Mr. PRYN'S Good Old Cause Stated and Stunted 10. years ago. Or, A most dangerous DESIGNE, In Mistating the GOOD, By Mistaking the BAD Old Cause; Clearly Extricated and offered to the Parlia­ment, the General Council of Officer's, the Good People's and Army's imme­diate Consideration.

Prov. 1.17.

Surely in vain the Net is spread in the sight of any bird.Hebr. begnene Col bagnal Canaph, in the eyes of every Winged one; or, Vulg. Lat. ante oculos pen­natorum, before them that have Wings.

LONDON, Printed by J. C. for L. Chapman, 1659.

Mr. Prin's Good Old Cause Stated, and Stunted, 10 year ago.

MR. PRINS Parts I much respect, (for Learning I love as my life) yet his Principles and Spirit I must reject, which render him ( [...] [...]sh rib) litigi­ous. It is a true Rule i [...] Nature, that ( omne invalidum est Natu­ra querulum) a thing weak and unsound is ever quarrelsome: yet for that a little m [...]tter, (as things now are) even a Wisp of Straw may kindle a great Conflagration; I would lend my hand (with­out any need I hope of other Art or Engine) to put out THIS, if it m [...]y but be accepted.

What Silenus once said of an evil man, I may as fitly apply to this evil m [...]tter of Mr. PRINS PAMPHLET; That it had been best of all to have never been born; or next to that, not to live at all, or to dye as soon as may be: and I suppose the Gentle­man (if he be not like the Bustard in a Fallow, that cannot raise it self ( sine Viturbinis) without the help of a Whirlwind) will be contented to let his SHEET pass for a WINDING-SHEET; seeing it is so well stitched and seamed along the side, and knotted at the head, with the flourishing Title of The Good Old Cause stated, &c. although the matter contained therein is but the Ghost or unsavory Corps of that Cause, which hath been sentenced to death, and buried long ago; but is now anew conjured up to haunt us (we hope not to hurt us) with.

The Preface (out of D [...]. Bensons Serm. in 4 o. on Hos. 7.7· p. 84 where it is better applyed) is the Proper Face of them who do use the u [...]most of their Black Art in the Nation, to raise up those evil Spirits once more (if the Lord prevent not) which have before put us into the highest Broyls. But for all thi [...] his new-facing of the Old Garment (Rotten as durt, re­jected long agone, for a Thread-bare, Base, and beggerly Thing, that would not hide our Nakedness, much less honour our Nation, or satisfie the best affected and [...]oundest Integrals of it) [Page 2] I say, for all this it doth appear, that they are wily Gib [...]o­nit [...]s, who by their wonted Stratagems (in City and Country, in Parliament and People) had now anew laid the Plot appa­rently, to beguile the Commonwealth (and our Israel in it:) yea, that they might the better effect it, they have brought out their mouldy Bread, Filthy, Nasty, Musty Food, in their late Books and Pamphlets) yea, their Old Shooes and Garments too, to delude the poor plain people with, in the sinister and Sophisti­cated Reports, which they make of the Good Old Cause, prepa­red for those palats that like that bread best, that is most moul­dy and worm-eaten: but if Mr. PRIN will yet maintain his Preface as his fancy applies it, let him but remember with it, that the Gibeonites were, for peace; came in peace, and submit­ted themselves chearfully to Jehovah (and his Joshu [...]) in the Government of the Commonwealth, as God's Institution; and then the Stone that he hath thrown at our Roch, (which is not as their Rock, Deut. 32.31.) will certainly Rebound upon his own Pate, and pain him more then us. But to the matter.

The Project or Design that is on foot to conjure up those Malignant Spirits again in the Nation (that have been so long, and (by the good hand of Jehovah) so wonderfully and hap­pily allayed) shews it self in six several parts, by this one Pa­per dispersed abroad in Mr. Prin's Name.

