Satans Invisible WORLD DISCOVERED; OR, A choice Collection of Modern Re­lations, proving evidently against the Saducees and Atheists of this present Age, that there are Devils, Spirits, Witches, and Apparitions, from Authentick Records, Attesta­tions of Famous Witnesses, and undoubted Verity.

To all which is added, That Marvellous History of Major Wei [...], and his Sister: With two Relations of Apparitions at Edinburgh.

By Mr. George Sinclar, late Professor of Philosophy, in the Colledge of Glasgow.

No Man should be vain that he can injure the merit of a Book, for, the meanest Rogue may burn a City, or kill an Hero, whereas, he could never build the one, or equal the other.

Sr. G. McK.

Edinburgh, Printed by Iohn Reid. 1685.

TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE GEORGE EARL of WINTON, Lord SETON and TRA­NENT, &c. And One of His MAIESTIES most Ho­nourable Privy Council.

My Lord,

I PRESENT Your Lo: with an Oblation, both Lame and Imperfect. 'Tis all which my Ability can af­ford. I must Sacrifice with Barley-Meal, because I want Frankincense. Farre litabit qui non habet thus.

[Page]But what Imperfection is in it, I supply it with the Sincerity of my Respects, who pre­sents it. 'Tis a Subject, that the Learndest Prince, and greatest Monarch in His time was not ashamed to treate of. I se­riously implore your Lordships Protection, for, I have to do with many Adversaries of this Visible World, who will not fail to ride tilts at me, with Bul-rushes and Win­dle-strawes. As for those of Satans Invisible UUorld, in the Name of the LORD, I defy them. I know the acutness of your Lordships Ingine and Profound­ness of your Knowledge, in all such and o­ther Matters, that there is no Theme which I am able to treat of, or Thesis which I am able to publish, but your Lordship is able by your Power and Authority to protect it, and by your Reason to defend it.

I am the more encouraged to offer this to your Lordship, A Noble Patrician, be­cause I have seen Tracts of this Subject con­secrated to Kings, Dukes, and Princes. I have sure Experience of your Lordships Bounty and Favourable Aspect, which gave Wings to my New Philosophical Experi­ments, to flie thorow Holland, France, [Page] and Germany, which have made them so acceptable to Strangers.

Neque Phoebo gratior ulla est,
Quam sibi quae Vari praescripsit pagina nomen.

If my Writings had such good Fortune and Success abroad, by the auspicious Con­duct of your Lordships name upon the Fron­tispice, what must they have at home, where your Power, Interest, and Relations are so consi­derable? Where your Ancestors are so famous, having been useful to their Countrey, in Peace and War; others of them imployed in Publick Affairs at home and abroad, and all of them most eminent for their unstained Loyalty to their Prince, and Zeal for his Interest; and that since Malcome the third, six hundred years agoe, to your Lordship, who is the twenti­eth and fifth, Lineally descended from Dougald the first of the Family.

What a Faithful Achates, and Compa­nion was Christopher Seton the third, to King Robert the Bruce, in all his troubles? whose love to his King, was like the love of Jonathan to David, for which, and his va­liant Atcheivements, be bestowed his Sister [Page] Christin upon him in Marriage, and the Flower-de-Luce to his Coat of Arms, one of the chief Ornaments of the Royal Badge.

— Patruo te Principe celsum,
Bellipotens illustrat Avus. —

Was not Alexander Seton, the second Son of Lord William, and Lady Katharin Sinclar, or rather, Saint Katharin, who builded the famous Chappel of Seton, for his excellent Endowments of Body and Mind, made Head of the noble Family of Gordons, by marrying the Heretrix of Huntly; and that three hundred years ago? And was not his Sister Isabel, by the same Mother, bestow­ed in Marriage upon that most Princely Youth John Stuart of Darnly, from which two, the Royal Race is descended: So that I may say without Flattery, your Family is come off Princes, and reciprocally, Princes are come off your Family.

Quis venerabilior sanguis, quae major origo
Quam regalis erit? —

What was that illustrious Knight Alexan­der the third, who during the time of John the Balliols Vsurpation, three hundred and [Page] fifty years ago, was made Governour of Berwick, whom the King of England, while he was beseiging the Town, could nei­ther by Threatnings, nor fair Promises, in­veigle or perswade to betray his Trust. The Garison labouring under great penurie of Pro­vision, a Truce was made upon this Conditi­on, That if Relief came not before such a limited day, the Town should be de­livered up. The Scottish Army approach­ing, under the Conduct of the Valiant Dou­glas, and King Edward fearing that the Town might be releived, sent to the Gover­nour, certifying him (though the dayes of Truce were not yet expired) that if he did not render it forthwith, both his Sons, the one an Hostage, the other a Prisoner of War, should be crucified immediately before his eyes.

But the magnanimous Father, and incompa­rable Mother, being driven to this insupe­rable Dilemma;

Dextrum Scylla latus, laevum impla­cata Charybdis
Obsidet —

Love to their Dearest Children perswading, [Page] and Love and Respect to their Countrey, and Familie disswading, carrie like two invincible Hero's, and by admirable Resolution, and Constancy, beyond what Roman Histo­ries can parallel, they prefer their Countrie to their dearest Pledges, Fidelity to Treach­erie, and Glory to Shame. On which bar­baritie, the Famous Poet Johannes John­stonus Aberdonensis, writteth thus in his Book intituled, The SCOTS Hero's,

Huc averte oculos, neu tristia fata tu­orum,
Respice —
Vincit amor Patriae constansque in pectore virtus,
Omnia pro Patria sustinuisse valens.

This strange Tyrannical, Barbarous, and Monstruous Fact, is suppressed in the Histories of England, and buried in silence, not un­wiselie, it being capable neither of Defence, nor Excuse.

My Lord,

Neither can I pass over in silence Lord George, the fifth of that Name, ‘Claros inter habent nomina clara viros.’

[Page]Your Great Grand-Fathers Father, who being Master of the Royal Oeconomy to the Queen, was sent by Order of Parliament to France, to make up a Match between Fran­cis the Dolphin, and Mary Queen of Scots. And after, was sent by King James her Son, to Henry the third, for confirming the anci­ent Alliance, whose third Son Alexander, for his Knowledge and Skill in Juris-Pru­dence, was manie years a Senator of the Colledge of Justice, and thereafter Presi­dent to the Senate, and one of the Kings honourable Privy Counsellors, and at last made by King James, Earl of Dum­fermling, and Lord High Chancellour of SCOTLAND; from whom, by his two Daughters he had two Grand Children, two matchless Hero's, John Duke of Lau­derdale, and John Earl of Tweeddale, both of them, as was said of Julius Caesar and Ca­to, Ingenti Uirtute, Men of most emi­nent Parts and Endowments.

Fortes creantur fortibus, & bonis
Est in Juvencis, est in equis patrum
Virtus: nec imbellem feroces
Progenerant aquilae columbam.

[Page]I come at last to your Lordships Father and Grand-Father, who imitating their Noble Ancestors, were notable examples of Love and Piety towards their Soveraign: both of great Humility and Goodness. Your Grand-Father was admirable, even to excess for Liberalitie to his other Children, and Ho­spitalitie to Freinds and Strangers, more be­coming a Prince, than a Subject. Your Mo­ther of the Renowned Gordons, a Paragon of Nature for her matchless Beauty and Good­ness, ‘Rara quidem facie; forma pulcherrima Dido.’

My Lord,

I have touched a little the Historie of your Familie, but cannot relate all it deserves. It is well done by others, and augmented by the Learned Notes of Sir Alexander Seton of Pitmeden, Knight Baronet, that honour­able Gentleman, one of the honourable Senators of the Colledge of Justice.

But for what end (my Lord) have I cele­brated the praises of your Predecessors? Is it because I have nothing to say of Your self? Far be it. Your large Possessions purchased by the [Page] Prudence and Heroick Valour of Your Fore-Fathers, are managed with Frugalitie and Moderation.

Non minor est virtus quam quaerere, parta tueri:
Casus inest illic, hic erit artis opus.

The ancient Honour and Dignitie of Your Fa­milie is preserved without the least stain or spot of Disloyalty; so that I may trulie say, as is ingraven upon the Frontispice of Your statelie Palace, Decus decori addis avito.

This Treatise is called Satans Invi­sible UUorld Discovered, but I am ascertain'd, that by Your transcendent Skill, you have discovered an Invisible World, far beyond what any of your Ancestors could do; I mean your subterraneous World, a work for a Prince, and a Subject to Write of, by that great Philosopher Kircher. What Me­anders and Boutgates are in it, are rather to be admired then beleived. There Daedalus for all his skill would mistake his way? What running of Mines, and Levels? What piercing of Gaes? What cutting of impreg­nable Rocks, with more difficultie, than [Page] Hannibal cutted the Alpes.

—Qui montes rupit aceto.

What Deep-Pits, and Air-holes are dig­ged! What diligence to prevent Damps, which kill Men and beasts in a moment! What contriving of Pillars, for supporting houses and Churches, which are undermined! What floods of Water run thorow the Labyrinths, for several miles, by a free Level, as if they were conducted by a Guide! How doth Art and Nature strive together, which of the twain shall advance Your Lordships Interest most! What curious Mechanical Engines has Your Lordship, like another Archimedes, contrived for your Coal-works, and for draining of Coal-sinks! What a molimi­nous Rampier, hath Your Lordship begun, and near perfected, for a Harbour of deep Water, even at Neip-Tides!

Portus ab accessu ventorum immotus & ingens.

How bountiful has Nature been in forming a choice Coal under ground, within a stone-cast of your New-haven?

[Page]Your Experimental Skill in improving your Coal, for making of Salt, is praise worthie. Your defending of the Salt-pans against the imperious Waves of the raging Sea, from the N.E, is singular. Your renting of Rocks, for clearing of Passages into Your Harbours, which none of your Predecessors were able to do, is stupendious.

As the Result of the wise Government of your Affairs, redounds to your self, so does it to the publick. Advantage of the Countrie, and others, so that men may say, ‘— Te toti genitum se credere genti.’

How manie hundreds of Young and Old have their Beeing and Livelie-hood, by their dependence on your Lordships vertuous Acti­ons about the Coal and Salt, and things be­longing thereunto, who art your self the greatest Coal and Salt-Master in Scotland, who is a Nobleman, and the greatest Nobleman in Scotland, who is a Coal and Salt-Master; Nay, absolutelie the best for skill in both, of all Men in the Nation. What fruitful Corn-fields, where Ceres hath her chief habitation lye within the Prospect of your dwelling house at Seton▪ Which [Page] perswades me to maintain this Paradox, There is no Subject in Britan has so much Casual and Land-Revenue within a mile of his house, as your Lordship has.

In a word, your Affability in Converse, your Sobriety in Dyet and Apparel, your Friendship and Kindness to Your Freinds, your Candor and Ingenuity, with the pru­dent management of your Affairs, have in­deared all Men to You; So that I may say, If your Predecessors were famous of Old for their Feates of War, in the time of War, so is your Lordship famous for your Arts of Peace, in the time of Peace. But, my Lord, I fear I am wearisome, and therefore I shall close as I began, imploring your Patrocination to this small Enchi­ridion. And as I have been long since Devoted to You in all Dutie and Love, so shall I fervent­lie pray for Your Preservation and Happiness here and hereafter, while I live, and shall think my self happie to be under the Character of Your Lordships,

Most Dutiful and Obedient Servant, GEORGE SINCLAR.

In Auctorem & Opus, Encomiasticon.

MIramur tam multa tui monumenta Georgi
Ingenii & claram famam, quam scripta per orbem
Conciliant docta dum lucubrata quotannis
Conspicimus tot missa manu: dum falsa refutas
Dogmata divini pandens mysteria verbi;
Et monstras rectum per tanta pericula callem,
Quo sacrae veritatis amans, incedere possit
Tutusiter, sacro firmatus lumine mentem:
Et vero faciles non flectat tramite gressus.
Nunc aliud conaris opus, regnique recludis
Atria Tartarei, qualisque potentia diti
Sit permissa Dei rerum cui summa potestas
Consilio sapiente doces, & quanta sit ejus
Impietas, quae dira paret, semperque minetur
Exitia humano generi, quae funera saevus
Ediderit, miserasque animas demiserit orco.
Mira etiam sed vera refers simulachra per urbes
Visa per obscurum noctis errantia passim,
Horrendum dictuque nefas animasque Sepulchris
Excitas, notos, questu implevisse penates
Confessasque suae non ullis cognita vitae
Crimina, Medeas artes, aut foedera diri
Servitii stygio se cum pepigisse tyranno
Aut caedem graviusve nefas. Nec longe petitis
Uteris exemplis, sed quae vicinior aetas
Protulit, & nostris etiam conspeximus oris.
Esse igitur manes, & subterranea regna.
Et flammâ & stygio; stagnantem sulphure lacum
Atque animas, queis posse mori natura negavit
Qui dubitent cum haecmira legant, at (que) affore tempus
Quo tandem notis redeant corporibus omnes
Spiritus, exactae capiant & praemia vitae.
Ergo homines horum memores, dum certa facultas
[Page]Dum ratio tempuf (que) finunt, & carpitis auras
Aethereas, properate gradum, pacemque verendi
Numinis, & veniam vestris exposcite factis.
Tu quoque de vera sic relligione mereri
Perge modo quo coepisti Sinclare, tuisque
Non deerit laus digna piis conatibus unquam:
Postera sed vestros celebrabit fama labores.
Patricius Sinclarus.

REader, if thou call in question, what I have said in the Preface, anent the Number of these absurd Te­nets, maintained by the Cartesian Philosophers abroad. I refer thee, for full satisfaction, to Petrus van Mastrick, that famous Professor of Theology at Utricht, who in his late Book entituled Gangraena Carte sianismi, has set them all down, and far more than I have mentioned, cit­ing Author, Book, and Page, and has notably confuted them. For proof of what I have written anent these o­ther Tenets, mentioned in the last Page of the Book, see Malebranche his Books, La Recherche de la Verite. De la Nature, & de la Grace, and his Meditations Chrestiens, together with Mr. Arnaulds Book de Vraes, & de Fausses Idees, where all these opinions are ridiculed, and most rationally confuted.


MY Purpose is only by some few Collections to prove the existence of Devils, Spirits, Witches, and Apparitions. The Philosophical Arguments, which are brought for this end, though very cogent, yet many of them are so profound and speculative, that they require a greater attenti­on and sagacity, than many learned men, that are not used to consider, will allow. Neither can the common and vulgar sort of Readers, reach the un­derstanding of such Reasonings. Therefore I judge they are best convinced by proofs which come near­est to Sense, such as the following Relations are, which leave a deeper impression upon minds and more lasting, than thousands of subtile Metaphysical Arguments.

The Essay considered in it self, is but mean and of small moment, but taking it as it relates to one of the Out-works of Religion, which the bold, and too much daring Infidelity of some have assaultd, it will be thought seasonable, especially now, while Athe­ism, and Quakerism that Sink of, Folly and Madness (as one calls it) out of which there is no great leap into the other, doth now so much obtain. And while Parties venting there animosities one against another and men scrambling for Conceits, and their own pri­vate advantadges, do not see how this damnable e­vill, a lesson never believed in Hell, Nullus in Inferno [Page] Atheus est, ante fuit, comes on by large Strides, and enters the Breach, which they have made. If this prevail, farewell all Religion, all Faith, all hope of a life to come. Let us eat and drink for to morrow we must die. Sober and wise men have often said, if they did not believe to live again, they would not desire to live a Moment.

The Relations are plain and easy, and all of them may be attested by Authentick Records, or by famous witnesses, There are here, no old Wives trattles a­bout the fire, but such as may bide the Test, and strick trial of any mans examination. What belief can be given to any human histories, and matters of Fact, related by famous Writters, as much may be given to these following Relations. I have collected some of them from Saducismus Triumphatus, that excel­lent Book composed by Doctor Glanvil, and Doctor More, and the rest are purchased from Persons of e­minent honesty and Faith. This Book is not the worse, but the better, that I have transcribed some of the choisest Relations there, and insert them here. It is not possible to write a Book of this Nature, but the Author must collect, since it depends, not upon a Mans own Invention, but essentially upon Infor­mation from others. The advantage lays here, that a man may have this Book for a small Price, though no other Relations had been in it, but what are there. Whereas that other Book cannot be sold in the Shops under six or seven shillings. There is one Relation here, viz, the Devil of Glenluce, which I have been at great pains to be informed of, which Doctor More hath so much valued that he hath taken it word by word from my Hydrostaticks, and has thought it worth his while to insert it among his Relations. It is now enlarged by many excellent Additions, and [Page] publishd here again. None yet, that ever I heard of had the confidence to say, that it was but a Trick, and an imposture to amuze and wonderstricke simple and credulous persons. I believe, if the Obduredest Athe­ist among men, would seriously and in good earnest consider that Relation, and ponder all the Circum­stances thereof, would presently cry out, as a Dr: of Physick did, hearing a Story less considerable. If this be true, I have been in the wrong Closs all this time, I must begin my Account a new. This one Relation is worth all the price that can be given for the Book. Some indeed have also said, that the Daemon of Ted­worth, was but an imposture, and that Doctor Glanvil confessed so much himself, but he hath sufficiently vindicate that, Men only speak as they would have it. Glad would many be, if all such Relations were ac­knowleged to be but Tricks and Waggeries, that they might live as they list; Because men are horribly a­frayed to believe there should be any Spirit; lest there should be a Devil, and an account after this life: They are impatient of any thing that implyes it, that they may with a more full swing, and with all security from an after reckoning indulge their lusts, living like Brutes, and dying so. I have in­sert likewise a notable Story of the Devil that trou­bled a Protestant Ministers house, at Mascon in France, to let see, that none can plead a protection from his malice. The Devil endeavours more to smite the Shepherd, than any of the Flock, though he be an ut­ter enemy to both. Many worthy Ministers of the Gospel have been the Butt of the Devils malice, an instance whereof is clear from the twentieth and first Relation.

But what are the Reasons, why there is so much disbelief of Devils, Witches, and Apparitions? There [Page] is first an affected humour in many to Droll, Scoff' and Mock at all such Relations, and are rather wil­ling to believe a World in the Moon, than the truth of such a Narrative. And Witchcraft being a large Sub­ject to expatiat upon, men find ample occasion to speak of Cheats▪ and Impostors, of Jugling Tricks, of Melancholious fits of distempered Persons, of old Wives Fables, which they talk of at an high rate, and so conclude by their Frolick and wanton Fancy▪ that whatever is spoken by sober men, anent the reality of witches, and Spirits, are but ridiculous, and in­consistent with reason. And to this purpose the Drolling Wagge actuating and elevating his Scoffing Vein, especially with a Glass of good Claret, quibles luckily, and by making others laugh, they think him, and he thinks himself, a third Cato fallen from Heaven. Whereas he is but a man like his Neigh­bours. And though at first, he only intended to play the Wanton, yet by such frequent Merriments (as a man by lying in sport, comes at last, by an habit, to lye in earnest) his reason becomes an o­bedient slave to his Fancy, and concludes in serious­ness, there are neither Devils nor Witches. The half-witted hearers admire him, and take every Jest for an Argument, and his loud laughs upon an idle tale of a Devil or a Witch for Demonstrations, that no such Creatures are. The other reason, why Folk disbelieve Witches and Spirits, is Atheism. For if a man take good notice, he will find there is of it lurking at the root of the Saducean Principle. 'Tis probable that the Saducees in Christs time, were as great Patrons and Advocates of Witches, as ei­ther Scot the Inglishman; the Father of the Witch Pa­trons, whom King Iames mentions in his Demonology, or Webster, Wagstaff. or the Author of the Namle Pamphlet. Printed Anno 1659.

[Page]A third Reason is, Because it is commonly be­lieved that many innocent Persons have suffered as Witches, especially such as have b [...]en Tortur'd to a Confession. Let it be so, but will it follow, that all suffer after that manner, And though many of their Confessions seem ridiculous, as their Trans­formation into Catts and Hares, and their Transporta­tion into far Countreys which is evident enough; Yet such things as their renouncing their Baptism, and giving up themselves from Top to Toe, to the Devils service and receiving his Mark (they willing to take it) and injunctions to do all manner of evil, cannot be thought ridiculous. If we can believe, that the Devil can speak with an audible voice, and come under a visible shape, as is very probable, he appeared to our Savior, why should it be thought incredible, that he may not do the like to Men and Women. Satan of­fered to make a fair bargan with Christ; if thou wilt fall down (says he) and worship me, I will give thee all these Kingdoms. Why (much more) may he not make compacts with men and Women? If Witchcraft, were but a new Trade, which had ne­ver been heard of before, and but a few in a coun­trey-side, that profest their skill in it, and told such foolish stories of themselves, that man might be esteemed singular, that would believe them. But since this employment hath been verified by Millions in all ages, in all places, and hath obtained the general approbation of all sober judicious men, but especially so well verified from holy Scripture, why should any man as Webster and Wagstaff, judge all Witchcraft but delusions. Samuel said to Saul, that Rebellion was like the sin of Witchcraft; that is, the one is as great a sin as the other. Would ever the Spirit of God compare Rebellion, especially against himself, to a [Page] non-ens, to a thing that is not, or to Jugling Tricks, or Legerdemain, such as the Hocus Pocusses play. Were Jannes and Jambres the Egyptain Magicians, who withstood Moses, only two Juglers, or couzening Rogues, that cast down before Pharoah carved and painted Serpents instead of real ones. They have been very artificially done, that the true Serpents mistook them for real ones. It was a Victory to brag of indeed, that Moses obtained over Pharoahs Magicians, if they were but arrant Cheats, who had no more to do with evil Spirits, or evil Spirits with them, then evil Spirits have to do with other Sinners. There is that well known place, Exod. 22.18. Thou shalt not suffer a Witch to live, which would be a Law of extream severity, or rather cruelty against a poor Jugler for his tricks of Legerdemain. Why is Witchcraft call'd a Work of the Flesh, and reckoned up among the rest of these damnable sins, Gal. 5. The Greek word is Pharmakeia, veneficium, Sorcery, or the Art of poysoning, whereof they have great skill from the old Drugist their Master. Not that they mischieve people ordinarly by natural poyson, as Arsenick, or the like, but rather by some hellish ma­lignancy infused into things, by the art and malice of the Devil. It is such a poyson, that no Alexiphar­macon or Orvieton can be an Antidote against. Men and Women have been wronged by the touch of a Witches hand, by the breath, and kiss of their mouth, as is well known of late. By their looks, which is called Fascinatio physica, a Forelook or Ill-eyes. The Greek word is Bascania, from Bascaino to bewitch or envy, quasi phasei kaino, oculis interficio, as when a Witch sendeth forth from her heart thorow her eyes venemous and poysonful Spirits, as Rayes, which lighting upon a man, will kill him. The Basilisk [Page] killeth this way, But the Devil and the Basilisk are both Serpents. What was Simon Magus? But especially that notable Magician Apollonius Thianeus, one beyond most that ever the World knew. And that Damsel possessed with a Spirit of Divination: in the Greek a Spirit of Python, by which name Apollo (the Devil) was called by the Heathens.

The Witch of Endor is so notable and evident an instance of Confederacy with the Devil, that the Witch Patrons to find an evasion, have set theit wits upon the Rack. But it is such a Choak-pear to them as that they shall never be able to Chew or Swallow. Doctor Glanvile maintains, it was the true Samuel that appeared to Saul. But it is far more probable that it was the Devil in Samuels lickness. For it is most incredible, that GOD who had just now re­fused to answer Saul, by the means which himself had appointed, would answer him, or suffer Sam­uel to answer him, by the use of those means, which GOD detested. Secondly, if it had been the true Samuel, or some Good Spirit, he would not have re­ceived that worship from Saul, which Good Spirits would not suffer; Rev. 19.10. and 22.8, 9. Thirdly, Among the other sins, for which he condemneth Saul, he omitteth this of asking counsel of one that had a Familiar Spirit to enquire of it, for which trans­gression with others he is expresly said to have died; 1 Chron. 10.13. Which the true Samuel who was so zealous for GODS honour and so faithful a reprover of sin, would never have neglected, especially now▪ when he took Saul, in the very fact, Lastly, he pre­tends himself to be disquieted and brought up by Sauls instigation, and the Witches Art, which is most false, impious, and absurd to imagine concern­ing those blessed souls who are returned to their [Page] God; Eccl. 12.7. Isa. 57.2. Luke 16.22. Rev. 13.14.

Many in all Ages have written of Devilry and Witchcraft, Men of eminent Knowledge and Parts, as we may see by one instance of King Iames his De­monology, a piece as far beyond all other mens writ­tings on that subject; as himself was beyond all Prin­ces in his time. I cannot omit to mention the opi­nion of His Majesties present Advocat, (Sir George Mackenzie,) a Gentleman of great knowledge and experience in all such Matters, in his 16. Pleading for Mevia accused of Witchcraft; I am not of their Opinion (sayes he) who deny that there are Witches, though I think them not numerous, and though I believe that some are suffered by Providence, to the end that the beeing of Spirits may not be denyed, &c. And in his Criminals, he acteth the part both of a Divine, a Lawyer, and a good Philosopher, in order to Witchcraft.

But what can be the reason of so much Atheism in the World? There are many, but I shall only touch at two: First, there are a monstruous rable of men, who following the Hobbesian and Spinosian Principles, slight Religion, and undervalue the Scripture, be­cause there is such an express mention of Spirits and Angels in it, which their thick and plumbeous capa­cities cannot conceive. Whereupon they think, that all contained in the Universe comes under the notion of things matterial, and bodies only; and consequently, no GOD, no Devil, no Spirit, no Witch. Hobbs the Inglishman is too well known by his Atheistical writtings. Benedictus Spinosa, or ra­ther Maledictus; a stranger abroad, a profain abu­ser of the Scripture; will have all those De­vils, which CHRIST and his Disciples cast out, to [Page] be but Diseases in mens Bodies.

There is a second Reason, namely the absurd Principles of the Cartesian Philosophy, eagerly main­tained by Cartes his Followers, in their publick Writtings and Disputations abroad. They do not indeed assert, there is no GOD, but rather seem to prove so much, especially by his Idea, which is Con­natural to all men. This may seem a plausible rea­son, but when its put to the Test, or Touchston, it, with others of that kind, are not found sufficient, nor able to convince Atheists. That their Principles are absurd, and dangerous, I shall mention a few of them, which are owned and maintained publick­ly abroad, especially in Holland.

As (1) that we must doubt of all things, before we can come to any clear distinct knowledge of them. We must suppose (they say) there is no God, no Heavens, no Earth; nay which a man ought to trem­ble at to speak of, that GOD is a deceiver. (2) They incroach upon the sound Orthodox Religion, and the Articles of our Faith, and go quite contrary to all Christian, and Protestant Divines, and would have the Orthodox Theology reformed by their fanatical Philosophy. (3) That Philosophy is not subservient, or an Hand-maid to Divinity. (4) That Philosophy is as sure, as Divine, and also revealed as the Scripture is. (5) That the Scripture in things Natural, speaks according to the erroneous opinion of the Vulgar. That Philosophy and Philosophers are the Interpreters of the Scripture in things Natural. (6) That the Scrip­ture in things Moral and Practical, speaks according to the erroneous Judgment and Opinion of the Vugar. (7) That the Scripture in matters of Faith speaks also according to the erroneous opinion of the vulgar. (8) That Philosophy is the infallible Interpreter [Page] of the Scripture. (9) That the Cortesians their Clear and Distinct Perception is the onely Rule of all Truth. (10) That there is in every man an Idea of GOD, without the Consideration of which, no man can at­tain to the knowledge of Gods Existence, and Na­ture, though he were never so well furnished with the light of Nature, and the knowledge of the works of Creation and Providence. (11) That GOD may be properly defined. (12) That the Divine Essence consists only in Cogitation. (13) That GOD can­not properly be called a Spirit; because (say they) a Spirit, to speak properly, denotes some corpo­real thing. (14) That the life which the Scripture attributes to GOD, and whereby he is called the Living GOD, is nothing else but his Understanding and his Will. (15) That GOD by his power can make one thing contradictory to another, (16) That GOD can deceive, if he please. (17) That GOD can make an Infinitum, both as to bulk and number. (18) That God is From himself, not on­ly Negative, but also Positive. That is, he is not only Independent from all things whatsoever, but is from himself, as if he were the cause of himself both prior and posterior to himself. (19) That his Omnipresence, is nothing else, but his most Effi­cacious Will, by which he sustains and governs all things. (20) That the Mysterie of the Trinity, may be demonstrat by Natural Reason. (21) That the Communicability of the Divine Essence, doth not arise from its infinitness. (22) That the three Per­sons of the God-head are neither distinguished a­mong themselves, Really, nor Modaliter. (23) That the three Persons, are neither distinguished from the Divine Essence, Really, nor Modaliter, nor ratione ratiocinat [...]. (24) That in Explaining [Page] the Work of Creation, we may lawfully make use of false Suppositions. (25) That the first Chaos, was able of it felf, to produce all things material. (26) That God did not creat all things for Man. (27) That the World hath a Soul. (28) That the world as to its bulk is indefinite, but may be infinite. (29) That there is a world in the Moon. (30) That the Angels might have existed and been; before the world was made. (31) That the Essence of Angels consists only in Cogitation. (32) That what mar­vellous works have been performed by Angels (as killing an hundred fourscore and five thousand of the Assyrians) wer done by their bare thought and Co­gitation. (33) That the Essence of the Soul of man consists only in Cogitation. (34) That every man hath two Souls, one Rational the other Animal. (35) That the Rational Soul may be absent, and yet the Bodie living, by vertue of the Animal Soul. This (by the way) is a brave invention to let see how Witches may be transported to Balls of Danc­ing, and far countreys, and their Bodies tary at home. For the Devil may put their Rational Soul into some Aerial Vehicle, or a Body made of condensed Air, and carry it whithersoever he pleases, while the Animal Soul may keep life in the Body at home. (36) That it is proper only to the Will to affirm, and deny. (37) That the will is infinite after its own manner, and that it can will all things which God can will. (40) That the Idea of God in man, belongs to the Image of God in man. (41) That Brutes want life, sense and Perception. (42) They confound Gods Om­nipresence with his Providence. (43) That the ex­plication of Original sin, is to be sought for, from the inmost Cabins of the Cartesian Philosophy. (44) That the Intellect doth not err, nor can err. (45) [Page] That it is in the Will of Man, not to assent, but to things clearly and distinctly perceived. (46) That the Decree of God leaves the free actions of men, indetermined. (47) That the Personal Subsi­stence, namely, that Subsistence, by which the Humane Nature subsists is but a meer figment of Divines. (48) That the Divine Nature cannot be present, or united to the humane Nature, but by an external operation. (49) That Grace in the Conversion of a man is not irresistable. (50) That Faith is not Knowledge. (51) That Faith doth not belong to the Understanding. (52) That Faith consists only in hungering and thristing after Righteousness. (53) That Death is not the sepa­ration of the Soul and Body. (54) That the Resur­rection is not the re-union of the Soul and the Body. (55) That the Souls of the Righteous do not pro­perly pass immediatly into heaven. (56) That the Souls of the wicked do not presently pass into hell. These are a part of the Cartesian Tenets. What danger­ous Principles they are, and what dreadful consequences may be drawn from them, is evident to all sober men. James Arminius, and his followers called Remonstrantes bred much trouble to the Belgick Churches:, but not comparable, to what this man Cartes, especially his Followers, have done. The Arminian Tenets were but five in number, as to heads and had some shaddow of Reason. But the Cartesian Novelties far exceed the number of heads, which the Hydra or Lernean Serpent had. They are big with, and ready to be delivered of Vaninianism, Arianism, Socinianism, Vorstianism, Nestorianism. Novitates Cartesianae (says a learned man) multis parasangis supera [...]t Arminianas, the Cartesian Novelties go far be­yond, for number and weight the Arminian Tenets. [Page] They not only gnaw about ( arrodunt) as a Gangren, but ( exedunt) they eat up the most part of the whole body of Theology, to the utter ruin of the Christian Faith. Let no man mistake me, for its not my de­sign to discourage any man that teaches or learns new Philosophy. Ego ipse amo novam Philosophiam; verum non quia est nova, sed quia est bona. It is very fit, that Students in Philosophy, should have ex omni aliquid, should know all the different sects and opi­nions of learned men, for their accomplishment, providing first, as the Great Philosopher says, this Axiom be observed, Quicquid movetur aliquo quiescente movetur. There ought to be layed down some sure principles, as a foundation upon which Students may walk surely, which for their evidence and certainty, may never be called in question. Archimedes said well when one asked him, If he was able to move the Earth with his Mechanical Engines? da ubi stabo, & terram movebo. Give me a place to stand upon (says he) and I shal move the Earth; intimating, that no desing how small, or how great soever can be accomplish­ed without sure grounds layed down first as a foun­dation: otherwise men might resolve to build Cast­les in the Air.

To put an end to this matter, I shall inquire at the Witch Patrons, why Pharo's Magicians, were not able by their Inchantments to turn the dust of Egypt into lice, as Aaron did with his Rod. They cast down their counterfeit Serpents, turn water into blood, brought up Frogs upon the Land of Egypt; and yet were not able to produce Lice, the meanest of all Vermin. It is said, the Magicians did so with their Inchantments, that is, they endeavoured by their Magical Art to do it, but could not, for say they to Pharo, the Finger of God is in this; for neither we nor [Page] the Devil our Master can counterfeit this Miracle. It must be said, that either the Lord laid an inhibition upon these Evil assisting Spirits, that they had no power to withstand Moses any longer, or (if these Sorcerers were onely men, that used Legerde­main and slight of hand) that he restrained them from playing their tricks any more. If the first be granted then there must be wretched Wights, that do strange Miraculous things by the assistence or consociation of evil Spirits, and consequently Wizzards or He-Witches. If the second be said, Viz, that the Lord only restrained these Juglers from using bare slight of hand, then what will not follow. First, that poor Jugling Fellows, were able to contend and de­bate with Moses, who was immediately assisted by the power of GOD. Secondly, that this victory, which Moses obtained over these men, was but mean and small, not to be boasted of, which is the basest De­rogation to the glory of that victory, and the vilest reproach against the God of Israel, and his Servant Moses, that ever was heard of. It is evident that this conflict was between the Kingdom of light, and the Kingdom of darkness, and the evil Spirits thereof. And is it likely that the Spirit of GOD, would com­pare seducers, men of corrupt mindes, reprobate concerning the Faith, nay the worst of men (2 Tim. 3. from the first to the 9. verses.) to Jannes and Jambres, if they had been but Cheats, and Juglers. They have been famous at that time for their Sorce­ries, that they were remembred many years after, as witness Numenius the Pythagorean Philosopher, that mentions Jannes, and Pliny that mentions that same Wizzard. The Lord put such an affront upon the Devil, and his instruments, while they were not [Page] able to produce a Louse, that they never compeired again with their enchantments. This was a part of that Glorious Victory.

