlds Trea­chery too late, be your warning-Peals.

But we readily turn off the prognosticks, yea, the very Executive part of God's Wrath, as if our selves were not concerned in the dreadful­ness of either.

An instance of the former, you have in Ves­pasian, who, when he saw a Blazing Comet and a gaping Sepulchre, thought to wave his own destiny, with this prophane Jest, that the former portended only the Death of the King of Persia, who at that time wore long Hair, The latter, the death of the old Empress Julia, who having one Foot in the Grave, must of ne­cessity suddenly yield to the stroke of Fate.

Wherefore (think you) hath the Lord (of late) made such changes in overturning, overturning, overturning by Pestilence, War, and the desolating Conflagration of our City, but only to awaken us out of that pleasing Dream of sensuality, into which the pleasures and profits of the World had insensibly betrayed us.

And yet how sottishly stupid are Sinners, be­witcht with the Sirene songs of Lusts and the Worlds Flatteries!

Though frequent Earthly disappointments sing out the Passing-Bell of our dying Comforts, and write a mournful Epitaph over the wither­ing Glory of Creature-Enjoyments; Yet we mind it not, but cross the Lords wise Holy and Gracious designs, by our security and clinging faster to the Creature.

We still pursue the Vanites of the World, little considering that they will prove our vexation, or our Ruine.

Like dying persons we grasp the harder, what­soever Vanity takes us by the hand.

Like drowning Men, we catch at straws though they sloat swiftly away upon an ebbing Stream.

Sinners! will ye still proclaim your folly and Phrensy, in cleaving to an Aguish Breast, which is crackt and chapt with flaws of disappointment? which can yield nothing but corrupt humors, and windy crudities, which will gripe and torment your Consciences, which will inflame your Pride and sensuality to the certain Ruine of your Souls?

Wherefore hath the Lord stained the Glory of all human Pride, but to bring us low upon our Knees that himself alone may be exalted, in reigning over our hearts and affections, in which he will indure no Corrival or Competi­tor.

Yet still we more eagerly Court lying Vanities by how much the Lord would Rend them from [Page 113]us, as the Pillows of our Security, and the Pur­veiors of our Lusts.

Let me therefore in the fear of God, and Love of your Souls, perswade you to sit Loose from the fancied felicity of the World.

It's both our Curse and Folly that we make our Lives uncomfortable, to gather only Fewel for our Lusts.

The World will deal as Treacherously with us, as Absolom's Mule did by him; when we have most need of relief, it will run from under us, and leave us hanging in despair 'twixt Heaven and Hell.

Labour therefore to be Divinely born of God, then you will trample the World under your feet, and become sick of Love to Christ; so shall you Act suitably to the Law and Dignity of your Di­vine Original.

Then the World will not cast you into a deep sleep of Security, that it may take away your Rib, the strength of your Activity and Resoluti­on to serve the Lord.

Consider, that if you be not Weanlings unto Christ, this impartial Judg will at the last day reject you from his Bosome, because you would not be estranged from the Brests of sensual plea­sures.

Not to be weaned, is the ready way at present to be dismounted from the pitch of worldly Excellency; because we thought we ascended by [Page 114]our own wit and strength as the Carvers of our own Prosperity.

Now that you may not desist from the severi­ties of this weaning Design, but carry it on chearfully; consider the present Advantages, and the future Reward of it.

For present advantages: This Frame will make Divine Commands prove delightful, and not grievous; as pleasant Bonds, and Bridal-Orna­ments. No Tryal will sink you into a despon­ding fullenness, or ignoble cowardize.

You will deport your selves as Pilgrims in a Land flowing with Milk and Hony. The World may tempt you, but it shall not corrupt the Virgin-purity and integrity of your Souls.

You will calmly bear and wisely improve re­proofs from Men and Afflictions from God, though they lay you prostrate in the dust.

You will not make a timorous retreat, nor shameful Apostacy, from the Truths and ways of Christ.

You will not wender nor wander after the Antichristian Whore, to be poysoned by the inchanting Cup of her Abominations. You will be able to tread Antipodes to Corrupt Customes and Examples; and not be carried down the stream of Prophaneness with Atheists, World­lings, and Epicures.

You will trade every Talent faithfully, thrive under Ordinances fruitfully, bear Affli­ctions [Page 115] manfully, and destroy your Lusts in the minority of your Christian State.

You will worship the Lord with freedom and Ingenuity of Spirit, not out of a sordid merce­nary disposition, nor with a slavish distraction.

You will serve your Generation with a pub­lick Spirit, not macerate your selves with En­vy, at the prosperity of the Wicked, nor run over to them in Antick Fashions, foolish Vanities and sensual Excesses.