I. His first designe, is to insinuate to the world, that our En­glish Commonwealth-Government, is but a Conspiracy hatched and egged by the Jesuites and Romish Gibeonites; to use his own words in several places in that one Pamphlet, [...] p. 1. This poli­cy has for many years past b [...]en pursued by Jesuites and other Gibeo­nites of Rome—Whether this be not the present stratagem of some Instruments or Fraternity, under the disguise of their main­taining the Good Old Cause (which in the margin he banks up with these words: If they mean by this Good Old Cause their new Commonwealth, it was begotten but in March, 1648.) No Rati­onal Man can question what he means. The present Out­cry, for the Good Old Cause, i. e. the Commonwealth-Government, declared and proclaimed in March 1648. he impeaches as the project of Jesuitick Instruments, Romish Gibeonites, or of that Fraternity; which he undertakes to demonstrate in the subsequence of his discourse. So p. 7, 8. It is the old way which wicked men, the old Gunpowder Traytors, have formerly troden; or [Page 18] finally, because at first set on foot and promoted, by certain crept in unawares into the Army and Nation from Jesuiticall Se­minaries. Now what can be said more to render the Common-wealth most contemptible, odious, and Worthy of utter de­struction? And that this Seed is not sown onely by Mr. Prin in the Nation, to male-content, ran [...]le [...]nd incense the people, and Rank the Well-affected with the Jesuites and Papists, as their Pupils (that the people might beat out their Brains in the streets) see another Champion for this ill Old Cause mounted bravely, and more eminent in the Nation for the Ministry; one who not only England, but other Lands may be apt to credit, or take upon trust the Report that he makes; he has inlarged (what is here asserted) in his Book called a Key for Catholicks, (viz. Mr. Baxter of Kederminster) wherein he takes great pains to traduce and asperse the Common-wealth, and the most renowned Patriots of the Nation: it is a second Gangrena, worse then Edward hi [...]. Chap. 45. in the 36. detection of Papists; (which being too large to transcribe) I must referre to; as in p. 321, 322. To vindicate (saies he) the Protestants o­p [...]nly before all the world, and to all posterity, from that fact, i. e. the ODIUM of KINGKILLING in England, which (he saith) was the JESUITES PLOT: it is most publickly known, that both houses of Parliament in their Protestation, ingaged themselves and the Nation to be true to the King. 2. Managed the War for K. and Parl. 3. Took the Covenant to be true to the King. So in p. 322. In that it was known that the Army was quite altered, not only by a new-modeling, but by an intestine Jesuiticall corrupting of multitudes of the Soldiery, before this odious fact (of King-kil­ling) could be done. 7. And it is known the Iesuited part (that afterwards so many of them turn'd Levellers) drew into th [...]m the Anabaptists, Libertines, and other sects, upon a Conjunction of In­terests; and by many sly pretences, especially tying all together by the predicated Liberty for all Religions, &c. Who can read it without blushing and amazement! that such a Man as Mr. Bax­ter (whom I have ever valued) should so little value himself or his Calling! Was there no war waged since that for K and Parliament? no Cause afoot for the People of God? or hath the Army and all been Jesuited since the New Model? and was that Act of Justi [...] such an odious Fact in Mr. Baxter's eyes? why then did he hide it all this while? But he will pay [Page 4] it now it seems, for in p. 323. I do therefore leave it here to Po­sterity, that it was utterly against the Mind and Thoughts of Pro­testants, and of those they called Puritans, to put the King to death: and 12. evidences forementioned, are undeniable Arguments, that it was the work of Papists, Libertines, Vanists, and Anabaptists. So p. 355, 356. Really, if you take either Vanists or Levellers, who were the chief Agents, for Protestants, you may as well say Papists are Protestants. Wi [...]h abundance more of such abominable stuffe, as makes it not onely a Scandalum Magnum, but a SCANDALUM MAGNATUM, very unsavory, and unsuffer­able for a Minister (that should be a Teacher of others) to abuse the dearest and highest WORTHIES of our Nation so, (seeing it is written, Exod. 22.28. Thou shalt not revile the Gods, nor curse the Rulers of the people) and this to the great Reproach of the Common-wealth, the Army, the Parliament, and well-affect­ed People (or of all that are against the Bad Old Cause, and for the Good.) Can a higher spirit of Malignity appear in men? or is it probable they would presume so, if their expectations were not high? and with what confidence or credulity can this M [...]n affirm, that no Protestant had a hand in that Act of Justice? Was there not a Protestant of them all (above six score) ap­pointed to sit upon him? or if he means no Presbyterian, and accounts none else for Protestants) yet it is a most strange in­discretion, and thick emotion of passion, that impedes his eye from seeing the most of that judgement, and of the largest size and Character too, that fate in that Court. Or what proof can he produce to make good the charge of King-killing (much lesse (I presume) that it was of the Iesuites laying?) or if he cannot, how will he expiate and compensate for the injury, obloqu [...], and publick Infamy? Could common sense or civility take this Liberty, but upon some design or other presupposed, able to indemnifie for all? Seeing the Parliaments Act was in open justice, but Jesui [...]es Act in Plots, and Clandestinely; yea, they indeed murther, but the Parliament executed judgemen [...]; they do it by inferiour hands, but the Parliament by superiour: they sneakingly and perfidiously, but the Parl. honourably and after Conquest; they do it for confusion and disorder, but the Parliament did it for peace and publick safety: They to destroy, but the Parliament to keep the good and ends of Government. So that with what forehead can any m [...]n (or malice it self) [Page 5] suggest, that this was a thing laid by the Iesuites, but with an intent to write indeed after their copy, in as bloudy Chara­cters, if he can? at least let us suspect i [...], seeing Mr. Baxter saies, p. 341. I confesse, I think an ingenuous open Papist should have a great deal more gentle dealing from our Magistrates then these. For my own part, I must confesse, I feel a great deal of chari­ty in my heart for a conscientious plain dealing Papist, and I would never be guilty o [...] cruelty or rigour to them. Thus far have these two Champions [...] op [...]n faced, in this first Design of Fa­thering [...]he highe [...] Acts of [...]he Commonweal upon the Jesuites and that Fraternity: but let [...]he s [...]b [...] judge, and the Lord de­cide, who judgeth righteously, Psal.

