True Relations of the Unjust, Cruel, and Barbarous Proceedings of the Dutch, against the English in the East-Indies.
AFter the fruitless Issue of two several Treaties; The First, Anno 1613. in London; and the other, Anno 1615. at the Hague in Holland, touching the differences between the English and Dutch, in the East-Indies: At last, by a Third Treaty, Anno 1619. in London, there was a full and solemn Composition made of all the said Differences; and a fair Order set for the future proceeding of the Supports of both Companies in the Indies, as well in the course of their Trade and Commerce, as otherwise. Amongst sundry other points, it was agreed, That in regard of the great Blood-shed and cost, pretended to be bestowed by the Hollanders, in winning of the Trade of the Isles of the Molluccos, Banda, and Amboyna, from the Spaniards and Portugals, and in building of Forts for the continual securing of the same; the said Hollanders therefore should enjoy two Third parts of that Trade, and the English the other Third; and the charge of the Forts to be maintained by Taxes and Impositions, to be levied upon the Merchandize. Wherefore, in consequence of this Agreement, the English East-India Company planted certain Factories for their share of this Trade; some at the Molluccos, some at Banda, and some at Amboyna. Of the Two former of these, there will be, at this present, small occasion to speak further; but the last will prove the Scene of a sad Tragedy.
This Amboyna is an Island lying near Seran, of the circuit of Forty Leagues, and giveth Name also to some other small Islands adjacent. It beareth Cloves; for gathering, and buying in whereof, the English Company, for their part, had planted Five several Factories; the head, and Rendevouz of all, at the Town of Amboyna; and therein first Master George Muschamp, and afterward Master Gabriel Towerson, their Agents; with directions over the smaller Factories at Hitto and Larica, upon the same Island; and at Lobo and Cambello, upon a point of their neighbouring Island of Seran.
Upon these Islands of Amboyna, and the point of Seran, the Hollanders have four Forts, the chief of all is at the said Town of Amboyna, and is very strong, having four Points or Bulwarks, with their Curtains; and upon each of these Points six great Pieces of Ordinance mounted, most of them of Brass. [Page 8] The one side of this Castle is washed by the Sea, and the other is divided from the Land with a Ditch of four or five fathom broad, very deep, and ever filled with the Sea. The Garrison of this Castle consisteth of about 200 Dutch Soldiers, and a Company of free Burgers: Besides these, there is always a matter of three or four hundred Mardikers (for so they usually call the free Natives) in the Town, ready to serve the Castle at an hours warning. There lie also in the Road (for the most part) divers good Ships of the Hollanders, as well for the guard of the place by Sea, as for the occasions of Traffick: this being the chief Rendezvouz, as well for the Island of Banda, as for the rest of Amboyna. Here the English lived; not in the Castle, but under the Protection thereof, in a House of their own in the Town; holding themselves safe, as well in respect of the Ancient Bonds of Amity between both Nations, as of the strict conjunction made by the late Treaty before-mentioned.
They continued here some Two Years, Conversing and Trading together with the Hollanders, by vertue of the said Treaty. In which time, there fell out sundry Differences and Debates between them: The English complaining that the Hollanders did not only lavish away much Money in Building, and unnecessary Expences upon the Forts, and otherwise, and bring large and unreasonable Reckonings thereof to the common Account, but also did, for their part, pay the Garrisons with Victuals, and cloath of Coromondel, which they put off to the Soldiers at three or four times the Value it cost them; yet would not allow the English Companies part of the same Charge, but only in ready Money, thereby drawing from the English (which ought to pay but one Third part) more than two Thirds of the whole true charge. Hereupon, and upon the like occasions, grew some Discontents and Disputes, and the Complaints were sent to Jaccatra, in the Island of Java Major, to the Council of Defence of both Nations, there Residing: who also, not agreeing upon the points in Difference, sent the same hither over into Europe, to be decided by both Companies here; or, in default of their Agreement, by the King's Majesty, and the Lords the States General, according to an Article of the Treaty of the Year, 1619. on this behalf. In the mean time, the Discontent between the English and Dutch, about these and other Differences, continued, and daily encreased; until at last there was a Sword found to cut in sunder that knot at once, which the tedious Disputes of Amboyna and Jaccatra could not untie: And this was used in manner as followeth:
About the 11th. of February, 1622. Stile veteri, a Japoner-Soldier of the Dutch, in their Castle of Amboyna, walking in the Night upon the Wall, came to the Sentinel (being a Hollander) and there, amongst other Talk, asked [Page 9] him some questions, touching the strength of the Castle, and the People that were therein. It is here to be noted, that those Japoners (of whom there is not Thirty in all the Island) did, for the most part, serve the Dutch as Soldiers; yet were not of their Trusty bands, always lodged in the Castle, but upon occasion called out of the Town to assist in the Watch. This Japoner aforesaid, was (for his said Conference with the Sentinel) apprehended upon suspition of Treason, and put to Torture: Whereby (as some of the Dutch affirmed) he was brought to confess, That himself, and sundry others of his Countrey-Men there, had contrived to take the Castle. Hereupon other Japoners were Examined and Tortured, as also a Portugal, the Guardian of the Slaves under the Dutch. During this Examination, which continued three or four days, some of the English-Men went to and from the Castle upon their business, saw the Prisoners, heard of their Tortures, and of the Crime laid to their charge, but all this while suspected not that this matter did any whit concern themselves, having never had any conversation with the Japoners, nor with the Portugal aforesaid. At the same time there was one Abel Price, Chirurgeon of the English, Abel Price Examined, Prisoner in the Castle, for offering, in his Drunkenness, to set a Dutch-Man's House on Fire: This fellow the Dutch took, and shewed him some of the Japoners, whom they had first most grievously Tortured; and told him, They had confessed the English to be of their confedracy for the taking the Castle; and that if he would not confess the same, they would use him even as they had done these Japoners, and worse also. Having given him the Torture, they soon made him confess what ever they asked him. This was the 15th. of February, 1622. Stilo veteri. Forthwith, about Nine of the clock the same Morning, they sent for Captain Towerson, and the rest of the English that were in the Town, to come to speak with the Governor in the Castle; they all went, save one that was left to keep the