More Loathsome▪ What can be unto myne eye▪
Than this most ugly Toade which heere J spie.
Though J be obiect of mans scorne and hate.
Yett J am better than A Reprobate.
POor man, why, with disdain do'st look on Me?
Thy self more vile, by Sinne, why do'st not See?
A Toade I am, yet serve God in my kind,
Accomplishing those Ends to mee Assign'd.
My place I keep, where God appointed mee,
From Earth that Venome, I [...]uck-up, which Thee
And Beasts would hurt: and yet my poyson's good
For Medicines, were it rightly understood,
And with this poyson though my self, I fill,
Its that which can the body onely kill,
And makes me loathsome unto mortal Eyes
But, with me all my shame and sorrow dies.
But thou rebell'st against Gods majesty,
And serv'st the Divel his damn'd Enemy.
With filthy Lusts (worst Poyson) fil'd thou art,
Which makes Jehova loath thee with his heart
Thy poysons worse, ten thousand times than mine
Which onely does the body kill; but thine
The soule, likewise; and if in sinne thou die,
Death does not end thy shame and misery,
It (then) begins; which (once) but felt and seen,
A loathsome Toad, like me, thou'lt wish, thou'dst been,
Then thou wilt find thy state, than mine far worse,
Since, ugly-Sinne made Christ become a Curse
And that mans Sinne caus'd all that misery,
VVhich Christ endur'd from Cratch to Crused-Tree.
Yea, that each wilful, unrepented Sinne,
Does horrour here, and hell hereafter win.
Sin, therefore, worse than Plagues, death, hell, the divel,
Cause of all ill, hate, as the greatest; evil,
And if thou (ere) wilt enter Heavens straight Gate
Let Sinnes not Toades, be object of thy hate.
F. P.

London, Printed for John Overton, and are to be sold at his Shop at the Sign of the White-Horse without New-Gate, 1673.

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