You will compose the mutinous, repining thoughts of a discontented Spirit.

By Recumbency on the Lords Alsufficiency in straits, you will fetch in Serenity of mind and infinite satisfaction to your wants.

In the want of any thing the Lord will be to you instead of all things. And in the Enjoyment of all, himself abstractedly will be better than all, because he is All and in All, in every Crea­ture-Excellency and Enjoyment.

If the Lord call you to lie prostrate in a Low condition, you will come to his foot with sub­mission and a ready chearfulness.

If you be sent on the forlorn hope, a weaned frame of Self-denyal will make you adventure All for Christ and his Interest.

You will run out of your Estate, Credit, Safety, and Life it self, to give a proof of your weaned Frame and the vigour of your Love.

You will live on the Light of God's Coun­tenance and not on the Smiles or Applause of Men.

You will loath your own Righteousness as deformity it self, and be content to shine in the Rayes of Christ's Compleatness.

You will be strangers to the Dunghil-profits and sensual-delights of the World; but not to God, nor the Frame of your hearts.

Your eyes will not be dazled with the Ho­nours and Splendor of a Court, your Zeal will not be muzzled by Self-Interest, nor emas­culated by the pleasures of this Life.

From the Mount of Communion with the Lord you will look down with contempt on the glory of Kingdoms, and your Head not turn Giddy.

In the float of your Enjoyments you will be content to be empty by an Ebb of Riches.

In the heighth of your indowments you will descend by humility, yea, you will prefer one Crum of the hidden Manna before Crowns and Scepters.

You will ambitiously pursue no other Con­quest, than those of your own Lusts; neither will you desire to run out an Eternity in the Enjoyment of sinful sensual pleasures.

You will be as content to bear the Cross of Christ as to wear his Crown.

You will injoy your selves most Comfortably when you most cross your own Wills, to com­ply with Divine Commands, and compleat your Obedience.

You will deny your Carnal Wisdom, and subject it to the supposed foolishness of the Chri­stian Institution.

You will come off roundly from all prejudi­ces against the terms of closing with Christ that you may injoy him.

You will be willing to be abased, so the Lord may have Honour by your Reproach; as knowing that His Glory like the Sun, is in a Declension, when the Shadow of the Creatures Fame and Pride is longest.

You will Justify God, in Condemning your selves, and keep up honourable thoughts of him though he feed you with Gall and Worm­wood.

You will cleave to the Lord, when you can­not Judg of his Actings in the World; and will follow him in the Race of Obedience, when you cannot trace out the hidden foot-steps of his Providence.

You will prefer Subjection to Christ, before Domination in the World, and Poverty of Spirit, before the Lustre of the greatest Natu­ral indowments or acquired Excellencies.

You will mind high-things, aspire to the Knowledge of Heavenly Mysteries, and yet not be high-minded.

You will keep so much Stateliness, as not to act below your Heavenly descent; nor will you wilfully defile your selves with the least spot of Sin, or Society of sinners.

You will come up to the pitch of Holiness, as chusing it for it self, though it come not atten­ded with the outward accommodations and im­bellishments of the World.

You will be patiently weaned from your own Peace and Comfort, when the Lord hides his Face and favour, for the Tryal of your sinceri­ty; yet even then you will prize Communion with God, in Order to greater Degrees of Di­vine Conformity.

You will be Spiritual in all your Natural and Civil Transactions, and when you have acted to the utmost in your Duty, you will Judg your selves defective and unprofitable.

You will contemn the World, by living much in Heaven: your spiritual Life will be acted and carried on, by the Ʋnction and Conduct of Christs Spirit; So as to delight your selves in the Lord for his Infinite Perfections, although you be stript of all Earthly Enjoyments.

But You will demand of me: May not a Christian, whose Conversation is in Heaven, take delight in his external Comforts, and yet not violate the Rule of Sobriety; nor cast off the strict Discipline of Soul-weaning Mortifi­cation?

I Answer. He may. But with these Cauti­ons and Limitations.

1. He must distinguish betwixt the Ʋse and the Abuse of the Creature. Then we pervert the right Use of it, when we install it in the Throne of our Affections, admiring and ado­ring it as God himself. The Lord hath rankt the Creature in a Sphere subordinate unto him­self; Heaven must not change place with Earth, nor things Temporal justle out of our hearts the pursuit of our Eternal Interest.

When sublunary Vanities, like Hagar, aspire to the preheminence, they must be cast forth with disdain.

2. You must distinguish 'twixt a Transient delight by way of surprizal, and a setled re­solved delight by way of plenary consent.

The Discipline of Christs Camp will not In­dulge so large Articles to the World, as to resign up the heart to the inordinate Love of the most excellent Creature. This is spiritual Adulte­ry and Idolatry. This Treachery is an incon­sistent, Heterodox practice, to the power and pu­rity of Christianity.

