Shall I, Shall I? No, No.
Note: Act. 4. 17.
SHall I Invent Distinctions to Conform,
When Persecutors Threaten with a Storm?
Note: Acts 4.29.
No: Spread their Threats before the Lord and say,
Grant Boldness to thy Servants in thy way.
Note: Act. & Mon.Vol. 3.p.671. Cran.
Shall I Recant, and wheel about, and turn,
That I may my Unworthy Right-hand burn.
Note: Gal. 2.17.
No: For so doing thou art Self-Condemn'd,
Justly Exploded things none may Commend.
Note: Mat. 26.75.
Shall I Deny my Lord, in Hope that I
May go with Peter, and weep bitterly?
Note: Prov. 1.24.25, 26, 27.
No: Those that will not hear when he doth Call,
He will deride, when Fear shall on them fall;
Note: 2 Cor. 10. 12. Chap. 11. 3.
Shall I in my Reserved Sence Subscribe,
And seek to Choak my Conscience with a B [...]ibe?
Note: Act. 5.10.1 Tim. 6.9, 10
No: Sense Reserv'd Saphira Caus'd to dye,
The love of Money bringeth Misery
Note: Mar. 9.44.
Shall I to feed a Carkass that must dye,
Nourish a Worm unto Eternity?
Note: John. 6.3 5
No: Live by Faith, and on Christs Body feed,
And from this Gnawing Worm, thou shalt be freed
Note: Isa. 51.12.
Shall I the Fury of a Man to shun,
Under the Terours of Jehovah run?
Note: Heb. 10.31.
No: God still liveth, shun his Dreadful hand;
But man must yield to Death at his Command.
Note: Mar. 8.35.36, 37.
Shall I to save a Skin leap into Hell,
And there with Everlasting Burnings dwell?
Note: Isa. 30.33.
No: Hell's a dismal dreadful, doleful place,
Spare not thy Skin to save thee in this Case.
Note: Exod. 23.2.
Shall I leave Gods Path, for the Common Way,
And venture with a Multitude to Stray?
Note: Mat. 7.13.14
No: Few there be that find the Gate of Life,
To enter in with them let be thy Strife.
Note: Luk. 11.33.34
Shall I for fear of Singularity.
Destroy the Apple of a single Eye?
Note: Mat. 5.20.47.
No: To be singular in Vertue is,
No Cause of Shame, but Cause of Joy and Bliss.
Note: Rom. 12.2. Luk 16 3.6.
Shall I instead of the Transformity
Take my Lords Bill, and write Conformity?
Note: 1 Cor. 4.2.1 Pet. 4.10.
No: He that made thee Steward will Regard,
Thy Faith, or Faithlesness in thy Reward.
Note: Rom. 12.2.
Shall I now into Question call his [NOT]
Presuming to Correct it with a Blot?
Note: Rev. 22.19.
No: For he will on thee his Plagues Inflict,
If thou presume his Sence to Contradict.
Note: Mat. 4.8 9.
Shall I bow down unto the Father of lyes
That through his Bounty I may come to rise?
Note: Mat. 4.10.
No: Were there Twenty Six such Fathers known,
Not one of all their Beneficies own.
Note: Mar. 7.5.6, 7, 8, 9.
Shall I be Super Superstitious
Because the Elders and he Scribes are thus?
Note: Job. 32.9.1 Cor. 1.26.
No: Great Men are not always wise: and men,
Of Worldly Learning do Christs Cross Contemn.
Note: Rev. 17.4.
Shall I be taken with the Golden Cup
And Sip with her with whom I dare not Sup
Note: Rev. 18.4.
No: If her out side thee to her Allure,
Share of her Punishments thou must Endure.
Note: Job. 13.7, 8.
Shall I comply for Pulpit Liberty,
And make Gods Truth Beholding to my Lye?
Note: John 16.2
No, God from Pulpits now small Honour hath,
None can come there that walk in Vertues Path.
Note: Psal. 69.33.
Shall I from God shrink, fearing of a Jayl
As if Jeh [...]vah did hi [...] Pris'ners fail?
Note: Phil. 1.14.
No: Some who did before a Prison fear,
Received Courage, after they came there
Note: Act. 5.29.
