• Raphael de Ʋrbin.
  • Rubens.
  • De Voss.
  • Antoni Moro, &c.

With several of his own ORIGINALS.

Will be sold by AUCTION, on Tuesday, the 9th of this instant December, at the East-end of Exeter-Exchange, above Stairs: The Sale beginning at Four of the Clock in the After­noon.

The Conditions as usual, the Paintings to be fetch'd away within three days after the Sale, the Buyer paying Porterage.

Catalogues are destributed Gratis, at Mr. Gilliflowers in Westmin­ster-Hall: Mr. Notts in the Pall-Mall: Mr. Welds at the Crown between the two Temple-Gates in Fleeistreet: Mr. Bennets at the Half Moon in St. Pauls Churchyard: Mr. Manships at the Black Bull in Cornhill, Booksellers; and at the Place of Sale.

Paintings, Limnings, &c.

  • 1 A Womans Head in a black frame
  • 2 a Naked Diana
  • 3 a Deaths Head and Watch
  • 4 a Landskip
  • 5 a Pidgeon and a Mackarel
  • 6 a large piece of Lot and his Daughters
  • 7 a Man and a Woman playing
  • 8 a Landskip
  • 9 an Antique Head
  • 10 Cain and Abel
  • 11 a Frier and his Mistriss
  • 12 a Squiril climbing up a Tree
  • 13 an Amorous piece
  • 14 a Fruit-piece
  • 15 Orpheus taking his Wife out of Hell; a Drawing, after Carrats
  • 16 a Flower-piece
  • 17 a Landskip with Charon the Ferryman
  • 18 a large piece of Shepherds after Bassan, by a good M [...]
  • 19 a Ladies Head painted after the life
  • 20 a Fruit-piece
  • 21 a large Original Landskip
  • 22 Prudence very strongly painted, an Original
  • 23 a Landskip with Satyrs stealing Nymphs
  • 24 Pandora very strongly painted
  • 25 Venus and Aeneas an Original sketch
  • 26 Silenus in little, Idem
  • 27 Lady Plimouth in little, very well painted
  • 28 a piece of Birds well painted by a good master
  • 29 Mary Magdalen by an Italian, very finely painted
  • 30 a Lady in small, very well done, an original
  • 31 Pomona and Jupiter in two colours, an original
  • 32 a sleeping Venus, Idem
  • 33 an Old mans Head of De Ryck, painted after the life
  • 34 Argos and Mercurius, an Original, in little, well painted
  • 35 Moses, Ditto
  • 36 a sketch, the Judgment of Paris ditto
  • 37 The Holy Family
  • 38 Andromeda after Carats very well painted
  • 39 a Ladies Head after the life, an original
  • 40 Dogs as big as the life, by a good master
  • 41 Venus and Cupid asleep, in little, very well painted
  • 42 a Landskip with Satyrs, flying away with Nymphs
  • 43 Cain and Abel by Mr. De Ryck
  • 44 Lord Dartmouths Mother curiously painted
  • 45 a piece of Flowers by Van Bury
  • 46 a Landskip by Devernet
  • 47 —another
  • 48 a Capid in little of Mr. De Ryck
  • [Page 2]49 a Head of Van Dyck
  • 50 a very fine Horse painted
  • 51 a Woman dressing her self
  • 52 Lady Sunderland in a Shepherds habit, by a good master
  • 53 The Earl of Cardigans Father neatly painted
  • 54 an Inn with Gentlemen Drinking
  • 55 an Evangelist Writing, by Mr. De Ryck
  • 56 Venus and Cupid well done
  • 57 a Landskip with a sleeping Venus curiously painted
  • 58 Leda with a Swan, curiously painted
  • 59 a Gentleman in Armour, well painted
  • 60 a young Lady after the life, by Mr. De Ryck
  • 61 a Squiril well done
  • 62 a Sea piece well done
  • 63 a Charity of Mr. De Rycks, well painted
  • 64 a Gallatea, Ditto
  • 65 an Italian Crucifix curiously painted