Every glance of admiration cast upon mun­dane Objects, and which terminates therein, is a great disloyalty, and high breach of the Mari­age-Covenant 'twixt Christ and the Soul.

As Solomon said to Bathsheba when she peti­tioned that Abishag the Shunamite, might be [Page 120]given to Adonijab to Wife; Dost thou know what thou hast ask'd? Thou mightest with as little peril have ask't the Kingdom for him, 1 Kings 2.22. There is no less than Treason in such a Request. So, when we importunately ask this, and that, and the other unsuitable boon at the hand of God; may be not Reply, Ask the Kingdom also? For thou seekest Covertly to reject thy Allegiance unto Me, to prefer Earth­ly Vanities for the gratification of thy Lusts.

Many times, we beg the fulness of the Crea­ture to our own destruction, at least, against the Comfort of our Life; when the Lord Cur­ses and Blasts it, or crosses us by it; though we do not forfeit our Interest in God him­self.

3. You must distinguish 'twixt a Gra­dual and a Superlative Delight, 'twixt a Subor­dinate and an Inverted Love, so as that the Crea­ture should sway, and over-rule the poise and bent of our Souls.

4. You must distinguish 'twixt Loving and delighting in the Creature abstractedly from God, for it self, and a complacency in it, only as it is a Lower Pledge of our Heavenly Fathers providential Love and Bounty.

For though the Lord give us all things libe­rally to enjoy; yet, it is with this reserved Li­mitation, that we should enjoy God in the Creature, and the Creature for God.

5. You must distinguish 'twixt Tasting of the Creature by way of Tryal and experience, (as Solomons, who distilled all the Quint-essentials of their excellencies, that he might sum up Va­nity at the Foot of his Survey and Accompt) and betwixt Resting in, and Trusting to the Creature, as if it had any inherent power to make us happy.

6. You must distinguish 'twixt a moderate limited delight; and a passionate, importunate Transporting Complacency, which will not be de­layed, much less denyed; or confined to any Competent allowance of Earthly Comforts. This proves fatal, when the Soul grows Dropsical, and impetuous in its desires; crying out, as Rachel, Give me Children, or I dye. When as ravenous Harpies, we will adventure to snatch any Worldly accommodation out of the hand of God without, or against his Will, and Consent;

Such supplies, are our Snares, they are not the gifts of Divine Bounty, but the Fewel of our Lusts; and yet we esteem them as an Ade­quate portion to make up true Happiness and Contentment.

7. You must distinguish 'twixt an indifferent mutable delight, because the Creature in its own Nature is transient and perishing, and a resolute fixt delight, which terminates in it, as the Center of satisfaction.

A Carnal heart which designes to be Rich, will dive and digg as low as Hell, to the bot­tom of the Stygian Lake, for the ingrossing of Golden Sands: But a Spiritual heart refers it self to God's allowance, in these temporal Mer­cies. It sets not up its Rest in the Creature, as resolving not to seek any Happiness beyond it; but uses it only as a Staff to lean on in its Pilgrimage; not as a Bed, to lie down on for Repose and Tranquillity of mind, or in the midst of distresses.

Indeed, the Bed is too short, and the Cover­ing too narrow, to wrap up our Contentment in it.

Earthly things are my Provisions in the way to Canaan, but not a sutable, sufficient Portion to make me happy.

A Carnal heart loaths even Manna in the Wilderness, and says, 'tis better to sit down by the Fleshpots of Egypt.

But a Gracious Soul, will only Taste of the Creature, as Jonathan did a little Hony, dip­ping the tip of his Rod in it. He stays not on this side Jordan, but advances in his March to­ward Canaan. The World is not his Rest, he seeks a Heavenly Country, and is not satisfied till he lye in Abrahams Bosom. He doth not so stupidly caress his Soul with sensitive En­joyments, as to make him Careless, whether he travel Homewards; rather as the industrious [Page 123] Bee, he lightly touches on Worldly delights, in Order to the stocking the Hive of his Soul with an increase of Grace and Comfort.

8. You must distinguish, 'twixt delight in the Creature, as 'tis a shower of common Boun­ty, and as 'tis a Gift which comes from the Heart and special Love of God.

The former Dispensation, gives only a Civil Right unto our Enjoyments, but the latter, San­ctifies and improves the true Use of the Crea­ture, for the Lord's honour, and our Spiritual advantage.

Therefore, if we would keep our hearts in a weaned Frame, let us bound and moderate our affections to the Best of Creatures; other­wise, we shall discover an Impotency in Grace, if not a Nullity.

