THis morning as the Generall was going to the Church Capt. Moody brought a Letter from Col. Reynolds, who was s [...]nt in pursuit after Thompson, wherein it was signified that Major Butler being sent with a select party of horse to fall into Thompsons quarters, he being gon from Northampton to a Town neer Wellingborough towards Rutlandshire, where he surprized all his party in the Towne, but Thomson mounted and got into a wood, where they found Thomson well mounted, who being alone, yet rid up to our party desperatly, shot the Cornet, wounded a­nother and retreated to his Bush, having also re­ceived two shots, when they began againe to draw neere unto him, he charged againe with his Pistoll and Tuck, Received another shot and retreated the third time that he came up, for he said he scorned to take Quarter; Major Butlers Corporall had Reynolds his Carbine, which being charged with seven Bullets gave Thomson his Deaths wound. The Lieutenant of Oxfordshire [Page 1] troope, who joyned with Thomson is likewise taken, it seemeth hee seized of the Magazine of Northampton, and the Excize money, and with thirteene men kept that wall'd Town in awe, a Towne of blew Character.

Yesterday the Generall, Lieutenant Generall and other Officers were very nobly entertained in Maudlin Colledge at a great Feast, and after­wards tooke their degrees in the Schooles, re­ceiving great respects from the Vice-chancellor; the heads of the Colledges, and the rest of the University,

Your most humble Servant, J. R.

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