II. The second Design is, to p [...]ssesse (if the People will but take a new edition of it) with this▪ that the Government by King, Lords, and Commons, is the Very Contignation and [...]rue State of the Good Old Cause; and that the Common-wealth Go­vernment is but a new Oglio, Toads-stool, and not worth the naming, the Good Old Cause; in Pamphlet, Note: Exact. Coll. Printed by Husbands. pag. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. &c. for this he quotes the Votes, Orders Ordinances, Remonstrances, and Declara­rations of Lords and Commons in Par [...]iament (and because he will not hear, or own the Cause of Parliaments since, I shall deal with him out of them) all the Commissions of the Lord Generals of the Armies; and the Scotish Cove­nant: but miserably misapplying them with Fallacious conse­quences, and conclusions upon them, both as to the ORIGI­NAL and MERIT of the Cause.

1. He is very Remote from an Honest, Ingenuous, and Right stating the true Good Old Cause, in its ORIGINAL; when he sayes, p. 2. the first Original was the Kings coming into the Parliament, Jan. 4. 1641. to demand the five Members; and that upon this breach of priviledge, the Houses required the power of the Militia. True, this might ini [...]iate that part of the quarrel with the King, (for breach of Parliament-Priviledges) but was this all? or all the Cause? With his leave, we finde (even in his own Book of Coll.) the Good Old Cause (for substance) asserted before that, and by both Houses of Parliament (which he might have seen wi [...]hout Spectacles, had it pleased him:) For depriving the Bishops of Votes in Parliament: For abridging their usurped power: For the taking away all oppressions in matters of Religion; [Page 8] For tendernesse to weak consciences; For the due excuting those good Laws made for the securing the LIBERTY of the subject. So on that fifteenth d. in the Remonstrance of the State of the Kingdom: Against Bishops, High-Commission-Courts, Prero­gatives, forced Loans of Money, Injustice: and further, p. 20. for the better preservation of the Laws and LIBERTIES of the Kingdom: that all Illegal grievances and exactions be presented and punished, &c. Also, that the Good Old Cause for our Liber­ties Civil and Religious, was asserted before this Breach of Par­liament-priviledge, may be seen by the King's own Reply too; Sayes he, The fears and jealousies which may make some impres­sion in the mindes of our people, we will suppose may be of two sorts: Either for Religion, or Liberty, and their Civil Interest, &c. Now, This—may easily obviate Mr. Prin's fallaciam [...]; first, for that this breach of Parliament-priviledge (by demanding the five Members) was not the onely Cause of the Contest (or of requiring the Militia) much lesse of the Warre between King and Parliament; (which he saith, ended in the mutual destruction of each other, pag. 2. l. 13, 14. But it is our mercy that it is no such matter; and that the Parlia­ment did, and doth survive, do what they can that would not have it so) but withall, the Salui Populi, the Safety, and Liberty of the people (both in Spirituals and Civils) was the Cause of the Contest.

2. That breach of Parliament was not the first Original (neither) of the differences betwixt the King and Parliament, which we find were very Wide and High before that: And all indeed upon the account of the Good Old Cause (as to sub­stance, though indeed but an Embryo, unformed substance, to what it arose up to after.) But Mr. Prin gives the Go-by to all this, and puts in at another Port, or indeed part (and that mista­kenly too) for the WHOLE; besides, 3 d. even in that Decla­ration he refers us to (pag. 38, 39, 40.) the Parliament for the Vindication of their worthy Members) do assert the Liberties and Rights of the people (before mentioned) as much as the Priviledges of Parliament.

3. In the Matter or Merit of the Cause, by the Declarations of the Lords and Commons, Jun. 10 1648. he thinks to Win all at one throw; because the raising of the Militia, and after that an Army (by the Propositions for Money, Plate, Horse, [Page 7] Arms, and men, was, for King and Parliament; and for the sup­pressing of the Traiterous designe of his wicked and Malignant Counsellors, and to maintain the Protestant Religion, the Kings Au­thority and person in Royal Dignity: the free course of Justice and Laws of the LAND, Peac [...] of the Kingdome, and Priviledges of Parliament: and here (saith he) you have the Good Old Cause, truely, clearly, and fully stated by both Houses of Parliament, in every particular branch thereof. But let us a little unravel and Ex [...]ricate the matter and ground of the quarrel between us and the King, from his Fallacies, ( Extra Dictionem, as well as in Di­ctione;) we do not deny but here the Good Old Cause appeared; Yet not so fully, truely, and every Branch thereof stated (as Mr. Prin affirms) or as it grew up unto afterward, both in Par­li [...]ment, Army, and Nation; yet in a sense (or secundum quid) it did appear thus.

1. For King and Parliament together; as the Supream Counsel of the Nation; And yet at the same time too A­GAINST the King so f [...]rre as he was inseparable from his Evil and wicked Malignant Counsellours: the reason is this, be­cause the Majestas Realis, or Tutilari [...], the Protecting Real Au­thority and Majesty of the King was with the Parliament all a­long; though the titularis was with his own person and evil Counsellors. So that they must needs carry on All in the Name (and Authority too) of King and Parliament; so long a [...] King­ship lasted. Therefore when the King in person entred the Parliament, and demanded the five Members, the Parliament declared, Jan. 17. 1641. the same was a Traiterous Designe a­gainst King and Parliament. For indeed they were both (in the Authority and Majesty Real) so long as the King adhered to his Evil Counsel. They fought not against his Real Majestie, but denied that he had it with his Evil Counsellors whom they engaged against, (and so against all that could not be separated therefrom.) See the Declaration of Lords and Com­mons (for I must meddle with no other to Mr. Prin's Cause) they close it thus: So that it rests onely, Note: Exact. Coll. p. 464. that the FREE-BORN English do consider whether they Will adhere to the King and his Parliament, by which they have so long enjoyed all that is dear to them; Or to the King seduced by Jesuitical Counsel and Cavaliers, who have designed all to slavery and confu­sion; which by Gods bl [...]ssing, and our joynt endeavours, may be timely prevented.