House: Being come to the Governor, he told Captain Towerson, That himself, and others of his Nation were accused of a conspiracy to surprize the Castle; and therefore, until further Tryal, were to remain Prisoners: They also took him that was left at home in the House, and the Merchandize of the English there, into their own custody, by Inventory; and seized all the Chests, Boxes, Books, Writings, and other things out of the said House. Captain Towerson was committed to his Chamber, with a Guard of Dutch Soldiers: Emanuel Thompson was kept Prisoner in the Castle; the rest, viz. John Beomont, Edward Collins, William Webber, Ephram Ramsey, Timothy Johnson, John Fardo, and Robert Brown were sent. Aboard the Hollanders Ships, then Riding in Harbour, some to one Ship, and some to another, and all made fast in irons. The same day also the Governor sent to the Two other Factories in the same [Page 10] Island, to Apprehend the rest of the English there: So that Samuel Colson, John Clark, George Sharrock, that were found in the Factory at Hitto; and Edward Collins, William Webber, and John Sadler at Larica, were all brought Prisoners to Amboyna, the 16th. of February. Upon▪ which day also John Powl, John Wetheral, and Thomas Ladbrook, were Apprehended at Cambello; and John Beomont, William Grigs, and Ephraim Ramsey at Lobo, and brought in Irons to Amboyna the 20th. of the same Month. In the mean time the Governor and Fiscal went to work with the Prisoners that were already there: And first they sent for John Beomont and Timothy Johnson from aboard the Unicorn; who being come into the Castle, Beomont was left with a Guard in the Hall, and Johnson was taken into another Room; where, by and by, Beomont heard him cry out very pitifully▪ then to be quiet a little while, and then loud again. After taste of the Torture, Abel Price the Chirurgeon, that first was Examined and Tortu [...]ed, (as aforesaid) was brought in to confront and accuse him; but Johnson not yet confes [...]ing any thing, Price was quickly carried out, and Johnson brought again to the Torture; where Beomont heard him sometime cry aloud, then quiet again, then roar afresh. At last, after he had been an hour in this second Examination, he was brought forth wailing and lamenting, all wet, and cruelly burnt in divers parts of his Body, and so laid aside in a by place in the Hall, with a Soldier to watch him, that he should speak with no body. Then was Emanuel Thompson brought to Examination; not Emanuel Thompson Examined. in the room where Johnson had been, but in another, something farther from the Hall: yet Beomont being in the Hall, heard him roar most lamentably, and many times. At last, after an hour and half spent in Torturing him, he was carried away into another Room, another way, so that he came not by Beomont thro' the Hall. Next was Beomont called in, and being demanded many things, all which he denied with deep Oaths and Protestations, was made fast to be Tortured, a cloath tied about his Neck, and two Men ready with their Jarrs of Water to be poured on his Head: But yet, for this time, the Governor bad loose him, he would spare him a day or two because he was an Old Man. This was all Saturdays work, the fifteenth of February aforesaid.
Upon Sunday the 16th▪ of February, William Webber, Edward Collins, Ephraim Ramsey, and Robert Brown, were fetcht from aboard the Rotterdam to be Examined. At the same time came Samuel Colson, William Grigs, and John Clark; George Sharrock, and John Sadler, from Hitto and Larica, and were immediately, upon their Arrival, brought into the Castle-Hall. Robert Brown, Taylor, was first called in, and being Tormented with Water, confessed all in order as the Fiscal asked him. Robert Brown Examined.
[Page 11] Then was Edward Collins called in, and told, That those that were formerly Examined, had confest him as accessary in Taking Edward Collins Examined. the Castle: Which, when he denied with great Oaths and Execrations, they made his Hands and Feet fast to the Rack, bound a cloath about his Throat, ready to be put to the Torture of Water: Thus prepared, he prayed to be respited, and he would confess all; being let down, he again Vowed and Protested his Innocency; yet said, That because he knew that they would by Torture make him confess any thing, though never so false, they would do him great favour to tell him what they would have him say, and he would speak it to avoid the Torture: The Fiscal hereupon said, What, do you Mock us? and bid, Up with him again, and so gave him the Torment of Water; which he not long able to endure, prayed to be let down again to his Confession: Then he devised a little with himself, and told them, That about Two Months and an half before, himself, Thompson, Johnson, Brown, and Fardo, had Plotted, with the help of the Japoners, to surprize the Castle. Here he was Interrupted by the Fiscal, and asked, Whether Captain Towerson were not of that Conspiracy? He answered, No. You lye, said the Fiscal; Did not he call you all to him, and tell you, That those daily abuses of the Dutch had caused him to thing of a Plot, and that he wanted nothing but your consent and secrecy? Then said a Dutch Merchant, one John Joost, that stood by▪ Did not you all Swear upon a Bible to be secret to him? Collins answered with great Oaths, that he knew nothing of any such matter. Then they bid make him fast again; whereupon he then said, All was true that they had spoken. Then the Fiscal asked him, Whether the English in the rest of the Factories were not consenting to this Plot? He answered, No. The Fiscal then asked him, Whether the President of the English at Jaccatra, or Master Welden, Agent in Banda, were not Plotters, or Privy to this business? Again, he Answered, No. Then the Fiscal asked him, By what means the Japoners should have executed their purpose: Whereat, when Collins stood staggering and devising of some prob [...]ble Fiction, the Fiscal helpt him, and said, Should not Two Japoners have gone to each point of the Castle, and Two to the Governors Chamber-door, and when the hurly-burly had been without, and the Governor coming to see what was the matter, the Japoners to have Killed him▪ Here one that stood by, said to the Fiscal, Do not tell him what he should say, but let him speak of himself: Whereupon the Fiscal▪ without attending the Answer to his former Question, asked, What the Japoners should have had for their Reward? He answered, A Thousand Ryals a piece. Lastly, he asked him, When this Plot should have been effected? Whereunto, although he answered him nothing (not knowing what to dev [...] upon the sudden) yet he was dismissed, and very glad to come clear of the Torture, though with certain belief that he should Dye for this his Confession.
[Page 12] Next was Samuel Colson brought in, being newly Arrived from Hitto, as is before cited; and was the same day brought Samuel Colson Examined. to the Torture; who, for fear of the pain wherewith he saw Collins come out, in such a case, that his Eyes were almost blown out of his Head, with the Torment of Water, chose rather to confess all they asked him; and so was quickly dismissed, coming out Weeping, Lamenting, and protesting his Innocency.
