SEVERAL QUERIES Relating to the present Proceedings in Parliament; More especially recommended to the Consideration of the BISHOPS.

I. HOW the House of Commons can answer it to those People whom they Represent, if now they have an Opportunity, they do not settle the Go­vernment upon such a Foundation as will be likely, not only to preserve the Nation from Foreign Enemies, but also from falling into the like unhappy Circumstances which it is but just now escaped out of, and which in a great measure, have proceeded from a want of a right Settlement of Publick. Affairs at the Restauration of King Charles the Second.

II. Whether this can be done without altering the Succes­sion, sin [...] the Birth of the Prince of Wales is not proved sup­posititious, [...](though perhaps no Body doubts but it is so)? And supposing it proved so, Whether it would not be more feasible to make a President now, than to try the Experiment first, when the next Right of Succession is claimed by the In­fanta of Spain; or perhaps some Prince her Heir, too strong to resist without the Assistance of the Prince of Orange, espe­cially [Page 2] if there happen to be such Divisions amongst Us as are at this Time?

III. Whether it can be immagined to be worth the Prince of Orange's while to leave Holland, where he is the chief Man, and become a Subject in England; nay, and have such an un­certain Interest in his stay here, that if his Wives Life chance to drop, perhaps he may be banished in a Years time, and not have a Place, as things may happen, to put his Head in? For his Interest in Holland must necessarily fall into other Hands; And no Body knows what fallings out may happen betwixt Us and the Dutch, or what other Contingencies may happen that may give cause of Disgust.

IV. Whether (considering the present State of Affairs) the Strength of the King of France, and the Irish Rebellion, (to say nothing of the Effects which the Entreaties, and subtile In­sinuations of a Father must necessarily have upon any one that is good natur'd) it be safe to trust the Administration of Af­fairs to a Woman, though never so vertuous? And whether we shall be able to protect our selves against all these formida­ble Enemies, and bring things to a due Settlement, without the Assistance of the Prince of Orange, whose Foreign Allian­ces are such as we can never hope to obtain if we confer the Crown upon any other?

V. Whether it would be a greater real Kindness to the Prin­cess of Orange to make her sole Queen, after such a manner as she will be likely to be turned out again; or to make her and her Husband joint King and Queen during their two Lives? I say, her Husband, who is a Prince, not only able to defend her and her Kingdom from all the Dangers that may happen, but also to take all the Trouble which may occur in the Admi­nistration of Affairs off her Hands, so that she will enjoy all the Pleasure of being Queen without any thing of Trouble: And we may add to this, that if it had not been for him, she had never enjoyed the Crown, nor the Nation their Free­dom?

VI. Whether the Terms the Parliament shall make with one that can pretend no Right to the Crown but what they give him, will not be more likely to be kept by him, than by one that pretends a Title, and will be flattered up, both by Law­yers and Divines, (I mean, the Scum of them) with Notions of a Right jure Divino, and a Prerogative which cannot be par­ted with or abolish'd, though by the King's Consent, or Act of Parliament?

VII. Whether the House of Commons, upon these Considera­tions, and divers others too long to mention, will not think it ne­cessary that the Prince and Princess of Orange be crowned King and Queen for their two Lives? and whether it can be imagi­ned that the Commons should so far betray their Country as to recede from this Point (so necessary for its Preservation) notwithstanding all the Disturbances which the Bishops shall make in the House of Lords, and though they do not meet with the Concurrence of that House so soon as in reason might be expected?

VIII. Whether the House of Lords will suffer themselves any longer to be imposed upon by the Bishops in a thing that will be so injurious to the Nation, as it will be not to comply with the House of Commons in this great Point; which must necessarily put such a damp upon Trade, that it will certainly be the Ruin of many hundreds of Families in the Nation whose dependance are upon Handy-Craft-Trades, to say no­thing of the Disadvantages which may accrue by such a Delay to the poor Protestants in Ireland? and admitting they should, whether the Circumstances of Affairs would not in a little time force them to a compliance with the House of Com­mons?

IX. Whether the Prince of Orange will not shew himself one of the unkindest Men in the World if he doth not stick by these People, till he feeth them secured, that have ventured their Lives and Fortunes for Him and their Country in con­fidence of his Protection? and whether he as Head of the [Page 4] Protestant Religion, be not obliged to stand by the 48 Prote­stant Lords, and House of Commons, that have served their Country so faithfully?

X. Whether it would not be Prudence in the Bishops (supposing their Designs be good, as I would hope they are) to shew their readiness to assist the Nobility and Gentry in carrying on this great Work, whereby they might settle the Church upon the surest Foundation, the Laws of God and of the Land, and continue themselves in the Affections of the People?

XI. Whether all the Protestant Blood which shall be spilt in Ireland by reason of these long Delays, will not be justly laid at the Bishops doors, if they proceed after the same man­ner they have begun?

And lastly, To answer the great Objection, that we shall lose the Kingdom of Scotland if we make the King elective for this Turn.

Whether the Scots can chuse any body that will be more agreeable to their Interests than the Prince of Orange? and supposing they can, Whether it be not madness to imagine, since they have a different Parliament, different Laws, and a different Original Contract (so that the King may commit a Forfeiture there, when he hath committed none here, or a Forfeiture here, when he hath committed none there) that they will not place the Crown upon him without any respect to what is done here, whether we make it a Forfeiture, or only a bare Demise?


London, Printed in the Year, 1689.

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