Speaking of the Cartesian Philosophy, I forgot to Relate that Mr. Forbes one of the Regents of the Kings Colledge of Aberdeen, has this year in his publick Theses, confuted the chiefest points of the Cartesian Philosophy, both Iudiciously, and Modestly.

My little Book, I send thee forth into the World where some will welcome thee, some mock thee, some contradict thee, be not discouraged, though thou be the youngest of five. Degeneres animos timor arguit. Thy Brethren before thee, have met with foul and maleapart Censures.

Tune cede malis; sed contra audentior ito,
Quam tua te fortuna sinet.

Say with valiant Aeneas, when the Prophetess Sibylla was shewing him what bad fortune he was to meet with—Non ulla laborum

O Virgo, nova mi facies inopinave sur­git
Omnia praecepi, atque animo mecum ante peregi.
Per varios casus per tot discrimina re­rum
Tendimus in Latium.

Carmen Steliteutieon.


SATANS INVISIBLE World DISCOUERED: Or, A choice Collection of Relations anent Devils, Spirits, Witches, and Ap­paritions.

RELATION I. Touching the Troubles which Sir George Maxwel of Pollok met with from the Devil and his Haggs.


I Send you herewith the true Account, my Father caused me write from his own mouth, which is the surest Relation I can give, either of his own trouble, or what concerns Jennet Dowglas, the first dis­coverer of these Pictures. There fell out some less matterial circumstances in the Family during her abode there, whereby it fully ap­peared, [Page 2] that she knew what was done in di­stant places, and understood Languages. For instance, when a Chapter in the Greek New-Testament was read, she made us understand by signs what the purposes were, (for at that time she was dumb, whether really or counter­feitly, its hard to determine) and did ex­actly give an account to my self, what we did at two miles distance from the place where she was, without any information given to her, which I know of.

I rest your affectionat Friend, John Maxwel.

Vpon the 14. of October, 1676. my Fa­ther was surprised at Glasgow, in the night time, with a hot and firy distemper; and coming home the next day, he was fixed to his bed. The Physician fearing a Pleurisy, and a Fever, opened a vein, and the application of Medicaments being made, the firy heat was a­bated; he remaining for seven weeks together under a great pain chiefly in his right side, though not fixed to his bed. There had come to Pollok-town a young dumb Girle, but from whence was not known, who had remained [Page 3] there for four weeks before, but seldom fre­quenting Sir George Maxwels house, till at length she came to some more familiarity, and converse with his two Daughters. And having observed Sir George sick, and weak in his bo­dy, she signified unto them, That there was a woman, whose son had broke his fruit-yeard, that did prick him in the sides.

And seeing this woman one day in the Hall of Pollok amongst a great many other company, she assured his Daughters that this was the woman. And the day following, she told the Gentlewomen, That this woman (whose name was Jennet Mathie, relict of John Stewart, under-Miller in Schaw-Mill) had formed an Wax-Picture, with pins in the side, which was to be found in her house, in a holl behind the fire, offering to bring it unto them, providing she were accom­panied with men to protect her from vi­olence. At first, they hardly understood her, till she went to one of the Gentlewomens closets, and bringing thence a little Bee-wax, she plyed it before the fire, shewing the dimensions and quantities of the Picture. The Gentlewomen not regarded the information, because they thought it fabulous; yet his two servants [Page 4] Laurence Pollok, and Andrew Martine, knowing how much the Girle loved their Ma­ster, and knowing that his life was in hazard, if this picture were not found; resolved at all adventure, to try whether the information were true or false; and therefore going alongs with her to the said Jennet Mathies house, one of them planted himself on the one side of the fire, and the other on the other side, while in the mean time, the little Girle coming quickly by Laurence Pollok, putteth her hand in the holl behind the fire, and then slips into Andrew Martine, beneath his cloak the Waxen-effigie, which had two pins in it, one in each side, but that in the right side, so long as to pierce thorow to the other; that in the left was not so long, nor so deeply thrust in. This picture be­ing brought to Pollok, Sir George his Son, without acquainting his Father, apprehended Jennet Mathie, procuring the next day, the Lord Ross his order for conveying her to prison. She being interrogat touching the Picture, after several subterfuges, alledges, It was the deed of the dumb Girl.

It was also enquired, whether Sir George or his Lady had given her at any time provocation to this malice? But it was well known, they had been courteous to her, and upon [Page 5] her complaints, had rebuked some for spreading bad reports upon her name, as not appearing sufficiently well founded to a conviction. Only upon the 14 of October, above specified, be­fore Sir George went to Glasgow, he had called before him a servant in Pollock-toun, that had broken his Orchard in harvest last, who confest the fact, and that Hugh-Stewart a son of Jennet Mathies, was his complice. But a bystander declared, that he was not now in Pollok-land, but in the Darn­lie. To whom Sir George replied, I hope my fingers may reach him in Darnlie. This was all, which could be thought a provo­cation to Mathie. No harme being done in the mean time to her son, whom Sir George to this hour doth not so much as know by the face, but hath suffered him all the time of his sickness to live in his mothers house, evensince her imprisonment. In the mean time▪ Mathie remaining obstinat, was searched for insensi­ble marks, before the Sheriff Depute of Ren­frew, and many famous witnesses at Paisley, and very many found upon her.

After the finding of the Picture of wax fore­said, there was some abatement of Sir George his sickness, but not to any observable degree, [Page 6] so low was he brought. But upon the fourth of January following, his sickness recurred with that violence, that for four or five days, his friends and relations had no great confidence of his life. But they were more amazed on the 7th. of January, being the Sabbath day when they had an express from the dumb Girle, who was at Pollok-town, but could not get over the water to the house, the River being so swelled at that time) signifying, that John Stewart, Mathies eldest son, had four days since formed an Effigie of clay, for taking away Sir George his life. And when she was called for, she declared, it was in his house, beneath the bolster among the Bed-straw.

The next day following, James Dunlope of Houshill, and Ludowick Stewart of Achinhood, with some of Sir George his servants, and tennents, went to Stewarts house, taking the little Girle with them, re­solving to make a very exact trial, that it might not be said, that the dumb Girle had brought any thing hither. Wherefore, they caused John Stewart himself to light a candle and hold it, while Ludowick Stewart, and another did in his sight, lift the Clay Effigie from among the bed-straw, beneath the bolster [Page 7] (the little Girle, all the while standing at a distance from the place) but the picture having been made, only three or four dayes before, and not sufficiently hard, did break into two pieces. In it were three pins, one in each side, and one in the breast. Stewart had nothing to say for himself, but that he knew not, who had put that thing there. He was instantly apprehend­ed, and so was a little sister of his lately entered into the fourteenth year of her age, named An­nabil Stewart, who was said to have whis­pered before, some-what of the waxen Effigie. This poor creature proved thereafter through Gods favour a key to the detection of making both the Pictures.

At first, she was very obstinate, but the next day she confessed, that be­ing present in her brothers house, the fourth of January while the clay picture was formed, the black Gentleman being present, (which was the name she gave the Devil) together with Bessie Weir, Marjorie Craig, Margaret Jacksone, and her brother John: but when confronted with her brother, she did not with confidence adher to her confession. Vpon the finding of this picture, Sir George did very observably re­cover in his health, and all the pain, which [Page 8] was in his side did by degrees wear away.

Iohn Stewart remained, notwithstanding his sisters confession above measure obstinct, un­till he was searched the next day for insensible marks, whereof he had great plenty. At the finding whereof, he was so confounded, that immediatly he confest his paction with the Devil, and almost all the other heads exprest in his judicial confession afterwritten; And declared, that his complices who form­ed the Effigie with him were the same, his sister had named. She also came to a free and full confession of her paction with the Devil, and her accession to the forming both of the waxen picture in her mothers house, and of the clay one in her brothers house.

Vpon information of the premisses, the Earle of Dundonald and the Lord Ross, granted a warrant for apprehending Bessie Weir, Margaret Jackson, and Marjorie Craig, who had been fellow sisters in the fore­said sorcerie.

Margaret Jackson, a woman aged about fourscore of years, after a day or two, con­fessed paction with the Devil, and her accession to the making of both the Pictures, and con­descended upon the complices above named. Many insensible marks were found in her body.

[Page 9]Vpon the 17 of January last a third por­trait of clay was found under Jennet Mathies bolster in the prison-house of Paisly, which the dumb Girle had given information of. But it seemed to be the picture of some Woman, and probably of some of the Family of Pollok. For Annabil Stewart did freely declare, that their malice was against the whole Fa­mily of Pollok. For turning to young Pollok, and his Lady, she said, and a­gainst you also. This portrait was found before four famous witnesses.

The Lords of His Majesties Privy Coun­cil, being informed of these Pictures and Ef­figies, the depositions of three confessing Witches being sent, did grant a Commission for their trial, and also for the trial of the other three, that were obstinat. And in regard of the singularity of the case, they ordered the Process to be very solemn, Commissionating for the trial some judicious Gentlemen in the countrey. viz. Sir Patrick Gauston of Gauston, James Brisband of Bishoptoun, Sir John Shaw younger of Greenock, and John An­derson younger of Dovehill. To whom they added Mr. John Preston Advocat (a Gentleman well seen in Criminals, and who [Page 10] exercised the office of a Justice-Depute for several years) a Sine quo non, in the Com­mission. And that the whole Process might be the more exact, they appointed George Lord Ross Assessor, with power to Vote, and Decide. And further ordered Mr. Robert Martine Clerk to the Justice Court, to be Clerk to the Process, which was to be recorded in the publick books of Adjournal.

The Commissioners of Justiciarie held their first Court at Paisly, the 27 of Ianuary; before whom Annabil Stewart deponed that in Harvest last, the Devil in the shape of a black man, had come to her Mothers house, and required the Deponent to give her self up to him, and that the Devil promised, she should not want any thing that was good. That being, enticed by her Mother Jennet Mathie, and Bessie Weir, who was Offi­cer to their several meetings, she did put her one hand to the crown of her head and the other to the sole of her foot, and did give up her self soul and body (whole seal here is bad seal) to the devil. That her mother promised her a new Coat, for the doing of it. That the new name the Devil gave her, was Annippy. That he took her [Page 11] by the hand, and nipped her arm, which con­tinued to be sore for the space of half an hour. That the Devil in the shape of a black man lay with her in the bed, under the Cloaths. That she found him cold. That thereafter he placed her nearest to himself. That she was present in her mothers house, where the Picture of wax was made, and that it was made to represent Sir George Maxwel of Pollok. That the black man, Jennet Mathie her Mother, whose name was from the devil Lands-lady; Bessie Weir, whose name was Sopha, Mar­jorie Craig, whose new name was Rigeru, Margaret Jackson whose new name was Locas, were all present at the forming, and making of the said effigie. That they bound it on a spit, and turned it about before the fire. And that it was turned by Bessie Weir, saying as she turned it, Sir George Maxwel, Sir George Maxwel, which was exprest by all of them. That this Picture was made in October last.

That upon the third day of Janua­ry following, Bessie Weir came to her Mo­thers house, and advertised her to come to her brother John Stewarts house, the following night by twelve a clock in the night. And that accordingly she came to the place, where she [Page 12] found Bessie Weir, Marjorie Craig, Mar­garet Jackson, and her brother John Ste­wart, a Man with black cloaths and a blew band, and white handcuffs, with hoggers on his feet, and that his feet were cloven. That she sat down at the fire side with them, where they made a Picture of Clay, and placed pins in the breast, and in the sides. That they did place pins in the Picture of Wax, one in every side. That the black man did put the pins in­to the picture of Wax, but is not sure, who did thrust them into the Picture of Clay. That the Pictures produced, are the Pictures she saw made. That the black mans name is Ejoall.

This declaration was made before famous witnesses, subscrived by the two Notars pub­lick for her, Robert Park younger, Patrick Carswel in Paisley, and subscrived by the Commissioners.

John Stewart did judicially depone be­fore the Justices, that upon the third day of Ianuary instant, Bessie Weir in Pollok-toun came to him late at night. he being without doors at his own house. That she did intimate unto him, that [Page 31] there was a meeting to be at his house, the next night; and that the Devil in the shape of a black man, Margaret Jackson, Mar­jorie Craig, and the said Bessie Weir, were to be present, and that Bessie Weir required him to be present which he promised to do. That the next night, after he had gone to bed, the black man came in, and called him quietly by his name, upon which he arose from his bed, and put on his cloaths.

That Margaret Jackson, Bessie Weir, and Marjorie Craig, did enter in at the win­dow, in the Gavil of his house. And that the first thing, which the black man re­quired was, that he should renounce his Baptism, and deliver up himself wholly unto him, puting one of his hands, on the crown of his head, and the other to the sole of his foot. And that he was tempted hereunto by the Devil, promising he should not want any pleasure, and that he should get his heart sythe on all that should do him wrong. That the new name given to him by the Devil was Jonas. That thereafter the Devil re­quired every one of their consents, for the making an effigy of clay for taking away the life of Sir George Maxwel of Pollok, [Page 14] to revenge the taking of his mother Jennet Mathie. That every one of the Persons above named, did give their consent to the making of the said Effigie. And that they wrought the clay, and that the black man did make the figure of the head and face, and the two arms to the said Effigie. That the Devil set three pins in the samine, one in each side, and one in the breast. And that the said John did hold the candle all the while the Picture was a making. That he observed one of the black mans feet to be cloven, and that the black-mans apparel was black, and that he had a blew band about his neck, and white handcuffs, and that he had hoggers upon his legs without shooes, and that the black mans voice was hollow and ghousty. That after they had begun to the forming of the Picture, his sister Annabil (a child of 13 or 14 years of age) came knocking to the door, and she being let in by him, stayed with them a considerable time, but that she went away before the rest, he having opened the door unto her. That the rest went out at the window, thorow which they entered. That the Picture was placed by Bessie VVeir, in his Bed-straw. Further confessed, that he had envy and malice against the said Sir George. Her quarrel being, as he conceived, that Sir [Page 15] George, had not entered her husband to his harvest service. That the Effigie was made up­on the fourth of January last. And the Devils name amongst them was Ejoal. That the new name given to himself was Jonas, and Bessie VVeir her name, who was Officer, was Sopha. That Margaret Jacksons name from the Devil was Locas, and that his sisters name was Annipy, but doth not remem­ber what Marjorie Craigs name was. This confession had the same solemnities, which the former had.

Mar [...]aret Jackson, did the same day judicially confess, That she was present at the making of the first Effigie, which was made in Jennet Mathies house in October last, and that the Devil in the shape of a black man, Jen­net Mathie, Bessie VVeir, Marjorie Craig, and Annabil Stewart were present at the making of the said Effigie which was made to represent Sir George Maxwel of Pollok, for taking away his life. That 40 years since, or thereby, she was in Pollok-Shaws croft, with some few sticks on her back; that the black man came to her, and that she did give up her self to him from the top of her head, to the sole of her foot, having first renounced her Bap­tism.

[Page 16]And that the new name she had from the Devil was Locas. That about the third or fourth of January last, or thereby, in the night time when she had wakened, she found a man in the bed, whom she supposed, had been her hus­band, who had died twenty years before, or thereby, and that the man did immediatly disap­pear. And that this man was the Devil, and that this was the first time she knew him. That upon Thursday the fourth of January last, she was present in the house of John Stewart at night, when and where the Effigy of clay was made, and that she saw the black mans cloaths were black, and that he had white handcuffs, and that Bessie VVeir in Pol­lok town, and Annabil Stewart in Shaws, and Marjorie Craig were present the foresaid time and place at the making of the foresaid Effigy of clay. That she gave her consent to the making of the samine. That the Devil, who had appeared in the shape of a black man, his name was Ejoal. This confession had the same solemnities, which the two former had.

Vpon the fifteenth of February 1677, the Justices being conveened again in Court at Paisley, John Stewart, and Annabil Ste­wart, with Margaret Jackson, did adhere [Page 17] to their former judicial confession. But Jennet Mathie, Bessie Weir, and Marjorie Craig did obstinately deny. One remarkable passage there was concerning Jennet Mathie. The Iustice upon the 27 of January com­manded the Iaylour to fix her feet in the Stocks, that she might not do violence to her own life. The Man declared, That the next morning he found her bolster, which the night before was laid at least six yards distant from the Stocks, now placed beneath her; the Stocks being so heavy, that two of the strongest men in the Countrey could hardly have carried them six yards. He wondering, did ask her, how she had win to the bolster? She an­swered, That she had creept alongs the floor of the room, drawing the Stocks to the same place. And before the Court, she said, she had gotten one foot free out of the holl, and with the other had drawn the Stocks, a thing altogether impossible, the Stocks being so weigh­ty, nor she able to take out her foot out of the hole.

The Iustices having examined all witnesses in matters of fact, touching the Effigies, Sir George his sickness, and the recovery of his health, upon the finding of the same: considering also the bad fame of those who were obstinate [Page 18] and having confronted them with the confessing Witches, who in their faces avowed their acces­sion, in manner exprest, in the confession above written. Considering lastly, all other circumstan­ces of their case, committed them to the trial of a Judicious Inquest, who being found guil­ty were condemned to the fire to be burnt, and their Effigies with him. Only Annabil, in regard of her Nonage, and the evidences she seemed to give of her penitencie was reprived by order of Council, but to remain in Prison. In the mean time both she, and her brother John, did seriously exhort their Mother to confession, and with tears did Annabil put her in mind of the many Meetings she had with the Devil in her own house, and that a summers day would not be sufficient to relate what passages she had seen between the Devil and her. But nothing could prevail with her obdured and hardned heart.

It is to be noted, the dumb Girle, whose name was J [...]nnet Douglas doth now speak, nor very distinctly, yet so as she may be under­stood, and is a Person that most wonderfully discovers thines past, and doth also understand the Latine Tongue which she never learned.

RELATION. II. Being a Wonderful Discovery of Murder by an Apparition.

ABout the year of our Lord 1632. near un­to Chester in the Street, there lived one Walker, a yeoman of good estate, and a Widower, who had a young woman called Anna Walker to his kinswoman, that kept his house, who was by the Neighbours suspected [...]o be with child, and to as towards the dark of the evening one night sent away with one Mark Sharp, who was a Collier, or one that diged Coals under ground, and one who had been born in Blak-burne-Hundred in Lancashire, and so she was not heard of, for a long time, and no noise, or little was made about her. In the Winter time, one James Graham, be­ing a Miller, and living about two miles from the place, where Walker lived, was one night alone very late in the Mill grinding Corn. And as about twelve, or one a clock at night he came down the stairs, from having been put­ing Corn in the Hopper, the Mill-doors being shut, there stood a Woman upon the midst of the Floor with her hair about her head hang­ing down, and all bloody, with 5. large wounds [Page 20] on her head. He being much affrighted and amazed, began to bless himself, and at last asked her, who she was, and what she wanted? To whom she answered, I am the Spirit of such a Woman, who lived with Walker, and being got with child by him, he promised to send me to a private place, where I should be well lookt to, until I was brought to bed, and well recovered, and then I should come home again, and keep his house. And accordingly said the Apparition, I was one night late sent a­way with one Mark Sharp, who upon a Moor (naming a place which the Miller knew) slew me with a Pick (such as men dig Coals withal) and gave me these five wounds, and after threw my body into a Coal pit hard by, and hid the Pick under a bank: and his shoes, and stockings being bloody he endeavoured to wash: but seeing the blood would not wash forth, he hid them there. And the Apparation further told the Miller, that he must be the man to reveal it, or else that she must still appear and haunt him. The Miller returned home, very sad and heavy, and spoke not one word of what he had seen, but eshewed as much as he could to stay in the Mill after night without com­pany, [Page 21] thinking thereby to escape the seeing again of that frightful Apparition.

But notwithstanding, one night when it began to be dark, the Apparition met him again, and seemed very Fierce and Cruel, and threatned him, ( that if he did not reveal the Mur­der she would continually pursue and haunt him. Yet for all this, he still conceal­ed it, until some few nights before Christmas, when being soon after Sun-set walking in his Garden, she appeared again, and then so threatned him, and affrighted him, that he faithfully promised to reveal it the next morning.

In the morning he went to a Magistrate, and made the whole matter known, with all the circumstances. And diligent search being made the body was found in a Coal pit, with five wounds in the head, and the pick and shoes and stockings yet bloody, in every circumstance, as the Apparition had related to the Miller. Where­upon Walker & Sharp were both apprehended, but would confess nothing. At the Assize follow­ing, ( viz. at Durham) they were arraigned found guilty, condemned, and executed, but would never confess the fact. There are many per­sons yet alive that can remember this strange mur­der, and the discovery of it: for it was, & somtimes [Page 22] yet is, as much discoursed of in the North of England as any thing, that almost hath ever been heard of, and the Relation was printed, though now not to be gotten.

RELATION. III. Touching the Witch-Craft of Agnes Sympson.

THough this be of two old a date, to com­ply with the title of our Stories, yet being a true copy of Record so Authentick, though not so fresh, it may haply not be amiss briefly to name some effects, kinds, and circum­stances of her Sorcery; as her skill in Diseases, that the sickness of William Black was an Elf-shot. Her taking the sick Parties pains and sicknesses upon her self for a time, and then translating them to a third Person. Her use of long Scriptural Prayers and Rhyms, containing the main points of Christianity, so that she may seem to have been not so much a white Witch, as an holy Woman: Her use­ing of such Nonsensical Rhyms, for the instructing of ignorant people and teaching them to pray, as these two prayers, the Black and White Pater Noster in Meeter, in set [Page 23] Forms to be used Morning and Evening, and at other times, when occasion offered.

White Pater Noster,
God was my Foster.
He fostered me
Under the Book of Palm Tree.
Saint Michael was my Dame,
He was born at Bethelem.
He was made of flesh and blood,
God send me my right food:
My right food, and dyne two,
That I may to you Kirk go.
To read upon you sweet Book,
Which the Mighty God of Heaven shoop,
Open, open, Heavens Yaits,
Steik, steik, Hells Yaits.
All Saints be the better,
That hear the White Prayer, Pater Noster.

The Black Pater Noster runs thus.

Four newks in this house, for haly Angels,
A post in the midst, that's Christ Iesus,
Lucas, Marcus, Matthew, Joannes,
God be into this house, and all that bel [...]ngs us

[Page 24]But when she sought for an answer from the Devil upon any occasion, he appeared to her in the shape of a Dog, but the way of dis­missing, and Conjuring him to goe was thus, I charge thee to depart on the law thou lives on, as she did, when she dismist him, after her consulting him about the old Lady Edmistons sickness. But the manner how she raised the Devil, was with these words, Elva come and speak to me; who came in the lickness of a Dog. Her sailing with her Cum­mers, and fellow withes in a Boat to a ship, is very remarkable, where the Devil caused her and them to drink good Wine and bear with­out money, she neither seing the Mariners, nor the Mariners her. And after all, the Devil raised a wind, whereby the ship perished. Her Baptizing, and using other Ceremonies upon a Cat, with other Witches, to hinder Queen Ann, from coming into Scotland. Her raising of a Spirit to conjure a Picture of wax for destroying of Mr. Iohn Moscrope.

But to be more particular, I shall give you her own confession to King James. Item fyl­ed and convict of sameckle, that the Devil in mans lickness met her going out to the fields from her own house at Keith, betwixt five [Page 25] and six at even, being alone, and commanded her to be at North-berwick Kirk the next night. To which place she came on horse-back, conveyed by her Good-son, called Iohn Couper, and lighted at the Kirk-yeard, or a little before she came to it, about eleven hours at even. They danced along the Kirk-yeard, Geilie Duncan playing on a Trump, and Iohn Fein mussiled led the Ring. The said Agnes and her daughter followed next. Besides, there were Kate Gray George Moilis his wife, Robert Grierson Katharin Duncan, Bessie Wright, Isabel Gilmore, Iohn Graymail, Duncan Buchanan, Thomas Barnhil and his wife, Gilbert Mackgill, Iohn Mackgill, Katha­rine Mackgill with the rest of their Cum­mers above an hundred Persons, whereof there were six men, and all the rest women. The women made first their courtesy to their Maister, and then the men. The men turned nine times Widder-shines about, and the Women six times. Iohn Fein blew up the Kirk doors, and blew in the lights, which wer like Mickl black candles sticking round a­bout the Pulpit.

The Devil started up himself in the Pul­pit like a mickle black man, and calling the [Page 26] Row, every one answered Here, Mr. Robert Grierson being named, they all ran hirdie girdie, and were angry: for it was pro­mised he should be called Robert the Comp­troller, alias Rob the Rower, for exprim­ing of his name.

The first thing he demanded was, if they kept all promise, and had been good servants, and what they had done since the last time, they had con­veened. At his command they opened up three Graves, two within, and one without the Kirk, and cutted off from the dead Corps, the Ioints of their Fingers, Toes, and Niese, and par­ted them amongst them, and the said Agnes Sympson got for her Part, a Winding-sheet, and two Ioints. The Devil commanded them to keep the Ioynts upon them while they were dry, and then to make a powder of them, to do evil withall. Then he commanded them to keep his commandements, which were to do all the evil and mischief they could. Before they departed, and were dismist, they be­hoved to kiss his Arse, with reverence to the Reader. He had on him, an Gown, and an Coat, which were both black▪ And they that were assembled, part stood, and part sat. John Fein was ever nearest the Devil at his left Elbock, Graymail keeped the Door.

[Page 27]That which is observable in John Fien is, that the Devil ▪ appeared to him not in black, but in white raiment, but proposed as Hellish a Covenant to him as those Fiends that ap­pear in black. His Skimming on the sea in a boat, is remarkable, with those of his complices, and his foretelling the leak in the Queens Ship by the help of the Devil. His raising Winds with the rest, when the King sailed into Den­mark, by casting a Cat into the sea, which the Devil delivered to them, and taught them to cry Hola, when they first cast it in. His raising a Mist, at the Kings return from Denmark, by getting Satan to cast a thing like a Footbal, (it appearing to John like a Wisp) into the sea, which made a Reek to arise, whereby the Kings Majestie might be cast upon the coast of England. His opening of locks by Sorcery as one by mere blowing into a Womans hand, while he sate by the fire. His embarquing in a boat with other Witches, and all of them sailing over sea, and entering within a Ship, and drinking Good Wine and Ale there, and sinking the Ship, when they had done, with the Persons in it. His kissing Satans Arse, (with reverence) again at another Conventicle. His being swiftly carried above in the Air in chasing of a Cat to catch her, to [Page 28] cast into the sea, thereby to raise winds, ac­cording to the prescription of Satan. His pretending to tell any man how long he should live, if he told him but the day of his birth.

RELATION IV. A Proclamation over the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, at twelve a clock at night.

AFter that King James the fourth, had mu­stered his Army in the Borrow-Moor, being at that time a large spacious Field, and most Pleasant and Delightful, by reason of many staitly Oaks, which overshadowed the place; about midnight, in the Moneth of July, there is a Proclamation heard at the Mercat Cross of the Town, Summoning a great many Burgesses, Gentlemen, Barons, Noble­men, to appear before the Tribunal of one Plot-Cock. The Provost of the Town standing in his own Fore-stair, or Gallery, having heard his own name cited, cryed out, That he de­clined that Judicatory, and appealed to the Mercy of GOD Almighty. This was the Army which the King led into England, [Page 29] and were defeat at Floudon, on that Fatal day, Tuesday the 9th. of September, 1513. where the King, with near about five thou­sand of the Noblest and Worthiest Families of the Kingdom did fall.

RELATION V. A Miraculous Cure of a Dutch-W [...] ­man, accompanied with an Apparition.

THE Narrative taken by a Dutch-Mer­chant from her own mouth, Begins thus, A Miraculous Cure upon Jesch Claes, a Woman about fifty years of Age, for these many years, well known to my self and the Neighbours. This Woman for fourteen years had been lame of both her legs, one of them being dead and without feel­ing, so that she could not go, but creep upon the ground, or was carried in peoples arms as a child, but now through the power of GOD Almighty, she hath walked again, which came to pass after this manner, as I have written it from her own mouth.

In the year 1676 about the 13. or 14. of [Page 30] this Moneth October, in the night between one and two of the clock, Je [...]h Claes being in bed with her husband, who was a Boat­man, she was three times pulled by the arm, with which she awaked, and cryed out, O Lord! What may this be? Hereupon she heard an answer in plain words: Be not afraid, I am come in the name of GOD, to tell you, that your Malady which hath been for many years upon you shall depart, and it shall be given you from GOD Almighty, to walk again. But keep this to your self till further answer. Whereupon she cried aloud, O Lord! That I had a light, that I might know what this is. Then had she this answer, there needs no light, light shal be given you from God ▪ Then came a light over all the Room, and she saw a beautiful youth about ten years of age with curled yellow Hair in White Rayment to the feet, who went from the beds head to the Chimney with a light, which a little after evanished. Hereupon did something gush from her hip, or diffuse it self through her leg as a water to her great Toe, where she found life rising up, and feeling it with her hand, she cries out, Lord give me now again my feeling, which I have not had [Page 31] for so many years. And further she con­tinued Crying and Praying to the Lord accord­ing to her weak measure.

Yet she continued that day, being Wed­nesday, and the next day Thursday, as before till evening at six a clock. At which time she sat at the fire, dressing the food. Then there came as like a rushing noise in both her ears, with which it was said to her, Stand, your walk­ing is given you again. Then did she im­mediately stand up, that had for so many years crept, and went to the door. Her Husband meeting her, was exceedingly afraid, drew back. In the mean while, she cryed out, My dear husband, I can walk again. The man thinking it was a Spirit, drew back saying, you are not my Wife: But his Wife taking hold of him, said, my dear Husband, I am the self same that hath been married these 30 years to you. The Almighty God hath made me to walk again. But her husband being amaz­ed, drew back to the side of the Room, till at last she clapt her arms about his neck, and yet he doubted, and said to his Daughter, is this your Mother? She answered, yes Father, this is my Mother indeed, I have seen her walk also, before you came in. This Person [Page 32] dwells upon Princes Island in Amsterdam. This Relation, is Attested by many famous witnesses.

RELATION VI. Strange Pranks plaid by the Devil at Wood-Stock in England, Anno 1649.

THe Commissioners, October 13. 1649. with their Servants being come to the Mannor-house, they took up their lodging in the Kings own Rooms; the Bed-Cham­ber, and withdrawing-Room: the former whereof, they also make their Kitching, the Council-Hall their Brewhouse: the Cham­ber of Presence, their place of sitting to dis­patch business, and a Wood-house of the Din­ing-Room, where they laid the wood of that ancient Standard in the High-Park, known of all, by the name of the Kings Oak, which (that nothing might remain that had the name of King affixed to it) they digged up by the Roots. October 14 and 15 they had little disturbance: but on the 16 there came as they thought somewhat into the BedChamber, where two of the Commissioners, and their Ser­vants [Page 33] lay, in the shape of a Dog which going under their beds, did as it were, gnaw their Bed-cords: But on the morrow finding them whole, and a quarter of Beef, which lay on the ground untouched, they began to entertain other thoughts. October 17- Something to their thinking removed all the Wood of the Kings Oak out of the Dining-Room into the Presence-Chamber, and hurled the Chairs and Stools up and down that Room. From whence it came into the two Chambers, where the Commissioners, and their Ser­vants lay, and hoyested up their Beds-feet so much higher than their heads, that they thought they should have been turned over and over: and then let them fall down with such a force, that their bodies rebounded from the Bed a good distance, and then shook the Bed­steads so violently, that themselves confest their Bodies wer sore with it.

October 18. Something came into the Bed-Chamber, and walkt up and down, and fetching the Warming-pan out of the With­drawing-Room, made so much noise that they thought five Bells could not have made more.

And October 19. Trenchers were thrown up and down the Dining-Room and at them [Page 34] who lodged there▪ whereof one of them being wakned, put forth his head to see what was the matter, but had Trenchers thrown at it.

October 20. The Curtains of the Bed in the Withdrawing-Room, were drawn to and fro, and the Bedstead much shaken, and eight great Pewther-Dishes, and three dozen of Trenchers thrown about the Bed-Chamber again. This night they also thought whole armsful of the Wood of the Kings Oak, were thrown down in their Chambers, but of that in the morning they found nothing had been moved.

October 21. The Keeper of their Ordi­nary, and his Bitch, lay in one of the Rooms with them, which night they were not disturb­ed at all. But October 22. though the Bitch kenneld there again, to whom they as­cribed their former nights rest, both they and the Bitch were in a pitiful taking, the Bitch opening but once, and that with a whining fearful yelp. October 23. They had all their cloaths pluckt off them in the With­drawing-Room, and the Bricks fell out of the Chimney into the Room. And on the 24. They thought in the Dining-room that all the Wood of the Kings Oak had been brought thither, and thrown down closs by their [Page 35] Bed-side; which being heard by those of the Withdrawing-Room, one of them rose to see what was done, fearing indeed that his Fellow Commissioners had been killed, but found no such matter: whereupon retur­ning to his Bed again, he found two or three dozen of Trenchers thrown into it, and handsomely covered with the Bed-cloaths.

October 25. The Curtains of the Bed, in the withdrawing-Room, were drawn to and fro, and the Bed-stead shaken as before, and in the Bed-Chamber, Glass flew about so thick (and yet not one lozen of the Cham­ber windows broken) that they thought it had rained money. Whereupon they lighted Candles, but to their grief they found no­thing but glass.

October 29. Something going to the win­dow opened and shut it: then going into the Bed-Chamber, it threw great stones, for half an hours time, some whereof lighted on the High-bed, others on the Truckle-bed, to the number in all of above fourscore. This night there was also a very great noise, as if fourty Peece of Ordinance had been shot off together. At two several knocks [Page 36] it astonished all the Neighbouring Dwellers which is thought might have been heard a great way off. During these Noises which were heard in both Rooms together, both Com­missioners and their Servants were struck with so great horror, that they cryed out to one another for help: whereof one of them recover­ing himself out of a strange Agony he had been in, snatcht a Sword, and had like to have killed one of his Brethren coming out of his Bed in his Shirt, whom he took for the Spirit that did the mischief. However at length they got all together, yet the Noise continued so great and terrible, and shook the Walls so much, that they thought the whole Mannor would have fallen on their Heads. At its departure, it took all the Glass of the Win­dows away with it.