Then was John Clark, that came with Colson from Hitto, fetcht in, an a little after was heard (by the rest that were without John Clark Examined. in the Hall) to cry out amain: They Tortured him with Water and Fire for the space of Two hours. The manner of his Torture (as also of Johnsons and Thompsons) was as followeth: First, they hoised him up by the Hands, with a Cord, on a large door, where they made him fast upon two Staples of Iron, fixt on both sides at the top of the door Posts, haling his Hands one from the other as wide as they could stretch: Being thus made fast, his Feet hung some two Foot from the Ground, which also they stretcht asunder as far as they could retch, and so made them fast beneath, unto the door Trees, on each side: Then they bound a cloth about his Neck and Face, so close that little or no Water could go by: That done, they poured the Water softly upon his Head, until the cloath was full up to the Mouth and Nostrils, and somewhat higher; so that he could not draw Breath, but he must withal suck-in the Water: which being still continued to be poured in softly, forced all his inward parts, came out of his Nose, Ears, and Eyes, and often, as it were, stifling and choaking him; at length took away his Breath, and brought him to a Swoond or Fainting: Then they quickly took him down, and made him Vomit up the Water. Being a little recovered, they triced him up again, and poured in the Water as before, always taking him down as he seemed to be stifled: In this manner they handled him three or four several times with Water, till his Body was swoln twice or thrice as big as before, his Cheeks like great Bladders, and his Eyes staring and strutting out beyond his Forehead: yet all this he bare without confessing any thing; insomuch that the Fiscal and Tormentors reviled him, saying, That he was a Devil, and no Man; or surely was a Witch, at least had some Charm about him, or was Enchanted, that he could bear so much. Wherefore they cut off his Hair very short, as supposing he had some Witchcraft hidden therein. Afterwards they hoised him up as before, and then burnt him with lighted Candles in the bottom of his Feet, until the Fat dropt out the Candles, yet then they applied fresh Lights unto him. They burne him also under the Elbows, and in the Palms of the Hands; likewise under the Arm pits, until his Inwards might evidently be seen.
[Page 17] At last, when they saw he could of himself make no handsome Confession, then they led him along with Questions of Particular Circumstances, by themselves framed. Being thus wearied and overcome by the torment, he answered, yea, to whatsoever they asked: whereby they drew from him a body of a Confession to this effect; to wit, That Captain Towerson had upon New-years-day last before, sworn all the English at Amboyna to be secret and assistant to a plot that he had projected, with the help of the Japoners, to surprize the Castle, and to put the Governor and the rest of the Dutch to death.
Having thus martyred this poor man, they sent him out by four Blacks: who carried him between them to a Dungeon where he lay five or six days, without any Chyrurgion to dress him, untill (his flesh being putrified) great Maggots dropt and crept from him in a most loathsom and noisom manner. Thus they finished their Sabbath days work; and it growing now dark, sent the rest of the English (that came that day from Hitto, and till then attended in the Hall) first to the Smiths-shop, where they were loaden with Irons, and then to the same loathsom Dungeon, where Clark and the rest were, accompanied with the poor Japoners, lying in the putrefaction of their tortures.
The next morning being Munday the 17th. of February, Old stile, William Griggs and John Fardo, with certain Japoners, were brought into the place of examination.
The Japoners were first cruelly tortured to accuse Griggs, which at William Griggs examined. John Fardo examined. last they did: and Griggs, to avoid the like torture, confessed all that the Fiscal demanded. By and by the like also was done by John Fardo, and other Japoners: but Fardo himself endured the torture of Water, and at last confessed whatsoever the Fiscal asked him; and so was sent back to prison.
The same day also John Beomont was brought the second time to the John Beomont examined. Fiscals chamber; where one Captain Newport a Dutchman's son (born in England) was used as an Interpreter. Will. Griggs was also brought in to accuse him; who said, that when the consultation for taking of the Castle, was held, then he (the said Beomont) was present. Beomont denied it with great earnestness and deep Oaths. At last being triced up, and drenched with Water till his Inwards were ready to crack, he answered affirmatively to all the Fiscals Interrogatories: Yet as soon as he was let down, he clearly demonstrated to Capt. Newport, and Johnson a Dutch Merchant, then also present, that these things could not be so. Nevertheless he was forced to put his hand to his confession, or else he must to the torture again, which to avoid, he subscribed; and so had a great Iron Bolt and two Shackles riveted to his legs, and then was carried back to prison.
[Page 18] After this, George Sharrock, Assistant at Hitto, was called in question; George Sharrock examined. who, seeing how grievously others were martyred, made his earnest prayer to God (as since upon his Oath he hath acknowledged) that he would suffer him to make some such probable lies against himself, as the Dutch might believe, and so he might escape the torment. Being brought to the Rack, the Water provided, and the Candles lighted, he was by the Governor and Fiscal examined, and charged with the Conspiracy. He fell upon his knees, and protested his innocency. Then they commanded him to the Rack, and told him; Unless he would confess, he should be tormented with Fire and Water to death, and then should be drawn by the heels to the Gallows, and there handed up. He still persisting in this his innocency, the Fiscal bad him be hoised up. Then he craved respite a while, and told them, that he was at Hitto, and not in Amboyna, upon New-years-day, when the consultation was pretended; neither had been there since November before, as was well known to sundry of the Hollanders themselves that resided there also with him. Hereupon, they commanded him again to the Rack: but he craving respite as before, now told them, that he had many times heard John Clark (who was with him at Hitto) say, That the Dutch had done them many unsufferable wrongs, and that he would be revenged of them: to which end, he had once broken with Captain Towerson of a brave Plot. At which word the Fiscal and the rest were attentive, encouraging him to proceed. So he went on, saying, That John Clark had intreated Captain Towerson, that he might go to Maccasser, there to consult and advise with the Spaniards to come with Gallies, and rob the small Factories of Amboyna and Seran, when no Ships were there. Here they asked him, what Captain Towerson said to this. He answered, that Captain Towerson was very much offended with Clark for the motion; and from thenceforth could never abide him. Hereupon the Fiscal called him Rogue, and said he prated all from the matter, and should go to the torture. He craved favour again, and began another tale; to wit, that upon Twelfth-day then last past, John Clark told him at Hitto, that there was a practise to take the Castle of Amboyna; and asked him, whether he would consent thereunto. Whereupon he demanded of Clark, whether Captain Towerson knew of any such business? Which, Clark affirming; then he (the said Sharrock) said that he would do as the rest did. Then the Fiscal asked him what time the Consultation was held? He answered, In November last. The Fiscal said, that could not be: for the Consultation was upon New-years-day. The Prisoner said as before in the beginning, that he had not been in Amboyna since the first of Decem. till now that he was brought thither. Why then, quoth the Fiscal, have you belied your self? Whereto the Prisoner resolutely answered, that all that he had spoken touching any Treason, [Page 19] was false and feigned, only to avoid torment. Then went the Fiscal out into another room to the Governour, and anon returned, and sent Sharrock unto the Prison again. The next day he was called again, and a Writing presented him, wherein was framed a formal confession of his last conference with Clark at Hitto, touching the Plot to take the Castle of Amboyna: which being read over to him, the Fiscal asked him, whethere it were true, or no? He answered, No. Why then, said the Fiscal, did you confess it? He answered, For fear of Torment. The Fiscal and the rest in a great rage, told him he lied; his mouth had spoken it, and it was true, and therefore he should subscribe it. Which as soon as he had done, he fell presently into a great passion, charging them bitterly to be guilty of the innocent blood of himself and the rest; which they should look to answer for at the day of Judgment: withall he grapled with the Fiscal, and would have stopped him from carrying in the confession to the Governor, with whom he also craved to speak; but was instantly laid hold on, and carried away to prison.