As we must put the Sacrificing Knife of mor­tification to the Throat of every Rampant Lust; So, the moderating Restriction of Sobriety to the least extravagancy of our inordinate de­sires.

The Jews cryed up those superstitious ordi­nances, viz. Touch not, Tast not, Handle not, to the infringement of their Spiritual Liberty.

But it will be our Wisdome and safety, to im­pose necessary Laws on our unruly and unsatia­ble affections toward Earthly Vanities.

So shall we not mistake wherein our chiefest Happiness consists, neither shall we be slack, and [Page 124] slight in pursuing it, when discovered.

Some Hounds while they Course along plea­sant Flowery-Fields, are so taken with the ful­some Scent thereof, that they either lose, or forget their Prey.

But weaned Christians, while they pass tho­row variety of Creature-Delights are not so prone to be ravisht from the Contemplation of the Chiefest Good.

They lose not the exquisiteness of their Spiri­tual Sagacity, neither do they admiringly dote on sublunary Profits and Pleasures, nor neglect to pour out the strength of their Love and De­light on the Lord of the Creation, as the only Center of true felicity and satisfaction.

Every Man hath some delightful Object or o­ther to which he sacrifices his time, and the strength of his Affections, as to a Deity.

In this Sence, we should make the Lord our Delight, that we may say with David, Psal. 73.25. Whom have I in Heaven but thee? and there is none on Earth, whom I desire in Comparison.

This Spiritual Delight in the Lord contains not only the serious Contemplation of his Di­vine Excellencies in their suitableness to our pre­sent, and future State of Happiness; whereby, a restless Desire to enjoy Union and Communion with God, in and thorow Christ, is begotten; but delight is the highest step or Degree of Love, whereby a Soul weaned from Lusts and [Page 125]the World, Rests fully satisfyed in the choice of the Lord for its Portion and Pattern.

Thus, that Witchcraft which Creature-Vani­ties fastned on the Affections is taken off; by the more powerful Charm of Divine Love; and Mans besotted desires are reduced in some good Degree to their Original Liberty, Excellen­cy and Purity; by fixing them on the Basis of true Felicity.

For, who could desire more happiness, than to have a permission to delight in the Lord, who of and in himself is Sole,-and Al-sufficient for his own infinite Contemplation and Enjoy­ment.

Here weaned Souls may be swallowed up in admiration, by a Constant, bound less tran­scendent Delight. Here alone is perfect satis­faction, so as to look out no farther for true felicity.

To make up this Delight, there are all its In­gredients Essentially in the Lord.

1. Reality of Worth. 2. Variety of Ex­cellencies. 3. Sutability to the Soul. 4. Suf­ficiency to give Satisfaction, and a solid Per­manency.

1. Reality of matchless Worth. Therefore, it is folly and madness in sinners, so to observe any lying Vanity, which hath but a shadow of Beauty, as to neglect or contemn the chiefest Good, which is the Idea and Origi­nal of all Perfection.

2. In the Lord alone, absiractedly considered from all Creatures, are all Excellencies Emi­nentially and transcendently, without any Composition, Multiplication, or Division. For himself is One Single, Intire, Absolute, and Infinite Perfection; without Variety or Variati­on.

Yet shallow Mortals, nay glorified Saints and Angels, cannot conceive of this Infinite Perfe­ction without forming distinct, successive ap­prehensions of the Divine Essence. For that Excellency which is in God, is not presented all at once. The sublimest, and purest Seraphim cannot mount up to him, to get any compre­hensive discoveries of that Divine Beauty and Glory which so transformingly, irradiates, and transcendently Constitutes them in an estate of Happiness.

This is the Reason, why glorified Saints and Angels are constantly and immutably delighted in God; because, himself being the Essential Object of their satisfaction, is Eternally One and the Same. Yet, he transcends all those di­stinct, successive apprehensions which are form­ed by them in a Glorious Variety. This is both Beautiful and Satisfying: It wins and holds Created Spirits Close to it, with Admiration, and a boundless Complacency. It presents and un­fold; the Divine Essence in a fresh degree of sweetness, and it sets an Edg on the Souls [Page 127]delight with an eager kind of fixedness.

Consider, that the Lord delights in himself, because he is Optimus Maximus, the chiefest Goodness, and his own Ultimate End, into whom, all his Love and Delight exprest upon the Creature, is Resolved. Therefore, his Glo­ry Beaming forth in the Creation, must be re­flected upon himself who only sees himself in his own Light of Purity, and enjoys himself in his own unparallel'd Beauty.

In a strict sence, the Lord cannot look off from himself, nor rejoyce, nor take complacen­cy in any Created Excellency; because himself shed it in measure on the highest Order of Angels that he might be more acknowledged and ad­mired.