November first, Something as they thought walkt up & down the Withdrawing-room, and then made a noise in the Dining-Room. The stones, which were left before, and laid up in the Withdrawing-Room, were all fetcht away this night, and a great deal of Glass (not like the former) thrown about again. November the second. There came something into the withdrawing-Room treading as they conceived much like a Bear, which first only [Page 27] walked about a quarter of an hour: at length it made a noise about the Table, and threw the Warming-pan so violently, that it quite spoiled it. It threw also a Glass and great Stones at them again; and the bones of Horses, and all so violently, that the Bed-stead and the Walls were bruised by them. This night they planted Candles all about the Rooms, and made fires up to the Rantle-trees of the Chim­neys, but all were put out, no Body knew how, the Fire and Burn-wood, which made it, being thrown up and down the Rooms, the Cur­tains torn with the Rods from their Beds, and the Bed-posts pulled away, that the Tester fell down upon them, and the feet of the Bed-stead cloven into two. And upon the Servants in the Truckle-Bed, who lay all the time sweating for fear; there was first a little, which made them begin to stir, but before they could get out, there came a whole Tub full, as it were of stinking Ditch-water down upon them, so green, that it made their Shirts and Sheets of that colour too.

The same night the Windows were all broke by throwing of Stones, and there was most ter­rible noises in three several places together, to the extraordinary wonder of all that lodged near them. Nay the very Rabbet Stealers, [Page 38] who were abroad that night, were so afright­ed with the dismal Thundering, that for haste they left their Ferrets in the holes, behind them, beyond Rosamonds Well. Notwith­standing all this, one of them had the boldness to ask, in the Name of GOD, what it was, what it would have, and what they had done, that they should be disturbed after this manner? To which no answer was given, but it ceased for a while. At length it came again, and as all of them said, brought seven Devils worse than it self. Whereup­on one of them lighted a Candle again, and set it between the two Chambers in the Door­way, on which another fixing his eyes, saw the similitude of a Hoof, stricking the Candle, and Candlestick into the middle of the Bed-Chamber, and afterwards making three scraps on the snuff to put it out. Vpon this, the same person was so bold, as to draw his Sword, but he had scarce got it out, but there was an­other Invisible-hand, had hold of it too, and tugged with him for it, and prevailing, struck him so violently, that he was stunned with the blow.

Then began violent Noises again, insomuch that they calling to one another, got together, and went into the Presence Chamber, where [Page 39] they said Prayers, and sang Psalms, notwith­standing all which, the Thundring noise still continued in other Rooms. After this, No­vember 3d. they removed their Lodgings over the gate; and next day being Sunday, went to Ewelm, where, how they escaped, the Au­thors of the Relation knew not. But returning on Munday, the Devil (for that was the name they gave their nightly Guest) left them not unvisited, nor on the Tuesday ▪ follow­ing, which was the last day they stayed.

RELATION VII. An Apparition to King Iames the fourth, and his Courtiers, in the Kirk of Lithgow.

WHile the King stayed at Lithgow, atten­ding the gathering of his Armie, which was defeat at Flowdon, being full of Cares and Perplexity, he went into the Church of Saint Michael, to hear Evening-Song, as then it was called. While he was at his Devotion, an Ancient Man came in, his Amber coloured Hair hanging down upon his Shoulders, his fore­head high, and inclining to Baldness, his Gar­ments of Azure colour, somewhat long, girded about with a Towel, or Table-Napkin, of a Comely and very Reverend Aspect. Hav­ing [Page 40] enquired for the King, he intruded himself into the Prease, passing through, till he came to him, with a clounish simplicity, leaning o­ver the Canons-seat, where the King sate. Sir, said he, I am sent hither to entreat you, to delay your Expedition for this time, and to proceed no further in your intended Journey: for if you do, you shal not pro­sper in your Enterprise, nor any of your Followers. I am further charged to warn you, not to use the Acquaintance, Com­pany, or Counsel of Women, as you ten­der your Honour, Life, and Estate. After this Warning, he withdrew himself back again into the Prease. When Service was ended, the King enquired earnestly for him, but he could be no where found, neither could any of the Bystanders (of whom diverse did narrowly observe him, resolving afterwards to have dis­coursed with him) feel or perceive how, when, or where he passed from them, having in a man­ner vanished in their hands.

RELATION. VIII. Anent the Major who returned from Death, to tell the Captain, whether there was a GOD or not.

COncerning the Apparition of the Ghost of Major George Sydenham (late of Dul­verton [Page 41] in the County of Somerset) to Cap­tain William Dyke (late of Skilgate in this County also, and now likewise deceased:) Be pleased to take the Relation of it, from a Worthy and Learned Gentleman, Doctor Thomas Dyke, a near Kinsmans of the Captains thus. Shortly after the Majors death, the Doctor was desired to come to the house to take care of a Child, that was sick there, and in his way thither he called on the Captain, who was very willing to wait on him to the Place; because he must, as he said, have gone thither that night, though he had not met with so encouraging an Opportunity. After their ar­rival there at the house, and the Civility of the People shewn them in that Entertainment; they were seasonably conducted to their Lodg­ing, which they desired might be together in the same bed; where after they had lyen a while, the Captain knockt, and bids the Servant bring him two of the largest and bigest Candles lighted, which he could get: Whereupon the Doctor enquires what he meant by this? The Captain answers, You know Cusin, what Disputs my Major and I have had touch­ing the Beeing of GOD, and the Immortality of the Soul. In which points, we could ne­ver yet be resolved, though we so much [Page 42] sought for and desired it. And there­fore it was at length fully agreed between us, that he of us who dyed first, should the third night after his Funeral, between the hours of twelve and one, come to the little House which is here in the Garden, and there give a full account to the Surviver, touching these matters, who should be sure to be present there at the set time, and so receive a full satisfac­tion. And this says the Captain, is the very night, and I am come on purpose to fulfill my promise. The Doctor disswad­ed him, minding him of the danger of follow­ing strange Counsels, for which he could have no warrant, and that the Devil might by some cunning device make such an advantage of this rash attempt, as might work his utter ruine. The Captain replies, that he had solemn­ly engaged, and that nothing should discourage him. And adds, that if the Doctor would wake a while with him, he would thank him, if not, he might compose himself to rest: but for his own part he was resolved to watch, that he might be sure to be present at the hour appointed. To that purpose, he sets his Watch by him, and assoon as he perceived by it, that it [Page 43] was half an hour past 11, he rises, and taking a Candle in each hand goes out by a back door, of which he had before gotten the key, and walks into the Garden-House, where he con­tinued two hours and an half, and at his re­turn declared, that he neither saw nor heard any thing more than what was usual. But I know said he, that my Major would surely have come, had he been able.

About six weeks after, the Captain rides to Eaton to place his Son a Scholar there, when the Doctor went thither with him. They lodged there at an Inn, the Sign whereof was the Christopher, and tarried two or three nights, not lying together now as before at Dulverton, but in two several Chambers. The morning before they went thence, the Cap­tain stayed in his Chamber longer than he was wont to do, before he called upon the Doctor. At length he comes into the Doctors Cham­ber, but in a Visage and Form much differ­ing from himself, with his Hair and Eyes staring▪ and his whole Body shaking and tremb­ling. Whereat the Doctor wondering, presently demanded, what is the matter, Cousin Captain? The Captain replies, I have seen my Major. At which the Doctor seeming to smile, the Captain confirms it, saying, if ever I saw him in my life; [Page 44] I saw him but now. And then he related to the Doctor what had passed thus. This mor­ning after it was light, some one comes to my Bed-side, and suddenly drawing back the Curtains, calls Captain, Captain, (which was the term of Familiarity that the Major used to call the Captain by) to whom I replied, what my Major? To which he returns, I could not come at the time ap­pointed, but I am now come to tell you That there is a GOD and a very just and terrible one, and if you do not turn over a new leaf (the very expression, as by the Doctor punctually remembred) you shall find it so. The Captain proceeded. On the Table by, there lay a Sword, which the Major had for [...]erly given me. Now after the Apparition had walked a turn or two about the Chamber, he took up the Sword, drew it, and finding it not so clean and bright as it ought, Cap­tain, Captain, says he, this Sword did not use to be kept after this manner, when it was mine. After which words he presently disappeared.

The Captain was not only throughly perswaded of what he had thus seen and heard, but was from that time observed to be [Page 45] very much▪ affected with it. And the Humour, which before in him was brisk and jovial, was then strangely altered. Insomuch as very little meat would pass down with him at Dinner, though at the taking leave of their Friends, there was a very handsome Treat provided. Yea, it was observed, that what the Captain had thus seen and heard, had a more lasting influ­ence on him, and it was judged by those who were well acquainted with his Conversation, that the Remembrance of the passage stuck closs to him, and that those words of his dead Friend were frequently sounding fresh in his ears, during the remainder of his life, which was about two years.

RELATION. IX. A Remarkable Story of discovered Witch-Craft at Lauder, anno 1649. and of the Wyls which the Devil used in deceiving poor Creatures.

IN the beginning of the year 1649, a com­mon report passing up and down in all Mens and Womens mouths, of an eminent Warlock whose name was Robert Grieve, alias Hob [Page 46] Grieve, traffecking in these parts of the Coun­try, and deceiving many simple People, he was at last discovered, apprehended, and imprisoned, at the Town of Lauder, and after long shiftings, and denyal, wherein he had learned of his Hel­lish-master, to be most subtile; by the great Goodness of GOD, he was at length brought to a serious acknowledgement of his Guilt, and Con­fession of his being the Devils Officer in that Country for warning all Satans Vassals to come to the Meetings, where, and whensoever the Devil required, for the space of eighteen years and more. He acknowledged also, That his Wife (who twenty years, or thereabout before, was burnt at Lauder) was the occasion of his coming into that snare: for they being poor, and having little or nothing to live upon, he began to grudge under that Condition, and to complain of his Lot; which his Wife perceiving, desired him not to be troubled, but shewed him, that if he would follow her counsel, she should acquaint him with a Gentleman, who would teach him a way how to become rich. To which motion he hearkned, and at her desire went down with her to a haugh on Gallow-water, near to the Stow, where she trysted the Gentleman: and when they had come to that place, and tarried a considerable space, seeing no body, he began to [Page 47] wearie, and tell her, that he would be gone; but she pressing him to stay, and assuring him, that the Gentleman would not fail her: At length there came a great Mastiff bigger than any Butchers Dog, and very black running u­pon him, which put him into such a Confusion, and Astonishment of Spirit, as that he knew not where he was: But his wife laboured to comfort him, under that consternation, assuring him, that the Gentleman would come present­ly and perform what he had promised to him.

And accordingly in a short space the Devil a­peared in the shape of a Black-man, and fitting his discourse to the mans tentation, made many promises to him, that if he would become his servant, he would teach him wayes, how to be rich, and how to be much made of in all the Countrey. Vnto which demand of the Devil, he acknowledged, that he consented to, not so much for any hopes of future riches, as for fear least he should instantly be devoured by him, (for he suspected in the very mean time, that it was the Devil,) and then he gave him that charge, to be his Officer to warn all to the meetings; (as was said be­fore,) in which charge he continued for the [Page 48] space of eighteen years and more, untill he was apprehended. He was most ingenuous in his Confession, an great Evidence whereof was this, That there was neither Man nor Woman delated by him, But were all Confessors, when apprehended; and confronted with him, and dyed confes­sing. One instance is remarkable, and worthy of observation, which is this. After he had de­lated many, and as many of those were appre­hended, as the Prison could conveniently con­tain and the Keepers attend, he gave up an­other Woman in the town of Lauder, whose name the Magistrates resolved to conceal for a time, till the Prison should be emptied of some of those, who were already apprehended, and had confessed; and accordingly Secrecy was engaged unto. But the Devil, came that same night unto her, and told her, that Hob Grieve had fyled her for a Witch, but assured her, that if she would rise up and go and challenge him for it, and never come away, till he and she were confronted, that then he would deny it. Whereupon she arose and came to the Prison Window, and railled upon Hob Grieve, cal­ling him Warlock and slave to the Devil, and all evils which her mouth could utter: and [Page 49] when desired to go home by the Centries, and also by the Magistrate, she sat down upon the Tolbuith-Stair, and said she should never go to her house, till she and that slave to the Devil were confronted, Whereupon the Baillie came to the Preacher desiring him to come and speak to her, to desire her to go home to her house, for there were none accusing her, who accordingly came, and entreated her to go home: but she obstinately refusing to go, till she should be confronted with that Rascal, who had delated her an honest Woman, for a Witch. The Baillie was constrained to her desire. Whereupon many being present as wit­nesses, she was conveyed up to the Prison to the Room, where Hob Grieve was. And so soon, as she came in his sight, she fell down upon her bare knees, and began to scold the man, and to accuse him of a lie, in speaking of her name. Says she, thou common Thief, how dar thou for thy soul say, that ever before this time, thou saw me or I saw thee, or ever was in thy company, either alone, or with others. All which language he heard very patiently till he was desired by the Baillie to speak. Whereupon he asked her, how she came to know, that he had delated her for a Witch. For says he, [Page 50] surely none but the Devil, thy old Ma­ster, and mine has told thee so much. She replyed, The Devil and thou perish toge­ther, for he is not my Master, though he be thine. I defy the Devil, and all his works. Whereupon he sayes to her, What needs all this din, Does thou not know, that these many years, I have come to thy house, and warned thee to Meetings, and thou and I have gone alongs toge­ther. And thereafter he condescended to her upon several places, and Actions done in these places by her, and others, to all which I am (said he) a witness. By this she was so confounded, that immediately in presence of the Bailly, the Preacher, the School-Master, and many witnes­ses, she cryed out, Oh now, sayes she, I per­ceive that the Devil is a lyar, and a mur­derer from the beginning: for this night he came to me, and bade me come and abuse thee, and never come away, till I was confronted with thee, and he assured me that thou would deny all, and say, thou false tongue thou lyed. And having said this, she with many tears confessed, that it was all truth which he had said, and prayed the Minister, that he would intreat GOD for her poor Soul, that she might be delivered out of [Page 51] the hands of the Devil. Vnder this confession she continued even unto the day of her death.

Another evidence of ingenuity in him was this, that after five or six men and women, whom he had delated, were also convinced, and had confessed their Witch-craft, he earnestly desired, that he and they might be taken to the Church, on the Lords-day, to hear the Word of GOD; which being granted, and they conveyed with a Guard to the Church, all of them sat down together before the Pulpit. The Preacher lectured on these words, Mark 9.22. And oft times it hath cast him into the fire, and into the water to destroy him, &c. The Father of the Lunatick-child complained to Christ of the Devils cruelty towards his son. And the Preacher briefly noted, that Observa­tion from the words, That what ever the Devil did to such as he had gotten any power over, his aim and end was always to destroy the poor Creature both Soul and Body. This truth being seriously applyed, and spoken home by the Preacher to the said Hob Grieve, and the rest of the confessing Witches, and Warlocks, they were all immediately so confounded, that all of them cryed out with a dreadful and lamentable noise, A lace! that [Page 52] is a most sure truth; Oh, what will be­come of us poor Wretches? Oh, pray for us. But Hob Grieve especially bare wit­ness to that sad truth, by a general Declaration, in the face of the Congregation, that he had Experience of the truth thereof. For, said he, there is no trusting to his promises; for in Musselburgh water, when I had a heavy Criel upon my back, he thought to have drowned me there; and since I came in­to prison, he did cast me into the fire, to destroy me, as is well known to the pre­sent Preacher, and Magistrates of the place, and many others; And concluded with an Exhortation to all, to beware of the Devil; For whatever he says or doth, his purpose is to destroy you, and that you will find to be the end of his work, as we know to our dolefull experience this day. Another evidence of the Devils art in studying the destruction of the poor Creature, was manifest in that same place, and year 1649. A certain Woman in the town of Lauder was fyled (not by Hob Grieve, but by some other) and for a long time denyed. The Magistrates of the place for this cause, were loath to meddle with her, but adjudged to death all the rest, who had confessed; and ordained them to be [Page 53] burnt upon the Munday after: She hearing of this, and that she alone was to remain in prison, without hopes of escape, was prompted by the Devil to make up a confession in her own bosom, as she supposed might take away her life, and thereupon sent for the Minister, and made that confession of Witch-craft which she her self had patcht up before Witnesses; and in the close she earnestly intreated the Magistrates, and the Ministers, that she might be burnt with the rest upon Munday next. Her confessi­on was, That she had covenanted with the Devil, and had become his servant, about twenty years before, when she was but a young Lass, and that he kissed her, and gave her a name, but since, he had never owned her, and that she knew no more of the works of the Devil, as she should answer to GOD, but what she said was true. But intelligent Persons began to be jealous of the truth of that confession, and be­gan to suspect, that out of the pride of her heart, in a desperate way, she had made up that con­fession to destroy her life, because she still pres­sed to be cut off with the rest upon Munday. Therefore much pains was taken on her by Mi­nisters, and others, on Saturday, Sunday, and Munday morning, that she might resile [Page 54] from that confession, which was suspected to be but a Tentation of the Devil, to destroy both her soul and body, yea it was charged home upon her by the Ministers, that there was just ground of Jealousie, that her confession was not sin­cere, and she charged before the Lord to declare the truth, and not to take her blood upon her own head. Yet stifly she adhered to what she had said and cryed always to be put away with the rest. Whereupon on Munday morning being called before the Judges, and confessing before them, what she formerly said, she was found guilty, and condemned to die with the rest that same day. But being carried forth to the place of Execution, she remained silent, during the first, second and third Prayer, and then perceiving that there remained no more, but to rise, and go to the Stake, she lift up her body, and with a loud voice cryed out. Now all you that see me this day, know that I am now to die as a Witch by my own confession, and I free all men, especially the Ministers and Magistrates of the guilt of my blood. I take it wholly upon my self: my blood be upon my own head. And as I must make answer to the GOD of Heaven presently, I de­clare I am as free of Witch-craft, as any [Page 55] child: but being delated by a malicious Woman, and put in Prison, under that name of a Witch, disowned by my hus­band and friends, and seing no ground of hope of my coming out of Prison, nor ever coming in credit again, through the temptation of the Devil I made up that confession, on purpose to destroy my own life, being weary of it, and chos­ing rather to die than live, and so died. Which lamentable story, as it did then a­stonish all the Spectators, none of which could restrain themselves from tears, so it may be to all a demonstration of Satans subtility, whose design is still to destroy all, partly by tempting many to presumption, and some others to de­spair. These things to be of truth, are Attest­ed by an Eye and Ear witness who is yet alive, a faithful Minister of the Gos­pel.

RELATION. X. A True Narrative of the Drummer of Ted-Worth.

In the year 1661, about the middle of March a Gentleman named Mr. Mompesson, in [Page 56] the County of Wilts, being at a Neigh­bouring town called Ludgarshal and hearing a Drum beat there, he enquired of the Bailly of the town, at whose house he then was, what it meant. The Bailly told him, that they had been for some days troubled with an idle Drummer, who demanded money of the Constable, by vertue of a pretended Pass which he thought was counterfeit; Vpon this Mr. Mompesson sent for the Fellow, and askt him by what authority he went up and down the Countrey in that manner with his Drum. The Drummer answered, he had good Authoritie, and produced his Pass with a Warrant under the hands of Sir William Cawly and Collonel Ayliff of Gretenham. Mr. Mompesson knowing these Gentlemens hands, discovered that the Pass and Warrant were counterfeit, and thereupon commanded the Vagrant to put off his Drum, and charged the Constable to carry him before the next Justice of the Peace, to be further examined, and punisht. The Fel­low confessed the Cheat, and begged earnestly to have his Drum. Mr. Mompesson told him, that if he understood from Collonel Ayliff, whose Drummer he said he was, that he had been an honest man: he should have [Page 57] it again, but in the mean time he would secure it. So he left the Drum with the Baillie, and the Drummer in the Constables hands who it seems was prevailed on by the Fellows intreaties to let him go.

About the midst of April following when Mr. Mompesson was preparing for a Iour­ney to London, the Bailly sent the Drum to his House. When he was returned from that Iourney, his Wife told him that they had been much afrighted in the Night by Thieves and that the House had been like to have been broken up. And he had not been at home above three nights, when the same noise was heard, that had disturbed his Family in his absence. It was a very great Din and knocking at his Doors, and the outsides of his House. Hereupon he got up and went about the House with a Brace of Pistols in his hands. He opened the Door where the great knocking was, and then he heard the noise at another Door. He opened that also, and went out round his house, but could discover nothing, only he still heard a strange noise, as a thumping and Drumming on the Top of his House, which continued a great space, and then by degrees went off into the Air.

After this the noise of Thumping and [Page 58] Drumming was very frequent, usually five nights together, and then it would intermit three. It was on the outsides of the house, which is most of it, of Board. It came constantly as they were going to sleep, whither early or late. After a moneths disturbance without, it came into the Room where the Drum lay, four or five nights in seven, within half an hour after they were in bed, continuing almost two hours. The sign of it just before it came was, they still heard an hurling in the Air over the house, and at its going off, the beating of a Drum, like that at the breaking up of a Guard. It conti­tinued in this room for the space of two moneths, which time Mr. Mompesson lay there to ob­serve it. In the fore part of the night, it used to be very troublesome, but after two hours all would be quiet.

Mistris Mompesson being brought to bed, there was but little noise that night she was in Travail, nor any for three weeks after, till she had recovered strength. But after this civil Cessation, it returned in a rudder manner than before, and followed and vext the Youngest Chil­dren, beating their bedsteads with that violence, that all present expected when they would fall in pieces. In laying hands on them, one should feel no blows, but might perceive them to shake [Page 59] exceedingly. For an hour together it would heat on the Drum, Round-heads, and Cuckolds, and Tat-too, and several other points of War, as well as any Drummer could. After this they would hear a scraping under the Childrens bed, as by something that had Iron tallons. It would lift the Children up in their beds, fol­low them from one room to another, and for a while haunt none particularly but them.

There was a Cock-loft in the house, which had not been observed to have been troubled, thi­ther they removed the Children, putting them to bed, while it was fair day, where they were no sooner laid, but their Troubler was with them as before.

On the first of November 1662 ▪ it kept a mighty noise, and a Servant observing two boards in the Childrens room seeming to move, he bid it give him one of them; upon which the board came (nothing moving it, that he saw) within a yeard of him. The man added, nay let me have it in my hand; upon which, it was shoved quite home to him; he thrust it back, and it was driven to him again, and so up and down, to and fro, at least twenty times together, till Mr. Mompesson forbad his Servant such Familiarities. This was in the day time, and seen [Page 60] by a whole room full of people: That morning it left a Sulphurious smell behind it, which was very offensive. At night the Minister one Mr. Craig, and diverse of the Neighbours came to the house on a Visit. The Minister went to Prayer with them, kneeling at the Childrens Bed-side: during Prayer-time, it withdrew into the Cock-loft, but returned as soon as Prayer was ended, and then in sight of the Company; the Chairs walkt about the Room of themselves; the Childrens shoes were bur­led over their head, and every loose thing moved about the Chamber. At the same time a Bed-staff was thrown at the Minister, which hit him on the Legg, but so favourably, that a lock of Wool could not have fallen more softly; and it was observed that it stopt just where it light­ed, without rolling or stirring from the place. Mr. Mompesson perceiving that it so much persecuted the young Children, he lodged them out at a Neighbours house▪ taking his eldest Daughter, who was about ten years of Age, into his own Chamber, where it had not been a Moneth before. As soon as she was in bed, the disturbance began there again, conti­nuing three weeks drumming, and making noises; and it was observed that it would exactly an­swer in drumming any thing that was beaten or [Page 61] called for. After this, the house where the Chil­dren were lodged out, happening to be full of Strangers, they were taken home, and no di­sturbance having been known in the Parlour, they were lodged there, where also their Perse­cutor found them, but then only pluckt them by the Hair, and Night-cloaths, without any other disturbance.

It was noted, that when the Noise was loudest, and came with the most sudden and sur­prising violence, no Dog about the house would move, though the knocking was oft so boisterous and rude, that it had been heard at a considerable distance in the Fields, and awakened the Neighbours in the Village, none of which live very near the house. The Servants somtimes were lift up with their beds, and then let gently down again without hurt, at other times, it would ly like a great weight upon their feet.

About the latter end of December 1662. the Drummings were less frequent, and then they heard a noise like the gingling of Money, oc­casioned as it was thought, by somewhat Mr. Mompessons mother had spoken the day before to a neighbour, who talkt of Fairies leaving mo­ney, viz. that she would like it well, if it would leave some to make amends for their trouble. [Page 62] The night after the speaking of which, there was a great gingling of money over all the house. Af­ter this, it desisted from ruder noises, and em­ployed it self in little Apish, and less trouble­some tricks. On Christmass-even a little before day, one of the Boyes arising out of his bed, was hit on a sore place on his heel, with the latch of the door, the pin that it was fastned with, was so smal that it was a difficult matter to pick it out. The night after Christmsas-day, it threw the old Gentlewomans cloaths about the room, and hid her Bible among the Ashes. In such silly Tricks it was frequent. After this it was very troublesome to a servant of Mr. Mompessons, who was a stout Fellow, and of a sober conver­sation. This man lay within during the greatest disturbance, and for several nights something would endeavor to pluck his cloaths off the bed, so that he was fain to tug hard to keep them on, and sometimes were pluckt from him by force, and his shoes thrown at his head. And now and then he should find himself forcibly held, as if he were bound hand and foot: but when ever he could make use of his Sword, and struck with it, the Spirit quitted its hold. A little after these contests, a son of Sir Thomas Bennet whose workman the Drummer had sometimes been, came to the house, and told Mr. Mom­pesson [Page 63] some words that he had spoken, which it seems were not well taken. For as soon as they were in bed, the drum was beat up very violent­ly and loudly; the Gentleman arose, and called his man to him, who lay with Mr. Mompes­sons servant, just now spoken of, whose name was John. As soon as Mr. Bennets man was gone, John heard a rusling noise in his cham­ber, and something came to his bed-side, as if it had been one in Silk. The man presently reacheth after his sword, which he found held from him, and it was with difficulty, and much tugging that he got it into his power: which as soon as he had done, the Spirit left him; and it was alwayes observed, that it still avoided a Sword, About the beginning of Ja­nuary 1662. they were wont to hear a Sing­ing in the Chimney, before it came down. And one night about this time, Lights were seen in the house. One of them came into Mr. Mom­pessons chamber which seemed blue and glim­mering, and caused stiffness in the eyes of those who saw it. After the Light, something was heard coming up the stairs, as if it had been one without shoes. The light was seen also 4 or 5 times in the Childrens chamber; and the Maids confidently affirm, the doors were at least ten times opned and shut in their sight, & when they were [Page 60] opened they heard a noise, as if half a dozen had entered together. After which, some were heard to walk about the Room, and one Rus­led as if it had been in Silk. The like Mr. Mompesson himself once heard.

During the time of the knocking when many were present a Gentleman of the company, said, Satan, if the Drummer set thee to work, give three knocks and no more, which it did very distinctly and stopt. Then the Gentleman knockt, to see if it would an­swer him, as it was wont, but it did not. For further trial, he bid it for confirmation, if it were the Drummer to give five knocks and no more that night, which it did, and left the House quiet all the night This was done in the presence of Sir Thomas Chamberlain of Oxford-shire, and diverse others.

On Saturday morning, an hour before day, January 10. a Drum was heard beat upon the outsides of Mr Mompessons Cham­ber, from whence it went to the other end of the house, where some Gentlemen strangers lay, playing at their door, and without, four or five several Tunes and so went off into the Air.

The next night, a Smith in the Village, [Page 65] lying with Iohn the Man, they heard a Noise in the Room, as if one had been shoeing of an Horse, and some what came, as it were with a pair of Pincers snipping at the Smiths Nose most part of the Night.

One morning Mr. Mompesson rising ear­ly to go a journey heard a great Noise below where the Children Lay, and running down with a Pistol in his hand, he heard a voice crying a Witch, a Witch, as they had al­so heard it once before. Vpon his entrance all was quiet.

Having one Night played some little Trick at Mr. Mompessons Beds feet, it went into a­nother Bed, where one of his Daughters lay. There it passed from side to side, lifting her up as it passed under. At that time, there were three kinds of Noises in the Bed. They endeavoured to thrust at it with a sword, but it still shifted, and carefully avoided the thrust, still getting under the Child when they offered at it. The Night after it came panting like a Dog out of breath. Vpon which one took a Bed-staff to knock, which was caught out of her hand, and thrown away, and Company coming up, the Room was presently filled, with a bloomy noisome smell, and was very hot though without fire, in a very sharp and severe [Page 66] winter. It continued in the Bed panting and scratching an hour and a half, and then went into the next Chamber, where it knockt a little, and seemed to ratle a Chain: this it did for two or three nights together.

After all this the old Gentlewomans Bible was found in the Ashes the Paper side being downwards. Mr. Mompesson took it up, and observed that it lay open at the third Chapter of Mark, where there is mention of unclean Spirits falling down before our Saviour, and of his giving power to the twelve to cast out Devils, and of the Scribes Opinion, that he cast them out through Beelzebub. The next night they strew­ed Ashes over the Chamber, to see what impres­sions it would leave. In the morning they found in one place, the resemblance of a great Claw, in another of a lesser, some Letters in another, which they could make nothing of, besides many Circles, in the Ashes.

About this time ( says my Author) I went to the house on purpose to inquire the truth of those passages of which there was so loud a report. It had ceased from its Drumming, and ruder Noises before I came hither, but most of the more remarkable circumstances be­fore related, were confirmed to me there, by several of the neighbours together, who had been present [Page 67] at them. At this time it used to haunt the Chil­dren, as soon as they were laid. They went to Bed that night I was there about eight of the clock, when a Maid-servant coming down told us it was come. The Neighbours that were there and two Ministers who had seen and heard diverse times, went away: but Mr. Mompesson, and I, and a Gentleman that came with me went up. I heard a scratching, which was very strange, as I went up the Stairs, and when we came into the Room, I perceived, it was just behind the Bolster of the Childrens Bed, and seemed to be against the Tyking. It was as loud a scratching, as one with long nails could make upon a Bolster. There were two little modest Girls in the Bed between seven and eleven years of age, as I guest. I saw there hands without the Cloaths, so that they could not contribute to the Noise, that was behind their heads. They had been used to it, and had still some body or other in the Chamber with them, and therefore seemed not to be much afrigh­ted. I standing at the Beds-head, thrust my hand behind the Bolster, directing it to the place, whence the noise seemed to come. Where­upon the noise ceased there, and was heard in another part of the Bed. But when I had taken out my Hand, it returned, [Page 68] and was heard in the same place as before. I had been told, that it would imitate noises and made trial by scratching several times up­on the Sheets as 5 and 7 and 10 which it fol­lowed, and still stept at my number. I searcht under, and behind the Bed, turned up the cloaths to the Bed-cords, graspt the Bolster, sounded the Wall behind, and made all search that pos­sibly I could to find if there were any Trick, Contrivance, or common Cause of it: the like did my Friend, but we could discover nothing. So that I was then verily perswaded, and am so still, that the Noise was made by some Dae­mon or Spirit. After it had scartcht about half an hour or more, it went into the midest of the Bed under the Children, and there seemed to pant like a Dog out of Breath very loudly. I put my hand upon the place, and felt the Bed bearing up against it, as if something within had thrust it up. I graspt the Feathers to feel, if any living thing were in them. I looked under, and every where about, to see if there were any Dog or Cat, or any other Crea­ture in the Room, and so we all did, but found nothing. The motion it caused by this panting, was so strong, that it shook the Room and Windows very sensibly. It continued thus more then half an hour, while my Friend and [Page 69] I stayed in the Room, and as long after, as we were told. During the Panting, I chanced to see as it had been something, (which I thought was a Rat or Mouse) moving in a Linning Bag, that hung up against another Bed, that was in the Room. I stept and caught it by the upper end with one hand, with which I held it, and drew it quite through the other, but found nothing at all in it. There was no Body near to shake the Bag, or if there had, no one could have made such a Motion, which seem­ed to be from within, as if some living Crea­ture had moved in it. My Friend and I lay in the Chamber, where the first and chief distur­bance had been. We slept well all night, but early before Day in the Morning I was a­wakned (and I awakned my Bed-fellow) by a great knocking just without our Chamber door. I askt who was there several times, but the knocking still continued without answer. At last, I said, In the name of God▪ who is it, and what would you have ▪ To which a voice answered Nothing with you We thinking it had been some servant of the house, went to sleep again. But speaking of it to Mr. Mompesson, when we came down, He assured us, that not one of the house lay that way, or had business, [Page 70] thereabout, and that his Servants were not up till he called them, which was after it was day. Which they confirmed, and protested, that the Noise was not made by them. Mr. Mom­pesson had told us before that it would be gone in the midle of the Night, and come again divers times earlie in the Morning about four a Clock, and this I suppose was ab­out that same time. There came one Morning a light into the Childrens Chamber, and a voice crying a Witch a Witch, for at least an hundred times together. Mr. Mompesson at another time (being in the day) seing some Wood move that was there, as of it self, discharged a Pistol into it, after which they found several drops of Blood on the Hearth, and in divers places of the Stair. For two or three nights after the dis­charge of the Pistol, there was a calme in the house, but then it came again, applying it self to a little Child newly taken from the Nurse, which it so persecuted, that it would not let the poor Infant rest for two nights together, nor suffer a Candle in the room, but carry them away lighted up thorow the Chimney, or cast them under the Bed. It so scared this Child, by leaping upon it, that for some hours, it could not be recovered out of the [Page 71] fright. So that they were forced again to put the Children out of the house. The next night af­ter, some-thing about Midnight came up the Stairs, and knockt at Mr. Mompessons door, but he lying still, it went up another pair of Stairs to his Mans Chamber, to whom it appeared standing at his Beds-foot. The exact shape and Proportion he could not discover, but he saith he saw a great Body with two red glowring, or glaring eyes, which for some time were fixed steadily upon him, and at length disap­pear'd. Another night strangers being present, it purr'd in the Childrens Bed like a Cat, at which time, the Cloaths and Children were lift up from the Bed, and six men could not keep them down: hereupon they removed the Children, intending to have ript the Bed. But they were no sooner laid in another, but the second Bed was more troubled than the first It continued thus Four hours, and beat the Childrens leggs against the Bed-posts, that they were forced to arise, and sit up all Night. After this it would empty Chamber Pots into their Beds, and strew them with Ashes from the Hearth, though they were never so carfullie watcht. It put a long picked Iron in Mr. Mompessons Bed, and into his mo­ther [Page 72] a naked knife upright. It would fill Porrengers with Ashes, throw every thing about the Room, and keep a noise all day.