William Webber, being next examined, was told by the Fiscar, that William Webber examined. John Clark had confessed him to have been at Amboyna on Now years day, and sworn to Captain Towerson' s plot, &c. All which he denyed, alledging, he was that day at Larica: yet being brought to the torture, he then confessed, he had been at the consultation at Amboyna upon New-years day, with all the rest of the circumstances in order as he was asked. He also further told them, he had received a letter from John Clark; after which was a Postscript, excusing his brief writing at that time, for that there was great business in hand. But one Renier a Dutch Merchant, then standing by, told the Governour, that upon New-years day, the time of this pretended consultation, Webber and he were merry at Larica. So the Governour left him, and went out. But the Fiscal held on upon the other point, touching the Postscript of Clark's Letter, urging him to shew the same. Which when he could not do, though often terrified with the torture, he gave him respite; promising to save his life, if he would produce that Letter.
Then was Captain Towerson brought to examination, and shewed Gabriel Towerson examined. what others had confested of him. He deeply protesting his innocency, Samuel Colson was brought to confront him: who being told, that unless he would now make good his former confession against Captain Towerson, he should to the Torture, coldly re-affirmed the same, and so was sent away. They also brought William Grigs and John Fardo to justifie their former confessions to his Face. Captain Towerson seriously charged them, that as they would answer it at the dreadful day of Judgment, they should speak nothing but the Truth. Both of them instantly fell down upon their knees before him; praying him for Gods sake [Page 20] to forgive them, and saying further openly before them all, that whatsoever they had formerly confessed, was most false, and spoken only to avoid torment. With that the Fiscal and the rest offered them again to the torture: which they would not endure, but then affirmed their former confessions to by true.
When Colson (who had accused Captain Towerson before) was required to set his hand to his confession, he asked the Fiscal, upon whose head he thought the sin would lie; whether upon his that was constrained to confess what was false, or upon the constrainers. The Fiscal after a little pause upon this question, went in to the Governour then in another room; but anon returning, told Colson he must subscribe it: which he did; yet withall made this protestation: Well, quoth he, you make me to accuse my self and others of that which is as false as God is true: for, God is my witness, I am as innocent as the Child newborn.
Thus have they examined all that belong to the English Company in the several Factories of the Island of Amboyna.
The one and twentieth of February, they examined John Wetheral, Factor at Cambello in the Island of Seran. He confessed, he was at Amboyna John Wetheral examined. upon New-years day: but for the consultation, whereof he was demanded, he said he knew of no other but touching certain cloath of the English Company, that lay in the Factories rotten and wormeaten, which they advised together how to put off to the best avail of their Imployers. The Governour said, they questioned him not about cloath, but about Treason: whereof when he had protested his innocency, he was for that time dismissed. But the next day he was sent for again, and Captain Towerson brought to confront and accuse him, having before (it seems) confessed somewhat against him. But Mr. Towerson spake now these words only: Oh Mr. Wetheral, Mr. Wetheral, speak the truth, and nothing but the truth, as God shall put into your heart. So Captain Towerson was put out again, and Wetheral brought to the torture of water with great threats; if water would not make him confess, fire should. He prayed them to tell him what he should say, or to write down what they would, he would subscribe it. They said, he needed no Tutor: they would make him confess of himself. But when they had triced him up four several times, and saw he knew not what to say, then they read him other mens confessions, and asked him from point to point, as they had done others: and he still answered, Yea, to all.
Next was called in John Powl, Wetherals assistant at Cambello: but John Powl examined. he, proving that he was not at Amboyna since November (save now when he was brought thither prisoner) and being spoken for by one John Joost, who had long been well acquainted with him, was dismissed without torture.
[Page 21] Then was Thomas Ladbrook, servant to Wetheral and Powl at Cambello, Thomas Ladbrook examined. brought to be examined: but proving that he was at Cambello at the time of the pretended consultation, and serving in such quality, as that he was never acquainted with any of the Letters from the Agent of Amboyna, he was easily and quickly dismissed.
Ephraim Ramsey was also examined upon the whole pretended Conspiracy, Ephraim Ramsey examined. and particularly questioned concerning Captain Welden the English Agent in Banda, but denying all, and proving that he was not at Amboyna at New-years-tide, being also spoken for by John Joost, was dismissed, after he had hanged in the Rack a good while, with Irons upon his Legs, and the cloath about his mouth.
Lastly, John Sadler, servant to William Griggs at Larica, was examined; John Sadler examined. and being found to have been absent from Amboyna at New-years tide, when Grigs and others were there, was dismissed.
Thus have we all their Examinations, Tortures, and Confessions, being the work of eight days, from the 15. to the 23. of February. After which was two days respite before the Setence. John Powl, being himself acquitted, as before said, went to the Prison to visit John Fardo, one of those that had accused Captain Towerson. To him Fardo religiously protested his innocency; but especially his sorrow for accusing Master Towerson: For, said he, the fear of death doth nothing dismay me; for, God (I trust) will be merciful to my Soul, according to the innocency of my cause. The only matter that troubleth me, is, that through fear of Torment I have accused that honest and godly Man, Captain Towerson, who (I think in my conscience) was so upright and honest towards all men, that he harboured no ill will to any, much less would attempt any such business as he is accused of. He further said, he would before his death receive the Sacrament, in acknowledgement that he had accused Captain Towerson falsly and wrongfully, only through fear of Torment.
