SEVERAL Living Testimonies Given forth by divers Friends TO THE Faithful Labours and Travels Of that Faithful and Constant Servant of the LORD

Robert Lodge

Who was a true Minister of the Gospel of Christ, a Valient Sufferer for the Testimony of a good Conscience, & one that held out to the end, and is saved.

ALSO, Two General Epistles, written by himself long since, to the Believers in Christ; And are now Printed for their Edification and Refreshment.

The Name of the Righteous shall be had in Everlasting Remembrance, &c.

Printed for T. Sowle; And Sold at the Crooked Billet in H [...]ll [...]-Lo [...]e, Sh [...]ditch, 1691.

The Testimony of Peter Hardcastle concerning the Life and Death of Robert Lodge.

THis our Friend and Brother, a Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, Robert Lodge, I was acquainted with before we were ga­thered to be a Meeting, to sit down in silence to wait upon God in his Light; for he then lived near me, with one related to me, and we had much discourse about Religious mat­ters, and he saw the Errors of the Priests more clearly than I did, and was serviceable to me at that time: But after this, it pleased the Lord to send his faithful Servants amongst us to Preach the everlasting Gospel; and they directed our minds to the Light [Page 4]of it in our Consciences, and many were convinced of the way to eternal Life and Salvation; and thus were we gathered to be a Meeting, to sit in the silence of Flesh, waiting upon God in his Light. And in process of time, we being gathered in the Name of the Lord Jesus, he made his Power known in our Meeting in an admi­rable manner, to the renting of the Vail, and breaking down the parti­tion Wall, and raising our Souls from Death unto Life, which caused great Joy and Comfort in us and amongst us. And by the Power and Spirit of Life (after a little time) our decea­sed Brother Robert Lodge was moved to go into Ireland, to bear Testimo­ny with other Brethren of the ever­lasting Truth, and way of Truth and Salvation; and having done his Service there at that time, he return­ed again into England, and travelled in many parts of it, and went into Ireland again, and travelled in both Nations to visit the Gatherings of [Page 5]the Lord's People, and to stir up their pure minds by way of remem­brance of the manifold Mercies and Favours, and Loving-kindnesses of God which he hath made known un­to his People in this our day, after the long Night of Apostacy. And the Prophecy of Daniel is fulfilled in this our Age, where he saith, Many shall run to and fro, and Knowledge shall be increased; and he saith also, They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the Firmament, and they that turn many to Righteousness as the Stars for ever and ever, Dan. 12. And he was Instrumental in the hand of God to turn many to Jesus Christ, God's Righteousness, the sure Foun­dation and Rock of Ages, which yields living Water unto the Soul; and so his Testimony reached to the Witness of God in the Consciences of many; and I have been many times sweetly refreshed under his Testi­mony and Ministry: Oh the sweet Union, and Society, and Fellowship [Page 6]we have had together in the Gospel, it breaks my Heart, and tenders my Spirit at this time when I am wri­ting these Lines! I loved him before we were gathered, and much more since, because of his Sincerity and Truth in his inward parts; for he kept his first Love and Habitation in the Truth. And he was Instrumen­tal also for building up in the holy Faith, that the Spirit of Opposition and Separation might not get advan­tage to draw us from the Spirit and Power of our Lord Jesus Christ; he was committed to several Prisons in this Nation, and in Wakefield-Prison he wrote an Epistle to Friends; and when he suffered Imprisonment, or otherwise for the Testimony of the Truth, he was kept in patience, and rested in the will of God: So he ha­ving kept the Faith and Patience of our Lord Jesus, and dying in the Lord is at Rest, his Body is in the Grave, but his Spirit is with the Lord Jesus, and with the Spirits of [Page 7]just and holy Men and Women, who have served the Lord in their day, according to his Will revealed unto them by his holy Spirit; Praises, Ho­nour, and Glory to the Lord God and the Lamb for evermore.

So I having known him so long a time, and some of his Tryals and Exercises, and faithfulness to God and his Truth, I could not well but give this short Te­stimony concerning him, Peter Hardcastle senior.

Thomas Whitton his Testimony concerning the Life and Death of Robert Lodge.