About the beginning of April, 1663. ae Gentleman that lay in the house, had all his Money turned black in his pocket. And Mr. Mompesson coming one morning into his Stable, found his Horse, he was wont to ride on, laying on the ground, having one of his hinder Leggs in his mouth, and so fastened there, that it was difficult for several men to get it out with a Leaver. After this, there were some other remarkable things; but my Account goes no further. Only Mr. Mompes­son write me word, That afterwards the house was several nights beset, with seven or eight in the shape of Men, who as soon as a Gun was discharged, would shuffle a­way together into an Arbour.

The Drummer was tryed at the Assizes at Salisburg upon this occasion. He was commit­ted first to Gloucester-Gaol for stealing, and a Wilt-shire man coming to see him, he askt, What news in Wilt-shire? The Man an­swered, He knew of none. No, saith the Drummer! Do you not hear of the Drumming at a Gentlemans house at Ted­worth. That I do enough, said the other. [Page 73] I quoth the Drummer, I have plauged him, and he shall never be quiet, till he hath made me satisfaction for taking away my Drum. Vpon information of this, the Fellow was try­ed for a Witch at Sarum, and all the main circumstances, which I have related were sworn at the Assizes by the Minister of the Parish, and diverse others of the most intelligent and substantial Inhabitants, who had been eye and ear Witnesses of them, time after time for diverse years together.

The Fellow was condemned to Transpor­tation, and accordingly sent away: but I know not how (it is said by raising storms, and afrighting the Sea-men) he made a shift to come back again. And it is observable, that during all the time of his restraint, and absence the house was quiet, but as soon as ever he came back at libertie, the Disturbance re­turned.

He had been a Souldier under Cromwell, and used to talk much of Gallant Books; which he had of an odd Fellow who was count­ed a Vizzard. Vpon this occasion, I shall here add a Passage, which I had ( saith my Author) from Mr. Mompesson, but yet relates to the Main purpose.

The Gentleman, who was with me at the house [Page 74] Mr. Hill, being in Companie with one Com­ton of Summer-set-shire, practised Physick and pretends to strange matters, related to him this Story of Mr. Mompessons disturbance. The Physitian told him, he was sure it was nothing but a Rendezvous of Witches and that for an hundred pounds, he would undertake to rid the house of all disturbance. In persuit of this discourse, he talkt of manie high things, and having drawn my Friend into another Room a part from the rest of the company, said, he could make him sensible, he could do something more then ordinary, and askt him whom he desired to see. Mr. Hill had no great confi­dence in his talk, who was then manie miles distant from them at her home. Upon this Compton took up a Looking-glass that was in the Room, and setting it down again, bid my friend look in it which he did, and there, as he most solemnly and seri­ously protested, he saw the exact image of his wife in that habit, which she then wore, and working at her Needle in such a part of the Room, (there repre­sented also) in which, or about which time she reallie was, as he found up­on enquirie, when he came to his own house.

[Page 75]The Gentleman averred this to me, and he is a very sober Intelligent, and credible Person. Compton had no knowledge of him before, and was an utter stranger to the Person of his Wife. Thus I have written the sum of Mr. Mompessons disturbances, which (saith my Author) I had partly from his own mouth related before diverse, who had been witnesses of all, and confirmed his Relation, and partly from his own Letters, from which the order and series of things is taken. The same Par­ticulars he writ also to Doctor Creed; then Doctor of the Chair in Oxford.

RELATION. XI. The Devil of Geuluce enlarged with seve­ral Remarkable Additions from an Eye and Ear witness, a Person of undoubted Honesty.

THis is that famous and notable Story of the Devil of Glenluce, which I publish­ed in my Hydrostaticks, anno 1672, and which since hath been transcribed word by word by a Learned Pen, and Published in the late Book Intituled Saducismus Triumpha­tus, whom nothing but the truth thereof, and usefulness for refuting Atheism could have [Page 76] perswaded to transcribe. The Subject matter then of this Story, is a true and short account, of the Troubles, wherewith the Family of one Gilbert Campbel, by profession a Weaver in the old Parish of Glenluce in Galloway, was exercised. I have adventured to publish it De Novo in this Book, first because it was but hudled up among Purposes of another nature. But now I have reduced it, to it's own proper Place. Next, because this Story is more full, being enlarged with new Additions, which were not in the former, and ends not so abrupt­ly, as the other did.

It happened (says my Informer, Gilbert Campbels Son who was then a student of Phi­losophy in the Colledge of Glasgow,) that after one Alexander Agnew, a bold and sturdy Beggar, who afterwards was hanged at Drumfries for Blasphemy had threatned hurt to the Familie, because he had not gotten such an Almes, as he required, the said Gilbert Campbel was often times hindered in the exercise of his calling and yet could not know by what means this was done. This Agnew, among many blasphemous expressions had this one, when he was interrogate by the Judges, whether or not, he thought there was a God, he answered, he knew no God but Salt, Meal, [Page 77] and Water. When the Stirs began first, there was a Whistling heard both within and without the House. And Jennet Campbel go­ing one day to the Well, to bring home some Water, was conveyed, with a shril whistl­ing about her ears, which made her say, I would fain hear thee speake, as well as Whi­stle. Hereupon it said, after a threatning man­ner, I'le cast thee Iennet into the Well. The voice was most exactlie like the Damsels voice, and did resemble it to the life. The Gentle-wo­man that heard this and was a witness, thought the voice was very near to her own ears, and said the Whistling was such, as Children use to make, with their smal slender Glass Whistles.

About the middle of November, the Foul Fiend came on with new and extraordi­nary Assaults, by throwing of Stones in at the Doors, and Windows, and down the Chim­ney-head, which were of great quantity, and thrown with force, yet by Gods Provi­dence, there was not one Person in the Family that was hurt. This did necessitate Gilbert Campbel, to reveale that to the Minister of the Parish, and to some other Neighbours and Friends, which hitherto he had suffered secretly. Notwithstanding of this, his trouble [Page 78] was enlarged; for not long after, he found of­ten-times his Warp and Threeds cut, as with a pair of Sizzers, and not only so, but their Ap­parel were cut after the same manner, even while they were wearing them, their Coats, Bonnets, Hose, Shoes, but could not discern how, or by what mean. Only it pleased GOD to preserve their persons, that the least harm was not done. Yet, in the night time, they had not liberty to sleep, something coming and pulling their bed-cloaths, and Linnings off them, and leaving their Bodies naked. Next, their Chests and Trunks were opened, and all things in them strawed here and there. Likewise the parts of their Working-Instruments, which had escaped were carried away, and hid in holes and bores of the house, where hardly they could be found again. Nay, what ever piece of Cloath, or Houshold-stuff was in any part of the house, it was carried away, and so cut and abused, that the Good-man was necessitate in all haste and speed, to remove and transport the rest to a Neighbours house, and he himself compelled to quite the Exercise of his Calling, whereby he only maintained his Family. Yet he resolved to remain in his house for a season; during which time, some persons about, not very Iudicious, counselled him to send his Children out of the [Page 79] Family, here and there, to try whom the trouble did most follow, assuring him, that this trouble was not against the whole Family, but against some one person or other in it, whom he too wil­lingly obeyed. Yet, for the space of four or five dayes, there were no remarkable assaults, as be­fore. The Minister hearing thereof, shewed him the evil of such a course, and assured him, that if he repented not, and called back his Children he might not expect, that his trouble would end in a right way. The Children that were nigh by being brought home, no trouble followed, till one of his Sons called Thomas that was farest off came home. Then did the Devil begin a fresh for upon the Lords day following in the after­noon, the House was set on Fire, but by the help of some Neighbours going home from Sermon; the Fire was put out, and the house saved, not much loss being done. And Munday after being spent in Private prayer, and fasting, the house was again set on Fire upon the Tuesday about nine a clock in the morning, yet by the speedy help of Neighbors it was saved, litle skaith being done

The Weaver being thus vexed, and wearied both day and night, went to the Minister of the Parish, an Honest and Godly in andesiring him, to let his Son Thomas abide with him for a time, who condescended, but withal assured him [Page 78] that he would find himself deceived, and so it came to pass, for notwithstanding that the Lad was without the Family, yet were they that remained in it, sore troubled both in the day time, and night season, so that they were forced to wake till Mid-night, and sometimes all the night over, during which time, the per­sons within the Family suffered many losses, as the cutting of their Cloaths, the throwing of Piets, the pulling down of Turff and Feal from the Roof, and Walls of the house, and the steal­ling of their Cloaths, and the Pricking of their Flesh, and Skin with Pins.

Some Ministers about having conveened at the place, for a solemn Humiliation, per­swaded Gilbert Campbel to call back his Son Thomas, Notwithstanding of whatsoever hazard might follow. The Boy returning home, affirmed that he heard a voice speak to him, forbidding him to enter within the House, or in any other place where his Fathers Calling was exercised. Yet he en­tered, but was sore abused, till he was forced to return to the Ministers house again.

Vpon Munday the 12 of February, the rest of the Family began to hear a voice speak to them, but could not well know from whence it came. Yet from Evening till Mid-night too [Page 79] much vain discourse was kept up with Satan, and many idle and impertinent questions propos­ed, without that due fear of God, that should have been upon their Spirits under so rare and extraordinary a Trial. They came that length in familiar discourse, with the Foul-Thief, that they were no more afrayed to keep up the Clash with him, than to speak to one another. In this they pleased him well, for he desired no better, than to have Sacrifices offered to him. The Minister hearing of this, went to the house upon the Tuesday, being accompanied with some Gentlemen, one James Bailie of Carphin, Alexander Bailie of Dunrag­ed, Mr. Robert Hay, and a Gentlewo­man called Mistris Douglas, whom the Ministers Wife did accompanie. At their first in-coming the Devil says, Quum Litera­rum, is good Latine. These are the first words, of the Latine Rudiments, which Schollars are taught, when they go to the Grammar School. He crys again a Dog. The Minister thinking that he had spoken it to him, said, he took it not ill to be reviled by Satan, since his Master had troden that path before him. Answered Satan, it was not you, Sir, I spoke it to, I meant by the Dog there, for there was a Dog standing behind backs. [Page 80] This passing, they all went to Prayer, which be­ing ended, they heard a voice speaking out. of the ground, from under a Bed, in the proper Countrey Dialect, which he did counterfeit ex­actly, saying, Would you know the Witches of Glenluce? I will tell you them; and so related four or five Persons nam [...]s that went under a bad report. The Weaver informed the Company, that one of them was dead long ago. The Devil answered, and said, It is true, she is dead long ago, but her Spirit is living with us in the World. The Minister replied saying (though it was not convenient to speak to such an excom­municat and intercommuned person) the Lord rebuke thee, Satan, and put thee to si­lence; we are not to receive Information from thee, whatsoever fame any person goes under; Thou art seeking but to seduce this Family, for Satans kingdom is not divided against it self. After which all went to Prayer again, which being ended (for during the time of Prayer no noise or trouble was made, except once, that a loud fearful youel was heard at a distance) The Devil with many threatnings boas­ted and terrified the Lad Tom, who had come back that day with the Minister, that if he did not depart out of the house, he would set all on [Page 81] fire. The Minister answered, and said, the Lord will preserve the house, and the Lad too, seeing he is one of the Family, and hath GODS Warrant to tarry in it. The Fiend answered, he shall not get liberty to tarry; he was once put out already, and shal not abide here, though I should pursue him to the end of the world. The Minister replyed, the Lord will stop thy malice against him. And then they all went to prayer again, which being ended, the Devil said, give me a Spade and a Shovel, and depart from the house for seven days, and I will make a Grave, and ly down in it, and shall trouble you no more. The good man answer­ed, not so much as a Straw shal be given thee, through Gods assistance, even though that would do it The Minister also added God shal remove thee in due time. The Spirit answered, I will not remove for you, I have my Commission from Christ to tarry and vex this Family. The Minister an­swered, a Permission thou hast indeed, but God will stop it in due time. The Devil replied, I have Sir, a Commission, which perhaps will last longer than your own. The Minister dyed in the year 1655 in Decem­ber. The Devil had told them, that he had given [Page 84] his commission to Tom to keep. The Company enquired at the Lad, who said, there was something put into his pocket, but it did not tarry.

After this, the Minister and the Gentlemen arose, and went to the place, whence the voice seemed to come, to try if they could see, or find any thing. After diligent search, nothing being found, the Gentlemen began to say, We think this voice speaks out of the Children, for some of them were in their beds. The Foul Spi­rit answered, you lie, GOD shall judge you for your lying, and I and my fa­ther will come and fetch you to Hell, with Warlock Thieves: and so the Devil discharged the Gentlemen to speak any thing, saying, Let him speak that hath a Com­mission, (meaning the Minister) for he is the servant of GOD. The Gentlemen re­turning back with the Minister, sat down near the place, whence the voice seemed to come, and he opening his mouth, spake to them, after this manner, The Lord will rebuke this Spirit in his own time, and cast it out. The Devil answering, said, It is written in the 9th. of Mark, the Disciples could not cast him out. The Minister replyed, What the Dis­ciples could not do, yet the Lord having [Page 85] hightned the Parents Faith, for his own glory did cast him out, and so shall he thee. The Devil replyed, It is written in the 4th. of Luke, and he departed and left him for a season. The Minister said, The Lord in the dayes of his Humiliation, not only got the victory over Satan, in that assault in the wilderness, but when he came a­gain, his success was no better, for it is writ­ten, Iohn 14. Behold, the Prince of this World cometh, and hath nothing in me, and being now in glory, he will fulfil his promise, and GOD shal bruise Satan un­der your feet shortly, Rom. 16. The Devil answered, It is written, Matth▪ 25. There were ten Virgins, five wise, & five foolish; and the Bridegroom came, the foolish Virgins had no oyl in their lamps, and went unto the wise to seek Oyl, and the wise said, go and buy for your selves; and while they went, the Bridegroom came, and entered in, and the door was shut, and the foolish Virgins were sent to Hells fire. The Minister answered, The Lord knows the sincerity of his servants, and though there be sin and folly in us here, yet there is a fountain opened to the house of David for sin and for unclean­ness, [Page 84] when he hath washen us, and pardo­ned our sins, for his Names sake, he will cast the unclean Spirit out of the land. The Devil answered, and said, Sir you should have cited for that place of Scripture, the 13 chap. of Zech. and so he began at the first verse and repeated several verses, and concluded with those words, In that day I will cause the Prophet, and the unclean Spirit, pass out of the land, but afterwards it is writ­ten, I will smite the Shepherd, and the Sheep shal be scattered. The Minister answer­ed, and said, well are we that our blessed Shepherd was smitten, and thereby hath bruised thy head, and albeit in the hour of his sufferings, his Disciples forsook him Matth. 26. Yet now having ascended on high, he sits in glory, and is preserving, gathering in, and turning his hand upon his little ones, and will save his poor ones in this Family from thy malice. The Mi­nister returning back a little, and standing upon the Floor, the Devil said, I knew not these Scriptures, till my Father taught me them. Then the Minister conjured him to tell whence he was. The Foul-Fiend replyed, that he was an evil Spirit, come from the bot­tomless Pit of Hell, to vex this house, [Page 85] and that Satan was his Father, and present­ly there appeared a naked hand, and an arm from the Elbow down, beating upon the Floor till the house did shake again, and also he ut­tered a most fearful and loud cry saying, come up Father come up, I will send my Fa­ther among you, See there he is behind your backs. The Minister said I saw indeed an hand, and an arm, when the stroak was given, and heard. The Devil said to him, Saw you that? It was not my hand, it was my Fa­thers: my hand is more black in the loof. O said Gilbert Campbel, that I might see thee, as well as I hear thee! Would you see me, says the Foul-Thief; Put out the Can­dle, and I shal come butt the house a­mong you like fire balls. I shall let you see me indeed. Alexander Bailie of Dunraget says to the Minister, let us go ben, and see if there be any hand to be seen. The De­vil answered, No, let him come ben alone; he is a good honest man, his single word may be believed. About this time the De­vil abused Mr. Robert Hay a very honest Gentleman very ill with his Tongue, calling him Witch and Warlock. A little after the Devil cryes (It seems out of purpose and in a purpose) a Witch, a VVitch, [Page 88] Ther's a Witch sitting upon the Ruist, take her away: he meant a Hen sitting up­on the halk of the House.

These things being Past, all went to Prayer during which time he was silent. Prayer being en­ded, the Devil answered and said, If the Goodmans Sons prayers at the Colledge of Glasgow, did not prevail with GOD: my father and I had wrought a mischief here ere now. To which Alexander Bailie of Dunraged replied, well, well, I see you confess there is a God, and that prayer prevails with him, and therefore we must pray to God and commit the event to him. To whom the Devil replied, yea Sir, you speak of prayer with your broad lipped Hat, (for the Gentleman, had lately gotten a Hat in the fashion with broad lipps) I'le bring a pair of Shears from my Fa­ther, which shal clip the lipps of it a little. Whereupon he presently imagined, that he heard and felt a pair of Shears, going round about his Hat, which caused him lift it, to see if the Foul-Theif had medled with it,

During this time, several things but of less moment passed, as that he would have Tom a Merchant, Rob a Smith, Iohn a Mini­ster, and Hue a Lawier, all which in some [Page 89] measure came to pass. As to Jennet the Good­mans Daughter he cryes to her, Jennet Camp­bel, Jennet Campbel, wilt thou cast me thy Belt. Quoth she, what a widdy would thou do with my Belt? I would fain (says he) fasten my loose bones closs together with it. A younger Daughter sitting busking her Puppies, as young Girls use to do, being threatned by the Fiend, that he would ding out her harns, that is brain her, answered without being concerned, no if God be to the fore, and so fell to her work again. The Good Wife of the house having brought out some bread was breaking it, to give every one of the Company a Piece. Cryes he, Grissel Wyllie, Grissel Wyllie; give me a peice of that hard bread (for so they call their Oat Cakes) I have gotten nothing this day, but a bit from Marrit, that is as they speak in that Countrey Margaret. The Mini­ster said, beware of that, for it is a sacrific­ing to the Devil. The Girle was called for, and asked if she gave him any hard bread, no says she, but when I was eating my due piece this morning, something came and cliek­ed it out of my hand.

The Evening being now far spent, it was thought fit, that every one should withdraw to [Page 88] his own home. Then did the Devil cry out fearfully, let not the Minister goe home, I shall burn the house if he go, and many other ways did he threaten. After the Minister had gone foorth: Gilbert Campbel was very instant with him to tarry, whereupon he returned, all the rest going home. When he came into the house, the Devil gave a great gaff of laugh­ter: you have now Sir done my bidding. Not thine, answered the other, but in obe­dience to God, have I returned to bear this man companie whom thou doest af­flict. Then did the Minister call upon God, and when prayer was ended, he discharged the Wea­ver, and all the Persons of the Familie, to speak a word to the Devil, and when it spak, that they should only kneel down, and speak to God. The Devil then roared mightily, and cryed out, What? Will ye not speake to me, I shall strike the bairns and do all manner of mischief. But after that time no answer was made to it, and so for a long time no speech was heard. Several times hath he beat the Children in their Beds, and the claps of his loof upon their Buttocks would have been heard but without any trouble to them. While the Minister and Gentle-men were standing at the Door readie to goe home, the Ministers [Page 89] Wife, and the Good-Wife were within. Then cryed Satan, Grissel put out the Candle. Sayes she to the Ministers Wife, shall I do it? No says the other, for then you shal obey the Devil. Vpon this he cryes again with a loud­er shout, Put out the Candle. The Candle still burns. The third time he cryes, Put out the Candle, and no obedience being given to him, he did so often reiterat these words, and magnify his voice, that it was astonishment to hear him, which made them stop their ears they thinking the sound was just at their ears. At last the Candle was put out. Now sayes he I'le trouble you no more this Night. I must insert here, what I heard from one of the Ministers of that Presbytrie, who with the rest were appointed to meet at the Weavers house, for prayer, and other exercises of that kind. When the day came, five only met. But be­fore they went in, they stood a while in the Croft, which layes round about the house, consulting what to do. They resolved upon two things, first there should be no words of Conjuration used, as commanding him in the Name of GOD to tell whence he was, or to depart from the Familie, for which they thought they had no call from GOD. Secondly [Page 88] that when the Devil spake, none should answer him, but hold on in their worshipping of GOD, and the duties they were called to. When all of them had prayed by turns, and three of them had spoken a word or two from the Scripture, they prayed again, and then ended, without any disturbance. When that Brother who informed me, had gone out, one Hue Nis­bit, one of the company, came running after him, desiring him to come back, for he had begun to whistle. No, sayes the other, I tarried as long as GOD called me, but go in again I will not.

After this, the said Gilbert suffered much loss, and had many sad nights, not two nights in one week free, and thus it continued till April; from April to July, he had some Respite and ease, but after, he was molested with new as­saults; and even their Victuals were so abu­sed, that the Family was in hazard of starving, and that which they eat gave them not their or­dinary satisfaction, they were wont to find.

In this sore and sad affliction Gilbert Camp­bel resolved to make his Address to the Sy­nod of Presbyters, for Advice and Counsel what to do; which was appointed to conveen in October 1655. namely, whether to forsake the house or not? The Synod by their Com­mitty [Page 89] appointed to meet at Glenluce in Fe­bruary 1656. thought fit that a solemn Hu­miliation should be kept through all the Bounds of the Synod; and among other causes, to re­quest GOD in behalf of that afflicted Family; which being done carefully, the event was, that his troubles grew less till April, and from A­pril to August, he was altogether free. About which time the Devil began with new assaults, and taking the ready Meat that was in the house, did sometimes hide it in holes by the door-posts; and at other times did hide it un­der the Beds, and some times among the Bed-cloaths, and under the Linnings, and at last, did carry it quite away, till nothing was left there, save Bread and Water. This minds me of a small passage, as a proof of what is said. The Good-wife one Morning making Pottage for the Childrens Break-fast, had the Tree-plate wherein the meal [...] snatcht from her quick­ly. Well says [...], let me have the plate again. Whereupon it came flying at her, with­out any skaith done. 'Tis like, if she had sought the meale too, she might have got it; such is his civility when he is entreated. A small homage will please him ere he want all. Af­ter this he exercised his malice and cruelty a­gainst all persons in the Family, in wearying [Page 92] them in the Night time, by stirring and moving thorow the house, so that they had no rest for Noise, which continued all the Moneth of Au­gust after this manner. After which time the Devil grew yet worse, by roaring, and terrifying them by casting of Stones, by striking them with staves on their Beds in the Night-time. And upon the 18. of September about Midnight he cryed out with a loud voice, I shall burn the house. And about 3. or 4. Nights after, he set one of the Beds on fire, which was soon put out, without any preju­dice, except the Bed it self.

Thus I have written a short and true account of all the Material Passages which occurred. To write every particular, especially of lesser Moment, would fill a large Volum. The Good­man lived several years after this, in the same house: and it seems, that by some conjuration or other, the Devil suffered himself to be put a­way, and gave the Weaver a peaceable habi­tation. This Weaver has been a very Odd man, that endured so long these marvellous disturbances.

RELATION. XII. Anent Mother Iackson her VVitch-Craft.

THis Story hath as much certainty with it, as any Human Story can have. The Au­thor that writs it is a Famous Minister of the Gospel, and attested by famous Witnesses. This Woman was arraigned and condemned at Newgate for bewitching one Mary Glover a M [...]rchants Daughter in Themes-Street. One Doctor Boncraft did inform Judge An­derson then Lord Chief Justice, that the said Mother Jackson was wronged and that the Maid did counterfeit. Whereupon the Lord Chief Justice gave order to Sir John Crook then Recorder of London to make trial of them in his Chamber at the Temple. The Maid being sent for came with her Mother and diverse of her Neighbours: and about an hour after, the Witch was sent for, and was brought in disguised like a countrey-market-Woman, with a mufflet hiding her face, and an old Hat, and a short Cloack spattered with mire. When she entered the Chamber the Maid suddenly fell down backward upon the floor, with her eyes drawn into her head, her tongue toward [Page 96] her Throat, her Mouth drawn up to her Ear: her Bodie became stiff, and senseless. Her Lips being shut closs, a plain and audible voice came out of her Nostrills, saying Hang her, Hang her. Then did the Recorder call for a Candle, and a sheet of Paper, and held the paper flaming to her hand, till her hand did blister. The blister did break and water came out, which dropt down upon the Floor, the maid lying still and senseless as a dead bo­dy, with the voice coming out of her Nostrills saying hang her, hang her. Then the Re­corder called for a long Pin, which he held in the Flame of the Candle, till it was very hot, and thrust the head of it into her Nostrills to see if that would make her Neese, Wink, or bend her brows, or stir her head, which she did not, but lay still as one dead, and senseless, Then I told the Recorder (saith my Author) that I had often prayed with the Maid, and that when I did conclude with the LORDS Prayer, the Maid, as soon as I said ( but deliver us from all evil) was tost up, and shaken as if a Mastive Dog should take a little Curr into his mouth, and shake him. Then the Recorder bad the Witch say the Lords Prayer, which she did till she came to these words, But deliver us from evil, which [Page 79] she skipt over and would by no means be brought to say them. Then they bad her rehearse the Articles of the Christian Faith, which she did, till she came to these words ( our Lord) but would by no means be drawn to confess that Jesus Christ was Our Lord. I told the Recorder also that when the Maid was in her senseless and dead fits, if the Witch did but lay her hand upon her, she was tost and thrown towards her. Thereupon the Recorder caused the Maid to be taken up, and layed upon a Bed, and cloaths to be layed upon her, especi­ally her head, because she should not see, nor hear. Then he made signes to the women to stand round about the Bed, and that the Witch should stand among them and that eve­rie one should lay hands one her softly, which they did, and the Maid did not stirr, till the Witch laid her hand upon her. Then all the Cloaths were thrown off, and the Maid tost towards her. Whereupon the Recorder look­ing upon the Witch said, Lord have mer­cy upon thee, Woman, and sent her to New-gate. Then as soon as she was gone, the voice that came out of the Maids Nostrils ceased, and she came to her self, and went home with her Mother.

About 3 Weeks or a Moneth after the Witch [Page 98] was condemned, the Maid continued every second day in most strange and fearful Fits, and Torments. The Recorder hearing of it, did blame me, and all the Ministers of London. And told me, that we might all of us be asham­ed to see a Child of God in the Claws of the Devil, without any hopes of deliverance, but by such means as GOD had appointed, Fasting and Prayer.

Within few dayes after, it pleased GOD to make me an instrument to draw five Ministers, and other good Christians together to set a day a part, and to joyn with me, in that holy exercise, wherein we continued from morning till after Candle lighting. Then on a sudden, after a fear­full conflict which did much amaze some, and caused them to cry with a confused Noise, Jesus help, Jesus save, the Maid did start up out of a Wand-Chair, where she sat, and with her strength did lift me up with her, I kneeling behind her, and holding her in my Arms, she did throw white Froth out of her throat and mouth round about the Chamber, and on a sud­den fell down into the Chair, as one truely dead, with her head hanging down into the Chair, her neck, arms limber and souple, which before were stiff as a frozen thing: Then sud­denly life came into her whole Body, and her [Page 99] eyes which were drawn into her head, and her Tongue, which was pulled into her throat came into their right place. Then she looked up with a chearful countenance round about the Cham­ber, and with a loud voice spak, saying, O he is come, he is come, the Comforter is come, the Comforter is come, I am de­livered, I am delivered. Her Father hear­ing these words, wept for joy, and with a faul­tring voice, said, O these were her grand Fathers words, when he was at the Stake, the fire crakling about him. It seems he died a Martyr in Queen Maries time. Then she kneeled down, and offered a sweet evening sacri­fice of Thanks and Praise to GOD for her de­liverance, till her voice grew weak. Then did the Minister speak to her to forbear, and let one of them end the day with thanksgiving. And in regard that I (saith the Minister) had be­gun the day with prayer, the Companie desired me to make an end with Thanksgiving. This be­ing done, care was had of her, to put her to some Minister for a year, least Satan should as­sault her again. And by common consent she was put to me, and I took her home to my own House, for being my servant for that time, and her Mother and Sister, and Lodged them at my House in great [Page 100] Saint Helens. Which then was my living This Relation was publisht in the year 1642. by the Minister, whose name is Lewes Hughes and is yet to be seen in Print.

RELATION XIII. King Duff the 78 King of Scotland Bewitched.

THough this be well known to all who read our Scots Histories, yet it will not be a­miss to insert it here, as in its own place, for their sake especially who have not heard of it. While the King was about the setling of the Countrey, and punishing the Troublers of the Peace, he began to be sore afflicted in his Body with a new and unheard of Disease, no Causes of his Sickness appearing in the least. At length, after that several Remedies and Cures were made use of to no purpose, a Report is spread, the Authors thereof being uncertain, that the King was brought to that sickness and Trouble by Witches. This suspicion arose, from an unusual Sweating he was under, his Body pining and withering away by little and little and his strength failling day by day. And since all his Physicians; had done their utmost, and [Page 101] yet no appearance of recovery, it was supposed his case was extraordinary, therefore all men being vehemently intent upon the Event, news came to Court that Night-meetings were kept at Forres a Town in Murray, for taking away the life of the King, This was presently received and believed for Truth, because no other thing did occurr for the present more probable. Whereupon Trusty and Faithful men are present­ly sent away to one Donald Governour of the Castle there, in whom the King had the great­est Trust and Confidence. This man having got­ten some knowledge of the business from a cer­tain young Wench, whose Mother was under a bad report of being skilful in this Black-Art, found out and discovered the whole mat­ter. The young Harlot is taken, because she had spoken some words rashly anent the Kings sickness, and that within a few dayes his life would be at an end. Some of the Guard being sent, found the Lasses Mother, with some Haggs, such as her self, roasting before a small mode­rate fire, the Kings Picture made of Wax. The design of this horrid Act, was that as the Wax by little and little did melt away, so the Kings Body by a continual sweating, might at last totally decay. The Waxen-Image be­ing found and broken, and those old Haggs be­ing [Page 102] punished by death, the King did in that same moment recover. Compare this with the first Relation, and you will find them jump and agree exactly.

RELATION XIV. The Apparition of Edward Avon, to his Son in Law Thomas Goddard.

THomas Goddard of Marleburgh in the County of Wilts, Weaver; on the ninth of November 1674 going to Ogburn, at a Style on the Highway about nine in the morning, met the Apparition of his Father in Law, one Edward Avon of this Town Glover, who dy­ed in May last, having on to appearance, the same Cloaths, Hat, Stockings, and Shoes he did usually wear when he was living, standing by, and leaning over that Style. Which when he came near, the Apparition spake to him with an audible voice, these words, Are you afraid? To which he answered, I am, think­ing on one who is dead and burried whom you are like. To which the Appari­tion replyed with the like voice. I am he you were thinking on, I am Edward Avon your Father in Law, come near to me, I will do you no harm. To which Goddard answered, I trust in him that bought my Soul with his precious blood, you shal do [Page 103] me no harm. Then the Apparation said, How stand Cases at home? Goddard askt what Cases? Then it askt him, how do William and Mary, meaning as he conceived his Son William Avon, a Shoe-Maker here, and Mary his Daughter, the said Goddards wife. Then it said, What? Taylor is dead, mean­ing as he thought one Taylor of London, who married his Daughter Sarah, which Taylor dyed about Michaelmas last. Then the Ap­parition held out his hand, and in it as God­dard conceived, 20. or 30 shillings in Silver, and then spake with a loud voice. Take this money, and send it to Sarah for I shut up my Bowels of Compassion toward her in my life time, and now here is somewhat for her. And then said, Mary (meaning the said Goddard's Wife, as he conceived) is troubled for me, but tell her God hath shewed me Mercy contrary to my deserts. But the said Goddard answered, In the name of Iesus I re­fuse all such money. Then the Apparition said I perceive you are afraid, I will meet with you some other time. And immediately it went up the Lane to his appearance. So he went over the same Style, but saw it no more that day.

He saith, the next night about 7. of the Clock, it came & opened his Shop windows and stood in [Page 104] the like Cloaths, looking him in the face but said nothing to him. And the next Night after, as Goddard went forth into his Back-side with a Candle light in his hand, it appeared to him again in the same shape, but he being in fear, ran into his house, and saw it no more then.

But he saith, that on Thursday the 12. instant, as he came from Chilton, riding down the Hill between the Mannor-house and Axfoord-Farm-Field, he saw some what like a hare crosing his way, at which his Horse frighted, threw him into the Dirt, and as soon as he could recover on his Feet, the same Apparition there met him a­gain in the same habit, and there standing a­bout eight foot directly before him in the way, spake again to him with a loud voice: Source (a word he commonly used when living) you have stayed long, and then said to him, Thomas, bid William Avon take the Sword that he had of me, which is now in his House, and carry it to the Wood, as we go to Alton, to the upper end of the Wood, by the way side, for with that Sword I did wrong thirty years ago, and he never prosper'd since he had that sword. And bid William Avon give his sister Sa­rah [Page 105] twenty shillings of the money which he had of me. And do you talk with Edward Laurence, for I borrowed twenty shillings of him several years ago, and did say I had payed him, but I did not pay it him; and I would desire you to pay him twenty shillings out of the Mo­ney which you had from Iames Elliot, at two payments. Which money the said God­dard now saith was five pounds, which James Elliot a Baker here owed the said Avon on Bond, and which he the said Goddard had received from the said Elliot since Michael­mas at two payments, viz. 35. shillings at one, and 3 pound 5 shillings at another pay­ment. And it further said to him, tell Mar­garet (meaning his own Wife as he conceived) that I would desire her to deliver up the little money which I gave to little Sarah Taylor the Child, or any one she will trust for it. But if she will not, speak to Ed­ward Laurence to perswade her. But if she will not then, tell that I will see her very suddenly. And see that this be done within a twelve moneth, and a day after my decease, and peace be with you. And so it went away over the Rails into the Wood there in the like manner, as any man [Page 106] would go over a Style to his apprehension, and so he saw it no more at that time. And he saith, that he paid the twentie shillings to Edward Laurence of this town, who being present, now doth remember, he lent the said Avon twentie shillings about twentie years ago, which none knew but himself and his Wife and Avon and his wife, and was never paid it, again before now by this Goddard.

