Sir Arthur Hasilrig's MEDITATIONS. OR, The Devil looking over Durham.

WHere am I? what shall I be?—where shall I meet my good fellows?—By the figure of 5—at the Devil—will they meet me? What, all Traytors! no body resenting these Grand Priviledges of Our Parlia­ment, so infringed and violated by the consent of the whole Nation? Wherefore did I purchase such a vast Estate of Deans and Chapters Lands? Why have I merited a great name in the ruine of three Kingdoms, if it must be in the power of any body to question it? Did not I bid defiance to old Oliver, whom I knew as much concerned in this lamentable Account as my self, because I knew there was no sheathing of the Sword?

Well, what I want in wisdome and courage, I will supply in Perjury and impudence, but yet that will not serve the turn; is there no remaining ill qualities which the Kingdoms have not talled of? Had Sir Henry Vene again, for all our former dissentions, and the irremediable distractions among Atheistical Logger-heads, I would intro­duce any Gallimaufry of Government, but I would disappoint the longing and just Expectation of a Settlement.

Do you hear me! I am quarrelled at for several things, viz. Why should the Bishoprick of Durham be confer'd on a Man-slayer? Beloved, I ran away from the Devizes with all the celerity and speed imaginable, which Sir William Waller will bear witness to; if I kill'd any man, it was in Effigie, or when I lately stabb'd a Picture at Wimbleton; I am hear­tily sorry I can do that poor Girle no more favour: Oh I could with! But however, I will marry my Son and Heire to Frances Rich, because I am sure of a strong party upon old Cromwel's score, and now Lambert and they are all one; and by the assurance of all these Interests, shall not I be Sir Arthur?

As for the increase of my Temporall estate, I referre you to Mr. Collingwoods case, whom I ruined in despight of Oli­vers Nose, upon the consciousnesse of his Arbitrary Usurpation; There was Verdict upon Verdict against me, but that signifies nothing against a R—P Resolve. I hope I have so disabled him, that I shall never hear more of that inju­stice.

I must now begin to exercise a vertue (which a moderate Fortune could not teach me) called Patience; would I were again in Portsmouth. I did not near Mr. Burgesse speak a word or it there, no nor at the House: my Honesty and his Di­vinity are alike compensable; He must not be longer an Eaton-Colledge-Fellow, nor I any longer of the Councill of State, and can you blame me to be angry at this disaster?

Who will take the pains to innumerate my Vertues? though I cannot assure him now the thanks of the House, bee shall have a Royalists Estate, gratis, upon the sale of Sir George Booth's Lands, What shall I say? Would any man have believed such a thing as divine Justice, that has lived 18 years uncontroulable and unquestionable to the Laws? Must I that pull'd down the Gates of the City of London, commanded their Walls to be broken down, that severall breaches might be made, and put that violence upon them, which no English Prince in his utmost fury ever offered the City, forgo that kind of Omnipotency? I will rather run after Lambert and own the Commitee of Safety, and three or four times ab­jure the Covenant.

I am so vexed, that in short, if cannot be revenged on you all, i'le be suddenly revenged on my self.

Arthur Hasilrig.

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