Now, if there be a suitable Alsufficiency in God to satisfie and delight himself in himself to all Eternity, then 'tis but equitable, that Saints should conform to this Duty, purely to delight in the Almighty for himself.

It is the Lord's peculiar and sole Prerogative, to challenge the delight of Saints and Angels. This is our safety rather, than servitude, or the Consinement of our Affections, to refer all our desires to his Wisdom, that he should Judg of them by approbation or dislike: This is to re­solve our very Being and Acting in the World, into the Sovereignty of his Will, which is our Priviledg, and the Restauration of our degene­rate [Page 128]Nature to its Divine and Primitive Inte­grity.

The Soul is in a manner deprived of it self, of its true Rest, Contentment, Liberty, and Dominion over all passionate sensitive Desires, while it Centers not in the Chiefest Good which is more amiable than the Soul it self.

It's thirsty propension will never suffer it self to be controuled nor satisfyed by any of those sensual Delights, which our Fancies offer to it.

Thus the rarest Musick will not quiet the hungry Child, without the Mothers Breast.

It is only That Self-sufficient Goodness and un­stained Archetype of Beauty and Blessedness, which our delight should be constantly catching after, and conversing with. This only can be­get true serenity of mind, because it is Adequate to, yea, infinitely excels and exceeds the vast unbounded desires of our Souls.

O the Happiness of That Christian, who by Mortification of Self-Love, stretches out the affections of his Soul upon the Immensity of perfection with the greatest Freedome and Delight.

Weaned Saints, know how to live out of themselves, in and upon God in Christ. In Their Divine imbraces, is only safety and satisfa­ction to be expected, and not in those tender En­dearments, and sensitive Gratifications, which [Page 129]we contrive or compass for our selves.

Indeed, the Soul is too bigg for Earthly De­signs and Interests. This is the most Divine Life, when a Man Acts in the World upon E­ternal Designes; and is so wholly devoted to the Lord, as not to cast the least glance of Ido­latrous Admiration toward any sordid secular advantage, whereby the Heaven-born Soul is inthralled, even while sensual Lusts are grati­fied.

These cause Man to degenerate from himself, to Pinion and Debase himself, in extending his Affections upon Earthly Vanities.

Would Christians be more weaned from the pursuit of Lusts, and Worldly projects? Let them aspire to be more suitable in their Dispo­sition and Conversation to the Father of their Spirits.

It is only the Restauration of the Divine I­mage (which produces an Harmony betwixt the Lords Will and ours) which can elevate our hearts, and refine or spiritualize our Affections to delight in God abstractedly for himself, though he allure us not thereunto, by pouring in upon us the Confluence of Creature-Com­forts.

It is no less than an Almighty Power, which can thus oversway the Natural inclination of the Soul, that it shall desist from living on the Creature without God, (which is Rapine and Sa­criledg) [Page 130]and shall settle its Choice on the most Absolute, Intire, Universal Archetype of Beauty and Goodness.

Let this therefore, be a Demonstration of our Holiness, and the strength of Renewing Grace, that we can cheerfully sink and reject our own Interest, that the Lord may not be dis­appointed of the End of our Being and Acting in the World.

Do not adopt his Interest unto yours only to serve your selves upon Him, and I dare say, the whole Creation shall serve you, to Facilitate your Obedience.

This shall be the Happiness of every weaned Self-denying Saint, whom the Lord delights to honour.

If we prefer him to our Delight, before all the compounded, shallow, fading Excellencies of the Creature, He can give us our hearts de­sires to the full, and will add no Sorrow with it.

Together with the Confluence of Creature-Comforts, grow up greater Cares; our Table many times proves a Snare, and our Supplies our Surfeits.

But in the Complacential Love of God, is no danger, no fear of Excess, or of making any forfeiture. Here is no occasion of Repen­ance, for misplacing of our hearts.

Other Delights cloy and satiate, but do not satisfy. But Spiritual Joys yield fresh sweet­ness without Satiety.

When we settle our Affections upon the Lord and his Excellencies, we transplant them from Earth to Heaven, to ripen in a better Climate.

We lose not, but only exchange our Joys for more solid durable refined Comforts.

Regeneration, Adoption to an Heavenly Inhe­ritance, and the Kisses of Christ's Spirit, Sealing Communion with God through Christ, is a greater Cause of Glorying, than the highest Preferments in the World. Therefore let poor Saints rejoyce, that they are exalted in being weaned even to a Contempt of gilded Vanities; and let Rich Saints Glory in this, that they are Spiritually abased, and made vile in their own Eyes, as considering that Man is altogether Va­nity in his best Estate: For when his Gracious endowments are improved to the highest pitch of excellency, they would yet fade away as the Beauty of a Flower, were they not rooted and preserved in Christ Jesus.