And this Goddard further says, that this verie day by Mr. Majors order, he with his Brother in Law William Avon went with the Sword, and about Nine a Clock this Morning, they laid down the Sword in the Copse near the place the Apparition had ap­pointed Goddard to carry it: and then com­ing away thence, Goddard looking back, saw the same Apparition again in the like habit as before. Whereupon he called to his Brother in Law ▪ and said, Here is the Apparition of our Father, who said, I see nothing. Then Goddard fell on his knees, and said, LORD open his eyes that he may see it, if it be thy blessed Will. And the Apparition to Goddards appearance, beckned with his hand to come to it. And then Goddard said, In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, what would you have me to do? [Page 107] Then the Apparition said to him, Thomas take up the Sword and follow me. To which he said, should both of us come, or but one of us? To which, it answered, Thomas, do you take up the Sword. And so he took up the Sword and followed the Apparition about ten Poles in length further into the Copse, and then turning back, he stood still about a Pole and a half from it, his Brother in Law staying behind at the Place where they first laid down the Sword. Then Goddard laying down the Sword upon the Ground saw something stand by the Appariti­on like a Mastiff-Dog of a Brown Colour. Then the Apparition coming towards God­dard, he stept back about two steps. And the Apparition said to him, I have a per­mission to you, and a Commission not to touch you: And then it took up the Sword, and went back to the Place, at which before it stood, with a Mastiff-Dog by it as before, and pointed the top of the Sword into the Ground, and said, In this place lies bu­ried the Bodie of him, whom I murder­ed in the year 1635. Which is now rotten and turned to Dust. Whereupon Goddard said, I do adjure you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy [Page 108] Ghost, when did you commit this Murder. And it said, I took Money from the Man, and he contended with me, and so I murdered him. Then God­dard askt him, who was Confederate with him in the said Murder? And he said, None but my self was accessory thereto. Then Goddard said, What would you have me to do in this thing? And the Appari­tion said, This is, that the World may know that I murdered a Man, and buri­ed him in this place in the year 1635.

Then the Apparition laid down the Sword, on the bare ground there, whereon grew no­thing, but seemed to Goddard to be as a Grave sunk in. And then the Apparition rushing further into the Copse, vanished, and saw it no more. Whereupon Goddard his Brother in Law Avon, leaving the Sword there, and coming away together, Avon told Goddard he heard his voice, and understood what he said, and heard other words distinct from his, but could not understand a word of it, nor saw any Apparition at all. Which he now also present affirmeth, and all which the said Goddard then attested under his hand, and affirmed, he will depone the same, when he shall be thereto required.

RELATION XV. Some observable Passages of GODS Pro­vidence to a Godly Minister, in giv­ing him full clearness concern­in Bessie Graham, suspect of Witch-craft.

SHE was apprehended about the end of Au­gust 1649. upon some threatning words, she had spoken in her drunkenness to John Rankins Wife in Kilwinning. Whereupon the poor Woman ten dayes after took Sickness, and shortly died. She was imprisoned in the Steeple, for the space of thirteen weeks, all which time I (the Minister) repared to her, but found her still more and more obdured. In all her discourses she was so subtile, that not only I could get no advantage by her words, but sometimes she made me think, that she was an innocent Woman; so that I was much grieved for her hard usage, if it could have been help­ed, and had my own secret Wishes, she had ne­ver been medled with. Yea, if she could have made an escape, I being innocent of it, I could have been glade: for I feared much, that all we could get proven on her, would not have [Page 110] been a sufficient ground, for the Civil Magis­trate, to give a warrant, for putting her to an Assize. Or if they had given a warrant I feared the Assize would not condemn her un­less I had advised them thereto, wherein I was not clear, so that she should have been set at Libertie, and I blamed for it, by reason of my not advising the Assize to condemn her. At this nick of time one Alexander Bogs skilled in searching the Mark, came, being often sent for, and finds the Mark upon her ridge-Back, wherein he thrust a great Brass Pin, of which she was not sensible: neither did any blood fol­low, when the Pin was drawn out. I lookt upon this but as a small evidence, in respect of what I found afterwards▪ yet this some-what inclined the Judges to send the Process to Edinburgh, though there were small hopes of obtaining a Commission for putting her to an Assize. My fears deceived me, for I was informed that a Commission was granted, though with difficulty. But here my strait was aug­mented, for the chiefest man in the parish re­fuseth to meet professing he thought all that was proven on her, were but Clatters. And I was informed, that others of the Judges did say little less. However, I, my self could not but think her guilty: Yet if the Assize had [Page 111] put her to it, I was not so clear to advise them, by Reason, that the things were proven but by one Witness. This put me to manie thoughts and Prayers, wherein I did engadge my self to GOD, that if he should find out a way for giving me, and the Assize full clear­ness, either by her own Confession or otherwise, I should remarke it as a singular Favour, and special Mercy. This Resolution I did often rei­terate, Lord make me mindful of it. Af­ter a short time, Providence brought to light an unexpected Presumption of her guiltiness, which did convince me more, than any of the rest. Vpon Wednesday the 28 of November in the evening I went to exhort her to a confession, with Alexander Sympson the Kirk-Officer, and my own servant with me: After labouring with her in vain, we leave her. But when I came to the stair-head, I resolved to halt a lit­tle to hear what she would say. Within a very short space, she begins to discourse, as if it had been to some body with her. Her voice was so low, that I could not understand what she said, except one sentence, whereby I perceived, she was speaking of somewhat I had been challeng­ing her of, and she had denyed. After she had spoken this, after a little while I hear another voice, speaking and whispering; as it [Page 112] were conferring with her, which presently I apprehended to be the Foul-Fiends voice: but being uncertain, if those who were with me had heard it, so as they could give testimony concerning it, & not daring to ask them, least she hearing our whispering should have spoken no more, I resolv­ed to stand a little longer, she having kept silence a time, upon occasion, as I thought of some little din amongst us, at our hearing of an uncouth voice. She began to speak again, and before she had well ended, the other voice speaketh as it were a long sentence, which though I under­stood not what it was, yet was so low and ghoustie, that I was certainly perswaded that it was another voice than hers. Besides, her Accent and manner of speaking was, as if she had been speaking to some other:, and that other voice, to my best remembrance, did begin before she had closed, so that two voices were to be heard at once.

By this time fear took hold on Alexander Sympson, being hindmost in the Stair, and thereby he cries out. I did exhort him with a loud voice not to fear; and so we came all of us down the stair, blessing GOD that had given me such a clearness in the business. They both who were with me declared, They had heard the uncouth how voice, both [Page 113] the times. Within a quarter of an hour I go up again, with two or three able men with me, and brought her down to the School, having placed six men to watch, where she remains at the time of my Writing hereof, November 30. obstinate and obdured, and I fear she shall be so to her death.

Some special Providencies I observed in all these.

First, That however we knew nothing at our first apprehending of her, but only that she was of a bad report, and had some boasting words to John Rankings wife, after which she dyed shortly, yet partly more and more light brake up until so many Presumptions were proven on her, as the Civil Magistrate did judge it equitable to put her to an Assize. ( 2) That Alexander Bogs came and found the Mark upon her, at that very nick of time, when there was an in­clination to let her go free: which though it did not say much, yet it was a mean to keep her still in Prison. ( 3) That a Commission was granted upon more slender grounds, than any which had been granted before: and that the Lord keep­ed up the greatest evidence of her guilt, untill the Commission was obtained, and [Page 114] the day for the Assize appointed. ( 4) That the Commission being granted, I was in a great Strait, what to do, no less being presented to me than her Blood-guiltiness, if I should advise to condemn her, and the sparing of an enemy to GOD, if I should not advise. This made the mercy, in giving me so full clearing the more acceptable. ( 5) That GOD did make all o­ther means misgive which I did use, untill he should clear me by these, wherein more of him­self was soon. ( 6) That before he gave me clearing, I was made to engadge my self, to a special Observation of his most remarkable Providences towards me. ( 7) That I had often thoughts to use these means of trying her, by going to watch in the night, if I could hear the Devil and her conferring together, but was al­ways hindred until this time, having no such resolution, when I was coming out from her, but only a present purpose to stand but a little, not thinking to hear any thing of this kind, and if she had not presently begun to speak, I would have gone away. ( 8) That I my self was pre­sent at the hearing of their conference. If it had been any other, I would neither have been so fully satisfied my self, nor yet others who should hear of it. ( 9) That not only I, but two with me did hear also, which will make a legal proof. ( 10) That I [Page 115] was born up with courage all the time acting Faith in GOD, that the Foul Spirit should not have power to do us harm, though he was so near unto us. ( 11) That I heard as much as did give full clearing, that it was another voice, though I could not get any of the words under­stood. The Lord thinking it sufficient to loose me out of my strait, though he would not satisfy my Curiositie. ( 12) Though I could not get the words understood, yet there was as much evi­dence as made it clearly appear, it was an­other voice than hers.

As first, that we heard twise. And (2) that three of us did so think. ( 3) That I was in courage, and so my judgement not jumbled by any fearful apprehensions. ( 4) That the Accent and way of her discourse, and in what we did understand of it, was not after the manner, how one regrates a thing to himself, but of one conferring with another. ( 5) That the other Voice was to my certain hearing of a different Accent from hers, so hollow and ghoustie, that it was as easie to me to put a difference be­tween them in the mean time, as between the Voice of a Man and the Voice of a Child. ( 6) That to my best Remembrance the Uncouth Voice began before she end­ed, so that two Voices were to be heard at [Page 116] once. Lastly, Alexander Sympson under stood their language, and afterward did depone the words judicially.

It is good ( 1) For folk to hold on in doing of dutie, though they foresee insuperable difficulties before they come to the end of it. Let a man go on till he come to the difficulty, and ere he come that far on, GOD will remove it. ( 2) Its good in asking Mercies to engadge the heart to some duties of thankfulness, upon the granting of them. ( 3) How zealous is the Devil to get Souls damned. That though he be of an excel­lent substance, of great natural Parts, long Ex­perience, and deep understanding, yet he will so far inslave himself to poor Miscreant Bodies, as to be ready at their call, to discourse and keep Company with them, that at the last he may get them. ( 4) How serviceable and trustie so ever the Devil seems to be unto Witches, yet he cares not to insnare them at the last: for he could not but know, that we were waiting on to hear him and her: so that on purpose he hath enter­ed in discourse with her, that she might be taken in the Grin.

I come to some other remarkable passages con­cerning Elizabeth Graham before her death, giving evidence that she was most guilty of Witch­craft, though she died obstinate, and would not [Page 117] confess. Vpon Saturday night, November 13 she seemed to incline to a Confession, and promi­sed to William Wat to tell me to morrow af­ter Sermon all that was in her heart. At which time, I had none with me, but William Wat. When I spake with her, She regrated her mispent time, but especially her ma­lice towards my self; which she affirmed the Devil tempted her to. All which time she spake with a very low voice, that although I desired her to speak out, we could scarcely hear her. Whereupon, I enquired the Reason, why she was not able to speak louder? She replyed, that when she set her self to speak any thing that was for her Souls good, she dought not get spoken. These were her words But if she would scold and flyte, as she us­ed to do, the Devil would give her strength enough to speak as loud as ever she did. Within a little I posed her, if she was guilty of Witch-Craft? She stareth with her eyes by me, first to the one side, and then to the other: at which time, I think certainly she saw the Devil. For immediately after, she began to rail upon me, although she had confessed her malice at me, was partly the cause of her greatest grief, and still as she went on in railling, her voice became stronger and strong­er, [Page 118] till at last, she spake as loud as ever she did.

Vpon Munday before noon, she was most bitter in her Language. I posed her, what grounds of confidence she had, if it would be well with her Soul? She answered, she had no grounds yet; for she had lived a wic­ked woman, and had not yet repented; but she hoped, she would get Heaven, and get repentance, and a change wrought in her: and though she was to live but a short while, she was sure of it, and that I would soon see it. I thought in the mean time she had spoken that in her rage. But af­ter, I perceived the Devil and she had an fur­ther design in it, as appears by what follows. That same day afternoon they came, and told me, that she had fallen to pray, and had many gracious words, expressing her own vileness, and the sense she had of GODS Mercy, and with tears, in which strain she continued till after supper. I came then to see her, at which time she was continuing still as before in aggreging her sin, and guilt, and shewing her hopes of Salva­tion, and her desire to die, and all alongs she had such pithy expressions, and Scripture so often, and plentifully cited, that I was put to wonder; considering that I had ever found [Page 119] her altogether ignorant of the grounds of Reli­gion, both before and after she was put into Prison.

After I had wondered at it a while, without speaking to her, considering what she had foretold so confidently before noon, I con­cluded in my own mind, that it was a draught between the Devil and her, to fenzie Repen­tance in such an odd way, that we might be deceived; being made to think, that she was not a Witch, else she would confess it, seing GOD had given her Repentance.

Whereupon I seriously considering the matter, I posed her of guiltinesse, she confessed all the particulars of the Processe, which did not cer­tainly conclude her to be a Witch, but for the rest of the particulars, she denyed, as also the Crime of Witch-craft it self. However, she said, she knew she would die, and desired not to live; and she thought we would be free before GOD of her blood, because, that however she was free, yet there were so many things de­poned against her, that though it was hard for us to think otherwise of her than we did, yet she knew well enough her own inno­cency.

[Page 120]Thus I have written all these particulars, as I found them in the Authentick Record written by the Ministers own hand. She was soon af­ter executed, and died without any acknow­ledgement of Witchcraft.

RELATION XVI. Anent the Apparition of Sir George Williers.

SOme few days before the Duke of Buck­ingham went to Portsmouth where he was Stabbet by Felton, the Ghost of his Fa­ther Sir George Williers appeared to one Parker, a religious and sober man, who had been a servant to the said sir George, but now servant to the Duke his Son, he appeared to him (I say) in his Morning-Chamber-Gown, and charged him to tell his Son that he should decline that Employment and Design, he was go­ing upon, or els he would certainly be murder­ed. Parker promised to the Apparition to do it. The Duke making preparations for his Expeditions, the Apparition came again to Parker, taxing him very severely for his breach of Promise, and required him not to delay the acquainting his Son of the danger he was in. [Page 121] Then Parker the next day tells the Duke, that his Fathers Ghost had twice appeared to him, and had commanded him, with­out any further delay, to give him that warning. The Duke slighted it, and told him, he was an old Doting Fool. That night the Apparition came to Parker a third time, saying, Parker thou hast done well in warning my Son of his danger, but though he will not yet believe thee, Go to him once more however, and tell from me by such a Token (naming a pri­vate token) which no body knows but only He and I, that if he will not decline this Voyage; such a Knife as this is (pulling a long Knife out from under his Gown) will be his Death. This Message Parker also deli­vered the next day to the Duke, who when he heard the private Token, believed he had it from his Fathers Ghost. Yet said he, that his honour was now at the Stake, and he could not go back from what he had undertaken, come Life come Death. This passage, Parker after the Dukes Murder communicated to his fellow Servant Henry Celey, who told it to a Reverend Divine a Neighbour of mine (saith my Author) from whose Mouth I have it. This Henry Celey has not been dead above [Page 122] twentie years, and his habitation for several years before his death was at North-Currie, but three miles from this place. My friend the Divine aforesaid was an intimate Acquaintance of this Henry Celey's, and assures me he was a Person of known Truth and Integritie.

RELATION XVII. Anent Hattaraik an old Warlock.

THis mans name was Sandie Hunter, who called himself Sandie Hamilton, and it seems was called Hattaraik by the De­vil, and so by others, as a Nick-name. He was first a Neat-herd in East-Lothian to a Gentle-man there. He was much given to Charming. and cureing of Men and Beasts by Words and Spels. His Charms sometimes succeeded, sometimes not. On a day herding his kine upon a Hill side in the Summer time, the Devil came to him in form of a Mediciner and said Sandie, you have too long fol­lowed my trade, and never acknowledg­ed me for your Master. You must now take on with me, and be my servant, [Page 123] and I will make you more perfect in your Calling. Whereupon the man gave up himself to the Devil, and received his Mark, with this new name. After this, he grew very famous throw the Countrey, for his Charm­ing and cureing of diseases in Men and Beasts, and turned a vagrant fellow, like a Iockie, gaining, Meal, Flesh, and Money by his Charms, such was the ignorance of many at that time. Whatever House he came to, none durst refuse Hattaraik an alms, rather for his ill, than his good. One day he came to the Yait of Samuelstoun, wh [...]n some Friends after Dinner were going to Horse. A young Gentleman brother to the Lady seing him, switcht him about the ears, saying, You Warlok Cairle, what have you to do here? Whereupon the Fellow goes away grumbling, and was overheard say, you shall dear buy this ere it be long. This was Damnum Minatum. The young Gentle-man conveyed his Friends a far way off and come home that way again, where he supt. After supper taking his horse, and crosing Tine-Water to go home; he rides throw a shadowy piece of a Haugh, commonly called the Allers, and the evening being some-what dark, he met with some Persons there that [Page 124] begat a dreadful consternation in him, which for the most part, he would never reveal. This was malum secutum. When he came home, the Servants observed terror and fear in his Countenance. The next day he became distract­ed and was bound for several days. His Sis­ter the Lady Samuelstown hearing of it, was heard say, suerly that knave Hatta­raik, is the cause of his Trouble. Call for him in all haste. When he had come to her, Sandie, says she,, what is this you have done to my Brother William? I told him, says he, I should make him re­pent his stricking of me at the yait lately. She giving the Rogue fair words, and promising him his Pock full of Meal, with Beaf, and Cheese, perswaded the Fellow to cure him again. He undertook the business, but I must first (says he,) have one of his Sarks, which was soon gotten. What Pranks he plaid with it cannot be known. But within a short while the Gentleman recovered his Health. When Hattaraik came to receive his wadges, he told the Lady, your Brother William shal quickly go off the Countrey but shall never return. She knowing the Fellows Prophesies to hold true, caused her Brother make a Disposition to her of all his Patrimony, [Page 125] to the defrauding of his younger brother George ▪ After that this Warlock had abused the Countrey for a long time, he was at last appre­hended at Dumbar, and brought into Edin­burgh, and burnt upon the Castle-hill.

I have insert this story, which I had from the Gentlemans own Brother, a thing well known at that time thorow the Countrey, not so much for any great matters in it, as that it may be an occasion to me to speake a little of Charms. The word Charm, or Incanta­tion comes from the Latine word Carmen, signifying a verse, because the Roman­Southsayers gave their Charms in Verse. It is only a strange composure of words to blind the Vnderstanding of People, pretending that by ver­tue of Words great matters may be brought to pass. But words of themselves, either spoken or written, (as these charms) have no force to bring any thing to pass. It is only the power of Almighty God. Charming is much practised by the Pope, and the Romish-Church. Their whole form of Religion both in private and in publick consisting of Charms of all sorts. Pope Leo had a Charm, which he said he had from an Angel, who taught him, that who soever earried that Charm in writ about him, and said every day three [Page 126] Pater Nosters, three Aves, and one Creed, shall not that day be conquered of his enemies, nor be in other danger ghostly or bodily, but shall be protected by these holy names of Jesus Christ written, with the four Evangelists, and Crosses between them, as † Jesus † Chri­stus † Messias † Soter † Emanuel, &c. It is still a common practise among the Papists to carry Charms about them, to make them Shot-Free when they go to War, as also hath been found by experience in the late Irish Wars, many of the Idolatrous Irish being found with Charms in their Pockets, composed by the Po­pish Clergy. They make their Holy Water by a Charm or Conjuration thus. I con­jure thee, thou Creature of Water: in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, that thou drive the Devil out of every Corner of this Church and Altar; so that he remain not within our Pre­cinks, which are Just and Holy. This is used in the Dedication of their Churches. Thus by Holy Water, they not only conjure the Devil from their Churches, but from dwel­ling Houses, from Meat and Drink, from Salt upon the Table. They dedicate their Bells in Steeples, which have power to clear the Air from Devils. It is likewise a sort of [Page 127] Charm, which many Witches have prescrived namely to cut the Rouan-Tree between the two Beltan days. If any Man or Woman, Horse, or Cow shall have a piece thereof upon them, no Devils or Fairy▪ shall have power, to medle with them. An old Woman whom I read of, used this Charm, when she went to Bed.

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John,
The Bed be blest that I ly on.

Another Old Woman taught her Neighbour this Charm, when the Butter would not Churn.

Come Butter come,
Come Butter come,
Peter stands at the Gate,
Waiting for a Butter'd Cake,
Come Butter come.

RELATION XVIII. The Appearing of the Ghost of Mistris Bretton.

DOctor Bretton late Rector of Ludgate, at Deptford, lived formerly in Here­fordshire, and married the Daughter of Do­ctor Santer. This Gentlewoman was a Person of extraordinary Piety, which she expressed as in her life so at her death. She had a Maid, that she had a great kindness for; who was married to a near Neighbour, whose name as I remember was Alice. Not long after her death, as Alice was rocking her Childe in the evening, she was called from the Cradle by one knocking at the Door, which being opened, she was sur­prised at the sight of a Gentlewoman, not to be distinguished from her late Mistris, neither in Person, nor Habit. She was in a morning Gown, the same in appearance with that she had often seen her Mistris wore. At first sight she ex­pressed very great amazement, and said, were not my Mistris dead, I should not question but you are she. She replyed, I am the same that was your Mistris, & took her by the hand which Alice affirmed was cold as a Ston.

[Page 129]She added, that she had business of great importance to imploy her in, and that she must go immediately a little way with her. Alice trembled and beseeched her to excuse her, and entreated her very im­portunatly to go to her Master, who must needs be more fit to be employed. She answered, that he who was her Husband, was not at all concerned, but yet she had a desire rather to make use of him, and in order thereunto had several times been in his Chamber, but he was still asleep, nor had she power to do more than once uncover his feet towards the awakening of him. And the Doctor said, that he did hear a walking in his Chamber in the Night, which till now he could give no account of. Alice next objected, that her husband was gone a Journey, and she had no one to look to her Child, that it was very apt to cry vehemently, and she feared if it awakened before her return, it would cry it self to death, or do it self mischief The Apparition replyed, the Child shall sleep till your return.

Alice seeing there was no avoiding it, sorely against her will followed her over a Style into a large Field, who then said to her, observe [Page 130] how much of this Field I measure with my Feet. And when she had taken a good large and leisurely compass, she said, all this belongs to the Poor, it being gotten from them by wrongful means, and charg­ed her to go, and tell her Brother, whose it was at that time, that he should give it up to the Poor again forthwith, as he loved her, and his deceased Mother. This Brother was not the Person, who did this unjust act, but his Father. She added, that She was the more concerned, because her name was made use of at some Writing, that relat­ed to this Land.

Alice askt her how she should satisfy her Brother, that this was no Cheat or Delusion of her Fancy. She replied, tell him this secret which he knows, that only himself and I are privy to, and he will believe you. Alice having promised to her to go on in this Errand, she proceeded to give her good advice, and entertained her all the rest of the Night, with most heavenly and divine discourse. When the Twilight appear­ed they heard the Noise of Horse-Bells. Where­upon the Apparition said, Alice, I must be seen by none but your self, and so she disappeared.

Immediately Alice in all haste runs home, [Page 131] being thoughtfull for her Child, but found it as the Apparition had said, asleep as she left it. When she had dressed it and committed it to the care of a Neighbour, away she went to her Master the Doctor, who amazed at the account she gave him, sent her to his Bro­ther in Law. He at first hearing Alice's Sto­ry and Message, laughed at it heartily. But she had no sooner told him the secret, but he changed his Countenance, and told her, he would give the Poor their own, and according­ly he did it, and they now enjoy it.

This with more circumstances many times has been related by Doctor Bretton himself, who was well known to be a Person of great good­ness and sincerity. He gave a large Narrative of this Apparition of his Wife to two of my Friends, saith my Author. First to one Mistris Needham, and afterwards a little before his death to Doctor Whichcot.

RELATION XIX. Touching an Apothècaries Servant that returned to the Shop, after he had been dead.

THis is a known passage, which happened in the year 1659, at Crossen in Silesia. This is a part of Germany, which long since was under the Polonians, but is now subject to the Crown of Bohemia. The chief Ma­gistrate of that town at that time was the Prin­ces Elizabeth Charlotta, a person famous in her generation. In the Spring of the aforesaid year, one Christopher Monig, a Native of Serbest, a town belonging to the Princes of Anhalt, servant to an Apothecary, died and was buried with the usual Ceremonies of the Lutheran Church. A few dayes after his decease, a shape exactly like him in face, clo­athes, stature, meen, &c. appeared in the A­pothecaries shop, where he would set himself down, and walk sometimes, and take Boxes, Pots, Glasses from the Shelves, and set them again in their places, and sometimes try and ex­amine the goodness of the Medicines, weigh [Page 133] them in a pair of Scales, pound the Drugs with a mighty noise in the Mortar. Nay serve the People, that came with their Bills to the Shop, take their Money, and lay it up safe in the Counter. In a word, do all things that a Iourney-man in such cases uses to do. He looked very ghastly upon these that had been his Fellow-servants, who were afraid to say any thing to him. And his Master being sick at the time of the Gout, he was often very trouble­some to him, would take the Bills that were brought him, out of his hand, snatch away the Candle sometimes, and put it behind the Stove. At last, he took a cloak that hung in the Shop, put it on, and walked abroad, but minding no body in the Streets, entered into some of the Citi­zens houses, and thrust himself into their compa­ny, especially of such as he had formerly known, yet saluted no Body, nor spoke to any one, but to a Maid servant, whom he met with hard by the Church-yeard, and desired her to go home to his Masters house, and dig in a ground chamber, where she would find an inesti­mable treasure. But the Maid amazed at the sight of him, sounded, whereupon he lift her up, but left such a mark upon her flesh, with lifting her, that it was to be seen for some time after. The Maid having recovered her [Page 134] self, went home, but fell desperatly sick upon it, and in her sickness discovered what Monig had said to her: and accordingly they digged in the place, she had named, but found nothing but on old decayed Pot with an Hematites, or Bloodstone in it. The Princes hereupon caused the young mans Body to be digged up, which they found putrified with purulent Matter flowing from it: and the Master being advised to re­move the young Mans Goods, Linnens, Cloathes, and things, he left behind him, when he died out of the house, the Spirit thereupon left the House, and was seen no more. And this some People now living will give their Oath upon, who very well remember they saw him after his decease, and the thing being so notorious, there was instituted a Publick Disputation about it in the Academy of Leipsig, by one Henry Conradus, who disputed for his Doctors de­gree in the University. And this puts me in mind of an Apothecary at Reichenbach in Silesia, about fifteen years ago, who after his death appeared to diverse of his acquaintance and cr [...]ed out▪ that in his life time he had poy­soned several men with his Drugs. Whereupon the Magistrates of the town took up his Body and burnt it; which being done, the Spirit dis­appeared, and was seen no more.

RELATION. XX. A Wonderful Story of one Robert Church­man, inveigled in Quakerism, and pos­sessed by a Spirit, and how he was re­covered: written by way of Letter by Doctor Iohn Templar.

SIR, Your desiring to be acquainted with some Passages concerning the Quakers in this Town of Balsham, obligeth me to give you the following account. At my first settlement her [...] in the Ministry, I found them very busie in enticeing my People to a complyance with their perswasions in Religion. This desinge they did attempt to accomplish by dispersing their Papers among them. Two of my Parishioners I had a particular eye upon, namely, Robert Church-man, and his Wife, they being per­sons of a very good life, and a pleasant estate. I was under a fear, that their departure from the Church, might be a means to induce others to the same practise. The first, in my discourses I had with him, did manifest a very strong in­clination to the Principles of the Quakers. The second was so far engaged, (meaning the said Roberts wife) that the Quakers did commonly [Page 136] report, that a Principle was begun in her.

As I was one day in conference with the said Robert Churchman, I desired him, that when any of their Books came to his hand, he would do me the kindness to bring them to me, that we might read them over together, assuring him of no unwillingness in me to hearken to what soever should appear reasonable. What I desired he performed not long after. When I had re­ceived the paper into my hand, before I began to read, I suggested to him, that it would be convenient, that the Person who had been the cause of his seduction should be sent for, and hear what was replyed to the Contents, which he willingly consented to. When the Quaker was come, one branch of our discourse was, Whether the Scripture is to be owned as a Rule, which the Quaker denyed, assert­ing that the Rule was within them. After the expence of two or three hours discourse about this and other matters, I desired Robert Churchman to take notice, that the Quakers did not own the Scriptures for their Rule. Which before this conference I had intimated to him, but found him unwilling to believe it.

It pleased GOD so far to bless what was spoken that the next time he met his Brother Thomas Churchman, he told him of what [Page 137] had passed at my house, and that now he was assured that the Quakers did not acknowledge the Scripture for their Rule; and for his Part he would not be of that Religion, which doth disown the Scripture in that Particu­lar.

Not long after, the Wife of the forementi­oned Quaker coming to his house to visite his Wife, he met her at the Door and told her she should not come in, intimating that her visit would make division betwixt them. After some Parley the Quakers Wife spake unto him in these Words, Thou wilt not believe except thou see a sign, and thou mavest see some such. Within a few nights after, Ro­bert Churchman had a violent storm upon the Room where he lay, when it was very calm in all other parts of the town, and a voice within him, as he was in Bed, spake to him, and bid him Sing Praises, sing Praises tel­ling him, that he should see the New Je­rusalem, about which time a Glimmering light appeared all about the Room. Toward the morning, the Voice commanded him to go out of his Bed naked, with his Wife, and Children. They all standing upon the Floor, the Spirit making use of his tongue bid them to [Page 138] lye down, and put their mouths in the dust which they did accordingly. It like-wise com­manded them to go, and call his Brother, and Sister, that they might see the New Jerusa­lem, to whom he went naked about half a Mile. When he had delivered his Message, that which spake within him, charged him to denounce wrath against them, and declare that Fire and Brimstone would fall upon them as it did upon Sodom and Gomorrah, if they did not obey, and so he returned to his own house. Where, upon the Floor of a low Room, he stood naked about three or four hours. All that while, he was acted in a very unusu­al manner. Sometimes the Spirit within forced him to Sing, sometimes to Bark like a Dog. When his Brother and Sister who followed him, were very importunate with him to resist it, it bid him to kill them, making use of these words, These my ene­mies which would not, that I should reign over them, bring and slay them be­fore my face. It made him to utter with great readiness many places of Scripture, which he had no knowledge of before. The drift of what was spoken was to perswade him to comply with the Quakers, and it named some, who live in the Neighbouring towns. About [Page 139] three or four hours being thus spent, he came to himself, and was able to give a perfect ac­count of what had befallen him.

Several Nights after, the same trouble re­turned upon him. His Wife was tortured with extraordinary pains. The Children which lay in the Room complained that their Mouths were stopped with Wool, as they were in Bed. The disturbance was so great, that he had thoughts of leaving his house for a time, and made it his desire, to be with me at mine. I prevailed with him, not to be so sudden in his removal, but to make some further trial. It pleased GOD upon a continuance with him in Prayer every day in the house, that he was at last perfectly free from all molestation. The Quakers hearing of his condition, gave it out, that the power of God would come upon him again, and that the wound was but skinned over by the Priest, which made me the more importunate with him to keep close to the publick service of GOD, and have nothing to do with them, or their writings. Which direction be observed till Novem. 1661 and perusing one of their books, a little after, on the 10 of that Moneth his troubles returned. A voice within him, began to speak after the former manner. The first sentence it uttered was, [Page 140] Cease from man whose breath is in his nostrils, for wherein is he to be account­ed? The design which he discerned, that it did aim at was this, to take him off from coming to the Church, (where he had been that day) and from hearing the Word of GOD. It sug­gested several other Scriptures, in order to the perswading him to a complyance with the Qua­kers, and told him, That it would strive with him, as the Angel did with Jacob. Vpon Wednesday at night, he was peremptory in his resisting of it. When it began to solicite him, he replyed, That he saw it was a Spirit of delusion, which he would not obey. Vpon which the Spirit denounced a curse a­gainst him, in these words, Go ye cursed in­to everlasting fire, and so left him with a very great heat in his body.

After this, he was in his own apprehension in a very comfortable condition, and while he was considering what had happened, a Voice within him spake to him saying, That the Spirit which was before upon him, was a Spirit of Delusion, but now the true Spi­rit of GOD was come unto him. Now Satan is turned into an Angel of Light. It acquainted him that the Doctrine of the Trinity was true, and that GOD had an [Page 141] Elect People, and that those whom the Father had Elected, the Son had Redeem­ed, and whom Christ Redeemeth, the Holy Ghost Sanctifieth. And told him, That the Minister of the Town would further instruct him about the truth of these things. Vpon Thursday morning about break of day, it set him upon his knees, as he was in bed, and bid him Farewell. The same day it came upon him in the Fields, as he was going to, and coming from the Mercat, and pres­sed upon him to believe, that it was the Good Spirit which he was Acted with, which be still doubted of. One night that week amongst many Arguments, which it used to that pur­pose, it told him, if he would not believe without a sign, he might have what sign he would. Vpon that Robert Churchman desired, if it was a Good Spirit, that a Wier-Candlestick which stood upon the Cup­board might be turned into Brass, which the Spirit said, he would do. Presently there was a very unsavoury smell in the Room, like that of the snuff of a Candle newly put out; but nothing else was done towards the fulfil­ing of the promise.

Upon the Lords-day following, he being [Page 142] at Church it came upon him. When the Chap­ters were named, he turned to them in his Bible, but was not able to read. When the Psalm was sung, he could not pronounce a syl­lable. Vpon Munday morning his speach was wholly taken from him. When I came to him, and asked him, how it was with him? He mo­ved his head towards me, but was not able to speak. I waited an hour or two in the Room, hoping that his speach might have returned un­to him, and that I might have gained from him some account of his condition. But finding no alteration, I desired those who were present to joyn with me in Prayer. As we were praying, his Body with much Violence was thrown out of the bed, and then with great vehemency he called to me, to hold my tongue. When Prayer was done, his tongue was bound as be­before, till at last he brake forth into these words, Thine is the kingdom, thine is the king­dom, which he repeated above an hundred times. Sometimes he was forced into extream Laughter, sometimes into Singing. His hands were usually imployed in beating of his breast. All of us, (there present) who stood by could discern unusual heavings in his Body. This distemper did continue towards the morning of the next day, and then the Voice within [Page 143] him, signifying to him, that it would leave him, bidding him to get upon his knees in order to that end which he did, and then presently he had a perfect command of himself.