[Page 8]2. To maintain Religion, the Kings Person and Authority, Both Houses of Parliament, the Laws and Liberties of the people, i. e. so farre as they could consist, or be kept together, was the CAUSE: but when that was impossible, and could not be effected; no, not by all the Remonstrances, Intreaties, Messa­ges, Treaties, or Means used (day and night) for that purpose; Th [...]n their Work was to maintain what they could of it, viz. the Liberties of the people and their Representatives: and this was the GOOD OLD CAUSE. To sa [...]isfie Mr. Prin (if it may be) by the Resolves of Parliament, when both Houses sat, 20 May 1642. Resolved, That whensoever the King ma­keth Warre upon the Parliament, it is a breach of the trust Repos [...]d in him by his people, contrary to his Oath, and tend­eth to the dissolution of this Government, i. e. Ki [...]gly Go­vernment; and Was not this the Good Old Cause, I pray? Even in Mr. Prin's own account, Anno 1642. (though it be not now.) The Consequent of the Argument is obvious to every eye: If the King made the Warre upon the Parliament, it tended to the Dissolution of his (Kingly) Government; But the King made the Warre upon the Parliament, by Mr. Prins, (and Mr. Baxter's) own Concession, (who say, the Parliament w [...]re on the Defensive) and by their own Argument it must be then the Good Old Cause, which stands upon the dissolution of that old Government (viz. King, Lords, and Commons;) and which maintains now ( in sensu Composito) all the Rights and Liberties of People and Parliament, though the Kingly Govern­ment be lost, and dissolved by his own Wars.

3. And although there be a truth (yet it is not all the truth) that Mr. Prin sayes, but with fall [...]ciâ Accidentis, and impro­perly, seeing the predicated Liberty and Rights of the People require neither a House of Lords nor Court (I mean of King) to the Essence of them. This form of Government (by King, Lords, and Commons) being laid in the thick of Popery by King Henry 1. (for the Popes Interest as well as his own, Mr. Prin cannot deny,) which merits the denomination of his Good Old Cause; This indeed was hatch'd and laid by the Romish Gibeo­nites, but not ours of the Commonwealth. And the truth is, if we desire to be reduced to dark Popery, and stark Slavery, Mr. Prin's Good Old Cause is then the best. But will he weigh [...]he Grounds upon which the most Honourable Parliament that [Page 9] ever went before it, declared the House of Lords dissolved (as well as Kingship?) March 19. 1648. The. Commons of England Assembled in Parliament, finding by too long experience the House of Lords is use­lesse and dangerous to the People of England. Note: Vid. Scob [...]l. Coll. 2. part. pag. 8. Chap. 16.17. So upon March 17. 1648. Whereas by the Abolition of the Kingly Office, a most happy Way is made for this Nation, (if God see it good) to return to its just and Antient Right of being Governed by its own Repres [...]ntatives, National Meetings in Council from time to time, &c. This was all upon the account of the Good Old Cause, and is indeed the True Old Cause first contended for (in the more inform substance of it) now in a better excrescence of Beauty, and Perfection above what before appeared. And if Mr. Prin, or Mr. Baxter can make it appear, this was plot­ted by the Jesuits (as we can theirs by Papists) I shall become their Proselyte in the state of the Case; but if that yet he will maintain the House of Lords in the foundation of them, I must desire him to reconcile himself to himself, or his present Ar­gument with their former Action of expelling the Bishops (Lord's Spiritual) out of that House; since they were also from the first foundation of it, and had an equal right to sit in it (by all the Laws, Customes, and Statutes of this Nation for it) with the Lords Temporal; (and yet this was accounted an Act of the Good Old Cause by himself at that day;) Also whether indeed ( Secundum jus) the Lords did not dissolve their Own House, (as to the f [...]undation of it) then? and by that Act of both Hou­ses? and so to continue until another Bellum Episcopale, or Pres­byteriale do alter the Case, and so the Cause? or raise up their Reverend Father-h [...]ods upon the Wool-packs again, to usher [...]N their Lordships Temporal, as they did them OUT? but,