What Hypocrites become by the Art of dis­simulation, appearing to Be that, and Do that, which they neither Are, nor Act in Truth.

Such should Saints become, by the right Art of Spiritual weaning;

In the prudent regulation and composure of their Natural passions, they should carry it so [Page 132]as if they were not Men, but Acted like Angels while they walk in the pathetick strains of Na­ture.

They must so contrive to bound and conceal their Passions for the want or loss of the Crea­ture, as if there were no reality in their weep­ing: Yea, in the highest Spring-Tide of pro­sperity, they must rejoyce as if they rejoyced not.

Yet in the Exercise of Holy Duties, they must so express reality, as if they were All Af­fection, made up with nothing else.

They must so weep for Sin, as if their Head were a Fountain of Tears; and so rejoyce in the Lord, and his Image drawn out upon their Hearts, as if they were Joy it self. They must so Commerce and Trade with Heaven, as if they were a Flame of Zeal, an Holy-Covetous­ness, and Emulation it self.

Yet, Saints are so weaned from Ostentation by humility, that though they be full of Holi­ness they pursue after more eminent Degrees as if they had none at all.

In point of Self-denyal, he mourns for Sin, as if he mourned not, because he counts it no Compensation to Divine Justice. He rejoyces in the Acting of his Graces, as if he rejoyced not, because, though they be admirable endow­ments of the New-Creature, yet they Eannot Create a Title unto Heavenly Glory as the Me­ritorious [Page 133]Cause thereof. He trades with Christ in Holy Duties, as if he traded not, because he attributes no success to his own skill and in­dustry, yea, his Spiritual gains or advantages are reaped and possest without observation by Carnal Persons; towards whom his Conversa­tion in Heaven, (while himself remains a Pil­grim on Earth) is altogether a Mystery and a Riddle.

A weaned Self-denying Saint is silent and re­served in driving on secret Communion with the Lord, yet is he not slight and remiss, but sincerely fervent and fruitful in all the ways of Righteousness.

Thus Saints being weaned from their own Credit and Applause, make the fittest and most active Projectors for Christ's Honour and the Propagation of his Kingdom.

But here it may be Objected by Christ's weak Babes, I fear I am not Spiritually weaned, be­cause I cannot affirm that my Delight is fixed in the Lord.

How little is my Mind Abstracted from Con­versing with empty shadows, and how deeply Immersed in sensitive feculent Delights! How seldom do the discoveries of the Lords infinite Excellencies transform me into a God-like Life.

To this I Answer, thus in the General.

I intended That foregoing Character of wea­ned Saints, rather for the Imitation of Babes in Christ, than to assert it to be the minimum quod sic, the least Essential qualifications, or Constitu­tive Properties of sincerity in Evangelical Wean­lings.

Christians who falsly argue for a Nullity of Grace in themselves from its Impotency, must consider, that the right Art of Spiritual wean­ing is not easily learnt and practis'd, because it is a Sacred Mystery.

Yet, New-born Saints are under the Con­duct of Christ's Spirit, who safely and tender­ly leads them through the Labyrinth of the Worlds Perplexing Cares and Temptations, that they may not be devoured by the Minotaur of a Flesh-pleasing Sensuality. Christ's very Babes have a supernatural Sagacity and Instinct to foresee their Dangers; and being conscious of their own Infirmity to resist Temptations, they have so much strength as to cry out in­cessantly, Abba, Father, succour me with thy preventing assisting Grace, that I may carry on that Weaning-Design, to which by Baptism I stand obliged.

They can and do claim spiritual Kindred with God himself, nor will they desist from pleading their spiritual Interest in his Wisdom, Power, Love, Goodness and Faithfulness, to shield them from Temptations, and to promote their [Page 135]Self-denial to the Pitch of Heavenly-minded­ness.

They will creep as well as they can, into the Presence of their Father; when they cannot run the way of his Commandments with inlarg­ment of Affection answerable to their de­sire.

They testifie their Love and Gratitude, their Prowess and Resolution against sin, Satan and the World, as they are Able; therefore, they shall (though weakly weaned) divide the Cele­stial Inheritance equally with the Angels who Excel in strength.

Take a really weaned Saint at the lowest Ebb of his Affections Godward, yet, he is to be preferred before the most Zealous Hypocrite; be­cause as the World and his Lusts are the Joy of his Soul; so the Creature is the Soul of his Joy, and his Joy only the Blaze of the Crea­ture.

But the Newly weaned Christian doth not so eagerly intermeddle with worldly concernments, as quite to Degenerate and Degrade himself from his Spiritual Constitution, by becoming One Spirit with Sensitive Objects of a Base al­loy.