THat the Memory of the Just may be had in Remembrance, and the Travel of the Righteous in future Ages not forgotten, this Testimony I have to bear for our dear Friend Robert Lodge, who is now gone, whose Exercises and Tra­vels are at an end, and I doubt not but that he is at rest with the Lord; He was a man whom I knew above this thirty Years, even from his Youth, who received the Truth in his tender Years in a large measure, and the Lord hath made him a very serviceable Instrument in his hand, for gathering many to the Way of Life, out of the ways of the World, and that in his young Years, both in [Page 9]this Nation and also in Ireland, as many can testifie; and not only so, but the Lord hath, as I may truly say, made him a Son of Consolation amongst his People, to the watering and refreshing of many weary Souls; his Travels in Spirit I knew (being one of the same Meeting) even for the hindmost of the Flock, and his sympathizing with those that tra­velled for the same. I also knew him in the helping on the Work of the Lord; and when that Life and Power of God rose in him in a Mee­ting to the opening his Mouth, the Lord hath made his Words as the Balm of Gillead to the broken heart­ed: Much might be said of his Ser­vice in and for the Truth in his day; and toward the closure thereof he laboured with and for the young Friends, that they may come up in the Footsteps of those who are gone before, and at Rest with the Lord, with many and frequent Supplicati­ons, [Page 10]to the Lord for them, that they might walk as becomes the Truth in their Generation. The time of his Sickness was short, but about three or four days, and about three or four days a little ill before, I going to see him, asked him how he did, and how it was with him; he gave me ac­count of his Distemper and Infirm­ness, and did question his recovery of the same, But, saith he, the Lord knows my Heart, and that I have served him; and it hath been of more account to me the gaining of one Soul, than all my Labours and Travels. So I have great cause to believe he was in a good sence of the Recompence of his Reward; so leaving him very weak that night, and I going again next day with my Sister to see him, find­ing him near to Death, and being be­side him in great brokenness of Heart to part with such a near Friend he as one sympathizing with us, said, We shall meet again in Eternity: [Page 11]Then a little time after his Mouth was opened, and in great power and tenderness, with heavenly Expres­sions and Praises to the Lord: and after some time again, I went to him, and told him, I was come to take my leave of him, but thought see him next day; then he named me by my Name, and said. It is well with me, and I have no disturbance in my mind: He spake these words as a man at ease, from whom the Lord had ta­ken Sin away, which is the sting of Death; this being about the third hour in the Afternoon, and he de­parted this Life that Night, it being the 15th of the 7th Month, 1690.

And though his Body be gone to the Earth, yet the Memorial of his Life and Spirit lives with us, as it is written, For the Righteous shall be had in everlasting Remembrance, and pre­tious in the sight: of the Lord is the Death of his Saints, for they rest from their Labours, and their Works follow [Page 12]them, and they live in that Life which is hid with Christ in God.

And indeed a Lamentation might be taken up for the loss of such an Instrument in the Hand of the Lord, who had laboured and gathered ma­ny (by that powerful Word of Truth which the Lord put into his heart) unto God, and also to the re­freshing, watering, and consolating of the Heritage of the Lord in that meek lowly Spirit of Life and Love, which very frequently did run through him, and reached the Life in others, for which I cannot but praise the Lord for the many Visitations of his Love in our Meetings; but this bears up our Spirits, that as the Lord hath begun so great a work in our day for his Truth and Name sake, he will carry it on to his own praise, and will not leave himself without a witness upon the Earth, that from Age to Age, and one Ge­neration after another his own [Page 13]Works may praise him, who is God, and changes not, to whom be ever­lasting Praise for evermore.

He was buried at Low-Ellington, at the Burying-Place for the People of God, the 17th of the 7th Month, 1690. And was accompanied with many Friends of divers parts, and Neigh­bours also, being one well-beloved of the Neighbourhood; and there was a living and serviceable Testimnoy fo [...] God born that day by our Friend George Myers, to the great satis­faction and refreshment of Friends, and to the Convincing of others.

T. W.

The Testimony of Miles Oddy concerning Ro­bert Lodge.

