
LONDON: Printed by T. B. for Samuel Enderby and are to be sold at his Shop at the signe of the Star in Popes-head-Alley, 1644.


WHat is God?

A. God is a pure and an incomprehensible spi­rit, Joh. 4.24. having his being of himselfe, Exod. 3.14.

Q. How many Gods are there?

A. No moe but one, 1 Cor. 8.6.

Q. How many Persons are there in that one God-head?

A. Thrée: the Father, the Sonne, and the Holy Ghost, 1 John 5.7.

Q. How are we to conceive of God?

A. Not as of any bodily substance, but onely as he hath revealed himselfe in his works and word; namely, to he a spirit of infinite power, wisdome, holinesse, &c. and our mercifull Father in Iesus Christ, Deut. 4.16. John 17.3.

Q. In what estate was man created by God?

A. In a good estate, holy, righteous, and happy, Gen. 12.7.

Q. In what estate is every man borne?

A. In a most miserable estate, Ps. 51.5.

[Page] Q. What is the cause of that misery?

A. Originall sinne which came by A­dams fall, Rom. 5.12.

Q. What are the parts of originall sinne?

A. These two: first, the imputation of Adams actuall transgression unto us: and secondly, the universall depravation and corruption of our natures issuing from that sinne imputed, Rom. 5.19.

Q. How could Adams sinne redound and be imputed unto us?

A. Because we were in his loyns as in the loynes of our common parent who ha­ving received in his creation holinesse and happinesse for himself and his posterity by the righteous decrée of God through his fall lost them, for both implunging both himself & them into sin and misery, Ro. 19.

Q. Can a man by nature doe nothing of himselfe that is pleasing unto God?

A. No: for originall sinne hath wholy corrupted the whole man, with the séeds of all manner of sinne, Gen. 6.5.

Q. Are men that live unto yeeres guilty of no other sinnes besides originall?

A. Yes: they are guilty also of actuall sinnes.

Q. VVhat is sinne?

A. The transgression of the Law, [Page] 1 John 3.4.

Q. What is the punishment of sinne?

A. Besides other inferiour punish­ments, the maine punishment thereof is eternall death, consisting in the seperati­on of soule and body from God and the joyes of Heaven, and the undergoing of everlasting torments in hell with the de­vill and his Angels for ever, Rom. 8.23.

Q. Shall none escape this punishment?

A. Yea, all the elect, Rom. 6.30.

Q. Who is appointed to redeem the E­lect from this punishment?

A. Christ Iesus, God & man, Eph. 1.7.

Q. What hath he done to redeeme them?

A. He having perfectly fulfilled the whole Law, hath suffered a violent death of the body, and grievous torments upon his soule for them. Mat. 27.46.

Q. Why was Christ man?

A. First, that he might suffer. Second­ly, that the merit of his suffering might be accepted for mans sinne, for by the order of Gods Law and justice that nature that had sinned, must néeds satisfie for sinne, Heb. 2.14, 16, 17.

Q. But how could it stand with the equity and justice of God, to punish his [Page]Sonne Jesus Christ for the sins of the elect?

A. Ʋery well, because he became their surety, being both willing and able to en­dure the punishment to be inflicted, and to deliver himselfe out of it, Heb. 7.22.

Q. Why was he God?

A. a First, that he might sustaine his humane nature in suffering, and so wind himselfe out of the torment. b Secondly, that his suffering might be of an infinite merit to satisfie Gods infinite wrath pro­voked by mans sin, a Act. 2.24. b Heb. 9.14.

Q. How could the Death of Christ re­ceive such efficacy from the divine nature, seeing the divine nature did not suffer?

A. First, because the humane nature which did suffer, was conjoyned with the divine in one and the selfe-same person, and therefore that which was done in the humane nature is attributed to the whole person consisting of both natures. Se­condly, because the divine did uphold the humane nature in suffering, and deliver if out of the suffering, and so the compleat work of mans redemption dependeth upon both natures, Acts 20.28.

Q But how can the merits and suffe­rings of Christ being but one, be extended so farre as to take away the sinnes of the E­lect.

[Page] A. Because he was a publique person, sustaining all their natures, and suffering in their names, Rom. 5.15.

Q. By what meanes are the Elect made partakers of Christ and his benefits?

A. By faith, Acts 13.39.

Q. What is faith?

A. A true perswasion wrought in the heart of an humbled sinner by the spirit of God, and grounded upon the Gospell, whereby he applies Christ and all his me­rits to himselfe, Gal. 2.20.