He never so mixes his Heart with, nor lifts it up to Creature-Vanities as quite to lose the Sa­gacity of his Soul, in not apprehending any quick touch of the Divine Greatness, or not [Page 136]relishing the sweetness of the Infinite Goodness of the Lord.

Still there is a more potent supernatural Prin­ciple within him drawing off his heart from a Pursuit of the Dunghil-Profits and besotting-Pleasures of the World. So that, as the Needle in the Mariners Compass, he is still restless till he Center in the Increated Perfections of the Supream Being, and Original Source of All things.

Still he prays wean me and I shall be weaned, for thou art my Praise, that is, the superexcel­lent Object of my Love and Delight. If at a­ny time Christ's weaned Babes wonder at the Grandure, and wander after the Allurements of the World, by a short Gratification of their Senses; yet they soon check their folly, repent of it, lay a solemn Charge on their deluded Souls that they should return to the Lord, as their Genuine Rest, by compleat Satisfaction in Him alone. They beg to be establisht by the Magnetick Power and the most endearing Ob­ligations of Divine Love.

They exercise on themselves all the Rules of Spiritual weaning, with the greatest strictness and severity.

Their Self-denial holds Pace with their gra­dual discoveries of the Lord's Excellencies. The motion of their Souls Heavenward, mounts up sutably to their Acquaintance with their Hea­venly [Page 137]Father. Their Spiritual Light and Life, are commensurate.

The weakest Babe in Christ digests his Know­ledg into studious & sincere Obedience, although he be not swift upon the Wing, because a dull Earthly Body clogs his Generous Soul. Yet, That Divine Nature, which he hath received, will grow up to a stronger Constitution, till it cast and work out all those Obstructions of sensual Passions, which at present damp his Spiritual Zeal and Comfort.

There is such an implanted principle of a Di­vine Life, displaying it self in every New-born Christian; that the estimation of the Lord's lovely Beauty and infinite Worth Preponderates the excellencies of the whole Creation.

If the Weakest of Christ's Weanlings were put to his Choice, whether he would lose an Interest in God or the Creature; he would ra­ther reject with the greatest abhorrency the the Worlds softest and tenderest Imbraces, than those purest Delights, which endear his heart to the Lord, in the midst of all Temporal wants and losses.

If the Lord should say to a truly weaned Saint thou shalt be freed from Hell, twelve Princes shall proceed from thee, but I will not by Co­venant bestow my self upon thee, this very Re­striction would be an Hell. For it is only Pro­priety in God himself, which can satisfy a Gra­cious [Page 138]heart. It will deny it self to enjoy an Interest in God, but if the Lord deny his Loving-kindness which is better than Life; all other Enjoyments will be Joyless; a weaned Saint will write upon them all, The Glory is de­parted.

Then will Worldly Men believe, that you are in good earnest in Professing your selves to be Pilgrims on Earth; that there is a Kingdom which cannot be shaken, which you are Expe­ctants of, and Candidates for, when you most de­ny and debase your selves, that God may be All in All.

Weaned Saints will descend by Humility, when they are advanced to the pitch of Heaven­ly-mindedness, or the greatest Communicati­ons of the Lords Grace and Favour.

Then they see most cause of abasing them­selves by constant Dependency on the Lord.

Creatures the more excellent they are in their Being and Operation, the more frail and brittle they would become, if left to a Self-subsisten­cy.

Even the Spirits of Just Men made perfect modestly, and chearfully acknowledg that they shine with a Precarious Excellency borrowed from that Fountain of Light, who Enamels their Crowns with Stars of Glory; therefore they cast them down at the Foot of the Lamb. These Celestial Favourites applaud not their [Page 139]own perfections; but while they sun themselves in the Rays of Christ's Divinity, they pay a grateful Homage of Adoration to the Archetype of their Blessedness.

The perfect Vision of the God of Glory be­gets perfect Transformation in a Glorions State. Yet, the Saints Satisfaction is only in his U­nion with, and Enjoyment of the Lord Himself, as the Essential and Infinite Object of Happi­ness.

In the mean time, as Sojourners upon Earth, they tread all sublunary Vanities under their Feet.

Weaned Christians who wait upon the Lord, are compared to Eagles, Isa. 40.31.

This King of Birds hath a strong Wing, a swift Flight, a quick piercing Eye, and is usu­ally secure from the stroke of Thunder. Hea­venly contemplative Souls (while such) are a­bove the reach of Satan's Temptations. It is for Batts and Owls to flie near the foggy dull Earth. But the Soul of a weaned Christian is of too Noble an Original to stoop so low, as to think it can be beautified by the accession of any worldly accommodation.

