SIMEON and LEVI, BRETHREN in INIQUITY. A COMPARISON BETWEEN A PAPIST AND A Scotch Presbyter: OR, An Account of the Antient and Modern Jesuits, in point of Doctrine and Practice, carefully extracted and parallel'd, for the Benefit of all his Majesties Loyal Subjects, who are not willing to be Cheated out of their Loyalty, Religion, and Lives, and at length their Souls; and all under a specious pretence of Religion, by such men as make Godliness their Gain, and Religion the Stalking-horse to all their Black Designes.


POpe Gregory the Seventh was the first that took upon him to Depose Kings. And 'tis the General received Doctrine of the Roman Church, that the Pope hath full power to Depose Kings and Princes, and to give away their Kingdoms to whom he pleases. Pope Gregory the 13th having two Bastards (or Nephews, as they are commonly called) to the one he gave the Kingdom of Ireland, to the other the Kingdom of England.

He that shall look into their History, shall finde what a number of Popes have raised up one Prince against another, and stirr'd up the Subject against his lawful Sovereign.

Pope John the 8th raised Berengar and Adalbar against Otho the Emperour.

Pope John the 18th stirr'd up Crescentius against Otho the third. Pope Benedict the 9th raised Peter of Hungaria against Henry the Black. No less than seven Emperours have been Excommuni­cated by their Holinesses, viz. Frederick the first, Frederick the second, Philip Conrade, Otho the fourth, Lewis of Bavaria, Henry the fourth, Henry the fifth; who having their Dominions set on fire, were at last contented with what Holy-water the Pope was pleas'd to cast upon them. Let's come nearer home, and see how trouble­some his Agents have been to the Kings and Queens of this Nation. Henry the first was pla­gued with Anselm A. B. of Canterbury; Henry the second with his Successor Becket. Henry the third was sufficiently plagued with the Roman Hierarchy; he had his Treasure exhausted, his Subjects scourged, and all by the Popes intolera­ble Exactions. Henry the Eighth though he con­tinued the Pope's Religion entire, yet for re­jecting his Jurisdiction, was Condemned, Ex­communicated, pronounced no King, his Sub­jects commanded to deny all Subjection, and all men to take up Arms against him. Pope Pius the fifth Excommunicates Queen Elizabeth, and Deposes her by his Bull. The Effects; First a Rebellion in the North, stirred up by Nic. Morton a Priest: the Chief Leaders were the Earls of Westmorland and Northumberland, intending to joyn with the Duke of Norfolk, in order to a Match between him and the Queen of Scots; thereby to make claim to the Crown of England, Queen Elizabeth being Deposed by the Popes Bull.

Thuanus tells us, that these Doctrines were in­culcated every where; (1.) Princes not professing the Roman Faith, are fallen from their Title and Royal Authority. (2.) That Princes Excom­municate were not to be obey'd, but thrown out of their Kingdoms; and that it is a meritorious Work to do it. (3.) That the Clergy are ex­empt from the Jurisdiction of Secular Princes, and are not bound by their Laws. (4.) That the Pope hath the chief and full Power and Authority over all throughout the world, even in Civil matters. (5.) That the Magistrates of England are not lawful Magistrates, and therefore not to be accounted so. (6.) Whatever since the Bull of Pope Pius the fifth was published (which some hold was Dictated by the Holy Ghost) hath by the Queens Authority been acted in England, is by the Law of God and Man reputed altogether void and null.

The fruit of these Doctrines you may see in the Case of Anthony Babington, a proper young Gentleman, who was excited by Ballard a Jesuite to kill Queen Elizabeth, as a Deed not only just and holy in it self, but honourable and profitable; she being Excommunicated, whoever killed her [Page 3]should be free from all Sin, either against God or Man; yea, he would merit a Crown of Glory: and if he survived the Enterprise, should doubt­less obtain a great Reward. Under the notion of reward, not obscurely insinuating his Marriage with the Queen of Scots.

In the Year (88) it was agreed between the Pope and King Philip, that the said Philip should hold the Kingdome of England in Fee of the Pope, when once it was reduced, according to the Ar­ticles and Contract of King Ina, Henry the second, and King John, made and renewed, with the Ti­tle of Defendor of the Faith; upon which King Philip endeavours an Invasion; but Providence frustrated his and his holy Fathers Expectation.