4. That this his Cause is the Old Cause, (and that which Delinquents and Malignants have so long strugled to keep alive) we cannot deny; But that it is the GOOD Old Cause, and not the BAD, yea, the VERY BAD (and the Worse, for that like Runnet, the longer it stands the stronger it smells; An old Ser­pent has most poyson, an old Dog bites deepest, an old Thorne rankles most, and an old Dotard is hardest to please; for quo magis senescit, eo magis stultescit, as 'tis said of Braband) I say, that ours is not the Bad Old Cause, as Mr. Prin doth state it, We can, [Page 10] and do deny. Nor can he prove by all the help of his Concor­dance upon the Word Old (which his seventh p. is so full of) that HIS is the Good Old Cause, or written in the Grand Chara­cter, (but by a surreptitious applying of the Letter, and a beg­ging of the Question.) Neither think I that he intended his Idolized Idea, (of King, Lords and Commons) to be meant the New Creature (though he saith that ours is of the O [...]D MAN, pag. 7.) I suppose his Divinity is better then hi [...] D [...]alect, unless it be, that he has an expecta [...]ion of having it BORN AGAIN: Which, how impracticable (as well as improbable) it is, let all Good men judge; not so much for this, How can a Man that is OLD be born again? as for this, How can [...] Rotten corrupt Car­cass (of the Cause) so long since exploded, condemned, defunct, and laid in dust where it stinketh, (and there let it lye until the Resurrection) be born again in this Nation? But thus for the second Design.

3. DESIGN, is to represent the Commonwealth-Cause, a Monster, of a New Breed; or, as Mr. Prin says in the M [...]rgin of his 1. p. It was begotten but in March 1648. How then can they call it OLD? or the good old Man, or Cause, without a con­tradiction and absurdity? (the like in p. 7.) To which We An­swer.

1. Ex Opposito, or in opposition to the late (the last) Apo­stacie since Anno 1653. mistaked for the Cause; it is called the Good Old Cause without absurdity, or contradiction. 2. In sensu Composito, (as I said before) or so far as it comprehends all that ever was contended for, by Parliament, People, or Army, in the sense, End, and equity thereof, ( viz. all those Ordinan­ces of Parliament, 10 Junii, & 5. Julii, & 14 Martii 1642. & 3 Aug. 1643. Earl of Essex his Commission, 14 Aprilis, 1643. and my Lord Fairfax his Commission, 15. Febr. 1644. and the Covenant, all (quoted by Mr. Prin:) to keep up Religi­on in purity, Reformation according to the Word of God, the Li­berty and safety of the people, the Priviledges of Parliament, and the Authority of the King (which is yet up in Parliament, and more too) and the Person of the King IN (mark that) IN the defence of the true Religion and Liberties of the People, &c. these are the express words, in the Letter of them; now so far as ANY of these, or ALL these could stand together, the Common-wealth doth preserve them; but where any of these (in the [Page 11] Letter, and forms) be incompatible, the ENDS of them are kept (if the Forms at that time in being, be lost, or altered;) and has Mr. Prin forgotten when the Good Old Cause (even in his Own Account) Anno 1642. was glad to keep up this very Method and Kernel, to justifie it (then) as well as now, viz. when the Question rose about the Militia? vid. Exact. Coll. pag. 150. and how Laws are to be understood, and obedience yeilded, the King claiming the Militia by Law; which was thus resolved: There is in Laws an EQUITABLE, and a LITE­RAL sense; When there is a Grounded suspition that the Letter of the Law shall be improved against the Equity of [...]et, (i. e. the PUB­LICK GOOD, whether of the Body Real, or Representative) it gives a Liberty to disobey the Letter, and to obey the Equity of it. These are the very words of the Good Old Cause, when Mr. Prin so accounted of it.

3. A Deposito (it is the Good Old Cause; and so called dis­criminatively from that ( Bad Old Cause) which Mr. Prin states, and is depos [...]d; which is proved was founded by the Papists (viz. King, Lords and Commons.) Bu [...] let me ask him, if like the Fowl Ibis (in Aegypt) he had his Liberty to remove all, that he ac­counts Garbidge and filth in the Commonwealth-Cause, yet would he not (by this) leave a Worse behind him then ever he found? Convince us of that, and then cry up Mr. Prin's Good Old Cause, &c. But,

4. A Posito, or from the foundation of our Good Old Cause: we call it so, for that it is laid in the LAW of God, of Nature, and in the fundamental Rights and Reason of this Nation; in the Liberties of the people, and Priviledges of Parliament their Repr [...]sentatives; which are of long standing, and were before ever the Government by King, Lords and Commons, came into this Land. These were contented for not onely against the late King, but his Predecessours, and hi [...]ted at in Parliaments many years ago; called (in Declaration of Lords and Commons, July 12. 1642.) the Birth-right of the Subjects of this Land, &c. which lately rose up to more Maturity, and to such as the King takes notice of, in's Complaint to the Parliament, ( vid. Exact. Coll. p. 470.) in these words; He sees every day Pam­phl [...]ts published against his Crown, and against Monarchy its self. So that on all sides We see this was, and is the Good Old Cause; nor can Mr. Prin, with any colour deny it; onely [Page 12] by his fallacy of non Causae pro Causâ, p. 2. endeavours to evade it.

4. DESIGN, is to make us believe that the Common-wealth is the most ignoble and spurious issue of Apostacie; his Words are, p. 3. ult. Those who were first raised and C [...]mmissio­ned by Parliament for its just defence, yet are at last degenerated into the greatest Apostates from, and violentest Enemies against it. VVhereas indeed the contrary would be most evident, viz. if after all this Blood and Treasure spent, we should recede again to King, Lords, and Commons, laid aside so nobly by the People, Army, and their famous Representatives; yea, so highly to the glory of God, Renown of this Nation, Terror and dread of [...]ll our Enemies at home and abroad, who like Bores were w [...]et­ting their Tusks in their own foame, ( Corruptio optimi [...]essima est.)