AS concerning my dear Friend and Brother Robert Lodge, I have had knowledge of him ever [...]nce that day it pleased the Lord God in his Mercy and Favour to vi­sit us, and make his Power known, and manifest himself both to him and me, and many others in these parts; and though he was very young (even a Boy) yet the Lord did won­derfully appear unto him in his great Love, and God's eternal Power did mightily seize upon him, and ope­rate in him, so that he was con­strained thereby to open his Mouth, and make mention of God's Eternal Power, even when we were but a [Page 15]few; and God's witness was much reached in several present with us, blessed and praised be the Name of God for evermore: The mighty Power of God did work wonderfully at that very time in the Hearts of those whom the Lord had touched, and also made to believe, but especi­ally in the Heart of our dear Brother above-mentioned, and thereby in the Lord's due time was he fitted, im­boldened and raised up, and made an Instrument in God's hand, and a true and faithful Minister of Jesus Christ, and sent forth by him to preach the everlasting Gospel into some parts of this Nation of England, and in a short time into the Nation of Ireland, where he met with many great Tryals and Exercises, yet the Lord did mightily preserve him, and attend him with his blessed presence. What shall I say or write concerning this our dear Brother in the Lord Jesus Christ, whom the Lord hath [Page 16]been now pleased to take away from us; surely the loss is very great unto many of God's People, but unto him great gain. When I consider of the blessed and heavenly Opportunities, and wonderful Appearances of God, in, by, and through him many a time amongst God's People, when met together, my Heart is truly broken and tendred (even as at this present time;) and this is my belief of him, he was a man well-beloved of God, and also of his People every where, that had a true knowledge of him, and the great Power of God did mightily attend him, and his presence comfort him; and many sweet and pretious Testimonies have sounded through him, to the comforting & refreshing of God's People in their Assemblies. He was convinc'd of God's heavenly Way and pretious Truth thirty Years since and upward, and hath born a faith­ful and living Testimony for God ever since, not only in Words, but [Page 17]in Life and Conversation, and also in Sufferings, both in this Nation, and in the Nation of Ireland; he was a man not subject to Passion (that ever I did see) but meek and gentle and of a healing Spirit.

By Miles Oddy senior.

The Testimony of Thomas Hardcastle senior, concern­ning Robert Lodge.

IN the tenderness and brokenness of Heart, and in the remembrance of the goodness of the Lord am I made willing to give forth this Testi­mony concerning my dear Friend and Brother Robert Lodge: In his young Years we travelled many Miles toge­ther, and great was his Care at that day, in much love to bring me to the knowledge of the Truth, sparing no Labour nor Pains, in much patience and good-will his endeavour hath been among us, and the Power and Presence of God hath mightily ap­peared in and through him many a time, and in Innocency his labour hath been; and great have been his Exercises and Abuses that he recei­ved from unreasonable men, but [Page 19]the Lord did uphold him, and carry him on in his blessed. Work; and many heavenly Testimonies hath the Lord enabled him to bear, and our Hearts many times have been com­forted together, and filled with Prai­ses to his holy Name. And this dear Servant of the Lord he was low­ly in Mind, tender in Spirit, lovely in Behaviour, his Ministry very pre­cious; and truly the Gifts and Graces the Lord bestowed on him were very large, and in the same hath he finish­ed, and laid down, and is gone to Everlasting Rest with the Lord for­ever and evermore.

This short Testimony is given forth in the love of God, by him who is a Lover of Truth and Righteousness, Thomas Hardcastle senior.

Katherine Winn's. Testimony concerning Robert Lodge.

THe Memory of the Just, and Travels of the Righteous are worthy to be kept in remembrance, and left upon Record to future Ages, in which I am concerned according to my little measure, in a short Te­stimony for our dear Friend and well-beloved Brother Robert Ledge who is now deceased, and his Tra­vels at an end, but many are in be­ing who have reaped the benef [...] thereof; his lot fell to be in our par [...] in the time of my Convincemen [...] and I being a Woman of a deject▪ Mind, he was the first that ev [...] reached me with Words of Comfor [...] which were so printed in my hear [...] and ingraven in my mind, that it n [...] ver yet was raced out, but often w [...] a strengthening to me through m [...] [Page 21]Exercises, and a confirmation of the love of God to my Soul: It was af­terwards my happiness to be of the same Meeting, where many were the Spiritual Comforts I received by him; he proclaimed Liberty to the Captives, and spoke comfortable words to the Mourners in Sion, his Words were as healing Medicines, & as Gillead's Balm to many wound­ed and weary Souls, and that which he planted was frequently watered by him: O the watering Seasons we have had, that Fountain whic [...] fre­quently opened in him, that Rivers and Streams thereof that were con­veyed by him to many a thirsty tra­velling Soul, did fill our Hearts with unutterable Joy and unexpressable Gladness, which causeth a Lamen­tation to be taken up by us for want of such a be-dewing Instrument, and loving Nursing-Father: he was a Son of Consolation, a planter indeed, and also a waterer of the Lord's Plan­tation, and frequently accompanied [Page 22]with the living presence and power of our heavenly God, which gives the increase: He was a sympathizer with innocent Friends in Joy and in Sorrow; he could mourn with those that mourned, and rejoyce with those that rejoyced, yet his care was over the weak and hindermost of the Flock; and we are bowed in Spirit, For want of him, for his presence could greatly have been desired by us, and needful for us; but he is dis­solved, and I believe is now with Christ, which for him is far better; and it is our hope, which bears up our Spirits, that the Lord will raise up Instruments to carry on his own Work to his own praises; and he gi­veth and he taketh, blessed be his Name for ever.