I should be endless, should I mention all the Plots and Treacheries of the Whore of Babylon and her Agents; as that of Hugh Oneale Earl of Tyrone, that of Don John D'Aquila, who was sent by his Master the King of Spain with a great Army into Ireland; as also that Damnable Plot of the Gun-powder Treason, never outdone till this now, which by the great Mercy of God was brought to light by a Miraculous means. The chief Contrivers were; First, The Pope. (2.) Cardinal Howard. (3.) Johannes Paulus d'O­liva, General of the Jesuits. (4.) Petro Jero­nimo de Corduba, Provincial of the Jesuits at Ca­stile. (5.) Le Cheese a Jesuit, Confessor to the French King. (6.) The Provincial of the Jesuits in England. (7.) The Benedictine Monks at the Sa­voy, and other Seminary Priests and Jesuits. The apprehension of so glorious a work engaged most of the eminent Popish Clergy in England, whose Names will stand upon Record to their perpetual shame. Those design'd for the act, some or them have had their reward. But why should we so much wonder at the Treachery of the Church of Rome, considering she is always embrewing her hands in Blood by her Inquisition, by private Plots, or by raising Jealousies amongst Princes; witness that Murder of Henry the fourth by Raviliac a Jesuit, by the consent of the Jesuits; That of one of the Princes of Orange by Gerrard a Jesuit, set on by his Brethren of that Order.

The Death of Sir Edmondbury Godfrey, by the Jesuits acted and contrived.

The Massacre in Ireland.

The Cruel and Bloody Massacre in France, both carried on by Jesuits.

But above all, their most barbarous Murdering of no less than Twenty Millions of Souls in the West- Indies; which shews they are no Christians: otherwise they could not have shed so much Blood for to enrich themselves.


MR Calvin in his Institutions, Book the 4 th, tells us, That the three Estates in every Kingdom have power to lay re­traints on their Princes, and call them to account, if they any way entrench on the Peoples Liberty; if they connive with the King, they are guilty of perfidious dissimulation, and treacherously betray the Subjects Liberty. This Doctrine (no man is so happy as to be ignorant of) has been practi­sed by him and his Followers in France, Holland, Scotland and England, almost to the ruine of the Nation.

Mr. Buchanan, in his Common place, tells us, That though Princes and Subjects have relation one to another, yet Subjects in the course of Nature were before their Princes; Therefore Princes are not Su­periour [Page 2]to the rest by Nature, in Right of Father­hood; but are settled by the Suffrages and Consent of the People. Thereupon, according to Mr. Bucha­nan's Doctrine, Princes are born for the Good of the People, and not the People for their Prince. There­fore it is Lawful to take up Arms for Religion, not only against any Foreign Prince, but against their own, or any part of the Realm: Yet in a free Commonwealth the Supreme Magistrate ought rather to be questioned in a course of Law. That it was well done of the Switzers to free themselves from the House of Austria: And that David might lawfully have killed Saul, because he gave his Wife to another Man, expell'd him from his Native Country, mur­dered the Priest for doing some good Offices to him. This is Buchanan 's Commentary upon Calvin 's Text.

Mr. Beza: If a Prince, or Chief Magistrate, that is lawfully invested with Power, shall either unjustly spoil and deprive his Subjects of their Rights or Priviledges, or otherwise oppress them, that then the ordinary and inferiour Magistrates are to oppose him, and by Gods appointment they are bound to protect their Fellow-Subjects against him.

I'll come now to the Doctrine of a whole Sy­nod and Assembly of theirs at Glasgow, which tells us, It is lawful for Subjects to Covenant and combine without the King, and to enter into Bond of mutual Defence against him. That an Assembly may abrogate Acts of Parliament, and discharge their Fellow-Subjects from their Obedience to them, if they any way reflect upon the business of the Church: they also deny the Kings Right of Calling; and they did continue to Sit and Act, notwith­standing his Majesties express Order for their Disso­lution. See King Charles the first's Declaration.

Buchanan tells us, Though the King be greater than any one Subject, yet he is less than the whole for the People are of greater Authority than the King, having Power to bestow the Crown where they please, and of making Laws; and that Kings are but Ma­sters of the Rolls. That the People have the same power over the King as He hath over any one Subject.