The 25. of February, old stile, all the Prisoners, as well the English, as the Portugal and the Japoners, were brought into the great Hall of the Castel, and there were solemnly condemned, except John Powl, Ephraim Ramsey, John Sadler, and Thomas Ladbrook, formerly acquitted, as aforesaid.
Captain Towerson having been (during all his imprisonment) kept apart from the rest, so that none of them could come to speak with him; writ much in his Chamber (as some of the Dutch report,) but all was suppressed, save only a Bill of Debt, which one Tho. Johnson, a free Burgher got of him by favour of his Keepers for acknowledgment, that the English Company owed him a certain sum of money. In the end of this Bill he writ these words: Firmed by the Firm of me Gabriel Towerson, now appointed to die guiltless of any thing that can be justly laid [Page 22] to my charge. God forgive them their guilt; and receive me to his mercy. Amen. This Bill being brought to M. Welden the English Agent at Banda, he paid the money, and received in the acknowledgment.
William Griggs (who had before accused Captain Towerson) writ these words following in his Table-book: We, whose names are here specified; John Beomont Merchant of Loho, William Griggs Merchant of Larica, Abel Price, Chyrurgion of Amboyna. Robert Brown, Taylor, which do here lie Prisoners in the Ship Rotterdam, being apprehended for conspiracy, for blowing up the Castle of Amboyna: we being judged to death this 5. of March, Anno 1622 which we through [...]orm [...]nt were constrained to speak that which we never meant, nor once imagined; the which we take upon our deaths and salvation: they tortured us with that extream torment of Fire and Water, that flesh and bloud could not endure: and this we take upon our deaths, that they have put us to death guiltless of our accusation. So therefore we desire, that they that shall understand this; that our Imployers may understand these wrongs, and that your selves would have a care to look to your selves: for their intent was to have brought you in also: they askt concerning you; which if they had tortured us, we must have confessed you also. And so farewell: Written in the dark.
This Table-book was afterward [...] delivered to M. Welden afore-named by one that served the Dutch.
Samuel Colson also, another that accused Captain Towerson, writ as followeth in the waste leaves of a Book, wherein were bound together the Common-Prayers, the Psalms, and the Catechism.
In one Page thus:
UNderstand that I Samuel Colson, late Factor of Hitto, was apprehended for suspicion of consperacy; and for any thing I know, must die for it: wherefore, having no better means to make my innocency known, have writ this in this Book, hoping some good English-men will see it. I do here upon my salvation, as I hope by his death and passion to have redemption for my sins, that I am clear of all such conspiracy; neither do I know any English man guilty thereof; nor other creature in the World. As this is true: God bless me.
On the other side, upon the first page of the Catechism, is thus written.
IN another leaf you shall understand more, which I have written in this Book.
In the beginning of the Psalms and in the leaf so referred unto, is thus written, viz
THe Japoners were taken with some Villany, and brought to examination: being most tyrannuously tortured, were asked if the English had any hand in their Plot. Which torture made them say, Yea. Then was Master Tomson, M. Johnson, M. Collins, Jonn Clark brought to examination, and were burned under the arms, armpits, the hands, and soles of the feet, with another most miserable torment to drink Water; some of them almost tortured to death, and were forced to confess that which they never knew, by reason of the torment which flesh and blood is not able to endure. Then were the rest [Page 23] of the English men called one by one (amongst which I was one) being wished to confess, or else I must go to torment; withall caused M. Johnson, who was before tormented, to witness against me, or else he should be tormented again; which rather than he would endure, he said, What they would have, he would speak Then must I confess that I never knew, or else to go to torment: which rather than I would suffer, I did confess that, which (as I shall be saved before God Almighty) is not true, being forced for fear of torment. Then did they make us witness against Capt. Towerson, and at last made Capt. Towerson confess all, being for fear of most cruel torment: for which we must all die. As I mean and hope to have pardon for my sins. I know no more than the child unborn of this business.
Yet in another page were these words.
I Was born in New Castle upon Tyne, where I desire this Book may come, that my Friends may know of my Innocency.
This Book he delivered to one that served the Hollanders, who sowed it up in his Bed, and afterward, at his oppertunity delivered it to Mr. Weld [...]n before named
All these said Writings are yet extant under the hands of the several parties, well known to their Friends here in England.
The 26th of February, Stilo veteri, the Prisoners were all brought into the great Hall of the Castle (except Captain Towerson and Emanuel Tomson) to be prepared for death by the Ministers. The Japoners now all in general, as some of them had done before in particular, cryed cut unto the English saying; Oh you English men, where did we ever in our lives eat with you, talk with you, or (to our remembrance) see you? The English answered, Why then have you accused us? The poor men, perceiving they were made believe each had accused others, before they had so done indeed, shewed them their tortur'd bodies, and said, If a stone were thus burnt, would it not change his nature? how much more we that are flesh and blood?
Whilst they were all in the Hall, Cap Towerson was brought up into the place of Examination, and two great Jarrs of Water carried after him. What he there did or suffered was unknown to the English without: but it seemeth they made him then to underwrite his confession. After Supper John Powl, Ephraim Ramsey. Th. Ladbrook, and John Sadler, who were found not guilty, as aforesaid, were taken from the rest, and put into another room. By and by also were Samuel Colson, and Edward Collins brought from the rest; into the room where Emanuel Tomson lay: The Fiscal told them, it was the Governours mercy to save one of them three: and it being indifferent to him which of them were the man, it was his pleasure they should draw lots for it, which they did, and the free lot fell to Edward Collins; who then was carried away to the Chamber, where John Powl and the rest that were quit, lodged, and Samuel Colson back into the Hall. Anon also John Beomont was brought out of the Hall into the Chamber, [Page 24] where John Powl, and the rest of the acquitted persons were, and was told, that he was beholding to Peter Johnson the Dutch Merchant of Lobo, and to the Secretary; for they two had begged his Life.