The time of his Sickness being short, at which time I had been weak and but little recovered, I had word if ever I thought to see him, I might venture to go; & the next day I went with my Brother to visit him, and [Page 23]found him very weak; he looking up, (and saw me full of Sorrow) with a pleasant Countenance, yet in much brokenness, cheerfully said, What Woman, we must meet again, we must meet again in Eternity. And sitting by him, he gave me an account of his Distemper, and of the exercise of his mind, and the dealings of the Lord with him, and said, The Lord knoweth I never was Commissionated by him to go any way, or to do any thing, but I have willingly answered him, and the Lord who hath been my Rock and Refuge, my Shield and Buckler, and a Sanctuary to me, hath been with me all along to this very day. With ma­ny such Expressions, and in much brokenness and tenderness of Spirit he rendred Thanksgiving unto the Lord; and being weak he seeming­ly fell asleep, and I retiredly sat by him, and that Life wherein we had often reached one another did spring, venly Expressions, and pure Praises [Page 24]to the Lord for his many Deliveran­ces and great Preservations, and the continuance of his living presence, and the opening of the Fountain of his Life and Love unto us to this very day and time, with heavenly Suppli­cations unto the Lord for the conti­nuance of his Loving-kindness and tender Mercies to his whole Heritage every where; his Exercise continu­ed for a considerable season, as if he had been in a Meeting, with much brokenness of Heart, and tenderness of Spirit, as a man filled with hea­venly and divine matter, which very much broke my Heart, with his Son Nathan then by him, which I hope will never be forgotten by me: And after this he weakened very fast, it being about the third hour of the day; he did speak little more to me, yet signifying his gladness of my re­covery, and also of my company, and that all was well with him; and falling into a Slumber and Rest more sweet and comfortable, as we thought [Page 25]than his usual Sleep had been to him at other times, in much quiet and great meekness he departed this Life about the first hour that Night. And though he be dead, his Works live to praise the Lord, and great was the Work of his Day, in turning many from Darkness to Light, and from the power of Satan to the li­ving God; he bore the burthen in heat of the day, and was a true Tra­veller for Sion's sake; his Life was comfortable, his latter end happy, he lived the Life of the Righteous, and his latter end was like his: And it is the fervent desire of my Heart the Lord will be pleased in love to his whole Flock, and for his own Honour and great Name sake, to raise up serviceable Instruments in his Work, such work-men as need not be ashamed of their work, but can rightly divide the Word of Truth, such Labourers in his Vine­yard as may gather many Sheaves in­to his Barn, and Lambs into his Fold, [Page 26]as this our deceased Brother did; in the days of his Youth, and in his tender years, he thought not his Life dear to venture both by Sea and Land in this Nation, and elsewhere, and was instrumental in the Lord's hand, to pluck many as Lambs out of the Wolves mouth, and Brands out of the Fire, which are as Monu­ments of the Lord [...]s mercy this day to praise him: And as his Body de­cayed and strength failed, great was his Travel, and many his Supplica­tions to the Lord on the behalf of young Friends, that they might rise in their Day and Age to serve and honour him in their Generation. O the Travels, with the sweet flow­ing streams of Love reached to us by him can never be forgotten! O the melodious sound, that heavenly Har­mony, the eccho of Life which of­ten sounded through him, made the Morning-Stars to sing, and the Saints to shout for joy O what can I say of him! I am not able to ex­press [Page 27]or utter the excellency of the Work of this the Lord's worthy, but hopes it will be done by others better accomplished for such a Work than I; but in the discharge of what hath lain upon me, according to my little measure in this short Testimony to leave to Posterity, and for the encou­ragement of a future Age, to keep in the Line of Life, and walk in the Path of the Just, where heavenly Fe­licity is to be attained and enjoyed, and Spiritual Pleasures lived in, which the Almighty in his unchange­able Love hath been pleased to con­tinue from Age to Age, and by a mighty hand reached from one Ge­neration to another, that in every Age his own Works may praise him, to whom all Praises doth belong (and is freely ascribed from my Soul) now henceforth, and for ever.

Katherine Winn.