  • 66 Two Italian Women stronly painted after the life
  • 67 Two Dutch Boors drinking and smoaking, well painted
  • 68 Venus Head in little, by Van Dyck
  • 69 a Frost-piece curiously painted
  • 70 St. Sebastian by an Italian master
  • 71 Lot and his Daughters, by a good master
  • 72 a Boy playing upon a Flute
  • 73 a Fruit-piece of Campidoglio
  • 74 Pandora's Head by De Ryck
  • 75 a small Landskip neatly painted
  • 76 a sketch of De Ryck finely painted
  • 77 an Amorous piece well done
  • 78 Susannah with the two Elders, very well painted
  • 79 Bacchus and Ceres strongly painted, by Housman
  • 80 a piece of Ruins on board, by an Italian master
  • 81 a Melancholly piece of Mr. De Ryck, after the life
  • 82 The Tomb of Phaeton, with his Sisters bewailing his Death
  • 83 Venus and Adonis, a very fine design
  • 84 M. Magdalen in an oval frame, done after the Ital. way
  • 85 Cupid kissing Venus, finely painted
  • 86 Lot and his Daughters, a very fine piece
  • 87 a piece of Hunting neatly painted
  • 88 a Window with a Comb, &c. finely painted
  • 89 a Swan very well painted
  • 90 an Amorous piece well done
  • 91 Leda with a Swan, by De Ryck, well done
  • 92 Apollo of ditto, curiously painted
  • 93 a Landskip with Naked Nymphs, curiously painted
  • 94 Two [...]atchmen smoaking and drinking, an original, by Mr. De Ryck
  • 95 a Child representing the Vanity of the Word, an original, by a great master
  • 96 a large Landskip with Hunting, by a Dutch master
  • 97 a Blackamoor of Rubens, curiously painted
  • 98 Lucretia after the life, by Mr. De Ryck
  • [Page 3]99 a curious piece with Peacocks, of Snyders
  • 100 Marsias playing upon his Pipe with Nymphs
  • 101 a piece of Fruit with a Blackamoor
  • 102 an half length Lady of Antony Moro
  • 103 Cupid washing Venus feet, a curious large piece
  • 104 Mary Magdalen after the life, curiously painted
  • 105 a Flora after the life, ditto
  • 106 Orpheus playing on his Pipe, and the beasts about him, an antique piece, cu­riously done in Water-colours
  • 107 a Fruit piece finely painted by Verelst
  • 108 a Lady playing upon the Lute, extraordinarily well painted, by Mr. De Ryck
  • 109 The Tomb of Phaeton, ditto
  • 110 Lot and his Daughters, ditto
  • 111 Venus and Cupid in small
  • 112 a Gentlemans picture, a half length, by Antony Moro
  • 113 an Amorous piece, an original
  • 114 a piece of Beasts curiously painted, by Snyders
  • 115 Two Children playing, very well painted
  • 116 Medea, a half length, strongly painted, by De Ryck
  • 117 a curious sketch, by a great master
  • 118 a Mans Head by a good Master
  • 119 Judith and Holofernes, well done, by Mr. De Ryck
  • 120 Sampson and Dalilah, ditto
  • 121 a large piece with Birds, finely done
  • 122 Venus and Adonis, well painted, by Mr. De Ryck
  • 123 a Fruit piece curiously painted
  • 124 a very fine Landskip, with Diana sleeping, and other Nymphs, by De Ryck
  • 125 Mary Magdalen washing Christs feet, an original piece of Petro Paul Rubens, about 10 foot long, 8 foot high
  • 126 a hunting of Foxes, a curious piece of De Voss, being abouts 10 foot long, 8 foot high, both undoubted Originals
  • 127 a Landskip of Mr. Hondius
  • 128 a Fruit piece finely painted

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