So then there remained in the Hall ten of the English, for Captain Towerson & Emanuel Tomson (as is said before) were kept in several rooms apart from the rest. To these that remained in the Hall, came the Dutch Ministers, who telling them how short a time they had to live, admonished and exhorted them to make their true confessions: for it was a dangerous and desperate thing to dissemble at such a time. The English still professed their innocency, and prayed the Ministers that they might all receive the Sacraments, as a Seal of the forgiveness of their Sins: & withall, thereby to confirm their last profession of their Innocency. But this would by no means be granted. Whereupon Samuel Colson said thus unto the Ministers; You manifest unto us the danger of dissimulation in this case. But tell us, if we suffer guiltless, being otherwise also true believers in Christ Jesus, What shall be our reward? The Preacher answered, By how much the clearer you are, so much the more glorious shall be your resurrection. With that word, Colson, started up, imbraced the Preacher, and gave him his Purse, with such mony as he had in it, saying, Domine, God bless you: tell the Governour, I freely forgive him; and I intreat you, to exhort him to repent of his bloudy tragidy, wrought upon us poor innocent souls. Here all the rest of the English signified their consent to this Speech. Then spake John Fardo to the rest, in presence of the Ministers, as followeth, My Countrymen and Bretheren, all that are here with me condemned to die, I charge you all, as you will answer it at Gods judgment Seat, if any of you be guilty of this matter, whereof we are condemned, discharge your consciences, and confess the truth for satisfaction of the World. Hereupon Samuel Colson spake with a loud voice, saving, According to my Innocency in this Treason, so Lord pardon all the rest of my sins: and if I be guilty thereof more or less, let me never be partaker of thy heavenly joys. At which words every one of the rest cryed out, Amen for me, Amen for me, good Lord. This done, each of them knowing whom he had accused, went one to another begging forgiveness for their false accusation, being wrung from them by the pains or fear of torture. And they all freely forgave one another: for none had been so falsly accused, but he himself had accused another as falsly. In particular, George Sharrock (who survived to relate this nights passage) kneeled down to John Clark whom he had accused of the Tale at Hitto above mentioned, and craved forgiveness or his hands. Clark freely forgave him, saying; how should I look to be forgiven of God, if I should not forgive you, having my self so falsly accused Captain Towerson, and others?
[Page 25] After this, they spent the rest of the doleful Night in Prayer, Singing of Psalms, and Comforting one another; though the Dutch that guarded them, offered them Wine, bidding them drink Lustick, and drive away the sorrow; according to the Custom of their own Nation in the like case, but contrary to the nature of the English.
Upon the morrow morning, being the execution day, the 2 [...]. of February (Stilo veteri) John Powel being freed (as is abo [...] recited) came into the Room where the condemned Persons were, and found them at Prayer. They all requested him to relate unto their Friends in England, the Innocency of their Cause, taking it upon their deaths, that what they had confessed against themselves and others touching this crime, was all false, and forced by fear of Torture.
The same Morning William Webber was called again into the Fiscals Room, and there pressed to produce the Letter, which he had before confessed to have received from John Clark, in the Postscript whereof some great business was intimated. They promised him his Life, if he would deliver or produce them that Letter: which although he did not, nor indeed could, yet at last they pardoned him, and sent him to the rest that were saved, and Sharrock with him.
That morning Emanuel Tomson understanding that John Beomont was pardoned, made means to have him come and speak with him; which with much ado he obtained. Beomont found him sitting in a Chamber, all alone, in a most miserable fashion; the wounds of his Torture bound up, but the matter and gore-blood issuing through the Rollers. He took Mr. Beomont by the hand, and prayed him when he came into England, to do his Duty to the Honourable Company his Masters, to Mr. Robinson, and to his Brother Billingsley, and to certifie them of his Innocency, which (said he) you your self know well enough.
All things being prepared for the Execution, the Condemned were brought forth of the Hall, along by the Chamber were the quit and pardoned were, who stood in the door, to give and take the farewel of their Countrey-men now going to Execution. Staying a little for this purpose, they praye [...] and charged those that were saved, to bear witness to their Friends in England of their Innocency, and that they died not Traitors, but so many innocents, meerly murthered by the Hollanders, whom they prayed God to forgive their Blood-thirstiness, and to have Mercy upon their own Souls.
Being brought into the Yard, their Sentence was there read unto them from a Gallery, and then they were thence carried unto the place of Execution, together with nine Japons, and a Portugal; not the ordinary [Page 26] and short way, but round about in a long Procession through the Town, the way guarded with five Companies of Soldiers, Dutch and Amboyners, and thronged with the Natives of the Island, that (upon the Summons given the day before by the sound of the Drum) flocked together to behold this triumph of the Dutch over the English. Samuel Colson had conceived a Prayer in Writing, in the end whereof he protested his Innocency: which Prayer he read to his Fellows the Night before, and now also at the place of Execution devoutly pronounced the same; then threw away the Paper, which the Governour caused to be brought to him, and kept it.
Emanuel Tomson told the rest, he did not doubt but God would shew some sign of their Innoceny; and every one of the rest took it severally upon their death, that they were utterly guiltless; and so one by one with great cheerfulness suffered the fatal stroke.
The Portugal Prayed over his Beads very devoutly, and often kissed the Cross, swearing thereupon, that he was utterly Innocent of this Treason: yet confessed, that God had justly brought this punishment upon him, for that having a Wife in his own Country, he had by the perswasion of the Dutch Governour, taken another in that Country, his first being yet living.
The Japons likewise (according to their Religion) shut up their last Act with the like profession of their Innocency. So there suffered Ten English-men, viz. Captain Gabriel Towerson, the Agent of the English at Amboyna; Samuel Colson, Factor at Hitto; Emanuel Tomson, Assistant at Amboyna; Timothy Johnson, Assistant there also; John Wetheral, Factor at Cambello; John Clark, Assistant at Hitto; VVilliam Griggs, Factor at Larica; John Fardo, Steward of the House; Abel Price, Chirurgion; and Robert Brown, Taylor.
The Portugal also suffered with them; his name was Augustin Perez; he was born at Bengala.
The names of the Japoneses that suffered (if any be curious to know them) were as followeth:
- Hititso, Born at Firando.
- Tsiosa, Born at Firando.
- Sinsa, Born at Firando.
- Sidney Migiel, Born at Nagansacq
- Pedro Congie, Born at Nagansacq
- Thome Corea. Born at Nagansacq
- Quiandayo, Native of Coraets.
- Tsabinda of Tsonketgo.
- Zanchoe of Fisien.