The Testimony of Christopher Blackburne, concerning my dear Friend Robert Lodge, who departed this Life the 16th Day of the 7th Month, 1690.

Dear friends,

I could not with clearness be silent in this matter, because I found it as a Duty incumbent upon me, be­ing one of the same Meeting, to write a little amongst my Brethren, concerning this faithful Champion of the Lord▪ whom he hath taken to him­self, and is at Rest with him, who is over all, God blessed forever. I be­ing but young in years, have not been so long acquainted with him as many have been, but what I know I shall write: He was a man that ever had a tender regard over [Page 29]me, and other young Friends; and I can truly say, his Counsel and Ad­vice to me when I was a Child, was reaching, and I hope will never be raced out of my remembrance; and as I grew up I loved him as my Fa­ther, he was of a lovely Counte­nance, and an undaunted Spirit; his Service was much in the Ministry, he had a quiek discerning in a Mee­ting: Oh how hath he laboured for the good of a Meeting, and if at any time a Vail hath been over, or that any seemed to be unconcerned, Oh how he would have been weighted, and laboured to with-draw the Vail, and raise the Life at such a time; and on the contrary, when the Life was up in a Meeting, and that he saw Friends in a Heavenly Order, Oh it was Marrow to his Bones, his very Countenance was comfortable to the Meeting; and his Travel, especially in che latter part of his days, was much for the settling the Meeting in a divine Order; and his Prayer for [Page 30]us that were young, was frequent in this manner; Heavenly God, ingraft thy heavenly Truth in the Hearts of our Children, that they may stand up to bear Witness for thee, when it shall please thee to take us hence.

Now I come to his Sickness and Death, which was on this manner, Upon that 4th day at Evening I went to see him, as was my usual manner, when in that Town, not knowing that he was Sick, so asked him how he did; he said, He had a very bad Night the Night before, but was some­thing better: He also told me how it was with him, and said, That many had dyed of the like Distemper, but whe­ther I dye or not, the Will of the Lord be done. So I went over Night to see him, and he grew weaker and weaker, yet he was able to go till the First Day, and after the Meeting that day he got up by help, for then he was taken with a strong Feaver, which grew extreamly upon him; and as he was getting up, he said, [Page 31]Blessed be God, I have Heavenly Peace. So after a while I going away, took my leave of him, for I had a sence of his Death; and he said to me, He was freely given up to the Will of God. So the next day I went again, but was not present when he did declare, but I understood it was powerful as at other times; so in the Evening I went, but he was in a sweet Sleep, and so continued till about the first or second Hour the next Morning, and so departed this Life in a Hea­venly frame, arid is at Rest with God, whom he served to the utmost of his Power. I can truly say, he was a man worthy of Everlasting Remembrance, and one of the Wor­thies of God's Israel. So seeing it was the pleasure of the great God to take him from us, it is the desire of my heart, that I with the rest of God's People may be kept and pre­served in God's heavenly Truth, as this man was, so shall we meet again in God's Kingdom, where we shall [Page 32]receive the full of what we enjoy the Earnest of here.

So seeing it hath been the plea­sure of God, who is the Orderer of all things, and hath the Souls and Bodies of all Men at his dispose, to take this dear Friend from us, we have reason to be content, knowing that our Loss is his Gain, our Sorrow his Joy, I cannot but return him the Praise, who is God over all, blessed for ever and evermore; Amen.

Christopher Blackburne.

The Testimony of Rebecca Blackburne concerning Ro­bert Lodge, who departed this Life the 16th Day of the 7th Month, 1690.

HE was a dear and loving Friend towards me, and his desire was much for the prospe­rity of Truth, it was great joy to him to hear that the Truth prospe­red, especially in those that were young, and that they might bear their Testimonies for the Lord, af­ter the decease of the Elders: One time after the Meeting, he looking towards a young Girle, turned him about, and said, The Lord bless you all Children: which caused me to say within my self, Whither is he going?

Now seeing the Lord hath taken him from us, he is able to preserve those that are left behind, and will do as we put our trust in him.

So to him that orders all things according to his pleasure, do I re­turn all the Honour and Glory, both now henceforth, and for evermore; Amen.

Rebecca Blackburne.

The Testimony of Ann Black­burne concerning Robert Lodge.