Q. Doth faith save us for the worthi­nesse of it selfe?

A. No: but onely for the worthinesse of the object whom it layeth hold upon; namely Christ & all his merits, Acts 4.12.

Q. What meanes doth the spirit of God use to prepare a man for faith?

A. The preaching of the Law, whereby he worketh in him a sight and sense of his own sinne and misery, Rom. 3.20.

Q. What meanes doth the spirit of God use for the working of faith?

A. The preaching of the gospel. Ro. 10.14

Q. What meanes are appointed for the increasing of faith?

A. Divers, principally these; first, the word preached; secondly, Prayer; thirdly, the Sacrament.

[Page] Q. What is a Sacrament?

A. An outward seale of the Covenant of grace in Christs blood, and of the righte­ousnesse thereof, Rom. 4.11.

Q. How many Sacraments are there?

A. Two onely, Baptisme and the Lords Supper.

Q To what use serve the Sacraments?

A. To strengthen the weake faith and féeling of Gods Elect in the benefits that come by Christ.

Q. What benefits doe the Elect receive by Christ?

A. All benefits that are promised in the Covenant of grace, both temporall, spiritu­all and eternall, more specially these four, as principall, Iustification, Mortification, Sanctification and Salvation, 2 Cor. 1.20. 1 Cor. 1.30.

Q. By what action in Baptisme is our Justification and Mortification signified un­to us?

A. By the washing of the body in the water, and by the continuance of the bo­dy under the water for some short space; for thereby is signified the drowning and burying of our sinne; in Christs blood, both in regard of the g [...]ilt of them which is our justification, as also in regard of the [Page]power of them, which is our mortification, Rom. 6.3, 4.

Q. By what action in Baptisme is our sanctification and salvation confirmed?

A. By the raising of the body alive out of the water, for thereby is signified both our rising againe unto newnesse of life in this world, and unto eternall in the world to come, Rom. 6.4, 5. Col. 2.12.

Q. What conditions is the party bapti­zed bound unto?

A. He is bound to beléeve and to re­pe [...]t, Mark 16.16. Luke. 3.3.

Q. Why then are Infants baptized who cannot performe these conditions?

A. These conditions are for the present performed, or at the least professed by their Parents, or other in their stead, who pro­mise so to bring up their Children in the nurture of the Lord, as that in time by the Lords mercy they themselves may per­forme them; and thus were the children of the godly in the old Testament circumci­sed. Gen. 17.12.

Q. By what action are the aforesaid be­nefits which we receive by Christ confirm­ed unto us in the Lords Supper?

A. By the eating and drinking of bread and wine according to Christs institution [Page]for the nourishing of our bodies: for there­by is signified our spirituall eating and drinking of Christ Iesus his body and blood, and so of all the benefits of his death, buriall and resurrection for the nourish­ment of our souls, 1 Cor. 10.16, 17.

Q. What doth the Ministers consecra­ting of the bread and wine signifie?

A. The Lords consecrating of his Sonne to be our high Priest and Redée­mer▪ Joh. 6.26. Psal. 110.4.

Q. What doth the breaking of the bread, and the powring forth of the wine signifie?

A. The crucifying of Christs body and the shedding of his blood, 1 Cor. 11.24, 25. Mat. 26.28.

Q. What doth the Ministers offering of the bread and wine to every one, and his commanding him to take it signifie?

A. The Lords offering of his Sonne to every one of his elect particularly, and his commanding of him to beléeve on his Name, Luke 22.19.

Q. What must he doe who would re­ceive this Sacrament worthily?

A. He must examine himselfe before he doe receive it, 1 Cor. 11.28.

Q. Wherein?

[Page] A. In these 5. things chiefly. 1. Whe­ther he understand and know the Princi­ples of Religion. 2. Whether he beléeve. 3. Whither he repent. 4. Whether he be in love and charity with his brethren. 5. Whether he come with a reverent re­spect to this Sacrament, as Gods holy Or­dinance,

Q. What must he doe after he hath re­ceived it?

A. 1. He must be thankfull, 2. He must examine what benefit he hath got by recording of it, waiting for a blessing, 1 Cor. 11.25.

Q. How many wayes doe the Sacra­ments confirme our faith; and assure us of the benefits mentioned before, to wit, of our Justification, Mortification, Sanctifica­tion, &c?

A. 4. wayes.

  • 1. as Signes
  • 2. as Seales
  • 3. as Pledges
  • 4. as Instruments of conveyance


Q. What difference is there betweene these two Sacraments?

A. Baptisme cofirmeth unto us our first ingrafting into Christ, and our first participation of these benefits: The Lords [Page]Supper confirmeth the continuance and increase of these benefits in and unto us.