2. Hath not experience taught it all along, that nothing is more obnoxious to Parliament-Priviledges, or ready to invade them, then a Kingly Prerogative, and a Negative Voyce in him­self, and his supercilious scowling Lords? was not Mr. Prin of this opinion at the Kings demanding the five Members? and if the Sword be kept in its proper place, for the service of the Commonwealth, it will be far from over-awing the Freedom of Parliament, or enervating of their just Authority in the Na­tion.

3. But the truth is, if the Commonwealth were Mr. Prin's Client, or took his Counsel, it would quickly come to that; As the Fable sayes, Whiles Actaeon had his own and proper shape, he had all his Currs at his own Command; but when he did degenerate (or turn into a Beast) he was made a prey to his own Dogs; and so would the Commonwealth to he [...] veriest Enemies, and we should soon see a Trowt to be deerer then an OX. But to prove that it is so, p 4. l. 1. he affirms, that the blindest eyes may most cleerly discern it: and I think so too; the truth is, he had need to deal with such as have had their right ears cut off (with Malchus) or their right eyes put out. He puts me in minde of a Man who was much taken with a Horse, both for make and colour; and after he had bought him, asked the fault of him, (which he should have done before:) but the Courser told him (for his incouragement) he had no fault but this, that he was a DARK Grey: and so he was a Grey, b [...]t as blinde as a [Page 13] Beetle, dark indeed; it is but a folly to like the COLOUR that he puts upon his Cause, if the blindest Man may best dis­cern it.

5. Grand DESIGN, is to revive the Memory of the late King's Death, with such circumstances as may set it out for the most Odious Act that ever was done in England: thereby, the more highly incensing the Commonwealth's Enemies, and colour their cruelty to the Commonwealth's friends, if ever they fall in­to their fingers, or if they may sit but as Coroners upon it. Mr. Baxter of the Two, is most open-faced: for p. 317.318. of 's Key for Catholicks, he first forges a story, or unlocks a Ca­binet full of Dilemma's to finde out the Plot, (which he calls the Jesui [...]es Plot, that they might bring upon this Nation the Odium of King-killing, and p. 321, 322. by twelve undeniable Arguments (as he calls them) he is pleased to say the Fact to be so odious, as that no Protestants had a hand in it; and the World (sayes he) knowes they (the Army) were fain to Master London, the Parliament; to imprison and cast out the Members, be­fore they could accomplish it (here he refers to Mr. Prin) and sayes, It is well known to All England, that before, and since the doing of it, the thing is disowned and detested by the main Body of the Eng­lish Nation, Nobility, Gentlemen, Ministers, and People. And that the Protestant Ministers so opposed the Kings Death, that they drew upon them the Odium of the Corrupted part of the Army. And that the London-Ministers unanimously concurr'd in an Addresse to prevent it, printed their Abhorrence of it to the World, and many of them were imprisoned, Mr. Love beheaded, and many others put to death about it. And that the Kingdom of Scotland (as he calls it) disowned it from first to last, &c.

Now what means all this ran [...]acking in the Tombs of the Dead, but to raise up evil Spirits? for if they had done it but like Alexander when he had opened Cyrus's Tomb, to set a Crown upon his Hearse, and so as silently have shut it up again; it had been tolerable, and the [...] had left room for more Chari­ty, at least to think that excessive Love to their Persons gave the vent of these Passions; but as they handle the matter, it makes us doubt whether Love to them, or hatred to others did help most in the Obstetrication of this hurtfull matter, and un­worthy Accusation, which the Lord convince them of, and humble them for. Mr. Prin, p. 6. mentions the Declaration of [Page 14] the Army for settling his Majesty in his just Rights, the Par­liament in their just Priviledges, and the Subject in their Li­berties and Freedome. All which was effected; for his Maje­stas Tutilaris & realis, had its just right in the Parliament, and in our obedience thereto, (and his Majestas Titularis & perso­nalis, say they, had his right too, with his evil Counsellors:) in the Commonwealth also, the Parliament have their just Privi­ledges, (which they are deprived of in and by the Kingly Go­vernment) and the People have their due and just Liberties Civil and Religions; and is not this the Good Old Cause? but without doubt the Design is to make the Dead Body bleed a­fresh (by Sympathy) if they can, and then to condemn the Worthiest Assertors of our Free State, for Murtherers and King-killers (the Lord shew them more mercy! we see what quarter they will give us, if they catch us:) far be it from me to aggravate their evil, and much more to excite any in Power or Army against them, whom I have had a very worthy esteem of, (but in this matter;) and truly, I hope, I would rather me potius periturum quam perditurum, die then destroy; onely I must be faithful [...]o warn of the Danger. What need we won­der now that the Exchange was so full of the Lists of them late­ly that sat in the high Court of Justice, as if the Popes Taxa Camerae had been sent over, with the rates of all sins Venial and Mortal? Sure then 'tis time to look about us, lest SHEBA be too forward for us; Who 2 Sam. 20.1. blew the trumpet, and said, We have no part in David, neither have we inheritance in the son of Jesse: every man to his Tents, O Israel!