Shall I? when God says Preach, and men say nay;
Take Time to study whether to Obey?
Note: 2 Tim. 4 [...] 2 Thes. 3.2
No; Preach God's Word, both in, and out of season:
Pray him to shield thee from men void of reason.
Note: Deut. 4.26.27 & 28.63.
Shall I make baulks of good Land in this Nation.
And tempt God to [HIS] Act of Transportation?
Note: Psal. 125.3.
No; better men should banish thee, than God;
Who will in time take from thy back their rod.
Note: 2 Tim 3.11.12
Shall I the perils of my Duty Count.
And forget Gods Appearing in the Mount?
Note: 2 Cor. 4.16. vers. 17, 18.
No; view thine aid, thy company, the prize,
And thou thereby all danger will despise.
Note: Exod. 20.5.
Shall I least: Wife and Children be undone,
Go from Gods Blessing into the warm Sun:
Note: Mat. 10.37. Luke 14.26.
No; If their love, thy Christian Love devour;
Christ will not own thee, when he comes in Power.
Note: Dan. 6.7, 10.
Shall I Adore, and shall I not profess,
Shall Danger make my Duty to seem lesss?
Note: Luke 9.26.
No; if for shame, thou wilt not speak his praise,
For shame he will not thee to Glory raise.
Note: Phil. 3.8.
Shall I expect Salvation by Christs Cross
And shall I not for him count all things loss?
Note: Gal. 6.14.
No: all things must be loss, if thou wouldst have,
The vertue of his Cross thy Soul to save.
Note: Jer. 17.9.
Shall I trust a deceitful Heart? When I Both see,
and cannot see its Treachery?
Note: Prov. 4.23
No; Trust it not, Correct it, keep it strait,
Least thou forsake thy God, through its deceit.
Note: 1 Cor. 10.11.12.
Shall I not fear, when I see others fall;
Least my fall be the next and worst of All?
Note: Prov. 22.3.
No; Wise Man, but by others loss Fore-Warn'd,
Will strive, that he may keep himself Unharm'd.
Note: 1 Cor. 10.13.
Shall I not stand, Although to stand unable?
Because JEHOVAH and his Word is stable.
Note: Isa. 40.31. Psal. 125.1.
No; Needful Aid, will God deny to those,
Who Trust and Confidence in him Repose.
Note: Neh. 6.11. John 10.13.
Shall I, even I, depart from Christ his Church,
And Hireling like, now leave them in the lurch?
Note: Job. 10.11.
No: From that Faithful Shepherd, Pattern take,
Who to preserve his Sheep, dy'd for their Sake.
Note: Joh. 10.12. Acts 20.28.
Shall I dessert when Wolves break in upon them,
Or, shall I not contend that none may wrong them?
Note: 1 Thes. 2.19.1 Pet. 5.4.
No; Feed the flock, from danger shelter them,
And they will prove thy Royal Diadem.
Note: Mat. 18.6. & 25.45 46
Shall I forget if little ones I offend,
Christ takes it ill, and I must smart 'th end?
Note: Mark. 9.42.
No; Better thou ty'd to a great Mill-stone,
Into the Sea or Ocean thou wert thrown.
Note: Dan 3.14:15
Shall I *or S.C. A.B. at last come to Recant,
Because the Judge and Bishops do me haunt?
Note: Jer. 15.19. Rev. 2.10.
No; Beast nnd Dragon, do they what they will,
Be always Faithful, Constant, stedfast still.
Note: 1 Tim. 4.1.1 Jah. 2.18.
Shall I conform now in this latter Age,
When Anti-Christ is passing of his stage?
Note: Rev. 14.9, 10. and 18.4.
No; since the play's near done, scorn to appear,
Amongst the Train, O'th Beast, or in his Geer
Note: Jam. 4.7.
Then am I full resolved by God's Grace,
That to the Devil I will not give place.
Note: Isa. 65.13. Job. 15. 11.
God give thee Strength, thine Enemies destroy,
And make thee Fellow-feeler of his Joy.
And let Gods Servants all, who on Earth dwell,
To these things say, Amen. And so Farewel

London, Printed in the Year 1684.

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