When I came to him, he gave me a sober account of all the passages of the Day before, having a distinct remembrance of what the Spirit forced him to do, and what was spoken to him by those who stood by. In particular he told me, he was compelled to give me that disturbance in prayer which before I mentioned, the Spirit using his Limbs and Tongue as it pleased, contra­ry to the Inclination of his own thought and mind.

Upon the Thursday following the Spirit began to rage after its former manner, as I was praying with him, it was very discernable how it wrought upon his Bodie, forced him to grate his Teeth, and draw his Mouth awry. He told me, after I had done that it bid him to denounce woe against me. It pleased GOD pon continuance in Prayer with him, to release him of all his trouble, and so [Page 144] far make it advantageous to him and his Wife, and some others, which were too much byassed with the Principles of the Quakers, that now they have a perfect dislike of that way, and do diligently attend upon the publick service of GOD in the Parochial Church.

Sir, you may be confident of the Truth of what is here related by your assured Friend John Templar, Basham. Jan. 1. 1682.

RELATION XXI. Touching Isabel Heriot.

THis Woman was born at Peaston in the Parish of Ormiston, and was for seve­ral years a very useful Servant to the Minister there, for all manner of Out-House-Work. She was of a low stature, small and slender of Body, of a Black Complexion. Her head stood somewhat awry upon her Neck. She was of a drolling and jearing humour, and would have spoken to Persons of Honor with great confidence.

After several years service, the Min [...]ster began to dislike her, especially upon the account of her not profiting in the knowledge of GOD, she having so much opportunity and occasion to know and learn. Therefore she was put away, [Page 145] and went to other service, for a long time. Af­ter which, she returned to Ormistoun town, and was sometimes haunting the Ministers house, but without his knowledge. She took sickness about the beginning of Winter 1680. and about the time of her death, her face be­came extreamly black. Within three or four nights after she was buried, one Isabel Mur­ray Relick of William Craig the Kirk-Of­ficer, saw her Apparition about twelve a clock at night, in her White Robes upon her, such as she was put into her Coffin with, walk­ing from the Chappel towards the Ministers Louping-on-stone, where (according to her cu­stome when she was alive) she halted a little while with her Elbow leaning upon it. After this, she observed her to walk in at the Ministers back-yait, toward the Stable. We have onely the bare testimony of this one Woman for it. Within some few nights after, there was a throwing of stones over the Ministers house, and some thrown at the Hall-door and Windows. The stones were found in the Clos [...] the next morning. When they lighted, they fell softly for the most part. The Minister coming in one night, (against whom the Devils malice chiefly was) at the back-door, and shutting it after him, had a great stone cast after him, [Page 146] which hit the door very smartly, and left a mark and impression behind it. This she did, (or rather the Devil) in imitation of a prank she had plaid, while she was alive▪ For the Minister having caused the other Servants thrust her out at the same door, she threw a great stone at it with Violence, out of wrath and anger. The foresaid Isabel Murray coming out of the Ministers house one night, or going into it, was hit very sharply with a stone upon her back. The Servant man that keeped the Horses, after he had been at his Devotion, and was going into his bed in the Stable, was by somewhat gripped by the heel, to his great amazement. He giving a great and loud cry, the Mistris of the Fami­ly and others came into the Stable, and found the Lad under a great afrightment. This night several clods and stones were thrown, but no person touched. One thing remarkable was, that an old Horse-comb which had been a wanting for several years, was thrown at the Lads Bed [...]stead with great violence; yet wronged no Body. The Horses would have been found the next Morning standing and ly­ing disorderly, and sometimes all in a great sweat.

While this Servant-man had been dressing [Page 147] the Garden he hath found several Stones thrown at him, but was never touched, save by one, which hit him very favourably. The house was sometimes troubled within with some small Noise and Din.

One time there was a burning Coal thrown under one of the Beds. One of the Family upon a night, had his Night-Cap taken off his Head in the Bed, and found the next morn­ing full of Sinders and Ashes, lying under the Chimney. If the Devil could have done more, surely he would have done it. This is the most part of the trouble, which the Family met with, which continued for eight or nine Weeks, not every night, but now and then. During which time frequent and fervent Prayers were sent up to God, by those of the Family, and others out of it, which wanted not success. There was much talking of this Ghost, and things spoken rashly, and some out of malice did invent lies and untruths. One jearingly said, now let the Minister, and his bre­thren with all their Prayers, drive away the Devil. 'Tis very remarkable, that after that time there was no more trouble found a­bout the Family.

For what follows, we have only the simple [Page 148] word of the foresaid Isabel Murray, who coming home from the Church between Sermons to the Town of Ormistoun, to visit her house, and Kail-yeard, for fear vagrant Cows had come over the Dyke; and going down her yeard, she saw in the Ministers yeard, being next ad­jacent, the Apparition of Isabel Heriot, in that same very habit she was laid into her Cof­fin with. Never was one Egg liker to ano­ther than this Apparition was like to her, as to her Face, her Stature, her Motion, her Tongue, and Behaviour. As like was the Devil to her, as Apollo was to old Butes, whom Virgil excellently descrives in the 9. Book of his Aeneiods, bringing him down from Heaven, to wait upon Ascanius.

Ascaniumoue petit, forma tum vertitur oris
Antiquum in Buten. — Ibat Apollo
Omnia longaevo similis, vocemque colo­remque
Et crines albos, & saeva sonantibus arma.
Apollo went, and from the Heaven descends,
And in old Butes forme, to Ascanius bends.
In all points like the old man still he went,
Whom then to wait on's Son Aeneas sent.
[Page 149]Such his White-hair, Complexion, and his Voice,
And dreadful Arms, ratling with mighty noise.

Her face (said the Woman) was black like the mouten soot, (one of her own expressions) the very colour which her face had when she di­ed. She saw her walking under the Fruit-trees, and over the Beds, where the Seeds had been sowen, bowing her body downward, as if she had been seeking somewhat off the ground, and say­ing to her self, A stane, a stane, for so she pro­nounced the words. For she had gathered a considerable number of small stones in her lap, which the woman saw her throw down at a Bush-root, near to the foot of the yeard. Some may apprehend that these were the stones, which she frequently cast in the night time. This woman seeing her, says with very great confidence, Wow! Whats thou doing here, Isabel Heriot? I charge thee by the Law thou lives on, to tell me? See the like expression, page 24. She replyes, or rather the Foul-Fiend in her likeness, I am even come again, because I wronged my Master, while I was his servant. For it was I that stealled his Shekel, [Page 150] (This was a Jewish Shekel of Gold, which with some other things, had been stollen from him several years before) which I hid under the Hearth-stone in the Kitching and then when I flited took it into the Canongate, and did offer to sell it to a French Wo­man who lodged where I served, who askt where I got it. I told her, I found it between Leith and Edinburgh. One night (says she) I was riding home late from the Town, and near the Head of Fauside Brae, the Horse stumbled, and I said, the Devil raise thee, whereupon the Foul▪ Thief appeared presently to me and threatned me, If I would not grant to destroy my Master the Minister, he would throw me into a deep hole there, which (I suppose) is yet remaining, or if I could not get power over my Master, I should strive to destroy the Shool-Master. It was very remarkable, that one of the Ministers servant-women, had given to the School-Masters servant-woman some Linnings to make clean among which there was a Cross-Cloath of strong Linning, which could never be found, though diligent search was made for it, till one morning the Master awaken­ing, found it bound round about his Night [Page 151] Cap, which bred admiration both to himself and his Wife. No more skaith was the Devil or the Witches able to do him. What way this was done, or for what end, it cannot be well known, but it is somewhat probable, that they designed to strangle and destroy him in the night time, which is their usual time in working and doing of mischief. This hap­pened about the time (I suppose) that the Devil had charged Isabel Heriot to destroy this honest man. Yet within two days a young Child of his, of a year old fell sick, which was quickly pulled away by Death, none knowing the cause or Nature of the Disease.

But I proceed. She confest likewise, how the Devil met with her, a second time at Elfiston mill, within a quarter of a mile of Ormiston, and told what the Devil did to her.

And (says she) I was coming home one night from Hadington Mercat with Horse-Corn, and met with the Devil at Knok­hills, who bad me destroy Thomas Ander­son, who was riding with me. And be­cause I refused, he threw the horse-corn off the horse. This Thomas Anderson was a Christian man. It is well remembred yet, that she went the next morning timously, and brought home her Oats, which had layen [Page 152] there all the night. And moreover says she, I cheated my Master when I went to the Mercat to buy Oats, for I made him believe, I gave more money for the Boll, than I did. And do not you remem­ber, Isabel Murray, that one night, you coming out of the Ministers house, got a sore knock upon the back with a stone? It was I, but it was not for your own sake, but for your Good-mans sake Willy Craig, who threw me one day into the Jaw-hole, and abused me. She told this Woman likewise, that she would fain have spoken a word with her Master. After this confe­rence, the Woman began to be feared; and came running home in haste.

During all this time, there was no person in the Family, that m [...]t with any hurt, or skaith, or saw any thing, such was the Lords kindness to them all. One Isabel Elliot a Witch, confest to the Minister, that many nights his house and yeard would have been beset with Witches. The same woman askt the Devil one time, why they could not get a mends of him? He told her, he was locked up.

This Woman Isabel Heriot, was never reputed a Witch, nor delated by anie, for Witch-craft. Some jearingly would have [Page 153] called her so. She was indeed ignorant of Re­ligion, notwithstanding of the excellent oppor­tunities she had for gaining of knowledge. Next her riding and travelling from far places in the countrey, in the night, as well as in the day time and coming home late without fear, and her stunkard and ill Nature bred suspicion. If she had confest a Compact with the Devil, before her death, it might have been a good ground. But this trouble happening to the Family immediately after her death, and her Apparition being seen, gave all occasion to say she was a Witch. But these things, do not infallibly conclude. But what could her Apparition be? It behoved, either to be her reall Body informed and acted by the De­vil (for her soul could not be brought back) or only the Devil taking upon him her shape and form, acting and imitating her to the life, which is more probable.

I have adventured to publish this without his knowledge, presuming so much upon his Goodness, and love of Truth, and useful in­struction of the World, though I should dis­please his own humour, whilst haply I may, upon his better consideration, gratify some more noble principle in him. For I know nothing in the thing, that can turn to his dishonour, [Page 154] For the best of Men, and Families have suffer­ed from the Devil in extraordinary wayes, and it has been their Glory, that by their Faith and Courage, and confidence in the Arm of GOD they have overcome him. If I have erred in some circumstances, or in any other thing, I am to be excused, since I was not an eye witness. And what I have written, anent the Appariti­on, was most part from the womans own mouth.

RELATION. XXII. Anent a Magician at Antwerpe.

Mr. Tindal, the first Translater of the Scripture into Inglish, after the Re­formation, being at Antwerpe whilst the Persecution was hot in England against the Truth, he was shewed by some English Mer­chants there, of a notable Magician in the place, whose use was at Feasts, or when they used to meet at Supper, to bring to the Table, whatever Wines, or delicious Fruit, the Com­pany would desire, and set presently before them, with other amazing proofs of the power of the Devil. Mr. Tindal perceiving what a snare this might be to some, desired that when they met together with him, he might be present, [Page 155] without being known what he was. And af­ter they were met, and at Table, this wretched Magician after his manner, began to try his Black Art, but it would not do with him. For whilst he had wearied himself, in obser­ving his Spells, Charms, and Incanta­tions, and what the furthest that Hellish skill and power could do, to satisfie the Com­pany, he was at last enforced to that Confes­sion before them all, which he spake with great wrath and anger, That there was one in the Company that hindred his work, by Reason of whom he could get no­thing done at that time.

I may add to this a strange Providence of GOD. Master John Craig, that was a Mi­nister to King James here in Scotland, be­ing, when he was a Young Man, apprehended at Room, for venting Heresie as they cal­led it, was shut up in Prison. In the mean time, Paul the fourth dies. The Banditi that night broke up all the Prison doors, and set at Liberty all the Prisoners. Mr. John Craig escapes, with an intention to go to Bononia. But fearing hurt there, he set his mind towards Millain. When he had travell'd [Page 156] some days, declining the High-wayes out of Fear, he came into a Forrest, a wild and de­sert place, and being sore wearied, lay down a­mong some Bushes, at the side of a little river, to refresh himself. He lay there pensive, and full of thought. For neither knew he in what place he was, nor had he any means to carry him out the way. In the mean time, there came a Dog fawning upon him, with a purse in his teeth, with Money, and layes it down before him. He strucken with fear, rises up, but construing the same to proceed from GODS favourable Providence, he accep­ted of it, and held on his way, till he came to Vienna in Austria.

RELATION XXIII. Anent a great Doctor of Divinity, that raise out of the Bier, and spoke to all that were present.

IT is written in the life of one Bruno, that a Doctor of great note for Learning and God­liness being dead, and being brought to the Church to be buried, while they were in their Popish Devotions, and came to these words, Responde mihi, the Corps arose in the Bier, [Page 157] and with a terrible voice cryed out, Justo DEI judicio accusatus sum, I am accused at the just Judgement of GOD. At which voice, the people ran all out afrighted. On the morrow when they came again to perform the Obsequies, to the like words as before, the Corps rose again, and cried with a hideous voice, Justo DEI judicio condemnatus sum; I am Judged at the Righteous Judgement of GOD. Whereupon the Peo­ple run away amazed. The third day almost all the City came together, and when they came to the same words as before, the Corps rose a­gain, and cried with a more doleful noise than before, Justo DEI judicio condemnatus sum, I am condemned at the just Judge­ment of GOD. The consideration whereof, that a man reputed so upright, should yet by his own confession be damned, caused Bruno, and the rest of his Companions, to enter into that strick Order of Carthusians. The Author and Relator makes this use of it. If the voice of the dead man could afright them into Su­perstition, should not the warning of GOD afright us into True Doctrine?

RELATION XXIV. Touching some Drunkards destroyed by the Devil.

THIS hath been published in a Sermon by a Godly Minister. But I must insert it here in its own proper place. On the 8 of Febru­ary (saith my Author) in the year 1578, a company of Drunkards, whose names are recor­ded as followeth, Adam Gibbons, George Keepel, John Keysel, Peter Horsdroff, John Warner, Simon Heamkers, Jacob Hermons, and Hermon Frow. These eight Drunkards in contempt of the blessed Sabbath, agreed to go to the Tavern on the Lords day to be merry: and coming to the house of one An­tony Hodge, an honest Godly Man, they cal­led for Burnt-Wine, Sack, Clarat, and what not. The Good-man refusing to give them any, advised them to go to Church to hear the Word of GOD; but they all save Adam Gibbons, refused, saying, they loathed that Exer­cise. Whereupon the Host departed, who be­ing gone to Church, they began to curse and ban, wishing, he might brake his neck, ere he re­turned; and wishing the Devil might brake their [Page 159] own necks, if they went from hence, till they had some Wine.

Whereupon the Devil in the likeness of a Young-Man appeared unto them, bringing in his hand a Flagon of Wine, and so drank unto them, saying, Good Fellows be merry, you shall have Wine enough, you seem to be lusty Lads, and I hope you will pay me well: who answering said, They would either pay him or engage their Neck for it. Yea, rather than fail, their Bodies and Souls. Thus these men continued drinking, and swilling so long till they could hardly see one another. At last the Devil their Host told them that now they must pay for all, at which their hearts waxed cold. But the Devil bid them be of good chear, for now they must drink Fire and Brimstone with him in the Pit of Hell for ever. At which the Devil breake their Necks assunder and destroyed them. And thus ended these drunkards, their miserable dayes. This by the way, may serve for a Document for all Drunkards for ever, and to perswade folk, that the Lord has the Devil for his Executioner, when he pleases to execute his vengeance upon Notorious Sin­ners.

RELATION XXV. Touching one William Barton a Warlock.

ABout thirty years ago, more or less, there was one William Barton apprehended for Witch-Craft. His confession was first, that if he had twenty Sons, he would advise them to shun the lust of unclean­ness. For said he, I never saw a beautiful Woman, Maid, nor Wife, but I did covet them, which was the only cause that brought me to be the Devils Vassal. One day says he, going from my own house in Kirkliston, to the Queens Ferry, I overtook in Dalmeny Muire, a young Gentlewoman, as to appearance beauti­full and comely. I drew near to her, but she shunned my company, and when I insisted, she became angry and very nyce. Said I, since we are both going one way, be pleased to accept of a convey. At last, after much entreaty she grew better na­tured, and at length we came to that Fa­miliarity, that she suffered me to em­brace [Page 161] her, and to do that which Christi­an ears ought not to hear of. At this time I parted with her very joyful. The next night, she appeared to him in that same very place, and after that which should not be named, he became sensible, that it was the Devil. Here he renounced his Baptism, and gave up himself to her service, and she cal­led him her beloved, and gave him this new name of Iohn Baptist, and received the Mark. She likewise bestowed fifteen pound scots upon him in name of Tocher-good, and so part­ed.

After he had gone a little way off, she calls him back and gave him a Merk-piece in good and sufficient money which She bad him spend at the Ferry, and desired him to keep entire and whole the 15. pound, which he de­clared was real and true Money. He confest that they never met together, but they plaid their Pranks. After this Confession he begged Liberty to sleep a little, which the Iudges granted to him. After he had sleept a short time, he awakened with a great Laughter. The Iudges inquired the reason. He replyed, be­ing seriously urged, that the Devil had come to him, and rebuked him with anger, and threat­ned him most furiously, that be had confessed, [Page 162] and bad him deny all, for he should be his Warrand.

After this, he turned obdured, and would never to his dying hour acknowledge any thing, for the Devil had perswaded him, even from his first ingaging, that no man should take his life, Which promise he firmly believ­ed, to the very last. When they told him in the prison-house, that the Fire was built, and the Stake set up, and the executioner coming to bring him forth: he answered he cared not for all that, for said he I shal not die this day. But the Executioner got presently or­ders to lead him forth, and he steping in at the Prison door in an instant shot to dead, as they say, and never stired again, In this strait, they appointed the Executioners Wife to strangle him, which she did willingly, a reward being promised to her. When the War­lock heard this, that a Woman was to put him to dea [...]h; O, crys he, how hath the Devil deceived me? Let none ever trust to his Promises. All this was done at Kirklis­ton before famous witnesses. The Eexecutioners name was Andrew Martain and his wifes name Margaret Hamilton, who when her Husband died clapt her hands, and cry­ed [Page 163] often, Dool for this parting, my dear burd Andrew Martin. This Bartons Wife had been likewise taken with him, Who Declared, that She never knew him to have been a Warlock before; And he likewise declared, That he never knew her to have been a Witch before. She confest that malice against one of her Neighbours, moved her to ingage in the Devils service. She renounced her Baptism and did prostrat her Body to the Foul-Spirit, and received his Mark, and got a new name from him, and was called Margaratus. She was asked, if ever she had any pleasure in his company, never much says she. But one Night going to a dancing upon Pentland­hills, he went before us in the likeness of a rough tanny-Dog, playing on a pair of Pipes. The Spring he played (says she) was, The silly bit Chiken, gar cast it a pickle and it will grow meikle. And coming down the hill when we had done which was the best sport, he carried the candle in his bottom under his tail, which played ey wig wag, wig wag. She was burnt with her husband.

There is one thing remarkable in this Story [Page 164] that he bestowed so much money upon the War­lock, which proved good and sufficient Coin? 'Tis seldome he is so liberal. But surely he would be more liberal, if the Lord would suffer him to steal, or make use of Treasures ly­ing hid in the Ground, or in the Bottom of the Sea. If this liberty were granted, he [...]ight deceive the most part of men and women in the world, with his gifts. The next Relation, shall be in confirmation of this.

RELATION XXVI. A Wonderful and Strange Accident which fell out at Lions in France.

A Lieutenent of a Guard called Jaquette having supped one Night in a rich Merch­ants house, was passing home and by the way, said, I wonder what I have eaten and drunken at the Merchants house, for I find my self so hot, that if I met with the Devils Dame this night, I could not forbear using of her. Hereupon, a little after, he overtook a young Gentlewoman masked, whom he would needs usher home to her Lodging, but discharged all [Page 165] his Company except two. She brought him as to his apprehension, to a little low house hard by the City wall where there were only two Rooms. After he had enjoyed her he desired that according to the custom of French Gentle­men, his two Comerads might partake also of the same Pleasure. So she admitted them, one after the other. And when all was done, as they sat together, she told them, if they knew well, who she was none of them would have adventured upon her. Thereupon she whistled three times, and all evanished. The next morning, the two Comerads, that had gone with the Lieutenent Jaquette were found dead under the City-wall, among the Odure and Excrements, and Jaquette himself a little way off half dead, who was taken up and coming to himself again confessed all this, and presently dyed. This may verify the preceeding Relation.

RELATION XXVII. A Marvellous Prank plaid by the Devil at Hamelen, a town in Germany.

THis City was annoyed with Rats and Mice. It happened that a Pied-Coated-Pyper, [Page 166] came thither, who covenanted with the Chief Burgers for such a Reward, if he could free them from the said Vermine, nor would he de­mand it, till a twelve Moneth and a day after. The Agreement being made, he began to play on his Pipes, and all the Rats and Mice followed him to a great Lough hard by, where they all perished; so the Town was infected no more. At the end of the year the Piper, returned for his reward. The Burgers put him off, with slightings and neglect, offering him some small-matter, which he refused. And stay­ing some dayes in Town, on a Sunday morn­ing at high Mass, when most People were at Church, he fell to play on his Pipes, and the Children up, and down, followed him out of the Town, to a great hill not far off, which rent in two, and opened, and let him and the Children in, and so closed up again. This happened about 250. years since. And in that Town they date their Bills and Bonds, and other Instruments in Law, to this day from the year of their going out of their Children. Besides, there is a great pillar of stone erected, at the foot of the said hill, where this Story is ingraven.

RELATION. XXVIII. A Relation of the Strange Witch-craft discovered in the Village Mohra in Swedeland.

THe News of this witch-craft coming to the Kings Ear, his Majesty was pleas­ed to appoint Commissioners some of the Clergy, and some of the Laity, to make a Iourney to the Town aforesaid, and to examine the whole business; and accordingly the Exa­mination was ordered to be on the 13. of Au­gust; and the Commissioners met on the 12. instant, in the said Village, at the Parsons House, to whom both the Minister, and several people of fashion complained, with tears in their Eyes, of the miserable condition they were in, and therefore begged of them to think of some way, whereby they might be delivered from that Calamity. They gave the Com­missioners very strange instances of the Devils Tyranny among them; how by the help of Wit­ches, he had drawn some hundreds of Chil­dren to him, and made them subject to his [Page 168] power, how he hath been seen to go in a visible shape through the Countrey, and appeared day­ly to the People, how he had wrought upon the Poorer sort, by presenting them with Meat and Drink, and this way allured them to him­self, with other circumstances [...] be mentioned hereafter. The Inhabitants of the Village ad­ded, with very great Lamentations, That though their Children had told all, and themselves sought GOD very earnestly by Prayer, yet they were carried away by him; and therefore begged of the Lords Commissioners, to root out this Hel­lish crew, that they might regain their former Rest and Quietnesse; and the ra­ther, because the Children, which used to be carried away in the County or Dis­trict of Elfdale, since some Witches had been burnt there, remained unmolest­ed.

That day, i. e. the 13th. of August, being the last Humiliation-day instituted by Au­thority for the removing of this Iudgement, the Commissioners went to Church, where there ap­peared a considerable Assembly both of Young and Old: the Children could read most of them, and sing Psalms, and so could the Women, though not with any great Zeal or Fervour. [Page 169] There were preached two Sermons that day, in which the miserable case of those people, that suffered themselves to be deluded by the Devil, was laid open; and these Sermons were at last concluded with very fervent Prayer.

The Publick Worship being over, all the people of the Town were called together in the Parsons House, near three thousand of them. Silence being commanded, the Kings Commission was read publickly in the hear­ing of them all, and they were charged under very great Penalties to conceal nothing of what they knew, and to say nothing but the truth; those especially, who were guilty, that the Children might be delivered from the Clutches of the Devil. They all promised obedience, the guilty feignedly, but the guiltless weeping and crying bitterly.

On the 14th. of August the Commission­ers met again, consulting how they might with­stand this dangerous flood, after long delibera­tion, an Order also coming from his Majesty, they did resolve to execute such, as the mat­ter of Fact could be proven upon. Examinati­on being made, there were discovered no lesse than threescore and ten in the Village afore­said, three and twenty of which confessing their Crimes, were condemned to dye, the [Page 170] rest, one pretending she was with Child, and the other denying and pleading not guilty, were sent to Fahluna, where most of them were afterwards Executed.

Fifteen Children which likewise confessed that they were engaged in this Withery, died as the rest. Six and thirty of them between nine and sixteen years of age, who had been less guilty, were forced to run the Gant­let. Twenty more, who had no great incli­nation, yet had been seduced to those Hellish Enterprizes, because they were very young, were condemned to be lashed with Rods upon their hands, for three Sundays together, at the Church Door, and the aforesaid six and thirty were also doomed to be lashed this way once a Week for a whole Year together. The number of the seduced Children was a­bout three hundred.

On the twenty fifth of August, execu­tion was done upon the notoriously guilty, the day being bright, and Glorious, and the Sun shinning, and some thousands of People being present at the Spectacle. The order and Method observed in the examination was this.

First, the Commissioners and the Neigh­bouring Justices went to Prayer: this [Page 171] done, the Witches, who had most of them Children with them, which they had ei­ther seduced, or attempted to seduce, some seven years of age, (nay from four) to sixteen were set before them. Some of the Children complained lamentably of the Misery and Mischief they were forc­ed sometime to suffer of the Devil and t [...]e Witches.

The Children being asked whether they were sure, that they were at any time car­ried away by the Devil? They all declar­ed they were; begging of the Commission­ers, that they might be freed from that intolerable slavery.

H [...]reupon the Witches themselves were asked, whether the Confessions of these Child­ren were true, and admonished to confess the Truth, that they might turn away from the Devil unto the living GOD. At first, most of them did very stifly, and without the least sheding the least tear, deny it, though much against their will and incli­nation. After this, the Children were examined, every one by themselves, to s [...]e whether their Confessions did agree or no, and the Commissioners found that all of them, except some very little ones, who could not tell all the [Page 172] Circumstance, did punctually agree in the Con­fession of Particulars.

In the mean while the Commissioners, that were of the Clergy examined the Witch­es, but could not bring them to any Confession all continuing steadfast in their denials, till at last some of them burst out into Tears, and their Confession agreed with what the Children had said. And these expressed their abhorrency of the Fact, and begged Pardon. Adding that the Devil, whom they called Loeyta, had stopt the Mouths of some of them, so loath was he to part with his prey. And had stopt the ears of others: and being now gone from them they could no longer conceal it, for they had now perceived his Treachery.

The Confession which the Witches made in Elfdale, to the Iudges there, agreed with the Confession they made at Mohra: and the Chief things they Confessed, consisted in these three Points. First, whether they used to go? Secondly, what kind of place it was they went to; called by them Blockula, where the Witches, and the Devil used to meet? Thirdly what evil and Mischief they had either done, or Designed there?

First, of their Journey to Blo [...]kula. The Contents of their Confession.

We of the Province of Elfdale, do confess, that we used to go to a Gravel-Pit, which lays hard by a Cross-way, and there we put on a Vest over our heads, and then danced round, and after this ran to the Cross-way, and called the Devil thrice, first with a still Voice: the second time somewhat louder: and the third time very loud, with these words, Antecessor come and carry us to Blockula. Whereupon immediately he used to appear, but in different Habits: but for the most part, we saw him in a Gray-Coat, and red and blew Stockings. He had a red beard, a high crowned Hat, with Linnen of diverse colours, wrapt about it, and long Garters upon his Stockings. It is very remarkable, that the Devil never appears to the Witches, with a Sword at his side.

Then he asked us, whether we would serve him with Soul and Body? If we were con­tent to do so, he set us on a Beast, which he had there ready, and carried us over Churches, and High Walls: and after [Page 174] all, we came to a Green Meadow, where Blockula lies. We must procure some scrap­ings of Altars and fy [...]lings of Church-Clocks: and then he gives us a horn with a Salve in it wherewith we do anoint our selves, and a Saddle, with a Hammer, and a Wooden Naile, thereby to fix the Saddle. Whereupon we call upon the Devil, and away we go.

Those that were of the Town of Mohra, made in a manner the same Declaration. Be­ing asked, whether they were sure of a real Personal Transportation, and whether they were awake, when it was done, they all an­swered in the Affirmative, and that the De­vil sometimes laid something down in the place, that was very like them▪ But one of them confessed, that he did only take away her Strength, and her Body lay still upon the Ground: Yet sometimes he took away her Body with him-

Being asked how they could go with their Bodies through Chimneys, and broken pans of Glass, they said, that the Devil did first remove all that might hinder them in their flight, and so they had Room enough to go.

Others were asked, how they were able to carry so many Children with them, They an­swered, [Page 175] that when the Children were asleep they came into the Chamber, and laid hold of the Children, which straightway did awake, and asked them, whether they would go to a Feast with them? To which some answered, yes. Others no, Yet they were all forced to go. They only gave the Children a Shirt, a Coat, and a Doublet, which was either Red or Blew, and so they did set them upon a Beast of the Devils providing, and then they rid away.

The Children confessed the same thing: and some added, that because, they had very fine Cloaths put upon them, they were very willing to go.

Some of the Children concealed it from their Parents, but others discovered it to them pre­sently.

The Witches declared moreover, that till of late, they had never power to carry away Chil­dren, but only this year and the last, and that the Devil did at this time force them to it: that heretofore it was sufficient to carry but one of their Children, or a Strangers Child with them, which happened seldom, but now he did plague them, and whip them, if they did not procure him many Children, insomuch that they had no Peace, nor Quiet for him: And whereas that [Page 176] formerly one journey a week would serve turn, from their own Town to the place aforesaid, now they were forced to run to other towns and places for Children, and that they brought with them, some fifteen some sixteen Chil­dren every night.

For their journey, they said they made use of all sorts of Instruments, of Beasts, of Men of Spits and Posts, according as they had op­portunity: if they do ride upon Goats, and have many Children with them, that all may have room, they stick a Spit into the Back-side of the Goat, and then are anointed with the aforesaid Ointment. What the manner of their journey is, GOD alone knows. This much was made out, that if the Children did at any time name the names of those, either Men or Women that had been with them, that had car­ried them away, they were again carried by force either to Blockula, or to the Cross-way, and thereby beaten, in so much that some of them died of it. And this some of the Witch­es confessed, and added, That now they were exceedingly troubled and tortured in their minds for it.

The Children thus used lookt mighty Bleak Wan and Beaten. The Marks of the Whips the Judges could not perceive in them, except [Page 177] in one Boy, who had some wounds and holes in his Back, that were given him with Thorns. But the Witches said, they would quickly vanish.

After this usage, the Children are exceed­ing weak. And if any be carried over-Night, they cannot recover themselves the next Day: and they often fall into Fits, the coming of which they knew by an extraordinary paleness, that seizes on the Children. And when a Fit comes upon them, they lean on their Mothers Arms, who sits up with them, sometimes all night. And when they observe the paleness coming, shake the Children, but to no pur­pose.

They observe further, that their Childrens Breasts grow cold at such times; and they take sometimes a burning candle, and stick it in their hair, which yet is not burned by it. They Swooun upon this paleness, which Swooun lasteth sometimes half an hour, sometimes an hour, sometimes two hours, and when the Children come to themselves again, they mourn and lament and groan most miserablie, and beg exceedinglie to be eased. This the old men declared upon Oath before the Judges, and called all the inhabitants in the Town to wit­ness, as Persons that had most of them experience [Page 178] of the strange Symptome of their Children.

A little Girle of Elfdale confessed, that naming the name of Jesus, as she was carried away, she fell suddenly upon the Ground, and got a great hole in her side, which the Devil presently healed up again, and away he carried her, and to this day the Girle confessed, she had exceeding great Pain in her side. An­other Boy confessed too, That one day he was carried away with his Mistris; and to per­form the Iourney, he took his own Fathers horse out of the Meadow, where it was feeding, and upon his return, she let the horse go in her own Ground. The next morning the Boys Father sought for the horse, and not finding it gave it over for lost: but the Boy told him the whole Story, and so the Father fetcht the horse back again: and this one of the Witches confessed.

We come next to the Place, where they us [...]d to assemble called Blockula, and what they did there. They unanimously confessed▪ that Blockula is Situated in a large Meadow, like a Plain Sea, wherein you can see no end. The Place or House they met at, had before it a great Gate painted with many diverse colours on it; [Page 179] through this Gate they went into a little Meadow distant from the other, where the Beasts went, which they used to ride on. But the men whom they made use of in their Journey, stood in the House by the Gate in a Slumbering posture, Sleeping over against the Wall.

In a huge large Room of this House, they said, there stood a very large long Table at which the Witches did sit down. And that hard by this Room, was another Cham­ber, where there were some lovely and delicate Beds.

The first thing they said, they must do at Blockula was, That they must deny all, and devote themselves Body and Soul to the Devil, and promise to serve him Faithfully, and confirm it with an Oath. Hereupon they cut their Fingers, and writ their Name in his Book. They added, that he caused them to be Bap­tized too, by such Priests as he had there, and made them to Confirm their Baptism with dreadful Oaths and Imprecations. Hereupon the Devil gave them a Purse, wherein there were fyllings of Clocks with a big Stone tyed to it, which [Page 180] they threw into the Water, and then were forced to speak these words. As these fyl­lings of the Clock do never return to the Clock, from which they are taken, so may my Soul never return to Heaven. To which they add Blasphemy, and other Oaths and Curses.

The mark of their cut Fingers is not found in all of them. But a Girle who had been slashed over her Finger, declared, that because she would not stretch out her Finger, the Devil in anger had so cruely wounded it.

After this they sat down to Table, and those that the Devil esteemed most, were placed nearest to him; but the Children must stand at the Door, where he himself gives them meat and drink.