6. DESIGN, that Mr. Prin and his Brethren seem to have, is to disaff [...]ct People with that Parli [...]ment, if they can, (as being the most terrible of any to the Enemies of the Common­wealth) th [...]t fixed the Government in (or the Balance of) a Free-State, af [...]er the Dissolution of Kingship, and House of Lords; and to possesse the Nation with this, that there is no visible Authority in it, but the meer power and force of the Sword, the onely Good Old Cause now (sayes Mr. Prin p. 6.) cryed up. The truth i [...], that Parliament was interrupted (we do not say dissolved) by a sudden recoil, we say not a total or intentio­nal alienation of the Militia; yet so, as their Seats (it seems) in Parliament could neither fit, suit with, nor hold any other m [...]n in them to this very day (after many an Essay) which is [Page 15] observable. And so, as that the Army are made the more sen­sible of those Malign suffluences and Effects that Interposition had, which did of late eclipse both Parliament and good Peo­ple; which will make them a thousand times the more to wel­come and value the Lustre and Blessing of their restored Light and Liberty; and as liberally to Compensa [...]e it by their very faithfull return to their good old Trust, and proper Stations, so as to preserve the Parliament (for future) from the like Proreption or Perpetration of any. Besides, this we have learn'd by it, that if any Project do deprive them of our hands, yet it cannot be with the depredation of our hearts, so long as they keep up the Good Old Cause with life, fortitude, and fidelity. And this also we learn, that when those Arms do fail us, we can exercise other Arms and Artillery, that (through grace) hath never fail'd us, viz. Faith and Prayer. Yea, this the Parliament may learn, that when P [...]ovidence doth permit so high attempts upon their Priviledges or Per­sons, it is in order to an edition of an higher Trust; that they may be taken off of an Arm of flesh, or carnal confidence, and conclude, that in the presence of the Almighty, and Glory of his precious Name, in the Affections and Prayers of his poor People, and in their own Innocency and faithfulnesse, is Protection, Ammunition, and a Life-guard to be found, suffici­ent for them. Their enemies too may learn this, that no Mi­litia diverted (or rather perverted) can confiscate us of God's favour, or keep off [...]hem from his anger, that are perti [...]ate to persist in their bad old Cause. But in a Word, there be so many and weighty Reasons for the sitting of that Parliament, both for the satisfaction of the Nation, for the maintaing and fur­ther managing the most excellent Good Old Cause, the blessed Interest of Christ and of the Common-weal yea, for the keep­ing up of the face of Authority (in the Majestate tutilari) to the dread of all Foes, and the more endearing of all Friends; healing the Wounds and Divisions of our old acquaintance in A [...]my, people, and Councils; raising of money to supply pre­sent Necessities, Straits, and Exigents, in Army and State; and indeed, to make them some mends for the Interruption they had in An. 1653. (this being the most united and loud call of the Well-affected, who doubtlesse will welcome them into their places with great Rejoycings;) I say, these Cinside­rations [Page 16] can qui [...]kly wipe off those Aspersions the enemies would bespatter their Recalling with; and if Mr. Prin will be dash­ing in the puddle, he will cause but the dirt to fly about his own ears.

But now READER, it must be left to thy judgement, upon the Argument between us, which is the Good Old Cause con­tended for, and who indeed are the Wily G [...]beonites that come in with their clouted shooes and musty stuff, to deceive with; Worm-eaten Matter, or food fitter for MAGGOTS (such Gentils) then for MASTERS of Reason. The Dung­hill-fly (sayes the Story) bragg'd of his descent, as more ex­cellent then the Painfull Bees, because he came of a Horse; whereas indeed he rose but from the Horse ▪ Dung; the Appli­cation is easie, for theirs arose in the thick of Popery, from the Excrements of the times, and must we keep it up? Me­thinks this Antiquary and his Consociates, might act the part of the old Arcades the next time, who boasted of their Anti­quities (forsooth) as two dayes older then the Moon. I can inculcate his CALL to all, that are not under the Jewish Curse of hearing and they will not hear, or seeing and they will not per­ceive, to examine accurately and find out, (if they can) any o­ther Good old Cause, but that which we have asserted, and Mr. Prin hath deserted above these ten years. Yea let All Officers, Souldiers of the Army, Friends or Foes, Any or All that have their Wits about them, Grace in their hearts, or Honesty in their lives, and a good Conscien [...]e left them, consider and duely perpend, which is the Imposture or spurious off-spring of Apostacy! (the Common-wealth-Government, and a Free-state; or a Kingly Government and slavery again;) for I do professe, if he or they will yet dote upon his Old Idea, I will cease to wonder at Caligula's folly for falling so in love with his Horse Inci [...]atus. But to his exhortation out of Bernard (misquoted by him, p. 8. for it is in Lib. 4. de Consid. so lib. 8. Florum, Cap. 51. but not so fit for his or this purpose) Spiritualis ille homo qui emnia d [...]judicat, ut ipse à nemine judicetur omne opus suum tri­na quâdam consideratione praeveniet, 1. Quidem an liceat. 2. de­inde an deceat. 3. Postremo an expediat, &c. The spirituall Man is he that judgeth All things; and that he himself may be judg­ed of no man, he forestals every thing he does with a three-fold consideration. Note: 1 Cor. 2. 1. Whether it be LAWFUL? [Page 17] Now indeed what course else can be taken that is Lawfull be­fore God and Man? or that can free from the Bloud that has been spilt. And besides, as it is in the case of a Wife, 1. Cor. 7.39. She is bound by the Law so long as her Husband liveth, but if her husband be dead, what then? must she keep up his dead shape? or his Corps above the ground for her onely hus­band? must that lie by her, putrifying and infecting the air? at bed, at board, and in her bosome? (as Mr. Prin would have his Old cause, so long defunct and gone?) No! no! this is not Lawful; but if her husband be dead, she is at Liberty, and this is Lawfull. 2. Whether it be comely and amiable? I am sure, a Commonwealth was so in Israel, Numb. 24.5. How goodly are thy tents, O Jacob! and thy tabernacles O Israel! Jer. 6.2. Ezek. 16 14. and their degenerating from it was as great reproach to them, Isay 1.21, 22. 1 Sam. 8 7. and as sure am I in En­gland, that it would be little becoming us to keep up any monstrous or most ugly declension▪ by setting up one or other mish [...]pen Hydra, Chimae [...]a, or Creature after Mr. Prin's old Cause, which puts God and the Devil together in the Balance. 3. WHETHER IT BE EXPED [...]ENT? Sure, circumstances consider'd, no other Expedient can be found so practicable, and desireable; so lawfull and so amiable in the eyes of God and good men. But a few words