[Page 27] Besides these, there were two other Japoneses, the one named Soysino, born at Firando; and the other Sacoube, of the same place: The former of which being Tortured, confessed both to have been privy to this pretended Treason, and to have offered his service / unto the English to aid them in taking of the Castle: and the latter confessed to have had knowledg of the Consultation of the other Japons to this purpose. But neither of them was executed, nor so much as condemned. The reason whereof was not known to the English that were saved.
They had prepared a Cloth of black Velvet for Captain Towerson's Body to fall upon; which being stained and defaced with his blood, they afterwards put to the account of the English Company.
At the instant of the Execution, there arose a great darkness, with a sudden and violent gust of wind and tempest, whereby two of the Dutch Ships riding in the harbour, were driven from Anchor, and with great labour and difficulty saved from the Rocks. Within a few days after one VVilliam Dunckin, who had told the Governour, That Robert Brown the English Taylor, had a few Months before told him, he hoped, that within six Months the English should have as much to do in the Castle of Amboyna, as the Dutch: This fellow coming upon an evening to the Grave where the English were buried, being all (save Captain Towerson) in one Pit, fell down upon the Grave; and having lien there a while, rose up again stark mad, and so continued two or three days together, and then died. Forthwith also fell a new Sickness at Amboyna, which swept away about a thousand People Dutch and Amboyners; in the space wherein, there usually died not above thirty at other seasons: These signs were by the surviving English referred to the confident prediction of Emanuel Tomson above-named, and were by the Amboyners interpreted as a Token of the Wrath of God, for this barbarous Tyranny of the Hollanders.
The next day after the execution, being the eight and twentieth of February, Stilo veteri, was spent in Triumph, for the new General of the Dutch then proclaimed, and in publick rejoycing for the deliverance from this pretended Treason. The day following, being the first of March, John Beomont, George Sharrock, Edward Collins, and VVilliam VVebber, were brought to the Governour; who told VVebber, Beomont, and Sharrock, that they were pardoned in honour of the new General; and Collins, that he was to go to Jaccatra, there to stand to the favour of the General. So the Governour made them drink Wine with him, and courteously dismissed them: willing them to go and consult with the rest that were saved, who were fit to be placed in the several Factories. VVhich done, and their Opinions reported to the Governour, [Page 28] he accordingly commanded each to his place, adding that he would thenceforth take upon him the Patronage and Government of the Engglish Companies business. To which purpose he had within a few days past, opened a Letter which came from the English President at Jaccatra, directed to Captain Towerson; being as he said) the first English letter that ever he intercepted; further saying, that he was glad that he found by that Letter, that the English at Jaccatra were innocent touching this business.
The Governour and Fiscal having thus made an end at Amboyna, dispatched themselves for Banda, where they made very diligent enquiry against Captain VVelden the English Agent there; yet found no colour nor shadow of guilt to lay hold on; but at last entertained him with courteous speeches, professing to be very glad that they found him, as well as the English at Jaccatra, to be without suspition of this Treason (as they term it.) Captain VVelden perceiving the disorder and confusion [...] [...]e English Companies affairs at Amboyna, by means of this dealing of the Dutch; forthwith hired a Dutch Pinnace at Banda, and passed to Amboyna; where instantly upon his arrival, he re called the Companies servants, sent (as before) by the Dutch Governour to the upper Factories.
Having enquired of them, and the rest that were left at Amboyna, of the whole proceedings lately passed, he found by the constant and agreeing relation of them all, that there was no such Treason of the English as was pretended: as also understanding what strict command the governour had given to the surviving English not once to talk or confer with the Countrey People concerning this bloody business, although the said Country People every day reproached them with Treason, and a bloody intention to have massacred the Natives, and to have ripped up the bellies of women with Child, and such like stuff, wherewith the Dutch have possesed the poor Vulgar, to make the English odious unto them. The said M. VVelden therefore finding it to sort neither with the honour and profit of the English Company, his Masters, to hold any longer residence in Amboyna, he took the poor remnant of the English along with him, in the said hired Pinnace for Jaccatra; whither the governour had sent John Beomont, and Edward Collins before, as men condemned, and left to the mercy of the general.
When this heavy news of Amboyna came to Jaccatra, and the English there, the President forthwith sent to the general of the Dutch, to know by what Authority the governour of Amboyna had thus proceeded against the English, and how he and the rest of the Dutch there at Jaccatra, did approve these proceedings. The governour returned for answer, that, [Page 29] The Governor of Amboyna's Authority was derived from that of the Lords States General of the United Neatherlands; under whom he had lawful Jurisdiction both in criminal and civil causes, within the destrict of Amboyna; further, that such proceedings was necessary against Traitours, such as the English executed at Amboyna, might appear to be by their own confessions: a Copy whereof he therewith sent to the English President; who sent the same back to be Authentically certified, but receiv'd it not again.
Hitherto hath been recited the bare and naked Narration of the Progress and Passage of this Action, as it is taken out of the Depositions of six several English Factors; whereof four were condemned, and the other two acquitted in this process of Amboyna: all, since their return into England, examined upon their Oaths in the Admiralty Court. The particular of Captain Towerson's, as also of Emanuel Tomson's examination and answers, are not yet come to light, by reason that these two were kept apart from all the rest, and each alone by himself; nor any other of the English suffered to come to speak with them, except only that short Farewel, which John Becmout took of Tomson the morning before the execution before mentioned. The like obscurity is yet touching the examinations and answers of diverse of the rest that are executed; being, during their imprisonment, so strictly lookt to, and warded by the Dutch, that they might not talk together, nor mutually relate their miseries.
But because the Hollanders defend their own proceedings by the Confessions of the parties executed, acknowledging severally under their hands, that they were guilty of the pretended crime; it will not be amiss to recollect and recal unto this place, as it were unto one sum and total, certain circumstances dispersed in several parts of this Narration; whereby, as well the innocency of the English, as the unlawful proceedings against them, may be manifested.
First therefore it is to be remembred, that the Japons were apprehended, examined, and tortured three or four days, before the English were attached; and the same as well of their apprehension, as torture, was rise and notorious in the Town of Amboyna, and the parts adjoyning. Tomson, in this interim, and the very first day of the examination of the Japon, went to the Castle to ask leave of the Governour to land some Rice, and brought back the news with him to the English house of the cruel handling of these poor Japons. This had been Item enough to the English, if they had been guilty, to shift for themselves: whereto also they had ready means by the Curicurries or small Boats of the Amboyners, which lie along the Strand in great number, wherewith they might easily have transported [Page 30] themselves to Seran, to Bottoom, or to Maccassar, out of the reach and Jurisdiction of the Dutch; but in that they fled not in this Case it is a very strong presumption, that they were as little privy to any Treason of their own, as suspicious of any treacherous train laid for their bloods.