The Dyet they did use to have there, was, they said, Broth with Colworts, and Ba­con in it, Oat-meal Bread spread with But­ter, Milk and Cheese. And they added that sometimes it tasted very well, and sometimes very ill. After Meals, they went to dancing, and in the mean while swore and cursed most dreadfullie, and afterward went to fight­ing one with another. Those of Elfdale confessed, That the Devil used to play upon a Harp before them, and after­wards [Page 181] to go with them that he loved best into a Chamber, where he committed venereous acts with them. And this indeed all confessed, that he had carnal knowledge of them, and that the Devil had Sons and Daughters by them, which he did marry to­gether, and they did couple, and brought forth Toads and Serpents.

One day the Devil seemed to be Dead, whereupon there were great Lamentations at Blockula: but he soon awaked again. If he hath a mind to be merry with them, he lets them all ride upon Spits before him; and he takes afterwards the Spits, and beats them black and blue, and then laughs at them. And he bids them believe that the day of Judgement will come speedilie, and therefore sets them a work to build a great house of Stone, promising that in the house he will preserve them from GODS fury; and cause them to enjoy the greatest delights and pleasures: but while they work exceeding hard at it, there falls a great part of the Wall down again, whereby some of the Witches are commonly hurt which makes him laugh, but presently he cures them again.

They said, they had seen sometimes a very [Page 182] great Devil like a Dragon, with Fire round about him, and bound with an Iron-Chain: and the Devil that converses with them tells, that if they confess any thing, he will set that great Devil loose upon them, whereby all Swedeland shall come unto great danger. They added, That the Devil had a Church there, such another as in the town of Mohra. When the Commissioners were coming, he told the Witches, they should not fear them, for he would certainly kill them all. And they confessed, that some of them had attempted to Murder the Commissioners, but had not been able to effect it.

Some of the Children talked much of a white Angel which used to forbid them what the Devil had bid them do: and told them that those things should not last long; what had been done, had been but permitted because of the Sin and wickedness of the People and their Parents, and that the carrying away of the Children should be made manifest. And they added, that this white Angel would place himself sometimes at the Door betwixt the witch­es and the Children: and that when they came to Blockula, he pulled the Children back, but the witches went in.

[Page 183]Wee come in the last place to shew the Mis­chief and evil, which the witches promised to do to Men and Beasts. They confessed, that they were to promise the Devil, that they would do all thats ill: and that the Devil taught them to Milk, which was after this manner. They used to stick a knife in the wall, and hang a kind of a Label on it, which they drew and stroaked, and as long as this lasted, the Persons they had power over were miserably plauged, and the Beasts were milked that way, till sometimes they died of it.

A Woman confessed, that the Devil gave her a wooden knife, where-with, going in­to houses, she had power to kill anything, she touched with it. Yet there were few, that would confess, that they had hurt any Man or Wo­man. Being asked whether they had murder­ed any Children. They confessed that they had indeed tormented many, but did not know, whether any of them died of those plagues.

And added that the Devil had shewed them severall places, where he had power to do mis­chief.

The Minister of Elfdale declared, that one night these witches, were to his thinking, upon the Crown of his head, and that from thence, he had a long continued pain of the head.

[Page 184]One of the Witches confessed too, that the Devil had sent her to torment that Minister; and that she was ordered to use a Naile and strike it into his head, but it would not enter very deep; and hence came that Head ach. The Minister said also, that one night he felt a pain, as if he were torn with an instrument, that they cleanse Flax with, or a Flax-comb, and when he awaked, he heard some body scrat­ching and scraping at the Window, but could see no Body. And one of the Witches confes­sed, that she was the Person that did it, being sent by the Devil.

The Minister of Mohra declared also, that one Night one of these Witches came into his house, and did so violently take him by the Throat, that he thought, he should have been choaked, and awakeing, he saw the Person that did it, but could not know her, and that for some weeks, he was not able to speak, or perform Divine service.

An old Woman of Elfdale confessed, that the Devil had helped her to make a Naile, which she struck into a Boys knee, of which stroke the Boy remained lame a long time. And she added, that before she was Burnt, or exe­cuted by the hand of justice, the Boy would re­cover.

[Page 185]They confessed also, that the Devil gives them a Beast about the bigness and shape of a young Cat, which they call a Carrier, and he gives them a Bird too, as big as a Raven, but white. And these two Creatures, they can send any where, and where-ever they come they take away all sorts of Victuals they can get, as Butter, Cheese, Milk, Bacon, and all sorts of seeds, whatever they can find, and carry it to the Witch. What the Bird brings, they may keep for themselves; but what the Carrier brings, they must reserve for the De­vil, and that's brought to Blockula, where he doth give them of it so much, as he thinks fit.

They added likewise, that these Carriers fill themselves so full sometimes, that they are for­ced to spew by the way, which spewing is found in several Gardens, where Colworts grow, and not far from the houses of those Witches. It is of a yellow Colour like Gold, and is called the Butter of the Witches.

The Lords Commissioners were indeed very earnest, and took great Pains to perswade them to shew some of their Tricks, but to no purpose; for they did all unanimously confess, that since they had confes­sed all, they found that all their Witch­craft [Page 186] was gone, and the Devil at this time appeared to them very terrible, with claws on his hands and feet, and with horns on his head and a long tail behind, and shewed to them a Pit burning with a hand out: But the Devil did thrust the Person down again with an Iron-fork, and suggest­ed to the witches, that if they continued in their confession, he would deale with them in the same Manner.

The above Relation is taken out of the pub­lick Register, where all this is related with more circumstances. And at this time through all the Countrey there are prayers weekly in all Churches; to the end that Almighty GOD would pull down the Devils power, and deliver those poor Creatures, which have hitherto groaned under it.

The Lord Lyon bergh Envoy extraordina­ry for the King of Sweden confirmed this, at London March 8. 1682. And gave it under his hand, that the matter of Fact mentioned here, is true.

RELATION XXIX. Anent an Apparition seen in Gladsmuire.

I Find among some of my Notes, written in the year 1666, that Richard Chap­lain, and his Brother George both of them Merchants in Hadington, coming home late from Edinburgh upon a Saturday Night, being the fourth of November 1666, and riding off the Muire at a place called the Two-Mile Cross, within two mile of their own home, saw four men in Gray Cloaths, and Blew Bonnets standing round about a dead Corps laying swadled in a winding-sheet. Their Dog was so feard that he durst not go forward but came running back among their horse Feet. The one Brother is yet living, a sober and Christian man, who can attest this. If I have varied, it is only in some small Circumstance, which doth not alter the thing it self. It is the more re­markable, because it was about 20 days before Rullian Green.

[Page 188]There was one Alice Duke an English Woman, that was taken Anno 1664, and confest before the Judges, that after their meetings, all the Witches make very low obey­sances to the Devil, who appears in Black Cloaths, and a little Band. He bids them Welcome at their Coming, and brings them Wine, Beer, Cakes, and Meal, or the like. He sits at the higher end, and usually Anne Bishop sits next him. They eat, drink, dance, and have Musick. At their parting they use to say, Merry meet, Merry part, and that before they are carried to their meetings, there foreheads are anointed with Greenish Oyl, that they have from the Devil, which smells raw. They for the most part are carried in the Air. As they pass they say, Thout, Tout, a Tout, Tout, throughout and about. Pass [...]ng back they say, Rentum Tormentum, and another word which she does not remember.

I read of an old Gentleman an excellent Justice of Peace in England, who did al­ways dispute against the immortality of the Soul, and its distinction from the Body, and of the existence of Spirits. No reason could convince him, but palpable experience. He being a bold man, and fearing nothing, [Page 189] used all the Magical Ceremonies, he could to raise the Devil, or a Spirit, and had a most earnest desire to meet with one, but never could do it. But while his servant is one Night drawing off his Boots in the Hall, some invisible hand gave him such a Clap upon the Back, that it made the Hall ring a­gain. He went immediately to his Field to try if any Spirit had called him to converse with him; but found none. When neither rhyme, nor reason could perswade him that there were Spirits, sayes the Gentleman, that debated with him, Well well, do you re­member, the clap you received upon your back one Night? Yes, said he. Assure your self, said the other, that Goblin will be the first that will welcome you into the other world. Vpon this his countenance changed most sensibly, and was more confounded with this, than with all the Phi­losophical, or Rational Arguments, that could have been brought against him.

There was one Julian Cox an Inglish wo­man apprehended for witch-craft. The first that deponed against her was an Hunts-man, who swore that he going out with a pack of Hounds, to hunt a Hare, did Start one not far from Julian Cox her house [Page 191] The Dogs hunted her very close, and the third Ring hunted her in view, till at last, the Hunts-man perceiving the Hare almost spent, and making towards a great Bush, he ran on the other side of the Bush to take her up, and preserve her from the Dogs. But assoon, as he layed hands on her, it proved to be Julian Cox, who had her hands groveling on the ground, and her Globs (as he exprest it) upward. He knowing her, was so afrighted that his hair on his head stood on end. She was out of breath, so that she could not speak. The Dogs came up, and smelt her, but did no more. This Narrative saith my Author, hath the most authentick confirmation that human af­fairs are capable of Sense, and the sacredness of an Oath.

RELATION XXX. Anent one Spalding in Dalkeith.

ABout the time, that the Earle of Tra­quair, was his late Majesties Com­missioner in Scotland, it happened at Dal­keith where he resided, that one Spalding a towns-man killed his neighbour one Sadler. The [Page 161] Murderer fled, and absented himself, for a year and more. Yet sometimes, came home in the Night time, finding that no man pursued him. After he had been wearied of this way of living, he resolved to cast himself upon the Commissioners Mercy. He coming one day near to the town of Dalkeith in Coatch, Spal­ding came in a most humble manner, and pro­strat himself before him, and begged mercy. The Commissioner enquired what the business was? The Servants told him, he was such a man, that had killed his Neighbour a towns­man. Thereupon, he appointed him to be con­veyed to Prison, where he lay for a year and more. At last ane Assize found him guil­ty, and appointed him to be hanged. When he heard this sentence, he cried out, Oh must I die like a Dog! Why was not I sen­tenced to lose my head. After he came to the Scaffold, and Prayer was ended, he goes up the Ladder, and the rope being put about his Neck, he cryes with a loud voice in the Audience of all, Lord (says he) let ne­ver this Soul of mine depart from this Bo­dy till it be reconciled with thee. And having said this, the Executioner threw him off the Ladder. When he had hung the ordi­nary time sufficient to take away any mans life [Page 192] he was cut down, and his Body put into a Bier, and carried to the Tolbuith to be Woon. When they had opened the lid of the Bier; the man bangs up upon his Bottom, and his eyes staring in his head, and fomeing at the mouth, he made a noise and roared like a Bull, stricking about him with his Fists, to the great consternation of all. The Magistrates hearing of it, gave orders, that he should be strangled better. The Executio­ner fell to work, and puting the Rope about his neck, stood upon his Breast, and strained his neck so hard, that it was no bigger about than his VVrist. And he continuing after this manner for a sufficient time, was carried to the Grave: and covered with earth. Not­withstanding of all this, he made such a rum­bling and tumbling in it, that the very Earth was raised, and the Muiles were so heaved up that they could hardly keep them down. After this his house at the East end of the town (as I am informed) was frequented with a Ghost, which made it stand empty for a long time. Whether any have dwelt in it since I know not. This I have from a very creditable Person, who being a Schollar there, at that time, was an eye and ear witness, who is yet alive.

RELATION XXXI. Of the Devil of Mascon in France.

ANNO 1612 one Monsieur Perreaud a Protestant Minister there, being from his own house one night, and his Wife being in bed, she was much troubled with noise, and din in the house: the next night, she felt some­what that pulled the blankets from the bed; and the same night, all the Pewter Vessel, and Brass Candlesticks were thrown about the Room. The Minister coming home, was told this, who carefully searched every corner of the house before he went to bed, and secured all the Doors and Windows, to prevent suspicion of Imposture: He was scarce well in bed, when he heard a strange noise in the Kitchen, like the rowling of a great Iron Bullet, beating a­gainst a partition of Wanscot: upon this the Minister went to the Room, but found nothing; The next morning he made it known to the Elders of the Church, and a publick No­tary, one Francis Tornous, who sate up with him every night till Midnight, but they heard nothing till September 20. At which [Page 194] time about nine a clock at night in the presence of all, who were there, the Devil began to whistle three or four tunes, with a loud and shril voice (though somewhat hoarse) which seemed to be about three or four steps from them, singing a little tune of five notes, which Birds are taught to whistle, and after, he often repeat­ed this word Minister, Minister, to which Master Perreaud said, Yes indeed, I am a Minister, and servant of the living GOD, before whose Majestie thou trem­blest. Said the other, I know nothing to the contrary. I have no need of thy testimony, sayes he. This being done, he says over with a loud voice, the Lords prayer, the Creed, the ten Commandments, and the morning and even Prayers, and sings the eighty and first Psalm. He told the Minister, that his Father had been poysoned, and named the man that did it. He told him, that as he came by his elder brothers house that night, he sa­luted him, and asked if he had any service to command him with to Mascon, to his brother: and told that they were very kind to him, and remembred their Love to the Minister. It was told him afterwards by those who were present, that a fellow of strange shape came riding on a very lean horse, hanging down his [Page 195] head and spake to that purpose. At another time the Devil began to mock GOD, and all Religion, and said over the Doxology, but skipped over the Second Person, and made a foul horrible, and detestable Equivocation upon the third Person. He also earnestly de­sired them to send for Mr. Du Chaffin the Popish Priest of St. Stevens Parish, to whom he would confess himself, and withal he desired him to bring some Holy Water along with him, for that (said he) will presently send me a packing. That great Mastiff (said he) dare not bark against me (this was the great House Dog) because I have made the sign of the Cross upon his head.

Then he fell a scoffing and jearing, and told how he did fall off the Ladder into the Ditch among the Frogs while the Savoyes, were scalding the walls of Geneva: and did most exactly imitate their croaking: At another time, he told them with a lamentable voice, that he had a mind to make his Latter-Will and Testament, and bid the Maid call for Mr. Tornous the publick Notary, and declared to him what Legacies he would leave, and to one present he said, he would bequeath five hundered pound; but he answered, I will have none of thy money, thy [Page 196] money perisheth with thee.

At another time, while he was speaking, a man who was present rushed into the place, whence the voice seemed to come, and searched it strictly, but found nothing except a small bot­tle, which he brought forth, at which the De­vil fell a laughing, and said to him, I was told long since, that thou wast a fool, and I see now thou art one indeed, to believe that I am in the Bottle. I should be a greater Fool my self to go into it; for so I might be catched by stopping the mouth of the Bottle with ones Finger.

At another time, the Minister said to him, Go thou cursed into everlasting fire pre­pared for the Devil and his Angels, To whom he replyed in great wrath, Thou lyest I am not cursed, I hope yet for Salvation by the Death and passion of Jesus Christ.

The Devil threatned the Minister, that he would pull him out of his Bed by the feet, and pull the Blankets off him. He answered, I will lay me down and sleep, for the Lord maketh me to dwell in safety, thou canst have no power over me, but what is given thee from above. Whereupon he said, it is well for thee, it is good for thee. And at last he confessed, that he could not prevail [Page 197] against the Family because they did too much call on the name of God. And in­deed it was observed, that as often as they kneel­ed down in prayer, the Devil left talking, and often said, while you are at your prayers, I'le go take a turn in the Street. But no sooner was prayer ended, but he began as before, which course he continued till the 25. of No­vember, at which time he spake these last words, Alas, alas, I shall speake no more

The Minister told Mr. Du-Moulin, that a grave Divine once coming to his house, and hearing the Devil speak profanly, rebuked him sharply for it. Whereupon the Devil answered, Minister, you are very Holy and Zeal­ous in this Company, but you are not so when you were singing such a baudy song in such a Tavern. And having said this, he sang the same baudy song over before them all. The Divine said, it is true, Satan, I have been licentious in my younger years, GOD of his mercy hath given me repentance, and pardon for it, but for thy part, thou art hardned in sin, and shall never get Repentance nor Par­don. After this, the Devil said, O poor Hugonits (those of the reformed Re­ligion) you shall suffer much within a [Page 198] few years; O what mischief is intended against you!

A Popish Officer, that belonged to a Court of Justice being a Lawyer, came out of curiosity to the Ministers house, to ask some Questions concerning many matters. The Minister forbad him; but he would not for­bear. And after the Devil had resolved him many things, anent absent Friends, pri­vate Business, News and State affairs, and Questions in Law, he says to him, now Sir I have told you all, you have demand­ed, I must tell you next, what you de­manded not, that at this same very time such a man (whom he named) is tak­ing a word of your wife at home. And then he discovered many secrets and foul practi­ses of the Lawyer. And at last sayes, Now Sir let me correct you for being so bold, as to question with the Devil, you should have taken the Ministers Counsel. Then upon a sudden, the whole Company saw the Lawyer drawn by the Arm into the midst of the room, where the Devil whirled him about, and gave him many turns with great swiftness, touching the ground only with his toe, and then threw him down upon the floor with great violence; and being taken up, and carried to his [Page 199] house, he lay sick and distracted a long time.

The last ten or twelve dayes, the Devil threw stones about the Ministers house continually, from morning to evening, and of great quanti­ty, some of them being of two or three pound Weight. One of those dayes, the publick No­tary Mr Tornous had a great stone thrown at him, which falling at his feet, he took up, and marked it with a coal, and threw it into the backside of the house: but presently the Devil threw it at him again. When he took it up, he found it to be very hot, thinking it had been in Hell, since he handled it last. The next day upon the 22 of December the Devil went quite away, and to morrow after, there was seen a great Viper going out of the Ministers house, which the Neighbours about seized upon with a pair of pincers, and carried it all over the town crying, here is the Devil that's come out of the Ministers house. It was found by an Apothecary to be a true and natural Vi­per, a Serpent rarely seen in those countreys. Compare this with the twentieth and first Re­lation, and you will find a notable proof of the Wonderful kindness and mercy of GOD to these two Religious Ministers, and their Families.

RELATION XXXII. Anent Margaret Wilson.

THis is a true Narrative of what happened to her one Night, while some persons were attending her. For what Past other nights I cannot relate, since I want Information. They say, that the Gentleman her Vncle, in the Parish of Gallashiells, came one Sunday after Sermon to the Minister there, Master Wilkie, and told him, that the Devil was at his House, for, said he, there is an odd knocking about the bed where my Niece lyes. Whereupon the Minister went along with him and found it so. She rising from her bed sat down to Supper, and from below, there was such a knocking up, as bred fear to all that were present. This knocking was just under her Chair, where it was not possible for any Mortal to knock up. Supper being ended, they went all to Prayer, and she rising from her place, went and kneeled down in another place, and there also a knocking was heard be­low her, even during the time of Prayer. When she was put to bed, many Persons attending, she fell into a deep sleep. Then her body was [Page 201] so lifted up, that many strong men were not able to keep it down. Sometimes her body would have made such a motion in the Bed, as if some­thing had been gripping her by the feet, and pulling her up and down. In the mean while, they heard a loud noise scratching upon the Feather-Bed, as with long Nails. And likewise the Minister affirms, that he heard a loud risping at her heart, such as risping Irons make upon Wood or Tim­ber. When she awaked, she told him of ma­ny things the Devil had been speaking to her, offering her Gifts and Presents. She was hardly perswaded to pray; nay could not, when even the words were put into her mouth. The Minister desired her to enter into a Personal Covenant with GOD, which he drew up, but finding one composed al­ready to his hand, in that little Treatise, called the Christians Great Interest, he made her subscrive it. When she had done this the Devil perswaded her with many Argu­ments to break it. This was the Method, the Devil observed ordinarly every Night, during [...] trouble.

That same Night about twelve a Clock, the Minister took her Uncle out to his own Garden, to take a turn or two, and began to [Page 202] bear in upon him, the s [...]nse of this sore affliction which was upon the Family, and exhorted him to reflect upon his wayes, and consider, if he had done any thing that had provoked the Lord against him, and particularly he charged him with one thing, whereof there was a loud report. He solemnly protested, and that with dreadful imprecations, he was innocent of that particular, which was said of him, and ab­solutely denyed it. She confest, that she had seen the Devil a in mans likeness, but e­specially once going to Church, when he forbad her to go and hear Sermon. After much trouble of this kind, and much noise and talking, the young Woman, being but twelve or thirteen years of age, came to E­dinburgh, and tarried with a friend there, and from thence she went to Leith, where she served a Mistriss. At last she went to Easter-Didiston (it seems) and married there a Husband with whom she lived some years at the Magdalen-Pans, where she died. I do not hear that ever she was molested after. If all the particulars of this business were truely collected, they would amount, to a far longer Relation, than I have set down.

RELATION XXXIII. A Short Information anent Iennet Douglas.


WHen I was at Glasgow in the Summer, 1677. I was desirous to see the Dumb Girle, whom you mention in your first Rela­tion. At my first incoming she declined to entertain discourse, but by friendly expressions, and giving her some money, I gained her. I first inquired anent her Parentage? I do not remember (says she) of my Parents, but only that I was called by the name of Jennet Douglas by all People who knew me. I was keeped, when I was very young by a poor woman that proved cruel to me, by beating, and abusing me, whereupon I deserted the Womans house, and went a begging. I enquired next, how she became Dumb? She told me, by reason of a sore swelling she tooke in her Throat and ton­gue; but afterwards, by the Application of [Page 204] Album Graecum, which I thought said she was revealed to me, I recovered my Speech. I ask­ed her, how she came to the knowledge of Witch­es and their practises? She answered, that she had it only by vision, and knew all things as well this way, as if she had been personally pre­sent with them, but had no revelation, or infor­mation from the voice of any Spirit. Nor had she any communication with the Devil, or any Spirit of that kind: only (sayes she) the Devil was represented to me, when he was in company with any of the Witches, in that same shape and habit he was seen by them.

She told me, she was altogether ignorant of the Principles of the Christian Religion, but had some smattering knowledge of the Lords Prayer, which she had heard the Witches repeat (it seems by her vision) in presence of the Devil; and at his desire (which they ob­served) they added to the word Art, the letter W, which made it run, our father which wart in heaven, and made the third Petiti­on thus, as on earth, so it may in heaven; by which means the Devil made the applicati­on of the Prayer to himself.

I remember, that one day, there was a wo­man in the town who had the curiosity, to give her a visit, who asked her how she came to [Page 205] the knowledge of so many things? But the young Wench shifted her, by asking the Womans name. She told her name. Says the other, are there any other in Glasgow of that name? No sayes the Woman. Then said the Girle, you are a Witch; Says the other, then are you a Devil. The Girle answers, the Devil doth not reveal Witches. But I know you to be one, and I know your practises too▪ Hereupon the Woman run a­way in great confusion, being indeed a Person suspected of Witchcraft, and had been some time imprisoned upon that account.

Another Woman, whose name was Camp­bel had the curiosity likewise to come and see her, and began to ask some questions at her. The Wench shifting to give her an answer, says I pray you tell me, where were you yes­ternight, and what were you doing? And withall (says she) let me see your arm. She refusing, the Land-Lord, laid hold upon the Woman, with some others of the house, and forced her to make bare her arm, where Jennet Douglas shewed them an invisible mark, which she had gotten from the Devel. The poor Woman much ashamed run home, and a little time after, she came out and told her Neighbours, that what Jennet Douglas had [Page 206] said of her was true, and earnestly entreated them that they would shew so much to the Ma­gistrates, that she might be apprehended, o­therwise the Devil (says she) will make me kill my self. But the Neighbours judging her to be under a fit of distraction, carried her home to her house. But early the next morning, the Woman was found drowned in Clyde.

The Girle likewise told me at Glasgow, be­ing then under no restraint, that it was reveal­ed to her, she would be carried before the Great Council at Edinburgh, imprisoned there, and scourged thorow the town. All which came to pass: for about a year after she was apprehended, and imprisoned in the Tol­buith of the Canongate, and was brought before the Council. But nothing being found a­gainst her, she was dismist. But thereafter for se­veral crimes committed within the town of Edinburgh, she was taken again, and imprisoned, scourged, and sent away to some forrainge Plantation, since which time, I have not heard of her.

There are several other remarkable passages of her which I cannot informe you of, which o­thers perhaps may do, therefore I shall abrupt­ly break off, and say no more, but that I am your affectionat Friend. This information I [Page 207] have from a discreet understanding Gentle-man who was one of my Scholars at Glasgow seve­ral years agoe.

RELATION XXXIV. Anent Helen Elliot burnt at Culross.


I Cannot but much approve your design in pub­lishing Satans Invisible World Dis­covered, especially at this time, when there are so many, that deny the existence of Devils, Spirits and Witches, and will credit nothing, but what they see with their eyes. I shall in­forme you, with three remarkable Stories, which may be attested by famous Witnesses, many of which are yet living.

I had the curiosity, when I was a Scholar, to pass over from Borrowstonness to Culros, to see a notable Witch burnt. She was car­ried to the place of Execution in a Chair by four men, by reason her Legs, and her Belly were broken, by one of the Devils cunning tricks which he plaid her. This Woman was watch­ed [Page 208] one night in the Steeple of Culros, by two men, John Shank a Flesher, and one John Drummond, who being weary went to an­other Room, where there was a Fire, to take a Pipe. But to secure her, they put her Leggs in the Stocks, and locked them, as well as might be. But no sooner were they gone out of the Room, but the Devil came into the Prison, and told her he was obliged, to deliver her from the shame she was like to suffer for his sake; and accordingly took her out of the Stocks, and embracing her, carried her out of the Prison. At which she being terrified made this exclamation by the way, O GOD wither are you taking me! At which words, he let her fall, at the distance from the Steeple, about the breadth of the street of Edinburgh, where she brake her Leggs and her Belly. I saw the impression and dimple of her heels, as many thousands did, which continued for six or seven years upon which place no Grass would ever grow. At last there was a stone dyke built upon the place.

My second Relation shall be of some Witch­es of Borrowstonness: which were the oc­casion of much inquiry after them there. Anno 1644. A certain Woman in the town, came about eight a clock in the morning into her [Page 206] Neighbours house, after a most furious man­ner, and assaulted her, by scratching her face, and pulling the hair out of her head, saying, thou traitour Thief, thou thought to have destroyed my Son this morning, but it was not in thy power. The Ship wherin the young man was a Sailler, had been under a dreadful tempest aff and on, with Saint Ab­bs head, that morning. With the violence of a Sea, which came in upon the Deck, he was cast over-boord on this side of the Ship, and to the admiration of all, he was cast in up­on the Deck again, upon the other side, without harm. This marvellous business being reported about eight a clock at night by the Mariners, when they came a shoar, and being compared with what the one Woman said to the other that morning, both of them were apprehended, and after their confession were both burnt, ma­ny hundreds being Spectators whereof I was one.

The last, Which is more remarkable, shall he anent the Wife of one Goodaile a Couper in the Parish of Carrin. This Woman was about thirty and two, or three and thirty years of age, a most beautiful and comely Person as was in the Countrey about. She was often [Page 210] fyll'd and delated by many, who had been burnt. They told, that amongst them all, she was the Person, whom the Devil at their Meetings, did most court and embrace, calling her constant­ly my dear Mistris, setting her alway at his right hand, to the great discontent of his old Haggs, whom, as they conceived, he now slighted. She was apprehended, and commit­ted to Prison. At this time there was one James Fleming a Master of a Ship there, a Person of great courage, strength and reso­lution, who had it insinuat to him by her, when he was exhorting her to confess, that in respect she understood, he was to be upon her Watch the next night, if she got no deliverance, as she expected before one a clock in the morning, she should lay her heart open to him before others. At which he being apprehensive of what might fall out, as indeed he had reason, went to his Uncle, a grave and experienced Person, who advised him to take all his Ships Com­pany, to the number of fourteen able men and keep watch, not forgetting the Reading of Scripture, and earnest Prayer to GOD. The Night was still and calme, as an Sum­mers evening, without the least appearance of Change, when upon a sudden at midnight, as James Fleming himself was coursing her too [Page 211] and again, as the custome was, holding her by the hand, I say upon a sudden, a terrible tempest, like an Hirricano came on, which took the Roof from the house, to their great consternation. And a voice was heard three times, calling her by a strange name to come away. At which she made three several loups upward increasing gardually, till her feet were as high as his breast. But he held her by both her armes, and as he used to say, when he spoke of it) he betooched himself strongly and ear­nestly to God, though with great amaze­ment, his hair standing Widdershins in his head. And after the third call, he prevailed against the greatest Effort, which ever he felt, and threw her on the ground, she groveling and fomeing like one having the falling-sickness, where she fell into a profound sleep, for the space of two or three hours. When she awaked, she declaimed most bitterly against the Devils treach­ry, and perfidiousness, who had promised to carry her to Irland before four a clock in the morning, and to touch at Paisley where she might see her sister in passing. She made a free and full confession, and deleated many Women, some of them of good repute, who afterwards confessed, and died so. The Author of this let­ter is a Person of great honesty and sincerity [Page 212] From the First Relation of his, we have an e­vident instance that the Devil can transport the Bodies of men and Women thorow the Air; `Tis true, he did not carry her far off, but not for want of skill and power. Neither was he afraied to hear the name of God spoken; but purposing to destroy both the Soul and the body of the poor creature, he has pretended so much, to excuse himself, at her hand.

The first Story puts me in mind of one Craich a Witch put in prison, in the Steeple of Culross, to whom several years agoe, Mr. Alexander Colvil, Justice Depute came, a gentleman of great sagacity and knowledge as to Witches. He asked if she was a Witch. She denyed. Dar you hold up your hand and swear that you are not a Witch? Yes sir said she. But behold, what a re­markable Iudgement of God come upon her. While she is swearing with her arm lifted up, it became as stiff as a tree, that she could not pull it in again, to the amazement of all that were present. One Person yet living there, was a witness and can attest this. The Gentleman seing the vengeance of God upon her for her wickedness falls down presently upon his knees, and entreated the Lord in her behalf, who was graciously pleased to hear him.

[Page 213]Some are of Opinion, that the Devil cannot raise winds and storms upon the Sea and Land. This is evident from the last relation in the Let­ter. Which puts me in mind of a terrible tem­pest of wind in the Firth, that day when Bessie Fouler was burnt at Mu [...]elburgh in May anno 1661. The Devil (it seems) had pro­mised to her, that she should not die at that time whereupon she looking out at the Prison Window spake very confidently to the folk below, You think to see me burnt the day, but you will all be deceived. The Hirricano did so prevail, that in effect, everie body sus­pected that she should not have died that day. The morning and the forenoon were very calme.

RELATION XXXV. Anent some Prayers, Charms and Avies, used in the Highlands.

IN the time of ignorance and superstition, when the darkness of Paganism was not dispell­ed by Gospel light; Spirits keept a more fa­miliar converse vvith families, and even in the time of Popery, what was more frequent in houses than Brownies whom they employed in many services. It were unseasonable and te­dious, [Page 214] to rehearse all the Stories, which have been told of Brownies, and Pharies, com­monly called our Good-Neighbours, how there was a King and a Queen of Pharie, of such a Court, and train, as they had, and how they had the teind and dutie, as it were of all corns, flesh, and meale, how they rode and went alongs the sides of hills, all in Green apparel. I verily believe many have seen such spectres, but what were they? No­thing but the delusion of the Senses of sundry simple people, whom the Devil made believe they did see and hear such things. Browny was a Spirit, that haunted divers houses, (famili­arly) without doing any evil, but doing ne­cessary turns up and down the house, and fre­quently was found working in the Barn, threash­ing the corn in the night time, who appeared like a rough hairy man. Such then was the ignorance of many, that they believed their house was all the sonsier that Browny was a­bout it. As K. J. says in his Demonology.

I will not speak of ridiculous Friets, such as our meeting with a Lucky or unlucky foot, when we are going about important business; these unquestionably are the Devils lessons for the most part, and a denying of Gods Providenee. The practise of the Heathen was [Page 215] to attribute good or evil luke to the slying of Birds as Virgil sayes, Saepe sinistra cava praedixit ab ilice Cornix.

Whether there be any Magie in the practise of some young Women too curious, who upon Allhallow even goe to bed without speaking to any, having first eaten a cake made of soot, and dreaming, see in their sleep, the man that shall be their husband, I shall not deter­mine. But it looks like a very bad practise. I heard of a Woman, who dipt her smock in South-running-water, on that night, and hanged it up before the fire to dry. One comes in, in the likness of the man, who was to be her hus­band, and turns it, and went immediately to the Bed, where she was attending the event, and kist her. It seems she did not believe it was the Devil. To speak of the second sight I cannot, till fuller information be given. I am undoubtedly informed that men & Women in the Highlands can discern fatality approaching o­thers by seeing them in Waters or with wind­ing-sheets about them. And that others can lecture in a sheeps shoulder bone a death within the Parish, seven or eight days before it come. It is not improbable but that such preternatural knowledge comes first by a com­pact with the Devil and is derived downward [Page 216] by succession to their posterity, many of such I suppose, are innocent, and have this Sight against their will and inclination.

Charms and Spells have been first taught to men and Women in confederacy with the Devil, many of which are received by Tradition, and used by Witches and ignorant Persons too. The vertue of curing, must be from the Devils ac­tive invisible application of them, to such or such a disease, as the curing of an Univer­sal Gout by this unintelligible Charm.

Etter sheen etter sock, Et ta le­ur etta pachk Wipper si caan easemitter in shi, fo leish in shi corne, orn sheip twa till ane curht mach a mainshore.

There is in some Part of Galloway a Charm for curing a disease called the Ling, in these words, Cathari Duni Chini Brini. Another there is, which some use for effectuat­ing that, which others do by casting three knots, far si far, fa far fay u, far four na forty Kay u Mack straik it a pain four hun creig weil Mack smeoran bun bagie. This language cannot be interpreted.

Besides this, there are Prayers and Avies among the Highlanders, wherein they think, [Page 217] there lays great vertue, as in repeating the Lords Prayer in Latine thus.

Paidder nohter kish in sheali sanctishetar noman du, ta renada, ta langa tu, quidi honum aicht in dearrich, an dingas, an dangis, a nipis a nopis, nduramis indara­mis, indittimis, indattamis, shecli she­clorum, Amen.

Their Avi Mary runs thus.

Avi Mari crashi plena du na tekamis penedicata tus anti willi yera­mis, Penidicata rucata shendri Esum Chrisum Amen.

At night in the time of Popery when Folks wen to Bed, they believed the repetition of this following Prayer was effectual to preserve them from danger, and the house too.