Q. What other grace is bred with faith and doth most specially manifest it selfe to­gether with saith?

A. The grace of true repentance, Zach. 12.10.

Q. How is repentance occasioned?

A▪ By the sight and sence of the mul­titude and greatnesse of a mans sins, & so of the staine and desert of them, Jer. 39.19.

Q. How may a man come to know the multitude of his sinnes?

A. By the holy law of God rightly un­derstood, Rom. 3.20. Jam. 1.25.

Q. How may we understand the law aright?

A. For the understanding of it we must observe these four rules.

Q What is the first?

A. 1. In every Commandement where any evill is forbidden, there the contrary good is commanded; and backe againe, where any duty is commanded, there the contrary sinne is forbidden.

Q. What is the second?

A. 2. Vnder one good or evill action all of the same kind are comprehended, yea all occasions and meanes leading there­unto.

[Page] Q. What is the third?

A. 3. The Law is spirituall, and binds even the heart and the thoughts thereof.

Q. What is the fourth?

A. 4. The Law requireth not onely our observation, but even our preservation al­so, that is, that we do not onely kéep it our selves, but cause others also as much as in us lyeth to kéep it.

Q. How may a man know the greatnesse of his sinnes?

A. By considering the circumstances of committing them, as namely, that they have béen committed against knowledge and conscience; against the meanes of re­straint, and the meanes of grace, that we have long lien in them, without repen­tance, that by them we have pierced Christ, grieved his spirit, dishonoured his Gos­pell▪ offended our brethren, &c.

Q. What are the parts of repentance?

A. Two▪ humiliation and conversion.

Q. How doth humiliation shew it selfe▪


  • 1. By making a man humbly & hear­tily confesse all, and especially his known and greatest sinnes and corruptions.
  • 2. By making him judge and condemne himselfe for them, Ezek. 36.31.

Q. What be the parts of conversion?

[Page] A. These two turning from all sinne▪ and turning to all manner of good, and from these two spring a godly life.

Q. What is a godly life?

A. A sincere earnest and constant en­deavouring to forsake all sinne, in thought word and déed▪ and to practise all Gods Commandements, Luke 1.74 75.

Q. VVhat must we doe to live a godly life?

A. Two things. 1. Vse carefully and conscionably all Gods Ordinances and meanes of grace. 2. Follow sound directi­ons and rules of Gods Word.

Q. VVhich are the meanes of grace?

A. They are of two sorts, more ordi­nary and lesse ordinary.

Q. VVhich be the ordinary?


  • 1. The Word preached.
  • 2. The Sacraments.
  • 3. Prayer,
  • 4. Reading.
  • 5. Singing of Psalmes.
  • 6. Meditation.
  • 7. Conference.

Q. VVhich be the lesse ordinary?

A. They be thrée, holy fasting to be used upon some speciall cause of mourning: se­condly, holy fasting to be used upon [Page]some speciall cause of rejoycing: and third­ly Vowes.

Q What rules of direction may follow to help us forward in a godly life?

A. These following.

Q. What is the first?

A. 1.We must have a daily care to re­new our faith and repentance, Heb. 10.38.

Q. What is the second?

A. 2. We must daily labour to maintaine and intrease our first love and liking of God and his wayes. Rev. 2.4.5.

Q. What is the third?

A. 3. We must daily watch in our spi­rituall armour against all sinne, having an eye to our selves both in company and so­litarinesse, in prosperity and adversity, Ephes. 6.10.

Q. What is the fourth?

A. We must daily meditate and pray, Psal. 1.2. 1 Thes. 5.17.

Q. What is the fift?

A. 5.

  • a We must upon the six dayes fol­low our particular callings faithfully, or otherwise lawfully intermit them;
  • b and upon the Lords day attend the duties of the Lords immediate worship and service and duties of Charity, a 1 Cor. 7.20. b Ex. 20.8.

[Page] Q What is the sixth?

A. 6. We must daily renew and conti­nue our thanksgiving for old and new mercies and for mercies yet still hoped for, 1 Thes. 5.18.

Thus let us maintaine our peace with God, rising up and lying down with it.

Q. What shall become of the ungodly after this world be ended?

A. They shall be cast both bodies an [...] soules into hell into torments, easelesse▪ endlesse, remedilesse, helplesse and hope­lesse everlastingly, Mat. 25.46.

Q. What shall become of the Godly?

A. Their bodies shall be raised again by the omnipotent power of God, and being conjoyned to their soules, shall enjoy e­ternall glory with God and his holy Angels in Heaven for ever and ever, Mat­thew 25.46.


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