They affect Earthly Conveniencies no fur­ther than they may be Advantages in seeking Heavenly Graces. By an Art of Spiritual Chymistry they can sublimate the unrighteous Mammon into true Charity, Honour into Hu­mility, [Page 140]and Worldly Pleasure into a Recrea­tion of Divine Joy, becoming the New-Man.

They Spiritualize all the dross of the Crea­ture, they make a Divine improvement on that very indifferent Comfort, which Satan would Convert into a Snare.

They account a weaned State to be the Life of Heaven upon Earth. Thus they take a Survey of the Holy-Land, and enter Paradise in their thoughts before they take possession in their Per­sons. Little do Worldlings know what trans­porting Delights weaned Saints enjoy in their secret Retirements from the World.

These Doves which seek Solitude for Holy Meditation, have the fullest discoveries of Hea­venly Glory. How are their Wings covered o­ver with Golden Apparitions, in clear Revela­tions from the Spirit of Truth, when their Judg­ments are not clouded with the gross Fumes and Vapors of Terrestrial Delights; nor their Affections clog'd by sinking in the Bogs of Sen­suality!

The very Vices of Worldlings are improved by Christ's Weanlings, unto a Religious Imi­tation. Covetous Men (like Nero) cruelly dig into the Bowels of their Mother-Earth, to search for Veins of Gold and Silver, which the God of Nature hath on purpose hid, lest they should prove Traitors to his Majesty, by winning o­ver [Page 141]our Affections unto Vanity. Yet, such is their folly, that like Antaeus or Consumptive Persons, they think to recover the strength of Contentment by smelling to, and embracing of the Earth.

But weaned Saints dig into the Rich Mines of the Scriptures, thereby to discover and possess themselves of Christ, in whom are hid all the Treasures of Divine Wisdom, and the unseen Joys of Celestial Contemplation. Yet, are they not inquisitive by a bold Curiosity, where God would have them Ignorant.

Weaned Saints being mindful of their Divine Original, make every Creature-Comfort a di­stinct round in Jacob's Ladder, whereon they climb to Heaven; that they may obtain fuller Communion with the Father of their Spirits, to beget sweeter and more satisfying Tastcs of Divine Love and Bounty.

They count it Honor enough to be New­born from Above; and esteem it a Chiefer part of their Felicity, that they are made meet and fit for Heaven, than that their Names are en­graven on their Celestial Mansions, be­fore they take the Triumphant Possession of them.

They are highly Ambitious even in their Pil­grimage; yet 'tis only to please the Lord in their Conversation, which is carried on in a Mystery toward the World.

They constantly Lye sucking In pure Delights from the Ocean of Immense Felicity, with more than Epicurean grediness. When they obtain the Choicest and Richest Effusions of Divine Love, they are Covetously restless; and Impatiently thirsty after more of the Invigorating Influen­ces of the Holy Spirit.

They Bathe their Dove-like Minds not in the Lethean Lake of Sensual Pleasures, but in the Chrystal Streams of Truth and Righteousness. They Prune their Wings (viz.) the discompo­sed Affections of their Souls by Heavenly Cir­cumspection and Curiosity. Their hearts are impregnated with Zeal by the Spirit of Life and Righteousness, yet are they not puft up with Pride, nor a conceited Self-Sufficiency, under their highest attainments in Holiness, or in Comfort.

Other Creatures may forget and forsake the Damme when weaned; but every Self-denying Christian, more cleaves to, and waits upon the Lord, as not able to subsist Alone, nor lead a Separate Life from the Fountain of pure Joy, when most incompast with the Enjoyments of the World, or the Comfortable quickning influ­ences of the Holy Spirit.

Even in Heaven they shall Most and Best ad­mire, yea Adore the Infinite Perfections of God in Christ. They shall Eternally Acknowledg and Complacentially Descant on that Divine [Page 143]Power which subjected them to a weaned E­strangement from the World, or any Confidence in a Self-Righteousness, according to that As­sertion of the Prophet Isa. ch. 45, v. 25. In the Lord shall all the Spiritual Seed of Israel be Justi­fied, and shall Glory.

Thus they shall rejoycingly Acquicsce, not so in the State of their Personal Salvation, as Tri­umph in the Lamb of God, who Redeemed them by his Blood, from Worldly Allurements, and all pollutions of Flesh and Spirit.

To this Author and Finisher of our Faith, to this Pattern of Self-Abasement, who humbled Himself to the Death of the Cross, that he might wean us from doting on Earthly Vanities, and raise our hearts to admire and chuse the ever-Blessed Deity, for our Al-satisfying Portion; be ascribed, as is most due, All Honour, Adoration, and Glory, both Now, and to all Eternity, Amen, Amen.


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