Who sains the house the night,
They that sains it ilk a night:
Saint Bryde and her Brat,
Saint Colme and his Hat.
Saint Michael and his Spear,
Keep this house from the Wear.
From running Thief,
And burning Thief;
[Page 218]And from a ill Rea,
That be the Gate can gae,
And from an ill wight,
That be the gate can light.
Nine reeds about the house;
Keep it all the Night,
What is that what I see,
So red so bright beyond the sea?
'Tis he was peirc'd through the hands,
Throw the feet, throw the throat,
Throw the tongue;
Throw the liver and the lung.
Well is them that well may,
Fast on Good-Fryday.

Another Prayer used by the Thieves and Robers on the Borders after Meat, in order to stealling from their Neighbours.

He that ordain'd us to be born,
Send us maire meat or the morn,
Part of't right and part of't wrang,
God let us never fast ov'r lang,
God be thanked and our Ladie,
All is done that we had ready.

A Countrey man in East Lothian used this Grace always before and after Meat.

Lord be blest for all his Gifts
I defy the Devil and all his shifts
God send me mair Silver, Amen.

As the Devil is originally the Author of Charms, and Spells, so is he the Author of several baudy Songs, which are sung. A re­verend Minister told me, that one who was the Devils Piper, a wizzard confest to him, that at a Ball of dancing, the Foul Spirit taught him a Baudy song to sing and play, as it were this night, and ere two days past all the Lads and Lasses of the town were lilting it throw the street. It were abomination to rehearse it.

RELATION XXXVI. Anent one Elizabeth Muidy at Hadington.

THis Woman was a Servant to Margaret Kirkwood there, a Woman of good re­pute once, who before her death took some trou­ble of mind, but upon what account, I cannot de­termine. [Page 220] She made some insinuation (it seems) to some of her Friends, that she inclined to put hand in her self; whereupon she was attended and waited upon; but had her own Liberty to retire her self to private Prayer, in which exercise she was frequent. Vpon a Sabbath forenoon, when all were at Church and she at home, none with her save only a Servant-Maid, she went into some high Room or other, as she was wont to do to her Devotion; and there before the Maid could know, she hanged her self. In this very moment of time, this Lissie Muidy, her old servant being in Church was observed to number upon her fingers 50. or 51. which number being ended she cryes out with a loud voice in presence of all, now the turn is done. She was presently taken away as a distracted Person, and news com­ing to the Church, that such a Woman had hanged her self, her old Mistris, she was taken away to Prison, but what her confession was, it is not well known. There are many other things re­ported, whereof I cannot give an account. This Tragedy was acted within these few years at Hadington.



THe troubles of Sir George Maxwel.
A wonderfull discovery of Mur­der by an Apparition.
The Witchcraft of Agnes Sympson.
A Proclamation over the Mercat cross of Edinburgh,
A Miraculous cure of a Dutch Wo­man.
The Devil at Wood-stock in Eng­land,
An Apparition to King Iames the fourth
The Major appears to his Captain.
A remarkable story of Witchcraft at Lauder.
The Drummer of Tedworth.
The Devil of Glenluce.
King Duff bewitched.
Edward Avon appears to his Son in Law.
Anent Bessie Graham a Witch in Kilwin­ing.
The Apparition of Sir George Willers.
[Page]Anent Hattaraik an Wizzard in East-Lothian.
The Ghost of Mistris Bretton.
Of Robert Church-man inveigled in Quakerism.
Touching Isabel Heriot.
Touching a Magician at Antwerpe.
A Doctor of Divinity rises out of the Bier.
Some Drunkards destroyed by the Devil.
Touching William Barton a Warlock at Kirklistoun.
Touching a wonderful Accident at Lions in France.
Touching the Piper at Hamelen in Germany.
Touching the Witchcraft in Mohra in Swedeland.
An Apparition in Gladsmuire.
Anent one Spalding in Dalkeith.
The Devil of Mascon in France
Anent Margaret Wilson.
Anent Iennet Douglas.
Anent Helen Elliot burnt at Culross.
Anent Charms and Avies.
Anent Elizabeth Muidy.


THere is a young man that goes under the Authors name, that pretends to be a Poet, that for money, has presented his Verses to several Persons of Qualitie. Let no Person think that Mr. Sinclar has any interest in that man, or his Verses; as indeed he makes many believe. This is sub­joyned to the end of his Book, by Mr. Sinclars affectionate Friend who knows this to be true.

I. S.


If any Gentlemen, and others, will be pleased to send me any Relations a­bout Spirits, Witches, and Apparitions, in any part of the Kingdom; or any In­formation about the Second Sight, Charms, Spells, Magie, and the like; they shall oblige the Author, and have them publisht to their satisfaction.

Direct your Relations to Alexander Ogstouns Shop Stationer, at the foot of the Plain-stones, at Edin­burgh, on the North­side of the Street.

POSTSCRIPT. Being a Relation anent Major Weir.

I Have subjoined this Relation, by way of Postscript, because it came to my hand after the book was finished by the Printer, from a Gentleman that knew exactly all the matters of Fact, and all the Circumstances of the business; which is as follows,


I Have so far condescended to give you satis­faction in the desired particulars, that I have looked over these Memoires, which I had by me, touching the Life and Death of Thomas Weir, that from Eye-witnesses, and his Sisters Declaration, I can assert the Truth, As followeth,

This man Thomas Weir was born in Clydsdaile, near to Lanerk, who had been a [Page] Lieutenent in Ireland long since. What way he came to get some publick command in the City of Edinburgh, in the year 49. and 50. I know not; but it seems he has been alwayes called Major Weir, since that time. Many things might be narrated of him, which for brevities sake I cannot meddle with; since I intend to speak only of his Sorceries, and other things re­lating thereunto. It seems, he had, before he was burnt, some charge over the Waiters at the Ports of the City, being as it were a Check to them. Coming one day as his custome was, he found some of them in a Cellar, taking a cup of Aile, neglecting their Charge. After a gentle reproof, one of them replyed, that some of their number being upon duty, the rest had retired to drink with their old Friend and Ac­quaintance Mr. Burn. At which word, he started back, and casting an eye upon him, re­peated the word Burn four or five times. And going home, he never any more came abroad, till a few weeks after, he had discovered his im­pieties. It was observed by some, that going to Liberton sometimes, he shunned to step over that Water-brook, which is ordinarly cal­led Liberton-burn, but went about to shun it. Some have conjectured, that he had advise to beware [Page] of a Burn, or some other thing, which this equivocal word might signify, as burn in a fire. If so, he has foreseen his day approaching. A year before he discovered himself, he took a sore sickness, during which time he spake to all, who visited him like an Angel, and came fre­quently abroad again.

This man taking some dreadful tortures of Conscience, and the Terrours of the Almighty being upon his Spirit, confessed to several Neigh­bours in his own house, and that most willingly, his particular sins which he was guilty of, which bred amazement to all persons, they com­ing from a man of so high a repute of Religion and Piety. He ended with this remarkable expression, Before GOD (sayes he) I have not told you the hundred part of that I can say more, and am guilty of. These same very abominations he confessed before the Iudges likewise. But after this, he would never till his dying hour confess any more, which might have been for the glorifying of GOD, and the Edification of others, but remained stupid, having no confidence to look any Man in the face, or to open his eyes.

When two of the Magistrates came to his house in the night time, to carry him to prison, they asked, If he had any money to secure? [Page] He answered, None. His Sister said, there was. Whereupon to the value of five Dollars, in parcels here and there, were found in seve­ral clouts. His Sister advised the two Ma­gistrates to secure his Staff especially; for she also went to Prison. After he was secured in the Tolbooth, the Bailies returned, and went into a Tavern, near to Weirs house, in the West­bow, a street so called there. The money was put into a Bag, and the clouts thrown into the fire by the Master of the house and his Wife, which after an unusual manner made a circle­ing and dancing in the fire. There was another clout found with some hard thing in it, which they threw into the fire likewise; it being a cer­tain root, which circled and sparkled like Gun­powder, and passing from the Tunnel of the Chimney, it gave a crack like a little Cannon, to the amazement of all that were present.

The money aforesaid, was taken by one of the two Bailies to his own house, and laid by in his Closet. After Family Prayer was end­ed, he retired into the same Closet, (where I have been) during which time, his Wife (who is yet living) and the rest of the Family were afrighted, with a terrible noise within the Study, like the falling of an house, about three times together. His Wife knocking gave a fear­ful [Page] cry, My Dear are you alive. The Bailie came out unafrayed, having (as he said) heard nothing: whether he concealed this upon the account his Wife was with Child, or otherwise, it cannot be well known. The money was presently sent away to the other Bailies house, a great distance from Weirs, where, as was reported, there was some dis­turbance, but in broken expressions.

During the time of his imprisonment, he was never willing to be spoken to, and when the Ministers of the City offered to pray for him, he would cry out in fury, Torment me no more, for I am tormented already. One Minister (now asleep) asking him, if he should pray for him? was answered, not at all. The other re­plyed in a kind of holy anger. Sir I will pray for you in spite of your teeth, & the Devil your master too: Who did pray, making him at least to hear him: but the other stairing wildly, was sen­seless as a Brute. Another, who is likewise at rest, demanded, if he thought there was a God. Said the Man, I know not. That other smartly replyed. O man the Argu­ment that moveth me to think, there is a God, is thy self, for what els moved thee to inform the world of thy wicked life. But Weir answered let me alone. When he peremptorly forebad one of his own Parish [Page] Ministers (yet alive) to pray. One demanded, if he would have any of the Presbyterian per­swasion to pray. He answered, Sir, you are now all alike to me. Then said the Mini­ster to him, I will pray with you. Do it not said the other upon your Peril, look­ing up to the beams of the house. But Prayer was offered up, so much the more heartily, because the company about expected some vision. It is observable, that in things common, he was pertinent enough; but when any thing about Almighty God, and his souls condition came about, he would Shrugg, and Rub his Coat and Breast, saying to them, torment me not before the time. When he was at the stake to be burnt, the City Mini­sters called to a Church-man there, looking on, being one of that perswasion, whereof Weir was formerlie deemed to be, to speak to him; but no sooner he opened his mouth, than he made a sign with his hand and his head to be silent. When the Roap was about his neck to prepare him for the fire, he was bid say, Lord be merciful to me, But he answered let me alone, I will not, I have lived as a beast, and I must die as a Beast. The fire being kindled, both He and his Staff, a little after fell into the flames. Whatever In­cantation was in his Staff, is not for me to [Page] discuss. He could not officiat in any holy duty without this Rod in his hand, and leaning upon it, which made those who heard him pray, admire his fluency in Prayer. Its falling into the fire with him (let others search out the dis­parity) minds me of this Passage. In Shetland a few years agoe. A Judge having condemned an old Woman and her daughter called Helen Stewart for Witch-craft, sent them to be burn'd. The Maid was so stupid, that she was thought to be possessed. When she had hung some little time on the Gibbet, a black Pitchy-like ball foamed out of her mouth: and after the fire was kindled, it grew to the bigness of a Walnut, and then flew up like Squibs into the air, which the Judge yet living attests. It was taken to be a visible sign that the Devil was gone out of her. I shall make no application of this, as to Major Weirs Staff.

I know from good hands, that if this man repented of any thing in Prison, it was for causing a poor maid to be scourged, who af­firmed, She had seen him commit beastiality going to New miles to a solemn meeting. This poor Woman lived about two years after his death, and heard of his fatal end. His in­cest with his own sister, was first, when she was a young Maid. The place, where this abo­mination [Page] was committed, was cursed, for con­trary to nature, it remained always bare with­out Grass. A reverend Minister told me (I mention this as from my self, not from the author of the Letter) that Major Weir confessed so much to him, and told him, that the place layes off the road-way between Kirkaldy and Kinghorn, upon a little hill side, which he had the curiosity to goe and see, and found it so. This was done the matter of fifty years a­goe. Many other things he confessed, which Christian ears should not be defiled with.

Before I come to his Sister, take this not­able remark from two Persons yet alive, dwelling at the foot of the Westbow, at the head where­of dwelt Major Weir. This Gentlewoman, a substantial Merchants wife was very desirous to hear Him pray, much being spoken of his utterance, and for that end spoke to some of her Neighbours that when he came to their house, she might be sent for. This was done, but could he never be perswaded to open his mouth before her, no not to bliss a cup of aile, he ei­ther remaining mute, or up with his staff and away. It troubled her then, but I suppose both her husband and she smiles at it now.

Some few dayes before he discovered himself, this Gentlewoman coming from the Castle-hill [Page] where her husbands Neice, was laying in of a Child, about midnight, perceived about the Bow-head three Women in windows, shout­ing, laughing, and claping their hands. The Gentlewoman went forward, till just at Ma­jor Weirs door, there arose as from the street a Woman above the length of two ordinary fe­mells, and stepped forward. The Gentlewo­man not as yet excessively feared, bid her maid step on, if by the Lanthorn, they could see what she was; but hast what they could, this long legged Spectre was still before them, moving her Body with a vehement Ca­chinnation, a great unmeasurable Laugh­ter. At this rate the two strove for place, till the Giantiss, came to a narrow Lane in the Bow, commonly called the Stinking-closs, in­to which she turning: and the Gentle-wo­man looking after her, perceived the closs full of flaming torches (She could give them no o­ther name) and as it had been a great multi­tude of People, Stentoriously laughing and Gapping with Tahies of laughter. This sight at so dead a time of the night, no people being in the Windows, respecting the Closs, made her and her servant haste home, de­claring all, which they saw to the rest of the Fa­milie, but more passionatly to her husband. And [Page] though sick with fear, yet she went the next morning with her Maid, to veiw the noted places of her former nights walk, & at the Closs, inquired who lived there? It was answered Major Weir. The honest couple now re­joycing, that to Weirs devotion they never said Amen. I know there are some, who pre­cariously assert the unreasonableness of believing such Visions and Apparitions, but you have made them sufficiently evident from your Relati­ons foregoing. These in all probability, have been a presage of his approaching death, and of the manner of it, Links and Torches signify­ing an honourable interrment, which perhaps has been promised to him. There was one Minister in the city, that could never be perswaded to speak with him in Prison, but no soonner was he dead, but he went to the Tolbooth, and called for his Sister, who had some remorse, of whom I shall now speak. He told her, that her Brother was burnt, and how he died (though he saw him not execute, as I heard from him­self) She believed nothing of it, but after ma­ny attestations, she asked Where his staff Was? for it seems, she knew that his strength and life lay therein. He told her, it was burnt with him. Whereupon, notwithstanding of her age, she nimbly, and in a furious rage fell on [Page] her knees, uttering words horrible to be re­membred. And in rising up, as she was de­sired, her rageing agony closed with these words. O Sir, I know he is with the Devils, for with them he lived. She intreated that Mi­nister to assist her, and attend her to her death, which at her violent importunity be yeelded un­to, though it was not his course to wait upon condemned Persons. What she said in private to himself, he says must die with him. She avouched, that from her being sixteen years of age, to her fiftieth, her Brother had the incestuous use of her body, and then loathed her for her age. She was pretty old at this time, and he when he died was about seventy. He asked her, if ever she was with Child to him? She declared with great confidence, he hindred that by means abominable, which she beginning to relate, the Preacher stopped her. Some bystanders were desirous to hear the rest, but saies he (Gentle­men) the speculation of this iniquity is in it self to be punished.

In often and returned visits, she was inter­rogat if she had any hand in her Brothers De­vilty? She declared, but in a passive way, and gave this for an instance. A fiery Cha­riot, or Coatch, as she called it, coming [Page] to his door, at broad day, a stranger in­vited him and her to goe visit a friend at Dalkeith, a small town some four miles from Edinburgh. They both entered, and went foreward in their visit, at which time (says she) one came and whispered something in his ear, which affected him. They both returned after the same man­ner, that they had gone out. And Weir going after, to make some visits, told them he had strong apprehensions, that, that day, the Kings Forces were routed at Worcester, which within two or three days was confirmed by the Post. She affir­med that none saw the Coatch, but them­selves. The Devil hath wrought far great­er Farelies in his time than this.

She knew much of the inchanted Staff, for by it he was enabled to pray, to commit filthi­nesse, not to be named, yea even to reconcile Neighbours, Man and Wife, when, at vari­enoe. She oft hid it from him, and because with­out it, he could do nothing, he would threaten and vow to discover her incest, fearing which, she would deliver it again.

Being asked the cause of her much spinning, which she was famous for? She denyed any assistance from the Devil, but found she had an [Page] extraordinary faculty therein, far above ordi­nary Spinsters: Yet owned, that when she came home, after her being abroad, she found, there was more yarn on her wheel than she left. And that her Weaver could not make cloath thereof, the yearn breaking or falling from the Loom.

Once there came a stranger to her, while she was at her Wheel, and proposed a way to her to make her rich, for they both lived almost u­pon Alms. The way was this, Stand up and say, all Crosses and Cares go out of this house. She answered, GOD forbid I say that, but let them be welcome when GOD sends them. After two or three vi­sits more, she asked this stranger, where she dwelt? She replyed, in the Potter-raw, a street in the Suburbs of that City, but finding neither such a house, nor such a woman, I judged, said she, it was the Devil, one of my bro­thers acquaintance; for I know, he had famili­arity with the Devil.

His poverty minds me of a Wizzard accus­ed and execute in Shetland, before named, for Witchcraft several years ago, called Lug­gie, to a nick-name, who being a Fisher, had a trick at any time, when hungry at Sea, to cast out his line, and would out of Neptuns low­est Kitching, bring cliverly up fish well [Page] boiled and roasted. And his Comerades by a Natural Courage, would make a merry meal thereof, not questioning who was Cook. He had another piece of Art, at any time in the year, or in great storms, to go up to an high hill near his own house, whereupon there was a deep pit, out of which, with his lines he drew up Codlings, or Keeling for his provision, which never man could do but himself. This story is true, being yet to be seen in the Criminal books of that Countrey.

She was asked anent her Parents? She was perswaded her mother was a Witch; for the secretest thing that either I my self, or any of the family could do, when once a mark appeared on her brow, she could tell it them, though done at a distance. Being demanded what sort of mark it was? She answered, I have some such like mark my self, when I please, on my forehead. Whereupon she offered to uncover her head for visible satisfaction. The Minister refusing to behold it, and forbidding any discovery, was earnestly requiested by some Spectators to allow the freedom. He yeelding, she put back her head-dress, and seeming to frown, there was seen an exact Horse-shoe shaped for nails in her wrinckles. Terrible enough I assure you to the stoutest beholder.

[Page]In the morning before her execution, she told the Minister, she resolved to die with all the shame she could, to expiate (under Mercy) her shameful-life. This he under­stood to be an ingenuous confession of her sins, in opposition to her brothers despair, and desperate silence, to which he did encourage her. At her parting with him, she gave him hearty thanks for his pains; and shaking his hands, (offering to kiss them) she repeated the same words, which he bade her perform. Ascending up the ladder, she spake somewhat confusedly of her sins, of her brother, and his inchanting-staff; and with a ghaistly countenance, behold­ing a multitude of Spectators, all wondering, and some weeping, She spake aloud. There are many here this day, wondering and greeting for me, but alace, few mourns for a broken — At which words, many seemed angry. Some called to her to mind higher Concerns. And I have heard it said, that the Preacher declared, he had much ado to keep a composed countenance. The Exe­cutioner falling about his duty, she prepares to die stark naked: then and not before, were her words relating to shame understood. The Hang­man strugled with her, to keep on her cloaths, and she strugled with him to have them off. [Page] At last he was forced to throw her over open-fac'd, which afterwards he covered with a cloath.

So much from the Gentleman, that gave me this Information, to which I shall add, that this is not published with a design to reflect up­on men of this, or that Perswasion. Far be it. The Devil can counterfeit what Religion he pleases, and ordinarly a good one. True Religion can never suffer any prejudice from a Hypocrite his wearing a cloak of it, more than the good Angels can suffer a stain from Sa­tans transforming himself into an Angel of Light. The Devil hath his Laikies, and Pages with CHRISTS Livery upon them. Was not Judas, who was but one of the twelve, a vile Hypocrite? It is a wonder where there are a thousand professing CHRIST in a Con­gregation, that a hundred of them are not as bad. His glistering cloak of Religion dazled all Mens eyes. This was needful, foul faults must have a fair Cloak to cover them. The Apostle Jude speaks of some, that go after Sarkos heteras, which may be understood, not only of that sin mentioned, Rom. 1.27. but of another sort of flesh, not to be named.

He was a demonstration proving evident­ly that there is a GOD; viz. by the terrours [Page] terrours of his Conscience. It is evident also, there is a Devil, that hurries men on into sin. He had this expression to two Ministers that came to see him in prison; There was no temptation which the Devil could pro­pose to him, but he was capable to accept of it. It is evident also, there is either an Explicite or Implicite Compact between some men and the Devil. Horrible sins covered with Religion, bring utter despair at the last. Desperation is Hell in fieri. Some men as well as Devils are tormented before the time. Let us not count the less of Religion, that its made a cloak for covering sin. Let us beware that such a mans fall prove not a neck break to us; Let us idolize no man for his Profession, or that he is of this or that Perswasion, or of such a Party: Let no man rest in a bare Profession of Religion. Men in compact with the Devil, may be assisted both to Preach and Pray. The Devils servants are well rewarded at the last. Profession and Practise must go together. A Clinking Professi­on with an unbridled tongue, is a vain Religi­on. Pure Religion and undefiled before GOD, and the Father, is to visit the Fatherles and the Widows in their affliction; and for a man to keep himself unspotted from the World. Major Weir was burnt between Edinburgh and Leith, at a place called the Gallow-lie, on Thursday 14. of April, 1670.

An Apparition seen in a Dwelling house in Mary Kings Closs, in Edinburgh.

Sir, Within these few years, there was one T. C, by profession an Agent about the Session-house, who about flitting-time was removing his furniture from a lower part of the City to an higher. One in the afore-said Closs seing his Maid on the Saturday carrying some light furniture to such a house, asked her, if she was to dwell in that house. Yes said she, for I am hired for this half year. Her friend told her, if you live there, I assure you, you will have more Company than your selves. And after twice or thrice, more going up and down, and several informations anent the business, she was perswaded to tell her Mistris, she would not tarry a servant in that house, it being haunted with a Spi­rit or Ghaist, and gave her the ground of her intelligence.

The Mistriss informed her husband, de­siring him to forbear that house, least she might be afrighted, even with apprehensions. But he out of a natural courage and fortitude of mind smiled at the Relation, and resolved to tarry, lodging there that same very night. [Page] To morrow being the Sabbath-day, they went both to Church in the forenoon. But in the afternoon, he being indisposed, fitted himself for a sleep. His Wife took the Bible, and a the head of the Table near the Bed, resolved to spend the time in reading of the Holy Scripture, appointing the Maid-servant to go to Church, which she did, but came no more to the Family.

As the Mistriss was reading to her self, she chanced to cast her eye to a little Chamber Door just over against her, where she spyed the head and face of an old man gray-headed with a gray Beard, looking straight up­on her, the distance being very short. At which sight, she endeavouring to awaken her husband, fell a sown and fainted, and lay in that posture, till she heard some of her Neigh­bours open their doors, after sermon was ended. Then she told her husband what was done, and what she had seen, the Appariti­on being evanished. He pleaded it was some fancy or delusion of her Senses, and bad her be of good courage.

After Supper, both being alone, the good­wifes fear still continuing, she built on a large Fire, and went to bed. After a little time, the Good-man casts his eve toward the Chim­ney, [Page] and spyed that same old-mans-head in the former place. He told his Wife, who was like to fall into her former passion. He riseth, lighteth a candle, setteth it on the Table, and went to his Bed again, encouraging themselves in the Lord, and recommended themselves to GODS care and protection. After an hour and more was spent thus, they clearly perceived a-young child, with a coat upon it, hang­ing near to the old mans head. At which sight, the Good-man Tom flew out of his Bed, and his wife after him. He taking her in his armes kneeled down before the Bed, and with fervent devotion they entreated the Lord to be freed from that temptation. He lighted a second candle, the first being spent, and knocked upon his Neighbours, but getting no answer, they both returned to their Bed, where they both kneeled, and prayed, an excessive fear and sweat being upon them.

By and by a naked Arm appears in the air, from the elbow downward, and the hand streatched out, as when one man is about to salute another. He then skipt out of his Bed, and kneeling down beg­ged help from heaven. The Arm had now come within its own length to him as it were to shake hands with him. Whereupon he im­mediatly [Page] goes to his Bed again, and at the ope­ning of the Curtain, it offered another saluta­tion to him. The man and his wife embracing one another through fear, and still eying the nak­ed Arm, they prayed the more earnestly. But the Cubit offering to touch him, he was in such a consternation and amazement, that he was as one distracted, but taking some courage from GOD, he boldly spake to it after this manner. In the name of the living GOD, and of our Savior Jesus Christ, tell me why thou troubles my Family? To my know­ledge, I never wronged any man, by killing or cheating, but hath lived ho­nestly in the World. If thou hast receiv­ed any wrong, if I can right thee, I shall do my utmost for thee, but trouble me no more. Notwithstanding of this, the Arm and hand came nearer than before, still after a courteous manner, with an offer of acquain­tance. They fell to prayer again, both of them being drowned with sweat, and in the mean time they saw a little Dog come out of that little Room aforenamed, which after a little time looking about, and towards the Bed, and the Naked Arm, com­posed it self upon a Chair, as it were with its nose in its tail to sleep. This some­what [Page] increased their fever. But quickly after, a Cat comes leaping out from the same Room, and in the midst of the hall began to play some little Tricks. Then was the hall full of small little creatures, danc­ing prettily, unto which none of them could give a name, as having never in nature seen the like.

It is not possible to narrate the hight of Pas­sion, and Fear these two were under, hav­ing all these Apparitions at once in their eye, which continued a long time. The honest cou­ple went to their knees again within the Bed, there being no standing in the Floor of the Room. In the time of prayer, their ears were startled, with a deep, dreadful, and loud groan, as of a strong man dy­ing, at which all the Apparitions and vi­sions at once evanished, and as the ho­nest couple thought, they retired to the little Room, whence they came, and the house was quiet.

After this, they both went hand in hand to the little Room where the Drink stood and refreshed themselves therewith. After they had taken a second draught, the husband said, my Dear, God hath made me this night to bear, that which would have afrighted [Page] to death the stoutest of them all. The day approaching, they dressed themselves, and made no secret of it. But looking back upon what happened, they wondred, that none of them had the wit to open the Door, and to flie from the house, which had been easier to have done, than to light the first Candle. But they behoved to undergoe this Trial, having no pow­er to escape it. And by this means, the Good-man had the courage to dwell in the house after till he died: yet would never want some Good-fellows or others with him, concluding the worst was over as indeed it was.

A few weeks after, he on a Sabbath day went with his wife to Carstorfin, a Village two miles from Edinburgh, to hear Sermon. In the evening he took some refreshment there, at a publick Inns: and steping to the Door, to ease nature, he was instantly surprised with a vehement Shivering and trembling in all his joynts. Coming from the end of the aforesaid Village, with a purpose to come home, he was accompanied with some crows flying above him, and almost keeping pace with him, til he came to Portsburgh, a part of the suburbs of the City, Where they left him, and returned to their own lodging. These Crows (my dear says he) do prognos­tick [Page] that I must die shortly. He fell sick of a pain in his head, with an excessive aiking. But before I go furder on in this narration, I must make a visit to the Countrey.

A Gentle man near Tranent or in it, a town about seven miles from Edinburgh, whose Agent this man was, in managing his Law af­fairs, and keeped his Papers for that effect, had a singular kindness for Thomas, as he had for him. This Gentleman being in Bed one morning with his Wife, his Nurse and a Child laying in a truckle Bed near them, the Nurse was afrighted with something like a cloud moving up and down the Room, but not shaped as such. She called to her Master, and his Wife, and awakned them. He seing the Cloud figured like a man, nim­bly skipt over the Bed, and drew his sword. And going to Bed again, layed it by his side, and recommended the Family to God. For a time it continued in the forementioned dark form, but anone they all saw per­fectly the body of a man, walking up and down. The Gentleman behaved himself more like a Christian, than a combatant. At last this Apparition looked him fully and perfectly in the face, and stood by him with a ghaistly and Pale countenance [Page] At which the Gentleman with great cour­rage said to the Spectre, what art thou? Art thou my dear Friend Thomas Colt­heart? for so was the Agent called. Art thou dead my friend? Tell me, if thou hast any commission to me from Al­mighty God, tell it me and it shall be welcome? The Ghost held up its hand three times, waving and shaking it to­wards him, and immediatly disappear­ed. This was done about the very hour (as was guessed) of the Agents death.

The Sunday after his death, among many accompanying his Corps to the common bu­rial place, some of the Town Ministers were there, and by chance a friend of his, thanked one of them for his attendence: and said (sir) it was a pity, that some of you saw him not before he died. The Mini­ster asked him, if any remarkable thing was the cause of his sicknesse? So much was told, as gave the Minister ground to make a visit to the Widow, who made him very welcome with many tears in her eyes. Af­ter she had composed her self, he prayed. Pray­er being ended, she began the fore-related story, and told it from the beginning. But when she came to the Dogs part, she telling him, [Page] that he was just now sitting upon the Chair, where the Dog lay asleeping, the Minister rises up, and taking the Mistris by the hand, come (said he) if I have seen his Chair: in the name of almighty God, I will see his Chamber too; and so went in to see the little Room from which the Appa­ritions came, and to which they returned, in which Room she gave the Minister an account of what followed the Dog. In the mean time a Gentleman came in, whom she knew by his voice, and running to him with great fervor, they embraced one another affectionatly with tears. To make an end, this stranger was the Gen­tleman, to whom the Ghost of the deceased husband appeared, about Tranent, the very hour, when he was expiring at Edinburgh. He told likewise, that, that morning the Ghost appeared to him, he was resolved to at­tend the Duke of Lauderdaile from Lithing­toun to Edinburgh, but this Apparition discomposing his Wife, he could not. But with his first conveniency, (he told her) he had come in, to see her, and get an account of his papers, being touched with what he saw at his house. These things coming to the Duke of Lauder­dails ears, as remarkable Stories, he called for that Minister, and had the same account [Page] of the Particulars, before many of the Nobili­ty narrated to him,

An Apparition of a deceased Wife to her husband, at Edinburgh.

SIr, That which I narrated to you the other day, I have now sent it under my hand, as a thing very certain and sure. I knew a ser­vant Maid that served a Gentlewoman in the Old Provosts Closs, as they call it, who was married to a Butcher called Iohn Richy about twelve years agoe. She lived a­bout five years with him, and bore him four Children, and then died. Within a few dayes after her burial, he went in suit of a young Woman, courting her for Marriage. He had a Comerade of the same trade, to whom he revealed his Intention, & desired him to meet at such a house, near to the Court of Guard, down some Closs or other, that he might see his new Mistriss. The appoint­ment is keeped. The two Lovers sat down together on a Bed-side, and the Co­merade sat opposit to them, there being a table between them, and a Window or shot at the head of the Room, that gave them light. The Closs or Wynd was [Page] narrow to which they had a sight. And while the two, are dallying together in the Bed, the other smiling at them, behold while this man is casting his eye about the room, he perceived distinctly the body and face of the dead wife, in her dead cloaths, looking towards them from an opposit window. At which, this man, his Comerade, rose up afright­ed, saying to the other, Iohn whats that? Whereupon all stood up looking, and saw perfectly the buried woman, lifting up her hands (as appeared) to take the dead dress from her head, but could not reach it. The man threw her out of his Arms, with a purpose to be gone quickly. But his Comerade vowed he would not stir, till he get some thing to comfort his heart. They got a little Brandy, and then went away, not without wondering and fear. Vpon this the man took sickness for three or four days, and his Comerade coming to give him a visit, counseled him to delay, or wholly to desist from that purpose of marriage. But af­fection would not suffer him to forbear, and though not fully recovered of his Frenzie, he made a new address to his Mistris. But while he is putting on his shooes, his dead wife [Page] appears again in her ordinary habit, and crossing the Room in his sight, says, Iohn will you not come to me? and with that evanished. Vpon this, he took sickness a­gain, and called for his Comerade, and told him of this second Apparition, who most freely intreated him to desist, or at least to delay. His sickness increasing, he died. About which time he spake of a third visit his wife gave him, blaming him, as if he had too soon forgotten her. But did not tell it distinctly, and therefore his Comerade could not be positive in it. He was buried within a moneth of his wifes decease.

One of the Ministers of Edinburgh, who had been acquaint in the house, where she served, hearing some Whisper of the Apparition, sent a servant secretly to call for the mans Co­merade, who gave him a just and true nar­ration of all which I have written. Adding, that he having seen the Vision first; some told him, he would quickly die, but he is yet living in the town a Flesher, the Minister having married him to two Wives since. The de­ceast wifes name was Helen Brown. I intended to have published another Relation anent the de­vils coming in the night-time, and knocked three several times at such a mans door; but I was desired to forbear.

[Page] Having no kindness for the Cartesian Philosophy, I must fall upon it in the close, as I did in the begin­ning. I will not name nor cite the Author, that maintains the following Blasphemous Opinions, tho I may. 1. That there is an infinit intelligible ex­tension, which is GOD, in which we see all Bodies. 2. This Author makes CHRIST, the Eternal Word, speak in the quality of a Cartesian Philosopher. 3. He destroyes altogether the Providence of GOD. 4. He sayes that GOD hath not made all things for his own Glory. 5. That it was necessar that all men should be Sinners, that there might be a diversity of Glory. 6. Works done without Grace are good-works. 7. GOD is not the Author of every good thing, that is in us. 8. He destroyes the Authority of the Scripture, and exposes it to be despised by the profane. 9. The thoughts of Iesus Christ are the oc­casional Causes of the distribution of Grace. 10. GOD could have created Spirits from all Eternity. 11. All Creatures are full of Iesus Christ. 12. He ruins the nature of sin, by the Idea, which he gives of Liberty. 13. That Liberty is not essential to Spirits. 14. A man transported by his passion, doth not sin. 15. Every Habit or Passion, or Temperament, which we cannot over come doth make the most ugly and Enormous Actions, to be no sins. And thence, Sodomy, Incest, Murder, Adultery, Rebellion, Witchcraft, are no sins, if they be habitual. These are but a few of his Blasphemous and Atheistical O­pinions. This Philosophy would please some now a­dayes very well, that habituate themselves in mur­der, in murdering some in their Lodgings, and o­thers on the Kings high-way, as is most unchristi­anly done by some! O dementia! Huccine rerum venimus?


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