THis dear Friend I knew him from a Child, and was ac­quainted with him from his Youth: He was of a quick apprehension, and had much discourse with one An­thony Procter, and Other Priests in the days of Oliver Cromwell, but they were always put to the worst by him: He was of a Valient Spirit from his Youth upward; and it was great gladness of heart to me to see him in a Meeting; it was also great Sorrow to me to part with so near a Friend; but seeing it was the pleasure of God to take him from us, i [...] my belief he is at rest with him, who is God, blessed for evermore.

Ann Blackburne.

The Testimony of Alice Clarke concerning Robert Lodge.

THis is my Testimony for my dear Friend Robert Lodge of Massam, lately deceased; he was an Instrument in the hand of the Lord, and the Lord by him wrought upon the Hearts of many, to turn them out of the broad way of destruction, into the narrow way that leads to Life and Salvation; and good cause have I amongst many more to praise the Lord that ever I was acquainted with him: I being of the Meeting that he was of, was many a time sweetly refreshed and comforted, which I hope shall never be forgot­ten of me [...]or raced out of my re­membrance [...]; and though he be gone from us, yet his Spirit is with us in our Meetings, as we come to the Spirits of just men made perfect; he [Page 37]had a heavenly Gift, and had good skill to use it, so that he got love of most that knew him. He was taken away of a short Sickness, and what he spake relating to Truth in the time thereof, was much to the satis­faction of all that loved him, for he largely signified the love of God to his Soul at that time: He was in his Day a true Traveller in the Lord's Service; and doubtless he hath re­ceived his Reward, and though he be taken from us, I doubt not but the Lord will raise many faithful Witnesses to bear a Testimony to his Name, that he may have Honour, to whom all Honour is due.

Alice Clarke

A Testimony concerning our dear Friend and Brother in the Lord Robert Lodge.

WHo was a Yorkshire man, and dyed in the Lord, in the Year 1690. when he had fulfilled his Ministry, and finished his Testi­mony, who was often under great Persecution, Sufferings and Spoiling of Goods, which through the assi­stance in the Lord's Power he went through them all joyfully, and ma­ny times had great Exercise with Backsliders, Apostates and Prophane. He was a man that laboured and travelled, and had a great Care upon him for the Peace of the Church of Christ, and his Government of Peace, the encrease of which there is no [Page 39]end; he travelled up and down in many places in England, freely preaching the Everlasting Gospel of our Lord and Saviour, and did turn many to it, being a man much indued with the Gifts of God, and being an Elder and Pillar in the Church of Christ; he travelled with me up and down in Ireland, jeopar­died his Life among the Priests and Papists there, in the Year, 1669, where there were many large and pretious Meetings of the Lord's Peo­ple; and the Lord's Presence and Power was among us and them. And when we had finished our Te­stimony there, we came over into England, and in it he travelled up and down, visiting the Churches of Christ, and turned many to the Lord; and he dyed in the Lord in Yorkshire, and is blessed, and entred into his Rest, and is ceased from his Labours, and his Works follow him. And much more might be writ of his faith­ful Labour in the Lord, who was [Page 40]well known in the Church of Christ, who preacht in his good Life and Conversation, as well as in his Doctrine, and was much be­loved; and he will be missed in the Church of Christ, but the Lord can raise up more faithful Labourers in his Gospel to stand in his place; Amen.

G. F.

An Epistle To FRIENDS, Written from Chambrussel, in the County of Armagh in Ireland, the 24th of the 4th Month, 1660.

MY dearly beloved Friends, with whom I have Unity in the unchangeable Love and Life in the Lord Jesus, in whom we receive pure and living Consolation, where­by the Seed is refreshed, which breaths and thirsts after the Fountain of Love and Mercy, which tenderly falls down upon the upright in Heart as Dew to the tender Herb, where­by that which hath been in the want [Page 42]comes to be satisfied, and filled with the living Vertue, which comes from the presence of the Lord; and in this my dearly beloved Friends I salute you in the Fountain of Love, Life, and endless Joy, which is shed abroad in my heart, which streams forth it self through me, whereby the Seed is refreshed; and in this feel me as you are felt, in the mea­sure of the unchangeable Life of God, in which I rejoyce, feeling you in that which is everlasting, in which my Unity stands with you, who are of a broken and contrite Heart, who are kept in a feeling of the dreadful presence of God. And therefore wait all Friends to feel the Power which raises the Seed immor­tal, to which the Promise of Blessing is due, which Seed the Lord is satis­fying with the breakings forth of his Love, in all them who in pati­ence are kept waiting to feel the op­peration of God's living Power; for by the Power of God comes the [Page 43]Seed to be brought out of the weary Land, which the Lord abundantly waters in all the Faithful, who in faithfulness are kept near unto the Seed, such come to receive of the loving-kindness of God, and to per­take of his sweet Mercies, which daily are felt, to the glory of the Lord for ever. Therefore my dear­ly beloved Friends, wait in the Light the Power to feel, that you may be kept safe in the Arms of the Lord's love, that you may be shadowed over with the Power of the Most High God, which is our strength and daily support, wherein we feel the Spirit of the Lord lifting up a Stand­ard against all the Enemies of the Seed.