To the Honourable Council of Officers: our Army, and friends to the Good Old Cause.

I Am a poor WORM (a despised dust) who am now come ou [...] of my HOLE, where I have lay'n lamenting for these four or five years [...]ast past, under the dark and cloudy dis­pensation that past upon us; but therein have seen so much of the Grace, Wisdome, and Faithfulnesse of our dear God, ( JEHOVAH [...]IREH) Grace to Refine us! Wisdome to Try us! and his Faithfulnesse (O now!) at last to save us! (as we hope) and with such spirituall advantages to our poor Souls; that we we may conclude upon what Themistocles once said [Page 18] to's sons in banishment, PERISSEMUS NISI PERIISSEMUS, We had been (certainly) undone, if we had not been undone, (thus uncertainly) praised be the Lord for it. And therefore as Jo­seph said unto his Brethren, Gen. 45.5, 7, 14, 15. (over whom he wept for joy, and kissed them all, and thus would we over you) Now be not grieved nor angry with your selves, for it was the Lord that appointed it, that we might be PRESERVED, (ver. 5. to preserve life (or Lemicojah) unto a Reviving, so Septuag. [...], or as it is in Arab. Magoutahan (where the Mim is Causal) that we might be kept to your help and assistance) this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes! This is such a VICTORY as you never had before, your former was a Victory over your enemies, but this is a Victory over your selves; in the first you conquer'd like Souldiers, but in this like Chri [...]tians; in the first way was Alexander a famous Con­querour, but in this last way was he miserably Conquered. Wherefore pursue your Victory in the name of the Lord, and preponderate the weight of the Work before you, with the danger of delaying that which is expected from you: Nequam & Nequaquam are near neighbours, both enemies to the Good Old Cause; rout them out of your Councils, and take your March (as Numb. 33.29.) from Mitchah (which signifies sweetness) to Chashmonah (which signifies) Swiftnesse; there pitch your tents for present, and the Lord prosper you. Now if my mite may be but accepted, I shall offer you the Sense of your Old Friends, in seven or eight sentences, wherein (I hope) have the mind of God, I am sure I have of some hundreds of his ser­vants, after most solemn seeking of his face.

1. That there must be a full Remove of that old Carcasse (which Others call their Good Old Cause) that has put us to a stop, as Amasa's corps did to the People, 2 Sam. 20.12, 13. till it was quite removed out of the way, and then all the Peopl [...] went on apace.

2. Every unsound Body mu [...]t be soundly and seasonably purged, that the Vitals and Animals thereof may be restored and setled.

3. The speedy Restitution of the faithfull Officers of the Army, of the Parliament, and of All, is a probable means to prevent the Destitution of ANY of the G [...]od Old Cause.

4. Remember also that your Old Friends can do you [Page 19] as much good as your Old Swords, when you need them.

5. And that your Opportunity is seconded with their impor­tunity.

6. Also, remember to set your Christian-Names before your Sir-Names in every service.

7. And when we drink of the Brook, let us think of the Spring.

8. If any amongst you touched with the late Defection must be retain'd, let it be without danger of the like Infection. And for others satisfaction as well as their own Sanctification, let us subject unto you this one consideration; Whether they might not be prepared (like the Captive-woman, Deut. 21. who was set a mourning fourty dayes, her Haire cut, and her Nailes pared, &c.) We mean, by some deep Humiliation, and Demon­stration of a Real Change? By this means you will work out all jealousies, and wonderfully knit our hearts unto you, as well as oblige our Persons, Purses and Prayers for you, with as mutual indearments between us (as ever were) to live and die together for Christ, and the Good Old Cause. Trusting to see the PLANT of RENOWN in this Nation yet, and the most excellent FOUNDATION of Many GENE­RATIONS. Even so! Amen.

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