This Doctrine hath been both practised and preached by Penry, Vidal, Coppinger, Hacket and Arthington, in Queen Elizabeths days; also by Mr. Cartwright in his Admonitions. Mr. Ruther­ford, who was lookt on as the Chariot and Horsemen of Presbytery, he tells us, That the Power of a King is but fiduciary; that the Sove­reign Power is Originally and Radically in the People, that the King is in Dignity inferiour to the people: There is a Court of Necessity, as well as a Court of Justice, and the Fundamental Laws must then speak; it's with People in this extremity, as if they had no Ruler.

Mr. Knox very fairly tells us, That Subjects may not only lawfully oppose their Kings, when they do any thing contrary to Gods Law; but also that they may execute Judgment upon them. So that if [Page 3]a King be a Murderer, Adulterer, or an Idolater, he shall suffer according to Gods Law, not as a King, but as an Offender: For if a King prove a Tyrant, then all his Subjects are freed from their Oath of Allegiance and Obedience. Yea, it were good, saith he, that there were Rewards for those that shall kill Tyrants, as well as formerly for those killed Wolves, or other beasts of prey. Vid. his Church-Hist. And lest you should say I have none but Scotish Authors for what I have said, be pleased to take notice that Mr. R. B. in his Holy Common­wealth saith, If a People bound by Oath shall de­pose their Prince, and chuse and covenant with an­other, they may be obliged by the latter, notwith­standing their former covenant. The real Sove­reignty among us was in the King, Lords and Com­mons; and if the King raise War against such a Parliament, in that case the King may not only be resisted, but ceaseth to be a King.

That the Presbyters abolished Kingly Govern­ment in the State, is most true, and Episcopacy in the Church; sold Crown and Church Lands: made it Treason to deny the Supremacy of the Commons, null'd all Honours granted by the King since 1641. made Scotland one Common­wealth with England, and made it Death to pro­claim the Lawful Heir King. Vid. Scobels Col­lections. Englands Solomon knowing what Lo­custs they would prove to this Nation, gave his hopeful Son Prince Henry this precaution: Take heed to such Puritans, who are the very Pests in the Church and Commonwealth, whom (saith he) no Deserts can oblige, neither Oaths nor Promises binde. I protest before the great God, and since I am here upon my Testament, it is no place for me to lye in, you shall never finde with any Highlands or Border-Thieves greater Ingratitude, and more Lyes and vile Perjuries, than with these Phanatick Spirits. I could heartily wish that his Son and Grandson had not found him so true a Prophet. They not only Preach this Doctrine, but put it in practice: For who murdered Henry Lord Darnly, who mar­ried the Queen of Scots, whom they hanged on an Apple-tree? The Scotch Presbyterians.

Who Murdered Arch-Bishop Beaton of St. An­drews, and said they were sent by God to do such godly Acts, only cause they imagin'd he was a Persecutor of Gods people? The Presbyterians. Vid. Knox's Church-History.

Who Murdered King Charles of ever-blessed Memory? The Presbyterians in his Politick Ca­pacity (as they call it) and the Independents in his Natural.

Who Murdered Dr. Sharp Arch-Bishop of St. Andrews, and raised Rebellion shortly after? The Presbyterians.

Who was it that in our late Wars Plundered and Sequestred all the Kings Loyal Subjects, and then cryed out, They did but as the Israelites, rob the Egyptians? The Presbyterians.

TO Conclude; from this Parallel it appears, that the Popish Pres­byterians, and Presbyterian Papists are perfectly united, and have set up their Centre in one Principle; and that although they seem different in outward Forms and Appearances, they differ no­thing in Reality and Essence: The one has already Murthered their Soveraign, a Brave and Generous Prince; the other have designed it, and would do it assoon as they could: The difference lies in the Time and Action, not in the Will and Intention; therein they are both united. I advise therefore all my Country-men, that as they are careful to avoid the Paw of the Bear, so that they should as well eschew the Mouth of the Lion. The one is seen and known a [...] a distance, and therefore Dreaded; the other are masked, and covered with the Lambs Cloathing, that they might the more certainly and Infallibly destroy. Pray pull off the Vizard, and be no longer deceived; for you will finde the Gall of the Dove as bitter as the Poyson of the Serpent.


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