So dear Hearts, be stayed in the Light, continually to feel the dread­ful Power of God accompanying you, unto which all your Enemies must become subject, whose Power and Presence is felt, wherein our Souls rejoyce, who hath enlarged our [Page 44]hearts, and filled us with the hea­venly joy; for in him we have Peace and Comfort; therefore be not cast down at the sight of Affliction, but all be watchful and deligent, to feel the pure workings of the Spirit of Life, whereby a change may be wrought in your Hearts, and you raised above the Grave, by the quick­ening Power of the Almighty God, for in this is Comfort and Refresh­ment felt, and Peace and pure Love which many Waters cannot quench; and in this all wait to be knit up and united, that the one Fountain of Love and Mercy may be every parti­culars satisfaction and reward. So rest your Friend in the Truth,

Robert Lodge.

Let this be sent to Hardcastle-Garth, and so to Masham.

A Salutation of Love from the Open­ing of the Springs of eternal Life, unto the Flock of God in Bonds, or elsewhere, scattered upon the Earth, but are one in the end­less Life of God, Greeting.

DEar Friends, whom the Lord hath visited with the Day spring from on high, and unto whom the Lord hath made known his Pow­er, and the Arm of his strength for your deliverance, from the deep cap­tivity that your Souls lay in, in times past, when there was none to help you, nor to comfort you; when you spent your days in mourning, for want of the presence of the Lord: and in that day did the Lord hear your groans, and the sighs of your Spirits, and he appeared for your comfort, when you were comfort­less; [Page 46]and in that day the Lord made known his Judgments in you, for the purging of the Dross out of you, that way might be made in you for the sweet dispencing forth of his Mercies: And since the Lord pre­pared you for himself, by the work of his own Spirit, how hath he let forth himself unto you, to the ma­king of your Hearts glad, and to the overcoming your Souls with the strength of his love? that hath made you to say in secret, who is like to the Lord, or what is to be compared with his love? and when your hearts were thus disposed of by him for whom you had waited, what was all the worlds glory to you; for this was more to you than all, whose hearts were opened in the sence of the want of him? And now seeing the Lord hath done such great things for you, it is the pleasure of your God to try your love unto himself, whether you can follow him to the loss of all things in this World, yea or nay, for [Page 47]such a Birth the life of God hath been long travelling for, and now they are blessed that can say, This birth is brought forth, in which they can give up all for the enjoy­ment of the Lord, who hath turned a Wilderness into a fruitful Land, and a fruitful Land into barrenness in the inward; and he likewise is able to make it so outwardly, for them that believe and follow him in faith­fulness unto the end. So my well-beloved in the Lord, who have felt his Judgments & Mercies in your Hearts, who by the same are ingaged to fol­low the Lord, and hold forth your Testimonies for his righteous Name, blessed you are, as you abide in the overcoming love of God, by which your hearts have been drawn after the Lord, and after a further enjoy­ment of his Life, who cannot be sa­tisfied without the fresh breakings in of his Love into your hearts. Oh blessed are you for ever, however the Lord may dispose of you as to the [Page 48]outward man; the Lord will be un­to you as the shadow of a mighty Rock in a weary Land; you are the begotten of himself by the Word of his Power, he will nourish you by the vertue of his own life, and by the sweetness of his own love, and this being felt, it makes all easie and delightsome whatsoever, for there is nothing to be compared with this love of our God. Therefore arise you Sons and Daughters of the Lord, and shew forth the love that you bear to him, that all may know whose off-spring you are, and how highly you esteem of the goodness of God, that you can forsake all for him, and the light of his countenance, which is more to you than all the world. Oh Friends, it is for your sakes that the Lord hath done great things already, and yet will the Lord do greater things in the Earth for you, as in the heavenly life you abide, the Lord will arise for your help in the time of your distress and [Page 49]need; And therefore fear not you the wrath of man, nor the fury of the ungodly, but in the life look un­to the Rock of your Salvation, and he will beautifie you with the Robes of Righteousness, and with the Gar­ments of Praises, that all may see and confess, to the glory of him that hath shined forth of Sion this day. And dear Friends, you that have felt the love of God, in gathering you out of the world, and in preserving you un­to this day; let the kindness of the Lord, and the compassion that he hath shewed to you, be an ingage­ment upon your hearts, to walk with the Lord in faithfulness, that as the Lord hath watered your Souls with the streams of life, and pure love from day to day, and from time to time, he might still continue the same to you unto the end of your days, that your blossom thereby may not wither, but be kept beautiful in the Eyes of the Lord, that his de­light may be in you to do you good, [Page 50]to rejoyce over you in his love, as it hath been in times past, that by the same we might grow further in love with him, and be more and more affected with his glory, that however it be permitted to fall out concerning these Bodies, we may be the Lord's, and he the lot of our In­heritance; Then shall we be con­strained to say, Our lot it fallen in good Ground: And therefore you render Babes, be not discouraged nor amazed at the face of things, for mighty is the Lord who is with us, and glorious is his Arm that doth compass us about this day, and pure is the Food that the Lord is feeding the tender spirited withal, which makes us undervalue all the world, and its glory, because our hearts are ravished with the love of God, which wonderfully is made manifest this day; glory be to the Name of the Lord for ever, who breaks in upon us by the force of his love daily, so that our Souls are become as watered Gardens, [Page 51]through the thowring down of his Blessings, wherewith my Soul is vi­sited at this time, and in which I do visit you all in the life of God, in Bonds, or elsewhere who are called to bear witness for the Lord, in this trying, but not destroying day, that the purpose of our God may be ful­filled, and his determination com­pleated, that the works of the Lord may bring him praise in the Gates of the wicked, who alone is worthy of Glory and Honour, for ever and ever, saith my Soul.