In the next place let it be considered, how impossible it was for the English to atchieve this pretended Enterprise.
The Castle of Amboyna is of a very great strength (as is before declar'd) the Garrison therein two or three hundred men, besides as many more of their free Burgers in the Town. What their care and circumspection in all their Forts is, may appear, not only by the quick Alarm they now took at the foolish question of the poor Japan, made to the Sentinel above recited; but also by that which a little before happened at Jaccatra, where one of their Souldiers was shot to death for sleeping in the watch.
Durst ten English men (whereof not one a Souldier) attempt any thing upon such a strength and vigilancy? As for the assistance of the Japans, they were but ten neither, and all unarmed as well as the English: For, as at the seisure of the English house, all the provision therein found was but three Swords, two Muskets, and a half a pound of Powder: so the Japans (except when they are in service of the Castle, and there armed by the Dutch) are allowed to have no Arms, but only a Catan, a kind of short Sword: and it is forbidden to all the Dutch, upon great penalty, to sell any hand gun, powder or bullets to the Japans or Amboyners. But let it be imagined, that these 20 persons English and Japans, were so desperate as to adventure the exploit; how should they be able to master the Dutch in the Castle, or to keep possession when they had gotten it? what second had they? There was neither Ship nor Pinnace of the English in the Harbor. All the rest of the Japans in the Island, were not twenty Persons, and not one English more. The nearest of the rest of the English were at Banda, forty Leagues from Amboyna; and those but nine persons, all afterwards cleared by the Governour, and Fiscal themselves from all suspition of this pretended crime, as were also the rest of the English at Jaccatra.
On the other side, besides the strength of the Castle and Town of Amboyna, the Hollanders have three other strong Castles, well furnished with Souldiers in the same Island, and at Cambello near adjoyning. They had then also in the Rode of Amboyna 8 Ships and Vessels, namely the Rotterdam of 1200 Tun, the Unicorn of 300 Tun, the Free-mans Vessel of 100 Tun, the Calck, of 60 Tun, Captain Gamals Junck of 40 [...]un, the Flute of 300 Tun, the Amsterdam of 1400 Tun, and a small Pinnace of about 60 Tun; and all these well furnished with Men and Ammunition. It is true that the [Page 31] Stories do record sundry Valiant and hardy enterprises of the English Nation, and Holland is Witness of some of them, yea, hath Reaped the Fruit of the English Resolution; yet no Story, no Legend scarcely reporteh any such hardiness, either of the English or others, That so few persons so naked of Provisions and Supplies, should undertake such an Adventure upon a Counter-party, so well and abundantly fitted at all points.
But let it be further granted, that they might possibly have overcome all these difficulties; yet to what end and purpose should they put themselves into such a jeopardy? They knew well enough, that it was agreed between both Companies at home, That the Forts in the Indies should remain respectively in the hands of such, as had possession of the at the Date of the Treaty, Anno 1619. and that the same was ratified by the Kings Majesty, and the Lords States General. They know likewise, and all the World takes knowledg of his Majesties Religious observation of Peace and Treaty with all his Neighbours, yea, with all the World: what reward then could these English hope for, of this their Valor and Danger? Certainly none other than that which is expresly provided by the Treaty it self, that is, To be Punished as the Disturbers of the Common Peace and Amity of both Nations.
But let these English-men have been as foolish in this Plot, as the Hollanders will have them; Is it also to be imagined that they were so graceless, as when they were Condemned, and seriously admonished by the Ministers to discharge their Consciences, yet then to persist in their Dissimulation, being otherwise of such Godly Behaviour, as to spend the time in Prayer, singing of Psalms, and spiritual comforting one another, which the Dutch would have have had them bestow in drinking, to drive away their sorrow? Let Colsons question to the Minister be considered: his and the rests offer and desire to receive the Sacrament, in sign and token of their Innocency; their mutual asking forgiveness for their like false accusations of one another forced by the Torture; Tomsons last Farewel to Beomont; Colsons prayer, and his writing in his Prayer-Book; Fardo's Farewel to Powel; also his conjuring [...]xhortation to his Fellows, to discharge their Consciences, and all their Answers thereunto; craving God's Mercy or Judgment, accord [...]ng to their Innocency in this cause; their general and religious profession of their Innocency to their Countrey-men, at their [...]ast parting with them; and finally, the sealing of this Profession with their Last Breath and Blood, even in the very Article of death, and in the stroke of execution. What horrible and unexampled dissimulation were this? If some one or more of them had been so fearfully desperate, yet would not there one amongst ten be found to think [Page 32] of the Judgment to come, whereunto he was then instantly summone [...] without Essoin, Bail, or Mainprise? What? had they hope of reprieve and l [...]fe, if they kept their countenance to the last? Yet what hope had Tomson and the rest, when Captain Towerson's head was off? Nay what desire had Tomson and Clark to live, being so mangled and martyred by the Torture? They were executed one by one and every one several took it upon his death, that he was guiltless.
Now to blanch and smooth over all this rough and barbarous proceeding; it is here given out, that the Governour and Fiscal found such evidence of the Plot, and dealt so evenly in the process, that they spared not their own People, having used some of their native Hollanders, partakers of this Treason, in the same manner as they did the English. But this as well by the Relation here truly and faithfully set down, grounded upon the sworn Testimouy of six credible witnesses, as also by other sufficient reports of diverse (lately come out of those parts) appeareth to be [...] meer tale, not once alledged by any in the Indies in many months after the execution, but only invented and dispersed here for a Faucus an [...] a fair colour upon the whole cause, and to make the world believe, tha [...] the ground of this barbarous and Tyrannous proceeding was a true crime and not the unsatiable covetousness of the Hollanders, by this cruel treachery to gain the sole Trade of the Molluccos, Banda and Amboyna, which is already become the event of this Bloody Process.
To add hereunto by way of Aggravation, will be needless; the Fact is so ful [...] of odious and barbarous Inhumanity, executed by Hollanders upon the English Nation, in a place were both lived under Terms of Partnership and great Amity, confirmed by a most solemn Treaty.