From a Friend to all the upright heart­ed People of God, that wait for the building of distressed Sion, known by the Name of Robert Lodge.

A Testimony concerning the Life and Death of our dear Friend and Brother in the Lord John Stubbs.

HE received the Lord's Truth in 1653. at Carlile, and for­sook much for it, and did Travel with me in the Lord's Service up and down in England: And he was a Schollar, and an excellent Writer, and a notable Minister of the Gospel of Christ, and went through many Sufferings and Hardships for the Go­spel's sake; and after he and William Caton for declaring the Truth at Maidstone in Kent, the Magistrates and wicked Priests and Professors caused them to be set in the Stocks, and Whipt, and put out of the [Page 53]Town, about 1652 in Oliver Crom­well's days: and he having been a Baptist, did convince some of them, and turned many to the Lord: And after he, and Samuel Fisher who had been a Baptist, and a Parish-Priest, travelled to Rome through those dark Countries, and they having cast some of our Friends into the Inquisition, all was shut up; but only they had some Service for the Lord with some Car­dinals, and the Jews, and some Monks and Fryers, and such like; and they confest it was the Truth; but if they should confess it openly they would burn them. And about the Year 1660. he and some other Friends had it in their minds to go to the East-Indies, and the East-India-Com­pany would not let them go in their Ships; and they got an order from the King to let them go, and they would not obey it. And then they went into Holland to get passage there for the East-Indies, and they also denyed them; and then they [Page 54]took Shiping, and went as far as Egypt to [...] the East-Indies by Carav [...] [...] where the English Consul banished them out of Egypt; and then they came to England again, after they had had some Service for the Lord in several places. And John Stubbs the Lord let him see that the English and the Dutch would go to War one with another, which not long after came to pass. And about the Year 1670. he Travelled with with me to Barbadoes, and also he went to New-England, where he laboured in the Grace of God, and had a good Service for the Lord; and from thence he went to Barbadoes again, freely preaching the everlast­ing Gospel of Christ, and then he came into England; and when he had fulfilled his Ministry, and finish­ed his Testimony, he dyed in the Lord, and is at Rest and Peace with him, and is blessed, and ceased from his Labours, and his Works follow him: And he departed this Life near [Page 55] London, about 1673. He was a wise Man, and sought the Peace of the Church of Christ, and was a good Example: he preacht in good Life and Conversation, as well as good Doctrine, and was zealous, and never turned from the Lord from his first receiving of him, but bore all his Sufferings and Reproaches faith­fully for the Name of Jesus, who was one of his Followers, and was many times exercised with Apostates and Prophane, and had Tryals by false Brethren, but the Lord in his Power gave him Dominion over them all, blessed be his Name for ever; Amen.

G. F.

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